BOX 3 - University of Maryland


BOX 3 - University of Maryland
WILSON H. ELKINS (unprocessed)
While a very small portion of Wilson H. Elkins’s presidential files has been
arranged and described, a much larger segment remains unprocessed. A preliminary
inventory of these unprocessed files lists them in the order in which they were received.
Files listed in the inventory MUST BE SCREENED by Archives staff before researchers
can consult them.
Before gaining access to these records, researchers must submit a list of files they
wish to consult, including the numbers of the boxes in which the files are located and the
file headings, to University Archivist Anne Turkos. Requests may be submitted by email (, by telephone (301-405-9060), in person in the Maryland Room,
or by regular mail (Anne Turkos, Archives and Manuscripts Department, Hornbake
Library, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742). The University Archivist
will contact individual researchers when screening is complete, and the files are ready for
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
[Loose Material-Letter concerning Junior College Counseling Programs, undated]
BOX 66
Cooper, William, K., [1955]
BOX 71
International Club, 1956
University Band, 1956
BOX 75
Tickets, Sales Office, [1956] (3f)
Public Law 566-83rd Congress, Chapter 656-2nd Session H. R. 6788, undated
BOX 110
U.S. Animal Disease Laboratory, 1956
U.S. Government, Agriculture, 1960-1961 (2f)
Agriculture, U. S., 1956-1959 (4f)
U. S., Soil Bank-Agriculture, 1956
U. S. Department of Agriculture (Department of), 1955
U. S. Agricultural Meeting Service, Department of Agriculture, 1955
Agriculture (Department of), 1954
BOX 111
U. S. Government Air Force, 1959
U. S. Govt. Air Force, Air Force Materials Lab. Meeting, June 9-11, 1965
U. S. Air Force, 1961
U. S. Government, Air Force, 1960
U. S. Air Force, 1958 (2f)
U. S. Government Air Force, 1958
U. S. Air Force, [1956]
U. S. Air Force (Department of), 1955
U. S. Government Army, 1959, 1961 (2f)
U. S. Army, 1957-1960 (3f)
U. S. Government Army, 1958
U. S. Army, [1956]
U. S. Army (Department of), 1955
U. S. Army, Army Audit Agency, 1955
BOX 112
U.S. (United States), 1954
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 112 (cont’d)
U. S. Government Atomic Energy Commission, 1958
U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, 1958
Atomic Energy Commission (U. S.), 1957
U. S. Government, U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, 1961
U. S. Government, Atomic Energy Commission, 1959-1960
Atomic Energy Commission, 1956
U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, 1955
U. S. Govt. Agriculture, 1964
U. S. Govt. Dept. of Agriculture, Farm Policy in the Years Ahead by National Agricultural. Adv.
Comm., 1964
U. S. Govt. Dept. of Agriculture, 1964. Ltr. from Secretary of Agriculture on Economic
Opportunity Act of 1964, 1964
U. S. Dept. of Agriculture... Brady's Request for Information on Tobacco Research-Smoking &
Health., 1963
U. S. Govt.-Agriculture, International Agricultural Development, 1964
U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agri. Marketing Serv., re. Baltimore Union Stock Yards, 1963
U. S. Dept. of Agriculture (Foreign Agricultural Service), [1955-1962]
U. S. Govt. Air Force, 1964
U. S. Army, 1964
U. S.-Office of Claims Ft. Geo. G. Meade-case of …-15 Oct., 1963
U. S. Atomic Energy, 1964
U. S. Govt. Commerce, 1964
U. S. Government-Commerce Dept. Community Relations Service, 1964
U. S. Dept. of Commerce, 1963 Weather Bureau-Memo. of Understanding Re. Dr. S. Fred
Singer, 1963
U. S. Govt. Dept. of Commerce, Weather Bureau, Atmospheric & Space Physics (Grant)
150,000, 1962
U. S. Dept. of Commerce, Appalachian Regional Commission, 1963
U. S. Government, Labor, 1958-1959
U. S. Government, Commerce, 1959
U. S. Federal Comm. Commission, 1958
U. S. Commerce, 1956
U. S., Congress, 1956-1958 (3f)
BOX 113
U. S. Government, Defense, 1959-1961 (3f)
U. S. Defense, 1956, 1958 (2f)
U. S. Government, Congress, 1959
U. S. Government, Post Office, 1959
U. S. Post Office, 1956
U. S. Health, Education, and Welfare, 1957-1958, (3f)
U. S. Government, Health, Education and Welfare, 1958
Department of Health, Education & Welfare, Office of Education, 1957
U. S. Health, Education and Welfare (Department of), 1955
Health, Education & Welfare, 1956
U. S. Office of Education, (Visit of Russian Educators), 1958
U. S. Government, Justice Department, 1959-1961 (3f)
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 113 (cont’d)
U. S. Justice, 1956, 1958 (3f)
U. S. Justice, Department of, 1955
U. S. Government, Library of Congress, 1958
U. S. Government, Navy, 1959
U. S. Navy, 1956-1958 (3f)
U. S. Marine Corps, 1957-1959 (3f)
U. S. Marine Corps, 1956
U. S. Naval Academy, 1958
U. S. Post Office, 1957
U. S. Government, U. S. Military Academy, 1954
U. S. Naval Academy, 1956
U. S. Naval Academy, 1954
U. S. Office of Naval Research, 1955
U. S. Government, State Department, 1959
U. S. State, 1957 (2f)
U. S. Housing & Finance Agency, 1955-1957 (3f)
U. S. Food and Drug Administration, 1956
U. S. World Fair, 1957
BOX 115
[Loose Materials-Envelopes with Statements of Employee's Earnings, 1955]
BOX 116
[Loose Materials-Magazine Feed Merchant, 1956]
BOX 120
Maryland, State of, National Capital Park & Planning Commission, 1954-1955
Maryland, State of Budget and Procurement, 1954
Maryland, State of, Law Department, 1954
Maryland, State of, Auditor's Office, 1954
Maryland, Education Department, Public School Green Commission, 1954
Maryland, State of
Standard Salary Board, 1953-1955
Commissioner of Personnel, 1954
Maryland, State of Public Improvements, 1954-1955 (2f)
Maryland, State of
Miscellaneous, 1954
Treasury, Comptroller of, 1954
Maryland, State of, Governor's Office, 1954
General Assembly of Maryland, Session of 1955, 1955
General Assembly, Roster, 1955
Maryland, State of
Health Department, 1955
Treasury, Comptroller of, 1955
Treasury Auditor's Office, 1955
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 120 (cont’d)
Maryland, State of (cont’d)
Governor's Office, 1955
Legislative Council, 1955
Budget Procurement, 1955
Maryland, Law Department, 1955
State of Maryland Advisory Commission on Higher Education-Revision of the Tables of 1955,
Maryland, Insurance Commission-Fire Prevention Measures, University of Md., 1955
Maryland, State of, Public Works, 1955
Maryland, State Planning Commission, Capital Improvements for 1956, 1955
Maryland, State of, Planning Commission, 1955
Md. State Planning Commmission Forms for Entering Buildings Needs, 1955
Maryland, State of
Education, 1955
Employment & Registration, 1955
State Fiscal Research Bureau, 1955
Game and Inland Fish Commission, 1955
Roads Commission, 1955
Civil Defense Agency, 1955-1956
BOX 122
Property, Baltimore, [1955-1960]
Property Acquisitions and Building Program, Baltimore Division, 1954
BOX 124
Administrative Board, 1954
BOX 125
Property-Baltimore, 1958
Kovens, Joseph, Baltimore, 1962
Hill and Co. (From Allen W. Morton, Baltimore), 1962
Baltimore, Kriel Real Estate, Wooden Ernest E., 1962
Urban Renewal Baltimore - Rosenthal, A.T., 1961
Urban Renewal Development - Weinberg, Martin H., 1961
Stackhouse, S. J. & Son, Baltimore, 1962
Breadly Realty Corp, (Acquisition of Garage), 1959
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Robey's offer-for Branch in Southern Md., 1960
414 West Mulberry St., Baltimore, Md. B J & G W Frederick-Expansion of Balt.
Campus, 1960
Baltimore, 1957
Boedorn, H., 817 W. Hollins St., Balt., 1958
Clock & Bell System Cp., 1956
Fine Arts Building, Cp., 1963
Miscellaneous Cp., 1962
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 125 (cont’d)
Construction (cont’d)
Central Heating Plant, Cp., 1955
Sigma Alpha Mu, Fraternity House, Cp., [1956-1959]
Preparation of Taliaferro Hall, [1959]
College Park, Physical Science Lecture Hall, 1959
Balt. Student Union-Operation of Under Borreson, 1959
[Loose Materials-Correspondence, 1958]
Construction-Student Union in Baltimore, Ground Breaking July 31/58, [1958]
C. Building, 5. Award of Bid for Carpentry & Mechanic Art Shop at Maryland State College,
Construction-College Park, Administration Annex, 1955-1957, [1957]
Swimming Pool (Activities Bldg.), Cp., [1956-1957]
Stadium Press Box, [1954-1957]
Transformer (Purchase of), undated
Route 193, Campus Drive, Access Road to Stadium, [1954-1957]
Construction-Balt. Union-Dorm Bids-Report on, 1957
Student Union, Baltimore [1955-1957]
Library, Inscription of, [1956]
Water Main, [1954-1956]
Poultry Isolation Building, [1957]
College Park, Business & Public Administration Building,
(Classrooms), 1956-1959
College Park, Infirmary, 1958
College Park, Activities Building Roof, 1956
Animal Sciences Building, [1956]
Baltimore, Misc., 1954-1957
College Park Journalism Building, 1954-1957
College Park, Cole Activities Building, 1954-1957
Baltimore, Pharmacy Building, 1955-1957
College Park, Nursing School, 1955
College Park, Dormitories, 1955-1959
College Park, Fraternities and Sororities, 1955-1959
College Park, Coliseum to Auditorium, [1956-1959]
Baltimore, Hospital Additions, 1955-1958
Baltimore, Medical Science Library, 1955-1958
Baltimore, Redevelopment, Baltimore Campus, 1955-1959
Baltimore, Nurses Residence, 1955-1959
College Park, Gas Main, 1955-1958
College Park, Library Building, 1955-1958
College Park, Chapel-Floodlights, 1955-1956
College Park, Misc., 1955-1957
College Park, Remodeling of Annapolis Hall, 1955-1957
College Park, Miscellaneous, 1955-1954
Salisbury, Isolation Building, 1955
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 125 (cont’d)
Construction (cont’d)
Crisfield Seafood Laboratory, [1954-1955]
College Park, Mathematics, 1955
College Park, Student Union Building, 1954-1955
College Park, North Press Box, 1954
College Park, Poultry Building, 1954
Baltimore, Nurses Home, 1954
Baltimore, Stores Building, 1954
Baltimore, Pharmacy Building, 1954
College Park, Activities Building, 1954
College Park, Administrative Annex, 1954
College Park, Asphalt Institute, 1954
Calvert Hall-Renovation, 1954
College Park, Central Heating Plant, 1954
College Park, Chapel, 1954
College Park, Fraternity & Sorority, 1954
College Park, Dormitory, 1954
College Park, Dormitory, Women, 1954
College Park, Journalism Building, 1954
College Park, Library, 1954
Crisfield, Seafood Laboratory, 1954
Baltimore, University Hospital, 1954
BOX 126
Construction (cont'd)
Baltimore, Hospital Laundry, 1954
Baltimore, School of Nursing, Nurse's Home, 1951-1953
Baltimore Professional Schools, Plan for, 1953
Construction, Baltimore Student Union, 1954
College Park, Physics Building, 1950-1951
Employment, Foreign Language Department, 1952-1953
Convocation, Spring, March 17, 1961
Spring Convocation, Cole Activities Bldg., 1959
Convocations, Fall of 1960, Letters to Kennedy and Nixon, [1960]
Convocation Speakers, 1959
Convocations, Requests for Speakers, 1962
Commencement List, Dr. Elkins's Copy, 1959
Commencement June 6, 1959
Directive to Deans and Dept. Heads re. Attendance at Commencement, 1959
Presidential Party Deans & Administrative Officers, [1959]
Deans of Junior Colleges & Senior Colleges in Maryland, [1959]
Guests, Alumni Representatives, [1959]
Guests, State Officials, Gen. Assembly of MD., [1959]
St. Superintendents of Schools, St. Dept. of Ed. Officials, [1959]
Administrative Staff for the Luncheon, [1959]
(Baccalaureate Sermon), 1959
Letters re the Exercises, [1959]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 126 (cont’d)
Commencement June 6, 1959, continued
Presidential Party, [1959]
Dr. Elkins Friends, [1959]
Former Board Members, Widows, etc., [1959]
Former Governors., Mayor, U. S. Senators & Representatives, [1959]
Contributors to Endowment Fund, [1959]
Governor's Speech, [1959]
Procedures, [1959]
Clippings re. Exercises, [1959]
Letter. to Borreson Approving Honorary Degrees & Merit Awards, [1959]
Commencement, June 1958, 1958
BOX 127
Commencement, 1958-Directive to Staff, Duty Roster; letter of Thanks to Commencement
Committee, Etc., [1958]
McKeldin's Remarks, Commencement, June 7, 1958, [1958]
Commencement, 1958, Baccalaureate Service, Sunday, June 1, 1958, [1958]
June 7, 1958, Programs, Invitations & Lists, [1958]
1957, Luncheon List, Mr. Cormeney's, [1957]
1957, Presidential Party, [1957]
Lists, 1957, [1957]
Commencement Address, Delivered by Vernon W. Lippard, 1955
President’s Reception for Speaker, 1955
Admission, Guidance, and Adjustment, Faculty Committee, 1955
Baltimore Master Plan, Faculty Committee, 1955
Selection of Dean of School of Medicine, Faculty Committee, 1955
Medical Examination for Employees, Faculty Committee, 1955
Public Functions and Public Relations, Faculty Committee, 1955
Radio Board, Faculty Committee, 1955
Religious Life Committee, Faculty Committee, 1955
Religious Life Committee, 1953
Students Life, Faculty Committee, 1955
Public Functions and Public Relations, 1954
Scholarship, Faculty Committee, 1955
Faculty Committee, Miscellaneous, 1955
Faculty, Requests for Travel, 1954
Commonwealth Fund, 1959
Commencement Fund, 1958
Commonwealth Fund, 1956
Commonwealth Foundation, 1955
Community Chest, 1955
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 129
Dormitories, Construction of, 1965-1966
Construction, Math Annex, 1964
Construction, Denton Hall-James L. Parello, Contractor, 1962-1963
Property & Construction, 1965
Construction, Authorization for Chairman & V. Chairman to Sign Contracts, etc. re.
Construction (authorization. 6/15/1961), [1961]
Report to Board, Property Transactions, [1961]
Royal School Lab. re. Lab Equipment for John Eager Howard Hall, 1963
Architects, New Construction, 1961
John Eager Howard Hall, Complaint of Akron, Inc., October 12, 1962
Baltimore Campus, Renovation of John Eager Howard Hall, 1961
Baltimore Hospital, 1964
Baltimore Campus, 1961,
Health Sciences Library, 1961
John Eager Howard Hall, Baltimore Charge of Sidney Grossman, Pres. Akron, Inc., 1962
College Park Student Union-Addition to, 1960-1961
Graduate Student Housing, 1961
University College, Adult Education Center Construction & Equipment Costs as of March 1964,
Construction, Adult Education Center, Construction & Equipment Costs as of 1964, 1964
Adult Education Center, [1957-1958]
College Park Capital Improvements Comm., 1959
Arts & Sciences Classroom, On Mall, 1960
Fine Arts and Auditorium Building, 1960
Dorms, 1960-1961, Cambridge Hall & Adjoining Dining Hall, 1960-1961
Business Classroom Building, 1960
R. Budget, 1. Report on Legislative Action & Approval of Changes in Working Budget, [1958]
General Assembly of Maryland, Revenue Bond Bill, Construction of Dormitories, 1965
College Park, Dorm Renovation, [1964]
College Park, Elkton Hall, 1964
Woods Hall, Renovation, 1963
Policy, Use of Endowment Funds for Construction of Frats & Sororities, 1960-1961
Status of Sororities Wishing to Build on University Property, 1961
Construction, Sororities & Fraternities, 1961
Delta Phi Epsilon (Sorority) Approved Construction, 1961
Sigma Delta Tau (Sorority), Approved Construction, 1961
Alpha Phi (Sorority) Approved Construction, 1961
Delta Gamma (Sorority) Approved Construction, 1961
Frats & Sororities, Delta Delta Delta, 1961
College Park, Sigma Pi Fraternity, 1961
College Park, Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity, 1961
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 129 (cont’d)
Construction (cont’d)
Phi Sigma Delta Fraternity House, 1961
Occupancy of Alpha Epsilon Pi House, 1961-1962
Use of Funds for Construction of Dormitory Projects, 1960
Student Union Addition, College Park, 1961
College Park, Cumberland Hall, etc., 1961
Electrical Distribution System for C. P. Campus, 1961
Dining Hall, Dorms (Bel Air, Centerville & Chestertown), 1960
Endowment Committee, Requests for Bldg. Funds by Sororities & Fraternities, 1961
Construction, Fraternity and Sorority Houses, 1962-1963
Dormitories, College Park, [1965]
Maryland State Board of Agriculture, Live Stock Sales Law, 1957
Maryland State Board of Agriculture, Seed Law, 1957
Md. Seed Inspection Service, 1957
Maryland State Board of Agriculture
House Bill 175 (White-Wicoming), Pesticide Law, 1957
Feed Law, 1957
Lime Law, 1957
7. Potato Inspection Law, 1957
Agriculture, 3. Proposed Legislation Providing for Formation of Public Watershed Associations,
Agriculture, 2. Suggested Amendment to State Drainage Law, undated
Md. State Dept. of Agriculture, Soil Testing laboratory in Salisbury, 1957
Md. State Dept. of Agriculture, Tobacco Agronomist for Southern Maryland, 1957
Maryland, State of, Agriculture, State Board of, 1954
Maryland, State of, Agriculture, 1956-1957 (2f)
Maryland State Board of Agriculture, 1. Farm Pond Law, 1957
State Board of Agriculture, December 13, 1957 Meeting, [1957]
Agriculture, State Regulatory Services, [1956]
BOX 130
Football, 1959
Football Tickets for Regents & State Officials, 1959
Football Tickets, N. C. State College Game, September 28, 1957
Game October 19, 1957, Section 4 Tickets which Have Been Paid for by Individuals, 1957
University of North Carolina-Maryland Game (Queen Elizabeth), October 19, 1957
Game October 19, 1957 General Assembly of Maryland, 1957
Regents, Ambassadors' Box, Buffet Supper, October 19, 1957
Baltimore Sun, Queen's Game, October 20, 1957
Clippings, Queen's Visit, 1957
Queen's Game, October 19, 1957, Programs, Photo of Gift. Letter. of Thanks from Buckingham
Palace, 1957
Baltimore American, Queen's Game, October 20, 1957
Oct. 19, Deans Ambassadors' Box, [1957]
Washington Sunday Star, Queens Game, October, 20, 1957
Clemson Game, [1958]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 130 (cont’d)
Homecoming Game & Contributors' Dinner, [1958]
Navy Game & Luncheon, [1958]
Homecoming Game, October, 26, 1957, Maryland Legislators, [1957]
Texas A & M Game, (Military Personnel, Oct. 11), 1958
Pres. Luncheon, Texas A and M Game Oct. 11, 1958
Football Tickets
(Season) to State Officials, 1958
Texas A and M , Oct. 11, 1958, Military Personnel, [1958]
Ticket Requests for 1957, Football Season, from Board of Regents, 1957
ROTC Day, Football Game, Nov. 23, 1957, Military Personnel, [1957]
Ticket Request for 1957, from State Officials, Complementary, Also for October 19 Game,
October 19, Lists Cover Letters, etc., [1957]
Ticket Requests for Board Members, 1958
U. S. Senators and Representatives for Game October 19, 1957
October 19th Game
Tickets Sent to Former Members of Regents, 1957
Complimentary Tickets Dr. Elkins' Friends, [1957]
[Tickets Sent, Queen's Game, October 19, 1957]
Football Tickets, Clemson Game (Invitations to Military), November 10, 1956
Missouri Day, November 25, 1954 (Missouri), 1954
Band & ROTC Day, (Clemson), Nov. 13, 1954
Tickets (1970) NCAA, Basketball, [1970]
Tickets (1970) ACC Basketball, [1970]
Football Schedules, 1970-1973
Tickets (1969-1970), Basketball, [1969-1970]
Tickets, Basketball
President's Box, 1970
President's 12, 1970
Board of Regents, 1970
ACC, 1971
Tickets (1970) Football
State Officials, [1970]
Board of Regents, [1970]
Miscellaneous, [1070]
Tickets (1971), Football, Board of Regents, [1971]
BOX 131
Tickets (1971) Football
President's Box, [1971]
State Officials, [1971]
Miscellaneous, [1971]
President's 50, [1971]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 131(cont’d)
(1971-1972) Basketball Maryland Basketball, 1971-1972, [1969-1972]
Board of Regents, 1971-1972
Basketball, 1971-1972, President's 12, [1972]
1971-1972, Christmas Invitational Tournaments, [1972]
1971-1972, President's Box, [1971]
1971-1972, ACC Tournament, [1972]
Tickets, (2/17/72) National Wrestling Tournament, [1971]
Tickets (1972) Football
Board of Regents, [1972]
"Maryland Football," 1971
Miscellaneous, [1972]
November 3, 4, & 5, 1972, Reservation for Dr. Hoover, Nittany Inn, [1972]
Tickets (1972) Football
President's 50, [1970]
President's Box, [1972]
State Officials, [1972-1973] (2f)
State Officials, [1973]
Miscellaneous, [1972-1973]
Tickets (1973) Football
President's Box, [1973]
President's 50, President's 10, [1973]
Board of Regents, [1973]
Tickets, Basketball
Board of Regents, 1972-1973
1972-1973, President's 10, [1973]
1972-1973, Invitational in the Stands, [1972]
President's Box, 1972-1973
ACC Tournament, March 8, 9 & 10, [1972-1973]
President's 12, 1972-1973
Tickets, Russian Olympics (1973), March 21, 1973
Tickets, Basketball
Miscellaneous, 1972-1973
Basketball, 1973-1974
Tickets, Football
Reservation Nittany Lion Inn for Dr. Samuel H. Hoover, 1974
[Miscellaneous], 1974
Board of Regents, 1974
[President's Box], 1974
[President's 10], 1974
[State Officials], 1974
Liberty Bowl, 1974
[Emergency Requests], 1974
Miscellaneous, 1974-1975
Tickets, Basketball, ACC Tournament, Greensboro, N. C., 1974-1975
Tickets, Football
Gator Bowl, 1975
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 131 (cont’d)
Tickets, Football (cont’d)
[Special Requests], 1975
[President's 10], 1975
[Miscellaneous], 1975
[Board of Regents], 1975
[President's Box], 1975
Tickets, (State Officials), 1975
C. P. Campus
Football Tickets for Legislators, etc. , 1975
Legislators Day, N. C. State Game, Lunch, Saturday, October 11, 1975
Tickets, Basketball
Board of Regents, 1975-1976
Miscellaneous, 1975-1976
President's Box, 1975-1976
President's 12, 1975-1976
ACC Tournament, 1975-1976
Tickets, Football, (Board of Regents), 1976
BOX 132
Tickets, Football
[President's Box], 1976
[State Officials], 1976
[Miscellaneous], 1976
[Special Requests], 1976
[President's 10], 1976
Maryland, Virginia Football Game, November 20, 1976
Tickets, Basketball
Eastern Regionals, March 17-19, College Park, 1976-1977
ACC Tournament, March 3-4-5, Greensboro, N.C., 1976-1977
Special Requests, 1976-1977
Board of Regents, 1976-1977
President's Box, 1976-1977
Miscellaneous, 1976-1977
President’s 12, 1976-1977
Tickets, Football
[Special Requests], 1977
State Officials, 1977
Miscellaneous, 1977
[President's Box], 1977
Board of Regents, 1977
[President's Ten], 1977
Reservation for Dr. Hoover at Nittany Lion Inn, 9/23-25/77, 1977
Hall of Fame, 1977
Agriculture, Dean, [1959-1963]
Agriculture, Extension, Director, Dr. Nystrom, [1959-1962]
Agricultural Extension, Adjustments for Greater Educational Service to Maryland Agriculture,
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 132 (cont’d)
Extension, County Agent (Mr. Magruder), [1960-1963]
Extension, Director, Case of Melbourne Hull, [1958]
Survey of Extension Service, [1957]
National Milk Sanitation Act, [1960]
Agricultural Engineering, [1962]
Agronomy, [1962-1962]
Dairy, [1957-1962]
Poultry, [1959-1962]
Committee on Tobacco Marketing, [1955]
BOX 133
Handbook, [1957]
General, [1954-1957]
Elizabeth Revyuk Foundation, [1955-1956]
Fertilizer Conference, Virginia Beach, [1955]
Impressions of the Agriculture of S. E. United States-ACK, [undated]
Maryland Tobacco Improvement Fund., Inc., 1955
Tobacco, [1955]
Tobacco Referendum, [1955]
Agronomy 204, undated
Weed Society of America, [1954-1955]
W. S. A.
Constitution, [1954-1956]
Papers, [1956]
Programs, [1956]
Program Chairman, [1955-1956]
Terminology Committee, undated
Northeastern Weed Cont. Conf., [1956-1955]
CSSA Membership, [1955]
American Society of Agronomy, [1957-1958]
A. S. A. Awards Committee, [1955]
A. S. A. Program, [1955]
Climatology Meeting
Columbus, Ohio, [1956]
Suitland, 1955
Climatological Data, [1956-1957]
Climatological Meeting
Asheville, November 1955
Climatological Data
U. S. Department of Commerce, 1955
Miscellaneous Weather Bulletins and Publications, [1956]
Maryland & Delaware, [1956]
Local, [1955]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 134
General, Class Record Book, undated
American Civilization Program, [1956]
Arts & Sciences, Art, [1957-1962]
Arts & Sciences, Chemistry, [1959-1962]
A & S, Physics, Annual Summary of Contract Expenditure, [1962]
Insp. & Reg., Mr. Heagy (St. Chem.), [1961-1962]
Air Science, Col. Aylesworth, [1959-1963]
Air Science, Col. Kending, [1958-1959]
BPA, Classroom Building, [1957-1962]
BPA, Classroom Building, Dedication, [1961]
BPA, Dean, [1958-1963]
BPA, Unions, [1959]
Brotherhood Week, [1956]
Budget, Analysis of Department Requests, [1961]
Budget Askings, [1956-1957]
Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc., [1959-1960]
B Room and Terrapin Room, [1957]
Baccalaureate, [1958-1964]
Baccalaureate, May 31, 1964
Bainbridge, [1961]
Budget, Self Liquidating Projects, [1956]
BOX 135
[Loose Materials-University of Maryland 1961-1962, Budget, Budget Hearing, March 16, 1961]
[Loose Materials-Supplemental Material, Budget Discussions with the State Budget Director,
November 24, 1958]
[Loose Materials-University of Maryland and Board of Agriculture, Financial Report, 1960]
[Loose Materials-University of Maryland and State Board of Agriculture-Financial Report, 1959]
[Loose Materials-University of Maryland, Financial Report, 1956]
Capital Improvements Committee, College Park, 1955, [1958-1964] (8f)
CI-Minutes, Baltimore, 1964
Minutes, College Park, Attachment for, May 25, 1964
CI Minutes
College Park, 1965
Baltimore, [1961-1965] (4f)
CI-Joint Meetings, [1961-1962] (2f)
CI-Minutes, Baltimore, [1958-1960] (3f)
CI-Joint Meetings, [1958-1960] (3f)
[Loose Materials-Recommendations of the Building Committee to the Board of Regents for the
1960 Capital Improvements Program of the University of Maryland, June 10, 1958,
Projects in Order of Priority, 1958]
BOX 136
CI-Minutes, College Park, [1958-1964] (7f)
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 136 (cont’d)
[Loose Materials-Equipment List for The Proposed College of Education Building, College Park,
Maryland, May 22, 1962]
CI-Justifications, 1963-1964
C. I. Capital Improvement Program, 1963-1964 (2f)
Master Electrical Substation, Baltimore, [1962]
Utilities, 1963-1964
Air Conditioning, Baltimore, 1963-1964
Steam Plant Improvement, 1963-1964
Conversion of Heating Plant, Md. St. Coll., 1962
State Planning Department Hearing, Friday, July 27, 1962, 1963-1964
[Loose Materials-Equipment Lists Submitted July 1, 1961 For the Fiscal Year Long-Term
Capital Improvements Program, Animal Sciences Building, College Park, 1961]
[Loose Materials-Equipment Lists submitted July 1, 1961, for the 1963 Fiscal Year Long-Term
Capital Improvements Program, Renovation of Portion Woods Hall for Zoology, College
Park, 1961]
[Loose Materials-Maryland State Planning Department, Supporting Data for Future Capital
Projects, University of Maryland and Agriculture, For the 1964 Fiscal Year Long-Term
Capital Improvements Program, undated]
[Loose Materials-Equipment Lists Submitted July 1, 1961 for the 1963 Fiscal Year Long-Term
Capital Improvements Programs, John Eager Howard Hall, Baltimore, (Funds to be
Requested for 1962-1963]
[Loose Materials-University of Maryland, Equipment Lists Submitted July 1, 1961, For the 1963
Fiscal Year Long-Term Capital Improvements Programs, Arts and Sciences Classroom
and Auditorium Building, College Park, 1961]
[Loose Materials-University Equipment Lists Submitted May 8, 1962, for the Fiscal Year LongTerm Capital Improvements Program, Department of Home Economics, Maryland state
College, (Funds to be Requested), 1962]
[Loose Materials-Animal and Dairy Sciences Building, Equipment Lists Submitted to Maryland
State Planning Department for the 1964 Fiscal Year Long-Term Capital Improvements
Program, undated]
[Loose Materials-Maryland State Planning Department Capital Equipment Lists of University of
Maryland and State Board of Agriculture for the 1961 Fiscal Year Long-Term Capital
Improvements Program, undated]
[Loose Materials-Maryland State Planning Department, Support Data for Future Capital Projects,
University of Maryland and State Board of Agriculture for the 1962, Fiscal Year LongTerm, Capital Improvements Program, undated]
[Loose Materials, Supplemental Equipment List for Proposed New B. P. A. Building, 1958]
[Loose Materials-Frank L. Bentz, Jr., Office of the President, University of Maryland, undated]
[Facilities Requested for the University of Maryland and State Board of Agriculture, College
Park, Maryland, 1957-1958]
Computer Science Center, [1962-1964] (3f)
Computer Science Center, (then Called Data Processing Center), [1961-1962]
BOX 137
University Senate, Committee on Public Functions & Commencement, 1957-1958
Fac. Org., Senate, Pub. Funct. & Comm.
Speaker Commencement, 1963
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 137 (cont’d)
Fac. Org., Senate, Pub. Funct. & Comm. (cont’d)
Candidate for Honorary Degree
Leonard Bernstein, 1963
Mordecai Joseph Brill Ezekiel, 1963
Huntington Cairns, 1963
Gen. James F. Collins, [1963]
Gen. Arthur Amory Houghton, Jr., [1963]
Gen. Thomas J. Watson, Jr., [1963]
Speaker, 1962 Commencement, 1962
Subcommittee on President's Convocation, March 7, 1962
Subcommittee on Honorary Degrees, 1962
Candidate for Honorary Degree
George Leland Bach, 1962
Gregory Bateson, 1962
Detlev W. Bronk, 1962
Edmund Sidney Burke, 1962
Candidate for Honorary Degree
Leonard Carmichael, 1962
Cordier, Andrew Wellington, 1962
Arthur Hobson Dean, 1962
Walter C. Dowling, 1962
Dr. Grace Murray Hopper, 1962
Tamon Maeda, 1962
Mrs. Agnes E. Meyer, 1962
Elliot Waters Montroll, 1962
Teodora Moscoso., 1962
Lewis Mumford, 1962
Richard Rodgers, 1962
Robert Vincent Roosa, 1962
Edwin Oldfather Reischauer, 1962
Candidate for Honorary Degree, James A. Shannon, 1962
Candidate for Honorary Degree, Joseph Edwin Smadel, 1962
Candidate for Honorary Degree, Paul-Henri Spaak, 1962
Goldstein, Kurt (Doctor), 1962
Gunewardene, R. S. S., [1959]
Saunders, O. H. (Colonel) USA Ret., [1959]
Helard, Henry Townley, [1954]
Holloway, Jr., James Lemuel, Vice Admiral, [1957]
Littlewood, William, undated
MacArthur II, Douglas (Ambassador), [1959]
Malone, Kemp, undated
Mitchell, Howard, undated
Newell, Sterling R., [1959]
Rockefeller, 3rd, John Davidson, undated
Seaton, Frederick Andrew, undated
Shannon, Jr., Edgar Finley, undated
Snodgrass, Robert Evans, 1959
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 137 (cont’d)
Tanaka, Kotaro, undated
[Loose Materials-A Petition to the University of Maryland to Confer upon Abbott Lawrence
Penniman, Jr., the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Engineering, 1955]
Honorary Degrees, General File, 1958-1960 (2f)
Bailar, Jr., John C., [1959]
Bowers, John Z., [1959]
Brandt, Willy, [1960]
Conant, James Bryant, undated
Dingman, James E., [1959]
Freidel, Jr., Frank Burt, undated
Senate Committee, 1957
Wright, Louis B., [1959]
Young, Robert Nicholas, [1958]
Barber, Elsie Biglow, undated
Blaustein, Jacob, undated
Houghton, Jr., Arthur Amory, undated
Leaf, Munro, undated
Lee, Edward Brooke, undated
Marino, Frank C. (Doctor), 1959
Committee on Public Functions & Commencement, undated
Spring Convocation, 1960
Public Foundation, 1957
Sub-Committee on Dedication of Library, 1957
Next Meeting Committee on Public Functions and Commencements, [1958-1960] (2f)
Nursing School Dedication, [1959]
Legislation, 1961-Session-Condemnation, 1961
Legislation, 1961-Session-House Bill 206, By Cook-Council on Public Higher Education, 1961
Legislation, 1961-Session Misc., 1962
BOX 138
Physical Plant-Contract Authorization
July 1, 1963 to December 31, 1963
January 1, 1963 to June 31, 1963
July 1, 1964 to December 31, 1964
January 1, 1964 to June 30, 1964
A-L, 1963
M-Z, 1963
A-J, 1962
K-Z, 1962
A-J, 1961
K-Z, 1961
Students, 1959-1960 (2f)
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 139
[Loose Materials-Maryland State Planning Department, Initial Supplies and Non-Capital
Equipment Lists of University of Maryland and State Board of Agriculture, for the 1963
Fiscal Year Long-Term Capital Improvements Program, 1963]
[Loose Materials-Maryland State Planning Department, Capital Equipment Lists of University of
Maryland and State Board of Agriculture for the 1963 Fiscal Year-Long-Term Capital
Improvements Program, 1963
[Loose Materials-Maryland State Planning Department, Project Requests of University of
Maryland and State Board of Agriculture for the 1963 Fiscal Year Long-Term Capital
Improvement Program, 1963]
[Loose Materials-Maryland State Planning Department, Supporting Data for Future Capital
Projects, University of Maryland and State Board of Agriculture for the 1963 Fiscal Year
Long-Term Capital Improvements Program, 1963]
CI-Equipment Lists, 1963-1964
CI-Equipment Lists (63-64)
Denton Hall Kitchen & Dining Room, 1962
Easton Hall Dorm, Men's Dining Room, [1962]
H. J. Patterson Addition, 1962
Infirmary Renovation for Home Economics, 1962
CI-Equipment Lists (63-64) (cont’d)
Law Bldg. Baltimore, 1962
Physical Education Building, 1962-1963
Physics Addition, 1962
Shoemaker Building, 1963-1964
Woods Hall, 1962
Student Activities Bldg., Md. St. Coll., [1963-1964]
Home Econ. Bldg., Md. St. Coll., [1962]
Phys. Ed. Bldg., Md. St. Coll., [1962]
CI-Justifications, 1962-1963
CI-Plant Improvement Projects, 1962-1963
1962-63 State Planing Department Hearing, July 25, 1961
CI-Capital Improvements Program, 1962-1963
1962-63, Governor's Recommendations, undated
CI-Equipment Lists, 1962-1963
[Loose Materials-Maryland State Planning Department, Initial Supplies and Non-Capital
Equipment Lists of University of Maryland and State Board of Agriculture for the 1962
Fiscal Year Long-Term Capital Improvement Program, 1961]
[Loose Materials-University of Maryland, Equipment Lists Submitted July 1, 1960, for the 1962
Fiscal Year Long-Term Capital Improvements Program, Animal Sciences Building,
College Park (Funds to be requested for 1962-1963), 1960]
[Loose Materials-University of Maryland, Equipment Lists Submitted July 1, 1960 for the 1962
Fiscal Year Long Term Capital Improvements Program, Physical Education and Student
Activities Building, Maryland State College, 1960]
[Loose Materials-University of Maryland, Equipment Lists Submitted July 1, 1960 for the 1962
Fiscal Year Long-Term Capital Improvements Program, Taliaferro Hall Renovation,
College Park, (Funds to be Requested for 1961-1962), 1960]
[Loose Materials-University of Maryland, Equipment Lists Submitted July 1, 1960 for the 1962
Fiscal Year Long-Term Capital Improvements Program, Fire Station Extension, College
Park (Funds to be Requested for 1961-1962), 1960]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 139 (cont’d)
[Loose Materials-University of Maryland, Equipment Lists Submitted July 1, 1960 for the 1962
Fiscal Year Long-Term Capital Improvements Program, Additional Floor to Physics and
Mathematics Buildings, College Park (Funds to be Requested for 1961-1962, 1960]
[Loose Materials-University of Maryland, Equipment Lists Submitted July 1, 1960 for the 1962
Fiscal Year Long-Term Capital Improvements Program, Physics Building Addition,
College Park, 1960]
[Loose Materials-Maryland State Planning Department, Project Requests of University of
Maryland and State Board of Agriculture for the 1962 Fiscal Year Long-Term Capital
Improvement Program, 1960]
1961-62-Plant Improvements Projects, [1962]
1961-62-State Planning Department Hearing, undated
1961-62-Governor's Capital Budget Recommendations UOM, [1961]
CI-Capital Improvements Program, 1961-1962
1961-62-General Construction Loan of 1962, [1962]
1961-62-Recommendations of Building Committee, [1961]
1961-62-Year End Projects
[Loose Materials-Maryland State Planning Department, Project Requests of University of
Maryland and State Board of Agriculture for the 1961 Fiscal Year Long-Term Capital
Improvements Program, 1959]
1960-61-Year End Funds, 1961
1960-61-Supplement Showing Preliminary Plans, [1960]
1960-61-State Planning Department Hearing, undated
1960-61-Recommendations of Building Committee, [1959]
BOX 140
[Loose Materials-Maryland State Planning Commission 1960 Fiscal Year Capital Improvement
Program Summary of Agency Project Requests (in Order of Priority) and Recommended
Project, 1960]
1959-60-Projects Submitted to President, undated
1959-60-Recommendations of Building Committee, [1958]
[Loose Materials-Maryland State Planning Commission, Project Requests of University of
Maryland and State Board of Agriculture for the 1959 Fiscal Year Long-Term Capital
Improvements Program, 1957]
State Planning Department (59-60), Correspondence, [1959-1960]
1959-60-Supplement Showing Preliminary Plans, [1959]
1959-60-Projects for Review of Building Committee, [1958]
1958-59-Recommendations of Bldg. Com., undated
Planning Commission-(58-59), Correspondence, [1958]
CI-Baltimore Campus Capital Improvements Committee Correspondence, 1958-1959
CI-Baltimore Campus Capital Improvements Committee-1957-1958, [1958]
CI-College Park Campus Capital Improvements Committee-1957-1958, 1958
1958-59-Items Deleted from Requests, [1958]
1957-58-Supplemental Material, Submitted to State Planning Dept., [1958]
Equipment Lists 1961-62 Capital Improvements Program, [1960]
Equipment Lists-1960-61 Capital Improvements Program, [1960]
[Loose Materials-Supplement Showing Preliminary Plans and Outline Specification for Major
Building Projects in the 1961 Fiscal Year Capital Budget, 1960]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 140 (cont’d)
[Loose Materials-State of Maryland 1961 Fiscal Year Capital Budget and Departmental
Projections of Capital Needs for Period 1961-1963, 1959]
[Loose Materials-Capital Improvements Revised Equipment Requests, 1957-1958]
CI-Justifications, 1960-1962 (2f)
Physical Plant Contract Authorization
July 1 to December 31, 1962
January 1 to June 30, 1962
July 1 to December 30, 1961
Jan. 1 to June 30, 1961
August 1 to December 31, 1960
Fin. & Bus.-Contracts & Grants, Jan. 1960-Dec. 1962 (3f)
BOX 141
Faculty Senate, 1964-1967 (19f)
Minutes-Faculty Assembly Meeting, May 2, 1967 (Review of Faculty Plan of Organization),
Faculty Senate, 1968-1969 (8f)
BOX 142
Faculty Senate
Miscellaneous, undated
Committees and Elected Members (Past), [1968]
Plan of Organization, [1967]
Committee on Appointments, Promotions & Salaries, April 1968 Report, [1968]
Faculty Senate-Elected Members & Committee Members, 1967
Executive Committee Meeting-Faculty Senate, [1965]
[Loose Material-University Senate, 1969]
Faculty Senate-Sept., 1970
[Loose Materials-University Senate, 1963, 1967]
Faculty Assembly, 1969
Faculty Senate, [1969-1970] (2f)
Faculty Assembly, Rough Draft and Notes, 1970 (2f)
Executive Committee Minutes March 5, 9 and 27, 1970
Larry Dean Correspondence, [1970]
Agenda and Initial Memo Setting Meeting of Assembly, 2:30 p.m. Reckord Armory, 1970
Abstracts, [1970]
Faculty Senate
Original of Final Copy of Minutes, [1970]
Rough Draft, 1970
Stenographer's Notes, 1970
Newspaper Clippings Regarding Skinner, 1970
Faculty Assembly
Ad-Hoc Meeting, 1970
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 142 (cont’d)
Faculty Senate
1970 (2f)
Stenographer's Notes, 1970
Faculty Organization-Comm. to Develop an Interim Plan of Organization for the C. P. Campus,
August 1970
Faculty Senate, 1970
[Loose Materials-Tape of Conference, President Elkins, Dr. Kuhn, 1970]
BOX 143
Bldg. of a University-Henry's Article-Balt. Sun-April 15, 1962 (2f)
Speeches, Pres. Report to Board of Regents on Research-March 16, 1962
Speeches-1962 Agri. Alumni Club Dec. 17, 1962, The Role of the University in the Age of
Science, 1962
Speeches, Dec. 17, 1962, Role of University in Age of Science-Cards & Materials Agri. Alumni,
Draft, undated
Honors Convocation-(Regents Distinguished Service Awards), November 16, 1962
Pres. Speeches-(Balt), Dec. 6, 1962-World Wide Armed Forces Ed. Conf.-Intro. Remarks, 1962
Pres. Speeches-American Association. of University Women-Discussion of Curlett Commission,
Pres., Gov. Conf. on Fire Prevention, Oct. 22, 1962
Gov. Conferences on Fire Prevention, Notes and Drafts, Oct. 22, 1962
Thurs., Importance of State Employees to Operation of State Government, 1962
Parents' Convocation, 1962
Take to Richmond-Parents' Convocation Talk of September 16, 1962 & Also Talk to Freshmen
on Sept. 17, 1962
The Importance of Self Discipline-Freshmen Convocation, Sept. 17, 1962
Freshman Convocation. (The Importance of Self-Discipline-Handwritten), Sept. 17, 1962
Welcome to St. Conference on Role of Education in Field of Aging, Sept. 6, 1962
Campus Greeks, Their Opportunities & Responsibilities (Nat. Con. Sigma Kappa), July
1, 1962
Convocation, European Div. Heid. June 3, 1962
1961-President's Report on State of the University (Given at Board Meeting on June 15/62), 1962
President's Report to Board June 15, 1962-Notes & Papers, 1962
Drafts of Speech, July, 1962
Convocation Speech, President's Convocation-March 28/62, [1962]
President's Convocation Wed., March 28, 1962 at 10:00, 1962
Wed. March 28, President's Spring Convocation, 1962
Speeches, 1962-Pres. Convocation, March 28, 1962
Convocation Speech, 1962
June 11, 1962-8:00 p.m. Address Graduating Class at Laurel High Sch., 1962
Speeches, Pres., Dedication of the Foreign Language Building, 1962
July 24, 1962-2:00 p.m. Telecast, 1962
Speeches & Messages, President, 1962
3:00 p.m., Thr. Sept. 13, 1962 , Cole Activities Building Movie Sequence, 1962
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 143 (cont’d)
Parents Convocation-September 17, 1961, On Cards, 1961
Freshman Convocation, September 18, 1961-Accent on Performance, 1961
President's Report to Board of Regents of June 15, 1961
Speeches-Pres. March 17, 1961, Climate of the University (Spring Convocation), 1961
Note From Dean Borreson's Office of Last Year-re Your Talk to Parents, Spring 1961
Speeches.-Pres.-Jan. 25, 1961, Dedication of Nuclear Reactor, 1961
Statements, Pres. June 15, 1961, A Brief Report on the State of the University, 1961
Speeches, Pres. June 17, 1961, Am. University-How University Serves the St. and Nation, [1961]
Speeches & Statements, Pres. Dec. 8, 1961- Tomorrow Starts Today, WRC-TV, 1961
Messages-Pres., 1961-Year, 1961
President's Report to Board of Regents of June 21, 1960
Feb. 17, 1960, Decisive Issues in Higher Education (Spring Convocation), 1960
Oct. 28, 1960 Honors Convocation The Qualities of Leadership, 1960
Decisive Issues in Higher Education, Feb. 17, 1960 (Rough Drafts, etc.), 1960
Messages, Pres., 1960 Year, 1960
Speeches, Pres., Mar. 11, 1959-Adv. of the Profession of Nursing Atlanta, Ga., 1959
Speech-Your Copy to Deliver, March 11, 1959
Pres.-Jan. 26, 1959, St. on College Housing Loan Program & Proposed Academic Fac.
Loans, 1959
Pres. June 14, 1959, Commencement Address at Baltimore Jr. College, 1959
Elkins, Oct. 1, 1959, Pursuit of Excellence-Challenge to the Student-Stephen Decatur H.
S., Berlin, 1959
Pres., The Gates of Excellence-Md. Assn. of Student Council S. Decatur H. S, Oct. 1,
Speech File, President's Report to Board of Regents of June 18, 1959
Speeches-Pres. Gates of Excellence-Univerity of Texas Honors Day Convocation, April 11, 1959
Speeches-Elkins, Honors Day Convocation-Univ. of Texas, The Gates of Excellence, April 11,
Elkins Personal-Honors Convocation-Uni. of Texas-April 9, 1959, Copies of Speech, 1959
Elkins Personal-Drafts of Speech & Mss. Copy-Gates of Excellence, Honors Convocation, April
9, 1959
BOX 144
Statements Pres.-Re Greater University of Md. Fund Written for Reference Journal, March, 1959
Messages-Pres., 1959
President's Report to the Board of Regents for June 13, 1958
Speeches, Pres., The Age of Education Spring Convocation, Feb. 28, 1958
Speeches-Pres., Challenge to Democracy, written for Club Woman-Mrs. Whitehurst, Jan. 22,
Statements, Pres. Article for Nursing Outlook, Feb. 3, 1960
Speeches, Pre., Dedication of McKeldin Library, May 3, 1958
Messages-Pres, 1958
Statements, Pres. Sp. Statement of the Alumni Council, Dec. 5, 1958
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 144 (cont’d)
Speeches, Pres.
Santa Claus Anonymous Campaign, Nov. 27, 1957
A Quantity of Quality, Spring Convocation, Feb. 27, 1957
A Brief Report on the State of the University, June 14, 1957
Far East Graduation Ceremony Message Sent to Prahl, March 1957
Message for Education Conference at Gohra Far East Program, 1957
The State and The University Inaugural Address, 2 Copies Only & Draft, Jan. 20, 1955
Placing of Plaque on Cole Activities Building, Dec. 14, 1956
Dedication of Glenn L. Martin Institue of Technology Welcome Address, March 25,
Dedication of Cole Activities Building, 1955
Messages, Pre., 1954
Speeches, Pre., Institutional Responsibility for Football, undated
Inaugural Address-Elkins at Texas Western......, April, 1949
Speeches and Statements Misc. Materials, undated
Agriculture, College of (Article on Md. Agriculture for 1959-60), 1961
Messages, Pres., 1956-1957 (2f)
Statements & Speeches. Pres. Re. Faculty Organization, May 13, 1955
Messages, Press, 1955
Speech, Phi Beta Kappa Installation, 1964
Nursing 75th Anniversary, Dec. 15, 1964
Elkins Remarks at Opening of Observatory, November 16, 1964
Honors Convocation & Excellence in Teaching Awards, 1964
Speeches, Elkins to Menorah Lodge B'nai B'rith, October 27, 1964
Elkins-Speeches, Parents Conv. The Parent and the University Community, 1964
Elkins, Speeches, Sept. 14, 1964, Freshman Convocation, Importance of Self-Discipline, 1964
Speeches, Pres., Excellence in Teaching (Summer School Lecture), June 29, 1964
Pres. Speeches
Decade of Progress & Promise-To Board on June 19, 1964 & Resume, 1964
1964, a Decade of Progress & Promise, June 19, 1964
1964, Charts and Attachments, extra Copies-Decade of Promise, 1964
A Decade of Progress & Promise, Second Draft, June 19, 1964
Speeches-Pres. Annual Convocation April 8, 1964 at 10:00 a.m. Misc. Materials & Invitations,
Speeches, Elkins, Remarks to Graduating Class-Heidelberg Comm., 1964, May 31, 1964
Pres. Speeches, Arts & Sciences, Convocation, April 28, 1964
Arts and Sciences Convocation, April 28, 1964
Arts & Sciences Convocation, Drafts & Master April 28, 1964
President's Convocation of Freedom-Master Copy, Apr. 8, 1964
President, University Dimensions of Freedom, Pres. Convocation, April 8, 1964
Pres. Speeches-Baltimore Assn. of Commerce-Baltimore Drafts, January 27, 1964 Drafts.
Jan. 27, 1964, Importance of Metro Balt. Area in Plans of Univ.- Baltimore Ass. of Comm. Extra
Copies, 1964
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 145
President's Messages, ETC. for the year 1964, 1964
Elkins-Speeches & Comments 1963, RE Death of President Kennedy, Nov. 22, 1963
Importance of Your Occupation, Career Conv., Master Speech, Oct., 15, 1963
Importance of Your Occupation Career Convocation, Drafts, October 15, 1963
The Importance of Your Occupation, Career Convocation, October 15, 1963
The Importance of Your Occupation-Career Conf., Extra Copies, Oct. 15, 1963
Higher Ed. in Md., Master Copy,-(Assn. of Jr. Colleges Balt.), Oct. 18, 1963
Higher Ed. in Md.-(Assn. of Jr. College-Balt.) Draft, Oct. 18, 1963
Higher Education in Maryland, Md. Assn. of Jr. Colleges-Balt., Oct. 18, 1963
President, Sept. 25, 1963 Dedication of Fire Service Extension Building, 1963
Elkins-Sept. 19, 1963 Freshmen Convocation, 3 copies of Talk, 1963
The Parent and the University Community, Sept. 1963
Elkins, Freshman Orientation, (Telecast Made on July 24, 1963), 1963
Elkins-Welcome to New Faculty Members, September 10, 1963
President's Report, State of Univ. (Report to Board of Regents on June 14, 1963), 1963
Pres. Report State of Uni. (to Board as of June 14, 1963), Notes and Drafts, 1963
Speeches and Report, Pres., Report on State of University (to Board on June 14, 1963)
Honors Convocation-Excellence in Teaching Awards, 1963
Imp. of Indi. in Profession of Nursing, Sinai Hosp., Balt. Friday, September 6, 1963
Orientation Telecast, 1963
June 9, 1963, Role of the Individual in a Free Society-Catonsville Comm. College-Comm.
Address & Program, 1963
Sunday, June 9, 1963, Role of the Individual in a Free Society, Draft and Notes, 1963
Sunday, June 9, 1963, Grad. Exer.-Catonsville Comm. Coll. Role Ind. In Free Society,
Pres. Speeches
Opportunity for Service, May 13, 1963, Frat Rededication, 1963
Opportunity for Service, May 13, 1963-Master Copy, 1963
Master C opy of Relationship of Adm. To Student Publications & Communications, May
Phi Delta Epsilon-May 10, 1963-Notes on Relationship of Adm. To Student
Publications, Etc., 1963
Elkins-Relationship of Admin. to Student Publications & Communications, May 1963
Conf. of the Md. Correction Reading Association-Greetings, April 27, 1963,
Women's Conf. on Business-Sub. Trust Co. Greetings, April 27, 1963
Pres. Speeches-59th Congress on Health of Wealth from Multiple Sources, 1963
1963, President's Messages for Year of, 1963
Speeches, Elkins-Misc. Messages, Etc., 1963
Health of Wealth of Multiple Sources (59th Annual Congress on Med. Ed. in Chicago, Ill.,),
Reprints-The Health of Wealth from Multiple Sources, 1963
Selected Papers, 1963
Requests for Reprints of the Health of Wealth from Multiple Sources... Feb. 3-4, 1963
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 145 (cont’d)
Health of Wealth of Multiple Sources (59th Annual Congress on Med. Ed. in Chicago, Ill.,),
[1963] (cont’d)
Health of Wealth from Multiple Sources-Feb. 4, 1963, 1963
Drafts, 1963
Dec. 15, 1967
Food Services-Elkins' Statement, [1967]
Budget-Elkins Statement, [1967]
Elkins, Dec. 7, 1967-Greetings-2nd Agricultural Forum
(Cert. of Merit Awards in Agri.), [1967]
Elkins-Remarks at Med. Alumni Luncheon, November 22, 1967
Honors Convocation, 16th November, 1967
Remarks at U. N. of Maryland Reception....1967-68, October 22, 1967
October 21, 1967
Welcome to Home Ec. Alumni on 50th Anniversary & Renaming, [1967]
Elkins-Speeches, October 9, 1967, Remarks at Air Force Award to Dean Ehrensberger, [1967]
Const. Recognition, 1967
Structure of Higher Ed., 1967
Freshman Convocation, Sept. 11, 1967, The Importance of Self Discipline, [1967]
December 9, 1966-Remarks-Merit Awards in Agriculture-Presentation, [1966]
December 6, 1966, The Importance of the Cooperative Extension Service to the St. of
Md., [1966]
Introd. of Dr. William B. Walsh, M Club Banquet, December 3, 1966
BOX 146
Speeches (cont'd)
Honors Convocation & Excellence in Teaching Awards, 1966
Welcome-Adv. Council for Higher Education-Conference, November 15, 1966
A New Campus is Born, Oct. 30, 1966
The Importance of Choosing a Career, 1966
The Outlook for Scholarship in General Education Convocation, Anne Arundel
Community College, The Key to Success, Sep. 14, 1966
Freshman Convocation, Sept. 12, 1966
Parent's Convocation, 1966
Dedication of the Education Building, September 7, 1966
Welcome to the XVII International Horticultural Congress, Tuesday Evening, August 16,
Pres. Rep. to Bd. of Regents-June 17, 1966 Materials Used, [1966] (2f)
June 4, 1966-Commencement, Dr. Elkins' Remarks, 1966
Speeches-Heidelberg Commencement, May 29, 1966
Problems of Expansion and Devel. in the Universities, American Council on Ed., May 16, 1966
Recognition of Dean Gipe, May 10, 1966
Presentation of Portrait, 1966
Saturday, May 7, 1966, Dedication of Fine Arts, Introduction of Gov. Tawes, [1966]
The Future of the Graduate School-Before the Grad. Faculty, May 1966
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 146 (cont’d)
President's Convocation, April 20, 1966
1966-Speeches-Lists Re Stu. Responsibility, [1966]
Convocation-Apr. 20, 1966-Ltrs, Etc., [1966]
April 20, 1966-Convocation-Copy Used to Talk From, [1966]
The Future of the University-President's Convocation, April 20, 1966
The Stubborn Walls of Academe-Assn. of Texas Colleges & Universities, April 15, 1966
NASA, Welcome to, February 14, 1966
Bowie St. College, Jan. 20, 1966-"Opportunity & Responsibility in Higher Ed.," 1966
Speeches and Articles, Misc., 1966
Speeches-October 4, 1965, United Fund Campaign & Responsibilities of Citizenship-Easton,
Rotary Club of Baltimore, Feb. 15, 1966-The University of Md. & Plans for Future....., 1966
September 17, 1965, The Next Ten Years in Higher Education, San Angelo, Texas,
Delaware Conf. September 7, 1965-Student Unrest & Insti. Resp., 1965
Sep. 12 & Sep. 13, 1965-Comments, [1965]
Elkins-Speeches-The Importance of Self-Discipline-Freshman Convocation, September 13, 1965
Parent's Convocation, Sunday, September 12, 1965, University Expectation, 1965
September 12, 1965, Parent's Convocation, 1965
Sp. Pres. Rep. to Board, June 18, 1965
President, April 7, 1965, Convocation, Final and Drafts, [1965]
President's Convocation Board Member to Greet, April 7, 1965
April 7, 1965, Convocation Address-Diamondback of April 6, 1965
President's Convocation-April 7, 1965, News Articles Commenting on Talk, 1965
Elkins-March 15, 1965, Uni. in a Changing Agricultural Economy...Extension People,
Elkins-"Education and the Humanities" For Alumni ―Fun‖-Am. Cyanamid
March 14, 1965-On Show, [1965]
Dentistry in the Modern State University-March 5, 1965, 125th
Anniversary of Dental School, 1965 (2f)
Pres. Dentistry in the Modern State Uni.-March 5, 1965, Master Copy & Drafts, 1965
Dentistry in the Modern State University, Drafts and Master Copies, March 4, 1965
Maryland Farm Bureau-Annual Meeting-Address, January 22, 1965
Speeches-Misc., 1965
Am. Council on Ed., Logan Wilson's Speech of March 9, 1965, Other Material, 1965
Speech Materials for April 7, 1965 Convocation-Books, Papers, Notes, Etc., 1965
BOX 147
Convocation-Pres. April 7, 1965-Letters, [1965]
Speeches-Honors Convocation & Excellence in Teaching Awards, Nov. 16, 1965
Conv. Address in Educational Record.....Speeches, 1965
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 147 (cont’d)
Speeches Elkins
Overseas Progr. of Uni. of Maryland (Sou. Uni. Conf.), April 23, 1965
Sigma Xi Banquet Initiation Address, April 13, 1965
President, Newman Center Dedication, April 10, 1965
Elkins Pres.-Convocation Talk, April 7, 1965
Honors Convocation Dr. Elkins' Remarks, Dec. 7, 1969
Elkins-Talks (Not for Release), Dec. 2, 1969-Speech Communications Seminar, 1969
Elkins-November 15, 1969, Welcome-Ded. of BPA Bldg., Millard E.
Tydings Bldg., [1969]
Agricultural Forum-Cert. of Merit Awards in Agriculture, November 6, 1969
Dr. Elkins Address, 20th Anniversary Overseas Program Heidelberg, Germany, October 31, 1969
Speeches, Md. State Grange Annual Luncheon, October 24, 1969
Vietnam Moratorium, October, 15, 1969
Speeches & Remarks, October 1967 Impending Crisis in Fin. Public Higher Education, 1967
College Youth Looks at Business-White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, September, 19, 1969
Statement by the President to the Faculty Assembly, September, 16, 1969
[Loose Materials-Statement by the President, The University Assembly, September 16, 1969]
Speeches-Statements at Faculty Assembly-September 16, 1969 Letters Re, [1969]
Pres. Report to Board-Letters, June, 20, 1969
Brief Report of the President, Master Copy, June 20, 1969
Speeches President's Report to the Board of Regents-Annual-June 20, 1969, Materials on, [1969]
[Loose Materials-Miscellaneous Notes, 1969]
[Loose Materials-University Catalogue, 1967-1968]
Cyclotron Welcome & Dedication, April 27, 1969
Elkins Statement at Cyclotron Press Conference, 1969
Remarks on April 21, 1969 at Md. Federation of Women's Clubs..., 1969
Letters re Convocation of March 26, 1969
Concern 1-3, undated
Elkins-University Convocation, March 26, 1969
Md. State Grange Lunch, October 24, 1969
Remarks to Regional Institute-American Correctional Assn., March, 1969
Elkins-State to Comm. to Study Feasibility, Etc., Feb. 20, 1960
Statements, Etc. Welcome-Conf. on Public Sector Labor Relations, Feb. 10, 1969
Remarks-Retirement Dinner, Dr. Charles E. White, January 14, 1969
Speeches-Messages, Misc. for 1969, [1969]
Talks, Etc. December 17, 1968-Lectures to Classes in BPA 168 (Waetjen's), [1968]
Persn. Talks, Dec. 17, 1969 BSAD 168 Classes, [1969]
Talks, Etc., December 6, 1968-Presentation M Club's Award to Bob Considine, [1968]
Elkins-Talks, Etc.-Presentation of Hon. Cert. of Merit Awards in Agri., December 4, 1968
Statements-Undergraduate Admission Standards for September 1969-Passed by Board on
November 22, 1968
Elkins-Speeches-November 14, 1968-Remarks at Honors Convocation, [1968]
Elkins-Talks, Etc.-Nov. 12, 1968-Student Unrest-Panel NASULGC (Council of Pres.), [1968]
Elkins-Reports-Comm. on National Defense-Monday, November 11, 1968
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 147 (cont’d)
Elkins Statement on Equality of Opportunity at Press Conference This date, November 4, 1968
[Loose Materials-A Statement on Equality of Opportunity and Non-Discrimination, undated]
October 2, 1968 Welcome to National Seminar on University in Urban Community
Service, [1968]
Oct. 2, 1968-Address to the Frederick Rotary Club, 1968
Elkins-Oct. 1, 1968-Welcome to Md. Branch of Nat'l Order of Women Legislators,
September 9, 1968, Freshman Convocation-Importance of Self-Discipline, [1968]
June 21, 1968-President's Brief Report to the Board of Regents, [1968]
Annual Report to the Board of Regents and the State Board of Agriculture on the State of the
University. June 21, 1968
President's Report to the Board of the Regents, June 21, 1968
BOX 148
June 14, 1968 Alumni Council Meeting, [1968]
Remarks, Saturday, June 8, 1968
Remarks at George W. Fogg's Retirement Party, June 6, 1968
Statement-Opportunities for Negroes at Uni. of Maryland, 1968-1969
(Remarks at Edward F. Holter's Dinner), May 21, 1968
Evening in Honor of Katherine Anne Porter, May 15, 1968
UMBC Faculty Assembly, (Remarks)...., May 14, 1969
Remarks at Testimonial Dinner-Dean Wm. S. Stone, May 9, 1968
Phi Kappa Phi Hon. Frat. Banquet, May 7, 1968
The Community College-A Growing Dimension in Higher Ed., May 1, 1968
Elkins Remarks on Plischke-at Pi Sigma Alpha Dinner, April 24, 1968
President's Convocation-Master Copy, April 24, 1968
Convocation Address
Master, April 24, 1968
Clippings, Letters, Etc., April 24, 1968
April 24, 1968
University of Maryland a Decade of Change (Inter-Rotary Club of Eastern Shore), March
20, 1968
Materials for Inter-Rotary Club of Eastern Shore, March 20, 1968
Greet Association of Am. Honor Societies Annual Meeting, February 23, 1968
Feb. 21, 1968, Annual Varsity Football Award Banquet, 1968
Statements-February 21, 1968. Bd. of Public Works Hearing on Role of UMBC......, 1968
Speeches-Career Convocation Statement, Feb. 20, 1968
Statements-Elkins-On S. B. 216, Hearing Senate Finance Committee, February 20, 1968
Comments at Service Award Presentations to Classified Employees...., Feb. 14, 1968
Dedication-Poultry-Research Facility, February 6, 1968
Misc.-Statements, Articles & Talks-Elkins, 1968-1969
Convocation for New Students-September 11, 1967, Cards and Programs, 1967
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 148 (cont’d)
Speeches (cont’d)
Parents Convocation, September 10, 1967
Parents Convocation-Sunday, Sept. 10, 1967-Cards & Program, 1967
Welcome to University of Md. August 14, 1967-21st International Agricultural
Congress, 1967
President's Report to the Board of Regents, June 16, 1967
Speeches-A Brief Report on the State of the University, Master Draft, June 16, 1967
Pres. Rpt. to Bd. of Regents, June 16, 1967
June 9, 1967-Importance of the Individual-Comm. Address at Radnor, Sr. H. S.-Radnor,
Pa., 1967
Commencements Remarks, June 3, 1967
Speeches-May 28, 1967-Confering Degrees European Division-Heidelberg, 1967
Munich Student Convocation, 1967
UMBC-Convocation Remarks, May 8, 1967
Law School Dedication, May 1, 1967
President's Convocation April 19, 1967
Ltrs., Etc., [1967]
Elkins-Convocation April 19, 1967-Comments on Adkins, Wall & Henkelman, 1967
Etc.- Misc., 1967
1967-February 15, 1967, Statement in Support of Sep. Bd.of Trustees for Commun.
Colleges, 1967
Elkins Speeches-Growth & Trends in Higher Ed. at Uni. of Md., Jan. 26, 1967-Splint Club...,
Speeches-My Financial Career-Leacock's Essay, [1968-1969]
Elkins Personal-Speech Materials..., 1965
Elkins-Speech Material-Governors Speak Out on Fed. Aid to Ed., 1968
Elkins Person.-Speech Materials, [1968]
Agriculture-Various State Depts. , 1957
Aa, 1957
Ar, 1957
Advertising Club of Baltimore, Inc., 1957
American Association of University Women, 1957
American Cancer Society, 1957
American College Public Relations, 1957
American Association of University Professors, 1957
American Legion Auxiliary (Girls Nation), 1957 (2f)
American Society for Engineering Education, 1957
American Council for Emigres in the Professions, Inc., 1957
American Foundation for Greece, Inc., 1957
Am, 1957
Association of American Medical Colleges, 1957
Association of American Universities, 1957
Association of Governing Boards of State Universities and Allied Institutions, 1957
Association of American Colleges, 1957
Atlantic Coast Conference, 1957
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 148 (cont’d)
Aubinoe, Alvin L., 1957
Baa, 1957
Ban, 1957
Baltimore, City of, 1957
Baltimore Contractors, Inc., 1957
Baltimore News-Post, 1957
Boa, [1957-1958] (2f)
Bow, 1957
Bat, 1957
Beh, 1957
Hon. Joseph A. Bertorellie, 1957
BOX 149
Bes, 1957
Bit, 1957
Bru, 1957
Hon. John Marshall Butler, 1957
Bur, 1957
Beh, 1956
Boy Scouts of America (National 1957 Capital Area Council, Inc.), 1957
Bri, 1957
Budget, 1956-1957, 1956
Caa, 1957
Carnegie Corporation of New York, 1957
Cas, 1957
Centennial Budget, 1957
Centenial and Sesquicentennial Celebration, 1957
Re. Centennial & Sesquicentennial Resolution, General Assembly, 1956
Chaperones, 1957
College Park, 1957
Cho, 1957
Chaplains, 1957
Chapel, 1957
Coh, 1957
Con, 1957
Convocation-Maryland Day, March 25, 1957
Convocations, 1957
Convocation and Luncheon, December 11, 1957
Cory, Ernest N. (Dr.), 1957
Cr, 1957
Da, 1957
De, 1957
Directives, 1957
Directives-Solicitation of Members of Board of Regents, 1957
Di, 1957
D. C. Transit System, Inc., 1957
Diamondback, 1957
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 149 (cont’d)
Dr, 1957
Ea, 1957
Ei, 1957
Embassies, 1957
Embassy File, Luncheon for Chinese Ambassador, January 26, 1957
Fable of Higher Education, from Pride Magazine, 1957
Faculty-Number of, 1957
Fa, 1957
Fi, 1957
Fl, 1957
Fortney, Aton-Tri Valley's Scouts, 1957
Ford Foundation, 1957
Fra, 1957
Fri, 1957
Ga, 1957
Ge, 1957
General Extension Bill, 1957
Gl, 1957
Glorius, George T., Jr., 1957
Goodman, Philip H., 1957
Governor's Portraits, 1957
Gra, 1957
Graffins, Charles E., 1957
Groth, William Albert, 1957
Grant Foundation, 1957
Gro, 1957
Haa, 1957
Has, 1957
Hed, 1957
Hi, 1957
Han, 1957
Hod, 1957
Hop, 1957
Hov, 1957
Hopkins, The Johns-University, 1957
I, 1957
Institute of International Education, 1957-1958 (2f)
International Association of Universities, 1957
Jefferson National Expansion Memorial Day Association, 1957
Jo, 1957
Ka, 1957
Ke, 1957
Ki, 1957
Ko, 1957
Korean-American School Committee, 1957
Laa, 1957
Law, 1957
Les, 1957
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 149 (cont’d)
Li, 1957
Lo, 1957
Long-Range Planning, 1957
Mr. John C. Luber, 1957
Maa, 1957
Man, 1957
Mas, 1957
McA, 1957
McG, 1957
Mea, 1957
Mer, 1957
Min, 1957
Moo, 1957
Municipal Technical Advisory Service, 1957
BOX 150
Na, 1957
Ni, 1957
No, 1957
Hon. Mary L. Nock, 1957
Baltimore Association of Commerce, Nuclear Reactor, 1957
Sanderson and Porter-Survey, Nuclear Reactor, 1957
Oa, 1957
Pa, 1957
Pe, 1957
Pf, 1957
Pr, 1957
President's Committee on Education, Beyond the High School, 1957 (2f)
President's Committee on Employment of Physically Handicapped, 1957
President's Reception, September 17, 1957
Prince George's County, 1957
Prince George's County Heart Association, 1957
President's Report to Board of Regents, on State of University, June 14, 1957
Q, 1957
Rea, 1957
Ren, 1957
Resources for the Future, Inc., 1957
Ra, 1957
Ril, 1957
Roe, 1957
Rockefeller Foundation, 1957
Ros, 1957
Ru, 1957
Sa, 1957
Sch, 1957
Sci, 1957
Sel, 1957
Shi, 1957
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 150 (cont’d)
Sk, 1957
Sn, 1957
Sq, 1957
Southern University Conference, 1957
Space Utilization Analysis, 1957
Ste, 1957
Stieff, Frederick Philip, 1957
Str, 1957
Surplus Property, Md. State Agency for, 1957
Systems & Procedures Association of America, 1957
Ta, 1957
Te, 1957
Television and Radio, 1957
Tho, 1957
Ti, 1957
Tr, 1957
Tu, 1957
Hon. John Grayson Turnbull, 1957
U, 1957
University Reference Journal, 1957
V, 1957
Waa, 1957
Wam, 1957
Was, 1957
BOX 151
Washington, D.C., 1957
Higher Education Group of Washington D.C., 1957
Wec, 1957
Wes, 1957
Wej, 1957
Whi, 1957
Wih, 1957
Wim, 1957
Wio, 1957
Woo, 1957
X-Y, 1957
Z, 1957
Association of College Honor Societies, 1956
Aa, 1956
Agriculture-Various State Departments of, 1956
Am, 1956
American Chamber of Commerce Executives, 1956
American Association of University Professors, 1956
Aging-Conference on, 1956
Atlantic Coast Conference, 1956
Ar, 1956
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 151 (cont’d)
Anonymous Letters, 1956
American Association of University Women, 1956
Aubinoe, Alvin, 1956
Association of American Colleges, 1956
Baa, 1956
Bailey, Joseph-Architect, 1956
Ban, 1956
Advertising Club of Baltimore, Inc., 1956
Alumni Club of Baltimore, 1956
Baltimore, City of, 1956
Baltimore Community Educational Television, Inc., 1956
Baltimore Contractors, Inc., 1956
Baltimore News-Post, 1956
Baltimore Sun Newspaper, 1956
Bat, 1956
Bur, 1956
Bow, 1956
Bes, 1956
Bri, 1956
Budget Hearings, February 16, 1956
Caa, 1956
Cas, 1956
Centennial and Sequicentenial Celebration, 1956
Centennial Concert, (Library of Congress), Nov. 15, 1956
Chaffinch, William P., 1956
Chapel, 1956
Chaplains, 1956
Coh, 1956
Cole Activities Building-Naming of, December 14, 1956
Construction-Maryland State College, 1956
College Park, 1956
Con, 1956
Convocation, Maryland Day, 1956
Costa Data-Instrumental, 1956
Council for Financial Aid to Education, 1955
Council for Economic and Industry Research, Inc., 1956
Cr, 1956
Da, 1956
Daily Record, Attorney General's Opinion Re. University of Maryland Merit System, 1956
De, 1956
Dedication-H. Burton Shipley Baseball Field, 1956
Directives, 1956
Di, 1956
Diamondback, 1956
Do, 1956
Dr, 1956
Du Pont de Nemours & Co., E. I., 1956
Ea, 1956
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 151 (cont’d)
Eastern Credit Association, 1956
BOX 152
El, 1956
Embassies, 1956
Ep, 1956
Epper, Ruthie May, 1956
Farm Prices, 1956
Faculty Club, 1956
Fa, 1956
Fi, 1956
Fund for the Republic, 1956
Fl, 1956
Ford Foundation, 1956
Fri, 1956
Ga, 1956
Ge, 1956
Gl, 1956
Goodman, Philip H., 1956
Gra, 1956
Grant Foundation, 1956
Gro, 1956
Haa, 1956
Hall, Border and Donaldson-Architects, 1956
Han, 1956
Harpers, 1956
Hen, 1956
Hed, 1956
Hi, 1956
Hod, 1956
How, 1956
Honors and Awards, 1956
Hop, 1956
Hopkins, The Johns-University, 1956
I, 1956
Institute of International Education, 1956
Interfraternity, 1956
Ja, 1956
Jo, 1956
Ka, 1956
Ke, 1956
Kellog, W. K. Foundation, 1956
Kentucky Game-Legislators, 1956
Ki, 1956
Ko, 1956
Laa, 1956
Law, 1956
Les, 1956
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 152 (cont’d)
Li, 1956
Lo, 1956
Maa, 1956
Man, 1956
M Club, 1956
Mas, 1956
McA, 1956
McG, 1956
Mea, 1956
Mer, 1956
Mey, 1956
Min, 1956
Moo, 1956
Monsanto Chemical Company, 1956
Mu, 1956
Na, 1956
Ni, 1956
No, 1956
Nuclear Reactor, Baltimore Association of Commerce, 1956
O'A, 1956
Orange Bowl Game-January 2, 1956 Invitation, Letters, and Other Related Material, 1956
Oa, 1956
Op, 1956
Pa, 1956
Pangborn Foundation, 1956
Pe, 1956
President's Reception, September 21, 1956
Pf, 1956
Piper & Marbury Law Offices, 1956
President's Committee on Employment of the Physically Handicapped, 1956
Prince George's County, 1956
Public School Education, 1956
Pr, 1956
Q, 1956
Ra, 1956
Ra, 1958
Ren, 1956
Rea, 1956
Residence Status, 1956
Revyuk, Elisabeth Foundation, Inc., 1956
Ril, 1956
Roe, 1956
Ros, 1956
Ru, 1956
Sa, 1956
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 153
Sabbatical Leave, 1956
Sanderson and Porter, 1956
Sch, 1956
Scha-Schn, 1956
Sci, 1956
Sel, 1956
Self-Liquidating Projects, 1956
Shi, 1956
Robert V. Shirley, 1956
Sk, 1956
Sq, 1956
Sn, 1956
Social Security-Committee on, 1956
Science Education in the Greater Washington Area, Joint Board on, 1956
Sports Illustrated, 1956
Str, 1956
Ste, 1956
Soil Conservation Society of America, 1956
Ta, 1956
Wio, 1956
Taylor and Fisher-Architects, 1956
Te, 1956
Television and Radio, 1956
Terrapin Club, 1956
Tho, 1956
Ti, 1956
Tr, 1956
Travel Requests-Out-of-State, 1956
V, 1956
Walton and Madden, 1956
Wam, 1956
Whi, 1956
White, Lucius R. Architect, 1956
Wih, 1956
Was, 1956
Washington, D.C., 1956
Wec, 1956
Wes, 1956
Wej, 1956
Wim, 1956
Wong, Bernice-Infirmary Case, 1956
Woo, 1956
WTOP-Radio Television, 1956
X-Y, 1956
Z, 1956
A-Al, 1955
Agriculture, Various State Departments of, 1955
American Association of University Women, 1955
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 153 (cont’d)
Accident Insurance for Students, 1955
American Association of University Professors, 1955
American College Public Relations Association, 1955
Anonymous Letters, 1955
Anderson, Arthur L., Architect, 1955
Architects, 1955
Ar-Az, 1955
Association of American Colleges, 1955
Association of American Medical Colleges, 1955
Am-Aq, 1955
Association of Governing Boards, 1955
Aubinoe, Alvin, 1955
Baltimore Advertising Club, 1955
B-Ban, 1955
Baltimore City, 1955
Baltimore Contractors, Inc., 1955
Baltimore City Southwest Civic, 1955
Rotary Club of Baltimore, 1955
Farm Credit District of Baltimore, 1955
Baltimore City Baltimore Educational Television, 1955
Baltimore News-Post, 1955
Baltimore Sun, 1955
Bo, 1955
Bar-Baz, 1955
Bea-Bem, 1955
Brown, Martin W., (Gift of Etchings, etc.), 1955
Bra-Bri, 1955
Bro-Bry, 1955
Ben-Bez, 1955
Bi, 1955
Bl, 1955
Bu-By, 1955
Budget Requests, 1955
C-Cap, 1955
Caggiano, Vincent (Re. Veteran's Housing), 1955
Car-Ce, 1955
Carr, James M., Zeta Beta Tau Request for Property, 1955
Casbarian and Cousins, 1955
Centennial and Sequincentenial Celebration, 1955
Center for the Study of Liberal Education for Adults, 1957
Ch, 1955
Chapel, University, 1955
Chaplains, 1955
Ci-Cl, 1955
Coa-Com, 1955
College Park, 1955
Capital Improvement Committee-Faculty Committee, 1955
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 153 (cont’d)
Con-Coz, 1955
BOX 154
Cr-Cy, 1955
Crisfield Laboratory, 1955
D-Da, 1955
Dairy Council, Inc., 1955
Dedicated Funds Balances, 1955
Dedication-Student Union Building, 1955
Departmental Meetings, 1955
De, 1955
Di, 1955
Diamondback-Letters to, 1955
Do, 1955
Dorm Rates, 1955
Dr-Dy, 1955
Dunn, John Carroll, 1955
DuPont de Nemours and Company, 1955
E-El, 1955
Em-Ez, 1955
Embassies, 1955
Emeritus Status, 1955
Ep, 1955, 1957 (2f)
F-Fe, 1955
Faculty Club, 1955
Air Conditioning-Faculty Committee, 1955
Facilities Survey, 1951-1955
Faculty Requests for Travel, 1955
Fees, 1955
Fi-Fl, 1955
Fo, 1955
Ford, Motor Company, 1955
Fr-Fy, 1955
Fund for the Advancement of Education, 1955
G-Ge, 1955
Gi-Gl, 1955
Gifts, Grants and Research Contracts, 1955
Go, 1955
Gr-Gy, 1955
Grant Foundation, 1955
Greater Washington Educational Television Association, Inc., 1955
Guy, W. Burton, 1955
H-Hal, 1955
Ham-Har, 1955
Hannon, Philip M., 1955
Has-Hek, 1955
Hel-Hey, 1955
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 154 (cont’d)
Hi, 1955
Hoa-Hol, 1955
Hom-Hoy, 1955
Homecoming, 1955
Honors and Awards, 1955
Hopkins, Henry Powell, Architect, 1955
Hu-Hy, 1955
I, 1955
Inaugural Address-Dr. Elkins, 1955
Inauguration Day, January 20, 1995
Inauguration Letters, 1955
J-Je, 1955
Jackson, Elmer M., Jr., 1955
Jo-Ju, 1955
Address Given by Dr. Elkins at Johns Hopkins, February 22, 1955
Johns Hopkins University, 1955
K-Ka, 1955
Ke, 1955
Kellog, W. K. Foundation, 1955
Ki-Kl, 1955
Kn-Ky, 1955
L-La, 1955
Lea-Lev, 1955
Lew-Ll, 1955
Lo, 1955
Loyalty Oath, 1955
BOX 155
Lu-Ly, 1955
M-Man, 1955
Mar-Maz, 1955
"M" Club, 1955
McA-McF, 1955
McG-McW, 1955
Mea-Men, 1955
Mer-Mey, 1955
Mi, 1955
Military Personnel-Education for, 1955
Moa-Moo, 1955
Mor-Moy, 1955
Mott, George Fox (Colonel), 1955
Mu-My, 1955
N-Ne, 1955
Ni-Ny, 1955
O, 1955
P-Pa, 1955
Parks, Lt. General F. L., 1955 (2f)
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 155 (cont’d)
Parking, 1955
Parking at Professional Schools in Baltimore-Faculty Committee, 1955
Pe-Ph, 1955
Phoebus, Harry T., 1955
Pi-Pos, 1955
Police, Campus, 1955
Pot-Py, 1955
President's Office, 1955
President's Reception, September 23, 1955
President's Report 1953-1954, 1955
Prince George's County, 1955
Public School Education, 1955
Q-Ra, 1955
Re, 1955
Resident Status, 1955
Rh-Ri, 1955
Roa-Ror, 1955
Rockefeller Brothers Theological Fellowship Program, 1954
Ros-Ry, 1955
S-Sce, 1955
Safety Education, 1955
Salary Study-Faculty, 1955
Scho-Scu, 1955
Self-Liquidating Project, 1955
Sk-Sm, 1955
Se-She, 1955
Shi-Si, 1955
Sn-Sq, 1955
Sta-Ste, 1955
Sti-Sty, 1955
Student Organizations, 1955
Student Publications, 1955
Student Union, 1955
Stone, William F., Jr., Architecture, 1955
Su-Sy, 1955
T-Te, 1955
Television and Radio, University of Maryland, 1955
Terrapin Club, 1955
Tho-To, 1955
Tobacco, 1955
Tr-Ty, 1955
Tydings, Joseph D., 1955
"V," 1955
W-Wap, 1955
Walton and Associates, 1955
War-Weh, 1955
White, Lucius R., Jr., 1955
Wh, 1955
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 155 (cont’d)
Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission, 1955
Wei-Wez, 1955
White, James L., 1955
Wia-Wil, 1955
Win-Wiz, 1955
Wo-Wy, 1955
X-Y-Z, 1955
Vansville Farmers Club, 1955
Aa-Al, 1954
Am to Aq, 1954
Ar to Az, 1954
BOX 156
Atlantic Coast Conference, 1955
Aubinoe, Alvin L., 1954
Association of American Colleges, Professional, 1954
Association of Governing Boards, Professional, 1954
American Association of University Women, Professional, 1954
Atlantic Coast Conference, Professional, 1954
American Association of University Professors, Professional, 1955
American Society for Engineering Education, Professional, 1954
American Medical Association, Professional, 1954
American Committee for Emigre Scholars, Professional, 1954
Baa to Ban, 1954
Baltimore City, 1954
Baltimore News-Post, 1954
Bo, 1954
Baltimore Sun, 1954
Bl, 1954
Bea to Bem, 1954
Bar to Baz, 1954
Bro to Bry, 1954
Bra to Bri, 1954
Budget, 1954
Caa to Cap, 1954
Calendar of Events and News Notes, 1954
Capital Improvement, 1954
Car to Ce, 1954
Casbarian, Harvey B., 1954
Chaplains, 1954
Bu to By, 1954
Ci to Cl, 1954
Coa to Com, 1954
College Park, 1954
Cory, Ernest N., Jr., 1954
Cr to Cy, 1954
Crisfield Laboratory, 1954
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 156 (cont’d)
Da, 1954
De, 1954
BOX 157
Di, 1954
Diamondback, Letters to, 1954
Do, 1954
Dr to Dy, 1954
Dunn, John Carroll, Architect, 1954
Ea to El, 1954
Eig, Sam, 1954
Em to Ez, 1954
Embassies, 1954
Emerson & Company, 1954
Fa to Fe, 1954
Faculty Club, 1954
Fees, 1954
Fi to Fl, 1954
Fo, 1954
Forestry and Conservation, 1954
Ga to Ge, 1954
Gi to Gl, 1954
Go, 1954
Goodman, Ronald H., 1954
Gr to Gy, 1954
Guy, W. Burton, 1954
Haa to Hal, 1954
Ham to Har, 1954
Has to Hek, 1954
Hel to Hey, 1954
Hi, 1954
High School Day, November 20, 1954
Hoa to Hol, 1954
Homecoming, 1954
Hopkins, Henry Powell, Architect, 1954
Hu to Hy, 1954
I, 1954
Inauguration Day, January 20, 1954
International Club, 1954
Ja to Je, 1954
Jackson, Elmer M., Jr., 1954
Jo to Ju, 1954
Ka, 1954
Ke, 1954
Kertzman, Norman-Architect, 1954
Ki to Kl, 1954
Kn to Ky, 1954
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 157 (cont’d)
La, 1954
Laundry Facilities-Baltimore, 1954
Lea to Lev, 1954
League of Women Voters, 1954
BOX 158
Lansdale, Richard H., Jr., 1954
Lew to LL, 1954
W. W. Lewis, Realtors, 1954
Lo, 1954
Lu to Ly, 1954
Maa to Man, 1954
Mahoney, George P., 1954
Mailing Lists, 1954
Mar to Maz, 1954
Maryland Committee for Conservation, 1953
Mayfield, Earle B., 1954
McA to McF, 1954
McDaniel, G. Arthur-re. Dinner, Editors, June 21, 1954
McG to McW, 1954
Mer to Mey, 1954
Mi, 1954
Moa to Moo, 1954
Mor to Moy, 1954
Mu to My, 1954
Ni to Ny, 1954
Na to Ne, 1954
O, 1954
Pa, 1954
Pe to Ph, 1954
Pi to Pos, 1954
Police, Campus, 1954
Pot to Fy, 1954
President's Reception, September 24th, 1954
President's Reception, Sept. 13, 1954
Prince George's County, Young Men's Christian Association, 1954
Programs, 1954
Q to Ra, 1954
Radcliffe, Senator George L., 1954
Ray, Joseph M., 1954
Re, 1954
Research Contracts, 1954
Research Corporation, 1954
Resident Status, 1954
Elizabeth Revyuk Foundation, 1954
Rh to Ri, 1954
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 158 (cont’d)
Roa to Ror, 1954
Ros to Ry, 1954
Sa to Sce, 1954
Salary Study, Faculty, 1954
Self-Liquidating Project, 1954
Scha to Schn, 1954
Scho to Scu, 1954
Scoggins Case, 1954
Alumnae Advisory Center, Inc., 1959
Association of American Medical Colleges, 1959
Association of American Universities, 1959
Association of American Colleges, 1959
Animal Health Institute, 1959
Ar, 1959
Association of College and University Housing Officers, 1959
Association of Governing Boards of State Universities & Allied Institutions, 1959
Architects-Selection of Men and Women's Priorities, 1959
Asphalt Institute, 1959
Aa, 1959
BOX 159
Miscellaneous Associations, 1959
American City Bureau, (Fund Raising Organization), 1959
Atlantic Coast Conference By-Laws Proposed Changes in, 1959
Atlantic Coast Conference, 1959
Am. Ass'n of Land-Grant Agricultural Experiment Station Appropriations, 1959
American Assn. of Land-Grant Colleges (Hearing Before Senate Comm. on Banking & Currency
re College Housing) Jan. 26, 1959
American Friends Service Committee, Inc., 1958-1957
Agriculture-Various State Departments of 1959, 1959
American-Asian Educational Exchange, Inc., 1959
American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1958
American Association of Junior Colleges, 1958
American Assn. of School Administrators, 1959
American Assn. of University Women, 1959
American Assn. of University Professors, 1959
American Cancer Society, 1959
American College of Dentists, 1959
Am. College of Dentists-Md., Chapter, 1959
American College Public Relations, 1959
Aging-Conference on, 1959
American Council of Learned Societies, 1959
American Dairy Science Association, 1959
American Flag Association, 1959
Asia Foundation, 1959
American Friends of the Hebrew University, Inc., 1959-1960
American Institute of Architects (Potomac Valley), 1959
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 159 (cont’d)
America-Israel Society (Maryland Chapter), 1959
American Society for Engineering Education, 1959
Baa, [1959]
Alumni Club of, 1959 (2f)
Advertising Club of, 1959
City of, Mayor, 1959
City of, 1959
Council of Social Agencies, 1959
News-Post, 1959
City-Rotary Club, 1959
Baltimore Contractors, Inc., 1959
Baltimore Jewish Council, 1959
Ban, 1959
Bat, 1959
Bit, 1959
Bow, 1959
Boa, 1959
Bur, 1959
Bit, 1956
Bes, 1959
Bri, 1959
Bru, 1959
Bertorellie, Hon. Joseph A., 1959
Butler, John Marshall, 1959
Boy Scouts of America, (Nation's Capital Area Council, Inc.), 1959
Caa, 1959
Campus Club, 1959
Carnegie Corporation of New York, 1959
Carr, Thomas, 1959
Cas, 1958-1959
Casbarian & Cousins, 1959
Chaffinch, William P., 1959
Cho, 1959
Coh, 1959
Chaplains, 1959
College Park-Town of, 1959
City of College Park-Dedication of Municipal Center, 1959
Cohen, Ronald J. (Breakage Fee), 1959
Contee Sand & Gravel Co. (Request for Re-Zoning), 1959
BOX 160
College Park Board of Trade, 1959
College Life Insurance Company of America, 1959
College Park, Municipal Center, Corner Stone Laying, Speak, Aug., 2, 1959
Con, 1959
Cory, Ernest N. (Dr.), 1959
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 160 (cont’d)
Council For Financial Aid to Education, Inc., 1959
Council of State Governments, 1958
Cr, 1959
Da, 1959
Danforth Foundation, 1959
De, 1959
Deckman, Joseph H., 1959
Dean, Naoma Root, 1959
Di, 1959
The Diamondback, 1959
District of Columbia-College Health Association, 1959
Diffenback, George G., (Abotts Dairies), 1959
Directives, 1959
Do, [1957-1959] (3f)
Dr, 1959
Dun, Bishop, 1959
Dunn, John Carroll, 1959
Du Pont de Nemours & Co., 1959
Educators Conference, 1959
DuPont de Nemours and Co., E. I., 1959
Ea, 1959
El, 1959
Embassies, 1959
Emeritus, 1959
Englehardt, Ted-Architect, 1959
Ep, 1959
Food Fair Stores Foundation, 1958-1959
Fi, 1959
Fidelity-Baltimore National Bank & Trust Company, 1959
First National Bank of Baltimore, Wood, H. Graham & Tangney, Frank V., 1959
Fl, 1959
Florida Board of Control, 1959
Fa, 1959
Faculty-Proposal to Recognize by Board of Regents, 1959
Faculty Club, 1959
Federal Reserve System, 1959
Ford Foundation, 1959
Foreign Student Council of Greater Washington, 1959
Fra, 1959
Fulbright Program, 1959
Fri, 1958-1959 (2f)
Fund for Adult Education, 1959 (2f)
Ga, 1959
Ge, 1959
General Electric Company, 1959
Gl, 1959
Goldstein, Hon. Louis L., 1959
Goodman, Philip H., 1959
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 160 (cont’d)
Gra, 1959
Grant Foundation, 1959
Gro, 1959
Greater Washington Educational Television Ass'n, Inc., 1959
By-laws, 1959
Publications, etc., 1959
Gaffey, Emma Clark, 1959
Han, 1959
Hod, 1959
Haa, 1959
Has, 1959
Hen, 1959
Hi, 1959
High Schools of Maryland-Requests to Make Commencement Addresses, 1959
Honorary Societies, 1955
Hop, 1959
Hopkins, Henry Powell-Architect, 1959
How, 1959
I, 1959
Humelsine, Dr. Carlisle, (Colonial Williamsburg), 1959
Industr. Corp. of Baltimore, 1959
Institutional Consulting Assoc., 1959
Insitute for Defense Analysis, 1959
Inter-University Committee on the Superior Student, 1959
International Affairs, undated
Ja, [1957, 1959]
Jo, 1959
Jull, Morley A., 1959
Ka, 1959
BOX 161
Ke, 1959
Kelly, George, 1959
Kellog, W. K. Foundation, 1959
Ki, 1959
Ko, 1959
Laa, 1959
Law, 1959
Lefrak, Samuel J., 1959
Les, 1959
Li, 1959
Lo, 1959
Luber, John C., Hon., 1959
Maa, 1959
Man, 1959
Mailing Lists, 1959
Manufacturing Chemists' Association, 1959
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 161 (cont’d)
The Martin Company, [1959]
May Day, 1959
Mas, 1959
M Club, 1959
M Club Awards Banquet, Statler-Cocktails 6:00; 7:30, Dinner (Presidential Room), 1959
M Club-International Tennis Stars, April 4, 1959
McA, 1959
McG, 1959
McKeldin, Theodore, 1959
Mea, [1959]
Mer, [1959]
Mey, [1959]
Moo, [1958-1959] (2f)
Mu, 1959
Na, 1959
New Orleans Mid-Winter Sports Assn., 1959
Ni, 1959
No, 1959
Nock, Mary L., Hon., 1959
President's Committee on Employment of the Physically Handicapped, 1959
Oa, 1959
Op, 1959
O'A, 1959
Old Line, 1959
Op, 1959
Pa, 1959
Parran, Senator John T.-(Also Materials on Charles County History and Fairs in General), Oct. 3,
Pe, 1959
Pf, 1959
Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association, 1959
Pitney-Bowes, Inc., Educational Gifts, Program, 1959
Poetry, Chair of, Mrs. Gladis Wenk, 1959
Pr, 1959
President's Comm. On Scientists & Engineers, 1959
President's Reception, 1959
Pressinger, Mr. Whitefield, 1959
Pres. Reception, Library, Complete Invitation List, September 18, 1959
Sept. 18, 1959, President's Reception-New Students & Faculty Members, 1959
Prevost, John W., Capt., 1959
Prince George's County, 1959
Prince George's Board of County Commissioners, 1959
Ralston Purina Company, Gwin, Dr. James M., 1959
Reckord Memorial Comm., Ltrs. re Naming of Armory for Gen. Milton A. Reckord, 1959
Rockefeller Foundation, (Also Account No.84-305), 1959-1960
Rosenbloom, Benjamin, "Rosenbloom Fund for Cardiovascular Research," [1959]
Faculty Salaries, Cissel's Tabulation Survey of Universities, 1959-1960
Salary Scales, 1959
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 161 (cont’d)
Small Business Administration, 1959
Southern Asso. of Land Grant Colleges & St. Universities, 7th Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Ga.,
September 28-29, 1959
Southern Assn. of Land-Grant Colleges and State Universities General, 1959
Southern Association of Land Grant Colleges & State Universities 7th Annual MeetingSept., 28-29, 1959
Steinberg, S. S., 1959
Dean Steinberg's Resignation, 1956
Terrapin Club-Club Officers for 1959-1960, 1959
Washington Suburban Sanitary Comm. Right of Way for Constr. of Sewer Line-Serve Campus
Drive, Etc.
Z, [1959]
Q, 1959
Ra, 1959
Rea, 1959
Ren, 1959
Republican Committee, 1959
Research Corporation, 1959
Ril, 1959
Rock Creek Park Day, 1959
Rose, 1959
Ros, 1959
Rotary Club, Cambridge, Md., June 26, 1959
Ru, 1959
Sa, 1959
Sacks, Florence, 1959
Sch, 1959
Sci, 1959
Sel, 1959
Shi, 1959
Sino-American Cultural Committe, 1959
Sk, 1959
Smithsonian Institute, 1959
Sn, 1959
Snoufer, E. Nelson, 1959
Society for the Advancement of Education, 1959
Society for International Development, 1959
S O S Personnel Bureau, 1959
Space Utilization Analysis, 1959
Southern University Conference, 1959
Southern University Conference, St. Petersburg, Florida, April 22-25, 1959
Sq, 1959
Ste, 1959
BOX 162
Str, 1959
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 162 (cont’d)
Suburban Trust Company-Advisory Board, 1959
Surplus Property, Md. State Agency for, 1959 (2f)
Suburban Trust Company, 1959
Ta, 1959
Tatum, Jim Death-Thursday, July 23, 1959
Te, 1959
Terrapin Club, 1959
Texas Western College, Schellenger Research Laboratory, 1959
Tho, 1959
Thornburg, John Jr., 1959
Ti, 1959
Tobacco Growers Information Committee, 1958-59
Tr, 1959
Tu, 1959
Turnbull, John Grason Hon., 1959
University Publishers Incorporated, Old University Pres., 1959
V, 1959
Variety Clubs International, 1959
Virginia Record Magazine, 1959
Waa, 1959
Wam, 1959
Was, 1959
Washington Building Trade Council, 1959
Washington, D.C., 1959
Washington Gas and Light Company, [1958]
Washington Post & Times Herald, Erwin Knoll (Writing Article), 1959
Wec, 1959
Walton & Madden-Architects, 1959
Warren, Harry I.-Aetna Life Insurance, Company, 1959
Warfield, III, Edwin-President-The Daily Record, 1959
Wes, 1959
Wej, [1959]
Whi, 1959
White, Dr. Earnest F., Executive Director, Council of Social Work, Ed., 1959
White, C. M., 1959
Wih, 1959
Wio, 1959
Woo, 1959
Woolford, Miss Lena Rigby, 1959
World Scope Encyclopedia, 1959
Woodrow Wilson Fellowship, 1959
Aa, 1958
American Association for the Advancement of Science, [1958]
Am, 1958
American Cancer Society, 1958
American Council for Emigres in the Professions, 1958
Aging-Conference on, 1958
Agriculture-Various State Depts. of, 1958
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 162 (cont’d)
Ar, 1958
Asia Foundation, 1958
Association of American Colleges, 1958
Association of American Medical Colleges, 1958
Association of American Universities, 1958
Association of Governing Boards of State Universities and Allied Institutions, 1958
Atlantic Coast Conference, 1958
Atomic Industrial Forum, 1958
American Society for Engineering Education, 1958
Anonymous Letters, 1958
American Assoc. of University Professors, 1958
American Assoc. of University Women, 1958
American Association of Junior Colleges, Feb. 16, 1958
Association of Governing Boards & St. Univ. & Allied Institutions-Meeting, Oct. 15-18, 1958
American Association of Land-Grant Colleges, [Council of Presidents-2:00 p.m. November 10,
American Association. of Land Grant Colleges and Universities-Questionnaire on State Support,
Fee, etc., 1958
American Assn. of Land Grant Colleges Etc., Training for Gov't Service, November 9, 1958
Am. Assn. of Land-Grant Colleges & St. University National Agri. Extension Center for
Advanced Study, 1958
Am. Ass'n of Land-Grant Colleges & St. Uni. Joint Comm. on Educational Television, 19571958
American Assn. of Land Grant Colleges Etc. Exchange of Personnel-Colleges & U. S. Dept. of
Agriculture, 1958
Am. Ass'n of Land-Grant Colleges & St. Univs. Teachers Education, Joint Comm. on, 1958
American Assn., of Land Grant Colleges Etc. Training for Gov't Service April 7-8, 1958 (2f)
Baa, 1958
Ban, 1958
Baltimore, Building and Construction Trades Council, 1958
Baltimore, City of Mayor, 1958
Baltimore, City of, [1958]
Baltimore Contractors, Inc., 1958
Bat, 1958
Byrd Citizenship Awards, 1958
Bur, 1958
Exec. Comm.-Reorganization of, 1960
Barager, Corinne, 1958
Bru, 1958
Byrd Portrait, 1958
Butler, Hon. John Marshall, 1958
Beh, 1958 (2f)
Beach, Rex, M. S., Public Relations Counsel, [1958]
Bes, 1958
Bow, 1958
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 163
Bri, 1958
Boy Scouts of America (Nation's Capital Area Council, Inc.), 1958
Brakely, G. A., 1958
Bit, 1958
Butler, John Marshall-Quattlebaum Report Made in 1958, 1958
Budget Requests, 1957-1958
Can, 1958
Carroll County Farm Bureau, 1958
Cas, 1958
Carnegie Corporation of New York, 1958
Chaffinch, William P., 1958
Cho, 1958
Chaplains, 1958
Coh, 1958
College Life Insurance Co. of America, 1958
College Park, Town of, 1958
College Park, Smoke Situation in Fire Service Extension, 1958
College Park-Citizens Advisory Comm., 1958, 1961 (2f)
Con, 1958
Convocation-Faculty & Student 10:15 a.m. Friday, February 28, 1958
Convocation, February 28, 1958
Convocation-Address, February 20th, 1958
Convocation, Freshman, September 15, 1958
Council for Financial Aid to Education, Inc., 1958
Council for the Advancement of Small Colleges, 1958
Council of Maryland Psychiatric Societies, 1958
Cr, 1958
Da, 1958
Day, Robert S., Major, 1958
De, 1958
Denton, Margo Lucey, [1958]
Di, 1958
Directives, 1958
Du, 1958
Dunning, H. A. B., Dr., 1958
DuPont de Nemours and Co., E. I., 1958
Ea, 1958
El, 1958
Embassies, 1958
Englehardt, Ted-Architect, 1958
Enoch Pratt Free Library, 1958
Faculty Club, 1958
Fa, 1958
Food Fair Stores Foundation, 1958
Fl, 1958
Ford Foundation, 1958
Fra, 1958
Frohman, Phillips I., Dr., 1958
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 163 (cont’d)
Fund for Adult Education, 1958
Fulbright Program, 1958
Fi, 1958
Ga, 1958
Gaffey, Emma Clark, 1958
Garret, Reverend J. Ray, 1958
Ge, 1958
General Electric Company, 1958
General Motors Corporation, 1958
Gl, 1958
Goldstein, Honorable Louis L., 1958
Goodman, Philip H., 1958
Government & Higher Education (Dr. Milton Eisenhower's Committee), 1958
Governor's Comm. to Promote Employment of the Physically Handicapped Sch., 1959
Du, 1958
Gra, 1958
Grant Foundation, 1958
Gro, 1958
Haa, 1958
Han, 1958
Has, 1958
Hop, 1958
Hopkins, Henry Powell, Architect, 1958
Hed, 1958
Hen, 1958 (2f)
Hi, 1958
High School of Maryland-Requests to Make Commencement Addresses, 1958
Humelsine, Dr. Carlisle, 1958
How, 1958
I, 1958
International Association of Universities, 1957
Inter-University Committee on the Superior Student, 1958
Inventory, 1956-1959 (4f)
Ja, 1958
Jo, 1958
Ka, 1958
Karasik Case, 1958
Karstein, Karl, 1958
Ke, 1958
Kelman, Ward, 1958
Ki, 1958
Ko, 1958
Laa, 1958
Law, 1958
Lewis, John S., Rear Admiral USN (Ret), 1958
Li, 1958
Lo, 1958
Luber, John C., Hon, 1958
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 163 (cont’d)
Maa, 1958
Malcolm, Dr. William George, 1958
Man, 1958
Manufacturing Chemists' Association, Inc., 1958
Mas, 1958
Mer, 1958
Mea, 1958
Mey, 1957-1958 (2f)
M Club, 1958
M Club Dinner-Sat. Evening, 1958 Emerson Hotel, Dec. 13, 1958
McA, 1958
McG, 1958
McKinstry, Donald W., Dr., 1958
Min, 1958
Middle Atlantic Placement Officers Association, 1958
BOX 164
Middle Atlantic Mobilehome Association, 1958
Montgomery County Board of Appeals, 1958
Mu, 1958
Myers, Mrs. Dorothy M., 1955
Na, 1958
Ni, 1958
Northeastern Senior High School, 1958
No, 1958
Nuclear Reators [Reactors]-Baltimore Assoc. of Commerce, 1958
Oa, 1958
Pa, 1958
Pf, 1958
Police, Campus, 1958
Pr, 1958
President's Committee on Education Beyond the High School, 1958
President's Reception, The Library, September 19, 1958
Prince George's County, 1958
President's Citizens Advisory Comm. on Fitness of American Youth (West Point), Sept. 9 & 10,
President's Committee on Employment of the Physically Handicapped, 1958
President's Reception at President's Home-Honoring Mavis, Borreson and Dyke, Jan. 24, 1958
Quaker Oats Company, 1958
College Park-Radio Station (Proposed), 1958
Rea, 1958
Ren, 1958
Research Corporation, [1958]
Ril, 1958
Roe, 1958
Rockefeller Foundation, 1958
Rohrbaugh, Dr. Lewis H., 1957
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 164 (cont’d)
Ros, 1958
Rosenbaum, Harry, Mr., 1958
Ru, 1958
Sa, 1958
Sch, 1958
Sci, 1958
Sel, 1958
Shi, 1958
Sino-American Cultural Committee, 1958
Sk, 1958
Sn, 1958
Southern College Personnel Association, 1958
Southern University Conference, 1958
Southern University Conference, Williamsburg, Va., (Comm. on Graduate Instruction &
Research), April 17-18, 1958
Sports Illustrated, 1958
Sq, 1958
Standard Oil Co., (The Lamp), 1958
Steinberg, S. S., 1958
Steward, A. B., 1958
Ste, 1958
Str, 1958
Ta, 1958
Takoma Park 75th Anniversary, 1958
Te, 1958
Telephone Survey, 1958
Terrapin Club, 1958
Terrapin Club Dinner & Alumni-Variety Game, April 12, 1958
Tho, 1958
Ti, 1958
Tr, 1958
Tu, 1958
U, 1958
United Givers Fund, 1958
[Loose Materials-Correspondence, 1958]
V, 1958
Waa, 1958
Walters Art Gallery Loan-Smith, Naomi, 1958
Wam, 1958
Was, 1958
World Literacy by Television, 1958
Wolfe, J. Theodore, 1958
Washington, D.C., 1958
Wec, 1958
Wes, 1958
Wej, 1958
Wharton, Carol, (Citation), 1958
Whi, 1958
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 164 (cont’d)
White, Lucius R., Jr., Architects, 1958
Wih, 1958
Wim, 1959
Wio, 1958
Woo, 1958
Z, 1958
Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development (re Conference on Economic Growth &
Investment in Ed.), 1961
Oakridge Operations, 1959-1960, (2f)
O'A, 1960
Old Line, 1960
Pa, 1960
Pf, 1960
Pe, 1960
BOX 165
Pershing, John J., Stamp, (Ltr. from Robt. W. Swatts, Indiana), 1960
Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association, 1960
Sa, 1960
Sel, 1960
Sk, 1960
Smithsonian Institute, 1960
Smock, Mrs. Harold L. in 1960, [1960]
Smith, R. Paul, (Hood College Trustee), 1960
Southern College Personnel Assn., 1960
Pr, 1960
Prince George's County, 1960
Sunday, Pres. & Mrs. Elkins' Tea for Graduating Seniors, May 15, 1960
President's Report to Board, June 21, 1960
President's Annual Report, Board of Regents, June 18, 1959
President's Report Over Past 5 Year Period, 1959
President's Reception, Receiving Line, Hostesses & Chief Hostesses, 1960
President's Reception for New Students-Invitation Lists, Sept. 16, 1960
President's Reception for New Students & New Faculty Members, September 16, 1960
President's Reception, New Faculty Members-List of Sept. 16, 1960
Q, 1960
Ra, 1960
Rea, 1960
Retired Professors Registry List of Registrants, 1960
Ril, 1960
Risher, Charles Wesley-Complaint Re Telephones in Montgomery Hall, 1960
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company (Re Donations, etc.), 1960
Roe, 1960
Ros, 1960
Rosenbaum, Harry, Mr., 1960
Rose, Philip, 1960
Ru, 1960
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 165 (cont’d)
Rubinstein, Dr. H. S., 1960
Sch, 1960
Sci, 1960
Shi, 1960
Sino-American Cultural Committee, 1960
Shuger, Albert A., 1960
Small Business Administration, [1960]
Southern University Conference, 1960-1962
Southern Assn. of Land-Grant Colleges and State Universities-General, 1960
Southern Governer's Conference, Regional Advisory Council Nuclear Energy, [1960]
Sq, [1960]
Stanton, William A. (Dr.), 1960-1961
Ste, 1960
Steiff, Frederick Philip, 1960
Sn, 1960
Sports Illustrated, 1960-1961
April 21-22, Southern University Conference-Program, 1960-1961
Str, 1960
Suburban Trust Co., 1960-1961
Subversive Activities Act of 1949, 1960
Surplus Property New Warehouse, Annapolis Junction Map, 1960
Surplus Property, Md. State Agency for, 1960
Ta, 1960
Taylor, Kay S. (Mrs.), Re: Crisfield Lab, 1960
Te, 1960
Greater Washington Educational Television Assn., Inc., 1960
Terrapin Club, 1960-1961
Tho, 1960
Ti, 1960
Teacher's Insurance & Annuity Ass'n of Am. (College Retirement Equities Fund), 1960
Tr, 1960
University Heights Improvement Assn., Inc., 1958
United World Federalists, Inc. (Baltimore Area Council), 1961
Unofficial Ambassadors, Inc. (re Mobile Museum Tours Plan), 1960
University & World Affairs, Committee on, 1961
Walton and Madden Architects, 1960
Warfield, III, Edwin-President-The Daily Record, [1960]
Washington Post and Times Herald, [1961]
Washington, D.C., [1960]
V, [1960]
WJZ-TV-Westinghouse Broadcasting Co., Balt.-Tape Recording, Oct. 11, 1960
1958 Silver Anniversary Award Winners (Consideration of Scholarship Award), 1960
White, Charles M.-M Club Award, Dec. 3, 1960
White, C. M., [1960]
White House Conference on Children & Youth, March 27-April 1, 1960
Wigton-Abbott Corporation (Engineers & Constructors), 1960
Wih, [1960]
Williams Mobile Offices (for Mr. Plummer's Attention & Suggested Reply), [1961]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 165 (cont’d)
X-Y, [1960]
Finance & Business, Casbarian Audit, 1960
United Givers Fund Campaign on Campus (C. P.) for 1959-Ltr. Of Appreciation to Workers,
Woo, 1960
Wio, 1961
BOX 166
Computer Science Center
Ltr. fr. Fiscal Research Re Charges Made by …, July 1968
Appointments Promotions, 1968
General File, 1967-1968 (2f)
Appts. & Prom., 1967
New Equipment (Univac 1108), Bd. Approval, May 12, 1967
Re. Needs in Area of Use of Computers at Uni., March 1967
Balt. Sun Article of January 29, 1967
General File, 1966
Appts. & Promotions, 1966
Re: Nat'l Survey on Expenditures, Ect [Etc.] of Digital Computers, 1966-1967
Re: Discretization & Differentiation Operators-Nation's Method, May 1965
Accept Resignation of Dr. Morris Ostrofsky-Director of Computer Science Center, 1966
Dr. S. D. Conte-Director of Computer Science Center (Candidate), April 19, 1966
Computer Science Center-General, 1964-1965 (2f)
Computer Center, 1963
Appt. Computer Science Center, Dr. Alan A. Goldstein-Sr. Res. Anay. & Research Associate
Prof., Sept. 1, 1963
Computer Science Center
Change in Title-Dr. Werner C. Rhienboldt, July 1, 1963
Dr. Werner C. Rheinboldt-Academic Rank of Research Prof. of Computer Science-July
Computer Center, 1962
Computer Science Center-Progress Report, 1962
Computer Science Center at University of Maryland, Plan for, 1962
Committees-Data Processing, Report of, 1958
Computation Center, Apt. Dr. Werner C. Rheinboldt, 1961
M, 1962
McA, 1962
McG, 1962
McKeldin, Theodore R., 1962
MAA, 1962
M Club, 1962
M Club-Awards Dinner-Associate Justice Byron R. White, Dec. 8, 1962
Man, 1962-1963
Manufacturing Chemists' Association, 1962
Marzetta, Louis A., (Protesting Part-Time Student Ruling), 1962
Maryland Magazine, General Release (Executed), 1962
Md. Academy of Sciences-Award to Young Scientist of Year, Oct. 11, 1962
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 166 (cont’d)
Civil Defense Procedures, 1962
Martin Company-Research Institute for Advanced Studies, 1962
Martin Company, 1962
Mas, 1962
Matthews, John G., (Interior Decorator), 1962
Mea, 1962
Meet Americans, Inc., (A Club), 1962
Mechine, W. Albert, Judge, 1962
Mer, 1962
Mey, 1962
Middle Atlantic Placement Officers Assn., 1962
Min, 1962
Moo, 1962
Mu, 1962
Na, 1962
New York Times, Subscriptions, 1962
New York State, 1962
Niles, Barton, Gans & Markell (Re Allison Mullikin Estate), 1961
Niles, Judge Emory H., (Re Roger Howell Scholarship), 1962
No, 1962
Oa, 1962
Orr, David B. (Dr.), Attack at Football Game on Oct., 1962
BOX 167
Ottenstein, Thomas R.-Constr. of Dormitory-Goldstein's Letter, 1962
Oakridge Institute-AEC Studies in Atomic Reactor Technology, Etc., [1962]
Outdoor Recreation Resources, 1961
Palmer Chem. & Equip Co., Complaint Against Natural Resources, October 15, 1962
Pennsylvania, General Assembly (Joint State Government Commission), 1962
Pa, 1962
Op, 1962
Pe, 1962
People to People Program, (See Also Student Life), 1962
Perlman, Ellis (See Nat. Capital Transportation Agency), 1962
Petree, Ben-Columbia Road, Citizens Assn., 1962
Perry, Marvin J., Phi Delta Theta (See Student Life Frats), 1962
Pe, 1961
Pf, 1962
…,Failure in Pre-College Summer Session, 1962
Pittsburg [Pittsburgh] Plate Glass Foundation of Cumberland-Scholarship Program, Nov. 1962
Price, T. Rowe
Gen., 1962
Endowment, 1962
Emerson, 1962
Common Trust, 1962
Highlights, 1962
Organization Chart, 1962
Pr, 1962
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 167 (cont’d)
Provenza, Stephen J., 1962
President's Reception, Hostess-Receiving Line, Guests, Etc., 1962
President's Reception, Lists, 1962
Prince George's Board of County Commissioners, 1962
Prince George's County Chamber of Commerce, 1962
P. G. Chamber of Commerce (re Hearing on Flood Control), 1962
Q, 1962
Ralston-Purina Co., Gwin, Dr. James M., 1962
Ra, 1962
Rea, 1962
Reader's Digest, 1962
Regal-Empire Associates, Inc., re Laundry Service for Uni. Hospital, 1962
Regina High School-see Elkins Pers., 1962
Ren, 1962
Ribi, A. F. (Offer of Scientific Equipment), 1962
Richards, W. M. (Summer Sch. Student re Dining Hall Incident), 1962
Rickover, Vice Adm. Hyman G., Comments on American Schools-(Dr. Elkins' Remark on This),
Ril, 1962
Roe, 1962
Roland Park Realty Co., (David F. Woods), 1962
Ros, 1962
Rosenfeld, Moses, 1962
Ru, 1962
Sa, 1962
Salaries-Comparison & Growth Study-Office of Education, 1962
Salaries for Administration, 1962-1963 (Presented at June 15, 1962, Board Meeting), 1962
Sa, 1962
Sch, 1962
Sci, 1962
Scott & Associates of District of Columbia-(This is a Teacher-Employment Agency), 1962
Sel, 1962
Shi, 1962
Sk, 1962
Slanker, Frederick K. (Re: Phi Delta Theta Fraternity), 1962
Southern Uni. Conf., April 3 & 4, 1962
Sq, 1962
Ste, 1962
Str, 1962
Sn, 1962
Socony, Mobil Oil Company, 750$ Gift to Graduate Division of Dept. of Physics, 1962
Sports Illustrated, (Allan Seager's Article-Joys of Sport at Oxford), 1962
Southern Assn. of Land-Grants "Year-Round Operation of Universities," Oct. 8, 1962
Suburban Trust Co., 1962
Suburban Advisory Board, [1962]
Ta, 1962
Te, 1962
Greater Wash. Educational Television Association, 1962
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 167 (cont’d)
Tobbacco Growers Information Committee, 1962
T. V. Tobias-Material for Discussion, undated
Tr, 1962
Trent, Barbara-Daughter of Ralph M. Trent (Pangborn Corp.), 1962
Tripplet, Dr. Wm. H., Sec. of Alumni Club of Baltimore-re Dr. Merrill, 1962
Tu, 1962
U, 1962
Urban Renewal, Baltimore Hotel--Notice of Removal from Premises, 1962
United Givers at 3:30 p.m. in Symons Hall-Notes, Oct. 11, 1962
United Givers Fund Campaign, 1962
United Nations, [1962]
United States Agency for International Development, see Med. School-Pakistan Project, 1962
United Nations (Balt.) Jencks House, International Hospitality Center, 1962
University Publishers, 1962
U. S. Steel Foundation, Inc. Re: 2 yr. Graduate Study Fellowship Physics, 1962
V, 1962
Vacations, Reporting of-Deans and Administrative Officers, Summer 1962
Variety Clubs International, 1962
Visual Communications, Inc. (re Wm. K. Spierer, pres. letter), 1962
Tennessee, Univ. of, Self-Survey-Report of Elkins on Administration, May 1962
Terrapin Club, 1962
Terrapin Club
Membership, List for, 1962-1963
Party, Statler Hotel, Buffet & Dancing, Nov. 17, 1962
Tho, 1962
Ti, 1962
Waa, 1962
Wam, 1962
Was, 1962
Dr. Elkins Files, Washington Academy of Sciences Awards Programs, 1962
Nov. 13, 12:00 to 2:00, Lunch by Washington Center for Metro Studies, Arts Club, 20177 Eye
St. N.W., 1962
Washington Center for Metropolitan Studies Nominating Committee (Elkins a Member), Nov. 7,
Washington Academy of Sciences, 1962
Wash. Center for Metrop. Studies, 1726 Pa. Av., N.W. Washington, Nov. 29, 1962
W, 1962
BOX 168
The Washington Center for Metropolitan Studies, Executives Comm., November 28, 1962
Washington Statistical Society, re-Graduate Student in Statistics, 1961-1962
Weant, Edward O., Jr., (Re Veterinary Students at Uni. of GA), 1962
Wej, 1962
Welch, Dr. Mark-(Dr. Symons Letters re Dorchester and Delmarva), 1962
Wes, 1962
Whi, 1962
Wih, 1962
Wim, 1962
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 168 (cont’d)
Woodrow Wilson Fellowship, 1962
X-Y, 1962
Young, Richard E., Capt. (Re Evaluation of Work), 1962
Z, 1962
Washington Center for Metropolitan Studies, 1958-1962
World Space Directory, 1962-1963
Watson, Douglas-Author of History of Prince George's County, 1962
Aa, 1961
Agriculture, State Depts. of, 1961
Academy of Achievement, 1961
Advertising Club of Metro Washington, 1961
Aetna Life Affiliated Companies, 1961
Am, 1961
American Assoc. of University Women, 1961
American Assoc. of University Professors, 1961
Anonymous Letters, 1961
Assoc. of Gov. Boards of State Univ. & Colleges, 1961
Am. Assn. for Health, Phy. Ed., & Rec. Feb., 1961 Magazine Article, 1961
American Feed Manufacturers Ass'n., 1961
Assn. of College and University Housing Offices, 1961
Assoc. of American Colleges, 1961
Am. Association of University Professors Subject, Faculty Salaries-Questionnaire on, 1961
Ass'n of Governing Boards-Regional Conference-March 26-28, 1961
Am. Bankers Assn. Re Cancellation of Charles F. Peake’s Fellowship, 1961
American Cancer Society, 1961-1962
American Committe on Africa, 1961
American Food for Peace Council (Organized & University Representative), 1961
American Friends Service Committee, Inc., 1961
American-Israel Society (Maryland Chapter), undated
America's Junior Miss Scholarship, 1961
American Medical Association, Materials, 1961
Association of State Colleges, (No Action at Present), 1961
Assn. of Gov. Board of State Uni. & Allied Institutes, 1961
Assn. of American Medical Colleges, 1961
Ar, 1961
Ascarza, Fernando Ruiz, 1961
Architecture, School of, 1961 Establisment, 1961
Atlantic Coast Conference, 1961
Athletic Committee-Atlantic Coast Conference Varsity Football, 1961
American (Associations with American.....) Misc. File, 1961
Baa, 1961
Ded. Western Health District Bldg. 700 West Lombard St., Baltimore, March 18, 1961
Balder Foundation (Cross Ref), Charles M. Balder--see Med School (Being Held for Report to
Board in Sept.), 1961
Bradley, Mrs. Sydney E., 1961
Ban, 1961
Bat, 1961
Beh, 1961
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 168 (cont’d)
Bes, 1961
Boa, 1961
Bit, 1961
Bow, 1961
Bri, 1961
Bru, 1961
Bur, 1961
Brown, Helen Elizabeth-Workmen's Compensation Comm. (Discrimination Toward Women
Faculty Members), 1960-1961
B'nai B'rith Foundation Dinner, Mrs. Irma Bogdanoff, May 4, 1961
Caa, 1961
Capital Improvements List for Reference Year Sept., 1961
Capit. Improvements Comm. Recomendations, 1961
Cas, 1961
Chaplains-Chapel-Facilities, Expansion of, 1961
Committee of One Million, 1961
Council on Economic Education in Md. Re: Uni. of Maryland. Providing Permanent Heads &
Assuming Responsibility, 1961
Cooperative Dental Laboratories (Gift to School of Dentistry), 1961
Con, 1961
Cr, 1961
Council of Am. Graduate Schools of U. S., 1961
Cho, 1961
Da, 1961
Danford Foundation, 1961
De, 1961
Di, 1961
Directories, 1961
Do, 1961
Dr, 1961
Du, 1961
DuPont De Nemours & Co., 1961
DuPont de Nemours & Company, Educators Conference, Dean Smith, June 19-June 29, 1961
BOX 169
Ea, 1961
Eastern Arts Association, (Re Convention in Baltimore), March 11-14, 1961
El, 1961
Ep, 1961
Fa, 1961
Faculty Club, [1961]
Faculty-Reception for Members Retiring, June 30, 1961
Fees, Remission of-Teacher Training, 1961
Fi, 1961
First Nat'l Bank of Balt.-Charges for Custodian Agency, 1961
First Nat'l Bank of Baltimore-Wood, H. Graham & Tangney, Frank V., 1961
Fl, 1961
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 169 (cont’d)
Ford, Foundation, 1961
Food Fair Stores Foundation, 1961
Foreign Student Service Council of Greater Wash., 1961
Fra, 1961
Fri, 1961
Freedom in a Federal World, 1961
Fulbright Program, 1961
Furcolo, Foster (Gov. of Mass.) Insurance Plan, 1961
Ga, 1961
Ge, 1961
Gl, 1961
Golf, Club, University of Maryland (Mr. Lappin President of), 1961
Greenberg, Elizabeth-rep. for Christian Science Monitor, 1961
Green, Ralph T., Dr. (Director, Commission on Higher Education in Texas) Material on Nicholas
Brown, [1961]
Glasser, Julian, [1961]
Glade, Wm. P., Jr., 1961
Greater Washington Educational Television Assn., 1961
Gro, 1961
Ha, 1961
Han, 1961
Has, 1961
Harpers Magazine-Article by John Fischer, Editor's Easy Chair, 1961
W. M. Randolph Hearst (Also Hearst Newspapers), 1961
Material on Employment, Winifred G. Helmes, Jan. 5, 1961
Hofer, Dr. Ernest, 1963
Hoffman, Lee, Am. Conservation Trustees, Inc., (See Also Extension Service), 1963
Hood, Mrs. H. B., (Re Col. Wharton), 1963-1964
Inter-American Defense College (Fort McNair, Washington 25, D.C.), 1963
International Assn., of Milk Control Agencies, 1963
International Conference on Spectroscopy, June 18-22, 1962
Hen, 1961
Hi, 1961
Hi, 1960
Hop, 1961
How, 1961
Humelsine, Dr. Carlisle (Colonial Williamsburg), 1960-1961
Hod, 1961
I, 1961
Industrial Union Dept., Cochran's Let. re BPA Economic Resea. Bulletin-See Bureau of B.& E.
Res., 1961
Institute of International Education, 1961
Industrial Development Commission of Baltimore County, 1961
International Union, 1961
Iago, John J., 1961
Ja, 1961
Jo, 1961
Ka, 1961
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 169 (cont’d)
Ke, 1961
Ki, 1961
Li, 1961
Lo, 1961
Lubore, Terry S., Pres., P. G. Assn. for Retarded Children Property, 1961
Kuhn, Albin O., Executive Vice President, 1961
Kuhn: Bainbridge Matter-1961 (Meeting with Mester & Delegates from Harford & Cecil
Counties), 1961
Ko, 1961
Kuhn, Albin O., Exect. Vice President, 1961
Kuhn-Time Allocation, Budget & Cap. Improvements, 1961
Lankford, Richard, 1961
Les, 1961
Traffic Violations of Charlotte A. Leedy, 1961
Lerner, Charles S., Inter-University Press, 1961
Maa, 1961
Man, 1961
Manufacturing Chemists' Assn., 1960
M Club, 1961
M Club Continuation of, 1961
The Martin Company, 1960
Marshall, George Preston-Game-Redskins-Almas Temple of Washington, August 19, 1961
Martin Company, 1961
Mayo Brothers-Citizens Advisory Comm. for Commemorative Stamps, 1961
Matthews, John G., 1961
McA, 1961
MacDonald, John Z., (Book Spirit of Attitude Filed in Areaway), 1961
McG, 1961
McKeldin Theodore R., 1961
McKinsey & Company, Inc., (See also Endowment & Devel.), 1961
Mea, 1961
Medical Bureau, Inc. (Employment Agency), 1961
Mer, 1961
Mey, 1961
Min, 1961
Moo, 1961
Mu, 1961
Municipal Technical Advisory Service, 1961
Muros, Dr. Ramos C., Phy. Ed in Argentina, 1961
Md. Academy of Sciences (Enoch Pratt Free Library), 1961
Md. St. Assn. of County Commissioners (Technical Advisory Service), 1961
Na, 1961
Navigation Congress in Balt., Sept. 11-19, 1961
Navigation Congress, Permanent Assn. of, 1961
National Society of Colonial Dames of America, 1961
New York State, 1961
Nat'l Opinion Research Center Career Plans of June Graduates & Undergraduates, 1961
National Lutheran Council-Urban Church Planning-Wagner & Shope, 1960
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 169 (cont’d)
Niles, Barton, Gans & Markell (See T. Rowe Price-Common Trust Fund), 1961
New York State-Meeting Increasing Demand for Higher Education, 1961
Ni, 1961
North Dakota State Employment Service, Teachers Placement Division, 1961
Nursing Outlook, April, Dr. Elkins Article "Education is Continuous" (other copies ordered),
Pa, 1961
Parisius , Philip J., Lt. J. G., (re Admission to Graduate School of Civil Engineering, 1961
Park University Motel (Old Lord Calvert Apartments), 1961
Peace Corps (President's Executive Order Establishing), 1961
BOX 170
Pf, 1961
Pr, 1961
President's Citizens Advisory Comm. on Fitness of American Youth, 1961
President's Committee on Employment of the Physically Handicapped, [1960-1962]
President's Reception-New Students, September 18, 1961
President's Reception for Senior Students, May 14, 1961
Pres. Report on State of University to Board on June 15, 1961
Lloyd Price Scholarship Fund, 1961
Price, Edward J., Pres., Princess Anne, Volunteer Fire Co...... (see also Md. State College), 1961
Price, T. Rowe
Gen., 1961
Common Trust, 1961
Emerson, 1961
Endowment, 1961
Price, Highlights, 1961
Q, 1961
Ra, 1961
Golf Date With Joe Rash and Gen. Bradly Meet at 12:45 p. m., June 21, 1961
Reilly, Vincent J., (re Fire Service Extension), 1961
Rhodes Scholarship Representative on Campus, May 16, 1961
Rhodes, Louis Kennnard, Jr., (Asst. Principal-Springbrook H. S. Silver Spring), 1961
Robinson, Dr. J. Ben-(Re. New Facility for School of Dentistry), 1961
Rea, 1961
Ren, 1961
Ril, 1961
Roe, 1961
Ru, 1961
Rock Creek Park Day, 1961
Rose, Alexandria, (Mrs. Dewey Rose is Mother), 1961
Ltr. from Juliana Reese Schamp, Re. Registration, 1961
Schweinhault, Margaret C. (Delegate, re. Lost I.D. Card), 1961
Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc., 1961
Sealtest Foods-Contri. to (Greater Uni. of Md. Fund), 1961
Seltzer, H. N., (Lost I.D. Card Appeal to Del. Schweinhault), 1961
James C. Sinnigen & Co. Re. Employment of a Purchasing Agent & Other, 1961
Southern University Conference Membership & Standing Committees, 1961-1962
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 170 (cont’d)
Stack, Franklin C., (Re: Night Courses in Engineering), 1961
Request of Terrapin Club to Purchase Land from the University, 1961
Sa, 1961
Sch, 1961
Sci, 1961
Sel, 1961
Shi, 1961
Sk, 1961
Slaughter, H. T. (See BPA, Md. State Assn. of Cty. Commissioners), 1961
Sn, 1961
Southern Maryland Farm Economy & Tobacco, 1961
Sq, 1961
Ste, 1961
Str, 1961
Ta, 1961
Te, 1961
Tho, 1961
Ti, 1961
Tr, 1961
Tu, 1961
Tydings, Millard J., Luncheon Acceptance Nov. 10, 1961
Tydings, Millard E., Death of, Feb. 9, 1961
United Givers Fund Campaign on Campus, Ltrs. of Appreciation, Etc., 1961
United Givers Fund, 1961
Visual Communications, Inc. (McCarthey Coordinating), 1961
Washington Academy of Sci. Dinner Honoring Dr. Ferrell, Physics, Jan. 19, 1961
Washington, Higher Education Group of, [1960-1961]
Washington, D.C., Young Men's Christian Association, 1961
Washington Suburban Sanitary Comm., Right of Way for Constr. of Sewer Line-Serve Campus
Drive, etc., [1961]
Westminster Foundation of Synod of Baltimore, 1961
Young Men's Christian Ass'n (Washington), 1961
Waa, [1960-1961] (2f)
Wam, [1960-1961] (2f)
Wash. Center for Metropolitan Studies Publications, 1961
Was, 1961
Washington Center for Metropolitan Studies, Publications, 1962
Was, [1961]
Wec, 1961
Wej, 1961
Wes, [1960-1961] (2f)
Whi, [1960-1961] (2f)
Wih, 1961
Wim, 1961
Wolfsohn, Venlo, (Re Pershing Rifles Initiation), 1961
Woo, 1961
Woodrow Wilson Fellowship, 1958, 1960-1961
X-Y, 1961
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 170 (cont’d)
Z, 1961
V, 1961
BOX 171
Aa, 1960
American Meteorological Society, (Visiting Scientists Society), 1960
American Society for Engineering Education, 1960-1962
Agriculture, State Departments of, 1960
Alfalfa Club, 1960
All American Chorus, James Allan Dash, 1960
Ar, 1960
Atlantic Coast Conference, 1960
Am. Assn. of Health, Physical Education & Recreation, 1960
American Council of Learned Societies, 1960
Am. Council on Education for Journalism, 1960
American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1960-1963
American Association of Emeriti, 1960
American College of Public Relations, 1960
American Institute of Architects (Potomac Valley), 1960
Miscellaneous Associations, 1960
Am, 1960
Anonymous Letters, 1960
Amberson, Wm. R., Dr., Marine Biological Lab. Woods Hole, Mass.(See Medical School), 1960
American Assn. of University Women, 1960
American Assoc. of University Professors, 1960
Association of University Evening Colleges, 1960
Assn. of Gov. Boards of State Uni. & Allied Institutions, 1960
Assn. of American Medical Colleges, 1960
Asia Foundation, 1960
Associated Builders & Contractors, Inc., Wash. Metropolitan Chapter, 1960
Association of Gov. Boards, Mrs. Whitehurst Report, 1960
Association of American Colleges, 1960
Baltimore, Alumni Club of, 1960
Baltimore, City of-Mayor, 1960
Baltimore, Council of Social Agencies (Name Changed), 1960
Balt. City-Health & Welfare Council of the Balt. Area, Inc., (This Old Balt. Council of Social
Agencies), 1960
Baa, 1960
Beh, 1960
Bat, 1960
Ban, 1960
Bur, 1960
Bru, 1960
Butler, John Marshall, 1960-1962
Buch, George Q.-Mr. & Mrs.; Re. Timanus' "Pres. Elections," 1960
Bri, 1960
Bow, 1960
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 171 (cont’d)
Boy Scouts of America (Nation's Capital Area Council, Inc.), 1960
Boa, 1960
Bit, 1960
Bes, 1960
Caa, 1960
Cas, 1960
Capital Improv. Projects, Recommendations, 1960
Carr, Thomas, 1960
Chambers, M. M. (Center for the Study of Higher Education), 1960
Coh, 1961
Christmas Card List for, 1960
Coh, 1960
Cho, 1960
College Park, City of, Accelerated Routes on U. S. 1 (State Roads Commission), 1960
Conf. on the College Student List of Participants, Oct. 31-Nov. 2, 1960
Con, 1960
Corson, John J.-McKinsey & Company, Inc., [1960]
Council for the Advancement of Small Colleges, [1961]
Councils of State Governments, 1960
Cowles Magazines, Inc. (Look Collection), 1960
Cr, 1960
Da, 1960
Danford Foundation, 1960
De, 1960
Academic Deans Meeting, Feb. 16, 1960
Development Corporation for Israel-Suburban Md. Committee-Hon. Committee, 1960
Di, 1960
The Diamondback, 1960
Dillon, R. S., Jr., (Also Article Re Sale of Dillon Orchards), 1960
Directives, 1960
Directives, re Hornbake as Vice President for Academic Affairs, 1960
District of Columbia-College Health Association, 1960
D. C. Selective Service System, 1960
Do, 1960
Doubroff, Mrs. Serge K., Ltr. re Drinking at Football Games, 1960
Dr, 1960
Du, 1960
Du Pont de Nemours & Co., E. I., 1960
Ea, 1960
Economic Development Commission of Washington County, Md., Richard L. Urgo, 1960
El, 1960
Elkins-Nordlinger's Articles, Sunpapers, Mar. 3, 5 & 19, 1960
Ep, 1960
Enoch Pratt Free Library, 1960
Founding Church of Scientology, 1960
Fa, 1960
Faculty Salary Scale & Biweekley Pay Rates as of July 1, 1960
Faculty Salary Scale, Fiscal Year 1960-1961
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 171 (cont’d)
F & B., Faculty Salaries, Tabulation of, 1960-1961
Federal Reserve System, 1960
Fi, 1960
Fidelity-Baltimore National Bank & Trust Company (Name Changed), 1960
First Nat'l Bank of Baltimore, Wood, H. Gram & Tangney, Frank V., 1960
Fl, 1960
Food Fair Stores, Inc., Material Re Curriculum in Food Distribution-Michigan St. and Cornell,
Nov., 1960
Fortney, Alton-Tri-Valley's Scouts, 1960
Food Fair Stores Foundation, 1960
Foreign Student Service Council, 1960
Fra, 1960
Fri, 1960
Fund for Foreign Service Education, Inc., 1960
Fulbright Program, 1960
Ga, 1960
Gaudreau and Gaudreau Architects, 1960
Ge, 1960
BOX 172
General Federation of Women's Clubs, [1960]
Gillette Company, (Establishment of Fellowship in Chemistry), 1960
Gl, 1960
Gro, 1960
Gov.'s Comm. to Promote Employment of Physically Handicapped Scholarship, 1960
Goldstein, Dr. Albert E., [1960]
Ha, 1960
Han, 1960
Has, 1960
Heart Association of Maryland, 1960
Hamil, Francis J., (Ltr. re Russian Program Sponsored by Student Cultural Assn.), 1960
Hed, 1960
Hen, 1960
Hop, 1960
How, 1960
Hod, 1960
I, 1960
Institute of International Education Bulletins (Save), 1960
International Tobacco Queen Competition, Inc., 1960
International Assn. of Personnel in Employment Security-Maryland Chapter, Mr. George J.
