Deep Sea


Deep Sea
Edward Warrior
1st edition
Rio de Janeiro – RJ
Author Edition
Author's edition
Original title: Deep Sea
ISBN 978-85-919815-1-9
Format: E-Pub
System requirements: Adobe Digital Editions
Access Mode: World Wide Web
ISBN 978-85-919815-1-9 (electronic resource)
All rights reserved. Prohibited within the limits
established by law, the total or partial
reproduction of this work, storage or
transmission by electronic or mechanical,
photocopying or any other disposal thereof,
without the prior written consent of the
FOREWORD ............................................................ 6
Chapter I .............................................................. 17
We are the Result of Ourselves! ......................................... 17
Homo Sapiens .................................................................. 29
Chapter II ............................................................ 58
The man stepped on the moon it?...................................... 58
Survival of Ancestral Legacy .............................................. 77
Chapter III ......................................................... 103
Probabilities ................................................................... 103
The Principle of Genius Acquired ...................................... 121
Chapter IV .......................................................... 141
Factor - Space x Time ..................................................... 141
The hypothesis of Planet X, Nibiru, Nemesis...................... 154
The External Threat ........................................................ 173
The Multiverse or the Theory of Everything ....................... 181
The grandfather paradox does not exist! .......................... 185
The core ........................................................................ 194
Chapter V ........................................................... 201
The War Lords ............................................................... 201
Chapter VI .......................................................... 247
Aztlántida ...................................................................... 247
TIMEU ........................................................................... 248
CRÍTIAS......................................................................... 286
Chapter VII ........................................................ 316
The DEEP SEA ................................................................ 316
BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................. 338
The all explorers who keep within
them the thirst for drink directly
from the source of knowledge and
of the mysteries surrounding the
ancient and recent history. This
book shows that it is possible to
overcome the adversities of life
solely by it exists, and it is never
too late to start looking for answers,
even the most difficult.
Deep Sea, by Edward Warrior
"Timaeus: ... In my view, it is first necessary to realize
the following. What is what has always existed and
never had a beginning? And that is what they should
and never is? The first is apprehended by the
understanding with the help of reason, because it is
always equal to itself, while the other is, followed by
the need of reason, because every moment is born
and dies without ever being truly what it is. Then:
Everything rises or creates necessarily originates It is
a question, because nothing can originate without
cause "PLATO. Timaeus and Critias dialogue.
Recently the scientific community was surprised by the
announcement of the Royal Society, a leading English
academy studies, as to the need for the UN (United
Nations) to create a plan of defense and prevention
against extraterrestrial contacts. Other entities and
renowned people including the brilliant astrophysicist
Stephen Hawking, predicts that the first contacts the
official form must be avoided at all costs, with the
warning that may bring irreversible consequences for
It is no longer under discussion if extraterrestrial life
exists or not, is apparently clear that despite all the
world's governments deny their existence obviously
experts in this subject have opinions contrary. Thinking
about it raises the question of why, if any concrete,
tangible evidence, these governments do not see the
Deep Sea, by Edward Warrior
public gradually to aware world population of their
existence in the forms and colors that are peculiar and
prepare for the inevitable and fateful days that will
succeed the former world's transition to the new, as
occurred in the Middle Ages during the Great Discoveries.
The Catholic Church as an institution has accepted
openly and in public that there will certainly be entities of
diversity around the world each a mirror of his own God,
after his kind, then, there is also more to excuse, at least
with regard to Catholicism on the man to be a single
entity and the image and likeness of the Creator.
Therefore, the Creator will be the true image of that
entity included in the stories of each civilization, as in our
case. The other less extremists religions have always
accepted that in their ancient accounts of creation and
direct descendants of the gods, as the fanatical there is
nothing to say as it has on its books and codices absolute
truth that suits them and unchanging following its
doctrines, which also does not fit the question, is not
object end of this book.
With regard to governments, as well as military strategy
of using reverse technology, non-public information of
the existence of external intelligent entities is because
they firmly believe that there is no need to inform the
population more than what it should know, therefore
people will not open new public or private discussions
about their stocks which are no longer consolidated in
forms and formats that are not in the fantasy level, or
Deep Sea, by Edward Warrior
will force the close encounters of the third kind or any
other level.
On the other hand, there is a significant segment of
individuals who bored with the course that their lives are
taking, are desperate for a significant and radical turn in
the course of the journey of humanity, and the discovery
of intelligent life and participation in our day to day other
unconventional entities would kilo that give new meaning
and direction to the human race, even if it stayed in our
survival evidence.
Functions as the drugs where the tangible reality no
longer meets Ace everyday needs. For my part, could not
in any way fail to opine, I think the same way that a
government does not consider me trusted to reveal the
evidence that can bring a new age of discoveries and
caution to the advent of the diversity of humanity of
which I am part, I also believe that at some point if
necessary where will be necessary to my personal
commitment to resistance in a possible unreported or
invisible war invasion, and it's proven over the pages of
our history, will not have my support unless the survival
instinct that is inherent to yell louder.
And yet, consider that those who forcibly kept me in the
dark of the facts, on a scale of choices will be less
important than others who knowingly ignored such
stocks and deserve the chance to try. We are at the
beginning of XXI century with attitudes and thoughts
even of past centuries, we cannot and must not believe
in the power because we know that "Absolute power
Deep Sea, by Edward Warrior
corrupts absolutely" as already cited Lord Acton, in a
letter to Bishop M. Creighton in 1887.
So the cunning and powerful at the top of the social
pyramid and policy and of them must always be
suspicious, together with these is also the media press
whose main purpose is to take the information to your
readers, however in recent decades, due to the amount
of publishing misinformation, deliberate or not, using
poor content in an attempt to ridicule the students of
extraterrestrial life or lead to public opinion, whether
bacteriological or not, end up alienating reasonable doubt
and reliable study.
Not all (I think most), I think that for the existence of life
in outer space a spaceship necessary land in front of the
Eiffel Tower or the White House lawn, although this was
undoubtedly one made memorable the best Hollywood
style of The Day the Earth Stood Still (The Day the Earth
Stood Still - 1951).
To the People of the SETI - Search for Extra-Terrestrial
Intelligence, the first contact is a matter of time, if not
already happened ... New radio telescopes are to come
on stream globally hoping to listen to one pulse sequence
radio coming from somewhere in space, a known or
unknown constellation, and received in 1977, the WOW
name! (Which we shall see in Chapter IV), which until
now did not receive an acceptable explanation for this
anomaly, or "message in a bottle".
Deep Sea, by Edward Warrior
They hope in the near future can confirm the
assumptions and antique reports that claim that we are a
creation of the masters of the Andromeda galaxy or more
precisely the constellation of Orion. Interestingly, despite
all the existing records which researched on the subject,
I found no reliable reference on which names for Planet
Earth and the Solar System we inhabit are recognized by
these travelers and/or deities.
Meanwhile, we seek answers on our own planet trying to
understand the aspect of its creation and uniqueness that
led plural form so the abundance of life in multifaceted
ways. Understand the sequence of events of the creation
of the world as we know it can show us how the Earth is
rare or assume, why not, the infinite number of planets
similar to ours even with similar life support or not.
In all cases the technology we have today and since the
distances are measured in Light Years and the absence
of intelligent life, at least as far as we know, in the solar
system in which we live does not seem reasonable to be
the least possibility of doing immediate contact other
than by folds Space, of which we have no knowledge of
how to create them, or even if they exist, which
otherwise leaves us unimaginable linear spaces to be
The depths of the oceans will also be object of this
literature, other universes to explore in search of ancient
civilizations and supernatural creatures, cognizant that
when faced with the unknown there will always be
doubts among master it or be dominated, including the
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overwhelming curiosity that consecutively drives our
evolutionary system, find out without much difficulty that
we are both the Creator and the creature. We need also
have the sensitivity required to realize how small we are
in our lives and how much time elapsed from the way the
measure is insignificant for the universe we inhabit.
That alone will be a giant step in the right direction, by
itself; this reason will be half way to understand the
mechanics of operating all and all, even in theory. I
would advise you always should use the perspective of
the referential point of view of where we are, we are the
observers, although no observer is privileged to its own
point of view.
Theories of parallel universes and spatial / temporal
vortex will be some of the existing ideas and discussed in
order to travel without restrictions almost in "real time"
to other planets and galaxies, after all interplanetary
travel that take generations to complete are soon quite
rightly discarded, the impossibility of currently applied
technology, logistics and operational aspect of this
monumental event.
Another factor is the condition of human adaptation to
outer space using artificial gravity to prevent the rapid
degeneration of bodies and cryogenic suspension or
similar cameras in an attempt to minimize the adverse
effects of space time in travelers. Including aging in the
difficult task of colonization of new worlds, near and far.
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Far from the so complicated and rudimentary forms as
we do to our satellite hitherto natural moon and other
stars of greater magnitude as the neighboring planet
Mars, Jupiter's moons and what else is in range of a
The Earth's moon is too interesting if we take into
account aspects that has been evidenced through the
original photos of the dark side and dark of this star
taken by AS15 missions and AS20 NASA - National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, available even in
official agencies, which raise as well as assumptions
about alien colonies still exist on its surface, traces of
ruins and vehicles supposedly millions of years ago (or
not) from what we today call "The Battle Lunar".
Against the claim that man has landed on the surface
and even in places where there are such constructions,
besides the astronaut reports as there is presence of
intelligent beings during the APOLLO missions, we need
to go deeper in discussing the veracity of the facts and
credibility their authors.
Or simply dismiss them summarily and left for the next
challenge to elucidate other more relevant issues that
haunt mankind for centuries. As we will see in the course
of reading, categorically refute with foundation evidence
is as important as authenticates it even empirically, it
clarifies and leverage any theory or hypothesis
shortening paths to your solution and application.
The moon is not so far that a probe cannot be launched
by any particular institution that has the aim primarily to
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demystify the rumors while to map the lunar surface with
better quality pictures by digital technology we have
today, these processes that are already being put into
practice, however what comes in the hands is always a
questionable quality, questionable or tampered with,
perhaps on purpose.
Explanations for the "rumble Lunar", the reverberation
echoed like a bell for hours followed by the landing of the
first lunar modules and for which we have no definitive
explanation, whether the moon is hollow or low density,
it is a natural satellite or artificial with regard to its
construction are among the questions to be answered
are questions which we may be on the threshold of your
answers and satisfy the infinite curiosity.
Whether we like them or not this will be another issue to
discuss. There are many questions and speculations,
there are few objective and explanatory answers and
their interpretation, however, we should look with some
skepticism to the existence or presence of alien life in our
country, but we cannot rule out that just as we are
dedicated searching for life outside other entities should
be doing the same thing and may have the good fortune
to point your search equipment to the right star, which
could have happened after thousands of years of
You may rest assured that there is intelligent life in outer
space it is the fact they have not caught any kind of
contact with us, since we are a dangerous species,
including ourselves!
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With that in mind comes the second question, that the
hypothetical case they have received any of our millions
of daily radio broadcasts which would lead them to want
to make contact with another civilization, more human,
so fickle and warlike?
We are a species so rare and unique or that puts the
balance of the universe constantly at risk?
Of course it could be infinite curiosity to know where we
came from and where we are going, it could also be just
establish a parallel between their worlds together we
apply the various concurrent theories or seeing
discrepancies, but an intelligent civilization would be
interested in making contact such an adverse species
tends to extinguish itself?
In any case we should not rule out the need for stronger
outweigh the weak, for surely it would be that we
humans would do, as we have done in the recent past
during the Great Discoveries, civilizations were entirely
wiped out with all the rich and developed ancient
knowledge their cultures simply because they do not fit
in most Old World concepts stage of all known wars to
conquer and dominate, that in the fifteenth century
landed on its shores yet to rediscover.
We have always been and will be bellicose and rulers on
earth we inhabit what would be different in the case of
alien worlds? Certainly nothing.
The book that follows is a compendium of theories and
ideas, some existing and other variables derived from
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studies, it is also an invitation to stimulate the
imagination, challenge not only what is written here as
hypotheses and eliminate others. We travel looking for
distant galaxies, parallel universes of antimatter and the
vastness of outer space; after all he has purpose or is
contained within a test tube on the table of a researcher?
Enter on the true story of the origin of man and the lost
continent of Mu or Lemúria, and that gave rise to the
name of the Atlantic Ocean, Aztlántida, without this we
need to create new myths, just present the facts and
evidence and who have courage to go after them to put
his name in the pages of history and cover it, as was said
before, with "GOLD AND GLORY". Not only the sky is the
limit (if it exists) as well as the ocean depths, the ancient
polar ice caps and the interior of the earth's crust, there
is a whole world of possibilities to be discovered and is
available to any curious mind that cruising.
We learn early in our lives that nothing is what it seems,
everything changes but nothing is created that no longer
exists somehow in nature, just do not have your
knowledge to the rediscover and as such, for those who
choose to read this book that is asked is that will need to
be open-minded to the discovery of new probabilities,
indisputable issues and weighty arguments, review the
historical concepts and perhaps change the thinking
without this need to give up their beliefs and preestablished concepts . This will be the great challenge
presented and each will set its limits.
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"A mind that is closed to the diversity
of thought tends to see only what is
convenient for the sustainability of
their world, therefore close our eyes
to the immensity of the universe and
the diversity of knowledge."
Edward Warrior
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Chapter I
We are the Result of Ourselves!
That said, there is still the question of where we come
This book does not claim to revolutionize the history and
modern science to why it would be an uphill battle,
"What is established is established", much less
create a new religion, but rather to stimulate the
imagination of those who seek other answers to the
unanswered questions, and the answers are not
satisfactory and therefore can create new theories or
they are for themselves.
Not always there will be a conclusive factor, on the
contrary, the idea is that the reader work out their
theories and put them into practice to know what we do
not speculate and have access to thoughtless, no matter
how obvious it was and was in front of our noses, the
which is very common because just like a game of chess,
who is outside have a better view of the strategy of the
players than they actually those inside it.
And for this reason all who are not directly inserted into
the equations are probably those who will have more
opportunities to highlighting errors and show the path to
be followed with new methods and theories. Some of the
best ways we can use will be for start obtaining reliable
answers, question the archaeological and anthropological
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methods and being put into practice at this time, as in
the past, and understand the processes that are used to
make excavations and classifications layers of strata that
compose them.
Another aspect also we approach will be the most used
dating methods and through them you can confirm with
certainty the accuracy with which they are made and
these may or may not be classified in the true dates of
events, without ruling out the artifacts found in these
environments, depths and layers where they were found,
even if they seem unlikely or inadmissible be there by the
current scientific concept.
Therefore, it will make a small technical reading about
these processes, although not very deep, it is not the
main goal, but to show the advantages and
disadvantages without disqualifying in what they
propose, but only add content to exist emplacements the
problems identified and to be discussed. The scientific
community generally broad and unrestricted bases its
concepts and theories on carbon dating radio, consisting
of mass spectrometry of the objects to be examined and
that uses the naturally occurring isotope carbon-14 (14C)
to determine the age of carbonaceous materials up to
about 60,000 years ago with error margin variations
between 113-800 years.
Taking into account the thousands of years in question
can be said that margins the error will be within the
tolerances accepted by any researcher who wishes to get
dating with a degree of precision a given artifact,
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creature or theory to enter the studies and put at the
time of context. Another method is the soil stratification
consisting of several layers of sediment deposited over
geological ages which when samples taken vertically
there are multiple climate phases and sedimentation
therein, in this specific case there are some
considerations to be made, layer since a layer depending
on the thickness could mean a time difference between
five hundred thousand years or five years and so on.
Also in this case it is observed that the displacement of
this mass regularly in geological instability zones
ultimately change the characteristics of the deposited
material, which may be contaminated by other waste of
more recent origin, or deliberate insertion either by
human action or subterranean animals which in habits
introduce objects in these layers.
For the same reason it is very difficult to date precisely
certain objects or bones found in areas of predominantly
human/animal and consecutively are discarded and
invalidated as not being of specific dates or even
approximate the strata. What it is a great defeat for
understanding the assumption of existing civilizations of
which we are not aware and even with these types of
evidence discloses it without challenging them.
For questions still prevails evolutionary theory that puts
the modern man and his ancestors in specific periods of
the most recent geological ages without leave margins
for speculation could be wrong in dating and being older
than the established.
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After all know that "Every unanimity is dumb!" In the
famous words of Nelson Rodrigues thinker of the
twentieth century, because this behavior does not
represent challenges therefore not contemplates a
curious mind, but accepts a scientific consensus that
however unlikely that may opinion cannot be challenged
even in the field of hypothesis and as such is bound to
fail even if it takes decades for this to occur and perhaps
unique opportunity has passed.
Returning to the problem, so if a bones, obsidian or other
device with certain characteristics are in the geological
context "wrong" certainly there was an apparent
contamination by the current evolutionary concept, and
will be summarily dismissed and who try to force a
different idea of this will pass the personal discredit and
professional not only by the scientific journals of the
environment as by their own professional colleagues.
What is more common than it appears, often relegated to
ostracism bright contemporary minds to be recognized
decades or centuries later for his discoveries and
theories. This seems to be cyclical events in human
history that challenges everything we do not understand
so later reluctantly accept as truth. Today, must still exist
many people who believe the earth is flat, not spherical
just because it suits them in some way, it is about the
same as just believe in their God, nor in the other
although this is the same.
This is one of the largest scientific barriers, accepting
that modern man may be much older than assumed, so
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thousands if not millions of samples in archaeological
sites or urban transformation are discarded without being
able to credit the correct dating not only to objects as
ace site characteristics on the occasion of their times.
Somewhat resembles the process of conquest of the
Americas where the Jesuits invested owners of absolute
truth burned at the stake all the knowledge of the New
World preserved for hundreds if not thousands of years
in the libraries of there existing people, more respectively
Incas, Mayas, Aztecs and why not the Toltec’s who were
predecessors of these cultures, thereby erasing all social
and scientific memory of these civilizations in the name
of faith.
All turned to ashes in the name of progress as today still
do when the discovery of archaeological sites, except for
those who never got to aware and which in this case are
erased from the memory of the planet and saw dust.
Among them were all inherited and passed on knowledge
orally for generations for millennia only to be
immortalized on papyrus, ceramic tablets and carvings in
stone, finally finding the ultimate destination sunk into
the hands of Spanish conquistadors and their tormentors,
or relic hunters using the vanity of men to persevere in
their faith on new herds.
One of the most relevant facts that we are aware of the
indiscriminate destruction of Mayan culture was made
around 1566 AD by the domination of the then Spanish
empire in an attempt to impose Christianity and moral
values to the "savages" of the newly discovered
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continent, all done with the unrestricted approval of the
Catholic church who longed to increase the number of
faithful around the world, a factor that showed urgent
because of the rise of Islam throughout the east. What
still happens today. With the excuse to eradicate pagan
religions from the earth only three of these old and
ancient records were able to be preserved namely: the
These valuable sources of research are still preserved
and separated; even so they do not remain in one place
respectively in museums of Germany, Spain and France.
Maya glyphs in stucco
In this context the
bishop of Yucatan
Jesuit Diego Landa,
was one of the main
agents of destruction
of all secular knowledge that the Maya had preserved for
generations yet and against all odds, was also
responsible for yet they had some records as mentioned
above which are used as sources of studies until today.
In the words of Landa:
"Landa: We found a large number of books written
with these characters, as contained nothing that could
not be seen as superstition and devil lies, all we
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burned, what they [the Maya], much lamented,
causing them great distress ".
Centuries before the Alexandria Library dating from the
century. BC has come to gather more than 700,000
works of papyrus and other manuscript known
worldwide, its motto was to retain a copy of each
existing manuscript on earth.
Plutarch (46-120 AD) historian, biographer, essayist and
average Greek Platonic philosopher, best known for his
work Parallel Lives and Moralia wrote that General Julius
Caesar Roman military leader and politician, played a
critical role in the transformation of the Roman Republic
in Empire Roman.
It is said that during his visit to Alexandria in 48 BC,
accidentally burned the library when burned his own
ships to frustrate the attempt to limit the ability to
communicate by sea from Achillas minister and general
Ptolemy XIII, Egyptian pharaoh of the Ptolemaic dynasty,
head of the Egyptian army appointed by the Prime
Minister Potino, advancing against the Roman troops
surrounded and Alexandria.
According to Plutarch, the fire spread to the docks and
then the library. Initially there were two libraries Mother
and Daughter, Daughter Library was an addition to the
mother library, but because of the fire has taken on a
greater importance in the archive content.
Over the following centuries other arson and adverse
political conditions meant that there was a stampede of
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researchers and teachers in an attempt to preserve some
volumes led you. And if we have today in a privileged
place is due to these men, it can be said with absolute
certainty that there lay all the knowledge that time and
there were heading all intellectuals and thinkers.
Euclid (IV century BC.): Known as a mathematician
considered the father of geometry and pioneered the
study of optics. His work Elements was used as a
standard geometry until the nineteenth century.
Aristarchus of Samos (III century BC.): The first
astronomer to assume that the planets revolved around
the sun (not Nicolaus Copernicus). We used trigonometry
to calculate the distance from the Sun, Moon, and the
size of both.
Archimedes (III century BC.): Inventor and
mathematician made several discoveries, made the first
scientific effort to determine the value of Pi (π).
We can still cite Callimachus (305- 240 BC): Greek poet
and librarian, responsible for compiling the first catalog
of the Library of Alexandria, a breakthrough in the history
of bibliographic control that enabled the creation of the
official list (canon) of classical Greek literature.
Its catalog contained about 120 scrolls, Eratosthenes
(century BC.): One of the first librarians of Alexandria,
polymath (connoisseur of many sciences), calculated the
circumference of the Earth (since at that time it was
known that the Earth was round, what happened in the
centuries to the flat position?) with reasonable accuracy.
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Galen (II century AD.): Its 15 books on the science of
medicine have become standard for more than 12
centuries. Hypatia (IV century AD.): Director of the
Library of Alexandria, astronomer, mathematical,
philosopher, one of the greatest mathematical, it is
known for being pagan, was killed during a riot
Herófilo: the first to suggest that intelligence and
emotions were part of the brain and not the heart,
medical, considered the founder of the scientific method,
and finally Ptolemy (second century AD): astronomer
their geographical and astronomical writings were
accepted as the standard time.
Finally, on these libraries of Alexandria is counted even in
the annals of history in 642 AD libraries were destroyed
by order of Amr ibn al-As, provincial governor of Egypt
on behalf of Rashidun caliph Omar ibn al-Khattab, who
had It has been consulted by al-As on the willingness of
libraries which received the following caliph's response:
"The books here you mentioned the answer if your
content is in accordance with the book of Allah, we
can dismiss them, as in this case, the book of Allah is
more than enough If, however, contain something. Is
not according to the book of Allah, there is no need to
keep them. He goes and destroys them."
And the entire contents of papyri and manuscripts of the
libraries were used to keep warm the 4,000 public baths
of the city for the same period and not less than six
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months of our Gregorian calendar. As in other cases
(Bishop Landa) General Amr ibn al-As to the historical
records was a cultured person and although it was the
agent of destruction of libraries, a serenity flash saved
the works of Aristotle and other volumes including some
about medicine, otherwise the loss to humanity of these
ancient records would have been much higher and never
should have knowledge of their content these days.
As we see, this event would have a repeat in the same
mold nearly 1,000 years after the discovery of the New
World in the person of Bishop Diego de Landa and many
other moments of madness and human daydreams
throughout history, like the history not them had
anything taught, including attention to the similarity of
the responses in both cases. Note also those even
preaching different religions apologies at all differ.
And with this we come to the sad conclusion that
preserve means not perpetuate the history we have seen
this recently in conflict zones in the Middle East where
extremists use ancient historical monuments carved in
stone as training targets to test the powerful weapons of
war, showing a total lack of common sense and respect
to what should be considered heritage of mankind and
not a single nation.
Interestingly we venerate the remains of antiquity, but
not restored to its original glory by be afraid to erase the
marks of time, on the other hand, time and discord are in
charge to erase them forever that memory leaving no
doubt gaps on origins and creations of humanity. Aside
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from that, we know little more of the human saga on
Earth than the recent history dating back about 5,000
years, which we call prehistory.
Sumerian cosmogonic myth.
End of 3000 BC Iraq, ancient
Mesopotamia - Louvre Museum,
Richelieu, ground floor, room 3,
The prehistory is based on
period before
invention of writing around
3500 BC to wedge being
created by the Sumerians
the main living source that
time, standing out from the
others by the versatility with
which created tools to write
faster using only one stylus
and rotating ceramic tablets
so that could make the
vertical signals, horizontal and oblique, forming a concise
and readable writing. This gave new impetus to
communication and revolutionized human society at the
time and was critical to any tribal group who wanted to
perpetuate the knowledge and history of his people.
Not coincidentally, the earliest evidence we have of this
cuneiform are tablets that have been preserved in heated
clay during fires when the invasions of these places by
other people, and that remained buried as true capsules
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of time, which recovered thousands years later and
deciphered, brought to our attention past records, which
otherwise would only be lost stories echoing the sands of
time as legends, later possibly proven, that would
become equal to many others that today we sound like
fictitious or myths, If there were no such records.
This process perpetuating existed in ancient times when
there was the need to preserve the written content
indefinitely, otherwise the clay tablets were erased and
reused on a daily basis in a very useful recycling process
and were rarely cooked for storage unless it was
essential to the social and economic control. Not far from
Mesopotamia which was spreading writing the speed with
cuneiform through the Acadians people, Babylonians,
Elamitas, Hittites and Assyrians later adapted to be
written in their own languages, the Egyptians kept
records of their history through hieroglyphics depicting
human figures, animals and objects, pictograms drawn
on the walls of palaces, papyrus and stone carvings that
relied too, representations, historical passages of this
These records that come to the present day with enough
quality information since its decipherment by Jean
François Champollion in 1822 and Thomas Young in 1823
through the Rosetta Stone that contained an ancient
Egyptian text written in hieroglyphics, Greek and
Egyptian demotic, a large block of granite.
Here again we have the fate pushing science or giving
you new ways to go, the Rosetta Stone was discovered in
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1799 by men under Bonaparte Napoleon's command as
they crossed the Rosetta area in Egypt, refers to a
decree of Ptolemy V Epiphanies, the Ptolemaic Egypt.
Today, the stone is in the British Museum in London.
We’re not we know nothing about exactly what those
would mean hieroglyphic records or the stories they
This is note-so that all people throughout their lives and
geological time tried to leave marks and registers that
were not erased by time. But to be reached with this
explanation of the temporal records of civilizations of our
recent past?
We are always looking for answers about who we are
where we come from and where we go, but we
continually come across the unexplained or unknown
inadmissible and that somehow we need to take other
perspectives to existing facts and already forgotten. It is
plausible that the modern-modern man as we know it is
at least 50,000 years of existence and was a
contemporary of other hominid species such as
Neanderthals. In some cases in addition to coexist they
can also have mingled genetically.
Homo Sapiens
Modern science finds the modern-modern man in a very
narrow range of not more than 25,000 years, but when
we speak specifically of species found paradoxes that
leave large magnitude of temporal gaps that we shall see
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when we approach the time of the dinosaurs and dating
from the Triassic period to the Cretaceous.
One important thing to try to rescue the last human
history 20,000 years which is the focus of this book is
that you must first quantify the human race as a species
during the Pleistocene that covers this period and the last
Ice Age, which very interested in understanding how and
why it was the glacial melt and what were the real
consequences for the planet Earth and the inhabitants of
that time.
Although the characteristics of anatomically modern
humans are dated by science at 200,000 years and even
if there are conflicting reports regarding the Homo
Sapiens Idaltu (from the Latin - wise man) who
disappeared to give to modern man as the subspecies
from that time until 160,000 years, we can draw parallels
between them.
Only attributed the behavior to modern man with the
brain capable of complex problem solving, abstract
reasoning, language and insight into the last 50,000
years than incapacitates you have made cultural and
significant technological advances in this period even
without tangible records in the eyes of Current science to
corroborate these facts. If we transport for the European
Upper Paleolithic period about 40,000 years ago, we can
see that the man is moving forward as a society of the
language and preservation of the species when it joins in
tribes or clans and multiplies its lineage.
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Many records of this time by the evidence found in
Europe show that already used the cave painting as a
landmark to perpetuate its history and show daily life in
which they lived, they prove also that had a time division
of consciousness and had the distinct sense that they
needed leaving significant records for future generations.
Small figurines of Paleolithic Venus considered as being
goddesses of fertility and other objects show accelerated
evolution of the species in this production artifacts.
It had been drawn up funeral ceremonies which in a way
shows a latent concern with respect to the dead and why
not, life after death. They had knowledge of the division
of climate and mastery of fire stations, herded and
domesticated animals for their use. In theory, established
and developed societies even though located in the Stone
Age. Fed up record of that time indicates that modern
man was booming, but how many modern humans could
say that lived on the planet, emerged in areas of earth at
that time?
Much controversy exists on this subject and little
information can attest faithfully these figures, the closest
estimate that can be accepted if remaking reverse
counting using the formula of Population Dynamics
dating back to 50,000 years based on 7 billion existing
human today will be a few thousands coming home from
there million.
With this and the environmental adversities of weather in
transition Upper Paleolithic to the Neolithic beyond man's
natural predators added to disease and low life
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expectancy (about 30 years) which hindered the
proliferation of the species, it is quite natural that we find
very little evidence of modern humans at that time, so
when looking for traces of human settlements from
ancient times although recent, one should take into
account the low level of human inhabitants for each
period in question and the geographical conditions.
Evolve brings continuous generations, much study and
learning throughout the life of the individual to be passed
on like a baton in an Olympic relay race. Because there is
precarious life expectancy along with possible low births
and livelihoods, we have a social evolution of man slow
and why not say, lazy. Human evolution will drag on for
another 30,000 years to reach the Mesolithic in the
transition between the two geological eras.
Meanwhile in which it crosses the period of chipped stone
modern man realizes the nature and strength as being
above their comprehension and understanding,
attributing everything you see and cannot explain the
higher forces that rule the known world and that later
will be called Gods. Each deity represents a force of
nature for the most timely intensity, or the haunting
beauty of the sunrise or the diversity of stars in the sky
at dusk.
Put ourselves in the time context to understand that the
modern of old man took considerable time to evolve due
to the environment in which they lived and still had
enough willpower to move forward in an attempt to
perpetuate the species can be considered as an
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extraordinary achievement. It is extremely important,
and if not so we will never understand the world around
us today, the search for traces of antiquity is made
without discarding the most diverse possibilities for more
extravagant they may be.
We need to consider that science can be wrong in
disposal of evidence in situ only because the traditional
archeology has established limits on archaeological
forensic science that cannot be overcome even by the
speculative process. This creates the Forbidden
Archaeology and marginalized made of dark and
successively discredited way when exposed to the public
and when not simply swept under the carpet as
archaeological trash.
On current human settlement processes excavations are
needed with very powerful machines that raise tons of
sediment at once, too many are the evidence of
prehistoric human activity (understood to be the prehistory as only the recent past before writing and not
much more remote than that) can be accurately date the
periods in which they were buried as the processes
already described earlier this chapter.
The bones are able to tell the age, type and even that
ethnological group the individual belonged, the tools that
are usually found along s graves and fires tell us how
those tribes lived, what they fed and which migrations
were important to the current way of life time prevailed.
For mankind and prehistoric man as a whole this aspect
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was not different, perpetuating the species was the main
reason of existence.
Genetic proliferation albeit unconscious by primitive man
is still noticeable today. Studies show that in times of war
or after major disasters birth rates reach triple compared
to normal standards like there was an urgent need to
perpetuate the species. Nature somehow I do not
understand fully claims for itself the responsibility to not
disappear because of these adversities up so that the
natural balance is maintained in the organic chain.
Take into account also the human and social difficulties
in transposing the new challenges that these events
imposed against our will and the need to establish
affective bonds even with strangers in order not to stay
alone in this confrontation. This is how to strengthen
through personal alliances need to survive at any cost
and proven fact by post-cataclysmic studies in all parts of
the world, on the other hand it can be said that the only
reason we continue to exist today are our ancestors.
It was through the sacrifice of each of them in their
times, they have been the Dark Ages or not we got up to
the present day and we should be proud to continue this
saga of humanity on planet Earth. Perhaps if humans had
this collective consciousness of society as a whole could
walk in the same direction without the daily discord
imposed on us by reason of race, color, creed or opinion.
Although for the Éons which are the largest subdivisions
of time geological time, the passage of man on Earth is a
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snap, one should think that we have purpose in this
adventure. We humans share the life cycles on days,
nights, hours, minutes and seconds based on turnaround
time that the Earth has on its own axis and in years for
the duration of Earth translation movement around the
Sun, all this in order to locate in time and create a
"visible" memory.
We have in mind that this is a time measure to satisfy
the human need to quantify the environment we live in,
so on. Not being universal measures that can be applied
as absolute in all, but still can measure times and
distances and thus establish our own existence
parameters, or simply would not have how to reference
As previously mentioned, in traditional archaeological
excavations all traces of antiquity that do not fit the
current concept is discarded and it will be erasing the
geological human memory to create others that fit the
accepted academic standards.
A lot of it goes from the academic vanity in trying to put
his theories even if based on substantial evidence as
absolute truth not giving rise to situations that may
generate controversy. In this case it is important to
remember that the phrase (this author) "The absolute
truth invariably leads to intolerance" is an accurate
portrayal of not only the religious aspect but also in the
scientific intolerance is a recurring and retrograde evil.
The experience usually brings a room for acceptance of
the immediate and precipitate errors in judgment
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answers, creating an addiction based on pre-existing
concepts. By the same Galileo and Copernicus reasons
were penalized in the Middle Ages in claims that the
earth was round the example of the known stars,
although they could not prove reliably in the eyes of the
scientific society of the time, later to prove that they
were perfectly right in his theories. But the damage had
already been irreversibly done!
Even as these scholars were not at all pleased that their
names be blotted out of history or summarily discredited
publicly, albeit posthumous appropriate corrections have
been made and these historical aspects redone. Thus we
see that history tends to repeat itself endlessly regardless
of the age we live in. One of the most curious facts about
this item is exactly the notorious and purposeful
recurring loss of knowledge acquired through the ages.
In 200 BC Eratosthenes mathematician, grammarian,
poet, geographer, librarian and astronomer of ancient
Greece, known for calculating the circumference of the
Earth and chief librarian of Alexandria realized that at
noon on June 21 in the city of Syene in Egypt the sun's
rays They reached the bottom of a well determining the
longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere, the
summer solstice, without projected shadows on their wall
in this way and knowing that Alexandria was further
north, the sun's rays arrive more oblique in that area.
Volunteered to do an experiment and that same day at
the same time, put a stick on his feet, measured the
angle formed by the shadow of the sun and divided that
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figure by 360. Obtained results 1/50, that is, if you
walked between Syene and Alexandria 50 times, would
have been equivalent to the circumference of the planet.
Eratosthenes also called "Beta" (for being considered the
second best in the world in his time) hired a professional
hiker, a person trained to give perfectly equal steps to
cover the distance between the two cities, ending his
calculations, deduced that the circumference of the earth
was 39,750 km or as season 5000 stadiums.
Today it is estimated that the distance around the
equator is 40,075. Aristotle philosopher who lived
between 384-322 BC mentor of Alexander the Great and
Plato disciple of which more later, as this time defended
the concept of the spherical Earth with empirical basis, in
the field of hypothesis, theory this raised in the sixth
century BC by Pythagoras although most of the preSocratic philosophers defend the concept of flat Earth.
So the idea that the Earth was spherical it was not
something new in the Middle Ages.
Plato when he quotes by then the myth of Atlantis (which
demystify later with the precise geographical location
where it is today) through the Timaeus speech, writes:
"Timaeus: ... the island (Atlantis) was larger than
Libya and Asia put together, and was the way to other
islands, and these islands could cross to the opposite
continent, which surrounds the true ocean; because
this sea (the Mediterranean), which is within the
Straits of Heracles is only one berth, having a tight
entrance (now Gibraltar), while the other input is a
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true sea and land around can truly be called
A clear demonstration of knowledge from other
continents and the circumference of the Earth, however
it took at least 20 centuries after this pronouncement
which originated from older sources, in order to
rediscover something that was already known, that the
earth was round!
What a waste of time! One should think how much
humanity would have advanced significantly if it had
proof of this theory in ancient times to the point that
even then be established colonies overseas, and all the
history that we know today would need to be rewritten,
and that the own history have trodden other paths.
Although we are aware that there are tangible records of
voyages to the American continent in the past coming
periods prior to the discoveries in the fourteenth and
fifteenth centuries, and even the proximity of Asia to the
North American continent is surprising that only in the
Middle Ages the "discovery" and conquest or colonization
if you like, I mean achievement considering that the
continents were inhabited and there were considerable
civilizations at that time that had to be mastered by
force, has been possible only in the fifteenth century but
no less timely and survival for Humanity / decadent
society of that time.
Leif Erikson an out-of-law and maritime explorer
popularly known as the first European to discover North
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America around the ninth century and, more specifically,
the area that would become Canada, after being expelled
from Norway and Iceland He landed in Greenland (found
it) and there founded two Norse colonies, the Western
Colony and Eastern Cologne, was the son of Eric the Red,
heading south, found quite wooded land, and later signs
stands where he landed to make contact with the native
inhabitants, Native Americans and called them
Skraelings, meaning "ugly".
Since the Norse was white-skinned blondes and redheads
and very different Indians than they were accustomed
called the land Vinland means Land of vineyards to
attract more Nordic, and establish a new colony.
Living with the Indians was peaceful during the months
of camp, where they exchanged furs and leather for
Nordic fabrics. He founded the city of L'Anse aux
Meadows that had the population of about thirty people,
and returned to his homeland to get more people to this
wonderful discovery, but knew that his father had died
and had to take Brattahlid village instead.
In the years that followed people continued immigrating
to the new colony by the year 1012, when the indigenous
population invaded and destroyed every home, not
getting clear exactly why that ensued. Some survived
and were later found in excavations carried out in 1962,
along with remnants of Viking pottery, which in fact
proved the existence of Vinland.
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In 1964, US President Lyndon B. Johnson proclaimed
October as Day Nine of Leif Ericsson in order to celebrate
the arrival of the first European to North America.
Although there are many controversies about the
discovery of the Americas the fact is that in the Middle
Ages with a European population impoverished,
weakened economies and why not overcrowded, the
discovery of new lands sounded like a survival which is
echoing over 500 years to race human.
It would be inconceivable today we could still be alive
without breath that new continents have to keep moving
forward, as it this way, it was a great luck for today that
those lands had remained in an "unknown" for the rest
the civilized world for centuries. It makes little or no
difference other than for historical purposes that
discovered the fire or the Americas, because if we
consider the story as it is told Christopher Columbus
would not be the true discoverer of the countries.
Columbus arrived in 1492 to San Salvador in what is
called today the Bahamas and Cuba which landed on 28
October of that year.
The following year in 1493 landed in Puerto Rico,
Jamaica and the Dominican Republic among other small
islands of Martinique only in 1498 in the third voyage
reached the South American continent at the mouth of
the Orinoco River in Venezuela. The fourth and final
expedition in 1502 came to Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa
Rica and Panama. Assigning the discovery of America by
using the scientific mode occurred by considering that
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were the islands further west in Europe and that there
was no actual knowledge of the division of tectonic
plates, effectively these first islands further west were on
the continental shelf American.
Today with the oceanographic research capabilities we
have verified that the complex archipelago of Azores
Portuguese possession from 1431 discovered by Gonçalo
Velho that landed on the island of St. Mary of Henry the
Navigator service, in a letter dated July 2 1439 and
addressed to his brother Pedro, is the first safe reference
on the exploitation of the archipelago that have islands
on the three continental shelves.
What was not known at that time and we know very
precisely today is that the main islands of the archipelago
are positioned on the three Atlantic continental shelves,
They are respectively the islands of Graciosa, Terceira
and São Miguel in the Eurasian, Faial, Pico and Santa
Maria in the African and finally the island of Flores and
Corvo discovered in 1452 in continental North American
plate, which would put the Portuguese as discoverers of
the Americas, unconsciously at least 40 years before the
voyage of Columbus.
Still effectively in relation ace Americas valley also
remember another fact which is referred to the visit that
took place upon the return of the journey of exploration
of Diogo de Teive also Portuguese navigator and his son,
John Teive, to Newfoundland on a prospecting trip. The
island of Newfoundland is in the northwest Atlantic
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Ocean and is one of two regions that make up the
Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador
Peninsula to another.
The Newfoundland has been discovered by the
Portuguese navigators João Vaz Corte-Real and Alvaro
Martins Homem, around the year 1472. Later also
credited to John Alvares Fagundes, another sailor and
Portuguese explorer who should be the recognition of
their coast. So the story is and always will be written by
the victors and interpreted by men in ways that best
serve their purposes, there is no point creating theories
on any matters if there is the slightest chance to put
them into practice to validate them or refute.
In this regard invalidate a theory can become much more
important that validates it hastily. This is because in the
first case eliminates readily a number of assumptions
which will cost time and money, in the second, would be
to validate this theory by all legitimate means.
In this sense nothing should be ruled out as a possibility
and everything should be examined and exhausted so
that there are no more doubts about it, it's all a matter of
perspective, the view is referential and that opens the
paths are diversities we can observe the different views
on the same subject.
One should always question the absolute certainty, after
all are human errors that drive the man to go further
every day without mistakes if we had just hit, most likely
in would convert a race without ambition and indolent,
whether that nature whatsoever. Some of the greatest
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discoveries in human history were made simply by
chance for mistakes made in relentless pursuit for the
right answers. In fact almost everything we know and
use was a fluke, hardly anything comes from successful
experiences, but more likely is that these pat answers do
not exist, otherwise maybe not them we give due weight
they deserve by the difficulty we have to get them.
In the nineteenth century Nikola Tesla invented
alternating current had a vision of very different futuristic
world of Thomas Edison another inventor and his
contemporary. While Tesla via a world of clean energy,
free, renewable and self-sustaining which is captured in
the air and fed existing electronic devices and being
contrived without the need for cable connections or
batteries, Edison developed while the current continues
via a world of economic possibilities in the use of new
newfound energy (its basic properties were actually
discovered by Thales 624-546 BC, when rubbed a piece
of amber on a sheepskin, which attracted bits of straw
and fragments wood for their own amber).
JP Morgan (also Tesla sponsor) a banker investor who
owned the mines and manufacturing copper wires
previously used the telegraph system on a large scale,
saw the chain continues Edison an opportunity to make a
fortune and glory. And leaving the project of free energy
Wardenclyffe Tower and clean Tesla in July 1904 without
investments condemned mankind to be slave’s wires,
outlets and other connecting devices the following
centuries until the present day.
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The fact is that after almost 150 years of the beginning
of the use of electricity to endless cables are still stuck,
plugs and batteries to feed the technological resources
we use on a daily basis. Had humanity following the way
of Tesla, at the beginning of the twentieth century would
be using technologies that are only now in the twentyfirst century were made available.
This proves how much the economy and the human need
for exploitation of man by man which I quote the phrase
(the author); "A minority must generate need for
the vast majority to the wheel of the world
continues spinning" undermines evolution itself.
The visionary words of Tesla "This century will be
theirs, but the next will be mine!", and is a growing
fact that we are trying to reach. However, the delay
imposed on humanity by this mediocre choice wills not
repair or five centuries. And Tesla like so many other
names that were in the dark of his inventions at the
same time marginalized by the scientific society, have yet
to be returned to the glory of their names even decades
or centuries later, reaching rightful place in history.
In still segment of archeology, oil prospecting as well as
urbanization are some of the biggest evidence collection
elements that the man of the Paleolithic evolves much
more than you think and it came out of the Stone Age
long before claiming the scholars in an attempt to cover
up also more technologically advanced civilizations. It is
understood technologically and outside the context used.
