Alumni Fall 2003 - WKU Alumni Association


Alumni Fall 2003 - WKU Alumni Association
40 Years, Millions of Memories.
Own an Incredible Piece of Hilltopper History,
E.A. Diddle Arena Basketball Floor is available to all WKU Fans!
This crystal clear 3/4” thick
beveled acrylic is crafted into
a 5” x 7” desk piece and features the WKU logo and is
backed in silver metal. A 5”
section of the Arena floor is
This 11” x 15” plaque features
a classic photograph of E.A.
Diddle Arena. It includes an
8” section of the Arena floor
for your display.
+$7 s&h
Order on the web at
+$9 s&h
A 14” x 18” plaque featuring
a color photo from Historic
E.A. Diddle Arena. Mounted
on the plaques is a 16” section of the Arena floor.
+$12 s&h
This limited edition piece is
14” x 18” and features a classic
photograph of Coach Diddle
as well as photographs and signatures of coaches Oldham
and Sanderford. It includes a
16” section of the Arena floor.
This piece is limited and
numbered. Only 500 of these
plaques will be sold!
Limited Edition!
and Signed
+$12 s&h
Toll Free
Proceeds Benefit the Western Kentucky University Athletic Department
Vice President of
Institutional Advancement
Tom Hiles
Office of Alumni Relations
& Annual Giving Staff
Executive Director
Donald Smith (’94)
Fall 2003
Office Assistant
Josh Hawkins (‘03)
On the Cover
Investing in the
Spirit Campaign
Communications Coordinator
Andrea Haynes (‘00)
Assistant Director
Ginny Hensley (‘97)
Assistant Director
Amy Miller (‘01)
Assistant Director
Tracy Morrison (’85)
Assistant Director
William Skaggs (’95)
Honor Roll
Western honors its donors
Office Coordinator:
Beth Stamps
Phonathon Coordinator
Amanda Trabue (‘02)
Office Associate:
Doris Vance
Hall of Distinguished Alumni
Three new members will comprise
the 12th class of noted alumni
© Copyright 2003 Western Kentucky University
ALUMNI is published three times a year by the
WKU Alumni Association. Unless otherwise
noted, articles may be reprinted without
permission with appropriate credit to ALUMNI,
Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY.
Change of address and class notes information
should be sent via mail to WKU Alumni
Association, 1 Big Red Way, Bowling Green, KY
42101 or via e-mail to
Editorial policy: Letters to ALUMNI are welcomed and encouraged. Submission does not
guarantee publication, and those letters that
are published may be edited for style and
length. Please include the writer’s signature,
the year of graduation if an alumnus, a daytime
phone number and a return address. Letters
may be sent by fax to 270-745-5017, e-mail to or mail to
WKU Alumni Association
Tracy Morrison, ALUMNI Editor, 1 Big Red
Way, Bowling Green, KY 42101.
Cover photo by Marshall Ray / Ray Images
Contributing photographers: Sheryl HaganBooth, Bob Skipper, Joe Imel and Stuart Burrill.
Homecoming 2003
Don’t miss your chance to
experience Big Red’s Haunted Hill
Table of Contents
Presidents Letter
Campus News
Alumni Association
Western History
In Memoriam
Class notes will resume in the Winter issue
Fellow Alumni: THANK YOU!
This special issue of the ALUMNI magazine marks a significant moment in the history of Western Kentucky University – the successful completion of the university’s
first comprehensive fund raising campaign. Conceived from discussion with the Board
of Regents upon my appointment as President in 1997, the Investing in the Spirit campaign has served as a critical cornerstone of the Challenging the Spirit Strategic Plan in
the spring of 1998. The five-year campaign was launched on July 1, 1998, with a goal of
raising $78 million for the people, places, and programs which define the core elements
of the university’s strategic plan. The primary purpose of the campaign was to build
the university’s endowment – specifically to endow at least 25 faculty positions and raise
$25 million in new academic scholarships. In so doing, the WKU endowment was targeted to grow from $16 million to $50 million by the campaign’s end on June 30, 2003.
The campaign resulted in more than $102 million raised. The endowment has
reached $56 million.Twenty-five individual gifts of $1 million or more were secured. Twenty-seven new professorships or chairs are
now in place. Thirty million dollars in new scholarship support is at work. Seven million dollars was raised for specific academic
programs. Nearly $12 million was raised for athletic enhancements. The annual cash flow in gift deposits has reached $12 million
per year, an increase of 300 percent. Membership in the President’s Circle, those who give $1,000 or more each year has grown to
1,438 members, an increase of 482 percent. These are the measurable, tangible outcomes.
Equally important in the life of our university are the intangible results. The campaign has given us the confidence that we can
be ambitious and be successful.With every new gift announcement, the public – and our campus family – became more aware of
and assured by our pursuit of national prominence. With the passing of each milestone in this campaign, the passion and commitment of individuals in the Western family drove the university toward the achievement of its strategic objectives. As each goal was
achieved and each round of state matching funds was collected, we further distinguished ourselves among other universities in
Kentucky and beyond. This campaign is helping Western to achieve its vision to be the best comprehensive university in Kentucky
and among the best in the nation.
It is no coincidence that during the five-year Investing in the Spirit campaign,Western’s applicant pool nearly doubled to more
than 11,000 candidates for the class entering in the fall of 2003; the university’s enrollment swelled from 14,543 to 18,438 during
this period of time; the university’s budget during this period of time has grown from $130 million to $211 million, a 60 percent
increase; support of the university’s sponsored programs and activity has gone from $11.5 million when the campaign began to
$29,786,235 at the campaign’s end; and needed construction has transformed the physical campus with $146 million in projects during this five-year period.
Success feeds on success. A university seeking to transform itself must have multiple initiatives replete with innovation, bold
intentions and consistently strong performance. The capital campaign described in this magazine has set the pace for Western
Kentucky University over the last five years. I want to personally thank each and every member of the Western family for your personal financial support of Western during this exciting era. Together we have achieved much, but our ambitions for Western are
only beginning to take shape. National prominence will not be achieved in a five-year period, but can be achieved with sustained
pursuit and performance over many years. That is our commitment. That is what this campaign has launched for our university.
I look forward to sharing with you an exciting adventure at Western for many years to come. Thank you!
Gary A. Ransdell
3 New Regents Join WKU Board
Western’s Board of Regents has
three new members.
Forrest Roberts, an Owensboro
attorney, was appointed to a six-year
term by Gov. Paul Patton this summer. She replaces Beverly Wathen of
Owensboro. Roberts has practiced
law in Owensboro since 1985 and has
served on civic organizations, including the Citizens Committee on
Pat Jordan, an academic adviser
in the Gordon Ford College of
Business, was elected staff regent in
June. She defeated Howard Bailey,
dean of Student Life, and will serve a
three-year term.
John Bradley, a Paducah junior, is
the student representative after being
elected president of the Student
Government Association for 2003-04.
Forensic Team Makes Unprecedented Sweep
Western’s William E. Bivin
Forensic Society made history this
spring by completing an unprecedented sweep of major speech and debate
championships – the National
Forensic Association tournament, the
American Forensic Association
Tournament, the
Forensic Association tournament and
the Delta Sigma Rho-Tau Kappa Alpha
National Tournament.
“To achieve an unparalleled and
unprecedented sweep of all three
national forensic tournaments and
the international championship in a
single year is truly amazing,” Western
President Gary Ransdell said. “This is
the most significant evidence yet of
Western’s push to become a university of national prominence.”
“We did something that no
other school has done before us,”
said Judy Woodring, forensic director.
“We are only the second team in the
nation to have won both NFA and
AFA in the same year. Bradley was
first. No other team has won
Internationals, DSR, AFA and NFA in
the same year. History was made.”
Horn Returns to Alma Mater as Coach
Darrin Horn,
a key member
of the last
WKU men’s
team to reach
the Sweet 16
of the NCAA Tournament, has
returned to the Hill as the new head
Horn served as an assistant
coach at Marquette for four years
and helped lead the school to its first
NCAA Final Four since 1977. He
replaced Dennis Felton, who accepted the head coaching job at Georgia.
“I’m extremely excited to be
coming back to Western Kentucky
University, which is home for me,”
Alumni Fall 2003
said Horn. “I’m looking forward to
working with an administration - led
by Dr. (Gary) Ransdell and Dr.
(Wood) Selig – that is committed to
the overall growth of the university
as well as the success of the basketball program.”
“We are very pleased to welcome home one of the finest student-athletes to ever wear a Western
Director Wood Selig said. “Just as
Darrin distinguished himself on the
playing floor, he has quickly established himself as one of the future
college coaching stars.”
Horn’s assistant coaches are
Sean Doherty, William Small and
Archie Miller.
Campus Safety
Task Force
Early Sunday morning, May 4,
2003, 18-year-old WKU freshman
Melissa (Katie) Autry was assaulted
and severely burned in her Poland Hall
room. Ms.Autry died as a result of her
injuries at Vanderbilt University
Medical Center in Nashville, Tenn., on
Wednesday, May 7, 2003.
There was an immediate investigation of this incident, led by Chief
Robert Deane of the WKU Police
Department and assisted by the
Bowling Green Police Department,
Bowling Green Fire Department, the
State Fire Marshal’s Office, the
Kentucky State Police, the Bureau of
Alcohol,Tobacco and Firearms, and the
Federal Bureau of Investigation. Two
suspects were arrested within nine
days of the assault and have been
indicted by a grand jury.
In the wake of this crime, the
Campus Safety Task Force, an independent advisory group, was commissioned to review University policies
and procedures, and make recommendations for possible improvement as
The Task Force, directed by Mike
Littell, Chair of the WKU Parents
Advisory Council, included representatives from the WKU Parents
Advisory Council, Academic Affairs,
Admissions, Alumni Association,
Alumni Relations, Housing and
Residence Life, Student Affairs and
Government Association, University
Relations, the Bowling Green and
WKU Police Departments, and the
Bowling Green Fire Department.
By the end of July, they had completed a very thorough evaluation of
the WKU campus living environment.
The report of their findings can be
found on the WKU website at or
copies are available through the
University Relations office.
Since its founding in 1906,Western Kentucky University
has been dedicated to providing a quality educational experience for residents of Kentucky, the nation and the world. It
boasts a past rich in history, evolving from training school, to
teachers’ college, to state college, to university. It has incorporated three post-secondary institutions into its academic
structure: Ogden College, Potter College and the
Bowling Green Business University.
Dr. Gary A. Ransdell took the helm as Western’s ninth president in September 1997. His desire was to enhance the
Western Spirit by creating a delicate balance between the past
and the future. Soon after his inauguration, President Ransdell
initiated efforts to chart Western’s course for the future.The
Challenging the Spirit strategic plan was adopted by Western’s
Board of Regents in July 1998.This detailed vision, mission and
set of commitments focused on strengthening Western’s academic reputation and moving Western from a university of
regional importance to one of national prominence.
Challenging the Spirit was designed to guide program decisions and direct the allocation of resources well into the 21st
century. Collectively, the goals focused institutional energies,
contained and embraced the vision of the postsecondary
education system in Kentucky, and set the course to guide
WKU toward achieving its vision to “be the best comprehensive public institution in Kentucky and among the best in
the nation.”
Western Kentucky University
reasons to say thank you!
The strategic plan successfully captured the vision of
Western Kentucky University. However, substantial private
support, particularly in the form of endowment, was necessary to achieve the commitments to which the University is
dedicated. Therefore, Western launched Investing in the Spirit:
The Campaign for Western Kentucky University, a comprehensive
campaign designed to raise private money for endowed
scholarships, faculty, university programs and facility improvements. The Campaign focused on those people, places and
programs which exemplified the Western Spirit.
The Campaign began on July 1, 1998, and concluded on
June 30, 2003. Led by a volunteer-based Campaign Cabinet,
Alumni Fall 2003
the group set a goal of $78 million to acquire needed funds
from the private sector to allow Western to excel in scholarship, teaching and service. The Cabinet announced the
achievement of the $78 million goal one year early in May
2002 and set a new goal of $90 million. On September 19,
2003, Western celebrated the conclusion of the Campaign
with a total of more than $102 million in gifts and pledges.
As its first and most important goal,
the Campaign focused on garnering support for the people – faculty, students
and alumni – who keep the Western
Spirit alive. A total of $43 million was
sought to provide endowments to support our faculty and students, while
honoring the traditions and contributions of valued alumni and friends.
A portion Dr. McCormack’s gifts
were matched with funds from the
state matching gift program to create
three professorships of $1 million each.
“My family has had a close association
with Western,” Dr. McCormack said,
including an uncle who served on
Western's Board of Regents and is the
namesake of McCormack Hall, one of
Western's residence halls.
Faculty excellence
endowments meet unique and
critical needs for WKU faculty
Dr.William M. McCormack
Endowed Faculty Positions
A world-class university requires a
nationally prominent faculty made up of
caring teachers and researchers who
prepare motivated students and future
leaders. Private support is critical to
attract and retain such outstanding
scholars. One donor who led the way
is Dr. William M. McCormack, a 1957
WKU alumnus, whose $1,500,000
gift is creating three professorships
in the sciences.
Dr. McCormack said he wanted to
“pay back a little” of that which he
received from his long association
with Western. Dr. McCormack is a
Bowling Green native who has retired
from his radiology practices in
Owensboro and Illinois.
As part of its overall Campaign
effort,Western aspired to raise $3 million in support of faculty excellence
endowments. According to WKU
Provost Barbara Burch, Deans’ Funds
for Excellence allow individual colleges
to recognize high levels of faculty performance and programs that contribute to the continuing quality
improvement of curriculum, students
and faculty. “These endowment funds
allow the individual academic deans to
meet specific needs, such as training
and development, research support,
and travel,” she said.
A model of support for this effort is
Charlie Shuffield of Orlando, Fla., who
made a commitment of $100,000 over
five years to support a number of areas
within the University, which includes a
total of $50,000 to establish Deans'
Funds for Excellence in four of
Western's undergraduate colleges.
Shuffield is truly a role model, as his
gift's impact will reach across the entire
campus. Though he was a business
major, he understands the need to provide increased support for all areas of
the University. Western began this
Campaign with a shortage of flexible
funds for deans and academic departments. Donors like Shuffield allow us
the ability to reward excellent work
and support creative endeavors.
Shuffield, a 1966 alumnus, said,
“Western has a diverse student body.
I'm an ally of all programs.” “It is hard
to say one area is more important than
any other one. I wanted to represent all
people's interests. I believe balance is
important, both in a university setting
and in our communities.”
Faculty/Staff Support
Charlie Shuffield
Though Western relied heavily on
alumni and friends for its Campaign
successes, the Faculty and Staff
Campaign provided a total of $3.4 million in support of the five-year effort.
One faculty supporter was Katie Ward
of Bowling Green, who made a
$100,000 gift to establish an endowed
Western Kentucky University
Jerry E. Baker ~ Jerry E. Baker
Professorship in Music
professorship in Women's Studies
which will be used to bring highly qualified Women's Studies scholars to
Ward established this professorship
in honor of her mother, Elizabeth
Shields, and her mother's brothers and
sisters.When their father lost a leg and
an arm in an industrial accident, and
their mother died following childbirth,
the family members pooled their
resources in order to make their way.
“I have benefited from the fruits of their
collaborative efforts,” Ward said. “Now
it is time to give something back.”
Ward feels that this gift is an appropriate expression of her parents' values. They emphasized the importance
of education and community service.
“There were two hard and fast rules in
our family,” she said. “You finished college before you made any significant life
Commonwealth Health
Corporation / Center Care
Health Care Benefit Programs ~
Commonwealth Health Corporation/
Center Care Health Care Benefit
Programs Visiting Professorship
Leon Page ~
Leon Page Professorship in Banking
and Financial Planning
Robert and Martha Owsley ~
Owsley Visiting Professorship in
Business Leadership and Ethics
Rita and Jim Scott ~
James D. Scott Endowed Chair
in Civil Engineering
Glenda and Gordon Ford ~
Mattie Newman Ford Professorship
in Entrepreneurship
Dr.Walter N. Scott ~
Walter N. Scott Professorship
in Physiology
Dick, Janet, and Ryan Frockt ~
Richard Frockt Family
Professorship in History
Zuheir and Susan Sofia ~
Zuheir and Susan Sofia Visiting
Professorship in International studies
Kenneth E. and Irene Hall ~
Kenneth E. and Irene S. Hall
Professorship in Civil Engineering
J. Clifford Todd ~
J. Clifford Todd Professorships in
Longevity and Healthful Living (2)
Humana Foundation ~
Wendell Cherry Professorship in
Business Leadership and Ethics
Margaret and Cal Turner ~
Margaret and Cal Turner
Professorship in Journalism
Carroll and Evelyn Knicely ~
Knicely Professorship in
Leadership Studies
Various Donors ~
James R. Meany / J.C. Holland
Professorships in Accounting
Jana and Bud Layne ~
James L. “Bud” Layne Professorship
for Mechanical Engineering
Suzanne and D.S.Vitale ~
D&S Vitale Professorship in
Dr. Bobbie Boyd Lubker and
Dr. John Lynn Lubker ~
Boyd-Lubker Visiting Scholars Program
Katie Ward, with additional
support from Paul Coogan ~
Catherine C.Ward Visiting
Professorship in Women’s Studies
Pete and Dixie Mahurin ~
Mahurin Endowed Professorship
in Gifted Studies
William M. McCormack ~
W.M. and Ann A. McCormack
Professorships and Chairs (3)
Katie Ward
Mary R. Nixon ~
Mary R. Nixon Professorship
in Accounting
Hays T.Watkins ~
Hays Watkins Visiting
CEO Professorship
Denny and Carol Wedge ~
Wedge Visiting Professorship
in Teacher Education
decisions, and you contributed to the
common good.”
Her brother Paul Coogan, set the
example. After high school he worked
and helped his younger brothers and
sisters obtain their college educations.
Later, as an independent businessman,
he was active in social and philanthropic causes. Coogan also provided
$10,000 in support of the professorship. Before they retired,Ward and her
husband, Dr. Robert Ward, taught in the
Department of English at WKU. After
the Women's Studies Program was initiated in 1990,Ward became its director.
In all, a total of 899 faculty and staff
members contributed to the Campaign.
Alumna Left
$3.5 Million To
WKU For Scholarships
The story of the Investing in the Spirit
Campaign would be incomplete without relaying the story of Mary Hutto.
Mary lived a quiet life, and to look at
her, one never would have guessed she
was a millionaire. But upon her death in
April 2001, she left a legacy of $3.5 million that will forever touch countless
Kentucky students. The gift is the second largest in Western's history and the
second-largest gift designated for scholarships at a Kentucky public university.
“These scholarships will go to good
students, students who are leaders in
their high schools,” said WKU President
Gary Ransdell. “We have limited capacity to award academic scholarships and
we often run out of scholarship money
before we get to many of these students. Mary Hutto has provided a permanent source of scholarship funding
for some of these worthy students.”
Interest from the endowment will
provide $175,000 annually to fund 70
renewable scholarships at $2,500. The
scholarships would be for Kentucky
students who rank high in their class or
score high on the ACT, but don't qualify for a President's or Regents scholarship or an Award of Excellence.
Mary Hutto was born Aug. 6, 1905, in
Bowling Green. After graduating from
Western Kentucky University in 1927
with a degree in education, she took a
teaching job in Florida where she met
her husband, H.W. Hutto, a Maytag dealer in Stuart, Fla. He was killed in a car
accident in 1953 and Mary Hutto took
over the dealership for a short time.
Hutto returned to Bowling Green
and managed a boardinghouse owned
by her parents. Most of the tenants
were Western students. After retirement, and with the onset of physical
disabilities, she returned to Florida
where she lived until her death on
April 9, 2001.
“She had a love for education, a love
for Western and a love for Kentucky,”
Dr. Ransdell said. "She wanted
to create a legacy so that young
Kentuckians would get a higher
"Mary Hutto was always interested in how our classes were
going. She saw herself as an
adjunct advisor for a very
diverse collection of students,
and she demanded that we
study. . .I’m sure she is happy
with the future of her gift. It
will help many generations of
her boys and girls."
Bryce Combs '77
New York, New York
Former tenant of Mary Hutto
Western Alumna Mary Hutto
in 1927 Talisman photo
“Bucks For Brains”
Much of the University’s rapid progress in establishing new endowed professorships can be attributed to the Commonwealth of Kentucky’s innovative Regional University Excellence Trust Fund
(Bucks for Brains). This incentive fund was
designed to leverage private gifts with a match
from the Commonwealth to allow each of
Kentucky’s six comprehensive universities to
strengthen programs for endowed faculty positions and endowed student scholarships.
Summary of Gifts Matched by
Bucks for Brains Program
Type of
of Gifts
of Gifts
Endowed Faculty
Faculty Funds
for Excellence
Endowed Student
Total State
Funds Received
Alumni Fall 2003
in Matching Money
Student scholarships, fellowships, and awards
International education endowment for students
Endowed faculty positions
Visiting scholars endowment
Faculty excellence endowments and funds
Main campus facilities
Extended campus facilities
Campus beautification
Academic program endowments
Gifted Studies
University Libraries
Kentucky Museum
Public Broadcasting
Student Life
Cultural enhancement
Instructional technology
Annual Giving
Restricted and unrestricted support
Campaign Total
Cherry Hall, the Colonnade, the
Kentucky Building and Diddle Arena
are all examples of the places that
evoke images and memories from students’ days on the Hill. In order for
Western to preserve our campus facilities for the enjoyment of future students, these and other buildings and
facilities must be carefully maintained
and enhanced. The Campaign sought
support for both main campus facilities
and extended campus facilities.
Raymond and Hattie Preston
Hattie L. Preston
Intramural Sports Complex
The Department of Intramural and
Recreational Sports at Western opened
a new facility during the Campaign,
thanks to the second-time generosity
of two WKU alumni. Raymond B. and
Hattie L. Preston of Henderson, Ky.
made a $1 million gift to fund the completion of an intramural sports facility.
The Hattie L. Preston Intramural Sports
Complex “complements Western’s
state-of-the-art Raymond B. Preston
Health and Activities Center,” said
WKU President Gary Ransdell. “The
gift brings the support of the Preston
family full circle.”
The gift was made through the
Preston Family Foundation.
Prestons also made a substantial gift in
1990 that helped open the Preston
Center. “This gift was 100 percent for
students,” Dr. Ransdell said. “With the
support of the Prestons, the
IntramuralRecreational Sports will increase its
capacity to provide quality health and
wellness programming.”
Ray Preston, a 1940 Western graduate and a member of the WKU Board
of Advisors, said he and his wife feel a
special closeness to the University.
“Mrs. Preston and I met on the Hill
some 60-plus years ago and, subse-
quently, were married prior to my
graduation,” he said. “Because of that,
we have always had a very soft spot in
our hearts for Western. Western’s
biggest appeal to us is the family atmosphere that prevails. You feel that you
are a part of something that has an aura
of permanence about it.”
As with the funding for the Health
and Activities Center, Preston said this
gift was a response to a real need on
behalf of the students. “Western is truly
a great university with a heart,” he said.
The gift funded projects needed to
make the complex at Campbell Lane
and Industrial Drive fully operational.
“Intramural sports have been a tradition at Western for more than 40
years,” said Debby Cherwak, director
of Intramural and Recreational Sports.
“The program has grown to include
more than 20 competitive activities as
well as several organized sports clubs, a
wide variety of fitness and instructional programs, the Health and Fitness
Lab, and the Preston Center.”
More than 7,000 students a year participate in intramural activities, she said.
Cherwak says the Preston Complex
has elevated the program to a different
level. “Students feel honored to play in
a facility that is so nice, and they are
very appreciative of the facility we
have,” she said. “We have the best facility of any other university in the state.”
WKU Dedicates Guthrie Bell
Tower, Celebrates Freedom
The Guthrie Bell Tower, Western's
newest landmark, was dedicated in
2002 as a memorial to freedom and
those who gave their lives defending it.
The 125-foot tower, made possible by a
gift from the Lowell Guthrie family and
Trace Die Cast, Inc., honors the memory of Guthrie's brother, Sgt. 1st Class
Robert Guthrie, who was killed in the
Korean War, and all those associated
with Western who lost their lives in
service to this country.
Speaking on behalf of the Guthrie
family, state Sen. Brett Guthrie recalled
the supreme sacrifice his uncle made in
Korea a half-century ago. “We never
knew him, but our parents made sure
we never forgot him,” he told a crowd
that featured Western faculty, staff and
students, community leaders, and military veterans.
Guthrie recounted how his uncle
grew up in Alabama, became an Eagle
Scout and wanted to serve in the military. “My uncle Bobby's sacrifice and
those of many others have helped preserve this land of opportunity and the
American dream,” he said. Granite
etchings include images of Robert
Guthrie and other veterans associated
with Western, including former president Dero Downing, retired professor
Bob Ward, Bob Kirby and Wendell
The Guthrie Bell Tower is not “a war
memorial though we must be reminded
U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell,
September 11, 2001.
“The ultimate measure of a man is
not where he stands in moments of
comfort and convenience, but where
he stands at times of challenge and
controversy.” - Dr. Martin Luther
King Jr., "Strength to Love"
Frank Potts, Sr., Lowell Guthrie
and Frank Potts, Jr.
of war,” Brett Guthrie said. “But my
uncle died for a cause; he died for freedom and freedom is not free. So we
wish this to be viewed as a freedom
WKU President Gary Ransdell
assisted Lowell Guthrie's sons in
unveiling a statue of their uncle that
stands at the base of the tower and
presented the family with a replica of
the bells housed in the tower. The
granite benches surrounding the bell
tower include quotations from several
historical figures. Some of the more
notable inscriptions include the following:
“The advance of human freedom, the
great achievement of our time and the
great hope of every time, now depends
on us. We will not tire, we will not falter and we will not fail.”- George W.
Bush, September 20, 2001
“America's strength is its diverse
people, just institutions, shared values,
and deep and abiding faith in God. No
terrorist attack will ever extinguish the
flames of freedom and democracy.” 12
Campus Beautification an
Important Goal for Campaign
Western Kentucky University has a
tradition and reputation for excellence
in presenting an extremely attractive
campus. High levels of maintenance
and attention to plantings and campus
cleanliness all contribute to the overall
effort towards a beautiful campus environment. Within the Investing in the
Spirit Campaign, beautification projects
helped move us toward our ultimate
goal of restoring the historic beauty of
the campus.
In support of this goal, Western
partnered with several individuals and
organizations to improve the physical
appearance of the campus and return it
to the park-like atmosphere enjoyed
throughout its history. Some of these
gifts include:
• A $100,000 commitment by Sodexho
Campus Services to support beautification efforts of the campus landscape of
Western. These projects will include
Alumni Drive enhancements, the
Faculty House, and South Lawn
• A $100,000 gift from a confidential
donor for campus beautification projects. The first project funded by this
fund will include the restoration and
protection of the Four Season statues
formerly located in the Italian Garden
near Snell Hall.
• A $60,000 commitment from Alliance
Corporation and Tommy and Tish
Gumm to repair and enhance the overlook adjacent to the historic Van
Meter Hall.
* includes
matching money
May 5, 1998 - Leon and Ruby Mai Page
commit $1 million for a professorship in
banking and financial planning and a
scholarship for Franklin-Simpson High
School students.
August 10, 1998 – Western receives a
commitment of a $3.2 million charitable
lead trust for football scholarships from a
confidential donor.
September 1, 1998 – Don and
Suzanne Vitale make a gift to the College
of Business for a scholarship endowment,
a faculty scholar mentor, and a recognition award for creative leadership.
October 2, 1998 – Western receives a
$1 million* commitment from Jana and
James L. “Bud” Layne for a professorship
in electrical engineering.
December 8, 1998 - Gordon and
Glenda Ford pledge $10.6 million to the
College of Business thus renaming it the
Gordon Ford College of Business. Their
gift becomes the largest gift ever to
Western from a single donor.
January 27, 1999 – Jerry Baker pledges
$1 million* to create a music professorship.
February 16, 1999 - Mary Nixon
pledges $1 million* to create an accounting professorship.
October 29, 1999 – As part of a $1.5
million gift, Western receives a commitment from the Lowell Guthrie family and
Trace Die Cast, Inc. to build the Guthrie
Bell Tower in honor of Lowell’s brother,
Sgt. 1st Class Robert Guthrie, who was
killed in the Korean War, and all those
associated with Western who lost their
lives in service to this country.
December 7, 1999 - A $1 million gift
from Raymond B.and Hattie L.Preston funds
Western’s new intramural sports facility.
Alumni Fall 2003
January 11, 2000 – A confidential
May 1, 2002 – Pete and Dixie Mahurin
donor makes a commitment of $1 million* to create a professorship in engineering.
April 27, 2000 – Western officially
announces the Investing in the Spirit
Campaign and the goal of $78 million.
More than $41 million to date had already
been committed to the Campaign.
August 8, 2000 - Carroll and Evelyn
Knicely make a $1.5 million* gift to leadership studies.
August 15, 2000 – Rita and Jim Scott
of Bowling Green make a $2 million*
commitment to engineering.
September 26, 2000 – Western passes the $50 million mark in the Investing in
the Spirit Campaign.
October 19, 2000 - Mary Hutto leaves
$3.5 million to Western to be used for
scholarships. The gift becomes the second-largest in Western’s history and the
second-largest gift designated for scholarships at a Kentucky public university.
February 7, 2001 – Western passes
the midpoint of the Campaign, with 74
percent ($57.6 million) raised.
August 17, 2001 - Col. Edgar B.
Stansbury names Western as beneficiary
of charitable remainder trusts to support
athletics, English and teacher education.
January 4, 2002 – For the second year
in a row, Western is ranked 17th nationally for endowment growth.
January 23, 2002 – J. Clifford Todd
makes an $850,000 commitment to create the Center for Longevity and
Healthful Living at WKU, complementing
his earlier commitment of $500,000 to
create two professorships in Longevity
and Healthful Living.
April 29, 2002 – For the first time in its
history, Western raises more than $10
million in annual gifts.
make a leadership gift to create a professorship for The Center for Gifted
May 9, 2002 - Zuheir and Susan Sofia
International Programs at Western. The
Center is renamed the Zuheir Sofia-Dero
Downing International Center.
May 10, 2002 – WKU reaches the $78
million goal a year early. A new goal of
$90 million is established.
January 16, 2003 – Western receives a
confidential gift of $1.55 million for a new
Academic Athletic Performance Center.
April 22, 2003 – A $1 million* confidential commitment is announced in support of the Academic Athletic
Performance Center and a visiting
April 25, 2003 – Western announces it
has surpassed the new $90 Campaign
goal. WKU also announces a $1 million*
gift from Dick, Janet and Ryan Frockt to
create the Richard Frockt Family
Professorship in History.
June 3, 2003 – Western receives a $1
million* gift from Margaret and Cal
Turner Jr. to create a professorship in
June 16, 2003 - Dr.William M. and Ann
McCormack make a $2 million commitment to create chairs in physics and
biotechnology, which complement their
earlier gift for a professorship in the sciences. This gift moves WKU over the
$100 million mark in the Campaign.
September 19, 2003
Western announces the
Investing in the Spirit
Campaign total of
$102 million!
Western is fortunate to possess a
number of outstanding programs,
which have state-wide and national
recognition, and a total of $18.5 million
was sought through the Investing in the
Spirit Campaign to make these areas
stronger than ever before.
The Campaign story would again be
incomplete without the story of
Gordon and Glenda Ford, whose support for the business programs gave
the Campaign a tremendous boost. In
the early stages of the Campaign,WKU
staff and volunteers were rather tentative about the ambitious goal of $78
million, but Gordon and Glenda Ford
led the way early in the game when
they made a commitment of more than
$10.6 million. In recognition of this
outstanding gift, WKU’s Board of
Regents named the University's business college in honor of Gordon Ford.
This gift, the largest ever received by
the University from a single donor, was
transformational for Western, the community, and the region. The pledge
included $9.5 million in unrestricted
funds in the Gordon Ford Dean's Fund for
Excellence. In addition, $500,000 -- combined with a $500,000 match from the
Commonwealth of Kentucky -- created
the Mattie Newman Ford Professorship in
Entrepreneurial Studies, named in honor
of Gordon Ford's mother. Ford will also
continue to fund a scholarship program
for accounting and business majors that
he began in 1992, bringing the total
commitment to $10.6 million.
Ford said he chose to make this gift
because he has “been interested in education for many years, believing that
education is the hope of the world.”
President Ransdell credits Gordon
and Glenda Ford with setting the pace
for a successful Campaign. “The Fords’
Gordon and Glenda Ford
magnificent lead gift instilled in the
campus the belief that Western can be
ambitious and be successful,” he said.
“Western is forever in their debt.”
Ford's family has had a connection
with Western for more than 90 years.
His mother attended Western from
1907-09, just after it moved to its present location on the "Hill" in 1906, and
received a teaching certificate. Ford
came to Bowling Green in 1931, graduating from Bowling Green Business
University in 1934. BU merged with
Western in 1963 to become the
Bowling Green College of Business
He has numerous ties with education, including giving 10 or more scholarships a year for worthy students at
Western since 1992.
A native of Greenville, Ky., Ford was
a founding partner in the accounting
firm of Yeager, Ford and Warren in
Louisville. That firm merged with the
firm of Coopers & Lybrand, which later
merged with Price Waterhouse. He is a
retired partner of Pricewaterhouse
Coopers and lives in Louisville, Ky., and
Village of Golf, Fla.
Jim Scott
More than $5 million
in private gifts
support Western’s
Engineering program
One of the major programmatic
achievements during the Campaign
related to Western’s Engineering program.
In 2001, the Council on
Postsecondary Education approved an
agreement under which joint engineering programs between WKU and the
University of Kentucky and the
University of Louisville will be offered.
The new bachelor’s degree program
was first offered in the fall of 2001. By
the end of this Campaign in 2003,
Western enjoyed some 300 students in
these three new engineering programs.
For several years, Western has been
working with state, education, legislative and industrial officials on a plan to
offer baccalaureate degrees in engineering. As a result, the CPE approved
a Strategy for Statewide Engineering in
Kentucky that addressed two primary
• The need to increase the number of
baccalaureate engineers in Kentucky.
• The need to address regional issues of
access and productivity in engineering
Graduates of the WKU program will
be eligible for registration (certification) as professional engineers in
This new program would not have
been possible without the leadership
professional and financial support of a
number of individuals and corporations
in the south central Kentucky area. In
the last five years,Western has received
more than $5 million in private and
matching funding to support the transition of its engineering program.
That total includes $4.25 million in
four gifts, pledges and matches from
the state's Regional University
Excellence Trust Fund to create four
endowed professorships for the
Department. These
• $2 million from Jim and Rita Scott of
Bowling Green for the civil engineering
program ($1 million state match).
• $1 million from Bud and Jana Layne of
Glasgow for mechanical engineering
($500,000 state match).
Bud Layne
• $1 million from a confidential donor
for engineering ($500,000 state match).
• $250,000 from Bill and Joyce Bell of
Lexington for construction and civil
engineering ($125,000 state match).
Dr. Ransdell said the private funding
gave the program the "legs needed to
hit the ground running.These funds are
the impetus to make these programs
possible. We have been able to purchase the equipment needed to make
the transition to the baccalaureate program as well as strengthen the capacity
of the faculty positions needed.
Gifted Studies
The Investing in the Spirit Campaign
also provided support for The Center
for Gifted Studies. One of these gifts
came from Pete and Dixie Mahurin of
Bowling Green whose leadership gift
created The Center’s first endowed
professorship. According to Center
Director Julia Roberts, the Mahurin
Endowed Professorship in Gifted Studies
will enhance the visibility of The
Center for Gifted Studies, and it will
ensure that The Center for Gifted
Studies will continue its quality work
experts for consultation for research
and to conduct seminars.”
Dixie Mahurin states, “The investment we have made in children is certainly the best use of our money. We
expect this investment to have a great
“This gift certainly furthers us in
reaching our vision to become an internationally preeminent center,” Roberts
said. “Few universities in the country
have an endowed professorship in gifted education.”
Ties between the Mahurin family and
The Center for Gifted Studies are
numerous and have continued over
many years. Pete serves as a member
of the Advisory Board for The Center
for Gifted Studies. Daughter Sarah Jo
Mahurin, niece Amber Cann Sapp and
nephew John Michael Mahurin have
participated in various programs provided by The Center, and both Amber
and Sarah Jo have been counselors for
the summer residential programming
offered by The Center.
Other Innovative
Programs at WKU
Pete, Sarah Jo and Dixie Mahurin
for generations to come. “The professorship will enhance the capacity of The
Center by providing support for
research and professional development
focused on gifted education,” Roberts
said. “It will make it possible to bring
The Campaign has also supported
new and exciting programs for
Western. One such program was the
Kelly Autism Project, which was made
possible through a three-year gift of
$150,000 for initial funding by John and
Linda Kelly of Bowling Green, a couple
whose daughter has been diagnosed
with autism.
Tom Hiles, WKU Vice President for
Institutional Advancement said, “We
are grateful and excited that the Kellys
are utilizing Western’s expertise and
relationships to partner with the community and the schools to improve the
lives of young people with autism.”
Linda and John Kelly
The Kellys say they are impressed by
the leadership WKU has shown
through this project and are pleased to
provide the initial seed money for the
program. “Autism is affecting more and
more of our population,” John Kelly
said. “As our children grow into adulthood, the challenge is in how to create
transition programs that support the
needs and desires of the individual, and
have value to the community as well.
Western Kentucky University is committing the people, resources, and infrastructure to develop the programs that
will help these citizens meet their
“WKU becomes the umbrella institution,” he concluded. “They will be
developing transition programs in
coordination with the school systems
and other support organizations in the
community, assisting our autistic children in developing self-esteem and
interests that can have value in the
Western Kentucky University
Timeline for Campaign
In addition, Western partnered with
the Jessie Ball duPont Fund in a project
to serve the educational needs of
Bowling Green/Warren County's
growing international population.
The Jessie Ball duPont Fund awarded
the College of Education and
Behavioral Sciences a $112,000 grant
to provide tuition and additional assistance for 16 parents of immigrant families who would enroll in and complete
an associate of arts degree in
Interdisciplinary Early Childhood
Program benefits will include a higher level of employment status and
increased financial resources for the
parents and excellent paraprofessionals
for the city and county schools who
would come with strong language skills
in their native language and in English as
well as ability in working with children.
“Western Kentucky made a very
strong proposal and we were delighted
to fund it,” said Sharon Greene, the
Fund's senior program officer for education. The program will provide
tuition for the associate degree program and also help these parents
become fluent in English and earn their
Alumni Fall 2003
high school GEDs if needed. Parents
who complete the associate degree
could elect to continue in a bachelor's
degree in Early Childhood on a fulltime or part-time basis in the future.
Western's proposal addresses community needs for more ESL teachers
and benefits the University, local school
systems, children and the immigrant
population, Greene said, adding it could
become a model for other communities nationwide. “For our grants to
higher education institutions, the fund
looks for an outreach component,” she
said. “We want universities to be
responsive to the needs of the community. We feel that institutions of
higher education have a wealth of
knowledge and information they can
share to benefit their communities.”
Bowling Green, like other similarsized cities, has seen its international
population grow in recent years,
Greene said. A growing international
community has produced 479 nonEnglish speaking students (14 percent)
in Bowling Green city schools and 459
non-English speaking students (4.3 percent) in Warren County schools.
“I believe that funds should be spent for
the benefit of society. I have always
believed it. Don’t call it charity . . .
I think it is an obligation.
– Jessie Ball duPont
1884 - 1970
The official Campaign
total is $102 million. Of
that amount, 74 percent of
the gifts will be received
through cash and pledges
of up to five years, with
only 26 percent being
made through estate and
deferred commitments.
Many of these gifts have
been added to the
President Gary A. Ransdell
University’s endowment,
so the funds will be permanent, providing lasting spending
power to the University for perpetuity.
The Investing in the Spirit Campaign has been about more
than just dollars raised. Thanks to the hard work of our volunteers, the Campaign will have a lasting legacy on the campus.
During the past five years,WKU has:
• Increased annual cash deposits from $3 million
to more than $12 million
• Funded 27 new endowed professorships in important
academic disciplines, ranging from music, to business,
to engineering
• Created 81 new endowed scholarships in the WKU
Foundation and the College Heights Foundation
• More than doubled the overall endowment from
$24 million to $56 million
With continued support and an increased endowment,
Western will have the ability to attract and retain quality faculty and students for many generations.
In 1998, a journey started to transform Western through
the Investing in the Spirit Campaign. Thousands of individuals
stepped forward. Each gift left a legacy and a mark on the
Western Experience. Each donor has made a lasting impact
on the life of the University and people who will one day be
alumni of Western.
Western has changed dramatically since the start of this
campaign. From renovations of 10 residence halls and Diddle
Arena to the new Mass Media and Technology Hall, the campus has been transformed. WKU now enjoys Internet cafes,
digital television and online courses. Western now competes
for national championships in our athletic programs. WKU is
achieving its vision to be the best comprehensive university in
Kentucky and among the best in the nation.
But for all our external improvements, Western Kentucky
University is still about people making a difference. “To each
of you who has invested in the spirit, we say thank you,” said
President Ransdell. “Your legacy has been passed on to future
generations who are certain to live up to your expectations.
“The Spirit does indeed make the Master
and you have breathed Life, More Life
into the Western Spirit.”
Western Kentucky University
Honor Roll
We are grateful to the following individuals and organizations who generously support Western Kentucky
University. Thank you for moving Western closer to its vision “to be the best comprehensive university in the
Commonwealth and among the best in the nation.” We strive to ensure accuracy within this Honor Roll listing of all our donors. If you find your information to be incorrect or if you prefer your name to be listed differently in the future, please contact us toll free at (888) 958-2586 or locally at (270) 745-4395 so we can
make appropriate changes to our database. The categories are defined as follows:
Lifetime Gift Recognition
The Henry Hardin Cherry Society recognizes donors who have made cumulative gifts of
$25,000 or more to Western during their lifetime.
Spirit of Western
Colonnade Level
Cornerstone Level
Commencement Level
of $1,000,000 and above
between $500,000 and $999,999
between $100,000 and $499,999
between $25,000 and $99,999
Annual Gift Recognition
The names presented in this listing are a compilation of annual gifts made to the University during
the fiscal year (July 1, 2002 - June 30, 2003). Annual gifts are divided into five recognition circles:
President’s Circle
Founder Level
Regent Level
Trustee Level
Director Level
$1,000 or more
$10,000 or more
$5,000 to $9,999
$2,500 to $4,999
$1,000 to $2,499
Dean’s Circle
Gifts of $500 to $999
Scholar’s Circle
Gifts of $250 to $499
Century Circle
Gifts of $100 to $249
Inaugural Circle
Gifts of $1 to $99
Cupola Society
The Cupola Society recognizes donors who support Western Kentucky University
through consecutive annual giving. Cupola Society members have a number following
their name, indicating the total number of consecutive years.
Alumni Fall 2003
Western Kentucky University - Cherry Society
Spirit of Western
($1,000,000 and Above)
ARAMARK WKU Dining Services
Jerry E. Baker
Bowling Green Properties, LLC
Commonwealth Health Corporation
Confidential Football Lead Trust
William H. Fletcher Estate
Glenda and Gordon Ford
Mary E. Peal Hutto Estate
Insight Communications
Jostens Learning
Carroll and Evelyn Knicely
Dixie and Pete Mahurin
Ann and William M. McCormack
Drs. Dennis and Nancy Minix
National City Bank of Kentucky
National City ~ J.W. Potter and J.L.
Harman Trusts
Ogden College Foundation
Leon Page
Raymond B. and Hattie L. Preston
Raymond B. Preston Family Foundation
Rita and Jim Scott
Col. Edgar B. and Edith R. (d.) Stansbury
Dr. James H. Stuteville Estate
J. Clifford Todd
Dr. and Mrs. L. O.Toomey Estate
Trace Die Cast, Inc. ~
Carolyn and Lowell Guthrie
Suzanne and Don S.Vitale
Judy and Steve Turner
U.S. Bank
Carol and Denny Wedge
Glen, Frieda (d.) and John Wells
Beulah R.Winchel
($100,000 - $499,999)
Alcoa Inc.
Alliance Corporation
Judy and Robert Armstrong
Ashland, Inc.
AT&T Network Systems
Atmos Energy
Betty R. and David W. Bailey
Kathy and Dr. Craig Beard
Jim Beckley
Joyce R. and William A. Bell
Bonnie and Louis Berman
Kathleen and Vince Berta
Bowling Green Area
Convention & Visitors Bureau
Bowling Green Municipal Utilities
Bowling Green Noon Rotary Club
Sue and Ken Bragg
Eck Branham
Mary Carolyn Wolfe and James W. Brite, Sr.
David F. Broderick
Neil F. Budde and Virginia B. Edwards
Walter D. and Gladys Bunnell Estate
Cabletron Systems
Dr. Lourine Cave Estate
Citizens Scholarship Foundation
Oscar Payne Cleaver Estate
Ralph S. and Mary Ann Coffman
Basil C. (d.) and Florence Cole
Commonwealth Health Corporation /
Center Care Health Benefit Programs
Brian E. Coutts
Virginia Wood Davis Estate
E. Clifton Dowell Estate
Jessie Ball duPont Fund
Margaret and Steve Eaton
English Lucas Priest & Owsley
Irene M. Erskine
Franklin Bank & Trust Company
C. Ray and Ruth Franklin Estate
Friends of the Lost River, Inc.
Helene Fuld Health Trust
Joan B. Garrison
C. M. (Bill) Gatton
Mildred Givens Estate
James N. Gray Company
Anne and Dan Greenwell
Kerr Greulich Engineers, Inc.~
Donald J. and Jennifer W. Greulich
Dr.William R. and Frances D.
Hammond Estate
Henry Norman Hardin
Dr. Lowell and Penny Harrison
William Randolph Hearst Foundation
Robert B. Hensley
High Field Farms
William L. Hix
(d.) deceased
($500,000 - $999,999)
J. Estill Alexander Estate
Nicholas and Whitetta Crawford
Janet C. and Richard Frockt
Fruit of the Loom
Greenview Regional Hospital
Kenneth E. and Irene S. Hall
Mary E. Heltsley
Jana and Bud Layne
Mary R. Nixon
Martha and Bob Owsley
Pepsi Americas of Bowling Green
Dr.Walter N. Scott
Susan and Zuheir Sofia
Tennessee Valley Authority
Barbara Jo Terry-Porter
James and Martha Thompson
Margaret and Cal Turner
Diddle Park
Western Kentucky University
Western Kentucky University - Cherry Society
Holiday Inn University Plaza Hotel
Charles Phillip Holland
Houchens Industries, Inc.
The Humana Foundation
Mike and Belle Lady Hunt
IBM Eduquest
Integra Bank
Calvin (d.) and Rosella Isbell
Robert and Shirl Johnson
Jones Builders - Ray, Bud and Barry Jones
Sandy and Martin Jones
Kentucky Bank Management Institute
Edward G. and Jeanette Murphy
Klemm Estate
Dr. L.Y. Lancaster Estate
Leco Corporation
Mitchell Leichhardt
Dr. David Daniel Lessenberry Estate
Casey and Doug Lester
Logan Aluminum, Inc.
Drs. John Lynn and Bobbie
Boyd Lubker
Margaret L. Madison (d.)
Gail and Cornelius A. Martin
Charles H. McAdams Estate
C. B. and Anita Hardin McDole Estate
The Medical Center at Franklin
Bruce Merrick
Sue and Melvin Morris
Nelle B. Moss
W.S. Moss Estate
Miko Muraguchi
Norton Healthcare
Owensboro Mercy Health System
Harry (d.) and Jean Peart
Dr. Joyce and L.D. Rasdall
Audrey and Tom Redford
Dorothy and Lester Reeves
Garland Reeves
Ann Rose and Joseph H. Richards
Roiann and John Ridley
The Ridley Group of Wachovia Securities
Betty A. Royce Estate
T.J. Samson Community Hospital
Terry Scariot and John Kelly
Henry Schlinker Estate
Robert and Virginia Schneider
Scott Murphy and Daniel
Val Scott
Scotty’s Contracting & Stone
Charles and Karen Shuffield
Dr. James Darrell Skaggs
Ben Smith
Paula Anne Smith
Sodexho Campus Services
Alumni Fall 2003
South Central Bank
Sumitomo Electric Wiring Systems, Inc.
Sunbelt Construction, Inc.
TA Instruments
Avo and James W.Taylor
Paul and Elizabeth (d.) Terrell
Terri Ann and Steve Thornton
Cal Turner Family Foundation
Laura Goad Turner Charitable Foundation
US Smokeless Tobacco Manufacturing LP
Ferris Van Meter
Wal-Mart Foundation
Bob and Katie Ward
Hays T. and Betty J.Watkins
WBKO Television
Wendy's of Bowling Green, Inc.
Frances H. and Lively M.Wilson
Dr.Willson and Erma (d.) Wood
($25,000 - $99,999)
Linda and Buddy Adams
Buddy Adams & Associates
Ed and Gretchen Adler
Jo-Ann and Henry Albers
Faye and Charles Anderson
Ann and Mark Allen
Alliza Sod Farms, Inc.
Allnutt & Associates
American Chemical Society
American Legion Post 23
Roger Miller, Commander
Sandra and Robert Appling
Architectural Services of KY, Inc.
Atlantic Richfield Foundation
Tom and Nancy Baird
Baulch Family Foundation
Monie Beard (d.)
BellSouth Services
The Belo Foundation
Best Western Motor Inn
Mimi and Bill Bewley
Big B Cleaners
Mary Bingham (d.)
Jerry Blacketer
Thomas Blair
Blake Hart Taylor & Wiseman
Insurance Agency
Charles R. Blakey (d.)
Bluegrass Cellular
Jan and Jim Bohannon, III
Booth Fire & Safety, Inc.
BG Area Chamber of Commerce
BG Consolidated, Inc.
BG Kiwanis Club
BG Noon Lions Club
Bowling Green Western Symphony
Orchestra Association
Lucille King Boyd Estate
William E. and Mary H. Buckler Scholarship
Cam Collins and Jane Bramham
Harold Brantley Appraisal Company
Gail and Gary Broady
Builders Association of Bowling Green
Marla and John Burch
Burger King
Byrd Scholarship – TN Student
Assistant Corporation
Athena Cage
Judy and Rich Callahan
Campbell Chevrolet
Amelia and Joseph Cangemi
M. Edward Carter
Eddie Carter Enterprises
Tracy and Gary Carver
Sallie Potter Carwell
Dr. Deborah and Stephen Catron
Thomas E. Caudill
Center of Insurance
Chandler Real Estate
Citizens First Bank
Carolyn and Spencer Coates
Eric Coffman
Coldwell Banker / Legacy Real Estate
John David Cole
Cole & Moore
Brian Collins
Wilda L. Collins
Commonwealth Broadcasting Corporation
Kay and Thad Connally
Elizabeth and Ray Cossey
Crescent-Warren County
Youth Association
Ralph E. Crump (d.)
Janine and Ben Cundiff
Dana Corporation Foundation
Joe B. Davis
Joe T. Davis
Mary Riley Davis
Davis on the Highlands
Martha and Walter M. Dear
Delta Dental Plan of Kentucky, Inc.
Melissa and Ken Dennison
David A. Dickerson
Brents Dickinson, III
Anne (d.) and Howard Doll
Western Kentucky University - Cherry Society
Dollar Brothers Shoe Company
Dollar General Corporation
R.R. Donnelley
Cindy and Tad Donnelly
Mary Ruth and David R. Drescher
The Baker-Geary Dunne Foundation
Carol and Charles E. Earles Sr.
Eastman Kodak Company
Eaton Corporation
Janice and Gerald Edds
Educational Testing Service
Shirley and James Elkins
Emerson Electric
Exxon Mobil Foundation
Bob R. Farley
Farmers National Bank
David Fields
First Union Foundation for First Union
First Union National Bank of NC
Gary Force, Inc.
Ford Motor Company
Friends and Family of Pat Eubank French
Fujifilm, USA
Gannett Foundation
R. Neal Garrison
Nelda and Vernon Gary
General Growth Management
General Motors Corporation
Gheens Foundation
Dr. Raymond Gibson Estate
Kent and Larry Gildersleeve
City of Glasgow
Jack and Janice Glasser
Robert A. Goodwin
Pat and Thomas Gorin
C.A. Graham & Associates, Inc.
Gravil Funeral Home, Inc.
Lila L. Greene
Louise A. Greene Estate
Dorothy Grider
Tish and Tommy Gumm
H+M Company
Dr.William R. Hammond Estate
Olga E. Hantelmann
Mildred Tucker Hardcastle Estate
Nettie R. Harrison Estate
Dr. and Mrs.William E. Harston, Jr.
Joyce and Tom Hart
Morris and Dorothy Haskins Foundation
Helm Foundation
Tony Henon Construction
Mary and Glenn Higdon
Hill Motley Lumber
Hill's Pet Nutrition
Hilltopper Broadcasting, Inc.
Suzanne and Warren Hines
Richard A. Hodge (d.)
Glenn Hodges
Holland CPAs PSC
Holley Performance Products, Inc.
Cora Dee Hooks
Ervin G. Houchens Foundation
Drs. Michael and Karin Egloff Howell
Hughes & Coleman
Hughes Kirkpatrick High School
Cynthia and Timothy Hulsey
Humana, Inc.
Judy and Thomas Hunt
Anne and Michael Hyde
Mike Jarvis
Dr.William M. Jenkins Jr. (d.)
Jim Johnson Pontiac Nissan
Norm and Jimmie Lou Johnson
Dow Jones Newspaper Fund, Inc.
Stanley Jones Corporation
Jostens – Jerry and Chris Bush
Vicky Jungers
Mary (d.) and Douglas Keach
Linda Keen and Chris Keen
Susan and James Keffer
Ruie (d.) and Harold Kelley
Tori and Rick Kelley
Kendall Company
Kentucky Farm Bureau Education Foundation
KY Orthopedic Rehab Team
KY Rural Water Association
Kerrick Grise Stivers & Coyle
Key Charitable Trust
Maxie and Lester Key
Keystops Benefit Golf Classic
Keystops Incorporated
J. C. Kirby & Son Funeral Chapel
Dennis and Brenda S. Kirtley
Dennis R. Koon
Gary S. Koon
Juanita R. Koon
Alice and Biff Kummer
Geraldine and John Kunstadter
Landmark Community Newspapers
Lee Brick and Block
Life Care Foundation Education & Research
Eli Lilly & Company Foundation
Alton and Patsy Little
Peggy and Gerald Loafman
Luther Family Foundation
M&L Electrical, Inc.
Glenn R. Malchow
Mariah’s Restaurant
Benedict Marino
Eva and Jim Martens
Dr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Martin
The May Department Stores
Company Foundation
Virginia M. McCalister (d.)
Dr. Ken and Pat McGuffey
Gina and Barry McIntosh
Mrs.William H. McLean
Alice and William F. (d.) Meacham
Joe W. Meador
The Medical Center at BG
Meyer Mortgage Corporation
Microsoft Corporation
Perry & Lucy Miller Scholarship
Jean and Ray E. Miller
Minit Mart Foods, Inc.
Will Tom (Billy) (d.) and Rebecca
Parrish Mitchell
Bharat and Bharati Mody
Monarch Environmental
Stacey and Keith Morrison
Muhlenberg Co.Alumni Club
Muhlenberg South High School Caney
Creek Foundation
National Panhellenic Council, Inc.
Nation’s Medicine
Neace Lukens Insurance Agency
Julia Neal Estate
News Inn of BG
Nuckols & Cohron PSC
Louie B. Nunn
Wanda and Tate C. (d.) Page
Cathy J. and Alan W. Palmer
Papa John’s Pizza
Park City Daily News
Jane and William J. Parker
Payless Inns
Betty Pease
The Pelino Family
Christine and Vincent Perriello
Ann and Joe Petrocelli
Leigh and Darell Pierce
PNC Bank Foundation
Esther Polk (d.)
Mary Hall Porter
Bob and Bea Preston
Allan and Susan Pribble
PricewaterhouseCoopers Foundation
Procter & Gamble
Quebecor World Franklin
Willanna and Robert Ramsey
Julius Rather
Thomas Remiszewski
Lois Renick
Dan Renshaw’s Greenwood Ford BMW
Research Corporation
Western Kentucky University
Western Kentucky University - Cherry Society
Reynolds Johnston Hinton Thomas & Pepper,LLP
Mary Dale and Mike Reynolds
Richardson Foundation, Inc.
William Larkin Ritter
Roofs, Inc.
Lynette and J Russell Ross
Ruth W. and Charles M. Ruter
L.V. Saefke
Scott & Ritter, Inc
Scripps Howard Foundation
Service One Credit Union, Inc.
Anne and Ronald Sheffer
Jane and William Shreve
Sallie and Ron Shrewsbury
Simpal Pup Tent 9 MOC
The Walter H. Simson Foundation
Linda and Jim Skaggs
Bette and Cooper Smith, Jr.
Barbara and Gilbert Smith
Patricia and Jim Smith
South Central Bank
Southern School Supply
Sparta, Inc.
State Farm Companies Foundation
Zelma L. Steene Estate
Larry Stewart
Stewart Richey Construction, Inc.
Wes Strader Productions
Jan and Wendell Strode
Stupp Brothers Bridge & Iron Co.
Sharon and Curtis Sullivan
Preston Sweeney
Priscilla Garland and James B.Tennill Jr.
Jane V. Tetrick
Mary and Robert Tincher
Dr. Samuel W. (d.) and Jeane
Payne Tinsley
Janet and Stephen Tolopka
Trace at Bays Fork
TS Trucking
Turner Industries II LTD
Fred M. and Yvonne Turner
Neal Turner Realty
Terry Tyler
Caroline H. (d.) and Alfred Tyson
Union Planters Trust
United Negro College Fund, Inc.
Valspar Corporation
Van Meter Contracting Inc.
Van Meter Insurance
Vette City Liquors
Stephen Vinsavich
WAKY Sign Company
WHAS Crusade for Children
William R.Walls Estate
Warren Rural Electric Cooperative
Glenna and Johnny D.Webb
Dr. Belgen Wells Estate
Robert V.Westerman
Jimmie D.White
William L.Wilcox
Williams Gas Pipeline Texas Gas
Georgia P. Willis Estate
J. David and Miki Wiseman
Dolores and Glenn Womack
W.R.O.T.E., Inc.
Wyatt,Tarrant & Combs, LLC
Yum! Brands Foundation, Inc.
(d.) Deceased
WKU Receives Gift for History Professorship
• Western Kentucky University has
received a $1 million gift commitment
from Dick Frockt, a Las Vegas, Nev.,
alumnus; his wife, Janet; and his son,
Ryan, who is a student at WKU.
“This generous gift represents a
strong commitment to academic
priorities of Western and to the
general education curriculum
which is pursued by all students
at Western.”
• This gift will create the Richard Frockt
Family Professorship in History in the
Potter College of Arts, Humanities and
Social Sciences. The $500,000 gift will
be matched by the Commonwealth of
Kentucky’s Regional Excellence Trust
Dr. David Lee
dean of the Potter College of Arts,
Humanities and Social Sciences
“I have chosen to make this gift
to Western to both show my
appreciation for what the
University has done for me and
to help future students find success as well.”
Dick Frockt
Ryan, Dick and Janet Frockt
“We are pleased that members
of the Western family helped
prepare Dick for his success, and
we are grateful that he and his
wife have chosen to give back to
the University in such a generous
way. The addition of the Frockt
Family Professorship in History will
touch countless students like
Dick for many years to come.”
Dr. Gary A. Ransdell
Western Kentucky University - Annual Fund
Founder Level
($10,000 and above)
Western Receives $1 Million for
Education Program and Academic
Athletic Performance Center
• Western Kentucky University has received a $750,000
commitment from a donor who wishes to remain confidential. Additionally, $250,000 will be provided
through the Commonwealth of Kentucky’s Regional
University Excellence Trust Fund.
• The gift will provide $500,000 in support of the academic advising portion of the new Academic Athletic
Performance Center, and it will offer $250,000 to
create a visiting professorship.
“The purpose of the visiting professorship is to
recognize the contributions that teachers have and
continue to make to the lives of so many individuals by giving something back that will contribute to
their professional growth and development.”
Dr. Sam Evans
Dean, College of Education and Behavioral Sciences.
“The academic support staff is excited about having a stand-alone center devoted primarily to academic excellence,” she said. “The Academic
Athletic Performance Center will place an emphasis on excellence in school work. Students will
benefit from this facility for years down the road.”
Dixie Mahurin
Coordinator, Academic Support for Athletics
Ed and Gretchen Adler (6)
Jo-Ann and Henry Albers (13)
J. Estill Alexander Estate
Alliance Corporation (15)
Confidential (23)
ARAMARK WKU Dining Services (6)
Architectural Services of KY, Inc. (2)
Army Emergency Relief (2)
Ashland Inc. (2)
Atmos Energy (7)
Jerry E. Baker (33)
Barnes and Noble (5)
BB&T (24)
Kathy and Dr. Craig Beard (21)
Jim Beckley (4)
Kathleen and Vince Berta (6)
Bowling Green Municipal Utilities (13)
Mr. Charles R. Blakey (d.) (4)
Bowling Green Area Convention &
Visitors Bureau (3)
Bowling Green Noon Rotary Club (12)
Cam Collins and Jane Bramham (19)
William E. and Mary H.
Buckler Scholarship (3)
Byrd Scholarship-TN Student Assistant
Corporation (4)
Sallie Potter Carwell
Dr. Deborah and Stephen Catron (14)
Citizens Scholarship Foundation (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Coleman (3)
Commonwealth Health Corporation (5)
Community Foundation of Louisville (5)
Brian E. Coutts (2)
Dana Corporation Foundation (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Dan J. Davis
DDS Engineering and Survey (2)
R. R. Donnelley
E. Clifton Dowell Estate
The Baker-Geary Dunne Foundation (8)
Jessie Ball duPont Fund
Margaret and Steve Eaton (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. English Sr. (3)
English Lucas Priest & Owsley (19)
Irene M. Erskine
Ervin G. Houchens Foundation (12)
William H Fletcher Estate
Glenda and Gordon Ford (10)
Franklin Bank & Trust Company (29)
Janet C. and Richard Frockt (8)
Fruit of the Loom
Joan B. Garrison
C. M. (Bill) Gatton (4)
Gheens Foundation (3)
Geoghegan Roofing & Supply, Inc.
Mr. Robert Geoghegan
Jack and Janice Glasser (23)
Greenview Regional Hospital (22)
Anne and Dan Greenwell (15)
Kerr Greulich Engineer
Donald J. and Jennifer W Greulich (8)
Tish and Tommy Gumm (15)
H+M Company
Kenneth E. and Irene S. Hall (6)
Dr.William R. Hammond Estate
Dr. Lowell and Penny Harrison (36)
Lt. Governor Stephen L. Henry, M.D.
Robert B. Hensley (31)
Mary and Glenn Higdon (6)
Mr. Richard A. Hodge (d.)
Holiday Inn University Plaza Hotel (6)
Houchens Industries, Inc. (16)
Mike and Belle Lady Hunt (18)
Insight Communications (7)
Integra Bank (38)
J. S. and J. L. Knight Foundation
James N. Gray Company
Dr.William M. Jenkins Jr. (d.)
Jim Johnson Pontiac Nissan (16)
Mr. James Neel Johnson (2)
Jones Builders - Ray, Bud and
Barry Jones (28)
Sandy and Martin Jones (3)
Jostens - Jerry and Chris Bush
Linda Keen and Chris Keen (4)
Terry Scariot and John Kelly (7)
Kentucky Farm Bureau Education
Foundation (4)
Kentucky Orthopedic Rehab Team
Kentucky Turfgrass Council
Key Charitable Trust (5)
Keystops, Inc. (4)
Edward G. and Jeanette Murphy
Carroll and Evelyn Knicely (10)
Laura Goad Turner Charitable
Foundation (7)
Jana and Bud Layne (10)
Lee Brick and Block (22)
Mr. Carol Todd Lee (4)
Logan Aluminum, Inc. (12)
The Louisville Institute (2)
Drs. John Lynn and Bobbie
Boyd Lubker (4)
Dixie and Pete Mahurin (32)
Gail and Cornelius A. Martin (15)
The May Department Stores
Company Foundation (4)
Gina and Barry McIntosh (13)
Bruce Merrick
Jean and Ray E. Miller
Bharat and Bharati Mody (19)
Sue and Melvin Morris
Mr. and Mrs. George Michael Murphy (2)
National City Bank of Kentucky (33)
Neace Lukens Insurance Agency (2)
Mary R. Nixon (9)
Louie B. Nunn
Mr. Michael A. Owsley (22)
Leon Page (22)
Park City Daily News (5)
Friends and Family of Pat
Eubank French
The Pelino Family
Pepsi Americas of Bowling Green (8)
Christine and Vincent Perriello (2)
PNC Bank Foundation (3)
Mr. and Mrs.Whayne C. Priest, Jr. (13)
Rafferty’s (14)
Dorothy and Lester Reeves (7)
Thomas Remiszewski (7)
Ann Rose and Joseph H. Richards (10)
Mr. and Mrs.William Nathan Richey (9)
Roiann and John Ridley (22)
William Larkin Ritter
T. J. Samson Community Hospital (2)
Western Kentucky University
Scholarship & Recognition Programs
Science Applications Int. Corp.
Scott & Ritter, Inc. (2)
Scott Murphy and Daniel (15)
Rita and Jim Scott (30)
Scotty’s Development Company (3)
Charles and Karen Shuffield (3)
Dr. James Darrell Skaggs (2)
Ben Smith (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis D. Smith (2)
Patricia and Jim Smith (18)
Paula Anne Smith (8)
Sodexho Campus Services
Susan and Zuheir Sofia (5)
South Central Bank (4)
Col. Edgar B. and Edith R. (d.)
Stansbury (4)
State Farm Companies Foundation
Stewart & Richey
Construction, Inc. (3)
Mr. James Brouder Stewart (5)
Dr. James H. Stuteville Est
Sumitomo Electric Wiring
Systems, Inc. (11)
Sunbelt Construction, Inc. (12)
Ms. Ruth Hines Temple (d.)
Tennessee Valley Authority
Time To Rise, Inc. (3)
J. Clifford Todd
Dr. and Mrs. L. O.Toomey Estate
Trace Die Cast, Inc. - Carolyn
and Lowell Guthrie(12)
U.S. Bank (38)
Union Planters Trust (2)
United Federation of Teachers
United Negro College Fund, Inc. (3)
U.S. Smokeless Tobacco
Manufacturing LP (7)
Ferris Van Meter (11)
Van Meter Insurance (26)
Dr. and Mrs. George Vourvopoulos (7)
The Ridley Group of
Wachovia Securities (6)
Wal-Mart Foundation (6)
Glen, Frieda (d.) and John Wells (9)
Wendy’s of Bowling Green, Inc. (23)
Robert V.Westerman
Weyerhaeuser (4)
WHAS Crusade for Children (5)
Whayne Supply Company
Beulah R.Winchel
Wyatt,Tarrant & Combs, LLC (10)
Yum! Brands Foundation, Inc.
Regent Level
Ann and Mark Allen (11)
Alley-Cassetty Brick
Altria Employee Involvement Program
American Cancer Society (2)
AmSouth Bank (2)
Mrs. Ashcraft and Mr.Tu (4)
Baulch Family Foundation (17)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E Baulch (17)
BellSouth (12)
Mimi and Bill Bewley (3)
Big Red Radio Network
Dr. and Mrs. John Scott Black (10)
Bluegrass Cellular (9)
Bowling Green Imports
BG Kiwanis Club (8)
Alumni Fall 2003
Breiwa, Ware & Jeskie, PSC (4)
Dr. John N. Breiwa (12)
David F. Broderick (33)
Dr. and Mrs. John T. Burch (5)
Ms. Beulah C. Campbell (15)
Canaan Missionary Baptist Church (5)
Amelia and Joseph Cangemi (12)
Canon U.S.A., Inc.