Widman, 1960
Inter-University Committee on Travel Grants, (Re. Dr. David J. M. Hooson, Georg.), 1960
Insley, Richard C., Re: Nancy & Richard, Jr.-His children, 1960
Ja, 1960
Jo, 1960
Ka, 1960
Ke, 1960
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 172 (cont’d)
Ki, 1960
Li, 1960
Lo, 1960
Lupien, T. A.-Re Training Table for Swimmers, 1960
Lupen, Hugh Bryant-re Ineligibility Ruling, 1960
Kuhn. Dr. re Public Functions & Commencement Referals, 1960-1961
Ko, 1960
Kuhn, Albin O., Executive Vice President, 1960
Lankford, Richard E., 1960
Laymen International (Rev. S. Van Club Culin), 1960
Layman, Dr. J. Walter and Dr. William T., (Article Sent by Mr. Dillon), 1960
Les, 1960
Lemay, Patricia (College of Home Economics), 1960
Learning Resources Institute (re Contemporary Math Courses, Etc.), 1960 (2f)
Maa, 1960
Maddox & Hopkins (Robert A. Groves, Chief Eng.), 1960
Buffet Supper-Elkins, Pro Basketball, February 24, 1960
M Club Awards Dinner-Introduction of Charles M. White, Dec. 3, 1960
Manufacturing Chemists' Assn., 1961
Man, 1960
M Club, 1960
Mas, 1960-1960 (2f)
Mathews, John G., 1960
McA, 1960
McG, 1960
McKeldin, Theodore R., 1960
Mea, 1960
Mer, 1960
Mey, 1960
Min, 1960
Min, [1959]
Moo, 1960
Montgomery County, Board of Appeals, 1960
Montgomery County Humane Society, 1960
Morris, Sarah E. [See Also Longwood Foundation Under Endowment & Development, 19591960]
Mu, 1960
Na, 1960
No, 1960-1961
Nock, Mary L., Hon., 1960
Ni, 1960
New England Board of Higher Education, 1960
Nursing Outlook, [1959-1960]
Nursing Outlook-Article on Education is Continuous [Submit by February 1 or January 15, 1961]
Aa, 1963
Admission & General Costs, A Comparison, 1955-1956 & 1962-1963
Aiton, Edward W., Dr., 1963
Alcoa Foundation (Aluminum Co. of America) Scholarship, 1963
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 172 (cont’d)
Allied Artists Pictures Corporation, 1963
Am, 1963
American Accounting Assn., 1963
The American Assembly, 1963
American Assn. for the Advancement of Science, 1963
American Assn. of Colleges for Teachers Education, 1963
American Assn. for the United Nations, Inc., 1963
American Association of University Professors, 1963
American Assn. of University Women, 1963
Am. Fed. of Labor & CIO, 1963…Complaint re Hos., 1963
American Foundation for the Blind, Inc., 1963
American Institute of Architects, (See Fac. Org-School of Architecture for Full Details), 1963
American Potash Institute, (Gift of Publications-accepted by Board May 3, 1963), 1963
American Society for Testing & Materials, 1963
Am. Society for Testing & Materials-re ASTM Doctoral Fellowship, 1963
American Council on Pharmaceutical Ed., 1963
American Assn. for Univer. Professors, 1963
Am. Medical Assn., (Revised Copy of Talk), 1963
Am. Medical Assn., 1963
American Civil Liberties Union, 1963
American Documentation, 1963
American Freedom from Hunger Foundation, Inc., 1963
American Geophysical Union Visiting Scientists Program in Geophysics, 1963
Am. Personnel & Guidance Assn., 1963
Am. Psychiatric Assn., re Isaac Ray Lectures for 1964-1965, Law & Medicine, 1963
Am. Assn. of Uni. Professors, Questionnaire on Faculty, 1963
Anderson, George E., re Hospital Case-see Also Hospital, 1963
Ar, 1963
Asphalt Institute Paving Conference on 2/6/63, 1963
Assn. of Gov. Boards of State Uni. & Colleges, 1963
Assn. of Governing Boards of State Uni. & Allied Institutions, 1963
Associations-Misc., 1963
Assn. of American Colleges, 1963
Association of American Colleges, Arts Program, 1959-1963
Assn. for Asian Studies, 1963
Assn. for Higher Education, 1963
Assn. of American Medical Colleges, 1963
Assoc. of State Univer. & Land Grant Colleges General, 1963
Atlantic Coast Conference, 1963 (3f)
Atlantic Coast Conference, Academic Regulations, 1963 (3f)
Atlantic Council of the United States, Inc., 1963-1964
Baltimore, City of, 1962-1963
Balto. City-National Rec. Association, 1963
Baltimore Public Schools, Dr. Geo B. Brian, Supt., 1962-1963
Baltimore, Advertising, Club of, 1963
Dinner Meeting, Balto. Assoc. of Commerce, July 15, 1963
Baltimore Association of Commerce, 1962-1963
Balto. Committee for Nat'l Recreation Assoc., 1963
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 172 (cont’d)
Community Chest-Red Cross, United Appeal-Balto. City Smith, L. Mercer, 1963
Balt. Sun-Edgar L. Jones, re Desegregation Information, 1963
BOX 173
Balt. News Post Series, Articles on U. of M., 1963
Baa, 1963
Ban, 1963
Bat, 1963
Beh, 1963
Becker, Arthur M., 1963
Bernstein, Leonard (see Hon. Degrees), 1963
Bentley, Warner M., (Borrowed Dr. Elkins' Ph.D. Thesis), 1963
Berard, A. Dwight, Father of Douglas C. Berard (Freshman), 1963
Berman, Louis-re Tuition Refund on Case of Wayne Berman, 1963
Bertorelli, Hon. Jos. A., 1963
Bit, 1963
Boa, 1963
Bock, Bing Chi, 1963
Bow, 1963
Brewster, Daniel B., Water Resources Research at Land-Grant Insti., 1963
Bri, 1963
Brigham, David L., (see Also 1st National Bank of Maryland), 1963-1964
Brown, P. D., 1963
Brown, Wm. H., 1963
Bru, 1963
Bruce, Judge & Mrs. J. Gregory (See Medical School for Appeals …), 1962-1963
…Dismissal from Medical School-Failure, 1963
Bur, 1963
Burke, Edmund S., General File, 1962-1963
Buscher, Charles B., Refund of Application Fee, 1963
Caa, 1963
Calogero, Joseph A., Complaint re Graduate School & Dr. Van Zwoll (Educa.), 1963
Chestnut, Calvin, 1963
Campus Club, 1963
Campus Club, (& Newcomers Club), 1963
Carnegie Corp. of New York, 1963
Cas, 1963
Casbarian, James P., (See also Adv. Council on Higher Education), 1963
Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co. of Md., 1963
Clinical Club of Washington, (Dr. Milton Cobey, Nov. 5, 1963), [1963]
Chambers, M. M. (Center for the Study of Higher Education), 1963
Cha, 1963
Chaplains, 1963
College Blue Book, 1963
College Blue Book, Questionnaire, 1962
College Scholarship Service, 1963
Coh, 1963
Cohee, Lee, Sr.-Cleaners on Balto. Blvd. Construction, 1963
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 173 (cont’d)
College Life Insurance Co. of America, 1963
College Park Lions Club, 1963
College Park, Town of, 1960-1963
Collins, Gen. James F., (See Honorary Degrees), 1963
Committee for Constructional Government, Inc., 1963
Cooperman, R. M. (See Advisory Council on Higher Education), 1963
Council for the Nat'l Presbyterian Church & Center, 1963
Council of Churches National Capital Area-(Dept. of Research & Church Planning), 1960
Con, 1963
Copyright Office-Library of Congress (See Also University Relations), 1963
Council for Financial Aid to Education, Inc., 1963
Cr, 1963
Da, 1963
Danford Foundation, 1963
De, 1963
Defebio, Theodore T., (see Also Admissions), 1963
Di, 1963
Diamondback Article, 1963
Dillon, R. Samuel, Jr., Chairman, Ed. Comm. House of Delegates ltr. to Tawes, September 24,
Directives, 1963
Do, 1963
Dr, 1963
Du Pont de Nemours & Co., 1963
Eby, Herbert O., (Re John Andrew Eby & Cashiers Office), 1963
Educational Policies Comm., 1963
Egli & Compf, Inc., (See also Balt. Branches & Planning), 1963
Ea, [1963]
El, [1963]
Enoch Pratt Free Library, 1963
Ep, 1963
European Trip, General Correspondence re Trip, 1963
Embassies, 1963
Faculty Club, (Dr. F. P. Veitch, President), 1963
Fa, [1963]
Federal Professional Assn., 1963
Fl, 1963
Foard, John B., III, Chairman of Agricultural Advisory Board, 1963
Food Fair Stores Foundation, 1963
Ford Foundation, 1963
Ford Foundation, Grant for Doctoral Students in Engineering, 1963
Foreign Student Service Council of Greater Washington, 1963
Fra, 1963
Frederick Lions Club, 1963
Fri, 1963
Ga, 1963
Gardner, William A., Re: Spanish 6 (University Col.), 1963
Gardner, W. A., Capt. (See University College) 1963
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 173 (cont’d)
Ge, 1963
Geyer-Morer-Ballard, Inc., 1963
General Electric Co., 1963
Gl, 1963
Glidden Company-500$ for lecture in Chemistry, [1962]
Goodman, Philip H., 1963
Gov. Committee to Employ the Physically Handicapped, Scholarship, 1962-1963
Has, 1963
Hasslinger, Hang E., 1963
Hed, 1963
Hen, 1963
Hearst, Wm. R., re 3rd Annual Journalism Awards Program, 1962-1963
Hi, 1963
Hod, 1963
Hop, 1963
Hopkins, Henry Powell, Architect, 1963
How, 1963
I, 1963
Institute of International Education-Dec. 9, 1965 Visit of Dr. Jorgensen, 1963
International Business Machines Corporation, 1962-1963
International Education-re: Institute of International Education Proposal, 1963
Institute of International Education May 1, 1963-Minutes of Washington Adv. Meeting, 1963
Investment of Gift from IBM, 1962-1963
Ja, 1963
Ji, 1963
Jo, 1963
Jones, L. Dan, (re Jessica), Evaluation of Transportation Credits, 1963
Junior Chamber of Commerce, 1963
Johnson, Mrs. Maurice C., re Grade in Phy. Ed. for Dawn Lee Johnson, 1963
BOX 174
Kline, Dr. James D., 1963
Ka, 1963
Ki, 1963
Ke, 1963
Kemerow, Stanley (Re Phyllis), Adviser-Summer Course, 1963
Ko, 1963
Kuester, Mrs. Donald W., (Request for Plaque in Chapel), 1963
Kuser, Edmund R., (Graduate Student), 1963
Laa, 1963
Lacuor, Henry J., M/Sgt, (Re 4th World Wide Conference of University College), 1963
Landay, Harry (re Trans & Teaching Certificate for Schmick, Shelly Landay), 1963
Lankford, Richard, 1963
Larkin, Lawrence C., (See Admissions-Graduate School), 1963
Law, 1963
Les, 1963
Li, 1963
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 174 (cont’d)
Link Foundation, 1962-1963
Lo, 1963
Lokstein, Henry (re Honorary Degrees), 1963
McA, 1963
McG, 1963
McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., Inc., 1963
McKeldin, Theodore R., Mayor of the City of Baltimore, 1963
Maa, 1963
M Club, 1963
M Club President, 1963,
C. Robert Boucher, 1963
M Club Dinner, Dec. 7, 1963 at Statler-Hilton, 6-7 Social Hour-7:30 Dinner, 1963
Maeser, Wm. Lee-Maiden Choice Village Civic Assn.-Catonsville, 1963
Manufacturing Chemists' Association, Inc., 1963
Marcoux, E. A., Presentation of Thesis Late Charles Henry Davis, 1963
Mas, 1963
Maurois, Dr. Andre, (See Honorary Degrees), 1963
Mea, 1963
Menchine, W. Albert (Judge), 1963
Mental Health Study Center, 1963
Mer, 1963
Mey, 1963
Meyer, Sarah M., Adm. to Balto. Evening Classes, 1963
Min, 1963
Montgomery County Board of Appeals, 1963
Moo, 1963
Mu, 1963
Gra, 1963
Greater Washington Educational Television Association, 1963
Haa, 1963
Han, 1963
Na, 1963
Nature Conservancy, 1963
Neellands, William C., 1963
New York World's Fair, 1963-1964
Ni, 1963
Niles, Emory H., Md. Judicial Selection Council, Inc., 1963
Niles, Barton, Gans & Markell, 1963
No, 1963
Oa, 1963
Odon, Richard Gregg, Complaint re Graduate School, 1963
Op, 1963
Organizational Charts, University of Maryland, 1963
Precision Equipment Co., Re Computer Science Center, 1963
Public Administration Service, re Study on Food and Drugs, 1963
Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1963
Righter, Chas L. (Speaking Engage), 1963
Patton, Thomas L., 1963
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 174 (cont’d)
Patton, Thomas L., Jr., (Pres. of Westminster Foundation of Synod of Baltimore), 1961
Peace Corps, (President's Executive Order Estab.), 1963
Pearson, James C., Jr., Life Insurance (Had Interview with Mr. Cormeny), 1963
Peace Corps-Placement Test, 1963
People to People Program (See also Student Life), 1963
Patterson, Mrs. H. J., Death of November 4, 1963 (Wife of Former President), 1963
Pa, 1963
Pe, 1963
Pf, 1963
Pr, 1963
President's Reception, September 20, 1963
Lists, 1963
Receiving Line, 1963
Informational Materials, 1963
Baltimore Deans, 1963
College Park Deans, 1963
Chief Hostesses & Hostesses, 1963
Price, T. Rowe
General File, 1963
Common Trust Fund, 1963
Endowment Funds, 1963
Q, 1963
Ra, 1963
Ralston-Purina Co., Gwin, Dr. James M. 1963
Rea, 1963
Ren, 1963
Resource Development, Economics Division, 1963
Ril, 1963
Roh, 1963
Ros, 1963
Ru, 1963
Rockville, City of-Urban Planning, 1963
Rhodes Scholarship File, 1963
Rhodes Scholarship, 1964
Rhodes Scholarship File, 1965
U. S. Commission on Civil Rights, 1965
Robins Awards of America (Board of Advisors), 1963
Ronnigen, Dr. Thomas S., (See also Agri. Extension Service), 1963
Rosenberg, Beth-Father H. L. Rosenberg-Admissions Case, 1963
Royal School Lab., (Re Lab. Equipment for Eager Hall in Balt.), 1963
Sa, 1963
Saul, John G.-Case of Leonora B. Shatten-(See Personnel), 1963
Saunders, Col. O. H., Gift to Library Class of 1910, 1963
Sch, 1963
Sel, 1963
Shi, 1963
Silvester, Lindsay McDonald, Gen. (Death Sunday, Aug. 5, 1963-Funeral on Wed. August 7,
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 174 (cont’d)
Sk, 1963
Smith, Leonard, Complaint re Auditorium, 1963
Smith, Shirley T. (Re Reasons for Eastern Shore Branch of Uni.), 1963
Sn, 1963
Somerset County Groups & Development of Md. State College, 1963
April 3, 4 and 5, 1963-Sheraton Charles Hotel, New Orleans-Southern University Conference,
Sports Illustrated, 1963
Springfield State Hospital, 1963
Sq, 1963
Society for Religion in Higher Educa., 1963
Sci, 1963
Stieff, Frederick Philip, Deceased, 1963
Str, 1963
Suburban Trust Company, 1963
Suburban Advisory Board, 1963
System Development Corp., (Wm. H. Ormsbee, Jr., Tech. Libr.), Dr. Hornbake Handling, 1963
Ta, 1963
Tansill, Dr. Charles C. Re. Christine Tansill Admission of... Fall 1963
Taylor, Lieberfield & Heldman, Inc., 1963
Te, 1963
Tho, 1963
Ti, 1963-1962
Touchdown Club of Washington, 1963
Tr, 1963
Trident Engineering Assn., Inc., (Mitchell A. Kapland), See Also Engineering, 1963
Tu, 1962-1963 (2f)
Teachers Insurance & Annuity, 1963
Wedn. Oct. 2/63-Greater Wash. Ed. Television Assn.-Lawyer's Club 12 Noon-1815 H St., N. W.,
Wash., 1963
Terrapin Yearbook, 1963
Terrapin Club, 1963
BOX 175
U, 1963
United Givers-Appreciation Letters for 1963 Campaign, 1963
United Givers Campaign, 1963
United Givers Fund Campaign for 1963, Contributors-Thank you Letrs., 1963
V, 1963
Verran, James H., Re Graduate Credit, 1963
Visual Communications, 1963
Waa, 1963
Wam, 1963
Was, 1963
Washington Academy of Sciences, 1963
Washington Academy of Sciences-Awards Dinner Cosmos Club, 1963
[Loose Materials-Correspondence, 1963]
Washington Center for Metropolitan Studies-A Report on the High Sch. Program, 1963
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 175 (cont’d)
Washington County Commissioners, 1963
Washington Metropolitan Board of Trade (Degrees in Science or Engineering), 1963
Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission General File, 1963
Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission, 1963
Washington County Economic Dev. Commission (See also Property-Uni. Campuses), 1963
Wec, [1960], 1963 (2f)
Wej, 1963
Weiss, Ralph-Union Central Life Insurance Company, 1963
Wes, 1963
Wharton, Col., Funeral-died July 5, 1963, [1963]
Wharton, Col., James P., (See Art Department), Died July 5, 1963, [1963]
Wharton James, Col. Death and letters from his relatives, 1963
Whi, 1963
Whitt, Dornell M., II, 1963
Wih, 1963
WJZ-TV Westinghouse Broadcasting Company, 1963
William K. Berger & Assoc., 1963
Wio, 1962
Woo, 1962-1963 (2f)
Woodrow Wilson Fellowship, 1963
Xy, 1963
Z, 1963
Zoning, 1963
Washington Center for Metropolitan Studies, 1963
General, 1963
1963 Officers & Executive Comm., 1963
Publications, 1963
Washington Center for Metropolitan Studies, 1963 (cont’d)
Bylaws, 1963
Washington Co. Study Commission, 1963
Watson, Paul B.-Lt. Col., Graduate School-re Thesis, 1963
Assoc. of American Colleges, 1962
June 18 (Mond.) Greet Am. Legion Boys State in Bldg. EE, 1962
Am. Society for Metals Foundation for Education & Research (See Chem. Engineering), 1962
Am. Machine & Foundry Com., 1962
Associations-Misc. Organizations with Title of Association or Associated Etc., 1960-1962
Aa, 1962
Am, 1962
Agriculture-State Depts. of, 1962
American Association of School Administrators, 1962
Am. Cancer Society, Cigarette Smoking, 1962
American Can Company, 1962
American Cyanimid Co., 1962
Amer. Council for Emigres in the Professions, Inc., 1962
Academy of Achievement, 1962
Adv. Club of Metropolitan Washington, 1962
Aergo Astro, Inc., 1962
Akron, Inc., Complaint Against Uni. of Md. re: John Eager Howard Hall-October 12, 1962
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 175 (cont’d)
Advertising Age-S. R. Bernstein, 1962
Academic Freedom-Moonshooter... Report on Nov. 15, 1962
Altman, Raymond F.-Senior Class Gift, 1962
Assn. of St. Uni.-Division of Business Adm., Nov. 12-14, 1962
American Therapy Assn. of Md., 1962
American Chemical Society, 1962
June 18, 1962-Am. Dairy Science Assn. (From June 17-21, 1962), 1962
Amateur Athletic Union of U.S. ...., 1962
American Security Council (see also BPA-Dean), 1962
Animal Health Institute (re: Animal Health Month), 1962
American Assoc. of Univ. Women, 1962
Animal Health Institute, [1960]
American (Association with American), 1962
Appropriations by Years & by Source of Funds from 1910 to 1957, undated
Atlantic Coast Conference, Academic Regulations, 1962
Ar, 1962
Asphalt Institute, 1954, 1960 (2f)
Baa, 1962
Ban, 1962
Bat, 1962
Barrick, Claude H., (re Transcript of Dorothy Louise Barrick), 1962
Beh, 1962
Baltimore Sun, 1962
Balt. Morning Sun-Edgar L. Jones, Re: Statistics on Racial Groups, 1962
Balt. Sunday Sun-Article on Dr. Elkins and University of Md., 1962
Sunpapers-Baltimore-Nordlingers Article-See Also Elkins in General File, 1961
Baltimore B'nai B'rith Vocational Service-Re Graduate Degree Programs in Balt., 1962
Baltimore Contractors, Inc., Health Sciences Building.-Claim Against, 1962
Bes, 1962
Bit, 1962
Biltmore Hotel, Inc.- Mr. Wm. Denny-Notice of Removal, 1962
Blanar, Abe, (Appt. with Dr. Elkins), 1960-1961
Boa, 1962
Bow, 1962
Bri, 1962
Brown, Anna B., 1962
Bru, 1962
Bur, 1962
The Honorable John Marshall Butler, 1962
Caa, 1961
Capital Improv. Program Hearings-St. Planning, 1962-1963
Capital Improvements Program, Gov. Recom. & University's Request, 1962-1963
Capital Improvements Approved by General Assembly, 1961-1962
Building-Capital Improvements Program, 1961-1962
July 27, 1962-Capital Improvements, Hearings, 1963-1964
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1960
Carnegie Corp. of New York (Grant of 200,000 for Study of 1962 Agri. Education in U. S.),
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 175 (cont’d)
Cas, 1962
Central National Bank of Cleveland-Economic Data Book, 1962
Center for Applied Linguistics, 1962
Chaplains-Portugese Embassy Charge re Speaker on, 1962
Chaffinch, William D., 1960
Chambers, M. M.-Appropriations of State Tax Funds for Operating Expenses of Higher Ed.,
Children's Guild Training Project...., 1962
C & P Telephone Co. of Md. Science & Science Based Industry Request to Balt. Assn. of
Comm., 1962
College Placement Council, Inc., U. S. Chamber of Commerce, 1962-1963
BOX 176
Columbia Pictures Corp. (re Selection of "Gidget"), 1962
Pres. Office-Collins, Sadie B. (Return of the Fee Paid for Summer Session), [1962]
Comparative Education Society, 1961
Commerce & Industry Combined Health Appeal-1962 Campaign, 1962
Commerce & Industry Combined Health Appeal, 1963
Con, 1962
Congress-Senate Bill 3475, Adm. & Enforcement of Certain Laws Re Agriculture (See Dean of
Agri.), 1962
Committee on Concession Contracts-Plummer-Chairman, 1962
Cook, George C. (Md. Education Foundation), Death Jan. 21, 1961
Council of the Southern Mountains, Inc., 1962
Council for Financial Aid to Education, Inc., re Questionnaire, 1962
Council on Student Travel, (John E. Bowman, Exec. Director), 1962
College Park Rotary Club, 1962-1963
College Park Board of Trade, 1960-1962
Cr, 1962
Culet, Ralph, Lt. Col., (See also University College), 1959
Da, 1962
Dahl, Mrs. William-(Chairman Public Affairs-S. S. Woman's Club), 1962
De, 1962
Di, 1962
Diamondback Article, 1962
Directors, 1962
Directives-Employee Grievances, Nov. 8, 1962
District of Columbia College Health Assoc., 1962
District of Columbia, Government of, 1962
Do, 1962
Monday, August 6, 1962
Driskill, Frank, 1962
Dunning, H. A. B.- Gift to Pharmacy School, 1962
Du Pont de Nemours & Co., E. I., 1962
Ea, 1962
El, 1962
Elegant Co., (Jap. Tailors), 1962
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 176 (cont’d)
Ez, [1962]
Embassies, 1962
Embassy-Lebanon-"Regional Orientation Center" in Beirut, 1963
Establishment of the University of Maryland, 1962
Ep, 1962
Fa, 1962
Facilities Use Committee [re Summer Operations of Dining Hall & Housing Facilities in July,
Faculty Club, 1962
Faulkner, Woodrow E., (See BPA-Dean File), 1962
Jerry Fairbanks Production (Leo S. Rosencrans), 1962
Federal Professional Assn., (Dr. Hartman's Project), 1962
Fi, 1962
First Nat'l Bank of Baltimore, Wood, H. Graham & Tangney, Frank V., 1962
Fischer, 1962
Fl, 1962
Flying Follies, (See Also National Music Council Armed Forces Overseas, 1962)
Food Fair Stores Foundation, 1962
Foreign Student Service Council of Greater Washington, 1962
Ford Foundation, 1962
Fra, 1962
Fri, 1962
Fund for the Republic (10th Anniv. Convocation-Sponsors For Jan. 22, 1962), 1962
Parker, W. Frames & Co., Greater Balt. Industrial Park, 1962
Ga, 1962
Ge, 1962
General Electric College Bowl, (January 21, 1962), 1962
Gl, 1962
Goins, Alvin E.-Re: Campus Police, 1962
Goldberg, Mrs. Lester L., Adj. Acct. of Marvin Goldberg, 1962
Gra, 1960-1962 (3f)
Grant Foundation, 1963
Gro, 1962-[1963] (2f)
Green, Walter L., (See Also Property), 1961
Gravitt, Frank-Toy Manf. of USA (re Dr. Hymes Childhood Ed.), 1962
Haa, 1962
Han, 1962
Has, 1962
Hed, 1962
Helfman, Dr. Lee (Contributor), 1962
Heise, John I., Jr., 1961-1963
Hen, 1962
Hercules Powder Co, Inc. (Grant to Chemistry), 1961-1962
Hi, 1962
Ho, 1962
Hop, 1962
Hope Project, 1962
How, 1962
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 176 (cont’d)
Humelsine, Carlisle H., Colonial Williamsburg, 1962
Humphrey, Richard A., Ltr. re Fraternities, 1961-1962
Institute of International Education, 1962
International Movement for Atlantic Union (Old At. Union Comm., Inc., 1962
Iglitzin, Alan (re Resident Musician), 1962
I, 1962
Ja, 1962
Jefferson National Expansion Memorial Association, 1959
Jennings, Dr. E. R., Bldg. Program of Medicine & Hospital, 1962
Jo, 1962
Johnson, Lyndon B. (Senator), Senate Bill S.2710 (Provide for Loan Insurance to Student...,
Walter F. Joyce Foundation, 1962
Junior Chamber of Commerce (Award for 1960), 1959-1962
Ka, 1962
Kacena, F. B., 1961
…(re Bad Check Charge-…), 1962
Kramer, Sam M., re Picture of Lloyd Irvin Kramer Left out of Yearbook, 1962
Charles Kingston & Associates, 1960
W. Lawson King-Irving Farm off from Gaithersburg, 5 to 6:45 at Farm then to Washingtonian,
Keller, C. Z., Director, Somerset Civil Defense Agency, 1962
Ke, 1962
Kellog, W. K. Foundation, 1962
Ki, 1962
Kluter, Jacob H. (see Med. School-Est. of Eye Bank), 1960
Ko, 1962
Kuhn, Albin O.-Executive Vice President, 1962
Board-Legislation, March, 1962
Use of Construction Funds and School Bill, S. Consv. Districts & Claims Bill, 1962
Laa, 1962
Lankford, Richard, 1962
Lankford, Richard... (Case of A. L. Robertson), 1962
Laurel High School-Wm. Lynn Principal-re Talk on June 11, 1962
Law, 1962
Faigel Leah Foundation, Inc., [1962]
Les, 1962
Li, 1962
Lo, 1962
Lupien, T. A., (re Swimming Team), 1962
BOX 177
Adult Education Assoc. of the USA, 1964
Advanced Research Projects Agency, Re: Translation of Materials Sciences to Technologies,
Academy of Arts & Sciences of the Americas, 1964
Alfalfa Club-8:30 p.m. (Stagg), Black Tie-Statler Hilton Hotel, undated
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 177 (cont’d)
Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations, 1964
Addresses, Staff & Faculty, 1964
Agricultural Development Council, Inc., 1964
Agriculture-State Departs. of ...., 1964
Aa, 1964
Aisenberg, Dr. Myron S., 1964
Alcoa Foundation (Aluminum Co. of America) Scholarship, 1964
American Council on Education, General, 1964
American Society for Testing and Materials, 1964
American Samoa-Gov. of (Re: Scholarships to Uni..., 1962-1964)
American Society for Metals, 1964
Association of American Medical Colleges, 1964
American Institute of Architects, 1964
Am, 1964
Ambrose, Col. Joseph R. (re Recommendation for Position at Christopher Newport College),
American Society for Eng. Ed. Council for Professional Dev. Accrediting, 1964
American Council on Education, Publication, 1964
American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1964
American Society for Engineering Education, 1964
American Association of University Women, 1964
American Bankers Assoc., 1964
American Cancer Society, 1964
American Civil Liberties Union, May 1, 1964
Association of American Colleges, 1964
American Council for Emigres in the Professions, Inc., 1964
American Council of Learned Societies, 1964
American Council on Pharmaceutical Education, 1964
American Cyanamid Company, 1964
American Field Service, Foreign Students (3,000), July 16, 1964
American Geophysical Union, 1964-1965
Am. Industrial Arts Association, Inc., 1964
Am. Institute of Architects-James R. Edmunds, III, re Md. Municipal League, 1963-1962
American Institute of Fishery Research Biologists... (Re Fishery Curriculum at Uni. of
Maryland), 1964
American Jewish Congress, 1964
American Judicature Society, 1964
American Meteorological Society, 1964
American National Red Cross, 1964
American Nurses Association, Inc., 1964
American School News, 1964
American, Associations of, Misc., 1964
Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Free Masonry, (See Also BPA-Govt. & Politics), 1964
Asphalt Institute, 1964
Ar, 1964
Associated Press, Education Writers, 1964
Associations, Misc., 1964
Associate General Contractors of Americas (Re: Scholarships in Civil Engineering)...., 1964
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 177 (cont’d)
American Security Council, 1964
Am. Society for Eng. Ed. (ECPD) Accreditation-Aero., Civil & Mechan., 1962-1964
American Society of Engineering Ed., 1964
Archibald, Fred I., 1964
American Association of University Professors, 1964
Association of Governing Boards of State Universities & Colleges, 1964
Assoc. of Governing Boards of State Universities and Allied Institutions, 1964
Association for Higher Education, 1964
Association of American Law Schools, 1963-1964
Atlantic Council of the U. S., Inc., 1964
Atlantic Coast Conference, 1964
General File, 1964
Personnel, Administration Associations, 1964
Advertising Club, 1964
Baltimore Assn. of Commerce Talk, Jan. 27, 1964
Baltimore, City-Baltimore Youth Commission, (See Student Life for File), 1964
Baltimore, City of, Mayor, 1964
Baltimore Contractors, 1964
Balt. City News Media, Radio, Television, Etc., 1964
Baltimore Newspapers, 1964
Baa, 1964
Ban, 1964
Booz, Allen & Hamilton, Inc., (Proposed Survey of Salaries of Administration), 1964
Boston Insurance Company Foundation, (Grant to McFarland), 1964
Brigham, Daniel L. (1st Nat'l Bank of Md.), 1964
Burke, Edmund S., 1964
Douglas Aircraft Company, (See Scholarship File), 1964
Barker, Lt. Col. Arthur W., (Re Final Exam in Education), 1964
Bat, 1964
Beers, Colwell E., Re: Rebecca Beers-Home Economics, 1964
Beh, 1964
Bendix Corporation, 1964
Bit, 1964
B'nai B'rith-Menorah Lodge Simcha Award to Gov. Tawes, October 27, 1964
Bes, 1964
Boa, 1964
Booker, M. E., Mercury Citizenship Project, 1964
Booth, William T., (See Balt. City Campus, Etc.-Archi.), 1964
Bow, 1964
Bri, 1964
Brewster, Daniel B., Congressman, 1964
Brookings Institution, 1964
Bru, 1964
Bur, 1964
Burns, Rev. Vincent Godfrey (Poet Laureate of Md., 1964)
Caa, 1964
Campus Club, 1964
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 177 (cont’d)
Capital Improvement Appropriations by 1964 Legislature, 1964
Cap. Improv. Program for C. P. & Baltimore, 1963-1964
Catholic Relief Services, 1964
Cas, 1964
Castle, C. A., 1964
Carr, Thomas, 1964
Chapman, John W., Jr., Re Refund for Sherry Lynn Chapman, 1964
Chambers, Max-Editor of News and Framer-Re Distribution of 2 Reports...., Oct. 7, 1964
Chambers, M. M., 1964
Chesapeake & Potomac Tele. Co., Business Communications Seminars Chicago-June 16 & Other
Dates, 1964
Chemical Society of Washington, 1964
Cho, 1964
Council for State Governments, 1964
Coh, 1964
BOX 178
The College Blue Book, 1964
Commercial and Industrial Realty Corporation, 1964
The Commonwealth Fund, 1964
Con, 1964
Cooperstein, Dr. Irving L. (Files Only), 1964
Construction Industry Advancing Industry, 1964
Council for the Advancement of Small Colleges, 1964
Cox, James R. (Graduate Student in Mathematics-Dr. Bundgaard Handling), 1964
Cr, 1964
College Park, Town of, 1964
College Park, Board of Trade, 1964
Committee on the College & World Affairs, 1964
Commerce & Industry Combined Health Appeal-1964 Campaign, 1964
College Park, Volunteer Fire Department, 1964
College Park, City of, Mayor Re Assistance from Uni. of Maryland, 1964
Cory, Dr. Ernest N., 1964
Committee on Physics Facilities in Colleges, 1964
College Park Florists, 1964
Committees-Central Comm. for Student Loan Provisions of NDEA, Appt. in 1958, 1964
Comm. Chest-Red Cross United Appeal on Baltimore Campus.Dr. W. S. Stone-in Charge, 1961
Da, 1964
Danford Foundation, 1964
De, 1964
Di, 1964
Directives, 1964
Directives from President Re Zip Code, use of, 1964
Dr, 1964
Duane, Morris & Heckscher, 1964
Duane, Morris & Heckscher, (re Christian R. & Mary F. Lindback Scholarship), 1964
DuPont de Nemours & Co., 1964
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 178 (cont’d)
Durant, Rita, Mrs., Re. Son Daniel, 1964
Daniels, Rev. Sidney (re: Tutorial Program of Emmanuel Christian Comm. Church, 1964)
District of Columbia-Committee on Employment of the Handicapped (re Adult Ed. Build.), 1964
District of Columbia Citizens Committee for United Nations Day, 1964
Ea, 1964
El, 1964
Electric-Mechanical Research, Inc., 1964
Elseroad, Dr. Homer O.-Doctoral Study-Evaluation of Organization of Baltimore County
Schools..., 1964
Engineers Council for Professional Development-Reports & Correspondence..., 1964
Do, 1964
Educational Policies Commission, 1964
Education and World Affairs, 1964
Grelecki, Ramon... Re Establishment of Alumni Chapter in San Francisco, 1964
Garrison, James A...., 1964
Goldstein, Dr. Albert E., 1964
Hartford Accidence [Accident] & Indemnity Company, (re Injury of Stella Baldwin-Nurse), 1964
Hercules Power Co., Inc., 1964
Honeywell, 1964
Hopkins, Henry Powell, Architect, 1964
Hospital Council of Maryland, Inc., 1963-1964
Hughes, Hobart B., Attorneys-Salisbury-Re Debts of Persons at Maryland State College...., 1964
Humelsine, Carlisle H., Colonial Williamsburg, 1964
Human Renewal Steering Comm. (Dr. Verl S. Lewis rep. University of Maryland).... 1964
Hyman Construction Company, 1964
Houghton, Arthur, Establishment of An Institute-Educational, 1963
Houghton, Arthur A., Jr. (See also Branches of Uni. Wye Institute), 1964
International Congress of Sport Sciences, 1964
Jefferson Nat'l Expansion Assoc., 1964
Kirby and McGuire, 1964
Kirk, Alston, Reverend (Re: Phy. Ed. Film), 1964
Krisch, Ted, 1964
Lattea, Homer, 1964
Lee, Frances, 1964
Patricia Leisner, Jan. 29, 1964
Ep, 1964
Eslin Company, June 19, 1964
Eye Research Foundation of Bethesda Maryland-(See Medical School), 1964
Embassies, 1964
Pa, 1964
Faculty Club, 1964
Family Life Bureau, 1964
Fed. Government Accountants Assn. of Washington, 1964
Fi, 1964
Fl, 1964
Flanders, Ralph E., 2,500 Research Fellowship for Wm. D. Partridge, 1964
Fogle, Stanley J., (re Entering Speech 12 Course), 1964
Folk, Oliver H. (Re Employment of Retirees from Government, Etc.), 1964
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 178 (cont’d)
Food Fair Store Foundation, 1964
Ford Foundation, 1964
Fra, 1964
Frantzreb, Arthur C., 1964
Fri, 1964
The Honorable Samuel Friedel, 1964
Funston, G. Keith, 1964
Ga, 1964
Gl, 1964
Ge, 1964
General Electric, 1964
Governor's Comm. to Promote Employment of the Physically Handicapped, 1964
Gra, 1964
Greater Wash. T. V. Assoc., 1964
Greater Wash. Educational Television Assn., Oct. 28, 1964 Meeting-Minutes, 1964
Green, Walter L., 1964
Grendel, Michael A., 1964
Gro, 1964
Han, 1964
Hartmann, Greg, 1964
Hed, 1964
Has, 1964
Wm. Randolph Hearst, 1964
Hen, 1964
Hi, 1964
Hod, 1964
Hop, 1964
How, 1964
I, 1964
Information Please Almanac Atlas & Yearbook, 1964
Inter-American Defense College (Ft. McNair, Washington 25, DC), 1964
Institute of International Education, 1964
Institute of International Education Conference Feb. 12-15, 1964
Haa, 1964
Ja, 1964
Jo, 1964
Johnson, Dawn Lee, 1964
Jones, Harold C., 1964
Jr. Chamber of Commerce, 1964
Ka, 1964
Ke, 1964
Ki, 1954
Ko, 1964
Laa, 1964
Lankford, Richard 1964
Law, 1964
Les, 1964
Li, 1964
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 178 (cont’d)
Library of Congress, 1964
Lo, 1964
McA, 1964
BOX 179
McCurdy, Robert V.-History of Maryland, 1964
McDade, Bernard J., M/Sgt, Re Listing of Revised Grades, 1964
McG, 1964
McKeldin, Theodore R., Mayor of the City of Baltimore, 1964
Mrs. Joanne McMillan, 1964
Maa, 1964
Maryland Higher Education Loan Corporation
Bd. Dir. Min, 1964
Miscellaneous, 1964
General File, Chairman, 1964
Cissel's Comments on, 1964
Banking Committee, 1964
Qualifications Comm.-Dr. E. Chairman, 1964
Legal Committee, 1964
Balt. SOB Rm. 801, Qualifications Comm. of Md. Higher Ed. Loan Corp., 1965
Bill Authorizing S. 356-Now Chapter 589 of Annotated Code, 1964
Roster of Members, 1964
M Club, President-Robert DeStefano, 1964
M Club, Pres. Robert P. DeStefano & Members of Board of Governors, 1964
M Club Banquet, General Norstad Honored, 1964
Maltz, Lawrence A., 1963-1964
Man, 1964
Manufacturing Chemists' Assoc., Inc., 1964
Manufacturing National Bank Midland Time Plan for Education, 1964
Md. Commission on Interracial Problems & Relations, Re Application Forms, 1964
Maryland Commission on Interracial Problems & Relations..., 1963-1964
Mas, 1964
Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co., 1964
Mathias, Charles Mac, Congressman-Bill Deduction for Tuition & Congress. Districts, 1963
Matsuda, Hiroharu, 1964
Matthews, J. G., Funeral at Mt. Vernon Place Methodist Church, 1963
Max Rogel Associates, 1964
National Academy of Sciences, General File, 1966
Mea, 1964
Medical & Chirurgical Faculty of the State of Maryland, [1964]
Medical Society of Prince George's County, re Polio Vaccine, 1964
Mer, 1964
Metropolitan Washington Board of Trade, 1964
Mey, 1964
Min, 1964
Mid-American Appraisal Corporation, 1964
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 179 (cont’d)
Middle Atlantic Golf Course Superintendents Assoc., 1964
Miles, Hooper S., Death of, March 8, 1964
Mitchell, Mrs. Juanita Jackson-re Case of Frederick Tyrone Anderson-& Grad Sch., 1964
Morris, John W.-Appreciation for Directorship of University Hospital, 1964
Moo, 1964
Morgan, Dr. Raymond-Professor Emeritus of Physics-Jan. 24, 1964
Mu, 1964
Md. Academy of Sciences, 1964
Na, 1964
National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (Policies & Procedures), 1964
Newcomers Club, 1964
Newman, Charles E. re. Daughter, Susan, 1964
New York City, Mayor's Committee on Scholastic Achievement, 1964
Ni, 1964
Niles, Emory H., Md. Judicial Selection Council, 1964
No, 1964
Norman, Elliot W., (See Also Agriculture-Dept. of Horticulture), 1964
Noxema Chemical Company, 1964
Potomac River Fisheries Commission, 1964
Potomac Edison Co. Hagerstown, (Invitation), 1964
Oa, 1964
O'A, 1964
Oats Testing Program, 1964
Ochs, Richard, 1964
Op, 1964
Osborne, Richard L., 1964
Pa, 1964
Pasman, Arnold (Physical Education Student-Broken Neck), 1964
Pe, 1964
Peace Corps, 1964
Pf, 1964
Philippine Advertiser (Re Letter from de Nolasco), 1964
Ellis L. Phillips Foundation, 1964
Pr, 1964
President's Committee on the National Medal of Science(Nominations for See Nat. Sci. Founda.),
President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity, 1964
President's Reception for September 16, 1964
Invitation List, (New Students), 1964
President's Reception, Wednesday September 16, 7-9, 1964
Receiving Line, [1964]
Chief Hostesses, [1964]
Hostesses, [1964]
College Park Deans, [1964]
Baltimore Deans, [1964]
President's Committee for Traffic Safety, 1964
President's Report to General Assembly, 1964
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 179 (cont’d)
Protective Life Insurance Co., 1964
Price, T. Rowe
General Correspondence, 1964
Common Trust Fund, 1964
Inventory of Portfolio, June 30, 1964
Issac E. Emerson Fund, 1964
Endowment Funds, 1964
Prince George's Chamber of Commerce, 1964
Prince George's Co. Health Dept., Study of Health Needs, 1964
Prince George's County Commissioners, 1964
Prince George's City Commissioners Mrs. Mary R. Langford's Request re Calvert Road
Extension, 1964
Quinlan, Ruth E., (re Graduate Credit), 1963
Radio Advertising Bureau, Inc., 1964
Richter & Schuchat, 1964
Rockfeller, Martha Baird, Fund for Music, 1964
Rogers, Taliaferro, Kostrisky & Lanb.-Architects and Planners, 1963-1964
Rothschild, L. F. & Co., 1964
Ra, 1964
Ralston Purina Co., 1964
Rea, 1964
Mr. Clyde Register, Jr., (Re Portrait of Dr. Wm. Gibson), April 28, 1964
Ren, 1964
Ril, 1964
Roe, 1964
Ros, 1964
Ru, 1964
S. General File, 1964
Sa, 1964
Salary Data, 1964-1965
BOX 180
Sch, 1964
Science Research Associates, (Re Faculty as Speakers, Etc.), 1964
Sel, 1964
Sh-General File, 1964
Shakespeare Anniversary Comm., 1964
Shevcenko Memorial Comm. of America, Inc., 1964
Sk, 1964
Slaughter, H. T., 1964
Smith, Harold O., Jr., Re: Housing for Daughter-Dorothy-Chevy Chase, Md., 1964
Smith, Herbert H. & Associates, 1964
Society of Motion Pictures & Television Engineers, 1964
Society for Personnel Administration, 1964
Soltz, Jay, (re. Graduate Assistantship in Mathematics), 1964
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, 1964
Southern Christian Leadership Conference, 1964
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 180 (cont’d)
Southern Florida Education Center, Inc., (Dr. Warren J. Winstead, Director), 1964
Southern Interstate Nuclear Board, 1964
Southern University Conference General Files, 1964
Spector, Bettie Ann (Mrs.), 1966-1967
Sports Illustrated, 1964
Sports Illustrated, (Nomination for Silver Anniversary Award), 1964
Sq, 1964
Ste, 1964
Str, 1964
Stanford Research Institute, 1964
Stevens, Brig. Gene. J. D., 1964
Stone, Edward D., Jr., 1964
Suburban Trust, 1964
Sugar Bowl-History, 1964
Surplus Property, 1964
Ta, 1964
Tabor, Michael-Core, 1964
Tater and Kelly (Architects-Planners), 1964
Dr. G. R. Tatum, (see Adv. Council on Higher Education), 1964
Taylor, Liberfield & Heldman, Inc., 1964
Te, 1964
Temple Oheb Shalom, Dinner Meeting-May 3, 1964 (Scher, Rabbi Shaw & Dr. Fox), [1964]
Terrapin Club, 1964
Thebo, H. Andrew-Hogdon & Company, 1964
Tho, 1964
Ti, 1964
Tishman Realty & Construction Co., Inc., 1964
Touchdown Club of Washington, 1964
Tr, 1964
Tucjer, John T., Chairman-Md. State Scholarship Board, [1963]
Trion, Inc., (See College of Engineering Also), 1964
Tu, 1964
Tdyings, Joseph, 1964
Tydings, Joseph D. (Senator), 1964
Tydings, Senator Joseph D., (Re: Job Corps Training Center for Women in Baltimore City Area),
Tyo, R. C., (Am. Operations of Black & Decker Manf. Co.) Re NCAA Basketball Tickets, 1965
U (General File for 1964), 1964
U. S. Junior Chamber of Commerce, 1964
United States Frigate "Constellation," 1964
University Circle Development Foundation (Re Questionnaire on Parking), 1964
United Givers Fund, Letters of Appreciation to Workers, 1964-1965
United Givers Fund, 1964
United Service Organization (Col. Jerome Corey re Uni. Theater Group to Europe Dec., 1964),
United Clay Products Co., (Pres. Taylor Chewing), 1964
University Presidents' Committee on Foreign Student Affairs (District of Columbia), 1964
University Publishers, 1963
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 180 (cont’d)
Unesco's International Monument, 1964
V, 1964
Vacations-Deans and Directors... Summer of, 1964
Waa, 1964
Walker Lecture Agency, 1964
Walter Kidde Constructors, Inc., 1964
Wam, 1964
Warner-Lambert Pharmaceutical Company (Re: Scholarships), 1964
Was, 1964
Washington Academy of Sciences, 1964
Washington County Economic Development, 1964
Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission, 1964
Wec, 1964
Wej, 1964
Wes, 1964
Western Electric Company, 1964
Whi, 1964
James Wharton Memorial Fund (est. by Kappa Alpha Fraternity), March 13, 1964
Whitman, Requardt & Associates, (see Branches), 1963-1964
Who's Who (Marquis), Biol. Material Revised, 1964
Who's Who (Marquis) in East (Biol. Material Revised), 1964
WJZ-TV Westinghouse Broadcasting Company, 1964
Wih, 1964
Wim, 1964
Winstead, Warren J., 1964
Wio, 1964
Wolpe, Donald E., Pres. University National Bank, 1964
Woo, 1964
X-Y, 1964
Z, 1964
Association of American Colleges
General File, 1965
Students and Faculty, 1965
Comm. on Students and Faculty, Oct. 24, 1964
Comm. on Students and Faculty, June 27 thru June 28, 1965
Conference on Critical Languages in Liberal Arts Colleges, 1965
All Committees, 1965
American Association of University Professors-Maryland Chapter re Insurance & Retirement....,
A, General File, 1965
Accrediting Agencies, Reference-All Agencies, 1965
Administrative Institute
Tickets & Schedule, Dec. 11-16, 1965
Reservations, Dec. 11-16, 1965
Mr. Rash's Letters, Dec. 11-16, 1965
Misc. Materials, Dec. 11-16, 1965
Assoc. of American Medical Colleges, 1965
Ass. of Am. Med. Col. Insti. on Med. School/Parent Uni.... Relations, December 12-15, 1965
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 180 (cont’d)
Am. Int.-Ass. of Am. Med. Colleges Agenda, Dec. 11-16, 1965
American Institute for Political Communication, (Dr. Edward M. Glick, Director), 1965
African-American Institute, 1965
Alcoa Foundation, (Traffic Scholarship), 1965
Anderson, Jack (Parade Publications), (re V. P. Humphrey), 1965
Alpern Foundation, (Gift to Art Dept.-Accepted by Regents January 22, 1965), 1965
Anderson, Martin-re-Gift of Orchids to Hort. Dept., (see Hort. Dept.), 1965-1966
Agriculture, State Depts. of All, 1965
American Civil Liberties Union, 1965
Mayflower Hotel, Am. Council on Education Meeting, 1965
American Council on Education, Mayflower Hotel, 1963
American Cyanamid Co. Alumni Fun-Shot on February 19, Presented on March 14, 1965
Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, 1965
Ar, 1965
Arenson, Ronald J. (Accident Case), Lawyers Callegary & Callegary, 1965
Asphalt Institute, 1965
American National Red Cross, 1965
American Personnel & Guidance Association, 1965
American Psychological Assn., 1965
American Society for Engineering Education, 1965
American Society for Testing & Materials, 1965
American Society for Materials, 1965
Association of Governing Boards of Uni. & Colleges, 1965
Anzulovic, Mrs. J. V. Re Son, James V. Anzulovic, Jr., (History Major), 1965
Assn. of Gov. Boards-Meetings, Letters to Regents, April 26 & 27-May 17 & 18, 1965
Association for Higher Education, Bibliography on Higher Education, 1965
Association of Hungarian Students in North America, 1965
Association of, Miscellaneous, 1965
Atlantic Coast Conference, 1965
American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1965
American Association for Advancement of Science, 1965
American Association of University Women, 1965
BOX 181
American Bankers Association, 1965
American Can Company, 1965
American Cancer Society, 1965
American Chemical Society, 1965
American Council for Emigres in the Professions, Inc., 1965
American Council of Learned Societies, 1965
American Council on Pharmaceutical Education, 1965
American Cyanamid Company, General File, 1965
American Institute of Biological Sciences, 1965
American Institute for Foreign Trade, 1965
American Freedom from Hunger Foundation, 1965
American Judicature Society, 1965
Am, 1965
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 181 (cont’d)
American Associations Miscellaneous, 1965
Am. Society for Metals, Asfer, Scholarship Program, 1965
Ba, 1965
Baltimore, City of, General File, 1965
Baltimore Alumni Club, (University Alumni Club of Greater Baltimore, 1965), 1965
Baltimore-Advertising Club, 1965
Baltimore Association of Commerce Survey of Scientists & Engineers in Industry-Baltimore
Metro Area, 1965-1968
Baltimore-Committee for Downtown, Inc., 1965
Balt. City News Media, Radio, Television, Etc., 1965
Baltimore, City of-Discussion with Mayor-Med. School Agreement Re: Chief of Surgery at City
Hosp., 1965-1966
Baltimore Public Schools, Maccubin, Dr. Walter A., 1965
Baltimore Sun-Burckel's Article , Feb. 7, 1965 On Dropouts, 1965
Baltimore-WJZ-TV 13-re Records-Outskirts of Hope, 1965
Baltimore Symphony Orchestra Assn., 1965-1966
Ban, 1965
Baker, Watts & Company, Investment Bankers-Fisher & Yeager (See Dorm Construction), 1965
Bat, 1965
Beall, Robert W. (Father of Peter W. Beall-See Application for Admission August 10, 1965)
Beh, 1965
Benedict, Dr. Walter S., Complaint re Dean, BPA, 1965
Bernardo, C. Joseph (Major), (re Termination of Teaching Position with University College),
Bennett, Mrs. Frank-Re Needs of Fulltime Baltimore Students for Athletic Books, 1965-1966
Bes, 1965
Bit, 1965
Bode, Janet (re Waiver of Teacher Tuition Payment, 1965), 1965
Boa, 1965
Bond Buyer (New York, New York), 1965
Boswell, Harry, (See Special File in Zoning Also), 1965
Bourne, Richard-(Beatty & MacNamee), Attnys. Frats & Sororities-Violation of Housing
Code..., 1965
Beall, J. Glenn, (Former US Senator-RE Papers to Library), 1964-1965
Bow, 1965
Brewster, Daniel B., Congressman..., 1965
Brechbill, Dr. Henry H. (Jan. 22, 1965-Emeritus Prof. Of Education), [1965]
Bri, 1965
Brubaker, Jerry C., Resident Case, 1965
Burke, Edmund S., (Former Board Member), 1965
Burns, James M., Dr.-Honors Convocation Speaker-Nov. 19, 1965
Brooks, Graham Company, Inc., 1965
Bru, 1965
Bur, 1965
Caa-Car, 1965
Capital Credit Company, 1965
Campus Club...., 1965
Carter, Judge Joseph L., 1965
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 181 (cont’d)
Caldwell, Oliver J., Appt. as Visiting Prof. in Col. of Education, September 1, 1965
Callegary & Callegary, Lawyers-Case of Accident Ronald J. Arenson, 1965
Edward R. Carr, Inc., Re Office Space in P. G. Cty, (See Agri. Extension), 1965
Carnation Company Scholarship, 1965
Carnegie Corporation, 1965
Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Inc., 1965
Catudal, Honore M., (see Also Admissions-General), 1965
Cas, 1965
Celanese Corporation of America, 1965
Con, 1965
Ch, 1965
Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Company, 1965
Cho, 1965
Coh, 1965
Council on Student Travel, 1965
Council of the Southern Mountains, Inc., 1965
Cr, 1965
Budget, College Park Campus, 1965
Policy Comm. on Total Uni. Information System, 1965
Cory, Mrs. E. N., Death of Mrs. Ernest N. Cory, Monday, Nov. 15, 1965
Cornwell, Millard F., Re Lois Cornwell, 1965
Comm. On World Food Crisis, 1965
Coleman, Tracy-LTR. Re Courses in Engineering in University College, 1965
CIT & Affiliated Companies, RE Verification of Records-Spec. Pamela Elizabeth Pasquale, 1965
College Park, Town of, 1965
College Park Board of Trade, 1965
College Park Business and Professional Women's Club, 1965
College Park Rotary Club, 1965
Davison, Richard (Housing Engineering Co.), Re: Dormitory Construction, 1965
Danford Foundation, 1965
Detebio, Mrs. Frank J., 1965
President, Re General Education Program & App. of Dr. Gayle Smith as Director, 1965
Conflict of Interest in Govt.-Sponsored Research at Univ., June 8, 1965
District of Columbia-Application for 1965 Solicitation of Funds in District, 1965
Dorf, Paul, Senator, 1965
Dreyfus Foundation-Camille & Henry, 1965
Da, 1965
De, 1965
Di, 1965
Directives, 1965
Do, 1965
Dr, 1965
Du Pont de Nemours & Co., 1965
Ea, 1965
Editorial Projects for Education, 1964
El, 1965
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 181 (cont’d)
Embassies, 1965
Ep, 1965
Governor's Committee to Promote the Physically Handicapped, 1965-1966
Fa, 1965
Faculty Club, 1965
BOX 182
Fallon, George H., 1965
Federation of Regional Accrediting Commissions of Higher Education, 1965
Federal Government Accountants Assn. of Washington, 1965
Fl, 1965
Fi, 1965
Food Fair Stores, 1965
Foreign Student Service Council of Greater Washington, 1965
Ford Foundation, 1965
Ford Motor Co., 1965
Fra, 1965
Fri, 1965
The Honorable Samuel Friedel, 1965
Ga, 1965
General Electric, 1965
Ge, 1965
Gl, 1965
Gra, 1965
Grant Foundation, (see Col. of Ed. Inst. for Child Study, 1965), 1965
Gro, 1965
Gallagher, Joseph G., Lt. Col. Re. Evaluation of Work in University College, 1965
Garmatz, Edward A., (Congress, 1965), 1965
Garland, Charles B., (Alex Brown & Sons), 1965
Georgetown, University Comm. on the Plight of Soviet Jewry, [1965]
Girl Scouts of the U. S. A., (See Also University College-Institutes), 1965
Glick, Dr. Edward M. (Director-Am. Institute for Political Communication), 1965
Green, Walter L., 1965
Hall, Mrs. Mary (Re Francesca Chase-See Md. State College, 1965), 1965
Harris, Joseph Thomas, 1965
Hartman, S. C. Complaint re Food in Dining Hall, 1965
Haryou-Act, Inc. (College Adm. Unit), New York, 1965
High Schools in Maryland (Requests for Speakers)...., 1965
Holberg, Keir Holm, (re Change of Grades in History & G & P), 1965
Hopkins, Henry Powell, (Architect), 1965
Haa, 1965
Wm. Randolph Hearst, 1965-1966
Han, 1965
Has, 1965
Hed, 1965
Hen, 1965
Hi, 1965
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 182 (cont’d)
Hod, 1965
Hop, 1965
Hospital Council of Maryland, Inc., 1965
Housing & Home Finance Agency, 1965
How, [1965]
I, 1965
Industrial Security Division, 1965
International Institute of the Americas, 1965
Institute of International Education
Workshop Reports on Foreign Student Admissions, Feb. 21 & 22, 1965
Program & Notes, Feb. 21 & 22, 1965
Institute of International Education (cont’d)
Institute of International Education-Correspondence on, Feb. 21 & 22 1965
Institute of International Education, 1965
Information Please Almanac, Atlas & Yearbook, 1965
Institute of International Ed. Summary Recommendations, 1965
International Paper Company, 1965
Inter-University Committee on Travel Grants, Meeting March 12 & 13, 1965
Inter-University Committee on Travel Grants, (Bridgers to Attend, Nov. 17 & 18 Meet.), 19621963
International Games for the Deaf (tenth), 1965
International Association of Universities, 1965
Interprofessional Research Commission on Pupil Personnel Services, 1965
Inter-American Defense College (Ft. McNair, Washington 25, D.C.), 1965
Ja, 1965
Jo, 1965
Jackson, Edward C.-Re Refund for Son, …, Dismissed from Pre-College Summer Session, 1965
Ka, 1965
Ke, 1965
Ki, 1965
Ko, 1965
Keller, Dr. John W., re Complaint about University College, 1965
Keston, Captain, Telephone Number, 1965
King, Dr. Martin Luther, 1965
Southern Christian Leadership Conf., 1965
King, Mrs. Robert, (Re Scholarships Letter of July, 1965), 1965
Knotts, Mrs. E. Paul, 1965
Koloski, Major John J., (Request for Waiver of Residence Requirement), 1965
Lane, Martin B. (Re Adm. of Daughter Phyliss-see Adm. General), 1965
LeFrak, Samuel J. (The Lefrak Organization), 1965
Levy, Lester, (Balt. Campus Parking Complaint), see Phy. Plant-Balt., 1965
Library of Congress, 1965
Life Magazines-Articles, Publish or Perish; Freshman Blues & Teacher Sweats It Out, 1965
Love, Ben F., (See Elkins Personal-Love), 1965
Lyon, Mrs. Mary Ellen, Re: Daughter, Patricia Suzanne, Rushing-Sororities, 1965
Lynes, Barry-Re Ltr. in May 21, 1965, Diamondback, 1965
Laa, 1965
Law, 1965
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 182 (cont’d)
Les, 1965
Li, 1965
Lo, 1965
Ma, 1965
Machen, Hervey-Congr. Record, Uni. of Md. Community Services, Sept. 16, 1965
Machen, Hervey G., Congressman, 1965
Manglitz, Mrs. Katheleen F., Re Zoning A-5284, 1965
Marino, Dr. Frank C., Death-April 17, 1965
Maryland Partners of the Alliance, 1965
McA-McZ, 1965
Man, 1965
Metropolitan Washington Board of Trade, 1965
Sat., Dec. 4 M Club Banquet, 6:30 p.m. Statler Hilton-Washington, Make Presentation, 1965
Md. Higher Ed. Loan Corp.
B. Dir. Minutes, 1965
Miscellaneous, 1965
Md. Higher Ed., Executive Dir. J. Learner, 1965
Md. Higher Ed. Loan Corp., Qualifications Committee Minutes, Jan. 27, 1965
McCahill, Kathleen M., Refund for Room-See Dean of Women Housing, 1965
McGee, Harold-Father.., 1964
McGill, Wm. McPhearson, Jr., Re Caroline & Jennet McGill Admission, September, 1965
Mas, 1965
Mea, 1965
Mer, 1965
Mey, 1965
Min, 1965
Mo, 1965
Medical & Chirurgical Faculty of the St. of Md., 1965
Mexico-Present of Books to Library from Dr. Perez, 1963
Mills, Mrs. Anne, Address & Phone Number, 1965
Minear, Mrs. Margaret C. Re:…-Refund & Academic Problems-Advisement, 1965
Music Educators National Conference Archives Agreement-Bd. Appv 3/12/65, 1965
North Carolina State Board of Higher Education-Dr. Archie, 1965
Mu, 1965
BOX 183
Na, 1965
National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education, 1965
Newell, Frank H. (See Md. St. Board of Funeral Directors), 1965
New Comers [newcomers] Club (An Org. of Faculty Wives), 1965
Near East Foundation, (Dr. E. is Sponsor of Golden Anniversary), 1965
New York World's Fair, 1965
Niles, Emory H. (Md. Judicial Selection Council), 1965
Ni, 1965
No, 1965
Pa, 1965
Pe, 1965
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 183 (cont’d)
Peace Corps, General File, 1965
President's Committee on Employment of the Physically Handicapped, 1965
Pr, 1965
Price, T. R.
Emerson Fund, 1965
Endowment Fund, 1965
Port. Inven., 1965
Common Trust Fund, 1965
Prince George's County
Chamber of Commerce, 1965
General File, 1965
Colored Parent-Teacher Assn....., (Re Establishment of Scholarship), 1965
Puerto Rico-Senate Resolution re Senator Antonio Fernos Isern, 1965-1966
Professional Golfer's Association of Amer., 1965
Pratt, William V., II, Applying for Employment, Endowment & Development, 1965
Q, 1965
Quigley, George D., Director Inst. of Applied Agri. May 1, 1965-Board, 1965
Ra, 1965
Ralston Purina Company, 1965
Rea, 1965
Ren, 1965
Ril, 1965
Research Corporation, (See Special File under Patents-Dooren Bos), 1965
Research Corporation, 1965
Roe, 1965
Ros, 1965
Ru, 1965
Readnour, James L., Lt., (See University College for Complete File), 1965
Reynolds, Anthony Edwin, (Change of Name), 1965
Resources for the Future, Re Dr. Harvey S. Perloff, Re Study-Wash. Cen. for Met. Studies, 1965
Research Institute for Advanced Studies, 1965
Ricci, Leonard David-Re Change of Name-Board Action on Nov. 19, 1965
Richardson, Blaine Clifford Re: Hours for Graduation, 1965
Rogers, James F. US Office of Education-Re Employment, 1965
Ryerson, John E., (Kiplinger Wash. Editors-Was to Call, re Appt. Did Not), 1965
Sa-Gen. Files, 1965
S, General File, 1965
Sanders, P. D., Editor, Southern Planter-Re Naming of Bldg. for Dr. Ernest Cory, 1963
Schuster, Murray L., Judge, Re Employment of M. Gopinath in Govt. & Politics-BPA, 1965
Schoenfeld, Benjamin-Memorial Loan Fund to School of Pharmacy, Accpt. by Bd., Jan. 22, 1965
Schultze, Dr. Charles L., Director of Budget Bureau of Fed. Govt., June 1, 1965
J. M. Seney Company, 1965
SH-General Files..., 1965
Shea, T. E., Jr.
Radiation Safety Officer-Isotope Committee, 1965
Rad. Safety Off. Isotope Committee on Baltimore Campus, 1965
Report on AEC Broad License for C. P., 1965
Shriver, Sargent-Director, Office of Economic Opportunity, 1965
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 183 (cont’d)
Sinai Hospital of Baltimore, Inc., 1963-1965
Dr. Smith, C. Dietrich, Emeritus Status, [1965]
Smith, Robert J., (Federal Reserve System-Independent Status within Government), 1965
Smithsonian Institute, 1965
Spedden, Alexander W., Jr., Re-Hospitalization Insurance for Med. School Students, 1965
Sports Illustrated, 1959
Society for Advancement of Management, 1965
Southern Christian Leadership Conference, (Dr. Martin Luther King), 1965
Southern University Conference, General, 1965
April 21-23-Southern Uni. Conf. Statement on Overseas Program, [1965]
Southern University Conference
Comm. on Improvement of Instruction, Elkins a Member, 1965
Southern University Conference (cont’d)
Gen. File for, 1966
Executive Committee & Officers, 1965
Staff Associates, 1965
Study of the College & University President, [1959]
Steinmeyer, Dr. Reuben G., Death-April 25, 1965
Stephens, Hugh, Dr., (Letter Re: a Richard William Arthur), 1965
Stephens, Lorli Kenagy, Transcript and Billing Overseas Case, 1965
Stevens, James W., Death, October 4, 1965-Funeral October 7, 1965 at 10:00 a.m., 1965
Suburban Trust Company, Women's Conference on Business, April 24, 1965
Suburban Trust, 1965
Sun Oil Company, 1965-1967
Swaim, Donald L.-News Editor WMAR-TV, 1965
Sylvester, Harold F. (Dr.), Request for Reemployment-Area Govt. & Politics-BPA
T. Funeral, 1965
Terrapin Club, General File and Directory, 1965
Tydings, Joseph, 1965
Thompson, Antoinette, Pres., Pi Chap., Sigma Theta Tau-Re Nursing Scholarship, 1965
Thomas, Mrs. Charles, (See Also Adm. Graduate School), 1965
Thompson, Willia (Miss), Summer School-Waiver of Out of State Tuition, 1967-1968
Three M Company-Offer of Equipment Grants to College of Education, 1965
Trans World Airlines, Inc. (Re Travel-Excess Baggage of Med. School Employees), 1965
U, (General File for, 1965), [1965]
United Educators, Inc. Re: Estimate of 14-Volume Am. Educator Encyclopedia, 1965-1966
United Givers-Letters of Appreciation for the 1965 Campaign, [1965]
United Givers Fund, June 21, 1965-Photo of Dr. Elkins, 1965
United Planning Organization of the National Capital Area (See Scholarship Off.), 1965
United Planning Organization, 1965
US Nat'l Comm. for UNESCO-Conf. Nov. 16-19, 1965
Ulmer, Melville J., 1965-1966
United Nations Association of Maryland, 1965
UNESCO, 1965
United Nations, 1963
United Nations, Student Intern Program, 1964-1965
United Nations, 1964-1965
University Photographers Association, 1965-1966
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 183 (cont’d)
V, 1965
Vacations-Deans and Directors, Summer of, 1963
Valley Education & Research Foundation, (See Engagement File, Nov., 1965), 1965
Van Royen, W., (Dr.), Ret. (Letters re Geography Dept. BPA), 1965
Waa, 1965
Wagner, Philip-Hartford Times, 1965
Wam, 1965
Warren, The Honorable Earl, [1965]
Was, 1965
Wash. Planetarium & Space Cen., 1965
Washington Academy of Sciences-Teaching of Science Award-Nov. 12, 1965
Washington Post, "Brains at Maryland Are Beginning to Show," May 23, 1965
Watts, H. M., Dr.-Re Processing of Application of Patricia Watts, 1965
Wec, 1965
Wej, 1965
Wes, 1965
Western Union Corporation, 1965
Wio, 1965
World Brothers Industries, (see Engagement File Summer of 1965), Visit to Australia, 1965
Whi, 1965
Who's Who in America, Corrected & Return 7/27/1965, 1965
Who's Who (Marquis) in East, (Biog. Material Revised April 6, 1965), [1965]
Wih, 1965
Wim, 1965
Woman's Club of College Park , Wed., May 12, at 12:15 p.m. Adult Education, [1965]
Woo, 1965
Wye Institute, 1965
X-Y, 1965
Z, 1965
BOX 184
[Loose Materials-Correspondence on Different Classified Positions, 1967]
[School of Pharmacy, 1969-1970 Budget, Justification, 1968]
University of Maryland School of Nursing, Copy of Justification for 1969-1970, Asking Budget,
Faculty Club
(Rossborough Inn), Faculty Club Requisitions, 1968-1969
Faculty Club , 1967-1968
Manager, [1968]
Faculty Club, 1968-1969
Budget Committee Memos, 1968-1969
Latin American Studies Program, [1967]
[School of Social Work, University of Maryland, 1969-1970 Budget Request, undated]
[Loose Materials-Correspondence, College Park, Campus Senate's Executive Committee
Minutes, 1972]
School of Law 1967-1970, Budget Justification, 1968
School of Medicine, Budget Justification, 1969-1970
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 184 (cont’d)
Budget Committee Minutes and [Agenda], 1968-1969
Library Forms, 1968
Budget Schedule, 1969-1970 Asking Budget, & Budget Schedules, 1969-1970, Working
Schedules, 1968
University Budget Comm. Minutes and [Agenda], 1968-1969, [1968]
History 149, Fall 1968
Memorandums, Latin American Studies, 1967-1968
File, [1968]
Asking Budget, 1969-1967
Maryland State College, Justifications, [1968]
Budgetary Commitments, [1968]
BOX 185
Report to the College Park Campus Senate from The Academic Reorganization Committee,
Jan. 4, 1972
Asst. to V. C. (Hohenstein), [1972]
Day's Committee-Chancellor's Academic Organization Committee, 1970-1971
Dorsey, John, (General), 1972
AOSC-(Tom Day), 1972
[Loose Materials-Changes in Academic Regulations, 1972]
Allegany Hall, 1972
Annapolis Hall, [1972]
Calvert Hall, [1970]
Cambridge Hall, [1971]
Centerville Hall, [1970]
Cumberland Hall, [1970]
Denton, [1971]
Hagerstown, [1971]
La Plata, [1970]
Dormitories-Refrigerators-Contracts, [1970]
Code of Ethics, [1972]
Blue Ribbon Commission Report, [1970]
Graves Grievance, [1972]
Nemesh-Grievance, [1970-1972]
Holiday Schedule, [1972]
Policies & Procedures, [1971]
Wiche, [1971]
ADP-Payroll Master Record, undated
Memorandum of Understanding, [1971]
Computer Science
General, [1972]
Budget, [1972]
Data Proc.-Computers Users Organization, [1971]
Human Relations--Women's Caucus, [1972]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 185 (cont’d)
Hum. Rel.-EECO [EEEO], [1971]
Human Relations-Director, [1972]
Univ. Relations-CP, [1972]
United Research Corporation, [1972]
Scranton Report, [1970]
Room Rate Structure Study, Committee, [1971]
Reorganization Materials, [1970]
Overhead, [1971]
Hum. Rel. Off.- Action Workshop, [1971]
Univ. of Cincinnati Study, [1971]
Salary Savings, [1971]
Lefrak Center for Urban Studies, [1971]
Historical and Comparative Data for Budget Committee Use, [1971]
Housing Questionnaire, [1970]
Higher Education Legislative Reports, [1971]
P. G. County, [1971]
GOES Report, [1971]
Basic Financial Model of the University, [1970]
BOX 187
[Loose Materials-News American Subscription and University of Maryland Budget Schedules,
UMBC, 1970
University College, 1970
University Relations, 1970
Fi, 1970
Miscellaneous, U. S., 1956
US Government, Misc., 1960-1961 (2f)
Labor, U. S., 1956, 1958 (2f)
U. S. Govt. Dept. of Labor-Bureau of Employment Security-Minority Groups & Negroes, 19601961
Library of Congress, U. S., [1956]-1957 (2f)
Talk at Fort George G. Meade-Materials for, 1960
U. S. Government, Marine Corps, 1960-1961 (2f)
U. S. Govt.-United States Naval Academy-Rear Admiral John F. Davidson, Effective June, 1960
U. S. Government, Navy, 1960
US Government
Naval Academy, 1961
Navy, 1961
Post Office, 1960
State, U. S., 1956
US Government, State Department, 1960-1961 (2f)
Department of the Treasury, 1952-1953 (2f)
United States Government, Miscellaneous, 1954-1955, 1958-1959 (4f)
US Government, Congress, 1961
Interior, U. S., 1957
Interior, U. S., 1955-1956
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 187 (cont’d)
U. S. Govt.
Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, 1959-1961
Interior, 1960-1961 (2f)
Social Security Administration, 1954
Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare-General File, 1961
Health, Education and Welfare, 1960
Treasury Department, Internal Revenue, 1954
Speech, [1969-1970]
Spanish and Portuguese, [May 1968]
Math, [1968]
Chemistry, [1969-1970]
Chinese, Hebrew, Linguistics, [1969-1970]
Microbiology, [1969-1970]
Asking Budget, Physics and Astronomy, [1969-1970]
Zoology, [1968]
Molecular Physics, [1968]
BPA-Dean's Office, [1968]
Dept. of Business Administration, Asking Budget, 1969-1970
Geography, [1969-1970]
Government and Politics, [1969-1970]
Information Systems, [1969-1970]
Journalism, [1969-1970]
Bureau of Governmental Research, [1969-1970]
Bureau of Business and Economic Research, Asking Budget Summary, [1969-1970]
[Loose Materials-Correspondence, Budget Committee, 1968]
College of Education, Asking Budget, 1969-1970
Engineering-Dean's Office, [1968]
Aerospace Engineering, [1969-1970]
BOX 188
[Loose Materials-Asking Budget for 1969-1970, 1969]
Computer Science Center, 1968
[School of Dentistry, Budget Justification, 1969-1970, 1968]
Administration, Library, P. M. O., Student Services, Budget Justification, 1969-1970
Department of the Physical Plant, Justification, Budget Requests, 1969-1970
Fire Service-Extension, [1969-1970]
Home Economics, [1968]
[Loose Materials-Physical Education, Asking Budget 1969-1970, undated]
Summer School, Proposed Budget, 1968-1969, [1968]
[Loose Materials-Budget Committee-Asking Budget for Various Schools for 1969-1970, 1968]
[Loose Materials-School of Library and Information Services, University of Maryland, 1968]
[Civil Engineering Department, 1969-1970 Budget Request, May 15, 1968]
Mechanical Engineering, [undated]
Electrical Engineering, [1968]
Chemical Engineering, [1968]
Fire Protection Curriculum, undated
IFDAM, [1967]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 188 (cont’d)
Germanic and Slavic Languages, [1968]
[Loose Materials-School of Library and Information Services, Annual Report of Activities, 1968]
French & Italian, [1968]
History, [Department of, undated]
Music, undated
Dance, [Department of, undated]
Philosophy, [Department of, undated]
Psychology, [Department of, undated]
Sociology, (Anthropology), 1968
Board of Trustees of the Md. St. College, Minutes of the Meeting
Minutes, Friday September 8, 1967
Meeting-August 7, 1967, 1967-1968
Minutes of the Meeting, 1966-1967
Minutes of the Meeting-June 27, 1966-1967 (2f)
BOX 190
Maryland State, Princess Anne, 1967-1968
Dr. J. T. Williams, President, Maryland State, 1967-1968
Baltimore City Law, 1967-1968
Memorandums, Budget Committee, 1967-1968
Carl L. Seidel, Director of Graduate Records, 1967-1969 (2f)
Graduate School, 1967-1968
Minutes-Graduate Council, July 12, 1967
Graduate School Data Survey, undated
Graduate School Chronicle, Spring 1968
The Graduate Judicial Board, May 13, 1968
Equipment Budget, Graduate School, 1967-1968
Graduate School Administrative Positions, [1967]
Graduate Council, Minutes, 1967-1968
Dr. Ray Ehrensberger, University College, 1968-1969
University College, 1967-1968
Associate Dean, University College, Stanley J. Drazek, 1968-1969
Dean Drazek, University College, 1867-1968
Dean Ray Ehrensberger, University College, 1968-1969
Dr. Albin Kuhn, Chancellor, Baltimore Campuses, 1967-1968
Dr. Jackson Stenger, Assistant to the Chancellor, 1968-1969
Dr. Wm. Stone, School of Medicine, 1968-1969
Dr. Stanley Pavey, University Counseling Center, Shoemaker Building, 1967-1968
W. L. Strausbaugh, Head, Dept. Speech & Drama. Art, 1967-1968
Dr. T. J. Aylward, Speech Department, 1968-1969
Dr. Marx, Head Counseling & Personnel Services, College of Education, 1967-1968
Dr. R. H. Lindsey, College of Education, 1968-1969
Dr. Risinger, Head, Dept. Secondary Education, 1967-1968
Dr. Gladys Wiggin, College of Education, 1968-1969
Dr. Gladys Wiggin, Director, Graduate Studies, College of Education, 1967-1968
Dean Vernon Anderson, College of Education, 1967-1968
Dr. Patrick, Infor. Systems Management, 1967-1968
Dr. Stanley Hille, Business Administration, 1967-1968
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 190 (cont’d)
Dr. Dorsey, Dir., Bus. & Economic Research BPA, 1967-1968
Dr. Richard Seldon, Department of Economics, 1968-1969
Dr. Dudley Dillard, Economics, 1968-1969
Economics, D. Dillard, 1967-1968
Dr. Taff, Head, BPA, 1967-1968
Dr. Donald O'Connell, Dean-Business and Pub. Administration, 1968-1969
Dr. O'Connell, Dean, Dept. of Economics, BPA, 1967-1968
Dr. George Anastos, Zoology Department, 1967-1968
Dr. George Anastos, Head, Department of Zoology, 1968-1969
Maryland State Department of Health, [1968]
Ellis Lippincott, Dir., Center Materials Research, 1967-1968
Materials Research Program, [1967]
Motivation: The Educator's, Walter B. Waetjen, [1966]
National Science Foundation, 1967-1968
National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowships & Trainee, undated
James Slicher, Dir. Md. State Budget and Procurement, 1967-1968
Mr. Hamner, Head, Data Processing, University Library, 1967-1968
Audiovisual Services Equipment Loan Usage, undated
Electricity & Water Costs, Physical Plant, undated
Faculty Salaries, [1967]
Faculty Salary Increases, [1967-1968]
Facts About Penn State Library, undated
Fees, 1967-1968
Milo C. Knight, University Food Service, 1967-1968
Food Service, Working Budget, 1968-1969
Dr. Franklin Burdette, Chrm., Governmental Research, 1968-1969
Goals and Objectives, Natural Resources Institute, [1967]
Section VI, Job Descriptions, University Housing, 1968-1969, Budget, [1968]
Dr. H. Palmer Hopkins, Director, Student Aid, 1968-1969
In Praise of Candor, McGeorge Bundy, [1968]
Department of Animal Health-Care of Research Animals, Policy for, November, 1969
[Loose Materials-Dr. Elkins' Correspondence, 1973]
Department of Animal Health, Approved by Board November 21, 1969 (Ch. of Name of
Livestock San. Serv.), [1969]
Agri. 4-H & Youth Leader, Ext., Richard R. Angus, Dec. 1, 1967
Agri. Institute of Applied Agri.
Gen. File, [1970]
Apt. Act. Dir. Dr. Ronald J. Siebel, Aug. 15, 1972
(Re: Gift from Briggs and Stratton Corp.), 1970-1971
Animal Health, Dept. of, [1970]
Editorial Projects for Education, 1966-1968
Board of Public Works-Minutes, 1975
Educational Projects, Inc., 1966-1967
Capital Improvements Committee, (Baltimore), [1960-1961]
Housing Facilities Comm.-Elkins Office, Dec. 7, 1959-1960
Committee on Nuclear Studies, [Dr. Ronald Bamford-Chairman], 1954
Committee-Parking, 1958
Committee on Safety, [1956]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 190 (cont’d)
Committee-Scheduling, Space Allocation & Calendar Coordination, [1958]
Committee on Travel, [1956]
Commission on Mathematics, [1957]
Committees-Data Processing, [1961]
Committees-Air Conditioning, 1960
Capital Improvements Committee, (College Park), 1961]
Partial Agenda and Names of Committee Pers., [1962]
Public Functions & Commencements of Academic Year, [1961]
[Loose Materials-Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Dec. 7, 1961]
Tickets & Room Reservation, [1962]
Schedule, [1962]
Memo on Work & Responsibility of Visiting Comm., undated
Letters re Pres. Holt's Dinner, [1962]
College & University Journal, Winter 1962
American Council on Education Builders and Informational Material, 1961
[Loose Materials-Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1960]
U. S. Govt.-Dept. Health, Ed. & Welfare, (Contracts, Applications & Grants to), 1959-1960
[Loose Materials-The Inauguration of John Henry Fischer, as President of Teachers College,
Columbia University, November 12 and 13, 1962]
[Loose Materials-Correspondence, 1962]
June, 1965
[Loose Materials-Correspondence, 1959-1965]
BOX 192
Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1967-1969 (2f)
Chronological Correspondence, 1967-1968
Asst. VP. Administrative Affairs, Dr. Giffin, 1967-1968
Chronological Correspondence, 1968-1969
Newspaper Clippings, 1967-1969 (2f)
Medical School Tuition, 1964-1965
College of Education, Reconsideration of Selected Asking Budget Positions, 1969-1970
Clodus R. Smith, Director, the Summer School, 1967-1968
College of Education, [1968]
Dr. R. H. Lindsey, College of Education, 1968-1969
Dean Robert Beckmann, College of Engineering, 1967-1968
Dr. Wockenfuss, Asst. Dean, Col. of Engineering, 1967-1968
Dr. E. R. Johnson, College of Engineering, 1968-1969
Dr. Johnson, Assoc. Dean, Engineering, 1967-1968
Dr. Rivello, Aerospace Engineering, 1967-1968
Dr. Marchello, Chm. Chemical Engineering, 1967-1968
Dr. G. Trytten, Director, Fluid Dynamics, 1967-1968
Dean M. Brooks, College of Home Economics, 1967-1968
Dr. Lester Fraley, Dean-College of Physical Educ., 1968-1969
Dean Fraley, Physical Education, 1967-1968
Dr. Eyler, Head, Physical Education, 1967-1968
Mr. Wm. Cobey, Director of Athletics, 1967-1968
Dr. George Kramer, Physical Education, 1967-1968
Jim Kehoe, Director of Intramurals, 1968-1969
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 192 (cont’d)
Dr. Ellen Harvey, Physical Education, 1968-1969
Dean John Hill, School of Architecture, 1967-1968
Dr. Paul Wasserman, Dean-SLIS, 1968-1969
Dean Wasserman, School of Library Science, 1967-1968
President's Committee on Retirement System, [1968]
Retirement Benefits Committee Correspondence, 1968-1969
Rossborough Inn, [1968]
Louise Berman, Dir. Nursery Kindergarten Laboratory School, 1967-1968
Objectives of the University of Maryland, undated
HPAC-PG County Minutes, 1967-1968
HPAC-PG County, Background Material, 1967-1968
Prince George's Health Advisory Committee, [1968]
Policy on Using Funds from the State-Support Budget for Purchases for Food, [1968]
Mr. C. Plummer, Director of Procurement, 1967-1968
Projection of FTA Graduate Enrollments, [1968]
Professional Medical Staff Student Health Services-Giffin, Nov. 9, 1967
Publicly Supported Universities & Colleges at which TIAA-CREF & State Plans are Alternates,
Asking Budget, Increases Requested, 1968-1970
Science Development Program, 1967-1968
Agenda-Budget Committee, 1967-1968
TIAA Optional Retirement Program, [1968]
Salary Policy for Central Managerial Group-Class. Employees, [1968]
University of MD. Purpose, [1968]
Unrestricted Funds, Greater Univ. of Maryland Fund as of March 15, 1968
Department of State, U. S., undated
Closing Summary, 1967-1968
Dr. Adkins, Director,
Bound, 1967-1968
Weighted Credit-Hour Load, Fall 1967-1968 Semester, of Faculty Hired After June 4, 1967,
1967-1968 Working Budget Suggested Prog. Accts. for 1969-1970, undated
Senate Bill 21, undated
Senior Supervisory-Classified Positions, [1968]
Special Graduate School Prog. Supported from Institutional Allowance Funds, 1967-1968
State Support Higher Education, 1967-1968
State Supported Budget by Source of Funds 1961-1965
Spring, History 149 Schedule, 1967-1968
Student Services, Statements, 1967-1968
Summary of Budget Lines for New Positions, undated
Summary of Request for Recon. of Positions by Budget Committee, undated
Supplemental Budget Request, 1968-1969
Survey of Hiring Rates for Baccalaureate Nurses as opposed to Nursing School Graduates,
Teaching Load Study (Hofstra University), [1967]
Tentative Budget, Development Schedule, [1968]
Tentative Subcommittee Assign., Working Budget, 1969-1970
Publicly Supported Dental Schools, 1965-1966
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 192 (cont’d)
Richard Good, Dir. Institutional Research, 1968-1969
Mr. G. Miller. Chief, Bureau Service, Computer Science Center, 1967-1968
TIAA-CREF Retirement Plans, March 25, 1968
Trinity Missions, [1968]
University Directory, undated
Univ. Information Systems, [1968]
Michael E. Ruddy, University Information Systems, 1968-1969
Lab Fees, [1968]
Letters of Recommendation, [1967-1968]
Instruction-College Park, New Classified Positions, Budget, 1968-1969
Institutional Research, 1967-1968
New Programs or Expansion of Present Efforts, Institute for Criminology, [1966]
Improvement and Beautification Committee, 1967-1968
Dr. Hugh Morgan, Dir., Institute for Child Study, 1967-1968
Robert Breuning, 1967-1968
Melvin Bernstein, Director, Gen. Education Prog., 1968-1969
Definition of Maryland Teacher, [1967]
Dr. Richard Wagner, Endowments and Gifts, 1967-1968
Dr. Richard Wagner, Dir. Endowment and Gifts, 1968
W. J. Tsikerdanos, Chief, Data Processing, 1968-1969
Curriculum Vitae, [1968]
U of M Alumni Association, Planned Income & Exp., 1968-1969
Atomic Energy Comm., undated
An Outsider's View of the University of Maryland, Dr. R. P. Bentz, [May 15, 1968]
Annual Tuition-Schools of Law, 1965-1966
Bachelor Degrees, 1966-1967
Current List, Board of Regents, 1967
Miss Betty Baehr, 1968-1969
Robert P. Bentz, 1968
Bentz-University of Illinois, [1968]
Budget Amendments, [1968]
Budget Increases, Intercollegiate Athletics, 1968-1969
Budget Increases requested, 1968-1969
Request Budget Presented for Consideration of the Budget Comm., Board of Regents, 1969-1970
Clah Prize, [1967]
Classified Employees, Budgeted Positions-Grade 14 and Above, undated
Committee on International Education, [1968]
Committee on Programs, Curricula and Courses Arts and Sciences, [1968]
Agenda-Committee on Budgets, Board of Regents-Review of the Budget Request, 1967-1968
Agenda, Committee on Budgets, Board of Regents, University of Maryland, September 13, 1968
Annual Salaries, Student Health Services, Members of Western Conf. & Univ. of Chicago, 19651966
Administrative Stipend, undated
Recommended Assignment of Administrative Stipend, 1967
Administrative Stipends, U of Md and Ten Institutions, 1966-1967
Administrative, Technical and Personnel Titles, undated
[Twelfth Annual Report of Mosquito Control Project, Calendar Year, 1967]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 193
[Loose Materials-Letter to President Andy Holt from Ed Boling, undated]
[Loose Materials-Manual for the Institutional Self-Study and Periodic Visitation Program,
Commission on Colleges and Universities, 1960]
Clippings and Diamondbacks, [1961-1963]
[Loose Materials-Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1959]
State of Maryland, 1959 Fiscal Year Capital Improvement Program, [1958]
Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission, 1954, 1959 (2f)
A & S Music Bands, 1959
Institute of International Education, 1959
Governor's Committee-Community Chest, Red Cross, and United Appeal, [1959]
Guaranteed Education, Inc., 1959
Krieger, Abraham, 1959
University Relations, Baltimore Office, 1958
Lovejoy, Arthur O., [1959]
Atlantic Union Committee, Inc., 1959
Immigrant Students, 1959
Herbst, Catherine A., [1959]
Honorary Degrees, Basis for, 1959
Hot Shoppes-Proposed Operation of Dining Hall, 1959
Hyman-Mrs. George, [1959]
Goldstein-Testimonial Dinner, April 16, 1959
Corbin, Robert N., Jr., [1959]
Cotterman, Harold, [1959]
Bergin, Thomas F., [1959]
Baltimore, Air Pollution Control Ordinance, [1956]
Berman, David Arthur, Memorial Award in Chemistry, 1957-1958
Bird Research Foundation, Ltd., 1959
Bowers, Allen A. (Regarding Name of Golf Course), [1959]
Education for the Blind, John Mason Brown, 1959
[Loose Materials-Correspondence, 1963]
Schedule of Trip, May 16-June 5, 1963
Biog. Sketch of Andre Maouriois, [1963]
Finance and Business-Director, 1959
Ass. of the Ste. Univ. Federal Legislation-Association's Position on, 1963
American Council on Education, Research Grants, 1963
Assn. of Univ. & Land-Grant College, Comm. to Study Org. of Extension Within Association,
Assc. of Land-Grant Colleges Voluntary Gifts Committee, 1963
Assoc. of St. Uni. and Land-Grant Col., General File for, 1963
Assn. of St. Univ. Land Grants Comm. to Study Organization of Extension, 1963
Assn. of St. Universities & Land Grants, Rural Develop. Subcommittee, 1963
Association of the Universities, Nov. 13, 14, 1962
Speeches [Logan Wilson's Talk], 1963
Assoc. of St. Uni. & Land Grant Col., Committee Appts. for, 1963
Assn. of St. Uni. & Land Grants, Executive Com., Nov 11, 1963
Assoc. of St. Uni. Sun. Nov. 10, Tickets-Return Nov. 12, 1963
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 193 (cont’d)
Assoc. of St. Uni. Room Reservation at Hotel Morrison, [1963]
Schedule for Flights & Meeting, undated
Assoc. of State Universities-Preliminary Program, [1963]
Assoc. of State Univ. Annual Report of Exec. Sec., [1963]
Assoc. of State Universities, Exect. Comm. Minutes, August 28-29, 1963
Assoc. of St. Univ. 1963 Minutes of Joint Meeting, August 14, 1963
Asoc. of St. Univ. Tentative National Policy Program, 1964
Assoc. of St. University, Minutes of Comm. on Organization Meeting, October 2, 1963
Assoc. of St. Univ. Comm. on International Affairs Agenda, [1963]
Council of Presidents, Agenda & Pre. Elliot's Letter, Nov. 11, 1963
Assoc. of St. Uni. Luncheon & Dinner, [1963]
Assoc. of State Univ. & Land Grant Colleges, 2-year Sr. R. O. T. C., 1963
Assoc. of Land Grants & St. Univ. Circular Ltr. Distribution, (12 copies), 1963
Land Grant Colleges, Minutes & Report of Joint Comm., 1963 (2f)
[Loose Materials-Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1968]
[Loose Materials-The University of Maryland Libraries, Annual Report, 1967-1968]
[Loose materials-Library Budget Request, Justification Statement for 1969/1970, 1968]
Department of Dairy Science Objectives and Justification for Asking Budget, 1969-1970
Justifications & Summaries, [1968]
Department of Horticulture, Budget, [1968]
[Loose Materials-Budget Request, 1969-1970, Department of Botany, 1968]
[Loose Materials-Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1968]
[Loose Materials-Department of Agronomy, 1969-1970, Budget Requests, undated]
[Loose Materials-Asking Budget, 1969-1970, Department of Agricultural Economics, College of
Agriculture, University of Maryland, May 8, 1968]
Department of Agricultural & Extension Education, [1969]
Asking Budget, Fiscal Year, 1969-1970
1969-1970 Asking Budget, Department of Animal Science, [1968]
Agronomy-Dairy Forage Research Farm Objectives and Justification for Asking Budget, 19691970
1969-1970 Information & Publications Department, [1968]
Asking Budget, Veterinary Science, 1969-1970
Veterinary Science-Extension Asking Budget, 1969-1970
Asking Budget, 1969-1970, Poultry Science Department, [1968]
Entomology Asking Budget, 1969-1970, undated
1969-1970 Asking Budget, Cooperative Extension Service, [1968]
Service and Control Programs, [1968]
Comparative Literature, [1969]
Art, undated
Classical Languages, undated
English, [1968]
BOX 196
Assc. of State Universities & Land Grant Colleges, Publications, Etc., [1963]
Assoc. of St. Uni, Committee on Organization, Meeting, July 6, 1964
Assoc. of Land-Grants....Joint Comm. of Dept. of Agriculture & Land Grants Govt. Service,
Nov. 8, 1964
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 196 (cont’d)
Association of St. Universities, Organization of Association, Elkins Member, 1964
Association of State Universities Annual Report of the Executive Secretary, Nov. 10, 1964
Association of St. Univ. & Land Grant Colleges-Hearings on S. 2 & H. R. 2683, Feb. 19, 1963
Assn. of Land-Grants Letters on S. 2 and H. R. 2683, 1963
Water Resources, S. 2, February 1963
Water Resources, H. R. 2683, Feb. 1963
Assoc. of St. Universities, Annual Meeting, Nov. 10-13, 1963
Assoc. of State Univ. & Land Grant Colleges, International Rural Devel. Sub. Comm., [1963]
Pres. Office-re Assoc. of Univ. & 1963 Land Grants-Water Resources Research-Hearings On,
etc., 1963
Association of St. Uni.-Circular Letter Distribution for 1965, 1965
Association of St. Universities, Re Academic Facilities Act of, 1963
Assoc. of St. Universities, Council of Presidents, 1964
Assoc. of St. Univer. & Land-Grants Subcomm. on International Rural Dev., Conference on,
Assn. of Land Grants-Comm. to Study Organization-Corr. with Griffith of Univ. of Chicago,
Assoc. of State Universities, Recommendations on Desirable National Action Higher Ed., 1964
Assoc. of State Univ. & Land Grants, Tax Credit Legislation, 1964
Association of St. Universities, Executive Committee Minutes, 1964
Assoc.-St. Universities & Land-Grants Colleges, Officers & Committees, 1964
Assn. of St. Universities, Research-Vocational Ed. Act, 1964-1965
Assn. of St. Uni. International Rural Development Conference, July 27-28, 1964
Assoc. of St. Univ. & Land Grants List of Delegates to Meeting in Washington, Nov. 8-11, 1964
Ass'n of State Universities & Land Grants-Nov. 8-11, 1964 Annual Convention... Program, Etc.,
Association of State. Uni. & Land Grants Institutional Research-Tax Credits for Ed. Expenses,
Assoc. of St. Uni. & Land Grants International Rural Development Office Proceedings, July 27
& 28, 1964
Association of Land-Grants, April 6-7/64 Joint Comm. on Government Service, 1964
BOX 197
Review-Asking Budget 1968-1969
Budget Committee-General Meetings, 1967
Budget Hearings, undated,
Report to Deans, undated
Letter of Instructions, undated
[Loose Materials-College of Arts and Sciences, 1968-1969 Asking Budget, 1967]
Center of Excellence, undated
[Loose Materials-Program to Secure Private, Voluntary Financial Support for the University of
Maryland, 1967]
Enrollment Statistics-Maryland, 1963
Enrollment Materials, [1967]
Constitution of Md. Proposed, [1968]
Annual Report of the President, 1966-1967
College & Business Officers, Nat. Ass., [1967]
Degree Program, [1967]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 197 (cont’d)
Washington Center for Metropolitan Studies, undated
Prince George's County, [1967]
Budget Bureau Hearing, 1968-1969
College Park Beautification Committee, [1967]
Central Control Budgets, [1967-1968]
Budget Committee-Elkins Review, 1967
[Loose Materials-Miscellaneous Correspondence, Handouts and Budget Projections, 1967]
BOX 198
Regent's Formal Review, 1967
Regent's Preliminary Review, 1967
University Senate, 1967-1968
[Loose Material-Miscellaneous Budget Askings, 1967]
Budget Bureau Hearings, 1967-1968
Graduate Faculty Assembly, [1967]
[Loose Materials-Personnel, undated]
University Club, 1954
United Democratic Women's Clubs, 1954
United Cerebral Palsy, Charitable & Welfare, 1954
U, 1955
Vet. Adm. [Teague, Olin E.-Comm. to Investigate Education Program under G. I. Bill], 1951
U, 1954
University of Maryland History, 1955
United Givers Fund, [1957]
U, 1956
U. S. Government, Commerce, 1961
BOX 199
Aa, 1975
Abt Associates, Inc., Survey of Higher Education Accessibility Project, to Kendig, 1975
African Scholarship Fund, Inc., (Dr. E. Noted Said File), January 17, 1975
Am, 1975
Ambrose, Nellie-Re Employment at University of Maryland, February, 1975
Ammerman, Mrs. John D.-re Debt Owed by Block and Bridle Club, March 1975
Anderson, Paul-Pres. of the Sailing Club of College Park, February 6, 1975
Alexander, Mrs. Jean C. (re Son. Harvey J. Alexander) & Grad. School, June 1975
Apaiwongs, Vichian-Re: Admission of 2 daughters, July 1, 1975
Appointments, H. Vasken-Registration-Prof. of Cell Biology & Pharmacology, Last Day,
October 15, 1975
Ar, 1975
Arozan, Mrs. John P., Ltr. re. Housing for Her Son-Sept. 22, 1975
American Academy of Political & Social Science, 1974 & 1975
American Civil Liberties Union: Complaint about Police Applications, October, 1975
Association of American Universities
Dr. Elkins Files Membership, 1975
Washington Sheraton-Carlton Hotel, Oct. 21-22, 1975
Enrollment Trends, Oct. 14, 1975
Re Increase of Minority Students in Ph. D. Programs, [1975]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 199 (cont’d)
Association of American Universities (cont’d)
Rep. to National Council to Humanities, (Dr. Corrigan), Aug. 1975
AUU Constitution, (Amended and Ratified), April 22, 1975
Phone Number for Kidd, Khoury & Crowley, April, 1975
Sp. Assessment of 500$-Paid Nov. 4, 1974
Spring Meeting at Duke Uni., April 22-23, 1975
Discuss with Dr. Kuhn, Assoc. of Am. Universities-Costs Incurred, June, 1979
Pres. Bok Ltr-see Harvard Uni.-Oct., 1975
Am. Assoc. of Uni. Professors
C/P Campus-re Elske V. P. Smith Holdings, December 1975
Nearing Keeping Up: Report on Economic Status of the Profession, 1975-1976
Annual Survey of Faculty Compensation to Hornbake, September, 1975
Survey Academic Salaries, Etc., Acad. Year, 1975 (Sept. 24 to Hornbake), 1975
Survey Academic Salaries, Etc., Academic Year 1973-1974, (Sept. 17 to Hornbake),
C. P. Campus-Ingram-Pres., 1975
American Associations, Misc., 1975
Baa, 1975
Baltimore City-Mayor of, Withdrawal of Request for Honorary Degree to be Given to Dr. Wm.
R. Tolbert, Pres. Liberia, Sept. 8, 1976
Mayor Schaefer's Request for Hon. Degree, [1976]
Baltimore City All-Areas, 1976
Baltimore-Community Relations Commission, 1975
Balt. City-Regional Planning Council, [1975]
Ban, 1975
Burns, Vincent Godfrey, re Honorary Degree, March 1975
Burns, Vincent Godfrey-1969 [Gift to Library of Mss., etc., Rept. to Board on March 21, 1969]
Barnes, Rita Tiana-[Re: Call from Mrs. B. A. Coffin-Formerly Sylvia Anne Matthews, 1975]
Bat, 1975
Bayly, Loretta Marie, (Elkins Personal) Transcript of, 1975
Bayly, Mrs. John (re Loretta M.), Adm. of Physical Therapy Program at UMAB, June 1975
Beall, Senator J. Glenn, Jr., 1975
Beh, 1975
Bentley, Helen Delich-Resignation from Fed. Maritime Commission as of June 30, 1975, [1975]
Bes, 1975
Billingsley, Dr. Andrew-Pres. Morgan State University as of July 1, 1975, [1975]
Bishop, Sen. John J., Jr.-Re Undergraduate Program in Landscape Architecture, March, 1973
Bit, 1975
Blumenthal, Del. Charles S., 1975
Blandford, Josephine M., Death, June 1975
Block and Bridle Club-Debt owed to Mrs. John D. Ammerman, March 1975
Boa, 1975
Bowen, Mrs. Mary, Telephone Call of Nov. 14, 1975
Boccard, Barbara A., re Degree in Wildlife Mgt., Sept., 1975
Bouic, James W. (Re Title IX & Women's Athletics), 1975
Brown, Col. & Mrs. Lloyd J., Presentation of Plaque-Fac. Club, August, 1973
Bru, 1975
Brueckner, Arthur L., Death-Monday, March 10, 1975
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 199 (cont’d)
Bur, 1975
Buhling, Paul, Dr., Pre-Law Adviser, 1975
Caa, 1975
Campus Club, 1974-1975
Coffin, Mrs. B. A. (Was Sylvia Anne Mathews-Address-Phone No.), 1975
Carton, Eileen-re Refund of FICA Tax Contributions (see Also) Comp. of Treasury-September,
Carnegie Council on Policy Studies in Higher Education, 1975
Cas, 1975
Cassidy, Susan O. (Residency Case), February, 1975
Caulfield, Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. (Death of Son, Michael), Feb. 22, 1975
Ce, 1975
Bradley, L. Charles, September 23, 1975
Chambers, M. M., Grapevines, 1975
Cho, 1975
Clement, John-(Re Floor Seats), January, 1975
Coh, 1975
J. Allen Cook-Death-Monday, August 11, 1975
Cook, Michael-Murder, Friday or Saturday, August 1 or 2, 1975
Center for Creative Change in Higher Education, Dr. W. W. Sikes, Director, January, 1975
Comer Corporation, Lease Agreement Dated April 13, 1967 & Partial Assignment of Rents to
Olen D. Woods, 1975
College Park, City of, 1975
Con, 1975
Council-Financial Aid to Ed., Inc., New Address, 1973-1974
Survey of Voluntary Support of Education-to Mr. Beach, Deadline Nov. 30, 1973
Consortium on Financing Higher Education-(Fed. Student Assistance), April, 1975
Cr, 1975
Crimil, Joseph A., [1975]
Crump, Coleen-Remission of Fee-Teacher Education-March, 1975
Da, 1975
Day, Mrs. Norma C.-Re Daughter's Application to Physical Therapy Program, Mar., 1975
Davis, Sen. Roy Tasco-Death, Dec. 27, 1975
De, 1975
Demer, Nick A. Re Admission to School of Pharmacy, May, 1975
Delaney, Esther--Nut, Nov. 3, 1975
Delaney, Mrs. Kathy-Re Refund for Son, James Delaney, Jr., October, 1975
DeFiore, Dr. Leonard-Application for Position in Central Administration, January, 1975
Di, 1975
Ditman, Lewis P.-Death, July, 1975
Dietz, Gerald A., Uni. College-Europe-Transcript Case, March, 1975
District of Columbia Bi-Centennial Commission & Assembly, 1975
District of Columbia-Solicitation in Washington-Taxi for Application, 1974-1975
D.C. Licenses & Permits-Application-Solicitation in D.C., 1973-1974
Do, 1975
Doctor, Del. Charles A., 1975
Dorchester County Board of Education, 1975
Dorf, Paul A., Request for Record of his Son James H. Dorf, 1975
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 199 (cont’d)
Dr, 1975
Duncan, Donna-Re Bill for Late Registration & Complaint re Graduates..., 1975 & 1974
Ea, 1975
El, 1975
Elahi, Ph. D. Cand. in SWCP...., October, 1975
BOX 200
Embassies, 1975
Emanuel, Meyer N., Jr., Senator, 1975
Interuniversity Communications Council, Inc., (Educom), 1973
Engineer's Council for Professional Development, 1975
Library Search Committee, 1975
Music, 1975-1974
Administration, 1975
UMBC, 197
Fa, 1975
Miss Lu-Jean Feng, July 17 at 10:30, 1974
Fenn, Patricia D.-(Re Contributing to Alumni Funds, 1975)
Fi, 1975
Fisher, Harry D.-Death of Wife, September 1975
Fleming, Thomas R., Ltr. of Complaint re Salaries Paid to Grad. Ass. to Kaplan, June, 1975
Fl, 1975
Flynn, James P. (Health Insurance Coordinator), 1975
Forge, Main Bank & Trust-Re Dr. Ellen I. G. Grief... Jan., 1975
Fox, Samuel L., Dr., (Death August 3, 1975)
4th International Conference on Unity of the Sciences, Nov. 27-30, 1975
Fra, 1975
Frank, Allan-(Report for Washington Star-News) Board Item Sent, March 14, 1975
Fri, 1975
Ga, 1975
Gator Bowl
Gator Bowl, 1975
Dr. Elkin's Address in Jacksonville, Fla., Dec. 26-30, 1975
Galant, Howard Lewis, January 9, 1975
Ge, 1975
Gelletly, (Pohrbaugh), Mrs. Kay-Re Resident Status-Must Send Ltr. to Dr. Elkins, 1974-1975
Giford, Rodger-Regarding Damage to his Car on C. P. Campus, 1975
Gl, 1975
Governor's Commissions, Etc.
Gov. Comm. on Law Enforcement-Reply August 29, 1975 to St. Security & Privacy
Plan, 1975
St. of Maryland Commission on Law Enforcement & the Administration of Justice(Reconstituted, April 14, 1969
Re Gov. Comm. on Law Enforcement-Educational Needs, 1973
Governor's Commission on Law Enforcement & the Adm. of Justice-Seadoc Program,
July, 1970
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 200 (cont’d)
Governor's Commissions, Etc. (cont’d)
Governor's Commission for Student Affairs, Report, 1974-1975
Goldman, Barbara G., (Re Traffic Violation, [Fear of] Rape, Parking Lots, Etc.), Dec. and
January 1974-1975
Gra, 1975
Grade Inflation-College Park & UMBC, October, 1975
Gro, 1975
Gude, Gilbert, Congressman U. S., 1975
Haa, 1975
Hamer, J. P.-Re. Irish American Concert-December, 1975
Han, 1975
Hanrner, Diana W.-Teacher Tuition Waiver, Septr., 1975
Has, 1975
Hawkins, Robert Ross-re Transcript Problem-Non-Reporting of Grade..., March, 1975
Helmes, Dr. Winifred G., Salisbury State College-re Service of Mrs. Whitehurst on Bd., Aug.,
Hedrick, Rufus K., Jr.-Re Traffic Accident of Son, Rufus K. Hedrick, III, October, 1975
Hi, 1975
Honeywell, Inc., 1975
Hillman, Lola-Graduate Work in Counseling & Personnel Services, September, 1975
Hines, C. Calvert... Re Ltr. to Hearing & Speech Sciences-Dr. Newby..., March, 1975
Hod, 1975
Hodgdon, James A. (Refund-Ltr. from Richard A. Morton, Jr., 0ct., 1975
Holt, Ann K. (Re Delinquent Account-Teaching), July 1975
Hoff, Wm.-Naming of S. U. Cinema Theater for Mr. Hoff.-Apvd. by Board on March 21, 1975
Hop, 1975
How, 1975
Housing Report to Board on September 19, 1975, UMBC, UMES & C. P., 1975
Howard County Assoc. for Retarded Citizens, Inc., 1975
Hoyer, Steny, (State Senator, 1975), [1975]
Hughes, Mrs. Sharon A., No Address Cannot Answer, February, 1975
Hughes, Harry E.-Death on Tuesday, October 21, 1975
I, 1975
Incanato, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph-Ltr. Re Daughter-October, 1975
Ja, 1975
Jackson, Mrs. Marian J., Employee in University Hospital, 1975
Jackson, Marsha (Re Ltr. from Wm. B. Penn on Debt), March 1975
Jenkins, Helen (Mrs. Innis Jenkins), Death on Sat. June 14, 1975, Funeral at 11, on Wed. June
18, 1975
Ji, 1975
Jo, 1975
Jones, Richard Ramsay, re Not Contributing to Uni. of Md. June, 1975
Jones, Mrs. Charles I., Re Overseas Employment, February, 1975
Ka, 1975
Miss Kathy Kahoe, Sept. 18, 1973-1975, [1975]
Kadesky, Yael M., Appeal of Traffic Ticket, October, 1975
Ka, 1975
Kemal, Yasmin, (called by Thomas Webb), Jo Leo Handling, 1975
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 200 (cont’d)
Kemper, Mr. & Mrs. J. D.-Ltr. Re. C. P. Crime Rate, Nov., 1975
Kephart, Rev. Roy F., Re. Dorm Problem of Daughter, Joanne Kephart, Oct., 1975
Keegan, Mrs. Margaret C. (Re Billing Charge), 1975
Ki, 1975
Knust, H. Russell (Alumnus) Death-Sunday, Sept. 14, 1975
King, Kym I., Re Financial Aid & Filling of a Student Emancipated Status, August, 1975
King, Michael Wayne (Request-Drop Name from Alumni Lists Beach Will..., Jan. 10, 1975
Ko, 1975
Kuchno, Mr. & Mrs. John R., re Housing, Dec. 1975
Laa, 1975
Law, 1975
Les, 1975
Levy, Norman J. (Senator N. Y.) Re Linda Gail Ochital Scholarship, 1975
Li, 1975
Ling, C. S.-Supervisor Hong Kong Christian College (See Uni. College), Nov.-Dec. 1974 & 1975
Lions Club of Silver Spring-Memorial Scholarship Program, September, 1975
Liberty Bowl Football Classic, 1975-1976
Lo, 1975
Long, Clarence D. (US Congressman...), 1975
Luken, David-Request for Energy Class in Even. Prog. U. College, 1975
McDonough, Robert A.-re Letter Concerning Financial Aid-October, 1975
McNiff, Barrie Tupper-Re Teacher Education Grant-see also Congresswoman Holt, August 1975
McLean, Dr. Lee-Death, 1975
McCartney, Robert J.-Death April 20, 1975-Funeral Mass at 11 a.m., April 26, 1975
McGuire, Francis Patrick-re Unpaid Account & Request for Transcript-November, 1975
McA-McZ, 1975
Maa, 1975
M Club Dinner, Center, 1975
Varsity Basketball Banquet, Make Award, May 1, 1975
M Club President for 1974-1975, Nick Kovalkides-Eft. September 28, 1974
Manufacturing Chemists Association, 1974-1975
Maltese, Mrs. Janet-re Fee Remission, July 1975
Man, 1975
Matcher, Ms. Rita, Complaint re Baltimore Area & Library & Information Services...., Oct.,
Mayes, Thomas K. (Recommended by A. B. Filbert (Alumnus), December 1974-1975
Md. Recreation and Parks Assn., [1975]
Mas, 1975
BOX 201
Mathias, Chas. McC.-Senator, 1975
Mathias-Bureau of Mines Prop., 1975
Mea, 1975
Mednick, Sander-re Type of Law Sch. Diploma Given, June 1975
Menes, Pauline H. (Delegate), 1975
Mer, 1975
Mercantile Safe Deposit & Trust Co., Nelson Winter, May 1975
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 201 (cont’d)
Mey, 1975
Meyer, Amos, Emeritus-Extension Associate Prof. Emeritus-June 4, 1975
Meyer, Amos-Death June 10, 1975
Min, 1975
Moo, 1975
Moore, Mr. & Mrs. Dana E.-Re. Collection of Library Debt Turned Over to Md. Cent. Coll. Unit,
Moosavi, Mohammed-Re Graduate Work in Industrial Education, 1975
Mu, 1975
Musey, Reuben L. (Request of Louise Stull for Award of Honorary Degree to Musey), March
Murphy, Mrs. J. P.-Regarding Death of her Daughter Patricia, September, 1975
N, 1975
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People-Hearings on April 26, 1975
National Science Foundation
Publications, 1975
Comprehensive Assistance to Undergrad Science Ed. ICAUSE, By Oct., 1975
Science Development Grant-Report on June 13, 1975
Income Earned on Foundation Grants, March 1975
NSF-re Federally Funded R7D Centers (Oct. 4, 1974 & May 7, 1973) To Pelczar, 1973
National Science Foundation
No. 57 Directive, September, 1974
Institutional Grants for Science, 1973
Inst. Grants for Science, 1972-Central Adm. Each Campus, Applying-August & Sept.,
Use of Institutional Grant on Campuses, 1971, Ltr. of January 13, 1972
Institutional Grant-To be Used on All Campuses (Hornbake Coord.), 1971
NASA-Ames Research Center, Callcott-Representing C. P. Campus-July, 1982
National Football Foundation Hall of Fame-New York-Present Scholar-Athlete Awards, 1975
News-Am. Re Mrs. Davis S. Roe-Parking Ticket Richard Roe-Sptm., 1975
National Urban League, 1975
National Association of College Stores, Inc., 1975
Nawrocki, Mary Jo-Recommendation of Martin Buxbaum for Hon. Degree, March, 1974
National Retired Teachers Association, 1974-1975
National Center For Higher Education-Directory of Ed. Organizations-August, 1972
Ness, Frederick W. (May Invite Him to Speak on Campus), Hold Files, April 1970
Ni, 1975
Nichols, J. Hugh (Del.), (Case of Stephen W. Leslie Farmer UM), Jan., 1975
Nichols, J. Hugh (Delegate), 1975
No, 1975
Nock, Sen. Mary L.-Re Wm. E. Bunting, Jr.-Adm. to Dental School-March 1974 (Complete File)
Northdurft, Mrs. Louise Newsome-Traffic Violation Bill, 1975
Ca, 1975
Oak Ridge Associated Universities, Annual Report & Financial Statements, 1974 & 1975
O, 1975
Okajima, Masako-Re Application, July, 1975 (2f)
Oak Ridge Associate Universities-29th Annual Report, Fin. Statement, etc., November, 1975
O'Berry, Dawn-Death of July, 1975, Solomons-Ltr. Requested by Dr. Peter Wagner, [1975]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 201 (cont’d)
O'Connor, John J., Reference Gerald Tannenbaum, Jan., 1975
Pa, 1975
Paige, L. Stanley, (Attorney for Kym I. King-Re Scholarship), August, 1975
Parcher, James H. & Jean W. (re Honoraries in Business, July, 1975)
Papa, Louis S., Re Admission of Cindy K. Miller-See Also Admissions, Jan., 1975
Parrish, Ben.-Capitol Carbonic, Corp., Oct.-November, 1975
Pe, 1975
Pelton, Keith-Death-Tuesday, July 25, 1975
Penn, Wm. B., (Re Marsha Jacobs & Debt), March 1975
Peters, Susan C.-Admission Case-Lawyer, Frank L. Anderson, 1975
11. a.m. on Monday, Jan. 27, Delegate Pesci, 1975
Pesci, Frank B., Sr., 1975
Pf, 1975
Planning for Higher Ed., 1973-1975
Porter, Mrs. Jacqueline, Re Daughter, November 1974-1975
Ponce, Jorge E., Adm. to Uni. (But Has Not Filed for this Year) Re. U. S. Senator Scott, Sept.,
Powers, Jerrold. V.-Judge-re Masako Okajima-Application to Leo, July, 1975
Polsby, M. Maureen (Residence Status Appeal, February, 1975
Post Office-Current Postal Rates, Oct., 1975
BOX 202
Pr, 1975
Pres. Com. on Nat'l Medal of Sci. Nominations-(To Pelczar), June 30, 1975
T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc.-100 East Pratt St., Balt. 21202, (As of August 25, 1975), [1975]
Price, T. Rowe
Gen. 1975
Article on Charles W. Shaeffer, June 23, 1974
Emerson, 1975
Prince George's County Government
Ltr. to Kelly on Education Quarterlies, Nov. 4, 1975
Executive's Office-Address of Asst., 1975
P. G. Chamber of Commerce
Board of Directors, Current, 1975
Elkins Appointed, Honorary Director, R. A. Brach, Junior, His Representative, 1975
Spring Festival, Is This a Commitment?, April 25, [1975]
P. G. County Public Schools, Use of Byrd Stadium for Bicentennial, (On Condition), Jan., 1975
P. G. County Public Schools, 1976
Ra, 1975
Radichevich, Alexander, Re Position-See Also Kendig-September, 1975
Ramm, Gordon M.-Zoology Death-January 9, 1975
Rea, 1975
Ren, 1975
Richardson, Marguerite (Re Family Aide Program of Ext. Service), May, 1975
Riddle, Dan M. (Pres. Charles Cty. Cattle Association), February, 1975
Rieder, Wayne B. re Bill, December, 1975
Ril, 1975
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 202 (cont’d)
Robinson, Mrs. David-Re Daughter, Sharon-(See Parren Mitchell), September, 1975
Roe, 1975
Ros, 1975
Rosenthal, Leslie D.-Re Costs Board, Room, Gas, Etc. of Son, April, 1975
Ru, 1975
Rummage, Del. Frederick C., 1975-1974
Rush, Harold L., Pres. Philad. Alumni Assn. of UMES & UMES Athletics, 1974-1975
Sa, 1975
Sager, Mrs. William H.-Re: Housing for Daughter Sandra J. Sager-July, 1975
Sarbanes, Paul (Md. Congressman, 1975)
Sch, 1975
Schwartz, Marvin-re Course in Chess-To Uni. College Application, 1975
Schmaltz, Randell J., Re Credits for Graduation from UMBC-Settled, May, 1975
Schweinhaut, Hon. Margaret, 1975
Sci, 1975
Scott, Sen. Wm. L., Re. Jorge E. Ponce, Re Admission-September, 1975
Sel, 1975
Shi, 1975
Simpson, James C. (St. Senator), 1975
Sk, 1975
Smith, William B., Jr. (Re Athletic Dept.), Jan., 1975
Sn, 1975
Speigel, Robert F.-Michael H. Heffron-Architects, 1975
Sq, 1975
Staten, Roy N. (St. Senator), 1975
Staats, Elmer B., (Comptroller Gen. of the U. S.), Re April 1976, Bicentennial-Hold in Files,
Ste, 1975
Clergy Assn. of Upper P. G. County (Stetler) Luncheon Meeting-Speak, Wed., May 14, 1975
Stetler, Rev. Richard E.-Cheverly United Methodist Church, 1974-1975
Steers, Newton I. (Senator), Re Case of Danine A. Rydland, Feb., 1975
Stefun, Beatrice M.-Re Adm. to Law School, January 10, 1975
Stephenson, Deborah K., (Transcript Case), January 1975
Str, 1975
Stull, M. Louise-Request That Hon. Degree Be Awarded to Reuben L. Musey, March, 1975
Stuyvesant Asset Management Corp... Washington, Jan., 1975
Super Football League, (Super Sports-Request for Use of Byrd Stadium), September 1974
Ta, 1975
Tannenbaum, Gerald [Re: Ltr. from John J. O'Connor, Jr., 1975]
Sat. Jan. 4, 1975-Basketball-Notre Dame-Invitation to Mr. Wilmat Tennyson, 1974
Terrapin Club, 1975
Tho, 1975
Thomason, Harry E.-Pres. Thomason Solar Homes, Inc., February, 1975
Ti, 1975
Tr, 1975
Tu, 1975
Turcotte, Marilyn Whitney-Re: Student Aid-August, 1975
Venetoulis, Theodore G., County Executive-Baltimore County, 1975
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 202 (cont’d)
Voice of America-Louis House, at 11:00 a.m., Wed., November 26, 1975
Warren, Leroy W., Jr., Md. Branch-Nat'l Assn. for Advancement of Colored People, April 26,
Washington Diplomats Soccer Club-re Use of Byrd Stadium, January, 1975
[Loose Materials-Correspondence, 1975]
Weisgal, Margit-Regarding Bill Owed-December, 1975 (Dr. Kaplan Inquired), 1975
Whitney, Mrs. Frank G.-Re: Student Aid for Daughter Marilyn Whitney Turcotte, August, 1975
Wiggins, Walter, Jr., Material Sent-Dr. Elkins Said-File February 13, 1975
Winegar, Donald M., Re-Daughter's Transcript, Dec. 1975
Webb, Thomas-re Yasmin Kemal Jan., 1976 Session (Joe Leo Handling), 1975
World Health Organization, Re Gift, 1975
Wright, John G... Finder of Uni. of Md. Class Ring, October, 1975
Wood, Basil Alexander, Jr., July 1975
Wood, Anne-Re Return of Fee Admission to Graduate School, March 1975
Wyczalek, Daniel (Re Refund)...., Dec. & Jan., 1975
Zeeveld, W. Gordon, Death, July 19, 1975
United Fund-Cicha Campaign-Williams Uni. Representative, 1975-1976
United Fund of Prince George's County, October 1, 1975
U. S. Volleyball Association, 1975-1976
University Commuters Assn., Pres. Steve Smigosky, 1974-1975
U General File, 1976
Univ. College
A, 1975
B, 1975
C, 1975
D, 1975
F, 1975
G, 1975
Harvard Uni.-re Organization & Function of the Assoc. of Am. Universities, Oct., 1975
University College
H, 1975
I, 1975
J, 1975
K, 1975
Muller's Reception for Billingsley at Johns Hopkins, July 1, 1975
Saturday, May 11-to Johns Hopkins University, [1974]
Johns Hopkins University-Pres. Muller's Speech of May 1, 1975, Hold for Dr. Elkins, [1975]
BOX 203
University College
L, 1975
M, 1975
Convocation at Morgan St. University-Leave at 8:45 a.m. (Conv. at 10), July, 1975
Morgan State University-Dr. Andrew Billingsley as President Efct., July 1, 1973
Michigan, Univ. of, Re. Nov. 6 Ltr. on 6-Week Training Program May 15-July 15/1973 Women
in Administration Work, 1973
University College, N, 1975
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 203 (cont’d)
N. Y. State Uni. Coll. of Arts & Science-Re Dr. John H. Mann & Internal Curriculum, August,
Univ. College
O, 1975
P, 1975
Q, 1975
R, 1975
Virginia, Univ. of-Re Article in Richmond Star-News of Jan. 15, 1975 on Athletics, (Copy to
Faber), [1975]
Univ. College, S, 1975
San Francisco St. Univ.-Questionnaire of October-File, 1975
Univ. College
T, 1975
U, 1975
United Nations University, 1975-1976
University College
V, 1975
W, 1975
University and College, Foreign, 1975
Foreign Uni.-European Colleges of Athens (See Also Uni. College) and November 13, 1975
USDA-Southern Forest Experiment St. Feb. 24-27 Meeting Workshop at Tuskegee, 1975
U. S. Gov., Agriculture, Department of, 1974-1975
U. S. Govt. Air Force, 1974-1975
U. S. Govt. Army, 1974-1975
U. S. Army (Med. Research) Re-Med. School Civilian Volunteers on LSD Study, 1975
U. S. Nuclear Reg. Comm., 1975
U. S. Govt. Atomic Energy Comm., [1974]
U. S. Atomic Energy Comm. Inspections
Re License No. R-70 (TRIGA-Chem. Engineering), 1973-1974
Re Atomic Energy Comm., Report on License No. R-70, Nov. 15, 1971 (Extra Copies)
Re Non-Compliance with Licensing, 1967-1969
Watjen's Return, April 10, 1968
Atomic Energy-Evaluation of Nuclear Reactor-August 12 & 13, 1968
U. S. Govt.
Cen. Intelligence Agency, 1974-1975
Civil Service, 1974-1975
Commerce, 1974-1975
Congress, 1974-1975
August 2 (Friday), at 12:00 p.m. Lunch-Leave at 11:45 a.m., [undated]
Congress-Re Request of Hon. Wm. J. Bryan Dorn on Operation of Veteran's Ed. Training
Programs, Feb., 1974
U. S. Congress-Koch, Edward L., Re Hellmuth Raab-Dismissal fr. Medical School, 1972
U. S. Govt. Defense, 1974
U. S. Office of Education, 1975
U. S. Govt. HEW Office of Ed. , 1975
HEW-Robert P. Hanrahan-Deputy Asst. Sec. for Ed. (Exchange of Information), March, 1975
U. S. Office of Education, 1974
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 204
U. S. Office of Ed. (HEW) Re Kehoe as Coordinator of Survey for Uni. on Athletic Injuries &
Deaths, November 11, 1974
Ed., U. S. Office-Re Report on Morrill Funds & Federal Approp. to Land-Grants Sent. November
13, 1974
U. S. Office of Ed. (Sec.) Re: Institutions of Higher Ed. Participating in Fed. Assistance
Programs, March, 1974
U. S. Office for Education-HEW-President's Budget for Fiscal, 1974
National Center for Educational Statistics (U. S. of Ed.), 1973
U. S. Office of Education-Adv. Institutional Development Program (UMES Filing), September,
HEW-Education-Advanced Institutional Development Program (AIDP)-Title III....., August 1973
U. S. HEW (Office of Education-Granted Student Loan Program), May 1973
U. S. Office of Ed.-Basic Ed., Opportunity Grants Program, April 1973
U. S. Off. of Ed. May 7/73 Ltr. on Grants Work Study, Ed. Opp. Grants & ND. Stu. Loans, May
U. S. Of Ed.-Re NDSL, C Work-Study Etc. for 1973-1974 (To Student Aid Office), Oct. 17,
U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, [1975]
U. S. Govt.
General Services, 1975
Interior, 1975
Justice, 1975
Labor, 1975
Navy, 1975
Transportation, 1975
Misc., 1975
V, 1975
Waa, 1975
Wam, 1975
Was, 1975
Wec, 1975
Wes, 1975
Whi, 1975
Wio, 1975
Woo, 1975
X-Y, 1975
Z, 1975
U. S. Govt.-Environmental Protection Agency, 1974
U. S. Govt. Price Commission, 1971-1972
U. S. Govt. Navy, 1974
President of U. S.-1975, Greetings-Sent to All Chancellors, April 25, 1975
U. S. Govt.-Pres.-Summary Analysis of Fed. FY 1975 Budget, (Received Feb. 14, 1974)
Reference, [1974]
Vice Pres. & Mrs. Rockefeller's Reception-Wed. Oct. 8 at 6 to 9 p.m., 1975
Office of the Vice President...., 1973
U. S. Small Business Administration, 1975
Transportation-Fed. Aviation Adm. Re.-Chemistry Dept. Shipment of Batteries, August 13, 1974
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 204 (cont’d)
Veterans Adm. (See Congress. Dorn-Operation of Veterans Ed. & Training Programs, Feb., 1974
A thru Al...., 1976
Allied Chemical Corporation, 1976-1977
Am thru Az, 1976
Americans Against Union Control of Government..., 1976
American Association for Affirmative Action, 1975-1976
Am. Assn. of Uni. Women-Questionnaire-Where do Women Stand? Ans. by Dec. 15, 1976
Am. Assoc. of Uni. Women, 1976
Am. Association of University Administrators-Membership Directory, October, 1973
Am. Association of University Administrators (Keep)...., 1973
American Contract Bridge League, Gift, May 1976
American Chemical Society, 1975-1976
American Future Systems, Inc., 1975-1976
American Council on Pharmaceutical Education, 1971-1976
Atlantic Coast Conference-Death of Mrs. Robert James, December 28, 1976
Wed., March 3, Buffet for ACC-Kelly-White Mansion in Mitchellville 5 to 7 p.m., [1976]
Atas, Charles, Phone Calls Re: Parking Violations of Daughter, Jenny G. Atas...., August 1976
Argus Magazine, Re: Interview, March, 1976
Am. Association of Uni. Professors, 1976
Assoc. of Am. Universities-Fishbein Statement on Privacy Protection, (Buckley), Nov., 1976
Assoc. of American Universities-Dr. Pelczar as Fed. Laison Rep. on Council of Fed. Relations,
February 25, 1976
Assoc. of Am. Universities-Dr. O'Connell as Federal Liaison Rep. on Council on Fed. Relations,
April 3, 1973
Assoc. of Administrators of Home Economics, 1975-1976
Association of American Universities, 1976
Room Reservation Hilton-Philadelphia, 1976
Nov. 9-10/76-Uni. of Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., 1976
Graduate Schools Conference, October 6-7, 1975
Ltrs. to Sen. Beall & Sen. Mathias, June 14, 1976
Memo From Dr. O'Connell on Collective Bargaining, 1976
April 20, 1976 Agenda
AAU Presidents-April 20-21 Financial Need-Athletic Scholarships, 1976
Notes on Judge Northrop's Decision, HEW vs State of Md., [1976]
Entertainment for Wives, April 19, 20 & 21, [1976]
Wed., April 21, [1976]
April 19, 20 & 21, 1976
O'C Joint Statement-AAU & NASLUGC on Health Manpower Legislation-(Pelczar &
O'C-Reporting), Feb., 1976
Civil Rights Procedures, to Administrators-Ans. by June 7, 1976
American Associations, Misc., 1976
BOX 205
Ba to Bd, 1976
Barton-Gillet Co.-(David W. Barton, Jr.)-Fund Raising, 1976
Balt. City-All Areas, 1976
Baltimore County, 1976
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 205 (cont’d)
Bicentennial-All Phases
Md. Bicentennial Commission Report Fiscal Year, 1975
Bicentennial, All Phases, 1975-1976
Bicentennial Flags for All Campuses...., 1975
Hold For Thursday P. M., Army Band & Chorus, Bicentennial Observance, [1975]
Be thru Bp, 1976
Bender, Sidney-Rehousing for his Daughter Janine Bender, April 1976
Beal, George M.-Death Fri. Sept. 3, 1976, Funeral Tuesday, Sept. 7, 1976
Beall, Senator J. Glenn, Jr., 1976
Blum-Md. Armory Nat'l Guard re Ag. Research Farm as Parachute Drop Zone, June, 1976
Black, Don E. (Re Off Campus Graduate Opportunities), Jan., 1976
Blacks Organized for Educational Development (Corpus Christi, Texas), April, 1976
Bladensburg Rotary Club, Nicholason, S. G.-Dr. E. Noted & Filed...., August 25, 1976
Bo thru Bz, 1976
Bowles, Capt. John R. Bowles, Residency for Son, Jack Bowles (see Residency)...., July 1976
Brandt, John, Mr. & Mrs., Re Resident Status for Leslie Brandt, Granted, April, 1976
Burns, Andrew Joseph (Delegate), 1976
Ca thru Caz, 1976
Calvert Memorial Hospital, 1976
Chronicle of Higher Education, 1976
Cheverly, Town of: Bicentennial Parade-May 8, 1976
Ch..Co, [1976]
Chambers' Rpt. on 1976-1977 Appropriations of St. Funds for Higher Ed. (From Myers)...., Nov.
Chambers-Re Grapevine No. 216 Ans. by Myers, July 1976
Chambers, M. M., Grapevine, 1976
Commuters Association-1976, Stuart Hersh, President, 1976
College Entrance Examination Board, 1975-1976
Counseling Center-Set. Percentile Norms-All Freshmen, Fall, 1976
Cooper, Mr. & Mrs. Sanford, re-Hon. Degree for Wife, Grace Rogers Cooper, 1976
Crawford, Susan E.-Complaint Regarding Graduate Course, October, 1976
Crisfield-Bicentennial Com. Wilson Pyramid 100-Year Time Capsule, 1976
Crowe, John-Re Admission in Spring of, 1976
Da-De, 1976
Delmarva Poultry Industry, Inc., 1976
Chambrun, Count Rene de,
All Materials-Honorary Degree, etc., 1976
Citation and Honorary Degree Award, Jan. 14, 1976
Materials Used (from Beach), 1976
State House-Hon. Degree & Lunch Count Rene de Chambrun, Wed. Jan 14, 1976
Press Coverage-Count Rene de Chambrun, 1976
LTR. from Senator Louise Gore, (Md. Bicentennial Comm.), 1975
Article in Washington Post & Prof. Kent, February, 1976
Danforth Foundation, 1973-1976 (2f)
(Each Campus Apts. Liaison Officer), This Handled Thru Hornbake, 1973-1974
Di-Do, 1976
Disabled American Veterans, (Greenbelt), Austin R. Green, 1976
Dier, Jeff M. (Stu. Helper), 1976
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 205 (cont’d)
Doe, Slewton, Germany-Request for Funds (File-September 20, 1976)
Dorman, Arthur-St. Senator, 1976
Downey, Milo-Death-Thursday, July 8, 1976-Funeral & Burial on Monday, July 12, 1976
Docter, Del. Charles A., 1976
Douglas, John W. (Del.), 1975-1976
Douglas, Robert L., (Senator-Md.), [1976]
Dr-Dy, 1976
DuMez, Mrs. Andrew-Death, Jan. 29, 1976
Ea....El...., 1976
Educators Mutual Life Insurance Co., (See UMES)... September, 1976
Emanuel, Meyer M., Jr., Senator, 1976
Engel, Daniel W. (Re Song "We are America"-See Bands in Music), 1976
Embassies, 1976
Be at House-British Embassy-Reception, Thursday, July 8, 1976
Thursday, July 8, Leave Office-Wash. Cathedral Northwest Wing, 1976
Embassy of Rep. of China, Ambassador Giving Luncheon-Minister of Ed., Thursday, August 29,
Ed. Testing Service, 1974-1976
Cooperative Assessment of Experiential Learning (May 8 to Hornbake), 1975
Em....Ez, 1976
Emanuel, Meyer M., Jr.-Re Uni. Relationship with M-Nat Park & Planning & Wash. SS.
Comm....., Feb., 1975
Mrs. Geary Eppley-Death-September 16, 1976, Funeral-10 a.m. Mon. Sept. 20, 1976
Exxon Educational Foundation, 1974-1976
Administration, 1976
Admissions, 1975-1976
Agriculture, 1975-1976
Education, College of, 1974-1976
Engineering, 1975-1976
English, History and Math, 1974-1976
Personnel, 1974-1976
Foreign Languages, 1975-1976
Business & Management, 1974-1976
Student Affairs, 1974-1976
University College, 1975-1976
Finance & Business, 1976
University Development, 1974-1976
Misc., 1974-1976
Fa....Fl, 1976
Financial and Officers of Uni. of Md., 1976
Feigenson, Neal R.-Cand. for Rhodes Scholarship, October, 1976
Fawcett, Dr. Novice G., Address & Phone no., (President Emeritus), March 1976
Fetting, A. H., Jewelers, Balt. & Towson..., 1974-1975
Ferrell, Richard A.-Re: Acess. Path to Uni. from Uni. Park-Feb. 3, 1976
Federal City Council Re: Bicentennial Celebration, 1976 by Am. Revolution Comm., 1969
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 205 (cont’d)
Fitzgerald, Helene--Attnys. J. P. Hood-Mitchell, Brown, Shepherd & Hood-Injury-To Roach,
September 28, 1976
Fisher, Edward M.-re Daughter, Linda-Return of 15$ Application Fee, Jan. 16, 1976
Fra...Fy, 1976
Fry, C. B. "Chic"-Re Athletics, Then & Now, December 2, 1976
BOX 206
Ga... Ge, 1976
Gafner, Sylvia J.-Appeal of Phys. Dept. Decision on Qualifying Exam for Ph.D., 1976
Gaffney, Grace J., Physco...Ltr., August 3, 1976
Geither, Paul H., Jr.-Pres. Princess Anne Estates, (see UMES for Complete File), 1976
General Electric Foundation...., 1975-1976
General Electric Co. Re Nomination for Michelson/Morley Award, 1976
Gl....Goo, 1976
Goldwater, Marilyn (Delegate), 1975-1976
Gra-Gre, 1976 Budget Com. Re Graduate Assistant Stipends Dr. Gluckstern's Ltr. of September
14, 1976
Budget Meeting-Material on Graduate Assistant Stipends, 1976
Graduate Assistants' Fed., [1976]
Gro...Gy, 1976
Gude, Gilbert (Congressman), [1976]
Gulf Oil Corporation Foundation..., 1973-1976
Ha-Han-Has, 1976
Haslem, James Robert-(Recommendation to Harvard & Yale), January 1976
Hemp, Sallie Anthony-re Grades in Sch. of Social Work & Comm. Planning...., August, 1976
Hed...Hen, 1976
Hershey Foods Corporation, 1974-1975
Hi...Hy, 1976
Hiltz, Donald L., Re Dr. E. F. Beall's Remarks on Mao Tse-Tung's Death..., Sept., 1976
Housing Report to Board on Sept. 24, 1976-UMES, UMBC & UMCP, 1976
Hook's Article-A Plan to Achieve Campus Peace, Exec. Session, undated
Hotels, 1976-1977
Housing & Urban Dev., 1975
I...IY..., 1976
Iran, Ministry of Science and Higher Education, 1976
International Conference on the Unity of Sciences, 1976
Indian Overseas Bank, 1976
Institute for Am. Universities, [1975]
Institute of International Education, 1975-1976
Ja, 1976
Jacoby & Company, 1976
Jaycees International World Congress, Nov. 7-13, 1976
Jamieson, Mitchell-Death, February 4, 1976
Jo, 1976
Ka..Ke..Ki, 1976
Keyes, Cheryl-Ltr. Regarding Financial Aid-January, 1976
Knight, Carolyn-Address at Johns Hopkins University, 1976
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 206 (cont’d)
Ko to Ky, 1976
Koss, Delegate Helen L., 1976
Tuesday, October 28, at 11 a.m., Eddie Kjelshus, 1975
La...Law...Lay, 1976
Le thru Ly...., 1976
Robert C. Ledermann-Ltr. re Debt Owed by His Daughter Lise (College Park Campus), May
Leach, Mrs. Vivian Springmann, (re Child Support), August, 1976
Libber, Marianne T.-Cand. Rhodes Scholarship, Oct. 1976
Ma-Gen. File, 1976
Friday, December 3-M Club Banquet, Present Award, [1976]
M Club President-Van Sigworth (Herman V.), 1975-1976
M Club..., 1967-1977
Mac & Mc, 1976
McCants, Leonard L.-Re UM NAACP & Budget Denial by SGA-CP, August 20, 1976
Man-Mar, 1976
Markowski, Clerk, U. S. District Court of Conn.-Re Easton Corp., Emhart, Etc..., April 1976
Marx, Judith Ann-Candidate, Rhodes Schoolarship, Oct., 1976
Maryland Rural Affairs Council, 1976
Mann, Claude Wm., Re Postition..., July 7, 1976
Maetjeski, Myrtle P., Request for Access to Board Files-Sept., 1976
Manufacturing Chemists Association Announcement of 1976 Awards Competition (Rcvd.
August 15, 1975), 1976
Marshall, Arthur A., Jr.-St. Attorney for Prince George's County, 1976
Maryland School of Art and Design Re: Acceptance of Credits by Uni., June 1976
Mangan, Paul A.-to Gluckstern re Diamondback Ad, March 29, 1976
Mathias, Chas. McC-Senator, 1976
Mea, 1976
Mer..., 1976
Merkle, Mr. & Mrs. Edgar (A Collection of Books to UMBC Library), 1976
Merritt, Sue E.-Nursing School, Problem, April 28, 1976
Menes, Pauline H.-Delegate, [1976]
Mey...Mi, 1976
Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Donald E.-Sale of Uni. Property to, Apv. Bd., May 14, 1976
Miller, Jr., The Hon. Thomas V. re Pam Hurley, 1976
Miller, Thomas V. "Mike..., " 1976
Min....Mit, 1976
Mihriam, G. Arthur (Dr.)-Applications for Positions, August 1976
Mitchell, Parren J., Congressman...., 1975-1976
Moh...Mu..., 1976
Morres, Richard R.-Complaint About Repairs in Dormitory, April 1976
Morris, Donna Lee-Re Conditions in Hagerstown Hall, March 1976
Morton, Richard A., Jr. (Re Stepson James A. Hogdon) Refund, October 13, 1975
Mothershead, Andrew O.-Nov. 22/76 Proposed Legislation on Operations of C. P. Airport, 1977
Mothershead, Andrew O. (Del.), 1975-1976
Mu, 1976
Murphy, Brian J. Re Security Deposit Refund Uni. of Md. Apartments, Nov. 1976
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 206 (cont’d)
N Gen File, 1976
National Science Foundation, 1976
NASA, 1976
Nat'l Field Research Center, Inc., Jack F. Seum-All Campuses to Respond..., Nov., 1976
National Wrestling Hall of Fame, 1975-1976
National Consortium for Black Professional Development, 1976
Niles, Emory H., Death on August 9, 1976
No, 1976
O thru Oz, 1976
Ohio Public Utilities Comm. 4/1976, Proposals to NARUC-(Pelczar), April 19, 1976
Old Security Life Insurance Co., June 1976
Opportunities-(Publication), 1976
Pa to Pr, 1976
Patton, Mr. & Mrs. Tyson & Fam., H. R. No. 235 on Death of Chris Patton Dated April 9, 1979
Thursday, April 1, 1976-Chris Patton-Death-Funeral Sat. April 3, 1976 Memorial ServiceMonday, April 5, 1976
Parker, R. (The Reverend), 1976
Pinkas, Paul P., Jr.-Re not Being an Alumnus, August 7, 1976
Pope, Bonnie-Re Grades at UMBC, July 20, 1976
Pfeiffer, J. P. & Son, Inc.-Complaint re Delay in Payment of Bill, February 1976
BOX 207
President's Com. on National Medal of Science-Nat'l Science Foundation (Jan-to Pelczar) for
1976, [1976]
Prince George's County Public Schools, April 2, 1976
Pesci, Frank B.
Ltrs in Response to Dr. David S. Falk's Comments, 1976
Financing Higher Education in Virginia..., Sept. 1976
Oct. 22-23-Statewide Conference on Education-Pesci & Bradbury (Bentz Representing), 1976
Pesci, Frank B., Sr., 1976
President's Committee on National Medal of Science, 1976
Price, T. Rowe
Gen. File..., 1976
Misc. File, 1976
Ltr. of November 29, 1976 from R. A. Hernquist re. Their View of Authority as
Investment Counselor, 1976
Ltr. of December 6, 1976 from R. A. Hernquist re Social Responsibility Issues, [1976]
Price-Report & Rec., Sept. 14, 1976
Price, T. Rowe
Emerson Fund, 1976
Common Trust, 1976
P. G. Chamber of Commerce..., 1976
Prince George's County-Gen., 1976
P. G. County Dept. of Human Resources, 1976
Prince George's Community Cable Vision-Oct. 11-to Barber-ans. by Gluckstern, 1976
Puerto Rico-Commonwealth of, Resolution from Sec. of Senate Manuel Santana Motta, 1976
Prince George's County-Reports to Manpower Administration Division, 1976
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 207 (cont’d)
O thru Oz, 1976
Re to Ri, 1976
Rad, Mehdi Ghodse-Re Teaching Persian Lang. & Lit. & Chapel for Iranian Students, August,
Range, Heidi L., (Student) Death, June 21, 1976
Remsberg, J. Homer-Death, Tues. April 13, 1976-Funeral at 11 a.m. Thursday, April 15, 1976
Remsberg, John Homer, Mrs. (Mrs. Former Sarah Morris), 1969-1970
Richardson, Dallas (Employ), 1976
Rhodes Scholarships Trust, [1975]
Ri Thru Rz, 1976
Robinson, George H. (Ltr. from Dr. E. L. Oh re Hon. Degree), March, 1976
Riley, Delegate Catherine
Request for Information on Recruitment of Faculty, March 1976
General Assembly for Complete File, 1975
Other Women Legislators, Salary Review-Employment, Menes, 1975
Ropko, Mrs. Elaine Marie K., Waiver of Tuition for Outsider, July, 1976
Rowshan-Araghi, Dr., Re Resignation from UMES, as of July 24, 1976
Sa...General, 1976
Salley, Dr. John J. (Recommendation to Old Dominion University), 1976
Sarbanes, Paul, 1976
S & H Found. Lectureship Prog., 1974
Nov. 21 at 4:30 p. m. Room 1131 Stu. Union-Prob. of Time S & H Lecture, [1974]
Sch...Sci, 1976
Schulman, Mark A. (Re Termination at UMES), 1976
Schechter, Gail-Appeal on Exam in Psychology Dept., CP, 1976
Schultz, John-(Want Apt.), 1976
Schweinhault, Margaret, Sen., 1976
Schmidt, Dr. William S., Home & Office Phones, 1971
Sel-Sh, 1976
Sharpe, Conrad-Re Debt, Halem Teams for Self-Help, Inc., July 1976
Servicemen's Opportunity College...Request for Information, June 1975
Shaw, David E. (Candidate for U. S. Senate), April 5, 1976
Shipley, H. Burton-Death Saturday, February 21, 1976, Funeral at Chapel Wed., Feb. 25, 1976
Semmes, John E. (Former Bd. Mem.) Death, Sunday, November 26, 1967
Sevareid, Eric, (CBS News), 1967-1968
Sk..., 1976
Smithsonian Institution, 1975-1976
Sn...So, 1976
Southard, Mrs. William W., Jr., Re Housing for James Southard, 1976
Spigler, Fred H., Jr., 1975-1976
Southern Maryland Volunteer Firemen's Association, 1975
Southern University Conference, April 22-24, 1976
Williamsburg Inn, Williamsburg, Va., 1976
Southern University Conference
Program, April 18th & 19th, 1974
Flight Schedule, 1974
Hot Springs, Arkansas, My File, April 18-21, 1974
Southern University Conference, 1975
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 207 (cont’d)
Southern University Conference-Institutions & Presidents..., 1973
Spellman, Gladys Noon (Cong.), 1975-1976
Staff Builders, Inc., 1976
Staten, Roy N. (St. Senator), 1976-1977
Squiter, Neal Paul-Cease of Trespass-April 21-Sent to Dr. Dorsey, 1976
St....Sy, 1976
Sugi Tours International, June 26, 1976
Stalter, R. E. (Re Son-Daniel R. Stalter), 1976
State Appropriations, Capital Budget from 1954-1974, [1976]
Steers, Newton, Jr., 1976
Systematic Entomology, USDA 15th International Conf., August 20/1976
Ta...Th...O..., 1976
Tawes, J. Millard, 1976 & 1975
Tau Kappa Epsilon Frat., 1975 & 1976
Terrapin Club
Annual Varsity Football Banquet, Sheraton Washington at Lanham, 1976
President-Joe Dagenis, Hagerstown, Md., 1976-1977
Tormoehlen, Richard G. (Re Use of Dr. Elkins's Stable), Feb., 1976
Thomas, the Hon. Edward P., Frederick County State Senator, 1976
Tr...Ty..., 1976
Troth, Mrs. James (Col. & Mrs.), (Dr. Symons' Daughter), 1975
Tydings, Joseph D..., Re VA Hosp. Adjacent to Uni. of Maryland Medical Center, 1970
Tydings, Millard E. (Deceased) Materials for BPA Dedication, March 21, 1969
Tydings, Joseph D., (Sen.), 1974-1975
U-General File, 1975
US Department of Agriculture, 1976
US Dept. of Agri.-Re Compliance, Rept. of Coop. Extension Service Jan. 15, 1971; RevisionNov. 23, 1971
US Agriculture-Equal Employment Opportunity in St. Cooperative Extension Services, 19681969
US Govt. Agriculture, Proposed Regulations on Equal Employ. Opportunity in St. Coop.
Extension Service, June 1967
US Air Force, 1976
US Department of the Army, 1976
U. S. Army-Re Pentagon-M. S. Degree in International Affairs/Relations, 1976
BOX 208
Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1976
US Civil Service Commission, 1976
US Congress, 1976
US Congress H. R. 5901, Veto Req., Assoc. Am. Uni., Others, Oct.-Nov. 1975
Assoc. of Am. Universities-Re-H. R. 5901-President's Veto- (Possible) to Md. Congressional
Deleg., 1975
Congress of U. S., Ltrs. to Beall & Mathias on S. 3239, June 14, 1976
US Department of Defense, 1976
US Office of Education, 1976
HEW-Education-Civil Rights, 1976
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 208 (cont’d)
US Office of Ed., July 3, 1976, Immunization Against Influenza, Disc. Ad. Coun., August 23,
Public Health Service, 1976
National Institute of Education, [1976]
US Office of Ed.-Comp. by January 15, 1976-Rpts. on Morrill Funds & Reg. Fed. Appro. to
Land Grants, 1975
US Office of Ed.-Bankhead-Jones Funds...., May 1976
U. S. Off. of Ed.-Rept. Morrill Funds, Land-Grant Appro., [1973-1975]
US Off. of Ed. Report on Land-Grant & Morrill Funds-By Oct. 15, 1972
US Off. of Ed. Land-Grant & Morrill Funds-Report by Oct. 1, 1971
US Office of Ed. Rpt. on Land-Grant, Morrill Funds, by Sept. 1, 1970
US Off. of Ed.-Land-Grant & Supple., Morrill Funds-Reg. Fed. Appro. to Land Grants (by Sept.
1, 1969), 1969
U. S. Gov't-HEW: Veteran Student Enrolling Verification, Feb., 1976
US Environmental Protection Agency, 1976
US Energy Research and Development Administration, 1976
U. S. General Services Administration...., 1976
U. S. Department of the Interior..., 1976
U. S. Dept. of the Interior, Geological Survey..., 1976
US Dept. of Interior-Re Water Resources Research Program, April 1, 1974
US Department of Justice, Enforcement Assistance Adm., 1976
Justice Leep Program (Administered, Office of Student Aid), 1975
Justice Dept. LEAA-Re Consortium with 7 Universities-Signed Nov. 17, 1973
US Dept. of Labor-To Hornbake-Re Institutional Grants-Training of Specialists in Manpower,
US Office of Naval Research, 1976
US Govt. Nuclear Regulatory Comm., 1975
US Office of the President, 1976
US Small Business Administration, 1976
US Department of State, 1976
A-Universities and Colleges, 1976
B-Universities & Colleges, 1976
10 a. m. Wed., Sept. 29—Ltr. from Pres. Bard Dedication on Sun. Nov. 7, [1976]
C-Universities & Colleges..., 1976
Colorado, University of, Re-Fac. Teaching Load-Comparisons (Not Participating), 1973-1975
D-Universities & Colleges..., 1976
October 22 & 23-Duke at Maryland, Football Game, 1976
E-Universities & Colleges, 1976
F-Universities and Colleges, 1976
Fed. City College-Dr. Wendell P. Russell's Application for a Position at U. of Md..., May 28,
G-Universities & Colleges, 1976
Georgia, University of-Re-Administrative Organizational Structure Questionnaire-Nov., 1976
H-Universities and Colleges, 1976
Harford Community College-Consortium in Harford County, February 1976
I...Universities & Colleges, 1976
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 208 (cont’d)
Johns Hopkins Uni.
Meeting with Dr. Muller, Mr. Mester, Dr. Fisher and Blair Lee, 1976
Feb. 21, 7 p. m. Centennial Banquet-Baltimore Hilton, Mrs. Elkins, 1976
Feb. 22, J. Hopkins Convocation 3 p.m. at the Lyric Theater-Mrs. Elkins..., 1976
K... Universities & Colleges, 1976
L., Universities & Colleges, 1976
M-Colleges and Universities..., 1976
Minnesota, Uni. of-Ltr. of Magrath to AAU Members-Re NCAA's Ban on 3 Athletes
Ineligibility, 1976
Morgan State Univ. Inauguration of Dr. Andrew Billingsley, November 5, 1976
Morgan St. U., Inaug. Billingsley, Nov. 5, 1976
BOX 209
N-Colleges & Universities, 1976
O-Universities & Colleges, 1976
P-Colleges & Universities, 1976
Penn. State Uni. Re Study of Servicemen's Opportunity College- (See Uni. College) Ans.
January, 1976
Universities-Pepperdine University, [1976]
Pepperdine Uni.-Re John & Alice Tyler Ecology Fund, 1976
R. Colleges and Universities, 1976
S-Colleges & Universities..., 1976
T-Colleges & Universities, 1976
Tidewater Community College-Research Project in Vocational Ed., Part D of Public Law 90576, Feb. 1976
Urban Renewal Authority for Paint Branch, September, 1976
U-Colleges & Universities, 1976
V-Colleges & Universities, 1976
W-Universities and Colleges, 1976
Sun. Feb. 8 at 3 p.m. Bicentennial Celebration at Western Md. College & ReceptionWestminster, 1976
Yale University-Bicentennial Relay for Higher Education, March 1976
Foreign Universities & Colleges, 1976
V, 1976
Von Schmertzing, Dr. Wolfgang, Re Wife's Death-Friday, August 6, 1976
Wa...Way, 1976
Washington Statistical Society (See Business & Management), 1974-1975
Washington Newspapers, 1976
We...Wi, 1976
Dr. D. P. Wedberg-Death Thursday, May 27, 1976 Funeral at 10. a. m. June 3, Memorial Chapel,
Weitzell, Mrs. Mabel-May 27, 1976-40-Year Service Award, 1976
White, R. Barnetta McGhee, (Application for Employment-Jan. 30, 1976) to O'Connell, 1976
White House Fellowship Program (Sent to All Chancellors & CEES September 3, 1975), 19751976
Willard, de Walt J., Jr., Re Asst. County Agent Bob Raver, July 30, 1976
Wimbush, Angela, Re Spellman's Ltr on Discrimination in Grading, August, 1976
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 209 (cont’d)
Wo, Wy, 1976
Wyble, K. Don-Re Student Teaching (Lib. Science Ed.), 1975-1976
X, Y, & Z, 1976
Young, Barbara R.-(Re Finances), 1976
Young, Delegate Larry, 1976
Yuen, Donald L.-Re Parking Troubles, May 20, 1976
Yount, Paul L., Jr., 1976 & 1975
Zurgable, Valerie, Re Housing...., May, 1976
A-Ak, 1977
A. S. Abell Co., Gift of Microfilm Print of Index to Balt. Sun 1891-1951, Library, June 21, 1968
Abell, A. S. Foundation (Sun), 1968-1969
Admissions-General, 1977
Am. Association of Uni. Professors
AAUP, Collective Bargaining in Academe-Speech Md. Chapter, February 7, 1977
AAUP-Re Resolution of Md. Conf. of AAUP-RE Legislative Issues (from Bentz-Feb. 1,
Am-Az, 1977
Am. Assn. for the Adv. of Science, EVIST Ethical Value Implications of Sci. & Technology,
Feb. 9, 1977
Am. Assoc. of St. Col. & Uni., 1977
Am. Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, 1974-1975
Am. Assn. of Colleges for Teacher Ed., 1977-1976
American Family Life Assurance Co. of Columbus, (Ga.) Cancer Care, June 1977
American Foundation for Negro Affairs, September 9, 1977
American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc., Scholarship Grant for Keith A. Dueling, 1977
American Research Center in Egypt, Inc., 1977-1976
Am. Society of Photogrammetry & Am. Congress of Surveying & Mapping, Joint Meeting, Feb.
