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Annual Report 2011-2012 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 1 Annual Report 2011-2012 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 2 Annual Report 2011-2012 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 3 Annual Report 2011-2012 CONTENTS Sl. No. Particulars Page No. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 INTRODUCTION Mission Guiding Principles Vision Education System New Initiatives 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 AN OVERVIEW Historical Background Location Campus Administration Academic Programmes Admission Procedure Students Examination & Evaluation Placement Games and Sports Staff Position 5 5 5 6 7 9 10 10 14 14 14 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 THE STAFF Academic Staff (Teaching) Non-Academic Staff (Non-Teaching) Training Status 19 176 184 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 TEACHING PROGRAMMES Courses Offered Course-wise Enrolment with sex, caste breakup Admission Statistics -UG/PG, Course-wise Student's Total Strength Hall of Residence Scholarships/Assistance-ship Games and Sports Awards Examination Details Training and Placement 184 185 185 188 189 189 192 193 194 205 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES Ph.D. Programmes-Existing and Proposed Details of Ph.Ds done so far Proposed Plan for Research Institute- Industry Collaboration Renovation & Technology Transfer 210 211 213 215 218 National Institute of Technology Rourkela ---1 3 4 Annual Report 2011-2012 Page No. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 THE BOG, COUNCIL AND OTHER COMMITTEE Board of Governors Finance Committee Building and Works Committee Institute's Council Other Committees 221 222 223 224 226 7.0 7.1 7.2 CONCESSIONS FOR SCs, STs HANDICAPPED STUDENTS Concessions Provided for Students Concessions Provided for Staff 227 227 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 FINANCIAL STATUS Analysis of Plan and Non-Plan Grants Sources of Funds Expenditure Position for last three years Internal Audit & Physical Stock Verification 228 230 230 230 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 9.10 CENTRAL FACILITIES AND SERVICES Computer Services Centre Workshops Library Laboratories Hospital, Post Office, Shopping Centre Physical Facilities Games & Sports Facilities Other Facilities Different Organisations in the Institute Students Activity Centre (SAC) 231 233 233 234 237 237 237 238 245 246 10.0 10.1 10.2 NOTABLE ACHIEVEMENTS Past Achievements/Achievements took place during the years Research Projects & Consultation Jobs 247 247 STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS National Institute of Technology Rourkela 5 Annual Report 2011-2012 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 6 Annual Report 2011-2012 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 7 Annual Report 2011-2012 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 8 Annual Report 2011-2012 1.4 Education System (UG) : i) Admission : Admission to all UG programs are made in the Autumn Semester of each session at the first year level through All India Entrance Examination in Engineering (AIEEE), the counseling for which is done by the Central Counseling Board. Activity may be N.S.S., N.C.C., or any other physical education. The curricula for B.Tech. programme includes compulsory Industrial training or R & D Experience (SIRE) of 8 weeks duration after 6th semester in any reputed industry, research organization, IIT's and other reputed institutions which is assessed in the 7th Semester. Besides the successful AIEEE candidates, a specified number of foreign nationals/NRI selected with the policy laid down by Govt. of India are admitted directly to the 1st year of any of the courses. The Project work will carry a total of 10 credits. The departments can choose the distribution of credits between 7th and 8th semester, the preferred one being 4+6 or 6+4 credits. ii) Academic Calendar : The academic session is divided into two semesters each of approximately 17 weeks duration, an Autumn Semester (July-December) and a Spring Semester (January-June). The AIEEE selected candidates take admission in the Institute and do registration for the semesters on the dates as per Academic Calendar approved by the Senate. The Senate approves the academic calendar consisting of schedules of activities for a session inclusive of dates for registration, mid-semester and end-semester examinations, inter-semester breaks etc. well in advance of start of a session. The Academic Calendar shall usually provide for a total of about 85 working days in each semester. iv) Registration: To be able to register in the 2nd year (3rd semester) and continue his/her study in the Institute at the end of 1st year, a student must iii) Programme Structure : The duration of the programme leading to B.Tech.Degree is four years and Dual Degree B.Tech. & M.Tech. and Integrated M.Sc. are five years. The curricula for the different degree programmes as proposed by the respective departments and recommended by the Undergraduate Programme Evaluation Committee (UGPEC) shall have the approval of the Senate. The departments would also prepare the syllabus of each subject containing the scope of studies and detailed instructions to be imparted which must have the approval of the Senate. All subjects would have a lecture-tutorial-practical (laboratory/sessional) component (L-T-P) to indicate the contact hours. The tutorial (T) or practical/ Sessional (P) component may be absent in certain courses. Separate pure laboratory subjects (0-0-P) may exist in certain cases as decided by the Senate. All subjects will have a credit count 'C'. Teaching of subjects will be reckoned in terms of credits. In each of the First two semesters, there shall be two credits for Extra Academic Activity (EAA) consisting of 3 hours activity per week. The Extra Academic National Institute of Technology Rourkela a) complete satisfactorily at least 40 credits of courses prescribed for the two semesters, i.e., secure 'P' or higher grade in at least 40 credits of prescribed courses b) obtain a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of not lower than 5.70 (considering all courses including those in which the student has secured an F grade) c) If the CGPA at the end of the First year is between 5.00 and 5.69 (both inclusive), the student may be permitted to suspend his/her studies and resume it in the following year along with the next batch of students. In the repeat year, he/she must attend classes and be treated at par with fresh students, with no memory of grades in the previous year. The B.Tech. programme must then be completed within 6 years of the original admission. However, if the CGPA is less than 6.00 in the repeat year, the student must leave the Institute. d) While registering for 3rd, 5th or 7th semester, a student may register for backlog papers of 1st, 3rd or 5th semester respectively and while registering for 4th, 6th or 8th semester, he/she may register for backlog papers of 2nd, 4th or 6th semester respectively. A student need not attend classes in papers registered as "backlog papers". He/she has to sit for both mid-semester and end-semester examinations and the grade will be awarded based on the scores of the latest examinations. The Teacher's assessment component will be same as that given by the instructor in the original semester, when he/she attended classes. The registration for backlog papers must be done at the time of semester registration. In all such cases of "backlog paper", the grade awarded will be one step lower than what 9 Annual Report 2011-2012 the student actually obtained, except for the grade 'P' which remains unchanged. e) Alternatively, a student may opt to repeat a course afresh, in which case he/she will attend classes, and there will be no reduction of grade awarded. He will, however, be ineligible for awards of medals and prizes which are based on academic performance. If regulations and examination schedule otherwise permit, a student may register for an even semester elective in odd semester and vice-versa. A student may change an elective course if he/she satisfies the pre-requisites and if the timetable permits. If a student has completed 8 semesters of study but has a few F grades still left, he must register for them as full time courses and attend classes if time table permits, instead of only writing exams as backlog papers. The entire programme must be completed within 6 years. score. If a student gets CGPA below 6.0 in the 4th consecutive semester, he must leave the Institute to pursue other avenues of study instead of ruining his career at NIT, Rourkela. In truly exceptional circumstances, if the arithmetic of the grade card dictate that the required improvement can only be achieved in at least 2 semesters, the Senate, at its discretion may sanction 2 semesters instead of one to improve CGPA with ba maximum of 4 new courses spanning over two semesters.The reasons for such exception should be recorded. Such a decision needs to be made at the beginning of the 4th semester of failure and not after a student fails to raise his CGPA in the 4th semester of failure. Education System (PG ): (i) It is necessary for a student to maintain a CGPA equal to or above 6.00 at all times.If the CGPA falls below 6.00 he should enter a slow pace programme in his own interest.The following procedure will be used to make "slow pace" mandatory for a student with poor performance. A modified grade point average called MGPA will be computed by replacing all F and X grades by P grades. If the MGPA equals or exceeds 6.00, he may be permitted to register for a full suite of higher semester courses at the discretion of Faculty Advisor. If the MGPA remains below 6.00 the student must enter a slow pace programme. i) Introduction The M.Tech. regulation provides the necessary guidelines for the Post-Graduate programme of two years duration. However, persons working in various organizations can join the same course in a slow pace which is of 3 years duration. In this case the course work will be of 2 years (4 semesters) duration, the third year being devoted for Project/Thesis as usual. The course structure and subjects remaining the same, the workload of one semester is split up into two semesters. When a student of 1st semester gets a CGPA score below 6.0 or a student of any other semester scores CGPA below 6.0 for two consecutive semesters, parents will be required to visit the Institute and will be appraised of the position. Students of 3rd or higher semesters will be permitted to register in the next semester only in slow pace in such a manner that he has a possibility of improving his CGPA above 6.0. Parents and students will give undertaking that they are aware of the possibility of leaving the Institute. ii) Admission Requirement : It has been defined in clause 2.6 of M.Tech. regulation If at the end of 3rd consecutive semester, he still fails to improve CGPA above 6.0, he will still be permitted to register with following restrictions: Parents will visit the Institute and give an undertaking that they will do everything possible including psychological counseling to improve motivation of student. In addition to 22 regular M.Tech. programmes, the Institute offers a Master of Technology degree by research, termed as M. Tech. (Res) in all Engineering disciplines. iii) Duration : The duration of M.Tech. course is two years (broken up to four semesters) and 3 years for those admitted under slow pace category. A student admitted to P.G. programme has to finish all requirements and obtain the degree in a maximum time period of four years. The duration for completing coursework, however, is maximum 2 years for full time regular programme while for slow pace the maximum duration is 3 years. The student will enroll only in Backlog courses and courses with 'P' grade with no new course. There should be a reasonable chance of improving his National Institute of Technology Rourkela 10 Annual Report 2011-2012 1.5 New Initiatives Academic Reform 1. Flexibility in programmes Activities to be under taken in brief academic l l l l l l 2. Introduction of reforms in student performance evaluation. l l 3. Establishment of a system for teacher performance appraisal by students, and teacher counseling. 4. Providing incentives to faculty for consulting services, services to community and industry and for securing sponsored research & development projects. 5. Establishment of a system for recognizing merit and outstanding performance of teachers 6. Offering service packages that would attract and retain good quality faculty 7. Establishment of a system for maintaining record of graduates and conducting regular tracer studies 8. Establishment of a governance system with participation of stakeholders 9. Establishment of a modern management system-delegation of decision making, administrative and financial powers to senior functionaries with accountability. l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Wide choice of electives in the curriculum. More thrust towards emerging technologies. Interdepartmental and industry sponsored projects both at UG, PG and Ph.D levels. Increased industry institute interaction. Increasing non-formal networking interactions by collaborating with other Universities to introduce new electives in the emerging technologies. Credit transfer from other universities. Continuous student evaluation system through internal assessment, class test, quizzes, home assignment, term paper, mid-term examination etc. Introduction of SGPA, CGPA in UG / PG level. Introduction of teacher performance appraisal on the basis of course feedback system by the students. Incentives for carrying out consultancy services ranges from 25% to 80% depending on the type of consultancy. 10% of the institute overhead of the sponsored research projects is allotted to PI for faculty development. Necessary infrastructure for carrying out sponsored research projects is provided by the institute. Introduction of a new self appraisal form for teachers for recognition of their merit. Outstanding teachers will be awarded on the basis of appraisal report. Same as stated in 3& 4. Deserving persons are recommended to receive attractive packages at the entry level. The track records of all graduates are maintained by Alumni Association and they are also updated each year during the Annual Alumni meet. Strengthening the activities of existing Alumni centres. Development of new regional Alumni centres. The governance system includes student representatives in the senate and various other committees participation and representation of teachers in different bodies representatives of Alumni, industries and different academic institutions in BOG/Senate/Works committee, existence of disciplinary committee, grievance committee etc. A modern management system has been introduced which features decentralization of powers and functions, delegation of responsibility and accountability. Financial authority for HoDs - Rs.25000/-, Registrar - Rs.50000/-, Dean - Rs.1,00,000/-. Deligation of power to Deans, HoDs for independent decision. National Institute of Technology Rourkela 11 Annual Report 2011-2012 Academic Reform Activities to be under taken in brief 10. Modernization of administrative and financial management system to increase staff and student friendliness, increase time efficiency and resource efficiency 11. Establishment of Corpus Fund for development activities, a staff development fund for supporting critical staff development activities, Depreciation Fund for modernization of teaching and training facilities and Maintenance fund for up keep of equipment and physical infrastructure 12. Instituting measures for increasing recovery of cost of education. l l l l l l l l 13. Instituting practices for maximizing utilizing of resources and reducing wastage l l l l l l 14. Establishment of mechanisms for regular quality and efficiency audit of institutional activities including academic processes and administrative procedures 15. New Initiative l l l l l l l l l Introduction of office automation system for the entire administrative, examination and financial management system to increase efficiency, staff-student friendliness and resource efficiency. Library automation for management of library items of issue, return, purchase of books. Following funds have been setup l Corpus fund l Staff Development Fund l Depreciation Fund l Maintenance Fund Conducting of QIP programmes. Solving industrial, technical and software problems through industrial consultancy cell. Sponsored research projects. Increasing institute alumni interaction. Short term courses - conducting Sharing of laboratory facilities among different departments of the institute for imparting efficient laboratory training to students. Specialized laboratories grouped as common institute facilities to promote inter-departmental, inter-institutional and industry-institute interaction. Institute computer centre operating round the clock to the students. Departmental research laboratories accessible to the research scholars, M.Tech. and final year B.Tech. Students round the clock. Encouraging the maximum use of library and e-library facilities. Online journals Academic audit through Senate. Accreditation report by NBA. Introduction of new purchase system. Internal and external financial audit by CAG. Two blocks of faculty residence completed. Renovated Health Centre started functioning, Faculty club re-opened with a new contemporary look. Two 500KVA duty generators installed to take care power-cuts. Renovation of C,D,E,F type quarters completed and renovation of other quarters are in progress. National Institute of Technology Rourkela 12 Annual Report 2011-2012 2.0 AN OVERVIEW 2 2.2 2.1 Historical Background : The National Institute of Technology, Rourkela was founded as the Regional Engineering College, Rourkela on 15th August, 1961. The Institute was declared as the National Institute of Technology with Deemed to be University status on 26th June, 2002 by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India. It is an Institute of National Importance imparting Technical Education both at Under Graduate and Post Graduate level. The NIT Act came into force w.e.f. 15th Aug, 2007. Location : The city of Rourkela came into prominence in the year 1954-55, with establishment of the first Public Sector Steel Plant of post-independence India with assistance of the Government of India and the then West Germany. At present it is a bustling industrial town, cosmopolitan by nature and connected to all parts of the country by road and rail. The campus is an extension of the steel township itself, green, serene and peaceful. The location of the Institution is about 8 kms. from Rourkela Railway Station and 2 kms. from Sector-2 Bus-stand. The Institute boasts of state-of-the-art academic and research infrastructure - lecture galleries, laboratories, resource-centres, sports grounds, open-air theatre, hospital, food-courts and many more being embraced by the greenery on all sides. 2.3 Campus: Campus provides accomdation for 5000 students and all faculty & staff members. The Institute is spread over 262 hectare of lush green picturesque landscape, against a hilly backdrop, creating a tranquil environment within a completely residential campus for students and staff. Functionally and aesthetically spread out, it aims at intellectual growth in an ambience that is free-flowing and community-friendly. The soothing breeze rustling through the trees is just one of the several ingredients that make this lovely place laid-back and relaxing; just the right conditions essential to concentrate on studies. National Institute of Technology Rourkela 13 Annual Report 2011-2012 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 14 Annual Report 2011-2012 Director Dean (Faculty Welfare) Dean (Academic Affairs) Dean (Planning & Development) Dean (Students' Welfare) Dean (SRICCE) Dean (AR) Chief Warden of Halls Head Workshop Professor & Head, Training & Placement Prof.I/C, Library Prof. I/C, Examinations Head Computer Centre Registrar Deputy Registrar (Administration) Deputy Registrar (F&A) Asst. Registrar (Academic) Asst. Registrar (Internal Audit) Asst. Registrar (Purchase & Works) Security Officer : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Prof S. K. Sarangi Prof. P.C. Panda Prof. S.Bhattacharya Prof. S.K.Sahoo Prof. K.C.Biswal Prof. M.Panda Prof. K.K.Mohapatra Prof. K.C.Pati Prof. S. K.Sahoo Prof. B. B. Biswal Prof. S.Chakraverty Prof. B.Majhi Prof. S.K.Patra Sri S. K. Upadhyay Vacant Sri P.K.Panda Sri B. Acharya Sri K.P.Panigrahi Mrs. S.Sahoo Sri B.Champatiray 2.5 Academic Programme : The Institute offers programmes leading to various degrees are as follows: Under-Graduate programme Degree B.Tech. Dual Degree B.Tech. & M.Tech. Branches Biomedical Engineering Biotechnology Ceramic Engineering Civil Engineering Chemical Engineering Computer Science & Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics & Communication Engineering Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering Industrial Design Mechanical Engineering Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Mining Engineering B.Tech. in Ceramic Engg. & M.Tech. in Ceramic Engg. B.Tech. in Chemical Engg. & M.Tech. in Chemical Engg. B.Tech. in Civil Engg. & M.Tech. in Transportation Engg. B.Tech. in Civil Engg. & M.Tech. in Water Resources Engg. B.Tech. in Computer Sc. & Engg. & M.Tech. in Computer Science B.Tech. in Computer Science & Engg. & M.Tech. in Information Security B.Tech. in Electronics & Communication Engg. & M.Tech. in Communication & Signal Processing B.Tech. in Electronics & Instrumentation Engg. & M.Tech. in VLSI Design & Embedded System National Institute of Technology Rourkela 15 Annual Report 2011-2012 Degree Integrated M.Sc.(5 years) Branches B.Tech. in Electrical Engg. & M.Tech. in Electronic Systems & Communication B.Tech. in Electrical Engg. & M.Tech. in Power Control & Drives. B.Tech. in Electrical Engg. & M.Tech. in Control & Automation B.Tech. in Mechanical Engg. and M.Tech. in Mechatronics & Automation B.Tech. in Metallurgical & Materials Engg. & M.Tech. in Metallurgical & Materials Engg. B.Tech. in Mining Engg. and M.Tech. in Mining Engg. Chemistry Mathematics Physics Post- Graduate Programme Programme M.Tech. Department Biotechnology and Medical Engineering Specialization Biomedical Engineering Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Geotechnical Engineering Structural Engineering Transportation Engineering Water Resources Engineering Ceramic Engineering Computer Science Information Security Software Engineering Communication & Signal Processing VLSI Design & Embedded System Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering Electronics System & Communication Power Control & Drives Control & Automation Machine Design & Analysis Production Engineering Thermal Engineering Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Mining Engineering M.Sc. in Chemistry M.Sc. in Life Science M.Sc. in Mathematics M.Sc. in Physics M.A. in Development Studies Master of Business Administration Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Ceramic Engineering Computer Science & Engineering Electronics & Communication Engg. Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering M.Sc.(2 years) M.A. MBA Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Mining Engineering Chemistry Life Science Mathematics Physics Humanities & Social Science School of Management The Institute also provides opportunities for M. Tech. by Research in selected fields and also doctoral research in varieties of subjects. During the period under report, the intake capacity of various programmes is as follows: B.Tech. (4 years) : 580 M.Tech. Dual Degree (5 years) : 140 5 years Integrated M.Sc. (5 years) : 90 M.Tech. Programme (2 years) : 550 M.Sc. (2 years) : 184 MA (2 years) : 30 M.B.A. (2 years) : 30 All academic programmes are governed by specified regulations duly approved by Senate from time to time. National Institute of Technology Rourkela 16 Annual Report 2011-2012 2.6 Admission Procedure : B.Tech./ Dual Degree B.Tech. & M.Tech./ Five years Integrated M.Sc.: The admission to 1st year of B.Tech., Dual Degree B.Tech. & M.Tech and Five years Integrated M.Sc Programmes are made through the Central Counseling Board (CCB) considering the scores of the All India Engineering Entrance Examination (AIEEE) conducted by CBSE and as per the guidelines framed by Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India, Department of Secondary and Higher Education. M. Tech. : The courses leading to M. Tech. degree are open to those who have obtained the B.E./B.Tech. in respective discipline or any degree recognized as equivalent there to by the N.I.T., Rourkela with 60% marks or 6.5 CGPA in aggregate in the qualifying examination. However, the eligibility criteria may vary from time to time as per decision of the Senate. Admission for the GATE qualified candidates are made through Common Admission Process. When GATE qualified candidates are not available, admission may be given to those who are not qualified in GATE on the basis of merit as detailed in M.Tech. regulation. Relaxation upto 5% of marks or 0.5 CGPA can be allowed by Senate for sponsored candidates with proven research or professional experience. Method of Selection: Regular Students: Only GATE qualified candidates are admitted to M.Tech. Programme in non-sponsored category of students (General, OBC, SC and ST) on the basis of GATE score. When GATE qualified candidates are not available, admission may be given to those who are not qualified in GATE on the basis of merit as detailed in M.Tech. regulation. Sponsored Students: i) Preference is given to those candidates who are GATE qualified. Sponsored candidates will are not eligible to receive scholarship even if they are qualified in GATE. ii) The candidates must have a total of minimum two years full time work experience in the sponsoring organisation which should be a reputed one. iii) There is no age restriction. However, preference will be given to those who are below 45 years. iv) Sponsorship certificate in proper proforma has to be produced from the employer at the time of admission. M.Sc.(Chemistry, Life Science, Mathematics, Physics) The candidates must have acquired B.Sc. degree with the subject applied for as one of the subjects (either pass or Honours), Mathematics in +2 levels is compulsory for Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics departments. Method of Selection: The admission to the above programmes are made on the basis of career marking. M.A. in Development Studies The requisite Academic Qualification is B.Tech., B.A., B.Sc., B.Com with 55% marks or 6.00 CGPA. Among B.A., B.Sc. and B.Com. applicants with honours are given preference. Method of Selection: Admission to the programme is made on the basis of career mark. M.B.A. The minimum eligibility criterion is B.Tech. degree in any branch of engineering with 60% marks or 6.5 CGPA. Applicants who have qualified national or international tests for admission to Business Schools and secured high scores will get preference. Method of Selection: Applicants satisfying minimum eligibility criteria are generally called for Group Discussion and Personal National Institute of Technology Rourkela 17 Annual Report 2011-2012 Interview. If the number of applicants is reasonably high, department may set a higher score in academic career as the minimum qualifying criteria to be called for interview. Final selection is done on the basis of Group Discussion and Personal Interview conducted by the Institute, academic career and score of reputed national or international tests for admission to Business Schools. Ph.D. The minimum qualification required for admission to Ph.D. programme in Engineering, Science, Management and Humanities are Social Sciences is one of the following: 1. M.E./M.Tech./M.Pharm in relevant discipline with at least 6.5 CGPA or 60 percent marks in aggregate in both B.Tech. (or M.Sc./M.Pharm/MCA) and M.Tech. levels from a recognized technical Institute or University. 2. B.E./B.Tech./B.Pharm/MCA or equivalent in relevant discipline with CGPA of 7.0 or 65 percent marks in aggregate. 3. M.Sc. in Basic Sciences with CGPA 7.0 or 65 percent marks in aggregate in relevant disciplines. 4. M.B.B.S. with CGPA 6.5 or 60 percent marks in aggregate. 5. M. Sc. /M.A. / MBA / M.Com./MA in Humanities and Social Sciences with CGPA 6.5 or 60 per cent marks in aggregate Method of Selection: Selection of candidates are made on the basis of interview conducted by the Department concerned. M.Tech.(Res) The minimum qualification required for admission to M. Tech. (R) programme in Engineering, Science Management or Social Sciences is one of the following: 1. B.E./B.Tech./B.Pharm/MCA or equivalent in relevant discipline with 60 percent marks in aggregate or 6.5 CGPA. 2. M.Sc. in Basic Sciences with 60 percent marks in aggregate (or 6.5 CGPA) in relevant disciplines. 3. M.B.B.S. with 60 percent marks in aggregate (or 6.5 CGPA). 4. M. Sc. /M.A. / MBA / M.Com. in Humanities, Social Sciences or Management with 60 percent marks or 6.5 CGPA. Method of Selection : Selection of candidates are made on the basis of interview conducted by the department concerned. Written test is conducted when number of applicants is large. 2.7 Students : National Institute of Technology, Rourkela has always been the preferred destination of the bright students. The present student strength of 4500 expected to be doubled within the next five years. Students of N.I.T., Rourkela are also known for their excellence in socio-cultural activities and in athletics. This multilingual and multicultured environment is particularly conducive to its future development. The alumni of NIT, Rourkela have made a mark in industry and public life. They are taking significant interest in the affairs of the Institute and will continue to do so in future. It has 16700 strong alumni dedicating to further development of the Institute. 2.8 Examination and Evaluation : 2.8.1 The Academic Office of the Institute centrally conducts Mid-Semester, End Semester and Supplementary National Institute of Technology Rourkela 18 Annual Report 2011-2012 Examinations for theory courses unless otherwise permitted. Assessment of Performance (U.G. Courses): There is continuous assessment of a student's performance throughout the semester and grades are awarded accordingly by the subject teacher/co-ordination committee formed for this purpose. For arriving at a grade obtained by a student for a particular subject, initially the numeric mark obtained by the student out of 100 (hundred) is ascertained. The numeric mark are converted to a letter grade with following broad guidline. Range of Marks 90-100 80-89 70-79 60-69 50-59 35-49 40-49 < 35 < 40 Grade Ex A B C D P for Theory Component P for Laboratory Component F for Theory Component F for Laboratory Component For theory course, the subcomponents and the respective weightage assigned are given below. Subcomponent Teacher's Assessment Mid-Semester Examination End-Semester Examination Weightage 20% 30% 50% Project work The student is required to submit a project report at the end of 7th & 8th semester in the form of a well bound thesis. The departmental academic committee constitute evaluation boards for continuous monitoring of the projects. For the purpose of assignment of a grade the following scheme is adoped. Supervisor's assessment (twice in a semester 20% + 20%) = 40% Assessment by Evaluation Boards through Oral presentation and Viva voce (20% + 20%) = 40% Project Report = 20% Course Structure (M.Tech. Programmes): Teaching for the courses will be reckoned in credits, as specified against each subject. Due credit will be given to lecture, tutorial (theory) and practical components for a given subject. The first two semesters have theory and practical (laboratory) subjects with compulsory Seminar and Technical Writing of 2 credits in each semester. The total number of credits in the coursework and seminar in 1st and 2nd semester together range between 46 to 48 credits. The summer vacation constitute a part of the 3rd semester. The summer work (either industrial training or industrial project or any assigned work in the institute) carries 4 credits and this is evaluated in 3rd semester. Considering the above 4 credits, the third semester has three components with a total of 26 credits as mentioned below : National Institute of Technology Rourkela 19 Annual Report 2011-2012 Short-term Industrial / Research Experience Project work Seminar and Technical writing 4 credits 20 credits 2 credits Major part of the 4th semester course is devoted to review and planning, design and fabrication related to the project work. The course credit for this semester is : Short-term Industrial / Research Experience Project work Seminar and Technical writing 4 credits 20 credits 2 credits The entire fourthsemester is evaluated for the project work. The comprehensive viva-voce is carried out on all subjects taught in first two semesters. The complete course structure for M.Tech. Programmes of all departments are thoroughly reviewed in the PGPEC and recommendations are placed in the Senate for approval. Scheme of Evaluation There is continuous assessment of a student's performance taking into account the L-T-P components throughout the semester and grades are awarded by the subject teacher based on the student's performance in the appropriate L-T-P components. (a) i) ii) iii) iv) (b) (i) (ii) A student is permitted to sit in an examination if he /she has Attendance record as per M.Tech. regulations in theory and laboratory classes and has completed the assignment works given. Paid all Institute and Hall dues for that semester. Not been debarred from appearing in the examination as a result of disciplinary proceedings. Has formally registered for the subject at the beginning of the semester. A student may be debarred from appearing the mid-semester or end semester examination in the subject if his/her Attendance at lecture/tutorial/laboratory classes in that subject has not been satisfactory during the period, and /or, Performance in the assignments works in that subject during the semester has not been satisfactory. Class tests, assignments, tutorials, viva-voce, laboratory assignments, etc., are the constituent components of continuous assessment process, and a student must fulfill all these requirements as prescribed by the teacher / coordination committee of the subject. If due to any compelling reason (such as participation in national / international events with due approval of the institute, his/her illness, calamity in the family, etc.) a student fails to meet any of the requirements within/on the scheduled date and time, the teacher/coordination committee may take such steps (including conduction of compensatory tests/examinations) as are deemed fit to ensure a fair assessment For M.Tech. courses the departments conduct the Mid-semester and End-semester Examinations in respect of theory subjects unless otherwise arranged. The Chairman of the Departmental Academic Committee (PG&R) mare arrangement for the examination schedule, invigilation duties, dispatch of answer scripts to the teachers and online grade submission. In departments with a single M.Tech. programme, the course teacher may conveniently (not mandatory) be assigned the invigilation duty for the examination. For all other theory courses, Academic Office, centrally conducts the Mid-Semester and End-Semester examinations. The examinations are normally "closed book type", where the students are not permitted to bring any material from home or hostel. All necessary charts, tables, codes etc are provides by the department. It is the teacher's National Institute of Technology Rourkela 20 Annual Report 2011-2012 responsibility to ensure that the required material are made available to the invigilators. While normal scientific calculators are permitted, other electronic devices such as advanced programmable calculators and calculators containing communication devices are forbidden. Any exception to these provisions must be specially approved by the Senate. On request from a department, the Institute provides sick room facility with medical attention inside the Institute building or in a nearby hospital as deemed convenient by the Institute to assist students who may fall sick during the examinations. The final grades awarded to the students in a subject must be submitted by the teacher on line within the dates specified in the Academic Calender. The teacher submits a separate report on all students obtaining F or I grades on Forms AC/121 and AC/122. A teacher, at his discretion, may display the grades (including partial lists) on his door or on any electronic forum. Display of grades by a teacher is for benefit of students, and cannot be cited for legal purposes. The Academic Office places the results and statistical reports of all examinations before the PGPEC, for examination and recommendation to the Senate for approval. In case the Senate meeting is delayed, the recommended results can be published with approval of the Chairman, Senate. The same may be ratified by the Senate it its next meeting. The Senate has the authority to correct any mistake in the results refer to the Academic Oversite Committee for review even if they are already approved by the Chairman. For the benefit of and as a process of learning by the students, the scripts after correction of all class tests, midsemester examinations, assignments etc. will be shown to the students within 3 weeks from the date of Tests / Examinations. The evaluated scripts of the end-semester examinations are to be shown to the students at the beginning of the next semester, but not later than 2 weeks from the starting of classes. There is no limit on how early a teacher can show the evaluated scripts to the students. Any change of grade of a student in a subject [Form AC/120], consequent upon detection of any genuine error of omission and/or commission on part of the concerned teacher, must be approved by the Departmental Academic Committee and forwarded by the Head of the concerned Department to the Examination Office within three weeks from the date of commencement of the next semester. Every Department will send one comprehensive report for each semester in a standard format. If a student is dissatisfied with his/her grade, he/she may bring it to the attention of the teacher within two weeks from the first day of commencement of classes in the next semester. The teacher may change the grades if he finds an error in evaluation. The teacher will report the change of grade to the Departmental Academic Committee [Form AC/120] along with all relevant papers (answer scripts, attendance register etc) before a specified date. The DAC will submit a consolidated report as per standard form to the Examination office for correction of records. If the student still feels aggrieved, he/she will file a formal complaint with Dean (AA) through his/her faculty advisor and HOD with a copy to the teacher (evaluator). If no complaint is filed within one month from the first day of classes in the next semester, the student is deemed to have accepted the results and no further change of grade is permitted. The teachers are expected to retain all answer scripts, assignments and laboratory records for a period of two months from the starting of classes in the next semester. After that the material may be disposed off, except for the students who have filed a complaint. In case of complaint filed before the expiry of two months, the material need to be saved till all disputes are settled and final grade awarded. All relevant material will be handed over by the teacher to the Head of the Department for safe keeping in the department office. The teacher, at his discretion, may retain a photo copy. There is no provision for supplementary or alternative mid semester exams in a P.G. course. A student who secures an F grade in First or Second semester or misses an examination due to a compelling reason, may appear at the examinations during 3rd or 4th semester as backlog papers, the later being subject to satisfactory attendance record. In such cases the grade will be reduced by one step, except in case of P grades which remain unchanged. A student can get full credit if he misses examination for a compelling reason and has over 95% attendance. If a National Institute of Technology Rourkela 21 Annual Report 2011-2012 student does not satisfy attendance requirements, he will have to formally register for the courses during 3rd or 4th semesters, in which case his date of thesis submission gets deferred. 2.9 Placement : The Training and Placement Centre has been actively performing and coordinating a number of professional activities for the students. Some of the major activities relating to the students are Practical Training, Local Study Tours to industries and Campus Placement. Like previous years the Centre had a series of such activities during the academic year 2011-12. 2.10 Games & Sports : Physical Education (Games and Sports) comesunder the category of Extra Academic Activities (EAA). Students have physical education program in their B.Tech. 1st year syllabus for credit course. It would reflect and represent the broad objectives of the Institute by incorporating a structured program in the overall curriculum for the benefits of students. 2.11 Staff Position: Category Sanctioned Strength Man-in-position as on 31.03.2012 Teaching Staff Faculty 281 237 Non-Teaching Staff Non-Teaching (Academic + Technical + 309 291 Administration + Supporting) Staff 01 591 Director Total Faculty Name of the Department Professor Sanction In Position Strength Regular CAS 1 6 Civil Engg. 4 -Chemical Engg. 1 Ceramic Engg 3 Comp. Sc.Engg. Chemistry 2 1 Electronics Comm. Engg. 4 Electrical Engineering Hummanities & Social Sc. 4 1 Mathematics 40 Mechanical Engineering 4 4 2 Metallurgical &.Mataterials Engg. 2 3 Mining Engg. 1 Physics Bio-Medical Engineering 2 Life Science Business School/ School of Management 1 Industrial Design Total 07 04 01 03 03 04 05 08 04 03 01 02 01 01 529 Associate Asst. Total Faculty Total Total Professor Total Professor in position as Sanctioned vacant Sanction In Position Sanction In Position Posts Dept. Vacant on as on Strength Regular CAS Strength Regular 31.03.2012 Wise 31.03.2012 22 07 08 5 3 14 05 05 2 3 12 05 06 1 5 16 10 03 3 15 09 06 6 18 10 05 3 2 20 12 04 3 1 08 02 06 1 1 17 03 161 09 2 1 80 281 44 12 28 4 08 4 17 09 04 2 2 09 03 03 1 2 13 07 05 5 12 08 02 2 07 01 06 1 05 03 02 2 03 04 - 44 42 25 67 161 124 237 30 16 46 Total 40 80 281 NON-TEACHING STAFF STRUCTURE SANCTIONED VS. ACTUAL AS ON 31/03/2012 PAY SCALE CADRE CADRE POST PB GP/AGP SANCTION ACTUAL VACANCY Officers Registrar 4 10000 1 1 -(Group-A) Deputy Registrar 3 7600 3 1 2 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 22 Annual Report 2011-2012 PAY SCALE CADRE PB GP/AGP SANCTION ACTUAL VACANCY Assistant Registrar 3 5400 7 3 4 Librarian 4 10000 0 --Deputy Librarian 3 8000 1 -1 Assistant Librarian 3 6000 2 2 -Principal SAS Officer 4 10000 0 --Senior SAS Officer 3 8000 1 -1 Officers SAS Officer 3 6000 2 3 -1 (Group-A) Principal Scientific/Technical Officer 3 7600 1 -1 Senior Scientific/Technical Officer 3 6600 2 -2 Scientific/Technical Officer 3 5400 3 4 -1 Superintending Engineer 4 8700 0 --Executive Engineer 3 6600 1 1 -Engineer 3 5400 2 1 1 Senior Medical Officer 3 7600 1 1 -Medical Officer 3 5400 1 -1 Security Officer 3 5400 1 1 -TOTAL 29 18 11 Tech. Asst. / SAS Asst. / Jr. Engr. 2 4200 37 21 16 Sr. TA / Sr. SAS Asst. / Asst. Engr. 2 4600 28 12 16 TECHNICAL TA (SGII)/SAS Asst. (SGII)/AE(SGII) 2 4800 19* 10 9 (Higher Cadre) TA (SG I)/ SAS Asst. (SG I)/ AE(SG I) 2 5400 TOTAL 84 43 41 Supdt. / Accountant / Secretary 2 4200 09 11 -2 Sr. Supdt. / Accountant / Secretary 2 4600 06 5 1 ADMIN. Supdt./Accountant/Secretary (SG II) 2 4800 05* 1 4 (Higher Cadre) Supdt./Accountant/Secretary (SG I) 2 5400 TOTAL 20 17 3 Technician / Lab/Work Asst. 1 2000 37 15 22 Sr. Technician / Lab/Work Asst. 1 2400 28 -28 Technician / Lab/Work Asst. (SG II) 1 2800 19* 24 -5 TECHNICAL Technician / Lab/Work Asst. (SG I) 2 4200 (Lower Cadre) Pharmacist (SG-II) 2 4600 Pharmacist (SG-I) 2 4800 TOTAL 84 39 45 Jr. Assistant 1 2000 23 2 21 Sr. Assistant / Stenographer** 1 2400 17 -17 Assistant (SG II) / Sr. Stenographer** 1 2800 10* 58 -48 ADMIN. Assistant (SG I) / Stenographer (SG II)** 2 4200 (Lower Cadre) Stenographer (SG I)** 2 4600 TOTAL 50 60 -10 Security Guard / Attnd. / Mali / CT 1 1800 19 -19 Sr. SG / Attnd. / Mali / Care Taker 1 1900 14 48 -34 SG / Attnd. / Mali / Care Taker (SG II) 1 2000 09* 66 -57 SUPPORTING SG / Attnd. / Mali / Care Taker (SG I) 1 2400 TOTAL 42 114 -72 309 291 18 GRAND TOTAL OF ALL NON-TEACHING OFFICERS + STAFF CADRE POST National Institute of Technology Rourkela 23 Annual Report 2011-2012 * ** Allocation of posts under SG-II includes both SG-II and SG-I, the later being a purely MACP position. The cadre of Stenographers will stand abolished on retirement of existing incumbents and will be filled by Jr./Sr. Assistants. Fresh Appointments (Regular) Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Ecode Title 1110947 1110948 1110949 1110950 1110951 1110952 1110953 1110954 1110955 1110956 1110957 1110958 1110959 1110960 1110961 1110962 1110963 1110964 1110965 1110966 1110967 1110968 1110969 1110970 1110971 1110972 1110973 1110974 1110975 1110976 1110977 1110978 1110979 1110980 1110981 1110982 1110983 1110984 1110985 1110986 1110987 1110988 1110989 1110990 1110991 1110992 Dr. Dr. Mr. Dr. Mr. Mr. Dr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Dr(Mrs) Dr. Dr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Dr. Mr. Dr. Dr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Mr. Mr. Dr. Dr.(Ms.) Dr. Ms. Dr. Dr. Dr. Mr. Mr. Mrs. Dr. Dr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Dr. Mr. Name Prof. Sunil Kumar Sarangi Shantanu Kumar Behera Ayas Kanta Swain Jugal Mohapatra Supratim Gupta Md. Rajik Khan Subrata kumar Panda Ramesh Kumar Mohapatra Swapan Kumar Karak Sujit Sen Sunipa Bhattacharyya Prasanta Kumar Bhuyan Manas Ranjan Tripathy Ratnakar Dash Nataraj Yedla Sanjeeb Ganguly Sudip Dasgupta Suman Ghosh Manoj Masanta Pitamber Mahanandia Pramod Kumar Tiwari Subrata Maiti Anil Kumar Singh Ashok Kumar Mondal A.Thirugnanam Bendadi Hanumantha Rao Gopalakrishna Srungavara Ramakrishna Biswal Rajeev Kumar Panda Indranil Banerjee Nandini Sarkar Suman Jha Shigufta Hena Uzma Supratim Giri V.Siva Kumar Subhojit Ghosh Bidyut Kumar Patra Debayan Sarkar Mousumi Padhi R. Jayabalan Priyabrat Dash Madhurima Jana Ngamjahao Kipgen B.B.V.L.Deepak Shesadev Pradhan Upendra Kumar Sahoo National Institute of Technology Rourkela Designation Director Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor 24 Deptt. Date of Joining ME CR EC MA EE ID ME CS MM CH CR CE MA CS MM EE CR ME ME PH EC EC PH MM BM CE EE HS SM BM BM LS SM CY CY EE CS CY SM LS CY CY HS ID MA EC 25-May-2011 1-Jul-2011 1-Jul-2011 1-Jul-2011 1-Jul-2011 1-Jul-2011 1-Jul-2011 1-Jul-2011 1-Jul-2011 4-Jul-2011 6-Jul-2011 7-Jul-2011 8-Jul-2011 8-Jul-2011 11-Jul-2011 11-Jul-2011 15-Jul-2011 25-Jul-2011 25-Jul-2011 26-Jul-2011 26-Jul-2011 28-Jul-2011 1-Aug-2011 1-Aug-2011 1-Aug-2011 3-Aug-2011 4-Aug-2011 16-Aug-2011 18-Aug-2011 29-Aug-2011 29-Aug-2011 5-Sep-2011 5-Sep-2011 8-Sep-2011 26-Sep-2011 10-Oct-2011 10-Oct-2011 17-Oct-2011 17-Oct-2011 1-Nov-2011 10-Nov-2011 17-Non-2011 1-Dec-2011 7-Dec-2011 12-Dec-2011 12-Dec-2011 Annual Report 2011-2012 Sl. No. 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 Ecode Title 1110993 1110994 1110995 3110996 4110997 1110998 1110999 1111000 1111001 1111002 1111003 1111004 2111005 2111006 3121007 3121008 3121009 3121010 3121011 3121012 3121013 3121014 3121015 3121016 1121017 1121018 1121019 2121020 3121021 1121022 1121023 3121024 1121025 3121026 3121027 1121028 3121029 Dr. Dr. Dr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Dr. Mr. Dr. Dr. Dr.(Ms.) Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Dr. Dr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Dr. Mr. Dr. Mr. Mr. Dr. Mr. Name Designation Jyoti Prakash Kar Madhusudhana Rao Gavara Mukesh Kumar Gupta Rabinarayan Jena Jaya Krushna Sahu Dhananjay Singh Bisht Suryanarayan Dash Debakanta Samal Shrishailayya Mallikartunayya Hiremath Munshi Nurul Islam Chetteti Ramreddy Divya Singh Manas Ranjan Pattanayak Nalini Hihar Nayak Subrat Pradhan Umakanta Parida Debasis Dubey Maheswar Mahato Bhanu Pratap Behera Surendranath Murmu Chahat Kausar Parmanand Kumar Arabinda Khuntia Manoranjan Mahapatra Lakshi Prosad Roy Manas Das Anirban Mitra Debendranath Behera Ramkrishna Mandal Suraj Kumar Behera Pravat Kumar Ray Rabindra Kumar Moharana Partha Sarathi De Tapan Kumar Pattnaik Laxman Kumar Mahanta Robin Davis P S. H. Kumar Annamareddy Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Associate Professor Technician Junior Assistant Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Scientific Officer SAS Officer Technician Technician Technician Technical Assistant Technical Assistant Technician Laboratory Assistant Technical Assistant Technician Technical Assistant Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Engineer(Electrical) Technician Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Technical Assistant Asst. Professor Technical Assistant Technical Assistant Asst. Professor Technical Assistant Deptt. PH ME BM AC MD ID PH PH EC EC MA MA A Cell SAC MM EM WS EE EE WS LS WS ME CE EC ME ME EM ME ME EE BM MM CS ME CE CH Date of Joining 15-Dec-2011 19-Dec-2011 19-Dec-2011 21-Dec-2011 21-Dec-2011 26-Dec-2011 26-Dec-2011 27-Dec-2011 28-Dec-2011 28-Dec-2011 29-Dec-2011 30-Dec-2011 30-Dec-2011 30-Dec-2011 2-Jan-2012 2-Jan-2012 2-Jan-2012 2-Jan-2012 2-Jan-2012 2-Jan-2012 2-Jan-2012 5-Jan-2012 5-Jan-2012 6-Jan-2012 6-Jan-2012 6-Jan-2012 9-Jan-2012 9-Jan-2012 9-Jan-2012 3-Dec-2011 10-Jan-2012 12-Jan-2012 25-Jan-2012 27-Jan-2012 30-Jan-2012 14-Feb-2012 29-Mar-2012 Fresh Appointments (Contractual) Name Ms. Bharati Sahu Mr. Ram Prasad Mohanty Prof.(Dr.) N.Kavi Ms. Nutan Akansha Horo Ms. Gayatri Routray Ms. Rojalin Das Ms. Gayatri Sahoo Dr. B. K. Chaudhuri Designation Library Trainee Teaching Assistant Professor (Contractual) Dip. App. Trainee Dip. App. Trainee Dip. App. Trainee Dip. App. Trainee Visiting Faculty National Institute of Technology Rourkela 25 Date of Joining 10-May-2011 27-Jul-2011 1-Sep-11 20-Dec-11 20-Dec-11 3-Jan-2012 28-Dec-2011 22-Mar-2012 Annual Report 2011-2012 Staff Relieved on Lien (EOL)/Deputation-cum-Study Leave:Sl. No. 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. Ecode Name Designation 1070869 1090908 1090921 179435 1090935 1111000 Dr. Sandip Ghosh Dr. Jalandhar Pradhan Dr. Suvendu Ranjan Pattanaik Prof. Bijoy Kumar Nanda Dr.Soumya Gangopadhyay Dr. Debakanta Samal Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Date of Joining 18-Aug-2011 03-Dec-2011 22- Jul -2011 30-Nov-2011 30-Nov-2011 05- Jan -2012 Staff Relieved on Retirement / Resignation Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Name Ecode Designation Date of Retirement Dr. Subhransu Ranjan Samantaray Dr. Arun Ghosh Prof. Nalini Ranjan Mohanty Prof. Gouri Shankar Agarwal Dr. Neti. V.L.Narasimha Murty Prof. Sankarsan Routa Prof. Saradindu Ghosh Prof. Niranjan Kavi Dr. Bendadi Hanumantha Rao Dr. Partha Sarathi De Sri Parsuram Sahu Sri B. Narsingha Smt. Subhadra Devi Sri Chunda Bada Sri Dasrathi Sahoo Sri Rama Chandra Mallick Sri Basanta Kumar Sahoo Sri Sukra Lohar Smt. Mina Majhi Sri Linga Naik Sri Gopal Krishna Moharana Mrs. Shipra Awasthi Sri Rajendra Tirkey 1080891 1090941 176414 171352 1090930 182442 188506 176410 1110972 1121025 573369 372366 574382 579431 279433 485462 590573 372364 596657 591600 400759 207827 371340 Associate Professor Asst. Professor Professor Professor Asst. Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Attendant Gr.II Attendant(SG) Attendant Gr.II Attendant Gr.II Technical Assistant(SG-I) Assistant (SG-I) Attendant(SG-II) Attendant(SG-I) Sr.Attendant Attendant(SG-II) Assistant (SG-II) Assistant Librarian Technician(SG-I) 13-Apr-2011 25-Apr-2011 30-Apr-2011 30-Apr-2011 12-May-2011 30-Jun-2011 w.e.f 12-Aug-2011 31-Aug-2011 22-Dec-2011 02-Mar-2012 31-May-2011 30-Jun-2011 30-Jun-2011 30-Jun-2011 30Sep-2011 14-Oct-2011 30-Nov-2011 31-Dec-2011 31-Jan-2012 29-Feb-2012 29-Feb-2012 13-Jan-2012 31-Mar-2012 Ecode Designation Date Staff Relieved on Voluntary Retirement Sl. No. 1. Name Prof. Ganapati Panda 188511 Professor 30.12.2011 Staff Expired Sl. No. 1. Name Sri Banchhanidhi Mishra Ecode 585464 Designation Attendant Gr.II National Institute of Technology Rourkela 26 Date 11.11.2011 Annual Report 2011-2012 3.0 THE STAFF 3 3.1 Academic Staff (Teaching) & Departmental Activities DEPARTMENT OF BIOTECHNOLOGY AND MEDICAL ENGINEERING 1. ACADEMIC STAFF HEAD FACULTIES Prof. Subhankar Paul Ph.D. Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Prof. K.Pramanik Ph.D. Prof. Subhankar Paul Ph.D. Prof. Amit Biswas Ph.D. Prof. G. R. Satpathy Ph.D. Prof. Mukesh Kumar Gupta Ph.D. Prof. Kunal Pal Ph.D. Prof. Bibhu Prasad Nayak Ph.D. Prof. Sirsendu Sekar Ray Ph.D. Prof. Amitesh Kumar Ph.D. Prof. A.Thirugnanam Ph.D. Prof. Indranil Banerjee Ph.D. 1. Prof. Nandini Sarkar Ph.D. DISTINCTION ACHIEVED a) By students 1. Mr. Dhruva Kumar ( M.Tech student) got appointed in the post of commandant officer in Biotechnology wing of Indian Army, a single post all over India) 2. Ms. Deblina Biswas (MTech student) Best paper present b) By faculty membersation in BIDTE-2012 conference, Chennai 3. The student members of Pantomime club (drama club) participated in the following events: a) A Street Play was conducted on wastage of resources on 5 august 2011. b) A 7 day workshop was organized to improve the acting and writing skills. The workshop was conducted by SHARAT DAS, a prominent dramatist in Odisha. c) Participation in drama competition organized during the cultural week. d) Participation in the street play and stage play at cult fest NIT Rourkela. e) The club ranked 1st in both. f) One black board, one book shelf, carom board and snacks in Leprosy Colony, OSAP were donated from students' prize money. National Institute of Technology Rourkela 27 Annual Report 2011-2012 b) By faculty members 2. CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAMME Name of the course Students Admitted Brief report regarding progress -- -- -- 3. SEMINAR, SYMPOSIA, SUMMER SCHOOL, WINTER SCHOOL, SHORT TERM COURSES/ WORKSHOPS: a) Conducted in the Department b) Sponsoring Agency Name of the co-ordinator Title of the course Duration DBT and TEQIP-II Dr. Indranil Banerjee (Convener) National workshop on Tissue Engineered Scaffold: Fabrication and Characterization 30th -31st March,2012 Participation by faculty members Name of the staff Course/Seminar Organization Period Venue Prof. Subhankar Paul An investigation to monitor the effect of Delhi University zinc oxide and silver nanoparticles on the conformation of bovine alpha-lactalbumin in vitro. ICNANO, New Delhi, 2011 Dec Prof. Kunal Pal BIDTE-2012 Prof. Indranil Banerjee International Conference on Tissue Tissue Engineering Sept. 30th to Engineering & Regenerative Medicine Group Dept. of Oct. 2nd , 2011 (ICTERM -2011) Biotechnology & Medical Engg. NIT Rourkela Prof. Indranil Banerjee COMSOL Conference Prof. B. P. Nayak Workshop on advanced application of IIT Kharagpur MATLAB 04/06/2011 to EE 11/06/2011 Department Prof. Sirsendu Sekhar Ray Introduction to COMSOL November,2011 Bangalore 4. RESEARCH a) Research schemes Dec 18-22, 2011 New Delhi SBAOI and STERMI Jan 6-8, 2012 COMSOL Multiphysics Title of the scheme COMSOL Sponsored by Conformational study of alpha-lactalbumin and DBT beta-glucosidase mediated by metal and metal oxide nanoparticles. Development of Antimicrobial Organogels DBT Assistance received 18.8 lakhs 31.788 Lakhs National Institute of Technology Rourkela 28 REC, Chennai Dept. of Biotechnology & Medical Engineering NIT Rourkela 4th - 5th Bangalore, November,2012 India Investigator Brief report Principle: Prof. Subhankar Paul On going PI: Kunal Pal; CO-PI:S.S.Ray On-going Annual Report 2011-2012 Title of the scheme Sponsored by Electrospun Nano-hybrid Scaffold for Bone- DBT, Ligament-Bone Graft Govt. Of India Cryopreservation and Characterisation of Human Adipose Tissue derived stem cells DST b) Assistance received 47 lakhs Yet to receive Investigator Dr. B. P. Nayak Brief report The proposed equipments are being purchased First phase work has been started PI: Sirsendu Sekhar Ray Research publications i) Papers published 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. M. Kumar, N. Sarkar and V. K. Dubey, Evaluating quinacrine as a potential amyloid imaging compound: Studies on hen egg white lysozyme as model system, Protein Peptide Lett., 2012. Kara S, Nayak BP and Routray A; "Functional network Changes Associated to Sleep Deprivation and fatigue during Simulated Driving: Validation using Blood Biomarkers"; Clin Neurophysiol; vol-122, issue-5; p-966-74 (2011). Nayak BP, Satpathy GR, Maharathi B.; "Detecting the Genesis of Fatigue in Trained Drivers by Studying the Variation of Blood Biochemical Parameters under Simulated Driving Condition"; Int. Jour. Of Biolog Sci.and Engg.; vol-2, issue-2, p-323-326 (2011). Kumar, A and Das, M K, Flow characteristics of a plane wall jet and a parallel offset jet, Journal of Fluids Engineering, 133 (2011) 101201-1. Sadanand, J, Kumar, A and Pramanik, K, Preparation and characterization of PVA based scaffold using improved salt leaching method, Journal of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering, 2, 60-65 (2012). ii) Papers presented in conference/ Seminar/ Symposia 1. B. Behera and Kunal Pal, Sunflower oil and sorbitan monopalmitate based organogels, Presented in BIDTE2012, REC, Chennai. 2. Aadinath V, K Pal, S.S. Ray, I. Banerjee, Role of excretory cellular products on necrotic membrane rapture: A giant liposome based in vitro model. ICABS 2012 , Kannur, India march 15th - 17th ,2012. 3. Nayak BP, Kar S, Routray A and Satpathy GR; "Functional network Changes Associated to Sleep Deprivation and fatigue during Simulated Driving: Validation using Blood Biomarkers; IEEE Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP-2012), Kyoto, Japan (to be held on March 21-23, 2012). Paper id: 1400. 4. Nayak BP, Garg N and Krishnamurthy CS; "Investigating and Scoring Driver's Fatigue from Variations in Biological Stress Factors by Physiological and Immunoassay Methods"; World Congress on Biotechnology (WCB-2011), Hyderabad. 5. Nayak BP and Maharathi B; "Design of non-invasive fatigue detection device and its validation"; World Congress on Biotechnology (WCB-2011), Hyderabad. 6. P. Swami, T. Gandhi, S. S. Ray and S. Anand, A Novel Topology for Design and Development of Wireless Electrooculogram Biopotential Amplifer, IEEE International Conference on Emerging Trends, NIT Durgapur, 23rd-25th Mar'12 7. S.M.Shahensha, M.H.Rahman, D.Barik, S.S.Ray, Enhancing the recovery rate of lyophilised erythrocytes by the aid of Sugar molecules, International Conference on Tissue Engineering and Regenerative medicine, NIT Rourkela,30th Spt-2nd Oct,2011 8. M.H.Rahman, S.M.Shahensha, D.Barik, S.S.Ray, Effect of various organic osmolytes on preservation of RBCs at different temperatures by using various preservation technique, International Conference on Tissue Engineering and Regenerative medicine, NIT Rourkela,30th Spt-2nd Oct,2011 9. R. Roy., M. K. Sah, S. S. Ray, A mini review on advancement in arsenic removal from drinking water, National Conference on Recent Advances in Chemical and Environmental Engineering, NIT Rourkela, 20-21 JANUARY 2012 10. Devismita, D, Chikanjuri, V R and Kumar, A, Cryopreservation of equine sperm: effect of cooling rate on National Institute of Technology Rourkela 29 Annual Report 2011-2012 intracellular ice formation, in: Proceedings of International Conference of Mathematical Modelling and Applications to Industrial Problems (MMIP 2011), NIT Calicut, India, March 28-31, 2011. 11. Devismita, D, Kumar, A and Ramajayam, K K, Cryopreservation of human sperm: effect of cooling rate on intracellular ice formation, in: Proceedings of International Conference on Emerging Trends (ICET-2012), NIT Durgapur, India, March 23-25, 2012, paper no.- R3001. iii) Paper accepted for publication: 1. B. Behera, S. S. Sagiri, K. Pal* and A. Srivastava, Modulating the physical properties of sunflower oil and sorbitan monopalmitate based organogels, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, In Press. 2. S. S. Sagiri, B. Behera, T. Sudheep and K. Pal*, Effect of composition on the properties of the tween 80-span 80 based organogels, Designed Monomers & Polymers, In Press. 3. B. Behera, V. Patil, S. S. Sagiri, K. Pal* and S. S. Ray, Span-60 based organogels as probable matrices for transdermal/topical delivery systems, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, In Press. 4. S. Mallick, S. S. Sagiri, B. Behera, K. Pal* and S. S. Ray, Gelatin-based emulsion hydrogels as a matrix for controlled delivery system, Materials & Manufacturing Processes, In Press. 5. K. Pal*, B. Behera, S. Roy, S. S. Ray and G. Thakur, Chitosan based delivery systems on a length scale: nano to macro, Soft Materials, In Press. 6. C. Bhattacharya, N. Kumar, S. S. Sagiri, K. Pal*, S. S. Ray, Development of span 80-tween 80 based fluid-filled organogels as a matrix for drug delivery, Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences, In Press. 7. N. Kumar, B. Behera, S. S. Sagiri, K. Pal*, S. S. Ray, S. Roy, Bacterial vaginosis: Etiology and modalities of treatment-A brief note, Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences, In Press. 8. G. Thakur, Md. A. Naqvi, D. Rousseau, K. Pal, A. Mitra and A. Basak, Gelatin based emulsion gels for diffusion controlled release applications, Journal of Biomaterials Science: Polymer Edition, In Press. 9. Nayak BP, Garg N, Routray A, Krishna murthy CS, Maharathi B and Satpathy GR; "Stress from sleep deprived driving: A critical approach to quantify during prolonged simulated driving session"; Ergonomics (accepted). 10. Nayak BP, Tatebayashi Y, Satpathy GR, Routray A and Krishnamurthy CS; "Performance and Behavioral Assessment of Fatigued ?CAMK-II 4R tau Mice"; Jour. Of Neurodegen. Diseases (under review). 11. Nayak BP, Kar S, Routray A, Satpathy GR and Maharathi B; "A Multidimensional Analysis of Driver Fatigue Combining EEG, ECG and Blood Biochemical Parameters"; Jour. Of Transportation Res.: Part F (under review). 12. Nayak BP, Kar S, Garg N, Routray A, Krishna murthy CS, Maharathi B and Satpathy GR; "A Critical Analysis of Driver's Fatigue to Devise a Scoring System"; IJOEM (communicated). 13. Kumar, A, Cryosurgery of a biological tissue with multiprobe, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering (under review). c) Doctoral Programme: Title Encapsulated organogels Name of the supervisor Prof. Kunal Pal Name of the scholar Brief report Sai S Sagiri Encapsulation of natural and synthetic organogels Organogels as a carrier for Prof. Kunal Pal probiotics delivery Beauty Behera Encapsulation of lactic acid bacteria within organogels Development of antimicrobial Prof. Kunal Pal organogels Vinay K Singh Developing and characterizing antimicrobial loaded organogels Nanomaterials in bone tissue Prof. A.Biswas engineering Niladri nath Panda On going Preparation of SF based composite Prof. A.Biswas scaffold for OTE Varshini Viswanatham On-going National Institute of Technology Rourkela 30 Annual Report 2011-2012 Cryoablation (broad area) Name of the supervisor Prof. Amitesh Kumar Mr. Krishna Kumar Ramajayam On-going Protein Folding Prof. S. Paul Deependra Ban On-going Breast cancer therapy Prof. S. Paul Sailendra Mohanta On-going Stem cell biology Prof. S. Paul Supriya Patil On-going Cryobiology Prof. K. Pramanik Prof. S. S. Ray On-going Fatigue stress Prof. G.R. Satpathy Prof. B.P. Nayak On-going Cryopreservation of stem cells Prof. K. Pramanik Eklabya Bisoyi On going Stem cell biology Prof. K. Pramanik Chinmayee Mahapatra On-going Development of silk based biopolymers for bone/cartilage tissue engineering Prof. K. Pramanik Mahesh Kumar Shah On-going Stem cell biology Prof. A. Biswas Niladrinath Panda On-going Synthesis and surface modification of tissue engineered scaffold for enhanced cell-scaffold interaction Prof. K. Pramanik Nadeem Siddiqui On-going Cryopreservation of osteoblasts and tissue engineered bone constructs Prof. B. Nayak Manalee Surve On-going Computer Aided Design of threedimentional (3D) scaffold for tissue engineering applications Prof. K. Pramanik Partha Sarthi Mahji On-going Stem Cell Biology Prof. K. Pramanik Biswadeep Chaudhuri On-going Bioethanol production Prof. K. Pramanik Rajni Kumari. On-going Stem Cell Biology Prof. K. Pramanik Bhisam Narayan Singh On-going Title d) e) Name of the scholar Brief report PhD degree awarded : NIL Name of the scholar Guide Title of the thesis Remarks -- -- -- -- Master thesis completed Name of the guide Name of the thesis Development of HCI based wheel-chair movement control Prof. Kunal Pal In silico analysis of hip joint prosthesis using Ansys Prof. Kunal Pal National Institute of Technology Rourkela 31 Annual Report 2011-2012 Name of the guide Name of the thesis Investigating and staging driver's fatigue from variations in cell stress factors by Prof. B.P. Nayak. immunoassay methods Investigating Anticoagulant Effect of Laticiferous Extract from Jatropha curcas Plant Prof. B.P. Nayak. Electrophoretic deposition of Chitosan and its composite on 316l ss For biomedical Prof. A.Biswas application Role of organic osmolytes in the Cryopreservation of RBC Prof. Sirsendu Sekhar Ray Synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles with various size and their application in biological system. Prof. Subhankar Paul Investigate the conformational studies of alpha-Lactalbumin in presence of various metal Prof. Subhankar Paul nanoparticles. Study the interaction of Gold nanoparticles and alpha-Lactalbumin in vitro by Prof. Subhankar Paul spectroscopic metods. Investigate the possibility to use silver nanoparticles as protein aggregation inhibitors. Prof. Subhankar Paul Synthesis of silver nanoparticle through green synthesis and their studyof antimicrobial Prof. Subhankar Paul activities. Systematic Bioinformatics approach to study interaction of Hsp90 and 17-DMAG for finding Prof. Subhankar Paul therapeutic approach in breast cancer. Preparation and characterization of PVA based scaffold using salt leaching method and Prof. Amitesh Kumar and modification of inkjet printer for tissue engineering applications Prof. Krishna Pramanik Heat transfer model for cryosurgery f) Popular lectures by outside experts Sl.No. 1 5. 6. Prof. Amitesh Kumar Name of the speaker Title Dr.Amarnath Chatterjee Associate Scientific Manager II, Biocon Ltd., Bangalore 560100 "Regulatory Role of Biophysics and Structural Biology in the Biopharma Industry" on 25.02.2012 CONSULTANCY SERVICES Name of the scheme Sponsoring agency Amount earned -- -- -- EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED Cost Name of the equipment Spectrofluorimeter 9 lakhs (PO issued, Yet to come) Sonicator 3.5 lakhs (PO issued, Yet to come) National Institute of Technology Rourkela 32 Annual Report 2011-2012 Cost Name of the equipment Refrigerated centrifuged 5 lakhs (PO issued, Yet to come) Differential Scanning Calorimeter 17 lakhs Shaker incubator 2 lakhs Biomedical Instrumentation kits (SPEEDY-33 microprocessors, ARM9 Cortex microcontrollers, Biosensors kit, NI Smart Cameras) 45 lakhs CO2 incubator 3.8 lakhs Wear and Friction Monitor 4.4 lakhs Inverted microscope 2.5 lakhs Gel Documentation system 2.5 lakhs 7. TECHNICAL ASSOCIATION/SOCIETIES (Brief report on the activities of the association/Societies) 8. LABORATORIES The department of biotechnology and medical engineering offers various UG and PG laboratory courses under the following major laboratories Sl. No. Department Undergraduate Laboratories PIC 1 BM Cell and molecular Engineering laboratory Prof. S. Paul 2 BM Bioprocess Engineering laboratory Prof. N. Sarkar 3 BM Environment and plant Biotechnology laboratory Prof. K. Pramanik 4 BM Biomechanics and Biotransport Engineering laboratory Prof. A. Kumar 5 BM Tissue Engineering and Biomaterilas laboratory Prof. K. Pramanik 6 BM Medical Electronics and instrumentation laboratory Prof. Kunal Pal 7 BM Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory Prof. S. S. Ray 8 BM Departmental Computational facility Prof. A. Thirugnanam National Institute of Technology Rourkela 33 Annual Report 2011-2012 DEPARTMENT OF CERAMIC ENGINEERING 1. ACADEMIC STAFF HEAD FACULTIES Prof. Japes Bera Ph.D. Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Prof. H.S.Maiti Ph.D Prof. Japes Bera Ph.D. Prof. Sumit Kumar Pal Ph.D. Prof. Santanu Bhattacharyya Ph.D. Prof. Swadesh Kumar Pratihar Ph.D. Prof. Santanu Behera Ph.D. Prof. Debashis Sarkar Ph.D. Prof. Sunipa Bhattacharya Ph.D. Prof. Bibhuti Bhusan Nayak Ph.D. Prof. Sudip Dasgupta Ph.D. Prof. Ritwik Sarkar Ph.D. Prof. Arun Choudhury M. Tech Prof. Ranabrata Mazumder Ph.D. 2. DISTINCTION ACHIEVED: a) By Student : Mr. Ganesh K Sahoo got 2nd best Poster paper Award in International Seminar on "Energy Efficient Materials, Manufacturing Processes & Machineries for Ceramic Industries" for the paper "Dielectric and Piezoelectric Properties of Lead free (Ba0.85Ca0.15)(Ti1-xZrx)O3 Ceramics Prepared by Solution Based Auto-combustion Method" b) By Faculty Members : Prof. R Sarkar: (a) (b) Assistant Editor, IRMA Journal. Deokaran Award for Refractories - 2011 from Indian Ceramic Society. Prof. R. Mazumdar: R.L.Thakur Memorial Award (Young Scientist) - 2011 from Indian Ceramic Society Prof. H. S. Maiti: D.N. Agrawal Memorial award - 2011 from Indian Ceramic Society 3. CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAMME: NIL 4. SEMINAR, SYMPOSIA, SUMMER SCHOOL, WINTER SCHOOL, SHORT TERM COURSE : (a) Conducted in the Department : Workshop: BRFST Topical Meeting Series, "Workshop on Development of Lithium based Ceramics for Tritium Breeding (LCTB-2011)", 10-11th June'2011, NIT Rourkela Short Term Course: Nil National Institute of Technology Rourkela 34 Annual Report 2011-2012 Conference : (b) Participation by Faculty Members: Name of the staff Dr. J. Bera Course/Seminar Organization 2nd International Conference on Key Engineering Materials Period Venue International Association of February 26-28, Computer Science and 2012 Information Technology (IACSIT) Peninsula Excelsior H o t e l , Singapore Dr. Ritwik Sarkar International Conference on Biomaterials and Implants: Prospects and Possibilities in the New Millennium (BIO 2011) Central Glass and Ceramic July 21-23, 2011 Kolkata, India Research Institute, Kolkata Dr. Bibhuti B. Nayak Progress in Materials Science and Engineering (PMSE 2012 Indian Institute Technology, Kharagpur Dr. Bibhuti B. Nayak INTERMAG 2011 25th-29th April Taipei, Taiwan Dr. S.K. Pratihar ICE 2011 Conference 12 16 S y d n e y , December 2011, Australia Dr. Ranabrata Mazumder International Conference on Electrocermics (ICE 2011), , School of Materials Science December 12- University of and Engineering, University 16, 2011 New South of New South Wales, W a l e s , Australia Australia Dr. Ranabrata Mazumder International Seminar on "Energy Efficient Materials,Manufacturing Processes & Machineries for Ceramic Industries" And The 75th Annual Session of the Indian Ceramic Society The Indian Ceramic Society December 19- A u d i t o r i u m and Khurja Centre of CSIR- 22, 2011 Shilpgram, Central Glass and Ceramic Agra Research Institute 5. RESEARCH : (a) Research Scheme : Title of the scheme Sponsored by Development of calcium phosphate based SERB, DST machinable bioceramics Development of nano carbon containing TSDP, DST magnesia carbon refractories. National Institute of Technology Rourkela Assistance received 23.4 Lakhs 65.0 Lakhs 35 of 20th -21st IIT, Kharagpur January 2012 Investigator Brief report Ritwik Sarkar Ist year and Sumit received Kumar Pal February Ritwik Sarkar fund in Technically a p p r o v e d , Financial approval pending. Annual Report 2011-2012 Title of the scheme Sponsored by Development of a Technology Package for Manufacturing Low Cost Sanitary wares to Accelerate the Pace of Implementation of Rural Sanitation in Tribal Belts of Orissa and Neighboring States Assistance for Development of State S & T Councils", Government of India, Ministry of Science and Technology, DST. Development of Lithium Silicate Ceramic BRFST Pebbles by Microwave Sintering For the Test Blanket Module (TBM) Assistance Investigator received P r o j e c t s S.K. Pratihar Recommended for funding 29.62 Lakhs Development of Low - Carbon Steel Plant TECHNOLOGY 1.01 Crore Refractories with Non-oxide Ceramic SYSTEMS Additives DEVELOPMENT (TSD) PROGRAMME, DST, GOVT. OF INDIA with Tata Krosaki Refractories Limited, (b) Brief report P r o j e c t s Recommended for funding R. Mazumder Project sanctioned and S. for three year, Bhattacharyya D. Sarkar and R. Sarkar Research Publication : I. Paper Published : 1. A. Chakrabarti, J. Bera, Structure and ferroelectric properties of BaBi3.8M0.2(Ti3.8Nb0.2)O15 (M=Mg, Ca, Sr and Ba) ceramics, Physica B: Condensed Matter, Volume 406, Issue 14, 15 July 2011, Pages 2891-2897, 2. P.K. Roy, J. Bera, Study on electromagnetic properties of MgCuZn ferrite/BaTiO3 composites, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 132 (2012) 354-357. 3. J P NAYAK and J BERA, Preparation of an efficient humidity indicating silica gel from rice husk ash, Bull. Mater. Sci., Vol. 34, No. 7, December 2011, pp. 1683–1687 4. Bidhan Mandal, Ritwik Sarkar and Pranab Daspoddar, Effect of different mullite precursors on the properties of low cement high alumina castable,Industrial Ceramics, 31 [3] 217-222 (2011). 5. Mousom Bag, Sukumar Adak and Ritwik Sarkar,Study on low carbon containing MgO-C refractory: use of nano carbon, Ceramics International, 38 (2012) 2339–2346. 6. Mousom Bag, Sukumar Adak and Ritwik Sarkar,Nano carbon containing MgO-C refractory: effect of graphite content, Ceramics International, In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 5 March 2012 7. Ritwik Sarkar & Goutam Banerjee, Hydroxyapatite based synthetic orbital implant, Interceram, 60 [3-4] 239241 (2011) 8. Ritwik Sarkar and Anupama Baskey, Decomposition and densification study of zircon with additives, Interceram, 60 [5] 308 – 11 (2011). 9. Ritwik Sarkar and Akash Satpathy, High alumina self flow castable with different binders, Refractories World Forum, 4 [2] 129-133 (2012). 10. S. K Swain, S. V. Dorozhkin, D. Sarkar, Synthesis and Dispersion of Hydroxyapatite Nanopowders, Mat. Sc. Engg. – C, doi:10.1016/j.msec.2012.03.014, 2012 2011 (IF - 2.178). 11. S. Swain, D. Sarkar, A Comparative Study: Hydroxyapatite Spherical Nano Powders and Elongated Nano Rods, Ceramics International, 37 [7] 2927 – 2930, 2011(IF - 1.471). 12. S. K. Swain, S. Bhattachryya and D. Sarkar, Preparation of Porous Scaffold from Hydroxyapatite Powders, Material Science and Engineering – C, 31 [6] 1240 – 1244, 2011 (IF - 2.178). 13. Patra, H., Rout, S.K., Pratihar, S.K., Bhattacharya, S., Thermal, electrical and electrochemical characteristics of National Institute of Technology Rourkela 36 Annual Report 2011-2012 Ba1-xSrxCo0.8Fe0.2O3-ä cathode material for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells ” (2011) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 36 (18), pp. 11904-11913. 14. Mula, S., Sahani, P., Pratihar, S.K., Mal, S., Koch, C.C., Mechanical properties and electrical conductivity of CuCr and Cu-Cr-4% SiC nanocomposites for thermo-electric applications, (2011) Materials Science and Engineering A, 528 (13-14), pp. 4348-4356. 15. Patra, H., Rout, S.K., Pratihar, S.K., Bhattacharya, S., Effect of process parameters on combined EDTA-citrate synthesis of Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3-ä perovskite, (2011) Powder Technology, 209 (1-3), pp. 98-104 16. Rashmi R. Das, Bibhuti B. Nayak, S. Adak, A. K. Chattopadhyay, Influence of nanocrystalline MgAl2O4 spinel addition on the properties of MgO-C refractories, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 27, 242, (2012) 17. Bibhuti B. Nayak, Aparna Mondal, Satish Vitta, D. Bahadur, Effect of nickel ferrite on electrical and magnetic properties in LCMO: nickel ferrite nanocomposites,IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, 47, 2728 (2011) 18. S. K. Mohanty, G. Purohit, R. D. Purohit, P. K. Sinha, A. Mondal, Bibhuti B. Nayak, Synthesis, structural and microstructural studies of Ni/NiO: ZrO2 nanocomposites for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cell application, International Journal of Nanoscience, 10, 727 (2011). 19. P. Nayak, Bibhuti B. Nayak, Aparna Mondal, Surfactant assisted synthesis of high surface area ceria modified mesoporous tetragonal zirconia powder and its chromium adsorption study, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 127, 12 (2011). 20. S. K. Mohanty, Bibhuti B. Nayak, G. Purohit, A. Mondal, R. D. Purohit, P. K. Sinha, Efficient way of precipitation to synthesize Ni2+-ion stabilized tetragonal zirconia nanopowders, Materials Letters, 65, 959 (2011) II. Paper Presented in Seminar/Conference/Symposia : 1. Jyoti Prakash Nayak, Japes Bera, Bioactive Porous Silica Ceramics Prepared using Rice Husk Ash by Gelcasting Method, 2nd International Conference on Key Engineering Materials, February 26-28, 2012, Singapore 2. Ritwik Sarkar and Sumit Kumar Pal, Preliminary study to develop machinable calcium phosphate based bioceramics International Conference on Biomaterials and Implants: Prospects and Possibilities in the New Millennium (BIO 2011),July 21-23, 2011,CGCRI, Kolkata 3. S. Adak, A. S. Bal, A. K. Chattopadhyay, R. P. Rana, M. Bag and R. Sarkar, Development of new generation magnesia carbon brick using nano carbon, 54th International Colloquium on Refractories 19-20th October, 2011 Aachen, Germany. 4. R.Mazumder, Bhabani Sankar Sahu, S. Bhatacharyya, P.Chaudhuri“Development of Lithium Titanate Ceramics by Autocombustion Technique: Synthesis, Sintering and Characterization” BRFST Topical Meeting Series, Workshop on Development of Lithium based Ceramics for Tritium Breeding (LCTB-2011), 10-11th June’2011, NIT Rourkela. 5. A.Choudhary, S. Bhatacharyya, P.Chaudhuri, J. P. Nayak, J. Bera, R.Mazumder, “Synthesis of Lithium Orthosilicate by Sol-Gel Technique: Effect of Two Source of Silica” BRFST Topical Meeting Series, Workshop on Development of Lithium based Ceramics for Tritium Breeding (LCTB-2011) 10-11th June’2011, NIT Rourkela. 6. Ganesh K. Sahoo and Ranabrata Mazumder, Dielectric and Piezoelectric Properties of Lead free (Ba0.85Ca0.15)(Ti1-x Zrx)O3 Ceramics Prepared by Solution Based Autocombustion Method, International Conference on Electrocermics (ICE 2011), December 12-16, 2011, University of New SouthWales, Australia. 7. Ganesh K. Sahoo and Ranabrata Mazumder Dielectric and Piezoelectric Properties of Lead free x Ba(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3 – (1-x) (Ba0.7Ca0.3)TiO3 Cearmics, International Seminar on “Energy Efficient Materials, Manufacturing Processes & Machineries for Ceramic Industries” December 19, 2011, Auditorium Shilpgram, Agra, U.P. 8. A.Choudhary, B.S.Sahu, P.Chaudhuri, R.Mazumder Synthesis of Li4SiO4 by solution combustion method for Test Blanket Module Application, The Platinum Jubilee Session of The Indian Ceramic Society,December 20-22, 2011, Taj Khema, Shilpgram Area, Agra, U.P. III. Paper Accepted for Publication: IV. Patent: NIL National Institute of Technology Rourkela 37 Annual Report 2011-2012 (c) Doctoral Programme: Guide Title Name of the Student Brief Report Barium Strontium Cobalt Ferrite for Dr. S. K. Pratihar & SOFC Application Dr. S. Bhattacharyya Mrs. Hemlata Patra Thesis under Review Perovskite Type Cathode Material Dr. S. K. Pratihar & for SOFC Application Dr. S. Bhattacharyya Mr. Sarat Kumar Rout Work in Progress Multiferrroic composite materials S. K. Pratihar Bibhuti B. Nayak Arun Chowdhury Work is in progress Anode materials application Subrat K. Mohanty Work is in progress Sanjay Swain Work is in progress Development of Lead free Dr. R. Mazumdar & Dr. S. K. Piezoelectric material Pratihar Ganesh Kumar Sahoo Work is in progress Study on the development of in-situ Dr. Ritwik Sarkar and Dr. I. spinel containing alumina- N. Chakravorty magnesia castable Mr Sambrata Ray Work is in progress Synthesis and characterization of Dr. S. Bhattacharyya and Dr HAp based porous bioceramics Ritwik Sarkar Mrs. Smruti Rekha Das Work is in progress High surface area ceramic Dr. Bibhuti B. Nayak nanoparticles Nadiya Bihari Nayak Work is in progress Inter-grown Bismuth Layered Dr. J. Bera Structure Ferroelectrics Geetanjali Parida Work is in progress Lithium Based Breeder Materials Bhabani Sankar Sahu Work is in progress Sangeeta Adhikari Work is in progress Development bioceramics in of SOFC Bibhuti B. Nayak porous Dr. D. Sarkar Dr. R. Mazumdar P. Choudhuri Nano-materials for Alternative Dr. D. Sarkar Energy (d) Ph.D. Degree Awarded: Three Title Guide Name of the Student Brief Report Powder Processing, Mechanical Properties Dr. S Bhattacharyya Yougojoti Nayak and Bioactivity of Hydroxyapatite-Zirconia Composites Degree Awarded Ferroelectric Properties of Doped Bi-Layer Dr. J. Bera Structured Aurivillius Compounds Ms. Arundhati Chakraborti Degree Awarded Development of Advanced Ceramics Using Dr. J. Bera Silica from Rice Husk Mr. Jyoti Prakash Nayak Degree Awarded National Institute of Technology Rourkela 38 Annual Report 2011-2012 (e) Master Thesis Completed: Two Guide Title Name of the Student Brief Report Development of Environment Friendly New Generation MgO-C Brick Using Nano Carbon Sarkar, R and Adak, S Mr Mousom Bag Degree Awarded Utilization of blast furnace slag as a raw material for the manufacture of Portland cement clinker J. Bera Degree Awarded (f) Popular Lectures by Outside Experts : Date 27.01.2012 6. Mr. Debabrata Dutta Speaker Topic Prof Chacko Jacob, IIT, Kharagpur Carbon Based Nanomaterials – the role of the catalyst CONSULTANCY SERVICES: Name of the scheme Sponsoring agency Amount earned Chemical Analysis, HMOR, ORIND Steel Lathikata; IFGL Refractories Kalunga; Times Firing and XRD Steel & Power Ltd., Raj refractory, Wright Ceramics, Ardee Business Services, Durga Steel Plant 7. Rs.3.9 Lakhs EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED : Name of the equipment Manufacturer Cost (Lakhs) High Speed Diamond Saw MTI Corporation USA 0.7 Glass Softening and Density Apparatus MK Traders 1.7 Planetary Mixture Hobart 3.5 8. TECHNICAL ASSOCIATION / SOCIETIES: Dr. Ranabrata Mazumder: (a) Member of IEEE, USA (b) Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control (UFFC) Society (c) Life member of Indian Science Congress Association (Membership no.L17703) 9. LABORATORIES: National Institute of Technology Rourkela 39 Annual Report 2011-2012 DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING 1. ACADEMIC STAFF HEAD Dr. Raghubansh Kumar Singh FACULTIES Professor 2. Associate Professor Assistant Professor Prof. Pradip Rath : Ph.D Prof. (Mrs.) Abanti Sahoo : Ph.D Prof. Shabina Khanam : Ph.D Prof. Kartik Chandra Biswal : Ph.D. Prof. Santanu Paria : Ph.D Prof. Arvind Kumar: Ph.D Prof. Satish Kumar Agarwal: Ph.D Prof. (Mrs.) Madhusree Kundu : Ph.D Prof. Hara Mohan Jena Ph.D Prof. Raghubansha Kumar Singh: Ph.D Prof. Basudeb Munshi : Ph.D Prof. Pradeep Chowdhury : Ph.D Prof. (Mrs.) Susmita Mishra : Ph.D Dr. Sujit Sen : Ph.D : DISTINCTION ACHIEVED a) By Student b) By Faculty Members. PATENT 1. R. K. Singh, A. K. Panda, 'Catalytic conversion of waste polypropylene to liquid fuel' Application no 674/KOL/ 2011 publication date 24/06/2011 Journal No.- 25/2011 2. R. K. Singh, Vikranth Volli, 'Production of Fuel Oil from Sesame (Sesamum Indicum) De-Oiled Cake' applied for patent. 3. R. K. Singh, Sachin Kumar, 'Catalytic conversion of waste high density polyethylene to liquid fuel' applied for patent. 3. 4. CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAMME: Name of the course Students Admitted Brief report regarding progress -- -- -- SEMINAR, SYMPOSIA, SUMMER SCHOOL, WINTERSCHOOL, SHORT TERM COURSES/ WORKSHOPS: a) Conducted in the Department: Sponsoring Agency Name of the coordinator DBT,CSIR,MoEF, DRDO,INSA,BRNS Dr. Arvind Kumar Dr. Sujit Sen (Co-Convener) Dr. Pradip Chowdhury (Co-Convener) Title of the course Duration National Conference on Recent Advances 2-days in Chemical and Environmental Engineering, organized by Chemical Engineering Department during 20th -2st January, 2012 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 40 Annual Report 2011-2012 (b) Participation by Faculty Members: Name of the staff Course/Seminar Organization Period Venue Dr. A. Sahoo ICCCP-2011and APCBEES 28-29 May-2011 Bangkok Dr.R.K.Singh ICCCP-2011and APCBEES 28-29th May-2011 Bangkok Dr. A. Sahoo WCE-2011 IAENG 6-8th July-2011 London Dr. A. Sahoo APCChE-2012 APCChE 21st-24th Feb.