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bristol railhub
PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT LAND ADJACENT CHAWTON PARK ROAD, ALTON, HAMPSHIRE Surface Water Drainage Strategy Report No. 13-231-01 December 2013 PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT LAND ADJACENT TO CHAWTON PARK ROAD, ALTON, HAMPSHIRE Surface Water Drainage Strategy Odyssey Markides LLP Tuscany House White Hart Lane Basingstoke Hampshire RG21 4AF Tel: 01256 331144 Fax: 01256 331134 Project No. 13-231 December 2013 Proposed Residential Development, Land adjacent to Chawton Park Road, Alton, Hampshire 13-231 Surface Water Drainage Strategy December 2013 DOCUMENT CONTROL SHEET REV ISSUE PURPOSE AUTHOR CHECKED REVIEWED APPROVED DATE - For review TS SJO RS BAC Dec 2013 TS/ts/Report/13-231-01 (i) Proposed Residential Development, Land adjacent to Chawton Park Road, Alton, Hampshire Surface Water Drainage Strategy 13-231 December 2013 CONTENTS PAGE 1. Introduction 1 2. Development Proposals 2 3. Baseline Conditions 3 4. Flood Risk Legislation and Policy Review 6 5. Surface Water Drainage Strategy 14 6. Foul Drainage Strategy 19 7. Impact on Other Land 20 8. Conclusions 21 APPENDICES Figure 1 Site Location Plan Appendix A Proposed Masterplan Appendix B Topographical Survey Appendix C Groundwater and Flood Mapping - Environment Agency Appendix D Sewer Record Extracts – Thames Water Utilities Limited Appendix E Ground Investigation Extracts Appendix F Outline Drainage Strategy (Drawing no. 13-231-001) Appendix G Micro Drainage Surface Water Storage Calculations TS/ts/Report/13-231-01 (ii) Proposed Residential Development, Land adjacent to Chawton Park Road, Alton, Hampshire Surface Water Drainage Strategy 13-231 December 2013 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Odyssey Markides LLP has been commissioned by BNP Paribas to undertake a Surface Water Drainage Strategy (SWDS) to support a detailed planning application for a new bowling club on the land adjacent to Chawton Park Road in Alton, Hampshire. A site location plan is presented as Figure 1. 1.2 The existing site is approximately 0.5ha and is occupied with an open grass field and trees. The proposals for the new Bowling Club comprise the construction of a new sports club building, bowling green pitch, car park and associated access road from a shared access serving the neighbouring Nursery & Girl Guide Centre. A copy of the proposed site plan can be found in Appendix A. 1.3 This report comprises the following elements: Review existing legislation, policy and supporting documents in relation to flood risk and surface water drainage; Demonstrate through use of an effective surface water drainage strategy, incorporating sustainable drainage systems (SuDS), that any potential flooding on this site can be safely mitigated in accordance with the requirements of the National Planning Policy Framework (Communities and Local Government, March 2012) (NPPF); Prepare a surface water drainage strategy illustrating how the site can be drained effectively and in accordance with the requirements of East Hampshire District Council (EHDC), Hampshire County Council (HCC), the Environment Agency (EA) and Thames Water Utilities Limited (TWUL). 1.4 This drainage strategy has been prepared in accordance with the requirements set out in the NPPF and EA Guidance. TS/ts/Report/13-231-01 (1) Proposed Residential Development, Land adjacent to Chawton Park Road, Alton, Hampshire Surface Water Drainage Strategy 13-231 December 2013 2.0 DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS 2.1 The development proposals comprise a new sports club building, bowling green pitch, car parking and associated access road. A copy of the proposed masterplan can be found in Appendix A. 2.2 Access to the new Bowling Club will be at the north eastern boundary via an existing access road off Chawton Park Road, which also serves the Nursery and Girl Guide Centre. 2.3 Surface water run-off will be managed using a SuDS management train making use of infiltration trenches and permeable paving. 2.4 The foul water drainage system will be designed in accordance with the requirements of Part H of the Building Regulations and will discharge to the existing on-site public foul sewer in the north of the site, subject to agreement with TWUL. The foul drainage strategy is discussed in detail in Chapter 6. TS/ts/Report/13-231-01 (2) Proposed Residential Development, Land adjacent to Chawton Park Road, Alton, Hampshire Surface Water Drainage Strategy 3.0 13-231 December 2013 BASELINE CONDITIONS Sources of Information 3.1 The baseline conditions for this site have been established using the following sources and references: EA mapping; TWUL Asset location plans; British Geological Survey (BGS) mapping; Existing Topographical Survey undertaken by Site Vision Surveys Limited; EHDC’s Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA); Phase 1 Desk Top Study by Soil Environment Services Ltd; Trial Pits and Soakaway Tests by Geo-Environmental (ref: GE9666/GR02/131108). Site Description 3.2 The site is bounded to the north by Chawton Park Road, to the east by a Nursery & Girl Guide Centre, to the west by a Cardiac Rehabilitation Centre and to the south by Tennis Courts and open grass fields. The approximate centre of the site is at Ordnance Survey (OS) Grid Reference 470770E, 138224N. 3.3 The site currently comprises of vacant an open grass field with trees. Site Topography 3.4 The site generally slopes from south-west to north-east. The highest level on the site is approximately 119.91 mAOD near the south-west boundary of the site, the lowest level is approximately 116.43 mAOD in the north-east of the site. topographical survey is presented as Appendix B. TS/ts/Report/13-231-01 (3) The Proposed Residential Development, Land adjacent to Chawton Park Road, Alton, Hampshire Surface Water Drainage Strategy 13-231 December 2013 Geology 3.5 BGS mapping indicates that the bedrock beneath the site is the Holywell Nodular Chalk Formation. No superficial geology has been recorded on this site. 3.6 Intrusive ground investigations including falling head infiltration testing has been conducted on this site. Trial pits were excavated to a depth of 0.8m bgl (below ground level). The results of the investigations indicate that the site is underlain by clayey SILT and SAND HEAD DEPOSITS. A copy of the trial pit logs can be found in Appendix E. Hydrology 3.7 The EA’s Flood Map indicates that the site is located in Flood Zone 1. The EA’s Flood Map is presented as part of Appendix C. 3.8 The Lavant Stream is the closest watercourse and is located approximately 300m south of the site. Hydrogeology 3.9 Groundwater mapping published by the EA indicates that the site is located over a Groundwater Vulnerability Zone designated Major Aquifer – High, with the bedrock beneath the site designated as a Principal Aquifer. No superficial geology is recorded. It is not located over a groundwater source protection zone; however, Zone 2&3 of a groundwater source protection zone are situated approximately 13m north of the site boundary. The EA’s groundwater mapping is presented as part of Appendix C. 3.10 EHDC’s SFRA indicates that there has been no known groundwater flooding events within the vicinity of the site. TS/ts/Report/13-231-01 (4) Proposed Residential Development, Land adjacent to Chawton Park Road, Alton, Hampshire Surface Water Drainage Strategy 13-231 December 2013 Existing Surface Water Drainage Regime 3.11 The existing site generally falls from south-west to north-east, towards the Chawton Park Road. As the site is open grass fields it is assumed that the existing surface water run-off drains naturally to ground. Existing Foul Water Drainage Regime 3.12 A foul sewer currently runs along Chawton Park Road conveying flows in an easterly direction. There is an existing private 100mm diameter foul sewer located within the site at the north eastern corner. It is assumed that this existing private network currently serves the Nursery & Girl Guides Centre. Extracts from the TWUL sewer records are presented as Appendix D. TS/ts/Report/13-231-01 (5) Proposed Residential Development, Land adjacent to Chawton Park Road, Alton, Hampshire Surface Water Drainage Strategy 4.0 13-231 December 2013 FLOOD RISK LEGISLATION AND POLICY REVIEW Legislation Flood and Water Management Act 2010 4.1 The Flood and Water Management Act 2010 (FWMA) received Royal Assent on th 8 April 2010. The Act was introduced to enforce some of the key proposals set out within UK Government flood and water strategies along with the UK Government’s response to Sir Michael Pitt’s Review of the summer 2007 floods. 