27-Mar. 5, 1977
Am. Telephone & Telegraph Co., 1977
Am. Assoc. of Uni. Wom., 1977
Am. Society of Agricultural Engineers, July, 1977
Am. Council of Learned Societies, 1977
Association of American Colleges, 1977
Am. Assn. for Uni. Women-Rec. for Dr. Rita R. Colwell-August 18, 1977 (See Sea GrantComplete File), 1977
Ankerl, Dr. Guy-Application for Adm. Position (See Employment Adm.), November 1977
Ashford, Keith-Re-UMBC-See Congri., See Congr. Parren Mitchell, November, 1977
Atlantic Council of U. S., 1977
Atlantic Coast Conf., 1977
BOX 210
Am. Associations-Misc., 1977
Association of American Universities
Association of Am. Universities, 1977
Minutes of Meeting, Oct. 25-26, 1977
Pres. & Officers, Membership-Committees, (as of Oct. 24-25, 1977
Hyatt Regency, Agenda, Oct. 24 & 25, 1977
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 210 (cont’d)
Association of American Universities
Oct. 25 & 26 Assn. of Am. Uni. Hyatt Regency-400 N.J. Ave., N. W., 1977
Buffet for Congressional Leaders, Dirksen SOB, Mon. Oct. 24, 1977
Annual Meeting, Oct. 24-25, 1977
Program, April 24, 25, 26, [1977]
Room Reservation, April 24-26, 1977
Expense Statement, Elkins, for Meeting of AAU, 1977
Misc. Correspondence, 1977
Correspondence with Humelsine, 1977
Periodic Ltrs. to Presidents, 1977
Mandatory Retirement Legislation, Keep in Current Files, August 1977
Apt. of Dr. Thomas Bartlett as Full Time Pres. of AAU, Aug. 1977
Executive Heads as of This Current Listing, April 1977
Ba..Ban...Bat, 1977
Bailey, Thomas W., 1977
Tom Basil, 11:35 a. m. Monday, May 9, 1977
Basilone, Del. Peter J., 1977
Be...Bi...Bo, 1977
Benson, Mrs. Albert L.-Re Tuition Charges-Md. Resident Aboard, September 1977
Bendix, 1976-1977
Benson, Robert O.-Re Bill From University Hospital, 1976 & 1977
Beveridge, Gillian, 1977
B'nai B'rith Career & Counseling Services-Leon L. Lerner, July, 1977
Bones, Mrs. Beverly J.-Refund from Grad. School..., Feb. 1977
Bose, Mrs. Gouri-Re Graduate Study..., June 27, 1977
Bolden, Mrs. Marguerite-Death of Alfred Bolden-European Div., February 16, 1977
Breinstein, Jay S. (Lawyer) for James & Helen White & Debi Turner, See Kurtz, August, 1977
Bri... Bro...Bru, [1977]
Boardbelt [Broadbelt], John-Retirement, June 23, 1977
Brown, Walter T.-Death-Thursday Feb. 10-Funeral on Sat. Feb. 12, 1977
Bur...Z, 1977
Ca...Car...Cas, 1977
Church of the New Birth, Material Returned, Sept. 21, 1977
Chufar, Mr. Gene P.-(Re Damage to Golf Carts, August 1977)
Clark, Brian F., Request of U. S. Labor Party to Appear before Board of Regents, 1977
Chanon, Robert I., Re Research Project for Developing Nations, 1977
Ce...Ch...Co, [1977]
Colbert Enterprises, Inc., (Re Bids), 1977
College Entrance Examination Board, 1977
Con....Cr, 1977
Coolahan, John C., 1977
Corletta, Robert J., Complaint re Open Univ., May, 1977
Cr...Cz, 1977
Da... De....Di, 1977
Danforth Foundation
Uni. System-Danforth Graduate Fellowship Program, (C. P. Liaison Officer), September,
Apt. of Liaison Officer for 1977-78, Dr. Melvin Bernstein, April 14, 1977
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 210 (cont’d)
Davis, Wade-Re Kehoe & NIT Playoffs, March 11, 1977
Walter L. Darling Corporation, 1977
Dairy Council, Inc., 1977
Delta Kappa Epsilon Frat.-Re a Kappa Delta Chapter at C. P. Campus..., 1977-1978
District of Columbia Government Liaison with Dept. of Human Resources, 1976
District of Columbia-Re Tax Delinquency of Ethel A. Wyatt-Holding, 1977
District of Columbia-Govt. Etc..., 1975 & 1974
Coolahan, John C., 1977
Docter, Charles A. (Del.), 1977
Dry Dock Savings Bank, (Re Sch. Monica Medina), 1977
Du Pont de Nemours & Co. 1977
Edelweiss Club, Inc., [1977]
Do...Dr, 1977
Kapsidells-Diamondback-2 Articles on Uni. Dev., Oct. 25 & 26, [1977]
Diamondback Interview, June 17, 1977
Driesen, T. A.-Cleaning Uni. Property Adjoining Uni. Hills Apts. Area...., Jan., 1977
Ea...El, 1977
Eastern Airlines-Luncheon, Nov. 10, 1977
Educational Reviewer, Inc., 1977
Educational Testing Services, 1977
Ep, 1977
Employment-Administrative, 1977
Fa...Fi, 1977
Fl...Fo...Fr, 1977
Friedman, Kenneth-UMBC, Student-Re Bac. Degree After 90 Credit Hrs., 1977
Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge, 1977
Ga...Ge...Gl, 1977
Gibson, The Rev. John Paul, D. D. Church of the New Birth, Material Returned, Sept. 21, 1977
Gr....Gz, 1977
Gunn, Andrew-Re: Security at UMAB..., September 1977
Eastman Kodak Co.-Referral to O'C., Feb. 1977
Educational Foundation of America..., 1976
Embassies File-Leave House 5 p. m. Shoreham American-Reception F. M. Begin & Amb. Dinitz,
Wed. July 20, 1977
Enrollment, Head Count
Reported to Board on Sept. 24, 1976
Reported to Board on September 24, 1976, All Areas, 1976
Black Enrollment, Feb. 1976
Enrollments, 1975 MCHE-HEGIS "Opening Fall Enrollments," November 17, 1975
BOX 211
Enrollment-Not Final-Bd., Sept. 1975
Enrollments (Headcount), Sept. 20, 1976
Enrollment-UMAB-Headcount, 1975-1976 & 1974-1975
[Loose Materials-Founding Church of Scientology of Washington, D.C., 20008, 1977]
Folger Shakespeare Library, 1977
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 211 (cont’d)
Food Service Coop, 1976
Ford Foundation, 1977
[Loose Materials-Correspondence, 1975]
Fraternal Order of Police Lodge..., 1977
Gaddis, Robt. W. (Supt. of Worcester County Schools-Also Ltr. fr. Eugene M. Karol-Somerset
Cty...Oct., Nov., 1977
General Electric Company, 1977
General Electric Foundation, 1977
General Electric Foundation Proposals-Engineering, 1976
General Motors Corporation, 1977-1974
Gulf Oil, Gulf Oil Foundation, 1977
Getz, Dorothy
Sat. Dec.4-Get Miss Getz-Lunch-Milestone Room, 1976
Tuesday, Sept. 14, Getz Lecture at Med. School, 1976
Getz-(Friend) Katherine Louis-Telephone No., 823-6143, [1976]
Monday, Nov. 24-Dorothy Getz's Visit-University College & Beach will Arrange, 1975
Center-Prof. Room, History of Medical & Dental Development in Md., September, 1973
Getz, Dorothy, [1975]
Gifts-Lecture in Baltimore, September 28, 1977
Memorial Fund for Dr. Charles Getz, 1970
Establishment of the Dr. Charles Getz Memorial Lecture Fund Board, June 19, 1970
Ha-Has, 1977
He-Hy, 1977
Hickey, Mrs. Kathleen K., Re Bill for Son, Jeffrey, (Dorsey), Feb., 1977
I..., 1977
Insurance Information Institute, 1977
J, 1977
Jacques, Raymond-(H. M. Consul-Venice, Italy), Heidelberg Trip..., 1977
Ka...Ko, 1977
Karol, Eugene-Superintendent of Somerset County Public Schools, November, 1977
Keeney, Mrs. Rubye-Dairy Science-Retirement, January, 1977
Kelly, Harold L., Retirement June 1, 1977-Party, May 5, 1977
Kennedy Center, 1975-1976
Kish, Sally-Re Housing-Ltrs. from Father, Wm. A. Kish, Jr., 1977
Klein, Barry-Appeal on Dismissal C. P. Campus (Brown's Referral), Feb., 1977
Krieble, James H., Re Transcripts & V. A. Benefits-To Massey, November 28, 1977
L....Le, [1977]
Lehman Brothers, Inc., (Also Correspondence with Hugh McMillen), February, 1977
Levie, Michael-Re. Completion of Courses to Receive Diploma, 1977
Lf....Li, Lo...Ly, 1977
Littell, R. Norman M., 1977
Littell, Norman Mather, Address, 1976
Luddy, Nicole-Housing and Dining Services Refund, November, 1977
Loren, Emanuel A., Dr., (See Uni. College), 1976-1977
Lyons, Patrick A. (Grad. School), Re Parking, August, 1977
Ma...Man, 1977
Mac & Mc...Gen. File, [1977]
McCray, Sidney, 1977
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 211 (cont’d)
McMillan, Joanne C., Re Graduate Work-Pelczar Handling, 1977
Mar...Mas, 1977
Me...Mi, 1977
Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc., March 17, 1977
Miles, Clarence W., Re Joseph St. Kelly..., Aug. 1977
Mo...Mu, 1977
Morgan, William R., Re-NDSL Loan, 1977
Musselwhite, Christopher-Was an Applicant for Grad. School, Industrial Ed., 1977
Na... No, 1977
National Executive Search, Inc., (Employment Agency), 1977
Newburger, Henry I.-Attorney, Re: Denise P. Moore, October, 1977
New Brunswick Scientific Co., Inc., (Re Computer Control of Fermentation Process), April,
Norfolk-MacArthur Memorial, 1977
National Science Found., 1977
National Science Foundation Grant, Phy 76, 19498 to Physics & Chem., Granted Jan. 25, 1977
National Science Foundation-Increase Minorities, Women & Handicapped Rotator Program,
Oct., 1977
NASA, 1977
O...Oz, 1977
O'Connor, Mary E. (Re University College & Graduate Credits), July 23, 1977
Harry Owens-Ltrs. re Bill to Him from U. Hosp., (1977)
Orlinsky, Walter S., Balt., 1976-1977
Outstanding Young Men of America, October 1977
Pa...Pe, 1977
Pebsco (Public Employees Benefits Service Corp.), William H. Bright, (Re Hospital Meetings),
July 1976
Dr. Anne Paolucci-St. John's Uni., Research Proposal-Sent to Gluckstern on Sept. 15, 1977
Pf...Pq, 1977
Polk Bros., Inc. (Sent Poster on Heimlich Maneuver), (Sent to Files), Oct. 12, 1977
Powell, Jr., Clayton J.-(Candidate for Student Regent, February, 1977)
Phi Alpha Theta, 1977
BOX 212
Pr... Pz, [1977]
Price, George A. (Delegate), Re Transfer Credits from Inst. of Appli. Agric. to 4 yr. Programs,
October, 1977
T. Rowe Price, Inc., 1977
Common Trust, 1977
Emerson Fund, 1977
June 10, 1977, Presentation on Common Trust Fund & Issac Emerson Fund, 1977
Richard L. Dunn, Presentation, Common Trust Fund at End. Com on Nov. 21, 1977
Growth Stock Portfolio Strategy for the Future, Dunn's Statement....Nov., 1977
Presentation to End. Com. on Common Trust Fund & Emerson Fund, (Extra Copies),
June 10, 1977
Rapoport, Albert A. Regarding Account of Vicki Lynn Rapoport, June, 1977
Rockfeller Foundation, 1976-1977
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 212 (cont’d)
Sa, 1977
Sadowsky, Wallace H., (Dr.), Re Application for Adm. C. P. from Eric Berger, 1977
Sc, 1977
Se, 1977
Sh, 1978
Sigma Nu Frat. (Internation Hqs.), Leadership Intern Program, 1977
Sigma Nu Fraternity-Proposed Intern, (1976-1977)
Singer, Harry-Re Papers of Dr. Joshua Tabatchnik-To Dr. Woen Thompson-Meteorology, Nov.
Sk to Sn, 1977
Smith, Charlotte-Re Band & Cheer Leaders-Hall of Fame Classic Bowl Game...., 1977
Smithsonian Institution, 1977
Springhill Lake Apartments, No Comment-File, Nov. 1977
Society for the Study of Social Problems, October 1977
Stone, Jr., Senator Norman R., 1977
Southern University Conference, 1977
Southwest Athletic Conference, 1977
Sn...Sq, 1977
Sr...St...Sy, 1977
James Mano Swartz-Death-February 3, 1977-Funeral Private, 1977
Swartz, James, [1974-1975]
James M. Swartz-Testimonial Dinner-Saturday, February 9, 1974
Ta...Te, 1977
Texas Instruments Foundation-Dallas, Texas-Award to Chancellors, Oct. 16, 1975
Th..., 1977
Thompson, Hugh Alfred, Motor Vehicle Registration, Fee Refund, [1977]
T...Tr...Ty, 1977
Tice, Kathleen (Mrs.) Re Graduate Study in Library & Information Services, 1977
U-General File...., 1977
University City Science Center, 1977
US Savings Bond Campaign-1977-Dr. O'Connell in Charge, February, 1977
United Nations, 1977
Uni. & Colleges, A..., 1977
Arkansas, Uni. Administrative Salaries Paid 1975-1976 (Save), 1976
Uni. & Colleges, B..., 1977
Uni. & Colleges...C...., 1977
Catholic University of America-A. Mahfouz Requests for Information on Fac.-Ref. Uni.
Relations-C. P., 1977
University of California-Bakke v. Regents of the University of California: A Landmark Case?,
January 23, 1977
Case Institute of Technology-Re Gen. Electric Co.-Request for Nominations, Michelson/Morley
Award, 1976-1977
Consular Corps College & International Consular Academy (Balt.), 1977
Uni. & Colleges
D..., 1977
E..., 1977
F...., 1977
G..., 1977
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 212 (cont’d)
Uni. & Colleges (cont’d)
H, 1977
L..., 1977
J..., 1977
K..., 1977
BOX 213
Uni. & Colleges L..., 1977
Thursday, Sept. 15-Convocation at Loyola College-Balt. Leave at 2 p.m., [1977]
Uni. & Col. M..., 1977
Uni. & Colleges N..., 1977
Center for Energy Policy & Research-Questionnaire, July and August 1977
Northeastern Ill. Uni. Inauguration-Rep. of U. of Md. to Reply, 1977
Uni. & Colleges
O..., 1977
P..., 1977
Penn. St. Uni.-Sat., Sept. 24, 1977 Football Game & Social Affairs, Pres. Oswald, 1977
Uni. Colleges
R..., 1977
S..., 1977
T..., 1977
Tennessee, Uni. of-Request that U. of M. Participate in Wayne Chaffin's Doctoral Dissertation
Study, (Aug. 1977)
Uni. & Colleges
V..., 1977
W..., 1977
Sat., Oct. 15-Wake Forest at Winston-Salem-Noon Lunch & 1:30 p.m. Game (Leave Friday),
Wisconsin at Madison-Recommendation-Dr. Day for V. C. for Academic Affairs...., Jan. 31,
Wisconsin Uni. of-from Office of Minority Stu. Ed.-Retention, Graduation, & Employment, 1977
Uni. & Colleges Y..., 1977
Foreign Uni. & Colleges..., 1977
Simon Bolivar University, 1976-1977
Architecture, School of, General File, 1970
Sch. of Architecture-Re Pot. Valley Am. Insti. of Architects & New Bldg. in School..., 1970
Architecture, Appts. & Promotions, 1970
Architecture, School of, Review of Program 1:30 p.m. Tues., January 6, 1970
Architecture-Re Appt. of Murtagh as Kea Distinguished Prof. of Architecture 1969-70 (Being
Held), August 1969
Architecture, Sch. of-Paul H. & Grace F. Distinguished Professorship in Architecture (Accpt
11/17/67) & 1968
Architecture, General File, 1969
Architecture, Appts. and Promotions, 1969
Sch. of Architecture-Write Up in Potomac Valley Architect Re School & Dean Hill, 1967-1968
Sch. of Architecture-Hold for Summer, Need for Grad. Sch. of Planning in Md.-Hornbake &
Kuhn, 1967-1968
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 213 (cont’d)
Architecture, School of-Material from Dr. Hornbake Re Location of School in Baltimore, 19671968
Fac. Org.-Programs, Curriculum School of Architecture, Report of Sp. Adv. Comm., 1964
Architecture-Sch. of, Gen. Files, 1967-1968
Architecture, Sch. of, Appts., 1967-1968
Sch. of Architecture-Draft of Ltr. to Mayor McKeldin re Location of School..., 1967-1968
School of Architecture-Approval on Dec. 3, 1965 by Adv. Council to Est. School at University of
Md., 1966-1967
Architecture-School of, Gen. Files, 1965-1966
Employment-In School of Architecture, Richard Wilson Snibble, 1965
Architecture, School of-Dean Recommendations, 1966-1967
Employment-Architect-White, H. D. (When School of Architect. is Established), 1961
Architecture, School of
Dean, 1968
Appointments, 1968
School of Architecture-Comments on Design of Structure for Civil Rights Marchers,
Wiebenseon, 1968-1969
Architecture, School of, Candidate for Deanship-Clark, James I., Interview-Fri., March 17 3:30
p. m., [1968]
School of Architecture-Charles P. Graves-Candidate for Deanship 11:30 a.m. on Fri., Feb. 24,
2:30 p. m. Monday, March 13, 1967, Whitaker, Richard-Candidate for Deanship-Sch. of
Architecture, [1967]
Sch. of Architecture
White, H. Kenneth, Appli. for Deanship...,Feb. 1969
Dean Candidate Maurice W. Perrault-(Interview Jan. 11, 1967 at 9:30 a. m.), 1967-1968
Clark, George M., (Interviewed Thursday, Jan. 19, 1967), 1967-1968
Dr. Chas. Buchard-Candidate for Deanship, Tuesday, Feb. 10, 1967 at 2:30 p. m.
Architecture, School of... Candidate for Dean-Robert P. Darlington, 1967-1968
Candidates for Deanship, McClure, Harlan E., 1966-1967
Candidates for Deanship, Yasko, Karel, 1966-1967
School of, Candidates for Deanship-Kahn, Charles H., 1966-1967
Wed. Dec. 21-11 a. m. Candidate Dean of Architecture, William L. Garvin, 1966
Architecture, School of, Deans Candidates-List from C. P. McCormick, 1967-1968
1970-Engineering, College of, General File, [1970]
Engineering-Dean-Ltr. from Michael H. Scheible, 1968-1969
Dean, College of Engineering-re Ltr. of Feb. 20, 1969 from Pres. of Am. Society for Engineering
Ed..., 1969
College of, Open House-Saturday, Feb. 22, 1969
Johnson, Everett R., Assoc. Dean, January 1, 1967
College of-Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. (Kelly-Springfield) Scholarship to Eng. Stu.,
College of-Stand. Oil Co., Grant of 11,590.25 to College, 1968-1969
College of, General File, 1969
College of, Dean, 75 University & 25th Anniversary of Glenn L. Martin Institute..., 1968
Visiting Professorship-Alumni Professorship-Proposal for 1969-70
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 213 (cont’d)
Engineering (cont’d)
Dean-Cooperative Engineering Education Program with Prof. Internship (Bd. Approv.
March 21, 1969)
Dean-Re: Program of Development for College of Engineering..., 1967-1968
Dean-Engineering-ECPD Evaluation of Engineering Curricula, October, 1969
Engineering, Aerospace, Dept. of, 1970
Engineering, College of, 1970-Aerospace Engineering Dept., [1970]
Eng. Aerospace Eng.-Appt. of Dr. Richard E. Thomas as Prof. & Head, Effective May 1, 1969
BOX 214
Engineering-Aerospace Eng.-Plan for Advancement, May 1969
Aerospace Engineering, 1969
Aerospace Engineering, Candidate for Professorship, November 1969
11 a.m. Monday, Jan. 5, Candidate Professorship in Aerospace Engineering, Dr. Bernard Etkin,
Engineering, Chemical, Dept. of, 1970
Chemical Engineering Appointments, [1970]
Chemical Engineering, [1969]
Chemical Engineering
Apts. & Prom., 69
Dr. Arthur Charlsby-Distinguished Visiting Professor-Apr. 1, 1969-June 30, 1970
Engineering, Civil
Department of, 1970
Engineering Appointments, 1970
ECPA Accreditation for 3-Year Period from Oct. 1967-1970, [October 1967]
Civil Engineering, 1969
Civil Engineering, Appts. & Prom., 1969
9 a. m. Thursday, March 8, Headship Civil Engineering., Paul W. Shuldiner, [1968]
9 a. m. Monday, March 3-Headship Civil Engineering-Gerrit H. Toebes, undated
9 a. m. Tuesday, March 11-Headship Civil Engineering-Dr. Siegfrid M. Breuing, undated
Engineering-Civil-Dr. Henry A. Lepper-Acting Head-2/1/68-August 1, 1968, 1968-1969
Electrical Engineering, 1970
Electrical Engineering-1970, (Offer of Gift of Equipment from Ellicott Machine Corp..., [1970]
Electrical Engineering-Lectures Program in Elec. Engineering Dept., 1969
Electrical Engineering Appointments, 1969
Electrical Engineering, 1969
Electrical Engineering-Texas Instruments Foundation-Semi-Conductor Devices, (App. by May
16, 1969), [April 1969]
Elect. Eng.-Re ITT Electro-Physics Lab & April 1970 Symposium, 1969-1970
Elec. Eng.-Correspondence with Dr. Russell Forrest Egner & His Project, February, 1970
Electrical Engineering, Appts. and Promotion, 1970
Mechanical Engineering, 1970
Mechanical Engineering, Appts. and Promotions, 1970
Mechanical Engineering, 1969
Engineering-Electrical-Prof. Rutelli's Request, June, 1968
Mechanical Engineering Appointments, 1969
Engineering-Institute for Fluid Dynamics & Applied Mathematics..., 1970
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 214 (cont’d)
Fluid Dyn.-Dr. Landsberg-Pres. Nat. Med., [1970]
Eng. Fluid Dynamics Appts. and Promotions, 1970
Fluid Dynamics-Meteorology Program, Dr. Helmut Landsberg as Director, Appt., July 1, 1967
Fluid Dynamics, 1969
Fluid Dynamics-Appt. of Dr. David Koopman-Nat. Sc. Found. Rep. Construct. Comp. Sc. & Sp.
Sci. Additions, 1969
Institute of Fluid Dynamics & Applied Math-Dr. Thomas D. Wilkerson as Acting Director,
September 27, 1968
Fluid Dynamics & Applied Math, Contributions by Faculty Reports, 1968-1969
Fluid Dynamics
Weinstein (Re: Possible Emeritus Status), November 1967
Case Stephen Segall, Graduate Student, & Graduate Stipends..., March, 1969
College of, Wind Tunnel, 1969
Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Appointments, 1969
Inst. of Fluid Dynamics Dr. W. J. Olver-Research P. of-Effec., February 1, 1969
9 a. m. Dr. Joseph P. La Salle, Candidate-Fluid Dynamics, April 15, [?]
Engineering, Collg. of, Fluid Dynamics, Meteorology-Program In, 1965-1966
Fluid Dynamics
Memorandum of Understanding-Environmental Sci. Adm., Meteorology, 1968
Meteorology, 1969
Meteorology Program, Appointments, 1968
Meteorology Prog. Visit of Dr. Walter Orr Roberts, Feb. 21 1969
Am. Council on Ed.
Annual Meeting, Oct. 6-8, 1976-Miscellaneous, [1975-1976] (2f)
Annual Meeting, October 9-11, 1974-Faculty Unions Senate & Institutional
Administrations, [1974]
Re Dues for 1971, 1972, 1973
Annual Meeting, October 11-12, 1973-Registration Fee, 1973
Annual Meeting, October 11-12, 1973-Miscellaneous, [1973]
BOX 215
Presidential Search-General File, 1977-1978
3:30 p. m. Thursday, Feb. 2-Dr. John Toll, [1978]
Mar. 13-Sp. Search Com of Board, [1978]
Pres. Search-Press Releases, [1978]
Presidential Search Committee-Security Checks on Meeting Rooms, March 1978
Pres. Search-February 20, 1978
Feb. 20, Sp. Board of Regents Meeting-Those Attending, [1978]
Critical Issues Facing Uni. of Md. System (Board Document) Used
Feb. 20, 1978 Meeting, 1978
Pres. Search-Feb. 20, 1978 Sub-Committees for Search, 1978
Pres. Search-Feb. 20, 1978 Com. Call, Misc. Letters, 1978
Materials from Dr. H., 1978
Feb. 13/78 Min.-Attach., [1978]
Feb. 6, 1978 Minutes of Meeting, [1978]
Feb. 3, 1978 Minutes of Meeting, [1978]
Jan. 26, 1978 Minutes of Meeting, [1978]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 215 (cont’d)
Pres. Search-February 20, 1978 (cont’d)
January 17, 1978 Minutes of Meeting, [1978]
Fri. Jan. 29-1 p. m. Presidential Search-Closed Meeting-UMBC Board Meeting, [1978]
Pres. Search Com.-Ch. Brown's Comment on Candidate Being "Searched For," 1977 & 1978
Pres. Search Com.-January 6, 1978, Minutes of the Meeting w/"Some Critical Issues Facing Uni.
of Md." as of Dec. 15, 1977
Some Critical Issues Facing U. of Md.-December 15, 1977 (from Hornbake....1977) Extra Copy,
Jan. 6, 1978 Presidential Search Com. Jan. 6, 1978 Minutes of the Meeting, 1978
Presidential Search-December 15, 1977 Minutes of Meeting-Etc., 1977
Pres. Search-Sp. Bd. Meeting-Dec. 13/77, [1977]
Presidential Search-December 9, 1977 Minutes of Meeting, 1978
Presidential Search Com. December 1, 1977 Minutes of Meeting, 1977
Search Com.-Ostar's Names for Presidential Search Com., November, 1978
Presidential Search-Elkins Ltrs. to Hornbake on Possible Candidates for Presidency..., Nov. 23,
Presidential Search Comm.-1977
Nov. 18 Presidential Search from 1:30 to 3:00 p. m., [1977]
Minutes of Nov. 16, 1977
Nov. 1, 1977 Minutes of Presidential Search Committee, 1977
Regents not on Search Comm., Oct. 10, 1977
October 6, 1977 Minutes of Presidential Search Com., 1977
September 21, 1977 at 1 p. m. C. P. Center, [1977]
Minutes of Meeting of Sept. 8, 1977
Final List of Members, Sept. 7, 1977
Ad Hoc as of Sept. 8, 1977
Material for September 8, 1977 Meeting (Received August 24, 1977)
August 19, 1977-Minutes-Sp. Closed Meeting, [1977]
Hornbake's Report on Status, August 22, 1977
Friday, August 19 1977-Special Meeting of Presidential Search Com., [1977]
As of July 14, 1977 Members, [1977]
Minutes of July 14, 1977-Closed Meeting, [1977]
Apt. of Members of the Presidential Search Committee, [1977]
Brown-Revision of May 9, 1977 for Closed Meeting of Board on June 15, 1977... Hold,
Brown-Ltr. of July 30, 1976-Funding Search Com. for Presidency, 1976
O'C.-Financing Search Com. for Presidency, Sept. 1976
Brown's Confidential, Revised Letter of May 4, 1977
General Files A..., 1970
Agriculture-State Depts. of All States..., 1970
Air Science-Maresca's Commitments on ROTC Program at Uni., October, 1970
Alton, Joseph W., Jr.-County Executive for Anne Arundel County, 1969-1970
Allied Chemical Foundation, 1969-1970
AGWAY INC.-Tolley's Statement, Campus Radicals Mean What They Say, Oct. 1970
Advertising Club of Baltimore..., 1970
Ahmad, Colonel, Nur. & Med. Sch. International Medicine, October 1970
Aetna Life Casualty Company..., 1970
Agway, Inc...Gift to Ag. Exp. Station, 1970
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 215 (cont’d)
The African-American Institute, 1967-1970
Aharoni, Yair, Dr. (re Employment in Horticulture) (Ltrs. from Rynd & Long) ...., January, 1970
Alpert, Paul E., Delegate, 1970
Alpert, Paul E. (Del.) Re Remission of Fee for Mrs. Sandra Rubin Newman, Jan. 1970
Alcoa Foundation-(1969-70) Awards-To BPA-Traffic & to Mech Engineering & Other Info.,
American Airlines-Am. Youth Performs-Check for 1,000, 1969
Am. Assn. for Advancement of Science (Microbiology Project Write up-Nov. 30, 1966), 19671968
American Association for Higher Education..., 1970
American Association of University Women..., 1970
American Cancer Society, Inc., 1970
Am. Civil Liberties Union, [1970]
American Council on Pharmaceutical Education, 1970
American Cyanamid Company, 1970
Am. Forum for International Study, 1970
American Geophysical Union, 1969
American Industrial Arts Association, 1970
American Medical Association, [1970]
American Association of State Colleges..., 1970
American National Bank & Trust Co. (See Wills-Dr. Charles Thomas), 1969
American Political Science Associates, 1970-1971
American Professors for Peace in the Middle East, 1970
Am. School & University-News Also, [1969]
American Society of Photogrammetry..., 1970
American Speech & Hearing Association, 1970-1971
American Smelting and Refining Company, 1970
American Society for Metals..., 1970
American Soybean Association-Gift to Agri. Experiment Station, 1969
Am. Associations, Misc., [1970]
Am General File, 1970
Ar General File, 1970
Armco Steel Corporation, 1969
Asphalt Institute, 1970
Atlantic Coast Conference
Gen. File, 1970
Annual Report, June 30, 1969
June 1970, ACC & Minimum Sat Score of 800, Admission of Athletes, [1970]
BOX 216
American Association of University Professors
Committee Z on the Economic Status of the Profession, 1970
Report on Late Notice Cases, 1970
Questionnaire-Fac. Part. in College & Uni. Govt., 1969-1970
Annual Report on the Economic Status of the Profession, 1969-1970
Revisions in 1970-1971 Compensation Survey...., Nov. 20, 1969
Coordinated Salary Survey (with Nat. Ed. Assn. for 1969-1970), 1970
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 216 (cont’d)
American Association of University Professors (cont’d)
Compensation Survey for 1969-1970, [1969]
Md. Chapter-Dillard's Ltr. to Gov. Mandel, June 1970
Association of American Colleges
Miscellaneous Correspondence, [1970]
Circular Ltrs. on College Library Problems..., 1967-1969
1970 Annual Meeting in Houston, Texas..., 1970
Tax Reform Act of 1969-Internal Rev., Ltr. of Oct. 30, 1970
Association of American Universities
Oct. 26-28, 1970-Assoc. of Am. Uni. Schedule & Tickets, [1970]
Oct. 26-28-Assoc. of Am. Uni., Agenda, [1970]
Oct. 27-28, 1970-Assoc. of Am. Univ., Meeting Ind. Univ. Bloomington, Ind., (Make
Copies for April, Etc.),
Item Discussed at Council of Fed. Relations, ROTC, Etc., [1970]
Oct. 26-28, 1970
Materials for 20th Meetings, [1970]
April 21-22, 1970, Agenda
April 21-22, 1970-Misc. Materials, [1970]
Survey of ROTC Programs, April 21, [1970]
Academic Freedom and Tenure, [1970]
Miscellaneous Correspondence, [1969]
Association of American Universities, (University of Maryland Elected to Membership in
December 1969)
Study-Fin. Status & Outlook-1970, (July 14-Discussed with Pelczar), [1970]
President Nixon's Message on Higher Education, March 19, 1970
Congratulatory Letters, 1970
Basic Research & Federal Policy..., January 1970
Nixon's Ltr. & Sidney Hook's Article, Sept. 23, 1970
Meeting Council on Federal Relations Materials, Oct. 16, 1970
[Loose Materials-Correspondence, 1970]
Ba..., 1970
Balt., City of, [1970]
Baltimore International Science Fair, May 10, 1970, 1969-1970
Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan, 1970
Committee for Peace in the Middle East, Feb., 1970
International Science Fair, May 1970
Ban...., 1970
Barry, Mrs. Raymond W.-Re Petition of Ellen B. Herdon, August, 1970
Bat..., 1970
Bauernschmidt, John G., 1970
Bates, William M. (Graduate Student) Grade on Official Transcript, 1970
Beck, Col. C. J., (Re Degree in University College), August, 1970
Beall, J. Glenn (Sen.)
Re NASULGC Request to Contact Beall on Education's Needs, May 1971
Re Uni. of Md. and Fed. Funding, Apr., 1971
Beall, J. Glenn (Sen.)...., 1970
Beh...., 1970
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 216 (cont’d)
Bertorelli, Joseph A., Senator, 1970-1971
Berman, Dr. Edgar F., (see G & P, BPA), 1970
Bes..., 1970
Bison Associates...., 1970
Bishop, Senator John J., Jr., 1969
Bit...., 1970
Blondes, Leonard S., (Del. to Md. Gen. Assembly), 1969
Boa, 1970
Boned Adjustment Association, Inc., 1969
Borell, Barry T. (Re Joseph F. Poland, Jr., Memorial Lib. Fund), (See Munich Campus) Sp. File,
Bookstavier, Julian B. (Dr.), $10,000 to Dental School on Death, 1969
Borreson, B. James, 1968-1969
Bow..., 1970
Breitenberg, John F. (Letters of Recommendation), 1969-1970
Bri-Bru..., 1970
Bur...., 1970
Ca-Car...., 1970
Canova, Pamela L. (Mrs.), (Collection of Fees Remitted under Free Tuition Plan of State of
Md.), 1970
Celanese Corporation, Gift of $6,000, 1970
Central Atlantic Reg. Ed. Lab., 1966-67
Ce...., 1970
Cen Research-College Inst. of Sci. & Math, 1968-1970
Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, 1970
Champion Paper Foundation-Re Scholarship for Karen M. Mathews..., 1970-1971
C.I.A. (re Contract Involving Students at University of Maryland...., 1967-1968
Cho..., 1970
BOX 217
Council of Graduate Schools in the United States, 1970
Wed., June 10 at 9 a. m.-Ben E. Talbott-C & P Telephone Co., [1969-1970]
Coh...., 1970
College Scholarship Service, 1970
Commission on College Physics, 1971-1972
Corbin, S. Edward (Re Daughter, Colette E. Corbin), 1970
Conference Index, 1970
Connolly, Harry J., Sr., Senator, 1970
Collegiate Broadcasting Group..., Aug. 1970
Commercial Solvents Corp., 1970
Commission on Negro History and Culture, 1970
Commentary-(Gift of Am. Jewish Committee of Baltimore-thru Mr. Shale Stiller), September
Computer Science Center, 1970
Choen, Mrs. Elsie M.-Re Alan Cohen-Stanley Rose-Grad. Asst. in Span. & Port.-Trip to Mexico,
August, 1970
Contact-Inter-Fraternity Council of Washington and Lee, January, 1970
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 217 (cont’d)
COPE Foundation, (Community Opportunity Programs in Education)...., 1970
Council for Financial Aid to Ed., 1970
College Park, City of, [1970]
College Park Board of Trade, Maurice-Meeting 10-12 on Tuesday, Sept. 1, 1970
College Park, City of, 25th Anniversary, September 27, 1970
College Park Liaison Committee...., 1970
College Park, City of-Citizens Advisory Planning Board, (Liaison with University), 1970
Com & Con..., 1970
Cr..., 1970
Da..., 1970
Danforth Foundation, 1970
Danforth Foundation, Dr. Clodus R. Smith-Liaison Off. Graduate Fellowship Program, 19661967
Dartnell Institute of Educational Research, 1970
Dawson, Gregory, (Re Phy. Exam for Outside Employment), July 2, 1970
De, 1970
Dendy, Glenton-Uni. Employee Balt. City Campus Damaged Car of Wm. T. Define-Suit, April
Democratic State Central Committee of Maryland, 1970
Dermondy, James (re Sponsorship of SGA Minority Recruitment Comm.), 1970
Di, 1970
Diamond Shamrock Foundation, 1970
Dillavou, George J., 1966-1967
Dillavou, George, (Recommendations & Personal Correspondence), 1962
Do, 1970
Doctor Bobs Mobile Assn., 1969-1970
Donnelly, Brian J. (Attny. for Mrs. Elizabeth Olive), See Fishbein..., 1969
Dow Chemical Company, 1969
Dr, 1970
DRUM-Democratic Radical Union of Maryland, 1970-1971
Ea, 1970
Eby, Herbert O.
Candidate-Human Relations Officer, 1970
Director Am. Management Counselors..., 1970
Eastman Kodak Company, 1970-1971
Earth Day..., 1970
Editorial Projects for Education, Moonshooter, 1970
El, 1970
Ellicott Machine Corporation, (Offer Of Gift), 1970
Embassies, 1970
Eppley Foundation for Research, Inc., 1969-1970
Ep, 1970
Executives' Secretaries, Inc. (Balt. Chapter) File-No Reply, April 1970
Esterquest, Ralph T., Scholarship, 1969-1970
Administrative Employment, [1970]
Study of the Role of the University-Administrative, 1970
Admissions, Etc., 1970
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 217 (cont’d)
Employment (cont’d)
Arts and Sciences, 1970
Art Department, 1970
Black Studies, Etc., [1968-1969]
BPA, 1970
Chemistry, 1970
Education, 1970
Engineering, 1970
English, 1970
Finance & Business, 1970
Foreign Languages-All Areas, 1970
History, 1970
Engineering-Fire Service Extension
Ltrs. Re Resignation of Joseph Batchler as Director, May 1970
Appt. Joseph R. Batchler-Director, July 1, 1967
Joseph R. Batchler Acting Director of Fire Service Extension, [1967]
Mr. Joseph McDonagh-Candidate Fire Service Extension, June 17, at 11 a. m., undated
Engineers' Council for Professional Devel., Re Accreditation of Engineering-Part Civil, 19661967
Engineering, Fire Service Extension, 1969
Fitzsimmons, Leo-Pres., Catonsville Bus. Association, Inc., Re Pincus' Talk, June 1970
Fidelity Union Life Insurance Company...., 1969-1970
Fire Departments, (All Areas) Ltrs. re Resignation of Joseph Batchler, Head, Fire Service
Extension, 1970
Fl, 1970
Florence Crittenden Home, Conf., Oct. 26-28, 1970
Ford Foundation, Grant to Dr. Barbara R. Bergmann, Dept. of Economics, 1970
Ford Foundation, 1970
Ford Motor Company, 1970
Fra, 1970
Fri, 1970
Friedel, Samuel N., 1970
Fulbright Foundation & Back to 1965, 1970
Ga-Gen Files, 1970
Garmatz, Edward A., 1970
Gamma Sigma National Service Sorority-(Xi Chapter), 1969-1970
Garrett County-Supt. Letter Re Meetings-Specifically Chemistry, 1970
Galloway, Mr. and Mrs. J. P., 1970
Ge-Gen Files, 1970
General Electric Co., 1969
General Motors Corp., 1970
BOX 218
Gillette Research Institute, Inc., 1969
Gipe, Dr. Florence P., 1970
Gentry, Fenton A. S., 1970
Gl-Gen. Files, 1970
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 218 (cont’d)
Glassman, Marc L. (Injury in Physical Education Class), Nov.-December 1970
Governor's Science Resources & Advisory Board, 1970
Gold, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard-Re: Edward S. Gold-Remission of Fees...., 1970
Goldman, Richard (Re Readmission), 1969-1970
Gore, Louise, Senator, 1970
GRA-Gen Files, 1970
Griffith, Mrs. Katherine-(Re Issuing of Diploma Toward Certification), March 1970
Graduated Fixed Fee
Plan-Dermody's Report from Dr. Demoody, March, 1970
Palmer Hopkins Ltr. to Boswell, January 30, 1970
A Plan of Graduated Fixed Fees (as Revised), December 16, 1969
Regents-Feb. 27 at 2 p. m. in Gov.'s Office, Com. on Graduated Fixed Fee Plan..., 1970
Dermody, James C., Graduated Fixed Fee Plan-May-September, 1969-1970, Nov. &
Jan., 1970
Governors Committee on Employment of the Handicapped, 1969
Gracie, Alice E.-Case vs. Uni. of Md.-Westinghouse Elec. Corp. (Contep. Dismissal-October
1969), 1970
Greater Wash. Educational Television Assoc., Inc., 1970
Greater Washington Television Association
General File, 1967-1968
Re University's Contribution to Association....1966-1969, 1966
Call to Attention on Oct. 11, 1965
October 12, 1966
Green, Walter L., Pres. Office (Re Property), 1967-1968
Groose, Carroll V....(Applicant for Buyer in Procurement), 1970
Groh, Stephen Bernard, (Petition for Reinstatement-Academic Dismissals)..., 1970
Gude, Gilbert, Congressman, 1970
Gulf Oil Corporation, 1960
Haa-Gen. Files, 1970
Hahn, Walter J.-Sch. in Agri.-Staley & Eugene Hahn Memorial Sch., 1969
Howard-Vona-Gift of Morgan Gelding Horse...., 1970
Hamiel, Edgar, Jr.-(Case Ref. by Senator Mitchell-Discussed with Palmer Hopkins...), January
Han-Gen. Files, 1970
Has-Gen. Files, 1970
Hayman, Mrs. Charles S. (Argus & Student Activity Fee), Nov. 1970
Health Magazine-Dr. Parott's Article on Meat Diet, 1969
Hearst, Wm. Randolph Foundation...., 1969
Herbert, Leroy J., Reference: Gift to BPA, 1970
Hercules Incorporated, 1969-1970
Hershey Scholarship Program, 1969
Higginbotham-(Est. of the Robert Michael Higginbotham Mem. Award-Bd. Approv., November
21, 1969)
HED-Gen. Files, 1970
HEN-Gen. Files, 1970
Heise, John I., Jr.-Re: Jay McMillen & Thomas Milroy, 1970
Herndon, Ellen B.-Adm. Petition-Barry-Grandmother Wrote, August 1970
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 218 (cont’d)
Hi-Gen. Files, 1970
Hod-Gen. Files, 1970
Home Life Insurance Company, 1970-1971
Hogan, Lawrence, Congressman, [1970]
Housing & Urban Development (Fed. Housing Adm.), 1970
Hop.-Gen. Files, 1970
Hopkins, Henry Powell, Gift to Sch. of Architecture, 1968-1969
Hoover, Dr. Samuel H. (Interest in Apt. as Board Member), September, 1970
HOW-Gen. Files, 1970
Hogan, Lawrence (Congr.)
Re Albrida S. Clay, Graduate Student & Charge of Discrimination, Feb., 1971
Re Best Brands, Inc., & Purchasing...., 1971-1972
I-Gen. Files, 1970
International Agricultural Research Foundation, Inc., C. P., December, 1970-1971
Gro-General Files, 1970
Institute for International Education..., 1970
International Research and Exchanges Board, 1970
International Research & Exchanges Bd.-Dubrovnik Report, March-April 1970
International Reading Assn. (Invitation from Education to Meet in Baltimore in 1969 or 1970),
International Association of Governmental Fair Agencies, 1969-1970
Institute for the Study of Inquiring Systems, 1969-1970
Institute of Lifetime Learning..., 1969
Inter-Uni. Comm. on Travel Grants, [1969]
International Business Machines Corp., 1970
Information Please Almanac Atlas & Yearbook..., 1969 & 1970
Institute for Service to Education, 1965-1966
ITT Electro-Physics Laboratories, Inc. (Gift to Elct. Eng. Dept.), Feb. 1969-1970
International Platform Association (No Reply-File), June....July 1970
Ja-Gen. Files, 1970
James, William S. (Senator), [1970]
Jacobsen, Peter, Admission..., Sept. 1970
Jo-Gen. Files, 1970
Johnson, Mrs. Barbara J., Reference Extending the Summer Session, 1970
Jones, J. Walter, 1967-1969
…, (Re A Complete New Field of Knowledge-File-Nut), June 2, 1971
Johnson, R., (Covina, Georgia-Nut), 1970-1971
Kappa Kappa Gamma Fraternity, 1971
Ka-Gen. Files, 1971
Kartiokari, Kosti K., Ltr. of Oct. 10, 1970 & Moxley's Reaction...., 1970
Ke-Gen. Files, 1970
Kennedy, Miss (Arts and Sciences Student), 1970
Ketshum, Inc.-Gen. File, 1966-1967
Kessler, Paula-Admissions & Housing....(for Review by Housing), 1970
Ki-Gen. Files, 1970
Kirby, Curtis M., Jr., Re Credits..., 1970
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 218` (cont’d)
Knight, Charles H., Jr.
(Transcript Case), Feb. and March 1970
(Re Application to Gov. for Bd. of Regents), May 1970
Kirwan, Gordon, Jr. (See Fishbein for Complete File), 1970
Ko-Gen. Files, 1970
Kostelanetz, Andre-Gift to Music Dept..., 1969-1970
Kobert, Mrs. Nancy Altman, (Re Remission of Fees Payment-in Atton. Gen. Hands), March 1970
Kuryk, Brian G.-Injury-Sunday, Feb. 8, 1970 & Death at 12:45 a.m. Monday, Feb. 9, 1970
Kreek, Capt. Andrew E., Jr. (Re Teaching in Far East).., March 1970
Kreindler and Kreindler-re Estate of Prof. Robert M. Langdon, Deceased, University College...,
LAA-Gen. Files, 1970
LaBorwit, Donna-(Re: Promotion to Lab Technician in Uni. Hospital), November 1970
Lane Bryant Annual Awards, 1969
Latin American Studies Assoc. & Consortium, [1970]
Lasher, Dr. Norbert-(Re Son's-Resident Case), October 1970
Lan-Law-Gen. Files, 1970
…-(Charges on Employment with Agri. Extension, Waetjen Handling), 1970
Director of Libraries..., 1970
Library-Hyman Gift to Library, [1956-1957]
BOX 219
Beach's File With Notes, 1970
Gen. File..., 1970
Call for from Governor, 1970
Status of Reference University of Maryland..., 1970
House Bill 157, Rynd, Dec. 1, 1969-Destroying, Etc., Public Property...., 1970
House Bill 270, Mothershead-Jan. 21, 1970-Leasing of Dormitories for Uni..., 1971
H. B. No. 346-Increasing Membership of Bd. of Regents, 1970
H. Bill No. 1103-Lease Land for Const. of Buildg., Etc. (Mothershead)...., 1970
House Bill 1155-Re Stu. Activities Fee-Restrictions on Anti-Adm. Publications, Mar. 6,
House Bill No. 1164, Increasing Fee for Licensure to $25.00 from $5-Quarantines
Inspectors, 1970
House Bill No. 1455, Unrestricted Admission & Free Tuition, March 6, 1970
Senate Bill 33, Depositing of Moneys if Banks Etc. Participate in High Ed. Loan Prog.,
Feb. 11, 1970
S. Bill 36-Re State Poultry Inspection Program, January, 1970
S. Bill No. 111 Deferred Tuition & Fee Payment for Hon. Discharged Veterans, Jan. 21,
S. B. 188-Hart (Strengthening State-Wide Planning, Etc. of Higher Ed.) (Kuhn's
Comment), Jan. 23, 1970
Senate Bill No. 237, "Dept. of General Services," Feb. 2, 1970
Senate Bill no. 607 Prov. Term Of Wholesome Meat Adv. Council & Vet. Insp. be Lic.
Vet., 1970
Senate B. No. 763, Consider Veterans as Md. Residents after Discharge, Mar. 14, 1970
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 219 (cont’d)
Legislation, (cont’d)
Senate Resolution 75, Re Est. of Med. School in P.G.-Mont. Country Area...., 1970
Les-Gen. Files, 1970
Lewis, Rodger K.-Gift Sch. of Architecture, AIA, 1970
Li-Gen. Files, 1970
Lincoln Center-Performing Arts, [1968]
Picture of Presentation of Lions International Certi., 9 a.m. Monday, March 2, 1970
Lo-Gen. Files, 1970
Long, Clarence D., Congressman, 1970
Lowe, Thomas Hunter, 1970-1971
Lutz, Jerry (Dr.) Re Teaching Assignment in Far East, January, 1970
Ma-Gen. Files, 1970
M Club Dinner, Friday December 4, 1970
Majestro, Carmella (and Mrs. Margaret Cuomo), 1970-1971
McGee, Harold F., (Father), 1970
M Club
1969-Norman A. Miller, Jr., President of M Club, 1969
Farewell Dinner for W. W. Cobey & John E. Faber, Friday, May 16, 1969
Banquet Sheraton Park Hotel, Friday, Dec. 5, 1969
Mackall, Luther E.-Proposed Gift to the University of Maryland, 1967-1968
Man-Gen. Files, 1970
Mas-Gen. Files, 1970
Mathias, Judge Joseph M., 1970
McA to McZ...Gen., 1970
McCown, Garnet D. (Mrs.) (Re Epic Poem on University), 1969
McDonald, Mrs. Prudence (Written Song for University of Maryland), May 28, 1970
McGrath, Steven Wm. (Recommendation for Balfour Award Sigma Chi Fraternity)..., 1970
McKenna, Francine-Transcript Case & Account for Library Books, 1970
McClammer, James U., Jr. (Case of Mother Writing to Senator Staten)...Jan. & Feb., 1970
Mea-Gen. Files, 1970
Mer-Gen. Files, 1970
Middle Atlantic Power Research Committee, 1970
Miller, Reginald H., (re Scholarship-To Waetjen), August 13, 1970
Miller, Ralph-re Athlete William Calandra's Grades (Football), 1970
Michaels, Stephen Walter (re Credit for Foreign Languages), 1969-1970
Miller, Bruce I..., (Re Grades & Induction), April 1970
Min-Gen. Files, 1970
Mitchell, Reginald-(Re Scholarship), August 1970
Minarik, George F. (Re Son, …, & Failure to Graduate), Jan. 22, 1970
Mitchell, Clarence & Mrs. (Senator Re Case of Edgar Hamiel, Jr.), Jan. 1970
Model-Urban-Neighborhood Demonstration, 1970
Modern Language Association of America, 1969-1970
Moo-Gen. Files, 1970
Moravcsik, Michael J. (Dr.) Gift to Dept. of Physics, 1970
Morrasania Community Corp.-Re Sch. for Minority Blacks & Puerto Ricans in Bronx, N. Y.,
Mu-Gen. Files, 1970
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 219 (cont’d)
Na-Gen. Files, 1970
New York City Urban Fellowship Program, 1969-1971
Nader, Mrs. Astrid H.-Re Working Conditions & Suggestions, April 1970
Newman, Mrs. Sandra Rubin (Alpert's Ltrs. re Remission of Fee Teacher Education, Jan. 1970)
News American-Ltr. from Marvin Beard-Coverage of Bd. Meetings, 1969-1970
Ni-Gen. Files, 1970
No-Gen. Files, 1970
Nat'l Sci. Found., Jan. to Dec. 31, 1970 (2f)
Nat'l Sci. Foundation-Re Interdisciplinary Research Relevant to Problems of Our Society, 1970
Gen. File...., 1970
Membership List For, 1970 (2f)
Com. on Educational Opportunities for Minority Groups, 1970
Huitt's Ltr. Re Meeting with Nixon Administration, October 21, 1970
9 a. m. Executive Com. of, Tuesday, Sept. 15, 1970
Answer on Fed. Asst. Withheld from Students Involved in Disruption, Oct. 1, 1970
Overall Uni. Representatives for Contact on Internat'l Activities, 1970
Special Senate Meeting on August 6-7, 1970-Pelczar-Report on, 1970
Officers & Committees for 1970, as of June 1970
Dr. Elkins-President-elect--take Office in November 1970
Mon. March 16-2 p. m. Hearings US House of Representatives Bankhead-Jones
Monies..., 1970
Future of Org. Materials Requested by Com., [1970]
Nat'l Assn. St. Uni.
1969 Committees, [1970]
Traffic Safety Comm., [1969]
Traffic Safety-Elkins Member, undated
Federal Legislation, [1970]
Fed. Legis. Elkins Member, undated
Elkins, Ch. Nat. Def. Manpower, [1969-1970]
Nov. 10 at 9 a. m. Members Who Will not Attend, [1969]
Repr. on Adv. ROTC Panels A. F., [1970]
January 12, 1970-Air Force Adv. Panel..., 1970
Urban Problems Comm. On, [1970]
Exec. Comm. Meeting on June 23 & 24, 1970, Materials Used, [1970]
Executive Committee Minutes, Feb. 4-5, 1970
Minutes of Exe. Comm Meeting, September 4-5, 1969
Executive Committee Minutes for, 1969
Exect. Comm. of NASULGC Wed. Feb. 4 & Thursday, Feb 5, 1970, Materials Used at Meetings
to Be Kept..., 1970
Committee Appointments for (Tentative) 1970, January 1, 1970
Preliminary Program for Convention, Nov. 8-11, 1970
Nat. Assn of St. Universities-Dec. 31, 1969-Retirement of Dr. Russell I. Thackerey..., 1969
NASULGC-Report-Ed. for Govt. Service-Spring Report, 1970
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 220
Program-November 8-11, 1970-84 Annual Convention, 1970
Steering Com. of Inst. Research-Sunday, Nov. 8 in the p. m., [1970]
Inst. Research-Joint Report on 1970-1971 Student Charges, Oct. 25, 1970
Materials on Negro Colleges-Report of Office for Ad. of Public Negro Colleges, May,
Publications-Joint Report on Aid from Agency for Intern. Dev., March 1970
Stu.-Fac.-Adm. Relationships; St. Laws & Campus Unrest; Fed. Aid (Sreb)..., Nov. 20,
Publications-Recomm., 1970
Nt. Endow. Arts and Humanities, 1970
Philadelphia Bicentennial Corporation, 1968-1969
O, 1970
Oak Ridge Associated Universities..., 1970
Office of Economic Opportunity..., 1970
Omicron Delta Kappa (Nat'l Leadership Honor Society), 1970
Op, 1970
Oppenheim, Erich-re Injury of Son, Lee, 1970
Pa, 1970
Pangborn, Thomas W., 1967-1968
Pe, 1970
Petit, Mrs. Helen (Re Daughter-Megan Petit & Infirmary), 1970-1971
Petit, Cecile-(Charge for Return of Check from Bank), 1970-1971
Pettingill, L. D.-(Address Dr. Elkins Will Call for), 1969
Phillips, Jeffrey Edwards-Grad Stu. "Disorderly Conduct-Oct. 3, 1970-See Safety, Dec. 1970
Pf, 1970
Population Institute (Washington), 1970
Phillips, Paul, (Re Agriculture & USDA & Eastern Shore Branch, September, 1970)
Possin, Dr. Hans-Joachim (Visit to C. P. July, 1970), 1970
Pr, 1970
Progress Association for Economic Development, 1970
President's Com. on National Medal of Science, 1970-71-Dr. Landsberg-F. D. & Prof. WeberPhysics, June, 1970
President's Committee on National Medal of Science (Nomination of Prof. Weber), 1969
Thursday, March 26 7 p.m. Dinner-Mr. & Mrs. Prettyman, Jr., 1925 F Street Club, Washington,
Price, T. Rowe
Gen. File, 1970
Common Trust Fund, [1971]
Emerson Fund, 1970
Endowment, 1970
Ra..., 1970
Rea..., 1970
Rea, Mrs. Irene, Re: Son, Dan Lee Rea, who was in Upward Bound Program, July-August 1970
Rea, Captain and Mrs. Richard F. (Re the Ensign Richard Turner Rea Mem. Sch. in Eng. Feb.,
1969), 1969
Regan, Colleen-Students for International Meditation, December 1969-1970
Remmel, Charles E. (Re Transferring of Credits to Arts and Sciences from USMA, April 1970)
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 220 (cont’d)
REN...., 1970
Research Council for Financial Aid to Education, Inc., 1970
Ril...Ros..., 1970
Charles Rogers-Langley Park Re Susan Gainen..., June 30, 1970
Ru..., 1970
Rummage, Frederick C. (Dele.), 1969-1970
Sa, 1970
Salamone, 1970
Sandler, Dr. Bernice-Feb., 1970
UMBC-Equal Employment of Women-Fishbein's Ltr to Kuhn of March 17, 1971
Re: Alleged Sex Discrimination at University-From UMBC, May 25, 1970
Re Sex Discrimination-Dr. Kathryn P. Ward, 1970-1971
Sex Discrimination at the University of Maryland, February, 1970
Ltr. to Gov. Mandel with Enclosures on Alleged Sex Discrimination, June 5, 1970
BOX 221
Sch-Sci..., 1970
Schack, Mario L., Gift to School of Architecture, AIA, 1970
Schmitz & Company, R. M. (Re Recommendation of Labor Relations Mgr.) (Dr. E. Said no
Rec.), 1970
Schoenhut, Mrs. William F. (RE: Furnishing of Dormitory at UMBC....), April 1970
Senseman, Carl-Gift of Books on Turf Management to Dept. of Agronomy..., January 1970
Shi...Shk, 1970
Smith, G. Kerry (Dr.) (Re Possible Employment in 1970), Hold in Files..., 1968
Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc., 1970-1971
Simmons, William T., Painters-See UMES-Complete..., 1970-1971
Siemens Corporation, Grant & Loan of Equipment to Chemistry Department (Stewart)..., 19701971
Shlafmitz, Mark-Ltr. Re Grades in Dental School-Ans.-Case Closed, 1970
Library-Re Sickles Papers (Carlton R. Sickles)..., 1967
Sickles, Carlton R. (H. R. 9567-Higher Ed. Act of 1965), 1965
The Honorable C. R. Sickles, 1964-1966
Singer-General Precision Inc. Link Division-3,550 to Computer Science Center, June 24, 19691970
Sn...So..., 1970
Southern Baptist Convention (Radio & Television Commission), 1969
Spence, Robert J. (Re Leave When at Md.), 1969-1970
Southern University Conference
April 29-May 5-Hotel Reservation, [1970]
Proceedings, Reports and Addresses, Constitution and By-Laws, 1968
Wed. April 8, 1970-Savannah, 1970
Elkins-V.P. for, 1970
Vice President for, 1970
At. Am. Council Meeting-Thursday, Oct 7 at 5 p.m., [1970]
Reservation at Hotel, April 8-10, [1970]
April 8, Dinner Meeting, [1970]
Officers & Members of Conf., 1970
List of Member Institutions, 1968-1969
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 221 (cont’d)
Sq..., 1970
Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey-Grant of 11,590.25 to College of Engineering, 1968-1969
Ste..., 1970
Siemens Corporation-(Gift to Chemistry-Reported in June 1970 to Board)..., 1970-1971
Steffey, John W., Senator, 1970
Str..., 1970
Student Aid
Director..., 1970
Scholarships A thru Z, 1970
Director-Student Aid, Financial Aid Report as of, June 30, 1970
Student Aid
(Re-Pa. Higher Education Assistance Agency)..., 1969 & 1970
Re US Off. of Ed. Study of Recipients of 1969-70 Ed. Opp.Grant, January 1970
Hopkins-Representative to D.C. Urban Corps Program, 1969-1970
Hopkins-Health Prof. Stu. Asst. Programs-Dentistry Medicine Pharmacy..., 1970-1971
US Off. Ed.-New Agreement NDEA-Work Study-Other Programs, June 27, 1969
Hopkins-Re Assistance Under US Dept. of Justice Funds for Program Law Enf. in 1970
(Palmer Hopkins)-Financial Assistance to Negroes Under Honors Program..., 1969
Students for International Meditation (Colleen Regan), December 1969-1970
Susquehanna Corporation, 1970-1971
Student Unrest File
Book to be Ordered if Need-From Institute of Continuing Legal Education..., Sept. 23,
Am. Council on Ed. Injunction Process-Campus Disruption, June-July 1969
Materials fr. NASULGC..., July 1969
Sec. of Health, Ed. & Welfare-Ltr. of March 22, 1969, Provisions, May 1969
Washington Post Articles, May 18, 1969
Los Angeles Times, May, 12, 1969-Student Power, Right to Govern vs. Urge to Ruin,
The University and the City-Harvard & Radcliffe, April, 1969
Ltrs. & Articles, 1969
Stephen Spender's Article-New York Times Magazine, March 30, 1969
Assoc. Student Govnts. Student Rights and Responsibilities, Vol. 1, 1969
Ta..., 1970
Tabata, M. Yoneho, Candidate for National Science Foundation Foreign Science Fellow, 1970
Takaoka, Mary E. (Nut), 1967 to 1970
Te..., 1970
Terrapin Club, 1970
12 Noon Terrapin Club Lunch in Ballroom of Student Union (Materials for 11 a.m. Meeting),
Mar. 14, [1970]
Th..., 1970
Ti..., 1970
Tr..., 1970
Trainer, Mrs. John J., 1970
Trogolo, Albert G.-Re Gift of Horse to Animal Science, April 24, 1970
Trowbridge, Dr. Norma, Application to College of Education, Nov., 1970
Tu...Ty..., 1970
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 221 (cont’d)
Tydings, Joseph D. (Sen.)..., 1970
Tydings, Senator Joseph D., Berlew, Steve-Re Housing Conditions, 1970
Tydings, Senator Joseph-Notes on Possible Appointment & Direction to Office...., Summer 1968
Inter-American Defense College, 1969-1970
A Colleges, 1970
B Colleges, 1970
C Colleges, 1970
BOX 222
Colleges-Berea College-Membership in Appalachian Research Institute, 1968-1970
Bowie State College..., 1970
Chesapeake College, 1969-1970
Connecticut, Uni of.-Babbidge's Ltr. on Curbing Campus Disruptions, June 1970
California, Uni. of (Irvine)-Study for Ford Found. & Carnegie Corp. To Hornbake, 1970
Catholic University of America, 1970
California, Uni. of (Berkeley)...Scope (School to College: Opport. for Postsecd. Ed.), 1969-1970
Universities, Cincinnati, University of (Shoben, Dr. Ed. J., Jr.), 1966
Colleges and Universities
D, 1970
E, 1970
F, 1970
Florida, University of-Fee Waivers for Fac. & Staff & Payment for Athletic Tickets, 1970
Florida, University of South Florida Questionnaire on Long-Range Planning (To Waetjen), 1970
Colleges and Universities
G, 1970
H, 1970
I, 1970
K, 1970
L, 1970
M, 1970
N, 1970
St. University of New York-Re Panel on University Purposes, 1970
Colleges and Universities
O, 1970
P, 1970
Q, 1970
R, 1970
S, 1970
Universities-Stanford University Re Mayhew's Recomm. of Dr. G. Kerry Smith..., 1970
Colleges and Universities
T, 1970
U, 1970
V, 1970
W, 1970
Colleges, West Point Military Academy, 1970
Wake Forest University-Afro-American Society-Ltr. Requesting Transfers-36 Students, Feb.
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 222 (cont’d)
Foreign Universities and Colleges, 1970
Air Force, 1970
Army, [1970]
U. S. Army
Purchasing & Contr. Div. Change in Procedures-Support of Training in Mil. Pers., May
Cancellation of Tuition Assistance of Members-Military District of Washington..., 19691970
Atomic Energy, 1970
U. S. Atomic Energy Comm.
Re Information on Safeguards-Recvd. from Applicants & Licensees, 1970
Re Seminars Asst. if Nuclear Accident in Universities..., 1970
U. S. Atomic Energy-Cyclotron-Fin., [1968]
U. S. Govt.-Atomic Energy Comm.
(Re License Committee on Balti. Campus ...), 1963
Isotope Comm. on Baltimore Campus, 1965
Radiation Safety-Isotope Committee..., 1965
Radiation Safety Committee-Gauch is Chairman, 1963
Re Silverman's Final Report (See Chem. Engineering)..., 1968
Ref--Radiation Safety Office U. of Md., 1968
Cyclotron Liaison Comm., 1965
Civil Service, [1970]
U. S. Civil Service Commission, Washington Summer Intern Program, January 1970 & 1977
Commerce, [1970]
Congress, [1970]
U. S. Govt. Congress
Com. on Internal Security-Questionnaire on Speakers & Payments-July 1, 1970 Waetjen,
Laster's Ltr. of Dec. 11, 1969 on Support of Major Fed. Funding Agencies, 1969-1970
U. S. Congress-NASULGC-Handling Student Unrest in State Universities & Land-Grants,
October 1969
Defense, [1970]
Tues., May 26 at 11:15 a. m. Leave Office to go to Pentagon-Sec. Laird-Lunch at 12:25 p. m.,
HEW Education, 1970
U. S. Of. Ed.
Libraries & Ed. Techno., Grants to Sch. of Library & Info. Services, May-June, 1970
Ltr. August 4, 1970 on Uni. of Md. as an Accrediting Agency, 1970
Ltr. Aug. 7, 1969 on Uni. of Md. as an Accrediting Agency (No)..., 1969-1970
BOX 223
U. S. Govt.-Office of Education Statistics on Condition of Land Grant Funds-1969 Report, 19701971
U. S. Office of Education
Study of Recipients of 1969-70 Ed. Opp. Grant, January, 1970
Re Strengthening Developing Institutions Program (Eastern Shore, Uni. of Md.), 1970
Re Strengthening Developing Institutions-Applications for Fiscal 1970-1971, [1970]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 223 (cont’d)
U. S. Govt. Office of Education Re Proposal I-270-Not Ours-Bowie St. and St. Dept of Ed., May
19, 1967
U. S. Office of Education
Work Study, 1970
Proposal to Include Ed. Opportunity Grant Program in Audit..., January 1970
Educational Opportunity Grants-July 1, 1969-June 30, 1970 as of April 21, 1969
HEW-Re: Health Professions Student Asst. Programs for Dentistry, Medicine & Pharmacy,
U. S. Office of Education
Student Loans & Health Professions, 1970
Reference-Loan Program for Cuban Students, 1970
New Agreement for NDEA-Work Study & Other Programs, June 27, 1969
New Pub. Health, 1970
Food and Drug, 1970
U. S. Justice, [1970]
U. S. Department of Justice-Community Relations Service-Student Unrest Survey-Sept. 1969April 16, 1970
Labor, 1970
Marine Corps, 1970
Navy, 1970
U. S. Dept. of Navy-Civilian Manpower Mgt.-Change in Method of Sending Recruiters to
Campus...., 1970
Pres., 1970
U. S. Govt-President-A Call for Cooperation-(To Congress) Nixon, September 1970
State, [1970]
Dept. of State-Agency for International Development-Meeting on November 12, 1970
U. S. Govt.-Dept. of State, The U. S. In the Year 2000 (A Proposal for Study of Am. Future),
Transportation, [1970]
Tres., 1970
U. S. Treasury Dept.-Internal Revenue Service-Ltr. Re Question Raised By Dr. Thurston Griggs,
Physics, 1970-1971
U. S. Govt. President-National Goals Research Staff-Report, August 25, 1970
U, 1970
United Food Service, Inc., 1970
United States Anti-Communist Congress, Inc. (Cmm. Joseph B. Visceglia)..., October 1969
Urban America, Inc., 1969
United Student Aid Funds, Inc., [1969]
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, [1969-1970]
Urban Research Corporation (Re Questionnaire Referred to Mr. Beach-July 23, 1969)
Urban National Development Office, 1970
Urban Corps, National Development Office, October 1969
V..., 1970
Vordemberge, Howard H.-Gift of Riding Equipment to Animal Sci. for Horse Program....., 1970
Video Engineering Co., Inc., Re Award of Contract for Dental Sch. Television Equipment, July,
Volz, Leo J. (Student-Cancelled Appt. but will Call Again Later), June 1970
Volterra, Dr. Enrico (Re Sale Of Father's Library to University), 1969-1970
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 223 (cont’d)
Valmont North Central, Inc... (Re Gift to Agri. Experiment Station), 1968
Vona-Howard-Gift of Morgan Gelding Horse..., 1970
Wa..., 1970
Walters, Dr. Evertt-(Possible Candidate for A & S or Education), 1970-1971
Wam..., 1970
We...Wer, 1970
Werber, William M., 1969-1970
Wesleyan University-N.Y. Times Article of January 18, 1970
Western Maryland Chamber of Commerce-Re Study by Md. Tech. Adv. Serv., March 1970
Wes, 1970
Whi...., 1970
White, Charles M., [1970]
Wih...Wio..., 1970
Wilson, E. G. (Storekeeper in Dept. of Physics & Astronomy), 1969-1970
Woo-Wy..., 1970
Wolf, Nancy Reiser (Mrs.), Re Application for Graduate Study in Art, 1970
World Health Organization (Re Ltr. of January 19, 1970), (See Zoology-Anastos), 1970
Woman's Advertising Club of Baltimore, 1970-1971
X..., 1970
Y..., 1970
Yount, Paul L., Jr. (Re Admission to University of Maryland), 1970
Young, Richard E., August 1970
Young Americans for Freedom (University of Maryland Chapter)..., 1970
Arthur Young Foundation, 1969-1970
Z..., 1970
Zatman, Joshua B., 1966-1968
Admissions-Gen. File...., 1970
Adm. SREB-Reciprocal Contracts, 1968-1970
Change in Policy-Letters & News Items, 1969
Policy for 1969 Term-Algire's Ltr. of February 12, 1969
Standards for Summer Session of 1969 & Sept. 1969-Ltrs. to Presidents of Comm.
Colleges, December, 1969
Standards for Sept. 1969 Hornbake's Review of High Schools Admittances, 1969
Nov. 8, 1968-Ltrs. from Hornbake, Waetjen on Holding Enrollments During 1969-1970,
Standards for 1969, 1969
Re Waiver of Adm. Standards for 30 Upward Bound Students Appr. by Bd., June 21,
Admissions Policies for Freshmen in 1968 and for Transfer Students in Summer of 1968,
Predictive Index for Freshmen Admission-Academic Year 1969..., 1968-1969
Pass-Fail Basis (Passed by Bd. of Regents on June 16, 1967), 1967-1968
Transfer of College Credits-Students Attend Jr. Col. Prior to H. S. Graduation-Appr. by
Bd., June 21, 1968
Admission Standards for September 1969-Passed by Board on November 22, 1968
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 224
Telephone Problems-with Card from Paul A. Clemens, 1970
Giffin's Ltr. Re Refund of $50 Fee Held in Processing of Applications, [1970]
Adm. Termination of Academic Probation Plan, May 13, 1970
Admissions-Deadline Change, for Applications for Spring, December 1, 1969
Petition Board-Composition of for, 1969
Diploma Signing Vote 1966-1967, [1966]
Admissions Office-Ltr. of Nov. 12, 1969 Re Nat'l Achievement Scholarship Program & Our
Honors Program, [1969]
Applications A thru E, [1970]
F thru K, [1970]
L thru P, [1969]
Q thru U, [1969]
V thru Z, [1969]
Admissions Grad. Sch
A thru K, [1970]
L thru Z, [1970]
Gen. File...., 1970
Transcript Cases, 1970
Degrees Conferred at College Park, Heidelberg & Tokyo for 1966 & 1967, 1967-1968
Degree Statistics for Commencement, June 3, 1967
Library-Study of Library Needs by Special Committee
Rpt. of Com. Study Library Needs, 1965
Minutes, 1965
Comm. on a Study of Library Needs-Dr. David S. Sparks, Chairman, File I, 1963-1964
Comm. on a Study of Library Needs-Minutes, File II, 1963-1964
Director-Gen. File, 1970
Campus Calendar for 1970, [1970]
Holidays for 1970-1971, [1970]
Wed. May 20-Awards to Classified Employees, 7 p. m. Ft. McHenry Room, 1970
Personnel-Disability Insurance Long Term-Faculty & Staff..., April 1970
Pers.-Directives...., 1970
6:30 p. m. Wed., July 1, Dining Hall-Main-Dinner for George H. Gross, 1970
Physical Plant
Gen. File..., 1970
Re Francis White & Political Activities-Other Employees..., 1970
Re Pollution & Erosion Violations C. P.-Dept. of Water Resources..., August, 1970
Physical Plant
Ltr. to Mandel in Answer to Landfill Matter, October 1969-1970
Re Telephone Problems in Admissions, 1970
Re Lamari Electric Company, Sciences Center Wing, July 1970
Master Plan for C. P., Greenbelt & Vicinity, August, 1970
Re Installation of Bulletin Board-East front of Fine Arts, Approved June 5, 1970
New Mail System, U. S. Post Office Sectional Center Fac. & Mail at Uni..., 1970
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 224 (cont’d)
Physical Plant (cont’d)
Construction Reports, 1970
Campus Police, [1970]
Traffic Violations, [1970]
Safety Security-Case of Jeffrey Edwards Phillips-Oct. 3, 1970 & Grad. School...., Dec. 1970
Witsil-Re Gov. Comm. on Law Enf. & Adm. of Justice-Seadoc Program, July-August, 1970
Physical Plant
Traffic-Traffic Committee-Students Appt., April 23, 1970
Witsil-Re Removal of Door in President's Office, December, 1969
Traffic Comm. Appt. Representative of Nonacademic Employees on Comm., 1969
Witsil's Statement & Actions Taken to Senate, Etc.
Am. Civil Liberties Union of Md. Jan. 16, 1970 Ltr. Re Witsil's Statement-Answered
Feb. 10, [1970]
Ltr. of Feb. 5, 1970 to Uni. Senate on Witsil's Statements, 1970
Friday, Feb. 5-Executive Comm. of Senate-3 p. m., [1970]
Witsil's Remarks-Md. Chapter of Am. Assn. of University Professors, February 7, 1970
Press Release on Witsil's Statement, February 5, 1970
Materials Used in Ltr. to Senate, Feb. 5, 1970
Physical Plant-Public Safety & Security-Re Witsil's Talk-State's Attorneys Conf., Jan. 9
Phy. Plant-Motor Transportation Agency, [1970]
A..., 1971
Agriculture-All State Depts..., 1971
Am..., 1971
Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry-Powers, 1969-1971
Ar..., 1971
Atlantic Coast Conference, 1971
BOX 225
American Cancer Society, 1971-1972
American Council of Learned Societies..., 1971-1972
American Oil Company, 1971-1972
American Medical Association..., 1971
American Political Science Association...., 1971-1972
American Speech & Hearing Association..., 1971-1972
American Associations (Misc.), 1971
Association of Am. Universities..., 1971
Association of American Universities
ROTC-Inter-Association Policy Statement, June 4, 1971
RE R. O. T. C., [1971]
Re Non-Discrimination in Employment of Women..., Dec. & January 1970-1971
Review of Purposes & Organization of Assoc. of Am. Universities, 1971
RE Metcalf's Proposal on Corp. Stock, Jan. 1971
Mon. Oct. 12-Questions for Discussion, Gladieux-Assoc. of Am. Univ. from 9 to 10
a.m., 1970-1971
Fall Meeting-Shoreham, Oct. 26 & 27, 1971
Schedule and Tickets, April 26-28, [1971]
Agenda, April 26-28, 1971
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 225 (cont’d)
Association of American Universities (cont’d)
Council on Federal Relations, April 26-28, [1971]
Pusey's Memo on Aims & Organization of Association, April 26-28, [1971]
RE NCAA Spec. Com. on Financial Aid, April 26-28, [1971]
Mis. Correspondence, April 26-28, [1971]
My File, April 26, 27 & 28, [1971]
Association of American Colleges
RE Dues and Staying in Association, October 30, 1971
Gen., 1970-1971
Association of Physical Plant Administration, 1970
, (Formation October 9, 1969), [1969]
Association of Sea Grant Program Institutions, December 1969-1970
Association (Misc. File), 1970-1971
Ba..., 1971
Ban...Bat..., 1971
Barron's Educational Series, Inc., 1971
Be...Bet, 1971
Best Brands, Inc. (Ltr. to Hogan & Kaplan; also Plummer), 1971
Belt, John Am., Jr.-Ltr. re Application of Terr Heincelman, April 1971
Blackshea, Ruth M. (Nut), 1971
Boa...Bl...Bow, 1971
Botero, Douglas (Ambassador of Columbia)-With Ltr. of Jan. 13, 1971 to Minister of Ed.,
September 1971
Boozer, F. Vernon (Del.) re-Student Activities Fee, 1971
Bonham, Robert T.-Re Daughter Daryl M. Bonham Leach-Teacher Tui. Repayment, Jan. 19711972
Breathedsville Jaycees-Project-Halfway House Referred to Beach..., 1971-1972
Bri....Bru, 1971
Brook, Steven-Nat'l Center for Dispute Settlement-Telephone No., 1971
Building Research Institute (re Intern Program-See Also Bishop), 1971
Buckley, J. J., Jr.-Re Son's Course in Zoology, 1971
Bur..., Y...., 1971
Ca....Cay..., 1971
Carnegie Commission on Higher Ed., 1971
Carnegie Comm. on Higher Ed. Priorities for Action: Final Report & Uni. of Michigan Report,
Carnegie Comm. on Higher Ed.-Re Fed. Program of Institution Aid, Revised Tables, Dec. & Jan.
Carnegie Corp. for Higher Ed.-Questionnaires-Referrals, 1971-1972
Caffrey, John-Re: Employment Professorship in Education, 1971-1972
Calfee, Worth Wm. (Recommendation), 1971
Canada Permanent Mortgage Corporation, 1971
Ce..., 1971
Ch..., 1971
Clay, Albrida S.-Re Counseling-Graduate School, February, 1971
Charlton, Mrs. Millard, Regent of DAR-Toaping Castle Chapter, July 1971
Chapman, Terrance R.-(Appeals Case) to Bishop February, 1971
Chambers, M. M..., 1971
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 225 (cont’d)
Changing Times...., 1970-1971
Cities Service Oil Company (Gift of Equipment of Agr. Engineering Apprv. Board),
September 26, 1969
Cochran, Stephenson and Donkervoet, Inc., Reference: Gift to School of Architecture, 1970
Co..., 1971
College Park-City of, 1971-1972
Cr..., 1971
Citizens for Decent Literature, [1970]
Da..., 1971
Danforth Foundation..., 1971
Da RAE Enterprises, Inc., 1971
Dalton, Robert L. (St. Senator), 1971-1972
Daly, R. Mason G...(Recommendations), 1970-1971
Davis, Lillian R. (Mrs.) Re: Courses in College of Education, 1971
De..., 1971
Dept. of Maryland Reserve Officers Association-Re ROTC at University, 1971
Densmore, Dr. James D.-Bequest to School of Medicine, 1971
Devlin, Bernadette, (Letters on), Feb. 15, 1971
District of Columbia-Re Charitable Solicitation Act, July 1, 1970-June 30, 1971
D. C. Charitable Solicitation Act Renewal, July 1, 1969
District of Columbia Lib. Assn. & Special Library Assn.-Gift of 100.00, 1970
District of Columbia-Mayor-Urban Corps Programs, (Re Nov. 25, 1969 Meeting), 1970
D. C. Public Schools-Dr. Kenneth B. Clark Plan-Metro Applied Research Center, Aug., 1970
Di..., 1971
Diaz, Agustin-Re Doctorate in Chem. Engineering, 1971
Docter, Charles A., Deleg...., 1970-1971
Do..., 1971
Dr..., 1971
DuQuesne Systems, Inc., 1971
DuMez, Mrs. Andrew G. (See Wills), 1969
Environmental Protection Agency, 1971-1972
Ea..., 1971
Eastern Shore Poultry Growers Exchange-Gift, 1971
Edie-Lionel D. and Company, 1971
Educational Testing Service..., 1971
BOX 226
Educom, 1970-1971
El..., 1971
Environmental Protection Agency..., July 1971
Emanuel, Meyer, Jr. (Sen.), 1969-1971
Embassies..., 1971
ESSO Educational Foundation...., 1971
Administrative Position..., 1971
Adm. Application from John H. Reber, November 1971
Administrative-Jones, Dr. Michael Keefe, 1971
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 226 (cont’d)
Employment (cont’d)
Agriculture, 1971
Arts and Sciences..., 1971
Art..., 1971
Chemistry..., 1971
Dance..., 1971
Education..., 1971
Engineering..., 1971
Finance and Business, 1971
Foreign Languages, 1971
BPA..., 1971
History..., 1971
Mathematics..., 1971
Music..., 1971
Personnel..., 1971
Philosophy..., 1971
Physical Education-Col., 1971
Physics and Astronomy..., 1971
Professional Schools, 1971
Research..., 1971
Sociology & Anthropology..., 1971
Student Affairs, 1971
UMBC..., 1971
University College, 1971
University Relations..., 1971
Misc..., 1971
FA..., 1971
Federal Home Loan Bank of Greensboro, 1971
Federal Government Accountants Association of Montgomery-Prince George's Counties..., 19711972
Fi..., 1971
Field Enterprises Educational Corporation
(Re Article in World Book Encyclopedia), 1968
FL..., 1971
Fleckenger, Floyd (History Books-Donation to Uni. Library), 1968
Flemming, John J. (Dr.)-Re Teaching in European Division, March 1970
Ford Foundation, 1971
Foster, Mrs. Barbara B.-re Salary Scale-Lecturer in Far East Program, May 1971
Forer, Stephen E., Resident Case...., 1970-1971
Foster, William A., (Re Rating of University of Maryland), 1970
Fra..., 1971
Frederick County Alumni Association, 1970-1971
Fri..., 1971
Ga..., 1971
Garmatz, Edward A. (Congr.), 1970-1971
Ge, 1971
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 226 (cont’d)
George, Miles & Buhr, 1971-1972
Gibson, Dr. Daniel Z., 1971
Gibson, Steven-Request for Sabbatical-Computer Science Center Employee, Mar. & April 1971
Gl, 1971
Gladfelter, Delia L. (Hold) Dated Oct. 21, 1970
Governor's Operating Economy Survey, Committee on
Ed. Ltr. of Sept. 29, 1969 to Mandel on Provisions of Report, [1969-1971]
Education-Dr. Waetjen's Figures, September 12, 1969
Curt H. G. Heinfelden Co-chairman, 1969
Gra, 1971
Greater Washington Education TV, 1971 (2f)
Governor's Commission to Study St. Board of Agriculture, Apt. February 14, 1971
Gro, 1971
Gulf Angola Project, re Shares of Gulf Oil Corp. Stock, March 31, 1971
Gude, Gilbert (Congressman), 1971
Goldstein, Herbert-Gift $5000 for Recording of University Choir (Acpt. by Bd.), May 17, 19691970
Goddard Memorial Medal, 1971-1972
Heany, Charles M., Jr., 1971
Ha, 1971
Han, 1971
Hall, Mrs. Daniel A. (Re Course in European Prog., University College), 1971
Hackl, Alphons (Re Calvert Review), 1970-1971
Han, 1971
Harris, Louis, of Louis Harris & Associates, Inc., Sept., 1971
Has...Hec...., 1971
Hastings, Dr. J. Walter, Jr., Address..., 1970
Hegler Institute, 1971-1972
Hed, 1971
Hi, 1971
Hickman, Carter M. (Delegate), 1971
Higher Education Compact-Feasibility Study-Telephone Call, May 1971
Hoc, 1971
Hop, 1971
Hovet, Kenneth O., Dr., Death Feb., 1971
Housing & Urban Development, [1971]
How, 1971
Eugene Hult Fellowships, 1969-1970
Hsu, Dr. C. K., Re Repayment of NDEA Loan, 1971
Hyde, C. H. (Buddy), (Gives Hagerstown Address), 1971
Hughes, Colonel (Alumnus), Re Admission to Graduate School in College of Education..., 1971
I..., 1971
Ingber, Mrs. Beth Goldkind-Re Remission of Fees (see Del. Docter), December 1971
International Cheerleading Foundation, 1971
Indian Council for Cultural Relations, Nehru Awards..., 1971
Information Please Almanac, 1971
Interpreting Institutions (Pres. Luther H. Hopes), February 1971
J...., 1971
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 226 (cont’d)
Jachnes, Robert..., 1971
Jewish Studies-Request for Certain Courses, March 1971
Jo..., 1971
Johanes and Murray & Associates..., 1969-1970
Ka..., 1971
Kastrof, Edward R. (Mr. and Mrs. Re Freshmen Orientation & Birth Control, Sex, Etc..., 1971
Ke..., 1971
Ketchum, Inc., 1971-1972
Kelly, John K., Re Employment, 1971
Kenan Charitable Trust, 1971
BOX 227
Ki..., 1971
Ko..., 1971
La..., 1971
Lamari Electric Company, (Charge of Threats, Etc. by Uni. Waetjen Handling), July 1970
Law..., 1971
Leach, Mrs. Daryl M. Bonham Repayment of Tuition Loan-Teachers, January 1971
Lee, Mrs. Nancy Blandford (Re Adm. to Counseling-Graduate Work)...., 1971-1972
Les..., 1971
Levitan, Delegate Laurence, 1971-1972
Li..., 1971
Lo..., 1971
Lupien, T. A., Jr. (Re Varsity-Alumni Swimming Meet & Coach Campbell)..., 1971
Long, Clarence D., 1971
Library Look Collection, (From Cowles Magazines, Inc.), 1960-1971
Look Collection to Library of 1960-Return, [1971]
Gen. File, 1971
Waetjen's Report to Board on, May 3, 1971
Senate Bill 22, Retirement Proposals, January 13, 1971
S. no. 103-(Restrict Authority of Gov. with Ref. to St. Guard), January 26, 1971
Senate Bill 495-Leg. Snyder-March 5, 1971, Trans. of Persn. Officers to St. Persn Dept., [1971]
Senate Resolution No.115 (Freshman Basketball Team), 1971
Jan. 15, 1971, H. B. 56-re Strengthening Higher Ed. by Md. Council for Higher Ed.,
Hearing on House Bill 454, September 7, 1971
H. B. No. 454, Feb. 16, 1971 Re 2-Non-Voting Members for Bd. Regents, 1971
H. B. No. 607 by Pesci-re Teachers Retirement System..., Feb. 25, 1971
H. B. No. 862-Hargreaves, Transf. of Persn. Officers to St. Persn., March 5, 1971
House Bill 1157, Hearing on, August 24, 1971
S. B. 183 Increase Membership of Bd. to 13 & After July 1, 1969 2 Con. Terms of 5
Years-Also Cost..., 1970
Waetjen Ltr. to Eldridge re Uni's Bills for 1971 Term, [1971]
H. R. No. 36 (Docter), Honoring Dean Charles Manning, Feb. 8, 1971
Ma..., 1971
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 227 (cont’d)
M Club
Banquet Materials, Friday, Dec. 3, 1971
President, Robert E. Weiss, (as of 1971.....), [1971]
Man..., 1971
Manufacturing Chemists Assn., 1971-1970
Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard, Sr., Re Leonard, Jr., & Health Services, September 1971
Mac..Mc..., 1971
McGuire, Judson, (Re Disciplinary Action), 1970-1971
McCartney, Robert J., Hold, 1968-1969
McSherry, James E., (Re Est. of a University Press), 1970-1971
Mathias, Chas. McC. (Senator)
Re S. 2195-Ltr. to Huitt-Apr. 14 & Ltr. from Buffkins, July 9, 1971
Re A. Kathleen Lefever & School of Social Work, 1971-1972
Mastro Paolo, Carlo L. (Re M. S. Degree in Bus. Adm.), 1971
Massey, Joe, Jr.-(Participation in Coronary Drug Project-Intern'l Medicine), April 1971
Me...Mey..., 1971
Merck Sharp & Dohme Research Laboratories, 1968-1969
Memco Charitable & Scholarship Foundation...Harris, [1970]
Mitchell, Parren J., Congr., Gen. File..., 1971
Mitchell, Parren J., Congressman-(Re Law Suit on Constitutionality of War), June 1971
Mo..., 1971
Mu..., 1971
Mverowitz, Morris Brown-Apv. March 19, 1971
Na..., 1971
North American Habitat Preservation Society (Grabarck), 1969
Novenstein, Dr. Sidney-Wash. County Medical Society-Re Adm. to Med. School, May 1971
Nutrition Foundation, Inc., 1968-1970
National Science Foundation..., 1971
Md. National Capital Park & Planning..., 1971
National Science Foundation New Directory-Nov. 8 and Nov. 22, 1971
Nat'l Science Foundation, Re Limitation of Expenditures by Grantees for 1969, [1969]
National Science Foundation-Re Student Unrest Provisions, Arctic Research Program, Jan. 22,
Nat'l Science Foundation, Senior Foreign Scientists Fellowship....(Hohenstein), 1970
National Science Foundation, Institutional Grants for Science (Applications-Mailed by June 30,
1970), [1970]
Nat'l Sci. Foundation-Counting Research Grants, 1971
Nat'l Science Foundation-Fiscal Year 1972, Budget Summary, Etc. (Distributed by Pelczar), Feb.
Nat'l Aeronautics & Space Adm. Re Earth Orbital Space Station (Representatives)..., Aug. 1970
NASA, March 13 Ltr. from Paine & Feb. 10, 1970 Proceedings of University Conference, 1970
National Aeronautics & Space Adm. Cost Sharing on Unsolicited Proposals, January 1970
Md. National Capital Park & Planning..., 1970
Nat'l Aeronautics & Space Adm. No Payment to Individual Inciting, Promoting Civil Disorders,
No...U....Y..., 1971
O...Oy, 1971
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 227 (cont’d)
Olympic Cities Tour, (Messrs. Popa & Marculet)..., 1971
Oak Ridge Associated Universities..., 1971
O'Donnell, James J. (J. Prentiss Brown), Baltimore, 1969-1970
Office of Economic Opportunity, [1971]
Orlinsky, Walter S. (Delegate), 1971
Outstanding Educators of America..., 1971
Pa..., 1971
BOX 228
Paston, Col. D. George-Re Kenneth Freedman-See Fishbein, August 1971
Parr, Dr. John F., 1970-1971
Penney, J. C., Company, Inc., Re Contribution to NASULGC-Nat'l 4-H Center, 1970-1971
Perkins, Dr. John A., 1971
Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency-Consent Decree (Aug. 31, 1971), 1971-1972
Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency..., 1969-1970
Pesticide Advisory Board, July 21, 1969
Pe...Pf, 1971
Pifer, Dr. Alan, Pres.-Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, 1971
Phillips, Douglas Howard Memorial Scholarship-by Albanus Phillips, Jr., 1962-1964
President's Com. on National Medal of Science (Dr. Pelczar Coordinating)..., April 1971
Price Waterhouse Foundation, 1970-1971
Project Focus..., 1971
Prince George's Jaycees, (Re Outstanding Young Men), 1971-1972
Prince George's Chamber of Commerce-Com. on Communication & Cooperation-Uni. of Md.,
Professional Golfers Association of America, 1970
Random House, Inc... (Re Bernstein & Invitation Extended by Sch. of Lib. & Inf. Services), 1970
Ra..., 1971
Reddick, H. P.-Editor--Community News-Beach's Reply..., 1971
Reinales, Jorge Velasco-1971 (Re Recognition of Studies by Colombian Ministry of Education,
Ri...Ro..., 1971
Resources for the Future, 1970-1971
Rockefeller Foundation, 1970
Ross, David G. (Delegate)..., 1971-1972
Ru..., 1971
Damon Runyon Memorial Fund for Cancer Research, 1971 & 1972
Sa..., 1971
Sargent-Welch Scientific Co., Re Purchasing..., 1971
Scharf & Son, Edward G. (Const. Cost Consultants), 1971
Sch...Sci..., 1971
Schipper, Dr. G. J.-Gift of Horse, 1971-1972
Schofield, Mrs. Polly-Gift of Horse-Animal Science, 1971
Schmidt, Dr. Wildon R.-Re Collection of Diploma Fee, January 1971
Scholarships-State-Publicity on-July, Aug., Sept., 1971
Se, 1971
Sh...Sk..., 1971
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 228 (cont’d)
Simms, Everitt (Grad Student in Secondary Education)..., 1971-1972
Siegel, Harold A.-Lawyer for Robert G. Loder-re Transfer of Credits, June 1971
Sickles, Carlton R., 1971-1972
Sigma Chi Fraternity, (Gen. File), 1970
Sigma Nu Fraternity, 1970
Sn...So, 1971
Sommors, Gladys (Mrs.) re. James Jenkins-Employment as a Guard at Uni..., Feb. 22, 1971
Spurr, Dr. Steven-Graduate Scho. Dean-Univ. of Michigan at Ann Arbor, Michigan-Phone No.,
Society of Motion Picture & Television Engineers, 1971-1972
Sta..., 1971
Steiner, Mrs. Carol J.-Re Charges Uni. College-Far East, August, 1971
Su..., 1971
Study of Accreditation of Higher Education, 1971
Study of Accreditation of Selected Health Educational Programs-Selden Questionnaire, 1971
Surrey, Karasik, Green & Hill (Suit Brought by Dr. John J. Fleming vs. Uni. College, March 9,
Styer, Nancy-Call from Mr. Horne & Ltr. from Hogan, 1971
Summer School-Recommendation for Dr. Smith-P. G. Community Col. Presidency..., 1971
Summer School College Park, 1971
Summer School-Increase in Summer Session Rates for Dormitory Residents for 1971, [1971]
Sun Oil Company, 1968-1969 & 1971
Thompson Shakman-Bond Attnys. Re "Ballin Jack"-Teleg. of Dec. 7 & Reply of December 8,
Ti..., 1971
Tr..., 1971
Trotter, James A. (Rev.), Employment at UMES, 1971
Tu..., 1971
Turner, Gerald-Re-Nominations for Old Town Jaycees-Balt., 1970-1971
U-General Files..., 1971
US Govt., Agriculture, Dept. of..., 1971
USDA-Re Pesticide Poisonings Specifically Ethyl Parathion, April 1971
USDA Marketing Services-Re Egg Products Inspection Act-Reply by Feb. 15, 1971
US Dept. of Agriculture, Greet Org. of Professional Employees..., Oct. 4, 1971
US Dept. of Agriculture-Consumer & Marketing-Increases in Charges for Poultry & Egg
Grading, July 1, 1969
USDA-Re Coop. Agree.-Uni. of Md. & St. & Fed. Employees-Signed Copy Sent to Bentz,
Feb. 24, 1971
US Dept. of Agri., Re W. O. Atwater Memorial Lectureship..., 1971
USDA-Memo of Understanding-USDA Insect Damage & Plant Disease in Md., Apr. 12, 1971
US-Agricultural-Re Memo of Understanding-1955 Between USDA & Uni. on Extension Work in
Agri. & H. Ec., 1968
U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Possible Location of Dairy Products Laboratory at Uni. of Md., 19681969
USDA, Agriculture-General Work Plan Meat Inspection-Signing on November 24, 1970
US Govt.
Air Force..., 1971
Army..., 1971
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 228 (cont’d)
US Govt (cont’d)
Atomic Energy Comm., 1971
Civil Service..., 1971
Congress..., 1971
U. S. Congress-Re H. R. 7248 Support of the Green Bill-Higher Education..., October 1971
Edith Green Ed. Comm. H. R. 7248--Extend H. E. Act of 1965, Etc., April 6, 1971
Delegate John S. Mongan-Ltr. re Bernadette Devlin's Talk..., 1971
Prayer Breakfast-Wash. Hilton Hotel, Hold for Reply, 7:50 a. m., Feb. 2, 1971
US Govt.
Defense..., 1971
Office of Education..., 1971
HEW... Health Public, 1971
HEW, Social & Rehabilitation..., 1971
HEW, Re NIH/NIMH Study for HEW Pelczar Directing, April 1971
US Govt. HEW-Education, Work Study Program, 1971
US Office of Ed.-Audit Control No. 20020-03 College Work-Study Program, July, 1971
US Off. of Education-Servicemen & Veteran Counseling Program Chancellors, Dec. 1, 1971
Environmental Protection Agency..., 1971
US Govt.
Food & Drug Adm..., 1971
Food & Drug-Re Standards for Packaging, Jan., 1970
Interior, Dept. of..., 1971
Bureau of Commercial Fisheries-Interior, 1971
U. S. Dept. of Interior-Re Extension of Coop. Agreement-With University, October 1, 1971
US Govt.
Dept. of Interior-Cont. of Coop. Agreement with Bureau of Mines...., 1969
Dept. of Interior (Extension Cooperative Agreement-Bureau of Mines..., June, 1968
Justice, Depart. of..., 1971
Labor..., 1971
Marine Corps...., 1971
Navy..., 1971
President-Executive..., 1971
V. P. Lunch for BPA Members at Blair House 12:30, March 22, 1971
US Govt., President-Ltr. to Nixon on Revenue Sharing in Ext. Service, Feb. 24, 1971
V. P. Agnew, Materials on, September, 1970
US Govt., Agnew's Ltr. of Oct. 5, 1970-Elkins Reply of Oct. 19, 1970
V. P. Agnew-Opinion on the Campus fr. Nat'l Review (Hold in Files) of June 15, 1971
Pres. Commission on Campus Unrest, 1970
BOX 229
Pres. Commission on Campus Unrest (cont'd), 1970
U. S. Govt., Social Security, 1971
US Dept. of State Advisory Com. on AID-University Relations, 1971
US Department of State-Section 706, Dept. of State, Etc. on Public Law 91-153..., March 30,
U. S. Govt., Transportation..., 1971
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 229 (cont’d)
U. S. Internal Revenue Serv. (Treasury Dept.) Re Course on Making Beer, January 1971
A, 1971
B, 1971
Interview, Dr. Lyman A. Glenny, Calif., University of, 2 p. m., June 30, 1971
C, 1971
D, 1971
Duke University-(Re Use of Mace in Exhibition, Hold for Reply), Oct. 12-Nov. 15, 1970
E, 1971
F, 1971
University of Florida-Questionnaire-the Output of Institutions of Higher Learning..., 1971
Federal City College-Meeting with Dr. Harland Randolph on March 25, 1971
G, 1971
H, 1971
I, 1971
J, 1971
K, 1971
L, 1971
M, 1971
N, 1971
P, 1971
P. G. Community College-Rec. Dr. Clodus R. Smith-for Presidency, 1971
Pennsylvania State University, Analysis of Academic Salaries at 11 St. Universities (Fall Term,
Pa. State University-Inst. for Research on Land & Water Resources, January 1970
R, 1971
S, 1971
Syracuse University-Tolly's Article-Campus Radicals Mean What They Say, October, 1970
T, 1971
U, 1971
V, 1971
W, 1971
Invitation to Uni. of Texas, (Hold), May 22, April 10, [1971]
William and Mary, College of, Recommendation for Presidency, Jan., 1971
Virginia Commonwealth Univ., Dr. Warren William Brandt, (Nov. 10, 1970)
Universities, Y, 1971
Yale Uni.-Tuition Postponement, Option, February 4, 1971
Universities...Foreign, 1971
V, 1971
Washington International Center of the Meridian House Foundation, (Fulbright-Hays Scholars),
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 230
A..., 1972
Academy for Educational Development, Inc., 1971
Ace, Ronald S.-Job Classification-(Mr. Williams Sending Suggested Reply), February, 1972
Advertising Club of Baltimore, 1971-1972
Agriculture..All State Departments..., 1972
Air Science..., 1972
Air Science-Re UMES Program in A F ROTC, May 1972
Col. Fields and Commandant of Air Force, Col. Kenneth Wofford, Air Sc., 1972
Appt. of Lt. Col. Mauro E. Maresca as Prof. of Aerospace Studies, July 1, 1969
Allen, Woodrow M., (Delegate), 1971-1972
Alpert, Paul E. (Delegate), 1971-1972
Alpha Gamma Rho-Dinners and Luncheons, Etc., 1972
Am..., 1972
Alperstein, Arthur S. (2nd District, Balt. County), Replacing Paul E. Alpert, Aug. 4, 1972
American Associations, (Misc.), 1972
American Association of University Women, 1971-1972
American Association of Health, Physical Education & Recreation, 1972
American Association of State Colleges & Universities, 1971-1972
Am. Council of Independent Lab., Inc.-Re: Use of Facilities of Center of Materials Res. by
Commercial Org., 1972
American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees
AFL-CIO-Gen. File..., 1971
University Hospital, April, 1971
AFL-CIO, 1967-1968
Complaint-Janet Thorne & Others Re University Hospital, 1968
Complaint to Gov. Re Hosp. Cafeteria, 1968-1969
AFL-CIO Unions (Balt.) Complaints re Funding of UMBC Library-Non Union
Workers..., 1969
American Smelting & Refining Com. Asarco Foundation..., 1971-1972
Anderson, Katheryn-Re Grades in College of Education, July 1972
Ar...., 1972
Architecture, School of, Dean, 1972
Armstrong, William F., re Employment C. P. Campus, October 16, 1972
Art, Department of..., 1972
Chemistry, Dept. of..., 1972
Chemistry-Emeritus Prof. of Chemistry-Dr. William J. Svibely, August 1, 1972
Dance, Department of..., 1972
English, Dept. of..., 1972
English, Emeritus Professor of A & S English, W. Gordon Zeeveld, September 1, 1972
Dept. of English-Dr. Morris Freedman-Resignation as Chairman, December 31, 1972
Dr. Morris Freedman as Head-Dept. of English..., Jan. 1, 1968
C. P. Ltr. of James Walt, Ast. Prof., English Re Promotion, October 27, 1971
English Dept.-John Lee Coutler, Faculty, Ltr. to Judge Ralph G. Shure-April 14, 1971
Spanish & Portuguese..., 1972
Spanish & Port. Tea, 3:15 p. m., Thursday, 1972
French & Italian..., 1972
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 230 (cont’d)
A & S (cont’d)
French & Italian-Prof. Leonora C. Rosenfield, Discrimination, June 25, 1971
Germanic & Slavic Languages..., 1972
History, Dept. of ..., 1972
Mathematics, 1972
Math-Dr. Joseph Lehner-Prof. Emeritus of Mathematics, (Bd. Approval), Nov. 17, 1972
Mathematics, Dr. Sigekatu Kuroda, Emeritus Prof. of Math., August 16, 1972
Music..., 1972
Music Dept., Dr. Melvin Bernstein as Asst. to Vice Chanc. for Academic Affairs & Prof.
of Music, Oct. 17, 1972
Emeritus Prof. of Music, Prof. Homer Ulrich, July 1, 1972
Music Dept..., Retirement of Professor Homer Ulrich as Head, June 30, 1971
Music Department, Bands, 1971-1972
Physics and Astronomy, 1972
Physics & Astronomy-Re Promotion of Prof. James Griffin, Nat.Inst. Health, May 23,
Psychology..., 1972
Dept. of Psychology-Recommendations for Promotion & Tenure Practices, As of March
15, 1972
Psychology-Comm. on Accreditation Report of Site Visit, Am. Psychological Assn...,
Mar. 22 & 23, 1972
Psychology, Dept. of, Evaluation of Psychology Dept. by Am. Psychological Assn., 1969
Sociology & Anthropology, 1972
Institute of Criminal Justice & Criminology..., 1972
Speech-Prof. Warren Strausburgh, Prof. of Speech, Emeritus, (Apvd., Sept. 22, 1972), July 1,
A & S, Speech & Dramatic Art..., 1972
Speech-Re Proj. PRH 212606, Handicapped-Revision of Budget, 1972
A & S, Zoology..., 1972
Zoology, Psychology, Dedication of, April 24, 1972
Arts & Sciences, Dean (Interim)..., 1972
A & S, Honors Program
List, 1972, (Material Used by Dr. Hornbake in Checking)..., May 1972
Scholarships for Blacks..., 1968-1971
Honors for Seniors Pro-Rata for, 1971
Honors Awards Allocation for Present Fiscal Year, 1969-1970
Fluctuating Stipend for Recipients Passed by Board on September 27, 1968
25 Recipients for Sr. Awards, May 1968
Dean Honors Scholarships 1965-1966-(From Greater Uni. of Maryland Fund), 19661967
Advisers for Pre-Dental Medical & Law..., 1967-1972
Dean-Hold for 1972-Recom. for Athletic Council Purdy-Chemistry, [1970]
Association of Am. Universities
Collective Bargaining Election Among Fac. at Michigan St. Uni., 1972
Sheraton-Carlton, Washington, D. C., 1972
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 230 (cont’d)
Association of Am. Universities, April 24, 25, & 26, 1972
Schedule, [1972]
Correspondence, [1972]
Agenda, [1972]
BOX 231
Atlantic Coast Conference, 1972
Barr, Charles E. (Dr.), 1972
David Beall-re Parking Ticket, 9: 00 a. m. Feb. 2, 1972
Beck, Susan D. Delaney (Mrs.) Reclassification-Med. School, 1972
Baltimore, Kiwanis Club of, Elkins' Talk 12 Noon, Nov. 20, 1973
Speak Rotary Club-Balt., Lord Balt. in Balt., 12:15 p. m. Tuesd., Jan. 18, 1972
Baltimore Hilton Hotel, 1971
Mike Bowler, Sun & Mr. Beach, 1972
Balt. Evening Sun-Interview with John C. White, Fri. Apr. 7, 1972
Baltimore Morning Sun, Interview with Sandra Fleischman, July 3, 1972
Balt. City Dept. of Education.... Cooper's Ltr. on Prof. Staff Dev. Program, July, 1970
Ba..., 1972
Ban...Bay..., 1972
Be....Bey..., 1972
Beall, Senator J. Glenn..., 1972
Berg, Pat & Julia Smith (Math. Dept.) Dead-End Positions, January 25, 1972
Bernardi, Richard L.-Re Parking Violations, February, 1972
Bi..., 1972
Black's Readers Service, 1972
Boa..., 1972
Booker, John W. (Re Participation in Navy Recruiting-Inactive Duty), March, 1972
Booth, Somers & Farlow, Architects, Jan. 1, 1973
Brailey, Troy, 1972
Brenner, Robert N., III, Uni. Police Officer I-Grievance Case (to Waetjen), Feb. 24, 1972
Briggs & Stratton Corp., (Re Gift to Int. of Applied Agri.), 1970-1971
Byrnes, John Carroll (Senator), 1971-1972
Byron, Goodloe, (Congressman), 1972-1973
Bri..., 1972
Bur... Buy..., 1972
Dean..., 1972
Bishop's Ltr. on Reaccreditation Team's Visit BPA, Feb. 1972
Business Administration, 1972
Economics..., 1972
Economics Dept.-Gen. Electric. Grant to Dr. Clopper Almon-Grant Est. in 1967-1970,
Journalism, Dept. of, 1972
Govt. & Politics..., 1972
Geography, 1972
Centar Greet Public Sector Labor Relations Conference Board-Remarks, Monday at 9. a. m.,
Dec. 18, 1972
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 231 (cont’d)
Economics-Dillard's Ltr. to Gov.; Recommendations for Provost, O'Connell & Olson, Nov. 1972
Geo. Urban Studies..., 1972
Development Fund-Dept. of Gov. & Politics-Proposal of April 17/72 & June 28, 1972 Reply,
Caputo, Carol A., New Address-1100 Sixth St., S. W.-Washington, D. C., 1970
Childs, The Jane Coffin Memorial Fund for Medical Research..., 1970-1971
Cobey, Elwood A., Recommendation, March 16, 1971
Comparative Guide to American Colleges..., 1970-1971
Cohen, Mrs. Irvin J., Est. Ethel R. Arthur Memorial Scholarship Fund, Accepted, Cont., 19711972
Computer Research, Systems & Software (Compres), 1968-1971
Coleman, Tracy C..., 1969
College & University Personnel Association, 1971-1972
Commission on Non-Traditional Study, 1971-1972
Cowley, Dr. W. H., (Re Questions About Uni. of Md.), October, 1972
Counihan, Casey & Loomis-Re Property Damage Suite Brought by Mr. & Mrs. James B. King,
II, June, 1971
Couch, Blackwell & Miller-Re Suit-Injury Judith Olson in Library, June 1971
Congress of Racial Equality (N. Y. Based)..., Feb. 4, 1971
Cardozier, V. R., Dr., 1970-1971
Council of University Directors of Clinical Psychology...A, 1972
Council of State Governments..., 1970
Corcoran, Mrs. George, (Memorial Award in Engineering) Hold in File, 1965-1970
Cronin, Daniel-Re Ltr. from Dr. Lawrence C. Krisher, Inst. for Molecular Physics, June 7, 1972
Curtis, Barry-Leader of Protest Group, Jan. 25, 1972
Curran, J. Joseph, Jr. (St. Senator)..., 1971
Ca...Cay..., 1972
Calder, Ray (Re Exams. in University College), February 1972
Ce..., 1972
Center for Research in Col. Instr. Sci. & Math-Dissolution of, July, 1972
Center for Research in College Instruction of Sci. & Mathematics, 1971-1972
Ch..., 1972
Chambers, M. M...., 1972
Co..., 1972
College Park Board of Trade, 1972 & 1973
Cr..., 1972
Commission on a Criminal Code For State of Maryland, 1972
Danzansky, Joseph B. (Giant Food, Inc.), 1972-1973
Davis, Marlin W., Re Recommendation (To Aylward), April, 1972
De...Di, 1972
Delmarva Advisory Council, 1972
Delta Upsilon Internat'l Frat, (Md. Chapter-Alpha Delta Upsilon), May 12, 1972
Diamondback Interview, May 11, 1972
D. C., Govt. of-Solicitation in District-End Office-Application For, 1972
Wash. Govt. of District of Columbia-License for Solicitation of Funds, (To Endowment), July 1,
Do..., 1972
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 231 (cont’d)
Dr..., 1972
Durham, Leroy-Re Graduate Study..., November 27, 1972
Docter, Del. Charles A., 1972
Docter, Del. Charles A. Re-Remission of Fees-Mrs. Beth Goldkind Ingber..., Dec. 1971 & Jan.
William F. Armstrong on C. P. Campus, October, 1972
Dr. Helen S. Astin, Employment in Administration, (Logan Wilson's Recom.), May,
Employment of Graduates of the Univ. of Md., 1972
Enrollment-All Campuses-Report to Board as of September 22, 1972
Headcount Fall, (Prepared Oct. 19, 1972), Semesters 1971 and 1972
Headcount, All Areas, September 17, 1971 Report to Board as of September 15, 1971
Report to the Board of Regents All Campuses, 1971
Summer Semester of 1972-Enrollment & Geographical Statistics-As of August 3, 1972
Preliminary-Statistics Spring Semester 1971-1972, as of March 15, 1972
Fall Semester 1971-1972, Enrollment & Geographical Statistics C. P., Jan. 17, 1972
Registration Count-1st Semester (Not Final), 1971-1972
Projections for UMES-as of June 22, 1971
1960 & 1970, Comparison-All Areas..., 1971
Registration Count as of 2nd Semester, Feb. 4, 1971
Thru for College Park, Campus, September 18, 1970
Report to Board as of September 25, 1970
Report of the Board of Regents All Campuses, September 25, 1970
Fall 1969-1970, Final, (Prel. for Spr. 1969-1970), [1970]
Registration Count, 2nd Semester 1969-1970 as of Feb. 4, 1970
As of First Week of Classes, Comparison, Friday, February 13, 1970
Comparison, 1969-1970, As of Feb. 6, 1970
Ea..., 1972
Statistics for 2nd Semester of 1970-1971
Enrollment-Geo. Statistics-C. P., Spring 1971-1972 as of May 24, 1972
Education, College of, Dean..., 1972
Dean Carbone, Re Offer to Wright St. Uni., 1972
Education, Grade Point Average in Teacher Education, 1971 & 1972
Ed. Industrial Education..., 1972
Bldg. 4 Review of Facade of Industrial Ed. Bldg. Addition, June 13, 1972
Ed. Special Education...., 1972
Education-Sp. Education-Cases of Students Not Eligible-(Zirkin) & Others, 1972
Ed. Counseling & Personnel Services..., 1972
Editorial Projects for Education, 1972 Moonshooter Project, 1972
Educom..., 1972
El..., 1972
Eng. Engineering-Dean..., 1972
College of Engineering-Proposal for Instructional Television Network, March 15, 1972
Chemical..., 1972
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 231 (cont’d)
Eng. (cont’d)
Civil..., 1972
Electrical..., 1972
Mechanical..., 1972
BOX 232
Institute for Fluid Dynamics & Applied Mathematics..., 1972
Fluid Dynamics-Re Dr. H. Jay Zwally-Assigned to NSF for 2 Years Eft., March 15, 1972
Dr. Monroe H. Martin-Retirement Dinner on March 28, 1972, Dr. Elkins' Ltr. of March 9, 1972
Insti. for Fluid Dynamics-Funds for Memorial to Professor Monroe Martin, 1971-1972
Engineering-Fluid Dynamics-Dr. Langdon T. Crane, Jr. as Director & Professor-Effect., Sept. 1,
Eng. Fire Service Extension, 1972
Engineer's Council for Prof. Dev., 1967-1972
Ep..., 1972
Equal Employment Opportunity Comm. Re Meeting on Oct. 19 & 20, 1972
Ertugrul, Turgay-Residence Case (Ltr. from Beall, Long & Rynd), January-February, 1972
Foley, Del. Re: Revolutionaries, 1972
Franks, C. Ronald Dr., Ltr. on Training of Dental Auxiliaries, September 1972
Fa..., 1972
Ferrero, Danton D. (Nut Ltr.), August 16th-to Waetjen, 1972
Fi..., 1972
Finney, Jervis S., St. Senator..., 1972
Fl..., 1972
Fra..., 1972
Freedom Leadership Foundation, August, 1969
Fri..., 1972
Fritz, Mrs. Gilbert G., 1972
Ga..., 1972
Garmatz, Edward A., 1972
Gagel, Mrs. Barbara M., (Re Child Day Care Facilities at Uni.), February, 1972
Ge..., 1972
Geist, Betty P..., 1972
General Electronic Foundation, 1972
Gillette Company, Re Research Institute Fellowship, 1971-1972
Gipe, Dr. Florence, 1972
Gl..., 1972
Goldman, Gerald J., Posthumous Degree, 1972
Gordon, Lincoln, Dr..., 1971-1972
Gottschalk, Charles M., Re Daughters-Leslie (Diane)..., 1972
Gra-Gro..., 1972
Grey, Miss Donna, (Gift of Horse to Animal Science, Bd. Accepted), March 8, 1972
Greenfield, Dr. Roy A., (Will Send Curriculum Vitae), February 1972
Gude, Gilbert...., 1972
John Simon, Guggenheim Memorial Foundation..., 1971
Ha..Han...Has, 1972
Harbridge House, Inc., 1972
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 232 (cont’d)
Harman, Susan E.-Death September 14, 1972
He..., 1972
Hechinger-Regarding Overdue Account, September, 1972
Heidelberg, University of (Visit of Dr. Klaus Kubler), Oct. 3, 1972
Heise, John I. Heise, Jr.-Death of Father..., Jan. 1, 1972
Bishop-Re Md. Council's Ltr. on Allegations of Dr. Alvin D. Hofer, September 28, 1972
Hogan, Lawrence J. (Congr.), 1972
Home Ec.-Textiles & Consumer Ec., Mrs. June C. Wilbur, Asst. Prof. Emeritus, 1972
Housing & Urban Development, 1972
I..., 1972
J..., 1972
Jensen, A. (Re Conditions of Library Collections-Japanese), 1971-1972
James, Nana & James-Attorney for Dr. Joseph F. Luetkemeyer, Jr., Nov., 1972
Ka..., 1972
Kannan, Hussein, Re Employment in University College, 1971-1972
Karp, Dr. Carol, Death, (Mathematics), August 20, 1972
Ke...Ki...Ko..., 1972
Kedoury, Eli No. (Re Staggered Bimesters), No Reply, November 1972
Krisher, Dr. Lawrence-Re Ltr. to Aetna Casualty Co., 1972
Koppers Company, Inc., 1970-1971
King, Delegate Arthur A. (See Black Legislature Caucus), 1972
Dinner for Henry J. Knott (Not Going), May 17, [1972]
La...Law..., 1972
Layton, L. E. (Re Cleaning Campus of C. P.), 1972
Lehman (Re Gas Explosion Authorities), 1972
Le... Li, 1972
Legislation-Springer Report on Higher Ed. Bills in 1972 Gen. Assembly, April 1972
Waetjen's Reports on Gen. Assembly of 1972, [1972]
Senate Resolution No. 76, Congratulations to Phi Sigma Delta Frat. Muscular Dystrophy,
House Resolution No. 199-commending Center for the Study of Trauma, April 5, 1972
H. B. 270 Student Activities Fee-Statement by Dr. Elkins, Feb. 29, 1972
H. B. No. 1195-Hargreaves, re Merit System-Revision, March 6, 1972
Treasury Bldg. Annapolis, Hearing on H. B. at 7:45 p. m., 1195, July 18, [1972]
S. No. 331 (By Statten), St. Pers. Personnel of St. Inst. under Dept., Feb. 1, 1972
S. 870 (Enacted May 26, 1972) Sale of Dissertations, Theses & Term Papers...., [1972]
1972 Gen. Assembly-Free Tuition for Dependents, Del. David G. Ross..., 1971
Re Legislation for St. Board of Agriculture, 1972
Leaves of Absence for Faculty (References from Board Minutes, Adm. Board and Personnel),
Library, Director of..., 1972
Library-Heat in Engineering & Physical Sciences, Report, April 1972
Library and Information Services..., 1972
Lo..., 1972
Long, Clarence D..., 1972
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 232 (cont’d)
Long, Dr. William B., Gift to Faculty Club for Balt. Campus..., 1971-1972
Luetkemeyer, Dr. Joseph F., Jr. (Traffic Accident), See James of Nanna & James, 1972
BOX 233
Ma..., 1972
Mackey, Dr. R. C. (Gift of Horse to Animal Science), Accepted-Bd. March 8, 1972
Mac...Mc..., 1972
McCormick & Company (Gen. File)...., 1972
McGehrin, Edward F..., 1972-1973
McIntyre, Donald F. X. (Re Refund for Daughter, Aileen), 1972
Man..., 1972
Malinowski, Mrs. Walter S., Jr., Re Admission to Med. Sch. of Roland Young..., 1972
Charles Manning Prize, Creative or Performing Arts, March 1972
Mar, Shuhyn, Case Against Dr. Alan J. Peikin, J.D., D.C., (Former Employee), 1972
Annual M Club Banquet, Dr. Elkins Makes Award, Friday 6:30 p. m., Dec. 1, 1972
Mathias, Chas. Mc. (Senator), 1972
Mauro, Joseph-Knights of Columbus..., 1972-1971
Me-Mey..., 1972
Meadows, Mrs. Virginia H.-Re Course in Far East of Uni. College, February 1972
Medlock, Reginald B., Summons, May 1972
Metropolitan Life Insurance (Balt. Off.), W. L. Coffey, October 1972
Mi..., 1972
Michael, Albert S., (Gift of Horse to Animal Science, Accepted-Bd.), March 8, 1972
Mitchell, Parren J.-Gen. File, 1972
Mitchell, Parren J. & Del. Lena K. Lee-Call for Affirmative Action Plan, Sept. 2 & Elkins Reply,
Sept. 19, 1972
Mo..., 1972
Monavar, Khalil Hashemi, Re Admissions, 1971-1972
Mojzer, Dr. Richard A., Criticism on Basketball Games, March 1972
Mu..., 1972
Na..., 1972
Nat'l Science Foundation, 1972
Natural Resources Institute..., 1972
Natural Resources Institute, Hallowing Point Property, Purchase of..., 1971-1972
Natural Resources Institute-Re "Dept. of Environmental Education," April 5, 1972
Newspaper Fund, Inc., Re Editor-In-Residence Program, 1972
Newton, Huey-Ltrs. from Owens, Humphries, Luce & Young Americans for Freedom, 1972
No..., 1972
Noha, Robert (Cand. for Rhodes Scholarship for 1973), 1972
Noxell Corporation, (Noxema Foundation), [1969-1972]
Novak, Mrs. Thomas M. (Gift of Horse to Animal Science) Accepted-Bd., March 8, 1972
O....Oy, 1972
Oak Ridge Associated Universities-Schedule to & From Oak Ridge, April 18 & 19, 1972
Oak Ridge Associated Universities, 25th Anniversary-Reports, Etc., April, 1972
Oak Ridge Associated Universities..., 1972
Organization of American States, [1972]
Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development..., May 1972
Owen, Stephen T.-Residence Status of by Elegant Owen of Lib. Sci., 1972
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 233 (cont’d)
Nat'l Sci. Foundation
Grant GW-7937, Proposal No. 3/0451-Leadership Dev. Proj. for Sci. Supervisors,
Education, 1972
Biennial Survey of Scientific Activities, C. P. and Prof. Sch. October 5, 1972
Survey of Scientific Activities of Institutions of Higher Ed. Quest., 1971
Fed. Funding Research & Education Support Patterns-Hohenstein Survey, 1970
Survey of Sci. Activities of C. P. & Med. Scho. Hohenstein Kuhn Coordinating, 19681970
Survey of Scientific Institutions of Higher Education, 1965-1967
A Guide to Policies and Procedures, 1972-1973
Increase in Expenditure Limitation for FY 1972, March 27, 1972
C. P. Master Plan, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, [1972]
Pa..., 1972
Pappas, George Frank, Rec. for Marshall Scholarship, 1971-1972
Mr. Paymer, Cahn Bishop, Capt. Jankowski, 1972
Pe..., 1972
Properties Proposed for Exchange with PEPCO, March 1972
Letter to Mrs. Gail Oliva, Pres., C. P. Woods Assoc., March 8, 1972
Hearing Feb. 23 at 2 p. m. , Mrs. Gail Oliva, Pres. C. P. Woods Civic Assn., [1972]
Extra Copy of Material from Mitchell of March 3, 1972 on Sites B & C..., 1972
Board Action & Ltr. to Mitchell of Mar. 8, 1972
Additional Information on Sites B & C-from Mitchell, Mar. 3, 1972
Correspondence from Kendig Files-Substation & C. P. Woods, 1967-1968
Com. on Building Item 3, Progress Report on Negotiations with PEPCO, [1972]
BOX 234
PEPCO (cont'd)
General File..., 1972-1973
Ltr. (Waetjen), Gen. Services with Ref. to Land Gen. Dev. to Bd. of Public Works,
E. F. Mitchell's No. 872-2201 or 2204, [1972]
Mrs. Oliva's Ltr. to Board and Kaplan's Answ., Nov. 16, 1972
Bldg. Item 5-Land Exchange with Pepco, Used Fri. Nov. 10, 1972
Boucher & Fincham, April 25, 1972
Pepco, Delta Psi Foundation, [1972]
Pepco, Smith Property, [1972]
Pepco, Cotton Properties, Azalea Lane, [1972]
Pepco, Litton Systems Warehouse, [1972]
Mr. Mitchell, Tuesday, Dec. 7 at 9 a. m., [1971
Hearing, Agenda, 2 p. m., Feb. 23, 1972
Statement of Samuel F. Imani, 2 p. m., Feb. 23, [1972]
College Park Woods Civic Association, Nov. 19, 1971
Alvin J. Kushner, C. P. Woods, February 23, 1972
Statement of William B. Goodwin, 2 p. m., Feb. 23, 1972
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 234 (cont’d)
PEPCO (cont’d)
Hearing (cont’d)
Statement of Dr. Vic Viola, Assoc. Prof. of Chemistry, Feb. 22, [1972]
Allan J. Dietmann Summary, 2 p. m. Feb. 23, [1972]
Statement by Barbara Coon, 2 p. m. Feb. 23, [1972]
St. Officials Invited, Goldstein Attending, 2 p. m., [1972]
Chairman, Fry, February 23 at 2 p. m., [1972]
Publicity, 2 p. m. Feb. 23, [1972]
Wed. 1:30, Feb. 23, [1972]
Feb. 23, [1972]
Statement by E. F. Mitchell, V. P., 2 p. m., Feb. 23 , [1972]
Property-Potomac Elec. Power Co., Bishop Ltr. to Kendig, October 26 1971
Political Activities-Rules for All Personnel (Keep in Current File), [1976]
Exchange of Property..., 1971
30 Acres North of Metzerott Rd.-Wanted by Potomac Power Co., 1967-1968
Directives..., 1972
Gen. File, 1972
Classified Employees, Breakdown by Salary Grade, Morgan, October, 1972
Calendar for 1972, Holidays & When Observed, 1972
University-Wide Group Salary Continuation Program, 1971-1972
Phi Alpha Theta, Society in History, 1972
Phi Kappa Phi Initiation Banquet, Sunday, December 10, 1972
Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society & Initiation Banquet, 1970-1972
Po..., 1972
Pompa, Mrs. Florenza Baldi (Gift of Horse to Animal Science), Bd. Acceptance, March 8, 1972
Popenoe, Dr. Paul-Ch. Am. Institute of Family Relations, 1972
Pr...Y, 1972
Pres. Con. on National Medal of Sci. Nominations, Pelczar Coordinating, August 1972
Physical Education, Rec. & Health..., 1972
Physical Plant
Gen. File, 1972
Construction Progress Reports..., 1972
Re Bill of B. P. Oil Corp. Fuel Oil-Pres. Residence, April 1972
Safety & Security-Traffic Violations..., 1972
Witsill, Report on Students at President's House, Feb. 18, 1971
Q..., 1972
Ra..., 1972
Radford College, Recommendation for Presidency, [1971]
Radio, Stuart Alan, (Question re University Seal), 1972
Re..., 1972
Reid, Jim-V. P. for Community Development-Trans Century Corp., 1972
Reid, Mrs. Elizabeth (Re Russell Reid & Rhodes Schol.), 1971-1972
Rh...Ri, 1972
Ro..., 1972
Robertson, Sheryl-(Re Grades in German & Psychology European Div.), June 1972
Robinson, Essie M. (Miss), [1972]
Rosenbaum, Nancy-Parking-Ltr. to Father, Daniel I. Rosenbaum, October 15, 1972
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 234 (cont’d)
Ry..., 1972
Sa..., 1972
San Francisco Poster Co. (Re Payment of Bill), 1972
Saunders, J. Palmer (Dr.) Re Rape Case..., October 1972
Sawicki, Patricia (Ltr. from Sen. Byrnes and Marianne Sawicki), November 1972
Sch...Sci..., 1972
Schuller, Mr. & Mrs. Joachim, Re Sale of Museum Collections, 1972
Mr. & Mrs. Joachim Schuller, Collection (Printed Materials), 1972
Scharff, Moselle, 1972
Schoenhaut, Arthur-Dorm Space for Carrie, (Daughter), January 1972
Schlossberg, Dr. Nancy K.-Visiting Prof. College of Ed. (Will Call on Dr. Elkins in Fall), 1974
Scientific Management Systems, Inc., 1972-1973
Se..., 1972
Sh...Sk..., 1972
Sgerman, Roger L.-Out of St. Tuition under SREB-Forestry Prog. with N. C. St. Uni..., May
Sherman, Samuel M.-Re Insurance Advertising, October 21, 1972
Siler, Tom (Sports Ed.-Knoxville News-Sentinel), April 11, 1972
Sino-American Cultural Society, 1969-1970
Sloan, Alfred P. Research Foundation...,1972-1973
Smith, Alan E. (Cand. for Rhodes Scholarship for 1973), 1972
Sn..., 1972
Somerset County Commissioners Ltr. on UMES, 1972-1973
Society of American Archivists..., 1972-1973
Sosny, Steven-Use of Uni. of Md. Letterhead..., August, 1972
BOX 235
Sperry Rand Corporation, 1970-1972
Sta..., 1972
Staten, Roy N. (Senator), 1970-1972
Stoll, Catherine (Complaint to Hogan), March 1972
Stone, Ms. Beverly G., Application-Law..., 1973 & 1972
Stosny, Steven-Re Firm of Taylor & Clemente-Use of Uni. Stationery, August 1972
Summer School-Danforth-Smith, 1972
Summer School-Re Bishop's Letter of July 21, 1972 for New Calendar for Summer of 1973
Summer School..., 1972
Swartz, James-Re Son and Law School Admissions, 1972
Sybron Corporation, 1971-1972
Systems Research Group, John Caffrey's Ltr.-Sent to Kuhn & Bishop..., 1971-1972
Systems Research Group, 1971-1972
Delaware, Uni. of-Re Stagecraft Oceanography, 1972-1973, (To Hornbake) Dr. Karl-Heintz
Szekielda, 1972-1973
Ta..., 1972
Table Tennis-Monday Reception & Game Cole Field House, April 17, 1972
Calendar-Invitation to Tau Beta Pi Assoc. to Hold Convention Here-Request from Huie, 1972
Te..., 1972
Ti...Opq..., 1972
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 235 (cont’d)
Triplett, William C. (Re Bill Sent by Mistake)..., 1972
Transcentury Corp., (Jim Reid V. P. for Community Development), 1972
A..., 1972
B..., 1972
Bethany College-Karl C. Garrison, Jr. Re Oxford Related Program in Washington, 1973
Ecumenical Campus Movement, Cal. St. at Los Angeles, 1972
C..., 1972
D..., 1972
E..., 1972
Eastern Kentucky Uni.-Study with Am. Assoc. of St. Colleges & NASLUG Tech. Ed.
Programs..., August 1971
F..., 1972
G..., 1972
H..., 1972
I..., 1972
J..., 1972
K..., 1972
L..., 1972
M..., 1972
N..., 1972
O..., 1972
Naval Academy, 1970-1972
New York University-Sch. of Law-re. Root-Tilden Scholarship Program-to Hornbake...,
November, 1972
P..., 1972
Q..., 1972
R..., 1972
S..., 1972
T..., 1972
V..., 1972
W..., 1972
Y..., 1972
Foreign..., 1972
V...., 1972
US Agriculture..., 1972
USDA, Plant Protection & Quar. Testimony on Gypsy Moth, March 1972
US Army..., 1972
US Civil Service, 1972
US Civil Service-Phil. Region-Re Fiscal 1973, Discretionary Funding, (Intergovt. Persn. Act),
Aug. 28, 1972
US Congress, 1972
U. S. Govt., Office of Education, 1972
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 235 (cont’d)
US Govt., HEW...Health, 1972
HEW Education-Funds for Veterans-Upward Bound & Talent Search, (to Bishop), July 1972
BOX 236
US Govt. HEW-Education, Work Study Program, 1972
US Govt. HEW-Compliance Report of Higher Ed.-Civil Rights Act-Title VI-(Sample Copy to
Hornbake), Feb., 1972
HEW-Audit Report Control No. 20077-03, (Received March 31, 1972), July 1, 1968-June 30,
U. S. HEW Audit Control No. 20130-03-Director Costs-C. P. July 1, 1968 thru June 30, 1970
Report on Audit Contr. No. 20129-03-Conf. & Institutes of Uni. Col., July 1, 1969June 30, 1972
Audit Control No. 20111-03, Indirect Cost Rates, C. P.-June30, 1970, 1972
Re Audit Contr. 20153-03 Coop. Meat & Poultry Insp. Program, June 30, 1969-June 30,
1970, May 1972
Audit Control. 30027-03 Costs C. P., Under Start Grant No. H-9903-Jan. 7, 1966-Dec.
31, 1971, 1972
Off. of Civil Rights-Assurance of Compliance-Signed June 15, 1972
US, Environmental Protection Agency..., 1972
US Govt.-Food & Drug Adm..., 1972
U. S. General Accounting Office, Survey of Teacher Supply & Demand, Hornbake on April 28,
Vida Research Committee (Stu. Organization Against Abortions), 1972
Wa..., 1972
Walker James W., Jr., (Telegram & Reply), Oct. 5 & 6, 1972
Walker, W. P., (Death of Jan. 26, 1972)..., 1972
Washington Urban League, Inc., [1972]
Washington Newspapers, 1970 & 1972
Washingtonian-Article on Universities-Ref. to Md., 1972
Washington Area Broadcasting, Community Ascertainment Com.-Mr. Beach Representing...,
Washington Statistical Society Chapter (Am. Sta. Assoc.), 1969-1972
We..., 1972
Wi.., 1972
Williams, Delegate David J., 1972-1973
Elias Wilf Corp., Re Rug for Student Union..., 1972
Wilson, Mrs. Jack A. (Gift of Horse to Animal Science), Bd. Accepted, March 8, 1972
Wo...Wy..., 1972
Y..., 1972
Young, Richard A. (Dr.) Re Admission of Son, Randall A. Young to Med. School..., 1971-1972
Z..., 1972
Mr. Richard Zimmerman, Friday 10:15 a. m., June 2, 1972
Zipkin, Mrs.-Re Daughter, Ilene Zipkin.-Sp. Education, 1972
A-General Files..., 1972
AgriBusiness Accountability Project..., 1972
All American Distributors Corporation, 1972
Afro American Newspapers, 1973
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 236 (cont’d)
African-American Institute..., 1971-1973
Am... General Files, 1973
Anonymous Letters, [1970-1972]
Ba...Baz...General Files, 1973
Ar...General Files, 1973
Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc. (Sent to Hornbake), Feb. 17, 1972
Association of Governing Boards...Gen. File..., 1973
Ba...Baz...General File, 1973
Baltimore, City of, 1973
Baltimore City Public Schools..., 1973
Balt. City Public Schools-Re Nat'l Community School Ed. Assn., Nov. 27-30, 1973
WBAL, Baltimore-Tribute to Gov. McKeldin, May 1973
Baltimore City-TV & Radio Stations..., 1973
Barber, Arthur (with Mr. Weber Re First Communications Co. Re Cable TV), Nov., 1973
Be...Thru...Bo...Gen. Files, 1973
Beall, Senator J. Glenn..., 1973
Borrenson, B. James..., 1972-1973
Blanchard, B. Everard-Article Maladjusted Entrance Requirements..., 1973
Br...Thru...By...Gen. Files, 1973
Brown, Arch B. (Re Uni. College & Grade Distribution), May 1973
Business Officers-All Campuses..., 1973
C Thru Ch...Gen. Files, 1973
Campus Accessibility, Committee for (Re Handicapped & Rails on Buildings), March 1973
C & P Telephone Co.-Re Aid of Vietnam Veterans & Reemployment, Ed., Etc..., May 1973
CPR Industries, Inc. (Installation of New Floor-Ritchie Coliseum), Aug. 28, 1973
Capper, Lisa (Re Trip to France) See Anthropology..., 1973
Canal Zone Government-Balboa Hgts. Re Residence Policies, 1973
Carrigan, David-(Weinberg & Green) Accident-Dec., 1972-1973
Center for the Study of the Presidency..., 1973
Ciccone, Vincent-Re Telegram from Mrs. Nicolina Ciccone, (Mail Returned), October 1973
Citicorp-1st National City Corp..., 1973
Clarke, Timothy E.-Re. Delta Tau Delta Frat (Ref. to Bishop), June 23, 1972
Co thru Cz...Gen. Files, 1973
Cohelan, Dr. Evelyn E. (Home Address)..., 1973-1974
Compton, Lillian C. (Dr.), Death (Former Pres. Frostburg), 1973
Colington Harbour-N.C., Letters on Advertising, 1973
Community Health Council of Maryland, Inc. (See UMBC on Rawlings)..., 1973
Conway v. Ehrman-Ltr. from Donahue & Ehrmantraut, 1973
Cormeny, Alvin E.
Death, February 22, 1973
Home in New York City, 1965
Croyder, Carl G. (Re Diamondback), Nov., 1973
Council for American Private Education (Cape...Dr. Robert L. Lamborn-Exect. Direct.), October
21, 1973
D Thru Dz...Gen. Files, 1973
Dawson, Thomas C., Resident Case-Ans., April 5, 1973
Daiker, John, Professor, Death Saturday, BPA, September 1, 1973
Derenberger, Mrs. James C. (Re Mary Lynn Derenberger Tuition), March 1973
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 236 (cont’d)
De Vos, Mrs. Martin L. & Son, Eric, Injury in Gymkana Practice (To Fishbein), Feb. 26, 1973
Dermondy, James C. (Rec. to Harvard Graduate School), 1973
Donoho, Lawrence-Re Use of Social Security No. (See Beall), August 1973
Donahue & Ehrmantraut, Re Conway v. Ehrman, March 6, 1973
Doyle, Mrs. Martha H. (Re Son John's Address), February 1973
E thru Ez...Gen. Files, 1973
Eager, Mrs. John (Re Portrait of Senator Millard E. Tydings), January 1973
Edlowitz, Mrs. Mildred, Re Mildred Edlowitz (Daughter, see also Education), 1973
Early, Ronald L. (Re Residence of Wife, Maureen A. Early), Feb. 1973
Enderlin, Arthur-(Re Advertising), July 6 to Beach, 1973
Emanuel, Meyer N., Jr., Senator, 1973
BOX 237
Embassies..., 1973
Employment-Physical Plant Director-Benjamin Willis, May 1973
V. P. for General Administration
Dr. Donald Walters, 1973
Dr. James K. Olsen-Wayne, N.J., 1973
Employ, Dr. Jean R. Hebeler, January, 1973
Turcotte, Robert W., 1973
Employment, Mr. Charles Engman, 1973
John A. Bielec & Ltr. of Recom. from Glendening, Feb. 1973
Richard D. Strathmeyer, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1973
Employment, Dr. Helen E. Clarke, Jan., 1973
Employment, Dean Robert B. Beckman, 1973
T. I. K. Youn..., 1973
Empl. Dr. Harper Boyd, (from Clopper), 1973
Employment, Mr. James T. Frye, 1973
Candidate, Dr. Thomas E. O'Connell (Dec. 14, Holding), 1972
Empl. Dr. James A. Kelly-Ford Found., 1973
Dr. George Silver, Wed. Nov. 22 at 10 a. m., [1972]
Recom. for a Woman-Mortar Bd. & Alpha Lambda Delta, 1972
Helen Clarke-Rec. by Soroptimist Club of P. G. County, Nov., 21, 1972
Employment-All Areas, 1972
F thru Fz...Gen. Files, 1973
Fulbright Sch.-Dr. W. Milne Holton-Adv., [1972]
G to Go....Gen. Files, 1973
Garrott, Mrs. Idamea (Re Case of Mrs. Irene Weidler & Admission to University..., 1973
General Motors..., 1972-1973 (2f)
Gibson, Steven-Graduate Student (Reference Edward V. Hurley), [1973-1974]
Go thru Gz..., Gen. Files, 1973
Gov. Commission to Study Implementation of Equal Rights Amendment, Members, Apt.,
Sept. 5, 1973
Gov. Comm. to Study Imple. of Equal Rights, [1973]
Gov. Com. to Promote Employment of Handicapped, 1971-1973
Governor's Panel on Contract Awards, October 1, 1973
Meeting with Father of Erick Gray, Friday, May 18 at 9:15 a. m., [1973]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 237 (cont’d)
Gude, Gilbert (Congressman), 1973
Green, Joanne E., Re Remission of Fee-Teacher Ed., Nov. 5, 1973
Guralnick, Morris A., Re Refund of Enrollment Deposit for Bonnie Guralnick..., June 1973
Hardy, Dr. Richard E. (Re Degrees in College of Education), May 1973
Ha to Ho...Gen. Files, 1973
Hanley, Claude A. (Re Recom. of Law Students for Md. Bar), 1972-1973
Herman's Atlas World of Sporting Goods-Opening at 10 a. m., April 18, 1973
Higher Ed. Group of Washington (Dr. Merrill), Tuesday, April 10 at 6 p. m., 1973
Hogan, Lawrence (Congrm.), 1973
Ho thru Hz... Gen. Files, 1973
Housing & Urban Development, 1973
Hoyer, Steny (Sen.), 1971-1973
I thru Iz... Gen. Files, 1973
Ingold, Thomas, Paper on "Shakespeare Today," December 31, 1973
IBM...Gen. Files, 1971-1973 (2f)
J thru Jz...Gen. Files, 1973
Jordan, Essex F., Gift of Books of Dr. H. A. Jordan-Medical School, 1973
Jewish Institutions-Telegram of October 31, 1973
Jenkins, The Rev. Mr. Innis L., (Died March 22, 1973), Funeral, March 27, 1973
Jordan, Lynon McElroy, III (To Call for an Appointment), September, 1973
James, Senator Wm. S., Re Case of Mark A. Hubble-Grad. Study in Counseling (Psy.), 1973
James, Wm. S. (St. Senator), 1971-1973
K thru Kz...Gen. Files, 1973
Knoepp, Barbara Gay...(Re Scholarship Aid), Hold in File..., 1968-1973
Kopp, Mrs. Nancy K., Mont. Cty. Del. Re Bill-All Bd. Meetings be Open Ones...Legislation,
Krammer, Mrs. Anne R. (Re Med. Sch. Employee) (See Feldman), June 1973
Kapneck, Phil, Governor's Special Assistant for Student Affairs, 1971
Keister, Dr. Stephen R. Re: Illness & Records of Stephen D. Keister..., 1973
Kalbfleisch, Mrs. C.-Christian Living-Nut, January 1973
Kornberg, Warren-re Reciprocal Program in Special Education, July-August 1973
Kuhn, Richard E.-Re Bad Check Service Charge on Mark Kuhn's Acct., February, 1973
Kuhn, Patricia K.-Adm. & Financial Aid-Spring, 1973
Lo to Lo...Gen. Files, 1973
Lappin, Robinson-Death on Tues., July 24, 1973-Funeral July 28, 1973
Lambda Kappa Sigma-(Annual Prize for Common Trust Fund), 1972
LeFrak, S. J., 1972-1973
LeFrak, S. J. (Gen. File), 1971-1972
Lo thru Lz....Gen. Files, 1973
Long, Clarence D. (Congrm.), 1973
Long, Mrs. Mary E., 1973
Regents-Long, Wm. B.-(Resignation from Board), December 1970
Los Angeles Times-Davis Affairs, Represents Basic Split Between Regent & Faculty, October 9,
Long, Rebecca (Re Junket to France) (See Anthropology)..., 1973
Los Angeles Times-UC Facing Tough Decision on Adj. to No-Growth Reality, September 9,
Mac & Mc...Gen. Files, 1973
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 237 (cont’d)
Healy, Timothy (Dr.)-(Hornbake's Notes on)-Save, September, 1971
BOX 238
McCaffrey at Large "Interview Future of Higher Education," 1973
McElvaney, Mrs. Muriel B.-Re Grading of Students..., 1973
McKeldin, Theodore R., [1969-1973]
Ma thru Maz...Gen. Files, 1973
M Club-Banquet, December 8, 1973
Macy, Josiah, Jr., Foundation, 1970 & 1973
Marshall Scholarships, George Frank Pappas, October, 1971
Marshall Scholarships, West, Deborah, 1972
Maresca, Col. Mauro E., 1972-1973
Mathias, Char. McC. (Senator), 1973
Maxwell, Robert-Re Daughter Rieta Maxwell (Student), March 1973
Manufacturing Chemists Association, 1972-1973
Me thru M-M...Gen. Files, 1973
Membership Dues-List of Payments Made, 1961
Menes, Delegate Pauline H. (Re: Patricia A. Ciuffereda & Grad. Work..., July 1973
Metropolitan Washington. Bd. of Trade, 1973
Miller, James L.-UMBC, Transfer of 3 Credits from C. P., May 21, 1973
Microband Corporation of America, 1973
Mills, William O. (Congress, U. S.), 1972-1973
Miss Maryland Pageant-Ltrs. to Ehrensberger & Dorsey-Re Use of Facilities Free, May, 1971
Minority Students-Gen. File, 1973
Minutes of Subcom. of Com. on Educational Policies & Resc. Minority Students, C. P. Campus,
Bd., Sept. 22, [1972]
Minority Report
From UMBC, [1972]
From UMES, [1972]
From University College, [1972]
C. P. Cultural Study Center, November 7, 1972
College Park Campus, [1972]
Mo thru Mz...Gen. Files, 1973
Morse, George P. (Re Traffic Violation of Son, Kevin) (With Resume)..., 1973
Morris, Allan P.-Re Recommendation for Internship in Legislative Office...., April 1973
Murphy, Thomas P. (Hold) Resume..., 1973
N Thru Nz....Gen. Files, 1973
Newbold, Paul A., August 1973
National Cancer Institute, 1973
National Graduate University, 1973
Nemesh, Dr. Anna-Coord. of Terp Service, 1973
New York Urban Coalition, Inc., Hold for Survey Form, [1972]
N. Y. City Urban Fellowship-(To Bishop), November 2, 1971-1973
New Theater School of Washington..., 1973
Nemenyi, Peter-Ltr. from George H. Meade Re Article, 1973
Nichols, J. Hugh (Delegate), 1971-1972
Nock, Mrs. Mary, Senator, 1970-1973
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 238 (cont’d)
Nock, Sen. Mary L. (Attack), Sat. April 7, 1973
Non-Resident Fees-Summary in Response to Request from Dept. of Legislative Reference,
September 9, 1972
Northeast Reg. Center for Rural Dev., 1973
National Science Foundation, 1973
National Science Foundation Highlights of Budget for Fiscal Year, 1974 (Given to Pelczar),
Site Visit of NSF Sci Dev. Program, Friday, August 17 at 9:30 a. m., [1973]
Nat. Aero & Space Adm., 1970-1973
Q...Gen. Files..., 1973
Outreach...Campus Organization-Invitation to Meeting on Feb. 28 & Feb. 29, 1973
Organizational Dues Funds..., 1972
P...Gen. Files..., 1973
Death of Arthur C. Parsons (Funeral on Thursday, Sept. 13, 1973), September 10, 1973
Parker, Mrs. Vernon (Re Death of Son)..., 1973
Pennsylvania, Commonwealth of, Re Food Policy Conference, Dec. 6-7, 1973
Peterson's Guides, Inc., Questionnaire (To Hornbake), May 1973
Pesci, Frank B. (Del.)..., 1971-1973
Photographic Services-C. P. Campus..., 1973
Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn-Central Brooklyn Model Cities Sch. (James E. Lee, Jr.), March
Phi Epsilon Pi-Charity Benefit-Golf Game Won by Gary Letcher, Extension 3054, April 30 at 3,
Pine, James A., 1971
Porter, Paul V.-Appeals Case (to Bishop), February 1971
Porth, Accident (See Case)..., Oct., 1973
Presser Foundation, 1966-1973
Price, Miss Shelly, 1973
Pullen, T. G.-Re Request of Md. Historical Society for List of Uni. Alumni, Sept. 26, 1972
Phi Beta Kappa, Gamma of Maryland..., 1971, [1973] (2f)
Phi Beta Kappa, Washington, D. C., Chapter-Meeting, Feb. 16, 1973
Speak Phi Delta Kappa (Md.) (Colony 7 Rest.), Tuesd. April 17 at 7 a. m., [1973]
Phi Kappa Phi Journal, Summer 1973-Article by Dr. Hohenstein..., 1973
Phi Kappa Phi-Fall Invitation, Dinner, Sunday, Dec. 2, 5:30 with 6 p. m., 1973
Price, T. Rowe...Gen., 1972-1973
BOX 239
Price, T. Rowe
Com. Trust, 1972-1972
Emerson, 1972-1973
R-Rz-Gen. Files..., 1973
Rennie, Andrew (P. G. Community College)..., 1972 & 1973
Robertson, Del. Donald B., 1973-1974
Rosenfeld Realty Co., Re Herman's Atlas World of Sporting Goods, April 18, 10 a.m., 1973
Rynd, Richard (Delegate) Re: Violence on Uni. Campus, 1970
Rynd, Richard (Del.), 1970-1972
Rhodes Scholarship Trust, 1970-1972
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 239 (cont’d)
Sa-Thru-Sl...Gen. Files, 1973
Fleming, Leonard-St. Andrews, [October 30, 1972]
Schweinhault, Sen. Margaret C., 1970-1973 (2f)
Searle, G. C. & Co., Gift to Med. School, 1971
Scott, David HL (Wilmington, N. C.), Re Article from News and Courier on S. C.-Md. Game,
Feb., 1971
Seventeen..., 1973
Shill, Mrs. Rosalind-Lawyer, Apter, Yale L. (Re Injury), See Fishbein..., Nov., 1973
Silberman, Dr. Harry A.-Re Grandson, Howard P. Faber..., 1973
Shure, Ralph E., 1970-1973
Sm Thru Ss... Gen. Files..., 1973
Snyder, Mrs. Charlotte P., 1973
Sobeloff, Judge Simon E...Re Endowed Prize in Law School, June 26, 1970
Snyder, Theron M., Rev., Re Loomis (see Chaplains for Complete File), 1970
Southern Assn. of Colleges & Schools, [1973]
Southern University Conf.
