Grados - Garden Organic


Grados - Garden Organic
New Approaches to Industrialization
of Algarrobo (Prosopis
(Prosopis pallida)
pallida) Pods in Peru
Nora Grados and Gastón Cruz
University of Piura
Faculty of Engineering - Laboratory of Chemistry
Aptdo. 353, Piura, Peru
Peruvian "algarrobo" (Prosopis pallida and Prosopis juliflora) and its fruits are described and some new ways for
its industrialization are suggested on the basis of the research done at the University of Piura since 1984.
The processing alternatives of Prosopis pods developed at the University of Piura are focused especially on
the different uses for each part of the fruit [exocarp, mesocarp (pulp), endocarp], and the episperm, endosperm and cotyledon from the seed. Each of these components has specific industrial applications.
Several specific components have been determined. Sucrose is the main sugar (46% in weight) in the pulp.
In the endosperm the polysaccharide is a galactomannan, with a 1:1.36 galactose/mannose ratio. Among the
important amino acids in the seed cotyledon are: glutamic acid, arginine, aspartic acid, leucine, proline and
serine. In the pulp, vitamin C, nicotinic acid, and calcium pantothenate have also been found. In the seed the
content of vitamin C and E are significant. The dietary fiber of the pulp and endocarp hulls is basically
insoluble dietary fiber.
The results of the research show the feasibility of industrialization of Prosopis in Peru. The basic equipment
for a pilot plant is being installed at the University of Piura to demonstrate this fact.
Piura is on the northwestern coast of Peru (Figure 1), an arid zone where the annual rainfall is below
100 mm. The average annual temperature is 24EC and the relative humidity is 74%.
Algarrobo (Prosopis pallida and Prosopis juliflora) [1] is one of the few arboreal species that occur naturally in these desertic areas (Figure 2). It has, therefore, an enormous importance in the protection of
this fragile environment. Some trees can be 15 meters tall. Prosopis forests cover about 85 000 ha of
land in northern Peru [2].
Algarrobo is the name the Spaniards gave the tree when they arrived in Peru in the 16th century, due
to the similarity of its fruits to those of the mediterranean carob. The Peruvian native names for
Prosopis were Thacco or Guarango, which are not often used today [3].
Thanks to its wood and fruits, Prosopis plays an important role in the daily life of impoverished local
farmers in northern Peru. They use Prosopis wood in constructing their rustic houses and cattle fences,
and as fuel for cooking; fallen Prosopis leaves, as an organic fertilizer (called puño); and their fruits,
with a high sugar content, are used as forage and food (mainly as algarrobina syrup). Since Prosopis
is one of the few trees growing in this area, the people and the animals can also enjoy the shade of
the tree, which is a very important benefit.
Figure 1. Location of Piura in Peru
Figure 2. Tree of Prosopis pallida in Piura, Peru
Figure 3. Desertification Areas
Nevertheless, fuelwood is not only used for cooking but is also commercialized as fuel for brick
baking furnaces, bakery ovens, and making charcoal for grills in chicken restaurants. The excessive
extraction of Prosopis fuelwood has caused a reduction of the availability of this resource (Figure 3).
It is estimated that from the 1950s to the 1980s, 200 000 ha were deforested [4]. In 1983, as a result
of the El Niño phenomenon, rainfall reached 2 411 mm [5], resulting in new areas of land being
recovered by Prosopis trees.
The University of Piura has been developing a project for conservation and propagation of Prosopis
since 1984. The success of this project is based on showing that Prosopis has many other rational uses.
One part of this project includes the characterization of the fruit and the studies of new products and
processes; another part includes agroeconomical aspects for forestation of these arid areas. There are
80 ha of Prosopis at the campus of the University for these studies (Figure 4).
Prosopis Pods Production And Storage
Since Prosopis trees are not cultivated but grow wild in desertic areas, the fruits are not harvested but
collected by those who need them.