4.2 Relevant to development sites, the FWMA is intended to encourage the uptake of SuDS by removing the automatic right to connect to sewers and providing for unitary and County Council’s to adopt SuDS for new developments. 4.3 The development proposals will adhere to the FWMA through the provision of SuDS as a fundamental element of the surface water drainage system. Furthermore, BNP Paribas are committed to working with the relevant stakeholders, such as the EA, EHDC, HCC in implementing the requirements of the FWMA. Flood Directive - The Flood Risk Regulations 2009 4.4 The Flood Risk Regulations 2009 came into force on 10 th December 2009, transporting the European Floods Directive into domestic law. In essence the Regulations require the EA to prepare flood risk assessments, maps and plans for sea, main river and reservoir flood risk and will require lead local flood authorities (unitary and county councils) to do the same for all other forms of flooding. TS/ts/Report/13-231-01 (6) Proposed Residential Development, Land adjacent to Chawton Park Road, Alton, Hampshire Surface Water Drainage Strategy 13-231 December 2013 National Policy National Planning Policy Framework 2012 4.5 The National Planning Policy Framework 2012 (NPPF) replaced all planning policy statements (including Planning Policy Statement 25: Development and Flood Risk) upon publication in March 2012. 4.6 The NPPF sets out the Government’s planning policies for England and Wales, and how these policies should be applied. The Technical Guidance to the NPPF (TG) published in unison with the NPPF provides additional guidance and retains the key elements of the now superseded PPS25. 4.7 The NPPF states that “inappropriate development in areas at risk of flooding should be avoided by directing development away from areas of highest risk, but where development is necessary, making it safe without increasing flood risk elsewhere.” 4.8 When determining planning applications, local planning authorities should ensure flood risk is not increased elsewhere and only consider appropriate development in areas at risk of flooding where, following application of the Sequential Test (and if required, the Exception Test) it can be demonstrated that: Within the site, the most vulnerable development is located in areas of lowest flood risk unless there are overriding reasons to prefer a different location; and, Development is appropriately flood resilient and resistant, including safe access and escape routes where required, and that any residual risk can be safely managed, including by emergency planning; and it gives priority to the use of Sustainable Drainage Systems. (NPPF, 2012) TS/ts/Report/13-231-01 (7) Proposed Residential Development, Land adjacent to Chawton Park Road, Alton, Hampshire Surface Water Drainage Strategy 4.9 13-231 December 2013 All land in England and Wales is classified into three main Flood Zones which refer to the probability of river or sea flooding (ignoring the existence of defences). The TG identifies and describes the EA Flood Zones as: Flood Zone 1: Low Probability defined as land assessed as having less than 1 in 1,000 annual probability of river or sea flooding (<0.1%), Flood Zone 2: Medium Probability defined as land assessed as having between 1 in 100 and 1 in 1,000 annual probability of river flooding (1% 0.1%) or between 1 in 200 and 1 in 1,000 annual probability of sea flooding (0.5% - 0.1%), Flood Zone 3a: High Probability defined as land assessed as having a 1 in 100 or greater annual probability of river flooding (≥1%), or a 1 in 200 or greater annual probability of sea flooding (≥0.5%), Flood Zone 3b: The Functional Floodplain defined as land where water has to flow or be stored in times of flood (as identified by local planning authorities in their SFRA's). 4.10 In accordance with the NPPF. A site specific FRA is required for: Proposals of 1 hectare or greater in Flood Zone 1, All proposals for development in Flood Zones 2 and 3, An area within Flood Zone 1 which has critical drainage problems, Development or change of use to a more vulnerable class that may be subject to other sources of flooding. 4.11 Given the above, the site does not require a site-specific FRA on the basis that the site is less than one hectare and the area of development is located within Flood Zone 1. TS/ts/Report/13-231-01 (8) Proposed Residential Development, Land adjacent to Chawton Park Road, Alton, Hampshire Surface Water Drainage Strategy 4.12 13-231 December 2013 Greenfield sites rely on natural drainage to convey or infiltrate rainfall. In general, site development can reduce the permeability of the site if not well designed, increasing the volume and rate of surface water running off the site to nearby watercourses. This in turn potentially increases flood risk to downstream areas. Therefore appropriate drainage flow regulation arrangements may be required for new developments to ensure that flood risk to others is not increased and attempts to mimic the existing characteristics of the site in the form of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) wherever physically possible. National Standards for Sustainable Drainage Systems 2011 4.13 The National Standards for Sustainable Drainage Systems (NSSDS) was published in draft format in December 2011. This Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) document provides guidance on designing, constructing, operating and maintaining drainage for surface run-off. 4.14 The standards are to be used in order to manage surface run-off in accordance with Schedule 3 of the FWMA. 4.15 The standards state the run-off destination should be considered in the following order of preference: 4.16 Discharge into the ground (infiltration); Discharge to a surface water body; Discharge to a surface water sewer; Discharge to a combined sewer. Although yet to be formally adopted, the NSSDS provides guidance on run-off destination, peak flow rate, volume and control of water quality and function. TS/ts/Report/13-231-01 (9) Proposed Residential Development, Land adjacent to Chawton Park Road, Alton, Hampshire Surface Water Drainage Strategy 4.17 13-231 December 2013 The NSSDS sets out the requirements in order to obtain approval from the SuDS Approving Body (SAB) for operating and maintaining SuDS. In addition to the standards, the Local Planning Authority may set local requirements for planning permission that have the effect of more stringent requirements than that of the standards. East Hampshire District Strategic Flood Risk Assessment 4.18 East Hampshire District Council are required to produce a Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) in accordance with the now superseded Planning Policy Statement 25 1 (PPS25) and; Development & Flood Risk, a Practice Guide Companion to the PPS25. The SFRA will “…inform the plan-making process of the a Local Development Framework” and “…in particular inform the Core Strategy, the Development Control Policies and the Development Provisions and Allocations documents”. 4.19 The East Hampshire District Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (April 2008), a living document, will inform Local Planning Authorities of flood related issues within the District, aiding the decision process for development provision and allocations via the Sequential Approach and Sequential Test as defined by NPPF. 4.20 The objective of the SFRA is to reduce the exposure of new developments to flooding and minimise exacerbating risk to existing developments and reduce the reliance on long-term maintenance of built flood defences. 