Presidents & Institutions, [1973]
April 26-Program, [1973]
April 26-27-Misc. Materials, [1973]
Southern University Conference
Proceedings, Reports & Addresses Constitution, April 1972
April 13-April 16, Schedule, [1972]
April 13-16, Correspondence, Program, [1972]
April 14 & 15, 1972
April 16 & 17
1971 Ltrs. Re., Program, [1971]
List of Wives, [1971]
Executive Committee, 1971
Mr. Newman's Address, undated
April 16 & 17
Institutions Indicating Attendance & Non-Attendance 1971
Reports of Carnegie Comm. on Higher Education, 1971
Proceedings, etc., 1971
Program, 1971
Speaker, Dr. J. L. Zwingle, 1971
Speaker, Dr. Paul Oberst, 1971
Speaker, Dr. Stephen H. Spurr, 1971
Speaker, Dr. Athelstan Spilhaus, 1971
West Palm Beach-April 15 to Sunday April 18, 1971
St thru Sz...Gen. File, 1973
Siegel, Morris-Wash. Star News "A Whole New Era Out at Maryland," November 28, 1973
Steinberg, R. C.-Re 1970 Yearbook..., 1973
Steers, Newton L., Jr. (Sen.), 1971, 1972 & 1973
Suburban Trust Company-13th Annual Women's Conference, May 1, 1971
Ta Thru Tz..., 1973
Tawes, J. Millard, 1969-1973
Theta Chi Fraternity, re Fire, November, 1973
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 239 (cont’d)
Turner, Allen E., Pres. Cultural Laureate Foundation, Inc. (See Cultural, Etc. for File), 19731974
Tamburo, John R. (Re Step 3 of Grievance Procedure), September 1973
Temple, Charles-Death Monday, May 21, 1973 (Former Uni. Employ. in Dept. of Botany),
Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America
Cref-(Ltrs. to Sponsors-Senators Mathias and Tydings), January 1970
Cref (Col. Retirement Equities Fund), November 1967
Terrapin Club
Terrapin Club Lunch, Center, 11 & 12, 1972
Party for Claiborne-6:30 & 7:30-Sheraton Motor Inn, 1972
Fall Party 6:30 to 7:30 Cocktails 7:30 Dinner-Sheraton Park, Oct. 7, 1972
Thomas, E. M. Parker (No Reply-File), May 1973
Time, Dinner 6 & 7 p. m., National Portrait Gallery 8th & F Sts., [1973]
Towson Toray Club-Speak 6:15 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 1, 1973
U-General Files..., 1972-1973 (2f)
Waetjen-Policy Committee on a Total University Information System-New Composition, 1971
University Infor. Systems-Policy Com., 1971
Statement of Cash Received from Trustees of Endowment Fund, June 30, 1973
United States National Student Association
Gen. File, 1969
Policy Statement on Readmission of Students Protesting Draft, 1968-1969
Southern Area Conference on Education Reform, 1970
Danish's "What Students Are Thinking," 1967
Aug. 15-18, 1967 & 1st Drug Congress, 1967
United Insurance Company of America, Fellowship Program, 1969
Student Intern Programme, (To Bishop for Reply), August 2-27, 1971
Student Intern Programme-August 4-30, 1968 & 1969 & 1970, [1971]
United Nations-Maryland Chapt. (Dr. Kuhn Coordinator), 1969
[United Nations, 1973]
US Steel Corporation-Fellowship Given to Dept. of Philosophy for 1969-1970, [1969-1971]
U. S. Steel Foundation, 1963
U. S. Peoples Fund for the United Nations, Inc., 1969
BOX 240
Director of, James M. Tatum, 1955
Graduate Manager of, W. W. Cobey, 1955
Vending Concessions, 1955
Miscellaneous, 1955
Football Tickets
George Washington, November 19, 1955
South Carolina, October 29, 1955
Intercollegiate Athletics, Estimated Income and Budget, 1955-1956
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 240 (cont’d)
Athletic Board, Incorporated, 1955
[Athletics, 1955]
Football Tickets Requests, 1955
Football Tickets-Louisana State Univ., November 5, 1955
Athletic Council, 1955
Construction –Golf Range, College Park, 1955
Golf Course-Faculty Committee, 1955
BOX 242
United Givers Fund for 1969
Personnel-Campaign for 1968-1969, Williams Chairman, 1969
C. P. Thank You Letters for 1968 Campaign, 1969
United Communities Campaign, 1973-1974
U. S. News & World Report, 1972
United Appeal-Balt. Campus, 1973
United Nations Day, Oct. 24, 1973
Uniroyal, Inc. (Oxford Mgt. & Research Center)-(Consider Torn up), July 1973
Upward Bound Program (C. P.) (With HEW)..., 1973
United States Jaycees-Nominations for 1972-(To Beach), [1972]
University National Bank, 1971-1972
Uni. Comm. for Regional Action, 1970
Union Carbide Corporation, 1970
United Givers Fund Campaign for 1971, Bishop Coord. for C. P., August 1971
United Givers Campaign, 1968-1969
United Fund of Central Maryland, Inc., 1969-1970
A...Uni. & Colleges..., 1973
B...Uni. & Colleges..., 1973
C...Uni. & Colleges, 1973
Duke University-Materials on Terry Sanford, 1970
D...Uni. & Colleges..., 1973
E...Uni. & Colleges..., 1973
F...Uni. & Colleges..., 1973
Frostburg State College
Dual Degree Program with College of Engineering, June 1973
Frostburg St. College-Center for College-Community Concerns (to Bishop)..., Oct. 18,
G-Uni. & Colleges..., 1973
June 25 & 26-Institute of Higher Ed. Conf., Law & Institutional Response, Uni. of Georgia,
H-Uni. & Colleges..., 1973
I...Uni. & Colleges..., 1973
J...Colleges & Uni..., 1973
K...Uni. & Colleges..., 1973
L...Uni. & Colleges..., 1973
M...Uni. & Colleges, 1973
Morgan State-Uni. of Md. Student Program Proposal, Feb., 1973
N...Uni. & Colleges..., 1979
Universities-N-New York University at Stony Brook, [1974]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 242 (cont’d)
O..., Uni. & Colleges, 1973
P..., Uni. & Colleges..., 1973
R..., Uni. & Colleges..., 1973
S..., Uni. & Colleges..., 1973
T..., Colleges & Uni..., 1973
U..., Uni. & Colleges..., 1973
V..., Uni. & Colleges..., 1973
W..., Uni. & Colleges..., 1973
Foreign-Uni. & Colleges..., 1973
Visit of Dr. Peter Fischer-Appelt, President, Hamburg University, Germany, Sept. 11, 1973
August 7 at 10 a.m.-O. C.-Automation for Uni. of Paris, 1973
V..., Gen. Files..., 1973
Veterans Club of University of Md., Phil Black's Ltr. re SGA Funds-Virginia State Council of
Higher Education, July-August 1973
Virginia State Council of Higher Education (To Hornbake) July 16, 1973, (Re Courses Given in
Va.), [1973]
W...WM...Gen. Files..., 1973
Who's Who in America, 38th Edition, 1968
Wash. International Center-Sponsor for Senior Fulbright-Hays Scholars from Abroad, March 1821, 1973
Washington Post, Oct. 18, 1973-Editorial on Costs, More Bad Advice on College, [1973]
Elkins-Wash. Post-September 13, 1973 (Interview on August 30, 1973), [1973]
Washington Post-Interview with Bart Barnes, 10 a.m., August 30 1973
Weidler, Irene-A Community College Graduate & Acceptance at Uni., 1973
Appear on WMUC Radio-Chuck Petrowski, Wed. March 28 at 8 p.m., 1970
Watkins, Dr. Dayton-Re Security in Dorms, Daughter, 1973
Washington Times, Timothy G., Step 4, Appeal-See Grievance, December 1973
Wash. Center Metro Stu.-Gen File..., 1970
Washington Center for Metropolitan Studies
Minutes, 1970
Annual Board Meeting, November 28th and 30, 1970
Reorganization of Center, August 1970
Shidler's Comments Re Urban Studies Programs-Adm. Coun., [1970]
Urban Affairs, 1970
BOX 243
Westinghouse Educational Foundation..., 1971-1973 (2f)
…-Suicide, Ltr. of Sympathy, September 1973
White House Fellows Program, 1971-1972
Wm...Wz... Gen. Files, 1973
Woodrow Wilson Nat'l Fellowships Found., 1971
X, Y, & Z, Gen. Files..., 1973
US Govt.-Department of Agriculture..., 1973
USDA-Upward Mobility Program in Career Opportunities in USDA Employees in Lower
Grades, March 3, 27, 1973
U. S. D. A. Cons. & Marketing-Implementing Shell Egg Portion-Insp. Act, March 1972, 1973
USDA-Memorandum of Agreement-Soil Conservation & UMES, November 1970-1973
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 243 (cont’d)
US Govt.-Air Force..., 1973
US Govt. Army..., 1973
U. S. Army-Ltr. from W. A. Niggard Re European Program... Feb., 1973
US Govt... Atomic Energy Commission..., 1973
US Govt. Commerce..., 1973
Congress-U. S.-Ltrs. on Bankhead Jones Funds (Request of NASULGC) & Replies, February 28,
Congress-Telegrams in Support of S. B. 1316 (Wholesome Meat Act), June 1972
Congress-1972-Legislation-S. 1316-Wholesome Meat Act-Ltrs. to Md. Delegation-Answers,
U. S. Congressmen-re Telegram in Support of S. Bill 659-NASULGC, Request, April 4, 1972
US Govt... Defense..., 1973
US Office of Education..., 1974
US Govt... Health Education & Welfare, Office of Education, 1973
HEW-Public Health..., 1973 and 1974
HEW-Public Health Service...Re-Med. School Research Grant with Dr. Sophia Balis..., 1973
HEW-Social & Rehabilitation, 1973 & 1974
HEW-Higher Ed. Facilities, January 1973-Re Foreign Lang. Addition & Renovation..., 1973
US Govt. Environmental Protection Agency..., 1973 & 1974
US Govt. Food & Drug Adm., 1973 and 1974
Environmental Protection Agency, 1972-1973
US Govt. General Services, 1973 & 1974
US Govt. Justice Dept., 1973 and 1974
U. S. Dept. of Justice-Award from 71 Law Enforcement Program, January 1969..., [1970-1973]
US Govt. Labor Dept., 1974
US Govt. Marine Corps, 1973 and 1974
US Govt. Navy, 1973 & 1974
US Navy-NAVY Recruiting Command-RE John W. Booker, March, 1972
[Loose Materials-Nixon's Greetings for the Commencement Address-Dr. Elkins Decided not to
Use It, May 1, 1974]
US Govt.-President's Office..., 1972, 1973 & 1974
US Govt.-White House, June 1970, Campus Events During May 1970, Ans. to June 5, 1970
Letter, [1970]
US Govt.-President-Nixon's Ltr. of September 26-Enclosure J. Edgar Hoover, 1970
US Govt.-Pres.-Nixon's Message on Education (Will Call for), March 19, 1970
US Govt.-President-Ltr. of Sept. 18, 1970-Hook's Article & Reply to Ltr. of September 30, 1970
Pres. Commission on Student Unrest-Press Comments After Release of Report, September, 1970
Reception for V. P. Agnew-Invitation & Tickets, January 18, 5 p. m., 1973
Inaugural Events-Misc.-Hold, 1973
Ball at Kennedy Center-8-Tickets & Invitation, 1973
US Govt.-State Department, 1972-1974
Dept. of State-Agency for International Dev., Materials February 1, 1972
St. Dept.-Adv. Com. on Aid-Uni. Relations, 1970-1971
US Govt.-Transportation, 1972-1974
US Govt.-Treasury, 1972-1974
Treasury-Internal Revenue-Reporting of Monies Recvd. by Foreign Students on Fellowships,
US Govt.-Veterans Administration, 1973
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 243 (cont’d)
U. S. Govt.-Veterans Adm. RE: John P. Knox, May 22, 1973
US Govt. Veterans Administration, 1974
US Govt.-Miscellaneous, 1972-1974
A-General File, 1974
Abrams, Rosalie S. (Senator) O'C. Ltr. Re Status of Women, All Campuses..., Jan. 21, 1971
Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M.-Re Graduate Work at C. P., College Park, September 6, 1974
Aitcheson, Mrs. Wm. W. (Re Alumni Association Tour), 1974
Abramson, Irving I. D. D. S. (Re Emeritus Status-Jan. 25, 1974), [1974]
AAC, CFAE, NAIS-Re Survey of Voluntary Support of Ed., Return by November 30, 1973
Alpha Chi (Nat'l College Honor Scholarship Society)-Sent to Dorsey, Nov. 18, 1974
Afro-American Newspapers, [1974-1975]
BOX 244
Alpha Gamma Rho, 1974
Am-General File, 1974
Aposhian, Dr. H. Vasken, (Not Complete-See Medical School), 1973 & 1974
Ar to Az-General File, 1974
Astiz, Pablo R., (Re In-State Status) (See Also Intercampus Review)..., October 1974
Atlantic Coast Conference, [1974]
At. Coast Conf.-Code of Ethic-& Coaches..., Nov. 1968
Atlantic Coast Conference (Academic Regulations), 1964
Atlantic Coast Conference Schedule of Championship Events, 1972-1973
American Education-Biog. Data for Dictionary, May 1974
American Academy of Arts & Sciences..., 1973-1974
Am. Assn. of St. Colleges & Universities..., 1974
American Assn. of Colleges for Teacher Education, November 1974
American Association of University Professors-Cases of Upshur & Creager
Creager, C & Upshur, Bernard-May 22 & 23, 1973, Hearing 1974, [1973-1974]
Re Bernard Upshur & Curtis Creager, Sept. 21, Apt. of Ad. Hoc. Com., 1972
RE: Statement Made to Post, November 1972
Telegram Mar. 27, Re UMES not Reappointing Dr. Curtis Creager..., 1972
Assoc. of University Professors-Washington Shoreham-Tent..., April 26 & 27th, 1974
Am. Association of Uni. Women..., 1973 & 1974
American Bar Association, 1974
Am. Civil Liberties Union of Md. Case of Dr. Daniel N.Brown-Far East Division..., 1974
Am. College Public Relations Association, 1971-1974
Am. Psychological Assn..., 1966-1974
American Society for Metals, 1971-1972 & 1974
Am. Associations-Misc. File, 1974
Association of Administrators of Home Economics, 1970-1973
Association of American Universities
Charlottesville, Va., Telephone No., April 22-23, 1974
Assoc. of Am. Uni. Agenda, 1974
Ap. 22-23, Financing of Higher Education, [1974]
Uni. of California Affirmative Action Plan, Williamsburg, April 22, [1974]
Graduate Education and Research, April 23, [1974]
Council on Fed. Relations, April 23, 1974
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 244 (cont’d)
Association of American Universities (cont’d)
Membership Policy, April 22-23, 1974
Apr. 23-24-9 a.m. Tues., April 23, Ends Wed. after Lunch, April 24, [1974]
Amendment of the AAU Constitution, December, 1974
Vote on Policy-Transfer of Faculty from 1 Uni. to Another, Feb. 28, 1974
Papers..., Oct. 22 & 23, 1974
Misc., Oct. 22 & 23, 1974
Proceedings-Graduate Schools Conf., October 14-15, 1974
AAU Presidents, Chancellors & Names of Wives, November 1974
Membership List as of October, 1974
Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., 1973
Association of American Medical Colleges..., 1973
Advertising Policy (Paid), To Chancellors & Adm. Officials, February 1972
Alcoa Foundation, 1971-1972
Abbot Laboratories, (Gift to Med. School), 1971
Academic Media-1973/74 Yearbook of Higher Ed. (Given to Hornbake), May 1973
Academic Media, Updating of Materials to Beach, 1972
Appleman-Norton & Carroll E. Cox Scholarship Funds, Approved by Bd., June 20, 1969
Atlantic Aviation Corp., Burnitz, Letter of March 21, 1973
American Association for Higher Education..., 1971-1973
Am. Assn. of Uni. Professors-(Re Survey on Salary & Fringe Benefits-Academic, Academic
Year, 1970-1971, [1970-1971]
Am. Assn of Uni. Prof., 1971 & 1972
AAUP-Advertisement Re Provost for Arts and Humanities Div.-C. P., 1973
Callcott-Ad in Diamondback from McGovern, Oct.-Nov., 1972
Elkins Statement to Charles Krause of Wash. Post, November 6, 1972
Am. Assn. of University Professors
1972-1973 Rept. on Academic Salary Data & Compensation-C. P...., 1973
Sept. 11 Annual Survey of Faculty Salary & Fringe Benefits, (Hornbake), 1972-1973
Policy Statement-Freedom & Responsibility, Nov. 1970
Md. Chapter of AAUP-Viola's Ltr. Tenure Situation at Frederick Comm. College,
February, 1972
Md. Chapter of Am. Assn. of Uni. Professors-Viola's Ltr. on Wage Freeze, Oct. 1971
Md. Chapter, 1972
American Bar Association, 1971-1972
American Cyanamid Company, 1971-1972
American Dental Association, 1973
Am. Federation of Police-Ltr. for General Mark Clark-Citadel, May 1973
American Foresight, Inc., [1972]
American Jewish Congress (Maryland Chapter)-Re Request for Affirmative Action Plans, Sept.
American Nuclear Society, June 29, 1973
Am. Society for Engineering Ed., [1971]
Am. Associations-Misc. File, 1973
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 245
Association of American Universities
Vanderbilt Uni., Nashville Not Going, April 24-25, 1973
Agenda, Oct. 23-24, 1973
Supporting Papers, 1973
Misc. Papers, Oct. 23-24, 1973
Graduate School-Conf. Proceedings, Oct. 18-19, 1973
Assoc. of Am. Uni. Meeting in Scotland, Aug. 11-18, 1973
Request for Information on Effect of Pres. Budget on Educational Institutions, Feb. 17,
Future Meeting, July, 1972
1974 & 1975 & 1976 Meeting Dates, [1972]
Fed. Relations, [1973]
Membership List, July 1, 1972
Dues Annual-Letters on August..., September 1971
Current Membership, October 1970
Ba-Gen. Files.., 1974
Ball, William D., Jr.-Re Daughter Countervail Hall, May 1974
Baltimore, City of, 1974
Baltimore-TV-Radio, 1974
Baltimore City Public Schools..., 1974
Baltimore-Newspapers, 1974
Baltimore Contractors, 1974
Ban-General File, 1974
Barton-Gillet Company-Interview with David W. Barton, May 3, 1974 at 9:30 a. m., [1974]
Bat...Gen. Files, 1974
Beall, J. Glenn, Jr. (Congressman-1974), [1974]
Beh...Bit-Gen. Files, 1974
Berger, Alfred-Re Food Service Contract for Daughter..(See Also Food Service), 1974
8 a.m. Leave Office for a 9 a.m. Apt. with Mr. Benson-Suburban Trust, Wheaton, Friday, Nov. 3,
Bey, Paul-Re Med. School Facilities for Recreation, December 1974
Binder, B. F.-(Re Certain Cases) Daughter & Jay G. Browne, 1974
Bierly, Pamela C.-Outstanding Account.., September 1974
Bit--Bl, Gen. Files..., 1974
Black, Mary Vanessa, Admissions Appeal, October 1974
Bo-Boz, Gen. Files...., 1974
Brand, Mrs. Lydia Wassermann, re Daughter, Mindee Wassermann, July 1974
Boyer, Carol J.-(Protest on Paying Health Service Fee), 1974
Bodine, Peggy Holman-Ltr. of April 1, 1974-Criticism of Phy. Therapy, Sch. of Med..., 1974
Brakeley & Co.-G. A., [1971-1974]
Br-Bu, 1974
Brunk, William R. (See Chancellor's File), [1974-1975]
Bruks, Anthony J. (Re Denial of Admission to School of Pharmacy), August 1974
Byron, Goodloe E. (Congressman), 1974
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation-Re Jewish Studies at University, 1971
Barr-Stalfort Corporation (Gift to Pharmacy)..., 1971
Beckman, Mrs. Robert, Death...Monday, Nov. 5, 1973, Memorial on Thursday, Nov. 8, 1973
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 245 (cont’d)
Beck, Raymond E., (Member of House of Delegates), 1972-1973
Bertorelli, Joseph (Senator), 1972-1973
Benjamin-Dr. Harold R. W., Benjamin National Memorial Fund, 1970-1971
Bertier, Theodore L., Jr., Senator, 1971-1972
Black Caucus (Gen. Assembly of Md.)-Correspondence with King & Delegate Lee, 1972-1973
Black & Decker Manufacturing Company..., 1970-1971
Booz-Allen & Hamilton, 1972-1973
Broome, John T.-Rector, St. Andrews Episcopal Church, 1971-1972
Byrnes, Hon. John Carroll-Re Refund Otis Robertson, Jr., at UMBC..., Jan. 11, 1973-1974
Ca-Caz-General Files, 1974
Calendars for Academic Year for College Park: UMBC and UMES, 1972-1973
Cannon, Robert P.-Re Sharon Cannon's Account with Uni., May 1974
Canaris, Mr. and Mrs. James-Re Death of Dr. Matthew J. Canaris, 1974
Carbery, Eileen A. (Re Teachers Association of Balt. County, Inc.), April 1974
Carnegie Council on Policy Studies in Higher Ed. (Uni. of California), July 10, 1974
Casey, Glenn L.-Re. Employment of Mary A. Casey at San Angelo Jr. College, Sept. 1974
Cassou, Bertin M., Jr. (Re Payment of Bill-May 17, 1974), 1974
Ce..Ch...Gen. Files, 1974
Clark, James (Senator), [1971-1974]
Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Philip M.-Re Case of Daughter, Oct. 1974
Chambers, Max, Publications...., 1974
Clarke, David (Re Return of Fee from Graduate School), Apr. 1974
Co...Coz...1974, General Files, [1974]
College Park, City of, 1973 & 1974
College Entrance Examination Board, 1974
College Management-Sept. 1974, Issue 20 Years at the Uni. of Md. Anderson's Interview....,
College Park, City of-Request to Uni. to Clean Area Around Lakeland, November 6, 1974
College Park Community Cable Television Corp., 1973 & 1974
Coolahan, John C. (Senator), 1974
Coolahan, Senator John C., re Alexander C. Valentino & Reinstatement..., June 1974
Cordingly, Col. Wm. E.-Re Resident Status for 2 Younger Sons, January 4, 1974
Council of Colleges of Fine Arts & Sciences, 1974
Conroy, Senator Edward T..., [1969, 1971, 1973-1974]
Cr..Cz.., Gen. Files..., 1974
Crass, Philip (Oxford Colony Club)-Discount Card Sale on Campus..., July 1974
Crystal Springs Civic Assn. (Playground), [1973-1974]
Cunningham, Wm.-Re Grievance-C. P. Campus, Feb. 1974
Campus Club (Uni. of Maryland), [1968-1972]
Campus & New Comers Clubs (Scholarship Gift of 600.00), 1970
Chesapeake Physics Assoc., 1971-1972
College Entrance Examination Board..., 1971-1973 (2f)
Commerce and Industry Combined Health Appeal (Cicha)-Chairmen, 1973
Comparative Guide to Am. Colleges..., 1972
College Life Insurance Company of America, 1969-1970
College Park-Easement-Paint Branch-Flood Control, July 1972
College Park Woods Assn., 1971-1972
College Park Boys Club, 1971-1972
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 245 (cont’d)
Correspondence Course References, Hold in Files..., 1965-1973
Cotton Bowl-Wilbur Evans, 1974
BOX 246
Crawford, Victor L. (St. Senator), 1970-1972
Creole Foundation, 1968-1971
Council of University Institutes for Urban Affairs, List of Members..., 1974
Da-Gen. Files..., 1974
Danforth Foundation, 1974
De....Gen. Files..., 1974
DuPont de Nemours & Co., 1967-1974
D'Alesandro, T. J., V. P. Benefacts, Inc.... (O'C. Coordinating), November 14, 1974
Dellhaim, Arthur, Request for Tickets-See Also Fields' File, Intercollegiate Athletics, Feb. 1974
DeAngelo, Delegate Anthony-Re Drugs on C. P. Campus, January 1974
Di..Do...Gen. Files, 1974
Dillon, R. Sam, Jr.-(Filling for 4th Congressional Dist. Md., 1974)
Dormitory Report to Bd., C. P., UMBC & UMES on Sept. 21, 1973
Directives-President, 1973
Diamondback-Uni. of Md. Working Budget-Released to Them Thru Waetjen, October 10, 1972
Wed., Jan. 19 at 10 a.m., Mr. McGuinnis of the Diamondback, [1972]
Diamondback..., 1972
Donnell Building Company, 1974
Dr-Dz...Gen. Files, 1974
Dugan, Teddy E., Re Pre-Registration Academic Year, 1974-1975..., Sept. 1974
Dykstra, Marinus Johannes, Re Residency, August 1974
E....EY, General Files, 1974
Eilers, Mrs. Kathryn-Recommendation, Jan. 29, 1974
Eig, Sam (Re Wm. Landers), 1974
Emanuel, Senator Meyer N., 1974
Embassies..., 1974
Energy Conservation Research, January 18, 1974
Evry, Mrs. Ethel-Re Security on C. P. Campus..., Nov., 1974
Esmond, William G., M.D.-Re Med. Sch. Faculty & Kidney Prog. of January 1974, [1974]
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (Baltimore District Office)...Re John Wilson, 1974
Administration, 1974
Joseph Duffey-Administration-Ref. Am. Council, April 1974
C. P. Provosts, 1974-1975
Professional Schools, 1974
C. P. (Final) Figures as of October 18, 1974
UMES (Final) Figures as of October 22, 1974
Enrollment Statistics-From US Office of Education (Hold in Files), November 1974
Enrollment-Beach's Memo Md. Ranking & Annual Enrollment Survey..., January 1974
Enrollment Statistics-C. P. Campus, First Semester 1973-1974, (Final) As of October 6, 1973
UMAB-Enrollment as of October 18, 1973, Fall 1973
UMES-Nov. 8, Report on Enrollment of Fall, 1973
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 246 (cont’d)
C. P. Enrollment-Dr. Hornbake's Notes-Fall 1972 Figures & Fall of 1973 Figures..., (Nov. 26,
UMES-Enrollment (Official, October 3, 1973) Final, Breakdown, 1973-1974 Academic Year,
Enrollment-Report to Bd. on September 21, 1973 (Headcount as of September 19, 1973), [1973]
Fa-Fay, 1974
Fargo, Lewis (Nut)..., 1974
Feldman, Rochelle-LTRS on Dunne & Emanuel, March 1974
Fi...Fr...Gen. Files..., 1974
Fisher, Senator O. C.-Re Mary Reader & School of Architecture, July 1974
Figge, Frank H. J. (Dr.) Death, Oct. 25, 1973, Memorial, Oct. 28, 1973, Emeritus, January 25,
Foskey, Mrs. Barbara J., Elvis Presley Tickets, September 1974
Fleming, T. E.-Re Billing (Open Face for Daughter Susan F. Fleming) Disc. with Bishop, June
Fourth World Institute for International Policy Studies..., 1973-1974
Fortune, Mr. and Mrs. Herman, Re Son, Harold-Adm. to Vet. Med. at Tuskegee, June 4, 1974
Ford Foundation, 1972-1974
Ford Foundation-Competition-Research Problems of Adv. Industrial Societies...Academic Yr.
Fr....Fy...Gen. Files, 1974
Franquet, Robert W., Ltr. to Gude on Treatment of Veterans at Uni. of Md., 1974
Froedman, Michael J. (Capt.), Release of Transcript & Traffic Violations..., February, 1974
Danforth Foundation-Liaison Officer for 1972-1975, [1972-1973]
Duane, Morris & Heckscher, [1967-1972]
Docter, Charles A. (Delegate), 1973
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission..., 1972-1973
Gift-Dentistry-Hold-Eskow, Dr. Jack M. (Received by Dean July 2, 1971), [1971]
Fernald, Fred M. (Ltr. of Jan. 28, 1970 Re Gift of Records to Library), 1970
Fidelity Union Life Insurance Co..., 1972
Ga-Gl, Gen. Files..., 1974
Gainen, Susan (Former Agitator), 1974
Garfield, Ronald (Student) Re Parking Penalties, 1974
Gaffney, Rebecca Fraley, (re Naming of New Bldg. in Honor of Dr. Lester M. Fraley..., May
Goldenberg, Arnold-Residency Status-Hold for January 1974, (See Resident Status Cases),
Ga-Gay, General Files, 1974
Greenberg, Rabbi Meyer, (Re Mindee Wassermann & Mrs. Brandt's Letter), July 1974
Gov.'s Council of Economic Advisers, [1972-1974]
Gov. Comm. on Dyslexia..., 1974
Gov. Task Force to Study Campaign Financing....Appointed as of September 29, 1974
Governor's Commission on Fire Service-Monticello is Representative from Uni. of Maryland,
April 1974
Groh, Garland E. (Re Beach Possible Donor)...., October 21, 1974
Gude, Gilbert (Congressman)..., 1974
Gustavson, Sidney R.-Re Billing for Traffic Violation, September 1974
Ha...Has, Gen. Files..., 1974
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 246 (cont’d)
Hammeroff, Stephen B., M.D.-Re Salary from Uni. of Md. Med. Sch., January 1974
Hartford, John A., Foundation, Inc., 1970-1974
He, General Files...., 1974
Herrell, Ileana-Of Minority Student Education, November 1974
William A. Hamilton & Staff, (Marketing & Public Opinion Research), November 1974
Hession, J. Michael-July 1974, Claims for Travel & Public Relations..., 1974
Hi...Ho, General Files..., 1974
Hopkins, Mrs. H. Palmer-Death-January 22, 1974; Funeral, Jan. 25, 1974
Hitt, Matthew Brian (Re Bill)..., May 1974
Hill & Baldridge, (re Group-Life Insurance for Alumni) (To Schutz-Jan. 2, 1974), 1974
Honorary Degree Requests from Outside..., 1972-1973
Howell, Rodger, Dr. (Re Death of Mrs. Roger Howell on October 8, 1974), [1974]
Hoak, Mrs. Leslie M., Re Criticism of C. P. Graduate School, April 1974
Hogan, Larry (Congressman), 1974
Housing & Urban Dev..., 1974
Hu... General Files, 1974
George Hyman Construction Co. Est. of Scholarship in Civil Engineering, 1974
George Hyman Construction Company..., 1974-1975
Hearst Foundation, Wm. Randolph, 1971-1973
Holt, Ann K.-Jan. 23-Will Write Letter of Appeal to You, 1973
I...Gen. Files..., 1974
IBM...Gen. Files..., 1974
International Association of Universities, 1972-1974
Institute for International Education...., 1971-1974 (4f)
International Research & Exchange Board, [1972-1973]
BOX 247
Investor Responsibility Research Center, Inc., (Sent to Case on Jan. 15, 1973), [1973]
International Conference on the Education of Teachers for Integrated Science..., April 3-13, 1973
Ja-Jy...Gen. File, 1974
Agriculture Information-Chester W. Jackson-Died April 8, 1974-Funeral, April 10, 1974
Janoscrat, Agnes J.-Objection to Health Serv. Fee on Moral Grounds, Jan. 25, 1974-Bd. Turned
Down Appeal, [1974]
Jefferson, Gladys-Pres. of AFSCME Local 1072, 1974
Ka...Ky...Gen. File, 1974
Kern Distributing Co., (For Eastern Shore & Scholarship Awards in Ind. & Mech. Arts),
September 23, 1974
Komenda, Del. Frank J. (Re Paul Bey & Med. School Facilities), December 1974
Kelly-Springfield Tire Co., 1970-1971
King, W. Lawson-Re Delbert Foster, Coop. Ext. Service County Chairman..., August 1974
Kelly, Mrs. Roger M. (Ltr. Re. Michael James, July 18, 1974), [1974]
Klotz, Mary Theresa-Re Courses in Special Education, August 1974
Litton Systems, Inc.-Nov. 30, 1973, Ltr. to John D. Freitig, Bd. Action on Lease..., 1973-1974
Litton Industries-Gen. File, 1972-1973
Litton System-Amecom/U of M Property Lease Analysis, June 18, 1973
Litton Industries-Statement on Property..., 1973
Litton Systems-Old Leases-1963 & Draft (not Signed) of Lease, Dec. 5, 1972-1973
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 247 (cont’d)
Property-Litton Industries-Lease of Property, [1962-1966]
Waetjen-Appraisals on Uni. Property Leased to Litton Industries, January 2, 1973
Real Estate Com., Fincham Appraisal & Reynolds Appraisal, 1973
August 15, Com. on Real Estate, Litton Appraisals, [1973]
Litton Appraisal Report & Valuation Analysis Extra (By Roy K. Davis), July 12, 1973
Litton-Appraisal Report & Valuation Analysis (By Roy K. Davis) Extra Copies, July 12, 1973
Real Estate-For Distribution Ltr. of Aug. 1, 1973 Fincham & Reynolds Ltr. of July 9, 1973
Litton (Aprs.), July 12, 1973
Litton Industries-Appraisal by John. W. Finchman-Calvert Rd. 15 Plus Acres... 1973, December
20th, 1972
Litton Industries-Appraisal by Anthony Reynolds-Calvert Road, (Made Nov. 1972), 1973
La...Le, Gen. File, 1974
11th Tuesday, Sept. 3, Discuss with Dr. Hahn, [1974]
Leaders in Education Biog. Material-Up to Date, November, 1973-1974
Lewron Television, Inc.-(Mobile Operations)-Sent to 5 Chancellors, Feb. 12, 1974
Lewark, George F. (Re Residency Classification) Case Closed, Feb. 6, 1974
Levitan, Laurence (Delegate), 1973-1974
Li...Ly, General File, 1974
Lippincott, Ellis R., Dr.-Death..., 1974
Love, Dr. Alice M. (Phy. Ed.) Death, September 27, 1974
Thursday, July 12-9:30 a.m., Leave for Easton-225 Stewart Building, Del. Thomas Hunter Lowe,
Liberty Bowl-Dec. 14-December 17, 11:45 a.m. Lunch, Monday, Dec. 16, 1974
Long, Clarence D. (Congressman)..., 1974
Lyon, E. Wilson-Re Son, John Lyon, Re Job..., Oct. 1973
Legislative Review-Jim Collier's Review, April 17, 1973
Legislation, Morgan's List of Bills Applicable to Uni. of Md., April 27, 1973
Dr. Herbert L. Livingston-Dept. of Periodontics-3rd Fl. Fac. Practice Area, Feb., 1973
Mc...Gen. Files, 1974
McMillen, C. Thomas, 1973-1974
McClelland, Mrs. Cole-Re Admission Request of Judith Colleen McClelland..., June 1974
McCartny, Michael-Re Appeal (See V. C. for Student Affairs), January 10, 1974
McCoy, Robert D. (Re Employment in Student Affairs), 1973-1974
McConnell, Viola-Re Billing at University, May 1974
McKeldin, Theodore R.-Death & Funeral (Death-Aug. 10, 1974), Funeral 11 a.m. Tues. August
13, 1974
McCormick & Company, Gen. Files..., 1973 & 1974
5:30 p. m. Leave to go to Ann McCormick's Party-Limestone Valley Theater..., May 17, 1973
Ma-Thru-May, Gen. Files, 1974
Friday, Dec. 6-6:30 to & 7:30 p.m. M Club Awards Banquet, (Dr. Schmidt), 1974
Malloy, Mrs. Constance-Grievance-University Hospital..., 1974
Malone, Lee-Re Tr. to Cong. Long about Vet. Medicine, July 1974
Manley, Dr. K. A.-Re Son Giles..., September, 1974
Mann, John H., Re Human Curriculum..., August 2, 1974
Marcus, Mrs. Cheryl J. (Fac. Wife) Tuition Remission for Faculty, 1974
Mangan, Paul A.-Re Diamondback Classified Ads...(See Md. Media), April & May, 1974
Martin, Patricia Ann-Resident Status at UMAB, Jan., 1974
William A. Martin, Jr., Re: Billing Error, 1974
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 247 (cont’d)
Mattozzi, Susan-Traffic Violations, 1973-1974
Maryland State Board Assn. Material for Manual, July 1974-1975
Md. St. Employees Council AFSCME, AFL-CIO..., 1974
Mathias, Senator Charles McC., Re: Fiscal 1975 Budget-D/HEW Comments on..., March 1974
Mathias, Sen. Charles McC..., 1974
ME-Gen. Files, 1974
Megill, Henry-Re Offer of Property to C. P. Campus Office, November 1974
Mi-Gen. Files, 1974
Middle Atlantic Power, Research Committee, [1971-1974]
Miller, Frances Lee (App. for Graduate Program in Art History)..., 1974
Mitchell, Parren (US Congressman)..., 1973 & 1974
Mo...My...Gen. Files, 1974
Morrison, George W.-Died Sunday, January 20, 1974
Oct. 15-Banquet-Rev. Sun Myung Moon-Korean...., 1974
N...Gen. Files..., 1974
National Achievement Scholarship Program-Nat'l Merit Scholarship Corp..., 1974
New York Academy of Sciences..., 1973 & 1974
New York Times-Education Section for Jan. 16, 1974
NI...Ny, Gen. Files..., 1974
Nichols, Del. J. High-Re Determinataion of In-State Status for Adm., Etc..., August 28, 1974
NASA-Re C. P. Colloquium on Chem. Evolution & Banquet, October 26, 1974
Nat'l Science Foundation, 1974
Nat. Aero & Space Adm..., 1974
BOX 248
Mack Truck, Inc. (Gift to Firefighters Room, Center of Adult Education)...., 1973
M Club..., 1973
Maryland National University, Dr. Mary Rogers, 1972-1973
Maurer, Delegate Lucille, Re H. B. 674 (Fee Remissions for Teacher Ed...), July, 1973
Meyer, Eugene & Agnes E., Foundation, [1965-1973]
Nystrom, Paul E., Sr., Death on August 5, 1973-Funeral on August 8, 1973
O thru Om...Gen. Files, 1974
Oak Ridge Association of Universites..., 1974
Op-Oy, Gen. File, 1974
Population Crises Committee, 1968
Port Tobacco, Society for the Restoration (Re History Department), July 30, 1974
Pa-Pe-Pf...General File, 1974
Paul, Fred-Re Dr. Charles Errico-Instructor in University College..., August 30, 1974
Pesci, Frank B., Sr....., 1974
Sunday, Dec. 8-5:30 p.m., Phi Kappa Phi Dinner-Ft. McHenry, 1974
Polistina, Kenneth S. (Residency Denied), May 3, 1974
Pr...Py...Gen. Files, 1974
Pres. Com. on Nat'l Medal of Science Nominations-Deadline (to Pelczar), Feb. 28, 1974
Price, T. Rowe
Gen., 1974
Common Trust, 1974
Emerson..., 1974
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 248 (cont’d)
Price, T. Rowe (cont’d)
Highlights, 1974
Prince George's County Govt...., 1974
P. G. County-Bicentennial Year Plans for Celebration in 1976, Mr. Beach Rep., 1974
P. G. County Off. of Service to Handicapped (Ltr. from Richelle Feldman), March 1974
P. G. County-Senior Citizens Council of Clubs-Re Golf Course, June 1974
Prince George's Chamber of Commerce..., 1973-1974
Oak Ridge Association of Universities, [1972-1973]
Oak Ridge Associated Universities-(Charter of Incorporation & Bylaws)..., 1972-1973
Oak Ridge Association Unis.-Material on, Annual Meeting, October 15-16, 1973
President's Chart of Organization, As of February, 1972
Prince George's County, General File, 1970-1972
Prince George's Cty.-Dept. of Economic Dev. (Ans.), 1973
Prince George's County Com. of Md. Environmental Trust, 1971-1972
P. G. County Council-Dimension in Music Program-Beach Representing Dr. E's Office, Jan.
Prince George's County Commissioners, 1970
Prince George's County Civic Federation, Inc. (Md. Environmental Trust), 1970
Prince George's County Commissioners, Model Cities Program, 1969-1970
P. G. County Board of Realtors, 1970
Ra..Re..Rey...General File..., 1974
Rash, Joseph H.-Death on December 17, 1974
Sunday, October 9-Mr. Joe Rash-Directions to House, undated
Rash, Joseph H., 1963
Rash, Mr. Joseph, V. P. Food Fair Stores..., 1964
Reader, Mrs. Mary-Application to School of Architecture, July 1974
Ralston Purina Corporation, 1970-1974
Reno, Prof. Russell-Law Sch. Retirement, July 1, 1974
Reserve Officers Club of Prince George's County, 1973-1974
Ri...Ry..Gen. Files, 1974
Richardson, Dallas-Re: College Park Campus, March 1974
Rodgers, James A. (Re Chaplaincy at University of Md. Lutheran)...., 1974
Radio Corporation of America..., 1967-1973
Reading, Wm.-Surburban Trust, New Number 270-7511, [1973]
Retired Officers Association, 1972-1973
Rheinstein, Dr. Peter H. (Re Classification in Med. School) Del. Rynd's Ltr., Sept. & Oct., 1973
Sa, Sch, & Sel...Gen. Files, 1974
Sarisky, Stephen A. (See Also Md. Media)..., 1974
Sattin, Miss Arlene M.-Re Error on Transcript, July 1974
Sathar, S. A.-Re Residency for Son, Syed I. Hamid, June 7, 1974
Sarbanes, Paul S., U. S. Congressman..., 1973 & 1974
Schweinhaut, Senator-Re Richard J. Curry Co., August 24, 1974
Schweinhaut, Sen. Margaret C., 1974
Shi...Sq..General Files, 1974
Secula, John D.-Re Bill for Son, James R. Secula, August 1974
Shaw, Robert W., Lt. Col.-Re Ticketing at Lacrosse Game, April-May 1974
Silverman, George E.-Re Release of Diploma of Son, Gary O., 1974
Sigma Nu Fraternity, 1974
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 248 (cont’d)
Springfield State Hospital-Re Ltr. from Pat MacNamara, May 1974
Spellman, Gladys Noon-(Councilor-at-Large) Re Proposed Bill, BC-25, 1974
Srt-Sy...General Files, 1974
Staten, Roy N. (St. Senator), 1974 & 1973
Steinberg, Zan-Re Transfer from Catonsville Comm. College to C. P., Fall 1974 Term..., Feb.,
Stewart, Mrs. Charles F. (Re Son's Apli. to Vet. Med. U. of Georgia), January 9, 1974
Steers, Newton L., Jr., St. Sen., 1974
Sigma Nu Fraternity, Gen. Files, 1973
Sobeloff, Judge Simon E., Death-Wednesday, July 11, 1973, Funeral Friday, July 13, 1973
Spottswood, John Charles Phillip-Recommendation for, 1973
Southern Universities, Inc. (Change in Name of Oak Ridge Inst. of Nuclear Studies), October 27,
Southern Interstate Nuclear Bd., [1972]
Cultural Laureate Foundation, Inc., Allen E. Turner, Pres., 1973-1974
Ta-Te-Tho...General Files, 1974
Tawes-re Case of Frances Lee Miller & Adm. to Grad Program in Art-Adm. for September 1974
Term, [1974]
Sunday, April 7-6:30 to 8:30 (Dinner) Tawes Dinner-Hunt Valley Inn, Dr. & Mrs. Elkins, 1974
Wed. Feb. 5 at 6:30 p.m., Annual Varsity Football Banquet, Center-Award to Claiborne, [1975]
Sat. August 3-12 to 5 Terrapin Club Party-Goldsteins (Tent.), 1970
Terrapin Club..., 1974
J. R. Taft Corporation-When Development Directors Fail, 1974
Taylor, Myron E., Sept. 4 Grievance Procedure (O.'C.), February 1974
Terrell, Mrs. Florence R., Re Daughter's Account, September 1974
Ti-Ty..General Files, 1974
Tsoi, Dr. C., Re Son, Harvey & Scholarship Assistance-Dorsey to Hear Case..., November 18,
Koorish Toluie, (Book on the Bahai Faith), Received, October 30, 1974
Veterans Affairs Coordinators-All Campuses, 1974
Western Athletic Conference Bowl Game, Wm. R. Shover, 1974
Whiler Industries
Proposal for Use of Stadium 2nd Request..., Sept. 17, 1974
(Re Use of Cole Field House), 1973 & 1974
White, Mrs. Beverly-Telephone Number, August 1, 1974
World Studies Data Bank-Questionnaire-(To Hornbake), April 2, 1973-1974
Wright, Dr. Howard E., Hampton Institute..., 1974
Tuesday, Aug. 27 a. m. & p.m., Wye Institute Field Day, 1974
Zwingle, Dr. J. L. (Re Part-Time Employment)..., 1974
BOX 249
U...General File, 1974
U. S. Savings Bond Campaign, 1974
Urban Information Interpreters, Inc...., 1974
United Communities Campaign, 1974 (Combined United Fund of Central Maryland and the
Commerce and Industry Combined Health Appeal, (CICHA) 1974
United Virginia Bank-Seminar, Beach Attending, Mar. 7, 1974
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 249 (cont’d)
Universities Council on Water Resources (UCOWR)
Proceedings, July 29-Aug. 1, 1973
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, 1972-1974 (2f)
Arkansas, University of-Administrative Salaries Paid 1974-1975, (Dec. 31, 1974)
University College
A, 1974
B, 1974
C, 1974
D, 1974
E, 1974
F, 1974
G, 1974
H, 1974
I, 1974
J, 1974
K, 1974
L, 1974
Johns Hopkins University-Dr. Steven Muller-President-Installed February 22, 1972
Wed. Oct. 2-Inauguration of Dr. Rhoda Mary Dorsey as 8th Pres. of Goucher-Hold for Invitation,
Morgan State College-Dr. Thomas P. Frazer-Interim President, September 1, 1974
Univ. College-M, 1974
Morgan St. Dev. of (Hold) Feb., 1974
Morgan State College, Enrollments-Programs-Finances (Jan. 11, 1974-Disc. with Kaplan),
Missouri, Uni. of-Questionnaire-Administrative Functions of Multi-Campus Universities, Dec.
1973 & 1974
Tuesday, March 26-Dr. Merl Baker from 9 to 10 a.m., [1974]
Univ. College
N, 1974
O, 1974
P, 1974
Q, 1974
R, 1974
BOX 250
Univ. College (cont'd)
S, 1974
T, 1974
U, 1974
V, 1974
W, 1974
Foreign, 1974
VI...VY...Gen. Files, 1974
Varnado, Kay L. (Re. Grad. Prog. & Rejection-Lib. Science), 1974
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 250 (cont’d)
Valentino, Alexander C.-Re Reinstatement, June 1974
Virginia State Dept. of Ed.-Courses & Degree Programs Offered in Va. (Hornbake), June 4, 1974
Wa through Wam, General Files, 1974
Ward, Wade D.-Re Case of Mrs. Maxine L. Whittington, November, 1974
Was--Wy, Gen. Files, 1974
Washington Survey (Bureau of Social Research, Inc.), 1974
Washington, D. C., TV & Radio..., 1970-1974
Wec...Wej...Wes, General Files, 1974
Weimer, Sidney (Not on Faculty), December 27, 1974
Whi...Wh...Wim...Wio..Gen. Files, 1974
Whittington, Maxine L., Re Student Loans & Payments, November 1974
Friday, May 9, 1973-Charles E. White-Died, 1973
Wilson, Charles G., Sewerage Commission of Milwaukee (See Bentz), 1974
Wilson, John-Application for Employment with Dept. of Public. Safety..., March, 1974
Willard, Wesley O.-Re Residency to Obtain Doctorate (See Pesci), January 1974
Women in Communications, Inc., 1974
Wo...Wy...Gen. Files, 1974
Weinberg, Dr. Myron S.-(Re Possible Gift in Pharmaceutical Sciences), 1970-1971
Wheeler, Monroe-Gift to Katherine Anne Porter Collection-Rept. to Board, January 23, 1970
Willingmyre, Daniel W., 1972-1973
Employment-Dr. Warren J. Winstead, 1973
Wisconsin, State of, Legislative Council-High Vacancy Rates, 1972
November 17 (Friday) Board University Hills Apartments Financing..., 1967
Woodner, Ian-Uni. Hills Apts., 1968
Boswell-Gen. File, 1970-1971
McCauley's Ans. to Sec. of Fac. Senate on Zoning-Boswell, December 1, 1970
Boswell-Brown's Ltr. of Dec. 9, 1970 to Boswell in Reply to Nov. 19, 1970 Ltr..., 1970
Application #A 5284-Filed by Boswell, Libby & Liff, 1964
Regents-Building Comm. September 18, 1964 Minutes of Meeting, [1964]
A-5284-Boswell-Statement of R. E. Pugliese as of June 15, 1965
A-5284-Boswell-Technical Staff Report as of Sept. 16, 1964
Amendments 7880, 7881 & 7882-Crystal Spring Subdivision, 1969
Harry A. Boswell, A-5284-From RR to RH, Land on West Side of Adelphi Road, 19651966
Harry Boswell-Re Petition A-5284-Brief to Bd. Of Regents..., September 7, 1965
Harry Boswell Associates, May, June, July, August Materials Used..., 1969-1970
Com. on Future of University, Vanderslice's Ltr. Re Boswell Zoning, September, 1970
Discussion of Zoning by Dr. Kaplan, [1970]
Dill Report, [1965]
Dill Report as of June 7, 1965
Article on Harry A. Boswell, Jr., Request for Rezoning, August 16, 1970
Petition A-6175 Ltr. Dated October 12, 1965
Application 4A-4818, Herbert H. Arnold (Attorney), 1963
Zoning Applications, Applications No. A-4267 & A-4277, (Land West of Uni. Golf Course),
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 250 (cont’d)
Hearing Sept. 21, 1960, Knox & Guilford & Northern Side of Metz. Rd., [1960]
Property Adjacent & North of University Campus, [1959]
Notice of Hearing-Lots 30, 31, & Pt. 32, Block I, Crystal Spring Subdivision-P. G.
County, Jan. 1971
Materials Taken from Files by Attn. Gen Office., Friday Dec. 11, 1970
[Loose Materials-A Review of University of Maryland Policy in Regard to the Zoning
and Development of Land in the Vicinity of the College Park Campus, 1965]
[Loose Materials-Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1959 & 1970]
Proper (Zoning)-#A5284-Boswell, Libby & Liff (Cool Spring at Adelphi), [1965]
Zoning-Petitions A-6308 & A-6309 Ltr. Dated October 13, 1965
Zwingman, Dr. Charles A. (Re: Honorary Degree Candidates), 1970-1971
X & Y, General Files, 1974
Z, General Files, 1974
Div. 1-College of Agriculture Dean..., 1977
Agriculture-Merit Awards in Agriculture (Apvd. by Regents-Sept. 16, 1977-For Agri. Forum
Nov. 3, 1977)
Div. 1-Agronomy Dept..., 1977
Agronomy-Crops & Soils Research Field Day-Wye Institutes, August 23, 1977
Div. 1-Agricultural Engineering..., 1977
Ag. Engineering-Re Am. Society of Agricultural Engineers-Re Dr. Jelton & Lewis E. Carr...,
July 1977
Emeritus Status-Dr. Einar R. Ryden-Prof. Emeritus of Agri.. & Extn. Ed. Eft. March, 26, 1977
(Bd. March 25, 1977), [1977]
Div. 1
Agricultural & Resource Economics..., 1977
Animal Science, 1977
Dept. of Animal Science-Dr. Willard W. Green-Prof. Emeritus of Dept. Eft. July 1, 1977
Div. 1-Dairy Science..., 1977
Dept. of Dairy Science-Mr. John L. Morris-Prin. Specialist Emeritus, Eft. September 16, 1977
Div. 1-Horticulture, 1977
Horticulture-re Augmentation of Amihud Kramer's Salary by Refrigeration Research Foundation,
Emeritus Status-Dr. Clyne S. Shaffner-Prof. Emeritus Poultry Sci.-Eft. March 26, 1977
Div. 1
Veterinary Science, 1977
Chemistry..., 1977
Entomology, 1977
Dept. of Microbiology-Dr. Frank M. Hetick-Acting Chairman-Eft. August 17, 1975-1977
Zoology...., 1977
Agr. & Lif. Sciences, Agriculture, College of, 1976
Provost-Div. I-Re Picture in Wash. Post-Research on COW, 1976
Dean. College of Agriculture-Certificate of Merit Awards in Agriculture-Apvd. to Gluckstern,
Div. 1-Agri. & Life Sciences, Agronomy..., 1976
Agronomy-Ltr. fr. Goldstein re Dr. John Holl, May 1976
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 250 (cont’d)
Agri. Engineering-Dr. Arthur T. Johnson-Increase in Salary to 22,950-Eft. September 15, 1976...,
Agri. & Ext. Education-Re Extension of Retirement-Dr. Einar R. Ryden to June 30, 1975
Div. I-Agriculture & Resource Economics, 1976
Animal Science for Sale of Agricultural Products by Dept., May 24, 1976
Animal Science-Lease Contract with Milton Plonger of Polinger Farm, March 18, 1976
Animal Science Dept.-Lease of Horse to Stephen Dulin-Agreement, Jan. 6, 1976
Animal Health Lab. Re Retirement Party for Dr. C. R. (Bob) Davis, Feb. 14, 1976
Dairy Science-Dr. J. Lee Majetski Salary Increase, Dec. 22, 1976
Apt. Dr. William V. Chalupa as Prof. of Dairy Science-Eft. Jan. 1, 1976
Div. I
Horticulture..., 1976
Poultry Science, 1976
Apt.-Dr. Gerald M. Ward as Assoc. Prof.-Dept. of Vet. Science & Director of Animal Care, May,
Div. I
Botany..., 1976
Chemistry..., 1976
BOX 251
Apt., Dr. Robley C. Williams as Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Chemistry, Eft., August 17, 1976
Dr. William Purdy, Chemistry-Salary Increase to 33,000-10 Mo. Basis, Feb. 1, 1976
Dr. Ernest F. Pratt-Prof. Emeritus-Dept. of Chemistry, March 26, 1976
Dept. of Entomology-Dr. Allen L. Steinhauer-Acting Chairman, August 1, 1975-1976
Geology..., 1976
Microbiology, 1976
Apt., Head, Department of Microbiology, Dr. B. G. Young as Head, Efct. July 1, 1971-1976
Microbiology-Report of Craig Dickman-Board Action of March 21, 1975 (To Disney), [1975]
Div. I-Agriculture, Dean of, 1975
Certificates of Merit Award in Agriculture-Exec., Sept. 19, 1975
Cert. of Merit Awards in Agricult. November 7, 1974 at Md. Agricult. Forum, 1974
Agronomy-Dept. of..., 1975
Agricultural Engineering, 1975
Agricultural Economics, 1975
Beall, George Max, as Prof. Emeritus, Dept. of Agri. & Resource Economics Eft. Nov. 21, 1975
(Bd. Action), 1975
Beall, George M.-Certificate Given on December 14, 1975 at his Retirement Reception-Extra
Copies, [1975]
Beall Retirement Reception-Chesapeake Room-Center, Sun. 4:30-5:30, Dec. 14, [1975]
Animal Sciences-Trans. of Graduate Prog. Leading to M.S. & Ph.D. to MCHE, May 13, 1975
Dairy Science..., 1975
Horticulture.., 1975
Veterinary Science..., 1975
Botany, Department of, 1975
Chemistry, Dept. of, 1975
Chemistry. Dept.-re Fed. Aviation Adm. Ltr. re Shipment of Batteries, August 1974
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 251 (cont’d)
Chemistry-Library (Chemistry) Charles E. White Chemistry Lib. (Bd. Action-June 22, 1973),
Chemistry-Emeritus Status, Dr. Fletcher P. Veitch-Prof. Emeritus, (Dept. of Chemistry), January
1, 1975
Stat., April 26 at 7:30, Veitch's Retirement Party-Rossborough Inn, 1975
Head-Chemistry, Dr. Joseph T. Vanderslice, July 1, 1968
Entomology, Dept. of, 1975
Apt.-Dr. Ernest C. Bay as Head & Prof., Dept. of Entomology, Eft. September 1, 1971
Microbiology, Dept. of, 1975
Zoology, Dept. of..., 1975
Zoology, Brinkley-Re Faculty, Council on Budget for Fiscal 1973, April 1974
Agricultural & Life Sciences-Int. Chr., [1973]
Agronomy-Re Charges-Soil Tests, Board Action of March 22, 1974
Division of Agricultural & Life Sciences-Interim Chairman-Dr. Richard F. Davis, Apr. 20, 1973
Agri. Engineering-Mr. Charles P. Merrick-Assoc. Prof. of Ag. Eng. Emeritus, (Bd. March 22,
1974), July 1, 1974
Div. I
Agricultural and Resource Economics..., 1974
Agriculture, Animal Science, Dept. of, 1974
Animal Science-8 Horses Acceptance-Report & Accepted at Bd. Meeting of March 22, 1974
Div. I
Dairy Science, Dept. of, 1974
Horticulture, Dept. of, 1974
Veterinary Science, 1974
Botany, 1974
Chemistry, 1974
Entomology, 1974
Entomology-Theodore L. Bissell, Assoc. Prof. of Entomology, Emeritus, June 15, 1974 (Bd.
Apv. March, 22, 1974), [1974]
Department of Microbiology...1974, Hetrick's Ltr. on Departmental Matters..., July 3, 1974
Div. I, Zoology..., 1974
Candidates for Div. I
Interview, Dr. James Martin-Cand. Provost Div. of Agri. & Life Sciences, 1974-Cand.
Provost, Div. of Agri. & Life Sciences, 1974
Dr. John Curtis, 9 a.m. Monday, June 3, 1974
Candidate for Provost of Division of Agricultural & Life Sciences, 1974
Division of Agricultural & Life Sciences, 1974
Agriculture, College of, Dean, 1973
Agri.--Cert. of Merit Awards in Agri., November 1, 1973
Elkins-Presentation-Certificates of Merit Awards in Agriculture for 1973, November 1, 1973
Thursday, Nov. 1, 1973-Agricultural Forum Lunch-Award of Merit 12 Noon-Center, 1973
Agriculture, College of
Agronomy, Dept. of, 1973
Agricultural Engineering, 1973
Agriculture & Extension Ed., 1973
Agricultural Resource Economics, 1973
Agricultural & Resource Economics, 1973
Agriculture, College of, Dairy Science, Dept. of, 1973
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 251 (cont’d)
Dr. Wendell S. Arbuckle-Prof. Emeritus of Dairy Science, June 15, 1973
Acting Chairman, Dairy Sci. Dr. Joseph F. Mattick, July 1, 1973
Agriculture, College of, Horticulture, Dept. of, 1973
Horticulture-Dr. Leland E. Scott, Emeritus Professor of Horticulture, (Bd. Approval), November
30, 1973
Poultry Science-Amino Acid Analyzer from Perkin-Elmer Corporation, 1973
Agriculture, College of
Veterinary Science, 1973
Botany, 1973
Dr. Hugh G. Gautch, Professor Emeritus of Botany, September 21, 1973
Dr. Constantin Sorokin, Research Prof. Emeritus of Botany, September 21, 1973
Re Emeritus Professor of Botany-Dr. Russell G. Brown, July 1, 1973
Agriculture, College of, Entomology, 1973
A & S-College of, Department of Chemistry, 1973
Agriculture, College of, Zoology..., 1973
Agriculture-Vice President for, 1972
Agriculture, College of, Dean..., 1972
Agri. Leaders Forum-Nov. 1, 1972 Certificates of Merit Award in Agri. 4..., 1972
Agriculture...Agricultural Economics..., 1972
Agronomy..., 1972
Animal Science..., 1972
Animal Science-Funding-Phase II-Animal Science Building, 1972
Animal Science Program Development-Discussed with Dr. E. on March 6, 1972
Botany..., 1972
Horticulture..., 1972
Poultry Science-Emeritus Prof. of Poultry Science-Dr. Mary S. Shorb, June 24, 1972
St. Bd. of Agriculture Programs..., 1972
St. Bd. of Ag. Programs, Ltr. to Gov. for Restoration of Funds-Meat Inspection Program, March
30, 1972
Agri. Programs-Md. Wholesome Meat Adv. Council, Employees & Holiday Pay, March 1972
St. Bd. of Agriculture-Memo of Understanding for Non-Classified Employees, February 1972
St. Bd. of Agri. Programs-Apt. of Dr. George S. Langford as Director, August 15 to July 31,
Agriculture, College of, Entomology, 1971-1972
Apt. Dr. Robert M. Altman as St. Entomologist-Efc. April 1, 1971
St. Entomologist-Re USDA Plant Pro & Quarantine-Testimony on Gypsy Moth, March 1972
Agri.-Michael Williams, Asst. Entomologist, March 1, 1971
Entomology-re Dept. of Md. Res. Officers & ROTC Program at University, 1971
1971 Dairy Sci., [1971]
Agriculture, College of, Poultry, Dept. of, 1971
Dept. of Poultry Science, Lectureship-Dr. Mary S. Shorb-Gift from Merck Sharp &
Dohme, [1969]
Poultry-Re Authority of St. Bd. of Agr. to Enter Agreement with USDA on Poultry
Inspection..., 1969
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 251 (cont’d)
Agri. (cont’d)
Animal Science-Vordemberge, H. E.-Gift Equipment for Horse Programs..., 1970
Ani. Sci. Horses-Gifts of..., 1971-1973
Agriculture, College of, Agricultural Economics, 1971
Ag. Econs. Mr. Arthur B. Hamilton, Assoc. Prof. of Ag. Economics, Emeritus-Bd. Apvd., June
18, 1971
Emeritus-Dr. Russell G. Rothgeb, Professor of Agronomy, Emeritus, 1971
Agriculture, College of, Agronomy, 1971
Poultry Sci. & Inst. of Applied Agri. Mr. George D. Quigley, Assoc. Prof. of Poultry Sci.,
Emeritus-Aug. 1, 1972, Bd., Sept. 22, 1972
Nov. 4, Agri. Leaders Forum-Cert. of Merit Awards in Agri., 1971
BOX 252
Agri. Dean-Joint Graduate Program M.S. & Ph.D. in Nutritional Science w/ Home Ec.-Apv. Bd.
May 14, 1971
Promotions-Annual-Received, Agriculture on April 22, 1971
Agriculture, College of
Zoology..., 1971
Dean..., 1970
College of Agriculture-Oct. 1970-Report on Enrollment & Courses, 1971
Agriculture, College of-November 4, 1970, Agricultural Forum of Merit Awards..., 1970
Agriculture-Dean's Office-Prof. Arthur Hamilton-Retirement, August 31, 1970 & Lunch
September 17, [1970]
Agriculture, Dean-Agricultural Forum Cert. of Merit Awards in Agri., November 6, 1969
Agricultural & Extension Education..., 1970
Agricultural Engineering, 1970
Agricultural Engineering-Gift of Equipment from Cities Service Oil Co. Accepted by Bd. Sept.
26, 1969
Dept. of Agronomy-Carl Senseman's Gift of Turf Management Books..., January 1970
Agricultural & Resource Economics..., 1970
Agronomy..., 1970
Animal Science..., 1970
Botany, 1970
College of Agriculture-Dept. of Botany, Joseph L. Newcomer-Sr. Specialist in Agronomy-Ef.
July 1, 1970
Dairy Science..., 1970
Entomology..., 1970
Entomology, Dept of... Re: Society of Invertebrate Pathology, August 25, 1970
Horticulture..., 1970
Dept. of Hort.-Dr. Allen L. Steinhauer-Gift for Teaching & Research, Jan. 24, 1969
Poultry Science..., 1970
Veterinary Science..., 1970
Veterinary Science-Gift from Lilly Research Laboratories, 1968-1969
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 252 (cont’d)
Div. II Dean-Col. of Engineering, 1977
Engineering-Report of Outside Members of the College of Eng. Review Committee, Oct. 1976
Dr. Jack Holman-Cand. for Dean of Engineering, April 27 at 9 a.m., 1977
Div. II-Aero-Space Engineering..., 1977
Aerospace Engineering-Procedures Manual-Controlling the Use & Maintenance of Flying
Research Laboratory (Approved by Board on May 13, 1977)
Flying Research Lab.-Insurance on, Attny. Gen. Opinion of May 6, 1977, Other Ltrs. on, 1977
[Loose Materials-Request for the Acquisition of a Flying Laboratory, 1977]
Acquisition of a Flying Research Laboratory, Jan. 5, 1977-March, 1977
C. P.-Re Purchase of Airplane, [1977]
Brown's Letters on Insurance-Aircraft..., [1977]
Re Aircraft for Research-Hance's Ltr. of March 21, 1977
Brown's Ltr. on Liability Insurance for Aircraft..., March 21, 1977
Engineering, College of-re Flying Research Lab (With Minta Martin Funds), Jan. 1977
Chemical & Nuclear Engineering Dept., [1977]
Div. II-Chem. Nuclear Reactor..., 1977
Civil, [1977]
Div. II-Electrical Eng..., 1977
Elec. Engineering-Zaki, K., Re Discrimination, November, 1976-1977
Elect. Engineering-Kawthar Zaki-Grievance, December 1975
Mech. Eng...Div. II, 1977
Apt. Dr. Harry Dreicer as Prof., Dept. of Physics & Astronomy-Eft. July 1, 1977
Div. II-Math, Phy. Sci & Eng. Provost, 1976
Division II-Marchello-Rep. to the Air Quality Control Adv. Council for 1976, [1976]
Engineering Apt. of Dr. Arnold E. Seigel as Eng. Alumni Dist. Visiting Prof. 10 Months, Sept. 3,
1974-June 15, 1975
Engineering-Uni. Institute for Educational Development, 1974
Div. II, Engineering-Dean, 1976
Engineering-Bowie State St. College-Dual Degree Program, 1976
Eng. Dual Degree Program-Towson St. (Uni) & College of Engineering, June 30, 1976
Eng. Dual Degree Program-St. Mary's College of Md. & Col. of Engineering, June 19, 1976
College of Engineering-Dual Degree Program with Coppin St. College (Signed March 1, 1976)...,
College of Engineering-Dual Degree Program with Salisbury St. College (Signed Feb. 26,
1976)..., 1976
Engineering-Dual Degree Program-Notre Dame of Md. & College of Engineering, Signed Jan. 7,
Engineering, College of-Dual Degree Program with King College, February 23, 1976
Div. II-Aero-Space Eng., 1976
Chem. Engineering-Delay of Retirement Date to June 30, 1976-Dr. Wilbur C. Schoeder, 1976
Chemical Engineering-re Nuclear Reactor-Safety Regulations, Etc., 1973 & 1974
Chem. Eng. Nuclear Reactor-Safety, [1975-1976]
Div. II-Electrical Eng., 1976
Apt. to Dr. Lee D. Division as Prof., Dept. of Elec. Engineering, eft. August 17, 1976
Div. II, Mechanical Eng..., 1976
Md. Fire & Rescue Institute..., 1976
Md. Fire and Rescue Institute June 5, 1976-Hoglund's Ltr. to Chan. Gluckstern, [1976]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 252 (cont’d)
C. P. Md. Fire & Rescue Institute Use of Tome Hill Property-House Joint Res. no. 89, January
St. Planning-Program Specifications-Md. Fire and Rescue Inst., Ltr. of March 19, 1976
O'C. Md. Fire & Rescue Institute Funds for February 1976
Wed., September 8 at 3:30 p.m. Meeting on Md. Fire and Rescue Inst., [1976]
Md. Fire & Rescue Institute Regional Centers-Feasibility Study June 1, 1976 Sent to St.
Planning, June 28, 1976
[Loose Materials: Plan to Establish and Operate Regional Centers for Training Fire Fighters and
Rescue Personnel in the State of Maryland, June 1, 1976]
Senate Bill No. 785-(Creating Md. Fire and Rescue Institute-Eft. July 1, 1975), 1975
BOX 253
Dean, College of Engineering, 1975
Engineering-Nov. 30, Dec. 1, 2 & 3-Evaluation by ECPA-Hornbake's Comments, Oct., 10, 1975
Engineering-Apt. Dr. Donald J. Blair as Director, Office of Cooperative Education, July 1, 1970
September 28-Visit of China, People's Republic-C. P. Campus, 1975
Chemical Eng. Dept., 1975
Civil Eng. Dept., [1975]
Electrical Engineering-Re DeClaris' Statement on his Retention & Search Committee for
Chairman, March, 1975
Department of Electrical Engineering, January, 1974
E. E. Dept.
Thumbnail Sketches, [1966-1967]
Recent Memos, [1973-1974]
Electrical Eng.-Dr. J. L. Torres (Assoc. Prof. P. T.) Request for Inquiry, Feb. 10, 1975
Div. II-Physics & Astronomy..., 1976
Physics & Astronomy-Re E. F. Beall's Remarks on Mao Tse-Tung's Death, Sept. 1976
Physics & Astronomy-Ltr. June, August, 1976 to Internat'l Research & Exc. Bd. re Prof.
Levich..., 1976
Physics and Astronomy-Appeal of … re. Dept. Decision on Qualifying Exam from Ph.D., [1976)
Jan. 1, 1975-Dr. Elske v. P. Smith Acting Director-Astronomy, 1974
Div. II-Meteorology Program..., 1976
Fluid Dynamics & Appl. Math, Bd. Ref. Setting Up the Institute, (Minutes March 18, 1949 Bd.
Meeting), undated
Metereology Program & IFDAM-Extension for Helmut Landsberg to June 30, 1976
Dr. Helmut Landsberg-Prof. Emeritus in Meterology Program, Eft., July 1976 (Bd. Action Jan.
23, 1976)
Div. II-Mathematics, 1976
Physics-Cyclotron-Ltr. to Md. Congressional Delegation on Funds for NSF, May 12, 1976
Cyclotron-Background Material on Cyclotron Program & NSF Funding, May 1976
Md. Fire & Rescue Institute-Re Agreement with Health & Mental Hygiene-To Gluckstern), Aug.,
C. P. Salary Adjustments-Over 10% for Fire & Rescue Institute, July 1975
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 253 (cont’d)
Profes. Ephremides, Rhee, And Zaki...Promotion to Assoc. Prof., Elec. Engineering, Eft.
Jan. 1, 1975
Re Dr. Kawthar Zaki, Electrical Engineering-Not Recommended-(Ltrs. in July 1974),
Salary Increases for 3 fac. Ephremides, M. J. Rhee & K. A. Zaki, January 1975
Mechanical Engineering..., 1975
Head, Mechanical Engineering-Dr. James W. Dally-Prof. & Head-Eftc. Sept. 1, 1971-June 30,
Mechanical Eng.-Dr. John W. Jackson-Prof. Emeritus, Dept. of Mech. Eng.-Eft. March 21, 1975
Mechanical Engineering-Re Est. of Scholarship Fund-Memo of Understanding, August 14, 1974
Monday, Nov. 24 at 9 a. m. Greet Am. Physical Society-Auditorium of Center, [1975]
Physics & Astronomy-June 11, 1975 Laster's Letter to Peter F. O'Malley Re C. P. Campus,
Physics & Astronomy-re Ltrs Signed by Faculty & Opposed by David Luken..., July 25, 1974
Physics & Astronomy, [1975] (2f)
C. P. Physics & Astronomy, Tenure & Change in Title-Dr. B. Sechi Zorn-Assoc. Prof., Oct. 1975
Physics & Astronomy-Clark Lake (Comer Corporation), 1975
Int'l Society for Biometereology 7th Intern'l Congress, August 18-23, 1975
Dept. of Computer Sci. B.S. Degree in Comp. Sci.-Approved by MCHE on Jan. 4, 1974
Institute for Fluid Dynamics & Apl. Math, [1975]
Dept. of Meteorology-Prof. Alan J. Faller-Ltr. from John M. Mihaljan, January 1975
Mathematics-Dept. of, [1975]
Computer Science..., 1975
Marchello-University Representative on Gov. Commission on Fire Service...Apt. April, 1974
Engineering Technology Program-Approved by MCHE on May 7, 1974 (Bd. Approval on Jan.
25, 1974), [1974]
MCHE-Jan. 30, 1974-Transmittal of Program for B.S. in Engineering Technology (Bd. Apvd Jan.
25, 1974), [1974]
Dr. Charles Suskind, 10:30 a.m. on Wed., May 15, [1974]
Div. II
College of Engineering, 1974
Engineering, Aero-Space, 1974
Engineering, Chemical Engineering, 1974
Engineering, Civil Engineering, 1974
Engineering, Electrical Engineering, 1974
BOX 254
Div. II (cont'd)
Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, 1974
Engineering, Fire Protection Curriculum, 1974
Fluid Dynamics & Applied Mathematics-Gen. File, 1974
IFDAM-Emeritus Prof. of IFDAM Dr. Walter M. Elsasser-as of June 15, 1974 (Bd. Apv. June
21, 1974), [1974]
Fluid Dynamics-Colloquia on Public Health: Feb. 14, Feb 28; March 7, Mar. 21; April 4 & May
2..., 1973
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 254 (cont’d)
Div. II
Mathematics, Dept. of, 1974
Physics and Astronomy, 1974
Physics-Inst. of Molecular Physics, Apt. Dr. Robert J. Munn as Director, Effect. February 1,
Friday, April 26 at 12:30 p.m. Lunch-Pres. of Weizeman Insti., Room B-Center, 1974
Div. II, Cyclotron Lab, 1974
Computer Science-Dept of..., 1973-1974
Computer Science Center, Dr. William F. Atchinson as Director, Effec. September 1, 1966-1973
Fire Serv. Ext.-Capital Improvement Appropriations-As of Nov. 20, 1974, Holding-O'Connell...,
Dean, 1973
Agreement with Frostburg State College-Dual Degree Program..., June 1973
Aero-Space, 1973
Chemical, 1973
Appt.-Dr. Joseph M. Marchello as Head of Chemical Engineering-Effec. Feb. 1, 1967
Chem. Engineering-Re Manufact. Chemists Assn. 1973 Award, [1973]
Civil Engineering, 1973
Engineering-Civil Engineering, Dr. Robert M. Ragan as Head of Dept. of Civil Engineering, July
1, 1969
Electrical Engineering, 1973
Elect. Engineering-George Corcoran Memorial Award..., 1970
Mechanical Engineering-Marchinkowski, Electron Microscope Cent. Fac., Re E M Ventions &
Am. Council-Lab., 1973
Fire Service Extension, 1973
Fire Serv.-Dev. of Regional Training Center for Fire/Rescue Serv. Ed., Etc., September 1973
Fire Service Extension-Bainbridge Naval Training Center (Surplus-for Regional Training, 19731974
Fire Serv. Ext.-Capital Improvement Appropriations-Board Nov. 30, 1973, C. P. Facilities,
Fire Service-Portion of Charles County Property-Off. of Surplus Property Utilization, Nov. 1973
Fire Service Extension-Acquisition of 507 Acres of Land, La Plata (Board Item), March 1972
Fluid Dynamics, Institute of, General File..., 1973
Center for Materials Research, (Continuing) as Director Dr. Ellis R. Lippincott, July 1, 1973
Research-Center of Materials Sci., Lippincott, Ellis ARPA Director, 1967-1968
Grad. Sch. Research-(Center of Materials Research-Adv. Research Projects Agency), 1968-1969
V. P. Grad. Studies-Research, Dr. Harry C. Allen-Candidate for Directorship of Center of
Materials Research..., June, 1967
Grad. School Research-Cand. for Directorship-Center of Materials Research-Ambler, Ernest,
May 4-Ed. Policies for Center for Material Sciences, [1967]
Graduate School-Review Board for Adv. Research Projects Agency, (ARPA) US Office of
Defense, 1966-1967
ARPA, June 15 at 10:30-11:30 a.m., 1967
Center of Materials Research, Ad. Research Projects Agency & Transfer to NSF, December 14,
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 254 (cont’d)
Research-Pelczar-Re Contract US Army Missile Com. & Materials Research....Policy, August
11, 1970
Center for Materials Research, Lippincott's Research on Poly-Water...., June 1969
Mathematics, 1973
Dr. Piotr W. Mikulski on SREB Regional Committee on Statistics, 1972-1973
Dr. Joseph L. Walsh, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, Bd. Apvd. March 16, 1973 for
June 15, 1973
Dr. Leon W. Cohen, Emeritus Prof. of Mathematics-Apvd. Bd. March 16, 1973 for June
15, 1973
Apt. Dr. Wm. F. Atchison as Acting Chairman-Dept. of Computer Science, August 1, 1973
Physics and Astronomy, Dept. of, 1973
Apt. Dr. Evertt C. Carter as Chairman-Dept. of Civil Engineering, July 15, 1973
Physics and Astronomy Appts. & Promotions, 1973
Institute for Molecular Physics..., 1973
Physics & Astronomy-Laster's Ltr. re Meeting with Montgomery Delegation on Nov. 28, 1973
Computer Center (Administrative), Walter Gilbert-Acting Dir., July 6, 1973
Apt. Mr. John P. Menard as Director of the Computer Science Center, August 1, 1973
Chem. Eng. Dr. James Gentry-Director-Middle Atlantic Consortium on Air Pollution, Jan. 25,
O. C.-(Holding) President's Advisory Committee for Computing, September 1973
Bishop-Re Transfer of Roberson Grant to Uni. of Md. AIDP, Dec. 6, 1973
Computer Science Center-Re Educom-Advanced Research Projects Agency, Feb. 1972
Chemical Engineering-Re Am. Smelting and Refining Co. Scholarship, 1970-1971
Atchinson-Re Criticism-Phasing Out, July 7, 1972
Engineering, College of... General File, 1971
Computer Science Center, 1971
Engineering-Aerospace, 1971
Eng.-Chemical Engineering, 1971
Chemical Engineering-Agustin Diaz-Ph. D. Program (Dissertation), April-July, 1971
Engineering-Chemical Eng. Re Allied Chemical Foundation Scholarship..., 1968-1971
BOX 255
Chem. Engineering-Grant from Continental Oil Company, 1970-1971
Chem. Eng.
Report on License No. R-70, Atomic Energy Comm., November 15, 1971
Nuclear Reactor Facility Construction Plans & Request, June 30, 1969
Apt. of Dr. Vivian T. Stannett-Did Not Accept Offer..., 1971
Civil Engineering, 1971
Civil-Ahmed Y. Abdel-Razaq-Charges Against Dept. Head..., March-April, 1971
Electrical Engineering, 1971
Electrical-Rutelli-Plan for Intern. Sch. of Pure & Applied Math in Palermo, 1971
Mechanical Engineering, 1971
Emeritus-Dr. John R. Weske, Professor Emeritus-(Mech. Eng.), 1971
Fluid Dynamics & Applied Math, 1971
Inst. of Fluid Dynamics-Emeritus Staus-Dr. Monroe H. Martin-Effect. (Apv. Bd. on Sept. 17,
1971), October 1, 1971
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 255 (cont’d)
Fire Service Extension, 1971
Chem. Engineering
Re Hercules Incorporated Gift, 1969-1970
Apt. of Dr. Joseph Silverman as Advisor to AEC Pre-Doc. Res. Fellows..., February
Chemical Engineering Re-Gift from Sun Oil Co., 1968-1969
College of, Charles M. White Awards, 1960-1968
Chemical-US Atomic Energy-Authority in Charge of Nuclear Reactor-Decision Made,
Nov. 1967
Appt. Dr. Nicholas DeClaris as Prof. & Head, Dept. of Elec. Engin., December 1, 1967
Engineering-Chemical Eng., Dr. Erol Akin as Nuclear Reactor Director & Fac. Research Asst.,
Nov. 1, 1967
Chem. Engineering-Re Nuclear Reactor & US Atomic Energy Comm., 1967-1969
Aerospace Engineering Ref. Change of Name for Dept. from Aeronautical Eng., March 12, 1965
Engineering-Dean-White Foundation & Ford Foundation Forgivable Loan Program...., 19661967
Natural Resources Institute
Director, 1968
Appointments, 1968
Audit Report (Covering Review by Uni. Auditors), June 1967
Annual Report for Fiscal 1966 (Informal)..., 1968
Natural Resources, Joint Meeting-Natural Estuarine Pollution Study Annapolis, Oct. 30, 1968
Natural Resources Inst. Use of Marstellar Boat, Chesapeake Biol. Laboratory, April 26, 1968
Nat. Resources Inst. Use of Marstellar Boat-Chesapeake Biol. Laboratory, April 26, 1968
Natural Resources Institute
Annual Report Fiscal Year 1967, 1968-1969
Achievements (5-Year Report), 1966-1967
Re Construction-Western Md. Resources Center, Waetjen's Memo, 1967-1968
Senator Hall's Suggestions-Division of Environmental Research..., 1967-1968
Appointments, 1967
Director, 1967
General File, 1965
Research Project Pertaining to Jelly Fish in the Chesapeake Bay, 1965
Audit Report-University Auditors, July 1, 1964-June 30, 1965
Chesapeake Bay Institute. Dr. Ted S. Y. Koo, Research Prof., April 1, 1964
History of As State Dept. of Research & Education, 1961
Request for Leave of Absence, D. L. Eugene Cronin, 1964
Crisfield Seafood Proceeding Lab, A & S, 1965
Natural Resources Institute
General Files, 1963
Crisfield Recreation Center Surplus, Property..., 1963
Purchase of Boat, 1963
Audit Report, 1963
Natural Resources-Chesapeake Bay Seafood Industries Assn., Contract, 1963
Natural Resources Institute, Reports & Publications, 1963
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 255 (cont’d)
Crisfield Lab., Mahlon C. Tatro as Head of Lab. & Res. Assoc. Prof. in Natural Resources Inst.,
Feb. 1, 1963
Natural Resources Institute, General File, 1962
Institute of Natural Resources, Charge of Palmer Chemical & Equip. Co., Oct. 15, 1962
Nat. Resources Inst. Agreement-Water Pollution & Natural Resources (Signed Copy), Mar. 27,
Nat'l Resources Institute, Potomac Elec. Power Co., Structures in Patuxent River, 1962
Natural Resources Institute
Audit Reports on-by Cissel's Office, 1962
Proposal-Develop Softshell Industry in Md., 1962
Natural Resources-Property, Acq. of Property & Bldg., Naval Air Station Annex Near Solomons,
Md., 1962
12. Other Matters, Surplus Property, Tilghman Island, 1962
9. Other Matters-A. Natural Resources Inst., Classified to Academic Status of Personnel, 1962
Natural Resources
Properties, Purchase of Chesapeake Biological Lab (Dr. Bentz's Memo), 1962
General File, 1966
Natural Resources Institute, Appts. of Cronin, Koo Fluger, Schwartz & Sprague-Acd. Rank in
Zoology, 1966
Purchase of Property, Natural Resources Institute, 1961
Natural Resources Institute
General File, 1961
Seafood Processing Laboratory (as of July 1, 1961)
Solomons Island, Transfer & Dedication, June 16, 1961
Crisfield Seafood Lab., 1961
Crisfield Lab, Mrs. Kay S. Taylor, 1960-1961
Div. of Behavioral & Social Sciences, III-Apt. of Dr. Dudley Dillard as Acting Provost-Eft. July
1, 1976-1977
Dr. Mary E. Berry's Resignation-Accept Apt. as Chancellor, Uni.of Colorado, July 1, 1976
Mon. Jan. 12, 1976-31st Annual Sch. for Assessing Officers, Greet & Lunch, Noon on Mon. Jan.
12, 1976
Div. III-College of Business & Management..., 1976
Bus. & Mngt.-Dr. Eli W. Clemens (Retired) Prof. Emeritus as of, May 14, 1976
CP-Div. III: Col. of Bus. & Mgmt. Response to Univ. of Ill. RE "Separate Schools or Colleges of
Accountacy," Nov. 1976
Div. III-Col. of Bus. & Mgt., Economics Dept..., 1976
Dept. of Economics-Acting Chairman-Dr. Allen G. Gruchy,
August 17, 1975 to June 30, 1976
Apt. Dr. Peter Schmidt as Prof. Dept. of Economics-Eft., August 17, 1976
Bus. & Mgt. College
Geography Dept., 1976
Government & Politics Dept., 1976
Dr. Russell Hardin as Assoc. Prof.-Dept. of Gov. & Politics, Eft. August 17, 1976
Dr. Benjamin I. Page as Assoc. Prof.-Dept. of G & P, Eft. August 17, 1976
Dr. Joe A. Oppenheimer as Assoc. Prof.-Dept. of G & P, August 17, 1976
Div. III-Institute of Criminal Justice & Criminology, 1976
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 255 (cont’d)
C. P.-Re: Increase in Salary to August 17, 1975 for
Dr. Vincent L. Morando, Urban Studies, Jan. 1976
Div. III-Institute for Urban Studies: Internal Auditor's Rpt. Of Sept., 1976, Settled Dec., 1976
Psychology...., 1976
Psychology, Dept. of, Re Gail Schecter (Grad. Student) on Grades...., 1976
Dr. Merilyn J. Penner as Assoc. Prof. Dept. of Psychology Eft. August 17, 1976
Dr. Morris Rosenberg as Prof., Dept. of Sociology, August 17, 1976
Dr. Harriet Presser-Prof. in Dept. of Sociology, 10 Month, August 17, 1976
Mon. Dec. 13-Greet Conf. on Public Relations Conf. Board.-9 a.m.-Center (Tent), Dec. 13, 1976
Div. III-Adm. Apts..., 1974-1975
Div. of Behavioral & Social Sciences-Re: Wash. Star Reporter & April 4, 1975 Meeting of
African Heritage Study Meet., [1975]
Apt. Dr. Micah S. Tsomondo as Assoc. Prof.-Afro-Am. Studies Program, Eft. August 17, 1976
Behav. & Social Sciences-Afro-Am. Studies Program-Apvd. By MCHE on Jan. 4, 1974
C. P. Proposed Bach. of Arts Degree in Afro-American Studies, March & April 1973
Afro-Amecrican Studies Program, [1972]
BOX 256
Bus. & Mgt., College of, Gen., 1975
Apt. Dr. Ian I. Mitroff as Prof. in Col. of Business & Management, [1975]
Business Mgt. Dean-Re Offering Courses at Tatung Inst. of Technology & Check for September
3, 1975
Dean-College of Bus. & Mgt.-Re-Dean Lamone's Absence from Campus..., June 1975
Business, College of, Release of ASAE Program-Downtown Courses..., 1975
Div. III-Economics..., 1975
Div. III-Economics, Appointments & Promotions, 1975
Economics-Retirement of Dr. Dudley Dillard as Chairman, August, 1975
Wed., March 5, at 10:30 a.m., Dr. Marvin A. Jolson, 1975
Wed. Feb. 19 at 10 a.m.-Talk with Dr. Berry-Jolson Case, [1975]
Thursday, February 6 at 12:30 see Dr. Marvin A. Jolson, [1975]
Dr. Marvin A. Jolson-Bus. & Mgt., 1975
Weinstein-Ch. Public Sector Labor Relations Conference Bd., Economics..., 1975
Dept. of Geography-Dr. L. Schuyler Fonaroff as Act. Chairman, August 1, 1974-June 30, 1975
Inst. for Urban Studies-Wed. Oct. 29, 3 p.m.-Award of Certificates, 1975
Apt. Dr. Robert L. Bish as Assoc. Prof.-Institute for Urban Studies, EFT, January 15, 1976
Dept. of Geography-Uni. of Md. Urban Assembly-Dr. Robert A. Harper Chairman...., 1974-1975
Bus. & Mgt.-Government & Politics, 1974
Div. III-Dept. of Government & Politics..., 1975
Government & Politics-Apts. Promotions..., 1975
Apt.-Eft.-G & P Dr. Oran R. Young as Professor, August 17, 1976
Conf. on Politics and the Environment-Center, April 16 at a. m., 1974
Bureau of Bus. & Econ. Research, 1975
Dept. of Information Systems Management-Chairman-Dr. Benjamin F. Courtright, Jr., March 15,
BPA-Dept. of Inf. Systems Management-Apt. of Dr. Benjamin F. Courtright, Jr.-July 1, 1970.....,
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 256 (cont’d)
Dept. of Anthropology, 1975
Dept. of Psychology, 1975
Department of Sociology..., 1975
Institute of Criminal Justice & Criminology..., 1975
Inst. of Criminal Justice-Reply to Gov. Comm on Law Enforcement, August 29, 1975
Criminal Justice-Paul Lee Increase in Salary, March 1, 1975
Division III-Women's Studies Appointments..., 1975
Speech & Hearing Science, 1975-1974
Hearing & Speech Sciences-Ltr. from C. Calvert Hines..., March 1975
Div. III-College of Business & Management...., Dean's File, 1974
Apt. Dr. Stephen E. Loeb as Chairman of Division of Accounting, July 15, 1973
Bus. & Mgt.
Economics, 1974
Geography, 1974
Geo. (Urban Studies) B.A. & M.A. Aprv., by MCHE (with Condition), Nov. 15, 1973
BPA-Govt. & Politics-Dr. Don Piper as Head-Effect., July 1, 1968, (Resigned-June 30, 1974)
Bus. & Mgt.-Bureau of Governmental Research..., 1974
Greet-Dec. 12 at 9:30 a.m. Md. Assn. of Counties-Center..., 1974
Div. III-Psychology, 1974
Psychology-Increase of 2,000 in Salary, Dr. James Barrett 1974-1975-Aprv. Elkins, September,
27, 1974
Div. III-Sociology, 1974
Div. III-Institute for Criminal Justice & Criminology, 1974
Inst. of Criminal Justice & Criminology-Re LEAA Consortium-Signed Nov. 16, 1973...., 1974
Institute of Criminal Justice & Criminology, December, 1972
Div. IV-Arts & Humanities Gen. File, 1974
Division of Behavioral & Social Sciences, Interim Chairman-Dr. Mary F. Berry, March 19, 1973
Business & Management, College of, Dean..., 1973
BPA-Dean-Re Mrs. John Easter & Portrait of Senator Millard E. Tydings, January 1973
Acting Dean-BPA, Dr. Joseph F. Metz, June 30, 1973
Associate Dean-Apt. of Dr. Dwight L. Gentry-Effec., July 1, 1968
Dean-Re Preparation for Publication of Governor Tawes' Papers..., 1966-1967
Economics, Dept. of..., 1973
Monday, Dec. 10 at 9:30 a. m. Welcome Public Sector Labor Relations Group-Center..., 1973
Geography, Department of, 1973
Geo... Urban Studies..., 1973
Government & Politics, Dept., 1973
Dept. of Govt. & Politics, Rockefeller, Lawrence S.-Gift of Thikol Chem. Corp. Stock,
Bureau of Bus. & Econ. Research, [1972-1973]
Business & Mgt., College of-Re. Bureau of Bus. & Economic Research Contract with St.
Planning...., 1973-1974
Governmental Research, Jean Spencer-Cont. of Leave, Appt. with V. P. of U. S...., Feb.
Govt. Research-Md. Assessing Officers-January 13, 1972
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 256 (cont’d)
Information Systems Management..., 1973
Com. to Dev. an Interim Plan of Org. C. P.
General File, 1970
Apt. Chr.-Burdette & Members, August 12, 1970
Psychology, 1973
A & S-Dept. of Psychology APPT Head-Dr. Claude J. Bartlett, Effective July 1, 1968
Apt. of Dr. Ronald C. Federico as Acting Chairman, July 1, 1972
(Withdrawn) Dr. Wm. T. Liu as (Chairman), February 1973
Anthropology-Re Professor Thurman & Junket to France, 1973
Institute of Criminal Justice & Criminology..., 1973
Div. III-Behavioral Social Sciences, General File...., 1977
Div. III-Behavioral & Social Sciences, State of the Division in 1976-1977 by Dudley Dillard,
Apt. Stewart L. Edelstein as Asst. Provost in Behav. & Social Sci. Eft., August 22, 1977
8:30 a.m. Monday, March 28, 1977, Candidate-Div. III (Behavioral, Etc.), Dr. Samuel Krislov,
2 p. m. Friday, March 18-Dr. Nancy Gonzales-Cand. Provost, Div. III, [1976-1977]
Div. III-College of Business & Management, General File, [1977]
Apt. of Dr. Kathryn M. Bartol as Assoc. Prof.-Col. of Bus. & Mgt., Eft. August 17, 1977
Apt. Dr. Lawrence D. Bodin as Assoc. Prof. College of Bus. & Management, Eft. August 17,
1977, [1976-1977]
Bus. Mgt. Extension to June 30, 1977 for Dr. C. Clinton Spivey-to Md. St. Dept of Ed., [1976]
Apt. Dr. Jeffrey F. Jaffe, Assoc. Prof. of Finance-Bus. & Mgt., August 15, 1977
Div. III, Economics, Dept. of, 1977
Dr. Sanford J. Grossman as Prof., Dept. of Economics, Eft. August 17, 1978
Apt. Dr. Dennis Mueller as Prof., Dept. of Economics, Eft. August 17, 1977
Dept. of Economics-Dr. Allan G. Gruchy-Prof. Emeritus of Economics, Eft. June 16, 1977 (Bd.
on Mar. 25, 1977)
Economics, Dept. of, Delay of Retirement for Dr. Allan Gruchy-to June 15, 1976
Div. III-Institute for Urban Studies..., 1977
Apt. Dr. Charles H. Levin as an Assoc. Prof.-Inst. of Urban Studies, Eft. August 17, 1977
Govt. & Politics.-"Festschrift" Volume Presented to Dr. Conley H. Dillon..., 1977
Emeritus-Dr. Conley H. Dillon, Prof. Emeritus, Dept. of Government & Politics-Bd. March 25,
Gov. & Politics, Dr. Conley H. Dillon, Extension to June 15, 1977
Govt. & Politics-Apt. Dr. Davis B. Bobrow to SBHE-Research Adv. Com., August 24, 1977
BOX 257
Apt. Government & Politics-Chairman-Dr. Davis B. Bobrow, July 1, 1974 to Oct. 1, 1977
Div. III-Psychology, Dept. of, 1977
Psychology, Dept.-Dr. Marilynn J. Penner-Increase in Salary to 26,000 Retroactive, Aug. 17,
Apt. Dr. Edison J. Trickett as Prof., Dept. of Psychology, Eft. August 17, 1977
Dept. of Psychology-Dr. Robert S. Waldrop, Prof. Emeritus, Dept. of Psychology-Eft. Sept. 16,
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 257 (cont’d)
Div. III-Sociology, 1977
Apt. Dr. Richard H. Brown-Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Sociology, Eft. August 17, 1977
Apt. Dr. K. C. W. Kammeyer-Chairman & Professor-Department of Sociology, July 1, 1974August 17, 1979
Div. III-Speech & Hearing Sciences, 1977
Apt. Dr. Hayes A. Newby-Chairman, Dept. of Hearing & Speech Sciences, January 1, 1974
Apt. Dr. Grace H. Yeni-Komshian as Assoc. Prof., Linguistics Program, Eft. August 17, 1977
Dept. of Anthropology
Apvd., June 21, 1974
Separate from Sociology-Effective July 1, 1974
Div. III-Afro-American Studies, 1973-1974
Education, College of-Re Program with Saudi Arabia-from Pelczar, Also Dr., Kaplan's Ltr., May,
Div. V-Center on Aging, 1975
College of Education-Center for Young Children (Request for Combination), April 25, 1975
Apt.-Dr. Marjorie H. Gardner as Associate Dean--College of Education-Eft. July 1, 1975
Ed. College of-Dr. Nancy K. Schlossberg-Visiting Professor Who Will Visit Dr. E...., May 1974
Ed. Administration, Supervision & Curriculum..., 1975
Emeritus Status-Dr. James A. Van Zwoll-Prof. Emeritus-Dept. of Adm., Sup., Etc., Eft.
September 1, 1975
Ed. Counseling & Personnel Services..., 1975
Apt. Dr. Robert Emans As Full Prof.-with Tenure-Dept. of Early Childhood Elem., Eft. Oct. 1,
Ed.-Early Childhood-Elementary Ed., [1973-1974]
Ed. Industrial Education..., 1975
Ind. Education-Rec. of Md. Congress of Parents & Teachers-Structure & Governance, Jan. 3,
Inst. for Child Study-Dr. Madeline Mershon-Prof. Emerita, June 15, 1973
Inst. for Child Study-Dr. Fred R. Thompson-Prof. Emeritus, June 15, 1973
Ed. Secondary Education..., 1975
Secondary Ed.-Dr. E. G. Campbell, Acting Head-Fall Semester 1974, Aug. 15, 1974 to Jan. 15,
Ed. Special Education, 1975
Dept. of Special Education-Acting Chairman, Prof. Betty H. Simms, Spring to June 15, 1974
Ed...Bureau of Educational Research & Field Services-Dr. Henry Walbasser-Director..., Aug. 15,
Div. V.-College of Education, Dean's File, 1974
Div. V-Ed. Administration, Supervision & Curriculum, 1974
Counseling & Personnel Services, Dr. David J. Rhoads as Acting Chr., August 1, 1972December 31, 1972
Industrial Ed., Change of Title of Program to Industrial Technology-Bd. Action May 17, 1974
Education-Industrial Ed. Bldg.-Additions, Etc. to Gen. Services Bid-Hill & Kimmel, Jan. 31,
Div. V-Education, Secondary Education, 1974
Div. V.-Education Special Education, 1974
Special Education-Dr. Eric Seidman as Acting Chairman, August 15, 1973-June 15, 1974
College of Physical Education, Recreation & Health, 1973
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 257 (cont’d)
Phy. Ed., Rec. & Health, Dr. Lester M. Fraley as Dean Emeritus & Emeritus Prof. of Phy. Ed.,
Jan. 19, 1973
Phy. Ed.-Dr. Anne Ingram's Complaint re Pay Thru Uni. College, May 1973
Phy. Education-Dr. Anne G. Ingram-Re "Beliefs of Women Faculty About Discrimination," May
Library & Information Services..., 1973
Lib. & Information Services-James C. Welbourne's Charge to Bishop on Discrimination (Racial),
Nov.-Dec., 1972-1973
Lib. & Inf. Services-Case of Anthony E. Hillary-Complaint to Reg. of for Civil Rights, July
Inst. for Child Study-Dr. B. Lucille Bowie-Prof. Emerita, June 15, 1973
Education, College of, Carbone's Ltr. to Callcott re Promotion of Dr. Karl Gettle...., 1973
Education, College of
Re 7-Year Teacher Education Study Supported by NASULGC, March 1970
Dean, [1973-1972]
Apt. of Dr. Donald Maley as Acting Dean--Eft. September 17, 1973
Dr. Robert F. Carbone-Recommendation-Pres. Mankato State College, 1973
Dr. Vernon E. Anderson, Professor Emeritus of Education, Eft. July 1, 1973
College of-August 31, 1970-Retirement of Dr. Vernon E. Anderson as Dean..., 1970
Education, College, Industrial Education, 1973
Industrial Education-Dr. Kenneth F. Stough-Acting Chairman-Eff. September 17, 1973
Education, College, Special Education..., 1973
Ed. Special Education-Re Program Behavioral Disabilities at Wisconsin-Kornberg, Warren, 1973
Ed. Special Ed. Dept. Dr. Hebeler as Head, [1972-1973]
Education-Dept. of Special Education, Dr. Jean R. Hebeler as Head, July 1, 1967
Ed., College of-Undergraduate Program in Special Education-Appvd. by Board, March 22, 1968
Education-Dr. James Raths-Rep. to Nat'l Capital Area Ed. Forum, September, 1970-1971
Education-Bureau of Ed. Research-Agreement-Human Relations Study Center-St. Dept. of Ed...,
Feb. 19, 1968
Education-Dean..., 1971
Apt. Dr. George Funaro as Assoc. Dean, College of Education, Sept. 1, 1971
Ed.-Dept. of Administration, Supervision & Curriculum Study, 1971
Education, Col. of-Laboratory Experience-Dr. James Greenberg as Head, July 1, 1971
Ed. Dept. of Early Childhood-Elementary Education..., 1971
Head, Dept. of Early Childhood-Elementary Education-Dr. V. Phillips Weaver, September 1,
Ed.-Early Childhood
Elem. Ed.-Resign. of Dr. Robt. V. Duffey as Head (Will Teach), September 1, 1971
Mrs. Margaret A. Stant-Asst. Prof. Emerita-Bd. Aprvd., June 18, 1971
Early Childhood-Elem.-Dr. Alvin W. Schindler-Professor, Emeritus-Bd. Aprvd., June 18,
Institute for Child Study, 1971
Secondary Education..., 1971
Dr. Arthur Adkins & Inquiry Re Human Relations Code, Nov. 1971
Industrial Education..., 1971
Special Education..., 1971
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 257 (cont’d)
Ed. (cont’d)
Counseling & Personnel Services, 1971
BOX 258
National Center for Ed. Media Meeting with Education, Etc. 11:15 a. m. Wed., October 28, 1970
3. Discussion of a Proposal from College of Education, [1970-1971]
Education, College of, General File, 1970
1970-Education, College of, Misc. File, 1970
Ed., College of
Delegate Assembly Report, September 25, 1970
Re St. Dept. of Ed. Teacher Education Advisory Council of Md...., July 1970
Education, College of, Cases of Carmella Majestro and Mrs. Margaret Cuomo, 1970-1971
Speak to Dr. Wiggin's Class, April 15-from 1 to 2:30, 1970
Talk to Dr. Wiggin's Class, April 4 at 1:30 p.m., 1966
Education, College of, Re Mrs. Katherine Griffith & Certification, March 1970
Education, Dean-American School Counselor Association, 1970
Ed., College of-Internship Program with University of the West Indies, 1979
Education, College of
Relationship with University of West Indies, Internship Program..., 1968
Internship Program, Am. Assn. of Colleges for Teacher Ed. Sept. 1968 Acd. Year, 19681969
July 1, 1969 to Jan. 31, 1970-Dr. George Funaro, Acting Associate Dean..., 1970
August 1, 1969-Feb. 1, 1970-Dr. L. Morris McClure, Sabbatical Leave..., 1970
Brechbill Lectures, 1969
Dr. Phillips V. Weaver-Rep. to the Md. State Teachers Assn..., 1968
Education, Project Headstart, 1969
Education, College of
Lillian W. Brown's Professional Library & Publications, MSS., 1966-1967
Re International Reading Association Meeting in Balt., 1969-1970
Early Childhood-Elementary Ed., 1970
Institute for Child Study, 1970
Secondary Education, 1970
Industrial Education, 1970
Ind. Ed. George R. Merrill, Jr., Memorial Student Aid Fund (Accept. by Bd. November 22,
1968), [1968]
Ed., College of-Industrial Education March 24, 1968-Death of George R. Merrill-Funeral, March
27, 1968
Administration, Supervision & Curriculum, College of Education, 1970
Ed. Resignation of Prof. James Dudley as Head-Dept. of Adm., Supervision & Curriculum, Sept.
1, 1971
Education-Dept. Adm. Supervision & Curriculum-Dr. James Dudley as Head, July 1, 1968
Education-Dept. of Adm., Supervision & Curriculum-Dr. James Dudley Acting Head, Eff. July 1,
Education, Special Education, 1970
Ed.-Spec. Ed.-Hebler-Re Fiscal Serv. on Const. of Training School for Deaf Teachers of, 1970
Counseling & Personnel Services, College of Education, [1970]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 258 (cont’d)
Education, Measurement & Statistics, 1970
Nursery-Kindg. Lab School, Director, [1967 & 1970]
Re National Consortium, October 1970
Department of Measurement and Statistics-Appr. by Bd. on November 21, 1969
Bureau of Educational Research, 1970
Education, College of
Dean's Files, 1969
Interprofessional Research Commission on Pupil Personnel Services, 1969
Col. of Education-Re Eyler's Ltr. on Requirement for Adm. to Teacher Education..., 1968-1969
Education, Dean-Dept. of Social Foundations-Not Approved by Board on Nov. 21, 1969
Education-Recommended Priorities for College of Education, September 4, 1969
College of Education-Re Case of James Partello, Jr., & Degree in Education..., June 1969
Education, College of, Pre-Registration of Sharleen N. Wagner-Part-Time Student, May, 1969
Practice Teaching of Sandy Okon, April 1969
Dean-Report on Visit-Graduate Program in Far East Division, April 28, 1969
Education, College of
Upward Bound Program, 1969-1968
Educational Technology Center, 1969
Nursery and Kindergarten Lab, 1969
Early Childhood and Elementary Edu., 1969
Institute for Child Study, 1969
Secondary Education, 1969
Secondary Education, Appointments and Promotions, 1969
Secondary Education-Re Course EDSE 88 & Living-Learning Unit..., 1969
Ed.-Dept. of Secondary Ed.-Release of Joel Carrington from City Sch. System..., 1969
Education, College of
Industrial Education, 1969
Industrial Education-Appts. and Prom., 1969
Administration, Supervision and Curriculum, 1969
Special Education, 1969
Counseling and Personnel Services, 1969
Bureau of Education Research and Field Services, 1969
Evaluation Team for College of Education, September 29, 1965
Report-Appendix A-Prepararation of Ed. Administrators, September, 1965
The Faculty for Teacher Education, University of Maryland College Park, Maryland, September,
Teacher Education at the University of Maryland, Report to the National Council for the
Accreditation of Teacher Education, September, 1965
Div. V
Human & Community Resources, Provost---Gen. File, 1977
Education, College of, 1977
Thursday, Sept. 15-Brechbill Lecture-6:30 Social Dinner & Lecture at A. P. Center, 1977
Div. V.-Ed.-Adm., Supervision & Curriculum, 1977
Inst. for Child Study-Dr. John J. Kurtz-Prof. Emeritus-May 13, 1977 Bd. Approval, July 1, 1977
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 258 (cont’d)
Div. V-Education
Industrial Education..., 1977
Secondary Education, 1977
Dept. of Education, Counseling and Personnel Services, 1977
Div. V
Human & Community Resources..., 1976
Education, College of, 1976
Dr. E. G. Campbell, Asst. to Dean, College of Education, July 1, 1975-August 16, 1976
Apt. Dr. H. Gerthon Morgan as Acting Dean--College of Education, Eft. July 1, 1976
Emerita Prof. Dr. Gladys A. Wiggin, Dept. of Adm., Supervision & Curriculum, June 26, 1976
Div. V-Education, Secondary Education, 1976
BOX 259
Div. V-Education, Special Educaion, 1976
Meas. & Statis., Dr. J. F. Gilbert, July 1, 1970
Div. V-Education, Industrial Education, 1976
Individual Education-Ded. of Addition at 2:30 p.m., April 2, 1976
Div. V
Education, National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education, March 1-3, 1976
Human Ecology, Gen. File..., 1976-1977
Human Ecology, Family & Community Development, 1976-1977
Human Ecology, Textiles and Consumer Economics, [1976-1977]
Human & Community Resources-Provost File, 1975
Human Ecology-General File, Div. V, 1975
College of Human Ecology-Apt. Dr. Elizabeth Williams Brabble-as Acting Dean, January 1,
Human Ecology
Dept. of Family & Community Development..., 1975
Fam. & Community Dev., Adventure in Living, Ltr. on, April 5-6, 1975
Dept. of Food, Nutrition & Institution Administration, 1975
Dept. of Textiles and Consumer Economics..., 1975
Division of Human & Community Resources-Interim Chairman, Dr. George J. Funaro, April 19,
Div. V-Library & Information Services-Dean's File..., 1975
Lib. & Information Services, College of-Rita Matcher Case-Lapides, A. Stark, Etc., November 7,
Div. V-Physical Ed., Recreation & Health-General File, 1975
Dept. of Physical Ed.-Case of Dr. James H. Humphrey-Salary Adjustment, Oct.-Nov., 1975
Div. V-Phys. Ed., Rec., & Health, Department of Physical Education, 1975
Phy. Ed., Apt. of Asst. Prof. Charlote A. Leedy as Acting Chairman of Department of
Recreation, January 1, 1975
Physical Ed., Recreation & Health, Acting Dean-Dr. John Burt, August 1, 1975 to Jan. 15, 1976
Div. V
Human & Community Resources, Provost's File, 1974
Human Ecology, General File, 1974
Human Ecology, Food, Nutrition & Institution Adm..., 1974
Human Ecology Housing & Applied Design, 1974
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 259 (cont’d)
Dept. of Adm., Supervision & Curriculum-Act. Chrm. Dr. E. Robert Stephens, August 15, 1972January 14, 1973
Resignation of Dr. Marjory Brooks as Dean-Human Ecology, December 31, 1973
Dr. Marjory Brooks-Appt. as Dean, College of Home Economics-Effective, September 1, 1967
Home Economics-Announcement to Home Economics Faculty of Appt. of Dr. Marjory Brooks
as Dean, July 12, 1967
Home Ec.-Dept of Housing & Applied Design, Dr. Elizabeth Brabble as Acting Chairman,
August 15, 1972
Monday, December 3, from 8 to 11 p.m. Stu. Fac. Crafts Show-Architecture Gallery, [1973]
Human Ecology-Advisory Board to College, May 1973
Div. V-Physical Education, Recreation & Health, 1974
Physical Education-25th Anniversary of College of Physical Ed., Recreation & Health-Elkins
Message, [1973]
Div. V-Physical Education, Recreation & Health, Eyler's Sport History, 1974
Friday, February 22-7 p. m. Dinner, Physical Ed. Anniversary-Center of Adult Education, 1974
SBHE-Ph.D. Program in Textiles & Consumer Economics-Apvd. Bd. Jan. 21, 1977
Dept. of Phy. Ed.-B.S. in Kinesiological Sciences-Aprvd. by MCHE on Jan. 4, 1974
Home Economics
Misc. File, 1972
Apts. & Promotions, 1971
Graduate Program in Nutritional Science-To be Governed by Interdisciplinary Com..., Apv. 1971
Home Economics
Joint Graduate Program-M.S. & Ph.D. in Nutritional Sci. w/ Agri. Apv. Bd., May 14,
Change of Name-Dept. of Textiles & Consumer Economics-Bd. Apv. May 14, 1971
Program in Consumer Economics-Aprv. by Board, May 14, 1971
College of, General File..., 1970
College of, Nutrition Foundation Grant to Dept. of Food, Etc., 1968-1970
Dept. of Textiles & Clothing-Dr. Betty F. Smith as Professor & Head-Effect. July 1,
College of, Appts. & Promotions, 1970
General File, 1969
Appts. Promotions, 1969
Prof. T. Faye Mitchell-Emeritus Professor, Oct. 1, 1969-Bd. Act., September, [1969]
Home Economics--Demonstration-Black Student Union Rally-Experimental Study, October 22,
Re Deanship of The College of Home Economics Materials, 1957
Div. V-Library & Information Services-Gen. File, 1976 & 1977
Library & Information Services
Dr. Henry J. Dubster-Acting Dean-Efct. July 1, 1975
Re Extension Courses in Baltimore, Report on, July 8, 1976
Dr. Laurence Heilprin-Prof. Emeritus-Col. of Library & Inform. Services..., June 16, 1976
Library and Information Services
Misc., 1971
Apts. & Promotions, 1971
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 259 (cont’d)
Sch. of Library & Information Services Specialist Project, August 1971
Library and Information Services
College of, 1970
Re Grants from Bureau of Libraries-US Off. of Ed.-May, June, Etc., 1970
Library, School of-Ralph T. Esterquest, Sch. of Mrs. Vivian Woods Fitzgerald..., 1969-1970
9 a.m. Friday, June 11, Dr. Allen F. Hershfield-Cand., School of Library Science & Information,
Library Science-James W. Liesener-Acting Dean, Dec. 1970-1971
School of Lib. & Information Services-July 1, 1970, Resign. of Wasserman as Dean-Cont. as
Professor..., 1970
School of Library Science-Appt. of Dr. Paul Wasserman as Dean..., 1964
Lib. & Information Services, Appts. & Promotions, [1970]
BOX 260
Ph.D. Program in Library & Information-Grad Council, December 17, 1968
Library and Information Services
General File, 1969
Appts. and Promotions, 1969
Sch. Library and Information Services-Annual Report of Activities, 1968-1969, 1969
Sch. of Lib. & Inf. Services-Dr. Edwin E. Olson-Assoc. Prof. Feb. 1, 1969
Div. V-Physical Education, Recreation and Health , 1976-1977
Dept. of Phys. Educ.-Recreational Admittance Policy & Ltr. from Gerelad M. Bowers of Dental
School, December, 1975
Div. V-Phy. Ed., Rec. & Health
Physical Ed. Dept., 1976-1977
Recreation Dept., 1976-1977
Apt. Dr. Peter J. Verhovan as Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Recreation, Eft. August 17, 1977
Dept. of Recreation-Apt. Dr. Frederick R. Kuss as Assoc. Prof., Department of Recreation,
August 17, 1976
Physical Education, Recreation and Health
Misc., 1971
Apts. & Promotions..., 1971
Phy. Ed.
Dr. John N. Burt as Head & Prof. of Dept. of Health Education, Eft. September 1, 1971
Retirement as Dean of L. M. Fraley as of June 30, 1971-Cont. as Prof. to June 30, 1972
Physical Education, Recreation & Health
Gen. File, 1970
Apts. & Promotions..., 1970
Phy. Ed., College of, Faculty Meeting-Minutes of Meeting, May 7, 1969
Physical Ed., Recreation and Health, Dean's File..., 1969
Physical Ed., Appts. & Programs, 1969
Physical Ed., Recreation & Health-Eyler's 3 of 4 Monographs in Quest..., 1969
Physical Education-Possible Site of New Building, (Bd. Discussion, May 17, 1968), [1968]
Physical Ed., Rec. & Health, Re: Dr. Warren R. Johnson, 1969
Div. IV-Arts & Humanities, General File...1977
Div. IV-Arts & Humanities: American Studies Program, "Soap Opera Course," 1977
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 260 (cont’d)
Program of Am. Studies-Dr. Myron Londsbury as Director of Program, January 1, 1974
March 7 at 7 p. m.-Visiting Com., Sch. of Architecture, 1974
School of Architecture: Continuation of Employment for Orin M. Bullock, Jr., From Orin M.
Bullock, Jr., from August 17, 1976 to June 15, 1977
Apt. Mr. David Lord as Assoc. Prof., School of Architecture-Eft. August 17, 1977
Architecture-Prof. Joseph Zalawski as Kea Distinguished Prof., 1976-1977
Div. IV, Journalism, College of, 1977
Apt. Dr. Lee M. Brown as Assoc. Prof.-College of Journalism Eft. August 17, 1977
Div. IV, Art, Dept. of, 1977
Art-Prendergast Exhibit (Sept. 21, 1976), [1976]
Div. IV, Dance, Dept. of, 1977
Emeritus Status-Dr. Dorothy G. Madden-Prof. Emerita of Dance, Effective, June 16, 1977
Div. IV, English, Dept. of, 1977
Dept. of English-Extension of Retirement Date for Dr. James Walt, June 15, 1977
Apt.-R. Calhoun Winton as Acting Chairman of Dept. of English, August 17, 1976 to August 16,
Apt. Dr. Joseph A. Wittreich as a Prof. Dept. of English-Eft. August 17, 1977
Div. IV-Languages, Germanic & Slavic Langs., 1977
Dr. John Glad as Assoc. Prof. in Dept. of Germanic & Slavic Languages & Lit., Eft. August 17,
Div. IV, Spanish & Portuguese, 1977
Div. IV-History Dept., 1977
History-Re Denise P. Moore & Law Firm of Henry I. Newburger, October, 1977
Div. IV-Music Dept., 1977
Music-International Piano Festival & Competition, July 31 to August 6, 1977
Bands-Dept. of Music, 1976-1977
Music, Bands...., 1975
Dept. of Philosophy-Apt. of Dr. Dudley Shapere as a Prof., Salary Adjustment, August 17, 1976July 1976
Div. IV, Speech & Dramatic Art, 1977
6:45 to 7:45 p. m. Thursday, Nov. 10 Recept. 6:45 to 7:45 p.m. 8:00-Death of a Salesman..., 1977
Thursday, Oct. 6 at 6:45 to &:45 p.m. Reception for Elkins before Play at 8 p.m., [1977]
Thursday, April 14, Play and Recognition-Tickets, 1977
Div. 3 & 4 Am. Studies Program-Certificate in Women's Studies-Apv. Bd., Nov. 19, 1976
Am. Studies Program-Dr. Ray B. Brown as Visiting Prof. Until August 17, 1976
School of Architecture, General File, 1976
Architecture-B.S. Degree in Urban Studies-Architecture-Apv. Bd. November 19, 1976
College of Journalism, General File..., 1976
College of Journalism-Re Services to Assn. for Ed. in Journalism by Uni. College on July 31,
August 4, 1976
College of Journalism-Acting Dean-Dr. L. John Martin-from Aug. 17, 1975 to January 15, 1976
Department of Art, General File..., 1976
Hold for Chan. Rec. Apt. of David C. Driskell-Prof., Dept. of Art, Spring Semester, 1976-77
Department of English-General File, 1976
Apt. Dr. Samuel Schoenbaum as Prof., Dept. of English-Effective July 1, 1976
Apt. Dr. Edmund L. Epstein as Prof., Dept. of English-Eft. Aug. 17, 1976
Apt. Dr. Peter U. Beicken as Assoc. Prof., Dept. Germanic & Slavic Langs., Eft. August 17, 1976
Oriental-Hebrew Program, Gen. File..., 1976
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 260 (cont’d)
4 p. m. Wed., Feb. 4-Room 2106, Foreign Languages Bldg. Reception & Open House, 1976
Dept. of Spanish & Portuguese, Gen. File..., 1976
History, Dept. of, Gen. File..., 1976
Hist. Dept-Re Bicentennial Symposia in Heidelberg (Summer) CP-(Oct.), 1976
Music, Dept. of, General File...., 1976
Music-Springmann, Fague-Re Mrs. Vivian Springman Leach & Child Support..., August 1976
Music-Bands-Music from D. W. Engel-Response from Wakefield, March 23, 1976, [1976]
Music & Sec. Education-Extension of Age of Retirement for Dr. Corwin Taylor to June 1976
Dept. of Philosophy, Gen. File..., 1976
Speech & Dramatic Art
Dept. Gen. File..., 1976
Recept. in Honor of Comp. Goldstein, Nov. 4, 1976
Architecture-Employment of Donlyn Lyndon & Mr. Larry Linder, Kea Dist. Professorship...,
August 8, 1975
Div. IV-Dr. Mary W. Burger as a Asst. Provost, Eft. July 1, 1975
Provost-Div. IV-Arts & Humanities, Mini-Guide to Courses, July 1975
School of Architecture, 1975
November 6 at 6-6:30 p. m. Architecture Reception, Dinner & Lecture..., 1975
Kea Dist. Prof.-Carles Enric Vallhonrat-Eft. August 17, 1974 for one Year (no Tenure),
Dr. Fogle-re Brazilian Students, 10 a.m. (Partners of the Americas), Jan. 31, 1975
College of Journalism, 1975
Journalism, College of, Dr. D. Earl Newsom's Ltr. on Conditions..., April, 1975
June 2-Greet (Monday, June 2) 10 a. m. Latin Am. Journalists, Center, 1975
BOX 261
Department of Art, 1975
Ltr. from O'Malley re Planning, July 11, 1975
Oct. 2, 6:45-7:45 p. m. Reception 8 p. m. Play-10th Anniversary, Tawes Fine Arts-Tickets, 1975
Dance, Dept. of, Mark Ryder, Resignation Effective August 17, 1975
Apt.-Mark Ryder (As Assoc. Prof.) and Chairman-Dept. of Dance, August 1, 1973
English, Dept. of...., 1974 & 1975
English-Dr. Charles Manning-Prof. Emeritus of English & Dean Emeritus of Arts and Sciences,
June 15, 1975
Dept. of French & Italian, 1975
Dept. of French & Italian Languages & Literature-Dr. Ralph Tarica, Acting Chairman, Aug. 17,
Dept. of Germanic & Slavic Langs. & Lits.-Acting Chairman Dr. Walter Hinderer-Eft. Aug. 17,
Oriental & Hebrew Langs. & Literatures..., 1975
History, [1975]
History Dept.-Booker T. Washington Papers, [1975]
Dept. of, 1975
Re Services of Fague Springmann with Bicentennial Comm.- St. Dept. of Budget...., July
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 261 (cont’d)
Music Dept.
Prof. Rose Marie Grentzer-Prof. Emerita, Dept. of Music-Eft. March 21, 1975
Dr. Mary Devermond, Prof. Emerita, Dept. of Music, Eft., March 21, 1975
Philosophy, Dept. of, Gen. File, 1975
Speech & Dramatic Art..., 1975
Speech & Dramatic Art-Provensen-Extension of Retirement to June 15, 1975
Architecture-Re Proposed Visiting Committee on Accreditation, July & August, 1974
English-Kenny's Comments on Sept. 23, 1974 Article in Chronicle of Higher Education, Crisis in
Engl. Writing, 1974
Germanic & Slavic Langs.-Prof. Vitalii Viktorivh Shevoroshkin, Visiting Lecturer, August 1974
History-Case of Dr. Sheldon Avery & Application in Afro-American Hist., May 1974
Div. IV-Arts & Humanities, Architecture, School of, 1974
School of Architecture-Gift of Henry Powell Hopkins & Associates, 1968-1969
Div. IV, Journalism, College of, 1974
Div. IV, Art, Department of, 1974
Art-Master of Fine Arts Program-Approved by MCHE, June 15, 1973
Div. IV
Dance, 1974
English, 1974
Re Employment of Schoeck & Mack, August 1974
Prof. Clarence Steinberg's Improving English Proficiency-Sent to Chancellors, Feb.Mar., 1973
Dept. of English-Emeritus Status for Dr. Wm. H. Gravely, Jr., June 20, 1974
English, Dept. of-Rudd Flemming, Prof. Emeritus of English, June 20, 1974 (Bd. Action on May
17, 1974)
Div. IV, Germanic & Slavic Lang., 1974
Germanic & Slavic Langs. & Lit., Jan. 1, 1974-Apt. of Dr. George Jones as Act. Head..., 1974
German-Re Augustus J. Prahl Fellowship, [1971]
Div. IV
Oriental & Hebrew Program, 1974
Spanish & Portuguese, 1974
History, Department of, 1974
History-Re Grad. Asst. Dismissal-Yvonne E. Evans, (See Congr. Mitchell)..., 1974
Apt. Head, Department of History, Dr. Walter Rundell-Prof. & Head, Effect. July 1, 1971
Hist.-Head, Dr. Walter Rundell, July 7, 1971
Div. IV-Music, Department of, 1974
Thursday, August 15 at 8:30 p.m. Finals of Piano Festival-Tawes, 1974
Div. IV, Philosophy, 1974
Dept. of Speech & Dramatic Art, Acting Chairman-Professor Irving Linkow, August 1, 1972June 15, 1973
Gen. File (Dean), 1973
Apts. & Promotions, 1973
Thursday, Oct. 25-4:30 Tour & 5:30 p.m. Ded. of Architecture Bldg., Hon. Degree to Mr. Louis
L. Kahn, [1973]
6. Louis L. Kahn-Honorary Degree of Doctor of Humane Letters, [1973]
Architecture, Bldg. Ded., Oct. 25, 1973
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 261 (cont’d)
George E. Hartman, Jr., Kea Distinguished Prof., (Academic Yr. 1973-1974), August 17,
Re Undergraduate Program in Landscape Architecture, (Sen. Bishop)...., March 1973
Apt. Joseph Passonneau as Kea Distinguished Prof., July 1, 1972 to June 30, 1973
Kea Distinguished Prof. of Architecture, Dr. Charles W. Moore, 1971-1972
Journalism, College of
Jan. 1, 1973
The Campus Press, April 1973
School of, 1971
Appts..., 1971
School Evaluation Rpt. for March Advisory Visit, March 14-17..., 1971
Sch. of Architecture-Comm. on Higher Ed. of Middle States, Evaluation Report of, January 1973
Architecture-Observations & Suggestions-Donald L. Herdman to Bishop, January 24, 1973
School of Architecture-Re Fed. City Council's Plans for 1976 Bicentennial Celebration...Hold...,
Senior Departmental Honors Awards..., May 1973
Honors Awards..., 1973
Arts & Sciences Advisers for Pre-Law, Pre-Dentistry & Pre- Medicine, 1973
Calendar-Ed. Comm. of States Annual Meeting in Miami, Florida, June 20-22, 1974
Ed. Comm. of the States
Policy Issues Questionnaire, (Returned Jan. 31, 1974), Jan. 31, 1974
Questionnaire-Role of Reg. High Ed. Compacts in Graduate Ed., June 4, 1974
Questionnaire on 1974 Poll No. 2 -(Dr. E. Sent to Files)..., May 1974
Report on Structure & Governance of Higher Education..., Jan.5, 1974
Education Commission of the States, Annual Meeting-June 27, 28 & 29, Minneapolis, [1973]
Monday, June 18 at 11 a.m., Md. Rep. Ed. Comm. of States-Md. Inn, 1973
BOX 262
Fishbein-Re Lease-Crystal Springs Civic Assn..., August 17, 1973
Chaples, Ernest A.-Appeal Regarding Tenure Status and Promotion, January 1973
Fishbein-Case of Eric DeVois & Injury in Gymkana Practice-to Fishbein, Feb. 26, 1973
Fishbein, Weinberg & Green-Re David Carrigan & Injury, December & January 1972 & 1973
Rawlings, Black Coalition-O'Connell's Ltr. of April 9, 1973
Blacks-Howard P. Rawlings-Charge Against UMBC-with Equal Employ. Opportunity Comm.,
October 19 1973
Black Coalition-(All Areas)..., 1973
2. Discuss-Proposal Black Students U. of Md. Chapter of Student National Med. Association...
(no copies), 1973
Fishbein-Re Reno's Ltr. to Gov. on Admission of Blacks in School of Law..., 1972
April 24-Balt. Campus-Dr. Kuhn's Ltr. Re Admission of Black Students, Med. School, 1973
June 13-Ed. Policies Item 4. Request Uni. Adopt Goal for Enrolling Black Students, 1972
Fishbein-Proposed Legislation Re Collection of Monies for Violation of Uni. Parking
Regulations, Feb., 1972
Re-House Bill 397-Cardin Apt. of a Traffic Court Master, Jan. 27, 1972
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 262 (cont’d)
Md. Classified Employees Assn.-Case of Reginald Medlock-Employee of Uni. Hosp., May 1971
Reginald B. Medlock-Writ. of Summons, May 1972
Diamondback-Memo of Understanding with Dept. of Public Safety, Dec. 1972
Re Mrs. Ilhan M. Mokhtarzada-Violations, Summons to Testify, July 6, 1972
Decision-Appeals in Comptroller of Treasury v. Panitz, December 11, 1972
Re Case of Baines-Bell & Cullen-Traffic Accident, Trial Dates Jan. 13 & Jan. 29, 1973
Re Adv. of Prof. Term Paper Organizations & Dr. Blake's Ltr., November 1972
Opinion Re Release of Working Budget to Diamondback, October 1972
Ltr. to General Counsel on Reuben Friedman, October 19, 1972
Law re Provision of Facilities for Pres. of Public Higher Ed.-Kuhn Checked on This...,
Sept. 1972
July 11, 1972-Continuation of Case of Corolan [Carolan], Et Al-Deposition of Wilson H. Elkins,
July 6, 1972
Summons-June 13, 1972 10:30 a.m. Rea for Corolan; Bromberg; Curtis, Martin &
Schniderman & Affidavit, 1972
Ruling on Legality of Abortion Referrals.. Re Ltr. from Joseph Mauro..., 1971-1972
Re Firm of Thompson Shankman & Ballin Jack-Telegram, Dec. 7 & Reply of Dec. 8,
Re Settlement of Bequest of Mrs. Mary Meloy to School of Medicine, January 1971
Robert G. Loder, Transfer of Credits-Ref. to Harold A. Siegel, Lawyer..., June 1971
Case of Mr. and Mrs. James B. King-Damage to Couch Stored in Damascus Hall,
May-June 1971
Opinion on Use of 70,000 Univ. Funds to Renovate & Repair Frat. Houses, May 7, 1971
Case of Judith Olson, Student, Injury in McKeldin Library, March 30, 1971, May-June
Review of New Disciplinary Rules, (Kaplan's Transmittal), Feb. 17, 1971
Case of Kenneth Freedman Nolle Prosequi-(Ref. by Spigler from Col. D. G. Paston)...,
August 1971
Opinion on Legal Age in Maryland-Kuhn's Ltr. of April 23, 1971
Madison Jones Ltr. Re Kehoe & Conflict of Interest (See Athletics-Complete File),
March 1971
US District Court-Civil Action No. 70-1477n-Bourdon, Etc. Argus Vs. Elkins, Etc.,
December 31, 1970, 1971
Korn (Argus Editor), Civil Action No. 70-47-N, September 17, 1970
Korn (Argus Editor) vs. Elkins, etc., 13th January 1970
Estella-Argus & Picture-Attorney General's Ruling, December 3, 1969
Re Separation Student Publications from University of Md., Opinion, Feb. 4, 1971
Policies Re Publications, January 1970
Opinion on Expenditure of Stu. Act. Fee for Argus-Thomas H. Lowe Ltr. of Sept. 24,
Gold, Edward S. & Lawyers-Adelberg, Rudow & Blanton, 1970-1971
Subpoena D-4681-Edgar Stanford & Brenner vs. Elkins & Bishop (Sent to F. Sept. 12,
1970), [1970]
Glassman, Marc L., Ltr. from Glazer and Glazer, December 9, 1970
Attn. Gen. Opinion Re Removal of Members of Bd. of Regents, October 17, 1970
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 262 (cont’d)
Fishbein (cont’d)
Attorney Gen.'s Opinion, Allocation of Student Activities Fee by Board of Regents,
October 21, 1970
Re Expulsion of C. Gordon Kirwan, Jr., in 1947 & Ruling, July 8, 1970
Ltr. of May 5, 1970 from C. Gregory Truitt-Re Riots & Answer, [1970]
Summons Re Uni. Balt. Employee-Genton Dendy-Filed by Wm. T. Define..., Apr. 1970
Advice on Ltr. from Am. Civil Liberties & Proposal Reply on Michale Fodor..., March
18, 1970
University of Maryland Glee Club Raffle, Legality..., Jan. 10, 1970
C. Action File 70-1239K, Dunkel, Gregory M., Served November 4, 1970
May Riots-Gregory Dunkel Order to Vacate & Diamondbacks, May 18, 1970
BOX 263
Decision on Dunkel v. Elkins, March 17, 1971
3rd Year Medical Student Who is Being Sued-Ruling on Suits, 1969-1970
St. Law Department-Lorin Hawes, Loyalty Oath-Ober Law, Dr. Wm. Krause, [19661969]
Authority of St. Bd. of Agri. to Enter Agreement with USDA on Poultry Inspection...,
To Leg. Council-Filing of Suit Against Landlord for Discrimination, September 29, 1969
Case of Mrs. Elizabeth Olive-Attny. Brian J. Donnely, 1969
Summons in US District Court-Somat Corp (Re Patent Infringement)..., June 24, 1968
Alan Coonin Case Referred, March 19, 1969-(See UMBC Coonin)..., 1969
Ltr. of March 17, 1969 Re US Supreme Court Case of Barker v. Hardway..., 1969
Bill for Declaratory Judgement-Walter L. Green Re Johnson-Curriden Subdiv., C. P.,
January 1969
Ans. to Dr. E's Request of Dec. 9, 1969, Proposed Ltr. to Dr. E. F. Beall of Physics, 1969
Sp. Asst. Attny. Gen. for Uni. of Md., Appt., June 1968-1969
Case of Alice E. Gracie vs. Uni. vs. Westinghouse Elec. Corp. (Contemplated
Dismissal), Oct. 1969
Question Raised by Daniel Goldberg on Black Student Union, October 1969
Health Services, Injury of Estella Baldwin-Nurse, Infirmary & Hartford Insur. Co., 1964
Fishbein-Proctor Case (Norman R. Proctor), July 1968-1969
St. of Md.-Attorney Gen. (Asst.) Hawes, S. Bill 293 (Curran 1967), Interpretation of Campus
Police, 1968
Re Legal Authority-Add. to Engineering Bldg., C. P., December 31, 1968-1969
Informal Memo-Publications of University-affiliated Organs, Poltz's Ltr. to Waetjen..,
Subpoena in John D. and Joyce Connors Case, (Note), 1968
St. of Md.
Pending Cases, December 29, 1967-1969
Law Dept. Attor. Gen. Opinion on Md. Residency Requirement for Members of Armed
Forces, 1965
St. Law Dept. Hawes-re Transfer of Funds from Dr. J. E. Smadel Mem. Fund, 1965
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 263 (cont’d)
St. Law Dept.
Loring E. Hawes Re Lillian M. Fruechtmeyer, 1965
Hawes-Md. Feed Law-Inspection Fee..., 1965
St. of Md.
State Law Dept.-Opinion on Construction of Adult Education Center..., 1965
Law Dept.-Hawes Re Ryukyan Income Tax-Uni. College-Far East, 1965
Maryland, State of, Law, 1965
St. of Md.
Law Dept. Robert C. Murphy-Special Assignment & Leave Status, 1964
St. Law Dept.-Loring E. Hawes Re Commutation Funds, A.F.R.O. T.C., 1964
Law Dept. Correspondence with Loring E. Hawes Asst. Attn. Gen. for University, 1964
Law Dept.-Sp. Asst. for University Affairs-(Re Will of Dr. George E. McEvoy)..., 19641965
Law Department, 1964
Law Dept. Re: Cost Per Pupil in Each College to Educate Maryland Students, 1964
St. Law Dept. Robert S. Bourbon-Asst. Attny. Gen. (For University, Jan. 3, 1963), [1963]
State of Maryland, Law Department, 1963
Mr. Murphy-Friday, December 28, [1962-1963]
St. Law Dept.
Robert Murphy, Re Regulations on Cattle for Feeding & Grazing, 1962
Murphy, Regulations for Eradication of Sheep Scabies in Md., 1962
Murphy, Robt. C. (Asst. Attn. Gen.) Curlett Comm. Legislation, [1962]
Law Dept. Murphy, Robt. C., Opinion on Brucellosis Infections, LSSC, 1962
St. Law Dept.-Murphy's File, Blue Shield Payment for Medical Care, 1962
St. Law-Murphy-Caroline Cty. Soil Consv. Bonds-Long Marsh Watershed Project, 1962
St. of Md. State Law Department
Re Title Opinions-Add. to For. Lang. Bldg. & UMBC-Acad. Bldg., 1966
St. Law Department-Hawes Opinion on Dormitory Construction Funds, June 1966
St. Law Dept.-Hawes Opinions on Construction of Buildings-Title & Legal, July 16, 1965
St. of Md. Law Department
Robert C. Murphy as Interim Attorney General as of October 13, 1966, 1966-1967
Agreement with P. G. County Roads Dept. re Improv. Campus Drive-Opinion, 1966
St. Law Dept. Opinion on Authority of Universities to Use Cash Balances as Listed..., April 27,
St. of Md. Law Dept.-Hawes' Ruling on Use of $1500 for Medical Scholarships..., 1966-1967
St. of Md.-State Law Dept. (Case of Sophia Abramovitz and Father....1966-1967), [1966]
St. of Md. Law Department, Attorney General, 1961
St. Law Department, Murphy, Robert C.-Sp. Asst., Attny. Gen. For University, 1962
Murphy, Robert C., Special Asst. Attorney Gen. for University of Md., 1961-1962
St. Law Dept.-Distribution of Cigarettes on University of Md. Campus (See also Murry, Freeman
F.), 1960
St. Law Dept.-Write-off of Bad Debts & Disposal of Personal Property, Attorney General's
Opinions on, 1960
State of Maryland-Civil Defense, 1952-1953
Air Force Aerospace Gen. File..., 1976
Air Science-Apt. of Colonel Lindy C Gunderson as Commandant, Middle Atlantic Area, as of
Jan. 31, 1976
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 263 (cont’d)
Air Force Aerospace Studies Program..., 1975
Dec. 17 at 1:30 p.m. Gen. Furlong & Col. Gustafson, [1975]
Friday, Feb. 28-Leave House 6:30 p.m., Air Force Detachment Dinner at Washingtonian Country
Club, 1975
Air Force Aerospace Studies Program..., 1973-1974 (2f)
Summer Programs, C. P., 1974-1975 (3f)
Reinstatement of Dr. Clodus Smith as Administrative Dean for Summer Programs, August 1,
Summer Programs-Audit of Accounts. Confidential-Filed July 26, 1973 as Request by Dr. Elkins,
Summer Session-Dr. James Van Ness-Acting Director, July 29, 1972-July 27, 1973
Renumeration for Summer School Faculty, Dec. 1972
4. Summer Programs-International Piano Festival & Competition, 1974
Summer Programs-Re International Piano Festival & Competition, Waetjen's Ltr. of Jan. 15,
Summer School
General File..., 1970
Community, Day, August 2, 1970
Fourth of July Weekend Celebration, 1970
General File, 1969
Re Welcome to Gala-Dr. Smith's Dinner & Summer Festival-Thurs., June 26, 1969
Staff Study 1964-1968 & Student & Faculty Evaluations, February 1969
Budget Material-Gov.'s Budget for 1970-1971, [1970]
Initial Supplies, Non-Capital Equipment Lists, [1969]
Capital Improvements 5-year Program, [1969]
Budget-Capital Equipment Lists for Capital Improvements Program, [1969]
Capital Improvements Program, [1969]
Feb. 26 and Feb. 28, 1969-Elkins Material Used-Senate Fin. and House Ways and Means Budget
Hearings (Keep Together), [1969]
Budget-Supplementary Proposals-Dist. of Fac. Salary Improv. Funds, Waetjen's Ltr., March 14,
BOX 264
State Planning Department Annual Capital Budget 1969-1970, July 1, 1968
State Planning Department Five Year Capital Program, 1969-1970, July 1, 1968
Budget 1969-1970, Capital Budget, Project Requirements, [1969]
Budget 1970-1971, Adjustment of (from Waetjen), undated
Budget Questions-with Answers Attached, [1969]
[Loose Material-Budget Operating Expenses, 1966-1967, & 1970-1971, 1966-1971]
Chronicle-Nov. 10 Issue-AAUP's, Faculty Compensation Scales for, 1970-1971
Budget 1970-1971-Chronicle, Per Capita Spending by States, Oct. 27, 1969
[Loose Materials-University of Maryland, 1971 Budget Hearing, Dec., 1969]
Pennsylvania State University Current Salary Study for Faculty, 1969
Colleges-Pennsylvania State Uni. "Faculty Salary Study 1967-1968," [1968]
Tuesday, September 9, 1969, Budget Hearings Before Comm. on Budgets
Sept. 9, 1969 Transmittal to State Officials of Budget Re Comm. of Bd. of Regents, 1969
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 264 (cont’d)
Tuesday, September 9, 1969, Budget Hearings Before Comm. on Budgets (cont’d)
Sept. 9, 1969 at 10 a. m. List of People Attending, 1969
Sept. 9, 1969 Students Invited, [1969]
Sept. 9 (Board 9:30 a.m.) 1969 (Kuhn & Waetjen), Board Members, [1969]
Sept. 9, 1969 Students Invited, [1969]
Sept. 9, 1969 at 10. a.m. List of People Attending, [1969]
Sept. 9, 1969, Transmittal to State Officials of Budget Re Comm. of Bd. of Regents,
Sept. 9-9:30 a.m. Budget Review for 1970-1971 Fiscal Year-Ltr. of Transmittal to Board, 1969
Sept. 26-Board-Budget-Minority Report of Mr. Boswell, [1969]
Budget Materials for 1970-1971
Sept. 13, 1968-Transmittal of the 1969-70 Proposed Budget to Regents & State
Officials..., 1968
Budget for 1969-1970-Final Capital Budget (As of March 28, 1969), [1969-1970]
Budget 1969-1970-Statement Re Governor's Budget Allowance, undated
Sept. 13, 1968 Agenda for Budget Committee's Hearings, undated
B. Committee on Budgets 1. Report on Meeting of May 12, 1969
St. of Md.-St. Planning Dept. Prel. Plans-Bldg. Projects in 1970 Fiscal Year-Capital Budget...,
Budget 1969-1970-St. Planning
Capital Equipment Lists, [1968]
Supplies & Non-Capital Equipment Lists, [1968]
F & B-Budget Estimates for Fiscal Year 1970, undated
Budget 1969-1970
Dr. Elkins Working Papers Used at September 13, 1968 Hearing (Board), [1968]
Materials from Dr. Waetjen (For Your Information), [1968]
Elkins Working Papers Med. Sch. Salary Study-Association of Am. Med. Colleges,
Used at Hearing on September 13, 1968, Law School, undated
Used at Hearing on September 13, 1968-Agricultural Divisions, undated
Elkins Working Papers-Used at Budget Hearing of Board-September 13, 1968
Budget, 1968, Itemized Positions Listing for 1967-1968, [1967-1968]
1969-1970 Budget File
Capital Budget, undated
Chronicle-Sept. 2, 1968-Salaries of 18,856 Administrators, [1968]
Capital Budget Future Capital Projects, [1969-1970]
Recommendations for 1969-70 Capital Budget-Uni. Request Gov. Proposal as of Jan. 17,
Gov. Budget Allowance for 1969-1970 (Dr. Waetjen's Memo of January 9, 1969]
Budget Materials-Penn. State Uni. Faculty Salary Study, Hold for 1969-1970 Files,
Requests-Budget-(With Materials Used in Talk with Slicher on December 4, 1968),
Dr. Elkins Notes, Composition of Uni. and Needs, undated
Nat'l Assn. of St. Uni.-Materials on State Ranking Charts, Tax Funds Per Capita Apprp.,
Etc., 1968
Asking-Original Departmental Requests, 1969-1970
Assoc. of Gov. Bds. Article on Financing Higher Education, 1968
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 264 (cont’d)
1969-1970 Budget File (cont’d)
Notes on Budget Preparation, 1969-1970
Budget-May 14, 1971 Board-Report on Operating Budget Allowances-State Supported Program,
Budget 1971-1972, Working Budget Dedicated Fund Programs (May 6, 1971 from Waetjen),
Budget Salaries-Materials Used by Dr. Elkins, April & May, 1971
Ltr. to Slicher re. Increases in salary for Kuhn, Eyler, Day & Callcott, (1971-1972)
Dept. Heads-C. P. Campus, [1971]
Day, Callcott & Dorsey, 1971-1972
April 29, Salary Date 1971-1972, Prin. Adm. Officers & Deans, [1971-1972]
Thursday, April 29 at 11 a.m., Meet with Gov. Mandel in his Annapolis Office, undated
Administrative Salaries for 1971-1972, [1971-1972]
Budget-Fisc. Services-List of Salaries Over 20,000 & Under $35,000-Waetjen's Ltr. of March 9,
Original Budget-Uni. of Md. & St. Bd. of Agri. Showing Totals..., 1971-1972
Uni. of Md. & St. Bd. of Agri. Legislative Review By J. S. Saunders-Hearings, 1971
Budget Materials-Ltrs. to Slicher, Etc. on Budget Request for Fiscal 1972, 1970-1971
Budget-College Park-Supplement-Ltr. of March 2, 1971 to Slicher, [1971]
Feb. 11, 1971-Priorities for Supp. Budget-College Park Campus, [1971]
Budget 1971-1972-Bishop's List of Priorities for Restoration of Cut-C. P. Campus..., 1971
Balt. City Campus-Supplemental Budget Requests-to Waetjen, Feb. 10, 1971
Ltr. from Moxley to Kuhn On Med. School Budget, Feb 18, 1971
Baltimore City Campus-Cost Per Student, 1970-1971
Kuhn's Review of Student Aid Funds-Prof. Schools-Nov. 19, 1970, Budget 1971-1972
Dec. 12, 1970 Ltr. to Slicher Further Cons. of C. P., Balt. Uni. Hospital & St. Bd. of
Agri. 1972 Budget, [1970]
Supplemental Budget Request, Budget 1972, [1971]
Budget 1971-1972, Capital Budget (As Presented to Regents on Jan. 22, 1971)
BOX 265
UMBC-Supplemental Request, Jan. 19, 1971
State Board of Agriculture Funds for & High Priorities for 1971-1972, [1970]
Budget Hearings 1971-Fire Service Extension & Supplement, [1971]
Federally Sponsored Programs Comparison 1968, 69 & 70 for Budget, 1971-1972
Hearings on Jan. 28 & Feb. 3, Waetjen's Notices, [1971]
Cost Per Student Fiscal 1970, Budget 1971-1972, [1970]
Budget Materials
Summary of Booz, Allen & Hamilton Inst. Salary Survey, Feb. 17, 1971
Jan. 23, 1971-NASULGC-1970 Total Enrollment as Reported Jan. 18, 1971
Budget-Joint Committee on Health & Education-Budget Presentation on Feb. 23 and 25, 1971
Budget Hearing-Feb. 23, 1971 Dr. Elkin's Notes, [1971]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 265 (cont’d)
Budget 1971-Governor's Budget Message-Fiscal June 30, 1972
Budget Materials-Md. Council for Higher Ed.-Rec. 6th Annual Report of Council, January 1970
Budget Fund Acts-Self-Supported Act. 1971 & Estimated for 1972, 1971
Operating Budget 1970-1971 & Allow for 1971-1972, [1971]
Materials Used in 1971 Hearings-President's Report for 1969-1970
1971-1972 Budget-Calculation of General Funds, 1971
Budget U. of Md., 1972 Budget-Recom. Increases by Program & Purpose, [1972]
U. of Md.-General Fund Support Increase, 1971-1972 Budget, undated
College Park Adm. & General-Central Adm. & Other Gen. Uni. Expenses Survey 1970,
1971 & 1972, [1972]
1971-1972, Capital Budget All Areas, [1971-1972]
Salaries-Comparison-Md. & 30 Other Universities Awarding Most Doctorates, 19701971
Administrative Salaries, Charts & Booz, Etc. Study Vol. II, 1970-1971, 1971
Materials-Budget from Dr. Waetjen, [1971]
Budget-Salary Scale Printouts-Uni. Personnel Making 20,000 or Over, April 1971
Budget Hearing-House Appropriations Committee, Elkins Presentation, Feb. 3, 1971
Charts for Budget Hearings All Areas, Feb. 23 and 25, 1971
Budget-Feb. 23 & 25 Joint Committee on Health & Education Names, [1971]
All Areas of Uni.-Budget Hearings-Feb. 23-1 to 3 p. m., [1971]
Budget for 1971-Salaries of State College Presidents in Maryland, Oct. 1970
Budget Request from Dr. Bentz, September 9, 1970
[Loose Material-Campus Map, undated]
University of Maryland 1971-1972 Budget Request for Review of the Budget Committee of the
Board of Regents, [1970]
Budget Materials-Dr. Elkins Notes on Budget Meeting Board, September 11, 1970
Budget-Waetjen's Note-Sept. 16, 1970 Agriculture Increases-Bd. Notified, Sept. 25, 1970
Budget Recommendation-Bd. of Regents & State Officials for Budget Hearing on September 11,
Budget Hearings Board-Sept. 11, 1970
Regents, Letters to, [1970]
State Officials, [1970]
Chancellor, Deans, Director & Uni. Officials-C. P., [1970]
Baltimore-Chancellor-Deans, Etc., [1970]
Budget Committee, [1970]
Students and Others, 1970
Sept. 11, 1970 Board Hearings-Lists, [1970]
Budget 1971-1972, Increase of Graduate Teaching Assistants Salaries, [1970]
Budget Hearings, September 11, 1970
Dedicated Fund Programs, [1970]
List of People Invited, [1970]
Recomm. Increases by Program & Purpose, [1970]
Salary Study, Deans and Faculty, [1970]
Oper. Expenses, 1971-1972
Positions-Salary Inf. Fees & New Programs, 1971-1972
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 265 (cont’d)
Budget Hearings, September 11, 1970 (cont’d)
Faculty Salary Increase, 1971-1972
New Positions, Faculty & Classified, 1971-1972
Chronicle of Higher Ed. Salaries-Survey, Sept. 28, 1970
Board, Eastern Shore-Chancellor, 1970
Capital Budget Requests, 1970
Before Board, Agenda, 1971-1972 Requests, 1970
Presentation, 1971-1972 Budget before Board on Sept. 11, 1970
State Planning Department Annual Capital Budget, Agency Project Requests for University of
Maryland and State Board of Agriculture, Requested for Fiscal Year 1971-1972, July 1,
Capital Budget Project Requests (To be Put in Book), Nov. 1970
State Planning Department
Capital Equipment Lists, University of Maryland and State Board of Agriculture, for the
Fiscal Year 1971-1972 Capital Budget, Submitted: July 1, 1970
Five Year Capital Program Supporting Data for Future Capital Projects, University of
Maryland and State Board of Agriculture for the Fiscal Year 1971-1972 Capital
Budget, Submitted: July 1, 1970
Initial Supplies and Non-Capital Equipment Lists, University of Maryland, State Board
of Agriculture for the Fiscal Year 1971-1972, Capital Budget, Submitted: July 1,
Budget Hearings-Establishment of University Press, 1971-1972
9:30 a.m. SOB-B. 1t. State Planning-Capital Budget Hearing, Rm. 1103, Sept. 3, 1970
Budget Materials for State Hearings, 1971-1972
Ltr. to Co-Chairman of Joint Com. on Health & Education-Re Budget Cuts, March 8,
Budget 1972, General Fund Breakdown, [1970]
Justification of Budget Request for Hospital, 1972
December 8-10 a.m., Budget Hearings Materials, [1972]
Gov. Reduction of Budget Request for 1971-1972-Other Materials, [1972]
St. of Md.-Planning-Cap. Improv. Authorized 1955-1967, 1967-1968
BOX 266
Feb. 25-Feb. 27, 1970 Materials Legislative Budget Hearings
University of Maryland 1970-1971 Legislative Budget Hearings, Senate Hearings-2nd Fl.
