1 Vol. No. 5793 campusnews@uaf.edu.pk Dated: 16-09-2013


1 Vol. No. 5793 campusnews@uaf.edu.pk Dated: 16-09-2013
Vol. No. 5793
Dated: 16-09-2013
1. Applications are invited on plain paper along with attested copies of
academic certificates for one post of Research Assistant at a fixed
salary of Rs. 20,000/- pm and one post of Studentship @ Rs.
15,000/- pm for the HEC funded project titled “Postharvest Storage
life quality management of litchi” Institute of Horticultural Sciences.
The candidates bearing M.Sc. (Hons) Horticultural Sciences
minimum CGPA 3.00/4.00. Applications should reach in the office of
Dr. Ahmad Sattar Khan, Assistant Prof./Principal Investigator up to
September 28, 2013 during office hours. Incomplete applications or
received after due date will not be entertained.
2. One position of Research Associate is required @ Rs. 40,000/- per
month under the project “Clonal Propagation of Guava through
Softwood Cuttings”. The candidate should be M.Sc. (Hons.)
Pomology with first division/CGPA 3.00 in Horticulture having
experience in Guava. Applications along with relevant documents
should reach in the office of the Dr. M. Jafar Jaskani Project Director
Institute of Horticultural Sciences, UAF, The interested candidates
should apply within 08 days after the publication of this notice.
Punjab Public Service Commission invites applications from the suitable
candidates to make recruitments in Home Department, and Social Welfare
Department. In Home Department, there are 11 positions of Director
Officer Civil Defence/Deputy District/chief Staff Officer/Provincial Rescue Officer BS-16 in the
Directorate of Civil Defence with minimum qualification of graduation (at least 2nd division). Social
Welfare and Bait-ul-Maal Department requires four District (Social Welfare) / Deputy Director BS-17
from amongst the candidates having masters degree (at least 2nd division) in social
work/sociology/rural sociology, women studies/gender studies/anthropology from a recognized
university with at least 05 years experience in the relevant field. Moreover, fifteen positions of Social
Welfare Officer / Medical Social Officer / Deputy District Officer BS-17 are also been advertised with
Masters degree (at least 2nd Division) in Social Work / Sociology / Rural Sociology/ Women Studies
/ Gender Studies / Anthropology from a recognized University. Eligible candidates are required to
apply online by October 07, 2013. For details, visit http://ppsc.gop.pk/Adds/AD132013.htm
A US based company (already in operations in US for 4 years) is going to have development center
in Islamabad for which the company is hiring Java resources, Please share it in your circles and
interested applicants can forward their CVs on the email given below. For all these positions, market
oriented salary packages will be offered with multiple performance bounces in a year. Positions: 4-5
positions, Experience level: 1-8 years, Technologies: Hibernate, Spring, Lucene, EJB, JQuery, HTML5, Etc. Ideally: would be great if have
experience or knowledge of Grails. People with experience of Ruby on Rails are also encouraged to apply. Send your CVs at
faisal@intelliVersal.com Contact: 03332283797.
Applications are invited from the students who are admitted in B.Sc. (Hons) Agri. 1st Semester winter (2013-2014) for the award of subject
scholarships. B.Sc. (Hons) Agri. Sciences Five Scholarship at the rate of Rs. 4,000/- per month for full degree program. The application forms
are available at Directorate of Financial Assistance & University Advancement and can be downloaded from UAF Website www.uaf.edu.pk.
Ensure submission of applications along with necessary documents in the office of DFA&UA by 30-09-2013 positively.
Applications are invited from the students of B.Sc. (Hons) Agri. Sciences 1st semester (winter semester 2013-2014) for the award of subject
scholarships. B.Sc. (Hons) Agri. Sciences 10 Scholarship at the rate of Rs. 20,000/- per annum for one year. The application forms are
available at Directorate of Financial Assistance & University Advancement and can be downloaded from UAF Website www.uaf.edu.pk. Ensure
submission of applications along with necessary documents in the office of DFA&UA by 30-09-2013 positively.
Applications are invited from the students of 1st Semester (Under & Postgraduate level) admitted druig winter semester 2013-14 for award of
Qarz-e-Hasna under captioned program. The application forms are available at
Directorate of Financial Assistance & University Advancement and can be
downloaded from UAF Website www.uaf.edu.pk. Ensure submission of
applications along with necessary documents in the office of DFA&UA by 30-092013 positively.
Applications are invited from the students admitted in the 1st semester of B.Sc.
