2010 - Universiteit Utrecht


2010 - Universiteit Utrecht
Dutch Research School of Theoretical Physics
Landelijke Onderzoekschool voor Theoretische Natuurkunde
Dutch Research School of Theoretical Physics (DRSTP)
Landelijke Onderzoekschool voor Theoretische Natuurkunde (LOTN)
Visiting address:
Minnaert Building
Leuvenlaan 4
3584 CE Utrecht
Postal address:
P.O. Box 80.195
3508 TD Utrecht
the Netherlands
telephone: +31 30 253 5916
fax: +31 30 253 5937
e-mail: science.secr.drstp@uu.nl
website: http://web.science.uu.nl/drstp/
This DRSTP Annual Report 2010 provides an overview of the educational and research activities during 2010. The report also presents two research highlights written
by staff members of the Research School. In addition, it offers information, such as
a list of the participating staff, of the PhD students, a comprehensive list of publications, as well as other relevant statistics.
The Annual Report is not the only information that is provided by the DRSTP
throughout the year. The DRSTP also publishes the monthly DRSTP Newsletter
and a yearly Educational Guide of its educational activities. Up-to-date information
is also readily available on internet at: http://web.science.uu.nl/drstp/.
We would like to thank all of those who contributed to the Research School during
this past year.
prof. dr. R. Loll
Scientific director
December 2011
prof. dr. E.P. Verlinde
Chair Governing Board (per 1 May 2011)
Annual report 2010
1 General information
2 The DRSTP in 2010
3 Scientific highlights
4 PhD program
4.1 Educational programme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.1.1 Postgraduate courses (AIO/OIO schools) . . . . . .
4.1.2 PhD Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.2 PhD degrees and subsequent employment . . . . . . . . . .
4.3 PhD degrees granted in the DRSTP in 2010 . . . . . . . . .
4.4 PhD students (per 31-12-2010) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.5 Scientific and educational activities of PhD students (theme
4.6 Scientific and educational activities of PhD students (theme
5 Scientific staff (per 31-12-2010)
5.1 Permanent staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.2 Temporary staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.3 Associate members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 Academic publications
6.1 Theme 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.2 Theme 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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7 Scientific activities
7.1 Theme 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
7.2 Theme 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
8 Science-related activities
8.1 Physics-related publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.2 Public lectures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.3 Other contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9 Research funding
9.1 Personal grants
9.2 FOM funding .
9.3 FOM-Nikhef . .
9.4 EU-networks .
9.5 ESF . . . . . .
9.6 Other . . . . .
10 Organization (per 31-12-2010)
11 Partners and associate members
Appendix A
Mission statement
Appendix B
Selection and supervision procedure of PhD students
Appendix C
Postgraduate courses (AIO/OIO schools)
Appendix D
PhD Day
Appendix E
National seminars
Appendix F
Shell theoretical physics stipends
Appendix G
1 General information
The Netherlands has a long tradition in theoretical physics which involves research
performed at university institutes, industrial laboratories, and government institutions. The strength of this research area is, for a large part, based on the unity of
methods employed in a wide range of applications. This manifests itself both in scientific research and in academic education.
To structure and coordinate the graduate education in theoretical physics, the Dutch
Research School of Theoretical Physics (DRSTP) was formed. The school is a cooperation between the theoretical physics groups of six Dutch universities: University of
Amsterdam (UvA), Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VUA), University of Groningen
(RUG), Leiden University (UL), Radboud University Nijmegen (RU) and Utrecht
University (UU) (commissioner) and of the National Institute for Subatomic Physics
(Nikhef). In addition, there are several associate members. The DRSTP was accredited in 1994 by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) and
reaccredited in 1999, 2004 and 2010.
The main objectives of the DRSTP are to implement a joint program of graduate education in theoretical physics and to maintain and strengthen research in theoretical
physics from a broad unifying perspective that exploits the interrelationships between
different fields of theory. The DRSTP is based on the conviction that a joint venture
of all the moderately sized local theory groups, each with its own profile, offers added
value for the achievement of these objectives.
Theoretical physics is based on universal principles. New concepts often have a much
wider validity than in the field in which they are discovered, and methods developed
in one field are sometimes very useful in another. Hence, theoretical physics is characterized by unity in diversity. The research program of the DRSTP is organized
according to two themes:
• Theme 1: Particle physics, cosmology, quantum gravity and string theory.
• Theme 2: Quantum matter, quantum information, soft condensed matter and
Annual report 2010
The specific content of the research program depends on the responsible project leaders, on their creativity as well as their success in acquiring research funding from
their home university, from the Dutch research councils of NWO, or from international sources such as European Union programs.
The research output of DRSTP members presented in this Annual Report is presented according to the two mentioned research themes.
2 The DRSTP in 2010
On 31 December 2010, 90 PhD students were affiliated to the DRSTP, 49 tenured
and 52 non-tenured staff (postdocs). The research output led to 22 PhD dissertations
and 335 academic publications.
Reaccreditation DRSTP
In June 2010 the accreditation of the DRSTP was extended for another six years by
the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). This recognizes and
endorses the prominent role the DRSTP has been playing in the Dutch theoretical
physics community since its inception in 1994 in maintaining high standards of excellence in both research and graduate education.
PhD Day
On 15 October 2010 the DRSTP PhD Student Council organized their third PhD
Day. The PhD Day is an annual fall event organized by members of the PHD Student
Council and is part of the educational program for PhD students. The PhD Day is
aimed at exchanging ideas, inviting former PHD students to discuss career options,
presenting scientific talks and discussing recent trends in theoretical physics.
The PhD Day is primarily intended for PhD and Master’s students.
More information is available in Appendix D.
Shell theoretical physics stipends
On 8 December 2010 Shell awarded stipends for the third time to the best Master’s
students in theoretical physics in the Netherlands. With these stipends, Shell intends
to draw attention to future career possibilities for graduates in international companies such as Shell. Eleven Master’s students in theoretical physics were awarded a
Shell stipend.
More information is available in Appendix F.
Annual report 2010
Sjoerd Hardeman (27 January 1982 - 7 July 2011)
Sjoerd Hardeman, a PhD student at the Institute Lorentz in Leiden with Ana Achúcarro
and Koenraad Schalm, died on July 7th (2011) after a long battle with leukaemia.
He was hospitalized at the end of February, two days before defending his thesis on
“Non-decoupling of heavy scalars in cosmology”, and passed away a day after it was
announced that he had earned an N.W.O. Rubicon scholarship to work with Prof.
Paul Shellard in Cambridge.
Sjoerd and his collaborators had recently published the first calculation of the effects
of sharp turns along the inflationary trajectory. They predicted specific features and
statistical correlations in the spectrum of primordial density perturbations generated
during inflation. These can be searched for in the Cosmic Microwave Background
(CMB) radiation, they betray the presence of heavy fields that are otherwise too
heavy to be detected by conventional means such as particle accelerators or astroparticle detectors [1]. Sjoerd’s project in Cambridge was to search for these features of
heavy physics in the new CMB data set that is being collected by the ESA Planck
Sjoerd Hardeman
[1] A. Achúcarro, J-O Gong, S.R. Hardeman, G. Palma, S. Patil, Features of heavy physics in the
CMB power spectrum, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, JCAP 1101 (2011) 030.
Staff mutations in 2010
* Per 1 June 2010 the position of professor emeritus F.A. Bais (UvA) was extended.
* Per 1 January 2010 the position of professor emeritus B. de Wit (UU) was extended.
* Prof. dr. B. Krauskopf (VUA) resigned on 1 September 2010. His affiliation with
the DRSTP ended.
* Prof. dr. Y. Levin (UL) resigned on 1 Augustus 2010. His affiliation with the
DRSTP ended.
2. The DRSTP in 2010
* Prof. dr. M. Mostovoy (RUG) was appointed associate professor per 1 February
* Prof. dr. G. Nienhuis (UL) retired per 1 July 2010.
* The DRSTP membership for Prof. dr. P. van Baal (UL) changed into that of an
associated member per 1 October 2010.
* Dr. V. Vitelli (UL) was appointed assistant professor at the Instituut-Lorentz on
1 January 2010.
Changes in the DRSTP organization
Prof. dr. R. Loll (UU) started her position as Scientific Director of the DRSTP per 1
April 2010.
Prof. dr. K. Schoutens ended his term as chairman of the DRSTP Governing Board
per 1 May 2011.
A list of DRSTP committee members can be found in Chapter 10.
Guest chairs
* Prof. dr. S.S. Sethi (Chicago) occupied the Van der Waals Chair at the University
of Amsterdam from 1 April to 30 June 2010. Professor Sethi delivered a series of
lectures entitled: Introduction to supergravity and flux compactifications.
* Prof. dr. T.A. Witten (Chicago) occupied the Lorentz Chair at Leiden University
from 1 May to 30 June 2010. Professor Witten taught a course of three lectures entitled: Thin sheets and sandpiles: subtle self-organization in prosaic places.
* Prof. dr. W.G. Unruh (British Columbia) occupied the Kramers Chair at Utrecht
University from 19 September to 19 December 2010. Professor Unruh taught an advanced Master’s course on: Quantum fields in spacetime.
Awards and distinctions
* G.E. Arutyunov (UU) was awarded an NWO Vici Grant for his project entitled:
Gauge fields from quantum strings.
* X.D. Arsiwalla (UvA) was awarded a CSN Fellowship and received first prize at The
Barcelona Cognition, Brain and Technology Summer School 2010 which took place
from 30 August to 10 September 2010.
* F.A. Bais (UvA) received the Stapenning Award on 16 June 2010. This is a special
University of Amsterdam honorary award, on the occasion of his departure as professor of theoretical physics. Professor Bais was also awarded ‘Lecturer of the Year
2010’ at the University of Amsterdam.
* E.A. Bergshoeff (RUG) was appointed KNAW Academy Professor on 27 April 2010.
* J.-S. Caux (UvA) was awarded an NWO Vici Grant for his project entitled: Bethe
Annual report 2010
* B. de Wit (UU) was awarded an ERC Advanced Grant for his research project
entitled: Supersymmetry: a window to non-perturbative physics.
* K.B. Gubbels (UU) won the NTvN writing contest 2010 (first prize) for his article
entitled: Ultra-cold Fermi-mixtures are super.
* S.M. Haaker (UvA) was awarded the Pieter Zeeman Prize on 26 November 2010
for the best Master’s thesis in physics of the last two academic years, entitled: Phase
transitions between fractional quantum Hall states: a Bose condensation approach.
* L. Huijse (UvA) was awarded an NWO Rubicon Grant on 6 July 2010 for her research proposal: Vreemde materialen begrijpen met zwarte gaten.
* I. Khavkine (UU) was awarded an NWO Veni Grant for his project entitled: What
is quantum space-time geometry?.
* R. Loll (UU) was a member of the Scientific Advisory Committee at the Perimeter
Institute for Theoretical Physics. Professor Loll was also a member of the FOM Board
of Governors and held a Distinguished Research Chair at the Perimeter Institute for
Theoretical Physics.
* P.L. McFadden (UvA) won third place in the Springer/European Journal of Physics
Young Scientist Award 2010.
* C. Morais Smith (UU) was nominated Mathematics and Physics Fellow of the University College, Utrecht University.
* J.M. Oberreuter (UvA) was awarded ‘Teaching Assistant of the Year 2010’ at the
University of Amsterdam.
* B.S. Pozsgai (UvA) was awarded an NWO Veni Grant for his project entitled: Thermal correlations in one dimensional quantum systems.
* S.J.G. Vandoren (UU) was awarded an NWO Vici Grant for his project entitled:
Geometrical aspects of superstring theory.
* E.P. Verlinde (UvA) was appointed member of the Scientific Advisory Board of
the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics. Professor Verlinde was also awarded
an ERC Advanced Grant for his research project entitled: Emergent gravity, string
theory and the holographic principle.
Visiting professorships held by DRSTP staff
* F.A. Bais (UvA) was External Professor at the Santa Fe Institute, USA from 8 to
22 August 2010.
* Th.M. Nieuwenhuizen (UvA) was visiting scientist at the Institut de Physique
Théorique (IPhT), CEA-Saclay, France from 15 October to 15 December 2010.
2. The DRSTP in 2010
Visiting scientists (long term)
*M.A. Cardella (Università di Milano Bicocca) was a guest at the University of Amsterdam from 1 September to 30 November 2010.
*P. Zinn-Justin (Université Pierre et Marie Curie), funded by the visiting professor
programme of the the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) was
a guest at the University of Amsterdam from 1 to 30 April 2010.
Annual report 2010
3 Scientific highlights
This chapter describes two highlights of research in theoretical physics, presented from
the personal point of view of members of the Research School who have been actively
involved in them. One describes recent insights into the emergence of gravity. This
work belongs to theme 1 of the school and the contribution has been written by Erik
Verlinde. A second highlight belongs to theme 2 and deals with recent developments
in spintronics. This contribution has been written by Rembert Duine.
Entropic gravity (Erik Verlinde, University of Amsterdam)
Einstein’s theory of general relativity is still by most physicists viewed as the complete
description of gravity. Even within string theory and other proposals for quantum
gravity, Einstein’s theory plays a central role. Yet there are theoretical indications
that gravity should eventually be understood as a phenomenon that emerges from
a microscopic description without gravity. These indications come from both string
theory and the physics of black holes.
The fact that the Einstein equations can be written as the laws of thermodynamics
and hydrodynamics, supports this new view of gravity. There also exist string theoretic models, where from a microscopic description without gravity, gravity emerges
in a space with one extra dimension. This microscopic theory can be viewed as living
on the edge of space. This is called the holographic principle (see Figure 3.1).
In January 2010, the author, one of the researchers of the Dutch Research School
of Theoretical Physics, suggested that the underlying explanation of gravity lies in
differences in the entropy of the underlying microscopic theory. This entropy is associated with the amount of microscopic states, the phase space, or more generally,
the information that the underlying theory is formulated. Using an analogy with
entropic forces, which for example is responsible for the elasticity of polymers and
other macromolecules (eg. DNA), a heuristic derivation of the gravitational laws of
Newton and Einstein was presented (see Figure 3.2).
A further elaboration of this idea last year led to surprising new insights, especially
for cosmology. A whole new light is shed on major unanswered questions related to
dark energy and dark matter.
Annual report 2010
Figure 3.1: The microscopic information can be stored in the holographic principle
on the edge of space. Gravity emerges in the translation of this information to the
entire space.
€ €
Figure 3.2: Gravity can be understood as a force caused by changes in the amount of
information, here represented by bits in the underlying microscopic theory.
3. Scientific highlights
Spintronics: new connections between electricity and magnetism (Rembert Duine, Utrecht University)
A great deal of our technological achievements of the last centuries are based on electricity, the flow of electron charge giving rise to charge currents, and on magnetism,
the ordering of electron spins. Their mutual interaction is utilized in large-scale technology, from power plants where currents are generated by time-dependent magnetic
fields, to nanoscale write-heads in hard-disks that write information with magnetic
fields generated by electric current. From a fundamental physics viewpoint the relevant equations for the electromagnetic field are Maxwell’s equations that have been
known since the nineteenth century, and, together with the Lorentz force law and
Ohm’s law, give a description of the above-mentioned (and of course many more)
Only very recently, spin currents — the flow of electron spins — have entered the stage
with the research field of spintronics, the birth of which can be traced to the Nobelprize winning discovery of giant magnetoresistance by Fert and Grünberg. Their
discovery, i.e., the strong dependence of the resistance on relative magnetizationdirection orientation of magnetic layers in devices, has been utilized in the read-heads
of harddrives since the late nineties. Broadly speaking, spintronics studies the interplay between charge currents, spin currents, and magnetization dynamics, both from
a fundamental point-of-view and with applications in mind.
The fundamentally new physics ingredient is that a spin current is a current of angular
momentum and is therefore not conserved. In particular, it can exchange its angular
momentum with the lattice via spin-orbit coupling. This means that spin currents
may be strongly influenced by scattering events that flip spins, or by strong spin-orbit
coupling. The latter coupling in itself gives rise to various physical phenomena such
as the anomalous Hall effect, i.e., the Hall effect in ferromagnets in the absence of a
magnetic field, or the spin Hall effect, i.e., the spin current that is induced transverse
to an applied charge current. Furthermore, the interest in strong spin-orbit coupling
has in part led to the recent discovery of a new class of materials called topological
In conducting ferromagnets, a spin current can also exchange its spin angular momentum with the magnetization. This phenomenon is know as spin transfer, because
in this process spin is transferred from spin currents to the magnetization. For large
enough spin currents this may lead to magnetization dynamics, allowing for a direct
way to manipulate magnetization with charge currents in ferromagnetic metals. This
comes about because a spin current in a ferromagnetic metal is automatically a charge
current due to the nonzero spin polarization in the ferromagnet. (It turns out that
this direct effect becomes dominant over the magnetic field induced by the current
for small wire cross sections.)
One typical example of spin transfer is current-driven domain wall motion. A ferromagnetic domain wall separates two domains with different directions of magnetization
(see Figure 3.3). As electrons are transported across the domain wall, their spins adjust themselves to the local magnetization. This means that the magnetization exerts
Annual report 2010
a torque on the spin of the electrons which is accompanied by a reaction torque, called
the spin transfer torque, of the electron spins on the magnetization. Although spin
angular momentum is exchanged between electron spins and magnetization, the total
is approximately (not fully, because of spin-orbit coupling and spin-flip scattering)
conserved. The net result of this is that the magnetic domain wall will be pushed in
the direction of the electron flow. This method of manipulating domain walls is very
attractive for applications as any type of domain (both from “down” to “up” and the
opposite) is pushed in the same direction. This allows for moving information stored
in the position of magnetic domains, and is the idea behind IBM’s Magnetic Race
Track Memory.
The above-mentioned spin transfer torques on magnetic domain walls are only one
aspect of the interplay between spin and charge currents and magnetism. In our
recent theoretical work [1] we have predicted the existence of a new and complementary effect, namely, that a time-dependent magnetization, e.g., a domain wall that is
driven by a magnetic field, induces a current or voltage (see Figure 3.3). That such
an effect exists was understood in the limit in which the domain wall precesses. Such
domain wall precession occurs for large driving fields, and means that the spins at
the position of the domain wall precess around the field. That this induces a voltage is understood as follows: imagine going to a frame of reference where the spin
quantization axis is in the direction of the magnetization. In this frame the electrons
feel a time-dependent vector potential, coming from the gauge transformation to this
new frame of reference, which is opposite for opposite spin projections, giving rise
to opposite forces. Such forces are called spin motive forces. Because of the spin
asymmetry in the ferromagnet there will be a charge current proportional to the spin
polarization, or, in an open circuit, a voltage. In the limit of small magnetic field it
turns out that the domain wall does not precess but instead moves rigidly. In this
case the above-mentioned vector potential is zero. It turns out, however, that there
can still be a current or voltage, but that spin-flip scattering is essential in this case
[1]. Recent experiments have measured the domain-wall-induced voltage [2] in the
high-field limit and more experiments are in progress.
Spin transfer and spin motive forces are mostly studied in ferromagnetic metals. A
natural (theorist’s) question is therefore whether similar phenomena exist in materials with different magnetic order. One example are antiferromagnets. These are
materials where the magnetic moments are anti-aligned on neighbouring sites, as opposed to being aligned as in a ferromagnet. We have recently studied the influence
of current on the dynamics of the magnetization in antiferromagnetic conductors [3].
Although the net spin polarization is zero in these system, it turns out that there are
nonzero current-induced torques on the magnetic moments in the antiferromagnet.
In particular, these torques can lead to current-driven motion of antiferromagnetic
domains. Given the recent experimental activity on spintronics with antiferromagnets
[4], we hope that these predictions will be tested in the near future.
3. Scientific highlights
Figure 3.3: Illustration of a domain wall in a ferromagnetic metallic wire that is driven
by an external magnetic field B and induces a voltage V . (This picture was made by
Dries van Oosten.)
Another example of magnetic ordering are spiral magnets. They are in between ferromagnets and antiferromagnets as the magnetic order forms spirals. In a particular
phase of the spiral magnetic metal MnSi current-induced torques were recently observed, in a collaboration with the theory group of Achim Rosch (Cologne) and the
experimental group of Christian Pfleiderer (TU Munich) [5].
In the future, the field of spintronics will continue to explore new materials with
the longterm goal of developing applications. The developments with antiferromagnets and spiral magnets, briefly described above, are part of this activity. One other
subfield that is worth mentioning is that of magnetic insulator spintronics. In these
materials, the charge current is always zero, but there can be spin and heat currents
that interact with the magnetization [6]. Another direction is exploring the fundamentals of spintronics with systems of trapped cold alkali atoms. Although these
Annual report 2010
systems at present do not have consumer electronics applications, and probably never
will, they serve as a tunable model system to explore physics in a way that is more
controllable than with solid-state materials. For example, the decay of spin current
due to interactions, called spin drag, was recently proposed in both bosonic and fermionic cold-atom systems, and the first experiments with fermions have just been
carried out [7]. In conclusion, the exciting recent developments that push spintronics
outside the realm of semiconductors and ferromagnetic metals will likely bring about
a wealth of new and interesting physics in the years ahead.
[1] R.A. Duine, Spin pumping by a field-driven domain wall, Phys. Rev. B 77, 014409
[2] S.A. Yang et al., Universal electromotive force induced by domain wall motion,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 067201 (2009); Robert McMichael and Mark Stiles, A
new connection between electricity and magnetism, Physics 2, 11 (2009).
[3] A.C. Swaving and R.A. Duine, Current-induced torques in continuous antiferromagnetic textures, Phys. Rev. B 83, 054428 (2011).
[4] R.A. Duine, An alternating alternative, Nature Materials 10, 344 (2011), News
and Views on Park et al., Nature Materials 10, 347 (2011).
[5] F. Jonietz, S. Muehlbauer, C. Pfleiderer, A. Neubauer, W. Muenzer, A. Bauer,
T. Adams, R. Georgii, P. Boeni, R.A. Duine, K. Everschor, M. Garst, and A.
Rosch, Spin transfer torques in MnSi at ultra-low current densities, Science 330,
1648 (2010).
[6] K. Uchida et al., Spin Seeback insulator, Nature Materials 9, 894 (2010).
[7] R.A. Duine and H.T.C. Stoof, Spin drag in noncondensed Bose gases, Phys. Rev.
Lett. 103, 170401 (2009); R.A. Duine, Marco Polini, H.T.C. Stoof, and G.
Vignale, Spin drag in an ultracold Fermi gas on the verge of a ferromagnetic
instability, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 220403 (2010); Ariel Sommer, Mark Ku,
Giacomo Roati, Martin W. Zwierlein, Universal spin transport in a strongly
interacting Fermi gas, Nature 472, 201 (2011).
4 PhD program
This chapter provides an overview of the educational program and of the PhD degrees
granted in 2010. Research projects of current PhD students and data on their scientific and educational activities in 2010 are given.
The DRSTP offers a joint program of graduate education leading to a PhD. The
educational program is based in part on the regular advanced courses, seminars and
topical courses offered at the participating universities. The DRSTP organizes at least
two postgraduate schools every year. Furthermore, students can gain international
experience by attending (international) workshops or summer schools and, in certain
cases, by making extended research visits abroad. The Governing Board is advised
on educational matters by the Educational Board. Regular advanced courses at the
universities are published in a nationwide survey at the beginning of each academic
The Governing Board of the DRSTP decides on admission of individual PhD students
and monitors their progress.
An extended description of the selection and supervision procedure is presented in
Appendix B.
On 31 December 2010, ninety (90) PhD students were affiliated with the DRSTP.
Twenty-two (22) PhD students obtained their PhD in 2010.
Educational programme
Postgraduate courses (AIO/OIO schools)
The following courses were held in 2010:
Theoretical High Energy Physics (THEP)
The DRSTP Postgraduate Course (AIO/OIO school) Theoretical High Energy Physics was held from 1 to 12 February 2010 at Hotel Bergse Bossen in Driebergen. The
program was organized by A. Achúcarro (UL) and J. Vermaseren (Nikhef). Twentyeight (28) students participated.
Further information is available in Appendix C.
Annual report 2010
Statistical Physics and Theory of Condensed Matter (SPTCM)
The DRSTP Postgraduate Course (AIO/OIO school) Statistical Physics and Theory
of Condensed Matter was held from 12 to 22 April 2010 at Hotel Bergse Bossen in
Driebergen. Due to coinciding events the program was shortened by one day. The
program was organized by J.-S. Caux (UvA) and C. Storm (TU/e). Twenty (20)
students participated.
Further information is available in Appendix C.
PhD Day
The PhD Day was held on 15 October 2010 at Utrecht University. The program was
organized by members of the DRSTP PhD Student Council. Eighty-three (83) people
attended of which forty-nine were PhD students, thirty-one were Master’s students,
two were postdocs and one participant was a former PhD student who is now employed
at McKinsey & Company.
Further information is available in Appendix D.
PhD degrees and subsequent employment
In 2010, twenty-two (22) PhD students received their degree. Twelve students accepted postdoctoral positions in: Austria (1), France (1), Germany (4), Spain (1), UK
(1), the Netherlands (2) and in the USA (2); three (3) accepted research positions not
related to theoretical physics; four (4) accepted a position at a commercial company;
one (1) accepted a postion as a research scholar and one (1) accepten a position as a
physics high school teacher in the Netherlands. One student passed away.
More information on career moves of former PhD students during the last six years
can be found in Appendix G.
PhD degrees granted in the DRSTP in 2010
In this section a short summary of the PhD theses published in 2010 is given. The
summaries were written by the students.
Ament, L.J.P. (UL)
thesis title: Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering studies of elementary excitations
advisor: prof. dr. ir. J. van den Brink
date: 11 November 2010
present position: junior associate, McKinsey & Company, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
The subject of this thesis is Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering (RIXS), which is
a technique to study, amongst others, the properties of materials. This is done by
4. PhD program
making a sort of x-ray photo (called a spectrum) in a synchrotron – a huge, circular
particle accelerator (with a circumference of a few hundred meters) that produces very
high intensity x-rays. These x-ray spectra are compared to calculations based on various models of the material under study. This way, it is possible to falsify the models.
Arsiwalla, X.D. (UvA)
thesis title: Supersymmetric black holes as probes of quantum gravity
advisors: prof. dr. E.P. Verlinde and prof. dr. R.H. Dijkgraaf
date: 13 April 2010
present position: postdoctoral fellow, Laboratory for Synthetic Perceptive, Emotive
and Cognitive Systems (SPECS), University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain
The research presented in this thesis features a specific class of black holes arising
in string theory that offer a rare window towards probing quantum gravity. The
driving force behind much of this research in black hole physics lies in the idea of
holography which is a duality between a gravitational theory in a bulk space-time
and a quantum theory (without gravity) living on the boundary of that space-time.
In string theory this duality is famously manifest as the AdS/CFT correspondence.
Macroscopic observables refer to gravitational quantities in the bulk; whereas, microscopics corresponds to the theory living on a bound state of higher dimensional
objects in string theory called branes. The black holes that we work with in this
thesis are analogs of zero temperature black holes (also known as extremal) in Einstein’s gravitational theory with electromagnetic charge; and are obtained through
compactification of a type of closed string theory in ten dimensions, where the compactified six dimensions are endowed with 4, 2 and 0 dimensional (spatially) branes,
thus giving a black hole solution in four non-compact dimensions. Lifting this set-up
to eleven dimensions by opening a circular spatial dimension gives a five dimensional
black string in M-theory, where the branes now lift to 5 & 2 dimensional membranes
and respectively angular momentum along the M-theory circle. Subsequent fragmentation of this system leads to interesting multi-center configurations in 4 as well as
5 dimensions. Investigating this specific system and its various manifestations, sheds
new insights into the quantum field theory(gauge theory)/gravity paradigm.
Atmaja, A.N. (UvA/UL)
thesis title: Applications of AdS/CFT in quark gluon plasma
advisor: prof. dr. J. de Boer
co-advisor: dr. K.E. Schalm
date: 26 October 2010
present position: researcher, The Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Jakarta,
As one of the most important developments in string theory, the AdS/CFT correspondence (or in general gauge/gravity correspondence) encodes a way of using string
theory to perform non-perturbative calculation in gauge theory which is still a complicated problem. It was firstly formulated as the correspondence between weakly
coupled gravity theory with AdS (Anti de Sitter) space-time background and stron-
Annual report 2010
gly coupled gauge theory with conformal symmetry in one lower dimension. In this
thesis, we would like to apply AdS/CFT correspondence to compute some of observables of strongly coupled QGP such as photon and dilepton production rates,
mean-free path time of the plasma constituents, and anisotropic drag force effect to
the elliptic flow.
Boomsma, J.K. (VUA)
thesis title: Effects of instanton interactions on the phases of quark matter
advisor: prof. dr. P.J.G. Mulders
co-advisor: dr. D. Boer
date: 17 June 2010
present position: physics teacher, Hermann Wesselink College, Amstelveen, the Netherlands
Matter that is subject to extreme conditions has remarkable properties. In this thesis
the effects of instantons on matter under these conditions are investigated using model
calculations. The investigations show that instantons allow for new phases and that
in combination with strong magnetic fields they induce a rich phase structure. Under
normal conditions, quarks are confined to protons and neutrons. At temperatures of
2 trillion degrees Celsius and at densities larger than 5 times the density of a nucleus
everything is different. Under such conditions matter undergoes a phase transition to
a phase called quark matter. This form of matter plays a role in describing the Big
Bang, heavy ion collisions and the core of neutron stars. In all of these systems very
strong magnetic fields can occur. The interaction that holds quarks together in protons and neutrons is the strong interaction. This interaction has an infinite number of
vacua. Instantons are transitions between these vacua. Gerard ‘t Hooft has shown in
1976 that these instantons can have physical implications. In this thesis their effects
on quark matter are studied. Using the normal techniques of the strong interaction it
is impossible to study the effects of instantons. Therefore we use model calculations.
Most attention is paid to the phase structure of the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. The
main conclusion is that instantons play an important role in describing the behavior
of quark matter. We have found new phases that may be of importance in describing
the structure of neutron stars and for matter that is created in heavy ion collisions.
de Leeuw, M. (UU)
thesis title: The S-matrix of the AdS5xS5 superstring
advisor: prof. dr. B. de Wit
co-advisor: dr. G.E. Arutyunov
date: 29 March 2010
present position: postdoctoral fellow, Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics,
Golm, Germany
According to the gauge-string duality conjecture, the spectrum of scaling dimensions
of composite gauge invariant operators of the planar maximally supersymmetric YangMills theory in four dimensions should be equivalent to the energy spectrum of superstrings propagating in the AdS5xS5 space-time, where AdS5 is the five-dimensional
4. PhD program
Anti-de Sitter space and S5 is the five-dimensional sphere. We study strings on
AdS5xS5. The corresponding world-sheet theory exhibits the remarkable property of
being integrable, that is it has an infinite number of conservation laws. The asymptotic spectrum of the world-sheet theory contains both the fundamental particles and
bound states of the latter. We explicitly derive the S-matrix that describes scattering
of arbitrary bound states. The key feature that enables this derivation is the socalled Yangian symmetry. Subsequently, we study the universal algebraic properties
of the found S-matrix. As in many integrable models, the S-matrix plays a key role
in the determination of the energy spectrum. In this context, we employ the Bethe
ansatz approach to compute the large volume energy spectrum of string bound states.
Eggen, E.J. (UU)
thesis title: Orientational ordering of charged colloids
advisor: prof. dr. H. van Beijeren
co-advisor: dr. R.H.H.G. van Roij
date: 24 February 2010
present position: web developer, Rhinofly, Utrecht, the Netherlands
This thesis studies orientational ordering of charged colloidal particles, which appears
if the particles are not spherically symmetric. Generally, this is the case. The nonspherical aspects of colloidal particles can be either due to shape or to chemical surface
properties. The question we address is: when do such nonspherical properties become
important in the collective behavior of colloidal particles? To answer this question, we
theoretically investigate the equilibrium properties of charged colloidal particles. We
have chosen charge particles for three reasons. First, electrostatic effects are generally
present in colloidal suspensions. Second, there were, and still are, many opportunities in this field to answer existing questions or raise new ones. Third, the effective
interactions between charged colloidal particles are relatively easy to describe. In the
end, we hope to describe collective properties that can be obtained through the equilibration of a system. The way we treat particle orientations is through orientational
distributions. Analogous to particle-position distributions, we find configurations that
minimize the free energy, thereby predicting the equilibrium state. We distinguish
four types of phases that describe equilibrium configurations: isotropic fluid, liquid
crystal, plastic crystal, and aligned crystal. The isotropic-fluid phase is characterized
by a lack of both positional and orientational ordering. Fluids that display orientational ordering but no (complete) positional ordering are denoted liquid crystals.
Conversely, in the case of a plastic crystal there is complete positional ordering but
no orientational ordering. The aligned-crystal phase exhibits both orientational and
positional ordering. We view particles of different orientation as particles belonging
to different species. Such a description is easily implemented in a grand-canonical
ensemble to find the most favorable distribution of particle orientations in a system.
In this thesis, we apply the description to systems of colloidal particles that are either
rodlike in shape and homogeneously charged, or heterogeneously charged and spherical. In chapter 2, we treat the phase behavior of short charged rods. We construct
a mapping onto systems of hard rods with effective dimensions. The liquid-crystal
phases that are predicted in these systems are no longer present for rods of sufficiently
Annual report 2010
high charge, because their interactions are essentially isotropic. Chapter 3 is based
on a charge renormalization scheme, which defines a relation between the nonlinear
and linearized descriptions of electrostatic interactions between charged colloidal particles. This scheme is traditionally applied to spherical particles with homogeneous
surface charge, but we apply it to colloidal spheres of heterogeneous surface charge.
Finally, we present two models in which we apply bifurcation theory to a linearized
description for heterogeneously charged spheres. In chapter 4 we introduce a cell model, which we employ in chapter 5 to describe fluid phases, as it lacks any positional
ordering of the colloidal particles. The second model is treated in chapter 6 and puts
the particles on a fixed lattice, which characterizes the positional ordering in solids.
In both cases we investigate the possibility of an isotropic-to-aligned transition of the
orientational distribution. In the fluid phase we find none, whereas the solid phase
exhibits two possible transitions.
Galistu, G.M. (UvA)
thesis title: Magnetotransport studies of the single and bilayer two dimensional electron gas in the quantum Hall regime
advisor: prof. dr. A.M.M. Pruisken
co-advisor: dr. A. de Visser
date: 11 June 2010
present position: clinical physicist, University Medical Center (UMC), Utrecht, the
This thesis consists of two parts. The first part is dedicated to a magnetotransport
study of scaling in the integral quantum Hall regime. New transport measurements
based on the DC-method are being developed and compared with the traditional
AC-method of lock-in amplification. Some of the main results on the plateau-plateau
and plateau-insulator are presented in Chapters 4 and 5 that deal with the effects of
sample inhomogeneity on quantum criticality. Critical exponent values are reported
taken from a variety of low mobility samples (InGaAS/GaAS quantum wells) and
compared with those in the literature.
The second part deals with magnetotransport experiments conducted on coupled two
dimensional electron gases in double quantum well systems. The aim is to study the
effects of a tunnel barrier on the energy levels as well as the wavefunctions of the
electron gas. The experimental results are explained, in part, based on numerical
computations of the electron structure.
Gubbels, K.B. (UU)
thesis title: Exotic superfluidity in imbalanced Fermi gases
advisor: prof. dr. ir. H.T.C. Stoof
date: 13 January 2010
present position: postdoctoral fellow, Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society
(FHI), Berlin, Germany
The research is done in collaboration with the University of Nijmegen, where K. Gubbels is currently based.
4. PhD program
We consider ultracold imbalanced Fermi gases with strong attractive interactions, for
which Cooper-pair formation plays an important role. The two-component mixtures
consist either of identical fermionic atoms in two different hyperfine states, or of two
different atomic species. In both cases, the number of atoms for each component is
allowed to be different, leading to a spin imbalance or a polarization. In the second
case, the two different species also give rise to a mass imbalance for the particles.
Imbalanced Fermi mixtures play a fundamental role in condensed-matter, nuclear
and astroparticle physics. Experimentally, the atomic mixtures are made strongly
interacting with the use of two-channel Feshbach resonances. We start out by treating these in more detail. We review the relevant scattering theory, and apply it
to the well-studied case of resonant s-wave collisions with zero angular momentum.
Furthermore, we discuss the less-studied case of p-wave collisions with nonzero angular momentum, and the inhomogeneous case due to a trapping potential. Having
discussed the two-body physics, we turn to the many-body physics. The pioneering
experimental studies of Cooper pairing in lithium-6 mixtures with a spin imbalance
were performed by Zwierlein et al. [Science 311, 492 (2006)] and Partridge et al.
[Science 311, 503 (2006)]. We study the mean-field theory for the polarized Fermi
mixture to obtain a qualitative understanding of these experiments. In the unitarity limit, where the scattering length of the interatomic interaction diverges, the
theory gives rise to two exotic superfluid phases that are absent in the balanced mixture. These are the gapless superfluid Sarma phase and the phase-separated phase.
By using renormalization group techniques to account for the effects of strong interactions, we obtain also quantitative agreement with Monte-Carlo calculations and
experiments. We then generalize our knowledge of the solely spin-imbalanced mixture
to the mass-imbalanced case, where in particular the mixture consisting of lithium-6
and potassium-40 is experimentally promising. We study the mean-field phase diagram for this mixture in the unitarity limit, where we not only find phase separation
and Sarma superfluidity, but also a Lifshitz point. The latter signals an instability
towards a supersolid phase. We also include the effects of fluctuations, which do not
alter the topology of the phase diagram. However, fluctuation effects lower the critical temperatures with an experimentally relevant factor of three. Finally, we study
superfluidity in a fully polarized gas of potassium-40 atoms near a p-wave Feshbach
resonance. In particular, we consider coherent Josephson oscillations between the superfluid components in the two channels of the resonance, whose frequencies contain
a clear signature of the quantum phase transition that occurs as a function of applied
magnetic field.
Habraken, S.J.M. (UL)
thesis title: Light with a twist; Ray aspects in singular wave and quantum optics
advisor: prof. dr. G. Nienhuis
date: 16 February 2010
present position: postdoctoral fellow, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of
Innsbruck, Austria
This thesis discusses the spatial structure and the physical properties of basis sets of
modes in optical resonators. The mirrors of the cavity are allowed to be astigmatic.
Annual report 2010
The mode structure is non-trivial, in particular when the symmetry planes of the mirrors do not coincide. It is shown that ray optical properties of the resonators define a
set of bosonic ladder operators that give rise to algebraic expressions for the modes.
These modes contain phase singularities and they carry orbital angular momentum.
The technique also applies to the case of a resonator with rotating mirrors. Rotation
can stabilize an unstable resonator, or destabilize a stable one.
Hardeman, S.R. (UL) 27 January 1982 - 7 July 2011
thesis title: Non-decoupling of heavy scalars in cosmology
advisor: prof. dr. A. Achúcarro
co-advisor: dr. K.E. Schalm
date: to be awarded posthumous
If a system heats up, more degrees of freedom become available. In ice certain vibrations of the water molecule are not available, yet in liquid water they are. This can
be made visible by putting both ice and water in a microwave oven. The microwave
emits radiation exactly at the wavelength of one of these vibrations and is therefore
very efficient in heating water. On the other hand, heating ice with a microwave oven
takes much longer. In our universe there are many degrees of freedom that can be
made visible only at very high temperatures. Some of those we know, or at least
we think we know. The Higgs particle, the particle the LHC in Geneva is looking
for, is a well known example of a degree of freedom that is observable only at very
high temperatures. We think we know the Higgs particle exists because it betrays
its existence at lower temperatures due to certain corrections to specific processes.
Some of these processes have been measured very accurately and the measurements
can be explained only by assuming the existence of a Higgs particle. There are likely
many more degrees of freedom at very high temperatures that we do not yet know.
We currently do not know which theory explains the physics at the highest temperatures. What we do know is that all proposed candidates predict many new degrees of
freedom. In order to understand such theories, it is important to know the degrees of
freedom associated to it. These degrees of freedom are visible only under very special
circumstances. Such circumstances are not available on earth, but our universe offers
possibilities. This thesis is about what we can learn from these degrees of freedom
by studying the properties of our universe. Why it is that our universe is such an
exquisite measuring instrument for these degrees of freedom, what we have learned
and can still learn about them is the subject of this summary.
Hoogeveen, J. (UvA)
thesis title: Fundamentals of the pure spinor formalism
advisor: prof. dr. R.H. Dijkgraaf
co-advisor: dr. K. Skenderis
date: 9 July 2010
present position: quantitative analyst, UBS Investment Bank, London, UK
This thesis presents recent developments within the pure spinor formalism, which
has simplified amplitude computations in perturbative string theory, especially when
4. PhD program
spacetime fermions are involved. Firstly the worldsheet action of both the minimal
and the non-minimal pure spinor formalism is derived from first principles, i.e. from
an action with two dimensional diffeomorphism and Weyl invariance. Secondly the
decoupling of unphysical states in the minimal pure spinor formalism is proved.
Huijse, L. (UvA)
thesis title: A supersymmetric model for lattice fermions
advisor: prof. dr. C.J.M. Schoutens
date: 18 June 2010
present position: research scholar, Department of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
The subject of this Master’s thesis is the information loss paradox. In the first chapters we treat the theoretical background needed to understand the original calculation
carried out by Hawking that shows that black holes radiate. A detailed discussion
of this calculation, its implications for information loss and its validity is provided
in the chapters 3 to 5. Then we focus on the suggested solutions to the paradox.
In particular, we investigate one of these proposals that was found by Mathur using
string theory. We subject this so-called ‘fuzzball’ picture to a test that should give
some insight regarding the question whether or not Mathur’s proposal is likely to
solve the paradox in the long run. We were unable to draw a definite conclusion. We
do, however, obtain a couple of intermediate results that can be useful in successive
research. Some suggestions for a follow up are given explicitly.
Lim, L.-K. (UU)
thesis title: Ultracold gases in two dimensions: novel superfluid phases for bosons and
advisor: prof. dr. C. Morais Smith
date: 15 January 2010
present position: postdoctoral fellow, Utrecht University, the Netherlands (until September 2010); postdoctoral fellow, Laboratoire de Physique des Solides (LPS), University Paris-Sud, Orsay, France
This thesis concerns ultracold two-dimensional atomic gases and the associated novel superfluid phases in an optical lattice subjected to staggered rotations. In the
first part, we study the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) transition in a twodimensional Bose gas. Motivated by recent experiments on the cold gas in the BKT
regime, we employ a modified Popov theory and a renormalization group theory to
describe the system. The two-dimensional renormalization group flow equations display unique features, which we interpret as precursors of the BKT physics. We further
calculate higher correlation functions close to the BKT transition, which can serve
as observables for detecting effects beyond mean-field. Finally, we obtain the density
profile under the conditions of the experiment performed in the group of Dalibard in
Paris, France. In the second part of the thesis, we study a recent experimental proposal of a time-dependent optical lattice with staggered rotations. We show that in the
tight-binding regime, the system can be effectively described by a (Bose-)Hubbard
Annual report 2010
model subjected to an artificial staggered magnetic field. The staggered magnetic
field (flux) in the lattice leads to conical points in the band structure which possesses
distinct minima for different strength, and can give rise to Dirac-like dispersions. For
bosons, we show that besides the homogenous superfluid phase, a staggered-vortex
superfluid phase is stabilized for large flux values. We show that the staggered flux
renormalizes the phase boundary and find a multi-critical point separating the two
superfluid phases and the Mott insulating phase. Finally, the full phase diagram of
the generalized Bose-Hubbard model at zero temperature is determined. We then generalize the model for a mixture of ultracold bosons and spin-1/2 fermions. By using
the Bogoliubov theory for the bosonic sector, we show that the bosonic superfluid
mediates attractive interactions between fermions up to the nearest-neighbor site.
The resulting model is an extended Hubbard model in the presence of a staggered
magnetic field, where the on-site and the nearest-neighbor attractive interactions can
be tuned independently. We then employ the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer theory for
superconductivity, by considering an on-site pairing order parameter competing with
a nearest-neighbor resonating-valence-bond order parameter. Due to conical points
in the energy band, the system possesses quantum critical property and the resulting
phase diagram displays features which are strikingly similar to that of high-criticaltemperature superconductors or heavy-fermion superconductors.
