NCFA Annual Meeting - North Carolina Forestry Association


NCFA Annual Meeting - North Carolina Forestry Association
N C FA A n n u a l M e e t i n g
“Over the Rivers
and Through The
W oo d s T o T h e
Scale House
We Go”
Grandover Resort
G r e e n s b o r o , NC
O c t o b e r 1 - 3 , 2 014
NCFA Annual Meeting
October 1-3, 2014 - Grandover Resort, Greensboro, NC
Please complete and return this form to the NCFA by mail to 1600 Glenwood Avenue, Raleigh, NC 27608 or by fax to (919) 832-6188.
Please call the Grandover Resort at (336) 294-1800 to make your room reservation ASAP. The room rate for the Grandover
Resort will be $169 and will be held until September 3, 2014.
Member Name (for badge)___________________________________________________________________________________
Company Affiliation ______________________________________________ City ________________________ State ______
Daytime Phone _____________________________________________ Fax___________________________
E-mail (for confirmation) _________________________________________________________________
Spouse/Guest Name (for badge) ___________________________________________ City _______________ State ______
Full Registration Includes the following (please indicate which events you will attend by checking the boxes):
 Wednesday Night Reception Featuring the Band of Oz  Thursday Business Lunch
 Thursday President’s Reception, Awards Dinner, Silent Auction and Gaming Night
Speaking Program Only Registration (Thursday Only) Includes the following:
 Speaking program and Thursday Business Lunch
$350 $______
$250 $______
Meeting Recreation Activities (Please indicate amount and number attending)
Includes the following (please indicate which events you will attend by checking the boxes):
 Sporting Clays at Shane’s Sporting Clays # ______ @ $25  Zip Lining with Kersey Valley Attractions
# ______ @ $80  Golf Tournament at Grandover Resort
# ______ @ $75
Pairing Preference:______________________________________________________________ Handicap: _______
$ _____
$ _____
$ _____
Spouse Registration (Must accompany a full registration)
$200 Includes the following (please indicate which events you will attend by checking the boxes):
 Wednesday Night Reception Featuring the Band of Oz
 Thursday Business Lunch
 Thursday Spouse Program - Tour of Replacements, Ltd located in Greensboro
 Thursday President’s Reception, Awards Dinner, Silent Auction and Gaming Night
Payment Options
Check or money order payable to NCFA enclosed.
Charge to my  Visa  Mastercard # ______/_______/_______/_______Expiration Date: _____/_____ Cardholder’s Name (as it appears on card) _____________________________________________________
Credit Card Billing Address (no P.O. Box):______________________________________________________
Signature: _______________________________________________________________
*** Please note: Refunds will not be given for registration fees and/or recreational fees cancelled after September 15, 2014. ***
“O ver the R ivers and T hrough T he W oods T o T he S cale H ouse W e G o !”
The NCFA’s 2014 Annual Meeting will feature DOUBLE
THE ENTERTAINMENT from previous years, resulting
in double the fun for our members! The focus of the
meeting will be water quality issues and what impact they
might have on forestry and the forest products industry
on a local, state and national level. In the afternoon, the
focus will turn to transportation. Again, there are local
and national issues that could pose significant challenges
to forestry and the forest products industry.
Traditional Annual
Meeting Sponsors
Aegis Administrative Services, Inc.
Bill Hanks Lumber Co.
Canal Wood, LLC
CanFor Southern Pine
Chatham Lumber Co.
Columbia Forest Products
Craven County Wood Energy
Culp Lumber Co.
D.R. Reynolds Co., Inc.
Davis Garvin Agency Inc.
Domtar - Marlboro Mill
Domtar -Plymouth
Edwards Wood Products
Enviva LP
Farm Credit Association of NC
Forestry Mutual Ins. Co.
Georgia-Pacific LLC
Goodson’s All Terrain Logging Inc
Hartley Brothers Sawmill, Inc.
International Paper - Fiber Supply
International Paper Co. - Raleigh
Iron Horse Auction
Jordan Lumber & Supply Inc.
Kapstone Kraft Paper Corp.
Louisiana-Pacific Corp.
Pennsylvania Lumbermens Mutual
Pinnacle Trailer Sales Inc.
Pruitt Lumber Co.
Resolute Forest Resources
Resource Management Service
Tri-State Land & Timber
Valwood Corp.
Wade S. Dunbar Agency
Weyerhaeuser Co.
Gaming Night Brings Out the Excitement!
The host hotel for the meeting is the Grandover Resort, which is
located just off I-85 in Greensboro. The Grandover features excellent
ballrooms for our indoor sessions and a spectacular patio area that will
host our Wednesday night reception.
