Each Transport Mode, Each Potential Den Danske Banekonference 2016 Jonas Lohmann Elkjær Andersen Technical University of Denmark Urban Transport Modality • Urban transport is the focal point • Uniform characteristics and demands, different systems in play, comparisons are meaningful • Different mode of public transport (systems) to and within a city – Long distance train, regional train, high-speed train, long distance bus etc. • Not regarded as urban transport (not supplying urban transport service) – Commuter trains, regional busses – Metro, Light rail/tram, city busses, BRT… Photo credit: 2 Technical University of Denmark Each Transport Mode, Each Potential Den Danske Banekonference 2016 17.05.2016 Commuter trains S-bahn, Berlin CBD S-train, Copenhagen Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons Characteristic: Closed allignment – At grade Usage: Transport from satellite cities and surburbs to CBD 3 Technical University of Denmark Each Transport Mode, Each Potential Den Danske Banekonference 2016 17.05.2016 Photo credit: Colourbox Metro London Underground CBD Copenhagen Metro Photo credit: PA Wire Characteristic: Closed allignment - Underground Usage: Internal transport in build up areas 4 Technical University of Denmark Each Transport Mode, Each Potential Den Danske Banekonference 2016 Photo credit: Polfoto. Miriam Dalsgaard 17.05.2016 Light Rail Transit (LRT)/Tram Aarhus Light Rail CBD Tram, Paris Photo credit: Characteristic: Semiclosed alignment – Street bound Usage: Internal transport in build up areas 5 Technical University of Denmark Each Transport Mode, Each Potential Den Danske Banekonference 2016 17.05.2016 Photo credit: Jonas Andersen Bus A-bus, Copenhagen CBD Malmöexpressen Regular city bus Busses with high level of service (BHLS) or Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Photo credit: Characteristic: Open to semi closed runway – Street bound Usage: i.a. Internal transport in build up areas 6 Technical University of Denmark Each Transport Mode, Each Potential Den Danske Banekonference 2016 17.05.2016 Photo credit: Wikipedia Preconditions • For further investigations • Internal transport in build up areas (urban service) – Metro – Light Rail (LRT) – Bus (regular city bus and BRT) • Generalisations are made – Rules have exceptions CBD • The foundation of examples in this presentation is Copenhagen – Parallels to scandinavian and european cities 7 Technical University of Denmark Each Transport Mode, Each Potential Den Danske Banekonference 2016 17.05.2016 How to compare urban transport modes • Investigate system performance and impact on the surroundings • Important KPIs (quantitative and qualitative) and derived impacts that have dominant system dependencies: KPIs Derrived impacts Cost •Travel time •Service/Capacity •Accessibility •Flexibility •Attractiveness •Urban development •Urban space transformation •Operational cost (operation & maintenance – lifespan of vehicles) •Capital cost: Construction cost and purchase of rolling stocks • KPIs and derrived impacts vs. Cost => value for money 8 Technical University of Denmark Each Transport Mode, Each Potential Den Danske Banekonference 2016 17.05.2016 Travel time – components Traffic priorities – Right of way • Segregation • Signal priorities Stop spacing – Distance between stop Rolling stock – Max speed – Acceleration/decelaration Dwell at stop – Passenger exchange Bus travel time in central Copenhagen 2002: 20% Free flow driving 5% Dwelling at stops 15% 40% 20% (HUR, 2002) 9 Technical University of Denmark Each Transport Mode, Each Potential Den Danske Banekonference 2016 Congestion driving Signals Exit from stops 17.05.2016 Travel time – impact on passengers • Case project - OTM model (Andersen&Landex, 2012) Regular bus config. Fully prioritised Rapid Transit config. 