In some ways we could compare with recent periods until
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the middle of the eighteenth or nineteenth as we shall
This a very modest perspective of comparison, if we go
through the Ages and situate ourselves now in the
Mesolithic which is our area of specific interest, we find
fairly advanced civilizations and most likely earlier in all
that we attach to them today. Not for the great pyramids
of Egypt and the Americas, this would have records of
these cultures that not only legends passed orally
through the ages.
Even more recent cases are deleted from the history of
such an accelerated rate that we wonder if there really is
some truth thing in their accounts. Take for example the
legend of Arthur and the Round Table, is not so old that
it cannot give credit, on the other hand the evidence says
that this fact never existed, but it was not exactly what
the myth of the city of Troy, which was much older,
represented by Heinrich Schliemann (1822-1890)
archeology pioneer, discovered it in 1870 and not by
Schliemann defender of the historical reality of the place
names mentioned in the works of Homer and an
important discoverer of Mycenaean archaeological sites
such as Troy and Mycenae itself, always believed in the
nature of written facts even if unlikely. His big question
was: "Why would anyone bother to detail writing
stories at a time when the writing it was an
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And in this case he not only followed his instinct and
gave credence to the historical and religious literature
that pointed very precisely not only the facts as local
hitherto treated as a case of mass hysteria, passing from
hand to hand by several archaeologists, to who fell in the
right hand, just an amateur who had nothing to lose
other than the time itself that had to make the long
awaited search of myths.
Thus we see and always are surprised by the lack of
human memory up to recent events, cases of cities that
were submerged less than 150 years for various reasons
ranging from high tides in coastal areas, dams for the
construction of hydropower or natural disasters that are
swept from the earth surface and rebuilt other on that,
though the records are lost very easily to the point of no
longer under any data about them or even turn myths
and legends.
Of course today with access to digitized form of
information, it becomes harder to make it happen,
because humanity as in the past of Alexandria has the
urgent need to record everything and everyone for
human memory that persist in a large chest not imported
it will be at the bottom of an ocean, inside a cave in the
Himalayan peaks or a spacecraft into the unknown. Apart
from that unlike in the past the electronic media available
to provide the largest open pit studies library that has
ever existed, the Global better known as WWW Web.
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physician Dr. Cabrera.
We must ask how
many times over the
millennia this should
have happened, if we
could go back to
humanity as modern
humans 50 million
years or more, could
be up to contemporaries of the great dinosaurs as shown
in the pictures of more than 50,000 stones already drawn
of Ica town a small town near the so controversial Nazca
in Peru, where one can see the famous Nazca Lines,
representing gigantic figures and geometric shapes
drawn by vast plains and can only be seen clearly from
the sky.
It would be another story of human society through the
ages to be rescued and there are creatures 400 million
years, because no man is older than is believed in several
tens of millions of years, unless originating from a
purposeful experience latest and not by chance as it is
To effectively serve the Ica Stones or the Nazca lines
nobody knows, but certainly for those who produced
them had a purpose and not for the aridity of those
plateaus where rain is very rare maintaining a constant
temperature, there would also be registers addition to
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could now challenge our imagination, unless they are
newer and with other purpose than believed.
Returning ace Ica Stones and even knowing that there
are many fakes of them up because demand is very large
by amateur archaeologists, records the existence of
these stones have to have the colonial period in the
sixteenth century (CARROLL, Robert T. The Skeptic's
Dictionary: a collection of strange beliefs, amusing
deceptions, delusions and dangerous New York City.
Wiley, 2003, 169-71) still leaving a little the veracity of
the background story, it is an immense library is
demonstrably false, someone had a lot of work and
human effort to create this scam just to raise the doubt
since they are not specifically sold as souvenirs.
This case is very similar in discussion as the circles on
plantations or Crop Circles at various locations around
the world, also awarded in most human effort just to fun
and confusion. But is it?
Is the question as well as the fact that not fit in the
traditional period of human development are summarily
discarded and labeled as fraud, since dating is almost
impossible with the certainty with stones 65 million years
or so or more, coinciding with the extinction of dinosaurs
in the late Cretaceous the asteroid theory that collided
with the Earth and the event called KT in this period
Although there reliable proof through the layers of
Iridium, waste powder from the asteroid that has
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accumulated over the entire surface of the post-impact
earth Marco KT or more recently named K-Pg where K
represents the Cretaceous and PG Paleogene period and
further that most likely the KT event has been
responsible for the extinction of dinosaurs and other
animals, in fact there is no evidence showing that they
could not already be extinct thousands or a few million
years before this devastating event, or even if they have
survived of significantly.
This is a hypothesis that needs to be taken into
consideration because it is known that the rise of
primates occurred after declining Jurassic, this can put
the primitive man (or not) in a period millions of years
before it is accepted today by science. Mankind
"enlightened" has in itself a curious thing is the need
to cover up events and evidence that most do not know
and there are no changes in the Status Quo, in other
words, does not matter much if Atlántida or Lemúria
existed much less the Roswell incident is true, very
uncompensated never know, or even if we, that is, in the
future, it will be too late for something relevant in our
The man does not like change and this may be an
ancestral heritage that is rooted in our subconscious and
used as subterfuge with greater regularity than you
might need. A big reason for this is undoubtedly the socalled holy books, always existed at all times and will last
forever as much as humanity progresses. Man needs
faith to move forward and faith means "believing
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passionately in something that does not exist",
which does not mean that at some point this faith cannot
have and the reason for its proven existence.
In this case we can say as an example that God is a
matter of faith, on the other hand even science cannot
prove the existence of God tells us that nothing can exist
without him! Be orally, hieroglyphic or printed from the
tablets of Moses carved with the Ten Commandments
and other codices, long before that date and probably
even to the present day, all religious works these are
social control instruments, to limit freedom of expression
as human society.
We can frame this relationship the Christian Bible, the
Islamic Koran, and Talmud Hebrew, just to name a few,
the words contained therein are critical to lead to human
society the best possible way, and these three very
particular have almost all the same stories with relatively
different views.
People who follow fervently (read fervently as
uncontrollable excess, exacerbated fanaticism, not one
who believes and worships within a healthy order) these
teachings are victims in most cases of volunteers way by
cultural affinity, a war invisible who wants to impose on
the world the supremacy of their religion by force and
submission, not by worship or veneration of the Divine.
And this is where the imminent danger of subversion
men turn a divine entity lies in a real devil just to satisfy
the interests of some minorities.
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As with the Religion, so it is in archeology and scientific
studies. Everything is the absolute truth empirical until
proven otherwise. So all based theories are valid. It is not
for discussing the existence of God, because we have
seen that this is unanimity in any religion or one and a
matter of faith. We all somehow know that there is a
higher power that governs all things, whether in the field
of physical or spiritual, but the man is keen to maintain
absolute control over his neighbor to thrive and to follow
the path that best serve their purpose.
One can see God in a religious book as an encyclopedia
for diversity you have, the fact is that these books tell
stories, some true some not so, but it aims to give a
direction ordered in human society. The true stories
contained therein in most cases over the centuries are
being transformed, enlarged and eventually become
The stories ever invented born as myths and likewise
passing through timelines as the previous suffer an
overwhelming pressure to become absolute truths, which
leaves us in a very fine line between reality and fiction,
which in most sometimes given the age of the facts we
cannot tell the difference between them and tend to
accept only those who want to believe.
That always happened since the early days of mankind
when even though we know that all men were equal
before him by God's will, for some this could not continue
and was unacceptable. After all be the same as others
not benefited at all, therefore someone at some point
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must have created the idea that to be different not
enough to be the best hunter, fisherman or craftsman,
had to have a direct connection with God or Gods and for
it was necessary to create an event that would prove this
close connection of "Father and Son".
As was done for sure do not know, but it may well have
been from someone lying around a fire waking up
screaming in the middle of the tribe saying that God
spoke to him through dreams, or a natural event to event
as being hit by a Ray and dies, the miracles, and so on.
The fact is that after that things were never the same
and so were born the prophets, tribal chiefs, shamans,
pharaohs, kings and queens.
A rather exemplary case of the use of such artifice is the
much talked about and more ancient codex of laws which
are known entitled Code of Hammurabi, monolithic
monument carved in rock diorite, on which are arranged
46 columns of cuneiform Acadia, with 282 laws in 3600
lines. The number goes up to 282, but Clause 13 was
deleted by superstitions of the time. The piece has 2.25
m high, 1.50 meter circumference at the top and 1.90 in
the base, in high relief; one sees the sovereign getting
Shamash, god of oracles, the laws of equity and justice.
Hammurabi (dethroned 1810 BC - 1750 BC) was the first
king of the First Dynasty Babylon 1,792 BC until his death
in 1750 BC also becoming the first and only king of the
Paleolithic period, among the great things that are
assigned ranging from construction of public buildings,
irrigation systems, canals and dams, developed the first
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social laws put in place by a civilization, which has been
Even if it was in his time a very respected and feared
King as it was also under his reign that the Mesopotamia
became a hegemony with the achievements of Ur and
Larsa king of Isin at the beginning of his reign in 1762 BC
conquered Larsa in 1758 BC took Mari in 1755 BC
Eshnunna and probably in 1754 BC conquered Assur.
When creating code that bears his name, this gives the
inspiration to create it to God Sumerian Shamash, the
Sun God judge of heaven and the world beyond, possibly
in order to make an image of association raising it almost
to the level demigod (by association only) and thereby
lead to his people by the new laws which would be
governed from then on, what really happened and many
of these laws have been adapted to other people and
even are used to this day.
Below is a small excerpt of how the new laws known
today entrusted as the Code of Hammurabi:
"When the high Anu, King of Anunaki and Bel, Lord of
the Heavens Earth determiner of the world's
destinations, gave the government of all mankind to
Marduk ... When was pronounced the high name of
Babylon; when he made famous in the world and it
has established a lasting kingdom whose foundations
had the firmness of heaven and earth - by that time
Anu and Bel called me, me, Hammurabi, the prince
exalted, the worshiper of the gods, to deploy justice in
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the earth, to destroy the wicked and evil, to prevent
the oppression of the weak by the strong ... To
illuminate the world and promote the people's
―Hammurabi, governor chosen by Bel am I, I who
brought plenty to the land; which made complete
work to Nippur and Durilu; which gave life to the city
of Uruk; which supplied water with plenty to its
inhabitants; ... which made the beautiful city of
Borsippa; ... what provisioned grains for powerful
Urash; ... which helped the people in time of need;
which established the safety in Babylon; the governor
of the people, the servant whose deeds are pleasing
to Anunit ".
With this provided justice and prosperity for its people
and was able to extend this concept to the rest of the
known world, even though some laws of the new
involved code other quite old and already known, but
might not have achieved such remarkable success that
crossed the story thousands of years coming up to today,
the case did not use the divine power received by
Shamash to impose their personal will and put an end to
the discussion of any law that was in that code, as it was
of divine origin and therefore incontestable.
Centuries later others as Jesus, Moses, David, Jacob,
Isaac, Ishmael and Abraham and why not Muhammad
would use the same artifice to all enjoying the political
influence they had, for all the same discussion of
religious order involving the company's policy like it or
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not, not putting into disrepute the relative divinity of any
of the characters mentioned above, but rather
demonstrating the means used to achieve the objective
order which is to establish new rules and civilizations to
these people or drives them if they wish to interpret.
After all of them as in the past the Egyptian mythology,
Greek, Roman and Nordic just citing some of the best
known, were high will demigods condition by proximity or
direct descent they had with the Divine, even if it
possibly has not been the original intention, but the
result was better than the applied way. Illuminated form
Hammurabi led these people to the right path, as in
other historical events of the same nature in which
common people attribute themselves visions, ties and
even divine origin, we see more often is that the use by
association image with divine or supernatural entities
only serves to invoke the war and impose evil on earth.
With this creates the Culture of Fear that through this
artifice can dominate people and whole civilizations
based solely on brute force and not in social equality. In
the latter case I referred, it difficult for any individual or
nation that has the slightest perception of existential
reason is to believe in any God who is vengeful to the
point of penalizing a human being for any action however
bad it is, as we have free will for us to judge and be
judged. Being a God so vain that needs to be worshiped
fervently in magnificent temples bearing more wealth
than the people themselves have.
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Apart from that with all the powers devolved to the gods
of any kind have yet to send messages for others (when
prophets and seers tell us who have been touched by the
divine) and not talk directly to whom the message is
intended, as it would be the way most appropriate and
reliable delivery to the recipient.
The truth is that information is power and information
without understanding is nothing, for that very reason all
that arouses suspicion and change society as we know it
is viewed with suspicion. Place the modern man a
VERBOTEN (forbidden) in the last century and it is
heresy to most scholars of this world, but we can prove
that existed and foremost, we find it quite accurately on
our current maps and by the end of this book there will
be sufficient evidence of such civilizations and these
All things that have been mentioned so far had the sole
purpose of illustrating that there are standards, methods
and concepts already established and are unlikely to be
very withdrawn, at least in the short term. Does not
mean they cannot be changed and only in this way will
the new theories are applied. If we remain with an open
mind and leave a little strictly logical concept in the
background, we see that there is a whole world that
opens up to new possibilities.
In order to move forward will require us to make a
journey through the history of man of the past based on
existing records seeking to fill the gaps where other
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scholars have also postulated his theories for hundreds of
years. It will take concatenate several aspects of the past
and the present so that you can try at least group the
ideas so that they are concise.
Humanity can and must be much older than assumed,
unfortunately the ancient scriptures do not tell us
objectively, but in parables and metaphors as is assumed
in the eyes of the inhabitants of the season as have
reportedly been this brief adventure. Otherwise writings
to which we no longer have access to have been
destroyed, lost or be confined in dark places also do not
elucidates until then what the age of the human race and
where it originated.
From there will be only a matter of time until he can
prove the evidence and the written and will rescue the
story so far lost and prohibited a human story of
prosperity and destruction that has so far been passed
from mouth to mouth like legend, myth and doomed to
forgetting the short memory of modern man forever and
for eternity.
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Chapter II
The man stepped on the moon it?
In order to continue in the search for original response,
we need go further to recent research places and until
recently they have probable vestiges of the human race,
but not least considered. And so we are cognizant of all
the technologies involved in these developments, there
are still conspiracy theories that man never on the moon;
it was all a cinematic staging.
It is said that in 1968 impressed with the special effects
featured in the film 2001 A Odyssey film director Stanley
Kubrick Space (co-written by Kubrick and Arthur C.
Clarke) and not wanting to lose the race for the Soviet
space program, US government would have hired the
director of services for forging the conquest of the Moon
and present to the world public a truism pictures. Note
that we are talking about today's information in the XXI
century where everything is available and nothing is
A significant portion of people find credible that this has
actually happened this way and that until then were
unable to acquire sufficient competence to make a foray
until the moon in its own right, it also happens with other
facts such as the construction of the pyramids around the
world , cities and megalithic monuments such as
Mohenjo-Daro also called Mount of Death, that defy
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improbabilities of having been built by the relevant
people in their respective times.
It is much easier to assign these mega huge
constructions to extraterrestrial bodies or mythological
than the human effort or over-Human required for such
achievements, and as such, will travel to the moon could
not even be classified differently. As something beyond
the reach of human capacity and ingenuity.
We seek external life to Earth using spacecraft passing
through the solar system, while we try to communicate
with extraterrestrial life through the SETI project (Search
for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) scouring the infinite
space with radio telescopes of Arecibo.
Since the antennas were pointed at Epsilon Eridani (10.5
Light Years) and Tau Ceti (12 Light Years) two
neighboring stars of our star system, operating 24
consecutive hours 365 days a year so far without
success, the controversially, we
cannot even
communicate with our pets properly and much less with
the other existing nations, which makes us very
pretentious in this intergalactic intent.
When we talk about nations must extend this concept to
other living creatures that share the planet with us and
not merely the human race, it is the fact that they
somehow we do not have understanding also used media
among themselves quite effectively. We must consider
the dogs, cats, aquatic, winged and others as true
nations to the significant number of individuals of each of
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these species, however, and even sharing the planet with
them even though we are at the top of the food chain at
the time as not always It was thus not able effective
communication than conditioned imitation of what we do
with a chimpanzee or throwing a stick for a dog bring
back. This also proves our unpreparedness for
interspecies communication.
What wonderful stories these creatures could tell us if
there was at some point an effective and understandable
way communication, perhaps they tell us who were there
at the dawn of humanity and how hard it was our way to
get here, and how much was and has been important in
this journey. Imagine yourself what these species would
have to count on us. Perhaps some species such as
whales and dolphins know fantastic amazing stories we
do not know about the creation of the earth and the
evolution of species through the ages.
Even if there is a remote tip of doubt in some minds
about the man to have walked on the moon and the US
has won in a way the space race without taking the merit
of Yuri Alekseievitch Gagarin, who was the first man to
travel the 12 space April 1961 aboard the Vostok 1 which
was 4.4 m long, 2.4 m in diameter and weighed 4,725
kilograms kg at the height of the Cold War, the fact is
that we know more about the moon than anywhere else
in the universe. If indeed there were what they found
and if found, should have kept?
Only a wilderness of a desolate world as we see here on
Earth with the naked eye or with telescopes, infinitely
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flogged on the surface by meteors that leave deep scars,
or there really is something else that is not of natural
Oficial Foto: NASA - AS15-P-9625 –
The fantastic archeology of the media talks about the
dark side / dark of the Moon and its hidden secrets under
lock and key by the organs of space exploration. Stories
are told about buildings and gigantic buildings,
monumental crystal palaces worthy of any fiction movie
to Flash Gordon style against terrible Emperor Ming,
classic television and cinema of the 1930s that was so
successful in the early days of the invention of television
and movie, and a plethora of spacecraft of various types
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and sizes fallen across the lunar soil, half resulting in a
fierce battle.
AS20-1020, AS20-1022 e AS20-FWD-7250 - ISZAK D,
sudeste da cratera Delporte. P. Revolution: 38. Latitude /
Longitude: 19° S / 117.5° E. Lens Focal Length: 24 inch
Some of these spacecraft are shattered or just lying on
the surface can be, according to the most entrenched of
this thesis what's left of Vimanas mentioned in the
Vedas, Puranas, Ramayana, Mahavira and especially the
Mahabharata epic Indian written in Sanskrit that narrate
the last war Earth people of celestial among themselves
for reasons unknown to us, as against an external threat
that could very well be one of those alien peoples
established on Earth since long. Perhaps even our future
ancestors, gods or creators.
Who knows has been this event if not existed, the end of
the Third World of Hopi legends, indigenous nation of the
northwestern state of Arizona, most likely direct
descendants of the Anasazi people that the Navajo
language means "old" and who built sophistication of
cities and considerable complexities in the mid-seventh
century and disappeared in mysterious ways, but that put
us in this moment of human existence as the Fourth
World. This along with other corroborating theories that
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are much older than science assumes beyond that
already redid the process of birth, growth, evolution and
extinction more than once.
The variation is that our present human stage would be
between the 5th and 7th generations going back at least
200,000 years since the first world (this thesis tends to
be extended for a much longer period can go back to 65
million years already We approach which would make the
contemporaries of the dinosaurs in the possibility that
still existed which would prove the veracity of the Ica
Stones). If this truth, come to the sad and surprising
conclusion that we are part of a scientific experiment of
trial and error that is being developed by considerable
geological eras of an unknown entity or the very nature
without knowing for whom we created or for what
purpose. But not least!
In the event of acceptance of this hypothesis, it would
make all the animals we see and do not undergo
significant changes over time, understand there are
significant as something that change the living being to
the point where we can point a palpable evolutionary
process as it is attributed to Man in Darwin's theory in
the book he authored The Origin of Species published in
1859 establishing an evolution of man through his most
likely ancestral monkey (another disputed evolutionary
controversy, accepted and today again challenged) as
only supporting over the human species not competing
directly with it, but only exist in parallel, for unspecified
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Paradoxically Darwin's theory is accepted in full does not
explain convincingly why there are still apes today, since
evolution should be continued and the demonstrated
absence of a link between the two that explains this
mutation also adds a lot of information for the
deployment of this theory, which I think is as good a
theory as that of Atlantis have existed or of intelligent
extraterrestrial life anywhere in the universe.
All are based on assumptions based on empirical concept
and little can prove through artifacts that make a
concrete link between the links, so one is as good as
another even if some are more acceptable than others.
Thinking that way in relation to its human, unless there
has been a deliberate intervention of an external force
and not by a fluke men and evolved from different
branches monkeys, although in the same tree, part of a
whole which is divided and followed completely different
paths. This makes us so close to the monkeys as any
other living being except for the physical resemblance.
For logical reasoning we can say that descend dolphin’s
whales or vice versa that despite much resemblance to
each other and living in the same environment are,
however, completely different creatures. This makes one
have originated from the other? I think not and nature is
full of such examples so we can even draw these
Accepted the possibility of being one of several
generations of humans have populated the Earth in
ancient times also mean that other living beings in this
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process would be irrelevant unless they were for us as
degrees of difficulty in the game to boost or hinder
human evolution, added ace natural adversities we
encounter in this process who are already many and
complex to the extreme.
Being fact or fiction know more about the surface of the
moon than the depths of the oceans, perhaps even the
unexplored areas of the planet itself for so many areas
that present difficult incursion by land. In this respect the
nature wisely to impose the access limits; otherwise we
would have devastated the entire planet's demand for
natural resources which are still the motivator for all
Returning to the lunar complex and if perchance there
was this historical artifacts in discovered moon not only
by the Apollo XI mission as well as the later, the last one
has officially XVII number news, to the mythical XX
Apollo mission (never officially existed) What would have
happened between the decades of 1980/90, in order to
rescue and understand the existing technology there, for
later use in reverse. This could put the modern man in
the geological event KT close to 65 million years ago,
allegedly by the technology involved.
What would raise other relevant issues; if we were
contemporaries of that time or shortly later what
happened today to still be in proportion of time back in
the Stone Age? How long would it all traces of those
times were erased by nature more specifically the Earth,
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since it is not subject to the same conditions imposed will
Moon for its atmospheric condition missing?
It would mean that for various periods of time, true
geological ages, humanity has evolved; walked probably
they reached the stars and are destroyed in a way that
did not leave enough traces on earth for those who
possibly have survived give continuity to human
civilization known form. Often rescued by geological
surveys and excavations, fossils hundreds of millions of
years in such a good state of repair we can restore
completely the original look of the creatures when they
existed and walked on the surface of the planet, but no
hominid or even Modern man as suggested previously
that can be traced back to more than two or three million
years or machined artifacts, even worn by time.
Therefore, we should definitely discard these
Conjecture as to dream, even if we understand as an
irrational utopia is healthy and there is no force in the
universe that, based on this principle, forbids us from
asking questions for more extravagant they may be.
However, no bones, artifacts, buildings or other legacy
that can be attributed to humans or humanoid type of
The tchadensis Sahelanthropus, affectionately nicknamed
"Toumai" is a hominid species described on July 19, 2001
by Michel Brunet, based on a skull that may be the oldest
of about seven million years and may be the
representation a "missing link" that separated the human
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lineage of chimpanzees, this already with a dose of
goodwill recognition by the scientific community.
Still, nothing adds in finding the existence of civilizations
evolved technologically or about the distant past. Many
materials are resistant to weathering long as it is,
including the stone, abundant material around the planet
and pretty easy processing for human needs. Even today
if we look around, we do not dwell more in caves, but we
are surrounded by stone buildings. The stones even
carved skillfully undergo changes, natural wear and
deformities by nature, making it impossible for tens of
thousands of years to recognize an artificial construction
of a natural.
The pyramids around the world are an example that
cannot be dated accurately, may have a maximum age of
15,000 years built, like other megalithic monuments
around the planet and even if they can outlast some
50,000 years has certainly not last million years with the
same characteristics, so not serving geological milestone
in older than these.
Metals of all kinds who would be the next list of options,
ranging from gold to titanium also suffer natural wear
and tend to agglomerate forming ore veins more or less
deep depending on where they are, nor is it an option to
leave a Reliable Messaging for future civilizations. Just as
we have regularly recurring news of artifacts manipulated
by humans who are supposed to be found within rock
formations, there are jewels of reports that have been
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found in rock formations with more than 300 million
years dating back to the Carboniferous period.
If we wanted to find links between modern humans and
ancient civilizations of the very factors that could help is
the predilection that the human race has always had for
gems along the known history. Symbols of power and
wealth, embedded in royal crowns, scepters or just an
engagement ring are always present and are of
archaeological objects greed. In ancient times there were
evolved civilizations certainly mastered the technique of
cutting precious stones.
Emeralds, Rubies and Diamonds are among the toughest
materials on the planet and long service life should be in
evidence everywhere where to dig, unless we are not
looking in the right places, because we only see what is
on the Earth's surface without taking into account sea
level 15,000 years ago during the last Ice Age and the
plots of land now submerged or earlier and the human
contingent of the time all over the planet.
Our diamonds the past two hundred years are harvested
in nature as they always were selected, cut and so far no
news, but lately are physically numbered laser according
to how important it is if our civilization collapsed in EMH
event (Mass extinction of Humanity), would be possible
in the distant future find these gems, not the financial
value, but at archaeological value, with the obvious
characteristics of having been worked by human hands
from an early civilization?
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The London Times of June 22, 1884 published in its
pages the news that some workers who were trying to
extract a rock in the Tweed 400 meters below the mill
Rutherford discovered a gold chain encrusted in stone to
2.4m deep. Dr. AW Medd, the British Geological Survey
wrote in 1985 that it was an extraordinary and
inexplicable found in the eyes of science, dating the rock
between 320 and 360 million years old placing it in the
Early Carboniferous period.
On 11 June 1891 The Morrisonville Times of Illinois
reported that Mrs. SW Culp while breaking a lump of coal
to put in a bucket and then use as fuel ran into a chain of
about 30 cm with 9gr. eight-carat gold. Finding that the
current could have accidentally fallen along with coal in
the bucket pulled her and found that the two pieces of
charcoal were still trapped in the chain ends. The dating
was close to 300 million years without a plausible
explanation for the strange event.
By the standards of geological dating these artifacts date
back to the Paleozoic period is the era of Aeon
Fanerozoico which lies between 542 million and 245
million years ago. And tragically, all these artifacts in the
possibility of having existed in the reported context,
besides not being collected by experts directly in the
places where they rested for millions of years eventually
disappear inexplicably, often by the very indifference of
those who find them, even not knowing the importance
of finding at hand.
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How many millions of tons of coal have been incinerated
at high pressure ovens in the past and are being
incinerated these transformations plants, along with the
secrets they carry in their interior from million years ago
unless we become aware of the true content?
Cases like these are more common than we realize,
however, because of the little care in handling such
devices when found especially in digs in deep mines
where the chances of finding these artifacts would be
more likely, or even the ultimate problem be attributed to
objects age through the layers, scale or wraps which
were found (just like coal and rock that take millions of
years to be formed), by today's scientific standards,
these relics if proven, disappear or do not have proper
geological value assigned . In other words, never existed!
We are seven billion humans on Earth by counting 2015
and not disappear without a trace this time, unless the
conditions of this extinction process melts completely the
surface of the planet and not about anything except
diamonds in the rock inside the depths in which man of
today would be surprised by the geological time they are
there. And as perhaps in the distant future others will be
surprised as we do today if we go extinct, and leave
behind significant traces but unlikely an impossible
civilization have existed for future scientific civilizations of
these standards.
Cataclysms can be natural only for the accommodation of
the ground layers and tectonic plates, or caused adverse
ways, including the elusive microscopic black holes that
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must traverse our planet every day can change the
geological layers or the very core of the Earth's center
leading small-big tremors, or not so simply following his
ways without anything being noticed. Always we assign
quantities to black holes according to human proportions,
but actual size they have, can be microscopic no doubt
and LCH itself proves it, whether you have enough power
to change the conditions of the planet do not know for
sure, but in phase transition passage may add mass,
increase in size and destabilize critical areas of Earth
stability, including the core to the point of causing
significant changes.
The truth is that we know nothing about anything in
these matters than under the fantastic theory, if not
explained naturally. It is speculated a lot in science
fiction literature that other human civilizations existed
before our current era, specifically and in order to base
these writings come to our attention cases even within
geodes which are essentially concentric bands of cavities
that form in volcanic rocks, presenting coated by crystal
formations and occasionally in sedimentary rocks have
been found with machined artifacts in these receptacles,
but never reaches any conclusion because there is not
situate the human presence as remotely.
All this is still in the field of remote and unreal
hypothesis, perhaps as quoted, fantastic, but likewise
that existed the past is also to be assumed that there is a
future and the possibility that at some point the passages
between them can be opened and create real cracks in
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time, to the point that people of all times, past, present
and future, be transported to places for us today are only
in the field of fiction.
HG Wells in the classic The Time Machine written in 1895
puts in a simplistic way in 1899 at the turn of the century
the trajectory scientist George, who in the cellars of his
house in London build the long awaited time machine
that would wash both to the past as for the future,
making discoveries about humanity to the incredible year
of 802,701. Although the book itself can be framed in a
political metaphor of workers x English royalty in the
context of the time, the story is engaging and addresses
the scientific concept of the possibility of time travel.
But little scientific perceptiveness that most did not look,
for example, was a curious fact both in the book and in
the film made in 1960 starring Rod Taylor and directed
by filmmaker George Pal (the name given to the main
character was George, I think of purposely referencing
the film's director and G. Wells that at the very beginning
of the book calls only Time Traveller "... for the sake of
convenience" in his own words), but curiosity I want to
point out is not only that but the transition itself time
performed by the machine.
In the book's narrative and is best seen in the example
applied to the film, the time traveler does not use what
might be called slots or space folds, it just triggers the
device via a lever and a very elaborate analog meter (for
the time today would be digital or holographic) makes
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the timing in hours, days, months and years as advances
or regresses to the point of temporal origin.
A fantastic time machine that should have spurred the
imagination of many for decades after the first literary
edition, there remains the same starting location since it
was created, through countless years only from the
perspective of the traveler who had a privileged outside
view from the inside the machine when actuated creating
a daub protection, or force field as we like to call, the
kind we see in science fiction movies and thus its
occupant sees the whole evolution of the planet as it
goes through endless millennia, which for him inside
Machine passed only minutes or hours.
However, one would assume that the machine described
time was stationary, never left the place and went
through time at an accelerated rate (speed luz²) and
continuing to the traveler, but certainly not to the outside
observer. So why even this amazing machine can travel
thousands of years in minutes or hours, whoever was
outside would have a vision full time but from within, at
least the force field around her, and it would be seen by
every second, minute, hour, day, month, year, the period
of time in which she was traveling, until it stopped at a
certain date and its occupant left.
That would be a stationary constant such that the
mountains remain untouched for millions of years and
are visible in full-time until some reason the change, is a
geological or human factor. Therefore, the machine or its
casing would be seen or for a short time or for thousands
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of years apart continuously and nothing could be built in
that very place, which according to theory
Impenetrability of metaphysics (proven by Archimedes
century. BC) applied to our reality (in reference to reality
is relative and can be an alternative), two objects cannot
occupy the same space at the same time!
Also in the case of the film to observers unlike explained
here, it becomes invisible even if it is wrapped from time
to time by some external layer of processing from outer
space without absorbing the machine and its occupant,
however, one notices during the ages in which lies the
book of life of the machine in that place where once were
the cellars in which the time traveler began the journey.
Of course, an object of this size raise the eternal curiosity
and at some point efforts would be made to try to open,
invade, stop this experience, but this intervention would
be possible? As the laws of physics behave in this case
both the internal environment of the capsule and
The temporal break if it were possible to create a crack in
time that would be permanent or simply cease the travel
route to a screeching halt?
The time machine in its most singular design deal would
be a device that would allow navigation through different
timelines of choice of the traveler exactly as we do today
continuously without us having this possibility. In the
event that we have dominion over back and forth
between timelines machine would prove very useful, but
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just as will be discussed in another chapter, each line will
have their time and unique continuity.
Although it seems a literary banality and may seem a
waste of time as a reference is just the initial concept
that we can detect imperfections of theories and
enhances them, so nothing should be discarded
immediately by more childish as it may seem. In the
remake of the classic The Time Machine in 2002 in
exchange to the names of the main character to
Alexander Hartdegen, played by actor Guy Pearce and
the location of events is located in New York.
What is very healthy can change aspects of time to other
locations besides inserting new characters like the library
hologram that also runs through millennia safeguarding
human history, which in theory would be such a Noah's
Ark case that library survived for so time and could have
inside, if not exemplary specimens in criogênese at least
the literature that the permit be recreated and all the
deeds of the now forgotten civilizations.
But just as Alexander's journey is stationary, imagine if
that were possible in this way and we could see a
strange object such through millennia, being visible in
full-time, we would certainly erected temples of worship
and created fantastic stories of gods in chariots of fire,
and what would be our surprise when at some point,
someone from another time, whether past or future
came out of his belly and said - Take me to your leader!
Or "Klaatu barada nicto" even in reference to the film
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The Day the Earth Stood Still the best Hollywood cliché
of style, quoted in the preface.
As up to today we have news of nowhere with an object
that we can identify it as a time machine, we can say
that such a device was not invented yet. This does not
mean that there are no other means to do so. Remember
"Open Mind Infinite Possibilities" (the author). The
traveler coming out of your time capsule was he a God?
Certainly not, but after thousands of years of worship
and by companies formed around that mythology and
religion would be the beginning of a new era of suspicion
about the origin of man or only the long-awaited
apocalypse of truth?
Maybe both and this would also be a "water splitting",
most likely the traveler does not possess all the answers
and over the years the story would have been so many
changes that unless it could access the Genetic Memory
contained within each cell we possess and that carries
human knowledge from the beginning, everything else
would be lost. But it would be a new beginning based on
new concepts if not the crucified before...
Only illustrating and in addition, no less curious literary/
cinematographic point of view, Simon Wells film director
who directed the remake of 2002's great-grandson of the
British writer HG Wells author of The Time Machine and
other magnificent literary works of the nineteenth
century, it is fair to make a tribute to his ancestor who
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should never have predicted this unlikely outcome in the
Survival of Ancestral Legacy
There is a consensus that after a cataclysmic event there
is a compulsory major setback in the evolutionary
process, more specifically as regards the issue will man.
The law that survival is always the fittest does not apply
to this fact, the "Survival is the one who is better
prepared" (the author) with a slight hint of luck along the
way. Surviving a shipwreck at sea or a plane crash in the
jungle does not guarantee that survive these two
elements if there is no adequate preparation and basic
survival skills.
This brings us to the question of what, who survives
could continue the civilizations that have fallen by
cataclysmic reasons if they have this training, which
possibly has been the case of the Egyptians, Mayans,
Incas and Aztecs in relation to events of up to 15,000
years ago as we will also see in other chapters later on
literature. Similarly the extinction of civilizations groups
through war does not apply to oblivion theory because
invariably aspects of these civilizations end up mix and
be absorbed by the winners giving rise to more elaborate
Recent history proves that Greeks, Romans, Persians and
other ancient aggregated cultural values of the people
who dominated the same way as the dominated people
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took the best of its dominant and used to leverage their
own cultures. Writing is a good example already
mentioned numerology is another factor that propelled
humanity very accelerated way; by inserting and
implementing the represented figures consistently system
allowed quantifying everything we know and assign
values by a scale need sequential or equational.
For this reason one of the very important factors to be
discussed is that the dating systems used are safe
enough to be able to locate a given device in the correct
time based on the time and space process, in other
words, and as an example, knowing that stones grow
from inside to outside at a very slow process, it is
necessary that the object under discussion was solidified
within a structure that formed over time a stone size and
significant ages to wrap it, and can through scientific
methods They are dated with an acceptable and
unquestionable accuracy.
These types of conventional dating has also served to
quantify the ages of fossils found anywhere in the world,
which raises an important and disturbing question; an
animal can live 100 or 400 million years without
presenting a significant development?
If so, what made humans different from other species to
evolve to the level where they are today so abruptly in
such a short geological time frame, while most other
species remains lethargic?
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O Sarcosuchus imperator
(Emperor Crocodile)
The Emperor crocodile
that lived 110 million
years ago, the most
precise dating was a
Nile Crocodile ancestor
and since that time in
North Africa was a dense forest area and large rivers,
these measured about 15m and only the head around
2m. But it is important to make a comparison with the
current crocodiles of the Nile that are still gigantic
creatures and prehistoric, but not as much as the
Emperor Crocodile, and little change in its current
appearance were noticeable for long 110 million years
beyond the visible decrease size.
After all, if we put a timeline 150 million years for us as
humans it is an eternity, then how to explain that any
creature can remain in state "unchanged" for so long and
still survive the time?
It may have reached the maximum of its evolution and
therefore ceased to modify and this is the end of history,
or are waiting for the activation of a specific gene to take
the next step?
Somehow I confess that bothers me the idea that we
have around us as much diversity as possible and
measure the perception that these species are frozen in
time! How can intelligent creatures that can somehow be
compared to the human being in proportion to the
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habitats in which they live, do not take the next step
toward ace stars?
Ants, bees, lizards and many others reached the
maximum of its evolution and it come down to it? I think
not, something is wrong that millions of years equation in
the sense of evolution being delayed deliberately or may
not be as old as assumed. 100 million years in geological
terms is nothing but in evolutionary terms is an eternity,
too long not to see significant changes in most species.
In theory, if we can survive one or two millennia because
we are the most evolved and dominant species will be
very lucky, while the other species by the lethargy in
which it is has no expiration date set. Therefore, we
should give up everything and go back to the caves, the
long-term survival guarantees look better!
The Cretaceous period of the Mesozoic era where lived
the dinosaurs was very abundant in oxygen which left
not only animals and plants with aspects and gigantic
physical constitutions this entails one of the factors which
provided the considerable size of the dinosaurs because
of its magnitude, this ruling other than fruit of the
mutation by radiation from a nuclear war that occurred
millions of years ago or Gamma of an extinct star that
has reached the Earth, a fact that could be repeated at
any time.
For this reason greatness became extinct more quickly
when natural cataclysmic events occurred, favoring
somewhat smaller creatures that needed minimal living
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conditions, less oxygen and could even resort to
underground shelters as it is supposed to have happened
with primates and smaller rodents during those events.
Other animals that we still see in abundance and that
have been identified in the past as being ancestors of
what we know today are there to verify the facts such
Turtle (Proganochelys quenstedti - 350/250 million years
- Carboniferous / Triassic), Shark (Stethacanthus
altonensis - 400 million years - Paleozoic Era),
Dragonflies (Meganeura monyi 300 million years Paleozoic Era-Carboniferous), Ants (Martialis eureka 125
million years - Cretaceous), whales (Ambulocetus natans
50 million years - Eocene), lizards of all kinds and the
Coelacanth itself (Latimeria chalumnae and Latimeria
menadoensis) with its 400 million remaining years of the
Paleozoic era / Devonian.
Contrary to what was thought the Coelacanth is still our
contemporary and more similar, yet who have branched
into other subspecies as the case of sharks that have a
direct relationship with stingrays, hammerhead, whale
shark and others of the same species do not show
changes evolutionary significant for such a long lifetime.
Most likely this magnificent beast reached the apex of its
development for thousand years; it is aerodynamically
perfect and natural predator of all species of their
environment reigning in the marine food chain supreme,
but nevertheless remains a shark! As the turtles remain
what they are for at least 200 million years!
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That would leave us in the condition of us being different
and apes, but apes, but no closer relationship than that.
The species with very few exceptions have no tangible
progress over the major geological periods, except for
those that were possibly created by some kind of side
effect of a civilization previously extinct perhaps a
radioactive process of long-term or a star that has
It was expected that even knowing the variation that
species had between terrestrial life spans and water, the
scant progress still evident does not justify the limbo in
which they are doomed to be extinguished at any time,
but for the action the man who is the greatest predator
of himself, by the action of nature for sure. As they lack
other means to somehow circumvent this fateful order,
they are doomed to disappear or survive it all
unchanged, which also does not clarify the objective
purpose of these species.
We humans are here to dominate and win, we know the
intimate that this is our purpose, but the other beings
who live on Earth are stuck in this gigantic zoo without a
view of being able to escape, but not us humans, will
jump as soon as possible to the stars and beyond, at a
glance let our blue spherical cot back in search of new
worlds to master it!
What we see constantly is that ants are still ants, lizards
are lizards through endless ages, cheap are cheap for
over 300 million years, cheap now total about 5,000
species in the world, the oldest records of cheap date
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from the Carboniferous period (There are 320 million
years), but are still being inexpensive, with essentially
the same characteristics. The animals are monkeys as
other variables, baboons, chimpanzees, gorillas Bugios,
etc., but belong to a specific order: Domain; United;
Philo; Class; Order; Family; Gender; Species other than
the human and therefore remain monkeys ...
The thesis evolving process implies that after mutate the
previous species is extinct because of subsequent
generations of the same species, there does not justify
the origin of man through the apes and these still walk
on the earth in the present condition. Controversial, but
Clearly, we live on a planet that has a very balanced
ecosystem and the species remains so symbiotically, but
how can there be a genetic lethargy so lazy with the
majority comes to seem an eternal numbness as if frozen
in time by Éons?
This evolutionary race "snail's pace" man emerges as if it
were the only miracle of evolutionary life with surprising
Leaving an hour creationism and history before the first
hominid slightly to one side as the source, not elapse in
very deep scientific studies on the origin of primates,
through Plesiadapis walbeckensis and Carpolestes
simpsoni, arboreal rodents that lived 65 million years
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However, let's just focus on the part those results in the
separation of primates in Homo about seven million years
by tchadensis Sahelanthropus (see Chapter I) that could
represent the missing link that separation, theory has
been postulated positively in the scientific community
even conservatively. Accepting that this is the primordial
ancestor has a period of seven million years between
stop being rodents (it is believed that appeared to be a
small squirrel) and we step on the surface of the moon.
What would be quite acceptable but for the fact that we
are the only ones among millions of species on the planet
who achieved the feat extraordinary. It looks more like a
forced evolution than a parallel evolution towards the
environment in which we operate and other species,
showing that the nature or made a deliberate miracle or
some other factor gave a little push in the human race.
The first hypothesis we could raise is that by older that
species can be, even if they are dated by the fossilization
process, are not as old as it assumes and the occurred
developments have been made in a much smaller
timescale which would put in doubt all scientific methods
used so far. Remembering that we humans are trying to
understand kind of the base of guessing the past 200
years what has happened since the universe was created
15 billion years in Earth time without having been there.
It is like trying to assemble a puzzle of thousands of
parts without having the original model as a base.
To think that 300 million years ago are almost nothing
about the Earth will age who presumably is 4.5 billion
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years, or about 7% of that age is nothing to sneeze at,
which would make the process too time consuming to
rolling the rest of the species. The current studies
managed this feat with human beings in a twentieth time
of most of life known and to contemporary species.
Planet Earth is to the species here exist in the favorable
position to the factors of developing life exclusively to
this medium, which is believed all of it have a purpose,
so the species are inherent in the environment where
they live and based on that if similar life will as our
human race (same tangible and genetic characteristics)
would have to be derived from one or more twin planets
to ours. Otherwise it would not be possible or unlikely.
When we make comparisons even in the search for
extraterrestrial life take very into account our own
means, but we should not focus that way because life
will prove favorable according to the environment in
which it develops, so we should not expect to find similar
humans to us unless we find planets similar to ours to
establish the living conditions as they are known.
Class M planets (World), certainly there are the billions in
and out of our galaxy and can be greater hundreds or
thousands of times ours or less in the same proportion in
size to a tennis ball! There is no specific magnitude less
that is determined in advance by researchers, which
becomes irrelevant if the conditions are at least similar to
the question of gravity temperature and chemical
composition, crimping, even if they are ten times higher
than the earth or a thousand times smaller. There is still
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no guarantee that intelligent life as we consider it to be
even similar to ours.