4.21 The SFRA is a Level 1 study presented in a single main report document with figures and appendices providing additional flood mapping information. 4.22 Tile Flood Maps A to E represent flood extents, produced by the Environment Agency in December 2007 as derived from the ‘Jflow’ generalised computer modelling. It should be noted that ‘Jflow’ is a ‘coarse modelling approach’ with a large number of assumptions incorporated within the model. In some locations the river centreline incorporated into Jflow modelling was found to be erroneous with the result that the associated flood plains deviate from the natural valleys, as can been seen evident on the tile flood maps. TS/ts/Report/13-231-01 (10) Proposed Residential Development, Land adjacent to Chawton Park Road, Alton, Hampshire 13-231 Surface Water Drainage Strategy 4.23 December 2013 The tile flood maps can still be used to identify locations of Localised Flooding Areas (relate to historical flooding at individual locations), sewerage undertaker’s sewer flooding incidents and flooding due to other sources. The Water Industry Act 1991 4.24 The Water Industry Act 1991 (WIA) (HMSO, 1991) was introduced to consolidate previous water supply and wastewater services enactments in the UK. Section 94 sets out the principal duties and standards of performance to sewerage undertakers which include the duty ‘to provide, improve and extend such a system of public sewers (whether inside its area or elsewhere) and so to cleanse and maintain those sewers as to ensure that that area is and continues to be effectually drained’. 4.25 Relevant to new development, Section 104 and Section 106 of the WIA provides the framework for the adoption of sewers, subject to an agreement with the sewerage undertaker, who in this case is TWUL. 4.26 Section 98 of the WIA provides the legal mechanism through which the appropriate infrastructure can be requested (by the developer) and provided to drain a specific location off-site through third party land. 4.27 Section 106 allows the sewerage undertaker a 21 day notice period prior to the connection works being undertaken. During this time the application may be refused if the undertaker considers that the connection mode or condition of the connecting sewer does not satisfy the required standards. The undertaker cannot refuse the connection based on inadequate capacity. Transfer of Private Sewers 4.28 It should be noted that the Water Industry (Schemes for Adoption of Private Sewers) Regulations 2011 has transferred private sewers into the ownership of statutory sewerage companies in England since October 2011. The Government are also taking steps to stem the proliferation of newly built sewers in order to prevent the recurrence of existing ownership/maintenance problems in the future. TS/ts/Report/13-231-01 (11) Proposed Residential Development, Land adjacent to Chawton Park Road, Alton, Hampshire Surface Water Drainage Strategy 13-231 December 2013 Pitt Review 4.29 In response to the severe flooding in the UK during the summer of 2007, the government commissioned an independent review on lessons to be learned. The Pitt Review was comprehensive and considered all stages of flooding - preparedness, response and recovery - as well as the coordination, responsibilities, and legislation necessary to ensure the UK can advance in the area of flood risk management. Sewers for Adoption 7 th Edition 4.30 Sewers for Adoption (SFA) 7th Edition provides guidance for developers for the design and construction of both surface and foul water sewers to be offered for adoption. The guidance is provided in consultation with Water Undertakers. However, please note that whilst SFA 7 th Edition is the latest publication, until Section 42 of the FWMA is enforced SFA 6 th Edition can still be implemented. 4.31 The SFA places responsibility (in England and Wales) for existing and future private sewers and lateral drains that connect to the public sewer system to the water and sewerage companies. 4.32 The SFA will provide detailed guidance to support the Mandatory Build Standard whereby; it will be mandatory for new sewers and lateral d rains (between the sewer and the serviced property boundary) to be adopted to public status by the sewerage undertaker. 4.33 The guidance for foul sewer design in Sewers for Adoption states: ‘The design of flows for gravity sewers for residential developments should be 4,000 litres/unit dwelling/per 24 hours.’ Building Regulations 4.34 Where drainage within a development is not to be adopted by the sewerage undertakers, the so called private sewers will require to meet the standards as set out TS/ts/Report/13-231-01 (12) Proposed Residential Development, Land adjacent to Chawton Park Road, Alton, Hampshire Surface Water Drainage Strategy 13-231 December 2013 in Building Regulations 2002, Part H ‘Drainage and Waste Disposal’ guidance on the design of private sewers. 4.35 Specific guidance can be found within the following sections of the Building Regulations 2002 Part H. H1 – Foul water drainage H2 – Wastewater treatment systems and cesspools H3 – Rainwater drainage H4 – Building over sewers H5 – Separate systems of drainage H6 – Solid waste storage Pollution Prevention Guidance 4.36 For sewers not connected to a public adopted system, the Environment Agency’s Pollution Prevention Guidance 4 (PPG4) ‘Treatment and Disposal of Sewage where no foul sewer is available’ should be considered. However this guidance states that “discharge to a foul sewer is the preferred option as the sewage is conveyed to a purpose built and closely monitored sewage treatment plant, so development proposals in sewered areas should connect to public sewers.” TS/ts/Report/13-231-01 (13) Proposed Residential Development, Land adjacent to Chawton Park Road, Alton, Hampshire Surface Water Drainage Strategy 5.0 13-231 December 2013 SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE STRATEGY Sustainable Drainage Systems 5.1 The NPPF and EA guidance requires developments to employ SuDS techniques where feasible in the management of site run-off and surface water drainage on all new developments. Careful design of SuDS features can ensure that the proposed surface water regime closely reflects the natural hydrology and hydrogeology of the site. 5.2 The key benefits of the proposed SuDS on site are as follows: Improving water quality over a conventional piped system by allowing the settlement of pollutants. Improving amenity through the provision of open green space and wildlife habitat. Enabling a natural drainage system which maintains the existing surface water flow regime. 5.3 Source Control is a key element of SuDS and is now identified in Part H of the Building Regulations 2002 as taking preference over conventional drainage systems. Part H now states: “Rainwater from a system provided pursuant to sub-paragraphs (1) or (2) shall discharge to one of the following, listed in order of priority: (a) an adequate soakaway or some other adequate infiltration system; or where that is not reasonably practicable, 5.4 (b) a watercourse; or where that is not reasonably practicable, (c) a sewer.” Source control systems treat water close to the point of collection, in features such as soakaways, permeable pavements and dry swales. TS/ts/Report/13-231-01 (14) As source control Proposed Residential Development, Land adjacent to Chawton Park Road, Alton, Hampshire Surface Water Drainage Strategy 13-231 December 2013 measures generally rely upon the infiltration of surface water to the ground, it is a prerequisite that the ground conditions are appropriate. BGS mapping advises the site is underlain by the Holywell Nodular Chalk Formation which is predominantly Chalk. 