Capital One Services, Inc.
Dr. H. Randall Capps (11)
Tracy and Gary Carver (3)
Caveland, Inc.
Center of Insurance (18)
Chandler Real Estate (12)
Mr. David Gerald Chandler (5)
Citizens First Bank (4)
Carolyn and Spencer Coates (18)
John David Cole
Cole & Moore (34)
Confidential (5)
Crescent-Warren County
Youth Association (4)
Janine and Ben Cundiff (6)
Dan Renshaw’s Greenwood
Ford BMW (38)
Delta Dental Plan of Kentucky Inc. (4)
Melissa and Ken Dennison (4)
Cindy and Tad Donnelly (13)
Mr. James Duhon
Carol and Charles E. Earles, Sr. (2)
Janice and Gerald Edds (13)
Emerson Electric (2)
Farmers National Bank (20)
David Fields
First Union National Bank of NC (5)
Fleshman Memorial Sch. Fund, Inc. (2)
Ford Motor Company (4)
Mr. William Gary French (7)
FUJI Photo Film U.S.A., Inc.
Gary Force, Inc. (38)
Mr. Wayne Gaunce
General Growth Management (5)
Gentry Family Foundation
Mr. Raymond Darrell Gentry
Goodman Chevrolet, Oldsmobile,
Cadillac (2)
Pat and Thomas Gorin (6)
Governor’s Scholars Program (5)
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Grise (3)
Harrison County
Community Foundation
Mrs. Dawn Marie Hitron (6)
Horse Farm Workers Educ. Asst. (3)
The Worth & Dot Howard Foundation
Intel Foundation
Mike Jarvis (3)
Dr. John W. Jeskie (2)
Norm and Jimmie Lou Johnson (4)
The Dow Jones Newspaper Fund, Inc. (20)
Kerrick Grise Stivers & Coyle (18)
Dennis and Brenda S. Kirtley
Gary S. Koon (18)
L. G. & E. Energy Foundation (4)
Dr. Albin L. Lee (11)
Peggy and Gerald Loafman (11)
Luther Family Foundation
Lyon Co. Scholarship Foundation (3)
M & L Electrical, Inc. (23)
Eva and Jim Martens (22)
McCafferty & Hutter
The Medical Center at Bowling Green (13)
Dr. Kristy and Mr. Kim Allen Menke (8)
Mr. Billy Joe Miles
Nation’s Medicine (10)
Nikon, Inc.
Omni Custom Meats, Inc. (6)
Oshkosh B’Gosh Foundation, Inc. (4)
Papa John’s Pizza (16)
Perry & Lucy Miller Scholarship (5)
President’s Student Service Schol. (2)
Allan and Susan Pribble (6)
Public Theatre of Kentucky (5)
Monie Beard (d.) (14)
Mr. John L. Ramsey (3)
Richardson Family Foundation (2)
Richmond Area Scholarship Program
Roofs, Inc. (4)
Ruth and Charles M. Ruter (8)
L.V. Saefke (5)
Scotty’s Contracting & Stone (30)
Service One Credit Union, Inc. (12)
Shaker Village at Pleasant Hill (2)
Mr. Steve Sheldon (2)
Sallie and Ron Shrewsbury (18)
Mr. Charles R. Silbereisen (2)
The Walter H. Simson Foundation (12)
Mr. Harold Smith
Mr. Greg N. Stivers (2)
Stupp Bros. Bridge & Iron
Co. Foundation (5)
Sharon and Curtis Sullivan
Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders
Priscilla Garland and James B.
Tennill, Jr. (3)
Jane V.Tetrick (10)
Scripps Howard Foundation (5)
Terri Ann and Steve Thornton (33)
Janet and Stephen Tolopka (11)
Tower Automotive
Vanguard Charitable Endowed
Program (2)
Ms. Lyda B.Vaughn (d.)
Wachovia Foundation
Warren Rural Electric Cooperative (5)
Hays T. and Betty J. Watkins (4)
Mr. Charles W. Weaver (2)
Dolores and Glenn Womack (12)
Trustee Level
ACT Recognition Program Services (4)
Alvah Cox Memorial Scholarship Fund
American Legion Post 23
Roger Miller, Commander (6)
Sandra and Robert Appling (4)
Mr. Willard G. Atkinson (5)
B.G. Consolidated, Inc. (25)
BADA Division Hennessy Industries (27)
Bank of America
Bank One (2)
BASF Corporation (2)
Beaver Dam Baptist Church (3)
Bell Orr Ayers & Moore, PSC (18)
Bennie Jones Construction (2)
Louis Berman (11)
BG Area Chamber of Commerce (31)
Thomas Blair (4)
Blake Hart Taylor & Wiseman
Insurance Agency (30)
Booth Fire & Safety, Inc. (22)
Bowling Green A. M. Rotary (2)
BG Noon Lions Club
Bowling Green Road Runners (6)
Brain Injury Association of KY
Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Brantley (36)
Breece Enterprises, Inc. (24)
Gail and Gary Broady (24)
Mr. Michael V. Bryant (4)
Bullitt East Athletic Boosters Inc.
Mr. Jerry C. Bush
C.A. Graham & Associates, Inc. (37)
Judy and Rich Callahan (17)
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Earl Campbell (22)
Campbell Chevrolet (22)
Mr. L. Keith Cassady
Ms. Margaret M. Cather (14)
Central High School Alumni Assoc. (2)
Central Ky. Com. Act. Council, Inc. (5)
Chestnut Street Family YMCA
Cinergy Communications
City of Bowling Green (4)
Mrs. Ginger Leanne Cleary
Mr. Kevin Cline (2)
The Coast Guard Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Ralph Eric Coffman (5)
Commonwealth Broadcasting
Corporation (4)
Community United
Methodist Hospital (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Coogan (2)
Costello Chrysler (5)
The Courier Journal (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Gil Ray Cowles
Mr. D. Michael Coyle
Daimler Chrysler Corporation
David Clement, State Farm Insurance
Daviess-McLean Baptist Association (5)
Joe T. Davis (15)
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Edward Deere (2)
Mr. Alfred T. Dent, Sr.
DESA, LLC (22)
David A. Dickerson (14)
Dickerson Lumber Company (3)
Brents Dickinson, III (31)
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Kendall Dillard (15)
Ms. Patricia A. Dillard (2)
Mr. Ralph Dillihay (5)
Dr. Oles Drobocky DMD M S
Mr.Todd Dyer
Eagle Industries, LLC (11)
Edmonson County Board of Education
Educational Testing Service (5)
Elks National Foundation (2)
Evan Scearce Memorial Fund
Everly-Brothers Foundation (4)
Bob R. Farley (35)
Mr. Lloyd Ferguson
Ford Furniture Company (2)
440 Main Restaurant
Franklin Simpson
Community Boosters (2)
Franklin-Simpson High School (2)
Friends of the Lost River
Mr. Gerald Fudge and Ms. Mary
Lea Woods (7)
The Gallup Organization
Ms. Dorothy A. Gard
Mr. and Mrs.Vernon Scott Gary (11)
General Motors Corporation (8)
Gillie Hyde Ford Chrysler, Inc. (9)
Glasgow Highland Rotary Club (5)
Glasgow Rotary Club (5)
Glass Molders,Pottery,Plastics
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lewis Goodman (21)
Mr. Julian Goodman (23)
Dollar Breakdown
(includes cash, checks, gift-in-kinds, stocks, etc.)
(Pledges of $10,000 or greater)
Deferred Gifts
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas John Gorman (10)
Mr. Douglas Wayne Gott (11)
Graham Alumni Association (3)
Graves Gilbert Clinic (15)
Gravil Funeral Home, Inc. (18)
Grayson County High School
Mr. David C. Greulich
Mr. and Mrs.William Oren Grimes (25)
Dr. David A. Grove (8)
Mr. William Thomas Hardcastle (2)
Harlin Parker Attorneys At Law (11)
Harold Brantley Appraisal Company (36)
Joyce and Tom Hart (2)
Hartland Equipment Corporation (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Young Hawkins
Hawkins Upholstery (24)
Hayswood Foundation (3)
Hendersonville High School
Hill Motley Lumber (34)
Suzanne and Warren Hines (24)
Glenn Hodges (5)
Holley Performance Products, Inc. (4)
Mr. Joe T. Hood (3)
Horton Hill, LLC (3)
Anne and Michael Hyde (24)
Industrial Electrical Contractors
Interep Radio (5)
International Bluegrass Music Assn. (2)
Calvin (d.) and Rosella Isbell (6)
J. C. Kirby & Son Funeral Chapel (17)
Jeffersonville High School (2)
J-Mar Properties (3)
Mr. Bart Jones
Mr. William J. Jones (3)
Mary (d.) and Douglas Keach (15)
Tori and Rick Kelley (6)
The Kentucky All A Classic (3)
Kentucky Fertilizer & Agricultural (4)
Kentucky Opera (3)
Kentucky Restaurant Association (4)
Kentucky Trust Bank (2)
The Kimball Intl. Habig
Foundation Inc. (4)
Kimberly-Clark Foundation, Inc. (2)
Kirby Building Systems, Inc. (4)
Mr. Kevin R. Kirby (4)
Dennis R. Koon (21)
Alice and Biff Kummer (28)
Ky State Gospel Singing Convention
KY Transportation Employees Assn. (3)
Landmark Community Newspapers (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Samuel Lawson (6)
Lexington Herald-Leader (4)
Mr. Philip W. Lienesch (2)
Dr. and Mrs. Alton Dean Little (8)
Ms. Martha Ann Lloyd (29)
Lowe’s of Bowling Green
Ms. Rebecca J. Loyall
Mr. Michael Delaney Lynch (2)
Mansfield Chevrolet (2)
Mariah’s Restaurant (25)
Marine Corps. Scholarship
Foundation (3)
Mary Hope Henry Music Sch.Trust
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Mason, Jr. (15)
Mr. and Mrs. Craig C. McCormick (6)
Mick-Murf Construction, Inc.
Morgan Keegan & Company Inc. (6)
Dr. and Mrs. Keith Dewayne
Morrison (9)
MTD Products Inc.
Muhlenberg South High School Caney
Creek Foundation (4)
Nasco (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Marshall Nation (12)
National FFA Foundation, Inc. (4)
The National Honorary Beta Club
National Press Photographers
Foundation (4)
National Turfgrass Federation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. George Nichols, III (3)
North Central Ky Educational
Foundation (2)
Northern Trust Company (2)
Nuckols & Cohron PSC (25)
Orphan Foundation of America
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Parrish (5)
PepsiAmericas (4)
Ann and Joe Petrocelli (21)
Leigh and Darell Pierce (33)
Mr. Charles Ditzler Ralph, Jr. (2)
Republic Bank & Trust Company (11)
Mr. and Mrs.Tony Gil Rhoades (8)
Mr. Steven Allen Rogers (8)
Lynette and J Russell Ross (14)
Russellville Independent Schools (3)
Mr. Gene Thomas Saunders (2)
Scholarly Pursuits, Inc. (4)
Secat, Inc.
Mr. Jack W. Sheidler (5)
Shelter Insurance Foundation (2)
Mr. Larry B. Shelton (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lloyd Simpson (8)
Sky People Higher Education
Mr. Donald Warren Slocum (2)
Hon. and Mrs. William Ray Smith (12)
Society of African American Alumni
South Spencer Scholarship (4)
Southern Foods (17)
Southland Manufacturing Co. Inc. (5)
Mr. Ron and Dr. Debra Sowell (18)
Mr. David B. Spain
Mr. Nevil C. Speer (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Neal D. Spencer (3)
Springhill Pharmacy (12)
Springs Valley Bank & Trust
Stephen Bufton Memorial Ed. Fund (4)
Mr. John Hardin Stigall (10)
Jan and Wendell Strode (22)
The Sunshine Lady Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs.Timothy A.Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. William Throneberry (11)
Mary and Robert Tincher (28)
Mr. and Mrs. James B.Tomes (25)
Toyota Motor Manufacturing Ky, Inc.
Mr. Joe Ben Tucker
Turner Industries II LTD (33)
Fred M. and Yvonne Turner (24)
Tyco Adhesives (2)
Van Meter Contracting, Inc. (6)
Vette City Liquors (11)
Stephen Vinsavich (10)
Suzanne and Don S.Vitale (7)
W Y M T TV, Basketball Classic
Mr. James Michael Wade
WAKY Sign Company (11)
Walking Horse Trainers Auxiliary
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Wallace (2)
Walton Family Foundation, Inc.
Warren County Fiscal Court (4)
Chris and Leslie Watkins (5)
Webb & Midkiff Benevolent Trust (3)
Mr. H. H. Webb (d.) (2)
Western Crane Service, Inc.
Western Kentucky Plastics, Inc. (15)
Weyerhaeuser (12)
Mr. David T. Whitaker (9)
J. David and Miki Wiseman (18)
Mr.Tom Witthuhn
WKU Home Economics and Family (4)
WKU Panhellenic Association (2)
Woosley Brothers Painting Co., Inc. (9)
Mr. and Mrs.Trent Allen Young (5)
Director Level
Dr. Henry Baughman and Dr.
Jann Aaron (4)
The Clara Abbott Foundation (2)
The Accessory Center (5)
Adair County Farm Bureau (4)
Linda and Buddy Adams (17)
Ms. Marion L. Adams (15)
ADHA Institute for Oral Health (2)
Agrium U.S., Inc.
AID Association for Lutherans (5)
Alcoa Foundation
All Star Dairy Association
Allen County Board of Education (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Michael Allen (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph William Allen (4)
Alliza Sod Farms, Inc. (12)
American Bank & Trust
Company, Inc. (3)
American Legion Natl Headquarters (5)
American Legion Post No. 13 (2)
American Postal Workers Union
American Quarter Horse Foundation (4)
American School
American Toner (2)
Anderson Co. Athletic B. Club
Dr. Alan B. Anderson (18)
Faye and Charles Anderson (18)
Mr. Ronnie L. Anglea (3)
Mr. Robert S. Archer, lll (2)
Architectural Services of Kentucky (7)
Argonaut Group, Inc.
Mrs. Claire M. Arnold (12)
Associated Industries of Kentucky (4)
Associated Master Plumbers
AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP
Attleboro Scholarship Foundation (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Ayers (13)
B. G.Technical College
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Adrian Bachert (15)
Mr. and Mrs. Claude M. Bacon (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Eugene Bailey (8)
Dr. and Mrs. Phillip W. Bale (17)
Bando Manufacturing of America Inc. (9)
Bandy Bedding, Inc. (11)
Bank of Caneyville (17)
Bank of Celina (2)
Bank of Jamestown
Bank of Louisville (2)
Bank One Lexington (3)
Bank One Ohio
Bank One Kentucky (2)
Dr. and Mrs. James B. Barksdale (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Christopher Barnett (5)
Barren County Farm Bureau (2)
Barren River District Health Dept.
Batesville Community School Corp. (2)
Baumholder High School
The BBC Foundation
Bellevue Baptist Church
BG Co-op Sonic Drive-In (4)
Mr. Larry T. Biggerstaff (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Bilyeu (2)
BKD, LLP (13)
Dr. Julia Renee Black (2)
Dr. and Mrs. John P. Blackburn
Leslie and John Paul Blair (10)
Blood Assurance, Inc.
Bluegrass Outpatient Center (4)
Jan and Jim Bohannon III (2)
Boise Office Solutions (2)
Bonny Oaks Foundation (4)
Ms. June H. Borton
Bowling Green Chamber Orchestra (3)
Bowling Green Enterprise
Community (2)
Bowling Green High School (3)
Bowling Green High School Alumni (3)
Bowling Green Warren County
Medical Society Alliance
Bowling Green Western Symphony
Orchestra Association (5)
Western Kentucky University
Bowling Green Woman’s Club, Inc. (3)
Mr. David Bradford
Breckinridge Co. Moose Lodge #2399
Brigham Young University
Mary Carolyn Wolfe and James W.
Brite, Sr.
Dr. Jack H. Britt (16)
Dr. and Mrs. Jenks Britt (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Dan W. Brooks
Ms. Marcia Jan Brown (7)
Ms.Valerie C. Brown (5)
Neil F. Budde and Virginia
B. Edwards (6)
Builders Association of
Bowling Green (6)
Builders By Design Corp.
Hon. and Mrs. James Robert
Bullington (2)
Bullitt East H.S. Music Booster
Drs. Barbara and Kenneth Burch (8)
Dr. Andrew Burt (3)
Burton Memorial Baptist Church
Dr. George Wayne Bush
C&I Engineering
Cabbage Patch Settlement House
Caesars Riverboat Casino Foundation
Camden Place (11)
Campaign Fund of Billy Ray Smith (2)
Mr. Barry J. Cannon
Capital Investment Management, Inc.
Col. Sidney C. Carpenter (29)
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Carrico (7)
Carroll Bank & Trust
Ms. Darla Michelle Carter (4)
Mr. Patrick H. Carter
Dr. and Mrs.Tom Parker Carter (4)
CarTopSystems N.A. Inc.
Casey County Apple Festival, Inc.
Caverna Education Foundation
The Cecilian Bank
Center for Rural Development (3)
Central High School Association
Central Ky Federal Savings Bank (2)
Cerebral Palsy KIDS Center
Chambers Enterprises
Charles M. Moore Insurance Agency (12)
Chestnut Grove Civics Club
Chick-Fil-A, Inc. (2)
Christian Academy of Lousiville (2)
Christian Co. Conservation District
Cincinnati Scholarship Foundation (2)
Circuit City Foundation (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Clayton (2)
Coal, Energy, Investments and Mgmt.
Coca-Cola Scholarship
Foundation, Inc. (4)
Dr. Maurice Cole (5)
Honorable Jo Ann and Mr.
Lee L. Coleman (4)
Collegiate Funding Services
Colonial House Furniture, Inc.
The Columbus Foundation (4)
Community Foundation of
Southern Indiana
Community Foundation
of Middle TN (3)
Community IMPACT of Nashville
Confidential (23)
Corky’s Coaches Corner
Mr.Thomas J. Corum (3)
Dr.Toni Leslie Cottongim
Covington Capital, LLC (3)
Alumni Fall 2003
Mr. Gil Cowles, Jr. (5)
Ms. Emily Paige Crume (2)
Culver’s VIP Foundation Inc.
Cumberland Electric Membership
Mrs. Elizabeth Ellis Curran (22)
Current Marketing (2)
CVS Charitable Trust, Inc. (2)
Dan D.Vickery Insurance (3)
Dance Images (2)
Mr. Barton D. Darrell (3)
Drs. Nancy and James Davis (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Davis
Ms. Irma S. Day (2)
Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc.
Decorators Supply (8)
Delta Omicron Prof Music
Fraternity (2)
Mr. Donald W. Denton DeRoyal
Mr. Mack Dickerson (4)
Distributive Education Clubs
Diversified Woodworking Corporation
Mr. Robert F. Dodd (2)
Don Spear Contracting (2)
Donelson Hermitage Chamber
Mr. and Mrs. Berry Micheal Donnelly (11)
Mr. Jack Reed Downing
Drs. Carroll and Burt, DMD, PSC (3)
DSM Engineering Plastics, Inc. (2)
Mr. Kevin Patrick Duffey
Mr.Thomas P. Dupree
Mr. Curtis Duvall (2)
E. H. Harris Lumber Co., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs.Timothy E. Earnhart (9)
Edward E. Meyer Scholarship Trust (3)
Dr. and Mrs. Warren Eisenstein (5)
Elizabethtown Education Foundation
Elizabethtown Lion’s Club, Inc.
Elizabethtown Rotary Club
Shirley and James Elkins
Ellis Park Race Course, Inc.
Elmer Hinton Memorial Library
Ms. Pamela J. Elrod (16)
Mr. Jason Scott Embry
Drs. Sam and Mary Evans (6)
Evansville Teachers Federal C. U. (3)
Ms. Lori Leigh Farmer
Farmers Rural Electric Cooperative (4)
Dr. Kela L. Fee (4)
Fern Creek High School
Mr. and Mrs. Geoff Fields (12)
Fifth District of the American
Advertising Federation
Fifth District VFW (4)
Fifth Third Bank (3)
515 Cavalry 1 ATB
First Baptist Church (2)
The 1st National Bank Trust Dept.
Fischel Technologies
Dr. and Mrs. John O. Fitts (22)
Fletcher & Rowley, Inc. (2)
Florence Rotary Club
Dr. and Mrs. James S. Flynn (22)
Fndtn. for the Tri-State Com., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin P. Ford (9)
Forest Park Baptist Church (2)
Fort Knox National Company (4)
Mrs. Mildred Fox (9)
Franklin Bank & Trust Co.
Franklin Precision Industry, Inc. (2)
Friends of Agriculture Inc.
Friends of Virginia L. Woodward
Friendship Baptist Church (2)
Frost Brown Todd LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Fulgham (7)
Dr. and Mrs. William H. Funk (3)
Mrs. Jeanne Marie Gadient
Mr. Stephen A. Gagel
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Gann (11)
Gannett Foundation (2)
Dr. Cecile and Mr. Larry Garmon (20)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael John Garrett
R. Neal Garrison (16)
Gates F.Young Trust (8)
GE Foundation
General Motors Corp. Chevrolet Div.
General Motors Corporation
Mr. Frank J. Genzianelli (2)
Mr. James L. Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie P. Gipson (23)
Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana (2)
Glasgow Kiwanis Club (2)
Golden State ScholarShare
Mr. John B. Graham, Jr. (2)
Dr. and Mrs. Lewis W. Graham (2)
Grand Ole Opry
Dr. and Mrs. Harry B. Gray
Mr. and Mrs. David T. Gray (4)
Mr. Scott T. Graybill (5)
Greater Louisville Alliance
Greater Louisville Alumni Chapter (12)
Dr. Murphy Howard Green (10)
Greenbrier Chapter OES 469 (3)
Dr. Bill Clyde Greenwalt (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kendrick
Guillaume (20)
Mr. Kelly D. Haley
Dr. and Mrs. Jack O. Hall (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Hall (3)
Mr.Timothy Ryan Hampton
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Reed
Hancock (2)
Hardin Co. Educational Foundation
Harman Kentucky
Harned, Bachert &
Denton Attorneys (15)
Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Harned (21)
Mr. and Mrs. James Douglas Harris (16)
Harrison & Goin Law Firm (12)
Dr. and Mrs. Danny Lee Harrison (10)
Mrs. Martha Blair Harrison (2)
Hartland Furniture (22)
Mr. Stephen C. Haynes (6)
Helm Foundation
Helping Hands Ministries, Inc.
Mary E. Heltsley (11)
Henderson Hall of Fame
Henderson Rotary Club
Mr. Jerry Thomas Henderson, Jr. (3)
Hendersonville Hospital
Mr. Scott Henon
Tony Henon Construction (33)
Heritage Bank
Dr. Gabriel A. Hernandez (11)
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas
Kenneth Hightower (3)
Mr.Thomas S. Hiles (6)
Hilliard Lyons, Inc. (6)
Hines Pharmacy (16)
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Scott Hines (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lewis Hinton (14)
William L. Hix (8)
Mr. Frederick G. Holcomb, Jr. (4)
Holland CPAs PSC (12)
Holland, Inc. (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Montroe Holland (2)
The Hooper Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David Charles Holt (8)
Mr. Richard Darnell Holton (2)
Cora Dee Hooks (16)
Mr. Corey Hooper
Mr. E. John Hornsby, Jr. (5)
Mr. Joe B. Houchens, II (21)
Housing Authority of Louisville (5)
Houston H.S. Choirs Booster Club
Hugh Sims Ear, Nose and Throat (2)
Dr. and Mrs. Luther B. Hughes, Jr. (21)
Mrs. Mary Barr Humphrey (15)
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Raymond Hunt (21)
Charles and Sharon Hunter (5)
Hussung Mechanical Contractors
Illinois AMVETS Service Foundation
Independent Order of Foresters
Indiana Elks Charities Inc.
Indiana Laborers Train.Trust Fund (4)
Mr. and Mrs. J.Todd Inman
Institute for Leadership & Org. (2)
International Dairy-Deli-Bakery
International Federation of
Prog. & Tech. (2)
IOF Foresters / Carol Patterson, FIC (4)
Mr.Timothy Collins Irons
J. Allen Builders, Inc. (2)
J. B. Distributors, Inc. (2)
Mr. Steven Lee Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Robert Jaffre
James W. Owens, Chartered (2)
Ms. Nelda M. James (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin B. Jarboe (8)
Jeff Ralph State Farm Insurance (3)
Dr. and Mrs. Robert W Jefferson (7)
Jeffersonville Optimist Youth (2)
Mr. Larry M. Jenkins (3)
Jennie Stuart Medical Center
Jim & Gil’s Men’s Shop
John Overton High School
Johnny Unitas Golden Arm (3)
Johns Hopkins University
Dr. and Mrs. James S. Johnson (15)
Mr.Tommy Aaron Joseph (5)
Josh’s Friends, Inc. (2)
Junior Achievement of S.C. Ky (2)
Junior Women’s League
Kaba Select Sires, Inc. (2)
Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas Z. Kafoglis (23)
Mr. Michael E. Kennedy (5)
The Kentucky Bar Foundation, Inc.
Kentucky Broadcasters Association
Kentucky Cattlemen’s Association
Kentucky Cystic Fibrosis Services
Kentucky Jr. Miss Program
Kentucky Monthly
Kentucky National Bank
Kentucky Railway Museum, Inc. (4)
Kentucky Teacher’s Retirement (3)
Kentucky Thoroughbred Assn.
Kentucky Trust Bank (11)
Kentucky Trust Company
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas N. Kerrick
Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Kieffer (2)
Mr. Paul A. Kimbel (5)
Mr. Randall L. Kinnersley
Mr. Gerald W. Kirby (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rodes Kirby (7)
Kiwanis Club of Springfield (2)
Mr. Donald Scott Knarr (3)
Knight Ridder, Inc.
Cupola Society
The objective of the Cupola
Society is to recognize longterm donors, no matter the
size of the gift and bring distinction to those individuals who
University through sustained
annual giving.
The name Cupola Society was chosen for its
recognition, its meaning and its importance. The cupola is
recognized as an important symbol of Western Kentucky
University. This symbol is not only representative of the university’s past (Cherry
Hall), but it is also
(Guthrie Tower). The
cupola in use belies
several symbols useful
in education. As simply a vaulted roof
structure on a building, a cupola draws
attention to the structure, just as Cherry Hall draws attention as the symbol of the educational opportunity presented by Western Kentucky University. Cupolas are often
used as a means to emit air or light, much as a university
offers the oxygen of knowledge and the brightness of
opportunity. The cupola as a type of blast furnace is used
for the re-melting of metals before casting. Education is
simply the re-melting of a base of knowledge and the casting of that knowledge into a greater instrument for a person’s future. The cupola, past, present, and future, is the
perfect symbol for the importance of continuity in support
of Western Kentucky University.
The Cupola Society seeks to first recognize
donors upon their second consecutive year of making a gift
to Western Kentucky University and continue recognition
for their consecutive years of giving throughout their lifetime. Specific recognition will exist within publications and
through other means such as gifts and events. Some
specifics include:
continued on page 29
Dr. Lee and Mr. Ray A. Knight (8)
Knights of Columbus
Dr. and Mrs. Leonard V. Kogut, Jr. (4)
Mrs. Eleanor G. Koon (7)
Ms. Juanita R. Koon (34)
Dr. Joan and Mr. Robert E. Krenzin (22)
Mr. Brian William Kuster (7)
Ky Lumber & Building Materials (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lacefield
Mr. David Gregory Laird (5)
Lancaster Heating & Cooling (25)
Lee S. Jones Educational Trust
Dr. and Mrs. David Dale Lee (8)
Leichhardt Landscape Company, Inc. (11)
Leitchfield Deposit Bank
Lexington Herald-Leader
Lexmark International, Inc.
The Liberty Group (4)
Ms. Susie Likes (11)
Mr. John R. Lindahl
Dr. and Mrs. Randal L. Littlepage (13)
Mr. Jason P. Loehr (2)
Logan Telephone Cooperative (5)
Louisville Male High School
Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Marc Allen Lovell (11)
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Scott Lowe
Todd Parker Lowe, CFA, CFP
Luciano Prida and Co., P. A. (5)
Dr. and Mrs. Nace R. Magner (5)
Glenn R. Malchow (13)
Mallinckrodt, Inc.
Mr. Jay Brandon Mallory
Mr. Jefferson J. Mancinik (2)
Manning Rental (15)
Mr. D. W. Manning
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Manning (15)
Mr. and Mrs. Jerald Wade Manning (5)
Ms. Patricia H. Manning (11)
Mr. Michael David Manship
Margie Holt Memorial Scholarship (2)
Marion County Board of Education (4)
Marsh USA, Inc. (4)
Marshall County Community
Dr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Martin (19)
Mary G. Copeland Foundation
David and Karen W. Matchus (6)
Matsushita Floorcare Company (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne McCarty (16)
McDonald’s/Campbell Lane (8)
McDonald’s/Franklin (9)
McDonald’s/Nashville Road
McDonald’s/Russellville Road (8)
McGuirk Oil Company, Inc. (24)
Mr. and Mrs. James W. McGuirk (9)
Ms. Katherine Ann Mead (9)
Meade County Rural Electric Co Op (2)
Mediacom Southeast LLC Central (4)
The Medical Center at Scottsville (4)
Metcalfe Co. Conservation District
MGM Charitable Scholarship (2)
Michigan Merit Award (2)
Mickie’s Alterations (18)
Microsoft Foundation
Mid State Scholastic Bowling League
Middletown Community Foundation
Middletown Woman’s Club
Mid-South Fair, Inc.
Ms. Irmagarde Mielke
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott R. Miles, Jr. (14)
Mill Creek VFW Auxiliary
Ms. Brigid A. Millea (6)
Karl and Jennifer Miller (10)
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Miller (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Miller (5)
Mr. Michael Miller (2)
Ms. Nancy E. Miller (12)
Hon. and Mrs. John Dean Minton, Jr. (6)
Dr. William T. Moore (2)
Morgan Stanley Dean Witter
Mount Juliet Rotary Club (3)
Muhlenberg North High School (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry C. Mullican (5)
Mr. Danny C. Munford
Mr. and Mrs. Allen L. Murrell (4)
Dr. Loretta and Mr. Harrell Murrey (14)
Dr. Daniel A. Myers (10)
Nashville Alumnae Panhellenic
Nashville CO-OP (4)
Nashville Rotary Foundation (2)
National Bank & Trust Company
National City Corporation (6)
National Forensic League
National Housing Endowment
National Propane Gas Foundation (2)
National Public Broadcasting
Mrs. Josephine E. Neel (25)
Nelson County High School (4)
New York Life Foundation
News Publishing LLC (18)
Mr. Charles George Newton, Jr. (5)
Noble Jones Holophane Lighting
Nolensville Lions Club
Norstam Veneers, Inc.
North Lawrence Community School (2)
Norton Healthcare
Mr. Robert Allen Norvell (15)
NSG Corporation
Ohio Valley National Bank (11)
Old National Bank (2)
Dr. Courtenay L. Olney, Sr.
Mr. John Lee Osborne (12)
Outokumpu Copper Franklin, Inc. (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Harvey Owen (15)
Mr. James W. Owens (2)
Owensboro Lions Club
Cathy J. and Alan W. Palmer (2)
Mr. Sam Patrick
Paul Schultz Advertising
Mr. David Currie Payne
Mr. and Mrs. Albert William Pedigo (14)
Peebles Family Limited Partnership
Mr. Jess Willard Peebles
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald
Edward Pendleton (18)
Mr. Dennis Wayne Pennington
The People’s Bank of Bullitt County
Perdue Farms Incorporated
Pfizer, Inc.
Phi Delta Theta (5)
Photronics Scholarship Foundation
Pierce, Simpson & Shadoan (5)
Portland H.S. Band Boosters
Portland Masonic Lodge #326
Portland Rotary Club (4)
Poynter Plumbing Supply (2)
Precision Strip, Inc. (3)
Mr. Luciano Prida (2)
Mr. Lawrence Keith Probus
Procter & Gamble
Profairway Events
Professional Bowhunters Society
Western Kentucky University
Professional Marketing Association (4)
Professional Embryo Services (2)
Public Education Foundation (2)
Pulaski Co.Young Woman of the Year
Pulaski County Farm Bureau
Quad State Turfgrass Association
Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Ralph (5)
CW3 (Ret.) and Mrs. James L. Ramge (6)
Willanna and Robert Ramsey (25)
Dr. and Mrs. Gary A. Ransdell (13)
Dr. and Mrs. George Thomas Ransdell (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Rather (11)
Mr. and Mrs.Terry J. Reagan (13)
Recycling Research Foundation
Reynolds Farms (2)
Mr. Daniel Miles Reynolds (8)
Reynolds Sealing & Striping (21)
Mr. and Mrs. Clifton E. Rhodes (5)
Mr. and Mrs. William Noel Rich (14)
Dr. David Richards (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Kraig Richardson (11)
Richland Baptist Church
Mr. J. Kent Riedling (2)
Riverfront Chevrolet Oldsmobile (4)
Drs. Dick and Julia Roberts (18)
Rodeo Scholarships, Inc.
Mrs. Margaret Hoffelder Rodgers
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Roos
Hon. Dale Ross (3)
Dr. James and Mrs. Ann McKeel Ross (5)
Rossview High School
Rotary International (4)
Mr. John Philip Rowley
Mr. Ancel Rush (11)
Russell County Homemakers Assoc. (3)
Saylers Family Scholarship Fund (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scheidegger (2)
Dr. Robert H. Schell (8)
Mr. Irving Scherman (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas
Daniel Schneider (3)
The Scholarship Foundation
Scholarship Program Administrators (4)
Scholarship Services Company (2)
Scott County Board of Education (2)
Mr. and Mrs. David Sears (3)
Dr. and Mrs. Camden Wood Selig (4)
Drs. David and Rebecca Shadowen (11)
Mr. James Richard Shannon (4)
Mr. James Robert Shaver
Jane and William Shreve (19)
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. Shrewsbury (11)
Sigma Kappa Foundation, Inc. (2)
Mr. and Mrs. John Patrick Simms (7)
Simon Masonry Inc.
Mr.Terry Michael Simon
Simpal Pup Tent 9 MOC
Mr. B. Alan Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. F. Delane Simpson (21)
Mr. William Frederick Skaggs (8)
Dr. and Mrs. Julius John Sloan, III (23)
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Smith (9)
Barbara and Gilbert Smith (25)
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Craig Smith (2)
Somerset Community College
South Ky Rural Electric Co-op Corp.
South State Contractors (2)
Southeast Financial
Southern Ky. Concert Band
Southern Recycling, Inc. (4)
Southern Youth League (5)
Dr. and Mrs. James Richard Spears (12)
Speck & Hays Heating & Air
Conditioning (12)
Col. and Mrs. Robert E. Spiller (23)
Springfield Civitan Club
Sprint PCS
Mr. and Mrs. Derron Steenbergen (4)
Dr. Harry C. Stephenson (2)
Stewart Kirby Motor Sports
Mrs. Susan Marie Stockton
Mr. Eric Stogner
Ms. Sue Lynn Stone (11)
Dr.Vernon A. Stone (13)
Mr. Wayne Strode (14)
Stuart Family Foundation
Mrs. Dianne Stuart
Mr. Jeremy David Sublett (6)
Sumitomo Scholarship Fund
Sumner County Bar Association
Superior One Source (2)
Mr. Richard A. Swanson (12)
Sword & Broyles Attorneys at Law (4)
Tau Lambda Chapter
Education Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Joe William Taylor (10)
Mr. and Mrs.Truman D.Taylor (4)
Teachers Insurance & Annuity Assoc.
Team Environment (11)
Teamsters Freight Employees (2)
Ms. Flora Templeton Stuart (5)
Tender Touch Auto Wash Inc. (4)
Tennessee Elks Benevolent .Trust (4)
Tennessee Hemophilia & Bleeding
The Tennessean (3)
The TPA of America
Chris and Kim Thomas Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher
John Thomas (7)
Hon. and Mrs. J. Roger Thomas (8)
Ms. Gloria Thornton
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald E.Tice (3)
TN Dixie Youth Scholarship
TN-KY Tire Dealers & Retreaders (2)
Mr. Stephen Todd and Mrs.
Pamela Kielty (9)
Mr. Jay Brent Tolle (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Tomblinson, Jr. (23)
Tradeway Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Kevin Travis (2)
Dr. Orba F.Traylor
Trimble Co. Extension Service
Trousdale County High School
Truett Cook Memorial Fund
Terry Tyler (11)
U. S. Bancorp Foundation
UAW-GM Scholarship Program (2)
Unipres USA, Inc.
United Propane Gas Companies
United Steelworkers Of America (4)
Ms.Valerie Lynn Van Eaton (3)
Verizon Foundation
Versailles Kiwanis Club
Mr. Dan D.Vickery (11)
Vulcan Materials Company
Warren County Junior Miss Program (5)
Mr. Stephen Michael Washer (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C Wathen (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Byron C. Watkins (24)
Mr. Stanley B. Welch
Western Kentucky Industrial Service
Western Ky Diagnostic Imaging (3)
Weyerhaeuser (7)
WHHS Touchdown Club
Mr. and Mrs. Barry White (11)
Wholesale Electric Supply Co., Inc.
William L. Wilcox (3)
Mrs. Deborah Tomes Wilkins (9)
Williams Gas Pipeline / Texas Gas
Mr. and Mrs. James Barry Williams (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Williams (16)
Mr. Harold Eugene Wills (18)
Frances H. and Lively M. Wilson (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Wilson (11)
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas E. Wimsatt (3)
Winn-Dixie Stores Foundation, Inc. (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Wismann (3)
Woman’s Club of Hendersonville
Dr. Willson and Erma (d.) Wood (11)
Woodford County Farm Bureau
Woodford County Homemakers (3)
Dr. Raymond Leon Woosley, Jr.
Wright Medical Tech., Inc. (2)
YMCA of Greater Louisville (4)
Young Manufacturing Company, Inc. (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arthur Young (11)
Ms. Janice K.Yount
Mr. David Alan Zack
Mr. Richard Louis Ziegler (15)
The President's Circle has become known as the premier
recognition society for alumni and friends to provide
significant financial support to further the university's
commitment to excellence and allow the institution to
respond to changing needs. Thanks to the generosity of
alumni and friends, membership in the President's Circle
has grown form 376 to 1,438 members throughout the
5 - year span of the campaign.
Alumni Fall 2003
Cupola Society card suitable
for display
Cupola Society lapel pin
Cupola Society coasters
Cupola Society glasses
Cupola Society print suitable
for display
Cupola replica
Guthrie Tower replica
Cherry Hall replica
Matching Gifts
Do you work for a matching gift company? You
Matching gifts are an easy
way to double or triple
your gift. Call your Human
Resources office, contact
Western, or go online to
Top 10 Matching
Companies for WKU
State Farm
Companies Foundation
Yum! Brands Foundation, Inc.
The May Department Stores
Wachovia Securities
Argonaut Group, Inc.
U.S. Bancorp Foundation
The Dow Jones
Newspaper Fund, Inc.
Williams Gas Pipeline /
Texas Gas
Toyota Motor Manufacturing
KY, Inc.
Dean’s Circle
1st Source Bank (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Abell (6)
ACFS Lumber Supply
Mr. William G. Adams (22)
Allen County Conservation District (3)
Mr. Augustus L. Allen (4)
Dr. Connie Irish Allen (6)
Mr. S. Norfleet Allen, III
Hon. and Mrs. William E. Allender (25)
Allnutt & Associates (18)
Mr. and Mrs. Lance Alm
Alpha Delta Kappa Owensboro
Alpha Omicron Pi (7)
Altrusa International, Inc. (4)
American Bus Womens Association (3)
American Heart Association (2)
American Legion Auxiliary
American Legion Ft. Wayne Post #47
American Legion Ladies Aux. #81
American Medical Technologists
America’s Junior Miss Scholarship
Mrs. Susan Stuebing Anderson
Mr. Joseph Allen Anthony (13)
Aqua- Land Pool, Spa & Patio (12)
Mr. Joseph Richard Arnold (5)
Dr. and Mrs. John M. Asriel (15)
Audubon Area WKU Alumni Chapter (3)
Mr.Tom Avery
Avon Community Dollars for Scholars
B & B Outdoor Advertising
B. G. Breakfast Lion’s Club
B. G. Freight, Inc. (14)
B. J. Killian Foundation
Nancy and Tom Baird (17)
Bank of Cadiz & Trust Co
Bank of Columbia
Bank of Edmonson County (2)
Mr. Wayne Barber (17)
Mr. and Ms. Gerald W. Barnaby (9)
Barren County Beef Products
Barren County Cattlemen’s Assoc. (2)
Barren County High School FFA
Barren County Junior Miss
Mr. Steven W. Barrick (15)
Marion Basham (2)
Mr. Raleigh Basham (11)
Mr. John R. Baum (6)
Dr. Juanita Bayless (9)
Mr. Jeffrey Thomas Baynham
Mr. Allen R. Bell (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gayle Bell (11)
Dr. Richard Henry Bennett
Bering Straits Foundation
Mr. Michael Jan Bernot (7)
Beta Epsilon
Beta Gamma Sigma, Inc.
Betty & Tom’s Country Charm (11)
Dr. and Mrs. Mark E. Bigler (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Billingsley
Mr. Eugene H. Birk (2)
Mr. Michael K. Bishop (2)
Mrs. Alice E. Bivin (14)
Blue Cotton, Inc. (3)
Mr.Terry B. Boeckmann (2)
Mrs. Glenda T. Boisseau
Boone Co. High School PTSA (2)
Mr. Charles Terry Borders (3)
Mrs. Sue Lightfoot Borders (38)
Mr. Lee C. Bowden, Jr. (17)
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Bowra (2)
Mr. Douglas A. Bradford (38)
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher B. Brandon
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Paul Brandt (10)
Mr. Peter Arlan Brandt (10)
Mr. Clarence Brewer
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Lee Brown (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Steven Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Gatewood Brown (36)
Mrs. Helen B. Brown (4)
Mr. Michael Brown (18)
Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Brown (6)
Brown-Forman Corporation
Mr. William Bucher (4)
Dr. Janice L. Bunch (5)
Mr. Chad Burckhard
Burckhard-Weaver Insurance Agency
Burgin Christian Church
Burkmann Feeds (7)
Butler Traditional High School PTSA (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Byrd (5)
Mr. Michael L. Calderaro
Caldwell County Homemakers
Calvert Spring Water Company
Cambridge Market & Cafe (3)
Mr. John W. Capito (4)
Capitol Window & Door (12)
Dr. Carol and Mr. Robert Arthur
Carraco (15)
Mr. Donald G. Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Martin Carwell (22)
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Cary (2)
Mr. Jack R. Case
Mr. and Mrs.Todd E. Case
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Cate (4)
Mr. Christian S. Cato (2)
CDS #10 Pharmacy (10)
Central High School Magnet C.A. (2)
Ms. Janet A. Chamberlin (3)
Mr. Richard D. Chapman (12)
Dr.Todd Richard Cheever (5)
Cherokee Nation (2)
Cherry Management, Inc.
Mr. Jason Scott Chinn
Christ Episcopal Church (2)
Christian County High School (3)
Dr. Beth Christian
Citizens State Bank,Trust & Asset (2)
Mr. Barry D. Clardy
Clark Energy Cooperative (2)
Pat Clark (11)
Mr. Roger Dale Clark
Clarksville Masonic Lodge #89
Ms. Kathleen Ann Cline
Mrs. Brenda J. Cobb (2)
Coldwell Banker/Legacy Real Estate (3)
Mrs.Tonya Louise Colley
Mr. Richard Lyon Colvin
Commonwealth Industries, Inc.
Community Action of Southern KY (5)
Community Foundation Alliance (3)
Mr. and Mrs. H. Phillip Constans (16)
Contracting Unlimited of BG (3)
Mr. Abram V. Conway, II
Mr. Harold E. Cook (12)
Mr. McClellan Cook (3)
Ms. Sondra Lee Cook (16)
Mr. Robert S. Cooley (2)
Corning Incorporated
Mr. Costellow and Ms. Phelps
County of Roanoke,Virginia
Mr. William Courtenay (22)
Dr. Keith M. Coverdale (23)
Mr. Martin A. Coyle
Mr. and Mrs. Romeo A. Crennel (17)
Cross Plains Heritage Commission
Crown Gym Mats, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Lee Crutcher (5)
Cumberland County Ministerial
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cummings (7)
Mr. Richard Cummings (11)
D. Bruce Orwin, Attorney at Law (3)
Dr. William F. M. Daniel
Daviess Co. Med. Soc. Alliance Sch. (4)
Davis & Robertson Family Dentistry (5)
Mr. and Mrs. David Todd Davis (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W Davis
Mr. Robert L. Davis
Dr. Jay and Mr. Ronald A. Davis (11)
Mrs. Susann M. Davis (3)
Mr.Thomas Wayne Davis (4)
Davis Construction (12)
Dawson House, Inc.
Mr. Bruce L. Dawson (3)
Mr. Joseph A. Dear, Jr. (3)
Mrs. Carolyn Dearing (21)
Delta Kappa Gamma - Delta Chapter (11)
Delta Sigma Theta
Denney Building Services, Inc. (17)
Mr. Michael Denney
Dennis M. O’Keefe, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Lynn Denton (2)
Mr. James Stuart Devries (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Don Dew (2)
Diamond Caverns
Mr. John Phillip Diercks
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Robert Dillard (16)
Mr. James G. Dinning (25)
Dr. Carl W. Dobson, Jr. (4)
Dolgencorp, Inc.
Dr.Timothy Donley (5)
Doss High School PTSA
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Lee Dotson (9)
Mr. Steven D. Downey (2)
Mr. Alexander Downing (11)
Mr. Howard J. Downing (3)
Ms. Jenny Jean Downing (16)
Downing-McPeak Vision Center
Dr. William H. Funk (3)
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Drake (15)
Drs. Dobson & Hatcher, P.S.C. (6)
DTD Construction, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Dubose (22)
Mr. Donald R. Duncan (d.) (11)
Ms. Johnnie Sue Duncan (11)
Mr. Robert B. Duvall (2)
E. P. Waggener & Sons Booksellers (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Eaves (10)
Edmonton Lions Club
Edmonton Metcalfe County C.O.C.
Edward Jones (3)
Eli Lilly & Company Foundation
Dr. Beth A. Elliott (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd H. Ellis (7)
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Dale Emberton (12)
Hon. and Mrs.Tom D. Emberton (12)
Ms. Jennifer Carol Embry
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Ray England (2)
Charles E. English, Jr. and Lori K. English (3)
Ensafe (2)
Enscience, Inc. (5)
Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson Eubank (17)
Dr. and Mrs. Ernest B. Ezell
F & H Drug Company, Inc. (8)
F. S. Community Arts Council (2)
Faith General Baptist Church
Farmers Bank & Trust Company (2)
Farmers Bank and Trust Co.
Fazoli’s Management Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Felts (11)
Fern Creek Lions Club
Fern Creek Optimists (2)
Dr. and Mrs. Blaine Richard Ferrell (17)
Mr. John Ferris
Mr. Paul A. Feser
Ms. Jennifer Fields (3)
Mr. and Mrs. John Bryan Finkbone (22)
First Baptist Church
First National Bank of Howell (2)
First United Methodist Church (2)
Mr. Jon W. Fish
Mr. William R. Fitzpatrick, Jr. (2)
Flagler Palm Coast High School
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Fletcher (12)
Ford Motor Company Fund
Mr. Harry D. Ford (11)
Mr. Ron T. Ford (32)
Fort Campbell Officer’s Wives Club
Mr. Danny Ray Foster (3)
Mr. Gary Foster
Dr. and Mrs. Nader Fotouhi (3)
Mr. Robert M. Fox
Francis Reunion, Inc.
Frank Martin Law Office
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Franklin (31)
Dr. L. Michael Fraser (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Corey Freeman (2)
Friends of the Daviess Co. Library (6)
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Fugitte (5)
Fulton Rotary Club
Gallatin Rotary Club
The Garden Club of Kentucky, Inc. (10)
Garmon & Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. Mary Jane Garrett (4)
Mr. and Mrs.Todd Andrew Garrison (2)
Mr. David L. Gay (10)
Ms. Pamela Gayle Geisselhardt
Mr. and Mrs. David Allen Gentry (9)
German American Bank
Mr. James E. Gibson (11)
Mrs. Carol C. Gilbert (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Don F. Gish (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Joe F. Glasser (8)
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
Mr. Edward Ray Goff (7)
Goff ’s Fleetwood Home Center (2)
Mrs. Charlotte Jones Gonzalez
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gooding (11)
Goodlark Educational Foundation
Mr. Howard T. Goodman (21)
Ms. Brittney Gorman
Ms. Henrietta Gouvas (12)
Grand Chapter of Kentucky, O. E. S. (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Graviss (11)
Grayson County Opry
Green Co. Junior Miss Program
Green River Rentals (14)
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Green (10)
Mr. Ronald W. Green (2)
Green’s IGA (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin A. Gregory (7)
Ms. Ann Trusty Griffin (4)
Mrs. Sydna Rose Griffin (14)
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald F. Grim (8)
Mr. Paul Christopher Grimaldi (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Gritton
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert R. Grogan (31)
Mr. Wayne P. Gustafson (13)
Ms. Marie Guthrie
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Bartley
Hagerman (15)
Mr. Gary E. Hairlson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles William Hall
Hancock County High School
Hardin County Conservation District
Mr. and Mrs. Spikal Miller Harmon (5)
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas L. Harned (17)
Mr. Woody Eugene Harrell (5)
Mr. and Mrs. George D. Harris (9)
Mr. and Mrs. James Michael Harris (11)
Hart County Public Library
Hartland Animal Hospital P. S. C.
Lt. Col. Clyde C. Harwood, Jr.
Mr. Clyde C. Harwood, III
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Hatcher (2)
Mrs. Martha G. Haunz (7)
Dr. and Mrs. Robert V. Haynes (19)
Mr. Dale Roger Helton (6)
Henderson Co. H.S. Booster Club
Mr. Donald Hendrick (11)
Henry Co. Memorial Hospital
Highlands High School Alumni
Hildreth Hopper Oil Company (22)
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Hines (27)
Hollern Chiropractice PSC (2)
Mrs. Elizabeth E. Honeycutt (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Asa Eugene Hoofer (2)
Hope Community Church
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Trent Hopkins (5)
Mr. David O. Hopper (20)
Hospitality Assoc. of Smiths Grove
Mrs. Annette Jones Howlett (5)
Col. and Mrs. (Ret.) James F.
Huggins (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Hughes (2)
Mr. Stephen Gilbert Hundley (6)
Mr.Timothy Allen Hunt (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Hunt (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Steven Husk (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Roderic Hutcheson (3)
Mary E. Peal Hutto Estate
HVAC Services
Ingram Insurance Agency (5)
Mr. John Ingram (11)
Inter Fraternity Council (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Iracane (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Allan Jacobs (3)
James R. Adams & Associates, Inc. (18)
Jefferson County Teachers Assoc.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas C. Jenkins (6)
Joe Daniel Construction Co., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Wayne Johnson (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Roger D. Johnson (22)
Mr. William Larry Johnson (d.)
Mr. Daniel C. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Jones (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Jordan (5)
Kappa Delta Sorority
Kelley Design Studio (22)
Kenergy (2)
Kentucky Center for the Arts (2)
Kentucky Congress of Parents (4)
Kentucky RSA #3 Cellular (2)
Kentucky Swimming
Kentucky YMCA
Mr. and Mrs. John Harman Kington (2)
Kirby Stephens Design, Inc.
KIRIU USA Corporation
Kiwanis Club of Madison
Dr. James C. Klotter
Mr. and Mrs. Randall E. Koedyker (12)
Mr.Terry Lee Kokinda (11)
Dr. and Mrs. James A. Koper (11)
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Christopher
Krohn (15)
Mr. Darrel E. Kunkel
KY Outdoor Advertising, Inc.
KY - TN Kiwanis District Foundation
L & N Federal Credit Union (2)
Dr. and Mrs. Garry Dale Lacefield (10)
Lake Providence Baptist Church (3)
Mr. Charles S. Lanphear (3)
Lanphear Construction (11)
Larue County Farm Bureau (4)
Larue County Pork Producers (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Lawrence (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Lawson, Jr. (4)
Mr. Rhea P. Lazarus (38)
Dr. and Mrs. William Everett
Leonard (5)
Mr. Paul M. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Edward Lile (15)
Dr. Lee Little (20)
Mr. and Mrs. Quintin Dale Littrell (2)
Ms. Edna Lloyd (22)
Logan Co. Fraternal Order of Police
Logan County Farm Bureau (2)
Logan County Schools
Dr. and Mrs.Timothy Richard Long (4)
Longview Fibre Company (3)
Mr. Stephen Alan Lowe (20)
Dr. Marion B. Lucas (17)
Mr. and Mrs. John Wesley Madison (6)
Mr.Timothy B. Mahoney (2)
Mancino’s Grinders & Pizza (2)
Mr. and Mrs. W. Paul Manning (9)
Mr. and Mrs. J. Ronald Mantlo (2)
Marathon Ashland Petroleum LLC
Mark Miller Marine
Mr. Ronald P. Markel (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Martin
Mr. Frank Martin, Jr. (7)
Mr. Glenn L. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Martin (3)
Mather, Hamilton & Company
Mr. Ezra Gordon Maynard, II
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen F. McClanahan (8)
McDonalds / Archway Dry Ridge-DBA
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. McFarland (3)
Dr. Sam Grady McFarland (16)
McGown Tire & Service, Inc. (2)
Mr. P. Nelson McGown (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. McGuffey (41)
Mr. Bruce McKee
McKendree Memo. United Methodist
Dr.Thurman Dwight McKinney (12)
McLean Co. Extension Serv. (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Douglas
McPherson (9)
Ms. Judy McReynolds (11)
Dr. William Joseph Meadors (2)
Mr. Richard D. Medlin (2)
Dr. Prabodh M. Mehta
Mercer County High School
Ms. Patricia Joan Mercer (3)
Mr. George H. Meyer, Jr. (8)
Mid-States Meat Association
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie L. Miller (17)
Mr. and Mrs. W. Currie Milliken (9)
Mr. Hayward Dean Minton
Montgomery and Webb, CPA’s
Monticello Banking Company (11)
Mr. James H. Mooneyhan (22)
Ms. Andrea Moore
Mr. Charles M. Moore, Jr. (7)
Mr. and Mrs. John Patrick Moore (2)
Dr. and Mrs. Paul M. Moore (3)
Mr. Steven Allen Moore (3)
Mr. John D. Morgan
Mr. Russell Brent Morgan
Morgantown Bank & Trust (2)
Mr. and Mrs. J Lewis Moseley (22)
Mr. Douglas W. Mosley (2)
Most Worshipful Prince Hall (2)
Mt. Washington Spring Festival (3)
Muhlenberg Co. WKU Alumni Chapter
Muhlenberg County Farm Bureau (3)
Munfordville Lions Club (2)
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Murray (2)
Mr. Jerry Kenneth Myatt (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Eugene Myatt (11)
National Assoc. of Letter Carriers (4)
National Football Foundation
Natural Health Institute of B. G.
NCO-EM Wives Club (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Needham (7)
Neely Brothers (11)
Nelson Co. 4-H Adult Council
Nelson County Farm Bureau
New Washington Alumni Scholarship
New Washington PTO
The New York Community Trust (2)
Dr. Gregg Ford Nicks
Dr. Donald R. Nims (11)
North Middle TN Football Assn.
Nyloncraft of Kentucky (14)
Ohio County Conservation District
Ohio Postal Workers Union
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis O’Keefe
Mr. and Mrs. Robert James Oppitz (22)
Order of Eastern Star 372 Howell (2)
Ms. Janet Lynn Orourke
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O’Rourke (9)
Western Kentucky University
Mr. and Mrs. D. Bruce Orwin (4)
Mr. Gregory Allen Ostendorf (6)
Owensboro Rotary Club Foundation
Owensboro Tourism Commission (3)
Martha and Bob Owsley (3)
Dr. and Mrs. Oscar C. Page (7)
Hon. and Mrs. John S. Palmore, Jr. (19)
Ms. Mary Ann Teater Pardieck (3)
Ms. Melissa Gaye Pardue (3)
Parent-Teacher Stores USA, Inc. (3)
Dr. and Mrs. David Lee Parks (11)
Mr. and Mrs.Terry Neil Patterson (22)
Paul Dunbar High School
Mr.Tony Payne
PBK Bank
Mr. Emmons O. Pearson, Jr. (31)
Mr. Jerry W. Pearson (25)
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Pegues (12)
Mr. and Mrs.Tony Pelaski (7)
Mr. and Mrs.Terry W. Pemberton (4)
Pennyrile Area 4-H Council
Mr. H. Harris Pepper, Jr. (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Pepper (15)
Dr. and Mrs. John H. Petersen (16)
PeWee Valley Woman’s Club
Mr. James O. Philpott (4)
Mr. J. Morris Pickerell, Jr. (2)
Mr.Vernon Pillow (12)
Mr. Dino W. Pinerola (10)
Ms. Heidi Pintner
Ms. Diane Carol Pogue
Poole’s Pharmacy Care
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Porta (2)
Mr. J. Mike Porter (12)
Power Creative (2)
Powr-Lite Electric (19)
Presbyterians of Mid-Kentucky
Bea and Bob Preston (19)
Mrs. Carolyn Price (6)
Mr. Phil Price (11)
Mr. Ralph B. Price (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Proctor (12)
Professional Contracting
Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Pulsinelli (22)
Quality Fence Co. (21)
R. J. Ackaway & Associates, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Scott Ray (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Lemual O’ Neil Ray (3)
Mr. Larry S. Raymer (2)
Realtors Association of B. G. (18)
Mrs. Elaine M. Reed (12)
Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Brian Reed (12)
Dr. James D. Reeder
Rehabilitation Services, PSC
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Riley (17)
Riley’s Bakery, Inc. (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Rippy (2)
Robertson Co.Young Farmers
Mr. and Mrs. J. Lee Robertson (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Wayne
Robertson (10)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jeffrey
Robinson (3)
Mr. and Mrs.Virgil Max Robinson (23)
Rocking F. Cattle LLC (2)
Dr. Cassandra Pinnick Rodgers (2)
Rod Martin Construction (10)
Mr. Daniel A. Rodriguez
Roger Welch CPA (11)
Rotary Club of Hayti
Rotary Club of Jackson Old Hickory
Mr. Kenneth F. Royse (2)
Mr. and Mrs. S. Richard Royster
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon T. Rucker
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Lee Rue
Rush Rentals
Mr. and Mrs. James V. Rush (7)
Mr. Carl Joseph Russell
Dr. and Mrs. William B. Russell (22)
Mr. Larry J. Rutledge
Mrs. Mary C. Sample (27)
Mr. Ronald Lee Sanders
Mrs. Louise A. Sauerland (3)
Mrs. Evelyn H. Schell (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Schell (11)
Mr. Bernard Joseph Schrembs, III (22)
Seneca High School (2)
The Sewing / Vacuum Center (15)
Mr. Michael Thomas Shadoan (3)
Shaver Management
Mr. Deck Shaver, Jr.
Shelton & Associates, LLP (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Wayne Shelton (23)
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald T. Shields (11)
Mr.Timothy A. Shirley
The Shoppe on the Square
Alumni Fall 2003
Dr. Kerry L. Short (3)
Mrs. Patricia V. Short (8)
Sigma Phi Epsilon Educational (2)
Signature Signs & Ad Specialties (11)
Mrs. Sheila Sinkking Simon
Six Flags/Kentucky Kingdom (4)
Mr. Jonathan Lane Skaggs (2)
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Frederick
Skaggs (14)
Ms. Janet S. Skees (3)
Dr. William C. Skinner, Jr. (11)
Sleight Business Machines (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Craig S. Sleight (2)
Dr. Karen Marsh Small
Mr. Steven D. Small
Ms. Gail Smallwood (2)
Mr. Franklin J. Smith (7)
Dr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Smith (7)
Dr. and Mrs. John L. Smith (2)
Mr. L. E. Smith (33)
Mr. Michael A. Smith (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Snellen (6)
Society of Logistic Engineers
South Oldham High School (3)
Southern Belle Dairy (10)
Sowders Company Designers/
Builder (21)
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan L. Sowell (14)
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Grant Sparks (2)
Square Deal Lumber Company (4)
St. Henry District High School
St. Michael Church
St. Stephen United Church of Christ
State National Bank of Frankfort (2)
Mr. Mark Andrew Staynings (7)
Mr. Kirby G. Stephens
Steven A. Moore CPA (15)
Mr. and Mrs. John David Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. William Edward Stewart
Mr. Gary Frank Stone (12)
Stringtown Ruritan Club
Sullivan Mountjoy Stainback Miller (11)
Sumner County Education
Association (2)
Sumner County School Food
Service (2)
The Sun Microsystems Foundation
Sycamore High School
Dr. Darrell L.Tade
Taegu Spouses Assn. Area IV
Mr. and Mrs. Martha Talley (4)
Mr. Stephen Roberts Tate
Taylor County Homemakers
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold G.Taylor (11)
Mr. Claude Lewis Taylor
Mr. Daniel Thomas Taylor (2)
Hon. Richard S.Taylor (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Ray Taylor
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Scott Taylor (8)
Tennessee Baptist Foundation
Mr. Brent Bennett Thomas (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Don L.Thomas (4)
Dr. Henry C.Thomas (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Joe H.Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Henry L.Thompson (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Thompson (4)
Mr. William A.Thompson (10)
Thornhill Baptist Church (2)
Ms. Evelyn Thurman (11)
Mr. S. E.Thurmond (12)
Mr. Ronald A.Tinsley (11)
Todd and Boeckmann (3)
Tompkinsville Lions Club
Toot’s Restaurant (2)
Towne & Country of Bowling Green
Hon. and Mrs. Freddie L.Travis (11)
Dr. and Mrs. William Joseph Travis (3)
Tri Pines Dairy Farm (14)
True Kentucky (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wayne Tuck (11)
Mr. Donald Silas Turner (2)
Two-Ten Foundation
UAW Local #31
The University of South Carolina (2)
The UPS Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Mark Van Meter (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A.Vaughn (10)
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald A.Veenker (17)
VFW Post 3167
W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.
Mr. Robert Joseph Wadell (5)
Waggener Traditional High School (2)
Mr. Bradley Dale Walker (3)
Mr. Eurie Vaughn Wallace (3)
Mr. Larry M. Ward
Warren County Home Economists
Warren County Medical Society (3)
Mr. Daniel Joseph Watterson, Jr.
Mr. Bobby David Webb
Dr. and Mrs. Richard David Weigel (18)
Mr. Roger D. Welch (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Weldon (25)
Wells Fargo Bank
Mrs. Ann Michelle Wells
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Wells (36)
Western Realty Company (11)
Dr. Robert Wharton and
Dr. Linda Parry (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Barton Curtis White (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce J. White (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Whitley (13)
Mr. Peter Whyte
Mr. Edwin Cox Wilbanks
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Lamar Williams (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Brian L. Williams (6)
Ms. Frederica Head Williamson
Col. and Mrs. Gary N. Williamson (6)
MAJ (Ret) and Mrs. Mitchell H.
Willis (4)
Mr. Warren A. Willoughby (21)
Wilson & Company, PSC (8)
Mr. Clifford E. Wilson
Ms. Nancy F. Wilson (5)
Dr. Wilson and Dr. Stayton (12)
Mr. and Mrs. P. Bryne Wiseman (5)
Mr. and Mrs. James Travis Wix (3)
Mrs. Patricia S. Wolpert (5)
Dr. and Mrs. Dewey Wood (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Wood (5)
Mr. Aaron Woosley
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Daniel Woosley (22)
Mrs. Dorothy Word
Mr. Jerry Hicks Young (3)
Mr. Stanley A.Young (2)
Mr. William W.Young (7)
Dr. Joseph J. Zaydon
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Ziller (11)
Mr. Danny L. Zoller
Scholar’s Circle
Ms. Brenda Abell (3)
Ad Success
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Adams (10)
Adams Investments (12)
Mr. Gene C. Adkins (7)
Airgas-North Central
Alcoa Foundation
Dr. Charles Richard Aldridge (5)
Allen County Junior Miss Board (2)
Allen County Technical Center (2)
Mr. Neil Allen (d.) (3)
Mrs. Rachel Allen (12)
Mr. Rickey Ellis Ambrose (4)
American Business Women’s Assoc. (2)
CPT and Mrs. Daniel F. Anderson (25)
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Anderson (10)
Ms. Robye Anderson (11)
Anesthesiologists Associated P.C. (2)
Mr. John Danny Annis (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Arnold (4)
Dr. Nedra Wheeler Atwell
Audubon Area Community Serv., Inc.
Auto Source
Mr. Matthew P. Ayers (2)
B. G. Evening Lions Club
Ms. Paulin Bach
Dr. Donald W. Bailey (33)
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Vernon Baker (6)
Mr. James Kenneth Bale (4)
Mr.Thomas M. Bale (2)
Mr. Olen Deighton Ball
Mr. and Mrs. Braudis Ballard (8)
Mr. Mike Bandy (2)
Bank Of Cumberland
Dr. Kaye and Mr. Edward Barefield (7)
Mr. David Barnaby (5)
Mr. D. Wade Barnes (3)
Mr. Douglas Ray Barnes (5)
Mr. Donald F. Barrickman (4)
Dr. George William Bauer, III (13)
Baumann Paper Company, Inc. (2)
Mr. Frederick William Baumann, Jr. (2)
Ms. Mary Darlene Baxter (12)
Mr. and Mrs. George Robert
Baysinger (16)
Mr. Lee Douglas Beard (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew T. Beck (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Beck (17)
Dr. Robert O. Begtrup (6)
Mr. Jimmy E. Belcher
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Bell (2)
Ms. Martha Louise Bell (15)
Ms. Alma Lea Benedict (10)
Mrs. Susan Miller Bennett
Mrs. Karen Bere
Mrs. Margaret S. Berg (2)
Dr. Joseph C. Berland (2)
Mr. Robert Berridge
Mr. Phil Allan Bertram (16)
Mr. Gary Leroy Best (10)
Dr. Daniel C. Biles
Ms. Hilda Bingham (4)
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas K. Bird (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Robbie Birdsell (2)
Dr. James G. Bland (5)
Mr. Charles Edward Bledsoe, Jr. (8)
Bluegrass Cellular
Bluegrass Recycling, Inc.