This presented aspect, we may be scouring the outer
space in search of extraterrestrial beings with spacecraft
so gigantic that could lead the planet Earth inside under
artificial conditions without any trouble (if we are no
longer in that condition), given the supposed size that
this species would have their planet was astronomically
higher than ours (just like Kappa Andromedae be 170
Light Years or TrES-4-1435 light years), or we may be
visited every day by spacecraft so small and tiny whom
neither the we see when we go through.
Again everything in our daily lives is relative and you
must have an open mind to analyze all the possibilities
without ruling out no, no child or unlikely it may seem.
After all without the kids we would not have the stimulus
to create the stories of elves and fairies that both
delighted when small and it is from there that you begin
to wonder if these elemental beings that we invent are
possible or not there, but we want to believe...
This whole storyline that looks dull aims to draw parallels
between the various existing factors for one to come up
with an equation which defines why the man apparently
being more evolved and capable, is more likely to be
extinct than species that do not have significant degrees
of evolution, leaving the question of whether the fact
that we are the dominant species and the planet have
taken forcibly to us is beneficial or harmful of the
existential point of view.
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Roughly speaking, the species that are ruminating on
Earth for 400 million years without interfering in the
environment where they live, leaving only the millennia
follow one after another endlessly, have an expectation
of being 100 times larger than the human race... Where
is the logic of all this?
Important fact that should be considered at all times to
be of much relevance in any field of study and
speculation, fantastic or not, and I like to emphasize the
issue of "Hypothesis Fantastic" rightfully believe that
minds should not be closed to what we do not
understand just because is not part of our standard of
acceptance, it is known that as a species we have the
purpose to multiply and conquer, we need to know which
of the two types we are talking about or looking for.
That said we will cover the indisputable facts that make
the correlation between the development of species to
one primary agent undiscovered because everything
points to a single universal and plural gene in the
creation of the species. By evolutionary theory after a
billion years of the Earth has formed, showed the first
signs of life through the prokaryotes, unicellular forms of
life containing DNA, and followed by Eukaryotes who
already had some complexity having a single nucleus and
some organelles. In the wake of this process appear the
other species who lived and perished and those who
today are present on earth until the present day.
With this in mind we see that an interesting thing to
ponder on this subject is that there is a clear similarity
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between living beings that cannot be ignored. We look at
a horse and realize that he has eyes, paws, nose, ears
and mouth and other particularities, if we pay the same
attention to a dog or cat will see the same characteristics
even if they have different appearances.
Fish have eyes, mouth and nostrils, some have evolved
into fins instead of legs or fins, but still follow a very
similar anatomical composition to other living beings.
When we observe a bird flying perceive the wingspan but
not the fact that inside there are cartilage or bone shapes
that resemble the human members of the hands or feet,
besides having the same characteristics of eyes, nose
and ears from others.
No matter how weird that certain species may seem, the
similarity of anatomy by the corresponding features are
truly impressive, raising the question of how the DNA
chain selects the matches for that particular species has
differentiated specific characteristics of the other. The
genetic code is unique undoubtedly are the fruit of the
same origin.
Works great as a combinatorial analysis table where each
formula applied generates a kind specifically and once
decoded and knowing up their respective matches,
correlates them is almost like playing with a chemistry
set as we buy in stores and used in childhood and that
fantastic experiences we alchemists did little to impress
and satisfy curiosity. Or when we are adults and we
started to decode the genetic table in order to play God
to our will! In other words it will only be a matter of
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knowing which buttons we press to obtain the desired
DNA is a flowchart of a pre-existing program scheme that
follows a pattern of combination of high complexity and
when something goes wrong with this program have a
mutation. The mutation may occur in two ways with the
positive first and negative second. Positive takes place in
a progressive horizontal sequence as it was being
described above, prokaryotes, Eukaryotes after the
flatworms and invertebrate creatures such as trilobites.
The Conodontes came the fish in the Devonian period
that dominated the seas and yet it has no definitive
explanation of why, they began to migrate to the
mainland. The most likely cause is a shortage of food,
and in this case we should look at the oceans of the time
somehow shallow enough that this event happened, but
not with the amount of water as we know it today.
This forced migration to the mainland born amphibians, a
kind of hybrid between sea and land that still exist today
as the frogs, it can be said that these are still at an
undefined transitional phase, but that at some point will
make a choice by one of the two elements. Amphibians
give rise to reptiles that need no longer live in swamps
like two worlds mixed, to branch out in Sinapsideos
giving rise to mammals.
As we noted have common ancestors dating back to
reptiles and fish, hence derives the similarity in certain
anatomical aspects, it is important to keep this
perspective to understand how the evolution and planet
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work to date. These primordial beings came all the
species we know, or have not been discovered yet, we
note that we have a close relationship both with the
sharks as with the rats and that's fantastic. Since the
negative trend, also called natural selection of species is
vertical, where many small changes possibly because
environmental conditions are happening, but not
mischaracterize, much less detract the being or the
species concerned.
The Polar Bear is a case that really fit that category
because it is known that before all whites were brown,
that too at a time when the glaciers were not so big to
the point of interfering directly in the habits of this
species. However, with the cyclical climatological change
that is inherent to the planet, this species had to remain
inhabiting the places where formerly only tropical forests
and over time were transformed into ice areas in full.
Now the ice is white and bears mulatto, certainly for
hunting is not a viable alternative because the prey can
see the predator kilometers away, in the struggle for
survival it becomes a problem that can exterminate one
species with considerable speed. But in all this
opposition, the nature wisely, albeit for reasons unknown
how this happens at some point changed the
pigmentation of these bears to the same environment
they inhabit color white.
This gave the new bear an advantage that the others had
not and that this new breed of bears (the species
remains the same) turned out to overlap each other so
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that no longer exist grizzly bears in the region. Note that
these changes are very common in nature, ranging from
a bird that needs a larger nozzle in order to suck the
nectar in a flower with a very long bulge, or an anteater
that needs a huge language to be able to shove the
anthill and capture food.
Cases such as species that are deprived of light by
generations and thus lose ability to see and change the
pigmentation of the skin also occurs in the reverse
direction to the extent that settle on other habitats and
to the use as camouflage, see the chameleon and the
octopus. And are the doubts that they may serve, for
example, the elephant's trunk or the platypus beak to
name but a few of the vagaries of nature to which we
have no satisfactory answers, but they are there and
certainly has a purpose. Other cases that can be called
nature's mistakes are congenital malformation that
occurs in predefined DNA combinations that have breaks
by changing the individual's characteristics, animal, be of
any kind.
This type of situation is a genetic error that does not
present a positive aspect in the evolution process, at
least one has news. Thus creating abnormal beings that
do not fulfill the social acceptance of standards
throughout the animal kingdom, and what is different
always raises suspicion and mistrust resulting in
segregation of individuals.
That is, at some point the process of creating the
chromosomal chemical combination suffers tampering
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generating manufacturing defects and that there is a
marginalization of the individual in relation to the
accepted social parameters, that has nothing to do with
natural selection, but this segregation ends to eliminate
the "problem" as an individual alone has much less likely
to survive in the environment they inhabit.
Thus the nature somehow sees to it that this genetic flaw
not multiply and be summarily eradicated the middle.
The combination of different species in general and with
rare exceptions does not provide good results you know.
The mythical beings half man half-animal we find in all
the mythological accounts, to the scientific knowledge we
have today does not represent nowhere near a real
possibility, but we have no absolute certainty in the
future and the mastery of this biological technology
cannot become a reality.
Man trying to explain God created Heroes and mixed
world he knew what was supposed to exist, simply
because human beings even endowed with superpowers
of any kind are not expected ideal imaginary up because
it is tangible to human by the similarities, so there it is a
mythical being.
But in all reports also found other more differentiated
beings, those winged as the angels, or the Anunnaki the
people of the stars, those with bull head and human
body and mermaids and mermen half man / woman half
fish or bird. A very curious thing that goes unnoticed
most of the time is that marine mammals have horizontal
and unbroken fin unlike fish that are vertical and
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segmented, which does not explain the fish tail of the
sirens in the mythological conception we know half-fish,
half-human as we are mammals.
The right should have a fin as whales, dolphins, seals,
etc. and not a fish tail with everything you are entitled
scales and spurs.
Provide the man's wings should be among the greatest
human ambitions of all time, and put him gills (we may
have already owned and are stunted and closed near the
tongue and the membranes that make the separation of
human fingers), look at the sky and observe the
independence with which a bird hangs up our heads
using an almost unlimited view of everything that
surrounds it, or try to get to the depths of the ocean and
stand there sitting on the sand and cold in the extreme
silence. For those who have thought about it today
certainly is an aspiration and a dream.
For this we create the flying machines, endow the
artificial wings to get to be like these extraordinary and
independent creatures that do not recognize boundaries
between countries, and use an artificial lung to go deeper
and deeper in the oceans. Humans increasingly articulate
prostheses to "be the best" and go further, what will be
the next generation that are used continuously and at
some point there is a situation where need necessarily
giving up these abruptly technologies? Perhaps they will
return the Stone Age to rediscover how to survive.
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It may be for this reason that we always come back to
the past when the future ceases. Possession of the
human genetic code, if we know which of the DNA
strands can turn on and off to be born with wings or gills,
I have no doubt that will be one of the first things we will
do to create a new species and so many others as we
want, each with specific characteristics of a combination
system that in theory has no application limits.
It is thus also that if you want to delete the new
generations preexisting diseases in humans which are
transmitted genetically and can say that we are having
much success in this regard. What was done before the
classic tale of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein or the Island
of Doctor Moreau by HG Wells, in today's times went
from science fiction to reality. A great possibility is that
the relationship we have with other species as we saw
above, these may be of genetic manipulation
experiments that preceded us in trying to reach the first
man and modern man.
Important now to move on to the next step is that we
can understand to what extent we can be the result of
chance or genetic whatsoever manipulations, and realize
how much we have in common with extraterrestrial
beings, the possibility of the existence in the conditions
of explorers and travelers the universe. For this we used
the Drake equation, a set of formulas to estimate the
probable number (important point that it is likely, so it is
conjecture) of extraterrestrial civilizations only within our
galaxy the Milky Way, that other species should have
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another name as well as our planet. The formula is as
The Equation:
Where: N is the number of extraterrestrial civilizations in our
galaxy with which
R* is the star formation rate in our Galaxy
fp it is the fraction of those stars that have planets in orbit
ne is the average number of planets enables the
development of potentially life for star that has planets
fl is the fraction of planets with potential for life that actually
develop life
fi it is the fraction of planets that develop intelligent life
fc is the fraction of planets that develop intelligent life and who
have the desire and the means to communicate
L It is the expected lifetime of such civilization
Drake provided values based on their research:
R* - estimated in 7/year
fp – estimated in 0,5
ne – estimated in 2
fl – estimated in 0,33
fi – estimated in 0,01
fc – estimated in 0,01
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L – Estimated to be 10 000 years
According to Drake data, we estimate that results:
N = 7 × 0,5 × 2 × 0.33 × 0,01 × 0,01 × 10 000 = 2,31
Drake does not provide, however that civilizations can
get out of their mother galaxy to colonize other galaxies,
as may be the case of the human race in the early days,
in the event that we colonization of fruit, in another
words, planted here on this planet and possibly it will be
so in the near future when we try to bring our civilization
by infinite space. Therefore also come into account the
equations of population dynamics, whose formula is:
N + Im = M + Em.
To observe all beings on the planet, roughly speaking, is
related to any kind even if remote, then how to explain
the Greys and Reptilians just to name a few examples of
supposedly existing alien species and visit us often and
arouse curiosity about the subject?
It is noticed that the existing concept that the Greys have
an appearance like beside humanoid features that were
not specifically for large skull could pass for a human of
average height. It has eyes, mouth, nostrils small, upper
and lower members apart of the joints.
But reveals an undeniable kinship not only with our
species, but with all the evolutionary process since the
beginning of planet Earth going back to prokaryotes
leaving questions: Could this be one of the primary
civilizations of the First or Second World, which has
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flourished and achieved technological advanced level
enough for tens or hundreds of millions of years ago that
would allow them to survive, but were unable to save
civilization itself of a possible catastrophe?
Or it has lost the purpose of stay
on Earth for the sake of the Greys
living system is no longer
supported by biological agents
natural or accidentally released
into the atmosphere?
The advanced technological levels
imply apocalypses as described in
the Vedas of Hindu texts by using
Vimanas, vehicles supposedly they
had ability to fly in the
atmosphere and in the ocean
water, used as war machines even
if they are not proven facts, but it
would be nonsense if discard this
possibility as much as the others.
For much less than it has been on
the brink of nuclear war in the last
50 years.
Just as the last great world war led humanity there verge
of an unprecedented abyss and the years that followed,
uncertain even as the use of nuclear weapons globally
about to extinguish significant part of life on Earth, this
event in the near future although it is contemporary
history might be just legend or myth in a few thousand
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years, will depend on the direction we take for humanity
in this period and how to perpetuate these facts.
Another theory become the Greys successors of our own
evolution process thousands or millions of years into the
future and enough technology holders to allow time
travel and be present here in search of any "link" to be
future key which we do not have the no idea what it is.
Much has been speculated that futuristic theory of Greys,
are fruits of a recurring cloning process to deteriorate the
DNA with each new generation, because they lack a
process more efficient or natural reproduction as it is
conceived today.
This could be the main reason to consider our planet a
large laboratory space traveling thousands of kilometers
per hour in the space where we are the main guinea pigs
along with other animals that accompany us in this
adventure. Hence the low need or any other living beings
need to evolve more than necessary for the experiment,
would also be a way to get the genes of these living
creatures, but dormant for millions of years until needed
to be reactivated and used as intended for Our drive or
other species.
Pay attention to the cheap and have a living fossil
sharing the planet with humans and interacting without
interfering significantly in our daily life, but considering
the importance of the food chain for other species, until
it is activated to another purpose. On the other hand we
have mice that were the main agents of the bubonic
plague of the Middle Ages that wiped out a considerable
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portion of humanity of that time, not knowing until the
The Spanish flu in the nineteenth century was another
strange interference on population control time, the
Earth today has seven billion people with 10 billion
forecasts by 2050, and how would the world be today if
there had not been these global catastrophes.
Interestingly in many countries, specifically in Europe
birth rates are decreasing sharply, a fact that was
approached by this author already in the 1990s, it was
visible aging of those people not only for the post-war
conditions, but also by problems that the socioeconomic
progress against repairs itself that the least prepared
countries are the ones that develop very high birth rates.
Once again proved that the situations of human
difficulties tend to multiply reproduction rates in an
unexplained level of compensation. Epidemic diseases
these are a biological agent of population control which
in this case were human for some reason unknown to us,
or in an attempt to strengthen our immune system for
the purpose of further resistance.
It may have been what made the animals dinosaurs as
big and fantastic and also what killed them, reigned
supreme for so many millions of years, but the activation
of specific features so did front up to geological features
of large magnitude and allowed that through them other
more dependent species to flourish, was instrumental in
the entire ecosystem and still is to this day.
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If we had no geological evidence of their existence would
be only in oral or rock records under the ancient
mythology, such as dragons,
sea serpents and others.
After all as we know the Earth
conspires against us, we are
too fragile to the middle and
it's a miracle that we are still
alive at this point of evolution.
hypothesis among many of the
fertile human imagination, has
the same characteristics as
quoted in relation to the Greys
and possibly any other species
we find the carbon-based
universe, leave no doubt that as the Higgs theory boson,
there certainly one PRIMORDIAL GENE who is the
beginning, source and that gives life to the universe at
least as far as we can associate some degree of relational
kinship to some existing civilizations or species including
We may call it truly Genesis. We human twenty-first
century learned to genetically manipulate not only our
DNA but also of other creatures known to the point that
we can create identical copies in the context of cloning.
What was just fiction decades past today is a reality that
we're not sure how much longer influences the
development of all living beings. As in the recent past all
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that had struggled just within the conjecture, hypothesis
or unlikely fantastic universe is coming true at a speed
that surprised even the most skeptical. It is the very
creature becoming the creator! But still do not know for
sure what the origin of this primordial genetic particle
Genesis, or how/who created...
If we possessed a snapshot genetic materializing
according to the buttons and the sequence that we push
could "make" any living being that we wanted, including
the most diverse imaginable features. Would be createdCentaurs and Horses Winged, Angels and Demons,
Tritons and Sirens (if not already there), and the Platypus
is itself a good example and is there to remind us that,
do not duck or Castor, let alone Otter but it has the
physical characteristics of these three different animals
as in a single element.
If there was a Noah's Ark only God knows what
happened in there to have given rise to the Platypus.
Nothing would be as far as our imagination could not
conceive and play for the real world. I imagine that if we
are in a laboratory as part of a scientific experiment, the
Creator is just testing these possibilities only by the
existing historical, occasionally this experiment gets out
of control and becomes needed a contingency plan. Or
make purposeful play!
Maybe that's why we are the fourth, fifth or hundredth
human race on Earth. Apparently we are not yet ready to
experience, but in the process of leaving the test tube
into outer space, beyond the laboratory and perhaps
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contaminate the whole scientific project around the
universe. The question of longevity of an alien being is
also something that needs to be clarified, after 30 days
living like butterflies or hundreds of years as the turtles?
We cannot just think that we can quantify the lifetime
referencing the Earth, the Greys, for example, have
reportedly typical characteristics of beings who stay for
long periods or indefinitely in low gravity, never had
news of an obese Grey or features that are not tall large
heads and bodies.
This can also show quite rightly that remain in space for
indefinite periods, hence the little physical consistency of
these aliens. And if so, for how long a single generation
can sail the galaxy without being deprived of memory
and the end goal?
They may be traveling for thousands perhaps millions of
years for answers and we may be some of these
answers, or just another species to study with a goal of
which we know nothing?
You may also be our own colonies of millions of years
ago making the return trip to a nonexistent world will
millennia in relentless pursuit by the creators as we are
doing and we are also just one more of those colonies
still maturing our existence to later be joining the other
and go out in the same search.
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Chapter III
The discussion is still around prove it is possible to have
intelligent life existed as to classify the distant past,
focusing our interest in closer periods between 200,000
to 12,000 years ago to be more plausible. Not only we
must prove that it was possible but that existed and
change the concept that sprout of nowhere, coming not
knowing for sure where.
Should be stated the rights and wrongs of the theses and
existing physical evidence without this may have to throw
out all the current concept, but adapts them to the new
times, but not in the way that the Catholic Church, only
citing as a known example, which had to rescue the
credibility of the institution hundreds of years after
having crossed the Dark Ages people and burning books
and challenging ideas just because they compatible with
its ideals of faith, or more precisely political ambitions.
This attitude of the Catholic Church as in other
totalitarian religions where there is no free thinking delay
mankind over thousands of years. Faith must be a
motivator to get further in search of answers and not to
make them dogmas, without explanation, other than
under the supernatural and social control. The Vatican
today is the most important library of today ending on
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the shelves of their kilometric holds the knowledge of
mankind since man walked on two legs.
Over the last 2,000 years the collection has been
increased with the discovery of the New World and all
that did not perish by the hands of missionaries or
Spanish barbarians, swords drawn decimated empires
older than Rome. However, remain beyond the reach of
most researchers, possibly so as not to challenge the
existing social and religious concept.
This on the other hand restricts the reading and
interpretation of these writings for being inaccessible to
universal study benefiting only a handful of elected by
the holding entity for this purpose, leaving the rest of
stakeholders and scholars from outside, cannot you share
theories and evidence.
It does nothing to make us a better company because
surely the answers to many of the questions we are now
there have already been asked and answered thousands
of years ago and we still find ourselves in the same limbo
may know how mankind went through those moments,
but we are forbidden truth because a small percentage of
people who think they have the power not for us to know
more than what we need to live one day at a time that
willful ignorance.
This is another example of "A minority resulting need
for the vast majority" in order to let her busy
supplying the incessant curiosity to seek answers to all
questions, knowing that they have been given and are
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written in a separate book on a shelf there side, certainly
in a dark corner of some shelf which will have no access.
Not only religious institutions surely conspire to hide the
truth as well as the governments worldwide. There
seems to be a shady and secret agreement, may not only
among themselves but also involving third parties still
under speculation which would be other intelligences
probably from outer space on reveal important data that
may cast humanity in ways that divide the power of the
dominant forces even if it means suppressing the truth to
times indefinite.
Hide this truth however bad it may seem, and meant it
as a kind of threat not make it friendly ace future causes
to defend ourselves and we can be surprised by a wave
of rejection of the Status Quo than if the truth had been
disseminated to individual home could make their choice
based on the undeniable truth and not the convenient lie.
The Library of Alexandria had among its extensive
collection a particularly interesting and impressive book
by some record of what is known and came to the
present day, which was the subject of the True History of
Humanity, it is quite possible that this volume (s) with
the same title, has not been lost at all as well as other
significant works that compiled reports of what had been
the human adventure on Earth, and is still hidden in
some private collection away from the prying eyes of
scientists, which is nonetheless a shame because delays
in consecutively in thousands of years.
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By comparison is like the oil industry around the world,
even if we have this natural resource for over 500 years
as they are, we will continue using motors explosion in
the car just to feed the world economy?
Or intend to create in the interim other technologies that
are not as harmful to the environment and that can push
us to a sustainable future?
This requires a collective effort. The fire itself of the
Alexandrian Library has a Christian dimension, another
version says that the rest of the remaining Library of the
previous fires was destroyed in 391 d. C. after the
Emperor Theodosius issued the decree forbidding pagan
religions, the bishop of Alexandria Theophilus (385-412
AD) was the agent of this crime against humanity on the
grounds that the contents of the library encouraged to
This is an indisputable delay, but a significant setback in
the development of humanity as a whole.
If we take the period between the Epic of Gilgamesh king
Sumerian epic post-Flood Mesopotamian found on clay
tablets in XXVII century BC that is to our classification of
history, myth or legend, until the latter part of the
nineteenth century near past, we realize that mankind
had advanced very little technologically and as a society,
even when compared to the splendor of ancient Greece
or Rome in antiquity they represented the pinnacle of the
human race by the standards of the time, it was very
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What can help us to corroborate, citing only these two
empires, it is that after the decline of both in their
respective time zones, there was a cultural and social
regression inherent in the process of evolution. Rome
was able to dominate most of the world known as
Alexander the Great had done before and after the
collapse from the century. II went back almost to the
point of the Stone Age.
It is known by various scriptures and archaeological
evidence that the Romans, skilled builders had true
masterpieces of architectural systems specifically in the
hydraulic area involving spaces for baths and toilets
everywhere they passed and erected cities. Today can be
seen ruins of spas, aqueducts, bridges and roads made
with much improved technique and refinement.
It was this people according to known and although
there are references to similar textures in ancient Egypt
and Greece who developed the hydraulic concrete for at
least 2700 years, which after the collapse of the empire
and perhaps due to a lack of technicians and skilled labor
not find more this texture in later works for several
centuries, highlighting the technological setback and
elaborate techniques that are lost when the civilization in
question comes into sudden collapse.
How to explain the decline in the Europe was in
subsequent periods being affected even by the Black
Death in the fourteenth century, Middle Ages, killing
between 25 and 75 million people at known figures,
whose main cause was just a health issue, which
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centuries before was the holder of the best existing
The legacy of a civilization made gradually tends to thrive
and achieve notoriety in the pages of history, this is done
for generations giving sequence ace great creations and
discussing new ways to pass the knowledge on without
losing or suffering changes that may deface what is
being taught. It's like having a hereditary schedule is
subject to adjustments, but not the changes that
compromise the character ultimate goal of this project.
We have several examples of the thriving civilizations
when they followed a specific time schedule, or a line,
the use of pharaohs, kings and emperors are a clear
proof of this and possibly a necessity because in theory is
the certainty of continuity of a reliable gene or
preservation of collateral is common knowledge that
tends to thrive and to follow up the achievements
initiated by predecessors.
his is the Inheritance Principle where knowledge is
transmitted to succeeding generations, although this
author believes that all human knowledge is passed
genetically from father to son since antiquity and the first
men through the cells, which even today still not having
enough technology to access the contents of these cells,
these data exist and have millions of terabytes of human
history and lineage of those individuals.
If we think that way and we use the theory of heredity,
the process of evolution is very slow because we need to
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repeat the experiences and constantly relearn what has
already been learned by our forefathers possibly a more
unique way, even more archaic or not, since we are a
progression process and puts forward the hypothesis
have been more advanced civilizations than ours today.
There are two possible explanations for this to happen
and do not have access to this genetic memory that lies
dormant within us being the first; the need that "nature"
imposes indefinitely repeat the experiments for when we
are ready we can evolve as a species, there is the theory
that the more we repeat a certain factor, the more he
becomes present in our IMO. Or if it is preferable to
internalization of these experiences to the subconscious.
Literally means absorb the experience to become part of
us fully, it would explain the fact that sometimes we hear
stories of people who have activated a knowledge that
momentarily and spontaneously begin to speak or
understand ancient languages without ever having
learned . In some cases some religions to see them as
demonic possessions subject to exorcism. Mankind
especially the cultural and religious concepts tends to
suppress what does not, summarily marginalizing any
material facts giving rise to doubts in the divine
consciousness or political/social power.
The existing fact is that not even have idea if the reality
we see is a fact or a random creation of our self so that
experience what we are predisposed to learn. How many
times has anyone ever wondered if when you look at a
specific place or object that is only there because they so
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desire, or when we dialogue with other people speak and
hear just what we want to say and hear?
Suppose I say that heaven is blue and the sequence of
their understanding hears that color is pink and
establishes a dialogue on the tones that the pink color
has, but all I hear are variations on the color blue...
Nothing is what it seems, how can we judge the reality
do not even have the notion to our reality exists, has
consistency or is relevant to the universal process? Still, it
is the painter who is painting himself and however we
want to get to the beginning of this process, always
misses the original painter that "no one is painting" and
is giving rise to this infinite sequence painter painting the
painter throughout eternity.
By this I mean that even if we find most of the answers,
the truth will always be out there in some inaccessible
place, why we always want to know what is effectively
the source of origin!
The second hypothesis is that the "nature" in this case
reserves the right to not give us access to information to
ensure you do not make the same mistake again and in
the same exact conditions in the following new
experiment by the amount of times she deems necessary
to achieve the desired goal.
Thus, every time we are born, important to emphasize
that this is done the traditional way using a mixture of
genes from two very probably from different lineages
individuals, so different life stories, so there will be a
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junction of two different worlds in one individual, which
raises the question of how this would work in human
cloning, we must learn all that has been learned
previously by our remote or recent ancestors.
Thus, we learn to walk, talk, hear, and see all this again
even knowing intimately that this is already internalized
in us for ages. In the case of genetic clones memory
tends to be stagnated to the point that initiated the
cloning no genetic mixture to contribute to the increase
of this intrinsic memory. This is a very extensive subject
who will be discussed in the last chapter of the book that
may not be the majority of liking, but presents an
interesting point of view and is what has long governed
the life method by this author in the search for answers.
It was through this theory somewhat controversial to be
presented in the final chapter, which I or I think I have
found the answers to all the questions I asked and no
one knew or would not answer me, but somehow satisfy
me and minimize the scars acquired this route, as well as
link paths to follow. However, it is important to
remember that it is a particular point of view that in
theory is as good as any other application can be used
for all those who think they can serve them, not as a
rule, but only as a parameter.
Returning to the point of discussion, as the civilizations
that suffer declines abrupt or cataclysmic, infer a sudden
disruption and irreversible loss of culture cannot this be
continued on any circumstances, as if this "hereditary" tie
was broken and could not be restored.
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No one knows for sure if because of the human
unpreparedness to restart from the point where it
stopped or just the fact that there is a collective effort of
self-preservation try to forget and erase the memory
itself the tragic events that are this discontinuity. For this
reason we have the legends and myths, obscure facts
purposely hidden in the background of consciousness
and human history that are seen as forbidden fantasies
of lost times, but somehow, for countless reasons being
perhaps the main insatiable human curiosity, back to
haunt us centuries later.
One can also speculate the nature endowed with an
"intrinsic intelligence" from time to time releases
harmful agents not sufficient to make a species quota
control so that they do not develop more than that
specified period. This can be of natural order by chemical
association account due to the change of the suspension
at room deep in the ice sheets and ocean, released in
accordance with the different phases that the planet
crosses of accommodation geological and planetary
As agents for this already pre-existing past ages in their
own environment or coming from outer space, not
dissipating into the atmosphere when burning the
entrance, or finally, by intelligent foreign direct action.
When we go back to the recent past in an attempt to
explain the history no farther than 20,000 years, we face
the wonders of rock painting for all locations on the
planet and beyond, ancient buildings show that the
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people there existed were aware and need to leave its
mark for generations to come.
The best examples of the artistic flair of certain
individuals this time that left a record of their passage
and although they have not signed in written form these
masterpieces of antiquity put printed palms on cave walls
as if to say "Made by me, I've been here! ", getting to
our delight and posterity a little passage in the history of
the ancient man and peacefully challenge the scientific
consensus of our time.
Picture of the Chauvet
Cave - Chauvet-Pont-d'Arc is
located south of France.
For a human civilization
sculptures and portrayed
its history legends and
from 3,000 years ago,
we need only look at the paintings in the Chauvet cave in
southern France, a place that in 1994 cavers discovered
bones of fossilized animals and cave paintings to realize
the high degree of sophistication used to understand the
time they were made.
There are a total of 435 cataloged thirteen different
species of animal’s paintings, dating from the period
between 32,000 and 30,000 years. Until then it was
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assumed that men of that age means that are not
different from Neanderthals (350,000 to 29,000 years
BC) considered a subspecies of Homo sapiens, hominids
that ruminating along with other creatures on earth of
simian form, crude and unintelligent yet which share
99.7% of their DNA with that of modern man.
By genetic comparison there is no reason to doubt that
Neanderthals could not have a degree of evolution even
then between 200,000 and 30,000 years BC but
equivalent to our current, at least very close even if there
are no tangible evidence to prove that, perhaps we
looking in the wrong place because ace planet's surface
features in the last 15,000 years and even the durability
of buildings and artifacts. Below are some of the best
examples of creativity and human talent of the
prehistoric times:
Older buildings that we can date if confirmed will be the
Giza pyramids in Egypt, Sphinx on the same site and
buildings More, Incas and Aztecs of Latin America that
may go back to about 20,000 years in the past it with a
good dose of optimism, and yet its durability by time and
wear geological action could last as much equal but not
exceed a period of 50,000 years at best.
This puts, for example, the civilization of Mu or
Lemúria also understood in the meantime the
Neanderthal civilization.
Could be these more advanced than what is usually
presented by the scientific community precisely because
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of lack of evidence that contradicts this and at the same
time were precursors of advanced civilizations we heard,
seen as myths or legends and after the decline of their
civilization yet They have regressed to the point of
looking cavemen?
Painting the Cave of
Altamira in Santillana del
Mar in Spain discovered in
1868 and a World Heritage
Site since 1985.
Chauvet along with
Lascaux and Altamira
in Spain make up some
of the most important archaeological sites of today and
still is the question of how many other sites like these are
to be discovered, considering the date that Chauvet
appeared for the scientific community and those who
have not more access because they were submerged and
lost, and/or that may contain other stories from the past
of modern man.
The paintings are dated between the periods from
32,000 to 12,000 years BC the complexity of the
drawings show the sophistication of the people of that
time and this is just one of the 435 paintings that
decorate the cave, leaving no doubt that it was a very
advanced culture in the field the arts. In both cases we
have today these ancient references exclusively due to
natural slips for thousands of years that prevented
human resettlement again in these localities, preserving
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and forming a time capsule, so we have preserved today
these amazing high quality rock records.
Painting the Cave of
Perigord in the commune
of south-eastern France
discovered in 1940.
Carbon 14 allowed
chronology of the
paintings at the end of the Solutrean and early
Madalenense the European Upper Paleolithic, that is,
between 17,000 to 15,000 years. Here again one
perceives the artistic domain of the author of the
paintings, to a period when it was still believed that the
man had no social classes or permanent chiefdoms
hierarchy and lived much of his time in caves.
What would be a nonsense knowing that at the time they
lived in groups consisting 20-30 members and family
gatherings in the order of 10 to 15 subjects, later
confirmed by the AN excavation Rogatchev Russian
paleontologist who studied the region of La Madeleine
archaeological site in the Dordogne region of France.
For the reasons presented above is very difficult to
understand, for example, as past thousands of years
since the creation of these high quality cave paintings,
but also in the mid-1900s in the United States, people
fighting in duels sunset with pistols Colt 45 the most
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complete example gladiator/medieval, only using other
types of weapons.
Shows, however, that as a species when we choose to
walk in different ways, not necessarily in the opposite
way, you end up getting anywhere or move in such a
slow pace that becomes noticeable for time and eternity
for us humans. Then when socially mismatch, turned
back to the most basic and primal instinct we have within
us hidden and quietly somewhere that arises when the
need for continuity and survival is at risk and the
subconscious after evaluating all possible variables,
active their self-defense mechanisms to ensure the
perpetuation of the species / individual.
There is an interesting thing and foremost it is important
as income for life, people without tribes do not survive!
Often the perception that we will overcome the obstacles
that life imposes even alone us aware that we have the
necessary capacity is a mistake and usually when we
discovered it will be too late. Whenever we think we have
all the answers to life decides it's time to change the
questions and that nothing is as it was before.
Live in groups has its benefits and setbacks, but people
together are stronger and the possibility of extinction
among species becomes more difficult, however lonely or
stray individuals are doomed to failure and succumb this
planet at all times insists we do not do part of it. Living is
"A unique adventure in which we enter and never
will leave alive!", and survive every day just by
chance, like a didactic game wins the one who is the
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fittest and the convergence of events (lucky?) Pushes for
From the beginning of the twentieth century already in
the post-industrial revolution was accelerated this
process of social and technological evolution albeit
timidly and at the end of that century were already able
not only to circle the planet in hours fancy aircraft when
once took days and had already been countless months
and years just the wind, but also went further and sat
down on the moon's surface facing Earth and we tend to
not necessarily possess the importance the universal
level we thought we had, but also we find that we are
just another celestial body randomly wandering the
infinite space there looking for answers.
Discoveries of this magnitude does not try to be large or
small steps for mankind because we know that we are a
drop in the ocean which we do not see the horizon, we
dimensioned the great human achievements as human
by our own smallness and are surprised when surpassed
these imitate that we impose ourselves, but our journey
is short and cannot be registered in the quantum
universal proceedings, however, still persist and unlike all
existential expectations surprised and moved on.
It is worth remembering at all times that the real
problems of our lives are those who least we care and we
care regularly, however, the last 150 years can be said
that we have taken a considerable leap in the
evolutionary process at least with regard to technological
issue that will ultimately propel us also as a society ever
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as a species. We risk even abruptly transform ourselves
into cavemen future due to the large amount of artificial
features that tend to add to the human body in order to
become better in all, ranging from the telescopic sight
and X-rays to titanium members will allow us to lift
extraordinary weights with the lightness of a feather.
This creates an inherent dependence on the kind of can
also lead you in extinction because over time and use of
technologies added to the human body in order to
become better and more efficient, weaken our survival
instincts and sense of strength...
Revolutionized communication and shorten distances in
virtual form, create prostheses of various types to meet
our physical, cars, aircraft, rockets, digital communication
devices and very soon spacecraft that will allow us to
explore at least closest planets and then the stars more
distant. Teleportation that today is only fiction will soon
be a reality, it will open a new era and cause a human
revolution as well.
We need to be very careful with what we want, it may be
the end of us all think of teleportation as a means only
shift between two or more points, but you have to think
that when we are being disintegrated molecular shape to
again be reinstated elsewhere does not mean we cannot
be replicated infinitely, we cannot be caught in this
atomic condition and even if the transplant surgery,
childbirth and aesthetic corrections cannot be done that
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It also means that you can enter that device with your
heart and leave without him, or another, or even with
different eye color...
We have access to vast information content and
outlandish theories that border on insanity without we
need to leave the house, even the table where we sat
down to study and ramble about the future of humanity,
trying to guess what the next big step that we will and
we will be walking in the right direction or the edge of
the abyss.
But one thing is clear from the historical records we have
more we advance in this short period of time comprising
a century and a half than in the 10,000 years that
preceded it, this is remarkable, but expected! Humanity
has never known in history been so ready to take a
quantum leap as this time or just be eradicated by a
suicide of our species of involuntary and collectively, as if
it had never existed.
All future discoveries tend to accelerate the process for
which we are not prepared, we will be pushed to the
stage one after the other in what should be a natural and
not artificial process, when we created ways to cheat
nature and evolution to become a species better adapted
and more competitive, we are what we do without
danger account give us that is, we are one step closer to
stop being what we have been for millennia, only human.
Even when we cannot attribute to human beings
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achievements. The nature will eventually collect these
debt in the future and very high interest rates!
If you have not already. Which in turn also means an
immediate and constant threat to other species that
compete directly with us for the right to continue to exist
inside or outside the Earth even without our knowledge
and we do not have the same resources and decisionmaking.
The Principle of Genius Acquired
In a way I am constantly disappointed by the fact that
many theorists and even scientists challenge the work
capacity and ingenuity of the human race to be and
create, and how to how their efforts through the ages
have been depreciated by not being able to put on the
geological time context his achievements, although many
of these monumental works do not have a satisfactory
explanation or even can escape all scientific and
architectural concepts of which we know today.
When repair the pyramids of Giza realize the superhuman
effort of which those buildings treat and surprise me
atrociously that many scholars and critics arrive will
ultimate conclusion that we humans were and are
incapable of such a feat in relegating the qualifying
evolved species, but unable, almost poor in the extreme.
The most famous pyramid in the world and that for
centuries was the greatest human achievements with
146.6 meters tall called pharaoh Khufu of the Fourth
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Dynasty between 2551-2528 BC, Khufu's Great Pyramid
and finally figuring for 3800 years as the most existing
man-made structure on Earth is undoubtedly an amazing
work, not only by the size and the human contingent that
was needed to build it according to the latest research
we have news, it is estimated that about 100,000
workers for a continuous period and not less than 20
years of construction.
Qheops Pyramid in
the Valley of Giza.
But also by how
everything in it
was calculated and
oriented as well as
in other pyramids,
the Great Pyramid
directs the four
limiting the Nile Delta geometrically with the extension of
the two diagonals and dividing it into two equal parts
following the axis of pyramid.
On the other hand, the orientation of the pyramid allow
the light rays of the star Sirius passing through the
meridian, penetrate into the existing chamber in its core
through a duct at the time of construction and many
decades later, when announcing the beginning of the
Egyptian year and flooding of the Nile, but the most
notable addition to all this and it is worth the reader to
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delve into the literature is the fact that it was built with
eight faces and not four.
The Great Pyramid view from above clearly shows this
architectural marvel unknown until the beginning of the
twentieth century as it could only be visible from above,
something that is not perceived with soil distinction. The
symmetry, the structural design and project execution
logistics are surprisingly remarkable for any past time,
present or future.
The calculations necessary to engender this type of
construction today it would be extremely complex and if
we can assign the construction to the human effort of
time, even if it is not within this period and may be older
than the suggested shows that being Human perseveres
for thousands of years without giving up dreams and
record his deeds for posterity.
Other works include the Sphinx of Giza, the housing
complex of Machu Piccu, all the amazing buildings of the
Incas, Mayas and Aztecs, still allied megaliths spread
across the globe as far back who did not have records,
only proves the tenacity one race, the human in order to
make his mark for eternity.
For these same reasons, we do not give credit what we
were and we are capable of giving the most diverse
inexplicable architectural discoveries in the traditional
way, as well as the technological advances that are
invented and discovered throughout the centuries the
gods, extraterrestrials civilizations or the supernatural, It
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is at least fit in the lower and irrelevant class civilization
that can know, as if we were not able to reach the stars
of our own competence and merit.
Human genius is commonly attributed to many
individuals who somehow stood out in the specializations
they have worked and you end up spreading his ideas
and theories and somehow propel humankind farther
through this same applied knowledge.
What is required now in this literature is to quantify the
extent to which we call geniuses individuals who perform
important practical or theoretical discoveries and
significant advances in our history, all under clarify the
powers Modern Man has to, based on more examples
Recent known and can be traced back to a few thousand
years, might briefly elucidate on what makes these
different individuals of all other human and if they are
true geniuses or just people who stand out from the
others in their fields by the ability to learn, retain,
interpret and externalize this information.
In most studies and research on personalities that
somehow influenced the human race the past centuries
came across a common cause of trend and in very few
cases that cause derived giving rise to true genius. The
simplistic concept of genius is the genius feature or
characteristic; quality who has an extraordinary
intellectual capacity.
This ability is acquired through the behavioral method,
people who study a particular subject and become
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experts in it, tend under favorable conditions are brilliant
in their fields, without however showing signs of Genius
Genuine or the Gift of Genius.
In psychology the human genius is defined by the degree
of intelligence that the person has and for that there is
an index called IQ (quotient Intelligence), intelligence is
the ability to understand an information, interpret this
information and create out of it, but if we think a little
about it that does not make geniuses but experts in
certain areas, not least because we expect results that
surprise us these individuals or there would be no reason
to exist in its means.
"There is no reason to believe that the measure of a
quotient somehow intelligence reflects the cognitive
capacity of the human mind."
Anthropologist Scott Atran says anthropologist Scientific
Research Center of Paris. According to him, nothing in
the animal world suggests that there is a natural
selection for the ability to perform tasks in general.
"IQ is only a general measure of reasoning and
categorization socially acceptable," she adds.
Varies according to what is most valued in every society,
and if it serves anything, it's to show the socio-cultural
differences in the world. A good example to study is
Albert Einstein, German physicist and theorist who lived
between 1879 and 1955 responsible for developing the
general theory of relativity in which matter (energy)
curve space and time around them.
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That is, gravitation is an effect of the space-time
geometry. And the formula for mass-energy equivalence
- E = MC² or (? E = M * VL²), also called atomic formula,
among other important scientific contributions in the
There is no doubt the deep knowledge acquired in these
two materials by Einstein, had a natural predisposition for
learning or vocation in the areas in which he worked and
the ways that come to get the results you got and that
these fields were of paramount importance.
Not only the difficulties of life time, more precisely the
birthplace Ulm, in the Kingdom of current Württemberg
Baden-Württemberg, who still called himself the German
Empire, as well as sixteen years old, two before the
examinations for the Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich
Switzerland (later ETH Zurich) failing to reach the
required standard in various disciplines, especially the
French, but got exceptional grades in physics and
It would have possibly been a professor of mediocre
French if he had followed this career, even though it was
not his natural talent and opportunities for other options
to choose from have been submitted. In September
1896, passed in the Swiss studies with good grades for
the most part (including a score of six in physics and
mathematics, on a scale of 1-6) and although counted
only 17, one less than the other students , enrolled in
four-year course for physics professor degree from the
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Polytechnic School in Zurich. After graduating, Einstein
spent almost two frustrating years searching for a
teaching post (note that had been a student with
excellent academic qualifications).
But to his aid came the father of the Swiss
mathematician Marcel Grossmann, who helped him get a
job in Bern, at the Federal Institute of Intellectual
Property, the Patent Office as assistant examiner which
assessed applications for electromagnetic devices
patents. In 1903, Einstein's position at the Swiss Patent
Office became permanent, although he was passed over
for promotion until he "fully mastered machine
technology" (although in this case was just a regular
This is a good example of intelligence applied where the
ways and opportunities to aggregate studies and
personal commitment came in a result later attributed to
genius. This puts the rest of the world at a lower level if
we imagine that anyone using the same parameters
although in other scientific chairs could not achieve the
same results, so assign a genius when an
unconventionally dawns individual in their specific area of
expertise is a little more willingly than you might expect,
not to take away or diminish the importance, merit and
laurels by these people in their fields. Bright yes, genius?
Do not know...
