here - Town of Bentley


here - Town of Bentley
Stay Informed on the
Town Website and
Facebook Page
September 2015
Neighborhood Notes is published by Community Services 403-748-2160
Prepaid Newsletter Advertising Rates
Submission/Payment Deadline: 10 AM , 7 working days before the end
of each month.
1/8 page $30
1/4 page $45
1/2 page $90
page $180
Non Profit Rates available for
functions generating revenue
General interest submissions and organization information free as space permits
Our provincial funders have requested a survey to see if this publication is of value to the citizens of Bentley and
area who receive it. One question answered is all we need, however, feel free to email comments/suggestions.
This is your local paper and your input is valued!
Please contact Community Services 403-748-2160 or Town Office 403-748-4044 to have your answer recorded,
or send an email to
As a result of the Bentley Neighbourhood Notes, I am more aware of what is happening in my community.
The Fall session is September to December
Wednesdays 4:15
The cost for a full session is $90, and $10 for drop in.
People can register at the Elementary School office *after*
the Labour Day weekend. All participants will need to
complete a Par-Q form, verifying you're healthy enough for
fitness activities.
All registration fees go completely towards supporting
extracurricular and other programming at the school.
Instructor: Lee Varty
Bentley Community Services is a member of the Lacombe
County Early Childhood Development Coalition
See page 13
Seniors Drop In
Medical Clinic
Medical Clinic
Waste Transfer
Station &
Recycling Bins
Waste Transfer
Station &
Recycling Bins
Carpet Bowling
Waste Transfer
Station &
Recycling Bins
book club mtg.
Library pg 16
Games Night
Labor Day
Seniors Drop In
Medical Clinic
Medical Clinic
Waste Transfer
Station &
Recycling Bins
Waste Transfer
Station &
Recycling Bins
Enjoy the holiday!
Carpet Bowling
Tadpoles &
Leapfrogs Library
Minor Hockey
Registration see pg 8 pg 16
Waste Transfer
Station &
Recycling Bins
Royal Purple
Seniors Drop In
Medical Clinic
Medical Clinic
Waste Transfer
Station &
Recycling Bins
Waste Transfer
Station &
Recycling Bins
Carpet Bowling
Games Night LIbrary
Stay and Play First
day back at Gull Lake
Tadpoles &
Leapfrogs Library
pg 16
Seniors Drop In
Medical Clinic
Medical Clinic
Waste Transfer
Station &
Recycling Bins
Waste Transfer
Station &
Recycling Bins
Carpet Bowling
Tadpoles &
Leapfrogs Library
pg 16
Stay and Play First SCRAPBOOKING
day back LIBRARY pg 16
basement of Town
Waste Transfer Station
& Recycling Bins
Seniors Drop In
Medical Clinic
Waste Transfer Station
& Recycling Bins
Carpet Bowling
Tadpoles &
Leapfrogs Library pg
Want something on the calendar? You just need to communicate with Community Services either by phone or email
to have your event included. We don’t put things on unless we are asked by the organization. 403-748-2160
Medical Clinic
Wed: 2 - 9 pm
Thurs: 9:30-noon
Call to ensure Doctor
Smith is in.
Town of Bentley
Municipal Office
Please contact
Services for access.
Town of Bentley
Community Services
Located in the
Care Center
Stay & Play
Gull Lake Hall
Tues 9:30-11am
Bentley Town
Office Basement
Fri 9:30-11am
Monday - Friday
8am to 3:30pm
Office may be closed for
meetings and community
endeavours. Please call
before stopping by to
ensure that staff is in.
Seniors Drop In
55 Plus
Staffed by
Located in the Municipal
Office Building
Monday - Friday
8am to noon
1pm to 4pm
Thursdays see you in October
Waste Transfer
Station & Recycling Bins
Last Tuesday
of each
Carpet Bowling
Wednesdays 10 am at the
Community Hall.
New and returning
players welcome.
No experience necessary.