Looyestijn, H.T. (UU)
thesis title: Aspects of compactifications and black holes in four-dimensional supergravity
advisor: prof. dr. B. de Wit
co-advisor: dr. S.J.G. Vandoren
date: 27 September 2010
present position: senior focus expert, ASML, Veldhoven, the Netherlands
In the 20th century, theoretical physics has seen the development of General Relativity and the Standard Model of elementary particles. These theories describe, with
great precision, gravity and all known matter, respectively. However, it is not possible
to unite them into one, single theory. We need such a theory of quantum gravitation
to study phenomena where both theories are important, such as black holes and the
Big Bang. One of the leading candidates for a theory of quantum gravitation is string
theory. The low-energy limit of string theory is called supergravity. This thesis studies some of the open questions in string theory, in the setting of four-dimensional
supergravity. We first classify the fully supersymmetric solutions of gauged N = 2
supergravity with arbitrary gaugings in the vector- and hypermultiplet sectors. We
present several examples of such solutions and connect some of them to vacuum
solutions of flux compactifications in string theory. The next chapter searches for
black hole solutions, where the scalars in the theory are gauged. Next, we show how
one can embed known black hole solutions trough spontaneous symmetry breaking.
When searching for new solutions, we find solutions only in cases when the metric
contains ripples and the vector multiplet scalars become ghost-like. We then show
how one can obtain four-dimensional supergravities by a Scherk-Schwarz reduction of
eleven-dimensional supergravity, and study its equivalence with a compactification on
4. PhD program
a seven-dimensional space. Finally, we study general aspects of N S5-brane instantons
in relation to the stabilization of the volume modulus in Calabi-Yau compactifications
of type II strings with fluxes, and their orientifold versions.
Machado, P.F. (UU)
thesis title: On the renormalization group flow of gravity
advisor: prof. dr. R. Loll
date: 8 January 2010
present position: postdoctoral fellow, Department of Genetics, University of Cambridge, London, UK
Understanding gravity as a fundamental theory implies understanding its behavior
as we move across different length scales. In the present thesis, we have investigated
this scale-dependent behavior by studying the renormalization group flow of gravity.
A central focus of our investigations was the asymptotic safety scenario, which posits the existence of a non-trivial fixed point of the gravitational renormalization
group controlling the behavior of the theory in the ultraviolet and providing it with a
predictive and well-defined high-energy limit. Our main tool was a continuous Wilsonian renormalization group technique, the functional renormalization group equation.
Computations within this framework rely on truncation approximations, whereby the
full renormalization group flow is projected onto a subspace of the couplings of the
theory. The reliability of the results thus obtained is assessed by verifying their stability under the gradual extension of the truncation subspace. The simplest, non-trivial
gravity truncation one may consider is the Einstein-Hilbert truncation, in which evidence was first found for a non-trivial fixed point of gravity in support of the asymptotic safety scenario. The crucial question is then whether or not this fixed point
persists under further enlargement of the truncation subspaces. In this thesis, we
have tackled this question by following three complementary strategies. First, in
Chapter 3, we investigated the renormalization group flow of gravity restricted to the
conformal sector. This simplification allowed us to consider truncations containing
terms which would be otherwise intractable for technical reasons, and thus obtain a
rough picture of the effect of those terms on the behavior of the complete theory. A
second strategy, which we followed in Chapters 4 and 5, returning to the case of full
gravity, was to construct a functional renormalization group equation that allowed
us to study general truncations spanned by arbitrary functions f (R) of the curvature scalar, and hence investigate large sectors of the full renormalization group flow
space. Lastly, in Chapter 6, we included in our truncation terms which are known
to be particularly problematic from the point of view of perturbative quantization.
First, we moved beyond the f (R)-case by explicitly including four-derivative tensorial
operators in our truncation, and then added a minimally coupled, massless scalar field
to our truncation. Remarkably, in all of these extensions a non-trivial ultraviolet fixed
point was found. The coherent picture that arises from these studies provides significant evidence in favor of the asymptotic safety scenario, and suggests that quantized
gravity remains predictive at arbitrarily small scales.
Annual report 2010
Makogon, D. (UU)
thesis title: Novel quantum phases, excitations, and transport in low-dimensional systems
advisor: prof. dr. C. Morais Smith
date: 9 September 2010
present position: postdoctoral fellow, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Utrecht University, the Netherlands
The Chapter 2 is devoted to the study of the transport properties of a quantum
wire, described by the Tomonaga-Luttinger model, in the presence of a backscattering potential provided by several point-like or extended time-dependent impurities
(barriers) and find regimes of conductance enhancement. In Chapter 3 we study a set
of crossed 1D systems, which are coupled with each other via tunnelling at the crossings. Concentrating on the case of a single crossing, we were able to explain recent
experiments on crossed metallic and semiconducting nanotubes, which showed the
presence of localized states in the region of crossing. The Chapter 4 treats the effects
of disorder and interactions in a quantum Hall ferromagnet. We study the problem
by projecting the original fermionic Hamiltonian into magnon states, which behave as
bosons in the vicinity of the ferromagnetic ground state. The approach permits the
reformulation of a strongly interacting model into a non-interacting one. The latter
is a non-perturbative scheme that consists in treating the two-particle neutral excitations of the electron system as a bosonic single-particle. Indeed, the employment
of bosonization facilitates the inclusion of disorder in the study of the system. It has
been shown previously that disorder may drive a quantum phase transition in the
Hall ferromagnet. However, such studies have been either carried out in the framework of the nonlinear sigma model, as an effective low-energy theory, or included the
long-range Coulomb interaction in a quantum description only up to the Hartree-Fock
level. Here, we establish the occurrence of a disorder-driven quantum phase transition
from a ferromagnetic 2DEG to a spin glass phase by taking into account interactions
between electrons up to the random phase approximation level in a fully quantum
description. In the Chapter 5 we derive and discuss an experimentally realistic model describing ultracold atoms in an optical lattice including a commensurate, but
staggered, Zeeman field. The resulting band structure is quite exotic; fermions in
the third band have an unusual rounded picture-frame Fermi surface (essentially two
concentric squircles), leading to imperfect nesting. We develop a generalized theory
describing the spin and charge degrees of freedom simultaneously, and show that the
system can develop a coupled spin-charge-density wave order. This ordering is absent
in studies of the Hubbard model that treat spin and charge density separately.
Mehmani, B. (UvA)
thesis title: Classical manipulation of a quantum system
advisor: prof. dr. B. Nienhuis
co-advisor: dr. Th.M. Nieuwenhuizen
date: 22 September 2010
present position: postdoctoral fellow, Max Planck Institute for Science of Light, Erlangen, Germany
4. PhD program
One of the main tasks in quantum information theory is to determine the initial
state of a qubit, i.e. a two-level system that can be described by the Pauli matrices.
Quantum state tomography provides a useful method for this aim. Quantum state
tomography is the process of reconstructing the quantum state (density matrix) of an
ensemble of quantum systems by performing measurements on it. In order to be able
to uniquely identify the state, the measurements must be tomographically complete.
That is, the measured operators must form an operator basis in the Hilbert space of
the system, providing all the information about the state. However since in general
different operators do not commute with each other, one needs to perform successive
measurements of non-commuting observables to recover the initial state of the system.
In chapter 2 we show that one can completely reconstruct the initial state of a qubit
by means of simultaneous measurement of commuting observables. The price to be
paid is to introduce another system called assistant of which the state is known. The
assistant need not necessarily be another qubit. It may for example also be a single
near resonance cavity mode. By letting the system and the assistant interact with
each other, and after a some time laps performing measurements on one observable
of each system it is possible to make a linear map between the measurement results
and the initial state of the qubit. The suggested observables are the easiest ones to
Usually it is very difficult to isolate a quantum system from its surrounding environment. Therefore studying the influence of the surrounding environment on the
state of an open quantum system, i.e. a quantum system that is interacting with
its environment, is crucial in quantum processes. Depending on the type of environment, there are different conditions under which one can study the influence of the
environment on a quantum system. A group of methods categorized by the name of
system-bath interaction are based on the assumption that the reaction of the system
on its surrounding environment is weak. One of the main consequences of this approach is the Langevin equation, which supplements the Newton equation of motion
for the small system by two additional forces: random conservative force and nonconservative (i.e., non-Lagrangian), velocity-dependent friction force. Chapter 3 is
devoted to specific application of this model with which one can study the dynamics
of the polarization of an open qubit. Two non-interacting qubits are considered to
be surrounded by a common environment. Inducing sharp and strong pulses on one
of them makes the polarization transfer from the other one mediated by the common
environment.There is another set-up that allows studying the dynamics of an open
system. Here the essential condition is that the time scale of the evolution of the
quantum system is much faster than that of its classical environment. This is one
the most used set-ups for coupling quantum and classics variables. In chapter 4 we
consider the Hamiltonian governing the evolution of the quantum system as a function of slowly varying parameters of its surrounding environment. By employing the
adiabatic perturbation theory, which is described in this chapter, we derive the state
of the quantum system beyond the adiabatic regime where the transition to other
energy levels is not forbidden.
In chapter 5 we turn our focus on the dynamics of the slow classical environment
which experiences an average force exerted by the fast quantum system. We show
Annual report 2010
that the back reaction force in contrast to the system-bath type of interaction is a
conservative force that can be generated by a Lagrangian. The Lagrangian describing
the situation depends on the classical slow parameters, and their higher order time
derivatives. Several interesting aspects of the Lagranigan are discussed in chapter 5.
Mesaroš, A. (UL)
thesis title: Dislocations in stripes and lattice Dirac fermions
advisor: prof. dr. J. Zaanen
date: 6 October 2010
present position: postdoctoral fellow, Instituut-Lorentz for Theoretical Physics, Leiden University, the Netherlands
In this thesis we study two different types of systems which exhibit topological defects
called dislocations. Lattice dislocations locally destroy the crystal lattice ordering by
restoring the translational symmetry of free space – whenever we count lattice steps
along any path going around the dislocation, there is always a fixed number of steps
missing. W study the effects of dislocations on graphene and two-dimensional topological insulators, systems where the effective theory of non-interacting electrons
happens to describe fundamental Dirac fermions. We also study an effective theory
of strongly interacting electrons in the high critical temperature (high-Tc) copper superconductors, called “cuprates”, which describes the local patterns of translational
and rotational symmetry breaking. A prominent role is played by stripe dislocations,
topological dislocational defects in stacks of parallel lines of charge known as “stripes”.
Nutma, T.A. (RUG)
thesis title: Kac-Moody symmetries and gauged supergravity
advisor: prof. dr. E.A. Bergshoeff
date: 13 September 2010
present position: postdoctoral fellow, Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics,
Golm, Germany
Symmetry. Not only makes it our world round, but it’s also what makes it go round.
From the perfect circular wheels on our bikes and cars that deliver an enjoyable ride,
to the error-correction protocols that keep e-mails from turning into junk; it’s literally
all around us. It’s also symmetry that dictates the laws of nature. On the small scale
the symmetry group of the Standard Model controls the interactions in molecules,
atoms, and nuclei. On the large scale gravity is governed by Einstein’s symmetry
principle of our space-time.
This thesis deals with a certain class of symmetries known as Kac-Moody algebras. In
contrast to the symmetries of the Standard Model and gravity, Kac-Moody algebras
are infinite. They appear in the context of M-theory, an as of yet unknown theory that
might both describe the Standard Model and gravity. In this thesis we will show how
Kac-Moody algebras unify all the low-energy limits of M-theory, which are known as
supergravities. Moreover, the Kac-Moody algebras contain information that corresponds exactly to all the known gauge deformations of these supergravities. We will
demonstrate how to obtain the field content of the various gauged supergravities from
4. PhD program
Kac-Moody algebras, and attempt to relate the equations of motion of both sides to
each other.
Ruszel, W.M. (RUG)
thesis title: Gibbs and non-Gibbs aspects of continuous spin models
advisors: prof. dr. A.C.D. van Enter and prof. dr. C. Külske (Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany)
date: 17 September 2010
present position: postdoctoral fellow, Stochastics (IMAPP) Radboud University Nijmegen and Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Eindhoven University
of Technology, the Netherlands
The finite-volume microscopic behaviour of a system in equilibrium is determined
by the Boltzmann-Gibbs prescription for probability measures in which probabilities
are proportional to the exponential of some Hamiltonian, which describes the energy
fluctuations while the total number of particles is fixed.
For seeing a phase transition mathematically one has to investigate infinite-volume
measures. The natural objects for describing dependences (due to e.g. a spin interaction) are conditional probabilities. These are compatible with a possibly non-unique
measure on an infinite-volume space. The conditioned measures describe the behaviour of a finite set of spins while all others are fixed. This approach was proposed by
Dobrushin, Lanford and Ruelle and is since referred to as the DLR approach. Kozlov
and Sullivan gave an equivalent characterization of a Gibbs measure. A measure is
Gibbs is it is uniformly nonnull and quasilocal. This property is very important in
describing physical reality, since one is interested in modeling local systems which are
not influenced by events at infinity. A fortiori a measure is not Gibbs, if one finds at
least one discontinuity point (in the product topology) of the conditional probabilities
w.r.t. the conditioning.
Non-Gibbsianness can appear after applying different kind of transformations on
Gibbs measures, such as renormalization group transformations, projections or timeevolution. In this thesis we study Gibbs and non-Gibbs aspects of continuous spin
models during time-evolution. We obtain the major part of the results for planar
rotors which are spins moving on circles, these are stated in Chapters 3-5 and 7.
Additionally we prove short-time Gibbsianness for unbounded spins in Chapter 6.
In particular we will prove in Chapter 3, first that for every initial and dynamical
inverse temperature the measure stays Gibbsian for short times. Secondly, for small
inverse initial and dynamical temperatures the measure is Gibbs for all times. The
third result states loss of Gibbsianness in a time interval for a planar rotor model
without a field. Furthermore in Chapter 4 we prove loss and recovery of Gibbsianness for models in a field. For both cases where Gibbsianness was lost we assumed a
low-temperature initial Gibbs measure and infinite-temperature dynamics (the initial
measure converges towards an infinite temperature Gibbs measure). Analogously as
in the Ising case, the presence of an initial external field is responsible for the measure
to become Gibbs in finite time again. The following Chapter 5 deals with a planar
rotor model in an alternating field in equilibrium, exhibiting a phase transition at low
temperatures. Moreover it contains an argument how a similar proof can be used to
Annual report 2010
prove phase coexistence for a planar rotor model in a field which consist of certain
periodic or random configurations on crosses.
In Chapter 6 we generalize the short-time conservation result for possibly non-Markovian
dynamics for unbounded spins. Finally the last Chapter 7, which stands a bit apart,
contains the first example of Chaotic Temperature Dependence for compact spins. We
construct a potential for a planar rotor system, thus a system of compact spins such
that no ground state measure can be obtained by lowering the temperature. Thus
the model depends chaotically on the temperature.
van Rees, B.C. (UvA)
thesis title: Dynamics and the gauge/gravity duality
advisor: prof. dr. E.P. Verlinde
co-advisor: dr. K. Skenderis
date: 7 September 2010
present position: postdoctoral fellow, C.N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics
(YITP), State University of New York, Stony Brook, USA
In this thesis we first review some standard results of the gauge/gravity dictionary.
These result are valid for backgrounds with positive definite signature metrics. We
then develop a new real-time dictionary which is valid for Lorentzian backgrounds as
well. We apply it to the computation of various correlation functions, both at zero
and a finite temperature. We then show that our dictionary leads to an unambiguous
holographic interpretation for a class of 2+1-dimensional wormhole spacetimes, for
which we also present physically motivated coordinate systems. Finally we investigate
in detail the holographic dictionary for topologically massive gravity and compute the
vacuum two-point functions of the operators sources by the boundary data for the
bulk fields.
Žeravčić, Z. (UL)
thesis title: Vibrations in materials with granularity
advisor: prof. dr. ir. W. van Saarloos
date: 29 June 2010
present position: postdoctoral fellow, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
(SEAS), Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
In this thesis we deal with materials with granularity – materials consisting of particles large enough that the temperature does not play any role in the dynamics of the
system. We study their vibrational properties that are strongly influenced by several
types of disorder – geometrical, mass and interactional.
4. PhD program
PhD students (per 31-12-2010)
This section gives an overview of the PhD students affiliated to the DRSTP on 31
December 2010. The projects are chronologically ordered according to starting date.
The research themes mentioned refer to particle physics, cosmology, quantum gravity
and string theory (theme 1) and quantum matter, quantum information, soft condensed matter and biophysics (theme 2).
University of Amsterdam (UvA)
• Zozulya, O.S. as of 1 October 2005 with K. Schoutens.
project: collective behavior vs. entanglement in atomic matter (theme 2).
PhD exam: 9 June 2011.
• Oberreuter, J.M. as of 15 September 2007 with E.P. Verlinde.
project: cosmological vacua in string theory (theme 1).
• Smolic, J. as of 18 January 2008 with K. Skenderis (E.P. Verlinde, formal advisor).
project: non-equilibrium dynamics and black hole formation (theme 1).
• Smolic, M. as of 18 January 2008 with M.M. Taylor (E.P. Verlinde, formal
project: the fuzzball proposal for black hole physics (theme 1).
• Mossel, J.J. as of 1 September 2008 with J.-S. Caux (K. Schoutens, formal
project: cracking the quantum quench (theme 2).
• Romers, J.C. as of 1 September 2008 with K. Schoutens and F.A. Bais.
project: topological quantum registers (theme 2).
• Baggio, M. as of 1 September 2009 with prof. dr. J. de Boer.
project: to explore applications of the AdS/CFT correspondence to various
systems (theme 1).
• Bzowski, A.W. as of 16 September 2009 with dr. K. Skenderis (E.P. Verlinde,
formal advisor).
project: holographic cosmology (theme 1).
• Haaker, S.M. as of 1 October 2009 with K. Schoutens.
project: topological quantum computation - fractional quantum Hall effect devices (theme 2).
• Panfil, M. as of 1 October 2009 with J.-S. Caux (K. Schoutens, formal advisor).
project: a new launch pad for renormalization (theme 2).
• Caldeira Costa, R.N. as of 24 November 2009 with M. Taylor (E.P. Verlinde,
formal advisor).
project: holography and black hole dynamics; use of gravity gauge duality to
explore singularity resolutions (theme 1).
Annual report 2010
• Holsheimer, K. as of 1 September 2010 with J. de Boer.
project: applications of the AdS-CFT correspondence to non-relativistic systems, with possible applications to strongly coupled condensed matter systems
(theme 1).
• Korovin, Y. as of 1 September 2010 with K. Skenderis.
project: string theory in AdS spacetimes (theme 1).
• Wouters, B.M. as of 1 October 2010 with E.P. Verlinde.
project: string theory and the emergence of gravity (theme 1).
• Klauser, A.M. as of 1 November 2010, entering his last year, with J.-S. Caux
(J. van den Brink, formal advisor).
project: theory of resonant inelastic X-ray scattering on integrable spin-1/2
quantum spin chains (theme 2).
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VUA)
• van Dijk, T. as of 1 April 2007 with T.D. Visser.
project: singular optics and plasmonics (theme 2). PhD exam: 4 April 2011.
• Broedersz, C.P. as of 1 May 2007 with F.C. MacKintosh.
project: theoretical development of models for cytoskeletal networks (theme 2).
PhD exam: 16 May 2011.
• Mantz, C.L.M. as of 1 September 2008 with P.J.G. Mulders.
project: to investigate the ways in which the color flow affects the hard process
by using recently developed theoretical tools, applicable in a large variety of
scattering processes (theme 1).
• den Dunnen, W. as of 15 December 2008 with D. Boer (P.J.G. Mulders, formal
project: CP-violation at LHC from new gauge bosons (theme 1).
University of Groningen (RUG)
• Deuzeman, A. as of 1 January 2006 with E. Pallante.
project: understanding non-perturbative aspects of strong and weak interactions
(theme 1). PhD exam: 14 January 2011.
• Kadosh, A. as of 1 September 2006 with E. Pallante.
project: understanding and constraining extra-dimensional theories (brane
worlds) derived as effective low-energy realizations of M-theory (theme 1).
• Reker, S.F. as of 1 February 2008 with E. Pallante.
project: clarify properties of strong and weak interactions of baryonic matter
from first principles, through a lattice formulation of the field theory for strong
and weak forces (theme 1).
4. PhD program
• Andringa, R. as of 1 September 2008 with E.A. Bergshoeff.
project: properties of gravitational theories in three-dimensional space-time, in
particular with regard to contributions of higher order in the curvature, and to
black holes (theme 1).
• Dibitetto, G. as of 1 November 2008 with E.A. Bergshoeff.
project: realistic compactifications of string M-theory that give rise to fourdimensional effective theories with moduli stabilisation (no massless scalar fields)
and interesting cosmological aspects (inflation, late-time acceleration) (theme
• Noordmans, J.P. as of 1 September 2009 with R.G.E. Timmermans.
project: theory of Lorentz and CPT violation in the weak interaction (theme
• Yin, Y. as of 1 September 2009 with D. Roest (E.A. Bergshoeff and M. de Roo,
formal advisors)
project: focus on the issue of stabilising parameters of the extra dimensions in
string theory, which bridges the gap between theory and experiment (theme 1).
• Romanets, O. as of 1 October 2009 with R.G.E. Timmermans.
project: improving the theoretical framework for open charm embedding not
only D, but also Ds and Ds∗ (theme 1).
• Borghese, A. as of 15 November 2009 with D. Roest (E.A. Bergshoeff, formal
project: to investigate De Sitter vacua, corresponding to positive minima of the
scalar potentials and hence a positive cosmological constant; special emphasis
in this project will be placed on so-called N-2 theories (theme 1).
• de Haan, S. as of 13 September 2010 with E.A. Bergshoeff.
project: understanding a new model of gravity in three space-time dimensions
and looking for applications (theme 1).
• Nunes da Silva, T.J. as of 1 October 2010 with E. Pallante.
project: understanding how conformality is restored in non-abelian gauge theories and its consequences, with particular focus on LHC physics (theme 1).
• Merbis, W. as of 1 November 2010 with E.A. Bergshoeff.
project: to look for applications of string theory using the so-called AdS-CFT
correspondence at different distance scales. This research is embedded into the
national string programme (theme 1).
Annual report 2010
Leiden University (UL)
• Emanuel, M.O. as of 1 December 2005 with H. Schiessel.
project: theoretical biophysics of DNA and its complexation with proteins
(theme 2).
• Beekman, A.J. as of 1 January 2006 with J. Zaanen.
project: topological phases in quantum liquid crystals (theme 2). PhD exam: 1
December 2011.
• Huisman, E.M. as of 1 April 2007 with G.T. Barkema.
project: networks of semi-flexible polymers (theme 2). PhD exam: 14 April
• She, J.-H. as of 1 May 2007 with J. Zaanen.
project: fermionic quantum criticality and the constrained path integral (theme
2). PhD exam: 3 May 2011.
• Akhmerov, A.R. as of 1 July 2007 with C.W.J. Beenakker.
project: investigation of the potential of spin and valley qubits in graphene for
quantum computation (theme 2). PhD exam: 31 May 2011.
• Hardeman, S.R. as of 1 November 2007 with A. Achúcarro and K.E. Schalm.
project: observational cosmology from strings, branes and quantum gravity
(theme 1). PhD exam: to be awarded posthumous. Deceased: 7 July 2011.
• Woldhuis, E.L. as of 4 June 2008 with M. van Hecke and W. van Saarloos.
project: statistical properties and rheology of foams near the jamming point
(theme 2).
• Lanzani, G. as of 1 July 2008 with H. Schiessel.
project: theoretical study of the organization and dynamics of chromatin (theme
• van der Aalst, T.A.F. as of 6 October 2008 with K.E. Schalm (A. Achúcarro,
formal advisor).
project: experimental signatures of string theory in cosmology or collider experiments (theme 1).
• Rademaker, L. as of 1 January 2009 with J. van den Brink and J. Zaanen.
project: electron correlation effects in coupled electron-hole doped Mott insulating interfaces (theme 2).
• Čubrović, M. as of 9 February 2009 with J. Zaanen.
project: investigation of fermion sign structure through Ceperleg’s constrained
path integral formalism for fermions (theme 2).
• van Ostaay, J. as of 1 September 2009 with C.W.J. Beenakker.
project: majorana fermions in topological insulators and graphene (theme 2).
4. PhD program
• Dahlhaus, J. as of 1 October 2009 with C.W.J. Beenakker.
project: quantum transport in topological insulators and graphene; in particular
transport along line defects in 3D topological insulators (theme 2).
• Fulga, I.C. as of 1 June 2010 with C.W.J. Beenakker
project: entangled spin pairs in graphene (theme 2).
• Upadhyaya, N. as of 1 July 2010 with V. Vitelli (M. van Hecke, formal advisor)
project: theoretical and computational studies of non-equilibrium phenomena
in disordered and jammed systems (theme 2).
• Ortiz, P. as of 1 September 2010 with A. Achúcarro and J.-W. van Holten
project: theoretical cosmology, with a special emphasis on theories and models
of inflation in the early universe (theme 1).
• Pikulin, D. as of 1 September 2010 with C.W.J. Beenakker and Y.V. Nazarov
(TU Delft).
project: the study of mesoscopic transport properties of topological insulators,
in particular in contact with superconducting and ferromagnetic contacts (theme
• Koning, V. as of 1 November 2010 with V. Vitelli (M. van Hecke, formal advisor). project: to study crystal order fracture and phase nucleation on a curved
substrate (theme 2).
Radboud University Nijmegen (RU)
• van den Oord, G.J.W.M. as of 1 February 2007 with R.H.P. Kleiss and S.C.M.
project: to probe the nature of the Higgs sector, comparing observed data with
model-independent, Monte Carlo generated events (theme 1).
• Malamos, I.E. as of 1 January 2008 with R.H.P. Kleiss.
project: tools and precision calculations for physics discoveries at colliders
(theme 1).
• Niessen, A.I.M. as of 1 September 2008 with W.J.P. Beenakker (formal advisor,
R.H.P. Kleiss).
project: precise Higgs and supersymmetry predictions for the LHC (theme 1).
• Akhukov, M.A. as of 1 January 2009 with A. Fasolino and M.I. Katsnelson.
project: calculations of electronic and structural properties of finite graphene
structures (theme 2).
• van den Broek, T.C.H. as of 1 November 2009 with W.J.P. Beenakker and W.D.
van Suijlekom (formal advisor, R.H.P. Kleiss).
project: deriving the minimal supersymmetric standard model from noncommutative geometry (theme 1).
Annual report 2010
Utrecht University (UU)
• Reska, P.M. as of 1 Augustus 2006 with R. Loll.
project: various aspects of non-perturbative quantum gravity and quantum
cosmology, and in particular the question of the role of the conformal factor
and big-bang scenarios (theme 1). PhD exam: 28 February 2011.
• Katmadas, S. as of 1 September 2007 with B. de Wit.
project: study of black holes in the context of string theory (theme 1). PhD
exam: 4 July 2011.
• Koksma, J.F. as of 15 September 2007 with T. Prokopec (G. ‘t Hooft, formal
project: study the nature of dark energy (theme 1). PhD exam: 22 June 2011.
• Diederix, J.M. as of 1 October 2007 with H.T.C. Stoof.
project: research in the field of ultracold atomic gases (theme 2). PhD exam:
28 September 2011.
• van Zalk, M. as of 1 October 2007 with B. de Wit.
project: study of N=2 and 4 supergravities and their consequences for flux
compactifications and black holes (theme 1). PhD exam: 26 September 2011.
• van de Meent, M. as of 1 November 2007 with G. ’t Hooft.
project: algebraical description of quantum effects of the Schwarzschild horizon
and related aspects of quantum gravity (theme 1). PhD exam: 19 December
• Boon, N.J.H. as of 1 February 2008 with R.H.H.G. van Roij (H. van Beijeren,
formal advisor).
project: theoretically predicting and/or explaining properties of soft matter
systems in bulk and in external fields (theme 2).
• Swaving, A.C. as of 1 February 2008 with R.A. Duine (H.T.C. Stoof, formal
project: understanding of the interplay between ferro and antiferromagnetism,
and electric current (theme 2).
• Budd, T.G. as of 1 March 2008 with R. Loll.
project: gravity, quantum gravity and quantum geometry (theme 1).
• Höhn, P.A. as of 1 May 2008 with R. Loll.
project: quantum gravity and quantum cosmology, and their nonperturbative
aspects (theme 1).
• Lucassen, M.E. as of 1 June 2008 with R.A. Duine (H.T.C. Stoof, formal advisor).
project: current-driven magnetization dynamics in ferro and antiferromagnets
(theme 2).
4. PhD program
• Beugeling, W. as of 1 September 2008 with C. Morais Smith.
project: the study of multi-layer quantum Hall systems (theme 2).
• Hristov, K.P. as of 1 September 2008 with S.J.G. Vandoren (B. de Wit, formal
project: string theory compactifications and implications for cosmology (theme
• Mink, M.P. as of 1 September 2008 with R.A. Duine (H.T.C. Stoof, formal
project: cold atoms, especially on the boundary between cold atoms and
(un)conventional condensed-matter systems (theme 2).
• van Driel, H.J. as of 1 December 2008 with R.A. Duine (H.T.C. Stoof, formal
project: theoretical investigation of pseudospin transport in electron-hole and
graphene bilayers (theme 2).
• van Heugten, J.J.R.M. as of 1 January 2009 with H.T.C. Stoof.
project: microscopic description of the thermodynamical and dynamical properties of quark-gluon plasma aimed at observing color superconductivity in
neutron stars (theme 2).
• Wever, C.S.P. as of 1 January 2009 with G. ’t Hooft.
project: effective multicomponent field theory for quantum chromodynamics
(theme 1).
• Jordan, S. as of 1 March 2009 with R. Loll.
project: nonperturbative quantum properties of gravitational interaction (theme
• Franzen, A.T. as of 1 June 2009 with G. ’t Hooft.
project: algebraical description of quantum effects of the horizon of black holes
and related aspects of quantum field theories (theme 1).
• van Gelderen, R. as of 1 June 2009 with C. Morais Smith.
project: analogies between cold atoms and condensed matter systems (theme
• Tieleman, O. as of 1 July 2009 with C. Morais Smith.
project: to study the exotic quantum phases in strong correlated systems (theme
• Baarsma, J.E. as of 1 September 2009 with H.T.C. Stoof.
project: microscopic description of degenerate atomic gases, directed to the
possible observation of supersolidity in two species Fermi mixtures (theme 2).
• van Tongeren, S. as of 1 September 2009 with G.E. Arutyunov (B. de Wit,
formal advisor).
project: integrable quantum field theories in finite volume; development of the
Annual report 2010
thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz for strings on semi-symmetric superspaces (theme
• Belli, S. as of 1 October 2009 with R.H.H.G. van Roij (M. Dijkstra, formal
project: investigation of nucleation and clustering phenomena in suspensions of
anisotropic particles (e.g., rods or platelets), by (dynamic) density functional
theory, integral equation theory, and by simulation (theme 2).
• Weenink, J.G. as of 1 November 2009 with T. Prokopec (E.L.M.P. Laenen,
formal advisor).
project: compatibility of baryogenesis with the standard model that will emerge
as a result of the future LHC experiments (theme 1).
• van der Bijl, E. as of 1 February 2010 with R.A. Duine (H.T.C. Stoof, formal
project: theoretical research on manipulating magnetic materials, and, in particular, minipulating domain walls (theme 2).
• Troppenz, T. as of 7 September 2010 with R.H.H.G. van Roij (M. Dijkstra (UU),
formal advisor).
project: to study the thermodynamic and structural properties of (nano)rods
in emulsion droplets exposed to external electric fields (theme 2).
• Lodato, I. as of 1 October 2010 with B. de Wit.
project: aspects of black holes and string theory (theme 1).
• Sfondrini, S. as of 1 October 2010 with G.E. Arutyunov.
project: development of the thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz approach for the superstring theory on the AdS5 xS 5 space-time as a tool to determine the spectrum
of primary operators in the maximally supersymmetric gauge theory (theme 1).
• Toldo, C. as of 1 October 2010 with S.J.G. Vandoren.
project: black holes in anti de Sitter spacetimes, and its relation to the AdS/CFT
correspondence. This includes the study of BPS bounds, extremal and nonextremal black hole solutions in N=2 gauged supergravity. Embeddings into
string theory, and microscopic entropy counting for black holes in asymptotically anti de Sitter spacetimes (theme 1).
• van der Schee, W. as of 1 October 2010 with G.E. Arutyunov (T. Peitzman,
formal advisor).
project: The research is devoted to applications of the gauge-string correspondence to the problem of heavy ion collisions. It includes determination of relaxation times and the elliptic flow by using phenomenologically relevant modelsof
gravity in five space-time dimensions (theme 1).
4. PhD program
Nikhef Theory Group (Nikhef )
• Maio, M., as of 1 December 2007 with A.N.J.J. Schellekens.
project: string theory from a conformal field theory point of view (theme 1).
PhD exam: 5 October 2011.
• de Adelhart Toorop, R., as of 1 February 2008 with J.-W. van Holten.
project: particle physics beyond the standard model, with focus on supersymmetry and family symmetries (theme 1).
• Hartgring, L., as of 1 January 2009 with E.L.M.P. Laenen.
project: precise descriptions of single top production at the LHC (theme 1).
• Mooij, S.J.N., as of 1 April 2009 with M. Postma (E.L.M.P. Laenen, formal
project: learning about particle physics from cosmology and inflation (theme
• Knegjens, R.J., as of 1 February 2010 with R. Fleischer (E.L.M.P. Laenen,
formal advisor).
project: B decays as probes of new physics (theme 1).
Annual report 2010
Scientific and educational activities of PhD students (theme 1)
Andringa, R. (RUG)
– Non-relativistic gravity, DRSTP Postgraduate Course Theoretical High Energy
Physics (THEP), Driebergen, the Netherlands, 1-12 February 2010 (talk).
– DRSTP PhD Day 2010, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 15 October 2010 (attended).
– Wetenschap en wereldbeeld, Groninger Studentenpastoraat, Groningen, the Netherlands, 18 October 2010 (talk).
– Newtonian gravity and the Bargmann algebra, Nordic Network Meeting, Strings,
Fields and Branes, Gothenburg, Sweden, 21-23 October 2010 (talk).
– 1st National String Meeting, Groningen, the Netherlands, November 2010 (attended).
– Zwarte gaten, hologrammen en magnetronmaaltijden, FMF-periodiek 1 (Association for Students in (Applied) Mathematics, (Applied) Physics, Computer Science
and Astronomy), 2010 (article).
– De oorsprong van Newton, FMF-periodiek 2, 2010 (article).
– Onwetendheid, kappers en oneindige uien, FMF-periodiek 3, 2010 (article).
– Snaartheorie, FMF-periodiek 4, 2010 (article).
Arsiwalla, X.D. (UvA)
– Workshop, Neuroinformatics in the Netherlands, Dutch Neuroinformatics Node,
Den Haag, the Netherlands, 19 March 2010 (attended).
– International Symposium, Neuroeconomics, Cognitive Science Center Amsterdam,
the Netherlands, 18 June 2010 (attended).
– International Summer School, University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain, 30
August-10 September 2010 (attended).
Atmaja, A.N. (UvA)
– PiTP-2010, Aspects in Supersymmetry, Summer School, IAS-Princeton, New Jersey, USA, 19-30 July 2010 (attended).
Baggio, M. (UvA)
– A test of the AdS/CFT correspondence, DRSTP Postgraduate Course Theoretical
High Energy Physics (THEP), Driebergen, the Netherlands, 1-12 February 2010
– String Theory Workshop 2010, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 28 June-9 July 2010
– DRSTP PhD Day, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 15 October 2010 (attended).
Boomsma, J.K. (VUA)
– Influence of strong magnetic fields on quark matter, Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, the
Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010 (talk).
– Influence of instantons and strong magnetic fields on quark matter, Norwegian
Winter Workshop, QCD in Extreme Conditions, Trondheim, Norway, 24-26 February 2010 (talk).
– The combined influence of instantons and strong magnetic fields on quark matter,
Workshop, P- and CP-Odd Effects in Hot and Dense Matter, Brookhaven National
Laboratory, USA, 26-30 April 2010 (talk).
4. PhD program
Borghese, A. (RUG)
– Why (not) dS?, DRSTP Postgraduate Course Theoretical High Energy Physics
(THEP), Driebergen, the Netherlands, 1-12 February 2010 (talk).
– Munich School on Strings and Fundamental Physics, Munich/Garching, Germany,
26 July-6 August 2010 (attended).
– Modave School on Mathematical Physics, Belgium, 30 August-3 September 2010
– DRSTP PhD Day, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 15 October 2010 (attended).
– Stability on non-SUSY vacua in supergravity, XXVI Nordic Network Meeting,
Strings, Fields and Branes, Gothenburg, Sweden, 21-23 October 2010 (talk).
– 1st National String Meeting, Groningen, the Netherlands, November 2010 (attended).
Budd, T.G. (UU)
– Conformal trouble in quantum gravity, DRSTP Postgraduate Course Theoretical
High Energy Physics (THEP), Driebergen, the Netherlands, 1-12 February 2010
– DRSTP PhD Day, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 15 October 2010 (attended).
– Having fun with cute little universes, PhD Lunch Seminar (PLaneT), Utrecht, the
Netherlands, 30 November 2010 (talk).
Bzowski, A.W. (UvA)
– Aspects of axiomatic QFT, DRSTP Postgraduate Course Theoretical High Energy
Physics (THEP), Driebergen, the Netherlands, 1-12 February 2010 (talk).
Caldeira Costa, R.N. (UvA)
– String Theory Summer Workshop, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 28 June-9 July
2010 (attended).
de Adelhart Toorop, R. (Nikhef )
– Family physics with S4 and Pati-Salam, Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010 (poster).
– Discrete flavour symmetries in GUTs: the beauty and the beast, Theory Seminar
High Energy Physics, University of Padova, Italy, 24 March 2010 (talk).
– The interplay between GUT and flavour symmetries in a Pati-Salam xS4 model,
PASCOS 2010,
16th International Symposium on Particles, Strings and Cosmology, Valenica,
Spain, 23 July 2010 (talk).
– Familiensymmetrien und GUTs in einem Pati-Salam × S4 Model, 42. Herbstschule
fur Hochenergiephysik Maria Laach, Germany, 9 September 2010 (talk).
– DRSTP PhD Day, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 15 October 2010 (co-organizer/attended).
– Constraining non-Abelian flavour symmetries, Discrete 2010, Rome, Italy, 7 December 2010 (talk).
de Haan, S. (RUG)
– DRSTP PhD Day, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 15 October 2010 (attended).
den Dunnen, W. (VUA)
– Probing CP-violation beyond the standard model at RHIC, DRSTP Postgraduate
Course Theoretical High Energy Physics (THEP), Driebergen, the Netherlands,
1-12 February 2010 (talk).
Annual report 2010
– Double transverse spin asymmetries as a probe for new physics, Workshop, Progress
in High-pT Physics at RHIC, Brookhaven, New York, USA, 18 March 2010 (talk).
– DRSTP PhD Day, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 15 October 2010 (attended).
– Double transverse spin asymmetries at RHIC as a probe for new physics, INT
Program, Gluons and the Quark Sea at High Energies, Seattle, USA, 28 October
2010 (talk).
– Measuring W-W’ mixing with spin asymmetries at RHIC, NNV Fall Meeting, Lunteren, the Netherlands, 5 November 2010 (talk).
Deuzeman, A. (RUG)
– Predictions from 2+1+1 flavour twisted mass lattice QCD, Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010 (poster).
Dibitetto, G. (RUG)
– De Sitter in N = 4 compactifications, DRSTP Postgraduate Course Theoretical
High Energy Physics (THEP), Driebergen, the Netherlands, 1-12 February 2010
Franzen, A.T. (UU)
– Classical and quantum gravitational collapse, DRSTP Postgraduate Course Theoretical High Energy Physics (THEP), Driebergen, the Netherlands, 1-12 February
2010 (talk).
– Harish-Chandra Research Institute (HRI), India, February-March 2010 (work visit).
– Conference, Quantum Field Theory and Gravity, Conceptual and Mathematical
Advances in the Search for a Unified Framework, University of Regensburg, Germany, 28 September-1 October 2010 (attended).
Hardeman, S.R. (UL)
– Supergravity effective actions for cosmology, Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010 (talk).
– Effects of non-decoupled mass hierarchies on cosmology, Corfu Summer Institute
Workshop, Corfu, Greece, 29 August-12 September 2010 (talk).
– Heavy physics from the CMB, New Directions in Cosmology, Leiden, the Netherlands, 25 September-1 October 2010 (poster).
– DRSTP PhD Day, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 15 October 2010 (attended).
– Supergravity consequences for inflationary cosmology, Theory Seminar, Groningen,
the Netherlands, 28 October 2010 (talk).
– Features of heavy physics in the CMB, String Meeting, Groningen, the Netherlands,
5 November 2010 (talk).
– Signatures of heavy physics in cosmology, Tufts Cosmology Seminar, 16 December
2010 (talk).
Hartgring, L. (Nikhef )
– Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010 (attended).
– DRSTP Postgraduate Course Theoretical High Energy Physics (THEP), Driebergen, the Netherlands, 1-12 February 2010 (attended).
– Physics at TeV Colliders: from Tevatron to LHC, Cargese, France, 19-31 July 2010
– DRSTP PhD Day, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 15 October 2010 (attended).
4. PhD program
Höhn, P.A. (UU)
– Diffeomorphism symmetry in discrete gravity, DRSTP Postgraduate Course Theoretical High Energy Physics (THEP), Driebergen, the Netherlands, 1-12 February
2010 (talk).
– From covariant to canonical formulations of discrete gravity, Quist Seminar, Utrecht,
the Netherlands, 18 February 2010 (talk).
– Conference, Open Problems in Loop Quantum Gravity, Zakopane, Poland, 28
February-5 March 2010 (attended).
– Institute for Gravitation and the Cosmos, Pennsylvania State University, USA,
August 2009-31 January 2010 (work visit).
– Albert Einstein Institut, Potsdam, Germany, 5 September-31 October 2010 (work
– An effective approach to the problem of time, 5th Quantum Gravity Colloquium,
Paris, France, 7 October 2010 (talk).
Holsheimer, K. (UvA)
– PhD School Brussels-Paris-Amsterdam, l’Universit libre de Bruxelles, Vrije Universteit Brussel, Ècole Normale Supérieure (Paris), Universiteit van Amsterdam
(ITFA), Brussels, Paris, Amsterdam, 27 September-10 December 2010 (attended).
Hristov, K.P.(UU)
– String Theory Workshop, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 28 June-09 July 2010 (attended).
– International Conference, Strings, M-Theory and Quantum Gravity, Ascona, Switzerland, 25-30 July 2010 (attended).
Jordan, S. (UU)
– Phase transitions of quantum geometry, DRSTP Postgraduate Course Theoretical
High Energy Physics (THEP), Driebergen, the Netherlands, 1-12 February 2010
– Taking Charge of your PhD Project, Workshop, FOM Utrecht, the Netherlands,
17 February-3 March 2010 (attended).
– Part and Whole in Physics, Workshop, Lorentz Center Leiden, the Netherlands,
22-26 March 2010 (attended).
– Phase transitions in causal dynamical triangulations, Quantum Gravity Focus Workshop, MPIPKS Dresden, Germany, 8-10 April 2010 (talk).
– Phase transitions in causal dynamical triangulations, Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, Canada, 14-20 June 2010 (talk; work visit).
Kadosh, A. (RUG)
– Planck 2010, Conference, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 31 May-4 June 2010 (attended).
– 1st National String Meeting: A String Theoretic Approach to Cosmology and
Quantum Matter Groningen, the Netherlands, 5-6 November 2010 (attended).
– Suppression of flavor violation in an A(4) warped extra dimensional model, DISCRETE 2010, Symposium, Prospects in the Physics of Discrete Symmetries, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, 6-11 December 2010 (talk).
Annual report 2010
Katmadas, S. (UU)
– Cargese Summer School 2010, String Theory: Formal Developments and Applications, Cargese, France, 21 June-3 July 2010 (attended).
Knegjens, R.J. (Nikhef )
– Supersymmetric single top production, DRSTP Postgraduate Course Theoretical
High Energy Physics (THEP), Driebergen, the Netherlands, 1-12 February 2010
– Quantum fields in spacetimes, Kramers Course, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 7 October15 December 2010 (talk).