Bluegrass Precision Machinery
Dr. and Mrs. Jerry Elmer Boles (20)
Bowling Green Country Club, Inc. (12)
Bowling Green Evening Lions CLub
Bowling Green Internal Medicine
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Dale Boyd (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Boyd (6)
Mr. Irvin Gene Boysen (7)
Mr. Brian A. Bracco
Mr. Jerry Bob Bradley (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Eugene
Bradshaw (3)
Dr. Susan Erika Brady (14)
Mr. James Allen Bratcher (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Barry D. Bray (10)
Breckinridge Co. Homemakers
Cpt. and Mrs. Christopher Troy
Bridges (2)
Mr. David S. Brinkley (5)
Mr. Billy W. Broach (35)
Mrs. Muriel Brock (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin C. Brooks (23)
Mr. Neill Brooks (4)
Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Reide Brown (16)
Mr. and Mrs. William Brown (3)
Browning Oil Company
Mr. David R. Browning (38)
Brown’s Ice Cream Company (38)
Mr. Jody D. Bryant
Mr. Phillip A. Bryant (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. Buchanon
Mr. and Mrs. Ray B. Buckberry, Jr. (22)
Dr. Henry Bunch, PSC
Ms. Carlotta Kay Bush (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Hadley Earl Bush (13)
Dr. and Mrs. Charles J. Bussey (6)
Butler Co. Extension Office (2)
Mr. Gregory Alan Butler (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thomas Button (6)
By Pass Animal Clinic
Dr. Gregory Scott Canty (6)
Mr. Kevin L. Cardwell (3)
Dr. and Mrs. Howard R. Carpenter (19)
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Carr (22)
Mrs. Janet Gray Carrico (7)
Mr. Patrick Keith Carrico (3)
Dr. and Mrs.Thomas F. Carroll (19)
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip C. Carter (12)
Mr. Steven Eugene Caswell (12)
Mr. Edwin M. Cates (16)
Cave Spring High School
The Caverna Ind. School Dist. (2)
Dr. and Mrs. Carl P. Chelf (10)
Mr. William J. Cherundolo (2)
Mrs. Carolyn B. Chesher (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Earl Chyle (2)
Cigna Foundation
Mr. James E. Clark, Jr. (3)
Mr. M. Brooks Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gerald Clark (3)
Claycomb Wealth Management (2)
Mr. and Mrs. James Emerson
Claycomb (14)
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Edward Claycomb (3)
Mr. Alan R. Coates (18)
Ms. Marilyn Anderson and Mr.
Michael Cob (6)
Treva Griffith, Rebecca Hurst, Meghan Bishop and Jessica Bernard perform at the
Gifts of Music Recital in April 2003. They are recipients of the Dr. Samuel W. and
Jeane Payne Tinsley Music Scholarship, D&S Vitale String Scholarship, Hugh F. Johnson
Music Scholarship and Blanche and Austin Duckett String Scholarship.
Lost River Cave and Valley
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Cockrill (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Randall Coffey (17)
Mr. Keith Coffman
Mrs. Leann Coffman
Mr. Don Cole
Mr. Jerre Ward Coleman (7)
Color Connection (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Conlee
Mr. Benjamin B. Conner (9)
Context, Inc. (3)
Dr. and Mrs. Paul B. Cook (22)
Dr. and Mrs.Thomas B. Cook, Jr. (2)
Frank Leo Coomer (d.) (6)
Coomer’s Service (10)
Mrs. Cornelia Dozier Cooper (17)
Mr. Davis Alan Cooper (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Cletus J. Cosby (6)
Elizabeth and Ray Cossey (19)
Courtyard By Marriott (2)
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Cravens (23)
Creations from the Hart
Dr.Thaddeus Reed Crews, Sr. (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Howard R. Crittenden (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin M. Cross (7)
Ms. Winnie M. Cross (14)
Mr. Gil Crouch (8)
Ms.Tracey Yonts and Mr. Francis Cuffe
Cumberland Valley National Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Lynn
Cundiff (9)
Mr. Donald Ray Cundiff, Jr. (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick F. Curl (3)
Mr. Howard Mark Curry (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Curtis Dale (24)
Dr. David Edward Danhauer
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Darnell (2)
Mr. John Stephen Daugherty (15)
Mr. Gary S. Davidson (4)
Daviess Co. Pork Producers (4)
Mrs. Alicia Brown Davis (7)
Mr. Leslie T. Davis (19)
Dr. Neal C. Davis (7)
Mrs. Willa H. Davis (10)
Ms. Jennifer L. Day (3)
Dekoven Lodge
Dr. Michael Lee Delk (5)
Ms. Marie Annette Demaree (2)
Mr. Anthony DePriest (2)
Ms. Amy Katherine Deputy
Dr. John P. DeVries (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Larry A. Deweese
Ms. Crystal G. Diamond
Dr. and Mrs. Gary E. Dillard (16)
Disability Medical Consultants Reps
Division Nine Finishes, Inc. (3)
Mr. William Eugene Dixon
Mr. William R. Dodson (2)
Dollar General Corporation
Mr. Mark Howard Dossey
Mr. and Mrs. Orville W. Dotson (12)
Gen. Russell E. Dougherty
The Law Offices of Steven
D. Downey (2)
Mr. Robert Dudley
Mr. and Mrs. Horace H. Duff, Jr. (3)
Mr. Robert J. Dukeman (2)
Mr. Steven Glen Dunleavy (6)
Mr. Michael Brent Duvall (10)
East Robertson High School (3)
Mr.Timothy L. Eckley (2)
Mr. Gregory Edward Edmonds (3)
Edward Jones (3)
Edward N. Fisher, CPA (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Edwards (10)
Mr. Nolan Elkin
Ms. Ann Lynn Ellerkamp (5)
Drs. Erin & Randy Elliott
Mr. David Timothy Elson (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Lee Elwood
Mr. Gary L. Elwood (5)
Mr. Carlos B. Embry, Jr. (4)
Ltc. (Ret.) and Mrs. Keith O.
Emerine (16)
Mr. Danny Guy Emerson (28)
Dr. James T. Engle, Jr. (5)
Mr. Jonathon D. Estes
Evans, Hall & Company, CPA’s (8)
Evergreen Baptist Church
Facilities Management Consulting (11)
Mr. Conrad Farley (2)
Farmers Deposit Bank
Mr. and Mrs. James Feix (22)
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery F. Fillman (4)
First Tennessee/First Horizon
Fiserv Bowling Green, Inc. (4)
Fleenor Plumbing & Heating (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fleenor (4)
Mr. Robert Fleenor (2)
Mrs.Vanecia Fleenor (11)
Mr. Brian Lee Ford
Dr. and Mrs. Scott Ford (13)
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Albert Foster (16)
Dr. and Mrs. James David Fowler (5)
Mr. and Mrs. William Theodore
Fraebel (2)
Mr. Alan Francis (5)
Ms. Debra Ennis Francis (7)
Mr. Steven H. Francke (2)
Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Franklin (21)
Frederick Fraize School
Mr. Robert A. Froelich (15)
Mr. Anthony Andrew Fugate (3)
G & M Homes Inc. (2)
Mr. Micheal R. Gaddie (3)
Gaddie-Shamrock Trucking, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Gaffney
Mr. Rocky Earl Gamblin (2)
Mrs. Rebecca W. Garrett
Mr. Joseph Ray Garst
Ms. Alma Gentry
Ms. Janice Phelps Gibson (15)
Ms. Becky Gilfillen (3)
Mr.Terry Otis Gilpin (7)
Mr. and Mrs. David Payton Givens (10)
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Anthony Glaser (6)
Glasgow Barren Co. Brd of Rltrs.
Glasgow Highland Games, Inc. (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Patrick Glasgow (13)
Glenview Health Care Facility, Inc. (12)
Mr.Tony Lynn Glisson (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence E. Glover (5)
Ms. Glenda Jo Goff (2)
Gold Nugget Army Supplies Inc.
Mr. James Ronald Gonterman (3)
Mr. Eldridge C. Goodrum (11)
Gordon B. Newell, M. D. (29)
Dr. and Mrs. John Lee Gordon (6)
Mr. Amos E. Gott (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ray Goulder (7)
Mr. Ernest C. Gouvas (10)
Mr. and Mrs. Ron H. Grabruck (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wade Grace (4)
Mr. Lawrence H. Graham (14)
Grant County Homemakers
Mr. Carl David Graves
Mr. Gary Wayne Graves
Dr. and Mrs. Elmer Gray (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. Gray (2)
Greater Louisville, Inc.
Greek Cooperative Student
Green County Soccer Assoc. (2)
Ms. Carolyn Green
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Green (2)
Ms. Mary Lou Green
Mrs. Sharon P. Green (2)
Greenwood Landscape (2)
Greenwood Spirits Shoppe (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Greninger (31)
Mr. Barry Todd Gresham
Ms. Janet Rhea Grider (2)
Ms.Vivian Diane Grise
Mr. David Graham Guy (10)
Dr. (Col.) William Burton Haley, II (8)
Hall Heating and Air Conditioning
Mr. Frank E. Hall (2)
Hall-Taylor Funeral Home, Inc.
Dr. E. Poston Hamilton, III (3)
Dr. and Mrs. Edward C. Hanes (32)
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Hans (3)
Dr. James Randall Hansbrough (10)
Mr. John Barry Hardcastle (2)
Mr. Mark Stephen Hardcastle (2)
Hardin County Farm Bureau
Dr. and Mrs. David Gary Harlow (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Eugene Harmon (2)
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Harper (8)
Dr. William B. Harrell (18)
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lee Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Scott Harris
Dr. Harris and Mr. Westmoreland (12)
Mrs. Connie Slattery Harrod (9)
Mrs. Kathy L. Hart (6)
Mr. Albert A. Hawkins
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Hay
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Hayden (17)
Mr. Jeffery David Hayes
Mr. Ron Hayes
Ms.Tanisha Terese Hazel (2)
Health & Healing (4)
Cpt. and Mrs. Mark Evan Heath (3)
Dr. and Mrs. Ward Hellstrom (16)
Mr. William L. Hemphill (7)
Dr. Charles H. Henrickson (16)
Dr. Robert Lyle Henry (10)
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Reed Hensley (3)
Hensley Dunn Ross & Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald K. Herriford (8)
Mr. James Edward Hess (6)
Mr. Edward Lee Hickman (2)
Mr. Frederick Marshall Higgins (2)
Hill’s Pet Nutrition
Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Hina (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Hines (3)
Mr. and Mrs. G. Cliff Hines (11)
Mrs. Sue Hitchel (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hoffman (18)
Holmes Senior High School
Mr. David Comly Holmes (6)
Holy Cross High School
Ms. Patsy I. Hooper (11)
Ms. Joan M. Hopper (13)
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Robert
Horton (2)
Mr. Dion W. Houchins (12)
Ms. Claudia Ann Houston (7)
Hon. and Mrs. Joseph R. Huddleston (6)
Mr. Ancil Hudson (2)
Mr. Daniel T. Hudson (3)
Mr. Gary L. Huff (5)
Mr. Albert R. Huffman, Jr.
Mr. Joseph Farley Huggins (2)
Mrs. Dorothy J. Hughes (10)
Mr. and Mrs. H. Brad Hughes (14)
Mr. Joe Darrell Hughes (16)
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hulsey (15)
Ms. Wynotta Jane Hulshart (11)
Ms. Bev Furnish and Mr. Douglas
Humphrey (16)
Mr. James Ronald Hunley (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hunt
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas E. Hunt (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Dett P. Hunter (5)
Mr. Ronnie Lee Hurley (11)
Mr. Kevin Scott Hurt
Dr. Dorris J. Hutchison (6)
Mrs. Donna Kay Hyland (10)
Ingram Trucking, Inc.
Mr. Gregory K. Isenberg (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Isenberg (16)
Mr. John Stephen Jackson (13)
Mr. Dale K. Jacobson (4)
The Jackson Sun
James E. Wheeler, D. M. D.
James Lee Plumbing (2)
Mrs. Staci Jo James (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Harold James (15)
Mr.Thomas Ryan James (2)
Mr. and Mrs. D. Michael Janes (3)
Mr. C. H. Jeannette (10)
Drs. Martha and Jeff Jenkins (13)
Dr. Patrick F. Jenkins, Jr. (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Jerls (5)
Johnson Controls Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. H.Troy Johnson (28)
Mr. Jeffrey Davis Johnson (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Kemble F. Johnson (6)
Mrs. Martha C. Johnson (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Johnson (20)
Jonathan McDaniel State Farm Ins.
Mr. Anthony Glen Jones (8)
Mrs. Cassandra Moseley Jones
Mrs. Peggy M. Jones (6)
Mr. Richard P. Jones (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Sonny Jones (3)
Jones-Jaggars Laboratory School
Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Jordan (7)
Mr.Thomas J. Joyce (2)
Junior Achievement of Henderson (2)
Mr. Dean L. Karraker, Jr. (7)
Dr. Peggy D. Keck (11)
Mr.Travis Keller
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Hadden Kemp (6)
Ken Byrd Realty
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Dale Kennedy (5)
Kentucky Council of Cooperatives (4)
Kentucky World Trade Center
Mr. Curtis R. Keplinger (12)
Ms. Betty Ann Kern (4)
Mr. Kenneth W. Kerns (14)
LTC (Ret.) and Mrs. John M. Keyser (23)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Kieswetter
Ms. Mildred A. Killian (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kim Kirby (3)
Dr. and Mrs. Richard H. Kirchmeyer (4)
Mrs. Barbara J. Kirker (2)
Ms. Jean S. Kirkpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. Larry G. Kitchens (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Larry T. Kittinger (10)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Kleinhenz (2)
Mr. Irvin H. Kline (9)
Mr. Joseph William Klingenberg (3)
Mr. Leon Michael Krantz (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Krauss (3)
Mrs. Kelly Elliott Kries
Mr. and Mrs. James Scott Kuegel (17)
Mr. and Mrs.Todd S. Kurtz (2)
KY State Police Professional Assoc.
Dr. John Shea Lair (2)
Mr. Randall Lamastus (10)
Mr. and Mrs. Dan E. Lamont, Jr. (18)
Mr. Joe L. Lancaster, Jr. (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Lancaster (22)
Landmark Partners, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Landreth (9)
Mr. and Mrs. Harry K. Largen (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wayne Larimore (6)
Mr. Jeremy Wayne Lasley (3)
Lawn Doctor of Bowling Green
Ms.Theresa C. Lawrence
Dr. and Mrs. Marvin D. Leavy (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Lee (9)
Mitchell Leichhardt (20)
Lemox Book Company, Inc.
Leo Eggleton Accounting (22)
Mr. and Mrs. Odell Lewis (3)
Mr. John H. Libby (7)
Mr. Joe Vernon W. Liles, III (15)
Mr. Christopher D. Lind
Lindsey Madison Institute
Mr.Todd William Liscomb
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Littell (3)
Ms. Betty Livingston
Mr. Marvin L. Logsdon (11)
Mr. Robert W. Logsdon (11)
Dr. and Mrs. John E. Long (9)
Dr. Donald Ray Lovelace (7)
Colonel (Ret.) and Mrs. Gregory A.
Lowe (12)
Lube Express
Ms. Gwendolynn Sue Lucas (5)
Mr.Thomas Lucht (6)
Ms. Natalie Rae Lund (17)
Mr. Steven Brett Lyles
Mr. James Terry Lynn (7)
Mr. William Lyons
Mr. Danney Thomas Madison (2)
Mrs. Annie Embry Mahre (8)
Dr. Rebecca and Mr. Joseph
D. Mahurin (14)
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Maier (13)
Mammoth Cave Area Extension
Mr.Victor Mann (10)
Mrs. Jeanette Mantlo
Mr. Stan Paul Markham (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Markle (22)
Mrs. Juanita T. Marshall (2)
Ms. Edith Wells Martin (5)
Dr. and Mrs. James M. Martin (4)
Mr. Larry W. Martin (2)
Mr. and Mrs. M. Lee Martin (12)
Mrs.Vicki Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Mason (16)
Mr. Harold T. Matthews (16)
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Mattingly (13)
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. May (2)
Ms. Freda L. Mays (11)
Mrs. Naomi J. McAfee (5)
Mr. Stephen A. McCallister (6)
Mr. Larry Allen McCarty (16)
Ms. Susie H. McCarty (8)
Mr. and Mrs. David W. McCaulley (19)
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. McDonald (5)
Mr. McDonald and Mrs. Orser (9)
McDonald’s /Scottsville Road (14)
Mr. and Mrs. Phil McGown (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. McKenzie
Mr. Frankie Ray McKinney
Mr. Kennan D. McReynolds (10)
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Keith McWhorter (22)
Meade County High School (2)
Joe W. Meador (15)
Mediplex Rehab Bowling Green (2)
Mr. and Mrs. David Bob Melear (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Meredith (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Merriam (4)
Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Frank J. Metzmeier (10)
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Meyer (3)
Meyer Mortgage Corporation (10)
Western Kentucky University
Mr. Gary Michael
Mr. Barry J. Michaels (6)
Mid South Handling Inc. (3)
Mid-America Equipment Retailers (5)
Mid-South Sales, Inc. (2)
Mr. Frank Miller, Jr. (3)
Mr. and Mrs. J. L “Jakie” Miller (34)
Dr. John R. Miller (2)
Mr. Joseph Anthony Miller
Ms. Kristi Leigh Miller (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Fred T. Miller (14)
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Franklin Miller (3)
Mr. Ronald A. Miller (16)
Dr. and Mrs. John Dean Minton (22)
Mr. and Mrs. Cletus R. Mitchell
Mobil Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Michael S. Montgomery
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Jeffery Moody (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Taylor Moore (14)
Mr. and Mrs. G. William Moore (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Todd Moore (4)
Mr. William O. Moore (8)
Moore’s Baptist Church
Mr. Byron L. Morgan (2)
Ms. Jeffersontown Sch. Organization
Muhlenberg Community Theatre, Inc.
Mr. Lance C. Mullins (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Russell Murphy (22)
Murray State University
Nadine Lovan Sunday School Class (7)
Mr. John Kevin Nagel (12)
Mr. Clifford Conrad Nahm (7)
National City Bank Trust Operation
Dr. and Mrs.Thomas Scott Neely (15)
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Nethery
Mr. Mitchell Nethery (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wyatt Newcom
Dr. and Mrs. Gordon B. Newell (2)
Mr. Robert A. Newman (3)
Mr. Gary Morris Newson (6)
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Nichols (14)
North Harrison Football P. E. P.
Northwestern Mutual Life Foundation
Ocean Energy
Dr. James Larry Oldham
Mr. and Mrs. John O. Oldham (11)
Mr. and Mrs.William Hubert Oldham (6)
Ms. Jinnie O’Neal
Orlinda Baptist Church (4)
Mrs. Donna C. Orr
Mr. and Mrs. John N. Osborne (7)
Ms. Earline M. Overfelt (11)
Dr. and Mrs. George Clark Overstreet
Ms. Florence D. Owen (2)
Owensboro Pediatrics, PLLC
Owensboro Symphony Orchestra
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Padget (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mark Page (16)
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Sam Pankratz (7)
Mr. and Ms. Ronald E. Pardue (15)
Mrs. Anna Sue Parker (8)
Mr.Terry Lee Parker (4)
Jane and Jerry Parker (16)
The Parker Agency (5)
Dr. Paul J. Parks (34)
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Paxton (8)
Mr. Carrol Pearson
Mr. and Mrs. John Alan Peay (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond D. Pendley (5)
Mr. and Mrs.Tom A. Pennington (7)
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Perkins (37)
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas B. Perkins
Mr.Troy Perkins
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Perkins (4)
Dr. Gilman P. Peterson, Jr. (3)
Mr. and Mrs.Tom A. Pfannerstill (5)
Pfizer, Inc.
Ms. Searoba B. Phelps
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Phillips (6)
Mr. Roy C. Phillips, Sr. (d.) (18)
Phillip’s Ice Service (25)
Dr. Linda and Mr. Charles D. Pickle (4)
Mr. William F. Pierce (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Delane Pippin (11)
Mr. David Chris Pirtle (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan M. Pitney
Mr. Rickie Pollock
Mr. Charles Thomas Poole (2)
Mr. Phillip Leroy Porter (11)
Mr. Stevan Dean Porter
Potter Sales, Inc.
Mr. Douglas Potter (4)
Dr. Richard Potter (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Larry James Powell (11)
Mr. Dwight Preston (2)
Mr. and Mrs. James Edward Price (9)
Alumni Fall 2003
Project Graduation - H.O.P.E., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Greg W. Pryor (5)
Ms. Paula M. Quinn (16)
R. Dan Greenwell, Inc.
R. W. Beck
Mr. and Mrs. David Rabold (4)
Mr. Robert F. Rabold (3)
Rabold Financial Concepts (11)
Ms. Anita Kay Ramsey (15)
Mr. and Mrs. Kirby Lewis Ramsey (15)
Mr. and Mrs. Mohan Rao
Mr. Fulton T. Ray, Jr. (5)
Mr. Marion W. Ray (16)
Mrs. Jeanette B. Rayles (4)
Raytheon E. Systems
Mr. Jeffrey D. Ream
Mr. William D. Rector (5)
Audrey and Tom Redford (3)
Ms. Barbara D. Reed (2)
Dr. Robert G. Reed (8)
Mr. Ryan C. Reed (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Nelson Reed (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Steven F. Reiner (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Remington (12)
Reynolds, Johnston, Hinton,Thomas &
Pepper, LLP
Mary Dale and Mike Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. Roy D. Reynolds (14)
Mrs.Teresa Sue Reynolds (11)
Mr. and Mrs. John Timothy Rhea (10)
Mr. Robert Rich
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Richards (13)
Hon. and Mrs. Walter D. Richards (21)
Ms. Patricia A. Richardson (15)
Mr. Dick Richmond (7)
Mr. Murrel Rickman (23)
Dr. and Mrs. Richard C. Rink (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Ritter (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Roberson, Sr. (13)
Robert Newman Insurance &
Investments (15)
Mr. Matthew James Roberto
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Robertson (2)
Ron Kirby Auction & Realty, Inc. (10)
Ms.Victoria L. M. Rone
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dennis Ross (3)
Mr. Oliver Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Noble Rowley (2)
Russell County Chamber of Commerce
Russellville Logan County NAACP (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Ryan (10)
Mr. Matthew Turner Rydson
Mr. Eric R. Sack (10)
Mr. and Mrs. Randall C. Salley (2)
Sams Insurance Agency (9)
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Sandefur (23)
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Sanders (16)
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ryland Sansom
Terry Scariot and John Kelly (7)
Mr. William B. Schmidt (12)
Mr. Hal M. Schmitt (4)
Schneider Consulting
Mr. Brian L. Schuette
Mr. Rick P. Schuster (8)
Mr. Ralph G. Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. Joann Schweers (3)
Mr. and Mrs. John William Searcy (21)
Sears Roebuck & Company (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Sears (4)
Ms. Krista Seigle
Dr. and Mrs. William Blake Selnick (3)
Mr. Marvin Severson
Dr. Michael Wilson Shadowen (5)
Mr. John Lynn Shanton, II (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Knowles Howard Shaw (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Shoultz (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Simons (4)
Mr. Leo R. Simpson (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Earl Simpson
Mr.Tony W. Simpson (7)
Mr. Donnie Sims (2)
Mr. Patrick W. Skees (2)
Mrs. Angela Hudson Sledge (2)
Mr. Bradley C. Smith (6)
Bette and Cooper Smith, Jr. (21)
Mr. Earl Dewayne Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Harold P. Smith (13)
Dr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Smith (3)
Mr. and Mrs. John Walter Smith (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie L. Smith (4)
Mr. Renny Smith (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Rickey K. Smith (5)
SMR Engineering (5)
Dr. Steven Lloyd Snodgrass (6)
Mr. Donald Ray Sorrels (5)
Southern Delight Gourmet Foods
Mr. and Mrs. David Sowders (4)
Mr. Madison Sowell (12)
Mr. Wilbur R. Sprouse, Jr. (12)
St. Joseph’s Church
Mr. C. K. Stacy
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Stamps (19)
Mrs. Lucy Crowe Starks (12)
State Bank and Trust Company
Mr. Monty Steen (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Steenbergen (6)
Mrs. Lisa Keith Stephens (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Stevenson (4)
Mr. Bart Randolph Stewart (3)
Mr. James L. Stewart (8)
Mr. Reginald Stewart
Dr. David Arthur Stiles
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Stokes (2)
Strategic Marketing Group (3)
Ms. Barbara A. Strickler (12)
Mrs. Carolyn Frances Stringer
Mr. Barry Lewis Strong (5)
Mr. Mark Struss and Ms. Pat Butler (2)
Dr. Martha Welch Sucheston (5)
Dr. Gerald E. Sullivan (21)
Betty Gayle Summers (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus William Suter (4)
Mr. Joseph D. Sydnor (22)
Mr. Stephen Syra
T. P. M., Inc.
Mr. Brian Talley (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brandon Tarvin
Mr. and Mrs. Harry B.Tate (18)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles K.Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Craig H.Taylor (17)
Texas Instruments Foundation
Mr. Charles Theis (11)
Thessen Concrete Contracting, Inc. (14)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E.Thessen (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Jack L.Theuerkauf (2)
Mr. James A.Thomas (11)
Ms. Kim M.Thomas (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Thompson (4)
Ms.Virginia E.Thompson (11)
Thoroughbred Business Systems (14)
Mr. and Mrs. Joe David Tinsley (21)
Mr.Thomas W.Tinsley (5)
Mrs. Sara M.Tomblin (7)
Tony Lindsey and Company
Mr. Charles W.Townsend (3)
Mr.Timothy T.Tracey (5)
Mr. Darrell Traughber
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E.Travelsted
Mr. Joe Kelley Travelsted
Mr. Marvin A.Travis (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L.Troutman (5)
Mr. Frederick W.Trusty
Mr. Allen Tucker (2)
Mr. Jerry Tucker (6)
Mrs. Belle B. Ferguson Tuttle (4)
Dr.Thomas Kelly Tyre (3)
Mr. Jeffrey Kyle Tyree (2)
Union City Rotary Club (2)
Union County Farm Bureau (3)
United Coach and Tour
United Way of Howard County
United Way of Kentucky
Urgent Medical Care (4)
US Access Bank, Inc. (3)
Mr. Larry Uzzle (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Vaughn (14)
Mrs. Quenta Ann Vettel
VFW Post 1298 (3)
Mrs. Wanda M.Vickery (3)
Mr. Leroy Vincent
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M.Vincent
Dr. William T. Wade
Wagner Electric Company, Inc.
Mr. Gary Douglas Wall (10)
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle David Wallace (11)
Mr.Timothy George Wallace
Mr. Robert Edward Walton
Wan’s Medical Clinic PSC (21)
Mr. Joe Thomas Warpool (4)
Warren County Homemakers (6)
Mr. Robert J. Wasson (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Benedict Joseph Wathen (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Garry Dale Watkins (20)
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Ernest Webb (6)
Mrs. Regina A. Webb (3)
Carol and Denny Wedge (36)
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua P. Weiland (2)
Dr. Robert G. Wellman (3)
Dr. and Mrs. Brian Frank Wells (3)
Dr. Kristy and Mr. Steven Wells (7)
Wes Morris Scholarship Fund
The Herman O. West Foundation
Mrs. Sherri Lynn Westbrook
Ms. Rose Wheat (13)
Mr. David Anthony Wheatley (2)
Mr.Tommy J. Wheatley (2)
Dr. and Mrs. James Eugene Wheeler (14)
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Andre White (7)
Ms. Imogene B. White (23)
Dr. Steven D. White (12)
Mrs. Georgianne G. Whitehouse (12)
Whites & Heintzman Court
Reporters (7)
Ms. Barbara H. Whites (3)
Mr. Charles L. Whitlow (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Whitson (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis K. Wilcutt (2)
Drs. Joyce and Jerry Wilder (7)
Dr. and Mrs. Curtis Charles Wilkins (22)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Willett (2)
William J.Travis, M. D. (2)
Ms. Beverly Ann Williams
Mrs. Janice H. Williams (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Willis (10)
Mr. and Mrs. Roland D. Willock (10)
Dr. Sarah Margaret C. Willoughby
Mrs. Janette B. Wilson (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Steve Wilson (11)
Ms.Tara Lynn Wise
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ray Wolfe (5)
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Wood (12)
Mr. Rick Wood
Woodford County’s Junior Miss (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Jay C. Woods (4)
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Worthington (11)
Dr. and Mrs. Eric William Wright
Ms. Mary Margaret Wright (9)
Mr. Mitchell Wright
Mr. Ray Wright
Mr. and Mrs.Thurman Keith Wright (13)
WTR Environmental, Inc.
Mr. John Thomas Yewell (16)
Mr. Lamont Young
Mr. Maurice Young, USAF (Ret)
Mr. Robert R.Young
Mr. and Mrs. W. Richard Young (2)
Mr. Jeffrey Alan Younglove (12)
Mr. John Joseph Yuda (2)
Mr.Thomas Addison Yunt (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Zeller
Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Zeller (3)
Ms. Elizabeth Zutt (14)
Century Circle
A & G Tree Service
Mrs. Katherine L. Abbott
Ms. Pamela Fay Abbott
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Abell (12)
AccuSurv Land Surveying
Mr. Jim Acquaviva
Mr. and Mrs. William Adair
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Edwin Adams (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Adams (16)
Mr. Jackie Adams (3)
Drs.Tammy and Jeffrey Adams
Mr. Mark Adams
Mrs. Rebecca Rhoten Adkins (2)
Mr. Harry Lindol Adkisson, III (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Aebersold
Aetna Services, Inc.
Ms. Kirsten Ahnell
Ms. Sylvia M. Ahrens
Dr. Gary Wayne Akin (15)
Mrs. Alexis Mitchell Albach
Mr. Dexter L. Alexander (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip T. Alexander (6)
Mr. Richard Alexander
Mr. Robert Matthews Alexander (14)
Dr. and Mrs. Henry C. Alford (6)
Mrs. Melissa K. Alford (2)
Ms. Catherine M. Algeo (2)
Ms. Linda Lee Allan (16)
Mr. Charles Allen (2)
Mrs. Heather Shrout Allen (8)
Mr. Jeffrey Wayne Allen
Mrs. Jo Ann Allen (11)
Mr.Thomas L. Allen
Dr. and Mrs.Thomas M.Allensworth, Jr. (8)
Mr. and Mrs. John Allpress (4)
Alpha Delta Kappa Ky Nu Chapter (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wayne Alvey (3)
Mrs. Mary F. Alward
Mr. Jack Lloyd Amburgey (4)
American General Finance Foundation
American Private Enterprise Schol.
Ms. Susan Ammons
Mrs. Phyllis Piercey Amonett (7)
Mrs. Becky Sue Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Anderson (5)
Mr. James P. Anderson (2)
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Anderson
Mr. Lyle W. Anderson (5)
Dr. Billy W. Andrews (10)
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Angle (4)
Mrs. Janet H. Ansary
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Angelo Antone (7)
Mr. Mark Alan Antonini (2)
Anzelmo & Associates, Inc.
Mrs.Vicki Ardary (5)
Ms. Edith C. Arlt (10)
Mr. and Mrs.Travis C. Armstrong (8)
Dr. Marion E. Arnold (15)
Ms. Mary Jo V. Arnold (21)
Mr. Owen G. Arnold (9)
Mr. Ryan Arnold (3)
Mrs. Ramona Lynne Arterburn (13)
Mr. David E. Arvin
Ms. Betty L. Ash (10)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Ashbrook (14)
Ms. Imogene Ashby
Mrs. Nancy M. Askew (10)
Mr. John Kirk Atkinson (3)
Mr. David Anthony Atwell (11)
Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Linus Atzinger
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Michael Augusty (3)
Mr. Nicholas Witcher Aulbach (12)
Mr. Douglas K. Ault
Ms. Nancy Carol Ausbrooks (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Earl Austin
Ms. Donna Austin
Mrs. Ersa Whitlow Austin (10)
Mr. Samuel C. Austin (10)
Mrs. Ada Waddell Avery
Mr. Napoleon S. Avery
Mr. Charles Ayers
Ms. Diana M. Ayers
Mr. Reginald L. Ayers (16)
B & J Industrial Service, LLC
B and B Cleaning
B. G. Warren Co. Contractors Lic.
Mrs. Julieta Baasch (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Babcock
Ms. Elizabeth A. Bacon (2)
Mrs. Janice Louise Badgett (7)
Ms. Marsha Gayle Bailey (7)
Ms. Patricia M. Bailey (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Fitzgerald Bain
Mrs. Becky Gelke Baker (16)
Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Baker (11)
Mr. Mark W. Baker (2)
Mrs. Susan Dawn Baker
Mrs. Holly Morris Baldwin (3)
Ms. Ellen Lee Bale (3)
Dr. and Mrs. Donald M. Ball
Mr. Jeffrey Harrison Ball
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Ball (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Mickey L. Ball (3)
Mr. Ray H. Ball, Jr.
Mr. Craig Lee Ballenger (5)
Mrs. Pamela S. Banas (2)
Bank One Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Barber (2)
Mr. John R. Barker (10)
Mrs. Lisa Kathryn Barlow (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Barnard
Mr. Philip Wayne Barnett
Barren County Medical Society
Barren Wholesale Greenhouses
Barren River Area Development Dist (15)
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Bartlett (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Cortney Shane Basham
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Basham
Ms. Patricia F. Basham (4)
Dr.Vickie P. Basham (2)
Mr. Robert Thomas Bashwiner
Ms. Michelle D. Baskin
Mrs. Joe Bates
Ms. Marcia C. Baugh
Mrs. Carole E. Baum (2)
Mr. Kenneth Bernard Baushke (2)
Mrs. Barbara Sewell Beach (15)
Mr. and Mrs. Bennie P. Beach (3)
Mrs. Betty Jo Beard (5)
Mr. David Miller Beard (2)
Ms. Edwina Beard
Mrs. Laura H. Beard (5)
Mr. William L. Beard, Jr.
Ms.Teri Dale Beasley
Dr. M. Michelson and Dr. J. Beattie (12)
Mr. Joseph Dan Beavers
Mr. Eddie L. Beck
Ms. Elizabeth Ann Becker (13)
Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Becker (15)
Dr. and Mrs. James Paul Becker
Mr. and Mrs. George David Beckley (6)
Mr. John W. Bedell (10)
Mr. Robert Neal Beeler
Mr. Gavi Elan Begtrup (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Belch (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Anderson Bell (13)
Mr. Jason Bell
Dr. John P. Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Bell (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Paul Bell
Mrs. Brenda F. Beloin
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Benningfield
Dr. Marilee Benson (3)
Ms. Deborah Kay Bentley (10)
Mr. Richard William Bergen
Mr. and Mrs. William David Berger (2)
Mr. and Mrs. James Bergin (3)
Ms. Sharon Berry
Mr. Wendell Berry
Mr.Thomas M. Bertram (11)
Ms. Katherine E. Besser
Best Business Systems
Beta Delta Phi Upsilon Omicron
Betty’s Flower Shop, Inc. (2)
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Bewley (18)
Mr. Bradley Wayne Bickett (5)
Ms. Covella H. Biggers (11)
Mr. Gary Franklin Biggs (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Craig Biggs (3)
Mr. Robert V. Bilik (2)
Dr. Bilotta and Dr. Lemerise (2)
Mr. Jerry C. Bishop, Jr. (11)
Mr. Gerald V. Bissi (4)
Dr. Jeffries L. Blackerby (13)
Mr. Robert Brent Blackman (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. Blair (20)
Ms. Gail Blair (4)
Mr. James C. Blair (11)
Mr. David William Bland
Mr. Steve Bland (4)
Mrs. Donna Lee Blankenship
Mr. Billy Blanton
Mr. and Mrs. Seymour M. Blau (13)
Mr. Jack R. Blease (4)
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Blewett, Jr. (2)
Mr. Clifton T. Blick (4)
Mr. Mike L. Blincoe (3)
Blue Sky Steel
Ms. Marianne Bluhm (3)
Jill C. and Lee W. Blythe (6)
Dr. George William Boatwright (2)
Ms. Donna J. Boden (2)
Mr. and Mrs. George Bernard
Boehnlein (8)
Boeing Corporation
Dr. and Mrs. Edward W. Bohlander (6)
Mr.Thomas Bohuski
Mr. Charles R. Bolton (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Carl N. Boon (11)
Mr. Michael A. Boone (4)
Mrs. Rayetta M. Boone (7)
Ms. Robin Borczon
Borden, Inc.
Mr. J. David Borders (6)
Mrs. Julie K. Borders (12)
Mrs. Janice J. Borgner (8)
Mr. Jonathan Lawrence Borie (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Walker E. Borie
Mr. Sean Borland
Ms. Pearl N. Borton (2)
Mr. Dave B. Bosscher (6)
Mr.Tom B. Boston (2)
Mr. Karl S. Bottigheimer
Mr. Daniel Bernard Botula (8)
Ms. Laura E. Boulden (12)
Dr. and Mrs. Hoyt Edwin Bowen (17)
Dr. Joseph Patrick Bowers
Bowling Green High Retired Teachers
Bowling Green Public Library
Ms. Margaret Lois Bowman (3)
Boy Scout Troop #164
Boyd Enterprises, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Brice Alan Boyer (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Boyle (5)
BP Corporation
F. Pearce Bradburn
Ms. Pam Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Brady (2)
Sue and Ken Bragg (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Laurance W. Branch (5)
Mrs. Martha B. Brandenburgh
Mr. and Mrs. William Harold
Brantley (2)
Ms. Gretel Branton
Mr. Joel Douglas Brashear (9)
Mr. and Mrs. Myrl C. Brashear (14)
Ms. Pamela C. Bratcher (2)
Ms. Alice K. Brennan (10)
Ms. Betty C. Brent (2)
Dr. Robert W. Bretz (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Briddon (5)
Mr. Robert C. Brigl
Mrs. Marnie Brindley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Bristol, Jr.
Mr. Duane Bristow (7)
Mr.Thomas C. Brite (18)
Dr. and Mrs. Danny G. Britt (7)
Ms. Rita J. Britton (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Huie Clinton
Brizendine (2)
Mr.Thomas S. Brizendine (22)
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton David Broaddus
Mr. John Michael Brock (8)
Mr. Harold Thomas Brockman (10)
Dr. Marilyn K. Brookman (6)
Mr. Scott Allen Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. William Scott Brooks (6)
Mrs. Nancy C. Broome (10)
Mr. William Broussard (2)
Mr. Barry M. Brown (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Barry W. Brown
Mr. Ben F. Brown (11)
Mr. C. Frank Brown (3)
Mr. Christopher Lloyd Brown (3)
Mr. David Leslie Brown
Mr. and Mrs. David Rice Brown (2)
Ms. Denise Jo Bunch Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ray Brown (5)
Mr. and Mrs. James Lee Brown (3)
Mr. John B. Brown (4)
Mrs. Judy H. Brown (9)
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ray Brown (4)
Mrs.Terri Kay Brown (5)
Mr. and Mrs. William Brown (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Jude Browning (14)
Brownstown Electric Supply Co.
Mr. Donald F. Broyles (4)
Mrs. Lora W. Brumley (5)
Mr. William A. Brumm (4)
Mrs. Rebecca B. Bruner (15)
Mr. Bruni and Mrs. Randolph (7)
Dr. Barry W. Brunson (20)
Mrs. Debra C. Bryant
Ms. Frederica J. Bryant (3)
Ms. Natalie L. Bryant
Mr. Peter McNally Bryant (4)
Mrs. Sue M. Bryant (5)
Mr.Terry Lee Bubb
Ms. Mary Frances Buch (11)
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Buck (3)
Mrs. Carolyn Lucille Buckles
Ms. Janet Marian Buckley (2)
Mrs. Frances C. Buckman (15)
Mrs. Sarah R. Budde (6)
Dr. Robert C. Bueker (4)
Mr. David John Buerger (4)
Mr. David Warren Bugg
Ms. Rose Bullock (17)
Mr. Natty Bumppo (11)
Mrs. Patsy G. Bunch (8)
Mr. Curtis Burch (3)
Mr. Richard W. Burchell (3)
Mrs. Charolene W. Burden (16)
Mrs. Rebecca Dawn Burdine, Ph.D (3)
Mr. Heath Douglas Burnette (6)
Ms. Emily J. Burrell (3)
Mr. Paul M. Burrell, II
Mr. and Mrs. Don R. Burton (10)
Ms. Silvia M. Burton
Mr. Pete Buser (5)
Mrs. Elaine S. Bush (3)
Mr. Gregory Gerald Bush (2)
Mr. Harry L. Bush, III (4)
Maj. and Mrs. Hickman E. Bush (12)
Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Bush
Ms. Glenda F. Bussell (13)
Ms. Catherine Jean Butler
Mr. David Allen Butler (7)
Mrs. Nora Buttram (2)
Dr. Samuel Thomas Buttram (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hardin Byers (4)
Mr. William A. Byrnes (4)
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas A. Caldwell (5)
Dr. Linda T. Calendrillo (3)
Mr. Robert J. Calhan, II (5)
Mr. Paul Brent Calico (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Callahan (14)
Dr. James Timmons Callis (9)
Mr. and Mrs. Danny J. Calvert
Mr. Kenneth Calvert
Ms. Charlotte H. Campbell (4)
Ms. Doris Jean Campbell (2)
Ms. Jeanette Marie Campbell
Mr. Joe B. Campbell
Mr. John William Campbell (23)
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Campbell (5)
Mr. Dann Dale Cann
Ms.Vicki L. Cannady (8)
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Cannon (7)
Mr. R. Jeff Caplenor (7)
Ms. Mary Eva Carby
Mrs. Loretta Jump Cardin (2)
Cardinal Office Systems
Mr. Richard W. Carlson
Mr. and Mrs. Chad Houston
Carlton (11)
Dr. and Mrs. John Charles
Carmichael (2)
Mrs. Carmen M. Carmichael
Carmon Imaging
Mr. Ronald Glenn Carnes (5)
Mr. Gary N. Carpenter (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Carpenter (5)
Mr. Bob Carper (11)
Mr. David M. Carr (8)
Mr. Michael O. Carr (3)
Mr. Bryan Aloysius Carrico (3)
Carrington, Coleman, Sloman
Mr. Barry L. Carroll (7)
Ms. Deborah Floyd Carroll
Mr. Earl Wayne Carroll
Mr. Craig H. Carson
Mr. and Mrs. David Craig Carter (6)
Mr. and Mrs. John Gamble Carter (2)
Mrs. Marilyn J. Carter (7)
Mr. and Mrs. William Todd Horn
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall T. Carter (7)
Mr. and Mrs.Terrell S. Carter (3)
Dr. and Mrs. Clark L. Carthrae (2)
Mrs. Kathy V. Cartwright
Ms. Betty Jo Caruthers (10)
Mrs. Sona Fay Cary (12)
Mr. Roger William Casalengo (2)
Mr. Chris A. Case (8)
Mr. Merritt William Cash (10)
Ms. Susan T. Cashwell
Mrs. Mary Louise H. Caskey (12)
Mr. Danny R. Cassity
Mr. L. Stephen Castlen
Mr. Michael Glenn Catlett (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Wayne Cecil (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Edward Cecil (5)
Mr. Kevin Lee Cecil (2)
Mr.Thomas M. Cecil (3)
Mr. Zohn N. Centimole (4)
Century 21 Superior Service, Inc.
Mr. Frank Joseph Cerjak, Jr. (4)
Mr.Thomas R. Chambers, Jr. (2)
Chapman Enterprises
Mr. David N. Chapman
Mr. Dean Chapman (7)
Mr. James G. Chapman (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Randall G. Chapman
Mr. Walter T. Chapman (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Chappell (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Taylor Chasteen
Mr. Joseph James Check (4)
Mr. David A. Chelf
General and Mrs. Edward Daniel
Cherry (13)
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Courtland
Cherry (10)
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Cherry (5)
Dr. and Mrs. William Bailey Cherry (5)
Mr. James Debrando Cherundolo
Mr. Stephen A. Chesek (2)
Mr. John William Chester (10)
Dr. John Jeffrey Chewning (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Indudeep S. Chhachhi (3)
Ms. Gail Jewell Chickering (2)
Mr. Paul W. Childers (2)
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Chinn (15)
Ms. Scenna and Mr. Chmielewski
Ms.Virginia L. Christensen (3)
Mr. John Christiansen
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Christopherson
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas M. Church (2)
Mr. Robert Evans Church, Jr.
Mrs. Dorcas Irene Churchill (5)
Ms. Gayla Mae Cissell (2)
City of London Thames Valley Golf
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Civils
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Alexander Clark
Mr. Danny M. Clark (12)
Dr. and Mrs. David Bryce Clark (12)
Mr. Joe G. Clark, Jr.
Mrs. Martha Ellen Clark (15)
Mr. Michael Clark
Ms. Peggy Purdy Clark (8)
Rev. Ray Clark (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Clark (11)
Ms. Saretha W. Clark
Mr. James W. Claybourn (2)
Mr. Nelson E. Clemmens (3)
Mr. Harvey Clendining (2)
Dr. Richard Clouse
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Coates (5)
Ms. Jeanette M. Coates
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Cobb
Mr. Gregory T. Cobb (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Cobb
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allen Cobb (3)
Mrs.Torie T. Cockriel (2)
Coe Electric and Electronics
Dr. and Mrs. Harold I. Coe
Dr. Susan B. Coe (3)
Dr. David M. Coffey (6)
Mr. John McDowell Coffey
Mrs. Lois P. Coffey (5)
Mr. Donald W. Coffman
Ms. Pat Coffman
Dr. Janet L. Colbert (6)
Cole, Cole and Anderson, P. S. C.
Mr. Larry Cole
Mr. and Mrs. Willard D. Cole (13)
Ms. Mary Ellen Achorn Cole (3)
Mr. Joe Coleman
Ms.Tara Michelle Coleman
Dr. William L. Coleman
Ms. Nancy B. Collier (8)
Mrs. Nelda L. Barton Collings (12)
Brian Collins (18)
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Vernon Collins (3)
Mr. Donald Eugene Collins (12)
Mrs. Melda Collins
Dr. and Mrs. Michael John Collins (8)
Ms. Shelia S. Collins
Mrs.Talia McKinney Collins
Mr. W. Ernest Collins, Jr. (17)
Ms. Connie L. Colter (5)
Dr. Ellen Marie Colwell
Dr. J. R. Comer
Communications Systems (4)
Mrs. Elizabeth T. Compton (18)
Mrs. Shelly Glasscock Compton (7)
Kay and Thad Connally (3)
Col. Doral Glen Conner (20)
Mrs. Wanda Pendleton Connor
Ms. Winifred Moore Conover
Mr. Jeffrey Paul Consolo
Cook Downing & Underwood Ins.
Dr. Charles Eugene Cook (12)
Ms. Susan C. Cook (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Graham B. Cooke (13)
Ms.Teresa Jane Cooksey
Ms. Ann R. Cooley (5)
Dr. James Calvin Coomer (12)
Mr. Bruce Alan Coomes (2)
Dr. Charles L. Cooper (5)
Ms. Jill A. Cooper (8)
Mr. Sammy Cooper
Mr. William S. Cooper (9)
Mrs. Anna Lois Collier Copley
Mr. Carl Cornelius
Mr. and Mrs. John William Cornell
Mr. Marvin Cornett (9)
Ms. Debra A. Cornwell (2)
Mr. William J. Cortus (2)
Mrs. Donna Cosand (3)
Ms. Stephanie Lee Cosby (3)
Dr. Gary Lee Cottrell
Ms. Geneva A. Cottrell (18)
Mr. Stewart M. Couch (5)
Mr. Jerome Thomas Countee, Jr. (4)
Couples Class Sunshine Fund (4)
Mr. Wendell F. Couts (5)
Mr. Gilbert B. Covey (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Opal Cowles (4)
Ms. Cox and Dr. Wan
Ms. Robin Bruington Cox
Ms. Lynn Crabtree (11)
Mrs. Paula M. Crabtree
Mr. James Randall Craddock
Mr. John Pierce Craddock
Mr. and Mrs. James Edward Craft (4)
Mrs. Judi Dewilde Craig (2)
Ms. Daminda E. Crawford
Dr. Peter D. Crawford
Ms. Bessie Crenshaw (2)
Dr. Mary A. Crenshaw (7)
Mr. Robert D. Crenshaw (5)
Mr. Gary Critser (4)
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Crocker (3)
Mr.Thomas W. Crockett
Ms. Nancy E. Croft (3)
Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Crouch (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Crousore (8)
Mrs. Stephanie G. Crowe (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Cox Crume (3)
Mr. Angel A. Cruz, Jr. (12)
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Cummins
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron T. Cunningham
Ms. Anne Cunningham (5)
Ms. Janine Marie Cunningham (14)
Mr. Michael Verne Currier (8)
Mr. Alvin Ray Curtis (5)
Dr. C. H. Dabbs (4)
Dr. C. Harwell Dabbs (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Barton Lee Dahmer
Mrs. Sharon Kelley Dahmer
Mr. David Daido
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Dale (22)
Mr. Sidney E. Dalton
Mr.Thomas D’Amico and Ms. Lisa Axt
Mr. James Jeffery Damron
Ms. Mary Jo Daniel (38)
Mrs. Carrie Daniels (4)
Mrs. Clara W. Daniels
Western Kentucky University
Dr. Harry Kirk Dansereau (3)
Mr. Richard Lee Daugherty (3)
Dave Hartley Sales Co.
Mr. Charles B. Davenport (2)
Mr. Robert Davenport (4)
David B. Clark, D.D.S., M.S.D. (2)
David Burnette Distribution Company
David E. Arvin Attorney-At-Law
Mr. Peter C. Davids
Mr. Simeon W. Davies (5)
Daviess Co.Teachers Federal
Daviess County High School
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas W. Davis
Mr. Cary E. Davis (4)
Dr. Cheryl Diane Davis (3)
Dr. and Mrs. Chester L. Davis (17)
Mrs. Erin Connolly Davis (2)
Mrs. Sonya Leigh Davis
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas A. Davis (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Day (22)
Mr. Gerald Jude De Peppe (4)
Dr. and Mrs. John C. De Verna
Mr. Dwight DeBerry
Mr. and Mrs. James R. DeBold (2)
Mr. and Mrs. James Joseph Decesare (2)
Ms. Melissa Decker
Mr.Vincent E. Decker (11)
Ms. Barbara Deeb (4)
Mr. Mark T. Deeb (4)
Mr. John Anthony Del Piano (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Delacey (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Delk (2)
Delta Mobile Testing, Inc.
Mr. Orval Leon Denham
Mr. Albert Dennis (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Andrew Dennis
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Lee Dennis
Mr. Paulomi Desai (3)
Mr. Michael Lee Detenber (3)
Development, Inc.
Ms. Gail A. DeVine (13)
Mr. Justin Deweese
Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Dexter (10)
Mrs. Donna Gail Diaz
Mrs. Barbara K. Dickens (8)
Maj. Bobby J. Dickens (4)
Mr. Carl Dickerson
Mr. David M. Dickerson
Mr. Robert W. Dickinson, Jr.
Mrs. Johnnye F. Diemar (5)
Mrs. Cynthia E. Diemond (10)
Mr. Arthur Digby (5)
Mr. Lark Digges-Elliott
Mr. Neel Dillard
Mr. Raymond E. Dillard (2)
Mr. James Edward Dillingham (15)
Dr. Don Carl Dinkmeyer, Jr. (14)
Ms. Clarice U. Dinwiddie (12)
Mr. Kenneth R. Distler (11)
Dixie Firefighters Association
DLC, Inc.
Ms. Rosemary J. Dodds (6)
Mr. William C. Dodds, Jr.
Mr. Dennis L. Doerr
Dominic’s Food Services, Inc. (2)
Donna S. Nall, P. S. C.
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Donnelly
Ms. Chimene Dorcelus
Mr. Mike Doro (3)
Dr. James M. Dorris (13)
Mr. Paul A. Dorroh (3)
Mrs. Betty S. Dorsey (3)
Dotson Electric Company
Mrs. Lisa Lynn Douglas
Ms. Rush and Mr. Douglass
Dow Corning Corporation
Mr. Ronald B. Dowdell
Mrs. Claudia Downey (12)
Mr. Danny B. Downing
Mark Johnson and Elizabeth
Downing (10)
Dr. and Mrs. John E. Downing (3)
Mr. Richard K. Dowse
Dr. Kenneth E. Bewley & Associates
Dr. Saundra H. Starks, LCSW, BCD
Dr.Troy W. Crist
Mr. Jack Robert Drago
Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Drake (12)
Mr. Daniel P. Driskell
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas White Driver (15)
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Ray Driver (8)
Mr. Robert Druien
Mr. Calvin R. Dugan
Mr. Alan Dumbris
Mrs. Joyce Caylor Dunagan
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Duncan (10)
Alumni Fall 2003
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Frank Duncan (17)
Mr. Stephen C. Duncan (2)
Mr. John Dunlop, III
Mr. and Mrs. John Frank Dunn (7)
Mr. Charles Kenneth Durbin
Mr. Robert S. Durbin (2)
Mr. David Durham (18)
Mr. Felix E. Durham (15)
Ms. Sarah A. Duval
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Philip Dye (5)
Mr. Barry D. Dyer (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Alan Dyrsen
Ms. Elizabeth Eade (16)
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Keith Earles
Mr. Wayne Earls
Ms. Gina Kaye Easton
Dr. Edward P. Eberth
Mr. and Mrs. Gayle Ecton (3)
Mr. James Edlin
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Edward
Edmonds (15)
Edward Jones (3)
Edward Jones (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Tyler Edwards (12)
Mr. and Mrs. David Randall Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Richard David Edwards
Mr. Stan Edwards (20)
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Edwards (6)
Mrs. Beth A. Edwardson (3)
Ms. Dania Egedi (5)
Mr. J. C. Egnew (4)
Mr. Christopher N. Eichberger
Mr. Michael C. Eichbrecht (3)
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Eldred (18)
Mr. Roger D. Eldridge (3)
Electric Power Services, Inc.
Electrical Sales Engineering Inc.
Mr. Meryle V. Elftmann (5)
Mr. Gordon C. Elliott
Mr. William B. Elliott
Mr. Robert W. Ellison
Ms. Doris Faye Elmore (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Whitlow Elrod (2)
Ms. Kyra S. Elzy
Mr. Lee D. Emanuel (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Albert G. Embrey (4)
Dr. and Mrs. Ken Embry
Mr. Rod Embry
Mr. David Kenneth Emerson (2)
Mr. David D. Emmerich (2)
Dr. Robert J. Emslie (2)
Mr. Raymond C. Enders
Mrs. Rayner Wineman England (12)
Dr. and Mrs.Thomas G. England (2)
Dr. and Mrs. Curtis Lee Englebright (2)
Mrs. Rebecca Ann Englehart
Mr. Harold Epley
Mr. Lee R. Eppinger (2)
Mrs. Elizabeth Hudson Ernsell
Ms. Uta Ziegler and Mr. Claus
D. Ernst (10)
Ltc. John William Espey (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Esrey (7)
Mr. Bill Estep
Ms. Janet Louise Estes
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Esz (6)
Ethyl Corporation
Dr. Rachel R. Eubank (2)
Mr.Thomas Leon Eubank (2)
Dr. Eugene E. Evans (11)
Rev. and Mrs. Glenn Hurst Evans
Mr. Ross Everhard
Mr. and Mrs. William Arthur Everly
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Edward Ezell (6)
Dr. Robert Bruce Fane (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Joe Faris
Mr. J.T. Farley
Mr. Steve Farmer (3)
Ms. Beverly Farris (2)
Ms. Brenda Joyce Faulkner
Mrs. Bridget M. Canny Faulkner (2)
Mr. William Russell Faxon
Mr. Philip E. Fay
Fayette County Junior Miss
Mr. Joseph E. Feeney (10)
Mr. Alan Brad Feingold (9)
Mr. Marc Anthony Fella (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Fred Fenimore (13)
Ms. Jude Fenwick (5)
Mr. Alan S. Ferguson
Dr. Harold A. Ferguson
Mrs. Jane Huey Ferguson
Ms. Marilyn Sue Ferris
Mrs. Margaret P. Fidler
Mr. Billy Wayne Fields (7)
Dr. Jeanne R. Fiene (3)
Mr. James Howard Finn
First Christian Church (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Edward N. Fisher (3)
Mrs. Laura H. Fisher (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Fishman (14)
Ms. Carolyn Jo Fleenor (8)
Ms. Jeanne Fleming
Mrs. Anne Nicole Flinn
Mrs. Linda Sue Florence (4)
Mr. Hugh Jackson Floyd
Mr. Richard P. Floyd (2)
Mrs. M. Elaine Flynn
Mr.Thomas F. Flynn (13)
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Scott Ford (2)
Ms. Nancy M. Ford (7)
Mr. James G. Formanek (3)
Ms. Connie Forrester
Ms. Kathryn Hause Forrester
Dr. Karl M. Forster
Mr. Charles D. Fortney
Mr. Jon A. Fosson
Ms. Arlene Foster
Mr. Donald R. Foster (2)
Dr. and Mrs. James William Foster (4)
Ms. Karin J. Foster
Mrs. Rebecca C. Foster
Fountain Square Players
Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Dwayne Fowler
Mrs. Nancy P. Prince Fox (7)
Mr. Steven William Fox (5)
Mr. Richard Lynn Fraker, Jr. (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Coty Clifton Francis (8)
Mr. Bob Frank (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Kelly Franklin
Mr. George L. Franklin (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Randall L. Franklin (14)
Mr. Daniel Frantz (7)
Mr. John B. Frazee (4)
Mrs. Jessica Frazier (3)
Mr. Kerry Lee Frazier (8)
Dr. Quentin Frazier (13)
Mr. William F. Frazier
Ms. Linda Sue Freeman
Mr. Edward M. French
Mrs. Laura D. French (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Frey (9)
Dr.Timothy S. Fritsch (2)
Mrs. Ruth Thomas Froedge (5)
Mr. Konstantin Froes (2)
Mrs. Sandra K. Frost (6)
Ms. Peggy Jane Fudge (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Fuhrer
Mrs. Lillian Fulkerson
Mr. William T. Fulkerson (6)
Mr. Michael Avery Fulks (2)
Mrs.Tyra H. Fullam (3)
Dr. David Lloyd Fullen (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Hayden K. Fuller
Mr. Randy Fuqua
Ms. Peggy Jo Furgerson (5)
Mr. David Gaddie (12)
Mr. Andrew King Gailor
Ms. Sherry Gainer
Galilean Children’s Home (3)
Mr. Aaron David Galloway
Mr. Richard Games
Mr. Carlen R. Gant (10)
Col. James Howard Gant, Jr. (2)
Mr. Gary M. Gardner (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Robert
Gardner (2)
Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Gardone (9)
Mr.Terry Auburn Garmon
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Garrett (4)
Dr. and Mrs. Jan Edward Garrett (15)
Ms. Geneva Garrison (6)
Mr.Theodore Alan Garrod (7)
Dr. and Mrs. Garland R. Garst (3)
Mrs. Clara Rose Epp Garvey (7)
Ms. Barbara P. Gary (9)
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Paul
Gawarecki (14)
Mr. Robert Lewis Gebbie
Mr. Edgar H. Gee, Jr.
Ms. Linda C. Gensler (14)
Mr. Jesse George Gentile (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Gerard (4)
Dr. Paul Eugene Gerard, III (13)
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ray Gerughty (5)
Dr. Jerry L. Gibbs
Ms. Marcia West Gibson (5)
Ms. Mary Lisa Gibson (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gieselmann
Mr. Denis Gillen
Mrs. Deborah F. Gillenwater (15)
Mrs. Marquita P. Gillenwater (6)
Mrs. Margot O’B Gillespie
Mr. Sidney Ben Gilliam, Jr. (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Phillip
Ginsburg (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Brian S. Gipson
Mr. Michael Lynn Gipson (10)
Girl Scouts of Mocassin Bend
Mr. Glenn A. Gittings (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Carl Glass (3)
Mr. Jay Mack Glick (3)
Mr. Ronald L. Glomski
Mr. and Mrs. John Michael Glore (8)
Mr. John Glosick
Mr. Christopher R. Glowacki (3)
Mr. Martin Glynn
Ms. Rebecca L. Goad
Dr. George Corban Goble (18)
Ms. Joyce Godfrey
Ms. Jennifer C. Godward
Mr. and Mrs. John Hardin Goff (6)
Mr. Frederick H. Goins (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Neal M. Gold (12)
Mrs. Patricia Klara Golden
Ms. Herlinda Gonzalez
Mr. Orlando Gonzalez
Mrs. Julie Goodan (5)
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Gooding (16)
Mr. Neil Goodman (4)
Mr. Steven Douglas Goodrum
Mr. and Mrs. James Fleming Gordon (3)
Mr. M. Alan Gordon, II (3)
Rev. and Mrs. Paul F. Gordon
Ms. Grace Gorrell
Mrs. Jessie Gorrell
Mr. Wilfred L. Gorrell (d.)
MAJ. (Ret.) and Mrs. Lynn W.
Gossard (4)
Ms. Sharon Yvonne Gosser (14)
Mr. William Buford Gossett
Mrs. Carol Jean Gott (15)
Mr. and Mrs. Norvin L. Gottula (2)
Mrs. Carol Leslie Gough
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll G. Gowens
Col.(Ret.) Wilford D. Gower (17)
Mr. and Mrs. Kerry B. Graham
Dr. Lawrence Paul Graham (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn W. Granay
Mr. Craig Douglas Grant
Mrs. Elaine S. Grant (4)
Mr. James Harold Grant (2)
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Gravely
Ms. Donna Carol Graves (4)
Mr. Brian Keith Gray (2)
Mr. and Mrs. David Louis Gray (2)
Mr. Robert Winslow Gray (11)
Mrs. Shirley Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Carl Grecco
Mrs. Sarah W. Green
Ms. Shirley Annette Green (2)
Mr.Travis Leo Green
Ms. Gloria A. Koss Greene
Mr. Lofton C. Greene (d.) (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Paul
Greenlee (14)
Greer Insurance & Financial Ser.
Mrs. Melinda Lee Greer (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Andrew Gregory (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie V. Gregory
Dr. Ronald Trent Grenko (5)
Mrs. Erin Christine Grenough
Grider Drug (5)
Humana Foundation Creates Visiting
Professorship in Memory of Co-Founder
Wendell Cherry
• A $250,000 gift from The Humana
Foundation of Louisville, Ky. will create the Wendell Cherry Visiting
Leadership and Ethics in memory of
Wendell Cherry, the co-founder of
Humana Inc., who spent 30 years as
the company’s president and chief
operating officer. This gift will be
matched by $250,000 from the
Commonwealth of Kentucky’s
Regional University Excellence Trust
Fund to create a total professorship
fund of $500,000.
“Wendell Cherry was a near neighbor to WKU growing up in Horse
Cave, Ky., where he played basketball for a Caverna team that
reached the semifinals of the 1953
state tournament. His parents
instilled in him the work ethic, sense
of purpose and bedrock integrity
with which he lived his life. He was
a consummate entrepreneur whose
life proved that ethical behavior is
an essential element of a truly successful enterprise.”
David A. Jones
Chairman, Humana Inc. and The
Humana Foundation
Mr. W. Brandon Griffey, II
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Griffin (3)
Mr. Douglas G. Griffin (3)
Mr. Jerry C. Griffin (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Russell Griffith (6)
Mrs. Ursula M. Grimes (4)
Dr. and Mrs. James W. Grimm (9)
Mrs. Phyllis R. Grimm
Mr. James A. Grimshaw, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Richard F. Grise
Ms. Margaret Peake Grissom (3)
Dr. Howard and Mr. Groom (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher G. Groves (3)
Mr. James M. Groves
Mr.Thomas Dwain Groves (3)
Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Grubbs (5)
Mrs. Erika Gruber
Mr. Robert Grygotis
Mrs. Darci Kristin Guerrein
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bennett Guess (7)
Mr. C. Forest Guest (2)
Mr.Tom Guinane
Mr. and Mrs. Garry Dale Gupton (2)
Ltc. Gerald D. Guthrie (8)
Mrs. Sue C. Gwynn (5)
Ms. Mary Pat Haaf
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Ryan Haas
Mr. Louis A. Haas
Mr. and Mrs. Fredric Norman
Habermel (2)
Ms. Sandy M. Habermel
Mrs. Jennifer Greenwell Haddow (3)
Dr. and Mrs. John A. Hagaman (20)
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Hagan (2)
Mr. Joseph L. Hagan (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Mark O. Haines (2)
Mr. and Mrs. James Earl Haire
Dr. and Mrs.Virgil Hale (4)
Dr. Stephen Edward Haley
Mr. and Mrs. Lanny Shayne Hall, Jr. (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Larry C. Hall (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Eldon Hall (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Douglas Hall (5)
Mrs. Karen Washer Halpern (3)
Ms. Patricia Ann Hamblin
Mrs.Virginia Hamilton (4)
Mr. William L. Hamilton (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Merrill R. Hammons (16)
Mr. Steve Hampton
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin C. Hancock
Mr. and Mrs. R. Douglas Hancock
Mr. Larry Handwerk (2)
Ms. Ann F. Handy (11)
Mr. John Frank Hanel (12)
Ms. Claudia Hanes (2)
Mr. Brian W. Haney
Mr. C. Philip Hanna (10)
Mr. John William Hannan (2)
Mr. Kenneth J. Hansen (8)
Mr. Robert E. Hansen (7)
Mr. Brian Keith Hape (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie A. Hardcastle (3)
Henry Norman Hardin (18)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wilson Hardin
Hardin McLane Company/Realtors (2)
Mrs. Jonell Hardison (4)
Ms. Julia S. Hargan (4)
Mr. and Mrs. James Earl Hargrove (3)
Mr. Douglas Wills Harlan
Brenda Joyce Harmon (2)
Mr. David A. Harper
Mrs. Jane Y. Harper (4)
Mr. Julian F. Harper (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael V. Harper (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Allen Harpool (13)
Ms. Elizabeth Harrington
Ms. Bambi Jo Harris
Mr. Danny L. Harris (14)
Mr. Frank Boyd Harris (4)
Ms. Helen P. Harris (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ray Harris (4)
Mr. R. Michael Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ray Harris (9)
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Jerry Harris
Mr. William O. Harris
Hon. William R. Harris (15)
Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Harrod (6)
Hart County News Herald (2)
Mr. Charles Louis Hart (4)
Ms. Rebecca Jean Hart
Mr. David E. Hartley
Mr. and Mrs. David Robert
Hartman (11)
Mr.Timothy James Hartman (9)
Ms. Patty H. Hatler (9)
Mr. David Lee Hawkins (17)
Mr. Walter L. Hawkins (17)
Mr. Joseph Maurice Hayden
Mrs. Kristie F. Hayden (2)
Mr. David Cole Haydon (9)
Mr. Bob W. Hayes
Mr. Gary M. Hayes
Mr. Gerald W. Hayes
Mr. Jim Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace C. Hayes (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Corey Dale Haynes (2)
Mr. Charles M. Haynes (5)
Dr. Joel Robert Haynes (2)
Dr. Charles T. Hays (3)
Ms. Eunice Hays (2)
Mr. Dennis Hazle
Mr. Robert J. Heady (7)
Heartland WKU Alumni Association
Mr. Arthur L. Hedgspeth (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Patrick Heffley (9)
Mrs. Cathy Louise Helm
Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Helm (4)
Mr. Joseph B. Helm (3)
Mr. Bob Helms
Mr. Ronald James Helms (4)
Mrs. Amy P. Helton
Ms. Ann Marie Hemmer (4)
Mr. Quentin S. Hendrick
Mr. Steve Hendrick
Ms. Joyce Lee Hendrix
Mr. Jesse Henon (3)
Mr. James Henry (10)
Mrs. Jane Covington Henry (15)
Mrs. Joreen H. Henry (13)
Mr. Kenneth C. Henry
Mr. and Mrs.Terry Joseph Henry (3)
Ms. Martha Hensley (2)
Maj. and Mrs. Roy G. Henson
Mr. Steven Hugh Henson (2)
Mrs. Myrtle H. Hepler
Heritage Title Agency, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Herndon
Hershey Foods Corporation
Mr. Bill Heseman (2)
Mr. Creighton Lee Hess (14)
Mr. James Eric Hickerson (4)
Ms. Mary K. Hickey (4)
Mr. Barry D. Hickman (9)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Hickman (6)
Mr. Andrew Robert Hicks (10)
Mr. Jim Hicks
Mrs. Karen A. Higdon (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Scott T. Higdon (6)
Mrs. Belinda Waller Higginbotham (3)
Dr. Joseph Hall Higginson
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Highland (4)
Mr. Gerald R. Hignite
Mr. and Mrs. C. Carroll Hildreth
Dr. Camille Crunelle Hill (10)
Mrs. Clarice B. Hill
Mr. David M. Hill (2)
Mr. Gregory Hill
Mrs. Lori A. Defoor Hill (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Larry K. Hills (11)
Hillvue Heights Church (3)
Mr. Luke Hilton (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Roger S. J. Hilton (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. Hines, Sr.
