A Frightfully Fun Festival


A Frightfully Fun Festival
Fri., Oct. 2
Community Band, 7:30pm, Cultural Center
Family Fun Night, 6pm, Bass Lake
Sat., Oct. 3
Farmers Market, 8:30am
Bass Lake Day, 2pm, Bass Lake
Paula Cole, 7:30pm, Cultural Center
Your Source for News in Holly Springs Government
Mon., Oct. 5
Tues., Oct. 6
Puppet Theater, 11am, Cultural Center
Town Council, 7pm, Town Hall
Wed., Oct. 7
Senior Bingo, 1pm, Bass Lake
Hayride Meeting, 6pm, Bass Lake
Thurs., Oct. 8
Wildlife Club, 7pm, Bass Lake
Recreation Board, 7pm, Town Hall
Fri., Oct. 9
Voter Registration Deadline
Family Bingo, 7pm, Bass Lake
Hotel California, 7:30pm, Cultural Center
Sat., Oct. 10
Farmers Market, 8:30am
Archery 101, 3pm, Bass Lake
Hotel California, 7:30pm, Cultural Center
Tues., Oct. 13
Discover Nature, 10am, Bass Lake
Photo Club, 7pm, Bass Lake
Board of Adjustment, 7pm, Town Hall
Wed., Oct. 14
Garden Club, 7pm, Bass Lake
Fri., Oct. 16
TOCS, 7pm, Cultural Center
Sat., Oct. 17
“Spook-Tacular”, 5pm, Bass Lake
TOCS, 7pm, Cultural Center
Sun., Oct. 18
Toddler Exploration, 3pm, Bass Lake
Tues., Oct. 20
Puppet Theater, 11am, Cultural Center
Town Council, 7pm, Town Hall
Wed., Oct. 21
Senior Bingo, 1pm, Bass Lake
Thurs., Oct. 22
Early Voting Begins - Nov. Election
Explore-a-Story,10am, Bass Lake
Fri., Oct. 23
Inuit Art, 7:30pm, Cultural Center
Sat., Oct. 24
Nice Guy Comedy, 7:30pm, Cultural Center
Sun., Oct. 25
Pat Boone, 3 &7:30pm, Cultural Center
Mon., Oct. 26
Utility Bills Due
Tues., Oct. 27
Planning Board, 7pm, Town Hall
Fri., Oct. 30
Haunted Hayride, 7pm, Sugg Farm
Sat., Oct. 31
HollyFest, 10am, Sugg Farm
Haunted Hayride, 7pm, Sugg Farm
October 2015
The annual HollyFest celebration is Saturday, Oct. 31 in Sugg
Farm Park.
Guiding Holly Springs
We’re taking applications for two citizen boards that handle matters regarding proposed development.
The deadline to apply is Monday, Dec. 7. The Town
Council will make the appointments in January for threeyear terms starting next March.
The Planning Board is an advisory panel for the council
that meets the fourth Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m.
We’re taking applications for two in-town members.
The Board of Adjustment is a quasi-judicial panel that
hears requests for variances from zoning regulations and
appeals to staff decisions on zoning matters. It meets the
second Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. Terms for two regular members and an alternate are being taken.
Visit www.hollyspringsnc.us/planning and select the
Boards & Committees tab for more details and an application. For more information call the (919) 557-3908 or send
an e-mail to HSPlanning@hollyspringsnc.us.
Registration for youth basketball continues until Friday,
Oct. 9. For more information, see Athletics under the
Residents tab of hollyspringsnc.us.
A Frightfully Fun Festival
Enjoy food, music, games, crafts and more at HollyFest,
our fall celebration, on Saturday, Oct. 31 from 10 a.m. until
4 p.m.
HollyFest returns to Jefferson L. Sugg Farm at Bass Lake
Park at 2401 Grigsby Ave. Last year, an estimated 10,000
people attended.
“Since this year’s event falls on Halloween, we expect
that number to grow,” said Lori Puzak, festival coordinator.
Featured attractions this year are:
 The Daniel Dhers Action Sports Complex Stunt Show
brought to you by an authorized dealer of DIRECTV
 The Robinson’s Racing Pigs
 Live entertainment on the HollyFest stage
The stunt show is new for HollyFest and will have two
performances of professional BMX riders
Other highlights include a cornhole tournament sponsored by the South Wake Conservationists Club, a pumpkin-carving contest, and inflatables and rides for kids.