– DRSTP PhD Day, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 15 October 2010 (attended).
– In pursuit of new physics with Bs → K + K − , NNV Subatomic Physics Meeting,
Lunteren, the Netherlands, 5 November 2010 (talk).
Koksma, J.F. (UU)
– Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, USA, February 2010August 2010 (work visit).
– Decoherence and dynamical entropy generation in an interacting quantum field
theory, Pennsylvania State University, USA, 18 June 2010 (talk).
– Conference, Strong and ElectroWeak Matter, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 29 June-2 July 2010 (attended).
– Decoherence and dynamical entropy generation in an interacting quantum field
theory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Kavli), Cambridge, USA, 7 July
2010 (talk).
– Decoherence and dynamical entropy generation in an interacting quantum field
theory, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA, 14 July 2010 (talk).
– Decoherence and dynamical entropy generation in an interacting quantum field
theory, Princeton University, New Jersey, USA, 15 July 2010 (talk).
– Decoherence and dynamical entropy generation in an interacting quantum field
theory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (CTP), Cambridge, USA, 28 July
2010 (talk).
– Conference, Out-of-Equilibrium Quantum Fields in the Early Universe, RWTH
Aachen, Germany, 6-8 September 2010 (attended).
– Decoherence and dynamical entropy generation in an interacting quantum field
theory, Conference, Out-of-Equilibrium Quantum Fields in the Early Universe,
RWTH Aachen, Germany, 7 September 2010 (talk).
– DRSTP PhD Day, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 15 October 2010 (attended).
Korovin, Y. (UvA)
– PhD School Brussels-Paris-Amsterdam, l’Universit libre de Bruxelles, Vrije Universteit Brussel, Ècole Normale Supérieure (Paris), Universiteit van Amsterdam
(ITFA), Brussels, Paris, Amsterdam, 27 September-10 December 2010 (attended).
Lodato, I. (UU)
– Amsterdam-Bruxelles-Paris Doctoral School, Paris, France, 25 October-12 November 2010 (attended).
– Amsterdam-Bruxelles-Paris Doctoral School, Amsterdam, the Netherlands,
22 November-10 December 2010 (attended).
4. PhD program
Looyestijn, H.T. (UU)
– Aspects of compactifications and black holes in four-dimensional supergravity,
Utrecht, the Netherlands, 20 September 2010 (talk).
Maio, M. (Nikhef )
– Fixed point resolution in extensions of permutation orbifolds, Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010 (poster).
– Simple current extensions and permutation orbifolds, 22th Workshop Beyond the
Standard Model, Bad Honnef, Germany, 8 March 2010 (talk).
– Extensions and the permutation orbifold, Prospect in Theoretical Physics - Aspects
of Supersymmetry, Princeton, USA, 27 July 2010 (talk).
Malamos, I.E. (RU)
– DRSTP Postgraduate AIO/OIO School 2010 Theoretical High Energy Physics,
Driebergen, the Netherlands, 1-12 February 2010 (attended).
– FYSICA 2010, Meeting of the NNV (Dutch Physical Society), Utrecht, the Netherlands, 23 April 2010 (attended).
– HELAC Internal Group Meeting, Athens, Greece, 9-10 May 2010 (attended).
– DRSTP PhD Day, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 15 October 2010 (attended).
– HELAC Internal Group Meeting, Aachen, Germany, 10-11 November 2010 (attended).
– HEPTOOLS Final Meeting, Universidad de Granada, Spain, 25-26 November 2010
Mantz, C.L.M. (VUA)
– DRSTP PhD Day, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 15 October 2010
Merbis, W. (RUG)
– DRSTP PhD Day, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 15 October 2010 (attended).
– 1st National String Meeting: A String Theoretic Approach to Cosmology and
Quantum Matter Groningen, the Netherlands, 5-6 November 2010 (attended).
– National Seminar Theoretical High Energy Physics, Nikhef, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 19 November 2010 (attended).
– Amsterdam-Brussel-Paris Doctoral School, 22 November-10 December 2010 (attended).
Mooij, S.J.N. (Nikhef )
– Inflation in supergravity, Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010 (poster).
– Moduli stabilization in SUGRA hybrid inflation, DRSTP Postgraduate Course
Theoretical High Energy Physics (THEP), Driebergen, the Netherlands, 1-12 February 2010 (talk).
– Moduli stabilization in SUGRA hybrid inflation, La Sapienza, Rome, Italy, 18 February 2010 (talk).
– Moduli stabilization in SUGRA hybrid inflation, Nikhef Theory Meeting, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 26 February 2010 (talk).
– 5th Parma School of Theoretical Physics, Parma, Italy, 30 Augustus-4 September
2010 (attended).
– Moduli stabilization in SUGRA hybrid inflation, Universe Net Meeting, Lecce, Italy,
14 September 2010 (talk).
Annual report 2010
– Ruimte en tijd volgens Einstein, Crea Cafe, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 29 September 2010 (talk).
– Various approaches to cosmological inflation, DRSTP PhD Day, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 15 October 2010 (talk).
Niessen, A.I.M. (RU)
– Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010 (attended).
– Improving predictions for SUSY cross sections, DRSTP Postgraduate Course Theoretical High Energy Physics (THEP), Driebergen, the Netherlands, 1-12 February
2010 (talk).
– Expected, observed and measured cross sections, Student Seminar of the TPP Meeting, 26 February 2010 (talk).
– SUSY and Pre-SUSY 2010, Bonn, Germany, 18-28 August 2010 (attended).
– DRSTP PhD Day, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 15 October 2010
– Improving predictions for SUSY cross sections, Nikhef Jamboree 2010, Nijmegen,
the Netherlands, 17 December 2010 (talk).
Noordmans, J.P. (RUG)
– DRSTP Postgraduate Course Theoretical High Energy Physics (THEP), Driebergen, the Netherlands, 1-12 February 2010 (attended).
– DRSTP PhD Day, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 15 October 2010
Nunes da Silva, T.J. (RUG)
– DRSTP PhD Day, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 15 October 2010 (attended).
Nutma, T.A. (RUG)
– E11 and gauged supergravity: the D=2 case, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels,
Belgium, 10 February 2010 (talk).
– Workshop Symmetries and dualities in gravitational theories, Université Libre de
Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium, 19-21 May 2010 (attended).
Oberreuter, J.M. (UvA)
– DRSTP Conformal Field Theory Course 2009-2010, Amsterdam, the Netherlands,
January-June 2010 (co-organizer).
– Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 19-20 February 2010 (attended).
– Spring School, Superstring Theory and Related Topics, ICTP, Trieste, Italy, 22-30
March 2010 (attended).
– Resolution of cosmic singularities via string theory, Spring School, Superstring
Theory and Related Topics, Trieste, Italy, 26 March 2010 (talk).
– String Theory Workshop 2010, Center for Mathematical Physics, Amsterdam, the
Netherlands, 28 June-9 July 2010 (attended).
– DRSTP PhD Day, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 15 October 2010 (attended).
– Workshop, A String Theoretic Approach to Cosmology and Quantum Matter, Groningen, the Netherlands, 5-6 November 2010 (attended).
Ortiz, P. (UL)
– DRSTP PhD Day, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 15 October 2010 (attended).
Reker, S.F. (RUG)
– Predictions from 2+1+1 flavour twisted mass lattice QCD, Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010 (poster).
4. PhD program
– Algorithms, codes and collaboration, ETMC Spring Meeting, Bonn, Germany, 13
March 2010 (talk).
– Light hadrons from Nf = 2 + 1 + 1 dynamical twisted mass fermions, XXVIII
International Symposium, Lattice Field Theory, Lattice 2010, Villasimius, Italy,
14 June 2010 (talk).
– Chiral perturbation theory in the pion sector in Nf = 2+1+1, ETMC Fall Meeting,
Barcelona, Spain, 2 October 2010 (talk).
Reska, P.M. (UU)
– Causal dynamical triangulations with a point-like source, Quist Seminar, Utrecht,
the Netherlands, 23 September 2010 (talk).
– Causal dynamical triangulations with a point-like source, Quantum Gravity Colloquium 5, Paris, France 7 October 2010 (talk).
– Causal dynamical triangulations with a point-like source, Jagiellonian University,
Kraków, Poland, 9 December 2010 (talk).
Romanets, O. (RUG)
– DRSTP Postgraduate Course Theoretical High Energy Physics (THEP), Driebergen, the Netherlands, 1-12 February 2010 (attended).
Sfondrini, A. (UU)
– Solvay Doctoral School 2010, ULB Brussels, Belgium, 28 September-15 October
2010 (attended).
– Solvay Doctoral School 2010, ENS Paris, France, 25 October-12 November 2010
– Solvay Doctoral School 2010, UvA Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 22 November-10
December 2010 (attended).
Smolic, J. (UvA)
– Nonequilibrium QFT and holography, DRSTP Postgraduate Course Theoretical
High Energy Physics (THEP), Driebergen, the Netherlands, 1-12 February 2010
– Nonequilibrium QFT and holography, DRSTP PhD Day, Utrecht, the Netherlands,
15 October 2010 (talk).
Smolic, M. (UvA)
– Nonequilibrium QFT and nPI effective actions, DRSTP Postgraduate Course Theoretical High Energy Physics (THEP), Driebergen, the Netherlands, 1-12 February
2010 (talk).
– DRSTP PhD Day, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 15 October 2010
Toldo, C. (UU)
– Amsterdam-Bruxelles-Paris Doctoral School, Paris, France, 25 October-12 November 2010 (attended).
– Amsterdam-Bruxelles-Paris Doctoral School, Amsterdam, the Netherlands,
22 November-10 December 2010 (attended).
van de Meent, M. (UU)
– Piecewise flat gravity in 3+1 dimensions, PhD Lunch Seminar (PLaneT), Utrecht,
the Netherlands, 11 January 2010 (talk).
– Collisions in 3+1D piecewise flat gravity, Quist Seminar, Utrecht, the Netherlands,
8 April 2010 (talk).
Annual report 2010
– Piecewise flat gravity in 3+1 D, 3rd Odense Winter School, Geometry and Theoretical Physics, Odense, Denmark, 4 November 2010 (talk).
van den Broek, T.C.H. (RU)
– Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010 (attended).
– Supersymmetry as non-commutative geometry, DRSTP Postgraduate Course Theoretical High Energy Physics (THEP), Driebergen, the Netherlands, 1-12 February
2010 (talk).
– Particle physics from noncommutative geometry, Nikhef, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 19 March 2010 (talk).
– National Seminar, Theoretical High Energy Physics, Nikhef, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 26 March 2010 (attended).
– Topical Lectures, Gravitational Waves, Nikhef, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 9-11
June 2010 (attended).
– Noncommutative geometry & supersymmetry, 26th Workshop, Foundations and
Constructive Aspects of QFT, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, 18-19
June 2010 (talk).
– Noncommutative geometry & supersymmetry, Colloquium, Centre de Physique
Théorique de l’Université de Marseille, 25 June 2010 (talk).
– Conference, Mathematics Cluster of Geometry and Quantum Theory, Nijmegen,
the Netherlands, 28 June-2 July 2010 (attended).
– DRSTP PhD Day, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 15 October 2010 (attended).
– To commute or not to commute, NNV Fall Meeting, Lunteren, the Netherlands, 5
November 2010 (talk).
– Seminar, Theoretical High Energy Physics, Nikhef, Amsterdam, the Netherlands,
19 November 2010 (attended).
– Topical Lectures, B-Physics and CP-Violation, Nikhef, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 13-15 December 2010 (attended).
– Nikhef Jamboree 2010, Nikhef Annual Meeting, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, 16-17
December 2010 (attended).
van den Oord, G.J.W.M. (RU)
– Status of CAMORRA, Atlas Workshop, Oldenzaal, the Netherlands, 14-16 April
2010 (talk).
– NNV Fall Meeting, Lunteren, the Netherlands, 5 November 2010 (attended).
– Nikhef Jamboree 2010, Nikhef Annual Meeting, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, 16-17
December 2010 (attended).
van der Aalst, T.A.F. (UL)
– Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010 (attended).
– Inflation from string theory, DRSTP Postgraduate AIO/OIO School 2010 Theoretical High Energy Physics, Driebergen, the Netherlands, 2 February 2010 (talk).
– DRSTP PhD Day, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 15 October 2010 (attended).
van der Schee, W. (UU)
– Solvay Doctoral School 2010, ULB Brussels, Belgium, 28 September-15 October
2010 (attended).
– Solvay Doctoral School 2010, ENS Paris, France, 25 October-12 November 2010
– Solvay Doctoral School 2010, UvA Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 22 November-10
4. PhD program
December 2010 (attended).
van Rees, B.C. (UvA)
– String Theory Summer Workshop, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 28 June-9 July
2010 (attended).
van Tongeren, S. (UU)
– Integrability in AdS/CFT, DRSTP Postgraduate Course Theoretical High Energy
Physics (THEP), Driebergen, the Netherlands, 1-12 February 2010 (talk).
– T.B.A. (Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz), PhD Lunch Seminar (PLaneT), Utrecht,
the Netherlands, 14 June 2010 (talk).
– DITP Course, Quantum Physics in One Dimension: Exactly Solvable Models,
Amsterdam, the Netherlands, October 2010 (attended).
– DRSTP PhD Day, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 15 October 2010 (attended).
Weenink, J.G. (UU)
– Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010 (attended).
– Inflation through the nonminimally coupled Higgs boson, Nikhef Theory Center
Meeting, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 22 January 2010 (talk).
– The Higgs boson as the inflaton, Postgraduate AIO/OIO school Theoretical High
Energy Physics, Driebergen, the Netherlands, 11 February 2010 (talk).
– Inflation for dummies, Nikhef Theory Center Meeting, Student Session, Amsterdam, the Netherlands 26 February 2010 (talk).
– National Seminar Theoretical High Energy Physics, Amsterdam, the Netherlands,
26 March 2010 (attended).
– QFT in an expanding universe, PhD lunch seminar (PLaneT), Utrecht, the Netherlands, 6 April 2010 (talk).
– ICTP Summer School in Cosmology, Trieste, Italy, 19-30 July 2010 (attended).
– Quantum field theory on a curved background, Nikhef Theory Center Meeting,
Student Session, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 24 September 2010 (talk).
– DRSTP PhD Day, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 15 October 2010 (attended).
– National Seminar Theoretical High Energy Physics, Amsterdam, the Netherlands,
19 November 2010 (attended).
Wever, C.S.P. (UU)
– Higgs mechanism for massive gravitons, DRSTP Postgraduate Course Theoretical
High Energy Physics (THEP), Driebergen, the Netherlands, 1-12 February 2010
– Effective multicomponent field theory for QCD, QCHS IX Conference, Universidad
Complutense de Madrid, Spain, 30 August-3 September 2010 (poster).
Wouters, B.M. (UvA)
– PhD School Brussels-Paris-Amsterdam, l’Universit libre de Bruxelles, Vrije Universteit Brussel, Ècole Normale Supérieure (Paris), Universiteit van Amsterdam
(ITFA), Brussels, Paris, Amsterdam, 27 September-10 December 2010 (attended).
Yin, Y. (RUG)
– Connecting 11 dimensions with 4 dimensions, DRSTP Postgraduate Course Theoretical High Energy Physics (THEP), Driebergen, the Netherlands, 1-12 February
2010 (talk).
– Introduction to Supergravity and Flux Compactifications, Prof. S. Sethi (Chicago)
Van der Waals Chair Lectures, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, once every week in
Annual report 2010
April and May, 2010 (attended).
– International School, Strings and Fundamental Physics, Munich/Garching, Germany, 24 July-7 August 2010 (attended).
– Modave Summer School, Mathematical Physics, Modave, Belgium, 29 August-4
September 2010 (attended).
– DRSTP PhD Day, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 15 October 2010 (attended).
– 1st National String Meeting, A String Theoretic Approach to Cosmology and Quantum Matter, Groningen, the Netherlands, 5-6 November 2010 (attended).
– National Seminar Theoretical High Energy Physics, Nikhef, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 19 November 2010 (attended).
Scientific and educational activities of PhD students (theme 2)
Akhmerov, A.R. (UL)
– Topological insulators for quantum computation, Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, the
Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010 (talk).
– Theory of the topological Anderson insulator, Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010 (poster).
– Pseudo diffusive transmission of nodal Diral fermions through a clean d-wave superconductor, Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010 (poster).
– Tunable spin precession in inverted band gap semiconductors, Von Klitzing Group
Seminar, Max-Planck-Institute, Stuttgart, Germany, 25 January 2010 (talk).
– Detection of Majorana fermions in topological insulators, CMT Seminar, University
of Basel, Switzerland, 28 January 2010 (talk).
– Tunable spin precession in inverted band gap semiconductors, Research Workshop,
Progress in Spintronics and Graphene Research, Kavli Institute for Theoretical
Physics China, Beijing, 28 April 2010 (talk).
– Fermion parity-protected quantum computation with Majorana fermions, CMT Seminar, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 31 August 2010 (talk).
– Fermion parity-protected quantum computation with Majorana fermions, Chez Pierre
Seminar, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA, 27 September
2010 (talk).
– Fermion parity-protected quantum computation with Majorana fermions, CMP Seminar, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 14 October 2010
– Fermion parity-protected quantum computation with Majorana fermions, CMT Seminar, University of California, Berkeley, USA, 26 October 2010 (talk).
– Fermion parity-protected quantum computation with Majorana fermions, Q-Seminar,
Microsoft Station Q, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA, 2 November
2010 (talk).
– Fermion parity-protected quantum computation with Majorana fermions, CM Seminar, University of California, Riverside, USA, 10 November 2010 (talk).
4. PhD program
– Fermion parity-protected quantum computation with Majorana fermions, CMT Seminar, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA, 11 November 2010
Akhukov, M.A. (RU)
– Edge reconstruction in graphene ribbons, Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010 (poster).
– DRSTP Postgraduate Course Statistical Physics and Theory of Condensed Matter
(SPTCM), Driebergen, the Netherlands, 12-22 April 2010 (attended).
– DRSTP PhD Day, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 15 October 2010 (attended).
Ament, L.J.P. (UL)
– What you should know about resonant inelastic x-ray scattering, DRSTP PhD Day,
Utrecht, the Netherlands, 15 October 2010 (talk).
Baarsma, J.E. (UU)
– Populations and mass imbalance in atomic Fermi gases, Physics@FOM, Veldhoven,
the Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010 (poster).
– Imbalanced atomic Fermi gases, DRSTP Postgraduate Course Statistical Physics
and Theory of Condensed Matter (SPTCM), Driebergen, the Netherlands, 12-22
April 2010 (talk).
– Supersolids, BEC Group Meeting, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 4 June 2010 (talk).
– Population and mass imbalance in atomic Fermi gases, Ècole de Physique, ManyBody Physics with Ultracold Gases, Les Houches, France, 28 June-23 July 2010
– Journal club, BEC Group Meeting, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 17 September 2010
– Supersolid phases in cold atoms, PhD Lunch Seminar (PLaneT), Utrecht, the Netherlands, 5 October 2010 (talk).
– National Seminar Condensed Matter Physics, Leiden, the Netherlands, 8 October
2010 (attended).
– DITP Course, Quantum Physics in One Dimension: Exactly Solvable Models,
Amsterdam, the Netherlands, October 2010 (attended).
– DRSTP PhD Day, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 15 October 2010 (attended).
– DITP Course, Quantum Physics in Two Dimensions: Quantum Hall Systems,
Utrecht, the Netherlands, November 2010 (attended).
Beekman, A.J. (UL)
– Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010 (attended).
– Gravitons in quantum nematics, Gordon Research Conference, Correlated Electron
Systems, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Massachusetts, USA, 13-18 June
2010 (poster).
– DRSTP PhD Day, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 15 October 2010
– 3rd UK-NL Condensed Matter Meeting, Cambridge University, UK, 1-3 November
2010 (attended).
Belli, S. (UU)
– Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010 (attended).
– Hans-Sur-Lesse Winter School, Physical Chemistry, Belgium, 25-30 January 2010
Annual report 2010
– Dynamical heterogeneities in columnar liquid crystals, SFB TR6 Workshop 2010
Physics of Colloidal Dispersions in External Fields, Bonn, Germany, 1-3 March
2010 (poster).
– Theory and simulation of liquid crystal phases, DRSTP Postgraduate Course Statistical Physics and Theory of Condensed Matter (SPTCM), Driebergen, the Netherlands, 12-22 April 2010 (talk).
– Dynamical heterogeneities in columnar liquid crystals, Playing Colloidal Mikado II,
Luxembourg, 27-29 May 2010 (talk).
– Heterogeneous dynamics in columnar liquid crystals, International Soft Matter
Conference 2010, Granada, Spain, 5-8 July 2010 (poster).
– Cargese SFB-TR6 Summer School, Soft Matter, Physics of Colloidal Suspensions
and Granular Media, France, 27 September-09 October 2010 (attended).
– FOM Workshop, The Art of Presenting Science, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 5 November, 19 November and 3 December 2010 (attended).
Beugeling, W. (UU)
– Conference, Spin Manipulation in Cold Atoms and Condensed Matter, Utrecht,
the Netherlands, 7-9 January 2010 (attended).
– Chern-Simons theory of multi-component quantum Hall systems, Physics@FOM,
Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010 (poster).
– Graphene Day, Delft, the Netherlands, 2 March 2010 (attended).
– Introduction to the quantum Hall effect, PhD Lunch Seminar (PLaneT), Utrecht,
the Netherlands, 8 March 2010 (talk).
– National Seminar Condensed Matter Physics, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 26
March 2010 (attended).
– Chern-Simons theory of multi-component quantum Hall systems, DRSTP Postgraduate Course Statistical Physics and Theory of Condensed Matter (SPTCM),
Driebergen, the Netherlands, 12-22 April 2010 (talk).
– Chern-Simons theory of multi-component quantum Hall systems, FYSICA 2010,
Meeting of the NNV (Dutch Physical Society), Utrecht, the Netherlands, 23 April
2010 (poster).
– Group Meeting, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 27
April 2010 (untitled informal talk).
– Chern-Simons theory of multi-component quantum Hall systems, Conference, Interactions, Disorder, and Topology in Quantum Hall Systems, Dresden, Germany,
7-11 June 2010 (poster).
– Graphene Day, Groningen, the Netherlands, 8 July 2010 (attended).
– UK-NL Condensed Matter Meeting, Cambridge, UK, 2-3 September 2010 (attended).
– Chern-Simons theory of multi-component quantum Hall systems, Conference, Quantum Matter in Low Dimensions (INSTANS/NORDITA), Stockholm, Sweden, 6-10
September 2010 (poster).
– National Seminar Condensed Matter Physics, Leiden, the Netherlands, 8 October
2010 (attended).
– DRSTP PhD Day, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 15 October 2010 (attended).
– Graphene Day, Leiden, the Netherlands, 3 November 2010 (attended).
– Spectra of the honeycomb lattice in a magnetic field, Strongly Correlated Systems
4. PhD program
Seminar, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 18 November 2010 (talk).
Boon, N.J.H. (UU)
– Self-organization of patchy colloids: plastic or liquid crystals?, Physics@FOM,
Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010 (talk).
– Ionic screening of patterned surfaces and Janus particles, Veldhoven Meeting V&G,
16 February 2010 (talk).
– Second International Soft Matter Conference, Granada, Spain, 5-8 July 2010 (attended).
– Physics with Industry, Leiden, the Netherlands, 11-15 October 2010 (attended).
– Blue energy, DRSTP PhD Day, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 15 October 2010 (talk).
Broedersz, C. (VUA)
– Dynamics and mechanics of transiently cross-linked cytoskeletal networks, The
Physical Cell Meeting, London, UK, 28-30 June 2010 (poster).
– Dynamics and mechanics of transiently cross-linked cytoskeletal networks, Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 4-5 October 2010 (poster).
Čubrović, M. (UL)
– String theory, quantum phase transitions and the emergent Fermi liquid, Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010 (poster).
– String theory and strongly correlated electrons, LION Meeting, Leiden, the Netherlands, 6 March 2010 (talk).
– Self-management, time-management, University Compulsory Course, Leiden, the
Netherlands, Spring 2010 (attended).
– Strongly correlated electrons: geometric encoding for Fermi statistics from AdS/CFT,
National Seminar Condensed Matter Physics, Leiden, the Netherlands, 8 October
2010 (talk).
– DRSTP PhD Day, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 15 October 2010 (attended).
– AdS/CFT for strongly correlated fermions, String Seminar, Groningen, the Netherlands, 18 November 2010 (talk).
– Communication in science, Leiden University Compulsory Course, the Netherlands, Fall 2010 (attended).
– Effective communication, Leiden University Compulsory Course, the Netherlands,
Fall 2010 (attended).
Dahlhaus, J.P. (UL)
– The effect of surface curvature on conductivity in 3D topological insulators, DPG
Spring Meeting 2010, Regensburg, Germany, 21-26 March 2010.
– Random-matrix theory of thermal conduction in superconducting quantum dots,
ITN Nanoelectronics Meeting, Nanoelectronics-Concepts, Theory and Modeling,
Bremen, Germany, 17-21 May 2010 (poster).
– Random-matrix theory of thermal conduction in superconducting quantum dots,
Research Seminar on Correlated Quantum Systems, Heidelberg, Germany, 14 June
2010 (talk).
Diederix, J.M. (UU)
– Confinement-induced Sarma phase in resonantly interacting Fermi mixtures, Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010 (poster).
– DRSTP PhD Day, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 15 October 2010 (attended).
Annual report 2010
Eggen, E.J. (UU)
– Self-organization of patchy colloids: plastic or liquid crystals?, Physics@FOM,
Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010 (talk).
Emanuel, M.O. (UL)
– Twisting into a plectoneme, CECAM Workshop, Coarse-Grained Mechanics of
DNA: Bases to Chromosomes, Lyon, France, 1-4 June 2010.
Gubbels, K.B. (UU)
– Exotic superfluidity in imbalanced Fermi mixtures, Conference, Newspin, Utrecht,
the Netherlands, 7 January 2010 (talk).
– Population and mass imbalance in strongly interacting Fermi mixtures,
Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010 (talk).
– Populations and mass imbalance in atomic Fermi gases, Physics@FOM, Veldhoven,
the Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010 (poster).
– Confinement-induced Sarma phase in resonantly interacting Fermi mixtures, Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010 (poster).
– Ultrakoude Fermi-mengsels zijn super, NtvN 76 (2010) 64 (article).
Haaker, S.M. (UvA)
– A Bose condensation approach to fractional quantum Hall hierarchies,
Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010 (poster).
– Physics in the plane: From condensed matter to string theory, Laboratoire de Physique Thorique et Modles Statistiques, Le Houches, France, 25 February-5 March
2010 (attended).
– Landau levels for a non-Abelian vector potential, DRSTP Postgraduate Course
Statistical Physics and Theory of Condensed Matter (SPTCM), Driebergen, the
Netherlands, 12-22 April 2010 (talk).
– Topological states in condensed matter physics, IAS, The Hebrew University of
Jerusalem, Israel, 28 December 2010 - 4 January 2011 (poster).
Habraken, S.J.M. (UL)
– Geometric phases in astigmatic paraxial modes of all orders, Complex Light and
Optical Forces IV, SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, California, 23-28 January
2010 (talk).
– Light with a twist - ray aspects in singular wave and quantum optics, Quantum
Optics Seminar, IQOQI of the Austria Academy of Sciences, Austria, 4 March
2010 (talk).
– Rays and waves in singular optics, Seminar, Department of Physical Chemistry
and Department of Theoretical Physics, Universidad del Pas Vasco - Euskal Herriko
Unibertsitatea, Bilbao, Spain, 15 April 2010 (talk).
– Geometric aspects of twisted and rotating light, Seminar, Department of Physics,
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, 28 April 2010 (talk).
Huijse, L. (UvA)
– DRSTP Conformal Field Theory Course 2009-2010, Amsterdam, the Netherlands,
January-June 2010 (initiator and co-organizer).
– Quantum phases of a supersymmetric model for lattice fermions, Physics@FOM,
Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010 (talk).
– Skyrmions in fractional quantum Hall systems, Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010 (poster).
4. PhD program
– Quantum phases of a supersymmetric model for lattice fermions, Lorentz National
Seminar, Leiden, the Netherlands, 8 April 2010 (talk).
– Workshop, Low Dimensional Topological Matter, Aspen Center for Physics, Colorado, USA, 18 July-8 August 2010 (attended).
– Quantum phases of a supersymmetric model for lattice fermions, International
Conference, Quantum Matter in Low Dimensions, Albanove Institute, Stockholm,
Sweden, 9 September 2010 (talk).
Klauser, A.M. (UvA/UL)
– Exact spin chain dynamics probed by RIXS, Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010 (poster).
– Revealing the 4-spinon excitations of the Heisenberg anti ferromagnetic chain, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2 June
2010 (talk).
– Revealing the 4-spinon excitations of the Heisenberg anti ferromagnetic chain, Institute for Theoretical Solid State Physics, IFW Dresden, Germany, 13 August 2010
Lim, L.-K. (UU)
– Strongly interacting two-dimensional Dirac fermions, Physics@FOM, Veldhoven,
the Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010 (talk).
– Condensed Matter Seminar, Utrecht, the Netherlands (until July 2010) (organizer).
– Strongly Correlated Systems (SCS) Seminars, Utrecht, the Netherlands (until July
2010) (organizer).
Lucassen, M.E. (UU)
– Spin motive forces and current fluctuations due to thermal motion of domain walls,
Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010 (poster).
– Domain walls and spin motive forces, DRSTP Postgraduate Course Statistical
Physics and Theory of Condensed Matter (SPTCM), Driebergen, the Netherlands,
12-22 April 2010 (talk).
– FYSICA 2010, Meeting of the NNV (Dutch Physical Society), Utrecht, the Netherlands, 23 April 2010 (attended).
– Domain-wall induced spin motive forces, Group Meeting, Physics of Nanostructures, Eindhoven, the Netherlands, 29 June 2010 (talk).
– UK-NL Condensed Matter Meeting, Maddingley Hall, Cambridge, UK, 2-3 September 2010 (attended).
– National Seminar Condensed Matter Physics, Leiden University, the Netherlands,
8 October 2010 (attended).
– Domain-wall induced spin motive forces, Spin/NANO Spintronics Meeting, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, 14-15 October 2010 (talk).
Makogon, D. (UU)
– Effects of disorder and interactions in the quantum Hall ferro magnet,
Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010 (poster).
– Graphene Day, Delft, the Netherlands, 2 March 2010 (attended).
– National Seminar Condensed Matter Physics, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 26
March 2010 (attended).
– Effects of disorder and interactions in the quantum Hall ferromagnet, FYSICA
2010, Meeting of the NNV (Dutch Physical Society), Utrecht, the Netherlands, 23
Annual report 2010
April 2010 (poster).
– Graphene Day, Groningen, the Netherlands, 8 July 2010 (attended).
– Spin-charge-density wave in a squircle-like Fermi surface for ultracold atoms, UKNL Condensed Matter Meeting, Cambridge, UK, 2-3 September 2010 (talk).
– National Seminar Condensed Matter Physics, Leiden, the Netherlands, 8 October
2010 (attended).
– Spin-charge-density wave in a squircle-like Fermi surface for ultracold atoms, International Conference, Conducting Materials, Sousse, Tunisia, 3-7 November 2010
– Spin-charge-density wave instability in 2D tight-binding models, Condensed Matter
Theory Group Seminar, Groningen, the Netherlands, 21 December 2010 (talk).
Mehmani, B. (UvA)
– 1st LERU Summer School, Amsterdam and Utrecht, the Netherlands, 5-16 July
Mesaroš, A. (UL)
– Gravitational parallel transport and Berry phases of Dirac fermions in graphene
containing dislocations and disclinations, Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010 (talk).
– Local electronic liquid crystallinity and topological defects, application to high Tc
cuprate STM data, APS March Meeting, 15 March 2010 (talk).
Mink, M.P. (UU)
– Exciton condensation in bilayer graphene, NewSpin Conference, Utrecht, the Netherlands 7-9 January 2010 (attended).
– Exciton condensation in two-layer graphene, Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010 (talk).
– Exciton condensation in bilayer graphene, Graphene Day, Delft, the Netherlands,
2 March 2010 (poster).
– DRSTP Postgraduate Course Statistical Physics and Theory of Condensed Matter
(SPTCM), Driebergen, the Netherlands, 12-22 April 2010 (attended).
– FYSICA 2010, Meeting of the NNV (Dutch Physical Society), Utrecht, the Netherlands, 23 April 2010 (attended).
– National Seminar Condensed Matter Physics, Leiden, the Netherlands, 8 October
2010 (attended).
Mossel, J.J. (UvA)
– Non-equilibrium dynamics of the Heisenberg spin chain, Physics@FOM, Veldhoven,
the Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010 (poster).
– Exact spin chain dynamics probed by RIXS, Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010 (poster).
– Relaxation dynamics in the gapped XXZ spin-1/2 chain, ITFA Condensed Lunch
Seminar, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 17 February 2010 (talk).
– Relaxation dynamics after a quantum quench, DRSTP Postgraduate Course Statistical Physics and Theory of Condensed Matter (SPTCM), Driebergen, the Netherlands, 14 April 2010 (talk).
– Relaxation dynamics in the gapped XXZ spin-1/2 chain, Time-Dependent Dynamics and Non-Equilibrium Quantum Systems Workshop INSTANS, Budapest,
Hungary, 20 May 2010 (poster).
4. PhD program
– Relaxation dynamics in the gapped XXZ spin-1/2 chain, Workshop, Dynamics of
Strongly Correlated Quantum Systems, Trieste, Italy, 24 June 2010 (poster).
– DRSTP PhD Day, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 15 October 2010 (attended).
– Correlation functions of the 1D Bose gas after an interaction quench, ITFA Condensed Lunch Seminar, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 15 December 2010 (talk).
Panfil, M. (UvA)
– DRSTP Postgraduate Course Statistical Physics and Theory of Condensed Matter
(SPTCM), Driebergen, the Netherlands, 12-22 April 2010 (attended).
– Time-dependent dynamics and non-equilibrium quantum systems, Meeting, Budapest, Hungary, 19-22 May 2010 (talk).
– DRSTP PhD Day, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 15 October 2010 (attended).
Rademaker, L. (UL)
– Master Class by Wolfgang Ketterle, Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, the Netherlands,
18-20 January 2010 (attended).
– A theoretical study on herostructures of coupled electron and hole doped Mott insulators, Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010 (poster).
– Communication in Science, De Sonneville and Herd, Leiden, the Netherlands,
January-February 2010 (attended).
– Flux quantization in double layer exciton superfluids, DRSTP Postgraduate Course
Statistical Physics and Theory of Condensed Matter (SPTCM), Driebergen, the
Netherlands, 12 April 2010 (talk).
– Novel Electronic States at Interfaces in Oxides, Lorentz Workshop, Leiden, the
Netherlands, 26-29 April 2010 (attended).
– Lorentz Professor Course by Tom Witten, Thin Sheets and Sandpiles: Subtle SelfOrganization in Prosaic Places, Leiden, the Netherlands, May-June 2010 (attended).
– Flux quantization in double layer exciton superfluids, Casimir Spring School, Arnemuiden, the Netherlands, 14-16 June 2010 (talk; best oral presentation award).
– Quantum Physics in One Dimension: Luttinger Liquids and Bosonization, S.J.
Caux, Delta Institute for Theoretical Physics, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, September 2010 (attended).
– 3rd Annual UK-NL Condensed Matter Meeting, Cambridge, UK, 1-3 September
2010 (attended).
– Bose-Einstein condensation of excitons in oxide heterostructures, MESA+ Institute
for Nanotechnology Meeting 2010, Enschede, the Netherlands, 14 September 2010
– Quantum Physics in One Dimension: Exactly Solvable Models, S.J. Caux, Delta
Institute for Theoretical Physics, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, October 2010 (attended).
– National Seminar on Condensed Matter Physics, Leiden, the Netherlands, 8 October 2010 (attended).
– DRSTP PhD Day, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 15 October 2010 (attended).
– Quantum Hall Systems, C. Morais Smith, Delta Institute for Theoretical Physics,
Utrecht, the Netherlands, November 2010 (attended).
– Professor Jeroen van der Brinks group, Institute for Theoretical Solid State Physics,
Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research, Dresden, Germany, 19
Annual report 2010
November-1 December 2010 (work visit).
– How to Manage your Professor, Wubben, Leiden University, the Netherlands, 11
November 2010 (attended).
– Low- and High Tc Superconductors, C. Morais Smith, Delta Institute for Theoretical Physics, Utrecht, the Netherlands, December 2010 (attended).
Romers, J.C. (UvA)
– DRSTP Conformal Field Theory Course 2009-2010, University of Amsterdam, the
Netherlands, January-June 2010 (initiator and co-organizer).
– Skyrmions in fractional quantum Hall systems, Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010 (poster).
– Les Houches School Physics in the Plane, Les Houches, France, 28 February - 5
March 2010 (attended).
– Skyrmions in the 5/2 fqH state, DRSTP Postgraduate Course Statistical Physics
and Theory of Condensed Matter (SPTCM), Driebergen, the Netherlands, 12-22
April 2010 (talk).
– DRSTP PhD Day, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 15 October 2010 (attended).
– Winter School Topological States in Condensed Matter Physics, Institute for Advanced Studies, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, 26 December - 4 January
2010 (attended).
Ruszel, W.M. (RUG)
– Gibbs and non-Gibbs aspects of continuous spin models, Mathematics Colloquium,
Groningen, the Netherlands, 16 September 2010 (talk).
She, J.-H. (UL)
– BCS superconductivity in quantum critical metals, Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, the
Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010 (poster).
– Shaking off the fermionic minus signs to unravel novel superconductors,
Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010 (poster).
– She, J.H., BCS superconductivity in quantum critical metals, APS March Meeting,
Portland, Oregon, USA, March 2010 (talk).
– BCS superconductivity in quantum critical metals, DRSTP Postgraduate Course
Statistical Physics and Theory of Condensed Matter (SPTCM), Driebergen, the
Netherlands, 12-22 April 2010 (talk).
– She, J.H., BCS superconductivity in quantum critical metals, International Conference, Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (SCES 2010), Santa Fe, New Mexico,
USA, June-July 2010 (talk).
– She, J.H., Stability of quantum critical points in the presence of competing orders,
Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico, USA, August 2010 (talk).
– DRSTP PhD Day, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 15 October 2010 (attended).
Swaving, A.C. (UU)
– Current-induced torques in continuous antiferromagnetic textures, Physics@FOM,
Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010 (poster).
– Current-induced torques in continuous antiferromagnetic textures, DRSTP Postgraduate Course Statistical Physics and Theory of Condensed Matter (SPTCM),
Driebergen, the Netherlands, 19 April 2010 (talk).
4. PhD program
Tieleman, O. (UU)
– Conference, Spin Manipulation in Cold Atoms and Condensed Matter, Utrecht,
the Netherlands, 7-9 January 2010 (attended).
– Bilayer quantum Hall system at nut = 1 pseudospin models and in-plane magnetic
field, Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010 (poster).
– Pokrovsky-Talapov model at finite temperature: a renormalization-group analysis,
Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010 (poster).
– Graphene Day, Delft, the Netherlands, 2 March 2010 (attended).
– National Seminar Condensed Matter Physics, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 26
March 2010 (attended).
– Dipolar bosons in a two-dimensional optical lattice with staggered flux, DRSTP
Postgraduate Course Statistical Physics and Theory of Condensed Matter (SPTCM),
Driebergen, the Netherlands, 12-22 April 2010 (talk).
– Bilayer quantum Hall system at nut = 1: pseudospin models and in-plane magnetic
field, FYSICA 2010, Meeting of the NNV (Dutch Physical Society), Utrecht, the
Netherlands, 23 April 2010 (poster).
– Dipolar bosons in optical lattices with a staggered flux, Summer School, Many-Body
Physics with Ultracold Gases, Les Houches, France, 28 June-23 July 2010 (poster).
– Strongly Correlated Systems (SCS) Seminars, Utrecht, the Netherlands (from JulyDecember 2010) (organizer).
– UK-NL Condensed Matter Meeting, Cambridge, UK, 2-3 September 2010 (attended).
– National Seminar Condensed Matter Physics, Leiden, the Netherlands, 8 October
2010 (attended).
– Strongly Correlated Systems (SCS) Seminar, Dipolar Bosons in Optical Lattices
with a Staggered Flux, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 14 October 2010 (attended).
van der Bijl, E. (UU)
– Physics@FOM, Veldhoven 2010, Veldhoven, the Netherlands 18-20 January 2010
– Strongly interacting Bose-Einstein condensates, DRSTP Postgraduate Course Statistical Physics and Theory of Condensed Matter (SPTCM), Driebergen, the Netherlands, 12-22 April 2010 (talk).
– UK-NL Condensed Matter Meeting, Cambridge, UK, 1-2 September 2010 (attended).
– National Seminar Condensed Matter Physics, Leiden, the Netherlands, 8 October
2010 (attended).
– Spin transfer torques and spin pumping in strongly spin orbit coupled systems,
FOM Spin/Nanoned Spintronics Meeting, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, 14-15 October 2010 (talk).
– DRSTP PhD Day, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 15 October 2010
van Dijk, T. (VUA)
– DRSTP PhD Day, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 15 October 2010 (attended).
– Conference, Optical Society of America, ISA, Rochester, New York, 24-28 October
2010 (attended).
Annual report 2010
van Driel, H.J. (UU)
– Pseudo-spin currents in semi-conductor bi-layers, Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, the
Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010 (poster).
– Spin-drag Hall effect, BEC-meeting, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 19 March 2010
– Spin drag in rotating Bose gasses, DRSTP Postgraduate Course Statistical Physics
and Theory of Condensed Matter (SPTCM), Driebergen, the Netherlands, 12-22
April 2010 (talk).
– Spin-drag Hall effect, PhD Lunch Seminar (PLaneT), Utrecht, the Netherlands, 28
June 2010 (talk).
– UK-NL Condensed Matter Meeting, Cambridge, UK, 2-3 September 2010 (attended).
– DRSTP PhD Day, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 15 October 2010 (attended).
van Gelderen, R. (UU)
– Conference, NewSpin: Spin Manipulation in Cold Atoms and Condensed Matter,
Utrecht, the Netherlands, 7-9 January 2010 (attended).
– Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010 (attended).
– Rashba and intrinsic spin-orbit interactions in biased bilayer graphene, Graphene
Day, Delft, the Netherlands, 2 March 2010 (poster).
– Introduction to the Spin Hall Effect, Seminar, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 15 March
2010 (talk).
– Rashba and intrinsic spin-orbit interactions in biased bilayer graphene, Conference,
New Frontiers in Graphene Physics, Trento, Italy, 12-14 April 2010 (poster).
– FYSICA 2010, Meeting of the NNV (Dutch Physical Society), Utrecht, the Netherlands, 23 April 2010 (attended).
– Spin-orbit coupling in bilayer graphene, Graphene Day, Groningen, the Netherlands, 8 July 2010 (talk).
– UK-NL Condensed Matter Meeting, Cambridge, UK, 2-3 September 2010 (attended).
– Graphene Day, Leiden, the Netherlands, 3 November 2010 (attended).
– Rashba and intrinsic spin-orbit interactions in biased bilayer graphene, Winter
School, Topological States in Condensed Matter Physics, Jerusalem, Israel, 27
December 2010-2 January 2011 (poster).
van Heugten, J.J.R.M. (UU)
– Color superconductivity, Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010 (poster).
– Introduction to color superconductivity, PhD Lunch Seminar (PLaneT), Utrecht,
the Netherlands, 25 January 2010 (talk).
– Color superconductivity, DRSTP Postgraduate Course Statistical Physics and Theory
of Condensed Matter (SPTCM), Driebergen, the Netherlands, 12-22 April 2010
– Espace de Structure Nucleaire Theorique Workshop, Superfluidity in Nuclear Matter, Finite Nuclei and Ultra-Cold Fermion Gases, Saclay, France, 31 May-4 June
2010 (attended).
– Color superconductivity, QCHS (Quark Confinement and Hadron Spectrum), Madrid, Spain, 30 August-3 September 2010 (poster).
4. PhD program
– Neutron stars, BEC-Meeting, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 4 November 2010 (talk).
Žeravčić, Z. (UL)
– Localized or not: damping will tell, Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, the Netherlands,
19-20 January 2010 (talk).