The worldwide recognition and contributions of
individuals such as Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Galileo,
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Charles Darwin and Stephen Hawking in their fields of
studies among several hundred others we could mention
here is indisputable and will not be sticking object, but
proves as Einstein's theory of space and time, The
Genius is also Relative! Much depends on the
reference point of view of the observer and social criteria
to assign.
Even remarkable, however, it would have been if any of
them had done or discovered any wonder a playing field
that was not of their full and entire domain. These
personalities have devoted themselves body and soul to
their fields of study basically giving hand the
surroundings of their lives, in addition, very often create
very select group discussions with other persons whom
they have common interests and debate the issues to
exhaustion. It is inevitable that sooner or later the results
appear as desired.
This is also the principle of trial and error that both
combinations undoubtedly do experiments at some point
even if by chance, we will achieve the ultimate goal or at
least get closer to it we've ever been before.
What needs to be shown is when the human capacity has
a mind trained in specific areas may or may not point to
short-term solutions to complex problems or at least to
contribute to others to develop new practices and longterm theories.
Here it is shown the capacity utilization of IQ or
assimilation of information as motivator and not as
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segregated from the individual intelligence, because to
qualify any human being as inferior in intellect to any of
the personalities mentioned it will be of such printed
form in your subconscious that this will be found at all
times unable to accomplish remarkable things.
So indirectly we are limiting creativity and why not speak
of the human intelligence based on stereotypes that we
create ourselves and condemning the human race to
wander the world over hoping that some "genius" comes
up with a miracle solution when there are billions of
minds there is around us just waiting for an opportunity
to let his genius go out and conquer the world.
The above mentioned personalities have not discovered
"The Way of Stones" without the others precede, at
the end what we have is a compilation of knowledge
properly quantified and placed in an equational order
from which you get a satisfactory result. This proves that
the conditions and suitable locations the human being,
be it past or present can indeed create magnificent works
that other cultures may at some point find it difficult to
attribute its origin without this need to resort to the
divine, supernatural or extraterrestrial to justifies it, but
in their own right.
The conclusion reached is invariably at some point
shorter or longer, someone would get the same result as
these individuals highlighted arrived if it had not
happened before, whether that result is displayed after
or much later. It's inevitable! This aspect is always that
future print stolen for those who do not consolidate
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somehow their ideas, but that's not it, but convergence
of factors.
It's like a horse race in which all who are competing has
the same chance since they have characteristics similar
conditions and interests, with time, preparation and
strategy the dominant factor in order to obtain success in
their intent. Therefore, all people are born geniuses
according to qualifications above, some stand out, they
are laureates and put your name in history and some do
not, largely depends on the speed with which the factors
occur and the environment in which it is inserted, but
arguably there are no limits to the human capacity to be
and create.
The Vitruvian Man made by
Leonardo da Vinci.
This does not mean that
there are no true geniuses
of mankind, but these are
really rare, are individuals
who have an incredible
ability to aggregate a vast
subjects and emerge as
intelligence in almost all of
them uniformly.
Leonardo da Vinci (1452 AD - 1519 AD), if we can credit
him at least half of the acts attributed to him, evidently
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trying to separate as honestly as the man of myth. These
are people who transcend the learning barriers to and
can even have the knowledge of several areas and be
good at all at the same time, Leonardo was versed in
nearly every science there were standing out in painting,
mechanics and anatomy, as well as visionary by
anticipate considerably some of the creations that would
only much invented centuries after his death. Born the
illegitimate son, was educated in the studio of the
renowned Florentine painter, Verrocchio, Leonardo was,
as today, known primarily as a painter.
As a scientist, was responsible for much advancement of
knowledge in the fields of anatomy, civil engineering,
optics and hydrodynamics, the Leonardo da Vinci is
considered the greatest genius in history, due to its
multitude of talents for science and arts, their ingenuity
and creativity, and their polemical works. Some twenty
years after Leonardo's death, King Francis I of France
would have said, according to the sculptor Benvenuto
"Never born into the world another man who knew as
much as Leonardo, not so much (for their expertise) of
painting, sculpture and architecture, but because he was
a great philosopher."
In this same category we fit many geniuses of antiquity
as Aristotle (384 BC - Athens, 322 BC), Pythagoras (570
BC - 497 BC), Archimedes (287 BC - 212 BC), Aristarchus
(320 BC - 250 BC) by the meager knowledge season we
had (unless they had access to some sort of older
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literature unknown and now lost) and the theories that
broadcast, published writings, revolutionized and
influenced the thoughts of both the ancient world and
the modern.
In the years that followed the first and second
millennium AD there is a certain obscurity in identifying
people with genius acquired or induced, the records even
though there are scarce or incomplete until you get to
the Renaissance in the late fourteenth century and
beginning of the XV which was again an explosion of
This is probably due to the fact that Europe has plunged
from the first century AD in a sharp decline of the Roman
Empire although its heyday was in the mid-second
century AD, succeeded by the instability of European and
Asian people vying territories and altered the boundaries
the continents and the affirmation of Christianity and
Islam as religions, the latter being late first millennium
around the year 700 AD Although we know little about
this time, history confirms that this period several
scientific instruments were invented, and were several
discoveries natural laws and physical objects previously
The very face of the planet has changed the maps after
the discoveries and the great voyages, taking physics,
engineering, philology and various other branches of
knowledge to a level of complexity, efficiency and
accuracy unprecedented, each contributing to an
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exponential growth in knowledge, which led him to
conceive the history of mankind as a continuous
expansion and always for the better. The following
excerpt from Pantagruel (1532), François Rabelais, is
often cited to illustrate the spirit of the Renaissance:
"All courses are now resurrected, languages established:
Greek, without the knowledge of which it is a shame
someone call yourself scholar, Hebrew, Chaldean, Latin
(...) The world is full of academics, highly cultivated
educators, very libraries rich, so it seems to me that even
in the times of Plato, Cicero or Papiniano, the study was
as comfortable as what we see around us. (...) I see that
the street thieves, torturers, employees stable nowadays
are more erudite than the doctors and preachers of my
The real genius is in those without practical knowledge
only empirical can reach conclusions or get results where
experts in these matters were not successful. These
findings by induction can be considered rather fruit of
pure and true human genius because it is not expected
that an individual who does not speak it surprised us with
a solution on the basis of practical or theoretical.
Globalization performed for the first time from the
century. XIV by the Portuguese Empire changed the
human conception of society contributing impressively to
the world as we know it today. Note that nature itself
had defined races in clearly defined spaces, white in
Europe, Asia yellow, black and red in Africa in the
Americas, but because ace great voyages that all
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changed and the world has become unique and plural!
Much of the absence of acquired genius is the fact that
most humans by expressly unfavorable social and
economic conditions do not exercise the professions and
activities for which has cream vocation, continually
pushing people capable of essential discoveries
relegating them to obscurity of existence.
For this reason the race to put the name in the story are
late for many minutes, hours or days in presenting their
ideas and others end up stealing them the glorious future
that were intended.
The invention of the telephone is one example only to
illustrate the above paragraph once the US Patent Office
received by difference only two hours the record of the
phone invention by two distinct inventors and that do not
compete with each but by totally unaware of the each
other's work, at least as far as is known, respectively in
February 1876, there were two applications for the
phone Patents one presented by Alexander Graham Bell,
inventor and others by Elisha Gray (1835-1901) American
inventor and electrical engineer . Both requests were
The invention of the telephone has long been attributed
to Alexander Graham Bell, however, as recognized by the
US Congress through Resolution 269 of June 15, 2002,
the device was invented around 1860 by Italian Antonio
Meucci, the called "talking telegraph" or "teletrofono" and
the first public demonstration of Meucci's invention took
place that same year, with his description published in
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Meucci already in New York began his studies of the
invention and eventually build a very rudimentary
telephone, made up of a magnet, a reel and a
diaphragm, a closed wooden box.
It lacked, however, the financial resources to continue,
just like that, in September 1871, five years before his
future competitors, requested provisional patent
registration of the invention illustrating a petition with
several charts and diagrams of the invention. It was five
years without Meucci acquire means to settle the case for
economic reasons. Eventually sold the phone prototype
to Alexander Graham Bell in 1876, patented the
invention as of his own.
Meucci sued, but eventually died during the trial and the
case was closed. This is an excellent example of "Stolen
Future" by the adversities of life where we have the
impression that people take the place of others for the
tiniest fractions of time in this endless race and
"Moment", which often anticipate an idea in time is so
damaging as postponing it. For this there is the
"Moment" which is the convergence of all the favorable
factors that will allow it succeeds trying.
One can clearly see the difference between Thomas
Edison who was an entrepreneur and Tesla a true
visionary, the latter in addition to possessing a brilliant
mind suffered the same blow that Meucci, although the
two minds were the best of their times and knowing that
much of it is credited to Edison as an inventor was
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acquired because of partnerships with other inventors
who did not have proper credit in the history books, the
conditions for Edison and the economic interests of
investors were the most important and critical to put
your name among the great personalities of the
twentieth century than the true genius of any of them.
With regard to electricity, had a propensity to the
financial investment had economic return even if the idea
were not so fantastic to the point of becoming brilliant
and we have the example of the concept of Tesla with
his invention the Wardenclyffe Tower to forward
electricity by the air which would eliminate infinite
number of wires, outlets, nozzles and perhaps batteries
that use today for loading and continues daily our
electronic devices.
Tesla came to test this power transmission theory
through the air using a rudimentary antenna with about
8m high, but managed to light a number of lamps that
were about 6 km away, all this without any cabling
involved. The MIT (Massachusetts Institute of
Technology) North American reference in technology and
recently in an attempt to recreate the experiment only
achieved a similar feat to a maximum depth of 2m.
If we consider the technology available in the mid-1900s
when Tesla did the experiment long distance, we deduce
that the solution to this problem is simple and
rudimentary technology that it can be applied ace great
buildings of which we know not explain the way they
were designed, but the people who built them probably
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had this knowledge and used these same "primitive"
technology so to speak.
Just as a personal comment, I always believed since I
was little that there are words we do not know who
"make things", open portals, levitate objects and others
like that. After which comes the "Open Sesame!" Or
"Abracadabra!” Are purely mystical words that
sometime in the human imagination because they have
other ways to "make work" created the magic words we
use today so pretty innocent.
After all how to explain the mechanism of a huge stone
slab opening for no apparent effort to house Ali Baba and
his Forty Classic Thieves literature One Thousand and
One Nights (Nights in Arabia) without the "Open, O
Simsim" (in the original Arabic pre-Islamic), or things that
appear out of nowhere without the "I create as I speak"
(possible meaning of Abracadabra)?
The fact is that they the Alakazam words, Hocus Pocus
and many others, perhaps as the magical people there
are such which beliefs we have in witches and witchcraft,
just do not know for sure how to use them or when,
which could come loss of memory known of old events
that come to the new times incompletely. It should be
remembered that every time we use more sophisticated
technologies, more dependent these become, and in the
case of a technological apocalypse, immediately went
back to the Stone Age for lack of knowledge of the most
rudimentary techniques how to make fire with two sticks,
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or Walk using celestial navigation instead of a GPS
(Global Positioning System).
In this case it applies very well the theory of Ockham's
Razor a logical principle attributed to the English
Franciscan friar William of Ockham (XIV century). The
principle states that the explanation of any phenomenon
should just assume the premises strictly necessary for its
explanation and eliminate all that would not cause any
apparent difference in the predictions of the hypothesis
or theory.
In other words, when a problem require a more simple
solution tends to be more accurate!
On the other hand Thomas Edison left us prisoners today
in the XXI century the constant loading routines that use
of electrical appliances whose battery life the best case
scenario are 10-12 hours and thereafter we stay another
3 or 4 hours to recharge and again you can use these
same devices. In addition, we connect to any electronic
device if there is no outlet nearby will be stranded, since
the concept of electricity through the air conceived by
Tesla allow any electronic device was reassigned without
there that need.
In practical terms a lamp not need nozzle let alone an
endless wiring that leads the electricity to the light frame,
transformer, substation and finally a unit of power
generation as a hydro which is the origin and is at the
other end of the wire to connect to the electricity, but
only be hung anywhere on or placed on a table without
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any other type of connectivity available to an electrical
dispersion tower by air.
What Tesla saw was a free world economically and
electronic umbilical cords and constant use of technology
without this we needed to make the breaks we do today.
It is up to the reader to assign the genius of one of the
two inventors above, because although both will be
among the genius of mankind, certainly for one was not
a matter of IQ that placed it there, but opportunity.
Tesla eventually died in poverty and obscurity of his
eccentric personality and lack of credibility on the part of
the scientific community of the time as they
Consider their projects not only dangerous as unfeasible.
Despite knowing that he would die soon no longer make
a very wise forecast is still to come to be held in the
coming decades. It is said that on his deathbed blurted:
"- This century will be theirs, but the next will be
my" So much was sure that his thoughts were decades
ahead of others and on track.
Today there was a lot about applying daily Tesla's
technologies for sustainability and natural cleaning to
replace a polluting and invasive technology that comes in
enslaving for nearly two centuries with the excuse that
the economy needs to be fed so that society be
sustained, but this is nothing more than enslave man by
man in the name of science.
And as the story needs rewriting some pages and
properly crediting the deeds to people and civilizations,
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the archaeological science need to get entertained the
possibility of his scientific concepts set out not to be the
absolute truth, giving room for the research based
Demystify it that others in the past for lack of easy
access to more information, even because they
supposedly did not exist, therefore they dictated the new
sciences with absolute and unquestionable rules.
As can be seen then, the genius is in all people and it is
only themselves questioning the extent to which interests
It is necessary not to label people by color, class or
creed, much less for their intellectual capacity, but by his
perseverance and the contribution they give to human
history, even that does not seem immediately relevant.
Time itself will take care of putting the facts in proper
chronological order and not our will and pride on the
other hand also because we do not know how it will end
is what makes the path and the whole adventure are
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Chapter IV
Factor - Space x Time
he probability of other intelligent species are
predecessors predecessors or successors of life on Earth
and we are being visited by them, require space and
time, just exploring a little more this, because throughout
our history we are affected by the curiosity of trying to
figure as the ancient monuments were erected or if Jesus
Christ was only a remarkable man of his day like many
others at other times also have been and was
subsequently transformed into myth.
Or, on the other hand, it would have been a time traveler
who purposely or inadvertently found himself in that
episode (which raises the controversial question of if this
was the fact taken place and the traveler had the
knowledge of what would happen to be the future, to live
this experience so that that timeline was continued or
dismiss the suffering which would be inflicted and that
the timeline would be changed to an alternate reality)
that would lead him to be crucified with all Dantesc plot
that preceded it, or finally, if it was really a deity in all its
splendor, direct child dearly beloved of Almighty God,
that was misunderstood in its serene and poetic
discourse as described in the Bible, the hands and words
of the human race.
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It is extremely important to emphasize that past 2000
years and if Jesus Christ event is repeated today, if it has
not already happened, the outcome would be exactly the
same, perhaps with some new perverse refinement to
implement more in line with the age we live almost like a
reality show that is very fashionable. That's because we
are not prepared to accept that there are people our
image and likeness can somehow be considered divine. It
is human nature to doubt what you do not understand,
and it is also our nature to challenge the unlikely
Although the most sacred books tell us that we are made
in the image and likeness of God Almighty that is the
most amazing and unbelievable things that exist because
not include the possibility, even the remotest chance of
us equate the Creator, even though a desire Him that we
look the same
I think that if there are civilizations other and having
such a fertile imagination and ours, in his writings on
creation (writing is a need for a civilization to develop
enough to reach a stage of development that matches or
transcend our) count an independent history of similar
appearance have. Imagine a Grey (ET) will be done
likeness of its creator...
And as contests them that only our image and teachings
are true?
So what do we know about the universe than just
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At any time to appear a Messiah is bound to be
considered crazy, lunatic or a liar unless you have powers
that overwhelm humanity, yet it did not become a God
according to our present conception, but an alien, divine
tyrant or do not. Otherwise even if a significant
proportion believe in him as in the past, a larger share
will rise to exterminate it, this is part of human nature to
defend the Status Quo (state of affairs).
Science enlightened contemporary or not, at any time
may contest the Divinity of things, or even make a
separation between the two, there is an energy and
undeniable order that governs and gives order to the
chaos of the universe up to the understanding of the
most skeptical scholars and can give it the name you
want: Chance, Cosmic Energy, Physical Law and why not
God! But the search for primordial response "Where is
or who God is" never cease and when we finally find if
it will happen, still ask ourselves: - Yes, but who
created God?
Not that make a difference in knowing the answer, it is a
vicious circle without end and what motivates us to keep
looking is the road we have traveled tirelessly to get
there and the countless surprises that arise that we had
not seen before!
In any case, there will be up to the extraterrestrial
hypothesis space for Creationism in all forms, can even
help clear up obscure points that the sacred books not
include with direct and objective answers, leaving today
only in the field of metaphors to be interpreted as omens
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a future that even if there is known to be time because
there must be movement and movement is possible
only if there is displacement between two spaces.
Otherwise everything is just static, stationary and
motionless there waiting for the time counting begins
through this displacement. As our planet has rotational
movement and translation are then creating time as we
move on our own axis and around the biggest star the
sun. Nevertheless, and although we were stopped, the
Milky Way is a spiral galaxy according to the concept
current from which the solar system we live part is also
shifting astronomical and it seems all the infinite space
continuously moving, thereby generating time without
But one should think that the timing cannot follow the
terrestrial reference except to ourselves just so we could
have an understanding of these temporal distances. This
will lead us to try to understand how did this planet we
inhabit and how did we get here, it was the case or is it
more common than we think. To do this we consider that
life on Earth may have begun by an intelligent external
factor, to later give sequence to other known means.
Many of the facts about the formation of "our" planet, it
has everything to do with the process of human
existence, seem somewhat random, as found in many
other celestial bodies within the solar system, throughout
the Milky Way and beyond . The new telescopes can
search very accurately planets and moons in ideal
situations to provide life as we know it, so-called Class
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M Planets, but in our case not only the Earth is ideally
positioned as our satellite "natural" the Moon It is also.
The Moon has the exact dimensions having 27%
diameter and 60% of Earth's density, which is 1/81 of its
mass and is equidistant enough that can lead to on a
regular basis a total eclipse between Earth and the Sun;
nothing could be more accurate or favorable in the
natural order than that. This is another one of those
coincidences of nature that leave us stunned, but the
truth is that "coincidence is present right there to
In addition, the rotation process is synchronized with the
rotation and Earth to always showing the same face side
certainly some other race wanted to constantly watch on
the moon would be ideal observatory in all aspects, also
the man has reached the stars above the moon would
have all the requirements to inherit the marks of those
civilizations and advanced exploration stations.
This synchronization is why we cannot see the dark side
of the moon or the dark secrets that could it be hidden
on the other hand in other times there were traces in the
illuminated portion that is subject there is road visibility
and sunlight without collision protection meteoric of any
kind would have been surely erased, leaving no trace of
it was.
Impacts the ground moon show that such activity has
been very strong, with moderate or no now, but so that
the earth receives every day tons of waste space and
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gets heavier the moon also receives the impacts of
objects smaller, the lack of atmosphere as a protective
layer makes the entire surface marked as a Swiss cheese.
If the Moon has secrets of the two one, or they have
already been discovered and did not tell us, or we are
still to be discovered in the near future when the
resumption of the Moon colonization started in 1968 by
the US and Russia, which time is suspended for unknown
reasons while space research points studies urgently to
Mars, though the Moon is much closer to install a first
colony of space research and from there proceed to later.
As for the earth little or nothing is known about the
training which is not speculation based on data obtained
from telescopes looking for answers about the creation of
our own world and the solar system in a comparative
Some are plausible as the Big Splash theorizes that there
have been two similar planets to Earth and her twin
sister Theia, the latter about the size of Mars and in the
same elliptical orbits our planet, still at the beginning of
Earth formation. Theia would have collided with the Earth
and disintegrated totally collision with a large part
absorbed by the Earth and elsewhere forced the
expulsion of liquid rock pieces that eventually solidify and
were orbiting the Earth.
This mass was condensed into one body and imprisoned
will orbit the planet by the gravitational system that gave
birth to the moon that has a lower mass density and
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curiously seemed hollow when there was the roar Lunar,
the landings event of the first lunar module on the
surface inside Moon for hours, sound reverberations that
echoed like a bell, which are not yet definitive
explanations, giving the impression that it is an artificial
Interestingly, but not ceasing to be explained, the oldest
meteorites and lunar rocks are about 4.5 billion years
old, but the oldest known rock of land currently has 3.8
billion years, making it the oldest Moon than the Earth
itself. The explanation is that for some time during the
first 800 million years of its history, the Earth's surface
has changed from liquid to solid and once the hard rock
formed in the planet its geological history began and is
based on this principle that all land development process
is based.
In the case of the moon this solidification has happened
shortly after the alleged collision and agglomeration
between the two planets. In the case of Mars the fourth
planet of the solar system from the sun representing half
the size of Earth and lower mass would also have
suffered considerable damage to the surface. In theory it
is suggested that was struck by a Pluto-sized body about
four billion years ago, 500 million years after its creation.
It features the same age as Earth formed between 4.5
and 2.8 billion years ago and possibly in other eras once
had conditions favorable for supporting life that may
have arisen long before the earth, at least is what is
believed on the basis of data obtained by the space
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probe, Mariner 9, Rover and Curiosity NASA, however,
these days is a desolate and barren planet and within the
speculation is as if abandoned hastily because of some
cataclysm that devastated entire surface in more recent
times, although there is no evidence of that nature.
The most discussed event and increasingly accepted
even by lack of negativity these theories by evidence
materials that can be corroborated or refuted, since Mars
is in the inaccessible moment for human exploration than
in the context of space exploration by probes not
manned and for this reason has a limitation of data
research, it is that descended directly from the Martian
civilization, affected in past ages by a possible collision
similar to the KT event on earth for at least 65 million
years (which may decharacterize the theory of mankind
be older than this date that I consider a possibility even
seemingly unlikely).
It may be that the KT event was not just an isolated
meteor, but a meteor that devastated our entire solar
system, reaching all the planets and moons known.
There is nothing new in this theory that can surprise
except for a few items: If life existed on Mars and
reached a significant level of technology that allowed
travel through space to other nearby stars, there would
be no way to prevent the catastrophe abate about the
planet itself?
Probably only know that when we step there on
favorable terms of archaeological exploration, but the
visible results today on the surface of this planet,
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certainly had no technology capable of avoiding a global
catastrophe, but there is no reason not to think, if it
existed, not They could move from one planet to another
type Mars x Earth.
If there was an impact on the Martian surface by a
planetoid, comet or asteroid, was so great that unlike the
Earth suffered enough tears in the KT event, but
survived, the magnetic field of Mars vanished making the
existing atmosphere was launched in space leaving the
rarefied, eliminating any possibility of organic life as we
know it, not ruling out other bodies of which we are not
aware that ever existed or still exist internalized this
It seems to be a very long shot even though we cannot
completely rule out the possibility of having been
colonized by a developed Martian race, on the other
hand, such a situation would have to put this collision
event in the evolution period of man on earth that covers
the last 65 million years to constantly refer to the
beginning and the rise of living beings that give rise to
Mars in turn showed no evidence of events of this
magnitude in this time scale and there has been recent
activity in thousands / millions of years in this direction.
However, this period could have been impacts of
something smaller, but large enough to eject Martian
mass toward the Earth.
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Assuming that we are not wrong in relation to these
impacts on the surface of Mars in the past 65 million
years and not having a technologically advanced
civilization, it is possible that the strength of these
collisions could have thrown rocky and organic material
enough to Earth so that now in favorable conditions
because these organisms can might have been dormant
for millions of years to develop intelligent and complex
Looking parallel to try to explain how man came to Earth
or developed without touching the Creationism to be
addressed in a separate chapter by extensive explanation
you need, we have this evolution theory Conversations
About One Thing that leaves us at the mercy of the
whims of the cosmic nature following the course that
biological agents in their transformations permit and as
we have noted previously might lead Ages or Éons to
It is also possible that this has happened through
impacts of celestial bodies come from distant areas of
space or even the asteroid belt in our solar system
directly on earth without the interference of our sister
planet Mars that possibly last had the same natural
conditions we enjoy today. There is evidence that Mars
has water as ice, oceans flowed over the surface and
probably still exist underground rivers beneath the
Martian crust, and so the likelihood of organic life is not
at all fanciful much less speculative; it is only a matter
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time and exploration so that this confirmation is
Mars may now be in a natural terraforming process of
modifying the atmosphere and temperature of a solid
celestial body such as a planet or a natural satellite to
leave it in adequate conditions in the near future to
support an ecosystem with equivalent living beings to the
land and it would be in the case of a land collapse on a
planetary level the best chance of survival of our species.
If this process has not yet started naturally, will surely be
the next step that we will artificially in the space race at
the level of colonization because we are in a process of
depleting environmental resources of the Earth and in
this case, Mars is currently the best candidate we have.
Interesting would be arriving there we discovered we
have done this in past times to more than once, but for
the same reasons, for reasons that are still undiscovered.
Life may have originated on Earth in many ways, a
favorable chemical natural process, a biological agent
from outer space as Trojan horses within small or large
asteroids, which leave us in a vulnerable way also to
other types of harmful agents that can extinguish life on
the planet at any time, after all this is a two-way street,
in the same way that life flourished could simply be
eradicated, if not all species, some with certainty, or
force them a mutation that would take a subspecies with
which we live to take the place in which mankind is
perhaps for that very reason.
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It is quite possible that organisms harmful to life on Earth
already exist contained by geological ages within
Permafrost Glaciers (permafrost), permanent glaciers of
compacted snow by millions of years imprisoned
contained within them in air bubbles all biological
information seasons remote captured during freezing.
This is Super interesting because nowadays when we
need to know more about how it was the last of the
planet for thousands of years perhaps millions, resort ace
exploration drilling and exhaustive analysis by collecting
quartz particles in samples by surface morphology of the
structure of sediments, recognizing the causes of
sediment type, proceeding will collect heavy mineral
samples, analyzing their stability and maturity, to
determine the depositional environment and collection of
mineral samples from clay diffraction of X-rays.
In addition, we still have a differential scanning
calorimetry, spectroscopy and transmission electron
microscopy, and other scientific testing methods to
determine the conditions of formation and the climate
during the period of that freeze. Are true capsules of
time ending inside the ancient secrets to be revealed to
microscopes eyes of today's scientists in laboratories
without running escape risks or contamination of
samples, but global warming journal Earth melts these
glaciers randomly and indiscriminately releasing all that is
in it.
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Bacteria that can be closed in these frozen wrappers and
were not harmful for millions of years ago, because it
could be the case of the glaciers are so remote that
precede the human race therefore no direct effect today
represent the worst nightmare of biological activity can
lead humanity to a mass extinction event. Dormant and
latent can just be there waiting for an opportunity to
Pandora's Box (in reference to the Greek myth of
Pandora) is opened and the apocalypse is installed on the
Many of the diseases that plague us periodically certainly
are microorganisms that are released after the melting
glaciers of the poles, specifically in the Arctic by global
warming process, that this is a natural cycle of Earth's
climate readjustment, like a terraforming required in
specific eras, a cyclical renewal.
The man has a lot of blame for the ills that plague the
earth, but global warming itself is not one of them, this is
a natural process that occurs from time to time as well as
the Ice Ages, however indiscriminate action extraction
and use of natural resources certainly accelerates and
anticipates this process over thousands of years.
Much is said about saving the planet, but the planet itself
is not at risk of any inner nature unless we have already
created the ultimate destruction weapon on the other
hand our species is that it is endangered by their own
means and arrogance even to admit that we are to
blame. The Earth will always survive and make the
changes necessary to restore the balance and order
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inherent to it. The hypothesis to be a legacy of Martian
origin among others, so it is valid, but will still remain the
question: If that was the case, they came from the
The hypothesis of Planet X, Nibiru,
It is attempting to reach a common denominator for the
origin of man on earth and could not in any way exclude
the Planet X or Nibiru much less Nemesis although the
latter is contemplated just as the Messenger of Death
that we shall see.
Although there is no evidence of their existence, also
there is no evidence that there are, after all even with all
space technologies tirelessly scouring the outer space
often we were afraid when meteors never before
detected in the vicinity of the solar system crossing the
terrestrial space leaving the frightened and flabbergasted
astronomers because they were not seen in time to be
studied when their sojourns here, the excepting that
eventually collide with the planet's atmosphere and
disintegrate or cause minor damage.
On the other hand even though nothing has been found
so far to corroborate these hypotheses, the search for
Planet X has been of great value to the astronomical
class as a challenge and has contributed very broadly in
the discovery of other stars and magnitude of celestial
[ 154 ]
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objects significant, serving therefore to expand our
cosmic horizons. The hunt for Planet X/Nibiru and
Nemesis, the principle can not to have had anything like
the desired effect, but served to the discovery of no less
than 3,525 stars and brown dwarfs.
Nibiru in turn, would be a supposed planet that would be
beyond Neptune's border with cross elliptical orbits or
perpendicular to conventional orbit of our planet and
solar system, in theory, the orbit of this planet would
take 3600 years to complete and comes to pass by
Earth's enough to make you make a real contact for a
short time and there may be interference in our
civilization, beyond the seven extraterrestrial contact
levels acquaintances proposed in the Black Vault
Encyclopedia Project, being the seventh human
interaction and extraterrestrial for the purpose of
experiments, mating or other events leading to death,
subject to military confrontation and mass extinction of
organic species.
On the other hand Nemesis would be a star similar to our
sun was hovering nearby, the theory was first postulated
in the 1980s, and is that by gradually be approaching our
sun, interfere in the orbit of comets and asteroids,
causing them to occasionally reach the earth.
In 1984, paleontologists said a dark companion or mate
the sun could explain the recurrence of mass extinctions
star on our planet, it would be a massive body that could
theoretically disturbing objects in the Oort cloud (a
spherical cloud of comets and asteroids hypothetical that
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possibly be located within the limits of the solar system,
about a sun light year), throwing comets with a force and
deadly speed toward to Earth. Scientists suggested the
Nemesis star could be a red dwarf star or a brown dwarf,
however too weak to be observed.
Nibiru first appears in the writings and Sumerian
representations about five thousand years ago, one of
the most ancient peoples of Mesopotamia. Around 3,500
BC the Sumerians as early as this period organized the
solar system in a very similar way to what we know
today, consists of 12 planets of which included
erroneously based on current knowledge the Moon as
one of them, but the most curious is that although I have
not found anything regarding Nibiru until the present day
the Sumerians hit in all other statements that included
solar and lunar eclipses fairly accurately.
This planet Nibiru would have been the Gods Travelers
Anunnaki, the Big Ten entitled gods "those of royal
blood, or Prince of offspring", the deities of the Sumerian
civilizations, Akkadian and Babylonian.
The Anunnaki word is somewhat attributed to the
underworld gods by the word "Anúna" the Enûma Eliš, is
the myth of the Babylonian creation that was discovered
by Austen Henry Layard in 1849 (in fragmentary form) in
the ruins of the king's library Assurbanipal in Nineveh
(Mosul, Iraq today), by the way were found showed its
use in a sacred ritual probably the Akitu or New Year
Babylonian, which were read passages as if to regularly
redeem the memory of creation, which would be the
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known method of the time used to pass the story across
the generations.
It has about 1000 lines in ancient Babylonian and
although it is not fully complete, missing significant
pieces, the text cites the creation of humanity with the
original purpose of serving the gods.
Much is believed that Genesis in the Old Testament that
tells the creation of the world was based on the Epic of
Gilgamesh, an ancient Sumerian tale of the great flood of
old, by the coincidence of stories featuring the same
periods of narration and sequences, in the absence of
Another option was transcribed and applied to other
peoples like the Hebrews, as well within the belief and
popular need to explain the creation of the world and of
man, as well as other ancient stories were also adapted
to satisfy and justify historical events of humanity,
among them the main one would be the Great Flood of
Noah, which tells the same story with different
However, what the Sumerian story tells is that the
original intention of the creation of man by the gods
would have the only purpose of a type of worship and
servitude to their creators. The possibility of an Planet X
with elliptical orbits perpendicular seasonally close to
Earth this regular time 3660 years, like a great spacecraft
and to address us during his brief stay, explain much of
the current belief defended and postulated for a long
theorists or not we are descendants of the "gods" and
how these may have influenced the entire human
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civilization by vast periods and historical records, some of
which even we have no knowledge.
In addition to this large space meteor certainly have the
possibility to visit frequently during the course of their
journey, a multitude of worlds created by them or where
they originated. In a way considering the short orbital
period of 3600 years, we would have more recent
records last appearance for all the places we passed and
research which is not a fact found in any literature that
we know.
There are records of the oldest celestial observations
made by people from the Americas as Europeans and
Asians might already consider how civilized and
"technology" and sufficient knowledge, no longer printed
or carved on a monument for posterity a planetary event
of this magnitude , which does not explain the Sumerian
belief in the Anunnaki.
Still and stand up the hypothesis that we have been
planted here in the distant past, because the earth would
or was packaged to develop human life as an experiment
in a laboratory, visitation cycles would be a very effective
way to observe the evolution of genetic experiments and
readjust them. It is important to remember that the
Anunnaki theory were created to be slavery object with a
definite goal of serving those entities to the point of
being worshiped as true gods, which denotes a vanity
and authority by force and fear, not respect and grace.
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What can be considered is that this possibility has been a
human revolt against subservience and subsequent
abolition of these gods when the last passage of Nibiru
by our orbit. If Planet X is en route to address us again
and come in monitoring long distance our next meeting
will not be girlfriends and cordial civilizations, or the type
parents and children!
Apparently will be natural enemies for difference of
opinion and beliefs, are not nor will we be slaves of
civilizations than ours in time, neither in the past and
much less in the future because we have examples that
we are a species that fight each other to exhaustion or
until a common goal unites us, enemies become allies
against external threats, the history of man through the
ages teaches us that very clearly.
Over the past one hundred and fifty years we were able
to fantastic communication inventions that transcended
continents and now ply outer space like never seen by
our present civilization, space stations have been built
and put into Earth orbit to observe our and other worlds
and walked to the deployment of planetary bases for the
conquest of Mars in the coming decades. We started with
the invention of radio in 1860 to communicate on by
sound waves, shortened distances and evolved to image
transmission equipment less than a century after making
us present in all homes and places.
With these advents communications were globalized and
from the first moment of transmission radiate daily
million information by into space for the infinite universe,
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these transmissions will take hundreds or thousands of
years wandering through space at the speed of light to
be perceived by other civilizations that may to possess
technology to decipher them and can say that it was
from the first transmission that made gifts to the
universe becoming aware of our existence. At least as far
as we know.
Curious will learn the extraterrestrial perspective
interpretations for all transmissions that are made from
the earth, endless wars of uninterrupted entire species
annihilating men and himself, the great clashes of the
first humanity passing in black and white and after in
every possible color Technicolor and more recently in
high definition in the purest Hollywood mega productions
in 3D.
Imagine the surprise when the production of feature
films of all kinds ranging from science fiction starting with
Metropolis of Fritz Lang classic film of the 1930s, to the
romantic, come to these worlds in the confines of the
universe (or not either) and as may be defined by the
concept of those civilizations what is real or imaginary.
This is almost like a very surreal nightmare of those who
create with type x Alien Predator movies or Prometheus,
these newer.
Knowing that we are able to dominate entire galaxies
with stellar troops "a galaxy far, far away ...", we use
light sabers and built racing cars like the Death Star with
the power to destroy a planet just by pressing a button
as seen in War Stars in 1977, or that we are already in
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an evolutionary level of civilization that have allowed us
to explore "Space, the final frontier. These are the
voyages of the Starship Enterprise in its five-year
mission to explore new worlds, to seek out new
life, new civilizations, to boldly go where no man
has gone before." famously Captain James T. Kirk of
the Day series Star 1966 will certainly be amazing
experiences of discovery.
We also use Stargates to go from one galaxy to another
to millions of light years and the amazing thing is that we
can return to point of origin after making this superb
interstellar travel as if nothing had happened besides
having spent a few minutes!
Maybe technologies that not the aliens themselves who
are trying to decipher these images dream of having, in
the same way on the other side we are showing them
how to build weapons and use them against ourselves.
Any day can be to appear in our orbits an alien fleet on
known patterns of cinema and adapted the concept of
intimidation or approach between species. We are well
able to see an Enterprise or other spacecraft created by
our fiction adapted by an alien race for the first contact
in the sense we are already familiar with these film
events in our daily lives.
Still in sequence, fight aliens (of any kind, friends and
enemies, make no distinction) and Predators (distinguish
even less), the latter without the least pity, but always
coming out as winners, even there the brink of extinction
of our own race. Sometimes with only one...
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When we cannot fight the alien forces in any way and
are about to be hopelessly overwhelmed, nature comes
to our rescue with biological agents that are part of our
daily lives, but highly harmful to external agents (War of
the HG Wells Worlds) we are this undeniable way the
creator and destroyer of worlds and entire civilizations,
the aliens by into space should be terrified and panicked
with our "expansion" fictitious outer, these earthlings as
fickle and unpredictable that send images of their world
and wars into space to intimidate other species, so they
know that the destructive storm has not yet begun, but
what's to come with the full force of the universe in its
favor and that we will be these agents.
We cannot in any way forget the great epics of our
history boasting in challenging the supreme gods (aliens
or not) and his commandments, the cosmic forces and
planetary nature at its most intense, we are somewhat
invincible and unpredictable way and a risk absolute
anytime for anyone who wants to stay on our way to
conquer the universe.
If we could put ourselves in the reverse situation and we
were (we are being?)
Every day bombarded with a high range of information
from other civilizations other and had the ability to
decipher them (Crop Circles?), How should we interpret
this data to a better understanding of those cultures or
what would be our position before what we saw?
Credibility in the facts or just superstitious conjectures?
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The fact is quickly arrange a means to probe this solar
system and its inhabitants to quantify the real potential
of this threat and establish outposts to conquer and
subjugate further the technology that threatens the
stability of the cosmic universe. Even being able to
separate fact from fiction with common sense would be
peculiar to us today in arming to the teeth if only "just
in case", to make sure that we will not be overwhelmed
at least by force.
This always leaves us in the rear against any civilization
and nothing in our concept of existence could be
different from that.
As such we are the real threat of the cosmos and
irretrievably a conquering and warlike species that take
the universe its power to conquer up to more advanced
civilizations than us because that is our nature, dominate
and conquer by force and without limits regardless of
reason or the giant size of the face.
On the other hand, possible sightings of which we have
news frequently of unidentified flying objects, or UFOs,
can be rather we are being visited by other civilizations
other to know to what extent we are truly harmful to the
universe even if confined to our small, insignificant planet
or the simple curious to know how such an extravagant
race and are even being so self-destructive can produce
noises so complex, distinct and so mathematics and
harmonic elaboration into space so mesmerizing so called
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Music should be the biggest unknown cosmic
interpretation of a civilization that has no understanding
of this mathematical harmony (the way we understand it)
try to decipher and will no doubt be studied by any
civilized group who wanted to know more about us the
I think the musical language that is at least for our world
a universal language, very different from all other spoken
transcends all others on Earth. It should also be the
greatest legacy that we humans can leave for posterity,
for their plurality and complexity and to some extent
reflects very well the behavior of our civilization through
the ages.
There is nothing more harmonious and quantum of that
music of any sort or age, the fact is that it touches us in
different ways at different times and changes us so that
we can transcend their own reality around us and feel
that there is something greater in our species that
touches the soul. The Steven Spielberg film "Close
Encounters of the 3rd Kind" 1977 the first form of
existing effective contact between the scientific
community and the aliens is just music.
And the concept is still appropriate that there are many
peculiarities inherent in the environment where sound
waves originate in order to be understood and
interpreted which could mean an early study of that
civilization to understand his harmonic. Music is a journey
that spreads endless until the vibration to dissipate an X[ 164 ]
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ray of human nature, oddly enough the music are sound
vibrations propagated through the air, no air there is no
sound and the outer space is just peaceful, sound point
of view stars are born and die every moment in complete
silence, but the vibe is still going through the endless
space as if they were dormant until they reach a
destination where they can reverberate.
But space is not only silence he makes noise, just not
heard because they are very subtle sounds almost
murmurs imperceptible, on the other hand, how
interesting is that we can imagine that in some remote
place in the confines of the universe any civilization is to
receive or We have received long ago the wonderful
music we produce and trying to translate content to
know what that means multivariate scales and
electrifying sounds.
It will also have many variables depending on the density
worlds where these sound transmissions arrive just as on
Earth sound travels differently on the surface of the
planet and across the oceans, so will the possible worlds
where so "pervasive, educated and subtle "There'll hit
the door and say:" - Hello, we are the earth and we are
here to say that we have come to stay! ".
After all that is what we are doing for decades with radio
telescopes scanning the space there is demand for
"Message in a Bottle" There drifting in space, but so far
have not found anything we can say palpably what is
such a message or the little that we have received we
are yet to translate or interpret as a true message of any
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advanced civilization, which depending on the distance
that was sent and the time it took to reach us no longer
exist as a species, except for WOW!
Diagram of the WOW!
On August 15, 1977
a strong signal of a
constant source of
radio waves was
received by radio
telescope Big Ear
SETI - Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence in Ohio
under the supervision of E. Jerry Ehman.
The radio telescope peered into the sky as the Earth
made its rotation, because it is a type of stationary radio
telescope without directional movement, is very similar to
a field to play tennis and the same property, when
detected this supposed transmission Alien.
Coincidence or not, it is speculated that may be exactly
the type of signal that an advanced extraterrestrial
civilization would send, as this wave highlight would be
the regular radio waves coming from space being an
anomalous variant of easy detection. The program of the
computer SETI recorded signal as a sequence of six
letters and numbers that lasted 72 seconds, by the
astonishing discovery he considered to be an
extraterrestrial signal of intelligent origin next to the
signal, Ehman wrote "Wow!", Being since then known
as this name.
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It was discovered
that the Wow!
signal would be
coming from the
Sagittarius with a
1420.4556 MHz,
natural frequency
transmission element Hydrogen is the most abundant
substance in the universe and considered the most
effective and rudimentary signal transmission for any
civilization that wants to make contact.
The closest star that exists in that direction is at least
122 light-years away, if it has even been a civilization
sending us a signal, it took at least 122 years to reach us
and if we wanted to respond to it, the time it would be
equally time-consuming, which does not make a viable
communication, since 244 years gives rise to many
events. One possibility is that civilization that sent the
signal may have already gone extinct or forgotten the
message, or have already made or will make a closer
contact in that period. Another curiosity is that unless
you have been an actual and random message, if it were
specifically directed mean that would have been a
terrestrial broadcasting towards this constellation before
the year 1730...
Nevertheless, it could also be a sign of "lighthouse" with
regular broadcasts trying to remake contact extinct
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civilizations here on Earth, where once there would be a
two-way communication or a lost galactic transportation
system, which keeps sending signals in an attempt to
establish a connection point to point, but without success
by the absence of the target device. Which only detected
now because of again being in a rediscovery process the
necessary technology to do the reconstruction of this
space bridge.
Aerial view image
Crop Circles
that still surprised by
the vast quantities,
development, apart
from short periods of
produced are called Crop Circles or British circles as they
are also known and appear all over the world with the
highest incidence in European countries from England
and Switzerland, and although much has been done to
discredit these mysterious designs that appear "printed"
in the wheat fields, the answers given so far show a
great disparity and lack of consistency shown by the
The crop circles back to the year 1686 when the British
naturalist Robert Plot reported rings or mushrooms
arches in The Natural History of Stafford-Shire and
proposed something from heaven caused the formation
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also called Ring or Circle Fairy in reference to circles
mushrooms found throughout England and that would
have a similar format on a smaller scale. No one knows
for sure if it will have been rereading these manuscripts
that raised the wave of manufacturing by some people of
artificial circles in recent years.
