increases in puget sound estuarine flood risk under climate change
increases in puget sound estuarine flood risk under climate change
INCREASES IN PUGET SOUND ESTUARINE FLOOD RISK UNDER CLIMATE CHANGE Joe Hamman , Alan F. Hamlet 1 1,2 (1) Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Washington, (2) Climate Impacts Group, University of Washington Washington Idaho Nisqually River Oregon Figure. Map showing the two study locations. PROJECT GOALS 1. Incorporate Regional Climate Model (RCM) projections into ongoing climate impacts studies. 2. Use RCM projections to develop temporally consistent storm responses (future floods and storm surges). 3. Compare the RCM results to those of previous studies. 4. Use projected river flows and storm surges to evaluate physical flood impacts using hydrodynamic models. METHODS PROJECT OUTLINE HYDROLOGY MODEL: The Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) model was run at 1/16th degree resolution. All input variables (Tmin, Tmax, Wind, and Precip) were obtained from the bias corrected RCM outputs or the statistically downscaled GCM outputs. Routed VIC outputs were also bias corrected using a quantile mapping approach with USGS daily flows. RESERVOIR MODELS: The reservoir models used in this study were constructed following the methodology outlined in Lee et al. (2011). In short, the models simulate reservoir operating policies at a daily timestep while meeting prescribed hydropower demands, minimum flow requirements and flood control targets. This project relies heavily on work previously completed by others, especially in regards to the complex climate and hydrologic modeling. The figure below outlines the process of developing local scale flood projections beginning with a global climate model. GLOBAL CLIMATE MODEL 1.5 DEG - ECHAM5 - SRES A1B Tide Anomaly (FT) 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -0.04 HYDROLOGIC VARIABLES PRECIP, WIND, TEMP TIDE / STORM SURGE LEVELS DAILY FLOWS BIAS CORRECTION RESERVOIR OPERATIONS MODEL FLOOD & HYDROPOWER DAILY FLOWS 0 H.D. -‐ ECHAM5 -‐ 2080s WRF – ECHAM5 ECHAM5-‐ 2020s WRF -‐ Reanalysis 43 WRF -‐ Reanalysis 97 WRF – ECHAM5 0 WRF – ECHAM5 WRF – ECHAM5 RESULTS Observations 20 WRF – ECHAM5 WRF – ECHAM5 55 • Pairing peak monthly tidal anomaly (surge) with corresponding daily flow, the joint probability of exceedence is calculated. • The figure below shows the joint probability distribution for p = 0.10 and p = 0.01 (Note that these figures are peak monthly values, as opposed to peak annual as shown earlier). Hybrid Delta 2040s using WRF reanalysis as time consistent storm surge forcings. Hybrid Delta 2080s using WRF reanalysis as time consistent storm surge forcings. WRF -‐ ECHAM5 20th century climate run. STORM SURGE / SEA LEVEL RISE: • Minimal change in actual storm surge. • Good match between ECHAM5 1980s and Historical 1980s time periods. • Change in peak annual storm surge is dominated by sea level rise. WRF -‐ ECHAM5 SRES A1B, 2041 – 2069. Probability of Exceedence 1 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 PROBABILITY OF EXCEEDANCE, p 0 5 Historical HD-2040s HD-2080s ECHAM5-1980s ECHAM5-2020s ECHAM5-2050s x 10 Historical HD-2040s HD-2080s ECHAM5-1980s ECHAM5-2020s ECHAM5-2050s 3.5 1 3 2.5 2 -0.02 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 SEA LEVEL RISE & STORM SURGE: • The principle harmonic constituents were fit to the measured hourly water levels using a least-squares approach. • These constants were then used to provide a time series of