Call Arnold 403-748-2744
Royal Purple meets the 2nd Monday
each month at the Oxford Hall - Main
Street Park
New Meeting Location
7pm New Members Welcome!
Contact 403-748-2020 Brenda
TOPS Meets Tuesdays
Elementary School Library
Library see last page
Monthly Shopping trip to Red Deer, the 4th Wednesday,
9:00am to 4:00pm, stopping at Parkland and Bower Malls
for your shopping convenience. The trip is open to all
residents of Bentley. There is no charge for the
transportation, however donations are greatly appreciated.
Monthly shopping trip to Sylvan Lake, the 2nd Wednesday,
10:00am to 2:00pm. Riders may be dropped off and picked
up at various locations to meet your needs.
For the above two trips - riders
MUST call the day before by 6pm to
reserve seat
Weigh in @ 630 pm
Meeting at 7pm.
Contact Carolyn: 403-396-1002
Bentley Community Services Office
Information & Referrals
Early childhood programs - Stay
and Play
Seniors Outreach - Gov’t program
assistance, Meals On Wheels
Youth Programs & Presentations
in the School
Child and adult interactive
Boutique - clothing recycling
Do you have an individual, group or organization that you would like to recognize for their efforts?
Contact Community Services to let us know and we will publish the information here.
Thank You to all the sponsors of the special prizes at the Bench Exhibits during the Fair/Rodeo days.
Community Services would like to thank the Revmasters for their kind donation of the 50/50 proceeds and coffee/snack donation money
in the amount of $750 to be used for local programming!
A special thank you to T&S Lillies who sponsored the overall yard prize. NL
Wow! Hats off to everyone who participated in any way to making Aug 6-9th the best days of the summer in Bentley. Proud to be a
citizen here.
Community Services thanks all the volunteers who came out to “play” at the kids games on August 6th. We also thank the decorators
and contributors to the goodies bags, the family who loaned their “kerplunk” game, the fellow who made our “kerplunk game, the
Wooden Shoe for all the big plastic containers and everyone who collected plastic containers for our building corner. We especially
THANK the families who came and played with us!
Wonderful parade - again!
Thankful for the Tools for Schools Program - it will sure help my family this fall!
We would like to thank the rest of the Revmasters Car Club members, all of our sponsors, all of our volunteers & finally, all of the
spectators, who over the years have helped us make Kroozin’ West Show & Shine one of the most successful car shows in Central
Alberta. We’ve enjoyed every minute of it, but now it’s time to relax. Good luck to Matt & Robyn Macfie in taking over this event.
We’ll see you down the road. Rick & Donna Park
Thanks to Bonnie Hoskins for the wonderful display of our seniors at the Art Show. It was greatly appreciated.
Thanks to all the artist's who made a good show of all their talents and to the wineries and breweries for coming to the Beer and Wine
tasting. Both settings were enjoyed . Hope to see this again next year.
Thanks to the Town of Bentley Administration & Staff for all of their support for the Kroozin’ West Show & Shine and Fireworks
display, both financial & labor based (lawn mowing, barricades, garbage cans, etc).
To all the volunteers, many who have been with us for years, thanks for making the Kroozin’ West Show & Shine the biggest & best
yet! Your enthusiasm & dedication doesn’t go unnoticed.
To the Servus Credit Union Staff, who once again showed up with 6 willing volunteers, Thank you! You continue to be the ‘Go To’
group for all community endeavors.
Thank you to all Bentley & district residents & businesses who generously donated to this years’ fireworks display. Because of you we
were able to spend $16,000 on this years’ show (up from the normal $6000).
To Pastor Greg & the Community Church, thanks for the power & use of your lawn.
To ALL of the spectators who continue to turn out in droves to view the vehicles at the Show & Shine, Thank you. Because of your
support we continue to be a top attraction amongst local Show and Shines (200 vehicles this year!).
The Children’s Carnival was so much fun, my grandson would like it every year!