Since the 1960s have become more frequent these
apparitions and from the 2000s, the number and
complexity of plantations in training increased
significantly, some with up to two thousand different
ways and incorporating some mathematical features and
complex scientific, leaving a gap as human beings
without having any air kind of vision of what we’re doing,
they could do so symmetrical and regular manner with
such rudimentary tools such as wooden boards pulled by
ropes under the feet moving up-and-down, such
elaborate and perfect designs.
The most likely and I believe this concept is that it is a
form of extraterrestrial communication that for some
unknown process that leaves an intaglio printing of
drawings and spectra that perhaps we should regard as
family. It is quite possible to be a way that another
intelligent civilization that has received our first
transmissions and subsequent obviously are trying by
their understandings make two-way communication
based on what consider it our base of knowledge,
explicitly geometry, followed by binary system. It may be
the way they interpret our sound waves and images.
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But by thousands of designs that have been "printed" in
the last 40 years can be the way our broadcasts appear
to them and how managed to interpret, as if they were
their own musical notes, perhaps transmitted towards us
for so time that only now we are aware of them and yet
we're not sure what they mean. Perhaps in spite of the
alien effort, we are not ready to take that step.
It is unclear; however as decipher these messages
because so far, what we know, they are just fantastic
designs and designed to delight our visual and mental
stimulation. In this case tells us about "Rosetta Stone"
for us to learn this new form of communication, it can be
until you are in front of our eyes and still not have
discovered. From what is known dismissed scientific
community and has no interest in studying this
phenomenon that seems to be quite real, and the
possibility of studying are certainly runs a state secret as
all that is connected to the UFO phenomenon and the
Governments, as well as a good portion of the scholars
consider that the human race except themselves is not
ready to know the truth (if any) that is not a convenient
truth, and as previously mentioned in this literature the
limitation of a particular study by any means of
repression only slows human development for thousands
of years, this must have been the main reason why past
technologies perished along with their creators, now
buried forever in secret.
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Seen drawings satellite close to the Area 51 US. This figure is
different in at least two coordinates near the like environments.
These technologies that could levitate objects or move
from one dimension to another. Just because it was not
understood as done does not mean it did not exist, after
all the laws of physics do not behave the same way in
different places in the space sphere, and who think the
opposite of that mediocrity is doomed will limit your
thoughts. Out these examples and that I am aware no
other "Message in a Bottle" found so far.
But not necessarily all objects that regularly probe the
need to be of extraterrestrial origin, but only what our
science and when technology cannot explain, however,
what is most surprising is that these days with so much
technology available, unlike of old, the "evidence" that
goes public through photographs, videos and reports are
of such poor quality to the point of not being able to
recognize shapes, sharp and distinctive colors.
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Other permanent images only seen from space. Beacons?
In the XXI century we have high definition cameras in
almost all types of mobile devices for individual use,
moreover, we still have the technology that allows us to
view real-time places all over the world for more remote
they are and having any camera connected to a system
of the World Wide Web, yet nothing tangible comes to
media other than gross fraud.
The absence of such evidence in a period of so much
technological facility ends up discrediting the amount of
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sightings is as large as those disclosed, however it
somehow put the apparitions in a more realistic context
of extraterrestrial phenomena that true apparitions they
are not the result of natural or artificial phenomena
manipulated by man. In other words, all the evidence
and appearances of what we cannot explain reasonably
and we believe are other civilizations other, are much
smaller than we are aware, but certainly more realistic.
It is estimated that only 2% of documented sightings are
considered true and inexplicable. Thus the prevailing
maxim that "Unless an unidentified flying object hover in
front of the White House, they do not exist."
The External Threat
The assumption of Planet X, though it may seem remote
is a possibility, it cannot be ruled out anything in the
world of science as there is no absolute truth. Science is
for us a creation of our needs according to the
environment in which we live, yet we can say that the
laws of mathematics and physics are universal we need
strong enough humility to recognize that every moment
our own concepts about these issues change with the
discovery of new theories, playing "on the ground" what
was unquestionable.
Planet X not being our constant visitor, we assume that
other space explorers show regular interest in human
evolution which raises the question of where will be
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coming and that means used to reach us, because it
demands space and time.
Two types of factors are directly involved in this theory,
the first distance between the exploitative world and the
object of exploitation which in this case is the Earth,
unless a nearby planet that even at best would be
several light years from Earth the which would require a
technology sub-space bridges that create passages of
Einstein-Rosen type of bend space-time or folds Space
also Worm Holes calls, there would be no possibility of
being visited regularly. Otherwise there needed to be an
autonomous stationary forward base and independent of
space exploration already installed in the vicinity of the
earth since ancient times. If so, why have not you find
The Einstein-Rosen passages:
"If a Lorentzian space-time contains a compact region
Ω, and if Ω topology is in the form Ω ~ R x Σ where Σ
is a triple flue unusual topology, whose boundary has
topology as dΣ ~ S2, and moreover, the hyper
surfaces Σ are all space-like, then the Ω region
contains an almost permanent wormhole intrauniverse."
They are a physical possibility based on the General
Theory of Relativity that has gotten little of the scientific
class resistance, not only by the names that precede the
scientists who helped develop this foundation and it
takes its name, but as for being a very plausible and
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satisfactory theory to explain how to travel from one
point to another separate universe for millions
Light years, it would be possible in a matter of minutes
Once it is proven that space and time curve theory is
replaced credibility and functionality for transportation
not being very clear how to open these types of subspace slots and out objectively in the desired opposite
point. One solution would be to use Stargates or Stellar
gates that once triggered if link by a light beam point-topoint bending space and time, but even if one halt this
technology would require that both gates, even if running
both ways were somehow initially positioned at origin
and destination.
Which brings us back to the problem of distance or
otherwise, one or more civilizations would need to spend
millions of years traveling even if you speed of light in
order to correctly position these same gates and shorten
distances. Still and the fickleness of outer space would
coordinate misalignment and regular maintenance of
these devices. Somewhat resembles the installation of
the transatlantic telephone cable that although connected
to Europe to North America in the distant year 1858 for
use of Morse Code, when the invention of the telegraph
by Samuel Morse in 1843, would only have a more
efficient use almost one hundred years after.
This link between the two continents that previously
remained isolated depending on the maritime
communication that took months, had to wait more than
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a century to which in 1959 the first telephone
transatlantic cables bind these two continents, but it was
a Herculean job that demanded equipment, the latest
technology for the time, very human endeavor and above
all time to what we might consider a short distance
between two continents compared ace phenomenal
distances of the celestial bodies in outer space.
As such, this process would take endless generations to
make it possible its realization and certainly at some
point after so many millennia would be likely that future
through space for this
purpose nor reminded
more the main reason for
travel and objective order,
or even this technology
would become obsolete
due to the deployment time and emergence of more
advanced it would no longer be required.
Important to know the difference between the EinsteinRosen bridge are folds curving space in the same very
different universe of Schwarzschild or Lorentzian
bridge that would aim to connect two distinct parallel
universes. This second theory is justified if we consider
that the bridges are Schwarzschild black holes and
passages from one universe to another whose outputs
are the White Holes, or in other words, are one-way
roads. I think if this is still possible that we do not know
how to go through them is very likely that it has
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functionality of regulators 'pressure' of security inside the
universes, acting as safety valves when the "pressure"
internal increases the surplus sucked into the black hole
and expelled by a white hole in another universe
contiguous to our room with a "pressure" lower internal
can receive this material that will make up new stars and
somehow balance the "pressure" of this universe, a kind
of feedback loop continues.
Seem likely that the parallel
universes have to be inverse to
each other as matter and
antimatter, universes of the
same polarity tend to merge,
with the process of the Horizon
of the Black Hole Events and
Singularity polarizers between
them in the transformation of
matter into antimatter and vice
versa . This theory explains the issue of Entropy Entropy is a quantity that seeks to measure not the
power nor the total matter closed the borders of the
thermodynamic system, but as this matter and this
energy are stored and distributed in the defined system
for such boundaries.
Since the enthalpy - As defined, the enthalpy includes in
itself not only the internal energy of the system, but also
the energy stored in the set system-neighborhood that
absorbed by the system via the work of the
neighborhood in thermodynamic processes involving the
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reduction of its volume also integrates a power portion
that can be extracted in the form of heat from the
system. The enthalpy measures the total energy of some
linked to the system - including myself in this not only
the energy contained in the system as well as linked
power to the system because of the relationships that it
has with its neighbors.
Can establish that the Enthalpy is the strength of the
expanding universe after the big explosion of the Big
Bang and that holds the "echo" of that blast through the
debris in free travel for the dark mass that compose until
they arrive at the frontiers of the universe surely
originated by a process of entropy which is the maximum
condensation that a mass can absorb the point of
becoming tiny, in such a compact way that the entire
known universe could fit on a single tennis ball (or
smaller) would be a retraction the whole mass of our
universe after having reached the limits of expansion
stationary or not, and returning again to the starting
point to yield a new Big Bang, an action-reaction effect.
The complex of parallel universes seems to be a large
engine with
combustion chambers and worked in independent
systems. When I make reference to the stationary
system, I think it exists matter and antimatter that make
up the different universes and these being contiguous,
there will certainly be a separator between them in
reverse polarity so that no cosmic collapses, called
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Hyperspace or Limbic Area. A type of neutralizing force
field, mediator and drive forces.
Once the dispersed mass reaching the limit of the border
of a universe this may be stationary to the front opposite
side, side and side do not show resistance or action that
it would not remain in that position, but if upon reaching
the border these limits there is resistance reaction of
every kind and this resistance will happen later for the
advancement of late mass to the universe opposite limit,
both materials will be pushed to the inertial center of the
universe to give back to Entropy process.
Therefore, White Holes bring our universe cosmic matter
other worlds through a recycling process which causes
the black holes are large grinders with respect since
neither the light escapes from its severity, this aspect of
the bridge for the universes parallels are not an
alternative reality of our own worlds, issue this causes a
lot of confusion of understanding giving the impression
that there was a whole world equal to what we know,
but some opposite or reverse in polarity or the visual
process, such as watches and planets revolving anticlockwise, and so on.
Parallel universes are other autonomous and independent
receivers with their own characteristics and independent
mathematical and physical laws and there must be many
universes of matter and antimatter how many are
needed according to the cosmic goal for us until the
moment unknown. But a comparative good seems to be
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the human body composed of infinite cell mediated to
each other by blood flowing in our veins.
But we are each of us a large complex inhabited by
countless universes are born and die without us having
this perception every day. Perhaps the answer to all
questions is simple, we are a cell in one's body, which is
also in one's body or something...
But does not seem likely to be a direct bridge universes
with the same polarity, although there is no reason not
to believe that you cannot build a bridge between
universes of the same polarity through the Hyperspace or
Limbic space as I like to call, but that pass function as a
safety valve without safety device and would certainly
create a fusion of both that could unbalance the
"pressure" between them and become one, however
Travel between universes through black holes whether of
matter or antimatter at first both in practice and in
theory are "impossible" at least to our knowledge. The
parallel universes are other autonomous and not
multiverses explosions, echoes or vibrations of our own
explosion. And demystifies means ultimately that we are
being watched by intelligences will not be parallel
Or at least the likelihood of this happening be based on
the latest astronomical studies is almost nil.
On the other hand if you could send an explorer,
although manned, by this circuitous route and based on
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the explanation advanced above, I think that
communications would also be one way. It's fascinating
lecture on space and time, whenever we think we have
an answer comes almost instantly another complicating
For example, if we cross one Einstein-Rosen Bridge or
Schwarzschild you can return to the origin point at the
same moment that the trip started with only difference of
If this is possible, how the crew suffers the time shares?
Continuously ages known in regular time?
There will be a progressive-regressive
acceleration in that intersects the bridge?
Time can be stopped? If it can be stopped can choose
the timeline to access?
The Multiverse or the Theory of Everything
Fact - THE UNIVERSE IS STATIC! Completely inert!
Although the scientific community sends burn this book
the concrete fact is that the universe itself is an inert
state, completely stopped!
At least from the standpoint of external observer, outside
our universe. Many will scare others will laugh, some just
play these words in the trash, but one theory is as good
as any other, after all we know nothing or nothing and
about almost anything. If we had not a microscope you
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would never know the world that lurks beneath our eyes,
so why not be in full-time microscopically being watched?
We think we know what lies beyond our solar system,
our galaxy and our universe, but at the same time we do
not know what's going on right now in the ocean depths.
This is not to dispute or explain the Theory of
Everything as Stephen Hawking postulated, but of The
Whole Theory, another theory!
We believe there is a force or entity that governs all
things and we call God and thus arrange a suitable
definition that suits our scientific and religious concepts,
but the truth is that we assume more than we know in
fact, even if we could find some of these answers we still
would ask what existed before the Darkness, Chaos and
there will always be endless questions in the search for
definitive answer; We are just a controlled explosion of
an infinitesimal length Hadron Collider, or the fruit of
one's dreams?
The great explosion of the Big Bang (though it may have
been a controlled experiment) however insignificant it
has been for cosmic time reverberated and created other
dimensions of herself ace which call time lines, as they
are an echo of the primordial universe and referential.
We measured the age of the universe based on our
If we are only an explosion in a particle accelerator LHC
(Large Hadron Collider) which will be truly age and
length of our universe, one micrometer (being very
generous using this measure to measure our universe)?
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Most likely not even that, as we already knows
everything is relative and depends on the observer's
point of view leading the experiment in relation to the
experience itself. Therefore, when you collide two
particles using a LHC, including the meager knowledge
we have of this very latest technology and science, we
know the intimate we are creating endless Big Bangs and
imperceptible duration of universes from our point of
view, but for those taking lives seem billion years...
These microscopic universes expand as existing dust
them try to take all containment spaces up to the limits
which we call borders of the universe. Galaxies and solar
systems are created, and planets form around other still
glowing particles ace which future call Suns and life will
be present, either way you have, for the duration. And if
we are allowed there will be enough time to do Questions
that never obtain answers because the answer will be in
We are made of star dust of the primordial explosion and
as such never die, because in the Universe nothing
dissipates, but everything is transformed, because had
there is no way the matter simply disappear as if they
never existed, everything consists of matter and form
that you We attribute dependent on the "moment."
We must consider that our universe exists in the stopped
state, static in a "moment" in which all possible variables
and combinatorial analysis have been calculated and
applied forming the timelines that is based on the
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reference universe, the first, which gave rise to all
timelines and where things originate.
This same referential universe has a unique timeline like
all other so are, which differs from the others is that
everything comes from him, and it is from this we move
the other timelines infinitely. Many find it confusing that
statement, but in time to String Theory - The analogy of
the theory is to compare this vibrant energy to the
different sounds you can get a musical instrument where
each string to be pressed depending on the position of
the fingers makes vibrate and produce different sounds,
so too would the dimensions all unique and different
scales, nothing more logical than using the mathematical
uniqueness of the music as an example.
Thus the same string can produce different sounds
without endless strings are needed. If there was an initial
explosion that gave birth to the universe, there were also
reverberations of that explosion which could prove that
our world may be just an echo, frequency, size or
another name that we like to the main explosion and not
the primary reference.
Then, like a dial that we use to tune the frequency of a
radio wave, so is our universe. A properly insulated
acoustic receptacle has in its interior infinite frequencies
originate from an explosion that allowed all stay
contained in the space at the same time, but are
separated from each other and even in different
dimensions, it never occupy the same space at the same
time, or even intersect forming time collisions.
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This is all still based on the search for the answer to
know where we came from if we are created by their
own free will or cosmic simply produced in a test tube to
the delight of some scientist trying to understand
creation itself. We can be all this, an experiment within
an experiment and so on, indefinitely.
The grandfather paradox does not exist!
The grandfather paradox is the result of two people
being thrown into logic of conflict related to temporal
perception of events, often quoted in travel theories on
time. The paradox occurs as follows: an individual travels
to the past and kill your grandfather before him generate
his son (a) that would give rise to the time traveler, who
is the father / mother of the same individual. Thus, the
existence of the traveler person becomes impossible.
Then comes a Temporal Paradox and a logical conflict
of existence from the moment that supposedly changes
the past events responsible for its existence in the future.
Despite its name, the term does not refer exclusively to
the grandfather's murder or any other ancient traveler,
but to any action that would prohibit his travel or his
existence in the present or in the future from occurring.
Recommend a good read about it (but the traditional
conceptual form) is the chronicle A Sound of Thunder
Ray Bradbury's book titled The Golden Fruits of the sun.
Now, based on that explanation would mean that at all
times we would be changing the events of the same
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timeline continues as if we unconditionally attached to it,
which is not true. This is easy to explain (remembering)
if we consider that: to be long there must be
movement! In other words, displacement between
two points.
We cannot say that we stand only because we are not
going anywhere, because in a way as mentioned above,
even seemingly immovable Earth has a rotation,
translation as well as our solar system and the galaxy in
which we are continuously scroll through the "infinite"
space, so we're constantly moving and generating time.
But that does not prove that the timelines are, what we
should consider is that they as well as the multiple
vibrations of string theory are there in every possible and
imaginable variables, because time is this, and every
attitude less that is we take, ranging from a single
heartbeat, breath or thought decision automatically
transports us to the corresponding timeline that preexisting variable.
Thus the Grandfather Paradox is null because if we go
back in time and kill our own ancestor of any kind that
has any relevance (consider that all are relevant) or we
kill this butterfly feed a mouse, that would be eaten by a
fox which in turn would feed a man we would be a strain,
but for our interference simply did not happen, we are
just going through for a timeline in which had the
purpose fateful, but in infinite other timelines, including
that which come remains unchanged, it is not possible
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for the structure of the universe alter the conformity of
the Timeline.
This creates another paradox if we understand that this
case is appropriate for the transition that occurs
automatically between these multiverses is made by
space folds necessarily have to be made by bridges of
Einstein-Rosen type which would require that the
timelines are contained within the same universe in
simultaneously, but in frequency space and time as
alternative theory suggests timelines.
On the other hand, if this is the case and although the
multiverse are contained in the same early universe the
most suitable would be the transition between them was
made by the Schwarzschild theory, which provides for a
hyperspace between them, but it implies a polarization
between universes? We are matter and antimatter at
Still there are issues about the limits of the universe and
in which points are connected with each other as desired.
When I quote parallel universes gives the impression that
are posted side by side as if they were infinite sheets of
paper in a box placed vertically, but it's not what
happens, as this brings a equational problem of transition
between them.
The theory suggests that it would be necessary, for
example, must go through nine lines of time if we
wanted to get to the tenth starting from the first one,
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cannot be totally wrong this theory, but operating
mathematical terms is not productive because it involves
to some extent (or non) interact with all the intermediate
lines in this route even if the speed of light squared or
I theorized that there is a reference specific point in this
case for our most entertaining understanding will be
spherical for the most plausible, even though it may be
any amorphous form and from that point on spherical,
surrounded around it begins the lines all possible
directions leaving within reach only its beginning or base.
Roughly would seem a studded sphere of infinite pins
across your back even if the presented theory, this
surface contact there is never other than by an EinsteinRosen / Schwarzschild bridge.
That would explain in a "satisfactory" as we navigate
through predefined timelines and existing without that
we need to go through all the other they are also written
all the stories of the known universe and to know,
therefore, it is assumed that everything is MAKTUB " It
is written!" in reference to the word of Arab origin
which also means" Everything has to happen." It is
It theorizes that universe conspires in our favor, and on
many occasions, we conspire against ourselves when we
decided to take decisions that go against MAKTUB then
also called Destiny. But if it is written, if the universe
already have all the variables, so all of them are valid
and what we perceive very clearly is that our choices
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send us for shorter or longer paths depending on the
objectives that we hope to achieve.
Likewise we can choose various paths that lead to Rome;
one will certainly be shorter, but less conventional and
longer ones but no surprises! This is life as we know it
and cannot explain the facilities of the successes and
difficulties of failures ... Therefore, there is no reason not
to believe that the end of those pins that surround the
large sphere, there are other spheres uniting all this
incommensurable with infinite loop interconnecting
infinite realms pins!
So it forms a chain that expands and ends in itself a
dense mesh of possibilities just waiting we ascribe them
time just like we see in the synapses, dormant until they
are activated when specific purposes such imperceptible
way that neither the we realize its existence on a daily
basis. But it is the only answer for us to understand our
existence, even if not absolutely have no dominion over it
The very fact that back in time, which is already proven
that it is possible, it would mean access a timeline other
than their present, past or future, but one in which you
exist in this way and have the control to navigate
between them, so the main question is how to discover
the formula for how to access these infinite quantum
records contained variables and dormant this time library
so we can enjoy life (variables) we like the way we
please without the limitation that life today imposes on
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This would make the Lords of Time and in some ways
but God, at least Demigod. In a later chapter it may also
prove that this interconnection will live several lives at
the same time, maybe even in the same space, to absorb
different experiences along them. Of course this also
trivializes the very existence because as travelers or just
observers, apparently we could do whatever we wanted
without that we assume the responsibilities and
consequences of our actions what so close tyranny,
madness and existence itself would lose meaning.
We would be a kind of temporal marginal spreading
chaos throughout the universe even because at some
point, even aware that interference change/jump up the
timelines cease to matter in the simple fact that in the
whole theory would make no difference, for all the
variables are quantified and planned. By the way the
known universe behaves does not seem to be the case as
far as we know which raises the question whether there
are time travelers, if any, what their displacement
The time travel in this case would not be direct side and
side, not excluding this possibility, but points negatively
to a line crossing time but a quantum leap between
layers of timelines which the warp will become visible
even for brief moments according to the distances to be
It is not clear, however if time travel to the past or
future, requires that all layers of timelines passes
between the source and the destination must be crossed
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(at lightning speed/sub-light, it would be almost like see
a movie at high speed and no frame by frame) which in
the first case would suggest a flat universe, rectangular,
not round or polygonal, or a single bridge would connect
the two ends ignoring the intervals between them.
However, it may be more likely that both cases are
correct, even if the second hypothesis seems most
unlikely, because it suggests to treat not a warp of the
conventional Einstein-Rosen type since it would not be
contained in the same universe or a tunnel Schwarzschild
by the theory of black holes of reverse polarity, but a
bridge that would tend to leave our universe ignoring the
intermediate time lines to connect the points of origin
and destination (not well defined), which provisionally
shall call Arcadamius Bridge and that will be object of
study in other literature yet.
Human life is a succession of continuous timelines
multiple and endless variables that successively crossed
when moving between points of origin and destination,
or in other words the present and the future. It is very
interesting that we can observe a photograph because it
is an accurate portrayal of a line of fraction of statically
and unchanging stop time. At the point where the photos
are hit can capture frames that form the also static
timeline and just like the movies only come to life when
we give them moving at the right speed and frame by
frame, that's life.
If the film really accelerates time progresses so that what
was done to last perhaps an entertaining two hours was
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spent in just minutes. This is a true and real time
machine so commonplace and simple operation that not
even think about it on a daily basis, even though before
our nifty, but it proves that the theory is correct even if it
is a technology of the most rudimentary to prove the
timelines are real.
Another curiosity that supports this theory and it is an
undeniable fact, that may overlap multiple photos on
each other digitally or not, until we generate a single
mixed / diverse and composed aspect, but we will never
include anything new in them in its origins because that
"thing" was never there and when you are already will be
another slice of another timeline, another variable,
another picture than the one original will which tried to
incorporate another element.
That's because the frames of the time lines are
immutable in the eyes of the universe, but also means
that the space can be measured, scaled and sorted in
time! And it just simply exists so we can enjoy the
Louis Daguerre and Niépce Joseph the photography
inventors formerly called daguerreotype in reference to
one of its inventors in the eighteenth century may be the
true creators of the machine to capture the time! And
this technology is part of our lives for at least two
centuries is so simplistic that not noticed how this
amazing invention has importance as evidence of the
Whole Theory to the multiverse.
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Sioux people's image of 1870 - photo (daguerreotype)
In the photograph of Sioux Indians is a common example
of capturing a single frame as we all are, in a timeline
where we can see that if not today exist this time record
never would know what would be the appearance of the
people it contained or the period details unless we could
pinpoint the exact timeline in which it is located and
access it again.
The most interesting is that nothing can be inserted in it
no longer was there any attempt to insert a new element
will result in a new slice of another timeline where the
element is previously inserted (another pre-existing
temporal variable). This statement is an absolute and
universal truth, for unless you can do a fusion of other
elements at the molecular level (still with some
reservations) with the object of study above, nothing in it
can be changed.
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If we do this molecular fusion insert another element we
changed the timeline to a frame where all these elements
already exist in theory, we are not adding anything that
was not already there in all the variables, but only
accessing other timelines where these exist. Perhaps the
mirrors when placed opposite each other and show
infinite dimensions, whether the such passage we are
looking for these multiverse and the only thing that
keeps us from going through it is the strength of glass by
thin and transparent it is, and still there in limiting ...
The core
Interestingly, we can think as light beings that we are,
pure energy, are divisible as well as the lamps in the
same electrical wire, which illuminates spaces and
different times, but all linked together and even
decreasing in intensity to the extent we are divided, we
can "live many lives" simultaneously and intensely,
simultaneously or at different times just in order to
absorb not only the knowledge, but the feelings and
emotions that every single experience can provide.
Perhaps the meaning of life is just accumulating
somewhere in The Core (ILIASH - is another book by
this author narrating the various lives of Iliash through
the ages and the discovery of the meaning of life) these
experiences to live and millions shapes and die many
others. In some parallel life you live the dreams and
adventures that seem unattainable in this life!
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Think about it, in any timeline to subdivide its I (spirit /
soul?) Lives the unlikely life you've been dreaming with a
loved one or the dream that this life has become
intangible. There is a big difference between being born,
grow and die; born, grow up, have children and die; born
and die (no grown terms); born, grow up, get married
(not having children) and die.
And so on, the fact is that you can live the same life and
die in different timelines of infinite forms, or destinations
(although the path of life was 99.99% the same), then
live a life full and one dies a natural death, in another
variant of poisoning, killed, drowned, strangled, and in
every way we can quantify or not. With different colors
of clothes in all of them, but one at a time in the colors
that may exist like the seam of a huge tapestry that will
be joining the points until there is a clear and final
image. But until all points are not connected work will not
be finished.
As well as birth, normal delivery or cesarean section,
premature or not, at home, on the street, plane or boat
in the middle of nowhere are endless possibilities!
The most important is to have the perception that
everything is then quantified the reason we exist is to live
the experience so we can build up in the core all this vast
knowledge of love and hate, passion and compassion,
aromas and colors, curiosities and certainties, and
everything else that we can measure, in short, everything
that can somehow add value and be condensed in the
great universal memory of what will be the great center
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of information that brings harmony to the chaotic space
and catalogs as a large library knowledge of the whole.
Still unanswered is who or what interested this quantum
memory or if there was a perception that it exists
somewhere. Nothing more pathetic than thinking we are
just a brief moment in a soap bubble or a universe closed
in a shoebox in the corner of a closet "someone".
Time travel is possible? But because once we crossed the
oceans from one continent to another using boats and
we took more than a month in what we do in a few
hours by plane. At that time we did not have the
technology to make such a journey in such a short time
like now and yet when we find the appropriate means of
teleportation will take even less time.
It is still based on speed between the space and the time
it takes to help complete the desired route, then still
have the formula V = ΔS / ΔT, space over time.
Traveling at a higher speed will light while it is possible
may be irrelevant if the distances to be traveled by
spatial folding is relatively easy, since the discovery of
this technology would no longer have felt for traversing
linear distances for closer they went.
Space travel between Earth and the moon would not
have a lot longer than 1s considering that this is distant
from Earth 384,400 km and the speed of light in vacuum
is 299,792.458 / s, so using the formula space / time we
an equivalent result: V = Δ384.400 / Δ299.729 =
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Mars is 225,300,000 kilometers for the most opposition
to Earth, so in terms of fold would be 12,5min away from
us what considerable time to space travel is nonetheless.
In theory, wormholes need to solve this temporal issue
and so the speed inside has to be even many times
superior to the light, or warp would imply that all had the
same route of dimensions and the same time crossing
however near or far they were which does not seem to
be a disposable theory, since these bridges would double
the space and would bring together the two points of
convergence by reducing the time, separated only
through hyperspace, which in this case may have the
lowest density possible for that there is only fusion of
both focal points, functioning as a separator security film.
If this is the case anywhere in the universe, no matter
how far you are you will always be in the same travel
distance, which eliminates those long-bending trips to
the spaceship Enterprise from the Star Trek series uses
to reach other solar systems as we see in television
series and closer to the system used by Stargates
another more recent television series (though Star Trek
will be updated remakes) where all interplanetary travel
primarily (though not explicit in this way in the movies)
have the same duration.
This is acceptable as a theory and may be the answer for
future interplanetary travel. I think the space race in the
future should be based anywhere in the thesis that the
universe is in the 1s away from the point of origin for the
Einstein-Rosen's theory. Thus it would be possible to
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explore "almost" the entire universe (if we know the size
of it) into a single span of human life!
But this theory is only valid for folds within the same
universe, in the case of connecting two parallel universes
by Schwarzschild method since they are physically
separated, will depend upon the density (the traverse
path) which is formed between them.
Imagine that in the near future, will send a message to
Alpha Centauri which is about 4.4 light years (speed that
light takes to traverse the vacuum space in kilometers
separating the Earth from Alpha Centauri) from Earth,
and therefore from obtaining a means of traveling faster
than light itself would be the speed that we know where
this same message would be transmitted arrive in time to
get the message that we ourselves send "in the past", it's
likely that we still had to wait enough time to get it.
The same goes for light traveling through space since the
beginning of the universe, the message she brings when
you reach your destination no longer represents more
this era of origin, which in most cases already
extinguished there are many Times. But if they could
make the trip this light at the same speed or higher in
reverse, we would see wonders without this had passed
millennia, which is basically what will happen to our
broadcasts we send into outer space every day and when
you get there nearest constellation. We should already
be extinct and we will be remembered only as an echo of
the distant past, as will happen when we do receive and
properly decode other signals WOW!
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Time travel would be the second alternative to the fact
that we are being visited and searched by other
civilizations, ignoring that there is intelligent life in our
own solar system, whose time travel would not be
necessary because of the short distances between us and
considering that travel in time are controlled slips of
alternate realities, or lines / time slices and not within our
own timeline.
That's because in the future we can create a time
machine and want to return to the past, you need to
accurately find the corresponding timeline because it
does not happen by chance, let alone just putting the
dates we remember a marker. You need to know
precisely which coordinates of that timeline in space and
open a passage between the present in which we
operate and that we want, but unless you've already
been in that timeline in this condition it will never happen
because another form will be an alternate timeline where
this possibility existed but never his.
This enables also navigate by any time of any civilization
in terrestrial concepts of time. There are no limits to the
exploration of time on the other side you reach the end
of the questions, at least within the known universe,
because all the answers would be within reach, with the
exception of having an out of our universe. If there are
these temporal and explorers are visiting us, it is not
clear what the real mission of these individuals or probes
of any kind. Perhaps we can be a single species that
microscopic and so exotic universe that deserves special
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attention, being the case, those travelers may not be a
molecular breakdown of ourselves too, just in another
space and time?
In truth the variation of alternative destinations of human
life can be between 0 and 100%, where life can elapse
with only a variation of choices or undergo a change of
all variables. The fact is that the combinations are
endless and limitless allowing each experience is unique!
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Chapter V
The War Lords
Returning to the more tangible parameters of our recent
history, and based also reports of civilizations that were
the foundation of learned societies, could be the
Anunnaki the true creators of the human race or its
eternal regular enemies?
One can try to arrive at an answer if we go back not
millions of years in the past to not get lost in the
vastness of time, and even though we may be one of the
human generations coming cyclically populating the land
that after a few millennia succumbs for some triggered
apocalypse and will back the Stone Age to resume the
evolutionary cycle by as many millions of years, but a
few thousand of the recent past.
Still, if this is possible, we have learned very little about
evolution as make the same mistakes consecutively and
ended up being exterminated leaving perhaps a handful
of survivors from the ashes if resurface valiantly against
the odds and move on. But for a shorter understanding
we located the last human settlement or Ascension at
200,000 years ago in the Indian Ocean region on the
continent of MU.
Mu or Lemúria (there is a conflict in relation to the
Indian/Pacific location of this supposed continent and
both would be the same or completely different though
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contemporary) was a supposed continent in the middle of
the Pacific Ocean, as well as Poseidonis or as it is
commonly known the island of Atlantis. MU would be a
continent in the middle of the ocean dividing the path
from three other continents, in this case more precisely
to Asia, Australia and the American continents.
―Books of the Golden Age" 1927. Photo signed by James
Churchward writer, researcher and theorist of the Garden of Eden.
What will be left over this vast continent these days
would be the islands that include Hawaii, Mariana
Islands, Fiji, the Marquesas Islands, Easter Island,
Polynesian Islands and other smaller until the Japanese
coast in also called Ring of Fire by volcanic instability the
region due ace continental tectonic activities in the
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This promising land space and probably chosen for its
propitious characteristics, taking into consideration that
the planet should have a territorial and geographical
configuration different from represented in today's maps,
may have been where possibly the first human were
planted artificially. Too often researchers and curious
situate continents submerged based on maps with
current relief even remotely focusing, which would not
represent a realistic picture of the world that was.
So if continents emerged and submerged in spaces of
different times the terrestrial relief would be another
showing the continents with very different characteristics,
before and after, that would explain the fact that many
ancient buildings are found far below sea level or above
in the regions Andean where port cities are rediscovered
Some may be so deeply buried in the ocean floor that
never will find them unless those plots of land back to
raise the level of the surface, by the same factors that
The book of Genesis tells the beginning of creation by
God and the first man, Adam and Eve later his
companion both in the Christian Bible and in Hebrew.
The part that stands out most in this matter is the sixth
"God commands the land produce living creatures the
eighth command is:" the land produce living creatures
according to their kinds: cattle and creeping things
and wild animals according to their kinds "," made
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wild beasts, animals and reptiles. Then creates
humanity in His own image and likeness (the ninth
command is "Let us make man in our image, after our
likeness: and let them rule over the fish of the sea and
over the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all
the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps
on the earth. "). The tenth command is "Be fruitful,
multiply, fill the earth and subdue it; Rule over the fish
of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every
creeping things that creep upon the earth" God
describes the creation as "very good" Genesis
Jahavista 2,4b -. 3.24.
As already suggested by the British Colonel James
Churchward (1851-1936) is quite possible that MU has
been famous as the Garden of Eden. Since his writings
the human race from MU or Naacal people would have
existed around 450.00 to 50,000 years ago, and all
subsequent people descended from them, reaching the
summit at about 45,000 BC going into decline in the
millennia that followed culminated in the sinking of that
landmass getting the main islands of the Pacific, Fiji,
Easter, Hawaii and other sole remnant of what may have
been the highest land point in his time.
Regularly it seems continents emerge and plunge by
tectonic accommodations or changes in the actual earth's
axis abruptly, taking to the ocean floor all the stories
lived, or very high peaks along with the secrets of those
who lived and died without leaving memories, but in both
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cases the records of these cataclysmic civilizations
inevitably end up losing.
The basis of that MU would be the Garden of Eden is
reasonable because it would be perhaps as good a place
as any to start a kind specifies an experience and track
its evolution, which does not explain who had started this
experiment and for what purpose, but there was this
period approached an explosion of intelligent humanoid
life that thrived second Churchward until the staggering
65 million people who have been decimated by the
disaster, leaving only some peripheral colonies as might
be expected of a civilization that had superior technology
to that used in century which includes communication
systems, aircraft among others.
Perhaps the reference to Eve's sin was the rebellion of
the Lemúrian against their slave-makers and the
expulsion of the "Garden of Eden" alluding to an
experience that escaped control those whose creators
are still trying to control. Our best reliable records date
back only to 6000 years ago, if there was a Lemúria,
Atlantis or other older civilizations than those who
actually know and have records need to be perpetuated
in some written form and not only by the oral method as
if it were a mythical story. Until known because writing is
fundamental to any civilization rise and prosper.
In a sense we could say that there were created Adam
and Eve, the first human prototypes ever recorded and
most likely to make a disambiguation and elucidate a
dogma of the Catholic Church, it was the first but not the
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only ones. But because until then there was no
explanation for the fact that Adam and Eve even though
the Bible does not point exactly how many children had
to all but cite only three sons, Cain, Abel and Seth and
probably other sons and daughters, but for a genetic
experiment controlled to have individuals of the same
lineage as players themselves would be a nonsense, only
one biological diversity would continue a genetically
superior caste.
Otherwise we would have a mix between parents and
children, brothers and sisters causing long-term genetic
collapse of individuals. We have this example between
species that we ourselves control, such as domestic cows
whose genetic studies indicate that after domesticated
and during this process the descendants who still see
today can be traced back to a single herd of 80 breeding
animals about 10,500 years back therefore the other wild
animals that were hunted and extinct race.
Nevertheless and cattle is of excellent quality for human
consumption, the risk of extinction of these animals is
imminent. A team of geneticists from the National
Museum of Natural History of France, the University of
Mainz, Germany, and the University College London in
the UK, observed modeled in computer simulations how
differences in DNA sequences could have arisen in
This same team found that the differences appearing
between existing cattle populations could only have
arisen if a relatively small number of animals had been
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domesticated from an already extinct species of wild ox,
known as Aurochs (Bos primigenius), which wandered
throughout Europe and Asia in the past.
Thus it can be said that today's cows are clones of
themselves with the problems that come from this single
genetic component having this in turn led to a genetic
disorder during the Middle Ages that led to the extinction
of domestic cows in Europe and Asia and not for the
advent of these animals have been taken almost a
century before for the Americas and retrofitted to that
medium to by miscegenation, probably today would be
an extinct species with exposed bones in museums which
would hear only talk.
Turning to the issue of Adam and Eve, another
component that we can see that corroborate be the
result of a controlled experiment is that according to
Bible records Adam lived for 930 years approximately and
their offspring also had a great longevity, Seven his son
lived 912 and that this same longevity has been reduced
sharply according to the following generations.
The simple fact that there is a very extensive longevity
period certainly brought a very stressful component of
the evolutionary process of species in a controlled
experiment, because the expected results could be
infinitely long, so it is quite possible that the aging
process as we know it today it is a caused malfunction,
disease or genetic device to accelerate the
reproductive/evolutionary process and obtain a tangible
result the "medium term".
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This issue situate Eden on the mainland is also very
interesting to look at the site as the stronghold of an
experiment controlled by the Anunnaki. Just as there are
now divergent groups as the scientific ethical methods
with laboratory animals is quite possible that this
happened in Paradise and a faction opposing creators to
experiment tracking has rebelled against their superiors
and started the Revolt of the Angels Fallen and later
expulsion of MU Paradise and so mankind fell into sin of
"ingratitude" by rebellion against the creators.
In the Book of Enoch who lived 365 years and was the
son of Cain who lived 910 years as well as his brother
Seth lived 912, the quote about this rebellion starting to
name Asbeel that could be seen as the Paradise Cobra as
it would have been this that prompted Sons of Angels sin
the meat with the daughters of men, Miguel a sort of
mentor of the following standards in this new
confrontation and post-revolt with his assignment redo
the site architecture "... having made the land on
water.‖, Gadreel that even seduced Eve and made the
weapons came at the hands of the inhabitants of the
continent ... It may have been the best reference we still
possess about Original Sin.
This would be a great way to explain because it is so
deeply rooted in human culture ever Sin (the armed
revolt?) The expulsion from Paradise (caused by
cataclysms?) And human saga of recent times. Jequn and
Asbeel who would be responsible for the reproduction of
the Fallen Angels and the daughters of men, this aspect
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can be considered geneticists by taking a superior stock
selection non-perishable and more adaptable, but no less
So, very likely the biblical record and other similar even
with the religious creationist side of the divine conception
of man, cannot be far from the truth about human
creation, and even misunderstood in the eyes of science,
confirms all the stories of their interpreters passed from
The fallen angels fighting against the will of God (gods?),
Flaming swords, stormy rays and rebels condemned to
live as and among humans for eternity until the day of
Judgment (the return of the Anunnaki?) Or Revelation.
If this theory is correct, this inevitable war will surely
come to us sooner or later and there will be a final
confrontation, perhaps the rapture ascending "to heaven"
through some means of teleportation those who
genetically are more compatible will continue the
experiment in other (s) Ground (s) and the annihilation
of summary procedure of those who have the genetic
Again it will be an epic battle doomed to oblivion by
those who have the fortune or misfortune to survive,
"the dead shall inherit the earth" and who die in this
terraforming process, return to dust.
There are many chances to put the man in that Garden
of Eden and as has been said in this book, chances are
as good as any other because all that we believe and we
cannot actually prove or is this theory to prove, as would
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otherwise be facts concrete or faith, but truly
contextualized can focus on a new way of seeing the
process of creation and find out what the purpose of that
One thing is certain, at some point of the experiment we
humans spent to control the variables, not knowing yet
exactly how far, but we are trying to circumvent any
genetic issues especially now that decoded the human
genome, it's just a matter of time before we start to take
and put combinations keys to know which switches
should turn on or off for a man to become a frog,
monkey, horse, centaur, minotaur or winged being like
the angels we hear so much talk. In general it is to know
the genetic sequence that will lead us to this result, like
any other formula that we developed forever under the
same product, there is no mystery whatsoever about it.
We are doing this for millennia, the products we
consume on a daily basis and become icons and virtually
compulsory require formulas, little developed or not, to
perpetuate be on the shelf of a supermarket like a bottle
of Whisky brand traditionally known or a cereal packet,
these products as we have a genetic marker in the
process that sets them apart from the others and
somehow makes them unique.
What do we do in the process then will human cloning if
it is not already being processed right now and quite
successfully, the only additional component that must be
taken into consideration will be how long it may reduce
the clone of the growth process since it is not feasible to
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expect their maturation by normal means. This raises
many moral and ethical issues, because in principle it is
an individual and yet, it is known that in the same way
that identical twins, although similar externally their
minds do not align or work in the same frequency brain
waves nor have the same goals. If that were possible
and Alpha waves were synchronous, would probably be
telepathic too.
As yet we do not have the technology needed to make
the brain transplant, in the event that this were possible,
there is no guarantee that the memories would also be
transferred (in an attempt to "immortalize" human
beings) to the new Self. Another problem is that the main
cloning process may have the purpose of creating
specimens for replacement organs or so only the cerebral
transplantation of a body in bankruptcy to another
absolutely healthy, a process that could be repeated
countless times verging on immortality.
This clone process will need to be developed by a rapidly
growing method to reach the ripe old age and to have
this use, it seems a very banal way to talk about other
human beings, but it is not human nature is that you are
pointing out that our behavior will this level using as an
excuse accepts the survival of our species.
This highlights the existence of the soul, individuality and
autonomy of Being, as it is a no different from what is
done In Vitro conception, although in the case clone
there is a combination of two distinct genetic agents,
which does not make by no means irrelevant artificial
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insemination nor its outcome a legion of heartless
individuals (soulless in this case) in the largest sense of
the word.
This applies not only to human cloning, if we consider
that we can create robots, cyborgs, with artificial
intelligence that have free will, from this moment will
become entities with individual and collective direct
otherwise be slaves of our will even same as its creators
not see it this way.
Thus, we draw a parallel here with the Anunnaki issue, or
other "gods" that have created us, because somehow
there is a unanimity that we were created by God, if
obtained free will as human beings and in the absence of
a harmonic existential consensus, we become slaves of
these Gods and as such we revolt and prepare for war,
then, what to expect from any organic being, technology
or both, which the upgrade of conscience and free will
but the same attitude.
No doubt there will be more one of many "Holy Wars"
between creator and creature through endless ages, it is
an indisputable and accident fact, that's not what we are
living every moment we open a history book and read
that there was an Apocalypse in Ages past, recent or not
so and that new diseases are discovered every day, but
unlike the predictions that are generally not in our favor,
we continue mutating and surviving all the pests that
appear arising from who knows where.