-2012 Singapore Dr. H. M. Jena 14 th Asian Chemical Congress 2011 Pro Congress (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Sept 05-08, 2011 B a n g k o k , Thailand Dr. H. M. Jena 4th International Congress of Environmental Research JERAD, Bhopal and SVNIT, Surat Dec 15-17, 2011 SVNIT, India Dr. H. M. Jena 243rd ACS National Meeting 2012 American Chemical March 25-29, 2012 San Diego, Society California, USA Prof. Arvind Kumar Conference on recent advances in chemical engineering and technology (RACET 2011). Cochin Cochin Univ. Dr. Sujit Sen 243rd American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition American Chemical 25th-29th March, Society 2012 5. RESEARCH : (a) Research Scheme : th Surat, March 10-12, 2011 Cochin Sponsored Assistance Investigator by received Abatement of Fluorides Using Fluidized MoEF, 13.7Lakh Dr. A. Sahoo Bed Reactor Title of the scheme San Diego, California, USA Brief report Production of Hydrogen gas from MNRE, Biomass and Wastes Using Fluidized Bed Gasifier 26.74Lakh Development of cost effective and high CSIR uptake capacity surface modified adsorbents for arsenic removal utilizing industrial wastes 10 Lac + one Prof. Arvind To prepare surface modified staff Kumar adsorbents from waste generated (by product) from different industries like sponge iron (char), Sugarcane and coal based thermal power plant (fly ash), steel industries (slag), aluminum industry (red mud) and so many other industries which are responsible for huge amount of generation of waste. National Institute of Technology Rourkela Dr. A. Sahoo 41 Annual Report 2011-2012 Sponsored Assistance Investigator by received S. Paria Synthesis of sulfur nanoparticles by CSIR 14 lakh organic acid catalyzed reaction of sodium thiosulphate in aqueous surfactant media Title of the scheme Brief report Sulfur nanoparticles synthesized in aqueous media and used as template for synthesis of hollow nanoparticles. Feasibility of CO2 sequestration in deep DST india coals 10 lakhs S. Mishra Design of a cheap water filter to remove DST cr(VI) from the contaminated water 10 lakhs S. Mishra Process Integration based CSIR modifications for the energy conservation of Sponge Iron Plants Shabina 10 lakhs + Dr. Khanam Staff Problem identification and data And collection are completed. Now Dr. Abanti problem formulation is carried out Sahoo b) Research Publications: i) PAPER PUBLISHED Characterization of coals respective to their origin, set up for gas adsorption fabricated and CO2 and methane gas was adsorbed on the samples at different incremental pressure at fixed temperature. Water samples after collected were characterized, different treatment techniques were explored. Adsorption on ion-exchange resin was studied and the filter was designed to treat Chromium contaminated water. 1) Rajib Ghosh Chaudhuri, Saswati Sunayana, and Santanu Paria. "Wettability of a PTFE surface by cationicnon-ionic surfactant mixtures in the presence of electrolytes". In Press, Soft Matter, March 20, 2012. DOI:10.1039/C2SM25309G. 2) Rajib Ghosh Chaudhuri and Santanu Paria. "Core/shell nanoparticles: Classes, properties, synthesis mechanisms, characterization, and applications". Chemical Reviews, 112, 2373-2433, 2012. 3) Naveen Noah Jason, Rajib Ghosh Chaudhuri, and Santanu Paria. "Self assembly of colloidal sulfur particles influenced by sodium oxalate salt on glass surface from evaporating drops". Soft Matter, 8, 3771-3780, 2012. 4) Rajib Ghosh Chaudhuri and Santanu Paria. "A novel method for the templated synthesis of Ag2S hollow nanospheres in aqueous surfactant media". J. Colloid and Interface Sci., 369, 117-122, 2012. 5) Minaketan Ray and Santanu Paria. "Growth kinetics of silver bromide nanoparticles in aqueous nonionic surfactant solutions". Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 50, 11601-11607, 2011. 6) Nihar Ranjan Biswal and Santanu Paria. "Wetting of TX-100 and Igepal CO 630 surfactants on PTFE surface". Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 50, 6138-6145, 2011. 7) Rajib Ghosh Chaudhuri and Santanu Paria. "Growth kinetics of sulfur nanoparticles in aqueous of surfactant solutions". J. Colloid and Interface Sci. 354, 563-569, 2011. 8) Susmita Mishra and Ramakrishna Gottipati. "Application of response surface methodology for optimization of Cr(III) and Cr(VI) adsorption on commercial activated carbons", Research Journal of Chemical Sciences 2 (2), 40?48, 2012. 9) Ramakrishna Gottipati, Susmita Mishra."A kinetic study on pyrolysis and combustion characteristics of oil cakes: Effect of cellulose and lignin content", Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology, 39 (4), 265-270, 2011. 10) Deepthi Tirumalaraju and Susmita Mishra,"Removal of Zinc from Aqueous Solution on HCl Impregnated National Institute of Technology Rourkela 42 Annual Report 2011-2012 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30) 31) ii. Sponge Iron Plant Waste:Optimization by DOE", International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, Vol. 2, No.4, 2011. Vamsi Krishna Garapati and Susmita Mishra, "Hydrocarbon Degradation using Fungal Isolate: Nutrients Optimized by Combined Grey Relational Analysis", International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), Vol. 2, Issue 2, 390-399,Mar-Apr 2012. A. Sahoo, S. Pandey and R. Tripathy, "Studies on Drying and Shrinkage of Different Shaped Food Particles in a Fluidized Bed Dryer: Emperical Models and Statistical Analysis", Journal of Engineering Research and Studies, E-ISSN 0976-7916, vol-III/Issue-I, January-March, 2012/139-143. Sahoo, A., "Bed Expansion and Fluctuation in Cylindrical Gas Solid Fluidized Beds with Stirred Promoters", Advanced Powder Technology journal, Vol-22, November-2011, p 753-760. Sutar, H. K. and Sahoo A., " Effect of Distributor-Orifice on Drying Kinetics in a Fluidized Bed Drier", International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications, Vol.2, No. 5, October 2011, p 346-351. Sutar, H. K. and Sahoo A. , Computational Simulation of Unsteady State Heat Transfer in Externally Heated Magnesio Thermic Reduction Reactor: An overview (CSUHEMTRR), International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications, Vol. 2 , No. 3 , June 2011. Sutar, H. K. and Sahoo A. , "Unsteady State Heat Transfer in Externally Heated Magnesio Thermic Reduction reactor" International Proceedings of Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering, Vol-10, ISSN 2010-4618 and ISBN 978-981-08-8865-7, P-210-214, June - 2011. A.K Prasad, R.K. Prasad, S. Khanam, "Development of energy conservations scenarios for sponge iron industry using process integration" Energy Efficiency, 4, 3, 2011, Page 321-333 A.K.Prasad, R.K. Prasad, S. Khanam, Design Modifications for Energy Conservation of Sponge Iron Plants," Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 3, 1, 2011, pp. 015001-1 to 015001-11. G. Gautami and S.Khanam, "Selection of optimum configuration for multiple effect evaporator system" Desalination, 288, 2012, pp. 16-23.. Low-Cost Adsorbents: Process Parameter Optimization Using a Taguchi Experimental Ghanshyam Berman, Arvind Kumar*, Prateek Khare. Removal of Congo Red by Carbonized Design. J. Chem. Eng. Data 2011, 56, 4102-4108. Sachin Kumar, Achyut K.Panda, R. K. Singh, A review on Tertiary recycling of high density polyethylene to fuel, Resources, Conservation & Recycling 55(2011) 893-910 Sachin Kumar, Ankit Agrawalla, R. K. Singh, 'Thermogravimetric analysis of groundnut cake' International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications, Vol. 2, No. 4, August 2011. Debalaxmi Pradhan, R. K. Singh, 'Thermal pyrolysis of bicycle waste tyre using batch reactor' International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications, Vol. 2, No. 5, October 2011. Ankit Agrawalla, Sachin Kumar, R. K. Singh, 'Pyrolysis of groundnut de-oiled cake and characterization of the liquid product' Bioresource Technology, 102 (2011) 10711-10716. Saswat Rath, Sachin Kumar, R. K. Singh, 'Performance & emission analysis of blends of karanja methyl ester with diesel in a compression ignition engine' International Journal of Ambient Energy, Vol. 32, No. 3, September 2011, 161-166. Sachin Kumar, R. K. Singh, 'Recovery of hydrocarbon liquids from waste high density poly ethylene by thermal pyrolysis' Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 28, No. 04, pp. 659 - 667, October - December, 2011. Vikranth Volli, R. K. Singh, 'Production of bio-oil from mahua de-oiled cake by thermal pyrolysis' Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 4, 013101 (2012). V. P. Yadav, S. K. Maity, P. Biswas, R. K. Singh, 'Kinetics of Esterification of Ethylene Glycol with Acetic Acid Using Cation Exchange Resin Catalyst' Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly, Volume 25, Issue 3, 2011, Pages 359-366. R. Prakash, R. K. Singh, and S. Murugan, 'Experimental Studies on a Diesel Engine Fueled with Wood Pyrolysis Oil Diesel Emulsions' International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications, Vol. 2, No. 6, December 2011 Vikranth Volli, R. K. Singh, 'Production of bio-oil from de-oiled cakes by thermal pyrolysis' Fuel. 96(2012) 579-585. K. P. Shadangi, R. K. Singh, 'Thermolysis of polanga seed cake to bio oil using semi batch reactor' available online to Fuel. PAPERS PRESENTED IN CONFERENCES/ SEMINAR/ SYMPOSIA : National Institute of Technology Rourkela 43 Annual Report 2011-2012 1. Tripathy, R. and Sahoo, A., "CO2 Absorption Using Aqueous Amines solution : A Simulation Approach with the help of ASPEN Plus", Paper ID : 0373, published in the proceedings of Technological Advancements in Chemical and Environmental Engineering (TACEE), held at BITS-Pilani, during 23rd-24th March, 2012. 2. S. Jena and A. Sahoo, "A Comparative Study on Diffusivity and Mass Transfer Coefficients of Mushrooms and Vegetables Dried in a Fluidized Bed Dryer Using ANN" in proceedings of International Conference 14th APCChE-2012, held in Singapore during 21st-24th Febtuary, 2012. (http://hdl.handle.net/2080/1636) 3. Tripathy, R. and Sahoo, A., "Parameters and Bed-hydrodynamic studies for fluidized bed biomass gasification using ASPEN PLUS simulation", in Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Energy Research 2011 held at IIT Mumbai during 9-11th December, 2011, p-35. 4. Sahoo, B. and Sahoo, A., "Mathematical Modelling for Hydrodynamic Studies of Spouted bed", in proceedings of World Congress for Engineers-2011, (WCE-2011) Vol-III, held at London, UK during 6-8th July-2011 5. Tripathy, R. and Sahoo, A. "Hydrogen as a Green Fuel from Biomass Wastes Using Fluidized Bed Gasifier", in proceedings of the National conference on Recent Trends in Alternate Energy 2011, held at NIT Calicut, Kerala during 9-10th June-2011. 6. Sutar, H. K. and Sahoo A. , "Unsteady State Heat Transfer in Externally Heated Magnesio Thermic Reduction reactor" in Proceedings of ICCCP-2011 held at Bangkok during 28-29th May, 2011. 7. Urmi Mullick and Susmita Mishra, "Removal of Chromium (VI) using anion exchange resin TULSION A-23 for drinking water purpose" presented during National level Conference 'ChEmference 2011', 23-24 Sept'11, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore,India. 8. V. BalajiPatro and Susmita Mishra, "Microbial leaching for the Extraction of Nickel and Cobalt from the Chromite Overburden of Sukinda Mines, Orissa" presented during National level conference CHEMCON2011, 27-29 December 2011, Bangalore,India. 9. Tanu Singh and Susmita Mishra, "Removal of Nickel by using anion exchange resin" presented during National level conference CHEMCON-2011, 27-29 December 2011, Bangalore, India. 10. Ankit. K, Venkatesh. K, Deepthi. T, Susmita Mishra, "Application of Industrial Solid Waste in Removal of Methylene Blue from Industrial Effluent" National Conference on Recent Advances in Chemical and Environmental Engineering (RACEE-2012), 20-Jan-2012 to 21-Jan-2012, Rourkela, INDIA. 11. Naveen Noah Jason, Rajib Ghosh Chaudhuri, and Santanu Paria. "Self-assembly of colloidal sulfur particles on hydrophilic surface." 243rd ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 24-29, 2012. 12. Anil Kumar Prasad, Vivek Kumar and Shabina Khanam, "Generation of Energy Conservation Measures for Sponge Iron Plants", Proceeding of WCE-2011 Vol-III, Imperial college London, July, 6-8, 2011, London, UK 13. H. M. Jena, Amit Kumar, 2011. Analysis of bed voidage characteristic of a gas-liquid- solid fluidized bed by CFD simulation and experiment. 14th Asian Chemical Congress 2011, 05-08 September, 2011, Bangkok, Thailand. 14. Satya Sundar Mohanty, H. M. Jena, G. R. Satpathy, 2011. Comparative Study of the Phenol Biodegradation Potential of Free Cells and Immobilized Pseudomonas Resinovorans. 4th International Congress of Environmental Research, 15-17 December, 2011, SVNIT, Surat, India. 15. Shailendra Kr. Pandey, H. M. Jena, 2011. Dynamic investigation of three phase flow in cylindrical fluidized bed by using CFD simulation. 38th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, 15-17 December, 2011, MANIT, Bhopal, India. 16. Shailendra Kr. Pandey, H. M. Jena, 2011. CFD simulation of three phase fluidized bed for studies of hydrodynamic behavior and energy computation. CHEMCON - 2011, 27 - 29 December, 2011, M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology (MSRIT), Bangalore, India. 17. Hara M. Jena, Gopendra K. Roy, Bhim C. Meikap, 2012. Experimental and CFD based analysis of the hydrodynamic characteristics of a gas-liquid-solid fluidized bed. 14th Asia Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress, 21-24 February, 2012, Singapore. 18. H. M. Jena, 2012. Bed pressure drop characteristic of a gas-liquid-solid fluidized bed. 243rd ACS National Meeting 2012, 25-29 March, 2012, San Diego, California, USA. 19. Prateek Khare, Arvind Kumar. Arsenic removal from water using iron impregnated activated carbon. Conference on recent advances in chemical engineering and technology (RACET 2011) Cochin, March 10-12, 2011 20. Ghanshyam barman and Arvind kumar. Optimization of process parameters for brilliant green removal. Conference on recent advances in chemical engineering and technology (RACET 2011). Cochin, March 10-12, 2011 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 44 Annual Report 2011-2012 21. Pradip Chowdhury, Sankarnarayanan Hariharan and Gaurav Chandrakar, "Fabrication of Metal Organic Framework based Membrane," Characterization and Simulation of Novel Membranes and Separations, AIChE Annual Meeting 2011, Minneapolis, USA 22. Sankaranarayanan H, Rashmi Prava Mohanty, and Pradip Chowdhury, "Growth of Metal Organic Frameworks on Ceramic Membranes," International Conference and Workshop on Nanostructured Ceramics and other Nanomaterials, University of Delhi, India 23. Sujit Sen, "Selective reduction of Chloronitrobenzne using H2S-rich Monoethanolamine: Kinetic studies and optimization", 243rd ACS National Meeting & Exposition, San Diego, California, USA, 25th - 29th March, 2012. 24. Sujit Sen, "Selective synthesis of Dibenzyl Thioether under solvent free condition using hydrogen sulfide", Accepted for 243rd ACS National Meeting & Exposition, San Diego, Calif. 25. R. K. Singh, Saswat Kumar Pradhan, 'Recovery Of Bio Oil from Sesame Seeds By Thermal Pyrolysis' presented in Indian Engineering Congress, December 15-18, 2011 at Ground Palace, Bangalore. 26. R Prakash, Pullagura G, Singh R. K., Murugan S, Effect of Hydrogen Enrichment on the Performance and Emissions of a Complete Bio-Fueled Diesel Engine' presented in International Conference on Mechanical, Automobile and Robotics Engineering (ICMAR'2011), Oct. 7-8, 2011, Pattaya, Thailand. 27. R. K. Singh, Saswat Kumar Pradhan, 'Recovery Of Bio Oil from Mustard Seeds By Thermal Pyrolysis' prensted in Chemcon-2011, December 27-29, 2011 held at M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore. 28. R. K. Singh, Saswat Rath, 'Performance Analysis Of Blends Of Karanja Methyl Ester In A Compression Ignition Engine' " in Proceedings of ICCCP-2011 held at Bangkok during 28-29th May, 2011. 29. Achyut K. Panda, R. K. Singh, 'Thermo-catalytic degradation of thermocol waste to value added liquid products' presented at International Conference on Global Trends in Pure and Applied Chemical Sciences, March 3-4, 2012 at Udaipur, Rajasthan (India). 30. Pandey, J. K. and Munshi, B. (2011). Comparative study between conventional and inverse fluidized bed (ifb) reactor by cfd simulation, International Conference on Innovative Science & Engineering Technology. 08-09 April, 2011. VVP Engineering College, Rajkot, Gujrat. 31. Pandey, A. K. and Munshi, B. (2011) A numerical study of Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluid flow and heat transfer over a series of circular/non-circular objects using CFD modeling, International Conference on Innovative Science & Engineering Technology. 08-09 April, 2011. VVP Engineering College, Rajkot, Gujrat. 32. Deo Karan Ram, D. C. Sau and K. C. Biswal, 'Ansys 13.0 computational fuild dynamics analysis and experimental study of the hydrodynamic of a gas-solid tapered fluidized bed' presented in the International Conference on "Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technolgy" organized by the college of engineering, Teerthankar Mahaveer University, Moradabad (India) on April 6-7, 2012. iii. PAPER ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION : l V. Kumar and S.Khanam, "Recovery and utilisation of waste heat in a coal based sponge iron process" Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification (CEP-D-11-00390). l Arvind Kumar*, B. Prasad, I. M. Mishra. Treatment of Acrylonitrile bearing wastewater using Adsorption. (accepted) ID: CJCE-10-0096.R3. l Debalaxmi Pradhan, R. K. Singh, 'Characterization of liquid product obtained by pyrolysis of bicycle tube' accepted in Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects, Taylor and Francis Series. l R. Prakash, R. K. Singh, S. Murugan, 'Experimental investigation on diesel engine fuelled with bio-oil biodiesel emulsions' accepted in International Journal of Green Energy, Taylor and Francis series. l Niraj K. Nayan, Sachin Kumar, R. K. Singh, 'Characterization of the Liquid Product obtained by Thermal Pyrolysis of Karanja Seed' accepted in Bioresource Technology, Elsevier Publications. l Niraj K. Nayan, Sachin Kumar, R. K. Singh, 'Production of the Liquid Fuel by Thermal Pyrolysis of Neem Seed' accepted in Fuel, Elsevier Publications. l Sachin Kumar, Niraj K. Nayan, R. K. Singh, 'Thermogravimetric Analysis of Non-Edible Oilseeds (Karanja and Neem Seeds)' accepted in Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects, Taylor and Francis Series. C) Doctoral Programme : National Institute of Technology Rourkela 45 Annual Report 2011-2012 Name of the Supervisor Title Interfacial behavior of plant and synthetic surfactants S. Paria Name of the Scholar Brief Report N. R. Biswal Synthesis and characterization of core/shell and hollow S. Paria nanoparticles R. Ghosh Chaudhuri Green synthesis of nanoparticles and antimicrobial S. Paria properties of nanoparticles K. J. Rao Synthesis and characterization of doped nanoparticles S. Paria S. Boxi Studies on Feasibility of Pigment Production on Cheap Dr.Susmita Mishra substrates Using Microbes K.Tarangini Detoxification of heavy metals using recombinant Dr.Susmita Mishra microbes. Adya das Preparation and characterization of microporous Dr.Susmita Mishra activated carbon from biomass and its application in the removal of Chromium(VI) from aqueous solutions Ramakrishna Gottipati Dissertation submitted Process Integration based modifications for the energy Dr Shabina Khanam A.K.Poonia, NIT Raipur conservation Energy conservation in sponge iron plant Dr Shabina Khanam T. Deepthi Conversion of waste HDPE into liquid fuels Prof. R. K. Singh Sachin Kumar Production and characterization of liquid fuels from Prof. R. K. Singh pyrolysis of mixed waste plastics A. Ramesh Babu Co-pyrolysis of biomass and mixed plastic Prof. R. K. Singh Debalaxmi Pradhan Production of bio-ethanol Prof. R. K. Singh Suresh Chaluvadi (d) Ph.D. Degree Awarded: Guide Name of the Scholar Title of the Thesis Marks A.K. Prasad, NIT Jamshedpur Dr Shabina Khanam Application of Pinch Technology for Process Completed and Dr R.K. Prasad Integration in Coal Based Sponge Iron Plant (NIT Jamshedpur) Achyut K. Panda e) Prof R. K. Singh S Studies on Process Optimization for Production Provisional of Liquid Fuels from Waste Plastics Degree Awarded Master Thesis Completed : Name of the guide Name of the thesis Self-assembly of colloidal sulfur particles on flat surfaces from evaporating sessile drops S. Paria National Institute of Technology Rourkela 46 Annual Report 2011-2012 Name of the guide Name of the thesis Removal of zinc, nickel and copper ions from waste water using char- a sponge iron plant Dr.Susmita Mishra waste. Adsorption of methane on activated carbon by volumetric method Dr.Susmita Mishra The Effects of Various Parameters on the Performance of Fluidized Bed Reactor and Gasifier Dr. Abanti Sahoo Studies on Batch Drying Characteristics and transfer coefficients of the Food Grains and Dr. Abanti Sahoo Vegetables in a Fluidized Bed Dryer : ANN Analysis Data-based Modeling: Application in Process Identification, Monitoring and Fault Detection Dr.Madhusree Kundu Multivariate statistical process monitoring and control Dr.Madhusree Kundu Modeling and simulation of crystallizer Dr. S. khanam Design of heat integrated multiple effect evaporator system with zero discharge Dr. S. Khanam Modeling and simulation of rotary kiln which special emphasis on energy consumption Dr. S. Khanam Treatment of phenolic wastewaters Prof. Arvind Kumar Congo red removal from wastewaters using Adsorption Prof. Arvind Kumar Studies on Improvement of Surface Characteristics and Stability of Cr, Cu and Zn Based Prof. Pradeep Chowdhury Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs) Liquid Fuel From Bio-Mass Prof R. K. Singh Recovery of bio-fuels from agricultural residues Prof R. K. Singh Recovery of value added fuel from waste bicycle tube and tyre Prof R. K. Singh A Computational Fluid Dynamics Study of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in a Micro channel Dr. Basudeb Munshi f) Popular Lectures by Outside Experts : Sl. No. Name of The speaker -6. Title -- -- CONSULTANCY SERVICES: Name of the scheme Sponsoring agency Modeling and Simulation of Energy Efficient M/s. Eco Green Solution Systems (P) Ltd. Multiple Effect Evaporator System Bangalore 7. Amount earned 4.46 Lakh EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED : SL.No. 1 Name of the Equipment Gas Analyser Cost (Rupees) 6, 10,000/- National Institute of Technology Rourkela 47 Annual Report 2011-2012 SL.No. 8. Name of the Equipment 2 Inverse Fluidized Bed 90,000/- 3 Fluidized Bed Reactor with Hot air generator 2,00,000/- 4 Freeze Dryer 6,00,000/- 5 Tubular Furnace 10,0000/- 6 Water bath shaker 4,3000/- 7 Lab. Oven 4,5000/- TECHNICAL ASSOCIATION/SOCIETIES : Brief report on the activities of the Association/Societies. Elected as Vice President of IIChE, Rourkela Local Centre- Dr. A. Sahoo 9. Cost (Rupees) LABORATORIES : National Institute of Technology Rourkela 48 Annual Report 2011-2012 DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING 1. ACADEMIC STAFF HEAD FACULTIES Prof. Nagendra Roy Ph.D. Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Visiting Professors Prof. Chitaranjan Patra Ph.D. Prof. A.V.Asha Ph.D Prof. Kakoli Karar (Paul) Ph.D. Prof. Amulya Kumar Panda Ph.D. Prof. Kanhu Charan Patra Ph.D. Prof. Asha Patel M.Sc.Engg. Prof. Simantini Behera M.C.P. Prof. Ashok Kumar Sahoo Ph.D. Prof. Mahabir Panda Ph.D. Prof.Awadhesh Kumar Ph.D. Prof. Somesh Jena M.Tech. Prof. Nagendra Roy Ph.D Prof.Kishanjit Kumar Khatua Prof. Ujjal Chattaraj Ph.D. Ph.D. Prof. Ramakar Jha Ph.D Prof.Kishore Chandra Biswal Prof. Uttam Kumar Mishra Ph.D. M.E. Prof. Shishir Kumar Sahu Ph.D. Prof.Manoranjan Barik Ph.D. Prof. Prasant Kumar Bhuyan Ph.D. Prof. Suresh Prasad Singh Ph.D. Prof. Pradip Sarkar Ph.D Prof. Robin Davis P Ph.D Prof. Sarat Kumar Das Ph.D 2. DISTINCTION ACHIEVED: a) By Student : b) By Faculty Members : 3. 4. CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAMME: Name of the course Students Admitted Brief report regarding progress -- -- -- SEMINAR, SYMPOSIA, SUMMER SCHOOL, WINTER SCHOOL, SHORT TERM COURSES/WORKSHOPS: a) Conducted by the Faculty member in the Department: Sponsoring Agency Name(s) of the coordinator Title of the course Duration European Commission Prof. R. Jha Awareness workshop on hydrological 19th Oct. information system (HIS) 2011 NIT Rourkela Prof. K.C. Patra Workshop of Researches on Water 10-11th Resources for PAN-NIT Professors Dec 2011 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 49 Annual Report 2011-2012 (b) Participation by Faculty Members: Name of the staff Course/Seminar Organization Period Venue Asha Patel Analysis and Design by using FEM,XFEM and Mesh free method Mechanical & Industrial Jul 10- 16, IIT,Roorkee Engineering Department and 2010 CEC of IIT,Roorkee Asha Patel Simulation & Design by using Extended Finite Element method Mechanical & Industrial Dec 13-17, IIT,Roorkee Engineering Department and 2010 CEC of IIT,Roorkee Dr. R Jha 2nd meeting of Stakeholder Advisory Group for Integrated Water Resources Management of ADB Asian Development Bank 17th April Water Resources (ADB) and Water Resources 2010 Department, Govt. Department, Bhubaneswar, of Orissa Orissa Dr. R Jha 2nd Annual meeting of the European Union FP-7 funded project CEOP-AEGIS Institute of Remote Sensing 14-17 July Beijing China Applications, Chinese 2010 Academy of Science, Beijing China Dr. R Jha "Interaction between urbanization and water management" project meeting funded by DAAD, Germany Aachen University, Aachen, 27th Sept- Aachen, Germany 1st October Germany 2010 Dr. R Jha Meeting for evaluation of results of the European Union FP-7 funded project CEOP-AEGIS Wageningen University & 1 9 - 2 5 W a g e n i n g e n Research Centre, F e b r u a r y University & Wageningen, The 2011 Research Centre Netherlands Dr. M. Panda Training Programme for Engineers National Institute of Rural 06.07.10 Development Dr. M. Panda Indo-US workshop on Highway and Airport Pavement Engg.: Challenges and opportunities IIT Kharagpur 5. RESEARCH : (a) Research Scheme : Sate institute of Rural Development, Ranchi 3 0 . 0 7 . 1 0 IIT Kharagpur and31.7.10 Assistance Investigator Brief report received Coordinated Asia-European long-term European Union- 70,00,000/- Dr. R. Jha Satellite based Observing system of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Frame Work-7 (EUhydrological analysis hydro-meteorological processes and the FP-7) Asian-monsoon systEm with Ground satellite Image data and numerical Simulations Title of the scheme Sponsored by "Interaction between Urbanization and Water DAAD program "A Exchange of Dr. R. Jha Management" New Passage to students and India" Faculty National Institute of Technology Rourkela 50 Study related to urbanization and water management at Varanasi, Bhubaneswar and Hyderabad Annual Report 2011-2012 Title of the scheme Sponsored by "Water quality monitoring and modeling of World Bank's Taldanda Canal, Orissa" Hydrology Project Phase II, Water R e s o u r c e s Department, Govt. of Orissa Assistance Investigator Brief report received 11,70,000/- Dr. R Jha Development of water (Approx) quality model 11,00,000/(approx.) Characterization and source apportionment DST, Govt. of India 6,78,413/of ambient air pollutants in a steel city Dr. Kakoli SERC Fast Track Karar Paul Proposals for Young Scientist Scheme Rural Roads Pavement Performance study M. PandaPI S.P.SinghCo-PI C.R.PatraCo-PI Field studies in 10 selected roads made. Analysis of preliminary data made and deterioration models developed Dr. Pradip Sarkar Purchase of equipments finished, work started on Categorization of buildings Ministry of Rural 5,58,000/Development, Govt. of India Pushover Analysis of Reinforced Concrete DST, Govt. of India Setback Buildings b) i) Research Publications: Papers Published: 1) J. Meher and Jha, R. (2011). Time series analysis of rainfall data over Mahanadi River Basin. Emerging Sciences, Vol. 3, No.6, p 22-32 2) Uerschels, D., Baier, K., Sebesvari, Z., Renaud, F.G., Ahmed, S., Jha, R., Azzam, R. (2011): Wasserversorgung von Squatter Siedlungen in Hyderabad, Indien , In: Geographische Rundschau 12 , 48-51 . 3) Christ, K., Baier, K., Schmitz, K,-S., Jha, R., Azzam, R. (2011): Wasserverschmutzung und Umweltprobleme als Folge der Urbanisierung in Hyderabad , In: Wasserwirtschaft , (accepted (published in April)). 4) Mohr, J., Baier, K., Jha, R., Azzam, R. (2011): Urbanization and the social impact on water resources in India , In: Fourth International Conference on Water Resources and Renewable Energy Development in Asia, Chiang Mai, Thailand , (accepted) 5) Kumar, S., Baier, K., Jha, K., Azzam, R. (2011): Status of Arsenic Contamination in Potable Water of Northern Areas of Mizoram State and its adjoining Areas of Southern Assam, , In: Arabian Journal of Geosciences, (DOI) 10.1007/s12517-011-0373-9 . 6) Wakode, H.B., Dutta, D., Desai, V.R., Baier, K., Azzam, R. (2011): Morphometric Analysis of upper catchement of Kosi river using GIS techniques , In: Arabian Journal of Geosciences , (DOI) 10.1007/s12517-011-0374-8. 7) Prediction of Field Hydraulic Conductivity of Clay Liners Using Artificial Neural Network and Support Vector Machine S. K. Das, Pijush Samui and A K Sabat International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE (In press). 8) "Machine learning techniques applied to prediction of residual strength of soil" Sarat Kumar Das, Pijush Samui, S.Z. Khan and N. Sivakugan , Central European Journal of Geoscience, 2011; Vol 3(4), 449-461, DOI: 10.2478/s13533-011-0043-1 9) "Uplift capacity of suction caisson in clay using multivariate adaptive regression spline" Pijush Samui, Sarat Das and Dookie Kim, Ocean Engineering, 2011 , Vol 38,( 17-18), pp. 2123-2127. 10) Site Characterization Model Using Support Vector Machine and Ordinary Kriging, P. Samui, S.K.Das, Journal of intelligent system, DOI:10.1515/ JISYS.2011. 014 11) Classification of slopes and prediction of factor of safety using differential evolution neural networks S. K. Das , R. K. Biswal, N.Sivakugan, B. Das, Environmental Earth science, 2011, 64 (1). pp. 201-210. 12) Relevance Vector Machine for Prediction of Soil Properties, ,P Samui, S. K. Das. Journal of Civil Engineering Research and Practice, Vol. 8 No.1, April 2011, pp. 23 - 33. National Institute of Technology Rourkela 51 Annual Report 2011-2012 13) Determination of Compression Index For Marine Clay: A Least Square Support Vector Machine Approach, Pijush Samui, Sarat Das, Dookie Kim and Gil Lim Yoon, Int. J. Advance. Soft Comput. Appl., 2011, Vol. 3( 1), pp 45-53. 14) Lateral Displacement of Liquefaction Induced Ground Using Least Square Support Vector Machine, S. K. Das , P Samui, R. K. Biswal, Dookie Kim, N.Sivakugan, R.K. Biswal. International Journal of Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, 2011, Vol 2(2), 29-39. 15) Application of Artificial Intelligence to Maximum Dry Density and Unconfined Compressive Strength of Cement Stabilized Soil, S. K. Das, P Samui, and A K Sabat, Geotechnical and Geological Journal, 2011, 29 (3), pp. 329-342. 16) "Stage-Discharge Prediction for Meandering Channels" The Paper is reviewed and is sent for publication in the International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements, Wit press journal, Southampton, UK, 2011. 17) "Selection of interface for discharge prediction in a compound channel flow" The Paper is reviewed and is sent for publication in the International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, Wit press journal, Southampton, UK, 2011. ii) Paper Presented in Conference/Seminar/Symposia: 1) Jha. R. (2011). - Critical Appraisal of Eco-Hydrological Techniques used for Management of Chilika Lake, In India. Key note speech. Indo-Swiiss workshop on Ecology and Conservation of Chilika Lake,, India. November 25-26, 2011, Chilika Development Authority, Chilika. 2) Jha. R. (2011). Environmental Water Demand For Typical River Basin of Orissa Using Holistic Approach. Key note speech. Workshop on INDIAN WATER MANAGEMENT IN 21ST CENTURY (IWM-2011) Organized by School of Infrastructure and School of Earth Ocean & Climate Science Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar. December 27th-29th 2011 3) Jha. R. (2011). Climate Change will Affect the Indian Water Resources - A Case Study Of Ganga Basin. Key note speech. Hydro 2011. SV NIT, Surat. December 29-20 December 2011. 4) Anwesha Sahoo, Dipayan Chowdhury and Ramakar Jha (2012). Invited speech. Rainwater Harvesting in a Typical Mine Area of Orissa" Seminar on Rain Water Harvesting & Artificial Ground Water Recharge. New Delhi, India. Water Resources Department Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delh. i18th January 2012 5) Jha. R. (2011). Key note speech. on "Current trends in efficient water management and future challenges" January 13-15, Department of Agriculture, BHU, Varanasi 6) Jha. R. (2011)." Modified Approach to assess environmental flows in a sub-humid river basin of India"International Conference SWRMCCA, 17-19 February, NIT Durgapur 7) Meher, J. and Jha, R. (2011). "Analysis of spatio-temporal variability of rainfall over mahanadi river basin" International Conference SWRMCCA, 17-19 February, NIT Durgapur 8) Meena, Raysingh, Jha. R. and Khatua, K. K. (2011). "Runoff estimation using ANN technique" International Conference SWRMCCA, 17-19 February, NIT Durgapur. 9) C R Patra, N Sivakugan, B M Das, and C Atlar (2011) "Maximum relative density of clean sand as a function of median grain size and compaction energy" to be published in XV European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Greece, September 2011. 10) Mumru, M and Singh, S.P. (2011) Some studies on physical and mechanical properties of cold process cement. International Conference on Advancements in Engineering and Technology. ICAEM-2012: RITS,Hydrabad,28-29Feb 2012 11) Mumru, M and Singh, S.P. (2011) Some studies on strength and hydration of cold Process cement. International Conference on Current trends and challenges in management, Engineering, Computer Application and Technology(ICCTCMECAT(2012),Deogiri Institute of Enguneering and Management Studies, Aurangbad 12) Mumru, M and Singh, S.P. (2011) Effect of Accelerators on Strength and Hydration Products of Cold Process Cement. International Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology (ICAET2012),EGS Pillay of Technology, Nagapattinum,28-29th March2012. 13) Saran, A and Singh, S.P. (2011) Hydration Mechanism of Cold Process Cement International Conference on Sustainability Challenges and Advances in Concrete Technology SCACT 2012. PSG Technology, Coimbatore, 25th May 2012 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 52 Annual Report 2011-2012 iii) Paper Accepted for Publication: 1. Determination of compression index for marine clay: a relevance vector machine approach. Pijush Samui, Dookie Kim, Sarat Das, and Gil Lim Yoon , Marine Georesources & Geotechnology (Accepted). 2. "Stage Discharge Prediction for Straight and Smooth Compound Channels with Wide Floodplains" Journal of Hydraulic Engineering doi:10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0000491, ASCE, 2011( in press) 3. "A neural network approach for prediction of discharge in straight compound open channel flow" Journal of Flow Measurements and Instrumentation, Science Direct, Elsevier, 2011( in press). (c) Doctoral Programme: Name of the Supervisor(s) Title/Research Area Hydrological analysis of a river basin Dr. R. Jha Name of the Scholar Brief Report Ms. Janhabi Meher Working on various hydrological parameters of Mahanadi river system and its tributaries using statistical approach, ANN, fuzzy logic, remote sensing and GIS Water quality modeling of a river/canal system Dr. R. Jha Mr. Somesh Jena Development of methodologies for assessment of point and non-point source pollution using soft computing techniques, remote sensing and GIS Parametric resonance characteristics of beams Dr. S.K. Sahu with multiple cracks Mr. U. Mishra Dynamic stability of delaminated composite Dr. S.K. Sahu plate Mr. J. Mohanty Since 2008 Parametric instability of laminated composite Dr. S.K. Sahu panel subjected to hygrothermal loading Mr. M. K. Rath. Since July 2009 Sinuosity effect in flow modeling of two stage Dr. K.K. Khatua meandering compound channel Mr. P.K. Mohanty Since Dec 2009 Liquefaction susceptibility of coastal soils of Dr. SK Das Orissa P.K. Muduli Since 2010 Environmental Friendly Concrete From Dr. SP Singh Industrial Wastes Ms. Meena Murmu Since July 2009 Liquid sloshing in container considering fuid Dr. K.C. Biswal structure interaction S.K. Nayak Since July 2010 Finite element analysis of 3-Dimensional Liquid Dr. K.C. Biswal containers Dr. K.K. Khatua Mrs Shailaj Bhuyan Since March 2010 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 53 Annual Report 2011-2012 Title/Research Area Name of the Supervisor(s) Name of the Scholar Brief Report Experimental & Numerical studies in the Dr. K.C. Biswal application of Tuned liquid dampers for controlling structural vibration Mr. D. Jena Since July 2011 Dynamic analysis of delaminated composite Dr. S.K. Sahu panels in hygrothermal environment Mr. H. S. Panda Since July 2011 Flow analysis of two stage rough meandering Dr. K.K. Khatua compound channel with rough flood plan Ms Bandita Nayak Since Jan 2012 Flow interaction between meandering river with Dr. K.C. Patra adjoing flood plains having rough surface Mr. A. Adhikary Since Jan 2012 Seismic fragility of open ground storeyed Dr. P. Sarkar building Mr. D.C.Haran Pragalad Since Jan 2012 (d) e) Ph.D. Degree Awarded: Name of the Scholar Guide Title of the Thesis Remarks -- -- -- -- Master thesis completed Name of the guide(s) Name of the thesis Dynamic stability of composite shells subjected to hygrothermal enviornment.. (Ms. R. Sahoo) Dr. S. K. Sahu Application of tuned mass damper for vibration control of frame structures under seismic excitations (Ms. R. Mishra) Dr. K.C. Biswal Experimental and numerical study on behavior of externally bonded RC T-beams using GFRP composites (Mr. T. Shit) Dr. K.C. Biswal Vibration and stability of laminated composite doubly curved shells by a higher order shear deformation theory. (Mr. N. Saran) Dr. A.V.Asha Dynamic Stability of Delaminated Cross ply Composite Plates and Shells.( Mr. J. Athar) Dr. S. K. Sahu Vibration and buckling analysis of cracked composite beam.(Ms. P.S. Bisi) Dr. U. K. MISHRA and Dr. S. K. Sahu Strength characteristics of jointed rock mass (Ms. S. Sahoo) Dr. N. Roy Strength characteristics of FIBER reinforced compacted pond ash (Alok Sharan) Dr. SP Singh Stabilization of expansive clay with lime and fly ash (Ms. Bidula Bose) Dr. SP Singh Reliability based analysis of slope, foundation and retaining wall using finite element method (P. Subramaniam) Dr. S.K. Das National Institute of Technology Rourkela 54 Annual Report 2011-2012 f) Popular Lectures by Outside Experts SL. No. Name of the Speaker -6. Title -- -- CONSULTANCY SERVICES: Name of the scheme Sponsoring agency Amount earned Preparation of DPR of Lower nagavali, Jeera and Ranjore water resource projects. Water Resources Dept., Govt. of Orissa Design of Chimney (SK Sahu and P Sarkar) IRE, Manavalakuruchi Design of bridge abutment between ROB No. 42 (P Sarkar) Modi Projects Ltd Proof Checking of Design of PRS Building at Tata Nagar Rly Station (P. Sarkar and M.Panda) SE Railway 1,30,000/ Approx) Proof checking of WTP at Champua, Keonjhar RWSS, Keonjhar 7,61,914/-(Approx) Drainage scheme for Ash dyke 2 NTPC Kanhia 7. -6,67,000/-(Aprox) 77,210/- 5,50,000/- (Approx) EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED : Cost (Lakhs) Name of the equipment -- -- 8. TECHNICAL ASSOCIATION/SOCIETIES: a) R. Jha: Executive Member of North India Chapter, EWRI, ASCE, USA (2010-13) b) R. Jha: Member, Border International Water Quality Standards Committee, Environmental Water Resources Institute, ASCE, USA c) R. Jha: Member, International Association of Hydrologists. (IAHS), UK d) R. Jha: Fellow Member, Institution of Engineers, India. e) R. Jha: Life Member of Indian Association of Hydrologists. f) R. Jha: Life Member of Indian Society for Hydraulics. g) R. Jha: Life Member of Indian Journal of Remote Sensing. h) R. Jha: Life Member of Indian Society for Soil & Water Conservationists. i) R. Jha: Life Member of Indian Water Resources Society j) SK Das: Member, International society for soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering. k) SP Singh: Member Indian Geotechnical Society l) SP Singh: Fellow Institution of Engineers (I) m) SP Singh: Member Indian Society for Technical Education n) SP Singh: Member Indian Roads Congress. o) SP Singh: Fellow International Conference on Environmental Research FICER p) SP Singh: Executive member Institution of Engineers (I), Rourkela Local Chapter 9. LABORATORIES: Remote Sensing and GIS Laboratory (R. Jha) Environmental Engineering Laboratory (KK Paul) National Institute of Technology Rourkela 55 Annual Report 2011-2012 DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE ENGINEERING 1. ACADEMIC STAFF HEAD FACULTIES Prof. A. K. Turuk Ph.D. Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Prof. S. K. Rath : Ph.D. Prof. R. Baliarsingh : Ph.D. Prof. Bibhudatta Sahoo : ME Prof. S. K. Jena : Ph.D. Prof. D. P. Mohapatra : Ph.D. Prof. Pabitra Mohan Khilar : Ph.D. Prof. B. Majhi : Ph.D. Prof. A. K. Turuk : Ph.D. Prof. P. K. Sa : Ph.D. Prof. S. Chinara : Ph.D. Prof. K.S. Babu : M.Tech Prof. S.Mohanty : M.Tech Prof. M.N.Sahoo : M.Tech. Prof. B. K. Patra : Ph.D. Prof. R. Dash : M.Tech. 2. Prof. R. Mahapatra : M.Tech. DISTINCTION ACHIEVED: a) By Students : i) b. By Faculties l l 3. 4. Dr. D. P. Mahapatra Received Bharat Shikhya Ratan Award for outstanding contribution in Education for the year 2011 by GSHEG, Delhi. Dr. P. M. Khilar received the IBM Faculty Award - 2011 and IE(I) Grant-in-Award - 2011 for the live project "Corporate Portal Management System" CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAMME : Name of the course Students Admitted Brief report regarding progress Winter School on Digital Image Processing (WiSDIP - 2011) 60 13 - 18 December 2011 (As Coordinator) SEMINAR, SYMPOSIA, SUMMER SCHOOL, WINTER SCHOOL, SHORT TERM COURSES/WORKSHOPS: a. Conducted in the department National Institute of Technology Rourkela 56 Annual Report 2011-2012 Sponsoring Agency Name of the coordinator Title of the course Duration Self Dr. Pankaj K. Sa and Dr. B. Majhi Winter School on Digital Image Processing (WiSDIP - 2011) 6 days IBM Dr. D. P. Mohapatra Training Program on IBM Rational SEED for Quality 1st - 4th March 2012 CSIR, DIT and CSI Dr. D. P. Mohapatra Fourth National Workshop on Recent Trends in Object-Oriented Software Testing 23rd -25th May 2011 CSIR, New Delhi, IE(I), India, Kolkata DST, New Delhi Dr. P.M.Khilar Dr. S. Chinara 2011 national workshop on Software Engineering Applications for Computer Networks (SEA-CN'11), Dept. of CSE, NIT, Rourkela 8-10 Dec 2011 Edutech Learning Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Vadodara Dr. P.M.Khilar workshop on Embedded Technology and DSP 09-02-2011 (b) Participation by Faculty Members: Name of the staff Course/Seminar Organization Period Venue Dr. Pankaj K. Sa SAP Faculty Day SAP India Ltd. 16 March 2012 Bangalore Dr. Pankaj K. Sa International Computer Vision Summer School (ICVSS 2011) University of Catania 11-16 July 2011 Sicily, Italy Mr. Bidyut K. Patra 19th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS 2011) Warsaw University of June 28 - July 2, W a r s a w , Technoloy, Warsaw, Poland 2011 Poland 5. RESEARCH : (a) Research Scheme : Title of the scheme Sponsored by Information Security Department of Information Technology R & D Project Assistance received Rs 32,32,199.00 Investigator Brief report Dr. S. K. Jena Continuing DIT, Govt. of India 11, 45, 479 (2008 -2011) Dr. A K Turuk Energy Efficient Protocol for Wireless Networks R & D Project DST, Govt. of India 8,00,000 (2008 - 2011) Dr. A K Turuk Burst Switching in WDM Networks R & D Project DST, Govt. of India 7,90, 000 (2008 -2011) Dr. A K Turuk Soft Computing Techniques to Solve RWA Problem in WDM Networks National Institute of Technology Rourkela 57 Annual Report 2011-2012 Title of the scheme Assistance received DST, Govt. of India 16 Lakhs Sponsored by Slicing of Aspect-Oriented & Web Based Applications Investigator Dr. D. P. Mohapatra Brief report Continuing R & D Project - 2012 "Slicing of Aspect Oriented and Web-Based Applications" Dept. of Science & Rs. 16, 70,000 Dr. P.M. Khilar Continuing Technology, Govt. (Co-investigaof India tor) R & D Project - 2011 Corporate Portal Management System IE (I), Kolkata, India b. i. Rs. 5,000 Dr. P.M. Khilar Continuing Research Publications Paper Published in Journals 1. Subrajeet Mohapatra, Pankaj Kumar Sa, and Banshidhar Majhi. Adaptive Threshold Selection for Impulsive Noise Detection in Images using Coeffcient of Variance. International Journal of Neural Computing & Applications. 21 (2), 281 - 288, 2012. 2. Ratnakar Dash, Pankaj Kumar Sa, and Banshidhar Majhi. Spatial Variant Motion Deblurring of Images. International Journal of Computational Vision and Robotics. 2 (1), 80 - 88, 2011. 3. Ratnakar Dash, Pankaj Kumar Sa and Banshidhar Majhi. .Particle Swarm Optimisation based Support Vector Regression for Blind Image Restoration Journal of Computer Science & Technology, Springer Publications, 2010. Accepted 4. Ratnakar Dash, Pankaj Kumar Sa and Banshidhar Majhi. Blur Parameter Identification using Support Vector Machine. International journal on Signal and Image processing, ACEEE publisher, USA, Accepted 5. Pankaj Kumar Sa, Ratnakar Dash, and Banshidhar Majhi. Restoration of Motion Blurred Images. International Journal of Signal and Imaging Systems Engineering, 2(1/2):51-56, 2009. doi:10.1504/IJSISE.2009.029329 6. Sujata Mohanty and Banshidhar Majhi. A Novel Group Signature scheme based on DLP. Journal of Information Security Research. Vol. 3, No. 1, March 2012 7. Mousumi Parida and Sujata Mohanty, A Secure short Signature Scheme based upon Biometrics security. International Journal of Computer and Communication Technology (Special issue), Vol. 2, Issue 5, 2011 8. Mousumi Parida and Sujata Mohanty, A blind secure short signature scheme based upon biometrics security. International Journal of Computing and Applications, 6(1), pp. 21-25, 2011. ISSN: 0973-5704 9. A Zone Based Node Replica Detection Scheme for Wireless Networks, Alekha Mishra and Ashok Kumar Turuk, Wireless Personal Communication, DOI 10.1007/s11277-012-0592-8 10. Ranjita Swain, Vikas Panthi, P. K. Behera, D. P. Mohapatra, Automatic Test case Generation From UML State Chart Diagram, International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol. 42, No. 7, 2012 11. S. S. Barapanda, D. P. Mohapatra, Dynamic Slicing of Distributed Object-Oriented Programs, IET Software, Vol. 5, No. 5, pp 425-433, 2011 12. M. Ray, K. L. Kumawat, D. P. Mohapatra, "Source Code Prioritization Using Forward Slicing for Exposing Critical Elements in a Program", International Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST), Springer, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp 314-327, 2011 13. Prachet Bhuyan, Asima Das, Durga Prasad Mohapatra, "A Self Analyzing and Reliable SOA Model", International Journal of Computer Science, Engineering and Technology, (IJCSET), Vol. 1, No. 5, pp 227 - 233, 2011 14. B.Panda and P.M.Khilar, "An Improved Protocol for Proxy Based Certification Authority for MANETs", International Journal of Electronics Signals and Systems, (IJESS), Vol-I, Issue - II, Interscience Network 15. Jyostna Jaiswal and P.M.Khilar, "Improved GPSR Routing Algorithm for Fault Tolerant and Energy Efficiency in Mobile Adhoc Networks", International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering, Vol.1, No. 5, Dec 2011. 16. B.Panda and P.M.Khilar, " An FPGA Implementation and Protocol for Efficient and Secure Parallel ECC Crypto Processor Architecture, International Journal of Computer Application, Vol. 34, No. 8, Nov. 2011, pp.1-8 17. S.K.Behera, P.K.Sethy, P.M.Khilar, "Fault Diagnosis in Wireless Sensor Network Using Timed Automata", International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol. 29, No. 7, September 2011. 18. Preeti Sachen and P.M.Khilar, " Securing AODV Routing Protocol in MANET based on Cryptographic Authentication Mechanism", International Journal of Network Security and Its Applications, Vol. 3, No. 5, National Institute of Technology Rourkela 58 Annual Report 2011-2012 Sept 2011 19. Bidyut Kr. Patra, Sukumar Nandi and P. Viswanath, A distance based clustering method for arbitrary shaped clusters in large datasets, Patern Recognition,Volume 44, Issue 12, Pages 2811-2980, 2011 (Elsevier) 20. Bidyut Kr. Patra and Sukumar Nandi, Tolerance Rough Set Theory based Data Summarization for Clustering Large Datasets, Transaction on Rough Sets, Vol XIV, 2011(Springer) 21. Korra Sathya Babu and Sanjay Kumar Jena. Preserving Privacy by Quantizing. International Journal of Data Mining Knowledge Engineering, Vol. 5, Issue 3, 2012. 22. Korra Sathya Babu, Jhalak Hota and Sanjay Kumar Jena. Privacy Preserving Social Networking. Special Issue on Social Networks and Interdisciplinary Approaches, International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering, 2012. (Accepted). ii. Paper Presented in Conference/Symposia/Seminar 1. Sambit Bakshi, Sujata Das, Hunny Mehrotra, and Pankaj Kumar Sa. Score Level Fusion of SIFT and SURF for Iris, To appear In International Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems, ICDCS - 2012, IEEE, Coimbatore, India, March 2012. 2. Rajib Sarkar, Sambit Bakshi, and Pankaj Kumar Sa. Review on Image Sonification: A Non-visual Scene Representation, To appear In 1st International Conference on Recent Advances in Information Technology, RAIT - 2012, IEEE, Dhanbad, India, March 2012. 3. Sambit Bakshi, Rahul Raman, and Pankaj Kumar Sa. Lip Pattern Recognition based on Local Feature Extraction, In 2011 Annual IEEE India Conference, INDICON - 2011, pages 1 - 4, Hyderabad, India, December 2011. doi: 10.1109/ICIIP.2011.6108952 [Preprint] 4. Hunny Mehrotra, Banshidhar Majhi, and Pankaj Kumar Sa. Unconstrained iris recognition using F-SIFT, In International Conference on on Information, Communications and Signal Processing, ICICS - 2011, Singapore, December 2011. 5. Pankaj Kumar Sa and Banshidhar Majhi. Adaptive Edge Preserving Regularized Image Restoration, In International Conference on Image Information Processing, ICIIP - 2011, pages 1 - 5, Shimla, India, November 2011. doi: 10.1109/ICIIP.2011.6108952 6. Ratnakar Dash, Pankaj Kumar Sa, and Banshidhar Majhi. Restoration of Images Corrupted with Blur and Impulse Noise, In ACM International Conference on Communication, Computing & Security, ICCCS-2011, pages 377 - 382, Rourkela, India, February 2011 7. Ratnakar Dash, Pankaj Kumar Sa, and Banshidhar Majhi, Blur Parameter Identification using Support Vector Machine, Proc. of Int. Conf. on Advances in Computer Science. December 2011 8. Shila Samantaray and Pankaj Kumar Sa. Fingerprint Image Enhancement For Minutia-Based Fingerprint Identification: A Review, In 4th National Conference on VLSI, Embedded Systems, Signal Processing, and Communication Technologies, NCVESCOM-2011, pages 141 - 144, Chennai, India, April 2011. 9. A Key Renewal Model for Wireless Sensor Network Under Node Capture Attack, Alekha Mishra and Ashok Kumar Turuk 10. Lalatendu Behera, D. P. Mohapatra, "Schedulability Analysis of Task Scheduling in Multiprocessor Real-Time Systems Using EDF Algorithm", In proceedings of IEEE sponsored Second International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI 2012), Coimbatore, January 2012 11. M. Ray, D. P. Mohapatra, "A Novel Methodology for Software Risk Assessment at an Early Stage Using UML Diagrams", In proceedings of Workshop on Advanced Model Based software Engineering, Fourth India Software Engineering Conference (ISEC), Thiruananthapuram, Kerala, February 2011 12. A.Mahapatra and P.M.Khilar, Transient Fault Tolerant Wireless Sensor Networks, 2nd International Conference on Computer, Communication, Control and Information Technology (C3IT 2012), 25-26, Feb. 2012, Academy of Technology, Hoogly, West Bengal, India. (Elsevier Science) 13. M.Panda and P.M.Khilar, "Distributed Fault Tolerant Estimation in Wireless Sensor Network Using Robust Diffusion Adaptation" 8th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Internet Technology, February 2-4, 2012 KIIT University, Bhubaneswar. (Springer LNCS) 14. A.Mahapatra and P.M.Khilar, "On-line Fault Diagnosis of Arbitrary Connected Networks", 2nd International Joint Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology, AET 2011, Dec 20-21, 2011, Noida, New Delhi (ACEEE) 15. A.Mahapatra and P.M.Khilar, "Mobility and Energy Aware Distributed Clustering Protocol for Adhoc Sensor National Institute of Technology Rourkela 59 Annual Report 2011-2012 Networks", Indicon 2011, Dec 16-18, 2011 Hyderabad, India (IEEE) 16. A.Mahapatra and P.M.Khilar, "On line Fault Detection and Recovery in Body Sensor Networks", World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies (WICT- 2011) Mumbai, India, 11-14th Dec 2011. (IEEE) 17. S.Mishra and P.M.Khilar, "Heartbeat Based Error Diagnosis Framework for Distributed Embedded Systems", 2011 International Conference on Software and Computer Technology, (ICSCT - 2011), 9-10, Dec 2011, Singapore, (ISI Thomson). 18. B.Panda and P.M.Khilar, "An Improved Protocol for Proxy Based Certification Authority for MANETs", International Conference on Communication Networks and Security, Nov. 13-14, 2011, Hotel Presidency, Bhubaneswar, India. (IRNet) (Best Paper Award) 19. Jyostna Jaiswal and P.M.Khilar, "Energy Efficient and Fault Tolerant GPSR in Ad Hoc Wireless Network", in proc. of First International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology (CCSEIT2011, September 23-25 2011,Tirunelveli,Tamilnadu (Springer) 20. Bidyut Kr. Patra and Sukumar Nandi, Neighborhood Based Clustering Method for Arbi-trary Shaped Clusters, The 19th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS 2011), June 28-30, 2011, Warsaw, Poland (LNCS 6804). 21. Neminath Hubballi, Bidyut Kr. Patra, Sukumar Nandi, NDoT: Nearest Neighbor Distance based Outlier Detection Technique, The 4th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence (PReMI'11), June 27-July 1, 2011, Moscow, Russia 22. Madhu Chouhan, Manmath Narayan Sahoo, P. M. Khilar, "Fault Diagnosis in MANET" First International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications, July 2011, pp. 119-128 23. Korra Sathya Babu and Sanjay Kumar Jena. Balancing between Utility and Privacy for k-Anonymity, Edition 1 of Communications in Computer and Information Science,Volume 191, Advances in Computing and Communications, Part 1, Pages 1-8, 2011. 24. Subhalaxmi Das, Sujata Mohanty, Banshidhar Majhi. A Convertible Designated verifiable Multi-signcryption Scheme, Advances in Computing and Communications (ACC 2011), Communications in Computer and Information Science-2011, Vol. 193, part 6, pp. 549-556, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-22726-4_57 25. Subhalaxmi Das, Sujata Mohanty, Banshidhar Majhi. A Novel Designated Receiver based Convertible multi signcryption Scheme. IEEE-International Conference on Recent Trends in Information Technology, ICRTIT 2011 MIT, Anna University, Chennai, June 2011 26. Sujata Mohanty, Banshidhar Majhi, Sanjib Kumar Baral. A Novel Time-stamped Signature Scheme based Upon DLP. 1st International Conference on Recent Advances in Information Technology (RAIT-2012), Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad, India. March 2012 iii. Paper Accepted for Publication 1. Sujata Mohanty, Banshidhar Majhi, Subhanwita Sukhadarshini. A Novel Blind Signature Scheme based on DLP, International Workshop on Service-Oriented Architecture and Cloud Computing 2012. c. Doctoral Programme Name of Supervisor Title Name of the Scholar Brief Report Load Balancing of Distributed System Dr. S.K.Jena Bibhu Dutta Sahoo Final Stage Energy conservation in Wireless Network Dr. A. K. Turuk Niranjan Kumar Ray Good Progress Burst Switching Networks Dr. A. K Turuk Pushpinda Kumar Chandra Registration is over Security in Wireless Sensor Networks Dr. A. K. Turuk Alekha Mishra Registration is over Optical Networks Dr. A. K. Turuk Ravi Sankar Badpanda Ongoing National Institute of Technology Rourkela 60 Annual Report 2011-2012 Name of Supervisor Title Name of the Scholar Brief Report Distributed Self Diagnosis in wireless networks Dr. P.M.Khilar Manmath Narayan Sahoo Ongoing Distributed Fault Diagnosis in Infrastructure Challenged Networks Dr. P.M.Khilar Arunansu Mohapatra Ongoing Distributed Fault Diagnosis in Wireless Distributed Systems Dr. P.M.Khilar Minaskhi Panda Ongoing Clock Synchronization in Distributed Computing Systems Dr. P.M.Khilar Niranjan Panigrahi Literature study Analysis and Design of Protocols for Clustering In Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Dr. S. K. Rath Suchismita Chinara Degree awarded Database Security Dr. S.K.Jena K. Sathya Babu Registration Over Design of Signature Protocols Dr. B. Majhi Sujata Mohanty Ongoing Restoration and Deblurring of Image using Blind Deconvolution Technique Dr. B. Majhi Ratnakar Dash Good Progress Data Compression Dr. B. Majhi Suvendu Rup Ongoing Prioritizing Program Elements: A Pre-Testing Effort to Improve Software Quality Dr. D. P. Mohapatra Mitrabinda Roy Thesis Submitted Slicing of AOP Dr. D. P. Mohapatra Subhrakanta Panda Literature study Wireless Network Security Dr. S.K.Jena S.K. Panigrahy Ongoing Network Security Dr. S.K.Jena Suraj Sharma Ongoing e. Master Thesis Completed Name of the guide Name of the thesis Incremental and Real-Time Data Loading of DataWarehouse by Tool Based ETL Procedures Dr. S.K.Jena Detection and Enforcement of Privacy in Healthcare Data Repositories Dr. S.K.Jena Iris Identification using Keypoint Descriptors And Geometric Hashing Dr. B.Majhi Key Pre Distribution and key revocation in Wireless Sensor Networks Dr. A. K. Turuk An Efficient Defense Scheme Against Selective Forwarding Attack in Wireless Sensor Networks Dr. A. K. Turuk A Mechanism to Improve the Performance of IEEE 802.11 MAC Protocol Dr. A. K. Turuk Schedulability Analysis of Task Scheduling in Multiprocessor Real-Time System using EDF Algorithm Dr. D. P. Mohapatra National Institute of Technology Rourkela 61 Annual Report 2011-2012 Name of the guide Name of the thesis Code Coverage Based Testing for Object-Oriented Software Dr. D. P. Mohapatra Spatial Variant Image Restoration Dr. P. K. Sa Iris Database Classification and Indexing Dr. P. K. Sa A DoG based Approach for Fingerprint Image Enhancement Dr. P.K. Sa Unconstrained Iris Localization Dr. P.K. Sa Resource Management in GRID Systems Using GridSim Dr. P.M.Khilar Algorithm based on Booth's Encoding Pattern for Fast Scalar Point Multiplication in ECC for Wireless Sensor Networks Dr. P.M.Khilar Authenticated Routing for Ad-hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol Dr. P.M.Khilar GA-Based Fault Diagnosis Algorithm for Distributed Systems Dr. P.M.Khilar Efficient Fault Tolerant Geographic Routing Algorithms for Wireless Networks Dr. P.M.Khilar Achieving Secure Routing Against Malicious Nodes In MANET Mrs. S. Chinara Development of Security Protocol for the Black Hole Attack in AODV Routing Protocol Mrs. S. Chinara Study of Alternative distance metrics for t-closeness Mr. K. S. Babu Balancing privacy and utility in privacy preserving data publishing Mr. K. S. Babu Privacy Preserving Data Publishing using Slicing Mr. K. S. Babu A New Approach to Customize the Privacy of Actors for Utility based privacy Preserving Data Publishing for Social Network Mr. K. S. Babu Design of Authentication Protocols through Signcryption and its variations Ms. S. Mohanty Biometrics based Cryptographic Key Generation Ms. S. Mohanty Dynamic Fault Diagnosis in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Mr. M. N. Sahoo Designing a Framework for Fault Tolerance in WSN Mr. M. N. Sahoo f. Popular Lectures by Outside Experts : Sl. No. Name of the Speaker Title 1. Prof. L. M. Patnaik Research Aspects in Computer Science (by Dr. D. P. Mahapatra) 2. Dr Mark Elliot, PGR Director, University of Manchester, UK on 13.02.2011 Privacy , Identity, Disclosure: A Socio- Technical Analysis Attended by Dr. S. K. Jena National Institute of Technology Rourkela 62 Annual Report 2011-2012 6. CONSULTANCY SERVICES: Name of the scheme Sponsoring agency Amount earned NME-ICT pedagogy project on Software Engg. (Dr. D.P. Mohapatra) MIT, Govt. of India 1.05 Lakhs Pedagogic Research Project - 2009 "Development of Course Materials for Computer Architecture Course" (Dr. P. M. Khilar) MHRD, New Delhi Rs. 8, 00,000 7. EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED : Cost (Lakhs) Name of the equipment Upgradation of Test Complete By Dr. D. P. Mahapatra US$ 899.55 IBM Rational Functional Tester, IBM Rational Quality Manager By Dr. D. P. Mahapatra 3.06 Lakhs 8. TECHNICAL ASSOCIATION / SOCIETIES: Brief report on the activities of the Association/Societies Dr. S. K. Jena SLMCSI, FIETE, MIE(I), MIEEE, MACM Dr. D. P. Mahapatra IEEE,CSI, IE (I) Dr. P.M.Khilar Honarary Secreatary, IE(I), Rourkela Local Chapter, Member in the management committee of CSI, Rourkela Local Chapter, LM in Orissa Bigyan Academy 9. Dr. P. K. Sa LMCSI, MIEEE Mr. K. S. Babu MIEEE, MIAENG, MCRSI, MIE (I), MIACSIT. Ms. S. Mohanty LMIETE, LMCSI, MIE(A),LMISTE LABORATORIES: Dr. D. P. Mohapatra developed a new laboratory named Distributed Object Systems Lab. (DOS Lab) with 12 computers, one printer and software like IBM Rational Functional Tester, IBM Rational Quality Manager systems, Magic Draw, TestComplete etc. for the PG students and Research Scholars of the department. National Institute of Technology Rourkela 63 Annual Report 2011-2012 DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 1. ACADEMIC STAFF HEAD Prof. Bidyadhar Subudhi Ph.D. FACULTIES Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Prof. P.C. Panda : Ph.D. Prof. K. B. Mohanty : Ph.D. Prof. S. Mohanty : Ph.D. Prof. J.K. Satapathy : Ph.D. Prof. Susmita Das : Ph.D. Prof. K. R. Subhasini : M.Tech. Prof. B. D. Subudhi : Ph.D. Prof. Dipti Patra : Ph.D. Prof. B. Chitti Babu : M. Tech. Prof. A. K. Panda : Ph.D. Prof. P. K. Sahu : Ph.D. Prof. Sandip Ghosh : M. Tech. Prof. Somnath Maity : Ph.D Prof. S. Samant : M.Tech Prof. Subrata Karmakar : M.Tech Prof. S. Gupta : M.Tech Prof. S. Ganguly : M.Tech Prof. G. Krishna : M.Tech 2. Prof. Subhojit Ghosh : M.Tech DISTINCTION ACHIEVED: Prof. P. K. Ray : M.Tech a) By Faculty Members : Name of The Faculty Particulars Prof. P.C.Panda Chaired a Session in PEDS-2011, Singapore Prof. B.Subudhi (i) Chaired a Session in PEDS-2011, Singapore (ii) Chaired a Session in Intl. Conf. on Advances in Control & Optimization of Dynamical Systems, Bangalore, Feb 2012 (iii) Certificate of Achievement for having guided the Best M.Tech Thesis Development & Control of Networked Servo System in Electrical & Electronics Engg. (Instituted by L & T, Bombay) & ISTE Prof. Sandip Ghosh Certificate of Achievement for having guided the Best M.Tech Thesis Development & Control of Networked Servo System in Electrical & Electronics Engg. (Instituted by L & T, Bombay) & ISTE National Institute of Technology Rourkela 64 Annual Report 2011-2012 b) By Students : Particulars Name of The Faculty Srinibas Bhuyan 3. National Award(Second Prize) for the Best M.Tech Thesis Development & Control of Networked Servo System in Electrical & Electronics Engg. (Instituted by L & T, Bombay) & ISTE CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAMME : Name of the course Modelling & Control of Renewable Energy Sourcse MATLAB based Electrical Systems Modeling and Implementation of Advanced Control Alogorithms 4. Students Admitted 50 50 Brief report regarding progress Proposed during 4-8 June 2012 Proposed to held during (3rd July - 07th July 2012) SEMINAR, SYMPOSIA, SUMMER SCHOOL, WINTER SCHOOL, SHORT TERM COURSES/ WORKSHOPS : (a) Conducted in the Department : Sponsoring Agency Name of the coordinator Title of the course Duration -- -- -- -- (b) Participation by Faculty Members : Name of the staff Course/Seminar Organization Period Venue Prof. P.C.Panda IEEE PEDS-2011 NUS, Singapore 5-8 Dec 2011 Prof. P.C.Panda TENCON 2011 - 2011 IEEE Region 10 Conference Univ. Indonesia 21-24 Nov, 2011 Inna Grand Bali Beach Hotel, Bali, INDONESIA Prof. B.Subudhi IEEE PEDS-2011 NUS, Singapore 5-8 Dec 2011 Intl. Conf. on Advances in Control & Optimization of Dynamical Systems IISC Bangalore 16-18, Feb 2012 IISC Bangalore IEEE Intl Conf. on Technology Enhanced Learning Amrita Univ. 3-7 Jan 2012 Amrita Univ. Kollam IEEE PEDS-2011 NUS, Singapore 5-8 Dec. 2011 Amara Hotel, Singapore Prof. Anup Kumar Panda Prof. Kanungo 5th PSU-UNS International Barada Mohanty Conference on Engineering and Technology (ICET-2011), Phuket, Prince of Songkla University, May 2-3, 2011 Faculty of Engineering Hat Yai, Songkhla, Thailand Dr. P. K. Sahu UTAR, Kualalumpur PIERS-2012 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 65 Amara Hotel, Singapore Singapore Amara Hotel, Singapore Singapore Merlin Beach Resort, Phuket 27-30 March 12 Hotel, Sunway Spa,Klmpr. Annual Report 2011-2012 Name of the staff Course/Seminar Organization Period Venue Prof. Susovon Samanta APEC, 2012 IEEE 5-9th Feb, 2012 Orlando, Florida, USA Prof.P.K.Ray Training Program on Smart Grid Technologies IIT Rajasthan 23-25 2012 5. April, Jodhpur RESEARCH Research Schemes : Title of the scheme Sponsored by Study of power quality problem &counter CPRI,BANGLORE measures in present power system using power electronics devices. Assistance received 20.20 Investigator Brief report P.C. Panda & B.D. In progress Subudhi Investigation on Control issues in Network CSIR based Control System 16 B.Subudhi and Oct 2009-Oct 2012, Sandip Ghosh In Progress Development of Co-operative Motion Control NRB, DRDO of Multiple AUVs 16 B . S u b u d h i , Dec 2008-Dec 2011 D.R.K.Parhi In Progress Installation of 10 kW PV plant at NIT Rourkela MNRE 12.0 B.Subudhi Completed Study of power quality problems and counter CPRI measures in present power systems using power electronics devices 20.2 P.C.Panda B.Subudhi In Progress Development of a unmanned ground vehicle DRDO 4 B. Subudhi Completed Development of a circuit based model for Fast Track Project 12.48 analysis of glucose regulation system. from Department of Science & Technology Subhojit Ghosh Approved On-line diagnostic monitoring of high voltage Fast Track Project 23.0 power system equipment from Department of Science & Technology Subrat Karmakar b) Approved Research Publication : i) Paper Published 1. 2. 3. 4. Laxmidhar, Sahu., Therattil, Jose. P., and Panda, P.C., "Study of shunt FACTS-based controllers effectiveness on multi machine power system steady state operation," Advanced materials research, vols. 403-408, pp. 4926-4933, Nov. 2011.(Trans Tech publications, Switzerland) S.K.Pradhan and B.Subudhi, Real-Time Adaptive Control of a Flexible Manipulator using Reinforcement Learning , IEEE Trans. on Automation Science and Engineering, vol. 9, no.2, pp.237-249, 2012. B. Subudhi and S.S. Ge, Sliding mode Control and observer based slip ratio control of Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicles, IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation System (In Press) P.K.Ray and B.Subudhi, Ensemble Kalman Filtering Algorithm applied to Power System Harmonics Estimation, IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurement (Accepted with minor revision) National Institute of Technology Rourkela 66 Annual Report 2011-2012 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Rakesh Krishnan, Arun Ghosh, and B. Subudhi, Robust PID Compensation of an Inverted Cart-Pendulum System: An Experimental Study, IET Control Theory & Applications(In Press) B.Subudhi, P.K.Ray,and S.Ghosh, Variable Leaky LMS Algorithm Based Power System Frequency Estimation, IET Science, Measurement & Technology(In Press). P.K.ray and B.Subudhi, BFO optimized RLS algorithm for Power System Harmonics Estimation, Applied Soft Computing (Elsevier). doi:10.1016/j.asoc.2012.03.00, March 2012 B. Subudhi and R.Pradhan, A Comparative Study on Solar Array Parameter Extraction Methods, International Journal of Renewable Energy Technology (Inderscience) , vol.3, no.3, pp-315, 2012 B.Subudhi, S.Ranasingh, A.K. Swain, Evolutionary computation approaches to tip position controller design for a two-link flexible manipulator, Journal of Archives of Control Sciences, vol.21(LV-II), no.3, 2011, pp.269285. B.Subudhi and D.Jena, Differential Evolution Trained Neural Network Scheme for Nonlinear System Identification, Applied Soft Computing (Elsevier) , vol. 11, pp. 861-87, 2011 B.Subudhi and D.Jena, Nonlinear system identification using memetic differential evolution trained neural networks, Neurocomputing (Elsevier), vol.74,pp.1696-1709, 2011 Satyam Bonala, B.Subudhi and Sandip Ghosh, Stabilization of Networked Control System with Packet Dropouts, Intl. Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research (in Press) M Mahesh and Prof. A K Panda "High Power Factor Three-Phase AC-DC Soft Switched Converter Incorporating ZVT Topology in Modular System for High Power Applications" IET Power Electronics, Volume 4, Issue 9, pp.1032-1042, November 2011 M Mahesh and Prof. A K Panda," Increase of Efficiency of a AC-DC PFC boost Converter by a Novel SoftSwitching Technique", International Journal of Electric Power Components and Systems (Taylor & Franchise), Volume 40, Issue 1, pp.57-73, November 2011. Suresh Mikkili, A.K. Panda "PI and Fuzzy Logic Controller based 3-phase 4-wire Shunt active filter for mitigation of Current harmonics with Id-Iq Control Strategy" Journal of power Electronics (JPE), vol. 11, No. 6, pp. 914-921, Nov. 2011. Suresh Mikkili, A.K. Panda, "RTDS Hardware implementation and Simulation of 3-ph 4-wire SHAF for Mitigation of Current Harmonics with p-q and Id-Iq Control strategies using Fuzzy Logic Controller," International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems: BE Press, Vol. 12: No. 5, Article 5, Aug. 2011. Suresh Mikkili, A.K. Panda, "Simulation and RTDS Hardware implementation of 3ph 4wire SHAF for mitigation of Current harmonics Using id-iq Control strategy with PI Controller" Journal of Electrical Engineering (JEE), in press Suresh Mikkili, A.K. Panda, "RTDS Hardware implementation and Simulation of 3ph 4wire SHAF for mitigation of Current harmonics with p-q Control strategy using PI controller" Journal of Electrical Engineering (JEE), in press M Suresh, A.K. Panda, Y. Suresh "Fuzzy Controller Based 3Phase 4Wire Shunt Active Filter for Mitigation of Current Harmonics with Combined p-q and Id-Iq Control Strategies" Journal of Energy and Power Engineering (EPE), Vol. 3, No.1, pp. 43-52, February 2011. Suresh. Mikkili, A.K. Panda, "SHAF for Mitigation of Current harmonics using p-q method with PI and Fuzzy Controllers", Eng. Technol. Appl. Sci. Res., Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 98-104, Aug. 2011. Suresh. Mikkili and A.K. Panda, "Id-Iq Control Strategy for Mitigation of Current Harmonics with Fuzzy Logic Controller Using Matlab/Simulation and RTDS Hardware", Intelligent Control and Automation, 2011, Vol. 2, No.4, pp. 371-382. Suresh.Mikkili and Prof. A. K. Panda, "APF for Mitigation of Current Harmonics with p-q and Id-Iq Control Strategies using PI Controller" International Journal of Trends in Electrical Engineering, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 111, May 2011. Mikkili Suresh, Prof. A. K. Panda and Y.Suresh, "RTDS Hardware Implementation and Simulation of 3-ph 4wire SHAF for Mitigation of Current Harmonics using p-q Control strategy With Fuzzy Controller" International Journal of Power Electronics & Power Systems, Vol. 1, No.1, pp. 13-23, March 2011. A.K.Panda, Y.Suresh, "Research on Cascade Multilevel Inverter with Single DC Source by Using Three-Phase Transformers", Intl. Journal of Electric Power Energy Systems (Elsevier). doi:10.1016/j.ijepes.2011.12.012 Y.Suresh, A.K.panda, "Research on Cascaded Multilevel Inverter Three-Phase Transformers", IET Power Electronics, 2011, pp. 1 - 10. doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2011.0150. B. C. Babu, K. B. Mohanty, "Steady state and transient analysis of grid connected wind turbine driven National Institute of Technology Rourkela 67 Annual Report 2011-2012 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. double-output induction generator," Electrical Engg. Research Report, vol. 1, issue 27, Dec. 2011, pp. 52-57. K. B. Mohanty, Madhu Singh, "Input current waveform shaping of an induction motor drive using three level front-end converter and passive filter," Canadian Journal on Electrical and Electronics Engineering Vol. 2, No. 9, September 2011, pp. 415-420. B. K. Debta, and K. B. Mohanty, "Analysis, voltage control and experiments on a self excited induction generator," Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal, No. 9, May 2011, pp.1-6. B. C. Babu, K. B. Mohanty, "Doubly-fed induction generator for variable speed wind energy conversion systems- Modeling & Simulation," International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 1, February, 2010, pp. 141-147. S. Panigrahy and P. K. Sahu, "Analytical Modeling of Double Gate MOSFET and its Application", International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 1, Issue 1, November-2011, pp. 58 - 62. Kiran Kumar Gurrala, Susmita Das, "Impact of Relay location on the performance of Multi-Relay Cooperative Communication," IRACST - International Journal of Computer Networks and Wireless Communications (IJCNWC), Vol. 2, April 2012. Prajna Parimita Dash and Dipti Patra. "Evolutionary neural network for noise cancellation in image data", International Journal of Computational Vision and Robotics, Inderscience. 2(3):206-217, 2011. Subrajeet Mohapatra, Dipti Patra, and Kundan Kumar. "Fast leukocyte image segmentation using shadowed sets". International Journal of Computational Biology and Drug Design, Inderscience. 5(1):49-65, 2012. Subrajeet Mohapatra, Dipti Patra, and Sanghamitra Satpathy. "Unsupervised blood microscopic image segmentation and leukemia detection using color based clustering". International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications, MIR Labs. 4:477-485, 2012. Subrajeet Mohapatra, Dipti Patra, and Kundan Kumar. "Unsupervised leukocyte image segmentation using rough fuzzy clustering". International Students Research Network (ISRN) - Arti?cial Intelligence. 2012. S. Mohanty and S. Ghosh , "AC breakdown studies of solid insulating materials and it's modeling using soft computing techniques", International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing. K. Ratna Subhashini , Satapathy.J.K"Null Steering of planar antenna array synthesis using Genetic Algorithm" International Journal -IJTES-Reg, vol 2. S.R.Samantaray, A.Samuai, B.Chitti Babu, "Time-Frequency Transform based Islanding Detection in Distributed Generation" IET Journal of Renewable Power Generation, Vol-05, Issue: 06, pp.431-438.2011. B.Chitti Babu, K.B.Mohanty, "Steady State and Transient Analysis of Grid Connected Wind Turbine Driven Double-Output Induction", Journal of Electrical Engineering Research Report, Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II Publishers, Italy, Vol. NO; 1 Issue: 27, pp.52-57. 2011 S.R.Samantaray, B.Chitti Babu, P.K.Dash, "Probabilistic Neural Network based Islanding Detection in Distributed Generation" International Journal of Electric Power Components and Systems, Tailor & Francis Publishers, Vol:39, Issue:03, Pp.191-203, 2011 B.Chitti Babu, S.R.Samantaray et all, "Design and Implementation of Low Power Smart PV Energy System for Portable Applications Using Synchronous Buck Converter", Journal of Low Power Electronics (JOLPE), American Scientific publishers, Vol. 8 N0.3, June 2012- In Press. S. Samanta, S. Mukhopadhyay and R. Sheehan, "Discrete-time simulation of a peak current controlled DC/ DC buck converter using modal decomposition", IET Power Electronics, Vol. 4, Iss 6, pp 642-650, July 2011. A. Sabat and S. Karmakar, "Simulation of Partial Discharge in High Voltage Power Equipment", International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 234-247, 2011. N.C. Sahoo, S. Ganguly, and D. Das, "Simple heuristics-based selection of local guides for multi-objective PSO with an application to electrical distribution system planning," Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Elsevier, vol. 24(4), pp. 567-585, 2011. N.C. Sahoo, S. Ganguly, and D. Das, "Fuzzy-Pareto-dominance driven possibilistic model based planning of electrical distribution systems using multi-objective particle swarm optimization," Expert Systems with Applications, Elsevier, vol. 39 (1), pp. 881-893, 2012. N.C. Sahoo, S. Ganguly, and D. Das, "Multi-objective planning of electrical distribution systems incorporating sectionalizing switches and tie-lines using particle swarm optimization," Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, Elsevier, vol. 3, pp. 15-32, 2012. Ghosh, S. K. Das and G. Ray, "Decentralized adaptive robust stabilization of interconnected time-delay systems", International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, Vol. 26, No. 1, 2012, 13-29. Subhojit Ghosh, Srihari Gude, A genetic algorithm tuned optimal controller for glucose regulation in type 1 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 68 Annual Report 2011-2012 diabetic subjects, International journal of numerical methods in biomedical engineering (Wiley publication), in press, DOI: 10.1002/cnm.2466. i) Paper Presented in Conferences/ Seminar/ Symposia : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Therattil, Jose. P., and Panda, P.C., "Improving dynamic stability of a power system using adaptive Static Synchronous Series Compensator," TENCON 2011 - 2011 IEEE Region 10 Conference, vol., no., pp.928-932, 21-24 Nov. 2011. Therattil, Jose. P., and Panda, P.C., "Dynamic stability enhancement using an adaptive Unified Power Flow Controller," TENCON 2011 - 2011 IEEE Region 10 Conference, vol. , no., pp.908-912, 21-24 Nov. 2011. Therattil, Jose. P., and Panda, P.C., "Damping of power system oscillations using an advanced Unified Power Flow Controller," Power Electronics and Drive Systems (PEDS), 2011 IEEE Ninth International Conference on , vol., no., pp.128-132, 5-8 Dec. 2011. Therattil, Jose. P., and Panda, P.C., "A novel adaptive control for a power system with unified power flow controller," Proc. 3rd International conference on advances in energy research (ICAER-2011) Organized by Department of Energy Sciences and Engineering, IIT Bombay, 9-11 Dec. 2011. Therattil, Jose. P., and Panda, P.C., "A nonlinear control to unified power flow controller for power oscillation damping," Proc. 3rd International conference on advances in energy research (ICAER-2011) Organized by Department of Energy Sciences and Engineering, IIT Bombay, 9-11 Dec. 2011. Therattil, Jose. P., and Panda, P.C., "Transient stability enhancement of a power system with unified power flow controller using pole placement technique," Proc. 35th National system conference (NSC-2011) Organized by Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Bhubaneswar, pp. 37-46, 9-11 Dec. 2011. Therattil, Jose. P., and Panda, P.C., "Nonlinear model and control of a two area power system with unified power flow controller," Proceedings of the EE Centenary Conference, IISC, Bangalore, pp. 334-339, 15-17 Dec. 2011. Therattil, Jose. P., and Panda, P. C., "Modelling and control of a multi-machine power system with FACTS controller," Power and Energy Systems (ICPS), 2011 International Conference on , vol., no., pp.1-6, 22-24 Dec. 2011. (Organized by IIT Madras) Narne, R., Panda, P. C., and Therattil, J. P., "Transient stability enhancement of SMIB system using PSS and TCSC-based controllers," Power Electronics and Drive Systems (PEDS), 2011 IEEE Ninth International Conference on , vol., no., pp.214-218, 5-8 Dec. 2011. Narne, R., Therattil, Jose. P., Sahu, L., and Panda, P.C., "Dynamic Stability Enhancement Using Self-Tuning Static Synchronous Compensator," Process Automation, Control and Computing (PACC), 2011 International Conference on , vol., no., pp.1-5, 20-22 July 2011. Narne, R., Panda, P.C., and Jose. P Therattil, ., "Improving power system transient stability by PSS and Hybrid Fuzzy-PI based TCSC controllers," IEEE-ICES, pp 1-6,2012 Panigrahi Rakhee, Panda, P.C.,Subhudi, B.D., "Application of discrete kalman filter in reference current Estimation for control of single phase shunt active Power filter," International Conference on Information ,communication and Embedded system (ICICES 2012) ,chennai,24th February 2012. B.Subudhi, S.Bhuyan and S.Ghosh, Networked Control System: Uncertainty Modeling and Stabilization" Intl. Conf. on Modelling, Optimisation, and Computing (ICMOC - 2012)", Tamilnadu , India, April 10-11, 2012. B.Subudhi, S.Bonala, S.Ghosh and R.Dey, Robust Analysis of Networked Control Systems with Time-Varying Delays, 7th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design, ROCOND'12, T. Rakesh Kumar, A.Ghosh and B.Subudhi, Periodic Compensation of an Inverted Cart-Pendulum System, Intl. Conf. on Advances in Control & Optimization of Dynamical Systems, Bangalore,16-18, Feb 2012 B.Subudhi and B.Sahu, Adaptive Formation Control of Multiple Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, Intl. Conf. on Advances in Control & Optimization of Dynamical Systems, Bangalore,16-18, Feb 2012 S.K.Pradhan and B.Subudhi, Nonlinear Self-Tuning PID Controller for a Flexible Manipulator based on NARMAX Model, Intl. Conf. on Advances in Control & Optimization of Dynamical Systems, Bangalore,16-18, Feb 2012 Raja Rout, B.Subudhi and S.Ghosh, Adaptive Path Following Control of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle, Intl. Conf. on Advances in Control & Optimization of Dynamical Systems, Bangalore,16-18, Feb 2012 S.K. Pradhan and B.Subudhi, NARMAX modeling of a two-link flexible robot India Conference (INDICON), 2011 Annual IEEE, Hyderbad, Dec 2011 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 69 Annual Report 2011-2012 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. B.Subudhi and R.Pradhan, Characteristics Evaluation and Parameter Extraction of a Solar Array based on Experimental Analysis, IEEE PEDS-2011, Singapore Madhu Singh, Kanungo Barada Mohanty, Sliding Mode Control of a Feedback Linearized Induction Motor using TS Fuzzy Base Adaptive Iterative Learning Controller, IEEE PEDS-2011, Singapore Smruti Ranjan Prusty, Saswat Kumar Ram, B.D.Subudhi and K.K.Mahapatra, Performance Analysis of Adaptive Band Hysteresis Current Controller for Shunt Active Power Filter, Proceedings of ICETECT 2011. Prof. A.K.Panda and Suresh.Mikkili "Fuzzy Controller based 3-ph 4-wire SHAF for Current Harmonics Compensation with idiq Control strategy using Simulation and RTDS Hardware" IEEE proc. PEDS Singapore, 5-8 December 2011. Suresh.Mikkili and Prof. A.K.Panda, "PI and Fuzzy Controller based 3-ph 4-wire SHAF for Current harmonics Compensation Using p-q Control Strategy", IET proc. -SEISCON, Madras, 20-22 July 2011. Suresh.Mikkili and Prof. A.K.Panda, "SHAF for mitigation of Current harmonics with p-q and Id-Iq Control strategies using both PI and Fuzzy Controllers", IET proc. -SEISCON, Madras, 20-22 July 2011. Suresh.Mikkili and Prof. A.K.Panda, "PI Controller based Shunt Active Filter for Mitigation of Current Harmonics with p-q Control strategy using Simulation and RTDS Hardware" IEEE proc. INDICON, Hyderabad, 16-18 December 2011. Suresh.Mikkili and Prof. A.K.Panda, "Fuzzy Logic controller based SHAF for Current Harmonics Compensation with p-q Control strategy using Simulation and RTDS Hardware" IEEE proc. INDICON, Hyderabad, 16-18 December 2011. Suresh.Mikkili and Prof. A.K.Panda, "Simulation and RTDS Hardware Implementation of SHAF for Current harmonics Cancellation Using Id-Iq Control Strategy with PI and Fuzzy Controllers" IEEE proc. ICPS IIT MADRAS , 22-24 December 2011. Suresh.Mikkili and Prof. A.K.Panda, "Id-Iq Control Strategy for Mitigation of Current Harmonics with PI and Fuzzy Controllers" IEEE proc. ICPS IIT MADRAS , 22-24 December 2011. S.S. Patnaik and Prof. A.K. Panda, "Comparative Evaluation of Harmonic Compensation Capability of Active Power Filter with Conventional and Bacterial Foraging Based Control," in IEEE Proc. 9th International conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems (PEDS), Singapore, 5th-8th Dec. 2011. S.S. Patnaik and Prof. A.K. Panda, "Comparison of Current Harmonic Compensation Capability of APF with Two Control Strategies in 3-phase 4-wire System Employing Bacterial Foraging Optimization," in Proc. Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON), Hyderabad, 16th-18th Dec. 2011. S.S. Patnaik and Prof. A.K. Panda, "Optimal Load Compensation by 3-phase 4-wire Shunt Active Power Filter under Distorted Mains Supply Employing Bacterial Foraging Optimization," in Proc. Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON), Hyderabad, 16th-18th Dec. 2011. S.S. Patnaik and Prof. A.K. Panda, "Performance Improvement of id-iq Method Based Active Filter Using Particle Swarm Optimization," in Proc. IET International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Intelligent System (SEISCON), Chennai, 20th-22nd Jul. 2011. "Comparative Evaluation of Harmonic Compensation Capability of Active Power Filter with Conventional and Bacterial Foraging Based Control," in IEEE Proc. 9th International conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems (PEDS), Singapore, 5th-8th Dec. 2011. "Fuzzy Controller based 3-ph 4-wire SHAF for Current Harmonics Compensation with id-iq Control strategy using Simulation and RTDS Hardware" IEEE proc. PEDS Singapore, 5-8 December 2011. B. N. Kar, K. B. Mohanty, Madhu Singh, "Indirect vector control of induction motor using fuzzy logic controller," Procc. IEEE EEEIC (Int. Conf. on Environment and Electrical Engg.), Rome, May 2011, pp.1-4. S. Choudhury, K. B. Mohanty, B. K. Debta, "Investigation on performance of doubly-fed induction generator driven by wind turbine under grid voltage fluctuation," Procc. of IEEE EEEIC (Int. Conf. on Environment and Electrical Engg.), Rome, May 2011, pp. 1-4. S. Choudhury, K. B. Mohanty, B. C. Babu, "Performance analysis of doubly-fed induction generator for wind energy conversion system," Procc. of 5th PSU-UNS International Conference on Engineering and Technology (ICET), Phuket, May 2011, pp. 532-536. S. Jena, and K. B. Mohanty, "Robust field oriented induction machine control using SMC," Procc. of 5th PSUUNS International Conference on Engineering and Technology (ICET), Phuket, May 2011, pp. 551-554. K. B. Mohanty, Madhu Singh, and B. Subudhi, "Sliding mode control of a feedback linearized induction motor using TS fuzzy based adaptive iterative learning controller," Procc. of 9th IEEE Int. Conf. on Power Electronics & Drive Systems, Singapore, Dec 5-8, 2011, pp. 625-630. K. B. Mohanty, Madhu Singh, "Input Power Conditioning of a Linearized Induction Motor Drive using Three National Institute of Technology Rourkela 70 Annual Report 2011-2012 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. Level Front-End Converter and Passive Filter," Procc. of IEEE INDICON, Dec. 2011, Hyderabad, pp. 1-6. S. Jena, K. B. Mohanty, "Robust sensorless field oriented control of induction motor using sliding mode," Procc. of IEEE INDICON, Dec. 2011, Hyderabad, pp. 1-6. B. N. Kar, S. Choudhury, K. B. Mohanty, Madhu Singh, "Indirect Vector Control of Induction Motor Using Sliding-Mode Controller," Procc. of Int. Conf. on Sustainable Energy and Intelligent System (IET SEISCON) 2011, Chennai, July 2011, pp. 1-5. K. B. Mohanty, Madhu Singh, "Feedback linearizing control of induction motor drive by P-I controllers in RTDS environment," Procc. of IEEE 4th Int. Conf. on Electronics Computer Technology (ICECT 2012), Apr. 2012, Kanyakumari, pp. 1-6. S. Choudhury, K. B. Mohanty, "Realization of Grid Fault on Grid Connected Wind Energy Conversion System Using Real Time Simulator," Procc. of Int. Conf. on Sustainable Energy and Intelligent System (IET SEISCON) 2011, Chennai, July 2011, pp. 1-6. S. Choudhury, K. B. Mohanty, B. C. Babu, "Performance analysis of doubly-fed induction generator for wind energy conversion system," 5th PSU-UNS International Conference on Engineering and Technology (ICET), Phuket, May 2011 S. Jena, and K. B. Mohanty, "Robust field oriented induction machine control using SMC," 5th PSU-UNS International Conference on Engineering and Technology (ICET), Phuket, May 2011, P. K. Sahu, Smita Parija and S. S. Singh, "Survey and recent advancement on sensor networks", national seminar on recent trends in nano science and technology(RINT), Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India, Sept.16th 17th, 2011, pp 56-67 2. Bhaktapriya Mohapatra, Prasanna Ku. Sahu, Chandra Kandula and Prakash Ku. Panda, " Dynamic power allocation of multi spot beam Ka band satellite communication network in India using multiport power amplifier for rain fade mitigation," International Conference On Microwaves, Antenna, Propagation & Remote Sensing (I C M A R S - 2 011), Jodhpur, Rajasthan, Dec. 7th -10th, 2011, pp. 170. 3. Bhaktapriya Mohapatra, Prasanna Ku. Sahu and Abhishek Patra, "16 spot beam Ka band satellite communication in India for rain fade mitigation," IEEE Student's conference on Engineering and Systems (SCES-2012), MNIT, Allahabad, March 16th -18th, ISBN: 978-1-4673-0454-2. Abhishek Patra, Prasanna Ku. Sahu, Smita Parija and Bhaktapriya Mohapatra, "Interference Cancellation and BER improvement in a wireless network using network MIMO ," IEEE Student's conference on Engineering and Systems (SCES -2012), MNIT, Allahabad, March 16th -18th, ISBN: 978-1-4673-0454-2. Chandra Kandula, Prasanna Ku. Sahu, and Bhaktapriya Mohapatra, "Microstrip Line Fed novel shaped Dielectric Resonant Antenna for Millimeter Wave Applications," International Conference On Microwaves, Antenna, Propagation & Remote Sensing (I C M A R S - 2 011), Jodhpur, Rajasthan, Dec. 7th -10th, 2011, pp. 131. Chandra Kondula, P. K. Sahu, P.K. Panda and Sheeja K. L., "Micro Strip Line Fed I-shaped Dielectric Resonant Antenna for Millimeter Wave Applications," Progress in electromagnetic research symposium (PIERS),Kaula Lumpur, Malaysia, March 27th - 30th, 2012 pp. 1061-1063. Sheeja K.L., P.K. Sahu and P. K. Panda, "Elliptical Antenna based on Zeroth Order Resonance," 5th annual conference ATMS India-2012, Mumbai, India, Feb. 2nd -3rd, 2012, pp. 216-218. Sheeja K.L., P. K. Sahu and S. K. Behera, "Comparative Study of a CRLH TL based Zeroth Order Resonant Antenna," 18th National Conference on Communications (NCC), IIT Kharagpur, Kolkata , India, Feb.3rd - 5th, 2012, pp.1-5. Sheeja K.L., P. K. Sahu and S. K. Behera, "A Bandwidth Enhanced Elliptical Metamaterial Antenna," Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, March 27th - 30th, 2012, pp. 132-135. Sridhar kondabathini, Susmitha Das and Kala Praveen Bagadi, "An improved compressed Image Transmission over space time coded MIMO OFDM systems with Punctured Turbo codes" International Conference on emerging Trends in Engineering(ICETE-12),NMAM Institute of Technology, Nitte, Karnataka, May 15th - 16th(2012)(accepted). Narla Dileep and Susmitha Das, "Gradient Descent Localization Method using UWB based system for an effective Human Motion Tracking," International Conference on Emerging trends in engineering (ICETE12), NMAM institute of technology, Nitte, Karnataka, May 15th - 16th (2012)(accepted). Shafeeque I,and Susmitha Das, "DS-QBOK-UWB transmission scheme for wireless multimedia National Institute of Technology Rourkela 71 Annual Report 2011-2012 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. communication" International Conference on emerging Trends in Engineering(ICETE-12),NMAM Institute of Technology, Nitte, Karnataka, May 15th - 16th(2012)(accepted). Prajna Parimita Dash, Aitha Santhosh, and Dipti Patra, "OHTA based covariance technique for tracking object in video scene", In IEEE Student Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science, SCEECS2012, Bhopal, India, March 2012. V Srikanth, Sunil Kumar and Dipti Patra, "OHTA Feature based Normalized cut for color image segmentation", In IEEE International conference on Advances in Communication, Navigation and Computer Networks, ACNCN-2012, Vishakhapatnam, March 2012. Subrajeet Mohapatra, Sunil Kumar and Dipti Patra. "RBFN based Leukocyte Image Segmentation for Automated Leukemia Detection". In International Conference on Signal, Image & Video Processing, ICSIVP-2012, Patna, India, January 2012. Subrajeet Mohapatra, Dipti Patra and Kundan Kumar. Blood microscopic image segmentation using rough sets. In International Conference on Image Information Processing, ICIIP-2011, Shimla, India, Novemeber 2011. Dipti Patra, Subrajeet Mohapatra, Kundan Kumar. A Rough Set Approach to Blood Microscopic Image Segmentation. In International Conference on Computer Vision & Image Processing, ICCVIP 2011, Paris, 2426th June, 2011. Dipti Patra & Mridula J. Feature Based Segmentation of Colour Textured Images using GLCM and Markov Random Field Model. In International Conference on Computer Vision & Image Processing, ICCVIP 2011, Paris, 24-26th June, 2011. S. Mohanty and S. Ghosh , " Modeling of breakdown voltage of solid insulating materials in the presence of voids under ac conditions using fuzzy logic techniques", IEEE International Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Polarization, Mexico, Oct. 2011, pp. 530-533. K. Ratna Subhashini, Saikiran.J"Estimation of QPSK signal via different Smart Array Antennas Deploying Gradient Approach", IEEE Techsym, Jan 4-6,2011 IIT Kharagpur. K. Ratna Subhashini ,Saikiran.J"Combating Signal Interference and QPSK Signal Estimation Employing Bio inspired technique for Smart Antennas " IEEE DMO'11, Kaulalumpur Malaysia .28th-29th June,2011. K. Ratna Subhashini, Bharat.K," A Compact high gain micro strip patch antenna for dual band WLAN applications", IEEE SCES-2012. K. Ratna Subhashini, Surendra.N," Cylindrical antenna synthesis with minimum side lobe level using PSO technique ", IEEE SCES-2012. K. Ratna Subhashini, Surendra.N," Conformal antenna array synthesis using Bio inspired technique ", IEEE SCES-2012 Debati Marandi, Naga Sowmya Tontepu, B.Chitti Babu, " Comparative Study between Unipolar and Bipolar Switching Scheme with LCL Filter for Single-Phase Grid Connected Inverter System", Proc. of IEEE Students' Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Sciences 2012 (SCEECS 2012), MANIT, Bhopal, Mar/ 2012- Received Best Paper Award Suruti Ranjan Panda, B.Chitti Babu, " Phase Estimation for Grid Synchronization using CORDIC Algorithm with SRF-PLL" Proc. of IEEE Students' Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Sciences 2012 (SCEECS 2012), MANIT, Bhopal, Mar/2012B.Chitti Babu, K.B.Mohanty," DSP based Stator Flux Oriented Control of Doubly-Fed Induction Generator for Wind Power Generation System" Proc. of IEEE Students' Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Sciences 2012 (SCEECS 2012), MANIT, Bhopal, Mar/2012Binita Sen, Dusyant Sharma, B.Chittii Babu, " DSRF and SOGI based PLL-Two Viable Scheme for Grid Synchronization of DG Systems during Grid Abnormalities", Proc. of IEEE Students' Conference on Engineering & Systems (SCES 2012), MNNIT, Allahabad, Mar/2012 Dusyant Sharma, Binita Sen, B.Chittii Babu, " Improved Grid Synchronization Algorithm for DG System using DSRF PLL under Grid Disturbances", Proc. of IEEE Students' Conference on Engineering & Systems (SCES 2012), MNNIT, Allahabad, Mar/2012. Shiban Kanti Bala, B.Chittii Babu, " A Review on Development of Smart Grid Technology in India and its Future Perspectives", Proc. of IEEE Students' Conference on Engineering & Systems (SCES 2012), MNNIT, Allahabad, Mar/2012. Anup Anurag, B.Chittii Babu, " Control of Grid Connected Inverter System for Sinusoidal Current Injection with Improved Performance", Proc. of IEEE Students' Conference on Engineering & Systems (SCES 2012), National Institute of Technology Rourkela 72 Annual Report 2011-2012 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. MNNIT, Allahabad, Mar/2012. Satarupa Bal, B.Chittii Babu, " Comparative Study between P&O and Current Error Compensation Method for MPPT of PV Energy System", Proc. of IEEE Students' Conference on Engineering & Systems (SCES 2012), MNNIT, Allahabad, Mar/2012. Rahul Dubey, S.R.Samantaray, A.K.Tripathy, B.Chitti Babu, " Wavelet Based Energy Function for Symmetrical Fault Detection during Power Swing", Proc. of IEEE Students' Conference on Engineering & Systems (SCES 2012), MNNIT, Allahabad, Mar/2012. Abhiskek Das, Suraj Dash, B.Chitti Babu, A.K.Sahoo, " A Novel Phase Detection System for Linear All-Digital Phase Locked Loop", Proc. of IEEE Students' Conference on Engineering & Systems (SCES 2012), MNNIT, Allahabad, Mar/2012. Satyaranjan Jena, B.Chitti Babu, "Experimental Study on Adaptive Hysteresis Current Controller for InverterInterfaced 1-F Grid Connected System", Proc. of IEEE INDICON 2011 Conference , India, Dec/2011, Asish ranjan Dash, B.Chitti Babu and K.B.Mohanty, "Analysis of PI and PR Current Controllers for Distributed Wind Power Generation Systems under Unbalanced Grid Faults", Proc. of 4th IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy Systems, ICPS 2011, IIT Madras, Dec/2011. Rahul Dubey, S.R.Samantaray, B.Chitti Babu," Detection of Power Quality Disturbances in Presence of DFIG Wind Farm Using Wavelet Transform Based Energy Function", Proc. of 4th IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy Systems, ICPS 2011, IIT Madras, Dec/2011.. Rahul Dubey, S.R.Samantaray, B.Chitti Babu," A Novel Out-Of-Step Detection Algorithm Using Angle of Power Signal" Proc. of 4th IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy Systems, ICPS 2011, IIT Madras, Dec/2011. Rahul Dubey, S.R.Samantaray, B.Chitti Babu," A Novel Technique for Asymmetrical Fault Detection in DFIG based Wind-Farm using Wavelet Transform Based Energy Function" Proc. of 3rd International Conference on Advances in Energy Research, ICER 2011, IIT Bombay, Dec/2011. Samanta, S., Pam, S., Sheehan, R., Mukhopadhyay, S.,Constrained Optimization based Compensator Design for Power Converters using Method of Feasible Directions, in Applied Power Electronics Conference(APEC), Orlando, Florida, Feb,2012 . S. Karmakar and Abhishek Chandna, "Development of On-Line Monitoring System for Valve Regulated Lead Acid (VRLA) Battery" Indicon 2011, BITS Pilani, Hydrabad, India, , 16-18 December, 2011. N. K. Roy, P. Kumbhakar and S. Karmakar "Remotely Operated High Voltage Laboratory for Partial Discharge Measurement" 17th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH-2011), Hannover Germany, August 22nd -26th, 2011. P. Kumbhakar, N. K. Roy and S. Karmakar "On-Line Optical Detection of Partial Discharges in an Oil Filled High Voltage Transformer" 17th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH-2011), Hannover Germany, August 22nd -26th, 2011. P. B. Sankar and S. Karmakar "An Experimental Study of Air Breakdown Voltage and Electric Field using Standard Sphere Gap Method", International Conference on Emerging Trends in Electrical Engineering(ICETE2011) Karnataka, India, pp. 551-555, 4th-5th May, 2011. S. Maity, D. Roy, "Study on the Use of Discretized Sliding-Mode Controller in DC-DC Switching Regulators" VSS 2012, IIT Bombay: 12th International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems January 2012. S. Maity, M. Das, and S. Banerjee, " Experimental Confirmation of Discontinuous Bifurcation in Digital Sliding-Mode Controlled Step-Down Power Converters, 12th Experimental Chaos and Complexity Conference, University of Michigan, USA, May 16-19, 2012. S. Gupta, A. Dasgupta, and A. Routray, "Analysis of training parameters for classifiers based on Haar-like features to detect human faces", in IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Information Processing, Nov. 2011, pp. 1-4 S. Ganguly, N.C. Sahoo, and D. Das, "Multi-objective planning of electrical distribution systems incorporating shunt capacitor banks," Presented at IEEE International Conference on Energy, Automation and Signal (ICEAS), Bhubaneswar, 2011. Susmita Das and Kala Praveen Bagadi, "Comparison of Neural based Multiuser Detection Techniques for SDMA based Wireless Communication System," IEEE Students Conference on Engineering and Systems (SCES-2012), March 16-18, 2012, MNNIT Allahabad. KalaPraveen Bagadi, and Susmita Das," Neural network based multiuser detection techniques in SDMAOFDM system," 2011 Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON),IIIT Hyderabad Print ISBN: 978-1-4577-11107 , pp. 01-04,Decem. 2011. National Institute of Technology Rourkela 73 Annual Report 2011-2012 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. Susmita Das, and Kala Praveen Bagadi, "Comparative Analysis of Various Multiuser Detection Techniques in SDMA-OFDM System Over the Correlated MIMO Channel Model for IEEE 802.16n," Proceedings of World Acadamy of Science, Engineering and Technology , ISSN: 2010-3778), Issue 77, pp. 663-667, June 2011, Paris, France. Susmita Das, and Bikramaditya Das, "Suppression of Narrowband Interference in impulse radio based high data rate UWB WPAN communication system using NLOS Channel Model," Proceedings of World Acadamy of Science, Engineering and Technology (Print ISSN: 2010-376X, Electronic ISSN: 2010-3778), Paris , June 2011,Issue 77, pp. 668-672. Ch. Sasmita Das, Susmita Das,"A MB-pulsed-OFDM system using discrete wavelet packet transform for short range indoor wireless environment", IEEE Xplore and Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Electronics Computer Technology, pp. 145-150, 2012. Ch. Sasmita Das, Susmita Das," Multiband OFDM(MB-OFDM) approach in High Data Rate Ultra Wideband WPAN using IEEE 802.15.3a Channel Models", Proceedings of Recent Advances in Science for Technology, pp. 27-31, 2012. R. Dey, S. Ghosh, G. Ray and A. Rakshit, "Further Result on Delay-Dependent Stability Analysis of a Linear Retarded System with Time Varying Delay", in Advances in Control and Optimization of Dynamical Systems (ACODS), held at IISC-Bangalore, 16-18 February 2012. Rajeeb Dey, S. Ghosh, G. Ray and A. Rakshit, "New Delay-dependent stabilization result for Linear TimeDelay System with Actuator Saturation", in 2nd International conference on EPSCICON 2012, held at Vidya Academy of Science & Technology, Thrissur, Kerala, India, 3-6th January 2012. iii) Paper accepted for Publication: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Y.Suresh, A.K.panda,M Suresh "Real Time Implementation of Adaptive Band Current Control Technique for Shunt Active Power Filter", IET Power Electronics (Accepted on 10th Dec 2011 ), In press B.Subudhi and R.Pradhan, A Comparative Study on Maximum Power Point Tracking Techniques for Photovoltaic Power System, IEEE Trans. Sustainable Energy (Revised paper submitted) Sheeja KL., P. K. Sahu, S. K. Behera and Nabil Dakhli, "Compact Pentamode, Tri-band Metamaterial Antenna for Wireless Applications," IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC/URSI Radio Science meeting, Chicago, Illinois, USA, July 8th - 14th, 2012. SheejaK.L., S.K.Behera and P.K.Sahu, "Bandwidth Improvement of a Zeroth Order Resonant Antenna for WiMax Applications, " International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering ISSN: 10964290, Wiley(Journal). S. Mohanty and S. Ghosh, "Microscopic Study of the Breakdown Voltage of Solid Insulating Materials under DC and AC conditions", to be presented at ICPADM, CPRI Bangalore, July 2012. S.R.Samantaray, Rahul Dubey, B.Chitti Babu, "A Novel Time-Frequency Transform based Spectral Energy function for Fault Detection during Power Swing", International Journal of Electric Power Components and Systems, Tailor & Francis Publishers -Accepted. B.Chitti Babu, K.B.Mohanty, S.R.Samantaray,"Improved Active Power Control of Inverter-interfaced Distributed Wind Power Generation System under Unbalanced Grid Faults", IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Special Issue on Micro Grid , Extended Abstract Accepted for Full Paper submission, 2012. V.K.Fasil and S. Karmakar, "Modeling and Simulation Based Study for On-line Detection of Partial Discharge of Solid Dielectric", to be presented at ICPADM, CPRI Bangalore, July 2012. S. Karmakar, "An Experimental Study of Air Breakdown Voltage and its Effects on Solid Insulation", Journal of Electrical Systems, June 2012. S. Maity and Y. Suraj, "Analysis and Modeling of a FFHC Controlled DC-DC Buck converter Suitable for Wide Range of Operating Conditions" IEEE Trans.on Power Electronics, accepted. R. Dey, S. Ghosh, G. Ray and A. Rakshit, " Load frequency Control of interconnected power systems with communication delay", International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems. B. Subudhi, S. Bonala, S. Ghosh, R. Dey, "Robust Analysis of Networked Control Systems with Time-Varying Delays" in 7th IFAC Symposium on robust Control Design, to be held at AAl-borg, Denmark, 20-22nd June, 2012. National Institute of Technology Rourkela 74 Annual Report 2011-2012 (c) Doctoral Programme: Name of the Supervisor Title Name of the Scholar Brief Report Power quality improvement using Active P.C.Panda, power filters. B.D.Subudhi. Rakhee Panigrahi Transient Stability Enhancement of power P.C.Panda system FACTS Controllers. Rajendra Prasad Transient Stability Narne Enhancement of power system FACTS Controllers. Dynamic stability enhancement of multi P.C.Panda machine power system using adaptive static VAR controller. Josh. P. Therattil Dynamic stability enhancement of multi machine power system using adaptive static VAR controller. Harmonic estimation in power system using P.C.Panda signal processing technique and swarm intelligence. S. Routa Harmonic estimation in power system using signal processing technique and swarm intelligence. Development of Novel techniques to study J.K.Satapathy nonlinear active noise control Kunal Das Submitted in Feb 2012 Antenna Array Synthesis using Evolutionary J.K.Satapathy techniques for designing shaped beam pattern for data transmission K.R.Subhasini Submitted in Feb 2012 Formation Control of Multiple Under Water B.Subudhi Robotic Vehicles D.Atta Since sep 2008 In progress Adaptive Control of Flexible Robots B.Subudhi S.Pardhan Since July 2009 In progress Modelling & Control of AUVs B.Subudhi B.Sahoo Since July 2009 In progress Hybrid Energy System using PV and Fuel Cell B.Subudhi R.Pradhan Since July 2010, In progress Time Delay Compensation Techniques with B.Subudhi application to Network based Control System and S.Ghosh S.Bonala May 2010, In progress Photo-voltaic System Modelling & Control O.P.Suresh July 2010, In progress Dynamic Feedback Control for Time Delay S.Ghosh Systems and B.Subudhi D.Das July 2010, In progress Improvement in Three Phase Power Factor A.K.Panda Correction Circuits for Distributed Power Systems Matada Mahesh Thesis Submitted B.Subudhi and A.K.Panda(NIST, Berhampur) National Institute of Technology Rourkela 75 Power quality improvement using Active power filters. Annual Report 2011-2012 Title Name of the Supervisor Name of the Scholar Brief Report SHAPF for Mitigation of Current Harmonics A.K.Panda with p-q and Id-Iq control strategies using Soft Computing Techniques Mikkili. Suresh Work in Progress Direct Torque Control Induction Motor Drive A.K.Panda using Intelligent Controller suitable for Hybrid Vehicles Tejavathu Ramesh Work in Progress Improvement in the Switch Reluctance Motor A.K.Panda Drives Nutan Saha Work in Progress Study of inverter-interfaced wind power K. B. Mohanty generation system under balanced and unbalanced grid voltage conditions B. C. Babu Thesis submitted Feedback linearizing control of induction K. B. Mohanty motor Madhu Singh Work in Progress Metamaterial Antenna Design for Wireless P. K. Sahu Applications Sheeja K. L. Work in Progress Modeling and Simulation of Nano P. K. Sahu Semiconductor Devices for Computer and RF Application Mr. Sushanta Kumar Mohapatra Work in Progress Sensor Based Wireless Network Mobility P. K. Sahu Management Smita Parija Work in Progress Study on Channel Estimation and Data Susmita Das Detection in MIMO-OFDM System KalaPraveen Bagadi Work in Progress Impact of Relay Location on the performance Susmita Das of Multi-Relay Cooperative Communication Kiran Kumar Guralla Work in Progress Development of techniques for automated Dipti Patra Leukemia detection in microscopic blood cell images. Subrajeet Mohapatra Work in Progress Development of robust techniques for object Dipti Patra motion tracking in video scene. Prajna Parimita Dash Work in Progress Biomedical image registration techniques for Dipti Patra proper diagnosis of diseases. Smita Pradhan Work in progress Power quality assessment using signal Sanjeeb Mohanty Sarnabala processing and soft computing techniques Upadyaya Work in progress Modeling and Analysis of Grid Connected Somnath Maity Photovoltaic Array system Sandip Ghosh B. Kailash Krishna Prasad Work in progress Grid-Interfacing Active Power Filters to Somnath Maity improve the Power Quality in a Microgrid J. K. Satapathy Pradeep Kumar Sahu Work in progress National Institute of Technology Rourkela 76 Annual Report 2011-2012 (d) Ph.D. Degree Awarded : Guide Name of the Scholar P.K.Ray Title of the Thesis B.Subudhi Soft Computing and Signal Processing Awarded, June Approaches to Estimation of Power 2011 System Signals Development Improved Performance Switch- A.K.Panda Swapnajit Pattnaik Mode Converters for Critical Load Applications e) Remarks Awarded, June 2011 Master Thesis Completed : Name of the guide Name of the thesis Modelling of STATCOM and SVC for power system steady state operation and enhancement P. C. Panda of transient stability of a multi machine power system by STATCOM Real time frequency estimation of power system using wavelet transform P. C. Panda Study and analysis of harmonic estimation techniques using adaptive filtering P. C. Panda Dynamic stability enhancement of power system using fuzzy logic based power system P. C. Panda stabilizer Fault Diagnosis of Induction Motor using Soft Computing Techniques, S.Das and B.Subudhi Development and Control of a Networked Servo System B.Subudhi and S.Ghosh FPGA based active power filter for Harmonic Mitigation B.Subudhi and K.K.Mahapatra Kalman Filter based AUV Navigation S.Ghosh and B.Subudhi Real-time Tip Position Control of a Flexible-Link Robot B.Subudhi and S.Ghosh Real time navigation control of Khepera-iii mobile robot B.Subudhi and S.Ghosh Control of autonomous underwater vehicle B.Subudhi and S.Ghosh Performance Improvement Of Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (Ipmsm) A.K.Panda Drive System Control techniques for dc-dc buck converter with improved performance A.K.Panda Dynamic analysis, voltage control and experiments on a self excited induction generator K. B. Mohanty for wind power application : M. Tech. (Research) Performance and power factor improvement of indirect vector controlled cage induction K. B. Mohanty generator in wind power application : M. Tech. (Research) Performance analysis of doubly-fed induction generator in wind energy conversion system K. B. Mohanty National Institute of Technology Rourkela 77 Annual Report 2011-2012 Name of the thesis Name of the guide Fuzzy sliding mode controller for a field-oriented induction motor drive K. B. Mohanty Design and Analysis of Planar and Dielectric Resonator Antennas for Ultra-Wide Band P K Sahu Wireless Applications. Design of Reconfigurable Smart Antenna for Wireless Applications. P K Sahu A study of Rain Attenuation Calculation and Strategic Power Control for Ka Band Satellite P K Sahu Communication in India. Studies of Short Channel Effects and Performance Enhancement of Nano MOSFET Based on P K Sahu Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm Approach. Co-Channel Interference Suppression using Adaptive Beam Forming Approach in MIMO- Susmita Das OFDM Systems. Narrow Band Interference Mitigation in Multiband OFDM UWB WPAN System Using Adaptive Susmita Das Notch Filter. Performance Comparison of Various Multiuser Detection Schemes in MIMI-OFDM Systems. Susmita Das Ear Identification using Feature Descriptor and Shadowed Set based Segmentation. Dipti Patra Video watermarking using HAAR Wavelet Transform and Spread Spectrum Technology. Dipti Patra Sickle cell Anemia Detection from Microscopic Blood Images using Image Processing Dipti Patra Techniques. Feature based Segmentation of colour textured images using Markov Random Field Model. Dipti Patra M.Tech. (R) Modeling of the breakdown voltage of solid insulating materials using soft computing Sanjeeb Mohanty techniques Performance Analysis of ? and ?-? Modulator Based Current Controller for Grid connected B.Chitti Babu Inverter System A.K.Panda Measurement of air breakdown voltage and electric field using standard sphere gap method S. Karmakar Simulation of partial discharge in high voltage power equipment f) Popular Lectures by Outside Experts : Sl. No. 6. S. Karmakar Name of the Speaker Title 1. Prof. Subir Kumar Sarkar Low Power VLSI- Merits and Limitations. 2. Prof. Sanjib Kumar Panda, NUS, Singapore Single-Phase Inverter-Control Techniques for Interfacing Renewable Energy Sources With Micro-grid CONSULTANCY SERVICES : Name of the Scheme Sponsoring Agency Amount Earned -- -- -- National Institute of Technology Rourkela 78 Annual Report 2011-2012 7. EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED : Cost Name of the equipment PC & Inverter Rs. 85,000.00 Solar Simulator Rs. 6 Lakh Digital Power Analyser Measurement of voltage, current, power and harmonics Series: WT500, Model: 760203-F/G5 Rs.6,07500 DC Power Supply with 3-phase transformer, rectifier and filter Rs. 9,62,168.00 TCAD Synopsis Sentaurus Device Simulator and Synopsis HSPICE circuit Simulator Rs. 7.0 lacs (approx.) NI Data acquisition card Rs.90,706.38 8. TECHNICAL ASSOCIATION / SOCIETIES : Technical Association/Societies Name of faculty Prof. P. C. Panda l l l l l Prof. B. Subudhi Prof. A. K. Panda Member, IEEE Technical Committee on Intelligent Control (Adaptive Control Group) l Fellow of the Institution of Engineers (India) l Fellow of the Institution of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineers (India) l Senior Member of IEEE(USA) [Elevated to Senior Member in June 2008] l Life Member of Systems Society of India (SSI) l Life Member of Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) l Member, Automatic Control & Optimization of Dynamical Systems(ACODS) l Member, IAENG (Membership No. 65019) l l Prof. K. B. Mohanty Senior Member IEEE (USA) Fellow IE (India) Fellow IETE (India) Fellow CSI (India) Life Member ISTE (India) Fellow IE (India) Fellow IETE (India) l Senior Member IEEE (USA) Fellow IE (India) Fellow IETE (India) Prof. S. Das l Member of IEEE Prof. P. K. Sahu l l l l Member of IEEE Member of IETE Member of IEI Member of ISTE Prof. S. Maity l Member of IEEE Prof. S. Samanta l Member of IEEE l l National Institute of Technology Rourkela 79 Annual Report 2011-2012 Technical Association/Societies Name of faculty Prof. S. Karmakar l l l l l 9. Member of IEEE Member of IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society Member of IEEE Power & Energy Society Member of The Institute of Engineers (India) Life Member of Optical Society of India LABORATORIES : Prof In Charge Name of faculty Prof. P. C. Panda Advanced Power System Lab Prof. B. Subudhi Advanced Control & Robotics Research Laboratory Prof. A. K. Panda Power Electronics and Drives Lab Prof. K. B. Mohanty Machine Lab Prof. S. Das Signal Processing and Communication Lab. Prof. P. K. Sahu Microwave and Antenna Lab. Prof. S. Maity Measurement Lab Prof. S. Samanta Control Lab Prof. S. Karmakar (i) Development of High Voltage Laboratory (ii) PIC of Electrical workshop Prof. S. Gupta Real-time Embedded System Lab National Institute of Technology Rourkela 80 Annual Report 2011-2012 DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING 1. ACADEMIC STAFF HEAD FACULTIES Prof. Sukadev Meher Ph.D. Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Prof. Kamala Kanta Mohapatra : Ph.D. Prof. T. K. Dan : M.Tech Prof. Samit Ari : Ph.D Prof. Sarat Kumar Patra : Ph.D. Prof. U. C. Pati : Ph.D Prof. A. K. Sahoo : M.Tech Prof. Sukadev Meher : Ph.D. Prof. P. Singh : Ph.D Prof. S. Das : M.S Prof. S. K. Behera : Ph.D. Prof. Ayas Kanta Swain : M.Tech Prof. D. P. Acharya : Ph.D Prof. Pramod Kumar Tiwari : Ph.D Prof. Subrata Maiti : M.Tech Prof. N. Islam : Ph.D Prof. Lakshi Prosad Roy : Ph.D Prof. U K Sahu : M.Tech Prof. S. Hiremath : M.Tech 2. DISTINCTION ACHIEVED: a) By Student : b) By Faculty Members : 3. CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAMME : Name of the course Students Admitted Brief report regarding progress VLSI Design & Related CAD Tools 70 2 weeks course Embedded System Design 18 2 weeks course 4. SEMINAR, SYMPOSIA, SUMMER SCHOOL, WINTER SCHOOL, SHORT TERM COURSES/ WORKSHOPS : (a) Conducted in the Department : National Institute of Technology Rourkela 81 Annual Report 2011-2012 Sponsoring Agency Name of the coordinator Title of the course Duration -- Prof. K.K. Mahapatra Prof. D.P.Acharya VLSI Design & Related CAD Tools 2 Weeks -- Prof. K.K. Mahapatra Prof. D.P.Acharya Embedded System Design 1 Week (b) Participation by Faculty Members : Name of the staff U.C. Pati Course/Seminar Organization IEEE ICICS 2011 Period Venue Nanyang Technological 13-16 Dec., Singapore University, Singapore 2011 Santos Kumar Das Embedded System Design NIT Rourkela, Orissa D e c e m b e r Department of ECE 2011 Santos Kumar Das TENCON2011 IEEE Region 10, the Asia N o v e m b e r Inna Grand Bali Pacific Region, Indonesia 21-24, 2011 Beach Hotel, Bali, Section INDONESIA Prof. A. K. Swain VLSI Design & Related CAD Tools NIT Rourkela 2 weeks EC Dept. Prof. A. K. Swain Embedded System Design NIT Rourkela 1 week EC Dept. Prof. K. K. Mahapatra ZOPP workshop IIT Kanpur - Feb 2012 Prof. K. K. Mahapatra India Chip Workshop IIT Guwahati - Dec 2011 5. RESEARCH : (a) Research Scheme : Title of the scheme Sponsored by Development of a Data Acquisition System for DRDO Testing of OTOMELERA Naval Gun Automatic Detection of Cardiac arrhythmias DST using Electrocardiographic Signal b) Assistance received 9.95 Lakhs Investigator Brief report Prof. Samit Ari -- 11.76 Lakhs Prof. Samit Ari -- Research Publications i) Paper Published 1. R.K. Senapati, U.C. Pati, K.K. Mahapatra, A novel fast 4x4 DTT based image compression algorithm", World Scientific Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS) Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 3443, 2011. 2. Santos Kumar Das, Suraj Kumar Naik and Sarat Kumar Patra, "Fiber Material Dependent QoS Analysis and Route Selection for OVPN ", TENCON, pp.521-525, 2011, November. 3. Pramod Kumar Tiwari, Sarvesh Dubey and S. Jit, "Analytical modeling for the subthreshold current and subthreshold swing of the triple-material double-gate(TM-DG) MOSFETs, in Supperlattice and Microstructure Journal, vol 51, issue 5, 715-724, 2012. National Institute of Technology Rourkela 82 Annual Report 2011-2012 4. S K Behera and Y Choukiker, "Design and Optimization of Dual band Microstrip Antenna using Particle Swarm Optimization Technique", International Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz waves, Springer, USA, DOI: 10.1007/s10762-010-9722-0. 5. S. K. Behera, D. R. Poddar& R. K. Mishra, "Sequentially Fed Balanced amplifying Antenna for Circular Polarization", International Journal of Communication Technology (IJCT), India, DECEMBER 2010, VOL.1, ISSUE: 04. 6. Y Choukiker, S K Behera, B Pandey and Rajeev Jyoti, "Optimization of Planar Antenna for ISM Band using PSO", International Journal of Microwave and Optical Technology (IJMOT), Volume.6, No.3, May2011. 7. Yogesh Kumar Choukiker, Santanu Kumar Behera, "Design of Microstrip Radiator using Particle Swarm Optimization technique, International Journal of Communication Technology (IJCT), India, SEPTEMBER 2011, VOLUME: 02, ISSUE: 03. 8. Yogesh Kumar Choukiker, Santanu Kumar Behera, Rajeev Jyoti, "SectoralSierpinski Gasket Fractal Antenna for Wireless LAN Applications", International Journal of RF and Microwave CAD Engineering, January 2012. 9. Natarajmani S., S K Behera and S K Patra, "A triple band-notched planar monopole antenna for ultrawide band applications", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters Volume 54, Issue 2, pages 539-543, February 2012. 10. RunaKummari and Santanu Kumar Behera, "Miniaturized Dual Band Dielectric Resonator Antenna for IEEE 802.16d fixed WiMax applications", International Journal of RF and Microwave CAD Engineering March 2012. 11. RunaKummari and Santanu Kumar Behera, "Log periodic Dielectric Resonator Antenna for broadband Applications" International Journal of Computer Applications,No.7,2011.Pp 16-20. 12. S. K. Mishra, G. Panda, S. Meher, R. Majhi, "Constraint Robust Portfolio selection by Multiobjective Evolutionary Genetic Algorithm", International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ICAISC-2011), IIMT, Bhubaneswar, April 9-10,2011. 13. S. K. Mishra, G. Panda, S. Meher, R. Majhi, M. Singh, "Portfolio Management Assessment by four Multiobjective Optimization Algorithm", IEEE International conference (RAICS-2011) , Trivandrum, September 23-25, pp. 326-331. 14. S. K. Dandpat and S. Meher, "Quality Based Illumination Compensation for Face Recognition", 2011 International Conference on Image Information Processing (ICIIP 2011), Simla, November, 2011. 15. A. Acharya and S. Meher, "Robust Video Denoising for Better Subjective Evaluation", 2011 International Conference on Image Information Processing (ICIIP 2011), Simla, November, 2011. 16. B. Chakraborty and S. Meher, "2D Trajectory-Based Position Estimation and Tracking of the Ball in a Basketball Video", in Proc. International Conference on Trends in Optics and Photonics (ICONTOP 2011), December 7-9, 2011, pp. 537-542, Calcutta University, Kolkata. 17. D. K. Panda and S. Meher, "Robust real-time object tracking under background clutter", 2011 International Conference on Image Information Processing (ICIIP 2011), Simla, November, 2011. 18. D. K. Panda and S. Meher, "Robust real-time object tracking under varying illumination condition", 2011 Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON 2011), December, 2011. 19. B. Chakraborty and S. Meher, "Real-Time Position Estimation and Tracking of a Basketball", 2012 International Conference on Signal Processing, Computing and Control (ISPCC 2102), March 15-17, 2012, Jaypee University of Information Technology, Simla. 20. PreetisudhaMeher and Kamala Kanta Mahapatra, "A low-power circuit technique for dynamic CMOS logic", International journal of Advances in Electronics Engineering, Vol-1, No-1, pp. 245-248, Aug-2011. 21. PreetisudhaMeher and Kamala Kanta Mahapatra, "A New Ultra Low-Power and Noise Tolerant Circuit Technique for CMOS Domino Logic", International Journal of Computer and Communication Technology, Vol-2, No-7, pp. 92-97, June 2011. 22. PreetisudhaMeher and Kamala Kanta Mahapatra, "A Ultra Low-Power and Noise Tolerant Circuit Technique for CMOS Domino Logic", IJCCEMC, ACEEE Kerala Section (At Press). 23. Karuppanan P and Kamala Kanta Mahapatra 'PI, PID and Fuzzy Logic Controlled Cascaded Voltage Source National Institute of Technology Rourkela 83 Annual Report 2011-2012 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. Inverter based Active Filter for Power Line Conditioners' WSEAS Transaction on Power Systems, Vol.6, No.4, pp.100-109, Oct-2011. Karuppanan P, Kamala Kanta Mahapatra, JeraldineViji and BhuyanKanhuCharan 'Sinusoidal Extraction Control Strategy based Shunt Active Power Line Conditioners for Enhancing Power Quality' Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Vol.4, No.2, pp.83-88, Oct-2011. Karuppanan P, AyasKanta Swain, Kamala Kanta Mahapatra 'FPGA based Single-phase Cascaded Multilevel Voltage Source Inverter Fed ASD Applications' Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol.11, No.3, pp.102-107, Oct-2011. Karuppanan P and Kamala Kanta Mahapatra 'Adaptive-Fuzzy Controller Based Shunt Active Filter for Power Line Conditioners' TELKOMNIKA Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 9, No.2, pp. 201-208, Aug-2011. Karuppanan P and Kamala Kanta Mahapatra 'PI with Fuzzy Logic Controller based Active Power Line Conditioners' Asian Power Electronics Journal, Vol.5, No.1, pp.13-18, Aug-2011. Karuppanan P, Rajasekar S and Kamala Kanta Mahapatra 'Cascaded Multilevel Voltage Source Inverter based active power filter for Harmonics and Reactive power compensation' International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 1, No 4, pp.661-674, June-2011. Karuppanan P and Kamala Kanta Mahapatra 'PLL Synchronization with PID Controller Based Shunt Active Power Line Conditioners' International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Vol.3, No.1, pp.42-47, Feb-2011. PreetisudhaMeher and Mangal Singh, "Centralized MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network- A Search Work", VDM Verlag Dr. Muller Publication, Germany, Aug. 2011. PreetisudhaMeher and Kamala Kanta Mahapatra, "High-Speed and Low-Noise Circuit Technique for CMOS Dynamic Logic", Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, Bhubaneswar, pp. 220-224, April 2011. PreetisudhaMeher and Kamala Kanta Mahapatra, "A Low-Power Circuit Technique for Dynamic CMOS Logic", Proceedings of the International conference on advanced computing, communication and technology, Chandigarh, pp. 892-895, May 2011. PreetisudhaMeher andKamala KantaMahapatra, "A New Ultra Low-Power and Noise Tolerant Circuit Technique for CMOS Domino Logic", Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Science and Informatics, Bhubaneswar, pp. 210-213, June 2011. PreetisudhaMeher and Kamala Kanta Mahapatra, "Ultra Low-Power and Noise Tolerant CMOS Dynamic Circuit Technique",Proceedings of theIEEE TENCON, Indonesia, Nov. 2011 (Accepted). Karuppanan P, Rajesh Kumar Patjoshi, Kamalakanta Mahapatra and Ajay-D-Vimalraj 'Sinusoidal Extraction Controller based on Cascaded VSI for Active Power Filter' IEEE-INDICON-2011. Karuppanan P, Kamalakanta Mahapatra 'Fryze Power Theory with Adaptive-HCC based Active Power Line Conditioners' IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy Systems (ICPS)- 2011. Karuppanan P, SmrtutiRanjanPrusty and Kamala Kanta Mahapatra 'Adaptive-Hysteresis Current Controller based Active Power Filter for Power Quality Enhancement' IET International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Intelligent System(SEISCON) -2011. Karuppanan P, Saswat Kumar Ram and Kamala Kanta Mahapatra 'Three level hysteresis current controller based active power filter for harmonic compensation' IEEE Emerging Trends in Electrical and Computer Technology (ICETECT), pp.407-412, 2011. Karuppanan P and Kamala Kanta Mahapatra 'A Novel PLL with Fuzzy Logic Controller based Shunt Active Power Filter for Harmonic and Reactive power Compensation' IEEE India International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE)- 2011. Karuppanan P and Kamala Kanta Mahapatra 'Cascaded Multilevel Inverter based Active Filter for Power Line Conditioners using Instantaneous Real-Power Theory' IEEE India International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE)- 2011. Karuppanan P, Kamala Kanta Mahapatra, KanhuCharanBhuyan and Rajesh Kumar Patjoshi 'Cascaded Voltage Source Inverter based Active Power Line Conditioners' National Systems Conference (NSC) 2011. National Institute of Technology Rourkela 84 Annual Report 2011-2012 42. Vijay Kumar Sharma, K. K. Mahapatra and U.C. Pati "Non-Recursive Equation and Direct Computation of 8x8 2-D DCT Coefficients for High Accuracy and Low Hardware " IET Image Processing (In Review) 43. Vijay Kumar Sharma, K. K. Mahapatra and U.C. Pati, "An Efficient Distributed Arithmetic based VLSIArchitecture for DCT," International Conference on Devices and Communications, Feb. 24-25, 2011 at BIT Mesra, Ranchi, India. 44. Anupsarma, SoubhagyaSutar, V. K. Sharma and K. K. Mahapatra, "An ASIP for Image Enhancement Applications inSpatial Domain using LISA," International Conference on Recent Trends in Information System, 2011 RETIS2011, at Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India. 45. Vijay Kumar Sharma, U.C. Pati andK. K. Mahapatra, "FPGA Implementation of Huffman Coding for JPEG Image Compression" National Conference on Emerging Trends and Applications in Computer Science- 2012, Shilong (Communicated). 46. S.Sahoo,K.K.Mahapatra,"A low power circuit technique for feedthroughlogic,"in NCVDES,CEERI, pilani,2011. 47. S.Sahoo,K.K/Mahapatra,"An improved feedthrogh logic for low power circuit design,"in IEEERAIT,2012. 48. S.sahoo,K.mahapatra,"Performance Analysis of Modified Feedthrough Logic for Low Power and High Speed,"in IEEE-ICAESM,2012. 49. Srinivasa V S Sarma D, K K Mahapatra " Improved Techniques for High performance Noise Tolerant Dominos CMOS Logic Circuits," in SCES 2012. 50. Vijay Kumar Sharma, U. C. Pati and K. K. Mahapatra, "A Simple VLSI Architecture for Computation of 2-D DCT, Quantization and Zig-zag ordering for JPEG," International Journal of Signal and Imaging Systems Engineering (IJSISE),Vol.5(1),2012. 51. Manab Kumar Das, Samit Ari, and Swagatika Priyadharsini, "On an Algorithm for Detection of QRS Complexes in Noisy Electrocardiogram Signal," India Conference (INDICON), 2011 Annual IEEE , vol., no., pp.1-5, 16-18 Dec. 2011. 52. Dipak Kumar Ghosh and Samit Ari, "A Static Hand Gesture Recognition Algorithm using K-Mean based Radial Basis Function Neural Network," ICICS-2011, Singapore, December 13-16, 2011. 53. Anil Chacko and Samit Ari, "Denoising of ECG Signals using Empirical Mode Decomposition based technique", IEEE- International Conference On Advances In Engineering, Science And Management- 2012), Nagapattinam, Tamil Nadu, 30-31 March, 2012. ii) Paper Presented in Conference/ Seminar/ Symposia : 1. R.K. Senapati, U.C. Pati, K.K. Mahapatra, A low complexity embedded image coding algorithm using hierarchical listless DTT, IEEE International Conference on Information, Commuincations and Signal Processing, Singapore, 13-16 December, 2011, pp. 1-5. 2. S.B. Prusty, U.C. Pati, Linearization of a MIMO process using LabVIEW, 2012 IEEE Students' Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science, Bhopal,1-2 March 2012, pp.1-5. 3. R. Panda, U.C. Pati, Removal of artifacts from electrocardiogram using digital filter, 2012 IEEE Students' Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science, Bhopal, 1-2 March 2012, pp. 1-4. 4. R. Agrawal, U.C. Pati, Internet based boiler drum level control system using LabVIEW, International Conference on Computer, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Bombay, 25-27 March 2012, pp. 370-373. 5. Santos Kumar Das and Sucharita Jena, "RFID Based Time Attendance System", NCVDES 2011, India. 6. Santos Kumar Das, Tusar Ranjan Swain and Sarat Kumar Patra, "Impact of Crosstalk & Crosstalk Aware Data Path Selection in Optical WDM/DWDM networks", ICASEM 2012, India. 7. Dhanya V. V., Santos Kumar Das and Sarat Kumar Patra, "QoS Based Light-path Provisioning and Performance Analysis in WDM Network", ICCEET 2012, India. 8. Mirgender Kumar, Sarvesh Dubey, Pramod Kumar Tiwari and S. Jit, Extremely Scaled EOT Bi-Layered stacked High-k (BSK) Double-Material Double-Gate (DM DG) Strained-Si (S-Si) Channel MOSFET for High Performance Band-Edge (BE) CMOS Technology, RANET-2011, IIITM Gwalior. 9. Abirmoya Santra, Sarvesh Dubey, Mirgender Kumar, Pramod Kumar Tiwari and S. Jit, An Analytical Study of Effect of Interface Charges on the Surface Potential of Strained-Si on Silicon-Germanium-on-Insulator (SGOI) National Institute of Technology Rourkela 85 Annual Report 2011-2012 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. MOSFETs, Emerging trend in Electrical and Electronics Engineering,ETEEE-2011, KNIT Sultanpur, U.P. India, pp-56-57. Mirgender Kumar, Sarvesh Dubey, Pramod Kumar Tiwari and S. Jit, ATLASTM Based Simulation Study of Surface Potential of Double-Material-Gate Strained-Si on SiliconGermanium-on-Insulator (DMGSGOI) MOSFETs, Accepted for publication in the proceedings of International Conference on Multimedia Signal Processing and communication technologies 2011( IMPACT 2011), Aligarh Muslim University, India. S.K. Behera, Rabindra K. Mishra, Dipak R. Poddar, "Balanced Amplifying Microstrip Patch Antenna at 2.4 GHz" in proceeding of IEEE Applied Electromagnetic Conference (AEMC-2007), 19-20 Dec. 2007 Kolkata, India. S.K. Behera, Rabindra K. Mishra, Dipak R. Poddar, "Balanced Amplifying Antenna for Circular Polarization" in proceeding of IEEE Applied Electromagnetic Conference (AEMC-2007), 19-20 Dec. 2007 Kolkata, India. S. Natarajamani, S. K. Behera and R. K. Mishra "Design of Multi Slotted and Multi Frequency Patch Antenna" in proceeding of IEEE Applied Electromagnetic Conference (AEMC-2009), 14-16 Dec. 2009 Kolkata, India. Y. Choukiker, S. K. Behera, D. Mishra and R. K. Mishra "Optimization of dual Band Microstrip Antenna using PSO" in proceeding of IEEE Applied Electromagnetic Conference (AEMC-2009), 14-16 Dec. 2009 Kolkata, India. MurliManohar, S. K. Behera and P. K. Sahu, "Design of Single Feed Dual Polarized and Dual Frequency Rectangular Patch Antenna" in proceeding of 5th International Conference on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation, and Remote Sensing, 19-21 December 2010 Jodhpur. S. Natarajamani, S K Behera, S K Patra and R K Mishra "CPW-Fed Octagonal Shape Slot Antenna for UWB Application 5th International Conference on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation, and Remote Sensing, 19-21 December 2010 Jodhpur. MurliManohar, S. K. Behera and P. K. Sahu, "Bandwidth Enhancement with Multi-band and Multi Polarized Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna" in proceeding of A Workshop on Advanced Antenna Technology, Indian Antenna Week, May 31, 2010-June 4, 2010, Puri, India. S. Natarajamani, S K Behera and S K Patra "A Compact Wide Band Patch Antenna for WLAN Application" IEEE 2nd International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), 2010 Karur. Y. Choukiker, S K Behera, B K Pandey, R Jyoti, "Optimization of Planar antenna for ISM band using PSO" IEEE 2nd International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technology(ICCCN-2010), ISBN 978-1-4244-6592-7, Karur, Tamilnadu, July 2010. Yogesh Kumar Choukiker, S K Behera, "Design of Wideband Fractal Antenna with Combination of Fractal Geometries" IEEE International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing (ICICS)2011, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 13-16 December 2011. J Kalia, S K Behera , R K Mishra, "Metamaterial Unit Cell Antenna For WLAN Application", 3rd National Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and VLSI Design (NCSCV'11), Coimbatore,6-7 May, 2011. Sheeja, K. L, Dakhli N, Sahu, P. K, Behera, S. K, "Resonant Antenna Based on CRLH TL", 13th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory, September 6 - 8, 2010, Kyiv, Ukraine. Sheeja, K. L, Sahu, P. K, Behera, S. K, "Comparative Study of a CRLH TL Based Zeroth Order Resonant Antenna", 18th National Conference on Communications, February 3-5, 2012, IIT Khargpur, India. RunaKumari& S K Behera "Ring Dielectric Resonator Antenna For Broadband Applications", IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Systems, CICN-2010, ISBN 978-0-7695-42546/10, Bhopal, pp 7-10, Nov 2010. RunaKumari, KapilParmar& S K Behera "Conformal Patch Fed Stacked Triangular Dielectric Resonator Antenna for WLAN Applications" IEEE International conference on Emerging Trends in Robotics and Communication Technologies, INTERACT-2010, ISBN 978-1-4244-9006-6/10, Chennei, pp 104-107, Dec 2010. RunaKumari, S K Behera& R K Mishra "Log Periodic Dielectric Resonator Antenna for K and Ka-band Applications", International Conference on Electronic Systems, ICES 2011, ISBN 978-93-80697-50-5, Rourkela,pp 264-267, Jan 2011. RunaKumari, KapilParmar& S K Behera "A Dual band Triangular shaped DRA Array for WLAN/WiMAX Applications" Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON), 2011, ISBN 978-1-4577-1110-7, Hyderabad, Dec 2011. RunaKumari, & S K Behera "A Compact Dual Resonance Dielectric Resonator Antenna Array with partial ground plane" International Conference on Recent Advances in Information Technology, RAIT- 2012, Dhanbad, Mar 2012. National Institute of Technology Rourkela 86 Annual Report 2011-2012 29. Mahender P, RunaKumari& S K Behera "Compact Dual Band Hemispherical Dielectric Resonator Antenna", International Conference on Electronic Systems, ICES 2011, ISBN 978-93-80697-50-5, Rourkela,pp252-254, Jan 2011 . 30. KapilParmar, RunaKumari and S K Behera "M-Shaped Dielectric Resonator Antenna for WLAN Applications" IEEE International Conference on Devices & Communications (ICDeCOM-2011), ISBN 978-1-4244-9190-2/11, Feb 2011, Ranchi. 31. KapilParmar, RunaKumari and S K Behera "Half Cylindrical Dielectric Resonator Antenna for Dual band Applications" International Symposium on Devices MEMS Intelligent Systems and Communication (ISDMISC2011), ISBN 978-93-80747-80-2, April 2011, Sikkim. 32. SreenuMudavath, RunaKumari and S K Behera "A Compact CPW fed Dielectric Resonator Antenna for WLAN Applications" Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON), 2011, ISBN 978-1-4577-1110-7, Hyderabad, Dec 2011. 33. SreenuMudavath, RunaKumari and S K Behera "A Compact CPW fed Stacked Cylindrical Dielectric Resonator Antenna for WLAN Applications" IEEE International Conference on Computing, Electronics and Electrical Technologies (ICCEET), 2012, ISBN 978-1-4673-0210-4, Nagercoil, Tamilnadu, Mar 2012. 34. Ramavath Ashok Kumar, Yogesh Kumar Choukiker, S K Behera, "Design of Hybrid Fractal Antenna for UWB Application", IEEE International Conference on Computing, Electronics and Electrical Technologies (ICCEET), 2012, ISBN 978-1-4673-0210-4, Nagercoil, Tamilnadu, Mar 2012. 35. K.Aravinda Reddy, S. Natarajamani, S K Behera,"Antipodal Vivaldi Antenna UWB Antenna With 5.5GHz bandnotch", IEEE International Conference on Computing, Electronics and Electrical Technologies (ICCEET), 2012, ISBN 978-1-4673-0210-4, Nagercoil, Tamilnadu, Mar 2012. 36. Manab Kumar Das, Samit Ari, and Swagatika Priyadharsini, "On an Algorithm for Detection of QRS Complexes in Noisy Electrocardiogram Signal," India Conference (INDICON), 2011 Annual IEEE , vol., no., pp.1-5, 16-18 Dec. 2011. 37. Dipak Kumar Ghosh and Samit Ari, "A Static Hand Gesture Recognition Algorithm using K-Mean based Radial Basis Function Neural Network," ICICS-2011, Singapore, December 13-16, 2011. 38. Anil Chacko and Samit Ari, "Denoising of ECG Signals using Empirical Mode Decomposition based technique", IEEE- International Conference On Advances In Engineering, Science And Management- 2012), Nagapattinam, Tamil Nadu, 30-31 March, 2012. iii) Paper accepted for Publication : 1. Santos Kumar Das and Sarat Kumar Patra, "Physical Layer Impairments Aware OVPN Connection Selection Mechanism", IJCEE, 2012. 2. Santos Kumar Das and Sarat Kumar Patra, "QoS Aware Optical Virtual Private Network (OVPN) Analytical Control Plane Mechanism", IJCEE, 2012. 3. Sheeja K. L., S K Behera, P K Sahu, "Bandwidth improvement of a Zeroth order resonant antenna for Wi-Max applications, International Journal of RF and Microwave CAD Engineering. 4. PreetisudhaMeherandKamala KantaMahapatra, "A Ultra Low-Power and Noise Tolerant Circuit Technique for CMOS Domino Logic", Proceedings of the ACEEE IDES Conference, Kerala, Sept. 2011. 5. PreetisudhaMeherandKamala KantaMahapatra, "A High-Performance Circuit Technique for CMOS Dynamic Logic", Proceedings of the IEEE Recent Advances in Intelligent Computational Systems, Kerala, Sept. 2011 (Accepted). 6. PreetisudhaMeherandKamala KantaMahapatra, "A New Low-Power Circuit Technique for Domino CMOS Logic", Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Sustainable Utilization and Development in Engineering and Technology, Malaysia, Oct. 2011. 7. Rohit Kumar Jain, V. K. Sharmaand K.K. Mahapatra, "A New Approach for High Performance andEfficient Design of CORDIC Processor,"International Conference on Recent Advances in Information Technology, at ISM Dhanbad, March 2012. 8. S.sahoo,K.mahapatra " Design of combinational and sequential circuit using modifiedfeedthrough logic" in VDAT,2012. 9. Jaya Prakash Sahoo, Manab Kumar Das, Samit Ari, and Sheemarani Behera, "Autocorrelation and Hilbert transform based QRS Complex detection in ECG Signal," International Journal of Signal and Imaging Systems Engineering, 2011. National Institute of Technology Rourkela 87 Annual Report 2011-2012 (c) Doctoral Programme: Name of Supervisor Title QoS Routing for OVPN (d) Name of the Scholar Dr. Sarat Kumar Patra Santos Kumar Das Brief Report Continuing Ph.D. Degree Awarded : Name of the Scholar Guide Title of the thesis Remarks Sitanshu Sekhar Sahu Prof. G. Panda Analysis of Genomic and Proteomic Signal Degree awarded Processing and Soft Computing Techniques in October 2011 Pattnaik, Swapnajit Prof. K. K. Mahapatra Development of Improved Performance Switchmode Degree awarded Converters for Critical Load Applications in October 2011 Ajit Kumar Sahoo Prof. G. Panda Development of Radar Pulse Compression Degree awarded Techniques Using Computational Intelligence Tools in March 2012 Ramesh K. Kulkarni Prof. S. Meher Novel Restoration Techniques for Image Corrupted Thesis Submitted with High Density Impulsive Noise Sukant Kumar Chhotaray Prof. G. S. Rath Image Encryption by Asymmetric Cryptosystem Thesis Submitted based on Cipher Mat Sudhanshu Kumar Mishra Prof. G. Panda and Prof S. Meher e) Robust and Constrained port folio optimization Thesis Submitted using multiobjective evolutionary algorithms Master Thesis Completed : Name of the guide Name of the Thesis Physical design of low power operational amplifier-by Bhadra, Dipanjan Prof. K. K. Mahapatra Design of a novel high speed dynamic comparator with low power dissipation for high Prof. K. K. Mahapatra speed ADCs-by Bhattacharyya, Prasun A verilog-based simulation methodology for estimating power and area-by Guntupalli, Prof. K. K. Mahapatra Ramesh Design of zigbee transmitter for IEEE 802.15.4 standrad-by Joshna, Palepu Prof. K. K. Mahapatra Development of a Controller For Fuel Cell Using FPGA-by Kumari, Sadhana Prof. K. K. Mahapatra FPGA Implementation of digital controller for shunt active power filter to reduce harmonics Prof. K. K. Mahapatra and reactive power-by Prusty, Smruti FPGA Implementation of digital controller for shunt active power filter to reduce harmonics Prof. K. K. Mahapatra and reactive power-by Ram, Saswat Kumar Multilevel Power Estimation Of VLSI Circuits Using Efficient Algorithms-by Rout, Bikash Prof. K. K. Mahapatra Chandra National Institute of Technology Rourkela 88 Annual Report 2011-2012 Name of the guide Name of the Thesis A Study on Hand Gesture Recognition Technique- By Sanjay Meena Prof. Samit Ari Analysis of ECG signal for Detection of Cardiac Arrhythmias- By Jaya Prakash Sahoo Prof. Samit Ari Study of Spatial and Transform Domain Filters for Efficient Noise Reduction - By Anil Prof. S. Meher Kumar Kanithi Facial Expression Detection Using Principal Component Analysis - By Mahesh Kumar Prof. S. Meher Vully Dab Systems : Transmitter, Receiver and SVM Classifier - By Ashish Agarwal Prof. S. K. Patra Side Lobe Supression Techniques for Polyphase Codes in Radar - By Vijay Ramya Kolli Prof. Ajit Kumar Sahoo Study of Object Detection and Reading (License Plate Detection and Reading) - By G. Nanda Prof. S. Meher Kishore Resource Allocation for OFDM-Based Cognitive Radio Systems - By Venkata Rama Reddy Prof. Poonam Singh M. Performance Analysis of Energy Detection Algorithm in Cognitiv e Radio - By V. V. Satynaryana Prof. S. K. Patra Eerla Secure Image Data By Three Stages of Encryption Using Block Based Transformation - By Prof. G.S. Rath P.V.N. Bhargavi Design and Analysis of Dielectric Resonator Antenna for Bandwidth Enhancement - By Prof. S. K. Behera Kapil Parmar Handwritten Odia Character Recognition - By Debasish Basa Prof. S. Meher QoS Aware Data-Path Routing in DWDM/GMPLS Network - By Suraj Kumar Naik Prof. S.K. Das Fractal Antennas for Dual and Ultra Wideband Application - By Sujeet Kumar Rai Prof. S. K. Behera Online Signature Verification Techniques - By Kiran Kumar Gurrala Prof. S. Meher Physical Layer Impairments Based Optical Routing - By Kalyan Chkravarthi P Prof. S.K. Das Application of Residue Arithmetic in Communication and Signal Processing - By Pallb Prof. G. S. Rath Maji Design of Zigbee Transceiver for IEEE 802.15.4 Using Matlab/Simulink - By Ravikanth Prof. S. K. Patra Kanna Design of Metakaterapm Based Antenna Using Unit Cells - By Jyotisankar Kalia Prof. S. K. Behera VHDL Implementation of Reed-Solomon Coding - By Subhashree Das Prof. S. K. Patra Simulation of Trapping Effects in 4H-Silicon Carbide Metal Semiconductor Field Effect Prof. N.V.L.N. Murty Transistor (4H-SiC MESFET) - By Suman Kumar National Institute of Technology Rourkela 89 Annual Report 2011-2012 Name of the guide Name of the Thesis Design and Analysis of Efficient Phase Locked Loop for fast Phase and Frequency - By Prof. D.P. Acharya Bibhu Prasad Panda FIR Filter IC Design Using Redundant Binary Number Systems - By Prabhat Kumar Barik Prof. G. S. Rath Microwave Characterstics of SiGe HBT - By Sandeep Pontati Prof. N.V.L.N. Murty Design of 8B/10B Encoder and its OVM Compliant Verification IP - By Prateek Kumar Jena Prof. D.P. Acharya Design of a RFID and ARM Based Door Access System - By Visweswara Rao S. Prof. S. K. Das Design and Modeling of I2C Bus Controller - By Debasis Behera Prof. D.P. Acharya f) Popular Lectures by Outside Experts : Sl. No. 1. 6. Name of the Speaker Prof. L.M.Patnaik, Fellow IEEE History of Electronics Engineering CONSULTANCY SERVICES: Name of the scheme Sponsoring agency -7. Title Amount earned -- -- EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED : Name of the equipment Manufacturer -- -- -- 8. TECHNICAL ASSOCIATION / SOCIETIES: IEEE member, IETE member, IEEE Signal Processing Society 9. LABORATORIES : l Electronics Laboratory l Digital Electronics & microprocessor Laboratory l Computer Laboratory l Instrumentation Laboratory l Telematics Laboratory l DSP Laboratory l Process Control Lab l VLSI Lab l Embedded System Lab l Communication Lab l Image and Speech Processing Lab l Computer Vision Lab l Microwave Engineering Lab l Advanced Communication Lab l ALTERA FPGA/SOPC Center l Antenna Design and Simulation Laboratory National Institute of Technology Rourkela Cost (Lakhs) 90 Annual Report 2011-2012 DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL DESIGN 1. ACADEMIC STAFF HEAD Prof. Bibhuti Bhusan Biswal Ph.D. FACULTIES Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Prof. Bibhuti Bhusan Biswal : Ph.D. Prof. Mohammed Rajik Khan : Ph. D. Prof. B. B. V. L. Deepak : M. Tech. 2. Prof. Dhananjay Singh Bisht : M. Des DISTINCTION ACHIEVED: a) By Student : b) By Faculty Members : 3. 4. CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAMME : Name of the course Students Admitted Brief report regarding progress -- -- -- SEMINAR, SYMPOSIA, SUMMER SCHOOL, WINTER SCHOOL, SHORT TERM COURSES / WORKSHOPS: (a) Conducted in the Department : Sponsoring Agency Name of the coordinator Title of the course Duration -- -- -- -- (b) Participation by Faculty Members: Name of the staff Course/Seminar Dr. M. R. Khan Conference (7CMS2011) IACSIT, China Prof. B.B.V.L. Deepak ICAISC-2011 I I M T, Bhubaneswar April 9-10, 2011 Hotel Presidency, Bhubaneswar Prof. B.B.V.L. Deepak NCETCIT-2011 AICTE Sponsored 5. RESEARCH : (a) Research Scheme : Organization National Institute of Technology Rourkela Period Venue Sep 16-18, 2011 Motel Balister, Singapore Sep 9, 2011 91 RKGITW, New Delhi Annual Report 2011-2012 Title of the scheme Sponsored by -b) -- Assistance received -- Investigator Brief report -- -- Research Publications i) Paper Published (a) P. K. Parida, B. B. Biswal and M. R. Khan, Kinematic Modelling and Analysis of a Multifingured robotic hand, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 383-390, pp. 6684-6688. (b) BBVL Deepak and Dayal R Parhi, "Kinematic Model of Wheeled Mobile Robots", International journal on Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology. Vol. 05, No. 04, Mar 2011, pp. 5-10. (c) Dayal R. Parhi and B. B. V. L. Deepak, Kinematic model of three wheeled mobile robot, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research Vol. 3(9), pp. 307-318, 21 September, 2011 (d) Dayal R Parhi and BBVL Deepak, SUGENO FUZZY BASED NAVIGATIONAL CONTROLLER OF AN INTELLIGENT MOBILE ROBOT, International Journal of Applied Artificial Intelligence in Engineering System 3(2), 2011: 103-108 (e) B. B. Biswal, P. K. Parida and K. C. Pati, Kinematic Analysis of a dexterous hand, published in Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 433-440 (2012), pp. 754-762. ii) Paper Presented in Conference / Seminar / Symposia: (a) P. K. Parida, B. B. Biswal and M. R. Khan, Kinematic Modelling and Analysis of a Multifingured Robotic hand, The International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Technology (ICMST 2011), Singapore, September 16-18, 2011. (b) BBVL Deepak, Dayal R Parhi, and Jaganmohan Rao Ruppa, "Immunised Navigational Controller for Mobile Robot Navigation", International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ICAISC 2011), 910th April 2011, I I M T, BHUBANESWAR (c) Jaganmohan Rao Ruppa, Dayal R Parhi, BBVL Deepak, and Koteswer Rao S, "Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for the Travelling Salesman Problem", International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, 9-10th April 2011, I I M T, BHUBANESWAR (d) BBVL Deepak, Alok K J and D R Parhi, "Mobile Robot Obstacle Avoidance Using Particle Swarm Optimization", National Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Technology (NCETCIT-2011), 9th Sept 2011, RKGITW, New Delhi (e) BBVL Deepak, Alok K J and D R Parhi, "Path Planning of an Autonomous Mobile Robot Using Artificial Immune System", National Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Technology (NCETCIT-2011), 9th Sept 2011, RKGITW, New Delhi iii) Paper accepted for Publication: (a) M. R. Khan and P. Tandon, Parameterized Geometic Design of a generic form milling cutter, Computer-Aided Design & Applications, 2012. (b) BBVL Deepak and Dayal R Parhi, PSO Based Path Planner of an Autonomous Mobile Robot, Central European Journal of Computer Science. (c) P. K. Parida and B. B. Biswal, "Kinematic analysis of an anthropomorphic robot hand", published in the Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Technologies (MIMT 2012) at Shenzhen, China, Marcch 24-25, 2012. (d) P. K. Parida, B. B. Biswal and R. N. Mohapatra, "Conceptual Design and Kinematic Analysis of a 5-Fingered Anthropomorphic Robotic Hand", published in the Proceedings of the 2nd ASME/IEEE International Conference on Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots, (MeMAR-2012) at Tianjin University, China, July 08-11, 2012. c) Doctoral Programme: Guide Title Name of the Student Brief Report Design & Analysis of 5-fingered Anthropomorphic Robotic Hand Prof. B. B. Biswal Mr. P. K. Parida National Institute of Technology Rourkela 92 Continuing Annual Report 2011-2012 Guide Title Robot Kinematics Name of the Student Brief Report Prof. B. B. Biswal Mr. P. Jha Continuing Inventory Models for Manufacturing Processes with Reverse Prof. B. B. Biswal Mr. R. N. Mahapatra Continuing Supply Chain Ergonomics based Evaluation Methods for Hand-Held Prof. M. R. Khan Industrial Products (d) e) Mr. D. S. Bisht Ph.D. Degree Awarded : Name of the Scholar Guide Title of the thesis Remarks -- -- -- -- Master Thesis Completed: Name of the guide Name of the thesis Robot Motion Planning with Obstacle Avoidance f) 1. Name of the Speaker Title Mr. Deb Kumar Ghosh Workshop on EIS domain of IT CONSULTANCY SERVICES: Name of the scheme Sponsoring agency -7. Prof. B. B. Biswal Popular Lectures by Outside Experts : Sl. No. 6. Continuing Amount earned -- -- EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED : Cost (Lakhs) Name of the equipment Toshiba Basic Digital Copier (Size A-3) 43,630 Workstation-II (Dell Precision T1600) 9,69,072 Desktop Computer (HP Compaq 6200) 28,70,400 Line Interactive UPS (LUMINOUS) 1,28,939 CATIA V6 & DELMIA Software 28,47,564 8. TECHNICAL ASSOCIATION / SOCIETIES: Brief report on the activities of the Association / Societies The Society of Industrial Design conducted the following programmes. i) Welcome ceremony was held on 9th September, 2012 ii) Quiz Contest iii) Career Planning 9. LABORATORIES: (a) CAD Laboratory (b) Art and Aesthetic Design Laboratory (c) Creative Automation Laboratory (d) Product Design and Development Laboratory National Institute of Technology Rourkela 93 Annual Report 2011-2012 DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 1. ACADEMIC STAFF HEAD FACULTIES Prof. Kalipada Maity Ph.D. Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Prof.Sunil Kumar Sarangi : Ph.D. (Director) Prof. Chandan Kumar Biswas : Ph.D. Prof.(Ms.) Sandhyarani Biswas : Ph.D. Prof. Niranjan Kavi : Ph.D. Prof. Saroj Kumar Patel : Ph.D. Prof. Saurav Datta : Ph.D. Prof. Ranjit Kumar Sahoo : Ph.D. Prof. Ashok Kumar Satapathy : Ph.D. Prof. H. P. Ray : Ph.D. Prof. Bijoy Kumar Nanda : Ph.D. (on lien as VC VSSUT) Prof. Sukesh Chandra Mohanty : Ph.D. Prof. T. Ray : Ph.D Prof. Kalipada Maity : Ph.D. Prof. Alok Satapathy : Ph.D. Prof. S. Gangopadhyay : Ph.D. Prof. Siba Sankar Mohapatra : Ph.D. Prof. Rabindra Kumar Behera : Ph.D. Prof. M. Masanta : Ph.D. Prof. Prabal Kumar Ray : Ph.D. Prof. S.Murugan : Ph.D Prof. S. Panda : Ph.D. Prof. Susanta Kumar Sahoo : Ph.D. Prof. J. Srinivas : Ph.D. Prof. S.K.Behera : M. Tech. Prof. Dayal Rama Krushna Parhi : Ph.D. Prof. A. Mitra : Ph.D. Prof. Samir Kumar Acharya : Ph.D. 2. DISTINCTION ACHIEVED: a) By Student : Name of the Name of the Award Student Anoop Kumar Sood Second best paper award for the paper entitled "Optimization of FDM Process Parameters", authored by Anoop Kumar Sood, R.K.Ohdar and S.S.Mahapatra in the National Conference on Design and Manufacturing (NaConDM2011) organized by Indian Institute of Information Technology Design and Manufacturing (IIITD & M) Kancheepuram held at Indian Institute of Technology Madras Campus Chennai during May 27-28, 2011. Year 2011 b) By Faculty Members : Name of the Faculty Member Name of the Award Sandhyarani Biswas Young Engineers Award Sandhyarani Biswas Er. Ganesh Mishra Memorial Award National Institute of Technology Rourkela Year 2011 94 2011 Annual Report 2011-2012 3. CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAMME Name of the course Students Admitted Brief report regarding progress -- -- -- 4. SEMINARS, SYMPOSIA, SUMMER SCHOOL, WINTER SCHOOL, SHORT TERM COURSES/WORKSHOPS a) Conducted in the Department Sponsoring Agency Name of the Coordinator Title of the Course Duration -- -- -- -- (b) Participation by Faculty Members: Name of the staff Course/Seminar Organization Period Venue Prof. S Datta National Conference on Advances in Simulation and Optimization Techniques in Mechanical Engineering (NASOME -2012) School of Mechanical 18th and 19th Bhubaneswar Engineering, KIIT University, February, 2012 Prof. SS Mahapatra Second Russian-Indian Joint Workshop on Computational Intelligence and Modern Heuristics in Automation and Robotics (CIMHAR - 2011) Department of Automation, August 20-22, Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk State Technical 2011. Russia University, Novosibirsk, Russia. Prof. SS Mahapatra Keynote address at International Conference on Industrial Applications of Soft Computing Techniques during January Bhubaneswar Held at Department of on Computer Science and 20th, 2012. Engineering Eastern Academy of Science and Technology (EAST) Prof. SS Mahapatra Delivered a talk on Cellular manufacturing considering operational time and sequence by Adaptive Resonance Theory at National Conference on Green Technology for Sustainable Development, Department of Mechanical December 26th, Durg and Mechatronics 2011, Engineering, Chhatrapati Shivaji Institute of Technology (CSIT), Durg Prof. SS Mahapatra Delivered a talk on Optimization of Fused Deposition Modelling Process at National Conference on Emerging Trends and its Application in Engineering (NCETAE 2011) Department of Mechanical 11th February S a r a n g , Engineering, Indira Gandhi 2012 Dhenkanal, Institute of Technology Odisha. Prof. SS Mahapatra Delivered a talk on Laser Drlling of MMCs at National Conference on Modern Trends in Mechanical Engineering (MTME 2012) Aryan Institute of 18th February Bhubaneswar Engineering and Technology 2012 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 95 Annual Report 2011-2012 Name of the staff Course/Seminar Organization Period Venue Prof. SS Mahapatra Delivered a talk on Bayesian Regularization based LevenbergMarquardt Neural Model Combined with BFOA for Improving Surface Finish of FDM Processed Part at National Conference on Advances in Simulation and Optimization Techniques in Mechanical Emerging (NASOME 2012) School of Mechanical 19th February Bhubaneswar Engineering, KIIT University, 2012 Prof. SS Mahapatra Delivered a talk on Multiobjective Parametric Optimization of Powder Mixed Electro-discharge Machining using Response Surface Methodology and Non-dominated Sorted Genetic Algorithm at National Conference on Modern Trends in Mechanical Engineering Department of Mechanical 19.12.2011 Engineering, Gandhi Institute of Engineering and Technology Prof. SS Mahapatra Delivered a talk on Service Marketing at National Workshop on Managing Market Intelligence Organized by School of July 13-16, 2011 Rourkela Management, National Institute of Technology Rourkela Prof. SK Patel 14th International Conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies (AMPT2011) Yildiz Technical University, Mar 15-16, I s t a n b u l , Istanbul, Turkey 2012 One day Turkey Prof. SK Patel National Conference on Advances in Manufacturing Technology, NITTTR N I T T T R , Chandigarh Prof. S Ghosh Seminar on Patent Search and Patenting Intellectual Property Rights (March 24, Cell, NIT Rourkela 2012) NIT Rourkela Sandhyarani Biswas 11th UNESCO/IUPAC Conference Workshop on Functional Polymeric Materials & Composites Institute for Advanced 26.04.11 Studies, Stellenbosch Stellenbosch, South Africa. 5. (a) RESEARCH : Research Scheme : Title of the scheme Sponsored by Ultrasonic vibration assisted micro-drilling BRNS Assistance Investigator received Rs. 20 Lakhs Prof. KP Maity A Taguchi-PCA-Fuzzy Based Integrated DST Govt of INDIA Approved Approach for Parametric Appraisal and Multi-Objective Optimization on Machining of CFRP Composites National Institute of Technology Rourkela 96 Prof. S Datta Gunupur Brief report Ongoing Approval Letter Received [No.: SR/FTP/ETA0140/2011 Dated 21 November 2011] Annual Report 2011-2012 Assistance received FIST Project on infrastructure development DST Govt of INDIA Rs. 170 for research lakhs in 2010. Title of the scheme Sponsored by Investigator Prof. SS Mahapatra Brief report (Sanction No. SR/ FST/ET II - 025/ 2010) Bio-fuel SERC, DST. Government of India Rs. 23 Lakhs Prof. S. Murugan Laser welding of tubes BRNS Rs. 15.22 Lakhs Prof. S.K.Sahoo Ongoing Nd-YAG welding and characterization of flats BRFST Rs. 18.6 Lakhs Prof. S.K.Sahoo Ongoing Intelligent Control of Multiple Mobile Robots ARDB in an unknown Terrain Rs. 15 Lakhs Prof. DRK Parhi Completed Navigation of Multiple Robots using Artificial BRNS DAE Intelligence Technique Rs. 19 Lakhs Prof. DRK Parhi Completed Underwater Robot Navigation using ANFIS NRB Rs. 15 Lakhs Prof. DRK Parhi Ongoing Multiple Robot Navigation CSIR Rs. 19 Lakhs Prof. DRK Parhi Ongoing RPS (C) AICTE Rs.1335000/- Ongoing PI: Dr. Subrata Approved K. Panda Co PI: Dr. R. R Das b) Research Publications i) Paper Published 1. P. S. Dhal, S. Datta and S. S. Mahapatra, 2011, "Flexible Manufacturing System Selection based on Grey Relation under Uncertainty", International Journal of Services and Operations Management (IJSOM), Volume 8, Issue 4, pp. 516-534. 2. A. K. Sood, V. Chaturvedi, S. Datta and S.S. Mahapatra, 2011, "Optimization of Process Parameters in Fused Deposition Modeling using Weighted Principal Component Analysis", Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems (JAMS), Volume 10, Number 2, pp. 241-259. 3. S. Mishra, S. Datta, S. S. Mahapatra, 2012, "Interrelationship of Drivers for Agile Manufacturing: An Indian Experience", International Journal of Services and Operations Management (IJSOM), Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 35-48. 4. S. S. Mahapatra, S. Datta, April 2011, "A Grey-based Taguchi Method for Wear Assessment of Red Mud filled Polyester Composites" International Journal of Modeling and Optimization (IJMO), Volume1, Number 1, pp. 80-88. 5. A. Singh, S. Datta, S. S. Mahapatra, T. Singha, Gautam Majumdar, "Optimization of Bead Geometry of Submerged Arc Weld using Fuzzy based Desirability Function Approach", Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Springer link. (In Press, Published Online 21 April 2011) DOI 10.1007/s10845-011-0535-3 6. S. Datta, S.S. Mahapatra, B.C. Routara, A. Bandyopadhyay, 2011, "The Fuzzy Inference System Approach to a Multi-Performance Characteristic Index for Surface Quality Improvement in CNC End Milling", International Journal of Experimental Design and Process Optimization, Volume 2, Number 3, pp. 265-282. 7. Swagatika Mishra, Chitrasen Samantra, Saurav Datta, Siba Sankar Mahapatra, 2011, "Agility Extent Evaluation for Mass Customized Product Manufacturing Using Interval-Valued Fuzzy Sets (IVFS)", International Journal National Institute of Technology Rourkela 97 Annual Report 2011-2012 of Logistics Economics and Globalisation (IJLEG),Volume 3, Number 4, pp. 210-233. 8. Chitrasen Samantra, Saurav Datta, Siba Sankar Mahapatra, 2011, "Selection of Industrial Robot using IntervalValued Trapezoidal Fuzzy Numbers Set Combined with VIKOR Method", International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning (IJTIP), Volume 7, Number 4, pp. 344-360. 9. Siba Sankar Mahapatra, Saurav Datta, 2012, "Study of Wear Assessment and Optimization of Multiple Properties of Red Mud Filled Polyester Composites", Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 110-116, pp 1213-1220. 10. H. Dalai, S. Dewangan, S. Datta, S.K. Patel, S.S. Mahapatra, 2012, "A Case Study on Quality and Productivity Optimization in Electric Discharge Machining (EDM)", Advanced Materials Research, Volume 445, pp 27-32. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.445.27. 11. Swagatika Mishra, Chitrasen Samantra, Saurav Datta, Siba Sankar Mahapatra, "Multi-Attribute Group Decision Making (MADM) for Supplier Selection Using Fuzzy Linguistic Modeling Integrated with VIKOR Method", International Journal of Services and Operations Management (IJSOM), Volume 12, Number 1, pp. 67-89. 12. Ankita Singh, Saurav Datta, Siba Sankar Mahapatra, "Application of TOPSIS in the Taguchi Method for Optimal Machining Parameter Selection", Journal for Manufacturing Science and Production (JMSP), Vol. 11, pp. 4960. 13. Rajesh Kumar Verma, Kumar Abhishek, Saurav Datta, Siba Sankar Mahapatra, 2011, "Fuzzy Rule Based Optimization in Machining of FRP Polyester Composites", Turkish Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Volume 2, Number 2, pp. 99-121. 14. Nitin Kumar Sahu, Saurav Datta, Siba Sankar Mahapatra, 2012, "Performance Index of Reverse Logistics using Interval-Valued Fuzzy Numbers Set (IVFNS)", International Journal of Applications of Fuzzy Sets, Volume 2, pp. 57-77, (Published through the site of the Graduate Technological Educational Institute of Patras, Greece). 15. H.B.Sahu, Soumyakant Padhee and S.S.Mahapatra, 'Prediction of Spontaneous Heating Susceptibility of Indian Coals using Fuzzy Logic and Artificial Neural Network Models', Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 38, Issue 3, March 2011, pp. 2271-2282. 16. Sreekumar and S S Mahapatra, "A Fuzzy Multi-criteria Decision Making Approach for Supplier Selection in Supply Chain Management, International Journal of Services and Operations Management, Vol. 8, No. 1, 2011, pp. 108-126. 17. G.S.Beriha, B.Patnaik and S.S.Mahapatra, "Measuring the Perception of Safety Officers on Occupational Health in Indian Industries", International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2011, pp. 30-46. 18. Asif Equbal, Anoop Kumar Sood, R.K. Ohdar and S.S. Mahapatra, "Prediction of Dimensional Accuracy in Fused Deposition Modelling: A Fuzzy Logic Approach", International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2011, pp. 22-43. 19. H.B.Sahu, S.S.Mahapatra and Kittiwat Sirikasemsuk, "A Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization Approach for Classification of Indian Coal Seams with respect to their Spontaneous Combustion Susceptibility", Fuel Processing Technology, Vol. 92, Issue 3, March 2011, pp. 479-485. 20. G.S. Beriha, B. Patnaik, S.S. Mahapatra, and Sreekumar, "Occupational Health and Safety Management using Grey Relational Analysis: An Indian Perspective", International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management (IJICBM), Vol. 4, No. 3, 2011, pp. 298-324. 21. G.S.Beriha, B.Patnaik, and S.S.Mahapatra, "Safety Performance Evaluation of Indian Organizations using Data Envelopment Analysis", Benchmarking: An International Journal, Vol. 18, No. 2, 2011, pp. 197-220. 22. Sreekumar and S.S.Mahapatra, "Performance Modeling of Indian Business Schools: A DEA Neural Network Approach", Benchmarking: An International Journal, Vol. 18, No. 2, 2011, pp. 221-239. 23. Ranjeet Kumar Sahu, S.S.Mahapatra, and Anoop Kumar Sood, "Improvement in dimensional accuracy of Fused Deposition Modeling Processed Part using Fuzzy Logic", International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER), Vol. 6, No. 5, 2011, pp. 879-889. 24. Anoop Kumar Sood, R.K.Ohdar, and S.S.Mahapatra, "Optimization of FDM Process Parameters", International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER). Vol. 6, No. 5, 2011, pp. 871-877. 25. S.K.Sharma, B.N.Panda, S.S.Mahapatra, and S.Sahu, "Analysis of Barriers for Reverse Logistics: An Indian Perspective", International Journal of Modeling and Optimization. Vol.1, No.2, June 2011, pp. 101-106. 26. Anoop Kumar Sood, R.K.Ohdar and S.S.Mahapatra, "Weighted Principal Component Approach for Improving National Institute of Technology Rourkela 98 Annual Report 2011-2012 Surface Finish of ABS Plastic Parts built through Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) Process", International Journal of Rapid Manufacturing, Vol. 2, No. 1/2, 2011, pp. 4-27. 27. S.S.Mahapatra, Santosh Kumar Nanda and B.K.Panigrahy, "A Cascaded Fuzzy Inference System for Indian River Water Quality Prediction", Advances in Engineering Software, Vol. 42, No. 10, 2011, pp. 787-796. 28. Anoop Kumar Sood, R.K. Ohdar and S.S. Mahapatra, "Experimental Investigation and Empirical Modelling of FDM Process for Compressive Strength Improvement", Journal of Advanced Research, 2011 (doi:10.1016/ j.jare.2011.05.001). 29. S.S.Mahapatra, N.R.Nayak, K.Prasanna and G.S.Beriha, "A Novel Swarm Optimization Approach for Risk Based Partner Selection in Virtual Enterprises", International Journal of Services and Operations Management, Vol. 10, No. 1, 2011, pp. 52-73. 30. Mrutyunjaya Sahu, K.K.Khatua, and S.S.Mahapatra, "Neural Network Approach for Prediction of Discharge in Straight Compound Open Channel Flow", Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, Vol. 22, No. 5, 2011, pp. 438-446. 31. Bikash Ranjan Debta, Bhaswati Patnaik, S.S.Mahapatra and Sreekumar, "Development of an Instrument for Measuring Service Quality of Medical Tourism in India", International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, Vol. 4, No. 6, 2011, pp. 589-608. 32. S.S.Panda and S.S.Mahapatra, "Machinability Study on Reinforced E-glass fiber (multi-filament) Composite Pipe using Carbide Tool", International Journal of Materials Engineering Innovation (IJMatEI), Vol. 2, No. ¾, 2011, pp. 249-263. 33. A.K.Giri, R.K.Patel, and S.S.Mahapatra, "Prediction of As (III) biosorption by living cells of Bacillus cereus biomass using artificial neural network (ANN) modelling", Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 178, No. , 2011, pp. 15-25. 34. G.S.Beriha, B.Patnaik, S.S.Mahapatra and S.Padhee, "Assessment of Safety Performance in Indian Industries Using Fuzzy Approach", Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 39, No. 3, 2012, pp. 3311-3323. 35. S.S.Mahapatra and Anoop Kumar Sood, "Bayesian Regularization-based Levenberg-Marquardt Neural Model Combined with BFOA for Improving Surface Finish of FDM Processed Part", International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2011, DOI 10.1007/s00170-011-3675-x. 36. S.Padhee, S.Pani, and S.S Mahapatra, "A Parametric Study on Laser Drilling of Al/SiCp Metal Matrix Composite", Proceedings of the institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2011, DOI: 10.1177/09544054 11415939. 37. Sasidharan Sreedharan, Weerakom Ongsakul, Jai Govind Singh, and Siba Sankar Mahapatra, "Development of PSO Based Robust Controller for Maximizing Wind Penetration", International Journal of Renewable Energy Technology, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2012, pp. 58-78. 38. Asif Equbal, Anoop Kumar Sood, Vijay Toppo, R.K. Ohdar and S.S. Mahapatra, "Experimental Investigation for Minimizing the Sliding Wear of FDM Processed Parts", CIRP - Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 2011, doi:10.1016/j.ciprj.2011.08.003. 39. Mrutyunjaya Sahu, Prashant Singh, S.S.Mahapatra, and K.K.Khatua, "Prediction of Entrance Length for Low Reynolds Number Flow in Pipe using Neuro-fuzzy Inference System", Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 39, No. 4, 2012, pp. 4545-4557. 