Treasury Bldg. East Wing-Annapolis, [1970]
Budget Hearings-Feb. 25 (Senate) & Feb. 27, 1970 (House)-Elkins Budget Notes..., 1970
Budget Materials-Intercollegiate Athletics-Finances-March 16, 1970, Waetjen's
Memorandum, [1970]
Gov. Budget Submitted to Gen. Assembly, January 1970 for 1971, [1969]
[Loose Materials-Fiscal Digest of the State of Maryland for the Fiscal Year, 1970]
[Loose Materials-Budget Message to the General Assembly of Maryland and the Brief,
Annapolis, January 21, 1970]
Feb. 16, 1970-Supplemental Capital Budget Request, February, 1970
[Loose Material-Budget Summary Recommendations, 1970]
Feb. 2-Press Conf. Order Coffee 10 a.m., [1970]
Gov. Budget Submitted to Gen. Assembly, January 1970 for 1971, [1969]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 266 (cont’d)
Budget-1970-1971-Supplement-Re Salaries, New Positions & Total Fund Distribution, March
Budget-Sup. Re Preliminary Plans for Major Bldg. Projects in 1971, Fiscal Capital Budget-St.
Planning, [1970]
Capital Budget Hearings, August 1 (Preliminary) and August 24, 1972
Effect on Operating Budgets of Capital Improvement Project-Waetjen, August 9, 1972
Aug. 1, Capital Budget Request for Fiscal 1974, [1972]
Budget Capital Funded Construction Schedule-June 9, 1972, Sent to All Chancellors,
Apvd. by Bd., [1972]
Capital Budget for 1972-Equipment for Howard Hall-to Dept. of St. Planning, Feb. 21, 1973
Capital Budget, 1973-1974 UMBC Supplemental Request, (February 14, 1973)
1974 Budget Materials
C. P.-Asking Budget for, 1973-1974
Baltimore Campus & Hospital Asking Budget (Prel.), 1973-1974
UMES-Asking Budget for, 1973-1974
Cap. Budget Request, U. of Md. at Baltimore, 1973-1974
Capital Request 1974 for College Park Campus, (April 20, 1972)
Cap. Budget Request, UMBC, 1973-1974
Cap. Budget Request, 1973-1974, UMES, [1972]
C. P. Comptroller-re Additional Computer Operator for Central Bus. System..., Feb. 23, 1973
Feb. 12, 1973-Supplemental Capital Budget Requests (From Kendig)...., [1973]
1974-Asking Budget Procedures-To Chancellors & Vice Pres., Bus. Officers, April 11, 1972
1973-Capital Budget Allowances-Request, Gov. Prop. & Legislative Appropriation..., 1972
Budget-1972-1973 Working Budget Dedicated Fund Programs-Apvd. Bd., May 5, 1972
Budget-C. P. Dedicated Fund Budget Summaries, May 5, 1972-1973
Budget 1972, Legislative Session Recommendations of Joint Com. on Health & Education, April
11, 1972
Budget-Modification of Request Budget for 1973 Per Perkins's Request, 1973
Comparative Study of Facilities Main Campuses of 15 St. Universities, 1972 (by
Campbell)..., 1972
Budget-Fisher's Memo on Dining Hall & Dormitory Construction Programs, February
University of Md. Budget-Fiscal Year, June 30, 1973-To Gen. Assembly, Jan., 1972
Feb. 16 & 17, 1972-1973 Budget Supplemental Budget Request-Fisher, [1972]
Budget-1973-Back-up Data and Comments, Feb., 1972
Budget Hearing-Feb. 16 & 17, 1972, 1973 Legislative Cuts, undated
Budget Hearings Feb. 16 & 17, 1972
For 1973 Budget-Summary of Recommendations, undated
For 1973 Budget--Sum. of Recomm. & Cuts-Dr. Elkins' Notes, undated
Supplementary Information Fiscal 1973 Budget Request, 1972
1973 Budget-Hearings Feb 16. & 17, 1972 Supplemental Material-Senate Fin. & House Appro.,
Bud. Hearings-All Area of Uni. Wed., Feb. 16 & Thurs., Feb 17--1-3 p.m. Rm. 201-St. Treas.
Bldg. in Annap., [1971]
Budget Hearings-Feb. 16 & 17, 1972-New Positions for 1973-All Areas, undated
Budget 1972-Request for Sp. Asst. Attorney Gen. (Turned Down), [1972]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 266 (cont’d)
Budget Hearings-Feb. 16 & 17th, Uni. of Md. Authorized Positions, 1971-1972 & Increases for
1972 & 1973, 1972
Budget Hearings-Feb. 16 & 17, 1973, Operating Expenses Increases, undated
Feb. 16 & 17-Budget Hearings
UMBC, [1972]
Balt. City-Programs, [1972]
Budget Hearings, Feb. 16 & 17, 1972
1973 Budget Plan of Action-Fin. Higher Ed., Dec., 1971
Members Joint Com. on Health & Education, [1972]
Tuesday, Jan. 25-House Hearing, 1972-73 Capital Budget-Uni. of Maryland, [1971]
Budget-Projected Dining & Residence Halls Operations, All Campuses 1973-1982, [1972]
1972-1973 Capital Budget, undated
Friday, January 28-2 to 3 p.m., Senate Finance Com., Annapolis, [1971]
1972-1973 Budget-Meetings of Chancellors & Vice Presidents, Dec. 1 & Dec. 22, 1972
Budget-Waetjen's Ltr. to Fiscal Serv., Revised Enrollment UMES, [1972]
Budget 1971-72 Revenue Deficit Forecasted for UMES, Waetjen's Ltr. of Nov. 16, 1972
Budget-Salient Features of the 1971 Closing & Summary from Fisher, July 16, 1972
Budget-1972-1973-Administrative Salary Survey for the Year 1971-72 (as of Nov. 5, 1971),
April 28 at 1 p.m.-Capital Budget & Programs Hearings in Balt., 1 p.m.-Dr. Waetjen Rep., [1971]
Budget Hearings-All Area-Feb. 25, 1 to 3 p.m., [1971]
Budget-Sept. 21, 1971-Submission of University's Budget-Fiscal Year 1973, [1971]
Wed. June 30 at 9:30 a.m. Budget Meeting with Senate Officials-Conf. Room-Here, [1971]
Preliminary Budget for 1971-1973, [1971]
Report to Budget Bureau on 1972-1973 Budget Estimate, 1972-1973
Budget 1972-1973, Asking Budget Salary Increase, Aug. 1971
Aug. 17 at 10 a.m. Budget Com.
College Park SGA Budget, [1971]
Attachments For C. P. SGA Budget-Madison Jones, [1971]
UMBC SGA Budget, [1971]
UMES SGA Budget, [1971]
Budget 1974-Self-Liquidating Construction Projects-Waetjen's Memo, Nov. 17, 1972
Budget-October 3, 1972 Joint Budget & Audit Comms.
Joint Audit & Budget Com. in Annapolis, [1972]
Dept. of Fiscal Services-October 3, 1972, Statement by Dr. Elkins, Hearing on NonBudget Funds, undated
Dept. of Fiscal Services-Hearing October 3, 1972 Non-Budgeted Funds & Compensation
Policy, etc., [1972]
Non-Budgeted Funds for 1972-(Waetjen Sent to Perkins & Lewis), October 1972
Salaries of Principal Administrative Officers, 1973-1974
10 a.m. Monday, September 25, Pedone, Leppos, Kuhn, Fisher, Vacant Positions as of
Freeze, [1972]
Sept. 1-For Budget Hearings, College Park Campus, [1971]
[Loose Material-Asking Budget for 1972-1973, 1971]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 267
1972-1973 Request-Used Bd. Review on September 1, 1971-Elkins Notes, [1971]
1972-1973 Budget Request, Reviewed Bd. of Regents-This Date of Sept. 1, 1971
Sept. 1-Budget Hearings
UMBC, [1971]
Agriculture-State Board Programs, [1971]
UMES, [1971]
UMES-Justification, [1971]
Baltimore City, undated
Balt. City-Related Materials, undated
Kuhn-Re Budget Amendment-Hosp. 1971-1972 Fiscal Year-Approved., July 1971
Appointments-Reported to Board-List With Salaries-Office Use Only, June 30, 1971
Budget Materials for 1973
Gov. Request for Statement on Priorities for Fiscal Year, 1973, June 10, 1971
C. P. Campus-Re Biology Building-Include Funds for, 1973
C. P. Campus-Re Center for Performing Arts & Instructional Resources Center for 1973,
University-Wide Budget-Review of Budget by State Agencies, 1971
Budget-Summary of 1971-72 Budget Request Increases-Working Board, Gov. & Legislature,
Waetjen-Md. Gen. Assembly-Joint Budget & Audit Com-Fin. Self-Liquidating College
Buildings, July 19, 1971
Budget Hearings-Board
Letters Transmitting Proposed Budget, [1971]
Errata Sheet, Sept. 1, 1971
Regents, Letters to, September 1, 1971
State Officials, Letters to, Sept. 1, 1971
Central Administration, Letters to, September 1, 1971
Chancellors, Letters to, September 1, 1971
Sept. 1-Asking Budgets for 1972-1973-All Campuses, [1971]
Budget Hearings-Board-Lists, September 1, 1971
Fee Changes-Survey & Recommended for 1972-1973, undated
Budget Committee Agenda, [1971]
Committee Call & Letter to Board on the Budgets (SGA), [1971]
1972-1973 Capital Improvements Requested for Fiscal 1972-1973 & Supporting Data for 5-Year
Capital Program
Aug. 19 (Thursday)-Hearings on Capital Budget-Room 801-St. of Baltimore at 9:30 a.m.,
Capital Requests-Ltr. of Transmittal to State Planning, [1971]
State Planning Department, Annual Capital Budget, Agency Project Requests for
University of Maryland and State Board of Agriculture, Requested for Fiscal
Year 1972-1973, Submitted: July 1, 1971
State Planning Department Five Year Capital Program, Supporting Data for Future Capital
Projects, University of Maryland and State Board of Agriculture for the Fiscal Year
1972-73 Capital Budget, Submitted: July 1, 1971
Budget Request for Fiscal 1975-Summary-Response to Analysis, Feb. 21, 1974
1974-1975 Budget-Submitted to Gen. Assembly of Md. by Marvin Mandel, Jan., 1974
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 267 (cont’d)
Budget-1974-1975, Budget Request Presented to Sen. Fin. Com. & House Approp. Com., Feb. 1,
1974-1975 Fiscal Summary, undated
Preliminary Materials on Budget-from Dr. Bentz, Two copies, undated
Budget-Fiscal 1975-Misc. Materials, [1974]
[Loose Materials-A Rank Distribution of Administrative Salaries Paid, 1972-1973, January 4,
[Loose Materials-Administrative Salary Survey for the Year 1972-1973, December 8, 1972]
University of Md. Budget for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1974-Gen. Assembly of 1973
(January), [1973]
Jan. 22-Item I. Budget, Preparation for Hearings, Feb. 8 & 9, 1973, College Park Response,
Baltimore City Response, undated
UMBC-(Materials for Budget Hearings in February), [1973]
UMBC, [1973]
UMES, [1973]
Budget Materials-Hearing for Dr. Kuhn on Medical School on Feb. 19, 1973
B. Com. on Budgets, 2. Dates for Budget Hearings, [1973]
Budget January 1973 for Fiscal Operating Budget, June 30, 1974
Budget Hearings-Feb. 8 & 9, 1973
Supplemental Capital Budget Request Copies..., Jan. 18, 1973
1973-1974 Capital Budget Request (As Presented to Board on Jan. 19, 1973)
Budget for 1973-Governor's Allowance (as of Jan. 1973), undated
Capital Budget-Capital Improvements Authorized by Gen. Assembly 1961 to 1972, Oct.
Tuesday, Feb. 8-Hearings-House Appropriations at 1 p.m., 1973
Wed., Feb. 9 Hearings-Senate Finance at 10 or 10:30 a.m., 1973
Oct. 23
Chancellor Recommendations, Budget 1973-1974, 1972
Com. on Budgets, Materials From All Campuses, [1972]
Adm. Council
Ltr. to Pedone-Committing $2,200,000 to Meet Gov. Request for 1974 Budget,
September 29, 1972
Oct. 2-Budget Authorized Appropriations, 1972-1973
Oct. 23-Budget Committee... Ltr. From Governor, September 22, 1972
Fisher's Ltr. to Attain the Governor's Budget Cut-All Campuses, 1974
Oct. 2-Adm. Council 1974 Budget, Governor's Ltr. of Sept. 22 (Extra Copies), [1972]
1973-1974 Budget-Increases Governor's Allowance, Fall of 1972, [1972]
Budget-General Fund Increases for 1974 Budget-Uni. Hospital, 1972
St. Dept. of Budget & Fiscal Plan.-Sept. 29, 1972 Elkins Ltr. to Pedone re Freeze..., 1972
Budget-1974-Governor's Cuts, Material for Discussion & Statements from the Chancellors,
Budget-1974-Salaries of Principal Administrative Officers; Chancellor's Recomm.; Waetjen's
Sliding Scale, [1972]
Budget Hearings, State Officials, Sept. 7, 1972
Lists-Budget Hearings-1973-1974 Budget, Sept. 7, 1973
Budget Hearings, Central Administration, Sept. 7, 1972
Lists Invited to Budget Hearing-1973-1974 Budget-September 7, 1972 at 9:30 a.m.
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 267 (cont’d)
Budget Hearings
Board of Regents Letter, September 7, 1972
Chancellors, September 7, 1972
BOX 268
Severinson's Ltr. of June 17, 1969 in Reply to Elkins' Ltr. of April 29, 1969
Severinson's Ltr. of March 4, 1969 & Elkins Reply of April 29, 1969
Ltr. to Mr. McCormick from US Office of Ed., Civil Rights, Charlottesville, Va., March 12, 1969
Desegregation Plan, Ltr. From Civil Rights, McCormick, Dated March 7, 1969
Desegregation Plan-Ltrs. to Williams & Kuhn, April 18, 1969
Integration-Recommended Actions on Meaningful Integration, September 16, 1969
Study in Integration, No. 2 Revised Report, June 13, 1969
Fluid Dyn.-Comm. on Integration-List of Membership, [1968]
Fluid Dynamics-Martin-Chairman, Comm. on Integration, July 31, 1968
Integration Study of (Comm.), Gen. File, [1969]
Fluid Dyn.
Comm. on Integration-Inf. from Beach and Others on Qualifications of Appointees,
Statement of the Sub-Committee on the Future of the University, undated
Comm. on Integration-Distribution of Equality of Opportunity, Statement of Nov. 4, 1968
Fluid Dyn.-Comm. on Integration-Resignants, [1968]
Comm. on Integration-Physics Ad Hoc Comm. on Meaningful Integration, Oct. & November,
Integration Comm.-Subcommittees, Feb. 1969...., 1969
Fluid Dyn.-Comm. on Integration-Letters of Appointment, [1968]
Integration Reports
Materials Used at May 22, 1969 Meetings, 1969
Comments & Letters, 1969
Report on Integration from Interfraternity & Panhellenic Councils, April 1969
Comm. on Integration-Progress Report of Committee on Integration, February 20, 1969
Comm.-Draft Copy of April 1969 "Study in Integration," 1969
Speakers Policy-(Proposed), 1966, 1967, 1968 & 1969
Speakers Policy, Re Abbie Hoffman & Rennie Davis-Talk at Uni. on, February 8, 1970
Speaker's Policy, January 10, 1969
Ed. Policies-Speaker's Policy as of (Extra Copies) Jan. 16, 1968
Ed. Policies, Item 2-Speaker's Policy, Nov. 7, [1968]
Speaker's Policy, Misc. File..., 1968
Ralph Ginzburg-Speaking at Student Union, April 22 at 7:30 p.m., 1968
Item 4-Ed. Policies, Preliminary Review of the Proposed Speaker's Policy...., Sept. 18,
University Relations-Speaker's Policy, 1967-1968
Ad Hoc Comm. on Speaker Policy, 1966-1967
Student Publications & Advertising Policy
Student Publications-Attorney General's Ruling on Cover of Argus, December 3, 1969
Stu. Publications Policy Reaffirmed by Bd. Re Publications Bd. for Stu. Publications,
Nov. 21, 1969
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 268 (cont’d)
Student Publications & Advertising Policy (cont’d)
Stu. Publications, Etc.-Media Coverage of Board of Regents, Meetings-Apd. By Bd.,
Nov. 21, 1969
Student Publications & Advertising, [1969]
Argus-Fall Number
Student Publications-Argus-May Issue-(Letters Re), 1970
Exec. Session 1. Statement on Argus, [1970]
Student Publications-Civil Action of Massachusetts in Antonelli vs. Fitchburg State
College, February 5, 1970
Argus-Correspondence on Cover..., 1969 & 1970
Diamondback-Advertising Policy for All Publications Action-Board, May 17, 1968
Stu. Life-Diamondback & All Publications-Policy on Advertising, May 17, 1968
Student Life-Diamondback, Advertising Policy of, Feb., March, 1968
University Senate Committee on Student Publications and Communications, Policy
Statement and May, 1963 Address by Dr. Wilson H. Elkins, President of the
University of Maryland--"The Relationship of the Administration to Student
Publications and Communications," [1968]
Stu. Life-Diamondback, Re Waetjen's Memo on Legal Relationships, Stu. Publications &
Uni., November 7, 1966
[Loose Materials-University of Maryland, Fiscal Year 1979, Budget Request, February 8, 9, and
14, 1978]
Dates of Budget Hearings-House and Senate, undated
[Loose Materials-The University of Maryland Budget for the Fiscal Year Ending, June 30, 1979,
January, 1978]
[Loose Materials-Fiscal Year 1979 Budget, 1978]
Feb. 8-Budget Hearings-(Use Mon. Feb. 6 at Adm. Council), 1979 Budget Operating, [1978]
UMES-"Notes on the Future of UMES," W. H. Elkins, February 14, 1978
Adm. Council-Feb. 2 (& Budget Hearings)-Fiscal 1979 Budget Request, [1978]
Feb. 8 Budget Hearings (use Mon. Feb. 6 at Adm. Council)-Capital Budget-Fisc. Services,
Feb. 6-Adm. Council-Dr. Elkins on Budgets & Hearings, [1978]
Dept. of Budget & Fiscal Planning-Deficiency Appropriations & Supplemental Budget Requests
for FY, 1979
1979 Budget-Designated Positions (Ans. by O'C), May 1978
Budget-1978-1979, Report of Chairmen of Senate Budget and Taxation Comm. & House
Approp. Comm. re Final Legislative Action on 1979 State Operating Budget (H. B. 810),
Budget-1979, Used at Jan. 27, 1978 Board Meeting
1979 Budget-"What is Good About the Fiscal 1979 Budget" & Governor's Allowance,
Jan. 24, 1978
Budget-1979--FY 1979 Budget Request-Govern.'s Allowance Summary of Significant
Issues, [1978]
Budget-1979-Operating & Capital (Extra Copies), Used at Board Meeting of Jan. 27,
Budget U of M 1979 Budget--Lee to Gen. Assembly (Transmitted to Board on Jan. 26,
FY 1979 Capital Budget-Uni. of Md., Revision, Jan. 13, 1978
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 268 (cont’d)
FY 1979 Governor's Budget (Meyers as of Jan. 9, 1978), [1978]
Governor's Capital Budget for 1979-(Fr. Dept. of St. Planning)..., Jan. 6, 1978
Adm. Council-Jan. 9-Item 1 Budget-Dr. Elkins' Materials, [1978]
Budget FY 1979: Meeting with Gov. Lee, December 12, 1977
Lee-Ltr. of Oct. 27, 1977-On Involvement of SBHE in Budget Process-Relating to MARC Etc.,
Gov.-Maximum Agency Request Ceiling-MARC)-June 10, 1977-Also Budget & Fiscal Plan.,
1979 Budget Materials-Holding
Hold for Dr. Elkins-St. Aid to Private Institutions of Higher Ed., [1978]
Tuition & Fees at U. of Md. Compared with Other Institutions..., Jan. 5, 1978
1979 Budget Submission to Bud. & Fiscal Planning-1978-1979-Separate List, (Budg. Req.
September 1, 1977), [1977]
1979 Budget-Meyers Ltr. Sept. 2, 1977 "FY 1979 Budget Request-Minus 10% Guidelines,"
Budget 1978 Working Budget-Ltrs. to Miller from Meyers (Recvd., 1977), [1977]
1979 Budget
Review of UMAB Budget Request by Dept. of Budget & Fiscal Plan. (Reply by October
14, 1977), [1977]
Review of UMBC Budget & Fiscal Planning (Meet Oct. 11, 1977), [1977]
Review of UMES Budget Request by Dept. of Budget & Fiscal Planning (Meeting Oct.
4, 1977), [1977]
Review of CEES Bud. Request by Bud. & Fis. Planning (Meet. of Oct. 6, 1977), [1977]
Review of Coop. Ext. Service by Dept. of Budget & Fisc. Planning, (Meet, Oct. 19,
Review of Hosp. Budg. Req. by Budget & Fiscal Plan. (Oct. 6, 1977), [1977]
Review of Uni. College by Dept. of Budget & Fiscal Plan., October 20, 1977
Budget 1979-Review of Gen. Uni. Exp. by Dept. of Bud. & Fisc. Planning, October 19, 1977
Budget-1979-Deferred Maintenance-Also for Hospital, October 1977
BOX 269
FY 1979 Budget Request-HJR 119 Implications, [1977]
Budget 1978-Detailed Budget-Similar Programs-Budgetary Allocation..., Dec. 21, 1977
Aug. 19, 1977-Elkins Notes, Overview of 1979 Budget Request-with Budget Book 1978-1979,
Budget 1979, Materials Used by Dr. Elkins in Budget Hearings of August 19, 1977
Budget Fiscal Year 1979
Additional Information Requested by Miller, Sept. 30, 1977
SBHE-GEN. & Specific Recommendations as of Sep. 23, 1977
August 19, 1977-Budget Hearings
Chancellors & Administrators, Letters to, [1977]
Ltr. Transmitting Budget 1978-1979, Board & Legislators-St. Officials, [1977]
Ltr. to Board Members, [1977]
Transmittal of Separate List, [1977]
Bd. Final List of Those Attending, [1979]
List of Individuals Invited to Attend, [1977]
Misc. Materials, [1977]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 269 (cont’d)
August 19, 1977-Budget Hearings (cont’d)
1978-1979 Budget Requests for Review by Budget Com., [1977]
U. of M. 1978-1979 Separate List Budget Request, [1977]
Capital Budget Request Integrated Priority Listing, [1979]
Sp. Meeting of Board Following Budget Com., [1977]
Lisa Dickerson UMBC SGA & Larry Kirsch, CP SGA, [1977]
Agenda-Com. on Budgets..., 1977
1979 Budget
MARC for Uni. of MD., June 10, 1977
(Working) Fiscal 1978-Uni. Cooperative Extension Service-Amendment, September 2,
Agriculture-Salaries-Aug. 17, 1977 Meeting Bentz, O'C & Gluckstern, 1977
Request for FY 1979-Consideration of Allocation of Resources-Used June 29, 1977
Adm. Council, [1977]
Fiscal 1979-Reduction/Increase Budget Format-H. J. R. No. 119..., 1977
Budget & Fiscal Planning-Miller's LTR. of June 10, 1977 with Ref. to Gov. Ltr. of June
10, 1977 MARC for 1979, [1977]
Fiscal 1979 Budget Request..., June 17, 1977
CEES-Re Support for Contract & Grant Operations..., 1977
Ltrs. to State Officials & Replies, August 19, 1977
Adm. Council, Preparation of 1979 FY Budget, June 29, 1977
Re Coop. Extension Service & Agri. Experiment Station Funds..., June 1977
O'Connell's Lts. on 1977-1978 Recommendations, 1977
Dr. Kathleen H. Jamieson (Speech & Dramatic Art) 22.0% Increase to 20,370, 19771978
C. P. Increases for M. T. Howard (Fac. Res. Asst) & B. W. Lohsen, Inst., August 1977
Re Dr. Hayes A. Newby-Prof., Dept. of Hearing & Speech Sci., 5% Raise to 37,925-10
Mo., August, 1977
Preliminary FY 1979 Faculty Salary Data, August 12, 1977
In Excess of 15% 1977-1978 M. T. Howard & B. W. Lohsen-Hearing and Speech-Apvd.,
August 1977
Dairy Science-Dr. Donald Campbell-Salary Adjustment, Hornbake's Ltr. of August 5,
UMAB-Extra 5% Fac. Salary Adj.-School of Law-FY 1979-Meyers, Ltr. of August 8,
C. P.-Sp. Request for Asst. Prof. Jerry W. Johnson, Dept. of Agronomy-Eft. July 1, 1977
School of Pharmacy, June 29, 1977
FY 1979 Budget-Gen. Fund Allocation-Each Campus, CES, GUE, CEES, July 1977
UMBC-Dr. Kaplan's Recommendations for Salary Increase for 1978, [1977]
Reductions in Gov. Budget as Passed by Legislature-Bentz's Report of April 12, 1977
Fiscal 1978-Summary of Legislative Adjustments (As of April 27, 1977), [1977]
Fiscal 1977-1978-Sched. of Recommended Auxiliary Enterprises Related Charges-4
Campuses, [1977]
Fiscal 1977-1978-UMAB Room & Parking Fee Bi-Weekly-Apvd., May 13, 1977
Budget-UMBC-Resident Hall Rates for 1977-1978 Fiscal Year, Appval. May 13, 1977
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 269 (cont’d)
1977-1978-Materials (cont’d)
C. P. Campus-1977-1978 Room, Sophomore Priority for Housing & U. of M. Apts.-May
13, 1977 Bd., [1977]
UMES-Room & Board 1977-1978 Fiscal Yr.-Apvd. by Board May 13, 1977
Chancellor-C. P...., 1974
Chancellor-C. P.-Policy on Gifts Earmarked for C.P. Campus, June 5, 1974
C. P. Campus-Increases in Board & Room Rates-Apvd. Board, June 21, 1974
June 17-Com. on Budgets, C. P. & Balt. County 1974-1975 Dormitory & Dining Hall Charges,
C. P.-Increase Uni. Apt. Rents for 1974-1975 (Eft. Nov. 1, 1974), Apvd. by Bd. September 20,
Budget Hearing-Sept. 13-Rent Increase-Graduate Housing, [1974]
C. P.
Increase in Board & Room Rates-Aprd. Board-June 23, 1972-Rates for 1972-1973,
Duties of the Provosts...., July 9, 1974
Apt. of Provosts of Div. III & Div. V (Also Dean of College of Education) Bd., June 21,
Apt. of Provosts of Div. I, II & IV-Also Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs-Bd., June 21,
Bd. Action on Qualifications for Organizations Seeking Voluntary Fees, Nov. 30, 1973
Chan. Parent Education Thru Child Care Project (re Also Gift of John C. Emery, III-Apr. Bd.,
Nov. 30, 1973
C. P.
Concurrent Enrollment Program-High Sch. Students, 1973-1974
Budget SGA-Apvd. Sept. 25, 1973
Budget-1974-1975 Increases Re C. P. Desegregation Plan, (December 19, 1973)
Faculty Salaries, Fac. Concil, May 1974
June 17-Bldg. Com.
Lecture Hall Addition to Math Building, [1974]
Conversion of Old Dining Hall (Main), [1974]
Budgets-Fis. 1975-C. P. Campus Central Control & Monitoring System-Heating-Bd. Jan. 25,
C. P. Fin. Accts. Dept. of Intercollegiate Athletics-Year Ended June 30, 1973 & June 30, 1972
(September 1973), [1974]
Audit-C. P. Campus, July 1, 1969 to Jan. 26, 1972
C. P. Rathskeller (Establishment of-Serving of Liquor & Liability Insurance for Officers to
Operate a Club..., 1973 & 1974
June 21, 1974-Bd. Action on Liability Insurance for Officers to Operate Club Rathskeller, 1974
C. P. Rathskeller-Re Serving of Liquor, Oct. 30, 1973
Discussed by Stu. Relations Com., 1973
C. P.
Campus-Rathskeller-Prop. Constitution for Operation Of-Fishbein's Opinion..., Jan. 28,
Summary of Requests for Additional Funding in Priority Order..., Sept. 4, 1974
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 270
Chronicle of Higher Ed., Student Charges at 327 State Institutions, Budget Files, [Oct. 2, 1972]
1973 Budget re Discrepancies in Salaries-All Campuses & Bishop's Request of Review C. P.,
Budget-Program & Performance Statements-Self-Supporting Activities-1974 Budget, [1972]
Recommendations for Fee Changes, 1974 Budget Request-Waetjen's Note of August 21, 1972
Request Budget 73-74, Total University, [1972]
Request Budget, 1973-1974, Central Administration, [1972]
Request Budget 1973-1974 Central Administration: Recomm. from Dr. Waetjen, [1972]
Request Budget 1973-1974, Central Administration: Horn Point (Environ. & Est. Stud.),
Adjustments in Salaries, C. P. Campus-Bishop's Ltr. of August 29, 1972
C. P. Budget for 1973-1974-Request for Review Based on Elkins Ltr. of August 3, 1972
Materials, [1972]
Request Budget 1973-1974, College Park, Aug. 3, 1972
Balt. City & Hosp.-Kuhn's Request for Review Based on Elkins Ltr. of August 3, 1973
Budget-Baltimore City Campus, Discussed with Kuhn, August 25, 1972
Request Budget 1973-1974, Baltimore City & Univ. Hospital, August 3, 1972
Request Budget 1973-1974, Baltimore County, [1972]
Request Budget 1973-1974, Eastern Shore, [1972]
1:30 p.m. August 1-Budgetary Projections 1974, 1975-1976
Three Year Operating Budget Projection & Analysis, July 1972
Separation of Agri. from St. Board-Bentz's Ltr. of June 14, 1972
Self-Liquidating Constr. Prog. Request for From Chanc., Waetjen's Ltr. of June 7, [1972]
Capital Budget Request for Fiscal Year 1974-Apvd. by Board on June 23, 1972
1974 Budget-Capital Budget Request-All Areas-(Extra Copies), (Aprv. May 12, 1974), [1974]
Budget Fiscal 1974-Preliminary Estimate-All Campuses, June 28, 1972, Letter to Slitcher, [1972]
UMES-Operating Budget Projection & Analysis, Asking Budget...., 1974
SGA-C. P.-Apvd., September 25, 1973
UMES-Apvd., September 21, 1973
UMBC Apvd., September 21, 1973
August 15 at 10 a.m. Board-Questions on Budget, Elkins Only, undated
Instructions for Preparing 1974-1975 Asking Budget for Review of Board of Regents,
Transmittal of Working Budget to Board & State Officials Fiscal 1974, August 1973
Hearings, Bd. of Rgts., September 12, 1973
Hearings Before Com. on Budgets-Regents-Agenda, 1973
1974-1975 Budget Request-Review-Dr. Elkins' Remarks, 1973
1974-1975-Request for Center for Environmental & Estuarine Studies..., 1973
Com. on Budgets, Check List, 1973
Bd. of Rgts., Board of Regents, 1973
Bd. of Rgts., Central Administration, 1973
Bd. of Rgts., State Officials, 1973
Bd. of Rgts., Chancellors, 1973
Bd. of Rgts., Lists, 1973
Cap. Budget 1975 Fiscal Year
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 270 (cont’d)
Cap. Budget 1975 Fiscal Year (cont’d)
Request-Fiscal 1975 (As of April 9, 1974), [1974]
Feb. 18, House Approp. Com.-St. House at 1:30 p.m., [1974]
Feb. 18, 1974-Capital Budget Request for Fiscal 1975, [1974]
Capital Budget-1974-1975 & 5 Year Capital Program-August 16, 1973 Hearing
Request for Fiscal 1975 (June 6, 1973), [1973]
August 16 at 9:30 a.m. Room 400, Senate Office Building, Annapolis, [1973]
Thursday, August 16, 1973 at 9:30 a.m., Capital Budget Hearing for Uni., Rm. 801 SOBBalt., [1973]
5-Yr. Capital Budget, Aug. 16, [1973]
1974-1975-Funded Construction, August 16, 1973
Budget-Dept. of Fiscal Services, 1974 Budget-Legislative Action, [1973]
1974-New Budget Programs, C. P., Hosp., Eastern Shore & Gen. Self-Supporting ActEnvironmental, [1973]
New Budget Procedure..., 1973-1974
Budget-UMES-Increase Above 10% Approved-May 15, 1973 (As of July 1, 1973), [1973]
Budget-Final Cuts for University....O'Connell of April 12, 1973, [1973]
Capital Budget Request Fiscal Year 1975 (As of April 20, 1973) To be Revised, [1973]
Capital Budget Request Fiscal 1973-1974 (Compilation dated April 10, 1973), [1973]
Budget Bill for State-S. 332, March 1973, Fiscal 1973-1974 Capital Budget Request, April 10,
1973-1974 Dedicated Funds Programs (Bd. Review May, July, 1973), As of May 1, 1973
S. B. 332-(Budget Bill for State) for Fiscal 1973-1974, [1973]
BOX 271
Budget-Fiscal 1975-Gov. Approval (Ltr. from Pedone-Budget & Fisc. Dated December 17, 1973)
Budget-Fiscal 1975, 1974-75 Budget Request-Summary of Data, Dec. 19, 1973
Feb. 5 at 11 a.m., Hearing H.B. 112 and 305, Bentz Representing, 1974
Budgets-Governor's Recommendations to Gen. Assembly, 1975 Budget (Reg. Request of
September 12, 1973), [1973]
Budget & Fiscal Planning-Collection of Federal Fund Data on Quarterly Basis..., December 1973
for 1974
Budget...1976, Fiscal 1976, Fiscal General Fund Allocation for Uni. of Md. (Gov. Ltr. of May
31, 1974)
Attachment-Support Data for College Park, December 3, 1973
Dec. 6-11 a.m. Budget Hearing with Governor-Estimated 1975 Cost per Student (from Harry
Fisher)..., 1973
Thursday, Dec. 6 at 11 a.m. Gov. Office-Annapolis, Dr. Elkins Remarks-Budget Hearing with
Governor, Dec. 6, 1973
Budget Hearing-Gov. Off., Dec. 6, 1973
1974-1975 Budget Request-Review by Budget Com. of Board, September 12, 1973
Com. on Budgets-June 17, 2. Prop. 1974-1975 Budget Request for Self-Supported Activities,
Budget-General Funds Allowance for Fiscal 1975-Meeting of President's Committee on, June 29,
Sept. 13-Budget Hearings, Chancellors, Director of CEES & Dr. Bentz, [1974]
Sept. 13, Budget Hearings Central Administration, [1974]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 271 (cont’d)
Fri. Sept. 13-Hearings-Budget Com.
List of Those Invited to be Present, [1974]
Ltrs. to Board Members, 10 a.m. Moot Court Room, [1974]
State Officials, [1974]
Cost per Credit (or Semester) Hour-D.C. Universities, as of July 12, 1974, [1974]
Preliminary 1975-1976 Asking Budget (As of July 9, 1974), [1974]
1975-1976 Budget Estimates-Summary of Increases, [1974]
Schedule-1976 Budget Request to Dept. of Budget & Fiscal Planning, 1974
Suggested Fee Increases for 1975-1976 Budget Estimate-as of July 8, 1974
Budget 1976-Additional Information Requested by Gen. Assembly-Budget Preparation..., 1974
Budget-Rept. Sen. Fin. & House Approp. Action 1974 on Budget Bill, [April 19, 1974]
O. C.-Budget Procedure-1975 Budget Request-May 31, 1973 Ltr.-Mandel, See Also Budget &
Planning, [1973]
Budget Hearing on Board-Item on John Hopkins Raise in Room & Board, April 11, 1974
O'C-Budget-Summary of Actions by General Assembly 1974-1975 (As of April 9, 1974), [1974]
Budget Statement-Elkins-Monday, March 11, 1974-Proposed Reductions Budget, [1974]
Hearings-Sen. & House in February 1974, Notice to Administrators, [1973]
Capital Budget-Consolidated Capital Budget Request for 1976, to St. Planning, Oct. 4, 1974
Fiscal Year 1976 Budget-Sept. 13, 1974, Questions Raised by James Jacobs & Answered-Bd.,
September 20, 1974
Budgets-University Funded Construction Projects-Apvd. Bd., September 20, 1974
Budget Hearings Before Budget Com. of Board
Re University Apartment Rental Rates in 1974-1975 & 1975-1976, [1974]
Re MaryPIRG Appropriation Copies, [1974]
UMES Student Govt. Association Budget, Sept. 13, 1974
Separate List 1975-1976 Budget Request (To Be Changed), [1974]
1974-1975 Asking Budget (July 23, 1973), Used 1974 Budget Hearings, Sep. 13, 1974
Budget Com. Hearings-Sept. 13, 1974 Distribution of Budgets, [1974]
1974-1975 Budget-(Salary Request Above 10%), [1974]
Budget-Asking-C. P., 1975-1976
Fiscal 1974 Budget Request, [1972]
[Supporting Material for Asking Budget for 1973-1974, 1972]
Integration-Progress-Ch. on Human Relations-Sent to Gov. Mandel, April 23, 1970
BOX 272
C. P.
Bishop's Ltr. of Sept. 17, 1973 to Brown Re Budget Needs for Campus Security (File
Separately from Bud.), [1973]
Self-Liquidating Construction Program-August 26, 1974 (May Be Withdrawn), 1974
Budget-C. P., Bishop's Summaries for 1973-1974 Dedicated Funds, April 20, 1973
Budgets-1975-Supplemental-C. P. Salaries for Police Officers...Bd., Jan. 25, 1974
Budget-1975-Supplemental-C. P. Statement, Health Service (Bd. Action, Jan. 25, 1974)
Bishop-Statement on Gov.'s Budget Recommendations-Leg. Subcom. Hearings, Feb. 20, 1974
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 272 (cont’d)
C. P.
Legislative Budget Hearing for February 1974-Chanc. Report, January 9, 1974
Re Increase in Golf Fees, Etc., Aprv. Bd. June 21, 1974-Eft. July 1, 1974, Minutes
Corrected September 20, 1974
Chancellor's Lecture Series, College Park, September 1973 & 1974
C. P.-Projected Space Requirements, C. P. Fall 1971 to 1976, 1972
College Park-Disciplinary Rules and Procedures, March 1971
Chan. Faculty Rights & Responsibilities-Adopted by Fac. Council of Uni. of N. C., Sept. 10,
April 17 (Wed.) at 3 p.m. (Tent) Lect. Dr. Olson-Colonial Ballrm. Stu. Union, Chanc. Lectures,
Student Relations
April 25 at 2:30 p.m.-Campus FM Radio Station, [1974]
April 25 Projected Growth of the Greek System, 1974
C. P.-Comparative Study of Nation's 40 Largest Public Universities Campuses, 1974
Re Recommendation of Martin Buxbaum for Hon. Degree (Ltrs. fr. Nawrocki-March
1974), [1974]
Re Ltr. from Geo. Silverman-Release of Diploma of Son, Gary O...., 1974
C. P.
Concessions Contract (Ltr. from Bishop of July 24, 1974), O'C. Has Contract..., 1974
Chan.-Bishop's Ltr. with List of Contracts, Grants & Elkins' Reply of May 19, 1974,
Increase of 2,000 in Salary for Dr. James Barrett (Psychology) 1974-1975...Apvd.,
September 27, 1974
Re No. of Prescriptions Written in Health Center, September 1974
September 28, 1974-Gen. Assembly Football Day-Materials Sent Out-Chancellor's
Office, [1974]
Act. Chancellor-Re Architecture & Proposed Visiting Com. On Accreditation, July & August
Chancellor-J. Michael Hession-Reimbursement-Travel & Public Relations...., 1974
Chan. C. P.-Re "The Committee of Three"-Diamondback Article of Nov. 12, 1974
C. P. Coop. Agreement with Com. College of Baltimore in Projects Under Title III..., Oct. 31,
Dorsey-Re Alpha Chi (Nat'l College Honor Scholarship Society), November 18, 1974
Chan. C. P.-Report on Transcript Production on the C. P. Campus, Oct. 14, 1974
C. P. Chanc.-Security on C. P. Campus-Ltr. from Ethel Evry..., November 1974
C. P.-Re Reaction to Operation of VA-Education & Training Programs, Feb. 1974
Student Faculty Load-Various Levels....Ltr. Mar. 1, 1974 to Delegate Allen..., March
Re Apt. of Col. G. C. Gustfson-Prof. of Aerospace Studies & C.C.O. of AFROTC, July
O.K. on Fam. & Community Dev. Program in Human Ecology, Feb. 12, 1974
Chan.-Re Wm. R. Brunk's Complaint on Noise in Frats, September 1973 & 1974
C. P.-System of Libraries at UMCP, Bishop's Ltr. of January 7, 1974
College Park Campus-Drugs Arrests, Etc., January 1974 & April 1974
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 272 (cont’d)
C. P. & UMBC Campuses-Precocious 7th & 8th Graders to Take Course in Uni..., December
1973 for 1974
C. P.-Credibility by Examination..., 1974-1975
C. P. Intensive Education Dev. Prog.--Internal Auditor's Report, September 7, 1973
Chan. Bishop-Re Tuition Repayment Plan Similar to Yale Plan-Ltr. to Senator Abrams, March
15, 1974
Chancellor-College Park..., 1973
C. P.-Tenure for Faculty Members (Asst. Profs.) Approved, March 30, 1973
Chancellor-C. P. Nudity on Campus-Misc., 1973
Bishop-Re Hession & Tull Concert at Uni. of Md. on May 6, 1973, [1973]
Chancellor-Re Board Action on Resolution-Uni. of Md. Art Gallery, November 30, 1973
Bishop-Enr. Statistics-C. P. First Semester 1973-1974, as of October 6, 1973 (Final)
Chan.-Bishop's Ltrs. of Sept. 19 & Sept. 20 on Head Count Enrollment, [1973]
C. P. Chancellor-Installation of New Floor in Ritchie Coliseum, 1973
Re Frostburg St. Col.-Center for College-Community Concerns, October 18, 1973
Re NASULGC-4-Year Serviceman's Opportunity College Project..., October 1973
Chancellor-Re Installation-All Weather Track at C. P. (Funded by Rec. Facilities & Interc.
Athletics), 1973
Sund., Sept. 30-5 to 7:30 p.m. Open House-Bishop's Home 7027 Hunter Lane, C. Heights..., 1973
Bishop-Re Social Sec. Coverage of Foreign Students & Exchange Visitors, Sept. 5, 1973
Chan.-Re Wash. Suburban San. Comm.-Paint Branch Relief Sewer- Sp. 21, 1973 Board Action,
Bishop-July 16, 1973-Cost of Soccer Field, Playing Field and Parking Area (Hold), July 20, 1973
C. P. Campus-Ramifications of the Age of Majority, August 1973
C. P. Chan., MCHE Formula Budgeting Test..., July 1973
Chancellor-Salary Study of U. M. at C. P. Faculty, June 1973
C. P.-$4.50 Per Ticket-Gen. Admission-Home Basketball Games Eft. 1973-1974 Academic Year,
Dr. Daniel L. Bratton-Sp. Advisor to Chan. for Program Development, June 15, 1973
Chancellor-C. P. 41 Exceptions to Guidelines of 10%...Original Given to O'Connell, May 17,
C. P.-Unrestricted Allocation to C. P. Campus, Bd. Action of May 11, 1973
C. P. Campus Lighting-Supplementary Budget-Ltr. to Walbe, St. Planning, March 6, 1973
Chan. C. P..., Re Legal Services in Intensive Educational Dev. Program, April 1973
Chancellor Bishop-Tenure in Physics Department-Discuss, July 1973
C. P. Chancellor-Summer Orientation Program-Apprv. by Elkins on April 19, 1973
Ed. Pol. & Res. Comm. Proposed English Requirement, College Park Campus, 1973
Chan. C. P.-Smoking in Class Room-Policy, April 23, 1973
Chancellor-College Park....Gen., 1972
C. P.-Security..., 1972 & 1973
Resurfacing Tennis Courts-College Park Campus, 1973
Review of Preliminary Plans for the Lecture Halls, College Park, 1973
Review of Preliminary Plans for Phase II of Physical Education Building, College Park, 1973
C. P. Campus-Re Md. State Police & Statement on Drugs...., April & May 1973
Silvester Hall
Razing-O.K. by Dept. of General Services...Other Correspondence, Feb. 16, 1973
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 272 (cont’d)
Silvester Hall (cont’d)
Sent to Gen. Serv. Proposed Physical Facilities for 1973, College of Human Ecology,
Demolition-Material from Mr. Weber, Dec. 1972
Renovation of Silvester Hall, Oct., 1972
C. P. Construction-Silvester Hall Replacement-Bishop's Rec. To Board, November 17, 1972
Bishop-Fac. Salary Increases for 1973 from C. P. Fac. Assembly, March 1973
C. P. Chancellor-Re Audit of Student Aid Programs, March 1973
Callcott, George-V. Chan. Academic Affairs-C. P., 1970-1973
Re Selection of Graduate Students for Counseling Psychology (See Adm. Grad.
Hubble)..., 1973
Apt. of Prof. Melvin Bernstein-Asst. to Vice Chanc. for Academic Affairs, Oct. 17, 1972
Curriculum Requirements of College of Arts and Sciences, Nov. 12, 1970
Johnstone, James R. (Re Dismissal as Electrical Workers on C. P. Campus), March 1973
C. P.-Bishop's Report on Financial Aid to Students, C. P. Campus, February 19, 1973
C. P. Campus-Construction-3rd Floor-Food Service Building, 1973
10:30 a.m. Chance. Bishop-Change Order-Food Service I, Dec. 6, 1972
C. P.-Morgan State-Uni. of Md. Student Program Proposal, 1973
Chanc.-Food Service Facility #1 Correspondence on & Award of Bid to Savoy Const. Co.,
(November 1971)
1:30 p.m. Wed., Sept. 5-Dr. Bishop Re Birth Control Handbook-Philbin, 1973
Bishop-Re Freshman Orientation Summer of 1972-Ltrs. on, [1972]
Chancellor-C. P. Ltrs. Re Abortions, 1971 and 1972
BOX 273
C. P.-Md. Dept. of Transportation Study of Western Prince George's County...1973, Discussed
with Bishop, Feb. 12, 1973
Bishop-Re Fishbein's Ltr. & Mem. of Understanding with Diamondback & Dept. of Public
Safety, December 1972
Dorsey, John...C. P., 1973
Dorsey-Motor Transportation Facility..., 1973-1974
Division of Transportation Activities-Mr. William Clawson, July 16, 1973
Dorsey, J. W.-Re Letters on Business Services Methods, C. P...., 1973
Dorsey, John...., C. P., 1972
C. P. Dorsey-University Hills Apartments-Complaints, 1972-1973
Dorsey, John....C. P., 1970 & 1971
Vice Chancellor for Adm. Affairs Reorganization of Office, August 18, 1971
C. P.-Dorsey-Rec. Change in Over-Rate Assessed Self-Supporting Programs, 1971
Day, Thomas-Vic. Chan.-Academic Planning & Policy, 1970-1973
College Park-Industrial Education & A & S Office Classroom Building, 1972
C. P.-Repairs in Dining Halls, 4 & 5, 1972
Chancellor C. P.-Construction, 1972
Bishop-Re P. G. Dept. of Health Ltrs. of Dec. 28, 1972 on Animals in Food Service, [1972]
Chancellor-C. P. Tuesday, Nov. 28-Bishop & Undergraduate Advisory Council..., 1972
C. P.
Com. to Make Recommendations on Endowment Portfolio, undated
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 273 (cont’d)
C.P. (cont’d)
Proportion of Doctorates Earned by Women 1960-1969, Adm. Council Meeting...., 1972
Ltr. from Bishop on Shift from 8-Week Summer School-Waetjen to Discuss with UMBC
& UMES November, 1972
Chancellor-Re Md./DC Com. to Oppose Political Repression, (Re Day & Mark Cullen),
September & October, 1972
Campus-Bishop's Ltr. of July 21, 1972 Change for Admissions, HOLD, 1972
College Level Law Enforcement Training Programs, Bishop, June 27, 1972
Campus-Judicial Code Report on Action-Sent to Case & Kaplan-from Bishop, Sept.
Re Case's Request for Repts. (10 Disciplinary Procedure &(2) Com. to Recom to
Endowments, Sept., 1972
Constr.-Dining Hall #1, Conversion to Academic Nldg.-To Bd. November 17, 1972
Biochemistry Research Bldg., 1972
College Park Chancellor Fee Changes for 1973-1974, [1972]
C. P.
Chanc.-Academic Retention Plan-Apvd. by Bd. November 17, 1972 Eft., September
Campus-Chancellor (Old Copy of Proposed Retention Plan-Proposition VII), [1972]
Policy for Assignment of Graduate Apartments, Oct., 1972
Wed. March 21-Russian Gymnastics-Reception Following 8:00 p.m., [1973]
September 25, 1972-Elkins Ltr. to Bishop with Board Action of Sept. 22, 1972 on SGA Budget
for 1972-1973, [1972]
C. P. Campus-Priority Listing Extension of Utilities-To Dept. of State Planning, October 3, 1972
Hiser Property-Board Item for, January 21, 1972
Property-7027 Hunter Lane, Hyattsville, Oscar K. & Mabel M. Hiser, October & November,
Hiser Property-Sale of 7012 Hunter Lane-Bishop's Home, 1972
Chancellor-C. P. Material from Press on Residence...., 1972
C. P. Annual Report to the Chancellor-Summarizing Progress C. P. Campus, 1971-1972
Chanc.-Housing-Out of State Living in Residence Halls, June 1972
C. P. Campus-Re Position of Administrative Dean for Research, Academic Services & Facilities,
Chan. Proposed Gen. Classroom Bldg., Entomology & Microbiology Depts., June 1972
C. P. Campus-Black Students Demands, May 1972
Board, May 12-Archives for University of Maryland, [1972]
Bldg. Com.
Item 7-Replacement of Roofs, Uni. Hills Apts., undated
Study of 15 State Uni. Re Facilities-C. P. Campus, 1972
College Park Campus Maps, As of Feb. 29, 1972
Chancellors-C. P.-Re Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc., Feb., 1972
College Park Campus, April & May 1972 Demonstrations
Re Payment of $124,388.53-from Overhead, 1972
Disturbance, Apr.-May, 1972
Dorsey Statement Re Fiscal Condition of C. P. for Current Fiscal Year, April 11, 1972
April-May Disturbances-Incomplete List of Arrests Made-Blumer's to Bishop, May 4,
Disturbances-Chancellor's Statements, April 1972
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 273 (cont’d)
College Park Campus, April & May 1972 Demonstrations (cont’d)
Disturbances-April-President's Statement (Joint), April 20, 1972
Chancellor-C. P., April Riots, Arrests Made by State Police Lists-Ltr. From Smith, Apr.
25, 1972
Bishop's Ltr. Re Dr. E. F. Beall-Physics, April 17, 1972
Election Day Nov. 7 as a Holiday, Sent 1972, [1972]
Students Protesting Defense Intelligence Agency Recruitment Program, Jan. 19 & Jan. 25, 1972
Appt., Dr. Bert Phillips, Human Relations Officer, 1971
13 b. Biog. Materials on Dr. P. Bertrand Phillips, undated
Chan. Human Relations-Dr. Adkin's Inquiry re Human Relations Code, Nov., 1971
C.P.-Bishop..., 1971
Re-Visiting & Part-Time Faculty, 1971
Executive Session-File on Promotions-Adams and Jamieson
Promotions-Extra Set of Letters for and Against, August 1971
Promotions-Elkins Ltr. of June 23, 1971 Re List of Promotions Endorsed by Bishop...,
Chan.-Promotions-Adams & Jamiesen, 1971
Promotions-Adams & Jamieson-Ltrs. on, [1971]
Prom. Adams & Jamieson-Clippings, [1971]
Hornbake-Statement of 9 Professors-Who Ignored Suspension of Students,
Diamondback-Comment, May 11, 1971
Chancellor Search for C. P.-To be Filed in Attic, 1970
Chancellor-Ltr. Re SGA Madison Jones at Commencement, June 1971
Executive Session-Ltr. to Dr. Chas. H. Williams to Governor Mandel on Madison Jones, 1971
Armory Addition Construction, [1970]
Chancellor-College Park, May 1971 Disturbances
Expenses for Military Dept. Presence on Campus, 1971
August 16-Bishop's Report on Cases..., 1971
Ltrs. to Chancellor, Governor, President, Etc., May 1971
Bishop's Statement of May 12, 1971
Elkins' Statement of May 6, 1971
Bishop's Statement of April 19, 1971, Demonstrations in Washington, [1971]
University Relations-May 11, 1971-Beach's Report on Demonstrations, [1971]
Ltrs. Signed by Dr. Elkins to Students Dente, Borst & Anderson, May 1971
Clippings...., 1971
Bishop's Ltrs. of Suspension, Etc., May 1971
Bishop-Mar. 24, 1971-Bd. Action on Conversion of Dormitories-As Many as 6 to Coed. Units,
Mar. 19, 1971
Bishop-Residence Hall Program, March, 1971
No. 5 Fee Differential for Graduate Students Majoring in Education June 14-Adm. Council,
Bldg. Com.-Item 4-Change of Name for Student Union, College Park, 1972
Bld. Com.-Item 3-Award of Contract for Biochemistry Research Bldg., C. P., undated
Bldg. Com. Item 2. Award of Contract-Renovation Engineering Laboratory Bldg., C. P., undated
C. P. Construction-Folders on-All Areas-Sent by Bishop, 1971-1972
Consideration of Lighting of Tennis Courts, undated
Consideration of North Entrance to the Biochemistry Bldg., undated
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 273 (cont’d)
C. P. Construction-Folders on-All Areas-Sent by Bishop, 1971-1972 (cont’d)
C. P.-Air Conditioning for Cole Field House-Estimate-from Bishop..., 1971
Chancellor-College Park
Budgetary Matters..., 1971
Enrollment Control-Hold for Other Material, June 15, 1971
Bishop-Procedure for Appointments-(Spec. Apts. of Rundell and Troth), May 19, 1971
Chancellor-C. P. Campus
Policy Re Reinstatement of Students, Dismissed for Acad. Reasons, 1971
Board Rate for C. P. Campus & Reduction in Meals..., May 14, 1971
Bishop-Re College of Education & Grade Point Average In Teacher Education, 1971
Chancellor Bishop-Re Building Research Institute (Intern. Program), 1971
Bishop-Financial Support-Scholarships for Black Students-Honors Freshmen, April 1971
BOX 274
Bishop-Ltr. fr. Parren J. Mitchell on Urban Inf. Project at C. P. Campus & Reply, April 1971
Bishop-Approval of Estb. of Intercollegiate Fencing Team-By Bd., March 19, 1971
Chancellor-C. P.
Report of Task Force on R.O.T.C., Feb., 1971
Re Financial Policies, Feb. 18, 1971
Administrative Set Up of Office, March 1971
Transfer of Divisions of Finance & Business to Office of Chancellor, January 8, 1971
Division of Personnel-Placed under Chancellor, January 1971
Change of Room & Board Schedule, Fbr. 1971
Re: Internal Revenue Serv.-SGA Course on Making Beer, January 1971
Md. Council for Higher Ed. Re Limits on C. P. Undergrad. Enrollment, Etc., Jan. & Feb.,
Bishop-Case of … & Assault on, February 26, 1971
Chan. Survey of Safety of Photo Lab. in Annapolis Hall-1970, Robert H. Harvey Wrote About...,
United National Student Intern Program, Aug. 2-27, 1971
Re: Da Rae Enterprises, Inc., 1971
Black Explosion (Publication of Black Student Union), Nov. 5 Ltr. to Bishop & Reply,
Nov., 22, 1971
Naming of Buildings-Committee on, July 1971
Operation of State-Owned Vehicles, June 1971
Dormitory Application Deposit-Discontinuance of, Hold for September...., 1971
Construction-C. P. Campus-Award of Contract for Chemical Engineering, Nov. 1971
C. P. Campus-Construction-Equipment, Repairs, Etc., for Student Union Bld., November 1971
College Park-Fee Changes for 1972-1973-(Apvd. by Bd. September 17, 1971), [1971]
Chancellor-C. P.-Andrew G. De Rocco & Senator M. H. Emanuel, Jr. (File-June 1971), [1971]
College Park Campus-Regulations-May 14, 1971-Evaluation, 1972
St. of Md.-Treasurer-Auditor's Report-College Park-Fiscal 1967, 68, 69 (Received May, 1971),
Bishop-450.00 Deposit for New Automated Registration-1971-1972, (To be Held for Time
Being), [1971-1972]
Chancellor-C. P. $50 Deposit for New Automated Registration, 1971-1972
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 274 (cont’d)
Bishop-Computerized Registrations, 1971
Chancellor-Recommended Apts., Dr. Irma Adelman (Econ)-Drs. John Duffy & Paul Conkin,
Dec. 1971
Chanc.-Fishbein's Ruling-Duplication of Keys to University Property, November 15, 1971
Chancellor C. P.-Crime-Beach Suggestion for Story on Crime-File, December 20, 1971
Personnel-Director, 1971
Division of Personnel-Placed under Chancellor-C. P., Jan. 6, 1971
Personnel-University Wide General Policies on Holidays-Aprv. by Bd., September 17, 1971
Personnel-Campus Holidays Calendar for 1971, [1971]
Personnel Directives..., 1971
Physical Plant..., 1971
Physical Plant-Construction, Progress Reports..., 1971
Phy. Plant-Environmental Conservation Org.-(Re Recycling Paper at Uni.)..., October 1971
Phys. Plant-Renovation of 10 Frat. Houses from Dorm Const. Funds-Apvd. Bd. on April 21,
1971, C. P., 1971
Physical Plant
Processing Mail & Change of Addresses, 1971
5th Flr. of Adult Center-Renovation as Pres. Office..., July 1970
Phy. Plant-Advisory Group on Grounds-(Also Elkins House), 1969
Safety & Security
Gen. File, 1971
Traffic Violations..., 1971
Plan-Unmarked, August 20, 1970
Human Ecology, College of, 1972
Bishop-College Park Campus Into the Seventies-Published, April 8, 1971
Chancellor's Convocation, 11 a.m. September 16, 1970
Chancellor-Re Rennie Davis Statement, Black Panthers Use of Uni. Facilities, September-Oct.
Chancellor's Receptions, September 1970
State of Indiana vs. Rankin & Others, August 14, 1970
Count of Black Students at C. P. for Fall, 1970-Cultural Study Center Report...., Nov.
Re Easton Dormitory Fracas-Ltrs. from W. L. Thomas & Norbert Lasher, October 1970
Library, Director of..., 1971
Library-Look Collection Return-Bd. Apprvd., June 18, 1971
Bishop..., 1970
Campus-Appointments Made Without Reference to This Office, 1970-1971
Library-Reference Interlibrary Loan Service Agreement, 1969-1971
Libraries-Director-Materials Sent from Assoc. of Am. Colleges for Distribution..., 1968 & 1970
Library-Volterra Library, 1969-1970
Chancellor-College Park..., 1976
7:30 p.m. Chan. Dinner for Sachwald & Connelly-Monday, June 7 at His Home, 1976
C. P. Campus-Deferred Payment Plan for Tuition & Other Charges
C. P.-Deferring & Waiving Application Fee..., June 1976
Hold-Student Affairs Com., Deferred Payment Plan (Hold Next Meeting), [1975]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 274 (cont’d)
C. P. Campus-Deferred Payment Plan for Tuition & Other Charges (cont’d)
2. Deferred Payment Plan for Tuition & Other Charges, [1975]
Student Relations-April 25 at 2:30 p.m., Deferred Tuition Payment Plan, 1974
Feb. 3-Adm. Council-Item 1. Student Deferred Payment Plan C. P. Proposed, [1975]
Feb. 27-Student Affairs-Deferred Payment Plan for College Park, [1975]
College Park Campus-Academic Calendar for 1977-1978, 1975
C. P.-Re Certificate of Merit Awards in Agriculture-Ltr. fr. Elkins Approving, Sept. 24, 1976
Chancellor's Receptions for Divisions, Oct. 17, Oct. 24 & Oct. 31, 1976
C. P. Chancellor-Increase in Student Athletic Fee-Charge to Fac. & Staff-Apprvd. Bd., June 25,
College Park-University College Policy Regarding Course Offerings, July 30, 1976
Sat. Nov. 13--Legislators Day Football with Clemson-Lunch, [1976]
C. P.-Re-Scholarships Based on Merit at UMCP, Hold for Bd. Discussion, May 17, 1976
C. P. Campus-Chancellor-Apv. of Bachelor of Science in Urban Studies, Architecture, November
19, 1976
C. P. Chan.-Re-National Center for Study of Submicron Structures to Nat'l Sci. Foundation, July,
Construction-C. P. Re Physical Education Building (Legislation to Increase Appropriations),
C. P. Campus-Construction of Greenhouse (C. P. Campus & Agri.), 1976
Chan. C. P.-Re Food Service Coop..., 1976
Construction C. P.-Heavy Research Facility-Addition to, 1975-1976
Uni.-Wide Grad. Program in Marine-Estuarine-Environmental Sciences-(From C. P.) See
Pelczar, Oct. 1975
Enrollment-College Park (note Final)-As of, Oct. 16, 1975
Chancellor, C. P.-Salary Study of Women by Bergman with AAUP, 1974
Chancellor-Housing Policy-Distributed Later to Board, C. P., August 1, 1975
C. P. Campus
University Relations, F. Randall Blunk-Acting Director, August 1, 1975
Chancellor Gluckstern's Receptions, Fall Semester, 1975
Report to the Board-Re Police-Crime Rate on Campus & Minority Complaints, Jan. 19,
C. P.-Animal Sciences Bldg.-Phase II....., 1975-1976
8:45 a.m. Jan. 21-Delegate Kernan's Request-Bicentennial Celebration (Dr. Gluckstern), [1976]
C. P. Campus
Connelly's Ltr. re Construction of Commuter Facilities at UMCP..., 1975 & 1976
Safety Modifications, Phase II, 1976
C. P. Campus-Travel Agency-Considered, March 12, 1976 & Tabled, 1976
C. P.-Materials on Room, Board, Apartment Rentals & Contracting for Food Services
Rates for 1976-1977-Apv. by Bd., May 14, 1976
C. P. Summary of Recommended Room & Board Charges, 1976-1977
Charges for Fiscal 1976-1977, 1976
C. P. Marriott Report-Contracting for Food Services, April 12, 1976
C. P.-Ltrs. re C. P. Reversion of Positions, April 1975
Dorsey-Re Endowment Funds-Not Being Utilized Fully (Same to Kuhn), December 13, 1974
Dec. 4-10 a.m. Budget Meeting, Supplemental Budget SGA for Fiscal 1975-1976, 1975
Chancellor-S.G.A. Budget for Fiscal 1975 (As Approved by Board on June 21, 1974)
C. P. Campus-"A Proposal for Early Admission to the Uni."-Hornbake's Comment, May 31, 1975
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 274 (cont’d)
C. P.-Open Admission Program for Veterans-Holding in 1975..., 1974
C. P. Campus--Art Sociology Bldg., Dec. 3, 1975 Ltr. to Tydings (Copies to Bd. Members)....,
C. P.-Food Service Facility, 1975
9 a.m. Dec. 2-Discuss with Dorsey 1. Re Washington Gas Light Co., 1974
Chanc.-Agree Uni. & Uni. of Sri Lanka, 1974
C. P. Construction..., 1975
C. P. 1976-1977 Budget for Safety Transit Operations-$148,644 from Aux. Fac. Funds..., July
June 10-Ltr. from Lederer & Harris Re Being Present for Discussion on Bids, 1975
C. P. Re Branch Bank, 1975
C. P. Campus-Re: Full Service Bank
Re Deferment of Lease to Bd. of Public Works for Chevy Chase Bank & Trust Co.,
July 11, 1975
Branch Bank-Authorization to Arrange Contract with Chevy Chase Bank & Trust,
June 11, 1975
June 10-Summary of Bids, Branch Bank-Student Union, (For Distribution), 1975
Banking Facility, C. P. Campus, Acceptance of Bid of Chevy Chase Bank & Trust Co...,
June 22, 1973
Student Relations-Item 1. Proposal for a Banking Facility at College Park, [1973]
Stu. Union Branch Banking Operation-Proceed to Request Bids-(Bd. Apv. on May 11,
1973), May 12, 1973
On College Park Campus-Elkins Ltr. of September 25, 1972, (Bd. Action), [1972]
Banking Operations-Lease to Dept. Of Gen. Services, Nov. 1, 1973
Banking Facility (Branch) Award of Lease to Chevy Chase Bank & Trust....Bd. Action,
June 22, 1973
Com. on Student Relations Proposal to Have a Full-Service Bank on College Park
Campus, [1972]
Campus Full-Service Bank-1972 Materials, February 1972
C. P.
Proposed Calendar For 1975-1976, Feb. 1974
Academic Calendar For 1974-1975 (Modified), April 2, 1974
Oct. 8-Adm. Council 3. Academic Calendars, [1971-1973]
Bishop-Re Proposed Calendar for 1974-1975 (See Also Administrative Council)...., July 1973
Hornbake-Academic Calendar for 1972-1973-C.P. (Revised) Mod. of Fac. Contract, [1970-1971]
C. P. Desegregation Plan Task Force & Budget Implications, Hold for Final Report, Sept. 1973
Article-The Campus Press-Re Establishment of Maryland Media, Inc...., July, 1973
March 22, 1974-Bd. Action Re Procedure for Employment of Principal Administrator,
V. C. Affairs...., 1976
Re Dodson-Bus. Services, 1976
Re Case of Neal Paul Squitier-Trespass-Dr. Dorsey to See Him, 1976
C. P.-Dorsey-Sp. Assistant for Intercollegiate Athletics, Dec. 8, 1975
Chancellor-College Park..., 1975
C. P.-Gluckstern-Re Aug. 8, 1975 Ltr. to Brown from Black Student Media Coalition Re
"Yesternow," [1976]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 274 (cont’d)
Chan. C. P.-Re Wash. Post-Novak-Evans-Offered by Govt. & Politics-Nat'l Sec., Sept. 1975
Chancellor-Honoraries for Winter Com., Dec. 21, 1975-Train-Speaker & Chandler... Bd., Nov.
21, 1975
C. P. Campus, Change in Requirements-Second Baccalaureate Degree (Bd. Action), Nov. 21,
Chancellor-Re Astrid Nader's Charge-Misuse of Phy. Plant Funds, July 24, 1975
Feb. 24-Adm. Council-Item 3 Re Interchangeable Classifications, House Keeper, Seamstress &
Linen, [1975]
C. P.
Campus-Career Development Center, 1975-1976
Admission of Students Prior to High School Graduation, Apvd. by Bd., June 20, 1975
Re Holding of Money Due Student-Policy-Kaplan's Ltr. on Martha Stephens Case, May,
Re Nigerian Students Delinquent Accounts, June 1975
Chan.-Ltr. re Yang-Math Faculty & Workload-Unsigned-To Dorsey, May 12, 1975
UMCP-Apartments Rents, Room & Board Charges-FY 1975-1976-Apvd. by Bd. on May 9, 1975
Comm. on Budgets-Room & Board-College Park, May 2, 1975
C. P.
Campus-Dorsey's Recommendations for Student Regents, 1975-1976
B.A. & B.S. Degrees in Individual Studies-To MCHE on (Information), Mar. 21, 1975
Bachelor of Individual Studies Degree Program-C. P. Proposal-Back-Ground Material, Feb. &
March 1974
C. P.
Fringe Benefits at the U. of Md., Nov. 5, 1974
Feb. 14, 1975 Dorsey's Ltr. on Diamondback ad for Towson State, Discussion File, Feb.
17, [1975]
Campus-Request of Wash. Diplomats Soccer Club for Use of Byrd Stadium..., Jan. 1975
Re Agricultural Faculty Average & Discrepancies 10 & 12 Month, Feb. 4, 1975
Campus-Bd. Action on Organization of Agricultural Activities, September 20, 1974
Re House on Appropriation Study of Graduate Teaching Assts..., November 1974 for
Dorsey-Act. Chan. & V. C. Adm., 1974
Chancellor's Residence Alarm System..., Sept. 1974-1975
C. P.-Re Williams' Request for Approval of Policy for a Barrier-Free Environment, 1975-1976
C. P. Campus-Re Cynthia Bickley & Studio Art Program, September, 1974
Hold Ltr. from Vanderslice to Bishop re Cha. E. White Memorial Library, July 2, 1974
Re Request of Tourist Dev. Div., St. Dept. of Economic, Etc. Use of Dorms....,
September 1974
Re Guaranteed Student Loan Program-Fed. Register-Position Paper to Come..., 1974
June 17-Item 5-Co-Op Course Fee for Coop. Ed. in Lib. Arts & Bus. Prog.-C. P., [1974]
College Park Campus-Housing Needs-(In Answer to Board Request for a Study)
Jan. 6 at 9 a.m., Dorsey, Housing Occupancy Data for Fall 1975, 1975
Bld. Com. Hold-College Park Campus Need for Housing, 1975
Dorsey's Report on Overflow Housing Situation At C. P., September 1974
College Park Tennis Facility
Board Action Re Tennis Bldg. Construction, March 21, 1975
Bldg. Com. Item 2 Alternates to Tennis Bldg. Proposal, March 11, [1975]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 274 (cont’d)
College Park Tennis Facility (cont’d)
Item 2-Alternates to Tennis Building, Copies for Distribution, [1974]
Bldg. Comm.-March 11-Proposal from Cathy Formwalt, [1974]
C. P. Tennis Facility-SGA Ltrs. to Board, [1975]
C. P. Campus-Tennis Building Alternative Package-Not Final, Jan. 10, 1975
C. P. Report on Mowatt Lane Power Substation-Near Sch. of Architecture, March 21, 1975
Dorsey-Re Uni. Owned Frat/Sorority Housing-Maintenance Needs & Financing, Sept. 17, 1974
Endowment-Sigma Alpha Epsilon Permission to Solicit Funds, September 1974
C. P. Frats & Sororities-Up Keep, Etc. 1974
Bishop-Renovation of Fraternity Houses (10) From Funds for Dorm Const., Apv. Bd. April 21,
1971-Sp. Meet., [1971]
C. P. Campus-Proposed Lease on Fraternity House No. 6, Fraternity Row..., November, 1974
C. P. Re: Center for Transportation Studies-(Div. II & Div. III)-To Hornbake, August 1, 1974
BOX 276
Dorsey-Acting Chan. & V. C. Adm...., 1975
C. P. Dorsey-Re Property in Hyattsville-B. James Fritz, 1975
Dorsey-Re: Traffic Accident of Rufus K. Hendrick, III, Oct. 1975
Kendig-V. C. Adm. Affairs (Acting), Re Henry Megill & Property, November 1974
Apt. August 28, 1974-Dr. William Kendig as Acting Vice Chancellor for Adm. Affairs-C. P.
Campus, 1974
C. P. Business Services-Bierly, Fustavson, Terrell (See Personal Files), 1974
Business Services-Billing Error-Wm. A. Martin, Jr., September 1974
Acting Vice Chancellor for Adm. Affairs-C. P. Campus, Dr. William Kendig, Aug. 16, 1974
Commission on Women's Affairs-College Park Campus, July 18, 1974
Student Affairs-Vice Chancellor..., 1975
Report & Out-of-St. Students in Housing & Arozian, March 25, 1976
Student Affairs-Housing-Complaint of Donna Lee Morris-Hagerstown Hall..., 1976
Cases Handled by Dr. Gluckstern, 1975-1976
Cases, 1975
Placements & Credentials Services, 1971-1975
Health Center..., 1975
Health Center-Apt. Dr. Margaret Bridwell as Director, Effct. April 24, 1975
Health Service-Re Frank E. Bartons, Jr., Fees, August 1975
Dining Hall Services, 1975
March 21-DeLarce Dory's Retire. 7 Cocktails-8 Dinner Colony Ballroom-Student Union., 1975
Student Government Association...., 1975
C. P.-Response to the Rosenberg Commission Report, Nov. 11, 1975
Survey Committee-Procedure and Purpose (Received November 22, 1975)
Budget-Ltr. from Bands on Allocation...., August 1975
Student Affairs, 1974
Gay Student Alliance, 1974
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 276 (cont’d)
Internat'l Ed. Services
For. Stu...., 1975
Annual Report-1974-1975, Thru June 30, 1975
Frats & Sororities, 1971 to 1975
Sun, Sept. 21, 1975-Institution, The Rev. Perry A. Smith, III, Black Ministers Program-Chapel,
Student Affairs
Vice Chancellor...., 1974
Case of Michael MacCarthy, January 1974
Ronald Federick-Re Move Out of Dormitory-Reply, Jan. 8, 1974
Bruce E. Talbot-Re Move Out of Dormitory..., Jan. 8, 1974
Student Affairs-Residence Halls Association-Bill Egan's Ltr. to Dr. Kaplan, May 21, 1974
Student Union, 1972-1975
UMporium-Cert. from National Assn. of College Stores to Miss Audrey R. Holst, April 1975
(Student Affairs), 1974 & 1975
Dorsey's Report on Overflow Housing Situation, C. P., September 19, 1974
Health Service..., 1974
Health Service-Resignation of Dr. Wilbur J. Coggins, Director, Eff., December 31, 1974
Health Services-Apt. of Dr. Wilmer J. Coggins as Director, Jan. 1, 1974
Health Service
Apt. Mrs. Judy Braslow-Asst. Director-Program Adm., January 7, 1974
Re Protests on Payment of Health Service Fee, 1973-1974
Food Service..., 1974
Food Service-MCEA Complaint on Directive Issued by Mr. Goecker on Safety..., July 1974
Student Government Association..., 1974
SGA Ltr. to Kaplan "Explaining Reason" for Filthy SGA Ad., October 1974
Re Ad. of Thursday, in Diamondback, September 26, 1974
Re Ad of September 26, 1974 in Diamondback-Ltr. Commenting on Ad., OctoberNovember 1974
Stu. Govt. Assn.-Rosenblum's Ltr. re Athletic Com. Meeting of Oct. 1, 1974
SGA-Rosenblum's Request to Fishbein re Tuition & Fee Increases-Fishbein Reply, Oct. 24, 1974
Stu. Govt. Request Re "Co-Ops," Ans. August 1, 1974
International Ed. Services & For. Students, 1974
United Campus Ministry, 1974
Chancellor-College Park Campus-Search for Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, [1974]
1 p.m. Thursday, May 30-Dr. David Allen Amber-VC Student Affairs, [1974]
8:30 a.m. Saturday, June 1, 1974, Dr. James A. Goodman-V. C. Student Affairs, [1974]
9:15 Friday, May 31, Dr. James P. Duncan-V. C. for Student Affairs, [1971]
Student Affairs
Vice Chancellor..., 1973
Confidential File...Bratton & Staff, May, June, July 1973
Thurs. Oct. 18 at 10 a.m.-Career Dev. Center-Speak-Room 8 Cumberland Hotel...., 1973
Student Affairs-Minority Student Affairs Director, Dr. Andrew Goodrich, Feb. 1, 1973
Student Life-Appointments-Recent, August 1973
Student Government Association..., 1973
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 276 (cont’d)
Student Supply Store-Re Complaint from Mrs. Christine Clar, May 1974
Friday, Oct. 18 at 8 p.m., Retirement Party, 1974
Bill Hoff's Housing-C. P.-Notes, Hold, 1973
Housing-Cases..., 1973
Food Service..., 1973
Food Service-Student Union Food Service-Request for Audit of July-August 1973
Health Service..., 1973
Health Service
Re Illness & Records of Stephen D. Keister (Ltr. from Father), 1973
Report by Health Service Study Commission-Office of the Chancellor, 1973
Report on Student Health Facilities, C. P. Campus, by Yeager, May 1973
C. P. Student Health-Yeager's & Bratton's Reports, May 1973
12 Noon Wed., Dec. 5-Mr. Donald Katz and Miss Judy Thatwell Materials, 1973
International Education Services & Foreign Student Affairs..., 1973
International Ed. & Foreign Stu. Affairs, January 1, 1973-Retirement, Furman A. Bridgers...,
Foreign Student Office-Social Sec. Coverage of Foreign Students & Exchange Visitors, Sept. 5,
Student Affairs
Student Activities-Direct., 1973
Vice Chancellor..., 1972
Housing-Cases, 1972
Housing-All Campuses-Report to Board as of September 22, 1972
Jan. 28 (Fri.) 7 Cocktails & 8 Dinner, Student Union Ballroom, 1972
Stu. Activities-Housing-Out of State Living in Residence Halls Reports..., June & March, 1972
Housing-Stu. Affairs, 1971-1972
Student Affairs-Internal Audit of Specific Activities-July, Aug., Sept., 1972
Food Service..., 1972
Food Service
Search Com. For Director..., December 1972
Milo Knight, Apt. with Dr. E. on October 9, 1974
Stu. Affairs-Foods Service-Appt. of Milo Knight as Director of Food Service..., August
1, 1969
Food Service Evaluation Report from Bratton-Discussion Notes, July 1, 1969-June 5, 1972
Chanc. C. P. Campus-Confidential Report on Food Service, Hold, May 1972
Health Service..., 1972
2 p.m. Dr. Merikangas, Monday, Nov. 20 , 1972
Health Center-Re Dr. Robert Merikangas-Resignation, August 1972
Dr. Larney Gump-Interim Director of Health Service for 1972-1973, Apt. July 27, 1972
Student Health & Development Director-Dr. Thomas M. Magoon, Apt. July 27, 1972
BOX 277
Health Service-Ltrs. from P. G. Dept. of Health re Animals in Food Services (Bishop Handling),
December 28, 1972
Stu. Affairs-Health Service-Stella C. Baldwin's Retirement Party, Wed. March 22, 1972
Student Government Association..., 1972
SGA-Five Point Front-Re-Free Child Care, March 1972
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 277 (cont’d)
SGA Budget For 1972-1973
Budget for College Park-As Approved by Board on Sept. 22, 1972
Budget for College Park, List of Exceptions Made by SGA, Sept. 22, 1972
Budget 1972-1973, Dr. Kaplan's Memorandum of September 21, 1972
Budget SGA-C. P. for 1972-1973, Request & Organizations Not Funded..., September
International Education Service & Foreign Student Adviser..., 1971-1972
Foreign Students-Intern. Ed. Services Processing of Foreign Students-Each Campus Resp.,
September 1972
Student Affairs
Activities-Re Page 20, Bratton's Ltr., Abortion, Sept. 8, 1972
Panhellenistic Council-Booklet, July 1972
Student Activities-Dormitories, [1972]
Vice Chancellor-Student Affairs..., 1971
Student Affairs, Housing, 1971
Stu. Affairs-Housing
Report on Housing to Board, Sept. 17, 1971
Housing-Resident Hall Figures as of Oct. 20, 1971
Student Affairs
University Housing Office-Complaints of April 29, 1971
Black Circle & Suggestion for Naming Circle-Campus Drive & Regents Drive, Feb.
Vice Chancellor-Student Affairs Resignation of J. Winston Martin, March 10, 1971
Health Services, 1971
Stu. Affairs-Health Services, Re: Case of Leonard Martin, Jr., September 1971
Health Center-Annual Report, (Merikangas), Fiscal 1971-72, 1972
Health Services-Re-Abortion Ad on WRC-Ltr. from Mrs. Norbert Helfert, Feb. 1971
Student Government Association..., 1971
SGA Budget for C. P.
1971-1972, [1971]
Letters On, 1971-1972, [1971]
Student Govt. Assn. Recomm. for Mandatory Student Activity Fee, Study Submitted, Robinson
1970-1971, undated
Student Affairs-Activities-New Student Handbook, 1972
International Education Services & Foreign Student Adviser, 1971
Stu. Affairs-Orientation..., 1971
Intensive Education Development Program-Elkins Ltrs. to Martin of August 14, 1970
Course Guide...1970-1971, [1970]
Stu. Affairs-Housing
Sept. 25, 1970 Report to Board as of September 16, 1970
Residence Hall Reports as of October 19, 1970
Special Program, Comm. on The Intensive Educational Development Program, 1969
Student Activities-New Student Register-Kappa Alpha & Sigma Alpha Mu..., October 1972
Student Afairs, Rev. David J. Loomis..., 1972
Stu. Affairs-Chaplains-Position of University re Chaplains-Approved by Bd. on May 14, 1971
Chaplains-Position of Uni. Md. with Respect to Chaplains, for May 14, 1971 Board Meeting
Loomis Case-July & August & Old Materials-Chaplains, 1970
Sep. Take to Meeting of Board File on Loomis, [1968]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 277 (cont’d)
Student Life-Chaplains-Loomis, Diamondback Articles & Judge Shure's Letters, 1967
Stu. Affairs-Chaplains-Jewish-List of Jewish Holidays for 1969-1970, Academic Year..., 1969
Student Life Chaplains
Campus Episcopalian, 1969
New List & Address-As of August 13, 1968
1967-1968, Re: Possibility of Removing Religious Preference fr. Adm. Form, [19671968]
Re Unauthorized Use of Chapel by Certain Chaplains, 1969
Rev. David J. Loomis-Chaplain for Presbyterian Church, 1965
Student Life-Women's Liberation Handbook on Birth Control, November 1970
SGA-Madison Jones & Request for 3800 for 1970 M Books, March-April 1971
Student Affairs-Judiciary, 1971
Student Affairs-Judiciary Office Re National Center for Dispute Settlement, 1971-1972
June 19-Exec. Comm. Item 3, Consideration of Changes in Judiciary System, [1969]
Judiciary-Special Committee-Senate-Review of Student Judiciary-Lejins-Chairman, [1967-1969]
Judiciary Committee, Meeting Materials
Judiciary Committee Study, St. Law Dept.'s Ltrs. of Jan. 23 & June 6, 1969, [May 6,
Special Meeting of Faculty Senate-Materials, [May 6, 1969]
BOX 278
Black Coalition-All Areas, 1972
Rawlings Ltr. to Hurley & Walden-Working Copy-Elkins Ltr. Of Feb. 27, 1972 to Kaplan, Black
Coalition, [1973]
Blacks-Enrollment-Full-Time Undergraduate Fall 1970 & Fall 1972, [1972]
Black Coalition-Rawlings-Jan. 11, Feb. 1 & Feb. 27, 1973, Working Copy, 1973
Black Coalition-Ltr. of Jan. 11, 1973-Answers from Chancellors-Hold for All Material
College Park-Re Ltr. from Black Coalition, 1973
Baltimore Campus-From Chan. Re. Black Coalition Letter, [1973]
UMBC-Reaction to Rawlings Letter, [1973]
Dr. Hornbake-Re Black Coalition Letter, 1973
UMES-from Chancellor-Re Black Coalition Letter, [1973]
Black Coalition (Balt.) Lee-Rawlings Ltr. to Kaplan of November 16, 1970
Black Coalition (Balt.) Lee's Ltr. to Kaplan of Nov. 13, 1970
Black Student Fac. Coalition-Kuhn's Comments on Proposals by Lee & Rawlings, Jan. 5, 1971
Black Coalition-Rawlings-Reeves' Ltr. to Elkins of December 7, 1970
Re Black Coalition-Ltrs. re Committee to Study Area Needs-1971 Balt. City, [1971]
Black Coalition of the U of M Campuses, Ltr. to Kuhn, Bishop & Lee Re. Rawlings's Ltr. of Jan.
27, 1972
Rawlings, Howard P.-Black Coalition University Campus-Re Employment Dr. Dollie R. Walker,
Black Coalition-All Areas, 1971
Rawlings, Howard P.-Black Coalition-Univ. Campuses-Re Admissions, October 1971
Draft of Kuhn's Response to Toward a New Relevance for the Uni. of Md., Etc. (For
Discussion), [1970]
Baltimore Campus Committee
Black Coalition & Black Faculty Communications & Replies, [1970]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 278 (cont’d)
Baltimore Campus Committee (cont’d)
Thursday, Nov. 5 at 7:30 p.m. Black Coalition-Bd. Room of Uni. Hosp. with Balt.
Campus Committe, [1970]
Extra Copies of Ltr. of October 6 & Reply of October 12, 1970- Black Coalition, [1970]
October 14, 1970-Balt. Campus Committee-Agenda, [1970]
Oct. 14-Balt. Campus Committee, Dr. Kuhn's Ltr. Re. Chancellor for Baltimore City
Campus & Copies, [1970]
Kuhn-Balt. City-Black Student Fac. Coalition-Prof. Schools for Increasing Black Graduates...,
Dec. 19, 1969
Black Student Union, News Sheet, May 1969
6:30 p.m. April (Wed.) Meeting with Black Student Union-Room 172, Physics Building, [1969]
Black Student Union, [1969]
Black Power (All References), 1968-1969
Black Student Union
General File, 1969-1970
Demands & Meeting with Dr. Elkins on Monday, April 13, 1970
April 13-Meeting with Members of Black Student Union-Waetjen, April 10, 1970
Wed. April 15-10:30 Meeting, Demands of Black Student Union, [1970]
Black Stu. Union
C. P. Demands, Etc., [1970]
Ltrs. Re Demands of BSU, April 1970
April 8, 1970, Disturbance on Campus, [1970]
Black Coalition of Uni. of Md. Camp., [1970]
Sep. 18, Ed. Policies-No. 4 New Relevance Re Black Students, [1970]
7:30 p.m. Nov. 5-Bd. Com. on Balt. Campus-With Black Students, Members, [1970]
Nov. 5, 1970-Dr. Kuhn's Notes on Oct. 19, 1970 Meeting, [1970]
SDS-1969 Materials, Etc., 1969
Student Life
SDS-Judge Edward S. Northrop's Opinion May 1, 1968, 1969
Students for a Democratic Society, 1967-1968
Weichbrod, Michael-11-11:30 a.m. Tuesday, Apr. 25, 1967
Student Life-Students for a Democratic Society...(See Sp. File Nat'l Assn. State Uni.), 1967
CORE, Materials On, 1968
Petition-Equity for Blacks, May 13, 1968
Student Life-Death of Martin Luther King and Student Reaction on Campus, April 1968
Report on Action Taken by Uni. If There is Disruption, [1968]
Beach's Materials on Questions Raised & Other Material, [1968]
Student Life-CORE Letter of April 4, 1968
Afro-American Studies, (Gen. File), 1969-1970
Special Committee on Black Studies
Black Studies Committee-Report of Special Comm. on Afro-Am. Studies, May 1, 1969
History-Black Studies-Los Angeles Times Article, April 25, 1969
Comm. on Afro-American Studies Addresses-Andrew F. Brimmer-"Black Revolution &
Future," June 8, 1969
History-Black Studies-SREB Special Financial Needs of Traditionally Negro Colleges,
May 1969
Hist. Black Studies Committee, 1969
1. Proposal for an Afro-Am. Studies Program, September 4, 1969
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 278 (cont’d)
Stu. Life
Students for a Democratic Society..., 1968-1969
Orig. Letter & Copies, SDS, Oct. 9, 1968
SDS Demands, [1969]
Stu. Gov. (Fleischer's Ltr. of Oct. 18 to Elkins for Reply to SDS Communication of Oct.
9, 1968)
SDS-Ltrs. to Cole & Board, [1968]
Stu. Gov. (Fleischer's Ltr. of Oct. 18 & Dr. E's Reply Oct. 23, Extra Copies), 1968
SDS Rally-Hornbake's Ltr. to Manning Re Eric John Lerner, Oct. 11, 1968
SDS-Summary of Fleischer's Remarks on Oct. 9, 1968
SDS, Materials, Etc., [1969]
SDS-Publication-Distributed March 26, 1969 on University's Research Program..., 1969
Unsigned Materials on SDS..., September 1968
SDS Rally-Case of Debbie Anderson-Also Appt. with Parents on October 23, 1968
Student Membership in Senate, 1969
May 13, 1969 Report of Chairman, Sp. Com. Re Student Membership in Senate, [1969]
Sp. Com. on Student Membership on Sen. Fleischer's Ltr. of Feb. 7, 1969, Other
Correspondence..., 1969
Stu. Life-Stu. Govt. Assn.-Resolution Re Student Representation on Standing & Adjunct
Comm. of Senate, Nov. 20, 1967
Special & Experimental Programs, Steering Comm. Poffenberger (Ch.), Appt. Jan.-Feb., 1969
Special & Experimental Programs
General File, 1969-1970
Steering Committee, 1969
UMAB-Chan. File...Misc., [1976]
BOX 279
UMAB-Admin: Affirmative Action Program, Volume I, [1977]
UMAB-Adm: Affirmative Action Program, Volume II, [1976]
Chancellor-UMAB..., 1975
Kuhn: July 30, 1975-(a) Urban Design Development, [1975]
UMAB-Room Charges-Apvd. by Board on May 9, 1975, Rate of 615 in 1975-1976, 1975
Re Uni. Hosp.-Inpatient Service-Pay Patients, May 12, 1975
Ltr. fr. Bernard White, Pres. Chi Delta Mu Frat. To MCHE, October, 1975
4:45 p.m. Tuesday, March 4-Leave House-Kuhn's Part. at Hunt Valley Inn, 1975
Dept. of Fiscal Services-Re Mgt. Audit of Md. Psychiatric Research Center, March 24,
Re House Com. on Appropri. Study of Psychiatric Research Program-Nov. 1974 for
1975, [1974]
Wed. Dec. 3-Dinner-Hunt Valley Inn-Dr. Kuhn's Dinner, 7 p.m., 1975
Baltimore Prof. Schools-Admissions in the Prof. Schools as of February 24, 1975
Baltimore City Campus-Break Down of Enrollment, Kuhn's Ltr., November 21, 1974
Baltimore Campus-2. Enrollment Projections-Basic for Master Plan Development, undated
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 279 (cont’d)
Prof. Schools-Brown's Est. Balances in St. Appropriation Accounts as of June 30, 1975,
Material from Md. Health Service Cost Review Commission, Hospital Rates, Jan. 10,
Kuhn-Action Re Procedure for Employment of Principal Administrator, Mar. 22, 1974
Feb. 24-Sent to Dr. Kuhn-Management Audit of Md. Psychiatric Research Center (To Discuss),
UMAB-Chancellor..., 1974
Kuhn-Re Endowment Funds-Not Being Utilized Fully (Same to Dorsey), December 13, 1974
May 7-Baltimore Campuses, 1. Apt. of the Ad Hoc Adv. Committee with City Campus & Black
Community, [1971]
Kuhn-Re Pascault Row (for Student Housing), 1974 & 1975
UMAB-Kuhn's Ltr. on Room Rate Increases-Nurses Residence & Stu. Union...1974-1975, [June
13, 1974]
Balt. City & Uni. Hosp.-Leg. Aud. Report-July 1, 1970 Ending Jan. 16, 1973, [1974]
Kuhn-Re-Application to Veterans Ad. on Ed. & Training of Professional & Tech. Allied Health
Manpower, 1974
Balt. City-Re Reaction to Operation of VA-Education & Training Programs, Feb., 1974
Uni. of Md. at Balt.-Development Plan Study C.-Kuhn, January 1974
UMAB-Kuhn-Faculty Data Fall 1972-1973 and Fall 1973-1974, [1973]
Kuhn-Re Air Rights Over Cemetery (May be Refered to Real Est. Com.), April 11, 1973
Balt. Campus-Kuhn-Re Board Action of May 11 as to Qualified Md. Resident Black StudentsMed. Sch., 1973
Chancellor..., 1973
Energy Conservation Program at UMAB, Monday, Dec. 17, 1973
Thursday, Dec. 13 at 11:30 a.m. Easton-Tidewater Inn-UMAB, Dean's Meeting-Kuhn, 1973
Transfer of Endowment Income Balances at UMAB-Bd. Action, November 30, 1973
Bd. Action Nov. 30, 1973 On Qualifications for Organizations Seeking Voluntary Fees,
Md. Council for Higher Ed.-Dr. Kuhn-Com. to Coordinate Comprehensive Study of U. of Balt.,
Sept. 1973
Social Work-Mandatory Fee-Student Activities Fee-O.K. $2 per Semester, June 25, 1973
Kuhn's Ltr. to Moxley of Dec. 6, 1972 re Mandatory Recruitment from D.C., [1972]
Land Acquisition for Balt. City Campus..., April 11, 1973
Interim Summary of Possible Changes-Teachers Retirement & Employees..., Jan. 25,
Baltimore City Chancellor, Fee Changes for 1973-1974, April 22/72 Board, [1972]
Animal Holding Facility-Agr. Farm in Howard County-Balt. Campus-To Board, Nov. 17, 1972
Phase II-Campus Lighting-Balt. Camp. to Board, November 17, 1972
Hearing on S. 704 & 1972-Kuhn's Report of August 7, 1972
Re Gov. Executive Order on Compensative Health Planning Agency..., Feb. 27, 1973
Kuhn-Case of Alfornia W. Sampson & St. Dept. of Personnel, February 1973
Balt.-Graduate Faculty Membership, January 1, 1973
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 279 (cont’d)
Kuhn-Request for Space Inventory & Space Utilization Study, Aug. 30, 1972
Balt. City-Ltr.-from Kuhn to Senators Abrams and Nock-Status of Women on Campus, Oct. 17,
Balt. Campus Com. 3. Funding-Addition of Howard Hall, Jan. 14, 1972
Chancellor-Allied Health Program in Dental Hyg., Med Techn., Phy. Therapy & Rad.
Technology, Feb. 24, 1972
Balt. City Campus-Fee Changes for 1972-1973 (Apvd. by Bd. Sept. 17, 1971), [1971]
Professional Schools-Chancellor, 1972
Kuhn-Balt. City Campus-Land Acquisitions for Balt. Campus..., 1971 and 1972
Baltimore City-Increase in Board & Room Rates-Aprd. by Board June 23, 1972, Rates for 19721973, [1972]
Baltimore City Campus
Regulations Governing Residence Hall Operations, May 14, 1971-Evaluation, 1972
Discussion with Professional School Deans, 1971-1972
Chancellor-Professional Schools..., 1971
Kuhn-Auxiliary Facilities Fee-Changed to This Bd. Action (Bond Issue), November 18, 1971
Prof. Schools-Rental Charge for Prof. Schools Union-Dormitory- $430 Aprv., March 25, 1971
Kuhn's Ltr. Re Roundtowner Motel-Com. Health Facilities, December 1971
Kuhn-Prof. Schools-Re Quest. from Study of Accreditation of Selected Health Ed. Programs,
Balt. Campuses-Ltr. Mar. 1 from Md. Council-Capt. Improv. for Higher Ed. in Balt. Areas, 1971
Gibson, Steven-Balt. Computer Science Center-Sabbatical for Grad. Study..., March and April,
Professional Schools-Ltrs. to Kuhn, Deans & Hosp. Director-Balt. Campus Com. of Jan.
22, 1971
Ltrs. of May 5, May 3 & Mar. 5, 1971-Requesting Governor's Budget Amendment (To
Waetjen), 1971
Authorization to Sign Application for Lab. Dogs-(Passed by Bd. November 18, 1971)
St. of Md.-Treasurer-Auditor's Report-Baltimore City Campus & Uni. Hosp. Fiscal June 30,
1968, 69 & 70, [1971]
Balt. City-Salary Data for Professional School Campus, Sept. 24, 1971
Professional Schools..., 1970
Med. & Pharmacy-Transfer of End. Funds Income-Apr. by Bd. on June 26, 1970, [1970]
Prof. Schools-Kuhn-Krantz-Contributions-Youth Drug Abuse Rehab. Center, March 1970
Kuhn-Prof. Schools-Graduation Exercises on Balt. City Campus on Fri., June 5, 1970
November 7, 1969-Administrators Meeting-Baltimore City Campus-at Donaldson Brown
Center..., 1970
Kuhn Balt. City Campus-Ruling of Baltimore City on Parking Tax..., 1969-1970
Professional Schools, Chancellor, 1969
Kuhn-Prof. Schools
Re Faculty Club in Baltimore, July 1969
Board Action on Emeriti-November 21, 1969, Prof. Schools, [1969]
Prof. Schools-Ans. to Md. Council for Higher Ed., Med. Fac. & Dental Facilities, June 25, 1969
Professional Schools, Service Awards to Baltimore Campuses Employees, May 6, 1969
Prof. Schools-Ltr. from Dr. Gardner P. H. Foley-Sch. of Dentistry, April 1969
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 279 (cont’d)
Kuhn (cont’d)
Prof. Schools-Re Health, Ed. & Welfare-Est. of Social Welfare Res. Institute in each
Region...,Feb. 1969
Prof. Schools
Dr. John P. Lambooy, Assoc. Dean, Baltimore Campuses Graduate, (Eff. Date), July 1,
Synopsis of Promotions for 1969, [1969]
Professional Schools-Promotions for the Year 1969, [1969]
BOX 280
Kuhn-Re Pres. of Med. Alumni Association & Fund Drive for Restoring Davidge Hall..., 19691969
Professional Schools-Enrollment as of September 20, 1968 & Reported to Board on September
27, 1968
Professional Schools-Complaints fr. Am. Federation of State, County & Municipal EmployeesAll Areas, 1968-1969
10 a.m. Crofoot, Kuhn, Waetjen. Williams and O'Neal, Nov. 5, 1969
Kuhn-AFL-CIO Unions Balt.-Complaints Re Library Bldg. Funding at UMBC, 1969
Hospital-Re Local Union at Hosp., Am. Fed. of State, County & Municipal Employees,
Sp. Bal. (Prof. Schools) Complaints-Janet Thorne & Others in University Hospital,
Professional Schools Balt. AFL-CIO Complaints-Cafeterias-1968 Personnel-Gov. Ltr. &
Cole's, [1968]
University Hospital-Case of … (Disciplinary), 1968-1969
Professional Schools, Kuhn, General File..., 1968
Kuhn-Professional Schools-Re Parking on Balt. City Campus..., 1968
Professional Schools-Promotions to Senior Rank-Approved by Board, May 17, 1968
US Ed. Office Projects in Balt. County & Balt. City Project No. 4-3-00058-0..., October
Re Graduate School for Planning (Request of the Balt. Urban Renewal), 1967-1968
Professional Schools Balt. Urban Coalition, 1967-1968
Professional Schools-Public Health Serv. Management Decisions..., 1968
Prof. Schools-Re Horn & Horn & Ltr. from Their Attnys. Frank Bernstein, Conaway &
Goldsman, 1967-1968
Prof. Schools-Re: Brody's Ltrs. on Salaries, etc., 1967-1968
Professional Schools-Projects for University Hospital 1957 to March 1967..., 1967-1968
Professional Schools-Kuhn, General File..., 1967
Professional Schools
Enrollment as of October 1, 1967
Appts. and Promotions, During August 1967, [1967]
Position Paper on Problems of Med. School & Hospital, March, 1967
Balt. Campuses, Naming of Model Drug Store in Pharmacy for Dr. Robt. L. Swain,
March 2, 1967
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 280 (cont’d)
Chan. of Balt. Campuses Prof. Schools-Appts. to Hospital Council of Md. for 1967, 1967
Professional Schools, Reconstruction of Westminster Church Wall (Nr. Sch), 1966-1967
Purchase of Land in Baltimore for Parking Garage & Western Health Dist. Bldg., 19661967
Professional Schools, Promotions to Senior Rank, 1966-1967
Professional Schools Promotions to Senior Rank, 1966
Professional Schools-Auditor-Report-Professional Schools & Uni. Hosp., June 30, 1966June 30, 1967
Income & Expense Projections for University Hosp. Fiscal Year 1966, Report of Dr.
Kuhn, Nov. 1966
Baltimore Campuses-Kuhn-Senate Joint Resolution 30-Expansion of Medical School..., 1966
Social Work, School of, Application of Mrs. Christine Hall for Employment..., July 26, 1966
V. P. Balt. Campuses-Hawes' Ruling on Use of $1500 for Medical Scholarships..., 1966-1967
Professional Schools-Kuhn, General File..., 1966
Baltimore Campuses-Kuhn, Re House Reso. No. 26-Est. of Branch of Med. Sch. in P. G. Cty.,
Professional Schools-Kuhn-Appts. for Oct., Nov., & Dec., 1965
Kuhn-Salaries of Principal Adm. Deans-Reviewed by Budget Bureau, 1965
Kuhn, Albin O., Vice President for the Baltimore Campuses..., 1965
Kuhn, A. O.-Balt. Campuses, Summary of Appts.-Prof. Schs. During July & August, 1965
Kuhn-Regional Med. Complex, 1965-1966
Dr. Kuhn's File-Budget Requests, Memo on, 1965-1966
Kuhn, Maryland State Bar Ass'n., Committee on Legal Ed., 1964
Kuhn, A. O.-Re Salary Survey by Booz, Allen and Hamilton, 1964
Baltimore Schools-Baltimore Professional Schools Union-Re Bonds-Resolution, Jan. 29, 1960
Gen. Assembly-House Bill 42, (Branch of University in Balt. County-Grad. 7 Undergraduate),
Property-Balt. Cty. Campus, Ltr. of Nov. 6, 1963 to Gov. Tawes from Elkins, 1963
Kuhn, Albin O. Executive U. Pres., 1962-1965
Kuhn, Dr. A. O., Assistant to the President, 1956
50 Kuhn, Dr. Albin O.-Assistant to the President, [1955]
Kuhn, Albin O.
Exec. Vice President, 1959
Executive Vice President, 1958
Executive Vice President-Dorms-College Park-Statement of Income, Expenditures and
Balance, 1958-1959
Executive Vice President, 1957-1958
Uni. of Md. Hospital-Gen. File, 1975
University Hospital-Ad Hoc Task Force on Nursing Staffing Needs, Discussed, November 22,
Hospital-Fassett-Scanlon-April 1974-Inadequate Budgeting for Nursing in Hospital, [1974]
Hospital-Fasset & Scanlon Ltrs. on Need for Additional Services, April 1974
[Loose Materials-Correspondence on Department of Nursing, 1974]
Dr. John D. Young, Jr., Resolution Re Acting as Director, November 21, 1975
Allowable Increases in Charges for Md. Hospitals, August 5, 1975
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 280 (cont’d)
Hospital Uni. of Md.-Hospital Parking Facility-to St. Planning, March 17, 1975
Prof. Schools-Construction-Parking Garage-Additional, October 1971-1973
Uni. Hospital-Re Deficit in Cash & Appropriations Accounts..., 1974
University Hospital-Complaint of Marian J. Jackson, 1975
Uni. Hosp.-Re Kuhn's Ltr. Inpatient Service-Pay Patients, May 1975
Uni. Hospital-Med. Staff Privileges-Bd. Action, November 21, 1975
May 7-at 10 a.m. Board of Public Works-Agenda Item Veterans Adm. Hosp. in Uni. of Md.
Baltimore, 1975
Hosp.-Veterans Hosp.-Ltrs. to St. Planning & Gen. Services, March 28, 1975
Hospital-Re Veterans Administration Hos. on Campus-to Board, Nov. 17, 1972
Balt. Campus-2. Additional Activities & Functioning of Hospital, Sept. 23, 1975
Uni. of Md. Hospital-Woman's Auxiliary Board-Officers, 1975-1976
Hospital-Search Committee for Director
Report of the Search Committee, Dr. Kuhn's Letter, June 2, 1975
Mr. Robert J. Shakno-Cand. for Director of University Hospital, Thursday, May 15, 1975
Dir. of Uni. Hosp. (New)-Dr. John M. Dennis, Chairman, October 25, 1974
Jack C. Robinette, Adm.-Comment on Search..., Sept. 24, 1974
Com. of the Whole-Ltr. From Dr. Mason-for Distribution, Sept. 1974
Dr. Elkins' Files on Directorship of University Hospital, [1974]
Re Candidates for Directorship..., August 1974
Director of University Hospital-Kuhn's Ltr. of July 26, 1974 Outlining
Responsibilities..., 1974
August 26-Dr. Kuhn & Dr. Jeptha W. Dalton-Can. Director, University Hospital, [1974]
Wed. August 21-2 p.m. Dr. Kuhn & Dr. Dennis K. Wentz-Uni. Hosp., [1974]
Search Com.-Material Prepared for Com. of the Whole, September 19, 1974
BOX 281
University Hospital..., 1974
University Hospital-Review Process for Quality Medical Care, November 1974
Uni. Hospital (Aprd) Bd. June 21, 1974, Increases in Charges to Patients, Eft. June 23, 1974
Hospital-Women's Auxiliary Board....Officers, 1974-1975
Gen. Construction Loan for Fire Stairway on C Wing, Uni. Hosp., Kuhn's Ltr. of Jan. 22, 1974
University Hospital-Reaccreditation (Recommendations), Jan., 1974
Woman's Auxiliary Board Officers for 1973-1974, [1973]
Hospital-Transfer of Baltimore Cancer Center to U. of Md. Hospital (Signed Dr. E. on Sept. 21,
1973), [1973-1974]
Hospital-Gen. File.., 1973
Hospital & Med. School-Dr. George H. Yeager, Clinical Professor of Surgery, Emeritus, January
19 1973
Feb. 5-6 p.m.-Yeager's Retirement Party-Blue Crest North, [1973]
Hospital-Statements..., 1971 [1972-1973]
Hospital, University of Md., General File..., 1972
Hospital-Security Area-Care of Prisoners-To Board November 17, 1972
Friday, May 19 at 7 p.m.-Hosp. Med. Staff Dinner Dance-Blue Crest North, 1972
Hospital-North Hosp. Building Purchase of Radiology Equipment, Mar. 8, 1972
Uni. Hospital-Meyers Analysis of Hospital Budget-Sent Back to Waetjen, May 1972
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 281 (cont’d)
University Hospital
Budget & Construction, 1971 & 1972
Additions to Cafeteria & Kitchen Area-Outpatient & Pratt St. Elev., 1971 & 1972
Case of Reginald Medlock & Md. Class. Employ. Assn., May 1971
Hospital, Uni. of Md., Financial Statements, 1972
University of Md., Hospital Financial Statements, 1971
Hospital, University of Md., General File..., 1971
Hospital-Woman's Auxiliary Board-Officers for 1971, [1971]
Kuhn-Hospital-Threatened Strike-Undated Letter, April 7, 1971
Hospital-Re Am. Fed. of St., County & Municipal Employees-University Hospital..., 1971
Uni. Hospital-Esther Pyan's Bequest to Psychiatric Dept. Bd. Approved, June 19, 1971
Uni. Hosp.-House Staff Assoc. Material from Nat. Assn. of Residents & Interns, September &
Oct. 1970
Hospital, 1970
Hospital-Misc. File, 1970
Med. School & Hosp. Out-Patient, 1963
E. Baltimore Campus, 2. Fin. Reports of Uni. of Md. Hospital Thru, Feb. 5, 1970
Kuhn Professional Schools-Dr. Kuhn's State. on Hosp. Statements for November 26, 1970,
University of Maryland University Hospital-Financial Statements
July 1, 1970 thru November 26, 1970
July 1, 1970 thru October 29, 1970
July 1, 1970 thru October 1, 1970
July 1, 1970 thru November 26, 1970
July 1, 1970 thru October 29, 1970
July 1, 1970 thru September 3, 1970
July 1, 1970 thru August 6, 1970
July 1, 1969 thru April 30, 1970
July 1, 1969 thru April 2, 1970
July 1, 1969 thru May 28, 1970
July 1, 1968 thru May 29, 1969
July 1, 1969 thru October 30, 1969
July 1, 1969 thru March 5, 1970
July 1, 1968 thru May 29, 1969
July 1, 1968 thru May 1, 1969
July 1, 1969 thru November 27, 1969
July 1, 1969 thru September 4, 1969
July 1, 1969 thru October 2, 1969
July 1, 1969 thru September 4, 1969
July 1, 1969 thru August 7, 1969
July 1, 1968 thru May 1, 1969
July 1, 1968 thru April 3, 1969
July 1, 1968 thru March 6, 1969
July 1, 1968 thru February 6, 1969
July 1, 1968 thru January 9, 1969
July 1, 1968 thru October 31, 1968
July 1, 1968 thru November 28, 1968
July 1, 1968 thru October 31, 1968
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 281 (cont’d)
University of Maryland University Hospital-Financial Statements (cont’d)
July 1, 1968 thru October 3, 1968
July 1, 1968 thru September 5, 1968
July 1, 1968 thru August 8, 1968
July 1, 1967 thru May 30, 1968
Hospital-Woman's Auxiliary Board..., 1969
BOX 282
University of Maryland University of Maryland Hospital, Financial Statements
July 1, 1967 thru May 2, 1968
July 1, 1967 thru April 4, 1968
July 1, 1967 thru March 7, 1968
July 1, 1967 thru February 8, 1968
Thursday, October 22-Leave at 12 Noon to go to Helistop Ceremony, University Hospital, [1970]
University Hospital-Findings & Recommendation-Rourke's Report, 1969
University Hospital, 1969
Uni. Hospital-Baltimore, Student Health Org.-Differential Patient Care at Hospital, May 1, 1969
Hospital, University of Maryland-Commerce & Industry Combined, Health Appeal..., 1968-1969
Uni. of Maryland Hospital-Gaddess Bequest-Accepted by Bd. On May 17, 1968
Bentz, Construction-North Hospital Bldg., 1966-1968
Professional Schools-Kuhn-Hospital, 1966
University Hospital, Director's File, 1964
University Hospital-Candidates Interviewed for Directorship of Hospital..., 1964
University Hospital, Directorship, Dr. George H. Yeager, Dir. of Prof. & Supporting Services,
Feb. 1, 1965
Med. School-Dean..., 1976
Med. Sch. Bicentennial, Dec. 6, 1976
Dec. 6-Med. School Bicentennial
Program, [1976]
Rogers C. B. Morton-Doctor of Public Services, [1976]
Dec. 6, 1976
Bicentennial Med. Letters to Rabbi Saks, [1976]
Med. Bicentennial, Letters to Springmann, Goldstein, Etc., [1976]
Bicentennial, Old Materials (Programs, Etc.), [1975-1976]
Med. School-Re Carleton D. Gajdusek-Nobel Prize Winner, 1976
Med. Sch.-Apts. & Promotions
Apt. Dr. Charles Robert Shear as Assoc. Prof.-Dept. Anatomy-Med. Eft. September 1,
Apt. Dr. Cyril Toker-Prof. Dept. of Pathology-Medicine, June 1, 1976
Apt. Dr. Michael A. Berman as Prof.-Pediatric Cardiology, Dept. of Pediatrics, Eft. Aug.
1, 1976
Apt. Dr. Mohyee E. Eldefrawi as Prof., Dept. of Pharmacology, Med. School-Eft. June
15, 1976
Apt. Dr. Floyd John Brinley, Jr., as Prof., Physiology-Med. Sch. Eft. June 1, 1976
Apt. Dr. Shambhu D. Varma-Assoc. Prof., Eft., Oct. 1, 1976
Med. School
Mosberg, Wm. H., M.D., Re Cornblath's Reply to Feinblatt, December 1975 & 1976
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 282 (cont’d)
Med. School (cont’d)
Woodward-Paper on Yellow Fever (Updated), 1975-1976
Med. Research Program in Pakistan-Support for, July 1975
Dean, Medical School..., 1975
Medicine-Apts. & Promotions..., 1975
Med. School-Re Ltr. from Gen. Dirks-Civilian Volunteers on LSD Study..., 1975
Med. School & Hospital-Statement of Cash Recvd. from Trustees of Endowment Fund, June 30,
Med.-Physical Therapy-Re Adm. of Loretta M. Bayly to Program, June 1975
Med. School
Physical Therapy Program, Admission to, [1975]
Gifts..., 1974-1975
Medical School-Cash Recvd. from Trustees of Endowment Fund-Fiscal, June 30, 1970
Med. Dept. of Surgery-Div. of Neurology-Head-Dr. Thomas B. Ducker as Prof., Eft. July 1, 1975
Apt.-Med. Chairman Cell Bio. & Pharm. Dr. Edison X. de Albuquerque-Eft., May 1, 1974
Med. School-Dr. Charles Getz Memorial Lecture Fund-Hold, 1971-1972
Medical School-Donations Made to Special Woodward Fund in Respect to C. P. McCormick,
June 1970
Med. Sch.-Psychiatric Inst., [1969]
Medical School..., 1974
Med. School-Case of Helmuth Raab, July 1974
Med. Sch.-Dr. Frank H. J. Figge-Prof. Emeritus of Anatomy (Posthumuously)..., Jan. 25, 1974
School of Med.-Dept. of Anatomy-Dr. Frank H. J. Figge-Retirement, June 30, 1973
Family Medical Program, Final Report-Sch. of Medicine, August 16, 1974
Medical School-Re Ltr. to Wheeler on Pakistan Med. Research Center in Lahore, August 29,
Med. School
Change of West Facade of Teaching Facility, Bd. Action November 30, 1973, [19731974]
Case of Dr. H. Vasken Aposhian, 1973 and 1974
Dr. Wm. G. Esmond-Complaint re School..., January 1974
Search Committee on Dean, School of Medicine, Candidates, 1974
Med. Sch.-Search Com. for Dean, 1974
May 14-9:30-Dean, School of Medicine, [1974]
May 14-Board Committee-1:30 p.m.-Dr. Roger J. Bulger, Dean, School of Medicine,
1 p.m. Friday, May 10-Dr. Lysle H. Peterson-Dean-Med. Sch., 1974
BOX 283
Medicine, Sch. of, Dean..., 1973
Medical School-Re Peter H. Rheinstein, M. D., J. D., Etc.-on Part-Time Basis..., 1973
Med. School Salaries-With List of Apts. and Salaries for 1971 & 1972, 1973 File, [1970, 1972]
Med. School-Walter Reed Army Med. Center & University of Md. Signed December 21, 1972
Budgets-(Supplemental) Med. Sch. 1975-Family Practice Program, Board Item, Jan. 25, 1974
Med. Sch.-Re Hamerooff, Stephen B., M.D., (Re Salary & Income Tax), Kuhn, January 1974
Med. Sch.-Gift from Mrs. Carolyn Morris of Persn. Papers of Dr. James Carroll to Sch. of
Medicine, Nov. 1973
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 283 (cont’d)
Monday, March 6-Gov.'s Office 2 p.m., 5-Year Medical School Expansion
12 Noon-Leave for Gov. Office for Meeting March 6, Re. Med. School, 2 p.m., [1972]
Dr. Kuhn's Notes of February 28, 1972-Health Manpower Needs, [1972]
Balt. City-St. Planning Material to Gov. on Request by Del. Dantoni-Tripling Med. Sch.,
Sept. 1972
Med. School-Plan for Expanding Oct. 28, 1971 Ltr. to Governor, [1971]
Medicine-Apt. & Pro., 1973
Med. Sch.-Pathology, Dr. John A. Wagner-Professor Emeritus of Pathology, September 21, 1973
Medical School-Plans For Expansion...., 1971-1972
Kuhn-Re Leg. Council Resolution-Apt. of Task Force to Study Shortage of Physicians,
1971 for 1972, [1971]
Ltr. of Oct. 28, 1971 to Board Members with Plan for Expanding Med. School, Etc.,
Med. School-Expansion-(Gov. Ltrs, State Planning, Mat. to Board)
(Ltrs. from Gov. to Hull, Etc.), 1971-1972
2. Inf. Report to Gov. on Needs of Med. School for Next 5-Years-Exect. Session, [1971]
Medical School-Re Resignation of Dr. John H. Moxley, III, [1973]
Appt.-June 1, 1969-Dr. John H. Moxley, III, Dean-Sch. of Medicine, [1968-1969]
Nov. 30-Dinner Honoring Dr. Cicely D. Williams-80th Birthday Invitation & Reply, Med. Sch.,
Am. Medical Assn.-Survey Report, Oct. 12-15, 1970
Med. School
Jane Coffin Childs Memorial Fund for Medical Research, May 1970
Re Josiah Macy, Jr., Foundation..., 1970
Medical School-Bogorad, Dr. Daniel-Gift of Insurance Policy-Appvd. Jan. 27, 1970
Med. Scho.-Aug. 30, 1972-Leg. Council-Hearing on Contingent Funds for Med. School..., 1972
Med. School-Kuhn's Ltr. to Mandel on Expansion Med. Sch. Enrollment, August 3, 1972
Item 1 (a) Progress Report, 1972
Medicine, School of, General File..., 1972
Med. Sch.-Annual Report of Cash Recd.-Trustees of Endowment Fund-June 30, 1972 (Aprv. Bd.
September 22, 1972)
School of Medicine (1972) Complaint of Dr. John H. Sadler, July 1972
Kuhn-Sc. of Medicine-Request for Teaching Facility, March 6, 1972
Med. Sch.
Overseas Research & Training Program-Change from Pakistan to Brazil-Apvd. by Bd.,
Jan. 21, 1972
Pakistan Project-Ltr. of Agreement & Amended Agreement to Come Later-(Signed
March 29, 1971), [1971]
Medical School-Pakistan Operation of the University, 1967-1968
Med. School-Pakistan Mission with U. S. Agency for International Dev. (Charges for
Evacuation), July 18, 1966
Feb. 26-Meeting with Kuhn-Moxley, [1970]
Medical School-Construction Howard Hall
E. Balt. Campus Comm. 3. Change in Funding & Scope-Addition to Howard Hall,
Howard-Review-13-Story Addition-(Kuhn's Ltr. of Feb. 28, 1968), 1967-1969
13th Floor Addition to Howard Hall-(For Medical Students)..., 1967-68
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 283 (cont’d)
Medical School-Promotion-Dr. Karl H. Weaver to Associate Dean for Admissions, October 1,
Dr. Benjamin F. Trump as Prof. & Head of Dept. of Pathology-Med. & Chief of PathologyHosp., Dec. 15, 1970
Apt.-Dr. G. Robert Mason-Prof. & Head-Dept. of Surgery July 1, 1971
Apt. Dr. Willard M. Allen as Prof. Dept. of O. & G.-Medicine-Eft. July 1, 1971
Dr. Richard A. Goldsby, Assoc. Prof. Tenure-Dept. Cell Bio. & Pharm. Medicine-Not Coming,
April 1, 1971
Med. School-Appts. & Promotions, [1971]
Med. Sch.-Interim Report on Dev. of a Bachelor's Degree Prog. for Physician's Assistants, Nov.
Professional Schools-Comm. to Study Adv. & Feasib. of UOM Estb. Prog. for Train. Physician's
Assts., [1971]
Prof. Sch.-Physician's Assts. Com. Friday, March 12, 1971-1st Meeting, [1971]
Balt. Campus-Item 1. Expansion of Medical School, undated
Medicine, School of, General File..., 1971
BOX 284
Medicine, School of, Appts. & Promotions..., 1971
Med. Sch.-Family Practice Head-Apt. Dr. Edward J. Kowalewski-Eft. Dec. 1, 1971
Med. Sch. Apt. Dr. Maureen Henderson-Head-Dept. of Preventive Med., eft. Dec. 1, 1971
Sch. of Med.-Weaver's Report on Admissions Policies for Sept. 1971, Med. School Class, Dec.
Med. School-Hearing on Medical Schs. & Health Professions-Sept. 22, 1971, Leg. Council,
Med. Sch.-Re Cash Recvd. from Trustees of the Endowment Fund- Ended June 30, 1971, [1971]
Medical School-Re Application Made by Dr. Joseph W. Burnett for Research to Gov. Office,
April, 1971
Med. School
Ltr. of May 18, 1971 to Sen. Wm. S. James on Med. Sch. Budget..., 1971
Re Suggestion for Regional Admissions-Novenstein Wash. County, May 1971
(Re Ltr. from Joe Massey, Jr.-Part. in Coronary Drug Project), April 1971
May 14, 1971-Merging of Anatomy & Dept. of Embryology into Single Dept. of Anatomy-Bd.
Approved, [1971]
Medical School-Re John A. Hartford Foundation, Inc., Grant, 1970-1971
Medical School
Dean, 1970
Misc., 1970
Appointments & Promotions..., 1970
Med. School
Ltr. from Lentz Re Health Profession Loan & Sch. Pro. & Md. High. Ed. Loan Corp,
July 1970
Death of Dr. R. W. Buxton, August 14, 1970
Re-Abraham Gudelsky Foundation, July 1969
Leave of Absence for Neil Solomon..., Feb. 3, 1969-June 30, 1969
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 284 (cont’d)
Medical School-Joseph E. Smadel Fund-Expenditures-(May 16, 1969 Board Consideration),
Woodward, [1969]
School of Medicine-Lavenstein & Lavenstein-Re Client & Est. Scholarship in Medicine..., May
Med. School-Re Training of Med. Records Librarians-See Balt. US Public Hospital..., May
Medical School, 1969
Medical School, Appointments and Promotions, 1969
Sch. of Med.
Dr. Richard G. Coblentz, Emeritus Prof. of Neurological Surgery, December 1, 1969
Dr. Francis A. Ellis, Emeritus Prof. of Med. in Clinical Dermatology, Dec. 1, 1969
Med. School
Cash Received from Trustees of Endowment Fund-Year Ended, June 30, 1969
Study of Physicians Who Grad. from Uni. Med. School & Service in Maryland, May 29,
Med. Board Statement on Summer Program for Disadvantaged & Sept. Class of 1969,
Sch. of Medicine-Dept. of Psychiatry-Apt. Dr. Norman S. Gould-Dir. of Planning for Inner City
Com. Mental Health Prog., August 1, 1969
Medical School-Progress Report on Expansion of Med. Education Facilities, June 1969
Med. Sch.-Re Nat'l Sc. Found. 1967-68 Survey of Sci. Activities-Kuhn Coordinating..., 1969
Med. School-Emeritus Dean for Dr. William S. Stone, Effective July 1, 1969, 1969
Medical School-May 9, 1968 Testimonial Dinner for Dean Wm. S. Stone (Retiring)..., 1968
School of Medicine-Psychiatric Institute, Weakley's Bequest to Med. Mental Health Clinic...,
Med. School-Re Community Mental Health & Comprehensive Retardation C. Bd., September 27,
Med. School-Bon Secours Hospital & Affiliation with Uni. of Md. Med. Sch., May 1968
Bentz, Frank-Construction Shock Trauma Center-Med. School, 1967
Professional Schools-Kuhn-Medical School..., 1966
Articles on Medical Technology-Balt. Evening Sun, (3rd Article Will Appear Tonight), [1966]
Board References to Medical Technology, 1955 thru March 16, 1960
School of Medicine-Medical Technology, 1955-1959
Med. School-Med. Technology, 1955-1967
Med. School-Appointments made for 1977-Effective Date...1977
UMAB -Health Sciences Lib.-Apt. of Cyril Feng as Director, Eft., August 1, 1977
Apt. Dept. of Surgery, Med. School, Dr. John Laurence Hill as Assoc. Prof., Eft. Nov.
15, 1977
Apt. Dr. Pinar Ozand as Prof., Dept. of Pediatrics-Eft. July 1, 1977
Apt. Dr. Noel K. Maclaren-Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Pediatrics, Eft. July 1, 1977
Med. School-Appointment of Dr. Russell R. Monroe as Chairman of Dept. of
Psychiatry..., [1976]
Apt. Dr. William T. Carpenter, Jr., as Prof. of Psychiatry & Director of Psy. Center-Eft.
May 1, 1977
UMAB-School of Medicine: Promotion (Without Tenure) of Vincent C. McCarthy &
Richard K. Sakai Retroactive to 7/1/1976, [1976]
Med. Sch.-Dept. of Neurology-(Re Replacement of Dr. Erland Nelson as Chairman-(As
of Sept. 30, 1977)
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 284 (cont’d)
Med. School-Appointments made for 1977-Effective Date...1977 (cont’d)
Apts. & Promotions at UMAB-Faculty Serving Without Tenure or Salary, December,
Med. Sch.-Apts. & Promotions, 1977
Law, School of, 1976
School of Law-Report of Dean, 1976
Monday, Feb. 2 at 6 p.m. Maryland Inn-Annapolis-Law School Legislative Dinner, [1976]
Exec. Session, Item 4. Prel. Report of Ad Hoc Com. on Legal Education, March 26, 1976
Apt. Mr. Edward A. Laing-Assoc. Prof, School of Law-Eft. July 1, 1976
Dean, Law, School of ..., 1975
Law School
Legal Education in Md., Case's Ltr. of Feb. 11, 1975 & L. S. Faculty Statement..., 1975
Extension of Academic Program for Summer Months-Aprd. by Bd. on May 9, 1975
Dr. Laurence M. Katz, Associate Dean for Continuing Legal Education, July 1975
Apts. & Promotions..., 1975
Budgetary Needs for School of Law-Discussed with Dr. Elkins on August 20, 1975
Search Com. for Dean, Ltrs. from Kuhn, Search Com.-Etc., 1974, 1975
Search Com. for Dean Law School-Candidate-Craig W. Christensen-1974-1975 Materials,
Law, School of-Applications for Deanship..., 1973 & 1974
Law, School of..., 1974
Law School
Fac. Statement in Response to MCHE 1974 Report on Legal Ed. in Md. (See MCHE),
(From Kuhn)-Statistics on Bar Association Examination (Confidential), December 20,
1974, 1975
Law-Geographic Origin of Md. Students Attending UMAB School of Law, November 29, 1974
Law School-Re Ltr. Community Citizens Adv. Council to Peter Smith of Law School, July 30,
Law-Re Peter Smith & Southern Md. Hospital Center..., 1974
Law School-Re Labor Day Holiday & Brumbaugh's Comments..., September 1974
School of Law-Case of Arnold M. Jolivet vs. Uni., Dismissal from Law, June 27, 1974
Sch. of Law-Prof. Russell Reno, Professor Emeritus of Law, July 1, 1974 (Bd. Action May 17,
Law Sch.-Prof. Russell Reno-Retirement, July 1, 1974
Budgets 1975-(Supplemental Law School-To Improve Faculty Salaries-(Bd. Jan. 25, 1974)
Law School-Resignation of Dean Cunningham (Will Teach), July 1, 1974
Apt. Laurence M. Katz-Prof. School of Law-Eft. July 1, 1972
Law School...Dean..., 1973
Law School
Re Charles Morris, Howard Fund-(See Wills), Nov. 30, 1973
Dr. Katz-Re Ltrs. of Recom. to Claude A. Hanley, 1973-1974
Re Md. Council-Law Programs-Uni. of Md. & University of Baltimore..., 1973
Md. Law Forum-Transcendental Meditation, 1973
Admissions-Son of Morris Danoff-Discussed in Exec. Session..., Jan. 19, 1973
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 285
Hearing on Phase Out of Law School Held on Oct. 23, 1973: Discussed at Ed. Policies, Meeting
of November 27, 1973 & Board Action Taken on November 30, 1973
Law School-Evening Program-Continuation of By Board Action on Nov. 30, 1973 (Ltr.
to Kuhn), [1973]
Comm. on Educ. Pol. & Resources Hear. on Phasing out Eve. Program of Law SchoolOctober 23, 1973 & November 27, 1973, [1973]
Ed. Policies-Your Copy-Ltrs. (Additional) on Law School Phase Out, [1973]
Comm. on Ed. Pol. & Res. November 27, 1973, [1973]
Comm. on Educ. Pol. & Res. October 23, 1973-7:30 p.m.-Moot Court Rm. School LawHearing on Proposal to Phase Out the Evening Program, [1973]
Mr. Case-Law School Hearing Promotions, [1973]
Law School-Phase Out of Evening Prog. Effective 1974 Term, Bd. Action, September
21, 1973
Law, Sch. of, Gen. File..., 1972
Law Sch. Reduction of Student Activities Fee..., Sept. 1972 (Effective), [1972]
Law School-Reno's Ltr. to Gov. on Admission of Blacks-Fishbein's Ruling..., 1972
May 1-Discuss with Dr. Kuhn-Law School & Black Enroll., [1972]
Law School
Admissions Policy & Black Student Enrollment, Jan., Feb., 1972
Promotion Practices & Policies of Law Sch., February 1972
Evening Division Phase Out-Materials on 1967, 1968-1969
Consideration of Phasing Out of Evening Division by 1972 (Aug.), [1970]
Re Phasing Out of Evening Program in September 1972, (Ed. Pol for Jan., 1971), [1970]
Ed. Policies-Sept. 18-Evening Program of the Law School, 1968-1969
10:30 a.m. Thursday, March 21, Hearing on Evening Program of Law Sch., 1968
Educational Policies-Report on Legislation Re Evening Program of Law School, [1968]
Evening Division of Law Sch., H. B. 423, Fiscal Note on Bill, February 5, 1968
Evening Division-Resolution Adopted by Faculty Council of Sch. Re House Bill 423...,
February 9, 1968
Cunningham's Speech-Alumni Luncheon-Jan. 13, 1968-Phase-Out Evening Div.,
1968-69, [1968]
Evening Program-Discontinued by Board Action on June 16, 1967
Evening Program-Leg. Council Request for Review of Phaseout, November 16, 1967
Dec. 5-7:30 p.m. Hearing-Leg. Council-Phase Out of Even. Classes, Law Sch., [1968]
Law, Sch. of-Gen. File..., 1971
Law School
Appts. & Promotions..., 1971
Ad Hoc Committee of Alumni-Study on Blacks, November 1971
Sch. of Law-Re Request of Md. Com. on Human Relations-Complaint of Jolivet, December 1971
Law School
Charges of Discrimination-Parren Mitchell, 1971-1972
Morris Brown Myerowitz Moot Court Competition-Apvd. by Bd. on March 19, 1971
Re-Endowed Prize in Law School-Judge Simon E. Sobeloff Prize Fund..., 1970
Law, School of
Dean, 1970
Misc., 1970
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 285 (cont’d)
Law, School of (cont’d)
General File, 1969
Appointments and Promotions, 1969
Juris Doctor Degree, (Last Discussed in Exec. Session, November 22, 1968-File)
Juris Doctor Degree Appv. by Bd. Jan. 24, 1969-Effec. June 7, 1969 &
Retroactive..., 1969
Ed. Policies-Juris Doctor Degree Sch. of Law-Nov. 18, 1968 Up Dating, [1968]
Nov. 18, 1968-Updating of Juris Doctor Degree-Discussed Executive Session
November 22, 1968
Item 4-Ed. Policies-Survey on Retroactivity of J. D.Degree Re Juris Dr. Degree
for Graduates-March 22, 1968-Deferred By for Year..., 1969
Fader, Student Bar Assoc. Petition-Degree of Dr. of Jurisprudence Lieu LLB
Degree, 1968
Nelson B. Seidman Memorial Sch. Fund, Accepted by Bd., September 27, 1968
Professional Schools-Kuhn-Law School, 1966
Pharmacy, School of, 1976
UMAB-Pharmacy Building, 1975-1976
Pharmacy-John R. Newcomb Scholarship, (See Gen. File Newcomb)..., 1976
Dean, Pharmacy, Sch. of,...., 1975
Pharmacy-Apts. & Promotions..., 1975
Pharmacy-Re Memo of Understanding, Dr. and Mrs. Frank Slama Scholarships, August 8, 1975
Pharmacy, School of..., 1974
Pharmacy, School of-Dean..., 1973
Pharmacy-Re Bd. Action Sept. 20, 1974, "Desegregation Impact Statements on Doc. of Pharmacy
Program," [1974]
MCHE-Transmittal of Dr. of Pharmacy Degree Program-Bd. Appv. March 22, 1974 and June 7,
1974, [1974]
Doctor of Pharmacy Degrees Program-Apvd. by MCHE on June 7, 1974
Est. of Lambda Kappa Sigma-Cole Award, June 22, 1973-by Bd. Action, [1973]
Plan of Organization for School of Pharmacy, November 1971
Pharmacy, School of, General File..., 1972
Pharmacy-Lecture Hall Named Francis S. Balassone Hall-Apv. Bd., November 17, 1972
Pharmacy, School of
Gen. File..., 1971
Appts. & Promotions..., 1971
Sch. of Pharmacy-The Pharmacist as a Member of the Health Team, Oct. 19, 1970
Pharmacy-Evaluation by Am. Council on Pharmaceutical Ed., March 22-23, 1971
Sch. of Pharmacy-Re Ltr. of Dr. Myron S. Weinberg-Fellowship in Pharmaceutical Sciences1970-71, [1970]
Pharmacy-Re Waring's Ltr. on Fellowship-Endowed by McCormick & Co...., 1970
Pharmacy, School of, Dean..., 1970
Pharmacy, Misc...., 1970
Sch. of Pharmacy-Emeritus Dean-Dr. Noel E. Foss-Effective June 1, 1970 (Appv. by Bd.-March
20, 1970), [1970]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 286
Pharmacy, School of, Self Study and Hornbake's Notes, [1971]
Nursing, School of..., 1976
Apt. Dr. Carolyn A. Waltz as Assoc. Prof.-Sch. of Nursing, July 1, 1976
Apt.-Dr. Elizabeth R. Lenz as Assoc. Prof.-Sch. of Nursing, Eft. July 1, 1976
Dean, Nursing, School of..., 1975
Nursing-Apts. & Promotions..., 1975
Nursing, School of..., 1974
Sch. of Nursing-Dean..., 1973
Supper at Dean Murphy's Sunday, June 17 at 6 (Leave House at 5 p.m.), 4000 North Charles St.,
Balt., [1973]
Sch. of Nursing-Apts. & Prom., 1973
Nursing School Limiting of Enrollment, 1972
Applications for Junior Year as of March 1, 1972
Thursday, March 2-Discuss with Kuhn, Nursing-Priority of Students Elsewhere in Re
3rd Yr. Class, [1972]
Nursing-Limiting Enrollment in 3rd Year class to 225 Students, Sept., 1972
Sch. of Nursing-B.S. Program in Nursing-Relationship with Mercy Hospital..., March 8, 1972
Nursing, School of, General File..., 1972
Friday, April 2 at 3 p.m., Dedication of Nursing School Building, 1971
Nursing, School of
General File..., 1971
Appts. & Promotions, 1971
School of Nursing
Ltrs. to Gov., Gude, Etc., Re-January 25, 1971
Graduation-Nurses..., 1970-1971
Adviser for Pre-Nursing on C. P. Campus, Dr. Daryl G. Stewart, 1970
Walter Reed Institute of Nursing-Letters of Complaint Sent to Tydings, Feb. 1970
Nursing, School of
Appts. & Promotions..., 1970
Dean..., 1970
Accreditation Report from National League for Nursing..., April 1970
Sch. of Nursing-Report of Survey by Md. State Board of Examiners of Nurses, April 28, 1969
Nursing, School of, 1969
Bentz, Frank-Construction-Equipping New School of Nursing Building, 1967
Professional Schools-Kuhn-Nursing School, 1966
Dean, Dentistry, UMAB..., 1975
Apts. & Promotions..., 1975
Appt. of Dr. Eugene Elmer Fischer as Assoc. Prof. & Assoc. Dean, September 1975
Mr. Gardner P. H. Foley-Prof. Emeritus of Dental Lit. & History-Ef. May 9, 1975
Dr. Joseph C. Biddix-Prof. Emeritus-Effective May 9, 1975
School of Dentistry Search Committee & 3 Names, May 1975
Dentistry-Search Committee for Dean..., 1974
Dental School Search Com. for Dean, May 9, 1975-Committee Report on Candidates,
Dr. Thomas W. Murnan-Deanship-Dentistry, undated
Dr. Alan J. Drinnan-Cand. for Deanship-Dentistry, undated
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 286 (cont’d)
Dr. John J. Salley, Recommendation-Dean Emeritus-Sch. of Dentistry, Not Approp., April 25,
Apt. Dr. Eugene Elmer Fischer-Assoc. Prof. & Assoc. Dean-Sch. of Dentistry-Eft. Oct. 1, 1975
Dentistry, School of..., 1974
Salley-Farewell Dinner-Saturday, Sept. 7, 1974 Suburban County Club..., 1974
Dentistry-Resignation of Dr. John Salley as Dean, Sept. 30, 1974
Dental School-Hahn-Basis for Admission to Dentistry, October 1974
Dentistry-Re Naming Auditorium "The Halpert-Sobokov Auditorium" ....1974-1975, [1974]
Report-Manpower Requirements, February 14, 1974
Dentistry-Salary for Dean John J. Salley, March 20, 1970
Dentistry, School of, Gifts..., 1974
Sch. of Dentistry Change in Dental Law-Senior Dental Extern Program for 1974, [1974]
Mar. 5 & 6, 1971-Dental Dedication Cere.
10 Replacement of Historical Marker Mercantile Trust Building, Hopkins Place-10 a.m.,
Dedication of Hayden-Harris Hall-2 p.m. (In Salley's Office at 1:30 p.m.), [1970-1971]
Sch. of Dentistry-New Building Named-Hayden Harris Hall, Appr. Board on November
22, 1968
Dental Sch.-Dr. Irving I. Abramson-Prof. Emeritus, January 25, 1974
Dean, Sch. of Dentistry..., 1973
Dental School-Seligman-Alumni (Ltrs. from Salley, Kaplan, June 1973]
Dentistry, School of, Misc., [1973]
Dental School-Re: Right of Way, N.E. Corner-Block Location of School, January 1973
BOX 287
Dental School-1973 Introduction of Bill Gen. Assembly-Clarify Authority to Conduct Research,
Etc..., 1972
Dentistry-Re C. Ronald Franks (Dr.) Ltr. on Training of Dental Auxiliaries, September 1972
Dentistry-The Frank J. Sinnreich, Jr., Award for Excellence in Teaching (Apvd. Board
September 22, 1972), [1972]
Am. Dental Assn.-Evaluation Report May 10, 1973-Also Letter..., May 10, 1973
Friday, March 23 at 11:30 a.m. Dental School Review-Dr. K's Conf. Room..., 1973
50 Kuhn, Albin O., Congratulatory Letters, 1955
Dentistry, School of, General File..., 1972
Dental School
American Dental Association-Accreditation Visit, March 2, 3, 1972
March 2-Accreditation Study of Dental School-Additional Materials, [1972]
Dentistry-Programs, 1972
Dental Sch.-Dr. L. Edward Warner as Emeritus Professor, Sch. of Dentistry-Bd. Apvd. Jan. 21,
Dental School-Re Am. Dental Assoc.-Re Classification to Approval, May 1972
Dentistry-Nathan David Gold Memorial Fund, 1971-1972
Dentistry, School of-Appts. & Promotions..., 1971
Dentistry-Establishment of New Grading System-Apvd. by Board on November 18, 1971
Dental Sch.-Carl H. & Etta C. Stoetzer to Dental School, Apvd. by Bd. September 17, 1971
Dentistry, School of, General File..., 1971
Dental Sch.-Construction-Dental Clinic-(Discussed with Kuhn on Dec. 21, 1971), [1971]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 287 (cont’d)
Dentistry, School of
Dean, 1970
Misc., 1970
Emeritus Status-Professor-Dr. Ernest B. Nuttall, Effective December 1, 1970
Dentistry-Baccalaureate Degree in Dental Hygiene-Appvd. by Bd. on March 20, 1970
Dental School, 1969
Dental School
Recent Gifts Sent by Dr. Salley for Ltr. of Appreciation, Summer of 1969
Hayden-Harris Hall Plaque, June 16, 1969
Sch. of Dentistry-Dr. Gardner P. H. Foley-Re Charges Against Dr. Burton R. Pollock..., April
Appt. Dental School-Dept. of Orthodontics-Dr. John M. Grewe as Head & Assoc. Prof., Effect.,
June 1, 1969
Dentistry-Dr. Kyrle W. Preis, Prof. Emeritus, December 1, 1969
Dentistry School of-Dean Salley's Ltr. to Dr. Kuhn RE 10-Year Plan for Baltimore Campus...,
Professional Schools-Kuhn-Dentistry School, 1966
Social Work & Community Planning, 1976
Sch. of Social Work-Re Ltr. from Sallie A. Hemp on Grades, August 1976
Social Work & Com. Planning..., 1975
Social Work & Com. Planning-Coordinating Committee of the Student Conference, Dec., 1974
SSWCP...Case of Nasreen Elahi, Ph.D. Candidate-Need of Mondy [Money], 1975
Social Work-Dr. Harris Chaiklin Re Attending a Meeting, September 1975
Social Comm. Planning-Apts. & Pro., 1975
Pickard Case-Meet with Dr. Kaplan, Dr. Kuhn, Dr. Thursz After UMES Com. Meeting, May 6
Item 6 (Exec. Session) Case of Mildred P. Pickard, May 13, 1975
Tuesday, May 6-Pickard Case, [1975]
Social Work-Mildred Pickard Case
Highlights in the Pickard Case-Given to Dr. Pelczar this Date...., March 31, 1975
March 1975 Letters Re This Case, [1975]
Feb. 5, 1975-Meeting on Pickard Case-Dr. Elkins' Notes..., 1975
10 a.m. Mond., Feb. 17-Pickard Case-Discuss with Mrs.Fishbein, [1975]
March 21-Exe. Session 3. Discussion of the Case of Mrs. Mildred Pickard, [1975]
Feb. 5, 1975-Pickard Case-After Meeting-Dr. Kaplan's Ltr. to Mrs. Pickard..., 1975
George Gutches-Telephone No. Pickard Case, undated
Wed., Feb. 5-Dr. Kaplan, Mrs. Fishbein & Gutches on Pickard Case..., 10 a.m., [1975]
Pickard Case-Feb. 5, 1975-file From George A. Gutchens [Gutches], Jr., 1975
Pickard Case-Dr. Pelczar's Ltr. of August 14, 1975 to Mrs. Pickard on Her Appeal,
Mildred Pickard Case May 1974-February 1975 School of Social Work
Jan. 22 at 11 a.m. Meeting with Pickard-Mrs. Fishbein's Ltr. of January 2, 1975
January 22-11:00 O'Clock Board Room Baltimore-Pickard Meeting, [1975]
Pickard Case-Ltr. from Dr. Brown Sent to Dean Thursz-Ans. in 10 days, [1974]
Social Work-Pickard, Mrs. Mildred-Re Grades..., May & June 1974
Tuesday, December 3 at 2:30 p.m. Dr. Kaplan's Meeting with Mrs. Mildred Pickard-Bd.
Office, [1974]
10 a.m. on Wed. Feb. 5-Meet in Bressler Building with Mr. Gutches, Dr. Kaplan & Mrs.