Annual report 2010
5 Scientific staff (per 31-12-2010)
Below an overview is given of the permanent and temporary staff of the DRSTP on
31 December 2010. Also the associate members are listed. PhD students are listed in
Chapter 4 (Section 4.4).
Theme 1 refers to particle physics, cosmology, quantum gravity and string theory and
theme 2 to quantum matter, quantum information, soft condensed matter and biophysics.
Permanent staff
University of Amsterdam (UvA)
prof. dr. F.A. Bais
prof. dr. H.W. Capel (emer.)
dr. J.-S. Caux
prof. dr. J. de Boer
prof. dr. ir. H. Dekker (emer.)
prof. dr. R.H. Dijkgraaf
prof. dr. J.H. Koch (emer.)
prof. dr. E.L.M.P. Laenen
prof. dr. B. Nienhuis
dr. Th.M. Nieuwenhuizen
prof. dr. A.M.M. Pruisken
prof. dr. K. Schoutens
dr. K. Skenderis
prof. dr. J. Smit (emer.)
dr. L.G. Suttorp (emer.)
dr. M.M. Taylor
dr. L.J. van den Horn (emer.)
dr. W.A. van Leeuwen (emer.)
prof. dr. E.P. Verlinde
Annual report 2010
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VUA)
dr. K. Allaart (emer.)
dr. B.L.G. Bakker (emer.)
prof. dr. F.C. MacKintosh
prof. dr. P.J.G. Mulders
prof. dr. T.D. Visser
prof. dr. P.R. ten Wolde
University of Groningen (RUG)
prof. dr. E.A. Bergshoeff
dr. D. Boer
prof. dr. M. de Roo
prof. dr. E. Pallante
prof. dr. R.G.E. Timmermans
prof. dr. A.C.D. van Enter
Leiden University (UL)
prof. dr. A. Achúcarro
prof. dr. G.T. Barkema
prof. dr. C.W.J. Beenakker
prof. dr. H.W.J. Blöte (emer.)
dr. P.J.H. Denteneer
prof. dr. G. Nienhuis (emer.)
dr. K.E. Schalm
prof. dr. H. Schiessel
prof. dr. J.W. van Holten
prof. dr. J.M.J. van Leeuwen (emer.)
dr. V. Vitelli
prof. dr. J. Zaanen
Radboud University Nijmegen (RU)
dr. W.J.P. Beenakker
prof. dr. A. Fasolino
prof. dr. M.I. Katsnelson
prof. dr. R.H.P. Kleiss
dr. T.A. Rijken (emer.)
prof. dr. A.N.J.J. Schellekens
5. Scientific staff (per 31-12-2010)
Utrecht University (UU)
prof. dr. J. Ambjørn
dr. G.E. Arutyunov
prof. dr. G.T. Barkema
prof. dr. B. de Wit
dr. R.A. Duine
prof. dr. M.H. Ernst (emer.)
prof. dr. E.L.M.P. Laenen
prof. dr. R. Loll
prof. dr. C. Morais Smith
dr. T. Prokopec
prof. dr. Th.W. Ruijgrok (emer.)
prof. dr. J. Smit (emer.)
prof. dr. ir. H.T.C. Stoof
prof. dr. G. ’t Hooft
prof. dr. H. van Beijeren (emer.)
prof. dr. P.P.A.M. van der Schoot
prof. dr. N.G. van Kampen (emer.)
dr. R.H.H.G. van Roij
dr. S.J.G. Vandoren
1, 2
Nikhef Theory Group (Nikhef )
dr. R. Fleischer
prof. dr. J.H. Koch (emer.)
prof. dr. E.L.M.P. Laenen
prof. dr. A.N.J.J. Schellekens
prof. dr. J.-W. van Holten
dr. J.A.M. Vermaseren
Annual report 2010
Temporary staff
University of Amsterdam (UvA)
dr. B.D. Chowdhury
dr. B.D.A. Estienne
dr. M.P. Heller
dr. P.L. McFadden
dr. G.L.E.G. Palacios
dr. B.S. Pozsgai
dr. M. Snoek
dr. J.P. van der Schaar
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VUA)
dr. M. Bacabac
dr. M. Das
dr. M. Depken
dr. T.C. Rogers
dr. M. Sheinman
University of Groningen (RUG)
dr. J.A. Guarino
dr. J.C. Myers
dr. D. Roest
dr. J. Rosseel
Leiden University (UL)
dr. T.P. Choy
dr. J. Edge
dr. L. Gomez
dr. F. Hassler
dr. C.H. Hou
dr. M. Jackson
dr. V. Juricic
dr. Y. Lui
dr. B.J. Overbosch
dr. P. Prinsen
dr. Y.W. Sun
dr. B.P. Tighe
dr. M. Wimmer
Radboud University Nijmegen (RU)
dr. A.S. de Wijn
dr. J. Laamanen
5. Scientific staff (per 31-12-2010)
Utrecht University (UU)
dr. M. Arzano
dr. N. Banerjee
dr. J. Behrend
dr. P. Falgari
dr. R.K. Gupta
dr. B. Haghighat
dr. M.M. Hatlo
dr. I. Khavkine
dr. T.S. Koivisto
dr. S.-P. Miao
dr. E. Plauschinn
dr. D. Sloan
dr. R. Suzuki
dr. L.J. Tarrio
dr. S. Yin
Nikhef Theory Group (Nikhef )
dr. M. Aybat
dr. D.P. George
dr. J. Kuipers
dr. M. Postma
dr. T. Reiter
Associate members
prof. dr. H.A. de Raedt (RUG)
prof. dr. ir. H. Dekker (UvA)
prof. dr. L.-F. Feiner (Philips)
dr. B.J. Hoenders (RUG)
dr. ir. L.P.J. Kamp (TU/e)
prof. dr. J. Knoester (RUG)
prof. dr. D. Lohse (UT)
prof. dr. M.V. Mostovoy (RUG)
Theoretical and Polymer Physics Group (TU/e)
prof. dr. P.J. van Baal (UL)
Annual report 2010
6 Academic publications
This chapter presents an overview of publications in refereed journals published in
2010. The publications belonging to theme 1 and theme 2 are given separately. Within each theme the publications are ordered according to university. Occasionally
publications may be listed twice, as is the case when staff members are affiliated with
more than one university. Publications by associate members are not included. Professional publications are listed in Chapter 7.
Theme 1
University of Amsterdam
– Arsiwalla, X.D. and Verlinde, E.P., A black hole levitron, Phys. Rev. D 81 (2010)
– Atmaja, A.N. and Schalm, K., Photon and dilepton production in soft wall AdS/QCD,
JHEP 8 (2010).
– Atiyah, M., Dijkgraaf, R.H. and Hitchin, N., Geometry and physics, Phil. Trans.
R. Soc. A (2010) 368.
– Avery, S.G., Chowdhury, B.D. and Mathur, S.D., Deforming the D1D5 CFT away
from the orbifold point, JHEP 6 (2010).
– Avery, S.G., Chowdhury, B.D. and Mathur, S.D., Excitations in the deformed D1D5
CFT, JHEP 6 (2010).
– Avery, S.G. and Chowdhury, B.D., Emission from the D1D5 CFT: higher twists,
JHEP 1001 (2010) 087.
– Balasubramanian, V., de Boer, J., Sheikh-Jabbari, M.M. and Simon, J., What is
a chiral 2d CFT? And what does it have to do with extremal black holes?, JHEP
1002 (2010) 017.
– Baptista, J.M., Non-abelian vortices, Hecke modifications and singular monopoles,
Lett. Math. Phys. 92 (2010) 243-252.
– Beenakker, W., Brensing, S., Laenen, E. and Niessen, I., et al., Supersymmetric
top and bottom squark production at hadron colliders, JHEP 1008 (2010) 098.
– Beenakker, W., Brensing, S., Kramer, M., Kulesza, A., Laenen, E. and Niessen, I.,
Supersymmetric top and bottom squark production at hadron colliders, JHEP 1008
(2010) 098.
– Candu, C., Mitev, V., Quella, T., Saleur, H. and Schomerus, V., The sigma model
on complex projective superspaces, JHEP 1002 (2010) 015.
– de Boer, J. and Shigemori, M., Exotic branes and non-geometric backgrounds, Phys.
Rev. Lett. 104 (2010) 251603.
– de Boer, J., Kulaxizi, M. and Parnachev, A., Holographic Lovelock gravities and
Annual report 2010
black holes, JHEP 1006 (2010) 008.
– de Boer, J., Kulaxizi, M. and Parnachev, A., AdS7 /CF T6 , Gauss-Bonnet gravity,
and viscosity bound, JHEP 1003 (2010) 087.
– de Boer, J., Papadodimas, K. and Verlinde, E., Holographic neutron stars, JHEP
1010 (2010) 020.
– de Boer, J., El-Showk, S., Messamah, I. and van den Bleeken, D., A bound on the
entropy of supergravity?, JHEP 1002 (2010) 062.
– Dolan, F.A.H., On superconformal characters and partition functions in three dimensions, J. Math. Phys. 51 (2010) 022301.
– Forte S., Laenen, E., Nason, P. and Rojo, J., Heavy quarks in deep-inelastic scattering, Nucl. Phys. B 834 (2010) 116-162.
– Gardi, E., Laenen, E., Stavenga, G. and White, C.D., Webs in multi-parton scattering using the replica trick, JHEP 1011 (2010) 155.
– Herquet, M., Knegjes, R. and Laenen, E., Single top production in a non-minimal
supersymmetric model, Phys. Lett. B 639 (2010) 591-595.
– Hoogeveen, J. and Skenderis, K., Decoupling of unphysical states in the minimal
pure spinor formalism I, JHEP 1001 (2010) 041.
– Laenen, E., Magnea, L., Stavenga, G. and White, C.D., On next-to-eikonal exponentiation, Nucl. Phys. B - Proc. Suppl. 205-206 (2010) 260.
– McFadden, P. and Skenderis, K., Holography for cosmology, Phys. Rev. D 81
(2010) 021301.
– McFadden, P. and Skenderis, K., The holographic universe, J. Phys. Conf. Ser.
222 (2010) 012007.
– Meerburg, P.D., van der Schaar, J.P. and Jackson, M.G., Bispectrum signatures of
a modified vacuum in single field inflation with a small speed of sound, JCAP 1002
(2010) 001.
– Papadodimas, K., Topological anti-topological fusion in four-dimensional superconformal field theories, JHEP 1008 (2010) 118.
– Skenderis, K., Taylor, M. and Tsimpis, D., A consistent truncation of IIB supergravity on manifolds admitting a Sasaki-Einstein structure, JHEP 1006 (2010) 025.
– Weydert, C., Frixione, S., Herquet, M., Klasen, M., Laenen, E., Plehn, T., Stavenga, G. and White, C.D., Charged Higgs production in association with a top
quark in MC@NLO, Eur. Phys. J. C 67 (2010) 617-636.
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
– Badalian, A.M., Bakker, B.L.G., and Danilkin, I.V., Dielectron widths of the S-,
D-vector bottomonium states, Phys. Atom. Nucl. 73 (1) (2010) 138-149.
– Badalian, A.M., Bakker, B.L.G. and Danilkin, I.V., Hyperfine splittings in bottomonium and the B − q(q = n, s, c) mesons, Phys. Rev. D 81 (7) (2010) 071502.
– Bakker, B.L.G. and Ji, C.-R., The Smithsonian/NASA astrophysics data system,
Nucl. Phys. B - Proc. Suppl. 199 (2010) 225.
– Bakker, B.L.G. and Ji, C.-R., Treacherous points in deeply virtual compton scattering, Nucl. Phys. B - Proc. Suppl. 199 (2010) 225-230.
– Bazzocchi, F., Cerdeno, D., Munoz, D. and Valle, J.W.F., Calculable inverseseesaw neutrino masses in supersymmetry, Phys. Rev. D 81 (2010) 051701 (hepph/0907.1262).
6. Academic publications
– Bazzocchi, F., Calculable neutrino masses in an inverse see-saw scenario and DM
candidates, J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 203 (2010) 012049.
– Boer, D., Transverse lambda polarization at high energy colliders, PoS (DIS2010)
215 (hep-ph/1007.3145).
– Boer, D. and den Dunnen, W.J., Bounding W -W 0 mixing with spin asymmetries
at RHIC, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 (7) (2010) 071801.
– Boer, D., Kang, Z.-B., Vogelsang, W. and Yuan, F., Test of the universality of
naive-time-reversal-odd fragmentation functions, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 (2010)
– Boomsma, J.K. and Boer, D., Influence of strong magnetic fields and instantons
on the phase structure of the two-flavor Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model, Phys. Rev.
D 81 (2010) 074005.
– Ji, C.-R. and Bakker, B.L.G., GPD extraction from DVCS in LFD, Nucl. Phys.
Proc. Suppl. 199 (2010) 16-25.
– Ji, C.-R. and Bakker, B.L.G., Spin filter and GPDs in DVCS amplitudes, PoS
(LC2010) 054.
– Rogers, T.C. and Mulders, P.J., No generalized transverse momentum dependent
factorization in the hadroproduction of high transverse momentum hadrons, Phys.
Rev. D 81 (9) (2010) 094006.
– Rogers, T.C. and Strikman, M., Multiple hard partonic collisions with correlations
in proton-proton scattering, Phys. Rev. D 81 (1) (2010) 016013.
– Sierra, D.A., Bazzocchi, F., de Medeiros Varzielas, I., Merlo, L. and Morisi, S.,
Tri-bimaximal lepton mixing and leptogenesis, Nucl. Phys. B 827 (2010) 34-58
– Toorop, R.D., Bazzocchi, F. and Merlo, L., The interplay between GUT and flavour
symmetries in a Pati-Salam x S-4 model, JHEP 1008 (2010) 001.
– Toorop, R.D., Bazzocchi, F. and Merlo, L., Discrete falvour symmetries in GUTs:
the beauty and the beast, JHEP 1008 (2010) 001 (hep-ph/1003.4502).
University of Groningen
– Andringa, R., Bergshoeff, E.A., Hohm, O., Roo, M. de, Sezgin, E. and Townsend,
P.K., Massive 3D supergravity, Class. Quant. Grav. 27 (2010) 025100 (hepth/0907.4658).
– Baron, R., Boucaud, Ph., Carbonell, J., Deuzeman, A., Drach, V., Farchioni, F.,
Gimenez, V., Herdoiza, G., Jansen, K., McNeile, C., Michael, C., Montvay, I.,
Palao, D., Pallante, E., Pne, O., Reker, S., Urbach, C., Wagner, M. and Wenger,
U., Light hadrons from lattice QCD with light (u, d), strange and charm dynamical
quarks, JHEP 1006 (2010) 111.
– Baron, R., Boucaud, P., Carbonell, J., Drach, V., Farchioni, F., Herdoiza, G.,
Jansen, K., Michael, C., Montvay, I., Pallante, E., Reker, S., Urbach, C., Wagner,
M. and Wenger, U., Kaon and D meson masses with Nf = 2 + 1 + 1 twisted mass
lattice QCD, PoS (LAT2010) 119.
– Baron, R., Boucaud, P., Carbonell, J., Deuzeman, A., Drach, V., Farchioni, F.,
Gimenez, V., Herdoiza, G., Jansen, K., McNeile, C., Michael, C., Montvay, I.,
Palao, D., Pallante, E., Pene, O., Reker, S., Urbach, C., Wagner, M. and Wenger,
U., Light hadrons from Nf = 2 + 1 + 1 dynamical twisted mass fermions, PoS
Annual report 2010
(LAT2010) 123.
– Baron, R., Boucaud, P., Carbonell, J., Farchioni, F., Gimenez, V., Herdoiza, G.,
Jansen, K., McNeile, C., Michael, C., Montvay, I., Palao, D., Pallante, E., Pene, O.,
Reker, S., Urbach, C., Wagner, M. and Wenger, U., Computing K and D meson
masses with N f = 2 + 1 + 1 twisted mass lattice QCD, Comp. Phys. Comm. 182
(2010) 299-316 (hep-lat/1005.2042).
– Bergshoeff, E.A. and Hartong, J., BPS open strings and A-D-E-singularities in
F-theory on K3, JHEP 1002 (2010) 007.
– Bergshoeff, E.A., Hartong, J., Howe, P., Ortin, T. and Riccioni, F., IIA/IIB supergravity and ten-forms, JHEP 1005 (2010) 061.
– Bergshoeff, E.A. and Riccioni, F., D-brane Wess-Zumino terms and U-duality,
JHEP 1011 (2010) 139 (hep-th/1009.4657).
– Bergshoeff, E.A., Hohm, O. and Townsend, P.K., On higher derivatives in 3D
gravity and higher spin gauge theories, Ann. Phys. 325 (2010) 1118-1134.
– Bergshoeff, E.A., On massive gravitons in 2 + 1 dimensions, J. Phys. Conf. Ser.
229 (2010) 012005 (hep-th/0912.2944).
– Bergshoeff, E.A., Hohm, O., Rosseel, J. and Townsend, P.K., On maximal massive
3D supergravity, Class. Quant. Grav. 27 (2010) 235012.
– Bergshoeff, E.A., Cecotti, S., Samtleben, H. and Sezgin, E., Superconformal sigmamodels in three dimensions, Nucl. Phys. B 838 (2010) 266-297 (hep-th/1002.4411).
– Chemissany, W., Fre, P., Rosseel, J., Sorin, A.S., Trigiante, M. and van Riet,
T., Black holes in supergravity and integrability, JHEP 1009 (2010) 080 (hepth/1007.3209).
– Deuzeman, A., Pallante, E. and Lombardo, M.P., Phases of QCD from small to
large N (f ): (Some) lattice results, Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 25 (2010) 5175-5182.
– Deuzeman, A., Lombardo, M.P. and Pallante, E., Evidence for a conformal phase
in SU(N) gauge theories, Phys. Rev. D 82 (2010) 074503 (hep-ph/0904.4662).
– Deuzeman, A., Lombardo, M.P. and Pallante, E., Chiral symmetry of QCD with
twelve light flavors, PoS (LAT2010) 062 (2010) (hep-lat/1012.6023).
– Deuzeman, A., Lombardo, M.P. and Pallante, E., The bulk transition of manyflavour QCD and the search for a UVFP at strong couplings, PoS (LAT2010) 067
– Dibitetto, G., Linares, R. and Roest, D., Flux compactifications, gauge algebras
and de Sitter, Phys. Lett. B 688: (2010) 96-100 (hep-th/1001.3982); AIP Conf.
Proc. 1318 (2010) 232-238.
– Dibitetto, G. and Klemm, D., Magnetic charges in the AdS(4) superalgebra osp(4—2),
JHEP 1012 (2010) 005 (hep-th/1005.4334).
– Kadosh, A. and Pallante, E., An A(4) flavor model for quarks and leptons in warped
geometry, JHEP 1008 (2010) 115 (hep-ph/1004.0321).
– Roest, D. and Rosseel, J., De Sitter in extended supergravity, Phys. Lett. B 685
(2010) 201-207 (hep-th/0912.4440).
Leiden University
– Atmaja, A.N. and Schalm, K., Photon and dilepton production in soft wall AdS/QCD,
JHEP 1008 (2010) 124.
– Bartko, M., Martins, F., Trippe, S., Fritz, T.K., Genzel, R., Ottl, T., Eisenhauer,
6. Academic publications
F., Gillessen, S., Paumard, T., Alexander, T., Dodds-Eden, K., Gerhard, O., Levin,
Y., Mascetti, L., Nayakshin, S., Perets, H.B., Perrin, G., Pfuhl, O., Reid, M.
J., Rouan, D., Zilka, M. and Sternberg, A., An extremely top-heavy initial mass
function in the galactic center stellar disks, Astrophys. J. 708 (2010) 834.
Chen, H.Y., Gong, J.O., Koyama, K. and Tasinato, G., Towards multi-field D-brane
inflation in a warped throat, J. Cosm. Astrop. Phys. 1011 (2010) 34.
Gong, J.O., Koh, S. and Sasaki, M., Complete analysis of linear cosmological perturbations in Horava-Lifshitz gravity, Phys. Rev. D 81 (2010) 084053.
Gong, J.O., Lin, C.S. and Wang, Y., Non-Gaussianity from false vacuum inflation:
Old curvaton scenario, J. Cosm. Astrop. Phys. 1003 (2010) 4.
Idema, T., Semrau, S., Storm, C. and Schmidt, T., Membrane mediated sorting,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 104 (2010) 198102.
Meerburg, P.D, van der Schaar, J.P. and Jackson, M.G., Bispectrum signatures of
a modified vacuum in single field inflation with a small speed of sound, J. Cosm.
Astrop. Phys. 1002 (2010) 1.
van Haasteren, R. and Levin, Y., Gravitational-wave memory and pulsar timing
arrays, Mon. Not. Roy. Astronom. Soc. 401 (2010) 2372.
Radboud University Nijmegen
– Anastasopoulos, P., Leontaris, G.K., Richter, R. and Schellekens, A.N., SU(5) Dbrane realizations, Yukawa couplings and proton stability, JHEP 1012 (2010) 011.
– Argyres, E.N., van Kessel, M.T.M. and Kleiss, R.H.P., Quantum extremism: effective potential and extremal paths, Eur. Phys. J. C 65 (2010) 303-310.
– Beenakker, W., Brensing, S., Laenen, E. and Niessen, I., et al., Supersymmetric
top and bottom squark production at hadron colliders, JHEP 1008 (2010) 098.
– Beenakker, W., Brensing, S., Kramer, M., Kulesza, A., Laenen, E. and Niessen, I.,
Supersymmetric top and bottom squark production at hadron colliders, JHEP 1008
(2010) 098.
– Garzelli, M.V., Malamos, I. and Pittau, R., Feynman rules for the rational part
of the electroweak 1-loop amplitudes, JHEP 1001 (2010) 040; Erratum-ibid. 1010
(2010) 097.
– Gato-Rivera, B. and Schellekens, A.N., Asymmetric Gepner models: revisited,
Nucl. Phys. B 841 (2010) 100-129.
– Gato-Rivera, B. and Schellekens, A.N., Heterotic weight lifting, Nucl. Phys. B 828
(2010) 375-389.
– Hiyama, E., Motoba, T., Rijken, T.A. and Yamamoto, Y., Baryon-baryon interactions and hypernuclei, Progr. Theor. Phys. Suppl. 185 (2010) 1-13.
– Hiyama, E., Kamimura, M., Yamamoto, Y., Motoba, T. and Rijken, T.A., S=-1
Hypernuclear structure, Progr. Theor. Phys. Suppl. 185 (2010) 106-151.
– Hiyama, E., Kamimura, M., Yamamoto, Y.Y., Motoba, T. and Rijken, T.A., S=-2
Hypernuclear structure, Progr. Theor. Phys. Suppl. 185 (2010) 156-196.
– Kiritsis, E., Lennek, M. and Schellekens, B., SU(5) orientifolds, Yukawa couplings,
stringy instantons and proton decay, Nucl. Phys. B 829 (2010) 298-324.
– Maio, M. and Schellekens, A.N., Complete analysis of extensions of D(n)(1) permutation orbifolds, Nucl. Phys. B 826 (2010) 511-521.
– Maio, M. and Schellekens, A.N., Formula for fixed point resolution matrix of per-
Annual report 2010
mutation orbifolds, Nucl. Phys. B 830 (2010) 116-152.
– Ngome, J.P., Horvathy, P.A. and van Holten, J.W., Dynamical supersymmetry of
the spin particle-magnetic field interaction, J. Phys. A 43 (2010) 285401.
– Rijken, T.A., Nagels, M.M. and Yamamoto, Y., Status of understanding the YN/YYinteractions. Meson-exchange viewpoint, Nucl. Phys. A 835 (2010) 160-167.
– Rijken, T.A., Nagels, M.M. and Yamamoto, Y., Baryon-baryon interactions, Progr.
Theor. Phys. Suppl. 185 (2010) 14-71.
– Rijken, T.A. and Wagenaar, J.W., Kadyshevsky field theory – Derivative-interactions
and functional formalism –, Progr. Theor. Phys. Suppl. 186 (2010) 282-293.
– Yamamoto, Y., Rijken, T.A. and Nagels, M.M., Hypernuclear properties derived
from the new interaction model ESC08, Nucl. Phys. A 835 (2010) 350-353.
– Yamamoto, Y.Y., Motoba, T. and Rijken, T.A., G-matrix approach to hyperonnucleus systems, Progr. Theor. Phys. Suppl. 185 (2010) 72-105.
Utrecht University
– Alexandrov, S., Pioline, B. and Vandoren, S., Self-dual Einstein spaces, heavenly
metrics and twistors, J. Math. Phys. 51 (2010) 073510 (hep-th/0912.3406).
– Alexandrov S., Pioline, B., Saueressig F. and Vandoren, S., Linear perturbations of
quaternionic metrics, Comm. Math. Phys. 296 (2010) 353-403 (hep-th/0810.1675).
– Ambjørn, J., Gorlich, A., Jordan, S., Jurkiewicz, J. and Loll, R., CDT meets
Horava-Lifshitz gravity, Phys. Lett. B 690 (2010) 413-419 (hep-th/1002.3298).
– Ambjørn, J., Gorlich, A., Jurkiewicz, J. and Loll, R., Geometry of the quantum
universe., Phys.Lett. B 690 (2010) 420-426 (hep-th/1001.4581).
– Ambjørn, J., Loll, R., Westra, W. and Zohren, S., Causal random geometry from
stochastic quantization J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 246 (2010) 012028 (hep-th/1004.0718).
– Ambjørn, J., Jurkiewicz, J. and Loll, R., Deriving spacetime from first principles
Ann. of Phys. 19 (2010) 186-195.
– Anderson, E. and Franzen, A., Quantum cosmological metroland model, Class.
Quant. Grav. 27 (2010) 045009 (gr-qc/0909.2436).
– Arutyunov, G.E., Frolov, S. and Suzuki, R., Exploring the mirror TBA, JHEP
1005 (2010) 031 (arXiv: 0911.2224 [hep-th]).
– Arutyunov, G.E., de Leeuw, M. and Torrielli, A., On Yangian and long representations of the centrally extended su(2|2) superalgebra, JHEP 1006 (2010) 033 (arXiv:
0912.0209 [hep-th]).
– Arutyunov, G.E., Frolov, S. and Suzuki, R., Five-loop Konishi from the mirror
TBA, JHEP 1004 (2010) 069 (arXiv: 1002.1711 [hep-th]).
– Arzano, M., Kowalski-Glikman J. and Walkus A., A bound on Planck-scale modifications of the energy-momentum composition rule from atomic interferometry,
Europhys. Lett. 90 (2010) 30006 (hep-th/0912.2712).
– Arzano, M. , Kowalski-Glikman, J. and Walkus, A., Lorentz invariant field theory
on kappa-Minkowski space, Class. Quant. Grav. 27 (2010) 025012 (hep-th/0908.1974).
– Banerjee, N. and Dutta, S., Nonlinear hydrodynamics from flow of retarded Green’s
function. JHEP 1008 (2010) 041 (hep-th/1005.2367).
– Banerjee, N., Banerjee, S., Gupta, R.K., Mandal, I. and Sen, A., Supersymmetry, localization and quantum entropy function, JHEP 1002 (2010) 091 (hepth/0905.2686).
6. Academic publications
– Beenakker, W., Brensing, S., Laenen, E. and Niessen, I., et al., Supersymmetric
top and bottom squark production at hadron colliders, JHEP 1008 (2010) 098.
– Beenakker, W., Brensing, S., Kramer, M., Kulesza, A., Laenen, E. and Niessen, I.,
Supersymmetric top and bottom squark production at hadron colliders, JHEP 1008
(2010) 098.
– Beugeling, W., Goerbig, M.O. and Morais Smith, C., Chern-Simons theory of
multi-component quantum Hall systems, Phys. Rev. B. 81 (2010) 195303.
– Biswas, T., Koivisto, T. and Mazumdar A., Towards a resolution of the cosmological singularity in non-local higher derivative theories of gravity, JCAP 1011 (2010)
008 (hep-th/1005.0590).
– Cardoso, G.L., de Wit, B. and Mahapatra, S., BPS black holes, the Hesse potential,
and the topological string, JHEP 1006 (2010) 052 (hep-th/1003.1970).
– Christensen, J.D., Khavkine, I., Livine, E.R. and Speziale, S., The sub-leading
asymptotic behaviour of area correlations in the BarrettCrane model, Class. Quant.
Grav. 27 (2010) 035012 (gr-qc/0908.4476).
– de Wit, B. and Katmadas, S., Near-horizon analysis of D=5 BPS black holes and
rings JHEP 1002 (2010) 056 (hep-th/0910.4907).
– Dittrich, B. and Höhn, P.A., From covariant to canonical formulations of discrete
gravity, Class. Quant. Grav. 27 (2010) 155001.
– Forte, S., Laenen, E., Nason, P. and Rojo J., Heavy quarks in deep-inelastic scattering, Nucl. Phys. B 834 (2010) 116-162.
– Franzen, A., Gutti S. and Kiefer, C., Classical and quantum gravitational collapse
in the Lemaı̂tre–Tolman–Bondi model with positive cosmological constant, Class.
Quant. Grav. 27 (2010) 015011 (gr-qc/0908.3570).
– Gardi, E., Laenen, E., Stavenga, G. and White, C.D., Webs in multi-parton scattering using the replica trick, JHEP 1011 (2010) 155.
– Herquet, M., Knegjens, R. and Laenen, E., Single top production in a non-minimal
supersymmetric model, Phys. Lett. B 693 (2010) 591.
– Hristov, K., Looyestijn, H. and Vandoren, S., BPS black holes in N=2 D=4 gauged
supergravities, JHEP 1008 (2010) 103 (hep-th/1005.3650).
– Janssen, T. and Prokopec, T., The graviton one-loop effective action in cosmological
space-times with constant deceleration, Ann. of Phys. 325 (2010) 948-968 (grgc/0807.0447).
– Khavkine, I., Loll, R. and Reska, P., Coupling a point-like mass to quantum gravity
with causal dynamical triangulations, Class. Quant. Grav. 27 (2010) 185025 (grqc/1002.4618).
– Koivisto, T.S., Cosmology of modified (but second order) gravity, AIP Conf. Proc.
1206 (2010) 79-96 (gr-qc/0910.4097).
– Koivisto, T.S., Bouncing Palatini cosmologies and their perturbations, Phys. Rev.
D 82 (2010) 044022 (gr-qc/1004.4298).
– Koksma, J.F., Prokopec, T. and Schmidt, M.G., Entropy and correlators in quantum field theory, Ann. of Phys. 325 (2010) 1277-1303 (hep-th/1002.0749).
– Koksma, J.F., Dynamics driven by the trace anomaly in FLRW universes, AIP
Conf. Proc. 1241 (2010) 967-972 (gr-qc/0911.2997).
– Koksma, J.F., Prokopec, T. and Schmidt, M.G., Decoherence in an interacting
quantum field theory: the vacuum case, Phys. Rev. D 81 (2010) 065030 (hep-
Annual report 2010
– Laenen, E., Magnea, L., Stavenga, G. and White, C.D., On next-to-eikonal exponentiation, Nucl. Phys. B - Proc. Suppl. 205-206 (2010) 260.
– Lim, L.K., Hemmerich, A. and Morais Smith, C., Artificial staggered magnetic field
for ultracold atoms in optical lattices, Phys. Rev. A 81 (2010) 023404.
– Lim, L.K., Lazarides, A., Hemmerich, A. and Morais Smith, C., Competing pairing
states for ultracold fermions in optical lattices with an artificial staggered magnetic
field, Phys. Rev. A 82 (2010) 013616.
– Looyestijn, H., Plauschinn, E. and Vandoren, S., New potentials from ScherkSchwarz reductions, JHEP 1012 (2010) 016 (hep-th/1008.4286).
– Makogon, D., Alamir, A. and Morais Smith, C., Effects of disorder and interactions
in the quantum Hall ferromagnet, Phys. Rev. B 81 (2010) 045310.
– Plauschinn, E., Type IIB orientifolds, D-brane instantons and the LARGE volume
scenario, Fortsch. Phys. 58 (2010) 913-1019.
– Prokopec, T. and Weenink, J., Gauge invariant cosmological perturbations for
the nonminimally coupled inflaton field, Phys. Rev. D 82 (2010) 123510 (hepth/1007.2133).
– Prokopec, T. and Rigopoulos, G., Path integral for inflationary perturbations, Phys.
Rev. D 82 (2010) 023529 (gr-gc/1004.0882).
– Seevink, M.P., Pawlowski M., Kofler, J., Paterek, T. and Brukner, C., Nonlocal
setting and outcome information for violation of Bell’s inequality, New J. Phys. 12
(2010) 083051.
– Seevink, M.P., Monogamy of correlations vs. monogamy of entanglement, Quant.
Inf. Proc. 9 (2010) 273.
– ‘t Hooft, G., Black holes and quantum mechanics, Nucl. Phys. B - Proc. Suppl.
203-204 (2010) 155-174.
– ‘t Hooft, G., Classical cellular automata and quantum field theory, Int. J. Mod.
Phys. A 25 (2010) 4385-4396.
– van de Meent, M., Collisions in piecewise flat gravity in 3+1 dimensions, Class.
Quant. Grav. 27 (2010) 145003 (gr-gc/1002.3708).
– van Gelderen, R. and Morais Smith, C., Rashba and intrinsic spin-orbit interactions
in biased bilayer graphene, Phys. Rev. B 81 (2010) 125435.
– Weydert, C., et al., Herquet, M., Laenen, E., and Stavenga, G., Charged Higgs
boson production in association with a top quark in MC NLO, Eur. Phys. J. C 67
(2010) 617.
– Zumalacarregui, M., Koivisto, T.S., Mota, D.F. and Ruiz-Lapuente, P., Disformal
scalar fields and the dark sector of the universe, JCAP 1005 (2010) 038-050 (astroph.CO/1004.2684).
Nikhef Theory Group
– Akerblom, N., et al., Marginal deformations and 3-algebra structures Nucl. Phys.
B 826 (2010) 456.
– Akerblom, N. and Cornelissen, G., A compact codimension-two braneworld with
precisely one brane, Phys. Rev. D 81 (2010) 124025.
– Anastasopoulos, P., Leontaris, G.K., Richter, R. and Schellekens A.N., SU(5) Dbrane realizations, Yukawa couplings and proton stability, JHEP 1012 (2010) 011.
6. Academic publications
– Aybat, S.M. and George, D.P., Stability of scalar fields in warped extra dimensions,
JHEP 1009 (2010) 010.
– Bazzocchi F., et al., Calculable inverse-seesaw neutrino masses in supersymmetry,
Phys. Rev. D 81 (2010) 051701.
– Beenakker, W., Brensing, S., Laenen, E. and Niessen, I., et al., Supersymmetric
top and bottom squark production at hadron colliders, JHEP 1008 (2010) 098.
– Beenakker, W., Brensing, S., Kramer, M., Kulesza, A., Laenen, E. and Niessen, I.,
Supersymmetric top and bottom squark production at hadron colliders, JHEP 1008
(2010) 098.
– Binoth, T., et al. and Reiter, T., A proposal for a standard interface between Monte
Carlo tools and one-loop programs, Comp. Phys. Comm. 181 (2010) 1612.
– Binoth, T., et al. and Reiter T., Next-to-leading order QCD corrections to pp−− >
banti − bbanti − b + X at the LHC: the quark induced case, Phys. Lett. B 685
(2010) 291.
– Blumlein, J., et al. and Vermaseren J.A.M., The multiple zeta value data mine,
Comp. Phys. Comm. 181 (2010) 582.
– Cardoso, G.L. et al. and de Wit, B., BPS black holes, the Hesse potential, and the
topological string, JHEP 1006 (2010) 052.
– Cullen, G., et al. and Reiter, T., Recent progress in the Golem Project, Nucl. Phys.
B - Proc. Suppl. 205-206 (2010) 67.
– de Adelhart Toorop, R., Family physics with S4 and Pati-Salam, Prog. Part. Nucl.
Phys. 64 (2010) 318.
– de Adelhart Toorop, R., The interplay between grand unified and flavour symmetries in a Pati-Salam x S4 model, J. Phys. Conf. Series 259 (2010) 012099.
– de Adelhart Toorop, R., Bazzocchi, F. and Merlo, L., The interplay between GUT
and flavour symmetries in a Pati-Salam x S4 model, JHEP 1008 (2010) 001.
– de Bruyn, K., Fleischer, R. and Koppenburg, P., Extracting gamma and Penguin
topologies through CP Violation inBs0 − > J/psiKS , Eur. Phys. J. C 70 (2010)
– Fleischer, R., Serra, N., and Tuning, N., New strategy for Bs branching ratio measurements and the search for new physics in Bs0 − > µ+ µ− , Phys. Rev. D 82
(2010) 034038.
– Forte, S., Laenen, E., Nason, P. and Rojo J., Heavy quarks in deep-inelastic scattering, Nucl. Phys. B 834 (2010) 116-162.
– Gardi, E., Laenen, E., Stavenga, G. and White, C.D., Webs in multiparton scattering using the replica trick, JHEP 1011 (2010) 155.
– Gato-Rivera, B. and Schellekens, A.N., Asymmetric Gepner models (revisited),
Nucl. Phys. B 841 (2010) 100.
– Gato-Rivera, B. and Schellekens, A.N., Heterotic weight lifting, Nucl. Phys. B 828
(2010) 375.
– George, D.P., Stability of gravity-scalar systems for domain-wall models with a soft
wall, J. Phys. Conf. Series 259 (2010) 012034.
– Heinrich, G., et al. and Reiter, T., Tensorial reconstruction at the integrand level,
JHEP 1010 (2010) 105.
– Herquet, M., Knegjens, R. and Laenen, E., Single top production in a non-minimal
supersymmetric model, Phys. Lett. B 693 (2010) 591.
Annual report 2010
– Hiyama, E., Motoba, T., Rijken, T.A. and Yamamoto Y., Baryon-baryon interactions and hypernuclei, Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. 185 (2010) 1.
– Kiritsis, E., Lennek, M. and Schellekens, B., SU(5) orientifolds, Yukawa couplings,
stringy instantons and proton decay, Nucl. Phys. B 829 (2010) 298.
– Laenen, E., Magnea, L., Stavenga, G. and White, C.D., On next-to-eikonal exponentiation, Nucl. Phys. B - Proc. Suppl. 205-206 (2010) 260.
– Lebedev, O., Papineau, C. and Postma, M., On inflation in the presence of a
gaugino condensate, Phys. Lett. B 684 (2010) 154.
– Maio, M. and Schellekens, A.N., Complete analysis of extensions of D(n)1 permutation orbifolds, Nucl. Phys. B 826 (2010) 511.
– Maio, M. and Schellekens, A.N., Formula for fixed point resolution matrix of permutation orbifolds, Nucl. Phys. B 830 (2010) 116.
– Mastrolia, P., et al., Reiter, T., Scattering amplitudes from unitarity-based reduction algorithm at the integrand-level, JHEP 1008 (2010) 080.
– Mooij, S. and Postma, M., Hybrid inflation with moduli stabilization and low scale
supersymmetry breaking, J. Cosm. Astrop. Phys. 06 (2010) 012.
– Ngome, J.P., Horvathy, P.A. and van Holten, J.W., Dynamical supersymmetry of
the spin particle-magnetic field interaction, J. Phys. A 43 (2010) 285401.
– Papineau, C., Postma, M. and Ramos-Sanchez, S., Dynamics of moduli and gaugino
condensates in an expanding universe, J. Cosm. Astrop. Phys. 02 (2010) 017.
– Postma, M., M-flation and its spectators, J. Cosm. Astrop. Phys. 11 (2010) 038.
– Reiter, T., Optimising code generation with haggies, Comp. Phys. Comm. 181
(2010) 1301.
– Soar, G., Moch, S., Vermaseren, J.A.M. and Vogt, A., On Higgs-exchange DIS, physical evolution kernels and fourth-order splitting functions at large x, Nucl. Phys.
B 832 (2010) 152.
– Tentyukov, M. and Vermaseren J.A.M., The multithreaded version of FORM, Comp.
Phys. Comm. 181 (2010) 1419.
– Vermaseren, J.A.M., FORM facts, Nucl. Phys. B - Proc. Suppl. 205-206 (2010)
– Vogt, A., Soar, G., Moch, S. and Vermaseren, J.A.M., On higher-order flavoursinglet splitting and coefficient functions at large X Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.)
205-206 (2010) 250.
– Weydert, C., et al., Herquet, M., Laenen, E., and Stavenga, G., Charged Higgs
boson production in association with a top quark in MC NLO, Eur. Phys. J. C 67
(2010) 617.
Theme 2
University of Amsterdam
– Allahverdyan, A.E., Balian, R. and Nieuwenhuizen, T.M., Simultaneous measurement of non-commuting observables, Phys. E-Low-Dim. Syst. and Nanostr. 42
– Calabrese, P., Campostrini, M., Essler, F. and Nienhuis, B., Parity effects in the
6. Academic publications
scaling of block entanglement in gapless spin chains, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104 (2010)
Deng, Y.J., Guo, W.N., Heringa, J.R., Blöte, H.W.J. and Nienhuis, B., Phase
transitions in self-dual generalizations of the Baxter-Wu model, Nucl. Phys. B 827
de Gier, J., Nienhuis, B. and Ponsaing, A., Exact spin quantum Hall current between boundaries of a lattice strip, Nucl. Phys. B 838 (2010).
Estienne, B., Andrei, B. and Santachiara, R., Electron-quasihole duality and second
order differential equation for Read-Rezayi and Jack wave functions, Phys. Rev.
B 82 (2010).
Estienne, B., Renormalization group flows for the second Zn parafermionic field
theory for N even, Phys. Rev. B, 691 (2010).
Estienne, B., Regnault, N. and Santachiara, R., Clustering properties, Jack polynomials and unitary conformal field theories, Nucl. Phys. B 824 (2010).
Faribault, A., Calabrese, P. and Caux, J.-S., Dynamical correlation functions of
the mesoscopic pairing model, Phys. Rev. B 81 (2010) 174507.
Huijse, L. and Schoutens, K., Supersymmetry, lattice fermions, independence complexes and cohomology theory, Adv. Theor. and Math. Phy. 12 (2010).
Ilan, R., Grosfeld, E., Schoutens, K. and Stern, A., Fabry-Perot interferometer
and non-Abelian quantum Hall states, Persp. Mesosc. Phys. 2019 (2010), ISBN
Kormos, M. and Pozsgay, B., One-point functions in massive integrable QFT with
boundaries, JHEP 1004 (2010) 112.
Mossel, J. and Caux, J.-S., Relaxation dynamics in the gapped XXZ spin-1/2 chain,
New J. Phys. 12 (2010) 055028.
Mossel, J., Palacios, G. and Caux, J.-S., Geometric quenches in quantum integrable
systems, J. Stat. Mech. (2010) L09001 (refereed).
Mussardo, G., Kormos, M. and Pozsgay, B., Bethe ansatz matrix elements as nonrelativistic limits of form factors of quantum field theory, J. Stat. Mech. 1005
(2010) P05014.
Nieuwenhuizen, T.M., Keefe, P.D. and Spicka, V., Proceedings of the international
conference frontiers of quantum and mesoscopic thermodynamics, Phys. E-LowDim. Syst. and Nanostr. 42 (2010).
Nieuwenhuizen, T.M. and Spicka, V., Bose-Einstein condensed supermassive black
holes: A case of renormalized quantum field theory in curved space-time, Phys.
E-Low-Dim. Syst. and Nanostr. 42 (2010).
Pozsgay, B., On O(1) contributions to the free energy in Bethe Ansatz systems: the
exact g-function, JHEP 08 (2010) 090.
Pozsgay, B. and Takacs, G., Form factor expansion for thermal correlators, J. Stat.
Mech. P11012 (2010).
Saleur, H. and Pozsgay, B., Scattering and duality in the 2 dimensional OSP(2—2)
Gross Neveu and sigma models, JHEP 1002 (2010) 008.
Pruisken, A.M.M. and Burmistrov, I.S., The problem of 201cmacroscopic charge
quantization in single electron devices, Phys. Ref. B 81 (2010) 085428-085449.
Pruisken, A.M.M., Topological principles in the theory of Anderson localization, J.
Mod. Phys. B 24 (2010) 1895-1949.