Thank you Norma & Wes for organizing the trip to Calaway Park and to the Bentley Community Van Society for providing the
transportation and volunteer driver.
Thank you to the responsible pet owners who clean up after their dogs.
We enjoy coming home to Bentley every August for the Rodeo Weekend. Lots of work by many hands is greatly appreciated by many
Thank you to the Fire Dept. for the concession during the car show. Nice to have a close place to eat!
To all the people who volunteered during the celebration week - you are awesome!
Thank you, Greg C. for being a kind neighbor and helping a lady with her van!
It’s a pleasure to watch the young moms and their tots doing the exercises in the mornings at the Main Street park.
Special thanks to the Bentley Library staff - Vera Boettger, Tammy Izquierdo and Jolene Naismith - for coordinating the excellent
activities at the Kids Kraft Zone on Rodeo Saturday. Job well done!
I really appreciate the work that goes into the Bentley District Fire Department website. Thanks for your effort, Rhonda, you make us
look great!
Please submit your Notable Moments or Words of Thanks to or call 403-748-2160
Learn more about our school!
Newsletters, Teachers,
Bentley Museum News
As our summer season comes to an end and our student
hostess makes plans to return to school, we reflect on the
wonderful summer we've had. The Centennial celebrations
were a great success with many visitors to the museum. A
group of our volunteers did a very nice job of our float for
the parade. We would like to say “Thank You” for all the
donations that we received and a very special “Thank You”
to Heather for the fantastic job that she did as our Hostess.
Anyone is welcome to visit the Museum on Wednesday
mornings when the volunteers are there working on
displays, etc. Also a special visit can be arranged by calling
either Cora at 403-748-2455 or Betty at 403-748-2744.
All Classes of
If your last name
begins with
F, T , PO
Please renew
your plate in
Summer Village of Gull Lake
Myra Reiter
Hall Rentals:
Karen McDermid
Box 179, 4918 50th Avenue, Bentley T0C 0J0
phone: 403-748-4044 website:
24 hour HOG ODOR COMPLAINT LINE 1-866-383-6722
Animal Control
All dogs and cats in the Town of Bentley require a license tag. Animal control license tags
may be purchased at the Town office. Applications may be obtained at the Town office or
on the website.
Please remember scoop the poop!!
Sign...Want something
on the sign or on the
website? Contact the
office. We don’t put
things on unless we
are asked by the
Business Licenses
With a few exceptions, all Commercial and Home based businesses in the Town of Bentley
require a valid yearly Business License. This also applies to those businesses and
services that are not located in the Town of Bentley but are coming into town to conduct business or provide a
service. The application form may be found on the Town’s website or picked up at the Town office.
Property Taxes
Monthly Tax installment payments are an option with the Town of Bentley. For more
information on this program, please call the town office or drop in and speak with one of Reminder - 2015 taxes
are due August 31, 2015
our staff.
Utility Payment agreements
We have payment options for your Town Water, Sewer & Garbage utility payments. Stop in or call the office to
The Town of Bentley wishes to recognize individuals who have reached milestone events such as birthdays and
anniversaries. The Town of Bentley wishes to recognize the contributions of community organizations who are
celebrating milestone anniversaries. Upon request, the Town of Bentley will provide a certificate to individual(s) or
community organizations. Individuals or community organizations are asked to contact the Town of Bentley 30 days
prior to the date of the function designated to celebrate this achievement.
Volunteer Opportunity
Town of Bentley Subdivision and Development Appeal Board have one (1) vacancy. If you have an interest in this area
and can attend meetings, called as necessary, please submit your application to the Town office. (Application form
available at the office)
This has been an unusually quiet month for your fire department:
On July 29 at 2:24 pm firefighters were sent to the scene of a 2-vehicle accident
at the entrance to Brewer's Campground on Highway #12 east of town. A vehicle
turning into the campground had been struck from behind by a truck and was
heavily damaged. Fortunately the four occupants were not badly hurt and the lone
driver of the truck also escaped serious injury. Traffic was carefully controlled while the patients
were cared for awaiting EMS arrival. None required transport to hospital.