Prosopis pallida and Prosopis juliflora are varieties with especially large and sweet fruits (Figure 5). The
fruits are yellow pods of up to 30 cm long, with an average weight of 12 g. The sugar content of its
pulp is 46% [6, 7].
The tree produces twice every year: the main pod production is between December and March. The
second, minor production season, is between June and July. The productivity depends mainly on the
age of the tree and on the soil quality. Some trees produce up to 300 kg of fruits per year.
Figure 4. Experimental Plantation at the Campus of the University
of Piura
Figure 5. Pods of Prosopis pallida
The pods fall to the ground when they are ripe, and remain there for a long time until they are
collected or eaten by animals, such as goats, sheep, or donkeys.
During the production period, the fruit has a very low price because of its abundance. A metric ton
of pods costs US$27. The collecting is done by very poor children and women as an activity parallel
to their agricultural tasks (Figure 6). One person can collect about 150 kg of pods in a day, which is
equivalent to less than US$5.
The quantities of comercialized Prosopis pods are not officially recorded. An estimation based on
measurements done on representative parcels of land [2] would give an approximate production of
300 000 metric tons per year in the northern region of Peru. However, not all of it is used. More than
50% is lost because it is not collected, 15% is used as animal food and the remaining 35% is bought
by dealers who sell it in feed stores in other cities (Figure 7).
In fact, the main use of Prosopis pods in Peru is still the feeding of animals, which eat the pods
without any previous processing. Some factories produce feed mixtures for livestock. It is interesting
to point out that Prosopis is prefered by ranchers because they believe it has some special properties
in addition to its recognized nutritional value, that make it irreplaceable. It is enough to say that a
large part of the production is fed to racehorses.
Prosopis pods are attacked by insects which eat the pulp and the seeds. The most numerous are insects
of family Bruchidae, but Tribolium castaneum (fam. Tenebrionidae), Laspeyresia leguminis and Cryptophebia
sp. (fam. Olethreutidae) and Plodia interpunctella (fam. Pyralidae) are also known to eat the seeds [8]. Rain
also damages the fruits. When the fruits lying on the ground get wet, they become rotten (Figure 8).
To reduce the damage, the pods are usually stored in rustic storage rooms, on the ground, or
underground. Once a room is full it is sealed with clay. A typical storage room made from adobe is
showed in Figure 9. Chemicals are not often used to control insects during storage, but naturalrepellent plants are used. Phostoxin has proved to be efficient in avoiding proliferation of insects
in the storage rooms, but a considerable number of pods are damaged in the tree or on the ground
and no control methods for the damage is known.
Because of the seasonal production of Prosopis, storage is necessary to supply seeds throughout the
year. Between August and October, the price rises up to 5 times.
Traditional Human Food Products From Prosopis Pods
For many years, inhabitants of northern Peru have prepared and consumed algarrobina, a
concentrated sugary extract of the pods. The concentrated syrup has a brilliant, dark brown color and
is thicker than honey.
Algarrobina is used in different ways: it is taken by spoon as a medicine or is added to juices and milk
as both sweetener and a natural flavoring. We must say that a delicious drink is algarrobina cocktail,
a mixture of a small quantity of algarrobina, pisco brandy, and milk. Algarrobina is produced now in
very simple plants and is sold in reusable glass bottles (Figure 10).
Ancient people talk about another product, yupisin, a beverage obtained in the same way as
algarrobina, but is not concentrated. It is consumed directly or used to prepare desserts with sweetpotato flour or corn flour. Yupisin is consumed in rural areas only; it is not bottled.
Figure 6. Children Collecting Prosopis Pods
Figure 7. Loading a Truck With Prosopis Pods
Figure 8. Typical Damage in Prosopis Pods
Figure 9. An Algarrobera (Rustic Storage Room for Prosopis Pods)
Figure 10. Bottles of Algarrobina from Local Producers
Figure 11. Potential Uses of Prosopis Pods
Potential Uses of Prosopis Pods
The two traditional food products from Prosopis described above use only the soluble sugars in its
pulp, which, in fact, is the main constituent and the other components, i.e., the endocarp, fiber, and
seeds are discarded. For this reason we have studied each of the fractions of the fruit separately to
develop a more complete utilization of the entire fruit.