predicted hourly tides. • The differences from the predicted and measured tides were summarized at a daily timestep. •-0.04A regression approach was used for each month to estimate future water levels given a set of atmospheric variables from the GCM. • An iterative process was used to determine which variables best described tidal anomalies experienced in the Puget Sound. Local pressure, the 1st and 3rd EOF signals, and ENSO were the only variables found to be significantly impactful on the anomaly. 𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇 !"#$ = 𝑓𝑓(𝑃𝑃, 𝑃𝑃!!"# , 𝑃𝑃!"! , 𝑃𝑃!"! , 𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸) HYDRODYNAMIC MODELS 2D FLOOD ROUTING • Regression during stormy months yields R2 >0.8. • Sea level rise was uniformly added to the Tideanom for each time period based on projections outlined by Mote et al. (2008). 0 1 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 PROBABILITY OF EXCEEDANCE, p 0 0 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 PROBABILITY OF EXCEEDANCE, p 2 x 10 Estimated Daily Flow at Mount Vernon, Skagit River 2040-2069 1.5 1 0.5 0 2040 2 2045 2050 2055 2060 2065 2070 Estimated Daily Tidal Anomaly at Seattle, 2040-2069 1 0 -1 -2 2040 1 5 1 2 3 4 TIDAL ANOMALY - ABOVE PREDICTED LEVEL (FT), h NISQUALLY RIVER 10000 Historical HD-2040s HD-2080s ECHAM5-1980s ECHAM5-2020s ECHAM5-2050s 8000 5000 4000 7000 5000 4000 3000 2000 2000 5 1% Joint Probability of Exceedence 6000 3000 1 2 3 4 TIDAL ANOMALY - ABOVE PREDICTED LEVEL (FT), h 1000 0 1 2 3 4 TIDAL ANOMALY - ABOVE PREDICTED LEVEL (FT), h 2050 2055 5 0 1. Use hydrodynamic models to evaluate impacts of increased flood risk. 2. Develop methods to estimate storm surge closer to estuary. 3. Expand methodology to other Puget Sound estuaries. 1. Hamlet, A.F., P. Carrasco, J. Deems, M.M. Elsner, T. Kamstra, C. Lee, S-Y Lee, G. Mauger, E. P. Salathe, I. Tohver, L. Whitely Binder, 2010, Final Project Report for the Columbia Basin Climate Change Scenarios Project, 2. Lee, Se-Yeun, A.F. Hamlet, 2011: Skagit River Basin Climate Science Report, a summary report prepared for Skagit County and the Envision Skagit Project by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and The Climate Impacts Group at the University of Washington. 3. Mote, P.W., A. Peterson, H. Shipman, W.S. Reeder, and L. Whitely Binder, 2008: Sea level rise in the coastal waters of Washington. Report for the Climate Impacts Group, University of Washington, Seattle. 4. Salathé, E.P., Leung, L.R., Qian, Y., and Zhang, Y., 2010. Regional climate model projections for the State of Washington. Climatic Change, dot:10.1007/ s10584-010-9849-y. Corresponding Author: Alan Hamlet: 2045 5 Historical HD-2040s HD-2080s ECHAM5-1980s ECHAM5-2020s ECHAM5-2050s 9000 6000 0 0 REFERENCES TEMPORALLY CONSISTENT PROJECTIONS: 5 3 FUTURE WORK 1.5 0.5 4 • Using regional climate model results, we demonstrate a process for developing and implementing temporally consistent climate change projections into future flood risk studies. • A monthly regression approach was successfully developed to estimate storm surge. • The modest increases in Skagit flood peaks produced by WRF requires further study. • The development of joint probability functions facilitates informed scenario selection for hydrodynamic modeling studies. 