Around suppertime on July 30 a call came in of an ATV accident in Bentley. The driver of the
quad had rolled the vehicle over and had hit the pavement headfirst. Unfortunately he was not
wearing a helmet and sustained quite a few injuries. Members carefully prevented him from
moving until the ambulance arrived to transport him to the hospital. The accident area was
up after RCMP released the scene.
In the early morning hours of August 2 ten members were sent to a residence on Sylvan Lake
where alarms were sounding. The alarm appeared to have been tampered with, setting it off. No
elevated levels of any gases were detected on the monitor so the whole house was inspected
before giving the all-clear. The homeowner was advised to have the system checked by a
On August 8 at 2:23 pm a medical assist was requested on the main street in Bentley. Several
firefighters left their posts at the Show-n-Shine barbecue to help a patient who was experiencing
an allergic reaction to a bee sting. Members aided the patient until EMS arrived to administer
further care.
And on August 11 at 1:46 am crews were alerted to an outside fire on RR 1-4, just north of
Highway #12 west of Bentley. Citizens concerned about the blaze called 911 and summoned
RCMP as well as the fire department. It appeared that some young people were enjoying a bonfire
in the woods before being rudely interrupted. The fire was extinguished before it could spread to
the nearby trees.
All of us at Bentley District Fire Department had a wonderful time at Bentley's Centennial Rodeo
weekend. A huge thank you to all who came by to visit us at the Show-n-Shine and have a bite to
eat at our concession- your support of our volunteers is greatly
Check Out Your Volunteer Fire Department Website….
Have you considered volunteering?
Bentley District Fire Department is looking for committed
individuals who are interested in serving their community.
If this is a position in which you can see yourself please
visit our recruiting page for more information.
We would love to hear from you!
We are looking for a K9 Team to
volunteer at the Bentley Care Centre.
Bentley Minor Hockey
Contact Eva: 403.342.7722 ext.216
Fall AGM and Registration Night
September 8, 2015 @ 7PM
Bentley Elementary School Library
Everyone please attend to register
for the 2015-2016 hockey season.
Early Bird Registration Rates until September 8, 2015.
49th Annual Bentley Rodeo
August 7 & 8, 2015
The Bentley Rodeo Committee would like to thank
all of our volunteers, sponsors and rodeo fans who
helped make this year’s rodeo a success.
A BIG thank you goes out to the Town of Bentley,
for donating the High Point Saddle and the arena
staff for all of their hard work. The Rodeo
committee would also like to thank the Bentley AG
Society for their cooperation and for sponsoring the
CARA Championship Saddle.
Congratulations to this year’s Rodeo Volunteer
Award Recipients:
Scott Fraser
Lacombe Fertilizer/Crop Production Services (Bill
Special thanks also go out to:
Ross Moore – Moore’s Backhoe Services
Bentley Fire Department
Shirley Christiansen
Pat Burrage – Bluffton Veterinary Services
Congratulations to the winner of the Saddle Raffle:
Shae Grismer – Lacombe, AB
High Point Saddle Winner - Josh Carothers Ponoka, AB
Junior High Point Buckle Winner – Mikenna
Schauer – Halkirk, AB
Looking forward to Bentley Rodeo’s
50th Anniversary next year!!
01 ‘ones’ in a card deck
01 Do it quickly! (abb)
28 ___Vegas, Nevada
05 private eye
02 telltale sign
29 usually lives in a hill
08 AB-born singer: ___ Lund
03 hearing organs, or cobs!
30 teensy!
12 salad: cole___
04 farmer’s field-size
32 banana cream ___
13 garden tool
05 ‘cut to ribbons’
33 border-lines; perimeters
14 ____ vera plant
06 author: Edgar Allan _____
35 youngest sister in ‘Little Women’ book
15 mood; atmosphere
07 yes (slang)
36 smallest Can. Province (abb)
16 agent (abb)
08 coffee shop (Fr.)