40. Manas Ranjan Singh and S.S.Mahapatra, "A Swarm Optimization Approach for Flexible Flow Shop Scheduling with Multiprocessor Tasks", International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2011, DOI 10.1007/ s 00170-011-3807-3. 41. Mrutyunjaya Sahu, S.S.Mahapatra, H.B.Sahu and R.K.Patel, "Prediction of Water Quality Index using Neuro Fuzzy Inference System", Water Quality, Exposure and Health, 2011, DOI 10.1007/s12403-011-0054-7. 42. Anoop Kumar Sood, R.K.Ohdar, and S.S.Mahapatra, "Experimental Investigation on Wear of FDM Processed Part", Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 445, 2012, pp. 883-888. 43. D.K.Mohanta, J.Sahu, S.Gongopadhyaya, and S.S.Mahapatra, "Prediction of Surface Roughness in Turning of Low Carbon Steel with Coated and Uncoated Inserts", International Journal of Advanced Materials, Manufacturing and Characterization, Vol. 1, Issue 1, March 2012, pp. 93-98. 44. Kali Charan Rath, Amaresh Kumar, A.M.Tigga, and S.S.Mahapatra, "Design and Modeling of Tool Trajectory in C0 Continuity Concept by Importing the IGES Neutral Files", Innovative System design and Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 3, 2012, pp. 89-99. 45. M. Masanta, S. M. Shariff and A. Roy Choudhury, A comparative study of laser clad TiB2-TiC-Al2O3 composite National Institute of Technology Rourkela 99 Annual Report 2011-2012 coatings on AISI 1020 and AISI 304 substrates, Wear, Vol-271, pp. 1124-1133, May-2011. 46. Kumar, M.; Patel, S.K.; and Hamid, P.F., Characteristics of Some Forestry Non?Woody Biomass Species and Estimation of their Power Generation Potentials, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, Vol. 33, No. 17, pp. 1616-1624, 2011. 47. Kumar, M. and Patel, S.K., An Assessment of Electricity Generation Potentials of Agricultural Residues for Power Industries in India, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, Taylor and Francis Publication, Vol. 33, pp. 2171-2180, 2011. 48. Gupta, G. and Patel, S.K., Economic Design of Control Chart Using Particle Swarm Optimization, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 29-34, 2011. 49. Satpathy, S., Patel, S.K., Mahapatra, S.S., Beriha, G.S., and Biswas, A., Service Quality Evaluation in Electricity Utility Industry: An Empirical Study in India, International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, Inderscience Publication, Vol. 5 (1), pp. 59-75, 2012. 50. Kumar, M. and Patel, S.K., Characteristics and power generation energetics of coal, cattle dung, rice husk and their blends, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, Taylor and Francis Publication [Accepted & in press; Manuscript ID: 545798, UESO-2010-0618.R1, proof will be ready by 15 Mar 2012]. 51. Mohanta, J.C, Patel, S.K. and Parhi, D.R., Path planning strategy for autonomous mobile robot navigation using Petri-GA optimization, Computers & Electrical Engineering, Elsevier Publication [Accepted & in press, COMPELECENG-D-10-00241R2] 52. Satpathy, S., Patel, S.K., and Mishra, P.D., Discriminate Analysis and Neural Network Approach in Water Utility Service, International Journal of Services and Operation Management, Inderscience Publication [Accepted & in press]. 53. Kumar, M., Baghel, H., and Patel, S.K., Reduction and Swelling of Fired Hematite Iron Ore Pellets by Non?coking Coal Fines for Application in Sponge Ironmaking, Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, Taylor and Francis Publication [[Accepted & in press, available on line, DOI: 10.1080/08827508.2012.656776]. 54. Parhi, D.R; Mohanta, J.C.; Patel, S.K.; Paul, I.P.S.; and Jha, A., Kinematic Analysis of Wheeled Mobile Robots Path Planning Based on Fuzzy Logic Approach, International Journal of Applied Artificial Intelligence in Engineering System [ Accepted & in press, ISSN No 0975-3176] 55. Parhi, D.R; Mohanta, J.C.; and Patel, S.K., Genetic Algorithm Based Trajectory Planning and Control of Multiple Mobile Robot Navigation, International Journal of Applied Artificial Intelligence in Engineering System [Accepted & in press, ISSN No 0975-3176] 56. P. Chandrasekar, R. Prakash and S.Murugan, Performance and emission characteristics of compression ignition engine with pumpkin (curcurbita pepo l) seed oil, JERS/Vol. III/ Issue I/January-March, 2012/22-25. 57. R.Prakash, R.K.Singh and S. Murugan, Experimental investigation on diesel engine fueled by biodiesel and its emulsions with wood pyrolysis oil, International Journal of Green Energy, DOI:10.1080/ 15435075.2011.641190. 58. R.Prakash, R.K.Singh and S. Murugan, Effect of Hydrogen Enrichment on the Performance and Emissions of a Diesel Engine Fueled with Bio-fuel Emulsions, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, Vol.1, No.1, pp.78-83. 59. R.Prakash, R.K.Singh and S. Murugan, Experimental Studies on a Diesel Engine Fueled with Wood Pyrolysis Oil Diesel Emulsions, International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications, Vol. 2, No. 6, pp. 395399, 2011. 60. B. B. Verma, M. Mallik, J. D. Atkinson, P. K. Ray, Fatigue Crack Initiation and Growth Behaviour of 7475 Aluminium Alloy in Air and Aggressive Environment, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 428 (2012), pp.133136. 61. Patra, L.N. Sahoo, S.K., "3D Analysis of Extrusion-Forging Process: Pentagonal Head with Round Shaft," International Journal of Applied Engineering, vol. 1, 2011, pp. 2-8. 62. M.P.Rout, S.K.Sahoo, L.N.Patra, B.C.Behera and K.K.Kanaujia, Flow behavior of Aluminum during warm upset forming, International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Industrial Engineering, Vol 2 Number 1 January-June 2011, pp 37-41. 63. L.N. Patra, S.K. Sahoo and K.P.Maity Extrusion-forging of round shaft with 8-tooth spur gear head: A threedimensional analysis, International Journal of Advances in Machining and forging operations, Vol 3 Number 2 July-Dec June 2011, pp 153-165. 64. S. Ghosh, I. Ghosh, D.K. Pratihar, B. Maiti, P.K. Das, 2011. Optimum stacking pattern for multi-stream plate-fin National Institute of Technology Rourkela 100 Annual Report 2011-2012 heat exchanger through a genetic algorithm. International Journal of Thermal Sciences 50, 214-224. 65. S. Ghosh, I. Ghosh, D.K. Pratihar, B. Maiti, P.K. Das, 2011. Inverse estimation of location of internal heat Source in conduction. Inverse Problems in Science & Engineering 19, 337-361. 66. J. K. Dutt, H. Roy, Viscoelastic Modelling of Rotor-Shaft Systems using an operator based approach, Journal of Mechanical Science, IMechE, Part-C, Vol. - 225, pp. 73-87, 2011. 67. S.K. Panda, B. N Singh, Large amplitude Free Vibration Analysis of Thermally Postbuckled Composite Doubly Curved Panel Using Nonlinear FEM, Finite Element Analysis and Design, 47 (4) 2011. 68. S.K. Panda, B. N Singh, Post-Buckling Analysis of Laminated Composite Doubly Curved Panel Embedded with SMA Fibres subjected to Thermal Environment, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, An International Journal, June 2011. 69. Debabrata Chakraborty, Pawan Kumar Rathore and Tarapada Roy, Optimal Actuators Locations in Smart Fibre Reinforced Polymer Structures using Genetic Algorithm, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols. 110116, pp. 1278-1283, (2012). 70. Sandhyarani Biswas, Sanjay Kindo and Amar Patnaik, Effect of Fiber Length on Mechanical Behavior of Coir Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composites, Fiber and Polymers, 12 (1), 2011, pp.73-78. 71. Sandhyarani Biswas, Basu Deo, Amar Patnaik, Alok Satapathy, Effect of Fiber Loading and Orientation on Mechanical and Erosion Behaviour of Glass/Epoxy Composites, Polymer Composites, 32(4), 2011, pp. 665674. 72. Amar Patnaik, Sandhyarani Biswas, Alok Satapathy and Ritesh Kaundal, "Processing, Characterization and Erosion Wear Analysis of SiC Filled Glass-Epoxy-Composites", International Journal of Computational Materials Science and Surface Engineering (IJCMSSE), 4(2), 2011, pp.168-184. 73. Amar Patnaik, T.G. Mamatha, Sandhyarani Biswas and Pradeep Kumar, Damage assessment of Titania Filled Zinc-Aluminium Alloy Metal Matrix Composites in Erosive Environment: A Comparative Study, Materials and Design, 36, 2012, 511-521. 74. T.G. Mamatha, Amar patnaik, Sandhyarani Biswas, Bhabani K. Satapathy and Amit Kumar Redhewall, Thermomechanical and crack position on stress intensity factor in particle-reinforced Zinc-aluminium alloy composites, Computational Materials Science, 55, 2012, 100-112. 75. Sandhyarani Biswas, Amar Patnaik, Alok Satapathy and Mamatha T.G, Effect of Silicon Carbide (SiC) Particulate on Thermo-Mechanical and Damping Behaviour of ZA-27 Alloy Composites, 53nd Technical Journal of Orissa State Centre, Institutions of Engineers (India), 2012. ii) Paper Presented in Conference/Seminar/Symposia 1. S. S. Mahapatra, H. Dalai, G. Mondal, S. Datta, G. Majumdar, , "Supplier Selection for Procurement of Vehicle Silencer", 5th International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME 2011), organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat-395007, Gujarat, 06-08 June 2011. 2. H Dalai, S Debangan, S Datta, SK Patel, SS Mahapatra, CK Biswas, "A Case Study on Quality and Productivity Optimization in Electric Discharge Machining (EDM)", 14th International Conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies (AMPT 2011), hosted by Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey, on July 1316, 2011. 3. Ankita Singh, Saurav Datta, Siba Sankar Mahapatra, "Application of PCA Based Fuzzy Reasoning Combined with Taguchi's Philosophy In Machining of GFRP Polyester Composites", Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Applications of Soft Computing Techniques (IIASCT 2011), August 20-22, 2011, Bhubaneswar, Orissa. 4. Chitrasen Samantra, Saurav Datta, Siba Sankar Mahapatra, Sabyasachi Banerjee, Asish Bandyopadhyay, "VIKOR Based Decision Making Approach for Green Supplier Selection in Fuzzy Context by Considering Qualitative Environmental Criteria", 2nd International Conference on Solid Waste Management (IconSWM 2011) and Exhibition on Municipal Services, Urban Development, Public Works and Clean technology organized by Centre for Quality Management System, Jadavpur University, Kolkata In association with International Society of Waste Management, Air and Water, during November 9-11, 2011 at Jadavpur University, Kolkata 700032. 5. D.M. Padhy, R. K. Sahu, S. Datta, S. S. Mahapatra, "Use of Fuzzy Expert System Combined with Taguchi Philosophy for Parametric Optimization of EDM on UTS 304 Grade Stainless Steel", International Conference on Industrial National Institute of Technology Rourkela 101 Annual Report 2011-2012 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Engineering (ICIE 2011); Theme: Modern Trends in Industrial Engineering, to be held during November 17-19, 2011, organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, S. V. National Institute of Technology, Surat, in Association with Indian Institute of Industrial Engineering (IIIE), NHQ-Mumbai. Kumar Abhishek, Saurav Datta, Siba Sankar Mahapatra, Asish Bandyopadhyay, "A Case Study on Surface Quality Improvement in Machining PTFE using PCA based TOPSIS method', International Conference on Advances in Modeling, Optimization and Computing (AMOC-2011), organized by Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee-247667, held during December 5-7, 2011. Utkarsh Yadav, Saurav Datta, Siba Sankar Mahapatra, Goutam Mondal, Gautam Majumdar, "Selecting Appropriate Vendor Using VIKOR based Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) Approach", International Conference on Advances in Supply Chain and Manufacturing Management, Achieving Growth, Profitability and Sustainability in a Globalized Environment (ASCMM 2011), December 16-18, 2011, organized by Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. Kumar Abhishek, Saurav Datta, Siba Sankar Mahapatra, "Utility Based Fuzzy Approach for Multi-Objective Optimization in Nylon Machining", International Conference on Advances in Supply Chain and Manufacturing Management, Achieving Growth, Profitability and Sustainability in a Globalized Environment (ASCMM 2011), December 16-18, 2011, organized by Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. Ankita Singh, Saurav Datta, Siba Sankar Mahapatra, "Multi-Objective Optimization of GFRP Composite Using Desirability Function based Fuzzy Approach Coupled with Taguchi Method", International Conference on Advances in Supply Chain and Manufacturing Management, Achieving Growth, Profitability and Sustainability in a Globalized Environment (ASCMM 2011), December 16-18, 2011, organized by Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. Swagatika Mishra, Biranchi Narayan Panda, Siba Sankar Mahapatra and Saurav Datta, "Grey-based decisionmaking approach for agility evaluation of mass customization systems", SOM 2011, XV Annual International Conference of the Society of Operations Management on Sustainable Operations Management, December 17-18, 2011at Indian Institute of Management Calcutta (IIMC), Kolkata. Ankita Singh, Kumar Abhishek, Jambeswar Sahu, Saurav Datta, Siba Sankar Mahapatra, "DEA based Taguchi Approach for Multi-Objective Optimization: A Case Study", International Conference on Modeling, Optimization and Computing (ICMOC 2012), Noorul Islam University, Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education, Kumaracoil, Thuckalay, Kanyakumari District, Tamilnadu State, India- 629 180, April 10-11 2012. Umakant Behera, Chitrasen Samantra, Saurav Datta, Siba Sankar Mahapatra, "Application of Fuzzy Logic in the Taguchi Method for multi-response optimization in EDM", International Conference on Modeling, Optimization and Computing (ICMOC 2012), Noorul Islam University, Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education, Kumaracoil, Thuckalay, Kanyakumari District, Tamilnadu State, India- 629 180, April 10-11 2012. A. Singh, A. Sahu, S. Datta, S. S. Mahapatra, "Aggregation of Multi-responses in Turning Process Optimization on GFRP (Polyester) Composite Using Utility-Fuzzy Approach", 2nd National Conference on Recent Advances in Manufacturing (RAM-2011), 15-17 September 2011, Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, SV National Institute of Technology, Surat-395007. Chitrasen Samantra, Saurav Datta, Siba Sankar Mahapatra, "A Desirability Function Based Fuzzy Approach in Taguchi's Philosophy for Optimization of Surface Quality and Material Removal Rate in Dry Turning of Nylon", 2nd National Conference on Recent Advances in Manufacturing (RAM-2011), 15-17 September 2011, Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, SV National Institute of Technology, Surat-395007. C. Samantra, S. Datta, S. S. Mahapatra, G. Majumdar, "Surface Quality Optimization in Milling Using Taguchi Philosophy and Fuzzy Approach", National conference on Processing and Characterization of Materials (NCPCM 2011), December 2-3, 2011 organized by Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela -769008. Saurav Datta, Siba Sankar Mahapatra, Ajay Biswas, Gautam Majumdar, "Introducing Combined Quality Loss Concept for Correlated Multi-Response Optimization: A Case Study", National conference on Emerging Trend & Its Application in Engineering (NCETAE 2011), 26-28 December 2011, Sponsored by AICTE, New Delhi & Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology Sarang-759 146, Dist.- Dhenkanal, Odisha, India, Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, IGIT, Sarang. Kumar Abhishek, Saurav Datta, Siba Sankar Mahapatra, "PCA-TOPSIS for Multi-Response Optimization: An Off-Line Quality Engineering Problem in Nylon-6 Machining", National Conference on Recent Advances in Chemical and Environmental Engineering, (RACEE 2011), 20-21 January, 2012, Organized by Department of National Institute of Technology Rourkela 102 Annual Report 2011-2012 Chemical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela-769008, Orissa. 18. Kumar Abhishek, Jambeswar Sahu, Saurav Datta, Siba Sankar Mahapatra, "DEA based Taguchi Approach for Multi-Objective Optimization in Machining Polymers: A Case Study", National Conference on Advances in Simulation and Optimization Techniques in Mechanical Engineering (NASOME -2012), 18th and 19th February, 2012, organized by School of Mechanical Engineering, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar. 19. Rahul Ranjan, Kumar Abhishek, Jambeswar Sahu, Saurav Datta, Siba Sankar Mahapatra, "Multi-Response Optimization in CNC End Milling", National Conference on Advances in Simulation and Optimization Techniques in Mechanical Engineering (NASOME -2012), 18th and 19th February, 2012, organized by School of Mechanical Engineering, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar. 20. J. Sahu, H. Pradhan, D. Puhan, S.S. Mahapatra and S. Datta, "Parametric Optimization of Electrical Discharge Machining by Neuro-Fuzzy and Particle Swarm Optimization Designed by Response Surface Method", National Conference on Advances in Simulation and Optimization Techniques in Mechanical Engineering (NASOME 2012), 18th and 19th February, 2012, organized by School of Mechanical Engineering, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar. 21. Santosh Kumar Nanda, Debi Prasad Tripathy, and S.S.Mahapatra, "Application of Legendre Neural Network for Air Quality Prediction", The 5th PSU-UNS International Conference on Engineering and Technology (ICET2011), May 2-3, 2011, Prince of Songkla University, Faculty of Engineering, Hat Yai, Sangkhla, Phuket, Thailand. 22. Arpan Kumar Mondal and S.S Mahapatra, "Characterization of HAp Reinforced High Density Polyethylene Bio-composites", Tenth International Conference on Operations and Quantitative Management (ICOQM 10), Symbiosis Institute of Operations Management, Nashik, India, June 28-30, 2011. 23. S.S Mahapatra, S.K.Patra, and M.Joshi, "A Comparative Analysis of Decision Making Processes to Aid Material Selection", Tenth International Conference on Operations and Quantitative Management (ICOQM - 10), Symbiosis Institute of Operations Management, Nashik, India, June 28-30, 2011. 24. Anoop Kumar Sood, R.K.Ohdar, and S.S.Mahapatra, "Experimental Investigation on Wear of FDM Processed Part", 14th International Conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies (AMPT) 2011 held at Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey during July 13-16, 2011. 25. Bikash Ranjan Debata, Bhaswati Patnaik, S.S.Mahapatra, P.S.Kar, and Sreekumar, "A Quality Deployment Framework for the Service Quality of Medical Tourism in India", Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of the Asian Academy of Applied Business (AAAB) 2011 held at Sunway Hotel, Phnom Penh, Cambodia during June 9-10, 2011. 26. Bikash Ranjan Debata, Ernest Cyril de Run, and S.S.Mahapatra, "Modelling of Medical Tourism Enablers in India", 2011 MAG Scholar Conference, Wellington, New Zealand, May 29th - June 1st 2011. 27. H.B.Sahu, D.C.Panigrahi and S.S.Mahapatra, "Application of Adaptive Resonance Theory for the Classification of Coal Seams with Respect to their Spontaneous Heating Susceptibility", International Conference on Industrial Applications of Soft Computing Techniques held at Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Eastern Academy of Science and Technology (EAST), Bhubaneswar during August 20-22, 2011. 28. Anoop Kumar Sood and S.S. Mahapatra, "Bayesian Regularization based Levenberg-Marquardt Neural Model Combined with BFOA for Improving Surface Finish of FDM Processed Part", Second Russian-Indian Joint Workshop on Computational Intelligence and Modern Heuristics in Automation and Robotics (CIMHAR 2011) held at Department of Automation, Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russia. 29. Gouri Shankar Beriha, Bhaswati Patnaik, Siba Shankar Mahapatra, and Biranchi Narayan Panda, "Social Marketing on Occupational Health and Safety in Indian Industry: An Interpretive Structural Modelling Approach", 2nd International Conference on Services in Emerging Markets (ICSEM 2011), Shailesh J Mehta School of Management, IIT Bombay, September 29 - October 1, 2011. 30. Layatitdev Das Debaprasanna Puhan Jambeswar Sahu and S.S.Mahapatra, "Multi Response Optimization of EDM using TOPSIS Method", International Conference on Advances in Modeling, Optimization and Computing (AMOC - 2011) Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee India, December 5 - 7, 2011. 31. Jambeswar Sahu, Layatitdev Das, Debaprasanna Puhan and S.S.Mahapatra, "Optimization of Multiple Responses in Electric Discharge Machining using Data Envelopment Analysis", International Conference on Advances in Modeling, Optimization and Computing (AMOC - 2011) Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee India, December 5 - 7, 2011. 32. Gupta, G. and Patel, S.K.., Economic Design of Control Chart Using Particle Swarm Optimization, Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME-2011), SVNIT, Surat, Jun 6-8, National Institute of Technology Rourkela 103 Annual Report 2011-2012 2011, pp 711-715. 33. Satapathy, S., Patel, S.K, Mahapatra, S.S, Mishra P.D, Beriha G.S., A Neural Network Method for measuring Service Quality in Water Utility Sector: An Indian Perspective, Proceedings of International Conference on Industrial Engineering (ICIE 2011), SVNIT, Surat, Nov 17-19, 2011. 34. Patel, S.K and Kumar. M., Erosive Wear Characteristics of Carburized and Tempered Mild Steel Samples in Plain Soil-Water Slurry for Application in Agro-Industries, Proceedings of National Conference on Advances in Manufacturing Technology, NITTTR, Chandigarh, Mar 15-16, 2012, pp. 66 - 69. 35. R.Prakash, R.K.Singh and S.Murugan, Performance and Emission Studies of a Diesel Engine Fueled with Wood Pyrolysis Oil-Biodiesel Emulsions, Accepted for oral presentation and publication in SAE world Congress, Detroit, April 24-26, 2012. 36. R.Prakash, Gandhi Pullagura, R.K. Singh and S. Murugan, Effect of Hydrogen Enrichment on the Combustion Characteristics of Bio-Fueled Engine, 22nd National Conference on IC Engines and Combustion, NIT-Calicut, Kerala, India: 10-13 December, 2011. 37. Dulari Hansdah and S. Murugan, Performance and emission characteristics of acetylene inducted diesel engine with EGR, 22nd National Conference on IC Engines and Combustion, NIT-Calicut, Kerala, India: 10-13 December, 2011. 38. Simarani Behera and S. Murugan, Performance and emission characteristics of SI engine fueled with orange oil blends, 22nd National Conference on IC Engines and Combustion, NIT-Calicut, Kerala, India: 10-13 December, 2011. 39. P. Chandresekar and S. Murugan, Performance and emission characteristics of diesel engine fueled with pumpkin seed oil, National conference on Renewable and New energy systems, Synergy Institute of Engineering and Technology, Dhenkanal, 22nd December 2011. 40. Simarani Behera and S. Murugan, Improvement of performance and control of emission of multi-cylinder SI engine fueled with orange oil blends, National conference on Renewable and New energy systems, Synergy Institute of Engineering and Technology, Dhenkanal, 22nd December 2011. 41. R.Prakash, Gandhi Pullagura, R.K. Singh and S. Murugan, Effect of Hydrogen Enrichment on the Performance and Emissions of a Complete Bio Fueled Diesel Engine, International Conference on Mechanical, Automobile and Robotics Engineering (ICMAR'2011), Oct. 7-8, 2011, Pattaya, Thailand. 42. L.N.Patra and S.K.Sahoo, B. C. Behera, K.P.Maity, Extrusion-forging of Circular shaft with Pentagonal Head: A Three-dimensional, International Conference on Innovative Science and Engineering Technology-2011(ICIEST2011), V.V.P. Engineering college ,Rajkot, April 8-9, pp. 37-42, (2011) 43. L.N.Patra and S.K.Sahoo, 3D Analysis of 4-tooth Spur Gear Forms with Circular Shaft, 5th International conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME-11),SVNIT , Surat, June 06-08, pp. 139-143, (2011) 44. B. C. Behera, S.K.Sahoo, L.N.Patra, M.P.Rout and K.K.Kanaujia, Finite Element Analysis of Ultrasonic Stepped Horn, 5th International conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME-11),SVNIT , Surat, June 06-08, pp. 60-64, (2011) 45. M.P.Rout, S.K.Sahoo, L.N.Patra, B.C.Behera and K.K.Kanaujia, Flow behavior of Aluminum during warm upset forming, 5th International conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME-11),SVNIT , Surat, June 06-08, pp. 631-635, (2011) 46. K.K.Kanaujia, , M.P.Rout B. C. Behera, S.K.Sahoo and B.K.Maharana, Optimization of Tensile strength of AISI304 Stainless steel and Copper using Nd:YAG Laser Welding, 5th International conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME-11),SVNIT , Surat, June 06-08, pp. 616-620, (2011). 47. T. R. mohapatra, S.K. Panda, Pradeep K Mishra Curvature effect on free vibration behavior laminated composite shell, Proc. of NASOME-12, 18th and 19th February, 2012, Bhubaneswar, KIIT University. 48. Debabrata Chakraborty and Tarapada Roy , Optimal Vibration Control of Smart Fibre Reinforced Polymer Spherical Shells, ICCE-19, Shanghai , 24-30 July, 2011. 49. Koteswara Rao D, Blessington P. J., Tarapada Roy, Finite Element Modeling and Analysis of Functionally Graded (FG) Composite Shell Structures, ICMOC, Thuckalay, 10-11 April, 2012. 50. Sandhyarani Biswas, Effect of Alumina Particulate On Erosion Wear Behaviour Of Short Bamboo Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composites, 11th UNESCO/IUPAC Conference Workshop and Conference on Functional Polymeric Materials & Composites, 26-29 April 2011, Stellenbosch, South Africa. 51. Amar Patnaik and Sandhyarani Biswas, Solid Particle Erosion Behaviour of Fly Ash Filled Short Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymeric Materials & Composites, 11th UNESCO/IUPAC Conference Workshop and Conference on Functional Polymeric Materials & Composites, 26-29 April 2011, Stellenbosch, South Africa. National Institute of Technology Rourkela 104 Annual Report 2011-2012 52. Srimant Kumar Mishra, Sandhyarani Biswas, Alok Satapathy, Solid particle erosion wear response of ZA-27 metal matrix composites reinforced with particulate fillers, Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, ICME 2011, BUET, Dhaka, 2011. 53. Srimant Kumar Mishra, Sandhyarani Biswas, Alok Satapathy, Amar Patnaik, Wear Response Simulation of ZA-27 Metal Matrix Composites Using Artificial Neural Network, Proceedings of the National Conference cum Workshop on Recent Developments in Engineering Materials, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, May, 2011. 54. Srimant Kumar Mishra, Sandhyarani Biswas, Alok Satapathy, A Study on Erosion Wear of SiC Reinforced ZA27 Metal Matrix Composites Using Taguchi Experimental Design, Proceedings of the National Conference on Processing and Characterization of Materials (NCPCM 2011), National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, December, 2011. 55. Srimant Kumar Mishra, Sandhyarani Biswas, Alok Satapathy, Parametric Optimization of Erosion Wear Process of SiC Reinforced ZA-27 Metal Matrix Composites Using Taguchi Experimental Design, IEEE International Conference on Advances in Engineering, Science and Managment (ICAESM-2012), March 30, 31, 2012, EGS Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam, 2012. iii) Paper Accepted for Publication 1. Ankita Singh, Saurav Datta, Siba Sankar Mahapatra, "Principal Component Analysis and Fuzzy Embedded Taguchi Approach for Multi-Response Optimization in Machining of GFRP Polyester Composites: A Case Study", International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering (IJISE). 2. Saurav Datta, Chitrasen Samantra, Siba Sankar Mahapatra, Sabyasachi Banerjee, Asish Bandyopadhyay, "Green Supplier Evaluation and Selection Using VIKOR Method Embedded in Fuzzy Expert System with IntervalValued Fuzzy Numbers", International Journal of Procurement Management (IJPM). 3. S. Mishra, S. Datta, S.S. Mahapatra, "Grey-based and Fuzzy TOPSIS decision-making approach for agility evaluation of mass customization systems", Benchmarking: An International Journal. 4. Saurav Datta, Chitrasen Samantra, Siba Sankar Mahapatra, Goutam Mondal, Gautam Majumdar, "Appraisal and Selection of Third Party Logistics Service Providers in Fuzzy Environment", Benchmarking, an International Journal. 5. Chitrasen Samantra, Saurav Datta, Siba Sankar Mahapatra, Sabyasachi Banerjee, Asish Bandyopadhyay, "Multi-Attribute Group Decision Making for Supplier Selection Using Grey Analysis and Rough Set Theory", International Journal of Business Insights and Transformation. 6. Chitrasen Samantra, Saurav Datta, Siba Sankar Mahapatra, "Application of Fuzzy based VIKOR Approach for Multi-Attribute Group Decision Making (MAGDM): A Case Study in Supplier Selection", Decision Making in Manufacturing and Services. 7. Chitrasen Samantra, Nitin Kumar Sahu, Saurav Datta, Siba Sankar Mahapatra, "Decision-Making in Selecting Reverse Logistics Alternative using Interval-Valued Fuzzy Sets Combined with VIKOR Approach", International Journal of Services and Operations Management (IJSOM). 8. Gouri Shankar Beriha, Bhaswati Patnaik, and Siba Sankar Mahapatra, "Assessment of Occupational Health Practices in Indian Industries: A Neural Network Approach", Journal of Modelling in Management. 9. Bikash Ranjan Debata, Bhaswati Patnaik, S.S.Mahapatra and Sreekumar, "An Integrated Approach for Service Quality Improvement in Medical Tourism: An Indian Perspective", International Journal of Services and Operations Management. 10. Soumyakant Padhee, Niharranjan Nayak, S K Panda, P.R.Dhal, and S.S Mahapatra, "Multi-objective Parametric Optimization of Powder Mixed Electro-discharge Machining using Response Surface Methodology and NonSorted Genetic Algorithm", SADHANA - Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences. 11. Bikash Ranjan Debata, Bhaswati Patnaik, S.S.Mahapatra and Sreekumar, "Evaluating Medical Tourism Enablers with Interpretive Structural Modeling", Benchmarking: An International Journal. 12. H.B. Sahu, S.S.Mahapatra, and D.C.Panigrahi, "Fuzzy c-means clustering approach for Classification of Indian Coal Seams with respect to their Spontaneous Combustion Susceptibility", Fuel Processing Technology. 13. S.S.Mahapatra, Mrutyunjaya Sahu, R.K.Patel, and Biranchi Narayan Panda, "Prediction of Water Quality using Principal Component Analysis", Water Quality, Exposure and Health. 14. H. Roy, J. K. Dutt, P. K. Datta, Dynamic Behaviour of a Viscoelastic Beam using ATF and ADF - A Finite Element Approach, Advances in Vibration Engineering Journal. National Institute of Technology Rourkela 105 Annual Report 2011-2012 15. S.K. Panda, B. N Singh, Post-Buckling Analysis of Laminated Composite Doubly Curved Panel Embedded with SMA Fibres subjected to Thermal Environment, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures An International Journal, June 2011. c) Doctoral Programme Title Name of the Supervisor Name of the Scholar Brief Report Agile Manufacturing: An Indian Perspective Prof. S Datta Prof. SS Mahapatra Swagatika Mishra Ongoing Decision Making in Supply Chain Management Prof. S Datta Nitin Kumar Sahu Ongoing Lean, Agile and Leagile Manufacturing Concept in Supply Chain Management Prof. S Datta Chhabi Ram Matawale Ongoing A Meta-heuristic Approach for Solving Mechanical System Design Problems with Ergonomic and Safety Considerations Prof. SS Mahapatra Pragyan Paramita Mohanty Ongoing Studies on Some Aspects of Modelling and Simulation of Supply Chain in Uncertain Environment Prof. SS Mahapatra Sanjita Jaipuria Ongoing Studies on Some Aspects of MetaHeuristic Approaches for Solving Constrained Mechanical System Design Problems Prof. SS Mahapatra Joji Thomas Ongoing A Study on Scheduling of Automated Systems using Evolutionary Techniques Prof. SS Mahapatra Manas Ranjan Singh Ongoing Studies on Some Aspects of Improvements of Reverse Logistic Performance in Indian Context Prof. SS Mahapatra Santosh Kumar Sharma Ongoing Evaluating of Service Quality in Medical Tourism: An Indian Perspective Prof. SS Mahapatra Bikash Debta Ongoing Studies on Some Aspects of Implementation and Operational Control of Flexible Manufacturing Systems Prof. SS Mahapatra Prasant Ranjan Dhal Ongoing Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Practices in Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs): An Indian Perspective Prof. SS Mahapatra Prof. B Pattnaik G.S.Beriha Thesis Submitted National Institute of Technology Rourkela 106 Annual Report 2011-2012 Name of the Supervisor Title Name of the Scholar Brief Report Service quality control in electricity Prof. SK Patel distribution sector Suchismita Satpathy Ongoing Economic design of control chart Anbhijeet Ganguly Ongoing Generation of biofuel from Prof. SK Patel distillery spent wash and its potential for running CI engine Kapura Tudu Ongoing Experimental investigations of CI Prof. S.Murugan engine using used transformer oil as fuel Pritinika Behera Ongoing Experimental Investigations of bio- Prof. S.Murugan oil in a stationary diesel engine. R.Prakash Ongoing Experimental investigations of bio- Prof. S.Murugan ethanol fueled DI diesel engine Dulari Hansdah Ongoing Experimental studies of a DI diesel Prof. S.Murugan engine on dual fuel mode combined with downdraft gasifier Arun Wamankar Ongoing Experimental investigation of DI Prof. S.Murugan diesel engine on dual fuel mode with JME and acetylene Abishek Sharma Ongoing Experimental investigations of a CI Prof. S.Murugan engine on a dual fuel operation. Debabrata Barik Ongoing Fatigue and fracture in through- P. K. Ray wall cracked pipes B. B. Verma (MM) Vaneswar Sahoo Preliminary experimental work started Nonlinear Analysis of Smart Prof. S K Panda Composite Panel Vijay K. Singh Ongoing Active Vibration Control of Prof. Tarapada Roy Composite Rotor-Shaft-Bearing System Koteswara Rao Ongoing Wear behavior of composites Vivek Mishra Ongoing (d) Prof. SK Patel Prof. Sandhyarani Biswas Ph.D. Degree Awarded : Name of the Scholar A.K.Sood Guide Title of the Thesis Prof. SS Mahapatra Study on Parametric Optimization of Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) Process Jagadish Chandra Mohanta Prof. DRK Parhi Prof. SK Patel Navigational control of multiple mobile robots in various environments National Institute of Technology Rourkela 107 Remarks Awarded Awarded Annual Report 2011-2012 e) Master Thesis Completed Name of the guide Name of the thesis Laser welding of dissimilar materials Compression testing at high temperature Prof. SK Sahoo Assessment of Mechanical Properties, Wear Resistance and Machining Aspects of Bio- Prof. SS Mahapatra composites (M. Tech. by Research) An Investigation on Characterization of Bio-Composites Prof. SS Mahapatra An Investigation on Dimensional Accuracy of Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) Processed Prof. SS Mahapatra Parts using Fuzzy Logic Optimization of Robotic Assembly of Printed Circuit Board using Evolutionary Algorithm Prof. SS Mahapatra Economic Design of Control Chart using Particle Swarm Optimization Prof. SK Patel Estimation of Power Generation Potential of Coconut Residue and Coal Mixed Pellets Prof. SK Patel Estimation of Power Generation Potential of Non-Woody Biomass and Coal - Biomass Prof. SK Patel Mixed Briquettes Effect of hydrogen induction on co mbustion, performance and emission behaviour of Prof. S.Murugan compression ignition engine using used transformer oil as a main fuel. Optimization of Induction Length and Flow Rates of Acetylene in Diesel Engine Prof. S.Murugan Effect of hydrogen enrichment on the performance emissions and combustion parameters Prof. S.Murugan of a complete biofueled diesel engine Performance, combustion and emission parameters of a acetylene inducted diesel engine Prof. S.Murugan with EGR Mixed-mode fatigue crack growth in TPB specimen under moving mass Prof. P. K. Ray S. Tarafder (NML, Jamshedpur) Prediction of crack propagation using ?-model for through-wall-cracked pipes Prof. P. K. Ray Prof. B. B. Verma (MM) A brief study on dynamics of viscoelastic rotors - An operator based approach Prof. H. Roy Functionally Graded Composite Shells Structures under Impact Prof. T Roy Finite Element Analysis of Hip Joint Prosthesis Prof. T Roy A Study on Mechanical Behavior and Damage Assessment of Short Bamboo Fiber Based Prof. Sandhyarani Biswas Polymer Composites (d) Popular Lectures by Outside Experts : Sl. No. -- Name of the Speaker Title -National Institute of Technology Rourkela -108 Annual Report 2011-2012 6. CONSULTANCY SERVICES: Name of the scheme Sponsoring agency Amount earned Development of Compliance Correlation for Throughwall Cracked Pipes and Elbows to Measure Crack Growth in Fracture Experiments (By Prof. PK Ray) 7. BARC, Mumbai Rs. 11,00,794.00 EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED : Cost (Lakhs) Name of the equipment Mechanical Stirrer 09.02.2012 , Rs. 7037/- Renewable Energy Science kit 31.03.2012, Rs. 66000/- 8. TECHNICAL ASSOCIATION / SOCIETIES: Brief Report on the activities of the Association/Societies. 9. LABORATORIES : Refrigeration & Cryogenics: Refrigeration and Cryogenic Laboratory [PIC: Prof. R. K. Sahoo] Liquid Nitrogen Generator (20 Litre/day; Cryomech, USA) Compact Heat Exchanger Test Rig Turbo expander Test Rig Controlled rate cooler Vapour Compression Refrigerator Test Rig Air Conditioning Test Rig Air Compressors (MP and HP) CFD Laboratory [PIC: Prof. A. K. Satapathy] FLUENT CFD Package ASPEN Process Simulation Package IC Engine and Gas Dynamics Laboratory [PIC: Prof. S. Murgan] Single Cylinder Four Stroke Diesel Ruston Engine with Rope Brake Dynamometer Twin Cylinder Four Stroke Diesel Engine with Electrical Loading Reciprocating Multi-Stage Air Compressor Test Rig Test Rig for MORSE TEST Axial Flow Compressor Test Rig Design Engineering: Stress Analysis Laboratory [PIC: Prof. P. K. Ray] UTM with Temperature Controller Polariscope Machine Refection Type Photo-elastic Apparatus (Model - 155, Universal Type) Digital Strain Indicator 3.5 Digit Display Diffused Light Research Polariscope Rotating Bending Fatigue Test Machine Tribology Laboratory [PIC: Prof. S. K. Acharya] PIN-ON-DISK (MAGNUM) Two body Abrasion Wear Tester Air Jet Erosion Test Rig (ASTM-G76) National Institute of Technology Rourkela 109 Annual Report 2011-2012 Journal Bearing Testing Robotics Laboratory [PIC: Prof. D. R. K. Parhi] Koala Robot Khepera Robot Boe-Bot Robot Dynamics and Vibration Laboratory [PIC: Prof. S. C. Mohanty] Vibration Analyzer (Make: Bruel & Kajer, Denmark) Vibration Generator (Make: Saraswati Dynamics, India) High Speed Balancing Machine (Make: Santronics, India) Machine Fault Simulation (Make: Spectraquest, USA) Laser Vibrometer (Make: Ometron, UK) Human Body Vibration Meter (make: Larsen & Devis, USA) Production Engineering: Metal Cutting and Nonconventional Machine Laboratory [PIC: Prof. C. K. Biswas] Laser Machine EDM PZ 50 CNC Electro Chemical Machine with Electrolyte circulation system and Tools Air Gauging unit with gauges Dynamometer (Make: Kistler) Ultrasonic Machine Abrasive Jet Machine Lathe HMT NH26 Universal Milling HMT FN2U Production Metrology Laboratory [PIC: Prof. K. P. Maity] Multi-process microscope Coordinate Measuring Machine Tool Makers Microscope Talysurf CAD/CAM Laboratory [PIC: Prof. S. S. Mahapatra] Rapid Prototyping Machine Z Pinter 310 Plus Z Corporation, Burlington, MA, USA Modular Automation Production System (MTAB Technology Center0 Complete FMS System (ASRS, LATHE < MILLIMG, 6 Axis Robot) (MTAB Technology Center) Computational Laboratory [PIC: Prof: S. K. Patel & Prof. T. Roy] AUTOCAD ANSYS MATLAB National Institute of Technology Rourkela 110 Annual Report 2011-2012 DEPARTMENT OF METALLURGICAL & MATERIALS ENGINEERING 1. ACADEMIC STAFF HEAD Prof.B.C.Ray Ph.D. FACULTIES Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Prof. U.K.Mohanty : Ph.D. Prof. S. Sen : Ph.D. Prof. S. Mula : Ph.D. Prof. B.B. Verma : Ph.D. Prof. M. Kumar : Ph.D. Prof. Debasis Chaira : Ph.D. Prof. B.C.Ray : Ph.D. Prof. S. Sarkar : Ph.D. Prof. S.N.Alam : Ph.D. Prof. S.C.Mishra : Ph.D. Prof. A.Basu : Ph.D Prof.(Mrs) A.Malik : Ph.D. Prof. S. K.Sahoo : Ph.D. Prof. A. K. Mondal : Ph.D. Prof. K. Dutta : M. Tech Prof. S. K. Karak : M. Tech Prof. N. Yedla : M. Tech 2. DISTINCTION ACHIEVED: a) By Student : l l l l Sujasa Gupta, Grand prize and 1st prize in NML, technical paper presentation, 30-31 March, 2012. Sujasa Gupta, 1st prize in Quiz contest, NML Jamshedpur, 30-31 March, 2012 2nd position in new Idea contest at IMMT Bhubaneswar. Students name: Ms. Khusbhu Das, Ms. Sujata Panda. Sumanat Sahoo, 2nd prize in poster session in the event, workshop on new and nano materials, 20-21 January, 2012, Bhubaneswar, Odisha. b) By Faculty Members : 3. 4. CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAMME : Name of the course Students Admitted Brief report regarding progress -- -- -- SEMINAR, SYMPOSIA, SUMMER SCHOOL, WINTER SCHOOL, SHORT TERM COURSES/ WORKSHOPS: a) Conducted in the Department National Institute of Technology Rourkela 111 Annual Report 2011-2012 Sponsoring Agency DST, CSIR, BRNS, OCL India Limited Name of the coordinator Prof. B. B. Verma Title of the course Duration National Conference on Processing and 02.12.11Characterization of Materials (NCPCM 03.12.11 2011) (b) Participation by Faculty Members : Name of the staff Course/Seminar Organization Period Prof. B. C. Ray International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT-2011) MRS Singapore Prof. S.C.Mishra Indo_UK symposium on Bio composites for various Engineering Applications Royal Soc. Of UK 27.03.2012and DST GOI.28.03.2012 IISc., B'lore. Prof. A. Basu International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT-2011) MRS Singapore Suntec, Singapore Prof. A. Basu National Workshop on Heat Treatment of Steels Indian Institute of 10.02.2011Metals, Kolkata 11.02.2011 Kolkata Prof. Debasis Chaira International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT-2011) MRS Singapore 26.06.1101.07.11 Suntec, Singapore Prof. Archana Mallik ICMCTF AVS, USA 2nd to 6th of May, 2011 Country and Town Hotel, San Diego, USA Prof. Archana Mallik MRSI. AGM MRSI, India 13th to 15th of February, 2012 Patiala University, Punjab, India Prof. S. K. Sahoo International conference on texture of materials (ICOTOM 16) IIT Bombay 12.12.1117.12.11 IIT Bombay Prof. K. Dutta International Conference on Advances in Materials and Materials Processing IIT Kharagpur 09.12.1111.12.11 IIT Kharagpur Prof. S. K. Karak A short term course -On Vacuum Technology and Process Applications IIT Kharagpur 11.11.1121.11.11 IIT Kharagpur Assistance received 24 Lakhs Investigator Prof. B. C. Ray Approved Rs.29.40 Lakh (Rs.51.74 Lakh received in this FY) Prof. S.Sen, (P.I.) & Prof. S.C.Mishra, (Co - PI) One block has been manufactured 5. (a) 26.06.1101.07.11 Venue 26.06.1101.07.11 Suntec, Singapore RESEARCH : Research Scheme : Title of the scheme Sponsored by Failure assessment of FRP composite CSIR materials at low and high temperatures under different loading speeds Development of Spheroidal Graphite Cast Iron BRNS Material for Transport Cask Application for Irradiated Fuel Bundles National Institute of Technology Rourkela 112 Brief report Annual Report 2011-2012 Title of the scheme Sponsored by Development of compliance correlation for BRNS throughwall cracked pipes and elbows to measure crack growth in fracture experiments Assistance received Rs. 11.50 Lakh Investigator Prof. B. B.Verma (Co-P.I.) Brief report On going A study of BF slag chemistry and mineralogy DST with respect to its flow characteristics for optimizing BF operation RS.127.64 Lakh Prof. U. K. Mohanty (P.I.) & Dr.S.Sarkar (Co-P.I.) Objective: *Reduction of fuel rate *Improve hot metal *quality *Reduce green house gas emission *Smoothening the blast furnace operation Synthesis of nanostructured stainless steel CSIR powder by high-energy milling and subsequent spark plasma sintering for novel applications 18.42 Lakhs Prof. D. Chaira (PI) In progress Synthesis of Cu-graphite metal matrix DST composite by powder metallurgy route for electrical contact applications Yet to be finalized Prof. Debasis Chaira (PI) Approved Mechanical and thermoelectrical properties CSIR of copper-based nanocomposites developed by mechanical milling Rs.22.0 Lakh Prof. S. Mula (P.I.) Project has been started from 01/04/11 and one SRF has joined under the scheme. The scholar has registered for PhD at NIT Rourkela. Analysis and manipulation of structures and DST, India properties of sono-electrochemically deposited nano-structured metallic thin films synthesized at low bath temperatures, 23 Lakhs Archana Mallik Approved DST(Approved Rs. 15.60 lakh on November 2011) Prof. S. K. Sahoo (P.I.) Approved Application of hydrogen plasma on reduction CSIR(Submitted Rs. 26.25 lakh of ilmenite on 20 March 2012) Prof. S. K. Sahoo (P.I.) Approved Recrystallization texture in titanium alloys Development of nano-disperded fine grained DST coating by electro deposition Rs. 19.56 Lakh Prof. A. Basu(P.I.) In Progress, targeted (Rs. 2.00 Lakh time of completion received in this Dec 2012 FY) Surface property improvement of copper for CSIR electrical contacts by electrophoretic deposition of ultrafine ceramic particles Rs. 18.12 Lakh Prof. A. Basu(P.I.) In Progress, one SRF (Rs. 11.04 Lakh recruited, equipment received in this FY) procurement complete National Institute of Technology Rourkela 113 Annual Report 2011-2012 b) Research Publications i) Paper Published 1. B. B. Verma, M. Mallik, J.D. Atkinson And P. K. Ray, Fatigue Crack Initiation And Growth Behavior Of 7475 Aluminium Alloy In Air And Aggressive Environment, Advanced Materials Research, Vol 428 P.133 2. K. Dutta And K. K. Ray, Ratcheting Phenomenon And Post-Ratcheting Tensile Behaviour Of An Aluminium Alloy, Materials Science And Engineering A, Vol. 540 (2012), Pp. 30-37. 3. S.Sarkar And Akhilesh Singh 'Studies On Aluminium-Iron Ore In-Situ Particulate Composite" "Open Journal Of Composite Materials "(2012). Vol.2 No.1,22-30 4. S.Sen, S.K.Swain, S.Sarkar And S.C.Mishra: 'Efffect Of Copper On The Tempering Behavior Of S.G.Iron,' "Orisssa Journal Of Physics" (2011), Vol.18,No.2, 215-219. 5. R.K. Panda, J.P.Dhal, S.C.Mishra & S.Sen; "Effect Of Processing Parameters Of Hardness & Microstructure Of Adi; Journal Of Current Research & Review, Vol. 04, Issue 05 (March, 2012). 6. S.K.Swain, R.K.Panda, J.P.Dhal, S.C.Mishra & S.Sen; Phae Investigation Of Austempered Ductile Iron; Orissa Journal Of Physics, Vol. 19, No. 01 (Feb.,2012) 7. S.K.Swain & S.Sen; Study Of Microstructure Of Thick Wall Ductile Iron Castings; Journal Of Metallurgy & Material Science, Vol. 53 (2011), No. 2, 8. K. V. Mani Krishna, R. Raghavan, D. Srivastava, G. K. Dey, S. K. Sahoo And I. Samajdar: Study Of Evolution Of Dislocation Structure With The Deformation In Zirconium Alloys, Transactions Of The Iim, 64(3) (2011), 309. 9. S. K. Sahoo, V. N. Gaffney, A. Chatterjee And K. L. Murty: Annealing Behavior Of Ferritic Ht-9 Steel, Materials Science Forum, 702-703 (2012), 794. 10. S. K. Sahoo, V. D. Hiwarkar, P. Pant, I. Samajdar, K. V. Mani Krishna, G. K. Dey, D. Srivastav, R. Tewari And S. Banerjee: Plastic Deformation Of Textured Zircaloy 2, Materials Science Forum, 702-703 (2012), 838. 11. S. Mula, H. Bahmanpour, S. Mal, P C Kang, M. Atwater, W. Jian, R.O. Scattergood, C.C. Koch.Thermodynamic Feasibility Of Solid Solubility Extension Of Nb In Cu And Their Thermal Stability. Materials Science And Engineering: A, Volume 539, 30 March 2012, Pages 330-336. 12. S. Mula, P. Sahani, S.K. Pratihar, Siddhartha Mal, Carl C. Koch. Mechanical Properties And Electrical Conductivity Of Cu-Cr And Cu-Cr-4% Sic Nanocomposites For Thermo-Electric Applications. Materials Science And Engineering: A, Volume 528, Issues 13-14, 25 May 2011, Pages 4348-4356. 13. P. Sahani, S. Mula, P.K. Roy, P.C. Kang, C.C. Koch. Structural Investigation Of Vacuum Sintered Cu-Cr And Cu-Cr4% Sic Nanocomposites Prepared By Mechanical Alloying. Materials Science And Engineering: A, Volume 528, Issues 25-26, 25 September 2011, Pages 7781-7789. 14. H. Bahmanpour, A. Kauffmann, M. S. Khoshkhoo, K. M. Youssef, S. Mula, J. Freudenberger, J. Eckert, R. O. Scattergood, C. C. Koch. Effect Of Stacking Fault Energy On Deformation Behavior Of Cryo-Rolled Copper And Copper Alloys. Materials Science And Engineering: A, Volume 529, 25 November 2011, Pages 230-236. 15. P.C. Kang, G.Q. Chen, B. Zhang, G.H. Wu, S. Mula, C.C. Koch. Oxidation Protection Of Carbon Fibers By A Reaction Sintered Nanostructured Sic Coating. Surface And Coatings Technology, Volume 206, Issues 2-3, 25 October 2011, Pages 305-311. 16. S.K. Karak, J. Dutta Majumdar, W. Lojkowski , A. Michalski, L. Ciupinski, K.J. Kurzyd?owski And I. Manna Microstructure And Mechanical Properties Of Nano-Y2o3 Dispersed Ferritic Steel Synthesized By Mechanical Alloying And Consolidated By Pulse Plasma Sintering, Vol. 92,(2012),Pp.516-534 17. H. Aireddy* And S.C. Mishra, Tribological Behavior And Mechanical Properties Of Bio-Waste Reinforced Polymer Matrix Composites, Journal Of Metallurgy And Materials Science, Vol. 53, No. 2, April-June 2011, Pp. 139-152. 18. Subhashree Sahoo , Chandra Kanti Chakraborti, Upendra Nath Nanda, Sharmistha Naik And Subash Chandra Mishra, Analytical Characterization Of Controlled Release Ofloxacin / Carbopol934 Mucoadhesive Polymeric Suspension, International Journal Of Pharma And Bio Sciences, Vol2/Issue2/ April-Jun 2011, Pp. 350-364. 19. Subhashree Sahoo, Chandra Kanti Chakraborti, Subash Chandra Mishra, Sharmistha Naik, Analytical Characterization Of A Gelling Biodegradable Polymer, Drug Invention Today, 2011, 3(6), Pp. 78- 82. 20. Subhashree Sahoo, Chandra Kanti Chakraborti, Subash Chandra Mishra, Ftir And Raman Spectroscopic Investigations Of Controlled Release Ofloxacin / Hpmc Mucoadhesive Suspension, Ijpt | June-2011 | Vol. 3 | Issue No.2 , P. 2420-2439. 21. Sahoo Subhashree, Chakraborti Chandra Kanti, Mishra Subash Chandra, Naik Sharmistha, Qualitative Analysis National Institute of Technology Rourkela 114 Annual Report 2011-2012 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. Of Controlled Release Ofloxacin /Hpmc Mucoadhesive Suspension, International Journal Of Drug Development & Research | April-June 2011 | Vol. 3 | Issue 2 | Issn 0975-9344 |, Pp. 217-232. S Sahoo, Ck Chakraborti, S Naik, Sc Mishra And Un Nanda, Structural Analysis Of Ciprofloxacin-Carbopol Polymeric Composites By X-Ray Diffraction And Fourier Transform Infra-Red Spectroscopy, Tropical Journal Of Pharmaceutical Research June 2011; 10 (3): 273-280. S C Mishra And S Praharaj, Deposition Of Plasma Spray Coating Using Industrial Waste With Low Grade Ore Mineral, Orissa Journal Of Physics Issn 0974-8202 Vol. 18, No.2 August 2011 Pp. 199-206. P Paridaand S C Mishra, Determination Of Physical Characteristics Of Nifedipine Microsphere, Orissa Journal Of Physics Issn 0974-8202 Vol. 18, No.2 August 2011 Pp. 221-225. Subhashree Sahoo, Chandra Kanti Chakraborti, Subash Chandra Mishra, Upendra Nath Nanda, Qualitative Analysis Of Environmentally Responsive Biodegradable Smart Carbopol Polymer, Volume 9, Issue 1, July August 2011, Pp. 08-13. Subhashree Sahoo, Chandra Kanti Chakraborti, Pradipta Kumar Behera, Subash Chandra Mishra, Characterization Of Mucoadhesive Ciprofloxacin Suspensions By Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, International Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review And Research, Volume 11, Issue 2, November December 2011; Article-025, Pp. 122-128. Patitapabana Parida,Subash Chandra Mishra, Subhashree Sahoo, Ftir Spectroscopic Invitro Drug Interaction Study Of Nifedipine Microsphere, International Journal Of Pharmaceutical Studies And Research, E-Issn Pp.2229-4619. S C Mishra And A Behera, Utilization Of Mathematical Model To Understand Martensitic Transformation In Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloys, Orissa Journal Of Physics Issn 0974-8202 Vol. 19, No.1 February 2012 Pp. 49-56. Ranjit Kumar Panda, Jyoti Prakash Dhal And Subash Chandra Mishra, Effect Of Sodium Silicate On Strengthening Behaviour Of Fly Ash Compacts, International Journal Of Current Research Vol. 4, Issue, 02, Pp.244-246, February, 2012. S K Swain, R K Panda, J P Dhal, S C Mishra And S Sen, Phase Investigation Of Austempered Ductile Iron, Orissa Journal Of Physics Issn 0974-8202 Vol. 19, No.1 February 2012 Pp. 73-80. Ranjit Kumar Panda, Jyoti Prakash Dhal, Subash Chandra Mishra, Sudipta Sen, Effect Of Processing Parameters On Hardness And Microstructure Of Austempered Ductile Iron, International Journal Of Current Research And Review Vol. 04 Issue 05 March 2012, Pp.16-21. Ajit Behera, S .C. Mishra, Dependence Of Adhesion Strength Of Plasma Spray On Coating Surface Properties, Journal Of Materials & Metallurgical Engineering Volume 2, Issue 1, April 2012, Pages 23-30. A Behera, S C Mishra, G K Dey, A Biswas2 And S S Mishra, Low Cost Heusler Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloy; Orissa Journal Of Physics Issn 0974-8202 Vol. 19, No.1 February 2012 Pp. 41-47. S C Mishra And A Behera, Utilization Of Mathematical Model To Understand Martensitic Transformation In Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloys; Orissa Journal Of Physics Issn 0974-8202 Vol. 19, No.1 February 2012 Pp. 49-56. G. Parida, D. Chaira, M. Chopkar And A. Basu, Synthesis And Characterization Of Ni-Tio2 Composite Coatings By Electro-Co-Deposition, Surface And Coatings Technology, Vol. 205, (2011), 4871. A. Mallik, S. Rout, A study on ex-situ non-isothermal grain growth behavior of sono-electrochemically deposited Cu thin films, International Journal of Materials Science, 1 (2011) 77. A. Mallik, B. C. Ray, Evolution of principle and practice of electrodeposited thin film: A review on effect of temperature and sonication, International Journal of Electrochemistry, Volume 2011 (2011), Article ID 568023. A. Mallik, B. C. Ray, Residual stress and nano-mechanical properties of sono-electrodeposited Cu films, Surface Engineering, 27 (2011) 51. A. Mallik, Sono-electrochemical Synthesis and Characterization of Ultra-fine grained Copper Powders at Sub-ambient Temperature, Microscopy and Analysis 25 (2011) 15. A. Das, A. Mallik and B. C. Ray, Analysis of effect of Ultrasound on the magnetic topography of electroplated Ni films by Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM), Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 10.1007/s11663011-9593-3. A. Mallik and B. C. Ray, An analysis of the temperature-induced supersaturation effects on structure and properties of sono-electrodeposited copper thin films, Surface and Coating Technology, 206 (2011) 1947. S. Sethi, P. K. Panda, R. K. Nayak, B. C. Ray, Journal of Reinforced Plastic Ccomposites, 31 (2011) 77. K. Dash, B.C. Ray, D. Chaira, "Synthesis And Characterization Of Copper-Alumina Metal Matrix Composite By National Institute of Technology Rourkela 115 Annual Report 2011-2012 Conventional And Spark Plasma Sintering" Journal Of Alloys And Compounds, 516 (2012) 78. ii) Paper Presented in Conference/ Seminar/ Symposia : 1. S. Samal, D.Chaira, B. Satpati, "Production And Stability Of Al And Cu Ultrafine Particles In Nanofluids", Frontiers In Mechanochemistry And Mechanical Alloying, Nml Jamshedpur, India, 2011, P. 80-84. 2. D. Chaira, B.K. Mishra, S. Sangal, "Synthesis And Characterization Of Nanocrystalline Carbides By Reaction Milling", Frontiers In Mechanochemistry And Mechanical Alloying, Nml Jamshedpur, India, 2011, P. 107-113. 3. S. K. Sahoo, V. N. Gaffney, A. Chatterjee And K. L. Murty: Annealing Behavior Of Ferritic Ht-9 Steel, International Conference On Texture Of Materials (Icotom-16), Iit Bombay, India, December 2011. 4. S. K. Sahoo, V. D. Hiwarkar, P. Pant, I. Samajdar, K. V. Mani Krishna, G. K. Dey, D. Srivastav, R. Tewari And S. Banerjee: Plastic Deformation Of Textured Zircaloy 2, International Conference On Texture Of Materials (Icotom-16), Iit Bombay, India, December 2011. 5. K. V. Manikrishan, S. K. Sahoo, P. Pant, D. Srivastava, G. K. Dey And I. Samajdar: Orientation Dependent Deformation Heterogeneity In Zirconium, International Conference On Texture Of Materials (Icotom-16), Iit Bombay, India, December 2011. 6. V. D. Hiwarkar, I. Samajdar, S. K. Sahoo, K. V. Mani Krishna, D. Srivastav, R. Tewari, G. K. Dey, And S. Banerjee: Microstructure Evolution During Annealing Of Zirconium Alloys, International Conference On Texture Of Materials (Icotom-16), Iit Bombay, India, December 2011. 7. K. Youssef, D. Setman, M. Zehetbauer, S. Mula, P. C. Kang, R. O. Scattergood, C. C. Koch. Mechanical Properties Of Nanocrystalline Cu-, Mg-, And Fe-Base Alloys. Presented In Tms 2012, March 11 - March 15, 2012, Orlando, Florida, Usa. 8. C. C. Koch, R. O. Scattergood, B. Vanleeuwen, K. Darling, M. Atwater, S. Mula, P. C. Kang. Enhancing The Thermal Stability Of Nanostructured Metals By Solute Additions: Ms & T 2011, October 16-20, 2011, Columbus, Ohio, Usa. 9. P. K Roy, S. Mula. Comparison Between Conventional, Vacuum And Microwave Sintering Of Cu-Cr-4 Wt.% Sic Nanocomposites. Iconset - 2011, November 28-30, 2011. Sathyabama University, Chennai, India 10. P. Sahani, S. Mula, Uk Mohanty. Microwave Assisted Sintering Of Some Copper Based Nano-Composites And Its Evaluation. Presented On 8-10th December, Nstsi 2011, Bhubaneswar, India. 11. S. Mula, H. Bahmanpour, K. Youssef, Ron Scattergood, C C Koch. Nanostructures Formation And Stabilization Of Cu-Nb Metastable Solid Solutions: Effect Of Ag, Zr And Y. Nmd-Atm-2011, Iim, Hyderabad, 13th -16th November, 2011. 12. S. K. Karak, J. Dutta Majumdar And I. Manna Isothermal Oxidation Kinetics Of Nano - Y2o3 Dispersed High Cr Ferritic Alloy Prepared By Mechanical Alloying And Hot Isostatic Pressing, Nmdatm-2011 13. S. K. Karak, J. Dutta Majumdar And I. Manna,Effect Of Cr Content On Isothermal Oxidation Behaviour Of Nano - Y2o3 Dispersed Ferritic Alloys Prepared By Mechanical Alloying And Hot Isostatic Pressing In Icammp2011, December 9-11, 2011. 14. Jyoti Prakash Dhal , Subash Chandra Mishra, B. B. Nayak, Effect Of Niobium/Molybdenum Microalloying On Ss316ln Steel, 2011 International Conference On Applied Physics And Mathematics (Icapm 2011), Pp. 62-65. 15. P.Parida, A.Behera, S.K. Swain, S.C.Mishra, Characterisation Of Nanoparticle Through Sem, Ftir, Xrd & Dsc, National Conference On Processing And Characterization Of Materials (Ncpcm-2011), Department Of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering, 2-3 December 2011, National Institute Of Technology, Rourkela, Pp. 1-5. 16. P.Parida, D.Dash, A.Behera, S.C.Mishra, Preparation And Characterisation Of Graft Biopolymer To Improve Sustained Release Property, National Conference On Processing And Characterization Of Materials (Ncpcm2011), Department Of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering, 2-3 December 2011, National Institute Of Technology, Rourkela, Pp. 1-8. 17. Asit Behera, Ajit Behera, S.C Mishra And S.K. Swain, Cryogenic Technique For Processing Steel Treatment, National Conference On Processing And Characterization Of Materials (Ncpcm-2011), Department Of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering, 2-3 December 2011, National Institute Of Technology, Rourkela. 18. Ajit Behera, S.C Mishra, Low Cost Heusler Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloy, National Conference On Processing And Characterization Of Materials (Ncpcm-2011), Department Of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering, 2-3 December 2011, National Institute Of Technology, Rourkela. 19. Patitapabana Parida, Subash Chandra Mishra, Biomaterials In Medicine, Ugc Sponsored National Workshop National Institute of Technology Rourkela 116 Annual Report 2011-2012 On Innovative Experiments In Physics, 9-10 January 2012, Neelashaila Mahabidyalaya Rourkela. 20. Patitapabana Parida, Subash Chandra Mishra, Aspirin Leads Multi Therapeutic Index, Ugc Sponsored National Workshop On Innovative Experiments In Physics, 9-10 January 2012, Neelashaila Mahabidyalaya Rourkela. 21. Ajit Behera, Susant Swain, S.C. Mishara, The Natural Composite: Spheroidal Graphite Iron, Ugc Sponsored National Workshop On Innovative Experiments In Physics, 9-10 January 2012, Neelashaila Mahabidyalaya Rourkela. 22. Ajit Behera, S.C.Mishra, Demand On Magic Metal, Ugc Sponsored National Workshop On Innovative Experiments In Physics, 9-10 January 2012, Neelashaila Mahabidyalaya Rourkela. 23. S. Rout, Ajit Behera, S.C Mishra, Assurance Of Quality Improvement For Tool Steel By Cryo-Processing, Proceedings Of Ramm-2012, 25-26 February 2012 Vss University Of Technology, Burla, Odisha, India, Pp. 440-445. 24. Ajit Behera, S.C Mishra, Analysis Of Martensitic Transformation In Ni-Mn-Sn Fsma, Proceedings Of Ramm2012, 25-26 February 2012 Vss University Of Technology, Burla, Odisha, India, Pp. 429-434. 25. Parida P, Tripathy S P, Mishra S C, Behera A, Utilization And Investigation Of Polymer In Drug Industry, 3rd International Conference On Advancement In Polymeric Materials (Apm), 2012, Central Institute Of Plastic Engineering & Technology, Bhubaneswar-751024, Pp. 1-7. 26. Asit Behera, Ajit Behera, S.C Mishra, New Solution For Property Improvement Of Automobile Parts, Conference Proceedings: Nasome 2012, Pp.1-5. 27. Ajit Behera, S.C Mishra, Property Optimization Of Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloys With Respect To Cost, Conference Proceedings: Nasome 2012. 28. Parida P, Tripathy S P, Mishra S C, Behera A, Drug Release Profile Of Aripiprazole Mouth Dissolving Polymeric Formulation, Fourth Conference On Recent Advances In Polymer Technology, March 2-3, 2012, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon-425001 (M.S.) 29. Ajit Behera, S.C Mishra And P. Parida, Corrosion Sensing Smart Polymeric Coatings, Fourth Conference On Recent Advances In Polymer Technology, March 2-3, 2012, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon-425001 (M.S.) 30. A. Mallik and S. K. Rout, An understanding of the non-isothermal grain growth behavior of sono-electroplated Cu thin film, ATM, NMD, IIM, 2011. 31. A. Das, A. Mallik, B. C. Ray, Residual Stress and Microstrutural Variation in Sono-electrodeposited Copper Thin Films: The Role of Temperature, ATM, NMD, IIM, 2011. 32. Sumanta Kumar Sahoo, B.Sundaravel, A.Marikani, A. Mallik, Fabrication of functionalised silicon nanowires for electrochemical detection of protein molecules, ATM, NMD, IIM, 2011. 33. Sumanta Kumar Sahoo, K. Jeyasubramanian, A. Mallik, Synthesis and characterisation of magnetic colloid nanoparticles : Ferrofluid, RINT, KIIT University, 2011. 34. A. Das, A. Mallik and B. C. Ray, Magnetic characterization of Ni-Cu alloy thin film by Magnetic force microscope (MFM): Effect of plating parameter, ICAMMP 2011, IIT Kharagpur. 35. A. Mallik and B. C. Ray, An analysis of the temperature-induced supersaturation effects on structure and properties of sono-electrodeposited copper thin films, ICMCTF 2011, USA. iii) Paper accepted for Publication : 1. Debasis Chaira, S. Sangal, B.K. Mishra, "Efficient Synthesis And Characterization Of Nanostructured Tic Powder By Reaction Milling" Transaction Of Indian Institution Of Metals, 2011, Accepted. 2. SEM, EDX & XRD Of Zinc Oxide Nanostructures Synthesized By Zinc Oxidation, Syed Nasimul Alam, Madhukar Poloju, Shakti Swarup Sahu, Manish Kumar, Animesh Kumar Singh, Microscopy And Analysis 26(4):11-14 (Am), 2012. 3. S.K.Swain, S.C.Mishra & S.Sen; Influence Of Processing Variables On The Mechanical Behaviour Of S.G.Iron; (Accepted For Publications To Be Published In Emerging Metal Research Journal) 4. S. Mula, S. Ghosh And S. K. Pabi. Microstructural Development And Room-Temperature Thermal Stability Of Mechanically Alloyed Al87y10ni3 Nanostructure. Accepted For Publication, Advanced Science Letters. 5. A.Basu, J. Dutta Majumdar And I. Manna, Structure And Properties Of CrxN Coating, Surface Engineering. 6. A. Mallik, A. K. S. Bankoti, B. C. Ray, On the effects of bath composition and ultrasound on the structure and properties of Cu thin films, Russian Journal of Electrochemistry.c) Doctoral Programme : National Institute of Technology Rourkela 117 Annual Report 2011-2012 c) Doctoral Programme : Title Name of Supervisor Name of the Scholar Brief Report An assessment of failure B. C. Ray mechanism of FRP composites through interfacial and microstructural characterization S. Sethi Research work ongoing On the deformation behavior of B. C. Ray/ A. fiber reinforced polymer Mallik composites Prabhash Panda Ongoing Studies on SG cast iron R.K. Behera Doing course work. Synthesis of metal matrix micro B.C. Ray/ and nano composites by powder D. Chaira metallurgy route Ms. Khusbu Dash Synthesis and characterization of Cualumina and Al-alumina micro and nanocomposites by conventional and advanced sintering techniques Characterization on Thick Wall S.Sen Ductile Iron Casting Mr. S.K.Swain Experimental work completed. The thesis is likely to be submitted in November / December, 2012 Synthesis of nanostructured D. Chaira stainless steel powder by high energy milling and subsequent spark plasma sintering Mr. Shashanka R. Preparation of nanostructured austenitic, ferritic and duplex stainless steel by mechanical alloying in bulk amount and subsequent consolidation of the powders Synthesis and characterization of D. Chaira cermets for high temperature applications P. Sahani Fabrication and characterization of SiCB4C-C, SiC-B4C-Si and SiC-B4C-Al cermets for high temperature and armor applications To study the reduction and S,Sarkar/S.Mula swelling behavior of iron ore pellets used in DRI production C. S. Dey To study the reduction and swelling behavior of iron ore pellets used in DRI production Characteristic of blast furnace U.K.Mohanty/ slag S,Sarkar J. N. Tiwari Characteristic of blast furnace slag Mechanical alloying of zirconium A. Basu alloys Mohan N Course work in progress Synthesis & Characterization of A. Basu electrophoretic coating on Cu H. Moharana Course work in progress Stabilization of metal-based S. Mula nanostructures developed by mechanical alloying Jagannath Panigrahi Ongoing S.Sen and S.C. Mishra National Institute of Technology Rourkela 118 Annual Report 2011-2012 Name of Supervisor Name of the Scholar Title Brief Report Evolution of Structure property A. Mallik/B. C. Ray relationship in sonoelectrodeposited metallic thin film. Arpita Das The work deals with synthesis of thin films through sono-electrochemical route. The parameters during synthesis and after synthesis will be analyzed in the investigations. Synthesis and Characterization A. Mallik/B. C. Ray grapheme thin films on different substrates Sumanta Ku. Sahoo Optimization of synthesis procedure will be done during production of graphene thin films through electrochemical route. Sono-electrochemical winning of A. Mallik noble metals from anode slimes Satrughna Nayak Ongoing (d) Ph.D. Degree Awarded : Name of the Scholar R. C. Sahoo e) Guide Title of the thesis R. K. Patel and B. C. Ray Remarks Neutralization of red mud using CO2 sequestration and their Awarded utilizations Master Thesis Completed : Name of the guide Name of the thesis Synthesis & characterization of HAP-Al2O3 composite coating on 316L SS by electrophoretic D. Chaira/A. Basu deposition (EPD) Synthesis of Al-Si and Al-Mg Alloys and Study of their Mechanical Properties. K. Dutta Ratcheting Fatigue Behaviour and Post-fatigue Tensile Properties of Commercial Aluminium K. Dutta Effect of catalyst on the synthesis of SiC from rice husk S,Sarkar/S.C.Mishra Investigation on Physico-Mechanical & Electrical properties of Bio-waste Reinforced S.C.Mishra Polymer Composites Effect of Copper on Austempering Behaviour of Ductile Iron (Ranjit Kumar Panda) S.Sen Surface Property Modification of Copper by Nanocomposite Coating A. Basu f) Popular Lectures by Outside Experts : Sl. No. Name of the Speaker Title 1 Prof. K. Dutta Majumdar Development of Metal Matrix Composite by Laser Surface Alloying 2 Prof. D. Majumdar Knowledge base of steelmaking: Are graduating engineers truly empowered? 3 Prof. P. K. Mitra A research journey through passivity breakdown of metals and alloys exhibiting active-passive transition National Institute of Technology Rourkela 119 Annual Report 2011-2012 6. CONSULTANCY SERVICES : Name of the scheme Sponsoring agency -7. Amount earned -- -- EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED : Cost (Lakhs) Name of the equipment SPEX high energy ball mill Rs. 5.0 lakhs (approx) High accuracy electronic balance with density measuring kit Rs. 1.5 lakhs(approx.) Planetary Ball Mill (Model: CENO-2JHPM-LVC) Basic price-Rs. 5,84,000.00+Taxes (Purchase order has been sent, equipment yet to be delivered) Laboratory Electronic Balance (Brand-CONTECH) Rs. 59,000.00 Dual Indenter Vickers & Knoop Microindention Tester. Rs. 14,57,500/- Low resistivity measurement kit Rs. 5,34,953/- Thermal Properties Analyser Rs. 3,02,892/- Impact Testing Machine IZOD (Order Placed) Rs. 3.00 (approx.) UMI ROK Rockwell Hardness Tester with accessories. 1.88 Lakhs VICOM Computerized Vicker's Hardness Tester with accessories 7.72 Lakhs 8. TECHNICAL ASSOCIATION / SOCIETIES: The Association of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (AMME) has been routinely and regularly involved in conducting various student's activities related to academic and extracurricular programs to enhance and impart knowledge and managerial skill. 9. LABORATORIES: Equipments Laboratories Electrometallurgy Laboratory Potentiostat/Galvanostat Thermal Analysis Laboratory TG-DSC/DTA- Netzsch Simultaneous Thermal Analyzer, upto 1500 C Particle Size Analyzer-Malvern, U.K. (Particle size 0.05-555µm) Heating Microscope-Leica, upto 1600 C Dilatometer- Netzsch (16000C) Fuel & Process Metallurgy Lab High Temperature Furnaces Reactivity & Reducibility Apparatus National Institute of Technology Rourkela 120 Annual Report 2011-2012 Equipments Laboratories Mineral dressing Lab Jaw Crusher Ball Mill Hammer bill Jigging machine Vibrating screen Magnetic separator FRP-Composite Lab Ultrasonic tester DSC (Low Temperature) FTIR Imaging Humidity Chamber Cryogenic Chamber Injection Molding Machine Melt Flow Index Machine Impact Testing Machine UTM Machine Stylus surface profilometer SEM Lab SEM-JEOL-JSM-6480 LV with EDAX attachment Surface Engineering Lab Wear & Friction Monitor Scratch Tester Air Jet Tester Wear Tester XRD Lab X-ray Diffractometer- Panalytical PW3040 X'Pert MPD Mechanical Characterization Lab Instron-1195, Capacity-100KN, London, U.K Instron-8802R, Capacity-250 KN, London, U.K. Physical Metallurgy & Heat Treatment Lab Microscopes Hardness Testers MICRO Hardness Tester Mechanical Alloying Lab Planetary Ball Mill-Fritsch Pulverisette, 2 vials arrangement National Institute of Technology Rourkela 121 Annual Report 2011-2012 DEPARTMENT OF MINING ENGINEERING 1. ACADEMIC STAFF HEAD FACULTIES Prof. D. P. Tripathy Ph.D. Professor 2. Associate Professor Assistant Professor Prof. B. K. Pal : Ph.D. Prof. H. K. Naik : M.Tech. Prof. D. S. Nimaje : M.Tech. Prof. S. Jayanthu : Ph.D. Prof. M. K. Mishra : Ph.D. Prof. S. Chatterjee : Ph.D. Prof. D. P. Tripathy : Ph.D. Prof. H. B. Sahu : Ph.D. Prof. Sk. Md. Equeenuddin : Ph.D. DISTINCTION ACHIEVED: a) By Student : l l l l l l (b) l l l l l l l l Mr Krishna Prasad C. V., a student of B. Tech 4th year won the 1st prize in paper presentation in Great Step 2K11 held at IIT, Kharagpur held during November 4-6, 2011. Mr Rajat Sahu, a student of B. Tech 4th year won the 1st prize in power lifting and 3rd prize in weight lifting competition held on February 10, 2012 at NIT, Rourkela. Mr Satyajit Rout, a student of B. Tech 4th year won the 3rd prize in power lifting competition held on February 10, 2012 at NIT, Rourkela. Mr Manish Singh, a students of B.Tech. 3rd year was the member of the cricket team that won the 1st prize in the inter hall cricket match. Mr Pankaj Rathi, a students of B.Tech. 3rd year, won gold medal in swimming competition and 1st prize in Fashion Parade competition during International Students' Meet held during March 9-11, 2012. He won the silver medal in swimming competition during Inter NIT sports meet held during December 10-25, 2011. He also won the bronze medal in All Orissa Open Swimmers Meet held at Sambalpur. Mr P. Amitesh Kumar, a students of B.Tech. 3rd year won the 3rd prize for best physique in NIT Rourkela held on February 10, 2012 at NIT, Rourkela. By Faculty members (Dr.D.P.Tripathy) Expert member, Selection Committee, OPSC. Member, BOS, BPUT, Orissa. Member, BOS, VNIT, Orissa Examiner, M.Tech. Thesis(ESE), ISM,Dhanbad Examiner for M.Tech. Thesis,IT, BHU. Chaired and coordinated Technical sessions, Geominetech Symposium on New Equipment New Technology Management and Safety in Mines and Mineral Based Industries, to be held at Bhubaneswar during 11-12May, 2011. Reviewer of Papers of several International Journals. Reviewer for "Mine Ventilation" under National Mission Project on Education through ICT, MHRD, Govt. of India National Institute of Technology Rourkela 122 Annual Report 2011-2012 for developing suitable pedagogical methods for various classes, intellectual calibers and research in e-learning. Selected as Reviewer for Papers for 34th International Conference of Safety in Mines Research, IIT, Kharagpur, to be held at New Delhi, 2011. Member, Editorial Board, JGMR, AJWEP,IJEE. Member, Advisory Committee, National Conference Sustainable Development of Ground Water Resources in Industrial Regions, March 22-23,2012, ESE,ISM,Dhanbad. Delivered invited talk at NSC, Puri and OSSC, Bhubaneswar, NIT,Rourkela H.K. Naik is acting as a course reviewer for "Mine Surveying" subject under National Mission Project on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India, for developing suitable pedagogical methods for various classes, intellectual calibers and research in e-learning. H.K. Naik was invited as the chief guest on the occasion of Republic Day celebration to hoist the National Flag and delivered a speech at Guru Tegh Bahadur Public School, Sector-18, Rourkela and Divine Life Academy, Sector-1, Rourkela on 26.01.2012. Dr. H. B. Sahu delivered a delivered a key note presentation on "Forests: Nature at your service" at Rourkela Chamber of Commerce on 5th June, 2011 on the occasion of World Environment Day celebrations. Dr. H. B. Sahu's delivered a presentation on "air quality monitoring and assessment" as a resource person at the workshop on EIA notification, organized by Centre for Environmental Studies and SPCB, Bhubaneswar at Bhubaneswar during March 23-24, 2012. Dr. H. B. Sahu has been nominated as reviewer of Fuel Processing Technology, and Elsevier publication. Dr. H. B. Sahu's name has been included in Top 100 engineers 2011 by International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England. l l l l l l l l l l 3. CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAMME : Name of the course Students Admitted Brief report regarding progress Recent trends in Strata Control In Coal Mines, Ramagundam Area-II, SCCL, 5 August, 2011 20 Strata behaviour monitoring in Underground Coal Mines, Yellandu Area, SCCL, 29 October, 2011 25 Instrumentation for Ground Control monitoring in underground mines, Hutti Gold Mines Limited, Raichur, Karnataka, 20 Dec'2011 45 Strata Control In Underground and opencast Coal Mines, Sreerampur Area, SCCL, 6 February, 2012 40 Application of recent techniques of Strata Control In Underground Coal Mines, Bellampalli Area, SCCL, 7 February , 2012 35 As per recommendations of the 10th National Conference of Safety in Mines, in every coal mining company, strata control cell shall be established at corporate and area levels within one year. However, till now strata control cell could not be established in all the coal mining areas as required. Various Areas of SCCL requested the candidate to conduct the Seminars /Workshops/ Continuing Education Programs for their officials including General Managers, Adl. General Managers, Dy. General Managers, Managers, safety Officers, Ventilation officers , Field supervisors-Overmen, Mining Sirdars ,etc. Due to effective interaction of institute and industry, Mining Engg Department got various consultancy projects related to Underground and opencast mines. 4. SEMINAR, SYMPOSIA, SUMMER SCHOOL, WINTER SCHOOL, SHORT TERM COURSES/ WORKSHOPS: (a) Conducted in the Dept. : Sponsoring Agency Name of the coordinator Title of the Course/Seminar Duration SPCB, Bhubaneswar Dr. H. B. Sahu Environmental Management in Iron, Manganese April 19-21, 2011 and Dolomite mines BCMCL, Bangladesh Dr.D.P.Tripathy EDP on "Coal Mining" National Institute of Technology Rourkela June 11-24, 2011 123 Annual Report 2011-2012 Sponsoring Agency Name of the coordinator Title of the Course/Seminar Duration BCMCL, Bangladesh Dr.D.P.Tripathy EDP on "Coal Mining" Feb.21-March 5, 2012 CIL Dr. B. K. Pal Dr. S. Chatterjee International Conference on Technological August 4-6, 2011. Challenges and Management Issues for sustainability of Mining Industries (b) Participation by Faculty Members: Name of the staff Course/Seminar Organization Dr. B. K. Pal, Convener, TMSMI 2011 International Conference on Technological Challenges and Management Issues for Sustainability of Mining Industries National Institute Technology, Rourkela Dr. B. K. Pal, Member, 34th International Conference on Safety Research IIT, Kharagpur Period Venue of August 04-06, Raipur2011 Chattisgarh December 10 -- Delhi 14, 2011 Dr. S Jayanthu, Golden Jubilee Seminar On (As Co-Chairman Mining Tech For Sustainable of the vent) Development Indian Mining Journal Forum Dr. S Jayanthu APP Projects Technology Transfer (as co-chairman Workshop of Technical Session) The Singareni Collieries 26th November, Hyderabad, AP Company Limited and 2011 CSIRO, Australia Prof. H. K. Naik & Engg 18-19 Nov 2011 RaipurChattisgarh International Conference on "World of Coal Ash (WOCA) 2011" University of Kentucky, 9th May to 12th Denver, Colrado, USA Centre for Applied Energy May 2011 Research, USA, in collaboration with American Coal Ash Association National Conference on "Fly ashTheme: Conservation of Environment & Bulk Utilization" Centre for Fly Ash Research 5th to 7th ITC Kakatiya, and Management (C-FARM) December 2011 Hyderabad New Delhi Short course on "The Science of Coal Ash Utilization" University of Kentucky, 9th May 2011 Centre for Applied Energy Research, USA, in collaboration with American Coal Ash Association Training program on "Environmental Management in Iron, Manganese and Dolomite Mines" Department of Mining 19th April to National Engineering, NIT, Rourkela 21st April 2011 Institute of Technology, Rourkela National Institute of Technology Rourkela 124 Denver, Colrado, USA Annual Report 2011-2012 Name of the staff Dr. M.K. Mishra Dr. H. B Sahu Snehamoy Chatterjee Course/Seminar Organization Period Venue National Conference on "Technological Challenges and Management Issues for sustainability of Mining Industries Department of Mining 4th to 6th Engineering, NIT, Rourkela August 2011 International Conference on Chemical, Civil and Environment Engineering (ICCEE-2012) PSRC, Dubai, March 24-25, 2012 Int. Conf. on Safety in Mines Research Institutes (34th ICSMRI) IIT Kharagpur Dec 7-10, 2011 Delhi National Conference on fly ash C-FARM, Delhi Dec 5-7, 2011 Consultation Utilisation Shreeram Inst for Industrial July 21-22, 2011 Research on Fly Ash National Institute of Technology, Rourkela Dubai Hyderabad, New Delhi Int. Conf. on Technological Challenges and Management Issues for Sustainability of Mining Industries NIT, Rourkela August, 2011 NIT, Rourkela Int. Conf. on Application of Soft Computing techniques EAST, Bhubaneswar August, 2011 Bhubaneswar National Seminar on Management of Industrial Pollution PIET, Rourkela September 2011 PIET, Rourkela 34th Int. Conf. of Safety in Mines Research Institutes IIT, Kharagpur December 7-10, New Delhi 2011 International Conference on Environmental Sciences and Engineering World Academy of Science, December 21Engineering and Technology 24, 2011 P h u k e t , Thailand OMEGA -2011 Geological Survey of India 11-12 August, 2011 Bhubaneswar Conference on Underground Metal Mining ISM Dhanbad 12-15 October. Puri 2011 34th International conference of safety in mines research institutes IIT Kharagpur 7-10 December, New Delhi 2011 Geomatrix'12 IIT Bombay 26-29 February,2012 5. RESEARCH : (a) Research Scheme : National Institute of Technology Rourkela 125 Mumbai Annual Report 2011-2012 Title of the scheme Sponsored by Assistance Names of P.I. and other Brief report received investigators Rs.14.54 Prof. H.K.Naik Project will be lakhs Dr. M.K. Mishra completed soon. Evaluation of flow and in place strength characteristics of fly ash composite materials DST Bulk use of fly ash composite material in the sub-base of surface coal mine haul road to reduce strain DST Rs 16.0 Lakhs Dr.M.K. Mishra Fly ash and O/B Dr. C.R. Patra material is being mixed & charactersied Bearing capacity enhancement of sub-base of opencast coal mine haul road with stabilised fly ash based composites and evaluation of the resilient modulus approach CSIR Rs 13.0 lakhs Dr. M.K. Mishra Dr. C.R. Patra Prof. H.K. Naik Dr. H.B. Sahu Development of a Model for the Assessment of Spontaneous Heating Susceptibility of Indian Coals-A Neural Network Approach SERC, DST, Govt. of India Rs. 13.11 Lakhs Prof. D. P. In progress. Tripathy & Prof. D.S. Nimaje Utilisation of residue after the removal of fine iron Vedanta Alumina Rs 6.95 lakhs Dr. R. K. Patel (PI) Work in progress Dr. B. G. Mishra Dr. H. B. Sahu Removal As and Cr from water by novel adsorption process DST Rs. 10.0 lakhs Dr. R. K. Patel (PI) P r o p o s a l Dr. H. B. Sahu submitted Development of a Non-Gaussian stochastic simulation using discrete wavelet transformation: A high order geostatistical algorithm for estimating ore grades in open pit mines DST (Fast Track) RS. 10.74 Lakhs Snehamoy Chatterjee Confirmation letter about funding received, yet to receive the f i n a n c i a l assistance. Fast Open pit Mine production scheduling under geological uncertainties CSIR RS. 14.95 Lakhs Snehamoy Chatterjee He funding has been confirmed but yet to receive the f i n a n c i a l assistance. Construction of Quick Setting Stopping in Case of Fire in Underground Mines using Expansion Foam Agent COAL (R & D) Rs. 51.34 Lakhs Dr. B. K. Pal, Professor and Mr. S. Chatterjee, Sr. Mgr. (S & R), CIL Work is in progress. Permission is sought to use belowground at MCL, CCL, NECL, ECL and BCCL. (b) Research Publications (i) Paper Published Different fly ash mixes with additives are being tried out and tested for various parameters 1. Pal, B. K. and Brahma, K. C.: An Application of Regression Model for Evaluation of Blast Vibration in an National Institute of Technology Rourkela 126 Annual Report 2011-2012 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Opencast Mine - a Case Analysis, Canadian Journal on Computing Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Engineering & Medicine, Vol. 1, No. 3, April 2011, pp. 106-111. Ghorai, U. and Pal, B. K.: Use of Monte Carlo Techniques for Production from Large Opencast Mine - a Case Study, Journal of Mines, Metals and Fuels, Vol. 59, No.5&6, May-June, 2011, pp. 162-167. S Jayanthu, and G M Nagaraja Rao, 2012, Estimation Of In Situ Stress Vis-À-Vis Acoustic Emission Trends In Kaiser Effect Of Rocks, Mining Engineers Journal, March, 2012, pp. D Aharya, Mohanty P, and S Jayanthu, 2011, Optimization of routing delay for pervasive sensor network using fuzzy logic, Intl Journal of Computer Engineering And Computer Application , ISSN 0974-4983, IJCECA,, Vol -6, pp 1-9. Ashesh Raghav, and, S Jayanthu 2011, An Overview of Occupational hazards due to exposure to Noise in the mines and its solution Vis-à-vis Active Noise Cancellaion, Indian Mining Engineering Journal, June -2011, Vol 50 , No 06, pp 44-49. B Sravan, and S Jayanthu, 2012, Contaminated mine drainage remediation by Natural Biological Systems (NBS), Indian Mining Engineering Journal, June -2011, Vol 50 , No 06, pp 50-53. Kiran B, Jayanthu S, Hitesh N 2011, Application of LED lighting system in mines and allied industries, Indian Mining Engineering Journal ,June -2011, Vol 50 , No 06, pp 61-67. Jayanthu S, S K Singh Snehendra and A Gaurav 2011, Mine accidents in underground coal mines VIS-À-VIS Strata Control and safety Management System, June -2011, Vol 50 , No 06, pp 68-73. S.K.Nanda, D.P.Tripathy & S.K.Patra (2011) A soft computing system for opencast mining machineries noise prediction, Noise Control Eng. J. 59, 5, pp. 432-446 (2011), http://dx.doi.org/10.3397/1.3614042. S.K.Nanda, D.P.Tripathy & S.K.Patra (2011) Application of Functional Link ANN for Prediction of Noise in Opencast Mines, Advances in Fuzzy System, Hindwai April, 2011 ,pp.1-11, doi:10.1155/2011/831261. D.P. Tripathy(2011) Environmental Auditing for Sustainable Development of Indian Industries, Asian Journal of water, Environment and pollution, Vol. 8, No.4 (2011), pp.9-20. D.P. Tripathy(2011) Safety risk Assessment & Management in coal mines, Industrial safety chronicle, OctDec., 2011,Vol. XL11, no.3, pp. 33-39 H.K. Naik, M.K. Mishra and K.U.M Rao, 2011, Influence of Chemical Reagents on Rheological Properties of Fly Ash-water slurry at varying temperature environment, International Journal of Coal Combustion and Gasification Products, Vol. 3, pp. 83-93. H.K. Naik and S.B. Sahu, 2011, Economic Evaluation of U.D.M (Universal Drill Machine) Deployment in Underground Bord and Pillar Coal Mines, Mining Engineers' Journal, Vol-13, No. (3), Page no: 10-16. H.K. Naik and S.B. Rout, 2012, Performance evaluation of cross country belt conveyor (CCBC) system in Lanjiberna Lime Stone and Dolomite Mines of OCL India Limited, Odisha, Mining Engineers' Journal, Vol-13, No. (9), Page no: 10--17. Behera, B. and Mishra, M. K., 2012, "California Bearing Ratio and Brazilian Tensile Strength of Mine Overburden-Fly Ash-Lime Mixtures for Mine Haul Road Construction", Journal of Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, Kluwer Academic Publication DOI: 10.1007/s10706-011-9479-9, 30, pp 449-459 Mallick S.R., Mishra M.K., Parida K.T., 2011, "Fly Ash- An Alternative Mine Haul Road Construction Material", The Indian Mining & Engineering Journal, MINETECH publ., Nov 18-19, pp. 125-128. Behera, B. and Mishra, M.K., 2011, "Strength behaviour of Surface coal mine overburden-fly ash mixes stabilized with quick lime", International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Management, Taylor & Francis Publ., ID 552285, DOI: 10.1080/17480930.2011.552285, 14th June, 2011(iFirst) Sahu, H. B., Padhee, S. and Mahapatra, S.S., Prediction of spontaneous heating susceptibility of Indian coals using fuzzy logic and artificial neural network models, Expert Systems with Applications, Elsevier Publications, Vol. 38, 2011, pp. 2271-2282. Sahu, H. B., Mahapatra, S. S. and Sirikasemsuk, K, Panigrahi, D.C., A discrete particle swarm optimization approach for classification of Indian coal seams with respect to their spontaneous combustion susceptibility, Fuel Processing Technology, Elsevier Publications, Vol. 92, 2011, pp. 479-485. Sahu, H. B., Agarwal, V.K., Geotechnical investigation of coal mine refuse for backfilling in mines, Institution of Engineers(I) Journal, Mining Division, Vol. 92, August, 2011, pp.17-21 Sahu H. B., Dash S. and Swar A. K., Environmental Impact of coal beneficiation and its mitigation measures, Indian Journal of Environmental Protection, Vol. 31, No. 8, pp. 691-698. Sahu, M., Mahapatra, S.S., Sahu, H. B. and Patel R. K., Prediction of Water Quality Index Using Neuro Fuzzy Inference System, Water Quality exposure and health, Springer publication, DOI 10.1007/s12403-011-00547 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 127 Annual Report 2011-2012 24. Chatterjee, S., Bandopadhyay, S. (2012) Reliability estimation using a genetic algorithm-based artificial neural network: An application to a load-haul-dump machine, Expert Systems with Applications , http:// dx.doi.org/ 10.1016/ j.eswa.2012.03.030 25. Chatterjee, S., Dimitrakopulos, R., and Mustafa, H. (2012) Dimensional reduction of pattern-based simulation using wavelet analysis, Mathematical Geosciences, DOI 10.1007/s11004-012-9387-4 26. Chatterjee, S., and Dimitrakopoulos, R. (2012) Multi-scale stochastic simulation with wavelet-based approach, Computer and Geosciences, doi: 10.1016/ j.cageo. 