Fishbein, [1974]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 287 (cont’d)
Mildred Pickard Case May 1974-February 1975 School of Social Work (cont’d)
Pickard, Mrs. Mildred-Re School of Social Work & Community Planning..., May, June
Social Work, School of..., 1974
Social Work
Salary for Dean for 1974-1975...., 1973
Re Employ. & Social Serv. Audit-May 29 thru June 30, 1973..., 1974
Audit Grad. Prog. May 29, 1969-May 28, 1974 & Undergrad. Maj. in S. W.-March 8,
1970-- March 7, 1975-to Kuhn, [1974]
Social Work & Com. Planning-Dean, 1973
Social Work-Apts. & Prom...., 1973
Kuhn-Re Student Activities Fee of $2 per Semester-Fall 1973-O.K.'s June 25, 1973-Sch. of
Social Work, [1973]
BOX 288
Soc. Work-Com. Planning-Gen. File, 1972
Soc. Work & Community Planning Appointments & Promotions, 1972
Social Work-Re Kuhn's Material on Charges Made Re Dean …….., June 1972
Soc. Work-Com. Plan.-Gen File..., 1971
Social Work & Community Planning Appointments & Promotions, 1971
Social Work-(Extension for Prof. Frances Upham-to St. Dept. of Ed.)..., 1971
Social Work
Appts. & Promotions, 1970
Com. Planning Misc...., 1970
Com. Planning Dean..., 1970
School of, General File, 1969
Pharmacy, School of, 1969
Pharmacy, School of, Appointments and Promotions, 1969 (2f)
Kuhn, Albin O., School Social Work, 1966
Social Work-Proposal-Degree-Master of Community Planning-File
Copies of 2 (revised) & Final Proposal as Approved & Sent to Md. Council for Higher
Education, July-August 1972
Social Work-Approved as of June 1, 1973-Masters Degree in Comm Plan. in Social
Work..., 1973
Ed. Policy-Proposal for a Master of Community Planning Degree, [1972]
Social Work-Curriculum Leading to Degree of Master in Community Planning-(Hold),
June 1972
UMBC-Morgan State College Proposal-Report from Subcommittee to Md. Council for Higher
Kuhn-RE-Md. Council for Higher Ed.-Re Morgan State College, March 4, 1970
Jan. 29, 1970-10-12 Noon-Hearing on St. Uni. of Metropolitan Baltimore, [1970]
RE St. Uni. of Metrop. Balt.-Resolution from Balt. Jr. Assn. of Commerce to
McCormick, Jan. 1970
Proposal for St. Uni. in Metro. Balt.-Dorm's Request for Meeting, 1969-1970
Morgan St. College Proposal Ltr. to Regents, July 30, 1969
Dec. 12-10:30 a.m. Md. Council Request for Meeting with Board, [1969]
Report to Md. Council from Sub-Com. on Morgan State College Proposal, July 14, 1969
Report from Sub.-Comm. to Md. Council for Higher Education, June 14, 1969
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 288 (cont’d)
UMBC-Morgan State College Proposal-Report from Subcommittee to Md. Council for Higher
Education (cont’d)
Morgan St. College Proposal Press Release for 10 a.m. on Thursday. July 31, 1969
Morgan State Proposal-News Accounts, July-August, 1969
Md. Council for Higher Ed.-Oct. 1969 Meeting to Discuss Recommendation for St. Uni.
in Metro Balt., 1969-1970
Transferral of NDEA Accts. to UMBC from C. P. Un. of Md.-Signed, June 10, 1969
Transferral of NDEA Accts. of UMBC from Uni. of Md. to UMBC (U. S. Office of
Education), July 1968
Study Prior to Applications for Low Power FM Radio Channel, Broadcasting Antenna
on UMBC Campus, [1969]
Balt. County Campus-Faculty, [1970]
Division of Education..., 1969
Chancellor, 1969
Appointments and Promotions, 1969
Promotions for the Year 1969-Synopsis of, 1969
Re Red Brick Newspaper, October 1969
UMBC-Policy Pertaining to a Publications Board for Student Publications-Reaffirmment of
Existing Policy, November 21, 1969
Policy on Publications Bd. For Student Publications-Policy Reaffirment by Bd. on
November 21, 1969
Ed. Policies-1. Faculty Recommendations on Publications, UMBC, [1969]
UMBC Literary Magazine-Letters from Michael Jacobs & Darryl Hagy-Ans. November
8, 1969
Re Literary Magazine Published in February, 1969
Teacher Corps Project (With Baltimore City Public Schools), 1969
Retriever, 1969
UMBC-Proposed Change in Requirements for B.A. Degree At UMBC
Proposed Change in Requirements for a B.A. Degree, 1969
Proposal to Bachelor of Arts Degree..., No. 9, 1969
U.M.B.C.-Student Handbook, 1969
…, Re Dismissal-Disciplinary Reason, Feb. 27, 1969
… Case, April 1968
Scholarships-UMBC, 1969
Middle States & Accreditation Visits to Campus During, 1969
Re Ltr. from Dr. Ruth T. Sheffey on Employment at UMBC, 1969
Urban Renewal-Court Case, Dec. 1965
Re Court Case, Uni. of Md. v. Uni. Partnership, December 16, 1965, 1965-1966
Dec. 1, 1965-10:00 a.m., Court Case-Courthouse-Calvert & Fayette Sts. in Balt., [1958,
1959, 1965]
Urban Renewal & Housing Project III, 1963
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 289
Chancellor, 1968
General File, 1968
Enrollment as of September 26 & Reported to Board on September 27, 1968
State Auditor's Report-June 30, 1965-1967, 1967-1968
Major Programs & Projected 4-year Course Offerings, Spring 1968, 1968-1969
Faculty Appointments, 1968
Faculty Assembly, April 8, 1968, 1968-1969
Re Crime Committee of Baltimore County Grand Jury, December 4, 1968
Adm. UMBC-Passman, Arnold, 1966
UMBC-Construction-Warehouse-(Withdrawal of Request), 1968-1969
Balt. County Campus-Construction, [1968]
Construction-Addition to Stu. Activities Bldg.-To Bd. September 27, 1968
Construction-Dormitories & Kitchen-Dining Facilities-To Bd., Sept. 27, 1968
UMBC-Future of-Materials Used in Board of Public Works Hearings on Wednesday, February
21, 1968
Meeting on Dorms, Cole Memo to Saunders-Bd. Trustees of State Colleges, [1968]
Kuhn-Ltr. to Md. Council for Higher Ed.Re Dormitories on UMBC Campus..., August
Enrollment Projections fr. Dr. K-Used at Meeting on Feb. 21, 1968 & Comments on
Dorn's Statement, [1968]
Hearing-Public Works Dormitories at UMBC, [1968]
Hearing on UMBC Dormitories, 1968
Regents-Expansion Of University of Md., All Board References, May 22, 1966, January
24, 1964
UMBC Construction
(Student Activities Center), 1967-1968
Resolution Authorizing Filing of Application for Classroom Bldg., [1968]
Supplemental Budget to Increase Enrollment, 1966-1967
Buildings-1965-1966, Library Plans and Specifications, (Stage 1), [1963-1965]
Bentz Frank-Construction, Baltimore County Campus-Facilities, [1966-1967]
Plan of Organization, Approved by Regents on November 17, 1967
Kuhn-Chairman of Divisions-Plan of Operation, 1966-1967
Faculty Organization Study & Temporary Arrangement, 1966-1967
Balt. County Campus-Construction 1st Phase-Dr. Kuhn's Report of April 23, 1965, 1965-1966
Baltimore Campus, Kuhn's Ltr. to Dept. of Budget & to State Planning, 1963
Baltimore County Campus-(Property) Resolution-Bd. of Trustees of Community Colleges, Oct.
17, 1963
Property-Balt. County Campus Purchase of Lands on Walker & Wilkins Avenues..., 1963
Baltimore Campus-Statistics on, 1962
St. of Md.-Property-Balt. County, Spring Grove State Hosp. Land Request to Bd. of Public
Works, 1963
Balt. Campus Property-Whitman, Requardt & Associates-Branch Campus Site "A," 1963
Baltimore County Campus
(Master Plan), 1964
Selection of Architects, Kuhn's Memo of Dec. 11, 1963
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 289 (cont’d)
Baltimore County Campus (cont’d)
Dept. of Public Improvements-Architectural Review..., 1964
Baltimore Branch, Academic Program (from Dr. Hornbake-Jan. 30, 1964), 1964
Progress Report on Temporary Branch of the University of Maryland in Baltimore, [1961]
Re Carpet for Catonsville Library-Protest from James Lees & Sons..., 1967-1968
Re Md. Police Training Comm. B.A. Degree in Police Study, 1967-1968
First Convocation, Monday, May 8, at 10:00 a.m., 1967
Working Fund for UMBC at Arbutus Branch of Equitable Trust Co. Passed by Regents
on June 16, 1967
Designation of Arbutus Br. Equitable Trust as Depository of UMBC Funds-Bd. Appvd.,
May 12, 1967
Ltr. to Gov. Urging Signing of Senate Bill No. 360, Re Autonomy for UMBC, 19671968
Uni. of Md. Baltimore County Campus-Calendar Approved by Board, January 27, 1967
Appointments, Faculty..., 1967
General File, 1966
Faculty Appointments, 1966
Dr. W. Augustus Low as Prof. of History, Apt., 1966
Dr. Richard C. Roberts as Prof. of Mathematics, 1966
Dr. Walter A. Konetzaka [Konetzka] as Prof. of Biological Sciences, 1966
Dept. of Psychology, Dr. Janice B. Goldberg as Assoc. Prof., September 1, 1966
Faculty-Candidate for Bio. Sciences-Dr. Walter Kontzka [Konetzka], 1965-1966
Robert Gordon Shedd-Professor of English and the Humanities-Effect.,
September 1, 1966
October 11 at 2:30 p.m., Dr. Robert G. Shedd, UMBC, 1966
Dr. Wallace E. Parr as Assoc. Prof. of Mathematics, 1966
Promotion-Mrs. May McGinnis Roswell to Associate Professor-UMBC Dept. of
Foreign Languages, Oct. 1, 1966
Dedication-Sunday, October 31, 1966, 1966-1967
Kuhn-UMBC-Library Building-Case's Letter..., 1966
Kuhn-Proposed Academic Calendar for, 1967-1968
Faculty-Dr. Daid T. Laweis-Prof. of Social Studies & Sociology..., 1965
Balt. County Campus-Construction, Perkins & Will Partnership, Architects Report..., 1965
UMBC Campus-Dean of Faculty, Dr. Homer W. Schamp-July 1, 1965 Effect. Date of Appt.,
Dr. Homer W. Schamp RE: Diamondback Article, 1965
General File, 1967
U. S. Gov.-Sec. Housing & Urban Development, 1967-1968
Urban Renewal, 1967
Biltmore Hotel-Use in Connection with Urban Renewal Development in Baltimore-Exect.
Session, [1961]
Urban Renewal and Housing Agency-Project III (MD R-25), 1965
Urban Renewal
Kuhn's Notes on Steps Re Condemnation of Property in Project III Area, [1963-1964]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 289 (cont’d)
Urban Renewal (cont’d)
Acquisition of Land, 1961
Board May 3, 1963-Formal Agreement re Project II of Urban Renewal, Program in Balt., 1963
Urban Renewal
Biltmore Hotel-Early Payment of 125,000 for Early Sale, [1961-1963]
Benik Property-709 W. Lombard St., Baltimore, Md...., 1963
Urban Renewal (Balt.) Enlargement of Balt. Campus, Sec. 112 Credit for Properties, 1961
Urban Renewal, Materials (Old) Re Agreement, [1959-1961]
BOX 290
Baltimore County Campus, Master Plan for Development, Balt. County Campus, 1964
Branches-University-Master Plan of Baltimore Campus, Kuhn's Notes..., Dec. 19, 1963
Murphy, Robert C., Asst. Attorney Gen. for Uni. Affairs, [1961]
UMBC-Property-Philip A. Grill Property on Wilkens Avenue, 1966-1967
Balt. County Campus-Properties, [1965]
Baltimore County Property & Board Committee
Properties-Dr. Kuhn's Summary of Aug. 15, 1963-Baltimore County Campus, [1963]
Property, Baltimore Co., Martin Property, 1963
Baltimore Campus-Purchase of Stabler-Hayes Property, 1964
Property-Branches-News Release of January 24, 1964 on University Plans, [1964]
Baltimore Property (General Correspondence), 1963
Mr. Holter-Chairman-Expansion Feasibility Committee of Board, (Property Referrals),
Property-Balt. County, Frederick P. Klaus, 1962
Baltimore County Property, John H. McGill & Co. (Philip Epstein), 1963
Balt. County Property, A. P. Feeney Co. (Albert P. Backhaus Wrote About), 1963
Property-Balt. County-John S. Biddson, 1963
Balt. County Property, John R. de Sibour & Co., Wickliffe, 1963
Balt. County Property, Mrs. Weldon R. Donsbach, 1963
Property-Baltimore County, Gen. Franklin, 1963
Property Baltimore, Spring Grove Hospital, Goldstein's, [1963]
Balt. County Property, Service Realty Co., (Sterling W. Klein), 1963
Baltimore Co. Property, Miss Emma Lou Hutchins, [1963]
Property-Epstein-Baltimore-410 W. Lombard Street, 1963
Balt. County Property, Mr. Joseph & William Smith (Edlow Farm-Glen Arm), 1963
Balt. County Property, Westview Realty, Inc. (Jane Thomas, Agent), 1963
Prop., Balt. County, Town & Country Realty Associates, 1963
Prop., Balt. County, Alex. Yearley and Son, 1963
Property-Balt. County-Holter's Letter to Allen W. Morton of Hill and Com., 1963
Prop., Balt. County, W. A. Fowble, 1963
Property-Baltimore Co., Vernon M. Schlutter & Co., [1963]
Baltimore Property, Whitley, T. E., Monkton Land, [1963]
Property-Balt. County, (Note Only), Hieatzman, Albert, 1963
Property-Balt. County-Roland Realty Co., 1962-1963
Property-Baltimore County, Holter-Correspondence with, 1963
Property-Balt. County-Donnell M. Smith Co. (From Dorsey), 1963
Property-Balt. County, Caves Owned by Md. National Bank, 1963
Property Baltimore Co., 1963, Binnie Blink, 1963
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 290 (cont’d)
Baltimore County Property & Board Committee (cont’d)
Property-Baltimore County, Halethorpe Imp. Assoc., [1963]
Property-Baltimore Co., Bolgiano Property, 1963
Property-Greater Towson Chamber of Commerce, Wishart Property, 1963
Property-Caroline-Queen Anne's Counties-Senator Hughes' Suggestion to Mr. Nuttle,
Property-Reistertown Chamber of Commerce-C. Y. Thomas, 1963
Property-Balt. County Malcom H. Dill-Re Ivy Mill Forest Center, 1963
Baltimore Co. Campus, General, 1963
Baltimore & Other Campus Clippings, 1963
Property-Baltimore County & Other Areas-Clippings on, 1963
Balt. Branches of University, Delegate C. Stanley Blair's Ltr. re Progress, June 26, 1963
Balt. Cty. Campus, Planning New Campus-Egli & Compf, Inc., 1963
Property-Balt. Cty. Campus Architects-Fischer, Nes, Campbell & Partners, 1963
Property-Balt. City-T. E. Whitley-Monkton, Md., 1963
Property-Baltimore City, Spring Grove State Hospital Land, 1963
Property-Re Balt. Cty. Campus, Maiden Choice Village Civil Assn.-Maeser-Re Planning,
Baltimore Campus-Undergraduate, 1960
Kuhn-Biographical Data-As of November 14, 1967
Chancellor-UMBC, 1972
Student Govt. Association Budget for 1972-1973-Approved by Bd. July 28, 1972-Sp.
Meeting of Bd., [1972]
Stadium Facilities, 1972
Academic Bldg., Nov. 8, (Waetjen), [1972]
Re Office Furniture from St. Use Industry, May & September, 1972
Legislative Auditor's Report July 1, 1969-Feb. 21, 1972-Reply, [1972]
Mr. J. Duncan Sells, Director of Student Life, Apt., August 1972
Increase in Board & Room Rates-Apvd. by Board June 23, 1972, Rates for 1972-1973,
June 5-Discuss with Chan. Lee, Furnishings-House, [1972]
Apeal-Dr. Frank Burd to Associate Prof. Social Sciences-Ltr. from Chancellor, April 24,
Elkins Ltr. of May 19-Re Senior Rank Appts., Hornbake's Comments, [1972]
SGA-Use of Contingency Fund-Approved, November 1972
Construction-Warehouse-To Board, Nov. 17, 1972
Construction-Roads & Parking Areas-To Board, Nov. 17, 1972
Report on Intercollegiate Athletics (Discussed on May 5, 1972 Ath Com.), [1972]
UMBC-Donaldson Brown Center
Bd. Item 5-Report on Donaldson Brown Center (For Distribution Only), [1970]
Transf. of Principal of Donaldson, Nov. 20, [1970]
Complaint from Rochester Public Library re Housing for Conf., 1967-1968
[Loose Material-Miscellaneous Correspondence and Materials Regarding Donaldson
Brown Center, 1965]
UMBC-Afro-American Studies (Being Held), May 1972
May 12-Board-For Bldg. Com., UMBC Requests, 1972
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 290 (cont’d)
UMBC-African American Studies Program, June 7, 1972
Hornbake's Report of June 26, 1972, [1972]
June 7, 1972 Dr. Elkins' Copy, [1972]
May 10 Elkins Ltr. to Lee-Being Held-Possibly for June 23, Board, [1972]
[Loose Material-African American Studies Program, 1972]
Recommendation on Distribution of Fees-Bd. Action, May 5, 1972 & May 12, 1972
Year's Report, [1972]
Student Govt. Association Allocations-Approved by Dr. E., 1972-1973
Report of Comm. on Human Relations on Alleged Discrimination at UMBC, March
BOX 291
UMBC (cont'd)
Report of Comm. on Human Relations, Feb. 11, 1972
Apt. Sallie A. Giffen as Vice Chancellor for Adm. Affairs, Effective July 1, 1972$24,000, [1972]
Apt. Dr. Donald E. Crawford-Exec. Asst. to Chancellor & Director-Governmental & Fund.
Relations, July 1, 1972
Re: Posthumous Degree-Gerald J. Goldman, May 1972
Robert Gary & H. B. No. 1178 & Joint Resolution No. 38, Feb. & March 1972
Construction-Additional Funds for Physical Education Facilities..., 1972
Construction Academic Bldg. No. 4, February 1972
Construction-2000 Ton Chiller-Funds For..., 1972
Agreement with Coppin, Morgan, Towson & UMBC to Accept Grades, 1970-1971
Fee Charges for 1972-1973, (Aprd. by Bd. September 17, 1971)
July 28-Comm. on Ed. Pol. & Res. African-American Prog., UMBC
Transmittal of African Am. Studies Program to Md. Council on [Higher Education],
September 15, 1972
Ltrs. Re African Am. Studies Program, August 1972
Chanc. Lee's African-American Studies Program Re Courses..., [1972]
July 28-Com. on Educational Policies 1. UMBC-Afro-Am. Studies Prog., [1972]
9 a.m. Thursday, September 7, Ed. Policies-UMBC African-Am. Courses, [1972]
1. Proposed African-Am. Studies Program for UMBC, [1972]
Sept. 16, 1971-Ltr. to Lee Appv. Promotion of Dr. Rudolph H. Storch, [1971]
Promotions-Ltr. of Approval to Kuhn, June 23, 1971
Dr. Kuhn's Notes of Aug. 27, 1971-for Discussion with Chancellor Lee, [1971]
Faculty Assembly & Reception, Materials on, October 5, 1971
Maximum Enrollment-(Sept. 17, 1971-Board Item), 1971
Apt. of William Hardy as Director of University Relations, November 24, 1971
Application for Fed. Grant Academic Bldg. #4, Sept. 30, 1971
SGA Budget for 1971-1972, (Kuhn's Letter of June 11, 1971), [1971]
Dr. Paul Lauter-Termination of Contract as of June 30, 1971
Lauter-Civil Action No. 71-385-W Served on Dr. Waetjen in Dr. E's Absence, Friday, April 16,
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 291 (cont’d)
UMBC-Construction Funds, June 30, 1971
Nov. 15-Ed. Policies-Withdrawal of Proposed Program in Mgt. Economics & Urban Studies,
Ed. Policies-Item 3-Proposal for Degree of B. of Arts in Management Economics-UMBC, [1971]
Ed. Policies-Item 2-Proposal for Degree of B. of Arts in Urban Studies-UMBC, [1971]
Sept. 27-Discuss with Dr. Lee, B.A. Degree in Urban Studies, [1971]
Kuhn, Albin O.-Chancellor, Balt. Camps., [1971]
St. of Md. Treasurer-Auditor's Report UMBC-Fiscal June 30, 1968 & 1969, Received 1971,
UMBC-Regulations Governing Residence Hall Operations-Evaluation, May 14, 1971
Chancellor-Baltimore Campuses-Policy-Reinstatement of Students Dismissed for Acad. Reasons,
Kuhn-UMBC-Fishbein's Opinion on Legal Age in Maryland, April 23, 1971
Honorary Degrees for, June 6, 1971
Committee to Honor Dr. Albin O. Kuhn-March 1971, Beach's Reply, [1971]
Investigation of UMBC by Human Relations Commission-Exec. Com. of Bd., March
Equal Employment of Women-Fishbein Ltr. of March 17, 1971
Lecture by Dr. Nathan Hare..., Feb. 10, 1971
Composition of UMBC Publications Board..., 1971
Construction-UMBC Library..., 1971
Construction, 1971-1972
Apts. & Promotion...., 1971
Apt. UMBC-Dr. E. N. Njaka, Prof. Afro-Am. Studies, Efft. Sept. 1, 1971
Div. of Social Sciences-Chairman-Dr. Hugh Davids Graham, Eft. Sept. 1, 1971
Apts. & Prom. Biol. Sciences, [1971]
Apts. & Prom. Afro-Am. Studies, [1971]
UMBC Chancellor Search Committee
Article-Search for a Silver Unicorn, [1971]
Names, [1971]
Re. Dr. Michael J. Rzasa for Chancellorship, May 1971
General, [1971]
Dr. Jay Henry Cerf.-Rec. by Dr. Lincoln Gordon, May 1971
Re. John A. Perkins, Feb., 1971
Reeves-Rawlings Ltr. to Elkins Dec. 7, 1970 & Reply of December 17, 1970
Dr. James G. Miller, Candidate for Chancellor, [1971]
Kuhn-UMBC-Chancellor, 1970
UMBC-Apts., 1970
Kuhn-UMBC-Statement to UMBC Assembly, December 1, 1970
UMBC-Request for Board Minutes in UMBC's Library-Discussed, Nov. 4, 1970
Kuhn-UMBC-Re Fitzsimmons' Ltr. on Pincus's Talk to Catonsville, Bus. Association, 1970
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 292
Graduate Program in Applied Mathematics at UMBC, Apr. 1970
Reeves-Development of Afro-American Studies Program, 1970
Enrollment Report from UMBC (As of September 16, 1970), Reported to Bd. on
September 25, 1970
Housing-Report to Board on Sept. 25, 1970 as of September 16, 1970
Relationship of Religious Organizations-(Ed. Pol. for Jan., 1971), [1970]
Promotion & Tenure Policies-(tentative), Sept. 24, 1970
Dr. Homer W. Schamp-Title Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs UMBC-Effec.,
November 21, 1969
Kuhn-UMBC-Legislative Council Committee, Report on Stu. Fin Asst., Jan. 1970
UMBC-Utilization of Baltimore Television Stations-Cooperative Effort, Dec. 1969-1970
Chancellor-UMBC, 1975
UMBC-African-Am. Studies-Apt. Dr. Willie Lamouse-Smith as Director & Prof.-Eft. July 1,
Appointments & Promotions, 1975-1976
Promotion-Dr. Bernard M. Rabin to Assoc. Prof. of Psychology, September 1, 1975
Apt. Mr. Anselm Hollo as Assoc. Prof. of English, Sept. 1, 1975
Apt. Dr. Henry H. Walbesser as a Prof. of Education, UMBC, eft. September 1, 1975
Dr. August Nimtz-Did not Accept Offer in African Am. Studies Program 1975, [1975]
Silber, Dr. H. B.-Review of Denial of Promotion & Tenure-Closed August 7, 1975
Mar. 15, 1975-To Holly on UMBC Proposal in Applied Sociology, [1975]
Transmittal on Jan. 28, 1975, UMBC Program in Applied Sociology: Specialization in
Med. Soc. & of Aging, [1975]
Ed. Policies-Jan. 17 Item, MA Degree Program in Applied Sociology, UMBC, [1975]
[Loose Materials-Correspondence Concerning UMBC Proposals for M.A. and Ph.D. in Policy
Sciences, 1974]
SGA Budget-Apvd., August 19, 1975
Admission of Students Prior to High School Graduation, Appvd. by Bd. June 20, 1975
Investigation of Antonio Raimo, Director of Library by Internal Auditor..., July 7, 1975
Increase in Parking Fees-Eft. September 1, 1975 (Bd. Action of June 20, 1975), [1975]
Fees in Career Dev. & Placement-Graduating Seniors & Alumni Passed by Board, June
20, 1975
Re Leg. Auditor's Rpt., Feb. 22, 1972-Jan. 14, 1974, Recvd. November 22, 1974
Schmalz, Randell J., Case of Credits for Graduation, (Settled), May 1975
Consortium on Aging-Apt. of Dr. James E. Trela, Asst. Prof. of Sociology UMBC-Uni.
Rep., March 1975
Room and Board Charges, FY 1975-76-Apvd. by Bd. on May 9, 1975
Comm. on Budgets-May 2, 1975, Room & Board-UMBC, [1975]
Re-Board and Room, February 1975
Agreement-Catonsville Community College-Baltimore County Articulated Prog.Accounting & Econ., 1975
Housing Report to Board, September 19, 1975
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 292 (cont’d)
UMBC (cont’d)
Lee's Request for Research & Policy Analysis Center to Be on UMBC Campus...,
Sept., 1975
Tenure as of Oct. 13, 1975 for E. Richard Watts, Jr., Asst. Prof. of Physical Education...,
Chancellor..., 1974
Apts. & Promotions, 1974-1975
Apt. Dr. Sethard Fisher as Director, African-Am. Studies & Prof. of Sociology, August 1, 1974
Apt. Dr. Herbert Blau-Prof. of English & Chairman, Div. Arts & Humanities, July 1, 1974
Item 9 (For Distribution), Biog. Matter on Dr. Herbert Blau, undated
Dr. Paul Lauter-Case Closed-February 26, 1974-Fishbein's Report..., 1974
Re Case of Mrs. Bettye C. Thomas-Promotion Based on Completion of Ph.D. Nov. 1972,
Re Hon. Doct. of Humane Letrs. to Edward L. Bafford, Hold..., May 1974
File Only-Not Final Re Tenure, [1974-1975]
Baratz's Question on Tuition-Remission Policy, February 1974
Re Reaction to Operation of VA-Education & Training Programs..., Feb., 1974
Option II of Bac. of Arts Requirements-Report on Plan by Baratz, January 16, 1974
Master Plan for Computing, October 8, 1974
Academic Bldg. IV Flood Control Impoundment, 1974
S.G.A. Budget for Fiscal 1975-Apvd. by Board on June 21, 1974
Residence Hall & Dining Service-Increases (Apvd. Board), June 21, 1974
Lee's Statement on Graduate Education at Uni. of Maryland-June 12, 1974 (cc to
Pelczar), [1974]
Fac. Senate UMBC, Grievance Proposal for Faculty, April 1, 1974
Lee-Bd. Action re Procedure for Employment of Principal Administrator, March 22, 1974
Case of Otis Robertson, Jr., & Refund, December-Jan. 1973
Re Legislation on Peace Officer..., 1974
Internal Audit-April 9, 1973, Through December 19, 1973-Recvd. fr. Maisel, May 1974
Chancellor...., 1973
BOX 293
1972-1973-Funded Construction Project-UMBC-Ans. of March 2, 1973
Re Master of Arts Degree in Community Clinical Psychology, to Pelczar, May 4, 1973
Future of-Lee's Meeting with Dorn--Academic Development, March 1973
Chancellor-Contacting Foundations for Gifts..., 1973
Lee's Address to the Assembly-Re Meeting with Dr. Elkins-Hold, October 1972
Chancellor-Fee Changes for 1973-1974, [1972]
Appts...., 1973-1974
Budget-SGA-Apvd., Sept. 21, 1973
Lee-Bd. Action Nov. 30, 1973 on Qualifications for Organizations Seeking Voluntary Fees,
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 293 (cont’d)
Work Hours for Students (Discussed in Adm. Council Meeting of Nov. 5, 1973)..., 1973
Chancellor Lee's Address to the Assembly on St. of Uni., UMBC, 1973-1974
Lee's Talk to SREB-"Preparing Future Health Professionals for New Health Care Goals…..,"
March 7, 1973
Rejection of Offer to Dr. John V. Hagopian as Prof. of English for September 1, 1973
Academic Bldg. IV-Hornbake's Notes, July 26, 1973
Supplemental Budget Request-Academic Bldg. #4, 1973
St. Planning Visits-UMBC-Thursday, June 21, 1973
Academic Divisions, 1973-1974
Resignation of E. N. Njaka as Coordinator of Af.-Am. Studies Prog., September 1, 1973
Ms. Jo Ann Barsda-Coordinator of Office of Veterans Affairs..., Aug. 21, 1973
Apt. Duncan Sells-Dean of Students, Effective, July 1, 1973
Tenure to Certain Asst. Professors-Eft. Sept. 1973 (With Dr. Hornbake's Notation),
General File..., 1977
Dr. Kaplan's Assessment of UMBC After 10 Month's Service (Presented to BOR
June 17, 1977), [1977]
Administrative Data Processing Problems as Raised by Legislative Auditors Review,
Sheila Curry Grades-(Dr. Kaplan Handling), May 1, 1977
Construction of Public Safety Build. (Use of 15,000-Apvd. by Bd. March 25, 1977),
Recreational Fee of $2, Students in Winter Session-Apvd. Bd., March 25, 1977
Athletic Fee of $5-Reg. Session-Pt. Time Undergraduate & Grad. Students-Apvd. Bd.,
March 25, 1977
Operating Funds for New Swimming Pool, 1977
Retriever-Feb. 14, 1977, Article on Dorms, [1977]
Baratz's Memo to Hornbake on "Payment of Funds to Faculty," Jan. 1977
Administrative Data Processing-Giffen's Ltr. to Supervisor of Legislative Auditors...,
Jan. 1977
Apt. of John E. Burk, Jr., as Director of University Relations, January 1977
SGA Budget for UMBC Apvd. by Board at Sp. Meeting on, August 19, 1977-for 19771978 Budget, [1977]
Advertising of Summer School at UMBC..., Nov., 1977
Md. Educational Research Guidebook-(Project of Md. St. Dept. of Ed. & UMBC), June
Financial Aid-Cases, 1977
Resident Hall Rates for 1977-1978 Fiscal Year (Bd. Apvd.), May 13, 1977
Approved June 28, 1977-Registration/Placement Fee & Refund Schedule for Co-Op
Students, 1977
Re Research Prop. 1667-re US-Israel Binational Sci. Foundation, August 1977
Faculty Action UMBC
Dr. Morton S. Baratz-Gen. Secretary of the AAUP-Eft. September 1, 1977
Apt. Dr. Morton S. Baratz as Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs-UMBC-Apvd. by
Bd., Nov. 18, 1971
7. Apts.-Dr. Morton S. Baratz-V. C. for Academic Affairs UMBC, [1971]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 293 (cont’d)
Faculty Action UMBC (cont’d)
Dr. Ernest T. Kirby as Prof. of Theater, Eft. September 1, 1977
Apt. of Dr. Reza Baraheni as Prof. of English, Eft. September 1, 1977
Apt. Dr. Eugenie Collier, Assoc. Prof. African-Am. Studies, Eft. Feb. 1, 1977
Re Stephen Boyan-Political Science Dept.-Decision not to Promote....June 1976, Jan.
Salary Adjustment for Dr. Malinda Orlin-Apvd. on July 14, 1977
Dr. James T. Lo, UMBC Salary (Consideration in FY 1978 Budget)..., May 1977
Acting Dean-Div. of Education-Dr. Homer W. Schamp, Jr., Eft. Sept. 1, 1977
Dr. Wolfgang F. O. Freese-Salary-To Be Reviewed by Dorsey, August 1977
Salary Increases Recomm'd by Dr. Kaplan-Ltr. Date November 4, 1976
Dr. Elizabeth L. Elrod, Extension of Apt. as Asst. Prof., (UMBC Will Review Again),
Reimbursement of Personal Toll Telephone Calls-Case Closed-February 2, 1977
Chancellor Lee: Reimbursement to the Univ. for Items Purchased for his Residence from
State Funds (July 1976) Plus other Reimbursement Required, [1976-1977]
UMBC-Faculty Charges Against the Chancellor of UMBC-Starting in April 1976
Resignation of Dr. Calvin B. T. Lee as Chancellor of UMBC, Eft. August 31, 1976
Advisory Group Re Interim Appointment for Chancellor, Tues. July at 1:30 p.m., [July
16, 1976]
Re-Some Faculty Charges Against the Chancellor, March 1976
Ltrs. Re Possibility of Acting Chancellor-Groups Wanting to Discuss..., July 1976
Clippings re Resignation & New Position of Dr. Calvin B. T. Lee, 1976
Monday, Oct. 6, 12 Noon-See Dr. Lee, 1975
To Dr. Hornbake-This Belongs in UMBC-Charges Folder, [1976]
BOX 294
UMBC-Chancellor Calvin B. T. Lee
Biographical Materials & Appointment, September 1, 1971
News Items on Appointments, September 1971
Apt. of Chancellor Calvin B. T. Lee as Professor of Political Science, Feb. 1, 1973
June 5-Discuss with Chan. Lee, Professorship, [1972]
UMBC-Search Com. List
Search Committee Evaluation-1 Set, April 20, 1977
Chan., Search Com.-Report-To Present, April 21, 1977
Chancellor Search Com. Thank you Ltrs. to Chairman & Members, May 18, 1977
Search Com. for Chancellor of UMBC-Candidates, 1977
Corrigan, Robert, Cand., UMBC, [1977]
Chancellor Search Com. Candidate-Dr. Robert Corrigan..., 1977
Search Com. Candidates, Dr. Robert H. Maier, 1977
Maier, Robt., Cand. UMBC, [1977]
Rosser, James M., [1977]
Search Com. for Chancellor, Dr. James Milton Rosser, Candidate..., 1977
Search Com. For Chancellor-Report by April 1, 1976 (apt. September 2, 1976)
Apt. of Search Com. on Selection of Chancellor, Hold File..., August 1976
Search Com.-Ltrs. to, [1977]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 294 (cont’d)
Search Com. For Chancellor-Report by April 1, 1976 (apt. September 2, 1976) (cont’d)
Search Com.-Misc., [1977]
Chancellor Search Committee: Ltr. from Dr. Tothstein, [1977]
Search Committee, General File..., 1977
Search Com.-Ltr., Black Caucus of Fac. & Staff, Hornbake's Reply, April 18, 1977
Chancellor-UMBC, 1976
SGA Budget Req., 1976-1977
Budget-1976-1977-re Legal Research Office-Cheryl Mattson, August 27, 1976
Room Charges & Sp. Sessions Board Charges & Mandatory Sp. Sessions...Apv. Bd.,
May 14, 1976
Construction Small Bldg. for Housing Public Safety Dept. (Uni., Funded Construction
Prog.), June 1976
Sun. Jan. 25-11:30 Brunch UMBC & Tennis Matches, 1976
April 10 (Saturday) 1 Lunch at UMBC & 2 Lacrosse Game, 1976
Re Proposed Doctor Degree Program in Developmental Psychology, April 4, 1976
Stadium Facility-Award of Bid-Approved by Board on May 9, 1975 to W. H. Ward
Cont. Co., [1975]
Proposal for Writing Competency Requirement for Graduation, Nov., 1976
Ad Hoc Committee on Governance, Nov. 1976
Safety Modifications of Elevators, 1976
OSHA Citation on Food Service Contractor, Dec. 1976
John Buttenfield as Director of University Relations UMBC..., 1976
Request from Dr. Kaplan Regarding the Maintenance Program, October 1976
O'C & Myers-Re UMBC-Increases for Table A & Table B, Nov. 4, 1976
Food Service: Improprieties of Food Service Manager, November 1976
St. Treasurer's Request for Reinspection Report on Fire Protection, July 1976
$4 Charge-Late Requests for Statements in Fin. Aid Office, Apvd., Dec. 10, 1976
Re Auditorium/Theater, 1975, 1976
Increase to $40 Per Credit Hour for Performance Studies Fee, Eft. Academic Year 19761977, [1976]
Bonnie Pope-Grade, Ans. July 20, 1976
Right of Way Easement with Balt. Gas & Elec. Co.-Aprv. Bd. on June 25, 1976
Master's Degree in Instructional Systems Development-To MCHE on
March 29, 1976-(Approved by Bd. on March 26, 1976)
Transmittal Letter, March 29, 1976
UMBC-Summary & Impact (Desegregation Statement, Projected 3-Year Budget), [1976]
Ph.D. in Policy Studies, UMCP and UMBC Campuses to MCHE on March 29, 1976 (Bd.
Approved on March 26, 1976)
Approved on Oct. 13, 1976-St. Bd. for Higher Ed., [1976]
Summary Statement Desegregation Impact..., 1976
MCHE-Letter of Transmittal for Ph.D. in Policy Studies-UMCP & UMBC..., March 29,
UMBC Re Admission Charges for Basketball & Lacrosse (Bd. Action January 23, 1976 for
Increase), [1976]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 294 (cont’d)
Faculty Action, UMBC, 1976
Dr. Basil S. Deming-Denial of Tenure Appeal-Granted Promotion & Tenure, Eft.
Nov. 17, 1976
Re: Dr. Naomi Schwiesow's Salary, Jan., 1976
Dr. Susan Z. Nascimiento Grievance, August 1976
Employment of Mrs. Dorothy Clark-for Workshop at UMBC, May 29-June 5, 1976
Apt. UMBC-Dr. Herbert Ginsberg as Prof. of Psychology, [1976]
Appointment UMBC-Dr. Howard Kahane as Prof. of Philosophy, Eft. September 1, 1976
UMBC-Promotion-Dr. Carville V. Earle to Assoc. Prof. of Geography, Eft. September 1, 1976
MCHE-Bachelor of Arts Degree, Visual & Perf. Arts-UMBC-Bd. November 21, 1975 to MCHE
on Nov. 21, 1975
Kaplan, Louis L., Biographical Materials
UMBC-Apt. of Dr. Louis L. Kaplan as Interim Chancellor-Eft., August 18, 1976
May 14, 1976-Board Meeting Resolution-Dr. Louis Kaplan, [1976]
Tributes on Retirement from Board of Regents, June 1976
Sunday, May 23, 1976-Remarks at UMBC Commencement, (Hold Files), [1976]
BOX 295
Maryland State College
General File,..., 1968
Misc..., 1968
Appointments, Promotions, Leaves, Etc..., 1968
Md. State College
Case of Usha Kulkarni-Taraknath Das Foundation..., 1968
Enrollment As of September 26, 1968 & Reported to Board on September 27, 1968
Applicants for SCH Year, April 30, 1968 (Used Comm. Meeting, May 22, 1968), [1968]
Analysis of Current Course Enrollment, As of December 1967, 1967-1968
10 a.m. Friday March 15-Md. State College Comm.-Enrollment-1967-1968, Entering Freshman
Class, 1967
Md. State College
Re July 3, 1968, Meeting of Higher Ed. Discussion Group on Md. State College, 1968
Request for Department of Biology, 1968
(Re Joining Inter-St. Milk Producer's Cooperative), 1968
Case Of Miss Jessica T. Roberts & Academic Position at College..., 1968
Re Ltr. From Taraknath Foundation on Usha Kulkarni..., 1968
Report from Weber on Projects at Md. St. College, July 24, 1968
Resignation of Dr. Vernon W. Stone-Resignation 1967 & Payments...., 1968
Committee on Community Improvement-Somerset County & Students, June 1, 1968
Items Approved in Capital Budget for 1968-1969, 1968
Capital Budget Visit to Princess Anne, May 17, 1968..., 1968-1969
Purchase of Bus, 1968-1969
Demolition of Bldg. 906 on Campus, 1968-1969
Summer School Program for Summer of 1968 (Self-Supporting Program), 1968-1969
Food Service Boycott, February, March 1968
Data on Entering Freshmen & Transfer Students for 1967-1968, [1968]
Budget for June 30, 1967, [1966]
Bd. Members to Attend Commencement on May 28, 1967, 1967
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 295 (cont’d)
Md. State College (cont’d)
Dec. 9, 1968-Md. St. College Comm. Name Change-Publicity, [1968]
Geographic Distribution-Entering Class for 1967-1968, [1967]
Mrs. Katherine Burse Complaint Re Dormitories at Md. State College..., 1967-1968
Maryland State College-Sept. 29, 1967, Dormitory Room Charges Increased for 1966 and 1968,
Mrs. … Grey-Protesting Dismissal of …(Daughter), 1968-1969
State Financing of Student Unions, 1967-1968
Md. State College Committee-Meeting at Princess Anne, December 9, 1968
[Program Evaluation, undated]
Dec. 9, 1968-Md. St. College Comm. Members Attending, [1968]
December 9 at 11 a.m. Md. State College Committee at Princess Anne..., 1968
Dec. 9, 1968-Md. St. College Comm. Members Attending, [1968]
Dec. 9, Freshmen Class Enrollment, 1967-1969
Dec. 9-Md. St. College Comm. SREB Statement-Court Decisions, Negro Colleges,
Dec. 9-Dr. Kaplan's Ltr. With Minutes of Nov., 1968 of Trustees of State Colleges,
4. Honorary Degree-Maryland State College, 1968
Md. State College
Food Services, May 1968
Minor in Physics, (Used Comm. Meeting May 22, 1968), [1968]
Increase in Lab Fees-(Used in Comm. Meeting, May 22, 1968), [1968]
Black Power Circular (Used in Meeting of May 22, 1968)
Alumni Meeting with Warren W. Morgan-(Comm. on May 22, 1968), [1968]
Maryland State College
Re Meeting of Bd. Committee on Md. St., March 15, 1968
Misc. File, 1967
Applications-Maryland State College, 1967
Md. State College
5-Year Report (Hold for Meeting of Maryland State College-Regents), 1967-1968
Dr. Frank Bentz's Comments on 5-Year Report, 1967-1968
March 2 at 10:00 a.m. Balt. Union Md. State College Committee, 1967-1968
5-Yr. Report-1967-1968, Re Middle States Recommendations (1965 & College Plans for
Implementation), undated
Maryland State College-Academic Problems of Md. State, 1966-1967
Md. State College
Re Criticism, (Center for Research in Col. Instr. of Sci. & Mathematics, 1967-1968)
Appt. of Dr. Howard Emery Wright as Dean of College-Eff. July 1, 1967
Maryland State College Appointments, Promotions, Etc., 1967
Md. State College
Appts. Dr. Wm. A. Lynk, Head of Dept. of Natural Sciences-Prof. of Chemistry-Eff.
Oct. 1, 1967
Appt. of Dr. Charles Deberry as Dean of Students, September 1, 1967
Relationship-July 10, 1967-Hornbake's Letter to Williams Hawk Game, Oct. 21, 1967
Maryland State College
Report on Accounts Fiscal Year 1966-1967, (Filed August 21, 1967)
Harvard Educational Review Article on the Am. Negro College, 1967-1968
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 295 (cont’d)
Md. State College
Re Project NDEA Summer Inst. for Disadvantaged Youth, 1967
Re Southern Education Report, September 1967
Re Cut-off Water Supply by Somerset City Sanitary District, 1967-1968
Grant-Strengthening Developing Institutions Program, Off. of Education, 1967-1969
Re Senator Verda F. Welcome's Ltr. of March 13 to McCormick & Reply of April 2,
Construction Mathematics-Natural Science Bldg., 1967-1968
Md. St. College-Dr. Williams' Request for Computer Equipment at C. P., 1967-1968
Application Off. of Education-Graduate Program in History, 1967-1968
Re 1968-1969 Capital Budget Requests to St. Planning..., July 1967
Resp. of Finance Off. at C. P. with Reference to Grants Applications, Etc., 1967-1968
Grants-Report to Bd. May 12, 1967 on Grant-Dev. Insti. Under H-E Act of 1965...., 1967
Maryland State College-Graduate Courses-Board, Phoebus & Col. of Ed. Concerned..., 1965
Reporting of Applications, Contracts & Grants to Board-Action, September 30, 1966
Md. State College-Status of New Structures for Which St. Appropriations Have Been
Made, 1966-1967
Financing of Dormitories & Student Union Building, 1966-1967
Capital Improvement Program for M.S.C., 1966-1967
General File, 1966
Misc., 1966
Appointments, Promotions, Etc., 1966
Md. State College
Dr. George W. Starling as Assoc. Prof.-Dept. of Social Science, Sept. 1, 1966
Dr. Broadus B. Jackson-Head of Dept. of Social Sciences, Sept. 1, 1966
Sept. 27-Md. State College Comm. Plans for Educational Progress of Md. State College, 1966
Maryland State College Report on Accounts-Fiscal Year 1964-1965, Submitted January 17, 1966
Md. State College
Enrollment, 1966-1967
Capital Improve. Authorized 1955-1965 & State Loan for Gen. Construction, 1966
Maryland State College-Auditor's Report on Accounts-Fiscal Year 1965-1966 (Dated Oct. 4,
Md. St. College Comm.
Dr. Wm. A. Lynk-Dean of College..., 1966
Student Vote to Increase Fees, Result of Ballot, Sept. 22, 1966
Application for Upward Bound Program, [1966]
Maryland State College, Re Dr. Vernon W. Stone's Request for Position in College of Ed., 19661967
Md. State College-Ltr. to Dr. Williams Re Action of Board-September 30, 1966 & Comm. of
September 27, 1966
Water & Sewer Authority, Princess Anne, [1965]
Maryland State College
Construction of Sewer Line, [1960-1963]
Grants Awarded During, 1965-1966
Md. State College
Complaint of Dr. Elizabeth S. Bell, Chairman of Department of English..., 1965-1966
Evaluation of by Middle States, Nov. 28-Dec. 1, 1965
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 295 (cont’d)
Maryland State College, Fall Term Enrollment as of October 15, 1965
Md. State College
Report on Free Tuition for Teacher Education Program, 1961-1965...., 1965
Honorary Degree for May 30, 1965 Commencement, Whitney M. Young, Jr., 1965
Maryland State College, Library, 1965
BOX 296
Maryland State College
Student Supply Store for Year Ended June 30, 1964-1965
Dorm. Service Charges, Sept., 1965
Student Activities Fee, Sept., 1965
Physical Activities Bldg. Naming of, 1965
Commencement & Honorary Degree Award, May 30, 1965
Property Owed by William B. Daughterty (Brown's Letter), 1965
Md. St. College
1. Dr. Kaplan May Comment-$7,594-Fed. Funds, [1965]
Case of Francesca Chase-(Mother Mrs. Mary Hall)..., 1965
Office of the Md. State College President, 1964-1965
Md. State College
Misc., 1964-1965
Appointments, 1964-1965
Report on Accounts Fiscal Year 1963-1964 by University Auditors, 1964
(Materials re Negro & Stores in Princess Anne, Md., July 1964)
Maryland State College, Racial Demonstrations in Princess Anne, Maryland, 1964
Md. State College
Demonstrations-Statement of June 26, 1963 & Letters to Dr. Williams & Faculty, 1964
Demonstrations Statement from Chairman of Md. St. College Comm. as of Mar. 13,
Maryland State College Letters Pro and Con. on Demonstrations, 1964
Md. State College
Racial Demonstrations from Newspapers, 1964
Demonstrations Clippings from Salisbury Times of February 28, 1964
Discriminatory Practices in Stores in Princess Anne, Maryland, 1960
Demonstrations Telegram & Reply to Somerset Delegates, 1964
Maryland State College Demonstrations-Clippings & Letters About, 1964
Md. State College
Joseph Colardo-Re Demonstrations in P. A., 1964
Hughes-Lawyer re Debts of Faculty & Employees at Md. State College...., 1964
Re Ltr. from Delegate North-Marion and Vaughn-Faculty Members, 1964
R.O.T.C. Program, 1964-1965
Correspondence re Appt. of Dr. and Mrs. George C. Royal (Not Appt.), June 1964
Honiss Cane (Re Dining Room Funds), 1964
Maryland State College
Enrollments, 1963-1964, 1962-1963, [1964]
Dr. Isham G. Newton as Dean of Md. St. College, Effect. Aug. 1, 1964
Appts.: Drs. Walds & Pridgeon, [1962]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 296 (cont’d
Md. St. College-Appt. Dr. Jesse E. Marshall, Jr.-Dir. of Guidance and Teacher Training, [1964]
Statement by Princess Anne Bi-Racial Commission, 1963
Re Financial Matters-Keeping of Records, etc., 1963
Interim Report on Accounts-Case of Raleigh Bowen, 1962-1963
Accreditation Review as of July 18, 1963
Waters, E. Worthington-Apt. as Dean & Corres. Re Leave, 1963
Md. State College 1.
National Defense Student Loan Funds, [1963]
Somerset County Groups & Development of Md. St., 1963
Faculty Status for Vernon E. McCain-Athletics & Hd. Football Coach...., 1963
Maryland State College-General File, 1963
Md. State College-Wm. A. Lynk Debt Owed Marine Bank of Crisfield, Md., 1963
Maryland State College, Building-Library Request for, 1963
Md. State College
Academic Qualifications Entering Students & Progress, July 18, 1963
Faculty-Comments On-July 18, 1963
New Dormitory & Room Reservation Report, 1962-1963
Hold....Anonymous Letter...Take to P. A. Next Time...., 1963
Maryland State College, Appointments, 1963
Md. State College
Dr. Joseph B. Jenks-English Did Not Accept Appointment, 1962
Biology-Dr. Marion R. Myles Prof. Effec. Sept. 1, 1962
Misc., 1962
Maryland State College, Exec. Item 8, Case of Dean of Women, 1962
Md. State College
Establishment-Dept. of Bus. at Md. State College, 1962
Science and Mathematics, Institute of, Summer of, 1962
Farm Superintendent, 1961
George E. C. Hayes Student Loan Fund, 1961
Elementary Education Course, 1961
Misc., 1961
Remission of Fee-Students in Teacher Education, 1961
Interim Report on Accts. Fiscal Year 1960-1961, [1961]
June 4-Maryland St. College Commencement-2:30, Luncheon Following, 1961
Maryland State College Interim Report on Accounts-Fiscal Year 1961-1962, [1962]
Md. St. College
Austin-Raise for, 1961
Princess Anne Volunteer Fire Co., Contribution to Annually, 1961
Discipline Cases-Misses … & …, 1961
Assoc. Pro. W. … re Debts, 1961
Appts.-Md. State College Mrs. Laura Irvin-Dean of Women, [1961]
Maryland State College Property-Purchase of Sealtest Foods Building & Land, 1961
G. Md. State College
Report on Status of Proposal-Fac. Members to Purchase Land Owned by College, 1961
Change of Course Fee, 1961
Dr. James D. Singletary-Leave for, 1961
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 296 (cont’d)
Maryland State College
Faculty Housing, 1960
(Rental of Motel for Housing Facilities), [1958]
Md. State College, 1960
Change in Late Physical Examination Fee-Approved by Board May 18, 1960
Report on Meeting of Comm.-Thurs., November 17, 1960
Committee Administrative Understanding Plan of Organization, 1960
3. Enrollment Trends at Md. State College, [1960]
Appt., Dr. Arthur, H. Webb-Professor of Biology, 1960
Tenure Status For Dr. Vernon W. Stone of Maryland State College, 1960
Appt. Dr. Booker T. White-Prof. of Chemistry (For Report at September Board
Meeting), 1960
Subdivision Plan for Md. State College Campus, [1961]
Interim Audit Report Fiscal Year 1959-1960 (Dated August 5, 1960)
Federal Loan Funds, 1960
Commencement-May 29, 1960, (Program, etc.), [1960]
Maryland State College, Hyman, Joseph W., Jr., 1960
Md. State College, Scott, Carrol-Re Grades, 1960
Maryland State College, Addition to Kaih Hall, 1960
Md. State College-Dr. W. A. Low-Correspondence re Debts, 1960
Eastern Shore-Budgetary Matters, 1970-1971
Ltr. to Wright Re 1970-1971, Budget & 1971-1972 Budget-Ref. Also to Athletic Dept
Budget (Nov., 1970)
Com. on Eastern Shore-Nov. 13, 1970 Item 6. Review of 1970-1971 Budget, [1970]
Uni. of Md. Eastern Shore-Sept. 9, Wright's Ltr. on Insurance-Football Team, [1970]
Uni. of Md. Eastern Shore-1970-1971, re William E. Simmons-Painter & Rev. W. T. Nelson,
Md. St. College Comm. Re. Tuition Fees, March 1970
May 15-Exec. Session, 4. Honorary Degree at Md. State College, [1970]
Recomm. for Honorary Degree for Senator Verda Welcome, [1970]
Uni. of Md. Eastern Shore Campus-Annual Report of Dean Submitted by Howard E. Wright,
June 1970
Md. State College Uni. of Md. E. S. Capital Budget for 1971-1972, Waetjen's Ltr. to
McCormick, 1970
Md. State College
Study-Ltr. From Senator Mary L. Nock & Reply, Feb. 19, 1970
Hornbake's Comments on Development of February 16, 1970
Feb. 6, 1970 Minutes of Meeting, [1970]
Feb. 6, 1970-Approval of Calendar-Md. St. and Salisbury State..., [1970]
Committee-Feb. 6, Robert Smith & Herman Branson Reports, January 1970
Committee-Feb. 6-Pres. Williams' Rejoinder to Rec. of Md. Council for Higher
Education, [1970]
Observations of J. T. Williams on Report of Md. Council for Higher Ed., Nov. 7, 1969
Md. Council for Higher Ed. & Recommendations, Nov. 7, 1969
Dr. Kaplan's Ltr. Transmitting Md. St. Council's Recommendation to Gov., Jan. 1970
Committee, Feb. 6, 1970, Telegrams Re Md. State College, [1970]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 296 (cont’d)
Md. State College (cont’d)
Dec. 9, 1968-Md. State College Comm.-Alumni Assn. Recomm. Re Future of Md.
State..., 1968
Cost of Program, [1970]
Comm. Sp. Study Committee, Nov. 21, [1969]
Committee-Sp. Study Committee-Hand to Dr. Kaplan, [1969]
Study of-Reaction of Md. Council for Higher Education to Study...Extra Copies, Nov.
BOX 297
Md. State College (cont'd)
Construction-Physical Education Bldg. & Swimming Pool..., 1967-1970
Re Dr. J. T. Williams, Merchants and Businessmen of P.A.-Petition for, May 1970
Md. State College-Naming of Buildings, Names Approved by Board on September 26, 1969,
Names Approved by Board on January 23, 1970
Jan. 23, 1970-Approval of Names for 3 Buildings at Md. State College, [1970]
Hold-Nov. Md. St. College Comm.-Naming of Buildings, Individuals, [1969]
UMES-Promotion-Dr. Howard Davis to Associate Professor & Head of Dept. of Health & Phy.
Ed., [1970]
Uni. of Md. Eastern Shore-Apt. Earl S. Richardson-Director of Placement, September 1, 1970
Apt.-Sch. of Nursing-Dr. Betty J. Ruano-Assoc. Prof.-Eft., November 15, 1970
Apt. Uni. of Md. Eastern Shore Dr. Wm. P. Hytche-Professor of Mathemetics (Hold for
Answers), September 1, 1970
Eastern Shore, Uni. of Md.-Director of College, August 15, 1970
Procedure for Spring Diploma, July 1970
Race on Admissions Applications-Waetjen's Ltr. of July 27, 1970
Re Transfer of Credit from Eastern Shore to University, July 9, 1970
College Entrance Exam Board-Reappt. of Giffin-Voting Rep. Shields-Alt., May 19701971
Giffin's Report of April 17 on Production of Transcripts, 1970
Construction, Dormitories..., 1969-1970
[Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1969]
Committee on Md. State College
Comm. to Study-Thank You Note to Dr. Burdette's Comm., Sept. 29, 1969
Study Committee, Objective Review of Report by Dr. J. Paul Reynolds & Others, 1969
Comm. on Study-Transmitted to Md. Council for Higher Ed. on Sept. 29, 1969
Circular Ltr. No. 29 NASULGC on Black Colleges Association, 1969
Comm. on Study-Ltr. to Dr. Williams on Board Action of September 26, 1969
Comm. to Study-Request of Heller Associates for Report-Md. Council for Higher Ed.,
Study Committee-Distribution of Report of Committee, 1969
Committee to Study, July 8, 1969, Minutes of the Meeting, [1969]
Committee on, Dr. Kaplan's Ltr. of June 17, 1969 with Md. Council High. Ed. Proposals,
Comm. to Study-May 16, 1969-Progress Report from Committee to Board of Regents,
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 297 (cont’d)
Sp. Committee on a Study of Maryland State College
May 13, 1969 Meeting of Committee, [1969]
Papers Submitted at Meeting in P. A. on April 28, 1969
Interim Report of Subcomm. on Purposes, April 10, 1969
Md. St. Feasibility Comm.-Sub. Comm. on Purposes, undated
Md. State Feasibility Study
Sub. Comm. on Programs, undated
Sub. Comm. on Faculty, undated
Sub. Comm. on Organization, undated
Md. State Feasibility-Sub Committees of, undated
Md. State Feasibility Comm. Misc., [1969]
Md. State Feasibility Statement to Committee by Elkins, Feb. 20, 1969
Prof. Forsyth's Proposal, 1968-1969
Feb. 20-Committee to Study Md. State College-Take Press Articles, [1969]
Md. State College Study of Williams Observation on Recommendations, November 7,
Dr. Garofalo's Correspondence with Blair Lee & Dr. Elkins-Williams, June & July 1970
Md. St.
Committee to Study-Press Releases, 1970
Petitions-All Kinds, 1970
Md. State College-Appts., Prom., Etc..., [1970]
UMES-Promotion-Jessie M. Cottman to Associate Librarian, July 1, 1970
Uni. of Md. Eastern Shore-Apt. of Hernert F. Olsen as Dir. of Develop. & Endowments, July 1,
Eastern Shore-Apts. Pro. Below Rank of Assoc. Prof., [1970]
Uni. of Md. Eastern Shore-Wright's Ltr. on Lynk, September 9, 1970
Promotion-Dr. Warrick L. Carter to Asst. Prof. with Salary Raise-September 1, 1970
Apts. Johnson, Plotnik, Caludel, Gest, Pogue, & Nagaragan Lectureships & 1 Asst. Prof.,
Oct. 1970
Md. State-Leaves for Kent, Gregg, Taylor & Davis Under Prog. of Develop. Institutions..., 1970
UMES Re Moses W. Vaughn's Increase in Pay, Eft., 1970
University of Md. Eastern Shore-To be Reported to Board-Hold Together
Dr. Caroline E. Quinn-Asst. Prof. Efct. September 1, 1970
Apt. Eastern Shore-Dr. Robert P. Varley as Lecturer-p.t., Sept. 1, 1970
Eastern Shore-Apt.-Mrs. Dawn E. Bartels-Lecturer-English, September 1, 1970
Md. St. College-Mrs. Dawn Bartels, Instructor in English, 1970
Mary Louis Smith Morris-Instructor-Music, September 1, 1970
Apt. Henry Ford as Dormitory-Counselor-Asst. Basketball Coach, Sept. 1, 1970
Adnan M. Haider-Asst. Pro. in Math, Sept. 1, 1970
Dr. Andrew A. Zwarm-Asst. Prof. in Agri., September 1, 1970
Md. State College-Program with the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture-Forest Service Project...,
May 1970
Apt. Obie L. Masingale-USDA Representative with Dept. of Agriculture, October 1970
Uni. of Md. Apt. Mary Ella J. Warren-Head Dorm. Counselor, Sept. 1, 1970
Dr. Claud C. Marion-Salary Increase by 1500-10 Mos. Assuming Student Aid on
Campus, [1970]
Apt. Curtis Craeger-Instructor in History, September 1, 1970
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 297 (cont’d)
University of Md. Eastern Shore-To be Reported to Board-Hold Together (cont’d)
Mrs. Dorothy M. Waters as Dorm. Counselor, September 1, 1970
Apt. Robert L. Dowery as Acting Director of Student Affairs, Eft. September 1, 1970
Dr. Gurbax Singh-Asst. Prof. in Physics-Eft. September 1, 1970
Klinger-Prof. of English-Sept. 1, 1970, Withdrew August, 1970
Md. State College-Violte J. Wood's Request for Sick Leave with Pay, May-June 1970
MD. State College and Salisbury State College-Consortium, 1969-1970
Salisbury State & Md. State-Calendar-Approved Sp. Session of Bd., February 6, 1970
Consortium-Salisbury State College, Williams Ltr. of Apr. 2, 1969
Maryland State College-Consortium-Salisbury State College-Statement & Catalogues,
June 1969
Md. State College
Ltr. from Bd. of Ed. Somerset County Re Possible Sale of Land & Buildings, 1969-1970
Auditorium-Size of, 1969
Proposed Dev. Office & Placement & Guidance-Use of Wye Gift, 1969
Dormitory Residents 1st Semester, 1969
Orlinsky's Request for Information-June-July 1969..., 1969-1970
Off. of Dev. & Recruiting Office-Funds from Wye Institute, July 2, 1969
Materials from Oson-To Dr. E. from Mr. Beach, March 22, 1969
Off. of Ed. Strengthening Development Institutions Award of $152,707, Apr. 2, 1969
Cole's Ltr. of Nov. 27, 1968 Re 12,000,000 Dorm. Constr. & Md. State College, [1968]
Md. State College-State Auditor's Report-Accounts, June 30, 1965, 67 & 68, 1968-1969
Eastern Shore, Uni.-Internal Audit, [1970]
BOX 298
Md. State College (cont'd)
Appointments & Promotions, 1969
Appt. Dr. John E. McGuigan-Head Dept. of Social Sciences, Effec., September 1, 1969
Appt.-Dr. Youra T. Qualls-Prof. and Head English and Language, September 1, 1969
Dr. Shekhar S. Kaup-P. of & Head-Dept. of Bus. Md. State Col. Effec., Sept. 1, 1969
Promotions-Md. State College-Dr. James B. Aram, Jr., to Assoc. Prof. of Biology-Eff. September
1, 1968
Md. State College
Appt.: Dr. Darill Hudson, Developing Inst. Program, 1968
Repair of Road-Somerset County, 1968-1969
Improvement of Road, Town of P. A. & College-Ltr. to Somerset County Comm., 19671968
Md. State College-Report by Visiting Scholars at Md. St. College (1967-1968)-To Board
Members on, June 25, 1968
Report by Visiting Scholars 1967-1968-Sent to All Bd. Members, June 25, 1968
Visiting Scholars Report-Dr. Hornbake's Comment on Dr. Williams Evaluation, June 20,
Visiting Scholars Report-Dr. Williams Evaluation (Was Not Distributed to Board),
Md. State College-Materials for Meeting During Summer of 1967
Mr. Brown's Study Development and Background of Md. State College, May 31, 1967
Dr. Hornbake's Comments on Md. State College 5-Year Report..., 1967-1968
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 298 (cont’d)
Md. State College-Materials for Meeting During Summer of 1967 (cont’d)
Senate Resolution No. 36-Welcome & Emanuel-Re Md. St. College, March 21, 1967
Meeting of Md. State College Committee at Student Union, Baltimore (Tentative) 10:00
a.m., [1967]
Md. St. College-Report of Adv. Council for Higher Ed. (Role and Scope), 1966-1967
Md. State College
Five Year Report 1966-1967, Thru 1970-1971 (Recvd. December 9, 1966)
Report on Maryland State College, 1964
General File..., 1972
Enrollment Figures 1st Semester of 1972 (as of Sept. 22), [1972]
Dec. 12, 1972 Meeting-Report on Facilities Planning Construction, [1972]
Dec. 12, 1972 Meeting Enrollment Data, [1972]
Constr. Dining Hall Addition, November 6, 1972
Complementary Pass, Athletics, 1972-1973
Student Government Assn. Budget for 1972-1973-Approved by Bd. July, 28, 1972-Sp.
Meeting of Board, [1972]
Increase on Board & Room Rates-Aprd. by Board June 23, 1972, Rates for 1972-1973
Campus Organization, June 23, 1972 Board Action, [1972]
Gov. Organization-To be Amended February 1972, Hold-Later to Board, [1972]
Item 1. Plan of Organization, [1972]
Apt. Mrs. Mary Fair Burks, Assoc. Prof.-Eft., Sept. 1, 1972
Leon N. Coursay-Asst. Prof. & Head, Dept. of Phys. Ed., Dir. of Athletics, [1972]
Apt. Dr. Howard M. Rebach as Assoc. Prof.-Eft. Sept. 1, 1972
Apt. of Dr. Jack H. Matthews as Prof. & Head-Dept. of Bus. & Economics, Sept. 1, 1972
Apt. Dr. Joel H. Roache, III, as Assoc. Prof.-Efc. Sept. 1, 1972
Promotion of Dr. Glenn O. Nichols to Associate Prof., September 1, 1972
Apt. of Dr. Imtiaz Ahmad as Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Business & Economics, September
Campus Disturbance, Dr. Waetjen's Report of May 11, 1972
Options to Students, May 1972
Suspension Form if Needed, undated
Elkin's Ltr. of May 10, 1972 to Harold Johnson, Pres. SGA on Shaw Case, [1972]
Special Session on UMES, May 5, 1972
Jeanne Shaw Case, [1972]
Disturbance Strike Bulletin #1, April-May 1972
Disturbance...Hornbake's Notes, April-May 1972
Disturbance, Publicity on, April-May, 1972
The New UMES Administration-Some of the Accomplishments 1971-1972 Academic
Year-Revised July 1, 1972
UMES-Appointments & Promotions
20 Signed by Dr. Elkins on August 23, 1972 and Returned Same Date, 1972, October 1,
Apt. of John W. Crute as Asst. Dean of Student Affairs, October 1, 1972
Apt. UMES-Sept. 4-to Hornbake O; Johnason; Groutt; Rayford; Singh; Robinson, Martin; &
Wennersten, [1972]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 298 (cont’d)
Apt. Miss Jessie M. Cottman as Acting Librarian, Sept. 1, 1972
Apt. of Susan S. Phoebus as Home Ec. & Early Childhood-Res. Center, September 1,
Apt. Mrs. June W. Rhodes as Assoc. Agent in Home Ec., Extension, August 1, 1972
April 27-Leave House for Princess Anne-Meeting of Com. on UMES
Rawlings Response, [1972]
Bernard Upshur Case, April and May, 1972
Upshur Case, Etc., Board of Regents' UMES Com. Statement, April 27, 1972
RE AAUP Telegram of Mar. 27, 1972, Not Reappointing Dr. Curtis Craeger..., 1972
Regents Com. on April 27, 1972 Minutes of Meeting, [1972]
B. Herbert Brown's Statement, [1972]
UMES Committee Complaints of Employees at UMES, [1972]
UMES Committee Agendas, [1972]
UMES Com., Meeting Fee Increases & Budget, [1972]
UMES Com., Report on Status of 1971-1972 Budget, [1971-1972]
Recruitment Activity & Status of Enrollment-UMES Committee, 1972
UMES Com., Academic Programs & Activities, [1972]
UMES Com., Non-Academic Programs & Activities, [1972-1973]
Comm. on UMES, Princess Anne, at 11 a.m., [1972]
BOX 299
UMES-Re Am. Assoc. of Uni. Prof.-Curtis Creager & Bernard Upshur, Hearing, May 22 & 23,
Upshur Case-Sept. 19 Resignation, Sept. 28, Elkins Ltr. to Am. Assn. of Uni. Professors...., 1972
Fri. July 14
UMES Ltr. to Faculty of UMES & List, [1972]
UMES Com. Upshur's Statement & Ltr. to Him, [1972]
UMES-July 14
Ltr. from Kurland, AAUP, [1972]
1972, Meeting Letter from Mr. Nuttle, [1972]
Statements from Faculty, [1972]
Friday, July 14
Comm. on UMES-Call to Board, [1972]
Upshur's Encl. Minutes of AAUP Meeting of April 14, 1972
UMES-July 14-Agenda, [1972]
Friday, July 14
UMES Com. Ltr. to Buffkins, [1972]
Upshur's Enc., Re Buffkins's Administration, undated
UMES Extra Copies of Letters, [1972]
July 14-Extra Copies of Upshur's Ltr. of May 25, to Board-Without Attachments, [1972]
Friday, July 14 at 10 a.m. Com. on UMES-Baltimore Union, undated
UMES-Ed. Policies-Buffkins Assessment & Potential for UMES, [1972]
Am. Assoc. of Uni. Professors, [1972]
UMES-Creager, Curtis-Instructor-Renewal of His Contract April, 1971
Hardester, Allen L., Jr., UMES, 1971-1972
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 299 (cont’d)
Audit Control No. 20020-03, College Work-Study Program, July 1971
Signature on UMES Diplomas (Delegate Sig. of Dir. of Admissions), April 1972
A F ROTC Program, May 1972
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Re: Miss Debra E. Barber, April & May, 1972
Payment of Prof. Karl von Vorys, June 1972
Hawks Booster Club (Articles of Incorporation), August 1972
Re-Search & Seizure Policy..., 1971-1972
Handbook Uni. of Md. Eastern Shore 1971-1972 with Comments, February 1972
Enrollment-Waetjen's Ltr. Jan. 27, 1972-On Revised Enrollment, [1972]
Estimated Income-on New Projected Enrollment, 1972-1973 Budget, Dec. 7, 1971
Enrollment-Revised as of Dec. 3, 1971-Enrollment-Projection Thru 1975
General Statistics-1st Semester 1971-1972, (Used in Nov. Meeting), [1971-1972]
Admissions & Dormitory Statistics-As of September 21, 1971
Enrollment-Buffkins as of July 6, 1971
Racial Breakdown-1st Semester 1971-1972 (Used in Nov. Meeting), [1971-1972]
Enrollment Projections, (As of June 22, 1971), [1971]
Enrollment Report 1970-1971 & Dorm Housing, Nov. 1970
Enrollment Report as of September 16, 1970 (Reported to Bd. on September 25, 1970)
Hornbake's Notes on Entering Freshmen; Faculty, Class Size, Etc., November 1970
General File..., 1971
Misc. File..., 1971
Wright-Apt. as Acting to May 31, 1971
Wright, Dr. Howard E.-Resignation, Dated July 31, 1971
Uni. of Md. Eastern Shore-Apt. Dr. Howard E. Wright-Acting Chancellor Eftc., July 1,
1970-May 31, 1971
Williams, Dr. John T. (Death), July 13, 1971
Md. State College-Retirement of Dr. John T. Williams-Effect. August 1, 1970 With 30 Days
Leave, August 31, 1970
UMES-Discussion of Candidates for Chancellorship at UMES
Search Com. for Chancellor, Expenses Incurred, Hornbake's Report, April 19, 1971
Minutes: Chancellor Search Committee, [1971]
[Letters from Lee Hornbake to President Wilson Elkins, 1971]
Final Voting Ballots: UMES Chancellor Search Committee, February 27, 1971
Chancellor Search Com. 3 Nominees-Submitted, March 2, 1971
Chancellor Search Com. Hornbake's Notes on 3 Nominees, March 5, 1971
Chancellor Search Com., Dr. Malvin E. Moore, Jr., 1970-1971
Dr. Malvin E. Moore, Nominee, Chancellor UMES, Dec. 17, 1970
Chancellor Search Com. Howard E. Wright, 1970-1971
Dr. Howard E. Wright, Applicant Chancellor UMES, Nov. 13, 1970
Feb. 1 (Monday) at 10:30 a.m. Mr. Thomas B. Wilburn & Others, [1971]
Eastern Shore-Budgetary Matters-Gen., [1970]
Univ. of Md., Eastern Shore Chancellor
Search Committee-UMES-Ltr. to Dr. Johnson & Hornbake's Notes..., Jan. 1971
Chancellor Search Com. Progress Rep., Nov. 6, 1970
UMES-RE: Allen Hardester, Jr., & Membership on Committee, Sept. 1970
Exec. Session-Re Petition Sent by Robt. L. Dowery-Postpone Retirement of Dr.
Williams, [1970]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 299 (cont’d)
Univ. of Md., Eastern Shore Chancellor (cont’d)
Exec. Session-Re Ltr. of June 17, 1970 from Rotan E. Lee, [1970]
Executive Session-Re Md. State College-Crisfield Rotary Club Recommendation, [1970]
Exe. Session-Chancellor of Md. St. College-Ltrs. from Organizations in Princess Anne,
Md., 1970
Uni. of Md. Eastern Shore Selection Committee, Chairman & Members, 1970
Uni. of Md. Eastern Shore, List of Candidates Transmitted, July 29, 1970
Chancellorship-Md. St., [1971]
1971-1972 Opening Schedule UMES Campus, [1971]
Buyer-William Armstrong-Training, Etc., 1971
Thirteen College Curriculum Program-1972-Petition to Buffkins, March 1972
13 College Curriculum Prog. & Pre-College Summer Program, June 28, 1971
Ed. Policies-UMES-Statements on Admission Policies-(Buffkins' Reply)...., Nov. 15, 1971
UMES-Dr. James Walt Student AID Fund, Bd. Action on March 19, 1971
Buffkins-Re Research Grant from General Research Board-Research Program, December 1971
Fee Changes for 1972-1973 (Apvd. by Bd. September 17, 1971)
Johnson, Elsie T..., 1971
August 30-Discuss After Adm. Council-Agricultural Programs, [1971]
Uni. of Md. Eastern Shore-Re Ed. Office-Strengthening Developing Institutions Program, 1970
Voc. & Agr. Offerings, 1971-1972
Buffkins-Inventory-House & Purchasing of Furnishings, 1971
Housing for Dr. Howard E. Wright, May 1971
Re-Dr. Wright's Home & Inventory of Also Quarters for Him, April 1971
Frantzreb & Prey Associates, Inc., 1970-1971
Proposed Faculty Assembly (Buffkins to Act on), March 1971
Faculty Housing on Campus, June 1971
Chancellor-Policy-Reinstatement of Students Dismissed for Acad. Reasons..., 1971
Student Govt. Assn.-Re-Help with $875 Bank Loan for Entertainment..., 1971
Regulations Governing Residence Hall Operations, May 14, 1971, Evaluation 1972
Fee Charges at UMES-Approved by Bd. at May 14, 1971 Meeting [1971]
Application of James Alfred Moore Trotter for Position at UMES..., 1971
Construction-1971 Auditorium-Bids on, [1971]
Dormitories-Waetjen's Ltr. to Sec. of Gen. Services, March 23, 1971
Construction-New Dormitory-Low Bidder-Chas. N. Landon, Inc..., 1971
Construction-Re Student Activities Building, 1971
Academic Space Utilization Report-Waetjen-Made Fall of 1970, 1971
Apt. of Willie S. Smith as Head Football Coach, Effective, April 1, 1971
Proposal from Waetjen for Student Union, Nov. 1971
Alumni Association of UMES Recom. that Dr. John T. Williams be Named Pres.
Emeritus, May14, 1971
[Loose Materials-March 2 Workshop at UMES Materials, 1971]
Answers to Complaints of Students & Black Coalition-1969-1970, Mat. for Feb. 1971
Workshop, [1971]
May 5, 1970-Response to Academic Questions Raised by the Black Coalition..., [1970]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 299 (cont’d)
Md. State College
Demands & Recommendations-Student Body, April, 1970
Black Coalition Report, April 27, 1970
Information on Black Organizations-Requested by Dr. E., March 19, 1970
BOX 300
Procedure for Processing Applications, Contracts and Grants, July 1971
Applications, Grants, Etc., 1971-1973
Student Assistance & Athletics-Hornbake's Memo of February 11, 1971
Athletic Program, 1970-1971
University Relations Materials, Also 1970-1971 Basketball Program, 1971
Athletics-1970-1971 Budget & 1971-1972-Other Items, Board March 19, 1971
Fund Raising Program for 1971-Hold..., 1971
UMES-Committee on Eastern Shore of Board of Regents, Nov. 1971
Employees According to Classification, 1971-1972
Proposed University Governance-1971-1972 (Being Revised), undated
Organization & Structure, 1971-1972
Mission, Goal & Objectives, 1971-1972
New General Education Proposal, 1971-1972
General Criteria for Appt. & Promotion, 1971-1972
Present Apt. Agreement, Academic Staff, [1971]
Annual Faculty Evaluation & Recommendation Form, 1971-1972
Faculty Permanent Folders, 1st Semester, 1971-1972
Proposed Faculty Governing Body, 1971-1972
Faculty Personnel with Tenure, 1971-1972
New Exit "Graduation" Requirement Proposal, 1971-1972
Courses Offered During 1st Semester, 1971-1972
Establishment of a "Consortium of Visiting Scholars," 1971-1972
NASA Technical Library, 1971-1972
Status Report of Construction Projects, 1971-1972
General Information, Used at Committee Meeting of November 1, 1971
Re November 1, Meeting & Student Participation, 1971
UMES-Apts. & Prom..., 1971
Promotion-Dr. Edward F. James-Head-Dept. of English-UMES, Ef. September 1, 1971
Personnel Changes, Summer, Winter 1971-1972
Anon. Letters (From Same Writer), 1970, 1971 & 1972
St. of Md., St. Treasurer-Auditor's UMES-Fiscal June 30, 1968, 1969 & 1970 (Hold for
Dr. Elkins), 1971
US Office of Ed.-Audit Cont. No. 20021-03 Nat'l Defense Student Loan Program, June
30, 1970
(Md. State College), President's File..., 1970
Chancellor..., 1975
Apts.-Promotions, 1975
Apts. UMES-New Positions & Salaries-Aprvd. by Elkins, August 8, 1975
Buffkins, Chan.-Attack-Mar.-Apr., 1975
UMES-Travel for Dr. Buffkins from UMES in Chancellor's Office, August 1975
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 300 (cont’d)
Buffkins, Chan.-Attack-Mar.-Apr., 1975 (cont’d)
UMES-Resignation of Chanc., Buffkins, Effective July 1, 1975
Resignation of Chancellor, Hornbake's Ltr. of April 14, 1975 to Elkins on Situation,
Re Case Brought by Cleveland L. Harris by Bothe, May 1975
Hornbake's Notes on Situation at University of Md., Eastern Shore, April 13 & April 15,
Buffkins, Chancellor-Attack, March-April, 1975
UMES-Attack on Chancellor Buffkins by Cleveland Harris..., March 25, 1975
Apt. Dr. Archie L. Buffkins, Chancellor, University of Maryland, Eastern Shore
Apt. Ltr. of March 24, 1971 from June 1, 1971-Chancellor UMES, Aprv. by Bd. March
19, 1971
Biographical Data, [1971]
Biog. Materials, 1970-1971
Gen. File-April to June 1, 1971
[Employment Application and Recommendation for Archie Buffkins]
Press Releases & Clippings, March 1971
Maine Higher Ed. Plan. Comm.-Report on Uni. Governance; Uni. of Maine, Dec. 1970 &
Mark Schulman's Charges & Buffkins Reply, March 1971
UMES-Dr. Buffkins' Visit-Apr. 19-20, 1971-Elkins Ltr. of April 14 to Wright..., 1971
UMES-Letter to Faculty & Staff Announcing Appointment of Dr. Buffkins, 1971
UMES-Budget-SGA-Apvd., Aug. 19, 1975
Admission of Students Prior to High School Graduation, Apvd. Board, June 20, 1975
Dr. Elkins' Information, 1975
Com., May 6, Chan. Ltr. to Delegate Hargreaves on Out of State & Foreign Students,
Re Faculty Contracts Agreement-New & Correspondence on March 10, 1975
Promotions-1975, Pender, Gregg & Hull, [1975]
Salary R. H. Thomas, July 17, 1975
Report on Athletics, [1975]
Com. on Athletics-Compliance with Rules, Regulations of NCAA, 1975
Buffkins-Re Ltrs. from Harold L. Rush & Others, 1974-1975
Investigation by NCAA of Athletics-(Discussed at UMES Com.,) November 13, 1974
Com. Nov. 13-10:30 a.m. Item 4-Newspaper Clippings, [1974]
Housing Report to Board, September 19, 1975
Re Amendment of Public Law 88-74 (July 22, 1973), Agri. Experiment Station, Feb. 14
(To Bentz), [1975]
Chancellor..., 1974
Apt. UMES-Carol J. Buffkins, Lecturer in Music and Artist-in-Residence-P.T.-1974-5 Academic
Year, [1974]
Jagdish Singh-Raise in Salary-Ans. by O'C., April 3, 1974
Jessie H. Rosenblum-Leave Study Under Title III Grant (Hornbake) Notes.... O.K., June
25, 1973
Leaves for Mr. Remo Ferrante; Mr. Mark Schulman; Jessie H. Rosenblum, July 1, 1973,
June 30, 1974
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 300 (cont’d)
UMES (cont’d)
Apt. Dr. Wm. H. Turner as Asst. Prof. & Head Dept. of Social Sciences-Eft.
August 26, 1974
BOX 301
UMES-Appts..., 1974
Sunday, Oct. 27, 3 p.m., UMES Dedication of Ella Fitzgerald Center for Performing Arts..., 1974
Case of Nancy M. Shepard-September 19, 1974 (Referred to Mrs. Fishbein), [1974]
Student Government Assn. Budget, 1974-1975, Sept. 20, 1974-Approved by Board,
Enrollment Summary-1st Semester 1974-1975, as of Nov. 13, 1974
Residence Halls Census Rept. As of November 1, 1974
Center for Student Development-Request for Extra Monies-Dec. & January 1973
Questionnaires Re Nat'l Organization Memberships, Sept. 24, 1974
Talk with O.C.-Re UMES-Revised List of Salary Increases, undated
April 30, 1974 Com. Meeting-Materials Distributed by Chan. Buffkins..., 1974
Chan. Buffkins' Interview "Peninsula Perspective," March 17, 1974-WBOC, SalisburyMd., [1974] (2f)
March 22-Bd.-Exec. Session-UMES 2. Dedication of Ella Fitzgerald Center, Sat. May 18, 1974
Buffkins-March 22, 1974 Bd. Action Re Procedure for Employment of Principal Administrator,
Conf. Mgt. & Fin. of Colleges Com. for Economic Dev., 1974 & 1975
Desegregation Visits from Civil Rights Office, Region III on Jan. 18, 1974
Academic Calendars-1974-1975; 1975-1976; 1976-1977; 1977-1978; 1978-1979; Also
Breakdown...., 1973
Resolution by Board of Regents, Re 1973-1974 Basketball Season Passed by Board on
Fri., May 17, 1974
Re Athletics Charged with Grand Larceny & Possession-Stolen Goods-Ltrs., March 1974
Re Leg. Auditor's Report UMES-July 1, 1970 Thru July 30, 1973
Re Reaction to Operation of VA-Education & Training Programs, Feb. 1974
Response to Legislative Analyst's Report (Only Filed with This Office)..., Feb. 20, 1974
Buffkins-Leave to Israeli Seminar from Dec. 26, 1973 to Jan. 16, 1974
Re Md. Council Ltrs. on Med. Technology for Salisbury St. College..., 1973 & 1974
Salaries-Chan. & Adm., 1974
Request for Increase Above 10% Apvd. May 15, 1973, Implement as of July 1, 1973
Fixed Charges-All Areas-Approved, August 23, 1973
Chancellor Salary, June 1973
Coop. Extension Program & Research-Work with C. P., Hornbake, 1973-1974
Buffkins-Oct. 18, 1973-Comment from Chan. Buffkins to NASULGC-Support for
Minority Institutions, [1973]
Memo Agreement Soil Consv., Liaison Rep. Maurice E. Reddick at USDA-Sept. 13,
1972 & Jan. 1973
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 301 (cont’d)
UMES (cont’d)
RE Budget Cuts in Classified Positions 3 Out of 8, June & July, 1973
Proposal-Multi Stage Competency-Bus. Program-(Rejected by Uni.) Materials on...,
January 1974
Early Childhood Research Center-2nd Semester 1974 Term, [1973]
General File...., 1973
Report of Contracts Awarded by Dept. of General Services, UMES, 1973
Budget-Catch-Up, 1972-1973
Catch-Up Budget, 1971-1972
Financial Status Report for 1st Semester-Used at Nov. 1, 1971 Committee Meeting,
1972-1973 Proposed Budget Information-Programs Breakdown, Used in Nov. 1, 1971
Com. Meeting, [1971]
Apt. of Joel C. Mack, Vice Chancellor for Administrative Affairs, July 1, 1973
Dept. of Agri.-John V. Strickland-Associate Prof. Emeritus of Agriculture, June 30, 1973
Dept. of Ed., T. Waldo Kiah as Asst. Prof. Emeritus of Ed., June 30, 1973
Re Jr. Research Assts. Jones & Watson-(To Put in Classified Category)..., October 1973
John V. Strickland, Extension of Retirement Date to June 30, 1973...., 1973
Apt. Gail Hemphill as Asst. to Dir. of Alumni Affairs-Jan. 14, 1973 (Signed by Elkins &
Returned), [1973]
Appointments, 1973
Chancellor, Fee Changes for 1973-1974, [1972]
Re. Margaret Annan, Audit of Accounts, June 29, 1973
Annan Case, 1973
SGA Budget-Apvd., Sept. 21, 1973
Day Care Center-USDA, Grant Award No. 216-15-36-URP, September 1973
Status Report on UMES Personnel 3 Reports-At Com. Meeting on Nov. 8, 1973
Apt. Louis C. Thaxton as Spec. in Com. & Resource Dev. UMES, July 1, 1973
Long Range Planning Report-Not Final, March 21, 1973
Long Range Planning Commission-Report and Committee Members, Jan. 10, 1973
Policies & Procedures Extension Program, Aug. 1, 1973
Breakdown of Fall Enrollment 1973-1974, from Buffkins, Nov.9, 1973
Naming of Buildings, 4 Buildings-Action by Board on September 21, 1973
Nov. 8-UMES Committee Meeting Materials Handed Out by Chancellor, Fuel, [1973]
Rept. on Intercollegiate Athletics & Intramural Activities-Made at Com. Meeting of
Nov. 8, 1973
Construction Progress Report Made at Com. Meeting of Nov. 8, 1973
Re Ltr. of Ronald M. Price on Termination of Scholarship of Charles W. Bryant, II....,
August 1973
Advanced Institutional Development Program (Buffkins Filing), September 1973
New Advanced Institutional Development Program (AIDP)-Title III..., August 1973
Unrestricted Fund of 7,500 to UMES Band, Bd. Action of May 11, 1973
Ltr. from Coursey-Symposium "Role of Intercollegiate Athletics within Higher Ed.,"
July 1973
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 301 (cont’d)
St. Visits-UMES 10 a.m. Friday, May 18, 1973
Re: Chancellor Message, UMES, Take on April 16, [1973]
RE: Somerset County Commissioners' Ltr. of Nov. 29-Elkins Reply of Dec. 14, 19721973, [1972-1973]
Out of State Travel Procedures...., Feb. 1, 1973
Financial Assistance for Marching Band..., 1973
Middle States Assoc. Evaluation of UMES, 1973
Nov. 8, 1973, 6. Report on Federal Funds-Contracts and Grants, [1973]
Md. State Dept. of Ed. Visit to UMES-Report & Feb. Agenda., Teacher Ed. Self-Study
Com., 1973
Visit of Md. St. Dept. of Ed. re Veterans, Oct. 13, 1972
UMES Com., Agenda (Your Copy), April 16, 1973
List of Board Members Attending UMES Com. Meeting, [1973]
April 16 UMES-1. Report on Recruitment & Prospective Enrollment, Fall 1973, [undated]
2. Proposed Marine Science Consortium, [1973]
3. Report-Student Cultural, Recreational & Development Center, [1973]
4. Progress Report on Campus Master Plan, [1973]
5. Relations with Salisbury State College, undated
6. Status of Athletic Program, [1973]
7. Community Relations, [1973]
UMES-Community Outreach Program-Discussed at Apr. 16, 1973-Meeting, [1973]
9. Tour of New Buildings, undated
BOX 302
10 & 12 Mos. Contracts, June 26, 1973
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs-Apv. Bd., June 22, 1973 as of July 1, 1973
Appts., Etc. (Continued), 1972-1973
Task Force-Hornbake's Responses to Questions on Salisbury State & UMES, 1977
From Hornbake-June 30, 1969, The Burdette Report Shared with MCHE..., [1970]
List of Committee Members, [1969]
Md. St. College-J. W. Williams Rejoinder, Jan. 26, 1970-Md. Council for Higher Ed. Future
Role, Etc., [1970]
Elkins Statements to Com. Re Making Md. State Col. an Integral Part of U. of Md., Thursday,
Feb. 20, 1969
Maryland State College, Report of May 4, 1967
Md. State College Study and Report of Committee-July 1969, Dr. Elkins, Marked Copy, [1969]
Md. State College Committee-Consultant's Report 2 Copies..., Jan. 7, 1970
Task Force-UMES-Hornbake's Statement on Burdette Com., 1977
Chancellor's File..., 1977
Termination of Contract of Mark Schulman, Effect. End of 1976-1977 Academic Year,
Plans for Inaugural, Dr. Elkins Discussed with Hytche, Feb. 1, 1977
Continuing Education Program, 1977
SGA Budget for 1977-1978, Apvd. Board of June 28, 1977
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 302 (cont’d)
Commencement Dates (Discussed in Adm. Council of Jan. 10, 1977), [1977]
Vanderhorst, Willie-Scholarship Aid for (Smith Handling), Sept. 1977
Re Purchasing out of Air Force ROTC Program...1977, 1975
UMES-Appointments & Promotions..., 1977
Resignation of Herbert F. Olsen as Director of Uni. Relations, 1977
Phy. Ed. Major's Club-Support of Dr. Leon Coursey for V. C. of Academic Affairs, Apr.
7, 1977
Dr. Leon N. Coursey, Athletic Dept.-Ltr. of Dec. 22, 1975
August 26, 1977-Tenure as Asst. Prof., 1 Ten. as Assoc. Prof. & 2 Promotions....,
August 26, 1977
[Loose Materials-Correspondence on Appointments & Promotions, 1977]
UMES-Chancellor..., 1976
UMES-6 Tenure & 2 Promotions (To Hornbake, August 25, 1977), [1977]
Apts.-Promotions, 1976
Aud. Rept.--July, 31, 1973 to January 6, 1976
Ltr. from G. P. Volenik Regarding Article in Sun Magazine, December, 1976
Vernon E. McCain-Asst. Prof. Emeritus-Eft. May 14, 1976
Director of Human Relations/Special Asst. to the Chancellor Ms. Wilhelmina G. Douglas, Jan. 5,
Tenure Status, Oct. 20, 1975
Apt. Dr. Joseph G. Wutoh-Head Marine Products Lab (Crisf.), July 1, 1976
Room & Board Charges-Approved by Board on May 9, 1975 for FY 1975-1976, [1975]
Comm. on Budgets, Room and Board-UMES, May 2, 1975
Intercollegiate Athletics at UMES 1976-Budget and Plans, (Used at April 28, 1976
Meeting), [1976]
Case of Dr. Iradj Rowshan Araghi, Asst. Prof. of Art, (Resignation) to Hornbake, August
16, 1976
Allegations Made by Dr. A. A. Akinsanya, (Recvd.: May 18, 1976), [1976]
Chancellor Search Committee: Appt'd, December 10, 1975 (Membership List), [1975]
Chancellor Search Committee: December 10, 1975 of Nov. 14, 1975 to SGA for Names
of Candidates, [1975]
UMES-Chancellor Search..., 1976
Chancellor Search Committee: December 10, 1975-Material from Hornbake Regarding
Membership, [1975]
Report and Recommendations of UMES Chancellor Search Committee, May 1976
UMES-Search Com.-Applications, 1975
Chancellor Search Committee to Replace Buffkins, 1975
Apl. for Chancellorship-UMES, Dr. Theodore F. Childs, [1975]
Recommendations for Dr. Wm. P. Hychte to be Chancellor, [1975]
Apl. for Chancellorship-UMES
Dr. Thomas E. Hicks, [1975]
Dr. Paul J. Driver, [1975]
Dr. Jerusa C. Wilson, [1975]
Dr. George R. Kent of Md. St. Dept. of Education, [1975]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 302 (cont’d)
UMES-Search Com.-Applications, 1975 (cont’d)
Apl. for Chancellorship-UMES (cont’d)
Dr. James W. Younge of Chesapeake College, [1975]
Sims, Asa C., Jr., [1976]
Edmonds, William S., [1976]
Captain, William H., [1976]
BOX 303
University College, Chancellor...., 1972
University College, Misc...., 1972
5th Worldwide Con. on Off Duty Ed. for Armed Forces-(Dec. 14 and 15th), [1972-1973]
University College, Chancellor-Fee Changes for 1973-1974, [1972]
Uni. College-Re Acceptance of High Sch. Seniors (Dependents) in Overseas Prog. August 1972Report in, 1973
Uni. College-Recommendations of Dellon & Veri for Positions-Lowell Tech. Inst. & N. J., 1972
University College-U. S. Army Luncheon Honoring Ehrensberger, April 12, 1972-12 Noon,
May 11 at 3 p.m.-Spirit House, Thai Ambassador, [1972]
University College
Student Govt. Association-Mike O'Brien, 1972
Dr. Joseph E. Dellen-Recommendation, February 1970
Fee Changes for 1972-1973 (Apvd. by Bd. September 17, 1971), [1971]
Title I. HEW..., 1972
Baltimore Division..., 1972
Conferences & Institutes, 1972
Uni. College
European Program, 1972
Case of Sheryl Robertson-Grades-European Div., June 1972
Thursday, Dec. 30 at 9:45 to Frankfurt TWA 702Y-Orders, [1971]
December 29-Jan. 10, Schedule, 1971
May 22 or 23-Leave for Heidelberg Commencement-Return on, May 30, 1972
Dr. Elkins' Itinerary-Europe, May 24-June 2, 1971
European Trip, May 24 to June 2, 1971, Itinerary, [1971]
May 24-June 2-Europe, Orders, [1971]
May 22-May 31-Europe, Orders, [1972]
European Com.-May 22-May 31, 1972, Materials for Talk, [1972]
Uni. College, Munich Campus...., 1972
Uni. Col.-Munich Campus-Increase in Tuition & Lab Fee Eft. Sept., 1973, November 17, 1972
(Bd. Apvd.)
Uni. College
Munich Campus-Increase in Tuition & Dorm Rates, Bd. Approval, March 8, 1972
Munich Campus-Benjamin's Request for References, June 1972
Far East Program..., 1972
Far East Division Kantabutra, Burin & Pay Scales..., Nov. 1972
Far East (University College), Case of Mrs. Virginia H. Meadows, February, 1972
Far East Tour and Commencement, March 9-March 31, 1972, Commencement, March 20, 1972
Clippings, March 1972
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 303 (cont’d)
Far East Tour and Commencement, March 9-March 31, 1972, Commencement, March 20, 1972
March 9-Far East Ltrs. from Lt. Gen. Soong Ta, [1972]
March 9-Far East Ltrs. from President Chen-Hsing Yen-National Taiwan Uni., [1972]
University College-Far East, March 9-March 31, 1972-Tour, [1972]
March 20, 1972-Far East Com., Dr. Kaplan's Remarks & Program, [1972]
March 9-Far East Travel Orders, [1972]
Itinerary for Far East, March 9 & thru March 31 for Dr. E., Copies, [1971]
March 12 (?)-Schedule for Far East, undated
Itinerary-Final March 9-March 27, 1972
March-Trip to Far East, Ltr. from Pres. C. H. Yen-Nat'l Taiwan University, [1971]
Far East-Misc., [1972]
University College
Cahn., 1971
Misc., 1971
Est. of Checking Act. for University College-Bd. Apr., March 19, 1971
Refund Schedule for 1971 Summer Term & Subsequent Terms (Apvd., March 1971)
Recommendations from Chancellor Ehrensberger on Admissions, Etc., Jan. 1971)
Increase in Tuition Rates Overseas Divisions-July, 1970 (Bd. Appvd., March 20, 1970)
Dr. Walker's Party-29 Sept. (Wed.) 6:30 p.m.-Directions to Apt., [1971]
Delay in Refunding-Case of David E. Buchoff, Jan.-Feb. 1971
Mrs. Carol J. Steiner to Sen. Proxmire-Ehrensberger's Notes, August 10, 1971
Financial Rept., European & Far East Divisions-Year Ending June 30, 1970, [1970]
Re Ltr. Canceling Tuition Assistance for Military District of Washington, 1969-1970
Faculty 1969, Participation in Overseas Program (Hornbake's Statement), [1969]
Financial Report European & Far East Divisions Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1968
Adult Education-Center of, University College..., 1971
Conferences & Institutes, Univ. College...., 1971
Univ. College, Institutions-Appts., Etc., [1971]
University College, Balt., Cooper, Edward F., Director, 1970
European Division, University College, 1971
Uni. College-European Div., Wennersten and Laukaitis Case, 1971
University College
Auditor's Report of European Division-June 30, 1969 through June 30, 1970..., 1971
European & Far East Division Financial Report, Year Ended June 30, 1969
Uni. College-European Division-Ltr. to Dr. Harrison Smith, Retiring..., 1971
University College-Europe-Re Mrs. Daniel A. Hall, 1971
Munich Campus, European Div., Uni. College, 1971
Far East Division, University College..., 1971
Uni. College-Far East-Auditor's Report-Accounts & Records for Fiscal Year 1968 and 1969,
University College
Publications...., 1971
General File, 1970
Misc. File, 1970
Enrollment as of September 16, 1970 (As Report to Bd. on September 25, 1970)
Whiteford's Ltr. with Court Decision, Norton-East Tennessee St. Union, Nov. 28, 1969,
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 303 (cont’d)
University College (cont’d)
Dean-US Army-Change in Procedure in Support of Training of Mil. Person., May 1970
Re Col. C. J. Beck and Degree Completion, Aug., 1970
Apts., Etc., [1969-1970]
Title I (Higher Ed. Act of 1965), 1968 & 1969, 1970
Conferences & Institutes, 1970
Uni. College, Center for Adult Education, 1970
Center of Adult Education-Md. Historical Art Fund-Memory of Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Theis, 19701971
Uni. College-Center of Adult Education-Contract for Addition, (Bd. on March 20, 1970)..., 1970
University College-Center of Adult Education-Increase in Room Rates, Effect. July 1, 1970 (Bd.
Ap. Mar. 20), [1970]
Uni. College-Europe-June 30, 1967 & June 30, 1968 Fiscal Report of European Division, 1969
University College, European Division, 1970
Uni. College
European Div.-Re Dr. John Fleming, 1970
Far East Re Jerry Lutz (Dr.)-Teacher in Far East, January, 1970
European Division Memorial for Dr. Carl H. Boock-Est., April 1969
Walker, Henry A. (Dr.), Director-European Div., 1967
Invitations-Munich Campus, Dr. and Mrs. Elkins, May 28, [1969]
University College, Far East Division, 1970
Far East-Lopez, Don M.-Answered, August 1970
April 26-June 3, 1970, Itinerary, [1970]
Special Orders, April 26, 1970
Institute of International Medicine-Ltrs. Dr. Clyde, [1970]
Itinerary, Clearance for Vietnam, [1970]
Uni. College-Far East-Re. Capt. Andrew E. Kreek, Jr., Complaint, March 1970
University College
Far East, Graduate Program-Fee Change From $45 to $65 sem. Hr., July 1, 1970
Far East Division, 1969
General File, 1969
Appts. and Promotions, 1969
Baltimore Division-James C. Maston & Prof. Julian Abrams-October..., 1969
Uni. College-Dean-Fac. Employee, Policies & Case of Leo Loutouzos, 1969
University College
Overseas Divisions Raise in Tuition to $20 per Sem. Hour....Bd., Jan. 24, 1969
Re Ltr. from Air Line Pilots Association-Program for Pilots..., 1969
Case of Hugh C. O'Meagher & Evening Div. of Uni. College..., Dec. 1968
European Prog. Francis J. Moriarty-Ltr.& Supporting Papers of Jan. 18, 1968, 1968
Conferences and Institutes, 1969
Center for Adult Education, 1969
Uni. College-Center of Adult Ed., May 17, 1968-Status Report, 1968 1969
University College, European Division, 1969
Uni. College-Heidelberg Commencement-Itinerary & Orders, June 1, 1969-(May 19 to June 4,
University College-European Commencement-Thank You Letters, Etc., [1969]
Uni. Col. European Comm., 1969
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 304
Uni. College-Europe-Munich Div. Policy Re Part-Time Faculty, 1969
Munich-Problems-Dr. Drazek's Reports of August, Sept., 1969
University College-European Division-20th Anniversary of Overseas Program, Oct. 31, 1969
20th Anniversary Overseas Branches-Heidelberg, April 1969
Dr. Elkins Talk on October 31, 1969 in Heidelberg, 1969
University College-European Div., Jeffrey L. Hall, 1969
Uni. College-European Division, Belloni, Frank P., Re Refunds-Teaching, 1968-1969
European Commencement, June 2, 1968
University College-European Div. Heidelberg Commencement, Sun., June 2, 1968
Dr. Elkins' Schedule, May 26-June 5, 1968
European Commencement-Munich Invitations, [1968]
European Trip-Ltr. from Rector, University of Rome, [1968]
Letters to and From Ambassador McGhee, [1968]
University College
Europe-Heidelberg Comm.-Schedule for Dr. E's Trip..., May 1967
Heidelberg Comm., 1967 Program, 1967
Uni. College-European Trip, 1967
University College, Munich Division, 1969
Uni. College-Far East-Case of Robert J. O'Brien-Desire for Transfer to Europe...., Feb. 1969
University College
Far East Div. Fiscal Years Ended, June 30, 1966 & June 30, 1967
October 9, 1967 Air Force Award to Dean Ehrensberger, 1967
Dean's File..., 1967
Misc. File..., 1967
Appointments, 1967
Even. Div. Panel on Arab Crisis-Telegrams & Clippings, December 11, 1967
Dr. James R. Quimper also Acting Director Off-Campus Programs, January 11, 1967
Enrollment (As Reported to Board on September 29, 1967) & Oct. 18, 1967
European Program, 1967
Re S. Bill 1182 & Ltr. from Senator Hayden, Ed. of Pages, 1967-1968
Conferences and Institutes
Gen. File, 1967
Appts., Etc., 1967
Far East Division, 1967
Far East Program Retirement of Dr. Ivan Benson as of June 30, 1967...., 1967-1968
Far East Comm. & Trip, 1967
Far East-Mar. 23-April 9, 1967-Stars & Stripes-Report on Comm. Address, 1967
Re Installation in Innsbruck, Austria, European Program..., 1967-1968
Degrees Conferred-Heidelberg & Tokyo for 1966 & 1967, [1967]
Uni. College
(European Div.), 1967 Resignation of Dr. Mason G. Daly, July 1, 1967
Financial Report, European & Far East-Ending June 30, 1967
University College
Munich Branch, 1968
Munich Branch Report, Algire, Munich Students Adm. to C. P. Campus..., April 27,
Munich Campus, Spring Convocation and Tropaia Exercises, May 25, 1967
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 304 (cont’d)
Adult Education Center-Correspondence, 1957-1964
University College-Chancellor, 1977
Univ. College: Cent. for Ad. Ed. Improvement of Services, 1977
Uni. Col. Europe, October 1, 1974
Year in London Program (Draft), December 1977
Uni. Co.-Assessment of a 1-Time Charge of $50-Those Requesting a Formal Evaluation,
Nov. 22, 1977
UMUC-$5.00 Per Semester Registration-Eft. Spring 1978 Semester (Apvd. Board November 18,
1977), [1977]
Uni. College
Vet. Adm.-Re Prohibition of Assign. of Vet. Adm. Ed. Benefits Payments, Nov. 30, 1976
European Div.-Re Dr. Emanuel A. Loren & His Retirement..., July 1976 & 1977
University College
Governor's Proclamation-Continuing Education, Monday in Md., August 1977
―Students of the Subjective‖ Harper's Adult Education Joins the Leisure Industry, [1977]
Uni. College-Re Proposal-Harford Community College on a Consortium in Howard County,
Mar. & Feb., 1976
Univ. Col.-Conf. & Institutes
Ltr. from H. G. Stebbins, Jr., Re Course in Real Estate Appraising, May 1977
Ltr. from Herman E. Perdue Re. Rhineland Cruise Seminar, May 1977
Uni. College
Drazek's Comments on Material from Coalition of Adult Ed. Organizations, March 1977
Re Middle States Accreditation of Off. Campus Ed. Activities..., 1977
Uni. Re Wendell B. Tadych-Request for VA Waiver-Drazek Handling (Far East)..., 1977
University College-7th World Wide Armed Services Conference-Greet Tuesday, April 12 1977
Uni. College-Far East Div.
Re John F. Copper & Grade Loss, July 1976
Re Ltr. from Deborah K. Wood-on Law School Program, 1976 & 1977
Internal Audit of Head Start Grant Ended August 31, 1975, Report on Nov. 15, 1976
Ehrensberger-Ltr. of Jan. 10, 1975 Re Promotions of E. Seidel & H. Sieg, Discussion with
Drazek, [1975]
University College-"An Exchange of Scholars" Guests from German Embassy, Oct. 12 & 13,
Uni. College
$35.00 Per Semester European Division's Tuition, Fall 1976-(Bd. Notes of September
20, 1974), [1976]
College Park-University College Policy Regarding Course Offerings, July 30, 1976
Re Offering Of Grad. Program by Dept. of Civil Eng., August 29, 1974 (Not Policy),
Uni. Col. Overseas Program-Report on Dependant High School Seniors As Part-Time, Est. 1973
(Apr. 28, 1976), [1976]
Uni. College
Increase in Munich Tuition-Eft. Fall Semester, 1976-1977, Bd. Action, November 21,
Far East-Re Master of Business Ad. in Far East, 1975-1976
University College Search Com. for Dean of Uni. College, 2 Candidates..., 1976
August 24-Md. Association of Bds. of Education-Brown Speaking, Lunch-Conf. & Institutions,
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 304 (cont’d)
Buskey-Conf. & Institutes-Resignation-Eft. Jan. 31, 1976
Uni. College
European Div., 1977
European Div. Trip to Europe-May 18 to May 29, 1976 for Heidelberg Com., [1976]
European Trip-May 18, Ltr. of Introduction-Ticket Office-Dulles, [1976]
Uni. College-Far East Division, 20th Anniversary 1976-1977, (November 29, 1976), [1976]
Far East 20th Anniv. 1956-1976-Booklets, [1977]
Uni. Col.-Center of Ed., Richard H. Stottler-Director Emeritus, March 26, 1976
Adult Center-Retirement of Mr. Richard H. Stottler & Gift of Portrait..., 1974
University College-Publications
Uni. College-12 Essays by Am. & German Scholars, 1977
Uni. College-2nd International Conference-July 13-16, 1976-Improving University
University College
Chancellor..., 1976
Misc., 1976
Uni. College-Far East-Leg. Auditor-September 20, 1973-Sept. 30, 1975-Reply Made Jan. 23,
C. P.-Uni. College-Leg. Auditors, Rept.-March 1, 1973-April 20, 1975, (Ans. Jan. 21, 1976),
Uni. College-Transfer of Title I to Maryland Council for Higher Ed., November 1975
Uni. Col.
Apt. of Dr. Joseph F. Shields as Administrator, State Agency to Adm. Title 1, April 5,
Adm. of Title 1 (HAZ), [1976-1975]
BOX 305
Conferences & Institutes..., 1976
University College-Chanc., 1975
Uni. College-Misc., 1975
University College-Re. Ltr. October 2, 1975 from European College-Ans., November 13, 1975
Uni. College
Enrollment, Preliminary Fall Comparisons, of Oct. 1, 1975
Re Marvin Schwartz & Chess Program, 1975
University College, Admission of Students Prior to High School Graduation-Apvd. Bd., June 20,
Univ. Coll.-Open Univ.: Complaint of Robert J. Corletta re. Draft Proposal to St. Agcy. Title IA,
May 1977
Uni. College-David Luken's Request for Energy Class in Even. Program of Conferences, Jan.
University College
Transcript Cases..., 1973-1974
Plans & Future Plans for Auditorium Basement, 1974-1975
Thursday, Sept. 18 at 12:30 p.m. Conferences & Institutes Meeting, Regents RoomCenter, [1975]
Munich Campus..., 1975
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 305 (cont’d)
Uni. College
Re Change in Terms of Munich Memorial Award Program-Bd. Action, June 21, 1974
Europe-Munich-Re Munich Memorial Fund, (Dec. 17, 1960-Started), 1969
Uni. Col.-European Div.-Tuition Increase with U. S. Air Force-$38 Per Credit Hour, May 17,
1974 Bd. Apv., [1974]
University College-Apt. of Dr. Mason Daly as Dean Effective, July 1, 1974
European Division of Uni. College..., 1975
Uni. Col.-European Div.-Leg. Aud. Report From Sept. 1, 1972-Thru July 31, 1974..., (March 10,
1975-Elkins Trip to Europe in May 1975-Payment for Hotel Bill for Mrs. Elkins, [1975]
Uni. College
Heidelberg Com., May 26, 1975-Trip to Europe, May 19 to May 28, 1975
Far East, Division...., 1975
Far East-Elkins Trip-March 30-April 19, 1975-Also Letters of Thanks, [1975]
University College-Far East, Death of Dr. Joseph S. Mabbett, Director, October 21, 1974
Far East Division-Death of Dr. Edgar A. Austin, Interim Director... Burial, Jan. 14, 1975
Far East Director-Dr. Edgar A. Austin...., 1974
Uni. College-Center of Adult Education..., 1975
Center of Adult Education-Increases in Room Charges-Eft. July 1, 1975 (Bd. Action of June 20,
1975), [1975]
University College-Search Committee for Chancellor...., 1975
Uni. Col. Search Com.-Chancellor, [1975]
May 15, 1975-Recommendations on Search Com. for Chancellor of University Coll...,
Dr. Leonard Nadler-Candidate for Chancellor of University College, 1975
George F. Aker-Candidate for Chancellor..., 1975
Candidates for V. C. for Uni. College-Materials on W. Jackson Stenger, May 1976
University College-Chancellor, 1974
Ehrensberger-March 22, 1974 Bd. Action Re Procedure for Employment of Principal
Administrator, [1974]
Conferences & Institutions-St. Wide Con. on Community Service-Cont. Ed., Wednesday,
December 4, 1974
Monday, Dec. 9-Greet-World Wide Conference-at 9 a.m., [1974]
Dinner-Worldwide Conf. Uni. Col. 6-7 Social Hour-7 Dinner, Tuesday, Dec. 10, [1974]
Uni. Col.-Leg. Aud. Report-Far East, July 1, 1971 Ending September 19, 1973, [1973]
University College-Re Offering of Master's Degree-Stateside, (1973 & 1974), [1973]
Uni. College-U. S. Marine Corps Program for Marines-Drug & Alcohol Abuse..., October 1973
& 1974
University College
$50,000 Fund for Matching Fed. Court to Stu. Loans, May 17, 1974-Bd. Approval,
Commencement Pictures..., May 12, 1974
Credit Card System for Part-Time Students..., 1974
Re Reaction to Operation of VA.-Ed. & Training Programs-Feb., 1974
Opinion-Attn'y Gen. on Case of Armando del Torto-Uni. College-European, Feb. 6, 1974
Re Discrimination in Employment in Open Uni. By Dr. Patricia G. Donnelly, January 28,
Uni. Col.-Re Leg. Aud. Report-C. P. July 1, 1969 Ending Feb. 28, 1973
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 305 (cont’d)
University College
Regulations Governing Residence Hall Operations, May 14, 1971-Evaluation, 1972
Open University..., 1974
Uni. College-Conferences and Institutes..., 1974
University College-European Div. 25th, Oct. 31, 1974
Sunday, October 27-Sunday, Nov. 3 To Heidelberg & Back My File..., 1974
25th Anniversary-European Div., October 31, 1974 Heidelberg, Materials on..., 1974
Hon. Degree-Exec. Session-September 29, Board-Gen. John W. Vogt, Jr., U. S. Air Force (Not
Given), 1974
Executive Session Board-Sept. 20 Honorary Degree-Admiral Harold E. Shear, U. S. Navy,
Dr. Elkins European Trip, May 20-May 29, 1974, My File, [1974]
University College-Re Dr. Daniel R. Brown-Complaint-Far East, 1974
Uni. College-Center of Adult Education...., 1974
University College
Chancellor's File, 1973
Misc. File..., 1973
Apt. of Mr. John Price-Full Time to Uni. Col., November 1, 1973
John Price, Director of Uni. Relations for University College, [1972]
Request for Degree in Computer Science-Hold, July 9, 1973
Uni. Col.
Apvd. by Pres., July 9, 1973, B. S. Degree in Areas in Past Limited to B. A., [1973]
Drazek-Nat'l End. for Humanities-Com. on Humanities & Public Policy, August 1973
University College-Regulations Pertaining to Uni. Col.-Approved, March 7, 1973
Uni. College-Re Arch. B. Brown (Inst.) & Grade Distribution..., May 1973
University College
Ltr. from W. A. Nygard re European Program, 1973
Chanc.-Re. Change Order for Construction of Cages..., 1973
March 1, 1973 Increase in Guest Room Rates & Conf. Rooms in New Wing, [1973]
April 26-Adm. Council 1. Overhead Rate on Self-Supporting Programs, 1971
Open University..., 1973
Uni. College-Open Uni.-July 1, 1973 $20.00 per Sem. Fee for Sci. Foundation Course..., 1973
Open University-Article Summer 1973 on University College's Open University Experiment,
Statistics & Report-(As of Oct. 31, 1972), [1972]
University College
Open University-Materials on, 1972
Biog. Data on Dr. Stanley J. Drazek-Sent to Bd. of Trustees of St. Colleges, Jan. 1968
Europe?...., 1973
European Commencement at Heidelberg-June 3, 1973 & Trip to Europe, May 23, June 7, 1973
University College-European Div. Aud. Report-European Div. July 1, 1970-August 31, 1972...,
Far East-Uni. College-Auditor's Report-Fiscal Years-June 30, 1970 and June 30, 1971
University College
Europe Munich Campus, 1973
Far East Division..., 1973
Center of Adult Education, 1973
Adult Ed.-May 19, 1973 Dedication of Fire Fighters Room-Elkins Remarks, [1973]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 305 (cont’d)
University College-Center of Adult Education Addition-Material Re. Board Action, Progress of
Construction and Expenditure of Funds Approved. Also, Fisher's Examination of
Financing of Project
Material from Sieg and Board of Regents Action and Letters from Harry Fisher and Dr.
Elkins' Response, [1973]
Change Orders for Construction, [1973]
Ltrs. from Waetjen re Progress of Construction, [1972]
Dept. of Public Improvements-Addition to Center of Adult Education, 1970-1971
Solicitation-Center-Answers to Ltrs., [1972]
BOX 306
Center of Adult Education Plans for New Wing...1972
University College-Jan. 5, 1973 Report on Funds Raised for Center, [1972]
Endowment-Fund Raising Reports on Solicitation for Center of Adult Ed., 1972
Uni. Relations-Re Uni. College Providing Large Conf. Room. for Alumni, Hold, July
University Relations-Fund Raising-Relationship with University Associates-Beach's
Notes, January 1972
Fund Raising-Summary of Funds Required & Available for Center Addition, Dec. 1,
Fund Raising-Chancellor's Reply & Other Materials, [1971]
Center of Adult Education Project, March-April, 1972
Uni. College-Summary of Funds Required & Available for Center Addition, December
1, 1971
Wing-Center of Adult Ed. Ltrs. for Contributions
New Wing-Center-Solicitation Lists..., 1972
Lists-November 10, 1972 (What was Done?), [1972]
Monday, August 28-11 a.m., Discussions with Mr. Beach, Ltr.-Not Sent, [1972]
CEES...Gen. File..., 1975
Exec. Session-Item 5. Aircraft for CEES-Transportation & Research, May 19, 1975
Re Wagner's Request to Acquire an Aircraft for CEES, November 1974
Change of Address for Dr. L. Eugene Cronin, April 21, 1975-At Cambridge, [1975]
Re 14 Professional Salaries & 2 Non-Professional Increases-Discussed June 30, 1975
Salaries May 26, 1975, 15 Case Beyond Guidelines for Increases, [1975]
Salary Adjustments, 1975
Rept. of Panel on Public Policy on Nuclear Energy for Electricity Generation, Dec. 1975
Dr. George E. Krantz-Res. Associate Professor-Tenure Approved as of Sept. 30, 1975
Long-Range Plan-Horn Point Environmental Laboratory, 1975
Re Extra-Uni. Professional Service-of Sept. 22, 1975-O'C, November 5, 1975
St. Planning-Re Office-Classroom Lab. Bldg. for Horn Point, 1975
Master Plan-Extension of Contract with Richardson Severns Scheeler Greene & Assoc.,
August 1975
Stock & Utility Bldgs. Solomons, Md.-Re-691, 1975
Dr. Joseph Chapman Re Professor in Charge-Appalachian Res. Lab.-Permanent Status,
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 306 (cont’d)
CEES (cont’d)
Gen. File..., 1974
Budget-Supplemental Operating for Horn Point-5 Items, 1975 (Bd. Action, January 25,
1974), [1974]
Extension & Augmentation of Utilities-Budget-Discussed, Jan. 25, 1974
E. Com. on the Balt. Campus 1. Report on Meeting of December 14, 1973
Sun. Oct. 20, 1974-Dedication Controlled Environment Lab at Solomons, [1974]
Horn Point Env. Labs, 1974
Re Salary Improvements for Faculty Members-From 12 to 10 Months, September 1974
Ltr. to MCHE Feb. 6, 1975, Transmitting Concepts & Programs..., 1975
Concepts & Programs, General File, 1975-1976
Concepts & Programs (To Board Jan. 24, 1975-Approved as a Guideline)..., 1975
Dr. Wagner's Ltr. of Jan. 29 re Ltrs. to St. Officials on Concepts & Programs, Feb. 3,
Hold-Status Report: April 20, 1974-Talk with Dr. Wagner, [1974]
Draft Report, Concepts & Programs, Mar. 29, 1974 (For Reference), [1974]
Wed., May 15 at 9:30 a.m. Dr. Peter Wagner-CEES, Agenda, undated
5. Recommendation of Mr. Brown-Regents Meet at Horn Point, 1974-CEES, [1974]
3. Supplemental Operating Budget for FY 75, 1975-CEES, [1974]
Wagner CEES-Mar. 22, 1974 Bd. Action re Procedure for Employment of Principal
Administrator, [1974]
Wed. Feb. 13 at 2 p.m. Room 400 Senate Office Building, [1974]
Horn Point-Supplemental Funds for Housing Students, Etc...., 1974
Housing at Horn Point for the Director..., 1974
Crisfield Seafood Processing Laboratory-Confidential Report, June-July, 1974
Re Housing 2 Members of Dept. of Natural Resources, O. K., June 1974
Re Lease-State & Palmer Farms-Rental of Part of Horn Point Property, 1974-1975
Wagner, CEES-Re John C. Tyler Ecology Award..., 1974 & 1973
Promotions for 1974-1975, Approved, June 7, 1974
Tenure for CEES 1974-1975, Approved, June 7, 1974
Gen. File..., 1973
Apt. Dr. L. Eugene Cronin-Assoc. Director for Estuarine Programs & Dir. NRI, June 17, 1973
Center for Env. Studies... Misc. File, 1973
Nat. Resources Institute..., 1973
Budget & Fiscal Planning-Funds for 1971-1972 1st Year Operation of Horn's Point Center-1971
(Also 1970), St. Plan, [1971]
St. of Md.-State Planning-1970 Re Use of Horn Point Prop. by Uni. as Environmental Studies
Cen., 1970
Budget & Fiscal Planning-Cut in Budget of Horn's Point Property, March 1971
Dec. 17, 1973-List of Items Discussed with Dr. Peter Wagner, [1973]
Environmental & Estuarine Studies Re Senator Mathias' Ltr. of June 21, 1973 (Hold), [1973]
Shellfish Hatchery..., 1973
Natural Resources-Transfer to Center for Environmental & Estuarine Studies..., April 1, 1973
5. Horn Point & Gov. Mandel's Letter, Main House, 1973
CEES-Re Environmental Workshop 2-Day Meeting at Cambridge, 1973
Environmental & Estuarine Studies, Yacht-Purchase of, Hold..., August 1973
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 306 (cont’d)
Wagner, Dr. Peter E.-Address at Horn's Point, Cambridge, Md., April 1, 1973
Env. & Estuarine Studies-Salary Increases-Contract Support, Etc., Aprd. July 13, 1973
Horn's Point Seawall Repairs, Elkins Ltr. to Gen. Services, March 6, 1973
Horn's Point-Ltr. Nov. 7, 1972 to Lewis re Maintenance Responsibilities, Apr., 1973
Chesapeake Research Consortium
General File, 1972-1973
Board of Trustees (All Members), May-June 1972 (2f)
CEES-1973-1974 Chesapeake Research Consortium, Inc., Annual Report, 1975
Annual Report (1973-1974) Chesapeake Research Consortium, Inc., (From Pelczar), [1975]
Chesapeake Research Consortium, Inc.-August 1975-Request for Continued Support, [1975]
BOX 307
Nat. Resources-Apts. & Promotions, [1974]
Natural Resources Inst. & 20,000-Research Act. Chesapeake Biol. Lab., March 1973
Nat. Resources-Controlled Environment Lab. at Solomons..., 1972
Construction-Solomons Island-Re Controlled Environment Laboratory, Nov. 18, 1971
Solomons Island Biological Lab.-Site Plan, March 3, 1970
Pelczar-Re Coordinating-Pres. Com. on National Medal of Science Nominations, August 1972
Grad. School-Pres. Com. on National Medal of Science 1971-1972 (Pelczar Coordinating)...,
April 1971
National Science Foundation Program-Resource Eval. System for Colleges & Univ.,
November 15, 1972
Prather's Ltr. on USDA Nutrition Application & Roosen College of Human Ecology,
Re NSF March 27, 1972 Ltr. on Increase in Expenditure Limitation for FY 1972, [1972]
V. P. Graduate Studies & Research-Apt. Dr. Douglas S. Chapin, July 1, 1972
January 12, 1973-Lunch at 12 Noon Pelczar and Dr. David, [1972]
Gen. File-Horn Point..., 1972
Candidates for Director Center for Environmental & Estuarine Studies, December 1972
Wed., July 5-12 Noon-Horn Point's Budget, [1972]
Pelczar-Horn's Point-Potential Candidates for Director, 1972-1973
Proposal for a University of Maryland Center for Environmental and Estuarine Studies, January
Horn's Point Proposal-Final-Ltr. to Gov., Etc., March 6, 1972
Center for Environmental & Estuarine (Horn's Point)-Reconfirmed by Md. Council, March 3,
September 13-Horn's Point Hearing Letter from Dr. Elkins to Joint Committee, September 8,
Wed., Sept. 13 at 9:45-Annapolis Hearing on Horn's Point, 1972
Graduate School-Uni. of Md. Center for Environmental & Estuarine Studies-Horn Point, 19701971
Horn's Point-Center-Architects/Engineers Agreement-Signed, Recvd., March 9, 1972
Horn's Point-Ltrs. of Approval of Center for Environmental & Estuarine Studies, Feb.
Horn's Point Property Agreement-Transfer from City of Cambridge to Uni. of Md.,
February 3, 1971
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 307 (cont’d)
Graduate School-Uni. of Md. Center for Environmental & Estuarine Studies-Horn Point, 19701971 (cont’d)
Monday Feb. 28-11 a.m. Gov. Office-Re Center for Environmental & Estuarine
Studies-Horn's Point, [1972]
Horn's Point-Program Development Committee, [1971]
July 13-Site Visit-Fisc. Services, Horn's Point, Cambridge 10:00, [1971]
Horn's Point-Chapter 31-Laws of Md. (S. Bill 540) Power Plant 1971, Environmental
Research Program, [1971]
June 27, 1971 Formal Presentation of Horn's Point Property to St. for Uni., [1971]
Horn's Point-Preliminary Planning Re Program Coordinator for Center, June 30, 1971
Horn's Point-Summary of Budgetary Requests & Allowances, Watjen's Memo, April 28,
Horn's Point-Mar. 24, 1971 Ltr. to Slicher for 1st Year Operations Fund for CenterDetailed Budget, [1971]
May 21, 1971-Horn's Point at 2:15 p.m. Joint Leg. Council on Capital Budget, [1971]
March 1, 1971-1 p.m.-Hearing on Capital Budget of Md. Center for Env. & Estuarine
Studies, [1971]
Horn's Point-Bishop Air Pollution-Triangle Universities-Articles, March 1971
Graduate School-Research Environmental Studies Center at Horns Point (Near Cambridge,
Nov. 4-Ed. Policies-Budget for U. of M. Center for Environmental & Estuarine Studies,
March 1, 1971-Capital Budget of Horn's Point-Hearing at 1 p.m. Rm. 401, Treas. Bldg.,
Horn Point Center-Pelczar & Dr. L. Eugene Cronin's Remarks, [1970]
Horn's Point-Employment..., 1971
List of People from Cambridge, June 12, 1963
Rhodes River Estuary-Krauss' Ltr. to Chesapeake Bay Center, August 25, 1971
Item 2-Chesapeake Research Consortium-Articles of Incorporation, [1971-1972, 1976]
Grad. School-Chesapeake Research Consortium-Gen. File..., 1971-1972
Grad. Studies & Research-The Chesapeake Bay-Johns Hopkins, U. of M. & Va. Inst. of Marine
Sc., March 1971
Seafood Processing Lab. at Crisfield, Re 7-Acre Property, 1971-1972
Chesapeake Biol. Lab/Nat. Resources Re Hallowing Point, 1972-1973
Grad Sch.-Research-Comm. to Develop Regional Coherent Program for Chesapeake Bay,
Castellan Cr., [1970]
Rhodes River Estuary-Smithsonian-Recvd. September 16, 1971 & Reply of September 24, 1971
Natural Resources Institute
Re Maryland Disposal Facility, August 1971
Re Detoxification & Incineration of Pesticides, August 1971
Re-Maryland Pesticide Monitoring, August 1971
Natural Resources-Re Water Resources Research Center, 1971-Hornbake Has File, May 18,
Controlled Environment Laboratory, the Reginald V. Truit...Bd. Apvd. March 16, 1973-Named,
Fishbein-Re Chesapeake Research Consortium-Resolution-Later, November 2, 1971
Natural Resources Institute
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 307 (cont’d)
Natural Resources Institute (cont’d)
Appointments..., 1971
Chesapeake Bay Study Synopsis, Conference, Feb. 19, 1971
Association of Sea Grant Program Institutions, December 1969
Request for Research Vessel to Fiscal Planning..., 1971
Md. Center for Environmental & Estuarine Studies-Oct. 13, 1972 Ltr. to Spiegler on Budget,
Horn's Point-Oct. 2, 1972 Ltr. to Governor-Re Budget & Re a Director..., [1972]
Hearings-Wed. September 13, [1972]
September 13-Horn's Point Hearing Material from Joint Committee on Health and Education,
September 13-Horn's Point Hearing Material from Dr. Pelczar, [1972]
1970-Re Horn Point Property as Center for Environmental & Estuarine Studies..., June 1970
August 1970-Progress Report & Proposal for Environmental & Estuarine Studies, August 14,
1970 from Pelczar, [1970]
Gen. File-Horn's Point..., 1970-1971
Proposal for a Un. of Md. Center for Environmental & Estuarine Studies, Extra Copies, 1970
Natural Resources Inst., Gov. Commission on Pesticides..., 1968-1969
Campuses-Property, Horn Point Farm-Offer from Mrs. F. V. du Pont, 1965
General File..., 1977
Mar. 25, 1977 Bd. Action Working Fund Acct. & Authorized Persons to Sign..., 1977
Center for Environmental & Estuarine Studies Working Fund Acct.-Passed by Board,
March 25, 1977
Aud. Rept. July 1, 1972 to May 4, 1976
Policy on Public Disclosures by Employees, 1977
Re St. Planning Ltr. of Aug. 19 on Gen. Use Office, Etc., Sept. 1974
April 12-14, 1977-CEES Workshop, [April 12-15, 1977]
CEES-Arrangement with Md. Wildlife Administration for Research of Asst. Prof. Kenneth
Dixon, February, 1977
BOX 308
CEES-Appointments & Promotions for 1977
Horn Point Env. Lab & Botany Dept. C. P. Dr. J. Court Stevenson, Tenure at Rank of
Asst. Prof., July 1, 1977
Promotion Michael W. Paparella-July 1, 1977 to Senior Agent, [1977]
Apt. CEES-Dr. Joseph J. Cooney as Head, Chesapeake Biol. Lab. & Prof., CEES, Feb. 1,
Apt. of Gloria S. Billings-Agent, Sept. 9, 1977
Sat., Feb. 11-Leave House 2:30 p.m., Horn Point, Cambridge, Dr. Wagner's... 4 to 6 Reception,
Gen. File..., 1976
Promotion of Dr. John B. Genys to Professor CEES Effec., July 1, 1976
Inland Env. Lab.-Dr. Dixie Ann Pemberton-Recommendations for Positions..., April 1977
Inland Environmental Lab.-Dr. Dixie A. Pemberton-Ltr. of April 30, 1976 & Reply of May 6,
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 308 (cont’d)
Inland Environmental Laboratory-Report of August 11, 1975
Re Dr. Dixie A. Pemberton & Discussion with Spiegler-Hold, July, 1974
Re Administrative Titles, 1976
Re Forestry Program in Western Maryland, September 1976
Alcohol on Campus, Judge Bowen's Complaint, Sept. 1976
Re Reinspection Report on Fire Protection, Seafood Lab. in Crisfield, September 1976
Wagner's Report to Broadwater on Visit to Appalachian Env. Lab., Oct. 26, 1976
CEES-Faculty Tenure, Etc.
Apt. Dr. Stephen D. Sulkin to Assoc. Research Professor-CEES, Eft., July 1 1976
Apt. Dr. Joseph G. Wutoh-Head, Marine Products Lab (Crisf.), July 1, 1976
Apt. CEES-Dr. Paul N. Winn as Assoc. Director for Adm., CEES, Eft. July 1, 1976
Assoc. Prof. Mahlon Tatro, Oct. 1976
Apt. Dr. Stephen D. Sulkin as Head of Horn Point Environmental Labs., Eft. July 1, 1976
Long Range Plan For Horn Point Environmental Laboratories, April 27, 1976
Apt. Dr. Melvin L. Brown as Adjunct Prof. CEES (Also Frostburg St. College), Eft. May
7, 1976
Re Dr. G. Arthur Mihram Application for Various Positions, August 1976
Apt. of Dr. Joseph Mihursky As Interim Prof. in Charge of Chesapeake Biol. Lab.,
March 24, 1975
Crisfield Marine Products Laboratory, Crisfield, Jan. 12 1976
Panel On Public Policy on Nuclear Energy for Elect. Generation, Final Report, 1976
Chesapeake Biological Lab-Dr. Joseph A. Mihursky, In Charge as of April 21, 1975
Uni. Relations
Beach-General..., 1972
Re In-Depth Study of Alumni Program & Office, July 1972-Elkins, Waetjen, July, 1972
Beach-Prel. Info. Alumni Dues & Publications Study, May 11, 1972
Beach Uni. Relations-Re Editorial Projects for Education, Moonshooter Project, 1972
May 1-Adm. Council, Item 2-Endowment & Gifts, Office, 1971
Fund Raising-Misc., Dr. E., Lee McLean's Comments 1971-1972, [1971]
University Relations-Mr. Beach Representing Dr. E. on Wash. Area Broadcasters, Feb., 1972
Uni. Relations
Beach's Ideas on Meaningful Uni. Alumni Day, May 5 & May 6, 1972
Survey of Public Relations Program for Governing Boards..., 1972
February-Hold for Conference With Mr. Beach, 1972
Beach-Re-UMES & Land of Dr. Eldon G. Marksman-Near Campus, 1971
University Relations-Beach Mishmash (Holding), 1972
Beach-Re Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Joachim A. Schuller, 1972
University Relations-Beach, 1971
BOX 309
Uni. Relations
Messages, etc. from Beach, [1972]
University-Wide Magazine, Bulletin, or News Sheet-(For Reference), April 1971
Comparative Data Concerning University Magazines at Five Institutions (FY 1970-1971), [1971]
University Relations-Employment of John Price-University Relations & Central Adm., Oct. 11,
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 309 (cont’d)
Uni. Relations
Beach-Article in US News, November 22, 1971
Fees for Undergraduate Students-Survey, 1971
University Relations-Harry J. Thompson-No More Communications from University, March
Univ. Relations-Ltr. from David H. Scott-Re Article on S. C.-Md. Game, Feb. 1971
University Relations
Beach Notes on Students on Admissions Com.-Diamondback of Feb. 12, 1971
Zalesak-Re Lacrosse Plaque Honoring Dr. Truitt..., 1971
Re Insti. for Fluid Dynamics-Memorial to Prof. Monroe Martin, 1971-1972
Uni. Relations
Re-Turner's Request on Old Town Jaycees, 1970-1971
Beach, July 1-Dec. 31, 1970
University Relations-Beach, Jan.-June 1970
Endowment & Gifts-June 30, 1970 Annual Report, [1970]
University Relations-Re MEMCO Charitable & Scholarship Foundation, December 1970-1971
Uni. Relations
Emergency Calls for President-Handling of October 8, 1970
Beach-WTOP & WMAL TV-Interviews, September 9 & September 10, 1970
Tues., Feb. 17-Exec.-Tape Recording, [1970]
Uni. Relations-Beach's Memo of Aug. 31, 1970 on Emergency Preparedness..., 1970
University Relations-Reorganization of Offices, College Park, October 12, 1970
Beach-List of People for Comm. to Study Ways & Means of Separating Student Publications
from Uni., Aug., 1970
Beach's Number While Away, July 13-July 20, 1970
Uni. Relations-Re Song of Mrs. Prudence McDonald, May 28, 1970
University Relations-Emergency Situations, Beach's Memo of Feb. 11, 1970
University Relations-Gift of Records Said to Have Been Given by Fred M. Fernald..., 1970
Uni. Relations-End. & Gifts 1970
General File, 1970
Use of Unrestricted Funds, Exec. Session, Nov. 1970
Uni. Relations-Information Services, [1970]
Dir. of Information Serv.-Ray Davis, 1968
University Relations, Asst. to Pres., 1969
Uni. Relations-Asst., Gen. File, [1969]
Employment-Administrative-Material on Dr. Kenneth E. Dawson,-Asst. to the President..., 1969
Uni. Relations-Beach-Misc. File, Clippings, Etc., [1970]
University Relations-Memo fr. Thompson, Gov. Off., Re. St. Public Information Act, 1967-1968
Uni. Relations-Endowment Office Appointment of a Development Council..., 1967-1968
Beach-Representative to Prince George's County Model Cities Task Force..., 1969-1970
University Relations
Hold-1970-50th Anniversary of Renaming of C. P. Campus, [1970]
Distribution of Equality of Opportunity-Statement, November 4, 1968
1969-1970-University Relations Speakers Bureau, 1970
April 26-27, 1968-Uni. Relations, Communist Demonstrations, 1968-1969
University Relations
Beach-Re Jaycees Ten Outstanding Young Men, (Deadline, September 15, 1968), 19681969
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 309 (cont’d)
University Relations (cont’d)
Maryland Arts Council Exhibitions (Beach Coordinating)..., 1968-1969
Cissel's Memo, Dec. 5, 1969 Re Reporting of Gifts (Architecture & Extension), 1969
Media Coverage Of Board Meetings (Approved by Board on Nov. 21, 1969), [1969]
Uni. Relations-Endowment & Gifts, [1970]
Endowment-Contributions-1969-1970, Fiscal Year, As of May 31, 1970
Endowment and Gifts: Report on Contributions to the University as of April 30, 1970, [1970]
Endowment-Contributions 1969-1970 as of March 31, 1970
Endowment and Gifts, Reference: Gift from Celenese Corp. Endowment Office, Reports on
Contributions, 1970
End. & Gifts-June 1, 1970 Report on Status of Unrestricted Funds from Private Gifts..., 1970
Uni. Relations-Endowment & Gifts-Gen. File..., 1969
Uni. Rel. Endowment-Statistical Rpts. as of Dec. 31, 1969 on 4 Endowment Accts...., 1969
Endowment & Gifts-re Dr. Leslie R. Bundgaard Memorial Fund, (September 1969)
Endowment-Use of Unrestricted Funds-Approved by Board on September 26, 1969
Uni. Relations-End., R. Latane Waring, Jr.-Director of Corporate & Foundation Support
Program, July 1, 1969
Endowment Office-Statement of Private Giving & Unexpended Balances as of Year Ended June
30, 1969
Endow: Century Club & Charter Council, [1969]
Report as of Nov. 30, 1969, Gifts, Etc., [1970]
Report of Gifts and Contributions 1969-1970 as of October 31, 1969
Funds Re Intensive Educational Development Program, Martin's Request, Nov. 1969
Endowment & Gifts-Contributions Ltrs., [1969]
Uni. Relations
Endowment-D. C. Charitable Solicitations Act Renewal, July 1, 1969
1968-Endowment Use of Funds for Alumni Distinguished Professorship in Engineering,
Endowments & Gifts-Gen. File..., 1968
Endow: Development Council, [1968]
Endowment Office-Application to D. C. Government for Charitable Solicitations for 1968-1969,
Plan. Comm. for Greater U. of Md. Fund, [1968]
End. Off., Appt. of Wagoner, Rich. D., [1968]
University Relations-Endowment Feb. 16, 1968-Materials to Special Prospects-Contributions...,
Uni. Relations
Endowment Office Frost & Towers, McChesney, R. W. & Client's Will..., 1968-1969
Endowment-Private Giving 1968-1969-As of Sept. 30, 1968
Endowment & Gifts Development Council-University of Maryland, Fall of 1968, [1968]
Endow & Gifts-Report on Funds as of October 31, 1968
Uni. Relations
Endow-Proposed Use of Greater Uni. of Md. Fund-O.K. by Bd., Sept. 27, 1968
Endowment-State of Private Giving by Purpose-End of Fiscal June 30, 1968
Endow. Statement of Private Giving & Unexpended Balances as of Fiscal June 30, 1968
Beach's Report, Summary of Financial Aid 1967-1968, Sept. 27 Bd. Meeting, 1968
Speakers, Cleaver, Eldridge, 1968
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 309 (cont’d)
University Relations
Speakers Bureau, 1968
Re Mrs. Garnet D. McCown and Epic Poem on University of Maryland..., 1969
Monday, September 15, 3:30 p.m. be at WTOP Studios-Martin Agronsky's Interview, 1969
Uni. Relations
Ltr. from Marvin Bear-News American Re Coverage of Bd. Meetings..., 1969-1970
Ltr. from Bernard A. Solomon re Daughter Raina & Toppers's Cleaners, Dec. 1969
University Relations
Re Md. Bicentennial Commission of Department of Econ. Dev....1969 for 1976 (Hold),
Recommendation for Alfred C. Boswell, Jr., October 16, 1969
Organization Manual, January 1969
Re Richard Harrington, Editor of Quicksilver Times, September 1969
Uni. Relations
Calvert Grave-(Also-Mrs. David Randolph Ray-Great Granddaughter), Oct. 1969
Ltr. from Mrs. Raper, Capitol Hill Southeast Citizens Assn., July 1969
University Relations-Re. Urban Research Corp. Questionnaire, July 1969
Uni. Relations-Beach-Questionnaire from Twentieth Century Fund-Study of Uni. & City..., April
University Relations
Beach's Answer to Afro-American Newspapers & Advertising..., 1969
Delay in Printing of Catalogues-Also Hohenstein's Comment...., 1968-1969
Uni. Relations
Re: Negro Enrollment-University, Fall 1968
1969 Procedures for Handling Emergency Calls for Dr. Elkins, [1968]
Re. Am. Society of Photogrammetry..., 1968-1969
BOX 310
University Relations-Beach-Gen., 1973
Beach-Notes Re Meeting With B. Herbert Brown, Nov. 2, 1973 Notes, [1973]
Feb. 27-Mr. Beach Autonomy Statement, 1973
Gift of African Works of Art-John Cassidy-Donor, Hold..., Sep. 1973
Re Request Senate Fin.-Com. on St. Public Information Activities at Uni., Ret. on
October 25, 1973
Re Col. & Mrs. Lloyd J. Brown-Pres. of Plaque, August 1973
Legislators Attending Fall Football..., 1973
Re Invitations to Football Games-Report on, November 1973
Athletics-Figures Given Bowler of the Sun, 1973
Uni. Relations-Notification to Beach on Updated Biographical Data, September 27, 1973
Re C & P Tele. Co. Ltr. Re Education & Air for Vietnam Veterans (May)..., 1973
Re Arthur Enderlin's Ltr. of July 2, 1973 on Solicitation of Students..., 1973
Uni. Relations-Re Geico & Affiliates Achievements Awards Program, June 1973
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 310 (cont’d)
Endowment-1972-1973 to 1961-1962 (12 Year Report of Private Giving), Hold for Oct.,
July, 25, 1973
Transfer of Funds-From End. & Gifts, Periodical Reports..., 1972-1973
Uni. Relations-Board Agendas as Distributed & List Sent by John Price..., May 2, 1973
University Relations-Plans for Moving to Center of Adult Education, 1973
Uni. Relations-Salary Adjustment for Mrs. O'Brien..., February 1973
University Relations Report on Funds Raised for Center of Adult Ed., Jan. 5, 1973
Beach-Material Re Position Paper on Endowment by Case, August 1972
University Relations-Gift Reporting from all Campuses, [1972-1973]
Responses of Chancellors to "Gift Report and Transmittal Form," [1973]
Uni. Relations-Beach Gift Acceptance Procedures..., Jan. 1971
University Relations Fund Raising, 1972
University Associates-Fund Raising-Discussed with Dr. Rose, Beach, Etc., April 17,
Uni. Associates-Dr. Kaplan's Suggestions for Contacting of Contributors..., April 1972
Wed. Feb. 23-Meet with Mr. Beach and Dr. Rose at 11:30 a.m., [1972]
University Associates, Inc.-Agreement-Dated Feb. 4, 1972
Fund Raising on All Campuses, University Relations, 1972
College Park Campus, Chancellor's Reply, [1971]
Baltimore County Campus-Chancellor's Reply, [1972]
Baltimore City Campus-Chancellor's Reply, [1971]
UMES-Fund Raising Priorities, November 29, 1971
Endowment & Gifts-Foundation Handbook for Faculty & Staff-General
Guideline...Recvd. Dec. 8, 1971
University College-Fund Raising, Hiring of Personnel for Purpose on Short Term, Nov. 4, 1971
Fund Raising
Beach's Notes of October 5, 1971
Summary of Campus Needs to Be Met by Private Funds-Beach, November 30, 1971
End.-General File, [1975]
Annual Statement of Office of Endowment & Gifts of Private Giving for Year Ended June 30,
Private Gift-Board's Notes, 1973
Endowment-Solicitation in D. C. for 1973-1974, [1973]
Endowment 1973 Thank You Letters, [1973]
Alumni Affairs-Gen. File..., 1973
Alumni-College of Education Resolution-Naming of Education Bldg. Dr. Harold R. W.
Benjamin, 1972
Alumni Day-May 12 Luncheon & Banquet...Speak, 1973
Nov. 10-Homecoming Day Alumni, 1973
Endow. Materials-Fund Accounts, 1968
Uni. Relations
Endowment & Gifts-Materials on Special Gifts; Corporate Gifts-(Disc. on September 18,
1968), [1968]
Endowment & Gifts September 1967-1968 (68-69) Program to Secure Financial Report,
University Relations-Endowment Mrs. Charles W. Rauchenbach & Her Will...., 1967-1968
Endowment-Greater Univ. of Md. Progress Reports, 1967
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 310 (cont’d)
University Relations-Mencken, August-Gift of Property, 1966-1967
Uni. Relations-Endowment-Need for Private Funds-(With Notes from Mr. Beach, Etc., April,
University Relations-Endowment-Barton-Gillet-Analysis & Appraisals of Communications, 1966
Surveys of Endowment Office-Surveys of Media Activity, 1961
Ketcham, Inc.
McFarland's Report Survey of Endowment & Development, September 1965
Survey of Endowment, Alumni Relations, & Uni. Relations, 1965
Survey of Endow., 1965-1966
University Relations, Evaluation of New Printing Equipment, 1958
BOX 311
University Relations, Maryland Magazine, 1967
Comparative Costs of Johns Hopkins Magazine & Samples, 1967
Re Maryland Magazine-Status, 1966-1967
Maryland Magazine, Monday, April 24, 1961 at 11:15 in Bresssler Bldg. Balt., [1957]
Analysis & Recommendations, Re Md. Magazine-(for Meeting with Cissel, McCartney
& Kuhn), [1962]
Maryland Magazine Contract, [1956]
Endow.-Thank You Ltrs..., 1972 (2f)
Summer School-Evaluation of University-Community, Day for 1972, [1972]
Endowments & Gift Thank You Letters for 1971, [1971]
Endowment Office-Gen. Files, 1972
Recommendations for Use of Unrestricted Funds-Aprv. Board on November 17, 1972
June 30, 1972 Annual Statements on Endowments & Gifts Apvd. by Board on Sept. 22,
Endowment Off.-Transfer of Endowment Income Balances-Aprvd. Board, June 23, 1972
Resignation of Donald P. Hutchinson as Assoc. Director, September 1, 1972
Type of Letter Sent to Organizations for Internal Revenue Service-Taxes...., 1972
Dist. of Columbia-License for Charitable Solicitation, July 1, 1972
Endowment & Gifts Office-Reorganization of Office, June 1972
Foundation Handbook for Faculty and Staff, Dec. 8, 1971
Development Policies & Procedures Manual (Revision), December 8, 1971
Endowment-September 20, 1971, Total Private Giving 1968-1969; 1969-1970 & 1970-1971
Endow.-Companies Supporting Uni. During Year 1970-1971, Gifts, undated
Uni. Relations-Re Unrestricted Funds to Board of Regents (Apvd.) Nov. 18, 1971
End. & Gifts-Statement on Endowments & Gifts-Year Ended June 30, 1971
Endowment & Gifts-Annual Fund Solicitations-All Areas, 1971-1972
Re-McCormick & Co. Endowing a Fellowship in Sch. of Pharmacy..., May, 1970
Re D.C. Charitable Solicitation Act., July 1, 1970-June 30, 1971
Fund Raising, 1970-1971
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 311 (cont’d)
Uni. Relations
Endow.-Harry H. Jennings-Director of Annual & Alumni Giving Programs, August 1,
Apt. of Stephen McLean, Assoc. Dir. for Corp. & Found. Programs (Hold to See if Apt.),
September 1972
Donors Lists..., 1972
Assoc. Dir.-Spec. Events, Etc., [1970]
Uni. Rel. Director-Audiovisual Services, [1972]
University Relations-Beach..., 1975
Oct. 16, 1975-Welcome to Bicentennial Dinner & Concert, 1975
University Relations, 1975
University Relations-Misc., 1975
End. & Gifts (General)...., 1975
Uni. Relations
Re Request of Dept. of Economic & Comm. Dev. for Promotion of Md. Magazine, Oct.
Re Request from Kelly, P. G. County for Funding "Ed. Quarterlies," Nov. 1975
Beach's Material to Mr. McMullen on Endowment, September 8, 1975
University Relations-Beach Rep. to P. G. County Council's Dimensions in Music Program, Jan.
Beach-Re Application of Oliver C. Zinsmeister for Directorship of Uni. Relations, August 6,
University Relations-1977 Budget Request-For Equipment, Office Services, Travel & Maryland,
August, 1975
Re Swiftsure Heraldic Arms Ltrs. to Dr. Samuel Hoover, August 1975
Ltr. on Guide Lines for Com. Meetings-Aprv. by Board on May 9, 1975 as a By-Law...,
Uni. Relations
Fund Raising for Campuses & Central Adm., March 12, 1975
Speakers Bureau, 1975-1976
Beach-Gift Clubs Mailings Elkins will Get, October 1975 & On..., [1975]
Endowment & Gifts Office, 1975
Endowment-Resignation of R. D. Monks as of September 15, 1975
9:30 a.m. Thursday, Sept. 12, Mr. R. Donald Monks, [1974]
Endow. Office-Proposal of Alumni Council for a V. P. for Alumni Affairs & Development...,
Gift of Capitol Milk Producers Coop. to Agri. for Scholarship (Beach Said Ltr. from Elkins
Being Prepared), October, [1974]
Ltr. to Chancellors on Solicitation of Private Funds, October 20, 1971
Uni. Relations-Re Barton-Gillet Co. & David W. Barton, Jr., May 3, 1974-1973
Endowment Office-Publications from John Hendricks, 1975
BOX 312
Endowment (Beach) Council on Economic Priorities (Robt. Lawrie, March 14, 1975-Elkins Said
File), [1975]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 312 (cont’d)
Uni. Relations
June 20, 1975 Bd. Action on Transfer of Endowment Income Balances, [1975]
June 20, 1975 Transfers to Common Trust Fund, 1975
End. Gifts-Thanks Ltrs.