HollyFest will also have a business expo, an arts and
crafts show with homemade items perfect for those special
loved ones on your Christmas list, booths for nonprofit
groups, a children’s corner, and food for all tastes.
Admission is free. Plenty of parking is available at Sugg
Farm at the end of Grigsby Avenue, past Womble Park.
Don’t forget about the Haunted Hayride, expanded from
last year to two nights of horror and screams at Sugg
Farm. It is scheduled for Friday, Oct. 30 from 7-11 p.m.
and on Saturday after HollyFest from 7 p.m. until midnight.
HollyFest Celebration
Saturday, Oct. 31
10 a.m.—4 p.m.
Sugg Farm Park
Sugg Farm Park
Friday, Oct. 30
7-11 p.m.
Saturday, Oct. 31
7 p.m. - Midnight
Pushing Crosswalk Safety
We recently installed a flashing beacon at
a crosswalk on Grigsby Avenue near Womble Park.
It’s a new thing we’re trying to make crosswalks safer. We intend to seek funding for
more of them in town.
State law requires drivers to stop for pedestrians at crosswalks and allow them to
fully cross.
But we all know that some drivers do not
stop. They fail to notice the pedestrian at a
crosswalk, don’t know the law, or choose to
ignore it.
The solar-powered beacon flashes rapidly
when a pedestrian pushes a button to alert
approaching traffic.
It’s not a stoplight, however, but rather an
additional safety feature. Pedestrians need
to ensure that traffic is stopping before entering the crosswalk.
Project engineer Dirk Siebenbrodt said the
Grigsby spot was first because Womble and
Sugg Farm parks are nearby and because
drivers often go too fast around the curve.
Federal Highway Administration studies
show that more drivers yield at crosswalks
with such beacons.
Notes on Voting
Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 3 for two
seats on the Town Council.
The candidates are Cheri Lee, Tom O’Brien, Teshor J. Oates, Tim Sack, and Arthur
(Pete) Utley Jr.
Council candidates are not identified by
political party. They run at-large, not by district. There are no runoffs.
Here are other dates to remember:
 Oct. 9 - Last day to register to vote in the
November election (5 p.m.)
 Oct. 22 - Early voting begins
 Oct. 27 - Last day to request an absentee ballot (5 p.m.)
 Oct. 31 - Early voting ends (1 p.m.)
For more information on registering to
vote and casting your ballot, please visit
the Wake County Board of Elections at
Problematic Posts
Fire Department
Open Houses
Oct. 10, 2015
Station 1
700 Flint Point Lane
9 a.m. - noon
Station 2
1140 Avent Ferry Road
1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
When posting in the real world rather than
the virtual one, please don’t upload signs to
utility poles, stop signs and street signs.
This includes posting those for yard sales,
ways to earn big
money at home, etc.
It also applies to
signs for lost pets.
We don’t want to
hinder your search.
But we ask that
you find a spot other
than a utility pole for
your missing pet
Our Planning and Zoning Department has
more information on sign rules. Please visit
hollyspringsnc.us/planning. You can also
call (919) 557-3908.
Construction on our new law enforcement center at Holly
Springs and Bass Lake roads is nearly complete.
Growing With the Flow
We take for granted that when That decision saves us millions
we turn on the faucet, clean of dollars and allows us to retain
drinking water will flow.
more control over our future.
When we flush the toilet, what’s We’ve secured an abundant
in the bowl disappears quickly and reliable source of water by
from sight and mind.
purchasing it from Harnett CounHowever, as recentty,
ly as the early 1980s,
draws it from
Web section on growth
outhouses could still hollyspringsnc.us/growingstrategy the
be found here.
Fear River.
Since then, town leaders have Developers pay to extend infrafocused on ensuring that we structure to their properties and
have a reliable source of drinking to connect service.
water and also sewage treatment As customers, you help pay the
capacity until at least 2030.
debt on the utility systems
We’ve kept our own wastewater through monthly access charges.
treatment plant, upgraded it, and Because our infrastructure is so
expanded it instead of helping new compared to most towns,
pay for a hug regional facility. we’re still paying off that debt
Get the facts. Go to the Source.