2011. 11.006 27. Chatterjee, S. and Bandopadhyay, S. (2011) Resource estimation of a placer gold deposit with uncertainty, applying the Bayesian neural network model, SME Transaction Vol. 330, pp. 606-617. 28. Chatterjee, S. and Bandopadhyay, S. (2011) "Goodnews Bay Platinum Resource Estimation Using Least Squares Support Vector Regression with Selection of Input Space Dimension and Hyperparameters" Natural Resource Research, vol. 20, issue 2, pp 117-129. 29. Mustafa, H., Dimitrakopulos, R., and Chatterjee, S. (2011) "Geologic heterogeneity representation using highorder spatial cumulants for subsurface flow simulations", Water Resource Research, VOL. 47, W08536, doi:10.1029/2010WR009515, 2011 30. P. K. Sahoo, S. Tripathy, Sk. Md. Equeenuddin, M. K. Panigrahi (2012). Geochemical Characteristics of Coal Mine Discharge vis-à-vis Behavior of Rare Earth Elements at Jaintia Hill Coalfield, Northeastern India. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 112, 235-243. (ii) Paper Presented in Conference/Seminar/Symposia : 1. Khanda, D. K. and Pal, B. K.: Role of Microbes in Soil Reclamation of Abandoned Opencast Coal Mine Land: a Review, Proc. of the International Conference on Technological Challenges and Management Issues for Sustainability of Mining Industries, August 04-06, 2011, held at NIT, Rourkela, pp. 87 - 95. 2. Pal, B. K., Majhi, Deepak and Dey, Supritam: Emerging Environmental Challenges in the Earth, Proc. of the International Conference on Technological Challenges and Management Issues for Sustainability of Mining Industries, August 04-06, 2011, held at NIT, Rourkela, pp. 213 - 216. 3. Nayak, N. P. and Pal, B. K.: Eco-friendliness vis-à-vis Utilisation of Low grade Iron Ores, Proc. of the International Conference on Technological Challenges and Management Issues for Sustainability of Mining Industries, August 04-06, 2011, held at NIT, Rourkela, pp. 261 - 268. 4. Pal, B. K., Khanda, D. K. and Dey, Supritam: Role of Engineers in Climate Change Risk Reduction, International Conferences in Advances in Environmental Chemistry, Nov. 16 - 18, 2011, held at Univ. of Mizoram, pp. 55 - 58. 5. Nayak, N. P. and Pal, B. K.: Feasibility of Beneficiation of Low Grade Iron Ore Fines/ Slimes, International Conferences in Advances in Environmental Chemistry, Nov. 16 - 18, 2011, held at Univ. of Mizoram, pp. 90 - 92. 6. Pal, B. K. and Das, S. K.: An Investigation on Change of Suspended Particulate Matters (SPM) in Mining Region over Timings - Case Studies, International Symposium on Sustainable Geo-synthetics & Green Technology for Climate Change, Dec. 07 -- 08, 2011, held in Bangkok, Thailand, pp. 186-191. 7. S.K. Singh, and S Jayanthu , 2011, Ground Control Technology for Mass Exploitation of Coal deposits with Continuous Miner: A Review of the Indian Scenario, 30th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining, 26-28 July , 2011, Morgantown, West Virginia, USA 8. S Jayanthu,T N Singh, D Acharya, D P Singh, B Kalyan,2011, Need for Starta management cell vis-a-vis strata control problems in underground coal mines, All India Seminar on Advances in Mine Production and Safety (AMPS2011) on 26-27 August 2011 at CIMFR Dhanbad 9. Sudha Kiran Banda, S Jayanthu and Eli Cohen,2011, Energy Efficient Mine Waste Water Treatment by Natural Biological System (NBS) All India Seminar on Advances in Mine Production and Safety (AMPS2011) on 26-27 August 2011 at CIMFR Dhanbad 10. Kiran B, Jayanthu S, Hitesh N 2011, Shock and waterproof defuse LED luminary for mining , All India Seminar on Advances in Mine Production and Safety (AMPS2011) on 26-27 August 2011 at CIMFR Dhanbad 11. S Jayanthu, D P Singh, D R Singh and M Singh , 2011, Challenges and feasible method of underground mining at greater depths in Indian coalfields- an appraisal , All India Seminar on Advances in Mine Production and Safety (AMPS2011) on 26-27 August 2011 at CIMFR , Dhanbad 12. S Jayanthu, D P Singh, T N Singh and B Raju , 2011, Establishment of strata management cell in underground coal mines - an urgent need for mining industry, Intl Conference on Technological challenges and management issues for sustainable development (TMSMI 2011), NIT-Rourkela, 4-6 August, 2011, pp-163-176 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 128 Annual Report 2011-2012 13. Sudha Kiran Banda, S Jayanthu and Eli Cohen,2011, Waste management vis-à-vis Natural Biological System (NBS), Intl Conference on Technological challenges and management issues for sustainable development (TMSMI 2011), NIT-Rourkela, 4-6 August, 2011, pp-207-212 14. S Jayanthu, V Laxminarayana , T N Singh , and D P Singh, 2011, organization of strata management cell - a vital requirement for all underground coal mine, Golden Jubilee Seminar On Mining Tech For Sustainable Development--Raipur-18-19 Nov 2011. 15. S Jayanthu And Ch Veera Reddy, 2012, Design Of Optimum Slopes For Safety And Conservation In Opencast Mines - An Appraisal , Golden Jubilee Seminar On Mining Tech For Sustainable Development--Raipur-18-19 Nov2011 16. Hitesh M. And S Jayanthu, 2012, .Scope Of Application Of L.E.D. Lighting Systems Over Conventional Lighting Arrangements In Open Cast Mines, Golden Jubilee Seminar On Mining Tech For Sustainable Development-Raipur-18-19 Nov2011 17. S Jayanthu , Bhishm Tripathi , A Sandeep, 2011, Scope Of Mining On The Moon - A Critical Appraisal, Golden Jubilee Seminar On Mining Tech For Sustainable Development--Raipur-18-19 Nov2011 18. Sanjay Kumar Singh, S Jayanthu, 2011, Regression Analysis of Ergonomics and Human behaviors for Safety Management in Mining operations, 34th International Conference for safety in Mining Research Institutes (ICSMRI), Dec-2011, New Delhi. 19. Sanjay Kumar Singh, S Jayanthu , 2012, Design of Optimum Support System for Strata Control in Continuous Miner Operation: Relevance to Mass Exploitation of Underground Coal Deposits, MineTECH'12 Golden Jubilee Workshop on Mining Technology, May 4-5, 2012, Bhubaneswar (Accepted). 20. S Jayanthu, S Ravi Kumar, V Aravind and D Sahu, 2012, Strata Monitoring in BG Panel at Greater depth - a Case Study, MineTECH'12 Golden Jubilee Workshop on Mining Technology, May 4-5, 2012, Bhubaneswar (Accepted). 21. S Jayanthu, L Scholastica,, and Dulal Acharya 2012,geotechnical instrumentation for monitoring of ground behaviour in underground and opencast mines, ccsn-2012 , international conference on computing, communication and sensor network november 22-23rd , 2012 (accepted) 22. Sanjay Kumar Singh, S Jayanthu , 2012 , Strata Management With Ground Behavior Assessment For Mass Exploitation Of Coal Deposits: A Case Study Of Continuous Miner, 31st International Conference On Ground Control In Mining, July 31, To August 2nd, 2012 (accepted). 23. S,K,Nanda, D.P.Tripathy & S.S.Mohapatra,(2011) "Application of Legendre Neural Network for Air Quality Prediction, (2011) ICET, Phuket, Thailand, May 2-3, 2011. 24. D.P.Tripathy (2011) "Safety Audit -An Emerging Tool For Safety Management In Coal Mines", Geominetech Symposium on New Equipment New Technology Managementand Safety in Mines and Mineral Based Industries, to be held at Bhubaneswar during 11-12 May, 2011. 25. D.P. Tripathy & S.K. Nanda, (2011) "Application of Graphic User interface og Matlab for open cast Mine machinery noise prediction", Ottawa, 17-19 August, 2011. 26. D.P. Tripathy, (2011) "Environmentally sound Mangement of E-Waste: An overview", 4th Int. Congress of Environmental Research, Dec 15-17, 2011, SVNIT, JERAD Surat. 27. D.P. Tripathy "Mine closure planning issues and strategy in the Indian context", 4th Asian mining congress, Int. Symposium held at Calcutta, India, January 31st, 2012. 28. D.P.Tripathy, "Emergency Management: Conceptual Framework", Nat. Sem. on Industrial Disaster Preparedness, 08.08.2011, Puri. 29. H.K. Naik, M.K. Mishra, and K.U.M. Rao, 2011, Evaluation of Flow Characteristics of Fly Ash Slurry at 40% Solid Concentration with and without an Additive, Proceedings of the International Conference on "World of Coal Ash (WOCA) 2011" held at Denver, Colorado, USA, during 9th - 12th May 2011. 30. H.K.Naik, 2011, Rain Water Harvesting- A practical approach by some non-mining and mining Areas, Proceedings of the National Conference on "Technological Challenges and Management Issues for sustainability of Mining Industries", pp. 371-384. 31. Behera, B. and Mishra, M.K., 2012, "Microstructure and leaching characteristics of fly ash-mine overburdenlime mixtures", International Conference on Chemical, Civil and Environment Engineering (ICCEE-2012), PSRC, Dubai, March 24-25 32. Mallick S.R., Mishra M.K., 2012 "Bearing Capacity & Modulus behaviour of Clinker Stabilized Fly ash-Mine Overburden Mixes for Haul Road Application" in proceedings, National Conference on Development of Coal and Mineral Resources- Economic, Technological and Environmental Issues, The Institution of Engineers (India), West Bengal State Centre, Feb 23-24 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 129 Annual Report 2011-2012 33. Behera, B. and Mishra, M.K., 2011, "Some aspects of lime treated fly ash and mine overburden composite samples", 34th ICSMRI, IIT kharagpur, New Delhi, Dec 7-10 34. Mallick S.R. and Mishra M.K., 2011, "Effects of Clinker on strength behavior of Fly ash- Mine Overburden Mixes" in proceedings, National Conference on fly ash, ITC Kakatiya, Hyderabad, Dec 5-7, pp. IV.7.1-IV.7.8. 35. Behera, B. and Mishra, M.K., 2011, "The use of lime stabilized fly ash -overburden mixtures as Haul Road Construction Materials", in Proceedings, Conference on Technological Challenges and Management issues of Sustainability of Mining Industries, NIT Rourkela, Aug 4 -6, pp 117-124 36. Mallick, S.R., and M.K. Mishra, 2011, "A review on Status of Coal ash in India- Present scenario and future prospects", in Proceedings, Conference on Technological Challenges and Management issues of Sustainability of Mining Industries, NIT Rourkela, Aug 4 -6, pp 349-359 37. Sahu H. B., Mahapatra, S. S. and Panigrahi D.C., Prediction of spontaneous heating susceptibility of coals using neural networks, Proc. of Int. Conf. on Technological Challenges and Management Issues for Sustainability of Mining Industries, NIT, Rourkela, August, 2011, pp.385-393. 38. Dash, S. Sahu, H. B., Patra, P. K. and Raghuwanshi, R., Environmental management best practices in TRB iron ore mines at Tensa, Sundargarh, Proc. of Int. Conf. on Technological Challenges and Management Issues for Sustainability of Mining Industries, NIT, Rourkela, August, 2011, pp.313 -323. 39. Sahu H. B., and Panigrahi D.C. and Mahapatra, S. S.., Application of adaptive resonance theory for the classification of coal seams with respect to their spontaneous heating susceptibility, Proc. of Int. Conf. on Application of Soft Computing techniques, Bhubaneswar, August, 2011, Excel India publishers, pp. 161-168. 40. Sahu, H. B. and Patel R. K., Waste management in mining industries, Proc. of National Seminar on Management of Industrial Pollution, September, 2011. 41. Sahu, H. B., Tandia, P. K. and Paithankar, A., Hazard identification and risk assessment in mining industries case study of a limestone mine, Proc. of 34th Int. Conf. of Safety in Mines Research Institutes, New Delhi, December, 2011, Macmillan Publishers, pp.467-480. 42. Sahu, H. B., Waste management in mining industries-an overview, Proc. of International Conference on Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Phuket, December 2011, WASET, Vol.60,pp.1168-1673. 43. D.S. Nimaje, Fragmentation analysis of limestone rock using WipFrag, Proc. of International Conference on Technological Challenges and Management Issues for Sustainability of Mining Industries (TMSMI), NIT, Rourkela, 4-6, Aug 2011,Pp.439-451. 44. Chatterjee, S. (2011) Mine Production Scheduling using Minimum Cut and Lagrangian Relaxation with Post Processing, Proceedings of the Conference on Technological Challenges and Management Issues for sustainability of Mining Industries, NIT Rourkela, 4-6 August, 2011. Pp 361- 370 45. Chatterjee S. and Bandopadhyay S. (2011) Orebody Modeling with Uncertainties: A Bayesian Neural Network Approach, Proceedings of the Conference on Underground Metal Mining Conference, Puri, Orissa, 12-15 October, 2011, pp46. Chatterjee S. (2011) Multi-point Geostatistical Algorithm for Simulating the Subsurface using Non-linear Mapping Function, OMEGA -2011, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, 11-12 August, 2011 47. Chatterjee S. and Dash R. K (2011) Miners work injury determination using Bayesian structural equation model, 34th International conference of safety in mines research institutes, 7-10 Dec, 2011, New Delhi 48. Chatterjee, S., and Dimitrakopoulos, R. (2012) Pattern-based Simulation Using Self Organized Maps, Geomatrix'12, 26-29 Deb, 2012, Mumbai 49. S. Jayanthu, S. K. Das, Sk. Md. Equeenuddin. Stability of fly ash and overburden material as back filling in opencast mines - a case study. International Conference on Chemical, Civil and Environment engineering (ICCEE'2012), Dubai, 24-25 March, 2012. 50. Sk. Md. Equeenuddin, Basanta Kishan. Assessment of Chromium Pollution at Nuasahi Baula Mines, Orissa. Seminar on Orissa's Minerals, Environment & Geoscience Assessment, 2011, Bhubaneswar, 11-12 August, 2011. 51. Sk. Md. Equeenuddin, Niraj Agarwal. Acid Base Accounting study of overburden and coal at Dongamauha, Raigarh. International Conference on Technological challenges and management issues for sustainability of mining industries, NIT Rourkela, 4-6 August, 2011. (iii) Paper accepted for publication : 1. Nanda, A. and Pal, B. K.: Comparison of Financial Investments and return on Capital in the Mining Industry National Institute of Technology Rourkela 130 Annual Report 2011-2012 of Developing Countries, Journal of Mines, Metals and Fuels, 2. H.K. Naik, M.K.Mishra, and K.U.M. Rao, 2012, Parametric Evaluation of Some Indian Fly Ashes for Filling Underground Coal Mine Voids. International Journal of Coal Combustion and Gasification Products. 3. Behera, B. and Mishra, M. K., 2012, "Strength assessment and composition of lime stabilized fly ash and mine overburden mixes upon curing", Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management, Widener Univ. Publication, PA, USA. 4. Sahu H. B., Mahapatra, S. S. and Panigrahi D.C., 2012, Fuzzy c-means clustering approach for Classification of Indian Coal Seams with respect to their Spontaneous Combustion Susceptibility, Fuel Processing Technology, Elsevier Publication 5. Chatterjee, S. and Bandopadhyay, S., 2012, Ensemble of diverse geostatistical simulation model using clustering based algorithm: An application to a placer gravel deposit". Marine Georesources and Geotechnology. National Conferences/Seminars attended: BOOKs Sl. No. Title Publisher-name & Year Authors (same order as in publication) Remarks (whether authored or edited) 1. Dictionary of Quotations APH Publishers, New Delhi, 2011 Dr.D.P.Tripathy Compiled 2. Dictionary of Earth Sciences APH publishers, New Delhi, 2011 Dr.D.P.Tripathy Compiled and Edited (c) Doctoral Programme: Title Name of the Supervisor Name of the Scholar Brief Report Evaluation of flow and in-place Dr.M.K.Mishra and strength characteristics of fly ash Dr.K.U.M.Rao (IIT,Kgp) composite materials Mr.H.K.Naik Work in progress. Development and evaluation of Fly M.K. Mishra ash composite material for geotechnical applications Ms. Banita Behera Dissertation Submitted Noise Impact Assessment and Dr.D.P.Tripathy Prediction in Mines using Soft Dr.S.K.Patra Computing Techniques Mr.S.K.Nanda Thesis to be submitted soon. Development of Mathematical Dr. D .P. Tripathy Models for the Assessment of Fire Risk of Indian Coals using Soft Computing Techniques Mr. D.S.Nimaje Registration over. Expt. Work on going. Two review papers published. One journal paper communicated. Environmental Management of Dr. H. B. Sahu Koira Mining Area Dr. A. K. Swar Er. Simanchala Dash Course work and Registration is complete. Literature review and sample collection ongoing. Numerical simulation of Dr. S. Chatterjee heterogeneous porous media for CO2 sequestrations and improving the oil recovery Manasi Mohanty National Institute of Technology Rourkela 131 Manjari The literature review is completed and scope of the work has been finalized. Annual Report 2011-2012 Name of the Supervisor Title Design of slopes for opencast coal Dr S Jayanthu mines and Dr Ramana Murthy, (Associate Professor of Civil Engg Dept of NIT-Warangal as internal Guide) Name of the Scholar Brief Report Ch Veera Reddy (Registered at NITWarangal with Dr S Jayanthu as External Guide) Course work completed and Field observations in about 10 Opencast mines of Singareni Collieries Company Limited completed and numerical modeling for design of stable slopes is in progress) ( d ) Ph. D. Degree Awarded : Nil ( e ) Master Thesis Completed : Name of the guide Name of the thesis Production Optimization and Simulation of Large Opencast Mines Dr. B. K. Pal ( f ) Popular Lectures by outside Experts : 6. CONSULTANCY PROJECTS : Name of the scheme Sponsoring agency Amount Earned (Rs. Lakhs) Slope Stability of Dump along with fly ash at Jindal Power open cast coal mines Jindal Power Limited, Raigarh 3.44 Stability of Ultimate Pit Slope at Jindal open cast coal mines # 1, Dongamauha Jindal Steel & Power Limited, Raigarh 2.38 Slope Stability of Dump along with Fly ash at Jindal open cast coal mines # 1, Dongamauha Jindal Steel & Power Limited, Raigarh 3.93 Scienific study for strata monitoring in depillaring BG panel No 3A in No 3 seam at GDK-10 incline, SCCL Singareni Collieries Company Limited, Andhra Pradesh 5.13 (work under Progress) Scienific study for suitable support system for roof and sides at RK-6 Incline, SCCL Singareni Collieries Company Limited, Andhra Pradesh 5.12 (work under Progress) Scientific Study in BG-II/10 Sub-panel A and sub-panel B panel and 4 seam sand stowing SS-10 of GDK No.8 Inc.RG-II Area.-reg. Singareni Collieries Company Limited, Andhra Pradesh 6.97 (work under Progress) Scientific study on strata monitoring in Long Wall panel No.3D1 & 3D2 panels at GDK.10A mine, Adriyala projects area Singareni Collieries Company Limited, Andhra Pradesh 6.84 (work under Progress) Study On Dump Stability, De-Siltation Of Water Tanks, Environmental Pollution For Compliance of Conditions of Forest Clearance at Bolani Iron Ores Mines, SAIL Bolani Iron Ores Mines, SAIL 14.0 (work under Progress) Slope stability studies and monitoring of slopes in NALCODamanzodi, Koraput . NALCO- Damanjodi 3.9 (work under Progress) National Institute of Technology Rourkela 132 Annual Report 2011-2012 Name of the scheme Sponsoring agency Amount Earned (Rs. Lakhs) Plan to prevent of pollution of nallahs, Dump Stability etc for Compliance of Conditions of Forest Clearance at Bolani Iron Ores Mines, SAIL SAIL 15.44 Slope Stability of Dump along with 25% fly ash at Jindal Power open cast coal mines through model study Jindal Power Limited, Raigarh 3.04/- Water audit at TRB Iron ore mines, Tensa Jindal Steel & Power Limited, Tensa 4.88/- Water audit at Essel mines, Barbil Essel mining & Industries Ltd, Barbil 12.3/- Testing of coal samples HCL,WCL 0.20 Dump slope stability FACOR 4.32 7. EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED : Cost (Lakhs) Name of the equipment Telescopic Convergence indicator Rs. 6,500 Multipoint Borehole Extensometer - Tell Tale - 3 Anchors (8 Nos) Rs. 9,520 Vibrating wire load cell (5 Nos) Rs. 47,900 Petrasim Software for reservoir simulation Rs.1.48 Lakhs Whittle Mine Planning software Rs. 1.55 Lakhs Blocksim Software for reliability analysis Rs. 1.4 Lakhs UV-Visible Double beam spectrophotometer Rs. 2.7 Lakhs Incubator Shaker Rs. 1.8 Lakhs Centrifuge Rs. 0.6Lakhs Nitrate Electrode Rs. 0.9 Lakhs Critical air blast apparatus Rs. 1.57 lakhs Digital lab oven RS. 0.28 lakhs Gas testing set up Rs. 1.03 Lakhs Wireless fire warning system Rs.0.88 lakhs Run round system Rs.0.67 lakhs National Institute of Technology Rourkela 133 Annual Report 2011-2012 Cost (Lakhs) Name of the equipment Surface layout Rs. 1.21 lakhs Ventsim Advance software Rs.1.51 lakhs Sokkia BGS40/APSIIP Rs. 0.62 lakhs Handheld GPS Rs. 0.25 Lakhs 8. TECHNICAL ASSOCIATION / SOCIETIES: l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Dr. B. K. Pal, acted as the Member of Selection Committee of Orissa Public Service Commission. Dr. B. K. Pal, acted as the Member of Selection Committee of Central Mining and Fuel Research Institute, Dhanbad. Dr. B. K. Pal, acted as the Member of Selection Committee of Banaras Hindu University - Institute of Technology, Varanasi. Dr. B. K. Pal is currently Member of Editorial Board of Power & River Valley Development. Dr.D.P.Tripathy chaired and conducted sessions, Geominetech Symposium, Bhubaneswar, May 11-12, 2011. Dr.D.P.Tripathy is actively involved in IE(I) , MEAI activities. Dr.D.P.Tripathy reviewed papers of IE(I) journal. Dr.D.P.Tripathy is involved with conduct of Techfest of the dept. , Int. students meet of NITR Mr. H. K. Naik is acting as the treasurer of Mining Engineering Society. Dr. M. K. Mishra is currently the Executive Body member, of IE (I), Rourkela Local Chapter: 2010-12. Dr. S. Jayanthu is a member of technical committee of Orissa State Pollution Control Board for Mining Industries. Dr. S. Jayanthu is the Principal Consulting Editor of Indian Mining and Engineering Journal. Dr. S.Chatterjee is currently the editorial board member of Artificial Intelligence Research Dr. S.Chatterjee is a member of International Association of Mathematical Geosciences Dr. S.Chatterjee was a technical committee member of 34th International conference of safety in mines research institutes, held at New Delhi during December 7-10, 2011. Dr. S.Chatterjee was the Co-convener of International Conference on Technological Challenges and Management Issues for sustainability of Mining Industries (TMSMI 2011) held at NIT, Rourkela. 9. LABORATORIES : 1. Dr. D. P. Tripathy taken pro-active initiatives to upgrade Mining Environment Laboratory, establishment of Gas testing facility as well as Material Handling Systems laboratory Dr. H. B. Sahu, Prof.-in-charge of the gas testing facility remodeled the gas testing chamber as per the requirement of the Directorate General of Mine Safety for conduct of gas testing examinations. 2. National Institute of Technology Rourkela 134 Annual Report 2011-2012 DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY 1. ACADEMIC STAFF HEAD Prof. B.G.Mishra Ph.D. FACULTIES Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Prof. R.K.Patel : Ph.D. Prof. S Patel Ph.D Prof. B.G.Mishra : Ph.D. Prof. S Mohapatra Ph.D Prof. N. Panda : Ph.D. Prof. A. Mondal Ph.D. Prof. G.Hota : Ph.D. Prof. U.Subudhi Ph.D Prof. S. Chatterjee : Ph.D. Prof. S. Giri Ph.D. Prof. R. Dinda : Ph.D Prof. V. Sivakumar Ph.D. Prof. D. Sarkar Ph.D. Prof. P. Dash Ph.D. 2. DISTINCTION ACHIEVED: Prof. M. Jana M.Sc. a) By Student : None b) By Faculty Members : 1) DAAD Fellowship award for research stay in Germany, 2012 by Prof. S. Chaterjee. 2) Prof. D. Sarkar has been awarded with IUSSTF FELLOWSHIP 2012-2013 for carrying out Advance Research in Stanford University, USA 3) Prof. D. Sarkar has been inducted as Associate Member of Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK 3. 4. CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAMME: NIL Name of the course Students Admitted Brief report regarding progress -- -- -- SEMINAR, SYMPOSIA, SUMMER SCHOOL, WINTER SCHOOL, SHORT TERM COURSES/ WORKSHOPS: Conducted in the Department Sponsoring Agency MOEF and IYFI Name of the coordinator Title of the course Prof. R K Patel and Prof. B.G. Mishra Role of scientific community in pollution prevention National Institute of Technology Rourkela 135 Duration 1 day, Feb, 11, 2012 Annual Report 2011-2012 (b) Participation by Faculty Members: Name of the staff Course/Seminar V. Sivakumar FDP on Display materials and its applications RNS Institute of Technology, April 12 - 13, Bangalore 2012 RNS Institute of Technology, Bangalore V. Sivakumar Seminar on Advanced materials (NSAM 2012) Islamiah college, 4 - 5 March, Vaniyambadi and Karpakam 2012 University, Coimbatore Karpakam University, Coimbatore V. Sivakumar International Conference on Green Technologies for Environmental Rehabilitation (GTER 2012) G.K. University, Haridwar 11 - 13 February, 2012 G.K. University, Haridwar V. Sivakumar International conference on Luminescence and it's Applications (ICLA 2012) IICT, Hyderabad 7-10 February, 2012 IICT, Hyderabad R. K. Patel EWRI International Conference, IIT, Chennai, India 3-4-Dec, 2011 IIT, Chennai, India R. K. Patel Regional Conference of Orissa Chemical Society Orissa Chemical Society 19.08.2011. GIST Raygada, Orissa R. K. Patel Frontiers in Recent Chemical Research Berhampur Odisha University, November 2627, 2011 R. K. Patel Role of Scientific community in pollution prevention NIT,Rourkela 11th Feb 2012 R. K. Patel National Conference on Environmental Management-The Need of Hour Kendrapara College, Odisha 19.02.2012 Kendrapara College, Odisha R. K. Patel National Seminar Change NIT, Rourkela NIT, Rourkela R. K. Patel 1st International Conference on Desalination Elsivier limited and 29.11.2011National university of UAE 4.12.2011 UAE, Abu Dhabi Niranjan Panda 14th CRSI-RSC symposium national NIIST and IISER 3-5 Feb. 2012 Thiruvananthapuram Thiruvananthapuram Dr. R. Dinda 14th CRSI National Symposium in Chemistry' Chemical Research Society February 2-5, of India 2012 NISER & CSIRNIIST Trivandrum S. Chatterjee ICMAT - 2011, Singapore. NUS, Singapore 26th June 1st July 2011 NUS, Singapore S. Chatterjee, MTIC 14 University of Hyderabad. 10th - 13th December, 2011, University of Hyderabad. on Climate Organization National Institute of Technology Rourkela Period 10thMarch 2012 136 Venue Berhampur University, Odisha Department of Chemistry Annual Report 2011-2012 Name of the staff Course/Seminar Organization Period S. Chatterjee, CRSI/NSC-14, NIIST Trivandrum. Sabita Patel National Conference on Molecules and Annual conference of Orissa Chemical Society School of Chemistry, December 24Sambalpur University 26, 2011 Sambalpur University R.K. Patel National Conference on Molecules and Annual conference of Orissa Chemical Society School of Chemistry, December 24Sambalpur University 26, 2011 Sambalpur University B.G. Mishra National Conference on Molecules and Annual conference of Orissa Chemical Society School of Chemistry, December 24Sambalpur University 26, 2011 Sambalpur University G. Hota National Conference on Molecules and Annual conference of Orissa Chemical Society School of Chemistry, December 24Sambalpur University 26, 2011 Sambalpur University P. Dash International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology, ARCI, DST Hyderabad, India Debayan Sarkar A Journey Through Recent trends in chemistry' A.B.N.Seal College & 01 to 02 University of North Bengal March 2012 5. RESEARCH : (a) Research Scheme : Title of the scheme Sponsored by Development of Infrastructural and DST-FIST equipment facility program 3rd -5th February, 2012, Venue January 2023, 2012, NIIST Trivandrum A.B.N.Seal College Assistance Investigator Brief report received Rs. 130 Two equipments (ESI Mass Lakhs spectrometer and surface area analyzer has been purchased Design and Physico-Chemical Properties DST, India of Cyclodextrin Incorporated Smart Hydrogels: Towards Improved Delivery of Hydrophobic Drugs 19. 83 Lakhs Dr. U. The project started on 1st April Subuddhi 2011 with a first year grant of Rs. 1281000. A project assistant was appointed in May 2011. Some interesting observations were found during the course of work. A manuscript is ready to be submitted. Development of Functionalized Ferite DBT, Govt. of Nanoparticles for Targeted Tumor India Therapy 42.00 Lakhs Dr S. 5 equipments have been Mohapatra procured. 2 publications in international journals have been achieved and further work is under progress. National Institute of Technology Rourkela 137 Annual Report 2011-2012 Title of the scheme Sponsored by Molecular designing and synthesis of DST, India highly efficient Ir-based red light emitting dendrimers for OLEDs Assistance Investigator Brief report received Rs. 27.6 Dr. V. Project work initiated Lakhs Sivakumar Environmental friendly adsorption MOEF, India media for the removal of fluoride and arsenic from water 20.00 Lakhs Prof. R.K. Project is going on as schedule Patel Pilot plant study of the extraction of fine Vedanta iron from red mud alumina 22.00 Lakhs Prof. R.K. Interim report is submitted to Patel the sponsor A case study of an iron ore mines 25.00 Lakhs Prof. R.K. Approved, to be initiated Patel Ministry of water resources Magnetic Nanoparticle mediated Cross- DST coupling Reaction: Assembly of biologically Potent molecules Approved Niranjan Project approved, work to be Panda initiated Oxovanadium Complexes Featuring O- DST, Gov. of and/or N- donor Ligands in Relation to India. Biological and Catalytic Activities 3 years project of amount Rs. 20.00 Lakhs Major Instrument Procured: 1) PerkinElmer UV-Vis spectrophotometer. 2) Fume Hood 3) Syringe Pump 4)Melting Point Apparatus Dr. R. Dinda JRF Fellow: Subhashree P. Dash Submitted Transition metal complexes as the DBT, Gov. of potential lead molecule for drug India.Submitted designing: Insulin mimetic, anticancer, antimicrobial and DNA binding/ cleaving activity One paper has been published in an International Journal ,"Polyhedron" another one is under communication Dr. R. Dinda Metal Complexes of Ferrocene Based CSIR Ligands, their Electrochemical Behavior and Biological properties Rs. 15 lakhs Dr. Synthesis of metal complexes of Saurav Cobalt, Nickel, copper, Chatterjee molybdenum and vanadium with Ferrocene based Schiff base ligands and their Biological and electrochemical studies Synthesis and characterization of DST transition metal acetylides, their reactivity studies and electrochemical behavior. Rs. Dr. Project work is going on as 18,66,000/- Saurav schedule Chatterjee Upconversion nanoparticles for DST barcoding technology and drug delivery caps Rs. 27.6 Lakhs National Institute of Technology Rourkela Supratim Recommended for financial Giri sanction 138 Annual Report 2011-2012 Title of the scheme Sponsored by Chemoselective electron transfer DST New Delhi reaction in substrates of biological interest by lipopathic Cr(VI) Synthesis and functionalization of DST hollow metal oxide spheres in ionic liquid microemulsions for catalysis and sensor applications Synthesis of Medicinally important natural Products employing Cyclopropyl ring cleavage, Oxidative dearomatization and other strategies. Research Publications i) Paper Published 26.91 lakhs Priyabrat Development of ionic liquid Dash microemulsions derived highly selective and ultra-sensitive solid-sate catalysts and sensor materials. Applied Under Fast Track Research Scheme for Young Scientists. Water tolerant nanosize functional CSIR heterogeneous catalysts for synthesis of some biologically important molecules b) Assistance Investigator Brief report received 15 lakhs Sabita Oxidation of various drug Patel candidates like isoniazid, paracetamol, epinephrine using lipopathic chromium oxidant has been carried out. Detail mechanistic investigation has been done. Dr. Submitted for funding Debayan Sarkar 15.00 Lakhs Dr. B.G. Mishra A series of zirconia baed nanocomposite oxides, clay based porous heterostructures, grafted polyoxometallate clusters have been synthesized, characterized and used for synthesis of 10 classes of biologically important molecules. Six international journal publications and a student has been trained for PhD 1. U. Subuddhi, P. K. Vuram, A. Chadha and A. K. Mishra, Photophysical investigation of microenvironment in glycerol based dansylated polyether dendrons, J. Photochem. Photobiol. A, 2011, 217, 411-416. 2. L. J. Reha-Krantz, C. Hariharan, U. Subuddhi, S. Xia, C. Zhao, J. Beckman, T. Christian, and W. Konigsberg, Structure of the 2-Aminopurine-Cytosine Base Pair Formed in the Polymerase Active Site of the RB69 Y567ADNA Polymerase, Biochemistry, 2011, 50 10136?10149. 3. S. Mohapatra, S. R. Rout, S. Maiti, T. K. Maiti and A. B. Panda, Monodisperse mesoporous cobalt ferrite nanoparticles: Synthesis and application in targeted delivery of antitumor drugs, J. Materials Chemistry, 2011, 21, 9185. 4. S. Mohapatra, S. R. Rout and A. B. Panda, One-pot synthesis of uniform and spherically assembled functionalized MFe2O4 (M=Co, Mn, Ni) nanoparticles Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2011, 384, 453-460. 5. N.Panda, H Sahoo, S. Mohapatra, Decolourization of Methyl Orange Using Fenton-like Mesoporous Fe2O3SiO2Composite, J. Hazard. Mater, 2011, 185, 359. 6. N. Panda, A. K. Jena, S. Mohapatra and S. R. Rout, Copper Ferrite Nanoparticle Mediated N-Arylation of Heterocycles: A Ligand Free Reaction, Tetrahedron Letters, 2011, 52, 1924. 7. M. Islam, P.C. Mishra, R.K. Patel, Fluoride adsorption from aqueous solution by a hybrid thorium phosphate composite, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2011, 166 (3), 978-985. National Institute of Technology Rourkela 139 Annual Report 2011-2012 8. M. Islam, R.K. Patel, Thermal activation of basic oxygen furnace slag and evaluation of its fluoride removal efficiency, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2011, 169, 68-77. 9. M. Islam, P.C. Mishra, R.K. Patel, Arsenate removal from aqueous solution by cellulose-carbonated hydroxyapatite nanocomposites, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011, 189, 755-763. 10. M. Islam, R.K. Patel, Physicochemical characterization and adsorption behavior of calcined Ca/Al hydritalcitelike compound towards removal of nitrate. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011, 190,659-668. 11. R. C. Sahu, R. K. Patel, B. C. Ray, Removal of hydrogen sulphide using red mud: neutralized by CO2. Fuel Processing Technology, 2011, 92, 1587-1592. 12. R. C. Sahu, R. K. Patel, B. C. Ray, Adsorption of Zn(II) on activated red mud : neutralized by CO2. Desalination, 2011, 266, 93-97. 13. S.K. Swain, S. Mishra, T. Patnaik, R.K. Patel, U. Jha, R.K. Dey, Fluoride removal Performance of a New Hybrid Sorbent of Zr(IV)-Ethylenediamine, Chemical Engineering Journal, doi:10.1016/j.cej.2011.12.091. 14. A. K. Giri, S. Mandal, R.K. Patel, Removal of Cr (VI) from aqueous solution by Eichhornia Crassipes root biomass derived activated carbon , Chemical Engineering Journal,dx.doi.org/10.1066/jecj 2012 o1025. 15. S. Sharma, R.K. Patel, C. Prakash, P. Kumar, Structural, Dielectric & Ferroelectric Study of Microwave Sintered Lanthanum Substituted BaTiO3 Ceramic, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2011, 130,191- 195. 16. Sonia, R.K. Patel, C. Prakash and P. Kumar, Effect of Sm and La off-valent Ion Substitution in BT Ceramics Synthesized by Modified Solid State Route, International J Mat. Sci., 2011, 6,133-140. 17. Sonia, R.K. Patel, C. Prakash and P. Kumar, Low temperature synthesis and dielectric, ferroelectric and piezoelectric study of microwave sintered of BaTiO3 ceramics, Ceramic International, 2012, 38, 1585-1589. 18. S. Mandal, T. Padhi, R.K. Patel, Studies on the removal of arsenic (III) from water by a novel hybrid material, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011, 192, 899- 908. 19. A. K. Giri and R. K. Patel, Toxicity and bioaccumulation potential of Cr (VI) and Hg (II) on differential concentration by Eichhornia crassipes in hydroponic culture, Water science Technology, 2011,635, 889-997. 20. M. Sahu, S.S. Mahapatra ,H.B. Sahu , R.K. Patel, Prediction of Water Quality Index Using Neuro Fuzzy Inference System, Water quality, exposure, and health. Springer Science B.V. 2011, DOI 10.1007/s12403-011-0054-7 21. R. C. Sahu, R.K. Patel, B. C. Ray, Carbon Dioxide and Red Mud Chemistry for Industrial Utilizations: Future Generation Resources, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing 2012 SBN-10: 3846581364 ISBN-13: 9783846581360. 22. N. Panda, A. K. Jena, M. Raghavender, Stereoselective synthesis of enamides by palladium catalyzed coupling of amides with electron deficient olefins, ACS catalysis, 2012, 2, 539. 23. N. Panda, A. K. Jena, S. Mohapatra, Ligand-Free Fe-Cu Co-catalyzed Cross-coupling of Phenyl Acetylene with Aryl Halides, Chemistry Letters, 2011, 40, 956. 24. N. Panda, A. K. Jena, S. Mohapatra, S. R. Rout, CuFe2O4 nanoparticles for N-arylation of Heterocycles, Synfact, 2011, 686. 25. N. Panda, S. Karmakar, A. K. Jena, Synthesis and antibacterial activity of some novel pyrazolopyridine derivatives Chemistry of Heterocyclic compounds, Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds, 2011, 46, 1500. 26. S. P. Dash, S. Pasayat, Saswati, H. R. Dash, S. Das, R. J. Butcher and R. Dinda,. Oxovanadium(V) complexes incorporating tridentate aroylhydrazoneoximes: Synthesis, characterizations and antibacterial activity, Polyhedron, 2012, 31, 524-529. 27. S. Pasayat, S. P. Dash, Saswati, P. K. Majhi, Y. P. Patil, M. Nethaji, H. R. Dash, S. Das and R. Dinda, Mixed-ligand aroylhydrazone complexes of molybdenum: Synthesis, structure and biological activity, Polyhedron, 2012, 38, 198-204. 28. S. Chatterjee , S. K. Patel, S. M. Mobin, Synthesis and characterization of diphosphine bridged homo and heterometallic clusters containing chalcogen as "naked" atoms, Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2011, 696, 1782. 29. S. Chatterjee , S.K. Patel, V. Tirkey, S. M. Mobin, Synthesis and characterization of bridged and chelated diphosphine coordinated transition metal chalcogenide clusters, [(CO)18Fe6??3-Te)4{?-PPh2(CH2)2PPh2}] and [(CO)nFe2??3-Y)2M{PPh2-R-PPh2}], [Y = Se, Te; M = Pd, Fe; n = 6, 8; R = {(?5-C5H4)2Fe}, {(CH2)2}]. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2012, 699,12. 30. M. Panigrahi, S. Dash, S. Patel, B. K. Mishra, Syntheses of Cyanines: A Review, Tetrahedron, 2012, 68, 781-805. 31. P. Mukherjee, S. Sahu, S. Pradhan, S. Dash, S. Patel , P. K. Mohapatra and B. K. Mishra, Temperature induced emulsification and demulsification of pseudoternary mixtures of Tween80-butanol-kerosene-water system, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2011, 50, 11889- 11896. National Institute of Technology Rourkela 140 Annual Report 2011-2012 32. S. Sahu, S. Patel and B. K. Mishra, Deoximation by Cetyltrimethylammonium Dichromate: A Kinetic Study, Int. J. Chem. Kinet., 2011, 43, 482-488. 33. S. Dash, M. Panigrahi, S. Baliyarsingh, P. K. Behera, S. Patel and B. K. Mishra, Cyanine dyes - nucleic acids interactions, Current Organic Chemistry, 2011, 15, 2673-2689. 34. S. Sahoo, S. Patel, B. K. Mishra, Oxidation of Thiourea and Substituted Thioureas: A Review. J Sulfur Chem., 32 (2011) 171-197. 35. M. M. Sahu, S. Sahu, S. Patel and B. K. Mishra, Photo-physical behavior of some substituted triaryl-1HImidazoles, Ind. J. Heterocyclic Chem.,21 (2011) 177-182. 36. A. Mahapatra, N. Garg, B.G. Mishra, B.P Nayak, and G. Hota, Studies on the synthesis of electrospun PAN-Ag composite nanofibers for antibacterial application, J. Appl Polymer Science, 2012, 124, 1178-85. 37. A Mahapatra B. G. Mishra, G. Hota, Synthesis of ultra-fine ?-Al2O3 fibers via electrospinning method. Ceramics international, 2011, 37, 2329-33. 38. Satish Samantaray and B.G. Mishra, Combustion synthesis, characterization and catalytic application of MoO3-ZrO2 nanocomposite oxide towards one pot synthesis of octahydroquinazolinones, J. Mol. Catal. A: Chem. 2011, 339, 92. 39. Satish Samantaray, G. Hota and B.G. Mishra, Physicochemical characterization and catalytic applications of MoO3- ZrO2 composite oxides towards one pot synthesis of amidoalkyl naphthols, Catal. Commun. 2011, 12, 1255. 40. M.A. Naik, SatishSamantaray and B.G. Mishra, Phosphotungstic acid nanoclusters grafted onto high surface area hydrous zirconia as efficient heterogeneous catalyst for synthesis of octahydroquinazolinones and ?acetamido ketones, J. Cluster Sci. 22, 2011, 295. 41. Satish Samantaray, B.G. Mishra, D.K. Pradhan and G. Hota, Solution combustion synthesis and physicochemical characterization of ZrO2-MoO3 nanocomposite oxides prepared using different fuels, Ceram. Int. 2011, 37, 3101. 42. Satish Samantaray, Sudhir Kumar Sahoo and B. G. Mishra, Phosphomolybdic acid dispersed in the micropores of sulfate treated Zr-Pillared clay as efficient heterogeneous catalyst for the synthesis of ?-aminocarbonyl compounds in aqueous media, J. Porous Mater. 2011, 18, 573. ii) Paper Presented in Conference/ Seminar/ Symposia : 1. V. Sivakumar, Lamp phosphors: concepts to applications, FDP on Display materials and its applications, organized by RNS Institute of Technology, Bangalore, April 12 - 13, 2012. 2. V. Sivakumar, Lanthanide based materials for energy efficient solid state lighting(Invited talk), Seminar on Advanced materials (NSAM 2012), UGC sponsored, Department of Physics, Islamiah college, Vaniyambadi and Karpakam University, Coimbatore - 4 - 5 March, 2012 3. V. Sivakumar and U. V. Varadaraju, Europium activated oxides - Alternative Red phosphors for energy efficient solid state lighting(Invited talk), International Conference on Green Technologies for Environmental Rehabilitation (GTER 2012) at Haridwar, 11 - 13 February. 4. V. Sivakumar and U. V. Varadaraju, Eu3+ substituted double perovskites: Novel orange-red emitting phosphors for Solid state White LEDs (Oral), International conference on Luminescence and it's Applications (ICLA 2012) at Hyderabad, 7-10 February, 2012. 5. V. Sivakumar, Lanthanide activated luminescent materials as wavelength convertors - lighting and display applications (Invited lecture), Materials Present and Future Perspectives, AICTE Faculty development programme - 12 - 16 Dec, 2011, organized by Department of Chemistry, NIT Calicut, Kerala, India. 6. R. K. Patel, A.K. Giri, Growth and development of rice and mung bean on effects of Hr(II) in aqueous solution treatment. EWRI International Conference, IIT, Chennai, India, 3-4-Dec, 2011. 7. R K Patel, (Invited Talk) Overview of the management of Industrial Pollution, Regional Conference of Orissa Chemical Society, at GIST Raygada, Orissa ,19.08.2011. 8. R K Patel(Invited Talk), Synthetic Chemicals and ,Multilateral Environmental Agreement, Frontiers in Recent Chemical Research" during November 26-27, 2011 Berhampur University, Odisha. 9. R K Patel(Invited Talk)Role of Chemistry in Environmental Management , Department of Chemistry ,NIT,Rourkela on 11th Feb 2012 at one day seminar on awareness campaign about environmental problem sponsored by MOEF,Govt. of India. 10. R K Patel(Invited Talk), Basic concept of Industrial Waste Management , UGC Sponsored, National Conference National Institute of Technology Rourkela 141 Annual Report 2011-2012 on Environmental Management-The Need of Hour at Kendrapara College(Autonomus)Odisha,19.02.2012. 11. R K Patel(Invited Talk) The effect of chemicals in climate change, National Seminar on Climate Change on 10thMarch 2012 AT NIT,Rourkela organized by Centre for environmental studies, Bhubaneswar, Govt. of Odisha. 12. R K Patel, Studies on the fluoride removal efficiency of Mg-Cr-Cl layer double hydroxide (LDH) ,Ist International Conference on Desalination,Elsivier.29.11.2011-4.12.2011. 13. N. Panda, A. K. Jena, Copper ferrite nanaoparticles for C-N, C-C and C-S cross-coupling reactions" 14th CRSIRSC national symposium, Thiruvananthapuram. 14. S. Pasayat, S. P. Dash, Y. P. Patil, M. Nethaji, E. Sinn and R. Dinda, Dioxomolybdenum(VI) Complexes of Isonicotinoyl Hydrazide Derivatives: Synthesis, Characterizations and Antibacterial Activity', 6th CRSI-RSC Joint Symposium in Chemistry, NIIST, Trivandrum, Kerla, India, 2-5 February, 2012. 15. S. P. Dash, S. Pasayat, Y. P. Patil, M. Nethaji and R. Dinda,Complexation of Isoniazid and its derivatives with vanadium: synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial activity', National Symposium on Modern Trends in Inorganic Chemistry (MTIC-XIV), University of Hyderabad, 10-13 December, 2011. 16. S. Chatterjee, Synthesis of Transition Metal Chalcogenide Clusters as organometallic Precursor for Nanostructures , 26th June - 1st July 2011, ICMAT - 2011, Singapore. 17. V. Tirkey, S. Mishra, S. K. Patel, S. Chatterjee, Bridged and chelated diphosphine coordinated transition metal chalcogenide clusters, 10th - 13th December, 2011, MTIC -14, University of Hyderabad. 18. S. Mishra, V. Tirkey, S. Chatterjee, Synthesis and reactivity of 5-C5H5 based organometallic compounds and their biological studies.3rd -5th February, 2012, CRSI/NSC-14, NIIST Trivandrum. 19. P. Dash, R. W. J. Scott, A. Sayari, Towards the Rational Design of Nanoparticle catalysts, International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology, January 20-23, 2012, Hyderabad, India. 20. A. Mahapatra, B.G. Mishra and G. Hota, "Synthesis and characterization of Fe2O3-Al2O3 mixed nanocomposite using Electrospinning method" International conference on Nanomaterials & Nanotechnology (ICNANO 2011), Dec 18-21, 2011, University of Delhi, India. 21. A. Mahapatra, B. G. Mishra and G. Hota "Synthesis and characterization of Al2O3-CeO2 nanocpmposite for removal of Congo red Dye molecules" OCS conference and National seminar on molecules, at Sambalpur Univesrsity, Dec 24-26, 2011. 22. D. Sarkar, A simplified approach towards the development of 2,5-dihydro-1-benzoxepin and Synthesis of Radulanins, National seminar on ' International Year of Chemistry: Chemistry in our lives.( March 15- 17, 2011), University of Burdwan, West Bengal. 23. D. Sarkar, Acid catalysis'-A simple but versatile synthesis in Organic synthesis, A journey through Recent Developments in Chemistry" ( March 1-2, 2012), A.B.N.S (Govt. College & University Of North Bengal). 24. SatishSamantaray, G. Hota and B. G. Mishra, MoO3-ZrO2nanocomposite oxide: A green heterogenous catalyst towards environmentally benign synthesis of some biologically potent molecules, Silver Jubilee Annual Conference of Orissa Chemical Society& aNational Conference on "Molecule" held during December 2426,2011. Venue: School of Chemistry, Sambalpur University, JyotiVihar, Burla-768019, Orissa. 25. Purabi Kar and B.G. Mishra, Preparation, characterization and catalytic application of vanadia supported Cr-pillared clay for the aqueous phase oxidation of aniline. Silver Jubilee Annual Conference of Orissa Chemical Society& aNational Conference on "Molecule" held during December 24-26,2011. Venue: School of Chemistry, Sambalpur University, JyotiVihar, Burla-768019, Orissa. 26. Purabi Kar, Satish Samantaray and B.G. Mishra, Chromium pillared clays and its modified analogues as efficient heterogeneous catalyst for synthesis ofxanthenes and dihydropyridines, 14th National Symposium in Chemistry (NSC-14) & 6th CRSI-RSC Symposium in Chemistry held during February 2-5, 2012. Venue: National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (CSIR-NIIST), Thiruvananthapuram. iii) Paper accepted for Publication : 1. U. Subuddhi, P. K. Vuram, A. Chadha and A. K. Mishra, Unusual Fluorescence Solvatochromism in Glycerol Based Dansylated Polyether Dendron Aggregates in Mixed Aqueous Media, Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, 2012 (Accepted). 2. N. Panda, A. K. Jena and S. Mohapatra, Heterogeneous magnetic catalyst for S-arylation reactions, Applied Catalysis A, 2012 (Accepted). 3. Satish Samantaray, D.K. Pradhan, G. Hota and B.G. Mishra, Catalytic application of CeO2-CaO nanocomposite National Institute of Technology Rourkela 142 Annual Report 2011-2012 oxide synthesized using amorphous citrate process towards the aqueous phase one pot synthesis of 2-amino-2chromenes, Chemical Engineering Journal, (2012) (Accepted) c) Doctoral Programme : Name of Supervisor Dr. U. Subuddhi Name of the Brief Report Scholar Subhraseema Das Various hydrogels are being synthesized, inclusion complexes of fluorescent model drugs with cyclodextrins have been investigated. PVA hydrogels with and without cyclodextrins have been investigated for drug delivery efficiency. It is observed that addition of PVA to PAA increases significantly the mechanical strength and stability of the hydrogel films. The presence of CD in the polymer film increased the drug intake capacity of the film. The difference in intake is significantly higher in case of hydrophobic drugs. The presence of CD prolongs the release of the drug from the hydrogel matrix. Spectroscopic Investigation of Dr. U. Subuddhi Serum Proteins Smruti Snigdha Interaction of Coumarin-1 a warfarin Mishra analogue with Bovine Serum Albumin has been investigated. Binding of coumarin-1 (7-N,N-diethylamino-4-methylcoumarin) to BSA results in almost seven fold enhancement in its fluorescence intensity, 20 nm blue shift in emission maximum and seven fold increase in fluorescence anisotropy as compared to that in water. It shows two binding sites in BSA, one high affinity site with a larger binding constant (ca. 105 M-1) and other low affinity site with a smaller binding constant (ca. 104 M-1). Development of novel magnetic Dr. S. fuorescent materials for tumor Mohapatra therapy application Ms. Swagatika Standardization of synthesis process is Sahoo underway Studies on the removal of anion and Prof. R K Patel cations by different hybrid materials and its mathematical modeling Sandip Mandal Progress as schedule, one paper is published and two are communicated Development of new environment Prof. R K Patel friendly adsorption media and its application on the removal of As and F from water Tapaswini Padhi Two paper are communicated A novel strategy for removal of Prof. R K Patel chromium and arsenic by phytoremediation and bioremediation techniques Anil Giri Experimental work completed and writing is in progress Title Hydrogel Based Novel Drug Delivery Systems National Institute of Technology Rourkela 143 Annual Report 2011-2012 Title Name of Supervisor Name of the Scholar Brief Report Numerical prediction of global Prof. R K Patel surface temperature distribution by human induced green house gases and atmospheric important chemicals Kishore Babu Ragi Progress as schedule. The student has attended a international work shop on the subject with financial support from DST Sequestration of carbon dioxide Prof. R K Patel and utilization of product after the extraction of iron by neutralization of red mud Manoj Sahu Research work initiated Fe-Cu co-catalyzed cross-coupling N. Panda reactions Ashis K. Jena Magnetic CuFe2O4-nanoparticle mediated N-ar ylation, alkynylation and S-arylation reactions have been carried out. The magnetic nature of CuFe2O4-nanoparticle was found to be beneficial for easy and quantitative removal of the catalyst for subsequent use. Pd-catalyzed stereoselective N. Panda synthesis of enamides M. Raghavender A copper-free palladium-catalyzed convenient and efficient oxidative amidation protocol for synthesis of has been developed. The thermodynamically disfavoured Z-isomers are accessible by the intramolecular hydrogen bonding between the amido proton and carbonyl oxygen. The reactions were conducted at room temperature in presence of ambient air. This protocol has wide substrate scope allowing alkyl, aryl, substituted arylamides, urea and its derivatives to react with methyl acrylate. The reactions are found to be tolerant to the steric demand of secondary amides and give the trisubstituted E-enamides in moderated to good yield. New Insights into the Chemistry of Dr. R. Dinda Oxomolybdenum Complexes with O-N donor Ligands Sagarika Pasayat Several tridentate and bidentate hydrazone ligands and their corresponding oxomolybdenum (IV) and oxomolybdenum (VI) complexes have been synthesized. These complexes are characterized by IR, UV-Vis and NMR spectroscopy, redox properties have characterized by cyclic voltametric measurement. Structure of several oxomolybdebun compounds has been solved by single crystal X-ray diffractometer. The study of reactivity like substrate binding, oxo- transfer reactions and biological activity are under process. Two paper have been published in International Journal National Institute of Technology Rourkela 144 Annual Report 2011-2012 Title Name of Supervisor Name of the Scholar Brief Report Oxovanadium Complexes Featuring Dr. R. Dinda O- and/or N- donor Ligands in Relation to Biological and Catalytic Activities' Subhashree Dash Thiosemicarbazone complexes of Dr. R. Dinda transition metals: Synthesis, characterization and study of reactivity Saswati Several bidentate and tridentate thiosemicarbazone ligands and their corresponding variable valance transition metal complexes (Cu, Ni, Co, V, & Mo) have been synthesized. Synthesized complexes have been characterized by IR, UV-vis and NMR spectroscopy. Structure of one copper complex has been solved by x-ray crystallography. Crystals of twelve other different compounds (Cu, Co, Ni & V) have been sent for single crystal X-ray diffraction study. One paper has been communicated for publication. Synthesis, characterization and Dr. Saurav properties of transition metal Chatterjee clusters and their role towards various organic transformations Sumanta K. Patel The chemistry of transition metal clusters containing main group atoms has undergone rapid development. The main group elements are used to act as bridges between different metal fragments and are profoundly helpful in cluster growth reactions. A major challenge in this area of cluster chemistry has been to develop methodologies for obtaining novel mixed metal clusters of desired structural and reactivity features. The synthesized mixed metal clusters has been characterized using IR, NMR and single crystal X-ray crystallography Synthesis, characterization and Dr. Saurav reactivity of ferrocene containing Chatterjee organometallic compounds V i j a y l a k s h m i Incorporation of ferrocenyl moities in Tirkey metal clusters are an important means of synthesizing molecules in which the effect of electronic communication between the metal centers of the ferrocenes can be studied. Multinuclear metallocene complexes have been extensively studied for potential applications in molecular National Institute of Technology Rourkela P. Several bidentate and tridentate hydrazone ligands and their corresponding variable valance oxovanadium complexes have been synthesized. Synthesized complexes have been characterized by IR, UV-vis, NMR spectroscopy and Cyclic Voltametric measurement. Structures of six different oxovanadium compounds have been solved by single crystal X-ray diffraction study. Presently the investigator is engaged in study of biological activities using synthesized oxovanadium complexes. One paper has been published in International Journal 145 Annual Report 2011-2012 Title Name of Supervisor Name of the Scholar Brief Report electronics . Several applications like multielectron redox catalysts and electron storage devices have been found for oligomeric ferrocene derivatives. Cyclopentadienyl based Dr. Saurav organometallic compounds: Chatterjee synthesis, reactivity and biological properties Sasmita Mishra The research field of bioorganometallic chemistry is increasingly drawing much interest due to their distinctive properties and features concerning both organometallics and co-ordination chemistry. Ferrocene and several Cp based organometallic compounds and their derivatives have been reported to show a variety of biological activities such as antitumour, anti-bacterial and anti-viral. To understand extensively the structure property relationship for these organometallic compounds, we carried out the synthesis and characterization of some cyclopentadienyl organometallic compounds, their complexation behaviour, redox and biological properties. Oxidative transformation of Dr S. Patel functional groups in organic substrates by lipophilic oxidants Sarita Garnayak Oxidation of various drug candidates like isoniazid, paracetamol, epinephrine using lipopathic chromium oxidant has been carried out. Detail mechanistic investigation has been done. Solute Solvent Interaction in Binary Dr S. Patel Solvent Mixtures Prakash Ku. Malik Preferential solvations of some azodyes having diffent donor and accepter groups are undertaken. Novel alumina/iron oxide Dr. G. Hota nanowires for environmental Dr. B.G. Mishra applications Abhipsa Mahapatra A series of alumina and iron oxide based pristine and functionalized nanowires have been prepared and characterized by various analytical techniques. The environmental application of these materials for removal of various dyes as well as inorganic ions from aqueous solution have been studied. Sthesis and characterization of Dr. G. Hota metal oxide nanowires for catalytic degradation of organic pollutants Jyoti Prakash Dhal A series of metal oxide nanowires have been prepared. The characterization of the nanowires are under progress Physicochemical characterization Dr. B.G. Mishra and catalytic applications of some Dr. G. Hota nanocomposite oxides and clay based nanoporous materials for synthesis of some biologically important molecules Satish Samantaray A series of zirconia, ceria and clay based nanoporous materials have been prepared and characterized by various analytical techniques. The catalytic applicatiojs of these materials have been studied for the synthesis of eight class of biologically important molecules using the principles National Institute of Technology Rourkela 146 Annual Report 2011-2012 Title Name of Supervisor Name of the Scholar Brief Report of green chemistry. The investigation has resulted in six publications in international journals and the student has submitted his thesis. Catalytic applications of clay Dr. B.G. Mishra based nanoporous materials and nanocomposites Purabi Kar Cr- and Zr- cationic clusters intercalated clay materials have been synthesized and characterized. The pillared clay materials have been further modified using various strategies. The modified pillared clays have been used for the synthesis of various organic compounds. Two manuscripts have been communicated. Further work is under progress. Development of ordered Dr. Aparna mesoporous mixed oxides via Mondal polymer mediated self-assembly for novel applications Priyadarshini Nayak Synthesis of mesoporous ZrO2 based mixed oxides with tetragonal crystal structure in powder forms using surfactants as templating agents. Surfactant assisted synthesis and Dr. Aparna characterization of high surface Mondal area ceria based mixed oxides nanoparticles with different morphologies Bappaditya Mandal Synthesis of ceria based mixed oxide powder, with various structures and morphologies and their applications. (d) Ph.D. Degree Awarded: Three Name of the Scholar e) Guide Title of the thesis Remarks R. C. Sahu R K Patel Neutralization of red mud using CO2 sequestration and their utilizations awarded Sonia R K Patel & C Prakash Synthesis & characterization of modified BT ferroelectrics by MSSR and MWS routes Report has already been received Master Thesis Completed : Name of the guide Name of the thesis Interaction of cationic dye "Nile Blue A" with bile salts (2011) Dr. U. Subuddhi Effect of salt on the micellisation of bile salts in aqueous medium (2011) Dr. U. Subuddhi Effect of chaotropic reagents on Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA)-A fluorescence study (2011) Dr. U. Subuddhi Investigation of PVA-Based Hydrogels As Drug Delivery Systems (2012) Dr. U. Subuddhi Interaction of Coumarin-1 with Bovine Serum Albumin (2012) Dr. U. Subuddhi National Institute of Technology Rourkela 147 Annual Report 2011-2012 Name of the thesis Name of the guide Synthesis and characterization of silica coated magnetite nanoparticles for Bioapplications Dr. S. Mahapatra Magnetic silica nanoparticles: synthesis and characterization Dr. S. Mahapatra Studies on the properties of Karanja oil for probable industrial application Dr. R.K. Patel Removal of Chromium (VI) from water by using Lanthanum based Hybrid Materials Dr. R.K. Patel Preparation of low cost herbal mosquito repellent from Begunia leaf Dr. R.K. Patel Synthesis of enamines and their bromination Dr. N. Panda Iron/copper co-catalyzed C-C cross-coupling reaction Dr. N. Panda Synthesis and characterization of transition metal complexes with thiosemicarbazone ligands Dr. R. Dinda Synthesis and Characterization of Dinuclear-Oxomolybdenum Complexes Containing Terephthalodihydrazide Ligands Dr. R. Dinda Synthesis and Characterization of Oxovanadium Complex Incorporating Dimethyl Terephthalate Moiety Dr. R. Dinda Synthesis and characterization of ferrocene containing organometallic compounds Dr. S. Chaterjee Synthesis of chalcogenide metal cluster containing phosphine ligands Dr. S. Chaterjee Synthesis and characterization of organometallic Schiff base compounds Dr. S. Chaterjee Synthesis and reactivity of metal acetylide complexes Dr. S. Chaterjee Transition metal cluster containing diphosphine ligands Dr. S. Chaterjee Synthesis of heteometallic Ferrocenyl chalcone Dr. S. Chaterjee Synthesis and characterization of several Cp based organometallic compounds Dr. S. Chaterjee Surfactant mediated synthesis and characterization of boehmite nanowires Dr. G. Hota Synthesis and characterization of Al2O3-CeO2 nanocomposite foir removal of organic dye. Dr. G. Hota Studies on myelin formation and particle growth in mixed surfactant system. Dr. G. Hota Preparation, Characterization and catalytic application of Cr-pillared clay for synthesis of octahydroxanthenes Dr. B.G. Mishra Synthesis, Characterization and catalytic applications of Al-pillared clay towards environmentally benign synthesis of bis(indolyl)methane Dr. B.G. Mishra Characterization and catalytic application of CeO2-MgO nanocomposite oxides towards Knoevenageal condensation reaction Dr. B.G. Mishra National Institute of Technology Rourkela 148 Annual Report 2011-2012 Name of the guide Name of the thesis Oxidation of alcohol component of microemulsion by lipopathic Cr(VI) Dr. S. Patel Preferential solvation of p-nitrophenol in binary solvent mixtures Dr. S. Patel Analysis of TX-100 based microemulsion in the presence of TB drug isoniazid Dr. S. Patel Surfactant assisted synthesis and characterization of silica-doped zirconia and its application in chromium removal Dr. A. Mondal PEG-assisted synthesis and characterization of ceria nanoparticles Dr. A. Mondal f) Popular Lectures by Outside Experts : Sl. No. 6. Name of the Speaker Title 1 Prof. T.K. Sarkar, Department of Chemistry, IIT, Kharagpur Enentio selective synthesis of bioactive natural and non-natural product using organosilanes 2 Prof. R. V. Venkateswaran, IACs, Jadavpur, Kolkata Benzoxacyclic saga: the xyloketal phase-high excitements and some intrigues CONSULTANCY SERVICES: Name of the scheme Sponsoring agency Amount earned Analysis of different constituent IFGL, Chattisgarh sponge iron limited, KNR construction of liquid supplied ltd, Tata, KMIPS, Rorukela, RIT, Rourkela 7. Rs. 73,571/- EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED : Name of the equipment Cost (Lakhs) ESI Mass spectrometer Rs. 62,00,000/- Surface area analyzers Rs. 25,00,000/- Shimadzu UV-Vis Spectrophotometer Rs. 4,50,000/- High pressure autoclave Rs. 6,00,000/- Ultrasonic probe sonicator Rs. 1,00,000/- Ultracentrifuge Rs. 1,00,000/- Atomic absorption spectrometer Rs. 8,00,000/- Hot and cold Circulator Rs. 1,20,000/- 8. TECHNICAL ASSOCIATION/ SOCIETIES : 1. Prof. U. Subuddhi, Life Member, Luminescence Society of India (2011). Luminescence Society of India is an National Institute of Technology Rourkela 149 Annual Report 2011-2012 association of eminent scientists working in the field of luminescence and its application. This is a common platform for researchers to exchange views with a common goal of improving the research in the above field. 2. The departmental technical society has conducted seminars for all the 1st year and 2nd year M.Sc. (chem.) student. The departmental technical society has also organized chemistry quiz, seminar and other events during techfest. The M.Sc.and Ph.D. students have submitted 3-4 pages write up on the seminars they have attended. 9. Laboratories : 1. Physical Photochemistry & Biophysical Laboratory 2. Analytical laboratory by department of Chemistry under FIST program 3. Organic Synthesis and Optoelectronics 4. Nanomaterials laboratory 5. Organic synthesis Laboratory 6. Heterogeneous catalysts laboratory National Institute of Technology Rourkela 150 Annual Report 2011-2012 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS 1. ACADEMIC STAFF HEAD FACULTIES Prof. S.Jena Ph.D. Professor Associate Professor Prof. S. Panigrahi : Ph.D. Assistant Professor Prof. B. Ganguli : Ph.D. Prof. P.N. Viswakarma : Ph.D. Prof. D.K.Bisoyi : Ph.D. Prof. D.K. Pradhan : Ph.D. Prof. P. Kumar : Ph.D. Prof. P. Mahanandia : Ph.D. Prof. S.Jena : Ph.D Prof. Anil K. Singh : Ph.D. Prof. D. Behera : Ph.D. Prof. J.P. Kar : Ph.D. Prof. S. Dash : M.Sc. 2. Distinction Achieved : a) By Students b) By Faculty Members Best Ph.D thesis award at 56th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2011 held at SRM University, Kattankulathur, Tamilnadu, India organized by Indian Physics Association (IPA). 3. 4. Continuing Education Programme : Nil Name of the course Students Admitted Brief report regarding progress -- -- -- SEMINAR, SYMPOSIA, SUMMER SCHOOL, WINTER SCHOOL, SHORT TERM COURSE / WORKSHOP : (a) Conducted in the Department : Sponsoring Agency Name of the coordinator DST & DRDO Dr. P.Kumar Title of the course Indo-US Workshop on Functional Materials Processing & Characterizations (b) Participation by Faculty Members : National Institute of Technology Rourkela 151 Duration Jan.3-6, 2012 Annual Report 2011-2012 Name of the staff Course/Seminar Organization Period D. Behera Codensed Matter Days 2011 D. Behera Low energy ion beam facility work Inter University accelerator 21-22 Oct. shop centre, New Delhi 2011 IUAC, New Delhi D. Behera Asian Conference on Applied Inter University accelerator 16-18, Nov. Superconductivity and Cryogenics centre, New Delhi 2011. IUAC, New Delhi D. Behera International workshop Functional Materials Physics Deptt. NIST, Berhampur D. Behera National Seminar on Science and Technology D. Behera National Seminar Aryan Institute of 7.3.2012. Engineering and Technology, Bhubaneswar Physics Deptt, Aryan Institute of Engineering and Technology, D. Behera Physics and Technology of Novel Materials"(PTNM II - 2012) Sambalpur University 10-11th March2012 School of Physics, Sambalpur University S.Panigrahi Condensed Matter Days Gowuhati University Aug 27 th 31st Gowuhati University S.Panigrahi Recent advances in sciences for Technology VSSUT, Burla 27 th 28 th Feb VSSUT Burla S.Panigrahi Physics and technology for novel material Sambalpur University 10-11 th March Sambalpur University S.Panigrahi Workshop on Accelerated based Interdisciplinary research GG Viswavidalaya Bilaspur 28-29 th March GG Viswavidalaya Bilaspur P. Physics and Technology of Novel Mahanandia Materials"(PTNM II - 2012) Sambalpur University D. Pradhan Gauhati University Gauhati, 24-26th Agugust 2011 Venue on NIST, Berhampur December 2022, 2011. Nano Orissa Physical Society 2nd National Seminar on Physics Sambalpur University, and Technology of Novel Materials Orissa, India. (PTNM II- 2012),. Physics Deptt, Gauhati University Gauhati, 11-12 Physics Department, February, 2012. Odaspur College, Cuttack 10-11th March2012 School of Physics, Sambalpur University 10-11th, March, 2012 School of Physics, Sambalpur University, Orissa, India Sidhartha DAE 56 th Solid State Symposium Jena Chennai December SRM University, Chennai Sidhartha 39th Controlled Release Society, Jena CANADA CANADA July CANADA National Institute of Technology Rourkela 152 Annual Report 2011-2012 5. Research a) Research Publications i) Paper Published 1. A. Mohanta and D. Behera, Effect of granularity and inhomogeneity in excess conductivity of YBa2Cu3O7-??+ xBaTiO3 superconductor, Physica B 406 (2011) 877-884. 2. A. Mohanta, S. Dash, D. Behera, Thermally Activated Flux Creep and Current Conduction in YBCO+BZO Composites, International Journal of Modern Physics B Vol. 25, No. 3 (2011) 387-398 3. Arpna Kujur, P. Viswakarma, Alok Banerjee, D. Kanjilal and D. Behera Effect of SHI Irradiation on Critical Current Density in YB2Cu3O7-?Thick Film with Y2O3 Addition, Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, 166 (2011) 635. 4. Arpna Kujur, P. Viswakarma, Alok Banerjee, D. Kanjilal and D. Behera, Effect of SHI Irradiation On Critical Current Density On Y1-xCaxBa2Cu3O7-? Thick Film With Y2O3 Composite, Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, 166 (2011) 615. 5. R. Biswal, J. John, P. Raychaudhuri, D. Behera, T. Mohanty, D. K. Avasthi, D. Kanjilal & N. C. Mishra, Mesoscopic inhomogeneity creation in YBa2Cu3O7?y thin film by swift heavy ion irradiation at low temperature Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, 166 (2011) 628. 6. A. Kujur and D. Behera DC Electrical Resistivity and Magnetic Studies in Yttrium Barium Copper oxide/ Barium Titanate Composite Thin Films, Thin Solid Films 520 (2012) 2195. 7. D.Behera, Excess Conductivity in YBCO + BaTiO3 Composite Thin Films, Orissa Journal of Physics 18 (2011) 45. 8. D. Behera, One hundred years of Superconductivity : Science and Technology, Emerging Science Vol.3, No.11, November 2011, 1 9. R.K. Panda and D. Behera, Nanoparticles of CoFe2O4 grown with controlled parameters of high-energy ball milling, Orissa Journal of Physics 19 (2012) 31. 10. P.Mahanandia, Anisotropic electrical transport properties of poly(methyl methacrylate) infiltrated aligned carbon nanotube mats, Applied Physics Letter, 100, 022108 (2012) 11. B. K. Barick, K. K. Mishra, A. K. Arora, R. N. P. Choudhary and Dillip K. Pradhan, Impedance and Raman spectroscopic studies of (Na0.5Bi0.5)TiO3 , J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 44, 355402 1-10, (2011). 12. Dillip K. Pradhan, Banarji Behera and Piyush R Das, Studies of dielectric and electrical properties of a new type of complex tungsten bronze electroceramics, Journal of Materials science; Materials in Electronics, 23 (3), 779-785, (2012). 13. B. K. Barick, R. N. P. Choudhary and Dillip K. Pradhan, Phase transition and electrical properties of lanthanummodi?ed sodium bismuth titanate, Materials Chemistry and Physic 132 (2-3), 1007-10014, (2012). 14. P. Kumar et. al IMPEDANCE SPECTROSCOPY AND ACCONDUCTIVITY STUDIES OF FERROELECTRIC KNN CERAMICS, Journal of Advanced Dielectrics Vol. 1, No. 3 (2011) 351-356. 15. P. Kumar et. al, Structural, Dielectric and Ferroelectric Study of Microwave Sintered Lanthanum, Material Chemistry & Physics, 130 (2011) 191- 195. 16. P. Kumar et. al, Substituted BaTiO3 Ceramics, International Journal of Materials Sciences 6 [2] (2011) 133140. 17. P. Kumar et. al, Effect of Sm and La off-valent Ion Substitution in BT Ceramics Synthesized by Modified Solid State Route, J. Ceramic Processing Research, 12 [6] (2011) 634~639. 18. P. Kumar et. al, Effect of Microwave Processing on Structural, Dielectric and Ferroelectric, Ceramic International 38 (2012) 851-854. 19. P. Kumar et. al, Effect of Oxygen Sintering on the Structural and Electrical Properties of KNN Ceramics, National Institute of Technology Rourkela 153 Annual Report 2011-2012 Ceramic International 38 (2012) 1585-1589. 20. P. Kumar et. al, Low temperature synthesis and dielectric, ferroelectric and piezoelectric study of microwave sintered BaTiO3 ceramics Role of Sintering Temperature on the Phase Stability and Electrical Properties of 0.94(K0:5Na0:5NbO3)-0.06(LiSbO3) Ceramics, JJAP, 51 (2012) 011503. 21. P. Kumar et. al, Relaxation and conduction mechanism of PVA:BYZT polymer composites by impedance spectroscopy, J. Polym. Res. (2012) 19:9838. 22. S.Mishra & B.Ganguli, Effect of p-d hybridization and structural distortion on the electronic properties of AgAlM2 (M=S, Se, Te) chalcopyrite semiconductors, Solid State Communication 151(2011) 523-528. 23. S.Mishra & B.Ganguli, Electronic & structural properties of Aal2Se4( A = Ag, Cu, Cd, Zn) halcopyrite semiconductors,Journal of solid state chemistry 184 (2 011) 1614-1621. 24. S.Mishra & B.Ganguli, Effect of structural distortion and nature of bonding on the electronic properties of defect and Li-substituted CuInSe2 Chalcopyrite Semiconduct, Journal of Alloys & Compound 512 (2012)17-2. 25. Sidhartha Jena, Protein diffusin in polyelectrolyte solutions, AIP on line proceedings ii) Paper Presented in Conference/ Seminar/ Symposia 1. D. Behera,Superconductor Promises for supply of Non Conventional Energy , D. Behera, National conference on noncoventional energy, (NASENCE-2011), Organized by School Physics, Sambalpur University, Burla, February 2011. 2. A. Kujur, B. Parida, D. Behera, Dimensional fluctuations in YBa2Cu3O7?? + Ag nanocomposites, National Conference cum Workshop on Recent Development in Engineering Materials, Organised by BIT, Mesra Ranchi during 12-14 May, 2011. 3. M. Sahoo, R. Das, A. Kujur and D. Behera, Dimensional fluctuations in YBCO + xBZT Superconductor, CMDAYS2011, Organized by Gauhati University, Gauhati, during 24-26th August 2011. 4. D. Behera, Synergic Effect of Low Energy and High Energy Ions on Critical Curren Density in HTSC Nanocomposites, Low energy ion beam facility at IUAC, New Delhi 21-22 Oct. 2011. 5. Arpna Kujur and Dhrubananda Behera, Superconducting Order Parameter Fluctuations in YBCO/Ag film Synthesized by Pulsed Laser Deposition, Asian conference on Applied Superconductivity and Cryogenics, at IUAC, New Delhi, 16-18 Nov.2011. 6. Arpna Kujur and Dhrubananda Behera,Thermally Activated Flux Dissipation in (1-x) YBa2Cu3O7- + x BaTiO3 Superconductor, Asian conference on Applied Superconductivity and Cryogenics, at IUAC, New Delhi, 16-18 Nov.2011. 7. Mousumibala Sahoo, Arpna Kujur and Dhrubananda Behera, Effect of submicron-sized Al2O3 Inclusions on the Superconducting Order Parameter Fluctuation in YBa2Cu3O7-? Superconductor, Asian conference on Applied Superconductivity and Cryogenics, at IUAC, New Delhi, 16-18 Nov.2011. 8. M. Sahoo, B. Bhol, A. Kujur and D. Behera, Dimensionality Fluctuation in the Superconducting order parameter of YBa2Cu3O7-? composite with CoFe2O4, International workshop on Functional Materials, at Berhampur, Odisha, December 20-22, 2011. 9. M. Sahoo, R. Das, A. Kujur and D. Behera, Dimensional fluctuations in superconducting order parameter of YBCO + x BZT composite, National Conference on Innovative fields of Ballistics and Applied Physics, FM University, Balasore during 21st January 2012, PP. 87 10. P. Kumar et. al, Characterizations of BT ceramics synthesized by modified solid state route, AIP Conf. Proc. 1372, (2011) 116. 11. P. Kumar et. al, Phase, dielectric and ferroelectric properties of microwave sintered la & ca modified BaTiO3 ceramics, AIP Conf. Proc. 1372, (2011) 57 12. A.K. Singh, Robust nature of triangular antiferromagnetic lattice in PdCrO2 under external pressure and magnetic field, International Conference on high pressure Science and Technology, Held at Bhabha Atomic National Institute of Technology Rourkela 154 Annual Report 2011-2012 Research Center, Mumbai during September 25-30, 2011. 13. A.K. Singh, Magnetic diffuse scattering in Bi2Fe4O9, Strongly Correlated Electron Systems Conference (SCES) 2011 held at University of Cambridge during 29th August - 3rd September 2011. 14. S.Maity & B.Ganguli, Sliding Motion in a multi scale power electronics systems : a bifurcation theory based, International Conference on Theoretical & Applied Physics, IIT Kharagpur, 1-2 December, 2011. 15. S.Mishra & B.Ganguli, Structural, electronic and optical properties of efect Cu2InSe4 and Ga & Al substituted CuInSe2 chalcopyrite semiconductors, International Conference on Advanced Materials, PSG Coleege, Coimbatore, 12-16 December, 2011. 16. S.Mishra & B.Ganguli, Electronic & optical properties of Mn & oxygen substituted ZnIn2Te4 chalcopyrite semiconductor, XVI International Workshop on The Physics of Semiconductor Devices, IIT Kanpur , 19 - 22 December , 2011. iii) Paper Accepted for Publication:1. P. Kumar et. al, Dielectric, Ferroelectric and Piezoelectric Properties of (1-x)[K0.5Na0.5NbO3]- x[LiSbO3] Ceramics, J. Phys. & Chemistry of Solids (In Press). 2. P. Kumar et. al, Structural, Dielectric and Ferroelectric Properties of SBN Ceramics Synthesized by Microwave Reactive Sintering Technique, Ceramic International (In Press). 3. P. Kumar et. al, Dielectric and Piezoelectric Properties of Low Temp. Synthesized Iso-Valent Modified BT Ceramics, Sonia et.al, Ceramic International (In Press). 4. Sunanda Kumari Patri, Dillip K Pradhan, R N P Choudhary, Structural and electrical characterization of Bi9xTi3Mn5+xO27, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics (accepted). 5. Satish Samantaray, Dillip K. Pradhan, G. Hota and B.G. Mishra, Catalytic application of CeO2-CaO nanocomposite oxide synthesized using amorphous citrate process towards the aqueous phase one pot synthesis of 2-amino-2-chromenes, Chemical Engineering Journal (accepted). 6. S.Mishra & B.Ganguli, Electronic & optical properties of Mn & oxygen substituted ZnIn2Te4 chalcopyrite semiconductor, SPIE. b) Doctoral Programme No. of research scholar working in the Department Name of Supervisor Title Name of Scholar Brief Report Enhancement, by Swift heavy ion irradiation, of Critical Current Density of Chemically Prepared Composites of YBCO with Non-superconducting Nano-particles. D. Behera Ms. Arpna Kujur Enrolled 2010 Electric and Magnetic Field Induced Inter and Intragranular Modifications in High Temperature Superconductors D. Behera Ms. Mousumibala Sahoo Enrolled 2010 Studies on electric and magnetic properties of Cobalt ferrite doped systems D. Behera Mr. Ranjit K. Panda Enrolled 2011 Synthesis and Characterization of Modified Strontium Barium Niobate for Pyroelectric Applications P. Kumar Mr. Naresh kumar Enrolled in 2007 Synthesis and Characterization of Effective Lead free Ferroelectric Materials P. Kumar Mr. Prakash ch. Palei Enrolled in 2007 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 155 Annual Report 2011-2012 Name of Supervisor Title Name of Scholar Brief Report Synthesis and Characterization of High Dielectric Constant Materials P. Kumar Mr. Subrat Kar Enrolled in 2009 Synthesis & Characterization of Ceramic Polymer Composites P. Kumar Mrs.Punyatoya Mishra Enrolled in 2009 Synthesis and Characterization of Bismuth-Layered Aurivillius Ferroelectric Ceramics P. Kumar Ms. Sridevi Swain Enrolled in 2010 Structural and electrical study on some Relaxor Ferroelectric S. Panigrahi & P. Kumar Rakesh Muduli Enrolled in 2011 Rietveld Refinement and Ferroelectric studies of A and B-site Doped Lead Titanate Based Perovskite" S.panigrahi Niraj jan Sahu Thesis submitted Study of structure and Dielectric properties of some S.panigrahi Bismuth Sodium Titanate lead free ceramic systems Biswajit parija To be submitted Structural and electrical study on some Bismuth layered Relaxor Ferroelectric S.panigrahi Santil.V Work on progress Structural and electrical study on some Relaxor Ferroelectric S.panigrahi Rakesh Muduli Work on progress Structural and electrical study on some Relaxor Ferroelectric S.Panigrahi Mrs Priyrambada Nayak Corse work Synthesis & characterization of modified BiFeO3 nano-ceramics Dr. Dillip K. Pradhan Satya Narayan Tripathy Continuing Relaxation Phenomena in polymer electrolyte Dr. Dillip K. Pradhan and Prof. S. Jena Tapabrata Dam Continuing Magneto-electric study of doped rare earth cobaltites P.N.Vishwakarma Jashashree Ray Studies on superconductor/nano-composites of BSCCO and BiFeO3 P.N.Vishwakarma Achyuta Kumar Biswal R e g i s t r a t i o n complete Studies on Fe-pnictide superconductors P.N.Vishwakarma Sanghamitra Acharya Submitting shortly Structural, Electronic & Optical Properties of chalcopyrite semiconductors B.Ganguli S.Mishra Submitted thesis Electronic and magnetic properties of surfaces, interfaces. B.Ganguli P.Parida Enrolled in 2009 Synchronization in chaotic oscillators B.Ganguli S.Statapathy Enrolled in 2009 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 156 Progressing Annual Report 2011-2012 Name of Supervisor Title Name of Scholar Brief Report Transport phenomena in random media Sidhartha Jena Santripti Khandai Continuing Relaxation Phenomena in polymer electrolyte Dr. Dillip K. Pradhan and Prof. S. Jena Tapabrata Dam Continuing (c) Ph.D. Degree Awarded : Guide Name of the Scholar Title of the Thesis Remarks Annapurna Mohanta Dr. D. Behera Superconducting order parameter fluctuation in doped and composite cuprate superconductors Manos Ranjan Panigrahi Prof S.Panigrahi On the structure and Dielectric Study of Iso- and Alio- valent Modified BaTiO3 Ceramic d) Master Thesis Completed Name of the guide Name of the thesis Synthesis and characterization of FE polymer composite Prof. S. Panigrahi Synthesis and characterization BaNaTiO3- CaTiO3 ceramic Prof. S. Panigrahi Synthesis and characterization of BaBiTiO Prof. S. Panigrahi Preparation and characterization of Zn O Nano particle Prof. S. Panigrahi Studies of structural, dielectric, and electrical properties of A/B site modified Dr. D. K. Pradhan (Na0.5Bi0.5)TiO3 ceramics oxide Design and fabrication of high temperature resistivity setup Prof. D. K. Pradhan, Prof. P. N. Vishwakarma Synthesis and characterization of polymer electrolyte Prof. D. K. Pradhan, Prof. S. Jena Modification of existing closed cycle Refrigerator for ac susceptibility measurement Dr. P.N. Viswakarma Synthesis and characterization of superconductor composite Bi2Sr2Ca1Cu2O8 Dr. P.N. Viswakarma Design of a cryocooler based ac Susceptometer Dr. P.N. Viswakarma Study on Bi2Sr2Ca1Cu2O8/CoFe2O4 composites Dr. P.N. Viswakarma Ac susceptibility setup For 7K close cycle refrigerator Dr. P.N. Viswakarma Study of structural and electrical transport property of YBCO+ BaTiO3-CoFe2O4 Dr. D. Behera superconductor Synthesis and characterization of CoFe2O4 + CaCu3Ti4O12 composite of ferrite National Institute of Technology Rourkela 157 Dr. D. Behera Annual Report 2011-2012 Name of the guide Name of the thesis DC electrical resistance measurement in composite of cuprate superconductor Dr. D. Behera Characterizations of BNT ceramics synthesized by different techniques Dr. P. Kumar Some studies of lead free KNN LN ceramics Dr. P. Kumar Synthesis and Characterizations of Ca, La and Zr Modified PbTiO3 Ceramics. Dr. P. Kumar Characterizations of Sol gel Synthesized (1-x)BZT-xBCT Ceramics. Dr. P. Kumar Synthesis and Characterizations of Lead Free KNN Ceramics near Morphotropic Phase Dr. P. Kumar Boundaries Conformational studies of Polyelectrolytes Dr. S. Jena Synthesis and Characterizations of Polymer gel electrolytes Dr. S. Jena and Dr. D. Pradhan Dielectric studies of polymer electrolyte Dr. S. Jena and Dr. D. Pradhan e) Popular Lectures by outside experts : Name of the speaker Title -- -- 6. Consultancy Service : 7. Equipment Acquired Nil Cost (Lakhs) Name of the equipment 8. Water Chiller 1.26 7K closed cycle refrigerator 12.5 Online UPS 0.58 Furnace 1. 