Mr.Thomas C. Hines
Ms. Betty Jean Hinton (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Wesley Hinton
Mrs. Juanita D. Hire
Mr. Burnham Louis Hobbs, Jr.
Mr. Byron Lee Hobgood (11)
Hocker Insurance Agency, Inc.
Mr. David L. Hocker
Mr. Joseph Herman Hodskins
Mr. Brad Hogan
Mrs. Forrest Roberts Holbrook
Mr. Morton Holbrook (12)
Ms.Terri F. Holder
Ms. Louise T. Holderfield (5)
Mr.Thomas C. Holderfield (4)
Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Holdsworth (14)
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Holland (6)
Mr. James Roger Hollins (3)
Mr. E. Starling Holloway (7)
Ms. Jeanette M. Holman
Ms. Darla Holt (4)
Mr. John Holt
Mr. Mark Hood
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Elliot Hooks (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Gene Horn (11)
Mr. Robert M. Horn, Jr. (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Horn (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Horn (16)
Mrs. Christine Miller Hosier
Mrs. Imogene Page Hoskins
Mr. Allen Brent Houchin
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Houston (3)
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Houston (2)
Mr. Rick Houston (2)
Mr.Theodore R. Hovet (8)
Mr. Clinton Michael Howard
Mrs. Debra R. Howard
Mr. James N. Howard (3)
Mrs. Mary J. Howard (12)
Mrs. Patricia M. Howard (3)
Ms. Donna Duncan Howe (3)
Mr. Danny A. Howell
Dr. and Mrs. Gary M. Howerton
Mr. Roy Michael Howsen (6)
Mr. and Mrs. J. David Huber (5)
Ms. Macie Wanella Huddleston (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard H. Hudson (22)
Mrs. Charlotte A. Huffine (2)
Mr. Daniel Brent Huffman
Mrs. Barbara F. Hughes (3)
Mrs. Betsy Ross Hughes (4)
Mr. Bryan Forest Hughes (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Stewart
Hughes (2)
Mr. and Mrs. James Randolph
Huguely (2)
Dr.Timothy D. Hume (3)
Mr. Ronald D. Humes
Mrs.Teresa Kay Humphrey (6)
Mrs.Virginia T. Hurley (5)
CW3 (Ret.) Christian L. Hurst (2)
Mr. Rickey Earl Husk (7)
Ms. Alyce C. Hutchins (5)
Ms. Grace V. Hyde
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Phillip Idlett
Dr. and Mrs. Bryan T. Iglehart (3)
Impressions Salon
LTC and Mrs. Michael T. Inman (3)
Investors Realty Management
Mr. Edward James Ising (13)
Mr. Jeffery Scott Isom (2)
Jack L. Amburgey, CPA (2)
Mr. Clarence J. Jackson (2)
Dr. Eli O. Jackson, III
Mr. George W. Jackson
Mr. Glenn Ford Jackson
Mr. Malcolm D. Jackson (6)
Mr. Robert Jackson (9)
Ms. Shannon Eve Michelle Jackson
Mr. Sherron Jackson (4)
Mr.Timothy J. Jackson
Mr.Victor Michael Jackson (2)
Mr. Ken Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Jaggers
Mr.Vljay Jain
James E. Phillips, DMD
Hon. Joe Moss James (11)
Mr. and Mrs. C. Houston Jameson
Mr. Paul Joseph Janssen (6)
Mrs. Jacqueline Lee Jarve
Ms. Martha J. Jay (2)
Mrs. Nita G. Jaynes (6)
Mr. Elbert B. Jean (4)
Mrs. Belinda Jefferson (6)
Ms. Brenda Jenkins (4)
Ms. Christine C. Jenkins
Mr. Donald H. Jenkins (6)
MSG Ret. Luther V. Jenkins (2)
Mrs. Neva Kenner Jenkins (8)
Ms. Sandra W. Jenkins
Mr. Michael Lynn Jennings (13)
Mr. Paul Thomas Jennings
Mrs. Susan McChesney Jensen (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Glen E. Jent (6)
Jerry’s Jewelry
Ms. Lisa Marie Jessie (5)
John Graham, State Farm Insurance
Johnson & Johnson
Mrs. Anne Crookes Johnson (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony M. Johnson (3)
Mr. Barry Glenn Johnson (17)
Mr. Barry W. Johnson
Mr. Benge Johnson (10)
Dr. and Mrs. Bertil G. Johnson (9)
Mr. and Mrs. Daren Lawrence Johnson
Mr. David Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. Donald M. Johnson
Ms. Freeda Johnson (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Ford Johnson (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon L. Johnson (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Ishmael E. Johnson (12)
Mr. J. Lewis Johnson, Jr. (2)
Mrs. Jo Alice Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johnson (2)
Mr. Johnny Carl Johnson
Ms. Joyce V. Johnson
Mr. Kenneth R. Johnson
Mrs. Kimberly Ann Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Johnson (10)
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Ford Johnson (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnson, Jr. (3)
Mr. Russell Talmage Johnson (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Shelby Johnson
Ms. Sue Wilson Johnson (2)
Dr.Thomas W. Johnson
Mr.Timothy W. Johnson (6)
Mr. William Glenn Johnson (7)
Mrs. Pamela J. Johnston (8)
Mr. and Mrs. R. Harvey Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lynn Jolly (2)
Ms. Amber Jones (2)
Mr. Gary D. Jones
Dr. and Mrs. Gordon F. Jones (11)
Mr. James Terry Jones
Major USAF John C. Jones, (Ret) (7)
Mrs. Judy Gaye Jones
Mr. Kenneth M. Jones (9)
Ms. Linda Lu Jones
Mrs. Nancy C. Jones (11)
Mrs. Narda A. Jones
Ms. Shelly D. Jones
Mr. William Brent Jones (8)
Mr. William G. Jones (3)
Joseph Hall Higginson, DMD, MSO
Joseph M. Pruitt, D. M. D. (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Joseph Just (11)
Dr. Kiraly and Dr. Kacer (3)
Mr. Zachary M. Kafoglis (17)
Mr. and Ms. Dean R. Kahler
Mr. William G. Kaiser (11)
Mr. Michael Francis Karnes
Mr. Sean P. Kavanagh
Kawerak, Inc.
Mr. Ronald M. Keal (5)
Mr. Steven A. Keck
Mr. David John Keeling (7)
Dr. Harold Keen
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence M. Keith (23)
Mr. Paul Keith
Mrs. Rebecca H. Keith
Mr.Thomas William Keith (2)
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Keller (2)
Mr. Marc N. Kelley (10)
Kelly Thompson Attorney At Law
Mrs. Shirley J. Kennedy
Kenneth A. Meredith Attorney
at Law (2)
Kenneth Simpson
Construction, Inc. (12)
Mr. Michael Kenny
Kentucky Society of CPAs (6)
Mrs. Loyce B. Keough (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Nelson Kerns
Mr. James William Kerr
Mr. Ronald G. Kerry
Ms. Sylvia H. Kersenbaum (17)
Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Kessler (4)
Mrs. Kyra W. Ketron (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Killebrew (22)
Mr. John Kim
Ms. Ida R. Kimbro
Dr. Stephen E. King (6)
Mr. Stokes and Mrs. Kirby-Stokes (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Edmond
Kirchner (7)
Mr. Peter L. Kirchoff (4)
Ms.Terry Kirkland (6)
Mr. and Mrs. James Kirkwood (14)
Mr. and Mrs. James Trace Kirkwood (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Kistler (20)
Mr. Dwight Kittell
Mr. Daniel Brooks Kloek
Mrs. Jocelyn R. Knepler (3)
Mr. Rodney Kohler
Ms. Elaine E. Kohrman (3)
Dr. Irene Kokkala (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael David Koller
Mrs. Linda Kelly Kompanik
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Paul Kopatich (15)
Dr. Kurt Koral
Mr. Donald B. Korb (2)
Dr. William Kornfeld (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Kozlowski (15)
Mrs. Karen Lynn Kirsch Krzmarzick (9)
Dr. Sally L. Kuhlenschmidt (4)
Mr. Gregory J. Kunkel
Kurtz Auction & Realty Company (4)
Mrs. Sharon L. Kurtz (7)
Western Kentucky University
Mr. Jason D. Kuykendall
Mrs.Virginia Ruth Kweller
Mr. and Mrs. George Kwok (9)
Ky Commission on Women
KY High School Journalism
Mr. Frank English Lacy
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Keith Laferty
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher G.
Lagermann (14)
Mr. William W. Laing (9)
Ms. Carol D. Laird (7)
Mrs. Judith A. Lalley (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Archie E. Laman (4)
Mr. and Mrs. C. Gregory Lamb (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Stacy Lamb (3)
Mr. Nigel Lamb (2)
Mr. Mark Aaron Lamberth (5)
Mr. Peter M. Landreth (11)
Mr. Billy H. Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Langdon (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Charles
Lange (17)
Mr. Clarence Walter Lange (4)
Mr. and Mrs. David Glen Lanham (2)
Mr. Kent Laramore
Mrs. Betty Gardner Larkins (6)
Mr. Keith Evans Larkins (4)
Mrs. Sherry Howell Larson (8)
Mr. Willard Laster
Mrs. Mary J. Lavery
Law Offices of Joe B. Campbell
Dr. Sandra Lawler
Mr. Bobby Joe Lawrence
Ms. Leslie Carol Lawrence
Mr. Richard Allen Lawrence (3)
Lawson Electric Service, Inc.
Mrs. Deanna Enoch Layman (10)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Layne (2)
Mr. Billy Darrel Leach (10)
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Leach (22)
Mr. Glenn W. Leach
Mrs. Patricia L. Leach
Mr. Patrick Book Leach, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ledbetter (8)
Mr. Dan E. Lee
Mr. Randy Wayne Lee (3)
Ms. Sarah Jean Leider (6)
Mr. Charles R. Lemons (3)
Dr. Steven D. Lenn (4)
Ms. Janet H. Leonard (3)
Mr. Joseph Paul Leone, Jr. (4)
Mr. Gary E. Leslie (6)
Ms. Patricia Ann Lewis (9)
Life Care Ministries
Lilly Endowment, Inc.
Mrs. Linda Kay Lindsey (5)
Ms. Jennifer G. Link
Mr. Leon D. Link (4)
Mrs. Andrea Joan Lischer
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Young Liske (7)
Mr. Michael Lee Litchfield
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Littell (3)
Mr. and Mrs. George William Little (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Thomas Lively (5)
Ms. Mildred Livesay (9)
Mrs. Clariss B. Lloyd (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Lloyd (2)
Mr. Leon Joseph Lobred, Jr. (6)
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Mr. Richard Loeffler
Mr. Larry G. Loftis
Ms. Nancy M. Logan (5)
Mr. Joseph D. Long (12)
Mr. Robert C. Long
Mr. and Mrs. Morris C. Longacre (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Lora (3)
Mr. William Edward Loran, II (15)
Ms. M. Melissa Losson (2)
Mr. Ralph L. Lovelace (13)
Mr. and Mrs. John Lovell
Hon. John C. Lovett (2)
Mr. Jay P. Lowe (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ray Lowhorn
Maj. Burlin Lowry (9)
Mr. Charles Ernest Lowther (2)
Mr.Victor Allen Loy
Mr. Gerald J. Lozinski (5)
Lubrizol Foundation
Mr. Bobby D. Lucas
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Lucas
Lucent Technologies Foundation
Mr. Patrick J. Luckenbill (4)
Mrs. Gaynell B. Luttrell (2)
Mr. George R. Lynch (5)
Ms. Martha Jo Lyne (12)
Mr. William A. Lynn (2)
Alumni Fall 2003
Mr. Michael E. Lyon
Mr. B. W. Lyons
Dr. Richard Edward Lyons (3)
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas K. Lyons (5)
Ms. Elizabeth Anne Maas (10)
Ms.Yvette Elyria Mack
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Maddux
Mrs. Debra Young Maggart
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Mahagan (2)
Mr. Daniel R. Maher
Mr. and Mrs. James Richard Mahurin
Ms. Paula Metzger Maier
Mr. Chris A. Malone (6)
Mrs. Charlene Mae Manco (2)
Mr. Charles Mann, Jr.
Ms. Bonnie D. Manry (16)
Mr. John David Mardis (2)
Mr. Howard J. Margolis (2)
Mrs. Margaret A. Mark (12)
Market Moguls Investment Club
Mr. Paul N. Markham (2)
Mr. Wade T. Markham, II (19)
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Markle (14)
Mrs. Francine Markwell (4)
Mr. Ronald Markwell (3)
Mr. and Mrs. John Daniel Maroney (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Quinten B. Marquette (14)
Mr. Kenneth Alvin Marshall, Jr. (2)
Mr. Larry Marshall (3)
Mr. Greg Martin (2)
Mr. Guy Martin, Jr. (13)
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Martin (2)
Ms. Julia H. Martin (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Martin (2)
Mr.Thomas A. Martin
Dr. and Mrs. Carl Richard Martray (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Maslowski (3)
Maj. and Mrs. Donald G. Mason (11)
Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas Mason (7)
Ms. Josephine M. Mason (3)
Mr. Henry T. Massalon (9)
Dr. and Mrs. Martin A. Massengale (15)
Mr. Giulo Mastropasqua (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Matera (5)
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Matheney (7)
Mr. James Matherly (5)
Mr. and Mrs. John Carlos Mathews
Mr. and Mrs.Terry Lee Matthews (2)
Mr. John W. Mattingly
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin C. Mattingly
Mr.Timothy Leigh Mauldin
Mr. Michael T. May (5)
Ms. Wanda Pauline May (3)
Mr. Bret Lee Mayberry (6)
Dr. and Mrs. Freddie M. Mayes (2)
Mr.Tony Joe Mayes (14)
Mr. and Mrs. James Callis Mayfield
Mr. James M. Mayse
Mrs. Ann Bryan McCann (8)
Mrs. Anita McCarroll
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Joe McChesney
Mr. John D. McClearn
Mr. Dennis W. McClellan
Ms. Sheree McClernan (4)
Mr. Mitchell Jay McConnell (14)
Ltc. Ronald O. McCown (14)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. McCoy (13)
Mr. and Mrs. James Rodney McCurry
Mr. James E. McDaniel (6)
Mrs. Dorothy Elise McDivitt (17)
Mr. and Mrs. Darien Bruce
McDonald (2)
McDonald’s/Cave City (9)
McDonald’s/I-65 Franklin (8)
McDonald’s/J & P (8)
McDonald’s/Portland (9)
McDonald’s/Scottsville (7)
McDonald’s/Smiths Grove (7)
McDonald’s/Wal Mart (2)
Mr. Walter J. McDonough
Mr. Paul Edward McDougal (2)
Mr. David McDowell (2)
Mr. Roddy David McDowell (2)
Mr. Douglas McElroy (5)
Ms. Regina McElroy (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Willie Thomas
McElroy (19)
Mrs. Paige Dianna Hudson McGaughey
Ms. Laura Green McGee (6)
Mr. Kenneth R. McGhee
Dr. and Mrs. William R. McGhee
Mr. Andy McGill (3)
Mr. Benjamin Poindexter McGill, Jr. (11)
Mr. Robert McGinn
Mr. Dennis Robert McGlincy (5)
Ms. Christi Jo McGown (11)
Mr. James Barton McGown (2)
Mr. James R. McGown (2)
Mr.Truman McGown
McGraw Hill Foundation
Mr. Bobby B. McGuire (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. McGuirk
Ms. Pauline B. Mcilvoy (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Dale McIntyre
Mrs. Anne Elizabeth McKee (5)
Mr. and Mrs. William Y. McKenzie, Jr. (18)
Mr. Keith C. McKinney
Mr. Mitchell S. McKinney
Mrs. Beth Ann McLamb (5)
Mr. and Mrs. William Hardin
McLane (14)
Mr. Andrew M. McLaren (10)
Mr. David G. McLaren (3)
Mr. Patrick W. McLaughlin (2)
Mr. Robert B. McMahan (3)
Mr. and Mrs. William E. McMahon
Mrs. Claudetta S. McMurtry (12)
Dr. Mary Kathryn McNeal (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Bill J. McPeak
Mr. J. G. McPherson (3)
Ms. Diana Lynne McQuady
Ms. Barbara Jill McReynolds (2)
Mr. and Mrs. John V. McReynolds (10)
Mr. Michael B. McReynolds (3)
Mr. William F. McShane, Jr. (16)
Col. Charles McWhorter
Mr. Walker E. Meacham (4)
Mr. Don R. Meador (2)
Dr. Ruby F. Meador (2)
Mr. and Mrs.Trafton Coy Meadows (2)
Medical Arts Pharmacy of Glasgow (4)
Mrs. Mary K. Medley (10)
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Mefford (11)
Mr. Marty Richard Mefford (3)
Mr. and Mrs. James Michael Melloan
Mrs. Randa C. Melville (13)
Col. (Ret) Larry L. Mengel (2)
Mrs. Robin Andrews Mercer (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Meredith (4)
Mr. Chris Meredith
Mr. Kenneth A. Meredith, Sr. (5)
Mr. Kenneth A. Meredith, II (2)
Dr. and Mrs.Thomas C. Meredith
Mr. William Howard Meredith
Mr. Charles C. Merrill (2)
Dr. Stephen Wylie Merrill
Mr. Gary Alexander Meszaros (2)
Mr. Gerald Metcalf
Ms. Martha J. Metz
Mrs. Karen M. Meyer
Ms. Susan K. Meyer (3)
Ms. Amee Meyers (6)
Mr. Jerry Mitchell Midden (8)
Middletown Lions Club
Mr. James Edward Milan
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew D. Milburn (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Miles, Jr.
Mr. George Sterett Miles
Mrs. Patricia A. Millea (13)
Mrs. Amy Sue Miller (2)
Mr. David Todd Miller (2)
Mr. Dwayne Lee Miller (2)
Dr. Francis M. Miller (13)
Mrs. Gian Miller (10)
Mr. and Mrs. Glen A. Miller
Mr. Gregory Blaine Miller
Mr. John Pearson Miller (7)
Mr. Kenneth H. Miller (15)
Mr. L. Grant Miller
Ms. Margaret Ann Miller
Professor Mary Ellen Miller (15)
Mrs. Mary Helen Huddleston
Miller (14)
Mr. Steven Robert Miller (7)
Mr. William Jesse Miller, II
Mr. Maurice R. Millett (3)
Mr. John M. Milliken (2)
Ms. Constance Ann Mills (16)
Mr. David L. Mills (13)
Mr. James Don Mills (11)
Mr. Ray W. Mills (17)
Mr. John L. Milton (4)
Mrs. Angela M. Mimms (10)
Dr. Patricia and Mr. Michael A. Minter (4)
Mrs. Eleanor B. Mitchell (14)
Mr. Joseph H. Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Mitchell (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Mitchell
Mitzi Richardson Counseling (2)
Mrs. Jean Mlinar (10)
MMC Matching Gifts
Mr. Daniel Lyle Modlin (13)
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Mohler (2)
Mr. Gregoire Monelle
Monsanto Company
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S.
Montgomery (2)
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas L.
Montgomery, Jr. (4)
Monumental Life Charitable Foundation
Mr. Billy Moody
Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Dale Moody (11)
Mr.Thomas Newton Moody (20)
Moore Ford-Mercury
Mr. Charles E. Moore
Dr. John A. Moore (2)
Mr. Nathan C. Moore (2)
Mr. Robert Warren Moore
Mr. Ronnie C. Moore
Mr. and Mrs.Taylor Moore (11)
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas C. Moore (9)
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace C. Moore (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Morgan (2)
Mr. Roy K. Morgan
Mr.Thomas R. Morgan
Ms.Tish Bryson Morgan (28)
Mr. William R. Morgan
Mrs. Kathleen Manion Morgeson (4)
Mr. Byron Kevin Morris (10)
Mr. Richard Morris
Mrs.Tammy Campbell Morris
Mr. William Kinnaird Morrison (5)
Ms. Michelle Morrow
Mrs. Cathy Alice Morse (3)
Mr. Dale G. Morton (5)
Mr. and Mrs. William O. Mosby (16)
Dr. Douglas D. Moseley
Mr. and Mrs. John Brent Moseley (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Downer
Moseley, III
Ms.Tracy Lynn Mosley (7)
Mr. Dwayne Moss
Mr. James Lyndon Moss (2)
Dr. and Mrs. Morris David Moss (2)
Mr. Patrick J. Mountain (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Keith Mounts (12)
Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Joseph Mudd
Dr. Gary L. Mueller (5)
Ms. Mary Martha Mueller (4)
Mr. and Mrs. William Joseph Muller (3)
Dr. John S. Mulligan, Jr. (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Edwin
Mullikin (7)
Mr. Alan Mullins
Ms. Judith Rae Mullins (6)
Mr. Allen Muncy
Dr. and Mrs. Frank J. Murabito (5)
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Murphy, Jr. (9)
Mr. Michael Lee Murphy (14)
Dr. Lisa E. Murrell (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Kevin Murrie (2)
Mrs. Susan L. Mettert Mustatia
Dr. Bradford E. Mutchler (2)
Mrs.Virginia S. Mutchler (4)
Ms. Sharon Ann Mutter (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Myers (2)
Mr. Robert K. Myers, Sr.
Ms. Shirley Lynn Nall (7)
Mrs. Deborah B. Napier
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lee Nash (2)
Mrs. Marilou C. Nash (13)
Mr. and Mrs. Joe B. Natcher, Jr. (3)
National Muzzel Loading Rifle Asso.
Mr. Roger W. Naylor (10)
Dr. Donald R. Neat
Mr. and Mrs. William Nedvidek
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Neel (3)
Mr. William E. Neel, Jr.
Mr. Lester A. Neidell (2)
Mr. and Mrs. James Mark Nelson (2)
Mr. Franklin J. Neubauer (3)
Ms. Paula D. Newby (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Newton (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Michael Newton (2)
Mr. R. Dale Nichols (2)
Mrs. Kelli L. Nicks
Ms. Sarah Elizabeth Nicks (10)
Mr. and Mrs. George D. Niva (10)
Mr. Joel M. Nivens
Ms. Carol Perry Noe
Mr. John Hopkins Noel, III (3)
Mr. Patrick James Noon (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Norris
Ms. Mary Douglas Norris (13)
Mr. Richard L. Norris (3)
North America Administrators
Mr. Neil Norton and Ms. Jane
Barthelme (4)
Mr. Gerald W. Nottingham
Mr. N.Thomas Nuckols, III (5)
Mrs. Linda Vance Nunes
Mrs. Ingeborg Katharina Nunn
Mr.Troy Adam Nunn (3)
Oak Tree Eye Clinic (2)
Ms. Linda W. O’Brien (5)
Dr. and Mrs. John O’Connor (5)
Office of International Programs (2)
Ogles Exterminating, Inc.
Mr. Michael L. Ogles
Mr. Walter D. Oglesby
Mr. J. Steve Ogletree
Okolona High School Alumni (2)
Mr. Louis O’Korn (4)
Mrs. Karin K. Olinger (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Bruce Oliver (7)
Dr. Jane Olmsted (5)
Mrs. Margaret S. O’Malley (4)
Mr. and Mrs. C. Gregory O’Neil (9)
Mr.Timothy L. Oney
Dr. Chike O. Onyejekwe (3)
Mr. K. Osi Onyekwuluje (3)
Dr. Mary Hall O’Phelan (7)
Col. and Mrs. Norman E. Orr (6)
Mr. Wayne A. Orscheln (10)
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Lee Osborne
Mr. Larry G. Osborne
Ms. Fryer and Mr. Oslakovic
Mr. Kent O’Toole
Mr. James Michael Otto (4)
Dr. Robert A. Otto (15)
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Stephen
Owens (11)
Mr. Mark J. Owens
Mr. James R. Ownbey
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley William Pace (6)
Dr. and Mrs. Raul H. Padilla
Mrs. Jacqueline Mayes Page (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Page (22)
Pageco, Inc.
Mrs. Cheryl S. Pagel
Ms. Joan Y. Pagel (8)
Mr. William E. Palmore (2)
Park City Investment Club
Mr. James Glenn Parker
Dr. and Mrs. John David Parker (21)
Mrs. Leslie Dawn Parker
Mrs. Mable Parker
Col. and Mrs. Richard H. Parker
Mr. Robert David Parker
Mr. Roger Mills Parrish, III (17)
Dr. David Wayne Parrott (3)
Mr. Michael Parrow (3)
Ms. Dana C. Parsons (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles David Paschall (5)
Dr. Surya Patel (8)
Mr. Alexander Bruce Patrick (2)
Mrs. Joan P. Patrick
Mr. Barry S. Patterson
Mr. David Thomas Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Leon
Patterson (8)
Mr. Reed Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Charles
Patton (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Howell C. Patton, III
Mr. Hudson Patton (5)
Mrs. Jeanne Alexander Patton (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Forest Kirk Patton
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney L. Patton (18)
Mrs. Suzette Skolka Patton (2)
Mr. Reid B. Paxton (4)
Mr. Barry Payne
Mr. R. Barkley Payne
Dr. Patricia L. Pearce (18)
Mr. and Mrs. D. Gaines Penn (5)
Mr. Garnet E. Pennington
Mr. Ronald B. Pennycuff (7)
Pennyrile Rural Electric
Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Lee Pepper
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar L. Perdue (22)
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Perkins (4)
Mr.Thomas M. Perkins
Mr. Donald Havel Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley T. Peterie (8)
Mr.Thomas John Petersen (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Andrew Peterson
Mrs. Sharon M. Peterson (6)
Mrs. Suzanne R. Peterson (2)
Ms. Carrie E. Petrocelli
Edward Petrusch
Dr. Peter Edward Pfannerstill
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Pfohl (8)
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Phelan (5)
Ms. Irene K. Phelps (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan A. Phelps
Dr. and Mrs. James E. Phillips (18)
Ms. Xenia Piaseckyj (3)
Mr. Don O. Pickerill
Mr. Maurice Pickett (5)
Mr. Charles L. Pierce
Mr. Kirk P. Pierce
Pike Electric, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Pike, III (16)
Mr. and Mrs. Reggie Owen Pike
Mr. and Mrs. Gary J. Pile (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Pilegge
Mr. Howard A. Pincus
Mr. Jon W. Pipe (16)
Mrs. Ginger Piper (2)
Mr. Edward Lee Pippin, Jr. (7)
Pitchford and Dyer Auction (3)
Mr. Mark Stephen Pitt
Dr. David Mallory Pittman (6)
PLJ Anesthesia
Mr. Richard McCurdy Plummer (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Walton Dale Plummer (6)
Mr. Joseph Daniel Plunk (2)
Mr. Alan Dale Poenitske (5)
Mr. Charles Edward Polk, III (7)
Mrs. Jean Polk
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Pollard (3)
Mr. and Mrs. David Jon Pollock (3)
Mr. Robert W. Poole
Mr. James Russell Pope (10)
Mr. Leeman F. Pope
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Pope
Barbara Jo Terry-Porter (7)
Mr. and Mrs. James Kevin Porter
Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Porter (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher W. Poulos
Mr. and Mrs. Freeman C. Powell (9)
Mr. Gregory Wayne Powell (3)
Mr. Gregory William Powell (9)
Mr. and Mrs. William Arthur Powell (14)
Mr. and Mrs. Alan D. Powers
Ms. Heidi Powers
Mr. Patrick L. Powers
PPG Industries Foundation
Raymond B. and Hattie L. Preston (13)
Mr. Richard Preston
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Price (15)
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas J. Price (8)
Mr. Wallace B. Price
Mr. and Mrs. Willard F. Price (5)
Mr. and Mrs. William O. Price
Mr. Kevin Priddy
Mr. Lewis Ray Priddy
Mr. Philip Priebe (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Alan Prieskorn
Prince Hall Masonic Lodge #19
Mr.Thomas Henry Pritchard, III
Ms. Sandra S. Proffitt
Progress Energy
Mrs. Doris S. Pruitt (7)
Mr. Joseph Michael Pruitt (2)
Mr. Milton S. Pullen, Jr.
Mr. Kenneth W. Pushko
Mr. Leonard Pyzynski, Jr. (14)
Mr. Mark Anthony Quarles (3)
Ms. Fawn Michelle Quick (3)
Quick Realty Management (6)
Mr. and Mrs. John Robert Quire (4)
Quisenberry & Quisenberry
R. L. Craig Company, Inc. (2)
Mr. Bob Raby (2)
Mr. Ronald Douglas Rafferty (12)
Mr. Bryan D. Raisor
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Alan Ramey
Ms. Karen Ramsey
Dr. Frank W. Randall (11)
Mr. Bruni and Mrs. Randolph (4)
Ms.Virginia Ransdell (4)
Ms. Charlotte Smith Rather (9)
Mrs. Evelyn A. Ray (22)
Mr. Jack L. Ray
Mr. Michael Shawn Ray (5)
Ray’s Affordable Furniture
REC Trucking, Inc.
Mrs. Ethel Gipson Rector (9)
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Chet
Redmon (22)
Mrs. Connie L. Redmon
Mr. Jeffrey A. Reed (2)
Ms. Elissa Andrea Rees (4)
Mr. Franco Paul Reever
Ms. Martha E. Reid (5)
Mr. William Mark Reid (3)
Dr. Kitty and Mr. Maitland
Remington (16)
Ms. Judy Lynn Renfrow (13)
Mr. Bill Reynolds
Mr. George E. Reynolds
Mr. James Michael Reynolds (3)
Mr. Sam A. Reynolds (10)
Mr.Todd Bradley Reynolds (2)
Mr. Richard L. Rhea (5)
Mr. Charles Forest Rice (9)
Mr. Curtis A. Richards (3)
Ms. Edith Richards (14)
Mr. H. James Richardson, Jr (6)
Mr. Jeffrey B. Richardson (10)
Mrs. Josephine D’Amato Richardson
Mrs. Mitzi Lynn Richardson (5)
Mr. Curtis James Richie (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Joseph Richio (8)
Drs. Martha and Thomas Richmond (3)
Mr. William H. Ricke, Sr.
Mr. Jeffrey Alan Riddle (13)
Col. Gary A. Riggs (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Woodrow
Riggs (2)
Mr. Fritz H. Riley, Jr. (6)
Mr. G. Alan Riley (11)
Mr. Joe Riley
Ms. Kathleen Riley
Mr. Claire A. Rinehart (15)
Mr. Harry A. Rinehart (11)
Mr. James Robert Riney (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Edward Ripplinger (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Ritchie (16)
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Ritter (16)
Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Ritter (3)
James M. Beckley (3)
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Roach (3)
Mrs. Stephanie Roach (2)
Ms. Ann Douglas Roark (6)
Mr. Wayne Robbins (2)
Ms. Ivy Tinny Roberson
Ms. Martha Jane Roberson (14)
Robert Kilmer Jr., Inc. (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Arthur
Roberts (12)
Mr. J. Kelley Roberts
Mr. James Roberts
Mr. Steven Bennett Robertson
Mrs.Virginia Robertson
Mrs. Geneva McGavock Robinson (10)
Mrs. Janie Mears Robinson (16)
Dr. Joseph C. Robinson (11)
Ms. Karen Elizabeth Robinson (3)
Dr. Mark P. Robinson (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Lloyd Robinson
Mr. Milton F. Robinson (2)
Ms. Donna Roche (2)
Ms. Barbara Morgan Rodgers (5)
Mr. and Mrs.Timothy R. Rodgers
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh David Roe (2)
Mr. Robert L. Roemer (3)
Mr. George M. Rogers (12)
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Patterson
Rogers (3)
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Rogers (2)
Rogers Chiropractic Office (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas D. Rohrer (8)
Mr. James W. Ronkainen (7)
Mrs. Kimberly C. Roosevelt
Mr. Barlow Ropp (16)
Mr. and Mrs. Ray W. Rose (12)
Mr. Stanley N. Rosenbaum (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Ross (2)
Mr. Mark T. Ross (3)
Rotary Club of Harrodsburg
Mr. Edward Goeb Rottmann, Jr. (6)
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Rounds (5)
Ms. Mary Lynne Rousseau (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Omar Rowland (2)
Roy’s BBQ
Mr. Brian Edward Royse (5)
Mr. K. Eric Ruby (2)
Mr. Steven Craig Rucker
Mr. David Rue
Mrs. Martha L. Ruebelman (2)
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas A. Runner (8)
Mr. David Eugene Rupp (12)
Mrs. Catherine M. Rusch (9)
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Owen Rush (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Russell (2)
Dr. George C. Russell, III (4)
Dr. Mark Stephen Russell
Ms. Mildred S. Russell (11)
Mr. Steven Reese Russell
Dr. Dale Edward Rutledge (13)
Mr. Robert Donald Rutledge
Mr.Terrence M. Ryan (2)
Mr. and Mrs.Tony Sadler (5)
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Sagabiel (5)
Dr. and Mrs. James L. Salmon (6)
Mr. F. Allan Salsbury
Mr. Marcus A. Samale
Mr. Jeffrey Samuels (2)
Dr. Sarah Jo Sandefur (2)
Mr. Dennis Sander and Ms.
M. J. Brown (3)
Mr.Tennyson C. Sanderfur (7)
Ms. Linda S. Sanders (5)
Sara Lee Foundation
Mr. Marc Satterthwaite (3)
Mr. William Alexander Savage (6)
Mrs. Clarice P. Scarborough (13)
Mr. Donald W. Schardein (4)
Mr. David John Scharlotte (12)
Mrs. Barbara M. Scheidt (13)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Schell
Ms. Ruth Scherbarth
Schering Plough Foundation
Mrs. Notheisen and Mr.
Schieferdecker (18)
Dr. Martin G. Schiller (8)
Mr. Luke Schmidt
Mr. Mathew George Schmidt (4)
Mr. William P. Schmitz (4)
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Schnacke (20)
Ms. Janet Talley Schneider (11)
Mr. John Earl Schneider
Robert and Virginia Schneider (7)
Mrs. Betty R. Schnur (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Wayne
Schocke (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Schoeck (5)
Mr. Romaine W. Scholl
Ms. Louise T. Schulman
Mr. Joseph D. Schwarzer (6)
Ms. A.Voncelle Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Wayne Scott (11)
Dr. Brian F. Scott (4)
Mr. Jeffrey Grant Scott (15)
Dr. and Mrs. L. Jack Scott (2)
Mr. Ronald D. Scott
Mrs. Roycelea N. Scott (3)
Dr. Samuel Elbert Scott (2)
Mr. Stephen D. Scott (5)
Mr. William Delano Scott (5)
Scottsville Cellular
Scottsville-Allen County Chamber
Mrs. Amy Deann Scully (2)
Mr. P. D. Searles (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Secrest
Ms. Bonnie Ray Segers
Mr. Michael Andrew Seiler (4)
Select Designs (3)
Dr. Julian Wood Selig (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Lance Allen Sennett
Mrs. Marsha Rae Senninger (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. Sensing (2)
Service Welding & Machine
Company (2)
Mr. George Boyd Sexton
Dr. Sory W. Shannon, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Perry L. Sharer (6)
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Sharer (13)
Mrs. Frances W. Sharman (9)
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas R. Sharp (3)
Ms. Joanne Sharp (3)
Ms. Deborah Shaw
Mr. Dennis L. Shaw (2)
Ms. Faye R. Shaw (4)
Mr. James Payne Shaw (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Shaw
Mr. Gerald M. Shawler
Ms. Elizabeth Arlynn Shearer (8)
Mr. Martin P. Shearer
Dr. and Mrs.Vernon Lee Sheeley (3)
Ms. Jawana Sue Sheffield (4)
Mr. Phillip Andrew Shelton
Dr. Forest F. Shely (11)
Mr. Rickey S. Sheppard (5)
Mrs. Barbara B. Sherrard (15)
Sherwin-Williams Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Michael David Shields (13)
Mr. Phillip Dane Shields
Mr. Randolph Shields (5)
Mrs. Jo Lynn Shipp
Major John Todd Shipp (5)
Dr. and Mrs. John E. Shirley (5)
Mr. Millard G. Shirley (2)
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene H. Shively
Dr. Elizabeth Lynn Shoenfelt (11)
Shop at Home Carpets, Inc.
Ms. Nancy J. Shores (3)
Mr. Benjamin H. Shouse
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Wesley Shrode
Mr. Jeffrey Douglas Shrull (7)
Mrs. Connie Covington Shumake
Mr. Harland W. Shunk, III (15)
Mr. Douglas Shutes (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shuttleworth (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick D. Siewers (5)
Ms. Sandra Lee Siffrin
Mr. Jon L. Sights
Mr.Thomas C. Simek (4)
Mr. Herbert Nelson Simmons
Mr. Joseph C. Simmons, Jr.
Mr. Mark A. Simmons
Mr.Terry G. Simmons
Mrs. Nora Wheeler Simms
Ms. Diana Simpao
Mr. Carroll D. Simpkins
Simpson County Wood Products, Inc.
Mr. Kenneth Simpson (2)
Mr. Lewis P. Simpson
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Simpson (22)
Mr. Jack H. Sims
Dr. John J. Sims (5)
Ms. Elizabeth Rose Sinclair
Sirius Coffee (2)
Mr. George W. Sisk
Mr. Robert A. Skipper (8)
Mrs. Karen M. Slaughter (2)
Mr. Irvin L. Small
Mr. Larry Dean Smallwood
Mr. Hugh M. Smaltz, II (4)
Mr. William T. Smiley, Jr. (9)
Mrs. Ann Ferrell Smith
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Smith, Jr. (7)
Mr. Bruce Alan Smith (4)
Mr. David Smith
Mrs. Deborah Cole Smith (5)
Mr. Don T. Smith
Mr. Edward Allen Smith (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dee Smith
Mr. Eldon J. Smith (13)
Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Estil Smith (5)
Mr. Frederick S. Smith (4)
Mr. Gary K. Smith
Mr. Gordon Smith (13)
Mr. Herbert J. Smith (14)
Mr. James Halstead Smith (2)
Mr. and Mrs. James Larry Smith
Mr. James T. Smith (9)
Mr. and Mrs. Jarod R. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. W. Ben Smith
Mr. Joel Randolph Smith
Maj. Ret. and Mrs. Leroy H. Smith
Mr. Lewis E. Smith (2)
Mr. Mark H. Smith (10)
Mrs. Mary Ann Smith (16)
Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Smith
Mr. Paul Richard Smith
Ms. Reggie Smith (3)
Mr. Robert Dale Smith (3)
Mr. Robert John Smith
Mr. Samual Allen Smith (3)
Dr. Steven W. Smith
Ms.Terri Leigh Smith
Mr.Thomas J. Smith, III
Mr.Thomas L. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. William Nicholas Smith
Dr. and Mrs. David Mitchell Sneed (2)
Mr. James Tutt Snodgrass, Jr. (d.) (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Snodgrass
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Snyder
Somerset Recycling Service, Inc. (4)
Mr. Byron N. Songer
Mr. Ed Sorace
Mrs. Stacee Jo Sorensen (2)
Sory Chuck Shannon, D.M.D.
Southeastern Chemical Industries
Southeastern Data Cooperative, Inc.
Southern Comfort Builders
Southern General Agency, Inc.
Southern Sealing & Striping Company
Dr. James C. Spalding (13)
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Spalding (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell G. Sparks (7)
Col. and Mrs. Donald Eugene
Sparks (4)
Ms. Lori K. Spear (3)
Mrs. Bonnie Bayles Spears (5)
Ms. Juanita M. Speicher (2)
Spencer County High School
Mr. John R. Spencer
Mr. Stephen Sheridan Spencer (7)
Dr. and Mrs. Steven L. Spencer (2)
Dr. John S. Spraker (13)
Ms. Cynthia D. Sprouse (6)
Mr. and Mrs. John Howard Spurlock (9)
Square D. Foundation
Mr. Frank St. Charles, III
Ms. Sandra L. Staebell (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Briggs P. Stahl
Mr. Craig Christopher Stahl (3)
Ms. Stephanie Stahl
Mr. Ernest R. Stair (5)
Mr. Michael Staley (4)
Mrs. Julie Ann Stallings (6)
Mr. Dennis Arthur Staples (9)
Mr. John J. Starck, Jr. (3)
Mrs. Kay G. Starks (6)
Ms. Sallie Amanda Starks (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. Starnes
Mr. Ronald P. Stauffer
Ms. Roberta Jeanne Steder (17)
Mr. John Selbert Stephanski (4)
Stephen V. Schoo Attorney At Law
Mr. Bennie Cornell Stephens (7)
Ms. Susan M. Stephens
Dr. and Mrs.Thomas B. Stephens
Mrs. Donna Gaye Stephenson
Steven L. Snodgrass, M. D. (2)
Mr. Lawson R. Stevens (9)
Ms. Anne Belle Stevenson (5)
Ms. Jane L. Stevenson (11)
Mr. Charles M. Stewart (14)
Mr. Gene A. Stewart (10)
Mr. Ray Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Joel F. Stewart
Mr. Gregory Thomas Stickler
Mrs. Mary Virginia Stiles (4)
Ms. Carolyn E. Stillwell (2)
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Bradley
Stinnett (3)
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Stinson (7)
Ms. Pamela Napier and Mr. Joseph
Stites (5)
Mr. Walter Stockton (4)
Dr. and Mrs. William J. Stodghill (11)
Mr. Stokes and Mrs. Kirby-Stokes (8)
Dr. Richard G. Stone (6)
Mrs. Marcia C. Storch (10)
Mr. Scott A. Stosser (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Leland H Stott (7)
Mr. Carl Stotzfus
Mr. Charles Wesley Strader, Jr. (10)
Ms. Elizabeth B. Straub
Mr. Garrick A. Straub (4)
Mr. Kenneth F. Strausburg (4)
Ms. June C. Street (5)
Mrs. Brenda Strickler
Dr. Sally and Mr. Ellsworth Strickler (15)
Mr. Jeffrey W. Stringer
Mr. Jackie T. Strode (2)
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Strode (5)
Dr. and Mrs. Wilborn D. Strode (2)
Mrs. Linda Lou Struve (3)
Ms. M. Kristin Stuedle (6)
Mr. Richard J. Styza (15)
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Suffill (2)
Mr. Matt W. Sugg (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Christian Suiter (3)
Dr. Daniel John Sullivan
Ms. Rowena I. Sullivan (13)
Mrs. Nancy Payne Summers
Mr. and Mrs. Carrel K. Sumner
Mr. Lance Sunderlin
Superior Service, Inc.
Rev. and Mrs. H. Howard Surface (22)
Mr. Dennis E. Surna (2)
Mr. Geoffrey R. Surtees (2)
Mr. David C. Sutherland
Mr. John Wesley Swain
Mrs. Alice Swan (11)
Mr. Daniel K. Swanson (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Switzer (16)
Col. and Mrs. Elliott P. Sydnor (3)
Mr. Douglas Alan Tabbutt (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Brodus Tabor (2)
Mr.Yoshi Takeuchi
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Keith
Taliaferro (2)
Mr. Samuel Wayne Talley
Col. Eugene P.Tanner (2)
Ms. Julia Tarrant
Mr. Michael S.Tarter (3)
Tastefully Yours, Inc.
Mr. Raymond Terry Tatum (2)
Dr. and Mrs. John D.Taulbee (5)
Tax Time, Inc. (2)
Ms. Billie Taylor
Ms. Carmen Gail Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Taylor
Mrs. Janet S.Taylor
Mrs. Jeanne M.Taylor (7)
Mr. and Mrs. John W.Taylor (5)
Western Kentucky University
Ms. Kelly Love Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gerard Taylor (2)
Mr.Theodore F.Taylor (2)
Ms. Mary E.Teahan (3)
Tennessee Valley Authority
Ms. Sharon L.Terry
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde M.Tharp (11)
The Balloon-A-Gram Company (11)
The Bechtel Foundation
The Catholic Newman Center (5)
The Law Offices of Joel R. Smith
The State Journal Register
The Wil-O-Wick Farm (4)
The Yoga Center
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Thiede (7)
Mr. David E.Thomas (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis C.Thomas (2)
Mr. Edward G.Thomas (7)
Mr. Forest Lee Thomas (13)
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomas (6)
Mr. Jack A.Thomas (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Thomas, Jr. (5)
Mr. John R.Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Joseph
Thomas (11)
Mr. Walter E.Thomas, Jr. (2)
Dr. and Mrs. Hugh M.Thomason (22)
Mr. and Mrs. David Thomison (10)
Mr. Chris Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Francis H.Thompson
Mr. Kelly David Thompson, Jr. (11)
Mr.Thomas Alexander Thompson
Mr. William Thorneberry
Mr. Richard C.Thornton (13)
Mr. Robert E.Thorpe
Mr. Kenneth Jeff Thrasher (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S.Thurmond
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford L.Tibbitts (2)
Tidal Wave Bank (2)
Mr. Claude B.Tiller, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Russell Tinius (11)
Mrs.Trudy Tinsley Tucker (4)
Mr. Harold R.Todd (6)
Ms. Mary J.Todd
Mr. John J.Tohill (5)
Mrs. Kathy Ellis Tomer (3)
Mr. Charles R.Tomkins, III (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Wade Toomey
Stephen Ray Torstrick
Ms. Carol Tosczak (4)
Mr. and Mrs. George Thomas
Townsend (9)
Ms. Amanda L.Trabue (2)
Mr. Bart Randy Tragemann
Dr. Khue N.Tran (10)
Dr. Chester C.Travelstead (5)
Mr. Donald Seymour Travis
Dr. Michelle White Trawick (3)
Mr. Don L.Trent (2)
Mr. Joey M.Trimble
Tru-Check, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Trey Trumbo (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher
Michael Tuck (6)
Ms. Geraldine Tuck
Dr. Janna M.Tuck
Mrs. Jean M.Tucker (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Neal R.Tucker (3)
Mr.Virgil A.Tucker, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William Allen Tucker (7)
Mr. and Mrs. John Howard Turner
Mr. Larry Morgan Turner
Mr.Todd Mark Turner (4)
Mr. William G.Turner, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Doris H Tyree (2)
Mr. M. List Underwood, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Rollin D. Underwood
Unilever United States Foundation
United Furniture and Appliances (18)
United Utility Supply Cooperative
United Way of Southern Kentucky (2)
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Upright
Mr. Carroll Myron Upton
Mr. Johnny Urban (4)
Mr. Joseph A. Uveges, Jr. (3)
Valor, LLC
Mr. Jack D.Valz
Mr. Harold D.Van Hook (10)
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L.Van Metre (18)
Mr. David L.Van Zant (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Norman
Van Slyke (2)
Mr. John L.Varner
Mr. Willard C.Vaughan (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Gene H.Vaughn (11)
Mr. Jacques M.Veeneman, Jr. (7)
Alumni Fall 2003
Mr. Ray A.Vencill, Jr. (7)
Dr. and Mrs. Gary L.Verst (5)
VFW Ladies Auxiliary
VFW Middletown Post 1170
Mr. Ralph Dennis Vick
Ms. Ann L.Vickery (2)
Mr. Darrell Vincent
Dr. and Mrs. Rick Voakes (17)
W. A. Kendall & Company, Inc.
Mrs. Judith Anne Waddell (11)
Mr. Donald Ray Wade
Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Wade (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wesley Wade
Mr. Robert C. Wade, Jr. (3)
Mr. Guy D. Waggoner, II (2)
Mrs. Kathy D. Waggoner (4)
Mrs. Rebecca B. Waggoner (6)
Dr. and Mrs. Christopher Ross
Wagner (9)
Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson
Wagoner (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vernon
Wagoner (6)
Mr. Gary J. Wahl
Mr. Alexander Moore Waldrop (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Waldrop (21)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dorian Walker (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Alan Walker (15)
Ms. Lorene Eads Baugh Walker
Mr. Paul Randall Walker (9)
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip A. Walker
Mr. S. Alan Walker
Ms. Sue Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie L. Wall, Jr. (15)
Mr. Walter J. Wall
Mr. Bruce Wallace
Ms. Carmel Wallace
Mrs. Kathleen H. Wallace (18)
Mrs. Mary Lewis Walsh (3)
Walter E.Thomas & Associates
Mr. Stanley Lee Walters (6)
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Walthall (2)
Mr. Bailey Walton (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Scott Walz (5)
Mr. William Wampler
Ms. Jeanette E. Wand (3)
Mr. Jing Fang Wang (4)
Mrs. Jennimarie Ward
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Ward (4)
Bob and Katie Ward (15)
Mr. and Mrs. James William Warden
Mr. Russell A. Wardlaw (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wardlow (8)
Mrs. Bianca Warner
Ms. Rita Warner (3)
Ms. Catherine Coles Washburne
Mr. Keith David Washer
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Iva Washington (2)
Mrs. Martha Waters (11)
Dr. James Yancey Watkins (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Watkins
Mr. Gary B. Watson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bradley Watson (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart J. Watts (10)
Ms. Susan Elizabeth Watts
Mrs. Mary F. Wawrukiewicz (14)
LTC and Mrs. Richard Ray Wax
Dr. JoAnn Weaver (7)
Mr. Kevin L. Webb (4)
Dr. and Mrs. William A. Webb (25)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Webber (3)
Mr. and Mrs. C. Michael Webber (14)
Mr. Neil V. Weber (3)
Mr. Richard Theodore Weber (3)
Mr.Tracy Nicholas Webster (3)
Mr. James W. Wedding (8)
Ms. Wanda Jo Weidemann (14)
Mr. Brian Lee Weigel
Mr. John H. Weikel, Jr. (4)
Mrs. Kathy J. Weiler (3)
Mr. Dennis Weis
Mrs. Natalie Jane Weis (5)
Mr. Richard A. Weiss (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Welborn
Mr. Mark A. Weldon
Mr. James M. Welker (6)
Wells Fargo
Mr. Bobby D. Wells (3)
Mrs. Deanea Duffer Wells
Mr. Jeffrey Scott Wells (4)
Mr. John H. Wells (3)
Mr. Leo Wells (2)
Mr. John D. Wenk (3)
Mr.Todd Allen Werne
Mrs. Ruth Dorothy Werth (6)
Wesco, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Wesley (6)
Ms. Anna West
Mr. Charles B. West
Mr. Edward West
Mr. Gregory A. West
Ms. Beverly Jean Westerman
Western Kentucky Orthopaedic Assoc.
Mrs. Lisa Anne Wetherell
Mrs. Jennifer L. Wethington
Mr. William A. Wethington
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott Wever (9)
Ms. Christine Weyman (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Whalen (16)
Mr. Bradley A. Wheeler (3)
Dr. Ruric E. Wheeler (2)
Whirlpool Foundation
Mrs. Betty Joe Whitcomb (15)
Mrs. Charlotte Elizabeth White
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory B. White (2)
Mr. Leslie Todd White
Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. White
Mr.Todd White
Dr. and Mrs. George Philip
Whiteside (18)
Dr. and Mrs. Jim H. Whiteside (2)
Mrs. Mary Florence Whiteside (11)
Mr. and Mrs. William Carl Whitmer (3)
Rev. Fred C. Whitmore (6)
Mr. Ronald E. Whitmore (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Whitson (11)
Mrs.Yvonne N. Whitson (11)
Dr. and Mrs. Bill D. Whittaker (12)
Ms. Agnes B. Whittington (3)
Mrs. Eva Whittle (3)
Ms. Karen Wickliff
Dr.Tim Wierson
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Wigodsky (16)
Dr. Lance J. Wiist
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Wilcher
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Wilcher
Mr. Aric Daniel Wilhelm (10)
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson C. Wilhelm (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Wilhoyte (7)
Ms. Kerry Dawn Wilkerson (4)
Hon. Robert D. Wilkey (5)
Mr. Marshall D. Wilkins (2)
Mr. and Mrs. David T. Wilkinson (16)
Mr. Woodrow William Will (5)
Mr. and Mrs. John Robert Willi (6)
William H. Natcher Elem. School
Mr. and Mrs. Abraham A. Williams
Ms. Ann C. Williams (4)
Mr. Charles Dowling Williams
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Stanley
Williams (13)
Mr. and Mrs. David Morgan Williams (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Williams (11)
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Williams, Jr. (12)
Mr. Giles Williams (2)
Mr. J. Rodney Williams (5)
Dr. Michael Ann Williams (14)
Ms. Patricia A. Williams
Mr. Robert E. Williams, Jr.
Mr. Scott Matthew Williams
Mr. Stanley E. Williams (7)
Mr.Tom Williams (8)
Mr. W. Alfred Williams (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ray Willingham (5)
Dr. Gregory Lewis Willoughby
Mr. Benjamin O. Wilson
Mr. Carlis E. Wilson (11)
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Wilson (2)
Mr. David T. Wilson, II
Dr. Gene O. Wilson, Jr. (2)
Mr. Larry Allan Wilson (2)
Ms. Linda L. Wilson (10)
Ms. Linda S. Wilson (4)
Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Wilson (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wilson (16)
Mrs. Susan Busic Wilson (5)
Mr.Thomas B. Wilson (7)
Mrs.Tonya Enette Wilson
Mr. Roy Lee Winchester (3)
Ms. Suzie Windward (3)
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Wingfield (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Shaun Anthony Winter (3)
Mr. Francis Patrick Wise
Mr. Preston Allan Withers (3)
Ms. Loretha Withrow
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron L. Witten (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Danny P. Witten (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Franklin Witten (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Witten (7)
Mr. Scott Owen Witty (6)
WKU “ W” Club (10)
Mr. Henry Wohltjen (11)
Jerry Baker, benefactor of the Jerry Baker Scholarship,
poses with his scholarship recipient, Julia Raymer.
Dr. Bruce Alexander Wolf (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sales Wolf (10)
Mrs. Wendy Christine Wolfe
Ms. Mary Elizabeth Wolinski (9)
Women & Children’s Clinic
Ms. Andelys Wood (11)
Ms. Diane Wood
Mr. James Welby Wood
Dr. Stephen Wood
Mr. Glenn B. Wooden
Mr. George W. Woodham (6)
Mr. Connie Woods, Jr. (2)
Ms. Judy K. Woods
Ms. Penny L. Woods
Mrs. Sharon Lee Woodward (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Woosley
Mr. Francis L. Wortham (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Wright (6)
Mr. George D. Wright (12)
Mr. Rickey M. Wright (5)
Mr. Ricky Dean Wright (11)
Mr. Robert Larry Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Dean L. Wuchterl (3)
Dr. Robert Wyatt (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Jack L.Yaggi (12)
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Lee Yates (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest W.Yates
Mr. G. Neil Yates (13)
Mr. John J.Yeric
Ms. Mary D.Yohe (5)
Mr. and Mrs. John Paul Yonts (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey D.Young (9)
Ms. Cindy Kay Young (5)
Mr. Clifford C.Young
Mrs. Dorothy F.Young (7)
Ms. Marie R. H.Young
Mr. Michael Dennis Young (2)
Mr.Terry Alan Young (4)
Mr. Norman Marvin Younger (2)
Mr. John D.Youpatoff
Ms. Bobbie Yozwiak (2)
Mr. James S. Zaya
Mr. Charles H. Zimmerman, III
Mr. Jon Zimmerman (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zimny (3)
Ms. Mary Beth Zinsius (4)
Mr. Gregory Joseph Zurlage (4)
Inaugural Circle
2nd and Beall Records
A. O. Smith Corporation
Ms. Susan Abbey
Ms. Kathryn A. Abbott (2)
Mr. Steven Mark Abbott (8)
Mrs.Trannie C. Abboushi (2)
Mr. and Mrs. H. Sam Abell (10)
Mr. Richard Michael Abell
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas R. Abell
Ms. Kristan J. Abernathy
Mr. Kyle C. Abney
Mr. Marshall Carroll Abney (5)
Ms. Shanna R. Abney (6)
Mr. and Mrs. William Irvin Abney
Ms. Cristina A. Abrell
Mrs. Rose Maltry Abt (3)
Accenture Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Carol Ackerman
Mr. and Mrs. Al Acosta
Mr. Jan C. Acrea (4)
Mr. Dennis L. Acree
Mr. Wesley Earl Acton
Ms. Allyson Alia Adams
Ms. Brenda Sue Adams (4)
Mr. Charles W. Adams
Mr. David Adams
Ms. Elizabeth A. Adams
Mr. Gary Adams
Mr. Gerald Eugene Adams
Ms. Jennifer Adams
Mr. and Mrs. John Paul Adams (6)
Dr. and Mrs. John Richard Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Lendell D. Adams (2)
Ms. Lisa K. Adams
Hon. and Mrs. John W. Adams (2)
Mrs. Mary Margaret Adams
Mr. Michael B. Adams (2)
Mrs. Michelle L. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Adams (11)
Mr. Steven Gregory Adams
Dr. Stuart Thomas Adams (2)
Mrs. Susan B. Adams
Mr. William F. Adams
Ms. Nikolette M. Adamson
Mr. Gary L. Adcock
Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Neal Adcox (7)
Mr. Barry Michael Adkins (3)
Mr. and Mrs. James Darwin Adkins
Ilah Dean Adkins
Mrs. Joyce Nelle Adkins (11)
Mrs. Marian Miller Adkins
Ms. Paula Adkins
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adkins
Mrs. Sharon M. Adler
Advanced Office Machines (5)
Ms. Crystal Lee Adwell
Mr. Jonathan R. Adwell
Mr.Tarsem Aggarwal
Ms. Jill E. Ahrman
Ms. Glenda Akin
Mr. Carl Terry Akins
Mrs. Nona Christine Akridge
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas A. Albani
Mrs. Marie Anne Peacock Albers (3)
Mr. Earl T. Albright
Mr. and Mrs. Skip Alcorn (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick David Alcott (7)
Mr. John Martin Alcott (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Mark David Alcott (7)
Ms. Lenore H. Alden
Mrs. Rachel Alderman
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Aldrich (6)
Ms. Martha J. Aldridge (3)
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas B. Aldridge
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Lee Alexander (2)
Rev. Ben C. Alexander
Mr. James C. Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Alexander (2)
Mr. John F. Alexander
Mr. Kelvin Ezra Alexander
Mr. Kevin M. Alexander (4)
Ms. Laurie A. Alexander (2)
Ms. Lynn Alexander (2)
Ms. Mary Catherine Alexander
Mr.Todd N. Alexander (3)
Mr. Richard W. Alfeld
Mr. Jeffery Alford
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Allard
Mrs. Pamela Suzette Allard (10)
Ms. Betty Ann Allen (2)
Mrs. Cynthia Ann Allen (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Felix E. Allen (2)
Mrs. Frances Ann Allen (3)
Mr. and Mrs. George D. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Leigh Allen (2)
Mr. James Edward Allen
Mr. Joel Allen (2)
Mr. and Mrs. John Crutcher Allen (2)
Mr. John Vincent Allen
Mr. Joseph D. Allen (3)
Mrs. Judy Smith Allen
Mrs. Kim Allen
Ms. Linda F. Allen (3)
Mrs. Mitzi Jo Allen
Mrs. Monica Allen
Mrs. Nancy F. Allen
Mr. Robert E. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Stephon Lee Allen (3)
Mrs.Teresa Marlene Allen
Mr. William J. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Allgeier
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Allgood (2)
Ms. Jana Lynne Allgood
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Terry Allgood (8)
Mr. Keith Edward Allison
Mrs. Linda Allison (3)
Mr. Paul L. Allison (5)
Mrs. Sharon Gayle Allison (3)
Mr.Timothy James Allman (8)
Mr. and Mrs.Virgil Leroy Almond (3)
Mr. Milton L. Almquist, Jr. (9)
Mr. Allen I. Alston
Ms. Gwen Alston
Mrs. Debra C. Althaus (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Altmaier (17)
Mr. Ray Altman
Mr. Charles Scott Alvey (4)
Mr. James D. Alvey (10)
Ms. Marilyn Ann Alvey (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stephen Alvey
Mr. Chad J. Alward (2)
Mr. Brian M. Amend
Ms.Terre Ament
American Express Company
Ms.Tiffany Marie Amodeo
Mr. William Travis Anderkin
Ms. Alison Leigh Anderson
Ms. Amy Anderson (2)
Ms. Amy Elizabeth Anderson (9)
Ms. Anita Anderson
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur N. Anderson (2)
Mr. Charles H. Anderson (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Todd
Anderson (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edward Anderson
Mr. David Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L Anderson
Mrs. Ellen Kay Anderson (5)
Ms. Helen Darlene Anderson
Mrs. Jennifer Elizabeth Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Anderson
Mr. John E. Anderson
Mrs. Judith S. Anderson
Mr. Kris N. Anderson
Ms. Linda A. Anderson (2)
Mr. Michael Anderson
Mrs. Mildred B. Anderson (17)
Mrs. Nancy L. Anderson
Mrs. Nikki L. Anderson
Mrs. Ruby H. Anderson
Mr. Scott Anderson (2)
Ms. Shannon Leigh Anderson
Ms. Judy K. Andrew
Mr. David H. Andrews (7)
Mrs. Patricia T. Andrews (6)
Mr. and Mrs. William K. Andrews (2)
Mr. Jeremy Andrew Angermier
Ms. Crystal J. Anglea
Mrs. Janet Sparks Anglin
Mr.Tom Angsten (2)
Ann Marie Davis, DMD
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Anthony (9)
Mr. and Mrs.Vincel James Anthony
Mrs. Janet Abrath Antoine
Mrs. Duraine Apperson (6)
Mr. Walter L. Apperson (d.) (11)
Ms. Darlene Ann Applegate (5)
Ms. Nicole A. Arachikavitz
Mrs. Alicia Arbuckle (13)
Ms.Tonya Mae Archey
LTC (Ret.) and Mrs. Richard L.
Ardisson (15)
Area Trust (2)
Mrs. Cheryl Lynn Armes
Mr. John Allen Armes
Ms. Donna W. Armour
Mr. Bryan Leigh Armstrong (7)
Mr. Glenn Armstrong (3)
Mrs. Heather Dawn Armstrong
Judy and Robert Armstrong (8)
Mrs. Mary Ann Armstrong
Mrs. Rhonda Jenkins Armstrong
Mr. Richard L. Arneson
Mrs. Dianne Marie Arnett (9)
Mrs. Annetta Yvonne Arney (13)
Ms. Marie Arney
Mr. Carl J. Arnold
Mr. Charles W. Arnold, Jr.
Ms. Rachel Michelle Arnold
Mrs.Yvonne Burchett Arnold
Ms. Jane C. Arterburn (5)
MAJ and Mrs. James A. Ary (2)
Mrs. Denise E. Ashby
Mr. James B. Ashby
Mr. James Fitzgerald Ashby (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Justin D. Ashby
Mr. Phillip Randal Ashby
Mr. Ronald Glenn Ashby
Ms.Tina R. Ashford
Mr. Barton E. Ashley
Mr. Dennis Lamar Ashley
Mrs. Elizabeth E. Ashley
Mr. John David Ashley (14)
Ms. Dorothy S. Ashlock
Mr. and Mrs. Joe F. Askins
Erdogan Atasoy (12)
Ms. Nina J. Atcher
Mrs. Rebecca N. Ates
Mr. Danny J. Atherton (2)
Rev. Michael David Atherton
Ms. Lucy Rose Atkerson
Mr. Phillip W. Atkerson (2)
Mrs. Milana Melton Atkinson
Mrs.Virginia H. Atkinson
Mr. Edward J. Atnip
Mrs. Annette Gayle Atwell (6)
Mrs.Tamra Edwana Atwood
Mr. Merv Aubespin
Mr. Kyle D. Aud
Mrs.Tammy Kaye Audas
Mr. L. Stuart Augenstein (3)
Mrs. Angela K. Aull
Ms. Gwendolyn Jo Austin
Mrs. Jane S. Austin (13)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Austin (3)
Mr. Michael Shane Austin (2)
Mr. Paul G. Austin
Mr. Steve Austin
Mr. Kenneth Ray Autry
Mr. Husein Avdic (2)
Ms. Beth D. Avent (4)
Ms. Lyndsay E. Averitt
Mrs. Janet B. Avery
Mr. and Mrs. Luther D. Avery (2)
Mr. Ronald Lee Avitt (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Mason Ayer (15)
Ltc. Rick Edward Ayer
Ms. Jacqueline C. Ayers
Ms. Marjorie F. Ayers (2)
Rev. and Mrs. Stephen L. Ayers
Mr. and Mrs. William Russell Azevedo
Mr. Jodie Dwayne Babb (2)
Mr. Karl D. Babb
Dr.Tony G. Babb (10)
Mr. James A. Babcock (12)
Mrs. Lynna Kay Back (2)
Mr. Danny Richard Bacon
Mr. Randy Bacon
Ms. Kathy Baczek
Ms. Stephanie M. Badstibner
Mr. Michael S. Baechle
Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Baerveldt (2)
Mr. James Brandon Bagby
Ms. Alana G. Edwards Bagley
Mr. Jeffery Bagwell (2)
Mr. Dennis L. Bahm (2)
Mr. David Bailes and Mrs. Linda Thomas
Mr. Jeremy Scott Bailey
Mr. Jerry M. Bailey (7)
Mrs. Lisa Maria Bailey (12)
Mrs. Mary Rose Bailey
Mr. Porter W. Bailey
Mr. Ricky Joe Bailey (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis O. Baird (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Scott Baird (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell R. Baird (2)
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Kelly Baird (7)
Ms. Mary R. Baise
Mr. John Anderson Baize
Mrs. Angela D. Baker
Ms. Ann Tate Baker
Mr. Bradford M. Baker
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Baker (3)
Mr. Buford D. Baker
Ms. Jean M. Baker (2)
Mr. John David Baker
Mr. Leonard Richard Baker (5)
Ms. Mary Margaret Baker (5)
Mr. Matthew J. Baker
Ms. Melanie Ann Baker (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Louis Baker (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Baker (2)
Mr. Rufus Kimbell Baker, Jr.
Ms.Tina Yvonne Baker
Hon. and Mrs. Walter A. Baker (19)
Mr. Luther Douglas Bakken
Mr. Edward R. Balak (4)
Mrs. Pam Baldock
Mrs. Sara R. Baldridge (6)
Mrs. Leslye R. Baldwin
Mr. Robert Jeremy Baldwin
Mrs. Eleanor E. Bale (8)
Ms. Gertrude E. Bale (22)
Mr. Grover Michael Bale (6)
Mr. and Mrs. James Gary Bale (2)
Ms. Ruthie O. Bale
Mr. Shelby Garnett Bale, Jr. (4)
Mr. Billy C. Ball (2)
Mrs. Ida Thames Palmer Ball
Ms. Jeanne Elizabeth Ball
Ms. Shellene Coppage Ball
Ms.Teresa Kay Ball (16)
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Drake Ballard (2)
Mr. James Brent Ballard
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Ballard
Mrs. Jodi Faye Ballard (2)
Mrs. Judy Kay Ballard (5)
Mr. Mark Randall Ballard
Ms. Suzan Annette Ballard
Mr. Randy Ballenger (3)
Mr. and Mrs.Todd Andrew Ballenger (2)
Mrs. Suzanne Ballinger (15)
Mrs. Juanita Fay Ballman (12)
Mr. and Mrs. David Denton Banahan
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Scott Banister
Bank One Foundation
Ms. Carol P. Banks (2)
Ms. Jackie L. Banks (3)
Mr. Michael Alan Banks (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Lee Banks (6)
Ms. Ruby I. Barbee (13)
Mr. Joel Wilbert Barber
Mrs. Debra A. Barbour
Ms. Helen Barbour
Mrs. Sue Carol Barclay
Ms. Friedman and Mr. Bardin (8)
Mrs. Kimberly Walters Bardin (11)
Ms.Vickie Blakeley Barea (9)
Mr. John W. Barfield, III
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Lee Barger (2)
Mr. and Mrs. John Frank Bariola (2)
Mr. Bill W. Barker (2)
Mr. David Andrew Barker (2)
Mr. Edsel R. Barker (4)
Ltc. Marvin Barker
Mr. Patrick Wilson Barker (10)
Mrs. Linda B. Barlow
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Wayne Barman (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Barnard
Mr. James A. Barnard (5)
Mr. John David Barnard
Mr. Michael W. Barnard (3)
Mr. Alexander H. Barnes, Jr.