10 Technical University of Denmark Each Transport Mode, Each Potential Den Danske Banekonference 2016 17.05.2016 Travel time – impact on operating cost (Nielsen&Lange, 2015) 11 Technical University of Denmark Each Transport Mode, Each Potential Den Danske Banekonference 2016 17.05.2016 Travel time – system dependencies Metro Traffic priorities: Full Avg. travel speed: around 35 km/h Stop spacing: 900 m Copenhagen Metro: 34 km/h Max speed: 80 km/h Dwell time: Good LRT Traffic priorities: Mostly full to full Avg. travel speed: around 20-30 km/h Stop spacing: 400-900m Odense (planned): 20 km/h Max speed: 70 km/h Ring 3 (planned): 30 km/h Dwell time: Good Bus Traffic priorities: Zero to full Avg. travel speed: 10-25 km/h Stop spacing: down to 400 meters Bus 8A: down to 12 km/h Max speed: 50-80 km/h Dwell time: Bad to semi good 12 Technical University of Denmark Den kvikke vej: 20 km/h Each Transport Mode, Each Potential Den Danske Banekonference 2016 17.05.2016 Service/Capacity Service: Number of departures (frequency or headway) Capacity: Vehicle capacity, System capacity Service/capacity should be balanced with the number of passengers (supply/demand) (Andersen&Landex, 2012) 13 Technical University of Denmark Each Transport Mode, Each Potential Den Danske Banekonference 2016 17.05.2016 Service/capacity – system dependencies Vehicle capacity: Metro Vehicle capacity: High, up to 1200 pass./veh. Copenhagen Metro (39m): approx. 300 pass./veh. (96 seats) LRT Vehicle capacity: Semi-high, up to 500 pass./veh. Aarhus: Stadler VarioBahn (32m): 224 pass./veh. Stadler Tango (40m): 266 pass./veh. Bus Vehicle capacity: Low-medium, up to 150 pass./veh. Regular bus (12m): approx. 75 pass./veh. Articulated bus (~18m): approx. 120 pass./veh. Double articulated bus (~24m) : approx. 150 pass/veh. 14 Technical University of Denmark Each Transport Mode, Each Potential Den Danske Banekonference 2016 17.05.2016 Service/capacity – vehicle capacity 350 300 Pass./vehicle 250 200 150 100 50 0 Regular bus 15 Articulated bus Technical University of Denmark Double articulated bus LRT Metro Each Transport Mode, Each Potential Den Danske Banekonference 2016 17.05.2016 Service/capacity – system capacity Regular bus Articulated bus Double articulated bus LRT Metro 10000 9000 Pass./hour/direction 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 10 7,5 5 2 Minutes between departures 16 Technical University of Denmark Each Transport Mode, Each Potential Den Danske Banekonference 2016 17.05.2016 Accessibility – to platforms Copenhagen, Denmark Sidney, Australia Photo credit: Stig Nygaard, Wikipedia Underground => stairways 17 Technical University of Denmark Photo credit: Jonas Andersen Surface based => no stairways Each Transport Mode, Each Potential Den Danske Banekonference 2016 17.05.2016 Accessibility – impact on travel time • Underground vs. surface based 0 1000 2000 3000 Distance [Meters] 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 0 2 Travel time [Minutes] 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Average speed: 18 Technical University of Denmark LRT [20km/h-30km/h] Metro [35km/h] (Andersen, 2011) Each Transport Mode, Each Potential Den Danske Banekonference 2016 17.05.2016 Accessibility – system dependencies Metro Access to vehicles: Good, many doors, little gap and no step Access to platforms: Poor, stairways must be scaled LRT Access to vehicles: Good, many doors, little gap and no step Access to platforms: Good, in streets Bus Access to vehicles: Poor - semi good (depending on number of doors and exit/entrance points), gaps and steps can occur Access to stop: Good, in streets 19 Technical University of Denmark Each Transport Mode, Each Potential Den Danske Banekonference 2016 17.05.2016 Flexibility • How transport systems adapt to sudden physical disruptions – external factors – Vehicles, people, accidents, demonstrations etc. Metro Inflexible: obstacles on the tracks will shut down operation However, metro run in closed systems LRT Inflexible: obstacles on the tracks will shut down operation Not closed systems Bus Flexible: obstacles on runway will be bypassed and routes can quickly be rearranged 20 Technical University of Denmark Each Transport Mode, Each Potential Den Danske Banekonference 2016 17.05.2016 Flexibility • How transport systems adapt to sudden disruptions Toronto, Canada Photo credit: unknown 21 Technical University of Denmark Each Transport Mode, Each Potential Den Danske