53 Impedance Analyzer ~ 5 Lakh Dynamic light scattering 30 lakh Technical Association/ societies Brief report on the activities of the Association/ societies. National Institute of Technology Rourkela 158 Annual Report 2011-2012 DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS 1. ACADEMIC STAFF HEAD Prof. G. K. Panda Ph.D. FACULTIES Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Prof. A. Behera : Ph.D. Prof. B. K. Ojha : Ph.D. Prof. BikashSahoo : Ph.D. Prof. D. G. Sahoo : Ph.D. Prof. A. Kumar : Ph.D. Prof. R.S.Tungala : Ph.D. Prof. G. K. Panda : Ph.D. Prof. S. Saha Ray : Ph.D. Prof. S. Pattnayak: Ph.D. Prof. K. C. Pati : Ph.D. Pof. B. Bhowmik : Ph.D. Prof. S.Chakraborty : Ph.D Prof. Jugal Mohapatra : Ph.D Prof. Manas Ranjan Tripathy : Ph.D. Prof. S. Pradhan : Ph.D. Prof. (Ms.) D. Singh : Ph.D. 2. DISTINCTION ACHIEVED: Prof. Ch. Ram Reddy : Ph.D. a) By Faculty Members : Prof. S. Chakraverty: i) Lead Guest Editor Sp. Issue on 'Recent Trends of Computational Methods in Vibration Problems' of J. Advances in Acoustics and Vibration, Hindawi Pub.(2011). ii) Editorial Board Member- of "Coupled Systems Mechanics (CSM)", an International Journal, Techno Press, Jan. 2012- continuing, iii) Editorial Board Member of Journal (s) : The Open Mechanics Journal ISSN: 1874-1584. iv)Member of the Editorial Board in the Second International Conference on Soft Computing Technology in Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering to be held in Chania, Crete, Greece from 6-9 September 2011. v) Member of Board of Studies in the Faculty of Engineering and Technology of SOA Univ., Bhubaneswar (2011 continuing). vi)Vice President - Orissa Mathematical Society (2011-continuing). Prof. G. K. Panda: i) Session Chair, International Conference of Mathematical and Statistical Science (ICMSS 2012), Zurich, Switzerland, January 15-17, 2012 b) By Students : National Institute of Technology Rourkela 159 Annual Report 2011-2012 3. CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAMME : Name of the course Students Admitted Brief report regarding progress -- -- -- 4. SEMINAR, SYMPOSIA, SUMMER SCHOOL, WINTER SCHOOL, SHORT TERM COURSES/WORKSHOPS: a) Conducted in the Department Sponsoring Agency Name of the coordinator Title of the course Venue -- -- -- -- (b) Participation by Faculty Members: Name of the staff Course/Seminar Organization Period Venue Prof. G. K.Panda ICMSS 2012 WASAT Prof. G.K. Panda National Seminar on Number Theory and Cryptography(as Invited Speaker) Department of Mathematics, January 30-31, Pondicherry Pondicherry University 2012 University Prof. G. K. Panda National Conference on Recent Advances in Science and Technology Department of Basic February 27-28, VSSUT, Burla Sciences, VSSUT, Burla 2012 Prof. M.R. Tripathy 99th Indian Science Congress KIIT January 03-07, Bhubaneswar 2012 Prof. BikashSahoo MekIT'11 NTNU May 2011 Prof. Ch. RamReddy Speaker Dept. of Mathematics 27-29 January, NIT 2012 Warangal Dr. Ch. RamReddy Speaker IACSIT 17-18 March, Singapore 2012 5. RESEARCH : (a) Research Scheme : January15-17, Zurich, 2012 Switzerland Assistance received Finite-element-model Updating of DST(New Delhi)- 8.37 L Aerostructures Using Density Based Fish NRF(South Africa) School Search (FSS) Title of the scheme Sponsored by Fuzzified and Interval Neural Network Ministry of Earth 10.00 L Modeling for System Identification of Sciences Structure through the use of Seismic Response Data National Institute of Technology Rourkela 160 23-24, Trondheim, Norway Investigator Brief report Prof. S. Chakraverty On progress Prof. S. Chakraverty On progress Annual Report 2011-2012 Fuzzy Finite Element Approach for Solving the Eigenvalue-Eigenmode Analysis of Imprecisely-defined Systems, BRNS, DAE Assistance received 19.90 L Fractional Calculus Applied to Describe Reactor Kinetics & Flux Mapping SERB, DST 11.00 L Title of the scheme b) i) Sponsored by Investigator Brief report Prof. S. Chakraverty On progress Prof. S. Saharay On Progress Research Publications Papers Published 1. G.K. Panda and P.K. Ray, Some links of balancing and cobalancing numbers with Pell and associated Pell numbers, Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica (New Series), vol. 6, pp. 41-72, 2011. 2. G.K. Panda and S.S. Rout, A class of recurrent sequences exhibiting some exciting properties of balancing numbers, International Journal of Mathematical and Computational Sciences, vol. 6, pp. 04-06, 2012. 3. P.K. Das and A. Behera :An Application of Coincidence Lifting Index Theorem in (GHVIP) and the Variable Step Iterative Method for Nonsmooth ( )-invex function : Advances in Nonlinear Variational Inequalities, 14(1) (2011), 73 - 94. 4. A. Behera and R. Ota :On Kan extension of a cohomology theory : Global Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mathematics Sciences (GJTAMS), 2(1) (2012), 13 - 19. 5. M.R.Tripathy and S. Kumar. Simultaneous estimation of quantiles of normal populations with ordered means. Journal of Combinatorics, Information and System Sciences, Vol-36,No.1-4, page. 75-102, 2011. 6. S. Saha Ray, "On Haar Wavelet Operational Matrix of General Order and its applicationfor the Numerical Solution of Fractional Bagley Torvik Equation", Applied Mathematics and Computation (Elsevier), Vol. 218, No. 9, pp. 5239-5248, January 2012. 7. S. Saha Ray, "A New Wavelet Operational Method using Block Pulse and Haar Functions for Numerical Solution of a Fractional Partial Differential Equation", Journal ofFractional Calculus & Its Application, Vol. 1, No.6, pp. 1-12, 2011. 8. S. Saha Ray et al, "Homotopy Analysis Method for solving Fractional Diffusion equation",International Journal of Applied Mathematics & Mechanics, Vol. 7, No. 9, pp. 28-37, 2011. 9. S. Saha Ray and A. Patra, "Application of Modified Decomposition Method and Variational Iteration Method for the Solution of the One Group Neutron Diffusion Equation with Fixed Source", International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp.310-320, 2011. 10. S. Saha Ray and P. Sahoo, "The Monitoring of The Network Traffic Based On QueuingTheory", ARPN Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1-10, 2011. 11. S. Saha Ray and A. Patra, "Application of Homotopy Analysis Method and Adomian Decomposition Method for the Solution of Neutron Diffusion Equation in the Hemisphere and Cylindrical Reactors", Journal of Nuclear Engineering & Technology, Vol. 1, No. 2-3, pp.1-12, 2011. 12. S. Saha Ray, "A New wavelet operational method using Block Pulse and Haar functions for solving fractional partial differential equation numerically", International Journal of Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 1-2, pp. 29-46, 2011. 13. S. Saha Ray and A. Patra, "An Explicit Finite Difference Scheme for Numerical Solution of Fractional Neutron Point Kinetic Equation", Annals of Nuclear Energy (Elsevier), Vol. 41, pp. 61-66, March 2012. 14. B. Bira and T. Raja Sekhar, Particular solutions to modified shallow water equations, International Conference on Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics Technologies IACSIT Press, Singapore), 33 (2012), 54-57. 15. T. Raja Sekhar and V. D. Sharma, Solution to the Riemann problem in a one dimensional magnetogasdynamic flow, International Journal of Computer Mathematics (Taylor & Francis), 89 (2012), no. 2, 200-216. 16. T. Raja Sekhar and V.D. Sharma, Similarity analysis of modified shallow water equa-tions and evolution of weak waves , Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation (Elsevier), 17 (2012), no. 2, 630-636. 17. JugalMohapatra and S. Natesan, Parameter-uniform numerical methods for singularly perturbed mixed boundary value problems using grid equidistribution, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing,3. National Institute of Technology Rourkela 161 Annual Report 2011-2012 37(1), 247- 265, 2011. 18. B. Sahoo and S. Poncet, Effects of slip on steady Bodewadt flow of a non-Newtonian, Communication in nonlinear science and numerical simulations (Elsevier), DOI: 10.1016/j.cnsns.2012.02.031. 19. B. Sahoo and F. Labropulu, Steady Homman flow and heat transfer of a non-Newtonian second grade fluid, Computers and Mathematics with Applications (Elsevier), 63, 1244-1255, 2012. 20. B. Sahoo,R.A. Van Gorder and H.I. Andersson, Steady revolving flow and heat transfer of a non-Newtonian Reiner-Rivlin fluid, International Communication in Heat and Mass Transfer (Elsevier), 39, 336-342, 2012. 21. B. Sahoo and S. Poncet, Flow and heat transfer of a third grade fluid past an exponential stretching sheet, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (Elsevier), 54, 5010-5019, 2011. 22. B. Sahoo, Effects of slip on sheet-driven flow and heat transfer of a non-Newtonian fluid past a stretching sheet, Computers and Mathematics with Applications (Elsevier), 61, 1442-1456, 2011. 23. B. Sahoo, Effects of slip on steady Bodewadt flow and heat transfer of an electrically conducting nonNewtonian fluid, Communication in nonlinear science and numerical simulations (Elsevier), 16, 4284-4295, 2011 24. B.B. Bishwal, P.K. Parida and K.C. Pati, Kinematic analysis of a dexterous hand, Advansed Materials Research, vol 433-440, (2012), 754-762. ii) Paper Presented in Conference/Seminar/ Symposia 1. Behera Diptiranjan, Mall Susmita andChakraverty S., Comparison of Traditional and Regression based Neural Network Model for Temperature data, 39th Annual conference of Orissa Mathematical Society and National seminar on cryptography, VIVTECH, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, 4th -5th February, 2012. 2. Behera Diptiranjanand Chakraverty S., Fuzzy finite element solution of a stepped rectangular bar with uncertain material properties, National Meet for Research Scholars in Mathematical Sciences, IIT Kharagpur, October 12 -16 , 2011. 3. Behera Diptiranjan, Chakraverty S. and Datta D., Fuzzy Finite Element Approach for Vibration Analysis of Beam with Uncertain Material Properties, Proceedings of 56TH Congress of Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, SVNIT, Surat-395 007, India, December 19 -21 , 2011. 4. TapaswiniSmita and Chakraverty S., fuzzy reaction-diffusion equation for forest fire model, Proceedings of fire science and technology- research and its implementations, CBRI Roorkee Nov.3-4, 2011(FIRST-2011); 5. TapaswiniSmita and Chakraverty S., fuzzy quadratic Riccati differential equations, 39th Annual conference of Orissa Mathematical Society and National seminar on cryptography, VIVTECH Bhubaneswar, February 4 5, 2012; 6. TapaswiniSmita and Chakraverty S.,Numerical method for solving fuzzy initial value problems, National Meet for Research Scholars inMathematical Sciences , IIT Kharagpur October 12 -16, 2011; 7. Sahu A. and Chakraverty S., Regression Based Neural Network for Studying the Vibration Control of the Rotor Blade for Micro-Unmanned Helicopter, 3rd International Conference on Mechanical and Electrical Technology, ICMET 2011, Dalian, China. August 26-27, 2011; 8. Behera Diptiranjan, Datta D. and Chakraverty S., Development of a Finite Element Solution of a Stepped Rectangular Bar in Presence of Fuzziness in Material Properties, Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME-2011), SVNIT, Surat - 395 007, Gujarat, India, June 06- 08, 2011; 9. Diptiranjan Behera and S. Chakraverty, Static analysis of imprecisely defined bar with uncertain force, 39th Annual conference of Orissa Mathematical Society and National seminar on cryptography, VIVTECH, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, February 4 -5, 2012. 10. M.R.Tripathy and S.Kumar, Estimating Common mean and quantile of two normal populations. Paper presented in 99th Indian Science Congress held at KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, 3-7 January 2012. ( Participated as invited speaker) iii) Papers accepted for publications 1. P.K. Das and A. Behera : (T ; x*)- -invex Function andx*-GDDVIP in H-differentiable manifolds and Riemannian n-manifolds : Accepted for publication in International Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2. Panigrahi, S. K., Chakraverty, S. and Mishra B. K., Damage Identification of Multi Storey Shear Structure from Sparse Modal Information, ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 2011 (Accepted); National Institute of Technology Rourkela 162 Annual Report 2011-2012 Behera Diptiranjanand Chakraverty S., A New Method for Solving Real and Complex Fuzzy System of Linear Equations, Computational Mathematics and Modeling, 2011 4. Panigrahi S.K., Chakraverty S. and Mishra B.K , A Technique for Damage Identification in a Multi Storey Steel Structure using Genetic Algorithm, BIE Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 2011 M.R.Tripathy and S. Kumar. Estimating Common Mean of a Bivariate Normal Population with Order Restricted Variances. Calcutta Statistical Association Bulletin , vol. 63 c) Doctoral Programme Title Name of the Supervisor Name of the Scholar Brief Report Category of Fractions and CW- Prof. A. Behera complexes Sandhyarani Mohapatra Joined 2010, Course work and registration complete. Gap balancing Numbers S.S. Rout Joined Spring 2011, Course work, registration completed, One journal paper published. Optimization and variational Prof. G. K. panda Inequalities B.B. Sahoo Registered to Utkal Univ. in 2009, end stage Design of Machine Translator Prof. S. Chakraverty Based on QNN' Ravi Narayan Registered to Thapar Univ. Patiala in 2009 Numerical Solution of Static and Prof. S. Chakraverty Dynamic Problems of Imprecisely Defined Structural Systems Diptiranjan Behera Joined 2010,Regisrration Compled Solution of Fuzzy Differential Prof. S. Chakraverty Equations' SmitaTapaswini Joined 2009, Registration completed Nano Vibrations Prof. S. Chakraverty Laxmi Behera Joined 2011, Course work in progress Neural Network Based Modeling Prof. S. Chakraverty Susmita Mall Joined 2011, completed Numerical Solution of Vibration Prof. S. Chakraverty Problems Karan Kumar Pradhan Joined 2011, Course work in progress System identification by fuzzified Prof. S. Chakraverty neural network Mr. Abhishek Das Joined 2011, Course work in progress Numerical solutions of general Prof. S. Chakraverty field problems Mr. SukantaNayak Joined 2011, Registration to be done July 2012 Vogan diagrams of Lie Super Prof. K.C. Pati algebra B. Ransingh End stage Lie Algebra and Control Theory SaudaminiNayak Joined 2011, Course work in progress AshritaPatra Four Papers published, three communicated Prof. G. K. panda Prof. K.C. Pati "Studies of reactor constitutive Prof. S Saharay method and analysis of Nuclear reactor Kinetics by fractional calculus approach" National Institute of Technology Rourkela 163 Course Annual Report 2011-2012 Name of the Supervisor Title Lie group analysis for partial Prof. R.S. Tungala differential equations (d) G.K. Sahu Guide Title of the Thesis Remarks Prof. G.K. Panda Variational and Quasi- An old registration to NOU.Result variational Inequalities Published November 2011. Sponsoring agency -- Amount earned -- -- TECHNICAL ASSOCIATION /SOCIETIES Brief report on the activities of the Association/Societies 8. One paper published, Three communicated CONSULTANCY SERVICES : Name of the scheme 7. B. Bira Brief Report Ph.D. Degree Awarded : Name of the Scholar 6. Name of the Scholar LABORATORIES National Institute of Technology Rourkela 164 Annual Report 2011-2012 DEPARTMENT OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES 1. ACADEMIC STAFF HEAD Prof. Seemita Mohanty Ph.D. FACULTIES Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Prof. Seemita Mohanty : Ph.D. Prof. Jalandhar Pradhan : Ph.D. Prof. Bhaswati Patnaik : Ph.D. Prof. Nihar Ranjan Mishra : Ph.D. Prof. Narayan Sethi : Ph.D. Prof. Akshya K Rath M.Phil : Prof. R.K.Biswal : M.Phil Prof. N.Kipgen : M.A. 2. DISTINCTION ACHIEVED : a) By Students : Ms. MadhusmitaMohanty - Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) Doctoral Fellowship Ms. ShardaAcharya - ICSSR Doctoral Fellowship b) By Faculty Members : Prof. S. Mohanty -Homi Bhabha Fellowship (2011 - 2013) Prof. J. Pradhan - PDF at NIDI, Netherlands Prof B.Patnaik- Nominated in 2011 as an Executive Committee Member of National Academy of Psychology -India for two years 3. CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAMME : 4. Name of the course Students Admitted Brief report regarding progress -- -- -- SEMINAR, SYMPOSIA, SUMMER SCHOOL, WINTER SCHOOL, SHORT TERM COURSE / WORKSHOPS : (a) Conducted in the Department : Sponsoring Agency Self-Financing Name of the coordinator Prof. SeemitaMohanty Prof. Akshaya K. Rath Title of the course Duration "Work Culture, Interpersonal Skills and 20-24 June Career Growth," 2011 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 165 Annual Report 2011-2012 (b) Participation by Faculty Members: Name of the staff Course/Seminar Organization Period Venue Akshaya K. Rath M.Phil. Programme in English (as Resource Person) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open May 2011. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Hyderabad Open University, Hyderabad Dr. Narayan Sethi National Seminar on "Debt Crisis (Chaired a of West-Concerns and Session) Opportunities for India Ispat (Auto) Rourkela 5. RESEARCH : (a) Research Scheme : Title of the scheme Sponsored by Impact of English and Major Indian ICSSR, New Delhi Languages on Tribal Languages of Western Orissa College, 2 2 n d Ispat (Auto) J a n u a r y College, Rourkela 2012. Assistance received D. Lakhs Investigator Brief report Prof. Seemita Mohanty Final Report submitted. (July, 2011) Impact of Popular Culture on Language Use ICSSR, New Delhi among Youth: A Case- Study of Odisha E. Lakhs Prof. Seemita Mohanty In progress Prison Migration and the Regulation of ICSSR, New Delhi Colonial Sexuality: A Study of the Sexualised Body in Andaman Penal Settlement F. Lakhs Akshaya K. Rath Sanctioned in March 2012 A Study of Contract Farming as a Solution of ICSSR, New Delhi Agrarian Crisis in India: The Case of Cotton Farming in Orissa G. Lakhs Dr. Narayan Sethi Sanctioned in March 2012 Ecotourism and Sustainable Rural ICSSR, New Delhi Livelihoods: A Prospective Look in Western Odisha H. lakh (1 year) Dr. Nihar Sanctioned in Ranjan Mishra March 2012 Coal Mining, Displacement and Rural Planning I. Lakh Livelihoods: A Study in Mahanadi Coalfield, Commission, GOI (8 months) Odisha Dr. Nihar Sanctioned in Ranjan Mishra January 2012 Catastrophic Out-of-Pocket Health Care ICSSR, New Delhi Expenditure and Loss of Productivity: A Study of Economic Impact of Malaria in Tribal Region of Orissa Dr. Jalandhar Sanctioned in Pradhan and March 2012 Dr. Nihar Ranjan Mishra J. Lakh (1 year) b) Research Publications i) Paper Published 1. Rath, Akshaya K."Queer Theory: Literary and Cultural Perspectives," Theories of Women and Gender Studies, IGNOU, 2012. 2. Mohanty, S. Technology in Language Classrooms: Developing Communication Skills of Undergraduate Engineering Students through Multimedia Presentation Assignment, TheCALL Review, Spring 2011. National Institute of Technology Rourkela 166 Annual Report 2011-2012 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Sahoo, Kalpanaand Sethi, Narayan "Role of Agriculture on Rural Livelihood in India: An Empirical Analysis" Jharkhand Journal of Development & Management Studies, Vol. XXXIV, March, 2011. Sethi, Narayan "Effect of Private Foreign Capital Inflows on Economic Growth in India: An Empirical Analysis" Asian Economic Review, Vol. 54, No (2), August, 2011. Mishra, N. Social exclusion and marginal communities: a case of PaniPanchayat in southern Orissa, Adivasi, January,2012. Arokiasamy, P. & J. Pradhan. 2011. Measuring Wealth Based Health Inequality among Indian Children: The Importance of Equity vs. Efficiency, Health Policy and Planning, Oxford University Press, 26 (5): 429-440. Lauridsen, J & J. Pradhan. 2011. Socio-economic inequality of immunization coverage in India, Health Economics Review, Springer, 2011 1:11 Debata, B.R., Patnaik, B., Mahapatra, S. S., Sreekuma, Development of an instrument for measuring service quality of medical tourism in India, Int. J. Indian Culture and Business Management, Vol. 4(6),2011 Beriha, G. S., Patnaik, B., Mahapatra, S. S. and Padhee, S. Assessment of Safety Performance in Indian Industries using Fuzzy Approach, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol 39(3), 2012. Books Published: 1. Book Name: "FDI and Economic Growth in India: An Econometric Investigation" (ISBN 978-3-8443-9032-2) Author's Name - Dr. Narayan Sethi Publisher's Name- Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, Year of Publication- August 2011 2. Book title; Displacement and Rehabilitation: Solutions for the Future, Edited by Nihar Ranjan Mishra and K KMisra, Publisher's name: Gyan Publishing House, New Delhi and IGRMS, Bhopal. ISBN Number: 978-81-2121160-4 3. Book title: Clustering of Child Mortality: A case study of Orissa, Authors name: Jalandhar Pradhan, Publisher name: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, ISBN 13: 978-3-8433-9434-5, Year: 2011 K. Paper Presented in Conference/ Seminar/ Symposia: 1. Rath, Akshaya K. "Ethno-Sexual Boundaries and Non-normativity: A Comparative Study of Agha Shahid Ali and Hoshang Merchant" at International Conference on "Minority Discourses Across Cultures" organized by Department of English, Central University of Rajasthan, and Comparative Literature Association of India, New Delhi, at Ajmer, from February 26-28, 2012. 2. Mohanty, S. "Incorporating Multimedia into Language Classrooms: Making Language Learning Technologically Appealing," 10th International AsiaCALL Conference 2011, Language Center, International College for Sustainability Studies, Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok, February 9th - 11th 2012. 3. Shahida and Mohanty, S. "Teaching Business Communication to Engineering Students with Techniques of Information and Communication Technology" presented at International Conference on Strategic Communication: Learning from Mistakes, University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun. 4th -5th Nov, 2011. 4. Shahidaand Mohanty, S. "Othering the Disabled Body: Omkara, Othello and Politics" presented at International Conference on 'Minority Discourses', CLAI, Central University of Rajasthan, BandraSindri (Ajmer) 26th Feb 28th Feb, 2012. 5. Acharya, Sharda and Mohanty, S. "What comes first: Communication or Language?" presented at International Conference on'Consultations and Experience Sharing on Role of Humanities and Social Sciences in Holistic Development of Future Technocrats: Looking Ahead,' Organized by the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Jaypee University of Information Technology, Himachal Pradesh, 23rd - 24th Sept. 2011 6. Sethi, Narayan "Capital Flows and their Macroeconomic Impact in India: An VAR Analysis", at 16th World Congress of the International Economic Association 2011 (IEA, 2011) organized by International Economic Association with Tsinghua University, Beijing, China held from 4th - 8th July, 2011. 7. Patnaik B., Perception of Organizational Learning: A study in Indian Technological Institutes. In the Symposium (Attitude of Indian Workers) organized in XXI Annual Convention of NAOP held at IRMA during December 12 -14, 2011. 8. Biswal, R.K., Development of Children's Perception of Emotion in Emoticons, Self and Significant others organized by XXI Annual Convention of NAOP held at IRMA during December 12 -14, 2011 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 167 Annual Report 2011-2012 9. Kipgen, N. "Jhumming as defining feature of Kuki identity in Northeast India" at International Conference on "ASA12: Arts and Aesthetics in a globalizing world" organized by The Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK and Commonwealth, at JNU, New Delhi from 3rd April to 6th April, 2012. 10. Mishra, N. Self Governance and Marginal Communities: Some Reflection on Participatory Irrigation Management in Coastal India at International Conference on History, Society and Culture, during November 4-6, 2011, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 11. Mishra, N. Governing the Commons: Some Reflection on Participatory Irrigation Management in Odisha, at National Seminar on livelihood in the arena of globalization: problems and prospects rganized by Department of Sociology, Sambalpur University, Sambalpur, from March 16-17, 2012 12. Mishra, N. &SoumyaMohanty, MGNREGS and Tribal Livelihoods: A Case Study from Western Odisha at National Seminar on Issues and Challenges in Tribal Areas, organized by the Department of Anthropology, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad during March 29-30, 2012. 13. Dhananjay K. & N. R. Mishra, New-Agro Technology and Traditional Agricultural Knowledge: Some Reflection from Tribal India at National Seminar on Indian Tribes: Contemporary Issues, Organised by Department of Anthropology, VinobaBhave University, Hazaribag, Jharkhand, during November 16-17, 2011. 14. Dhananjay K. & N. R. Mishra, New Agro-technology and its impact on Rural Women in India at All India Sociological Conference, Organised by Centre for the Study of Social Systems School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, during December 10-13,2012. 15. Dhananjay K. & N. R. Mishra, Traditional Knowledge System, Livelihood and Empowerment Some Reflection from Tribal India at National Seminar on Issues and Challenges in Tribal Areas organized by Department of Anthropology, University of Hyderabad, during March 29-30, 2012. 16. Suman Devi and N.R Mishra, Community Participation and Natural Resource management: Some Reflections from India at XXXVII All -India Sociological Conference, rganized by Department of Sociology, JNU, New Delhi, during December 11-13, 2011. 17. Suman Devi and N.R Mishra, Watershed Development Programmes and its impact on Livelihoods: some selected Cases from India at National Seminar on Livelihood in the Arena of Globalization: Problems and Prospects, Organised by Department of Sociology, Sambalpur University, Sambalpur, during March 16-17, 2012. 18. Das, N. & N. R. Mishra, Mining and Tribal Livelihoods: Some Reflections from MCL Odisha at National seminar on Indian Tribes: Contemporary Issues rganized by Department of Anthropology, VinobaBhave University, Hazaribag, Jharkhand, during 16th -17th November, 2011. 19. Das, N. & N. R. Mishra, The Social Cost of Mining: Some Reflections from the IB Valley Coalfield of Odisha, at National Seminar on Livelihood in the Arena of Globalisation: Problems and Prospects, rganized by Department of Sociology, Sambalpur University, during 16th - 17th, March, 2012. L. Paper accepted for Publication: 1. Rath, Akshaya K. Encyclopedia Entry, "Poetry". Encyclopedia of the Middle East and South Asia.Ed. Prof. Gordon D. Newby, Emory University. (Accepted; 2012) 2. Rath, Akshaya K. "The Upside-Down Swan: SunitiNamjoshi," KavyaBharati, American College, Madurai. (Accepted; 2012) 3. Rath, Akshaya K. "Poetics of the Sexualized Body during the Raj: The Andaman Connection." Gay Sub-Cultures and Literatures: The Indian Projections. Eds. Sukhbir Singh and Hoshang Merchant. IIAS, Shimla. (Accepted; 2012) 4. Patnaik, B., G.S. Beriha, N. Singh and S.S. Mahapatra:"Organizational Learning in Educational Settings : An Indian Perspective" , In The Learning Organization (Accepted 2012) 5. Arokiasamy, P. and J. Pradhan. "Maternal Health Care In India: Access and Demand Determinants", Primary Health Care Research & Development, Cambridge University Press 2012 6. Arokiasamy, P., K. Jain, S. Goli and J. Pradhan. "Health Inequalities Among Urban Children In India: A Comparative Assessment Of Empowered Action Group (EAG) And South Indian States", Journal of Biosocial Science, Cambridge University Press 2012 Doctoral Programme : National Institute of Technology Rourkela 168 Annual Report 2011-2012 Title Name of Supervisor Name of the Scholar Brief Report Cultural Construction of the Thugee Akshaya K. Rath (supervisor) Haresh K. Satpathy Cult S. Mohanty (co-supervisor) Doing Course Work Issues in Leadership: A Study of Prof. SeemitaMohanty Select Shakespearean Tragedies Ms. Shahida Thesis to be submitted. Ecotourism vis-à-vis Rural Culture Prof. SeemitaMohanty and Livelihood: a Case-Study of Prof. NiharRanjan Mishra Western Orissa (Co- supervisor) Ms. Manasi Gahana Youth Culture and Language use: the Prof. Seemita Mohanty Changing Dimensions. Ms. Sharada Acharya PhD registration seminar completed. A Needs-Based Approach to Prof. Seemita Mohanty Teaching and Learning of English for Engineering Purposes Ms. Priya S Thesis submitted and examined. (Defense Seminarawaited). Foreign Aid and Economic Dr. NarayanSethi Development: An Empirical Analysis of South Asian Countries Ms. KalpanaSahoo Finalization of Chapterization and Started Thesis Writing Impact of FIIs on Indian Stock Dr. NarayanSethi Market: A Case Study of NSE and BSE Ms. Madhusmita Finalization of Proposal Mohanty and Data Collection Evaluating and Modeling Service Dr (Ms) B. Patnaik, Quality in Medical Tourism: A Study Co supervisor: in Indian Perspective Prof S.S. Mahapatra Mr. Bikash Ranjan Data Analysis continuing Debata Occupational Health and Safety Dr (Ms) B. Patnaik, (OHS) Issues in Co supervisor: Social Marketing Prof S.S. Mahapatra Mr. Gouri Shankar Thesis submitted Beriha Coal Mining, Displacement and the Dr. NiharRanjanMishra Rural Livelihoods: A Case Study in the IB Valley Coalfield of Odisha Ms. Nabanita Das Data collection Institutionalizing Community Dr. NiharRanjanMishra Participation in Watershed Management & Sustainable Development: A Case Study from Western Odisha Ms. Suman Devi Data collection New Agrotechnology and its Impact Dr. NiharRanjanMishra on Rural Social Institutions in Western Uttar Prades Mr. Dhananjay Kumar PhD registration seminar completed. Reproductive Health Challenges Dr. Jalandhar Pradhan and Coping Strategies: A Case of Dr. NiharRanjanMishra (Co Women Construction Workers supervisor) Ms. Ananya.Patra National Institute of Technology Rourkela 169 Rani PhD registration seminar completed. PhD registration seminar completed. Annual Report 2011-2012 Name of Supervisor Name of the Scholar Brief Report Industrialization, Displacement, Dr. Jalandhar Pradhan Ms. AntarjeetaNayak Health and Environment Dr. NiharRanjan Mishra (Co supervisor) Doing Course Work Socio-economic Inequality in Dr. Jalandhar Pradhan Health and Health Care Utilization: A Case Study of Rural Elderly in Orissa Data Analysis Title (d) Ms. PallaviBanjare Ph.D. Degree Awarded : Name of the Scholar Guide Dr.Pravat Surya Kar d) Title of the thesis Dr (Ms) B. Patnaik, Guide Name of the Student Brief Report -- -- -- -e) Popular Lectures by Outside Experts : Sl. No. 01. Name of the Speaker CONSULTANCY SERVICES: Sponsoring agency -- 8. Title Prof. M.B.Sharan, Formerly, Professor and Head, Dept. of Spiritual Development and Counseling and Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT, Kharagpur. Building Relationships Name of the scheme 7. Buyer-Seller Relationship in Retail Selling of Financial Services Master Thesis Completed : Title 6. Remarks Amount earned -- -- EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED : Name of the equipment Cost (Lakhs) -- -- TECHNICAL ASSOCIATION/SOCIETIES : Dr. S. Mohanty: Member, International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL), Linguistic Society of India (LSI), English Language Teachers Association of India (ELTAI), Indian Association of Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies (IACLALS). Dr. Akshaya K.Rath, Member, Comparative Literature Association of India, New Delhi. Dr. Narayan Sethi, The Indian Econometric Society (TIES), India and American Economic Association (AEA), U.S.A. Dr. B.Patnaik,Member, APA, NAOP, India, International Association of Applied Psychology(IAAP), Indian Acad National Institute of Technology Rourkela 170 Annual Report 2011-2012 emy of Applied Psychology R.K. Biswal, Member, National Academy of Psychology, India Dr. NiharRanajn Mishra, Member, Indian Sociological Society, Odisha Sociological Association, Indian Anthropological Congress Dr. Jalandhar Pradhan,Member in the Association of Human Development and Capability Approach (HDCA); International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP); International Development Evaluation Association (IDEAS) 9. LABORATORIES :Multimedia Digital Language Lab / Statistical Lab. National Institute of Technology Rourkela 171 Annual Report 2011-2012 DEPARTMENT OF LIFE SCIENCE 1. ACADEMIC STAFF HEAD FACULTIES Prof. Samir Kumar Patra Ph.D. Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Prof. Samir Kumar Patra : Ph.D. Prof. Sujit K. Bhutia : Ph.D Prof. Bismita Nayak : Ph.D. Prof. Surajit Das : Ph.D. Prof. Bibekanand Mallick : Ph.D Dr. Suman Jha : Ph.D Dr. Rasu Jayabalan : Ph.D 2. DISTINCTION ACHIEVED : (a) BY Students Six students, Mr. Chandra Sekhar Bhol, Mr. Debasis Nayak, Mr. Debadutta Bhoi, Ms. Moumita Sahoo, Ms. Supriya Kumari and Ms. Sobha Biswal qualified GATE with good GATE score during year 2011-2012. Two M.Sc. students: Mr. Tapas Tripathy and Ms. Manisha Dash were selected for Summer Research Fellowship programme-2012 offered jointly by Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore, Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi, and The National Academy of Sciences, India, Allahabad for 2 months at Ambedkar Centre for Biomedical Research, Delhi and NISER, Bhubaneswar respectively. M.Sc. student, Mr. Sandeep Dey was offered summer internship by Biocon Limited, Bangalore. All other students are offered positions for summer training in various institutes of repute. Our MSc and PhD students have participated in seminars and international conferences in and outside NIT Rourkela. BY PhD Students Ms. Swayamsiddha Kar was invited in the 1st Global Cancer Genomics Consortium TMC Symposium, ACTREC, Mumbai (10-12 November 2011). Mr. Pradipta R. Rauta was invited to deliver an oral paper presentation at national seminar "Trends in microbial bioremediation of contaminated soil" held on 24-25 September 2011 at PG Department of Microbiology, OUAT, Bhubaneswar. Mrs. Neelam Mangwani executed part of her Ph.D research work at Bhabha Atomic Research Centre of Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam for 2 months (Dec, 2011- Jan, 2012). BY Faculty members Dr. Samir K. Patra : Invited as a Speaker to "NATIONAL SEMINAR ON CURRENT TRENDS IN CHEMISTRY -VI (NSCTC-VI)" organised by the Dept. of Chemistry, Kalyani University, West Bengal under the auspicious of U.G.C.-S.A.P. Life member of the Indian Science Congress Association, Kolkata. (b) (c) National Institute of Technology Rourkela 172 Annual Report 2011-2012 Dr. Sujit Kumar Bhutia Invited as Chief Guest for Annual Seminar of Zoology Department, Christ College, Cuttack, on 22nd Feb 1012. Dr. (Ms.) Bismita Nayak Bismita Nayak, Invited Lecture on "Chitosan coated PLA/PLGA nanoparticles for delivery of drugs and therapeutic proteins" at International world conference on Nanomedicine and drug delivery 2011 (WCN 2011) held at Kottayam, Kerala, India from 11-03-2011 to 13-03-2011. Bismita Nayak, Oral Presentation on "Formulation and Characterization of Chitosan coated PLA and PLGA encapsulated microparticles for vaccine development" at "International conference on Bioengineering and Biotechnology (ICBB 2011)" held from 28-30 November, 2011, at Venice, Italy. Dr. Surajit Das : Rapporteur in the session 'Hydrogeochemical assessment of coastal zones' at the National Conference on "Mangrove wetlands and near shore marine ecosystems from sustainability issues to management and restoration" held from 5-6th March, 2012 at School of Environmental Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Invited as Chief Guest at the Annual Life Science Seminar, Municipal College, Rourkela on 13th January, 2012 and delivered a talk on "Microbial world and role of microorganisms in bioremediation". Life member (L-18910) of the Indian Science Congress Association, Kolkata. M.Phil (Microbiology) thesis evaluator of Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College (Autonomous, A+ grade by NACC), Sivakasi, Tamil Nadu. Ph.D (Environmental Science) thesis evaluator of University of Calcutta in 2011. Dr. Bibekanand Mallick 3rd reprint of the book "Bioinformatics: Principles and Applications" was published by Oxford University Press because of high demand. Life Member of Indian Science Congress Association (2011 - ) Life Member of Biotechnology Research Society (2012 -) Invited to Editorial Board of Journal of Clinical Bioinformatics, an international journal. 3. 4. (a) CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAMME : Name of the course Students Admitted Brief report regarding progress -- -- -- SEMINAR, SYMPOSIA, SUMMER SCHOOL, WINTER SCHOOL, SHORT TERM, COURSES/ WORKSHOPS: Conducted in the department Sponsoring Agency Name of the coordinator Title of the course Duration -- -- -- -- (b) Participation by Faculty Members: Name of the staff Course/Seminar Organization Period Venue Dr. Samir K. Patra EMBO conference on Histone EMBO, European Variants and Genome Regulation Molecular Biology (w11-17), 11-histone variants. Organization October 12-14, IGBMC, 2011 Strasbourg, France Dr. Samir K. Patra National Seminar on Current Kalyani University, West Trends in Chemistry - VI (NSCTC-VI) Bengal, India, March 02, 2012 Kalyani University Dr. Sujit Kumar Bhutia Autophagy Conference 2011 December 7-11, Occidental 2011 Grand Xcaret, Mexico Dr. Sujit Kumar Bhutia Annual Seminar of Zoology Department of Zoology, Department, Christ College Christ College Feb 22, 2012 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 173 Christ College, Cuttack Annual Report 2011-2012 (b) Participation by Faculty Members: Name of the staff Course/Seminar Organization Period Venue Dr. Bismita Nayak International conference on Bioengineering and Biotechnology (ICBB 2011) 28-30 November Dr. Bismita Nayak International world conference on Nanomedicine and drug delivery 2011 (WCN 2011) 11-03-2011 to Kottayam, 13-03-2011 Kerala, India Dr. Surajit Das 5th SOLAS Summer School Institut d'Etudes Scientifiques de Cargèse, France Venice, Italy August 19 - Cargese, France September 10, 2011 Dr. Surajit Das National conference on "Mangrove JNU, New Delhi wetlands and near shore marine ecosystems from sustainability issues to management and restoration" March 2012 Dr. Suman Jha Annual Meeting of the Indian Central Leather Research Biophysical Society (IBS-2012) Institute, University of Madras January 19-22, University of 2012. Madras, Maraimalai (Guindy) campus, Chennai Dr. R. Jayabalan International Workshop Thermal Processing December 9, Karunya 2011 University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India Dr. R. Jayabalan Short Term Skill Development Indian Institute of Crop Programme on "Cold Chain Processing Technology Management in Food Processing (IICPT) Sector" Feb 16-18, 2012 IICPT, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India Dr. R. Jayabalan National Training Programme on Sardar Swaran Singh "Bioenergy Technology" National Institute of Renewable Energy (SSSNIRE) March 16-17, SSSNIRE, 2012 Kapurthala, Punjab, India 5. RESEARCH : (a) Research Scheme : on Dept. of Food Processing and Engineering, Karunya University National Institute of Technology Rourkela 174 5-6, New Delhi, India Annual Report 2011-2012 Title of the scheme Assistance Investigator received DBT, Ministry of Received Dr. Surajit Das Science & (PI), Technology, Govt Dr. S K Patra of India. (CO-PI) Sponsored by Studies on association between biofilm formation and quorum sensing autoinducer in potential marine bacteria for enhanced utilization in bioremediation Autophagic cell death induction with abrus DBT, Ministry of Received agglutinin Science & Technology, Govt of India. Dr. Sujit Bhutia Brief report Marine bacterial isolates have been checked for biofilm formation and tolerance of metals and utilization of PAHs K. BT/PR15090/GBD/27/ 309/2011 (b) Research Publications i) Paper Published 1. Kar S, Deb M, Sengupta D, Shilpi A, Bhutia SK and Patra SK (2012) Intricacies of hedgehog signaling: A perspective in tumorigenesis. Revised MS submitted to Exp Cell Res 2. Deb M, Sengupta D and Patra SK (2012) Integrin-Epigenetics: A system with imperative impact on cancer. Cancer Metast. Rev.; DOI 10.1007/s10555-011-9341-9. 3. Patra A, Deb M, Dahiya R, and Patra SK (2011) 5-Aza-2'-deoxycytidine stress response and apoptosis in prostate cancer. Clin Epigenet, 2: 339-348 4. Patra SK, Deb M and Patra A (2011) Epigenetic Marks for identifying developmental and cancer stem cells. Clin Epigenet 2:27-53. 5. Chen D, Yoo BK, Santhekadur PK, Gredler R, Bhutia SK, Das SK, Fuller C, Su ZZ, Fisher PB, Sarkar D. Insulin-like Growth Factor-Binding Protein-7 Functions as a Potential Tumor Suppressor in Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Clin Cancer Res. 2011;17:6693-701. 6. Azab B, Dash R, Das SK, Bhutia SK, Shen XN, Quinn BA, Sarkar S, Wang XY, Hedvat M, Dmitriev IP, Curiel DT, Grant S, Dent P, Reed JC, Pellecchia M, Sarkar D, Fisher PB. Enhanced delivery of mda-7/IL-24 using a serotype chimeric adenovirus (Ad.5/3) in combination with the Apogossypol derivative BI-97C1 (Sabutoclax) improves therapeutic efficacy in low CAR colorectal cancer cells. J Cell Physiol. 2011. doi: 10.1002/jcp.22947. 7. Bhutia SK, Das SK, Kegelman TP, Azab B, Dash R, Su ZZ, Wang XY, Rizzi F, Bettuzzi S, Lee SG, Dent P, Grant S, Curiel DT, Sarkar D, Fisher PB. mda-7/IL-24 differentially regulates soluble and nuclear clusterin in prostate cancer. J Cell Physiol. 2011. doi: 10.1002/jcp.22904. 8. Dash, S. P., S. Pasayat, H. R. Dash, S. Das, R. J. Butcher and R. Dinda, 2012. Oxovanadium(V) complexes incorporating tridentate aroylhydrazoneoximes: Synthesis, characterizations and antibacterial activity. Polyhedron, 31: 524-529. 9. Das, S., 2011. Biochemical and physical interactions between the ocean and atmosphere in a changing environment. Int. J. Integrative Biol., 12 (1): 15-16. 10. Mallick B and Ghosh Z. (2012) Probing evolutionary biography of microRNAs and associated factors. Current Genomics 13(2): 144-152. 11. Mallick B and Ghosh Z. (2011) A complex crosstalk between polymorphic microRNA target sites and AD prognosis. RNA Biol. 8(4): 665-673. 12. Mallick B, Chakrabarti J & Ghosh Z (2011) MicroRNA reins in embryonic and cancer stem cells. RNA Biology 8(3), 415 - 426. ii) Paper presented in conference/ seminar/symposia 1. Patra SK, Deb M, Sengupta D, Kar S and Shilpi A (2012) Molecular mechanisms of DNA-methylation during development, ageing and cancer: DNA-methyltransferase and DNA -demethylase in action. In: National Seminar on Current Trends in Chemistry - VI (NSCTC-VI), Kalyani University, West Bengal, India, 02 March 2012 2. Patra SK, Deb M, Sengupta D, Kar S and Shilpi A (2012) Reversible methylation at DNA-cytosine-5-carbon by National Institute of Technology Rourkela 175 Annual Report 2011-2012 DNA methyltransferase and possible mechanism of inhibition by 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine. In: Biochemical Society Annual Symposium, Cambridge, UK, 10-12 January 2012. P014 [http://www.biochemistry.org/Conferences/ AllConferences/tabid/379/View/Posters/MeetingNo/SA127/Default.aspx] 3. Kar S, Deb M, Sengupta D, Shilpi A and Patra SK (2011) DNA methylation as a Prognostic Marker: Diagnostic and therapeutic implications in cancer research. In: The 1st Global Cancer Genomics Consortium TMC Symposium, ACTREC, Mumbai, India, 10-12 November 2011. 4. Patra SK, Patra A, Deb M and Sengupta D (2011) DNA methylation and Histone modifications around Clusterin and RASSF1A genes in Human Prostate Cancer. In: Histone Variants and Genome Regulation (w11-17), 11histone-variants, IGBMC, Strasbourg, France, 12 - 14 October, 2011 5. Bhutia SK, Das SK, Sarkar D, Fisher PB. Astrocyte elevated gene-1 activates AMPK in response to cellular metabolic stress and promotes protective autophagy. Autophagy conference 2011. Occidental Grand Xcaret, Xcaret, Mexico (7-11 December 2011) 6. Bismita Nayak, Chitosan coated PLA/PLGA nanoparticles for delivery of drugs and therapeutic proteins" at International world conference on Nanomedicine and drug delivery 2011 (WCN 2011) held at Kottayam, Kerala, India from 11-03-2011 to 13-03-2011. 7. Bismita Nayak, "Formulation and Characterization of Chitosan coated PLA and PLGA encapsulated microparticles for vaccine development" at "International conference on Bioengineering and Biotechnology (ICBB 2011)" held from 28-30 November, 2011, at Venice, Italy. 8. Pradipta R. Rauta, Rohini N and Bismita Nayak, "Bioleaching of slime metal ores collected from Joda mines of Orissa by the use of bacillus species" at national seminar "Trends in microbial bioremediation of contaminated soil" held on 24-25 September 2011 at PG Department of Microbiology, OUAT, Bhubaneswar. 9. Manalee Surve, Krishna Pramanik, Sunil K. Sarangi and Bismita Nayak, "a review on targetting cryopreservation induced cell death", presented by Manalee Surve at International Conference on Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, 30-09-2011 to 02-10-2011, Department of Biotechnology and Medical Engineering, NIT Rourkela, Orissa. 10. Madhusmita Dhupal, Bismita Nayak and Mihir K Dash, "Isolation, characterization of probiotic lacticacid bacteria from kitchen waste and from fresh water fish intestine", presented by Madhusmita Dhupal at 52nd Annual conference of Association of Microbiologists of India (AMI 2011), International conference on microbial Biotechnology for sustainable development, pp-503, November 3-6, 2011, Punjab University, Chandigarh. 11. Dash, H. R. and S. Das, 2012. Mercury resistant marine bacterial population from Bhitarkanika mangrove ecosystems, Odisha. (Abstract). National conference on Mangrove wetlands and near shore marine ecosystems from sustainability issues to management and restoration, School of Environmental Sciences, JNU, p. 48. 12. Jha, S et al. Effects of heparin on amylin fibrillization. ANNUAL MEETING OF INDIAN BIOPHYSICAL SOCIETY' at the University of Madras from 19th to 21st of January, Chennai, India. 13. Jha S, Patil SM, Gibsion J, Nelson C, Alder, NN. Effects of heparin on amylin fibrillization. Biophysical Society 56th Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, February 25-29, 2012. iii) Paper accepted for publication: 1. Das, S., P. S. Lyla and S. Ajmal Khan, 2012. Distribution and Diversity of Culturable, Aerobic Heterotrophic Benthic Bacteria in the Continental Slope of Bay of Bengal: Linked Abiotic Factors including Tsunami. Russian Journal of Marine Biology, 38 (4) (in press). iv) Books 1. Bioinformatics-Principles and Applications, Zhumur Ghosh and Bibekanand Mallick. (2012, 3rd reprint) Oxford University Press [ISBN-9780195692303]. 2. Regulatory RNAs: Basics, Methods and Applications, Bibekanand Mallick and Zhumur Ghosh (2012) Ed. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany. ISBN-978-3-642-22516-1 (Hardcover). Book Chapters : 1. Ghosh Z and Mallick B. Renaissance of regulatory RNAs. In Ghosh/Mallick (Eds.) Regulatory RNAs: Basics, Methods and Applications, Springer-Verlag, 2012. National Institute of Technology Rourkela 176 Annual Report 2011-2012 (c) Doctoral Programme : Name of Supervisor Title Name of the Scholar Brief Report Progress is good. Ph. D. Registration is complete. Cancer Biology and Epigenetics Dr. Samir K. Patra 1. Moonmoon Deb 2. Dipta Sengupta Cancer Biology and Epigenetics Course work is complete. Progress is Dr. Samir K. Patra 3. Arunima Shilpi 4. Swayamsiddha Kar good. Cancer Biology and Epigenetics Dr. Samir K. Patra 5. Ms Sabnam Parbin Joined recently as DST-INSPIRE fellow Autophagy and Apoptosis Dr. S.K. Bhutia 1. Ms. Nandini Das Deciphering role of poly aromatic hydrocarbon in human carcinogenesis Autophagy and Apoptosis Dr. S.K. Bhutia 2. Mr. Subhadip Mukhopadhyay Autophagy, autophagic death and apoptosis connection and its role in cancer Autophagy and Apoptosis Dr. S.K. Bhutia 3. Ms. Niharika Sinha Deciphering role of cancer stem cells to therapy resistance in oral cancer Autophagy and Apoptosis Dr. S.K. Bhutia 4. Mr. Prashanta Panda Autophagic cell death induction with abrus agglutinin Studies on marine bacterial Dr. Surajit Das biofilms and bioremediation 1. Neelam Mangwani 2.Bandhan Chatterjee (DBT project) Registration seminar is done. Resigned in March, 2012. Mercury resistant bacterial Dr. Surajit Das population along Odisha coast 3. Hirak R Das Registration seminar is done. Cadmium resistant bacteria and Dr. Surajit Das bioremediation 3. Jaya Chakraborty Progress is good. Bioactive compounds from marine Dr. Surajit Das microorganisms 5. Yugal K Mohanta DST- INSPIRE supported fellow. Progress is good. Molecular medicine Dr. Bismita Nayak 1. Pradipta Routa Bioethanol production Dr.R. Jayabalan (d) 1. Ms. Indira Dash Ph.D registration complete. Progress is good. Bioprospecting Lignocellulosic enzymes from termites for the production of bioethanol. She joined in Jan, 2012. Progress is good. Completing 1st semester course work during April, 2012. Ph.D. Degree Awarded : Name of the Scholar Guide Title of the Thesis Remarks -- -- -- -- National Institute of Technology Rourkela 177 Annual Report 2011-2012 (f) Master Thesis Completed : Name of the supervisor Students (On-going) Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Epigenetics and Cancer Biology Dr Samir K Patra 1. Mr Debdutta Bhoi 2. Ms Sobha Biswal 3. Ms Subhosmita Mondal 4. Mr Gagan K Panigrahi 5. Mr Somya R Patra 6. Mr Annapurna Sahoo 7. Ms Moumita Sahoo 8. Ms Saswati Swain 9. Mr Akash Tiwary 10. Ms Himani Sethi Satisfactory Cell and Developmental Biology Dr. Sujit K. Bhutia 1. Mr Chandan Das 2. Mr Chandra Sekhar Bhol 3. Ms Sneha Prasad 4. Ms Abhipsa Mishra 5. Ms Sangeeta Minz 6. Ms Rekha Marndi 7. Ms Nitu Majhi 8. Ms Archana Bhoi Satisfactory Microbiology and Environmental biology /sciences Dr Surajit Das 1. Ms S Chakraborty 2. Ms R Sinha 3. Ms R Nair 4. Ms S Srivastava 5. Ms K Parimala 6. Ms S Kumari 7. Ms M Mishra 8. Ms K Sahoo 9. Mr S Samal Satisfactory Drug delivery, Molecular medicine and Ageing Ms B Nayak 1. Mr Debasis Nayak 2. Ms Swati Chauhan 3. Mr Niladri M Das 4. Mr Gouri S Haripal 5. Ms Sonita Pradhan 6. Ms Rashmirekha Sahoo 7. Mr Karamjit Singh 8. Ms Pooja Thakur Satisfactory Field of research (g) Popular Lectures by Outside Experts : Sl. No. Name of the Speaker -6. Brief Report Title -- -- CONSULTANCY SERVICES: Name of the scheme -- Sponsoring agency Amount earned -National Institute of Technology Rourkela -178 Annual Report 2011-2012 7. EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED : Available Instruments : Serial No. 8. Name of the equipment Manufacturer Company 1 Electronic Balance Sartorius DSA224S-CW 2 q-RT PCR Eppendorf Swift Spectrum 48 (Epgradient S) 3 AKTA prime GE Health science 11001313 4 Fluorescence microscope with CCD camera Olympus IX71 5 Biosafety cabinet Thermo Fisher 1386 A2 6 Mutation detection system BioRad 7 Liquid nitrogen tank INOX IX-35,IX-45, IN-50 8 Centrifuge Eppendorf 5430R 9 Film processor ULTIMA ULTIMA-X5051 10 Sonicator 11 Spectrophotometer Perkin Elmer Lamda 35 12 Spectrofluorometer Perkin Elmer LS 55 13 Inverted microscope Olympus CKX-31 14 Floor Top centrifuge Hitachi CR22G-III LFC-110U TECHNICAL ASSOCIATION/SOCIETIES Brief report on the activities of the Association/ Societies 9. Cost (Lakhs) LABORATORIES: Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Cell and Developmental Biology Environmental Microbiology and Ecology National Institute of Technology Rourkela 179 Annual Report 2011-2012 SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT 1. ACADEMIC STAFF HEAD Prof. S. K. Rath Ph.D. FACULTIES Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Prof. C. K. Sahoo : Ph.D. Prof. R.K.Panda : MBA Prof. D. Bag : Ph.D. Prof. S.Uzma : MBA Prof. M.Padhi : MBA 2. DISTINCTION ACHIEVED: a) By Student : b) By Faculty Members : 3. 4. CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAMME Name of the course Students Admitted Brief report regarding progress -- -- -- SEMINAR, SYMPOSIA, SUMMER SCHOOL, WINTER SCHOOL, SHORT TERM COURSE / WORKSHOPS : (a) Conducted in the Department : Sponsoring Agency Name of the coordinator Title of the course Duration -- -- -- -- (b) Participation by Faculty Members: Name of the staff Dr. D. Bag Course/Seminar Organization 2nd International Conference on Infrastructure Finance 5. RESEARCH : (a) Research Scheme : Title of the scheme -- b) Research Publications i) Paper Published: IIT Kharagpur Sponsored by -- National Institute of Technology Rourkela Assistance received -- 180 Period Venue 28-30th Kharagpur December 2011 Investigator Brief report -- -- Annual Report 2011-2012 1. Padhi, M. (2011). Ameliorating acculturative stress in mergers and acquisitions. In S.Anand, I. Kumar and A. Srivastava (Eds.) Challenges of the twenty first century: A transdisciplinary perspective. India, Macmillan. 2. Sahoo, C. K. and Das, S. (2011), "Employee Empowerment: A Strategy towards Workplace Commitment", European Journal of Business and Management, 3(11): 46-54. 3. Sahoo, C. K; Das, S. and Sundaray, B. K. (2011), "Strategic Human Resource Management: The Key Drivers", Employment Relations Record, 11(2): 18-32. 4. Sharma, R; Sahoo, C. K. and Sundaray B. K. (2011), "Exploration of Possible Means towards Managing People side of Change", Training and Development Journal, January-June, 2(1): 62-71. 5. Sahoo, C. K; and Das, S. (2011), "Employee Empowerment and Organizational Outcomes: The Strategic Integration", Indian Journal of Training and Development, October-December, 41(4): 31-38. 6. Sahoo, C. K. and Sundaray, B. K. (2011), "Quality of Work Life Initiatives: Implications of Industrial Relations System", Growth: Journal of the Management Training Institute, SAIL, Ranchi, October-December, 39(3): 1422. 7. Bag Dinabandhu, "Growth of Retail Credit and its composition in Indian Banking: A Macro Evaluation. International Journal of Computing and Corporate Research, Vol. 2 (3), May 2012, ISSN (Online), 2249-054X. 8. Bag Dinabandhu, "Managing Retail Credit Risk: An Application of the Information Model", Asian Profile, Canada, Vol. 40 (1), 2012, ISSN 0304-8675. 9. Bag Dinabandhu, "Stress Testing of the Banking Sector in Credit Risk Framework" Prajanan, NIBM Journal, Pune, April-June 2012, , ISSN:0970-8448. 10. Panda, Rajeev Ku & Sreekumar (2012). Marketing Channel Choice and Marketing Efficiency Assessment in Agribusiness, Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Marketing, Taylor & Francis, 24 (3). 11. Panda, Rajeev Ku & Sreekumar (2012). Prioritizing issues in agribusiness using ridit analysis: An Indian perspective, World Journal of Agricultural Sciences, IDOSI, 8 (1): 80-88. 12. Panda, Rajeev Ku., Das, T.K. & Sreekumar (2012). Identifying the Risk Involved in Vegetable Business: An Empirical Study in India, International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, Inderscience, 5 (4):438-457. 13. Uzma. S.H. (2011), "Challenges of Reporting Intangibles Assets in the Financial Statements", The IUP Journal of Accounting Research & Audit Practices, Vol. 10(4), PP. 1-11. ii) Paper Presented in Conference/Seminar/Symposia: 1. Padhi, M., and Pattnaik, S. (2012). Role of Integration-Segmentation in Work Family Conflict and Enrichment. Paper accepted at International Society for the Study of Work and Organizational Values, June 24-27, Goa, India. 2. Padhi, M. (2012). A resource perspective to delineating the boundary strategy between work and family of software employees in the Indian IT sector. Paper accepted for 28th EGOS Colloquium 'Design!?' July 5-7, Helsinki, Finland 3. Bag, Dinabandhu (2011), Paper Presented at International Conference on Infrastructure Finance, "Capital Structure of Real Estate Firms In Emerging Market: An Analysis Of The Indian Capital Market", VGSOM, IIT Kharagpur, 28-30th December 2011. 4. Jena, S. and Sahoo, C. K. (2011), "Attaining Performance Excellence through continuous Performance Improvement Culture: A Theoretical Proposition" presented in absentia in International Conference on Business, Strategy and Management held during 25th - 26th June, 2011, Kolkata. iii) Paper accepted for Publication 1. Sahoo, C. K. and Jena, S., "Organizational Performance Management System: Exploring the Manufacturing Sectors" accepted for publication in Industrial and Commercial Training. 2. Sahoo, C. K. and Mishra, S., "Performance Management: Promoting High Performing Workforce" accepted for publication in Human Resource Management International Digest. 3. Sahoo, C. K. and Mishra, S., "A Framework towards Employee Engagement: The PSU Experience" accepted for publication in ASCI Journal of Management, Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad. 4. Bag Dinabandhu, "Transaction Costs and Efficiency in Intermediation", Journal of Service Research, Volume 13, No. 1, April 2013, ISSN 0972-4702. National Institute of Technology Rourkela 181 Annual Report 2011-2012 (c) Doctoral Programme: "Competency based Executive Performance Assessment in Manufacturing Units: An Empirical Analysis" (d) Dr. C. K. Sahoo Sambedna Jena The study will discuss the background of competence based performance management processes for development of middle and lower level executives and their managerial capabilities with a view to integrate individual goal in tandem with the corporate vision. Name of the Scholar Guide Title of the Thesis Remarks -- -- -- -- Master Thesis Completed : f) Name of the Thesis Name of the Guide -- -- Popular Lectures by Outside Experts: Sl. No. Name of the Speaker 1. Mr. S. K. Chhabra GM Marketing, RSP, SAIL Title "Marketing Process Overview in RSP" on November 28th, 2011 at 5.30PM CONSULTANCY SERVICES: Name of the scheme Sponsoring agency -7. Brief Report Ph.D. Degree Awarded : (e) 6. Name of the Scholar Name of Supervisor Title Amount earned -- -- EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED : Cost (Lakhs) Name of the equipment -- -- 8. TECHNICAL ASSOCIATION / SOCIETIES: Brief report on the activities of the Association/Societies. Marketing Club of the department was formed on October 27th, 2011and outside speakers were invited to give a talk. 9. LABORATORIES: National Institute of Technology Rourkela 182 Annual Report 2011-2012 TRAINING & PLACEMENT DEPARTMENT 1. HEAD ACADEMIC STAFF Prof. Bibhuti Bhusan Biswal Ph.D. National Institute of Technology Rourkela 183 Annual Report 2011-2012 3.2 Non-Teaching (|Academic +Technical + Administration + Supporting) Staff as on 31.03.2012. Sl.No ECODE TITLE FIRST NAME LAST NAME NEW DESIGNATION DEPT CODE 1 207826 Mr. Bamadev Acharya Assistant Registrar AC 2 475403 Sri Sachidananda Biswal Sr. Superintendent AC 3 487499 Sri Tapas Kumar Sarangi Superintendent AC 4 579430 Sri Jenamani Pradhan Attendant(SG-I) AC 5 597682 Sri Vijaya Sorengh Sr.Attendant AC 6 497690 Sri Dillip Kumar Nayak Assistant (SG-II) AC 7 495644 Sri Harihar Mohapatra Assistant (SG-II) AC 8 486478 Smt. Archana Acharya Assistant (SG-I) AC 9 488516 Smt. Pramila Das Assistant (SG-I) AC 10 493630 Smt. M.J. Toppo Assistant (SG-I) AC 11 405773 Smt. Anasuya Panda Junior Assistant AC 12 3121024 Sri Rabindra Kumar Moharana Technical Assistant BM 13 490579 Sri Basant Kumar Das Assistant (SG-I) BM 14 597692 Sri Sukra Kerketta Sr.Attendant BM 15 589551 Smt. Pramodini Sahoo Attendant(SG-II) BM 16 588527 Sri Sanatan Choudhury Attendant(SG-II) CC 17 285468 Sri Debesh Kumar Purohit Scientific Officer CC 18 207835 Mr. Snehasish Parhi Scientific Officer CC 19 391613 Smt. Sabita Mohapatra Technical Assistant(SG-II) CC 20 398697 Sri Dillip Kumar Barik Sr. Technical Assistant CC 21 398696 Sri Manoj Kumar Patnaik Sr. Technical Assistant CC 22 389555 Sri Pratap Kumar Tripathy Technical Assistant(SG-II) CC 23 388528 Sri Augustus Jate Attendant(SG-II) CC 24 2111005 Sri Manas Ranjan Pattanayak Scientific Officer CC 25 378428 Sri Mathius Minz Attendant(SG-I) CE 26 386487 Sri Harmohan Garnayak Attendant(SG-II) CE 27 390560 Sri Chamru Suniani Attendant(SG-II) CE 28 390575 Sri Ramanus Lugun Attendant(SG-II) CE 29 391607 Sri Suresh Majhi Attendant(SG-II) CE 30 491588 Sri Nimain Sahoo Assistant (SG-I) CE 31 599740 Sri Tutu Nayak Sr.Attendant CE 32 397671 Sri Ajit Kumar Nanda Sr. Technical Assistant CE 33 3070856 Mr. Samir Kumar Sethi Technical Assistant CE 34 388509 Sri Kulamani Patra Technical Assistant (SG-II) CE National Institute of Technology Rourkela 184 Annual Report 2011-2012 35 396661 Sri Sunil Cipriyan Xess Sr. Technical Assistant CE 36 3121016 Sri Manoranjan Mahapatra Technical Assistant CE 37 395649 Sri Bharat Chandra Sahu Sr.Attendant CH 38 591594 Sri Surendra Majhi Attendant(SG-II) CH 39 591585 Smt. Prabhati Barik Attendant(SG-II) CH 40 595653 Sri Jhaja Nayak Sr.Attendant CH 41 371340 Sri Rajendra Tirkey Technician(SG-I) CH 42 306813 Sri Samarendu Mohanty Technical Assistant CH 43 486479 Sri Prafulla Kumar Jena Stenographer(SG-I) CH 44 280437 Sri Siba Prasad Mohapatra Executive Engr. (Civil) CM 45 377421 Sri Budu Oram Attendant(SG-I) CM 46 387490 Sri Murali Dhara Jena Attendant(SG-II) CM 47 590582 Sri Neera Suniani Attendant(SG-II) CM 48 594635 Sri Mohit Kaliyari Sr.Attendant CM 49 599727 Sri Gouri Shankar Khatua Sr.Attendant CM 50 387493 Sri Ambuja Kumar Jena Attendant(SG-I) CM 51 397693 Sri Lokanath Behera Attendant(SG-I) CM 52 307828 Ms. Arunima Dutta Technical Assistant CM 53 306803 Sri Himansu Satapathy Technical Assistant CM 54 387496 Sri Prasanta Kumar Mohanty Attendant(SG-II) CR 55 582446 Sri Nakul Barik Attendant(SG-II) CR 56 390570 Sri Carlus Lakra Technician(SG-I) CR 57 480438 Sri Laxmidhar Dhal Assistant (SG-I) CR 58 306810 Sri Susil Kumar Sahu Technical Assistant CR 59 397678 Sri Gopinath Behera Sr. Technical Assistant CR 60 597683 Sri Nilamadhab Sahu Sr.Attendant CR 61 388508 Sri Akshya Kumar Das Attendant(SG-II) CS 62 598721 Sri Kulamani Nayak Sr.Attendant CS 63 389534 Sri Bijay Kumar Jena Technician(SG-I) CS 64 392618 Sri John Paul Holiday Nag Sr. Technical Assistant CS 65 485461 Sk. Shaikh Jalaluddin Stenographer(SG-I) CS 66 3121026 Sri Tapan Kumar Pattnaik Technical Assistant CS 67 388529 Sri Nityananda Rout Attendant(SG-II) CY 68 500757 Sri Babula Sethi Sr.Attendant CY 69 592623 Sri Stephan Jojo Sr.Attendant CY 70 497691 Sri Chandra Sekhar Mohanty Assistant (SG-II) CY 71 306802 Smt. Swagatika Tripathy Laboratory Assistant CY National Institute of Technology Rourkela 185 Annual Report 2011-2012 72 3070866 Mr. Samir Kumar Patra Laboratory Assistant CY 73 495650 Sri Ramesh Chandra Mahapatra Stenographer(SG-II) DN 74 476412 Sri Hrudananda Nayak Sr. Superintendent DN 75 578429 Sri Gobinda Chandra Jena Attendant(SG-I) DN 76 487497 Sri Ajay Kumar Sahu Stenographer(SG-I) DR 77 596659 Sri Rabindra Kumar Das Sr.Attendant DR 78 479434 Sri Banchhanidhi Sahoo Secretary Gr.II DR 79 390561 Sri Madhusudan Nanda Attendant(SG-II) EC 80 396668 Sri Iswar Chandra Gour Sr.Attendant EC 81 599731 Sri Binu Prasad Sr.Attendant EC 82 499728 Sri Pramod Oram Assistant (SG-II) EC 83 306801 Smt. Mamita Behera Technician EC 84 382441 Sri Krishna Chandra Sandil Technician(SG-I) EC 85 392616 Sri Kishore Kujur Technician(SG-I) EC 86 306821 Sri Bhubaneswar Das Technical Assistant EC 87 390563 Sri P. Prafulla Kumar Patro Technical Assistant(SG-II) EC 88 289552 Smt. Perry Radha Technical Assistant(SG-II) EC 89 392617 Sri Chumnu Tirkey Attendant(SG-II) EE 90 591611 Sri Sanyasi Charan Das Attendant(SG-II) EE 91 588524 Sri Kunja Nayak Attendant(SG-II) EE 92 599742 Sri Karuna Kar Panda Sr.Attendant EE 93 386484 Sri Jagdish Chandra Kar Stenographer(SG-I) EE 94 306805 Sri Rabindra Kumar Nayak Technician EE 95 373370 Sri Biswanath Sahoo Technician(SG-I) EE 96 397676 Sri Sahadev Swain Technician(SG-I) EE 97 396656 Sri Gangadhar Bag Technician(SG-I) EE 98 307829 Mr. Satyendra Das Technical Assistant EE 99 3121010 Mr. Maheswar Mahato Technical Assistant EE 100 3121011 Mr. Bhanu Pratap Behera Technical Assistant EE 101 2121020 Mr. Debendranath Behera Engineer (Electrical) EM 102 291587 Mr. Sushanta Kumar Sahoo Asst. Eng. (SG-II) EM 103 3121008 Mr. Umakanta Parida Technician EM 104 574380 Sri Swapneswar Tanty Attendant(SG-I) EM 105 574384 Sri Etua Mahali Attendant(SG-I) EM 106 578427 Sri Sadasib Sahoo Attendant(SG-I) EM 107 589553 Sri Sanyasi Sahu Attendant(SG-II) EM 108 590564 Sri Mahendra Kumar Behera Attendant(SG-II) EM National Institute of Technology Rourkela 186 Annual Report 2011-2012 109 594637 Sri Full James Sindur Sr.Attendant EM 110 595640 Sri Gouri Chandra Barik Sr.Attendant EM 111 599747 Sri Kandu Bada Attendant(SG-II) EM 112 599748 Sri Ramesh Chandra Das Attendant(SG-II) EM 113 374386 Sri Nanda Kishore Jena Attendant(SG-I) EM 114 306804 Sri Pravat Kumar Sahoo Technical Assistant EM 115 307834 Sri Ramakanta Behera Technical Assistant EM 116 590583 Smt. Basanti Kerketta Attendant(SG-II) EM 117 595647 Sri Soma Khadia Sr.Attendant EM 118 598707 Sri Raghu Nath Sahu Sr.Attendant EM 119 475406 Sri Krupasindhu Das Sr. Superintendent ES 120 487500 Sri Prabir Kumar Dash Superintendent ES 121 487501 Sri Bhanjan Kumar Sahu Superintendent ES 122 378426 Sri Bhikari Sahani Attendant(SG-I) ES 123 595641 Ms. Subhasini Tanty Sr.Attendant ES 124 598726 Sri Bijay Singh Sr.Attendant ES 125 599744 Sri Ashok Chandra Giri Sr.Attendant ES 126 488531 Sri Sarat Chandra Mallik Assistant (SG-I) ES 127 491612 Sri Padma Bhusan Acharya Assistant (SG-I) ES 128 489557 Smt. Rita Dungdung Assistant (SG-I) ES 129 490578 Sri Jogiya Dhanwar Assistant (SG-I) ES 130 498700 Sri Biswanath Mondal Assistant (SG-II) ES 131 501766, Sri Jaya Krushna Sahu Junior Assistant ES 4110997 132 598705 Sri Arjun Kumar Dandpat Sr.Attendant ES 133 493626 Sri Parsuram Sethi Assistant (SG-II) ES 134 588525 Sri Bharat Chandra Nayak Attendant(SG-II) ET(O) 135 498698 Sri Mangu Jate Assistant (SG-II) ET(O) 136 488502 Sri Ratnakar Biswal Assistant (SG-I) ET(O) 137 483449 Sri Braja Mohan Das Assistant (SG-I) EX 138 495652 Sri Bhakta Ballava Mishra Stenographer(SG-II) EX 139 495651 Sri Fakir Charan Chhatoi Assistant (SG-II) EX 140 599745 Sri Lachhuman Kishan Sr.Attendant EX 141 406808 Sri Sampad Patra Accountant FA 142 406809 Sri Chittaranjan Mishra Accountant FA 143 484456 Sri Prasanta Kumar Sahoo Superintendent(SG-II) FA 144 497673 Sri Ranjan Kumar Nayak Superintendent FA National Institute of Technology Rourkela 187 Annual Report 2011-2012 145 598708 Sri Rama Chandra Barik Sr.Attendant FA 146 488517 Ms. Hiramani Acharya Assistant (SG-I) FA 147 491601 Sri Pradip Kumar Mohanty Assistant (SG-I) FA 148 497672 Sri Rasmi Ranjan Dash Assistant (SG-II) FA 149 498703 Sri Krushna Chandra Naik Assistant (SG-II) FA 150 499749 Sri Gopal Krishna Rath Assistant (SG-II) FA 151 478424 Smt. Kanak Lata Biswal Assistant (SG-I) FA 152 482448 Sri Bipin Bihari Mohapatra Assistant (SG-I) FA 153 2080890 Sri Pradeep Kumar Panda Deputy Registrar FA 154 598709 Sri Dhansingh Bhumij Sr.Attendant FA 155 406816 Sri Raghunath Behera Accountant FA 156 498717 Sri Shibasankar Dandapat Assistant (SG-II) FA 157 498704 Sri Ashok kumar Patnaik Assistant (SG-II) FA 158 497674 Smt. Manasi Baral Assistant (SG-II) HS 159 593633 Smt. Dura Mahanandia Sr.Attendant HS 160 407831 Mrs. Priti Suman Kullu Accountant IA 161 490562 Sri Bijay Kumar Panda Assistant (SG-I) IA 162 497675 Sri Lalit Kumar Tirkey Assistant (SG-II) IA 163 207837 Sri Kumar Prabhanjan Panigrahi Assistant Registrar IA 164 487498 Sri Manoj Kumar Das Superintendent IA 165 598722 Sri Pandra Tanty Sr.Attendant IA 166 498701 Sri Sudhir Chandra Das Assistant (SG-II) ID 167 577423 Sri Narayan Mundary Attendant(SG-I) ID 168 207830 Mr. Madhan M Assistant Librarian LB 169 207832 Dr. Yerramsetti Srinivasa Rao Assistant Librarian LB 170 576413 Sri Sukhanath Dansana Attendant(SG-I) LB 171 589543 Sri Rabindra Kumar Das Attendant(SG-II) LB 172 598706 Sri Fagu Oram Sr.Attendant LB 173 3070841 Sri Hemanta Kumar Biswal Technical Assistant LB 174 306811 Sri Dibya Kishor Pradhan Technical Assistant LB 175 306815 Sri Kshirod Das Technical Assistant LB 176 596660 Sri Gopal Gouda Sr.Attendant LB 177 586475 Sri Muralidhar Nayak Attendant(SG-II) LS 178 488518 Sri Bivas Das Assistant (SG-I) LS 179 592620 Sri Kornelius Topno Sr.Attendant LS 180 3121013 Sri Chahat Kausar Laboratory Assistant LS 181 497681 Sri Chamudra Bada Assistant (SG-II) MA National Institute of Technology Rourkela 188 Annual Report 2011-2012 182 500764 Sri Abhimanyu Moharana Attendant(SG-II) MA 183 590568 Sri Suresh Roy Attendant(SG-II) MD 184 384457 Sri Rama Chandra Behera Pharmacist(SG-II) MD 185 495645 Sri Gopi Ranjan Jena Assistant (SG-II) MD 186 283453 Dr. Somanath Naik Sr. Medical Officer MD 187 385465 Sri Bijan Kumar Sethi Attendant(SG-II) ME 188 590566 Sri G. Syamagham Reddy Attendant(SG-II) ME 189 588532 Sri Pradip Kumar Mohanty Attendant(SG-II) ME 190 589544 Sri Pratap Kumar Patra Attendant(SG-II) ME 191 593634 Sri Philip Surin Sr.Attendant ME 192 392614 Sri Kamal Chandra Das Sr. Technical Assistant ME 193 392619 Sri Arun Kumar Parhi Technician(SG-I) ME 194 389533 Sri Naren Kumar Bisoi Technician(SG-I) ME 195 391599 Sri Jnana Ranjan Nayak Technician(SG-I) ME 196 387494 Sri Narayan Prasad Bariki Technician(SG-I) ME 197 391609 Sri Prasanta Kumar Pal Technician(SG-I) ME 198 300760 Sri Kunal Nayak Sr. Technical Assistant ME 199 491590 Sri Harihar Barkey Assistant (SG-I) ME 200 3121015 Sri Arabinda Khuntia Technician ME 201 3121021 Sri Ramkrishna Mandal Technician ME 202 3121027 Sri Laxman Kumar Mahanta Technical Assistant ME 203 306806 Sri Somnath Das Technician ME 204 591608 Sri Kashinath Barik Attendant(SG-II) MM 205 390584 Sri Bhanja Naik Attendant(SG-II) MM 206 391593 Sri Kishore Tanty Attendant(SG-II) MM 207 488512 Sri Girish Chandra Dash Assistant (SG-I) MM 208 300755 Sri Uday Kumar Sahu Technician(SG-I) MM 209 306820 Sri Shyamu Hembram Technical Assistant MM 210 399735 Sri Rajesh Patnaik Sr. Technical Assistant MM 211 3121007 Sri Subrat Pradhan Technician MM 212 599750 Sri Gobinda Chandra Barik Sr.Attendant MN 213 477415 Sri Anam Charan Muduli Stenographer(SG-I) MN 214 372362 Sri Basanta Kumar Bhoi Technician(SG-I) MN 215 280436 Md. Md. Dildar Technical Assistant(SG-I) MN 216 288504 Sri Premananda Mallick Technical Assistant(SG-II) MN 217 394638 Sri Biswanath Murmu Sr. Technical Assistant MN 218 396663 Sri Basanta Kumar Pradhan Sr. Technical Assistant MN National Institute of Technology Rourkela 189 Annual Report 2011-2012 219 397677 Sri Bramha Nanda Naik Sr. Technical Assistant MN 220 389535 Sri Bhaskar Chandra Jena Attendant(SG-II) MN 221 393624 Sri Soma Oram Attendant(SG-II) MN 222 493631 Sri Petrus Dungdung Assistant (SG-II) PH 223 595642 Sri Prakash Pradhan Sr.Attendant PH 224 390574 Sri Balaram Behuria Attendant(SG-II) PH 225 385467 Md. Inayat Alli Technical Assistant(SG-II) PH 226 588522 Sri Srinus Munda Attendant(SG-II) PH 227 490558 Sri Subash Chandra Mall Superintendent PW 228 498699 Sri Chitta Ranjan Swain Assistant (SG-II) PW 229 486480 Sri Mayadhar Mishra Assistant (SG-I) PW 230 2080903 Er. Santosh Kumar Upadhyay Registrar RG 231 598723 Sri Dusmanta Pradhan Sr.Attendant RG 232 489556 Sri Braja Bandhu Behera Secretary Gr.II RG 233 595648 Sri Dhushasan Gadmajhi Sr.Attendant SP 234 488507 Sri Soobrat Kumar Samal Assistant (SG-I) SA 235 500754 Sri Chama Oram Sr.Attendant SA 236 591589 Sri K. M. Kamal Attendant(SG-II) SA 237 599741 Sri Birsa Munda Sr.Attendant SA 238 500756 Sri Methedius Kerketta Sr.Attendant SA 239 297684 / Dr. Tushar Ranjan Patnaik SAS Officer SA 2090944 240 291603 Dr. Pranakrishna Rout SAS Officer SA 241 2111006 Mr. Nalini Hihar Nayak SAS Officer SA 242 498702 Sri Prasanna Kumar Naik Assistant (SG-II) SM 243 587492 Sri Uma Kanta Sahani Attendant(SG-II) SM 244 2070867 Mrs. Swagatika Sahoo Assistant Registrar SR 245 488530 Smt. Mrs. Asharani Beura Assistant (SG-I) SR 246 406807 Sri Gyanendra Kumar Swain Accountant SR 247 488519 Sri Pravat Kumar Pattnaik Assistant (SG-I) SR 248 598710 Sri Florence Lugun Sr.Attendant SR 249 286486 Sri Rabindra Kumar Sinha Spl. Officer, IPED SR 250 487495 Sri Trilochan Sahoo Assistant (SG-I) SR 251 500758 Sri Ajit Kumar Soy Sr.Attendant SS 252 586476 Sri Mohan Singh Tappa Attendant(SG-II) SS 253 589536 Sri Artatran Behura Attendant(SG-II) SS 254 590565 Sri Robert Dungdung Attendant(SG-II) SS National Institute of Technology Rourkela 190 Annual Report 2011-2012 255 591591 Sri Manoranjan Nayak Attendant(SG-II) SS 256 596655 Sri Sukhnath Mahali Sr.Attendant SS 257 599733 Smt. Smt. Kalabati Tanty Sr.Attendant SS 258 206797 Sri Balaram Champatiray Security Officer SS 259 286488 Smt. Kanak Prabha Dasmohapatra Technical Assistant(SG-II) TL 260 306800 Sri Bijay Kumar Behera Technician TL 261 599736 Sri Anil Kumar Pramanik Sr.Attendant TP 262 498712 Sri Rajendra Kumar Kar Assistant (SG-II) TP 263 588513 Sri Bideshi Kumar Patra Attendant(SG-II) TP 264 478425 Sri Sarat Kumar Pati Assistant (SG-I) TP 265 486477 Sri Jayanta Kumar Sahu Stenographer(SG-I) TP 266 588526 Sri Lingaraj Koleth Attendant(SG-II) TS 267 588523 Sri Prakash Chandra Mandal Attendant(SG-II) TS 268 484455 Sri Jayant Kumar Sarangi Stenographer(SG-I) TS 269 493625 Sri Girish Chandra Naik Assistant (SG-II) TS 270 395639 Sri Krushna Chandra Patra Driver(SG-II) TS 271 398711 Sri Panchanan Sahoo Driver(SG-II) TS 272 599729 Sri Kailash Rajak Sr.Attendant TS/PW 273 577417 Sri Dinabandhu Buda Attendant(SG-I) WS 274 589545 Sri Saroj Kumar Mallick Attendant(SG-II) WS 275 590567 Sri Trilochan Sahoo Attendant(SG-II) WS 276 591586 Sri Manglu Kispotta Attendant(SG-II) WS 277 300765 Sri Sudhansu Sekhar Samal Technician(SG-I) WS 278 306799 Sri Manoj Kumar Roul Technician WS 279 392615 Sri Nirod kumar Jena Technician(SG-I) WS 280 399734 Sri Soma Tigga Technician(SG-I) WS 281 399738 Sri Ashis Kumar Pradhan Technician(SG-I) WS 282 388520 Sri Pradeep Kumar Mohanty Technician(SG-I) WS 283 388521 Mir Mir Ayub Alli Technician(SG-I) WS 284 597689 Sri Sushil Pancham Sr.Attendant WS 285 599739 Sri Damodar Barik Sr.Attendant WS 286 599730 Sri Prakash Jojo Sr.Attendant WS 287 307833 Mr. Rabindra Kumar Sahoo Technical Assistant WS 288 598725, 3110996 Sri Rabinarayan Jena Technician WS 289 3121009 Mr. Debasis Dubey Technician WS 290 3121012 Mr. Surendranath Murmu Technician WS 291 3121014 Mr. Parmanand Kumar Technical Assistant WS National Institute of Technology Rourkela 191 Annual Report 2011-2012 3.3 Training Status (Staff members deputed/Sponsored for Training & Learning) Sl. Name of the Staff No. 1. Mr. M. K. Pattnaik Duration Title Venue 15/07/2011 to Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Reporting Service (SSRS) 17/07/2011 Mumbai SVNIT, Surat 2. Mr. K. P. Panigrahi 29/09/2011 to Natural Energies Conservation & Use 30/09/2011 3. Mr. M. Mishra Mr. J. Dhanwar Mr. G. C. Naik 13/10/2011 to Developing of skill in field of Noting and Drafting Filing New Delhi. 15/10/2011 System, Record Management and Improving Efficiency and Effectiveness in SOFT Skills. 4. Mr. C. Mishra Mr. S. Patra 23/11/2011 to Cash Accounts & Budgeting 25/11/2011 New Delhi. 5. Mr. B. Mondal 30/03/2012 Rourkela 4.0 RTI TEACHING PROGRAMMES : 4.1 Courses Offered : Currently the Institute offers thirteen branches in B.Tech. Programme, fourteen branches in Dual Degree B.Tech. & M.Tech, Twenty two specializations in M.Tech. Programme, four Post Graduate Programmes in Basic Sciences, five year Integrated M.Sc. in three departments, MA in Development Studies and MBA. B. Tech. : l Biomedical Engineering l Biotechnology l Ceramic Engineering l Civil Engineering l Chemical Engineering l Computer Science Engineering l Electrical Engineering l Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering l Electronics and Communication Engineering l Industrial Design l Mechanical Engineering l Metallurgical and Materials Science Engineering l Mining Engineering M. Tech. : l Biomedical Engineering l Biotechnology l Chemical Engineering l Geotechnical Engineering l Structural Engineering l Transportation Engineering l Water Resources Engineering l Ceramic Engineering l Computer Science l Information Security l Software Engineering l Communication & Signal Processing l VLSI Design & Embedded System National Institute of Technology Rourkela 192 Annual Report 2011-2012 l l l l l l l l Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering Electronics System & Communication Power Control & Drives Control & Automation Machine Design & Analysis Production Engineering Thermal Engineering Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Dual Degree B.Tech. & M.Tech. l B.Tech. in Ceramic Engg. & M.Tech. in Ceramic Engg. l B.Tech. in Chemical Engg. & M.Tech. in Chemical Engg. l B.Tech. in Civil Engg. & M.Tech. in Transportation Engg. l B.Tech. in Civil Engg. & M.Tech. in Water Resources Engg. l B.Tech. in Computer Sc. & Engg. & M.Tech. in Computer Science l B.Tech. in Computer Science & Engg. & M.Tech. in Information Security l B.Tech. in Electronics & Communication Engg. & M.Tech. in Communication & Signal Processing l B.Tech. in Electronics & Instrumentation Engg. & M.Tech. in VLSI Design & Embedded System l B.Tech. in Electrical Engg. & M.Tech. in Electronic Systems & Communication l B.Tech. in Electrical Engg. & M.Tech. in Power Control & Drives. l B.Tech. in Electrical Engg. & M.Tech. in Control & Automation l B.Tech. in Mechanical Engg. and M.Tech. in Mechatronics & Automation l B.Tech. in Metallurgical & Materials Engg. & M.Tech. in Metallurgical & Materials Engg. l B.Tech. in Mining Engg. and M.Tech. in Mining Engg. M.Sc. : (2 years) l Chemistry l Life Science l Mathematics l Physics Integrated M.Sc. (5 years) l Chemistry l Mathematics l Physics M.A. l MBA: Development Studies Ph. D. /M. Tech (Research) : l Engineering, Science, Management & Humanities 4.2 Course-wise Enrolment with sex breakup &: 4.3 Admission Statistics - UG/PG Programmes, Course-wise : Actual Students Strength, 2011-12 (Even Semester) A) UNDERGRADUATE COURSE i) B.Tech. (4 year) National Institute of Technology Rourkela 193 Annual Report 2011-2012 Branch Code ii) 2nd Semester 4th Semester 6th Semester 8th Semester Total Sanctioned Actual Sanctioned Actual Sanctioned Actual Sanctioned Actual BM 30 29 30 25 20 10 17 15 79 BT 30 31 30 25 20 11 17 14 81 CE 40 46 40 38 39 37 34 33 154 CH 50 54 50 43 39 39 34 34 170 CR 35 36 35 31 39 31 34 25 123 CS 70 74 70 63 78 75 68 73 285 EC 35 36 35 34 39 41 34 35 146 EE 60 64 60 61 78 83 68 72 280 EI 35 36 35 34 39 42 34 33 145 ID 30 31 30 28 - - - - 59 ME 80 90 80 78 78 81 68 67 316 MM 50 52 50 46 39 40 34 33 171 MN 35 36 35 31 38 36 33 29 132 TOTAL 580 615 580 537 546 526 475 463 2141 M.Tech. Dual Degree (5 years) Branch Code 2nd Semester Sanctioned Actual 4th Semester Sanctioned Actual Total DCE1 - - 10 10 10 DCE2 - - 10 9 9 DCE3 10 10 - - 10 DCE4 10 9 - - 9 DCH1 10 9 10 9 18 DCR1 10 10 10 8 18 DCS1 10 10 10 10 20 DCS2 10 11 10 9 20 DCE2 10 10 10 10 20 DCE4 10 10 10 10 20 DEE1 10 12 10 8 20 DEE2 10 10 10 9 19 DEE3 10 10 10 9 19 DME4 10 10 10 10 20 DMM1 10 10 10 8 18 DMN1 10 10 10 9 19 TOTAL 140 141 140 128 269 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 194 Annual Report 2011-2012 iii) Integrated M.Sc.(5 years) Branch Code 2nd Semester 4th Semester 6th Semester Total Sanctioned Actual Sanctioned Actual Sanctioned Actual ICY 30 27 30 11 30 2 40 IMA 30 24 30 12 30 2 38 IPH 30 28 30 14 30 5 47 TOTAL 90 79 90 37 90 9 125 B) POST GRADUATE COURSES i) M.Sc. (2 Years) Branch Code 2nd Semester Sanctioned Actual 4th Semester Sanctioned Actual Total Chemistry 46 40 46 38 78 Mathematics 46 18 46 21 39 Physics 46 35 46 37 72 Life Science 46 30 46 35 65 TOTAL 184 123 184 131 254 ii) MA (2 years) Branch Code 2nd Semester Sanctioned Actual Development studies iii) 30 11 4th Semester Sanctioned Actual 30 8 Total 19 MBA (2 years) Branch Code 2nd Semester Sanctioned Actual Management iv) 30 25 4th Semester Sanctioned Actual 30 21 Total 46 M.Tech. (2 years) Branch BM Branch Code 2nd Semester Sanctioned Actual 4th Semester Sanctioned Actual Total BM1 25 17 25 11 28 BM2 25 19 25 18 37 CE1 25 10 25 4 14 CE2 25 19 25 15 34 CE3 25 11 25 4 15 CE4 25 5 25 3 8 CH CH1 25 17 25 15 32 CR CR1 25 7 25 1 8 CE National Institute of Technology Rourkela 195 Annual Report 2011-2012 Branch 2nd Semester Sanctioned Actual Branch Code CS Total CS1 25 25 25 17 42 CS2 25 20 25 19 39 CS3 25 19 25 19 38 EC2 25 21 25 20 41 EC3 25 18 25 17 35 EC4 25 22 25 20 42 EE1 25 21 25 18 39 EE2 25 21 25 20 41 EE3 25 19 25 18 37 ME1 25 20 25 18 38 ME2 25 20 25 18 38 ME3 25 23 25 18 41 MM MM1 25 17 25 7 24 MN MN1 25 0 25 0 0 550 371 550 300 671 EC EE ME TOTAL SC ST OBC FOREIGN DASA GIRLS 2nd 99 48 164 12 4 85 1 4th 63 27 133 9 8 71 5 6th 71 37 104 0 21 70 8 8th 57 45 42 0 7 65 0 Dual Degree 38 19 79 0 0 24 2 M.Sc. (Int.) 19 11 39 0 0 25 0 M.Sc. (2yrs) 17 10 46 0 0 160 0 M.Tech. 81 46 167 0 3 151 7 M.B.A. 3 0 4 0 0 17 0 M.A. 1 2 2 0 0 13 1 TOTAL 449 245 780 21 43 681 24 SEMESTER 4.4 4th Semester Sanctioned Actual Students Total Strength : UG Courses : B.Tech. M.Tech Dual Degree (5 year) M.Sc. 5 years Integrated Course 2141 269 125 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 196 PH Annual Report 2011-2012 PG Courses : M.Tech. M.Sc. MA MBA Ph.D. M.Tech.(R) 4.5 671 254 19 46 344 86 The Hall of Residences : The institute is essentially residential and provides Hall accommodation for students. Separate Hall accommodation is available for lady students. It is mandatory for all the students to at in Halls. However a student may be permitted on application in prescribed form during beginning of each semester to live with his/ her parents or local guardian stay Rourkela. Students permitted to stay outside Hall of Residence are exempted from payment of Mess charges, seat rent, electricity and water charges under Hall fees but they will have to pay the Hall Establishment charges. Locallysponsored research students and those sanctioned withdrawals are exempted from paying Hall Establishment Fee. The name, full address, office and residence telephone number, designation and willingness of local guardian have to be furnished at the time of admission. The local guardian shall meet the Asst. Registrar (Academic) for declaration and signature. Room allotment in the Halls is done in such way that students from different region of the country freely intermingle with each other, depicting national integration. 4.6 Sl. No. Scholarships/Assistantship : Name of the Rate of State Scholarship NAME OF THE SCHOLARSHIPS No. of 1st April-11 student to 31st getting Mar.12 Scholarship TOTAL 1. P.M. Sch. for SC(Fresh)B.Tech. Odisha 0 0 2. P. M. Sch. for SC(Fresh)M.Sc. Odisha 0 0 3. P.M. Sch. for SC(Arrear) B.Tech. Odisha 5060 49 4. P.M. Sch. for SC(Rnewal) B.Tech. Odisha 0 0 5. P.M. Sch. for ST(Fresh)B. Tech. Odisha 0 0 6. P.M. Sch. for ST(Fresh)M. Sc. Odisha 0 0 7. P.M. Sch. for ST(Arrear) B.Tech. Odisha 5060 52 263120 8. Meritoious Sch. Andharua, Bbsr Odisha 24000 3 72000 9. Post Matric Sch.(SC/ST) Jharkhand 0 10. Post Matric Sch.(SC/ST) Bokaro, Jharkhand 11. Birsa Munda Tech. Stipend Jharkhand, 0 Ranchi 0 12. Merit-cum-Means for Minority Communities (only for Muslim) Jharkhand 0 0 0 13. Merit-cum-Means for Minority Communities (only for Muslim) Bihar, Patna 16000 1 16000 14. Merit-cum-Means for Minority Communities (only for Muslim) Thiruvananthapuram 41657 1 41657 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 197 247940 0 Annual Report 2011-2012 Sl. No. 15. NAME OF THE SCHOLARSHIPS Merit-cum-Means for Minority Communities (only for Muslim) Name of the Rate of State Scholarship No. of 1st April-11 student to 31st getting Mar.12 Scholarship TOTAL Odisha 62000 1 0 84500 3 253500 16. P M Sch. Mandhya Pradesh 0 0 17. P M Sch. Assam 0 0 18. Stipend (Arunachal Pradesh) Arunachal Pradesh 13200 1 13200 19. P M Sch. Chennai, Tamil 0 0 0 20. P M Sch. Karnataka 0 0 0 21. P M Sch. Andhra Pradesh 37875 1 37875 do 21000 1 21000 do 21500 do 40000 2 80000 22. Vedavyasa Vaidya Vignana Varadhi do 40000 1 40000 23. SAIL Sch. Andhra Pradesh 18000 1 18000 24. Rajashi Sahu Maharaj Sch. Maharastra 0 0 0 25. P M Sch. Maharastra 0 0 0 26. P M Sch. do32780 Aurangabad 1 32780 do- khagaria 33900 1 33900 do- khagaria 63850 1 63850 do -Buxer 20000 1 20000 do - Gaya 62350 1 62350 do - Gaya 20450 1 20450 do - Patna 84500 1 84500 do - Nalanda 47000 1 47000 do - Nalanda 20500 1 20500 do - Nabada 53000 1 53000 do - Jahanabad 10200 1 10200 do - Jahanabad 25300 1 25300 do -Bhajpur,Ara 57200 1 57200 do - Rahtash (Sasaram) 79450 1 79450 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 198 0 Annual Report 2011-2012 Name of the Rate of State Scholarship No. of 1st April-11 student to 31st getting Mar.12 Scholarship TOTAL do - Munger 48000 1 48000 do - Munger 32780 1 32780 do -Saran,Chhapra 21130 1 21130 do - Jamui 22630 1 22630 P M Sch. SC/ST Uttar Pradesh 13600 1 do 47880 1 47880 28 P M Sch.