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Maybe that's the greatest mystery of the human race,
the ease of adaptation to diverse environments to the
point of becoming creatures that even while living in a
hostile environment such as the planet Earth, improbably
survives day after day...
That somehow makes us the perfect kind for space
exploration, not just as explorers but also as human
workforce. Curiously, I find it interesting when I watch
movies where the aliens have such adverse ways that
would be almost impossible to build any artifacts that
made them travel through space. Some have no hands,
others no eyes, yet somehow the writers do not explain
ourselves, they have spaceships with construction details
that only humans with their physical hands with four
fingers and thumb could do it.
If the humanoids are not their mentors can only be their
slaves by some process of mind control or something of
which we are not aware, but it is still a point of view to
consider, as we always try to analyze what we do not
understand so using comparative reference of what we
know doing an acceptable parallel.
Many theories as if they were astronauts gods or not
from the comparison of what exists around us today, we
have a psychological innate tendency for us to see things
which do not exist, this is very common, but also leads
us to mistakes when we look at a mountain or cloud and
assign them to known forms of things ranging from
human figures to objects of everyday life. The scientific
name of this is Pareidolia.
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The Pareidolia is a psychological phenomenon involving a
vague and random stimulus, usually a picture or sound,
being perceived as distinct and meaningful.
The Mars Face in the Cydonia
region on Mars.
It is common to see
pictures that seem to have
forests, liquids, steamed up
windows and as many
objects and places. It also
happens to sounds, is more
common in music played in
reverse that end up turning myths, how to hide
something forbidden, usually attributed to satanic rituals,
omens and other fancy tricks of the same gender. The
word comes from the Greek meaning Pareidolia To,
which means close to or next to, and Eidolon, image,
shape or form. Pareidolia is a type of ablaut a term
proposed in 1959 by Klaus Conrad to explain the
cognitive phenomenon that we have in perception
patterns or connections in random data and give them
good sense of interpretation. It is an important factor in
creating superstitions, belief in the paranormal and
optical illusions.
All this descriptive serves to explain why many theorists
often see astronauts in cave paintings by the similarity
that some figures have with the use of clothing provided
with helmets, antennas and costumes that are supposed
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to be spacesuits, as well as
see flying machines as the
Palenque astronaut image
sarcophagus of King Paccal
in Palenque archaeological
site in the Mexican state of
The stone covering this
sarcophagus (King Paccal)
has a length of 3.5m by
2.2m wide, weighs about
five tons. As can be seen,
we do in this case also a
comparison with known
aspects of our daily life we
could not do before because
we have no such explanatory particulars on the other
hand is an intentional forçação to relate and give a
convincing explanation for something we know not
interpret in reasonableness.
Another case widely publicized is of Egyptian reliefs
found in Abydos, hieroglyphs present in the structure of
the ceiling in the temple of Seti I at Abydos, a temple of
the New Dynasty 3000 years, the hieroglyphics seem to
represent a display of various machines, mainly including
a helicopter and what could be a submarine. As is shown
on the photo below:
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At first glance, the figures actually seem to both
helicopters and airplanes that one has the impression
that it is a fraud or a deliberate assembly. However,
further and even previous expeditions including a dispute
over the discovery of 'finding' seem to confirm that the
hieroglyphs are the way they are seen, but the
researcher Katherine Griffis-Greenberg said of the
inscription presented above:
"...I fear that you were subjected to the famous
Fever" helicopter Abydos. ―There is a simple
explanation of what you are seeing, at least as we see
it in Egyptology. There is no mystery here; is just a
palimpsest (... defined as ... a manuscript, typically a
papyrus or parchment on which was written more
than once, without the prior written is completely
erased and often still readable "...). It was decided in
antiquity to replace the actual title five layers of Seti I
by his son and successor, Ramses II."
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"In the pictures, we see clearly" He who rejects the
nine alliances ", appearing a bit of both female names
of Seti I, replaced by" one who protects Egypt and
exceeds the foreign countries ", two female names of
Ramses II. With part of plaster that covered the title
of Seti I now fallen, some of the overlapping symbols
actually look like with a submarine, etc., but it's just a
"What is happening in the photographs is quite clear;
just consult Jürgen von Beckerath, aegyptischen
aegyptologische Studien 20, pages 235 to 237. This
question arises from time to time on the Internet in
academic lists as Anciente Near East (ANE) and
others, and then we are all well acquainted with her."
Katherine Griffis-Greenberg, American Research Center in Egypt,
the International Association of Egyptologists, University of
Akabama in Birmingham, Special Studies.
The most interesting of this matter even though it was
sensational if we discovered that are actually that with
which look like, is not refute the authenticity of entries
which are certainly very old and serve a specific purpose,
but the fact that we have to contextualize as artifacts of
our time.
This is because the resemblance to what we know today
is indisputable, but also ends up putting us in a situation
where or ever was an identical human past with the
same ideas and concepts, most likely by interference
from the environment in which we live and what we are
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living and inscriptions prove that, which put us in a
vicious and endless circle that never go anywhere, or we
will be dealing with travelers from the given
contemporary time the similarities of artifacts and items
in question with our specific timeliness of the twentieth
Cydonia Area on Mars
where we can also
In other words and
cautiously need to
address this issue,
therefore, it exists
from the beginning
of the twentieth and
adjacent century, some way that made it possible for
people to have traveled back in time and influenced
these cultures, or have involuntarily been transported to
the past for some type of vortex or unknown artifact and
tried to leave a record of his passes. This would also
mean that those trips would be more common than we
can imagine.
By the nineteenth century many of these comparisons
were not made or could, and even though there have
been some parallels with the respective times when such
theories may have been made, we will meet at the same
time paradox, because if there was comparative to that
again it is assumed that travelers of that time crossed the
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timelines and left messages for the future through slots,
rock art and others, but even concrete, nothing can be
In the twentieth century with the invention of rockets,
spacesuits, submarines and other known things that we
can now make associations, and in the future others will
be created and associated the same way many other
paintings, engravings, hieroglyphics and artifacts that
today do not do sense for us as they have not done so in
the past, they will eventually have an explanation
"adequate" and will again be refuted because you cannot
do research that way because instead of creating
credibility to the facts you end up ridiculing the discovery
yet importantly, the opinion point pathetic no chance for
more informed you can become.
One of the most important things that are needed to do
is avoid drawing such comparisons or parallels with
current technologies and artifacts, even the fact that we
are still groping in space conquest. Take at least ten days
to reach the moon and you can barely stay in space
stations orbiting the Earth, we are at the dawn to know
more about ourselves and already fantasizing that we
were visited by extraterrestrial beings, amazingly, with
contemporary technology to ours.
Any civilization that holds the secret of interstellar travel,
certainly need not use rude and uncomfortable space
suits, a small force field on the skin longer solve the
problem among many other hypotheses that could be
presented bordering on invisibility, and do a comparison
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that a stellar traveler go through half of the universe
were to be presented in such a rudimentary form,
antennas in the helmet, helmets uncomfortable true of
our last century and who knows what else!
Even that for a civilization like ours that aspired to be
colonizing other worlds in the twenty-first century and
cannot make use of other propulsion technologies other
than combustion much less that the batteries of your
electronic devices last longer than twenty-four hours
certainly we are far from conquering space in the
medium term! This will still be a long journey to wend
and we need to have a little more humility when we deal
with issues of outer space. We can however draw some
parallels about the human brain and the ability to travel
in time.
We know that thought is the "machine" one who travels
faster than light, once said René Descartes "I think
therefore I am" in the Discourse on Method (Holland
1637), and it is exactly in this way that the human brain
behaves when we think of something he associates a
much faster image or the speed of light, we access our
database and there is what we are looking into the
desired shape, size and color. The human brain is a
fabulous machine and if they are, why cannot travel
through time with him without this we need special and
complex machines that could in the island on these trips?
There is a theory that nothing can be faster than light,
but this cannot be an absolute truth for the simple
reason that there was a Big Bang that gave birth to the
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universe the intensity of the explosion was so large due
to existing mass compression It occupied almost
immediately around the empty space even if the residual
mass we now call galaxies to continue expanding, but
curiously it has knowledge through research to make this
type of measurement, the temperature was identified at
the center of the explosion as in more distant places we
could quantify in the universe are the same.
What is surprising since initially the temperature tends to
be warmer near the epicenter of the explosion than the
action limits the expansion of waste particles; however
studies show that our universe maintains a thermal
constant. Although there are billions of stars in the
universe, these precise measurements of COBE (Satellite
"Cosmic Background Explorer" developed by "Goddard
Space Flight Center" NASA) show that 99.97% of the
radiant energy of the universe was released during the
first year after the Great explosion, and now lies in the
thermal radiation field of 3 K.
This creates a paradox about this mass that is contained
within what we call the universe may have expanded so
quickly, hundreds or thousands of time greater than the
speed of light is 300,000 km / s. Something at the speed
of light theory is not correct, even if we are restricted to
our understanding of physical laws that apply. The
universe has its own laws of physics that probably do not
apply to us and to our little solar system, and then
anything is possible even within the presented
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Returning to the man's point of origin to a civilization
reaches the stage where we are today takes a few basic
requirements, and the writing of any fundamental nature,
and in this case can be cuneiform, hieroglyphics,
pictographic or alphabetical, so that knowledge is
perpetuated and there may be developments of
consecutive technologies, otherwise it would always be
necessary to start from ground zero for not having
previous records, because all experiences are made for
periods of time and different spaces may be decades,
hundreds or thousands of years between them.
There is no reliable records of previous experience will be
necessary to repeat the procedure. The simple fact that
the peoples of the Americas do not have the basic
knowledge of the use of the wheel in the direction it sets
itself, proves that even being as necessary as fire, had
never thought of that possibility as a tool, although that
used circular stones to do calendars and other goods and
there is no evidence of having united at some point by a
shaft, shows us how fundamental the written records are
for the collective memory and the great discoveries are
not lost.
The absence of these records of any kind are playing on
the ground any today or past theories both religious
books which most reproduce and compile just what was
said orally, for all the weak evidence of rock or pictorial
paintings found across the globe. The evidences are
many, but effective explanations do not have this
because if we find evidence not understand them, if we
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understand them do not give them the proper credibility
as beyond the traditional conservatism that sticks what is
explained in the timeline "known". Therefore, once again
In other words, if we find an aircraft of any nature for
millennia buried in a cave or under a pyramid to be
discovered (or ever discovered, perhaps in Palenque ...)
is quickly challenged by the scientific community or
"establishment" as is also called the immutable
concept, a response that these artifacts were put there
as a joke or another convincing and intentionally, same
cannot be explained satisfactorily how it was done.
Somewhat resemble the theory of Crop Circles...
In this aspect we need to be bolder Challenge Existing
State of Things (Status Quo) and put aside the vanity of
the great figures of science to why some of the greatest
discoveries of the scientific world were made by
amateurs, a phrase that I love that unfortunately we
cannot attribute author summarizes it well: "The Titanic
was done by professionals and Noah's Ark by
amateurs!" (Author unknown). The first sank in the
maiden voyage and the second sailed for 40 days and
night’s turbulent seas in the biblical literature and landed
safely on top of Mount Ararat, nothing sums up better
the jingoism and arrogance of a class than the sentence
Contrary to what we think is quite possible that we are
not being visited by alien race no and if contrary
evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence superiority would
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be just the fact that they have made contact with us and
are preventing this first step at all costs so that we
humans do not unbalance the harmony of the universe.
If there are civilizations that are visiting us for
immeasurable ages will surely have records of "our"
Earth whatever the name by which is known by other
extraterrestrial civilizations, and everything in it was
contained within that time, if ever we the opportunity to
know the hidden truth, although I think, based on our
example as a civilization that no other show us more
than necessary, as giving credibility that information and
even if they are indisputable, as refutes them with our
meager arguments We descended monkey because we
like? But we also have no kinship with other species so
similar there is not ours?
Cars and motorcycles are almost all the same, both have
wheels, engines, doors, windows and other features but
are of different factories, "genetics" that the builders put
in these vehicles is unique to each manufacturer and
that's what the values and make different. The
Mahabaratha is one of the two greatest epic classics of
India along with the Ramayana. Their authorship is
The text contained therein is monumental, with
approximately 74 000 Sanskrit verses, and more than 1.8
million words; the Harivamsa is included as an
attachment and being part of the main work, we arrive at
the total outstanding of 90,000 verses, making up the
largest amount of text in a single human work.
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One cannot rule out the Herculean effort made in
preparing this and other books of the same nature for
entertainment and folklore, it is known that all the lies
have some truth as well as all the stories that are not
fables, they are based on facts happened yet counted by
the winners of the battles will be those in power will
dictate that for future generations the "truths contained"
and if there is no need to create them to give support to
their reigns.
Will manufacture the necessary lies until they become
absolutes so widespread, we have a classic example, just
to name in the Roswell case where supposedly in 1947 a
flying object with crew and all rushed space and crashed
on a farm in the US state of New Mexico. Although we
need not dwell on this subject that is exhausted in all
media and literature of ufology, we have the fact that it
was reported as such by members of the US Air Force,
denied soon after by them for this event sequence turn
one unknown between reality and fiction.
Therefore, truth and lies were fabricated in the best
interests of those in power, why in the past or in the
future the records would be different?
In theory the time is in charge of putting order in the
chaos of information however great the space between
events, or simply get lost in the memory (forgetfulness)
of humanity, but perhaps not in the records of outside
observers if any, and that embarrassing it will be to we if
we have access to this data and see how we walk in
circles and we assume fantastic chance to respond to the
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our simplest questions. Another good example and very
current are the explosions of two atomic bombs on
Hiroshima and Nagasaki, in the opinion of this author is
an event that is a premeditated revenge and abuse of
power by excess of force.
It is clear that the choice of the two cities was retaliation
against the Japanese people for the attack on the naval
port of Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941 when stationed
American troops in Hawaii were taken by surprise by the
Japanese imperial forces without notice (the which was
very unfair even in times of war as they were stationary
troops), made an intense air raid damaging or destroying
21 ships and 347 aircraft, killing about 2,400 people and
wounding 1,178.
Although retaliation by American forces can be justified
and also that attitude has put an end to the second world
war with the unconditional surrender of the Japanese
Empire, the German Empire had not already greater
resistance or threat, I think the effect would have been
the even if the atomic bombs had been detonated in the
Sea of Japan in front of the big cities, but at a safe
distance did not have a weapon of mass destruction
feature as happened and we have historical records,
including visuals. But the message was given in loud and
Seen by the Japanese side, even if the attack on Pearl
Harbor was a surprise to the enemy, in this case the
United States had the power and right of defense on an
equal footing using equivalent weapons, although the
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violence of the Japanese attack has not been time skilled
and been of much practical use, but the reverse
happened if leaving a trail of 250,000 instant deaths
without any defense or retaliation power beyond the
future consequences arising from radioactive exposures
that extend to today.
This will undoubtedly put an end to war, saved perhaps
millions of lives that would be lost in battles and even
shortened the global destabilization of the time
continuing the world as we know it. This way and how it
is counted today, was a feat of considerable proportions
counted in the four corners of the world as a great
victory of the Allies, but based on the new laws of
humanity made in the postwar period as to the use of
weapons of mass destruction, would not be the United
States as well as the Allies forced to answer for crimes of
war and against humanity for such a feat?
Even stressing again all the "positive" aspects that
followed after this advent that eventually put an end to
one of the largest and bloodiest wars mankind has ever
faced. At the very least one would fit Mea Culpa for
such drastic action and a stern rebuke by the competent
humanitarian organizations, but what we see in the end
is that the winners dictate rules like "You have to
proceed to nuclear disarmament, but we do not!
Just who we designate and we do not, we
invaded." Then all existing truths will always be
contained in the spaces of time by those in power.
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Over time it is quite possible that the example cited
above as it is known today, instead of being a medal of
war and bravery against a defenseless people, will
become an object of shame not only a nation, but of all
humanity for having considered at some point this
hypothesis and have applied the so forcefully as we know
It should be considered very lucid way that Nazi Germany
had won this race certainly would be no plausible
explanation for the event of the Final Solution or Jewish
Holocaust (although none is justified), or even never
would know that such an event had existed since the lies
would be made to come to come true by virtue of
dissemination and enforcement of the law of the stronger
over the weaker. As we do still primitive barbarians want
to raise our barbarism to outer space.
The curiosities that do not read in the history books, the
German strategy for world domination and birth Fourth
Reich (would effectively be the thousand-year empire)
was based on the following; after the conquest of France
and the Netherlands in 1940 Germany decided to carry
out Operation "Barbarossa", invaded the Soviet Union on
June 22, 1941, knowing that Napoleon had been
defeated in the same attempt the rigorous Russian winter
of 1812, Hitler articulated with Japan that this made a
massive attack the coast east of the Soviet country.
That would force the displacement of Russian combat
facing the peaceful and considerably facilitate the
German incursion towards Moscow by Soviet territory.
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But the Japanese had almost the entire naval fleet still
powered by steam (coal, see the story of the battleship
Yamato) and years before the intention of modernization
began to change propulsion for oil products which the
United States was its largest supplier, not only to fuel
ships, as for other needs ranging to heating of
On the other hand the US had just passed the great
Depression of 1930 and still had a committed economy
trying to conquer international markets which in theory
were restricted. This time in American history also
coincides with the flood of immigrants that devastated
the country there looking for opportunities and lives what
would later be known as the American Dream. The
period of 1920-1940, resulted in the rise of organized
crime fueled by Prohibition (marketing ban of alcoholic
beverages) and the immigrant view that was worth
everything to survive, even to seize power by force.
For immigration in general there is nothing to lose at risk
because the immigrant starts have always losing, left
everything he loved and represented by reference in the
recent past behind, at the source, so whatever comes
from there will be profit. Recalling that the countries that
are developed, the known data, are precisely those who
have powerful immigration strength even if this creates
significant social problems. Understand how the world
works is almost 50% know where we should direct our
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In the same period and recession, not only by internal
problems but also by the desire to participate as a
principal actor and not as an adjunct in contemporary
history, the US made its way to the campaign to be
inserted in this context. Initially by ration supplies of
fossil fuels for the Japanese leading this people (in a way
for them was an undeniable strategic success until the
present day, but not justifiable in the eyes of history) to
take the decision rather than attack the Russian coast
directed their attack strength to the Hawaiian islands,
also noting that the Hawaiian Islands until 1894 is
constituted of a monarchy under King's domain
Kamehameha I and four years later in 1898 was invaded
militarily thus conquered a process brute force, the
expansion of the United States of America, whose design
is still in force, and later attached to this country as a
member state. And that had been in dispute sovereignty
of bygone times to the Japanese people by remote ethnic
affinity, although proven on account of Polynesian
Therefore, and even though many do not sympathize
with the information presented is of paramount
importance exemplify the researcher who does not
Activate from the hard facts will always be a biased
articulator and thus not much will make more difference
existing too much, so will add only + 1 in the historical
context of humanity, but will never be the factor X or Y
differential of all!
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Also in this sequence that apparently adds nothing to our
study, but otherwise clearly shows that social / political
events directly influence the historical annals and as
always it is worth stressing, human history is always
written by the winners, with the proviso that there are
other contemporary observers of those stories with more
reliable records that we present, we must humbly receive
them and with much serenity correct errors or historical
arrangements governing all canons until the present day.
Therefore, the US / WW II event may well have been
provoked, even because as the saying goes "joined the
hunger with the desire to eat" than in other words, if I
cannot participate, will do everything so that is guest
(there is a conspiracy theory that the allied forces, not
necessarily the United States ... would have torpedoed
Brazilian vessels, which in a way were sympathizers with
the Nazi regime, so that they were recruited as logistical
support for the Allies, which eventually happened) and
the wrong event allegedly by Japanese military
superiority collapsed in a historic error of judgment,
made the deliberate attack, forced for economic reasons
and strategic judgment changed the outcome of WW II
in favor of the Allies.
In addition to what is known today as well during the
war, that Japan's surrender before the atomic event was
only a matter of time therefore unnecessary bombing.
Otherwise we would be speaking German today for sure,
because somehow they still would have found a way to
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swallow the shaft allies over the next few years to
consolidate Aryan supremacy!
In short, the Nipponese decision to make for themselves
the reins of destiny defying German strategic agreements
for world domination inflicted a longer war, but also
provided other choices because even for good cognizant
would inevitably be swallowed by Germany if they had
been successful in intent and selection as "natural" the
Aryan race certainly were not included in the genetic
purity of exceptions.
So, more than ever, the Japanese timely tried to turn the
tables (already lost) in his favor, even though they were
victims of an unfair atomic revenge and above all unfair.
They stayed with the laurels for posterity allies, as well
as a standing ovation for yet another holocaust, and the
desire to end as quickly as possible to another bloody
This is not a brawl or personal differences between the
author of this singular book and the annals of history,
after all "The Caesar what is Caesar!" In the phrase
attributed to Jesus, but the perception of shrewd
observer against the ravening wolves dictating rules on
what to be and do on Earth. It is a fact that the US
expansionist project was in practice since its
independence in order to consolidate the maximum
possible boundaries, so the territorial expansion within
the continent was a secular extra-strategy brought by all
presidents to date.
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With this proven and have been assimilated into the Borg
best performance (see the Star Trek Voyager series) as
had already happened once with the Mexican states of
Arizona, New Mexico, California and Texas, in other less
relevant. Albeit controversial and aware shape as the
Alamo means as a symbol (regardless of whether
American or not, but of human perseverance) the
conspiracy theory is also present in this case as the same
way that today there are doubts as to the intentional
cutting and terrorist of the twin towers of the World
Trade Center by national internal forces in order to incite
a foreign intervention, even if not justified its overthrow
in any manner without consent by the competent and
regular authorities, echo rumors of a majority of
"Americans" disguised as Mexicans stormed the Alamo
and made his fellow martyrs for the uprising that finally
confirm US sovereignty in the North American continent
as we know it today.
They are wrong in thinking? Certainly not, each defends
his point of view in the privileged position that has! The
generals who go to the front lines are not only seen as
crazy swept by exposure to undergoing, but except for
the ideological-heroic aspect has no future just like
General Custer at the putsch of Little Big Horn
underestimating the enemy , although it has become a
myth precisely the failure on the main goal. However,
repeatedly stressing the, however, defend their race,
nation or species living only confirms the commitment to
the continuation of the species even if we have the
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perception that will be at the expense of the next ... It
kind of distant Separated by... 1 cm to be!
Survival is the maximum premise that overrides morality
and logic of human subconscious mind therefore judge
does not fit in any prospective because we are observers
and observed. Who take it upon themselves to judge
function, Jury and Executioner will always be a tyrant
unreasonable ways not knowing where it starts to reason
and madness, or perhaps, even, perhaps, for some
unknown reason, the extraordinary, imponderable, the
inconsequential probability, random repeatedly random
that gives life and form to all things and even to nothing,
will always be remembered not for what he did, but for
what it failed to do!
We are what we are and always long for what we will
never be at any time, for above all we know that as
human there are no limits to the creation ... Unless we
are the creators you all the known and unknown
universe. Lords of all questions and answers, which in
this case imposes the question ... What are we doing
here, including reading this book if the answers are
already given or questions no longer need to be
Proven fact is that the Allies won the contest and the
winners shared the booty among them as usual (personal
comments do not apply), but the Japanese strategic
mistake-hit/Soviet/German/USA directed the story this
time line for the destination should be and it is written,
as we have seen on this subject. Each of the decisions
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referred these nations to defeat or supreme victory and
the desired timeline.
Certainly the concept studied somewhere time Russia
won defeating Germany, in another line the same time
Germany won or all at a time, and so on exponentially.
Drawing a Vertical cut of a
Vimana described in the Hindu
Ramayana book.
This lends credence ace
timelines! All impossible
within the impossibility of
there! Here we have the
paradox of existence!
Returning to the initial
main topic on the Indian
scriptures, if there were
technological boom times
that may have spread by
the time, the oldest references may be in the Vedic texts
that later would give rise to Sanskrit, and although there
is a dating for these texts between 1,000 and 2,000 BC
are based on records much older oral may not be needed
until date back dates.
The information by word-of-mouth ends up losing
relevant aspects and at the same time new elements are
inserted to better illustrate the stories and to
contextualize them, which does not mean that they are
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less true, only perhaps more exaggerated. At this point
the four Vedas volumes which are known are
fundamental to the understanding of ancient Indian
history and civilization that we still is contemporary and
we can learn his writings "drinking from the source of
knowledge" that clear historical aspects of antiquity.
It is virtually impossible to write anything about the
human race without the subjects of mythology, alien life,
spectacular ancient people and time travel are massively
addressed. As much as we have already read this in
other literary works, seen in movies or documentaries, or
even in conversations wheels to kill time, they fascinate
us why some of us wish it were true and the other part
wants to believe that we can find the answers there, so
the way we approach it always needs a new perspective
even if it is not new.
This is what was discussed in Principle of Genius, will at
some point someone will look at the problem at hand and
exposed them as a child that opens a toy without ever
having seen before, are the cream skills that will refine
with over time before having the opportunity to study,
unravel their secrets in a flash.
The cataclysm that swept the continent of MU may have
been more than just a natural event as we have assumed
in theoretical literature, there Vimanas that in most
modern Indian languages means Common Aircraft,
having no aspect mythological, yet aircraft which
independent be able to fly in the atmosphere, it states
that the Vimanas also traveled through space and under
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water, which is quite natural since the two media have
similar aspects, that is, if it's tight enough to travel
through space so is the ocean, perhaps even the same
speed ratios, although there is more friction in the ocean.
It is technology to discover because we are behind that
knowledge as we learn more every day. Some of the
technologies that will be needed for these flying objects
to become viable will be the antigravity systems with
inertia inhibitors. There must be a spatial displacement
system better than antigravity entirely eliminate the
weight of the object and thereby cut the attraction of the
heavenly bodies where the gravitational field which
automatically would design and an incredibly surprising
speed into outer space.
The same would occur if using a device reversing the
gravitational pull generating instant boost. On the other
hand, if the same type can be used to propel the flying
objects, moving attracted by the gravitational fields of
other bodies, basically there will be no propulsion energy
expenditure as only to utilize gravitational force to attract
and repel the aircraft toward the desired destination. At
this point it is known that the bodies tend to remain at
rest and very abrupt change in this behavior, and
disastrously end so today we call our calculations using
the force G. This force defined as exactly 9.806 65 m/s is
totally linked to vibration and the resonance of tissues of
organisms on Earth.
When it reaches a high G-force, vibration and resonance
come to such a degree that some organs can reach the
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extreme point "explode", leading to immediate death of
the crew. There is a coefficient g-called tolerance, which
is a coefficient which calculates the G force tolerable to
human beings. The world record of resistance force F
was measured in 1954 by Colonel of the US Air Force,
John Stapp, when he reached the acceleration of 46.2 g.
Therefore, without the inertia inhibitors which most likely
will be directly linked to the anti-gravity system will never
be possible to make space travel which has offset
characteristics and extremely quick stops.
Descriptions contained in the Vedas and the recent
Indian literature speak of Vimanas of various shapes and
sizes, the "agnihotra-vimana" with two possibly engines
(Agni/Fire in Sanskrit), "chick-vimana" with more engines
one or more engines (Gaja/elephant in Sanskrit), other
animals still possess-based denominations for best
interpretation, such as Kingfisher, Ibis and others that we
can use as comparative. All ancient literature speak of
the Flying Carpets, Boats Solar leading the Pharaohs to
eternity and the infinite desire to fly, as if it had been
made and lost over time. The battles described in the
Ramayana speak of events ever seen:
"The carriage with Puspaka similar to Sun shine and it
belongs to my brother was taken away by Ravana, the
admirable carriage that will fly everywhere where it
wants to go ... it looks like a bright cloud in the
sky."... "And Rama entered it, and Raghira command
the admirable carriage levitated and moved up to the
higher heaven."
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"Gurkha in his swift and powerful Vimana hurled
against the three cities of Vrishnis and Andhakas a
single messenger death ray loaded with all the power
of the universe."
"The big incandescent column of smoke and fire,
bright as ten thousand suns rose in all its magnitude.
It was an unprecedented weapon, a death ray, which
turned into ashes the race of Vrishnis and Andhakas
and their cities."
In Samarangana Sutradhara (230 verses) is written:
"Robust and solid is the Vimana to be produced, like
a huge bird of light material. Inside should be placed
mercury reactor (Orichalcum?) With its heated iron
disperser below. Through the merger of mercury,
which modifies the way she moves, a traveler inside
can go navigate over long distances in the heavens.
The movements of the Vimana are so simple that it
can ascend and descend vertically, move slanting
forwards and backwards. With these carriages men
can fly and heavenly beings can come down to earth."
Apocalyptic wars that happened to us are never detailed
the oldest literatures of the world, the Lemúrian wars
most likely happened and perhaps the rest of them who
are on the dark side of the moon waiting to be
rediscovered. Certainly that's what decimated that
population and sank the continent of Mu, but there were
no other such advanced civilizations on Earth that we
know, who we did effectively against these epic battles?
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The assumption that makes war against an alien race is
valid forever. We have the first evidence, managed to hit
a cultural and art at the past as now and in the years
jeopardizes the integrity of space and time, because we
humans have no information to know when to stop, the
achievement is intrinsically embedded in our interior and
today as in the past are at risk, as well as the stability of
the galaxy. If such battles there were casualties must
have been considerable on both sides taking into
consideration the damage that may have been caused
and we are still undiscovered as happened in some
archaeological sites like Mohenjo-Daro.
Archaeological find of Mohenjo-Daro, Mount of Death, skeletons,
some in positions embraced suggesting immediate carbonization.
Here again one cannot fail to mention what is fact
however widespread it is because only in this way one
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can carry out the information until it is decoded by
someone who possesses the appropriate knowledge to
do so. The skeletons found in some hand in hand groups
in the excavations of the ancient holy city of MohenjoDaro, Pakistan, which once was part of the Rama Empire,
when India was called Bharata, are just as radioactive as
the remains of people killed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki
by nuclear bombs during the end of the Second World
If the inhabitants of Planet X would be on our side or
against us, we may be about to find out in a few
millennia and we must be prepared for the best and
worst case scenarios. If the Anunnaki are a warrior race
that is still trying to regain his rebellious creation every
Platonic Year 25,000 years it would be a good
explanation for our so little recent historical memory.
According to Mayan belief occurring five cycles of 5125
years, completing the range of 25,625 years, the next
period of the "precession of the equinoxes", called
"Platonic Year" or "Great Year Egyptian", corresponding
to a complete cycle consisting of 12 astrological ages or
25,920 years.
Each cycle ends the term of humanity (race) on earth, in
sequence: first to destruction, followed by regeneration,
which brings the next cycle. Taking into account the
precision with which the Mayans and other peoples
predicted celestial events, on 21 December 2012 began a
new cycle that will end in the year 7137 AD and a new
era that will lead to the next Platonic Year 26,000 years
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28,012 AD On the other hand despite all the scientific
knowledge they possessed, nothing explains the
primitivism of the human sacrifices that submitted their
rivals and the people themselves with the excuse
appease the wrath of the gods...
Cyclically we went back there the Stone Age and go
through all the other stages until we reach the moment
of the great confrontations. Maybe we should take more
seriously the extraterrestrial threats without this we need
to go through crazy, we call contingency plan and if it
happens we will be prepared if it does not happen we will
have nothing to lose and were busy in the meantime to
improve as a civilization.
If Planet X is the enemy and the decline of MU was a
military conflict can situate this war in 45,000 BC about
the year of the rebellion, and in the last 15,000 years in
the last passage of the planet here, it would be a
comfortable time frame to the memories even a very
superficial way could be passed from generation to
Recalling that Planet X had one orbit perpendicular
confrontation period would have to be between the
distance closer and vice versa that would be the two
main points of contact in advance with the earth and
greater distance until there was no possibility of return.
This orbit can be days, months, but certainly not years.
Done the damage and failing to subdue us, outposts may
have fallen behind on other planets or moons closer to
be constantly monitored, which would be the most
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probable and these skirmishes take millennia to the final
Although Lemúria has fallen by around 45,000 BC does
not mean that coincides with the beginning of the MU
Empire decline the human race is not extinct, because we
have news that India in this case still using the Lemúrian
technology and Atlantis is become the great empires of
the Magdalenian period the European Upper Paleolithic
(40,000 BC) and the Magdalenian period (13,000 BC) and
coincides with a new phase of the human race with the
mass extinction of the Holocene (13,000 to 9000 BC),
and as the main cause the end of the Ice Age also called
the Ice Age or Mass Extinction in the Pleistocene.
However, if we consider the MU decline on the date
specified and the Ascension of those two empires, the
war described in Mahabaratha was fought in 12,000 BC
and so we would have a lot of written epic information
on religious books, just as we did with Troy
(remembering that myth was considered until recently),
Leonidas and Thermopylae and the Cretan Minoans and
people just to name a few examples that have been
existing civilizations that have become myths and
eventually be rediscovered and placed properly in the
pages of history as real events.
But with the extinction of this Lemúrian civilization
understanding that there are no records of any of the
events nature, just speculation, it can be said that the
Indian Vedas and Mahabaratha speak of a recent armed
conflict and not as remote as the extinction of A, and the
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strategic shift to India of those people as well as the
Atlantis of the survivors (of the gods?), coexistence
between them was nothing peaceful, many of
Mahabaratha wars speak of internal conflicts between
peoples of the world, after all they do not were the only
two civilizations that existed, but the most advanced
from the rest.
The accounts of the Indian holy books also mention that
there are today somewhere in Asia, perhaps somewhere
in the Himalayas and who knows the mountain ranges of
the Americas, true hangars dug in the mountains that
keep these very powerful weapons of war to be
rediscovered when humanity is once more ready to
understand them and use them. We expect at least not
for the same purpose, but with more wisdom, for those
who do not know history will certainly repeat their
What would have taken humanity to abandon them may
have been the last and final interstellar war that ended
with the extinction of the Atlantean civilization or "Asvins"
as they were called, not being clear who the other people
called Vrishnis and Andhakas cited in Purana which
apparently they were of the same family branch also
decimated in this conflict as the text below:
"...The weapon used had all the power of the universe
in a single projectile. A huge column of fire and smoke
and bright flames like a thousand suns rose in all its
strength. A messenger death ray... that turned into
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ashes the race of Vrishnis and Andhakas. The dead
were so burned that they were unrecognizable."
"They fell hair and nails, pottery is without knowing
why, and the birds turned white ... after a few hours
all the food had been poisoned ... to get away from
this heat into embers and deadly, the soldiers plunged
into rivers to appease burning that consumed the flesh
and wash their equipment..." Mahabaratha Excerpt.
There are also to corroborate all this information from a
global apocalypse and in a nuclear way, even if there is
an understanding as to the nature of the type of energy
used in these weapons of mass destruction, ranging from
plasma to other which want to still unknown, the
vitrification found in ancient cities whose brick and stone
walls were literally and instantly vitrified, fused together
and can be found in India, Ireland, Scotland, France,
Turkey and other more remote places.
Based on all these facts and arguments, there is no need
to prove them categorically, it is expected rather that the
mental stimulation to try to find out whether or not it
enough that further research be done and new theories
and evidence can be presented. No still count on those
traces that are inevitably submerged due to the latest
global thaw possibly where these civilizations existed.
Rediscover them would be the greatest proof that
legends and myths is based on real events of the past.
Apart from that other theories about other matters have
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That said, it proves that we are together with our
enemies the Lords of infinite and timeless war and we
need to be prepared for it full-time, this is an undeniable
reality. As they say: The truth is out there, or buried
deep in our memory waiting to be revived.
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Chapter VI
Atlantis existed? Yes, absolutely certain it is not a myth
invented by insane minds or ravings of mad philosophers,
after all "Reality is in the Look Who Eyes" as well as
the madness. We have to admit that most likely the
disease of the soul may be dementia, and we can classify
it without fear of error that can be divided into two
genres: Folly and ignorance.
One of the biggest discussions about the stories that
Plato tells enthusiastically in the speeches of Timaeus
and Crítias are true is the way that Crítias ends abruptly
leaving a question mark, as if he was a player account /
listener interpret it’s the final outcome so this epic, giving
the impression that it's all just a metaphorical story and
analogous to the concept that Plato considered what
should be the political and social system Greek time.
Many, though they have just heard have never had the
opportunity to read both speeches and for this reason as
well as knowledge of the facts, here will be played in its
entirety (only the part of the discourse that refer to
Atlantis) and commented on the assessment and
contextualization of the player and from there develop
reasoning leading to the confirmation that this is not a
myth, but the legend of a civilization that existed and
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tragically succumbed during the last war the Fourth
"Timaeus - Here is Timaeus of Locris in Italy (of Locrian
origin), a city which has admirable laws, and who is
himself in wealth to rank equal any of their fellow
citizens; He held the most important offices and honored
in his own state, and, as I believe, has scaled the heights
of all philosophy; and here is Critias, whom every
Athenian knows to be no novice on the issues we're
talking about; and how Hermócrates, I am sure by many
witnesses that his genius and education qualify him to
take part in any such speculation."
"And so yesterday when I saw you I wanted to describe
the formation of the state, I readily agreed and well
aware that only you would, none was better qualified to
take the discussion forward, and that when you had
engaged our city in a suitable war, you of all men living,
could present his best, playing a decisive role. When I
finished my task in this exchange have imposed another
task to you. You conferred together and agreed to
entertain me on as I had entertained you with a speech
party. Here I am in festive order, and no man can be
more ready for the promised banquet than me."
"Hermócrates: And we too, Socrates, as Timaeus
says, will not lack enthusiasm; and there is no excuse
not to fulfill your request. Once we arrived yesterday
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the guest of Critias, with whom we are staying, or
rather, on our way there, we talked about it, and he
told us an ancient tradition, which I wish Critias, is
that you repeat to Socrates, so that he can help us
evaluate whether it will meet your needs or not."
"Critias: I will, if Timaeus, who is our other partner,
"Timaeus: I quite approve of."
Initially it is important that we know who are here being
related some of the most privileged minds of the time to
make an epic narrative that runs from the issue of
creation of the universe to the armed conflict between
the peoples of the world.
When we read the narrative of the Timaeus and Critias
dialogues, there is the discourse, deep knowledge of the
world around them as well as the laws governing this
same world, and it is hard to imagine that someone with
so much prestige as Plato could create a fable only
compared to exemplify a system of government that
would be utopian, but since it did not exist at the time,
could serve as a model for the known Greek world.
The characters below are listed in the dialogue of
Timaeus, remembering that Plato is the creator of the
whole narrative and therefore will also be in the
relationship for the sake of temporal location:
Plato (Athens, 428-347 BC) was a philosopher and
mathematician who lived in the classical period of ancient
Greece, during his lifetime was the author of several
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philosophical dialogues and also one of the founders of
the Academy of Athens, it is known to have been that the
first institution of higher education in the western world.
Plato by his personality is believed to be rational,
realistic, idealistic and dualistic. Historians give it many of
the associated ideas that inspired these philosophies.
Solon (Athens, 638 BC - 558 BC) have been a legislator,
jurist and Greek poet, considered one of the seven sages
of ancient Greece that as a poet, he composed moralphilosophical elegies. Due to its activity had a profound
knowledge of the laws, there being summoned as a
legislator by the aristocracy in the midst of a period of
great social tension in the polis, the old model of the
Greek cities, while other social groups saw the DRACON
reforms (occurred around 621 BC) as being insufficient.
During his retirement, Solon forbade the mortgage of
land and debt bondage by calling Seisachtheia law;
divided society by the census criterion (by the annual
revenue) giving rise to the income division into periods
and created the court of law. But not all roses and better
if they were his intentions many of the actions taken
displeased the aristocracy, that under no circumstances
want to lose their oligarchic privileges, on the other hand
there were the people who wanted more than just the
census policy, as well as the institution an agrarian
reform. Before and now it is too hard to please "Greeks
and Trojans"!
Timaeus of Locris (no specific date) was supposedly a
Pythagorean Greek philosopher who lived in the fifth
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century BC, long believed that it is only a fictional
character to emphasize the Platonic dialogue of the same
name. It also quoted in De República (I, X, 16), which is
described as being close to Plato by Marcus Tullius Cicero
(Arpino, 106 BC - 43 BC) which reportedly in historical
research as a philosopher, orator, writer, lawyer and
Roman politician, among other attributes to it credited.
There are no more records about this supposed
philosopher and orator who can delve into research, and
if there were something relevant may have been
destroyed along with the collection of the Bibliotheca
Crítias (460 BC - 403 BC) according to the old history
books will have been a philosopher born in Athens, and
also uncle of Plato while part as Thirty Tyrants group
member who ruled the city, and as far as is known would
be one of the most violent one has news.
It was in his time one of Socrates' disciples, on the other
hand did not contribute anything to that Socrates had a
better image to the public. The end of this controversial
political figure also came very violently being murdered
by Democrats.
It is believed that this is Crítias that appears as a
character in some philosopher Plato's dialogues. Was it a
rather obscure figure in the history of Athens.
The fragmented sentence of a tragedy by Euripides, was
crucial for appear as a figure of relevance; this passage
explains how God is the invention of a sophist,
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skillful legislator. "Thus, I believe, that someone,
the first, persuaded the deadly form of the
thought that there are gods." Crítias, B xxv, op. cit., p.
Hermócrates (407 BC) Military and political importance
of Syracuse, Italy, was killed during the Peloponnesian
War. In 424 BC, Hermócrates invested leadership that it
was peculiar led the Sicilian Greeks against the increasing
interference of Athens. In 415 BC, it became one of the
three generals of Syracuse mandated to face the
Athenian uprising. In 412 BC, he received the command
of a naval fleet with the intention of supporting the
incursion of Sparta in the Aegean Sea.
Arguably except for Solon and cannot locate Timaeus as
a real character or date it within a specific time period
breaks the assumption (without any kind of damage will
literature and annals of ancient history) that may have
existed and how others the They were all contemporary.
Plato, Crítias, Hermócrates and why not Timaeus is a
range of time between 460 BC and 347 BC so there is no
reason not to give credibility to the two speeches have
not had the participation of those characters.
Discussions about the authenticity of the still relevant,
aspects of the narrative are that surprise by emphasizing
geographical aspects that we considered supposedly
unknown to antiquity. Consider:
"Crítias: Then listen, Socrates, to a tale which,
though strange, is certainly true, having been attested
by Solon, who was the wisest of the seven sages. He
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was a relative and a dear friend of my greatgrandfather, Dropides, as he himself says in many
passages of his poems; and he told the story to
Crítias, my grandfather, who remembered and
repeated it to us. There were old, he said, great and
marvelous actions of the Athenian city, which passed
into oblivion through lapse of time and the destruction
of humanity, and in particular, more than anything
else. Now this is what we rehearse. It will be a fitting
monument of our gratitude to you, and a true and
worthy hymn of praise of the goddess, in her festival
"SOCRATES: Very good. And what is this famous old
share of the Athenians, which Crítias declared, under
the authority of Solon, is not a mere legend, but an
actual fact?"
"Crítias: I'll tell a story of the old world that I heard
from an old man; for Crítias, at the time of saying, as
he had said, almost ninety years old, and I was about
ten. Now the day was the day of Apaturia what is
called the Youth Registration, in which, according to
custom, our parents gave prizes for recitations, and
the poems of several poets were recited by us boys,
and many of us sang poems of Solon, which at the
time had not gone out of fashion. One of our tribe, or
because he thought so or to please Critias, said that in
his judgment Solon was not only the wisest of men,
but also the noblest of poets."
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"The old man, as I remember very well, perked up at
this and said, smiling: Yes, Amynander if Solon had
only, like other poets do poetry the business of his
life, and had completed the tale which brought with
him out of Egypt, and had it not been obliged by the
factions, agitation and problems found on your own,
when he came home to attend to other matters, in my
opinion, it would have been as famous as Homer or
Hesiod, or any poet."