5.5 The soakage potential of this strata is acceptable according to intrusive ground investigations, extracts of which are presented as Appendix E. The infiltration rate across this site averages at approximately 2.46.x10-5m/s. 5.6 The surface water run-off from the proposed development is proposed to be managed using the following methods across the site. The main access road and car park for the bowling club will be drained using permeable paving with full infiltration to the sub-strata; The roof drainage from the new sports club, surrounding small buildings and hard standings will be collected and conveyed to discharge within the permeable paving system in the adjacent car park; The new bowling green will be drained in accordance with Sport England recommendations with drainage trenches at the perimeter and within the green at constant intervals. Surface water run-off is to discharged directly into the ground with an overflow provision to the permeable paving system in the adjacent car park. 5.7 Utilising permeable paving and infiltration trenches will help cleanse any surface water of heavy metals, hydrocarbons, rubber dust, silts and other detritus by settlement prior to entering into the sub-strata. 5.8 The proposed on-site surface water gravity sewer will be designed to cater for the 1 in 30 year storm. Attenuation systems will store surface water run-off on-site arising from flood events up to and including the 1 in 100 year plus 30% climate change storm. A copy of the Surface Water Drainage Strategy drawing (13-231-001) can be found in Appendix F. TS/ts/Report/13-231-01 (15) Proposed Residential Development, Land adjacent to Chawton Park Road, Alton, Hampshire 13-231 Surface Water Drainage Strategy 5.9 December 2013 The FWMA has amended Section 106 of the Water Industry Act to remove the automatic right to connect surface water without prior consideration to SuDS. 5.10 SuDS will attenuate and treat surface water run-off at source (source control) in line with the NPPF with its associated documents and the EA’s policies. 5.11 As part of the requirement of the Code for Sustainable Homes, SuDS will also benefit the assessment of residential homes in the Code for Sustainable Homes rating criteria. Proposed Surface Water Discharge 5.12 The current drainage strategy seeks to discharge all surface water run-off on site via infiltration techniques up to and including the 1 in 100 year plus 30% climate change. Proposed Design Criteria 5.13 Any design and assessment of the requirements for storm drainage will be based on the following criteria: Return Period 1 in 30 Flood Protection 1 in 100 year Sensitivity Check Climate Change to 30% M5-60 19.90mm Ratio R 0.35 Minimum Cover to Adoptable Pipes 1.2m Minimum Velocity (Full Bore) 1m / Sec Pipe Ks Value 0.6mm 5.14 Based upon the planning layout for the proposed development the impervious surfacing consists of proposed roofs, roads, driveways and parking areas. T he total impermeable area has been estimated as 0.2ha. TS/ts/Report/13-231-01 (16) Proposed Residential Development, Land adjacent to Chawton Park Road, Alton, Hampshire Surface Water Drainage Strategy 5.15 13-231 December 2013 Micro Drainage calculations have been prepared for the proposed catchment to determine the total volume of storage and extent of permeable paving required on site to accommodate the 100 year event plus 30% climate change in accordance with the requirements of the NPPF. Micro Drainage surface water storage calculations are provided in Appendix G. 5.16 To deal with the residual risk of blockage to all on-site drainage features, the developer and end user will ensure maintenance of their respective drainage system in line with the manufacturers’ recommendations by the production of a Maintenance Management Plan. This will ensure that over the lifetime of the proposed development the drainage system will be properly maintained to ensure continued functionality. Contamination from Construction 5.17 The construction works must be undertaken in a manner to prevent pollution to the Lavant Stream and any groundwater or aquifer which may lie beneath the site. Contractors are to make reference to current legislation and EA guidelines in respect of construction pollution prevention. 5.18 The contractor will be advised on the removal of any hotspots of contaminated ground established through an intrusive soil investigation or during excavation works. 5.19 All stocks of materials, oils and fuels are to be stored in a manor preventing spillage and seepage to ground. Wastewater will not be freely discharged to the ground or watercourses. All hydrocarbons and chemical spillages will be thoroughly cleaned by excavation of the polluted ground and disposed of to a licensed waste depot. 5.20 The list of guidelines below are initial recommendations and not exhaustive. It will be the responsibility of the contractor to ensure they obtain and understand the latest legislation and guidelines: The Groundwater Directive 80/68/EEC. Office Journal of the European Communities 1980. TS/ts/Report/13-231-01 (17) Proposed Residential Development, Land adjacent to Chawton Park Road, Alton, Hampshire Surface Water Drainage Strategy 13-231 December 2013 Protection of Groundwater Against Pollution and Deterioration. Office Journal of the European Union 2006. Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations. Draft Statutory Instruments 2010. Waste Management – The Duty of Care: A Code of Practice. The Stationary Office 1996. Control of Water Pollution from Construction Sites: Guidance for Consultants and Contractors. CIRIA Report 532. 2001. Waste Minimisation and Recycling in Construction – A Site Handbook. CIRIA 1999. Managing Materials and Components on Site. CIRIA 1998. Safe Storage and Disposal of Used Oils: PPG8 Environmental Alliance 2004. Underground, Under Threat. The State of Groundwater in England and Wales. Environment Agency 2006. Groundwater Protection: Policy and Practice Document GP3. Environment Agency 2006. TS/ts/Report/13-231-01 (18) Proposed Residential Development, Land adjacent to Chawton Park Road, Alton, Hampshire Surface Water Drainage Strategy 13-231 December 2013 6.0 FOUL DRAINAGE STRATEGY 6.1 TWUL are the governing water authority for the area. Any proposed connections or changes to the existing discharge rates must be approved by TWUL prior to commencement of any construction works. 6.2 Foul flows generated by these proposals will be conveyed through the site via gravity drains to the existing private foul water sewer located in the north east of the site. The new foul network will be designed to meet the requirements of Part H of the Building Regulations. The final connection to the existing foul water lateral will need to be agreed with TWUL under a Section 106 Agreement. 6.3 The final foul discharge rate will be determined upon confirmation of the internal layout of the club house showing numbers of toilets, showers and sinks. TS/ts/Report/13-231-01 (19) Proposed Residential Development, Land adjacent to Chawton Park Road, Alton, Hampshire Surface Water Drainage Strategy 13-231 December 2013 7.0 IMPACT ON OTHER LAND 7.1 The development proposals will limit surface water run-off from the development to that of existing greenfield run-off rates. The proposals will provide surface water infiltration and attenuation on-site to accommodate flood events up to and including the 1 in 100 year plus 30% climate change flood event in the form of permeable paving and infiltration trenches. 7.2 As the proposals utilise infiltration where possible and there is no record of the site flooding, the development should not cause any adverse effects to the existing off-site flood risk downstream or on adjacent land. TS/ts/Report/13-231-01 (20) Proposed Residential Development, Land adjacent to Chawton Park Road, Alton, Hampshire Surface Water Drainage Strategy 8.0 CONCLUSIONS 8.1 Information provided by the 13-231 December 2013 EA indicates the site is located within Flood Zone 1, at low risk of flooding. 8.2 The proposed development area is less than 1 hectare in size and therefore in accordance with the NPPF will not require a Site Specific Flood Risk Assessment in support of the development proposals and planning submission. 