(Lucknow) General Uttar Pradesh 29400 1 29400 29 PMS Uttarakhand (Dheradun) Uttarakhand 0 0 0 30 P M Sch. Uttaranchal 0 0 0 31 P M Sch. Keral 0 0 0 32 P M Sch. Chhatishgarh 0 0 0 33 NEC Stipend Meghalaya 0 0 0 34 NEC Stipend Tripura 0 0 0 35 NEC Stipend Assam 0 0 0 36 NEC Stipend Shillong 0 0 0 37 N T Sch New Delhi 6000 11 66000 38 P M Sch. West Bengal 0 0 0 39 Tripura State Stipend Tripura, Agartala 0 0 0 40 Disability students father Sch C. M. Odisha 0 0 0 41 Rajsthan State Sch. Rajsthan 0 0 0 42 Nagaland Govt.Sch. Nagaland 0 0 0 43 Person Disability National Sch GOI, New Delhi 0 0 0 44 Financial Assistance Limestones GOI 0 0 0 45 N.C.T for SC/ST/OBC/Minority N. Delhi 19440 2 38880 46 PG Merit Sch. University Rank New Delhi 0 0 0 47 Indira Gandhi Single Child Sch. New Delhi 0 0 48 Central Sector Top Class for ST(5 Nos.) GOI, 08-09 batch 0 49 Central Sector Top Class for SC(10 Nos.) GOI,08-09 batch 0 50 Central Sector Top Class for ST(5 Nos.) GOI, 09-10 0 Sl. No. 27 NAME OF THE SCHOLARSHIPS National Institute of Technology Rourkela 199 13600 Annual Report 2011-2012 Sl. No. NAME OF THE SCHOLARSHIPS Name of the Rate of State Scholarship No. of student getting Scholarship 1st April-11 to 31st Mar.12 TOTAL batch 51 Central Sector Top Class for SC(10 Nos.) GOI, 09-10 batch 0 52 Central Sector Top Class for ST(5 Nos.) GOI, 10-11 batch 0 53 Central Sector Top Class for SC(12 Nos.) GOI, 10-11 batch 0 54 Central Sector Top Class for ST(05 Nos.) GOI, 11-12 batch 0 55 Central Sector Top Class for SC(12 Nos.) GOI, 11-12 batch 0 56 M.Tech. Stipend MHRD, GOI 8000 522 57 M.Tech. QIP Stipend MHRD, GOI 4000 17 58 Ph. D. Stipend MHRD, GOI 59 QIP (Ph.D) Stipend MHRD, GOI DD BY SCHOLARS NAME 2011-2012 60 Minority Sch. 61 18000 180 9000 04 Punjab 0 0 CAFAS Odisha 10000 140 62 PM Scholarship Bihar, Purnia 0 0 63 SAIL Sch. New Delhi 0 0 64 OPJEM Scholarship OPJEM 65000 4 65 Indian Oil Scholarship Indian Oil 12000 66 Indian Oil Scholarship Indian Oil 18000 13 67 MECON Ltd. Sch. MECON 0 0 68 Bharti Foundation Scholarship Bharti Foundation 0 0 1400000 260000 8 108000 (1 for 2010-11) 648000 4451072 4.7 Games and Sports : It is an acknowledged fact that NIT Rourkela along with its emphasis on academics gives no less priority to games and sports. Throughout the year, there are a number of games and sports activities which give ample opportunities to the students to prove their proficiency. The Games & Sports Society organized the 50th Annual Athletics Meet of the Institute during 14th-15th January, 2012. Prof. Sunil Kumar Sarangi, Director NIT Rourkela inaugurated the meet for opening ceremony on 14.01.2012. Mr. Narayan Pati, GM, SAIL, RSP graced the occasion as Chief Guest for the closing ceremony and distributed prizes and certificates to the winners. Weight Lifting, Power Lifting and Best Physique National Institute of Technology Rourkela 200 Annual Report 2011-2012 competition was conducted on 10.02.2012. Inter-NIT Football and Kabaddi tournaments organized by our institute from 02.03.2012 to 04.03.2012. 150 students from 10 NITs participated in the tournament and it was a grand success. Our institute Football and Kabaddi (men) team becomes Champion (First Place) in Inter-NIT tournament held at NIT Rourkela. Our institute Tennis, chess, cricket, hockey, athletics (track and field) and volleyball team participated in INTER NIT tournament conducted by other NITs. Chess, Hockey and cricket team won third place in NIT Suratkal. Our athletics team won seven gold, seven silver and five bronze medals and also women athletics team became women group Runner-up in NIT Surathkal. Open swimming competition in various events for student, campus children and institute staff were also conducted during this year. Few new clubs are introduced under the sports and games society namely Football, Chess, Tennis, Cricket, carom and softball. These clubs are active and conducted many events throughout the year. 4.8 Awards (Students) : A. Institute Gold Medals Sl. No. Title of the Medal Awardees 1. Best M. Tech. Anup Kawtia 2. Best B. Tech. Deepali Rath 3. Prof. Bhubaneswar Behera Gold Medal for the Best All-rounder Mrutyunjaya Sandhibigraha 4. Best B.Tech. Project 2011 Deepali Rath B. Institute Silver Medals (B. Tech.) Sl. No. Discipline Awardees 1 Biomedical Engineering MEENAKSHI SINGH 2 Bio-Technology AMIT SAMAL 3 Ceramic Engineering KAMAL NAYAN SRIVASTAVA 4 Chemical Engineering SAURAV KUMAR SAHU 5 Civil Engineering SHARBANEE PRUSTY 6 Computer Science & Engineering LOPAMUDRA MOHAPATRA 7 Electrical Engineering ROMA DASH 8 Electronics & Communication Engg. ASHISH KUMAR PANDA 9 Electronics & Instrumentation Engg. SOUBHAGYA SUTAR 10 Mechanical Engineering DEEPALI RATH 11 Metallurgical and Materials Engineering KAUSIK TAMULI 12 Mining Engineering NISHANT KUMAR PATI C. Institute Silver Medals (M. Tech.) Sl. No. Discipline Awardees 1. Biomedical Engineering BATALA SANDHYA 2. Biotechnology ANEE MOHANTY National Institute of Technology Rourkela 201 Annual Report 2011-2012 Sl. No. Discipline Awardees 3. Geotechnical Engineering ALOK SHARAN 4. Structural Engineering P HRIDYA 5. Chemical Engineering D SESHU KUMAR 6. Ceramic Engineering MOUSOM BAG 7. Computer Science ANUP KAWTIA 8. Information Security SUBHANKAR CHATTOPADHYAY 9. Telematics & Signal Processing RAVIKANTH KANNA 10. VLSI Design & Embedded System JOSHNA PALEPU 11. Electronic Systems Communication KUNDAN KUMAR 12. Power Control & Drives AMIYA KUMAR NAIK 13. Machine Design & Analysis SASANKA CHOUDHURY 14. Production Engineering RANJEET KUMAR SAHU 15. Thermal Engineering SUMIT KUMAR 16. Metallurgical & Materials Engineering MANILA MALLIK D. Institute Silver Medals (M. Sc.) Sl. No. Discipline Awardees 1. M.Sc. (Chemistry) SWAPNA SARITA MOHAPATRA 2. M.Sc. (Life Science) PRAVAT KUMAR PARIDA 3. M.Sc. (Mathematics) MAMATA SAHU 4. M.Sc. (Physics) SUSHREE ROSYLA BARPANDA E. Endowment Medals and Awards : Sl. No. Name of the Medals/Awards Awardees 1. Saurav Ranjan Kar Memorial Medal (Best Graduate of the Institute) Deepali Rath 2. Sugat Kishore Mall Memorial Medal (Best Graduate of Electrical Engineering) Roma Dash 3. Pranab Memorial Medal (Best Graduate of Mechanical Engineering) Deepali Rath 4. Prof Ashok Kumar Mohanty Medal (Best All-rounder of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering) Sridhar Kumar 5. Bhaswati Paul Memorial Medal (Best Project on Environment Pollution) Chiranjiv Mohanty 4.9 Examination Details Academic Calendar (2011-2012) National Institute of Technology Rourkela 202 Annual Report 2011-2012 B.TECH M.TECH (Regular) M.Sc RESEARCH PROGRAMMES Undergraduate Courses B.TECH (8-Semesters), M.Tech Dual Degree (10 Semesters) and M.Sc. 5 Year Integrated (10-Semesters) Sl No. Event Date Day 1. Registration for III, V and VII Semesters 18.07.2011 Monday 2. Distribution of Project Record Books to VII Semester students 18.07.2011 Monday 3. Start of III, V and VII Semester classes 19.07.2011 Tuesday 4. Registration for I Semester 21.07.2011 Thursday 5. Start of I Semester classes 22.07.2011 Friday 6. Immersion of Lord Ganesh [Puja on 01.09.2011 (Thursday)]. 04.09.2011 Sunday 7. Autumn Mid-Semester Examination 2011-12 for I, III, V and VII Semesters [Timing 23.09.2011 to Friday to 8.30 AM to 10.30 AM and 1.30 PM to 3.30PM] 30.09.2011 Friday 8. Submission of Mid-term project Record by VII semester students 17.10.2011 Monday 18.10.2011 to 9. Evaluation of Mid-term project for VII semester students 19.10.2011 Tuesday to Wednesday 10. Pre-Registration for Spring Semester 24.10.2011 Monday 11. Technical Festival [07.11.2011 is a Holiday which may be treated as a rest day] 04.11.2011 to Friday to 07.11.2011 Monday 12. Debar list (based on the attendance up to 31.10.2011) for End-Semester 11.11.2011 Examination, if any Friday 13. SAC Election 13.11.2011 Sunday 14. Submission of End-term project Record by VII semester students 16.11.2011 Wednesday 15. Evaluation of End-term project for VII semester students 27.11.2011 to Thursday and 18.11.2011 Friday 16. Autumn End-Semester Examination 2011-12 for I, III, V and VII Semesters [Timing: 23.11.2011 to Wednesday to 8.30 AM to 11.30 AM and 1.30PM to 4.30PM] 30.11.2011 Wednesday 17. Final debar list based on attendance up to 22.11.2011 for End-Semester 30.11.2011 Examination. Answer scripts of these students will not be evaluated and they will be awarded 'X' grade in respective courses. 18. Inter Semester Break (for students) National Institute of Technology Rourkela Wednesday 01.12.2011 to Thursday to 30.12.2011 Friday 203 Annual Report 2011-2012 Sl No. Event Date Day 19. Inter NIT sports meet 10.12.2011 to Saturday to 25.12.2011 Sunday 20. Publication of UG Autumn Semester 2011-12 results 21.12.2011 Thursday 21. Registration for II,IV, VI and VIII Semester 02.01.2012 Monday 22. Start of II,IV, VI and VIII classes 03.01.2012 Tuesday 23. Annual Athletic Meet 14.01.2012 to Saturday to 15.01.2012 Sunday 24. Convocation 21.01.2012 Saturday 25. Allotment of final year project to VI Semester students 27.01.2012 Friday 26. Immersion of Goddess Saraswati [Puja on 28.01.2012 (Saturday)] 28.01.2012 Sunday 27. Spring Festival 03.02.2012 to Friday (Evening) 05.02.2012 to Sunday 28. Spring Mid-Semester Examination 2011-12 for II,IV, VI and VIII Semesters [Timing 22.02.2012 to Wednesday to 8.30 AM to 10.30 AM and 1.30 PM to 3.30PM] 29.02.2012 Wednesday 29. Submission of Mid-term project thesis by VIII semester students 30. International Students' Meet and Celebrity Night (Friday not to be compensated) 09.03.2012 to Friday to 11.03.2012 Sunday 31. Evaluation of Mid-term project for VIII semester students 12.03.2012 to Monday to 13.03.2012 Tuesday 32. Pre-registration for Autumn 2011-12 21.03.2012 33. Forwarding of names of two students for each B. Tech branch to Academic Office 30.03.2012 by the respective HODs and supervisors for the Best B. Tech Project along with the reports (at least 05 pages) submitted by the students Friday 34. Debar list (based on the attendance up to 30.03.2012) for End-Semester 11.04.2012 Examination, if any Wednesday 35. Viva voce for VIII Semester students 11.04.2012 to Wednesday to 12.04.2012 Thursday 36. Presentation for Best Project evaluation 11.04.2012 37. Submission of the list of students securing < 25 (out of 20+30) in each course to 16.04.2012 Academic Office for Summer Semester Registration 2012 Monday 38. Finalization of SIRE list by Head, T & P Monday National Institute of Technology Rourkela 05.03.2012 16.04.2012 204 Monday Wednesday Wednesday Annual Report 2011-2012 Sl No. Event Date Day 39. Spring End-Semester Examination 2011-12 for II,IV, VI and VIII Semesters 23.04.2012 to Monday to [Timing: 7.00 AM to 10.00 AM and 10.30 AM to 1.30 PM] 28.04.2012 Saturday 40. Final debar list based on attendance up to 20.04.2012 for Spring End-Semester 30.04.2012 Examination 2011-12. Answer scripts of these students will not be evaluated and they will be awarded 'X' grade in respective courses 41. Registration for Summer Semester 2012 01.05.2012 to Tuesday to 02.05.2012 Wednesday 42. Duration for SIRE for third year students [8 weeks limit] 01.05.2012 to Tuesday to 13.07.2012 Friday 43. Summer break (for students) 01.05.2012 to Tuesday to 22.07.2012 Sunday 44. Submission of project record by VIII semester students in the department 07.05.2012 45. Summer Semester 2012: [Submission of questions for Mid-Sem Exam to HOD: 07.05.2012 to Monday to 21.05.2012 (Monday) Mid-Sem Examination to be conducted by the department 29.06.2012 Friday as per the schedule given by the Academic Office: 28.05.2012 (Monday) to 01.06.2012(Friday). Debar list to be notified by the department: 15.06.2012 (Friday)] 46. Final year Project evaluation 47. Submission of project record (print copy) by the Department to Academic Office 14.05.2012 and uploading e-copy to the e-thesis of the Library by the student guided by the Department Monday 48. Publication of UG Spring Semester results 24.05.2012 Thursday 49. Registration for Supplementary Examination- 2012 for all semesters 01.06.2011 to Friday to 10.06.2011 Sunday 50. Summer Course End-Semester / Supplementary Examinations-2012 for all 18.06.2012 to Monday to semesters 29.06.2012 Friday 51. Publication of results of Summer Course/ Supplementary Examinations-2012 Monday Monday 08.05.2012 to Tuesday to 10.05.2012 Thursday 12.07.2012 Thursday Postgraduate Programmes M.Tech (4-Semesters) Sl No. Event Date Day 1. Registration for III Semester 18.07.2011 Monday 2. Distribution of Project Record Books to III Semester students 18.07.2011 Monday 3. Start of III Semester classes/projects 19.07.2011 Tuesday National Institute of Technology Rourkela 205 Annual Report 2011-2012 Sl No. Event Date Day 4. Submission of report on summer work (by III semester students) 19.07.2011 Tuesday 5. Registration for I Semester 25.07.2011 Monday 6. Start of I Semester classes 26.07.2011 Tuesday 7. Immersion of Lord Ganesh [Puja on 01.09.2011 (Thursday)]. 04.09.2011 Sunday 8. Submission of Mid-term project Record by III semester students 23.09.2011 Friday 9. Autumn Mid-Semester Examination 2011-12 for I Semester (Timing 8.30 AM to 23.09.2011 to Friday to 10.30 AM and 1.30 PM to 3.30PM) 30.09.2011 Friday 10. Evaluation of Mid-term project for III semester students 26.09.2011 to Monday to 27.09.2011 Tuesday 11. Allotment of (III semester) projects to I semester students 30.09.2011 Friday 12. Pre-registration for spring semester 24.10.2011 Monday 13. Technical Festival [07.11.2011 is a Holiday which may be treated as a rest day] 04.11.2011 to Friday to 07.11.2011 Monday 14. SAC Election 15. Autumn End-Semester Examination 2011-12 for I Semester (Timing: 8.30 AM to 23.11.2011 to Wednesday To 11.30 AM and 1.30PM to 4.30PM) 30.11.2011 Wednesday 16. III semester final seminar on project work 02.12.2011 Friday 17. Submission of III semester project work and review report 07.12.2011 Wednesday 18. Inter NIT sports meet 10.12.2011 to Saturday to 25.12.2011 Sunday 19. Publication of PG Autumn Semester 2011-12 results 22.12.2011 Thursday 20. Registration for II and IV Semester 02.01.2012 Monday 21. Start of II semester classes 03.01.2012 Tuesday 22. Annual Athletic Meet 14.01.2012 to Saturday to 15.01.2012 Sunday 23. Convocation 21.01.2012 Saturday 24. Immersion of Goddess Saraswati [Puja on 28.01.2012 (Saturday)]. 28.01.2012 Sunday 25. Spring Festival 03.02.2012 to Friday (Evening) to 05.02.2012 Sunday 26. Submission of Mid-term project thesis by IV semester students 21.02.2012 13.11.2011 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 206 Sunday Tuesday Annual Report 2011-2012 Sl No. Event Date Day 27. Evaluation of Mid-term project for IV semester students 22.02.2012 to Wednesday to 23.02.2012 Thursday 28. Spring Mid Semester Examination 2011-12 for II Semester(Timing 8.30 AM to 22.02.2012 to Wednesday to 10.30 AM and 1.30 PM to 3.30PM) 29.02.2012 Wednesday 29. International Students' Meet and Celebrity Night (Friday not to be compensated) 09.03.2012 to Friday to 11.03.2012 Sunday 30. Pre-registration for Autumn 2011-12 31. Spring End-Semester Examination 2011-12 for II Semester (Timing: 7.00 AM to 23.04.2012 to Monday to 10.00 AM and 10.30 AM to 1.30 PM) 28.04.2012 Saturday 32. Summer project (III semester) starts 01.05.2012 Tuesday 33. Publication of II Semester results 24.05.2012 Thursday 34. Last date for seminar presentation and oral examination for IV semester 01.06.2012 Friday 35. Submission of project record (print copy) by the department to the Academic 04.06.2012 Office and uploading e-copy to the e-thesis of the Library by students guided by the department Monday 36. Publication of results of IV Semester Examination Thursday 21.03.2012 14.06.2012 Wednesday MBA/M.Sc./MA (4 - Semesters) Sl No. Event Date Day 1. Registration for III Semester 18.07.2011 Monday 2. Distribution of Project Record Books to III Semester students 18.07.2011 Monday 3. Start of III Semester classes 19.07.2011 Tuesday 4. Registration for I Semester 25.07.2011 Monday 5. Start of I Semester classes 26.07.2011 Tuesday 6. Immersion of Lord Ganesh [Puja on 01.09.2011 (Thursday)]. 04.09.2011 Sunday 7. Autumn Mid-Semester Examination 2011-12 for I, III, V and VII Semesters [Timing 23.09.2011 to Friday to 8.30 AM to 10.30 AM and 1.30 PM to 3.30PM] 30.09.2011 Friday 8. Submission of Mid-term project Record by III semester students 17.10.2011 9. Evaluation of Mid-term project for III semester students 18.10.2011 to Tuesday to 19.10.2011 Wednesday 10. Pre-Registration for Spring Semester 24.10.2011 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 207 Monday Monday Annual Report 2011-2012 Sl No. Event Date Day 11. Technical Festival [07.11.2011 is a Holiday which may be treated as a rest day] 04.11.2011 to Friday to 07.11.2011 Monday 12. Debar list (based on the attendance up to 31.10.2011) for End-Semester 11.11.2011 Examination, if any Friday 13. SAC Election 13.11.2011 Sunday 14. Submission of End-term project Record by III semester students 16.11.2011 Wednesday 15. Evaluation of End-term project for III semester students 17.11.2011 & Thursday & 18.11.2011 Friday 16. Autumn End-Semester Examination 2011-12 for I, III, V and VII Semesters [Timing: 23.11.2011 to Wednesday to 8.30 AM to 11.30 AM and 1.30PM to 4.30PM] 30.11.2011 Wednesday 17. Final debar list based on attendance up to 22.11.2011 for End-Semester 30.11.2011 Examination. Answer scripts of these students will not be evaluated and they will be awarded 'X' grade in respective courses. 18. Inter Semester Break (for students) 01.12.2011 to Thursday to 30.12.2011 Friday 19. Inter NIT sports meet 10.12.2011 to Saturday to 25.12.2011 Sunday 20. Publication of PG Autumn Semester 2011-12 results 22.12.2011 Thursday 21. Registration for II and IV Semesters 02.01.2012 Monday 22. Start of II and IV semester classes 03.01.2012 Tuesday 23. Annual Athletic Meet 14.01.2012 to Saturday to 15.01.2012 Sunday 24. Convocation 21.01.2012 Saturday 25. Allotment of final year project to II semester students 27.01.2012 Friday 26. Immersion of Goddess Saraswati [Puja on 28.01.2012 (Saturday)]. 28.01.2012 Sunday 27. Spring Festival 03.02.2012 to Friday (Evening) 05.02.2012 to Sunday 28. Spring Mid Semester Examination 2011-12 for II and IV Semesters [Timing 8.30 22.02.2012 to Wednesday AM to 10.30 AM and 1.30 PM to 3.30PM] 29.02.2012 to Wednesday 29. Submission of Mid-term project thesis by IV semester students 30. International Students' Meet and Celebrity Night (Friday not to be compensated) 09.03.2012 to Friday to 11.03.2012 Sunday National Institute of Technology Rourkela 208 05.03.2012 Wednesday Monday Annual Report 2011-2012 Sl No. Event Date Day 31. Evaluation of Mid-term project for IV semester students 12.03.2012 to Monday to 13.03.2012 Tuesday 32. Pre-registration for Autumn 2011-12 21.03.2012 Wednesday 33. Debar list (based on the attendance up to 30.03.2012) for End-Semester 11.04.2012 Examination, if any Wednesday 34. Finalization of SIRE list by Head, T & P Monday 35. Spring End-Semester Examination 2011-12 for II,IV, VI and VIII Semesters 23.04.2012 to Monday to [Timing: 7.00 AM to 10.00 AM and 10.30 AM to 1.30 PM] 28.04.2012 Saturday 36. Final debar list based on attendance up to 20.04.2012 for Spring End-Semester 30.04.2012 Examination 2011-12. Answer scripts of these students will not be evaluated and they will be awarded 'X' grade in respective courses 37. Duration of SIRE for students after appearing II Semester examinations [8 weeks 01.05.2012 to Tuesday to limit] 13.07.2012 Friday 38. Submission of project report by IV semester students in the department 07.05.2012 39. IV semester Project evaluation 08.05.2012 to Tuesday to 10.05.2012 Thursday 40. Submission of project record (print copy) by the Department to Academic Office 14.05.2012 and uploading e-copy to the e-thesis of the Library by the student guided by the Department Monday 41. Publication of II and IV Semester results Thursday 16.04.2012 24.05.2012 Monday Monday Research Programmes PhD and M.Tech (Research) Sl No. Event Date Day 1. Admission to Autumn Semester 2011-12 01.07.2011 to Except Satur18.07.2011 days, Sundays &Holidays 2. Last date for completion of Enrolment (for newly admitted students) 18.07.2011 Monday 3. Autumn Semester Registration for all students 18.07.2011 Monday 4. Distribution of Project Record Books to newly admitted students 18.07.2011 Monday 5. Starting of classes for course work 19.07.2011 Tuesday 6. ADVERTISEMENT FOR SPRING SEMESTER: l Advertisement to be made on : 2nd week of August. l Applications to be scrutinized : Received till 2nd week of Sept. l Completion of scrutiny of applications by all Departments : End of Sept. 12.08.2011 Friday National Institute of Technology Rourkela 209 Annual Report 2011-2012 Sl No. Event l l l Date Day Information of the scrutinized applications in website : 2nd week of Oct. Interview : Last week of Oct. Offer letter for admission to be dispatched: By 30th Nov. 7. Admission to Spring Semester 2011-12 15.12.2011 to Except Saturdays, 02.01.2012 Sundays &Holidays 8. Last date for completion of Enrolment (for newly admitted students) 02.01.2012 Monday 9. Spring Semester Registration for all students 02.01.2012 Monday 10. Distribution of Project Record Books to newly admitted students 02.01.2012 Monday 11. Starting of classes for course work 03.01.2012 Tuesday 12. ADVERTISEMENT FOR AUTUMN SEMESTER: 12.01.2012 l Advertisement to be made on : 2nd week of January l Applications to be scrutinized : Received till 2nd week of February l Completion of scrutiny of applications by all Departments : End of Feb. l Information of the scrutinized applications in website: 2nd week of March l Interview : Last week of March l Offer letter for admission to be dispatched: By 31st May 13. Annual Athletic Meet 14.01.2012 to Saturday to 15.01.2012 Sunday 14. Convocation 21.01.2012 Saturday 15. Immersion of Goddess Saraswati [Puja on 28.01.2012 (Saturday)]. 28.01.2012 Sunday 16. Last date for completion of Provisional Registration (for newly admitted students) 03.02.2012 17. Spring Festival 18. Spring Mid-Semester Examination 2011-12 (Timing 8.30 AM to 10.30 AM and 22.02.2012 to Wednesday to 1.30 PM to 3.30PM) 29.02.2012 Wednesday 19. International Students' Meet and Celebrity Night (Friday not to be compensated) 09.03.2012 to Friday to 11.03.2011 Sunday 20. Spring End-Semester Examination 2011-12 (Timing: 7.00 AM to 10.00 AM and 23.04.2012 to Monday to 10.30 AM to 1.30 PM) 28.04.2012 Saturday 21. Publication of Spring Semester 2011-12 results Thursday Friday 03.02.2012 to Friday (Evening) to 05.02.2012 Sunday 24.05.2012 Thursday * In case any of the events falls on Holiday, Director (Chairman, Senate) is empowered to take the decision regarding change in the Academic Calendar. * If situation warrants, Chairman, Senate may permit to conduct special examination and take the decision regarding change in the Academic Calendar. National Institute of Technology Rourkela 210 Annual Report 2011-2012 Convocation : The ninth Convocation-2012 was held on 21.01.2012. Sri Chandra Shekhar Verma, Chairman, Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) was invited to be the Chief Guest on the occasion. STATISTICS OF SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS IN B.TECH PROGRAMME FOR THE YEAR 2011-2012 (A) FOR THE PROGRAMME BATCH : 2008-2012 Branch No. Registered No. Passed Total Passed % of Pass Remarks 1st Class 2nd Class 07 0 12 85.71 Biomedical Engineering 14 Hons. 05 Biotechnology 14 06 07 0 13 92.86 Chemical Engineering 34 19 13 01 33 97.06 Civil Engineering 33 15 18 0 33 100 Electrical Engineering 72 36 31 01 68 94.4 Mechanical Engineering 67 31 32 0 63 94.03 Metallurgical & Materials Engineering 33 19 12 - 31 93.94 Mining Engineering 29 10 16 - 26 89.66 Computer Science Engineering 72 34 32 03 69 95.83 Electronics & Instrumentation Engg. 33 20 11 02 33 100 Electronics & Communication Engg. 35 20 13 02 35 100 Ceramic Engineering 25 11 12 - 24 96 STATISTICS OF SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS IN B.TECH PROGRAMME FOR THE YEAR 2011-12 (B) FOR THE PROGRAMME BATCH : 2007-2011 Branch No. Registered Hons. 0 No. Passed Total Passed % of Pass Remarks 1st Class 2nd Class 0 01 01 100 Chemical Engineering 01 Ceramic Engineering 01 0 0 01 01 100 Computer Science Engg. 02 01 0 01 02 100 Electronics & Instrumentation Engg. 01 0 0 01 01 100 STATISTICS OF SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS IN M.Sc. PROGRAMME FOR THE YEAR 2011-12 (A)FOR THE PROGRAMME BATCH : 2010-2012 Branch No. Registered No. Passed 1st Class 2nd Class 35 01 Physics 37 Chemistry 38 37 Mathematics 20 Life Science 35 Total Passed % of Pass Remarks 36 97.3 - 37 97.37 15 04 19 95 35 - 35 100 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 211 Annual Report 2011-2012 STATISTICS OF SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS IN M.Sc. PROGRAMME FOR THE YEAR 2011-12 (B) FOR THE PROGRAMME BATCH : 2009-2011 Branch No. Registered Mathematics 01 No. Passed 1st Class 2nd Class 01 0 Total Passed % of Pass 01 Remarks 100 STATISTICS OF SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS IN MA PROGRAMME FOR THE YEAR 2011-12 (A) FOR THE PROGRAMME BATCH : 2010-2012 Branch No. Registered HS 08 No. Passed 1st Class 2nd Class 08 - Total Passed % of Pass Remarks 08 100 STATISTICS OF SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS IN MBA PROGRAMME FOR THE YEAR 2011-12 (A) FOR THE PROGRAMME BATCH : 2010-2012 Branch No. Registered SM 20 No. Passed 1st Class 2nd Class 20 - Total Passed % of Pass Remarks 20 100 STATISTICS OF SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS IN M.TECH PROGRAMME FOR THE YEAR 2011-12 (A)FOR THE PROGRAMME BATCH : 2010-2012 Branch No. Registered No. Passed Biomedical Engg. 11 09 81.82 Biotechnology 17 16 94.12 CH Chemical Engineering 15 15 100 CE Geotechnical Engineering 03 03 100 Structural Engineering 15 14 93.33 Transportation Engineerinf 04 04 100 Water Resource Engineering 02 02 100 Electronic Systems & Communication 17 16 94.12 Power Control And Drives 19 16 84.21 Control & Automation 18 18 100 Machine Design And Analysis 18 17 94.44 Production Engineering 18 17 94.44 Thermal Engineering 18 17 94.44 MM Metallurgical And Materials Engineering 07 07 100 CS Computer Science 17 17 100 Information Security 18 18 100 Software Engineering 19 19 100 VLSI and Embedded Systems 17 17 100 BM EE ME EC Specialisation National Institute of Technology Rourkela 212 % of Pass Remarks Annual Report 2011-2012 Branch CR 4.10 Specialisation No. Registered No. Passed % of Pass Electronics Instrumentation 16 15 93.75 Communication & Signal Processing 20 19 95 Ceramic Engineering 01 01 100 Remarks Training and Placement Centre : The Training and Placement Centre has been actively performing and coordinating a number of professional activities for the students. Some of the major activities relating to the students are Practical Training, Local Study Tours to industries and Campus Placement. Like previous years the Centre had a series of such activities during the academic year 2011-12. Practical Training: Practical Training is an integral part of engineering education that aims at making students familiar with the culture and environment of industries and getting practical knowledge on working of equipments, plants and processes which cannot be accommodated or explained in a laboratory. Students are exposed to the concept of plant management and organization at first hand. Practical Training for the B. Tech. students was arranged in 149 different organizations/industries throughout the country during May-July 2011 who had completed pre-final year studies. Eight weeks of Practical Training at the end of 3rd Year are completed by each student before appearing at the final examination. Practical Training undertaken by students in industries during May-July, 2011 Sl. No. Name of Industries / Organizations 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 NIMHANS, Bangalore Honeywell Automation India Ltd. Pune L & T, Mysore Apollo Hospital, Gandhinagar IIT, Madras Ispat General Hospital, Rourkela Madison Wisconsin, U.S.A. BMH Lid. Kaxhikode DEBEL, DRDO, Bangalore IIT, Kharagpur Global Health Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi Aizawl Civil Hospital, Mizoram Clonegen Biotechnology Pvt.Ltd., Noida IIT, Kanpur AIIMS, Faridabad Institute of Geneomicse Integrative Biology OHPC Limited, Rengali National Metallurgical Laboratory, Jamshedpur Executive Engineer, R&B Division, Bhubaneswar No. of students sponsored Sl. No. 02 01 02 03 03 05 01 01 02 13 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 04 03 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 National Institute of Technology Rourkela Name of Industries / Organizations TIFR, Bangalore Capegemini India Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad ITI Limited, Bangalore Bihar e-Governance Services & Tech. Patna IIT, Bhubaneswar Apex Solutions, Hyderabad Mature Walk Web Social Enterprise, Pune BSNL, Bhubaneswar Department of CSE, IIT, Bombay NTPC Limited, Kaniha DAAD, German Academic Exchange Service All India Radio, DD, Bhubaneswar Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Kolkata NTPC limited, Anta Siemens LIC, Dubai, UAE Electronics Systems Private Limited, Vijaywada UCIL, Narwapahar Mines Nokia Siemens Network Pvt. Ltd. Noida Goldman Sachs, Bangalore 213 No. of students sponsored 01 08 01 02 01 01 01 01 16 01 07 02 01 01 01 05 01 01 Annual Report 2011-2012 Sl. No. Name of Industries / Organizations 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 UPRNN, NIT, Rourkela NHAI, Bhubaneswar Simplex Infrastructure, Kolkata Rail Vikas Nigam, Bhubaneswar L&T, Chennai Utracon Structural Systems Pvt. Ltd. HINDALCO, Hirakud TRF, Jamshedpur MECON, Ranchi BHEL, Hyderabad Subarnarekha Irrigation Project, Mundakhata PWD City Division, Jaipur Rourkela Steel Plant, Rourkela Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore EICL, Hyderabad Paradeep Phosphates Ltd. Paradeep IOCL, Vadodara IOCL, Haldia IICT, Hyderabad Bhilai Steel Plant Rattanakosin College for Sustainable Energy IMMT, Bhubaneswar IOCL, Panipat India Rare Earth Limited, Chhatrapur Alloy Steel Plant, West Bengal Tata Steel Limited Samtel Glass, Kota BARC, Mumbai TRL Krosaki Refractories Limited, Belpahar ARCI, Balapur, Hyderabad Carborundum Universal Limited, Murugappa ACE Calderys, Katni OCL, Rajgangpur Department of CS, University of Hyderabad Glorytech Software Pvt. Ltd., Bhubaneswar ISI, Kolkata Microsoft Kansoft Inc. U.S.A. National Institute of Technology, Rourkela Sanjay Gandhi Thermal Power Station, Umaria PXE, DRDO, Chandipur Interface Software, Bhubaneswar No. of students sponsored Sl. No. 06 04 02 06 01 01 02 03 02 02 01 01 99 08 01 02 03 02 01 03 01 03 03 03 01 12 02 01 02 02 02 03 02 02 10 03 03 01 04 01 06 01 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 National Institute of Technology Rourkela No. of students sponsored BHEL, Bangalore 01 HAL, Bangalore 04 Edutech Learning Solutions, Vadodara 04 The Tata Power Company Limited, Mumbai 01 OPTCL, Bhubaneswar 15 Vijag Steel Plant, Vishakhapatnam 05 DRDO, Jodhpur 01 ITR Chandipur 02 N.E.Railway, Bareilly 01 CET, Bhubaneswar 01 JR Toll Road Pvt. Ltd., Jaipur 01 Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai 02 Technische Universitat, Germany 01 University of Magdeburg, Germany 01 NTPC Limited, Simhadri 03 Haldia Petrochemicals, Haldia 01 Tata Motors, Jamshedpur 05 NALCO, Angul 01 IIT, Hyderabad 01 Metra Electronics, Kolkata 01 Atul Generators Pvt. Limited, Agra 01 ONGC, Mumbai 01 BPCL, Mumbai 01 Cryogenic Engineering Centre, IIT, Kharagpur 01 Lucas TVS Limited, Chennai 01 Hero Honda, New Delhi 01 L & T, Kansbahal 01 NTPC Limited, Singrauli 01 SAIL Refractories Unit, Marar 02 HINDALCO Industries, Renukoot 01 HINDALCO Industries, Renukoot 01 Schlumberger, Kuwait 01 CITD, Bangalore 01 Mumbai International Airport 01 RABS:HPS:MPPGCL, Barginagar 01 Ashok Leyland, Chennai 01 Tata Motors, Uttarakhand 01 HAL, Sunabeda, Koraput 01 Dassault Systems India Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore 01 Bharat Dynamics Ltd. Andhra Pradesh 01 Daimler, Chennai 01 Department of Chemical Engineering, Andhra Univ. 01 Name of Industries / Organizations 214 Annual Report 2011-2012 Sl. No. Name of Industries / Organizations 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 University of Geottingen, Germany SAIL, New Delhi Nex-G Exurerant Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Noida CMC Ltd. New Delhi IIT, Delhi CEPTA Info. Tech. Pvt. Ltd., Lucknow IIT, Guwahati Ardent Computech Pvt. Ltd., Kolkata Carnegie Mellon University, U.S.A. Tata Steel Limited, Noamundi Mines Division Myklassroom Com software Pvt. Ltd. Coimbatore Hindustan Copper Limited Drishti Soft Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Gurgaon Technophilla Systems, New Delhi No. of students sponsored Sl. No. 01 01 01 03 05 01 03 05 01 03 02 02 01 01 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 Name of Industries / Organizations India Railways, NE Rly. Izatnagar DMRL, Hyderabad Mahanadi Coalfields Limited, Talcher FFD, HAL, Bangalore Indian Railways, Varanasi Essar Learning Centre, Hazra IIT, Roorkee NMDC, Kirandul, Chattishgarh Tetra Information Services Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi LIT Susant Ku. Raut's Centre of Excellence, BBSR North Eastern Coalfields Limited, Margherita, Assam Nepal Telecom Limited, Lalitpur Bolani Ore Mine, SAIL, Keonjhar No. of students sponsored 01 02 07 02 01 01 01 01 01 01 04 01 04 Local Study Tours : Local study tours were arranged for B. Tech. students by the Training & Placement centre. The students visited different industries/organizations in and around Rourkela pertinent to their respective curricula during the period September, 2011 - February, 2012. In all 30 industrial tours were conducted during the academic session, as detailed below: Date of visit Semester 06.09.11 13.09.11 14.09.11 15.09.11 19.09.11 11.10.11 12.10.11 19.10.11 20.10.11 25.10.11 27.10.11 02.11.11 03.11.11 10.11.11 14.11.11 04.01.12 05.01.12 06.01.12 12.01.12 13.01.12 18.01.12 3rd 7th 5th 5th 3rd 3rd 5th 7th 5th 7th 5th 7th 5th 5th 7th 8th 6th 8th 4th 4th 6th Branch Chemical Mechanical(ME1) Met.& Mat Mining ID Civil Chemical Mechanical(ME2) Met. & Mat. Electrical(EE2) Mechanical(ME1) Chemical Ceramic Mechanical(ME2) Mining Civil Chemical CR Mechanical(ME2) Met. & Mat. CR No. of Students No. of Faculties visited accompanied 44 02 33 02 40 02 41 02 28 02 34 02 34 02 36 02 40 02 36 02 48 02 34 02 38 02 48 02 35 02 35 02 39 02 29 02 39 02 47 02 38 02 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 215 Name of Industry visited OCL, Rajgangpur OCL, Rajgangpur Blast Furnace,RSP Lanjiberna Limestone & Dolomite Mines OCL, Rajgangpur OCL, Rajgangpur Coke Oven & Coal Chemicals,RSP HSM & CRM,RSP SMS & Cokeovens,RSP Grid Sub-Station,Tarkera Plate Mill, RSP DISIR, Rajgangpur SMS, RSP OCL, Rajgangpur Hirakud Bundia Mine Brajarajnagar Civil Engg.Const.RSP Env.& Energy Mgt.RSP TRL, Belpahar Blast Furnace,RSP OCL, Rajgangpur Coke Oven, RSP Annual Report 2011-2012 Date of visit Semester 25.01.12 30.01.12 01.02.12 02.02.12 08.02.12 09.02.12 10.02.12 14.02.12 17.02.12 4th 8th 8th 8th 4th 8th 4th 6th 8th No. of Students No. of Faculties visited accompanied 30 02 35 02 35 02 34 02 31 02 33 02 47 02 38 02 36 2 Branch Electrical(EE1) Mining Civil Chemical Electrical(EE2) Mechanical(ME1) Met.& Mat. Ceramic Mechanical(ME2) Name of Industry visited ERS & SMS, RSP Lakhanpur OCP,MCL Pitamahal Dam,Kalunga Industrial Estate,Kalunga ERS & SMS, RSP DLS, Bondamunda DISIR, Rajgangpur OCL, Rajgangpur DLS, Bondamunda Campus Placement During the academic session 2011-12, 78 companies from different sectors visited out institute for campus placement. In all, 733 offers have been issued to our students. The following is the list of companies who visited the institute and the record of placement for the academic year 2011-12. Placement Record for the Academic Year 2011-12 SL COMPANY 1 Mahindra & Mahindra Goldman Sachs Microsoft Atkins Global Tata Motors SISC Tata Technologies Bajaj Auto Ace Calderys TELCON Maruti Suzuki India Ltd Airvana Network Tata Consulting Engineers Shapoorji Pallonji Indian Oil Corportation TATA Steel BCH Electric Ltd Thermax Ltd TRF Ltd SISO Infosys 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 BM BT CE CH CR CS EC E I 1 EE ME MM 3 10 1 MN MBA MSc 1 1 2 1 6 6 9 22 4 2 8 1 2 3 2 8 6 3 2 2 20 2 2 3 5 2 2 6 2 2 3 5 2 10 4 2 2 16 5 6 2 7 4 2 12 12 10 National Institute of Technology Rourkela MA TOTAL 1 2 2 1 3 4 21 12 216 2 2 5 3 3 4 13 110 Annual Report 2011-2012 SL COMPANY 23 24 25 26 Saint Gobain Ashok Leyland Capgemini Hero Moto Corp Ltd 3D PLM CESC Ltd UNISYS VESUVIUS India Ltd MindTree Ltd Vedanta Aluminium Ltd ITC Infotech Samsung SEL Punj Lloyd Cummins India Larsen & Toubro Ltd Rio Tinto Balmer Lawrie Ltd Oracle India Atos Origin Amdocs JSL Stainless Ltd Monnet Ispat & Energy Ltd Hindalco Essel Mining Coal India Ltd Panasonic India Sony India Honda Siel Cars India Ltd ACC Ltd IBM India Pvt Ltd HCL Technologies JSW Steels Ltd. SAP Labs India Pvt Ltd Erricson India Global Zeus Numerix enZen Global Solutions 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 BM BT CE CH CR CS EC EI 1 2 EE ME MM MN MBA 1 1 3 1 1 4 2 1 4 1 3 2 2 1 6 1 4 5 4 12 2 2 3 4 10 2 7 1 4 4 6 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 1 13 2 4 1 5 1 3 6 4 6 7 1 1 3 3 1 2 6 7 6 9 3 2 5 1 2 34 2 1 16 2 2 2 1 1 4 1 2 2 5 4 3 4 1 2 4 1 2 3 1 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 1 4 15 10 13 8 7 8 1 3 11 10 6 8 17 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 9 9 2 4 1 217 MA TOTAL 2 2 14 4 4 7 MSc 1 3 4 27 7 12 8 97 2 10 4 4 41 11 13 8 15 1 5 Annual Report 2011-2012 SL COMPANY 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 CEAT Ltd Jindal Steel & Power Ltd. Rancore Technologies Idesign Futures First NTPC Ltd C-DOT HAL Hindustan Unilever Ltd Haldia Petrochemicals Hindware Huawei Technologies MECON ThyssenKrupp PRADAN Suzuki Powertrain Ind Ltd CATERPILLAR Engineers India Ltd Midhani TRL-Krosaki Refractories Ltd. TOTAL 20 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 BM BT CE CH CR CS EC EI 1 2 2 1 EE ME 1 2 2 1 MM MN MBA MSc MA TOTAL 1 3 10 2 4 1 8 7 9 1 1 5 2 1 4 1 2 3 3 6 4 3 1 3 3 4 4 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 4 1 4 1 1 1 2 17 46 43 24 115 65 48 5.0 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES : 5.1 Ph.D. Programme - Existing and Proposed : 1 4 3 4 4 2 2 125 129 38 6 1 11 2 48 8 6 1 734 The Institution has produced 262 Ph.D.s till date in various Engineering and Science Departments. Experienced and competent faculty are available in the various specializations. The areas in which Ph.D. works are being pursued have been given below: A) Engineering : Sl No. 1. Department Biomedical Engineering Specialization Area Nanoparticle mediated protein folding in vivo and in vitro, breast cancer therapy, protein folding stem cell biology, structure function relationship of proteins, protein aggregation, nanomedicines, Tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, biomicrofluidics, Soft Materials, Medical Instrumentation, Laser-Tissue Interaction, Computational biomechanics, Protein biochemistry, structure function relationship of proteins, protein aggregation, Stem cell biology, tissue engg. National Institute of Technology Rourkela 218 Annual Report 2011-2012 Sl No. Department Specialization Area 9. Mechanical Engineering Virtual-Cellular Manufacturing, Green Supply Chain Management, Machining of MMC, High temperature testing and dissimilar metal joining, Robotics, Vibration, Structural Damping, Triobology, Composite Material, Metal Making, Quality Engg., Metal Forming, Extraction, Micro maching, Industrial Eng. Surface Eng.& Machine. Cryogenics, Heat Transfer, Alternative Fuels, I.C.Engine, Refrigeration. 10. Mining Engineering Environmental Management, Mine Environment, Geomechanics, Fly ash management in mines, Numerical modeling 11. Industrial Design Computer Aided Design and Ergonomics, Industrial Robotics, Robot Manipulator Design The Institute is on constant endeavor to establish Ph.D. & M. Tech. programmes under QIP in all engineering departments. B) Science : Sl No. Department Specialization Area 1. Chemistry Analytical and Environmental, Material, Atmospheric Modeling, Phytoremediation and Bioremediation, Crosscoupling reaction, Organic Synthesis, Organometallic chemistry (oxovanadium and oxomolybdnum complexes, thiosemicarbazone complexed of transition metals Organometallic chemistry, Molecular dynamic study, Nanomaterials, Physical organic chemistry Nanomaterials for catalysis and sensor applications, Organic synthesis and diversified functional group oriented synthesis, Heterogeneous catalysis by nanomaterials, Molecular materials for organic electronics, Nanomaterials for biological applications 2. Mathematics Algebraic Topology, Applied Functional analysis, Artificial Intelligence, Boundary value problems, Category Theory, Complex Analysis, Differential Equations, Differentiable Manifolds, Fluid Dynamics, Fuzzy sets and Topology, Fractional Calculus, Generic algorithm, Lee algebra, Magnetohydro dynamics, Mathematical Modeling and Simulation, Mathematical Physics, Number Theory, Numerical analysis, Non-linear Optimization, Operations Research, Stochastic Processes, Vibration Problems and Wavelet Transforms. 3. Physics 4. Life Science Epigenetics, Cancer biology, Environmental microbiology, marine microbiology, pollution & bioremediation, marine biotechnology, Immunology and molecular medicine C) Humanities & Social Sciences D) Management 5.2 A. Details of Ph.Ds done so far : National Institute of Technology Rourkela 219 Annual Report 2011-2012 Sl No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 17 15 10 11 12 13 14 16 B. Department Biomedical Engineering Ceramic Engineering Chemical Engineering Chemistry Civil Engineering Computer Science and Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics & Communication Engineering. Humanities and Social Sciences Industrial Design Life Science Mathematics Mechanical Engineering Metallurgical & Materials Engineering. Mining Engineering Physics School of Management Total Department Specialization Area 00 06 12 45 12 04 25 22 01 00 00 50 39 11 02 33 00 262 24 12 23 26 17 25 36 35 12 03 17 13 58 18 05 19 01 344 Completed Continuing 04 03 10 00 03 11 19 13 00 00 00 00 11 05 02 02 00 83 02 03 18 00 14 10 08 04 00 02 00 00 17 05 01 02 00 86 Details of M.Tech. (Res) done so far : Sl No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Department Biomedical Engineering Ceramic Engineering Chemical Engineering Chemistry Civil Engineering Computer Science and Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics & Communication Engineering. Humanities and Social Sciences Industrial Design Life Science Mathematics Mechanical Engineering Metallurgical & Materials Engineering. Mining Engineering Physics School of Management Total National Institute of Technology Rourkela 220 Annual Report 2011-2012 5.3 Proposed Plan for research : Department Name of the lab/Workshop Specialization Area Biomedical Engineering Protein misfolding, aggregation and diseases: Current Therapy (Prof. S. Paul) First kind of such short term course and workshop in India Tissue Engineering (Prof. M.K. Gupta) Anatomy and Physiology Lab (Prof. S. S. Ray) To gather all relevant scientists and exchange current ideas Biomechanics (Prof. A. Thirugnanam) Ceramic Engineering Chemical Engineering Bioheat and Mass Transfer Lab (Prof. A. Kumar) Extraction of Essential Oils Fluidized Bed Drying and Granulation Analysis of Char particles produced from FBG as activated carbon Environmental Engg Lab Molecular dynamic Modelling (High speed computational Laboratory) E-tongue based research (Process / product development & Control laboratory) CAD Lab Reaction Engineering Lab Civil Engineering Geotechnical Engg, Structural Engg. Highway Engg., Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Mechines and Environmental Engg. Computer Science & Engineering National Institute of Technology Rourkela 221 iPS cells and Transgenesis Tissue engineering using Adipose tissue derived stem cells and amniotic epithelial cells. Cryopreservation of human cells and tissues. Morphometric analysis of skeletal systems in Indian population. To elucidate the fundamental aspects of human biomechanics; solid mechanics of medical implants. to study the laser-tissue interaction and the tissue necrosis using cryogen Polymer derived Ceramics Development of Li-Ion Battery Materials Graphene based Materials Polymer-Ceramics composite Drug Delivery Materials Nanotechnology in Refractory Advanced Glass and Glass-Ceramics New programme New programme linkages to an existing New programme Synthesis and Physical Property estimation of Ionic liquids Design and Development of electronic tongue system for on-line monitoring of waste water, quality monitoring in food and beverage industry, which involves Signal processing, development of machine learning algorithms. Existing software such as Aspen Engineering Suite, MATLAB, ANSYS, Supertarget are used Our "Process Technology" Academic group are also planning to work on "synthesis of value-added chemicals from wastematerials". Proposed plan has already been finalized. The work will start once it will be approved by the institute. To strengthen and link to the existing M.Tech and Ph.D programmes in Geotechnical Engg., Structural Engg., Transport Engg., Water Resource Engg. and to strengthen and link to the proposed M.Tech & Ph.D. programme in Environmental Engg. Compupter Vision, Clud Computing, Embedded System, Pattern Recognition. Annual Report 2011-2012 Department Electrical Engineering Name of the lab/Workshop Specialization Area Advanced Power System Lab Power Control Drives (PCD) Control and Automation (CA) Control and Automation (CA) Control and Automation (CA) Control and Automation (CA) Control and Automation (CA) Control and Automation (CA) High Voltage Laboratory Power Control Drives (PCD) Control and Automation (CA) Real-time Embedded System Lab Hybrid Electric Vehicles Electronics & Communication Engineering Applied Signal Processing & Machine Intelligence (ASP& MI) Lab Image Processing & Computer Vision (IPCV) Lab Video Signal Processing (VSP) Lab GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) lab DSP Lab Sensor lab National Institute of Technology Rourkela 222 Hardware Implementation Shunt Active power Filter using dSPACE. Modeling and control of Distributed generation system, Hybrid vehicle Modeling and Control of Solar Power System Formation Control of Underwater Robots Adaptive & Predictive Control of Switching Converters Active Noise Control Adaptive Control Robots with Flexible Links Slip Control of Electric & Hybrid Vehicles and Railway Vehicles Condition monitoring of High Voltage Power System Equipment Plug-and-Play Hybrid Electric Vehicle Suitable for Indian Road: Control Strategies and Design Aspects. Modeling and Control of Solar Power System Aims to develop image based real time head pose estimation Laboratory and Research purpose for M.Tech. (Industrial Electronics) It will cater to the need of both UG and PG students. Various labs such as TDSP, Soft Computing, Speech Processing, etc will be conducted here. In addition, research will be conducted in Pattern Recognition, Applied Signal Processing and Speech Processing. This will primarily be used as a lab for MTech students, especially belonging to the Signal & Image Processing (SIP) specialization. In addition, many research scholars will work for their PhD programmes. This will basically cater to the needs of MTech (SIP) students. Some PhD scholars have been working in the field of video signal processing. An independent VSP Lab will further enhance the research work in this direction. There is huge scope of research in GPR for defense, space and commercial survey application. Any good outcome of research will widen the scope of getting the sponsored project from the industry and the research agencies. Detection and Estimation of radar targets in non-Gaussian noise which is rarely addressed in the existing works It is a new programme. Annual Report 2011-2012 Department Name of the lab/Workshop Specialization Area Materials and Metallurgical Engineering High temperature metallurgical processes Computational and modeling Laboratory Characterization of emerging materials Metal Joining Laboratory Gait Analysis Lab Mine Environment and Safety Engg. Lab, Geomechanics, Ground Control Lab and Computer Lab linkage to an existing New programme linkage to an existing Ultra sonic welding, Laser welding Gait Analysis Kit Strengthening and augmenting facilities for conducting state of the art Doctoral research work in the areas of Mine Environment & Safty Engg., Numerical Modelling & Simulation studies, goe-mechanics and strate control. CAD-based Ergonomic Design for hand hold industrial products Force Modelling and finite element simulation of high speed burrs used in dental surgery Design & Analysis of Custom designed vertebral implants tools for evaluation of industrial products Development of Inverse Kinematic Models for Hybrid Robotic Manipulators on Mobile Platform Modelling of an autonomous mobile robot based on its wheel geometric constraints Remote Sensing and GIS lab Application of developed cross-coupling protocol for synthesis of natural products and heterocycles Large scale molecular simulation of biomolecules Biological application of nanomaterials and biodiagnostics The purpose of the research program is to develop highly selective and ultra-sensitive solid-state catalyst and sensor materials through the control of size, shape, and composition of nanomaterials. This laboratory will be inter-disciplinary in nature and will corroborate with existing research programme of the department. The laboratory will focus primarily on problems in biomedical sciences by employing different molecular biophysics approaches. Thus, the laboratory will contribute to existing research programme of the department and the institute. Mechanical Engineering (Production & Design) Mining Engineering Industrial Design Art & Aesthetic Design Lab Chymistry CAD Lab CAD Lab Physics Mathematics Life Science Creative Automation Lab Creative Automation Lab Environmental Lab Organic Synthesis Molecular simulation laboratory Nanomaterials laboratory Nanomaterials lab Bioinformatics Lab. Molecular Biophysics Lab. 5.4 Institute - Industry Collaboration: The Institute Industry collaboration has been executed in various modes, such as Testing, Consultancy Project, Joint Research Project etc. National Institute of Technology Rourkela 223 Annual Report 2011-2012 Testing: The Institute has conducted different types of testing in various departments. The types of testing that are done by the Institute include Ballast, Concrete Cubes, Brick, Steel, Mixed design, Soil, Concrete Design, Tensile Testing, Aggragate are conducted by the Department of Civil Engineering. XRD Analysis, Ash Fusion, Fatigue Crack, Preparation of Ash, Particle size, PSD, Coking Index, DTA & TG, Hot Stage Microscope are conducted by the Department of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering. H.M.O.R., C.M.O.R., Chemical Analysis, PLC. Green Bricks are conducted by the department of Ceramic Engineering. Water, Oil and Moisture content are conducted by the departments of Chemical Engineering and department of Chemistry. Various Cable Tests are conducted by the department of Electrical Engineering. During the period from 01.04.2011 to 31.03.2012, the Institute has received Rs. 34,28,884/- & earned Rs. 18,45,918/- as Institute Overhead and 50% Institute share respectively from testing services. Consultancy: The Institute is also taking up different consultancy projects from time to time. During the period from 01.04.2011 to 31.03.2012, the Institute has taken up the following consultancy projects which are given below: Sl. No. Name of Sponsor Title of Consultancy Name of P.I. 1 Indian Rare Earth Ltd. Chatrapur Structral Design & Detailing of Self supported M.S. Chimney Prof. S.K. Sahu, CE 2 Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) Development of compliance correlation for Through wall cracked pipes& elbows to measures crack growth in Fracture Experiments Prof.P.K.Ray, ME 3 SCCL, Kolhagudar, Khammam Dist, Scientific Study for strata montring in BG parel 3A Andhra Pradesh Prof. S.Jayantu, MN 4 Rajlaxmi Constructions Limited Proof checking of design calculation note & ,Shyamkunj Appartment, Kathjodi, drawing sheet realated to composite girder for Ring Road, Cuttack-753012 central portion of ROB, Basanti Colony, Rourkela Prof. P.Sarkar, CE 5 FACOR,Bhadrak-756100 Slope Stability Analysis of Ostapal Prof.M.K.Mishra,MN 6 Chief Engineer,World Bank Projects, GOO, BBSR Independent third party review of quantity Assurance System Quantity of work & Safety Prof.M.Panda,CE 7 JSPL,Raigarh,C.G. Review,vetting,analysis of retrofitting of ash pond of JSPL Raigarh Prof.C.R.Patra,CE 8 SAIL(RMD) Bolani Ores Mines, P.O.-Bolani-758037, Keonjhar, Odisha Constultancy for compliance of conditions of stage-I Forest Clearance granted MOEF for Bolani, Odisha Prof.D.P.Tripathy,MN 9 NTPC LTD., Talcher Super Thermal Power Station, Po- Deepsikha , Anugul Review of execution of Retrofittingof Ash Dyke of Stage-I Lagoon-II, NTPC, Kanihia , Odisha Prof. C.R. Patra,CE National Institute of Technology Rourkela 224 Annual Report 2011-2012 Sl. Name of Sponsor Title of Consultancy No. 10 ESSEl MINING & INDUSTRIES LTD., Water Audit at Essel Mines, Barbil, Odisha BARBIL, Orissa (Adity Birla Group) Name of P.I. Prof.K. Pramanik, BM 11 Jindal Steel & Power , Tensa, Odisha Water Audit at TRB Iron Mine, Tensa ( JSPL) Prof. K.Pramanik,BM 12 MODI Projects LTD, KANKE ROAD, Ranchi-834008 Proof checking of bridge Abutment Design Prof.P.Sarkar, CE 13 Chief General Manager(R&D), The Singareni Collieries Co.Limited, SCCL Scientific study for suitable support system at Rk6 encli[ SRP Area, SCCL Prof.S.Jayanthu, MN 14 Essel Mining & Industries Ltd, Barbil Scruting of the Scheme for Rural piped W/S to village Champua Prof. S.K.Das, CE 15 SAIL, R&D, Barsna Iron Mines, PoTensa-770042 Ground Vibration study during trial blasting of bulk explosives Prof.B.K.Pal, MN 16 BALCO, KORBA, (Vendanta Group) Ash Dyke stability chamber/certification at 1200 mr BALCO, Korba Prof.C.R.Patra,CE 17 Jindal Power Limited, Tamar, Raigarh Slope Stability of dump along with 25% fly ash at JPOCCM Mine Prof.S.Jayanthu, MN 18 Russun Export Pvt.Ltd. R.L.Puram, Chimakurthy( Mandal)523226, A.P. Slope Stability( Scientific Study ) of Rasun Granite Mine Prof.S.Jayanthu, MN 19 Indian Rare Earth Limited (A Govt.of India U/T) Manavalakurichi-629253 Design of Chumney in Manavalakurichi, Tamilnadu Prof.S.K.Sahu, CE 20 Senior DEN Office of DRM, Chakradharpur Proof checking of structural design of PRS building of Tatanagar Prof. P.Sarkar, CE 21 Shiva Cement Ltd., Rourkela Damage Evalution Due to blasting Prof.M.K.Mishra,MN 22 NTPC,Kaniha, Talcher Strengthening of Lagoon-I of St-I, Ash Dyke of NTPC Kaniha, Talcher, Odisha Prof.C.R.Patra,CE 23 The Singarani Colliaries Co.Ltd. A.P. Scientific Study in BG-11/12 sub panel A & sub Panel B& 4 steam sand storing ss-10 of GDK No.8 Inc. RG-11Area-Reg Prof.S.Jayanthu, MN 24 NTPC Ltd, Talcher, Super Thermal Butterssing of Lagoon -I of Stage -I Ash Dyke of Power Statium Deepsikha, Anugul, TSTPS, Kanhia, Talcher Odisha Prof.C.R.Patra,CE 25 NTPC Singranli, Super Thermal Power Station Shastinagar, Sonebhadra, U.P. Prof.C.R.Patra,CE Immediate enhancement of capacity in Khadia Ash Dyke and SI ash dyke National Institute of Technology Rourkela 225 Annual Report 2011-2012 Sl. No. Name of Sponsor Title of Consultancy Name of P.I. 26 NTPC LTD, TSTPS, Deepshikha, Anugal Preparation of division tegration of rock at NTPC Ltd., Kaniha (TSTPS) Prof.S.P.Singh, CE 27 MCL, Burla Soil Investingation & Contour plotting for FBC plant at Basundhar Area Prof.S.P.Singh, CE 28 Monnet Ispat & Energy Ltd. , Vill& post- Naharpali, Tehsil- Kharsia, Raigarh-496001 Stabilization of Ash Dump at village Narayanapur of M/s Monner Ispat & Energy Ltd. Prof.S.K.Das, CE 29 The Bisra Stone Lime Co Ltd. DistSNGH, Biramitrapur-770033 Ground vibration study of Biramitrapur Lime Stone & Dolamite mines of M/S BSL Co. Ltd. Prof.B.K.Pal, MN 30 NTPC, Korba, West Review of failure status of Dhanras Dyke NTPC , Korba Prof.C.R.Patra,CE 31 Executive Engineer Project Mgt. P.M. Unit Odisha State Road Project, BBSR Testing & Examing of poor quality works specifically marked by world bank Prof. M.Panda, CE Innovation and Technology Transfer: During the period from 01.04.2011 to 31.03.2012 the Institute has received the various Research Projects are as follows: Sl. No. Name of P.I & Department Title of the Project 1 FPGA Based standalone Tunable Fuzzy Logic Controller Module Dr.S.K.Patra, EC 2 Development of Dissimilar Metal Joints By Pulsed Nd: YAG Laser Welding, Its Characterization And Defect Assesment At Room And Elevated Temperatures Dr.S.K.Sahoo, ME 3 Fabrication of Micro-Holes using Ultrasonic Vibration Assisted Micro-Drilling using PVD/CVD coated Tools. Dr.K.P. Maity, ME 4 Study of power quality problems and counter measures in present power systems using power electronic devices Prof. P. C. Panda, EE 5 Analytical and Numerical Study of Riemann Problems for Qusilinear Hyperbolic system of conservation Laws Dr. R. S. Tungala, MA 6 Development of a Data Acquisition system for OTOMELERA Naval Gun Dr.Samit Ari, EC 7 Surface property improvement of copper for electrical contacts by Electrophoretic deposition of Ultrafine ceramic particles Dr, A. Basu, MM 8 Synthesis of Nanostructured stainless steel Powder by High Energy Milling and subsequent spark plasma sintering for Novel application Dr. D. Chaira, MM 9 Metal complexes of Ferrocene based ligands,their electrochemical behaviour biological properties Dr. S. Chatterjee, CY National Institute of Technology Rourkela 226 Annual Report 2011-2012 Sl. No. Name of P.I & Department Title of the Project 10 Development of spheroidal graphite cast iron materials for transport cask application for irradiated fuel bundles. Dr. S. Sen, MM 11 Autophagic cell death induction with Abrus agglutinin Dr. S.K.Bhutia, LS 12 Studies on association between bio film formation and quorum sensing auto inducer inpotential marine bacteria for enhanced utilisation I bioremediation Dr. Surajit Das, LS 13 Ion bean based…… composite films Dr. D. Behera, PH 14 Development of antimicrobial organolels Dr. Kunal Pal, BM 15 Fuzzfified and Interval Neural Network Modeling for System Identification of structure through the use of seismic response data Dr.S.Chakraverty, MA 16 Development of Lithium Silicate Ceramic Pebbles by Microwave Sintering for the Test Blanket Module (TBM) Dr.R.Mazumdar, CR 17 Electrospun Hybrid Nano-Scaffold for Bone-Ligament-Bone(B-L-B) Graft Dr.B.P.Nayak, BM 18 Diffusion of Model proteins and macromolecules inside crowded DNA and other polyelectrolytes solutions Dr.S.Jena, PH 19 Development of Navigational controller for self piloted Mobile- Robot under water for Surveillance using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System Dr. D.R.K.Parhi, ME 20 Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Rough Alloyed Surfaces and Interfaces Dr. B. Ganguly, PH 21 Astudy of BF slag chemistry and mineralogy with respect to its flow characteristics for optimizing BF operation. Dr. U. K. Mohanty, MM 22 Connectionist Learning Models in Computational Intelligence for Assesment of Selsmic Response of Connected Structures Dr. S.Chakrevrty, MA 23 Slicing Of Aspect-Oriented and Web-Based Application Dr.DP Mohapatra, CS 24 Development of CalciumPhosphast based machinable Bioceramic Dr.Sitwik Sarkar, CR 25 Finite-element-model Updating of Aerostructures Using Density Based Fish School Search (FfSS) Dr.S.Chakraverty, MA 26 Automatic Detection of Cardiac Arrhythmias using Electrocardiographic Signal Dr. Samit Ari, EC 27 Construction of quick setting stopping in case of fire in underground mines using expansion foam agent Dr. B.K.Pal, MN 28 Wavelet Transform Mehos for the Solution of Fractional Differential Equations Arising in Real Physical Models Dr. S.Saha Ray, MA Continuing Education: The following Short Term courses are conducted by different departments of the Institute for the session 2011-2012. National Institute of Technology Rourkela 227 Annual Report 2011-2012 Sl. No. Title of the Course Name of P.I & Department 1 Environmental Management in iron, manganese and dolomite mines of Sundargarh district Dr.H.B.Sahoo 2 VLSI design and CAD tools (Module I & II) Dr. K.K.Mohapatra, EC 3 Work culture, interpersonal skills and career growth Dr. S. Mohanty, HS 4 International training program EDP on coal mining for executive fron bangladesh Dr. D.P. Tripathy, MN 5 Digital image processingFundamental and advances Dr.B.Majhi, CS 6 Application of ASPFN PLUS g-PROMS (PSE), Statistica and Matlab in process design, simulation, monitorng and control Dr. M.Kundu, CH 7 NMEICT Workshop for University representatives Dr. S.K.Patra, CC 8 Int. training program on coal mining for executives of Bangaladesh (BCMCL) Dr. D.P. Tripathy, MN 9 Winter school on digital imange processing Dr. P.K.Sa, CS 10 Embeded Systems design Dr. D.P.Acharya, EC 11 Functional Materials Processing & Characterizations Dr. Pawan Kumar, PH 12 Coal Mining for Executives of Bangladesh (BCMC) Dr. D.P.Tripathy, MN Conference/Seminar/Workshop: During the above period, the following Conferences/Seminars/Workshop are conducted by the Institute. Sl. No. Name of the Convenor & Department Title of the Conferences/Seminars/Workshop 1 Recent trends in O-O Software testing Dr. D. P. Mohapatra 2 Development of Lithium ceramic for Tritanium breeder Dr. R. Mazumdar, CR 3 Technological challenges and management issues for sustainability of mining industries Dr. B. K. Pal, MN 4 Role of scientific community in pollution prevention Dr. R. K. Patel, CY 5 Processing and characterization of materials Dr. B. B. Verma, MM 6 Modelling & analysis of dynamic systems Dr. S. Chakraverty & Dr. J. Srinivas, MA 7 Sofrware engineering Applications for computer networks Dr. S. Chinara, CS 8 Managing market intellegence Dr. D. Bag, SM 9 Use of E-Books and its future Dr. Y.Srinivas Rao, Library 10 Recent Advances in Chemical and Environmental (RACEE-12) Dr. Arvind Kumar, CH 11 Tissue Engineered Scaffold: Fabrication and Characterization Dr. K. Pramanik, BM National Institute of Technology Rourkela 228 Annual Report 2011-2012 6.0 THE BOG, COUNCIL AND OTHER COMMITTEES 6.1 BOARD OF GOVERNORS:Board of Governors (BOG) consist of 10 members and Secretary and have the power and responsibility for General superintendence, direction and control of the affairs of the institute and shall exercise all the powers of the institute not otherwise provided for by NIT Act 2007. Chairman of BOG shall preside over the meeting of the Board and has the duty to ensure the implementation of the decisions of the Board. The Board of Governors : Present incumbents are : Sl. No. Name 1. Sri B. S. Sudhir Chandra Director (Project & Planning) & Chairman, BOG, NIT, Rourkela, Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. 3rd Floor, BMTC Complex K.H.Road, Shanthinagar, Bangalore - 560 027. Ph: 2. Prof. Sunil Kr Sarangi Director National Institute of Technology Rourkela -769 008 (Odisha) 0661- 2462001 (0)/ 2472050(0) Mob: 9437041081 Fax: 2472926/ 2462022 Email: director@nitrkl.ac.in 3. Shri R. D. Sahay Joint Secretary, Government of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Room No.516, C Wing, Shastri Bhavan,New Delhi- 110 015. Tel: 011-23384861(O) Fax: 011-23384345 Email: rdsahay.edu@nic.in 4. Shri A. N. Jha Joint Secretary & Financial Advisor, MHRD, Govt. of India, Dept. of Secondary & Higher Education, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi - 110 015. Ph. No. 011-23382696 Fax No. 011-23070668 5. Dr. R. K. Bhandari Director, Govt. of India, Department of Atomic Energy Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Sector - 1, Block - AF, Bidhan Nagar, KOLKATA- 700 064. Ph: 033-23345125/ 23598683 Fax- 033 2334-6871/ 033-23341110 M09830339016 Email: bhandari@veccal.ernet.in rakeshbhandari808@gmail.com. 6. Prof. (Mrs.) Rintu Banerjee Professor, Agriculture & Food Engineering IIT, Kharagpur - 721 302 Ph. 7. Shri R. K. Behera Chairman, RSB Group, N2 - 40, IRC Village, Nayapali, Bhubaneswar - 15 Tel: Fax: M- National Institute of Technology Rourkela Contact No. 080-22969206 (Direct) 080-22969300/22969301(O) 080-42078841 Mobile: 09886073352 Fax No: 080-22969222/22969316 Email: sudhirchandra@bmrc.co.in/ bssudhirchandra@yahoo.com 03222-2833104(O), 283105(R), 277073(R) M- 09434014609 Fax: 03222-255303 rin_tuin@yahoo.com/ rb@agfe.iitkgp.ernet.in 229 0674-2550590 0674-2551668 09822014237 Annual Report 2011-2012 Sl. No. Contact No. Name 8. Shri Jadhav Sachin Ramchand, IAS Collector & District Magistrate Koraput, Orissa, PIN - 764 020. Tel: 06852-250700(O)/250255& 250477(R) Fax No. 06852-250466 M09438676611 Email: dm-koraput@nic.in 9. Prof. R. K. Sahoo Professor, ME, N.I.T., Rourkela. Ph. 0661-2462519 (0), 2463519(R) M: 09437144721 Email: rksahoo@nitrkl.ac.in 10. Prof. R. K. Patel Associate Professor, CY, N.I.T., Rourkela. Ph. 0661-2462652(0), 2463652(R) M: 09437245438 Email: rkpatel@nitrkl.ac.in 11. Er. S. K. Upadhyay Registrar & Secretary, BOG, National Institute of Technology Rourkela - 769 008(Orissa) Tel: 0661-2462021/ 2476773 (O) Fax: 0661-2462022 Mobile: 9437153285 E-Mail: registrar@nitrkl.ac.in 6.2. FINANCE COMMITTEE: The Finance Committee : Present incumbents are : Sl. No. Name 1. Sri B. S. Sudhir Chandra Director (Project & Planning) & Chairman, BOG, NIT, Rourkela, Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. 3rd Floor, BMTC Complex K.H.Road, Shanthinagar, Bangalore - 560 027. Ph: 2. Prof. Sunil Kr Sarangi Director National Institute of Technology Rourkela -769 008 (Odisha) 0661- 2462001 (0)/ 2472050(0) Mob: 9437041081 Fax: 2472926/ 2462022 Email: director@nitrkl.ac.in 3. Shri R. D. Sahay Joint Secretary, Government of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Room No.516, C Wing, Shastri Bhavan,New Delhi- 110 015. Tel: 011-23384861(O) Fax: 011-23384345 Email: rdsahay.edu@nic.in 4. Additional Secretary & Financial Advisor, MHRD, Govt. of India, Dept. of Secondary & Higher Education, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi - 110 001. Ph. No. 011-23382696 Fax No. 011-23070668 Mobile: 09868886588 5. Prof. (Mrs.) Rintu Banerjee Professor, Agriculture & Food Engineering IIT, Kharagpur - 721 302 Ph. National Institute of Technology Rourkela Contact No. 080-22969206 (Direct) 080-22969300/22969301(O) 080-42078841 Mobile: 09886073352 Fax No: 080-22969222/22969316 Email: sudhirchandra@bmrc.co.in/ bssudhirchandra@yahoo.com 03222-2833104(O), 283105(R), 277073(R) M- 09434014609 Fax: 03222-255303 rin_tuin@yahoo.com/ rb@agfe.iitkgp.ernet.in 230 Annual Report 2011-2012 Sl. No. Contact No. Name 6. Prof. R. K. Patel Associate Professor, CY, N.I.T., Rourkela. Ph. 0661-2462652(0), 2463652(R) M: 09437245438 Email: rkpatel@nitrkl.ac.in 7. Er. S. K. Upadhyay Registrar & Secretary, BOG, National Institute of Technology Rourkela - 769 008(Orissa) Tel: 0661-2462021/ 2476773 (O) Fax: 0661-2462022 Mobile: 9437153285 E-Mail: registrar@nitrkl.ac.in 6.3. BUILDING & WORKS COMMITTEE Building & Works Committee : : Present incumbents are : Sl. No. Contact No. Name of the Members 1. Prof. Sunil Kr. Sarangi, Director & Chairman, BWC, N.I.T., Rourkela 0671-2462001 (0 Fax: 2472926/ 2462022 M-9437041081 Email: director@nitrkl.ac.in 2. Shri R. D. Sahay, Joint Secretary to Govt. of India, MHRD, Government of India Dept. of Higher Education, Technical Section-I, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi Tel: 011-23384861(O) Email: rdsahay.edu@nic.in Fax: 011-23384345 3. Shri Ajaya Kr. Nayak, DGM PL No.917095 Civil Engineering, Town Engineering Department, SAIL, RSP, Rourkela, Qr. No.C-2, Sector-1, Rourkela. Mobile: 08895500078 4. Shri Vinod Kr Shrivastava, DGM PL. No.041492 Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, RSP., SAIL, RSP, Rourkela Qr. No.B/ 56, Sector-5, Rourkela-769 002 Mobile: 08895500102 5. Prof. R. K. Sahoo Professor, ME, N.I.T., Rourkela. 0661- 25139639 Ph.: 0661-2462519 (0), 2463519(R) M: 09437144721 Email: rksahoo@nitrkl.ac.in 6. Prof. S. K. Sahoo Professor, Civil Engineering, Dean (PD), NIT., Rourkela. 0661-2462322/ 2463322 (R) Fax: -0661-2462022 M-9437145236 Email: sksahu@nitrkl.ac.in 7. Executive Engineer (Elect.), CPWD, Plot No.3A, Unit - 8, Bhubaneswar-751 012. 8. Er. Umesh Ch Mishra Executive Engineer, PWD, Uditnagar, Rourkela. National Institute of Technology Rourkela 231 Annual Report 2011-2012 Sl. Name of the Members No. 9. Er. S.K. Upadhyay Registrar & Secretary, BWC, NIT., Rourkela Contact No. 0661-2462021/ 2476773 (O) Fax: 2462022 Mobile: 9437153285 Email: registrar@nitrkl.ac.in Special Invitee : Sl. No. Contact No. Name of the Members 10. Prof. Anup Kr. Panda, Professor, Elecat. Engg. Dept., NIT Rourkela Ph. 11. Prof. Sarat Kr. Das Civil Engineering, NIT Rourkela Ph. 0661-2462315(O)/ 2463315(R) Mobile: 9437145236 12. Prof. K. C. Biswal, Civil Engineering, NIT., Rourkela Ph. 0661-2462305(O),2463305(R) Mobile: 13. Prof. Chitti Babu Electrical Engg., NIT Rourkela. 0661-2462417(O), 2463417® 14. Dr. A.K. Panda, Visiting Professor, Civil Engg., NIT Rourkela. Ph. 0661-2462751(O) Mobile: 9437346785 15. Prof. A.K. Sahoo Visiting Professor, Civil Engineering Dept., NIT., Rourkela. Ph. 0661-2462321(O) Mobile: 9937586208 16. Mr. Y.K. Sahu, Visiting Professor, Elect. Engineering, NIT Rourkela Ph. 0661-2462752(O) Mobile: 9437172121 17. Mr. S. P. Mohapatra, EE (CM), Estate Ph.0661-2462071 6.4. M- 0661-2462412(O) 0661-2463412(R) 9437082684 OTHER COMMITTEES: Members of the Senate, NIT., Rourkela A) Director: 1. 2. Prof. Sunil Kr Sarangi, Director Er. S. K. Upadhyay, Registrar B) External: 3. 4. - Chairman, Senate Secretary, Senate Dr. B.S. Das, Emeritus Medical Scientist Indian Council for Medical Research, Institute of Life Sciences, Bhubaneswar M: 9937689286 - Member Prof. (Mrs.) Padmja Mishra Professor & Head, Department of Economics, Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar - Member National Institute of Technology Rourkela 232 Annual Report 2011-2012 5. Prof. R V Raja Kumar, Vice-Chancellor Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies, Vindhya C4, Ground Floor, Campus of IIIT-H, Gachibowli, Hyderabad -500 032 C) All Professors: 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. Prof. Gyanaranjan Satpathy, BM Prof.(Mrs) Krishna Parmanik, BM Prof. K.C. Patra, CE Prof. M. Panda, CE Prof. N. Roy, CE Prof. S.P.Singh, CE Prof. S. K. Sahu, CE Prof. C.R. Patra, CE Prof. Ramakar Jha,CE Prof. K. C. Biswal, CH Prof. P. Rath, CH Prof. S.K. Agarwal, CH Prof. R. K. Singh, CH Prof. S.K. Rath, CS Prof. S.K. Jena, CS Prof. B. Majhi, CS Prof. S. Bhattacharya, CR Prof. K.K. Mohapatra, EC Prof. S.K. Patra, EC Prof. S. Meher, EC Prof. P.C. Panda, EE Prof. J. K. Satapathy, EE Prof. B. Subudhi, EE Prof. A. K. Panda, EE Prof. A. Behera, MA Prof. D.G. Sahoo , MA Prof.G.K.Panda, MA Prof. Snehashish Chakravarty,MA Prof. K. C. Pati, MA Prof. B.K. Nanda , ME Prof. R.K. Sahoo, ME Prof. K.P. Maity, ME Prof. S.S. Mohapatra , ME Prof. D.R.K. Parhi, ME Prof. S. K. Sahoo, ME Prof. P.K. Ray,ME Prof. S. K. Acharya, ME Prof. U.K. Mohanty, MM Prof. B.B. Verma , MM Prof. B.C. Ray, MM Prof. S.C. Mishra , MM Prof. B.K. Pal, MN Prof. S. Jayanthu, MN Prof. D. P. Tripathy, MN Prof. S. Panigrahi , PH Prof. B.B. Biswal, TP National Institute of Technology Rourkela 233 - Member - Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Annual Report 2011-2012 D) Invitees. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. Prof. J. Bera, Head, CR Prof. (Ms.) S. Mohanty, Head, HS Prof. S. Jena, Head, PH Prof. A. K. Turuk, Head, CS Prof. B. G. Mishra, Head, CY Prof. S. Paul, Head, BM Prof. S. K. Patra, Head, LS Mr. B. Acharya, Asst. Registrar, Academic E) Student Invitees for the Academic year 2010-11: Sl. No. Name of the student - Roll No & Branch Invitee Invitee Invitee Invitee Invitee Invitee Invitee Invitee Invitee 1. Sri Divyanshu Mahajan, M. Tech, II Yr. , BM 210BM2010 M: 8763173515 Invitee 2. Shri V. K. Rohith B. Tech, III Yr, CE 109CE0547 M: 9692707749 Invitee 6.5 Other Committees : i) Deans and Heads Council, NIT, Rourkela Members: Director , Chairman Dean (FW) Dean(AA) Dean (SRICCE) Dean(SW) Dean(PD) Dean(AR) HOD, Biotech. and Medical Engg. HOD, Civil Engg. HOD, Chemical Engg. HOD, Ceramic Engg HOD, Computer Science Engg HOD, Chemistry HOD, Electrical Engg. HOD, Electronics & Communication Engg HOD, Industrial Design l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l HOD, Humanities HOD, Mathematics HOD, Mechanical Engg. HOD, Met. & Mat. Engg. HOD, Mining Engg. HOD, Physics HOD, Life Science HOD, Computer Centre HOD, Training & Placement HOD, Central Workshop Prof. in Charge, Examination Prof. in Charge, Library Head, NIT Dispensary President SAC Registrar, Secretary l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l ii) Under Graduate Programme & Evaluation Committee (UGPEC): Members: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 67 Dean of Academic Affairs Dean of Students' Welfare Prof. I/C Time Table Chairman of All DAC (UG) Head, Central Workshop Prof. I/c Examinations Asst. Registrar (Academic) - Chairman Member Member Member Member Member Member Secretary National Institute of Technology Rourkela 234 Annual Report 2011-2012 iii) Post Graduate Programme & Evaluation Committee (PGPEC): Members: 1) The Dean of Academic Affairs - Chairman 2) The Dean of Students' Welfare - Member 3) The Chairman of All DAC (PG & R) - Members 4) The Asst. Registrar (Academic) - Member Secretary iv) Institute Standing Disciplinary Committee : Members: 1) The Dean of Students' Welfare 2) Chief Warden of Halls 3) Two members of faculty nominated by the Senate for a period of two years 4) Three senior students nominated by the Director 5) The Asst. Registrar (Academic) - Chairman - Member - Members - Members - Member Secretary v) Examination Malpractice Committee : Members: 1) 2) 3) 4) The Professor-in-charge of Examinations The concerned examiner(s) & faculty reporting the incident Two faculty members nominated by the Senate for a term of two years Asst. Registrar (Academic) - Chairman - Member - Members - Member Secretary 7. CONCESSIONS FOR SCs, STs & HANDICAPPED : 7.1 Concessions Provided for Students : The admission to 1st year of UG programmes is made through the All India Engineering Entrance Examination (AIEEE) conducted by CBSE and reservation of seats for SC, ST and OBC category of candidates is followed as per the guidelines framed by Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India, Department of Secondary and Higher Education. Allotment of seats is done through CCB, New Delhi The SC/ST candidates of all programmes who are not availing any other scholarship are entitle for Post Matric scholarship at the rate prescribed by the respective State Government to which the students belong. They are required to submit their application forms (both fresh and renewal) by the date fixed by the respective State Governments, which are subsequently forwarded by the Academic Office for obtaining the scholarship. Reservation of seats for OBC, SC and ST candidates in all other programmes except Research Programmes is done to the extent of 27% for OBC, 15% for SC and 7.5% for ST candidates. Reservation of seats is not applicable to research programmes since there is no fixed intake capacity. The SC/ST candidates taking admission in postgraduates and research programmes except MBA programme are exempted from paying tuition fee. 7.2 Concessions Provided to Staffs : NIL National Institute of Technology Rourkela 235 Annual Report 2011-2012 8. FINANCIAL STATUS 8.1 Analysis of Plan and Non-Plan Grants i) Allocation of fund under Non-Plan Grant 2011-12 4800.00 lakh ii) Allocation of fund under Plan (General) Grant 2011-12 8600.00 lakh iii) Allocation of fund under Plan (SC) Grant 2011-12 700.00 lakh iv) Allocation of fund under Plan (ST) Grant 2011-12 700.00 lakh Plan Ongoing Schemes And New Projects For The Financial Year 2011-12 CODE NO. Name of the student MAJOR HEAD PE0100/ EQUIPMENT FOR ACADEMIC PE0101/2011 ELECTRONICS COMMUNICATION ENGG. 2011 DEPARTMENTS AND CENTRES PE0102/2011 CERAMIC ENGG. RS. IN LAKH Amount Alloted 2011-12 30.00 130.00 PE0103/2011 CHEMICAL ENGG. 30.00 PE0104/2011 CHEMISTRY 30.00 PE0105/2011 CIVIL ENGG. 30.00 PE0106/2011 COMPUTER SCIENCE ENGG. 30.00 PE0107/2011 COMPUTER CENTER 300.00 PE0108/2011 ELECTRICAL ENGG. 30.00 PE0109/2011 MECHANICAL ENGG. 30.00 PE0110/2011 MINING ENGG. 30.00 PE0111/2011 METALLURGICAL& MATERIALS ENGG. 30.00 PE0112/2011 PHYSICS 30.00 PE0113/2011 CENTRAL WORKSHOP 30.00 PE0114/2011 BIO TECHNOLOGY AND MEDICAL ENGG. 200.00 PE0115/2011 LIFE SCIENCES 153.00 PE0116/2011 INDUSTRIAL DESIGN 30.00 PE0117/2011 MATHEMATICS 10.00 PE0118/2011 HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES 10.00 PE0119/2011 SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT 10.00 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 236 Annual Report 2011-2012 CODE NO. Name of the student MAJOR HEAD PE0120/2011 RS. IN LAKH Amount Alloted 2011-12 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES TOTAL ALLOTMENT 550.00 1500.00 PE0200/2011 INSTITUTIONALLY FUNDED R&D PROJECTS FOR FACULTY AND STAFF 50.00 PE0300/2011 CENTRES OF EXCELLENCE PE0400/2011 NEW CONSTRUCTION - ACADEMIC, OFFICIAL & RESEDENTIAL BUILDINGS PE0500/2011 NEW CONSTRUCTION - HOSTEL BUILDINGS PE0600/2011 EXTENSION AND RENOVATIONS - ACADEMIC AND OFFICIAL BUILDINGS 1300.00 PE0700/2011 EXTENSION AND RENOVATIONS - HOSTEL BUILDINGS 2000.00 PE0800/2011 EXTENSION AND RENOVATIONS - RESEDENTIAL BUILDINGS 700.00 PE0900/2011 AREA DEVELOPMENT, DRAINAGE & SEWERAGE SYSTEM 500.00 PE1000/2011 WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM INCLUDING GROUND WATER 700.00 PE1100/2011 ROADS AND ASSOCIATED STRUCTURES 600.00 PE1200/2011 AIR-CONDITIONING AND VENTILATION OF BUILDINGS 900.00 PE1300/2011 SPORTS AND OTHER OUTDOOR FACILITIES FOR STUDENTS 100.00 PE1400/2011 CLUBS AND STAFF FACILITIES 50.00 PE1500/2011 LAWNS, GARDENS AND PLANTATION 50.00 PE1600/2011 ELECTRICITY SUPPLY PE1700/2011 TELEPHONES 300.00 PE1800/2011 FURNITURE, KITCHEN EQUIPMENT ETC. 200.00 PE1900/2011 BOUNDARY WALL AND SECURITY STRUCTURES PE2000/2011 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE, FURNITURE ETC. FOR FACILITIES OTHER THAN ACADEMIC DEPARTMENTS 300.00 PE2100/2011 MAJOR BOOKS & JOURNALS 200.00 PE2200/2011 FACULTY SALARY & ALLOWANCES UNDER PLAN(OBC) 400.00 PE2300/2011 ADVERTISEMENT & PUBLICITY FOR WORKS & OTHERS 100.00 PE2400/2011 MISCELLANEOUS 500.00 8000.00 800.00 1000.00 50.00 1000.00 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 237 Annual Report 2011-2012 PE2500/2011 NEW TELEPHONE EXCHANGE (INSTALLATION OF IP BASED EPABX) 200.00 PE2600/2011 NEW WATER TREATMENT PLANT 170.00 TOTAL ALLOTMENT 8.2 21670.00 Sources of Funds 2011-12 Head of Account Opening Balance Plan(General+OBC) Rs. in Lakh Received during the year Internal Revenue Total (-)801.34 8600.00 - 7798.66 Plan(SC) - 700.00 - 700.00 Plan(ST) - 700.00 - 700.00 (+)183.55 4800.00 1575.31 6558.86 Non-Plan 8.3 Expenditure position for Last three years : Head of Account Actual Expenditure 2009-10 Actual Expenditure 2010-11 Rs. in Lakh Actual Expenditure 2011-12 Plan(General) 1395.47 4252.49 7157.08 Plan (OBC) 5705.14 3775.78 - Non-Plan 5598.38 4951.26 5564.76 Plan (SC) - - 705.23 Plan (ST) - - 719.28 8.4 STATUS REPORT OF INTERNAL AUDIT AND PHYSICAL STOCK VERIFICATION FOR THE YEAR 2011-12 Sl. No. 01 Bio-Medical & Bio-Technology Not done due to shifting of building 02 Ceramic Engineering 03 01-12-2011 03 Chemical Engineering 21 30-03-2012 04 Civil Engineering 13 30-03-2012 05 Computer Science & Engineering 04 29-02-2012 06 Electrical Engineering 20 30-03-2012 07 Electronics & Communication Engineering 12 30-03-2012 08 Mechanical Engineering 11 30-03-2012 09 Metallurgical & Materials Engineering 07 07-03-2012 10 Mining Engineering 06 06-07-2012 11 Chemistry 09 30-03-2012 12 Humanities & Social Sciences 17 30-03-2012 13 Life Science 14 30-03-2012 14 Mathematics 18 30-03-2012 15 Physics 19 30-03-2012 16 School of Management 02 29-11-2011 Audit Units Rep. No. National Institute of Technology Rourkela Date of Issue 238 Remarks Annual Report 2011-2012 Sl. No. 17 Audit Units Industrial Design Rep. No. Date of Issue NA Commence Remarks From 2012-13 COMMON FACILITIES 01 Central Workshop 08 30-03-2012 02 Computer Centre 05 29-02-2012 03 Central Library -- -- HALLS OF RESIDENCE 01 Chief Warden 01 30-03-2012 02 S S Bhatnagar Hall 23 30-03-2012 03 M Visvesvaraya Hall 29 30-03-2012 04 G D Birla Hall 22 30-03-2012 05 Dhirubhai Ambani Hall 15 30-03-2012 06 M S Swaminathan Hall 24 30-03-2012 07 C V Raman Hall 26 30-03-2012 08 Homi Bhabha Hall 25 30-03-2012 09 Kiran Majumdar Shaw Hall 16 30-03-2012 10 Vikram Sarabhai Hall 27 30-03-2012 OTHER UNITS 01 Guest House(Both Blocks) 30 29-08-2011 02 Estate Maintenance 28 30-03-2012 03 Student Activity Centre 10 30-03-2012 9.0 CENTRAL FACILITIES & SERVICES 9.1 Computer Services Centre : Head Prof. B. Subudhi, Ph.D. Scientific Officers 1. Mr. D.K. Purohit, M.Sc. (Statistics), PG Dip. in Comp.Sc. & App., PG Dip. in Ind. Relations & Personnel Mgmt. 2. Mr. S. Parhi, MCA 3. Mr. M. R. Pattanayak, MCA Technical Assistants 1. Mrs. S. Mohapatra, Dip. in Electronics & Tele Comm. 2. Mr. P.K. Tripathy, Dip. in Electronics & Tele Comm. 3. Mr. M.K. Pattanaik, MCA 4. Mr. D.K. Barik, M.Com., PG Dip. in Computer Mgmt. National Institute of Technology Rourkela 239 Not Undertaken Annual Report 2011-2012 (A) Computer Centre Activities During the B.Tech. and M.Tech. admission, to the institute for the academic year 2011-12, computer centre provided online academic registration facility at the computer centre to all the fresh students during 1st July 2011 to 20th July 2011. Computer centre also provided online registration facility to fresh M.Sc. Students during M.Sc. - 2011 admission. Computer centre provided online voting facility at the computer centre lab during the SAC election process held on 16th April 2011. During the campus recruitment programmes of the year 2011-12, various companies like ESSAR STEEL Ltd., AMAZON India, ATKINS GLOBAL, TATA MOTORS, TATA TECNOLOGIES, MARUTI SUZUKI India Ltd., TATA STEEL, SAINT GOBAIN, CAPGEMINI, ITC Infotech, PUNJ LLOYD, L&T Construction, ORACLE SOFT, AMDOCS, SONY India, JSPL, Future Fast, SAP LAB, TCS, ERICSSON India, etc. conducted their online selection tests in the computer centre lab during the period from April' 2011 to March' 2012. E-Cell of the institute organized a Business Simulation Competition in collaboration with "iInteract" on 10th September 2011. On 27th September computer centre provided its Video conferencing facility to OPJEMS-2011 for conducting their online interview for short listed candidates of the institute. (B) Hardware additions During the financial year 2011-12, computer centre procured and installed the following hardware and software for the institute. Computer centre purchased 20 numbers of Hitachi CP-X 3511 multimedia projectors having 1024 x 768 XGA resolution, 3500 ANSI Lumen along with ceiling mount kit and wall hanging screen, that are being fixed at different classrooms of new lecture hall complex. To cater the computational needs for the new faculty members, research scholars and new laboratories, computer centre procured 450 new desktops under DGS&D rate contract and distributed to various departments. Of these 250 PCs include HP desktop computers with Intel V Pro processor, 4GB DDR2 1066 MHz RAM, 500 GB HDD, 8x DVD Rewriter and remaining 200 are DELL desktop computers having similar configurations. Computer centre also procured 90 nos. of HP make Laser Jet printers for new faculty members of the institute. To implement Biometric attendance system computer centre has procured 2 numbers of Attendance Recording Device (terminals) and related COMPRO 2000 software from FORTUNA IMPEX PTE Ltd. The terminals have been installed at two different locations of the institute main building and are being used to record attendance of research scholars and post graduate students of the institute since November, 2011. To enhance the E-learning programme of the institute, computer centre has purchased 3 numbers of SONY handycam (model HDR XR 160E) with full HD-1080, 160 GB Hard disk drive, 3.3 M.P, 42X Zoom, 3" LCD screen, which are being used by the student wing of the E-learning cell. VmWare support and Subscription (SnS) license for VMWare vSphere and vCenter were renewed for 3 years starting from May, 2011 to May, 2014. Computer centre purchased various Microsoft licenses such as, Desktop Edu, MS Visual Studio Pro, MS Windows Svr Std, MS Windows HPC Server OS, etc for 1 year from M/S Microtech Software Pvt. Ltd, Kolkata. National Institute of Technology Rourkela 240 Annual Report 2011-2012 9.2 Workshop : The Central Workshop is functioning under the support and services of the Institute and its facilities are extended to various departments of the institute for conducting different project / research work at UG, PG and Doctoral level, under the guidance of the respective guides including regular sessional classes as a part of the curriculum for students at various levels. The Central Workshop facilitates to impart practical skills for the students in major fields of engineering and technology. In addition to housing many conventional machines and equipment it also has most modern fabrication and production units in tune with the recent technological developments. The Central Workshop has four sections, namely, Machine shop, Assembly (fitting and carpentry) shop, Electrical, Electronics & Computer shop, and Welding & Foundry shop. 1. ACADEMIC STAFF : Prof. Susanta Kumar Sahoo (Head of the Department) : Ph.D. Prof. Subrata Karmakar (Prof-in-charge Elec, Electr & Computer Shop) : Ph. D. Prof. Saroj Kumar Patel (Prof-in-charge Assembly Shop) : Ph.D Prof. Saurav Datta (Prof-in-charge Welding and Foundry Shop) : Ph.D. Prof. Susanta Kumar Sahoo (Prof-in-charge Machine Shop) : Ph.D 2. 