"And what was the story about, Critias? Amynander
"About the most action that the Athenians have done,
and what should have been the most famous, but
through the lapse of time and the destruction of the
actors, has not survived."
"Tell us, said the other, the whole story, and how and
from whom Solon heard this veritable tradition."
"He answered: - In the Egyptian Delta, at the head
of which the Nile River divides, there is a certain
district which is called the salts district and major city
in the district is also called Sais, and is the city from
which King Amasis came. Citizens have a deity for
their foundress; it is called in the Egyptian tongue
Neith, and is asserted by them to be the same as the
Hellenes call Athena; they are great lovers of the
Athenians, and say they are in some way related to
them. To this city came Solon, and was received there
with great honor; He asked the priests who were
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more skilled in such matters, about antiquity, and
made the discovery that neither he nor any other
Hellene knew about the old times."
"On one occasion, trying to lure them to speak of
antiquity, he began to tell about the most ancient
things in our part of the world, on Phoroneus, which is
called" the first man "and about Niobe; and after the
Flood of Deucalion and Pyrrha survival; and he traced
the genealogy of his descendants, and reckoning up
the dates, tried to calculate how many years ago the
events of which he was speaking happened."
"Then one of the priests, who was very old, said: O
Solon, Solon, you Hellenes are nothing more than
children, and there is not an old man among you.
Solon in return asked him what he meant. I mean
answered, you as the soul are all so young; There is
none of you that is as old or as old event handed
down among you as tradition, nor any science or
knowledge imparted with age. And I will tell you why."
Until this stretch of narrative we see only an introduction
that contextualizes the knowledge they had of the flood
event and a similar story will of Adam (Phoroneus) and
Eve and the question of "Grow and multiply you" with
Deucalion (Noah lived to 950 years) and Pyrrha
(Noéma/Naamah or Enzara) according to all the literature
already evidenced and could logically be an adaptation to
better illustrate the speech.
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But it is quite emphasized that historical memory is lost
over time remembering that, except for the recent Greek
history there was an older memory of which were
records. What again puts the Sumerians as the people
who possessed the world's earliest records of about
6,000 years. Neither the Egyptian writings come so close
to this date, there is actually more of a gap in these
spaces of time.
"There has been and there will be again, many
destructions of mankind arising out of many causes;
most have been forces caused by fire and water, and
other minor by numerous other causes."
"There is a story that, even if you have as an
example, Phaeton, son of Helios, having yoked the
steeds in his father's car, and as unable to lead them
in the way of his father, burned everything that was
on earth, and was himself destroyed by lightning.
Now, this takes the form of a myth, but really signifies
a declination of the bodies moving in the heavens
around the earth, and a great conflagration of things
upon the earth, which recurs after long intervals; at
such times those who live in the mountains and in dry
and high places are more liable to destruction than
those who dwell by rivers or the sea."
"And from this calamity we Nile, who is our savior and
never fails, protects and preserves. When, on the
other hand, the gods purge the earth with a flood of
water, the survivors in your country are shepherds
and farmers living in the mountains, but those who,
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like you, live in cities are transported by rivers to the
sea. Whereas in this land, neither then nor at any
other time, does the water from above on the fields,
having always a tendency to come from the bottom
up; reason the traditions preserved here are the
"The fact is that the end of winter frost or summer
sun does not prevent humanity to exist, sometimes
more, sometimes in smaller numbers. And what
happened either in your country or in ours, or in any
other region of which we are informed if there were
any righteous deed or large or any other remarkably,
all of them were written by us in age, and are
preserved in our temples."
Plato already conjectured that we did not we were the
first race of humans on Earth, it obviously must have
been based on an argument which we are not aware,
there being no reason to because ace time of belief that
the human race was not the first and unique. Greece was
the known center of the Earth in general terms ranging
from general education to politics and even though they
have enough scientific knowledge of the time, it is
assumed rightly that these were not sufficient to have a
picture of the whole.
Even when quoting the declination of the bodies moving
around the earth, makes a reference of great cataclysms
with KT types impacts at the level of extinction showing
that those who would be at a higher altitude would suffer
the greatest losses while those who were at low altitude
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and next of ocean areas would have the greatest chance
of survival.
Most likely due to what we call winters Nuclear where all
the Earth's atmosphere would be covered with thick
clouds of dust residual impacts and radiation, making
acid rain and temporarily blocking sunlight throughout
most of the planet. Or even by the action of spontaneous
combustion of the atmosphere that could due to the heat
of the space material inputs at high speed to burn
everything wherever he went.
Thus the sharp altitude places even mistakenly supposed
that the survival would be more likely, the low
temperatures by sun block that could reach the
stratosphere freeze anything that was at least greater
than 1 km height, on the other hand, there would be a
kind of greenhouse below this altitude that if these
winters Nuclear were not too long could also sustain life
even precariously.
But that in the medium term and the rebirth of climatic
conditions propitiated that (in about a decade perhaps a
longer period, but tolerable in existential terms) which
does not succumb to organic or animal became
dominant. This proves the natural selection of species.
"Whereas just when you and other nations are
beginning to be provided with letters and the other
requisites of civilized life, after the usual interval, the
stream from heaven, like a pestilence, have been
falling, and leave only those who are destitute of
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letters and education; and then you have to start all
over again like children, and know nothing of what
happened in ancient times, either among us or among
"As for those genealogies of you just now told us
Solon, they are no better than the tales of children.
First you remember a single deluge only, but there
were many previous ones; the next place, you do not
know what had previously lived in their own land the
fairest and noblest race of men that ever lived, and
you and your whole city are descended from a small
seed or remnant of those who survived."
"And this was unknown to you, because, for many
generations, the survivors of the destruction died,
leaving no written word. There was a time, Solon,
before the great deluge of all, when the city which
now is Athens was first in war and in every way the
best governed of all cities, said he performed the
noblest deeds and to have had the fairest constitution
of any of which tradition tells, under the face of
But we are like children why not keep records of the past
and the flow coming from the sky sounds like a great
meteor shower or other activity that comes to fire the
earth's atmosphere and as we have seen before, those
who survive are not the stronger, but the most
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But if possible the hypothesis that these catastrophe are
purposeful and directed, we find a very logical answer to
all the theories that place us as one of the many existing
previous races cyclically are "exterminated" in certain
periods of experience could this be more or less
advanced depending on the way that the human race
decides to follow.
There's no way fail to make a parallel between Phaethon
son of Helios and the rise of Vimanas (or Astra) Indian or
Valix (the same size vehicles, but Atlantis) in:
"Gurkha in his swift and powerful Vimana hurled
against the three cities of Vrishnis and Andhakas a
single messenger death ray loaded with all the power
of the universe."
It is the same story told differently by different people
and explains with satisfaction the vitrification found
around the world. This is clear evidence that many
people in different places and times were aware that
there was at least the recent past apocalypse, though
perhaps they could not go back to the other existing
previous accurately time.
"Solon marveled at his words, and earnestly requested
the priests to inform him exactly and in order about
these former citizens. You are welcome to hear about
them Solon, said the priest, both for your own sake
and for that of their city, and above all, for the sake of
the goddess who is the common patron and educator
of both our cities."
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"She founded your city a thousand years before ours,
Receiving Earth and Hephaestus of their race seeds,
and then she founded ours, of which the constitution
is recorded in our sacred records to be 8000 years
Plato assigns the same date 9000 years ago to the
founding of Athens and to the disgust of Atlantis
invasion; this same passage can be read in the Crítias
"Talking about its citizens from 9000 years ago; I will
briefly inform you of its laws and its most famous
action; we will follow the exact indications of all and
go at our leisure in their own sacred records. If you
compare these very laws with ours, you will find that
many of ours are the counterpart of yours as they
were in ancient times."
"First, there is the caste of priests, which is separate
from all others; hand, there are craftsmen who do not
mix their various trades with each other or with each
other to; nor is it the class of shepherds and hunters,
as well as farmers; and you will observe, too, that the
warriors in Egypt are distinct from all other classes,
and are commanded by law to devote himself
exclusively to military activities. Moreover, the
weapons they carry are shields and spears, equipment
style of the goddess first taught to us Asians, like in
your part of the first world for you."
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"So, like wisdom, you notice that our right from the
first done is a study of all kinds of things, extending
even will prophecy and medicine which gives health,
these divine elements arising that were necessary for
life human and adding any type of knowledge that
was similar to them."
"All this order and arrangement of the goddess was
first given to you when established their city; and
chose the location of the land where you were born,
because she saw that the happy temperament of the
seasons in that land would produce the wisest of men
was ripe."
"And the goddess, who was a lover both of war and
wisdom, selected and first of all settled that point was
the most likely to produce men as his image. And you
lived there, having such laws as these and still better,
and highlighted the humanity in all virtue, as became
the children and disciples of the gods."
9000 years it is the date which precedes the flood when
the story is told to Solon who is a figure of the year 600
a.C. added to 2015 years AD in which we find reaches an
approximate result of 11,600 years with an error margin
of 10% for more at least. The earliest historical records
what is known range from four thousand five hundred
(4,500) years and six thousand (6,000) years.
This same time are the earliest records we have in
reference to the great Deluge can be cataloged at least
250 different people telling the same story the same
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approximate period of time, leaving a gap of how they
could have the same records if there were a source
common between them?
It is known that the anthropological studies to which we
have access point to about 1,000,000 records dating
back to the beginning of several civilizations whose
convergent point is precisely the flood event. This is not
an isolated event between people but between them
even separated by true oceans as the Indians in the
Americas, Arab and other Asian people and even in
remote island as still primitive people, who even believed
they were the only inhabitants of the planet consequently
this event, only recently discovered, among others.
Below is an excerpt from the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh
about the Flood:
"I was aware of a great silence; there seemed no
other living people out there besides us on the boat.
How come the clay, the clay is gone. The water
showed flat as the roofs of houses, then looking out
the window cried because everyone was covered by
the waters."
"I looked for land in vain, but in the distance I could
make out a mountain that became the Monte Nisir,
there were stranded for seven days and retained. Still
hoping loosed a dove, that after soar disappeared in
the distance and how finding no place for landing craft
will return... Finally let out a crow that flew far away, I
think we found food and never returned."
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Despite being of Sumerian origin, it is inevitable to draw
a parallel with the biblical writings showing the same
source texts. The geologic record of layers of strata can
prove that there was this event a great global flood,
places emerged and submerged on account of this
cataclysm that many still consider mythological despite
strong evidence, as well as those who believe in this
possibility put this event by least 6,000 years before the
In many places such as the Mediterranean and North
Africa can provide the necessary evidence to prove that
the advancement and flood waters and soon after the
setback. Layers of strata in the construction of the
pyramids and the Great Sphinx certainly show evidence
that either these constructions existed and no such clue
beneath the constructions but around them, or that were
later built shortly after the Great Flood and are Seated on
this universal historical record as a geological March
"Many great and marvelous works are credited to your
state in our histories. But one of them exceeds all the
rest in greatness and value. For these histories tell
of a great power of a people that even
unprovoked made an expedition against the whole
of Europe and Asia, and to which your city put an end.
This powerful people came out of the Atlantic Ocean,
for in those days the Atlantic was navigable; and
there was an island situated in front of the
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strait that his people called the Pillars of
"The island was larger than Libya and Asia put
together, and was the way to other islands, and from
these you might pass to the whole of the
opposite continent which surrounded the true
ocean; for this sea which is within the Straits of
Heracles is only a harbor with a narrow entrance, but
that other is a real sea, and the surrounding land may
be most truly called a boundless continent."
With the exception of the Phoenicians who dominated
the trade routes of the African Atlantic coast and Europe
the remaining people, including Greeks little or nothing
ventured and knew what lay beyond the Pillars of
Hercules, the Phoenicians preferred to own sink their
boats and go along with them to the ocean floor, this
same attitude may stem the tradition that the captain
must go down with the ship rather than reveal what was
overseas if he were a prisoner.
So, make a statement that there was a considerable
portion of land that was large enough to allow through it
one could cross to the opposite continent is much more
than a frivolous statement of an insane mind, proves
rather that even in the period Plato lived, although it did
not have maritime technology to get to later called the
American continent, it was known or assumed to its
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And we imagine that today the shortest crossing between
these continents is made by the African coast of Sierra
Leone to the coast of Rio Grande do Norte in Brazil in the
southern hemisphere that still comprises 3043.17
kilometers where we can locate the islands of St. Peter
and São Paulo in the middle of this path that are distant
980 km from the mainland which shortens the distance
between the continents in at least nearly 1,000 km.
Considering also that the Ascension Islands and St.
Helena on the African coast as part of the continent that
jointly sank to the ocean low because of the last
glaciation that even prevented the Atlantic Ocean passed
to the North Sea, and even if we consider that the side
European the Cape Verde Islands, Madeira and Azores
and the North American side of Bermuda, Bahamas and
Belize also are what's left of that continent called Atlantis
that submerged practically give to cross from Africa or
Europe to the Americas "walk".
There would only be small seas that divide these
continents each other with the great Atlantis in the
middle that would not exceed the 900 km maximum
distance, unlike the thousands that now separate them.
This is a real possibility! Note that the passage of the
North Atlantic is closed by ice and that the current
Atlantic runs around the sunken continent as still
happens even it not being more present.
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Illustration of the continent location that gave rise to the name
(undeniable) of the Atlantic Ocean the lost continent of Atlantis,
with the lowest sea level due to pre-Diluvian glaciation of the last
Ice Age 15,000 years ago.
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Apart from that other evidence as the birds in migration
phases exactly this central point surround this area for
days as if they were looking for something that no longer
exists, but your instincts tell you there was a stopping
point across the ocean at some point not very far away,
only corroborate the theory that it is possible that
continent have existed on the surface and that even
today there are no tangible traces, does not mean it did
not exist!
I believe in the importance of speculating, to accept or
refute any idea or theory since there are physical or
theoretical evidence for this. Bring down any of them just
by Prejudice is not acceptable, because you “cannot
force science to meet our personal needs”, even if
it is known how the scientific world works!
But just as we have never seen God, yet it is in all things,
and yet truly supreme entity that faith is stills the
premise to be a good explorer!
Another conflicting evidence are also eels breed in the
Sargasso Sea, which is a dense area of algae comprising
west limited by the Gulf Stream; in the north surrounded
by North Atlantic Current; to the east by the Canary
Current; and south surrounded by the North Atlantic
Equatorial Current. Roughly speaking, it has about 1100
km wide and 3,200 km long, stretching from North
America to about 70 and 40 west and 25 north and 35,
between Europe. The Bermuda is located near the
western edge of the sea.
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This floating plant grouping responsible for many
shipwrecks in the past, may well be the organic residue
of the former continent of Atlantis once crowded entered
a biological self-sufficiency process and that contrary to
disperse by volume representing, eventually crowding
and feed back to the present day. There exists a living
and tangible evidence of Atlantis.
"Now in this island of Atlantis there was a great and
wonderful empire that ruled throughout the island and
several others, and over parts of the continent, and also
of Atlantis men dominated the parts of Libya within the
columns of Heracles as far as Egypt and Europe as far as
Tyrrhenia. This vast power, gathered into one,
endeavored to subdue at a blow our country and yours
and the whole region within the straits; and then Solon,
your country shone in the excellence of her virtue and
strength, among all mankind. He was pre-eminent in
courage and military skill, and was the leader of the
"And when the rest fell, being forced to stand alone,
after having undergone the very extremity of danger,
she defeated and triumphed over the invaders,
preserving slavery those who were not yet
subjugated, and generously freeing everything else,
we dwell within the pillars."
"But afterwards there occurred violent earthquakes
and floods; and in a single day and night of
misfortune all your warlike men in a body sank into
the earth, and the island of Atlantis in like manner
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disappeared in the depths of the sea. For this reason
the sea in those parts is impassable and impenetrable,
because there is a mud shoal in the way; and this was
caused by the sinking of the island."
The reference is made here to Athens may not be very
precise in nominal terms, that city could be initially an
advanced Rama Empire put the current India that
effectively fought with the Atlantean civilization and later,
after this war that apparently did not He had declared
winners, and with the decline of these two powerful
civilizations in the postwar period, would give rise to the
Greek civilization and others around the world as the
Egyptian, Sumerian, Mayan, Aztec, Inca and all that
somehow became isolated in other continents or islands
around the globe.
The most important thing is to first understand the
reason for the war, if it was just for global domination or
if any of these two empires that reigned 12,000 years
ago was the external forces service. Even as an
addendum must be considered that sailors of that era
were far more heroic than today's astronauts, because
even without having the necessary knowledge of
calculated risks as were the first space travel, these
sailors were thrown overboard because they had nothing
to lose and because they live in an uncertain world. The
destination would die in the ocean dark or in the glory of
having sailed the seas sailed before.
The biggest reason for the sinking of Atlantis was not
necessarily the sinking of continental land masses, even
[ 270 ]
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if some part of the Atlantean continent has sunk by
natural or artificial issues, but it is quite possible that
depending on the happened events if it was a
technological war For example, the polar ice caps have
melted more quickly and thus the opening of the North
Sea that previously prevented the passage and was a
natural damming the North Atlantic has ruptured in such
a way and a so abruptly that the elevation of the Ocean
Atlantic was almost immediate and not so slow as might
be expected for a natural geological gradual melting.
In this way and with the passage way of Iceland
released, some portions of the Indian and Pacific Oceans
as well as other peripherals Seas and Oceans suffer low
and high tides until the global water balance was
restored. Thus the advanced parts of the continents to
about hundreds of kilometers that are now submerged
will be where we will find traces of civilization 12,000
years ago why as always human nature to settle in
coastal areas, was in no way different this time.
A flood of this magnitude certainly would be a flood of
devastating and memorable consequences that would be
printed on the own human generic even if we had not
written records of such a cataclysm. For the civilizations
that inhabited the Mediterranean that had a lower level
perhaps a third of what it is today and the coastal
portions of land advancing kilometers inland it would
seem the End Times!
It is quite possible that the Hercules Pillars were a little
sea passage a few kilometers beyond the shallow and
[ 271 ]
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not dozens or hundreds as it is today, has been flooded
with a hydro pressure so great that there was no escape
for the civilizations that lived there and now resides
silently in the background the Mediterranean Sea
kilometers into the distance and hundreds of meters
You also need to quantify the population amount of time,
it would be no more than a few thousand or a few million
individuals who for an event of this magnitude would
represent a small share compared to today, but almost
all inhabitants of the planet in his time (in Indonesian
tsunami killed 230,000 people immediately and is not
black to be a deluge globally).
Therefore, virtually no survivors there who could tell the
story of Noah or Deucalion. For the same reason, the fact
that only "a handful" of selected individuals (the lucky
ones!?) Last minute by natural selection have survived
and still tried to pass on the terrible history of the global
flood of divine order, it would be the understanding
season, is already a monumental victory for the human
You might have been the real fact happened that led to
the sinking of Atlantis, submersion by aggregate flood to
a structural collapse of portions of land that yielded to
the pressure and weight of the water on its surface, and
a fairly clear evidence that this theory has credit is the
narration of the text that quotes: "for this reason the
sea in those parts is impassable and impenetrable,
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because there is a mud shoal in the way; and this
was caused by the sinking of the island."
his can be seen in the recent Tsunami 2004 in
Indonesia's coast or as it is known in scientific circles by
the name of Sumatra-Andaman earthquake on 26
December 2004 with a magnitude between 9.1 and 9.3
on the Richter scale used to quantify this type of event
and who was responsible for the deaths of approximately
230,000 people in 14 different coastal countries and
caused the flooding of coastal communities with waves
ranging up to 30 meters high.
Before invading the continental land masses retreated
hundreds of meters to then enter for tens of kilometers
and after losing the strength of coastline invasion was
gradually receding slowly dragging everything he could
into the ocean leaving behind a sea of almost impassable
mud for navigation for months to dissipate or precipitate
to the ocean floor. For years, traces of this event are still
found in other continents, boats, vehicles and other
artifacts are still there drifting in the ocean and quite
often washed ashore from some remote country.
And in this case even though the effects have been
almost imperceptible in relation to Earth, later studies
have shown that because of this event Earth changed its
axis by 2.5 cm the North Pole position therefore also
affected the shape of the planet this type movement
suggests a seismic constant also observed in other
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The shape of the spherical Earth and slightly flattened at
the poles and larger diameter on the equator varied one
part in 10 million, thus making the planet more round.
But without the right tools there are no means of
measurement attesting that fact. Thus the length of the
days were decreased by 6.8 microseconds, so the Earth
is spinning faster than before as if they had given a little
more manual push. Perhaps nature has understood that
the speed was no longer appropriate to maintain
constant the planetary balance and made a purposeful
correction. On the other hand, can be expected in the
coming year’s higher temperatures in the northern
hemisphere and lower temperatures in the southern
If it is considered that in the case of Atlantis not only
there have all of these events as well as submersion and
sinking of a continental land portion, elevation Atlantic
would be even larger than just the melting poles as
evidenced formula Archimedes for I was called the
Enigma of the Golden Crown.
To know a little history: while taking a bath, Archimedes
noticed that the water level in the tub rose as he entered
and was going the other way when he went out, also
realized that this effect could be used to determine the
gold volume of crown king who suspected that the gold
that was delivered to the artisan manufactures it had
been mixed with silver compromising the quality of real
power symbol, later proven by this simple immersion
method in water.
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Image of the continents as we know it already today with the
portions before existing, submerged, because of the flood and
melting (opening) of the great glacier of the North Atlantic.
Note that in the above drawing is clear the massive
flooding of the Mediterranean and continental coasts
submerging entire coastal civilization that there was in
contrast to the previous illustration pointing water
volumes much lower, so it is not speculation if they
existed or no other civilization, but where to look,
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because as already mentioned, men tend to settle in
coastal areas as we do in the present, made in the past
and will do in the future!
For practical purposes, water is incompressible, like, so
the real submerged crown by Archimedes in his bathtub,
the sinking of Atlantis would displace an amount of water
equal to its own volume. This would also explain very
crystalline form the exorbitant amount of vegetation of
the Sargasso Sea, as vegetation residues of the once
Atlantean continent that reaches us today perpetuated in
this sanctuary in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.
―Told you briefly, Socrates, which Crítias the old,
heard from Solon related to us." And when you were
speaking yesterday about your city and citizens, the
tale which I just now repeat to you came into my
mind, and I watched in amazement as, for some
mysterious coincidence, you agreed in almost
everything especially with the narrative of Solon; but I
do not like talking right now and improvisation."
"For a long time elapsed, I had forgotten too; I
thought I would need, first of all run over the
narrative in my own mind, remember and then speak.
And so readily agreed to his request yesterday,
considering that in all these cases, the main difficulty
is to find a suitable story for our purpose, and as such
the story must be thoroughly elucidated."
"And therefore, as Hermócrates told you, on the way
home yesterday I at once communicated the tale to
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my companions as I remembered; and after I left
them, at night thinking, I recovered almost all of it. In
fact, as they say, the lessons of our childhood make a
wonderful impression on our memories; because I'm
not sure I could remember the entire speech
yesterday, but it should not be very surprised if I
forgot any of these things I heard a long time ago."
"I heard at the time with childlike interest to the old
narrative; he was very helpful to teach me, and I
asked him again and again to repeat his words, so
that as an indelible picture they were branded in my
"As soon as day broke, I rehearsed them as he spoke
to me and my companions who, like me, may have
something to say. And now, Socrates, to end my
preface, I am ready to tell you the whole story. I will
give you not only the general heads, but the
particulars, as they said to me. The city and its
citizens, which you yesterday described to us in
fiction, we will now transfer to the world of reality."
"It will be the ancient city of Athens, and suppose that
the citizens, whom you imagined, were our true
ancestors, of whom the priest spoke; they will
perfectly harmonize, and there will be no
inconsistency in saying that the citizens of your
republic are these ancient Athenians. We split it
between us, and all endeavor according to our ability
gracefully to execute the task imposed on us. Consider
then, Socrates, if this narrative is suited for this
[ 277 ]
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purpose, or whether we should look for somewhere
This stretch up just puts the city of Athens and the
Athenians as protagonists of the story told, even
interlocutors knowing it was not true, because it did not
exist as Greek civilization yet, but that there would
originate all of Western civilization that would flourish in
millennia following the post-war Indo-Atlantic in mid9000 BC.
In a way it is clear, however, that the Atlantean
civilization was on the side of the creator gods Anunnaki
for domination of the species on Earth acting as a rear
repressive force in the last orbits of the Death Star or
Planet X next to Earth, and Rama Empire would be the
human resistance of the Fallen Angels refused to be
enslaved again. Without forgetting for an instant that
history is written by the winners and not the losers. And
the best story wins!
Maybe for this reason we can still find the Indian
scriptures and not Atlantean texts, like Akhenaten for
having worshiped the sun god, trying to erase its
passage through Egyptian history after falling nearly
This resistance may have taken millennia to consolidate
after the previous war, which would explain clearly once
again the failure of occupation forces to defeat
definitively the human race. On the other hand it may be
that the Rama Empire has evolved after the extinction of
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the Third Race (assuming that the last global cataclysm,
the biblical Flood were the Fourth Race) and have
advanced technologically enough to make front of the
Atlante threat that could be a divergent terrestrial
civilization / downward and friendly ace Anunnaki causes
or even submissive to them, or vice versa.
The Atlanteans may have been the heroes and not the
bad guys of this story and the fact that they have
survived also did not leave visible records enough to tell
the happened facts to substantiate this hypothesis, if
they existed are so far lost or were destroyed in the
various stages of conflict of the human race the past few
thousand years, which did nothing to your civilization
ceased to be a myth and occupy its rightful place in the
pages of world history.
A major problem for the occupation forces of any foreign
military force is just the logistics of war and human
material replacement in the event of an alien invasion
(and this is a very curious expression thinking the
possibility that this planet belongs to them and we as we
cast out rebels and take for us), the greater the distance
is the most difficult occupation.
It is also possible that the Anunnaki have made their own
last orbits to Earth in the next Platonic year 23,908 BC
this would place the extinction of the Third Race in
about 24,000 BC at the beginning of the Upper Paleolithic
in Europe. Roughly speaking, making an anthropological
setback there are plenty of fossils including elaborate
ceremonies of dead burial; archaeological record of
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Paleolithic Venus calls and rock art. The Venus figurines
are considered fertility goddesses.
The paintings discovered in the caves at Lascaux and
Chauvet made by the scientific analyzes show clearly the
existence of a religious thought. Respectively the
Second Race would have been in 50,000 BC traces of
human settlements show that already in approximate
periods of 30,000 years evolution was already associated
with the behavior exhibited by modern man. Many of this
evidence come from the Late Stone Age in Africa sites.
The modern behavior of said time evidence has as main
features the linguistic skill, symbolism, and the
conception of religion other than abstract thought.
And the First Race in 76,000 BC, but it should be
considered that the period between 200,000 BC and the
beginning of the experiment we call comes Homo sapiens
Idaltu. Up to 88,000 BC come Homo Sapiens,
archaeological research show that the most ancient
rituals of funeral ceremonies of modern humans found in
Israel would be in a place called Qafzeh. Evidence of
these excavations show at least two funeral ceremonies
that are supposed to be a woman and a child.
The use of red ocher to mark the bones became very
common by all excavated archaeological sites located in
the period of the Stone Age, denoting a very important
ritual; comparable to anoint the body with oil is widely
used in the past to give extreme anointing and using up
to now, but with less intensity.
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Despite the little archaeological evidence of these periods
of time there is no reason not to believe that humans
have not evolved a technological and cultural level of
advanced standards and have succumbed to superior
forces to the point of return to the Stone Age as the
story of Timaeus:
"Whereas just when you and other nations are
beginning to be provided with letters and the other
requisites of civilized life, after the usual interval, the
stream from heaven, like a pestilence, have been
falling, and leave only those who are destitute of
letters and education; and then you have to start all
over again like children."
Just remember, 26,000 years is also the time it takes
the Earth to the celestial cycle of rotation with the
North Star (Polaris), the brightest star in the
constellation Ursa Minor to 432 light years, through
Vega (Alpha Lyrae) in the constellation Lyra 25 light
years from Earth and vice versa, also called "Year
It is quite possible that we managed to outsmart the
destination and how Fifth Race in terms multiplied
beyond expectations…
“SOCRATES: And the other, Crítias, we can assume it
will be better than that which is natural and
appropriate for the Goddess Festival, and has the
great advantage of being a fact and not a fiction? How
or where we will find another if we abandon it? We
cannot, and therefore you should tell the tale, and
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good luck to you; and I, in return for my yesterday's
discourse will now rest and be a listener."
"Crítias: Let me continue to explain to you, Socrates,
the order in which we have organized our
entertainment. Our intention is that Timaeus, which is
more than an astronomer amongst us, and has made
the nature of the universe his special study, should
speak first, beginning with the creation of the world
and going to the creation of man; beside, I'm getting
the men whom he created, and some of which took
advantage of the excellent education you have given
them; and then, according to the tale of Solon, and
also with its law, we bring them into court and make
them citizens, like those same Athenians sacred
records retrieved from oblivion Egyptians, and then on
we will speak of them as Athenians and fellow
"SOCRATES: I see that should get my turn a perfect
and splendid feast of reason. And now, Timaeus, you,
I suppose, must be the next to speak after properly
invoke the gods as usual."
"Timaeus: All men, Socrates, who have any degree
of feeling and common sense at the beginning of each
company, whether small or large, should always call
upon God. And we, too, we will discuss the nature of
the universe, how created or how existing without
creation, if not already completely out of our wits, we
must invoke the aid of gods and goddesses and pray
that our words may be acceptable for them and
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consistent with themselves. Let this, then, be our
invocation of the gods, to which I add an exhortation
of myself to speak in such a way that will be more
understandable for you, and will be more in line with
my own intention."
The next few paragraphs below are some of my
favorite quotes because they represent the best
writing the concept of existence as a whole and for
those who know how to interpret it will eventually find
many answers to own questions. Besides being
surprising that individuals of that time had in mind a
certainty as deep of creation itself.
"First, then, in my opinion, we must make a distinction
and ask, what is always and has no becoming; and
that is what is becoming ever and ever is? What is
apprehended by intelligence and reason is always the
same state; but what is conceived by opinion with the
help of sensation and without reason, it is always in a
process of becoming and perishing and never really is.
Now everything becomes or is created must
necessarily be created by some cause, for without a
cause nothing can be created."
"The work of the creator, whenever he looks at the
immutable and changes the shape and nature of their
work after an unchangeable pattern, must necessarily
be made fair and perfect; but when he looks only at
the creation, and uses a standard set, it is not fair or
perfect. It was then the sky, or the world, whether
called by this or any other more appropriate name,
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I'm asking a question that has to be made early in an
investigation of anything, it was the world, taking the
name, always existing and no beginning? Or created,
if it had a beginning?"
"Created, I reply, being visible and tangible and
having a body, and therefore sensible; and all sensible
things are understood by opinion and sense and are in
a creative process and created."
"Now, what is created is as stated necessarily be
created for a cause. But the father and creator of this
universe are inscrutable; and even those who found it,
to tell all men would be impossible. And there is still a
question to be asked about it: Which of the patterns
had the artificer in view when he made the world
standard of unchangeable, or what is created? If the
world is really fair and good workman, it is clear that
he must have looked to that which is eternal by
reason and thought; but what cannot be said without
blasphemy is true, then the default set is nothing
more than senseless and without reason."
"Each one will see that it must have looked to the
eternal; for the world is the most beautiful creations
and he is the best of causes. And have been created
this way, the world was framed in the likeness of what
is apprehended by reason and mind and is
unchangeable, and must therefore of necessity, if it is
admitted, is a copy of something. Now it is very
important that the beginning of everything should be
in accordance with nature. And speaking of the copy
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and the original can be assumed that the words are
similar to the story they describe; when they relate to
the lasting, permanent and intelligible manner, they
must be durable and unalterable, and as far as its
nature allows, irrefutable and property, nothing less."
"But when they express only copy or likeness and not
their own eternal things, they must be likely and
analogous to the actual words only. How is it
becoming, so is the truth of belief. If, then, Socrates,
amid many opinions about the gods and the
generation of the universe, are not able to give
notions which are altogether and in all respects
accurate and consistent with each other, do not be
surprised. Suffice it to appear likely as likely as any
other; for we must remember that I, who am the
speaker, and you who are judges, are only mortal
men, and we must accept the tale which is probable
and inquire further." Plato The Republic- Dialogue
Timaeus Atlantis or 360 BC
All content that this book has could be summarized in the
above paragraphs, it denotes that there was already a
philosophical awareness that there is a Creator, that
same Creator made all things based on concepts that
already knew, and that placed an order on chaos for
there to be continuity. More damning are the words that
allude about our world known to be a copy of the original
as much as the words are "irrefutable" and the universe
itself "property", confirming string theory and the
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The forthcoming introduction of Crítias name tells of a
broad and extensive way not the cataclysm that broke
down the Atlantean continent, but their formation and
constitution in cities states and the prevailing social
Theorize of no use if we do not study the matter in
question, any discussion or theory that does not have a
good foundation is doomed to failure even before it
postulated. Another idea to proceed with the reading of
the records that are within our reach is that eventually
appear an enlightened mind that having access to
information able to give you a new perspective and
launch a new theory on the subject or even confirm
existing theories.
We have the habit of being selective in what we read for
perhaps possess a greater domain or the supposed
subject interest, however, we never know when the
secrets contained in the words, often for millennia are
revealed in the eyes of unlikely players. Therefore, no
reading should be discarded as no literary content should
be relegated to a dusty shelf or a dark corner of a room
and there remain for centuries, probably containing in its
interiors many of the answers to questions that walked
doing ever since for millennia.
"However, before proceeding in the narrative, I must
warn you, you should not be surprised if perhaps hear
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Hellenic names given to foreigners. I will tell you the
reason of this: Solon, who was intending to use the
tale for his poem, inquired about the meaning of
names, and found that the ancient Egyptians to write
them down had translated into their own language,
and recovering the meaning the various names and
recopy them have been translated into our language.
My great-grandfather, Dropides, had the original
writing, which is still in my possession, and was
carefully studied by me when I was a child. So if you
hear names such as are used in this country, you
should not surprise because I said how they came to
be introduced. The story, which was extensive, began
as follows:"
"I have observed when speaking of the wills of the
gods, which they distributed throughout the Earth in
different portions in extent, and made themselves
temples and instituted sacrifices. And Poseidon,
received for his lot the island of Atlantis, begat
children by a mortal woman, and settled in a part of
the island, which I will describe. Looking out to sea,
but in the center of the whole island, there was a plain
which is said to be the fairest of all plains and very
fertile. Near the new Plain, and also in the center of
the island, at a distance of about fifty stadia, there
was a mountain not very high on any side."
"In this mountain, he lived one of the primitive men of
the land born of that country, whose name was
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Evenor, and had a wife named Leucippe, had an only
daughter who was called Cleito.‖
"I had already reached womanhood, when her father
and mother died; Poseidon fell in love with her and
had sex, and breaking the ground, surrounded the
whole mountain where she lived, making alternate
zones of sea and land larger and smaller,
encircling one another; there were two of land
and three of water, which turned as with a
lathe, each with its equidistant circumference in every
way from the city center, so that no man could reach
the island, with ships or trips yet made."
"He himself, being a god, found no difficulty in making
special arrangements for the center island, bringing
two water sources underground, a hot and one cold,
making every variety of food forth abundantly from
"It also generated and brought up five pairs of male
children; and dividing the island of Atlantis into ten
portions, he gave to the firstborn of the older couple
her mother's house and the surrounding allotment,
which was the biggest and best, and made him king
over the rest; others he made princes, and gave them
to govern many men, and a large territory."
"And he named them all; the eldest, who was the first
king, was named Atlas, and after him the whole
island and the Atlantic Ocean were called. To his
twin brother, who was born after him, and obtained as
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his very end of the island to the Pillars of Hercules,
facing the country in the world which is now called
Gad region, gave the name to the Hellenic language
Eumelus is, in the language that is named after him,
Gadeirus. The second pair of twins was called
Ampheres and Evaemon."
"For the oldest of the third pair of twins gave Mneseus
name and Indigenous for those who followed. The
fourth pair of twins called Elasippus elder and younger
Mestor. And the fifth couple to the eldest the name of
Azaes, and for the youngest Diaprepes. All these and
their descendants for many generations were the
inhabitants and rulers of several islands in the open
sea; and also, as has been said, they ruled in our
direction over the country within the Pillars as far as
Egypt and Tyrrhenia."
"Now Atlas had a numerous and honorable family, and
they kept the kingdom, the eldest son to surrender
him to his eldest son for many generations; and they
had such an amount of wealth as never before
possessed by kings and potentates, and it will likely
never be again, and were equipped with everything
they needed, both in the city and in the country."
"Because of the greatness of their empire many things
were brought to them from foreign countries, and the
island itself provided most of what was required by
them for the uses of life. First, they dug out of the
earth whatever was to be found there, solid as well as
Fusile, and what is now only a name and was then
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something more than a name, Orichalcum, was
excavated out of the ground in many parts of the
island, being more precious in those days than
anything except gold."
"There was an abundance of wood for carpenter's
work, and sufficient maintenance for domestic and
wild animals."
The details for the account, including trying to go back to
a common origin is surprising because the wealth of
details yet to come also gives some legitimacy to all past
historical event. The most interesting things to take into
consideration is the name given to the eldest son Atlas,
which later became the name by which the lost continent
would be known as the ocean that bathed which today
call it the Atlantic Ocean or Sea Atlas where the earliest
mention of this Sea portion dates back to Herodotus, the
Greek historian geographer and about 450 BC the
evidence is clear, very clear. In history Toltec Chichimeca
curiously shows the plots of land interspersed with sea
portions, quoted in Crítias:
"...making alternate zones of sea and land larger and
smaller, encircling one another; there were two and
three ground water, which turned as with a lathe."
Therefore, it is no longer in question existed Atlantis, but
as its inhabitants lived and died. Interestingly people
Mayans and Aztecs even before the arrival of the
conquistadors ace Americas possessed a belief in a god
named in the language Nahuatl Aztlán who was a native
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of the island of Tik, located relative to the US mainland
to the east of this land in the middle of the ocean which
also termed Aztlán-Tik (the island of Aztlán) or join the
two syllables without the hyphen, we AZTLÁNTIK that
has nothing casual resemblance to the Atlantic name.
Image of the seven caves of
Even as an addendum
the name Aztec Nahuatl
language means the
"people of Aztlán" or
people of Atlas / Atlantis.
Others are coincidences
so that they can pass on
the historical annals. We
extremity and separated
by an ocean for thousands of years impassable for
navigation means of the time with a very similar origin
story. The Nahuatl legends in their narratives reveal that
the seven tribes lived in Chicomoztoc or "place of seven
By descriptive each of the caves represented a different
group Nahua: Xochimilcas, Tlahuicas, Acolhuas,
Tlaxcaltecas, Tepanecas, Chalcas and Mexica, however
different descriptions of Aztlán described by these people
are seemingly contradictory, some legends describe
Aztlán as a paradise, but the Aubin Codex, which tells the
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story of the Mesoamerican pre-Hispanic peoples, relates
that the Aztecs were enslaved to a tyrannical elite (Aztec
Chicomoztoca - which again raises the question of
possibly Fallen Angels mentioned above).
The Aztecs fled guided by his priest, and on the way the
God Huitzilopochtli denied them the right to call
themselves Aztecs, and would be henceforth known as
Mexica (later giving rise to the Mexican people). Rather
ironically, scholars of the nineteenth century, specifically
the American historian William H. Prescott, specializing in
the history of Spanish America (1796-1859) - the Aztecs
would call again.
After the conquest of Mexico, Diego Durán (Sevilla, 15371588) the story of Aztlán began to be widespread in 1581
as a paradise on earth comparable to the Garden of
Eden (just like MU could be reminiscent of that continent
also submerged thousands years before), free of disease
and death that would exist somewhere in the sea to the
―In addition, there exist a large number of elephants on
the island; so that there was no provision for all other
types of animals, both those living in lakes, marshes and
rivers, and also for those who live in the mountains and
on the plains, so there was for the animal that is the
largest and most ravenous of all".
"Also all that there was fragrant now on earth, whether
roots, or herbage, or woods, or essences which distil
from fruit and flower, grew and prospered in the land:
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also the fruit which admits of cultivation, both the dry
type, which is given us for nourishment and any other
which we use to feed them call all the common name
pulse, and the fruits it has a hard shell, providing drinks
and meats and ointments, and good amount of nuts and
the like, that provide enjoyment and fun."
"And are fruits which spoil with keeping, and the pleasant
kinds of dessert, with which we console ourselves after
dinner, when we are tired of eating, all that sacred island
which then saw the sunlight, brought fair and wonderful
and infinite abundance. With such blessings the earth
living freely; meanwhile they went on building their
temples, palaces, ports and harbors. And provide
nationwide as follows:"
"First of all there were bridges over the sea areas
surrounding the ancient metropolis, making a road to
and from the royal palace."
"And early on, built the palace in the habitation of God
and of his ancestors, who continued to ornament in
successive generations, every king surpassing the one
who went before him to the utmost of his power, until
they made the building a marvel of to behold for size and
for beauty."
"And beginning from the sea opened a channel 300 feet
wide, one hundred feet deep and fifty stadia in length,
held the outermost zone, making a passage from the sea
up to this, which became a port, and leaving an opening
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large enough to allow the vessels (vessels) could find the
largest entry."
"Also, they were divided at the bridges the land areas
that separated the sea areas, leaving room for a single
Trireme (huge ships powered by sails and oars) to pass
out of one zone to another, covered along the canals so
as to leave a way under mooring for ships; boats to be
raised considerably above the water."
This stretch may suggest knowledge of a lift system by
channel type used in the Panama Strait so that ships
make the crossing between the Atlantic and the Pacific?
"Now, most of the areas in which the passage was cut
from the sea was three stadia in breadth, and the area of
land which came next of equal breadth; but the next two
zones, water, and other land were two stages, and that
that surrounded the central island was a stadium only in
width. The island on which the palace was situated had a
diameter of five stadiums."
"All this including the zones and the bridge, which was
the sixth part of a stadium in width, was surrounded by a
stone wall on every side, placing towers and gates on the
bridges where the sea was passed to it. The stone which
was used in the work had been extracted under the
central island, and below the areas outside and the
inside. One kind was white, another black, and a third
red, and as they also extracted (mined?) While
excavating double docks, having roofs formed in the
native rock."
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"Some of their buildings were simple, but in others they
put together different stones, varying the color to please
the eye, and to be a natural source of pleasure. The
circuit of the entire wall, which went through the outer
area was covered with a bronze finish, and the next wall
circuits coated with tin, and the third, which
encompassed the citadel, flashed with red Orichalcum
The isolation imposed by geography to the Americas may
have contributed greatly to the preservation of the
memory of the people here lived and supposedly
reminiscent of the great flood and the sinking of the
continent country, Atlantis, if perpetuated, despite for
this reason , contrary to what happened in Europe and
Asia where the culture proliferated more markedly to the
exchanges between the people of the time and the
stories told were absorbed in various ways, these might
retain records of the origins of Mesoamerican peoples
with greater fidelity.
What on the other hand in relation to the African
continent which also features highly developed cultures
for their time in the North (Egypt, Syria, Libya, etc.)
almost in parallel with Central America geographically,
points out another curiosity to the exact location of the
lost continent of Atlantis.
If we make a vestiges comparison of ancient civilizations
on the west coast of Africa and eastern South America,
of which Brazil is the largest jurisdiction as one country,
we can see that nothing stands out, at least on the
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surface, on land, which proves to have been human
settlements developed relevance in these locations. This
does not mean they are not submerged tens of
kilometers of maritime coasts and hundreds of meters
"The papers reveal that ultramafic rocks of abyssal
mantle exposed at Saint Peter and Saint Paul
Archipelago are probably originated from Megamullion
(mantle rocks exposed on the sea level). However,
compared to other Megamullion, the peridotítica chain
of St. Peter and St. Paul is too big. "
"This fact is due to the active tectonic uplift that
occurred after their exposure to the ocean floor,
around seven million years ago. Therefore, the rise
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like islands is a very recent geologic event, around
100-200 thousand years."