For the industrial processing of Prosopis we have carried out many studies to fractionate the fruit into
exocarp and mesocarp (pulp), endocarp, and seed, based on an ambitious proposal for North
American Prosopis species [9]. The seed can then be separated in episperm, endosperm, and cotyledon.
The scheme in Figure 11 shows the variety of products that can be obtained in a process which uses
all the components of Prosopis pods.
Separation Process
The process to separate the Peruvian Prosopis pods into their fractions is shown in a simplified
diagram (Figure 12). As can be seen, the process consists basically of the operations of drying, milling,
and sieving. Nevertheless, the equipment for these operations is not readily available from the
manufacturers. Some machines have been designed and built in the workshops of the University of
Piura. Individual operations in the process are described briefly in the following paragraphs.
Manual selection:
selection Although damaged fruits do not constitute a problem when Prosopis pods are used
as forage, these must be discarded when fruits are used in human food products. Thus, selection by
hand is necessary.
Washing To eliminate sand and dust on the fruits (because they are collected from the ground) the
pods must be washed by immersion.
Drying This operation is required before milling. Because the high sugar content of the mesocarp
makes it very hygroscopic, the milling machine clogs if the pods are not dried to a moisture content
of 5%S6% before grinding. The drying can be done in a forced-air tunnel dryer at 60ECS 70EC or by
exposing the fruits to the sun. The latter requires a longer time.
Milling In this operation the seeds must not be broken. We have constructed a prototype Prosopis
mill [10], which is an improved design of a proposed thresher [11]. The milling machine consists
basically of a mill with fixed hammers mounted on the rotor and other hammers in the screen housing. The efficiency of seed extraction is about 45%, if the pods are dry. The rotary speed of the mill
is 1 690 rpm, which was previously calculated to avoid breaking the seeds. The product of the milling
is seeds, open endocarp hulls, flour, and fragments of pulp. These components are separated first by
sieving and then by air classification.
Sieving: The fractions that can be obtained depend on the mesh of the sieves. We obtained four
fractions using 6-, 10-, and 60-mesh sieves. The nature of each fraction is described in Figure 12.
Air classification:
classification Fraction 1 has the greatest quantity of seeds. In a wind tunnel with collection
pockets, the seeds can be obtained free of endocarp fragments.
Figure 12. Processing of Prosopis Pods for New Products
New Food Products From Prosopis Pods
Prosopis Pulp: Chemical Composition And Developed Products
The pulp (Fractions 3 and 4) is composed of exocarp and mesocarp and represents 56% of the total
weight of the fruit. Several chemical studies have been conducted to determine the composition of
this fraction. A summary of results is shown in Table 1. The uses of this fraction depend largely on
the soluble sucrose portion of the fraction.
Table 1. Chemical Composition of Prosopis pallida Fruit Pulp
g/100 g of Dry Matter
Total dietary fiber
Reducing sugars
Total soluble polyphenols
mg/100 g of Dry Matter
2 650
mg/kg of original matter
not detected
Nicotinic acid
Folic acid
Calcium pantothenate
Source: [6,12,13,14]
Syrups from Prosopis Pulp Flour
Pulp flour containing 46% sucrose is used to obtain syrups. Since the pulp is finely ground, the
extraction is faster and no heat is required.
The flour is placed in vessels and water is added in a ratio 1:5. The resulting filtered juice of 11EBrix
is transfered to a second extraction stage where it is enriched to 23EBrix. This juice is then
concentrated in an open evaporator at boiling temperature until the juice rises to 70EBrix.
The filter cake resulting from the extraction can then be washed and dried. It can be used in fiber-rich
dietary products. Currently, studies are being conducted in order to determine the physiological
properties and positive effects of the Prosopis fiber on the prevention of colon cancer and in the
reduction of cholesterol levels.