Mr. Kyle M. Barnes
Mrs. Madeline W. Barnes (3)
Ms. Patty Culver Barnes
Ms. Phyllis A. Barnes
Mrs. Sherri S. Barnes (2)
Mr. Benjamin Barnett
Ms. Betty Jane Barnett (18)
Mr. Brian William Barnett
Mrs. Cheri C. Barnett
Ms. Christy M. Barnett
Mrs. Cynthia A. Barnett (2)
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Barnett (6)
Ms. Jalynn A. Barnett (3)
Mrs. Linda Donaghey Barnett (4)
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Barnhart (2)
Mr. Phillip W. Barnhouse, Jr. (4)
Mr. Kevin O. Barr (4)
Mr.Troy Dale Barr
Mrs. Iva H. Barratt
Mr. Joel Kent Barrett
Mr. John Barrett
Mr. Roy N. Barrick (2)
Mr. Uhel O. Barrickman (14)
Ms.Tami Leigh Barrier
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Barringer
Ms. Carolyn W. Barron
Ms. June C. Barron (4)
Mr. William H. Bass, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Bassett (2)
Mr. Charles F. Bates
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Bates (3)
Mrs. Laura Lyn Bates
Mr. Bradley J. Bath (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Batson (6)
Mr. Jerry P. Battistello (3)
Mr. Charles Taylor Bauer (2)
Dr. Dennis E. Bauer
Ms. Carol H. Baughman
Mr. David Joseph Baulch
Ms. Rachel Baum
Mr. Myles Brad Baumgardner
Ms. Nancy A. Beal (3)
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Beals (15)
Mr. Kevin Russell Beam
Mr. Ken Bean
Mr. and Mrs. Brant Phillip Beard
Dr. and Mrs. George S. Beard
Ms. Julia Ann Beard
Rev. and Mrs.Thomas F. Beard (2)
Dr. and Mrs. William A. Beard
Mrs. Ann S. Bearden
Mr. Larry Michael Beasley
Mrs. Anna W. Beason (5)
Mrs. Bonnie J. M. Beatrice
Mrs. Sonya E. Beattie
Mr. Robert Norman Beaty (2)
Mr. James Leonard Beaudoin (2)
Mrs. Colette Beaugrand (16)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Edward Beaven
Students help celebrate Independence Day at the
Zuheir Sofia - Dero Downing International Center.
Mr. Stanley J. Barron (2)
Mrs. Cynthia Barrow
Mrs. Ann Guthrie Barry (4)
Mrs. Carol D. Barry (4)
Dr. and Mrs. James C. Barry (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory E. Bartek
Mr. William E. Bartelt
Ms. Denise Bartholomew
Mr. George Edwin Bartleson
Ms. Mary E. Bartlett
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby R. Bartley (6)
Ms. Jamie L. Bartley
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Vincent Bartley (7)
Mr. Arlin J. Barton (10)
Ms. Charlotte G. Barton
Mrs. Gail E. Barton
Mrs. Carolyn B. Baseheart
Mr. Christopher N. Baseheart (2)
Mr. Larry Dewayne Basham
Basil Law Firm
Mr. Danny J. Basil
Mrs. Betty Baskett
Ms.Tammy Marie Beaven (2)
Mr. Kevin Lee Beavers
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Allen Beavin (3)
Mr. Nathan T. Beavin
Mr. Carlos Lee Beck (11)
Mrs. Charlotte Hudgens Beck (4)
Mr. Robert E. Beck (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Hugo H. Becker (3)
Mr. Ronald Eugene Becker
Mr. Ian A. Beckford
Mrs. Janice Taylor Beckman
Beckmann Enterprizes, Inc. (3)
Mr. and Mrs. J. David Beckner (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Leland Beckort
Mr. James R. Bedo
Ms. Leslie R. Bedo
Mrs. Connie Priddy Bee
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Beeckler (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Francis Beeler
Ms. Kate Begnol
Mrs. Susan M. Behl (4)
Ms. Joy E. Behnke
Western Kentucky University
Mr. Robert A. Beimdick (11)
Ms. Jennifer L. Belcher (2)
Ms. Julie K. Belcher
Mrs. Linda Gayle Belcher
Mrs. Ramona Kay Belcher
Mrs. Rendy Rena Belcher
Mrs. Winnie Belding
Ms.Tawna D. Belk
Mr. Bobby J. Belknap, II
Mrs. Charlene Gadberry Bell
Mr. Charles B. Bell (18)
Mr. David L. Bell (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Bell
Ms. Glenda W. Bell
Mr. Irving Lee Bell (2)
Mr. James Boyd Bell (2)
Mrs. June Deloriea Bell
Dr. Kenneth Alan Bell
Mrs. Kimberly Waldron Bell
Mr. Leigh Roy Bell (8)
Mr. Luther Samuel Bell (6)
Mr.Timmy Lynn Bell
Mr. Warner E. Bell
Mrs.Yolanda S. Bell
Ms. Kristin L. Bellucci
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Belwood (2)
Mrs. Ruth A. Benedict
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Benefield
Col. Dennis E. Benfer (2)
Mrs. Nancy D. Bennet (4)
Mrs. Ann V. Bennett
Ms. Brenda Joyce Bennett
Mr. Brian Bennett
Mrs. Deborah Ann Bennett
Ms. Diana Lynn Bennett (2)
Mr. Donald S. Bennett
Mrs. Donna Louise Bennett
Dr. James D. Bennett (10)
Ms. Laurie Bennett
Mr. M. K. Bennett
Mrs. Martha Bennett (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Bennett
Mr. Peter Michael Bennett
Ms. Sara Ruth Bennett
Mr. Charles Ronald Benningfield
Mrs. Lisa Benningfield (4)
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Benningfield
Mrs. Deborah Lynn Benns (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Darren N. Bensing
Ms. Julia D. Benson (4)
Ms. Wilma Louise Benson, Ph.D. (2)
Ms. Amy Beth Bentley
Mr. Charles Lewis Bentley
Mr. Stephen R. Bentley (3)
Mr. Steven James Bercier
Col. and Mrs. Sylvester C. Berdux, Jr.
Ms. Marjorie A. Berge
Mr. William Berge (2)
Mr. Alan Bergstrom
Mrs. Connie Marie Beringer
Mr. David Clayton Berkemeier
Mrs. Laura Fay Berman (5)
Mrs. Bev Bernard
Mr. Richard O. Bernard (6)
Mr. Darin Duane Bernhard
Mr. and Mrs. Larry G. Berrong (3)
Mr. and Mrs. A. Franklin Berry
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Dale Berry
Mrs. Christy P. Berry (2)
Ms. Deborah Marie Berry
Rev. Ephraim A. Berry (2)
Maj. and Mrs. James Michael Berry
Mr. Robert Earl Berry (3)
Mr. Stephen T. Berryman
Ms. Christina Marie Bertram
Ms. Sharon P. Bertram
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Richard Bessette
Mrs. Phyllis Jewell Bessette (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Roger B. Bessinger (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Best (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Best (2)
Professor Raymond F. Betts
Mrs. Holly Johnston Betz
Mrs. Judy Tichenor Bevil
Mr. and Mrs. Drewie Bewley
Mrs. Donna Marie Bewley
Mr. Ronald Beyke
BG Retirement Village
Drs. Prana and Omkar Bhatt
Ms. Manjiri Arole and Mr. Karle Bhushan
Mr. William M. Bibelhauser (5)
Mr. Justin H. Bice
Mr. Alvin Bickett
Mr. Bradley G. Bickett
Ms. Catherine Nell Bickett
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell T. Bicknell (2)
Alumni Fall 2003
Mrs. Bonnie Louise Biddle
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Bidwell (5)
Mr. Philip Melvin Bieber
Ms. Utona Williams Bieber (2)
Mr. Park Pershing Bierbower, Jr. (2)
Ms. Marguerite Bieschke (3)
Ms. Minion Miller Bigbee (5)
Mrs. Erin Kathleen Biggers
Maj. and Mrs. Mark Vaughn Biggers (5)
Mrs. Elizabeth P. Biggs
Ms. Jerrie C. Bigler
Mr. Charles L. Bilderback
Mr. James William Biles (2)
Mrs. Anna Frances Bilinski (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Billingsley (2)
Mrs. Pamela B. Bills
Mrs. Judith Maxfiled Bilyeu (2)
Mr. Phillip Hodgen Bilyeu
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Bernard Binder (5)
Mr. Kermit Binkley
Mrs. Mary J. Bird (3)
Mrs.Tracy B. Bird
Mr. Richard E. Birdwell
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D.
Birdwhistell (15)
Mr. Jerry Birge
Mrs. Gene C. Birkhead (3)
Mrs. Angela Glass Bishop (2)
Mr. David Ray Bishop (6)
Mr. Fred Bishop
Mr. Joseph Harry Bishop (12)
Mrs.Teresa Hicks Bishop (2)
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Bitner
Mr. Mark Joseph Biven (2)
Ms. Marsha L. Bivens (6)
Ms. Laura A. Bivins
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Lythe Bivins (5)
Ms. Edith Biyce
Mrs. Brenda Lynn Black (9)
Mr. Brian Davis Black (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Janice L Black
Mrs. Julie Black (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Allen Black (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Rogers Black
Mr. Richard M. Black (3)
Mrs. Sara L. Black (13)
Mr. and Mrs. Murrel Black
Mr.Thomas K. Blackburn (3)
Mr. Marvin W. Blackford
Ms. Amanda M. Blair
Mrs. Eula Ann Blair (2)
Mr.Terry Blake
Ms. Phyliss Blakeman (2)
Lt. Col. and Mrs. James T. Blakey (7)
Mr. Alton E. Blakley, Jr.
Mr. Francis H. Bland (4)
Ms. Peggy Bland
Mrs. Christine Gerise Blandford (4)
Ms. Brooke E. Blaney
Mrs. Margaret Buckler Blanford
Mr. Barry Scott Blankenship
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Keith Blankenship
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Blankenship (13)
Mr. Kevin Dewayne Blankenship
Mrs. Peggy Blankenship
Mr. Mark Shearin Blanton
Mr. Owen Lee Blanton, Jr. (11)
Ms. Jennifer L. Blatchford
Ms. Paula Blaylock
Mrs. Marsha Lynn Blevins
Mr.Tommy Blevins
Mr. and Mrs. William Grider Blewett
Ms. LaFrieda R. Blick
Ms. Renee Bliznick
Mr. Donald W. Bloodworth (2)
Mr. Joseph L. Blotner
Mrs. Lois V. Blowers
Bluegrass Nursery, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Keith Blythe (2)
Mr. David Graves Blythe
Ms. Carrie L. Board (2)
Mr. Donald R. Boarman
Ms. Mollie Michelle Boarman
Mr. and Mrs. Gene D. Boaz
Ms. Maurella Mary Bochenko
Mr. and Mrs. David Westbrook Bock
Dr. and Mrs. Jerry E. Bode (3)
Ms. Dana W. R. Boden, PhD (13)
Ms. Joy B. Bodner
Mr. Randall D. Boedy (9)
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Douglas
Boehman (4)
Ms. Mary Dee Boemker (2)
Mr. Michael R. Boersma
Mr. Kenneth Bogach (14)
Mr. Steven Joel Bogach (5)
Mr. Gary P. Boggs, Sr. (2)
Mrs. Julia Lee Boggs
Mrs. Juanita McClellan Bogle (2)
Ms. Carla Bohannon (6)
Dr. Bertram R. Bohn (4)
Mr. Beril Bohrer (4)
Ms. Mary Bokkon
Mr. Damon Cooper Boldrick (18)
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene N. Boldrick (2)
Ms. Stacie Bolen (2)
Ms. Jacqulynn M. Boles
Mrs. Janet G. Boles
Mrs. Wanda L. Bolin
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Boling, Jr.
Mr. John M. Boling
Mrs. Rebecca A. Boling (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Bolt (3)
Ms. BobbiSue Webb Bolton
Mr. David Bolton
Mr. Jeff Bolton
Mrs. Charlotte R. Bond (11)
Mrs. Marjorie M. Bonds (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie B. Booher (5)
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Book, Jr.
Mr. Anthony W. Boone
Mrs. Barbara S. Boone (4)
Mr. David L. Boone
Dr. Patricia Jean Cash Boone
Mrs. Sally H. Boone
Ms. Shannon R. Boone
Mrs. Beth G. Boothe
Mrs. Marquetta Boothe
Mrs. Emily M. Boots (10)
Mr. Richard G. Borchardt (12)
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Bordas (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Wayne Borders (2)
Mr. Daniel L. Borders
Mr. Don Borders (4)
Ms. Gayle P. Borders
Mr. and Mrs. James Borders (2)
Mr. William H. Borders, II (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin V. Borland (3)
Mrs. Lorraine Bagwell Bormann (2)
Mr. Ron Bosler
Mr. and Mrs. Philip B. Bosley (3)
Mr. Marcus W. Bosley
Mrs. Elizabeth Vaughn Boston
Col. and Mrs. Joffre H. Boston
Mr. Jackie Boswell
Mr. John Strader Botts (2)
Mrs. Michelle E. Boulong
Mrs. Martha M. Bouman (5)
Ms. Gale R. Bourland
Ms. Caroline W. Bourne
Mr. and Mrs. John Edward Bouvier
Mrs. Marsha Lynn Bowen
Ms. Sandra E. Bowen
Mrs.Teresa Bowen
Mrs. Mary G. Burchett Bower
Dr. Charles E. Bowers (2)
Mr. and Mrs. David Brian Bowers (2)
Mr. Rob Bowers
Dr. Richard George Bowker (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Paul Bowlds (10)
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Duwayne Bowles
Mr. and Mrs. David Lewis Bowles (5)
Ms. Karen Martin Bowles
Bowling Green Garden Club (3)
Bowling Green Senate
Ms. Alice Bowling
Mr. Daniel Lee Bowman (5)
Mr. James Bowman, Jr. (8)
Ms. Kaye N. Bowman (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lyn Bowman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Boyarski (2)
Mr. Sean Boyce (3)
Mrs. Mollie Mahan Boyd (9)
Mrs. Monica P. Boyd
Mrs. Dawn M. Boyer (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Edwin Boyette
Mrs. Karen E. Boyette (4)
Ms. Mary Marta Ruxer Boyken
Mrs. Ann Tracy Boylan (4)
Mr.Thomas R. Boyle
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Allen Boyles
Mrs. Donna Bozarth (7)
Mr. Charles Brackett (4)
Ms. Kristy Jane Brackin
Mr. Jonathan Braden
Ms. Jamie Elizabeth Bradford
Mr. and Mrs. Abner M. Bradley (8)
Mrs. Helen J. Bradley (2)
Mr. Robert H. Bradley, Jr. (2)
Ms. Suzanne M. Bradley (6)
Mr. Walter T. Bradley, III (2)
Ms. Carolyn A. Bradshaw (6)
Dr. and Mrs. Charles P. Bradshaw (3)
Mr.Timothy Troy Bradshaw (2)
Mr. and Mrs. John Paul Brady (2)
Ms. Sherry S. Brady
Ms. Angela Marie Bragg
Mrs. Amy Lynne Bramblette
Mrs. Dorothy Jeanette Brame
Mr. and Mrs. David Macklin Bramel (2)
Mr. Denny Joseph Brand (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Lee Brand (10)
Ms. Nancy E. Brandenburg (6)
Mrs. Cathy S. Brandon (2)
Mr. Larry H. Brandt (4)
Ms. Linda Brandt
Mr. and Mrs. Ulysses Sonny Branham
Mr. Michael Lee Brannick
Ms. Myra D. Branscum
Ms. Leslie Renee Bransford
Ms. Iva R. Branson (10)
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Branstetter
Mr. Harvey W. Branstetter
Ms. Leona Branstetter
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Branstetter (5)
Ms. Ollie E. Branstetter
Mr. Roy T. Branstetter
Mr. Patrick Roy Branstrator (6)
Mr. David R. Brashear (22)
Dr. James S. Brashear (3)
Mr. Michael F. Brashear
Mr. Shawn E. Braswell
Ms. Amy Nicole Bratcher
Mrs. Charlotte Austin Bratcher (5)
Mr. Darrell G. Bratcher (9)
Ms. Deborah Kay Bratcher
Mr. and Mrs.Todd Bratcher
Mr. Scotty D. Bratcher (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Bratton
Mr. Dan E. Brawner
Mr. and Mrs. W. Larry Brawner (12)
Mr. Glen D. Bray (2)
Mr. James M. Bray (5)
Mr. and Mrs.Tim Bray
Mrs. Melissa A. Bray
Dr. Rhonda S. Bray
Mr. Ronald Keith Bray
Mr. William J. Bray (2)
Mr. and Mrs. John Brecht (3)
Mr. Adam J. Brege
Marion A. Brennan (2)
Brent Yonts Law Office
Mrs. Jacqueline Hurt Bretz (2)
Mr. Gerald Don Brewer (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Brewer (15)
Mr. Lee Scott Brewer (7)
Mrs. Monecca Brewer
Mrs.Terry Lynn Brewer (9)
Ms. Dana Lynn Brewington
Mrs. Karyn M. Brey
Ms.Teresa Brown Bricker
Mr. Darryl Lee Bridges
Ms. Nancy Bridges (2)
Dr. Paul N. Bridges, Jr. (2)
Mr. Steven Brier (10)
Mrs. Linda Draper Brigance
Mrs. Katherine Denise Bright
Ms. Katherine L. Bright
Mrs.Trilba D. Briley
Mrs. Barbara R. Brindle (4)
Ms. Lauren K. Brinkley
Mr. and Mrs.Vincent W. Bristow (3)
Mr. Barry David Britt
Ms. Florine Britt (3)
Ms. Suzanne Britt (14)
Mrs.Vicki L. Britt
Mr. and Mrs. John Brittain
Mr. Larry L. Brittain (4)
Mrs. Marion E. Broadnax (4)
Mr. Ernes
Mr. Joseph Paul Brock (19)
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin W. Brock (2)
Ms. Mary Louise Von Brock
Mr. Michael A. Brock
Mr. Orvile Lee Brock (15)
Mr. Charles Leon Brockman
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Neil Brockman
Mr. Ricky Joe Brockman (6)
Mr. Gary Robert Brodarick (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael V. Brodarick
Mr. Seymour Brodsky
Mr. Gary Wayne Broenneke (8)
Mrs. Mari Kathleen Brogan (2)
Mr.Tyler J. Bronger
Mrs. Bonnie J. Brook
Col. Ret. Billy T. Brooks (10)
Dr. and Mrs. Carroll Clark Brooks (5)
Mr. David Lynn Brooks (3)
Mrs. Denise Wymer Brooks
Mrs. Janet Brooks
Ms. Laura Susanne Brooks (4)
Ms. Marilyn S. Brooks
Mr. Michael Brooks
Mrs. Suzanne Cundiff Brooks
Mr. and Mrs.Treg Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bryan Brooks
Ms. Kimberly L. Brookshire
Ms. Kenna B. Brophey
Mr. Ron Kyle Brosnan
Mrs. Michelle F. Bideau Brotherson (2)
Mrs. Barbara Decker Brown
Mrs. Betty Angelina Brown
Mr. Boyd Brown (3)
Mr. and Ms. Christopher W. Brown (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Leon Brown (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Wayne Brown
Mr. Donald Brown
Mr. Donald Dennis Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lee Brown
Ms. Dorothy S. Brown (10)
Mrs. Eleanor S. Brown (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Everett R. Brown (3)
Mr. Freddie Dale Brown
Mr. George Brown (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Brown
Mrs. Grace C. Brown
Mr. Howard Craig Brown (2)
Mr. James C. Brown (9)
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Brown (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Jarrett Nelson Brown
Mr. Jerry Lee Brown
Mr. and Mrs. John Michael Brown
Mr. John R. Brown (5)
Mr. John Robert Brown (10)
Mrs. Judy D. Brown (7)
Mrs. Kathy R. Brown
Ms. Kelli E. Brown
Mrs. Kristi Mae Brown (2)
Mrs. Laura J. Brown
Mr. Mac Brown
Mrs. Marnita L. Brown
Mrs. Martha Faye Brown (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Brown (4)
Ms. Patricia G. Brown
Mr. Richard Wayne Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Rickie Fay Brown
Ms. Rita Carol Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Brown (14)
Mr. Robert H. Brown (8)
Mr. Robert Preston Brown
Mr. Roger D. Brown
Ms. Susan E. Brown (7)
Mr.Ted Snyder Brown (3)
Mr.Tony Mac Brown
Ms.Vicky L. Brown (2)
Mr. Willie Kyle Brown
Mrs. Adrianne Evitts Browning
Mr. John David Browning (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ben Browning
Ms. Karen L. Browning
Mrs. Kathi Marie Browning
Ms. Kathy Browning
Rev. and Mrs. Robert F. Browning (3)
Hon. Sue Carol Browning (7)
Mr. Randal Broyles
Mrs. Debra L. Broz (2)
Mrs. Bettyruth Bruington (3)
Mrs. Frances O. Brumfield (8)
Mr. and Mrs. James Clay Brumfield (14)
Mr. and Mrs. William Alton Brumit, Jr. (2)
Ms. Cynthia J. Brumitt
Ms. Marilyn J. Brumund (3)
Mr. Larry L. Brush
Mrs. Lelia Bruun (3)
Ms. Amy M. Bryan
Ms. Anne Marie Bryant (6)
Mrs. Belinda Ann Bryant
Ms. Betty Lou Bryant (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Marr Bryant
Mr. Clarence Bryant (22)
Dr. and Mrs. Farnsworth Dudley
Bryant (11)
Mr. and Mrs. James Douglas Bryant (2)
Ms. Jennifer Suzanne Bryant
Ms. Jill Dickerson Bryant
Ms. Julie E. Bryant
Mrs. Melissa Ellen Bryant
Ms. Sally Bryant
Ms.Tracy J. Bryant
Mr. Benjamin Chandler Bryson
Ms. Amy Jo Buchanan
Ms. Nancy O. Buchanan
Mr. Fred Buchanon
Mr. Lee F. Buchtman (11)
Mr. David T. Buckingham (5)
Ms. Kristi L. Buckingham
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Reno Buckles (8)
Mr. Robert I. Buckley (2)
Ms. Jennifer Lee Bucklin
Ms. Pamela S. Buckman (6)
Dr. and Mrs. William G. Buckman (2)
Mr. William Gordon Buckman, Jr. (5)
Father Mark Buckner
Ms. Stephanie Jean Buckner
Mrs. Rida K. Budde
Buddys Auto Care
Mr. and Mrs.Terry W. Buelow (16)
Mr. Glen P. Buhlig
Building Plastics, Inc.
Ms. Julie Buland
Mr. Joe N. Bulhoes (4)
Mr. Neal I. Bulla (5)
Mr. Mose Nicholas Bullington, Jr. (2)
Mr. Kenneth Bullivant (2)
Mr. Paul F. Bullock
Mr.Todd Edward Bullock
Mr. Corrie W. Bumps
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Bunch
Ms. Mary B. Bunnell (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Sydney M. Bunnell
Mr. William Albert Bunnell (6)
Dr. Gabriel F. Buntzman
Ms. Edna K. Burbank (9)
Mrs. Cereta Dee Burch (9)
Mrs. Elizabeth Carolyn Burch
Mr. Eugene J. Burch
Mr. Bud Burcham
Mrs. Carol L. Burcham (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Burcham (5)
Mr. Harvey D. Burd
Mrs. Cilicia H. Burden (16)
Mr. Joseph Franklin Burden (5)
Mr. Ralph Clinton Burden (7)
Mr.Troy Dean Burden
Ms. Charlotte G. Burdette
Mr. Pat Burdette (15)
Mr. David Burdine
Mr. and Mrs. John Burgess
Mrs. Kerrie Patterson Burgess (3)
Mr. and Mrs. John Burgess
Ms. Lisa G. Burgett (5)
Mrs. Brenda Kay Burke
Mr. John S. Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wayne Burke (10)
Mr. Steve Burke
Dr. and Mrs. Emmett D. Burkeen (2)
Mrs. Esther W. Burkhard (12)
Ms. Janet Lou Burks (2)
Mrs. Janet Marie Burks (8)
Mr. and Mrs. John Yancey Burks (3)
Mr. Kelly M. Burks, Jr. (5)
Ms. Whitney Leigh Burks
Ms. Martha Burn (2)
Mrs. Carlene Sue Burnell (3)
Mr. Alan Keith Burnett
Ms. Irene Burnett (19)
Mr. John Burnett
Mr. William P. Burnett (2)
Mrs. Cynthia Grace Burnette
Mrs. Kelly J. Burnette
Mrs. Sarah Meeks Burnette (3)
Mrs. Margaret Fitzgerald Burnley (5)
Mr. Bernard Dale Burns
Mrs. Betty J. Burns (6)
Ms. Jacquelyn Laveeda Burns (5)
Mr. Perry A. Burns
Mr. William Corey Burns (2)
Mrs. Anita S. Burr
Mr. and Mrs. Ben C. Burr
Mr. Michael Gene Burress
Dr. Robert N. Burress
Mr. G. Kevin Burris (8)
Ms. Gwendolyn Burroughs
Dr. John M. Burt
Mr.Thomas Massey Burt
Ms. Amy R. Burton
Mrs. Arlene F. Burton
Mr. Brian Scott Burton (2)
Mr. Daniel F. Burton (5)
Mr. Maurice E. Burton
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wayne
Burton (12)
Mrs. Ruth Carolyn Burton (11)
Ms. Leanne C. Busby (3)
Ms. Brenda Ruth Bush
Mr. Gregory Keith Bush (2)
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Bush, Jr. (2)
Ms. Jennifer Diane Bush (3)
Mrs. Joy L. Bush (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Bush
Mrs. Linda Nalbach Bushong (2)
Ms. Jennifer Lynn Busse
Mrs. Deborah Michelle Bussey
Ms. Lottice N. Buster (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Adam W. Butler
Ms. Emily K. Butler (3)
Mrs. Erin A. Butler
Mr. L. Kirker Butler (2)
Mr. Lawrence A. Butler (2)
Ms. Marcia K. Butler
Mrs. Mary Coursey Butler (16)
Mrs. Ruth S. Butler
Ms.Tracey L. Butler (2)
Dr. Laura Butler and Mr. Wendell
Butler (3)
Mrs. Wendy Jean Butler (5)
Ms. Kathleen Rose Butoryak
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Buttermore (3)
Mr. Eugene Waldon Butters (9)
Ms. Mabel Ruth Buzzard
Mrs. Anita M. Byars
Mrs. Mary E. Bybee
Ms.Teresa Joyce Bybee (2)
Mr. Andrew Byers
Mr. Malaby Morrow Byrd, Jr.
Mr. Robert W. Byrd
Ms. Sharon T. Byrd
Mr. Steven D. Byrd
Mrs. Katharyn M. Byrne (2)
C. J. Arnold , FLMI
C.Todd Anderson Insurance Agency
Mr. J. Swingley Cage (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Otis D. Cagle, Jr. (2)
Ms. Andrea D. Cailles
Mrs. Debra Cain (7)
Mr. Keith Raymond Cain (6)
Mr. John A. Calabrese
Pastor Clifton Lamonte Caldwell (2)
Ms. Helen Lewis Caldwell (4)
Mr. J. Mike Caldwell (3)
Mrs. Julie Baldwin Caldwell (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Calery (4)
Mr. Robert J. Calhan
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert T. Calhoun, Jr. (8)
Mrs. Karen Calhoun
Mrs.Tamara Jean Calhoun
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Brent Calitri (2)
Ms. Neysa Michelle Call
Mrs. Cheryl A. Callis (5)
Mr.Travis Elwin Callis (2)
Ms. Debra Katherine Calvert
Mr. Mark Jay Calvert
Mrs. Sherry H. Calvert
Mrs. Miriam H. Camargo
Mr. Kenneth Cambron
Mr. Max Cambron
Mrs. Bertha Campbell (7)
Mr. Charles P. Campbell, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Campbell (13)
Ms. Emily C. Campbell (2)
Dr. F. Kent Campbell (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Edward Campbell
Larry Douglas Campbell
Ms. Leota Campbell (11)
Ms. Lizbeth Susan Campbell (2)
Ms. Marsha Renee Campbell
Dr. Martin J. Campbell
Mr. Michael Eugene Campbell
Mr. Philip Todd Campbell
Mr. R. Henry Campbell (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Darrell
Campbell (3)
Mr. Scott Douglas Campbell
Ms. Marlene D. Ruby Canaday (2)
Mrs. Elizabeth Jean Canafax
Ms. Kathy S. Canary
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford George
Canavera (4)
Mrs. Lisa Carol Canler
Ms. Careese J. Cannon
Mr. Paul E. Cannon (5)
Cann-Tech, LLC
Mr. James R. Cantrall (6)
Mrs. Joan Carol Cantrell
Mr.Thomas Malcolm Cantrell (11)
Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Alfred Cantrell
Ms. Erin Carol Cantwell
Capitol Events Consulting
Mr. Danny Lee Caple
Ms. Carolyn Sue Capps (5)
Mr. Ed E. Capps (10)
Mr. Jack T. Capps
Ms. Kimberly Clark Capps
Mr.Tom D. Capshaw (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Renato G. Carag (2)
Mr. John W. Carbin
Ms. Diana Gigante Carbone
Mr. Stephen Denton Carden (3)
Dr. Joseph James Cardot, III
Ms. Amy C. Cardwell
Ms. Pamela A. Cardwell
Mr. Ronald Dwayne Cardwell (9)
Mr. George David Carey
Ms. Julia Ann Carey
Mr. Richard L. Carey (6)
Ms. Carol Carithers (3)
Mrs. Melanni Carli (2)
Mrs. Joyce V. Carlisle (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Carlisle
SGM. Gwen A. Carlson, (Ret.) (10)
Mrs. June S. Carlyle (13)
Mrs. Dana Pollock Carman
Mrs. Candace L. Carmichael (4)
Mr. John Kenneth Carmichael (21)
Ms. Amy Carmicle
Mr. Bernard K. Carneal
Mr. William Paul Carneal (6)
Mrs.Tiffany Susan Carnes
Ms. Diane Carney
Mrs. Linda Carney
Ms. Marjorie Carney
Mrs. Barbara S. Carpenter (12)
Mr. Christopher Howard Carpenter
Mr. Christopher Van Carpenter
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Carpenter
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Alan Carpenter
Ms. Martha Carol Carpenter
Mr. Billy Wilson Carr (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Carr (9)
Ms. Hilda Carr
Mrs. Lisa K. Carr
Mr. and Mrs. Scott B. Carr (12)
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Carr (2)
Ms. Martha Caroline Carrera
Mr. Adam Barton Carrico
Ms. Christine Carrico
Ms. Elizabeth Annette Carrico (16)
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Cloys Carrico (3)
Mr. John E. Carrigan (10)
Mr. Derald Joseph Carroll
Dr. Faye Carroll (22)
Mrs. Shirley O. Carroll
Ms.Virginia Brauer Carroll
Mr. Matthew Kent Carron
Mrs. Mary E. Carruthers (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Charles Carson (2)
Mr. Bryan M. Carson
Mr. Kenneth A. Carson, Jr. (2)
Ms. Allison Holly Carter
Ms. Amber Michelle Carter
Dr. Bruce Harrison Carter (5)
Dr. Carolyn Sue Carter
Mr. Charles Bruce Carter (2)
Mr. Charles Mark Carter
Dr. and Mrs. Fred P. Carter
Mrs. Josette Cline Carter
Mr. Larry Carter
Mrs. Laverne Raglin Carter (11)
Mrs. Nancy Lou Carter
Mr. Otis A. Carter, Jr. (5)
Mr. Randy Joe Carter
Mr. Richard Reed Carter
Mr. Stephen Lee Carter (12)
Mr.Timothy Gilbert Carter
Ms.Vikki Elizabeth Carter (4)
Mr. William Randy Carter, II (8)
Ms. Eva Lloyd T. Caruthers
Mrs. Hazel Carver
Dr. and Mrs. James Earl Carver (2)
Mr. and Mrs. John Patrick Carver
Ms. Mary Lucille Carver (16)
Dr. and Mrs. Glenn R. Carwell
Mr. L. Curtis Cary
Ms. Julia Casada (2)
Mr. William C. Casagrande
Ms. Nancie M. Casalengo (4)
Ms. Melissa Nicole Case
Mr. Paul James Casebolt
Mrs. Selena Jamie Casey (3)
Mrs. Jerre Cashion
Mrs. Edna S. Cashman (3)
Mrs. Ann L. Caspar (9)
Ms. Clarice Casper (13)
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Cassady
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Martin Cassady
Mrs. Mary J. Cassady
Mr. Robert Wayne Cassady
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Cassell
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Casteel (9)
Mrs. Sheila Ann Castellini
Mr. Raymond D. Castillo (2)
Mr.Vincent N. Castillo
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher T. Castlen
Ms. Joanna D. Castlen
Mr.Thomas W. Cate (3)
Ms. Cheryl Lynn Cates (7)
Mr. Granvil E. Cates (2)
Ms. Sandra Lee Cather
Mr. A. Glenn Catlett (3)
Mrs. Barbara B. Catlett
Dr. David Nathan Catlett
Mrs. Gladys B. Catron (3)
Mr. Billy Joe Caudel (2)
Mr. Garry Keith Caudill (5)
Mrs. Sandra I. Caudle (5)
Mr. Sean P. Cauley
Mr. Russell Woodson Causey
Mr. Jeffery Jay Cavana (5)
Mr. Raymond W. Cavins
Mr. Jeffrey L. Cecil
Mrs. Linda Lou Cecil
Ms. Shelly Renee Cecil
Ms. Leandra Y. Celaya (2)
Mrs. Jean B. Celsor
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy M. Celsor (4)
Center for Inform.Tech. Enterprise
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Cetera (6)
Ms. Raven Sierra Chadwell
Mr. Kirk M. Chadwick
Mrs. Dawn E. Chaffin
Mr. Hugh Garland Chaffin
Mr.Thomas Lee Chaffin (6)
Mr. James Kim Chalmers (4)
Tallon Chalmers
Ms. Nancy C. Chamberlain
Mr.Timothy Chamberlain (12)
Mrs. Allison Gayle Chambers (7)
Mr. Barry Fount Chambers (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Eugene
Chambers (3)
Dr. and Mrs. Henry F. Chambers (6)
Mrs. Pamela L. Chambers
Mrs. Roberta J. Champagne (2)
Ms. Cornelia Johnson Champion (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey Champion (3)
Mr. Billy Chance (2)
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Boyd Chance (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Chandler (3)
Mr. Marty Alan Chandler (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Sean Chandler
Mr. William G. Chandler (9)
Mr. Carl N. Chaney
Mrs. Mary Virginia Chaney (4)
Mr.Thomas P. Chaney
Ms. Mary D. Channakhone
Chapman Financial Group
Mr. Edgar L. Chapman
Mr. Francis Scott Chapman
Mr. James A. Chapman (2)
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Wade
Chapman (10)
Mr. and Mrs. John Mark Chapman
Mrs. Melissa A. Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Lee Chapman (2)
Mr. Bruce Michael Chappius (10)
Chappy’s Stripping & Refinishing (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Chastain (14)
Mr. Darrell Lee Chatelain
Mrs.Vicki W. Chaudoin
Mr. James G. Cheatham, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Stephens
Ms. Kelli Michelle Cheever (2)
Mrs. Inya Chehade
Mr. Frank Leslie Chelf, Jr. (16)
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Potts Cherry (4)
Mrs. Sylvia Salem Cherry
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Lee Cherry
Ms. Dorothy R. Chesley (6)
Mr. Eric Chesley
Ms. Linda S. Chesser (2)
Ms. Jean N. Chestnut
Mr. Alexander Chiang
Ms. Andrea Lynn Childers
Mr. Sam Gregory Childers
Mrs. Amanda L. Childress
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Edward
Childress (3)
Ms. Cynthia A. Childress
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Chiles (5)
Mr.Thomas F. Chimera (7)
Mr.Timothy Kirkpatrick Chism, Jr. (3)
Mr. Paul E. Chitwood, Jr
Mr. Nicholas T. Choate
Mr. Gerald Lottos Chreste (15)
Mr. Chad Chrisman (3)
Mrs. Inez M. Christenson (3)
Ms. Amanda J. Christian
Mrs. Carol Ann Christian (6)
Mr. Chad Neal Christian
Ms. Monica Dawn Chumley (4)
Mr. John Thomas Chumney (8)
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Church (18)
Mr. Mark Alan Church (2)
Ms. Susan Helen Church
Mr. and Mrs. Winston Scott Church
Ms.Toni L. Cissell (3)
Mr. Harry P. Clagett (12)
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Claiborne (3)
Mr. Hubert W. Claiborne, Jr.
Ms. Rosalind Clamper
Mr. Alderson Clark, Jr. (12)
Mr. Anthony Conrad Clark (10)
Mr. Anthony Quinn Clark (4)
Mrs. Brenda F. Clark
Mr. Chris Vinson Clark
Mr. Dal Clark (5)
Dr. Dale W. Clark (2)
Mrs. Emma Jean Clark
Mr. Fred G. Clark (11)
Mr. Fredrick A. Clark (17)
Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Clark
Mr. James B. Clark (7)
Mr. James E. Clark, Sr.
Mr. James Earl Clark
Mr. James Randall Clark
Mrs. Janet Clark (2)
Mr. John Thomas Clark (4)
Mrs. Joy Dean Clark
Mrs. Julie T. Clark
Mrs. Katherine Grace Clark
Dr. and Mrs. Lynn Fred Clark (6)
Mrs. Marjorie C. Clark
Mr. Mark Anthony Clark (2)
Mr. Merrill G. Clark, Jr.
Mr. Paul D. Clark (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Morgan Clark (7)
Mrs. Robin Denise Clark
Mr. Ronald Lynn Clark (5)
Mrs. Sandra Lynne Clark (6)
Ms. Sharon Morgan Clark (3)
Mr.Tony L. Clark
Ms. Melissa Philley Clauson
Ms. Barbara E. Clay (16)
Catesby Clay
Mr. and Mrs. Scott L. Clay
Mr. David Wayne Claycomb (7)
Mrs. Lynn Claycomb (6)
Mr. James H. Claypool
Mr. John Michael Claypool
Mr. Arthur Clayton
Ms. Crystal Clayton
Mr. Harvey Delane Clayton
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Claywell
Mr. and Mrs. Steven F. Cleberg (5)
Dr. Winston E. Cleland
Mr. Gary L. Clem
Mrs. Heather Drury Clemens
CDR Paul T. Clement, USN RET
Clements Marine Sales and Service
Mr. David R. Clements
Ms. Janice Clements (2)
Mrs. Sandra Wilson Clements
Ms. Katherine Gentry Clemmons (2)
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Clemons, Jr. (2)
Ms. Sandra Gail Clemons
Ms.Tara Lanier Clemons
Mrs. Scotty Lane Clenney
Dr. Laura Siegrist Clifford (12)
Ms.Verna H. Clifford
Ms. Cindy A. Clifton
Mr. Steven E. Clifton
Mrs. Patricia L. Clinard
Ms. Angela Dawn Cline
Mrs. Barbara Cline
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Micheal Cline
Mr. and Mrs. Richey B. Cline (5)
Ms. Shannon Michelle Cline (4)
Ms. Meredith K. Clipp
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Cloar (4)
Mrs. Suzan P. Close (2)
Mr.Van Clouse
Mr. James D. Clubb
Ms. Diane Clyne
Ms. Linda N. Coakley (2)
Mr. Mike Coakley (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Coates (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Coatney (6)
Ms. Margaret Coatney (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reed Coats
Mr. William Orville Coats
Ms. Alice S. Cobb
Western Kentucky University
Ms. Ann H. Cobb
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Cobb
Mr. Fern Cobb (7)
Mr. Jason Cobb
Ms. Mattie Jane Cobb
Mrs. Lula M. Cochran (11)
Dr.Todd T. Cochran (3)
Mrs. Mayron Justis Cockrel (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lee Cockrel
Ms.Velva Jerdene Cockrel (11)
Mr. David W. Codell
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Coe
Mr. Norman Wendell Coe
Ms. Irene M. Coen
Mr. Joseph H. Cofer
Mrs. Jeanne Lynn Coffelt (8)
Mr. and Mrs. David Scott Coffey
Mr. Johnnie David Coffey (12)
Ms. Joy Shevry Coffey
Mr. John Coffman
Mrs. Lori Ann Magers Coffman (5)
Ms. Jenny Guest Cogar
Mrs. Laura W. Cohron (14)
Ms. Anna L. Coke
Ms.Terri Rhodes Coke
Mr. George Coker, III
Mr. and Mrs. William Gregory Coker
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin A. Colburn
Mrs. Bette R. Cole (4)
Mrs. Denise Jane Cole (2)
Mr. Harold R. Cole (5)
Mr. Mark C. Cole
Mr. Mark Lanze Cole (5)
Dr. and Mrs. W. Frank Cole (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Everett L. Coleman (2)
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Coleman
Mrs. Kimberly Lee Shive Coleman
Mr.Timothy Ray Coleman
Ms.Yvonne I. Coles
Mr. John Colglazier
Mrs. Martha C. Collett
Mr. Edward Leroy Colley (9)
Mrs. Kathy Collier
Mrs. Mildred E. Collier (13)
Mr. Al Harold Collins, Jr. (13)
Mrs. Anna Smith Collins (16)
Mr. Anthony Jan Collins
Mr. Bob E. Collins (3)
Ms. Christy J. Collins
Ms. Donna F. Collins
Mrs. Gwen Collins
Mrs. Joan R. Collins (4)
Mrs. Kathryn Dodd Collins (5)
Mr. Kenneth L. Collins
Ms. Laura E. Collins
Mrs. Mary Dele Collins (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lee Collins
Mr. Richard V. Collins (7)
Ms. Stephanie L. Pollard Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Colon
Dr. Felty Colwell
Combined Physicians Lab
Ms. Annis K. Combs (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lee Combs
Ms. Amy Lee Comer
Ms. Janet E. Comperry
Mr. George William Compton, III
Dr. Ken L. Compton (4)
Mr. and Mrs. William Perry Compton
Mrs. Sue Ann Compton (5)
Mr. Gale Conder (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Conder (2)
Conder’s Truck Center (2)
Mrs. Dorothy Conklin (5)
Dr. and Mrs. Franklin D. Conley (13)
Mr. Larry E. Conley
Mr. William R. Conley
Mr. John D. Conn, Jr.
Ms. Alaena M. Conner
Mrs. Annice B. Conner (14)
Mrs. Harriet B. Conner (15)
Mrs. Marissa Lynn Conner
Mrs. Susan R. Conner (11)
Mr. D. Chester Connor
Mrs. Weslea W. Conquergood (2)
Ms. Billi Ann Conrad (9)
Constance C. Huff, DMD, PSC
Stavros Constantinou
Mr. Raymond T. Contreras
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Conway (2)
Mr. and Mrs. James Christian Conway (3)
Mrs. Nikki Dae Herdel Conway (9)
Mrs. Carol H. Cook
Mrs. Carole E. Cook (6)
Ms. Christie L. Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Scott Cook
Alumni Fall 2003
Mr. David Bryan Cook
Mr. Leonard Earl Cook (14)
Mrs. Linda N. Cook (3)
Mrs. Marsha Cook (5)
Mr. Nicholas Edward Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Cook
Mr. Preston Cook (3)
Ms. Regina A. Cook
Mr.Thomas Burbridge Cook, Jr. (11)
Mrs.Tracey O. Cook (2)
Mr. and Mrs. David Neal Cooke
Dr. Stanley S. Cooke (3)
Cook’s Fireplace
Mr. John R. Coombs (7)
Mr. Scott Thomas Coombs (6)
Mrs. Bobbie Joyce Coomer (16)
Ms. Brenda W. Coomer
Mr. Jon Michael Coomer
Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Coomes (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Brett A. Coomes
Mrs. Evelyn K. Coomes
Mrs. Wilma J. Coomes
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Coons
Mr. Bob Cooper (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Chad Rogers Cooper
Mr. Hulon E. Cooper
Mr. James Neal Cooper
Mr. John Patrick Cooper
Mrs. Kathy V. Cooper
Dr. Ralph Cooper (2)
Ms.Tracy Allison Coots (5)
Ms. Karen Ann Copas (2)
Ms. Jerilyn W. Cope
Mr. J. Richard Copeland (2)
Mr. Jerald D. Copenhaver (2)
Ms. Nancy A. Coppage (4)
Mr. Christopher L. Corbin (3)
Mrs. Karen P. Corbin
Ms. Alice Irene Corbman
Capt. and Mrs. Donald Terry
Corder, Jr. (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Eugene Corder
Hon. Kenneth G. Corey
Ms. Zelma Lorraine Corkran (4)
Mr. William C. Corley
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew C.
Cornacchione (2)
Mrs. Judith Anne Cornett
Ms. Carol Lorene Cornette (2)
Ms. Gladys D. Cornfeld
Mr. Eric E. Cornish
Ms. Megan B. Cornwall
Ms. Cathy Crane Cornwell
Ms. Patrice D. Cornwell (2)
Mr.Thomas B. Cornwell (13)
Corporate Mailing Systems, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Correa (2)
Dr. and Mrs. Jacob D. Corriher (3)
Ms. Jennifer Susan Corum (6)
Corvin Welding Co., Inc.
Mr. Carl Corvin (2)
Mr. John M. Cosby
Mr. and Mrs. Charles David Cossey
Mr. James Emmett Costello, III (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew R. Costello (5)
Mrs. Ellen P. Costigan (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Duane Cothern
Mr. Dewayne Vincent Cothron (2)
Mrs. Jennifer B. Cotter
Ms. Sarah E. Cottongim (4)
Mr. Garland C. Cottrell (11)
Mrs. Jo Ann Cottrell (3)
Mrs. Karla Renae Cottrell (2)
Mr. and Mrs. James Scott Couch (2)
Mrs. Leah M. Coughlin
CPT Brian Scott Coulter
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lee Counts (3)
Mr. Marvin G. Counts (10)
Mr. Richard Counts
Ms. Mildred L. Countzler
Mrs. Jacquelin C. Covalsen
Mr. David M. Coverdale (3)
Mr. Dale W. Covington
Mrs. Amy H. Cowan (2)
Ms. Meleny Cowell
Mrs. Ellen Faye Cowherd
Ms. Marjorie H. Cowherd (7)
Ms. Dana C. Cox
Mr. Gary Cox
Mrs. Jeanne Woodall Cox (5)
Mrs. Kathy Keltner Cox
Mr. Kenneth W. Cox (10)
Mrs. Linda M. Cox (5)
Mrs. Pamela Sue Cox (2)
Mr. Philip Keith Cox (2)
Mr. Robbie G. Cox (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gene Cox (2)
Mr. Robert Kennedy Cox
Mrs. Sarah Ann Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Allen Cox (2)
Mr.Thomas C. Cox (4)
Mr.Thomas Patrick Cox, Jr.
Mrs. Jennie N. Coyle (8)
Mr. Lloyd Crabbe (4)
Ms. Amanda L. Crabtree
Mrs. Betty B. Crabtree
Mrs. L. Michelle Crabtree (2)
Mrs. Peggy Jo Crabtree
Mr. Shawn D. Crabtree
Mrs.Trisha Gaye Crabtree (2)
Mrs. Sandra Young Craddock (10)
Mr. George Chester Crady
Mr. Jeffrey A. Crady
Mr. and Mrs. John Cleatus Crady (2)
Ms. Angela Rena Craft
Mrs. Melinda M. Craft (14)
Ms. Brooke D. Crafton
Mr. Charles W. Crafton (5)
Mrs. Laura Crafton
Ltc. William Toby Crafton
Mr. Gary Don Crafts (7)
Mr. John Michael Craig (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Andrew Craig
Ms. Pamela Kaye Craig
Mrs. Patricia H. Craig (2)
Mr. Patrick Keith Craig (2)
Ms.Theodora Craig
Ms. Jean M. Craighead (5)
Ms. Candace G. Crain
Mr. James Leonard Crain
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Crain (2)
Mr. Walter Cramer
Ms. Jean Degrace Crandall
Ms. Lori D. Cranmer
Ms. Rhonda Sue Craven
Ms. Cheryl Anne Crawford
Ms. Claudia Rose Crawford
Mr. Eddie L. Crawford (2)
Ms. Genevieve B. Crawford (2)
Mrs. Jacqueline A. Crawford (2)
Mrs. Janet Crawford
Mrs. Joanne Sneed Crawford (4)
Mr. Mark Edward Crawford
Mrs. Mary Jo Crawford
Mrs. Runell Crawford
Mr. Robert Michael Creager (2)
Creative Design
Mr. Steven R. Crebessa
Ms. Amity Dawn Creech
Mrs. Melody Beth Creech (7)
Mr.Troy Caleb Creech (7)
Mr. James H. Creek
Ms. Anna M. Creekmore (17)
Mrs. Barbara A. Crenshaw (3)
Mrs. Connie Crisafulli
Mr. Ronald E. Crisp (9)
Mr. Robert D. Criswell
Ms. Kari N. Critcheloe
Mr. Robert Crivello
Mrs. Patricia A. Crocker (7)
Mr. Roger Dale Crocker
Mrs. Christy M. Croft (5)
Dr. Rachel Gray Croft (16)
Mr. Michael J. Croley
Mrs. Carol Cromer (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Cron
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Cron (2)
Mrs. Edith H. Cropp (17)
Mrs. Martha M. Cropper
Mr. David C. Cross (3)
Mr. David Martin Cross (3)
Mr. Fred D. Cross (4)
Mr. Joseph Karl Cross
Ms. Judy Taylor Cross
Mr. Winfried B. Cross
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Edward Crosslin (5)
Ms. Amanda Nicole Crouch
Dr. Lou Ann Crouther (2)
Ms. Margaret Crowder
Mrs. Brenda Kaye Young Crowe (8)
Mrs. Candace Crowley (3)
Ms. Cris Ann Crowley (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Eric Crumbie
Mr. Richard Lee Crumbie (8)
Mr. Gene Cox Crume, Sr. (2)
Dr. Claudia and Mr. Stanley Crump
Mrs. Susan M. Crump
Mrs. Katrina A. Crutcher (4)
Ms. Isobel R. Crutchfield (13)
Mr. Alex Cruz
Mrs. Melanie Uzzle Culbertson
Mr. George C. Cumbee
Mrs. Debra L. Cummins
Mrs. Betty J. Cundiff (4)
Mr. Darren L. Cundiff
Mr. and Mrs. David Lindsay Cundiff (6)
Mr. Lee Cundiff
Mrs. Martenia B. Cundiff (2)
Mrs. Stacey K. Cundiff (2)
Ms. Carolyn A. Cunningham
Mr. Craig Cunningham (6)
Mr. Doyle Cunningham (2)
Mrs. Emily M. Cunningham (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Cunningham
Ms. Kimberly B. Cunningham
Mrs. Lisa M. Cunningham
Mrs. Margaret W. Cunningham
Mr. Roger D. Cunningham (2)
Mr. and Mrs.Tom Curley (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce James Currie
Rev. Christopher Dale Curry
Mr. Robert Lynn Curry (2)
Mrs. Joy C. Curt (2)
Ltc.Thomas R. Curtin
Mrs. Bette T. Curtis
Mr. David S. Curtis (3)
Ms. Linda Curtis
Ms. Andrea Latrice Cushenberry
Mr. James Donald Cutbush (3)
Mrs.Terry Lynn Cutler
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Joe Cuzzort (2)
Mrs. Marye Stone Dahlman
Mrs. Jo Ann Dalby (2)
Mrs. Carol A. Dales
Mr. and Mrs. Gary E. Dallas
Mr. James Landon Dalton
Ms. Susan G. Dalton (4)
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Daly (2)
Mr. Norman Julius Damer
Mr. Paul Allen Dameron
Dance Arts of Bowling Green
Mrs. Jama Carole Danhauer (3)
Mr. William E. Danhauer (3)
Mr. Dwight D. Daniel (4)
Mr. John L. Daniel
Mrs. Mary Lee Daniel
Mr. Murel Daniel (3)
Mr. William Nicks Daniel (13)
Mrs. Charlene Lyons Daniels
Dr. Emil Dansker (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Joseph Dant (5)
Mrs. Shelly H. Dantzler (2)
Mrs. Peggy Darnall
Mr. Bob Darrell
Mrs. Stacey Carnes Darst
Mrs. Barbara Lynn Dauby (5)
Dr. Lillian R. Daughaday
Joyce Arlene Daugherty
Mr. Kim G. Daugherty (5)
Ms. Lee Ann Daugherty
Mr.Thomas Todd Daugherty (5)
Ms. Gay Marquetta Davenport
Mr. Mel Davenport
Mrs. Shirley B. Davenport (5)
Mr. Wilford Thomas Davenport
Mr. James Ronald Daves
David M. Moody D.M.D.
Mrs. Elizabeth Towery Davidson
Mr. Randy S. Davidson
Mrs. Susan G. Davidson
Dr. James C. Davies (2)
Mr. Lloyd Guy Davies (5)
Mrs. Angela Denise Davis
Ms. Ann Marie Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Hardin Y. Davis (4)
Ms. Bethany B. Davis
Mr. Byron Robert Davis
Mrs. Carolyn D. Davis
Mr. Chad Wayne Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Davis
Ms. Darlene H. Davis
Mr. David Davis (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Darrel Davis (6)
Mr. Don C. Davis
Mr. Donald Davis (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Ford T. Davis (4)
Ms. Erin Marie Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lee Davis (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Ford T. Davis (4)
Mrs. Frances L. Davis
Mrs. Gina Elizabeth Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Hardin Y. Davis (5)
Mr. Harold T. Davis
Mr. Harold Wayne Davis (8)
Mrs. Helen A. Davis (13)
Mr. Hugo Davis (2)
Mr. James E. Davis (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Mount Davis
Mr. James S. Davis (2)
Mrs. Jennifer D. Davis (4)
Mrs. Jennifer Mahle Davis
Mrs. Julie C. Davis (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle R. Davis
Mrs. Leslie L. Davis (3)
Mrs. Lisa Davis (12)
Mrs. M. Elaine Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Curry W. Davis, Jr. (4)
Mrs. Margaret Darla Davis
Ms. Melissa Sue Davis
Mr. Michael G. Davis
Ms. Robbie Nicole Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ken Davis (7)
Mr. S.Todd Davis
Mrs. Stephanie Davis
Mr. Steve E. Davis
Ms. Susan Davis
Mrs.Teresa Sue Davis
Mr. Joseph C. Dawkins (13)
Mr.Tim Dawkins
Mr. Brian Dent Dawson
Mr. C. Leslie Dawson (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Joseph Dawson
Mrs. Mia H. Dawson (2)
Dr. Royce E. Dawson (2)
Dr. Wallace Dawson
Ms. Amanda L. Day
Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Day (12)
Mrs. Nancy M. Day (7)
Mr. Paul M. Day (13)
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Dayberry
Owensboro Mercy Health System
supports Nursing scholarships at WKU
President Gary Ransdell thanks Owensboro Mercy Hospital
for their gift during a Rooster Booster breakfast.
• Owensboro Mercy Health System has made a gift of $65,000 this year,
annually renewable for up to five years for a total of $325,000 if
renewed, to support 10 Nursing scholarships for students who agree to
return to the hospital to work upon their graduations.
• According to Vicki Stogsdill, Owensboro Mercy’s senior vice president
of operations, the scholarships will be awarded to students who possess
qualities that reflect the core commitments of OMHS, which are integrity, teamwork, innovation, respect, service and excellence.
“We are pleased that ODCH, Inc. has approved the nursing
scholarships for Western Kentucky University, because of
the quality of the program and the success that past graduates have had at OMHS. The scholarships will support nursing students from our region which will help to alleviate the
nursing shortage and expand the program at Western.”
Vicki Stogsdill
senior vice president of operations, Owensboro Mercy
“This is an excellent and innovative example of how a public university can work with private support to meet the
needs of our region. These scholarships help students by
enabling deserving men and women to pursue careers in
nursing. They also assist the community by helping fill a void
in the marketplace and keeping our graduates employed in
this region.”
Dr. Gary A. Ransdell
Mr. Marlin D. Dayoub (3)
Mr. Mathew Harley De Haas
Mrs. Sheila J. Deal (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Dean (5)
Mrs. Rosemarie Anne Dean
Mrs. Stephanie Landrum Dean
Mr. Donald Dearing (17)
Mr. Ronald Stephen Dearing
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Deaton (2)
Mr. Brent Lyle Deaves
Mrs. Paula C. Deberry (2)
Mr. Michael G. Deboe
Mr. Jonathan J. Deboer
Mr. Michael E. Deboer
Mrs. Connie L. Debord (4)
Mr.Vernon Ray Debruler
Mr.Timothy Elton Deckard
Mr. Steven Robert Deckel
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher
Dwight Decker
Mr. Gregory Dewayne Decker
Mrs. Pamela J. Decker (3)
Mrs. Catherine Mary Irvin Deddens
Dedicated Denture Service
Dr. and Mrs. Norman A. Deeb (3)
Mr. David A. Deering (2)
Mr. John E. Deering (3)
Mr. Charlie Dees (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Dees (3)
Mrs. Evenlyn Joyce Deglopper
Ms. Ashley Rae Dejarnette (3)
Mr. Sidney Delong (2)
Delta Air Lines Foundation
Mrs. Nancy C. Demaree (2)
Mr. Jeremy T. Demarest
Mrs. Ann S. Demko (3)
Mr. Edward Demonbrun (10)
Ms. Laura Michelle Demott
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Steven Dempsey
Mrs. Sara S. Demuth
Ms. Deborah Denenfeld
Mr. Jackson Lee Denham (2)
Ms. Karen Lynn Denham
Mrs. Patsy Matthews Denham (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Bryan Denison
Mr. Charles Melburn Denney
Ms. Kathy Denney
Mr. Mark Allen Denney (2)
Ms. Norma Jean Denney (3)
Mrs. Jennifer C. Dennis (7)
Mrs. Arlene Dennison
Mrs. Deidra Michelle Dennison
Mr. Robert Wayne Dennison
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Denny (2)
Mr. R. Scott Denny
Mrs. Rhonda Jean Dentinger
Mr. and Mrs. Dana E. Denton
Ms. Julie A. Denton
Mr. Lennie R. Denton
Mrs. Minakshi Vasant Deo
Mr. John Anthony Depalma (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Depp
Mrs.Theresia D. Depriest
Mr. Richard Derby
Mr. William A. Dermody (9)
Mr. David Dernier (8)
Mr. Charles Derrickson
Mr. Christopher J. Derry
Mr. Mark David Deruzzo
Mr. Christopher J. Desimio
Mr. William W. Deskins (3)
Mr. and Mrs. James Lawrence
Despain (14)
Mr. Joseph Y. DeSpain (15)
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Detenber (2)
Dr. Carol Michler Detmer (3)
Mr. Charles Ford Deusner
Mrs. Katherine Cranfill Deutsch
Mr. Michael R. Devillez
Ms. April Michelle Devine
Mr. and Mrs. James Michael Devine (7)
Mr. Jerry Devore
Mr. Frederick G. DeVries
Mrs. Aloma W. Dew (4)
Mrs. Amy L. Deweese
Mr. Raymond P. Deweese (4)
Ms. Diana Leigh DeWitt
Mrs. Martha De Young
Mr. Nick C. Diachenko
Ms. Brenda Dial
Mr. Danny D. Diaz
Ms. Beth Dible
Ms. Susan Westray Dicicco
Mrs. Antoinette N. Dickens (14)
Ms. Kimberly N. Dickerson
Ms. Luisa Dickett
Ms. Ann Dickey (7)
Hon. and Mrs. Benjamin L.
Dickinson (22)
Ms. Genie O. Dickson (9)
Mr. Bernard Diedrich
Mr. and Mrs. James Thomas Diemer
Mrs. Donna Kay Dietz
Ms. Linda Sue Dillard
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Allen Dillard (2)
Mr.Troy Patrick Dillard (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Steven G. Dilliha (3)
Mr. Neil H. Dilorenzo
Mr. James F. Dinwiddie (5)
Mr. Dennis L. Dipert (16)
Mr. Norman Darrell Diseker
Mrs. Amy Lee Disparte
Mr. Brenton Edward Ditto
Mr. Darryn R. Diuguid
Mr. and Mrs. Kelly R. Divine (5)
Mr. Daniel Dixon
Mr. David Dixon
Mrs. Gail B. Dixon (12)
Mrs. Gerry L. Dixon (5)
Mr. Givens Dixon (7)
Ms. Lorna Dixon (2)
Ms. Deana Lynne Doan
Ms. Susan V. Doane
Mrs. Ruth Anne Dobbins
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dodd (9)
Mr. Harry T. Dodemont (2)
Mrs. Cynthia D. Dodson (12)
Mrs. Dorothy Grise Dodson (20)
Ms. Evelyn Jeannie Dodson
Mr. Jason L. Dodson
Mrs. Wanda S. Dodson (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Kinchel C. Doerner (3)
Mr. Peter J. Doll
Mrs. Nancy L. Domeck (9)
Mr. James Eugene Domerese
Ms. Julie Ann Domian
Dominican Sisters
Mr. James Herbert Donald (9)
Ms. Margaret Ann Donaldson (7)
Mr. Randall C. Donaldson (6)
Mr. Robert Donigian
Mr.Thomas Michael Donlon (8)
Mr. Adam Dalton Donnelly (2)
Mr. and Mrs. John Edward Donnelly (3)
Mrs. Mary B. Donnelly
Mrs. Hollie H. Donze
Ms. Jennifer Dooley
Ms. Donna Louise Dorris (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Stephen
Dorris (7)
Mr. Steven Loyd Dorris
Mr. Aaron P. Doss
Mrs. Jane S. Doss
Mr. Larry Doss (3)
Mrs. Mary Lee Doss (5)
Ms. Angela D. Dossey
Mr. Roy L. Dossey
Ms. Betty B. Dotson (11)
Mr. Robert L. Doty (6)
Double S. Simmental
Mr. William R. Dougan
Douglas C. McArthur & Associates
Mr. A. Ray Douglas (3)
Mr. J.Todd Douglas
Mr. Jerry G. Douglas (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Douglas (3)
Mr. James M. Douthitt (3)
Ms. Joanna Kay Dove
Ms. Leeanna Dowan
Mrs. Janella Jean Dowd
Ms. Joyce Ann Dowdell
Mrs. Frances R. Dowell
Mrs. Kimberly R. Dowell
Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Dowell (3)
Mr. A. Morris Downey, Jr. (2)
Ms. Janet L. Downey
Dr. Max M. Downey
Dr. and Mrs. Dero G. Downing (12)
Mr. George W. Downing (8)
Mr. Joe Burton Downing (3)
Mr. and Mrs. David John
Downing (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Davis Lee Downs
Ms. Jamie Beth Downs
Ms. Janelle E. Downs (2)
Mr. Joseph E. Downs, Jr. (5)
Ms. Kelly Parrish Downs
Mr. Sean Robert Downs
Ms. Cassondra Murray Doyle
Mr. Darrell D. Doyle
Ms. Gwendolyn Danette Doyle
Western Kentucky University
Mr. Patrick J. Doyle (8)
Mr. Steve Allen Doyle
Ms. Jennifer D. Dragoo
Mr. Darrell Jones Drain
Mrs. Brenda Alice Drake (10)
Mr. Gregory Keith Drake (2)
Ms. Jill M. Drake
Ms. Sarah Frances Drake (9)
Mr. Wilbur B. Drake (7)
Mr. and Mrs. James
Thomas Drakeley
Mr. Edward L. Dreikorn, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs.Tim F. Driggs (3)
Mrs. Deborah Ann Driskill (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Driskill
Ms. Judith Ann Driver (6)
Mr. John Charles Drombosky (3)
Mrs. Clara Mae Druen (9)
Ms. Suzanne Dubois
Ms. Bobbie J. Dubree
Ms.Tammy Lynn Dubree
Mrs. Donna Jo Deason
Dubrock (2)
Mr. David A. Dubs (6)
Mr. Charles D. Duckett
Ms. Sarah B. Duckworth
Mr. Kenneth Darrell Duff
Ms.Traci J. Duff
Mr. Brent Casey Duffy
Mrs. Diana Mae Duggins (5)
Mrs. Donna Mann Duke
Mrs. Sarah Kay Dukes
Mr. Speed B. Dukes
Mr. Steven P. Dukes (6)
Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Ray Dukes
Mrs. Judy C. Dulin
Mr. Hubert Leon Dunagan, Jr.
Mr. Bob E. Duncan
Ms. Doris Jean Duncan
Mr. and Mrs. J. Henry Duncan
Mr. Jamie M. Duncan
Mrs. Jane N. Duncan (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Larry M. Duncan
Ms. Kathy Rena Duncan
Mr. and Mrs. Larry M. Duncan
Mrs. Mattie S. Duncan (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Samuel
Duncan (7)
Mrs. Ruby Carol Duncan
Ms. Rachel H. Dunham (14)
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Dunn
Mr. Ronald J. Dunn (5)
Mrs. Rosebud M. Dunn
Mrs.Tracy S. Dunnavant (7)
Mrs. Judy Marie Dunning (9)
Mr. Ken J. Dunsire (3)
Mr.Troy Lee Dupin
Mr. Billy Joe Durall
Mrs. Judy L. Durall
Mr. Daniel Wayne Durbin
Mrs. Deborah Sue Durbin (7)
Ltc. John Brian Durbin (3)
Mr. Joseph Leo Durbin (2)
Mrs. Debbie S. Durham (4)
Mr. Don Durham (4)
Mr. James Martin Durham (d.)
Mr. Patrick Hager Durham
Dr. and Mrs.Terry W. Durham (10)
Mrs. Kimberly Cheree Durrance
Mr. Samuel J. Durrett (9)
Dr. James Durston (2)
Mrs. Brenda L. Duvall (2)
Mr. Dan M. Duvall
Ms. Ernestine Duvall (3)
Mr. Freddy Thomas Duvall (2)
Ms. Glenda Lee Duvall (2)
Mr. Kenneth Roy Duvall
Mr. Joseph Byron Dwyer
Mr. Delbert V. Dyar
Mr. R. W. Dyche, III (3)
Ms. Shannon Marea Dyche
Mrs. Joni Lynn Dye (11)
Mrs. Judith Dye
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Alan Dye (2)
Mr. Robert T. Dye
Ms. Brandi Elaine Dyer
Mr. Edwin Kenneth Dyer (9)
Ms. Leah Jo Dyer (16)
Ms. Melanie Ruth Dyer
Ms. Rebecca Rubini Dyer (2)
Mr. Joseph A. Dyson (4)
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas J. Eade
Dr. Berry E. Eads (3)
Mrs. Connie T. Eads (2)
Mrs. Kimberly Dawn Earl
Mrs. Mary R. Earley (8)
Alumni Fall 2003
Mr. Rickie L. Earley (2)
Mr. Blaine Early
Mr. John Mike Early (9)
Mr. Andy Easley
Mr. and Mrs. William East (6)
Mr. Kenneth East
Mr. Kevin Brent East
Mr. Mark Easterday
Mr. Gregory Lynn Eastham
Mrs. Joy Beth Eastin (14)
Mr. Stephen Hancock Eastin
Mr. William E. Eaton
Mr. James C. Eaves, Jr.