Banekonference 2016 17.05.2016 Attractiveness • Attractiveness of at transport system is subjective – Depends i.a. on KPIs – Psychological aspect (Rail factor?) • Comfort is a dominant parameter (Scherer, 2010) 22 Technical University of Denmark Each Transport Mode, Each Potential Den Danske Banekonference 2016 17.05.2016 Attractiveness – comfort 1. Vehicle comfort: – Interior, seat, cushions etc. – Indepent of transport type 2. Drive comfort Acceleration/braking – To/from stops/stations but also if disruptions occur Vibrations and bumps – Depends on running surface: tracks or asphalt or concrete Drive comfort espcially becomes an issue when seating capacity is surpassed – standees feel the full effect (Philip Ytournel, Politiken 2016) 23 Technical University of Denmark Each Transport Mode, Each Potential Den Danske Banekonference 2016 17.05.2016 Attractivenes/comfort – vibrations (Ingvardson&Jensen, 2012) 24 Technical University of Denmark Each Transport Mode, Each Potential Den Danske Banekonference 2016 17.05.2016 Attractiveness – drive comfort System dependencies Metro Acceleration/braking: steady, standard for comfort (1.0-1.4 m/s*s) Acc./dec. exceptions: no sudden disruption, only to/from stations Vibrations and bumps: rail bound => little LRT Acceleration/braking: quite steady, standard for comfort Acc./dec. exceptions, sudden disruptions can occur => unexpected braking Vibrations and bumps: rail bound => little Bus Accelerations/braking: unsteady (driver dependent) Acc./dec. exceptions: sudden disruptions occur => unexpected braking Vibrations and bumps: depends on surface; but can be a lot 25 Technical University of Denmark Each Transport Mode, Each Potential Den Danske Banekonference 2016 17.05.2016 Urban development • Transit-oriented development (TOD) and urban development driven by public transport Arlington, Virginia Photo credit: Thesmothete 26 Technical University of Denmark Each Transport Mode, Each Potential Den Danske Banekonference 2016 17.05.2016 27 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% -5% -10% Technical University of Denmark • Most important drivers for urban development: – Service upgrade (travel time reduction) – Fixed and remaining infrastructure Each Transport Mode, Each Potential Den Danske Banekonference 2016 17.05.2016 MARTA (Atlanta, USA) Metra (Chicago, USA) Toronto Rapid Transit (Toronto) Midway line (Chicago, USA) PATCO (Philadelphia, USA) Seoul Subway (Seoul) MBTA (Boston, USA) Helsinki metro (Helsinki) Belfast suburban rail (Belfast) Lindenwold line (Philadelphia,… SEPTA (Philadelphia, USA) Copenhagen Metro Tyne and Wear Metro… BART (San Francisco, USA) Guangzhou Metro (Guangzhou) Crossrail (London, UK) Jubilee Line Extension (London,… Caltrain (San Francisco, USA) Miami metrorail (Miami, USA) Metrolink suburban rail… Coaster (San Diego, USA) Metrolink (St. Louis, USA) Metro Light Rail (Phoenix, USA) DART (Dallas, USA) San Diego Trolley (San Diego,… Eastside MAX (Portland, USA) Bybanen (LRT, Bergen) Buffalo Metro Rail (Buffalo, USA) Docklands (London, UK) Tramlink (Croydon, UK) Sacramento RT Light Rail… Supertram (Sheffield, UK) Metrolink light rail (Manchester,… South-East Busway (Brisbane) East Busway (Pittsburgh, USA) TransMilenio (Bogotá) TEOR (Rouen) Seoul BRT (Seoul) Guangzhou BRT (Guangzhou) BRT Line 1 (Beijing) Urban development – property values (Ingvardson, 2016) Urban development – system dependencies Metro Urban development: – Large impact (observed in Ørestad, Flintholm and Amager Strand) Increase in property value – 5-10% in the vicinity of stations (observed in Copenhagen) LRT Urban development: – Large impact expected (observed in Stockholm and Bergen) Increase in property value – Approx. same as Metro Bus Urban development: – No impact to medium Increase in property value – No increse to medium 28 Technical University of Denmark Each Transport Mode, Each Potential Den Danske Banekonference 2016 17.05.2016 Urban development - examples Ørestad Photo credit: By og Havn Photo credit: 29 Technical University of Denmark Amager Strand Each Transport Mode, Each Potential Den Danske Banekonference 2016 