Chemical studies of fiber and associated components of Prosopis pulp show that it contains 30.6%
insoluble fiber and 1.6% soluble fiber. Proteins (2.2%) and condensed tannins (0.33%) are associated
with the insoluble fiber, while soluble tannins (0.08%) are associated with the soluble fiber [6].
Prosopis Flours In Bread And Biscuits
The rheological behavior of Prosopis-wheat composite flours has been studied [15]. Prosopis flour
causes the dough resistance to decrease and the dough elasticity to increase, which, from a practical
point of view, results in softer but smaller pieces of leavened bread. Sweet bread with 5% Prosopis
flour is good in texture and taste.
In biscuit manufacturing, Prosopis flour replaced wheat flour up to 25%. Its high sucrose content
makes possible to decrease sugar requirements in traditional biscuit recipes. A slightly bitter aftertaste
has been reported in the biscuits, which some people seem to favor.
Instant Soluble Powder
In the form of flour, Prosopis pulp can be used in a variety of products such as cakes and ice creams.
Current studies are being carried out to produce an instantaneous soluble powder for use similar to
commercial cocoa and breakfast-cereal mixes.
One of the local small factories manufacturing Prosopis products has developed a powder tradenamed
"garrofina" (Figure 13) made by fine grinding of the whole fruit (particle size <100 mesh).
In our studies [16], a soluble powder is obtained from Fraction 4 by fine milling and sieving through
a 100-mesh screen. This product is more soluble than garrofina since this fraction has the highest
sucrose content. Addition of sugar and lecithin, as well as agglomeration processes are being studied
to improve the powder dispersability in milk, yoghurt and juices. Mixes with Andean cereals (kiwicha)
have been tried also.
Coffee substitute
Manufacture of a coffee substitute from Prosopis was studied at the University of Piura in 1988 based
on information from Brazil. Roasting of the whole pods was the first process to be considered [17].
Since then, we have found that a better quality is obtained by roasting the single Fraction 3 at 120EC
until it is dark brown. Finally, the roasted flour is reground. The finished product can be used in the
same manner as coffee, in either filtration or expresso coffee machines.
Prosopis coffee substitute has advantages over real coffee. First, it is not a stimulant nor dangerous
to health because it does not contain caffeine. Second, it has a lower price. In addition, due to the
natural sugars remaining in the roasted Prosopis pulp flour, it has some nutritional value that coffee
does not have.
Several small industries in Peru have adopted this technology to produce their own trade names of
the Prosopis coffee substitute or "café de algarroba". The product is successfully commercialized in
the Peruvian market packed in 250-g plastic bags. The cost of one pack is US$1.50 (Figure 13).
Figure 13. Prosopis Products of Local Small Factories
Other aspects of Prosopis pods, for example, production of alcohol and protein-enriched flour, as well
as chemical analyses of endocarp, have been studied, but they are not detailed in this paper [18, 19,
Prosopis Seed: Chemical Composition And Potential Uses
An efficient method to separate the three components of Prosopis seed (episperm or seed coat,
endosperm, and cotyledon) has not yet been well defined. The main difficulties come from the very
small size of Peruvian Prosopis seeds and strong adhesion of the seed coat to endosperm. However
specific studies of endosperm and cotyledon have been conducted to determine the major
components of the seed and some functional and nutritional properties, in expectation of an industrial
use of these components [6, 12, 21, 22].
Endosperm or Gum
Chemical analyses of Prosopis endosperm show that it is a galactomannan polysaccharide [6,12, 21].
Galactomannans are macromolecules capable of absorbing a great quantity of water that increases its
volume several times to form a highly viscous solution. Food additives called gums possess this
behavior. Gums from leguminous seeds, such as carob, guar, and tara, have a large market in the food
industry because they are used as thickeners, stabilizers, or gelifiers in products like icecream, sauces,
cheese, yoghurt, sausages, and bakery products.
The individual constituents of Prosopis seed polysaccharide is shown in Table 2.