8.3 A Surface Water Drainage Strategy has been prepared to demonstrate that the proposed surface water run-off from the development can be accommodated within the site for all storm events up to and including the 1 in 100 year plus 30% climate change in accordance with the requirements of the NPPF and the EA. 8.4 The proposed Surface Water Drainage Strategy includes permeable paving allowing full infiltration for full discharge to the ground. The sub-base will provide attenuation for storms in excess of the natural infiltration rates up to an including the 1 in 100 year event plus 30% climate change. 8.5 Any on-site surface water sewers will be designed to accommodate flows from the 1 in 30 year storm event, and all surface water attenuation systems will be designed to accommodate the 1 in 100 year plus 30% climate change storm. 8.6 The proposed foul water drainage scheme will include a network built to meet the requirements of Part H of the Building Regulations and connect into the existing foul sewer crossing the north east of the site. TWUL approval will need to be obtained prior to any new connections or alterations in drainage flows to the public sewers. 8.7 The proposed development will provide means to conveying overland flow during extreme flood events away from buildings along the car park and access road by way of the detailed level strategy design. 8.8 The site satisfies the requirements of NPPF with regard to flood risk, surface water run-off management and the Sequential Test. TS/ts/Report/13-231-01 (21) FIGURE 1 Site Location Plan Burgess Hill SITE Reproduced from Ordnance Survey with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, Crown Copyright Reserved. Odyssey Markides Tuscany House White Hart Lane Basingstoke Hampshire RG21 4AF Job Title LAND AT CHAWTON PARK ROAD, ALTON Client 1:25000 @A4 Drawn Drawing Title Telephone: 01256 331144 Fax: 01256 331134 e-mail: web: Site Location Plan Date Scale Job No AA 13-231 DEC 13 Checked Figure No TS Designed Approved FIGURE 1 AA BAC Rev - APPENDIX A Proposed Masterplan CH AW TO grass I I I I I I I I fence I I I I I I I I N PA RK RO AD I I hedge I grass +117.40 ditch I I 117.30+ path +117.60 I I +117.65 I I I fence hedge path I ditch I I grass grass I I 17 BOWLING GREEN ditch path I 1 in 3 grass bank I 38.4 X 38.4m I fence I hedge 5no. new trees turning zone for fire appliance / refuse vehicle footpath I I 5no. trees to be removed 6m wide access road I I I I I I access road vehicle height restriction barrier I I centre line of bowling green I I 117.30+ +117.60 I path steps +117.65 eqp't ramp +117.95 steps disabled ramp VIEWING TERRACE lawn steps car park I CAR PARK I CARDIAC REHABILITATION CENTRE 8 ditch +117.40 I I 25no. spaces (inc. 2no. disabled) I I possible future club house extension lawn I +118.00 FFL BINS / CYCLES underground water storage tank I I STORES CLUB HOUSE gates I retaining wall I I I I I I I hedge access for future development I I I I I I I I I I fence NURSERY & GIRL GUIDE CENTRE A TENNIS COURTS DEC '13 REVISION DATE ISSUED FOR PLANNING SS/PF COMMENTS AUTHOR / CHECKED TITLE CHAWTON PARK ROAD, ALTON grass NORTH DETAIL 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 m PROPOSED SITE PLAN DATE Ordnance Survey, (c) Crown Copyright 2010. All rights reserved. Licence number 100020449 LHC GROUP EXETER PLYMOUTH SOUTHAMPTON 01392 01752 08450 444334 669368 714565 SCALE OCT 2013 1:200 @ A1 DRAWING No. REV. 13091 - P.03 A AUTHOR \ CHECKED SS/PF DRAWING-STATUS CONTRACTORS MUST CHECK ALL DIMENSIONS ON SITE. ONLY FIGURED DIMENSIONS ARE TO BE WORKED FROM. DISCREPANCIES MUST BE REPORTED TO THE ARCHITECT BEFORE PROCEEDING. C THIS DRAWING IS COPYRIGHT. APPENDIX B Topographical Survey BT W T BW 2W 5d 0.4 2W BT W BT BT 225 BT BT BT BT 0d 0.5 5d 0.8 T B OSA SHEET LAYOUT 5d 0.4BT W 1 5d 0.7 W W W W W LEGEND W E HV W GAS W RA RT GP W E d .70 W W EOT 0.4 E 5d BT 1W PIPE W 0d 0.8 V F VR BT W T FO U EOT 0.4 BT 5d BT A O V F W T EO 1W EMPTY 0.45d W BT W 0 CE d d 0.50 .E 0 45 1W 0 15 1W EMPTY 0.45d BT A O W BT W CATV CCTV BT OSA E HV W W OSA Foul Drainage Surface Drainage Combined Drainage Electricity Electricity High Voltage Gas Water Cable Television Close Circuit Television Communication British Telecom Compressed Air Offset Fill-Line Oil Pipe Pipe Ventilation Fuel Line Vapour Recovery Gauge Line Telemetry Fibre Optics Unknown Historical by Layer End Of Trace W BT W OSA T T FO U W BT TANK * - W= Water U=Unknown F=Foam P=Product Trial Pit Location C=Concrete Do Not Drill / Banded Pipes 0 E 150 15 BT 5 BT E BT 5d 0.4 5d 0.8 W Borehole / SVS W STANTION W BT A/R BOLL ILLU BOLL BH BTIC C/BOX C/B FENCE CR CTV CP CONC CL D D/CHAN DP EIC ER EP EOT F/BED FH FS GV G G-RUN HT IC IL LP MH MKR MTR MW OH E W IN TRENCH SCAR 5d BT 0d W 0.9 E 5d 0.3 0.4 BT W BT 5 22 E W 5d E W BT E W 0.4 0d W 0.8 PE WATER SUPPLY TO REHAB CENTRE NO SIGNALS 5d T 0.6 B E T 0.6 E 1W 2W BTW W EO 5d EOT T 5d B 0.6 2W W 0d E 0.8 30d 0. PUMP ISLAND LEGEND BT W T W W BT * 100 0.4 0 d 22 2 100 BT PE WATER SUPPLY TO NURSERY NO SIGNALS BTW ASSUMED ROUTE BOLLARD ILLUMINOUS BOLLARD BOREHOLE BRITISH TELECOM COVER CONTROL BOX CLOSEBOARD FENCE CABLE RISER CABLE TV CATCHPIT CONCRETE COVER LEVEL DEPTH / DEEP DRAINAGE CHANNEL DOWN PIPE ELECTRICITY COVER EARTH ROD ELECTRICITY POLE END OF TRACE FLOWER BED FIRE HYDRANT FIRE SWITCH GAS VALVE GULLY GULLY RUN HEIGHT INSPECTION COVER INVERT LEVEL LAMP POST MANHOLE MARKER METER MONITORING WELL OVERHEAD OSA OSBM PR P&R FENCE RET WALL RE RS RWP S/A SAP S/C SEC FENCE SL SP ST STN SV SVP TBM TFR THL TL TP UTL UTR UTS UTT VR VP WM WFC WP U/S OFF SURVEY AREA ORDNANCE SURVEY BENCH MARK PIPE RISER POST & RAIL FENCE RETAINING WALL RODDING EYE ROAD SIGN RAIN WATER PIPE SOAK AWAY SAPLING SOUND CONNECTED SECURITY FENCE SPOT LIGHT SOIL PIPE STOP TAP STATION (DATUM POINT) STOP VALVE SOIL VENT PIPE TEMPORARY BENCH MARK TAKEN FROM RECORDS THRESHOLD LEVEL TRAFFIC LIGHT TELEGRAPH POLE UNABLE TO LOCATE UNABLE TO RAISE UNABLE TO SURVEY UNABLE TO TRACE VAPOUR RECOVERY VENT PIPE WATER METER WATER FILLED CHAMBER WASTE PIPE UNDERSIDE DIAMETER E BT R d W 45 E 0. 00d 1. d 5 4 BT 0. W E A SC W E W E BT D EN OF W E THE ELECTRIC SUPPLY TO REHAB CENTRE ENTERS BUILDING AND IS FED FROM OUTSIDE THE SURVEY AREA. UNABLE TO LOCATE ROUTE OF GAS TO REHAB CENTRE. ADVISED ON SITE THAT NURSERY HAS NO GAS SUPPLY. NURSERY BT IS SUPPLIED OVERHEAD. BT BT E BT BT W UTILITY NOTES E BT BT 5 22 0.7 0d 0.3 W BT BT 5d 0d E 5d 0.4 0.6 BT W BT W BT W AS BT BT W E E BT NO L E 0 AR A GN SI U U 10 ED M SU U S GA BT U BT W SC CH U E BT U 5 25 OSA B W 0. d 45 W E BT d 65 0. 0d .0 1 T BT EN TR E BT BT W E BT W E BT OSA BT W E BT BT TOPOGRAPHICAL NOTES THE TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY WAS SUPPLIED BY SHAW COLGATE LTD BT BT 0d 0.5 BT DESCRIPTION DATE REV BT BT 0 10 NO OUTLET VISIBLE BT OSA OSA OSA SURVEYS UNABLE TO LOCATE WATER SUPPLY TO WATER FEATURE ASSUMED PE SITE VISION SURVEYS LIMITED S UTILITY TOPOGRAPHICAL MAPPING T: 01788 575036 W: SVSLTD.NET E CR WATER FEATURE CLIENT: Shaw Colgate Ltd REHAB CENTRE SITE LOCATION: 10 Chawton Park Road Alton Hampshire 0 DRAWING TITLE: Utility Survey OSA DISCLAIMER: The location of under ground services shown on this drawing has been determined using electro-magnetic (and/or ground probing radar, where requested) techniques and visual observations. the limitations of this drawing should be realised and no guarantee can be given that all services have been identified. This drawing may not include the location of all public services that may cross the site and therefore the relevant service drawings should be obtained from the appropriate utility company and used in conjunction with this drawing. Additional services, structures or other below ground obstructions not indicated on this drawing may be present on site. reference should be made to historical plans and as built drawings. Excavations in the vicinity of services should be carried out with due diligence ref: HSG47 document "avoiding dangers from underground services". Location accuracy is determined by refering to manufacturers guidelines for the systems deployed. Reference should