4 2 5 DISCUSSION Probability of Exceedence 4 4.5 1.5 1 2 3 4 TIDAL ANOMALY - ABOVE PREDICTED LEVEL (FT), h 10% Joint Probability of Exceedence 7000 1000 NISQUALLY RIVER Probability of Exceedence 2.5 0 8000 1.5 Historical HD-2040s HD-2080s ECHAM5-1980s ECHAM5-2020s ECHAM5-2050s 2 9000 2 SKAGIT RIVER x 10 3 10000 2.5 10% Joint Probability of Exceedence 4 x 10 6 4 3 PEAK ANNUAL FLOW: • Skagit River: WRF shows modest increases in flood magnitude while the H.D. shows increases up to 20%. • Nisqually River: WRF runs show very large increases in flood magnitudes (up to 85%). • Both rivers overall show increases in flood magnitude. 3 5 1 0.5 5 Historical HD-2040s HD-2080s ECHAM5-1980s ECHAM5-2020s ECHAM5-2050s 3.5 0 7 2 Historical ECHAM5-1980s ECHAM5-2020s ECHAM5-2050s 4 SKAGIT RIVER 1% Joint Probability of Exceedence 6 WRF -‐ ECHAM5 SRES A1B, 2010 – 2039. 4.5 x 10 7 SEATTLE STORM SURGE 5 4 STREAMFLOW (CFS), q 2040-‐2069 ECHAM5-‐ 2050s Flow (cfs), q PSFC - PC1 1.5 SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURES NINO3.4 INDEX REGIONAL CLIMATE MODEL SEA LEVEL RISE / STORM SURGE 1/8 DEG - WRF REGRESSION MODEL SURFACE PRESSURE HYDROLOGY MODEL 1/16 DEG - VIC 1970-‐1999 ECHAM5-‐ 1980s 2010-‐2039 Gridded Observations H.D. -‐ ECHAM5 -‐ 2040s HD -‐ 2080s 1970-‐1999 Description 0.5 2 LARGE SCALE ATMOSPHERIC FORCINGS 1970-‐1999 Surge (ft), h Pacific Ocean STATISTICAL DOWNSCALING: Statistical downscaling using the hybrid-delta method was used to downscale and the raw GCM data. This process projects the monthly changes indicated by the GCM onto a historical data set. A complete description of the methods used in developing the statistically downscaled climate data can be found in Hamlet et al. (2010). HD -‐ 2040s Sea Level Rise (cm) STREAMFLOW (CFS), q Skagit River Historical Hydrologic Source Storm Surge Source STREAMFLOW (CFS), q British Columbia 1970-‐1999 JOINT PROBABILITY STREAMFLOW (CFS), q REGIONAL CLIMATE MODEL: The Weather Research Forecast (WRF) model was used to dynamically downscale GCM projections. Because WRF is run at higher spatial (1/8th degree) and temporal (6 minutes) resolutions that the large scale GCM, it provides much more realistic weather events than are otherwise possible. Additionally, dynamic downscaling allows weather patterns to change according to first principle relationships. The RCM outputs were also bias corrected to match historical statistics. Citation: Salathe et al. (2010). Time Period Climate Scenario STREAMFLOW (CFS), q GLOBAL CLIMATE MODEL: The ECHAM5 climate model, SRES A1B, was used by Salathe et al. (2010) as the large scale forcing for the regional climate model. Monthly gridded equatorial sea surface temperatures (SSTs) were extracted from this large scale data set to include ENSO effects. MODEL RUNS PEAK ANNUAL STORM SURGE, H Near coastal environments have been identified as some of the most likely to be impacted by climate change. Observed changes in Puget Sound sea level and flood magnitudes are in line with those projected by previous climate change impacts studies. Current understanding of the combined effects of these changes is relatively low and has promoted us to explore the ways in which these two influence near coastal ecosystems and infrastructure. Specifically, this project examines the effects of climate change on estuarine water surface elevations by exploring the combined effects of sea level rise and riverine flooding. The project utilizes a chain of numerical models to quantify the climate change altered hydraulic conditions expected in two estuaries in the Puget Sound (the Skagit and Nisqually Rivers). DATA STREAMFLOW (CFS), q INTRODUCTION 2060 2065 2070 Prepared for the 2012 University of Washington Water Symposium.