This year’s meeting follows the same popular format as previous
years with recreational activities on Wednesday. There are three
different opportunities for members to spend some recreational time
prior to the welcome reception. The Wednesday evening reception
welcomes young professionals and/or new members. The Band of Oz
will perform for the membership on what will be an outstanding way
to start the 2014 meeting.
Thursday’s speaking program will feature comprehensive
presentations on two hot issues - water quality and transportation.
Members will hear from experts on both topics and have the opportunity
for a question and answer session with each speaker.
That evening, Forestry Mutual and the NCFA will present their
annual awards. After the awards dinner, members will be all in for a
night of fun at Gaming Night. It has been a while since the NCFA held
a Gaming Night, but we expect it to be another great night of fun. And
while the gaming action will be intense, hunting trips, fishing trips,
professional sports tickets, homemade crafts and other great items will
be up for grabs during the NCFA’s silent auction.
Please return your registration materials and make your room
reservations early! It is a great help to our staff!!!
Double the Entertainment
Band or Gaming Night? Why not both?
We asked the question and our Annual
Meeting Committee answered, “Why not
So, The Band of Oz will be performing
Wednesday night at the Grandover as part of the welcome reception.
The following evening, the NCFA will host a Gaming Night where
members will have a choice of several popular games to participate in.
Recreation Activities
The Timber Hacker’s Golf Tournament is scheduled
for a shotgun start at 11:00 a.m. at the Grandover
Resort. As always, the Tournament will employ a
Captain’s Choice format and mulligans will be on
sale to support the Friends of Forestry PAC. The
registration fee is $75.00 and will include a box lunch.
The Sporting Clays Tournament will take place at 12:00
p.m. at Shane’s Sporting Clays. The cost is $25.00 per
person and participants should bring gun and two boxes
of shells. Lunch is on your own. The competition will be
on the Lewis Class Judging.
Zip Lining will take place from 12:00 - 3:00 p.m. at Kersey
Valley Attractions, which is located just on exit down from
the Grandover. The cost is $80.00 per person and includes
Spouse & Guest Program
On Thursday afternoon shortly after lunch, NCFA guests
will venture to Replacements, Ltd. for a tour of the facility
led by a Replacements representative. Guests will also have
the opportunity to shop. Round trip transportation will be
provided from the Grandover Resort.
Silent Auction
The proceeds from
NCFA’s silent auction
will support the NCFA’s
Forestry Education and
Conservation Foundation.
The auction will take
place on Thursday and
all purchases are tax
deductible. Items include
one week at Myrtle
Beach, a hunting lease
on a Weyerhaeuser land
parcel, a turkey hunt on Jordan Supply timberlands and
many more great items!
This year’s effort is being led by Linda Holton. If you have
an item you would like to donate, please contact Linda at
(252) 229-3101 or at All donations
are welcome!
CFE Credits
This year’s NCFA’s Annual Meeting will be worth 6.0 CFE
Category I credits.
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
11:00 a.m. Timber Hackers Golf, Grandover Resort
12:00 noon Sporting Clays, Shane’s Sporting Clays
12:00 noon Zip Lining, Kersey Valley Attractions
6:30 p.m. Welcome Reception Recognizing Young Professionals, featuring the Band of Oz
Thursday, October 2, 2014
8:00 a.m. Welcome
8:10 a.m. Water: Challenge or Opportunity?
Mary Watzin, N.C. State University
9:00 a.m. Wetlands and Eastern North Carolina
Jim Gregory, N.C. State University
9:45 a.m. Forestry BMPs in North Carolina
Sean Brogan, N.C. Forest Service
10:30 a.m. Break
10:45 a.m. Federal Outlook on Clean Water Act
Chip Murray, NAFO
11:30 a.m. Water Quality Panel
12:00 p.m. NCFA Business Lunch Program
1:00 p.m. Transportation’s Role in Promoting Economic
Development in North Carolina
Tony Tata, N.C. DOT
1:45 p.m. Southern Forest Resource and Market Trends
Bob Abt, N.C. State University
2:30 p.m. Break
2:45 p.m. 2014 Election Preview
John Davis, John Davis Consulting 3:30 p.m. Trucking & Transportation Safety
Greg Plumley, Forestry Mutual
4:15 p.m. Driveway Access Permits
Jack Swanner, NCPLA
5:00 p.m. Adjourn Speaking program
6:00 p.m. President’s Reception
7:00 p.m. Awards Dinner, Silent Auction & Gaming Night
Friday, October 3, 2014 8:00 a.m. Board of Directors Meeting
12:00 noon Adjourn
Grandover Resort
1000 Club Road, Greensboro, NC 27407
Toll Free: (800) 472-6301 Telephone: (336) 294-1800
The host hotel for the NCFA’s Annual Meeting is the
Grandover Resort. The Grandover offers the utmost in guest
accommodations with spacious hotel rooms overlooking
the Allegheny foothills and a world-class golf course.
