July 2015 - Marquette Unitarian Universalist Congregation
July 2015 - Marquette Unitarian Universalist Congregation
THE CHRONICLE Marquette Unitarian Universalist Congregation Services & Forums July 2015 Date 11am Sunday Service 9:45am Adult Forum July 5 *“Humans Wrote the Bible, God Wrote Life: The “Organic Farming: What Is It?, with Sarah Monte of Moonrise Garden Farm.” Host: Teachings of John Shelby Spong.” Presenters: February Sky (Phil Cooper & Susan Rev. Dea Kowalczyk Urban) July 12 “Compassionate :Living: Sermon As Song.” Service Leader: Tret Fure “Grandparents: Their Influence and Our Influence.” Service Leader: Tom Spencer “Social Justice as Spiritual Practice.” Service Leader: Diana McLean (SSC pays $200) dmclean@iliff.edu July 19 July 26 “The Marquette Master Plan.” Host: Dave Stensaas, City Planner, Marquette “Week in Review.” Host: Tom Sullivan “Grounding Our Social Justice Work in Our Unitarian Universalist Theology.” Host: Diana McLean *The word “God” can be a hot-button for many Unitarian Universalists. But maverick retired Episcopal bishop John Shelby Spong, whose best known book is “Why Christianity Must Change or Die,” gives us some new ways of looking at the concept. He says, “I can tell no one who God is or what God is. Neither can anyone else – from the Pope to Pat Robertson to the Dalai Lama. That is simply an aspect of human pretending.” We will explore the ideas of this courageous and far-sighted man as expressed by him, and by others, in speech and in song. *********** Meet Your 2015-2016 MqtUU Representatives: Tim VanderVeen, President Dea Kowalczyk, Vice President Anne Stark, Secretary Chris Wagner, Trustee Dharmini Robertson, Trustee gg gordon, Treasurer Heidi Gould, Administrative Assistant Lisa McKenzie, Religious Exploration Coordinator Barb Michael, Music Coordinator FROM: MqtUU President, Tim VanderVeen In the midst of our Summer Slumber I hope you will plan to be an active part of the variety of services and community efforts our congregation will be engaged in over the next few months. Our good friends February Sky will be presenters on July 5th. Their music and thoughtful words are always an inspiration. We will have services presented by some special talented people who have very personal connections with our congregation; Tret Fure with her music and message on July 12th, Tom Spencer talking about the influence of grandparents on July 19th, and Rev. Dianna McLean on Social Justice as a spiritual practice, on July 26th. We have a wide variety of Forums from Organic Farming and Marquette City Planning, to a workshop on Reikki from member practitioner Jacob Studinger. We have many members who bring their talents and life experience to share and we have many opportunities to contribute to our community as well. We'll be helping Chocolay Township Police with Adopt-A-Hwy along the road in front of our Meeting House, and taking training classes to staff the Room at the Inn in our building next year. We will have a wide variety of RE programs as we fill the summer with rich ideas, projects and adventures for the kids. We are a family of active, thoughtful, compassionate, and contemplative people. We share values and beliefs, and we raise questions and engage in passionate discussion and dispute. I am so grateful to be a part of such a vibrant, growing, and exciting community. I will come back from the General Assembly gathering with new ideas, stronger resolve and focus, and even more passion for what makes all of us Unitarian Universalists. And I hope you will join me in making this an important part of your life and a welcome stop on your life's journey. Thank you for this opportunity to serve you in this new capacity as Board of Trustees President. Please talk with me of your passion, ideas, concerns, and, yes, your joys. Tim VanderVeen 96-346-2122 Chair yoga resumes July 22nd 1p.m. - 2:30 Wednesdays, for 6 weeks. :) Cost $5 donation to MQT meeting house. Please come a little early if you are new. Sunday, July 12, Tret Fure “Compassionate Living: Sermon as Song” July Choir Rehearsal Wed., July 22 at the home of Jeanne Trost, 911 W. Kaye Ave. Looking for a choir of 20 voices for Sun., Aug. 23 Bring friends! MqtUU – 1510 M28 East – 249-9450 – mqtuu.org – mqtuuadassist@gmail.com We will be planting three cedars this summer in our Memorial Garden for Nell Gaball, Marilyn Gorski, and Jon McLean. The tree in memory of Jon will be planted on July 26th following the service, which will be led by Jon & Kathy's daughter, Diana McLean. Check upcoming weekly This 'n' That's for dates for the others. A Memorial Service for Nell