Annual report 2010
– Spicka, V., Nieuwenhuizen, T.M. and Keefe, P.D., Physics at the FMQT201908
conference, Phys. E-Low-Dim. Syst. and Nanostr. 42 (2010).
– Titvinidze, I., Snoek, M. and Hofstetter, W., Resonant superfluidity in an optical
lattice, New J. Phys. 12 (2010) 065030.
– Wang, Y.C., Guo, W.A., Nienhuis, B. and Blöte H.W.J., Conducting-angle-based
percolation in the XY model, Phys. Rev. E 81 (2010) 031117.
– Wernsdorfer, J., Snoek, M. and Hofstetter, W., Lattice-Ramp induced dynamics in
an interacting Bose-Bose mixture, Phys. Rev. A 81 (2010) 043620.
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
– Broedersz, C.P., Depken, M., et al., Cross-link governed dynamics of biopolymer
networks, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 (2010) 238101.
– Broedersz, C.P., Kasza, K.E., et al., Measurement of nonlinear rheology of crosslinked biopolymer gels Soft Matt. 6(17) (2010) 4120-4127.
– Das, M. and MacKintosh, F.C., Poisson’s ratio in composite elastic media with
rigid rods, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 (2010).
– Fakhri, N., MacKintosh, F.C., et al., Brownian motion of stiff filaments in a crowded environment, Science 330 (2010) 1804-1807.
– Gbur, G. and Visser, T.D., The structure of partially coherent fields, Progr. Opt.
55 (2010) 285-341.
– Gremaud, R., Broedersz, C.P., et al., Hydrogenography of MgyNi1-yHx gradient
thin films: interplay between the thermodynamics and kinetics of hydrogenation,
Acta Mat. 58 (2010) 658-668.
– Kapitein, L.C., Schlager, M.A., Kuijpers, M., Wulf, P.S., van Spronsen, M., MacKintosh, F.C. and Hoogenraad, C.C., Mixed microtubules steer dynein-driven cargo
transport into dendrites, Curr. Bio. 20 (2010) 290-299.
– Kasza, K.E., Broedersz, C.P., et al., Actin filament length tunes elasticity of flexibly
cross-linked actin networks, Biophys. J. 99 (2010) 1091-1100.
– Koenderink, G.H. and MacKintosh, F.C., Actieve materialeigenschappen van de
levende cel, Ned. Tijdschr. Nat. 76 (2010) 146.
– Lin, Y.-C., Broedersz, C.P., et al., Divalent cations crosslink vimentin intermediate
filament tail domains to regulate network mechanics, J. of Mol. Bio. 399 (2010)
– Lin, Y.-C., Yao, N.Y., Broedersz, C.P., et al., Origins of elasticity in intermediate
filament networks, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104 (2010).
– MacKintosh, F.C. and Schmidt, C.F., Active cellular materials, Curr. Op. Cell
Bio. 22 (2010) 29-35.
– Mayer, M., Depken, M., et al., Anisotropies in cortical tension reveal the physical
basis of polarizing cortical flows, Nature 467 (2010) 617-U150.
– Piechocka, I.K., Bacabac, R.G., et al., Structural hierarchy governs fibrin gel mechanics, Biophys. J. 98 (2010) 2281-2289.
– Raghunathan, S.B., van Dijk, T., et al., Experimental demonstration of an intensity
minimum at the focus of a laser beam created by spatial coherence: application to
the optical trapping of dielectric particles, Optics Lett. 35 (2010) 4166-4168.
– Sept, D. and MacKintosh, F.C., Microtubule elasticity: connecting all-atom simulations with continuum mechanics, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104 (2010).
6. Academic publications
– van den Broek, B., Noom, M.C., van Mameren, J., Battle, C., MacKintosh, F.C.
and Wuite, G.J., Visualizing the formation and collapse of DNA toroids, Biophys.
J. 98 (2010) 1902-1910.
– van Dijk, T., Fischer, D.G., et al., Effects of spatial coherence on the angular
distribution of radiant intensity generated by scattering on a sphere, Phys. Rev.
Lett. 104 (2010).
– van Dijk, T., Schouten, H.F., et al., The Pancharatnam-Berry phase for non-cyclic
polarization changes, Optics Expr. 18 (2010) 10796-10804.
– van Dijk, T., Schouten, H.F., et al., Geometric interpretation of the Pancharatnam
connection and non-cyclic polarization changes, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 27 (2010)
– Visser, T.D. and Wolf, E., The origin of the Gouy phase anomaly and its generalization to astigmatic wavefields, Optics Comm. 283 (2010) 3371-3375.
– Yao, N.Y., Broedersz, C.P., et al., Elasticity in ionically cross-linked neurofilament
networks, Biophys. J. 98 (2010) 2147-2153.
University of Groningen
– Redig, F., Roelly, S. and Ruszel, W.M., Short-time Gibbsianness for infinitedimensional diffusions with space-time interaction, J. Stat. Phys. 138 (2010)
– van Enter, A.C.D., Kuelske, C., Opoku, A.A. and Ruszel, W.M., Gibbs-non-Gibbs
properties for n-vector lattice and mean-field models, J. Prob. Stat. 24 (2010)
– van Enter, A.C.D. and Verbitskiy, E., Erasure entropies and Gibbs measures, Markov Proc. Rel. Fields 16 (2010) 3-15.
– van Enter, A.C.D., Fernández, R., den Hollander, W.T.F. and Redig, F., A large
deviation view of dynamical Gibbs-non-Gibbs transitions, Mosc. Math. J. 10 (2010)
Leiden University
– Ament, L.J.P. and Khaliullin, G., Theory of Raman and resonant inelastic X-ray
scattering from collective orbital excitations in YTiO3, Phys. Rev. B 81 (2010)
– Akhmerov, A.R., Topological quantum computation away from the ground state
with Majorana fermions, Phys Rev. B 82 (2010) 020509.
– Baiesi, M., Barkema, G.T. and Carlon, E., Elastic lattice polymers, Phys. Rev. E
81 (2010) 061801.
– Baiesi, M., Barkema, G.T., Carlon, E. and Panja, D., Unwinding dynamics of
double-stranded polymers, J. Chem. Phys. 133 (2010) 061801.
– Bardarson, J.H., Medvedyeva, M.V., Tworzydlo, J., Akhmerov, A.R. and Beenakker, C.W.J., Absence of a metallic phase in charge-neutral graphene with a random
gap, Phys. Rev. B 81 (2010) 121414.
– Beri, B., Topologically stable gapless phases of time-reversal invariant superconductors, Phys. Rev. B 81 (2010) 134515.
– Braicovich, L., Sala, M.M., Ament, L.J.P., Bisogni, V., Minola, M., Balestrino, G.,
Di Castro, D., De Luca, G. M., Salluzzo, M., Ghiringhelli, G. and van den Brink,
Annual report 2010
J., Momentum and polarization dependence of single-magnon spectral weight for
Cu L-3-edge resonant inelastic X-ray scattering from layered cuprates, Phys. Rev.
B 81 (2010) 174533.
Braicovich, L., van den Brink, J., Bisogni, V., Sala, M.M., Ament, L.J.P., Brookes,
N.B., De Luca, G.M., Salluzzo, M., Schmitt, T., Strocov, V.N. and Ghiringhelli,
G., Magnetic excitations and phase separation in the underdoped La2-xSrxCuO4
superconductor measured by resonant inelastic X-ray scattering, Phys. Rev. Lett.
104 (2010) 077002.
Chen, K., Ellenbroek, W.G., Zhang, Z.X., Chen, D.T.N., Yunker, P.J., Henkes, S.,
Brito, C. Dauchot, O., van Saarloos, W., Liu, A.J. and Yodh, A.G., Low-frequency
vibrations of soft colloidal glasses, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 (20100 025501).
Dahlhaus, J.P., Beri, B. and Beenakker, C.W.J., Random-matrix theory of thermal
conduction in superconducting quantum dots, Phys. Rev. B 82 (2010) 014536.
Dahlhaus, J.P., Hou, C-Y., Akhmerov, A.R. and Beenakker, C.W.J., Geodesic
scattering by surface deformations of a topological insulator, Phys. Rev. B 82
(2010) 085312.
Deng, Y.J., Guo, W.O., Heringa, J. R., Blöte, H.W.J. and Nienhuis, B., Phase
transitions in self-dual generalizations of the Baxter-Wu model, Nucl. Phys. B 827
(2010) 406.
Feng, X.M. and Blöte, H.W.J., Specific heat of the simple-cubic Ising model, Phys.
Rev. E 81 (2010) 031103.
Fulga, I.C. Hassler, F. and Beenakker, C.W.J., Nonzero temperature effects on
antibunched photons emitted by a quantum point contact out of equilibrium, Phys.
Rev. B 81 (2010) 115331
Geim, A., Zaanen, J., Bell, G., du Sautoy, M. and Aspelmeyer, M., 50 Ideas to
change science, New Sci. 208 (2010) 2782.
Guarise, M., Dalla Piazza, B., Sala, M.M., Ghiringhelli, G., Braicovich, L., Berger,
H., Hancock, J.N., van der Marel, D., Schmitt, T. Strocov, V.N., Ament, L.J.P.,
van den Brink, J., Lin, P.H., Xu, P., Ronnow, H.M. and Grioni, M., Measurement
of magnetic excitations in the two-dimensional antiferromagnetic Sr2CuO2Cl2 insulator using resonant X-ray scattering: evidence for extended interactions, Phys.
Rev. Lett. 105 (2010) 157006.
Habraken, S.J.M. and Nienhuis, G., Geometric phases in higher-order transverse
optical modes, Proc. of SPIE 7613 (2010).
Habraken, S.J.M. and Nienhuis, G., Geometric phases in astigmatic optical modes
of arbitrary order, J. Math. Phys. 51 (2010) 082702-1-19.
Habraken, S.J.M. and Nienhuis, G., Universal description of geometric phases in
higher-order optical modes bearing orbital angular momentum, Optics Lett. 20
(2010) 3535-3537.
Hassler, F., Akhmerov, A.R. and Beenakker, C.W.J., Flat-lens focusing of electrons
on the surface of a topological insulator, Phys. Rev. B 82 (2010) 125423.
Hassler, F., Akhmerov, A.R., Hou, C.Y. and Beenakker, C.W.J., Anyonic interferometry without anyons: how a flux qubit can read out a topological qubit, New J.
Phys. 12 (2010) 125002.
Henkes, S., Brito, C., Dauchot, O. and van Saarloos, W., Local Coulomb versus
global failure criterion for granular packings, Soft Matt. 6 (2010) 2939.
6. Academic publications
– Henkes, S., Shundyak, K., van Saarloos, W. and van Hecke, M., Local contact
numbers in two-dimensional packings of frictional disks, Soft Matt. 6 (2010) 2935.
– Henkes, S., van Hecke, M. and van Saarloos, W., Critical jamming of frictional
grains in the generalized isostaticity picture, EPL 90 (2010) 14003.
– Huisman, E.M., Heussinger, C., Storm, C. and Barkema, G.T., Semiflexible filamentous composites, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 (2010) 118101.
– Huisman, E.M., Storm C. and Barkema, G.T., Frequency-dependent stiffening of
semiflexible networks: a dynamical non-affine to affine transition, PRE 82 (2010)
– Irvine, W.T.M., Vitelli, V. and Chaikin, P.M., Pleats in crystals on curved surfaces,
Nature 468 (2010) 947.
– Johnston, S., Vernay, F., Moritz, B., Shen, Z.X., Nagaosa, N., Zaanen, J. and
Devereaux, T.P., A systitatic study of electron-phonon coupling to oxygen modes
across the cuprates, Phys. Rev. B 82 (2010) 064513.
– Juricic, V., Vafek, O. and Herbut, I.F., Conductivity of interacting massless Dirac
particles in graphene: collisionless regime, Phys. Rev. B 82 (2010) 235402.
– Katgert, G., Tighe, B.P., Mobius, M.E. and van Hecke, M., Couette flow of twodimensional foams, EPL 90 (2010) 54002.
– Kuipers, J. and Barkema, G.T., Limitations of a Fokker-Planck description of
nucleation, Phys. Rev. E 82 (2010) 011128.
– Kuipers, J. and Barkema, G.T., Simulations of a non-Markovian description of
nucleation, J. Chem. Phys. 132 (2010) 184109.
– Kumar, S., Giovannetti, G., van den Brink, J. and Picozzi, S., Theoretical prediction of multiferroicity in double perovskite Y2NiMnO6, Phys. Rev. B 82 (2010)
– Kumar, S., van den Brink, J. and Kampf, A.P., Spin-spiral states in undoped
manganites: role of finite Hund’s rule coupling, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104 (2010)
– Kung, B., Gustavsson, S., Choi, T., Shorubalko, I., Pfaffli, O., Hassler, F., Blatter,
G., Reinwald, M., Wegscheider, W., Schön, S., Ihn, T. and Ensslin, K., Measurement back-action in quantum point-contact charge sensing, Entropy 12 (2010)
– Medvedyeva, M.V., Tworzydlo, J. and Beenakker, C.W.J., Effective mass and tricritical point for lattice fermions localized by a random mass, Phys. Rev. B 81
(2010) 214203.
– Meevasana, W., Zhou, X.J., Moritz, B., Chen, C-C., He, R.H., Fujimori, S-I., Lu,
D.H., Mo, S-K., Moore, R.G., Baumberger, F., Devereaux, T.P., van der Marel,
D., Nagaosa, N., Zaanen, J. and Shen, Z-X., Strong energy-momentum dispersion
of phonon-dressed carriers in the lightly doped band insulator SrTiO3, New J. of
Phys. 12 (2010) 023004.
– Mesaros, A., Sadri, D. and Zaanen, J., Parallel transport of electrons in graphene
parallels gravity, Phys. Rev. B 82 (2010) 073405.
– Mesaros, A., Papanikolaou, S., Flipse, C.F.J., Sadri, D. and Zaanen, J., Electronic
states of graphene grain boundaries, Phys. Rev. B 82 (2010) 205119.
– Nilsson, J. and Akhmerov, A.R., Theory of non-abelian Fabry-Perot interferometry
in topological insulators, Phys. Rev. B 81 (2010) 205110.
Annual report 2010
– Panja, D. and Barkema, G.T., Simulations of two-dimensional unbiased polymer
translocation using the bond fluctuation model, J. Chem. Phys. 132 (2010) 014902.
– Prinsen, P., van der Schoot, P., Gelbart, M. and Knobler, C.M., Multishell structures of virus coat proteins, J. Phys. Chem. B 114 (2010) 5522.
– Serban, I., Beri, B., Akhmerov, A.R. and Beenakker, C.W.J., Domain wall in a
chiral p-wave superconductor: a pathway for electrical current, Phys. Rev. Lett.
104 (2010) 147001.
– Serban, I., Dykman, M.I. and Wilhelm, F.K., Relaxation of a qubit measured by a
driven Duffing oscillator, Phys. Rev. A 81 (2010) 022305.
– She, J.-H., Zaanen, J., Bischop, A.R. and Balatsky, A.V., Stability of quantum
critical points in the presence of competing orders, Phys. Rev. B 82 (2010) 165128.
– Stuiver, A. and Barkema, G.T., Simulations of color development in tinted paints,
J. Coll. Interf. Sci. 344 (2010) 256.
– Sultan, E., van de Meent, J.W., Somfai, E., Morozov, A.N. and van Saarloos, W.,
Polymer rheology simulations at the meso-and macroscopic scale, EPL 90 (2010)
– Tighe, B.P., Snoeijer, J.H., Vlugt, T.J.H. and van Hecke, M., The force network
ensemble for granular packings, Soft Matt. 6 (2010) 2908.
– Tighe, B.P. and Vlugt, T.J.H., Force balance in canonical ensembles of static granular packings, J. Stat. Mech: Theory and Exp. P01015 (2010).
– Tighe, B.P., Woldhuis, E., Ritmers, J.J.C., van Saarloos, W., and van Hecke, M.,
Model for the scaling of stresses and fluctuations in flows near jamming, Phys.
Rev. Lett. 105 (2010) 088303.
– Turner, A.M., Vitelli, V. and Nelson, D.R., Vortices on curved surfaces, Rev. of
Mod. Phys. 82 (2010) 1301.
– van Leeuwen, J.M.J., The domino effect, Am. J. Phys. 78 (2010) 721.
– Vitelli, V., Attenuation of shear sound waves in jammed solids, Soft Matt. 6 (2010)
– Vitelli, V., Xu, N., Wyart, M., Liu, A.J., and Nagel, S.R., Heat transport in model
jammed solids, PRE 81 (2010) 021301.
– Wang, Y.C., Guo, W.A., Nienhuis, B., and Blöte, H.W.J., Conducting-angle-based
percolation in the XY model, Phys. Rev. E 81 (2010) 031117.
– Wimmer, M., Akhmerov, A.R., Medvedyeva, M.V., Tworzydlo, J., and Beenakker,
C.W.J., Majorana bound states without vortices in topological superconductors with
electrostatic defects, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 (2010) 046803.
– Wimmer, M., Akhmerov, A.R., and Guinea, F., Robustness of edge states in graphene quantum dots, Phys. Rev. B 82 (2010) 045409.
– Wurm, J., Wimmer, M., Baranger, H.U. and Richter, K., Graphene rings in magnetic fields: Aharonov-Bohm effect and valley splitting, Semicond. Sci. Technol.
25 (2010) 034003.
– Xu, N. Vitelli, V., Liu, A.J. and Nagel, S.R., Anharmonic and quasi-localized vibrations in jammed solids-Modes for mechanical failure, EPL 90 (2010) 56001.
– Yavas, H., van Veenendaal, M., van den Brink, J., Ament, L.J.P., Alatas, A., Leu,
B.M., Apostu, M.O., Wizent, N., Behr, G., Sturhahn, W., Sinn, G. and Alp, E.E.
Observation of phonons with resonant inelastic X-ray scattering, J. Phys.-Cond.
Matt. 22 (2010) 485601.
6. Academic publications
– Zaanen, J., High-temperature superconductivity: the benefit of fractal dirt, NATURE 466 (2010) 825-827.
– Zaanen, J., The AdS/CFT correspondence, Superconductors from black holes, New
Sci. 2783 (2010) 35.
Radboud University Nijmegen
– Gorelov, E., Kolorenc, J., Wehling, T., Hafermann, H., Shick, A.B., Rubtsov,
A.N., Landa, A., McMahan, A.K., Anisimov, V.I., Katsnelson, M.I. and Lichtenstein, A.I., Importance of full Coulomb interactions for understanding the electronic
structure of delta-Pu, Phys. Rev. B 82 (2010) 085117.
– Guinea, F., Geim, A.K., Katsnelson, M.I. and Novoselov, K.S., Generating quantizing pseudomagnetic fields by bending graphene ribbons, Phys. Rev. B 81 (2010)
– Guinea, F., Katsnelson, M.I. and Geim, A.K., Energy gaps and a zero-field quantum
Hall effect in graphene by strain engineering, Nature Phys. 6 (2010) 30-33.
– Katsnelson, M.I., Aharonov-Bohm effect in undoped graphene: magnetotransport
via evanescent waves, EPL 89 (2010) 17001.
– Katsnelson, M.I., Just add water, Science 329 (2010) 1157-1158.
– Katsnelson, M.I., Kvashnin, Y.O., Mazurenko, V.V. and Lichtenstein, A.I., Correlated band theory of spin and orbital contributions to Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions, Phys. Rev. B 82 (2010) 100403.
– Katsnelson, M.I. and Lichtenstein, A.I., Theory of optically forbidden d-d transitions in strongly correlated crystals, J. Phys.-Cond. Matt. 22 (2010) 382201.
– Klintenberg, M., Lebegue, S., Katsnelson, M.I. and Eriksson, O., Theoretical analysis of the chemical bonding and electronic structure of graphene interacting with
Group IA and Group VIIA elements, Phys. Rev. B 81 (2010) 085433.
– Krivenko, I.S., Rubtsov, A.N., Katsnelson, M.I. and Lichtenstein, A.I., Analytical
approximation for single-impurity Anderson model, JETP Lett. 91 (2010) 319-325.
– Luo, W., Johansson, B., Eriksson, O., Arapan, S., Souvatzis, P., Katsnelson, M.I.
and Ahuja, R., Dynamical stability of body center cubic iron at the earth’s core
conditions, Proc. Nat. Ac. of Sci. USA 107 (2010) 9962-9964.
– Manyuhina, O.V., Hetzel, J.J., Katsnelson, M.I. and Fasolino, A., Non-spherical
shapes of capsules within a fourth-order curvature model, Eur. Phys. J. E 32 (2010)
– McCreary, K.M., Pi, K., Swartz, A.G., Han, W., Bao, W., Lau, C.N., Guinea,
F., Katsnelson, M.I. and Kawakami, R.K., Effect of cluster formation on graphene
mobility, Phys. Rev. B 81 (2010) 115453.
– Meijer, A.S., de Wijn, A.S., Peters, M.F.E., Dam, N.J. and van de Water, W.,
Coherent Rayleigh-Brillouin scattering measurements of bulk viscosity of polar and
nonpolar gases, and kinetic theory, J. Chem. Phys. 133 (2010) 164315.
– Mentink, J.H., Tretyakov, M.V., Fasolino, A., Katsnelson, M.I. and Rasing, T.,
Stable and fast semi-implicit integration of the stochastic Landau-Lifshitz equation,
J.Phys.-Cond. Matt. 22 (2010) 176001.
– Ponomarenko, L.A., Yang, R., Gorbachev, R.V., Blake, P., Mayorov, A.S., Novoselov, K.S., Katsnelson, M.I. and Geim, A.K., Density of states and zero Landau
level probed through capacitance of graphene, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 (2010) 136801.
Annual report 2010
– Principi, A., Polini, M., Vignale, G. and Katsnelson, M.I., Many-body orbital paramagnetism in doped graphene sheets, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104 (2010) 225503.
– Rudenko, A.N., Keil, F.J., Katsnelson, M.I. and Lichtenstein, A.I., Adsorption of
diatomic halogen molecules on graphene: a van der Waals density functional study,
Phys. Rev. B 82 (2010) 035427.
– Sanchez-Barriga, J., Minar, J., Braun, J., Varykhalov, A., Boni, V., Di Marco, I.,
Rader, O., Bellini, V., Manghi, F., Ebert, H., Katsnelson, M. I., Lichtenstein, A.I.,
Eriksson, O., Eberhardt, W., Durr, H.A. and Fink, J., Quantitative determination
of spin-dependent quasiparticle lifetimes and electronic correlations in hcp cobalt,
Phys. Rev. B 82 (2010) 104414.
– Savini, G., Dappe, Y.J., Oberg, S., Charlier, J.C., Katsnelson, M.I. and Fasolino,
A., Bending modes, elastic constants and mechanical stability of graphitic systems,
Carbon 49 (2011) 62-69.
– Souvatzis, P., Legut, D., Eriksson, O. and Katsnelson, M.I., Ab initio study of
interacting lattice vibrations and stabilization of the beta phase in Ni-Ti shapememory alloy, Phys. Rev. B 81 (2010) 092201.
– Urtsev, V.N., Gornostyrev, Y.N., Katsnelson, M.I., Shmakov, A.B., Korolev, A.V.,
Degtyarev, V.N., Mokshin, E.D. and Voronin, V.I., Interrelation of magnetic and
lattice degrees of freedom in the system Fe-C, Steel 101 (2010).
– Vieitez, M.O., van Duijn, E.J., Ubachs, W., Witschas, B., Meijer, A., de Wijn, A.S.,
Dam, N.J. and van de Water, W., Coherent and spontaneous Rayleigh-Brillouin
scattering in atomic and molecular gases and gas mixtures, Phys. Rev. A 82 (2010)
– Vozmediano, M.A.H., Katsnelson, M.I. and Guinea, F., Gauge fields in graphene,
Physics Lett. 496 (2010) 109-148.
– Wehling, T.O., Balatsky, A.V., Katsnelson, M.I., Lichtenstein, A.I. and Rosch, A.,
Orbitally controlled Kondo effect of Co adatoms on graphene, Phys. Rev. B 81
(2010) 115427.
– Wehling, T.O., Dahal, H.P., Lichtenstein, A.I., Katsnelson, M.I., Manoharan, H.C.
and Balatsky, A.V., Theory of Fano resonances in graphene: the influence of orbital
and structural symmetries on STM spectra, Phys. Rev. B 81 (2010) 085413.
– Wehling, T.O., Yuan, S., Lichtenstein, A.I., Geim, A.K. and Katsnelson, M.I.,
Resonant scattering by realistic impurities in graphene, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105
(2010) 056802.
– Yuan, S.J., De Raedt, H. and Katsnelson, M.I., Modeling electronic structure and
transport properties of graphene with resonant scattering centers, Phys. Rev. B 82
(2010) 115448.
– Zakharchenko, K.V., Los, J.H., Katsnelson, M.I. and Fasolino, A., Atomistic simulations of structural and thermodynamic properties of bilayer graphene, Phys.
Rev. B 81 (2010) 235439.
– Zakharchenko, K. V., Roldan, R., Fasolino, A. and Katsnelson, M. I., Self-consistent
screening approximation for flexible membranes: Application to graphene, Phys.
Rev. B 82 (2010) 125435.
6. Academic publications
Utrecht University
– Baarsma, J.E., Gubbels, K.B. and Stoof, H.T.C., Population and mass imbalance
in atomic Fermi gases, Phys. Rev. A 82 (2010) 013624 (arXiv: 0912.420).
– Baiesi, M., Barkema, G.T. and Carlon, E., Elastic lattice polymers, Phys. Rev. E
81 (2010) 061801.
– Baiesi, M., Barkema, G.T., Carlon, E. and Panja, D., Unwinding dynamics of
double-stranded polymers, J. Chem. Phys. 133 (2010) 154907.
– Belli, S., Patti, A., van Roij, R. and Dijkstra, M., Heterogeneous dynamics in
columnar liquid crystals of parallel hard rods, J. Chem. Phys. 133 (2010) 154514.
– Beugeling, W., Goerbig, M.O. and Morais Smith, C., Chern-Simons theory of
multi-component quantum Hall systems, Phys. Rev. B 81 (2010) 195303.
– Bier, M., Dijkstra, M., and van Roij, R., Phase diagrams of binary mixtures of oppositely charged colloids, J. Chem. Phys. 133 (2010) 124501 (cond-mat/1005.3961).
– Boon, N., Carvajal Gallardo, E., Zheng, S., Eggen, E., Dijkstra, M. and van Roij,
R., Screening of heterogeneous surfaces: charge renormalization of Janus particles,
J. Phys.-Cond. Matt. 22 (2010) 104104 (cond-mat/0904.2532).
– de Graaf, J., Dijkstra, M. and van Roij, R., Adsorption trajectories and free-energy
separatrices for colloidal particles in contact with a liquid-liquid interface, J. Chem.
Phys. 132 (2010) 164902 (cond-mat/1002.3536).
– Duine, R.A., Fysica 2010 focussessie Nanofysica, Ned. Tijdschr. Nat. 76 (2010)
– Duine, R.A., Polini, M., Stoof, H.T.C. and Vignale, G., Spin drag in an ultracold
Fermi gas on the verge of a ferromagnetic instability, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104 (2010)
– Duine, R.A., van Driel, H.J. and Stoof, H., Koude atomen bieden weerstand Ned.
Tijdschr. Nat. 76 (2010) 292.
– Eltschka, M., Wötzel, M., Rhensius, J., Krzyk, S., Nowak, U., Kläui, M., Kasama,
T., Dunin-Borkowski, R.E., Heyderman, L.J., van Driel, H. J. and Duine, R.A.,
Non-adiabatic spin torque investigated using thermally activated magnetic domain
wall dynamics, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 (2010) 056601.
– Haseloh, S., van der Schoot, P. and Zentel, R., Control of mesogen configuration
in colloids of liquid crystalline polymers, Soft Matt. 6 (2010) 4112-4119.
– Hermant, M.C., van der Schoot, P., Klumperman, B., and Koning, C.E., Probing the co-operative nature of the conductive components in polystyrene/poly (3,4ethylenedioxythiophene): poly(styrene sulfonate) - single-walled carbon nanotube
composites, ACS NANO 4 (2010) 2242-2248.
– Huisman, E.M., Heussinger, C., Storm C. and Barkema, G.T., Semiflexible filamentous composites, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 (2010) 118101.
– Huisman, E.M., Storm C. and Barkema, G.T., Frequency-dependent stiffening of
semiflexible networks: a dynamical non-affine to affine transition, PRE 82 (2010)
– Jabbari-Farouji, S. and van der Schoot, P., Competing templated and self-assembly
in supramolecular polymers, Macromolecules 43 (2010) 5833-5844.
– Janssen, P., Meeuwenoord, N., van der Marel, G., Jabbari-Farouji, S., van der
Schoot, P., Tomovic, Z., Meijer, E.W. and Schenning, A., ssDNA templated assembly of oligo(p-phenylenevinylene)s, Chem. Comm. 46 (2010) 109-111
Annual report 2010
– Jonietz, F., Mühlbauer, S., Pfleiderer, C., Neubauer, A., Münzer, W., Bauer, A.,
Adams, T., Georgii, R., Böni, P., Duine, R.A., Everschor, K., Garst, M. and Rosch,
A., Spin transfer torques in MnSi at ultra-low current densities, Science 330 (2010)
– Kuipers, J. and Barkema, G.T., Limitations of a Fokker-Planck description of
nucleation, Phys. Rev. E 82 (2010) 011128.
– Kuipers, J. and Barkema, G.T., Simulations of a non-Markovian description of
nucleation, J. Chem. Phys. 132 (2010) 184109.
– Lih-King, L., Hemmerich, A. and Morais Smith, C., Artificial staggered magnetic
field for ultracold atoms in optical lattices, Phys. Rev. A 81 (2010) 023404.
– Lih-King, L., Lazarides, A., Hemmerich, A. and Morais Smith, C., Competing
pairing states for ultracold fermions in optical lattices with an artificial staggered
magnetic field, Phys. Rev. A 82 (2010) 013616.
– Lucassen M.E., and Duine, R.A., Spin motive forces and current fluctuations due
to Brow-nian motion of domain walls, Solid State Comm. 150 (2010) 538.
– Makogon, D., Alamir, A. and Morais Smith, C., Effects of disorder and interactions
in the quantum Hall ferromagnet, Phys. Rev. B 81 (2010) 045310.
– Panja, D. and Barkema, G.T., Simulations of two-dimensional unbiased polymer
translocation using the bond fluctuation model, J. Chem. Phys. 132 (2010) 014902.
– Patti, A., El Masri, D., van Roij, R. and Dijkstra, M., Collective diffusion of
colloidal hard rods in smectic liquid crystals: effect of particle anisotropy, J. Chem.
Phys. 132 (2010) 224907.
– Prinsen, P., van der Schoot, P., Gelbart, W.M. and Knobler, C.M., Multi-shell
structures of virus coat proteins, J. Phys. Chem. A 114 (2010) 5522-5533.
– Puech, N., Grelet, E., Poulin, P., Blanc, C. and van der Schoot, P., Nematic droplets
in aqueous dispersions of carbon nanotubes, Phys. Rev. E 28 (2010) 020701.
– Ni, R., Belli, S., van Roij, R. and Dijkstra, M., Glassy dynamics, spinodal fluctuations and the kinetic limit of nucleation in suspensions of colloidal hard rods, Phys.
Rev. Lett. 105 (2010) 088302.
– Roman, M., Cannizzo, C., Pinault, T., Isare, B., Andrioletti, B., van der Schoot,
P. and Bouteiller, L., Supramolecular balance: using cooperativity to amplify weak
interactions, JACS 132 (2010) 16818-16824.
– Smulders, M., Filot, I., Leenders, J., van der Schoot, P., Palmans, A., Schenning
A. and Meijer, E., Tuning the extent of chiral amplification by temperature in a
dynamic supramolecular polymer, JACS 132 (2010) 611-619.
– Smulders, M., van der Schoot, P., Schenning A. and Meijer, E., How to distinguish
isodesmic from co-operative self-assembly, Chem. Eur. J. 16 (2010) 362-367.
– Stuiver, A. and Barkema, G.T., Simulations of color development in tinted paints,
J. Coll. Interf. Sci. 344 (2010) 256-260.
– Valeriani, C., Camp, P., Zwanikken, J., van Roij, R. and Dijkstra, M., Computer
simulations of the restricted primitive model at very low temperature and density,
J. Phys.-Cond. Matt. 22 (2010) 104122 (cond-mat/0909.5657).
– Valeriani, C., Camp, P., Zwanikken, J., van Roij, R. and Dijkstra, M., Ion association in low-polarity solvents, Soft Matt. 6 (2010) 2793.
– van Driel, H.J., Duine, R.A. and Stoof, H.T.C., Spin drag Hall effect in a rotating
Bose mixture, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 (2010) 155301.
6. Academic publications
– van Gelderen, R. and Morais Smith, C., Rashba and intrinsic spin-orbit interactions
in biased bilayer graphene, Phys. Rev. B 81 (2010) 125435.
– van Roij, R., Electrostatics in liquids: from electrolytes and suspensions towards
emulsions and patchy surfaces, Phys. A 389 (2010) 4317.
– Wang, C.C.J., Duine, R.A. and MacDonald, A.H., Quantum vortex dynamics in
two-dimensional neutral superfluids, Phys. Rev. A 81 (2010) 013609.
Annual report 2010
7 Scientific activities
This chapter contains an overview of (international) conference talks, seminars, symposia, colloquia, meetings, workshops, lecture courses given at schools and universities
and poster presentations of staff members and postdoctoral fellows. A list of public
lectures can be found in Chapter 8 (Section 8.2)
An overview of the presentations of PhD students is given in Chapter 4 (Sections 4.5
and 4.6).
Theme 1
University of Amsterdam
– Bais, F.A., Introductie in de natuurwetenschappen, Lectures, Geert Grote School,
Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 11-13 January 2010.
– Bais, F.A., Very special relativity, Lectures, Master Course, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 13 January 2010.
– Bais, F.A., Turningpoints in science, Lectures, European Comenius Course, Cambridge, UK, 27-29 January 2010.
– Bais, F.A., Abelian and non-abelian magnetic monopoles, CMT-Lunch Seminar,
Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 17 March 2010.
– Bais, F.A., Keerpunten in de natuurwetenschap, Lecture, Comenius Course, Arnhem, the Netherlands, 19 March 2010.
– Bais, F.A., A pictorial account of relativity and The physics of quantum groups and
their breaking, International Workshop, Leiden, the Netherlands, 4 June 2010.
– Bais, F.A., Keerpunten, Lecture, AOG Summer School, Groningen, the Netherlands, 6 July 2010.
– Bais, F.A., The physics of quantum groups and their breaking, Kavli Royal Society
International Meeting, Topology and Physics, Chicheley Hall, London, UK, 15 July
– Bais, F.A., Summer Workshop, Two seminars, Aspen Institute for Physics, Colorado, USA, 19 July-8 August 2010.
– Bais, F.A., Turningpoints in science, Lectures, European Comenius Course, Cambridge, UK, 8-11 September 2010.
– Bais, F.A., Grote wendingen in ons denken over de natuur, Lectures, Volksuniversiteit, Wageningen, the Netherlands, 7 and 14 October 2010.
– Bais, F.A., Keerpunten in de Natuurwetenschap, Lecture, Comenius Course, Arnhem, the Netherlands, 2 December 2010.
Annual report 2010
– Bais, F.A., Much ado about nothing, Xmas Colloquium, University of Amsterdam,
the Netherlands, 2 December 2010.
– de Boer, J., Holography, quantum gravity and black holes, General Physics Colloquium, AlbaNova/Nordita, Stockholm, Sweden, 18 February 2010.
– de Boer, J., (Non)geometric aspects of black hole microstates, Conference, Strings
2010, College Station, Texas, USA, 16 March 2010.
– de Boer, J., (Non)geometric aspects of black holes and their microstates, Spring
School, Superstring Theory and Related Topics, Trieste, Italy, 22-30 March 2010.
– de Boer, J., Why black holes are difficult, Inaugural Workshop, Black Holes in
Supergravity and M/Superstring Theory, Pennsylvania State University, Philadelphia, USA, 10 September 2010.
– de Boer, J., Black holes and exotic states, Conference, Gauge Theories and the
Structure of Spacetime, Kolymvari, Crete, Greece, 16 September 2010.
– de Boer, J., Black holes and exotic states, London Triangular Seminar, Kings College, UK, 13 October 2010.
– de Boer, J., Holography, quantum gravity and black holes, General Physics Colloquium, University of Trondheim, Norway, 19 November 2010.
– de Boer, J., Black holes and exotic states, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron
(DESY), Hamburg, Germany, 25 November 2010.
– de Boer, J., Holography, neutron stars and quantum effects near black holes, Liverpool High Energy Theory Group, UK, 15 December 2010.
– Heller, M.P., Holographic approach to far-from-equilibrium dynamics of non-Abelian
media, First String Meeting, A String Theoretic Approach to Cosmology and Quantum Matter National Conference, Groningen, the Netherlands, 6 November 2010.
– Heller, M.P., Black brane entropy and hydrodynamics, Seminar, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 10 November 2010.
– Kulaxizi, M., Lovelock gravity, black holes and holography, Swansea, Wales, Queen
Mary, London, UK, April 2010.
– Kulaxizi, M., Holographic lovelock gravity and entanglement entropy, Conference,
Gauge Theories and the Structure of Spacetime, Kolymvari, Crete, Greece, September 2010.
– Kulaxizi, M., AdS/CFT and lovelock gravity, GGI Workshop, AdS4/CFT3 and the
Holographic States of Matter, Galileo Galilei Institute, Florence, Italy, October
– Kulaxizi, M., AdS/CFT and lovelock gravity, ENS, Paris, France, November 2010.
– Laenen, E.L.M.P. (see under Nikhef).
– McFadden, P.L., Holography for cosmology, Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 19 January 2010.
– McFadden, P.L., Holography for cosmology, Seminar, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 9
April 2010.
– McFadden, P.L., Holography for cosmology & the holographic universe, Seminars,
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 15 and 20
April 2010.
– McFadden, P.L., The holographic universe, National Conference, FYSICA 2010,
Meeting of the NNV (Dutch Physical Society), Utrecht, the Netherlands, 23 April
7. Scientific activities
– McFadden, P.L., The holographic universe, Seminar, Groningen, the Netherlands,
12 May 2010.
– McFadden, P.L., The holographic universe, Seminar, DAMTP, Cambridge, UK, 19
May 2010.
– McFadden, P.L., The holographic universe, Seminar, Nottingham, UK, 21 May
– McFadden, P.L., Holographic non-gaussianity, Seminar, Nikhef, Amsterdam, the
Netherlands, 23 September 2010.
– McFadden, P.L., Observational signatures of holographic models of inflation,
GRAPPA, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 27 October 2010.
– McFadden, P.L., Holographic non-gaussianity, Seminar, Durham University, Durham, UK, 29 October 2010.
– McFadden, P.L., Holographic non-gaussianity, Seminar, University of Barcelona,
Spain, 4 November 2010.
– McFadden, P.L., Observational signatures of holographic models of inflation, National Conference, First String Meeting, Groningen, the Netherlands, 5 November
– Papadodimas, K., Lectures on dualities in supersymmetric gauge theories,
Amsterdam-Brussels Paris Doctoral School 2010.
– Papadodimas, K., Degenerate stars and gravitational collapse in AdS/CF T , Paris,
France, 30 July 2010.
– Papadodimas, K., Small hairy black holes in AdS5xS5, Conference, Gauge Theories and the Structure of Spacetime, Crete, Greece, 13 September 2010.
– Prokopec, T., Introduction to cosmic inflation, Theoretical Physics Summer School,
Utrecht, the Netherlands, 16-27 August 2010.
– Quella, T., Conformal superspace sigma-models, Workshop, The Interface of Integrability and Quantization, Leiden, the Netherlands, 12 April 2010.
– Shigemori, M., Exotic branes and non-geometric backgrounds, University of Barcelona, Spain, 27 May 2010.
– Shigemori, M., Exotic branes and non-geometric backgrounds, Service de Physique
Theorique, CEA Saclay, France, 4 June 2010.
– Shigemori, M., Exotic branes and non-geometric backgrounds, International Conference, Strings, M-Theory and Quantum Gravity, Ascona, Switzerland, 26 July
– Skenderis, K., AdS/CFT of holographic dualities and applications, Physics@FOM,
Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010.
– Skenderis, K., Higher derivative corrections to supergravity using the pure spinor
superstring, Simons Center Workshop, Superstrings in Ramond-Ramond Backgrounds, Stony Brook, New York, USA, 25 March 2010.
– Skenderis, K., Holographic inflation, Workshop, The Frontiers of Cosmology, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, 3 April 2010.
– Skenderis, K., The holographic universe, University of Barcelona, Spain, 29 April
– Skenderis, K., Cosmological frontiers in fundamental physics, Workshop, Perimeter
Institute, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 15 June 2010.
– Skenderis, K., Holography for Schrödinger, 35th International Conference, High
Annual report 2010
Energy Physics (ICHEP), Paris, France, 25 July 2010.
– Skenderis, K., Holographic non-gaussianity, Focus Week String Cosmology Workshop, IPMU, Japan, 5 October 2010.
– Skenderis, K., AdS/CFT and novel approaches to hadron and heavy ion physics,
Holography for Cosmology KITPC, Beijing, China, 12 October 2010.
– Skenderis, K., Rencontres theoreticiennes, Holographic Cosmology, Paris, France,
16 December 2010.
– Taylor, M.M., A holographic view of the universe, Meeting Physics Section, KNAW,
Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 5 March 2010.
– Taylor, M.M., Lectures on AdS/CFT and non-relativistic holography, IPM Spring
School, Tehran, Iran, 9-15 April 2010.
– Taylor, M.M., FOM/v Symposium, Arnhem, the Netherlands, 16 April 2010.
– Taylor, M.M., Schrödinger holography, Conference, Gauge Theories and the Structure of Spacetime, Kolymbari, Crete, 14 September 2010.
– Taylor, M.M., Schrödinger holography, Conference, Program AdS4/CF T 3 and the
Holographic States of Matter, Galileo Galilei Institute, Florence, Italy, 30 September 2010.
– Taylor, M.M., Schrödinger and Lifshitz holography, Imperial College, London, UK,
1 December 2010.
– van der Schaar, J.P., Non-Gaussian constraints on excited states in effective field
theories of inflation, Seminar NORDITA, Stockholm, Sweden, 22 March 2010.
– Verlinde, E.P., Holography and the emergence of gravity, Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010.
– Verlinde, E.P., Hoe ontstaat de zwaartekracht?, Viva Fysica Symposium, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 29 January 2010.
– Verlinde, E.P., On the origin of gravity, Colloquium, Amsterdam, the Netherlands,
1 February 2010.
– Verlinde, E.P., The entropic origin of gravity, Colloquium Ehrenfesti, Leiden, the
Netherlands, 3 February 2010.
– Verlinde, E.P., The emergence of gravity, ITFA-WZI Colloquium, Amsterdam, the
Netherlands, 4 February 2010.
– Verlinde, E.P., Gravity as an emergent force, Nikhef Colloquium, Amsterdam, the
Netherlands, 5 February 2010.
– Verlinde, E.P., The emergence of gravity, London Triangle Meeting, London, UK,
3 March 2010.
– Verlinde, E.P., The entropic origin of gravity, Colloquium, Groningen, the Netherlands, 18 March 2010.
– Verlinde, E.P., The entropic origin of gravity, Evening Lecture, Trieste Spring
School, Italy, 26 March 2010.
– Verlinde, E.P., De oorsprong van de zwaartekracht, Student Colloquium, Nijmegen,
the Netherlands, 30 March 2010.
– Verlinde, E.P., The entropic origin of gravity, Colloquium, Technical University of
Eindhoven, the Netherlands, 1 April 2010.
– Verlinde, E.P., De zwaartekracht in beweging: van Newton tot nu, Evening Lecture,
Public Museum Boerhave, Leiden, the Netherlands, 8 April 2010.
– Verlinde, E.P., Emergent gravity, Evening Lecture, DRSTP Postgraduate Course
7. Scientific activities
Statistical Physics and Theory of Condensed Matter (SPTCM), Driebergen, the
Netherlands, 12-22 April 2010.
Verlinde, E.P., The entropic origin of gravity, Colloquium, Perimeter Institute,
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 12 May 2010.