The main components, galactose and mannose, are present in a 1:1.36 ratio. This ratio is near that of
guar gum (1:1.2) but is smaller than the ratio in carob gum (1:1.9).
Table 2. Composition of Prosopis pallida Endosperm Polysaccharide
g/100 g of dry matter
Source: [6]
Other studies at the University of Piura [21, 22] focused on the rheological behavior of Prosopis gum
solutions, depending on different gum extraction methods. Viscosity of Prosopis gum solutions are
comparable to that of carob, guar, and tara gums. Viscosity values up to 3000 mPa in 1% gum
solutions have been found that are stable over a wide range of pH.
With regard to the gum extraction, we have tested wet extractions and also mechanical and
mechanical-chemical methods. Until now, only wet (aqueous) extraction is feasible.
Chemical studies of Prosopis cotyledon [12, 23] show that 65% protein and 7% oil are present.
Fatty acids in this cotyledon oil have been quantified: palmitic 12.56%; stearic 9.6%; oleic 28.99%;
linoleic 39.30%. This oil is of high quality, needs no bleaching treatment, and has a low acidity (1.7%)
and an iodine value of 103.
Amino acids of the cotyledon proteins were determined as shown in Table 3.
From the amino acid composition of protein we can confirm that the main part of nitrogen is of
amino-acidic nature, with an important content of essential amino acids. Thus, Prosopis cotyledons
can be considered a source of proteins for other foods. For example, the improvement of amino-acid
profile of starch flours by mixing with Prosopis cotyledon flour could be a useful research topic.
In addition, the contents of vitamins in Prosopis seed are shown in Table 4 (the three components of
the seed are included).
Table 3. Amino Acid Composition of Prosopis pallida Cotyledon
Amino Acid
g/100 g of original matter
Aspartic acid
Glutamic acid
Source: [12]
Table 4. Vitamin Contents in Prosopis pallida Seeds
mg/kg of original matter
not detected
Nicotinic acid
Folic acid
Calcium pantothenate
Source: [14]
Algarrobo: Facts and Promises in Peru
As evidenced by this paper, the industrialization of algarrobo or Prosopis in Peru is promising.
Doubtless, one of the most important needs is to conduct pilot-plant-scale studies to improve or
refine the process and to study its economics. The results of the pilo-scale study will stimulate the
interest of the people in this valuable resource.
As a first step, we were pleased to join an European Union research project for developing and
studying new foods from Prosopis pods. However, much more work is needed to solve other very
complex problems, such as the separation of the seed components, insect control, or harvesting
methods, for which technological and financial help from developed countries are welcome.
Working side by side with rural people has an enormous importance for the success of our long-term
purpose, that is, the prevention of desertification by adding value to the Prosopis forests in the arid
northern coast of Peru.
The University of Piura is interested in dessiminating the results of the research done on the
processing of Prosopis pods. Clearly, the main objective is to reach the poor people who live in the
desert rural areas for whom the algarrobo is the support of their economies.
For this purpose, for example, we have developed a pilot project for the improvement of the storage
and the marketing of Prosopis pods to help poor farmers of the Asociación de Campesinos Nuevo
San Vicente. This association has 50 families who own 5 460 ha of Prosopis forest in arid land,
without easy water availability. Five simple storage rooms of 20 metric tons each were built with
financial support of the nongovernmental organization CODESPA from Spain.
Also, a brochure containing the basic information about new food products from Prosopis was edited
and distributed to many farmers and rural women. Many times we have trained housewives in rural
areas surrounding Piura through cooperative workshops with local organizations. In this brochure,
there are easy-to-understand processing diagrams and useful and practical advice that can help people
to make effective use of the Prosopis resource.
There are also several Peruvian producers of Prosopis coffee substitute, algarrobina syrup, and so1uble
powder, who are very interested in introducing their products into overseas markets and even have
potential customers. Our efforts to help them export have not been successful, primarily due to the
very restrictive food regulations of other countries to new products from the Third World.
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