Gaball will be held on Wednesday, July 8 at Canale-Tonella Funeral Home at 526 N. 3rd St. in Marquette. Visitation with family and friends will begin at noon followed by a service at 1 pm. On Sunday, July 12 following our 11 o'clock Marquette UU service, our congregation will be gathering for a Memorial Cedar Planting Ceremony for Nell. Refreshments will be served following the brief ceremony of song, readings, and shared memories. All are welcome. UU minister, Diana McLean, will be leading our service on Sun., July 26 followed by a tree planting ceremony for her father, long-time Mqt UU, Jon McLean. Diana's son and her mother, Kathy (Jon's wife), will also join us. Pictured to the right are Jon and Kathy as they worked in Ann Arbor with their UU minister to make it smooth sailing during that little window period of about four hours in spring of 2014 when same-sex marriage was legal in Michigan. FROM: Social Action Committee “Share the Plate” offers opportunities for our members to develop and deepen connections with non-profit organizations from the local, state, national and global levels. Your nominations of non-profit organizations for recipients are welcome! The July “Share the Plate” Recipient is: Memory Care Unit of the Jacobetti Home for Veterans which serves the individual who is ambulatory, but suffering from Alzheimer's disease or other dementias. This 27-bed unit provides a structured program and environment to assure members suffering from dementias remain ambulatory and independent for as long as possible in their activities of daily living. The MqtUU Social Action Committee NEEDS YOU! Put your passion to action and get involved with issues of social and environmental justice! As a collective voice we can make a difference! Check us out on Facebook to get current on meeting dates and issues being addressed. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1404026069870621/ WE NEED YOU! As a lay-led congregation, it is the members who lead Sunday Services! Perhaps you have something you want to share but lack the confidence, skill or experience to get behind the podium! We can change that! “The Shared Pulpit: A Sermon Seminar for Lay People” by Erika Hewitt An eight (8) session workshop to help lay people gain experience writing and preaching a full-length sermon for their congregation will be offered at the Meeting House. This easy-to-use guide for both facilitators and participants provides a step-by-step lesson plan. Workshop members learn about the theory and theology of preaching, then practice writing and speaking with authenticity, gradually building toward composing quality 20-minute sermons. For more information call: Heidi Gould 226-0102 or email mqtuuadassist@gmail.com ******** MqtUU July Calendar (See Forums & Services on pg. 1) (Meetings and events will take place at the Meeting House unless otherwise specified) July 1 @ 6pm Wednesday July 12 @ 12:15pm Sunday July 21 @ 6pm Tuesday July 22 @ 1pm Wednesday CUUPS @ United By Light Full Moon Gathering Green Team Mtg MqtUU Board of Trustees Meeting Chair Yoga From UUA President Peter Morales: "...as we celebrate national marriage equality and how our work and persistence truly can change the world, we must also remember that there is still work to be done. We are still far from full equality, particularly for transgender individuals and people of color, and that work and persistence are still needed. The grief we feel from the horrific murders in Charleston still weighs heavily upon us. Let us continue to bring a strong message of love. Let’s use this marriage equality victory as inspiration for all of our justice work." FROM UUA GA 2015, Portland Oregon gg gordon Nancy Sullivan Tim VanderVeen Heidi Gould We Celebrated Supreme Courts Rules Same Sex marriage is LEGAL! June 26, 2015 MqtUU Peace Camp Connecting Families, Community and Nature in a Mindful Way August 21-23, 2015 Big Creek (Irish-Villa) Property 395 Karen Road, Marquette, Michigan Hosted by: Marquette Unitarian Universalist Congregation Camp MqtUU includes: cooperative play, music and crafts, communing with nature, yoga/tai chi, environmental education, mindful meals, family camping in the wilderness of the U.P. Registration deadline: July 31, 2015 For children ages 7-13, camp begins 1:30 Friday and ends Sunday at Noon. For children ages 4-6, programs will only be provided on Saturday from 10:00 a.m.—2:00 p.m. Children under 7 must be accompanied by an adult outside of Camp programs at all times. Non-MqtUU members are welcome. For more information, contact Jill Mielcarek (906) 235-9889 or jillmielcarek65@gmail.com