17 accomplishment
09 margarine (Am. Slang)
38 formerly a method to stack sheaves in
18 mortar and _____
10 horse’s hair colour mixed with white/grey
20 Can. MP: ___ Aglukkaq
11 certain standard video format (br. name)
21 ‘cluster’ of football players
24 list of book’s contents
19 popular brand of soaps, shampoos etc.
20 actor: ___ J. Cobb
27 fish eggs
22 bongo, kettle, & snare are ____
28 rule; ordinance
23 actor: ___Chaney
31 close to
24 squids and pens have this!
32 play-on-words
25 maiden name
33 horse’s ‘neck hair’?
26 ‘different as night and ___’
39 cleaning powder: ___& Span (br. name)
40 called ‘potato of the humid tropics’
41 spoken, vocalized
42 lease, sublet
44 Biblical Garden of ____
45 certain variety of tomato
46 feed swine: “___the hogs!!”
48 beam of sunlight
49 woman’s name
34 used to lock/unlock locks!
35 point toward
36 glue sometimes called this
37 1960’s Can. Fiddler: Don ___
39 a novel often a long ___
43 huge, striped felines
47 trim; peel
48 Brazilian city: ___ de Janeiro
50 TV show: ‘American ___’
51 is also know as Persia
52 Shakes’eare’s ‘Much __ About Nothing’
53 popular kids’ movie: ‘Finding___’
54 young male horse
55 shaggy Asian ox
56 shirt closure: ___fastener
Crossword by
Colleen McNaught
solution page 5
Bentley Community Services
Fall Programs for age 0-5 start on……..
September 15th in the Gull Lake Community Hall
September 18th in the basement of Bentley Town Office - ABC entrance between
Office and old Fire Hall
Sessions will run 9:30 to 11am until May, 2016
Little Mozart's Music Pr ogr am will be coming on set days to the Bentley Location
Sept. 18, Oct. 16, Nov. 6 & Dec. 4
Sportball will be coming on set days to the Gull Lake Location
Sept. 22, Oct 6, Oct. 20, Nov. 3, Nov 17, Dec. 8
Information will posted on the Stay and Play Facebook page, or contact Community Services
Stay & Play is free of charge, however, a toonie per
family/week is appreciated.
Did you know?
The Meals on Wheels program has been serving Bentley since 1990. Thanks to
the many volunteers who have contributed over the past 25 years!
Donations of next to new, clean clothing gratefully accepted.
(located in the Care Center)
3-8 PM
9-11 AM
Open if the
Doctor is in.
Or by contacting Community Services
Volunteer Managed
We Appreciate the
many hours that go
into this program!
Bentley Community Services
Seniors Special Needs Assistance Program
This program runs July 1 to June 30 each year and is based on your taxable income.
the Special Needs Assistance (SNA) for Seniors program provides a lump-sum payment to eligible
low-income seniors. This program provides assistance with some of the cost of appliances, minor
home repairs and some health and personal supports.
A senior’s total annual income, residence and marital status, and the items requested are used to
determine the amount funded. The maximum assistance available is $5,000 in a benefit year.
The current years income levels are:
If you would like more information on this program, please call or stop by Community Services.
Could you or a loved on benefit from the having a Rollinator?
Contact Community Services, we may have one for you!
- weight restriction - 220 lbs Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) endeavor s to
respond to citizens desires for programs in the community for all ages.
FCSS endeavors to enhance the social well-being of individuals,
families and community through prevention at the local level.
What can FCSS be involved with?
programs for children which may enhance lifeskills
Meals on Wheels
Gov’t Form Assistance & Information
Early Childhood Development
Family interactive programs
Intergenerational activities
Stay and Play programs
Community Special Events
Seniors Week activities
Volunteer opportunities
If you are aware of a program/service which may benefit citizens
of Bentley, please contact Community Services to discuss the
Communication is KEY!