9.3 Equipments Acquired : Sl no Name of the equipment Date of purchase & Cost (in Rupees) 1. Vertical Band saw cutter 30.3.2012 358000 2. Power Saw 10.12.2012 76000 Library : The working hours of Central Library is from 8.00 hours to 22.00 hours on all working days. The issuing counter is opened from 8.00 hours to 17.15 hours only. On holidays and Sundays it remains open from 8.00 hours to 17.15 hours for reference only during which no books are issued. i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) No. of Books available up to 31.03.2011 : 59981 No. of Books added by 31.03.2012 : 1851 Expenditure on purchase of books during the financial year 2010-11: Rs. 1,22,23,073.00 (approx.) No. of Journals subscribed and expenditure on journals : l No. of Online Journals : Around 2000 l No. of Abstract Databases : 05 l No. of Print Journals : 80 l Expenditure on Online Journals for the year 2011-12: Rs. 1,36,01,268.00 (Approx.) l Expenditure on Journals for the year 2011-12 : Rs. 1,12,490.00 (Approx.) Expenditure on other items Any other facilities added l Institutional Repository using DSPACE l RFID Book Drop facility for check-in of library materials National Institute of Technology Rourkela 241 Annual Report 2011-2012 9.4 Laboratories : Biotechnology & Medical Engineering Cell and molecular Engineering Laboratory Bioprocess Engineering Laboratory Environment and plant Biotechnology Laboratory Biomechanics and Biotransport Engineering Laboratory Tissue Engineering and Biomaterilas Laboratory Medical Electronics and instrumentation Laboratory Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory Departmental Computational facility Ceramic Engineering Chemical Analysis Laboratory Computer Laboratory Electro-Ceramic Laboratory High Temperature Laboratory Thermal Analysis Laboratory Workshop X-Ray Laboratory Material Charecterizational Laboratory Chemical Engineering Bio Technology Laboratory CAPPD Laboratory Fluid Dynamics Fundamental Laboratory Heat Transfer Fundamental Laboratory Material Handling Laboratory Nano & Interfacial Science Laboratory Process Dynamics & Control Laboratory Chemical Reaction Engineering Laboratory Fules & Combustion Laboratory Process Technology Laboratory Fluid Dynamics Application Laboratory Heat Transfer Design Laboratory Mass Transfer Fundamental Laboratory Process Instrumentation Laboratory Process Simulation Laboratory Civil Engineering Computer Laboratory- I Computer Laboratory- II Fluid Mechanics Laboratory Highway Laboratory Hydraulic Machine Laboratory Material Testing Laboratory Geo Technical. Laboratory Structural Engineering Laboratory Environmental Engg. Laboratory Surveying Laboratory Remote Sensing & GIS Laboratory Computer Science & Engineering Hardware Laboratory Digital Electronics Laboratory Microprocessor Laboratory Analog Electronics Communication Labaratory Image Processing Laboratory Computational Laboratory National Institute of Technology Rourkela 242 Annual Report 2011-2012 Database Laboratory Software Laboratory Network Security Laboratory Distributed Object Systems Lab. Electrical Engineering Advanced Power System Lab Advanced Control & Robotics Research Laboratory Power Electronics and Drives Lab Machine Lab Signal Processing and Communication Lab. Microwave and Antenna Lab. Measurement Lab Control Lab (i) Development of High Voltage Laboratory (ii) PIC of Electrical workshop Real-time Embedded System Lab Electronics & Communication Engineering Electronics Laboratory Digital Electronics & microprocessor Laboratory Computer Laboratory Instrumentation Laboratory Telematics Laboratory DSP Laboratory Process Control Lab VLSI Lab Embedded System Lab Communication Lab Image and Speech Processing Lab Computer Vision Lab Microwave Engineering Lab Advanced Communication Lab ALTERA FPGA/SOPC Center Antenna Design and Simulation Laboratory Industrial Design CAD Laboratory Art and Aesthetic Design Laboratory Creative Automation Laboratory Product Design and Development Laboratory Mechanical Engineering Refrigeration and Cryogenic Laboratory CFD Laboratory IC Engine and Gas Dynamics Laboratory Stress Analysis Laboratory Tribology Laboratory Robotics Laboratory Dynamics and Vibration Laboratory Metal Cutting and Nonconventional Machine Laboratory Production Metrology Laboratory CAD/CAM Laboratory Computational Laboratory National Institute of Technology Rourkela 243 Annual Report 2011-2012 Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Electrometallurgy Laboratory Thermal Analysis Laboratory Fuel & Process Metallurgy Lab Mineral dressing Lab FRP-Composite Lab SEM Lab Surface Engineering Lab XRD Lab Mechanical Characterization Lab Physical Metallurgy & Heat Treatment Lab Mechanical Alloying Lab Mining Engineering Computer Laboratory Geology Laboratory Mine Environment and Engg Laboratory Material Handling System Laboratory Solid Fuel Technology Laboratory Mine Surveying Laboratory Geo Mechanics Laboratory Ground Control Laboratory Mineral Processing Laboratory Physics Computational Physics Laboratory Computer Laboratory Electro Ceramic Laboratory Solid State Physics Laboratory General Physics Laboratory Spectroscopy Laboratory Thin Film Laboratory Low Temperature Laboratory Material Science Laboratory B.Tech Physics Laboratory Soft Condensed Matter Physics Composite material Laboratory Cryomagnetic laboratory Chemistry Physical Photochemistry & Biophysical Laboratory Analytical laboratory by department of Chemistry under FIST program Organic Synthesis and Optoelectronics Lab Nanomaterials laboratory Organic synthesis Laboratory Heterogeneous catalysts laboratory Mathematics Dept. Computer Laboratory Life Science Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Cell and Developmental Biology Environmental Microbiology and Ecology Computer Centre Computational Laboratory- I Computational Laboratory- II Numerical Method laboratory National Institute of Technology Rourkela 244 Annual Report 2011-2012 Central Workshop Fitting & Pattern Making Shop(Assembly Shop) Machine Shop Welding & Foundary Shop Electrical, Electronics & Computer Shop Humanities & Social Science Multimedia Digital Language Laboratory Statistical Laboratory The aforesaid laboratories are well equipped with machinaries and computers. 9.5 Health Centre : The Institute dispensary has been remaned as NITR Health Centre whichis located in the heart of the campus. Health Centre provides the health service to the Institute staff members, their dependants and the students. The Health Centre has eight number of staff including two numbers of doctors. Drugs are dispesed from "Apollo Medicine Store on production of requisition signed by the doctors. Two referrals hospitals i.e. Ispat General Hospital (IGH), R.S.P., Rourkela and Community Welfare Society Hospital(CWSH), Jagda to where the patients are referred at the time of need for their better treatment as all the Indoor facilities are provided with free of cost. On recommendation of I.G.H./CWSH, the patients are referred to higher centre for their better management for specific diseases. To provide extending OPD treatment facilities in the Health Centre, contractual doctors have been appointed in the different area of specialization. They are sitting once in a weak in the following days: 1. 2. 3. 4. Dr. T.K.Bose, MD, Medicine Dr. S.Mohapatra, MD, Medicine Dr. Rupali Biswal, MD, Gynaecologist Dr. B.Bhoi,Dentist : Sunday 9:00 am to 12:00 noon : Tuesday 5:00 pm to 07:00 pm : Sunday 9:00 am to 11:00 am : Thursday 9:00 am to 12:00 am And also the Health centre has been organizing free dermatological checkup camp and blood donation camp in every six months intervals. Other activities related to medical programme are being performed from time to time. Health Centre is kept open for health service for six days in a weak. Near about 60000 patients are treated annually in the Health Centre. An ambulance for patients' transportation from NIT to nearby hospital i.e IGH, CWSH has been deployed as and when it is required. 9.6 Post Office, Shopping Centre & Other facilities : The Institute provides facilities of Student Activity Centre, Gymnasium, Play Ground, Guest House, Visitor's House, a Sub-Post Office and a fully computerized State Bank of India in the campus. S.B.I. ATM countera are also available at the entrance of the campus and Hall area. Various students' associations such as Cultural Association, Social Service Guild, Athletic Club, Audio Visual Club, Book Bank, Photographic Club, National Service Scheme, Astronomy Club etc.also exist for providing extra curricular activities of the students. A canteen functions in the Institute premises and another near hall area. Facilities of STD local telephone, typing, xeroxing, binding, courier service study materials and stationeries etc. are available from private entrepreneurs in the campus. A community centre and staff clubs are also available for conducting ceremonial functions etc. and entertainment of staffs respectively. 9.7 Physical Facilities & Games and Sports Facilities : The Games and Sports provides ample opportunities to develop physical health, positive personality, ethical, moral and social value by encouraging mass participation through various sports activities to all the students admitted in the institute. The institute maintains excellent fitness facilities and play ground with the following provision. 1. Athletics (Track and Field) : 400 m. track (grass) 1 no. National Institute of Technology Rourkela 245 Annual Report 2011-2012 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Football Ground Cricket ground Hockey ground Volleyball court Basketball Court Tennis court Kabaddi court Badminton court Gymnasium : : : : : : : : : (with floodlight) (with floodlight) (with floodlight) (with floodlight) (with floodlight) (with floodlight) 11. Swimming pool : 12. 13. Indoor game facilities are available inside hostel compounds. (Table Tennis, Chess, outdoor badminton court, etc.) There is an attractive stadium with pavilion for 700 spectators with its restroom. 9.8 Other facilities like Hostels, Messes, Staff Quarters, Administration & Telephone Exchange: out door in L.H. Well equipped gymnasium with Modern equipments. Standard swimming pool 1 no (Size; 50x25 mts.) 2 nos 1 no. 1 no. 3 nos. 2 nos. 3 nos. 1 no. 1 no. Halls & Messes : The Hall management Council comprising of Asst. Warden, Warden and students representatives headed by Chief Warden of Halls decides the management of Halls facilities. Major issues are decided by Director. The existing Hall Management Council members are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Prof. K.C. Pati Prof. D. K. Bisoyi Prof. N. Panda Prof. Sk.Md.Equeenddin Prof. D. Behera Prof. H. Jena Prof. K. C. Biswal(CE) Prof. S.Pal Prof. S.Sarkar Prof. K.Pal Prof. M. Kundu Prof. S. Mohanty Prof. B. B. Nayak Prof. S.Mishra Prof. Ms.B.Nayak Prof. S. K.Pratihar Prof. G. Hota Chief Warden Warden, (Shanti SwarupBhatnagar Hall of Residence) Warden, (M. Visvesvaraya Hall of Residence) Asst. Warden, (M. Visvesvaraya Hall of Residence) Warden, (G.D. Birla Hall of Residence) Asst. warden, (G.D. Birla Hall of Residence) Warden, (DhirubhaiAmbani Hall of Residence) Asst. Warden, (DhirubhaiAmbani Hall of Residence) Warden, (M.S. Swaminathan Hall of Ressidence) Asst. Warden, (M.S. Swaminathan Hall of Ressidence) Warden, (C.V.Raman Hall of Residence) Asst. Warden, (C.V.Raman Hall of Residence) Warden, (HomiBhabha Hall of Residence) Warden, (KiranMazumdar Shaw Hall of Residence) Asst. Warden, (KiranMazumdar Shaw Hall of Residence) Warden, (Vikram Sarabhai Hall of Residence) Asst. Warden(Vikram Sarabhai Hall of Residence) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. ArunanshuMohapatra Rajesh Kumar Palai SandipMandal Sourabh Kumar Randheer Singh SwayamsiddhaKar Gopi Krishna Saramekala Chanchal Chandra Dilip Kumar Nayak Gen. Secy., (Shanti SwarupBhatnagar Hall of Residence) Gen. Secy., (M. Visvesvaraya Hall of Residence) Gen. Secy., (G.D. Birla Hall of Residence) Gen. Secy., (DhirubhaiAmbani Hall of Residence) Gen. Secy., (M.S. Swaminathan Hall of Ressidence) Gen. Secy., (C.V.Raman Hall of Residence) Gen. Secy., (HomiBhabha Hall of Residence) Gen. Secy., (KiranMazumdar Shaw Hall of Residence) Genl.Secy., (Vikram Sarabhai Hall) National Institute of Technology Rourkela 246 Annual Report 2011-2012 The freshers (Male) are confined in two hostels i.e. G.D.Birla Hall of Residence and DhirubhaiAmbani Hall of Residence. Students admitted to halls have to observe scrupulously the hall rules, to maintain discipline and healthy atmosphere in and around halls. There is also a Hall Disciplinary Committee consisting of Asst. Warden, General Secretary and boarder nominated by the Warden to enquire and to recommend punishment to Warden in case of any act of indiscipline in Hall. Hostel messes are run by private caterers and managed by nominated student representatives under the overall supervision of Asst. Warden, Warden of concerned Halls. Both vegetarian and non vegetarian foods are served in the mess. The cost of food including over head and establishment charges is to be borne by the boarders themselves. No subsidy is allowed by the Institute. There are six boys, two girls and one family hostel available in the Institute. The statistics of boarders of each hostel are as follows. Name of the Hall Type (Single/Double/3 seated) Inmates (Boys/Girls) Capacity S.S.Bhatnagar Single Family accommodation 63 Nos. 63 Nos. M Visvesvaraya Single 430 Nos. Boys 255 Nos. G.D. Birla 2 Seated/ Single 550 Nos. Boys 272/150 Nos. DhirubhaiAmbani 2 Seated/ Single 495 Nos. Boys 252/150 Nos. M.S. Swaminathan Single 290 Nos. Boys 246 Nos. C.V. Raman Single 274 Nos. Girls 367 Nos. HomiBhabha Single 549 Nos. Boys 396 Nos. Vikram Sarabhai Single 664 Nos. Boys 512 Nos. KiranMazumdar A/Block 3 Seated 104 Nos. Girls 66 Nos. Shaw B/Block 3 Seated 197 Nos. Girls 114 Nos. C/Block Single 60 Nos. Girls 52 Nos. D/Block Single 67 Nos. Girls 52 Nos. (iii) Hall Day celebration and other activities of various Halls: A no. of functions is organized in each Hall every year. With the initiative of the Director, this year every Hall celebrated one new function called "Cultural Nite" of the Hall where students show their various talents in singing, dancing classical music, laughter shows etc. where guests are also invited from other Halls. Besides, GDB Hall also celebrated the foundation day of the Hall on the birthanniversary of "Ghanshyam Das Birla". In both the semesters a lot of sports and cultural activates took place in all Halls. In each semester each hall 30 Nos. of students are awarded cash prizes (for five events in cultural activities and five events in sports activities). On the basis of overall performance, most of the Halls also chose the Best Sports Person, Best Valuable BoarderandBest Artist (Fine art/Cultural)of the Hall. Hall Day is celebrated by the Halls and it is organized by the Hall Executive Committee of concerned Hall in a grand way. Various programmers are conducted on the occasion, like competitions on Games, Quiz, Essay Writing, Debate and many others. In the evening as a mark of the day, a colorful function is held in the concerned Hall, followed by a grand dinner amongst the students of the Hall. Besides a Farewell Function is being organized by the Hall Management Council, since last five years, in which juniors bid farewell to the final year students and have grand gathering, followed by a Grand Dinner. On this occasion Director, along with all Faculties are the Hall Guests and all junior students of the institute attend the function and convey wish to the final year students for a grand success in their future life. National Institute of Technology Rourkela 247 Annual Report 2011-2012 1) 2) 3) 4) Lord Ganesh Puja Viswakarma Puja Goddess Saraswati Puja Hall Day Celebration 5) Farewell Celebration : 01.09.2011(Thursday) : 17.09.2011(Saturday) : 28.01.2012(Saturday) : 17.03.2012(Saturday) : 18.03.2012(Sunday) : 23.03.2012(Friday) : 24.03.2012(Saturday) : 25.03.2012(Sunday) : 30.03.2012(Friday) : 31.03.2012(Saturday) : 01.04.2012(Sunday) : 04.04.2012(Wednesday) Venue - HomiBhabha Hall Venue - SS Bhatnagar Hall Venue - M.S.Swaminathan Hall M. Visvesvaraya Hall KiranMazumdar Shaw Hall DhirubhaiAmbani Hall GD Birla Hall Vikram Sarabhai Hall HomiBhabhaHall MS SwaminathanHall CV Raman Hall Venue: DilipTirkey Stadium A new Hall Management Policy, as per the approval of the Director has been adopted from the Academic Session 2010-2011 which is given below: HALL MANAGEMENT POLICY 1) National Institute of Technology, Rourkela is a fully residential institute. All the students admitted in the institute should reside in Halls of Residences. However, with special permission of higher authority, students may be permitted to stay outside. 2) Each Hall of Residence is having one Warden & one Assistant Warden who will look after the day to day affairs of the boarders. 3) The topmost Hall authority next to Director is Chief Warden who co-ordinates these activities and are authorized for all financial transaction. 4) There will be three bank Accounts, named (i) Chief Warden (ii) Chief Warden - Mess Account (iii) Chief WardenEstablishment Account. Financial transactions shall mainly be of two types (i) relating to Catering Service called "Chief Warden - Mess Account" & (ii) other one relating to establishment cost which includes maintenance, Common room services and other miscellaneous expenses, called "Chief Warden - Establishment Fund". Students will deposit their dues at Chief Warden Account and later on the amount will be transferred to Chief Warden Mess Account & Chief Warden-Establishment Account. All interest, income of Mess and Establishment account will be transferred to "Chief Warden" fund after adjustment of bank charges. All one-time expenses will be met from "Chief Warden" fund. 5) The Mess Account will contain only the Mess Advance to start with which will be topped at the end of each semester. 6) At the end of every semester there should be complete reconciliation. Every student's balance money all added + interest earned - bank charges should be equal to the bank balance. 7) Interest earned minus bank charges of all accounts should be transferred to the "Chief Warden Fund" at the end of each academic year. 8) Establishment Fee will be separate for each hall which will include (i) Gardening (ii) Common Room management (iii) Contingency expenses spent by the Warden. Expenses spent from Central Fund will be divided amongst all the students (including those permitted to stay outside) and non-students residing in the hall which includes (i) Security expenses paid by the Chief Warden's Office to the Security Contractor (ii) cleaning expenses paid to the Contractor (iii) maintenance expenses (iv) Contingency expenses spent by Chief Warden Office (v) Electricity charges (vi) Celebration of Puja like Ganesh Puja, Viswakarma Puja &Saraswati Puja. National Institute of Technology Rourkela 248 Annual Report 2011-2012 9) Each hall can engage a firm or a self employed person for common room and facility management upon the approval Hall Executive Council (HEC) with intimation to the Chief Warden. The amount will be paid from the Establishment Account of individual hall by the Chief Warden, upon the recommendation of the concerned Warden, and will be included in the monthly imprest claim. 10) All other expenses will be divided among all boarders equally including the students permitted to stay outside. 11) Boarders permitted to stay outside will have to pay establishment fees. They are only exempted from Mess dues. 12) Non-students (Project Staff, faculty members, any outside persons given temporary allotment) have to pay establishment charges for the hall where they stay. 13) For PG & Research students Mess Bill will be charged for all the twelve (12) months unless they are specially permitted by the authority to stay outside for a specific period. 14) No mess rebate will be allowed to any boarder unless specially permitted by the Warden for specific reason, as per regulations. 15) No mess bill will be charged to the UG students during Vacation unless they are specially permitted to stay during vacation; but establishment charges will be payable for all twelve (12) months. 16) For UG & PG Regular students including 1st Year, the establishment charge will be calculated from July 1 irrespective of date of entry, and for graduating students it will be up to June 30. 17) For M. Tech. (R), Ph. D. & non-students, it will be from start to end date covering full month, e. g. if someone joins on July 25 & leaves on September 6, he/she has to pay establishment charges for three months. 18) Each hall will maintain its bank account, whose limit is Rs.50, 000/-. Out of Rs.50, 000/-, the Warden will spend contingency expenses. Once a month i.e at the beginning of the month, all the related bills and vourchers spent over the previous month will be sent to Office of Chief Warden for reimbursement. After receiving the reimbursement, the amount shall stand at Rs.50, 000/-. Any interest earned or bank charges deducted will be adjusted. PLINTH AREA OF THE NIT BUILDING Sl.No Description/Location No Plinth area (Approx) in Sq.mt after renovation Total area in Sq.Ft TOTAL area in Sq.Mt A Quarters 1 A type 7 213.75 16099.65 1496.25 2 A type 6 185.87 11999.77 1115.22 3 A type 7 154.27 11619.62 1079.89 4 B type 22 148.70 35200.26 3271.40 5 Ctype 30 199.50 64398.60 5985.00 6 Ctype 31 190.60 63576.54 5908.60 7 D type 21 159.86 36121.97 3357.06 8 Dtype 36 110.28 42718.06 3970.08 9 Dtype 8 83.46 7184.24 667.68 10 B/F type 24 100.32 25906.64 2407.68 11 T/F Type 18 77.14 14940.48 1388.52 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 249 Annual Report 2011-2012 PLINTH AREA OF THE NIT BUILDING Sl.No Description/Location No Plinth area (Approx) in Sq.mt after renovation Total area in Sq.Ft TOTAL area in Sq.Mt 12 F/E type 18 77.14 14940.48 1388.52 13 E type 40 105.33 45334.03 4213.20 14 F type 96 87.78 90673.23 8426.88 15 F type 12 77.10 9955.15 925.20 16 G type 117 62.28 78405.54 7286.76 17 Faculty residences 14 189.27 28511.63 2649.78 18 FR Under construction 84 189.27 171069.80 15898.68 768655.66 71436.40 GROSS TOTAL B HOSTEL AREA 1 SS Bhatnagar hall 1 2674.90 2674.90 2 Mvisveswaraya Hall 1 4537.90 4537.90 3 GD birla hall 1 4773.30 4773.30 4 Dhiru bhai ambani Hall 1 3994.75 3994.75 5 Mswaminathan hall 1 3383.30 3383.30 6 Homi bhaba hall 1 4269.49 4269.49 7 Vikram sarabhai hall 1 9664.60 9664.60 8 Kiran mazumdar shaw hall 1 4140.00 4140.00 9 CV raman Hall 1 6781.40 6781.40 10 Hall canteen 1 100.60 100.60 11 PT usha Sports complex 1 2123.50 2123.50 12 Aquatic sports facility 1 2942.50 2942.50 13 Dillip tirkey stadium 1 25434.00 25434.00 14 ATM Complex 1 84.00 84.00 15 Security Barrack 1 302.60 302.60 16 Cricket field 1 17662.50 17662.50 17 DORMITORY for mess staff 1 1233.72 1233.72 18 Dining Block for GDB & MVH 1 1936.30 1936.30 19 Dining Block for DBA & MSH 1 1371.70 1371.70 97411.06 97411.06 GROSS TOTAL C ACADEMIC AREA 1 Main academic building 1 7748.12 7748.12 2 library 1 1004.50 1004.50 3 Mechanical department 1 2630.85 2630.85 4 New mechanical dept. 1 522.00 522.00 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 250 Sq.M Sq.M Annual Report 2011-2012 PLINTH AREA OF THE NIT BUILDING Sl.No Description/Location No Plinth area (Approx) in Sq.mt after renovation Total area in Sq.Ft TOTAL area in Sq.Mt 4 New mechanical dept. 1 522.00 522.00 5 PG Building 1 1214.26 1214.26 6 Central workshop 1 2360.85 2360.85 7 BB behera auditorium 1 1890.50 1890.50 8 Elelctronics Annexe 1 830.46 830.46 9 computer center 1 288.85 288.85 10 computer science 1 1275.64 1275.64 11 Ceramic dept. 1 1667.30 1667.30 12 SAC building 1 223.78 223.78 13 Elelctrical Annexe building 1 304.98 304.98 14 Biomedical sc. Bldg 1 2772.59 2772.59 15 Lecture hall complex 1 3852.50 3852.50 16 Electronics & Electrical Dept. 1 7298.00 7298.00 17 Chemical dept. 1 2573.05 2573.05 18 Mining dept. 1 982.85 982.85 19 AN Khosla Conference hall 1 614.72 614.72 20 Estate Office 1 630.00 630.00 21 Guest house North block 1 583.00 583.00 22 Guiest House South block 1 1374.70 1374.70 23 cycle stands 1 1650.00 1650.00 24 Pump house 1 130.00 130.00 25 Sub station 1 75.00 75.00 26 Community Center 1 862.00 862.00 27 Dispensary 1 384.00 384.00 28 REC high school 1 980.00 980.00 29 Campus Pump house 1 72.00 72.00 30 AMIE building 1 627.00 627.00 31 Staff club 1 87.00 87.00 32 Store 1 420.57 420.57 47931.07 47931.07 Sq.M 53.55 Acre GROSS TOTAL GROSS PLINTH AREA = QUARTER AREA+HOSTEL AREA+ACADEMICA AREA TOTAL 216778.53 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 251 Sq.M Annual Report 2011-2012 PLINTH AREA OF THE NIT BUILDING Sl.No Description/Location No Plinth area (Approx) in Sq.mt after renovation Total area in Sq.Ft TOTAL area in Sq.Mt TOTAL DEVELOPED AREA= PLINTH AREA+GARDEN+ROADS etc. TOTAL 1007588.1 Sq.M 248.89 Acre Telephone Exchange: Our telephone network is supported by a modern telephone exchange from Siemens, Germany. The level DID exchange can handle 2400 lines. The present capacity is 1200 lines covering academic building, hall of residence and residential areas. New IP Exchange of 10,000 line capacity (AASTRA ERICSON make) has been purchased from M/s HCL INFOSYSTEMS LTD and to be setup shortly. New FR quarters, F & G type and new academic buildings (BM Dept, Electrical Sciences building) will be provided telephone facility through our new IP Exchange. During this year 2011-2012 the following works have been completed. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) Internal wirings have been done in different sections, departments & centers. Underground cables laid to new ATM counter, different security barracks in the campus 2nos 5- pair DBs are fixed in the PG building 2nos 10- pair DBs are fixed in the dispensary Underground cable laid in CV Raman (extension unit) hall of residence. One 5-pair DB is fixed near swimming pool. Telephone connections are provided to new faculties in different Depts. Laying of 2-pair flexible telephone cables have been done in renovated C, D & E type Qrs Shifting of telephones from 1st floor to ground floor in dispensary has been carried out in this session. All the road side DBs (50/100/200 pairs) are painted with appropriate colour. FILM & MUSIC SOCIETY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The Film and Music society is one of the important societies under the student activity center (SAC) of the institute. The society is managed by the vice presidents Prof. Dipti Patra, Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering department and Prof. Pabitra Mohan Khilar, Assistant Professor, Computer Science & Engineering department, and the president Prof. D.R.K.Parhi, department of Mechanical Engineering under the leadership of Dean (Student Affair). Also, student volunteers are elected to co-operate in conducting various activities under this society. The society conducts many major and minor events throughout the year which are meant for the faculties, staffs and students of the institute. Based on the feedback collected from faculties, staffs and students, the events are decided. The Film and Music Society has co-ordinated the celebrity nite which was held on 11th March 2012 from 6.00 PM to 10.00 PM at Dillip Tirkey stadium of the institute. Mr. Niraj Sridhar and Mr. Kumar Biswas performed on this occasion. A large number of audiences including faculties, staff and students enjoyed the occasion. Around 40 top recently released movies were shown throughout the year for the entertainment of faculties, staffs and students. The film festival week was organized during 02/04/2011 to 11/04/2011 by showing ten movies for the staffs as well as students of the institute at the Bhubaneswar Behera Auditorium besides the movies shown during weekends. The musical instruments such as Base Guitar, Keyboard Synthesizer and Drum Set were procured for the benefit of students. The Film and Music Society has extended the facility such as Bhubaneswar Behera Auditorium and other instruments for conducting various Conferences, Meetings and various institute Functions. The Film and Music society in collaboration with international students meet conducted a number of functions for student entertainment. National Institute of Technology Rourkela 252 Annual Report 2011-2012 9.9 Different Organisations in the Institute : NATIONAL CADET CORPS (NCC) UNIT: 4(O) CTC, NCC, Cuttack Officers: 1. Lt. U. K. Mishra, 2. Dr. Aravind Kumar Associate NCC Officer Care Taker NCC Officer Independence Day 65th Independence Day was celebrated in the institute NCC Ground. Prof. (Dr.) S. K. Sarangi, Director, NIT Rourkela hoisted the National Flag, took the salute and inspected the parade and addressed the gathering. Republic Day 63rd Republic day was celebrated in the institute NCC Ground. Prof. (Dr.) S. K. Sarangi, Director, NIT Rourkela hoisted the National Flag, took the salute and inspected the parade and addressed the gathering. He also distributed the certificates to blood donors of the Blood donation camp held at the institute dispensary. Camps and Certificates 18 cadets attended CATC-V (IUC RDC) held at Bhubaneswar during 4th Oct 2011 to 13th Oct 2011. 15 cadets attended CATC camp at B C Academy, Baliapal, Jajpur (Odisha) during 16th Jan 2012 to 25th Jan 2012. 11 cadets attended NIC - I (SD/SW/JD/JW) camp held at Kurnool (AP) during 16th Jan to 27th Jan 2012. 24 and 18 cadets appeared for 'B' and 'C' Certificate Examinations respectively during Feb 2012. Awards/Scholarships Two cadets were selected to get SAHARA Scholarship worth Rs. 30,000.00 (Rupees Thirty thousand only) during 2011-12. ii) l l l l l l l NATIONAL SERVICE SCHEME (NSS) The students enrolled in NSS were divided into different groups to provide services to the different slums, neglected basti's and orphanages like Leprosy Colony near Naya Bazaar, OSAP, Kalyani Basti near setor-1, East Kantajhar and South Kantajharan Basti, Birsa Munda basti, Gosala, Jagda basti and the children's reading in REC campus school etc. They are involved in literacy campaign by interacting and teaching the children of the above orphanages and slums. The NSS students are involved in collecting old clothes, books and other daily use materials from door to door and distributed them to the children of the above organizations. Our institute management had new plantations program for plantaion of varieties of plants (many thousands of plants) across the non academic and undeveloped area inside our institute. The NSS students are also looking after those plants and were reporting for the nourishment and development of plants. The plantation and task of taking care of plants throughout the year was compulsory to all the students. Some of the students named as " Environmental task force" are divided in to sub-groups and they go to the above selected slums and some other villages and give awareness program like" girl child education", "abuse of alcohol", "Cleaniliness is the best policy for health" etc. through silent and mono-acting drama styles. Some of the students are also involved in different social awareness programs rallies like Anti Polythin use campaign rally and health campaign rallies like AIDS, Danger of consuming tobacco, alcohol etc. The NSS students and NSS professors have also planted some useful plants in the slum areas during rainy season. Through NSS the students rendered their service to the patients of CWS Hospital. NSS students donated blood at different times by blood donation camps at NIT Dispensary, CWS Hospital, Jagda, Rourkela etc. They were also given certificates for this service. Besides that they donate blood throughout the year to the poor and helpless peoples. During different natural disasters, and serious problems to poor and suffering children or people, our NSS students have shown their valuable service by collecting money from door to door and from self, consulted doctors and helped the sufferings. National Institute of Technology Rourkela 253 Annual Report 2011-2012 9.10 STUDENTS ACTIVITY CENTRE (SAC): OFFICIALS OF STUDENT ACTIVITY CENTRE- 2011-12 1. Prof. K.C. Biswal 2. Prof. D.R.K. Parhi 3. Prof. S. Chinara 4. Prof. Anindya Basu 5. Prof. Pradip Sarkar 6. Prof. Dillip K Pradhan 7. Prof. P.M. Khilar 8. Prof. Dipti Patra 9. Prof. Ranabrata Mazumdar 10. Prof. R. Dinda 11. Dr. Pranakrishna Rout 12. Dr. T. R. Patnaik 13. Mr. N. N. Nayak Dean, SW President, SAC Vice President, Literary and Cultural Society. Vice President, Literary and Cultural Society. Vice President, Technical Society. Vice President, Technical Society Vice President, Film & Music Society. Vice President, Film & Music Society. Vice President, Games and Sports Society. Vice President, Games and Sports Society. SAS Officer SAS Officer SAS Officer General Convener & Joint General Convener for the session 2011-2012: General Convener V. K. Rohith 109CE0547 Joint General Convener Sahil Pahuja 108EI034 Student representative of different societies: Name of the Society Name of Conveners Roll No. Contact Technical Society V. K. Rohith 109CE0547 9692707749 G.J.K Chaitanya 108EC037 9178182225 Ravi Raj 110EI0250 7894758056 Sathish Kumar 109CR0666 9861999501 G. Ram Pratheek 110CS0515 Swagat Das(conv) 109EI0321 Shubham 109EE0561 Sahil Pahuja 108EI034 Literary & Cultural Society Games & Sports Society Film & Music Society l l During the year under review, Technical Society of Student Activity Center has conducted the Annual Techno Management Festival, INNOVISION 2011 during November 2011. The fest witnessed massive participation from various institutes across the country in various events, guest lectures and games. Three workshops were organized which altogether saw a participation of 365 students. The sand animation show was conducted by Mr.Sudarshan Pattnaik. Technical Society also helped in the organization of International Students Meet, an international level fest that took place during March 2012. The NITR student chapter of Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), Cyborg, Udaan, E-Cell and Maths club were very active during the year. SAE participated in a number of national level competitions. Maths club achieved their target to grow enthusiasm among students on renowned mathematicians. Udaan successfully made four radio controlled gliders and conducted workshops on the subject. Udaan was awarded a 50gm gold coin by our Director during this year. E-cell and Maths club successfully published their magazines named Vritanta and Vilokanam respectively. Few new clubs were introduced namely SPAWN, Astro NITR and CreateUr which remained active throughout the year. The year for Games and Sports Society started with the orientation programme for the fresher by organizing friendly matches in different games involving newly admitted students. Inter-Hall tournaments in various games were conducted among the halls throughout the year. HOMI BABA Hall of Residence was adjudged over all champions in games 2011-2012. Cross-country race was conducted on 11.01.2012. Mr Sunil Oram, B.Tech IV was adjudged first in this race. National Institute of Technology Rourkela 254 Annual Report 2011-2012 The 50th Annual Athletics Meet of the Institute was conducted from 14th-15th January 2012. Prof. Sunil Kumar Sarangi, Director NIT Rourkela inaugurated the meet for opening ceremony on 14.01.2012. Mr. Narayan Pati, GM, SAIL, RSP graced the occasion as Chief Guest for the closing ceremony and distributed prizes and certificates to the winners. Sri Sunil Oram, B.Tech-IV won the individual championship in men category and Ms. Monalisha Topno, B.Tech. IV won the individual championship in women category. Dhirubhai Ambani Hall of residence won the group championship (BEHERA CUP). Weight Lifting, Power Lifting and Best Physique competition was conducted on 10.02.2012. Sri Udipta Thakur, B.Tech-IV, adjudged "NIT SHREE" in Best physique competition amongst the students of the institute. Inter-NIT Football and Kabaddi tournaments organized by our institute from 02.03.2012 to 04.03.2012. 150 students from 10 NITs participated in the tournament and it was a grand success. Our institute Football and Kabaddi (men) team becomes Champion (First Place) in Inter-NIT tournament held at NIT Rourkela. Our institute Tennis, chess, cricket, hockey, athletics (track and field) and volleyball team participated in INTER NIT tournament conducted by other NITs. Chess, Hockey and cricket team won third place in NIT Suratkal. Our athletics team won seven gold, seven silver and five bronze medals and also women athletics team became women group Runner-up in NIT Surathkal. Open swimming competition in various events for student, campus children and institute staff were also conducted during this year. Few new clubs are introduced under the sports and games society namely Football, Chess, Tennis, Cricket, carom and softball. These clubs are active and conducted many events throughout the year. The Literary and Cultural Society conducted different intra NIT events to finalize the institute teams from the winners. The teams had participated in different places like IIT Kharagpur, Delhi Law School, ISM Dhanbad etc and bagged many awards. Different workshops (Odissi dance, drama, debate, MUN etc.) were organized at NIT Rourkela to boost up of the students. Like every year this year also Literary and Cultural Society organized spring fest (NITRUTSAV 2012) on 3-5 February, 2012. Around 400 students participated in this annual event, out of which 160 were from other institutes. Apart from different competitive events Android and salsa workshops were also organized during that period. Parliamentary Debate was organized for the first time at NIT Rourkela. On the 2nd day "SROTE" band made their performance and the DJ Kaushal was the last attraction on the concluding day. The Film and Music Society has co-ordinated the CELEBRITY NITE which was held on 11th March 2012 at Dillip Tirkey Stadium of the institute. Mr. Niraj Sridhar and Mr. Kumar Biswas performed on this occasion. A large number of audiences including faculties, staff and students enjoyed the occasion. Around 40 top recently released movies were shown throughout the year for the entertainment of faculties, staffs and students. The film festival week was organized during 02/04/2011 to 11/04/2011 by showing ten movies for the staffs as well as students of the institute at the Bhubaneswar Behera Auditorium besides the movies shown during weekends. The musical instruments such as Base Guitar, Keyboard Synthesizer and Drum Set were procured for the benefit of students. The Film and Music Society has extended the facility such as Bhubaneswar Behera Auditorium and other instruments for conducting various Conferences, Meetings and various institute Functions. The Film and Music society in collaboration with international students meet conducted a number of functions for student entertainment. l l l l l l 10.0 NOTABLE ACHIEVEMENTS : 10.1 Past Achievements/Achievements took place during the years Earning during 2011-12 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Overhead from various Non-MHRD Projects Overhead from Consultancy Projects Overhead from Testing Services Overhead from Continuining Education 50% Institute Share from Testing Services Interest earned from various A/c : : : : : : Rs.55,10,294.00 Rs.19,11,777.00 Rs. 5,81,917.00 Rs. 8,63,398.00 Rs.18,45,918.00 Rs.36,02,540.00 Total: Rs. 1,43,15,844.00 Research Projects: During the above cited period the list of the ongoing Research Projects is given below. National Institute of Technology Rourkela 255 Annual Report 2011-2012 Sl.No. Project Title Name of the P.I 1 Information Security Education & Awareness. Prof. S. K. Jena 2 Special Manpower Development for VLSI Design & Related Software (SMDP-II) Prof.K. K. Mohapatra 3 Bulk use of fly ashcomposite material in the sub base of surface coal mine haul road to reduces strain Prof. M. K. Mishra 4 Development of Cooperative Motion Control Algorithms for Multiple Autonomous Prof. B. Subudhi Under Water Robotic Vehicles 5 Microstructural evolution of nanograin,nickel zirconia cermet anode materials for solid ozxide fuel cell application Prof.B. B. Nayak 6 Development of nano-dispersed fine grained coating by electrodeposition Prof. Anindya Basu 7 Synthesisand characterization of transition metal acetylides, their reactivity studies and electrochemical behavior Prof. S. Chatterjee 8 Bearing Capacity enhancement of sub-base of opencast coal mine haul Road with stabilised Fly Ash based composites and evaluation of the resilient Modulus Approach" Dr.M.K. Mishra 9 Synthesis and characterization of lead free functional materials by micro-wave processing technique" Dr.Pawan Kumar 10 Enhancement by SHI of critical current density of chemically prepared composits Dr.D.Behera of YBCO with non-superconducting nano particles 11 Sinuosity dependency in stage-discharge boundary shear distribution modeling for meandering compound channels" Dr.K.K. Khatua 12 Behaviour of eccentrically inclined loaded shallow foundations on geogrid reinforced soil. Dr.C.R.Patra 13 Development of a model for Assessment of Spontaneous Heating Susceptibility of Indian Coals- A neural Network Approach Dr.D.P. Tripathy 14 Analysis of Microstrip radiator using particle swarm optimization technique. Dr.S.K.Behera 15 Development of functionalized ferrite nanoparticles for targeted Tumor Therapy Dr. Sasmita Mohapatra 16 Development of lead free relaxor ferroelectrics based on Aurivillus family of compounds Ms Arundati Chakrabarti 17 Hsp 90- based therapeutic approach for brest cancer Dr. S. Paul 18 Experimental Investigations of a bio- oil in a DI diesel engine Prof. S. Murugan 19 Chemoselective electron transfer reaction in substrates of biological interest lipopathic Cr (VI) Dr. Sabita Patel 20 Activity Details Proposal Form for Public Sector Linkages Programme. Dr.Ramakaer Jha, 21 Transition metal complexes of thiosemicarbazone: Synthesis charaaacterzation and biological activity. Dr. Rama Acharya, Dr. S. Chztterjee 22 A Geotechnical Model for Landslide Remediation at Darjleeing Area ussing Soil Nails. Dr.C.R. Patra 23 Development of cost effective and High uptake capacity surface modified adsorbents for aresenic removal utilizing industrial wastes. Dr.Arvind Kumar 24 Surfactant Assisted Synthesis and Characterization of Mesoporous Nanocrystalline Ceria Based Mixed Oxides Powers For Novel Applications Dr. Aparna Mondal National Institute of Technology Rourkela 256 Annual Report 2011-2012 Sl.No. Project Title Name of the P.I 25 Development of new environment friendly adsoption media and ots value added application for removal of hazardous anions from water. Dr. R.K.Patel 26 Investigation on control issues in network based control system Dr. B. Subudhi 27 Abatement of F2 using fluidized bed Dr. (Mrs) Abanti Sahoo 28 Fuzzy finite element approach for solving the eigenvalue-eigenmode analysis of imprecisely defined system Dr.S. Chakraverty 29 Production of Hydrogen Gas from Biomass and Wastes using Fluidzed Bed Gasifier(FBG) Dr.Abanti Sahoo 30 Synthesis and characterization of Perovskite nano-powders and nano collids. Dr.D. Sarkar 31 Magneto-electric study of doped rare earth Cobaltites. Dr. P. N. Viswkarma 32 Effect of intra granular inhomogeneities on super-conducting order parameter fluctuation in cuprate superconductors. Dr.D. Behera 33 CEOP - AEGIS Dr.R. Jha 34 Development of rare earth doped transparent oxyfluoride nanophase glass ceramic. Dr.S.K. Pal 35 Development of compliance Correlation for Throughwall Cracked Pipes and Elbows to Measure Crack Growth in Fracture Experiments Dr.P.K. Ray 36 Composite ferroelectric thin films for pyro seniors applications Dr.Pawan Kumar 37 Tissue Engineering Research under Core grant Dr.K. Pramanik 38 Development of Cell Scaffold implants for Orthopaedic Tissyue Engg Dr.K. Pramanik 39 In-Vitro growth study of cell-scaffold implants for Bone and Catrilage Tissue Engg. Dr.K. Pramanik 40 Cryopreservation of cells and cell scaffold constructs for tisseu engineering application Dr.K. Pramanik 41 Control of multiple mobile agents using adaptive neuro-fuzzy interference system(ANFIS) Dr.D.R.Parhi 42 Characterisation and source apportionment of ambient air pollutants in a Steel city. Dr.K.K.Paul 43 Tailloring the multiferroic properties of BiFeo-3 Cobalt doping. Dr. P. N. Viswakarma 44 Pilot plant study of extraction of fine iron from red mud. Dr. R.K.Patel 45 Utilization of materials after extraction iron from red mud Dr. R.K.Patel 46 Optimization of extraction of iron from red mud Dr. K. Pramanik 47 Pushover analysis of reinforced concrete setback building Dr. P. Sarkar 48 Design & Testing of base band and RF front end for IEEE 802. 15. 4 zigbee standard Dr. S. K.Patra 49 Investigating transport properties of LaOFeAs superconductors & RETMO3 multiferroies; RE rare earth & TM: Transition Metal Dr. P. N. Viswakarma 50 Numerical and experimental analysis of meandering open channel flow by varying sinuosity and roughness of the channel. Mr. M. Sahu,M.Tech Dr. K.K.Khatua National Institute of Technology Rourkela 257 Annual Report 2011-2012 Sl.No. Project Title Name of the P.I 51 Experimental and numerical studies on application of Tuned Dampers for controlling Structural vibrations Dr.K.C.Biswal, 52 Design and physico-chemical properties of cyclodextrin incorporated smart hydrogels: Towards improved delivery of hydrophobic drugs. Dr.Usharani Subuddhi 53 Synthesis and mechanical properties of mechanically alloyed copper-based nanocomposites for high strength and electrical applications Dr.Suhrit Mula 54 Process integration based modification for the energy conservation of sponge iron plants. Dr.S.Khanam 55 Synthesis of sulfur nanoparticles by organic acid catalyzed reaction of sodium thiosulphate in aqueous surfactant solution. Dr.Santanu Paria 56 FPGA Based standalone Tunable Fuzzy Logic Controller Module Dr.S.K.Patra 57 Development of Dissimilar Metal Joints By Pulsed Nd: YAG Laser Welding, Its Characterization And Defect Assesment At Room And Elevated Temperatures Dr.S.K.Sahoo 58 Fabrication of Micro-Holes using Ultrasonic Vibration Assisted Micro-Drilling using PVD/CVD coated Tools. Dr.K.P. Maity 59 Investigation for dissimilr metal tube & flat joints by pulsed Nd: YAG laser welding and its characterisation at elevated temperature Dr.S.K. Sahoo 60 Study of power quality problems and counter measures in present power systems using power electronic devices Prof. P. C. Panda 61 Analytical and Numerical Study of Riemann Problems for Qusilinear Hyperbolic system of conservation Laws Dr. R. S. Tungala 62 Development of a Data Acquisition system for OTOMELERA Naval Gun Dr.Samit Ari 63 Surface property improvement of copper for electrical contacts by Electrophoretic deposition of Ultrafine ceramic particles Dr, A. Basu 64 Synthesis of Nanostructured stainless steel Powder by High Energy Milling and subsequent spark plasma sintering for Novel application Dr. D. Chaira 65 Metal complexes of Ferrocene based ligands,their electrochemical behaviour bio-logical properties Dr. S. Chatterjee 66 Development of spheroidal graphite cast iron materials for transport cask application for irradiated fuel bundles. Dr. S. Sen 67 Autophagic cell death induction with Abrus agglutinin Dr. S.K.Bhutia 68 Studies on association between bio film formation and quorum sensing auto inducer inpotential marine bacteria for enhanced utilisation I bioremediation Dr. Surajit Das 69 Ion bean based…… composite films Dr. D. Behera 70 Development of antimicrobial organolels Dr. Kunal Pal 71 Fuzzfified and Interval Neural Network Modeling for System Indentification of structure through the use of seismic response data Dr.S.Chakraverty 72 Development of Lithium Silicate Ceramic Pebbles by Microwave Sintering for the Test Blanket Module (TBM) Dr.R.Mazumdar 73 Electrospun Hybrid Nano-Scaffold for Bone-Ligament-Bone(B-L-B) Graft Dr.B.P.Nayak National Institute of Technology Rourkela 258 Annual Report 2011-2012 Sl.No. Project Title Name of the P.I 74 Diffusion of Model proteins and macromolecules inside crowded DNA and other polyelectrolytes solutions Dr.S.Jena 75 Development of Navigational controller for self piloted Mobile- Robot under water for Surveillance using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System Dr. D.R.K.Parhi 76 Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Rough Alloyed Surfaces and Interfaces Dr. B. Ganguly 77 Astudy of BF slag chemistry and mineralogy with respect to its flow characteristics for optimizing BF operation. Dr. U. K. Mohanty 78 Connectionist Learning Models in Computational Intelligence for Assesment of Selsmic Response of Connected Structures Dr. S.Chakrevrty 79 Slicing Of Aspect-Oriented and Web-BasedApplication Dr.DP Mohapatra 80 Development of CalciumPhosphast based machinable Bioceramic Dr.Sitwik Sarkar 81 Finite-element-model Updating of Aerostructures Using Density Based Fish School Search (FfSS) Dr.S.Chakraverty 82 Automatic Detection of Cardiac Arrhythmias using Electrocardiographic Signal Dr. Samit Ari 83 Construction of quick setting stopping in case of fire in underground mines using expansion foam agent Dr. B.K.Pal 84 Wavelet Transform Mehos for the Solution of Fractional Differential Equations Arising in Real Physical Models Dr. S.Saha Ray National Institute of Technology Rourkela 259 Annual Report 2011-2012 Audit Certificate and Report on the accounts of National Institute of Technology, Rourkela for the year 2011-2012 * Scanned Copy National Institute of Technology Rourkela 260 Annual Report 2011-2012 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 261 Annual Report 2011-2012 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 262 Annual Report 2011-2012 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 263 Annual Report 2011-2012 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 264 Annual Report 2011-2012 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 265 Annual Report 2011-2012 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 266 Annual Report 2011-2012 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 267 Annual Report 2011-2012 STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 2011-2012 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 268 Annual Report 2011-2012 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY , ROURKELA BALANCE SHEET AS ON 31.03.2012 Schedule Particulars Current Year (Rs.) Previous Year (Rs.) CORPUS/CAPITAL FUND AND LIABILITIES CORPUS/CAPITAL FUND 1 3,11,12,81,702.91 2,17,93,89,100.91 RESERVE AND SURPLUSE 2 88,11,177.00 88,11,177.00 EARMARKED/ENDOWMENT FUND 3 77,12,97,976.00 56,78,25,841.00 SECUREDLOANS AND BORROWINGS 4 - - UNSECURED LOANS AND BORROWINGS 5 - - DEFERRED CREDIT LIABILITIES 6 - - CURRENT LIABILITIES AND PROVISIONS 7 33,40,14,749.54 34,10,21,471.54 4,22,54,05,605.45 3,09,70,47,590.45 TOTAL ASSETS FIXED ASSETS 8 2,55,54,44,024.00 1,94,29,87,203.00 INVESTMENTS-EARMARKED/ENDOWMENT FUND 9 62,36,82,610.17 53,97,66,939.38 INVESTMENT- OTHERS 10 48,13,34,922.00 19,73,27,383.00 CURRENT ASSETS,LOANS,ADVANCES ETC. 11 56,49,44,049.28 41,69,66,065.07 - - 4,22,54,05,605.45 3,09,70,47,590.45 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURE TOTAL SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES 24 CONTINGENT LIABILITIES AND NOTES ON ACCOUNTS 25 DEPUTY REGISTRAR(FA) REGISTRAR National Institute of Technology Rourkela DIRECTOR 269 Annual Report 2011-2012 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY , ROURKELA INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED ON 31.03.2012 Particulars Schedule Current Year (Rs.) Previous Year (Rs.) (A) INCOME Income from sales/services 12 16,85,925.00 7,00,400.00 Grants/Subsidies 13 48,00,00,000.00 49,23,46,000.00 Fees/Subscription 14 11,33,43,899.00 8,51,94,483.83 Income from Investment(Earmarked/Endowment Fund) 15 2,25,16,459.00 1,64,20,280.00 Income from Royalty 16 - - Intrest Earned 17 1,37,56,397.00 41,57,388.08 Other Income 18 6,34,119.00 5,36,090.00 Increase/(Decrease)in stock of finished goods 19 - - 5,28,43,897.00 59,43,474.00 68,47,80,696.00 60,52,98,115.91 Prior Period Income TOTAL (A) (B) EXPENDITURE Establishment Expenses 20 41,92,97,640.00 36,59,85,097.00 Other Administrative Expenses etc. 21 18,93,66,654.00 16,36,97,994.00 Expenditure on Grants,Subsidies etc. 22 5,000.00 - Interest 23 - - Depreciation(Net Total at the year-end - corresp.Sch.-8) 8 14,56,25,056.00 11,46,98,972.00 1,85,93,744.00 72,10,991.00 TOTAL (B) 77,28,88,094.00 65,15,93,054.00 Balance being excess of Expenditure over Income(A-B) (8,81,07,398.00) (4,62,94,938.09) Prior Period Expenditure SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES 24 CONTINGENT LIABILITIES AND NOTES ON ACCOUNTS 25 DEPUTY REGISTRAR(FA) REGISTRAR National Institute of Technology Rourkela DIRECTOR 270 Annual Report 2011-2012 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY , ROURKELA SCHEDULES FORMING PART OF BALANCE SHEET AS ON 31.03.2012 SCHEDULE : 01 - CORPUS FUND Particulars Balance as at the begining of the Year Add: Govt of India - Plan Grant (Others) Add:Govt.of India - Plan Grant (MHRD) Add:TEQIP-II Sub-Total Current Year (Rs.) Previous Year (Rs.) 2,17,93,89,100.91 1,46,75,59,039.00 - 12,50,000.00 1,00,00,00,000.00 75,68,75,000.00 2,00,00,000.00 - 3,19,93,89,100.91 2,22,56,84,039.00 (8,81,07,398.00) (4,62,94,938.09) 3,11,12,81,702.91 2,17,93,89,100.91 Add/(Deduct):Balance of net income/(expenditure) transferred from Income and Expenditure Account Balance as at the Year - End. SCHEDULE : 02 - RESERVE AND SURPLUS Particulars Current Year (Rs.) Previous Year (Rs.) 01. GENERAL RESERVE: As per last Account Addition during the year Less : Deductions during the year Closing Balance National Institute of Technology Rourkela 271 88,11,177.00 88,11,177.00 - - 88,11,177.00 88,11,177.00 - - 88,11,177.00 88,11,177.00 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 15,02,857 Continuing Education Activity Fund R&D SRICCE Fund MODROB(MHRD) TAPTEC Project 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Testing Service 272 EDP School MIS Recurring( R ) Rail Road Wheel Rail System Industry Institute Interaction Scheme EIDP (Impact Project) Material Science Contigency Substantiality Support Scheme AEIE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 INSTITUTE Sub- Total 11 SRICCE MISC (4,790) Consultancy 3 10,368 4,09,951 (20,736) 8,135 309 1,79,177 9,248 10,88,73,922 - (6,133) 1,85,78,247 68,640 5,05,258 39,34,260 1,41,95,869 2,68,29,265 FIST 2 4,32,70,449 Opening Bal as on 01-04-2011 Non-MHRD SRICCE PARTICULARS 1 Sl. No. - - - - - - - 15,50,00,133 10,73,249 38,95,887 - - 1,67,79,512 - 21,19,271 34,87,725 1,85,62,316 3,34,55,151 7,56,27,022 Addition to Fund Refund - - - - - - - - - - 10,368 4,09,951 (20,736) 8,135 309 1,79,177 9,248 - - - - - - - 26,38,74,055 7,59,823 10,73,249 53,98,744 (4,790) (6,133) 35,35,77,59 68,640 26,24,529 74,21,985 3,27,58,185 6,02,84,416 11,88,97,471 7,59,823 Total NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY , ROURKELA, F.Y- 201-2012 SCHEDULE-3, EARMARKED/ENDOWMENT FUND. - - - - - - - 2,43,44,833 - - - - - - - - - 27,95,379 2,15,49,454 Capital Exp. - - - - - - - 6,94,96,045 10,63,799 51,63,327 - - 1,36,70,121 - 20,64,896 3,485,105 1,20,62,060 - 3,19,86,737 Revenue Exp - - - - - - - 9,46,00,701 10,63,799 51,63,327 - - 1,36,70,121 - 20,64,896 34,85,105 1,20,62,060 27,95,379 5,42,96,014 Total Exp Annual Report 2011-2012 PARTICULARS National Institute of Technology Rourkela 273 (Dr.K.K.Mishra) 17 National Convention on Env.Engg 16 UGC Teacher Fellowship 15 ISTE Grants, Dr.L.Kar Research HRD Grant, CSIR, New Delhi 14 Adhoc grant council Scientific & Industrial GRANT SANCTIONED BY CSIR Eng.Lab Dr.S.K.Rath 13 Infrastructure Development of Software (Dr.S.K.Acharya) 12 Development of Lab.on Machine Vision Management (Shri.R.B.Singh) 11 Advance DST Techniques for Mobility MHRD (R &D) for Nonlinear control (Dr. J.K. Satpathy) 10 Hiararchical Neuro-Fuzzy Hybrid Architecture process Met. Lab.(Dr. R.C. Behera) Functioning & Outdated Equipement for 9 MODROB (MHRD) Replacement of Old Non GRANT SANCTIONED BY AICTE 8 Substantiality Support Scheme CSEA Sl. No. 26,000 5,000 350 (40,000) (4,997) 4,394 (1,295) 58,233 4,359 14,118 Opening Bal as on 01-04-2011 Addition to Fund - - - - - - - - - - 26,000 5,000 350 (40,000) (4,997) 4,394 (1,295) 58,233 4,359 14,118 Total Refund - - - - - - - - - - Capital Exp. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Revenue Exp - - - - - - - - - - Total Exp Annual Report 2011-2012 PARTICULARS 43,126 20 GOI,Indo-UK Joint Res.Project, Dr.S.Mohapatra 10,325 23 PMS Andhra pradesh National Institute of Technology Rourkela 274 21,258 37 PMS Maharashtra 22,596 35 PMS Bihar 8,850 40,986 34 PMS Uttarpradesh 36 PMS Chandigarh 10,145 - 32 PMS Chhindabada 33 PMS Jharkhand 14,880 31 PMS West Bengal 7,300 - 29 PMS Uttarakhand 30 PMS Rajastan - - 2,90,325 700 28 PMS Orissa(ST) 27 PMS Orissa(SC) 26 PMS Orissa 25 PMS Karnataka 2,500 13,231 22 NEC Shillong 24 PMS Chattishgarh 10,600 21 NEC Scholarship Assam CENTRAL GOVT. / STATE GOVT. SCHOLARSHIP (STRR,MSI) 38,540 (2,47,355) Opening Bal as on 01-04-2011 19 Indo-US Project Other Agency 18 UGC Career Awards, Dr.J.K.Satapathy Sl. No. - - - - - - 10,01,370 61,480 2,29,400 - 15,000 40,16,886 13,60,624 - - - 2,00,375 Addition to Fund 21,258 8,850 10,23,966 1,02,466 2,39,545 - 29,880 7,300 - 40,16,886 13,60,624 2,90,325 700 2,500 2,10,700 13,231 10,600 43,126 38,540 (2,47,355) Total Refund - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Capital Exp. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8,37,490 61,480 2,29,400 - 15,000 - - 37,23,924 13,13,084 - - - 2,00,375 - - - - - Revenue Exp - - - - - - - 8,37,490 61,480 2,29,400 - 15,000 - - 37,23,924 13,13,084 - - - 2,00,375 Total Exp Annual Report 2011-2012 - 41 PMS Meghalaya 42 PMS M.P. National Institute of Technology Rourkela 39,185 49 Indusrty Institute Interaction Scholarship 275 - 56 National Schlorship,Yemen 57 National Schlorship,Maldives 73,300 54 National Merit Schlorship 55 National Schlorship,Srilanka 1,200 - 36,000 53 Sr.Merit Scholarship, Orissa Thiruvanthapuram 52 Minority Community scholarship 51 Girls Merit Scholarship 50 PG Meritorius Scholarship IMA, BBSR - 1,35,673 48 GOO, TRW Post Martic Scholarship (GOO) 2,12,700 47 GOO, DPI National Scholarship Orissa 5,550 (10,905) 45 GOO, DPI Senior Merit Scholarship 46 GOO, DPI National Loan Scholarship 13,999 44 GOO, Loan Stipend , Orissa Student 30,39,868 - 40 PMS Assam 43 GOI , TCS , Colombo 14,835 39 PMS Nagpur Opening Bal as on 01-04-2011 31,748 PARTICULARS 38 PMS Kerala Sl. No. - - - - 11,468 18,000 38,438 - - 41,657 - - - - - - - - - 1,65,330 Addition to Fund 11,468 18,000 38,438 73,300 1,200 41,657 36,000 - 39,185 1,35,673 2,12,700 5,550 (10,905) 13,999 30,39,868 1,65,330 - - 14,835 31,748 Total Refund - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Capital Exp. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11,468 18,000 38,438 - 41,657 - - - - - - - - - 1,65,330 - - - - Revenue Exp - - - - 11,468 18,000 38,438 - 41,657 - - - - - - - - - 1,65,330 Total Exp Annual Report 2011-2012 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 276 300 4,452 77 Scholarship Bank Loan, Orissa 78 Scholarship Orissa Mining & Geology 6,400 76 Scholarship Coal India 400 4,050 74 Scholarship New Delhi, SAIL 75 Scholarship Paradeep Port Trust - 3,000 73 Scholarship Bokaro Steel Plant - - - - - - 3,750 - 6,600 - - 18,000 72 Scholarship Bhilai Steel Plant - 4,800 70 Scholarship Arunachal Pradesh 71 Scholarship Nagaland Govt. 20,915 24,000 69 Scholarship Govt.Of Pondichery 68 Scholarship Govt.Of Tripura 67 Scholarship Vishakapatnam Steel Plant - - (9,40,047) 66 Stipened Q.I.P - 6,200 65 Nalco Foundation Day Scholarship 14,24,473 59,027 64 ST Central Top Class Scholarship 7,63,765 40,000 14,68,235 - 48,000 63 SC Central Top Class Scholarship Pune, Maharashtra 62 Raj Shree Sahu Maharaja Merit Scholarship, 1,02,868 22,500 - 60 National Scholarship, Congo 61 NTS Scholarship, New Delhi 96,678 - 54,581 Addition to Fund 59 National Scholarship, Afganisthan Opening Bal as on 01-04-2011 1,81,443 PARTICULARS 58 National Scholarship, Bangladesh Sl. No. 300 4,452 6,400 400 4,050 3,000 3,750 - 11,400 20,915 24,000 18,000 (9,40,047) 6,200 14,83,500 22,32,000 40,000 1,50,868 22,500 96,678 2,36,024 Total Refund - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Capital Exp. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6,600 - - 18,000 12,93,920 - - 13,41,466 40,000 72,000 22,500 96,678 58,792 Revenue Exp - - - - - - - - 6,600 - - 18,000 12,93,920 - - 13,41,466 40,000 72,000 22,500 96,678 58,792 Total Exp Annual Report 2011-2012 PARTICULARS 5,400 84 Scholarship Govt.Of Himachal Pradesh National Institute of Technology Rourkela 277 - 97 Post Graduate Merit Scholarship, New Delhi 98 Chief Minister Sch. Orissa 99 Educational Sch. Hyderabad 19,320 - 95 PG Meritorius Scholarship, IMA, BBSR 96 National Scholarship (Orissa) 50,000 - 94 PG Merit odisha 40,000 - - - 72,000 1,10,000 - - (2,200) 93 PG Merit cum Poverty, Odisha Bihar 92 Merit cum means scholarship for minorities, 91 Merit Scholarship, Pune 42,400 90 Scholarship- Book Grant, Santika Das , Met Eng 40,000 - - 19,320 72,000 50,000 1,10,000 16,000 (2,200) 42,400 25,400 294,170 2,94,170 25,400 30,978 40 40,530 5,400 4,930 30,978 40 89 Scholarship Govt.Of Uttaranchal 88 Scholarship Foreign Student 87 Scholarship Girls Merit Scheme, Orissa 86 Scholarship Govt.Of Manipur 40,530 4,930 83 Scholarship Govt.Of Madhya Pradesh 85 Scholarship Govt.Of Maharastra 1,480 82 Scholarship Govt.Of Jammu & Kashmir 1,480 7,191 7,191 81 Scholarship Govt.Of Punjab & Haryana 85,125 Total 5,928 16,000 Addition to Fund 5,928 85,125 Opening Bal as on 01-04-2011 80 Scholarship Govt.Of Tamil Nadu 79 Scholarship Govt.Of Assam Sl. No. Refund - - - - - - - - Capital Exp. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 40,000 - - - 72,000 50,000 70,000 16,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - Revenue Exp - - - - - - - - - - - - - 40,000 - - - 72,000 50,000 70,000 16,000 Total Exp Annual Report 2011-2012 - 102 NCT, New Delhi 103 General Scholarship, Uttarpradesh 1,29,742 107 Students Univ. Exam A/c National Institute of Technology Rourkela 278 49,950 81,299 114 Students Hostel Fund 115 Students SSG Share Money 1,746 15,000 7,620 2,294 119 Students Additional Cont.Allow 120 Student AF Subscription A/c 121 Sambalpur Univ.Deposit Imprest A/c 193 118 Students NCC A/c 117 Students Spring Time 3,58,333 13,630 113 Students College Blazer 116 Students SSG A/c Subscription 3,27,485 48,883 111 Students Insurance 112 Students A.V.Subscription 19,073 13,99,000 110 Students Univ. Games & Sports A/c 109 Students Tech.Univ A/c 82,046 1,58,847 106 Students Regn. & Migration 108 Students Univ. Enrollment & Late Admn A/c 2,15,417 105 Students Convocation & Degree 104 ONGC Scholarship - 101 National Scholarship, Congo Opening Bal as on 01-04-2011 - PARTICULARS 100 Indira Gandhi Sch. Single Girl Child, ND Sl. No. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2,40,000 29,400 38,880 Addition to Fund - - 2,294 7,620 15,000 1,746 193 3,58,333 81,299 49,950 13,630 3,27,485 48,883 19,073 13,99,000 82,046 1,29,742 1,58,847 2,15,417 2,40,000 29,400 38,880 Total Refund - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Capital Exp. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 29,400 38,880 - - Revenue Exp - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 29,400 38,880 Total Exp Annual Report 2011-2012 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 279 35,23,48,619 56,78,25,841 Grand Total 12,65,066 35,10,83,553 Sub - total 130 Board of Trustee(NPS),NIT, Rourkela Rourkela 129 Board of Trustee(CPF/GPF/Pension),NIT, BOT 10,66,03,300 - 128 Fellowship Sub- Total 1,00,00,000.00 8,76,20,467 127 SRICCE Fund 126 Endowment fund(Inst.) Addition to Fund - - - 275 7,242 10,499 Total - - - - - - - - 46,52,27,185 56,706,156 1,70,45,738 15,133,964 44,81,81,447 41,572,192 32,25,52,025 50,22,056 1,00,00,000 9,11,33,687 Refund 48,38,27,424 1,05,16,53,265 5,74,65,979 11,28,78,566 1,57,80,672 9,70,97,894 21,59,48,725 50,22,056.00 - 35,13,220 - 19,71,82,544.00 19,71,82,544.00 275 124 Sambalpur Regn.Of College Teacher 125 Institute Corpus fund 7,242 123 Sambalpur Int.College Tournament Opening Bal as on 01-04-2011 10,499 PARTICULARS 122 Sambalpur Univ.Exam (Pvt.Cand.) Sl. No. 8,19,09,969 3,45,097.00 - - - - - - - 2,33,37,861 1,500 2,33,36,361 10,57,10,571 35,33,623.00 - 1,00,00,000.00 - - - - - Revenue Exp 2,43,44,833 19,85,44,477 Capital Exp. - - - 28,03,55,289 8,00,44,017 1,51,35,464 6,49,08,553 10,57,10,571 35,33,623.00 1,00,00,000.00 8,19,09,969 3,45,097.00 Total Exp Annual Report 2011-2012 Annual Report 2011-2012 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY , ROURKELA SCHEDULES FORMING PART OF BALANCE SHEET AS ON 31.03.2012 SCHEDULE:04-SECURED LOANS AND BORROWINGS: Particulars NIL Current Year (Rs.) Previous Year (Rs.) NIL NIL Current Year (Rs.) Previous Year (Rs.) NIL NIL Current Year (Rs.) Previous Year (Rs.) NIL NIL Current Year (Rs.) Previous Year (Rs.) SCHEDULE:05-UNSECURED LOANS AND BORROWINGS: Particulars NIL SCHEDULE:06-DEFERRED CREDIT LIABILITIES: Particulars NIL SCHEDULE :07 - CURRENT LIABILITIES AND PROVISIONS: Particulars A. CURRENT LIABILITIES 1. Advance Received 5,05,67,967.38 9,30,15,906.38 2. Liabilities for Expenses 4,25,18,455.00 3,96,49,846.00 3. Security Deposit 14,59,84,839.00 11,96,07,294.00 4. Statutory Liabilities 55,40,316.00 19,50,871.00 5. TEQIP CELL-I 1,023.16 4,32,740.16 6. TEQIP CELL-II 2,59,548.00 - 7. Sundry Creditors 7,38,53,275.00 7,44,07,086.00 8. BOT (Payable) 49,97,615.00 44,76,406.00 32,37,23,038.54 33,35,40,149.54 TOTAL B. PROVISIONS 1. Gratuity 14,87,761.00 14,82,707.00 2. Pension 60,00,437.00 53,80,670.00 3. Provision for D.A. 28,03,513.00 6,17,945.00 1,02,91,711.00 74,81,322.00 33,40,14,749.54 34,10,21,471.54 TOTAL(A+B) National Institute of Technology Rourkela 280 Particulars National Institute of Technology Rourkela 281 7,58,83,119 7,03,70,068 11,88,12,294 8,15,43,750 Furniture & Fixture Office Equipment Computer /Peripherals Electric Installation Library Books 5 6 7 8 9 2,79,35,250 1,04,79,543 6,34,13,959 10 Tube well & Water Supply 11 Other Fixed Assets 12 Telecom & Networking Inst. 5,63,76,124 5,68,270 Vehicles 42,58,20,755 4 1 Building B. CAPITAL (WIP) INSTITUTE TOTAL (A) - - - - - 1,58,76,354 16,692 79,76,207 78,93,373 2,86,92,222 3,66,79,034 - 2,54,70,514 - 3,59,64,203 4,38,878 - 5,68,270 7,03,70,068 1,00,28,580 10,29,955 60,13,363 7,92,90,313 1,04,68,869 3,52,67,265 6,41,57,007 40,38,614 - - - - - 3,91,68,440 95,42,143 1,41,02,040 1,94,41,539 3,56,59,206 9,61,73,687 6,47,19,728 1,92,17,742 5,63,003 - - - - - 84,54,989 2,30,450 20,96,295 61,23,514 64,25,163 2,45,27,172 14,12,585 71,05,154 1,053 3,92,27,343 5,00,21,338 - - - 3,68,35,171 2,00,76,70,431 67,37,51,165 14,56,25,056 - - 11,68,13,443 - - - - 27,366 6,44,192 1,12,490 20,53,696 10,81,82,276 18,32,750 15,36,58,578 - 5,052 10,13,48,581 - 17,30,300 46,00,54,658 18,37,61,191 3,04,29,325 78,59,41,713 19,14,02,446 - DEPRECIATION As at the As At For the year end beginning of year year (1+2-3=4) (5) (6) 95,83,22,521 57,10,47,599 25,14,84,549 1,27,78,85,571 1,62,48,86,367 41,96,19,235 40,38,614 11,68,13,443 16 Plant ,Machinery & Equip.(TEQIP) 17 Furniture (TEQIP) 1,00,28,580 10,29,955 14 Electric Equipment(TEQIP) 15 Civil Work(TEQIP) 60,13,363 13 Book & Learning Resources(TEQIP) TEQIP - 55,53,20,402 26,10,50,636 Plant ,Machinery & Equipments Building 2 4,38,878 3 Land A. FIXED ASSETS INSTITUTE 1 Sl. No. GROSS BLOCK As At Additions Deletions/ begining of during the adjustments year year during the year (1) (2) (3) - 4,38,878 6,61,32,313 2,63,22,896 5,64,056 1,00,28,580 10,29,955 60,13,363 3,16,66,884 6,96,276 1,90,68,930 3,85,91,954 6,60,97,907 - 40,38,614 - 11,68,13,443 - - - 4,76,23,429 97,72,593 1,61,98,335 2,55,65,053 4,20,84,369 3,29,57,719 42,37,755 7,50,25,685 4,214 - - 1,27,78,85,571 - 81,93,76,221 1,18,82,94,210 - - - - - - - - - - - 12,07,00,859 - - - - 22,29,88,534 23,70,66,124 - 24,14,23,784 54,45,17,929 - 95,83,22,521 95,11,35,202 40,38,614 11,68,13,443 1,00,28,580 10,29,955 60,13,363 2,42,45,519 9,37,400 1,38,33,210 3,69,34,585 4,58,84,544 2,26,38,607 56,50,340 5,66,65,377 5,267 24,20,59,564 36,39,17,956 4,38,878 NET BLOCK Deletions Upto end of As at the As at the adjustments the year current year previous year during the year end end (7) (5+6-7=8) (4-8=9) (1-5=10) NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY,ROURKELA-769008 SCHEDULE-8 FIXED ASSETS AS ON 31.03.2012 Annual Report 2011-2012 Plant, Machinary & Equipment 3 22,89,036 8,69,75,207 (1+2-3=4) (5) - - - (6) - - - D. PREVIOUS YEAR 1,85,07,80,667 1,39,69,79,229 63,10,21,528 2,61,67,38,368 55,90,52,193 11,46,98,972 2,61,67,38,368 1,06,99,69,726 31,18,87,849 3,37,48,20,245 67,37,51,165 14,56,25,056 2,07,840 2,33,60,289 (3) C. TOTAL 24,96,876 7,68,06,016 (2) 99,18,52,001 65,03,50,491 27,50,52,678 1,36,71,49,814 - 3,35,29,480 (1) DEPRECIATION As at the As At For the year end beginning of year year TOTAL (B) (A+B) Electric Installation Particulars 2 Sl. No. GROSS BLOCK As At Additions Deletions/ begining of during the adjustments year year during the year (7) 22,89,036 8,69,75,207 - 1,36,71,49,814 - - (4-8=9) 99,18,52,001 - 3,35,29,480 (1-5=10) - 67,37,51,165 1,94,29,87,203 1,29,17,28,474 - 81,93,76,221 2,55,54,44,024 1,94,29,87,203 - - - (5+6-7=8) NET BLOCK Deletions Upto end of As at the As at the adjustments the year current year previous year during the year end end NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY,ROURKELA-769008 SCHEDULE-8 FIXED ASSETS AS ON 31.03.2012 Annual Report 2011-2012 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 282 Annual Report 2011-2012 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY , ROURKELA SCHEDULES FORMING PART OF BALANCE SHEET AS ON 31.03.2011 SCHEDULE :09 - INVESTMENT FROM EARMARKED/ENDOWMENT FUND Particulars Current Year (Rs.) Previous Year (Rs.) 3,00,33,720.00 2,80,33,720.00 Term Deposits with Schedule Banks(institute) 21,80,87,197.00 17,27,20,541.00 Term Deposits with Schedule Banks(B.O.T.) 37,55,61,693.17 33,90,12,678.38 62,36,82,610.17 53,97,66,939.38 Current Year (Rs.) Previous Year (Rs.) 48,13,34,922.00 19,73,27,383.00 48,13,34,922.00 19,73,27,383.00 Current Year (Rs.) Previous Year (Rs.) Term Deposits with Schedule Banks(SRICCE) TOTAL SCHDULE :10 - INVESTMENT OTHERS Particulars Term Deposits with Schedule Banks TOTAL SCHEDULE :11 - CURRENT ASSETS,LOANS & ADVANCES Particulars Current Assets,Loans&Advances 1. Security Receivable 40,68,808.00 35,93,060.00 2. Advance Receivable 19,43,56,603.00 20,70,20,642.00 3. TEQIP-I (Advance) - 1,58,910.00 4. Advance (TEQIP-II) 50,000.00 - 5. Temporary Advance 69,864.00 69,864.00 6. Cash-in-hand 20.00 348.00 7. B/D/Cheques-in-hand - 6,195.00 8. Bank Balances i. Current Account 6,36,27,535.79 8,49,63,409.79 ii. Saving Account 23,34,649.83 65,26,883.83 iii. TEQIP-I 71,403.00 5,63,612.00 iv. TEQIP-II 1,95,39,072.00 v. SRICCE 12,46,22,304.86 6,55,96,222.86 9. Accrued Intrest 3,31,11,820.00 2,16,53,092.00 10. Deferred Revenue Expenditure - - 11. Grant Receivable 10,00,00,000.00 - 12. Salary Nodal 3,18,657.00 2,20,607.00 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 283 Annual Report 2011-2012 Particulars Current Year (Rs.) Previous Year (Rs.) 13. SRICCE i. Permanent Advance 3,80,000.00 3,40,000.00 ii. Temporary Advance 77,74,222.00 84,40,872.00 14. BOARD OF TRUSTEES i. Accrued Interest 1,03,14,185.19 1,57,95,424.57 ii. Advance Receivable 14,400.98 14,401.00 iii. Income Tax Receivable 22,94,210.11 19,01,830.95 iv. Bank Balance 19,96,293.52 1,00,690.07 56,49,44,049.28 41,69,66,065.07 Current Year (Rs.) Previous Year (Rs.) 16,85,925.00 6,17,400.00 - 83,000.00 16,85,925.00 7,00,400.00 Current Year (Rs.) Previous Year (Rs.) 48,00,00,000.00 49,00,00,000.00 - 23,46,000.00 48,00,00,000.00 49,23,46,000.00 Current Year (Rs.) Previous Year (Rs.) 14,80,000.00 14,18,000.00 7,36,500.00 6,83,000.00 TOTAL SCHEDULE:12 - INCOME FROM SALES/SERVICES Particulars 1. Sale of Application form 2. Sale of Tender Paper T O T A L SCHEDULE:13 - GRANTS/SUBSIDIES Particulars 1. Central Govt. 2. State Govt. TOTAL SCHEDULE : 14 - FEES/SUBSCRIPTIONS Particulars 1 Admission Fee 2 Hall Admission Fee 3 Processing Fee (B.Tech/M.Tech/Ph .D)* - 12,95,904.00 4 Other Fee (Examination, Library Etc.) * - 1,30,59,475.00 5 Transcript fee* - 1,85,214.00 6 Tuition Fees 11,11,27,399.00 6,85,37,390.83 7 Dayscholar Permission Fee* - - 8 TEQIP-I - 15,500.00 11,33,43,899.00 8,51,94,483.83 TOTAL National Institute of Technology Rourkela 284 Annual Report 2011-2012 SCHEDULE:15 - INCOME FROM INVESTMENT Particulars Current Year (Rs.) Particulars 1 Rent 2 Vehicle Rent 3 Hall Seat Rent 4 5 Previous Year (Rs.) 8,42,328.00 Current10,00,512.00 Year (Rs.) Previous Year (Rs.) 9,661.00 12,190.00 1,78,90,765.00 1,28,09,940.00 Licence Fee 19,81,121.00 14,85,402.00 Rent(VH/GH) 16,34,400.00 12,70,420.00 2,25,16,459.00 1,64,20,280.00 Current Year (Rs.) Previous Year (Rs.) TOTAL SCHEDULE:16 - INCOME FROM ROYALTY PUBLICATION Particulars 1. Income from Publication NIL NIL TOTAL NIL NIL SCHEDULE:17 - INTEREST EARNED Particulars Current Year (Rs.) Previous Year (Rs.) 1,37,52,249.00 41,57,388.08 4,148.00 - 1,37,56,397.00 41,57,388.08 Current Year (Rs.) Previous Year (Rs.) 1. Fees for Misc. Service 4,31,187.00 4,38,490.00 2. Miscellaneous Income 1,69,276.00 97,600.00 33,656.00 - 6,34,119.00 5,36,090.00 1. With Schedule Bank 2. TEQIP-I TOTAL SCHEDULE:18 - OTHER INCOME Particulars 3. TEQIP-I TOTAL SCHEDULE :19 - INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN STOCK OF FINISHED GOODS WORK IN PROGRESS. Particulars Current Year (Rs.) NIL TOTAL SCHEDULE : 20 ESTABLISHMENT EXPENSES National Institute of Technology Rourkela 285 Previous Year (Rs.) NIL NIL NIL NIL Annual Report 2011-2012 Particulars Current Year (Rs.) Previous Year (Rs.) 27,49,10,150.00 22,94,02,887.00 1 Salary & Wages 2 Allowances & Bonus 9,31,428.00 9,29,126.00 3 Contribution to CPF 15,07,980.00 14,75,944.00 4 Contribution to New Pension Scheme 82,77,972.00 59,44,423.00 5 Lien Contribution of Prof. S. K. Sarangi, Director 2,70,166.00 1,79,608.00 6 Outsourced Services 2,36,85,916.00 2,32,57,066.00 7 Staff Welfare Expenses 2,02,42,806.00 1,12,31,291.00 8 Expenses on Employees'Retirement &Terminal Benefits 8,94,71,222.00 9,12,18,752.00 9 GOO (Arear) Pension - 23,46,000.00 41,92,97,640.00 36,59,85,097.00 Current Year (Rs.) Previous Year (Rs.) 69,67,762.00 58,81,134.00 3,00,000.00 3,00,000.00 - 52,200.00 53,048.00 70,804.00 TOTAL SCHEDULE : 21 -OTHER ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES Particulars 1 Advertisement & Publicity 2 Auditors' Remuneration 3 Awards & Prizes 4 Bank Charges 5 Books & Professional Society Membership Allow. 15,80,185.00 8,54,036.00 6 Contingencies Expenses 14,27,877.00 19,36,081.00 7 Conveyance Allow. 5,500.00 6,500.00 8 Children Education Allowance * - 29,53,694.00 9 Convocation 11,80,669.00 5,51,076.00 10 Conference & Seminar Expenses 96,41,173.00 60,45,055.00 11 Electricity & Power 2,52,83,829.00 1,99,66,197.00 12 Golden Jubilee Celebration Expenses 13 Hospitality Expenses 2,38,893.00 1,99,018.00 14 Honorarium 6,77,000.00 3,03,490.00 15 Internet Charges 27,45,258.00 32,79,747.00 16 Labour & Processing - 2,67,710.00 17 Legal Expenses 5,04,580.00 2,39,305.00 18 License fee for software/web Edition 1,65,64,599.00 1,28,14,950.00 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 13,60,564.00 286 Annual Report 2011-2012 Particulars Current Year (Rs.) Previous Year (Rs.) 2,03,100.00 - 19 Miscellaneous Expenses 20 M.Tech. stipend 4,34,31,697.00 3,57,49,328.00 21 Ph.D Stipend 2,81,36,655.00 1,73,43,883.00 22 Postage, telephone & communication charges 4,50,841.00 3,49,778.00 23 Printing & Stationary 49,04,026.00 49,80,431.00 24 Professional Charges 2,97,969.00 1,75,849.00 25 Remuneration to External Examiners 3,37,333.00 2,68,502.00 26 Repair & Maintenance 2,95,24,423.00 3,66,82,175.00 27 Student Travel 14,55,978.00 8,57,604.00 28 Stipendary Trainees/Teaching Asstt. Remuneration 40,20,122.00 48,84,933.00 29 TEQIP-I(Revenue Expenses) 2,57,206.00 11,55,676.00 30 TEQIP(Revenue Expenses) 6,70,476.00 - 31 Training to faculty & staff 1,16,564.00 1,83,463.00 32 Traveling & Conveyance Expenses 38,77,180.00 26,48,625.00 33 Telephone Charges 12,78,801.00 11,21,421.00 34 Uniform & Washing Allowance 26,429.00 12,616.00 35 Vehicle Running & Maintenance 3,11,158.00 5,71,971.00 36 Water Charges (PHED) 15,35,759.00 9,90,742.00 18,93,66,654.00 16,36,97,994.00 TOTAL * Children Education Allowance transferred to Staff welfare expenses of sch.20 SCHEDULE:22 - EXPENDITURE ON GRANTS,SUBSIDIES Particulars 1. Current Year (Rs.) Community centre TOTAL Previous Year (Rs.) 5,000.00 - 5,000.00 - SCHEDULE:23 - INTEREST Particulars Current Year (Rs.) Previous Year (Rs.) NIL NIL NIL TOTAL NIL NIL National Institute of Technology Rourkela 287 Annual Report 2011-2012 SCHDULES 24- SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES 1. ACCOUNTING CONVENTION The financial statements are prepared on the basis of historical cost convention, unless otherwise stated and on the accrual method of accounting. 2. INVESTMENTS Investments are valued at cost. 3. FIXED ASSETS Fixed Assets are stated at cost of acquisition inclusive of inward expenses and incidental and direct expenses. Fixed Assets acquired out of Earmarked/Endowment Funds being the assets of the Fund provider are deducted from the respective Fund Account as Capital expenditure & are not taken into Account in the Fixed Assets of the Institute shown under Schedule-8. 4. DEPRECIATION Depreciation is provided on written down value method as per rates specified in the Income Tax Act, 1961. Depreciation on fixed assets (TEQIP) has not been provided as per specification of the terms & condition of TEQIP-NPIU. 5. GOVERNMENT GRANTS Government grants received during the year for capital expenditure are treated as Corpus Fund. Government grant of the nature of contribution towards Capital & Revenue Expenses for specific projects are treated as Endowment/ Earmarked Fund. Government grants under Non-Plan received during the year for revenue Expenditure of the institute are treated as income under head grants/subsidies. Government grants/subsidies are accounted on accrual basis. 6. RETIREMENT BENEFITS Liabilities towards gratuity payable on death/retirement of employees is provided based on actual valuation. Liabilities towards pension payable on retirement of employees is provided based on actual valuation. Leave encashment benefit(arrear) to the employee is accounted on actual valuation. SCHEDULE 25 - CONTINGENT LIABILITIES AND NOTES ON ACCOUNT 1. CONTINGENT LIABILITIES Claims against the Institute under suit Rs.Nil (Previous Year Rs.Nil). 1.NOTES ON ACCOUNT A) Corresponding figure for the previous year have been regrouped/rearranged, whenever necessary. B) Capital assets acquired out of earmarked/endowment fund amounts to Rs.243,44,833/- (Total accumulated up to end of previous Year Rs.20,79,17,107/-). DEPUTY REGISTRAR(FA) REGISTRAR National Institute of Technology Rourkela DIRECTOR 288 Annual Report 2011-2012 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY,ROURKELA RECEIPT AND PAYMENT ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED ON 31.03.2011 RECEIPTS Sl. No. 1 Particulars Amount in Rs. Amount in Rs. 15,77,43,186.93 OPENING BALANCE a)Cash-in-hand(Institute) 348.00 b)Bank Draft/Cheque-in hand 6,195.00 c)Bank Balance 8,49,63,410.00 i)In current Account(Institute) 65,26,884.00 ii)In savings a/c(Institute) 5,63,612.00 iii)Bank Balances(TEQIP-I CELL) - iv)Bank Balance (TEQIP - II CELL) 6,55,82,047.86 v)Bank Balances(SRICCE) 1,00,690.07 vi)Bank Balances(BOT) 15,77,43,186.93 2 1,40,00,00,000.00 GRANT RECEIVED-(NON-PLAN) 38,00,00,000.00 Central Govt.(Non-Plan) 3 GRANT RECEIVED -PLAN 1,00,00,00,000.00 a)Central Govt. 2,00,00,000.00 b)TEQIP - II 1,40,00,00,000.00 4 58,04,82,141.31 EARMARKED/ENDOWNMENT FUND (A) SRICCE 11,35,55,130.00 a) Grant 4,14,45,003.00 b) Interest/Fee & Overheads 84,00,251.00 c) Loan & Advance 2,50,00,000.00 d) Investments Fixed Deposits 18,84,00,384.00 (B) BOT a)Contribution to Members Fund 3,85,05,135.00 b)Contribution to NPS 1,56,97,656.00 46,41,699.00 c)Advance Recovery from members 1,36,53,021.16 d)Receivables & Loans National Institute of Technology Rourkela 289 Annual Report 2011-2012 Particulars Sl. No. Amount in Rs. e) Interest Amount in Rs. 3,67,54,435.31 f) Discount on Investments 66,000.00 g) Investments 28,25,14,424.84 h)TDS Refund 2,49,386.00 39,20,81,757.31 Sub- Total ( A + B ) 5 58,04,82,141.31 16,85,925.00 INCOME FROM SALES/SERVICE Sale of application form 16,85,925.00 16,85,925.00 6 10,80,30,327.00 INCOME FROM FEES/SUBSCRIPTION Fees 10,80,30,327.00 10,80,30,327.00 7 INCOME FROM INVESTMENT Rent 8 2,09,27,589.00 - - 29,80,559.00 29,84,707.00 INCOME FROM ROYALITY/PUBLICATION From Publication 9 2,09,27,589.00 INTREST EARNED a)Loans and Others b) TEQIP- I CELL 4,148.00 29,84,707.00 10 OTHER INCOME a)Fees & Misc.Receipt 4,29,384.00 b)Others 1,69,276.00 c)Prior Period Income 62,64,687.00 56,32,371.00 d) TEQIP - I 33,656.00 62,64,687.00 INVESTMENT - OTHERS a)Principal Matured 93,59,13,536.00 b)Intrest received on Investment 93,69,29,928.00 1,016,392.00 93,69,29,928.00 OTHER RECEIPTS a)Advance Received 11,08,02,621.00 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 290 60,19,33,434.00 Annual Report 2011-2012 Particulars Sl. No. Amount in Rs. b)Statutory Liabilities Amount in Rs. 12,59,79,041.00 c)Security Deposit 6,30,82,318.00 d)Scholarship 1,02,30,905.00 e)Advance Receivable(Loans & Adv.) 60,19,33,434.00 24,74,34,739.00 f)Fellowship 45,64,200.00 g)Corpus Fund 3,96,80,700.00 h)TEQIP- I (Advance) 1,58,910.00 60,19,33,434.00 3,81,69,81,925.24 GRAND TOTAL DEPUTY REGISTRAR(FA) REGISTRAR National Institute of Technology Rourkela DIRECTOR 291 Annual Report 2011-2012 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY,ROURKELA RECEIPT AND PAYMENT ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED ON 31.03.2011 PAYMENTS Sl. No. 1 Particulars Amount in Rs. Amount in Rs. 557,391,210.00 EXPENSES a)Establishment Expenses 27,93,23,500.00 b)Other Administrative Expenses 17,54,87,805.00 24,38,126.00 c) Prior - Period Expenses d) Retirement & Terminal Benefit 8,14,46,775.00 e) Staff Welfare 1,80,21,870.00 5,000.00 f)Grants to clubs & other societies g)TEQIP- I (Revenue Expenses) 2,57,206.00 h)TEQIP- I I(Revenue Expenses) 4,10,928.00 55,73,91,210.00 2 51,95,60,455.86 ENDOWNMENT /EARMARKED FUND (A) SRICCE i)Capital Expenditure 2,43,44,833.00 ii)Revenue Expenditure 6,94,96,045.00 77,73,601.00 iii) Loan & Advances 759,823.00 iv) Refund to Sponsor 2,70,00,000.00 v) Investments Fixed Deposits 12,93,74,302.00 (B) BOT 1,07,771.91 i)Revenue Expenditure ii) Refund to Contributors 4,15,72,192.00 iii) CRA -NSDL 1,51,33,964.00 ii) Loan & Advances 1,36,53,021.16 31,90,63,439.63 v) Investments 14,000.00 vi) Current Liabilities 6,41,765.16 vii)TDS Deductions 39,01,86,153.86 51,95,60,455.86 Sub- Total (A + B ) National Institute of Technology Rourkela 292 Annual Report 2011-2012 Sl. No. 3 Particulars Amount in Rs. Amount in Rs. 69,02,35,861.00 FIXED ASSETS a)Purchsed & Capitalised 10,05,71,014.00 b)Capital Work in Progress 58,96,64,847.00 69,02,35,861.00 4 1,83,76,17,294.00 OTHER PAYMENTS 9,45,77,751.00 a)Advance Received b)Statutory Liabilities 12,23,89,687.00 c) Security Deposites 3,67,04,773.00 d)Liability for Exp. 3,89,51,818.00 e) Provisions paid 72,54,250.00 f) Scholarship 93,72,793.00 g)Fellowship 35,20,623.00 h) Loans & Advances 20,91,14,015.00 i) Security Receivable 3,40,940.00 1,24,05,00,000.00 j)Investment 7,43,72,085.00 k)Sundry creditors paid 2,623.00 l)Endowment fund (Inst.) 34,219.00 m) Endowment fund (Inst.) Interest 4,31,717.00 n)TEQIP - I (Advance /EMD/Liabilities) 50,000.00 o)TEQIP-II(Advance) 1,83,76,17,294.00 5 CLOSING BALANCE Institute 21,21,77,104.38 20.00 a)Cash-in-hand - b)Bank Draft/Cheques in hand c)Current a/c 6,36,27,536.00 d)Savings a/c 23,34,650.00 6,59,62,206.00 - TEQIP - I CELL 70,297.00 i)Canara Bank (SB A/c) 1,106.00 ii)SBI NIT(C/A) National Institute of Technology Rourkela 293 Annual Report 2011-2012 Sl. No. Particulars Amount in Rs. Amount in Rs. 71,403.00 TEQIP - II CELL SBI - NIT C/A 1,95,39,072.00 1,95,39,072.00 - SRICCE 12,46,08,129.86 SBI NIT Branch (SB A/c) 12,46,08,129.86 BOARD OF TRUSTEE (CPF / GPF / NPS) 19,96,293.52 SBI NIT & Others 21,21,77,104.38 3,81,69,81,925.24 GRAND TOTAL DEPUTY REGISTRAR(FA) REGISTRAR National Institute of Technology Rourkela DIRECTOR 294 Annual Report 2011-2012 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 295 Annual Report 2011-2012 National Institute of Technology Rourkela 296