Verlinde, E.P., What is string theory, Seminar, Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 14 May 2010.
Verlinde, E.P., The entropic origin of gravity, Colloquium, Renaissance Technologies, Stony Brook, New York, USA, 18 May 2010.
Verlinde, E.P., The emergence of gravity from a string theory perspective, Simons
Meeting, Manhattan, New York, USA, 23 May 2010.
Verlinde, E.P., Reaction forces and the adiabatic theorem, Seminar, Mathematics
Department, University of Stony Brook, New York, USA, 16 May 2010.
Verlinde, E.P., Zwaartekracht bestaat niet, Lezing, UvA-Alumni-Dag, Amsterdam,
the Netherlands, 6 June 2010.
Verlinde, E.P., Gravity as an emergent force, Parallel Session, ICHEP 2010, Paris,
France, 22 July 2010.
Verlinde, E.P., The emergence of gravity, Presentation, Science Foo Camp, Google
Campus, Mountain View, California, USA, 30 July 2010.
Verlinde, E.P., Gravity as an emergent force, Special Seminar, KITP, Santa Barbara, California, USA, 2 August 2010.
Verlinde, E.P., Gravity as an emergent force, Seminar, Caltech, Pasadena, California, USA, 4 August 2010.
Verlinde, E.P., Emergence of gravity, Colloquium, Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris,
France, 4 October 2010.
Verlinde, E.P., Gravity as an emergent force, Colloquium, Korteweg-de Vries Institute, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 20 October 2010.
Verlinde, E.P., Emergence of gravity, General Physics Colloquium, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA, 25 October 2010.
Verlinde, E.P., Counting Dyon, wall crossing and Borcherds algebra, Mathematics
Department, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA, 26 October 2010.
Verlinde, E.P., Emergent forces, Geneva-Laussanne-Bern-Zurich Meeting, Geneva,
Switzerland, 26 November 2010.
Verlinde, E.P., 2D physics, Xmas Colloquium, AMOLF, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 24 December 2010.
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
– Bazzocchi, F., Constraining non-abelian discrete flavor symmetries, Nikhef, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 12 December 2010.
– Mulders, P.J.G., Transverse momentum dependent distribution functions at high
energies, 3rd International Workshop, High Energy Physics in the LHC Era, Valparaiso, Chile, 3 January 2010.
– Mulders, P.J.G., Veranderende concepten over materie, ruimte en tijd, ITS Regional Meeting, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 25 March 2010.
– Mulders, P.J.G., Tranverse momentum dependent PDFs in high energy processes theory overview and applications, AGS-RHIC User’s Meeting, Brookhaven National
Laboratory, USA, 6 June 2010.
Annual report 2010
– Mulders, P.J.G., Transverse momentum dependence in high-energy scattering processes, Workshop, Transverse Momentum Distributions, (ECT*), Trento, Italy, 21
June 2010.
– Mulders, P.J.G., Overview of TMD factorization in high energy scattering processes, Brookhaven Summer Program Nucleon Spin Physics, Brookhaven National
Laboratory, USA, 15 July 2010.
– Mulders, P.J.G., Universality of transverse momentum dependent distribution functions, Workshop, Perturbative and Nonperturbative Aspects of QCD at Collider
Energies, University of Washington, Seattle, USA, 14 September 2010.
– Rogers, T.C., Complications in QCD factorization with transverse momentum
PDFs, Seminar, DESY, Hamburg, Germany, 3 May 2010.
– Rogers, T.C., Transverse momentum PDFs and factorization breaking, RHIC Spin
Meeting, Iowa State University, USA, 15 May 2010.
– Rogers, T.C., TMD factorization breaking, (ECT*) Workshop, TMD 2010, Trento,
Italy, 22 June 2010.
– Rogers, T.C., Factorization and factorization breaking with TMD PDFs, INT Workshop, Gluons and the Quark Sea at High Energies, University of Washington, Seattle, Massachusetts, USA, 20 September 2010.
University of Groningen
– Bergshoeff, E.A., New massive gravity, CECS Summer Workshop, Theoretical Physics, Valdivia, Chili, January 2010.
– Bergshoeff, E.A., Massive gravity in three dimensions, National Seminar, Theoretical High Energy Physics, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, March 2010.
– Bergshoeff, E.A., Massive gravity in three dimensions, MIT, Boston, USA, April
– Bergshoeff, E.A., Massive gravity in three dimensions, Brandeis University, Boston,
USA, April 2010.
– Bergshoeff, E.A., Massive (super-)gravity and AdS vacua, Solvay Workshop, Symmetries and Dualities in Gravitational Theories, Brussels, Belgium, May 2010.
– Bergshoeff, E.A., Massive (super-)gravities in three dimensions, III Mini Workshop,
String Theory 2010, Oviedo, Spain, June 2010.
– Bergshoeff, E.A., Massive (super-)gravities in three dimensions, Lyon, France, June
– Bergshoeff, E.A., Quantum gravity in three dimensions, Relativity Meeting - ERE
2010, Gravity as a Crossroad in Physics, Granada, Spain, September 2010.
– Bergshoeff, E.A., Massive gravity in three dimensions, Conference, Gauge Theories
and the Structure of Spacetime, Kolymvary, Crete, September 2010.
– Bergshoeff, E.A., D-brane Wess-Zumino terms and U-duality, Queen Mary College,
London, UK, October 2010.
– Bergshoeff, E.A., D-branes and doubled geometry, 26th Nordic Network Meeting
Strings, Fields and Branes, Göteborg, Sweden, October 2010.
– Bergshoeff, E.A., Gravity and strings, Symposium, Deeltjesfysica, Eindhoven, the
Netherlands, October 2010.
– Bergshoeff, E.A., D-branes and doubled geometry, College Station, USA, November
7. Scientific activities
– Bergshoeff, E.A., Snaartheorie, FMF Symposium, Thursday’s Universe or How the
Quantum Created the Cosmos, Groningen, the Netherlands, November 2010.
– Bergshoeff, E.A., Newtonian gravity and the Bargmann algebra, Topical Conference, Elementary Particles, Astrophysics and Cosmology, Miami, USA, December
– Boer, D., T-odd effects in hadronic collisions, Workshop, High-Energy Hadron
Physics with Hadron Beams, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan, 6 January 2010.
– Boer, D., Gluon saturation and the color glass condensate, Center for Theoretical
Physics, Groningen, the Netherlands, 16 February 2010.
– Boer, D., Transverse spin asymmetries in semi-inclusive DIS, Workshop, Partonic
Transverse Momentum in Hadrons: Quark Spin-Orbit Correlations and QuarkGluon Interactions, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, USA, 12 March
– Boer, D., Transverse Lambda polarization and small-x physics, Workshop, Progress
in High-pT Physics at RHIC, Brookhaven National Laboratory, New York, USA,
19 March 2010.
– Boer, D., Transverse Lambda polarization at high energy colliders, XVIII International Workshop, Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects (DIS 2010),
Florence, Italy, 21 April 2010.
– Boer, D., Hadron structure in Drell-Yan - theory overview, Workshop, Studying
the Hadron Structure in Drell-Yan Reactions, CERN, Switzerland, 26 April 2010.
– Boer, D., The scale dependences of TMD asymmetries, Workshop, High Energy
Strong Interactions (HESI2010), Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto,
Japan, 25 August 2010.
– Boer, D., Beyond the spin crisis, Physics Colloquium, Groningen, the Netherlands,
9 December 2010.
– Myers, J.C., QCD with chemical potential in a small hyperspherical box, 2nd Theory
Meeting, KVI, Groningen, the Netherlands, 16 November 2010.
– Pallante, E., Walking through the phase diagram of gauge theories, INFN-LNF
Frascati National Laboratories, Rome, Italy, May 2010.
– Pallante, E., Emergent conformality in gauge theories, Plenary National Meeting,
Theoretical Physics, Cortona, Italy, May 2010.
– Pallante, E., Conformality in QCD with twelve flavors, ACP Aspen Summer 2010
Workshop, Strong Dynamics beyond the Standard Model, Colorado, USA, MayJune 2010.
– Pallante, E., The bulk transition of many-flavour QCD and the search for a UVFP
at strong coupling, LATTICE2010, Sardinia, Italy, June 2010.
– Pallante, E., The phases of non-Abelian gauge theories: from theory to the lattice,
StrongBSM Kick-Off Meeting, CP3-Origins Centre of Excellence, Odense, Denmark, August 2010.
– Pallante, E., Emergent conformality in gauge theories, Barcelona, Spain, September
– Pallante, E., Conformality restored in gauge theories, National Seminar, Theoretical High Energy Physics, Nikhef, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 19 November
– Pallante, E., Conformality restored in gauge theories, Theoretical Physics Collo-
Annual report 2010
quium, Dublin, Ireland, UK, December 2010.
– Roest, D., Cosmic challenges for fundamental physics, Groningen, the Netherlands,
30 March 2010.
– Roest, D., Cosmic challenges for fundamental physics, Excellence Cluster, Garching, Germany, 5 April 2010.
– Roest, D., Stability of non-SUSY vacua in supergravity, Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich, Germany, 22 July 2010.
– Roest, D., Stability of non-SUSY vacua in supergravity, Barcelona, Spain, 20 October 2010.
– Rosseel, J., Massive supergravities in three dimensions, Institute for Theoretical
Physics, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 26 November 2010.
Leiden University
– Achúcarro, A., Maths in the sky: the secret life of cosmic strings, Introduction to
the Mary Cartwright Lecture 2010, Durham, North Carolina, USA, 26 February
– Achúcarro, A., Heavy physics in the CMB, ERE2010, Spanish Relativity Meeting
2010, Granada, Spain, 8 September 2010.
– Gong, J.O., Lectures on contemporary cosmology 1: inflation and classical linear
perturbation theory, Konkuk University, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 5 January 2010.
– Gong, J.O., Lectures on contemporary cosmology 2: quantum linear perturbation
theory and beyond, Konkuk University, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 6 January 2010.
– Gong, J.O., False vacuum inflation, CQUeST, Sogang University, Seoul, Republic
of Korea, 7 January 2010.
– Gong, J.O., A complete analysis of linear cosmological perturbations in the HoravaLifshitz gravity, KIAS, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 15 January 2010.
– Gong, J.O., A complete analysis of linear cosmological perturbations in the HoravaLifshitz gravity, YKIS2010, Symposium Cosmology, The Next Generation, YITP,
Kyoto University, Japan, 30 June 2010.
– Gong, J.O., Phenomenology of multi-field inflation, Gravity and Cosmology 2010,
YITP, Kyoto University, Japan, 13 July 2010.
– Gong, J.O., Phenomenology of multi-field inflation, Summer Institute 2010, Nikkeiren Fuji Seminar House, Fuji-Yoshida, Japan, 12 August 2010.
– Gong, J.O., Loop corrections to cosmological correlation functions, YITP, Kyoto
University, Japan, 16 September 2010.
– Gong, J.O., Waterfall field in hybrid inflation and curvature perturbation, 20th
Workshop, General Relativity and Gravitation in Japan (JGRG20), YITP, Kyoto
University, Japan, 21 September 2010.
– Gong, J.O., Loop corrections to cosmological correlation functions, COSMO/CosPA
2010, University of Tokyo, Japan, 27 September 2010.
– Gong, J.O., More updates on warped brane inflation, Focus Week, String Cosmology, IPMU, University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Japan, 7 October 2010.
– Jackson, M., Observing quantum gravity in the sky, Theory Seminar, Spinoza Institute, Utrecht, the Netherlands, March 2010.
– Jackson, M., Observing quantum gravity in the sky, Theoretical Cosmology Seminar, Leiden, the Netherlands, March 2010.
7. Scientific activities
– Jackson, M., Observing quantum gravity in the sky, National Seminar, Theoretical
High Energy Physics, Nikhef, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 26 March 2010.
– Jackson, M., Observing quantum gravity in the sky, Workshop, Physics at the TeV
Scale Seminar, Grenada, May 2010.
– Jackson, M., Observing quantum gravity in the sky, IPMU String Cosmology Focus
Week Seminar, Tokyo, Japan, September 2010.
– Jackson, M., Observing quantum gravity in the sky, Theory Seminar, Valencia,
Spain, September 2010.
– Jackson, M., Observing quantum gravity in the sky, École Normale Supérieure
Seminar, Paris, France, October 2010.
– Jackson, M., Observing quantum gravity in the sky, AstroParticule et Cosmologie
Seminar, Paris, France, October 2010.
– Jackson, M., Observing quantum gravity in the sky, Institut d’Astrophysique Seminar, Paris, France, October 2010.
– Jackson, M., The state of string theory, University of Groningen, the Netherlands,
December 2010.
– Jackson, M., Observing quantum gravity in the sky, Gravity and Cosmology Seminar, Princeton University, New Jersey, USA, December 2010.
– Jackson, M., Observing quantum gravity in the sky, String Meeting Seminar, Groningen, the Netherlands, December 2010.
– Levin, Y., Supermassive black holes, Evening lecture, DRSTP Postgraduate Course
Theoretical High Energy Physics, Driebergen, the Netherlands, 8-12 February 2010.
– Schalm, K., An emergent fermi liquid from a strongly coupled quantum critical
point, Groningen, the Netherlands, 4 January 2010.
– Schalm, K., An emergent fermi liquid from a strongly coupled quantum critical
point, NORDITA, Stockholm, Sweden, 15 January 2010.
– Schalm, K., An emergent fermi liquid from a strongly coupled quantum critical
point, Theoretical Physics Colloquium, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, UK, 8
February 2010.
– Schalm, K., An emergent fermi liquid from a strongly coupled quantum critical
point, Bruxelles/Leuven, Belgium, 10 February 2010.
– Schalm, K., Building a holographic fermi liquid, Workshop, Aspects of the
Gauge/Gravity Duality, Cambridge, UK, 22-24 March 2010.
– Schalm, K., Building a holographic fermi liquid, Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen,
Denmark, 25 May 2010.
– Schalm, K., Building a holographic fermi liquid, 3rd Annual UK-NL Condensed
Matter Meeting, Cambridge, UK, 2-3 September 2010.
– Schalm, K., Explaining fermi liquid stability with AdS black holes, Conference,
Gauge Theories and the Structure of Spacetime, Crete, Greece, 11-18 September
– Schalm, K., Explaining fermi liquid stability with AdS black holes, AdS/CFT and
Holographic States of Matter, GGI Firenze, Italy, 1-5 November 2010.
– van Baal, P., Progress on calorons, Workshop, P- and CP-odd Effects in Hot and
Dense Matter, RIKEN BNL Research Center, Brookhaven, New York, USA, 28
April 2010.
– van Baal, P., Progress on calorons, Gribov-80 Memorial Workshop, Quantum
Annual report 2010
Chromo Dynamics and Beyond, International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP),
Trieste, Italy, 28 May 2010.
– van Baal, P., Calorons with non-trivial holonomy, Future Directions in Lattice
Gauge Theory, CERN Theory Institute, Geneva, Switzerland, 10 August 2010.
– van Baal, P., Calorons with non-trivial holonomy, Workshop, The Many Faces of
QCD, Gent, Belgium, 5 November 2010.
– van Holten, J.-W. (see under Nikhef).
Radboud University Nijmegen
– Beenakker, W., Introduction to SUSY phenomenology, Lectures, DRSTP Postgraduate Course Theoretical High Energy Physics, Driebergen, the Netherlands, 8-12
February 2010.
– Schellekens, A.N. (see under Nikhef).
Utrecht University
– Arutyunov, G.E., Exploring the mirror TBA, Workshop, Quantum Integrability
and Gauge Theories, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, Stony Brook, USA,
11-16 January 2010.
– Arutyunov, G.E., Exploring the mirror TBA, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, USA, 19 January 2010.
– Arutyunov, G.E., Gauge theories from quantum strings, Theoretical Physics Colloquium, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 27 January 2010.
– Arutyunov, G.E., Gauge theories - spins vs strings, Colloquium, Utrecht’s Physics
Society, the Netherlands, 2 March 2010.
– Arutyunov, G.E., The mirror TBA: through the looking glass, and, what Alice
found there, Workshop, Superstrings in Ramond-Ramond Backgrounds, Simons
Center for Geometry and Physics, Stony Brook, USA, 22-24 March 2010.
– Arutyunov, G.E., The mirror TBA: through the looking glass, and, what Alice
found there, Workshop, The Interface of Integrability and Quantization, Lorentz
Center, Leiden, the Netherlands 12-16 April 2010.
– Arutyunov, G.E., The mirror TBA, Seminar, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany, 27 April 2010.
– Arutyunov, G.E., On the mirror TBA, Conference, Integrability in Gauge and
String Theories, Nordita, Stockholm, Sweden, 28 June-3 July 2010.
– Arutyunov, G.E., Gauge theories from quantum strings, Theoretical Physics Colloquium, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 7 October 2010.
– Arutyunov, G.E., Towards the spectrum of the AdS5 xS 5 superstring, Theoretical
Physics Colloquium, University of Brussels, Belgium, 13 October 2010.
– Arutyunov, G.E., Gauge theories from quantum strings, Seminar, Trinity College
Dublin, Ireland, 1 November 2010.
– Arutyunov, G.E., Twisting the mirror TBA, Workshop, From Sigma Models to
Four-Dimensional QFT, Hamburg, Germany, 29 November-3 December 2010.
– Arzano, M., Fun from none: deformed Fock space and hidden entanglement, Quantum Gravity Workshop, University of Rome, La Sapienza, Italy, 7 May 2010.
– Arzano, M., Fun from none: deformed Fock space and hidden entanglement, Quantum Gravity Seminar, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, On-
7. Scientific activities
tario, Canada, 26 May 2010.
– Arzano, M., Anatomy of a deformed symmetry: field quantization on curved momentum space, Workshop, Caen, France, 7 September 2010.
– Arzano, M., Anatomy of a deformed symmetry: field quantization on curved momentum space, Workshop, Noncommutative Field Theory and Gravity, Corfu,
Greece, 11 September 2010.
– Arzano, M., Anatomy of a deformed symmetry: field quantization on curved momentum space, Theory Group Seminar, Nikhef, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 21
October 2010.
– Banerjee, N., Black hole hair removal, Seminar, Potsdam, AEI, Germany, February
– Banerjee, N., Counting of black hole microstates, Seminar, Swansea University,
Wales, UK, April 2010.
– Banerjee, N., Higher derivative corrections to shear viscosity from graviton’s effective coupling, Seminar, Nordita, Sweden, June 2010.
– Banerjee, N., Holographic hydrodynamics, Seminar, Crete, Greece, September 2010.
– Banerjee, N., Holographic hydrodynamics, Seminar, Groningen, the Netherlands,
November 2010.
– Behrend, J., Covariant averaging of a Poincare gauge theory of gravity, Grafiti
Seminar, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 11 October 2010.
– de Wit, B., BPS Black holes and the topological string – a progress report, Istituto
Superior Técnico, Lisbon, 10 May 2010.
– de Wit, B., BPS Black holes and the topological string – a progress report, Univ.
Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, 2 June 2010.
– de Wit, B., BPS black holes – new perspectives, Workshop, Black Holes in Supergravity and M/Superstring Theory, University of Pennsylvania, USA, 11 September
– de Wit, B., BPS black holes – new perspectives, Enrico Fermi Institute, Chicago,
USA, 14 September 2010.
– de Wit, B., From elementary particles to strings, in ’Particle Physics - to the
Collision and Beyond’, 50th Anniversary Symposium of SVTN J.D. van der Waals,
Eindhoven, the Netherlands, 5 October 2010.
– Falgari, P., Non-factorizable corrections to t-channel single-top production at NLO
in QCD, Freiburg, Germany, 23 November 2010.
– Falgari, P., Production-decay interferences in t-chanel single-top production at NLO
in QCD, Terascale Alliance Meeting, Dresden, Germany, 2 December 2010.
– Falgari, P., Non-factorizable corrections to single-top production at NLO in QCD,
Bari, Italy, 9 December 2010.
– Gupta, R.K., Quantum corrections to entropy of extremal black hole, Utrecht, the
Netherlands, 27 October 2010.
– Hatlo, M.M., Physics of Colloidal Dispersions in External Fields, Conference, Bonn,
Germany, 1-3 March 2010.
– Hatlo, M.M., Electrokinetics and electroacoustics near oil-water interfaces in porous
media, Shell-FOM Progress Meeting, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 26 May 2010.
– Hatlo, M.M., The double layer and nonlinear electrokinetics; the role of ion polarizability, Shell-FOM Progress Meeting, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 9 November
Annual report 2010
– Koivisto, T.S., Three-form dark energy and inflation, Astrophysics Seminar, Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, Oslo, Norway, 21 January 2010.
– Koivisto, T.S., Nonlocal gravity theories, Astrophysics Seminar, Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, Oslo, Norway, 23 March 2010.
– Koivisto, T.S., Bouncing cosmologies from modified gravity, 5th Cosmology Days,
University of Bielefeld, Germany, 7 May 2010.
– Koivisto, T.S., Three-form cosmology, High Energy/Cosmology Seminar, Helsinki
Institute of Physics, Finland, 18 June 2010.
– Laenen, E.L.M.P. (see under Nikhef).
– Loll, R., Probing the Planckian structure of spacetime, 46th Dutch Mathematical
Congress, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 22 April 2010.
– Loll, R., Searching for the quantum origins of space and time, Lecture, Perimeter
Institute, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 5 May 2010.
– Loll, R., Searching for the quantum origins of space and time, Colloquium, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany, 1 June 2010.
– Loll, R., Searching for the quantum origins of space and time, Colloquium, University of Innsbruck, Austria, 9 June 2010.
– Loll, R., Lattice quantum gravity - an update, Conference, Lattice 2010, Villasimius,
Italy, 16 June 2010.
– Loll, R., Quantum gravity from causal dynamical triangulation, Lectures, PASI
Quantum Gravity Summer School, Morelia, Mexico, 30 June 2010.
– Loll, R., What’s new and cool in causal dynamical triangulations, Conference, General Relativity and Gravitation GR19, Mexico City, Mexico, 5 July 2010.
– Loll, R., What you always wanted to know about quantum gravity ..., Lecture,
Summer School for Master Students in Theoretical Physics, Utrecht University,
the Netherlands, 20 August 2010.
– Loll, R., New ’best hope’ for quantum gravity, Conference, Quantum Field Theory
and Gravity, Regensburg, Germany, 28 September 2010.
– Prokopec, T., The cosmology at the electroweak scale, Whepp XI Workshop, High
Energy Physics Phenomenology, Physical Research Laboratory (PRL), Ahmedabad, India, 2-12 January 2010.
– Prokopec, T., Primordial non-Gaussianity, Workshop, Frontiers of Cosmology, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, 28 March-5 April 2010.
– Prokopec, T., Path integral for cosmological perturbations, Theory Meeting Seminar, Nikhef, Amsterdam, 21 May 2010.
– Prokopec, T., Path integral for cosmological perturbations, RWTH Workshop, Outof-Equilibrium Quantum Fields in the Early Universe, Aachen, Germany, 6-8 September 2010.
– Prokopec, T., Cosmological perturbations and primordial non-Gaussianity, Lorentz
Center Workshop, New Directions in Modern Cosmology, Leiden, the Netherlands,
27 September-1 October 2010.
– Prokopec, T., Going beyond de Sitter, Workshop, IR Issues and Loops in de Sitter
Space, Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 27-30 October 2010.
– Prokopec, T., Implications of loops in de Sitter space for back-reaction of fluctuations on the cosmological background, Workshop, Cosmological Backreaction and
7. Scientific activities
IR Effects, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 31 October-1 November 2011.
– Prokopec, T., Decoherence: a novel view, Institute for Fundamental Theory Seminar, University of Florida, Gainesville, USA, 5 November 2010.
– Vandoren, S.J.G., Supersymmetric black holes in gauged supergravity, ETH Zurich,
Switzerland, 12 May 2010.
– Vandoren, S.J.G., Instantons and quaternion-Kahler geometry, Lisbon, Portugal,
14 June 2010.
– Vandoren, S.J.G., BPS black holes in gauged N = 2D = 4 supergravities, Research
Seminar, Ahrenshoop Meeting Recent Developments on String/M Theory and Field
Theory, Berlin, Germany, 23-27 August 2010.
– Vandoren, S.J.G., Quaternion-Kahler geometry from string theory, Research Seminar, DAMTP, Cambridge, UK, 23 November 2010.
– ‘t Hooft, G., Gravity in the world of the elementary particles, Heinrich Wilhelm
Matthias Olbers Lecture, Bremen, Germany, 27 January 2010.
– ‘t Hooft, G., The unique beauty of the subatomic landscape, Max Planck Lecture,
Bremen, Germany, 28 January 2010.
– ‘t Hooft, G., De ultieme uitdaging in de Theoretische Natuurkunde: quantumg
gravitatie, NSA Symposium, Wetenschap: Werk in Uitvoering, Science Park, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 21 February 2010.
– ‘t Hooft, G., Classical cellular automata and quantum field theory, Conference in
Honor of Murray Gell-Mann’s 80th Birthday, Singapore, 22-27 February 2010.
– ‘t Hooft, G., Black holes and quantum mechanics, Lectures and Panel Discussion,
48e Int Univ. wochen fuer Theor. Physik Masses and Constants. Schladming,
Austria, 2-6 March 2010.
– ‘t Hooft, G., Emergent quantum mechanics, Conference, Parts and Whole in Physics, Leiden, the Netherlands, 21-23 March 2010.
– ‘t Hooft, G., HUTAC Conference, Excellence, Huygens Talent Circle, Utrecht, the
Netherlands, 10 April 2010.
– ‘t Hooft, G., Conference, Fysica, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 23 April 2010.
– ‘t Hooft, G., Black holes and quantum physics, St. Petersburg, Russia, 6 May 2010.
– ‘t Hooft, G., Black holes in elementary particle physics, Lecture, Guangzhou,
China, 26 May 2010.
– ‘t Hooft, G., Conceptual foundations of quantum field theory and aspects of quantum gravity, Lectures, Guangzhou, China, 27 May 2011; 1, 3, 4 June 2010.
– ’t Hooft, G., Topological toys in field theory and gravity, Lecture, Sander Bais
Farewell Colloquium, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 16 June 2010.
– ’t Hooft, G., The great challenges, 3rd Interdisciplinary Meeting, 60th Meeting of
Nobel Laureates, Lindau, Germany, 30 June 2010.
– ’t Hooft, G., Quantum mechanics, discretization, and local determinism, ESOF
Workshop INRIM, News in Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, Torino, Italy, 2
July 2010.
– ’t Hooft, G., The emergence of quantum mechanics, Plenary Lecture, FFP11 Frontiers of Fundamental Physics, Paris, France, 8-11 July 2010.
– ’t Hooft, G., The black hole correspondence principle, Turkish Physical Society
27th International Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 16 September 2010.
– ’t Hooft, G., Black hole complementarity, Seminar, Ankara, Turkey, 21 September
Annual report 2010
– ’t Hooft, G., The Higgs particle, Ankara, Turkey, 22 September 2010.
– ’t Hooft, G., Black hole complementarity, CP-Origins, 3rd Winter School Geometry
and Physics, Odense, Denmark, 1 November 2010.
– ’t Hooft, G., Black holes in elementary particle physics, Colloquium, Pierre et
Marie Curie, Sous le haut patronge de Jean-Charles Pomerol, Parijs VI, France, 8
November 2010.
– ’t Hooft, G., The black holes complementarity, Seminar, Paris, France, 8 November
– ’t Hooft, G., Black holes in elementary particle physics, Colloquium, Edinburgh,
Scotland, 17 November 2010.
– ’t Hooft, G., Bèta’s: broodnodig of overbodig?, Symposium, NWSV Helix, Utrecht,
the Netherlands, 23 November 2010.
– Vandoren, S.J.G., Non-perturbative effects in classical and quantum field theory,
Lectures, DRSTP Postgraduate Course Theoretical High Energy Physics, Driebergen, the Netherlands, 8-12 February 2010.
Nikhef Theory Group
– Fleischer, R., Precision B physics in the LHC era, Colloquium, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 24 February 2010.
– Fleischer, R., B Physics in the LHC era: selected topics, 3rd Workshop, Heavy
Flavour Physics, Capri, Italy, 5 July 2010.
– Fleischer, R., A fresh look at Bs,d − > pipi, piK, KK decays, 6th International
Workshop, CKM Unitarity Triangle - CKM2010, Warwick, UK, 9 September 2010.
– Fleischer, R., Extracting gamma and penguin parameters from Bs0 − > J/psiKS ,
6th International Workshop, CKM Unitarity Triangle - CKM2010, Warwick, UK,
9 September 2010.
– Fleischer, R., Towards new frontiers in B physics in the LHC era, Symposium, Flavour Physics: Strong Dynamics, Rare Decays and New Phenomena, Berg, Starnberger See, Germany, 9 October 2010.
– Fleischer, R., B physics perspectives in the LHC era, International Conference,
Flavor Physics in the LHC Era, Singapore, 9 November 2010.
– Fleischer, R., Towards new frontiers in precision B physics in the LHC era, Colloquium, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 25 November 2010.
– Fleischer, R., B physics perspectives in the LHC era, VIII Latin American Symposium on High-Energy Physics, SILAFAE 2010, Valparaiso, Chile, 7 December
– George, D.P., Stability of gravity-scalar systems for domain-wall models with a soft
wall, PASCOS 2010: The 16th International Symposium, Particles, Strings and
Cosmology, Valencia, Spain, 19 July 2010.
– Laenen, E.L.M.P., Top quark physics at the LHC, University of Iceland, Reykjavik,
26 February 2010.
– Laenen, E.L.M.P., The ubiquitous top, Belgian HEP Meeting, National Belgian
Conference, Brussels, Belgium, 8 April 2010.
– Laenen, E.L.M.P., Magnea, L., Stavenga, G. and White, C.D., Contribution to
7. Scientific activities
the Proceedings of 10th DESY Workshop, Elementary Particle Theory: Loops and
Legs in Quantum Field Theory 2010, Woerlitz, Germany, 25-30 April 2010.
Laenen, E.L.M.P., Next-to-eikonal exponentiation, Conference, Loops and Legs
2010, Woerlitz, Germany, 29 April 2010.
Laenen, E.L.M.P., Zwakke wisselwerkingen (1999 Nobelprijs ’t Hooft en Veltman),
Student Symposium on Nobel Prizes, Studentenvereningen, Radboud University
Nijmegen, the Netherlands, 21 May 2010.
Laenen, E.L.M.P., Concluding remarks, International Conference, Loopfest 2010,
Stony Brook, New York, USA, 23 June 2010.
Laenen, E.L.M.P., Next-to-eikonal exponentiation, Workshop, HO10 CERN Theory
Institute, Geneva, Switzerland, 1 July 2010.
Laenen, E.L.M.P., Recent developments in QCD resummation, Seminar, Freiburg,
Germany, 6 July 2010.
Laenen, E.L.M.P., Heavy flavor: from top to bottom (and charm), Workshop, Implications of First LHC Data, MIT-Berkeley, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 12 August
Laenen, E.L.M.P., QCD resummation (large x), Workshop, Perturbative and NonPerturbative Aspects of QCD at Collider Energies, Institute for Nuclear Theory,
Seattle, USA, 15 September 2010.
Laenen, E.L.M.P., Some recent developments in resummation, Conference, QCD
at the LHC (ECT*), Trento, Italy, 27 September 2010.
Laenen, E.L.M.P., Developments in (next-to)-eikonal exponentiation, Symposium,
Levinfest, Tel Aviv University, Israel, 7 October 2010.
Laenen, E.L.M.P., Soft gluon resummation for squark and gluino hadroproduction,
Mini-Workshop, Soft Gluons and New Physics at the LHC, Manchester, UK, 1
November 2010.
Maio, M., Simple current extensions and permutation orbifolds, Workshop, Beyond
the Standard Model, Bad Honnef, Germany, 8 March 2010.
Maio, M., Extensions in permutation orbifolds, Cargese Summer School, Corsica,
France, 24 June 2010.
Maio, M., Extensions and the permutation orbifold, Institute for Advanced Studies,
Princeton, USA, 27 July 2010.
Schellekens, A.N., The emperor’s last clothes?, Evening lecture, DRSTP Postgraduate Course Theoretical High Energy Physics, Driebergen, the Netherlands, 1-12
February 2010.
Schellekens, A.N., Heterotic weight lifting, Workshop, GUTs and Strings, Munich,
Germany, 10 February 2010.
Schellekens, A.N., Heterotic weight lifting, KITP Program, Strings at the LHC and
in the Early Universe, Santa Barbara, USA, 8 April 2010.
Schellekens, A.N., Exploring the string theory landscape, Freiburg University, Freiburg, Germany, 19 May 2010.
Schellekens, A.N., Heterotic weight lifting, String Phenomenology, Paris, France, 6
July 2010.
van Holten, J.-W., Deeltjesfysica en de LHC, Leiden, the Netherlands, 22 March
van Holten, J.-W., The realization of conformal symmetry in non-relativistic QFT,
Annual report 2010
Workshop, Non-Commutative Structures and Non-Relativistic Supersymmetries,
University of Tours, France, 23 March 2010.
– van Holten, J.-W., HiSPARC, EPPOG Meeting, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 15
October 2010.
– van Holten, J.-W., Gravitational waves, Groningen, the Netherlands, 22 November
Theme 2
University of Amsterdam
– Caux, J.-S., In- and out-of-equilibrium dynamics in integrable systems, Winter
Workshop, Physics in the Plane, Les Houches, France, 28 February-5 March 2010.
– Caux, J.-S., In- and out-of-equilibrium dynamics in integrable systems, INSTANS
Workshop, Time-Dependent Dynamics and Non-Equilibrium Quantum Systems,
Budapest, Hungary, 19-22 May 2010.
– Caux, J.-S., In- and out-of-equilibrium dynamics in integrable systems, Workshop,
Recent Advances in Quantum Integrable Systems, Annecy, France, 15-18 June
– Caux, J.-S., Cold atoms in 1d: results, perspectives and challenges from integrability, Les Houches School, Many-Body Physics with Ultracold Atoms, France, 28
June-3 July 2010.
– Caux, J.-S., In- and out-of-equilibrium dynamics of integrable models, STATPHYS
24, XXIV International Conference, Statistical Physics of the International Union
for Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP), Cairns, Australia, 19-23 July 2010.
– Caux, J.-S., In- and out-of-equilibrium dynamics of integrable models, Theoretical
Physics Colloquium, Freibourg University, Switzerland, 12 May 2010.
– Caux, J.-S., One-d quantum systems in- and out-of-equilibrium: new exact results,
their applications, and overall perspectives, Johan van der Waals Colloquium, Leiden, the Netherlands, 15 October 2010.
– Caux, J.-S., Atomic, molecular and optical physics I, Physics@FOM, Veldhoven,
the Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010.
– Estienne, B., Quantum matter in low dimensions, Workshop, Stokholm, Sweden,
6-18 September 2010.
– Estienne, B., Interactions, disorder, and topology in quantum Hall systems, Dresden, Germany, 7-11 June 2010.
– Estienne, B., NB, LPTENS, Paris, France, 14 December 2010.
– Nienhuis, G., Operators in classical and quantum optics, Lectures, DRSTP Postgraduate Course Statistical Physics and Theory of Condensed Matter (SPTCM),
Driebergen, the Netherlands, 12-22 April 2010.
– Nienhuis, B., Tilings of irregular hexagons, International Conference, Conformal
Maps from Probability to Physics, Ascona, Switzerland, 23-28 May 2010.
– Nienhuis, B., Hexagonal domain wall structures, International Conference, Combinatorics and Mathematical Physics, Brisbane, Australia, 12-14 July 2010.
– Nienhuis, B., Solvable models of hexagons, International Conference, Exactly Sol-
7. Scientific activities
vable Models in Statistical Physics, Brisbane, Australia, 14-17 July 2010.
– Nienhuis, B., Correlation in percolation model though qKZ equations, International
Conference, STATPHYS24, Cairns, Australia, 19-23 July 2010.
– Nienhuis, B., Boundaries in loop models, Group Meeting, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 8 December 2010.
– Nieuwenhuis, Th.M., Black holes with hair as a normal state of matter, Conference,
Physics of Quantum Electronics 34, Snowbird, Utah, USA, 4 January 2010.
– Nieuwenhuis, Th.M., New cosmology for freshman; advanced new cosmology, UCSD,
La Jolla, California, USA, 13 January 2010.
– Nieuwenhuis, Th.M., Do non-relativistic neutrinos constitute the dark matter?,
Colloquium, KITP Santa Barbara, California, USA, 14 January 2010.
– Nieuwenhuis, Th.M., Black holes with hair as a normal state of matter, Harvard
Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 19 January
– Nieuwenhuis, Th.M., Neutrino hot dark matter and hydrodynamics of structure
formation, Colloquium, Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge,
Massachusetts, USA, 22 January 2010.
– Nieuwenhuis, Th.M., Hydrodynamics of large scale structure formation, Condensed
Matter Group Meeting, ITFA, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2 February 2010.
– Nieuwenhuis, Th.M., Minimal work principle: proof and counter-examples, Workshop, Quantum Thermodynamics: Energy and Information Flow at the NanoScale, University of Stuttgart, Germany, 14 September 2010.
– Nieuwenhuis, Th.M., Brownian entanglement: entanglement in classical Brownian motion, Workshop, Optimization in Stochastic Nano-Systems, Hanse Wissenschaftszentrum Delmenhorst, Germany, 12 October 2010.
– Nieuwenhuis, Th.M., Brownian entanglement entanglement in classical brownian
motion, Workshop, Fluctuations, Information Flow and Experimental Measurements, Complex Systems Institute ESPCI Paris, France, 27 October 2010.
– Nieuwenhuis, Th.M., The two bright faces of dark matter, Colloquium, IPhT, CEA
Saclay, France, 15 December 2010.
– Palacios, G., Scattering Bethe Ansatz approach to the Anderson impurity model,
ITP, Hannover, Germany, April 2010.
– Palacios, G., Geometric quenches in quantum integrable models, Workshop, TimeDependent Dynamics and Non-Equilibrium Quantum Systems, Budapest, Hungary, May 2010.
– Palacios, G., The Anderson impurity model: correlations, out-of-equilibrium transport and integrability, LPTM, Cergy, France, June 2010.
– Palacios, G., (Charge) transport through a topological defect, LPS, Orsay, France,
November 2010.
– Pozsgai, B., Finite temperature correlations in massive integrable QFT, Workshop,
Physics in the Plane, Les Houches, France, 28 February-5 March 2010.
– Pozsgai, B., The exact g-function: solution of a puzzle, Workshop, Recent Advances
in Quantum Integrable Systems, Annecy, France, 15-18 June 2010.
– Pozsgai, B., The exact g-function: solution of a puzzle, Workshop, Finite Size
Technology in Low-Dimensional Quantum Systems, Benasque, Spain, 27 June-10
July 2010.
Annual report 2010
– Pozsgai, B., On O(1) contributions to the free energy in Bethe Ansatz solvable
models: the exact function, Workshop, From Sigma-Models to 4D QFT, Hamburg,
Germany, 29 November-3 December 2010.
– Pruisken, A.M.M., Multifractality and electron-electron interactions in the quantum
Hall regime, Seminar, Condensed Matter, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, 26 May
– Pruisken, A.M.M., Multifractality and electron-electron interactions in the quantum
Hall regime, Theory Colloquium, Landau Days, Landau Institute for Theoretical
Physics, Chernogolovka, Russia, 21-24 June 2010.
– Pruisken, A.M.M., The problem of macroscopic charge quantization in single-electron
devices, New Frontiers in the Physics of Quantum Dots, Chernogolovka, Russia,
20-24 September 2010.
– Schoutens, K., Topological phases: from quantum Hall to quantum computation,
Theory Seminar, Pisa, Italy, 20 May 2010.
– Schoutens, K., Skyrmions over the Moore-Read state, Workshop, Topological Order
and Quantum Computation, Moorea, French Polynesia, 31 May-6 June 2010.
– Schoutens, K., How entangled are fractional quantum Hall states?, Workshop,
Quantum Information Concepts in Condensed Matter Physics, MPI Dresden, Germany, 24 June 2010.
– Schoutens, K., Skyrmions over the Moore-Read state, Kavli-Royal Society Workshop, Topology and Physics, Chicheley Hall, UK, 16 July 2010.
– Schoutens, K., Paired quantum Hall states at filling 5/2, NanoScience Seminar,
Kavli Institute for NanoScience, Delft, the Netherlands, 3 November 2010.
– Schoutens, K., Charged spin textures over the Moore-Read quantum Hall state,
Theory Seminar, Oxford University, UK, 5 November 2010.
– Snoek, M., Magnetic order of ultracold atomic mixtures in optical lattices, NewSpin,
Utrecht, the Netherlands, 8 January 2010.
– Snoek, M., Ultracold atoms in optical lattices: quantum simulators of strongly correlated matter, National Seminar, Condensed Matter Physics, Amsterdam, the
Netherlands, 25 March 2010.
– Snoek, M., Effect of interactions on harmonically confined Bose-Fermi mixtures
in optical lattices, Seminar BEC-Group, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 26 November
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
– Das, M., Micromechanics of F-actin and microtubule composites, KNAW Meeting,
Amsterdam, the Netherlands, May 2010.
– Das, M., Mechanics and force transmission in the cell cytoskeleton, Colloquium,
Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands, September 2010.
– Das, M., Mechanics and force transmission in the cell cytoskeleton, Colloquium,
Leiden, the Netherlands, September 2010.
– Das, M., Touchy feely living matter: mechanics and force transmission in biological
composites, Seminar, Maastricht, the Netherlands, October 2010.
– Das, M., Mechanics and force transmission in biological composites, Seminar, Max
Planck Institute for Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany, December 2010.
– MacKintosh, F.C., Non-equilibrium fluctuations and mechanics of active gels and
7. Scientific activities
living cells, Dynamics Days 2010, Evanston, USA, 4 January 2010.
– MacKintosh, F.C., Active gels and the cytoskeleton: non-equilibrium mechanics and
fluctuations, Colloquium, Department of Physics, University of Chicago, USA, 7
January 2010.
– MacKintosh, F.C., Active diffusion and long-time relaxation in the cytoskeleton,
Statistical Mechanics and Quantum Transport: from Optics to Biology, Haifa,
Israel, 23 May 2010.
– MacKintosh, F.C., Active fluctuations and self-assembly in cytoskeletal networks,
School on Living Mechanics, Bangalore, India, 4 November 2010.
– MacKintosh, F.C., Active, non-equilibrium mechanics, fluctuations and
self-assembly, Colloquium, Department of Physics, Georg-August-Universität,
Göttingen, Germany, 13 December 2010.
– Visser, T.D., SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, California, USA, 27 January
– Visser, T.D., University of North Carolina, Charlotte, USA, 1 July 2010.
– Visser, T.D., Workshop, Frontiers of Nanoscale Spectroscopy and Tomography,
Inlet, New York, USA, 22 October 2010.
– Visser, T.D., Annual Meeting, Optical Society of America, Rochester, New York,
USA, 27 October 2010.
University of Groningen
– van Enter, A.C.D., Evolving Gibbs measures, Gibbs or not?, Workshop, Space-Time
Phases for Spatially Extended Systems, University of Warwick, UK, 9 January
– van Enter, A.C.D., Gibbs states versus ground states, Workshop, Dynamical Systems and Symbolic Dynamics, Universität Bielefeld, Germany, 7 May 2010.
– van Enter, A.C.D., First-order phase transitions in the presence of continuous
symmetries, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 10 June 2010.
Leiden University
– Barkema, G.T. (see under Utrecht University).
– Beenakker, C.W.J., Relativity meets superconductivity in graphene, KITPC Program, Progress in Graphene Research, Beijing, China, 5 May 2010.
– Beenakker, C.W.J., Majorana fermions in topological superconductors, Initial Training Network Meeting, Nanoelectronics-Concepts, Theory and Modeling, Bremen,
Germany, 17-21 May 2010.
– Beenakker, C.W.J., Majorana fermions in topological insulators, CEA Saclay, France,
16 June 2010.
– Beenakker, C.W.J., How to use a flux qubit to read out a Majorana qubit, Delft,
the Netherlands, 24 June 2010.
– Beenakker, C.W.J., Majorana bound states without vortices in topological superconductors with electrostatic defects, Workshop, Advanced Research, Fundamentals of
Electronic Nanosystems, St. Petersburg, Russia, 26 June-2 July 2010.