Jan. Thru June 1975, [1975]
July-Dec., 1975
University Relations, Gen., 1974
Re Garland E. Groh (Possible Donor), October 21, 1974
Re Gift of Home in College Heights Estates From David A. McNamee, July 1974
Uni. Relations-Maryland Magazine
Beach-Maryland Magazine Policy..., Feb. 15, 1974
Projected Approximate Costs.... To O'Connell, June & July, 1973
(Ltrs. on & Funding), [1974]
Endowment & Gifts-General..., 1974
New Procedure for Gift Letters-Approved by Dr. E., October 1974
Procedure for Acceptance of Gifts & Grants, Oct. 2, 1974
Beach Memo of January 30, 1974 on Change of Name of End. & Gifts to Development Office,
Endow.-Annual Stat. Priv. Giving FY 1974
Cumulative Total of Private Giving as of April 30, 1974
Aug. 20-Endow.-Discrepancy-Private Giving Reported to Endow. Office & Business
Office, [1974]
Uni. Relations-Report of Cumulative Total of Private Giving (For Review, August 16,
1974)...., 1974
Cumulative Total of Private Giving Fiscal, July 31, 1974
End. & Gifts Office-Diamondback Series, Feb. 26, 27, & 28, 1974
Endowment & Gifts-Gift Report & Transmittal Forms, 1974-1975
Endowment-Annual Statement of Private Giving for FY, June 30, 1975 Year, [1975]
Beach-Re Ltr. to Adams-Reconciling Reports of Private Giving, May 1975
Private Giving, June 30, 1975
Annual Statement of Private Giving F. Y. Ended, June 30, 1974
Thank You Ltrs., 1974
University Relations-1974-Misc., [1974]
Endowment, Jan., 1974-June 30, 1974, Thank You Letters, [1974]
Endows. Firefighters Room, 1971-1974
Endowment-Kann & Sons Co., (Beach Handling), Feb. 27, 1973
End. Fund Raising-To Bus. Executives, [1972]
Uni. Relations-Organized Chart, 1968
Carter-Ed. of Uni. Pubs. & Coord., 1974
Uni. Relations-Messages..., 1973-1974
Uni. Relations (Endowment)-Dr. E. Lee McLean (Consultant), Materials on 1974..., 1970
Endowment-Donors Dinner, April 27, 1974-6 Cocktails & Dinner (Center)..., 1974
Aug. 20-End. Com.-Materials on Kenneth Dove-Fund Raising, 1974
Beach-Endowment-Application of Walter Brown (Now in Financial Aid Office of UMAB), 1974
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 312 (cont’d)
University Relations-Candidate for Fund Raising Position-Endowment, Lowell R. Clark, June 7,
11 a.m. Thursday, June 27-Mr. Richard C. Schmitt-Interview, 1974
Endow. of J. Coy Gobble as Assoc. Director, October, 1974
Endowment & Gifts-Resignation of Ronald R. Schafer, October 11 1974
Endowment Office-Resignation of Barbara Werner-Ltr. of Jan. 22, 1974 to Beach, [1974]
BOX 313
Recommendations for Board of Regent Member to Replace Mrs. Deegan, 1974
Revisited List for Donor's Dinner With Dr. Elkins-(Original on His Desk)...My Copy..., 1974
Re Fields & Matching Gifts IBM Prog. & Terrapin Club-Feb. 74 , [1974]
Salaries of Administrators, Faculty & Staff (Pub. in Diamondback, Feb. 13, 1974)
Enrollment Data as of January 17, 1974
Monday, November 11 at 10:00 WMUC, Interview-Minahan, 1974
University Relations-Re Subpoena on Gifts of John A. Culper-Internal Revenue Service..., Oct.
& Nov. 1974
Hold for Conference with Mr. Beach-September, 1974
Uni. Relations
Use of Unrestricted Funds to Support Off. End & Gifts & Fund Raising Expansion,
September 20, 1974
Virginia Carter Apt. October 1973, Editor, [1974]
Carter-Re Board Photo & Biog., (May 17, 1974), 1974
Carter-News Items, 1974
Beach-Re Gen. Services Request for Inventory of Publications, Jan. 31, 1974
8:45 a.m. Wed., May 15-1974 Manager of WRC, 1974
10 a.m. on Tuesday, April 9, Mr. Bob Anderson-College Mgt., [1974]
Jan. 22-Discuss with Beach, Donors-Revised List, 1974
Uni. Relations
Use of Unrestricted Funds-Discussed in Exec. Session on March 22, 1974
Beach's Memos on Med. School Gifts & Grants, 1974
Beach's Memos on UMBC-Gifts & Grants, 1974
V. P. for Development-Gen., 1977
Endowment-Nov. 21, 1977 Report to End. & Gifts Committee on Private Giving..., 1977
V. P. U. Dev.-State Car Reported at Ocean City by John N. Maguire, [1977]
Dec. 14, 1977 Smith-Re Interview with Md. Public Broadcasting (Susan Weaver) 5:30 p.m. & 6
p.m., [1977]
Dev.-Smith's Ltr. to Com. on Endowment & Gifts-Report on Giving, Etc., Nov. 30, 1977
Thursday, Dec. 15 at 11 a.m. Croteau-Channel 20-& Smith Athletics-Bowl Game, [1977]
Coordinator of Distribution of Reports & Publications Art. 40, Sec. 51 of Annotated.
Code, August 9, 1977
Report on Md. Educational Foundation-Given at Board Meeting of November 18, 1977
Dev.-Brown's Ltr. to Smith & Smith's Reply, Oct. 10, 1977
V. P. Development-Fund-Raising Guidelines for Total University, October 1, 1977
V. P. Uni. Dev.-August 22-Smith's Remarks on Proposed Advisory Subcommittees of Uni.
Hosp., 1977
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 313 (cont’d)
Smith-August 2-Material on Constance (Connie) C. Stuart, 1977
Development-Study of Corporate Attitudes-by John Leslie-File (No Further Action), Dec. 1977
Uni. Dev.-September 16, 1977 Report to Board on Md. Educational Fund, 1977
Study of Corporate Attitudes-Employment of Institutional Advancement Consultants,
October, 1977
Decision-Horse Program of Animal Science..., August 16, 1977
Trouble in Higher Education, April 4, 1977
Ltr. to Mary H. Broadwater on Foundations, March 2, 1977
Transfer of Aetna Life Corporate Matching Gift to Student Aid-Athletic Scholarship...,
Dev. President's Club Materials, [1977]
Adm. Council-Monday, March 21, Item 6, Discussion of the President's Club by V. P. Smith,
Thank You Ltrs.
July 1-Dec. 31, 1977
Jan. thru June 1977
V. P. Uni. Dev.-Smith..., 1976
Smith-Ltr. of Oct. 29, 1976 to Dr. Laden of T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc., 1976
Corporate Relations Program Planning Report, Nov. 5, 1976
V. P. for Uni. Development-a Brief Report, August 3, 1976
V. P. Dev.
June 25, 1976 Bd. Aprov. Transfers to Common Trust Fund, July 1, 1976
June 25, 1976-Apvd. Bd. Transfer-Endow. Income Balances, July 1, 1976
Asst.-Uni. Devel. Beach, 1976
Asst. to Pres.-Misc., 1976
Disabled American Veterans of Greenbelt (Austin R. Green)..., 1976
U. Relations-Travel for Robert Childress-Artist on Getz Gift, 1976
Endowment Committee, Change in Investment Program, March 8, 1976
University Relations-Knight..., 1975
Uni. Relations-Carolyn Knight Employment as Asst. Editor, April 1975
University Relations-Re Apt. of Associate in Central Adm. Sharon C. Baylin-Application,
September, 1975
End. & Gifts (Gen.)...., 1976
"Thank You Ltrs.," Jan-May 1976
Thank You Ltrs., June-Dec., 1976
Endowment-Misc. File, [1975]
Development/Private Giving Tabulations, [1976]
Endowment-Private Giving, Year Ended June 30, 1975, This Statement Used at the Jan. 23, 1976
Board Meeting, [1976]
[1975-1976 Private Support-(Feb. 14 This Being Held for Next End. Com. Meeting-This Copy),
V. P. for Univ. Development-Goal for 1977 Private Giving as Reported in Summary, October 11,
Endowment-Cumulative Total of Private Giving, July & August, 1976
Endow.-Cumulative Total of Private Giving July, 1976, Sept. 30 1976
End. Private Giving-Reports for 1976, [1976]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 313 (cont’d)
Employment of Rufus N. Ragin, III, as Fund Raiser, October 1, 1976
Re Proposals for Tour of Great Britain by Uni. Chorus..., May 1976
Unrestricted Funds, Current Status of, June 9 1976
Foundation Proposals, [1975]
BOX 314
Re Foundation for the College of Business & Management, [1975]
University College Foundation, Dr. Elkins, [1975]
End. & Gifts-Positions & Programs..., 1975
Beach-Endowment Office Sept. 17, 1975-Materials Used at Meeting
Endow. Com.-Uni. of Md. Endowment Funds-Notes as of September 17, 1975
Foundation Structure at N. C. State Uni., [1975]
Survey of Institutions-Giving-Staff-Etc. Used at Sept. 17, 1975 End. Com., [1975]
Proposal-U. of Md. Foundation as of March 4, 1975
Tydings/Barton Gillet, [1975]
Selected Uni. Relations Staff Positions at Major Universities Used at September 17,
1975 Meeting
Marion Jackson Givens Trust Materials Used at Meeting, [1975]
Endowment Committee (Hold for Meeting) Change of Name of Endowment & Gifts
Office, [1975]
End. Com. of Sept. 17, 1975 Misc. Notes, [1975]
Uni. Relations-Staffing of Endowment & Gifts-(Discussed with Dr. O'C. on March 22, 1976),
Price, T. Rowe-Uni. of Md. Endow. Funds, [1975]
Beach-Ltrs. on Staffing Office of Endowment & Gifts..., April 22, 1976
Endowment Office-Duties of Hendricks, Hills & Waring, 1975
Alumni Affairs-Director, 1975
Alumni-Homecoming Lunch, October 4, 1975
Alumni Meeting-Miami, June 14, 1975
June 14-Boca Raton Trip, Alumni Meeting, [1975]
June 14, 1975-Alumni Meeting at Miami Beach-Misc. Materials from Beach, 1975
June 14, 1975-Miami Beach Alumni List of Members Present, 1975
June 14, 1975-Remarks at Alumni Meeting Miami Beach-Banquet, 1975
Miami-Doral on the Ocean Reservation Confirmation, 1975
Alumni Affairs-Board of Trustees-International 1975, [1975]
Sat. Oct. 11-9 a.m. Alumni Bd. of Trustees-Dr. Elkins to Speak for 10 MinutesPresidential Room Center, 1975
9 a.m. Bd. of Trustees-Alumni Association International-at Center, May 17, [1975]
Tuesday, May 13 at 4 p.m.-Alumni International-Committee-in Annapolis-Information
Only...., 1975
Alumni International-May 17, 1975-Reports, Studies, Agenda, Etc., [1975]
Alumni Internt'l, Minutes 1974-1975, [1974-1975]
Alumni Council-Minutes, 1970-1975
June 6-Annual Alumni Council Meeting 6:00 Reception; 6:30 Dinner & 7:45 Business Meeting,
Alumni Affairs-Director, 1974
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 314 (cont’d)
Saturday, October 19-Homecoming-Distinguished Alumnus Award to Judge Robert C.
Murphy..., 1974
Friday, June 7-6:00 & 6:45 p.m. Annual Alumni Assn. Meeting Center, 1974
File on-Uni. of Maryland Alumni Association-International Board of Trustees
Alumni-Bd. of Trustees Alumni Assn. International-List as of, December 1974
Internat'l Bd. of Trustees (Alumni), [1974]
Alumni Affairs-Dr. Robert C. Wiley President Alumni Assn. International 1974, July 1,
Sat. May 4, 1974-Uni. of Md. Alumni Association-International Meeting, [1974]
Alumni-International Bd. of Trustees University-Correspondence with
Members..., 1973-1974
Sat. Sept. 28 at 9 a.m. Bd. of Trustees-Alumni Assn., 1974
Alumni-International Trustees Future Com. Meetings: Also Committee List, Jan. 1974
Nov. 24 (Sat) 9:30 a.m. Alumni Progr. Com. of Bd. of Trustees of Alumni Assn., 1973
Alumni-Uni. of Md. Alumni Assn., International-Data for Meeting Sept. 15, 1973
Alumni-Internat'l Bd. of Trustees Uni. Dinner Meeting Sept. 14, 1973, Dr. Elkins'
Remarks, [1973]
Tuesday, August 14-Col. Schultz Initiation of Seminar Program, [1973]
Alumni-International Bd. of Trust. Alumni Association-January 5, 1974 Meeting-All
Papers and Reports, [1973]
Alumni-International Board Of Trustees-University-Members, 1973-1974
Alumni (Int'l) Gen. File, [1974]
Alumni President for 1972, Howard G. Crist, Jr., [1973]
Alumni Affairs
Director, 1970-1972
Re Request of Md. Historical Society for List of Uni. of Md. Alumni..., Sept. 26, 1972
Md. Alumni Association-Distinguished Alumnus Award to Governor Marvin Mandel, (Sept. 27
Ltr. Asking)..., 1972
Dec. 7-11:30 a.m. Presentation of Distinguished Alumnus Award to Governor Mandel, 1972
Alumni Message..., November 1972
Alumni Luncheon-Homecoming Saturday, Tickets (Hold), October 14, 1972
June 9 at 6 p.m. Reception, Dinner at 6:45 p.m., Annual Alumni Council Meeting, [1972]
May 6-Alumni-Spring 5:30-7 Cocktails, 1972
Alumni Affairs-J. Logan Schutz' Salary for 1971, 1971
Nov. 3 at 8:30 p.m. Concert-J. F. Kennedy-Wash.-Reception to Follow, 1971
Sat. October 30-Homecoming Day-Football VMI, 1971
Alumni Affairs-G. A. Brakeley Co.-Proposed Faculty-Alumni Center, 1970
Sat. April 18-Spring Alumni Day Tickets for Luncheon (2), 1970
Alumni-Homecoming, October 17, 1970
Alumni Council
Recommendations for Board of Regents, [1970]
Resolutions on Disruptions..., 1970
Alumni Assn.-Pres. & Officers for 1969-1970, [1971]
June 18-6:30 p.m.-Terrapin Rm. Dining Hall 1-Alumni Council Annual Meeting, 1970
Alumni Council-Gen. File, 1970
Prince George's Alumni Club 6:30 p.m., Sat. Jan. 30 Stu. Union, [1971]
Alumni Affairs-Agriculture Alumni 7 p.m. Dinner-Remarks Thursday, March 27, 1969
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 314 (cont’d)
Alumni Association-Alumni Council Reso. to Name Lecture Hall in Engineering for Dean
Steinberg, Hold 1969, [1968]
Alumni Affairs-Engineering Alumni, Feb. 6, 1968 Banquet-Materials on Freedom..., 1968
6:30 & 7:30 p.m. Fri. Feb. 14 in Constellation Rm. Adult Center-Engineer's Alumni Banquet,
Law Alumni Luncheon-12:30 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 6, [1972]
Alumni Association-Home Economics Change of Name of Home Economics Building, January
27, 1967
Alumni Affairs
Law Alumni Luncheon, Feb. 7, 1970
Med. Alumni Re Plans for Davidge Hall..., 1968-1969
Alumni Council-Gen. Correspondence, [1969]
Sp. Com. Study Composition of Board-Alumni Resolution, Etc., 1969
Survey of Alumni Interest and Participation (Dec. 1968), 1969
Homecoming Activities, Saturday, November 8, 1969
Md. Alumni-Maryland Varsity Swim Association, 1969
Council-Gen. File, 1969
Minutes-Council, 1969
of Columbus Meeting, 1967
BOX 315
August 1-(Tuesday) Discussion 1974, Budget with Barnes, Blair Lee & Others, [1972]
Waetjen-1973, V. P. Gen. Adm., [1973]
Waetjen, W. B.-V. P. Gen. Adm., 1972
Re Position of President of Uni. of Northern Colorado, July 20, 1971
Re Recommendation, 1971
Re Properties for Sale by Dept. of St. Planning, March 1971, 1971-1973
Re Bill on University of Md. Board of Regents, Proposed, 1972
Jan. 1972 Mandatory Student Fees-Split Equally Between Semesters, Bd. Action, [1972]
1972-Re Increase in Room & Board Rates..., May 1, 1972
Sept. 27 at 10 a.m. Chancellors Meeting on Governors's Budget Cut, Work Sheet, 1972
Ans. to Dept. of General Services-Capital Appropriations Dated October 16, 1972-All
Areas, [1972]
Re: Intergovernmental Persn. Act Grant Program-Fiscal 1973, Discretionary Funding
(August 28, 1972), [1972]
Dr. E. Rep. in Step 4 of Grievance of Michael Leggett & Fred Linthicum, June 1972
Re Central Administration Bldg., June 1972
Capital Budget for 1974-To Coordinate-All Chancellors & V. P., April 1972
Re St. Planning Appropriation Under Gen. Construction Loan of 1972, H. B. No. 314...,
May 1972
1971-V. P. for Gen. Administration, [1972]
Mod. Housing-Waetjen-Award of Contract to Unitized Systems Company, Inc., of Richmond,
Va., April 22, 1971
Waetjen-Modular Housing-Sp. Meeting of Board on April 21, 1971-Resolution, [1971]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 315 (cont’d)
C. P. Modular Housing-April 13, Considered at Building Com. Meeting of Board of Regents,
Tuesday, April 13-Proposed Self Liquidating Construction Schedule, 1971
Tues., April 13, 1971-Renovation of 10 Fraternity Houses-C. P. Campus, [1971]
Tuesday, April 13, 1971-Building Item 1-Modular Housing-Plans For, [1971]
Waetjen-Questionnaire from Uni. of South Florida on Long-Range Planning, October 13, 1971
[Loose Materials-on Modular Housing, 1971]
March 9, 1971-Building Materials
Monday, April 5 at 11 a.m. Meeting on Modular Housing, [1971]
Modular Housing-Construction of...Statement, [1971]
Waetjen-Dormitories-Renovations-Past 3 Years, 1971-1972
Building Committee-Hold Re Modular Housing Units, [1971]
Re Crisfield Property Wanted by Somerset Cty. Commissioners, 1971-1972
Proposal for UMES, Student Union, Nov., 1971
Costs Per Student at UMES, UMBC & C. P.-(Also Salisbury & Bowie), September 9,
Article-Prediction of Academic Success of Black Students, October 1971
Sec. of State's Ltr. Re Publishing of Rules & Regulations of Uni. of Md...., 1971-1972
Dept. of State Planning-Long Range Development Programs, Memo of August 23, 1971
Ltr. of June 29, 1971 to Comp. Goldstein Re Admissions & Amusement Tax, [1971]
Donald L. Myers, University Budget Officer, App't, July 19, 1971
Proposal for Formula Budgeting..., 1971
Re Adm. Council Action on Uni. Policy With Firms Violating Anticipation Laws &
Ordinances, May 24, 1971
Wedding Sat. June 26 at 11 a.m. Reception Following, [1971]
Re. J. Logan Schutz' Salary for 1971-1972, [1971]
Re Gov. Task Force for Revising Budget Procedures, Apr. 1971
University Policy on Holidays, Bd. Approval & Pres. Signature, November 1971
Md. Council for Higher Ed. Auxiliary Facilities..., June 1971
Re Ltr. from Bentz on Sen. Bill 681-St. Environmental Center Act of 1971, May 1971
March 10, 1971-Waetjen's Ltr. to Snyder-Fin. Com-Hargreaves-Approp. Com. Vacant Positions
at Uni., December 1, 1970
Md. Council-Re Higher Ed. Space & Utilization Standards, May 1972
1974-Asking Budget Procedures, April 11, 1972
Report on Moving of Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, 1972-1973
Property-Bureau of Mines-Progress Report from Waetjen as of December 7, 1971, 1972-1973
Removal of State Subsidiaries & Increase in Room Rates..., 1972
Elkins Ltr. Re Meeting with Kent for Monday, March 13, 1972
Suspension of Personnel Rules in Case of Emergency, Apvd. by Board, January 21, 1972
Fratzreb & Pray Associate, 1970-1971
Re Dept. of St. Planning-Long Range Planning-Jan. 26, 1972, To Chancellors & Bentz,
Gordon, Mrs. Carrie-Re Sick Leave-Waetjen's Reply, 1972
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 315 (cont’d)
Memo to Adm. on Uni. of Arkansas Experience with HEW, 1972
ADP-All Areas
Re ADP Management Review Board-Appt. Nov. 21 1969 for 1970-1971, [undated]
Autonomy-Re Data Processing Equipment, [1971]
Jan. 12, 1971-Waetjen's Ltr. to Kuhn-Re Establishing 4 Data Banks-Each Campus...,
Ad Hoc Persn. Classification-Maternity Leave, August 17, 1972
Budget & Fiscal Planning-August 3, 1972-Guidelines for Salary Increases for
Administrators, [1972]
Salaries-To Bentz-Aug. 1, 1972-Re Salaries Binks & Lee, [1972]
Ltr. Of June 28, 1972 to Perkins, Budget & Fiscal Plan. – Salaries 1972 and 1973Increase Source-Adm. & Deans, [1972]
Salaries-University Relations & Alumni Affairs, May 16, 1972
Salaries-April 5, 1972, Faculty Salaries Scale, [1972]
Salaries-Academic Personnel-Retroactive to Sept. 1-Nov. 14, 1971, WaetjenChancellors, VP, Feb. 1972
Proposed Salary Schedule for Employees-Bosz-Directive of April 1, 1972
Clerical Survey Classifications, February 1972
Survey of Salaries, Gen. File...., 1972-1973
Reclassification-Ltr. from Mrs. Mary D'Annunzia-With Petitions, March 15, 1972
Ltr. to Bentz on Classifications, March 3, 1971
August 30-Item 1. Reclassification; Salary Increases for Fac. & Classified Employees,
Waetjen's Ltr. Of August 18, [1971]
July 1, 1971-Reclassification of Secretaries & Clerks, [1971]
Classifications in Use At University of Maryland-Revised Thru March 1, 1971
Ad Hoc Personnel Classification Review Committee, 1971
Ad Hoc Personnel Classification Review Committee, Members..., 1971
Ad Hoc on Classification Review..., 1971
Waetjen-Legislation for 1972 Pertaining to Agriculture-State Board of
Re Gov. Request on 1972 Legislation-Object to April 1972, [1972]
Legislation-Dec. 10-Waetjen's Ltr. Transmitting 3 Weights; Egg & Cholera..., 1972
Legislation for 1972-Re Agriculture, [1972]
Nov. 4-9 Agricultural Activities, Item 1. Changes in Weights & Measures Law, undated
Agri. Com.-Nov. 4 at 9 a.m. 2. Changes in Md. Egg Law, undated
Agri. Com.-Nov. 4 at 9 p.m. 3. Pesticide Residues in Live Animals & Poultry, undated
Agri. Com.-Nov. 4-9 a.m. Changes in Hog Cholera Law, undated
Agri. Com. Nov. 4-9 a.m.-Addition to Pesticide Law, undated
Proposed Departmental Legislation for 1972 Gen. Assembly, Nov. 15, 1971
V. P. for Administrative Affairs, 1970
April 30, 1970-Waetjen's Ltr. to Regents & to Md. Commission on Human Relations, May 7,
1970 Meeting, [1970]
Waetjen-Dec. 4, Ltr. to Kaplan on Univ. of Texas at El Paso on Student Activities, [1970]
Information on Full Time and Part-Time Students, November 18, 1970
Re Congress-Com. on Internal Security-Questionnaire on Speakers, July 1, 1970
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 315 (cont’d)
Waetjen (cont’d)
Note of July 17, 1970 on Philip Kapneck, [1970]
Increase in Price of Milk & Hot & Cold Drinks-Apv. on August 12, 1970
Increase in Milk Prices in Vending Machines, June 1970
Gov. Request for Proposed Legislation for 1971 of Gen. Assembly by Nov. 1, 1970
Re: Reorganization of Dept. of Public Improvements, July 28, 1970 Lewis's Ltr., [1970]
Re Questionnaire from Pres.' Commission on Campus Unrest, July 30, 1970
Questionnaire Fr. US Off. of Ed. Release of Data on Revenues, Etc., April 1970
Re New Salary Schedule Questionnaire to be Ret. by June 26, 1970
BOX 316
Waetjen (cont'd)
Average Administrative Salaries for 1969-1970-Reviewd in Exec. Session, March 20,
Budget-Re Am. Council on Ed. Emergency Comm. for Full Funding of Ed. Programs,
July 1969 & 1970
Representative for Md. St. Agency for Surplus Property, March 1970
Re Authorization of Construction by St. Planning Dept., 1970
Re Increase in Golf Course Fees, July 1, 1970
Case of Steve Berlew, Complaint, 1969-1970
Re Capital Project Requests for 1972-1976 Submitted Prior to July 1970..., 1970
Re Martin's Student Affairs Staff Reorganization Proposal, March 1970
Right of Assembly: Extant Uni. Policies & Regulations, March 9, 1970
V. P. for Administrative Affairs Secretariat of Faculty Senate (Creation), 1969-1970
1970 Legislation Replies to Fiscal Services, 1970
Adm. Com. to Review-Act-Facilities, 1970
Walter B.-(Re Budgets), 1969
Waetjen-ADP Plan-All Areas
Mis. Correspondence, [1972]
Vol. I-Replies, [1972]
Waetjen, Walter B.-V. P. Adm. Affrs., 1969
Dr. Richard O. Mead-Appt. as Asst. to V. P. for Administrative Affairs, Effective June 1, 1969
Radiation Safety-Re Ltr. from Louis Goldstein on Nuclear Installations at Univer., October
1969..., 1970
Radiation Safety-Appt. of Leroy Howard as Radiation Safety Officer, May 1, 1968, 1968-1969
Directives, [1970]
Walter B.-Care of Research Animals, November 1969
Re Questionnaire from Bridgeport, Univ. of, on Cooperative Data Collection, JulyAugust, 1969
V. P. Administrative Affr. Directives, 1969
Re Memo from Gov. on Chap. 797 (Laws of Md.) Filing Copies, Rules & Regulations,
Re Authority of St. Bd. of Ag. to Enter Agreement With USDA on Poultry InspectionRuling, 1969
Statement on Deeds on Properties Acquired by University, 1969
Facilities-Re Bd. of Public Works Ltrs. RE Various Lands & Uni. Interest..., 1968-1969
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 316 (cont’d)
Waetjen, Walter B.-Agreement with College Park Re Meter Parking on Lehigh Road..., April
Budget-Intercollegiate Athletics-Finance, March 16, 1970
Re Survey by Academy for Educational Development on Planning Needs, Etc., for
Higher Ed., 1969
Masayasu Sadanaga's Request for Use of Uni. Facilities for Meeting in August 1969,
V. P. Adm. Affairs-Re Western Md. Resources Center Association with Frostburg
College, 1968
Waetjen's Files-Call for Proposed Legislation for 1969 (See Also Gov.), 1968-1969
Re Defense Supply Agency Re Civil Disturbances Procedure at Uni. of Md...., 19691970
Re Financing Intensive Educational Development Program (See Sp. Programs),
Money for Registrar's Office to Expand Transcri Dept., April 1969
Directive and Letters on Positions and Freeze, 1968-1970
Planning Dept. Capital Project Approved-S. B. 182; 1969-1970
Budget-Fiscal 1970-Gen. Assembly's Action (Fr. Budget & Procurement-Apr.
1969), [1969]
December 31, 1968-10 a.m. Meeting of Deans, Directors, & Adm. Budget Cut,
Membership & Meeting Dates for 1969, 1969
Adm. Data Processing-Appt. of Irvin V. Voltin, Director-Effective August 11, 1969
Budget-Ltr. to Budget & Pro. April 1, 1969 on Faculty Salaries & Salary Data..., 1969
Budget-Feb. 14 & Mar. 24 Ltrs. on Supplemental Budget for Fiscal 1970, 1969
St. Planning Summary Reports of Fed. Grant-in-Aid Notification, 1971-1972
Re Working Budget Schedule & Proposed Budget Dev. Schedule for 1972-1973, undated
Retirement of Bonds-Cole Activities Building Construction, March 1971
Residence Status, 1971
Suggestions for Organization of Classified Personnel, 1970-1971
Re Property Transfer Agreement-City of Cambridge to Uni., Feb. 3, 1971
Re Md. Council for Higher Ed.-Inventory of Physical Facilities, (Reply by Nov. 2, 1970),
Dr. Waetjen, V. P. Adm. Affairs 1968, [1968]
Re Ltr. from Lee H. Kemper Re Refund for Son, August 1968
Reorganization of Aspects of Food Service Department, July 1968
Report of Robert P. Bentz-Intern From Am. Council on Ed. for Year of 1968, [1968]
Vice President for Administrative Affairs-Reference-Internship Program, 1967-1968
Waetjen, Walter B.-Uni. Representative on Code of Fair Practices, 1968-1969
Sparks-(Copy of) S.D.S. U. of Md., May 7, 1968
V. P. Adm. Affairs, Re Proposal to Waive Non-Resident Fee for Graduate Research
Assts., [1967]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 316 (cont’d)
Waetjen (cont’d)
Adm. Affairs-Opinion on Liability Protection of Students, Faculty, Parents, Staff..., 1968
Waetjen, Walter B.-V. P. Adm. Affairs-Budget Materials, 1968
Waetjen (Budget) Salaries (Health Service), Physicians, Clerical & Laboratory, Nov. 1967, 1968
Waetjen, W. B. (Budget)-Summary & Analysis Adm. Salaries, 1967-1969
Waetjen-Budget-Use of Summer Sch. Funds-Approved Board on June 21, 1968 (For Equipment),
V. P. Administrative Affairs From Dept. of Budget & Procurement, Gen. Fund Supplements...,
1968-1969 Capital Budget-Recommendations for, [1968]
Budget-Support of Higher Ed. in Md.-Comparison-Krieger, 1968-1969
Capital Improvement Authorizations (For Board Meeting Jan. 26, 1968), 1963-1968
Budget-Re Room & Board Rates at State Colleges, April 18, 1968
Re Budgeting Creative & Performing Arts Board of Graduate School...., 1967-1968
Proposed Schedule for Self-Liquidating Projects-All Areas of Uni. of Md. (As of
February 9, 1968), [1968]
Budget Cyclotron 1968-1969 Budget, [1968]
May 28, 1968-Materials from Adv. Council on High. Ed. on Off. of Ed. Compliance
Report..., 1968-1969
(Budget) 1967-1968 Closing Summary-Reversions to State Transferrals, Etc., 1968
Ltr. to US Army Re Nuclear Reactor & Inspection by AEC, August 12 & 13, 1968
Long-Range Planning for C. P. Campus, Materials fr. Rogers, etc., 1968-1969
Giffin, Donald, Asst. to Dr. W., [1969]
Asst. to V. P. for Administrative Affairs-Recommendations for Dr. Donald W. Giffin..., 1969
O'C. V. P. Gen. Adm.-File For 1976, [1976]
V. P. for General Administration, 1975
BOX 317
Personnel (St.) Directives, 1975
Ltr. of Feb. 19, 1975 (Del.) Sec. Barnes, Budget & Fiscal Planning on C. P. Computer
Sci. Center, 1975
Electron Ring Accelerator Project C. P. Campus, 1974-1975
Capital Budget-Fiscal 1975-(Sup.) Electron Ring Accelerator (Bd. Action, Jan. 25, 1974)
C. P. Electron Ring Accelerator-Supple. Budget for, Jan. 1974
Administrative Computer Center
1. President's Adv. Committee for Computing, [1976]
Adm. Council-President's Advisory Committee for Computing, Master Plan, May 1973
Ltr. July 7, 1975 Re Investigation of UMBC Library by Internal Auditor..., 1975
Ltr. March 24, 1975 to Del. Avara on Central Adm. Staff, 1975
To Nichols-Re Survey on Number of Administrators & Salaries, June 12, 1975
To Emanuel & Nichols-Ratio of Faculty (Teaching) to Administration, June 12, 1975
To Staten & Hargreaves-Academic Administrators as Teaching Faculty..., March 1975
To Hargreaves-Re Reduction-52 Teaching Staff at C. P., February 24, 1975
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 317 (cont’d)
O’C. (cont’d)
Energy-Conservation, 1973-1974
Report to Gen. Services-Evaluation of Energy Conservation, Feb. 1, 1974
Budget & Fisc. Planning-Travel-Conservation of Gas-Vehicle Assign. Bd. (To
Administrators), Dec. 22, 1973
Apt. of Uni. of Md. Vehicle Assignment Bd., January 1974
Re Budget & Fiscal Plan. Re Recom. Concerning State Auto. Fleet Management,
Re: Budget & Fiscal Planning, Unidentified Licence Plates, Committee on, July
Re: Budget & Fiscal Plan. Unidentified License Plates-Committee on, July 1973
Budget & Fiscal Plan. Air Conditioning for St. Autos., July 1973
Re Kuhn's Report-Energy Conservation Program at UMAB, Monday, December
17, 1973
C. P. Energy Contingency Plans...Nov. 19 & Dec. 10, 1973
UMBC-Energy Contingency Plans, Dec. 13, 1973
Misc. Directives, ETC., (O'Connell), [1973]
June 18-9 a.m. Center-Fiscal Services-On Budget Formats, [1975]
9:30 a.m. July 2-With Fiscal Services, Annapolis-House of Delegates Bldg. on Faculty & NonFac., 1975
Budget Amendment to Kuhn Re New Security Unit for Prisoner Patients at Uni. Hosp.,
Sept. 2, 1975-Statement on Banking Practices of U. of Md., [1975]
Uni. Guidelines on Implementation of Md. Environmental Policy Act-O'C, August 29,
Gov. Office-Re Executive Planning Process, August 14 & 16, 1974
June 21, 1974-Resolutions: Apvd. by Board (a) Re: Suburban Trust Co. Accts. (b) 4 Officers Re
Stocks..., 1974
Resolution-Signature on Checks-Suburban Trust Co. Passed by Board, Nov. 21, 1975
Re Cissel's Memo on Sp. Risk Accident Policy with Travelers Ins. Co. (with Dr. E)....,
Public Sector Labor Relations in Md.-Issues & Prospects-No. 1 Autographed Copy...,
January 1973
Construction at UMBC, 1975
Construction at CEES, 1975
Re Governor's Commission on Fire Services, 1975
Construction at UMES, 1975
Audit-Central Adm., June 1, 1969, January 26, 1972
V. P. Gen. Adm..., 1974
Salary Increase for Classified Employees-Effective Date and Funding, July 1, 1974
Fiscal Impact of Gen. Assembly Bills, 1975
Group Life Insurance Plan..., 1974
May 2-Educational Policies Item 2-Proposed Improvement of Group Life Insurance
Program, [1974]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 317 (cont’d)
Group Life Insurance Plan…, 1974 (cont’d)
O'C. Group Life Insurance Program-Bids for Expansion-Bd. Action, May 17, 1974-Back
to Board, [1974]
Monday-Adm. Council 4. Survey-Group Life Insurance Program, [1974]
Feb. 4-Adm. Council-Group Life Insurance-Ltr. from Group Health, Jan. 21, 1974
Fin. & Business-Group Insurance Major Change in-New, November 1973
Adm. Council-Group Life Insurance Policy Program-Being Discussed, April 1973
March 4-Adm. Council Item 8 Prop. Expansion of Group Life Insurance Program, [1974]
4. Proposed Group Life Insurance Program, [1973]
Re Gen. Services-Telephone Service Representative Program, May 5, 1974
Re Dept. of Budget & Fiscal Plan. Request for Fiscal Yr. 1976 General Fund Budget
Allocation, April 1974
Capital Budget Request-Fiscal 1975, As of April 9, 1974
Re US Off. Ed.-Institutions of Higher Ed. Participating in Fed. Asst. Programs, March
Liquor Licenses for C. P. Campus & University College, June 1973-1974
Re Change of Character of Public Sector Labor Relations Conference Board-Hold,
September 10, 1973
Central Collection Unit Requested by Budget & Fiscal Plan, Central Payroll System,
Central Collection Unit-Requested by Budget & Fiscal Plan, July-August 1973
Items Discussed with Dr. O'Connell-Agendas, 1973-1974
O'Connell-Budget-Gen. File, [1974]
Pres. Com.-Op. Budgets & Cap. Imp., [1974]
Budget-Re C. P. Request for Increase in Salaries for Police, 1974
August 7, 1974 Hearing-Joint Com. On Management of Public Funds, Materials Used,
Faculty Salary Increase for Designated Positions, April 1974
Faculty Increases for Designated Positions Originals-Copies Given To Dr. O'Connell, [1974]
Re: Food Service Directive on Safety by Goecker-MCEA, Reaction, July 1974
C. P. Summary Table-Re Student-Faculty Population, (September 19, 1974), [1974]
Uni. Owned Frat/Sorority Housing Maintenance Needs and Financing, Sept. 17, 1974
Re St. Planning on Submission of Bond Bill Requests-Gov. Ltr. of August 9, 1974
Report on Information Systems Requirements for Central Adm. as of May 10, 1974
V. P. Adm. Affairs-Properties, [1974]
O'C-Re Budget Estimates, Fiscal Planning, May 2, 1974
New Position-O'C. Asst. Attorney General for University, Grade 19-Eft. July 1, 1974
Budget-Comptroller's Instructions-Fiscal Year 1974 Closing, May 1974
Re Donnell Bldg. Co. & Land in Baltimore..., 1974
1976-Capital Budget Process-1976 & 5 Year Requests, April, 1974
Action on D/HEW 1974 Compliance Report-Dec. 15, 1974 (To Chancellors-CEES...,
March, 1974
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 317 (cont’d)
O'C. (cont’d)
Re Jan. 29, 1974 Request-Snyder Hargreaves-Md. Council Guidelines on Budgeting,
March 6, 1974
O'Connell-Re Authorization of Fisher as Custodian of Securities, Etc., May 30, 1974
Re Comp. of Treas.-Overhead Recoveries-$252,599.88, Feb. 12, 1974
Re Dept. of Bud. & Fiscal Plan. St. Owned Auto. Replacement Policy Fleet Mgt., Dec. 6,
Lease for Renewal of 4928 College Avenue from Dorsey (Lease Sent to O'C)...., 1974
Re Md. Dept. of Transportation Highway Safety Projects-Uni. of Md., October 1974
Md. St. Employees Council-AFSCME AFL-CIO-Oct. 3, 1974 Letters & O'C Replies..., 1974
Re Report Nat. Ass. of Colleges & Bus. Officers-Improved Grant-Contract Relations...,
September 1974
Re St. Public Bldg. for Adapting-Handicapped-May, June & September 1974
V. P. for Gen. Adm...., 1973
O'C-Apt. Legislative Network Representatives for NASULGC from University, August 1973
Fed. Liason Rep. on Assoc. of Am. Universities, April 3, 1973
Fed. Liason Rep. on Am. Council on Education, April 3, 1973
As Trustee to Greater Washington Ed. TV for 1973-1974, March 1973
To Police Training Comm. Dept. of Public Safety & Correctional Services..., 1973
O'C. Safety & Health Representative for Dept. of Licensing & Regulation, June 29 1973
July 31 and August 1, 1973-Hearings Sen. Finance-State Personnel Matters, [1973]
Approval of University's Budget for Fiscal 1975 by Gov., December 17, 1973
Budget-Dept. of Fiscal Servs. Mr. Ray Dearborn to Handle Uni. Budget..., Sept. 28, 1973
Budget-Federal Funding of State Programs, Barnes Ltr. of Jan. 22, 1973 & Reply of Feb.
1, 1973
Budget-Fisher's Ltr. of September 14, 1973-Non Budgeted Funds-Overdraft, [1973]
Budget-Gov. Ltr. of August 20, 1973 Report to Barnes on Positions Budgeted & Non Budgeted
as of July 1, 1973
Hargreaves' Ltr. Re Format of Uni. Budget & Elkins Reply, May 17, May 23, 1973
Cissel's Ltr. Re Cash Balance for Funded Construction Programs, Fiscal 1974, March 1,
O'Connell-Directives from Budget & Fiscal Planning, 1973-1974
O.C. Appropriations Authorized by S. B. 333, Amended, St. Planning, May 1973
BOX 318
O'C Legislative Action on 74 Budget-Fiscal Serv., April 10, 1973
Capital Budget for 1973-1974-Capital Budget-All Areas, Ltr. to Wahbe-St. Plan., March 2, 1973
Budget-Non-Classified Positions with Flat-Rate of Per Diem Compensation, Fisher's Ltr., March
7, 1973
Capital Budget-College Park, Bishop's Ltr. of May 24, 1973
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 318 (cont’d)
O'C (cont’d)
1974-1975 Asking Budget Increases College Park Campus, Bishop's Ltr. of August 17,
Budget C. P.-Re Recommended Salaries Over 10%, June 1, 1973
University College-Increase in Rate for Faculty Lecturers-1 Course..., May 24, 1973
C. P. Capital Budget Request O'Connell's Ltr. to Elkins, May 24, 1973
O'Connell-Final Cuts for University Gov. Budget, April 12, 1973
Salaries-Teaching Asst. Stipends for 1973-1974-Graduate School, [1973]
1974-1975 Asking Budget Discussed at Budget Meeting of May 3, 1973
O'Connell-Coordinating 1975 Capital Budget & 5-Year Capital Program (Submit by July 2,
O. C. Budget 1974-Re Summer Sch. Piano Festival for Summer 1974, 1973
O'Connell-University Affairs-Gen. File, [1973]
Nov. 13 at 10 a.m. Com. on Appropriations on System of Awarding Architect & Consulting Eng.
Contracts, O'C., [1973]
Re Sending List of Architects to Comptroller Goldstein, Oct. 1973
Dept. of St. Planning-Dec. 7, 1973 St. General Obligation Bonds for 1974 Legislation...,
Re Senate Fin. Com. Request for St. Public Information Activities at Uni.-Ret. on
October 25, 1973
Representative in Disposal of Surplus Fed. Property in State Dept. of St. Planning,
October 1973
Auto Mechanics Program (C. P.), Dept. of Public Safety & Correct. Services, [1973]
Gov. Directive of August 10, 1973
Gov. Directive of August 10, 1973, Early Receipt of Legislation-Not to be Considered
After, November 15, 1973
Budget & Fiscal Planning-Meeting on Campus with O'C on, May 21, 1973
O'C.-Gov. Commission on Law Enforcement Needs, July 24, 1973, Discussed, July 27, 1973
Re Employment Practices Directive from Budget & Fiscal Plan., July 9, 1973
Re SREB Agreement for 5 Spaces in Southern College of Optometry, June 1973
O.C.-Re Md. Academic Library Center for Automated Processing, Hold, August 1973
4. Steinberg's Request on H.B. 242, Holding, Aug. 13-Discussed with O'C., [1973]
Student Union Food Service, Internal Audit, July-August 1973, 1973-1974
Construction-College Park, 1973-1974
O'Connell-Re Western P. G. County Transportation Alternatives Study (Re Bishop)..., June 1973
O. C.-Gen. Services-Reversion of $53.10 to Equipment for Computer Science Center, April 1973
V. P. Gen. Adm.-March 1973 Copy of Maryland (With Elkin's Note to O'Connell), 1973
Retirement System Proposals O'C. (Being Discussed), 1973
O'Connell-Ltrs. to Chancellors RE Racial-Ethnic Census of All Students, May 1972-1973
O.C.-SREB Position Statement on Civil Rights Requirements, July 24, 1973
O'C-UMES-RE Budget & Salaries
Re Salary of the Chancellor UMES, 1973-1974
Request for Increases Above Thru, July 1973
O'Connell-Budget Cuts at UMES Classified Positions, May, June & July, 1973
Proposed Budget for Fiscal 1975, (July 2, 1973), [1973]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 318 (cont’d)
O'C-UMES-RE Budget & Salaries (cont’d)
June 19-8:45 a.m. (O'Connell) UMES 1974-1975 Budget Request, [1973]
Fin. & Bus.-Director..., 1969
Finance and Business, University Hills Occupancy, Reports, 1969
Fin. & Bus.-Audit Control No. 00154-03-Ed. Opp. Grants Program, HEW, 1969
Fin. & Busines-Audit Report from Region III, Dept. of HEW-On Grants & Contracts for Fiscal
June 30, 1966 & 1967..., 1969
F & B-Re: Audit Control Report on Health, Ed. & Welfare-Grants and Contracts..., March 19,
Fin. & Bus.
Blotner, Richard L. (Refund in Amt. of $96.00), November 1969
Bonds-Revenue of 1953, Report Thru June 30, 1969 Dorms-Frat, Stu. Union Act., Bldg.,
Report on Cash Recvd. from Trustees of Endowment Fund, As of June 30, 1969..., 19691970
Lord Calvert Apartments-Rental Raise-Married Graduate Students, June 1969, Sept.
Re Indirect Cost Rate Proposal-Grant Programs Administer by USDA (Consumer &
Mark. Serv., 1969), [1969]
Re Operation of Pro Shop Athletics-Golf As of December 31, 1969...., 1969
Frye-Martin's Proposal-All Housing in Student Life Office...., October 1968
Audit Report (Arthur Young & Co.) on Balt. Student Union, Year Ended, July 30, 1968,
Boston Fund-1968 Study of College & Uni. Endowment Funds, April 1, 1969
Questionnaire from Comp. Gen., Gen. Accounting Off., February 22, 1969
Finance & Business-Analysis of Faculty Retirement Systems-1966 State Universities & Col. of
Arizona, [1966]
Fin. & Bus.-Comptroller-C. P., 1969
Comptroller-Auditor's Report-Uni. College-Far East-Fiscal Years 1968-and 1969-(See Uni.
College), [1969]
Fin. & Bus.
Comptroller-C. P. Annual Report to US Office of Ed. on Land-Grant Funds..., June 30,
Balt. Comptroller-1969, Nat'l Inst. of Health Audit Control, No. 90240-03-Howard
Hall..., 1969
Baltimore, June 1, 1969-V. Wayne Kennedy, Asst. Dean for Fiscal Affairs, [1969]
Wayne Kennedy, Assistant Dean for Fiscal Affairs, 1969
Fin. & Bus.-Purchasing..., 1969
F. & B. Grants Office-Goldberg..., 1974-1975 (2f)
Grants Office-Goldberg, 1973
Fin. & Bus., Goldberg's Files, [1968]
F & B-Contracts-Defense Supply Agn. Re Standard Practice Procedure in Civil Disturbance,
June-July, 1969
Fin. & Bus.-Goldberg's Files-Technician Training Program-Withdrawn (Ind. Ed. & Physics, Aug.
Fin. & Bus. Contracts-C. P. Milton Goldberg-Asst. Comptroller-Contracts & Grants, June 1 1969
Fin. & Bus.-Goldberg-HEW Social & Rehab. Award Rd-2040-G-69-C-3 to Indust. Ed., June
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 318 (cont’d)
Finance & Bus.-Kennedy-Apr. 1, 1969, Applications Filed by C. P. and UMBC for Library
Grants....., 1969
V. P. Academic Affairs...., 1975
A Report on Chairmanships-C. P. Campus, November 5, 1975
Salaries of Chairmen & Professors-Faculty on C. P. Campus, 1975, (November 1975),
Re Assc. of Am. Universities for Enrollment Trends, October 14, 1975
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission-Re EEO-6-Survey Staff, August 1975-July
Re New Faculty Agreement (Ad. Council Item), 1975, Copies & Correspondence, [1975]
Projected Fall Undergraduate Enrollments, 1975-1990...(to All Campuses), March 19,
Ltr. to Rosenblum on UMES-SSC Med. Technology Program, June 1975
Re Howard P. Rawlings' Ltr. to Office-Civil Rights, Feb. 9, 1975, 1975
Re Robert P. Hanrahan-Deputy Asst. Sec. for Ed. (Exchange of Information), March
BOX 319
V. P. Academic Affairs..., 1974
Re Uni. of Colorado Study on Teaching Load (Faculty)... Sent to Faculty Work Load
Com., 1973-1974
Salaries of Deans (Summer of 1974), [1974]
Hornbake's Notes on Revised Plan of Organization-(Senate)-Adopted, May 7, 1973 ...Elkins
Ltr..., Jan. 10 1974
Faculty Contract for University-See Adm. Council, January 1974
Am. Council on Ed. Meetings on Urban Involvement in Higher Ed. for 1974
Credit by Examination...1974-1975
Am. Assn. of Uni. Prof. Survey-Academic Year 1974-1975, (September 24, 1974),
Hornbake's Statement on H. B. 830 in February 27, 1974, [1974]
Re Baratz's Question on Tuition-Remission Policy, February 1974
Regional Planning (Balt.) Campuses-UMAB; UMBC; & UMCP..., 1974
Re Paer's Ltr. of Aug. 29, 1974, Study of Institutions in Balt.-Metrop. Maryland, [1974]
Hohenstein-Re MCHE-Innovations in Md. Higher Education, Sept. 1974
Re St. Dept. of Health & Mental Hygiene-Credentialing, August 1974
Re Request Hall of Records-Retention & Disposition Schedule for Uni. of Md., 1974
Off. of Ed.-Re Institutional Development, July 1974
Re University College Request for Official Ruling on Definition of an Adult..., 1974
Re Academic Media, 1974-1975 Listing in Yearbook of Higher Ed., June 1974-1975
RE US Dept. of Labor-Institutional Grants-Training of Specialists in Manpower,
February 19, 1974
Re SERB-Sharing of Uncommon Degree Programs, October 1972
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 319 (cont’d)
Hornbake (cont’d)
Nat'l Ed. Assn. Biennial Survey-Due Jan. 10, 1974
Re National Beta Club Questionnaire-College Facts for 1974-1975
Re Tony Provine's Ltr. to Tydings on Adm. of UMCP Library System, July-August 1974
V. P. Academic Affairs...Gen., 1973
Hornbake-Re C. P., UMBC & UMES Campuses-Precocious 7th & 8th Graders.., December 1973
& 1974
Hornbake's Notes on Feb. 2, 1973 Meeting of Md. Council for Higher Education..., Feb. 5, 1973
Opinion of Attorney Gen. on New Ed. Programs & Greater Uni. of Baltimore..., July
Ans. to St. Council of Higher Ed. for Va.-Re Uni. Courses in Va., July 1973
Dr. Hornbake's Notes on Alison G. Olson..., July 1973
Questionnaires to Dr. Hornbake, May 8, 1973
Memo to Kuhn, May 4, 1973, Blacks in Prof. Schools, [1973]
Re National Cancer Inst., 1973
Hornbake's Notes on Md. Classified Employee's Assoc. Meeting on Feb. 8, 1973
Materials for Maryland Manual, Ans. July 27, 1973
Re Case's Letter about Peabody Institute Books & Enoch Pratt Free Library-Callard...,
Granville Clark Prize...., Dec. 1973
Public Aid to Private Higher Ed., Nov. 1, 1973 to Md. Assn. for Higher Ed..., 1973
Statement on U. of Md. Computer Science Center-Example of State Resource...,
March 15, 1973
Re Ford Foundation-Competition-Research-Academic Year, 1973-1974
World Studies Data Bank-1973-(Academy for Ed. Dev. with Am. Council on Education),
Re Am. Assn. of Uni. Prof. Survey Academic Salaries, Etc.-Year 1973-1974 [Sept., 17,
Notes on College Park Enrollment, November 26, 1973
Nat'l Sci. Foundation-Institutional Grants for Science, 1973
Adv. Institutional Development Program, September 1973
Nat. Sci. Found.-Biennial Survey of Scientific Activities & Prof. Sch. (Report by
October 31, 1972 & January 1973)
V. P. Academic Affairs-Re Nat'l. Sci. Survey of Scientific Activities of Institutions of Higher
Ed., 1971 Quest., [1970]
V. P. Academic Affairs-Re Nat'l Sc. Found. Survey of Sci. Activities-Hohenstein Coord. for C.
P...., 1969
V. P. Acad. Affairs-Re National Sci. Found. Institutional Grants for Sci. for 1969-Closing Date,
June 30, 1969
Nat. Sci. Found.-Inst. Grants for Science 1972-Cent. Adm. & Each Campus Applying, August &
Sept., 1972
Hornbake-Nat'l Sci. Foundation, 1971-Institutional Grant-To be Used on All Campuses, [1971]
V. P. Academic Affairs-Nat. Sci. Foundation Institutional Grants for Science, Deadline June 30,
Re Am. Council on Ed. Academic Adm. Internship Program...., Sept., 1973
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 319 (cont’d)
Hornbake-Md. Academic Library Center for Automated Processing, July 1973-Hold for Report,
Hornbake's Notes on Md. Council Action on Afro-Am. Studies, Social Work in Com. Planning &
Music, January 5, 1973
Hornbake-Re Enrollment of Blacks-Full Time Undergrad, Fall 1970 & Fall 1972-Not Sent to
Board..., 1973
V. P. Academic Affairs-Gen...., 1972
Re Ltr. from Karl-Heintz Szekielda, Uni. of Delaware, Spacecraft, Oceanography, 19721973
Student & Credit Transfer Among Public Higher Ed. Institutions in Maryland, Nov. 8 &
June 1972
V. P. Academic Affairs-Re Middle Sts. Annual Institutional Data, Deadline, October 15, 1972
Sept. 11, 1972-Am. Assn. of Uni. Prof.-Annual Survey-Faculty Salary & Fringe Benefits
for, 1972-1973
Re Am. Council on Ed. 1973-1974 Academic Adm. Internship, Program, AAIP, [1972]
Academic Affairs-Dr. Hornbake's Memo of September 11, 1972 on Maryland Council &
University, [1972]
Re Fish & Wildlife Ad. Re Qualifying Exam., July 1972 Board Action of June 23, 1972,
April 28, 1972-US Gen. Accounting Office-Survey, [1972]
Re Am. Council on Ed. Internship Program for 1972-1973
V. P.
Academic Affairs-Questionnaires from Carnegie Comm. on Higher Education, 19711972
Acad. Affairs-Inst. Research Re Higher Ed. Gen. In Survey from Md. Council..., May
Re Governor's Commission on Dyslexia...., Feb. 1972
HEW Compliance Report-(Sample Copy)..., Feb. 1972
Re: Adult & Continuing Education, U. of M. Dec. 28-to Chanc. & V. P., 1972
V. P. for Academic Affairs..., 1971
Hornbake-Ltrs. to Bishop on Grad. Teaching Assistants & Instructional Act. of Uni. College,
July 23, 1971
V. P. Academic Affairs-Hornbake's Comments on UMBC Proposals in Mang. Economics &
Urban Studies, [1971]
Hornbake's Notes on Faculty Salaries Specific Ref. to Salary Asked for Stannett, March 2, 1971
Re Mount Saint Agnes Library & Possible Use by UMES, April 1971
Hospital Room P. G. Hospital, undated
Higher Education Compact Feasibility Study-Telephone Call, May 1971
V. P. for Acad. Affairs-Hornbake's Memo on Model Legislation for Residency (See Admissions),
Md. Council-Study with Scientific Management System on Space, Etc., July 1971
Projections for Univ. Enrollment, July 1 Ltr. to Md. Council for Higher Ed...., 1971
Hornbake's Comment on Emeriti Status-Blough, Schindler, Stant, Parsons, Hamilton, June 1971
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 319 (cont’d)
Reinstatement Policy for Each Campus, 1971
Notes on Murphy's Charter for Uni.-Wide Urban Studies Council & C. P. Urban
Assembly, Nov. 1971
Hornbake's Notes on Afro-Am. Studies Program-Reception on Dec. 15, 1971
Re Plans of Md. Council for Higher Education for Growth & Development, 1971-1972
Md. Council-Students Graduated by Area-Survey, December 9, 1971
V. P. for Academic Affairs
Re St. Dept. of Ed. Evaluation of Teachers Ed. Programs, Jan. 1971
St. Dept. of Ed. & NEA Faculty Salary Study for 1970-1971....., 1971
Calendars, [1971]
Waiver of Fees-With State Colleges, 1970-1971
Re Md. Council for Higher Ed.-Patterns of Acad. Success Study, Feb. 1971
V. P.
For Academic Affairs Re Am. Assn. of Uni. Professors-Survey on Salary and Fringe
Benefits, Academic Year 1970-1971
Academic Affairs-Re Am. Council on Education-Internship Program for 1971-1972,
8. Apt. of R. Lee Hornbake to Membership on Md. Council for Higher Ed. Aprd. Bd., March 19,
V. P.
Acad. Afrs.-Hornbake Apt. to Articulation Com. of Md. Council for Higher Ed., 1971
Academic Affairs-Hornbake as Uni. Representative-Washington Center for Metropolitan
Studies, 1971
Procedures for Effecting Academic Appointments (Ad. Proc. No. 1) (Revised-March, 12, 1971),
Hornbake-College of Education-Grade Point Average in Teacher Education, 1971
V. P.
Academic Affairs-Notes on Grade Point Average in Teaching Education, September
Eyler's Ltr. on Requirement for Admission to Teacher Education..., 1968
BOX 320
V. P. Academ. Affairs
Rep. to Maryland Association for Higher Education, 1970-1971
Re American Council on Education Internship Program for 1970-1971, [1969]
Re US Off. of Ed. Manual Taxonomy of Academic Disciplines, July 1969-1970
Re Md. Council for Higher Education Request for Priority of 6 Programs, 1969-1970
Hornbake-Re D. C. Public Schools, Dr. Kenneth B. Clark Plan-Metro Applied Research Cen.,
Aug., 1970
V. P. Academic Affairs-Feb. 23, 1970 Percentage of Negro High School Graduates in
Maryland..., 1970
1970 College Park Calendar, [1969]
Hornbake-Fee Remissions Graduate Student-Ray E. Spaulding, August 1970
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 320 (cont’d)
V. P. for Academic Affairs
1970 Corbin, Collette E.-Withdrawl & Payment of Teacher Tuition, [1970]
Enrollment Figures-Given to Dr. E. Changed as Rept. to Board on September 25, 1970
Re N. Y. City Urban Fellowship Program for 1970-1971, [1969-1970]
July 1970-Re St. Dept of Ed. Reciprocity in Teacher Certification-All States, [1970]
1970-1971 Md. Academy of Sciences-Outstanding Young Scientist of Year, [1970]
Am. Forum for International Study..., 1970
1969-1970-Survey Fed. Funding Research & Education Support Patterns-Hohenstein
1970-1971, [1970]
Compensation Survey for Academic Year of 1969-1970 (Am. Assn. of Uni. Prof.)....,
Secretariat of Faculty Senate (Creation), 1969-1970
Ans. to Ltr. from Neal, Afro-Am. Soc. Wake Forest Univ. Feb., 1970
Re Civil Service Commission's Summer Intern Program..., Jan. 1970
1970-1971 Academic Calendar, [1970-1971]
General Education Program Appointments, Promotions, Etc...., 1970
V. P. Academic Affairs-General Education Program-July 1, 1968, Dr. Melvin Bernstein, [1968]
General Education-Modification of Gen. Ed. Requirements in History (Appr. by Board-March
21, 1969), [1969]
Vice President for Academic Affairs, 1969
V. P. Academic Affairs
Re Honors Program...1968-1969, Increase in Grants (A & S), [1968]
Re Request of Academy for Ed. Devel.-Joint Consortium in DC, 1968
Re Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars..., 1969
Status of Academic Programs & Degrees Appvd. by Fac. Senate, Oct. 29, 1968, 1969
Programs Approved by Board, 1969
Case of ……………… & Lack of Credentials for Graduation..., June 1969
Re Prof. Educational Needs of Balt. City Public Schools..., 1969
Ref: Mrs. Marilyn Abrams (Nee Mondace), Remission of Teacher Fees, 1969
1969 Outstanding Young Scientist (Dr. Hohenstein Coordinating), [1969]
From Compt. Re Lab. Inspection of Motor Fuels-Uni. Make Chemical Analyses, June
Revised List of Possible Evaluators, June 1969
Appt. of Dr. Lejins as Director-Institute of Criminology Effect., September 1, 1969
Copies of Letters from Delegate Frederick C. Rummage-1969-Re Teachers, [1969]
(Hohenstein) SCOPE -California, Uni. of Berkley..., 1969-1970
Re Academic Calendar-to C. P. Deans & V. Presidents, Feb. 1969
Hornbake's Ltr. to Asst. Attn. Gen. Greenfeld, Sept. 5, 1969
NASULGC-List of Branch Campuses, Etc. at NASULGC Institutions, July 1969
Re Md. St. Dept. of Education Request of May 13, 1969, [1969]
Material Re Student Teachers & College of Education..., 1969
Followup on Policies Brought out by Ltr. From Wm. E. Kramer Re Michael K., Oct.
Academic Affairs-Recommendation for Dr. Walter V. Hohenstein, 1969
Vice President for Academic Affairs, Urban Studies, Washington Center for Met. Studies, 1969
V. P. Academic Affairs
Re Use of Unrestricted Funds-Apprv. by Bd. on September 26, 1969, [1969]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 320 (cont’d)
V.P. Academic Affairs (cont’d)
Re Cardozier Ltr. on Cost of New Programs & Review...., Sept. 1969
Re Ltr. from Garrett County Supt. of Schools to Vanderslice, Dec. 15, 1969
Statements on Cooperative Library Arrangements...., 1969
Re Academic Calendars Notes, August 16, 1968
Undergraduate Admission Standards for Sept. 1969, Dr. Hornbake's Statement, Nov. 22,
1968 Review of Room Deposit Fees-Case of Wilhelm M. Rugemer, [1968]
Re Request for Dept. of Biology at Md. State College..., 1968
Case of Ronald E. Shoupe..., November 18, 1968
Appts. & Promotions 1969, [1969]
Appointments-Reported to Board on July 15, 1969
Articulation Comm. of Md. Council for Higher Ed., 1969-1970
Institutional Research, 1970-1974
V. P. Academic Affairs
Inst. Research Overview of Colloquy Day on C. P., April 29, 1970, [1970]
Insti. Research-Gen. Inform. Survey-US Off. of Ed. Md. Adv. Council, 1969-1979
Institutional Research, 1969
Inst. Research Academic Action-Fall Semester, 1968-1969
Institutional Research-Academic Actions-Spring Semester 1968-1969, [Aug. 4, 1969]
4. Reciprocity of Tuition Fees, [1968]
Ch. Comm. to Study A & S Adm. Design & Struct., 1968
Hornbake-VA Standards (Request from Md. St. Dept. of Education, 1976)
Hornbake's Ltr. of Dec. 30, 1976 to MCHE on Urban Studies, Hold in Files..., 1976
Desegregation Plan from MCHE..., February 1976
Re Nat'l Council for Accreditation of Teacher Ed. Changes, Ans. by July 1976, [1976]
Chapter II of MCHE Annual Report-Status of Md. Higher Education..., 1976
Black Enrollment (For Reference), February 1976
Re MCHE-Developing Common Standards for Higher Ed., Jan. 30 1976 Reply, [1976]
Grad. Studies & Research..., 1972
Grad. Studies (Adv.) Minutes, 1972-1973
V. P. Grad. Stu. & Research..., 1971-1972
Feb. 8, 1972, Dr. Pelczar-Materials, [1972]
BOX 321
Graduate Education in Uni. of Md. System (Hold), Mar., & Apr., 1972
Pres. Comm. for Grad. Study & Res.--Elkins' Request to Chanc. for Comment on Rpt. "Grad.
Educ. at the U. of M.," 1972
Adv. Com. for Graduate Studies, April 20, 1972 Chancellor's Statement on C. P. Graduate
School, [1972]
Graduate Ed. at Uni. of Md.-(Approved by Board November 17, 1972), [1972]
Grad. Studies & Research..., 1971
Grad. Studies & Research-Misc., 1971
Graduate Council Minutes, 1971
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 321 (cont’d)
Research-V. P...., 1971
Grad. Sch.-Materials Research-Gen., [1971]
Adv. Com. for Graduate Studies-Materials for Discussion-Dated, December 8, 1971
V. P. Graduate Studies-Annual Report of the Graduate School, 1970-1971
Grad. Studies-Survey-Re Summer Research Apts. of 9-Month Academic Staff at St. Uni., August
Graduate School-Distribution to Campuses of Funds Used for Graduate Studies & Research,
June 23, 1971
Pelczar-Re Charging of Faculty Salaries to Fed. Grants & Contracts, 1971-1972
Grad. School-Election to Graduate Faculty..., April Form Ltrs., 1971
Grad. Sch.-Dr. Pelczar to Coordinate NIH/NIMH Study for HEW, April 1971
Graduate School-Organization, Function, Etc., 1971
Grad Sch.-Meeting with College Pres. Re Coop. Grad Education, Feb. 1, 1971
Graduate Studies
..., 1979
Misc., 1970
Research, 1970
Graduate School-Recommendation of Dean for Graduate Studies & Research, October 1970
Grad. Sch.
Dr. David S. Sparks Apt. Assoc. Dean for Humanities & Social Sciences-Eff., Jan. 16
Research-Re: NASA Earth Orbital Space Station, Representatives, Aug., 1970
Grad.-Research-Interdisciplinary Research Relevant to Problems of Our Society-Nat. Sci.
Found., 1970
Grad. Sch.-Research-Biomedical Sciences Support Grant for 1970 (Committee Members), Jan.,
V. P.-Research-Nat'l Sci. Foundation-Questionnaire-Impact of Changes in Fed. Funding-Return
by June 30, 1969, [1969]
Grad. Studies & Research-Questionnaire on Environmental Science Centers, (March 1969)
Graduate School
Gen. Research Bd. Awards for Academic Year 1967-1968, [1968]
General Research Board-Report on Applications & Awards for Year 1968-1969..., 1969
Research-Location & Relationship of Office of Contracts & Grants..., 1968-1969
Grad. School-Research-Guidelines-Applications & Sponsored Projects, September 1968
Research-Cost-Sharing on Research Projects-National Science Foundation, 1970-1971
V. P. for Research-Re Limitation of Expenditures from National Sci. Found. for Fiscal Year
1969, 1968-1969
Graduate School-Doctor of Arts Degree 1970 & Progress Report, 1971
Re. Am. Council on Ed.-1969 Survey of Grad Education (See Am. Council-Nov. 1970), [1970]
Graduate School-Changes in Doctoral Degree Requirements, January 20, 1970
[Rhode River Estuary, Volume I & II, 1971]
Graduate School-Graduate Judicial System & Code of Conduct, September 26, 1969
Grad. School-Ltrs. Re Summer Graduate Program's Extension to 8 Weeks...., 1969
Graduate School-Graduate Study Course Loads (Involvement), Aug., September of 1969
Graduate Council-General File, [1970]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 322
Graduate Council Minutes, 1969
Graduate School-Grad. Council May 20, 1969 Minutes of Meeting & Attachments,
Graduate Council Meeting of July 23, 1969
Graduate School-Appts. to Grad. Faculty-1969-1970, 1969
V. P. for Graduate Studies & Research Directives..., 1969
Grad. School-Graduate Council
Members, 1968-1969
Standing Committees, 1968-1969
Re: Graduate Judicial System-Proposal Carried in May 22, 1968 Meeting..., 1968
Science Development Program at the University of Maryland, July 1969
Grad. Sch.-Comm. on Grad. Student Life, [1968]
Graduate Council-Comm. on Graduate Student Involvement-Report, November 1969, (Nov. 14),
Graduate School
Graduate Faculty Assembly-Thursday, April 17, 1969
Nov. 1, 1968 Grad. School Conf. on Grad. Ed. for Teachers..., 1968
Grad. Studies & Res. General Res. Board, [1970]
Graduate Studies-Research-Committee on Science Center, Cosmos Club, 1967-1968
Grad. Sch.
Rpt. on Conference on Pre Doctoral Ed. in the U. S.-Nat'l Resources Council..., August
24-27, 1969
NSF Sci. Dev. Prog. Appts., 1967
Graduate School-Jan. 18, 1968 Ltr. from Pelczar on Salaries for Science Development Program,
Nov. 26 (Tues.), Lunch & Tour National Bureau of Standards with Dr. Pelczar, 1968
Grad. Sch.-Advanced Materials Res. Memo of Understanding-Uni. & Nat'l Bureau of Standards,
August 19, 1968
Grad. School-Adv. Materials Res. Memo of Understanding-Uni. & Naval Res. Lab., August 20
Dr. Pelczar-9:00 a.m., July 12, [1968]
Grad. Sch. Research Material Science Agreement-Nat'l Bureau of Standards & Uni..., February
May 2 and 3 (Mond. & Tues.) NSC Review of Science Dev. Proposal, 1966-1967
June 23 (Friday)-Dr. Denzell Smith-Nat'l Sci. Foundation, 9:30 a.m., [1967]
Research-National Science Development Program, 1967-1968, [1967]
Graduate School Research-Appts. for 1967 Center of Excellence, [1967]
Grad. Sch.-Nat'l Sc. Found. Sci. Dev. Apt. Dr. W. S. Benedict as Prof. in Insti. of Molecular
Physics, [1967]
I. M. Moulthrop-LSSS RE Studies with Infectious Bursal Agent, June 1966-1970
Research Corp. Annual Report-Patent Assistance Agreement, 1968-1969
Policy-Dec. 1968, Re New Institutional Patent Agreement, 1969
Dr. Jose E. Paris-Med. Sch. Under PHS Research Grant CA-6518, October 1968
Dr. Dick Duffey, Chem. Eng. Nuclear Spectroscopy to Identify Elements in Pres..., 19671968
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 322 (cont’d)
Doorenbos & Kenneth Kerridge, 1963
Re Ltr. to Attorneys from Dr. J. Paxon Marshall March 13, 1967, 1967-1968
Smith, Kline & French Co. Chemical Agent-Dr. Frank M. Hetrick-Microbiology, October
Natural Resources, Dr. Van Flygen, [1964]
Nat. Aeronautics & Space Adm. Re Property Rights in Inventions NSR 21-002-077...,
July 1966
Dr. McCrumb, Measles Vaccine, [1966]
Chemistry-Ronald Ace-Metallic Vapor Arc Lamp, 1965-1966
Prof. Joseph W. Weidel-Dept. of Geography-BPA, 1965
Mechanical Eng., Richard L. Elkins....Invention, 1965
Dr. Hansens, 1964
Dr. Krantz-Indoklon, [1964]
Policy Re Prof. Weber's Findings, Gravitational Wave Detector Physics, 1964
Dr. Shangraw, 1964
Re: Seafood Processing Laboratory-Baruch Rosen, 1964
Policy-Personnel's Directive to Deans, Directors, & Dept. Heads, 1961
Dr. Estmond-To Research Corp, July 1963
Dr. Wm. Benesch-Inst. Invention, 1962
Bessman, S. P. Biochemistry-Pediatric Research, Medical School, [1963]
Horticulture-Dr. Amithud Kramer, Extrusion Cell, [1962]
Policy, Pharmacy-Smith, Kline & French Labs, 1961
Dr. Burgison-Med. Sch., Synthesis of Potential Anti-Cancer Agents, [1962]
Policy, Chemistry, Dept. of-Re Air Force, Contract 22 (616) 5063, [1962]
Device-by Prof. G. J. Burkhardt (Agri. Engineering), 1961
V. P. Grad. Studies & Research..., 1975
UMBC Master of Arts Degree in Community Clinical Psychology, [1973]
UMBC-Re: Master of Arts Degree in Community Clinical Psychology, to Pelczar for Pres. Adv.
Com., May 4, 1973
Pelczar-Re Am. Assoc. for Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care, 1974-1975..., 1972
V. P. Grad. Studies-Research-Level of Funding-Contracts & Grants, 1974-1975 & 1973-1974
(As of August 12, 1975), [1975]
Re Harry E. Thompson, President, Thompson Solar Homes, Inc..., Feb. 1975
AAU-AGS Institutions-Women Ph.D's, March 27, 1975
Re Nat' Sci. Foundation-Report on Sci. Development Grant, June 13, 1975
Re Assoc. of Am. Univ. Proposal to NSF-Future Research Role of Universities, May
Prf. Adv. Com...Federal Policy & Graduate Education, Oct. 8, 1975
Jan. 17, 1973-To Pelczar for Pres. Adv. Com. on Grad. Study UMBC, Grad. Program-Ph.D. Biol.
& M. S., [1973]
Pelczar-Graduate Studies & Research, 1974
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 323
Re Md. St. Dept. of Ed. Proposal on Training Teachers of Phy. Handicapped Children,
Dec. 1974
June 12, Ltr. on Clinical Psychology..., 1974
Re Ed. Comm. of States' Questionnaire on Grad. Ed. June 1974, [1974]
Contract with Md. Environmental Service & Uni., March 1974
Ltr. to Blair Lee-Re Energy Crisis-University's Assistance, January 1974
Universities Space Research Assn.-(Representing), 1974
U. S. Atomic Energy-Institute for Energy Analysis, December 20, 1973..., 1974
Re Md. Dept. of Transportation-Fed. Funds for Safety Programs, 1974
Statistical Profile of Graduate Education-Assoc. of Am. Universities, Oct. 16, 1974
P. Adv. on Grad. Studies..., 1974
Wed., June 5-Retirement Party, Margaret Geary, 1974
NASULGC-Annual Meeting-Pelczar's Notes..., Sept. 30-Oct. 1, 1974
NSF-Federally Funded R & D Centers..., May 7, 1973 & Oct. 4, 1974
Graduate Studies & Research, 1973
V. P. Grad. Studies & Research..., 1973
All Campuses Report of Graduate School, 1973-1974
Dr. of Philosophy in Exp. Biology-Health Sciences; M. S. in Exp. Biology-Health Sciences-M. S.
Biological & Medicinal Chemistry, [1975]
Detailed Supporting Document for the Proposals for Graduate Programs Leading to the
Award of the Degrees of..., June 8, 1973
Graduate Programs in Biological Sciences & Chemistry-UMBC-UMBA, [1973]
Urban Studies-Pres. Adv. Com. on Graduate Studies & Research-Baccalaureate & Master's
Degree, September, [1973]
Pres. Adv. Com. for Grad. Studies Removal of M. Social Work & MCP to Balt. Campus...,
(Kuhn's Ltr.) 1973
Pres. Adv. Com. for Grad. Studies-Re Policy State. on Adm. Procedures-Md. Residents Over
Non-Res., June 25, 1973
Pres. Adv. Council on Grad. Study-Ltrs. to Chancellors-To Respond-January 10, 1973 by April
1973, [1973]
Pres. Adv. Com. for Grad. Studies & Research-General File..., 1971
Pres. Adv. Com. Grad Studies-September 13, 1971-Trans. UMBC Program.-Grad. Programs,
Friday, Feb. 11-Discuss with Dr. Lee, [1972]
P. Ad. Com. for Grad. Studies...Gen., 1975
Dec. 20-Graduate Program in Applied Mathematics to Adv. Com. for Graduate Studies-C. P.
Campus, [1972]
Pelczar-Policy (Proposed) on Availability of Uni. Resources to Graduate Students, Sept. 13,
Oct. 23-Ed. Policies Graduate Education at Uni. of Md., 1972
Pelczar-The Energy Problem and Maryland, September 1973
Jan. 24-Apt. Dr. Gilbert W. Castellan as Associate Dean-Grad. Sch.-Effec., July 1, 1969
National Board on Graduate Education January 1973 (Pelczar)..., 1973
Report of the Graduate School 1973-1974-C. P., Balt., Balt. County, Eastern Shore-Uni. College,
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 323 (cont’d)
Graduate School Enrollment & Comparison-University, December 1973
Re Public Health Serv. Med. Sch. Grant with Dr. Sophia Balis, December 1973
Possible Adjustments-Early Retirement-Tenured Faculty-Survey, Nov. 26, 1973
Grad. Re Assessment of Quality in Ph.D. Programs-Questionnaire, August 1973
Graduate Studies-Publications Costs 1972-73 & Request for 1974-1975, [1973]
Re Ltrs. from Am. Nuclear Society.., 1973
Attendance at 5th International Conference on Sci. & Tech. July 1-19, 1973 Yugoslavia
& Greece, [1973]
Statement-Subcommittee on Labor, Health, Ed. & Welfare, Monday, May 21, 1973
Pres. Adv. Com.-University-Wide Org. on Grad. Applied Mathematics, Ref., June 1973
Pelczar-Biographical Data as of 1972, [1972]
Graduate Studies-Misc., 1969
Graduate School
Report on Doctoral Programs-for 1958-1967 (Received November 1969), [1969]
File on Complaint of Robert C. Mallalieu, 1969
Grad. School-Pelczar's Report on 1969 Workshop for Graduate Deans, 1969
BOX 324
Graduate School
Degrees Conferred-Academic Year 1968-1969, 1969
Resident Cases...(Carl L. Seidel-Records), [1969]
V. P. Grad. Studies & Research, Research-Signing of Thesis Applications..., 1967-1969
Graduate School Re Annapolis Div. of Graduate School, [1967-1968]
Grad Sch.-NSF Sci. Devel. Program-Re: Offer to Dr. Yozo Matshushima July 1968 (Hold in
Files), [1968]
Graduate Sch. Pelczar-Master's & Doctoral Levels, Graduate Studies, at Pentagon..., December
Graduate School Suggestion for V. P. Professional Schools in Balt., 1967-1968
Grad. Sch.-Dr. Kent Wilson, Assoc. Dean of Physical Sciences & Engineer. (Candidate for),
Graduate School
Graduate Enrollment Data, October Count, Comparison Since 1959-1960, undated
Organization, [1966]
Graduate Studies-Gen. File, 1969
Graduate School-Creative & Performing Arts Board, 1967-1968
Graduate Studies Research..., 1969
Patent Policy
Chemistry-Re Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., 1962
Committee-Ltrs. Re Patents, Etc., 1960
Comm., February, 1960 Meeting-Re: Dr. I. C. Haut's Patents, [1960]
Agreement Between Research Corporation & University, 1969
Matters 3. Proposed Agree & Research Corp. on Patent Policy, [1960]
Patent Policy
Committee, 1960
Correspondence on-(Faculty Research Comm.), [1960]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 324 (cont’d)
Patent Policy (cont’d)
List of Deans, Directors and Administrative Officers Recv. Information, 1960
Ltr., Feb. 12, 1960 Transmitting Patent Policy To Deans, Directors & Administrative Officers,
Dr. N. G. D. Joardar-Research Project, 1963
Research, Patent Policy, 1954
Research Patent Policy, 1958
12. Other Matters c. Patent Policy of the University, [1958]
Research Patent Policy, [1955-1957] (3f)
V. P. Agri. Affairs & Leg. Relations, 1975
Re Faculty Workload by Delegate Pesci & U. S. Rep. Hodges to SREB, Aug. 28, 1975
Representative to NASULGC World Food Meeting-Cancelled-to Be Set Later..., Feb. 21,
Procedures Governing Agri. Research & Coop. Extension Programs-Faculty & Staff,
May 10, 1975
Re SREB Conf. on the Academic Community. Etc., May 19, 1975
Members of Advisory Com. to the Vice President-Established, Jan. 27, 1975
Case of Stephen W. Leslie (Farmer UM)-Ltr. J. Hugh Nichols..., January 1975
Coop. Agreement for Service of Dr. Allen Ingling-Signed, January 1975
Thursday, November 13 at 6:30 p.m. Eastern Shore Delegation, Tidewater Inn, 1975
Nov. 5 Balt. City Delegation 4 & 5:30 p.m. Final List, 1975
Nov. 5 & 4
5:30 p.m. Balt. City Delegation-Invitations & Responses, 1975
5:30 p.m. Lists, 1975
Oct. 29 at 6:30 p.m. P. G. County Delegation Dinner-Replies & Lists, 1975
Oct. 29-Delegation Dinner, Replies, undated
Oct. 29 (Wednesday) at 6:30 p. m. P. G. Delegation-Presidential Room Center, [1975]
Dec. 11, 1975-Balt. County Del. Dinner
Dec. 11-Balt. County Delegation Dinner at UMBC-LTRS to Delegations & Responses,
Ltrs. to Board & Responses, [1975]
At UMBC-Ltrs. to Administrators & Responses, [1975]
At UMBC-List..., 1975
V. P. Agri. Affairs & Leg. Relations, 1974
Bentz-Re: Ltrs. to Agronomy from Charles G. Wilson of Milwaukee Sewarage [Sewage] Comm.,
August 1974
Agri.-Re: Site Availability for Dept. of Public Safety at Sykesville Animal Research Center...,
Agri. Tit. V-Rural Devel. Act of 1972, [1973]
St. Rural Development Advisory Council-Members, October 30, 1973
Springfield Research Farm-Right-of-Way & Repair of Bridge, Bd. Aprv., June 21, 1974
Deed Transferring Salisbury Substation Prop. to St. of Md. Use of Agri. Dept.-Aprvd.,
June 12, 1974
Re St. Planning Guidelines for Areas of Critical State Concern, Sept. 1974
Case of George Fry's Daughter, Mrs. Clark, & Application, December 1974
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 324 (cont’d)
Bentz (cont’d)
Procedures Governing Agricultural Research & Cooperative Extension Programs..., Dec.
3, 1974
Bd. Action on Organization of Agricultural Activities, Sept. 20, 1974
St. Planning Dept.-Request for Approx. 10 Acres of Hopkins Farm for Nat'l Guard ArmoryApprv. Bd., Nov. 21, 1969
Agricultural Affairs-Purchase of Land at Wye Institute-O.K. August 15, 1972
V. P. Agri. Affairs-Purchase of Land from Wye Institute-Not Approv. by Bd. on Jan. 22, 1971
Agriculture-Re Relocation of Md. Route 100-Ltr. to Sec. of Transportation Hughes, August 2,
Agri.-Gifts-Scholarships, 1969-1970
Com. for Preservation of Agricultural Land in Maryland-7 Sub-Committee, September
Leg.-State Holidays (As Established by H. B. 189), 1974-1975
Monday, Nov. 5 at 6:30 p. m. P. G. Delegation Dinner & Meeting Presidential Rm., Center...,
Agri.-Coop. Extension Service..., 1975
Cooperative Ext. Service-Dr. Halord Smith-Acting Director Eft. July 1, 1975 Temporary, [1975]
Coop. Ext. Service-re Broadwater's Ltr. on Complaint of Marguerite Richards-An. June 13, 1975
Cooperative Extension Service-Retirement of Director, Dr. Robert E. Wagner as of July 1, 1975
Agri.-Extension Service, Apt. of Dr. Robt. E. Wagner, Nov. 1, 1967
Sat., May 24-Reception Dr. Robert Wagner 3-5, [1975]
Hold-Wed. Dec. 10-Extension Luncheon at 12 Noon-Hunt Valley, 1975
Extension Service-Re Request of Dan M. Riddle, Pres. Charles Cty. Cattle Assn...., Feb. 1975
Extension Service-Mr. Amos R. Meyer as Extension Associate Prof. Emeritus (June 4, 1975) Bd.
Apv. June 20, 1975, [1975]
Candidates-Director-Coop. Ext. Serv., 1975
3 p.m. Wed. Sept. 3-Dr. John L. Gerwig-Candidate for Director of Extension Service,
Thursday, August 14 at 9:30, Dr. Harold Smith-Cand. Ext. Direc., 1975
Tuesd. August 12 at 9:30 a.m. Dr. Kewis Dickson-Cand. Director-Cooperative Ext., 1975
Candidate-Director, Coop. Ext. Serv., Boone, Dr. Edgar-Recommended-but Withdrew,
June 1975
Friday, April 25 at 9:30 a.m. Dr. Edgar Boone, Cand. Director Coop. Ext. Service,
Director Search Committee, Black, Dr. Chester, [1975]
Tuesd., April 22 at 9:30 a.m. Dr. Eugene Williams-Cand. Director Cooper. Extension
Service, [1975]
Tuesday, April 24 at 10:30 a.m. Dr. Elywn Deal-Cand. Coop. Ext.Service, [1975]
Monday, April 28-9:15 a.m. Dr. Craig Oliver-Cand. Director, Coop. Ext. Service, [1975]
Director Search Committee, Du Vall, Dr. Tal 9:30 a.m. Wed. May 14, [1975]
BOX 325
Cooperative Extension Service-Director..., 1974
Wed., Dec. 11 at 12:30 p.m. Extension Conf. Hunt Valley Inn (Leave at 11:15 a.m.), 1974
June 21-3 p.m. Groundbreaking Patuxent 4-H Center, Leave About 2:15, 1974
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 325 (cont’d)
Extension of Coop. Agreement-Dept. of Interior (Bureau of Mines) & University, JuneJuly 1969
Extension Service-Cooperative Agreement with Bureau of Mines, June 1968, 1968-1969
Agricultural Experiment Station..., 1974
Ext. Service-Home Demonstration Agent Leader, 1973-1974
Ext. Home Economics-College Week for Women-June 5, 1974, Greet at 10:30 a.m....., 1974
March 14, 1974-Synopsis of 1974 Bills Affecting the University 1974, undated
Bentz-Re UMBC-Peace Officer Legislation-Dec. 1974 (To Be Looked Into)..., 1974
Legislation-fr. Chan. of C. P., Handgun Permit Law, 1974
1974 Legislative Bills
Bentz-Legislation-Change in Dental Law-Senior Dental Extern Program for 1974, [1974]
Bentz-Legislation-Sen. Fin. Com. Bills to Be Introduced & Intro. in 1973 (Ltr. of
Nov. 26, 1973)..., 1973-1974
Leg. Bills for 1974, undated
Bentz-Legislation-Summary of Bills Re Uni. Passed or Failed, May 2, 1974, [1974]
Legislation-Bills Signed by Governor on April 30, 1974
House Joint Resolution No. 16 (New Programs in Med. Sch. Training), Jan. 9, 1974-Briscoe,
House Joint Resolution No. 17 (Programs at Uni. of Md. Med. Sch. (Jan. 9, 1974-Briscoe),
Leg. 1974-Synopsis of Bills Affecting Uni.-Com. on Public & Govt. Rel. Discussed Jan. 18,
1974 & Jan. 25, [1974]
Bentz-1974 Legislation-Williams' Comments on H. B. 75; H. B. 47; H. B. 66; H. B. 112; H. B.
245; & H. B. 34, [1974]
1974 Leg.-From Day-Notes on Fac. Collective Bargaining Bills..., Jan. 23, 1974
H. B. No. 47 (Prefiled) by Rueben-Passed House-Died in Sen. Fin. Com. Re Public Employm.
Relations 1974, [1974]
H. B. No. 245 (Pre-Filed)-Jan. 9, 1974 Hargreaves-Merit System Laying off Employees, [1974]
H. B. No. 246-(Pre Filed) 1st read Jan. 9, 1974-Pensions St. Employees Deferred Compensation
Plan, [1974]
H. B. No. 305-(Doctor & Other) Jan. 5, 1974-Higher Ed. Employees-Optional Retirement
Systems, [1974]
H. B. No. 545-Jan. 21, 1974, Narcotic-Dispensing on Sch. Grounds, [1974]
H. B. No. 573-Public Inf. Availability of Public Records, January 21, 1974
Leg. 1974-H. B. 612 Re Veterans' Education Grant, Del. Dean, Jan. 24, 1974
Leg. House Bill No. 651, Noise Pollution Control Advisory Council, January 28, 1974
Wed. March 20 at 1 p.m. Hearing on H. B. 780-Law Enforcement Persn. Injury in Line of
Duty..., 1974
H. B. No. 786-Feb. 4, 1974 Fiscal Services Program Audits, Doublass [Douglass], [1974]
H. B. No. 812-February 6 Public Ed.-Services for Nonpublic School Children, [1974]
H. Bill No. 819-Hutchinson-Feb. 6, 1974, Public Records Inspection, [1974]
H. B. No. 820-Hutchinson State Scholarship Board-Membership, Feb. 6, 1974
H. B. No. 830-Pesci-Aid to Non-Public Insts. of Higher Ed., Feb. 6, 1974
H. B. No. 976-Feb. 15, 1974 Pub. Inf. Law Public Meetings, [1974]
Bentz-Legislation-Hearing July 10, House Bill 986-Dr. Elkins Reaction, July 6, 1974
H. B. No. 986, Feb. 18, 1974
H. B. No. 1043-Feb. 20, 1974, Douglas-Management Audits, Joint Budget & Audit Com., [1974]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 325 (cont’d)
H. B. No. 1059 Feb. 20, 1974, Higher Ed.-Aid to Nonpublic Institution (Briscoe), [1974]
H. B. No. 1141-Allen, Etc., Feb. 22, 1974
H. B. No. 1146-Feb. 25, 1974, Teachers' Retirement System-Leave of Absence, [1974]
H. B. No. 1169-Feb. 25, 1974, Institutional Ed.-Board & Programs Established (Hutchinson),
H. B. 1223-Feb. 27-Hopkins & Malone-Higher Ed.-Sn. Citizen Tuition & Registration Waiver
Program, [1974]
H. B. 1293-(Re Retirement Credit for Prior Teaching Service), To Fishbein..., 1974
H. B. No. 1326-March 1, 1974 Uni. of Maryland-Board of Regents-Del. Docter, [1974]
Legislation for 1974-Mont. Cty. Delegation-Re: All Meetings of Board be Open Ones...,
September 1973
H. B. No. 1364-March 1, 1974 Re-State Budget, [1974]
H. B. No. 1373-Pesci-Mar. 1, 1974, Re: Md. Council for Higher Education, [1974]
H. B. No. 1423-Mar. 4, 1974, Full St. Planning-Education & Social & Health Services, [1974]
H. B. No. 1476-Maurer-Mar. 4, 1974, Higher Ed.-State Share of Community College Costs,
H. B. No. 1638-March 4, 1974 Higher Education-Student Activities Fee, [1974]
H. B. No. 1705-Mar. 8, 1974, Creation of St. Debt.-Veterans' Educational Loan, [1974]
House Resolution No. 30, Univ. of Md. Tuition, January 30, 1974
Leg. 1974-House Joint Reso. No. 26 Article XV-Const. of U. S., [1974]
House Joint Resolution No. 44 Re Uni. of Md. Sch. of Law-Part- Time Students, Feb. 6, 1974
1974 Leg.-Pre-Filed Senate Bills 156, 157, 158 & 159 on Dentists & Dentistry, [1974]
1974-Leg.-Senate Bill 33 (Pre-Filed) Student Member of Board of Regents (Hoyer), [1974]
Senate Bill No. 265-Jan. 14, 1974, Morgan State College-Law School (by Dalton and Pine),
Leg.-Senate Bill No. 280 (p. 1,109-116) Re Budget-January 16, 1974, Dealing with U. of Md.,
S. Bill 281-General Construction Loan of 1974 1st Time, Jan. 16, 1974
Leg.-Senate Bill 439-Jan. 31, 1974 Higher Ed.-Md. Stu. Financial Asst. Program, [1974]
Senate Bill 486-St. Dept. of Leg. Ref. Div. of Constituent Services-Crawford, Feb. 1 1974
S. Bill No. 540, Feb. 7, 1974, Teachers Retirement System, Military Service Credit, [1974]
Senate Bill
No. 562-Feb. 11, 1974 Bishop-Lobbying with Appropriated Money, [1974]
No. 587 Uni. of Md.-Bd. of Regents-Open Meetings, Feb. 13, 1974
No. 674-Welcome Higher Education-Loan Programs, February 21, 1974
No. 668-Feb. 20, 1974-Higher Ed.-Aid to Nonpublic Institutions, [1974]
No. 668-Feb. 20, 1974 Higher Ed.-Aid to Non Public Institutions-by James, [1974]
No. 732-Welcome Feb. 26, 1974-St. Boards & Comm.-Expenses of Members, [1974]
No. 782-Snyder-March 1, 1974-Higher Ed., Comprehensive Liability Insurance, [1974]
No. 825-March 4, 1974-Public School Teachers-Tuition Free Courses, [1974]
Bentz-Re Gen. Assembly-S. B. 986 & Meeting on July 10, 1974-Cap. Projects-Non-Budgeted
Funds, [1974]
Senate Bill
No. 990-March 11, 1974, Baltimore County Community Colleges Bd. of Trustees,
Salaries, [1974]
No. 1059, Re Gen. Construction Loans of 1970, 1972 and 1973..., April 22, 1974
Senate Joint Resolution No. 29, Feb. 12, 1974-St. Employees-Cost of Living Increases, [1974]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 325 (cont’d)
Senate Joint Resolution No. 33 Feb. 26, 1974-McGuirk, etc., Solar Energy-Md. Acad. of
Sciences, [1974]
Senate Resolution
No. 37-Feb. 5, 1974-Tom McMillen, Rhodes Scholar, [1974]
No. 47-Welcome, February 14, 1974-Education Maryland History, [1974]
No. 64-Steinberg, February 21, 1974-Revenue Sharing, [1974]
No. 65-Steers February 22, 1974-Md. Council on Higher Education, [1974]
Senate Joint Resolution No. 42, March 4, 1974, Special Committee on Energy, [1974]
Bentz-Jan. 4, 1974-Materials on Legislators' Day, Sept. 29, 1973, Discussed with Dr. E., [1973]
6:30 p. m. Tuesday, Dec. 4, 1974, Montgomery County Delegation-Presidential Rm. Center,
Coop. Ext. Service-Re Extension Agent for Balt. City-Mrs. Eileen Walker Complaint to
Sarbanes, November 5, 1974
Extension-Re Lawson King's Ltr. on Delbert Foster..., August 1974
V. P. for Agricultural Affairs & Leg. Relations...., 1973
Material on Statements of Sec. of Agriculture Butz-(From Dr. Bentz), July 20, 1973
Land Use Seminar-July 5, 1973-Gov. Attending, [1973]
Deed of Easement-P. C. Mullholland Right of Way on Homewood Road-Exec. Copy...,
May 1973
Oct. 3-for Dr. Kaplan (Dr. Elkins Wants to Give to Him), [1973]
V. P. Agri. Affairs-Re USDA Ltr. on Career Opportunities for Lower Grade Levels, March &
April 1973
Bentz-Holiday Schedule & Pay for Md. Wholesome Meat Advisory Council Employees, March
V. P. for Agricultural Affairs Aug. 1, 1972-Waetjen's Ltr. on Salaries, [1972]
Feb. 7-St. Bd. of Agri. Meat & Poultry Inspection Programs at 10 a.m., Dr. Bentz Representing,
V. P. Agri. Affairs-Procedures Handling Pest Management Programs, March 29, 1972
Bentz-Re USDA Cons. & Marketing-Implementing Shell Egg-Insp. Act, March 1972
V. P. for Agricultural Affairs & Legislative Relations..., 1974
Bentz-Re Lunch for Dr. H. S. Darling-Wye College of Uni. of London, August 29, 1974
V. P. Agri. Affairs-Md. Turfgrass Council: Ltr. Campaign August 12, 1974 re Financial Support
of the Industry, [1974]
Cooperative Extension Service Director..., 1973
Agri. Extension Service-Ltr. to National Assn. of County Agric. Agents (Hold Meeting in Balt.
in 1973), [1972-1973]
Extension Service-Case of Mrs. Charlotte P. Snyder-Wash. County Ext. Office, August 19731974
Donald J. Gehres as Sn. Ext. Agent 4-H & Youth-Montg. Cty., Apr. 16, 1973
Dec. 12-12 Noon-Annual Extension Lunch at the Hunt Valley Inn Cancelled, [1973]
With Kuhn-Voting on H. B. 418, [1973]
University Legislative Program, [1973]
Agricultural Experiment Station..., 1973
Ext. Service. Extension Affirmative Action Plan, June 1972-Corrections Made-Sub. July 1, 1972
Affirmative Action Plan, 1973
USDA-Sec. Affirmative Action Plan-Meeting Nondiscriminatory Standards, [1972]
Extension-Progress Report on Equal Opportunity-Feb. 18, 1972 thru August 18, 1972
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 325 (cont’d)
St. Inspection Service & St. Chemist..., 1971
Ext. Serv.-Re Fed. Compliance Jurisdiction for Civil Rights & Equal Employment, June 1972
1:30 p.m. Feb. 4-Dr. R. E. Wagner Discuss Equal Opportunities, [1971]
Agr. Extensions Ltr. Authorizing Dr. Wagner to Develop Equal Employ in Extension, Feb. 12,
Agri. Extension
Re Decree and Opinion in Alabama Racial Disc. Suit-Extension Service..., Nov. 3, 1971
Md. Comm. on Human Relations-Survey-No. & Color of Ext. Service Workers & 4-H
Clubs, 1971
Wicomico Case-Hold in Files Confidential, September 7, 1971
Tuesday, June 15-Balt.-Com. on Agri. Activities-Hearing Human Rela. 9:30 a.m., [1971]
Agri. Coop. Ext. Service-Nat. Assoc. Adv. of Colored People-Wagner's Rpt. from Wicomico
County..., Feb. 1, 1971
Maryland State Planning Commission Facility Needs for Next Ten Years, [1957]
BOX 326
Agri. Extension Service-Professional Rank System-Appvd. by Board of Regents November 21,
1969, [1969]
Cooperative Extension Service Goodwill Delegation-People to People, July 14-August 4, 1973,
Thursday, Feb. 6 Reception 6:30-Dinner at 7:30-Martin's West, Md. Agri. Week Dinner, [1975]
Property-Farm Labor Camp, Westover, Somerset County, Md., Exchange of Land with Long
Bros., 1973
Agriculture-College Days for Women Home Demonstration-June 13 & 14, 1973
Cooperative Extension Service, 1972
Extension Service
Wagner's Statement on Reorganization of Coop. Ext. Service, December 6, 1972
Trans Century Corp & Project-Re Health Service, (Meeting Nov. 7, 1972), [1972]
Wed., Dec. 13-Annual Extension Conf. Lunch-Hunt Valley Inn-12 Noon Cockeysville, 1972
Agri.-Md. St. Bd. of Agri.-Telegrams to Congress-Support of S. B. 1316 (Wholesome Meat Act,
June 1972), [1972]
Apt. Extension-Apt. of Mrs. Phyllis A. Hole as Ext. Agent-Home Econ. Eft. July 24, 1972
Agri.-Home Ec. Ext.-College Week for Women-Greet-Tawes Fine Art, June 14, 1972
National Extension Homemakers Council-Annual Meeting, Sept. 25-28, [1972]
Agriculture Experiment Station..., 1972
Agri. Experiment Station-Death of Dr. I. C. Haut, Director, August 21, 1972 & Funeral, August
23 at 3 p.m., [1972]
Agri.-State Inspection Service..., 1972
Maryland Agricultural Commission..., 1972
Agricultural Affairs-Ellington, Pesticide Advisory Board, July 21, 1969
Md. Pesticide Adv. Bd.-Sept. 13, 1972 Cronin's Recommendations & Report on Monitoring Task
Force, March 1972
Vice President for Agricultural Affairs, 1971
V. P. Agri. Affairs... Re: Food & Drug Rulings, [1971]
V. P. Agri. Affairs Re: Environmental Protection Agency-Rulings..., 1971
St. Board of Agriculture-Apt. of J. Kent Reigel, Esq.-Sp. Asst. Attorney Gen. for Agri. Eft.
December 13, 1971
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 326 (cont’d)
Agriculture-Md. Hog Cholera Free Certificate-Mon. Nov. 15 at 10:30 a.m., [1971]
Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency-Detoxification-Incineration of
Pesticides, August, 31, 1971
Md. Pesticide Monitoring-Ltr. to Cronin, August 27, 1971
Dept. of Natural Resources, Md. Disposal Facility, August 31, 1971
Re Md. Water Resources Research Center, Bentz Ltr. Of Feb. 17, 1971
Bentz-Re Senate Bill 681-St. Environmental Center Act of 1971 (To Waetjen), [1971]
Programs-Ellington Coop. Agreement US Dept. of Agri. & Un. of Md.-Employees, Feb.
V. P. Agri. Affairs
Re Ltr. from Schurman on Pre-Vet Program at University, January 1971
Re Compliance Rept. of Coop. Extension Service, Jan. 15, 1971
V. P. for Agri. Affairs-Re International Agricultural Research Found. of C. P., Dec. 1970-1971
Agriculture-Needs of College of Agri. Sent to Com. on Academic Adm. (Day), by Bentz,
March 18, 1971
Governor's Commission to Study State Board of Agriculture Apt., February 14, 1971
Proposed State Department of Agriculture-Staffing, July 1971
St. Bd. of Agri. Programs..., 1971
Agri.-Director of St. Bd. of Agri. Pro. Ellington-Apt. Director of Ext. in Ga. as of Sept. 1, 1971
(Resigned), [1971]
Ellington-Programs-Re Pesticides & Environmental Protection Agency, 1971
Director of Programs April 29, 1971 Memo of Understanding-St. Bd. of Agri. & St.
Dept. of Forests and Parks, [1971]
Programs-Evaluation-Re Insecticide-Mosquito Control Prog. C. G. US Army Med. Res.,
April 12, [1971]
Programs-Memo of Understanding with USDA Re Pesticides, Nov. 18, 1970-1971
Memo Re Pesticides to Include Ethyl Parathion, April 5, 1971
V. P. for Agri. Affairs-Re USDA Marketing Services-Egg Products Inspection Act-Reply by
February 15, 1971, [1971]
Agri. Programs-Chevron Chem. Co.-Grant of 5000.00 for Entomology Signed & Ret., April 12,
Agri. Programs-Memo of Understanding-USDA-Insect Damage Plant Disease in Md., Apr. 12,
Cooperative Extension Service..., 1971
11:45 a.m. Monday, December 13, Extension Conference Luncheon in Annapolis, 1971
Agri. Extension Service, Feb. 24, 1971, Ltr. to Nixon on Revenue Sharing as Pres. NASULGC,
April 21 at 2:30 p.m.-WBAL-TV Reception-22nd Year of Extension Broadcasting, [1971]
Agri. Extension Service-Contract in Consumer Health Ed.-Ext. Serv. & Med. Sch.-NASULGC...,
Mar.-May 1971
Apt.-Agri.-Extension-Felty-Weed Contr. Brugh-Home Econ (Temp), Stemple Agent; Wunderlick
(Temp), [1971]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 326 (cont’d)
Exten. Agri.-Apt. of Jerome J. Klement as St. Leader for Rural Dev. & Asst. Prof.-Ef. March 22,
Apt. Mr. Roy D. Porter as Coord. Special Agricultural Programs, Ext., March 29 1971
Agriculture-Extension Serv. Promotions, 1971-1972
Shaff, Wayne, [1971]
Extension Service-Promotions from Junior Instructor to Associate Agent 1971-1972Annual Promotions, 1971
Babich, Charles, Jr., [1971]
Roberts, M. Elizabeth, [1971]
Schultz, Luther, [1971]
Cliff, Barbara, [1971]
Hall, Judith, [1971]
Hommey, Charles, [1971]
Preston, M. Victoria, [1971]
Agri.-Extension-Appts., Promotions, Etc., [1971]
Agri.-Extension Service-Home Economics Extension, 1971
June 26-Kick Off Dinner-4-H-Clubs Invitation to Come from Gov. Hold., [1972]
Extension Service-4-H-Club 1971 Re Patuxent 4-H Center & Extensions..., May 4, 1971
Agriculture Experiment Station..., 1971
Agri. Information & Publications, 1970
1971-Published-Md. Agricultural Society, Md. Farm Bureau & Others, [1971]
Maryland Agricultural Commission..., 1971
Nov. 18-Lunch with Md. Agricultural Commission & State Bd. of Agriculture 12:30 p.m., [1971]
Agriculture-Programs-USDA Re Cooperative Compliance & Evaluation Programs, Signed
Oct. 23, 1970, [1970]
Agri.-Director-Md. St. Board of Re: Standards for Packaging with US Food and Drug, Jan. 1970
November 24, 1970 at 9:30 a.m. Signing of Formal Agreement-St. & Fed. Meat & Poultry
Inspec. Progs., [1970]
V. P. Agricultural Affairs
Egg Inspection, Etc..., 1970
Milk Inspection, Etc..., 1970
V. P. Agri.-Quarantines..., 1970
V. P. for Agricultural Affairs-Position Paper-Separate St. Bd. of Agri..., June 1970
Veterinary Medicine-Report to Elkins from Ad Hoc. Comm. of Agri. Divisions, Jan. 1970
Maryland Agricultural Commission..., 1970
BOX 327
Vice President for Agricultural Affairs..., 1970
Agriculture-Re Apt. of Wilbert Paul to Md. State Soil Conservation Committee, 1970
Agri. Programs-Gen. Work Plan Signed November 24, 1970-USDA & St. Bd. of Agriculture,
Agri.-Bentz-Re Change of Name of College of Agriculture-Apr. 30 Ltr. to Harry Boswell...,
V. P. Agri. Affairs-Re Fensterwalk & Ohlhausen-for Paper Products-No Bugs M'Lady..., Oct. 29,
Agri. State Board of Agriculture Programs-General File, 1970
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 327 (cont’d)
Agri. Cooperative Extension Service
Director.., 1970
Appointments & Promotions, 1970
Agri. Extension-Annual Conference, Dec. 14-16, 1970-Elkins Talk on Dec. 15, 1970
Cooperative Ext. Service-Re Mrs. Anita E. Leifer & Discrim. in Empl., Ag. Ext. Service, July
Agri. Extension-Appt. of Dr. George Burnett to Comm. for Rural Development, Jan. 1970
Coop. Extension Services-Wagner-Dr. E's Representative on Comm. of Economic Opp.
(Gov.), 1969-1970
Extension, Home Economics..., 1970
Home Economics-College Week for Women, June 15, 1970-Welcome June 15-18, 1970
4-H Club-1970-Re Md. Dept. of State Planning Inventory of Recreation Facilities in Md.,
Extension Experiment Station..., 1970
Agri. Experiment Station-Gift from Am. Soybean Assn.-Apprvd. by Bd., November 21, 1969
Agri.-Experiment Station-Sprinkler System at Wye from Thomas E. Carrol & Son (Appr. by Bd.
May 16, 1969)
St. Department of Markets..., 1970
Agricultural Activities-Bentz, Org. Chart-Agricultural Division of University, May 1969
Bentz, Request to Gov. to Place Certain Related Agricultural Associations Under St. Board of
Agriculture, May, June 5, 1969
Agri. (Ellington) USDA Questionnaires on Coop Inspec., Grading & Regulatory Programs-Ans.,
Nov. 21, 1969
Cooperative Extension Service, Director, 1969
Cooperative Extension Service-Appts., Etc., 1969
Extension Service-Appt. Dr. Elwyn E. Deal, Asst. Dir. for Agri. Programs,
March 1, 1969
Cooperative Extension Service, Dr. Harold D. Smith-Associate Director..., Eff.
Feb. 12, 1968
Agri. Cooperative Extension Service Policy Statement Re Extension Serv. & Functions,
September 1968
Extension Home Economics..., 1969
Home Demonstration Extension, June 16-19, 1969 College Week for Women...., 1969
Extension 4-H Club Work..., 1969
Agricultural Experiment Station..., 1969
Agricultural Experiment Station, (Gift of Irrigation System from Valmont North Central, Inc.,
Bd., June 21, 1968)
Agri.-St. Inspection & Regulatory Service..., 1969
Agriculture State Chemist, 1969
Agri., State Inspection Service, Markets, Dept. of..., 1969
Agri., College of, Institute of Applied Agriculture, 1969
Agricultural & Extension Leadership Development Seminar-Voc. Tech. Ed. (Final), Jan. 1969
Agri. & Extension Ed.-Cardozier's Ltr. Re Cost of New Programs & Review, September, 1969
May 13-1:30 p.m. Agri. & Ext. Ed. Speak, 1969
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 327 (cont’d)
Agri., College of, Agri. & Extension Educ. Dept., Appointments, Etc., 1969
Agri., College of, Agricultural Engineering, 1969
Agri. Engineering-Emeritus Professor-Albert V. Krewatch-Efftc., [1969]
Agri. Engineering-Ph.D. Degree Program in Ag. Eng. Appr. By Bd.. on March 21, 1969, [1969]
Agriculture, College, Agronomy, Dept. of, 1969
Agronomy-Dr. Orman E. Street, Professor Emeritus of Agronomy, Eff. July 1, 1969, [1969]
Agronomy Dept.-Undergraduate Curriculum in Geology-(Appr. Bd. on March 21, 1969), 1969
Agriculture, College of, Animal Science Dept., 1969
Agri.-Animal Science-Gift of Bay Gelding From Mrs. Stanley Corrsin, November 1969
Animal Science-Gift of Herd of Polled Herefords fr. Rodzer M. Kelly-Accepted by Board
May 16, 1969, [1969]
Agriculture, College of
Botany Department, 1969
Dairy Science Dept..., 1969
Agriculture, College, Agricultural Economics, 1969
Agri., Dairy Sci.-(Withdrawal of Dr. Richard F. Davis for Asst. Dir. Cooperative Extension
Service), 1969
Agriculture, College
Entomology Dept., 1969
Horticulture Department, 1969
Poultry Science Dept., 1969
Agri. Poultry Science-Frank Samuel & Esther Lipman Foundation Gift, 1968-1969
Agriculture, College, Veterinary Science..., 1969
Agriculture-Veterinary Science, Acting Head Dr. John A. Newman fr. March 12-June 30, 1969
Meat Inspection in Md., 1968-1969
Livestock Sanitary Service-Appt. of Dr. Robert J. Lee as Assoc. Vet. 7, Supervisor of Meat Insp.,
Sept. 9, 1968
St. Board of Agriculture Programs-Ellington...1969
V. P. Agricultural Affairs, 1969
Agriculture-Bentz-Equal Employment Opport. in St. Cooperative Ext. Services-US Govt.....,
Agri.-Bentz-Extension-Proposed Regulations on Equal Opp. in Coop. Ext. Service USDA..., June
V. P. Agricultural Affairs, Nominations for Rep. to Water Sciences Advisory Bd., 1968-1969
V. P. Agri. Affairs-Luncheon Dec. 4, 1968 & Agricultural Leaders-Merit Awards in Agri., 1968
Bentz-Materials from the Izaak Walton Leagure of America (Bills Supported by Organization),
V. P. Agricultural Affairs, June 16, 1969-Dr. Elkins' Statement to Md. Farmers..., 1969
Agriculture-Alpha Gamma Rho (Agriculture Honorary), 1967-1968-1969
V. P. Agricultural Affairs, Mosquito Control Program, Budget for, 1969
Bentz-Agri. Affairs-January 27, 1969-Address to Luncheon Meeting of Balt. Rotary Club, [1969]
V. P. Agricultural Affairs
Re Anonymous Letter "Irate, Rural Taxpayer…..," 1969
General Information from the Food and Drug Admin., 1969
V. P. for Agriculture, Food & Drug Communications on Pesticides, 1969
V. P. Agricultural Affairs, Materials on Milk & Markets, 1969
V. P. Agri. Affairs-Request for a Training Center for Racing Industry, February 1969
Agri.-Live Stock Sanitary Service Swine Quarantine-Issued, August 18, 1969
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 327 (cont’d)
Agri. Activities-Cereal Leaf Beetle Quarantine-Signed by Elkins and McCormick-24 Sept. 1969,
V. P. Agr. Affairs-Md. State Board of Agriculture Quarantine Order, May 7, 1969 (Hog Cholera
Virus), 1969
Bentz: Reference: Material from Dept. of Agr. Dealing with Egg Product Inspection, 1969
Agri.-Bentz-Appeals-Freight Rates, [1969]
Bentz, Frank-Construction Animal Sciences Building, 1966-1968
V. P. Agricultural Affairs-1968-1969, Re Possible Location of Dairy Products Lab. at Uni. of
Md. (Next 2 Years), [1969]
Agriculture, College of, Dean, 1969
Agriculture, Dean of-Dr. Paul R. Poffenberger as Associate Dean of Instruction-Eff. July 1, 1969
Agriculture, College of-Graduate Program in Food Science-Apprv. by Bd. on June 21, 1968
Agriculture, College of, Agriculture & Extension Education, 1969
Dept. of Agri. & Extension Ed.-Dr. Clifford L. Nelson as Assoc. Prof. Effect., January 14, 1969
Bentz, Construction-Space for Consumer & Marketing Service USDA-Tobacco Research Farm,
Bentz, Frank
Construction Addition & Renovation of For. Lang. Bldg. (Facilities Act), 1967
Construction-Motor Transportation Facility at College Park-Bd. Apr., Jan. 27 1967
Financing Construction of Self-Liquidating Facilities 1966-1971, [1967]
Asst. to President, Grounds Division, Physical Plant Dept., C. P. Campus 1967-1968,
Draft Re Construction & Financing Student Housing, 1965
Inventories-US Off. of Ed.-(For College Park & Baltimore Campuses), 1967-1968
Reports on Nat'l Def. Student Loan Program 1966-1967 & Summary (Confidential),
Assistant to the President, 1963
Asst. to President, [1967]
BOX 328
Bentz, Frank (cont'd)
Re Wind Tunnel Survey for House Appropriations Committee, 1966-1967
Congress-Comm. on Ed. Questionnaire-Fed. Student Fin. Aid Programs, Nov. 15, 1966
H. R. 4822-Transit Development Program for D.C.-Ltr. from Peake in Economics, 1965
Transit Dev. Program for D.C.-Ltrs. to Willis (House) & Tydings (Senate), 1966
Funds for Construction & Equipment 1959-1966 (Board Item) for May 13, 1966, [1966]
Construction of Apartments for Married Students, 1966-1967
Administration-Organization Chart, 1962-1965
Re Higher Ed. Facilities Act of 1963-Bentz's Report on Application, Etc., 1966
Congressional Luncheon-Re Construction of Research Facility for Nuclear Physics, 1964
Asst. to President, 1967
Construction-Graduate Facilities-Dept. Zoology & Psychology, 1966, 1967-1968
NDEA Funds, 1964-1965
Capital Improvements Program 1965-1966 (Passed by Regents on June 19, 1964),
Administrative Costs, Hold, Prepared in 1963, undated
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 328 (cont’d)
Bentz, Frank
Needs for Continuing Graduate Ed. (SREB), 1963
Asst. to the President, [1964-1965] (2f)
Construction-All Areas, 1966-1967
Bentz, Dr. Frank-Asst. to the Pres., 1957-1959
V. P. Grad. Studies & Research..., 1977
Grad. Sch. (Dr. Michael J. Pelczar), Sept. 1, 1966
Retirement of Dr. Pelczar-Dec. 31, 1977, Emeritus Prof. of Microbiology, Jan. 27, 1978
Appt.-Dr. Michael J. Pelczar, Jr., as V. P. for Graduate Studies & Research, September 1, 1966
Pres. Adv. Com. on Grad Studies, Etc., 1977
V. P. Grad. Studies-Intercampus Enrollment, Oct. 1977
SBHE-RE Graduate Program for Disruptive Youth (July 20, 1977 to Pelczar) See SBHE,
UMBC Proposal for a Doctoral Degree in Applied Developmental Psychology,
June 1977
Case of Jane C. McMillan & Graduate Studies, Feb. & March 1977
V. P. Grad. Studies & Research, Gen., 1976
V. P. Grad. Study & Research-Re Dr. Leonard Weiss' Ltr. of April 26, 1976 on Energy
Conservation..., 1976
Pelczar-Nursing-Drug Abuse Applied, 1976
Pelczar's Statement on Admissions Policies of Graduate School-To Board on November 19, 1976
September 8, 1976-Contracts & Grants Awarded By Campus, [1976]
Re Fact Sheets on Influenza Immunization Program, August 30, 1976
Operation on Mrs. Pelczar, Hospital Room No., [1976]
Ltrs. Re Solar Energy..., 1975 & 1976
Re Gov. Task Force on Nuclear Power Plants-Preliminary Rept. by Dec. 1975-Final,
March 1976
Tennessee, Uni. of, Study of Research Practices in Universities (NSF), March 19, 1976
Pres. Adv. Com. on Grad. Studies, 1976
Pres. Adv. Com.-Grad. Studies, September 24, 1976
Pres. Advisory Com.-Re UMBC Proposed Doctor Degree Program in Developmental
Psychology, 1976
President's Advisory Committee for Graduate Studies and Research (est. June 14, 1971), [1971]
Central Adm.-President's Adv. Com. for Graduate Studies & Research-Membership, June 1971
June 14, Adm. Council-Discussion of the Graduate School, Item 1, [1971]
V. P. for Graduate Studies & Research, 1976
Routing of Applications, Etc.-Modification of Item #1-July 12, 1976 Ltrs. to Chans., Directors
CEES, CES, [1976]
V. P. Grad. Stu. & Research-New Guidelines for Applications ETC.-Eft. June 25, 1976
V. P. Graduate School & Research, June 2, 1967-Appt. of Dr. Pelczar to the Budget Committee,
Pelczar-Routing of Proposals-Contracts & Grants Discussed with Him, Feb. 15, 1974
Re SREB Comm. on Regional Cooperation, [1973]
Pelczar-Commission on Regional Cooperation-Pelczar a Member SREB, July 1972
Adm. Council-November 27-1. Regional Cooperation Report by Dr. Pelczar, [1972]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 328 (cont’d)
NSF (CAUSE) Comprehensive Assistance to Undergrad. Science Ed. Return by October
10, 1975, [1975]
1977-Nominations for Pres. Com. on Nat'l Medal of Science, March 1977, 1977
Nominations for Pres. Com. on Nat'l Medal of Science, Jan. 1976
Pres. Com. on Nat'l Medal of Science, Nat'l Sci. Foundation, June 1975
April 23, 1975-UMBC'S Program-Master & Doctoral in Instructional Systems
Development, [1975]
[Loose Materials-Pelczar's Correspondence Regarding UMBC-UMCP Graduate Program in
Instructional Systems Development, 1975]
[Loose Material-Instructional Systems Development, 1975]
BOX 329
1971-Governor...St. of Md., [1971]
Gov.-Directive-Curtailment of Unnecessary Expenses, Aug. 11, 1971
Wed. Jan. 20, 1971-Inauguration of Gov. Mandel in Annapolis, Md., [1971]
Governor's Office, University & Colleges Waste, December 4, 5, 6th, [1971]
Gov. Off.-Proposed Departmental Legislation for 1972 Gen. Assembly, Nov. 15, 1971
Governor's Task Force Recommends-Student Financial Aid Programs-Hornbake's Comments,
November 1971
Governor's Office-Materials on Expansion of Medical School (1971-1972), [1971]
Gov.-Ltr. from Chas. A Stark re Use of Cole Field House by SGA, Ans. October, 1971
Gov. Office-New Appointments, August 1971
Gov.-Request of June 10 for Statement on Priorities for Fiscal Year, 1973
St. of Md.-Governor-Jan. 28, 1971-State of the State Message, [1971]
Governor's Office-Spigler-Re Md. State Police & C. P. Students Program-Money, 1971
St. of Md.
Commission on Human Relations, [1969]
Human Resources, 1971
Governor-Jan. 20, 1971 Inaugural Address, [1971]
Gov. Office-Task Force for Revising Budget Procedures-Request That Dr. Waetjen be Member,
April 1971
Gov.-Re Personnel Cut-Back & Out of State Travel-Directive, July 19, 1971
Gov. Off.-Re Financing Program of Students & Md. State Police Party in Dec. 1970-1971
St. of Md.-Gov.'s Off.-Spiegler-Education, Higher Ed. Legislative Report for 1971, [1975]
Maryland State Police, 1971 & 1972
Md. State Police-April 25, 1972 Ltr. from Col. Smith with Lists of April Arrests, [1972]
Md. St. Police Party for Underprivileged Children-Tues., Dec. 5 at 7-Frat. Row, [1972]
Military Dept. of Md.-Payment of 124,388.53-Settled (from Overhead), 1972
Gov. Office-Re Oct. 31, 1972, Ltr. to Springler on Budget for Center for Environmental &
Estuarine Studies, [1972]
Feb. 19, 1971-Ltrs. to Gen. Assembly with Copy of Sp. Report of Com. of Whole to Bd., Jan. 22,
Baltimore City-Re Professional Schs. Quota-Letters Re-Jan. & February..., 1971
H. Joint Resolution No. 52 Uni. Estab. Bureau of Tourism, 1969
Gen. Assembly Bills, 1966-Hold-Senate B. 476-Trespass, [1966]
Gen. Assembly of Md. (Hold in Files) Report of Legislative Committee on Uni. of Md., 1950
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 329 (cont’d)
St. of Md.-Gen. Assembly Bills, House Bill No. 87 (Ober Law) Possible Repeal..., 1966-1967
Comp. of the Treasury..., 1971-1972
Comptroller-State Auditor-Report on Accounts of Md. State College June 30, 1965, 66, & 67, 68,
Comptroller of Treasury-Re Leg. Auditor's Report-UMBC-July 1, 1969-Feb. 21, 1972 & Reply,
Treasurer-Leg. Auditors Report-Far East-Fits, June 30, 1970 & 1971
St. of Md.
Fiscal Services-Auditor's Report-European Division, Uni. Col. June 30, 1969-June 30,
970, [1969-1970]
Comptroller-Estimated Md. Revenues-Fiscal Ending June 30, 1970 and June 30, 1971
Treasury Dept. Bd. of Revenue Estimates for Uni. For June 30, 1971 and June 30, 1972,
Bd. of Revenue Estimates of Uni. Revenues for June 30, 1969 & 1970, 1968
Treasury Dept. Bd. of Revenue Estimates-Estimates of Uni. Revenues for June 30, 1968
& 1969, [1967]
Comptroller-Treas.-Audit Report of Uni. College (Europe), June 30, 1967 & June 30, 1968
(Answ.)..., Feb. 1969
Public Works-Gen. File, [1972]
Board of Public Works-Action on Sept. 15, 1972-Expenditure of $1,859,179-Spc. Fund Income,
Fiscal Services-Hearings on Med. Schs. & Health Professions Sept. 22, 1971-Legislative
Council, [1971]
Bd. of Public Works Re Properties, 1971, 1972, 1973
St. of Md.
Board of Public Works-Re Dr. Joseph W. Burnett-Med. Sch. Research, April 1971
Board of Public Works-Haubek's Statement That Dr. Elkins Signs SREB Contracts for
State, September 11, 1968
Budget & Fiscal Planning Re: Automatic Data Processing Law & Executive Order,
Budget and Fiscal Planning Automatic Data Processing Function-Oct. 28, 1969, Exect.
Order, [1969-1970]
Bud. & Pro.-ADP Management Review Bd., 1969
St. of Md.-Budget & Fiscal Planning-Apt. Wm. M. Houck-Chief, Fiscal Planning, May 18, 1970
Bud. & Fiscal Planning-1970-Re: Waetjen as University Representative for Md. Surplus
Property, Mar. 1970
St. of Md.-Budget & Fiscal Planning General File..., 1971
St. Dept. of Fiscal Services-Re Increase in Fees-Dorm Space-To Approx. $237-Fin. Utilities, Etc.
(October 7, 1971), [1971]
St. Dept. of Budget & Fiscal Planning St. Wide Cost Allocation Plan for Uni. of Md., August 13,
St.-Dept. of Budget & Fiscal Planning-Salary Increases for Administrators, July 19, 1971
Budget & Procurement-Ltrs. To Slicher, Etc. on Budget for, 1971-1972
Dept. of Budget & Fiscal Planning Report on GOES Recommendations, April 19, 1971
St. of Md.-Budget & Fiscal Planning General File..., 1972
Dept. of Budget & Fiscal Planning Re: Barnes Ltr. on Employment of Robert Lassiter..., 1972
Dept. of Budget & Fiscal Planning Notification of Action of Spe. Fund Income...., Sept. 1972
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 329 (cont’d)
Budget & Fiscal Planning-Re Allocation of $550,845-(To Be Charged on Govt. Contracts
Overhead Rate), [1972]
Dept. of Budget & Fiscal Planning, Sept. 18, 1972-Elkins Ltr. to Perkins Re Chancellor's Home,
Budget & Fiscal Planning-Guidelines Used in Developing Salary Increases for Administrators,
August 3, 1972
Dept. of Budget & Fiscal Planning Elkins Ltr. of Sept. 29, 1972 to Pedone Re Commitment, End
of 1973, [1973]
Dept. of Budget & Fiscal Planning, September 25, 1972
Implementation of 1973 Freeze, [1972]
Dept. of Budget and Fiscal Planning-Gov. Freeze Sept. 14, 1972, All Positions Vacant or
Becoming Vacant, [1972]
Dept.-Budget & Fiscal Plan.-Directive, September 25, 1972 Instructions Re Implementation of
1973 Freeze, [1972]
8. Information Concerning Job Freeze, [1972]
St. of Md.-State Planning General File, [1971]
Dept. of St. Planning
Re Properties for Sale, March 1971
Space Inventory & Projection Reports-Waetjen, December 10, 1971
St. of Md. Dept. of State Planning Long Range Development Programs, Memo of August 23,
St. Planning-Re April 28, 1971 Capital Budget & Programs Hearings-Waetjen Representing...,
State Planning-Summary Reports of Federal Grant-in-Aid Notifications, 1971-1972
St. of Md.
Dept. of State Planning H. B. No. 121-Gen. Construction Loan of 1971-Eft. June 1, 1971
Sec. of St. Planning Supplemental Request-Critical Items, Feb. 8, 1971
St. Dept.-State Planning, General File..., 1972
St. Planning Dept.-Capital Budget Request for 1971-Supplemental Req., 1971-1972
St. of Md. State Planning Re: Properties..., 1972
St. Dept. of Budget & Fiscal Planning, Sept. 27, 1972-Out-of-State Travel to Chans. & Waetjen,
St. Planning-C. P. Campus Priority Listing Extension of Utilities, October 3, 1972
Dept. of State Planning-(John Price to Help Prepare Catalog of State Services), [1972]
St. Planning-Capital Budget for 1974-Coordinated Thru Waetjen-Sent to All Chancellors & V.
P., April 28, 1972
St. Planning Dept. Capital Budget Request-Waetjen's Ltr. of Feb. 15, 1972, [1972]
Md. Dept. of St. Planning-Re Long-Range Planning-Jan. 26, 1972-Inf. to Chancellors & Dr.
Waetjen & Bentz, [1972]
St. Planning-Appropriations to Uni. Under Gen. Construction Loan of 1972 (H. B. No. 314),
Md. State Planning-Mr. Vladimir A. Wahbe-Director Effective, October 1, 1968, [1968]
St. of Md.-General Services...Gen. File...,1971-1972 (2f)
Gen. Services-Hall of Records, Maryland Manual-Corrections for 1971, [1971]
St. of Md.-Dept. of General Services-Re Survey of St. Photocopying Needs, Directive, July 20,
Dept. of General Services-Reorganization of Dept. of Public Improvements, July 28, 1970 Ltr.,
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 329 (cont’d)
Gen. Services-Capital Appropriations-Waetjen's Reply of Oct. 26, 1972
Dept. of Gen. Services-Re Master Plan for UMES, August 1972
General Services-Re Office Furniture for UMBC-St. Use Industry, May & September 1972
St. of Md.
Personnel..., 1971
Personnel Dept. Guidelines in Determining Salaries & Wages-Period August 15, Nov.
15, 1971
Personnel-Secretary, Directives, 1971-1972
St. Dept. of Personnel-Re Time Off for Uni. Employees on Benefits, 1971
Employment & Social Services...Gen. File, 1972
Personnel..., 1972
Md. St. Dept. of Education..., 1972
Md. St. Dept. of Ed. Re: Md. Standards for 4-Year Colleges & Universities, Sept., Oct., Nov.,
St. Dept. of Ed.
State Accredited Maryland Colleges & Universities... As of Jan., 1972
Re Meeting Of Oct. 13, 1972 at UMES-Re Veterans, [1972]
Md. St. Dept. of Education-Re: Educational Renewal Centers (To UMBC: UMES & C.P.),
March 1972
Md. St. Dept. of Edu.-Com. on Program in Vocational Teacher Education, 1971-1972
Md. St. Dept. of Education..., 1971
Md. St. Dept. of Ed.-M. S. Degree in Speech & Hearing Therapy in Service..., 1971
St. Dept. of Ed. (Extension for Prof. Frances Upham-Social Work)..., 1971
Dept. of Ed.-St. Accredited Md. Colleges & Universities & Heads, 1971
St. of Md.-Education, St. Dept. Evaluating Teacher Education Prog. All Campuses, Jan. 1971
Md. St. Dept. of Education & NEA Faculty Salary Study...for 1970-1971, [1970]
St. Dept. of Ed.-Interlibrary Loan Agreement-St. Dept. and University of Md...., 1968-1969-1970
St. of Md.-Governor..., 1974
Governor's Commission on Dyslexia..., Feb. 1972-1973
General Assembly of Md...., 1974
Gen. Assembly
House Appropriations Re Psyc. Research Prog.-Grad. Teaching Assts..., November 1974
Ways & Means-House of Delegates-Dec. 27, 1974 10 a.m. Re H. B. 47 as Amended,
Wed. July 24-Hearing on Grad. Teaching Assts. Uni.-Budget 9:30 a.m. St. House-Ways &
Means, [1974]
Gen. Assembly-June 11, 1974 Hearing Before Joint Budget & Audit Coms. O'C Statement...,
June 1974
Gen. Assembly of Md.
Re: Jan. 29, 1974 Request on Guidelines of Md. Council Budgeting, Etc., March 6, 1974
Senate Fin. & House Appropriations-1974 Final Action on State Budget, April 19, 1974
February-Budget Hearings Before Senate and House Appropriations Feb. 1, Feb. 14, 19, 26 &
27..., 1974
Gen. Assembly-House Approps. Hearings on MCHE-St. Support-Private Higher Ed...., Jan. 16,
St. Md.-Department of Fiscal Services..., 1972, 1974
State Law Department, [1974]
Atty. Gen.-Request from Plovoy re Chicken Antitrust Violations, July 1974
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 329 (cont’d)
Md. State Dept. of Education..., 1974
St. Dept. of Education-Request for Extension of Retirement Date Ehrensberger to June 30, 1974,
Md. St. Dept. of Ed.-Extension of Retirement-Dr. Einhar R. Ryden, Agri. & Ext. Ed..., June 30,
Ed., St. Dept.-Extension of Retirement for Provensen-Speech & Dramatic Art to June 15, 1975,
St. Dept. of Education
Operational Chart, Feb. 1974
St. Accredited Maryland Colleges & Universities..., Jan., 1974
St. Dept. of Ed.-Re Proposal on Training Teacher-Phy. Handicapped Children, Dec. 1974
Dept. of Health & Mental Hygiene..., 1971-1974
St. Dept. of Health & Mental Hygiene Representative from Uni. on Noise Pollution Control Adv.
Council, August 1973-1974
Md. St. Dept. of Health & Mental Hygiene Re: Licensing & Credentialing, August 1974
St. of Md.-Dept. of Labor & Industry..., 1974
Public Safety-Re Site at Sykesville Animal Research Center..., 1974
Dept. of Public Safety & Correctional Services-Re Community Corrections Center..., 1974-1975
Maryland State Police, 1974
Md. St. Police-Motor Vehicle Safety Com. May 11, 1974-Uni. Representatives, [1971]
State Comptroller-Louis L. Goldstein..., 1974
Comp. Treasury-re Leg. Auditor's Report-UMES, July 1, 1970 thru July 30, 1973..., [1974]
BOX 331
Compt. Treasury-Re: Leg. Aud. Report Uni. College-C. P.-July 1, 1969, Ending Feb. 28, 1973,
Comp. Treasury
Re: Leg. Aud. Report Balt. City & Uni. Hosp.-July 1, 1970 Ending Jan. 16, 1973, [1974]
Re: Leg. Aud. Report-Uni. Col. Far East-July 1, 1971 Ending September 19, 1973,
Comptroller-Fiscal Year 1974 Closing Instructions..., May 1974
Comp. of Treasury-Transfer of 252,599.88-Overhead Recoveries, Feb. 12, 1974
Board of Public Works
Gen., 1974
Minutes, 1974
November 7, 1974-Board of Public Works, Meeting, 1974
Board of Public Works, Agenda Items, Oct. 2, 1974
Thursday, Board of Public Works Meeting, September 19, 1974
Board of Public Works, August 20, 1974
Wed. July 3, 1974-Board of Public Works Meeting, [1974]
Bd. of Public Works, Meeting, June 12, 1974
Board of Public Works
Meeting, May 15, 1974
Material for April 3, 1974 Meeting, [1974]
Feb. 27, 1974 Meeting Agenda, [1974]
Personnel, 1974
Personnel, 1974-Directives, [1974]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 331 (cont’d)
St. Dept. of Personnel, Salary Increase for Classified Employees, Effective Date and Funding,
July 1 1974
Dept. of State Planning, 1974
Bud. & Fiscal Planning-Wm. Perkins-July, 1974 Re Gift of Football Tickets & Financial
Disclosure Law, [1974]
Budget & Fiscal Planning
Salary Increase for Classified Employees Effective Date and Funding, July 1, 1974
Re: Hiring of Temporary Help thru Office Services Contractors, Oct. 21, 1974
Executive Order-re Purchase of Gasoline, February 1974
State Planning, Dept.-Re Guidelines for Areas of Critical State Concern, September 1974
St. Planning
Rules-Guidelines for Implementation of Md. Environmental Policy Act..., July 5, 1974
Re Submission of Bond Bill Requests-Ref. Gov. Ltr. of August 9, 1974
Dept. of St. Planning-Re Formula Grant Programs-Management Responsibility..., May 1974
St. Planning-Re System of Libraries at C. P..., January 1974
St. Budget & Fiscal Planning, Jan. 16, 1974-Med. School Family Practice Program-Suplm.
Budget, [1974]
St. Dept. of Budget & Fiscal Planning (Supple. Budget-Student Health Serv. at C. P.), Jan. 1974
St. Planning-Recommendations (Early) on University's Capital Budget Request, Jan. 9, 1974
Md. Dept. of State Planning Dec. 7, 1973-St. Gen. Obligation Bonds for 1974 Legislation...,
Budget & Fiscal Planning, 1974
St.-General Services..., 1974
General Services-O'C Report on Evaluation of Energy Conservation, Feb. 1, 1974
Md. Dept. of Transportation 1975-Highway Safety Projects-Uni. of Md., October 1974
State Transportation, Dept. 1974
Md. Dept. of Transportation-Re Fed. Funds for Safety Programs 1974, [1973]
St. Employment & Social Services..., 1974
Employment & Social Services-Audit Sch. of Social Work-May 29, 1969 & Thru June 30,
1973..., August 1974
Agri. St. Dept. 1973 & 1974, [1974]
St. Dept. of Agriculture-Deed-Trans. Salisbury Substation Property to St. of Md., May 18, 1974Bd. of Public Works, Bentz, [1974]
St. Dept. of Agri.-Re Allocation of 40,000 to Support Dept., 1973
Jan. 9 at 10 a.m. of Agriculture, Young D. Hance & Dr. Bentz, 1973
St.-Dept. of Economic & Community Development..., 1974
St. of Md.-Governor..., 1973
March 5-Gov. Office-Re Request for List of Seniors-All Campuses, Hold for Reply, 1973
Ltr. of August 10, 1973. Early Receipt of Legislation-Not Considered After November
15, 1973
May 31, 1973 Ltr. Re Fiscal 1975-Gen. Fund Allowance of $101,531, [1973]
State of the State Message, 2 p.m. January 17, 1973
Spiegler-Re Common Market (see SREB-Sp. File), 1973
Ltr. Signed by Elkins, Mester, & Muller-For Appt. with Gov., November 15, 1973
(Jointly), [1973]
Gov. Office-re Granville Clark, Prize..., Dec. 1973
Governor-Ltr. of May 31, 1973 on Budget for Fiscal 1975, [1973]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 331 (cont’d)
Gov. Bills Signed-Vetoed-Session, 1973
St. Dept. of Economic & Community Development....1972, 1971 & Old 1970
Md. St. Dept. of Ed...., 1973
Md. St. Dept. of Education 1973 State-Accrediting Md. Colleges & Universities, March 1, 1973
Md. St. Dept. of Ed.-Instructional Television Utilization, with Md. Center for Public Broad.,
Board of Public Works.., 1973
Board of Public Works, Minutes, 1973
Nov. 5, 1973-Board of Public Works, Meeting & Agenda, [1973]
Dept. of Budget & Fiscal Planning Agenda for Board of Public Works, Meeting for June 25,
August 28-Board of Public Works Meeting, 1973
Dept. of Licensing & Regulation (Div. of Labor & Industry)-Safety & Health Act Representative,
July 17, 1973
Public Safety & Correctional Serv.-Auto Mechanics Program (with C. P.), June 1973
Dept. of Public Safety & Correctional Serv. Dr. O'Connell-Police Training Comm., March 1973
St. Treasurer-Reporting of Losses Boiler and Machinery to All Chancellors, Jan. 31, 1973
State Comptroller-Louis L. Goldstein..., 1973
St. Leg. Auditor-Rpt. from July 1, 1969-Jan. 26, 1972-Central Adm. (Received, August 1973),
BOX 332
Comptroller-Treasury-Re; Leg. Aud. Report University Co.-European Div., July 1, 1970-August
31, 1972 (1973)
Comp's Ltr. of Oct. 15, 1973 Re Preparations of Budget Amendments & Expenditures...., 1973
Comp. of Treasury-Re List of Architects Univ. Construction Since 1967..., October 1973
St. Health & Mental Hygiene, 1973
Dept. of Health & Mental Hygiene (Environmental Health-Re: Use of Lasers in Classrooms),
Jan. 1973
St. Employment & Social Services..., 1973
St.-Transportation, Dept., 1973
St. of Md.-General Services..., 1973
General Services-Re Attorney Gen. on Relocation Payments without Condemnation Proceedings,
Dec. 10, 1973
St. Dept. of General Services-Phase I-Energy Conservation (O'C Handling), Nov. 5, 1973
Gen. Services-Exchange of Land Farm Labor Camp (Westover) with Long Bros. Apv. Apr. 4,
1973, [1973]
St. Dept. of General Services, Plan for Fuel Oil Shortage..., February 28, 1973
Gen. Services-Hall of Records Material for Maryland Manual, July 27, [1973]
St. Employment & Social Services..., 1973
Dept. of St. Planning..., 1973
St. Dept. of Planning-Chem. Bldg, November 30, 1973
St. Planning
Re: Properties..., 1973
O'Connell Rep. in Disposal of Surplus Fed. Property in State, Oct. 1973
Appropriations Authorized by S. B. 333, Amendment, May 1973
Supplementary Budget-Ltr. to Wahbe of Mar. 3, 1973
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 332 (cont’d)
St. Planning
1975 Capital Budget & 5-Year Capital Program (Submit by July 2, 1973)
Dept. of St. Planning-Gen. Construction Loans Extended During Current Legislative Session...,
Jan. 18, 1973
Budget & Fiscal Planning Gen. File..., 1973
Dept. of Budget & Fiscal Planning-Approval of 1975 Budget-Ltr., December 17, 1973
Budget & Fiscal Planning
Re Funds for Md. Institute of Emergency Medicine (See Hosp.)..., 1973-1974
1975 Budget Procedure-(Manuel's Ltr. of May 31, 1973-Gen. Fund Allocation Increase,
Dept. of Budget & Fiscal Planning
July 1, 1973-Employment Practices, (To O'Connell, July 9, 1973)
Feb. 26, 1973-Office in Annapolis, [1973]
Budget & Fiscal Planning-Allocation of $40,000 to St. Dept. of Agri., 1973
Dept. of Budget & Fiscal Planning, Secretary-Dr. R. Kenneth Barnes as of January 17, 1973
Dept. of Budget & Fiscal Planning Deputy Secretary-William M. Houck, January 30, 1973
Dept. of Budget & Fiscal Planning Dr. H. Louis Stettler-Chief of Division of Fiscal Planning,
Jan. 30, 1973
St. Budget & Fiscal Planning-on Travel-Conservation of Gas, December 1973
St. of Md.-Personnel..., 1973
Personnel (St.)...Directives..., 1973
St. Dept. of Personnel-Case of Alfornia W. Sampson & Prof. Schools..., Feb. 1973
Sec. of Personnel-Attorney Gen.'s Opinion Re St. Grievance Procedure (Pern. Policy #9),
August 1973
St. Planning-Visit to Solomon's-Nat. Resources-Thursday, June 7, at 11:30, Bishop Notified,
Md. St. Police-4th Annual Christmas Party for Underprivileged Children, Wed., Dec. 5, 1973
Md. State Police-Committee-Maryland State Fleet Safety Com. as of October 1973, [1973]
Fiscal Services, Dept. of-Legislative Action on 74 Budget, April 10, 1973
St. of Md.-Dept. of Natural Resources-Hallowing Point-Use of Installation by Uni., October 5,
General Assembly of Maryland, 1973
Gen. Assembly
Snyder-Hargreaves Re Copies of University's Working Budget for Fiscal 1974..., August
16, 1973
House Appropriations Com.-Review Architect & Consulting Eng. Contracts, Etc.
Tuesday, Nov. 13, 1973 at 10 a.m., [1973]
Tuesday, Oct. 2 at 8:30 p.m. Rm. 100 Senate Office Bldg. Annapolis, Re Fire Service Training,
Gen. Assembly-Senate & House Hearings, [1973]
Senate Finance Com. Re Questionnaire on St. Public Information Activities (Ret. on October 25,
1973)...., 1973-1974
July 30-Gen. Assembly for 30 Days, August 30, 1973
August 20-2nd Special Session of Md. General Assembly, [1973]
Gen. Assembly-Hargreaves-Reporting of Non-Budgeted Funds-Uni. of Md., 1973
Gen. Assembly of Md.-August 7, 1973 Hearing-Joint Com. on Management of Public Funds,
St. Of Md.-Gov. Press Releases 1975, [1975]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 332 (cont’d)
Gov. Appointment Md. Council as St. Postsecondary Ed. Comm.-Oct. 1972 (See Md. Council),
Gov. Freeze-& Slicher's Memo of Sept. 25, 1972 for Implementation of, [1972]
Gov. Office-Sept. 14, 1972-Freeze All Positions Vacant or Becoming Vacant..., [1972]
Gov. Office-Reappointment Elkins to Board SREB-July 1, 1972, June 30, 1976
May 17, 1972-Ltr. to Gov. Re Use of Overhead-His Reply of June 23, 1972
Gov.-Re Legislation in 1972 Gen. Assembly in Opposition to 1972, [1972]
Gov. Blair Lee-Re Prop. Exec. Order-State Land Use Plan, May 1972
Gov. of Md.-Ltr. (Signed by Waetjen) for Restoration of Funds for Meat Inspection Program,
Mar. 30, 1972
Governor State of the State Message, January 19, 1972
St. Personnel
Prom. & Reclassification During Freeze on Vacant Positions, September 19, 1972
Suspensions Pending Charges for Removal, September 18, 1972
Amendments to St. Employees Personnel Rules 27, Sept. 13, 1972
Employees Alcoholism Program, September 1, 1972
St. Dept. Personnel-Bosz Directive of April 1, 1972-Proposed Salary Schedule for Employees...,
St. of Md. Gov...., 1972
St. Department of Transportation Re-Proposed Md. Route 110 & Animal Sci. Research Farm...,
[Loose Materials-Materials from Governor Marvin Mandel's Press Conferences, 1972]
Bd. of Public Works...Lease (Apvd.) Uni. of Md. & College Park Towers Limited Partnership...,
Mar. 13, 1972
Dept. of Public Safety & Correctional Services..., 1972
Dept. of Employ. & Social Services-Re Cont. Ed. for Women in Md. (All Chanc.), September
Fiscal Services-Walter R. Lewis to Rep. Fis. Serv. in 1974 Budget Process, July 17, 1972
Dept. of Fiscal Services
Budget Rev.-Increase in Fees Charged for Dorm. Space..., 1971-1972
Sept. 18, 1972-Elkins Ltr. to Lewis Re Chancellor's Home, [1972]
BOX 333
St. of Maryland-Fiscal Services April 12, 1972-Questionnaire-Living Allowances-Uni. System,
St. of Md. Governor..., 1970
St. of Md.-Gov. Task Force to Review Possible Constitutional Amendments to Gen. Assembly...,
Governor's Office Call for 1970 Legislation, July 1970
Press Conference-Governor Marvin Mandel, [1970]
Press Conferences Gov., 1970
St. of Md.
Gov.'s Office-Analysis Vehicle Performance, Oct. 21, 1970
Commission to Study Role of State in Public Ed. Chairman, Sen. Harry R. Hughes,
January 15, 1970
St. of Md.-Gov. Office-Proposed Legislation for 1971 Session of Gen. Assembly, By Nov. 1,
1970, [1970]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 333 (cont’d)
Gov.-Ltr. of June 5, 1970 on Alleged Sex Discrimination at U. of Md. (See Sandler for Complete
File), [1970]
Governor-Code of Ethics for Executive Bran. Officers & Employees, Sept. 19, 1969-1970,
St. of Md.
Sec. of State..., 1970
General Assembly of Maryland..., 1970
Feb. 27 at 10:00 a.m. House Hearings-1st Floor-State House Annapolis, 1970
Wed. March 11 at 1 p.m. House Bill No. 1085, 1970
General Assembly of Maryland Senate Finance Committee, Members, 1970
General Assembly of Maryland House Ways and Means Committee Members for 1970, undated
Senate Bill 189-Welcome-Jan. 23, 1970 Md. State College-Development of Legislation 1970,
Legislative Council-Report of Legislative Council Com. on Stu. Act. Fee at Uni., November 25,
Leg. Council-Hearings-Stud. Disrupt., [1970]
St. of Md. Legislative Council Endorsement of Mandel's Policy on Uni. of Md. Campus
Disorders, May 6, 1970
11:30 a.m. Friday June 12 Legislative Review Comm.-Treas. Bldg. in Annapolis, 1970
Fiscal Services..., 1970
St. of Md.-Fiscal Services-Legislation-All Bills Sent for Review, Gen. Assembly, [1970]
Dept. of Fiscal Services-Report of Subcommittee II-1970 Interim Agenda Self-Liq. College
Bldgs., 1970
St. of Md. St. Dept. of Education, 1970
St. Dept. of Ed. Teacher Ed. Advisory Council of Md., [1970]
St. of Md.-Department of Education Reciprocity in Teacher Certification in All States, July 1970
St. Dept. of Ed.-Procedures for Accreditation & Standards for 4-Yr. Colleges & Uni., August
St. of Md.-Dept. of Education Re: Services of Laramore as Specialists in Voc. Guidance..., 1970
Md. St. Psychiatric Research Center, Krantz-Contributions to a Youth Drug Abuse Rehabilitation
Center, 1970
St. Dept. of Parole & Probation, Suspended Sentences-Skinner Takeover, September 14, 1970
St. of Md.-Dept. of Motor Vehicles Apt. of Ejner J. Johnson as Commissioner, Sept. 10, 1970
St.-Dept. of Natural Resources...1969, 1970, 1971, 1972 & 1973
St. of Md., Racing Commission, 1970
St. Water Resources-St., 1970 & 1973
St. of Md.
Department of Natural Resources-Appt. of J. Millard Tawes, June 17, 1969, 1970
Dept. of Natural Resources Board of Review for, Appt. July 1, 1969..., 1970
Dept. of Fiscal Services-Construction of Teacher for Deaf Sch. Near Columbia City,
Md..., 1970
St. Dept. of Ed.-Change Name of Md. St. to Uni. Md. Eastern Shore-Bd., Action, February 17,
St. of Md.-St. Dept. of Education Contact with College of Phy. & Ed. to Est. Dept. of Safety Ed.,
St. Dept. of Education-April 6, 1970 "State Accredited Md. Colleges & Universities," January
St. of Md.-Dept. of Education-Md. Standards for 4-Year Colleges & Universities-Current..., 1970
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 333 (cont’d)
St. Dept. of Public Welfare-Contract Sch. of Social Work-Com. Org. & Services Imp. Family
Liv., 1968-1969
Comptroller of the Treasury, 1970
Board of Public Works, 1970
Board of Public Works Lands, 1970
Dept. of Budget & Fiscal Planning..., 1970
St. of Md.-Dept. of Budget & Fiscal Planning-Mandatory Overtime Payments-1970, Uni. of Md.