17.05.2016 Urban space transformation 1. Occupancy of space by the transport system 2. Impact on urban environment: upgrade of urban space and urban renewal linked to the transport system – Grass and plants, water, art projects, building renovation, cafes and squares etc. (Vejregler – Kollektiv Bustrafik og BRT, 2015) 30 Technical University of Denmark Each Transport Mode, Each Potential Den Danske Banekonference 2016 17.05.2016 Urban space transformation System dependencies Cours Jean Jaurès, Grenoble Metro No urban space occupancy Impact on urban environment: + None, except around stations LRT Occupancy of urban space (in the streets) Impact urban environment: ÷Power poles and power lines (+ no local emissions) + Recreational: Green tracks, planting, renovation, upgrades + Shared space and appeace roads (Neutralise ghettoisation) Bus Occupancy of urban space (in the streets) Impact on urban environment: + No power poles and power lines ÷ Local emmsions and noise (if diesel driven) ÷ No green track + Recreational: Planting 31 Technical University of Denmark Photo credit: Each Transport Mode, Each Potential Den Danske Banekonference 2016 17.05.2016 Urban space transformation Green track (Nantes) Busways planting (Nantes) Photo credit: IngolfBLN 32 Technical University of Denmark Photo credit: Each Transport Mode, Each Potential Den Danske Banekonference 2016 17.05.2016 Urban space transformation After Before Strasbourg Before 33 Technical University of Denmark Photo credit: After Each Transport Mode, Each Potential Den Danske Banekonference 2016 17.05.2016 Conclusions - reservations Difficult to provide unequivocal conclusions => generalisations are necessary Only guidelines – system choice must always depend on the specific corridor – its conditions, demands and its role in the overall network Photo credit: Junko Kimura 34 Technical University of Denmark Each Transport Mode, Each Potential Den Danske Banekonference 2016 17.05.2016 Potential of each transport mode Metro High capacity (facilitate high ridership), low travel time within system, attractive system with good comfort, do not occupy urban space, urban development generator => Applicable in dense urban environment and suitable for TOD LRT Semi-high capacity (facilitate semi-high ridership), attractive system with good comfort, easy accessible system, occupy urban space, urban development and urban renewal generator => Applicable in semi-dense urban environment and suitable for TOD and urban space renewal CBD Bus Low to medium capacity, easy accessible, occupy urban space (BRT), Flexible => Applicable in semi-dense and less dense urban environment (BRT), All round network gap filler (regular bus) 35 Technical University of Denmark Each Transport Mode, Each Potential Den Danske Banekonference 2016 17.05.2016 Transport modes – ideas 36 Technical University of Denmark Each Transport Mode, Each Potential Den Danske Banekonference 2016 17.05.2016 Transport modes – Copenhagen UDBYGNING AF DEN KOLLEKTIVE TRAFIK I KØBENHAVN (KØBENHAVNS KOMMUNE, 2011) 37 Technical University of Denmark Each Transport Mode, Each Potential Den Danske Banekonference 2016 17.05.2016 Interactions of different systems System separation based on urban density is a good guideline, but alone it is to rigid – There can also be benefits in interactions of different transport modes – Provide better overall coverage and ensure feeder traffic Paris – New tram in the arrondissements where Metro also operate Nantes – Focus on both LRT and BRT Berlin – Mix of S-bahn, Metro, trams and bus And so on… 38 Technical University of Denmark Each Transport Mode, Each Potential Den Danske Banekonference 2016 17.05.2016 Copenhagen – mixed network? (Trængselskommisonen, 2013) 39 Technical University of Denmark Each Transport Mode, Each Potential Den Danske Banekonference 2016 17.05.2016 (DTU Transport 2014) The future… • Autonomous cars - what will happen? Photo credit: 40 Technical University of Denmark Each Transport Mode, Each Potential Den Danske Banekonference 2016 17.05.2016 Thank you for your attention! Jonas Lohmann Elkjær Andersen Technical University of Denmark