These suppressing facts relevant civilization traces can be
directly related to the undeniable reality of the greater
portion of land of Atlantis to find even among the ocean
North Atlantic and Central and not south, can yes, the
most extreme limits of this island are still what now
recognize as island chain of St. Peter and St. Paul
(N00º55.1 'W29º20.7') in Brazil's coast lying about 1,000
km from the coast of this country.
Taking into consideration again the population density of
15,000 years in the past, that would not be very
significant in the world, but enough to constitute
countries and nations, there was no need to explore
more than necessary apart from that past and Gift
populations are fixed on the coast and most of all in large
urban centers.
An equalitarian society (leaving for now aside the
question of internal rebellions, as need other elements to
locate temporally these events), the need for small
equidistant towns as remnants of the great metropolises
is almost nil because it would almost justified purpose
only voluntary exile.
"The palaces inside the citadel were built like this: In
the center was a holy temple dedicated to Cleito and
Poseidon, which remained inaccessible, and was
surrounded by a golden office; this was where the
family of the ten princes first saw the light, and there
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the people annually brought the fruits of the earth in
their season from all the ten portions, to be an
offering to each of the ten."
"Here was the very temple of Poseidon, which was a
stadium in length and half a stadium in width, and of
a proportionate height, having a strange barbaric
appearance. All external parts of the temple, with the
exception of the pinnacles, were covered with silver,
and the pinnacles covered in gold. Inside the temple
the roof was of ivory, curiously wrought everywhere
with gold and silver and Orichalcum; and all the
other parts, the walls, pillars and floor coated with
"In the temple they placed statues of gold: there was
God Himself who is in a carriage with coachman and
six winged horses of a size such that he touched the
roof of the building with his head; around it there
were a hundred Nereids riding on dolphins, for such
was thought to be their number of men of those days.
There were also inside the temple more images
dedicated by individuals."
"And around the temple on the outside golden statues
were placed all descendants of the ten kings and their
wives, and there were many great other offerings of
kings and private individuals, coming from both the
city itself and from the foreign cities over which not
mastered. There was an altar too, which in size and
workmanship corresponded to this magnificence, and
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the palaces, in like manner, matched the grandeur of
the kingdom and glory of the temple."
The lavishness with which the palaces are described and
richness in metals and minerals in addition to gigantic
statues in gold really have existed and being dormant for
thousands of meters under the surface of the ocean, will
certainly be the "Gold and Glory" for any explorer any
As well as the treasury of Montezuma, the Crystal Skulls
and Tuaoi Stone or Stone Fire, the latter taken from an
account of the psychic Edgar Cayce (impossible not to
relate it with the myth of Atlantis) on their views of the
Atlantean technology. The Tuaoi stone would be a large
crystal in cylindrical and prismatic hexahedron shape, so
six sides, which have a technological purpose of
accumulating energy cosmic both the sun, moon, stars,
but also according to the needs.
In the description of Cayce, beyond these the
aforementioned object could also focus telluric energies,
elemental forces, electricity, infrared, and ultraviolet
range beyond the electromagnetic energy. All these
conjectures are very important so do not let anything
pass opportunities, if we do a comparative in-depth study
of what we know about the Earth's oceans, we see that
we know nothing. Until recently did not even know what
was in the depths of the Mariana Trench, until the
beginning of the 70s it was believed that life could not
exist at this depth or anything else worth exploring.
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Just remember this extraordinary feat, considering that
the less technology applied possess greater the
grandiosity the deeds, Marianas Trench to is the
deepest part of the oceans that we know, reaching a
maximum depth of 11,034 meters in the Pacific Ocean
east of the Islands Marian. Located in the convergent
boundary between the tectonic plates of the Pacific and
the Philippines, its depth was reached on 23 January
1960 using the bathyscaphe (diving bell) Trieste name
leading inside two occupants, explorers Don Walsh and
Jacques Piccard.
In the same period that needs further photographic
records since it was necessary to reduce the windows to
the size of currencies, the US Navy to fund the expedition
canceled investment and directed for space research that
would begin two or three years after trying to put the
first man on the moon.
Even as additional information, there is a principle that is
also applied to other oceanic trenches, Marianas Trench
has been proposed as a nuclear waste storage site to the
subduction (sinking process of a lithospheric plate under
another in a convergent boundary) plates tectonic which
takes place this on the spot and could eventually bring in
and absorb the nuclear waste in the Earth's mantle.
This practice, however, is prohibited under international
With all this just reaffirm that we do not know for sure
what is in the deep oceans, for us and the vastness of
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them is still a mystery all these abyssal plains and
mountains. Therefore, the probability of having existed
Atlantis or Lemúria is 100% possible, and likely
archaeological research and exploration. It took us 70
years to discover the wreck of the Titanic the giant ship
sunk in 1913 when it collided with an iceberg in the
North Atlantic and is this author's opinion that the
breakup of the hull of this ship was due to the extreme
rigidity of the steel used in construction plus will intense
low temperature location in the ocean, causing the steel
in question as glass would break when striking the
iceberg causing excessive weight in the bow of the hull
structure disruption and subsequent sinking.
Like the case cited, it needs is adequate technology to
make this oceanic exploration in deep exploration level,
to the Trieste event it was assumed that there could be
no life in those depths which was demystified and even is
quite abundant life in these localities On the other hand,
what can happen is there interest in reformulating the
existing story because it would still be necessary to go
further than these findings and look deeper into the
archaeological human records, which eventually bring
down many beliefs and "absolutes" the evolution of the
human species on planet Earth.
"In the next place, had sources, one cold and one hot
water flowing abundantly gracefully; and they were
wonderfully adapted for use because of the
pleasantness and excellence of its waters". Built
buildings on the right and planted trees, also made
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cisterns, some open to the heavens, others roofed
over them, to be used in winter as warm baths; He
had baths of kings, and private baths, which were
kept apart; and there were separate toilets for
women, and for horses and cattle, and for each of
them gave many loud as were appropriate."
"Water that led some fled into the woods of Poseidon,
where were growing all kinds of high and beauty
wonderful trees, due to soil excellence, while the
remainder was conveyed by aqueducts along the
bridges to the outer circles; and there were many
temples built and dedicated to many gods; also
gardens and places of exercise, some for men and
others for horses in both of the two islands formed by
the zones; and in the center of the larger of the two it
was separated a racetrack of a stadium in width and
in length allowed to extend all around the island, for
"There were also watchtowers at intervals for the
guards, the more trusted of whom were appointed to
keep watch at the bottom, which was nearer the
Acropolis while the most trusted of all had houses
inside the citadel, close to the people of Kings . The
docks were full of triremes and naval stores, and all
things were quite ready for use. Arrives from the royal
palace plan."
"Leaving the palace and passing through all three we
arrive at a wall which began at the sea and went to
the end: this was everywhere distant place fifty stages
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of the largest zone or harbor, and enclosed on all
sides gathered at the mouth of channel leading to the
sea. The entire area was densely crowded with
habitations; and channel the largest port was full of
ships and traders coming from all over, who, from
their numbers, remained a sound of human voices
crowds and noises of all kinds, night and day."
"I described the town and the area around the ancient
palace nearly in the words of Solon, and now I must
endeavor to represent the nature and arrangement of
the rest of the land."
"The whole country was said to be very high and
steep on the sea side, but the country immediately
about and surrounding the city was a level plain, itself
surrounded by mountains which descended towards
the sea; It was smooth and even, and of an oblong
shape, extending in one direction three thousand
stadia, but across the center inland it was two
thousand stadia. This part of the island pointed south,
and was sheltered from the north. The surrounding
mountains were celebrated for their number, such
great beauty, far beyond any which still exist, having
in them also many wealthy villages of the rural
population, rivers, lakes and meadows, providing
enough food for each animal, wild or domesticated,
and much wood of various sorts, abundant for each
type of work."
"I will now describe the plain, as was formed by
nature and work of many generations of kings through
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long ages. Most of it was rectangular and oblong; the
sides were straight out of contention following the
circular ditch. The depth, breadth and length of this
ditch were incredible, and gave the impression that a
work of such a measure, as well as many others,
could never have been artificial."
"However, I must say what I was told. It was
excavated to a depth of one hundred feet, and its
breadth was a stadium everywhere; it was held the
contour across the plain, and was ten thousand stadia
in length. He received the currents of rivers that came
down the mountains, winding around the plain at a
meeting in the city, ending up out at sea."
"Toward the interior, likewise consecutive channels
hundred feet in width were cut and from them
through plain and again left side to the trench leading
to the sea. These canals were at intervals of a
hundred stadia, and by them that transported the
wood from the mountains to the city, and the fruits of
the earth for ships, cutting transverse passages from
one canal to another, and the city."
"Twice in the year they gathered the fruits of winter
land have the benefit of the sky rains and summer
water runoff that the land was supplied by introducing
streams of channels." "As for the population, each of
the lots in the plain had to find a leader for the men
who were eligible for military service, and the size of a
lot was a square ten stadiums in each direction, and
the total number of all lots was sixty thousand. And
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the inhabitants of the mountains and the rest of the
country there was also a vast multitude, which was
distributed among the lots and had leaders assigned
to them according to their districts and villages."
"The leader was required to provide for the war the
sixth portion of a war chariot, so as to make up a total
of ten thousand chariots; also two horses and riders
upon them, and a couple of cars-horses without a
seat, accompanied by a horseman who could fight on
foot carrying a small shield, and having a charioteer
who stood behind the man of arms to guide the two
"In addition, he was required to provide two heavy
armed soldiers, two, three launchers stone-shooters
and three javelin men, who were armed with light and
four sailors to make up the complement thousand and
two hundred ships. Such was the military order of the
Royal City. The order of the other nine governments
was varied, and it would be tiring tell their several
There were in all the narratives elaborated upon here
meticulous care to show how society was formed and the
place of each individual in that society. Interestingly the
perception that Plato possessed (if the story was not
true) the "perfect" society where the real hierarchy
remained atop the pyramid as was usual, followed by the
war/military system and due to the various social strata.
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"As for the positions and honors, the following was
the willingness of the former. Each of the ten kings in
his own division and in your own city had the absolute
control of citizens, and, in most cases, the laws,
punishing and killing who were sentenced."
"Now, the order of precedence between them and
their mutual relations were regulated by Poseidon
commands that had given the laws. These were
written by the first kings on a pillar of Orichalcum,
which was situated in the middle of the island, in the
temple of Poseidon, where the kings were assembled
all fifth and sixth month of each year alternately, thus
giving honor equal to the angle and different to the
same number."
"And when they were assembled they consulted about
their common interests, and asked if anyone had
trespassed on anything and passed the trials and
before judge gave their promises to each other like
this: were bulls who had the Poseidon temple domain
; and the ten kings, were left alone in the temple after
they offered prayers to God and captured the victim
which was acceptable sacrifice, hunted the bulls,
without weapons, but with staves and bows; and the
bull that they took led to the pillar and cut his throat
over it so that the blood fall on the sacred inscription."
"Now the pillar, besides the laws, was inscribed an
oath invoking mighty curses on the disobedient. When
therefore, after slaying the bull, as usual, had burned
its members, who filled a glass of wine and put up a
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clot of blood for each of them; the rest of the victim
they put on fire, after every column purified."
"Then they called from the tray in golden cups and
pouring a libation on the fire, swore that they would
judge according to the laws on the pillar, and would
punish them than at any point had already
transgressed laws, and For the future, there would, if
they could help, offend against the writing on the
column, and could neither command others, nor obey
any ruler who commanded them to act otherwise than
it was not in accordance with the laws of their father
"This is the prayer that each of them offers for
themselves and their descendants at the same time
drinking and dedicating the cup from which he drank
in God's temple; and when they had dined and
satisfied their needs, when darkness came, and the
fire about the sacrifice was cool, all they put the most
beautiful blue robes, and, sitting on the floor at night,
on the embers of the sacrifices why they have sworn,
and extinguishing all the fire about the temple, they
received and gave judgment, if any of them had a
charge to bring against anyone; and when a decision
at dawn wrote their sentences on a golden tablet, and
dedicated with his clothes to be a memorial."
"There were many special laws affecting the various
kings inscribed on the temples, but the most
important was the following:" "They were not to take
up arms against each other, and they were all to come
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to the rescue if anyone in any of their cities trying to
overthrow the royal house, like their ancestors, they
were to deliberate in common about the war and
other issues giving supremacy to the descendants of
"And the king was not to have the power of life and
death over any of your relatives unless he had the
assent of the majority of the ten. Such was the great
power that God installed in the lost island of Atlantis;
and that he subsequently directed against our land,
for the following reasons, as tradition says, For many
generations, as long as the divine nature lasted in
them, they were obedient to the laws, and well
heartily to God, whose seed was; for they possessed
true and all great ways spirits, uniting gentleness with
wisdom in the various chances of life, and in his
dealings with others."
"They despised everything but virtue, caring little for
their present state of life, and thinking lightly of the
possession of gold and other property, which seemed
only a burden to them; nor were they intoxicated by
luxury; nor riches could deprive them of their selfcontrol; but they were sober, and saw clearly that all
these goods are increased by virtue and friendship
with one another, while on the very high regard and
respect and friendship for them and with them."
"By such reflections and continued them of a divine
nature, qualities we have described grew and
increased among them; but when the divine portion
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began to fade, and became diluted too often and with
deadly mix, and the human nature got the upper
hand, they then, being unable to bear their fortune,
behaved improperly, and I had an eye to see grew
visibly degraded form because they were losing the
fairest of their precious gifts; but for those who had
no eyes to see the true happiness, they appeared
glorious and blessed at the very time they were full of
greed and unjust powers."
"Zeus, the god of gods, who rules according to law,
and is able to see into such things, perceiving that an
honorable race was in a sorry state, and wanting to
inflict punishment on them, that they might be
chastened and improve, collected all the gods in their
most sacred dwellings, which, being placed in the
center of the world, come every creature. And when
he had called them together, he spake as follows..."
Plato Republic - The Dialogue of Crítias and Atlantis 360
This Crítias speech point written by Plato narrative is
suddenly interrupted or lost, no one knows for sure and
be aware of records that elucidate the story of Rise and
Fall of Atlantis until the end, it is known from other
sources that They succumbed in the depths of the ocean
within a day and a night, which does not mean that there
have been these last pages or that there are still beyond
the reach of mere mortals our eyes.
One of the words that more is repeated in Timaeus and
Crítias texts and made sure to make it clear is the
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Orichalcum element (red Mercury?), Not being very
clear on what type was the exact nature of its origin and
application, just so unlike other elements easily
identifiable over time even with other names today, not
registered as yet no new element that we could draw a
plausible equivalence.
However, the chemical characteristics that Mercury has
being a liquid metal and conductive efficient properties of
electricity and even we do not know much regarding its
diversity of applications, this element in the future if
show much use in anti-gravity propulsion systems and
application of bending space-time systems.
And excellent driver and a liquid metal, will allow portals
to be sized according to the size and needs, true portable
Stargates that will allow us to cross today unimaginable
distances and t teleport us to the ends of the universe or
simply for a closer specific place.
The properties of Mercury, this element so curious "made
by nature" and so amazing weight, color and applications
that if we had knowledge of their existence with certainty
we would say that it was impossible to exist under
normal temperature conditions, but against all
expectations and improbably, this element appears to
challenge the universal laws of physics and chemistry.
For the same reason all possibilities need to be
considered because, just as we have never seen a certain
thing, does not mean it does not exist or is not possible.
Somewhere, another reality, timeline or in this universe
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who still inhabit that we have not found.
In short everything that was presented to Atlantis it is an
undeniable reality for even the most skeptical. The Aztlán
capital is submerged at coordinates 35 ° 38'59.13 "N / 29
° 27'54.05" O, as relief that presents the image below.
With the average depth of 3,000 meters depth in an area
of 1,000,000 km² there is immersed the remains of the
once magnificent Atlantean civilization. The convergence
of three continental tectonic plates contributed to the
sinking of the mythical continent and its secluded
preserve the ocean floor, palaces and buildings are silted
by sediments great Deluge of nearly 15,000 years ago.
There lies a significant part of human history waiting to
be rediscovered again when we have the technology to
unravel its secrets that fate deliberately undertook to end
this geological time capsule. The Pillar of Poseidon made
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of Orichalcum guarding the inscriptions of the most
sacred Atlantean laws may still be in the depths of the
Atlantic, or have already been found and be guarded still
trying to decipher, but smaller ones that were used in
homes as an object reminder of the current legislation,
conduct and worship, at any time may come to the
surface in a fishing net that probably sell on the black
market as just an antique...
Question the veracity of what has been written about the
mystery of Atlantis is no longer necessary when the facts
presented here and that most scientists refuse to accept
as facts are shown in the context in which they live. After
all, it's so bad knowing that there were other civilizations
yet relatively less sophisticated than ours in days gone
Certainly most enlightened would see this as a renewal of
human history and the context of properly filling in many
gaps to be completed by then. But this brings great
changes in social paradigms would require abandoning
almost all the religions we know and their "heroes", this
also relegate all divine entities and sanctified the level of
mythical creation. Importantly no doubt that if we put in
the time period of each of the civilizations between 4,500
BC and 1,500 AD which independently were their gods, it
was heresy punishable by death in the worst possible
way those who doubted their existence, even though
both worship civilizations the same gods with other
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We see this in the parallel between Zeus, Jupiter and
Odin respectively Greek, Roman and Nordic. It can be
said that the Catholic religion is not very different from
the others, having only been reinvented with little or
almost no differences. God is for Zeus as Jesus is to
Apollo and so forth given the due time of proportions
without being in any way offensive.
Important and not least will always respect the point of
view of each individual or group, common sense dictates
that one should not make criticisms, but rather try to
elucidate the best convergent points that can bring
people of different faiths and the divergent it only aims
to add more value by the plurality of concepts and
existing critical.
The Earth hides inside secrets that humanity insists
unaware, however it is inevitable that sooner or later the
truth knock on our door and we need to let her in. If not
here on this planet we inhabit surely those who are
starting farms, photos are sent to every moment and
with good quality, at some point will show no shadow of
doubt artificial aspects made by other civilizations or at
most, life forms already extinct or initiation pathways.
The sharing of such information not only delays in as
many millennia mankind's journey in search of the
envisioned Ascension. Facts like these are the most
commonplace that we can find, see if there are things
that science cannot explain, not only scientists as
governments rush to try to promptly clarify, but not in
the sense of improving the knowledge of the human
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race, but to use the advantage over his fellows, whether
of the same tribe or not!
Analyzing cold way in this respect the human being is
very vile and untrustworthy. We are a unique breed in
this vast universe that is almost certainly inhabit a
multilingual planet, as if it was already difficult to survive
ace weather that nature still imposes the need to deal
with the Tower of Babel and linguistic boundaries that
this imposes on us. Perhaps and most likely is what it is,
intergalactic explorers to us as curiosity and existence of
paradox, as well as to find out how much diversity can
coexist in such a small planet and have not yet
succumbed to extinction by its own means?
Or would we have done and the creators resumed
experience with new specimens, perhaps more refined?
Well, that question will have much time to respond in
future years with what science on evidence show us. You
reader is the one that will play for the first time in
millennia artifacts of this lost civilization, or find some
hidden and mysterious cave Vimanas saved by Rama for
the next generations of which we are or not included.
After all, everyone has an explorer within them, some
leave this explorer skirt and multiply their findings, others
lock with reinforced padlock using chains and shackles
inside themselves because their minds do not reach the
mere possibility of the variables can exist.
His certainty that the world around them is as real as can
touch, they end up forgetting that everything can be
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nothing but a dream in a deep place in the minds of
some creature or virtual reality simulation program that
auto feeds.
Living is much more than just breathing the air around
us, we must live every day as if they were not the last
but the first of many discoveries and adventures. Life is
Too Short; Break the Rules, Exceed Limits, and
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Chapter VII
Not only are the depths of the ocean and its countless
mysteries we find that is the title of this book is that we
are not talking, but the inner journey we do in order to
aspire to new theories and options and discover our
limits and ourselves. It is an introspective journey in the
discovery of the true Self!
Conjectured whether the man was a recent arrival on
planet Earth, the planet itself is a laboratory test or a
genetic breeding farm full time from the beginning of
creation of the universe. If so, it is an isolated event or
the complexity of the experiment involves all that silent
vastness of space?
We do not know that extinguished the dinosaurs not
even the correct age at which it happened, but we
assume that we discovered what happened 65 million
years, even without having been there, so we think that
the moon our natural satellite, is probably due for an
Earth twin, or even not as natural as well, but with an
obscure purpose artificial and stage epic battles stellar.
Stone Age humans have struggled to leave their marks
on cave paintings encapsulated in the long forgotten
caves which still cause envy to the most prominent
artists. Erected incredible works of architecture that still
surprise us by its boldness of detail and grandeur, and
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even though we know it was possible to make them,
even by that same life being shorter, had more idle time,
we attribute such feats to supernatural creatures or
We believe in werewolves, vampires, mermaids and
mermen, we think even if they are part of some form of
what we are made, magic, mythology, stardust and
much, but a lot of imagination. In looking for answers to
questions we assign names to things and we raise will
condition deities, those considered good are the ones
that protect us and ace which should devotion and
submission, those who do not make compatible with our
aspirations to fight fiercely relegating them into the
depths of the earth or ends of the universe.
They are our inner demons and persecutors!
If there was a paradise called Eden, may have been the
continent of Mu or Aztlán, we can be the result of
chance or an occasional biological agent that went
through endless Light Years to finally find the blue
planet, or are a continuation purposeful one or more
neighboring civilizations now extinct planets.
We are not sure if what is still hidden where not reached
the bottom of the ocean or inside glaciers are bombs
biological clocks waiting for an opportunity to renew the
total life or in part on this planet. But we await the end of
this chapter patiently hoping for a promising outcome.
The fact is that we know nothing, we're not sure of
anything and when we think we have all the answers
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nature itself is in charge of changing the questions only
so you do not feel you have control of the situation.
Absolutes are things that never happen whenever we
have to face as the unusual, imponderable, quantum and
so simple that try to get truly complicated answers to
explain them and usually without much success.
We as a curiosity to know what other civilizations other,
the possibility of any, think of all the sounds and images
that radiate indiscriminately every day, a simple phone
call to the other mathematically well-designed. The
music, but the music that touches us so deeply, like a ray
of sunshine on a winter morning, that will take messages
to distant galaxies to the point where others want to
know is this extraordinary civilization that produces such
complexity so simply?
Still cannot communicate with the other races of beings
that we consider below the planet itself!
We know there is an eternal struggle between light and
darkness, right and wrong, good and evil, at least in our
head and to corroborate them use social control devices
mass, which we call the holy books ... But some of us are
not content only with what is written on them and go
further, perhaps to infinity, without this we need to give
up our faith which is known to the ability we have to
believe in something does not exist, or that has not been
It managed to show here that genius cannot just be
measured by social concepts, but there is present from
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conception in all people and that is in our power to
change the course of history and humanity since we
believe that it is possible. There are no human endowed
with superior intelligence, but methods that highlight and
stand out from the others only by the power to retain
and interpret the information received by the use of
brute force in imposing their laws and beliefs.
The most important things covered in this book, realize
that the universe is a properly quantified controlled
experiment and existing in all possible variables shows
that no matter what we do the course of history is
already set for that time line that crossed incessantly
countless times.
To this we call simply Destinations, it is not about
whether or not we have absolute control over our lives,
but we have the reins in our hands and drove to where
we think the way forward is more appropriate, however,
like a river that descends a chute, according to the
bifurcations that we take along this incursion will always
be a Yes and a No such choice and the end of every
Yes and No, there will be other identical forked paths to
That's life; a complex set of choices pushes us
relentlessly for all variables or set of problems, if they
prefer to be able to move to the next level. There is
nothing wrong in these theories that are as good as any
others already presented to justify the reason of life.
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On the contrary, it may even be better than all the others
that precede it, let alone play for earth the belief that
there is a God who administers this game and gives
order to CHAOS; it is fact that some force rules the
Is concerned, however, is whether and diligent players
really need to humble ourselves for the "gods" with
lamentations and incessant adoration exacerbated the
sinfulness eternal condemned to Hell for something that
we do not know if we did, instead of proclaiming our
admiration healthy to be part of this whole.
After all, the human body is the temple of all meditations
that even can take anywhere and if there is one true
God, there is no reason not to want to get along, let
alone not to be present when and as requested. We may
not yet have is mature enough to make this exchange of
information and be served in our prayers.
I think that everything is quantified, which does not
explain at all who quantified, the sole purpose of our
existence is rather the Ascension as Spirit, that would be
the accumulated energy that returns to the Center after
our carnal death. You have to understand death as a
new concept of life, and not as the end of everything.
Reincarnation yes! But not the usual way of just inhabit a
physical enclosure that provides us with the shift to come
and go as an Avatar, it needs to look for other
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If everything is quantified and be wary of this particular
part, it may not please everyone, but will answer almost
all of your questions even if they do not accept the
concept is that if this is possible, sometime in the core or
Bank Souls if they choose to call, every life we choose to
live, joint or not, also separated by time, remembering
that only the energy is divisible to the point where it can
be distributed by countless ramifications even if this
intensity decreases, it is also always important to the
perception that it will light in its entirety, but strictly at
different times even when so close that they can play.
Interestingly when people ask me what is the farthest
place I can get on earth I answer: - Behind myself, it is
the closer and further away as you can get on this planet
if you go around!
So the fact that we can be part of the same Spirit divided
N times and coexisting simultaneously in different ways,
which may vary from other human beings of different
sexes and ages or any other animal that ranges also an
insect to the most voracious predator ocean, only shows
us that anything is possible. It is interesting to realize
that perhaps the children we create as well as the friends
around us, but also the enemy, belong to the same Spirit
precisely because these choices were made to the
emotions involved could be felt in their higher intensities
and aggregate to Central bank data as experience?
But that somehow there must be a reason / equation to
justify the existence and this experiment. Therefore, the
final theory about the real reason we exist is to
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accumulate knowledge of emotions / sensations
experienced countless times, but no identically, because
in this case the redundancies experiences simply do not
exist, cannot be modified or become other experiments,
other variables!
Nothing can ever be repeated because the variables of
time lines may be crossed again in the same logical
sequence and time in order to be changed. That's the
only rule that cannot be broken or circumvented in the
sequence of life. The core can have many names that will
vary according to each culture, but certainly the only
purpose that this has is to store inside a giant database
all the experiences of the spirits for the most diversity,
these are the connectors tentacles make the interface
between the terminal and their Avatars users of the
experimental site.
The only thing we can take with us after death, whatever
it may be, will be the emotions and learning to assimilate
during this passage and never will be no two identical
passages, because repeating the same experiment two
more times knowing that the final result may not be
altered in any way, does not seem to be a logical
decision. So, facing death not as the end but as the
beginning of another experience is what gives us
strength to move forward.
When I was young, I mean young the period in which it
dissects the world looking for answers that often do not
find what else I bothered him was not knowing where it
came from or where he would go, but that was after
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"nothing", the inevitable death. It was not fear of death,
but curious to realize that birth is a moment so cheerful
and happy, because the event of death is sad and so
What started with an uncertainty turned out to be an
absolute truth, for only in this way I would find the
answers he sought as well as the meaning of life, of
living one day at a time, each in its own time. As part of
the core is us allowed us to choose the lives they want to
live, need not be concurrent or even time, see it clearly
and found the answers he sought. I also believe that
many after reading it that have already thinking this way,
but perhaps not knowing how to express yourself, or
even if they have never been assumed, will find it can be
a reasonable theory.
While spirits, the Center warns us that we are provided
with the choice of possible experience and that we may
live them settled down comfortably in a "chair" for we
watch the entire course of what is (are) those lives. I
write here figuratively about "sitting comfortably in a
chair" to better physical interpretation of his own
metaphysical experience, but you readers who accepted
the challenge to read the Deep Sea, have so only
understand the concept does not accept it as an absolute
truth, it is not the end goal.
However, if it decides to continue accepting this concept,
note that if we can see in advance all the lives that live
throughout the course defined as a feature film that
presents (preferably color), developed exclusively for us
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whether extensive or short, for nothing can be the same
as there are lives that are premature and some not so,
we have the reason why consider life as important and
cling to her as stiffer so that sometimes return to point of
origin to feed Base Data remains in the background and
wish to perpetuate this carnal experience as long as
What else regrets in life is not the way we live, at least
not at first, but the longing we have of what is absent
and what remains when we leave. The lack of what we
are losing in both cases is so intense that we got to try to
communicate in unusual ways with the "Beyond".
Actually try to access the Core Database through the
back door to better Craker style (the hackers are evil),
then ourselves that we are the secondary organizers and
active participants of the controlled experiment, we try to
sabotage the experiment. But that ugly thing! But Human
and certainly predictable.
But that is in us, and trying to sabotage is also quantified
as worthwhile experience if only to test the access
resistance Data Band by external agents. If we could all
think we chose the lives we live, whether rich or poor,
happy or unhappy, and that those choices cater
exclusively to an experimental concept of adding value to
the core, we would certainly have a lot more appreciation
for living one day at a time.
Think for a moment that you were able to choose the life
we lived, fundamental would have ever known what lay
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ahead, otherwise everything would be pure deception
and this game of life and death cannot be dodged at
least as far as is known, although there may be a RESET
and prohibited device, not recommended, also
unconventional for the experiment resumes...
Working on the principle that we can choose our lives to
be lived, pregnancy and childbirth are critical to the
process of adaptation to the new stage what lies ahead.
Almost as an interface between the existing and there is
nothing more logical than using a type of solenoid (a
device that connects two different types of technology)
of this nature to make things happen. So is the intense
light that everyone talks about that stands out as an
invitation to during the "passing" hypnotized us walk in
his direction.
That same light is the driver of "fiber" that will ensure
and validate the quality and quantity of information
acquired in that life terminating the experience to be
attached to the large data Gang of life and thus be able
to improve its content.
Power to choose life in advance allows us to understand
the experiences to be lived, good or bad, intense or
simply insusceptible, but power even arbitrate we do not
have this certainty answers many questions unanswered.
The loss, hardships, difficulties and surprises are nothing
more than degrees to be overcome unexpectedcalculated, which will add value to the trial process and
that we do not choose to have this understanding, we
will live daily pains that are unbearable.
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To think that all variables that are anticipated live our
choices, it helps that they have a purpose and are
experienced in their higher intensities however painful
they may be. Otherwise, you cannot bring order to the
existing chaos.
Only the simple process of understanding that life is
under our control even if indirect already gives us
encouragement to go on. If we cannot have the
perception that the choices of our adversities are made in
advance in another astral plane, nothing else makes
sense. How often we experience Deja Vu, the incredible
feeling of living under one or other time and again?
The Deja Vu it is a "Bug" on the host core is the common
fault that creates a time paradox for being so contained
in the very system that repairs it is impossible. When we
close the eyes for a moment and we access the
subconscious through the known REM method (Rapid
Eye Movement or Rapid Eye Movement), where periods
of more vivid sleep occur, it is precisely the device that
activates the synchronization with Central Database
through our collective subconscious and briefly we
interact with each other "I's".
We managed for periods that do not fit quantify since
each experience is unique as each individual, access the
entire terms and aware of what is happening and about
to happen with other "I's", after all everything is
quantified according to this theory. This is as a means of
cheating "healthy" process of living, but has other
drawbacks. The hypnotic regression is another way to
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"trick" the core (after all it is expected that this timeline
in which it is used is quantified), can indeed somehow do
not fully understand access in real time all our other
"selves" who share the endless adventure sailing across
space and time in ways and different times
Who ever wanted to know who was (or who is being) in
past lives, perhaps future through the process of
So are the creators and destroyers of worlds, costumes
and exterminators of planets and civilizations by the
multitude of existence of the known universe. It does not
respond in any way that exists out there where life
experience is controlled, or who is behind it, but in a very
playful way does not make us any difference too! At least
not for me as an author, human and adventurous in this
Try to understand the things of everyday life already is in
itself represents an immeasurable challenge, therefore,
hinder all that is ever simple in nature only tends to go
Life is too beautiful for us to possess and destination
lords think at some point abandon this experiment in
advance by simply pressing the reset button or RESET
(suicide so maybe there is the belief that suicide does not
rise as spirits!).
It means that cannot stand the pressure sufficiently to be
able to finish the experiment of planned, but no less
important in the scientific aspect.
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So thinking, what difference makes us who created life, it
was a DNA seeder which indiscriminately runs (ran) the
universe depositing the seeds where they could be
germinated, or by misfortune by which rightly that solar
system is not proliferated so that other could prevail. The
concrete fact is that life as we know it is full of social
concepts that contradict monochrome lives that the
"elect", whether for social or political conditions impose
on us.
Always see life as something more than just a huge
burden, Herculean, or worthy of the Atlas load back
himself, observe the world around the smallness of his
life exactly as it is, a gift and choose calculated for all
eternity . But always walk the world as if it
belonged to him! (The Author)
All creatures were created with the sole purpose to exist
and coexist in greatest possible plurality, us humans is
that we decided to create boundaries and fences to hold
in physical spaces that belong to all inhabitants of the
planet and we prevent its passage. We are all Earthlings
with straight come and go freely which is an absolute
fact also independent of the barriers imposed on us
Men with a thirst for power and domination that is
established, barriers, social and economic rules about
who lives and who dies...
Interestingly in hypnosis we never heard of progression,
leading hampered our thoughts for the future, now that
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everything is MAKTUB, if it is written there is no reason
why we cannot face this situation in two-way roads.
Except that unlike we access our past or even of our "I's"
in other lines and times, have access to future
developments of these events would not be in any way
fair will continue the experiment, and may even
compromise them.
However, the paradox that already exists to create
variables, so they can never be changed at any time at
With this also ends up from time to travel theory in time
if we cannot change the timeline in which we are to
travel in time would push us other than our own, what
purpose would be nothing in it would be continued?
It answers many questions, elucidates many questions
and finally gives us an undeniable sense to life, pushes a
little more courage to move forward without looking back
and without forgetting what we have lived, then, every
day, time and minutes are precious and should not be
wasted in any way.
We need not live the same day and more than once
event beyond what is necessary unless we have not
reached the main goal, it does not enlighten us at all, but
we understand that the choices of life today, sweet or
bitter, are ours and indisputable at any time, it helps a
The loss is what most affects us on this path, we feel
sorrow for those who are gone early or late, but the best
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way for honor is not forgetting at all. Perpetuate the
memory of someone is the best way for keeping alive
and on our side, but the world we know and that this
work could be a book "stepping stones" to happiness or
at least understanding what has not understand or can
demonstrate to the society conspires to make us honor
gods and entities to which we attribute values on our
own concepts.
With that we work against ourselves for the Ascension as
high human entities. That will be sad when it's over will
reach the inevitable conclusion that we live empty lives
or wrong stereotyped beliefs and concepts created by
men, just because we did not have the courage or
curiosity we challenge what is established!
This timeline where this book will be published or burned
in public square for heresy though never disprove the
existence of any God of any religion in which someone
decides to believe, unlikely that the deities may seem,
men tend to enslave his fellows in its name by force of
arms or words.
Remember, books that impose fear in general are
fantastic sources of studies, but also social control
instruments to oblige his fellow men in most cases to a
life of innocuous and insignificant voluntary slavery. What
would the world after an apocalypse was left only one
copy of Dante's Inferno, or the Divine Comedy? Time to
play it, the men each to its way, its time and social
context in which this work should be inserted add what
suits you best to give you credibility... so interpret these
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writings is up to each individual who will see their verses
omens, paths to follow recommendations or conspiracies
between good and evil.
We are not in any way different from other animals (our
other contemporary selves?) Everyone has social rules,
but if they have some deity so far is unknown to us.
When I put in brackets "other selves" do not
misunderstand, but is that all creatures in my view are
important and no less significant. If all we looked at in
this light we would have more personal values and fewer
The Janaístas of the same name Hindu religion recognize
that people, animals, plants, rock formations, courses
and waterfalls have Jiva, or soul or vital principle. All
these beings have equal value and are interconnected in
the web of existence by karmic links. The followers of
this religion are constantly worried about being and not
Perhaps nothing simpler than to have a religion that does
not recognize the existence of God as regent, but the
whole cosmic space. The need for a seeing God in
everything is in our weakness we accept that we are
unable beyond expectations and the fact that we do not
like it one bit that we are alone in the universe.
Importantly, no tribe’s individuals do not survive, those
who are separated from their families tend to become
vindictive tyrants or succumb ace adversities of his
enemies or natural advents. The abandonment of their
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peers should never be done unless you want to deal with
the consequences of this act; all have importance in this
huge puzzle, each occupying its proper seating position
to form the main frame.
The human brain is our best option to travel through
time and understand the secrets of the universe booking
with the particularity to take this a step at a time, maybe
there are things which should not be discovered, because
only show how much life is vain . Our mind takes us
where we want to go anytime we want. Nothing simpler
than temporal terms this device within ourselves without
this we need to resort to complicated engineering.
We close our eyes and dream right there we are, as
simple as that, but you must believe and try. Nothing is
achieved without study, technical, devotion and
discipline, so time travel depends on each of us and
nobody else. Always challenge what is established in the
Status Quo, 2x2 is four according to our mathematical
concepts is a fact, but we cannot help thinking that 3 + 1
also are, even if the formula is different the result is the
same and serves ace collective needs . Accept only one
as absolutely would be the same as disregard the rule of
three that we use daily to take shortcuts to do
calculations in his head.
It would be much better of course, if we would come
equipped with an abacus or calculator embedded in our
biological system to simplify the results which is not the
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But nature does not think that way and tells us to defy
the rules, create new if necessary, but never get around
them and never turn your back on the possibilities. To
this prevents us from having unlimited access to the
genetic memory that we carry in every cell, passing
father tirelessly for children and that counts our history
from the very beginning. But is there latent in waiting for
a suitable decoder.
We are in a world increasingly shifting to rapidly propel
us into an unlikely future. We are not the first race more,
we do not know for sure what race we represent today
after so many "extinctions" cyclical, we are not sure if a
burst of gamma rays that may be coming towards the
planet come from a dead star for millennia eventually in
annihilate, or suffer a genetic mutation to adapt in order
to survive in the style X-Men mutants (Marvel Comics).
Today proliferate technologies by all known places;
microprocessors have spread from small to huge watches
supercomputers interconnected and On Line as a large
neural network. In time, perhaps the amount of these
devices is enough that once connected can start getting
their conscience, after all are not so behave synapses?
At some point this amount will be satisfactory to the
point of machines endowed with artificial intelligence
cease to be only the Yes and No as command options,
and include in their tongue Perhaps that is the only
thing that do not have to have free will and can acquire
own conscience. Today as provided wars are ceasing to
be fought on battlefields openly, but in dark rooms with
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computer terminals that command fully autonomous
aircraft towards the targets.
It is no secret that electronic viruses example of
biological warfare are designed to be weapons of highly
lethal war, in many cases these viruses are pre-installed
in equipment of any kind that remain dormant until they
receive the activation commands and thus undermine the
defenses the enemy.
Facts like these are visible regularly. I remember the first
foray of the Gulf War in 1991 during an air raid on
Baghdad, the anti-aircraft guns fired all its military
arsenal minutes before the attack aircraft arrived on
targets. All of this caused by inoculated viruses printers
and other equipment when they were activated,
undermined in such a way the Iraqis defense systems
that antiaircraft batteries were sold out in minutes,
leaving the city completely helpless, in short the air raid
was an unprecedented success and no low.
With this also comes to us the most lethal virus that is
being developed secretly, also called Arducamius,
which will spread the power grid, leaving no kind of
defense you point it may invade, damage or spy on the
With this in mind and more ahead, then there will be a
new breed perhaps dominant/conflict and we must be
prepared for this, and one of the options will not give
ourselves body and soul to new technologies that are not
strictly necessary, the less dependent more chances we
will have to continue the species with natural resources
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and human form. Or as written earlier we are bound to
go back to the Stone Age in the worst human condition,
having to start from ground zero because of a
technological blackout.
We read that we have come a long way and quite
tortuous with ups and evolutionary low, it is proved, we
have originated this stage we are in the mythical
continent of MU, Garden of Eden, or whatever we want
to call it. But this experience out of control and some of
the scientists who did not agree with the way the
experiment was taking rebelled for the benefit of
humanity and became known through the ages as the
Fallen Angels.
The concern now is that as a species and civilization can
achieve such a high degree of technology that allows us
to leave the Earth, our test tube, as comprehensively and
autonomously us to put at risk the whole balance of the
universe and of other species that may are visiting us will
millennia in order to try to understand to what extent we
may be harmful or how much can interfere so that we do
not expand much more than what is necessary to be able
to continue surviving in this fireball sliding the universe.
Anyway, our passing is short considering the universal
and not earthly time, as well as in the Hadron Collider
when particles collide at high speeds and create complete
universes are born and die by the fraction of
milliseconds, as well as the ours. We had the perception
that there is a primordial gene that gives life to
everything in the way we know and we can have more
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kinship with alien beings of any civilization that perhaps it
still resembles that far with features that we also have,
this is undeniable.
That said, is the idea that life is abundant throughout the
universe and what will not be our surprise when we can
be face to face with other species and try to combine
parallel and perhaps they even have many of the
answers we are looking for a long recorded history. As a
visual library closed in a spaceship that comes registering
and following us since we came up on this planet,
incidentally or not.
Still, there is a question to which we will never have
answers and we need to live with it, even if it does not
please us at all. Always miss the painter who is painting
the painter who is painting the painter who paints the
landscape... like a photograph that will always lack the
photographer so that it is complete. Among many other
things discussed, it became clear that the Atlantean
continent existed, we know where you are! And he
remains where he went, certainly are what's left of that
splendid civilization among others, without knowing for
sure if we were part of the resistance to the "gods" who
wanted to enslave us or if we were the strength of
repression to subdue the rebels Fallen Angels.
It is yet one wonders why we respond to someone who
wants truly to venture into the depths of the oceans and
beyond, decides that it's time to look at the story about
the point of view of new lights, although the resistance
to obtain the answers only to what suits us is the
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premise governing all scientific studies to date. At this
point the decision to be made will be if you like tenacious
explorer, will submit only to what is already established
and will continue perpetuating this state of affairs, or be
that element that actually make a difference and
introduce new perspectives to rewrite history?
Finally, the mind must remain open to new possibilities,
the beauty of it all is in the eye of the beholder, and the
importance of everything around is in the small things
most of the time or has the perception of their existence.
But that does not diminish us as a species or in relegates
the ostracism of our own existence, on the contrary,
makes us such a unique way that we may be only...
And fantasize all so engaging way to satisfy our
loneliness needs as well as the gods we created to
explain the inexplicable, that if we are really alone are a
brave and imaginative race which disseminates music by
infinite space like messages in bottles waiting at the
navigator who find and return it saying "We are far, but
not far."
Think about it...
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[ 338 ]
Deep Sea, by Edward Warrior
Edward Warrior is a writer,
researcher and theorist of
the mysteries that haunt
humanity through the ages.
As a researcher takes very
seriously the sources of
information and always seeks
"to drink at the fountain of
knowledge." Theories raised
in his books point to
assumptions that many may
have thought, but few had
the courage to put into
words, challenging concepts
and faiths in the search for answers.
As a writer, beyond this book possess two manuscripts to
be published ILIASH which tells the story of the
protagonist of the same name and the discovery of the
trips through time. Another manuscript is quite
captivating in 1963, based on real events chronicles the
career of Daniel North from birth, through the great
revolution and immigrating to a foreign country, cultural
conflicts and adventures of all an extraordinary life.
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