Amenities at Grandover include: 36-hole championship
golf course; luxurious day spa with access to the fitness
center, sauna, steam room, hot tub; indoor/outdoor
swimming pool; and clay tennis courts for daytime and
nighttime play.
The Grandover also features an elegant Sicilian-style Di Valetta restaurant overlooking lush gardens that serves
breakfast, lunch and dinner. For lighter snacks and/or drinks, there is also the Café Expresso and the Colony Bar.
The NCFA has secured a special rate of $169.00 a night for members for the meeting. The cutoff date for this
special rate is September 3, 2014. Please call (800) 472-6301 to make your reservation.
Assorted Photos from 2013 Meeting
2014 NCFA Annual Meeting Sponsorship Form
grandover resort, greensboro, Nc - october 1-3, 2014
All sponsors will be listed in the NCFA’s Treeline and receive recognition throughout the Annual Meeting.
Please complete this form and return it with your check made payable to the “NCFA” by September 15, 2014.
All sponsorships are first come, first served.
Company _ ____________________________________________________________________________________
Address___________________________________ City_ _______________ State/Zip________________________
Phone________________________ Fax________________________ E-mail_____________________________
Yes! I would like to help sponsor the 2014 NCFA Annual Meeting. Please accept my contribution for:
Golf Tournament
Co-Sponsorship Sporting Clays Tournament
 Co-Sponsorship $100 each
$100 each
Wednesday Evening Welcome Reception
Diamond Patron Sponsorship
Gold Patron Sponsorship
Silver Patron Sponsorship
General Patron Sponsorship
Thursday Morning Coffee Break
 General Patron Sponsorship
Thursday Business Lunch
 General Patron Sponsorship
Thursday Afternoon Coffee Break
 General Patron Sponsorship Thursday President’s Reception
Diamond Patron Sponsorship
Gold Patron Sponsorship
Silver Patron Sponsorship
General Patron Sponsorship
Thursday Evening Awards Dinner 
Diamond Patron Sponsorship Gold Patron Sponsorship
Silver Patron Sponsorship
General Patron Sponsorship
$2,000 (Receive one complimentary meeting registration)
$500 each
$500 each
$500 each
$2,000 (Receive one complimentary meeting registration)
$2,000 (Receive one complimentary meeting registration)
Please mail check and completed form to:
NCFA, 1600 Glenwood Avenue, Raleigh, NC, 27608 or fax to (919) 832-6188.
Please call the NCFA office at (800) 231-7723 or (919) 834-3943 if you have any questions.
2014 NCFA Annual Meeting Exhibitor Form
I (we) wish to reserve table exhibit space at the 2014 North Carolina Forestry Association Annual Meeting, October 1
– October 3, 2014 at the Grandover Resort in Greensboro, NC. I agree to set up my display on Wednesday afternoon
and take it down Friday morning. COMPANY NAME ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
NAME OF EXHIBITOR _________________________________________________________________________________________________
ADDRESS ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
CITY ________________________________________________________________ STATE __________ ZIP _____________________________
PHONE (____)______________________ E-MAIL_________________________________________________________________
SIGNATURE _______________________________________________________________________
Exhibit fees include one full meeting registration
Check one: Single space for NCFA member ($1,100) _______
(1 – 6 or 8 foot skirted table w/2 chairs)
Double space for NCFA member ($1,600) _______
(2 – 6 or 8 foot skirted tables w/2 chairs)
Non-member ($1,500) _______
Non-member ($2,000) _______
Indicate if electrical outlet needed ___ Yes ___ No
Spouse registration fee ($200) __________
Additional Exhibitor ( ) @ $350 per person
Spouse Name: ___________________________
Name: ___________________________________
Address: _________________________________
Total $__________________________
Please include your check payable to the “NCFA” with this signed agreement. Mail to: N.C. Forestry Association, 1600
Glenwood Avenue, Suite I, Raleigh, NC 27608 or FAX in your credit card data to (919) 832-6188
Credit Card* (Mastercard or Visa ONLY) If using credit card, all information below is required:
Name on card:___________________________________________________Card #: __________/__________/__________/__________
Exp. Date: ______/______ __ M/C __ Visa Credit card billing address (if different from above):
Please contact Chris Brown at or (800) 231-7723 ext. 3 for more information.