Epidemic Keratoconjunctivitis (EKC)
Epidemic Keratoconjunctivitis (EKC)
12 Epidemic Keratoconjunctivitis (EKC) It is a serious and contagious eye infection caused by mainly adenovirus type 8, 19 and 37. Symptoms include inflammation in the conjunctiva (conjunctivitis) and the cornea (keratitis), severe pain, edema and diminished eyesight, tearing, sensitivity to light. Due to the symptoms, the patients are unable to attend work or school, why many working hours are lost every year as a consequence of the disease. Definition It is a type of acute follicular conjunctivitis mostly associated with superficial punctate keratitis and usually occurs in epidemics, hence the name EKC. Etiology EKC is mostly caused by adenoviruses type 8 , 19 and 37. The condition is markedly spread by contaminated fingers and tonometers. Clinical picture Incubation period after infection is about 8 days ; virus is shed from the inflamed eye for 2-3weeks. Signs • Conjunctival hypermia / Erythema (Redness) of bulbar and palpebral conjunctiva. • Chemosis (Conjunctival edema) • Epiphora (Excessive tearing) • Follicular reaction • Epithelial keratitis Systemic symptoms / Signs • Lymphadenopathy (swollen lymph nodes, specifically the pre auricular lymph nodes) • Fever • Headache • Fatigue Clinical stages • The condition mainly affects young adults. Clinical picture can be divided into three stages for the purpose of description. Symptoms • • • • • • Itchiness Irritation Photophopia Foreign body sensation Blurred vision Clear or yellow discharge from the eye Conjunctival hypermia / Erythema - redness; Chemosis - conjunctival edema; Epiphora - excessive tearing A R A V I N D E Y E C A R E S Y S T E M Clinical 13 • The first phase is acute serous conjunctivitis which is characterised by non specific conjunctivitis, hyperaemia, mild chemosis and lacrimation. • Soon it is followed by second phase of typical acute follicular conjunctivitis, characterised by formation of follicles which are more marked in lower lid. Treatment • In severe cases, third phase of acute pseudomembranous conjunctivitis is recognised due to formation of a pseudomembrane on the conjunctival surface. • Corneal involvement in the form of superficial punctate keratitis, which is a distinctive feature of EKC, becomes evident after 1 week of the onset of disease. Prevention • It is usually supportive. Anti viral drugs are ineffective. Recently, promising results are reported with adenine arabinoside. Corticosteroids should not be used during active stage. • • • • • Hand wash Be hygienic Avoid going to crowded places Avoid eye rubbing Use sterile cotton to wipe the eye - Dr. Anjali Khadia Medical Consultant - Paediatric Aravind Eye Hospital - Pondicherry Sr. T.Mohana Priya, DOT & Sr.T. Hemalatha, DOT Aravind Eye Hospital - Pondicherry Lymphadenopathy - swollen lymph nodes, specifically the preauricular lymph nodes Compassion Apr - June, 2016