– Beenakker, C.W.J., Majorana fermions in topological insulators, International Workshop, Correlated Phenomena in Low-Dimensional Systems, Dresden, Germany, 1216 July 2010.
Annual report 2010
– Beenakker, C.W.J., Majorana-Shockley states in topological superconductors, NORDITA Conference, Quantum Matter in Low Dimensions, Stockholm, Sweden, 6-10
September 2010.
– Beenakker, C.W.J., Physics to the limit: Nanokippengaas, Symposium, Science to
the Limit, Leiden, the Netherlands, 24 September 2010.
– Beenakker, C.W.J., Andreev reflection and Klein tunneling in graphene, Graphene
International School, Cargèse, Corsica, France, 11-23 October 2010.
– Beenakker, C.W.J., Majorana fermions in topological insulators, Ruhr-Universität
Bochum, Germany, 8 November 2010.
– Beenakker, C.W.J., Towards quantum computation with Majorana fermions, Freie
Universität Berlin, Germany, 12 November 2010.
– Beenakker, C.W.J., Science of fiction? Tijdreizen, wormgaten en de grootvaderparadox, Spinoza te Paard, Den Haag, the Netherlands, 16 November 2010.
– Beenakker, C.W.J., What is special about graphene?, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands, 6 December 2010.
– Blöte, H.W.J., Potts models with long-ranged interactions, Satellite Conference,
Statphys 24: Monte Carlo Algorithms in Statistical Physics, Melbourne, Australia,
26-28 July 2010.
– Gomez, L.R., Nonlinear waves in disordered granular media, FOM-Shell Progress
Meeting, Rijswijk, the Netherlands, 9 November 2010.
– Gomez, L.R., Nonlinear waves and quasi-localized resonances in disordered granular
media, FOM-Shell Progress Meeting, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 26 May 2010.
– Gomez, L.R., Sound propagation in jammed solids, Jamming and Rheology, Cargese, France, 8 April 2010.
– Hassler, F., Majorana bound states in nanowires, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, 12
November 2010.
– Hassler, F., From Fermi’s golden rule to Rabi oscillations: dynamical unbinding
transition in a Mott insulator, Correlated Phenomena in Low-Dimensional Systems, Max-Planck-Institut fr Physik Komplexer Systeme, Dresden, Germany, 6
July 2010.
– Hou, C.-H., Effect of surface curvature on conductivity in 3D topological insulator,
APS March Meeting 2010, Portland, Oregon, USA, 15-19 March 2010.
– Juricic, V., Conference, New Frontiers in Graphene Physics, Trento, Italy, 12-14
April 2010.
– Juricic, V., Quantum criticality in graphene, Lorentz Seminar, Leiden, the Netherlands, May 2010.
– Juricic, V., Quantum criticality in graphene, 3rd Annual UK-NL Condensed Matter
Meeting, Cambridge, UK, 2-3 September 2010.
– Juricic, V., Quantum criticality in graphene, Department of Physics, Simon Fraser
University, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 22 September 2010.
– Juricic, V., Quantum criticality in graphene, Department of Physics, University of
California, Riverside, USA, 24 September 2010.
– Juricic, V., Quantum criticality in graphene, The 28th Jerusalem Winter School in
Theoretical Physics, Topological States in Condensed Matter Physics, 27 December4 January 2011.
– Nienhuis, G., Vortices and angular momentum of twisted modes, International
7. Scientific activities
Conference, Optical Angular Momentum, York, UK, 23-25 March 2010.
– Nienhuis, G., Operator methods in quantum and classical optics, Lectures, DRSTP
Postgraduate Course Statistical Physics and Theory of Condensed Matter (SPTCM),
Driebergen, the Netherlands, 19-21 April 2010.
– Nienhuis, G., Causal understanding in quantum optics, Lorentz Workshop, Understanding and the Aims of Science, Leiden, the Netherlands, 31 May-4 June
– Overbosch, B.J., Shaking off the fermionic minus signs to unravel novel superconductors, Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010.
– Overbosch, B.J., Shaking off the fermionic minus signs in quantum critical states,
Gordon Research Conference, Correlated Electron Systems, Mount Holyoke College, Massachusetts, USA, 13-18 June 2010.
– Schiessel, H., Chromatin: a multi-scale jigsaw puzzle, Soft Matter Seminar,
Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany, February 2010.
– Schiessel, H., Chromatin: a multi-scale jigsaw puzzle, JPS 2010, Spring Meeting,
Okayama, Japan, March 2010.
– Schiessel, H., Chromatin: a multi-scale jigsaw puzzle, International Workshop,
DNA and Chromatin, Kyoto University, Japan, April 2010.
– Schiessel, H., Chromatin: a multi-scale jigsaw puzzle, Chromatin Workshop, Takeyasu Lab./Yoshikawa Lab., Kyoto University, Japan, April 2010.
– Schiessel, H., Chromatin: a multi-scale jigsaw puzzle, Kyushu University, Fukuoka,
Japan, April 2010.
– Schiessel, H., Chromatin: a multi-scale jigsaw puzzle, Physics Colloquium, Martin
Luther Universit at, Halle, Germany, May 2010.
– Schiessel, H., Chromatin: a multi-scale jigsaw puzzle, Gordon Research Conference,
Single Molecule Approaches to Biology, Lucca, Italy, June 2010.
– Schiessel, H., Chromatin: a multi-scale jigsaw puzzle, Advanced Summer School
2010, CINVESTAV-IPN, Mexico City, Mexico, July 2010.
– Schiessel, H., Some questions concerning the electrostatics of DNA and chromatin,
Workshop, New Perspectives in Strongly Correlated Electrostatics in Soft Matter,
Aspen, USA, August 2010.
– Schiessel, H., Chromatin: a multi-scale jigsaw puzzle, LASSP Seminar, Cornell
University, Ithaca, USA, September 2010.
– Schiessel, H., Nucleosome breathing sliding and force-induced unwrapping, IRI Chromatin Days 2010, Lille, France, October 2010.
– Tighe, B.P., Flows on the brink of unjamming, APS March Meeting 2010, Portland,
Oregon, USA, 18 March 2010.
– Tighe, B.P., Flows on the brink of unjamming: rheology of foams and other disordered materials, This Week’s Discoveries, Leiden, the Netherlands, 13 April 2010.
– Tighe, B.P., Granular dynamics, Particulate Matter Workshop, Dresden, Germany,
3 June 2010.
– Tighe, B.P., Flow on the brink of jamming, Gordon Conference, Granular and
Granular-Fluid Flow, Waterville, Maine, USA, 20-25 June 2010.
– Tighe, B.P., Model for the rheology of viscous soft spheres, Workshop, Recent Progress in Physics of Dissipative Particles, Kyoto, Japan, 24-26 November 2010.
– Vitelli, V., Statistical physics and soft condensed matter II, Physics@FOM, Veld-
Annual report 2010
hoven, the Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010.
– Vitelli, V., From soft matter to dark matter: the statistical physics of lensing,
Colloquium, Colloquium Ehrenfestii, Leiden University, the Netherlands, 10 March
– Vitelli, V., Sound attenuation in jammed solids, Soft Matter Day, Wageningen, the
Netherlands, 14 April 2010.
– Vitelli, V., Geometry and elasticity, Lectures, DRSTP Postgraduate Course Statistical Physics and Theory of Condensed Matter (SPTCM), Driebergen, the Netherlands, 12-22 April 2010.
– Vitelli, V., Can one hear the shape of a jammed solid?, University of Twente,
Enschede, the Netherlands, 20 August 2010.
– Vitelli, V., Frustrated crystal and liquid crystal order in complex geometries, Complexity and Patterns Meeting, Enschede, the Netherlands, 16 October 2010.
– Vitelli, V., From soft matter to dark matter: the statistical physics of lensing,
Theoretical Physics Colloquium, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 9 December 2010.
– Wimmer, M., Theory of the topological Anderson insulator, DPG Conference, Regensburg, Germany, 21-26 March 2010.
– Wimmer, M., Is it possible to detect edge states in graphene quantum dots?, DPG
Conference, Regensburg, Germany, 21-26 March 2010.
– Wimmer, M., Quantum transport in nanostructures: from numerical algorithms
to spintronics in graphene, DPG Conference, Regensburg, Germany, 21-26 March
– Wimmer, M., Theory of the topological Anderson insulator, Seminar and Workshop,
Correlated Phenomena in Low-Dimensional Systems, Dresden, Germany, 5-23 July
– Wimmer, M., Majorana bound states without vortices in topological superconductors
with electrostatic defects, Seminar and Workshop, Correlated Phenomena in LowDimensional Systems, Dresden, Germany, 5-23 July 2010.
– Wimmer, M., Edge states in graphene quantum dots, 457th WE-Heraeus-Seminar,
Graphene Electronics - Material, Physics and Devices, Bad Honnef, Germany, 1518 August 2010.
– Wimmer, M., Majorana bound states in nanowires, Physics Colloquium, Sabanci
University, Istanbul, Turkey, 3 November 2010.
– Wimmer, M., Majorana bound states in nanowires, Seminar Group, Complex
Quantum Systems, Universität Regensburg, Germany, 11 November 2010.
– Wimmer, M., Majorana bound states in nanowires, Seminar Group, Mesoskopische
Physik, Universität Würzburg, Germany, 12 November 2010.
– Wimmer, M., Graphene edge states and spin detection, EuroGRAPHENE Symposium, Strasbourg, France, 17 November 2010.
– Zaanen, J., (UL) Het Universum in een korreltje roest, Natuurkundig Genootschap,
Assen, the Netherlands, 12-13 January 2010.
– Zaanen, J., A black hole full of answers, Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010.
– Zaanen, J., A black hole full of answers, Physics Colloquium, Loughborough University, UK, 27 January 2010.
– Zaanen, J., Een zwart gat vol met antwoorden, NSA Symposium, Amsterdam, the
7. Scientific activities
Netherlands, 16 February 2010.
– Zaanen, J., Mott collapse and statistical quantum criticality, Seminar, Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory, California, USA, 10 March 2010.
– Zaanen, J., Anti-de-Sitter to condensed matter theory: an update, Workshop, Theoretical Institute of Photon Science, Stanford University, USA, 11 March 2010.
– Zaanen, J., Holography and the mystery of the quantum critical metals of condensed
matter physics, MI Workshop, String Theory Approach to QCD Thermodynamics
and Kinetics, Institut für Theoretische Physik, Heidelberg, Germany, 15-19 March
– Zaanen, J., AdS/CFT and the fermions of condensed matter physics, Theory Group
Colloquium, Imperial College London, UK, 29 March 2010.
– Zaanen, J., Quantum criticality, high Tc superconductivity and the AdS/CFT correspondence, Colloquium, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 7 April 2010.
– Zaanen, J., A black hole full of answers, Colloquium, London Centre for Nanotechnology, UK, 5 May 2010.
– Zaanen, J., The conference summary, Conference, Spectrocopies in Novel Superconductors (SNS2010), Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 23-28 May 2010.
– Zaanen, J., The AdS to condenses matter correspondence, European Workshop,
String Theory, Institute of Theoretical Physics and University of Oviedo, Madrid,
Spain, 14-18 June 2010.
– Zaanen, J., Quantum criticality high Tc superconductivity and the AdS/CFT correspondence of string theory, Superstripes 2010 Conference, Erice, Italy, 19-25 July
– Zaanen, J., AdS/CFT and the fermions of condensed matter physics, NORDITA
Program on Quantum Solids, Liquids and Gases, Stockholm, Sweden, 28-30 July
– Zaanen, J., Mott collapse, statistical quantum criticality and high Tc superconductivity, 197th Zhong-Guan-Cun Forum on Condensed Matter Physics, Institute of
Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, 11 August 2010.
– Zaanen, J., Quantum criticality, high Tc superconductivity and the AdS/CFT correspondence, Seminar, Institute for Advanced Studies, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 16 August 2010.
– Zaanen, J., Focus session AdS/CFT, UK-NL Meeting, Cambridge, UK, 2-3 September 2010.
– Zaanen, J., Mott Collapse, statistical quantum criticality and high Tc superconductivity, Physics Department, University of Tokyo, Japan, 24 September 2010.
– Zaanen, J., Quantum criticality, high Tc superconductivity and the AdS/CFT correspondence of string theory, Opening Symposium of QS2C Forum, RIKEN, Tokyo,
Japan, 27 September 2010.
– Zaanen, J., Quantum criticality, high Tc superconductivity and the AdS/CFT correspondence, Physics Colloquium, University of Tennesee, Knoxville, USA, 11 October 2010.
– Zaanen, J., Quantum criticality, high Tc superconductivity and the AdS/CFT correspondence, Physics Colloquium, University of Louisiana, Baton Rouge, New Orleans, USA, 14 October 2010.
– Zaanen, J., The holographic (non) Fermi-Liquids, First String Meeting, University
Annual report 2010
of Groningen, the Netherlands, 5 November 2010.
– Zaanen, J., Condensed matter for string theorist, Fermionic Quantum Criticality,
Department of Theoretical Physics, Ecole Normale Superieur Paris and University
Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France, 10 November 2010.
– Zaanen, J., Quantum criticality, high Tc superconductivity and the AdS/CFT correspondence, Another Workshop on Aspects of Gauge/Gravity Duality, Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Cambridge University,
Cambridge, UK, 15 November 2010.
– Zaanen, J., Condensed matter for string theorist, The Experimental Jungle, Department of Theoretical Physics, Ecole Normale Superieur Paris and University
Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France, 17 November 2010.
– Zaanen, J., Condensed matter for string theorist, The AdS/CFT Correspondence,
Department of Theoretical Physics, Ecole Normale Superieur Paris and University
Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France, 24 November 2010.
– Zaanen, J., Snaartheorie in de echte wereld, Cleveringa Lezing, Brussel, Belgium,
25 November 2010.
– Zaanen, J., Snaar theorie in de echte wereld, Studium Generale, University of
Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands, 2 December 2010.
– Zaanen, J., Van der Waals, de toestand vergelijking en de 21ste eeuwse fysica,
Museum Boerhaave, Leiden, the Netherlands, 9 December 2010.
Radboud University Nijmegen
– Akhukov, M.A., Efficient DFT calculations, Siesta School, Satander, Spain, 1-6
June 2010.
– de Wijn, A.S., Fusco, C. and Fasolino, A., The nonlinear dynamics of transport on
surfaces, Physics@FOM, Veldhoven 2010, the Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010.
– de Wijn, A.S., Fusco, C. and Fasolino, A., Periodic orbits in the sliding friction of
graphite flakes and other nanocrystals, DPG Spring Meeting, Division Condensed
Matter, Regensburg, Germany, 21-26 March 2010.
– de Wijn, A.S., Fasolino, A. and Fusco, C., Stability of low-friction sliding of nanocrystals on substrated with hexagonal and rectangular symmetry, 14th Workshop,
Dynamical Phenomena at Surfaces (WDPS), Ringberg Castle, Germany, 18-22
July 2010.
– de Wijn, A.S., The nonlinear dynamics of surface transport, 27th European Conference, Surface Science, Groningen, the Netherlands, 29 August-3 September 2010.
– de Wijn, A.S., Nonlinear dynamics of the internal degrees of freedom and transport of benzene on graphite, Institut f u Physik, Technische Universit at Chemnitz,
Germany, 3 October 2010.
– de Wijn, A.S., Lattice geometry and stabililty of low-friction sliding of nanocrystals,
Center for Nanotechnology, University of M unster, Germany, 19 November 2010.
– Colonna, F., Fusco, C. and Fasolino, A., Stability of graphitic materials by accurate
computer simulation, Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 19-20 January
– Fasolino, A., The structure of single and bilayer graphene, Seminar, Modena, Italy,
19-23 March 2010.
– Fasolino, A., Mechanism and free energy of the zigzag edge reconstruction of gra-
7. Scientific activities
phene, 27th European Conference, Surface Science ECOSS27, Groningen, the Netherlands, 30 August-3 September 2010.
Fasolino, A., Structure and thermodynamics of graphene from atomistic simulations, ACMM Symposium, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 18 November 2010.
Katsnelson, M.I., Gauge fields in corrugated graphene, Colloquium, University of
Hamburg, Germany, 10-15 January, 2010.
Mentink, J.H., Fasolino, A., Katsnelson, M.I., Kimel, A., Kirilyuk, A. and Rasing, T., Angular momentum conservation and light-induced magnetization reversal, Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010.
Zakharchenko, K., Los, J.H., Katsnelson, M.I. and Fasolino, A., Structural properties of bi-layer graphene: comparison to single layer graphene and bulk graphite,
Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010.
Katsnelson, M.I., Electron transport in graphene, Seminar, Moscow State University, Russia, April 2010.
Katsnelson, M.I., Graphene: CERN on the desk, Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow, Russia, 4-26 April 2010.
Katsnelson, M.I., Itinerant electron magnetism, Colloquium, University of Cologne,
France, May 2010.
Katsnelson, M.I., Gauge fields in corrugated graphene, Colloquium, Utrecht, the
Netherlands, May 2010.
Katsnelson, M.I., Towards ab initio spin dynamics, Workshop, Computational Magnetism, Bonn, Germany, 9-13 May 2010.
Katsnelson, M.I., Electron transport in graphene, Nobel Symposium, Physics of
Graphene, Stockholm, Sweden, 27-31 May 2010.
Katsnelson, M.I., Corrugations, defects and scattering mechanisms in graphene,
Meeting, European Materials Research Society (EMRS), Strasbourg, France, 6-10
June 2010.
Katsnelson, M.I., Electron transport in graphene, Colloquium, DESY, Hamburg,
Germany, 21-29 June 2010.
Katsnelson, M.I., Electron scattering mechanisms in graphene, WE-Heraus-Seminar,
Graphene Electronics, Bad Honnef, Germany, 15-18 August 2010.
Katsnelson, M.I., Itinerant electron magnetism, Conference, Realistic Theories of
Correlated Electrons in Condensed Matter, Moscow, Russia, 30 July-9 August
Katsnelson, M.I., Graphene: CERN on the desk, 23rd General Conference, Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society CMD23, Warsaw, Poland,
30 August-3 September 2010.
Katsnelson, M.I., Graphene: Dirac electrons in magnetic and pseudomagnetic
fields, 2nd EuroMagNET Summer School, Science in High Magnetic Fields, Ameland, the Netherlands, September 2010.
Katsnelson, M.I., Graphene: CERN on the desk, Conference, Materials Science
and Condensed Matter Physics (MSCMP) 2010, Chisinau, Moldova, Russia, 10-15
September 2010.
Katsnelson, M.I., Electron scattering mechanisms in graphene, Seminar, Scuola
Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy, 19-23 September 2010.
Katsnelson, M.I., Yuan, S. and Toro, R., Graphene: CERN on the desk, Nanoe-
Annual report 2010
lectronics Days 2010, Forschungszentrum J ulich, Aachen, Germany, 4-7 October
– Katsnelson, M.I., Graphene: CERN on the desk, Colloquium, Technical University
of Eindhoven, the Netherlands, November 2010.
– Katsnelson, M.I., Graphene: CERN on the desk, Colloquium, University of Antwerpen, Belgium, 30 November-1 December 2010.
– Katsnelson, M.I., Graphene: CERN on the desk, Symposium, Condensed Matter
Physics and Optics, Institute of Science and Technology, Vienna, Austria, 19-21
December 2010.
Utrecht University
– Barkema, G.T., Theory and simulation of polymer translocation, Theoretical Physics Colloquium, University of G ottingen, Germany, 13 April 2010.
– Barkema, G.T., Physical chemistry of affymetrix microarrays, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 18 March 2010.
– Duine, R.A., Spin drag in Bose and Fermi gases, Theoretical Physics Colloquium,
Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 4 March 2010.
– Duine, R.A., Spin drag in Bose and Fermi gases, APS March Meeting, Portland,
Oregon, USA, 15 March 2010.
– Duine, R.A., Non-universal aspects of electromotive forces induced by domain-wall
motion, 2nd NWO-NRF Korean-Dutch Workshop, Trends in Spintronics, Eindhoven, the Netherlands, 24 June 2010.
– Duine, R.A., Non-universal aspects of electromotive forces induced by domain-wall
motion, Cambridge-Leiden Easymeeting, Cambridge, UK, 3 September 2010.
– Lazarides, A., Pokrovsky-Talapov model at finite temperature: a renormalization
group analysis, Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010.
– Lazarides, A., Competing superconducting states for ultracold atoms in optical lattices with artificial staggered magnetic field, Graphene Day, Delft, the Netherlands,
2 March 2010.
– Lazarides, A., Ultracold atomic gases: Statics, dynamics and dimensionality, Two
days of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, De Panne, Belgium, 29-30 May
– Lim, L.-K., Strongly interacting 2D Dirac fermions, Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, the
Netherlands, 20 January 2010.
– Lim, L.-K., Strongly interacting 2D Dirac fermions in a cold atomic system, Seminar, Quantum Gases Group, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 3 February 2010.
– Lim, L.-K., Cold atoms in 2D optical lattices under staggered rotation, Seminar,
Theorie de la Matiere Condensee sur le Plateau, Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, CNRS, Orsay, France, 9 February 2010.
– Lim, L.-K., Cold atoms in 2D optical lattices under staggered rotation, Seminar,
Quantum Optics Theory Seminar in the group of Peter Zoller, University of Innsbruck, Austria, 10 May 2010.
– Lim, L.-K., Cold atoms in 2D optical lattices under staggered rotation, Seminar,
Complex Quantum Systems Informal Seminar in the group of Allan MacDonald,
University of Texas, Austin, USA, 24 May 2010.
– Lim, L.-K., Strongly interacting 2D Dirac fermions, APS DAMOP Meeting, Session
7. Scientific activities
on Strongly Interacting Fermi Gases II, Houston, Texas, USA, 29 May 2010.
– Lim, L.-K., Cold atoms in 2D optical lattices under staggered rotation, Seminar,
Graduate School Colloquium, Physics with New Coherent Radiation Sources, University Hamburg, DESY Germany, 29 June 2010.
– Morais Smith, C., Will cold atomic systems help us to understand high-Tc superconductivity?, Colloquium, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Utrecht, the Netherlands,
24 March 2010.
– Morais Smith, C., Analogs of graphene using ultracold atoms, International Workshop on New Frontiers in Graphene Physics, Trento, Italy, 12-14 April 2010.
– Morais Smith, C., Dissipation in quantum systems, Lectures, DRSTP Postgraduate
Course Statistical Physics and Theory of Condensed Matter (SPTCM), Driebergen,
the Netherlands, 19-21 April 2010.
– Morais Smith, C., Ultracold atoms under staggered rotation: bosons, fermions, and
mixtures, Seminar, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Freiburg University, Switzerland, 17 May 2010.
– Morais Smith, C., Cold atoms under staggered rotation, Workshop, Critical Behavior of Lattice Models in Condensed Matter and Particle Physics, Aspen, Colorado,
USA, 30 May-13 June 2010.
– Morais Smith, C., Will cold atomic systems help us to understand high-Tc superconductivity?, William Phillips Group Seminar, NIST, Maryland, USA, 14 June
– Morais Smith, C., The magic world of electrons in two dimensions, Utrecht Summer
School 2010, Science for Secondary School Students, University College Utrecht,
the Netherlands, 2 July 2010.
– Morais Smith, C., Effect of staggered gauge fields on cold atoms in optical lattices,
Physics Department Seminar, Catania University, Italy, 8 July 2010.
– Morais Smith, C., Will cold atoms help us to understand high-Tc superconductivity?, Superstripes 2010: Quantum Phenomena in Complex Matter, Erice, Italy,
19-25 July 2010.
– Morais Smith, C., The mysteries of High-Tc superconductors, Summer School, Julius Institute, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 23 August 2010.
– Morais Smith, C., Creating staggered magnetic fields in optical lattices - new insights into high-Tc superconductivity, Workshop, Cold Atoms in Synthetic Gauge
Fields, Beijing, China, 25-27 August 2010.
– Morais Smith, C., Staggered rotation out of non-equilibrium condensates, Ultracold
Quantum Gases beyond Equilibrium, Natal, Brazil, 27 September-1 October 2010.
– Morais Smith, C., Extremely thin, Masterclass Physics, Fascination for Extreme
Worlds, University College Utrecht, the Netherlands, 28 October 2010.
– Morais Smith, C., Will cold atomic systems help us to understand high-Tc superconductivity?, International Conference, Conducting Materials, Sousse, Tunisia,
3-7 November 2010.
– van der Schoot, P.P.A.M., Liquid crystals: an introduction, Winter School, Physical
Chemistry, Han-sur-Lesse, Belgium, 25-29 January 2010.
– van der Schoot, P.P.A.M., Physical regulation of viruses, CRPP, Bordeaux, France,
6 April 2010.
– van der Schoot, P.P.A.M., Isotropic-nematic interfaces: surface tension vs elasti-
Annual report 2010
city, CRPP, Bordeaux, France, 22 April 2010.
– van der Schoot, P.P.A.M., Connectivity percolation of polydisperse nanofillers, ChemOnTubes Meeting, Arcachon, France, 12-14 April 2010.
– van der Schoot, P.P.A.M., Alignment of carbon nanotubes in liquid crystal media,
Workshop, Playing Colloidal Mikado II, Luxembourg, 27-29 May 2010.
– van der Schoot, P.P.A.M., Physics of viruses, Delft University of Technology, Delft,
the Netherlands, 31 May 2010.
– van der Schoot, P.P.A.M., Physics of viruses, Philips-TU/e Meeting, Eindhoven,
the Netherlands, 31 May 2010.
– van der Schoot, P.P.A.M., Chirality amplification in supramolecular polymers, Symposium, Supramolecular Optoelectronics Polymers, Eindhoven, the Netherlands, 7
June 2010.
– van der Schoot, P.P.A.M., Kraft, D., and Kegel, W., Assembly kinetics of tobacco
mosaic virus, Workshop, Mathematical Virology, Ambleside, UK, 16-19 August
– van der Schoot, P.P.A.M., Tactoids large and small, University of Leeds, UK, 12
November 2010.
– van Roij, R.H.H.G., Non-aqueous electrolytes: Bjerrum pairs, screening, and polarisation, Soft Matter Seminar, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 5 February 2010.
– van Roij, R.H.H.G., Acid nanoparticles in sweet oil and salty water, Soft Matter
Colloquium, Oxford University, UK, 13 May 2010.
– van Roij, R.H.H.G., Mixtures of semi-flexible colloidal rods: orientational ordering,
stretching and demixing, Workshop, Playing Colloidal Mikado II, Luxembourg, 28
May 2010.
– van Roij, R.H.H.G., DDFT for ionic double layers, Cecam Workshop, Mesoscale
Methods for Colloidal Hydrodynamics, Lausanne, Switzerland, 20 July 2010.
– Yin, S., DRSTP PhD Day 2010, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 15 October 2010.
8 Science-related activities
This chapter presents an overview of the science-related activities of DRSTP staff
members and postdoctoral fellows. Here we list publications about or related to physics
in a variety of printed media in Section 8.1 and public lectures are given in Section
8.2. All other outreach activities such as forum discussions, television interviews,
personal columns in newspapers etc. are listed in the paragraph ‘other contributions’
(Section 8.3). Science-related activities of PhD students can be found in Chapter 4
(Sections 4.5 and 4.6).
Physics-related publications
– Bais, F.A., Une relativité bien particulière, Editions desiris, Paris, France, 2010.
– Bais, F.A. In praise of science: Curiosity, understanding and progress, MIT Press,
Cambridge, USA, 2010. (book).
– Bais, F.A. Greek translation of The equations, Katopro Publishers, Athen, Greece,
2010. (book).
– Bais, F.A. Greek translation of Very special relativity, Katopro Publishers, Athen,
Greece, 2010. (book).
– Bais, F.A. and van der Schaar, J.P. Introduction to new edition of Kosmos by
Willem de Sitter, Amsterdam Academic Archive, Amsterdam University Press,
2010. (book)
– Bais, F.A. Kwanta, kwinkslagen & kwakzalvers, Amsterdam University Press. 2010.
– Bakker, B.L.G., Few-body systems, 47(1-2) (2010) 1-2 editorial.
– Blokhuis, E.M., Boon, N.J.H., van den Ende, H.T.M., Krumer, Z., Nienhuis, B.,
van Roij, R., Schaafsma, M.C. and Tromp, R.H., Water-water interfaces, in ‘Proceedings Physics with Industry 2010’, Lorentz Center Leiden, the Netherlands,
11-15 October 2010.
– Duine, R.A., van Driel, H.J. and Stoof, H.T.C., Koude atomen bieden weerstand,
NTvN 76 (2010) 292.
– Duine, R.A.,, Fysica 2010, focussessie Nanofysica, NTvN 76 (2010) 114.
– Loll, R., Dimensions vanish in quantum gravity, by Rachel Courtland, New Scientist, 2779, September 2010, pp. 14-15.
– Loll, R., Met quantummechanica ons heelal doorgronden, by Marion de Boo, in
Synthese, NWO-Jaaroverzicht, July 2010, pp. 26-27.
Annual report 2010
– Loll, R., Quantumzwaartekracht om het heelal te begrijpen, by Bauke Vermaas, in
FOM Expres 23, no.1, April 2010, p. 11.
– Loll, R., Twee smaken is te weinig, by Robert Visscher, in Transfer 17, no. 5,
February 2010 (Nuffic, Den Haag).
– ’t Hooft, G., Gravity and the quantum: the world may not be what it seems, Frontiers of Fundamental and Computational Physics: 10th International Symposium,
Hartnett, Abbot, Am. Inst. Phys. (ISBN 978-0-7354-0793-0) pp. 4-15.
– van Enter, A.C.D., Gemiste Nobelprijzen, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde, 76-03, March 2010, p. 90 (article).
– van Enter, A.C.D., Waar doen we het voor, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde, 76-04, April 2010, p. 95 (article).
– van Enter, A.C.D., Waarom volgens mij de 1e geldstroom relatief wel zou moeten
groeien, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde, 76-11, 2010, p. 381 (article).
Public lectures
– Bais, F.A., Keerpunten in de natuurwetenschap, Lecture, Physica Society, Alkmaar, the Netherlands, 11 January 2010.
– Bais, F.A., Wetenschap en angst, Lecture, Studium Generale, Utrecht University,
the Netherlands, 10 February 2010.
– Bais, F.A., Relativity, Lectures, Museon, Den Haag, the Netherlands, 8-10 June
– Bais, F.A., Symmetrie als kosmische code, Valedictory Lecture, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 16 June 2010.
– Bais, F.A., Het natuurwetenschappelijk perspectief op tijd, Lecture, Benecke Meeting on Time, Maarssen, the Netherlands, 16 September 2010.
– Bais, F.A., Keerpunten in de natuurwetenschappen, Lecture, HOVO Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, 29 September 2010.
– Bais, F.A., Keerpunten in de natuurwetenschappen, Lecture, Natuurkundig Gezelschap, Middelburg, the Netherlands, 1 October 2010.
– Bais, F.A., Waarom wetenschap, Lecture, Varendonck College, Eindhoven, the
Netherlands, 13 November 2010.
– Bais, F.A., Gedachte-experimenten in de relativiteitstheorie, Lecture, Studium Generale, Leiden, the Netherlands, 22 November 2010.
– Bais, F.A., Keerpunten: momenten van waarheid in de natuurwetenschap, Lecture,
Genootschap Adriean Poirters, Oisterwijk, the Netherlands, 27 November 2010.
– Bais, F.A., Keerpunten: momenten van waarheid in de natuurwetenschap, Lecture, the Soci eteit voor Culturele Samenwerking, Den Haag, the Netherlands, 6
December 2010.
– Beenakker, C.W.J., Nanokippengaas, Alumnidag, Leiden University, the Netherlands, 13 February 2010.
– Bergshoeff, E.A., Relativiteitstheorie, ‘Een dag student’, Groningen, the Netherlands, March 2010.
– Bergshoeff, E.A., Het mysterie van tijd en ruimte, First Amstel lecture on Physics,
Amsterdam, the Netherlands, March 2010.
8. Science-related activities
– Bergshoeff, E.A., Einstein: tijd en ruimte, Ouderdag, Natuurkunde en Technische
Natuurkunde, University of Groningen, the Netherlands, May 2010.
– Bergshoeff, E.A., Het Higgs deeltje, Koninklijk Instituut voor Ingenieurs (KIVI),
Den Haag, the Netherlands, September 2010.
– Bergshoeff, E.A., Waar blijft de tijd?, Dies Natalis-lezing ter gelegenheid van de
51ste verjaardag van de Fysisch-Mathematische Faculteitsvereniging FMF, Groningen, the Netherlands, November 2010.
– de Wit, B., De LHC deeltjesversneller: waarom en hoe? [The LHC Particle Accelerator: Why and How?], Presentation for 5-th and 6-th grade students, Christelijk
Lyceum Zeist, the Netherlands, 29 January 2010.
– Duine, R.A., Meer is anders, Beta onder de Dom, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 11
June 2010.
– Duine, R.A., Van ’t Hooft-Polyakov-monopool naar Ipod, Voordracht tijdens werkbezoek vaste tweede kamercommissie voor OCW aan de landelijke onderzoeksscholen, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 12 February 2010.
– Katsnelson, M.I., Quanta, nano and graphene, Polytechnique Museum, Moscow,
Russia, April 2010.
– Laenen, E.L.M.P., Fysica bij de large hadron collider, Studium Generale, Maastricht University, the Netherlands, 18 March 2010.
– Loll, R., Searching for the quantum origins of space and time, PION-Dutch Physics
Olympiad, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 4 June 2010.
– Loll, R., What is time?, 50th Anniversary Studium Generale, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 13 September 2010.
– Loll, R., Physics as a journey through scales - from the very large to the very small,
Lecture for Master Class for High-School Students, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 29
October 2010.
– Loll, R., A 21st-century look at space, time and the universe, Descartes College Honours Program, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 2 November 2010.
– Mulders, P.J.G., Veranderende concepten over materie, ruimte en tijd, ITS Regionale Bijeenkomst, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 25 March 2010.
– Prokopec, T., The dark side of cosmology, Information Fair, (Open Days) for Prospective Bachelor Students, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 27 November 2010.
– Schoutens, K., Quantuminformatie, Lezingen tijdens Comeniusleergang, 26, Ermelo, the Netherlands, 18 March 2010 and Comenius leergang 27, Arnhem, the
Netherlands, 3 December 2010.
– Schoutens, K., Quantumwereld, Lezing op netwerkbijeenkomst docenten VWO,
Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 23 September 2010.
– Schoutens, K., Kwantum kwesties - over de fundamentele rol van de kwantumtheorie in de natuurkunde, Mini-College, Open Dag Science Park Amsterdam, the
Netherlands, 9 October 2010.
– ’t Hooft, G., 40 years of subatomic particle physics, Nederlandse Club, St. Petersburg, Russia, 5 May 2010.
– ’t Hooft, G., Lecture, Masterclass Theoretical Physics, Fascinatie voor Extreme
Werelden: Extremely Small, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 9 June 2010.
– ’t Hooft, G., Beta onder de Dom, Lecture and Museum Tour for Lecturers, Utrecht,
the Netherlands, 11 June 2010.
Annual report 2010
– ’t Hooft, G., Zwarte gaten in elementaire deeltjes, Publiekscollege, Antwerpen,
Belgium, 4 October 2010.
– van Holten, J.W., Versnellers en de kosmos, VWO tutors presentation, Leiden
University, the Netherlands, 21 January 2010.
– van Holten, J.W., Materie en krachten, VWO students presentation, Leiden University, the Netherlands, 5 February 2010.
– van Holten, J.W., Versnellers en de kosmos, Hisparc teachers and students presentation, Technical University Eindhoven, the Netherlands, 16 April 2010.
– van Holten, J.W., Deeltjesfysica bij de LHC, RINO (Bachelor Student Association),
Leiden University, the Netherlands, 22 April 2010.
– van Roij, R.H.H.G., Zure nanodeeltjes in zoete olie en zout water, Natuurkundig
Gezelschap, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 6 April 2010.
– van Roij, R.H.H.G., Extreem fluctuerend: colloids, nanodeeltjes, en druppels in
vloeistoffen, Masterclass for Secondary School Pupils, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 10
June 2010 and 29 October 2010.
– Vandoren, S.J.G., Snaartheorie, Lecture, Rotary Club Haarlem, the Netherlands,
13 October 2010.
– Vandoren, S.J.G., Op zoek naar de oerknal, Lecture, Cultureel Centrum de Kimpel,
Bilzen, Belgium, 29 November 2010.
– van der Schoot, P.P.A.M., Introduction to physics, Parents Day, Eindhoven, 29
March 2010.
– Verlinde, E.P., Zwaartekracht, 20x20 Presentation, Discovery Festival, Amsterdam,
the Netherlands, 26 September 2010.
Other contributions
– Bais, F.A., Entropie, informatie en emergentie, Broodje kennis, Amsterdam, the
Netherlands, 2 March 2010, talk.
– Bais, F.A., Kwanta, kwinkslagen em kwakzalvers, Boekenkrant, Amsterdam, the
Netherlands, 7 June 2010, interview.
– Bais, F.A., NB, Radio program Noorderlicht, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 11
June 2010, interview.
– Bais, F.A., NB, TROS News-show, Hilversum, the Netherlands, 19 June 2010,
– Bais, F.A., Studeren is meer dan leren, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands,
2 September 2010, panel discussion.
– Bais, F.A., Jacht op de oorsprong, Spui, Hilversum, the Netherlands, issue 33,
2010, interview with Arnoud Veilbrief.
– Bais, F.A., Answer to questions, NOS/Teleac radio program Hoe? Zo!, Amsterdam,
the Netherlands, 30 September 2010, interview.
– Bais, F.A., Keerpunten in de natuurwetenschap, Award Ceremony for Peter Zeeman Prize, Zierikzee, the Netherlands, 26 November 2010, talk.
– Barkema, G.T., NWO-proposal entitled: The little green machine, PI dr. Lex
Wolters (Leiden) and Prof. Simon Portugies Zwart (Leiden), further information
available at: http://www.littlegreenmachine.org, co-initiator.
8. Science-related activities
– Bergshoeff, E.A., Art Project Time what makes us tick, Noorderzonfestival, Groningen, the Netherlands, August 2010, participation.
– Caux, J.-S., Quantum cryptografie en quantum computers, Proefcollege Natuurkunde (for prospective physics students), University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 21 January 2010, lecture.
– Morais Smith, C., Fysica 2010, 23 April 2010, Utrecht, the Netherlands, main
– Nienhuis, G., Special relativity, Proefstuderen voor scholieren, Leiden, the Netherlands, 19 February 2010, lecture and class work.
– ‘t Hooft, G., Boekpresentatie aan ondergetekende: Isaac Newton en het ware weten
van Floris Cohen, Boerhaave Museum, Leiden, the Netherlands, 9 March 2010.
– ‘t Hooft, G., Unofficial opening University Museum Utrecht exhibition Master the
Universe, Universiteitsmuseum Utrecht, the Netherlands, 19 April 2010.
– ‘t Hooft, G., Radio-interview about University Museum Utrecht exhibition on RTV,
the Netherlands, 24 April 2010.
– ‘t Hooft, G., Avond Vrienden van het University Museum Utrecht, Presentation,
the Netherlands, 27 April 2010.
– ‘t Hooft, G., Dubble interview with Robbert Dijkgraaf for Folia, 12 May 2010.
– ‘t Hooft, G., Planetenbiljart - Science Fiction en Echte Wetenschap, Paradiso
Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 16 May 2010.
– ‘t Hooft, G., Television program Goedemorgen Nederland, KRO, the Netherlands,
17 May 2010.
– ‘t Hooft, G., Official opening exhibition Master the Universe, University Museum
Utrecht, the Netherlands, 19 May 2010.
– ‘t Hooft, G., Interview with newspaper Algemene Dagblad about University Museum Utrecht exhibition, the Netherlands, 20 May 2010.
– ‘t Hooft, G., Torino, Interview with Tanja Traxler of Der Standard, and with RTE,
Independent Radio Production, Ireland, Today with Pat Kenny, 3 July 2010.
– ‘t Hooft, G., Playing with planets, Radio Show Science Fantastic, 9 August 2010,
interview with Michio Kaku.
– ‘t Hooft, G., 48th Course What is known and unexpected at LHC, Erice, Italy, 29
August-7 September 2010, deputy director.
– ‘t Hooft, G., Answer to questions from children, Klokhuis Vragendagen, Science
Center NEMO, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 14 November 2010.
– ‘t Hooft, G., TEDx Amsterdam, lecture about Science Fiction and Real Science,
followed by interviews with Achmea, RTLZ and BRN (Paul v. Liemt), 30 November 2010.
– ‘t Hooft, G., Recordings for documentary The Dream of Symmetry, about Abdus Salam, Giuseppe Mussardo, SISSA & ICTP Strada Costiera, Trieste, Italy, 3
December 2010.
– Taylor, M.M., Black holes, Outreach movie made with the company Fast Facts.
This movie was made as part of de Jonge Akademie activities at the KNAW. It is
available on the KNAW website, and also through various internet portals, such as
De Volksrant online and YouTube, 2010, movie.
Annual report 2010
– Vandoren, S.J.G., was co-organizer (with B. Pioline, Jussieu, Paris) of the Workshop Advances in String Theory, Wall Crossing, and Quaternion-Kahler Geometry,
Institute Henri Poincare, Paris, France, 30 August-3 September 2010.
– Zaanen, J., Lorentz Center Workshop, Inter-Phase: Novel Electronic States at
Interfaces in Oxides, Leiden, the Netherlands, 28 April 2010, disc. leader: theory.
9 Research funding
Below an overview is presented of funding organizations that financially supported the
research of the DRSTP in 2010. Regular university funding is not listed.