be made to the latest version of SVS Ltd site procedures document for utility location surveys. SURVEYED BY: RM DRAWN BY: DRAWING NO: RM 1:200 @A1 PC SURVEY DATE: 1013-SCL-7009 SCALE: APPROVED BY: 10-10-13 SHEET NO: 1 OF 2 REV: APPENDIX C Groundwater and Flood Mapping – Environment Agency Flood Zone Map created 17/12/13 Legend 0 95 190 285 m. © Environment Agency copyright and / or database rights 2014. All rights reserved. © Crown Copyright and database right 2014. Ordnance Survey licence number 100024198. Flood Map for Surface Water 1_30 Legend 0 95 190 285 m. © Environment Agency copyright and / or database rights 2014. All rights reserved. © Crown Copyright and database right 2014. Ordnance Survey licence number 100024198. Flood Map for Surface Water 1 in 200 chance created 17/12/13 Legend 0 95 190 285 m. © Environment Agency copyright and / or database rights 2014. All rights reserved. © Crown Copyright and database right 2014. Ordnance Survey licence number 100024198. Environment Agency - What's in your backyard? Cymraeg Enter a postcode or place name: Alton, Hampshire Map legend About us Page 1 of 2 Jobs Contact us Sitemap Help | Search Enter keywords here Other topics for this area... Groundwater X: 470,889;Y: 138,119 at scale 1:10,000 Groundwater Data search Text only version Groundwater source protection zones Inner zone (Zone 1) Outer zone (Zone 2) Total catchment (Zone 3) Special interest (Zone 4) Aquifer Maps Superficial Deposits Designation Principal Secondary A Secondary B Secondary (undifferentiated) Unknown (lakes and landslip) Aquifer Maps - Bedrock Designation Principal Secondary A Secondary B Secondary (undifferentiated) Groundwater Vulnerability Zones Major Aquifer High Major Aquifer Intermediate Major Aquifer Low Customers in Wales - From 1 April 2013 Natural Resources Wales (NRW) will take over the responsibilities of the Environment Agency in Wales. © Environment Agency copyright and database rights 2013. © Ordnance Survey Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Environment Agency, 100026380. Contains Royal Mail data © Royal Mail copyright and database right 2013. This service is designed to inform members of the public, in line with our terms and conditions. For business or commercial use, please contact us. More about Groundwater British Geological Survey Aquifer data: The Aquifer Extents are not displayed at scales greater than 1:75,000 (Ordnance Survey 1:250,000 scale) as the data was only modelled to this level and is not accurate pass this. Minor Aquifer High Minor Aquifer Intermediate Minor Aquifer Low New BGS Aquifer Designation Maps From 1st April 2010 new aquifer designations replace the old system of classifying aquifers as Major, Minor and NonAquifer. This new system is in line with our Groundwater Protection Policy (GP3) and the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and is based on British Geological Survey mapping. Groundwater Source Protection Zones data: The Source Protection Zones are not displayed at scales greater than 1:20,000 (Ordnance Survey 1:50,000 scale) as the data was only modelled to this level and is not accurate pass this. They should not be compared against field boundaries. Groundwater Source Protection Zones Groundwater provides a third of our drinking water. We ensure that your water is safe to drink defining Source Protection Zones. These zones help to monitor the risk of contamination from any activities that might cause pollution in the area. Facts and figures of our groundwater resources Find out more about groundwater and groundwater levels. 16/12/2013 APPENDIX D Sewer Record Extracts – Thames Water Utilities Limited % SU7038SE 14 0 Asset Location Search Sewer Map - ALS/ALS Standard/2013_2607948 ! 7302 O SE ! L C 0 5 6301 H 1150 ! T 7303 U ! ! MO6315 S T 00 17 5R 1O 15 5 22 % % % %% 6 8202 ! 2 1 %50% 22 1 8201 ESS 5 22 5 ! ! 6210 % 6204 K AR P 7202 ! 0 15 % 6206 ! 08 ! % 7201 6202 !6205 !6207 TO W A5 CH22 ! ! 6209 N R D 22 OA ! Indoor Bowli ! 5 Club % ! % 7204 5 22 ! 7203 % 6201 Girl Guide (HQ) ! CR Cardiac Rehabilitation Centre Tennis Courts id M nt Ha s R lw ai ay d ar W y Bd Games Courts Tennis Courts o Sp rts Pa n lio i v The width of the displayed area is 218m and the centre of the map is located at OS coordinates 470778,138222 The position of the apparatus shown on this plan is given without obligation and warranty, and the accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Service pipes are not shown but their presence should be anticipated. No liability of any kind whatsoever is accepted by Thames Water for any error or omission. The actual position of mains and services must be verified and established on site before any works are undertaken. Based on the Ordnance Survey Map with the Sanction of the controller of H.M. Stationery Office, License no. 100019345 Crown Copyright Reserved. Page 7 of 10 NB. Levels quoted in metres Ordnance Newlyn Datum. The value -9999.00 indicates that no survey information is available Manhole Reference Manhole Cover Level Manhole Invert Level 8201 8202 8301 6208 6209 6206 6315 6301 6202 6207 6204 6210 6205 7303 7302 7204 7202 7201 6201 7203 114.25 114.32 113.83 n/a n/a n/a 116.67 116.71 116.55 n/a n/a n/a n/a 116.51 116.59 115.68 115.33 114.75 116.33 115.95 113.46 113.42 112.82 n/a n/a n/a 115.53 115.14 114.65 n/a n/a 113.5 n/a 115.56 115.29 114.28 114.1 113.79 114.76 114.3 The position of the apparatus shown on this plan is given without obligation and warranty, and the accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Service pipes are not shown but their presence should be anticipated. No liability of any kind whatsoever is accepted by Thames Water for any error or omission. The actual position of mains and services must be verified and established on site before any works are undertaken. Page 8 of 10 ALS Sewer Map Key Public Sewer Types (Operated & Maintained by Thames Water) Foul: A sewer designed to convey waste water from domestic and industrial sources to a treatment works. Sewer Fittings Other Symbols A feature in a sewer that does not affect the flow in the pipe. Example: a vent is a fitting as the function of a vent is to release excess gas. Symbols used on maps which do not fall under other general categories / Public/Private Pumping Station Air Valve Change of characteristic indicator (C.O.C.I.) Dam Chase Surface Water: A sewer designed to convey surface water (e.g. rain water from roofs, yards and car parks) to rivers or watercourses. Invert Level Combined: A sewer designed to convey both waste water and surface water from domestic and industrial sources to a treatment works. M Fitting Summit Meter Areas Vent Column Lines denoting areas of underground surveys, etc. Trunk Surface Water Storm Relief Trunk Foul Operational Controls Agreement A feature in a sewer that changes or diverts the flow in the sewer. Example: A hydrobrake limits the flow passing downstream. Operational Site Trunk Combined Control Valve P P Bio-solids (Sludge) Vent Pipe Chamber Drop Pipe Tunnel Ancillary Proposed Thames Surface Water Sewer Proposed Thames Water Foul Sewer Gallery Foul Rising Main End Items Combined Rising Main End symbols appear at the start or end of a sewer pipe. Examples: an Undefined End at the start of a sewer indicates that Thames Water has no knowledge of the position of the sewer upstream of that symbol, Outfall on a surface water sewer indicates that the pipe discharges into a stream or river. Surface Main Water Rising Sludge Rising Main Proposed Thames Water Rising Main Vacuum Conduit Bridge Weir Other Sewer Types (Not Operated or Maintained by Thames Water) 3) Arrows (on gravity fed sewers) or flecks (on rising mains) indicate direction of flow. Combined Sewer Gulley W Culverted Watercourse Proposed Undefined End Abandoned Sewer Notes: 2) All measurements on the plans are metric. Surface Water Sewer Outfall Inlet 1) All levels associated with the plans are to Ordnance Datum Newlyn. Foul Sewer 6) The text appearing alongside a sewer line indicates the internal diameter of the pipe in milimetres. Text next to a manhole indicates the manhole reference number and should not be taken as a measurement. If you are unsure about any text or symbology present on the plan, please contact a member of Property Insight on 0845 070 9148. 