Mrs. Helen Y. Ebelhar (3)
Mr. Michael Scott Ebelhar
Dr. Steven M. Eberly (2)
Mr. Rufus D. Eblen, Jr. (3)
Ms. Janis Dianne Ebolum (2)
Mrs. Bonita B. Echstenkamper
Dr. Ronald David Eckard (19)
Mr. and Mrs. William Lawrence
Eckman (8)
Mrs. Cheryl Ann Edelen (5)
Mr. Stephen R. Edelen
Ms. Janie P. Edge
Mrs. Marianne Edge (13)
Mrs. Mary Anne Edge (7)
Ms. Mary Annette Edgin (6)
Mr. Gregory Ralph Edinger (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Edison (2)
Ms.Teresa Logue Edlin
Mrs. Colleen Adele Edmiston (5)
Ms. Betty F. Edmonds
Mr. John Edmondson (3)
Edward Jones
Mrs. Beverly Bloyd Edwards (6)
Mr. Brent Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Jay Edwards (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Barry L. Edwards (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Alan Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. Edwards (2)
Ms. Kahli A. Edwards
Mrs. Lesley Ann Edwards
Mr. Mark Curtis Edwards (2)
Ms. Nell B. Edwards (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bruce Edwards
Mrs.Tonya Denise Edwards
Mr. Brandon Shane Egan
Mrs.Tamara S. Egan
Ms. Donna S. Egbert
Mr. Graham Egerton
Mr. John W. Egerton
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Eggleton (15)
Mrs. Phyllis Egnew (9)
Mr. Robert C. Eich (3)
Mrs. Carol J. Eicher (6)
Mrs. Sue S. Eicher
Mr. Robert A. Eimer (14)
Mr. Bruce Allan Eisert
Mr. Richard K. Eisert
Mr. Brad E. Ekiss
Mrs. Carolyn B. Elamon (5)
Mrs. Melissa Ann Elder (10)
Mrs. Charlotte Lee Eldridge
Mr. Michael L. Eldridge (2)
Mr. Phillip J. Eleson
Mr. Donald Elliott Eley (6)
Mr. Dennis H. Elgin
Ms. Lisa K. Elkins (5)
Mr. Billy Allen Elliott (2)
Mrs. Carrie Lynn Elliott
Mr. Harold J. Elliott
Ms. Ida Elliott (3)
Mrs. Lianne J. Elliott (2)
Mr. Lloyd H. Elliott, Jr. (2)
Ms. Mary Jane Elliott (5)
Mr. and Mrs.Tommy Lynn Elliott
Mr. William J. Elliott
Ellis Place 700 State, Inc.
Ms. Danette Renee Ellis
Mr. Kevin Todd Ellis
Ms. Lena C. Ellis (2)
Mr. Robert Ellis
Mrs. Stacy R. Edds Ellis
Mrs.Valerie Timmons Ellis (2)
Mrs. Maryde H. Elliston (15)
Mr. Eric James Ellsworth
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Joseph Elmlinger
Mr. David Robert Elmore
Mrs. Marie Michelle P. Elmore (3)
Mrs. Melissa M. Elmore (5)
Mrs. Martha C. Elrod (11)
Mr. Norman H. Elsner (3)
Mrs. Janice Primel Ely
Mrs. Angela Limbacher Embry
Mr. John W. Embry (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Allen Embry (2)
Mrs. Mary Carolyn Hill Embry (5)
Mrs. Nancy Embry
Emerson Electric Company
Ms. Deborah Emerson (2)
Mr. Douglas E. Emerson (10)
Mr. John R. Emerson
Mr. Larry Douglas Emerson
Mr. Richard Allen Emerson
Mr. Roy L. Emmick (3)
Employee Capital Solutions, Inc.
Mrs. Mary Vernice Engeset (10)
Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Clyde England (3)
Mrs. Barbara Janet English (14)
Ms. Pamela E. English
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall L. Enoch (2)
Ms.Veronica Boiling Ent
Equiva Services LLc
Ms. Nancy Cardwell Erdos (2)
Mrs. Marcia A. Ernstberger
Dr. and Mrs. John G. Erskine (3)
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas E. Ervin
Ms. Carol M. Esch (2)
Ms. Judith Ann Escue
Mr. Michael Raphael Esposito (2)
Mrs.Victoria Essex
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Esterle (17)
Mr. and Mrs. Oral Fay Esters (8)
Mrs. Camille F. Estes (3)
Mr. Ronald H. Estes (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Carroll Estes
Mrs. Susan L. Estes (4)
Ms. Linda C. Etheridge (2)
Mr. William P. Eubank, Jr. (2)
Mr. Bruce W. Evans
Ms. Frances Wells Evans
Mr. Gerald Evans (3)
Mrs. Joanne M. Evans (10)
Mr. and Mrs. John Owen Evans
Mrs. Katherine D. Evans
Mrs. Kathy Lynn Evans
Mr. Levi Evans
Mr. Lewis Evans
Ms. Robbie Ann Evans (9)
Mr. Robert Michael Evans
Ms. Sarah Kathleen Evans (9)
Mr. and Mrs. John Owen Evans
Mr.Timothy Henry Evans (4)
Ms.Vicki Lynn Evans
Mrs. Carrie V. Evento (18)
Mrs. Dana Tipton Everett
Mr. Benjamin David Everley
Ms. Ann Margaret Everly
Ms. Maria T. Everly
Mr. Richard Allen Eversman (6)
Mr. and Mrs.T. Jack Eversole (16)
Mr. Harold E. Evilsizor
Mr. Wayne C. Evrard
Mr. Richard Mark Ewald (6)
Mrs. Christine Ewersmann
Executive Inn (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Joseph Eyl (3)
Mr. Raymond D. Ezell
Mrs. Susan Barr Fackler (2)
Mrs. Angela Carter Fahling (2)
Mr. Bret Donald Fahnstrom (5)
Mrs. Jerri Diane Fahrbach (2)
Mrs. Nancyann Failing (2)
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas C. Fain (3)
Mr. Derick E. Fair
Mrs. Doris D. Faircloth (13)
Mr. Joe L. Fairleigh
Mr. Leroy Falender
Mr.Thomas A. Falicchio, Jr. (12)
Mr. David Alan Faller (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Faller
Mrs. Robin V. Fambrough (2)
Family Medical Center of Hart Co.
Mr. Bruce Fanelli (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Fant
Mr. Anthony F. Fargnoli (20)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Vincent Farina
Ms. Sandra Click Fariss (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ray Farmer (8)
Ms. Leann Farmer
Mrs. Lisa S. Farmer
Mrs. Penny L. Farmer
Mr.Timothy Joel Farmer (5)
Mr. and Mrs. John O. Farner (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Edward Farris
Mr. John K. Farris
Ms. Marjorie F. Farris (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Dwayne Farris
Mrs. Rebecca Anne Farris
Ms. Susan L. Farris (4)
Ms. Gloria Redmon Faught
Mr. Samuel Ryan Faught
Mr. Cornelius J. Faulkner
Ms. Kathy Faulkner (3)
Mrs.Vera Jarboe Faulkner
Mr. Steven C. Fausey
Mrs. Cheryl Ann Fawbush (2)
Mr. D. Duncan Faxon
Mr. David A. Faxon, Jr. (11)
Mrs. Katrina E. Featherston
Mr. Paul A. Fedde
Federated Department Stores
Mr. Ricardo Federico
Mr. Ricci Federico
Mr. John J. Feigen
Dr. Jeffrey M. Feix
Dr. and Mrs. Jim Biggers Feix
Mrs. Sandra S. Feldhaus (4)
Mr. J. Joseph Felicicchia (2)
Mrs. Kimberly Leann Fell (5)
Mrs. Suzanne Denise Feller
Mr. Brent W. Fellows (2)
Ms. Luisa Fels
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Felton (5)
Ms. Madeline L. Felton
Mrs. Lucia Hagan Felty (8)
Mr. Dennis Britt Fentress (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Fentress (3)
Mr.Taras Ferencevych
Mr.Trent Mitchell Fergerson
Ms. Ariane Ferguson
Mr. James R. Ferguson
Mrs. LeeAnn Rene Ferguson
Mr. Michael P. Ferguson (2)
Ms. Robin Ferguson
Ms. Sally Watson Ferguson
Ms. Stephanie A. Ferner
Mr. Peter S. Ferrara (5)
Mrs. Stephanie D. Ferrell
Mr. John E. Ferren (7)
Ms. Kathleen Ann Ferry (14)
Mrs. Mary Carolyn Fetherling
Mr. Lynn R. Fetterman (15)
Mr. Wayne D. Fetty, Jr.
Ms. Judith L. Fiddick
Mrs. Karen J. Field
Mr. Dennis A. Fields
Mrs. Joan L. Fields (3)
Ms. Krissie C. Fields (2)
Dr. and Mrs. Noland Fields
Mr. Paul Bryan Fields (4)
Ms. Sandra Elaine Fields
Ms. Audrea Ann Fiese
Fifth Third Bancorp
Ms. Rita Lynn Fike
Mrs. Agnes Nan Filburn (6)
Ltc. and Mrs. Carl S. Filip
Ms. Carolyn Amalie Filzer (2)
Mr.Thaddeus M. Fine (2)
Ms. Christine J. Fink
Ms. Bobbie G. Finley
Mr. and Mrs. Jason S. Finley
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry T. Finley (14)
Ms. Laura Michelle Finley
Ms. Stacey M. Finley (2)
Mr. Mickey H. Finn
First Baptist Church (2)
Mr. Jeremy Fischer
Dr. Scott M. Fischer
Ms. Peggy Fishburn
Mr. William H. Fishburn (12)
Mr. E. Austin Fisher, Jr. (3)
Mr. Jason T. Fisher
Ms. Lillie Perkins Fisher (2)
Mr.Thomas A. Fisher
Mr. Zach P. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Raymond Fitch (15)
Mr. John Brodney Fitzgerald
Mr. Larry E. Fitzhugh (5)
Mr.Troy Eugene Fitzhugh (7)
Mrs. Beverly J. Flaherty (4)
Mrs. Lisa B. Flaherty
Mr. James Lee Flanders
Ms. Lonna Arden Flanders
Dr. Beckie S. Flannagan (6)
Ms. Marla Flannery
Mrs. Donna Wilson Flatt
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Fleenor (6)
Ms. Lynna Renae Fleming
Mr. and Mrs. Osburn R. Flener
Rev. Charles E. Flener (2)
Mr. Roger Flener (7)
Ms. Wanda Bondurant Flener (5)
Mr. John C. Fletcher (2)
Ms. Mary M. Fletcher (10)
Dr. Harold Dayton Flint (6)
Dr. Meta Elaine Flint (2)
Mr. Jason Neil Flood
Ms. Jessica Elaine Flood
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest W. Florence
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Floro
Ms. Kimberly Ann Flory (5)
Ms. Ashley I. Flowers
Mr. Dennis E. Flowers
Mr. James Porter Flowers (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ray Floyd (11)
Mr. William A. Floyd
Fly By Mike, Inc.
Ms. Felicia D. Flynn
Mr. Gary Winston Flynn (10)
Mrs. Jacqueline S. Flynn
Mr. Jason Jerome Flynn
Mr.Terry Flynn (9)
FMC Foundation
Ms. Joann Fogg
Mr. William Sidney Fogle
Dr. Mary and Mr. Gary Veston Foley
Mr. Kevin Foley (4)
Mrs. Rilla Haupt Foley
Mrs. Mary Katherine Gore Folkner (14)
Mrs. Gerry Linda Forbes (6)
Ms. Linda S. Forbes
Mrs. Lucy B. Forbes
Mr. and Mrs. Rivers Ford
Mrs. Charlotte Hesler Ford (8)
Mrs. Clarice Ford
Mrs. Colette Ford (7)
Mr. Glenn Allen Ford
Mr. Isaac Ford
Mrs. Jacqueline M. Ford
Mrs. Jo Carol Ford (2)
Mr. Louis B. Ford (2)
Ms. Margaret A. Ford
Ms. Martha H. Ford (2)
Mrs. Mary Rose Ford (2)
Mrs. Starr G. Ford
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Ford (5)
Mr. Dwight Forderhase
Mr. Paul Brian Forester
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edward Forman (7)
Ms. Malia B. Formes
Mr. Dan Forrest
Mrs. Dawn Elaine Forry (5)
Mr. and Mrs.Trent Kenyon Forshee (4)
Mrs. Eva S. Forsythe (6)
Mr. Michael Craig Forsythe (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wayne Fort
Mr. William D. Fortney
Mrs. Glee Anna Fossier (4)
Mrs. Agnes R. Foster (13)
Ms. Aleta J. Foster (9)
Ms. Bethney J. Foster
Mr. Edward R. Foster (7)
Mr. Gary S. Foster
Mr. Gordon B. Foster, Sr. (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Thomas Foster (3)
Mr. Michael T. Foster
Mr. Robert Bruce Foster
Mr. Scott T. Foster
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Foulke (12)
Mrs. Nada M. Fountain
Mr. John P. Fourqurean (9)
Mrs. Diane Dooley Fout (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Fowler (6)
Ms. Martha Woodward Fowler
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Herbert Fox (7)
Mr. James E. Fox
Ms. Joanna Fox
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Fox (2)
Ms. Lori Kay Fox
Mr. Michael Patrick Fox (2)
Dr. Ryan D. Fox (2)
Mrs. Sherry C. Fox (13)
Mr. John Robert Fraim
Mr. Stanley A. Framburg, III (9)
Mrs. Beth Ann Francis
Mr. James Marc Francis
Mrs. Karen T. Francour
Mrs. Laura Jean Frank (10)
Mr. Clint H. Franklin (3)
Mr. David Russell Franklin
Mr. Donald W. Franklin (8)
Mrs. Macie Anderson Franklin
Mrs. Nancy L. Frantsvog (5)
Mr. Gregory Cliff Franzman
Mrs. Margaret B. Fraser (7)
Mrs. Linda L. Frasier
Mrs. Ruth Charlene Fravala (7)
Mr.Thomas W. Frazier (3)
Ms. Betty Frederick
Mr. Peter A. Frederick
Mr. William L. Frederick (2)
Mr. Mark Monroe Fredrick
Ms. Kristie Diane Free
Mr. Allen George Freeland (5)
Mrs. Angele Monique Freeman
Ms. Elizabeth Faye Freeman (4)
Mrs. Kathy H. Freeman (8)
Mr.Thomas R. Freeman (2)
Ms.Tiffanie D. Freeman
Mr. W. Randall Freeman (2)
Dr. John H. Freer (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Heber Freer (2)
Mr. Adam E. French
Mrs. Barbara L. French
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. French (7)
Ms. Rita Holmon French (4)
Mrs. Lisa Victoria Frericks (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Glenn Freshley (2)
Dr. Michael E. Freville (4)
Ms. Carmen Della Frey (3)
Mr. Francis Medley Frey (3)
Mr. Erin M. Frick
Mr. John H. Frick (6)
Ms. Friedman and Mr. Bardin (3)
Mr. Ira Friedman
Mr. Mark Dennis Friedman (2)
Mr. Francis C. Friedrich (2)
Ms. Wynona Frildman
Ms. Lindsey Nicole Frilling
Ms. Martha Mae Frisch (3)
Mr.Thomas T. Frishe
Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Frith (3)
Mrs. Alesia Ann Fritts (6)
Mr. David Brown Frizzell (2)
Mr. Jerry B. Frockt
Ms. Marcella Froggett
Mrs. Micki W. Froggett
Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Frost
Mr. Michael Duane Frye (9)
Ms. Julie F. Fryia
Mr. and Mrs. Alan E. Fryrear (10)
Mrs. Ginger Fudge
Mr. John J. Fudge
Mr. Mark Allen Fudge
Mr. Denver Fugate (10)
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Fugate (3)
Mrs.Terri Kathryn Fugate (3)
Mrs. April A. Fulcher (2)
Mrs. Camille Lynn Fulkerson
Mr. Douglas Fulkerson (6)
Mrs. Janetta Lou Fulkerson (5)
Ms. Jean Fulkerson (3)
Mrs. Jorita McMillen Fulkerson
Mr. and Mrs. Jason C. Fulkerson (6)
Mr. Michael Hugh Fulkerson (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Joe Fulkerson (2)
Ms. Robin L. Fulkerson
Mr. Bryan Scott Fuller
Ms. Dian G. Graham Fuller (3)
Mrs. Reda Fuller
Mr. Joseph G. Fulmer (2)
Mrs. Frances Kaye Fulton
Mr. Danny Gene Fultz (2)
Ms. Margaret Ann Fultz
Mrs. Denise D. Fundanish
Mrs. Anita Barnett Fuqua (2)
Mrs. Marcia R. Fuqua (13)
Mr. and Mrs. David Scott Furkin (2)
Ms. Mary Abbitt Fye
G.T. D., Inc. (3)
Ms. Judy L. Gabbard (2)
Mr. Gerald M. Gabbert (13)
Dr. William R. Gabbert (13)
Dr. Milton Keith Gabehart (14)
Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Gabhart
Mr. Robert Lawrence Gabler (13)
Mr. Gregory L. Gaby (7)
Terry Gaddie
Ms. Faye Gaddis (5)
Dr. and Mrs. John R. Gaddis
Mr. and Ms. Christopher Sterlin Gage
Mr.Tony James Gager (3)
Ms. Kim Gaines
Mrs. Lelia F. Gaines
Mr. Pipes Gaines
Mr. Brian B. Gainous
Mr. Peter N. Galitzine (7)
Mrs. Sandra Kaye Gallagher
Ms. Janice Gallo (2)
Ms. April P. Galloway
Mr. John Raymond Galloway
Mr. Wayne Thomas Galloway (5)
Mr. Larry Joe Galusha
Mr. Larry Gambrel
Ms. Andrea Gamerdinger
Mr. and Mrs. Curt D. Gammons
Mrs. Linda G. Gantley (4)
Mrs. Carla Brooks Gantz
Mr. Brian G. Garay
Mrs. Karen Lee Garbarek
Dr. Maria and Mr. Boris Garber (15)
Ms. Robin L. Garcia
Mr. Syed Mahmood Gardezi
Mrs. Sue Ellen Gardiner
Mr. Francis Vincent Gardler
Mr. James William Gardner (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Gardner (4)
Mrs. Lesley Ouzts Gardner
Ms. Marilyn M. Gardner (2)
Mrs. Shannon Wellock Gardner (3)
Dr.Timothy R. Gardner
Mrs. Zelma D. Gardner
Mrs. Darlene F. Gareau
Mrs. Lois E. Gargotto (5)
Mr. and Mrs. James N. Garman
Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Wayne Garmon
Ms. Ashley C. Garner
Mr. Corey L. Garner
Mrs. Cynthia A. Garner (4)
Mr. Howard Garner (2)
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Garner (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Phillip Garrett
Mr. and Mrs. Jim R. Garrett (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Garris
Mr. and Mrs. William Paul Garris (2)
Ms. Amy K. Garrison
Ms. Karen L. Garrison
Mr. Ray H. Garrison (2)
Ms. Rosemary Garrison (7)
Mrs. Karen T. Garrity
Mr. Robert Louis Garro
Ms. June Rose Garrott
Mr. David Garland Garst
Hon. and Mrs. Kevin L. Garvey
Gary A. Little, Attorney At Law
Ms. Linda C. Gates
Ms. Donna Marie Gatto (2)
Ms. Audrey Lynn Gay
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Gay
Ms. Judith Ann Gay (10)
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory H. Gaynor (2)
Mr. Daniel Geary
Mr. and Mrs. Edsel Leonard Geary (2)
Mr. Michael K. Geary
Dr. Douglas Gebler (13)
Ms. Judith Campbell Ged (2)
Mrs. Katherine Haycraft Gedling
Ms. Julie Gee
Dr. Dorine Geeslin (14)
Sister Ruth Gehres (2)
Mrs. Sunday C. Gelunas
General Motors Foundation
Ms. Jessica Gail Gentry
Mrs. Lisa B. Gentry
Mr. Marion Thomas Gentry (3)
Mrs. Melanie Lynn Gentry
Mrs.Vivian M. Gentry (2)
Mr. Chris R. Geoghegan
Ms. Gloria Jean George
Mr. Kenneth A. George
Mr. Philip George
Mrs. Margaret Gerald
Mr. Leslie A. Geralds, Jr. (4)
Mrs.Theresa W. Gerard (2)
Mrs. Jane Marie Gerbitz
Mr. Jeffrey S. Gerkins
Ms. Gladys Gertisen (10)
Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Lee Gettings (2)
Mr. Willie Royce Gettings (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony F. Gibbs (2)
Mr. Bruce Wayne Gibbs (3)
Mrs. Evelyn Celestine Gibbs (2)
Mrs. Mickie L. Gibbs (2)
Mr. Steve Gibbs
Mrs. Betty Jo Gibson (5)
Mrs. Caren B. Gibson (9)
Mr. Dee Gibson (d.)
Ms. Frances Gibson
Mrs. Frances W. Gibson (11)
Mr. Gregory Dee Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. James Lee Gibson (11)
Mrs. Jayme Lynn Gibson (2)
Mr. Jerry Wayne Gibson
Mrs. Jipaum S. Askew Gibson (3)
Ms. Julie Ann Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gibson (5)
Mr. Mark Douglas Gibson
Mrs. Martina Cockerel Gibson (3)
Mrs. Mary Lavonne Gibson
Mrs. Maureen C. Gibson (2)
Mr. Steven H. Gibson
Mr. Bernard J. Gieske (17)
Mr. Daniel J. Gilbert
Beth Hester and James Scott
Gilbert (13)
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. Gilbert
Mr. Melvin C. Gilbert
Mr.Timothy Scott Gilbert
Ms. Alison K. Gildersleeve
Mr. James Bradford Gili
Ms. Joanna S. Gili (3)
Mrs. Beth Ann Gill
Mr. Michael Brent Gill
Mr. Michael Earl Gill (2)
Mrs. Mary F. Gillenwater (9)
Mr. Philip David Gillespie
Ms.Terry G. Gillespie
Mr. Ahmad Gilliam
Ms. Lisa Gail Gilliam (2)
Mrs.Vickie Gilliam
Mr. Michael R. Gillilan
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd F. Gilman
Ms. Lydia Francene Gilmer
Mr. Bill Gilmore
Mrs. Deborah Lee Crider Gilmore
Ms. Petra Gilmore
Mrs. Lesley T. Gilpin
Mr. Rae Gilpin
Mr. William Kent Gilpin
Mrs. Cheryl L. Gilstrap
Mr. Herbert Ginger (3)
Mrs. Joanna C. Gish
Mrs. Phyllis S. Gish
Mr. William P. Gittings (2)
Ms. Ashley E. Givan
Mr. Craig K. Givens (5)
Mrs. Nancy J. Givens (2)
Mr.Thomas Elry Givens
Ms. Stephanie M. Gladney
Ms. Cynthia Glaeser
Mr. James F. Glahn (3)
Ms. Judy M. Glass
Mr. Michael Stephen Glass
Mr. Reginald Q. Glass
Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Scott Glasscock (17)
Mr. Jeff Allen Glasscock (6)
Mr. Steven M. Glasscock (4)
Ms. Lucy Van Ness Gleason (2)
Mr. and Mrs.Ted M. Gleason
Glenn M. Williams, Attorney-At-Law (2)
Mr. David M. Glick
Mrs. Barbara Foulke Glover (12)
Mr. Joseph W. Glowacki, Jr. (14)
Ms. Luanne C. Glynn (3)
Mr. Carl Seay Goad (13)
Mr. and Mrs. James Ardus Goad
Mr. Kelly Parker Goad (5)
Ms. Naomi Ruth Goad
Mr. David H. Godby
Mrs. Mary Gray Godfrey (6)
Ms. Kimberly A. Godwin (2)
Dr. and Mrs. Brian L. Goff
Mrs. Kathy E. Goff
Hon. Kenneth H. Goff (6)
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Herman Goff
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Goffinet (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Goforth (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Morris A”Snap” Goggins
Ms. Jill K. Goh
Mr. William A. Gohmann
Mr. and Mrs. Don H. Goidel
Mrs. Christi Lee Goins (2)
Mr. Joe A. Goins, Jr. (2)
Ms.Valerie Kay Golden (4)
Mr. Robert David Gomer
Ms. Melissa Anne Gomes
Gonterman and Associates
Ms. Jennifer Gonzalez
Mrs. Melannie Marriott Gonzalez (2)
Mrs. Flora B. Gooch
Mrs. Gloria E. Goodaker (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil E. Goode (9)
Ms. Sue Ann Goode (5)
Ms. Kimberly Ann Goodin
Mrs. Deborah Kaye Goodlet
Mr. Charles A. Goodman, III
Mr. and Mrs. David Patrick
Goodman (2)
Mr. Eric Bradley Goodman (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Jack T. Goodman (19)
Mrs. Jane Terry Goodman
Mr. John P. Goodman (3)
Mrs. Joni F. Goodman
Ms. Stacy M. Goodman
Mrs. George Anne Goodrum
Dr. Paul M. Goodrum
Mr. Chris Goodson
Ms. Cathy Goodwin
Mrs. Melba J. Goodwin
Mr.Todd Elvis Goodwin (6)
Ms. Julie Smith Goodworth (3)
Mr. George C. Goodwyn
Mr. Mark Eugene Gordon (17)
Ms. Mary Gordon
Mrs. Mary W. Gordon (3)
Mrs. Susan S. Gore (7)
Ms.Virginia Gore
Mrs. Jacqueline Gorski (5)
Mrs. Faustina H. Gosa (17)
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew C. Goss
Mr. Clifton Heinrich Gosser
Mr. and Mrs. Danny D. Gosser
Mrs. Nancy M. Gossom (2)
Mrs.Vera Hall Gothard
Mrs.Virginia Gott
Mr. and Mrs. Jack E. Gotting (9)
Mrs. Ivy W. Chong Gottinger
Mrs. Hester S. Gottschalk (5)
Mr. Kenneth Gottschall, Jr.
Rev. and Mrs. Ernest Eugene Gough
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert R. Gousha (5)
Ms. Charlotte Kay Gower
Mrs. Sherie E. Gower
Mr.Thomas Grabow (4)
Mr. Ryan Grabruck (2)
Mr. Brian E. Grace (3)
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Grace (4)
Mr. and Mrs. John Kevin Grace (2)
Mrs. Karen Lynn Walker Grace
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Grace
Mrs. Peggy Ann Grace
Dr. Stanley H. Grady (7)
Mrs. Patricia M. Graff
Mr. William A. Graff (12)
Ms. Sharon Gragg
Mrs. Christabell Dwan Graham (2)
Mrs. Debra C. Graham (7)
Mr. Jason Scott Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Todd Graham
Dr. and Mrs. LeRoy S. Graham (2)
Ms. Lindsay J. Graham (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Milton E. Graham
Mrs. Regina Mae Graham (13)
Mr. Ronald Clark Graham
Ms. Kimberly Grainger
Ms. Nettie Joy Gramling (9)
Mr. Anthony Francis Granato (2)
Mr. Glenn Edward Granger
Mr. C. David Grant
Ms. Donna M. Grant (16)
Mrs. Gwendolyn S. Grant
Mr. Joseph Grant and Ms. Mary
Mrs. Marian C. Grant
Mr.Victor Grant
Mrs. Rebekah S. Grantham (5)
Mr. Charles B. Graves (2)
Mr. Gary A. Graves
Mr. George B. Graves
Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Graves
Ms. Imogene Graves
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Howard Gray
Mr. David L. Gray
Mr. Donald Ray Gray (12)
Mr. Earl Dean Gray (2)
Mrs. Elise N. Gray
Dr. and Mrs. James Roswell Gray (3)
Mrs. Jennifer R. Gray
Ms. Julie E. Gray
Mrs. Karen A. Gray (9)
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Gray (2)
Mrs. Lori A. Gray (6)
Ms. Mary Joyce Ahart Gray
Mr. Nathan Gray
Mrs. Susan H. Gray (11)
Mr. and Mrs. William Lacy Gray, Jr. (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Travis Grayson (3)
Mrs. Susan Ann Grayson
Mr. Steven D. Greaf (3)
Ms. Jonell W. Greathouse
Mr. Matthew Curtis Grecco (7)
Mrs. Robert L. Greek (3)
Ms. Ann F. Green
Mrs. Brenda C. Green
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Green (4)
Mr. Edwin R. Green (2)
Mrs. Jeanette Ann Green (7)
Mr. and Mrs. John Edward Green (5)
Ms. Lee Cuthbert Green
Western Kentucky University
Mr. Leland E. Green (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Benton Green (10)
Dr. William Spalding Green, IV
Ms. Betsy Greene
Mrs. Lisa H. Greene
Mrs. Joan S. Greenwell
Mr. Joseph M. Greenwell
Mr. Josh Greenwell
Ms. Kem Greenwell
Mr. Roger S. Greenwell (2)
Ms. Sara Beth Greenwell
Mrs. Sandra Jean Greenwood (6)
Mrs. Bethany Lynne Greer (2)
Mr. Harold W. Greer (6)
Mr. James E. Greer
Mr. and Mrs. James McKay Greer (2)
Ms. Julia Drew Greer (2)
Mrs. Rebecca C. Greer (3)
Dr. Greer and Dr. Poe (16)
Mrs. Cindy Lee Greger (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Clark R. Gregory
Mr. and Mrs. David Matthew
Gregory (2)
Mr. Dennis W. Gregory (2)
Ms. Frances Lynn Gregory
Mrs. Laurie Beth Gregory (5)
Mrs.Tami A. Gregory
Ms.Vicki Ann Gregory (3)
Mrs. Wanda Lou Gregory
Mr. and Mrs. William Scott Gregory
Mr. Craig Alan Grenko
Col. and Mrs. Harry T. Greschel (3)
Ms.Toni M. Greulich
Ms. Charlotte Crawley Grider (7)
Mr. Daniel Joseph Grider
Mr. James A. Grider (7)
Mrs. Lisa Elizabeth Grider (6)
Mrs. Sue Ellen Grider
Mrs. Susan Lee Grider (10)
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Walker Griffey
Mr. Aaron H. Griffin (2)
Mrs. Florence M. Griffin (11)
Hon. and Mrs. Henry McHenry
Griffin (4)
Mr. Larry J. Griffin
Mr. Mark W. Griffin (3)
Mr. Roy Casin Griffin, III
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Neal Griffin (2)
Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Ray Griffin (13)
Mrs. Helen W. Griffith (2)
Ms. Melisa Kay Griffith
Ms. Mimi B. Griffith (3)
Mr. William S. Griffith
Mr. George Lewone Griggs (2)
Ms. Cassandra W. Grigsby (9)
Ms. Angela C. Grimes
Mr. Jeffery L. Grimes
Ms. Molly Marie Grimes
Mr.Thomas J. Grimsley (2)
Mr. Chris T. Grinstead, II (2)
Ms. Emily T. Grinstead
Ms. Helen Renee Grise
Mr. James K. Grise (11)
Mr. Danny D. Gritton
Ms. Agnes M. Gritzmacher (3)
Mrs. Robbie L. Grizzle
Mr. Robert Bradley Groce
Mr. Phillip R. Grogan
Dr. Mitzi D. Groom (2)
Mr. Dwight Grooms
Ltc. and Mrs. Larry Ground (2)
Mrs. Kathryn B. Grover-Jimerson (4)
Ltc. Billie R. Groves (8)
Mr. Joshua K. Groves
Ms.Valerie Kepley Groves (8)
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Grozdits (3)
Mr. Michael David Grubb (8)
Dr. Morris Allen Grubbs
Mrs. Pamela J. Grubbs (2)
Ms. Marti Quigg Guelde (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph T. Guess (3)
Mr. Steven Guess
Mr. Jeffrey Todd Guest
Mr. Paul R. Guffey (4)
Mr. Anthony W. Guffy
Mrs. Joyce Gail Guiling (2)
Mr. James Robert Guill
Mr. Joseph John Guinane
Mrs. Mae K. Guinn (6)
Mr. Robert C. Guion (20)
Ms. Karen Louise Gull
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Gullo (6)
Mr. David Carlton Gumm (2)
Col. Lindy C. Gunderson (14)
Mrs. Betty Gunning
Mrs. Jo Ellen Gunter (11)
Alumni Fall 2003
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Gupton –(16)
Mr. Jeff Allan Gurney
Mrs. Lisa M. Gutsmann
Mr. Chester Marshall Guy
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg O. Guy
Ms. Amy Guyer
Mr. W. Dale Guyer, Jr. (7)
Mr. Charles W. Haak (2)
Mr. Larry Gene Haare
Mr. Walter Richard Haberlock, Jr.
Mr.Thomas K. Habermel
Ms. Ina B. Hack
Mrs. Mary Anne Hack
Mrs. Jennifer L. Hacker
Mrs. Leslie G. Hadam (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robert Haddock
Mrs. Sue Hendrick Hadley
Mr. Henry J. Hafendorfer
Mr. William F. Haffermann (3)
Ms. Brandi Dianne Hagan
Mr. Francis E. Hagan
Mr. George S. Hagan, III
Mr. James Leo Hagan (3)
Ms. Melissa Ann Hagans (2)
Mrs. Joan B. Hagedorn
Mr. Kenneth Ray Haggard
Ms. Cynthia Hagglund
Mrs. Carol A. Hahn (3)
Mrs. Carol J. Hahn (5)
Ms. Madole and Mr. Hahn
Mr. Barry John Hain
Dr. Charles L. Haine (5)
Mrs. Caren Renee Haining (3)
Mrs. Christina Ann Haire
Mr. Edward A. Hajj
Mr. and Mrs. David Lee Hakanson
Mr. Caleb D. Halcomb
Ms. Sarah M. Halcomb
Mr. Bill Hale
Mr. Charles Martel Hale (6)
Mr. Chris Alan Hale (6)
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Hale (13)
Ms. Nora Leann Hale (6)
Mr. Norman Dyer Hale, III
Mr. Richard Stuart Hale
Mrs. Alicia Gayle Haley
Mrs. Bridgette C. Haley
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Gray Haley (2)
Mr. Gary Haley
Mr. Forrest Dennison Halford (2)
Mr. John Martin Halicks (12)
Ms. Barbara L. Hall (3)
Ms. Barbara S. Hall
Mrs. Beth Ann Hall (2)
Mr. Daniel W. Hall (2)
Ms. Elizabeth B. Hall (2)
Mrs. Harriet A. Hall (2)
Dr. John M. Hall
Mr. Jonathan Lyle Hall
Ms. Marceline Y. Hall
Mrs. Mary Kimberly Hall
Mrs. Mary Lynn Hall
Mr. Paul Lester Hall, Jr. (6)
Mrs.Vickie Ellis Hall
Mrs. Wendy Kay Hall
Mrs. Charlsie M. Halliburton (16)
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Ross Hambleton
Mr. Sam Hamblin (2)
Mr. Allen D. Hamilton
Mrs. Deborah Sue Hamilton (6)
Mrs. Jennifer R. Hamilton
Mrs. Julie G. Hamilton (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin A. Hamilton (3)
Mrs. Linda Hamilton (2)
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Hamilton (5)
Mr.Timothy J. Hamilton
Ms.Toni Francine Hamilton
Mr.Tony W. Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Hamlet, III (6)
Mrs. Shelley L. Hamlet
Mrs. Sarah Beth Hamlin (2)
Ms.Valerie J. Hamm
Mr. Barret B. Hammer
Mrs. Dana C. Hammer (3)
Mr. and Mrs. David Franklin Hammer (10)
Mr. Kevin Luther Hammer (2)
Ms. Madaline S. Hammer
Mr. Dan Hammers
Mrs. Kelley Hammers & Mr. Leo
Fernandez (9)
Mr. Boyd Hammond (8)
Ms. Claire L. Hammond
Mrs. Juanita W. Hammond (d.)
Ms. Alice Lynn Hammonds
Mr. Michael Hammonds
Mr. and Mrs. Earl L. Hammons (2)
Ms. Amanda A. Hampton
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Hampton (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Paul Hampton (3)
Mr.Thomas C. Hampton, Jr. (4)
Mr. Everett D. Hancock (2)
Ms. Lois L. Hancock
Mrs. Ruth McClanahan Hand
Ms. Candace Y. Hander (2)
Mr. Brad Handley (2)
Mrs. Bridget Mary Handley (4)
Dr. William R. Handley (13)
Mr. C. W. Handy (12)
Mr. Harold H. Handy
Mr. Riley D. Handy (15)
Mr. Richard Hane (16)
Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Hanes (9)
Mr. Jack Hanes
Mr. Bradley T. Hanks
Mrs.Virginia M. Hanks (15)
Mr. Edwin B. Hanna
Dr. John M. Hanna (6)
Rev. Richard B. Hanna
Mrs. Kathleen Jo Hannah
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Dean Hansen (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Hansen (2)
Mr. William H. Hansen (2)
Mr. David D. Hansford
Ms. Margie Hansford
Mr. James E. Hanshew (3)
Ms. Betty S. Hanson (9)
Mr. Ronald C. Hanson, Sr. (16)
Mr. Stephen T. Hanvey
Mr. and Mrs. Don Happel (6)
Mrs. Jenna Harbaugh
Ms. Melinda Rae Harbin (3)
Mrs. Alison Hardaway
Ms. Doris Jean Hardcastle (7)
Ms. Carol Ann Harden
Mr. Jeffrey Lynn Harden, II
Dr. Oleta Elizabeth Harden (3)
Mrs. Patricia Jean Harden (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hardesty (2)
Mr. Ricky Price Hardesty
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Lewis Hardin
Ms. Debra L. Hardin (12)
Mr. Dennis A. Hardin
Ms. Grace W. Hardin (14)
Mr. Leonard Scott Hardin
Mrs. Sherry Lynn Hardin
Mr. Stephen R. Hardin
Mr. Willard Hardin
Ms. Amy L. Hardison (2)
Dr. Barry Hardison (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Irvin Hardison
Mr. Howard R. Hardman (2)
Mrs. Pamela C. Hardman (6)
Ms. Sherry Hardt
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Daryl Hardy
Dr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Hardy (2)
Ms.Theresa Ellen Hardy (2)
Mr. Carroll Hare
Ms. Linda Kaye Hargett
Mr. Ronald Webb Hargett
Mr. Charles Wayne Hargis
Mr. David Hargis
Mr. Joel K. Hargis (5)
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert N.
Harkleroad (18)
Mr. James A. Harl, Jr. (3)
Mr. Brian Keith Harlan (2)
Ms.Tamara Jo Richards Harlan (2)
Mr. William C. Harlin
Ms. Jennifer Elizabeth Harlow
Ms. Kimberley A. Harlow
Mr. Robert Spence Harlow, Jr.
Mrs. Donna Jo Harman
Mrs. Carla Grimes Harmon
Mr. Gary M. Harmon (2)
Mr. and Mrs. J. Dale Harmon
Mrs. Laura G. Harmon
Ms. Mary P. Harmon (3)
Mr. William H. Harms
Mrs. Wilda C. Harne (5)
Mr. and Mrs. B. Stephen Harper
Mr. Brian Heath Harper
Mr. Devin L. Harper (4)
Mr. Glenn Raymond Harper
Mr. and Mrs. William H Harper
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Harper (14)
Mr. Michael Miles Harpring (5)
Ms.Tiffany R. Harral
Mrs. Willie Lee Harrel (5)
Mrs. Janice Harrell
Mr. Richard D. Harrell (5)
Mr. Robert Michael Harrell (18)
Mrs. Hadley Roberts Harrington
Mrs.Tonya Lynn Harrington
Mrs. Barbara Lynn Harris
Mrs. Canaan Harris
Mr. Conrad H. Harris (2)
Mrs. Darla Kay Harris (2)
Mrs. Dianne Harris
Mr. Eric Allen Harris (4)
Mr. Gerry Lee Harris (6)
Mrs. Helene M. K. Harris
Mr. Jeffery Dean Harris
Mrs. Kelley Binkley Harris (7)
Mr. Kenneth Earl Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Lynn Harris (2)
Ms. Lindsey Harris
Ms. Louise K. Harris (2)
Ms. Michelle Anne Harris (6)
Mrs. Monica Joan Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee Harris
Mr. Robert Leon Harris (2)
Mr. Ronald R. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Harris (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Joseph Harris, Jr.
Ms. Susan M. Harris
Mr.Tasso G. Harris
Mr. William F. Harris (5)
Mr. William H. Harris
Dr. C. Robert Harrison, Jr. (9)
Mrs. Helen Marie Harrison (3)
Ms. Jan S. Harrison (11)
Mr. Johnny Ray Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Harrison (2)
Mr.Thomas McKinley Harrison
Mr. Will F. Harrison
Mr. Charles Gary Harrod
Mr. Willie O. Harrod (4)
Harry Leachman Motors, Inc. (2)
Dr. and Mrs. Milburn Eugene
Harryman (3)
Mr. and Mrs.Von Allen Harshman (6)
Dr. Pamela Kaye Harston
Mrs. Katherine Collins Hart (2)
Mrs. Linda H. Hart
Mrs. Patricia Ann Hart (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Hartman (2)
Mr. Jack D. Hartsock (7)
Mr. Ewald Hartung
Mr. Michael William Hartwein
Mr. James W. Hartz
Ms. Emily Jayne Hartzell
Mr. Carey A. Harvey
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Donald Harvey
Mr. Charles Franklin Harwood
Mrs.Valerie Harwood
Mr. Brent W. Haselhoff
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin B. Hash
Ms. Lisa J. Haskins
Ms. Donna L. Hastings
Mr. Francis Wayne Hatch (3)
Mr. Dudley Wayne Hatcher, Sr. (2)
Mrs. Leslie Hogan Hatcher
Mr. Donnie Lewis Hatchett
Mr. Edward B. Hatchett, Jr.
Ms. Judith Hatchett
Mr. Allen B. Hatfield
Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Hatfield (2)
Mr. Robert Daniel Hatfield
Mr. Ronald Steven Hatfield
Mrs. Jayne M. Hathorne
Mrs. Julianne Hatton
Mrs. Susan S. Haun
Mrs. Bobbie Hauskins
Mrs. Jennie Lou Hawk
Mr. Alan Royce Hawkins (3)
Mr. Glenn A. Hawkins (2)
Mr. Jeff Lee Hawkins (2)
Ms. Jennifer Ann Morgan Hawkins (2)
Mr. Joshua C. Hawkins
Mr. Nathan E. Hawkins (5)
Mr. Lenton C. Hawkinson
Ms. Cynthia Dawn Hawks
Ms. Fonda Gail Hawks (2)
Mrs. Mary Jo Butler Hawks
Mrs.Tamera L. Hawks (7)
Hawley Cooke Booksellers, Inc. (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hiram Hawley
Mr. Stephen Gabriel Hawley
Mr. J. Robertson Haworth (2)
Mrs. Elinor C. Hay
Mrs. Erna Lee Hay (5)
Mrs. Dinah Phyllis Haycraft (8)
Mrs. Kasey Nicole Haycraft (3)
Ms. Darlene W. Hayden
Dr. and Mrs. Delbert Hayden (12)
Mr. Gerald Alan Hayden
Ms. Laura Hayden
Ms. Mari F. Hayden (2)
Mr. Roy Delbert Hayden
Ms. Sandra Hayden
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Michael
Haydon (2)
Mr. Franklin Haldeen Haydon
Mr. Adrian E. Hayes (9)
Mr. Benjamin S. Hayes
Mrs. Karen R. Hayes (6)
Ms. Laura Jean Hayes
Mr. Lorn D. Hayes
Mrs. Monna Divine Hayes (3)
Mr. and Mrs. William Meredith
Hayes (6)
Mr. Kenneth E. Hayford (9)
Ms. Carol Haynes (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Dale Haynes
Mrs. Helen Leet Smith Haynes
Mr. James Patrick Haynes (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Landon C. Haynes
Mrs. Mary Haynes
Mr. Ricky W. Haynes
Mr. Ross A. Haynes
Ms. Susanne Haynes
Mr. John V. Hays
Mr. Joseph Stephen Hays (2)
Mr. William R. Hays
Ms. Janice G. Hazel
Mr. Michael Eugene Hazelett (3)
Mr. Malcolm W. Hazelip
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hazelrigs (2)
Ms. Peggy Ann Hazelwood (3)
Mr. William Patrick Hazelwood
Mrs. Mary W. Hazle (5)
Mr. David L. Hazlewood
Mrs. Carol Loretta Head (2)
Mr. Lonnie Keith Head (2)
Mr. John Mark Heady
Rev. and Mrs. Hugh B. Heater (2)
Mr. Harley M. Heath, Jr.
Mrs. Jane L. Heath
Mr. and Mrs. Wells Heath
Mr. Mark Richard Hebert (7)
Mr. Homer Hecht (3)
Ms. Laura E. Heddleson (20)
Mr. Cletus Daryl Hedges
Mr. and Mrs. Roy D. Hedges (4)
Mr. James Arthur Heffner
Ms. Sheila Fitzwater Heffron
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lynn Heflin
Ms. Sheryl L. Heggs
Mr. Steven Heick
Mr. and Mrs. Jarrod Q. Heisler (2)
Mrs. Christina Mae Heissler
Mrs. Angela Marie Helbig (3)
Dr. Michael Edward Held (6)
Dr. and Mrs. James M. Heldman (22)
Mr. George Howard Heller (3)
Mr. Sean Christopher Helliwell
Mrs. Kimberly Harvey Helm (3)
Mrs. Rhonda Stuart Helm (3)
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas M. Helm
Mr.Timothy D. Helson
Ms. Lisa G. Helton
Ms. Melissa D. Helton (2)
Ms. Wendy W. Helton (4)
Mrs. Guyla Rae Heltsley
Mr. Robert William Hemmen (5)
Mr. Peter G. Hempenstall (2)
Ms. Jean H. Henault (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Henderson
Mr. Dean L. Henderson
Mr. Estel L. Henderson, Jr. (3)
Mr. Eugene Ray Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. James Allen Henderson
Mrs. Lea Carole Henderson
Mrs. Mary Jane Henderson (6)
Mrs. Melanie Lee Henderson (3)
Mrs.Traci K. Henderson
Mrs. Wendy Hollon Henderson
Mr. William E. Henderson, Jr. (5)
Ms. Ann M. Hendrick (4)
Mrs. Diana Hendricks (3)
Mr. Jonathan Robb Hendricks
Mr. Randy J. Hendricks (2)
Mr.Theodore A. Hendrickson
Ms. Alice F. Hendrix
Mrs. Kathy L. Henneberg (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Hennecke
Mr. Chad Alan Hennessey (4)
Mrs. Jane Vogt Hennessey (12)
Ms.Terri E. Hennessy
Ms. Rhonda Saurer Henning
Mr. and Mrs. Hobie Henninger (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gregg
Henry (13)
Ms. Jean Henry
Mr. Joseph D. Henry, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip C. Henry (6)
Mrs.Terri C. Henry
Mrs. Karen L. Hensel (2)
Ms. Gloria C. Hensley (8)
Mrs. Opal T. Hensley (2)
Ms. Lorrie L. Henson
Mr. Orval Elton Henson (3)
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Henze (2)
Ms. Kimlin S. Herald
Mr. Ferrell Herbert (2)
Ms. Leanne Herda
Mr. Walter C. Herdman (14)
Mr. Russell Gil Hernandez
Mrs. Suzanne Berry Herndon
Ms. Kimberly A. Herriford
Mrs. Robin Stovall Herrington
Mr. Peter Herrmann (5)
Mr. Jason A. Herron (2)
Ms. Shannon L. Cook
Mrs. Susan D. Herron (2)
Mrs. Heather E. Hertel
Mr. Jon Thomas Hervey
Mr. David Kim Herzer
Ms. Jamie R. Hess
Ms. Darlene D. Hessler
Mrs. Sharon Sue Hesson (9)
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Scott Hester
Mr. Allan D. Hetzel (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gary Hext (2)
Mrs. Marjorie L. Heyduck (9)
Mrs. Betty Hibbs
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Todd Hickey
Ms. Lucille Hickman
Mr. Charles T. Hicks (5)
Mr. David A. Hicks
Mrs. Doris L. Hicks (3)
Mrs. Dorothy H. Hicks (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Edith A Hicks (2)
Mrs. Jackie Bradshaw Hicks
Ms. Kathryn C. Hicks
Mr. Larry D. Hicks (5)
Mr. Ronald Kay Hicks
Ms. Susan W. Hicks
Dr. Ben T. Hieronymus
Dr. and Mrs. Steven Hieronymus (16)
Mr. Alton E. Higdon (4)
Mrs. Connie A. Higdon
Mrs. Ellen Frances Higdon (3)
Mr. Howard Glenn Higdon (2)
Mrs. Patricia Lynn Higdon (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Alan Higdon
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Anthony Higdon
Mr. and Mrs. Steven John Higdon
Mrs.Tina Thomas Higdon (6)
Mr. Darrell Davis Higgason
Mr. Rudy K. Higginbotham
Mr. Doug Wayne Higgins (2)
Mrs. Janet Frances Higgs (6)
Ms. Elisabeth Susanne High
Mrs. Marla Kay Highbaugh
Ms. Linda D. Highfill
Ms. Donna L. Hilbert
Mrs. Sandra Jean Hildreth
Mrs. Gail Miller Hiles (3)
Ms. Anne Christine Hill
Ms. Diane W. Hill
Mrs. Doris P. Hill (14)
Mr. Ernest L. Hill (2)
Mr. Jamie Warren Hill
Mr. Joshua Edwin Hill
Mr. Michael G. Hill (4)
Mr. Robert A. Hill
Mr. Steven D. Hill
Mr. James D. Hillard
Mr. and Mrs. Rebecca Harpool Hillard
Mr. Michael A. Hille
Mr. James C. Hilliard (9)
Mr. James Donald Hill
Mr. Keith A. Hilliard
Ms. Lucille Hilsmeier (5)
Ret. Msg. Richard Himes, Jr. (10)
Mrs. Peggy S. Hinchman
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert V. Hinely
Mr. Barry A. Hines
Mrs. Carla Anne Hines (2)
Mr. Charles R. Hines
Mrs. Cynthia Vanaey Hines (6)
Mrs. Denita M. Hines
Mr. Kenneth M. Hines
Ms. Mary M. Hines (2)
Mrs. Joy S. Hinson
Ms. Carol McDavitt Hinton (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kenneth
Hinton (13)
Mr. Kenneth Franklin Hinton (9)
Mrs. Beth Elaine Hixon
Ms. Jane Hlavsa
Ms. Joyce Hoaglin
Hobart Brothers Company
Brandon Jones, recipient of the Dr. Kent Campbell
Scholarship and Music Department Faculty Scholarship,
performs at the Gifts of Music Recital.
Mr. Joseph Eddie Hobbs (3)
Mrs. Mary Jo Hobbs
Ms. Coni J. Hobby
Mr. James E. Hobdy (2)
Ms.Virginia B. Hobdy
Ms. Leisa Dawn Hobgood
Mr. Ricki Jan Hobgood
Mr. Robert Bruce Hobson (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Ann R. Hochstrasser (5)
Mrs. Ann Downing Hocker
Ms. Evie Eula Hocker
Mr. Greg Scott Hocker (9)
Mrs. Jean Render Hocker (18)
Mr. and Mrs. William Alan Hocker
Mr. Glen L. Hodge, Jr. (8)
Mr. Robert E. Hodge, Jr.
Mr. H. Fraser Hodges (12)
Mr. Howard G. Hodges
Mr. Hoy Poteet Hodges
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Preston Hodges
Mr. Jason Ray Hodges
Mr. Jeremiah Quentin Hodges
Mrs. Kathy A. Hodges (10)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Hodges (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hodges
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Eugene Hodges
Mr. David M. Hoebeke
Mrs.Tena Hoey
Mr. Mark Lee Hoffard (5)
Dr. and Mrs. Richard E. Hoffman
Mrs. Robin Lee Hoffman
Ms. Susan Bindner Hoffman (2)
Mr.Virgil Philip Hoffman
Mrs. Winifred Hoffpauir
Mr. Ballard Hogan
Ms. Elizabeth Sharon Hogan (2)
Ms. Amber R. Hogart
Ms. Christine Hoge (2)
Mr. Michael P. Holaday
Ms. Sarah B. Holaday
Ms. Nanette Webster Holbrook (2)
Mr. William R. Holbrook
Ms. Sue Carol Holcomb
Mr E. Wally Holden
Mr. D. Fletcher Holeman
Mr. and Mrs. Carl D. Holland (6)
Mr. Christopher T. Holland
Mr. David Allen Holland
Ms. Heather N. Holland
Dr. Beverley and Mr. James Holland
Mr. James E. Holland
Ms. Jennifer N. Holland
Ms. Martha A. Holland (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Philip George Holland
LTC. Emmet Elmer Holley
Mr. Randy Holley
Mrs. Jan Barnes Holliday (6)
Ms. Kathryn Carty Hollin (2)
Mrs. Clarice T. Hollins (2)
Mrs. Deborah Elaine Hollins (2)
Mr. John Anthony Hollinsworth (2)
Ms. Ova M. Hollinsworth
Mr. David Hollon
Mr. Michael Conrad Holloran
Ms. Heather Lynn Holloway
Ms. Carrie Ellen Holman
Ms. Connie Lee Holman (2)
Ms. Deborah Louise Holman
Mr. James Routt Holman
Mrs. Connie Lynn Holmes
Mr. Jason Robert Holmes
Ms. Pamela Sue Holmes
Ms. Shannon Elizabeth Holmes
Mr. Jerry Holsclaw
Mr. Michael Holsclaw
Ms. Bonnie E. Holt
Mr. David A. Holt (2)
Mr. Dennis L. Holt
Ms. Emily Holt
Mr. Lanuell Allen Holt (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Kent Holt (5)
Mr.Tommy Holt
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Holt (4)
Mrs. Carol Ann Holton
Mr. Estin Holton
Mr. Robert Estin Holton
Mr.Travis Leon Holtrey
Mr. David Aurelius Holtzman (2)
Holy Union Sisters (5)
Holy Spirit Catholic Church
Mr. Roger Kent Holzknecht (2)
Ms. Riki M. Holzwarth
Mrs. Lorie Ann Homiak
Mr. James J. Homolka (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Honchell (7)
Hon. Charles B. Honeycutt
Ms. Elizabeth A. Hood (22)
Dr. Mary Elizabeth Hood (2)
Mr. and Mrs. William Jeff Hook
Mr. Larry James Hooks (10)
Mr. Paul Anthony Hooks (3)
Mrs. Christina Lynn Hooper
Mr.Thomas Eugene Hooper
CW4. Mary L. Hootman (2)
Col. and Mrs.Thomas W. Hoover (5)
Hoover-Majors Insurance Agency
Ms. Anne Hopkins
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Lynn Hopkins
Mrs. Donna Gaye Hopkins
Dr. and Mrs. William S. Hopkins (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Lynn Hopkins
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley O. Hopkins (2)
Mr. and Mrs. William Timothy
Hopkins (2)
Ms. Jennifer D. Hopper
Mrs. Leigh Hopper
Mr. Mark E. Hopper
Mrs. Nonnie Hopper (3)
Mr. Bryan T. Horn
Mrs. Betty L. Hornback (6)
Mr. Brian Lewis Hornback
Mr.Thomas Earl Hornbeck (2)
Mrs. Shawna Delane Horne (2)
Mr. Walt B. Horne
Ms. Lori J. Horner
Dr. and Mrs. Billy B. Horrell (15)
Mr. William Harrison Horrell (13)
Ms. Laura Ann Hor (d.)
Mr. Charles I. Horton
Ms. Donna Fay Horton
Ms. Florence M. Horton
Mr. and Mrs. George Owen Horton (3)
Ms. Jimmie Lou Horton (4)
Ms.Teresa A. Horton
Ms. Karleen M. Horvath
Mr. Daniel J. Hosek (7)
Mrs. Carolyn G. Hoskins
Mrs. Emily Jane Hoskins (3)
Mrs. Kathleen Miller Hosna (8)
Ms. Aya Hosono
Mrs. Wynette Neely Hosteter
Mr. Mark Nicholson Houchens
Mr. Michael D. Houchens (2)
Mrs. Rhonda Dotson Houchens
Mr. Robert R. Houchin (5)
Mrs. Shelia Elaine Houchins (2)
Mrs. Norma Jean Houck
Mrs. Jean Clark Houghton
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Hourigan
Ms. Amy Lynne House
Ms. Cindy Kay House
Ltc. and Mrs. David G. House
Mr. Norman R. House (2)
Mr. and Mrs. William R. House (4)
Mr. Jay F. Householder (2)
Mr. Lawrence J. Houston (5)
Mr. Adam C. Howard (3)
Ms. Amanda M. Howard
Mrs. Barbara Allen Howard
Mr. Bradley M. Howard (2)
Mr. Daniel L. Howard
Mr. James Ashton Howard (3)
Mr. James M. Howard
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Howard
Ms. Joyce M. Howard
Mrs. Lavonne Dennise Howard
Ms. Melissa Lee Howard (10)
Mrs. Nancy A. Howard (3)
Ms. Nellie Jane Howard
Ms. Sandra E. Howard
Mrs.Tara Donn Howard
Ms.Theresa Ann Howard
Mr.Thomas C. Howard (2)
Ms.Tonya Danita Howard
Mr. William Kent Howard (11)
Ms. Kathie Howell (9)
Ms.Vickie Lynn Howell
Mr. and Mrs. Larry C. Howlett (2)
Ms. Lisa Jo Howlett (2)
Mr. Michael R. Howton
Mr. John Franklin Hoxworth (7)
Ms. Julie K. Hoyt
Mrs. Jane Hubbard
Mr. and Mrs. James O. Hubbuch (2)
Mrs. Janet H. Huber
Mr.Vernon H. Huber (7)
Mr. Lee Huddleston
Mr. Walter D. Huddleston
Mr.Timothy W. Hudnall (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Keith Hudson (2)
Ms. Cecille Hudson
Mr. Charles E. Hudson
Mr. David F. Hudson
Mrs. Debra V. Hudson
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Todd Hudson (3)
Mrs. Leslie Janay Hudson
Mrs. Mary Adams Hudson (10)
Mr. and Mrs. Wimpy Hudson (3)
Mr. and Mrs. J. Graham Hudspeth (6)
Ms. Laura Ellen Hudspeth (3)
Mr. Alan Richard Huelsman (3)
Dr. Constance and Mr. Frank Huff (12)
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Huff (3)
Ms. Winifred M. Huff (2)
Mr. Billy Wayne Huffines (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd M Huffman
Mr. Jeffrey Scott Huffman (2)
Mr. and Mrs. David Ambrose
Huffman (5)
Mrs. Mary Cassandra Sloan Huffman
Mrs. Mary Frances Huffman (2)
Mrs. Nancy T. Huffman (2)
Mrs. Lisa V. Huggins (2)
Ms. Amanda Leigh Hughes (6)
Mr. and Mrs. C.T. Hughes (5)
Mr. Charles V. Hughes (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ross Hughes (2)
Ms. Emily B. Hughes (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Wayne Hughes
Mr. Estle Ray Hughes (6)
Mr. Henry Joseph Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. J Marshall Hughes
Mr. John Allen Hughes (10)
Mr. Kenneth A. Hughes, III
Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. Hughes
Ms. Mary Hughes
Mrs. Melanie L. Hughes (4)
Mr. R. Keith Hughes
Mrs. Susan Duncan Hughes (3)
Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Dean
Hughes (10)
Mr. and Mrs.Tom Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. William Edward Hughes
Dr. Aaron Wilson Hughey (7)
Mrs. Nancy C. Huhn (2)
Mrs. Amanda S. Hulen (2)
Mr. David Alan Hull (4)
Ms. Christine G. Hullett (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Allen Hullett (3)
Mr. William G. Hullhorst (17)
Mrs. Mary S. Hullum (8)
Mr. Sam I. Hulse, III (2)
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas James Hulsey (2)
Mr. Jeff Humberson (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry D Humble
Ms. Lee Humble
Mr. William Philip Humble (11)
Mrs. Cheryl L. Hume
Mr. Kirk Anthony Hume (7)
Mrs. Marcia W. Hume
Ms. Anna W. Humes
Mr. Bobby L. Humes (15)
Ms. Janet Hummel
Mr. Jon Thad Humpert
Mr. Kevin Elison Humphrey
Mrs. Patricia Miller Humphrey (5)
Mr.V. C. Humphrey (5)
Mr. Donald R. Hundley (2)
Ms. Jennifer Leigh Hundley (2)
Mr. David Lee Hungler (13)
Ms. Brenda J. Hunt
Ms. Charmaine L. Hunt
Ms. Christy Hunt (4)
Ms. Erma Daniel Hunt (18)
Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Hunt
Ms. Holly M. Hunt (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dan Hunt
Ms. Kimberly Davenport Hunt
Mrs. Nancy Davenport Hunt (3)
Ms.Twana Ann Hunt
Mr. Earl D. Hunter (7)
Mrs. Jessica Blewett Hunter (5)
Mr. Lee Owen Hunter (2)
Mrs. Martha H. Hunter
Mr. Rick Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hunter (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Lee Hunter (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Allen Hunton (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hunton (2)
Mr. Robert E. Hunton (3)
Ms. Robin L. Hunton
Mr. Rickie Gene Huntsman
Mr. Demetrius A. Huntspon
Ms. Lee Ann Hurley
Rev. and Mrs. Donald James Hurst (5)
Ms. Judith L. Hurst
Mr. Justin P. Hurst (2)
Mrs. Karen D. Hurst
Western Kentucky University
Ms. Angela M. Hurt
Mr. Brian P. Hurt
Mrs. Cynthia Henderson Hurt
Ms. Elizabeth E. Hurt
Mr. Jason William Hurt (7)
Mrs. Patricia D. Hurt
Mr. Ray Hurt
Ms.Valina Kay Hurt (9)
Ms. Angela L. Kerrick Husky
Mr. Charles H. Huss
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Hutcherson
Ms. Nancy Katherine Hutcherson
Mr. Charles Conover Hutchins
Mrs. Mary K. Hutchins (11)
Ms. Louise Hutchinson
Mr. C. Joe Hutchison (14)
Mr. James M. Hutchison, Jr.
Mr. James J. Huter (2)
Mrs. Melissa Hutson
Dr. Mark Hyatt
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Hyatt (5)
Mrs. Jan A. Hyland (5)
Mrs. Heather Dawn Hynes
Ms. Ramona K. Hyrne (2)
Ian Industries (4)
Mrs. Julie B. Ice
Ms. Norma Paige Iglehart (14)
Mr. Don H. Ignatz
Dr. Martha S. Iley (27)
Major Joseph M. Imorde, Jr.
Ltc. and Mrs. Jerry David Ingerick (4)
Mr. Kevin Lee Ingram (9)
Mr. Richie R. Ingram
Mrs. Shirley Nell Ingram
Mrs. Susan D. Ingram
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Harold Inman (5)
Mrs.Thelma Joyce Irby (7)
Mrs. Shonna G. Irvin
Mrs. Brenda Irvine (3)
Mr. Frank L. Irwin, Jr. (20)
Mrs.Toni Yates Irwin
Mr. Harry Morgan Isaacs (3)
Mr. William Owen Isaacs, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs.Terry R. Isbell (2)
Mr. and Mrs. James Truman Isenberg (2)
Mr.Timothy Kirk Isenberg
Mrs. Pamela Iseral
Mr. Carl L. Ivey
Mr. Dennis E. Ivey (2)
J. David Borders Attorney At Law
J. G. Keown Insurance
Jack T. Winchester DMD
Mr. Gregory Dale Jackie
Mr. Brandon S. Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Garry Jackson
Ms. Catherine R. Jackson
Mrs. Cynthia L. Jackson
Ms. Elizabeth Jackson
Mr. Keith A. Jackson (3)
Mr. Kelly R. Jackson
Mr. Kerry Lea Jackson
Mrs. Kim B. Jackson
Mr. Rick L. Jackson
Ms. Sally E. Jackson (3)
Ms. Sara B. Jackson
Mr.Tommy Jackson
Ms. Diana D. Jacobi
Ms. Maxine A. Jacobi (6)
Mr. Barton Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence J. Jacobs (14)
Mrs. Janet L. Jacobs (5)
Mr. Othmar Jacobs
Cdr. and Mrs. Paul N. Jaenichen (2)
Mrs. Keirsten Harvey Jaggers (2)
Mrs. Patricia Jaggers
Ms. Willa Jagol
Ms. Megan F. Jaklitsch
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert V. James (9)
Mr. Joshua A. James
Ms. Linda Gayle James
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ray James (2)
Ms. Michelle June James
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ray James (3)
Mr. Paul M. James (6)
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Jameson (4)
Mrs. Jennifer Gray Jamison
Mr.Tony Michael Janco
Mr. David Jaquess
Mr. and Mrs. John Frank Jarboe
Dr. Charles Daniel Jarboe
Mr. Christopher Brian Jarboe
Mrs. Kristen Caudill Jarboe
Mrs. Louise Jarboe (4)
Ms. Pamela Kay Jarboe (5)
Ms. Ruth W. Jarboe (5)
Mr. John Stuart Jarvis (3)
Alumni Fall 2003
Ms. Margaret A. Jarvis (2)
Mrs. Debra Ann Jayne
Mr. Wilson Clay Jaynes
JC’S Barber Shop/Salon
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jeannette (2)
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Lyle Jecker
Mrs. Lynn Reeves Jefferies
Ms.Valerie M. Jefferson
Jeffrey W. Chapman DMD
Ms. Ann Thomas Jeffries (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Brian T. Jeffries (2)
Ms. Jo Ann Jeffries
Mr. and Mrs. Donald V. Jenkins (2)
Mr. Fred C. Jenkins (2)
Mrs. Jean Jenkins
Mr. John Timothy Jenkins
Mrs. Kristina R. Jenkins
Ms. Linda Lucille Jenkins
Mrs. Norma P. Jenkins
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick F. Jenkins, Sr. (12)
Ms. Shannon N. Jenkins
Mrs. Sharon Beth Jenkins
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Jensen (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey C. Jent (2)
Mrs. Mildred A. Jent
Mr. Jesse T. Jepson (2)
Mr. and Mrs. David Hill Jernigan (7)
Mrs. Judy Kay Jernigan
Ms. Kimberly Jo Jernigan (8)
Ms. Louise Jernigan (9)
Jesse Henon Contracting
Mr. Christopher D. Jessie (2)
Ms.Tammy Jo Jessie (5)
Mr. Harry Jewell
Jimmy Diemer’s Supermarket
Dr. Lois M. Jircitano (2)
Ms. La Donna M. Joergens (4)
Mr. John Joerling (2)
Mrs. Reba R. John (8)
Ms.Tammy C. Johns
Ms. Agatha Losey Johnson (2)
Ms. Alpha Johnson
Mrs. Amanda Jean Johnson
Mrs. Anne M. Johnson
Mr. Benjamin Darrell Johnson
Mr. Billy E. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Gene Johnson
Mr. Bradley Dale Johnson
Mr. Brian Keith Johnson (14)
Mr. Carol Winfield Johnson (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Johnson (8)
Ms. Charolette Johnson (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Alan Johnson
Mr. Darren Tyler Johnson
Mr. Daryl Brent Johnson (7)
Mr. David Allen Johnson (2)
Mr. David L. Johnson (10)
Mr. David P. Johnson (3)
Ms. Dolorse J. Johnson (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lee Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Johnson
Mrs. Elizabeth Lucas Johnson
Ms. Frances C. Johnson (7)
Mr. George Johnson
Ms. Geraldine Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Johnson (3)
Ms. Hazel Johnson (3)
Ms. Heather Ann Johnson
Mr. Hobert Wayne Johnson (7)
Mr. J. B. Johnson, Jr.