& St. Bu. of Agriculture, [1970]
Budget & Fiscal Planning-Feb. 16, 1970-Supp. Budget Salaries and Programs..., Feb. 1970
St. of Md.-Dept. of Budget & Procurement-Directive June 5, 1968, Drastic Cuts, 1969 Fiscal,
State Planning..., 1970
Md. Dept. of State Planning-Inventory-Recreation Facilities in Md. 1970
Jan. 1, 1969 (for 1970)-Change of Name to Department of State Planning & Appt. of Sec. of,
St. Planning-Apt. of Norman Hebden as Deputy Secretary of Dept. of St. Planning, August 17,
St. of Md. St. Planning Dept.-Authorization of Construction-All Areas of Uni. of Md., 1970
St. Planning-Re: Capital Project Requests for 1972 Be Submitted Before, July 1, 1970..., 1970
General Services, Dept. of, 1970
St. of Md.-Dept. of Public Improvements-Re: Sch. of Architecture New Bldg., June 1970
Personnel, Commissioner of, 1970
St. of Md.-Executive-Governor..., 1969
St. of Md.-Governor's Office Executive Reorganization, Plan for..., Jan., 1969
Gov. Office-Washington-Md. Nat'l Relations Office-Devlin, 1969-1970
St. of Md.-Gov.-Nov. 22, 1969 Ltr. Re Amendment to Bylaws of Board & Mandel's Reply of
Dec. 4, 1969
Governor' Office-Freeze on Construction-Building & Equipment, 1969
St. of Md.
Nuclear Power Plant's Effect on Water & Air, Appt. July 10, 1969-Chr. Eaton, [1969]
Governor-March 7, 1969, Elkins Party for the Mandels, [1969]
Discussion with Gov. Mandel on January 21, 1969, [1969]
Policy on Attendance of Members of Bds. & Commissions..., 1967-1968
Gov. Office
P. G. Cty. Commissioners Charge Re Landfill Operation of Uni. of Md., (October 1969)
Request to Place Certain Related Agricultural Associations Under St. Board of Agri...,
June 5, 1969
St. of Md. Gov.-Chap. 797 (Laws of Md.) Filing Copies of All Rules & Regulations in Various
Areas...., 1969-1970
St. of Md.-Gov. Office Marvin Mandel-2 Year Elected by Gen. Assembly, Jan. 7, 1969
Gov. Office
News Area-Press Secretary: Frank A. DeFilippo, 1969
Ltr. to Mandel Re: Report on Education by Gov. Operating Economy Survey, Sept. 1969
St. of Md. Gov. Office
Staff Members..., 1969
Diamondback Reference (Fleischer Remark), Jan. 13, 1969
Gov. Office-Legislature Bills Signed by Governor on April 9, 1969
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 333 (cont’d)
St. of Md.-Sec. of State-Office, 1969
St. of Md. Gov. State Agency Under Title I-H. E. Act of 1965, [1965-1969]
St. of Md.-Secretary of State, Monday, September 15, 1969 Discussion, [1969]
Gov. Office-Sec. of State-Request for Suggestions for Ambassador of Senegal, October 1969
St. of Md.-Legislative Council, 1967-1969
Md., State of, Legislative Reference, G. A., [1970]
BOX 334
State Law Department, 1967, 1968, & 1969
St. Law
Crook-Sp. Ast. Atn. Gen. for Uni., undated
Blanton-for Agri. Affairs, [1967]
St. Law Dept.
Attorney Gen. of Md.-Ruling on Residents & Non-Residents for Fee Paying Purposes,
January 28, 1969
Attorney General-Ruling on Suspension of a Student Pending a Hearing, January 23,
Appt. Mrs. Estelle A. (Ronald H.) Fishbein-Sp. Asst. Attny Gen. for Uni., June 1968
Case of Howard J. Whitehill, Jr. (English) & Signing of Oath, 1966-1967
Opinion on Non-Citizenship Upon Md. Residency Requirements, Jan. 11, 1965 Opinion,
Admissions-Attorney General's Opinion-Non-Citizenship Upon Md. Residency
Requirements, Jan. 11, 1965 Opinion, 1969-1967
Admissions-Attorney General's Opinion-Non-Citizenship Upon Md. Residency
Requirements, 1966-1967
Revoking of Loyalty Pledge-Hawes Ltr. of Nov. 10 & Elkins Memo (Effec.
Nov. 6, 1967), [1967]
Re Ober Law Case-Sorensen, 1966-1967
May 10, Hold Eckhardt Case Re Constitution, Notice of Disposition, [1968]
St. of Md.-Law Dept.-Charles Milton Eckhardt-Using Uni. to Publish Material on New
Constitution..., Apr. 22 1968
St. of Md.
Fiscal Services, 1968 & 1969
Dept. of Fiscal Services Manual for 1969, 1969
Fiscal Research Bureau-Charges Re Computer Science Center by James A. Chamblee...,
July 1968
Legislative-Fiscal Research-Uni. of Md. List of Consultants 5-Year Period 1963-1967...,
Fiscal Services, Budget Review & Audit Div., 1968
St. of Md.-State Department of Education..., 1969
Md. St. Dept. of Ed.-Re: Middle States Assoc. & Representatives on Eval. Teams..., 1969-1970
Md. St. Dept. of Education-Md. Standards for Two-Year Colleges, May 1969
St. of Md. Dept. of Ed.-Distribution of State Accredited Md. Colleges & Univ., 1969
St. Dept. of Ed.-St. Approved Md. Colleges & Universities-Request for 1968 Information, [1968]
St. of Md.
Dept. of Education-Statement Approved Md. Colleges & Universities for 1967, 19671968
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 334 (cont’d)
St. of Md. (cont’d)
Dept. of Education-State-Approved Md. Colleges & Universities, January 1967
Md. State Dept. of Education-Re Request of May 13, 1969
St. of Md.
St. Dept. of Education Accreditation of Inservice Programs, March 1969
St. Dept. of Health, [1967]
Dept. of Mental Hygiene Trade of Farms-Nash, Poplar Hill, & Springfield Hosp. Farm,
Dept. of Mental Hygiene Re-Disposition of Remainder of Nash Farm to Mental Hyg.
1967-1968, [1967]
Dept. of Mental Hygiene Transfer of Property-Hosp. for Retarded Children..., 1963
St. Dept. of Health-Re: Disposal Area of University of Maryland in College Park, 1966-1967
St. of Md.
Misc. Section Hall of Records (Re Md. Manual)..., 1967-1968
Labor & Industry, [1969]
Civil Defense Agency, [1967]
Maryland State Police, Re Training Commission, 1969
Compt. of Treasury..., 1969
St. of Md.-Comp. of Treasury
Nuclear Installations at Uni. & Possible Pollution, October 1969-1970
Revenue Estimation Model for Md., June 1968 & 1969
St. of Md. Comptroller of Treasury, Lab. Inspection of Motor Fuels, Uni. Make Chemical
Analyses..., June, 1969
St. of Md.-Treasurer's Office
Re Md. United Communities Campaign for 1968-1969, [1968]
United Appeal-Re C. P. Branch Joining State Campaign 1967-1968, [1967]
United Appeal-Coordination of All Uni. Branches..., 1965
St. Treasurer-Bd. of Revenue Estimates Report on Estimated Md. Revenues for Fiscal Years
1968 and 1969, [1968]
Board of Public Works, 1969
Board of Public Works Public Lands, 1969
St. of Md.-Bd. of Public Works
Re Purchase of Haylands or Even Trade of Otten Farm..., 1967-1968
Draft Regul. Govn. Remission of Fixed Chgs. Resident Teacher Ed..., 1967-1968
Budget & Fiscal Planning (Budget and Procurement), [1969]
Tues. Dec. 9, at 2 p.m. Slicher's Office Balt.-Room 1502, Budget Hearings, 1969
St. of Md.-Budget & Procurement
Waetjen's Ltr. of April 1, 1969 on Prin. Adm. Officers & Deans Salaries, [1969]
Feb. 14, 1969 & March 24, 1969 Ltrs. Re Supplemental Budget...Fisc., 1970
St. of Md. Reference-Reports on Costs of Hog Cholera, 1969-1970
St. of Md.-Budget & Procurement Budget-Fiscal 1970-Gen. Assembly's Action..., April 1969
State Planning Department, 1969
St. of Md.-Dept. of State Planning Re: Cambridge-Community Development Plan & Program,
Nov. 1969
St. Planning Dept.-Higher Ed. Facilities-Ltrs. to Md. Delegation Supporting Facilities-Equip.
Programs, 1969
St. Planning Department-Properties Offered for Sale to State Departments, 1969
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 334 (cont’d)
St. of Md.
Planning Dept.-Capital Project Approved-by S. B. 182-Authorized..., 1969-1970
State Planning Department Visits to Balt. Campus & to Nat. Resources-Cap.
Improvements, 1969
Planning Dept. 1969 Fiscal Yr. Capt. Budget & Project, 1955-1967-Capt.
Impr.Authorized 1968, [1968]
Dept. of Public Improvements, 1969
Personnel, 1969
Persn. Incentive Awards, 1968, 1969
St. of Md.-Personnel, Commissioner Re-Uni. of Md.-Non-Faculty Under Merit System..., August
12, 1969
Agnew, Spiro T., 1966-1967
Governor-Task Force on Mod. Mgt., [1968]
St. of Md. Gov. Office-Appt. of Judge Mary Arabian as Regents Viz. Whitehurst-fr. June 9,
1966-June 1967
St. of Md.-Gov. Off.-Re Property-Portion of Agr. Research Center at Beltsville..., 1966-1967
St. of Md.
Governor-Official Biography-Dated, March 1, 1967
Gov. Office-Appointments, [1967]
Cooperative Area Manpower Planning Systems, 1969
Gov.-Agnew, 1967-1968
Gov. Office-Public Relations, [1967]
St. of Md.-Governor's Office Public Information Questionnaire, July 1967
Gov. Office-Washington Office..., [1968]
St. of Md.-Agnew's Ltrs. Oct. 29 & 30, 1968 Re Internship Program in Govt. (BPA-Gov. and
Politics), [1968]
Gov. Office-Commerce & Industry Combined Health Appeal, 1968-1969
St. of Md.
Gov. Office-Comm. on Community Improvement-Somerset Cty. & Students at Md. St.
College, June 1, 1968
Gov. Office-Case of Thomas Wilford St. Hilaire & Adm. to Vet. School, Ga, SREB,
June 1968
Governor's Staff (Revised List as of Oct. 1, 1967), [1967]
Governor's Office State of the State Message to Legislature, Jan. 17, 1968
Gov. Office-Restoration of Budget Cuts: Feb. 12, 1968; Dec. 27, Dec. 8, 1967
Gov. Office-Materials, Used in Ltr. of Feb. 12, 1968-Holding Perkins Ltr., [1966-1967]
Executive-Governor's Staff-Chart of All Areas, 1967-1968
Gov. Appt. of Dr. Elkins as Chairman of Governor's Committee for Un. Nations Day in
Md., 1967
Gov. Office-Candidate Agnew's Speech-Sept. 18, 1966-Uni. of Md. Hold in 1968-1969
Files, [1966]
Governor's Office Appt. of B. Herbert Brown to 7-Yr. Term, June 5, 1967 to 1974,
Governor-Inauguration of Agnew on January 25, 1967, 1967-1968
Gov. Office, June 3, 1967-Commencement Address-Gov. Agnew..., 1967
Gov.-Ltr. to Agencies re Submission of Supplements to 1966-1969 Budget..., 1967-1968
Gov. Office-Ltr. Re Selection of Candidate to Comm. to Study Org. of St. Bd. of Agri.,
SJR, 1958
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 334 (cont’d)
State of Md. (cont’d)
Governor's Office-Request to Sign Senate Bill No. 360 Re UMBC..., 1967
Gov. Office-Re Department Reports on Pending Legislation..., 1967-1968
Gov.-Ed. Executive 1969 Legislation-Proposed Deadline, June 15, 1968-1969
Gov. Office-Report on 1968 Legislation for Session of Md. Legislature in 1968, 1967-1968
Gov. Office-Water Sciences Advisory Board-Nominations, 1969
April 26, 1967 2:00 p.m., Dedication of Space Administration, [1967]
Gov. Office-Education-Cole Program Executive-Ltrs., Etc., 1967-1968
Gov. Off.-Cole's Ltr. of Nov. 27, 1968, Re 12,000,000 Dormitory Construc. Fund..., 1972
Gov. Office
Prog. Executive-Ltrs. Re July 3, 1968 Meeting on Md. State College, 1968
Prog. Exec. Re. White House Fellowships, 1968-1969
St. of Md.
Gov. Office-B. Melvin Cole-Prog. Exec.-September 1, 1968, Change of Office, Etc....,
Gov. Office-Program Exe.-Repair of Road-Somerset County at Md. State College, May
Education-April 10, 1968 Meeting-Hornbake & Kuhn, Notes on, [1968]
Gov. Office-Education Study of Crime as Pertains to Sororities & Fraternities, 19671968
Governor's Office-Education Master Memo to Cole Re Title I of Higher Ed. Act. of 1965, 19671968
St. of Md.
Governor's Office-Education-A Proposal for a Graduate Corps..., July 1967
Gov.'s Office- Gov.'s Task Force on Modern Mgt. (Dr. Jean Spencer), 1967-1968
Gov.-Task Force on Modern Mgt.-April 19, 1968 Meeting in Annapolis, 1968-1969
Gov. Office-Task Force on Modern Management-Mgt. Inform. & Program Eval. System,
Friday, April 19-at 9:30 a.m. Statler-Hilton Hotel-Annapolis Gov. Meeting, Task Force,
BOX 335
St. of Md.
Gov.-Mod. Mangt. Organization & Program Review..., 1967-1968
Gov.'s Task Force on Mod. Mgt.-Study Publications & Public Relations Activities, 19671968
Gov. Off.-Task Force on Mod. Mgt. Fair Practices-Code of, 1968-1969
St. of Md.-Gov. Task Force on Mod. Mgt.-Personnel Study Committe, 1967-1968
Gov. Office-Commission for Modernization of Exec. Branch of Md. Govt. Questionnaire,
September 27, 1966
St. of Md.-Gen. Assembly 1968-Bills
List of Bills & Resolutions Passed & Signed, April 16, 1968
House Resolution No. 65-1968 (Briscoe), Courses in Fisheries, Etc., [1968]
Between-Session Committees Appts..., April 1968
H. B. 423 (Fiscal Note on Operation of Evening Division of Law School), Feb. 5, 1968
H. Bill 553-Malkus-Repeal, Regents as St. Bd. of Agriculture, [1968]
H. B. 1261 by Malone-Re Purchase of Insurance to Protect St. Police, March 4, 1968
H. B. 1148 Feb. 17, 1968-Crimes & Punishments Newspaper Publications..., 1968
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 335 (cont’d)
St. of Md.-Gen. Assembly 1968-Bills (cont’d)
H. B. No. 431-(Beall) Repeal-Disc. of Remission of Fees, Feb. 6, 1968
S. B. 401 Hughes-Feb. 20, 1968-RE Construction Time Element, [1968]
H. B. 678 (Briscoe-Feb. 16, 1968), Ch. for Soil Conserv. Distr. & Supervisors, 1968
S. B. 290-(Nock Lee & H. R. Hughes) Apts. to Adv. Council-Hearing, Feb. 20, 1968
S. B. No. 216, Hart New Sec.-Creating New Bd. & New Duties Public Ed. Hearing,
February 5, 1968
Hearing, March 1, 1968 S. B. No. 394, 1968
H. Bill 38 Natural Resources-Reference Only, Feb. 1968
Legislation, Joint Resolution No. 3, Cardin and Crawford..., 1968
H. B. 10 Natural Resources-Md. Commercial Fertilizer Law of 1963..., Jan. 17, 1968
H. B. 16 Re Program of Mandatory Meat Inspection, January 17, 1968
H. B. No. 43, Speaker-Natural Resources Amend Weights and Measures..., Jan. 17, 1968
S. Bill 290 (Nock, Lee & H. R. Hughes), Re Ad. Council for Higher Ed., Feb. 12, 1968
H. B. No. 502 Natural Resources (Osborne)-Sod. Control Law..., Feb. 8, 1968
House Bill 423, [1968]
Gen. Assembly-Leg. Status Report, March 15, 1967
Gen. Assembly of Maryland-Senate Committee on Economic Affairs for 1968, undated
St. of Md.-Gen. Assembly House Resolution No. 80, Re Chapel Choir, March 6, 1967
Gen. Assembly of Md.
H. R. No. 87 Study Comm. for Capital Improvements, (Bentz Representative), 1966
UMBC, Senate Bill 360, 1967
1967 Session S. Bill 33-Greater Balt. Consolidated Wholesale Food Market Auth.,
St. of Md.-Gen. Assembly, Bills Related to Agriculture Before 1967 Legislature, 1967
Gen. Assembly of Md.-Joint Comms., Study Current Expense and Capital Budgets, March 28,
St. of Md.-Gen. Assembly of Md., March 15, 1967-Status of Bills, 1967
General Assembly of Maryland-Re 1967 Session-H. B. 475-Post-Graduate Fellowship (Cook)...,
(Rewritten) by Edna P. Cook-Md. Fellowship Program, 1967
St. of Md.-General Assembly House Bill No. 475 Postgraduate Fellowships (Cook)...,
Gen. Assembly of Md.
S. B. 117 (Nock, Pine & Hughes) Estb. State Bd. for Community Colleges..., 1967
H. B. 88 (Cook, Dorman, Grumbacher, Cassidy & Scarff) Est. St. Bd. for Comm.
Colleges, 1967
S. Bill 119 (by Hart) Governance of Community Colleges (Feb. 15 at 3), [1967]
S. Bill 117 (Nock, Pine & Hughes), Gov. of Comm. Colleges (Feb. 15 at 3), [1967]
H. B. 88 (Cook, Dorman, Et. Al) Gov. of Comm. Colleges (Feb. 15 at 3), [1967]
1967-Material Used for Bills on Gov. of Comm. Colleges (Feb. 15 at 3) 2-Year Trans.,
1967-Material Used for Bills on Gov. of Comm. Colleges-Statement-Elkins, (Feb. 15),
Gen. Assembly-Bill-1966 Session Senate Bill No. 316-Nock, St. Board, 1966
St. of Md.
Legislative Council 1967-1968, Request That Law Sch. Evening Class Phase-Out to be
Reviewed, [1967]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 335 (cont’d)
St. of Md. (cont’d)
Legislative Reference-New Address for July 1, 1966
Law Dept.-Request for Information-Feasibility of Liability Insurance Coverage, Feb.Mar., 1968
State Law Dept. Resignation of Loring E. Hawes as of April 1, 1968 (Plus Leave), 1968
St. Law Dept.-Hawes-Re "Estate Planning & Extension Services," 1967-1968
Law Dept.-Hawes-Re Suitable Deed in Fee Simple from Dept. of Interior Bureau of Mines,
St. Law Department-10 New Sections to Article 77-Annotated Code of Md., Public Education,
St. of Md.
State Law Dept. 1967-1968, 1966 Amendment to Fair Labor Standards Act (Temp. Rest.
Order), [1967]
Law Department 1967 Applicability of Fair Labor Standards Act Amend. of 1966 to St.
Employees, [1966]
Law Dept. Loring E. Hawes-Sp. Asst. Attny. Gen. for Uni. of Md., Jan. 15, 1964
Law Dept.-Hawes Re Uni. of Md. vs. Gilbert L. Rock, et al (Clark Lake Observatory),
State Department of Education..., 1968
Education-Request for Extension of Retirement Date-Daniel A. Prescott to June 30, 1967
Education, College of, Re Md. State Teachers Assn.-Re Student Teachers in Baltimore City
Schools 1966-1967, [1967]
St. Dept. of Ed.-Agreement Providing Human Relations Study Center in Ed. College-Signed Feb.
19, 1968
St. of Md. Dept. of Education Fixed Charges-Teacher Education Priority List..., May 1968
St. Dept. of Education-Revision As of July 1967-Md. Standards for 4-Year Colleges &
Universities, 1968
St. of Md.
St. Dept. of Public. Ed. Frampton's Talk of August 27, 1967, Cheseapeake College Fac.,
Education, Dept. of, Schools Approved by US Office of Ed. for 15% Canc. Rate NDEA
Loans, 1967-1968
Education-Vocational-Proposed 1967-1968 Budgets for Depts. Vocational Teacher Ed.,
State Department Of Education, 1967
St. Dept of Education, Md. Standards for 4-Year Colleges & Universities-Revision...., 19661967, [1967-1968] (2f)
St. Dept. of Ed.-Dr. Kaplan-Comm. to Study Certification Requirements of Teachers in Md.,
September 5, 1967-Capital Budget Hearings-St. Planning Dept. (Requests for 1969), [1967]
St. of Md.
Bd. of Health & Mental Hygiene-Dr. Lindbergh S. Sota Rep. on Adv. Council, 1966
Planning & Zoning Law Study Comm.-Rural Area Dev. Comm., February 1, 1967, 19671968
Md. Air Pollution Control Council 1966-1967, [1967]
Tuesday, July 9-Capital Improv. Committee Visit-25 in All, Coffee & Doughnuts, [1968]
9. Other Matters a. Disposal of University Property at Tilghman Island, [1968]
[Loose Material-Bill No. 117, 1967]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 335 (cont’d)
3. Capital Improvements Approp. Approved by St. Leg. for 1966-1967, [1966]
State of Maryland, Commission on the Aging, 1967-1968
[Loose Material-Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1967-1968]
St. of Md.-Legislative Council Expenditures for Constitutional Convention-Report, August 14,
1968, [1968]
Med. School-Apt. of Dr. Lindbergh S. Sota as Rep. on Adv. Council-Bd. Health & Mental
Hygiene, 1966
Colleges-Baltimore, University of Dr. T. G. Pullen-Chairman Md. Comm. on Fulbright-Hays
Sch., 1967-1968
BOX 336
Admissions & Registrations, 1976
Admissions & Registrations-Precocious Youth Program (1974 & 1976)
Letters of Congratulations, [1974]
Letters to the Students, [1974]
Registrar-Transcripts Cases 1976, [1976]
Admissions-Gen. C. P., 1976
Admission-Graduate Sch..., 1976
Law School-Admissions..., 1976
Admissions-Med. Sch...., 1970
Admissions & Registrations, 1975
Adm.-Determination of In-State Status for Admission, Tuition & Charge Differential PurposesEft. Jan. 1, 1974, [1973]
Mrs. Sharon A. Hughes' Request for Grade Change-Gave no Address (Hold), Feb. 1975
Academic Retention Plan-Apvd. by Board on Nov. 17, 1972-Eft., September 1973
Robert Ross Hawkins Transcript & Non-Reporting of Grades, March 1975
Registrar-Transcript Cases..., 1975
Petition for Reinstatement of Deborah Baron, August 8, 1975
Gen. C. P., 1975
Gen..., 1975
Admission-Graduate Sch..., 1975
Law School-Admissions..., 1975
Med. Sch..., 1975
Nursing Sch., 1975
Pharmacy..., 1975
Adm. & Registrations..., 1974
Lavin, Thomas B.-Ltrs. Re Termination of Employment..., 1974
General, 1974
Graduate..., 1974
Dentistry, 1974
Law School, 1974
Medical School, 1974
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 336 (cont’d)
Admissions (cont’d)
Nursing..., 1974
Pharmacy, 1974
Social Work, 1974-1973
Registration-Transcript Cases, 1974
Adm. & Reg.-Director..., 1973
Admissions, Policies Re Residence for Fee Paying Purpose (As of May 1973), [1973]
Adm.-Residence Policies-Applicable to Those Outside Territorial Limits of U.S...., May 4, 1973
Director of Admissions-Re Anonymous Ltr., Feb. 16, 1973
Admissions-General Report on Transcript Procedures & Remedies, January 1973
Adm.-Credit Lost by Students Transf. Md. Com. Colleges to Universities C. P., June 1972
Reinstatement of Students on Various Campuses Each Campus to Determine..., 1972
Giffin's Ltr. of May 2, 1972 on Admission of Transfer Students from Community
Colleges, [1972]
May 2, 1972 Ltr. Re Transfer Students From Community Colleges, [1972]
Admissions & Registrations-Re Maryland Residents Under SREB, 1971-1973
Gen. A-Z..., 1973
Grad. A-Z..., 1973
Admissions & Registrations-Policy on Release of Student Academic Record Information,
December 21, 1973
Registrations-Transcript Cases..., 1973
Danoff, Allan S.-Admission to Law School..., 1973
Law Sch..., 1973
Med. Sch., 1973
Registrar's Office-Change of Name or Issue of New Diploma, [1958-1961]
Adm. Council-Mon. Feb. 18 Item 2. Charges for Multi-Copies of Transcripts, 1974
Registrar-Charges for Multi-Copies of Transcripts, [1973]
Library (McKeldin), 1974
BOX 337
Library (McKeldin) (cont'd), 1973
Md. Academic Library Center for Automated Processing, August 1973
Negotiations for Thomas I. Cook Spanish Lang. & Lit. Collection, 1966
General, 1974
Service Awards, Dinner, May 2, 1974
Pers.-Service Awards-State of Maryland-45 & 40 Years of Service, Friday, June 14, 1974
Directives, 1974
Legal Holidays for 1974 Calendar Year, 1974-1975
40-45 Year Service Awards-University of Md., June 14, 1974
1974-Holiday Schedule, [1973]
General File, 1973
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 337 (cont’d)
Personnel (cont’d)
Directives, 1973
Legal Holidays-1973 (Same for All Campuses-Apvd., October 31, 1972) for 1973
10 Leave Office to Go to Baltimore State Office Bldg. 15th Floor Employees Awards, May 21,
April 27, 1973-Morgan's List of Bills Applicable to Uni. of Md., [1973]
Teachers Retirement System..., 1973
Thursday, May 10 at 7:30 p.m. Personnel Service Awards-Ft. McHenry Room-Center, [1973]
Personnel-Service Awards Eligible by December 31, 1972, [1972]
Physical Plant-C. P. General File.., 1974
Berger, Louis-Retirement Party Friday, August 23, 1974 6 to 8, [1974]
Physical Plant-Re Sen. Schweinhaut's Inquiry on the Richard J. Curry Co., August 1974
Phy. Plant-Ground Damage to Dr. Elkin's Driveway..., Jan. 1974
Construction, 1974 & 1973
Physical Plant
C. P., General File, 1973
Apt. of Donald S. Parry as Assoc. Director of Phy. Plant, Dec. 10, 1973
Re Contract Probe..., 1973
Plan for Fuel Oil Shortage-Dept. of Gen. Services, February 28, 1973
Phy. Plant-George Weber's Retirement Party-Friday, March 30, 1973
Safety & Security..., 1974
Public Safety
PFC Wm. F. Phillips-Dr. Elkins Driver-Effective Sunday, August 18, 1974
Case of Daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Philip M. Clark, October 1974
Safety & Security..., 1973
Oct. 21, 1973-Apt. of Officer Michael J. Knapp as Dr. Elkin's Driver, [1973]
Safety & Security-Sharkey, Charles, 1970-1971
Dept. of Public Safety-Officer Craig Reynolds-To Drive Dr. Elkins, January 1972
Motor Vehicle Administration-Traffic Violations, 1973-1974
Director, 1972
Re Special Group Admissions Questionnaire-Bishop's Report on..., June 1972
Release of Academic Information Clarification, September 1972
Enrollment-Registration Count 2nd Semester-Jan. 31-Feb. 11, 1972 & Comparison, [1972]
March 6 (Monday) 12 to 3-Speak Admissions Luncheon, 1972
Gen..., 1971 Term A-Z, [1972]
Grad. Sch. A-Z, [1970-1972]
Dental Sch..., 1971 & 1972
Law Sch., 1970-1971-1972
Med. Sch..., 1970-71-&72
Nursing..., 1972
Pharmacy..., 1972
Social Work..., 1970 & 1971
Registrations..., 1972
Admissions-President Cases..., 1972
Registration...Transcript Cases..., 1972
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 337 (cont’d)
General A-K, 1971
General-L thru Z..., 1971
Director..., 1971
(Hold for Action) Admissions Requirements for 1970-1971...., 1969
Re: Removal of Religious Preference from Adm. Form, 1968-1969
Director..."Confidential Nature of Student Records" Am. Council on Ed., June 22, 1967
Re Grades of Students under Vocational Rehabilitation Plan, Hickman, 1971
Resident Cases, 1970 & 1971
Registrations..., 1971
Registrar-Transcript Cases, [1971]
BOX 338
Student Aid Office Gen. File..., 1972
Scholarships-Applications for, 1972
Student Aid Office, Gen. File..., 1971
Scholarship-Applications for, 1971
Student Aid-Summary of Financial Aid For 1970-1971 Recvd., September 14, 1971
Sch-Estabmt. of by Individuals or Groups, [1951-1952]
Scholarships-Future, [1958]
Finance & Business Comptroller, 1976
Finance & Business, Director & Comptroller..., 1975
Hold-Application of George Davis, Jr., for Comptroller, 1975
Comptroller-Endowment Income Balances-June 20, 1975-Bd. Action
Transfer, [1975]
Compt. Re Statement of Cash Received from Trustees of the End. Fund, June 30, 1975
Comp.-Transfer of Endowment Income Balances-Apvd. by Bd. June 21, 1974...., 1974-1975
Fin. & Business Comptroller-Harry Fisher-Retirement, July 1, 1975
Comptroller-Common Trust Fund-Transfer to as of July 1, 1975- Apvd. by Bd., June 20, 1975
Comp.-Re Ltr. Oct. 9, 1975 to Treasure on Bank Accts. Maintained by Uni. P., 1975
Finance & Business, Director..., 1974
Comptroller-Fisher-Custodian of Securities, Etc.-Elkins
Authorization, May 30, 1974
Director of Finance and Business C. Wilbur Cissel-Retirement as of June 30, 1974 (Last Day
April 30), [1974]
Compt. Statement of Cash Recvd. from Trustees of Endowment Fund-Year Ended June 30, 1974
(Apvd. Bd. September 20, 1974), [1974]
Director-Finance and Business Re Fee Changes for 1973-1974 All Campuses, [1972]
Comp. By Jan. 15, 1976-Reports on Morrill Funds & Reg. Fed. Appro. to Land Grants (Sent Oct.
24, 1975]
Comp. Reports on Morrill Funds & Regular Fed. Appropriations to Land Grants-Due December
1, 1974
Comp. Rpt. Morrill Funds-Etc., Reg. Land-Grant Appts.-Fiscal June 30, 1973 (U. S. Off. Ed.)...,
Oct. 1973
Fisher-Bankhead Jones Funds Fiscal 1973, June 22, 1973
Comp. US Off. of Ed. Land-Grant & Morrill Funds-Report by Oct. 15, 1972
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 338 (cont’d)
Compt.-US Off. of Ed. on Land Grant & Morrill Funds-Report by Oct. 1, 1971, [1971]
Compt. C. P.
Forms-US Office of Ed. on Land-Grant, Morrill Funds (Report by Sept. 1, 1970), [1970]
Forms from US Office of Ed. on Land-Grant, Morrill Funds (Report by Sept. 1, 1969)...,
Finance & Business
(Cissel), 1972 (Gen.), [1972]
Comptroller..., 1972
Fin. & Bus.
Transfer of Endowment Income Balances at UMAB, B. Action November 30, 1973,
September 28, 1972-Ltr. Supervisor of Assessments-Exemption of Cecil County Ed.
Center, [1972]
Sept. 22, 1972-Cissel Authorization for Sale of Stocks and Bonds-Resolution Elkins-Waetjen;
Cissel-Fisher, [1972]
Fin. & Bus.-Transfer of Endowment Income Balances-Apvd. Board, June 23, 1972
Cissel-Re HEW Audit Control No. 30027-03-C. P.-Head Start Grant H-9903-Jan. 7, 1966-Dec.
31, 1971, 1972
Fin. & Bus.-HEW Audit Contr. 20153-03 Coop. Meat & Poultry Insp. Program, June 30, 1969June 30, 1970 (May 1972), [1972]
Uni. College-Conf. & Institutes-HEW-Audit Control No. 20129-03, July 1, 1969-June 30, 1970,
Fin. & Bus-HEW Audit Control No. 20111-03-Indirect Cost Rates for C. P.-June 30, 1970...,
May 1972
Finance & Business
(Cissel) 1971 (Gen.), [1971]
Comptroller-C. P., [1970-1971] (2f)
(Cissel), 1970 Gen., [1970]
Comptroller, C. P. [1970]
Fin. & Bus., Cashier..., 1970
F & B Cashier.... 1970, Petit, Cecil & Charge on Check, [1970]
Fin. & Bus.
Transfer of Endowment Income Balances to Principal, Bd. Apvd. Nov. 20, 1970
Retirement of Bonds-Cole Activities Building Construction, March 1971
Use of Unrestricted Funds-Approved by Bd. of Regents-Nov. 18, 1971...for 1972, [1971]
Audit Report-Balt. Union Bond Issue-Paid off-June 30, 1972, Final-Recvd., June 14,
Fin. & Business-Cissel's Request for 1957 Correspondence with Housing & Home Fin. Agency(Sent to Him May 11, 1973), [1973]
Maisel-Internal Audits-Re UMBC-(See UMBC-Sp. File), 1974
Fisher-to O'C Re Schedule-Fac. Merit Salary Plan Averages-Comparison 1974-1975 (Oct. 29,
1974), [1974]
Comp. Transfer of Endowment Income Balances-Bd. Action on Nov. 22, 1974 (Balt. Funds)....,
Finance & Business-Comptroller, 1973
Director-Fin. & Bus.-Fee Changes for 1972-73-Apvr. by Bd., September 17, 1971
Fin. & Bus.
Central Business Office-Ltr. of Feb. 18, 1971, Relationship, [1971]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 338 (cont’d)
Fin. & Bus. (cont’d)
Cissel-Discussion-Present & Future Operation-Uni. Level & on Other Campuses, Nov.
Tuesday, Jan. 26-11 a. m., Mr. Pierce Lambdin-St. of Bld., [1970]
Fin. & Bus.
Personal Liability Insurance, May 10, 1971
Re Dr. Wildon R. Schmidt & Collection of Diploma Fee, Jan.-Feb. 1971
HEW-Receipt of Review of Ind. Cost Rates, C. P. 1968 & 1969, No. 10045-03...., 1971
Finance & Business-Transfer of Divisions to Office of Chancellor, January 8, 1971
Fin. & Bus.
Increase in Summer Session Rates for Dormitory Residence for 1971, [1971]
An Optional Retirement Program for Publicly Supported Colleges & Uni. in Md. Jan.
1971, 1971]
Cissel's Comments on Legislative Auditor's Reports for 4 Campuses..., June 9, 1971
Fin. and Business-Transfer of Endowment Income Balances, June 18, 1971-Bd. Approved,
Fin. & Bus.
Re Internal Revenue & Reporting on Monies Received by Foreign Students on
Fellowships, Etc., 1971-1972
HEW-Audit Control No. 20130-03-Direct Costs-Training Grants, Etc. C. P. July 1, 1968June 30, 1970, [1972]
Re HEW-Audit Report-Control No. 20077-03 (July 1, 1968-June 30, 1970), March 31,
F & B-Re HEW Auditor Report-Control No. 00153-03-Fiscal 1968-January 23, 1970, [1970]
Fin. & Bus.
Board Apvd. May 12, 1972, Brown & Lanowitz to Sign Checks on Account in Equitable
Trust Co. Balt. City, [1972]
Audit of Student Aid Programs-Dept. HEW, March 1973
Signature Authorization for Sale of Stocks & Bonds-Apv. by Bd., June 22, 1973
Transfer of Endowment Income Balances-Apvd. by Bd. on June 22, 1973
Cissel-Annual Report of Cash Recvd. Trustees of Endow. Fund.
June 30, 1972, (Aprd. Bd. September 22, 1972), [1972]
Fin. & Bus.
Statement of Cash Recvd. from Trustees of the Endowment Fund Year Ended June 30,
Cash Recvd. from Trustees of Endowment Fund-Fiscal June 30, 1970, [1970]
Changes in Student Fees, (Apvd. Bd. on September 25, 1970), [1970]
University Payroll, Facts Re Uni. of Md., Cissel's Memo of August 5, 1970
Director-Re Balt. Off. Internal Revenue on Ltr. from Dr. Thurston Griggs, Physics 19701971, [1970]
Reference: Information from Housing and Urban Development, 1969-1970
The Study of College and University Endowment Funds-1969 The Boston Fund..., 19701971
F & B Tax Deferred Annuities, February 1970
Fin. & Bus.
Goldberg-Natl. Aeronautics & Space Adm.-Cost Sharing on Unsolicited Proposals, Jan.
1970 & 1969
Proposing Audit of Ed. Opportunity Grant Program-HEW, Jan. 1970
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 338 (cont’d)
Fin. & Bus. (cont’d)
Cissel's Memo of Dec. 5, 1969 Re Reporting of Gifts, 1969
Fee Changes (Student) Academic Year 1970-1971 (& Summer Session) Bd. App.,
September, 1969
Re Ltr. from HEW on New Patent Agreement-Ans. Mar 27, 1969
Finance and Business (Hold in Files 1970)-Re Meeting of Assoc. of College & Univer. Auditors,
Sept. 1970
F & B-Cissel-Assurance of Compliance under Title VI of Civil Rights Act of 1964..., 1965
Finance and Business-Board Policy on Use of Unrestricted Gifts, Grants & Bequests..., June 19,
Finance & Business Director..., 1972
Centralizing Uni. Payroll Check in Central Payroll Bureau, April 1973
Estimates of 1973 Expenditures-All Campuses, Dec. 1972
Comptroller-C. P.-Plans for Office..., 1973
Fisher Ltr. of Nov. 7 & Reply of Nov. 7, 1972 Re: Partial Offset in Baltimore & C. P., [1972]
Comptroller Fisher-Memo on Dining Hall & Dormitory Construction Programs, February 1972
Comptroller-Fisher St. Planning Dept.-Fed. Grant-in-Aid Notifications..., 1971
Directions, [1969]
Grants Office-Goldberg..., 1972
F & B-Grants Office-Goldberg..., 1970-1971 (2f)
Balt. Comptroller..., 1972
BOX 339
UMAB-Business Serv., 1973-1975
Comptroller..., 1971
F & B Balt.-Pakistan Project, Agreement to July 1, 1971 (Signed) Amended Agree to Come
March 29, 1971, [1971]
Fin. & Bus-Baltimore City Mr. Elwood C. Hewitt as Acting Comptroller, July 7, 1971
Balt. Comptroller..., 1970
F & B-Kennedy's Files-1969 Re: Peter J. Esseff & Questionnaire on Lang. Laboratory..., 1969
Fin. & Bus.
Baltimore Union Bond Issue-Yr. Ended June 30, 1971, Audit, [1971]
Rental Charge for Prof. Schools Union-Dormitory-Dormitory-430.00, Aprv., March 25,
Recommendations for Use of Unrestricted Funds-Bd. Apvd., November 10, 1970
Transfer of Endowment Funds Income-Med. & Pharmacy-June 26, 1970 Approved by
Board, 1970
Audit Report Bond Issue Stu. Union in Baltimore as of June 30, 1970
Dormitory Bonds-Balt. Union-Audit Year Ended June 30, 1969, 1969-1970
Bond Issue Fin. Stu. Union & Cole Field House-Frats 10 as of June 30, 1970
Rev. Bonds of 1953-Physical Activities Building-10 Frat Houses-Final Audit-Oct. 31,
Transfer of Endowment Income Balances to Principal (Apvd. by Bd. May 15, 1970),
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 339 (cont’d)
Finance & Business....Annual Report-Endowment & Gifts as of June 30, 1970, [1970]
Research Foundation of State University of New York-Balt. Business Office, April 1974
Balt. Campus-Fin. & Bus.-Krahl, Dr. Vernon E.-Application for Grant, June 20, 1973
Fri. Oct. 8 at 12 Noon-Luncheon for Mr. E. C. Cadwallader, Balt. Union-2nd Fl. Dining Rm.,
St. of Md.-Governor..., 1975 & 1976
Governor-Wilner's Inquiry Regarding Employment of Don R. Kendall, July 26, 1976
Gov. Ltr. of May 11, 1976 on Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 1978-St. Plan Ltr. of May 14, 1976
Same Subject, [1976]
Governor Office-Ltr. of May 7, 1976 with Ref. to Delayed Invoice Payment-Ans., May 10, 1976
Gov. Office-Re Library Cuts-C. P. Campus, 1976
Governor-Ltr. of April 14, 1976 on Sea Grant Program, Emergency Funding..., 1976
Gov.-April 13, 1976-Supplem. Budget Request for Interstate Ed. Compacts-SREB, [1976]
Sat. Jan. 24 at 5:30 p.m. Leave House-Statler Hilton-Alfalfa Club 9:30 p.m.-Black Tie, [1976]
Jan. 31, 1976-2 p.m.-State of the State Message-Gov. Mandel (Save), [1975]
Gov. Ltrs. to All State Agencies Heads-Various Subjects, 1975-1976
Governor's Office Press Conference, 1976
Gov. Office
OMB Circular A-107-Transmitting from U. S. Sec. of Treasury..., March 1975
Re Henry K. Sweeney's Ltr. to Gov.-Suggested Reply December 1974 & January 1975,
Mandel's Inauguration, January 17, 1975
Gov.-Ltr. of July 15, 1975 on Management Improvement Plan for Fiscal 1976 (See O'C
Complete File), [1975]
Gov. Task Force on Nuclear Power Plants-Preliminary Rept. by Dec. 1975, Final March, 1976
Gov. Ltr. of June 25-Bond Proposals thru St. Planning..., 1975
Gov. Ltrs. of August 7 on Controlling Supplement. Budgets & Aug. 9 Re Bond Requests..., 1974
Mandel-Re Fred Paull's Ltr. Re Dr. Charles Errico-Instructor in Uni. College..., August 30, 1974
Gov. July 22, 1974-Request for Extension of Submitting 1976 Budget, August 1974
Governor-Ltr. June 6 (Delivered) 1974-On Extending Grievance Machinery..., [1975]
Governor-Ltr. of May 31, 1976 Fiscal General Fund Allocation (Budget Filed by Sept. 1, 1974),
Exec. Dept.-President's 1975 Budget-O'C. to Respond, March 1974
Gov. Off.-Blair Lee-Re-University Assistance Program (Pelczar, Jan. 1974) Energy Crisis,
State of the State Message-January 16, 1974 at 2:00 p.m., [1974]
Legislative Council-Gen. File, 1971-1973
Legislative Council...1971 for 1972 Task Force-Study Shortage of Physicians, [1971]
Legislative Reference..., 1971
St. Dept of Legislative Reference-Re Lowering Age of Majority Fr. 21 to 18, September 1972
Gen. Assembly Dept. of Fiscal Service..., 1975-1976
Fiscal Services
Legislative Hearing 9:30 a.m., June 2, 1976 on Funding for Council for Higher Ed...,
Re UMES-Curriculum Review Commission-Hornbake, 1975
Re UMAB-Overpractice Program-Med. Faculty, [1975]
Budget Review-Fiscal Services Issues of Public Debt-Bill-Ans., Sept. 24, 1975
Fiscal Services-1975-Gen. Assembly Action on Gen. Construction Loan of 1975..., May 1975
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 339 (cont’d)
Attorney General, 1972
Attorney General...Request to Gov. for Extra Asst. Attorney Gen. for Md. (Feb.), 1972
Fiscal Services-Apt. of James L. Stoops Handling of Legislative Budget, July 30, 1974
St. Dept. of Education, 1975 & 1976
St. Dept. of Education-Request for Property at UMBC (Also Made by Gen. Services)..., 1975 &
Md. St. Dept. of Education-VA Standards-Guidelines (Hornbake Handling)..., 1976
St. Dept. of Ed.-Delay of Retirement Date of Dr. Wilburn C. Schroeder, June 30, 1976-Chem.
Eng. O. K., [1975]
Md. St. Dept. of Ed.-Extension-to June 30, 1976 for Helmut Landsberg-70 in Feb., [1976]
Md. St. Retirement System-Re Retirement of Frank H. Cronin as of June 30, 1976
Personnel-St. Retirement Systems-Dr. James G. Arnold, Jr. (Holding-July 1975), [1975]
Md. St. Dept. of Ed.-Conference for Ed. Leadership, Apr. 8, 9, 1976
2-4 p.m. Monday, April 28-Md. Conf. for Educational Leadership, Martin's West Main
Ballroom, [1975]
Md. St. Dept. of Education Organizational Chart (As of February 1975)...., 1975
St. of Md.-State-Accredited Md. Colleges & Universities, Jan. 1975
State Dept. of Education-Frank Blair-Asst. Attorney Gen. for Education...Telephone No.,
Md. State Dept. of Education (New Address), July 1972
General Services, 1975 & 1976
General Services-Jan. 16, 1975 Ltr. Requesting Retention of Certain Capital Appropriations...,
Gen. Services
Energy Conservation, April 8 1975
Re Extra Funds for Master Plan (CEES); Lewis' Ltr. June, 19 & Ans. June 27; To
Chancs., 1975
General Services (St.) Re C & P Balt. Directory-Re UMAB & UMBC for 1975-1976, [1975]
Gen. Services
Apt. of Barry L. Marsh as Alternative in Gen. Professional Services Selection Bd., 1975
Request for Maintenance Personnel-All Campuses & CEES, Sept. 1975
Architects for Central Administration Bldg., June 1974
Dept. of Gen. Services-Radio Systems Questionnaire, March 1975
Dept. of General Services-Facilities for the Handicapped-(To O'C), June 1974
Gen. Services-Re H. Bill 640 & Kendig as Official Representative of University, June 26, 1974
Dept. of General Services-Re Ltr. of June 10, 1974 Restoration & Adaptation Horn Point
Center..., June 10, 1974
Gen. Services
Re Bid of Hill & Kimmel for Addition, Etc. to Industrial Ed. Bldg., Jan. 1974, Jan. 31,
Inventory of Publications, January 31, 1974
General Services, St. Dept. Re: Telephone Service Representative Program, May 1974
Dept. of Gen. Services
Directive #2-July 30, 1976-Ans. by Kendig, August 24, 1976
Lease Re Establishment of Banking Operations Stu. Union, C. P., November 1, 1973
Gen. Services-Hall of Records-Re Retention & Disposition Schedule for Uni. of Md..., 1974
St. of Md. Hall of Records, 1974
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 339 (cont’d)
St. Planning-Executive Planning Process (Continuation), Manual, March 1975 To O'C, April 16,
1975, [1975]
St. of Md. General Assembly, 1975-1976,
Gen. Assembly of Md.-Pictures, 1976
BOX 340
Gen. Assembly of Md. (cont'd)
Re Equitable Salaries for Agri. Faculty on C. P. Campus...., Nov. 2, 1976
Subcom. on Data Processing-Re Bills-Ans. by O'C. on June 30, 1976
2 p.m. June 2-Legal Ed. Facilities-Cap. Budget-Hearings House Appropriations, [1976]
Gen. Assembly-House Appro. Sub-Com. on State Data Processing Schedule & Membership,
June 1976
Gen. Assembly of Md.
Re Including Cooperative Extension Service Long Range Plan, May 1976
Reductions H.B. 900-Applicable to U. of M. May 10, 1976 Ltr. to Administrators, [1976]
General Assembly of Maryland Budget Hearings, March 2, 3, & 4, 1976
General Assembly-Nov. 11, 1975, Hargreaves House Com. on Appropriations-Budget FormatHigher Ed., [1975]
5. Standards for Practice-Higher Education, 1975
Gen. Assembly of Maryland-Cap. Improvements for 1977-Hearing,
March 1, 1976, Sub Com. on Cap. Budget, [1976]
Gen. Assembly-St. Services Subcommittee-Sept. 24, 1975, Materials on..., [1975]
Faculty-Student Ratios, Used in September 24, 1975 Meeting, [1975]
1975-House and Senate Committee..., 1975
Gen. Assembly-Nicols, Ltr. to O'C Outside Employment of Faculty & Adm.-Ans. June 12, 1975
Gen. Assembly of Md. Senators & Delegates-Women Pictures, 1975
Ad. Council-March 10-Item 2. Meeting on March 12 with Women Delegates-House Off. B.
Annapolis, [1975]
Gen. Assembly-1970-Sub Com. on Govt. Operations; State Services & Capital Budget, 1975
Gen. Assembly of Md.-Joint Budget & Audit Com.-Re Role, Workload & Function of Bd. of
Public Works, July 23, 1975
Tuesday, February 4 at 2 p.m., Full Hearings-House Appropriations, New House Bldg.
Annapolis, 1975
Gen. Assembly-House Committees Constitution & Administrative Law..., 1975
Comp. of Treasury..., 1975 & 1976
St. Treasurer-Bureau of Revenue Estimates, Sept. to O'Connell, 1976
State of Md.: Comptroller-Ltr. from Md. Turfgrass Council re Dr. John Hall, April 1976
Comp. Re Ltr. to Editor of Balt. Sun from Eileen Carton-Tax Refund, Sept. 1975
Comptroller-Re Union Trust Co. of Md. University Endowment Funds, Nov. 21, 1975, December
Comp. of Treas.-Delayed Invoices, April 9, 1974
Comp. of Treasury-Publications, 1975-1976
St. Treasurer...., 1975-1976
St. Treasurer
Re Reinspection Report on Donaldson Brown Center, May 1976
Re Maury, Donnelly & Parr, Inc.-Delayed Payment of Insurance Invoices..., Sept. 1976
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 340 (cont’d)
St. Treasurer (cont’d)
Reinspection Reports on UMES: Seafood Lab (CEES) & Animal Health Labs-Salisbury,
Re Reinspection Report of UMBC--Ans., September 1976
Treasurer-Re-Each Bank Acct. Maintained by Uni.-Ans., Oct. 9, 1975
St. Treasurer
Review of Bldg.-Insurance Coverage-Blanket Fire, Etc., November 18, 1975
Reinspection Repts., 1974, 1975
Board of Public Works..., 1975 & 1976
Board of Public Works
Minutes 1976, [1976]
Nov. 17, 1975 (Delivered) Re Funds in Intercollegiate Athletics, [1975]
Public Works- Under Teacher Tuition Waiver Program,
July 22, 1974 Ltr. to Heubeck Program, July 22, 1974 Ltr. to Heubeck (See Hornbake for
Complete File), [1974]
Bd. of Public Works-Option Contract Exchange of Land-Cambridge Country Club & CEES,
December 1974
May 7, 1975-Board of Public Works Meeting... Agenda, [1975]
Budget & Fiscal Planning, 1975-1976
Oct. 6 Ltr. Dept. of Budget & Fiscal Planning-Rates on Employee Housing Units, [1976]
Barnes-Re Chairmanship of Oversight Com. to Study Budgetary Problems of Uni. Hospital, July
B & Fiscal-Executive Mgt. Plan, 1976
Budget & Fiscal Planning-Barnes Ltr. Feb. 26, 1976 re Travel to Foreign Sites..., 1976
St. Planning-Visit to UMES on May 20, 1976 & to UMAB on June 10, 1976
Dept. of Budg. & Fisc. Plan.-Ltr. of February 27, 1976 re 1977 Budget Request to Purchase Med.
Malpractice Insur., [1976]
Dept. of Budget & Fiscal Planning-Re-Sept. 24, 1975 Ltr. of Reporting & Mgt. Inst. for
Emergency Med., [October 2, 1975]
Budget & Fiscal Planning-August 1975 State-Wide Cost Allocation Plan & Indirect Costs (To
O'C), [1975]
Dept. of Budget & Fiscal Planning, July 9, 1975 Elkins Letter to Barnes on Budget & Meeting,
St. Dept. of Budget & Fiscal Planning Re: Contract Regulations, March 20, 1975
St. Budget & Fiscal Plan-Re Services of Fague Springmann on Bicentennial Comm., July 1975
Budget & Fiscal Planning-Changes in Requests for Proposals & Contractual, July 3, 1975 (Eft.,
July 1, 1975), [1975]
Budget & Fiscal Planning-revised Planning Regulations-St. Owned Prop.; Contr. Serv. &
Moving Exp., May 20, 1975
Budget & Fiscal Plan.-Re C. P. Computer Sci. Center-Feb. 19, March 4, & Answer of Apr. 9,
1975 from O'C, [1975]
Dept. of State Planning, 1975 & 1976
St. Planning
Oct. 14, 1976 Ltr. from Wahbe-on Furniture & Equipment, [1976]
Re New Library for Sch. of Law-July 20 Answer to Wahbe Ltr. of July 7, 1976
Dept. of St. Planning-Capital Budget Request of 1979-Sent to Wahbe on July 1, 1976-Hand
Delivered, [1976]
St. Planning-Gov. Ltr. of June 28, 1976 re Bond Bill Proposals to Gen. Assembly..., 1976
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 340 (cont’d)
Dept. of St. Planning-Draft Copy of the Uni. of Md. Space Planning Guidelines (To Kendig),
April 30, 1976
St. Planning-Eft. June 1, 1976-Appropriations to Uni. Under Gen. Construction Loan of 1976,
Dept. of State Planning-Property Under Control of Univ. of Md. as of March 31, 1976
St. Planning Re Animal Science Bldg., 1975 & 1976
Dept. of St. Planning-Inventory of St. Owned Real Property, August 1976
St. Planning
Re UMBC Commons Project-July 21, 1975 & Reply of Kendig of August 12, 1975
(Capital Budget) Construction Funds for Human Ecology Building, Jan. 26, 1974
Dept. of State Planning-Gen. Constr. Loan of 1975 (H.B. No. 281), Eft., June 1, 1975
St. Planning-Air Conditioning-Existing & Planned-April 1975, (Report by May 29, 1975), [1975]
State Planning-Reviews on UMES Buildings, March 1975
St. Planning-Re Ltr. of Aug. 19 on CEES GEN. Use Office, Etc., September 1974-1975
St. Planning-Consolidated Capital Budget Request for 1976-All Areas, Oct. 4, 1974
St. Dept. of Personnel...., 1976
BOX 341
St. Persn.-Re Permanent Part-Time Employees-July 20, 1976 (To O'C) & Bosz of Aug. 10, 1976,
St. Dept. of Personnel
1976-Directives, [1976]
1975-Directives, [1975]
Md. State Retirement Systems Retirement Coordinators-University System, 1972-1973
Persn.-Teachers Retirement..., 1975
Sec. of Personnel-Budget Amendment, Various Salary & Wage Accounts for Adjustment-Eft.
July 1, 1975
St. Dept. of Personnel
Re Amendment to Standard Travel Regulations, June 1974-1975
Re Dept.'s Authority to Hold Hearings for Employees of Uni., 1973 & 1974
St. Personnel-Re Sick Leave Policy No. 16-Hold for Fishbein's Opinion, February 1974
St. of Md.
Comptroller of the Treasury, 1967
Comptroller of the Treasury Reports, 1967
Board of Public Works... General File..., 1967
Board of Public Works-Minutes of Meetings..., 1967
Board of Public Works-Advisory Council from Adv. Council for Higher Ed., 1964, 1967
Board of Public Works Re: State Employees Medical Insurance Program, 1966
Budget and Procurement... General File, 1967
Dept. of Budget & Procurement-Supplements to 1968-1969, 1967-1968
Dept. of Budget & Procurement-List of Consultants-5-Year Period-by Uni., 1967
Dept. of Budget & Procurement-Proposed Salary Scales for Asst. Prof. & Instructors
1967-1968, [1968]
Budget and Procurement-Budget Bureau Questions on Budget-to Be Answered by Pres.,
Received on November 14, 1967
St. of Md.
Budget and Procurement Identification Numbering Systems Committee..., 1967-1968
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 341 (cont’d)
St. of Md. (cont’d)
Dept. of Budget & Procurement-School of Architecture, 1966-1967
St. of Maryland
Commissioner of Personnel..., 1967
State Planning Department, 1967
St. of Md.
Planning & Zoning Law Study Commission-Questionnaire-Deadline, September 14,
1967, 1967-1968
Planning Dept.-Capital Budget Hearings on Sept. 5, 1967 for Requests for Year 1969...,
State Planning Dept. Re Wash. County Md. Economic Dev. Uni. in Hagerstown..., 19671968
Planning Dept. St. Plan for Higher Ed. Facilities Act of 1963..., 1967-1968
St. Planning Dept.-Re Space Utilization Study for Fiscal Year 1969, 1967-1968
St. Planning-1968-1969-Capital Budget Md. St. College Requests, July 1967
St. of Md.
St. Planning Dept. Capital Improvement Projects Approved for 1967, 1967
State Planning Department Appropriations-Uni. of Md.-All Areas (H.B. 80 & 81), 19671968
State Planning Dept. 1967-1968 Supplemental Funds for Planning Underg. Lib. & Add.
to Chem. Eng., [1967]
State Planning Dept.-Cole Field House, Addition to, 1967-1968
State Planning Fed. All Programming (1962-est. 1966-1967), 1967-1968
St. Planning
Adv. Higher Ed. Fac. Additions to Phy. Sciences Complex, 1967-1968
Adv. Higher Ed. Fac. Act. Re Central Utility Plant at UMBC..., 1967-1968
St. Planning Dept.-Capital Improvements Projects Approved for 1966-1967, 1966
St. of Md.
State Planning-Request for Funds to Estab. School Archi. at Uni..., 1966-1967
Planning Department Preliminary Plans 1968 Fiscal Year, Capital Budget, 1967-1968
Planning Dept., Re Adv. Council Higher Ed. Facilities Act of 1963, Facilities Grants,
Project Requests for Fiscal Year, 1966-1967
St. of Md. Planning Dept. Capital Facilities Program, 1965
St. of Maryland-Planning Dept. 1964 Re Higher Education Facilities Act of 1963, [1963]
St. of Md.-Planning Dept. 1964 Re Adv. Council for Higher Ed. Facilities Act of 1963, [19631964]
St. Plan Supplies & Non-Cap. Equip., 1966-1967
St. Planning
Cap. Equip. List, 1966-1967
5 Yr. Capital Program, 1966-1967
St. of Md. Planning-Capital Budget, 1966-1967
St. Planning
Initial Supplies & Non-Capital Equip. Lists 1967-1968, 1966
Five Year Capital Program-Supporting Data 1967-1968, 1966
August 30, 1966-Budget Hearings Before State Planning-S. O. B. Balt., [1966-1967]
St. Planning-Annual Capital Budget, 1967-1968, [1966]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 342
St. Plan. Capital Equipment Lists 1967-1968..., 1966
St. of Md.
Dept. of Public Improvements..., 1967
Dept. of Public Improvements-Architects-Selection of..., 1966-1967
Commissioner of Personnel-Agreement-Replacing Personnel Procedures..., 1966
Personnel-Department of Employment Security, 1967
Department of Economic Development, 1966-1967
Dept. of Economic Development-Gov. Science Resources Advisory Bd. Courses Offered
1967-1968, [1967-1968]
Chesapeake Bay Affairs, 1967-1968
Commission on the Aging 1967-1968
St. of Maryland Fire Marshal, 1967-1968
St. of Md.
Governor, 1966
Gov. Office-Re Publication of Governor's Papers by BPA, 1966-1967
Gov.-Resignation of Mrs. John L. Whitehurst as of April 1, 1966
St. of Md.
Governor's Office, Materials to be Used in Introducing Gov. Tawes, 1964
Governor-Biographical Data-Hold in File, 1964
Gov. Office-Comments re Fine Arts Auditorium, 1966
Gov. Office, Capital Improvement Recommendations for 1965-1966, 1965
Gov. Office-Report of Gov.'s Commission to Study Shortage of Gen. Practitioners in Md.
1965, February 1966
Md., State of, Secretary of State, Gov., [1967]
St of Md.
Sec. of State's Office Compilation of Rules & Regulations-Uni. of Md. Eff. Jan. 1, 1966
St. Planning Dept. 1965 Summary of Appropriations for Public Law 89-329 (H. Ed. Act
of 1965), [1966]
General Assembly Bills, House Bill 413-Re Maritime Academy, 1966
Gen. Assembly of Md. S. Bill 565 Passed as Chapter 286-Est. of Police Training Commission,
Gen. Assembly of Maryland Senate Finance-Re Role of Home Economics Extension Agent...,
Gen. Assembly of Md.
Senate Bill No. 309 Md. Higher (Sub. for Pres. of Uni. on Ed. Loan), [1966]
Senate Bill No. 314 (Free Tuition & Requirement), 1966
St. of Md.
General Assembly-H. R. No. 52-Honor System at St. Inst. of Higher Ed...., 1965-1966
Gen. Assembly of 1965-House Resolution No. 26-Re 1966, Branch of Med. School in P.
G. Cty., [1966]
Gen. Assembly of Md.-Bills-House Resolution No. 25, Housing for Students in State Colleges,
St. of Md.-Gen. Assembly of 1966, House Resolution No. 93 Prohib. Distr. of Crops by Birds,
etc., [1966]
Gen. Assembly of Md.-H. R. No. 86 Prohibiting Speakers-Communist, 1966
St. of Md.-Legislative Reference Compilation of Rules & Regulations Uni. of Md..., Jan. 1, 1966
St. of Md.-Legislative Council Re-Committee on Tourism, 1965-1966
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 342 (cont’d)
Gen. Assembly-House Bill 723 Elkins Ltr. to Delegate Lowe, Sedition & Subversive Activities,
Gen. Assembly of Md.
1966, Senate Bill 279-Data Processing Center, [1966]
Sen. Phoebus' Ltr. re a Seafood Processing Lab., 1966
H. B. No. 499 (Emergency), Harford Cty. Governm. Study Comm., [1966]
Student Life-Food Services Inspection By Members Of Gen. Assembly (Leg. Council), 1966
Gen. Assembly of Md.
S. Bill 478-Condemnation of Approx. 10.5 Acres, Wilkens & UMBC..., 1966
Senate Joint Resolution 30-Expansion of Med. School..., 1966
Rpt. of Chairmen-Senate Fin. & House Ways & Means Budget Bill, S. B./H. B. 1, 1966
1966-Senate Bills-Gen. Assembly, [1965-1966]
H. R. No. 76-Sch. Facility Planning Lab. at Uni. of Md., (To Be Acted on Before 1967), 19661967
Md., State of, Planning Commission, [1964]
St. of Md.
State Planning Dept. 1966, General File, [1966]
St. Planning-US Off. of Education Application for $250,000, 1965-1966
State Planning Dept. Capital Improvements for 1965-1966 Fiscal Year, [1965]
Planning Dept. Transmittal of 1966 Cap. Impro. Prog. Equip. Lists; Fut. Projects, Etc.,
Fiscal Research Bureau, Legislative, 1966
Legislative-Fiscal Research-Study Committee on Procedures-Capt. Projects, 1966-1967
Education, Dept. of, [1966]
State Dept. of Education St. Approved Maryland Colleges & Universities..., June 1966
Conf. Oct. 5, 1966 Md. Teacher Education Programs-Guidelines..., 1966-1967
St. Dept. of Education-Teacher Education in Vocational Ed., Ind. Ed., Home Ec., Bus. Ed. &
Voc. Ag., [1966-1967]
Md. State Board of Health and Mental Hygiene, 1966
St. of Md.
Personnel, Commissioner, 1966
Commissioner of Persn. Summary Report, Tomorrow's Merit System..., 1966
Personnel Retirement System & Employment Security, 1966
Standard Salary Board, 1966
St. Dept. of Budget and Procurement St. Policy Concerning Electric Typewriters..., Sept. 21,
St. of Md.
Dept. of Budget & Procurement-Matching Funds to Operate College Work-Study
Programs, 1966-1967
Dept. of Budget & Procurement-Ltr. Re Salary Increase for Administrative Officers,
Dept. of Public Improvements, 1966
Dept. of Public Improvements-Ground Rents, Edith D. McHenry-Baltimore, 1966
Dept. of Economic Development, 1966
Office of Economic Opportunity, 1966
Board of Public Works, 1966
Department of Water Resources, 1966-1967
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 342 (cont’d)
Md., State of
State Roads Commission, [1964]
Health, [1966]
St. of Md.
Comptroller of the Treasury, 1966
Assessments & Taxation, 1966
St. of Maryland-State Coordinating Commission on Problems of the Aging, [1960]
St. of Md.
Dept. of Budget & Procurement (Re Listing of Data Processing Equipment), 1965-1966
Gov. Office-Naming of Fine Arts Building the J. Millard Tawes Fine Arts Bldg...., 1965
Governor-Capital Facilities Budget for 1965 Assembly, 1965
Gov. Office-Re-Attendance of Thomas W. Pangborn (See Also Regents), 1965
Legislative Reference, 1965
Gen. Assembly SB 418 Community Development Comm. By Pine, Weant & James...,
Legislative Council Re Food Services at University of Maryland..., 1965
Legislative Routine, 1965
St. of Md.
Education, Dept. of 1965
Dept. of Education, 1964
Dept. of Education St. Approved Md. Colleges & Uni. Current..., 1965
Dept. of Ed.-Vocational Rehabilitation Study Groups-(See Col. of Education Also), 1965
Md., St. Dept. of Education-Information for State-Approved Md. Colleges & Universities, Dr.
McClintock, 1965
St. of Md.
State Planning Dept..., Capital Projects Approved C. P., Balt., Balt. County & Md. St.
Col., 1965
Legislature, Fiscal Research Bureau, 1965
Personnel-Teacher's Retirement System-Tax Sheltered Annuities, July 1, 1965
Commissioner of Personnel Re-Uni. Policy on Hiring & Salary Adjustments, 1965
Budget & Procurement Re Nat. Resources Inst. Budget for Research-Jellyfish in
Chesapeake Bay, 1965
Budget & Procurement Budget Analyst-Mr. Perkins, 1965
Dept. of Budget & Procurement-Contract & Grant Funds for Fac. Salaries in Summer...,
Budget & Procurement 1965, Nat. Def. Action-All Branches, 1964-1965
Budget & Procurement 1965 Wm. Perkins Re Statement of Policy Reviewed by
Legislature..., 1965
Budget & Procurement Schedule of Adjustments Fiscal Year 1964-1965..., 1965
Fiscal Research Bureau-Dr. Cooper's Ltr. re H. B. 413, 1965
St. of Maryland Fiscal Research Bureau Budget Hearing, 1965
St. of Md.
Legislative-Fiscal Research-Communications Costs, June 2, 1965
Dept. of Public Improvements-Cyclotron Construction Addition to Physics Bldg., 1965
Dept. of Public Improvements-Physics Bldg., 1964
Dept. of Public Impr. Baltimore County Campus-Construction of..., 1965
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 343
St. of Md. Dept. of Public Improvements
Baltimore County Campus-Report from Perkins & Will-Architects, 1965
Architects & Engineers, 1965
Bomberger Property (See Property), 1965
St. of Maryland-Dept. of Public Improvements-Re Project No. Ub-592-Law Schools, 1967-1965
St. of Md.
Dept. of Economic Development, 1965
Office of Economic Opportunity-Harry A. Boswell is Director..., 1965
Board of Public Works, 1965
Maryland State Projects, 1965
St. of Maryland-Hall of Records Re Maryland Manual & Article on University of Maryland...,
St. of Md.-Md. State Police Confidential Statements from State Police..., 1965
St. of Maryland-State Fire Marshal (Re Fire Hazards at Uni. of Md.), 1965
Maryland, State of
Treasury, 1965
Public Welfare, 1965
Miscellaneous, 1965
Public Improvement, 1965
Public Works, 1965
Public Works-Minutes, 1965
Planning Commission, 1965
Governor's Office, 1965
Education, 1965
Health, 1965
Budget and Procurement, 1965
Personnel Commissioner, [1965]
Department of Labor & Industry, 1965
Employment Security, 1965
St. of Md.
Gen. Assembly, Amendment of Chapter 86 & Chapt. 110, Effective June 1, 1964
Sec. of State-Re Publication of Rules & Regulations Viz. Ch. 188 of Laws of 1964 (H.B.
4), 1965
Comptroller of the Treasury, 1964
Comptroller-Re: State Auditor's Report, 1964
State Auditor's Report of Anatomy Board of Md., June 1964-June 30, 1965
State of Maryland
State Auditor... University of Md. Audit on Geographic & Divisional Basis, June 30,
1963-June 30, 1964
Treasury Dept. Bureau of Revenue Estimates, 1964-1965
St. of Md.
Planning Dept. Space Utilization Study & Future Capital Outlay Needs, 1964
Planning Dept. Capital Improvements Program, 1965-1966 O. K. by Regents, June 19,
Planning Dept. 1965-1966 Capital Improvements Program, 1964
State Planning Dept. Capital Improvement Appropriations by 1964 General Assembly,
Dept. of Public Improvements, 1964
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 343 (cont’d)
St. of Maryland-Department of Economic Development, 1964
St. of Md.
Dept. of Economic Development-Re Liaison with University-BPA, 1964
Office of Economic Opportunity..., 1964
Board of Public Works, 1964
Board of Public Works, Minutes, 1964
Civil Defense Department, 1964
State of Maryland
Advisory on Mental Hygiene, 1964
Governor, 1964
St. of Md.
Governor's Office-Adv. Committee on Sesqui-Centennial Writing of Star-Spangled
Banner, [1964]
Gov. Office...Request for Supplementary Planning Funds-Legislature, Feb. 1964
State of Md. General Assembly, 1964
General Assembly of Maryland, Cap. Improvement Appropriations by 1964 Session, 1964
Gen. Assembly of Md.
Senate Bill No. 207, 1964
Bills-Senate Bill 88 Hearing on Wed., Feb. 26, 1964
Budget Hearings-Feb. 1964 Session, 1964
Feb. 21, 1964 Ltr. to Delegate Dillon Chairman of Ed. Committee, 1964
State of Maryland, Education, 1964
St. of Md. Dept. of Education, Ed. Television Adv. Committee, 1963-1964
State of Maryland, Health Department, 1964
St. of Md.-Department of Mental Hygiene-Re-Md. Institute of Forensic Psychiatry, 1964
State of Maryland
Health-Mental Retardation, 1964
Budget and Procurement, 1964
St. of Md.
Director of Budgets 1964-1965 Budget Request & Cuts, 1964
Dept. of Bud. & Procurement St. Contribution of January, 9th in Matching Funds-Nat.
Def. Stu. Loans, 1964-1965
State of Md. Personnel, 1964
State of Md. Comm. of Personnel Survey of Md. Merit System, [1964]
St. of Md.
Employees' Retirement System-Div. of Social Security Verification of Social Security
Nos., 1964
Budget & Procurement Re Budget Requests for 1964-1965, 1963
State Planning Dept. Additional Requests-Increased Enrollment..., Nov. 29, 1963
Dept. of Public Improvements-Medical Examiners Building, See Also Med. Sch...., 1963
Department of Economic Development, General, 1963
St. of Md.
Department of Economic Development Projection Study, April, 1963
Board of Public Works Request for Consideration of 1963 Spring Grove State Hosp.
Land, 1963
State of Maryland, Civil Defense, 1963
Md., State of-Civil Defense Agency-Fall Out Shelters, 1962
General Assembly of Md. Misc. Letters to Delegates & Senators, 1963
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 343 (cont’d)
Gen. Assembly of Md..., 1963
House Bill 82-St. Fellowship for Postgraduate Work at U. of Md., 1963
Gen. Assembly of Md. Sen. Bill No. 88-Teaching Sch.-No Revocation for Academic Prob.,
H. R. No. 75-Hearings on-All Materials & Drafts Concerning Discussions, 1963
Gen. Assembly of Md.
1963-Autonomy, Mrs. Dorothy Brooks, [1963]
(Delegate Verda Welcome & Extension Service Personnel), 1963
Bills, Fertilization Bill No.------, 1963
S. Bill 308-Dorf, 1963
Gen. Assembly, 1963 Materials Used Meeting with Delegate Stark, H. B. 31, [1963]
State of Maryland Department of Education, 1963
Gen. Assembly-Correspondence re Senate Bill 9, 1963
State of Maryland, Governor's Office, 1963
Governor's Office-Suggested Action Under H. R. 6143 to Mester, 1963
St. of Md. Executive Asst. to Governor, 1963
BOX 344
St. of Md.-Gov. Recommendations for St. Tobacco Authority, 1963
Gov. Office-Resolution 12-Re Retirement of Dr. Paul E. Nystrom, 1963
Gov. Committee to Keep Md. Beautiful, (Mrs. Randolph W. Jones), 1963
Jan. 9, 1963-Governor's Inauguration Tickets-11:00 a.m., [1963]
St. of Md.
Governor's Office Medical Technology Program, 1963
St. Dept. of Education (Master's Degree in Vocational Rehab.), 1963
St. Dept. of Education-History of Development of Public Community & Jr. Colleges in Md.,
Md. St. Dept. of Education Reese's Ltr. re Trans. of Students-2-Yr. & 4-Yr. Colleges, 1959
State of Md. Department of Health, 1963
St. of Md.-Dept. of Mental Hygiene Recommendation of Walter N. Kirkman for Honorary
Degree, [1963]
State of Maryland, Budget & Procurement, 1963
St. of Md. Dept. of Budget & Procurement-St. Contribution of 1/9 in Matching Funds-Nat. Def.
Stu. Loans, 1963-1964
Regents-Budget Comm. 1963-1964 Working Budget Recomms. (as of May 3, 1963), [1963]
St. of Md.
Dept. of Budget & Procurement-Annual Farm and Food Conf., 1963
Personnel "Report on Employment Evaluation," 1963
State of Maryland, Personnel Commission, 1963
St. of Md.-Employee Retirement System-Social Security Audit Report re Far East Division, 1963
State Retirement System-Division of Social Security-Audit Report, Foreign Nationals, 1963
St. of Md. Employees Retirement System-Social Security, 1963
State of Maryland Public Improvements, 1963
St. of Md. Dept. of Public Improvements
Gen.-Construction Loan of 1963, [1963]
Re Urban Renewal-Plans I & II, 1963
1962-1963 Capital Improvements Program-Rec. by Gov. & Appv. by Legislature, undated
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 344 (cont’d)
Capital Improvement...Additional Requests Approved by Board on November 22, 1963
State of Maryland
Public Works, 1963 (2f)
Board of Public Works, 1963 Minutes, 1963
St. of Md. St. Planning Dept.
Revisions in Planning, [1962]
Submission of Capital Projects Requests (1964) (5 Year Capital Plan), [1962]
Capt. Improvements, 1963-1964
State of Maryland Planning Department, 1963
St. of Md.
State Planning Dept. Purchase of Lands Bt. County Walker & Wilkins Aves..., 1963
Planning Department Dr. William S. Fuller-Space Study 1963, [1963]
State Planning Dept. (Re Submission of Capital Project Requests by July 1, 1963),
State Police Safety Program-State-Owned Vehicles..., 1963
State of Maryland
State Auditor, 1963
Treasury Comptroller, 1963
State Agencies, 1963
Md. State of Dept. of Economic Dev. (Re Nash Farm for Nat. Env. Hyg. Facil.), 1963
St. of Md.
Economic Dev. Questionnaire-Appalachian Region, 1962-1963
Education, 1962-1963
St. Dept. of Education, Educational Television (See Gov. File), 1962
St. of Md. Health, 1962
State Dept. of Health (June 30, 1962), Disc. of Inservice Training Program on Mental Health of
Publ. Health Nurses, 1962
St. of Md.
Personnel, Comm. of, 1962
Public Works Minutes, 1962
Public Transportation, 1962
St. Dept. of Public Impro., Transfer of Ownership of Property to Kappa Delta-Orvin, 1962
State of Maryland Department of Public Improvements Irredeemable Ground Rent, 1961 & 1962
Architects-Selection of, 1962
4. Ground Rents-Balt. Properties, [1962]
St. of Md. Dept. of Public Improvements, Architects-Selection of, 1962
State of Maryland
Planning Department, 1962
Planning Dept. 1962 Cap. Improvements, 1962
St. of Md. Planning Commission, 1962
St. Planning Dept. Supplies (Initial) & Non-Capital Equipment Lists, 1962
St. of Md.
St. Roads Commission, General File..., 1962
Dept. of Public Welfare, Gov. Commission on Day Care, 1963
Treasury-Comp., 1962
Comptroller-Treasury, Audit-Univ. of Md. Fiscal Years Ended, June 30, 1959 & 1960
St. of Maryland Economic Development Publications, 1962
Maryland Dept. of Economic Development-Re Proposal to Dev. Softshell Industry in Md., 1962
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 344 (cont’d)
St. of Md. Public Welfare, 1962
State of Maryland, Military Department, 1962
St. of Md. Labor & Industry, 1962
St. of Maryland Economic Development, 1962
Direct. Dept. of Budget & Procurement Legislation-Research for Improv. of Tomato Varieties,
St. of Md.
Dept. of Budget & Procurement-Farm and Food Conference..., 1962
Budget & Procurement, 1962
St. Dept. of Budget & Procurement Re: Pay Scales-Interns & Residents at University Hospital,
Feb. 22-Annapolis-House at 10:30 Senate at 2:30-Materials for Budget Hearings, 1962
1962-Operating Budget Recommendations, undated
St. of Md.
Gov. Office, 1962
Exec. Asst. to Governor Edmund C. Mester..., 1962
Smith, Maurice W. (Ltr. to Gov. Tawes re Graduate School), 1962
Gov. Office-Re Conf. of Appalachian Govs.-Questionnaire on Higher Education, 1962
St. of Md.-Governor's Office, Educational Television, Committee on, 1962
Governor's Office, Educational Television-Ltr. from Mester, 1961
St. of Md.
Executive-Governor, 1961
Executive-Sec. of State, 1961
Exec. Assistant to Gov., 1961
Gen. Assembly of Md., New Leaders of...., 1962
St. of Md. Legislative Council, 1961-1962 (2f)
BOX 345
General Assembly of Md. Dr. Kuhn's Report on Legislation, 1961
Bills-House Bill 482 (Frostburg College), [1961]
House-Senate Joint Resolution No. 29 (Commission for Expansion of Higher Education), [1961]
House Bill No. 206 (Edna Cook Bill), [1961]
No. 475 Senate Condemnation Bill, [1961]
Commission to Study Higher Education in Maryland, 1961
Library-Legislation Re H. B. 233; H. B. 234 & H. B. 235, 1961
St. of Md. Budget and Procurement, 1961
Nov. 9, 1961-Budget Hearings in Rennie's Office-Elkins, Kuhn, Cissel, Fisher, etc., [1961]
St. of Md.-Dept. of Budget, Reversion of Funds, June 30, 1961
Md., State of-Dept. of Budget & Procurement-Salary Scale for Md. St. Teachers Colleges, 1961
Gen. Assembly of Md. Bills & Joint Resolutions Passed in 1961, 1961
Board-Feb. 3, 1961, Legislation to Construct Hearing, [1961]
1961-Legislation-Proposed Housing Legislation, 1961
General Assembly of Maryland Legislation for 1961, [1961]
Ltr. Dated Feb. 1, 1961 from Mrs. Edna P. Cook Enclosing House Bill 206, [1961]
1961-General Assembly of Md. Governor's Message, [1961]
1962-Cap. Improv. Budget Recommendations, [1962]
March 16, 1961-Senate Finance at 10:00 a.m.-House Ways and Means at 2:30, [1961]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 345 (cont’d)
St. of Md. State Department of Education, 1961
St. Dept. of Education Graduate Study-Extending in State of Maryland, 1961
St. of Md., Board of Health and Mental Hygiene, 1961
Advisory Committee on Mental Health, 1961
St. of Md.
Teachers' Retirement System & Part-Time Faculty Members, 1962
Commissioner of Personnel-Relationships with Employees' Organizations (Labor Only),
Personnel-Commissioner of, 1961
Employment Security, 1961
Police Department of, 1961
Police, 1962
Maryland, State of, Board of Public Works, [1961]
St. of Md. Board of Public Works Property Adjacent to Chesapeake Biological Lab., Solomon's
Island, Md., [1961]
Md. State Govt.-Board of Public Works, Properties at Md. State College, P. A., 1961
St. of Md. Board of Public Works, Naming of All State Buildings & Cap. Improvements, 1961
Board of Public Works, Acquisition of Property Between Nash & Hopkins Farms, 1961
St. of Md.
Sale of Lots to Faculty Members-Subdivision Plan, 1961
Board of Public Works Urban Renewal-Acquisition of Land, 1961
Public Works, Board of, 1961
Public Improvements-Dept. of, 1961
Dept. of Public Imp. John Eager Howard Hall, Balt., Renovation of, 1961
Md.-Dept. of Public Improvements Bel Air & Chesterton Halls, 1961
St. of Md.
Dept. of Public Impr. Cumberland Hall, Etc., 1961
Dept. of Public Improvements National Dairy Corp. Property, [1961]
Architects, Dept. of Public Improvements, 1961
Cap. Improvements Under Consideration by Legislature, 1961-1962
1962-Capital Budget Appropriations, [1961]
St. Planning Dept. Equipment Lists, 1961-1962
Capital Improvements Program (Tentative), 1961-1962
Capital Improvements Program for 1961-1962 Review by Building Comm., June 17, 1960
Cap. Impr., [1960]
St. of Md.
Planning Department, 1961
State Roads Commission, 1961
Auditors-Fiscal Years, June 30, 1961 & 1962-Exam of St. Board of Agri. & University
of Md., [1963]
Comp. of Treasury, Auditor's Report Dept. of Research & Education, Years Ending, June
30, 1960 & 1961
Treasury Dept., Comptroller of, 1961
Comptroller of Treasury-Ltrs. from Goldstein re Exec. Meeting of Board of Regents, 1961
St. of Md.
Treasury Dept.-State Auditor, 1961
Economic Development, 1961
Maryland Traffic Safety Commission, [1960]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 345 (cont’d)
Board of Natural Resources, Director of, Md. Conservation Officials, 1961
St. of Md.-Water Pollution Commission, 1961
State of Maryland
Department of Research and Education, [1959]
Commissioner-Dept. of Transit and Traffic, [1959]
Maryland Traffic Safety Commission-U. S. Highway-Charge of Lighting, [1959]
State Insurance and Fire Marshal, 1959
St. of Md.-Civil Defense Agency, 1960
State of Maryland
Dept. of Water Resources & Conservation Recommendation, 1960
Commission on Tidewater Fisheries, 1960
Interstate Commission on Distress Problems, 1960
Gen. Assembly of Md.
Legislative Routine for 1960 Session-Feb. 3 thru Mar. 3, 1960
Feb. 3-Mar. 3, 1960, Joint Resolution no. 10-Study of Public Grants to Private
Education, [1960]
St. of Md. Legislative Reference, 1960
Gen. Assembly of Md. Legislative Action on University's Budget Askings, 1960
Gen. Assembly of Maryland, Constitutional Amendments for Nov. 8, 1960
St. of Md. Department of Education, 1960
BOX 346
Md. State Dept. of Education
Dec. 16, 1960-Meeting with State Superintendents Re On-Trial Students, [1961]
Junior Colleges in Maryland, (Correspondence Re Evaluation), 1960
St. Dept. of Education, Md. State Con. on Education, Nov. 19 & 20, 1960
St. of Maryland-State Dept. of Education-Dr. Kuhn's Letter to Mr. Huebeck, 1960
St. of Md. Dept. of Ed. A Study of the Relationship Between Subjects Taken & Other Selected
Factors for Class of 1958, Md. High Schs., 1960
St. Dept. of Ed.-Md. Permanent Advisory Comm. on Higher Ed., July 20, 1960
St. of Md.
Executive Department, 1960
Secretary of State, 1960
Governor's Office, Master-Report on Physicians for a Growing America, 1959-1960
Clippings on Governor's Budget, 1960
St. of Md.
Governor's Office, 1960, Activities in Western Md. of University Md. (For Appalachian
Region Conference), 1960
Exec. Assistant to the Governor, 1960
Law Department, 1960
Health Department, 1960
Personnel Department, 1960
Commissioner of Persn. 40th Anniversary of Merit System, 1960 (Observance), [1960]
Employment Security-Office of, 1960
Standard Salary Board, 1960
Public Works, Minutes of Meetings, 1960
Public Works, Dept. of, 1960
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 346 (cont’d)
St. of Md. (cont’d)
Public Improvements, Dept. of, 1960
Dept. of Public Improvements-General Construction Loan of 1960, [1960]
Dept. of Public Improvements Re: Fire Service Extension Bldg., Item 146, GCL, 1960
St. Dept. of Public Improvements
New Law Building-Item 141, GCL, 1959
Re Arlington Air Conditioning Co., Ind. BPA BLDG, U-561, 1960
St. of Md. Dept. of Public Improvements Gen. Constr. Loan of 1960 (Item 148), [1960]
St. of Md.
Police Dept., State of, 1960
Planning Department, 1960
Maryland State Planning Department-1960 Capital Improvements, [1959]
Maryland State Planning Commission
1960 Capital Improvements, [1960]
1960 Capital Improvement Program Summary, [1959]
St. Planning Conference, Dec. 3, 1960-Student Union, [1960]
St. Planning Dept., Capital Improvement Program 1960-1961, [1959]
State Planning Commission
Capital Improvements Program for 1960, [1958]
Capital Improvement Program (Priority) & Recommendations for 1960 Fiscal Year,
St. of Md.
State Roads Commission, [1960]
Treasury Dept., Comptroller of, 1960
State of Maryland, State Auditor's Report 1959 & 1960 Fiscal Years, [1961]
State of Maryland, Aging, St. Coordinating Commission on Problems of, Mrs. Schweinhaut,
St. of Md.
Economic Development, 1960
Economic Dev. Materials, [1960]
State Planning Commission Projects-1960--Submitted, [1958]
July 21, 1960-Hearings on Cap. Improvements Requests for 1961 & 1962-Items for Discussion,
State Planning Dept., Capital Needs 1961-1965, [1960]
State of Maryland-Committee on Nuclear Aid, Chairman, Henry T. Douglas, 1959
Maryland State Misc. Board of Natural Resources, 1959
St. of Md.-General Assembly, Clippings, News Releases on New Members, 1959
1959 General Assembly Bills, [1959]
General Assembly of Md. Machen Investigation-Correspondence with Machen, 1959
General Assembly of Maryland Machen's Investigation of University, 1959-Clippings, [1959]
Gen. Assembly of Maryland Machen Investigation-Sp. Comm. of Board-Meeting Feb. 16, 1959
General Assembly of Maryland Machen's Investigation Letters from 1959, [1959]
H. B. 521-Sale of Whiskey Miniatures, [1959]
BOX 347
General Assembly-House Bill 573, [1959]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 347 (cont’d)
General Assembly of Md. H. B. No. 213 (Make Scholarships in Education Available to All
Colleges), 1959
Gen. Assembly of Md.
H. B. No. 816-Psychiatric Scholarships, 1959
S. B. 224-Legislative Scholarships at University of Md., [1959]
H. B. No. 90-General Scholarships, 1959
General Assembly-House Bill, [1959]
House Joint Resolution No. 317 (Re: Water Study Commission), 1959
Gen. Assembly of Md.
S. B. No. 256-Re Pensions-Retention of Jobs After Age of 70-Unfav. Rept., 1959
Establishment of State Advisory Board on Curricula & Programs, 1959
Gen. Assembly, 1959-H. R. U. of Md. Library-Extra Funds For ($10,000), [1959]
General Assembly Resolution Senate Resolution No. 34 re Md. State College, 1959
General Assembly of Maryland 59 Joint Resolution No. 8 (Senate) Expansion-Joint Resolution
No. 10 (House), [1959]
Legislative Council-Hearing on Scholarships, July 20, 1959
State of Maryland-Legislative Council-General File for 1959, [1959]
St. of Maryland, Dept. of Budget & Procurement, 1959
St. of Md.,
Public Welfare-Dept. of, 1961
Budget and Procurement, 1960
St. of Maryland-Dept. of Budget & Procurement-Employee & Gratuitous Meals for 1959 &
January of 1960, [1960]
St. Dept. of Budget & Procurement Mileage Paid St. Institutions for Use of Privately Owned
Motor Vehicles, 1960
St. of Md.
Budget and Procurement, Fiscal Bureau, 1960
Governor's Office, 1959
Governor's Office Appt. of Edmund C. Mester as Exec. Asst. to the Governor, 1959
St. of Maryland-Inauguration of Gov. Tawes-January 14, 1959-Clippings, [1959]
Maryland State Grange, 1959
Maryland State Fair and Agriculture Society, 1959
Governor's Office-St. of Md., Appointments, Etc., 1959
Governor's Annual Safety-Health Conference and Exhibit, 1959
St. of Md. Treasury Comptroller of, 1959
State of Maryland Department of Health, 1959
St. Dept. of Education-Enrollment Data-St. Approved Colleges & Univ. in Md. as of Oct. 1959
St. Dept. of Ed.-Md. Permanent Adv. Comm. on Higher Ed.-Proposal for St. Participation in Jr.
College Capital Expenditures-Sept. 10, 1959 (first Rev.), [1959]
Junior Colleges-State of, Maryland, 1959
Education-State Department of, Foreign Language Institute, [1959]
Md., State of, Self Survey Comm., Gov., [1959]
St. Dept. of Education
Md. Permanent Advisory Comm. on Higher Ed. Minutes of Meeting of May 20, 1959
Md. Permanent Adv. Commission on Higher Education, March 18, 1959
Md. Permanent Advisory Comm. on Higher Ed. Wed., October 21, 1959 Minutes, [1959]
Md. St. Dept. of Education, Md. Permanent Advisory Comm. on Higher Education-Meeting of
Jan. 21, 1959
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 347 (cont’d)
St. Dept. of Education-Md. Permanent Advisory Comm. on Higher Ed. 3. Report on Needs of
Higher Ed. in Md., October 10, 1959
St. Dept. of Education Teacher Exchange Opportunities & Teaching as a Career, 1959
Md. St. Dept. of Ed. Md. Permanent Adv. Comm. on Higher Ed. Enrollments as of Oct. 1958 &
Misc., 1959
St. of Md., Education, Department of, 1959
St. of Maryland-St. Dept. of Education Dr. Pullen's Statement on Scholarships Before Legislative
Council, July 20, 1959
State of Md. Personnel Commissioner, 1959
State of Maryland,
State Law Dept. (Attorney General), 1959
Employment Security, 1959
St. Department of Public Welfare, 1959
Board of Public Works, 1959
Minutes-Board of Public Works, 1959
Maryland, State of, Oil Conservation, [1959]
Maryland Teacher's Retirement System, [1954]
Maryland Training School for Boys, [1959]
St. of Md.
State Roads Commission, 1959
Public Works, Minutes of Meeting for 1959, [1959]
Public Improvements, Dept. of, 1959
State Planning Commission, Capital Improvement Requests, 1959-1960
Md. St. Planning Department Board Recomms. for 1961 Capital Improvements Program, 1959
Md. State Planning Dept. Initial Supplies & Non-Capital Equipment Lists for 1961, undated
St. of Md.
State Planning, 1959
State Planning Publications, 1959
Md. State Planning Dept. Capital Equipment Lists for 1961, 1959
Legislative Council-Veterans (Bonus), 1958
Board of Regents Increase-Proposed (Item # 158) Legislative Council), 1958
Governor's Office, Governor's Conference on Juvenile Delinquency, 1957
General Assembly-Bills, 1958
State Dept. of Education, 1958
State Department of Budget & Procurement, 1958
Governor's Office, 1958
Md., State of, Legislative Council, Hearing on H.R. 49 of 1958, 1958
Maryland, Secretary of State, 1958
St. of Md. Legislative Reference & Council...., 1958
Law, 1958
Surplus Property, Md. State Agency for, 1958, [1957-1958]
St. of Maryland-St. Auditors Report Fiscal Year ended June 30, 1958 Cissel's Statement Also,
State of Maryland, Auditor's Report Dated February 11, 1958
Maryland State-Auditor, 1958
Health, 1958
State Department of Health, Public Health Nursing, 1958
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 347 (cont’d)
Personnel, 1958
St. of Md. State Employees Standard Salary Board, 1958
Public Improvement, 1958
Maryland Municipal League, 1958
Maryland State, Misc., 1958
State Roads Commission, 1958
State Dept. of Public Welfare, 1958
Public Works, 1958
Public Works-Minutes, 1958
State of Maryland-Board of Public Works-Request that Balances Be Forwarded to 1958-59
Fiscal Year, [1958]
State Planning Commission, 1958
BOX 348
Maryland State Planning Commission
Long-Term Capital Improvement Program (Recommendations & Legislative Action for
1958, Fiscal Year), [1958]
(Md. St. Te. College Items Recommend to Planning Comm., 1958-1959 Fiscal Year),
Proposed Capital Improvements Projects 1958-1959 in Order of Priority, [1957]
Proposed Capital Improvements Projects 1958-1959 in Order of Priority (C. P. Campus),
Maryland, State of
State Employees Standard Salary Board, 1957
Department of Employment Security, 1957
Budget & Procurement, 1957
Maryland State Roads Commission, 1957
Department of Public Improvements, 1957
State Insurance Commissioner and Fire Marshal-Re. Fire Inspection of University of Maryland,
St. Insurance Comm. & Fire Marshal-Fire & Safety Report, 1957
Maryland, State of, Personnel-Commissioner of, 1957
Maryland, State of, 1957
Capital Improvement Request, 1956-1957
Treasury Department-State Auditor, 1957
Maryland, State of, Comptroller of the Treasury, 1957
Secretary of State, 1957
Maryland, State of, Governor's Office, 1957
Budget & Procurement, State Fiscal Research, 1958
State Fiscal Research Bureau, 1957
State of Maryland, General Assembly of 1957, Legislative Hearings, February 21, 1957
Maryland, State of, 1957
General Assembly of, 1957
Bills (Senate and House), General Assembly of 1957, [1957]
Maryland, State of, Legislative Reference, 1957
State of Maryland, Green Commission, Conservation of Natural Resources, 1956
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 348 (cont’d)
Maryland, State of
Department of Labor and Industry, 1957
Miscellaneous, 1957
Board of Public Works, [1957]
Board of Public Works, Minutes of Meetings, 1957
Department of Law, 1957
Public Works, 1956
Capital Improvements 1957-1958, 1956
Material Taken to State Planning Commission Hearing on July 23, 1956
Maryland, State of, Maryland State Planning Commission Newsletters, 1956
Maryland-National Capital Park & Planning Commission, 1956
Maryland, State of
Planning Commission, 1957
Education, 1957
State of Maryland, State Auditor's Report 1957-1958 Fiscal Years, [1959]
Maryland, State of
Education, 1956
Education, Public Improvements, 1956
Roads Commission, 1956
Personnel, Commissioner of, 1956
Health, 1956
Planning Commission, 1956
Comptroller of the Treasury, 1956
State Auditor-Treasury Department, State of Maryland, 1956
Maryland, State of, Governor's Office, 1956
State of Maryland Monthly Reports to Governor, [1956]
General Assembly of Maryland, Session of 1956, [1956]
Maryland, State of, Budget and Procurement, 1956
Law, Department of-Pleasant Valley, State of Maryland, 1956
Maryland, State of
Law, 1956
Legislative Council, 1956
Miscellaneous, 1956
State Employees Standard Salary Board, 1956
BOX 349
Education, College of
Dean's File, 1968
Appointments, Promotions, Etc. (General)...., 1968
Dr. Wiggin & Case of Carolyn E. Mayer, 1968
Adkins' & Kastner's Ltrs. re Fair Housing..., 1967-1968
Upward Bound Program-Hornbake's Summary Re Expansion..., 1968-1969
Ed., College of, Upward Bound Prog. Waiver of Usual Adm. Standards for 30 Stud. Appr. by
Bd., June 21, 1968
Education, Col. (With Psychology Dept.), Grad. Prog. Psychological Servs. May 17, 1968-Appv.
by Board, 1968-1969
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 349 (cont’d)
Education, College of
Master's Degree in Overseas Programs, 1967-1968
Priorities for the College of Ed. (Program), 1967-1968, [1967]
Ed., Col. of-Fac. Members-Dist. Achievement Awards from Am. Assoc. Teacher Ed. for 1968,
College of Education Reference: Henry H. Brechbill Lecture, Copy of Lecture, July 28, 1967
College of Ed.-National Comm. on Accrediting of Teacher Education-(Revised), March 21 and
22, 1967
Ed., College of-Ltr. to Anderson from Nancy L. Robins, August 1967
Education, College of
Re: Anderson's Report on Graduate Program in the Far East Division..., 1967-1968
Report of Comm. on Programs & Standards to the Graduate Council..., 1967-1968
College of Education-Plan of Organization..., 1966-1967
Education-College of
Nursery & Kindergarten, 1968
Early Childhood Ed., 1968
College of Education-Early Childhood Ed.-Maryjane Flynn-re Practice Teaching..., 1968
Education-College of
Institute for Child Study, 1968
Institute for Child Study, Appointments, 1968
Institute for Child Study-Re: Dr. Albert Klevan, 1968-1969
Education-Institute for Child Study, Prescott, Daniel A.-Request Extension of Retirement Date,
June 30, 1968
Education, College of
Secondary Education, 1968
Secondary Education, Appointments, 1968
Industrial Education, 1968
Industrial Education, Appointments, 1968
Industrial Education, Publications, 1968
Education, College of
Special Education, Dept. of, 1968
Special Education Appointments, 1968
Sp. Education Nat'l Capt. Area Ed. Forum-Dr. Eric Seidman, Representative, 1968
Education, Special Ed.-Training for Children with Communicative Disabilities, 1968-1969
Education, College of
Counseling and Personnel Services, 1968
Bureau of Ed. Research and Field Services, 1968
General File...., 1967
Dr. Jean Hebler on Mont. County Public Schs. Advisory Committee...., 1967-1968
Re Corrinne Lynette I & Degree in Elementary Education..., May, 1967-1968
Re Camp. for Retarded Children-Cp. Tapawingo, Assoc., Inc...., 1967-1968
Appts., Promotions, Etc...., 1967
Industrial Education-General File, 1967
Industrial Education-Appts., Promotions Etc..., 1967
Education-Institute for Child Study
General File..., 1967
Appts., Promotions, Etc...., 1967
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 349 (cont’d)
Physical Education, Recreation, & Health
Dean's File..., 1967
Misc. File..., 1967
Physical Education-Re Dance Program-Letters, 1967-1968
Phy. Ed. Rec. & Health-Appts., 1967
Physical Education, College of, Recreation Dept..., 1967
Education, College of
Nursery and Kindergarden Lab., 1967
Early Childhood-Elementary Ed., 1967
Secondary Education, Appointments, 1967
Education, College of
Special Education, 1967
Counseling and Personnel Services, 1967
Ed., College of-Dept. of Counseling & Pers. Services-Re Program for Preparing School
Psychologists, 1967
Education-Bureau of Educational Research and Field Services, Appts., 1967
Ed., College of-Interprofessional Research Comm. on Pupil Personnel Services, 1966
Educ. Coll. of
Dean, [1966]
Miscellaneous, [1966]
Appointments, 1966
College of Education
Re Prince George's County Teacher's Comment, 1966-1967
Office of Econ. Opportunity-Summer Head Start Program-Core Curriculum, 1966-1967
Re Regional Evaluation & Research Center-Off. of Economic Opportunity, 1966-1967
Ad. Hoc. Comm. on Student Representation-Fac. Senate-McClure-Chairman, 1966
Education, College of, Dedication of Education Building, Friday, October 7, 1966 at 2:30 p.m.,
Mar. 25-Appt. Kenneth M. Chambliss, Dept. of Ind. Ed., College of Ed., [1966]
Ed., College of-Bd. Action, Jan. 28, 1966, Master's Degree in Early Childhood Ed. in Dept. Early
Childhood-Elem. Ed., [1966]
Education, College of
Industrial Ed. Dept., 1966
Early Childhood, Elementary Education, 1966
Education, Child Study, 1966
Education, College of
Dean, 1965
Appointments, 1965
Howard E. Metcalfe & Thelma H. King Rhodes..., 1965
Three M Company Offer of Equipment Grants..., 1965
College of Ed. Evaluation by Nat'l Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education, Fall 1965
Hold in Files, [1965]
Education, College of
Bureau of Education Res. Field Service-Pupil Pers. Serv., Waetjen, Walter B., 1965
Ed. Research & Field Studies-Re Vocation Rehabilitation-Study Groups, 1965
Industrial Education, Ed., 1965
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 350
Early Childhood, Elementary Education, 1965
Institute for Child Study, 1965
Bureau of Educational Research and Field Services, 1965
College of Education
Re: Applications to Office of Economic Opportunity, 1965
Dr. Henry H. Brechbill-Emeritus Professor of Education, Jan. 22, 1965
Education, College of-Re European Graduate Program in Secondary Education, 1965
College of Education, Bibliography on Higher Ed. By Robt. Kelsey, 1964
Education, College of, Regional Education Center, 1965
Physical Education, College of
Dean, 1965
Miscellaneous, 1965
Interprofessional Research Commission on Pupil Personnel Services, 1965
Education-Early Childhood-Elem., Dr. Robert M. Wilson-Assoc. Prof. & Director Reading
Clinic, Sept. 1, 1965
Education, College of-Re May 25, 1965, Meeting in Charlottesville-US Off. of Ed.-Ed. of
Children-Low Income, [1965]
Education, College of
Dr. Hymes Representative to St. Office of Economic Opportunity, 1965
Institute for Child Study-W. T. Grant's Bequest..., 1965
Nursey-Kindergarten Lab. School Policy On Admissions..., 1965
Dean's Office, 1964
Appointments, 1964
Training Grant-Emotionally Disturbed, 1964
College of Education, Sa'di Kahil-re Writing of Thesis, 1964
Education, College of
Science Teaching Center, J. David Lockard, Director, 1964
Dr. Raymond Muessig, Prof., Secondary Ed., 10:00 a.m., Tuesday, March 24, 1964
College of Education-Re Ltr. 1964 from Dist. of Columbia-Voc. Rehab. re Building without
Ramps, [1964]
Education, College of
Institute for Child Study, 1964
Industrial Education, 1964
Dept. of Early Childhood-Elementary Education, 1964
College of Education
Bureau of Ed. Research & Field Services, Waetjen's Ltr. to Gov., 1964
Interprofessional Research Comm. on Pupil Personnel Services...., 1964
Education, Role of College of, 1963
Education, College of, Master Degree Program in Vocational Rehabilitation (See St. Dept. of
Ed.), 1963
College of Ed.-Bureau of Ed. Research & Field Serv. Pupil Personnel Services Project, 1963
Education, College of
General File, 1963
Misc. File, 1963
Appointments, 1963
Bureau of Educational Research & Field Services, 1963
Bureau of Educational Research & Field Services-Waetjen, Director, 1962
College of Education...Faculty Development Program..., 1963
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 350 (cont’d)
Education, College of
Institute for Child Study, 1963
Industrial Education, 1963
College of Ed.
Dr. Robert G. Risinger as Head of Dept. of Secondary Education, July 1, 1963
Dr. Clayton L. Stunkard as Associate Prof. of Education, Sept. 1, 1963
Education, College of
(Re: Graduate Courses in Early Childhood Education), 1963
Green, Valerie, Student in Education, 1962
(1) Human Development Merger (2) Reorganization, 1962
Bureau of Educational Research & Field Service, 1962
Education, Institute for Child Study Acceptance of Portrait of Dr. Prescott, June 15, 1962
Education, College of, Dean, 1962
College of Education, Counseling & Guidance Training Institute-Summer 1963-Byrne, 1962
Education, College of
Childhood Ed.-Gravitt, Frank (Toy Manu. of USA), 1962
Misc., 1962
Institute for Child Study-Ed., 1962
Industrial Education-Ed., 1962
College of Education, Teacher Education-Administrative, Unit-Proposal from Dean Anderson,
Education, College of-Dean, 1961
College of Education, Dr. Wiggin's Report on University College for Academic Year, 1960-1961
Education, College of, Offerings-Baltimore Branch, 1961
Institute for Child Study, 1961
Industrial Education, 1961
Nursery School-Childhood Education, 1961
College of Education-Institute for Child Study-Report to Grant Foundation for Academic Years,
1958-1959 & 1959-1960, undated
Education, College of
Sabbatical Leave for Dean, [1960-1962]
Dean, General File, 1960
Appointments, Promotions, 1960
College of Education
Development Program, 1960
Advanced Graduate Specialist in Education, 60-Hr. Program-App. by Bd. of Regents,
January 29, 1960
Education-Institute for Child Study-Dr. H. Gerthon Morgan as Director-Eff. July 1, 1960
Education, College of, Institute for Child Study, 1960
Education-Insti. for Child Study, Director Emeritus-Dr. Daniel A. Prescott, July 1, 1960
College of Education
Childhood Education Dept., Mrs. Rutledge's Ltr. to McCormick Report re Hymes', 1960
Mentally Retarded Children-U. S. Govt. Programs for, 1960
Education, College of, Industrial Education, 1960
College of Education-Industrial Education-Delmar & Related Materials, undated
Education, College of
Dean, 1959
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 350 (cont’d)
Education, College of (cont’d)
Misc., 1959
Summer School, Director of-Dr. Orval L. Ulry (Eff. Feb., 1959), [1959]
Institute for Child Study, 1959
Education, College of, Summer School 1959 (Now under V. P. for Academic Affairs), [1959]
Industrial Education, 1959
Nursery School, 1959
College of Education-Summer School, 1958
Education-Nursery School, 1958
College of Education, Dean, 1958
Institute for Child Study, 1958
Dean, 1957
Misc., 1957
BOX 351
International Cooperation Administration, [1957]
Industrial Education, 1958
Institute for Child Study, 1957
Individual Education, 1957
College of, Dean, 1956
College of-Teacher Education Program for Handicapped Children, 1956
[Loose Materials-Report of the College of Education Committee to President Wilson H. Elkins
Relative to the Appointment of a Dean, 1955]
Education, College of, Misc., 1956
Institute for Child Study, Ed., 1956
Nursery School
Ed., 1956
College of Education, 1955
Institute for Child Study, College of Education, 1955
Education, College of
Miscellaneous, 1955
Dean, 1955
Wilbur DeVilbliss, Dean, 1954
Miscellaneous, 1954
Institute for Child Study, 1954
Material on Dr. Vernon E. Anderson-Deanship, 1955
Department of Industrial Education, 1954
Nursery School, 1954
[Loose Materials-Report to Grant Foundation, April 1955]
Industrial Education
College of Education, 1955
General File, 1968
Application to College Entrance Examination Bd.-Algire, Representative..., 1968-1969
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 351 (cont’d)
Admissions (cont’d)
A thru K..., 1968
L thru Z..., 1968
President Cases for Year 1968, [1968]
Graduate School, [1968]
A thru K, [1967-1968]
L thru Z, [1967-1968]
Law School A thru Z, 1968
Medical School A thru Z, 1968
Dental School, A thru Z, 1968
Proposal for Mid-Year Academic Actions-(Hornbake's), 1967-1968
Enrollment Data-Md. Community Colleges: Fall Sem. 1966 & 1967, 1968
Analysis of Md. Junior Colleges-Time Equivalent Enrollment, Fall Semester 1967-1968,
Admissions Off. (Return, Dec. 1, 1967), Algire's Ltr. Re Review of Academic Actions-Spring
Sem., 1967-1968
BOX 352
Admissions-Study of Registration Procedures & Comment on Calendar, 1966-1967
Admission Procedures, Committee Recommendations, 1965-1966
Admissions-General & Academic Regulations for 1965-1967 & 1967-1969, [1965-1969]
Adm.-Director-Am. Council on Education-Student Deferment, 1968-1967, [1966]
Associate Director, 1966-1967
Director's File, 1967
General A thru K, 1967
L thru Z, 1967
Graduate School A thru K, 1967
Dental School A thru Z, 1967
Graduate School L thru Z, 1967
Law School A thru Z, 1967
Pharmacy School A thru Z, 1967
Medical School A thru Z, 1967
Social Work A thru Z, 1967
Director, 1966
General A-K, 1966
General L-Z, 1966
Report on Applications & Admissions for September 1966, Term-Report to Bd. as of
May 13, 1966, [1966]
Transfer Information Including Fees..., November 1966
Col. E. C. Unger's Request for GED Credits, 1966-1967
Enrollments & Comparisons as of September 24, 1965 Rept. to Board..., 1965
Director-Article 4-year Junior Colleges Plan, Coordination, Even. Sun., Dec. 17, 1964
Application Statistics-Comparison June 9, 1963, 64 & 65 (Summer Sch.)..., 1965
Adm. Office-Report on Applications & Admissions for Fall of 1965 as of March 3, 1965, [1965]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 352 (cont’d)
Applications Received for September 1964 and Sept. 1965 as of January 13, 1965,
Out-of State Students & Housing Policies Board Action, November 20, 1964-1965,
Enrollment Given to Board on September 20, 1964, [1964]
Director of-Change of Date-Full Time Students-Effective, September 1965-1966, [1965]
General A-K, 1965
A-K, 1965
L thru Z, 1965
General L-Z, 1965
Law School, 1965
Medical School, 1965
Pharmacy, 1965
Nursing, 1965
Graduate School, 1965
Adm. Resident Cases-Dobkin, Herzl R., 1965
Residence Case Edwin F. Meyer, III, 1965
Residence Cases, 1965
Admissions Statistics as of May 7, 1965 Report to Board, 1965
Associate Director, 1964-1965
Director, 1965 (2f)
Monthly Admissions Report by College, 1964
Algire's Report on September 1964 Applications-as of March 1, 1964 & Comparison...,
General A thru K, 1964
General L thru Z, 1964
BOX 353
Admissions-…-(Petition Case in 1962 & 63 & 64), 1965
Gardner, David...9:30 a.m. Friday, Feb. 7, 1964, [1964]
…, Academic & Disciplinary Dismissal..., 1964
Survey September Matriculates & PCSS Survivors 1960...1961, 1962 & 1963
Director-Applications for September 1964 & Comparison (As of June 15, 1964), [1964]
Graduate School, 1964
Dental School, 1964
Law School, 1964
Medical School, 1964
Adm. Med. School-Fall 1963 & 1964, Philip V. Tamburello, [1964]
Graduate School, Anderson, Frederick Tyrone, 1964
Admissions Office-Associate Director-Mr. Andrew Rennie, 1964
1964-Applications for Admission Forms Used in 1964, [1964]
Residence Requirements-6 Months By Board Action, January 26, 1962
Algire's Certification of Reciprocal Agreements with S. R. E. R., 1961
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 353 (cont’d)
Admissions (cont’d)
Director, 1963
Admissions & Cut-Off Date, 1963, [1963]
Applications & Admissions Survey For Fall of 1963, [1963]
Final Dates for Filing Applications for Fall Semester of 1963-Ltr. to High Schools, Jr.
Col. Deans, [1963]
Adm. & Registrations-Algire Ltr. fr. Edgar L. Jones re Desegregation.., 1963
High School Seniors Early Admissions Notices, 1963
Distribution of Percentiles of High School Class Rank, Jan., 1963
Accept. of Credits from 2 Year Colleges in Middle Atlantic States, 1963
Academic Retention Plan Cumulative Grade Point Average, Admissions, 1962
Distribution of Entering Clases 1960, 1961 & 1962 by Percentiles, [1963]
New Application Form, 1962-1963
Applications-General A thru K..., 1963
Applications-General L thru Z..., 1963
DeFebio, Theodore T.-Admissions Case..., 1963
John Joseph Cahill, 1963
Resident Case Maus, Daniel S...., 1963
Mr. Algire-Richard Smith, Admissions, 1962
Residence Case-Admissions, Snyder, John I., III, 1963
Admission-Robert H. Spenser, 1963
Tufts, Richard G., Petition to Take Far East Courses, 1962
Admissions-Harry C. Weiskittel, III-Special Case September, 1963
Evaluation-Capt. Richard E. Young, Admission, [1962]
Admissions-Graduate School, 1963
Gomborov, Leslie P.-Adm. to Graduate School..., 1963
Medical School A-Z, 1963
Dentistry, 1962
Law School, 1962-1963 (2f)
Pharmacy, 1962
Nursing School, 1963
Graduate School, Larkin, Lawrence C., 1963
Veterinary School (SREB), 1963
Social Work, 1963
Summer School, 1961
Admissions & Registrations, Director of, 1962
Algire's Report on Enrollments: Summer Sch.; Pre-College & Sept. 1962 Term (as of
July 2, 1962), [1962]
Jan. 23, 1962, Applications Recvd.-Sept. 62 & Contracts with Sept. 61 Term, [1962]
Academic Actions, Feb. 1961-Feb. 1962 Comparisons, [1962]
1962-Out of State Girls & Boys, Dean Clarke's Ltr. to Borreson, [1961]
Re Comm. on Ed. & Labor, House of Rep., Use of Fed. Funds, etc., [1962]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 353 (cont’d)
Admission of Non-Resident Students for Fall Semester of 1961-1962, [1960]
Residence Status, 1962
Appeals Cases (From 1st Semester 1961-1962), [1962]
Morley, James Thomas, Appeal Case-Failure in ROTC (Arts and Science College), 1962
Admissions-Appeals, Alexander, Horace Markwood, Jr., [1962]
Appeals-1961-1962, Academic Year, Lichtig, Michael, [1962]
General A thrugh K, 1962
General L thru Z, 1962
Medical School, 1962
Non-Residence Status, 1962
Admissions & Registrations, Director of, 1961
Applications for Sept. 1961 Term, (As of March 1, 1961), [1961]
March 1, 1961-Status of Applications for Admission for September 1961 Term, [1961]
Residence Status, 1961
Residence Case Vernon Laurie, Appt. with Dr. E on July 22 at 10 a.m., 1961
Admissions & Registrations, Residence Case Whilden, Harry F., Jr., 1961
Adm.-Residence, Hillard, Raymond Francis, 1961
John I. Snyder, III (Special Student in University College Night Class), [1961]
A thrugh K, [1961]
L thru Z, 1961
Medical School, 1961
Pharmacy, 1961
Dentistry, 1961
Graduate School, 1961
Brogdon, Jerry-Petition Request, 1961
Reinstatement, Rabey, George A., Jr., 1961
Reinstatement-Jacobs, Mary Love, Feb. 10, 1961
Van Elburg, Richard J., Admissions-Resident Case, 1960
Petition-Case, Walter, Warren, 1961
Moysey, John R.-Petition Request, 1961
Petition-Greenspan, Gerald, 1961
Redmond, James Albert, III, Petition, 1961
Evaluation of Courses of Marisa L. Okami-Ltr. from Perry Wilkinson, [1960]
Admissions & Registrations, Director of, 1960
Admissions-Residence Status, 1960
Director of Admissions, Analysis of Enrollment as of Nov. 1, 1959 (1 & 5 Yr. ComparisonsCampus), 1960
Admissions, Summary of Applications March 1, 1959 and March 1, 1960, [1969]
General, A thru K, 1960
General L thru Z, 1960
Graduate School, A thrugh Z, 1960
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 353 (cont’d)
Admissions (cont’d)
Director of-Report of Accepted Applications-Sept. 1959 & Sept. 1960 (as of June of
each Year), [1960]
Admissions Office, Appeals Blanks (Reinstatement), 1960
Petition Case, Douglas Robbins, BPA, 1960
Parker, Richard A., Complaint of Mrs. Daniel B. Parker- Readmissions Case, 1960
Admissions Office, Trotman, Dennis (Correspondence fr. Dean of Men, Heidelberg Col., Tiffin,
Ohio & Others), 1960
Admissions-Residence Case-Learman, Ann, 1960
Rudy, Sidney Lee-Admissions, Appeals Case, 1960
Admissions-Petition Appeal, Rose, Lee Spencer (in Col. of Engineering), 1960
Petition Case
Murphy, George Paul, 1960
Solley, James Francis, 1960
Admission-On Trial Student, Myers, Thomas, Feb. 5, 1960
Dental School, A thrugh Z, 1960
Pharmacy School, A thrugh Z, 1960
Law School, A thrugh Z, 1960
Medical School A thrugh Z, 1960
School of Nursing, 1960
Graduate School, 1960
School of Library Science, 1960
Graduate School, 1962
(Education for Negroes), 1958
Negroes, Out-of-State, 1955
Segregation, 1955
BOX 354
1959 Admissions & Registrations, General File, [1959]
Admissions & Registrations, Residence Status, 1959
Summary of Applications, 1955-1959
Comparison of September 1, 1958-September 1, 1959, [1959]
Director of Admissions & Registrations, Report on Admits (1959); also Algire's Comparison of
Mar. 7, 1959, [1959]
Adm. & Registra.-Academic Probation Plan-Hornbake's Memo to Deans, Dated June 22, 1959
Academic Prob. Plan-Report of Pres. to Board of Regents-Nov. 25, 1958 on Operation of
Academic Probation Plan, [1958]
Director of Admissions & Registrations, Academic Probation Plan-Report on, 1958
Adm. & Registrations, Academic Probation Plan-King's Study-Difficulties of 1st Sem. Freshman,
Freshmen-Report on Years, Sept., 1957 and Feb., 1958
Admissions & Registrations, Selective Admissions-Western Interstate Comm. for Higher
Education, 1959
Adm. & Registrations, 1958-Academic Probation Plan-Hornbake's Study on English Failures in
2nd Semester, 1958
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 354 (cont’d)
A & S- English Dept., Grades Given by Melvin J. Friedman in English Courses-1st & Second
Semester, 1958
Academic Prob. Plan, Jackson's Report on Failure in Basic Math Courses, [1958]
Academic Probation Plan-Regents Aubione & Brown, Comments on, [1958]
Academic Prob. Plan
Certain Scholastic Regulations at Other Atlantic Coast Conf. Schools, Hornbake, 1959
Hornbake's Directive to Deans & Directors, 1959
Acceptance of Certified Public High School Graduates by Uni., R. C. Murphy's Letters,
Misc. Correspondence on, 1958-1959
Academic Probation Plan-Hornbake Study-1st Semester, 1959-1960
Freshmen Students, [1960]
Adm. & Registration
Academic Probation Plan-Hornbake's Study, 1st Semester, 1958-1959; 2nd Semester
1958-1959 , undated
Academic Probation Plan-Study by Hornbake Part I and Part II, [1958]
Plan-Academic Trial Students & Summary of Action Taken 1959-1960 (Algire)
Academic Prob. Plan-Academic Actions Fall Semester, 1959-1960 Page Summary of, [1960]
Academic Probation Plan-Impact of, for Fall of 1959, [1959]
Admissions & Registrations-Director, 1958
Admissions-Scott, John James, Jr. (to be Discussed with Gen. Beukema), [1958]
Admissions-Sabarese, Theodor Michael, [1958]
Lt. Lowell E. Johnson, [1958]
Lt. Kenneth F. Johnson, Admissions Office-Evaluation Case, [1958]
Director of Admissions & Registrations, (Academic Dismissals-Case Appealed to President),
Graduate School, Alperin, Nathan E., [1958]
General, A thruough K, 1959
General, L thrugh Z, 1959
Dental School, 1959
Graduate School, 1959
Medical School, 1959
Veterinary Medicine-Admissions, Edel, Edwin E., 1959
General Term, A-K, 1958-1959
General, L-Z, 1958
Graduate School, 1958
Dental School, 1958
Summer School, 1958
Veterinary School, 1958
Medical School, 1958
Residence Status, 1957-1958
Admissions & Registrations, 1957
Applications for Admissions to University Report, 1957
Admissions and Registrations-Director of, 1955
General, 1957
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 354 (cont’d)
Admissions (cont’d)
CSCS, 1957
Dental School, 1957
Graduate School, 1957
General A-K, 1957
Law School, 1957
Medical School, A-K, 1957
Medical School, L-Z, 1957
Veterinary School, 1957
Admissions & Registration-Director of, 1956
General A to K, 1956
General L to Z, 1956
Graduate School, 1956
Dental School, 1956
Law School, 1956
Medical School, A to K, 1956
Medical School, L-Z, 1956
General, A to K, 1955
General, 1955
Dental, 1955
Graduate, School, 1955
BOX 355
Admissions (cont'd)
Pharmacy, 1955
Medical, A to K, 1955
Medical, L to Z, 1955
BOX 356
Director, 1968
Directives, 1968
Changes by Month, 1968
Request fr. Md. Classified Employees Assn. for Classification of High Voltage
Electrician, 1968
…(Review of His Case-Alcoholic), 1968-1969
Retirement of George W. Fogg as of COB, June 30, 1968, 1968-1969
Resignation of Loring E. Hawes as Asst. Attorney Gen. for Uni., April 1, 1968...., 19681969
Merit Awards-Civilian Employees-2:45 p.m. Wed. Feb. 14, 1968, 1968-1969
Classifications in Use at Uni. of Md., March 1, 1968
Holiday Schedule for Year 1968, 1968
Director's File, 1967
Changes by Month, 1967
Directives, 1967
Delegate to Gov. Persn. Study Committee-Mr. Fogg, 1967-1968
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 356 (cont’d)
Personnel (cont’d)
St. Law Dept.-Applicability of Fair Labor Standards Act Amend. of 1966 to St.
Employees, 1967-1968
Commerce Health Appeal-1967-1968, Payroll Deductions to Dec. 31, 1967, [1967]
Service Awards, C. P. Campus, May 3, 1967
Re Governor's Awards to 40 Years & Over Employees, April 6, 1967, 1967-1968
Re Bernard E. Gifft-Appeal in Case of Dismissal, 1967-1968
Director's File, 1966
1967 Holiday Schedule, 1966-1967
Changes by the Month..., 1966
Directives, 1966
1966 Holiday Schedule..., 1966-1967
Agreement-Replacing Personnel Procedures-Ch. 14, Acts of 1952, 1966-1967
Recognition of Personnel in State Service for 40 or More Years-University of Maryland,
Recognition of Personnel in St. Service with 10 or More Years-Uni. of Maryland, April
27, [1966]
Commerce & Industry Combined Health Appeal Campaign (Gov. Sponsored), 19661967
Handling of Computer Cards-Uni. of Md. & State Comm. of Personnel..., 1965-1966
Holidays for 1965-1966, [1965]
Director, 1965
Case Against Henry W. Gardner-Hosp. Attend., November 4, 1965
Changes by Month, 1965
Directives, 1965
United Appeals, Mr. Fogg Representative-All University Campaigns with State, 1965
Eastern Region College & University Personnel Association, Mr. Morgan, Chairman...,
Summary of Authorized Personnel-Fiscal Year 1965-With Comparisons..., 1965
Honoring Workers on C. P. Campus 10 Years & Over, April 20, 1965
Director, 1964
Dept., Directive Issued, 1964
Holiday Schedule for 1964, [1964]
Changes, Report on (Monthly), 1964
Annual Report July 1, 1963-June 30, 1964, [1964]
Awards, 1964
Re Verification of Social Security Nos. Employees' Retirement System, 1964
Department of, General File, 1963
Directives Issued, 1963
Changes, 1963
Ruth M. Tarleton Appeal-University Hospital Worker, 1963
Resig. of R. C. Murphy to Accept Appt. as Dep. Attn. Gen. of State of Md., 1963
Leonora B. Shatteen & John G. Saul, 1963
Holidays for 1963, [1962]
March 13, 1963-Honoring Employees of 40, 45 and 50 Years of Service, [1963]
Director, 1962
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 357
Directives Issued in 1962, [1962]
Holidays, 1962 Schedule, [1962]
Personnel Changes for 1962, [1962]
Student Library Workers, Problems Re Pay, 1962
Crusade for Freedom Campaign, 1962-1963
Standard Operating Procedures, 1960
Director of, 1961
Directories, 1961
Holidays Schedule for Year 1961, [1961]
Changes in Employment-Monthly Tables, 1961
1960-1961-Authorized Person. in Budget, 1961
General File, 1960
Changes in Employment Monthly Tables, 1960
Directives Issued by Personnel Dept., 1960
Wm. L. Watson, Application for Asst. Mgr. of Student Supply Store-Balt. Union, 1960
Directives, 1959
Personnel-Positions Authorized, 1959
Changes in Employment by Months, 1959
Director of, General File, 1959
Changes, [1958]
Non-Academic Personnel Taking Courses, 1957
Director, 1958
Deans Meeting on Personnel Problem, 1958
College Park, 1957
Honoring of Employees with 25 or More Years on Military Day, May 16, 1957
(College Park), 1956
Director of, George W. Fogg, 1955
Seniority Awards, 1955
Pay Increses for 25 Year Employees, 1954
George W. Fogg, Director, 1954
Home Economics
Dean, 1968
Appointments, 1968
Change of Dept. Name to: Family & Community Development, Sept. 5, 1968
Col. of Home Economics-Dept. of Family & Com. Dev.-Dr. Wm. B. Brown as Head, July 1,
Home Economics-Gift of Historic Textiles to College in Memory of 1968 Parents by Dr. Mark
M. Schapiro, [1968]
Home Ec. College-Re Am. Home Ec. Associates, Survey of Probl., Objec. & Future..., Feb.,
March 1968
Home Economics, College of, Chapman's Progress Report, Sept. 22, 1965-June 30, 1967, 19671968
Home Economics-Head-Dept. of Foods, Nutrition & Inst. Adm.-Dr. Elizabeth S. Prather..., 19671968
Home Ec., College of-Recommendation of Name for Home Ec., Marie Mount Hall..., 1966
Home Economics, College of
General File, 1966
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 357 (cont’d)
Home Economics, College of (cont’d)
Miscellaneous File, 1966
Home Ec.-Leadership Development Seminar, July 11-22, 1966
Home Economics-Dr. Richard Ahrens as Assoc. Prof.-Food, Nutrition, Eff. September 1, 1966
Home Economics, College of-Ltr. Fr. Schneider Brothers, Inc., Chica, to Dr. Eliz. M. Collins,
July 25, 1966
College of Home Economics, Appointments 1966, [1966]
Home Economics, College of, Dean, 1965
Home Economics
Misc., 1964
College of, Dean, 1964
Editorial on Course in Home Ec., April 14, 1964
Beers, Rebecca, Complaint by Father Colwell Beers..., 1964
General File, 1963
Misc. File, 1963
1962 General File-Dean, 1962
BOX 358
Home Economics, Misc. File, 1962
Appt.-Norma H. Compton as Assoc. Prof. at $7,900, 10 Month, Effc., Feb. 1, 1962
Home Economics, Candidate for Head, Dept. of Mgt. & Family Life-Dr. Russell C. Smart, 1961
College of Home Economics, Resignation of Dr. Selma F. Lippeatt as Dean of the College, 1965
Home Economics-Apt. of Dr. Jane K. Shearer as Assoc. Prof. and Head of Housing & App.
Design, September 1, 1965
Appt. of Mrs. Erna R. Chapman as Acting Dean, College of Home Economics, Effective
September 27, 1965
Board-Nov. 19, 1965-Promotion to Assoc. Prof., Stanley R. Reiber, College of Home Economics,
Home Economics
College of, Review of Curricula, 1960
Dean, 1959, 1961 (2f)
Misc., 1960
Home Ec.-Practical Art, Vienna Curtiss-Req. for Increase, 1949- 1960
Home Economics
Capital Improvements Requested for Home Ec. by Alumnae, 1960
John P. Irelan, 1959
Dean, 1958
Committee for Selection of Dean of Home Economics, 1957-1958
College of, Dean, 1957
Am. Home Economics Ass'n. (International Conference, July 28--Aug. 1, 1958), [1958]
Passing of Miss Marie Mount-Dean College of Home Economics, 1957
Home Economics
College of, Dean Miss M. Marie Mount, 1955
College of, Miscellaneous, 1955
College of, M. Marie Mount, Dean, 1954
College of, Miscellaneous, 1954
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 358 (cont’d)
Air Science
General, 1968
Miscellaneous, 1968
Appt. of Col. Richard L. Midkiff as Area Commandant, 1968
Air Force ROTC Day, May 15, 1968, 1968-1969
(Nomination of AFROTC Student for Training At Air Force Academy)..., 1967
(Re Air Force ROTC Advisory Panel), 1966-1967
Gen. File..., 1967
Misc. File, 1967
A. F. ROTC Figures at Uni. of Md., Oct. & Nov., 1967
ROTC Day, Wed., May 10, 1967, Observance, 1967
AFROTC Day, Wednesday, May 11, 1966, 1966-1967
Units-Summary of Enrollment & Production, as of June 30, 1966
Appointment of Colonel Edgar Masters as Prof. of Air Sci. Effective, August 1, 1967,
US Govt.-Air Force-Apt. of Col. Edgar J. Masters as Prof. of Air Science, Recycled to Duty,
Aug. 1, 1967
June 21, Wednesday, June 21 at 11 a. m. Col. Thomas W. Hopfen-Springer, [1967]
Air Science
Col. Thomas W. Hopfenspringer, Professor of Air Science, Rejected, [1967]
General File, 1966
Col. V. H. Reeves-Prof. of Air Science Date 1963-1966
Professor, 1965
Miscellaneous, 1965
ROTC-Combination of 4 Year-2 Year Voluntary Program, Eff. Jan. 22, 1965
ROTC Day, May 12, 1965
Supplemental Agreement US Air Force-Civil Rights & ROTC, 1965
Sup. Agreement Re ROTC Pro., Under P.L. 88-647, Jan. 26, 1965
Program-Ltr. fr. John Elkins Re Program at University of Maryland..., 1965
ROTC Scholarship, 1965
Enrollment as of September 23, 1965, 1965
Officer Production for AFROTC Area "B…..," 1965
Misc., 1964
Ind. Life Insurance Policies for Flight Instruc. Prog., Discontinue, 1964
Enrollment Figures from 1963-Through 1964 (Sept. 20, 1963), Comparisons, [1963]
Pres. Office, Student Attitudes Toward ROTC Programs, Uni. of Minnesota Survey, 1962
Air Science
A.F.R.O.T.C, Day, May 15, 1963
Special File-From Col. Reeves-Hearings on Officer Education Program, 1963
General File, 1962
Consideration of Air Force ROTC Program for 1962-1963, [1962]
Effectiveness Report on Col. T. R. Ayelsworth, 1962
May 16, 1962-10:00 a.m. R O T C Day (Air Force), Invitations to Board Members, 1962
Capt. R. A. Galloway-Counselor of Marine Corps Students, 1962
ROTC-Assignment of Col. Floyd I. Robinson as Prof. of Air Sci., Dec. 17, 1962
Lindley's Letter re Production Requirement for ROTC, 1962
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 358 (cont’d)
Air Science (cont’d)
Nordlinger's Article on AFROTC, 1961
Feb. 17, 1961, Naming of Armory Reckord 2:00 p.m., [1961]
Air Science
Gen. File, 1961
Naming of Armory for Gen. Reckord, Feb. 1961
Effectiveness Report on Colonel Theodore R. Aylesworth, 1961
Air Force ROTC Day, May 17, 1961 (Wednesday), [1961]
Air Force Officer Education Program & Changes in Present Program, 1960-1961
Gen. File..., 1960
Air Force ROTC, President's Statement on, March 1960
Conference on Role of Colleges & Universities in ROTC Programs, 1960
Billets for Students at Fort Meade-Ayelsworth's Letter, 1960
ROTC Day-May 18, 1960, College Phy. Ed. & Members of Board of Regents Honored,
Effectiveness Report on Col. Aylesworth, 1960
ROTC Programs Mershon Comm. on Ed. in Nat'l Security, June 1960
R.O.T.C. Program Changes, 1960
AFROTC-Changes in Basic Requirements (Bd. Action, Jan. 29, 1960)
Air Force ROTC-Reduction in Program, 1960
Col. Theodore R. Aylesworth-Professor of Air Science, May 8, 1959
May 13, 1959-Air Force ROTC Day, Presentation Ceremonies 10:45 to 11:15 a.m.-Information
Luncheon, [1959]
Air Science
Gardner, James E., 1959
Professor, 1958
Marine Corps Platoon Leaders Course (Proposed), 1958
Military Science
Proposed for, 1958
Barger, Edward, General Resignation as Dean, 1957
Dean of Military Science, Selection of, 1957
Air Science
WAF-ROTC Program, 1957
Professor, 1957
College of, Dean, 1957
BOX 359
ROTC Training if History of Six Months Training in Service, 1957
Military Science
Curriculum, [1957]
College of-Flight Training ROTC, 1956
College of, General File, 1956
Air Science, Head, 1956
[Loose Materials-AFROTC Summer Camp, Westover AF Base, Massachusetts, June 20, 1954July 17, 1954]
Air Science, Army R.O.T.C. Unit, [1957]
Military Science, College of, Miscellaneous, 1955
Vanderjagt, B. G. H. (Regard Loyalty Oath), 1955
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 359 (cont’d)
Conscientious Objectors (Conscientious Objectors & ROTC-American Friends Service
Committee), [1959]
Crabhill, Jack A.-Case of (Military Science), [1958]
Hanauer, George, Case of (Military Science), [1959]
University College Military Science (Conscious Objectors, Case of Hanauer vs. Elkins), [1958]
(Compulsory R.O. T. C.), [1954-1959]
Military Science
Col. Joseph R. Ambrose, Dean, 1954 (also has Symons Files in It)
Miscellaneous, 1954
Dean Colonel Joseph R. Ambrose, 1955
BOX 360
Physical Plant
Director, 1968
Service Road at Harrison Laboratory (Horticulture)..., 1967-1968
Re Ltrs. from Fletcher, C. P. Vol. Fire Dept. re Fires & False Alarms at Uni. of Md.,
Phy. Plant-Construction of La Plata Hall & Ltr. from Equitable Constr. Co., 1967-1968
Physical Plant
(Baltimore), Hamburger, Sykes & Ottenheimer & Their Construction..., 1967-1968
Construction Projects..., 1968
Traffic Violations, 1968
Traffic Violation Re Chubbuck, Wesley W., 1968
…Shooting of Student..., Mar., 1968
Baltimore Division, 1968
Director, 1967
Construction Project Reports, 1967
Police Dept.
Traffic Violations, 1967
Baltimore Area..., 1967
St. Fire Marshal's Letters, 1967-1968
Disposition of Income from Parking Registration Fee, 1966-1967
Director, 1966
Police Dept. Report on John B. Stewart-Re Letter of, August 11, 1966
Construction Project Reports..., 1966
Police Department, 1966
Police Report (Survey by Richmond Professional Institute), 1966-1967
Police Dept. Traffic Violations, 1966
Traffic Violation, Taylor, Gail G. (Ltr. Returned Because "Unknown"), 1966
Changes Traffic Regulations...Sept., 1966 (Bd. Action May 13, 1966), September 1966
Physical Plant-Veterans Family Units-Report on Condition, July 2, 1966
Physical Plant-Payment of College Park Volunteer Fire Dept. at NCAA Games..., 1966
…-Dismissal of (Cong. Kee's Son-in-Law), 1966-1967
Re: Disposal Area in College Park-Criticism from St. Health Dept...., 1966-1967
Re Rental of Cole Activities Bldg. by Montg. County District III Jaycees..., 1966
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 360 (cont’d)
Physical Plant (cont’d)
Centrex Tele. System..., 1965-1966
Assoc. Direc. Baltimore Area, [1966]
re Officer Isaacs' Duties for President, 1967-1968
Ref. to Police Manual on Use of Weapons, 1968
Phys. Plant-(Interpretation by Hawes of S. Bill 293 (Curran 1967) & Powers of Campus Police...,
Phy. Plant-Police-July 25, 1968-Radical Students-Materials (Picked Up By Police)...., 1968
Physical Plant-Campus Traffic Rules & Regulations Academic Year, 1967-1968, [1967]
Phy. Plant-GAS Firing (Hold), December 4, 1967
Physical Plant
Apt. of Robert Lambert as Landscape Architect, Interview, July 18, 1968
Retirement of Robinson Lappin (& Party Nov. 27), December 1968
Utilities Survey-C. P. Campus (Hold in File), [1960]
Construction Projects, 1965
Director, 1965
Traffic Violations, 1965
Phys. Plant-State Safety Program under Leutkemeyer-Started in 1963 & Materials for 1964 &
1965, [1966]
Physical Plant
Director, Re Fire Marshal's Letter About, 1965
Director, General File, 1965
Staff Study of a Plan for Improved Grounds Maintenance-(Waetjen), 1965
Police Dept., Duties of Driver of Pres. Car., 1965
Traffic Comm. Recommendations, 1965
Balt.-Parking in Balt. Schools Areas-Levy's Letter, 1965
Manual of Services & Organization, A Guide for Uni. Personnel & Students, July 1,
1964, 1965
Director's File, 1964
Progress Report-Construction, 1964
Contracts for Construction & Easements Accepted by Board, September 11, 1964
Manual of Services & Organization Dept. of the Physical Plant, 1964
College Park Housing Survey, Report on, 1964
Police Dept. General File..., 1964
Traffic Violations, 1964
Director of, General File, 1963
Adult Education Bldg.-Re Chambers Co. Proposal, 1963
Balt. Div. Re Lighting on Balt. Campus 1964, 1963-1964
Cohee, Lee-Cleaners on Balt. Blvd.-Constru., 1963
Construction Projects...1959 through 1963, [1963]
Plant Improvement Projects, 1962-1963
Physical Plant-Police-Traffic Violations..., 1963
Consideration of Problem of Ash from Heating Plant, [1963]
Physical Plant
Associate Director-Baltimore Division, 1963
Morrison Jenks House (see United Nations), 1962
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 361
[Loose Materials-Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1962]
Physical Plant
Traffic Violations, 1962
Request for Ritchie Coliseum-Edward L. Meyer, 1962
Baltimore, 1962
Director, 1961
Traffic Violations, 1961
Traffic Violations, Charlotte A. Leedy-Graduate of Far East, 1961
Physical Plant
Director, 1960
Traffic Violations, 1960
Fire Inspection, 1960
Report on the Univ. Telephone System, December 7, 1960
Director, 1959
Highway Lighting-U. S. No. 1, 1959-1960
(Md. Classified Employees Assn. Testimony to Leg. Council on Nov. 24, 1959)
Physical Plant Dept.-Fire Prevention & Life Safety Report from Md. State College, 1959
Physical Plant
Traffic Violations, 1959
Director, 1958
Traffic Violations, 1958
Construction Reports, 1958
University of Maryland Police Department-Police Manual, Rules and Regulations, 1958
Special Parking Requests, 1958
Fire Safety Program, 1958
Director, 1957
Baltimore Physical Plant, Associate Director, 1957
Construction Projects, Monthly Reports (Phy. Plant), 1957
Traffic Violations,(Physical Plant), 1957
President's Office Parking Violations-Case of Dr. Henry W. Grayson (Economics Dept.), 1957
Committees-Facilities (Weber, Chairman), College Park & Baltimore Campus, 1957
Director of Physical Plant, George O. Weber, 1955
Physical Plant, Director, 1956
Baltimore Associate Director, (Physical Plant), 1956
Phy. Plant, Telephone Survey, 1956
Associate Director-Physical Plant, George O. Morrison, 1955
Construction Projects, Monthly Reports (Phy. Plant), 1956
Physical Plant, Department of Monthly Construction Projects, 1955
Auditors Report on Student Union and Activities Building, 1955
Physical Plant
Mrs. Edna Ball Case, 1956
Personnel Actions, 1955
Business MGT. (Mr. Weber), Fraternity-Sorority Audit, 1954
Reports, Business Manager, 1954
Business Manager, George O. Weber, 1954
Associate Business Manager-Baltimore, George W. Morrison, 1954
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 361 (cont’d)
Business Management
Construction Organization Plan, 1954
Projects in Progress, 1954
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Siding, 1954
BOX 362
University Relations
Endowment, Special Report on Gifts, Apr. 1967
Information Needed from Hawes on Endowments, etc., November 1967
University Relations
Endowment Re: Employment of Senator E. Brooke Lee as Fund-Raiser 1967-1968,
Endowment & Gifts-Donors Clubs-Old Liners Club..., 1967-1968
Endowment & Gifts-Program to Secure Private Voluntary Fin. Support., 1967-1968
Endowment & Gifts-Program to Secure Private Voluntary Fin. Support, Dec. 1966-1967
Endowment and Development Contributors File, 1967
Uni. Relations
Endowment-Proposal Providing Concert Organ Recitals & Chair in Organ (Duckett)...,
Endowment, Greater Uni. of Maryland Fund-Martin Marietta Corp. Found. Gift, 1967
University Relations-Endowment-Booklet-An Affair of the Heart and Adventure of the Mind,
Uni. Relations-Endowments & Gifts, Meeting with Ben Dyer,
University Relations
Endowment Categories of Giving & Memorial Opportunities..., 1967-1968
Endowment MS. on Categories of Giving 1966-1967, 1966
Endowment-Greater Uni. of Md. Fund 1966 Progress Report August 1, 1965-February 9, 1966,
University Relations-Candidate for Endowment Position, William F. Dollard, III, August 6, 1966
Uni. Relations
Endow. Greater Uni. of Md. Restricted Funds Not Appropriated as of June 30, 1967,
Endowment-Transaction Ending, June 30, 1966 & Recom. for Sept. 30, 1966 Board,
Endowment & Development Contributors-Letters of Appreciation..., 1965-1966
Endowment Office-George Corcoran Memorial Awards Fund-Accepted by Board, Jan. 22, 1965
Endowment-Greater University of Maryland Fund-Allocations Out of 1964-1965 Funds..., Nov.
19, 1965
Endowment & Development IBM 360-Situation in Office, 1965
Endowment & Development Resignation of Alvin E. Cormeny as of September 1, 1965, 1965
Endowment & Development
General File, 1964
Contributors, 1964
Re DR. H. M. Robinson's Query Re Medical Scholarships, 1964-1965
Greater Uni. of Md. Fund Authorizing Expenditures From, 1964
Re: Matilda Mae Gerben Memorial Fellowship, 1964
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 362 (cont’d)
Endowment (cont’d)
Greater University of Maryland Fund-Re Ltr. to Fisher from Cormeny..., 1964
Distribution of Funds from Business Associates Program, 1964
Endowment & Development, Re Gordon Davis Linen Supply Co. Scholarship Proposal..., 1964
Endowment and Development A. E. Cormeny, General File, 1963
Endowment Office, Justin A. Shook's Ltr. of Dec. 13, 1963 to Ch. of Greater Uni. of Md. Fund,
Endowment Office Contributors, 1963
Greater University of Maryland Fund.... Recommendations 1962-1963, 1963
Expenditures of Endowment Office from 1955 to June 30, 1963, [1963]
Greater Uni. of Md. Fund-Cissel's Report of Dec. 23, 1963, [1963]
Proposed Singer Medical Fund, 1963
Endowment & Development, Contributors-Breakdown of, 1963
Endowment McKinsey & Co. (Discuss on Return with Mr. Cormeny), 1963
Endowment & Dev., John P. Woolley, 1963
Endowment-Bus. Associates Lunch 12:00, April 17, 1963, Program, Report, List Attending,
Endowment Office-Greater Uni. of Md. Fund-Year Ended June 30, 1963, Not Distributed (Hold),
Endowment-Bus. Associates Program (Discuss with Dean Mavis), 1963
Alumni Affairs
General File, 1967
BOX 363
Alumni Affairs (cont'd)
President & Officers Alumni Association for 1967-1968, Mr. Emmett T. Loane, Pres.,
Ltr. to Talbot Speer re Article on Ward in Annapolis Evening Capital..., 1967
Alumni Association
Director-Continuing Education Program, 1967-1968
Home Economics, 1967
Engineering, 1967
Medical School Alumni Luncheon Wed., Nov. 22, 1967 Elkins Spoke, [1967]
Alumni Affairs, Samuel J. Lefrak-Contributions to the University of Maryland, 1967-1968
6:30 p.m. Friday, June 16-Annual Alumni Meeting, Balt., Alumni Lounge, 1967
Alumni Affairs-Homecoming & Alumni Day, November 4, 1967
Alumni Council Minutes, 1964-1967
Alumni Affairs-General File, 1966
Homecoming Saturday, October 29, 1966
Re Alumni Tour Group to Europe-Summer, 1966
Alumni Affairs
Directory of the Class of 1941-Reunion 1966, 1966-1967
President of Alumni Association-Downey, Mylo S., Meeting on December 6, 1966...,
Officers for 1966-1967 Alumni Association, [1966]
University Archives, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, Tel:
BOX 363 (cont’d)
Alumni Association
Home Economics-Spring Meeting, May 7, 1966
Nursing Association, 1966
Alumni Affairs-Study of Greater University of Md. Fund as Related to Alumni Council, 1965
October 30-31, 1965-New York Alumni Meeting-Park-Sheraton Hotel..., 1965
September 17, 1965-Alumni Assn. Meeting, [1965]
October 23, 1965-Homecoming Materials, [1965]
Alumni Affairs-Fund for Engineering Education and Development, Eng. Alumni, 1965
Alumni Associates-Engineering FEEDUM..., 1964
Alumni Relations-Director, 1965
Alumni Association
Misc., 1963
Officers of for 1965-1966, Pres. Judge Joseph L. Carter, 1965
April 1-Alumni Council Meeting 6:30 p.m. Alumni Lounge-Balt. Student Union, [1966]
Director of University Relations J. B. Zatman-Effec. August 1, 1964
University Relations, J. B. Zatman-Director Uni. Rela. (Biographical Materials), 1964
Alumni Assn. General File, 1964
Alumni, Alumni Committees, 1964-1965
Alumni Association-President, Mrs. Erna R. Chapman, 1964
Alumni Relations
Officers of the Alumni Association for 1964-1965, [1964]
Members of the Alumni Council 1964-1965, [1964-1965]
Alumni Affairs-Re: Establishment of Alumni Chapter in San Francisco-Ramon Grelecki, 1964
Alumni Association, 1963
Director of Alumni Relations, August 15, 1963-Mr. Victor Holm in Charge, [1964]
Resignation of Mr. David L. Brigham as Director of Alumni Relations Effe., July 15, 1963
Alumni Council-Mr. Hasslinger's Complaint re Dean Borreson's Talk, 1963
Alumni Association-Alumni Director-Duties of, Hasslinger's Ltr. of June 28, 1963
Alumni Council Conf. of May 10, 1963, Materials to Be Taken up During Summer, [1963]
Alumni Assn.-Resolution Adopted by Alumni Council re Undergraduate Branch in Baltimore
County Area, 1963
Alumni Association-President of Alumni Council, 1963
Alumni-1963 Lists: Officers: Comm. Members; Members-Gen. Alumni Council & Club
Representatives, [1963-1964]
Alumni Association, 1962
Alumni Relations-Director, [1961-1962] (2f)
Alumni Association...Harry E. Hasslinger-Pres...., 1962
Alumni Council-Exceptional Student Committee, Vice President for Academic Aff., 1962
Alumni Association
(General) 1962-1963 Committee Appts., [1962- 1963]
Gen., Council Corresp., 1962
Alumni Council-Resolution in Memory of Senator Millard E. Tydings, 1961
Balt.-Alumni Club of Balt., 1961
Alumni Council-Re Meeting of Apr. 26, 1960-(List of Recommendations for Filling Board of
Regents' Vacancies, [1960]
Alumni Association
Charter Day Celebration, Janua