4) Most private pipes are not shown on our plans, as in the past, this information has not been recorded. 5) ‘na’ or ‘0’ on a manhole level indicates that data is unavailable. Page 9 of 10 APPENDIX E Ground Investigation Extracts HP2 HP1 HP3 All positions are approximate Project: Chawton Park Road, Alton Title Exploratory Hole Location Plan Client: BNP Paribas Ref No: GE9666 Revision: 0 28 Crescent Road, Brighton, BN2 3RP Drawn: GR Date: 01/11/2013 T: 01273 699 399 F: 01273 699 388 Figure: 1 Scale: Not To Scale E: W: Geo-Environmental Services Ltd STRATA SAMPLING & TESTING STRATA DESCRIPTION Legend mOD mBGL Water S/Pipe Grass overlying dark brown slightly silty clayey TOPSOIL with abundant roots. (0.30) 0.30 Brown slightly sandy very clayey SILT with occasional medium to coarse subangular flint gravel. (0.70) 1.00 End of Trial Pit at 1.00 m SAMPLES: D=disturbed B=bulk U=undisturbed TESTS: MAC=macintosh IVAN=vane HPEN=penetrometer SPT=split-spoon CPT=cone WATER: Stability: Type: Method: Project: Chawton Park Road, Alton Remarks: Client: Position: GE9666 Start: Finish: Plant: =rest OTHERS: (2.00)=strata Ref: Hand Excavated Trial Pit Groundwater: No Groundwater Encountered =strike Filled: Eng: 04/11/2013 04/11/2013 04/11/2013 JO Drawn: BNP Paribas Ckd: HP1 Scale: 1:25 Size: Depth: Level: Figure: JO Sheet: 1.00mBGL FIG Sheet 1 of 1 STRATA SAMPLING & TESTING STRATA DESCRIPTION Legend mOD mBGL Grass overlyingdark brown silty clayey TOPSOIL with abundant roots, brick fragments and occasional coarse flint gravel. Water S/Pipe (0.25) 0.25 Brown very clayey silty SAND with occasional medium to coarse subangular flint gravel. (0.55) 0.80 End of Trial Pit at 0.80 m SAMPLES: D=disturbed B=bulk U=undisturbed TESTS: MAC=macintosh IVAN=vane HPEN=penetrometer SPT=split-spoon CPT=cone WATER: Stability: Type: Method: Project: Chawton Park Road, Alton Remarks: Client: Position: GE9666 Start: Finish: Plant: =rest OTHERS: (2.00)=strata Ref: Hand Excavated Trial Pit Groundwater: No Groundwater Encountered =strike Filled: Eng: 04/11/2013 04/11/2013 04/11/2013 JO Drawn: BNP Paribas Ckd: HP2 Scale: 1:25 Size: Depth: Level: Figure: JO Sheet: 0.80mBGL FIG Sheet 1 of 1 STRATA SAMPLING & TESTING STRATA DESCRIPTION Legend mOD mBGL Water S/Pipe Grass overlying black clayey silty TOPSOIL with abundant roots and occasional fine to medium subangular flint gravel. (0.30) 0.30 Dark brown very clayey silty fine SAND with abundant fine to medium calcareous inclusions and occasional fine to medium subangular flint gravel. (0.30) 0.60 End of Trial Pit at 0.60 m SAMPLES: D=disturbed B=bulk U=undisturbed TESTS: MAC=macintosh IVAN=vane HPEN=penetrometer SPT=split-spoon CPT=cone WATER: Stability: Type: Method: Project: Chawton Park Road, Alton Remarks: Client: Position: GE9666 Start: Finish: Plant: =rest OTHERS: (2.00)=strata Ref: Hand Excavated Trial Pit Groundwater: No Groundwater Encountered =strike Filled: Eng: 04/11/2013 04/11/2013 04/11/2013 JO Drawn: BNP Paribas Ckd: HP3 Scale: 1:25 Size: Depth: Level: Figure: JO Sheet: 0.60mBGL FIG Sheet 1 of 1 28 Crescent Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN2 3RP Tel : 01273 699 399 Fax : 01273 699 388 Soakaway Test Results (after BRE Digest 365) Project Name : Chawton Park Road, Alton Client : BNP Paribas Pit reference Pit depth (m) Pit width (m) Pit length (m) Depth to standing water (m) Test 1 Time (min) 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 60.0 90.0 120.0 Job No. : GE9666 Date : 08/11/2013 HP1 1.00 0.30 0.30 Test 2 Time (min) Depth (m) 0.42 0.42 0.45 0.47 0.48 0.50 0.51 0.56 0.60 0.75 0.88 0.96 Test 3 Time (min) Depth (m) Depth (m) 0.00 0.10 0.20 Depth (m) 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 Time (mins) Test 1 Max. depth (m) Test 2 Test 3 1.00 1.00 1.00 Effective depth (m) 75% effective depth (m) 50% effective depth (m) 25% effective depth (m) t75 (min) t50 (min) t25 (min) 0.58 0.57 0.71 0.86 22.00 52.00 85.00 1.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 Vp 75-25 ap 50 tp 75-25 0.03 0.438 63.00 0.05 0.69 0.00 0.05 0.69 0.00 Soil infiltration rate (m/s) Soil infiltration rate (mm/hr) 1.6E-05 - - 5.68E+01 - - 28 Crescent Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN2 3RP Tel : 01273 699 399 Fax : 01273 699 388 Soakaway Test Results (after BRE Digest 365) Project Name : Chawton Park Road, Alton Client : BNP Paribas Pit reference Pit depth (m) Pit width (m) Pit length (m) Depth to standing water (m) Test 1 Time (min) 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 Job No. : GE9666 Date : 08/11/2013 HP2 0.80 0.27 0.27 Test 2 Time (min) Depth (m) 0.17 0.22 0.25 0.27 0.30 0.32 0.41 0.54 0.72 Test 3 Time (min) Depth (m) Depth (m) 0.00 0.10 0.20 Depth (m) 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 Time (mins) Test 1 Max. depth (m) Test 2 Test 3 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.63 0.33 0.49 0.64 6.00 17.00 27.00 0.80 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.20 0.40 0.60 Vp 75-25 ap 50 tp 75-25 0.02 0.4131 21.00 0.03 0.5049 0.00 0.03 0.0729 0.00 Soil infiltration rate (m/s) 4.4E-05 - - 1.59E+02 - - Effective depth (m) 75% effective depth (m) 50% effective depth (m) 25% effective depth (m) t75 (min) t50 (min) t25 (min) Soil infiltration rate (mm/hr) 60 28 Crescent Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN2 3RP Tel : 01273 699 399 Fax : 01273 699 388 Soakaway Test Results (after BRE Digest 365) Project Name : Chawton Park Road, Alton Client : BNP Paribas Pit reference Pit depth (m) Pit width (m) Pit length (m) Depth to standing water (m) Test 1 Time (min) 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 60.0 80.0 Job No. : GE9666 Date : 08/11/2013 HP3 0.60 0.27 0.27 Test 2 Time (min) Depth (m) 0.15 0.19 0.20 0.21 0.22 0.22 0.25 0.31 0.35 0.46 0.50 Test 3 Time (min) Depth (m) Depth (m) 0.00 0.10 0.20 Depth (m) 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Time (mins) Test 1 Max. depth (m) Test 2 Test 3 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.45 0.26 0.38 0.49 12.00 40.00 75.00 0.60 0.15 0.30 0.45 0.60 0.15 0.30 0.45 Vp 75-25 ap 50 tp 75-25 0.02 0.3159 63.00 0.02 0.3969 0.00 0.02 0.3969 0.00 Soil infiltration rate (m/s) 1.4E-05 - - 4.95E+01 - - Effective depth (m) 75% effective depth (m) 50% effective depth (m) 25% effective depth (m) t75 (min) t50 (min) t25 (min) Soil infiltration rate (mm/hr) 120 APPENDIX F Outline Drainage Strategy (Drawing no. 13-231-001) OSA DRAINAGE STRATEGY SPECIFIC NOTES: N 1. ALL BELOW GROUND DRAINAGE TO COMPLY WITH PART H OF THE BUILDING REGULATIONS. NOTES 1. DO NOT SCALE FROM THIS DRAWING. 225 W ExF 2 2 8 0 2.SURROUNDING TOPOGRAPHICAL DATA AND SERVICES SURVEY HAS BEEN PROVIDED BY SITE VISION SURVEYS LTD IN DRAWING 1013-SCL-7009. ODYSSEY MARKIDES CONSULTING ENGINEERS DOES NOT TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ACCURACY OF THE SURVEY INFORMATION. 225 2. PROPOSED CONNECTION TO THE EXISTING FOUL WATER NETWORK SUBJECT TO A SECTION 106 AGREEMENT WITH THAMES WATER. OSA OSA OSA BT W 0d BT W 0d 0.8 0.4 22 5 3. MAXIMUM GRADIENT OF PERMEABLE PAVEMENT FORMATION TO BE <1 IN 100. STEPPED FORMATIONS / CHECK DAMS TO BE CONSIDERED IN CONSTRUCTION OF PERMEABLE SUB-BASE. MIN THICKNESS OF CLEAN GRANULAR PERMEABLE SUB-BASE TO BE 450MM. BT W W ExF 01 82 5d 0.3 BT 5d W 0.9 BT W OSA OSA 0.4 BTW 0d E d 5 0.9 0d 0.5 E E d 0.7 5 BT W 5d 0.8 6. THE CONTRACTOR IS REMINDED OF HIS OBLIGATION TO VERIFY THE ROUTE OF ALL SERVICES ON SITE PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE WORKS. E BT W 5. THE AVOIDANCE AND PROTECTION OF SERVICES DURING THE WORKS IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. OSA 100 T EO 5d 0.4 0 10 BTW BT W 5. BOWLING PITCH DRAINAGE TO CONSIST OF DRAIN TRENCHES AT 5M CENTERS TO ''SPORT ENGLAND'' REQUIREMENTS, SUBJECT TO DETAILED DESIGN REQUIREMENT. DEPTH OF DRAINAGE TRENCHES, SUBJECT TO SUITABLE SUB-STRATA TO ALLOW FOR INFILTRATION. 