One Parent’s Answer
A mom from Portland, Oregon, writes:
My kids were not as appreciative as I’d hoped
and were taking things for granted. Then it
dawned on me that I wasn’t necessarily the greast
model of gratefulness. I made a pledge to share
little things I was thankful for with my kids every
day — like my health, job, kids and friends.
They were skeptical at first, but they’re now
sharing things they’re grateful for. My son calls
it our “Count Your Blessings” talk.
The Big Book of Parenting Solutions pg 229
Michele Borba Ed. D.
The Revmasters Car Club would like to thank all of our volunteers, sponsors
& participants for making this years Kroozin’ West Show & Shine and
Fireworks the biggest & best yet.
Thanks to everybody who attended. We hope you enjoyed it all..
See you next year!
Servus Credit Union, Bentley
Big Guy Automotive, Red Deer
Canadian Tire, Sylvan Lake
Bentley Ag Society
Kipp Scott Pontiac Buick, Red Deer
Simply Country, Bentley
Town of Bentley
OORP #264, Bentley
Subway, Bentley
Burr Construction Ltd., Bentley
Lacombe Ford
Classic Detailing Supplies, Red Deer
Central City Asphalt Ltd., Blackfalds
B & M Tools / MATCO, Gull Lake
Kim Schmidt, Bentley
Bentley Community Van Society
Bentley IDA Pharmacy
Hunter Radiator Ltd.
Kerya Corp/Gilby Gas Plant
Walmart, Sylvan Lake
Corey Greaves, Gull Lake
Q.R. Farnham Consulting, Bentley
Hunter Hydrovac, Bentley
Bentley Community Church
Bentley Agencies
Hydrodig Canada Inc, Bentley
Bentley Care Centre
Crossfire Directional Drilling, Bentley
Aponi Holdings Inc., Bentley
Bentley Community Services
Bentley Rodeo Committee
Sunhaven RV & Boat Storage, Bentley
D & R Septic, Bentley
Bentley Community Hall
Monkey Top Saloon, Bentley
Potty-Go Portable Rentals, Bentley
Pumps & Pressure Inc., Red Deer
Silver Star Septic Service, Rimbey
Bentley & District Fire Dept.
Outlaw Electric Ltd., Bentley
Just for Licks Ice Cream, Bowden
Bentley Hotel
Westward Parts Services Ltd., Red Deer
Alken Basin Drilling, Bentley
Past Connections Emporium, Bentley
Clear Image Inspection Ltd., Bentley
H-O Performance, Red Deer
Bentley Shell
Janice Cadman, Bentley
Traditions Photography, Bentley
Jason Cole, Lacombe
Gordon Currier, Bentley
Cross-Eyed Giraffe Café, Bentley
Hi-Tech Radiator, Red Deer
Piccolo Pizza & Pasta, Bentley
Thanks to the generosity of Bentley &
area residents & businesses, plus the
monies previously committed by the
Revmasters, we were able to spend
$16,000 on Saturdays Fireworks display.
Heritage Lanes, Red Deer
Brandt Tractor Ltd., Red Deer
You know who they are.
They are the familiar faces at the rink, at the ballpark grilling the burgers or coaching
the local kids on the rules of the game and importance of fair play. They are the ones
stocking the shelves at the food bank, organizing the fundraisers, helping students at
an elementary school and driving seniors to their doctor’s appointment. They are the
people behind the festivals and sporting events, large and small, in cities, towns and
villages across Alberta.
They are our volunteers.
It is this diverse and welcoming family of Alberta volunteers that make communities better places to live, to work
and to visit. I hope that you will join me in helping to pay tribute to their dedication and generosity by
nominating, or encouraging others to nominate, a local hero from your community for a Stars of Alberta
Volunteer Award.
The Stars of Alberta Volunteer Awards were created to honour Albertans whose outstanding volunteer
contributions have made a lasting impact on their communities and the lives of their fellow citizens. Six awards
are presented annually; two in each category of youth, adult and senior. The 2015 awards will be presented in a
special ceremony in Edmonton on December 4, part of celebrations marking International Volunteer Day,
December 5.