Agriculture Engineering during winter semester 2013-14 for the award of subject
The Sakina Bashir Higher Education Fund has donated Rs. 1,86,000/- to UAF
for launching a life time scholarship for needy and talented students. The Sakina
Bashir Higher Education Scholarship is fully funded scholarships and will be
awarded to two students every year. The students belonging to Kasur & Lahore
area and interested to specialize in Horticulture, Green House and Tunnel
Farming will be preferred”. Mr. Riaz Ahmad Chief Executive Sakina Bashir
Higher Education Fund has handed over the cheque worth Rs. 1,86,000/- to Mr.
Muhammad Ashfaq Khan Manager, University Advancement, Directorate of Financial Assistance &
University Advancement for launching the subject scholarship. The competent authority has very kindly
approved launching of this scholarship.
1. Thesis defense of Miss Hina Shahzadi, Regd. No. 2001-ag-414 student of PhD Biochemistry,
Dept. of Chemistry & Biochemistry entitled “Effect of Zea mays on Glycation end Products” will be
held on 28-09-2013 at 11:00 am in video conference room. All interested are invited to attend.
2. Mr. Muhammad Saleem Kashif, Regd. No. 2003-ag-1637, a PhD student, Department of
Agronomy has successfully defended his PhD thesis on 20-08-2013. The title of his thesis is
“Exploring the allelopathic potential of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) against canary grass (Phalaris
minor Retz.)”.
3. Miss Rashida Parveen, Regd. No. 2006-ag-21 a PhD student of the National Institute of Food
Science & Technology has successfully defended her PhD thesis at University level on 07-092013. The title of her thesis is “Effect of extruded flaxseed and vitamin E on quality and stability of broiler meat”
4. Mr. Muhammad Yousuf Khan Regd. No. 92-ag-933 PhD student, Institute of Microbiology has successfully defended his synopsis entitled
“Evaluation of Antiviral Activity of Green Tea by products in-vitro and their Efficacy against Newcastle Disease Virus Infection in Chicken”.
5. Mr. Muhammad Asif Naeem, Regd No. 2008-ag-422, a PhD student, Institute of Soil & Environmental Sciences will defend his PhD thesis
in a seminar at the University level on September 27, 2013 at 11.00 am in the video conference room, Faculty of Agriculture. The title of
his PhD thesis is “Production and evaluation of biochar for improving soil quality and maize production”. All the faculty members are
requested to attend the presentation.
Bid No. 140/13. Sealed bids are invited from the registered firms of the UAF for purchase of Flex Benner for the Directorate of Financial
Assistance & University Advancement (DFA&UA), UAF. The details and other pre-requisites can be had from the Directorate of Procurement &
Inventory Control (DPIC) during closing hours. The bids should reach in the Directorate within 5 days from the date of publication. The bid
money @ 2% of the quoted value must accompany the bid in favour of Stores Officer, UAF.
1. Tender No. 76/2013. Sealed tenders are invited from Income Tax/Sales Tax Registrered Firms on the basis of Single Stage (Two envelop
procedure) for supply of following items, UAF. Date of Receiving and Opening:- 19-09-2013 Receving Time 10:30 am Opening Time
11:00 am. Name of Items: Section “A” Publishing of Abstract Books and File Covers, Tender Fee Rs. 300/- and Section “B” Printing
Materials, Tender Fee Rs. 300/-. Bidding documents can be obtained from the Directorate of Procurement & Invetory Control on deposit
of tender fee into the Account No. 270-5/NBP, UAF Branch. The Tender documents can also be down loaded from www.uaf.edu.pk
(Directorate of Procurement & Inventory Control). Please attach CDR of Fee mentioned above (Non Refundable) in favour of Director
(PIC). For cities other than Faisalabad add Rs. 200/- in relevant Tender Fee amount.
2. The University of Agriculture, Faisalabad invites sealed tenders on the basis of market rates approved by the Competent Authority for the
following works from the approved contractors of the University who have deposited their enlistment/renewal fee for the current financial
year 2013-2014. Tender documents can be obtained from office of the Executive Engineer, UAF during office hours up to 27-09-2013 on
submission of written application supported with copy of enlistment/renewal order for the financial year 2013-14, PEC License, Authority
letter on contractor/firm pad, contractor/managing partner NIC and registered Power of Attorney. The tenders will opened by the tender
opening committee on 28-09-2013 at 11:00 am in the presence of contractors/authorized representative. In case of
cancellation/postponed tender shall be received/opened subsequently on 05-10-2013 at 11:00 am for which tenders from can be obtained
upto 04-10-2013. 2% earnest money in shape of CDR in favor of Executive Engineer, UAF should be attached with tender documents.