Mr. James Ross Johnson
Mr. Jamie Mark Johnson
Mrs. Jean Meredith Johnson (11)
Ms. Jennifer Michell Johnson (2)
Mr. John William Johnson
Mrs. Judy Ragland Johnson
Ms. Karan L. Johnson
Mrs. Karen Connor Johnson (10)
Ms. Katina J. Johnson (5)
Ms. Kenesha Nicole Johnson
Mr. Kenneth Marion Johnson (8)
Ms. Leah Brooke Johnson
Mrs. Lisa Gay Johnson (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Johnson
Mrs. Loretta Ann Johnson (7)
Mrs. Martha W. Johnson (5)
Mrs. Mary C. Johnson (5)
Mr. and Ms.Thomas Johnson (2)
Ms. Melissa Leigh Johnson (6)
Ms. Melissa Miller Johnson
Mr. Meredith Johnson (3)
Mr. Michael A. Johnson (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Johnson
Ms. Nancy L. Johnson (2)
Mrs. Nicole Johnson
Ms. Nita Michelle Johnson
Mrs. Norma C. Johnson (7)
Mrs. Pamela Field Johnson (2)
Mrs. Paula Darr Johnson (3)
Ms. Phyllis Sue Johnson (2)
Mr. and Ms. Raymond Scott Johnson
Ms. Rebecca D. Johnson
Ms. Rebecca J. Johnson (2)
Mrs. Rebecca Vejr Johnson (13)
Mr. Richard Ashley Johnson
Hon. Rickie Allen Johnson
Robert and Shirl Johnson
SMSGT Robin Johnson
Ms. Sherry Lynn Johnson (2)
Ms. Stephanie Ann Johnson
Mrs. Sylvia Jones Johnson
Ms. Sylvia M. Johnson
Mr.Taylor Johnson
Mrs.Terry B. Johnson (2)
Mr. and Ms.Thomas Johnson (2)
Mr.Timothy P. Johnson (10)
Mr.Tony L. Johnson, Sr. (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Johnson (2)
Ms.Victoria Barthlow Johnson (6)
Mr. William M. Johnson, Jr. (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Algene Johnston (5)
Ms. Donna J. Johnston (3)
Mrs. Frances J. Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. Noel T. Johnston (5)
Mr. Robert Bradley Johnston (2)
Ms. Sheila Ann Johnston
Mr. Stephen Leroy Johnston
Mrs.Thelma Ashby Johnston
Ms.Vivian L. Johnston
Judge Martin E. Johnstone
Mr. Richard Neil Johnstone (8)
Ms. Sandra C. Joiner (5)
Jolly Homemakers Club
Mr. Jack Jolly
Ms. Linda L. Jolly
Col. and Mrs. Larry Jolly
Mrs. Nikki M. Jolly
Ms. Allison Renae Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Baron Jones
Mrs. Cheryl P. Jones (10)
Ms. Cindy Ann Jones (3)
Mr. David Irvine Jones (3)
Mr. David W. Jones
Mr. Dean M. Durocher Jones (2)
Mr. Donald Anthony Jones
Mr. Donald E. Jones (5)
Mr. Donald W. Jones
Ms. Dorothy B. Jones
Mrs. Drucilla S. Jones (2)
Dr. Edward A. Jones (11)
Ms. Elizabeth S. Jones
Mrs. Emma Catherine Jones (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jeffery Jones (4)
Mr. Garry Eugene Jones
Mr. Grover Jones, Jr. (2)
Mr. Henry J. Jones (16)
Mr. James M. Jones (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. Jones (2)
Mrs. Janet H. Jones
Mr. Jeremy C. Jones
Mr. Jeremy S. Jones
Mr. John E. Jones (7)
Mr. John Travis Jones
Mrs. Joyce Lewis Jones
Mrs. Juliana W. Jones (2)
Mrs. Karla Rutledge Jones
Mr. Keenan A. Jones
Mrs. Kristin Jones (2)
Mrs. Kristina N. Jones (2)
Mr. Kyle Fletcher Jones (4)
Ms. Lakita M. Jones
Ms. Lorinda Sue Jones (2)
Mrs. Melonie Ann Jones
Mrs. Michelle Marie Jones
Mrs. Ora Lee Jones (9)
Mrs. Patricia J. Jones (2)
Mr. Perry Andrew Jones (5)
Mrs. Rhonda H. Jones (7)
Mr. Russel C. Jones (5)
Mr. and Mrs. W. Basil Jones
Rev. Walter T. Jones
Mr. William Michael Jones
Mr. Robert Jongedyk (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lawrence Jordan
Mrs. Amy M. Jordan (2)
Ms. Beverly Angela Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Carl C. Jordan (19)
Ms. Carol Jordan (3)
Mrs. Gladys P. Jordan (3)
Mr. Havard A. Jordan, Jr.
Mrs. Janna Odell Jordan (2)
Online Giving
just got a lot easier with
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Mr. and Mrs. John P. Jordan
Mrs.Tricia Ann Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. William Joseph Jordan (6)
Ms. Christine L. Jorgensen
Mr. Curtis L. Jorgenson (7)
Mr. Phillip Henry Jos (4)
Mr. C. J. Joseph
Mrs. Joan Lynne Joson
Ms. Ruth E. Jost
Mr. Ronald M. Jourdan (4)
Mrs. Elizabeth S. Jowers (2)
Mr. Joseph Dean Joy, Jr.
Mr. Clyde W. Joyce (4)
Mr. Jeff Stuart Joyce (5)
Mrs.Virginia Owens Joyce (3)
Ms.Tammy L. Judd
Mr. and Mrs.T. Marshall Judy (10)
Ms. Pamela M. Jukes
Mr. William B. Julian
Ms. Wilma Jean Julius
Mr. William Conley Jumper, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Timothy Justice
Mrs.Vera Opal Justice (4)
Mr.Timothy Wayne Justis (2)
Mr. Daniel Eugene Kacsir (3)
Ms. Cecilia Katherine Kaelin
Mr. John G. Kaelin (3)
Ms. Pamela Louise Kaelin
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Patrick Kahle
Mrs. Linda L. Kain (2)
Mrs. Mary Sue Kalbfleisch (8)
Mrs. Jennifer Lee Kaminski
Mr. James W. Kanan
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Stanley Kandul
Ms. Judith Mary Kapelsohn (6)
Mrs. Marguerite Ann Kapp (7)
Mrs. Louise P. Karges (6)
Mr. Steven D. Karpinski (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Karrick (8)
Mr. Jeffrey Michael Kasbaum
Mr. Martin Aaron Katz
Ms. Sharon D. Kauka
Mr. John Marvin Kavanaugh
Mr. Wayne M. Kay (5)
Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Kaye (5)
Mrs. Susan Kays
Mr.Thomas J. Kean (16)
Mrs. Lisa K. Keeling
Mr. and Mrs. Bennie J. Keen (3)
Dr. Mark Glenn Keen
Mrs. Patricia Keen
Ms. Patricia C. Keen (2)
Mrs.Vickie Michelle Keen
Mrs. Karen L. Keene
Ms. Linda Carney Keene
Mr. Paul David Keener
Mr. Brian S. Keeney
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Kees (3)
Mrs. Judith L. Keiner
Ms. Doris Keith (6)
Mr. Douglas Bailey Keith
Mrs. Margaret Maywhort Keith (4)
Mrs. Amy Blanford Kellen (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Keller (7)
Ms. Heather Ann Keller
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nick Kelley (13)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Kelley (3)
Mr. John F. Kelley, Jr. (4)
Mr. Johnie Lee Kelley
Mrs. Ruby H. Kelley (2)
Mrs. Carolyn Jean Kelly (2)
Mr. Garry Stephen Kelly (3)
Mr. Kevin Christopher Kelly
Mrs. Monica Elizabeth Boland Kelly
Mr.Thomas M. Kelly (6)
Mr.Thomas Patrick Kelly
Mr.Timothy Edward Kelly (15)
Mrs. Faye A. Kelman (2)
Mr. Paul Kelsey
Mr. David Randall Keltner (2)
Mrs. Kelly Denise Keltner
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Kemker (2)
Mrs. Julie Carol Kemp (6)
Mr. Leslie Patrick Kemp
Mr. Robert L. Kempf (4)
Mr. Kevin Harold Kenady
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Joe Kendall (6)
Ms. Joanna T. Kendall
Ms. Elizabeth Jean Kendell
Mr. Donald Reed Kendrick
Mr. Barry Kennedy (2)
Ms. Carol R. Kennedy (13)
Mr. Charles Mark Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Lamont
Mr. David L. Kennedy
Mr. James Richard Kennedy
Ms. Jessica Louise Kennedy
Mr. Keith C. Kennedy
Mrs. Megan D. Kennedy
Mrs. Pamela Kaye Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kenney
Ms. Julia Ann Kent
Mr. Phillip Kent
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Kent
Ms. Gayle Patrice Kenyon
Mr. Douglas S. Keogh, Jr. (2)
Mrs. Betty Ann Keown (6)
Mr. Jesse G. Keown, Jr. (7)
Ms. Betty Jo Kepley
Mr. Brian Leigh Keplinger
Mr. David W. Kercheval
Dr. and Mrs. James Gus Kereiakes (4)
Ms. Neysa Jo Kerfoot (10)
Mr. C. A. Kerley (7)
Mrs. Janie B. Kerlick (8)
Dr. David A. Kerr (3)
Mrs. Donna R. Kerrick
Mrs. Deanna Phillips Kerrigan (2)
Dr. and Mrs. Frank M. Kersting, III (6)
Mr. Christopher Donald Kessens
Mr. Warren H. Kessler
Mrs. Amy Leigh Key
Mr. Benton Scott Key
Mrs. Mary Virginia Bunch Key (2)
Mr. Joe D. Keys (16)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Matthew Keyser (2)
Ms. Colette Keyser
Mrs. Deborah Tomkinson Keyser
Soleiman Kiasatpour
Mr. Jerry Ray Kibbons (13)
Mr. Steven Kickert (5)
Mr. Donald L. Kidd
Ms. Starlett Wendy Kidd
Mrs. Cara Kidwell
Mr. George Frank Kidwell, Jr. (3)
Mr. John L. Kieffer (9)
Ms. Martha Ellen Kieffer
Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Kiel
Mrs. Melanie Jan Kiene
Mr. Andrew Earl Kilbourne (8)
Mrs. Carolyn Bryant Kilburn
Mr. Bayless L. Kilgore
Mr. Charles Franklin Kilgore, II
Mr. Brandon S. Killebrew
Mrs. Deborah Armstrong Killen (4)
Mr. Steve Killian
Ms. Leah M. Killough
Dr. and Mrs. Hak Youn Kim (5)
Dr. Suk Ki Kim
Mr. Wayne H. Kimbel (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Edward
Kimbler (10)
Mrs. Janet Leigh Kimbler (4)
Mr. Larry Ivan Kimbler (8)
Mrs. Schryl B. Kimbrough (11)
Mr. William Joe Kimbrough (3)
Mr. Jerry Kimmel (2)
Ms. Angela Mae Kinder
Mrs. Gayle Lynn Kindred Price
Mr. Greg Allen Kindschi (13)
Mrs. Ann G. King
Mrs. Betty J. King (7)
Mr. Damon Hershel King, Jr. (3)
Mr. Daniel A. King (2)
Mr. Edward Thomas King, Jr. (3)
Mrs. Janette B. King
Mrs. Jimella Ann King (6)
Mr. Joseph W. King, III (2)
Ms. Kimberly Annette King
Ms. Lee Ann King
Mrs. Margaret L. King (3)
Mrs. Martha J. King
Ms. Mary Suzanne King (13)
Mrs. Nancy L. King (10)
Dr. Richard King and Mrs.Tammi L.
Dr. Ronald King (2)
Ms. Wilma Ruth King
Mrs. Michelle L. Kingrey (3)
Mr. Craig T. Kingsbury
Mr. and Mrs. Derrick S. Kington
Ms. Lana Kington (2)
Ms. Melanie D. Kington
Mr. Wilbur Ray Kinkade
Dr. Donald M. Kinkel (2)
Mr. James Edward Kinker
Mr. Kevin Robert Kinne (4)
Mrs. Sandra Faye Kinser (5)
Ms. Frances Kinslow
Ms. Jennifer Louise Kinslow
Mr. Walter E. Kinslow
Mr. David W. Kinsman
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne M. Kinzel (2)
Mr. James A. Kipp
Mrs. Jane Collins Kirby (5)
Mr. John Stephen Kirby (2)
Ms. Karol Lane Kirby (2)
Mrs. Leanne A. Kirby
Mr. Marion Arthur Kirby
Mr. Robert T. Kirby (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert V Kirby (2)
Ms.Tina Jo Kirby (2)
Mr.Todd Rhea Kirby
Mr. James Edwin Kirk
Ms. Mabel R. Kirk
Mr. Sherwood Kirk
Mr. and Mrs. Drew Kirkland
Mr. Robert S. Kirkland
Ms. Elizabeth Moser Kirkman
Mr. Gregory Scott Kirkpatrick
Ms. Lois C. Kirkpatrick (7)
Mrs. Martha P. Kirkpatrick
Ms. Rebecca Lynn Kitchens
Mr. John Mark Kitsteiner
Mr. Johnathan Ellis Kittinger
Mr. Matthew Kittinger (9)
Mr.Timothy Kitty
Mr. Karl Anthony Klaene
Ms. Patricia M. Kleckley
Mr. Michael Robert Klein (2)
Mr. Carl Robert Kleinholter (16)
Ms. Kelly L. Kleinholter
Hon. and Mrs. Denis Stephen Kline (16)
Ms. Helen G. Kline
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hayes Kline (2)
Mrs. Janet Kay Kling (5)
Mr. George C. Klinger (12)
Klosterman Building Supplies
Mr. David William Klosterman
Mr. John C. Klotter (12)
Mr. James Knapp
Ms. Elizabeth Strayer Knecht
Mr. Jeff D. Kniese (5)
Mrs. Doris Ann Knight (7)
Mrs. Joyce C. Knight
Mrs. Linda H. Knight (13)
Mrs. Martha Faye Knight
Mrs. Mary L. Knight (9)
Ms. Lauren L. Knopf
Mr. Roger Brandon Knoth
Mr. Paul Daniel Knowles
Ms. Wennifer Lynn Knowles
Ms. Margaret A. Knox
Ms. Susan Knox
Mr. Donald L. Knudson
Mrs. Deloris L. Koch (8)
Mrs. Leigh Ann Koch (2)
Mr. Prasad Sg Kodali
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Russell Koenen (15)
Mr. Kenneth Koenig
Mr. Nicholas J. Koenigstein (3)
Ms. Mary E. Kohlmeyer (4)
Mrs. Paula Kohn
Mr. Philip A. Kohut
Mr. Arthur F. Kolb (15)
Maj. and Mrs. Dennis L. Kolb (2)
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Kolbenschlag (5)
Mr. John Jeffrey Koller
Mr. Frank J. Kondracki, Jr. (8)
Ms. Sharon Marie Koomler
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Koonce (2)
Mr. and Mrs.Ted Martin Korfhage (14)
Ms. Lattie V. Koss (2)
Mr. Paul Francis Koss
Ms. Deborah Ann Kossick
Mrs.Teresa Barber Kosta
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Francis Kotmel
Mrs. Julie Pleasant Kottak (7)
Mrs. Barbara L. Kraft
Mr. David Krajewski
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond S. Kramer
Mrs. LaDawn M. Krantz
Mr. Robert D. Krausen
Mr. Robert Alan Krausman (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lee Kreke
Mr. Frank R. Kremsner
Mrs. Dorothy J. Krepps (4)
Ms. Jennifer Michelle Kress (3)
Mr. Winthrop Henry Kretman
Mrs. Ashley Rose Kretzmeier
Mrs. Kelly Lynn Kreutzer
Ms. Jane S. Krick (13)
Mrs. Ella Morrison Kriete (2)
Mr. C. Christopher Kring
Mr. Michael Robert Krinsky (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. McCarthy (7)
Ms. Susan Kay Krisher (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Kjell Kristiansen (3)
Mr. James Krizman
Mr. Nicholas Ryan Kroeger
Ms. Amy C. Krull (2)
Ms. Marianne T. Krupiczewicz (2)
Mrs. Leigh Ann Kuegel (7)
Mr. William Kuegel, Jr. (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Kuehl (3)
Dr. Kenneth William Kuehn
Ms. Rhonda Sue Kugler
Mrs. Jennifer A. Kuhn (2)
Mr. John L. Kuhn
Mr. Raymond L. Kuhn, Jr.
Mrs. Betsy Lou Kullman (13)
Mrs. Shirley Ann Kurtzhals
Ms. Linda Ann Kuse (2)
Kustom Designs
Mr. Jeffrey Allen Kute (8)
Mr. David Kwok
Ms. Clara Lee Kyle (5)
Mr. Frenchie Russell Kyle (3)
Mr. John A. Labudde (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Lacefield
CSM Alex Ray Lackey
Mr. James G. Lackey, III
Mrs. Kimberly G. Lacy (11)
Cpt. Robert Nathaniel Ladd (2)
Mrs. Judith B. Laflare
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Lyle Laflin (2)
Mr. Mark W. Lagasse
Mr. Jih Sheng Lai
Dr. and Mrs. Roger A. Laird (2)
Mrs. Kathleen H. Lakarosky (6)
Mr. and Mrs. James Thomas Lally (8)
Mrs. Carol Lamar
Ms. Barbara L. Lamb (2)
Mrs. Carolyn Delores Lambert
Mrs. Dianne L. Lambert (4)
Ms. Lisa Lambert
Mr. Paul Edwin Lambert (3)
Mr. Robert W. Lambert (5)
Mr. Randall Carroll Lambirth, II
Mrs. Catherine C. Lamczyk (5)
Mrs. Susan Elaine Lamon
Lancaster Wholesale Tire Co., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Carey D. Lancaster (10)
Mrs. W. Kay Lancaster (14)
Ms. Brenda Fay Landers (2)
Mr. James G. Landry (11)
Mr. Randall Carl Landwehr
Dr. and Mrs. David M. Lane (7)
Mr. Earl Jay Lane (2)
Ms. Kathleen Marie Lane
Mr. Michael Doug Lane
Mr. Noel Lane
Ms. Wanda Sue Lane
Mr. Donald R. Lang
Mrs. Brooke Langdon
Ms. Selina Iris Langford
Ms. Charlotte H. Langrall
Mr. Charles Robert Lanham, Jr.
Mr. David S. Lanham
Ms. Debra Gail Lanham (4)
Mrs. Jean P. Lanham (2)
Mr.Timothy Jensen Lanham (6)
Ms. Melissa Jo Lantrip (2)
Mr. Charles J. Lapham
Mr. Joe Larin
Ms. Alice Larkin (5)
Mr. Greg Matthew Larkin
Mr. Preston Denny Larkin (7)
Mr. Joseph Larson (10)
Mr. Richard D. Larson (2)
Larths Literary Club
Mr. Jack Young Larue (5)
Ltc. (Ret.) James Michael Lasalvia
Ms. Jane Allen Lash
Ms. Jennifer Allen Lash
Mrs. Lashell Robin Lashley (7)
Mr. Kevin Scott Lasley
Mrs. Melinda A. Laslie (2)
Mr. and Mrs. David Harris Lassiter
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas A. Lassiter
Mr. John Lassourreille (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip M. Latham (12)
Ms. Stephanie Inez Laughary
Mrs. June K. Lavelle (6)
Ms. Laura Elaine Lavinghousez (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Frankie Ray Law
Mr. Harold J. Law (19)
Mrs. Katherine Marie Law (11)
Mrs. Mary S. Law
Mr. and Mrs.Tommy R. Law (10)
Mr. John Patrick Lawler (2)
Mrs. Judy T. Lawler (6)
Mr. Art Lawrence
Mr. Dennis Lee Lawrence
Mr. James William Lawrence
Mr. John D. Lawrence
Mr. Larry Thomas Lawrence
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Lawrence (3)
Mr. Donald Gene Lawson
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Lawson (7)
Mr. Jon Lewis Lawson (5)
Ms. Kristen Renee Lawson
LTC (Ret.) Owen D. Lawson (2)
Mrs. Phyllis S. Lawson
Dr. and Mrs. Rick J. Lawson (16)
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Lawson (15)
Ms. Judy Lay
Mrs. Bobbi Layman (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Layman (15)
Ms. Grace Laymon
Dr. and Mrs. Nathaniel R. Layson (14)
Lazy River Camp Ground
Mrs. Charlotte Barham Lea (3)
Mr. John Sergeant Lea
Ms. Kelia M. Leach (4)
Ms. Luann Marie Leach (11)
Mr. and Mrs. C. William Leachman
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Leachman (2)
Mr. Richard R. Lear
Mrs. Connie M. Lease (2)
Mr. John Edward Lease (8)
Mr. John A. Leathers (2)
Mr. Alexander G. Lebedinsky
Mr. John Willis Ledogar
Ms. Lori Ann Ledogar
Mr. Carl W. Lee (5)
Mr. Donald Howard Lee (3)
Ms. Holly Renee Lee
Mr. James E. Lee
Mrs. Jean E. Lee
Mr. John A. Lee
Dr. Joseph M. Lee (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Lee
Mrs. Nancy Williams Lee (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Joe Lee
Mr. Ronald E. Lee (10)
Ms. Shanna H. Lee
Ms. Sharna A. Lee
Mrs. Sheri D. Lee (6)
Mr. Walter Leon Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Brice T. Leech
Mrs. Jimmie Carolyn Leeson (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Allen Leffert
Mrs. Brenda M. Leftwich (7)
Mrs. Jill Lynn Leftwich
Mr. Michael D. Legg (2)
Mrs. Nan Everson Legler (3)
Ms. Susan Angela Legler
Ms.Teresa Rose Leibfreid (6)
Mrs. Leslie Ann Leidelmeijer
Mr. Gary L. Leis
Ms. Leola Verniss Lemons
Mr. Jude Thaddeus Lenahan, Jr. (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Charles Leneave
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas W. Lennon (8)
Mr. Henry Joel Lenoir
Mrs. Margaret Marie Lentz
Mrs. Melodie Ann Leonard (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Douglas
Leopold (5)
Mr. Gomer R. Lesch (2)
Mr. Walter Dean Lesher
Mr. James Anthony Leslie (3)
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Lester
Mr. Robert Lester
Mr. Roy C. Lester
Mr. Roy David Lester (17)
Mr. Matthew Bryant Leveridge
Mr. Anthony Scott Lewis (2)
Mrs. Bettie P. Lewis (3)
Ms. Beverly Lewis
Ms. Brandi Allison Lewis
Mr. Brandon Alastair Lewis (2)
Mrs. Cheryl Ann Lewis
Mrs. Cindy L. Lewis
Mr. Clifton G. Lewis, Jr. (6)
Ms. F. Joyce Lewis
Mr. Garland Keith Lewis
Ms. Holly R. Lewis
Mr. James R. Lewis
Mr. Jean Lewis (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Catron Lewis
Ms. June M. Lewis (10)
Mr. and Mrs. Lane Lewis (3)
Ms. Margaret A. Lewis
Mrs. Meredith Howe Lewis (2)
Hon. and Mrs. Perry Lewis (14)
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Lewis
Western Kentucky University
Mr. and Mrs. Robin J. Lewis (16)
Ms.Tiffany A. Lewis
Mr.Vernon Robert Lewis (2)
Mr. William C. Lewis (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Alan Leyers (6)
Mr. Dong Li
Mr. and Mrs. Jianle Li
Ms. Evelyn M. Libe
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Kenneth Libke
Mr. Harry Libman
Ms. Debbie Licht (2)
Ms. Elise Talmage Lieb (2)
Mrs. Kathy Charlene Liebau
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Liedtke (2)
Ms. Sandra Lightfoot (2)
Mr. Robert Cory Likens
Mr. Martin L. Likins (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Benny Cameron Lile (3)
Mr. Gary Milton Lillard
Mrs. Doris A. Lind (15)
Ms. Jodi Marie Lindaman
Ms. Gloria Lindauer (3)
Mr. Jerry Lindbloom (10)
Mr. B. W. Linder (6)
Mr. Marion D. Lindquist
Ms. Elizabeth Lindsay
Ms. Betty Lindsey
Mrs. Carolyn J. Lindsey (6)
Mrs. Janet Chaudoin Lindsey
Mr. Jeremy Oneal Lindsey
Mr. Jonathan C. Lindsey
Mr. Phillip N. Lindsey
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Lindsey (2)
Mrs.Teresa Napier Lindsey
Ms. Leisa L. Line
Mr. Corey Kenneth Lingo
Mr. John M. Linn
Rev. Daniel M. Linnenberg (3)
Ms. Mary Todd Linville
Mr. Steven Lippmann
Ms. Eleanor F. Lipschutz
Lisa R.Vandiver Attorney at Law
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. List
Mrs. Cynthia G. Liston
Rev. Kent Litchfield (5)
Mr. Walter B. Litchfield (13)
Mrs. Camille K. Little
Mr. Gary Alan Little (3)
LTC. (Ret.) Gary E. Little (8)
Drs. Cassandra and Harold Little (7)
Mrs. Mary Jo Little (6)
Mrs. Paula Sue Little
Mr. Robert Littman
Mrs.Vickie Jeanne Litton (6)
Mrs. Judith Ann Littrel (6)
Mr. Hong Liu
Mrs. Leigh Anne Liu
Mr. Joseph Lively
Ms. Mary Darlene Livers (11)
Mrs. Jennifer M. Livesay
Dr. David Livingston (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Luis Miguel Liontop
Mr. William F. Lobb
Mrs. Donna M. Loch
Ms. Gail Lock
Ms. Ashley L. Locke
Mr. Phillip M. Locke (16)
Mrs. Sharon Locke
Mrs. Carol R. Lockhart (3)
Mrs. Patricia W. Loehnert
Mr. Arthur Loesevitz (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Loewen (2)
Ms. Agnes E. Logan
Ms. Elaine J. Logan
Mr. Eric C. Logan
Mr. John H. Logan
Mr. Jeremy Ray Logsdon (2)
Mr. John Paul Logsdon
Mrs. Mary M. Logsdon (3)
Mrs. Myra Jean Logsdon (d.) (7)
Mrs. Penelope S. Logsdon
Mr. Russell S. Logsdon
Mr.Timothy E. Logsdon (3)
Mrs. Donna Loid
Mr. and Mrs. Kirby Riggs Loid (3)
Mr. Richard F. Lombard (3)
Mrs. Debra Lynn London
Ms. Lori Beth London
Mr. Michael Shane London
Ms. Beatrice Cowan Long (8)
Mrs. Bonnie Gwynn Long (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Curtiss M. Long (12)
Ms. Elizabeth Morris Long (6)
Mr. James Clifton Long (6)
Mrs. Kellie B. Long (8)
Dr. Larry W. Long (9)
Alumni Fall 2003
Ms. Neva Long
Mrs. Sherry Veronica Long
Mr. and Mrs. Janet Longo
Sister Davida Loosbrock (4)
Mr. Stephen Lope
Mrs. Jennifer Lopez
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Lopez
Ms. Nancy Love Lopez (2)
Mr. Harry E. Lopp, Jr.
Mr. James E. Lord
Mrs. Evelyn Smith Lorence
Loretto Motherhouse Convent (2)
Mrs. Lynn M. Losik
Mr. Frederick Taylor Losson
Mrs. Angela Michelle Lott
Mr. Bruce Ridgway Lott
Mr. Keith N. Louden
Mr. Christopher S. Louder
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Loudermilk (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Lovan
Mrs. Elizabeth Trois Love (2)
Ms. Kristy M. Love
Ms. Marian Love
Mr. Robert P. Love (2)
Mrs. Frances R. Lovell (16)
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Lovell
Mrs. Karen D. Lovell
Mrs. Margaret R. Lovell
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Lovell, III (2)
Ms. Wendy Lee Cohron Lovett
Mrs. Martha Gail Rice Lovisone
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin T. Lowdermilk (7)
Mrs. Betty D. Lowe (3)
Ms. Catherine Miller Lowe (18)
Ms. Gayle Conklin Lowe
Mr. Joe B. Lowe (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stanley Lowe
Mrs. Judith M. Lowe
Ms. Marie L. Lowe
Mrs. Mary Anna Lowe
Mr. Robert W. Lowe
Mr. William Henry Lowendick
Mrs. Marion B. Lowrie
Mrs. Sheryl Eunice Lowry (4)
Mrs. Brenda S. Loy
Mr. Chuck Loy
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nelson Loy
Mr. Jerome A. Lubbehusen (5)
Lucas Motors
Mrs. Jean Lucas
Mrs. Susan Lynn Lucas
Mr. and Mrs.Thaddaeus J. Lucas
Mr. William Gus Luckert
Mr.Truman A. Luke
Mr. and Mrs. Miervaldis Lulaks (4)
Mrs. Melinda Lee Lunday
Mr. Brad Luppino
Ms. Sara B. Lusk (2)
Mrs. Brenda Gale Luther (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Luttrell
Mrs. Sheila Ann Luttrell (4)
Mr. Walton H. Luttrell (2)
Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Lutz (2)
Mrs. Kathleen Jones Lutz
Mr. Phil Ray Lutz (6)
Mrs.Tina Cabbasier Lutz (2)
Mr. and Mrs.Tracy Lee Lykins
CPT Larry J. Lyle, Jr.
Ms. Ally Lynch
Mrs. Benita Louise Lynch
Mr. J.Thomas Lynch (3)
Ms. Jodi Lynch
Mr. Joseph Scott Lynch (2)
Mr.Thomas P. Lynch (7)
Mr. David Cottrell Lyne
Mr. Frank E. Lyne (13)
Lynn J. Cothron Family Dentistry
Mrs. Kelly Gatlin Lynn
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hayden Lyon (13)
Mr. Billy Lyons
Mrs. Dianna Lyons
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Lyons
Mr. J. W. Lyons
Mrs. Kimberly J. Lyons (3)
Mrs. Lynn K. Lyons
Mr. and Mrs. Randal D. Lyons
Mr. Stephen H. Lyons (13)
Col. William W. Lytle (4)
Mr. Louis B. Lyvers (10)
M & L Marketing (2)
Mr. Herbert Joseph Mabe (4)
Ms. Patricia Ann Mabry
Mr. Andrew MacCornack (3)
Mr. Barry B. MacDonald
Mrs. Margaret J. MacDonald (13)
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas K. MacDonell
Mr. Bruce A. MacDougal (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Macemon
Mr.Tadeusz S. Maciuba (9)
Ms. Debbie L. MacKay (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Claypool
Macke (6)
Dr. Jeffrey Dale Macke (10)
Mrs. Barbara Clark Mackessy (6)
Ms. Catherine I. Madden
Ms. Sherry A. Maddox
Dr. Patrick Maddy (4)
Mr. Richard Neale Madison
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Madison (2)
Mr. Carlton Magan
Ms. Norma Lucille Magers (4)
Mrs. Jeanette F. Maggard
Mr. Joseph A. Magruder, Jr. (18)
Mrs. Elizabeth S. Mahan (13)
Ms. Larri Ann Mahoney (2)
Ms. Elizabeth Main and Mr. Daryl
Mr. and Mrs. Scott L. Majors (18)
Mr. Raymond Makeever (12)
Mr. Alex F. Maksymczuk
Mr. Stuart Malkin
Mr. Jason Christian Mallory
Mrs. Lisa Ann Mallory
Mr. James E. Maloney
Mr. James Charles Malyj (6)
Mr. Michael Kevin Manasco
Mrs. Carolyn S. Mancinik (2)
Ms. Betty H. Mandabach (5)
Ms. Cindy Manley
Mr. Gary D. Manley (11)
Ms. Becky Mann (6)
Ms. Beth Allison Mann
Ms. Nancy L. Mann (16)
Ms. Judy Carol Manners (2)
Mrs. Gayla Monroe Mansfield (2)
Mrs. Margaret F. Mansfield (10)
Mr. Michael Todd Mansfield (7)
Col. William P. Mansfield, Jr. (3)
Mr. William David Maples
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Maraman
Mr. Dennis Marble
Ms. Mona Kay Marcrum
Mrs. Ammie Melton Marcum
Mr. Jeff Marcum
Mrs. Laura Jean Marcum
Ms. Louise C. Marcum (6)
Mr. Robert B. Marcum, II
Ms. Sarah Rebecca Marcum
Dr. Susan McElroy Marcus
Mrs. Pamela Underwood Mardiney (4)
Mr. David Mardis
Mrs. Eva R. Markham
Ms. Kimberly A. Markham
Ms. Elinor Bennett Markle (2)
Ms. Anna Maria Maroney
Mrs. Stacey Marie Dodson Marr (2)
Mr. Robert H. Marrett (5)
Ms. Barbara Marriott
Mrs. Heloise B. Marsh (16)
Dr. and Mrs. John Marsh
Mrs. Georgia Sue Marshall (2)
Mr. Kenneth W. Marshall
Mrs. Kimberly J. Marshall
Ms. Patricia Hill Marshall
Mr. Paul William Marshall
Mrs. Rita W. Marshall (15)
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Marshall (3)
Ms. Margaret C. Martel
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Gene Martin (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Oneil Martin (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence B. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Eugene Martin (2)
Mr. Danny Gale Martin (9)
Mrs. Denishia G. Martin
Maj. Edward T. Martin (2)
Mr. Greg Glenn Martin (4)
Mr. Humphrey Avon Martin (2)
Dr. James Kenneth Martin (5)
Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas Martin
Mr. Joseph Brian Martin (10)
Mr. Joseph E. Martin
Mrs. Kimberly Dawn Martin
Mr. Larry R. Martin
Mrs. Laura Katherine Martin (9)
Mrs. Linda J. Martin
Mrs. Linda Jones Martin
Ms. Lisa Joy Martin (11)
Mr. Marvin Jeffery Martin
Mr. Paul O. Martin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Earl Martin (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Martin (11)
Mr. Roger K. Martin (8)
Mrs. Shirley H. Martin (6)
Mr. Stephen Ray Martin (5)
Ms.Tabatha Dawn Martin
Mrs.Vickie Chyree Martin
Mr. Michael Edward Martinez (2)
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Martray
Mr. John Kenneth Martray, Jr.
Mr. Robert Edward Maryanski (12)
Mrs. Sheila L. Mashburn
Ms. Amber L. Mason
Ms. Joyce A. Mason
Mrs. Lucy F. Mason
Ms. Marcella Mason
Mr. Steven Douglas Mason (4)
Mr.Tom Pryor Mason
Mrs. Kimberly R. Masoner
Mr. James Mark Massa
Mr. Glen C. Massengale
Mr. Wendell H. Massengale
Ms. Crystal D. Massey
Mr.Terry Lee Massey
Mr. Martin Lea Mathews
Mrs.Tanya M. Mathews
Mr. and Mrs.Terry Lynn Mathews
Mrs. Sheila B. Mathias
Mrs. Deborah McBride Mathis (2)
Mrs. Kathy C. Mathis
Mr. and Mrs. William Matlock (7)
Mrs. Kimberly G. Matney
Ms. Kristiana Matthes
Mr. Carl L. Matthews (6)
Mrs. Donna Rush Matthews (5)
Mr. Mark Darren Matthews
Mr. R. Jerry Matthews
Mr.Tony C. Matthews
Ms. Ann Mattingly
Mr. Ben Mattingly (4)
Mrs. Holly Carol Mattingly
Mr. John R. Mattingly (7)
Mrs. Phyllis E. Maudlin (2)
Ms. Allison Edith Maue
Mr. William S. Maupin (14)
Mr.Thomas J. Maurer (4)
Ms. Cindy L. Maus (7)
Mrs. Judith Ann Maxwell
Mrs. Laurie Lee Maxwell (2)
Mr. Michael Joe Maxwell
Ms.Tamela Williams Maxwell
Ms. Betty B. May (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Gary May (2)
Mr. James Dean May (8)
Ms. Nancy Ellen May (3)
Mrs. Rhonda Denine May
Mrs. Bonnie Mayer (4)
Mrs. Jill Dages Mayer
Dr. and Mrs. Freddie M. Mayes
Mrs. Stacy Jeannette Mayes
Ms.Trudi Lynn Mayes
Mr. and Mrs. Collis G. Mayfield (7)
Ms. Judith Mayfield (4)
Ms. Kay Mayfield (15)
Ms. Lana J. Nelson Mayfield
Mrs. Billie Jo Mayhew
Ms. Andrea Lee Maynard
Mr. Randall Mays (3)
Mr. Steven L. Mays
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Mark Maysey (2)
Mr. John M. Mc Farlane
Mr. and Mrs. David W. McAfee
Mrs. Mary Catherine McAlevy (2)
Mr. Douglas C. McArthur
Mr. and Mrs. David Lee McBride (4)
Ms. Maribeth McBride (2)
Ms. Mary Anita McBride (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Samuel McBroom (6)
Ms. Lucinda Lee McCaleb (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. McCall (7)
Mr. Roy McCall (10)
Mr. William E. McCarron
Dr. Jessiann D. McCarthy (5)
Mrs. Kathryn Ann McCarthy (5)
Mrs. Patricia S. McCarthy (12)
Ms. Mary Lucille McCarty (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Randy B. McCarty
Mr. and Mrs. Warren H. McCaulley (3)
Mrs. Jean N. McCaw
Mr. Auston G. McCay
Mr. Jonathan Edward McCay
Mrs. Mary Ann McCelvey (d.) (22)
Mrs. Glenda H. McChesney (5)
Mrs. Patricia S. McClain (3)
Mr. Cleo Louis McClellan (3)
Mr. and Mrs. John W. McClellan, III (7)
Ms. Jennie Stephens McClendon (11)
Mr. Michael Kent McCloud (3)
Ms. Jessica M. McClure
Ms. Kelly Lynn McClure
Mr. Larry T. McClure (6)
Mr.Terry Lane McCollam (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd D. McCollum (5)
Ms. Zula R. McCombs
Mr.Thomas R. McCord (3)
Mrs. Chastity R. McCorkle
Mr. Donald R. McCormick (2)
Mr. Lester E. McCormick
Mr. Scott A. McCormick
Ms. Janice Lea McCoy (5)
Ms.Tonia K. McCoy
Dr. and Mrs. William J. McCoy (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leonard
McCracken (4)
Mrs. Linda Jean McCray
Mr. Sean M. McCray
Ms. Anna Mae McCubbin (5)
Mr. J. William McCubbin (4)
Mrs. Jean T. McCubbin
Mr. Joel McCubbin
Ms. Jodi McCullah (3)
Ms. Katherine McCutchen
Mr. Robert McDade
Mr. Larry R. McDaniel (11)
Mr. Randall Roger McDevitt (5)
Mr. and Mrs. John Martin McDonald
Mrs. Wilda F. McDonald
Mrs. Elvira McDonough (8)
Mr. Robert Andrew McDougal
Ms. Katherine Hazle McDowell (9)
Mrs. Maxine C. McDowell (14)
Ms. Cecilia McEldowney
Mr. Dan William McElheney
Mr. Donald L. McElroy
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Neil McElroy
Dr. Mark K. McElroy
Mr. Hutch L. McElwain
Ms. Martha L. McElwain
Mrs. Patricia Buffin McEwen (3)
Mr. Arthur Andrew McFadden
Mr. Gregory McFall
Mr. Adam Matthew McFarland
Ms. Antrina Jo McFarland
Ms. Betty Jane McFarland (7)
Ms. Lindsey B. McFarland
Mrs. Pamela Jean McFarland (8)
Ms. Rebecca M. McFarland
Mr. David Albert McGary
Mr. Gregory R. McGee
Mr. Jeffrey L. McGill
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Mark McGill (8)
Ms. Jennifer McGillis
Mr. Lance Eric McGinnis
Ms. Robin Ann McGinnis
Dr.Thomas H. McGloshen, Jr. (16)
Mr. Frank McGonigal
Mr. Michael McGowan
Ms. Shelley R. McGowan
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Francis
McGown (2)
Dr. Pat McGrath (3)
Mr. and Mrs. William R. McGregor
Mr. Charles Edward McGrew (2)
Mrs.Tonya Jean McGue (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. McGuffin (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Dale McGuffin
Mr. and Mrs. Don K. McGuire (3)
Mr. Donald Joseph McGuire (5)
Mr. Edward McGuire (18)
Mr. and Mrs. James Eugen McGuire
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McGuire
Mrs. June R. McGuyer
Mrs. Cynthia L. McIntosh (6)
Mrs. Rebecca B. McIntosh
Mrs. Shannon Kathleen McIntyre
Mrs.Toni McIntyre (3)
Mrs. Sherry Ann McKamey (2)
Mrs. Sheila D. McKay (2)
Mr. Clifton D. McKee
Ms. Stephanie Conner McKenzie
Dr. and Mrs. Robert N. McKinley (21)
Mrs.Tess Delores Dennis McKinley
McKinney & Blair, Inc. (3)
Mrs. Christal Gaye McKinney
Mr. Donald L. McKinney (3)
Ms. Elizabeth Jones McKinney (8)
Mrs. Janis B. McKinney
Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Edwin McKinney
Mr. Ray McKinney, Jr. (2)
Mrs. Rebecca McKinney
Mr. Robbie Lane McKinney
Mrs. Sarah Rebecca McKinney (4)
Mr. and Mrs.Timothy H McKinney
Mr.Travis Duane McKinney
Mr. Mike McKown
Mr. Myron D. McLain (14)
Mr. Ross Howlett McLaren (4)
Mr. Alan A. McLaughlin
Mr. Dale B. McLaughlin (5)
Mrs. Marcia L. McLaughlin
Ms. Melaine Beliles McLean
Ms. Anna Ray McLellan (4)
Mrs. Cheryl Joy McLeod
Ms. Betty McLimore (3)
Mrs. Alice D. McMaster (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. McMillin (8)
Mrs. Glenda J. McMurry
Mr. Robert W. McMurry
Dr. Cecil E. McMurtry
Ms. Mary Lane McNamara (18)
Mr. Stephen McNeill (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. McPeak (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Shawn
Ms.Teresa Lynn McPherson
Mr. Daniel B. McQuitty
Mrs. Kimberly M. McQuitty
Ms. Melissa Ann McRoberts (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Allen McSween
Mr. Nicholas Alan McWhorter
Mr. Joseph W. McWilliams, Jr.
Mr.Thomas S. Meacham (11)
Mrs. Karen M. Meador (8)
Mrs. Marcia J. Meador
Mrs. Sandra Kay Meador (10)
Mr. Larry C. Meadows (2)
Mrs. Marian Lois Meadows (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dean
Meadows (10)
Mrs. Sondra Hunt Meadows
Mr.Thomas M. Meadows (2)
Mrs. Rosan Medaris (16)
Mr. and Mrs. Dane Alexander Medich
Mrs.Tammy Lane Medlen
Mr. Bryant Aaron Medley (7)
Mr. Chester A. Medley
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Medley
Mrs. Wendy Joyce Medley (8)
Mr. Allen J. Medus, Jr. (7)
Mr. Robert Lawrence Meek
Ms. Dianna A. Meeks
Mr. Wallace Neil Meeks (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Meffert (5)
Mrs. Carol L. Mefford
Mr. James David Mefford (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Douglas Mefford
Mrs. Margaret F. Meggs (4)
Ms. Christina A. Mehlbauer
Drs. Albert and Ouida Meier
Ms. Madeline Ruth Meiers (2)
Ms. Beth Miracle Meiman
Mr. Jason C. Meisel
Mr. and Mrs. Curt Melcher (2)
Mr. Paul A. Melius
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dale Melloan (2)
Mr. and Mrs. John Gordon Melloan (2)
Mr. David M. Melson
Mrs. Joyce R. Melson (4)
Mr. David Boyd Melton
Ms. Jennifer Melton
Dr. Marilann Jo Melton
Ms. Rosetta Melton
Mrs. Susan Mabry Menees
Mr. John F. Menefee (7)
Mr. Joe William Meng, Jr. (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Meng (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip M. Menser
Mr. William E. Menser (2)
Mr. Jerry J. Mercer
Mr. J. Richard Meredith
Mr. Larry S. Meredith
Mrs. Linda M. Meredith
Mr. Brian Merideth
Ms. Mary Josephine Merideth
Ms. Jessica Ann Merman
Ms. Amy D. Merrick
Mr. Sean Andre’ Merritt (4)
Mr. Gerald Messenger (4)
Mr. and Mrs.Ted Messenger (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Roy O. Messersmith (6)
Mrs. Nancy Jo Messmer (6)
Ms. Rosemary Meszaros (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mette (14)
Mr. Glenn Metzger
Metzmeier Nursing Home, Inc.
Mrs. Anna Faye Meunier
Mr. Daniel Ray Meyer (2)
Mr. Hugh A. Meyer, III (15)
Mr. John D. Meyer
Ms. Mary Beth Meyer
Mrs. Ouida Meyer
Mrs. Susan Lea Meyer (2)
Mrs. Kay L. Niman Meyers
Mrs. M. Jane Meyers (3)
Michael S. Baechle, P. C.
Mr. Eddie Michael
Mr. Jay H. Michaelson
Ms. Paula M. Micheletti
Ms. Megan A. Michie
Mrs. Patricia R. Middlestadt (7)
Ms. Elizabeth G. Middleton (22)
Ms. Sylvia F. Middleton (14)
Mr. Rush Henry Midkiff (6)
Mr. James L. Mignerey
Mr. Mark A. Miick (3)
Mr. Joseph Richard Milak (9)
Ms. Allene R. Milam (4)
Ms. Laura Gayle Milam (3)
Mr.Terry Ray Milam
Mr. M. Bradley Milburn
Mrs. Nicole Lynn Milburn
Mr. Bryon N. Milby (7)
Mr. Scott D. Milby
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher David Miles
Mr. Donald Alton Miles, Jr.
Mr. Harry David Miles
Mr. Randall Keith Miles (2)
Mr. Stanley Miles
Mr. Carl E. Millanti (2)
Ms. Lauren M. Millard
Mrs. Dena Sheldon Millay
Mr. Alvin L. Miller (2)
Ms. Bree Ann Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Miller
Mrs. Christine M. Delessio Miller
Mr. Dallas W. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Miller
Mr. Donnie L. Miller (2)
Ms. Dorothy Irene Miller
Mr. Edith S. Miller (7)
Mrs. Elaine Miller
Mr. Fredric C. Miller
Mr. Gary Lynn Miller
Ms. Beckman and Mr. Miller (2)
Ms. Grace Evelyn Miller (11)
Dr. and Mrs. James E. Miller (14)
Mr. James M. Miller (10)
Ms. Jamie Lynn Miller
Ms. Jana I. Miller
Mr. Jeffery Scot Miller
Ms. Jerry G. MIller
Ms. Joanne D. Miller
Mr. John Mark Miller
Mr. John W. Miller
Ms. Joy Marie Miller (6)
Ms. Kerri D. Miller
Ms. Kristen Leigh Miller (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Lanny Royce Miller (15)
Mr. and Mrs. Larry S. Miller (2)
Mr. Larry Vernon Miller (8)
Mrs. Martha Louise Miller (3)
Ms. Mary Ann Miller (3)
Ms. Mary Kay Miller
Ms. Melissa Lynn Miller
Dr. Michael L. Miller
Mrs. Myrna Ann Miller
Mr. Orville Miller, Jr. (2)
Mrs. Patricia A. Miller (5)
Mr. Richard E. Miller (3)
Mrs. Rita Louise Miller
Ms. Robin Lynn Miller (2)
Mr. Ross M. Miller
Mr. Russell H. Miller (10)
Ms. Ruth R. Miller
Mr. Ryan A. Miller
Mrs. Sandra D. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher N. Miller
Mrs. Sandra R. Miller (6)
Mr. Steven Michael Miller (2)
Mrs. Sue D. Miller (4)
Mrs. Susan V. Miller
Mr.Thomas R. Miller
Mr.Travis Lane Miller
Mr.Vallejo Miller
Mr.Victor Craig Miller (6)
Mr. William N. Miller (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Rodgie Glen Millet (3)
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Millichap (17)
Ms. Mary Darlene Milliner
Mrs. Deanna Mills (4)
Mrs. Doris B. Mills (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory W. Mills (3)
Mr. and Mrs. James Michael Mills (12)
Mr. Jerry Thomas Mills, Jr. (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Edward Mills
Ms. Julie Mills
Mr. Nathaniel C. Mills (5)
Mrs. Wren Allen Mills
Millstone Mortgage
Mr. Raymond Alphonse Milograno
Mr. Curtis H. Milton, Jr. (13)
Mr. Brian Lee Minch
Mr. Stephen D. Mink
Captain Pamela N. Minke (2)
Mr. Harold Timothy Minor (3)
Mrs. Robyn L. Minor
Dr. Nicholson and Dr. Minors (6)
Mr. Donald Wayne Minton (7)
Ms. Heather L. Minton
Ms. Lynn McIvor Minton
Mr. Matthew Bo Minton (2)
Mrs. Melesa A. Minton (2)
Mr.Tony Ray Minton (4)
Mrs. Amy D. Minuth (7)
Miracle Recreation of Ky and Tn
Ms. Janice Carolyn Misere
Mrs. Nancy P. Misita
Mrs. Nancy E. Mitcham (3)
Mr. Bobby Glenn Mitchell
Ms. C. C. Mitchell (2)
Ms. Carolyn Elaine Mitchell (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Mitchell
Mrs. Eleonore Mitchell (6)
Mr. George K. Mitchell, Jr. (3)
Mr. Glenn Stokes Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mitchell
Mrs. Judy R. Mitchell
Mrs. Kim Mitchell (2)
Mrs. Linda Cunniff Mitchell
Mr. Phil Mitchell
Mr. Rick Mitchell
Mr.Terry Lee Mitchell, Jr. (5)
Mrs.Tracy Lynn Mitchell
Mrs.Victoria D. Mitchell
Mrs. Wendy Mize (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Kai Cheong Mo
Mr.Thomas W. Moak (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Russell G. Mobley (15)
Mr. Melvin E. Modderman (8)
Mr. Kevin Modlin (4)
Dr. Charles L. Moffatt (3)
Mrs. Angela M. Moffett
Mr. and Mrs. Mohammed Moghadamian
Ms. Beth Mohon
Col. William F. Mohr, Jr
Mrs. Christine A. Moles
Mrs. Kelly L. Molloy (5)
Ms. Carol Cheal Mollyhorn (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Paul Molnar, III
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Moloney (4)
Mr. Jerry Dwayne Monday
Mrs. Cathleen F. Moneyhon (3)
Mr. Shane Edward Mongar
Mrs. Ann Weir Monhollon (7)
Ms. Anna Kathleen Monin (2)
Dr. and Mrs.Thomas Monin (2)
Mr. Barry Keith Monroe
Dr. Jamie Maria Monroe (2)
Mr. Lonnie A. Monroe
Mrs. Dana R. Montague (2)
Mrs. Donna Lynn Montgomery (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Jack G. Montgomery (2)
Mr. Jerry W. Montgomery
Ms. Karen S. Montgomery
Mr. Kevin D. Montgomery (2)
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas L.
Montgomery (21)
Dr. and Mrs. David Michael Moody (2)
Mr. Curtis Calvin Mooney (5)
Mr. Michael M. Mooney
Mrs. Pamela Lutes Mooney
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert C. Mooningham
Dr. and Mrs. John W. Mooningham (5)
Mr. G.Thomas Moor (2)
Ms. Anita Wall Moore
Ms. Beverly Moore
Mr. Brian K. Moore
Ms. Carole S. Moore
Mr. Christopher M. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. J. William Moore
Mr. Don Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Dov Moore (2)
Ms. Elizabeth S. Moore
Mr. Gary Reid Moore (4)
Mrs. Gloria Dean Moore (3)
Mr. Herbert Bradley Moore
Mr. James Moore
Dr. James Frederick Moore, Jr. (4)
Dr. James W. Moore (5)
Mrs. Jean H. Moore (14)
Mrs. JoAnne L. Moore (2)
Dr. John David Moore (2)
Mrs. Judith Fay Moore (6)
Ms. Kimberly A. Moore
Mrs. Lisa G. Moore
Mrs. Lizabeth Aaron Moore (7)
Mrs. Marketha Kay Moore
Mrs. Mary C. Moore
Ms. Mary Elise Moore
Mr. Paul E. Moore (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Glenn Moore
Mr. Phillip Harvey Moore (5)
Mr. Phillip R. Moore (3)
Mr. Ray Washington Moore
Mr. Richard P. Moore (3)
Ms. Robin M. Moore
Western Kentucky University
Mrs.Tammy M. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. David K. Moorman (5)
Mr. James Lynn Moorman, Jr.
Mrs. Margaret B. Moorman (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Neal Moran (5)
Mr. William Blake Moran (2)
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Moran (2)
Mrs. Angela E. Morehead
Mrs. Mary Beth Morehead
Ms. Kimberly M. Morehouse
Mr. James M. Moreillon
Mr. Ricky Craig Moreland
Ms. Catherine E. Moreman
Mrs. Anne Keen Morgan (8)
Mrs. Betty Elaine Morgan
Mrs. Carrie E. Morgan (4)
Mr. Douglas W. Morgan (9)
Mr. George Joseph Morgan (3)
Mrs. Lisa Morgan (7)
Mrs. Nina K. Morgan (6)
Mrs. Ruth A. Morgan
Ms. Shannon Morgan
Mr. and Ms. Steve Upchurch
Morgan (2)
Mrs. Barbara Elizabeth Morris (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Barrie H. Morris
Mr. Clay Beale Morris, Jr.
Mr. David E. Morris
Mrs. Deborah H. Morris
Mrs. Frances H. Morris (16)
Mr. James D. Morris
Ms. Janet M. Morris
Mr. Jeffrey Ross Morris (3)
Mrs. Joyce A. Morris
Mrs. Julie R. Morris
Mrs. Karen C. Morris (10)
Mrs. Laura S. Morris
Mr. Lindell A. Morris (13)
Mr. Loriece Morris (6)
Mr. and Mrs. James Morris
Mr. and Mrs.Van K. Morris
Dr. Walter R. Morris
Mr. William C. Morris
Mrs. Brenda K. Morrison (2)
Mrs. Cali Marie Morrison (3)
Mr. Donnie Royce Morrison (2)
Mrs. Lori J. Morrison
Mrs.Tracy Lynne Morrison
Mr. Jeremy Wayne Morrow (2)
Ms. Kay Morrow (8)
Mr. Robert E. Morrow (10)
Mr. Paul Morsey
Mrs. Deborah Kay Morton (2)
Mrs. Mary A. Morton (3)
Mr. James Douglas Mory
Mr. Dick Moseley (2)
Mr. Edward D. Moseley, Jr. (2)
Ms. Haley Elizabeth Moseley (8)
Mrs. Joy Chrysanne Moser
Ms.Virginia Moser
Mrs. Marjorie P. Mosiman (5)
Ms. Judith E. Mosley
Mrs. Kathryn J. Mosley
Ms. Louise Mosley (2)
Mr. Robert E. Mosley (8)
Mr. Bernard P. Moss
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Allen Moss (3)
Mr. Larry Patrick Moss (5)
Mr. Lewis A. Moss (20)
Mr. and Mrs. Max E. Moss, Jr.
Mr. Patrick M. Moss
Ms. Shannon Anita Moss (2)
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Moss
Mrs. Gwenda Carol Motley
Mr. Peter Joseph Mott
Mr. John M. Moulden (2)
Mrs. Nancy R. Mouser (13)
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Ronald
Moutardier (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick W. Mowers
Mrs. Runell J. Moyer
Msw-TV Productions L.L.C.
Mrs. Rebecca Flener Mudd
Mr. David Nolan Mudwilder
Mrs. Karen M. Mujica (2)
Mr. Wayne Mullen (8)
Mr. Mrinal Mullick (2)
Mr. Patrick J. Mulligan
Mr. Donald Wayne Mullins
Mr. Michael Allan Multerer (9)
Mrs. Marcie Suzann Mulwitz
Mr. James Murley (12)
Mrs. Becky A. Murphey (11)
Mr. Jeffery Lee Murphey (3)
Ms. Lillian T. Murphy
Ms. Nancye L. Murphy
Alumni Fall 2003
Mr. Peter F. Murphy (3)
Mr. William D. Murphy
Mr.Yancy Murphy
Ms. Anne Coop Murray
Mr. David T. Murray (4)
Mrs. Jane T. Murray (3)
Mr. Michael Shawn Murray (4)
Mr. Shawn D. Murray
Ms. Sue Ann Murray (12)
Mrs. Laura Beth Murrell
Mr. Anson Gay Muse (3)
Mr. Ralph Kenneth Muse
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lorrin Muse (10)
Mr. and Mrs. Scot L. Music
Mr. Bradford D. Mutchler (2)
Ms. Jan Muto
Ms. Karen Mutschler
Mr. Albert L. Myers (2)
Mr. Ernest Neil Myers
Mrs. Heather Lynn Myers
Mrs. Laura Belle Myers (4)
Ms. Loeta Myers (4)
Mr. Larry H. Myles (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Steve E. Nagel (7)
Mr. Keith Alan Nagle
Mrs. Marjorie C. Nahm (17)
Nalco Chemical Company
Mrs. Joyce P. Nall (8)
Ms. Mari T. Nall
Mr.Thomas Anthony Nall
Mr. William Joseph Nally
Mrs. Emily R. Namken (6)
Mrs. Ann H. Nance (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Nance (2)
Mr. and Mrs. W. Mitchell Nance (2)
Mrs. Opal L. Nankivell (4)
Ms. Barbara M. Nantz
Mr. Michael Hobart Nantz
Ms. Eileen Taggart Napier (8)
Ms. Lucile D. Napier (10)
Ms. Marlene Sue Napier
Ms. Nancy M. Napier (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morris Napier (15)
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Napier (15)
Mr. Steven James Napoli
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Alan Nash (2)
Mrs. Melody Richardson Nash (2)
Mr. Walter Dean Nash (4)
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Nason (2)
Mr. Marshall S. Nathanson (16)
Mr. James H. Nation (2)
National City Bank of Indiana
Mr. Michael R. Naton
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Randolph Nau (3)
Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas
Neathamer (2)
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Nedros
Mrs. Donna Maria Neeley
Ms. Karen Ann Neeley (3)
Mr. Charles Robey Neely (3)
Mrs. Nancy S. Neely (5)
Mrs. Myrna Neff (4)
Ms. Robin Anne Neff (8)
Mr. Jason A. Neidell
Mrs. Rhonda Johnson Neiderauer
Mrs. Kathy Gaskey Neighbors
Mr. Kenneth M. Neighbors (2)
Mr. Michael W. Neihoff
Mr. Chesley E. Nell
Ms. Caroline Nellis (5)
Ms. Doreen Kae Nelson
Mr. Douglas H. Nelson
Mr. James A. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Nelson
Ms. Sue Nelson
Ms. Rhonda L. Nesbitt (8)
Dr. William Carey Nesmith, Jr. (4)
Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Nester (2)
Ms. Mary Nestor
Mrs. Alberta B. Netherland
Mr. Reuben D. Netherland
Mrs. Mary Jo Netherton (5)
Mrs. Catherine L. Nett
Mr. James Joseph Netti (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Adam W. Neville
Mr. Franklin R. Neville (3)
Mrs. Michele Aron Nevitt
Mr. James A. New (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Roland New (4)
Ms. Marcia W. Newberry (2)
Mrs. Dorothy S. Newbold (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Garry R. Newby
Mrs. Brenda Ferguson Newcom (10)
Mr. and Mrs. Curtice Lee Newcom
Ms. Patricia Gail Newcom (8)
Mr. Stanley E. Newgen
Mr. Clifton B. Newman
Mrs. Helen W. Newman
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Newman
Ms. Kelly Newman
Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. Newman (2)
Ms. Polly E. Newman (2)
Mrs. Sandra Newman
Mrs. Sherri Lynn Newman
Mr. Stephen Alan Newman (3)
Mr. William Carroll Newman (10)
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Newman
Mr. Darwin L. Newton (2)
Mr. Stanley Newton
Dr. Matthew Doziem Ngwu (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Nicely (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Nicely (10)
Mrs. Andra Cummins Nicholls
Mrs. Catherine S. Nichols
Mrs. Deanna Lynn Nichols
Mrs. Debbie L. Nichols (4)
Mrs. Gloria Kaye Nichols (5)
Ms. Judy Carol Nichols
Mrs. Karen O. Nichols
Mr. Michael Cody Nichols (2)
Major and Mrs. Paul Edward
Nichols (8)
Mrs. Marie B. Nicholson (6)
Mr. Neil Alan Nicholson
Mrs. Sarah Smith Nicholson
Dr. Nicholson and Dr. Minors (3)
Mrs. Jennifer Lynch Nickel (3)
Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Nickell (2)
Ms. Megan Nicodemus
Ms. Angela F. Niederhoffer
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Niehoff, Jr. (4)
Mr. James F. Nielsen, Jr. (2)
Mr. Paul M. Nieman (2)
Mrs. Elizabeth J. Niemeyer
Mrs. Sarah Fallin Nikirk (4)
Mrs. Bonni Jo Niles
Mr. Glenn E. Nippert
Mr. Jeremy Ray Nipple
Mr. Lynwood Nixon (6)
Mrs. Marilyn Nixon (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Nixon (3)
Mr. James L. Noe
Mr. Jeffrey Todd Noe
Mr. Jeremy W. Noe
Mr. John Lenny Noe, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas A. Noe (4)
Ms. Rachel Nicole Spencer Noe
Mrs. Joan N. Noel
Mr.Terry Wayne Nofsinger
Ms. Jaclyn Michelle Noon (2)
Norfolk Southern Foundation
Mr. Carl W. Norman (6)
Mr. James P. Norman
Mr. Robert Edward Norman (2)
Norris Well Services, Inc.
Norris & Associates
Mrs. Angela F. Norris
Mr. Charles L. Norris
Mrs. Elizabeth B. Norris
Mr. Franklin J. Norris
Mrs. Jo Ann Norris (4)
Mrs. Krystal K. Norris
Mr. and Mrs.Tim Norris (7)
Mr. Michael Lee Norris (2)
Mr. Samuel H. Norris (16)
Ms. Laura Anjanette Norrod
Mr. David Norsworthy
North Alabama Alumni Club
Mrs. Margie A. Northam (8)
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Northern (2)
Ms. Kathryn R. Norvell (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J.
Nottingham (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Don Novosel (4)
Mrs. Nora Rose Nowicki (3)
Ms. Beverly Kaye Nuckols
Ms. Ruth E. Nuckols (9)
Mrs. Joanne M. Nugent (3)
Mrs. Patsy N. Nugent (6)
Mrs. Joan A. Nunn
Mr. Winston C. Nunn
Mrs. Rebecca Dillon Nunnelee (3)
Mrs. Johnna S. Nunneley (5)
Mr. Charles W. Nye (7)
Mrs. Cecilia M. Oak
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wesley Oakes
Mrs. Linda S. Oakes (2)
Mr. Randall V. Oakes, Jr
Mrs. Doris Oaks (5)
Ms. Elizabeth G. Oaks
Mr. Jerry M. Oates (4)
Mr. Brian O’Banion
Mrs. Colleen Nae O’Banion
Mr. John Oberhausen (9)
Mr. Steven L. Obermann (2)
Mrs. Cheryl L. Obermiller
Mr. Richard Todd O’Brian
Mr. David Allen O’Bryan (3)
Mrs. Sharon Kaye O’Bryan (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. O’Connell
Mr. and Mrs. O’Connor
Mr. David W. Oden (6)
Mrs. Ginger L. Odom
Mr. Peter C. Odom
Ms. Kathryn Laurel O’Donnell
Ms. Mauvette Kiel O’dowd
Mrs. Barbara C. Oesterritter (7)
Office Equipment Company
Ms. Cynthia W. Offutt
Mr.Terry Ogles
Mr. and Mrs. Brent T. Oglesbee (3)
Mr. Johnson Adebayo Ogun
Mrs. Marian L. O’Hern
Ms. Cris M. Ohlmann
Mrs. Janet L. O’Koon
Dr. Amon Okechukwu Okpala (5)
Mrs. Carolyn E. Oldham (15)
Mr. J. Roger Olds (13)
Mr. Stephen L. Oliker
Ms. Kimberly A. Oliphant
Ms. Claudene F. Oliva (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Derek Bryan Olive (3)
Mr. Charles Lynn Oliver (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Danny C. Oliver (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Raymond Oliver
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Oliver (6)
Ms. Lorri J. Oliver
Ms. Mary Alice Oliver (2)
Mr. Philip Martin Oliver (5)
Mr. Raymond C. Oliver
Mr. and Mrs.Todd Brian Oller (5)
Mr. Arthur Edwin Olliges (5)
Ms. Mikki Lynn Olmsted
Ms. Sharon K. Olsen
Ms. Deborah L. Olsofka
Mrs. Kimberly Lynne Olson
Mrs. Donna H. O’mara (2)
Mrs. Jeannine Onan
Mrs. Karen Michelle O’Neal (6)
Mr. and Mrs. James David Oney (3)
Mr. Kevin Gene Onken (5)
Mr. and Mrs. William Onley
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Orel (8)
Mrs. Euba Faye Organ (12)
Ms. Heidi L. Orlaske (12)
Mrs. Carrie W. Orman
Ms. Georgia K. Orndorff (8)
Ms. Marcia Hornsby and Mr. David
Orne (7)
Mr. and Mrs. George Orr (5)
Ms. Monet Shrere Orr
Mrs. Patricia K. Ortega
Mrs.Tisha Michelle Orth
Orthopedics Plus
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Orton (3)
Ms. Belane Orzo
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Osborn
Mr. David Elliott Osborne (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Edward Osborne
Mr. Larry W. Osborne (9)
Mrs. Patricia Correa Osborne
Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Joseph Osborne
Ms. Susan Marie Osborne
Mrs. Ruth D. Osburn (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Edward Oslin
Osram Sylvania
Mr. Richard Ostwald (3)
Mr. Arthur Lewis Oswald
Mr. Louis L. Oswald, Jr.
Mrs. Holly B. Ota (4)
Mr.Timothy E. Otterbach
Mr. Kurt Robert Otto (4)
Mr. Matthew B. Ours
Mr. Danny Wayne Outland (3)
Ms. Christy L. Overfelt
Mr. Kenneth W. Overhults
Mr. Davis Carter Overton (3)
Rev. Carolyn B. Owen
Mrs. Cathey Sue Owen
Mr. Kevin Randall Owen (5)
Ms. Mildred G. Owen
Mrs. April Danette Owens
LTC Barney Clifton Owens
Mr. Chase Alan Owens
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Eugene Owens
Mrs. E. Iris Owens
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Owens (14)
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Mark Owens (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Alan Owens
Mrs. Regina M. Owens
Mrs. Jodie D. Owings (6)
Dr. and Mrs. Harold E. Ownby (15)
Mrs. Wanda Diane Owsley
Mr. Richard Austin Oyler
Mrs. S. Caroline Oyler (5)
P and P Telecommunications
Ms. Brandi Brooke Pace
Mrs. Laura Ellen Pace
Ms. Mary M. Pace (7)
Mr. Randell Evans Pace
Dr. and Mrs. Robert N. Pace (2)
Mrs. Donna Dawley Pack (5)
Mrs. Shanda L. Packard
Mrs. Deloris Dee Padgett
Mr. Kiran Kumar Padigala
Mr. Carlos Manuel Padilla (7)
Page Farms
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie H. Page (6)
Mr. Cullen Everett Page
Mrs. Felischa K. Page (2)
Mr. Gary William Page (5)
Mr. Larry Alan Page
Ms. Laura Easton Page
Mr. Mark Steven Page
Ms. Nancy Lou Page
Mrs. Sue Ann Page (7)
Mr. and Mrs.Travis Craig Page
Ms. Flora Painter
Mrs. Jennifer L. Painter
Ms. Krista Palacios
Ms. MaryAnn Palmer (3)
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Panchyshyn (4)
Mr. Umasankar Reddy Pandigunta
Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian L. Pantano, Jr.