For more information, please visit The deadline for nominations is Tuesday, September
Thank you for your support.
David Eggen, Minister
A big THANK YOU to the Town of
Bentley for a terrific job well done on
Bentley Days !!
403-748-HAIR (4247)
Also a big thank you to our staff
at Altered Images
for their dedicated service to make
our salon a success!
403-748-HAIR (4247)
This Coupon is good for 10% off all spa services.
This Coupon has no cash value.
Coupon Expires October 31, 2015
How does one say thank you to all of you who
contributed so much to Bentley’s Centennial
So many times when functions are planned, it
is necessary to “start over” as most time
complete records are not available. In an
attempt to help out with the next celebration
(and it does not have to be the next hundred
but something sooner), we would like to
compile a booklet.
To the countless volunteers, to our staff who
took on extra duties, our organizing committee
and of course, our many, many visitors over
the weekend – without any of you, our
celebrations would not have been possible.
Volunteers gave of their time freely over the
past year for planning. Many of you, during the
weekend, were up very early and went to bed
late just to ensure that everything was ready for
each function. That lack of sleep paid off!!!!
The people raised here or who have lived here
returned to find out that the community they left
is just as warm and friendly as when they left.
And – they truly found out what the saying
“volunteers are the backbone of any
community” means – Bentley has the best.
Every function proved it every hour of each
To the businesses – we thank you for your
support and know that you were stretched to
the limits with staff at times but you served our
visitors with grace and dignity.
We are so very, very proud to not only live in
this community, but to know that whenever it is
needed, we can call upon our residents to step
up and put on a function that is better than
many larger communities surrounding us.
Thank you again.
Bentley Centennial Planning Committee
We would like to have any photos you care to
share, any comments, any suggestions, any
complaints, etc. to include in this booklet.
Please forward them to
Everything will be compiled and once
completed, it will be made available for viewing
and maybe even to purchase.
But – your cooperation is necessary so please
take the time to drop us a line as soon as
possible. Thanks so much!!
August 18 Council Meeting
 A delegation came before Council once
again regarding business garbage
collection. This item was tabled to the
Administration time to research items
questioned by the delegation.
 Council endorsed the appointed of Ian
McLaren as Bentley’s new fire chief.
Please take the time to congratulate him
on his new position – we know he will do
a great job!!
 A request by Bentley Minor Ball to reestablish the third ball diamond has
been deferred to budget deliberations.
 The Town of Penhold forwarded a
parade invitation for September 12.
Mayor Haarstad Petten will represent
our municipality.
 The Municipal Sustainability Funding in
the amount of $260,328 capital funding
and $71,789 operating funding for a total
of $332,117 was forwarded by the
Provincial Government. This is not new
funding for the Town but funding
promised by the previous government.
 Bentley’s Small Communities Funding
request in the amount of $1,333,332 to
do infrastructure work was denied by the
Alberta Government.
 A thank you letter was received from the
Bentley Museum for the Town’s support
of $4,000 which enabled them to have a
summer student.
 A thank you card was received from the
Bentley Rodeo Committee for the
Town’s sponsorship of the rodeo saddle.
 Revmasters Car Club forwarded a thank
you card for the Town’s contribution to
the Kroozin’ West Show & Shine and
 Councillor Knutson and Mayor Haarstad
Petten will attend Parkland Regional
Library’s “Building a Bright Future” on
September 21 in Lacombe.
 The State of the Environment 2015
Environmental Report from Lacombe
County was received for information.
 Parkland Community Planning Services
forwarded a letter of congratulations on
Bentley’s Centennial.
 Graham Parsons has agreed to take
over the responsibilities of Arena
Caretaker for the 2015/2016 ice skating
season. This arrangement will be under
contract with Mr. Parsons responsible
for providing appropriately qualified staff.
Welcome aboard Mr. Parsons!!!