100 150 T BW BT W 225 4. PROPOSALS ARE INDICATIVE ONLY TO DEMONSTRATE THE PRELIMINARY DRAINAGE STRATEGY AND ARE SUBJECT TO EVOLVE IN LINE WITH DETAILED DESIGN REQUIREMENTS FOLLOWING PLANNING PERMISSION. OSA 0d 0.5 E BTW 150 4. SURFACE WATER RUN OFF FROM ROOF AND SURROUNDING HARDSTANDING AREAS TO DISCHARGE TO PERMEABLE PAVING VIA DIFFUSER UNITS, SUBJECT TO DETAILED DESIGN DEVELOPMENT. PERMAVOID OR SIMILAR APPROVED. SIZE AND EXTENT OF DIFFUSER UNIT ARE SUBJECT TO DETAILED DESIGN. 3. SITE LAYOUT HAS BEEN PROVIDED BY LHC GROUP ARCHITECTS IN DRAWING 13091 - P.03 REV A BT W BT W 2W BT BT BT BT 100 OVERFLOW FROM PITCH DRAINAGE TO PERMEABLE PAVING SYSTEM 70 0. OSA W W W 0d 0.5 5d 0.8 W d W BT BT 0 CE RA RT GP W E W 1W 0.4 E 5d BT E 150 5 BT 5d E 0.4 BT 0.8 5d S5 0 KEY W SITE BOUNDARY W 100 0.4 0d 0 15 22 W W BT W W BT BT OSA EOT FW Ex 0.450d 1 7BT2 .80d T 1W EMPTY 0.45d W BT W d .70 W 0 15 d E d 0.50 .4 0 5 1W EO EOT W BT W W E BT W BT BT d E W 5d PROPOSED FOUL WATER NETWORK PROPOSED SURFACE WATER NETWORK PROPOSED DRAINAGE TRENCHES E E W BT EXISTING (PUBLIC) FOUL WATER NETWORK PROPOSED PERMEABLE BLOCK W 0 0.4 PROPOSED CONNECTION TO EXISTING PRIVATE FOUL NETWORK SUBJECT TO CONDITION SURVEY OF DOWNSTREAM LATERAL AND SECTION 106 AGREEMENT WITH THAMES WATER. 5d BT 0.4W F 0d W x 0 E .09 45dE 2 W7 0.3 BT 5 22 OSA IN TRENCH SCAR W W 9. DRAINAGE STRATEGY SUBJECT TO DETAILED DESIGN DEVELOPMENT. W OSA OSA 1W EMPTY 0.45d E BT W OSA 8. THE CONTRACTOR SHOULD NOTE THAT THE SERVICES SHOWN ARE NOT TO BE CONSIDERED EXHAUSTIVE. PRIVATE SERVICES MAY BE PRESENT WITHIN THE LIMIT OF WORKS AND CARE SHOULD BE TAKEN TO LOCATE AND AVOID THESE DURING CONSTRUCTION. W E BT W W E BT W 5d BT 5 22 W 7. THE CONTRACTOR SHOULD ALLOW FOR ANY NECESSARY LIAISON WITH THE STATUTORY UTILITIES DURING THE COURSE OF THE WORKS TO AVOID ANY DISRUPTION TO EXISTING CUSTOMER SUPPLIES. 0 .7 BT 5d 0.7 E 6. PERMEABLE PAVING AND INFILTRATION TRENCH TO BE A MINIMUM OF 5m FROM ANY PROPOSED / EXISTING BUILDING FOUNDATIONS OR PUBLIC ROADS. T BW E d 5 0.4 2W BT W 5d 0.4BT W 0.8 0.6 NURSERY & GUIDE CENTRE BTW E OF EN BT W W E W W W WATER LINE BT BT BT BT LINE OVERHEAD LINES d 45 0. E BT E S4 BT BT BT W E E ELECTRICAL LINE NU 0 10 BT W E S3 W E U BT W & G E BT D d 45 0. 00d 1. U G E BT BT R A SC E BT BT W E W E RY E RS BT BT RL E ID CE I BT BT 5 22 E 0d BT W 5d 0.4 5d 0.7 0d W 0.3 E 0.6 BT W SURFACE WATER DIFFUSER UNIT E TR N 5d T 0.6 B E E 1W 2W BTW W T EO 5d EOT T 5d B 0.6 2W W 0d E 0.8 30d 0. BT W B W 45 0. d REFER TO DRAINAGE STRATEGY NOTE 4 FOR DETAILS. BT d 65 0. 0d .0 T 1 BT E REFER TO DRAINAGE STRATEGY NOTE 5 FOR DETAILS. BT SW STUB FOR FUTURE CONNECTION FROM EXTENSION BT BT Rev BT Amendments Drn Chk App Date BT BT S2 0d 0.5 BT BT BT BT S1 E CR Telephone: 01256 331144 Fax: 01256 331134 E: W: Tuscany House White Hart Lane Basingstoke Hampshire RG21 4AF 0 10 WATER FEATURE Job Title LAND AT CHAWTON PARK ROAD, ALTON Drawing Title OUTLINE DRAINAGE STRATEGY REHAB CENTRE Client 0 10 P:\13-231 - Land at Chawton Park Road, Alton\Tech\Acad\Drawings\13-231-001 Outline Drainage Strategy.dwg E BT W E OSA Scale Date 1:250 @A1 Drawn Designed DEC '13 Checked AA Job No TS Approved TS BAC Drawing No 13-231 Rev 13-231/001 - APPENDIX G Micro Drainage Surface Water Storage Calculations Odyssey Markides LLP Tuscany House White Hart Lane Basingstoke RG21 4AF Date 18/12/2013 16:55 File PERMEABLE PAVING... Micro Drainage Page 1 Land adjancent to Chawton Park Road Designed by TS Checked by Source Control 2013.1.1 Summary of Results for 100 year Return Period (+30%) Half Drain Time : 101 minutes. Storm Event 15 30 60 120 180 240 360 480 600 720 960 1440 2160 2880 4320 5760 7200 8640 10080 15 30 60 min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min Max Level (m) Summer 116.538 Summer 116.630 Summer 116.710 Summer 116.756 Summer 116.755 Summer 116.736 Summer 116.692 Summer 116.650 Summer 116.616 Summer 116.588 Summer 116.540 Summer 116.469 Summer 116.396 Summer 116.342 Summer 116.270 Summer 116.224 Summer 116.192 Summer 116.168 Summer 116.149 Winter 116.580 Winter 116.693 Winter 116.817 Storm Event 15 30 60 120 180 240 360 480 600 720 960 1440 2160 2880 4320 5760 7200 8640 10080 15 30 60 min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min Max Max Max Depth Infiltration Volume (m) (l/s) (m³) Status 0.538 10.6 67.8 0.630 12.2 87.6 0.710 12.2 103.1 Flood 0.756 12.2 110.5 Flood 0.755 12.2 110.4 Flood 0.736 12.2 107.4 Flood 0.692 12.2 99.8 0.650 12.2 91.8 0.616 12.1 84.6 0.588 11.6 78.5 0.540 10.6 68.2 0.469 9.2 52.8 0.396 7.8 37.6 0.342 6.7 28.1 0.270 5.3 17.5 0.224 4.4 12.1 0.192 3.8 8.9 0.168 3.3 6.7 0.149 2.9 5.3 0.580 11.4 76.8 0.693 12.2 100.0 0.817 12.2 118.9 Flood Rain Flooded Time-Peak (mm/hr) Volume (mins) (m³) Summer 121.761 Summer 81.796 Summer 52.391 Summer 32.351 Summer 24.014 Summer 19.302 Summer 14.207 Summer 11.411 Summer 9.619 Summer 8.361 Summer 6.696 Summer 4.887 Summer 3.559 Summer 2.838 Summer 2.059 Summer 1.638 Summer 1.372 Summer 1.188 Summer 1.052 Winter 121.761 Winter 81.796 Winter 52.391 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 18 32 60 92 126 160 228 294 356 420 548 794 1148 1504 2208 2944 3672 4408 5136 17 31 60 ©1982-2013 Micro Drainage Ltd O K O K Risk Risk Risk Risk O K O K O K O K O K O K O K O K O K O K O K O K O K O K O K Risk Odyssey Markides LLP Tuscany House White Hart Lane Basingstoke RG21 4AF Date 18/12/2013 16:55 File PERMEABLE PAVING... Micro Drainage Page 2 Land adjancent to Chawton Park Road Designed by TS Checked by Source Control 2013.1.1 Summary of Results for 100 year Return Period (+30%) Storm Event 120 180 240 360 480 600 720 960 1440 2160 2880 4320 5760 7200 8640 10080 min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min Max Level (m) Winter 116.893 Winter 116.879 Winter 116.831 Winter 116.742 Winter 116.670 Winter 116.618 Winter 116.580 Winter 116.517 Winter 116.428 Winter 116.340 Winter 116.281 Winter 116.209 Winter 116.168 Winter 116.141 Winter 116.122 Winter 116.108 Storm Event 120 180 240 360 480 600 720 960 1440 2160 2880 4320 5760 7200 8640 10080 min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min Max Max Max Depth Infiltration Volume (m) (l/s) (m³) Status 0.893 12.2 126.8 Flood 0.879 12.2 125.6 Flood 0.831 12.2 120.6 Flood 0.742 12.2 108.4 Flood 0.670 12.2 95.8 0.618 12.2 85.1 0.580 11.4 76.8 0.517 10.2 63.1 0.428 8.4 43.9 0.340 6.7 27.7 0.281 5.5 18.9 0.209 4.1 10.5 0.168 3.3 6.8 0.141 2.8 4.8 0.122 2.4 3.6 0.108 2.1 2.8 Rain Flooded Time-Peak (mm/hr) Volume (mins) (m³) Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter 32.351 24.014 19.302 14.207 11.411 9.619 8.361 6.696 4.887 3.559 2.838 2.059 1.638 1.372 1.188 1.052 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 136 174 248 314 378 444 572 822 1172 1528 2244 2944 3672 4400 5080 ©1982-2013 Micro Drainage Ltd Risk Risk Risk Risk O K O K O K O K O K O K O K O K O K O K O K O K Odyssey Markides LLP Tuscany House White Hart Lane Basingstoke RG21 4AF Date 18/12/2013 16:55 File PERMEABLE PAVING... Micro Drainage Page 3 Land adjancent to Chawton Park Road Designed by TS Checked by Source Control 2013.1.1 Rainfall Details Rainfall Model FSR Winter Storms Yes Return Period (years) 100 Cv (Summer) 0.750 Region England and Wales Cv (Winter) 0.840 M5-60 (mm) 19.900 Shortest Storm (mins) 15 Ratio R 0.350 Longest Storm (mins) 10080 Summer Storms Yes Climate Change % +30 Time Area Diagram Total Area (ha) 0.347 Time (mins) Area From: To: (ha) 0 4 0.347 ©1982-2013 Micro Drainage Ltd Odyssey Markides LLP Tuscany House White Hart Lane Basingstoke RG21 4AF Date 18/12/2013 16:55 File PERMEABLE PAVING... Micro Drainage Page 4 Land adjancent to Chawton Park Road Designed by TS Checked by Source Control 2013.1.1 Model Details Storage is Online Cover Level (m) 117.000 Porous Car Park Structure Infiltration Coefficient Base (m/hr) 0.08856 Width (m) 16.0 Membrane Percolation (mm/hr) 1000 Length (m) 62.0 Max Percolation (l/s) 275.6 Slope (1:X) 100.0 Safety Factor 2.0 Depression Storage (mm) 5 Porosity 0.30 Evaporation (mm/day) 3 Invert Level (m) 116.000 Cap Volume Depth (m) 0.450 ©1982-2013 Micro Drainage Ltd