The work shall be executed under the supervision of Engineer Incharge. Other usual conditions are as per tender documents and
Government instructions. The Executive Engineer (ECD-M) reserved the right to reject or accept all or any tender without assigning any
reason. The Executive Engineer (ECD-M) will not issue tender documents to those firms/contractors whose performance of work
remained unsatisfactory from the previous projects/Works.
Name of Work
Earnest Money
Time Limit
Repair and Renovation work to Iqbal Auditorium Hall UAF.
Rs. 3,34,700/Rs. 6694/1-Month
1. Twenty four (24) Kanals of green fodder (Charri) in Sq. No. 95 will be sold by open auction on 25-09-2013 at 10:30 am at Proka Dairy
Farm (Directorate of Farms). The persons who are interested, may come & bid. One third of the total price will be recovered on the spot
and the remaining amount will be received after the approval of competetn authority. Under section 236A of Income Tax Ordinance, 2001
Advance Income Tax @ 10% of the Sale Price of the Property/Goods being auctioned will be collected from the successsful bidder. The
competent authority reserves the right to accept or reject the highest bid without assiging any reason.
2 2.
33 Beetal Goats and 22 Kids of Beetal Goats will be sold on 18-09-2013 at 10:30 am through an open auction at Institute of Animal
Nutrition and Feed Technology, UAF. Bidding documents can be obtained from the Directorate of procurement & Invetory Control on
deposit of bid fee into the Account No. 270-5/NBP, UAF Branch. The Tender documents can also be down loaded from www.uaf.edu.pk
(Directorate of Procurement & Inventory Control) , in that case deposit receipt of Rs. 300/- be produced before the auction. The left over
animal(s) from the auction of above mentioend dates will be re-auctioned on 19-09-2013 at 10:00 am with at the same placed &
Approximately 260 (Monds) of wheat, 15 (Monds) Sarsoon and 34 (Monds) cotton, will be sold through open auction at the Site Office,
UAF Sub-Campus, Toba Tek Singh on Tuesday, Semptember 24, 2013 at 10:00 am. All interested are invitd to bid. Terms and conditions
for bidding could be obtained from the office of the Principal, UAF Sub-Campus, Near Railway Station, Toba Tek Singh. One third of the
total price will be recovered on spot.
Twenty four (24) Kanals of green fodder (Charri) in Sq. No. 95 will be sold by open auction on 17-09-2013 at 10:30 am at Proka Dairy
Farm (Directorate of Farms). The persons who are interested, may come & bid. One third of the total price will be recovered on the spot
and the remaining amount will be received after the approval of competent authority. Under Senction 236A of Income Tax Ordinance,
2001 Advance Income Tax @ 10% of the Sale Price of the Property/Goods being auctioned will be collected from the successful bidder.
The competent authority reserves the right to accept or reject the highest bid without assigning any reason.
An open auction will be conducted at the experimental research station of Water Management Research cnetre at PARS, UAF for auction
of Fruits Citrus Orchard an area of 2 acres with 350 plants as available on site. Auction will be held on 19-09-2013 at 10:30 am. Bid Fee
Rs. 300/- and Bid Money Rs. 15,000/-. The Fruits Citrus Orchard can be seen at site from 08:00 am to 3:00 pm on working days. The
bidder will have to deposit Rs. 300/- (Non-refundable) as bid fee into A/c No. 270-5/NBP. The bidder will have to deposit bid money
before the start of auction (refundable). The successful bidder will deposit 1/3 of the bid at the spot. If the successful bidder fails to deposit
1/3 of the bid as successful bidder, the bid money will be forfieted in favour of the University. After approval of the competent authority,
the bidder will have the right to takeover the charge on payment of remaining amount within 7 days from the date of issuance of the letter
of the approval, failing which the amount already deposited, be forfieted in favour of UAF. Taxes (10%) will be charged extra on the value
of final bid as per Govt. rules for deposit into Government’s Treasury. The bidder will have to produce original CNIC before the
Committee. The Univeristy reserves the right to accept/reject any or all bid (s) without assigining any reason. In case of any dispute
between the bidder and UAF, the decision of the Vice Chancellor as arbitrator shall be final; and not be challenged in any Court of Law.
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