 The exception will be during the daytime ice rentals (eg. School usage),
Shirley Christiansen will be attending.
She will also be an additional staff
member if needed during tournaments
or Generals’ games.
 The painting of the arena ceiling is
complete and will have sufficient time to
cure before ice is put in.
industrial size fans have been
purchased to use during the ice making
process to keep the air circulating.
 The goal is to have the ice ready for
October 1st this year which is about two
weeks earlier than in the past. Ice rental
schedules are near completion, with all
former teams and clubs renting again.
 Council wish to congratulate Cole
Gibson on obtaining his Water
Wastewater Treatment & Collection
Certification – congratulations for a job
well done Cole!!!!
Please join us at the Council meetings.
If you have any questions or would like to
speak to Council on any issue, contact
Administration at 403-748-4044 to be
 September 8 & 22 – Regular Council
Box 361 Bentley, Alberta T0C 0J0
Phone: 403-748-4626
Fax: 403-748-4627
Tues 10 - 5:30
Wed 10 - 5:30
September 2015
Thurs 12 – 7:30
SCRAPBOOK 101 Begin To Immortalize Your Memories!
Saturday, September 19,12:30 – 3:30 pm
Don't know what to do or where to begin with
all those photos accumulated in boxes, old
albums or hard drive?? Well, the solution is
here! Learn to print and scrapbook all those
photos and memories the right way.
Join instructor, Shelly Sauve, and learn the
basics. Sorting and organizing, printing, safe
storage & materials, tools & skills,
journaling, memorabilia and embellishments
will be covered. You will create a simple
12" x 12" page layout to get you started on
your way to a completed album.
Bring a friend!
Cost - $15.00 (includes supplies)
Scissors, glue stick and 3 or 4 similarly
themed photos (4X6 preferred) needed.
Registration required for Classes
Saturday, September 26,12:30 – 3:30 pm
A handmade card is such an uplifting,
special message to receive! And have you
purchased a card lately?? There is hardly
any change left for the stamp!
Create your own, beautiful, one of a kind,
heartfelt cards. Join instructor, Shelly Sauve,
and learn how! Materials, basic stamping
tools & skills, dry embossing, journaling &
sentiments and embellishments are the
basics that will be covered. You will create a
lovely, simple card to uplift someone's day or
to start your own design file for your future
Cost - $15.00 (includes supplies)
Scissors and glue stick required.
We are OVERSTOCKED & NEED to make room
for new used books!
Existing books will be recycled after
September 19. Come help yourself!
Friday 10-5:30
Sat 11- 4:00
A free library card valid for one
year is available to
anyone living in Bentley and the
County of Lacombe.
Offer extended to September 30,
Tadpoles & Leapfrogs
Rhyme & Read, Laugh & Learn! Stories, Songs & Crafts!
Caregiver Participation required Wednesdays 10:30 - 11:15
September 9 to October 14. 6 sessions
October 28 to December 9. 6 sessions
No Charge
Is Anyone Interested in Book Club?
Organizational Meeting Thursday September 3, 6:30
September 3, & 17 from 7pm to 9 pm
Challenge your family and friends to a video game, game on the
computers or a board game.
Library closed Saturday September 5.
Thursday September 10, 7 pm
Home G 94mins
When a misfit alien named Oh crash lands on Earth, he forms
an unlikely friendship with Tip, an adventurous but untrusting
girl. Together they form an odd couple friendship and embark on
a global road trip while on the run from Oh's own alien species.
Their wild trip and growing bond of friendship plays a vital role
in intergalactic relations.
Thursday September 24, 7 pm
Curious George
Return to the Jungle G 81 mins
When George is asked to take part in a space mission, a little
monkeying around forces him to crash land in Africa! While the
Man with a Yellow Hat searches for him George explores the
jungle and makes new friends along the way. Reunited at last
they have an adventure shared with their new friends!
Thank You to Randy & Lola Jaffray for the bales used for
Rodeo Saturday!