Personal grants
University grants
– High Potentials grant UU, R.H.H.G. van Roij (UU) (2005-2010)
– The phases of gauge theories with many flavours NCF-grant for computing time
(E. Pallante) (RUG)
– Academy professorship, G. ’t Hooft (UU) (2005-2011)
– Academy professorship, E.A. Bergshoeff (RUG) (2010-2015)
– Spinoza grant (1999) C.W.J. Beenakker (UL)
– Spinoza grant (2006) J. Zaanen (UL)
– VICI grant (2004) R. Loll (UU) (2005-2010)
– VICI grant (2007) C. Morais Smith (UU) (2008-2013)
– VICI grant (2008) K. Skenderis (UvA) (2009-2014)
– VICI grant (2009) S. Vandoren (UU) (2010-2015)
– VICI grant (2009) G. Arutyunov (UU) (2010-2015)
– VICI grant (2010) J-S. Caux (UvA) (2011-2016)
– VIDI grant (2004) M.M. Taylor (UvA) (2005-2010)
– VIDI grant (2005) K. Peeters (UU) (2006-2011)
– VIDI grant (2007) R.A. Duine (UU) (2008-2013)
– VIDI grant (2007) M. Postma (Nikhef) (2008-2013)
– VIDI grant (2008) D. Roest (RUG) (2008-2013)
– VIDI grant (2010) C. Castelnovo (UvA) (2011-2016)
– VENI grant (2006) J. Baptista (UvA) (2006-2010)
– VENI grant (2007) M. Das (VUA) (2007-2011)
– VENI grant (2008) P.L. McFadden (UvA) (2008-2011)
– VENI grant (2008) M. Snoek (UvA) (2009-2012)
– VENI grant (2009) S.P. Miao (UU) (2010-2013)
– VENI grant (2009) N. Banerjee (UU) (2010-2013)
– VENI grant (2010) V. Juricic (UL) (2010-2012)
– VENI grant (2010) B. Tighe (UL) (2010-2012)
Annual report 2010
– VENI grant (2010) B. Pozsgay (UvA) (2011-2014)
– VENI grant (2010) I. Khavkine (UU) (2011-2014)
– ERC Advanced investigator grant, C.W.J. Beenakker (UL) Search for mechanisms
to control massless electrons in graphene (2009-2014)
– ERC Advanced investigator grant, B. de Wit (UU) Supersymmetry: a window to
non-perturbative physics (2010-2015)
– ERC Starting grant, R. Duine (UU) New frontiers in spintronics (2008-2013)
EU Marie Curie fellowships
– P. Sulkowski (UvA) Black holes - BPS - black holes, BPS states and topological
string theory (1 October 2009 - 30 September 2012)
– M. Arzano (UU) Beyond local QFT (15 September 2009 - 15 September 2011)
Other fellowships
– R.N. Caldeira Costa (UvA) Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology
PhD, research fellowship (1 October 2008 - 1 October 2012)
– K. Hristov (UU) KNAW Huygens Scholarship (1 September 2008 - 1 September
– M. Taylor (UvA) FOM/v Stimuleringsprogramma, overbruggingsaanstelling (2009
- 2012)
FOM funding
– FOM-A-01 (group leader F.A. Bais)
Fundamental interactions (FOM program 31)
02FI10: Fundamental interactions (F.A. Bais)
– FOM-A-05 (group leader B. Nienhuis)
Collective and cooperative statistical physical phenomena (FOM program 46)
04CCSPP26: Correlations in groundstates without finite size corrections
(B. Nienhuis)
– FOM-A-20 (group leader E.P. Verlinde)
String theory and quantum gravity (FOM program 57)
01STQG01: Thermodynamics of strings, fluxes and branes (R.H. Dijkgraaf and
J. de Boer)
01STQG05: Persoonlijk materieel budget programmaleider A String theoretic approach to cosmology and quantum matter (FOM program 121)
09CQ01: Dynamical aspects of black holes (J. de Boer, M. Taylor, E.P. Verlinde)
09CQ02: Holography and cosmology (K. Skenderis, J.P. van der Schaar)
09CQ09: Program management, workshops and guests (E.P. Verlinde)
9. Research funding
03PR2266: Supersymmetric gauge theories and matrix models (R.H. Dijkgraaf and
J. de Boer)
04PR2387: Connecting gauge interactions with gravity through string theory
(R.H. Dijkgraaf and E.P. Verlinde)
06PR2510: Cosmological vacua in string theory (R.H. Dijkgraaf and E.P. Verlinde)
08PR2647: Topological computations for supersymmetric theories (J. de Boer)
10PR2818: An entropic view on gravity and the cosmos (E.P. Verlinde)
– FOM-A-25 (group leader K. Schoutens)
Collective and cooperative statistical physical phenomena (FOM program 46)
04CCSPP24: Collective behavior vs entanglement in atomic matter (K. Schoutens)
Solid state quantum information processing (FOM program 73)
08QIP07: Topological quantum computation in fractional quantum Hall effect devices (K. Schoutens)
10ODE02: New linear Luttinger liquid response functions (J.-S. Caux)
08PR2566: Cracking the quantum quench (J.-S. Caux)
08PR2585: Topological quantum registers (K. Schoutens)
08PR2627: A new launch pad for renormalization (J.-S. Caux)
02SP002: Dynamica van sterkgecorreleerde systemen in de gecondenseerde materie
(J.-S. Caux)
– FOM-V-01 (group leader P.J.G. Mulders)
Theoretical particle physics in the era of the LHC (FOM program 104)
07TPP04: Theoretical particle physics in the era of the LHC (D. Boer and
P.J.G. Mulders)
04PR2302: Exposing the color glass condensate (D. Boer)
05PR2422: Time reversal odd phenomena in quantum chromodynamics
(P.J.G. Mulders)
07PR2547: Color flow in hard hadronic scattering processes (P.J.G. Mulders)
– FOM-V-13 (group leader F.C. MacKintosh)
Biomolecular physics (FOM program 60)
03BMP23: Micromechanics and active response of biopolymer networks
(F.C. MacKintosh)
Material properties of biological assemblies (FOM program 90)
05BMPA04: Cytoskeletal/filamentous protein networks and assemblies (F.C. MacKintosh)
05BMPA06: Microrheology and non-equilibrium fluctuations of active cytoskeletal
(F.C. MacKintosh/ G. Koenderink)
05BMPA10: Guest budget (F.C. MacKintosh)
05BMPA11: Personal budget, program leader (F.C. MacKintosh)
Rheophysics: connecting jamming and rheology (FOM program 102)
Annual report 2010
07CJR03: Modelling of non-affine deformations and flow (F.C. MacKintosh)
07PR2680: Cell-inspired design of polymer networks with tailored mechanical properties (G.H. Koenderink/ F.C. MacKintosh)
Mechanosensing and mechanotansduction by cells (FOM program 117)
09MMC08: Force transmission in the extracellular matrix (F.C. MacKintosh)
– FOM-V-16 (group leader T.D. Visser)
Singular plasmonics 07PLSM02: Singular plasmonics (T.D. Visser)
– FOM-G-01 (group leader E.A. Bergshoeff)
String theory and quantum gravity (FOM program 57)
01STQG03: String theory and quantum gravity (E.A. Bergshoeff/M. de Roo)
A string theoretic approach to cosmology and quantum matter (FOM program 121)
09PR2720: Massive gravity: the road to quantum gravity?
09CQ05: Unfolding matter with terascale computers (FOM projectruimte)
(E. Pallante)
07PR2533: Theoretical particle physics in the era of the LHC (FOM program 104)
(E. Pallante)
– FOM-L-05 (group leader C.W.J. Beenakker)
Photons in complex media (FOM program 45-2)
07WCM09: Photons in complex media: theory (C.W.J. Beenakker)
Graphene-based electronics (FOM program 101)
07GE02: Quantum transport in graphene (C.W.J. Beenakker)
Solid state quantum information processing (FOM Focusgroep)
08SSQIP: Nonlocally encoded qubits in topological insulators and graphene
(C.W.J. Beenakker)
04PR2285: Controlled quantum entanglement in the Fermi sea
(C.W.J. Beenakker)
05PR2407: Antibunched and entangled microwaves in nanostructures
(C.W.J. Beenakker)
06PR2504: Mesoscopic physics in graphene (C.W.J. Beenakker)
08PR2601: Electronic shot noise in fractal conductors (C.W.J. Beenakker)
09PR2659: Mesoscopic physics in topological insulators (C.W.J. Beenakker)
– FOM-L-07 (group leader W. van Saarloos)
Collective and cooperative statistical physical phenomena (FOM program 46)
04CCSPP15: Efficient statistical physical models for simulating macroscopic viscoelastic flow instabilities and turbulence (W. van Saarloos)
04CCSPP18: Quantum phases of ultracold strongly interacting atoms
(P.J.H. Denteneer)
Physics of granular matter (FOM program 63)
07PGM17: Response and scaling behavior of dense granular media near the jamming transition (W. van Saarloos)
9. Research funding
Rheophysics: connecting jamming and rheology (FOM program 102)
07CJR07: Competition of jamming and shear banding (W. van Saarloos)
Innovative physics for oil and gas (FOM/SHELL program 116)
08iPOG02: Nonlinear waves and quasi-localized resonances in disordered granular
media (W. van Saarloos & M. van Hecke)
05PR2438: When soft condensed matter gets hard: the “jamming transition” in
granular media (W. van Saarloos)
– FOM-L-15 (group leader J. Zaanen)
Collective and cooperative statistical physical phenomena (FOM program 46)
04CCSPP13: Quantum phase transitions and fermion signs (J. Zaanen)
A string theoretic approach to cosmology and quantum matter (FOM program 121)
(A. Achúcarro & K.E. Schalm)
04PR2295: Stripe fractionalization: the quest for emergent gauge principle
(J. Zaanen)
10ER2795: Fermionic quantum criticality and anti-de Sitter string theory: blackhole answers for condensed matter questions (K.E. Schalm/J. Zaanen)
09PR2657-2: Strike while the iron is hot: uncovering the electronic structure of
the new Fe-pnictide high temperature superconductors (J. van den Brink)
– FOM-L-26 (group leader H. Schiessel)
Material properties of biological assemblies (FOM program 90)
05MPBA09: Theory of the role and behavior of membranes in composite systems
(H. Schiessel)
06PR2465: Statistical mechanics of semiflexible biopolymers under tension and
compression (H. Schiessel)
– FOM-L-30 (group leader J. van den Brink)
Collective and cooperative statistical physical phenomena (FOM program 46)
04CSSPP31: Orbital physics in oxides: novel types of quantum order
(J. van den Brink)
04PR2358: Does spontaneous symmetry breaking limit quantum coherence?
(J. van den Brink)
02SP001: FOM-Springplankplaats (J. van den Brink)
From soft matter to dark matter: the statistical physics of lensing (V. Vitelli)
– FOM-N-01 (group leader R.H.P. Kleiss)
Theoretical particle physics in the era of the LHC (FOM program 104)
07TPP02: Higgs+SuSy (R.H.P. Kleiss)
– FOM-N-09 (group leader M.I. Katsnelson)
Graphene-based electronics (FOM program 101)
Annual report 2010
06PR2481: Graphene: the two dimensional crystal that should not exist
(A. Fasolino)
07GE03: Graphene - based electronics (M.I. Katsnelson)
– FOM-U-01 (group leader G. ’t Hooft)
Theoretical particle physics in the era of the LHC (FOM program 104)
07TPP03: Naturalness and fundamental vs composite scalars (G. ’t Hooft)
07PR2522: What curves the space-time at large scales? The quest for the origin
of dark energy of the universe (T. Prokopec)
09PR2744: The 4D/5D connection for black holes and black rings (G. ’t Hooft)
– FOM-U-05 (group leader H.T.C. Stoof)
08PR2587: Ultracold Fermi gases and neutron stars (H.T.C. Stoof)
10PR2783-2: Spin drag in Bose gases (H.T.C. Stoof/R.A. Duine/
P. van der Straten)
– FOM-U-29 (group leader B. de Wit)
String theory and quantum gravity (FOM program 57)
01STQG02: New approaches to hypermultiplets/local field theory couplings of
BPS states (B. de Wit)
A String Theoretic approach to cosmology an quantum matter (FOM program 121)
09CQ03: Fixed point CFT’s for condensed matter systems (S.J.G. Vandoren)
09CQ04: Moduli stabilization and cosmological vacua (S.J.G. Vandoren)
09PR2731: Statistical versus thermodynamic black hole entropy (B. de Wit)
– FOM-U-31 (group leader R. van Roij)
Innovative physics for oil and gas (FOM/SHELL program 116)
08iPOG08: Electrokinetics and electroacoustics near oil-water interfaces in porous
media (R. van Roij)
07PR2592: Do smectic nuclei exist? (R. van Roij/M. Dijkstra)
– FOM-U-34 (group leader R. Duine)
Controlling spin dynamics in magnetic nanostructures: combining fast time and
short length scales for tomorrow’s technology (FOM program 109)
80SPIN03: Theory domain walls (R. Duine)
– FOM-U-35 (group leader R. Loll)
08PR2578: A reality check for quantum cosmology (R. Loll)
10PR2765: Ironing out the quantum wrinkles of spacetime (R. Loll)
9. Research funding
– FOM program (group leader E. Laenen)
Theoretical Particle physics in the era of the LHC (FOM program 104)
07TPP06: Tools, methods and applications for new physics predictions for the
LHC (J.W. van Holten, E. Laenen, J.A.M. Vermaseren)
– FOM program (group leader E. Verlinde)
String theory and quantum gravity (FOM program 57)
01STGQG04: Conformal field theory (A.N. Schellekens)
– FOM program (group leader J. van den Brand)
String theory and quantum gravity (FOM program 57)
01STGQG04: Conformal field theory (J.W. van Holten)
– FOM-Nikhef (group leader J.A.M. Vermaseren)
07PR2556: Precision phenomenology at the LHC (J.A.M. Vermaseren)
– FOM-Nikhef (group leader A.N.. Schellekens)
05PR2435: Standard model interactions from open string theory (A.N. Schellekens)
– FOM-Nikhef (group leader R. Fleischer)
– Study of Strongly Interacting Matter (HadronPhysics2)
Duration: 2009-2012
Netwerk coordinator: C. Guaraldo (Frascati)
Scientist in charge for VUA: P.J.G. Mulders
– Flavour Physics Training network FLAVIAnet
Duration: 2006-2010
Network coordinator: A. Pich (Valencia U., Spain)
Scientist in charge for RUG (associated with Valencia): E. Pallante
– Nanoelectronics: Concepts, Theory and Modelling (7th framework program, Initial
Training Network)
Duration: from 01-06-2010 until 01-06-2014
Network coordinator: C.J. Lambert, Lancaster (UK))
Scientists in charge: C.W.J. Beenakker (UL)
Annual report 2010
– HEPTOOLS (MRTN-CT-2006-035505)
Duration: from 01-12-2006 until 30-11-2010
Network coordinator: Dr. C.G. Papadopoulos (NRCS Dimokritos, Greece)
Scientist in charge for RU: R.H.P. Kleiss
– HEPTOOLS (MRTN-CT-2006-035505)
Duration: from 01-12-2006 until 30-11-2010
Network coordinator: Dr. C.G. Papadopoulos (NRCS Dimokritos, Greece)
Scientist in charge for Nikhef: E. Laenen
– Interdisciplinary statistical and field theory approaches to nanophysics
and low dimensional systems (INSTANS)
Duration: 2005-2010
Network coordinator: G. Mussardo (SISSA, Trieste)
Scientist in charge for UvA: K. Schoutens
– EUROGRAPHENE (Eurocores network)
Duration: 2010-2014
Network coordinator: P. Hakonen, Helsinki (Finland)
Scientist in charge: C.W.J. Beenakker (UL)
– Top-talent: (T. van Dijk) (VUA)
– NWO Mozaikbeurs C. Wever (2008-2012)
– NWO ECHO grant: Charged colloidal rods in suspension: screening, twisting, demixing, and ordering, R. van Roij (UU) (2008-2012)
– VTF 7803 (T. Visser) (VUA): Using light better (T. Stegeman and S. Raghunathan)
10 Organization (per 31-12-2010)
Governing Board:
prof. dr. M. de Roo (RUG), 050-3634956, m.de.roo@rug.nl
prof. dr. R.H.P. Kleiss (RU), 024-3653283, r.kleiss@science.ru.nl
prof. dr. E.L.M.P. Laenen (Nikhef), 020-5925127, eric.laenen@nikhef.nl
prof. dr. F.C. MacKintosh (VUA), 020-5987857, fc.mackintosh@few.vu.nl
prof. dr. C. Morais Smith (UU), 030-2533062, c.demoraissmith@uu.nl
prof. dr. K. Schoutens (UvA) (chair), 020-5255664, c.j.m.schoutens@uva.nl
prof. dr. J. Zaanen (UL), 071-5275506, jan@lorentz.leidenuniv.nl
Scientific director:
prof. dr. R. Loll (UU), 030-2535903, r.loll@uu.nl
Managing director:
drs. J.M. van Zee, 030-2537549, j.m.vanzee@uu.nl
W.L. Verweij, 030-2535916, w.l.verweij@uu.nl
Scientific Advisory Committee:
prof. dr. J. Fröhlich, ETH Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland
prof. dr. D. Nelson, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA
prof. dr. S. Sachdev, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA
prof. dr. G. ‘t Hooft, Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands
Annual report 2010
Educational Board:
prof. dr. G.T. Barkema (UU), 030-2532954, g.t.barkema@uu.nl
dr. W.J.P. Beenakker (RU), 024-3652803, w.beenakker@science.ru.nl
dr. P.A. Bobbert (TUE), 040-2474352, p.a.bobbert@tue.nl
dr. P.J.H. Denteneer (UL), 071-5275508, pjhdent@lorentz.leidenuniv.nl
prof. dr. P.J.G. Mulders (VUA) (chair), 020-5987863, pjg.mulders@few.vu.nl
prof. dr. B. Nienhuis (UvA), 020-5255749, b.nienhuis@uva.nl
prof. dr. E. Pallante (RUG), 050-3633420, e.pallante@rug.nl
E. van der Bijl MSc (UU) (representative PhD Student Council)
prof. dr. J.-W. van Holten (Nikhef), 020-5925131, t32@nikhef.nl
PhD Student Council:
drs. A.J. Beekman (UL), 071-5275530, aron@lorentz.leidenuniv.nl
drs. R. de Adelhart Toorop (Nikhef), 020-5925011, reintoorop@nikhef.nl
C.L.M. Mantz MSc (VUA), 06-24440686, cmantz@few.vu.nl
A.I.M. Niessen MSc (RU), 024-3652827, i.niessen@science.ru.nl
J. Noordmans MSc (RUG), 050-3633600, noordmans@kvi.nl
M. Smolic MSc (UvA), 020-5255705, m.smolic@uva.nl
E. van der Bijl MSc (UU), 030-2532322, e.vanderbijl@uu.nl
11 Partners and associate members
University of Amsterdam (UvA)
Faculty of Science
Institute for Theoretical Physics
Science Park 904, 1098 XH Amsterdam
P.O. Box 94485, 1090 GL Amsterdam
tel.: 020-5255773
fax: 020-5255778
e-mail secretariaat: a.m.crommentuijn@uva.nl (Anne-Marieke
Crommentuijn); j.e.kelly@uva.nl (Jocelyn Kelly)
website: http://www.science.uva.nl/research/itf/
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VUA)
Faculty of Sciences
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Theoretical Physics
De Boelelaan 1081
1081 HV Amsterdam
tel.: 020-5987892
fax: 020-5987992
e-mail secretariaat: m.e.herronen@vu.nl (Marja Herronen)
Annual report 2010
University of Groningen (RUG)
Faculty of Mathematics and Applied Sciences
Centre for Theoretical Physics
Nijenborgh 4
9747 AG Groningen
tel.: 050-3634950
fax: 050-3634947
e-mail secretariaat: i.de.roo-kwant@rug.nl (Iris de Roo-Kwant);
a.m.blanksma@rug.nl (Annelien Blanksma); secrctn@rug.nl
Leiden University (UL)
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Instituut-Lorentz for Theoretical Physics
Niels Bohrweg 2
2333 CA Leiden
P.O. Box 9506
2300 RA Leiden
tel.: 071-5275505
fax: 071-5275511
e-mail secretariaat: fran@lorentz.leidenuniv.nl (Fran Ouwerkerk-Persaud)
website: http://www.lorentz.leidenuniv.nl/
Radboud University Nijmegen (RU)
Faculty of Science
Theoretical Physics
Heyendaalseweg 135
6525 AJ Nijmegen
P.O. Box 9010
6500 GL Nijmegen
11. Partners and associate members
Institute for Mathematics, Astrophysics and Particle Physics
tel.: 024-3652098
fax: 024-3652191
e-mail secretariaat: secr@hef.ru.nl (Gemma Koppers-Janssen; Annelies OosterhofMeij; Marjo Wees-Mobertz)
website: http://www.ru.nl/imapp/
Institute for Molecules and Materials
tel.: 024-3652981
fax: 024-3652120
e-mail secretariaat: a.follings@science.ru.nl (Anja Föllings-Reuvers)
website: http://www.ru.nl/imm/
Utrecht University (UU)
Faculty of Science
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Institute for Theoretical Physics
Leuvenlaan 4
3584 CE Utrecht
P.O. Box 80.195
3508 TD Utrecht
tel.: 030-2535928
fax: 030-2535937
e-mail secretariaat: e.brochard@uu.nl (Els Brochard); science.secr.itp@uu.nl
website: http://web.science.uu.nl/itf/default.htm
Nikhef Theory Group (Nikhef )
National Institute for Subatomic Physics
Science Park 105
1098 XG Amsterdam
P.O. Box 41882
1009 DB Amsterdam
tel.: 020-5925127
fax: 020-5925155
e-mail secretariaat: p39@nikhef.nl (Eveline Schram-Post);
eric.laenen@nikhef.nl (Eric Laenen)
website: http://www.nikhef.nl/pub/theory/local.php
Associate members
prof. dr. H.A. de Raedt
University of Groningen
Department of Applied Physics
Materials Science Centre
Nijenborgh 4
9747 AG Groningen
prof. dr. ir. H. Dekker
Science Park 904
1098 XH Amsterdam
prof. dr. L.-F. Feiner
Philips Research Lab
High Tech Campus 4
5656 AA Eindhoven
dr. B.J. Hoenders
University of Groningen
Department of Applied Physics
Materials Science Centre
Nijenborgh 4
9747 AG Groningen
dr. ir. L.P.J. Kamp
Eindhoven University of Technology
Department of Applied Physics
Den Dolech 2
5612 AZ Eindhoven
prof. dr. J. Knoester
University of Groningen
Department of Applied Physics
Materials Science Centre
Nijenborgh 4
9747 AG Groningen
Annual report 2010
11. Partners and associate members
prof. dr. D. Lohse
University of Twente
Faculty of Science and Technology
Physics of Fluids
Drienerlolaan 5
7522 NB Enschede
dr. M.V. Mostovoy
University of Groningen
Department of Applied Physics
Materials Science Centre
Nijenborgh 4
9747 AG Groningen
Theoretical and Polymer Physics Group
Eindhoven University of Technology
Department of Applied Physics
Research Cluster of Functional Materials
Den Dolech 2
5612 AZ Eindhoven
P.O. Box 513
5600 MB Eindhoven
prof. dr. P.J. van Baal
Leiden University
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Instituut-Lorentz for Theoretical Physics
Niels Bohrweg 2
2333 CA Leiden
Annual report 2010
Appendix A
Mission statement
The Dutch Research School of Theoretical Physics (DRSTP) is a cooperation between
the theoretical physics groups of six Dutch universities and of the National Institute
for Subatomic Physics (Nikhef) with the following purpose:
• to implement a joint programme of graduate education in theoretical physics
that draws upon a dynamic research environment;
• to maintain and strengthen research in theoretical physics from a broad unifying
perspective that exploits the interrelationships between different fields of theory;
• to strengthen, both in research and graduate education, connections with experimental physics, and other disciplines such as mathematics, computational
science, astrophysics, earth science, physical chemistry and the life sciences.
The DRSTP is based on the conviction that a joint venture of all the moderately sized
local theory groups, each with its own profile, offers added value for the achievement
of these objectives. The DRSTP represents a sizable part of the national activity in
theoretical physics, a field that has a strong tradition in the Netherlands. At present
there exists no other organization that represents this field of research at the national level. The DRSTP welcomes further growth, for instance, by cooperation with
institutions in neighboring countries that share these goals. Often its educational
activities already attract students from neighboring countries and occasionally some
of these activities are based on a close collaboration with partners abroad.
The Governing Board of the DRSTP, which consists of representatives of the partners, is responsible for undertaking any suitable initiative to further its goals. The
Scientific Director of the DRSTP is responsible for implementing the overall policy
on behalf of the Board and for coordinating the DRSTP activities. The mandate to
carry out these tasks is based on an official agreement between the Boards of the participating partners, as a result of which the DRSTP has been accredited by the Royal
Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) in June of 1994 and reaccredited in 1999, 2004 and 2010. The agreement guarantees means for a six year period
in terms of explicit staff commitments as well as graduate student positions. The
Annual report 2010
DRSTP is assisted in its endeavor by an international Scientific Advisory Committee
of distinguished scientists.
Theoretical physics is based on universal principles. New concepts often have a much
wider validity than in the field in which they are discovered, and methods developed
in one field are sometimes very useful in another. Hence theoretical physics is characterized by unity in diversity.
The research fields of the DRSTP are highly diverse, ranging from the physics at the
very smallest length scales to the large scale structure of space and time, and from
the study of building blocks of matter to the intricacies of the many-body physics of
condensed matter, be it quantum matter, soft matter or bio-matter.
The methods employed in these various fields make up the universal language of
theoretical physics: formalisms such as the renormalization group and quantum field
theory, and various concepts of statistical, computational and mathematical physics
are universally applied and establish cross-talk among the research fields.
The research areas covered by the DRSTP can be grouped into the following broad
and overlapping themes:
• Theme 1: Particle physics, cosmology, quantum gravity and string theory
• Theme 2: Quantum matter, quantum information, soft condensed matter and
Appendix A
The specific content of the research programme depends on the responsible project
leaders, on their creativity as well as their initiative to obtain research funding from
their home universities, the Dutch research councils of NWO, or from international
sources such as European Union programmes.
The research programme is carried out under the responsibility of the Governing
Board and the Scientific Director in accordance with the agreement. The Governing
Board of the DRSTP safeguards the objectives of the Research School. It monitors
the overall coherence and quality of the research programme. The Board discusses
periodically whether the program remains on the forefront of international developments. The Scientific Advisory Committee plays an essential part in these matters.
The DRSTP is also accountable to the faculties of the participating partners. Therefore it reports regularly on past and planned activities, both in research and graduate
education, on the basis of information presented in its yearly reports.
Graduate programme
The partners in the DRSTP offer a joint program of graduate education leading to a
PhD. As part of the research training, under the supervision of a member scientist of
the corresponding node, the Research School guarantees a wide range of educational
opportunities for its PhD students. They consist of advanced courses, seminars and
topical courses in the Netherlands, and international experience in the form of workshops, summer schools or extended research visits abroad.
The Governing Board of the DRSTP decides on admission and monitors the evaluation of progress with a prognosis of ultimate success after the first year. This takes
place on the basis of an ‘Education and Supervision Form’ [opleiding- en begeleidingsplan (OBP)] between each individual PhD student and its supervisor(s), to be
submitted to and approved by the Board upon admittance.
The Educational Board advises the Governing Board. It also assembles the content
of the yearly programme of regular activities. Standard advanced courses are published in a nationwide survey. Special PhD courses are offered within the DRSTP, in
quantum field theory, statistical physics and in theoretical condensed matter physics,
or result from joint efforts with other research schools.
The input of graduate students in the school takes place in the form of a PhD Student
Council that meets regularly with the Scientific Director and the Chairman of the Governing Board and Educational Board (which also has one student member).
Individual members of the DRSTP play a pivotal role in helping to organize many
summer schools and workshops, in the Netherlands as well as abroad, and in serving
as teachers in all the activities that the DRSTP undertakes by itself or in cooperation
with others.
Other responsibilities
The responsibilities of the DRSTP include:
• the promotion of a stimulating research environment in theoretical physics
• setting uniform standards of quality
• making educational supplements available tailored to individual research needs.
Annual report 2010
The Board also develops a wide range of activities in order to support an exciting
research climate from fund-raising, e.g. for postdoctoral fellows, guest teachers or
international mobility of DRSTP students, to the selection of visiting professors, for
example on the Kramers (UU), Lorentz (UL) or Van der Waals (UvA) Chairs.
Appendix B
Selection and supervision procedure of PhD
Selection and supervision of PhD students
When a PhD research position opens up with one of the participating partners, there
is usually an open round of applications. Important criteria in the selection procedure
are the potential of the student for doing independent scientific research and the level
and skills demonstrated in the Master’s program.
Admission to the DRSTP requires the submission of an ‘Education and Supervision
Form’ [opleiding- en begeleidingsplan (OBP)], containing a global description of educational activities with details provided for the first year. The plan also specifies
how individual guidance will be provided under responsibility of the thesis advisor.
The Research School safeguards a consistent implementation of the agreement, with
uniform standards. The plan has to be submitted to the DRSTP Bureau. Formal
admission is subject to approval by the Governing Board.
After one year the progress is evaluated, based on an interview with the thesis advisor and an independent second referee. The school safeguards this procedure without
interfering with the responsibilities of the employer. Participation in the educational
program is an explicit element of the evaluation: students are expected to attend
at least two DRSTP postgraduate schools and the DRSTP symposium ‘Trends in
Theory’. The outcome of the evaluation will reflect on whether the student will be
able to complete the research program within the amount of time allotted. If the
prognosis is negative, the student will be asked to leave the DRSTP. Such outcomes
should be, and are, extremely rare provided proper care is given to the initial selection.
Annual report 2010
A student can appeal a negative evaluation with the Governing Board of the school;
a decision will be reached within one month. If a student does leave the school before
completing the PhD program, a diploma, specifying the student’s accomplishments
in the educational program, will be provided.
After the first year, throughout the duration of the PhD project, the progress will be
closely monitored, for example by additional yearly evaluation interviews.
Appendix C
Postgraduate courses (AIO/OIO schools)
Theoretical High Energy Physics
1 - 12 February 2010
Hotel Bergse Bossen, Driebergen, the Netherlands
Scientific organizers:
A. Achúcarro (UL); J. Vermaseren (Nikhef)
Lectures (8 hours each):
W. Beenakker (RU): Introduction to SUSY phenomenology
R. Britto (Saclay): Scattering amplitudes in gauge theories
B. Craps (VUB Brussels): Holography and cosmology
S. Vandoren (UU): Non-perturbative effects in classical and quantum field theory
In addition to these lecture courses, daily discussion/problem sessions were held in
the afternoon (each week 4,5 hours).
Evening seminars:
B. Schellekens (Nikhef/RU): The emperor’s last clothes?
Y. Levin (UL): Supermassive black holes
Twenty-eight students participated. Twenty-seven students were from the Netherlands and one student came from Belgium (KU Leuven).
Annual report 2010
Participants (28):
Andringa, Roel (RUG)
Baggio, Marco (UvA)
Borghese, Andrea (RUG)
Budd, Timothy (UU)
Bzowski, Adam (UvA)
Coomans, Frederik (KU Leuven)
de Vries, Jordy (RUG/KVI)
den Dunnen, Wilco (VUA)
Dibitetto, Giuseppe (RUG)
Franzen, Anne (UU)
Hartgring, Lisa (Nikhef)
Höhn, Philipp (UU)
Jordan, Samo (UU)
Knegjens, Rob (Nikhef)
Malamos, Ioannis (RU)
Mooij, Sander (Nikhef)
Niessen, Irene (RU)
Noordmans, Jacob (RUG/KVI)
Romanets, Olena (RUG/KVI)
Smolic, Jelena (UvA)
Smolic, Milena (UvA)
van den Broek, Thijs (RU)
van der Aalst, Ted (UL)
van Tongeren, Stijn (UU)
Weenink, Jan (UU)
Wever, Chris (UU)
Yin, Yihao (RUG)
Zhou, Daren (RUG/KVI)
Student presentations (15 minutes each):
Andringa, Roel (RUG): Non-relativistic gravity
Baggio, Marco (UvA): A test of the AdS/CFT correspondence
Borghese, Andrea (RUG): Why (not) dS?
Budd, Timothy (UU): Conformal trouble in quantum gravity
Bzowski, Adam (UvA): Aspects of axiomatic QFT
Coomans, Frederik (KU Leuven): Gauged supergravities and the field-antifield formalism
de Vries, Jordy (KVI Groningen): Hadronic electric dipole moments
den Dunnen, Wilco (VUA): Probing CP-violation beyond the standard model at RHIC
Dibitetto, Giuseppe (RUG): De Sitter in N=4 compactifications
Franzen, Anne (UU): Classical and quantum gravitational collapse
Höhn, Philipp (UU): Diffeomorphism symmetry in discrete gravity
Jordan, Samo (UU): Phase transitions of quantum geometry
Knegjens, Rob (Nikhef): Supersymmetric single top production
Mooij, Sander (Nikhef): Moduli stabilisation in SUGRA hybrid inflation
Niessen, Irene (RU): Improving predictions for SUSY cross sections
Appendix C
Smolic, Jelena (UvA): Nonequilibrium QFT and holography
Smolic, Milena (UvA): Nonequilibrium QFT and nPI effective actions
van den Broek, Thijs (RU): Supersymmetry as a noncommutative geometry
van der Aalst, Ted (UL): Inflation from string theory
van Tongeren, Stijn (UU): Integrability in AdS/CFT
Weenink, Jan (UU): The Higgs boson as the inflaton
Wever, Chris (UU): Higgs mechanism for massive gravitons
Yin, Yihao (RUG): Connecting 11 dimensions with 4 dimensions
Annual report 2010
Statistical Physics and Theory of Condensed
12 - 22 April 2010
Hotel Bergse Bossen, Driebergen, the Netherlands
Scientific organizers:
J.-S. Caux (UvA); C. Storm (TU/e)
Y. Blanter (TUD): Theory of modern quantum transport
C. Morais Smith (UU): Dissipation in quantum systems
G. Nienhuis (UL): Operator methods in quantum and classical optics
V. Vitelli (UL): Geometry and elasticity
In addition to these lecture courses, ‘crash courses’ were organized.
K. van Druten (UvA): Understanding quantum gases: atom chips and one-dimensional
Bose gases
J. Goedkoop (UvA): Correlations in condensed matter systems
M. Golden (UvA): Understanding experimental techniques in hard condensed matter
H. Wyss (TU/e): Understanding experimental techniques in soft condensed matter
Evening seminars:
S. Markoff (UvA): The ins and outs of black holes: accretion physics from Stellar to
supermassive scales
E. Verlinde (UvA): Emergent gravity
Twenty students participated. Eighteen students were from the Netherlands; one
student came from Belgium (Univ. of Antwerp) and one student came from Ireland
(Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies).
Participants (20):
Akhukov, Mikhail (RU)
Baarsma, Jildou (UU)
Belli, Simone (UU)
Beugeling, Wouter (UU)
Cioroianu, Adrian Radu (TU/e)
Haaker, Shanna (UvA)
Lucassen, Mathies (UU)
Mink, Martijn (UU)
Mossel, Jorn (UvA)
Panfil, Milosz (UvA)
Appendix C
Rademaker, Louk (UL)
Ramezani Masir, Massoud (Antwerp)
Romers, Jesper (UvA)
She, Jian-Huang (UL)
Smits, Olaf (Dublin)
Swaving, Aaron (UU)
Tieleman, Olivier (UU)
van der Bijl, Erik (UU)
van Driel, Hedwig (UU)
van Heugten, Jasper (UU)
Student presentations (15 minutes each):
Baarsma, Jildou (UU): Imbalanced atomic Fermi gases
Belli, Simone (UU): Theory and simulation of liquid crystal phases
Beugeling, Wouter (UU): Chern-Simons theory of multi-component quantum Hall systems
Cioroianu, Adrian Radu (TU/e): Non-affine deformations in biological networks
van Driel, Hedwig (UU): Spin drag in rotating Bose gasses
Haaker, Shanna (UvA): Landau levels for a non-Abelian vector potential
Lucassen, Mathies (UU): Domain walls and spin motive forces
Mossel, Jorn (UvA): Relaxation dynamics after a quantum quench
Ramezani Masir, Massoud (Antwerp): Fabry-Perot resonances in graphene microstructures
Romers, Jesper (UvA): Skyrmions in the 5/2 fqH state
She, Jian-Huang (UL): BCS superconductivity in quantum critical metals
Rademaker, Louk (UL): Flux quantization in double layer exciton superfluids
Smits, Olaf (Dublin): Probing the edges of the non-abelian fractional quantum Hall
Swaving, Aaron (UU): Current-induced torques in continuous antiferromagnetic textures
Tieleman, Olivier (UU): Dipolar bosons in a two-dimensional optical lattice with staggered flux
van der Bijl, Erik (UU): Strongly interacting Bose-Einstein condensates
van Heugten, Jasper (UU): Color superconductivity
Annual report 2010
Appendix D
PhD Day
15 October 2010
Aardwetenschappen Groot, Utrecht University, the Netherlands
Members of the PhD Student Council
Lectures (35 minutes each):
L. Ament (UL): What you should know about resonant inelastic x-ray scattering
N. Boon (UU): Blue energy
S. Mooij (Nikhef): Various approaches to cosmological inflation
J. Smolic (UvA): Nonequilibrium QFT and holography
J. de Vries (RUG/KVI): Fundamental symmetries at low energy
External speaker:
M. de Kok (McKinsey & Company): Working at McKinsey
Eighty-three people attended of which forty-nine were PhD students, thirty-one were
Master’s students, two were postdocs and one participant was a former PhD student
who is now employed at McKinsey & Company.
Annual report 2010
Participants (83):
Akhukov, Mikhail (RU)
Ament, Luuk (UL)
Andringa, Roel (RUG)
Armaitis, Jogundas (UU)
Baarsma, Jildou (UU)
Baggio, Marco (UvA)
Beekman, Aron (UL)
Beugeling, Wouter (UU)
Boon, Niels (UU)
Borghese, Andrea (RUG)
Budd, Timothy (UU)
Buffing, Maarten (VUA)
Catana, Catalin (Nikhef/UU)
Čubrović, Mihailo (UL)
de Adelhart Toorop, Reinier (Nikhef)
de Haan, Sjoerd (RUG)
de Kok, Mark (McKinsey & Co.)
de Vries, Jordy (RUG/KVI)
de Vries, Krijn (RUG/KVI)
de With, Meike (Nikhef/UvA)
den Dunnen, Wilco (VUA)
Diederix, Jeroen (UU)
Fokkema, Thessa (UU)
Fraczek, Elisabeth (RU)
Freire Sanchez, Javier (UvA)
Garbali, Alexandr (UvA)
Hardeman, Sjoerd (UL)
Hartgring, Lisa (Nikhef)
Hetzel, Jamil (RU)
Karssemeijer, Leendertjan (RU)
Kittinaradorn, Rakpong (UU)
Knegjens, Rob (Nikhef)
Koksma, Jurjen (UU)
Kooiman, Marleen (UU)
Koster, Rik (VUA)
Kovacevic, Marija (RUG)
Lisseveld, Bart (UL)
Locht, Inka (RU)
Maes, Jeroen (UU)
Malamos, Ioannis (RU)
Mantz, Christiaan (VUA)
Merbis, Wout (UvA)
Mooij, Sander (Nikhef)
Mossel, Jorn (UvA)
Niessen, Irene (RU)
Noordmans, Jacob (RUG)
Nunes da Silva, Tiago (RUG)
Oberreuter, Johannes (UvA)
Ortiz, Pablo (UL)
Panfil, Milosz (UvA)
Rademaker, Louk (UL)
Reijnders, Koen (RU)
Romers, Jesper (UvA)
Rosseel, Jan (RUG)
Sars, Matthias (RU)
Schooneveldt, Gerben (UvA)
She, Jian-Huang (UL)
Shevchuk, Olga (UvA)
Shi, Bo (UvA/WZI)
Sijtema, Auke (RUG)
Smolic, Jelena (UvA)
Smolic, Milena (UvA)
Toldo, Chiara (UU)
Troppenz, Thomas (UU)
van de Meent, Maarten (UU)
van den Boogaard, Jorrit (RU)
van den Broek, Thijs (RU)
van den Wollenberg, Wouter (RU)
van der Aalst, Ted (UL)
van der Bijl, Erik (UU)
van der Leden, Andries (UvA/VUA)
van Deurzen, Hans (Nikhef/UvA)
van Dijk, Thomas (VUA)
van Driel, Hedwig (UU)
van Heijst, Tristan (UU)
van Oirschot, Pim (RU)
van Tongeren, Stijn (UU)
van Waarde, Bob (UL)
Wansbeek, Lotje (RUG)
Weenink, Jan (UU)
Wiechers, Michael (RU)
Yin, Shaoyu (UU)
Yin, Yinao (RUG)
Appendix D
Annual report 2010
15 OCTOBER 2010
a l l t h e o re ti c a l p h y s i c i s ts t h at a re
yo u n g at h e a rt !
jelena smolic
nonequilibrium qft and holography
jordy de vries
fundamental symmetries at low energy
Sander mooij
various approaches to cosmological inflation
luuk ament
resonant inelastic x-ray scattering
Niels boon
blue energy
Mark de kok
working at mckinsey
15 october 2010
lecture room - aardwetenschappen groot - de uithof, utrecht
lunch and drinks included - sign up at:
deadline: 8 october 2010
Poster PhD Day 2010
R e se a rch S chool
of Theoretical
Appendix E
National seminars
Condensed Matter Physics (CMP)
• Date:
26 March 2010
Oude Manhuispoort 4-6, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Scientific organizers:
J.-S. Caux (UvA); K. Schoutens (UvA)
C. Castelnovo (Oxford): Magnetic monopole physics in spin ice materials
M. Golden (UvA): On iron pnictide superconductors
M. Snoek (UvA): Ultracold atoms in optical lattices: quantum simulators of
strongly correlated matter
U. Zeitler (RU): High magnetic fields for condensed matter science - Physics in
quantum rings and graphene
• Date:
8 October 2010
Gravensteen, Pieterskerkhof 6, Leiden, the Netherlands
Scientific organizers:
V. Juricic (UL); B. Overbosch (UL); J. Zaanen (UL)
M. Hasan (Princeton): Experimental discovery of topological insulators and superconductors in bulk solids
M. Čubrović (UL): Geometric encoding for Fermi statistics: strongly correlated
electrons from AdS/CFT
E. van Heumen (UvA): Electronic structure of iron-pnictide superconductors:
just scratching the surface
Z. Tesanovic (Johns Hopkins): High temperature superconductivity in the age of
Annual report 2010
Theoretical High Energy Physics (THEP)
• Date:
26 March 2010
Nikhef-WCW, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Scientific organizers:
A. Achúcarro (UL); D. Boer (VUA); J. de Boer (UvA)
E. Bergshoeff (RUG): Massive gravity in three dimensions
M. Jackson (UL): Observing quantum gravity in the sky
D. Lüst (Munich): Strings at the TeV scale
G. Ross (Oxford): Testing SUSY
• Date:
19 November 2010
Nikhef-WCW, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Scientific organizers:
A. Achúcarro (UL); D. Boer (VUA); J. de Boer (UvA)
D. Tong (Cambridge): Is string theory useful?
B. Gavela (Universidad Autnoma de Madrid): Neutrinos beyond the νStandard
E. Pallante (RUG): Conformality restored in gauge theories
L. Roszkowski (Sheffield): What’s new in dark matter
Appendix F
Shell theoretical physics stipends
8 December 2010
Shell Technology Centre Amsterdam (STCA), Grasweg 31, the Netherlands
In 2008 Shell, together with the Dutch Research School of Theoretical Physics (DRSTP),
launched a new stipend scheme to support young talented theoretical physicists in the
Netherlands. The scheme was laid out for a period of three years and incorporates
approximately ten stipends per year which are granted to the best Master’s students
in theoretical physics in the Netherlands.
Shell used to hire in the range of five to ten physicists in the Netherlands per year
and is concerned about the decline in number of students in basic and applied science
in the Netherlands and Europe over the last few years. With these stipends Shell
wishes to emphasize the importance of science education in the Netherlands and in
particular the role played by the Dutch Research School of Theoretical Physics.
On Wednesday, 8 December 2010 eleven Master’s students in theoretical physics were
awarded a stipend from Shell. In the award ceremony held at Shell Technology Centre
in Amsterdam, Chief Scientist and Vice President Exploration Technologies, Dr. Dirk
Smit, handed over cheques of Euro 2,000 to the Master’s students who had obtained
their MSc degree at one of the universities involved in the DRSTP.
Annual report 2010
Award winners 2010
The following students received a stipend:
Evert Bosdriesz (UvA)
Jelle Brill (UL)
Jason Dekdebrun (UvA)
Lucas Ellerbroek (UvA)
Cosma Fulga (UL)
Ivano Lodato (UU)
Wilke van der Schee (UU)
Misha Veldhoen (UU)
Bart Verouden (UvA)
Pieter Cornelis van der Wijk (RUG)
Lu Yang (UU)
Appendix G
On 31 December 2010 ninety (90) PhD students were affiliated to the DRSTP. In
2010 twenty-six (26) PhD students joined the DRSTP.
Twenty-one (21) PhD degrees were granted in 2010 (4 to women). The average duration of their PhD research (from start of contract to PhD exam date) was 50,6 months
(51,2 in 2009).
Statistics 2005-2010
PhDs (AIO/OIO) granted
1 January 2005 - 31 December 2010
(per theme)
Theme 1
Theme 2
Annual report 2010
PhD efficiency
In the period 1 January 2005 - 31 December 2010, 101 PhD degrees were granted.
Of these students 77% finished their PhD research within four years and six months.
The full distribution is as follows:
within 4 years:
32 (32%)
within 4 years and 6 months: 78 (77%)
within 5 years:
95 (94%)
more than 5 years:
6 (6%)
The fraction of PhD degrees granted to women in the period 1 January 2005 - 31
December 2010 is 9%.
To monitor the PhD efficiency at a slightly longer time scale, we also present some
data for the period 1 January 2001 - 31 December 2010. In this period 191 PhD
students have started their research work. At the end of this period (31 December
2010) 97 of them have graduated and 3 of them have prematurely discontinued their
contract. One unfortunately died. Of the remaining 90, 84 students have started
their PhD research after 1 January 2007.
Appendix G
Employment following the PhD
Postdoctoral positions in theoretical physics:
the Netherlands
Abroad elsewhere
Positions in academia and in public (research) institutions
not related to theoretical physics:
Medical research position
PhD position
Other research position
Positions in the government and in government related
Ministry of Justice
Positions in commercial companies:
ICT companies
Teaching positions:
High school teacher