Mrs. Kimberly E. Papp
Mrs. Catherine B. Para
Ms. Jacqueline Kay Pardue (2)
Mr. Jerry Pardue
Mrs.Velma B. Pardue (6)
Parents Press (4)
Ms. Amy Jo Parham
Mrs. Rebecca Hall Parham
Mrs. Cynthia Lynn Paris
Dr. Melinda and Mr. Edwin Paris (6)
Dr. Samuel K. Parish (2)
Mrs. Juanita Kennedy Park (2)
Mrs. Jamie Renee Parke (7)
Ms. Shelia Ann Parke
Mr. and Mrs. Carter Thompson Parker
Ms. Cutty A. Parker
Ms. Dorothy Lee Parker
Ms. Erin Michaella Parker
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Parker (4)
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Parker (12)
Mrs. Kathy Parker
Ms. Lynda Parker
Ms. Melissa Kaye Parker
Mr. Michael Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Roger N. Parker (5)
Mr. Seth K. Parker (2)
Mrs.Tonya R. Parker (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Parkey (6)
Mr. Arthur Joe Parks (2)
Mrs. Barbara Catron Parks
Ms. Brenda Elizabeth Parks (3)
Ms.Virginia Ann Parks
Mr. William L. Parman
Mr. Rodney Keith Parmley (8)
Mr. Bradford Carl Parnell
Ms.Tonya Rena Parnell
Ms. Denise Aline Parrett
Mr. Michael Lee Parrett
Mrs. Pamela C. Parrigan
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle M. Parrigin
Mr. Danny B. Parrish (4)
Mr. John David Parrish (5)
Mrs. Mary Louise Parrish (6)
Ms. Rhonda Gail Parrish
Ms. Stephanie M. Parrish
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Parson
Mrs. Hazel K. Parson
Ms. Andrea Williams Parsons
Mr. David K. Parsons
Ms. Janet Parsons
Ms. Beth Partin, ND,MSN,ARNP (2)
Mrs. Rebecca Lynn Parton
Mrs. Angela Whitehead Paschal
Mrs. Sharon R. Paschal
Mrs.Teresa Miller Pashmforosh
Mr. and Mrs. James Michael Pasley (5)
Mrs. Lori Michelle Passmore
Ms. Soni Patangay
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Roy Pate
Mrs. Sally Elaine Pate
Mr. Ralph W. Patrick
Mr. Mark Van Patten (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Corey L. Patterson
Mr. Craig Allen Patterson (2)
Mr. Frank Patterson
Mr. Howard K. Patterson
Ms. Kadie Lynn Patterson
Ms. Monica R. Patterson
Ms. Nancy C. Patterson (6)
Mr. Richard Ellis Patterson (2)
Mr. Richard Frederick Patterson (8)
Mr. and Mrs.Twyman L. Patterson (2)
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip R. Patton (23)
Mr.Thomas R. Patton (13)
Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Paul
Mr. Steven Joseph Paul
Dr. Edward R. Pauley (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Ohm W. Pauli (22)
Ms. Anita McAdams Paulley (2)
Ms. Sarah A. Paulson (4)
Ms. Geneva Pawley
Ms. Lynda Susan Pawley (5)
Mr. Adam John Pawlowski
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Paxton (12)
Mr. Bill Payne
Mrs. Carol Marie Payne
Mrs. Carolyn Sue Payne (4)
Mr. Daniel Lee Payne (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Martin Payne (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar R. Payne (16)
Ms. Heather Deshea Payne
Mrs. Jennifer M. Payne
Mrs. Joyce A. Payne (13)
Ms. Julia Lynn Payne (4)
Mr. Mark Allan Payne
Mr. Martin Joseph Payne
Mr. Ricky Bryant Payne
Mrs. Stacy Marie Beyke Payne (2)
Ms. Stephanie Ann Payne (5)
Mr. George Talbott Paynter (2)
Mr. Gregory H. Peace
Ms. Jewell P. Peach
Ms. Sondra W. Peach (3)
Ms. Sherry S. Pearl
Ms. Deborah D. Pearman
Ms. Minnie J. Pearsall (7)
Ms. Anne Campbell Pearson (8)
Ltc. Billy H. Pearson
Ms. Kelly Renee Pearson
Mr. Neale Pearson
Ms. Nina Faxon Pearson
Mrs. Patricia Anne Pearson
Ms. Prudence Ann Pearson
Rev. Glenn C. Peck (6)
Mrs. Susan Richards Peck (2)
Ms. Doris V. Peckron (6)
Mrs. Beverly Bunch Pedigo (3)
Mrs. Blanche Hoge Pedigo
Mr. Bobby Lee Pedigo
Ms. Bonnie R. Pedigo
Mr. Ivan Pedigo
Ms. Kasandra S. Pedigo (3)
Mrs. Marcus Martin Pedigo
Mrs. Mary Dean Pedigo
Mr.Vitchel Wayne Pedigo (31)
Ms. Zita Nichoel Pedigo
Mr. Barry W. Peel (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Peeler (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Peeples
Mrs. Karen Atwell Peerce (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin P. Peers
Dr. Robert F. Pelham
Mrs. Monica Marie Pemberton
Mr. Donnie Lee Pence
Mr. Wayne J. Pence
Mr. David Blythe Pender
Ms. Jeanette Penn
Ms. Katherine Ann Pennavaria
Mr. Darrell Austin Pennington
Mr. Larry Pennington (3)
Ms. Sharon Kay Pennington
Peo Sisterhood Chapter Y.
Ms. Debbie Kay Pepper
Mrs. Deborah W. Peppers (3)
Ms. Sarah L. Pequignot
Mr. and Mrs. Damon L. Perdew (10)
Ms.Theda Perdue
Mr. Dee C. Perguson (13)
Mr. Perillo and Mrs. Robinson
Mr. John Casey Perkins, Jr. (5)
Ms. Kathy Lynn Perkins
Mrs. Kim K. Perkins
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ernest Perkins
Mr. Larry Wayne Perkins
Ms. Leta K. Perkins
Mrs. Mary Beth Perkins
Mrs. Pamela Marie Perkins
Mr.Thomas Nathan Perkins
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Perkins (13)
Mr. and Mrs. William Lee Perkins
Mrs. Karen P. Perno
Mr. Allen Keith Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ben Perry (2)
Mr. and Mrs. James Kenneth Perry (3)
Mr. Larry Owens Perry
Mr. Lawrence G. Perry
Mrs. Nancy G. Perry (2)
Mr. Richard M. Perry (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Perry (6)
Mrs. Susan B. Perry
Dr. and Mrs. Darl Neil Peterie (15)
Mr. Brian K. Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Albert Peters
Mr. Donald Peters
Ms. Jane C. Peters (2)
Dr. Albert J. Petersen, Jr. (2)
Mr. Glenn Edward Petersen
Mr. Benjamin David Peterson
Ms. Catron D. Peterson
Ms. Cynthia Peterson
Mr. George E. Peterson, Jr. (7)
Mr. Jon Nels Peterson (2)
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas F. Peterson
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas F. Peterson
Mr.Thomas H. Peterson
Ms.Tina M. Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip L. Petredis (2)
Mrs. Catherine E. Petrey
Mr. and Mrs. Earl James Pettey (6)
Mrs. Cynthia L. Pettit
Mr. and Mrs. John Franklin Pettus
Ms. Ann M. Petty (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Michael Petty (2)
Mr. William Dudley Peyton, II (8)
Mr.Thomas Joseph Pfeifer (9)
Mrs. Lubeth E. Pflum
Ms.Tracey A. Pharris
Mrs. Lee Angela Phaup
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Phelan (5)
Mrs. Cindy Lee Phelps
Mr. David A. Phelps
Mr. David Anthony Phelps
Ms. Diane M. Phelps
Mrs. Emma Phelps (2)
Ms. Nancy Jane Phelps (2)
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Michael Phelps
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Ray Phelps (2)
Mrs.Tracey Lynn Phelps (3)
Mr. Zack Phelps
Mr. Philips and Ms. Gerofsky (3)
Mr. James Edward Phillippi
Ms. Ann Wallace Phillips (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Sam R. Phillips
Ms. Belinda R. Phillips
Mr. Charles Lynn Phillips
Mrs. Geri Marie Phillips (2)
Mr. Harold Levert Phillips, Jr. (2)
Mr. James Richard Phillips
Mr. Jeffrey Taylor Phillips (3)
Ms. Karen Phillips
Mr. Lawrence D. Phillips (2)
Ms. Noelle Anne Phillips (2)
Ms. Pauline J. Phillips
Ms. Rebecca A. Phillips
Mr. Stuart Louis Phillips
Mr.Thomas G. Phillips (2)
Mrs. Joan Philpot (10)
Piano Studio of Nancy Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Owen Pichea
Mrs. Lisa A. Pickerell
Mr. Joseph Pickering
Mr. Rodney R. Pickering
Mr. Daniel Alan Pickerrell (6)
Mr. Nelson Pickett
Mr. Hanns G. Pieper (2)
Ms. Angela M. Pierce
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Keith Pierce
Mrs. Rebecca Ann Pierce (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Pierce (3)
Ms. Stacey Pierce
Ms.Tristan Gay Pierce
Mrs. Sandra Lea Pierce Harsch (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Ray Piercy
Mr. Brian Lee Piispanen (3)
Ms. Janette Alison Pike
Mr. Patrick Alan Pinder (4)
Mr. Jase Pinerola
Mr. Charles P. Ping
Mrs. Jean J. Ping (3)
Ms. Devon Lynette Pinkston (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis W. Piper
Mr. Michael R. Pippin
Ms. Donna H. Pirouz (16)
Mr. David E. Pirtle (2)
Mr. Mark Anthony Pitchford (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Pitchford
Mr. Roger Dale Pitchford
Mrs. Marian Felts Pittard
Ms. Anna Darlene Pittman
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Placke
Ms. Christine Anne Platt
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Platt (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Russell G. Platt, Jr.
Mr. Brad Douglas Platts
Mr. and Mrs. Judah H. Plaut (18)
Mrs. Melainie Lisabeth Plum
Mr. Christopher Jeffrey Plummer
Mrs. Nova Jean Plummer (2)
Mrs. Angela Lea Poat
Mr. Henry Podgursky
Mr. and Mrs. John Edward Podich
Mrs. Alisa E. Poe (7)
Dr. Greer and Dr. Poe (5)
Mr. Rodney Poe (2)
Mr. John S. Poelker
Ms. Michelle L. Pohlman (2)
Mr. William H. Poland
Mr. Mark Robert Policinski (8)
Mr. William F. Polk, Jr.
Mr. Donald L. Pollard, Jr. (5)
Mr. Hubert Ray Pollett
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Polley (3)
Ms. Deanna Marie Pollock
Mrs. Pamela A. Pollock
Ms. Wendy Lynn Pollock
Mr. Jeffery K. Polson
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Lee Polston
Mr. Harish Kumar Ponnapureddy
Ms. Rachelle B. Poole
Mr. John R. Poore (2)
Ms. Lois A. Pope (3)
Mr. Michael A. Pope
Mr.Thomas H. Pope (6)
Mr. David J. Popham (10)
Mr. Joseph Gerard Portaro
Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Porter (4)
Mrs. Frances I. Porter
Mr. James L. Porter (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe T. Porter (17)
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Price Porter (2)
Mrs.Valerie Grantham Porter (2)
Mrs. Jennifer Nicole Portmann
Mrs. Wanda Joyce Poteat (9)
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Andrew Potter
Mr. Nat Douglass Potter (4)
Mr. Roy L. Potter
Ms. Erika D. Potts
Mrs. Gwynne Bryant Potts (2)
Mrs. Angela J. Powell
Ms. Beth Ann Bryant Powell (2)
Mr. Bruce M. Powell (2)
Ms. Casey Joanelle Powell
Mr. Charles Rick Powell (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Thrall Powell (5)
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Powell
Ms. Kacie J. Powell
Mrs. Pamela Jean Powell (7)
Mr. Rankin E. Powell (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Daris Powell (9)
Mrs. Cheryl Ann Power
Mrs. Sharleen W. Power
Drs. Mike and Sherry Powers (3)
Mrs. L. Karen Poynter (2)
Mrs. Mary Louise Pozaric
Mr. Guy Prall (3)
Mr. Edward C. Prather, Jr. (4)
Ms. Carrie Frances Pratt
Mr. Craig Praxl
Mr. and Mrs. John Joseph
Prendergast (2)
Mrs.Vicki A. Presley
Mr. Kent Alan Preston
Ms. Alethia Cowan Prettyman
Mrs. Chrissy D. Pribyla (2)
Ms. Brenda Jean Price (7)
Mrs. Carolyn D. Price
Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Price (3)
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Price
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Price (19)
Mr. Douglas Alan Price
Mr. Kenneth Michael Price
Mrs. Mary Ann Price (2)
Mr. Matthew D. Price (2)
Mrs. Rebecca Faye Bennett Price
Ms. Sarah B. Price
Mr. William Brockett Price
Ms. Linda D. Prichard
Mrs. Carletta Marie Priddy
Mrs. Carol Anne Priddy (2)
Mr. Gordon L. Priddy (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Priddy
Mrs.Vera B. Priddy
Mr. Charles Louis Pride (9)
Mr. Ryan Edgar Priest (5)
Print Media, Inc.
Mr. Paris Alan Pritchett (7)
Mrs. Mary L. Probst
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Dare Prochaska (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Joe Proctor (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Alan D. Proffitt
Mrs. Barbara Rush Proffitt
Mr. Hershel Coleman Proffitt (10)
Mr. Ronnie Proffitt (3)
Prolawn & Landscape
Mr. and Mrs. Danny L. Propes (3)
Mr. William F. Prow (19)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kevin Pruitt
Mrs. Cristi W. Pruitt
Mrs. Darcy R. Pruitt
Mr. Ross Pruitt
Mrs.Vera E. Pruitt
Mr. Andrew M. Prusz
Mr. Michael Laz Puckett
Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. Pudlo
Mr.Thomas E. Pugh (5)
Ms. Amanda Joy Pullen
Mr. Stephen Vincent Pulliam
Dr. and Mrs. J. Michael Pulliam (5)
Mr. William Pulliam
Mr. Larry Allen Pund
Mrs. Sally H. Puntel (4)
Mr. Brent W. Purcell
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Purcell (3)
Ms. Jane Norton Purcell (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Frederick Purcell (2)
Ms. Jessica R. Purchis
Mr. William D. Purnell (3)
Ms. Elaine Huber Pursell
Mr. Justin Jewell Pursley
Mrs. Elizabeth Carol Puryear (2)
Ms. Johnna S. Puttoff
Mr. and Mrs. William Chad Puyear
Ms. Ramona Jean Pyle (10)
Ms. Betty Qualls (10)
Mr. Jerry Chad Queen
Mr. C. Bruce Quick
Mr. Danny D. Quire
Mr. Howard L. Quisenberry (2)
Mr. Kevin Lewis Quisenberry
Mr. George Eric Raby (2)
Mr. Philip Thomas Rackley (5)
Radcliff Reading Clinic, Inc. (3)
Mr. David Christopher Radle
Mr. and Mrs. Rowland A. Raeburn (3)
Mrs. Paula H. Rafferty
Mr. Brian W. Ragan
Mrs. Jennifer Joanne Ragan
Mrs. Misty Lynn Ragan
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Dean Rager (2)
Mr. Chad M. Rager
Mr. Robin A. Raggard (2)
Mr. John T. Ragland (2)
Mr. William C. Ragland (4)
Mr. Larry D. Raikes
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Raine (2)
Ms. Crystal Michele Rainey
Ms.Tammy Ann Rajewich
Naveen Rajoli
Mr. P. S. Raju
Mrs. Judy Ann Raker
Ms. Connie Sue Rakes
Ms. Sheila Ann Raley
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Raley
Mr. and Mrs. H. Allen Ralph (9)
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Ralph (8)
Mr. Robert W. Ralph
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Ralston (2)
Mr. Kenneth D. Ralston
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Ralston (2)
Mr. Randell Todd Ramey
Mrs. Elahe Ramezani (2)
Mrs. Miriam B. Ramirez (16)
Mr. and Mrs. W. Knox Ramsay (13)
Ms. Ashley D. Ramsey
Mr. Charles G. Ramsey
Mrs. Christine H. Ramsey (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence J. Ramsey
Ms. Dawn M. Ramsey (11)
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Ramsey (6)
Mrs. Jamie O. Ramsey (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Ramsey (4)
Ms. Mary Jane Ramsey (2)
Mr. Michael Harvey Ramsey (10)
Mr. W. Scott Ramsey (2)
Mr. and Mrs. William Ramsey
Mr. Russell Scott Ranallo (2)
Mrs. Carol Ranaudo
Mr. Robert M. Rand (11)
Mr. Billy D. Randall (2)
Ms. Helen K. Randall
Mr. Edward Raney (3)
Mr. Chilton Rankin
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Lee Ransdell
LTC. Matthew Paul Ransdell
Mr. Robert Thomas Ransdell (5)
Ms. Jessica M. Rasche
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Rascoe (9)
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Rash (13)
Mrs.Tammy Lynn Rastoder
Mr. and Mrs. Bogdan Ratiu (2)
Mr. Richard E. Ratterman, Jr.
Mr. John Reed Rattliff
Mrs. Phyllis Maria Rau
Mrs. Joan T. Rawlings (6)
Ms. Betty F. Ray (15)
Mr. Charles M. Ray (7)
Mrs. Debra J. Ray (2)
Ms. Diana Ray
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Timothy Ray (2)
Mr. Jack Hewson Ray
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Ray (2)
Mrs. Karen Thomas Ray (3)
Mr. Kenneth W. Ray (6)
Mrs. Maxine Butts Ray
Mr. Michael Keith Ray (5)
Mrs. Pamela Ray
Mr. Ralph W. Ray
Mrs. Sharon Ann Ray (10)
Mr. Madhusudhan Rayapati
Mr. Jack W. Raybourne
Mr. Don L. Raymer (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Leo Raymer (3)
Mrs. Linda S. Raymer (7)
Mrs. Martha L. Raymer (2)
Mr. Ricky Raymer
Mr. Ricky Wade Raymer
Mrs. Suzanne Barton Razmus
Mr. Edward L. Read (2)
Ms. Connie Elissa Reagan (5)
Ms. Kelly L. Reames
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Rearden
Mrs.Toni Delynn Rearden (11)
Dr. and Mrs Robert Allen Reber (4)
Mr. and Mrs. William Mark Record (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Clyde Redden
Mr. Patrick M. Redden
Mr. R. Allen Redden (2)
Mr. Martin M. Rede
Mrs. Ruth Falk Redel (19)
Redford Law Office
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Redmon (3)
Ms.Tara Adrienne Redmon
Mrs. Jane E. Reece
Mr. Morris A. Reece, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Reece
Mrs. Carol Hayden Reed (7)
Dr. Deborah S. Reed (8)
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Reed
Mr. Eric S. Reed
Mr. Harry L. Reed (2)
Mr. James Nelson Reed (7)
Mr. John Dupuis Reed (21)
Ms. Mitchell Dickey Reed
Mr. Steve Reed
Dr. Robert L. Rees (3)
Mr. Denny Reese (4)
Mrs.Veronica Annette Reesor (2)
Mr. Dennis Earl Reeves
Mr. Samuel E. Reeves, Jr. (4)
Ms. Shelia Reeves
Mrs. Mary Jo Regnier
Mr. Joseph Noel Reid
Mr. and Mrs. Kelley S. Reid (2)
Ms. Kendra Rae Reid
Ms. Lydia Ann Reid (2)
Mr. Ralph Daniel Reid (5)
Ms.Vivian Lee Reid (4)
Mr. David J. Reinhardt (7)
Mrs. Mary Susan Reinhardt
Mr.Thomas E. Reinisch (7)
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Reis, Jr.
Ms. Rosie Reising
Mrs. Suzanne Bozarth Reisinger
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Reiss (13)
Mrs. Linda Gay Reitenga (4)
Mr. John Render
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Render
Mr. Larry Joe Reneau
Ms. Angela Kathern Renfro (3)
Western Kentucky University
Ms. Holly Melissa Renfro
Mr. Jonathan C. Renfro
Mr.Thomas L. Renfro
Ms. Mary Elizabeth Renfrow
Mr.Travis S. Renfrow
Mr. Daniel Bryant Renick (3)
Mr. Daniel Jay Renkes (5)
Mrs. Deborah Ann Reno (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Renshaw (6)
Mr. and Mrs. James Renusch (13)
Mrs. Greta Sue Requierme
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Revolinski (10)
Ms. Diana L. Rewczuk
Mr. and Mrs. Atlee C. Rexroat (3)
Mr. Dale N. Reynolds
Ms. Holly Marie Reynolds
Mr. James Michael Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Reynolds (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cary Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry A. Reynolds
Ms. Mary Jo Reynolds
Mrs. Mary Patricia Reynolds (7)
Ms. Melissa S. Reynolds
Mr. Samuel R. Reynolds
Mrs.Terra Star Reynolds
Ms. Glenda M. Rhea
Mrs. Lucy Annette Beavin Rhoades (5)
Mr. Harold S. Rhoads
Mrs. Elizabeth S. Rhodes (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lee Rhodes (3)
Mr. Shawn C. Rhodes (4)
Mrs. Willie L. Rhodes (5)
Rhodia, Inc.
Ms. Sarah Beth Rhoton
Mr. Richard Arthur Ribar (3)
Ms. Diane C. Rice (2)
Mr. Jacob Walter Rice
Mr. John Martin Rice, II
Mr. John Ohara Rice
Ms. Laura F. Rice (8)
Mr. Maitland B. Rice, Jr.
Mrs. Sharon K. Rice (9)
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Brooks Rice (6)
Ms.Virginia Lee Rice
Mr. Aaron Wells Rich (2)
Mr. Clifton A. Rich
Mrs.Tammy Knifley Rich (6)
Mrs. Emily Baker Richard
Mr. Bobby Ray Richards
Ms. Hope Richards (17)
Mrs. Jill M. Andrew Richards
Mrs. Peggy Cornette Richards
Mr.Thomas Dixon Richards (2)
Ms.Violet M. Richards (7)
Ms. Abigail M. Richardson
Mr. Bradley Todd Richardson
Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Richardson (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff L. Richardson (5)
Lt. Col. Danny Baker Richardson (17)
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Richardson
Mrs. Lana Kay Richardson
Ms. Melba S. Richardson
Mr. Phillip Lee Richardson (2)
Mr. Steven F. Richardson
Mrs.Tammy Richardson (3)
Ms. Kathy Richart
Mr. James Barry Richey (2)
Mrs. Joy L. Richey (12)
Mrs. Joy Lynn Richey
Mr. Matthew Richey
Mr. Craig J. Richmond
Mrs. Martha Peters Richmond (15)
Ms. Crystal Michele Rickard
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Wayne Rickard
Mr.Tony Ray Rickard
Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Ricketts
Ms. Sherry Lynn Rickman (2)
Mrs. Pamela Sue Riddle
Mr. Chris Ryan Ridener
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Allen Ridenour (2)
Mr. Adam J. Rider (3)
Mrs. Claire M. Rider (6)
Mrs. Cynthia G. Rider
Mr. Christopher T. Riggs
Ms. Julie Beth Rightley (2)
Mr. Bruce Scott Rigsby (7)
Ms. Susan E. Rigsby
Mr. Carroll Randall Riley
Dr. Cordell Riley
Mr. Craig Steven Riley
Cpt. Douglas B. Riley (2)
Mr. Jared D. Riley
Ms. Joanne P. Riley
Mrs. Kathy L. Rindfleisch
Mr. W. Jerry Riney (6)
Mr. Chad A. Ringo
Alumni Fall 2003
Mrs. Ruth M. Risinger (11)
Ms. Claudia W. Ritchie (11)
Col. James William Ritter
Ms. Julia Ray Ritter (8)
Mr. Max W. Ritter
Ms. Patricia Ritter (3)
Mrs. Nell D. Ritzheimer (2)
Mr. Michael J. Rives (2)
Ms. Barbara M. Roach (2)
Mr. Enid E. Roach
Mr. Mark Roach (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Steven G. Roadcap (2)
Ms. Billie Faye W. Roark (5)
Mr. Arthur L. Robb, Jr.
Mr. William H. Robben
Ms. Rebecca Ann Robbins
Ms. Amy Ruth Roberson
Mr. and Mrs. David Roberson
Mr. Richard M. Roberson
Ms. Amanda G. Roberts
Mr. Boyd L. Roberts
Ms. Deborah Roberts
Mrs. Dorothy L. Roberts
Mr. Dwayne Doran Roberts
Ms. Emily Grace Roberts
Mr. Gavin C. Roberts
Mrs. Janice Lynn Roberts (12)
Mr. Mark A. Roberts
Mrs. Mary Sue Roberts (7)
Mr. Misch C. Roberts (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph R. Roberts (10)
Mr. Richard A. Roberts (5)
Mr. Robert C. Roberts
Ms. Stacey Redmond Roberts (7)
Mrs.Tana Shea Roberts (5)
Mr.Thomas E. Roberts
Mr. William Harold Roberts (5)
Ms. Donna Hay Robertson
Mr. and Mrs. John O. Robertson (2)
Ms. Sonya L. Robertson (2)
Ms. Bonita Carol Robey
Mrs. Michelle C. Robinette
Mr. and Mrs. Billy G. Robinson
Mr. Bradley Wayne Robinson
Ms. Charlene G. Robinson (2)
Mrs. Dorren Andrea Robinson
Mrs. Elizabeth Robinson
Mr. James W. Robinson
Mr. Kevin Brent Robinson
Ms. Laura Robinson
Mrs. Manami Murakami Robinson (9)
Mrs. Sandra M. Robinson
Ms. Stella Pauline Robinson (2)
Mr. Stephen Robinson
Ms. Sue Robinson
Mrs. Susan P. Robinson (5)
Mr.Tony L. Robinson
Dr. A. Faye and Mr. William
Robinson (4)
Mr. John Edwin Roby (8)
Mr.Thomas Eugene Roby
Mrs. Patricia Smith Roca
Mr. Ronald A. Rocco (2)
Mr. Frederick W. Rockhold, III (16)
Rockwell Automation Trust
Mrs. Deborah K. Roddy (2)
Mr. John W. Rodes (2)
Mr. Jerry Lee Rodgers
Mrs. Linda Rodgers (2)
Mr. Michael Edwin Rodgers (3)
Mrs. Danna Michelle Roe
Ms. Deborah Roe (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Roenker (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Rogers (4)
Mr. and Mrs. David Paul Rogers
Mr. Gerry D. Rogers
Ms. Heather A. Rogers (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Rogers (2)
Mr. Joseph D. Rogers (4)
Mrs. Kathy Lynn Rogers (10)
Ms. Kimberly Shea Rogers
Mrs. Sanna Lee Rogers
Mrs. Sharon K. Rogers
Mr. and Mrs.Todd Dwain Rogers
Mr.Tracy L. Rogers
Mr. William J. Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Roides
Mr. Herman A. Rolfes
Mr. Michael Edwin Rollings (7)
Ms. Bonnie Kay Roman
Ms. Judith Moore Romans
Mr. Wendell Romans (4)
Mrs. Kimberly Masi Romero
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C. Romolo
Ms. Amy Lee Rone
Mr. John Englar Roop
Mrs. Bobbie D. Roos
Mr. Donald Francis Roos
Mrs. Judy H. Rosacker (10)
Mr. John A. Rosati (6)
Mr. James Howard Rosdeutscher
Mr. Ferrel Rose
Mrs. Laurie S. Rose (9)
Mr. Howard S. Rosenblatt
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Rosenblum
Mrs. Sharon W. Rosenhagen (14)
Ms. Deborah Norrine Rosenkrantz
Mrs. Jane A. Rosenthal
Mrs. Charlene T. Ross (5)
Mr. Harold L. Ross
Ms. Heather Elizabeth Ross
Dr. Mark D. Ross
Ms. Michelle Ann Ross
Mrs.Victoria M. Ross (3)
Ms. Wendi L. Ross
Ms. Karen Rossell
Ms. Jenny Marie Rosser
Mrs. Carol R. Rossi (6)
Mr. James C. Roth
Mr. John Paul Roth, Jr.
Dr. Edward A. Rothschild, II (5)
Ms. Dara Marie Roudebush (2)
Mr. Rick R. Roudebush (4)
Mr. Craig Kenneth Rough
Mr. Edwin Wayne Rountree (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Maurice Rountree
Mr. Jonathan Douglas Roution
Ms. Sarah Routt (12)
Mr. Brent C. Rowe
Mr. Hazen Rene Rowe
Dr. Nora Alice Rowe (6)
Mr. Larry Rowell
Mrs. Devon Stafford Roxberry
Mr. Jason N. Roy
Royal Crown Beverage Co.
Ms. Carolyn T. Royalty (8)
Mr. Dale Alan Royse
Mr. Henry Gilbarre Royse, II
Mr. John M. Royster (2)
Mrs. Stephanie Ruanto
Ms. Norma Jean Ruble
Mr. John W. Ruby
Ms. Harriette H. Rudd (5)
Mrs. Melissa Irene Rudloff
Ms. Carol Ann Rudolph (2)
Mr. Jack L. Rudolph, Jr. (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Rue (8)
Mr. Matt Rueff
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Thomas Ruff
Rev. Francis Ruff (3)
Mr. Robert E. Rumage
Ms. Della Hildreth Runner (4)
Mrs. Iris K. Runner (18)
Ms. Carole Runyon
Ms. Deborah Perkins Rush
Mrs. Denise M. Rush
Mr. Dennis R. Rush (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Rush
Mr. Ronnie Marrs Rush (13)
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Rush (16)
Mrs. Joy Farnsworth Russak (2)
Mr. Bradley A. Russell
Mr. Darris L. Russell (9)
Mrs. Deborah Jane Russell (4)
Mr. Edgar Ray Russell (2)
Mrs. Elizabeth H. Russell
Mr. Ivan L. Russell (4)
Ms. Janice M. Russell (2)
Mr. Kenneth Dale Russell
Ms. Linda C. Russell
Mr. Marcus Bly Russell (4)
Mr. Robert W. Russell (4)
Mrs. Susan E. Russell (2)
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Russell
Ms. Melanie Layane Rust
Ms. Janis Marie Griggs Ruth
Mr. Richard Austi Rutherford
Ms. Amy E. Rutledge (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edward
Rutledge (7)
Mr. Jason Walker Rutledge
Mr. Danny Lamar Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Ryan, Jr. (2)
Mr. Hubert B. Ryan (10)
Mrs. Laura S. Ryan
Ms. Mary Sue Ryan (5)
Mr. Philip Peter Ryan
Mr. Steven T. Ryan (5)
Mrs. Susan Carol Ryan (2)
Ms. Melisa Ann Saalwaechter (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Darrell Saalwaechter
Mr. Steve K. Saborsky (7)
Mrs. Deborah Ann Sachleben (13)
Mr. Ronald J. Saderholm (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Steven G. Sadewasser
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Sadler
Mr. Jason T. Sadler
Mr. Richard H. Sadler
Mr. Harold M. Safar (2)
Ms. Jane E. Safford (9)
Ms.Terri L. Sager
Mrs.Tammy L. Salada
Mr. Joe A. Saladino
Mrs. Sally Ann Salatsky
Ms. Linda Salazar
Ms. Mercy M. Salazar
Mrs. Beverly J. Saling (3)
Dr. Richard V. Salisbury (d.)
Mr. Scott Eugene Sallee
Mr. Robert Salm (4)
Salsman Realty & Auction
Mr. Billy J. Salsman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Edward Salsman
Ms. Elizabeth Holland Saltsman (4)
Ms. Rebecca Michelle Saltsman
Mrs. Frances R. Salyers (8)
Mr. Richard B. Sampson
Ms. Darla R. Sams
Colonel Melvin P. Sams (5)
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Sandefur (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Lee Sandefur (2)
Mr. Bobby Wayne Sandefur (2)
Mr. David Sandefur
Mr.Tyson Sandefur
Mr. David Brian Sander
Dr. Mallory Nicole Sanderfur (4)
Ms. Andrea F. Sanders
Ms. Brooke Nicole Sanders
Ms. Mattie K. Sanders (3)
Ms. Nada Jean Sanders (7)
Mrs. Nancy Robinson Sanders
Mrs. Nancy Sue Sanders
Mrs. Sarah W. Sanders (10)
Mrs.Vicki H. Sanders
Mr. Ridley M. Sandidge
Mr. Robert Woods Sandidge (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Brent Sanford
Mrs. Jessica Sanford (4)
Ms. Joan T. Sanford
Mr. and Mrs. Brennon D. Sapp
Mrs. Carol Russell Sappington (3)
Ms. Ponnaren Hak Sar
Mr. Panny N. Sarakatsannis (13)
Mr. John Saranchak, Jr. (4)
Mr. Roy G. Sarlls
Mr. David Michael Sass (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Sasse
Mrs. Delinda D. Satterly
Mr. George E. Sauer, Jr. (2)
Ms. Sandy Sauer
Mrs. Mary Joyce Saunders (8)
Ms. Olivia Saunders (2)
Mr. Ray Saunders
Mrs. Kimberly A. Sauter
Mr. Harlan G. Savely (4)
Ms. Angela Kay Sawyer
Mr. William Sawyer
Ms. Jana Anne Sawyers (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Sayres (10)
Mr. Bradley Spencer Scalos (3)
Mr. Bobbie E. Scantlin (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Alan Scarboro (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Scarbrough
Ms. Jan Scarbrough
Mrs. Kimberly J. Schaefer
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Schaeffer
Lt. Col. John George Schaeufele, IV
Mrs. Martha A. Schaeufele
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Schaffer, II
Mr. Charles E. Schafroth
Mr. Keith Schanen (2)
Mr. Bill Schanuel
Mr. Chad A. Schapmire
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Boyd Scheetz
Mrs. Robin Hight Scheier
Ms. Martha Ellen Schell (15)
Mr. Leo B. Schemmel, Jr. (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Brent Douglas Schepman
Mr. Steven J. Scherer
Mr. John F. Schiff
Mr.Thomas Edward Schiff
Mrs. Brenda Joan Schindler
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard T. Schira
Mrs. Lois Schmidt
Mr. Rodney Schmidt
Ms. Emily E. Schmitt
Ms.Vicki J. Schmitt
Sister Mary Schmuck (2)
Mr. Brad Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas D. Schneider (13)
Dr. Karen L. Schneider (8)
Mrs. Laura G. Schneider (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Louis F. Schneider (7)
Mrs. Delma Calvert
Schnellenberger (10)
Ms. Diane M. Schnoes (2)
Mr. Richard A. Schnur (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Schoen (2)
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Lloyd Schoen
Mr. and Mrs. David Scholtz
Mr. George L. Schonhoff
Mr. Andrew P. Schory (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Schott (6)
Mr. Kenneth Roger Schreiber (6)
Mr. David A. Schroeder (3)
Mrs. Maxine M. Schroeder
Ms. Carol L. Schucker (4)
Ms. Norma F. Schuessler (4)
Mr. John L. Schuhmann (2)
Mr. Chris C. Schuler
Mr. Milburn F. Schuler (3)
Mr. Kyle William Schultheis
Mrs. Nina Marie Schultheis (10)
Dr. Arthur Fred Schultz
Mrs.Tammy Michele Schultz (7)
Mr. Edward L. Schumacher, Jr. (4)
Ms. Kay Dorris Schumann
Ms. Lisa A. Schuttler (5)
Mrs. Julie A. Schwab
Mrs.Tracy Lynn Schwab (7)
Mrs. Janice L. Schwarz
Ms. Janet M. Schwarzkopf (11)
Mrs. Kathleen Mary Schweikart (5)
Ms. Angela Scott
Mr. David C. Scott, Jr.
Mrs. Deanna Renee Scott (4)
Mrs. Deloria Ann Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Marcellus Louis Scott
Ms. Holli Jo Scott (2)
Mr. and Mrs. James Craig Scott
Mrs. Julie Scott
Ms. Kelly N. Scott
Mrs. Norma F. Scott (6)
Mr. Robert Franklin Scott (10)
Mrs. Shari L. Scott (6)
Mr. Stephen Braun Scott, II
Mrs. Susanne Lewis Scott
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Clayton Scott
Ms. Wanda J. Scott (5)
Scottsville Church of Christ
Mrs.Terra Janelle Scovil
Mr. Kevin Gerald Scribner (6)
Mr. Drane Willis Scrivener, Jr. (3)
Mrs. Felicia Kay Wingler Scrogham
Dr. Frank E. Scudder, Jr. (7)
Mr. Charles Baxter Seaborne
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Seagle
Mr. Adam Wesley Sears
Mr. Mark Edwin Sears (4)
Mr. Wendell Todd Sears (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory O’Neil
Seaton (2)
Ms. Melissa Shock Seaton (4)
Mrs. Nelda W. Seaton (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Albion M. Seavey
Mrs. Sherry Gayle Sebastian (11)
Mr. Jack C. Seeger (3)
Mr. Michael J. Seidler (11)
Ms. Dusty Seifers (2)
Mrs. Christina M. Selby
Mr. Kenneth Darrell Selby
Mr. Dale Wayne Self (8)
Mr. David Scott Self
Mr. James T. Self
Ms. Mary Ellen Self
Mrs. Constance Allspaw Selin (7)
Mrs. June A. Sensabaugh
Ms. Felicia Sensiba
Ms. Sidney Nash Sensing
Ms. Anna Pearl Senter (2)
Mrs. Melinda Jayne Senters
Mr. David Sentress
Ms. Amanda Michelle Septer (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Setters
Mr. John Allen Settles
Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Settles (7)
Mr. Phillip J. Seuberling
Mrs. Jennifer S. Severns
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lewis Sewell (2)
Mrs. Karen H. Sewell (2)
Mr.Timothy Alan Sewell
Ms. Cynthia Ann Sexton (7)
Mr. Jeffery B. Sexton (4)
Mrs. Jennifer Sexton
Mr. and Mrs. Kristan Michael Sexton (3)
Mrs. Nancy L. Sexton
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Phillip Sexton (4)
Mr. Walter J. Sexton
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Seyfert
Mr. Derek Shadoan
Ms. Laura Lynne Shadoan (9)
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Shadowen (8)
Mrs. Martha C. Shafferman (4)
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Shain (5)
Mr. Cliff P. Shaluta (4)
Mrs. Dorothy Johnson Shanklin (2)
Mr. Howard L. Shanklin (3)
Mr. Clayton E. Shannon (10)
Ms. Myra L. Sharp
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B Sharp
Sharpe Construction Co., Inc. (3)
Mr. Joedy Sharpe (5)
Mrs.Traci Y. Sharpe
Mr. Randolph C. Sharrow
Mrs. Bernice S. Shartzer
Mr. Paul O. Shaver (9)
Ms. Bonnie Mae Shaw
Ms. Gloria Shaw (2)
Mr. Gordon William Shaw
Mrs. Martha I. Shaw (15)
Mr. Phillip Dennis Shaw
Ms. Renee M. Shaw (3)
Ms. Michelle L. Sheanshang (2)
Dr. Gene M. Shearer (5)
Mr. Robert L. Shearer
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory C. Sheeley (3)
Mr. Elmer Shelby
Mr. Christopher W. Sheldon
Ms. Kathleen Sheldon (6)
Mrs. Alma M. Shelley
Ms.Teresa Stasel Shellhart
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Shelton
Ms. Catherine Piper Shelton
Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. Shelton
Mrs. Elise F. Shelton (2)
Mr. Gregory Earl Shelton (2)
Ms. Judy F. Shelton (4)
Ms. Julie Shelton
Mrs. Louise Spear Shelton (10)
Mr. and Mrs. Nickolas D. Shelton
Ms. Polly Roberta Shelton (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D. Shemwell (2)
Ms. Chun Yi Shen (5)
Mr. Graham Shepard (6)
Ms. Abby Gail Shepardson (2)
Mr. Dan Shepherd
Mrs. Deborah Marlene Sherfey (6)
Ms. Melissa S. Sherfinski
Ms. Cynthia Ann Sheriff (2)
Mr. Gary Sherman (3)
Mrs. Gayle S. Sherman
Mrs. Ellen L. Sherry
Dr. Gregory J. Sherry (2)
Mr. Kenneth B. Shevlin (4)
Ms. Catherine Paige Shiarella
Ms. Lucille M. Shields (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shillinglaw
Mr.Tim Shininal
Mrs. Amy Newberry Shipley
Mr. and Mrs. Darren M. Shipley (3)
Ms. Deanna Michelle Shipley
Mrs. Julie P. Shipley (4)
Mrs. Shawn L. Shipley (7)
Ms. Catherine Jo Shipp
Mrs. Mary Michelle Shipp
Mrs. Willie J. Shipp
Mrs. Anne W. Shirer
Mr. and Mrs. Carson Shirley (9)
Ms. Imogene Chapman Shirley
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Roger Shirley
Ms. Patricia Anne Hamilton Shirley
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Shirley
Mr.Tommy Shirley
Ms. Deborah Shivel (2)
Mr. Bennie Shobe, Jr.
Ms. Dorothy Shobe
Mrs. Jennifer Chelf Shockley
Ms. Kimetha M. Shockley
Mr. W. E. Shockley (5)
Ms. Maxine Shockney
Mr. Craig Shoe
Mr. Frank W. Shook, III
Ms.Victoria Whiteside Shore (4)
Mrs. Brenda B. Shores (8)
Mrs. Helen C. Shores (7)
Mrs. Pamela J. Roemer Short
Mr. Patrick J. Shortt
Mrs. Susan W. Shortt (2)
Mr. Bobby Shoulders (2)
Ms. Jennifer Rae Shoulders
Mrs. Peggy F. Shoulders
Mr. Byron Scott Shouse (2)
Mr. Robert H. Shown (2)
Mr. Robert Todd Shown
Mrs. Cara K. Shreve (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Shreve (4)
Ms. Aline L. Shrewsbury (3)
Mr. Kyle Martin Shrewsbury
Mr. Dennis Shuff
Mr. James E. Shuffett
Mrs. Amy C. Shultz (3)
Hon. Kimberly Winkenhofer Shumate
Mr. S. Andrew Shuping, Jr. (3)
Ms. Martha Lou Shutt (11)
Mr. Ricky David Shutt
Mrs. Jo Ann Sibalich
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Dee Siddens (15)
Mr. and Mrs. Neal F. Siebert
Dr. Bert Allen Siebold (6)
Ms. Lori Kesslar Siebold
Mr. and Mrs. Michael William
Siemens (5)
Mrs. Julie Ross Siepman
Mr. Herb G. Siewert (4)
Mrs. Mary Margaret Siewert (9)
Sigma Nu Fraternity & Alumni (7)
Ms. Sarah Ann Sigmon
Hon. Charles L. Siler
Mr. John L. Sills, Jr.
Ms. Ann Devere Silva
Mr. Brad Silvey
Mr. Bruce Elliott Simmons (2)
Ltc. and Mrs. Byron J. Simmons (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Barry Simmons
Ms. Judith Shaw Simmons
Mrs. Juliana Heltsley Simmons (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Shane Simmons (5)
Mrs. Natalie Clare Simmons (4)
Mr. Perry T. Simmons (2)
Mr. Robert E. Simmons (9)
Dr. Robert N. Simmons, Jr. (2)
Ms.Tammy Jo Simmons
Mr.Tommy R. Simmons (10)
Mrs. Deborah D. Simms
Mr. Joseph Eugene Simms (16)
Ms. Shannon T. Simms
Ms. Lurline Simon
Ms. Martha G. Simon
Mrs. Gail Simone
Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell S. Simpson (3)
Mrs. Alice Young Simpson
Ms. Elizabeth Main and Mr. Daryl
Mrs. Martha Glenn Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mark Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Simpson (15)
Ms. Sherrie Simpson
Mrs. Staci Stull Simpson (6)
Mrs. Donna I. Sims (9)
Mr. Douglas Scott Sims
Mrs. Linda Marie Sims (2)
Ms. Mary Jo Sims
Mr. Morris Sims
Ms. Nelda Jane Sims (11)
Mr. Walter Lee Sims, III
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lee Sinclair (2)
Ms. Libby Sinclair
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Keith Sine (9)
Mrs. Margie F. Singer
Ms. Pat Singer
Ms. Louana Singleton (5)
Mr. Scott Brian Singleton (14)
Ms. Barbara Lynn Culp Sipes
Mr. David Michael Sipes (2)
Mr. Joseph A. Sipes (3)
Mr. Gary M. Sisk
Ms. Melissa R. Sisk
Mr. Ricardo Sisney (4)
Mrs. Kimberly Craig Sitler
Ms. Amy Nichole Sittler
Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Sivley
Mr. Gregory Lee Sizemore
Mr. Carlton Skaggs
Mrs. Kathy Cheryl Skaggs (5)
Mrs. Minta G. Skaggs
Mr. Roy Phillip Skaggs (3)
Ms. Selina Jo Skaggs
Dr. James Dan Skean, Jr. (6)
Mrs. Julie L. Skeeters (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Ray G. Skeeters (2)
Ms. Lana F. Sketo
Mrs. Nancy R. Skiadas
Ms. Ellen M. Skipworth
Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Skowronski (6)
Mr. Glenn N. Slack
Mr.Tim Slack (2)
Ms. Susan Slade
Ms. Casey Jo Slagle
Ms. Betty C. Slaton (2)
Dr. Monroe Slaton (4)
Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Eugene
Slattery (2)
Ms. Gina Renee Slaughter (2)
Ms. Lori Ann Slaughter
Mr. Michael R. Slaughter
Mrs. Janie Carol Slaven
Mr. and Mrs. Lucas L. Slavey
Mrs. Kendra Pence Slayton
Mrs. Deborah Jo Sledge (10)
Mrs. Ellen Kay Sledge (2)
Mrs. Margaret H. Sloan (11)
Ms. Amanda L. Slone
Mr. and Mrs. David Lawrence Small (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Phillip Small (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Jared Lee Smalling (2)
Mr.Virgil L. Smallwood (5)
Mrs. Linda W. Smart (2)
Mr. Stephen Joseph Smart (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Jay Smeathers (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Smedley (3)
Mr. Alan F. Smith (2)
Mr. Alvin L. Smith, Jr. (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Dale Smith (5)
Ms. Angela Ann Smith
Mrs. Anita A. Smith
Mrs. Anita Fay H. Smith
Mrs. Anna G. Smith (14)
Mr. Anthony L. Smith
Mrs. Aundriette H. Smith
Mr. Avery E. Smith (6)
Ms. Barbara Smith
Ms. Belinda Wilkins Smith
Mrs. Beverly B. Smith
CMSgt (Ret.) Bobbie Carolyn Smith (6)
Mr. Brad D. Smith
Mr. Bradley W. Smith
Ms. Brandy L. Smith
Mr. Bryan C. Smith (2)
Mr. Bryan Lindsay Smith
Mr. Carl Michael Smith (2)
Mrs. Carol Ann Smith
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Smith
Mr. Charles M. Smith (17)
Drs. Charles and Janet Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Gene V. Smith
Mrs. Crystal Nalley Smith (2)
Mrs. Cynthia Sue Smith
Mr. D. B. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Lee Smith
Mr. David C. Smith (6)
Mr. David Fayette Smith (7)
Ms. Dennice Smith
Mr. Derrick C. Smith (3)
Mr. Douglas Smith
Dr. Douglas Clayton Smith (2)
Mr. Douglas Edward Smith (2)
Mr. Edward J. Smith
Ms. Laura Hagan and Mr. Smith (2)
Mr. Eugene J. Smith (3)
Mr. Eugene L. Smith
Mr. Garry Allen Smith (2)
Mr. Gary Thomas Smith
Mr. George E. Smith
Mr. Gordon L. Smith, Jr. (2)
Mr. Homer B. Smith, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Brown Smith (2)
Mr. J. Michael Smith
Mr. Jack E. Smith
Mr. Jack H. Smith, III
Mrs. Jane L. Smith
Mr. Joseph Brian Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Smith
Mrs. Julie Harris Smith (3)
Mrs. Karen Smith
Mrs. Karen Marie Smith
Ms. Katie Britt Smith
Mrs. Kechia N. Smith
Ms. Kim S. Smith (9)
Mrs. Kimberly Jean Smith
Ms. Kimberly Shawne Smith
Mrs. Koneta Westerfield Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Reed Smith
Ms. Kristin Leigh Smith (4)
Ms. Leslie D. Smith
Mrs. Margaret H. Smith (3)
Mrs. Marisa Smith (2)
Mr. Mark Smith
Ms. Martha F. Smith
Mrs. Martha White Smith
Mrs. Mary Beth Smith
Ms. Mary Evelyn Smith
Mr. Michael D. Smith
Mr. Michael David Smith
Mrs. Nancy Gail Smith
Mrs. Pamela J. Smith
Mrs. Patricia Moore Smith (12)
SGT. Paul Nathaniel Smith, Jr.
Mrs. Peggy S. Smith
Mr. Perry Michael Smith
Mr. Randall Truitt Smith
Ms. Rebecca Sue Smith (2)
Ms. Rebecca Sue Smith (3)
Ms. Rhonda Lynn Smith (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Alan Smith (2)
Mr. Robert Bewley Smith, Jr. (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Donovan Smith
Mr. Robert Douglas Smith
Mrs. Roberta Smith
Ms. Ruby Jones Smith (3)
Mrs. Ruth S. Smith
Mrs. Sandy Smith
Mr. Shaun Callahan Smith (5)
Mrs. Shirre Renee Smith
Mr. Stephen M. Smith (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ray Smith (4)
Mrs.Tamatha D. Smith (2)
Mrs.Tina Weber Smith (14)
Ms.Vicki D. Smith (7)
Ms.Vonetta Michelle Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell F. Smith
Mr. Willard N. Smith
Mr. John Smither
Western Kentucky University
Ms. Janet C. Smithson (2)
Ms. Rebecca Susan Smitley (2)
Mr. Jeffrey D. Snedden (2)
Mr. Gordon Kent Sneed (6)
Mrs.Teresa A. Sneed (2)
Mrs. Cathy Paulette Snell
Mr. Henry Snider
Dr. James Henry Snider (6)
Mrs. Janet S. Snider (6)
Snodgrass Equine Hospital
Mrs. Amy Bauder Snodgrass (6)
Dr. James Tutt Snodgrass, III (3)
Mr. Stanford C. Snodgrass
Mr. Douglas Wayne Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Snyder
Mr. Lawrence W. Snyder, Jr. (10)
Mrs. Linda Maureen Snyder (6)
Mr. Lorne S. Snyder
Mrs. Deborah Burton Sokol (4)
Mr. Ronnie Soltero
Ms. Judy Somerville (2)
Mrs. Kathern Mae Son (8)
Ms. Lucy Song (2)
Mr. Peter Soper
Mr. Lee Richard Sorrell (4)
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Sorrell
Sounds Unlimited Productions, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John Warren Southall (18)
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Southard (5)
Mrs. Leslie W. Southard
Ms. Sherry Angela Souther (7)
Southern Care of Kentucky, Inc.
Mrs. Judy A. Southgate
Mr. Joseph Kent Sowder (6)
Mrs. Cindy Sowders (2)
Ms. Lea Michele Soyars (14)
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Andrew Spader (2)
Judge and Mrs.Thomas B. Spain (9)
Ms. Dena Renee Spainhower
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Spainhower (8)
Mr. Jared Charles Spalding
Mr. Joe E. Spalding
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Helm Spalding
Mrs. Marjorie Keller Spalding
Mrs. Mary C. Spalding
Ms. Sandra Tappan Spalding
Mrs. Susan M. Spalding
Mr. Donald Jermaine Spann
Hon. Daniel Reid Sparks
Mr. David Thomas Sparks (7)
Mr. Kenneth J. Sparks
Mr. David Cleo Sparrow (15)
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby M. Speakman
Mrs. Barbara Gail Spear
Ms.Vickie Cheryl Spear
Mr. Allen Charles Spears
Mr. Craig Neal Spears (14)
Mrs. Gloria Suzanne Spears
Mr. Raymond D. Spears
Mr. Robert A. Spears
Dr. Lee and Mr. Ronald Spears (5)
Ms. Anita Carol Speck (2)
Dr. Donald R. Speer (10)
Mrs. Carol Fields Speight (11)
Mr. Andrew Jason Spencer
Mr. Dale R. Spencer (16)
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Spencer
Mrs. Bonnie Douglas Sperling
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Christopher
Dr. and Mrs. James D. Spiceland (4)
Mr. and Mrs. David Page Spicer (2)
Mr. Gary Spichiger
Mrs. Judith L. Spidel (8)
Ms. Rebecca Lynn Spiers
Ms. Carolyn Spiller
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wayne Spillman (4)
Mrs. June S. Spillman (8)
Mrs. Paulene W. Spillman (7)
William P. Spining
Mrs. Georgeann M. Spires (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Spires (9)
Mrs. Sandra F. Spires (4)
Mr. Lawrence Richard Spitzer, Jr. (7)
Mrs. Gloria Spitzke (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Art Spoelstra
Mr. Andrew Sprague (3)
Mr. Edward G. Sprague (13)
Mr. Michael Kevin Sprague (6)
Mr.Thomas E. Springer, III
Mrs. Mary Joy M. Springob (3)
Mr. Douglas Sprouse (9)
Mr. Jonathan W. Sprouse
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry M. Sprowl (14)
Mr. John N. Spugnardi
Mr. Andrew Thomas Spurling (6)
Alumni Fall 2003
Mr. Jamie Duane Spurlock (5)
Ms. Diana Spyrison (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Billy L. Squires (3)
Mr. Lucian Wade Squires
Mr. Christopher St. John
Mr. Kenneth P. St. John, Jr.
Mrs. Kristen K. Staab (2)
Rev. David C. Stabenfeldt (6)
Mr. Philip B. Stace
Mrs. Donna M. Stacy
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Stafford (4)
Mrs. Mary Helen Staggs (4)
Ms. Patricia Ann Stagner (2)
Mr. Gerald G. Stahl (2)
Mr. Jerry W. Stahl
Mrs. Mary Ann Stahl
Ms. Melissa A. Stahl (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Stahl
LTC Richard Lee Stalbaum
Mr. Bernard Nicholas Stalder (2)
Ms. Kristen M. Staley
Mrs. Beth Stamps (3)
Mr. Chas Richard Stanley
Mr. Jonathan Neal Stanley
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kent Stanley (2)
Ms. Kathy M. Stanton
Mr. Mark R. Stanton
Ms. Patti Louise Stanton (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Douglas Staples
Mrs. Jo Ann Staples (15)
Mrs.Virginia Johnson Stapley
Ms. Erma F. Stargel (4)
Mr. and Mrs.Theodore R. Stark (13)
Mr. John Carl Stark (3)
Mrs. Melissa B. Starkey
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stanley Starks
Mr. Lawrence J. Starr (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Louis W. Starr
Mr. Jeff L. Stateler (5)
Statewide Business Computing, Inc. (3)
Mr. James F. Statler
Mrs. Joann Staton (2)
Mr. Billy Wilborn Stearns (3)
Mr. Gary Stearns (3)
Ms. Linda D. Steder (11)
Mr. and Mrs. William Mark Steedly (4)
Mr. Frank Steele
Mr. and Mrs. James Glyndon Steele
Mr. Richard Steele
Ms. Annabel J. Steen (3)
Mr. Bernard Leo Steen, Jr. (2)
Mr. Henry B. Steen, III
Mr. Jewett Steenbergen (2)
Mr. Michael Steenbergen (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Steenbergen (8)
Mr. Jeffrey Michael Steier
Dr. and Mrs. Karl D. Stein
Mr. Orville J. Stein (12)
Mr. and Mrs.Todd E. Steinau (2)
Mr. Robert Steine
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Steven Steiner (2)
Mr. Larry Steiner
Mr. David Bryan Steinhaus
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Steinquest
Mr. Harry J. Steinsberger
Mr. Don Steinweg
Mrs. Joan Stellern
Mrs. Brenda L. Stenger
Mrs. Mary Anne Stenger (15)
Mr. Patrick F. Stephan (8)
Mr. Barrett Martin Stephens
Mr. Billy Newman Stephens
Mr. and Mrs. Cornell Stephens (8)
Mr. David Wesley Stephens
Mr. George W. Stephens (3)
Mrs. Glenda Kay Stephens (3)
Ms. Glenda Kay Stephens
Mr. Mark Stephens (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall R. Stephens (3)
Ms. Maxine Stephens
Mrs.Tonya K. Stephens
Mr. Wayne O. Stephens (3)
Ms. Betty L. Stephenson (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Christoph B. Stepp
Mr. Richard C. Stern (9)
Steven D.Yater Attorney-At-Law
Steven Hill Farm
Mrs. Pamela Steven
Ms. Becky Rene Stevens
Ms. Carol Stevens
Ms. Debra K. Stevens (3)
Mr. Donald W. Stevens (10)
Dr. Gary Michael Stevens (2)
Mr. Jerry Stevens (2)
Mrs. Kathleen Mills Stevens
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stevens (5)
Lt. and Mrs. Col. (Ret.) Max Stevens (3)
Ms. Pamela J. Stevens
Mr. Shirley G. Stevens, III (3)
Mr.Vaughn M. Stevens (5)
Ms. Janet Lynn Stevenson (4)
Mrs. Leslie Binger Stevenson
Ms. Lisa C. Stevenson
Ms. Wanda Louise Stevenson
Mrs. Greta Lynn Steverson (9)
Mrs. Angela D. Stewart
Ms. Anna Jolene Stewart
Ms. Anne Craighead Stewart
Ms. Carrie Jean Stewart
Mrs. Christina Burden Stewart (3)
Mr. James E. Stewart
Mr. James Raymond Stewart, Jr.
Ms. Kendra Arlaine Stewart
Ms. Melissa A. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Stewart (2)
Dr. Pippa Pinckley Stewart (2)
Ms. Rebecca Kay Stewart
Mrs. Sharon F. S. Stewart (3)
Ms. Susan W. Stewart
Mr. William Scott Stewart (6)
Ms. Carol Duvall Stice
Ms. Dawn T. Stice (2)
Mr. Harold Stice (7)
Mrs.Theresa G. Stiebling (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Alan Stieve (2)
Mr. C. David Stiff “FJC” (11)
Ms. Lori Jean Stiggins
Mr. Jeremy Allen Stiles
Mr.Theodore C. Stiles (10)
Mr. Phillip Wayne Stillwell (6)
Mrs. Charlotte Swint Stinchcomb
Mrs. Billie Beth Stines
Mrs. Jennifer F. Stinnett (14)
Mr. and Mrs. Bart C. Stinson
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell G. Stinson
Mr. David C. Stinson (3)
Ms. Heather L. Stinson (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Stinson
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin B. Stith (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Herman Stith (4)
Mrs. Emma Lou Stockton (d.)
Mr. and Mrs. Jason S. Stockton (5)
Mr. Stephen Fentress Stoess (3)
Mr. and Mrs. John Allen Stofer
Mr. Keith Sheridan Stoffer
Mr. David Cory Stokes
Mrs. Sheila Mary Stolberg (11)
Mrs. Pamela Marie Stoll
Mr. Dan Ray Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Stone (6)
Mrs. Deborah R. Stone
Ms. Glynda Kay Stone (2)
Mrs. Jean Hall Stone
Ms. Krystal G. Stone
Mrs. Paula Rene Stone (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Stone (2)
Mr. Stephen K. Stone (2)
Mr.Tom Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson L. Stone
Mr. Mark Andrew Stonex
Ms. Rita M. Story (4)
Mrs. Ann Neely Stosberg
Ms. Sarah Elizabeth Stouder (2)
Mrs. Barbara Jean Stout
Mr. William D. Stout (3)
Ms. Melissa Ann Scorsone Stovall
Ms. Kathryn D. Strader
Mrs. Patrica A. Strader
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Troy Straeffer
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Straeffer (6)
Mrs. Joann R. Strain
Mrs. Marianne Straka (7)
Ms. Barbara A. Strande (16)
Ms. Jerianne Strange
Mr. John Strange
Ms. Leonetta Kay Strange (3)
Mr. Anthony Guinn Stratton
Mr. Jason Kevin Stratton
Mr.Timothy Allan Stratton (6)
Mr. Louis R. Straub
Mr.Todd M. Strause
Mr. James Street
Ms. Kathryn Ann Street
Mrs. Michelle Ball Street
Mr. Danny Ray Stringer
Ms. Gwendolyn M. Stringer
Mr. John F. Stringer (11)
Mr. James Kevin Strobel (2)
Mr. Zack J. Stroble
Mr. John Parker Strode
Mr. Robert Lee Strohman (5)
Mr. Paul Strong
Greenview Regional
Hospital Makes Significant
Gift to WKU Nursing
• Greenview Regional Hospital has made a
commitment of $475,000 to train and place
nurses in the area.
• This gift will provide $120,000 for nursing
scholarships, $255,000 for unrestricted programmatic funds for nursing, and $100,000 to
create the Greenview Regional Hospital
Endowed Fund for Excellence in Nursing. The
final $100,000 of the gift will be matched with
an additional $100,000 from the
Commonwealth of Kentucky's Regional
University Excellence Trust Fund.
• According to the United States Bureau of
Labor Statistics, there will be a deficit of more
than 1 million nurses nationally by the year
2010 due to an aging population and technological advances. This gift is specifically structured to help meet this concern.
“Through this contribution, Greenview
is making a commitment to Western's
Nursing Program and to our community's workforce. We are excited
about the opportunity to work with
Western through this scholarship program and look forward to a longstanding relationship with Western."
Brenda M.Waltz, FACHE
CEO, Greenview Regional Hospital
Mr. Richard Scott Stroot (2)
Mr. John M. Stroud
Mrs. Sheila M. Strouse (7)
Mr. Richard C. Strudeman
Mrs. Marjorie E. Strunk
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Keith Stuart (3)
Mrs. Susan G. Stuempel (12)
Mrs. Mary Jane Stumph (6)
Ms. Jennifer Lynn Sturgeon
Mr. William Greer Sturges
Mr. Mario Sturgess (6)
Ms. Elizabeth J. Sturm
Ms. Angela M. Sublett
Ms. Patricia Elaine Sublett (4)
Mr. Sandy Suddarth (13)
Mr. Norman L. Sugarman
Mr. Arthur A. Sullivan, Jr
Mr. David Sullivan
Mr. Dennis L. Sullivan
Mr. and Ms. Don O Sullivan
Mr. Gary W. Sullivan (2)
Mr. Harry Brown Sullivan (8)
Mrs. Marie B. Sullivan
Ms. Shannon Kay Sullivan
Mr. Donald A. Summers (2)
Mr. Paul Allen Summers (11)
Mrs. Shelley Ryan Sunday (13)
Mr. David A. Sunn
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph William Survant (2)
Ms. Patricia S. Sutherland
Mr. Craig M. Sutter
Ms. Donna Jean Sutton (6)
Mr. Marvin F. Sutton (5)
Mr. Matthew T. Sutton
Mr. Michael L. Sutton
Mr.Terrence L. Sutton
Ms. Ursula Sutton (2)
Mrs. Kathleen E. Swager
Ms. Stacy Gale Swann
Mr. Alan D. Swartzwelder (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Sweat (3)
Mr. John F. Sweeney
Mr. David Glenn Swift
Mr. Michael Timothy Swift
Ms.Virginia Swift
Mr. Wayne L. Swigert
Mr. Bradley Wayne Swinney (3)
Mr. Larry Keith Swisher, Jr.
Mrs. Debra D. Switzer (3)
Mr. F. W. Swope (13)
Mr. Robert F. Swope (8)
Mr. Harold Alan Sydnor (2)
Mr. James William Sympson, Jr.
Mr. Stanley Thomas Syra
Mr. Kenneth N. Szymanski (11)
Mr. and Mrs. William T.Tabb (2)
Mr. Larry Taber (3)
Mr. George T.Tabor
Mr. and Mrs. James Edgar Tabor, Jr. (3)
Ms. Kimberly Ann Tabor
Mr. Richard A.Tabor (9)
Mrs. Rita Williams Tabor (6)
Ms. Sheryl D.Tahler (4)
Mr. John W.Tako
Mr. George Ray Talbot (6)
Mr. F. Jude Talbott
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel A.Talley (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Wade Kenneth Talley (2)
Mr. George Albert Tambini (4)
Mr. Jeffrey Lee Tambornini
Mr. and Mrs.Theodore F.Tamme
Mr. Jodie Tanner
Ms. Lucinda L.Tanner (16)
Mr.Vincent C.Tanner (3)
Ms. Christine Louise Tapp
Mr.Timothy Michael Tapp
Ms. Margaret Blair Tarpley (9)
Mr. Henry Tarrence
Mrs. Carolyn M.Tassie (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Boyce D.Tate
Ms. Linnie Earl Tate (11)
Mrs. Eula F.Tatman
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Dale Tatum
Mrs. Brenda Gail Taylor
Mrs. Cathy Rene’Taylor (2)
Mr. Charles Quinn Taylor (10)
Mr. Chester G.Taylor (2)
Mr. Christopher Lynn Taylor
Mr. Daniel Ryan Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Ray Taylor
Mr. Dylan R.Taylor
Mr. E. Murray Taylor (5)
Mr. Edward Morton Taylor, Jr.
Mr. Eric Jon Taylor (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest C.Taylor (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Carol Taylor (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Alan Taylor (6)
Mr. James Godfrey Taylor
Mr. James T.Taylor
Avo and James W.Taylor (2)
Mr. John Beauchamp Taylor
Mrs. Katherine A.Taylor (2)
Mr. Kenneth Dale Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. L. Rhea Taylor
Ms. Micah D.Taylor
Rev. Orien P.Taylor
Mrs. Patricia Durbin Taylor
Mrs. Pearl Taylor
Mr. Robert Thompson Taylor (11)
Mr. Scott D.Taylor (2)
Mrs. Sheri Lyn Taylor (2)
Mr. Stephen C.Taylor (9)
Mrs. Suzanne Turner Taylor (6)
Mr. and Mrs.Timothy H.Taylor (18)
Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Wayne Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Teague (2)
Mr. Bruce Alan Teal (5)
Mrs. Susan Teel
Mr. Michael Lawrence Teeter
Temple Inland Found
Ms. Sarah R.Tengelitsch
Mr. and Mrs. L. Duane Tennant (5)
Mrs. Kathleen R. Reed Tenney
Mr. Donald G.Tepool, Jr. (2)
Mrs. Betty T.Terry (10)
Mrs. Judean S.Terry
Ms. Kathryn Beesley Terry
Mrs. L. Faye Terry (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Norman L.Terry
Mr. Edward Terwilleger (2)
Mr. Ralph A.Tesseneer (8)
Mrs. Betty Thacker
Mr. Mike Thacker
Mrs. Daisy W.Thaler (2)
Mrs. Ngoc Trinh Tham (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J.Thanas
Mr. and Mrs. Samanta B.Thapa
Ms. Dina Sue Tharp (4)
Mrs. Monica L.Tharp
Mr. Robert Howard Tharp
The Bank of New York Foundation
The Freddie Mac Foundation
The Malcolm Bryant Corporation
The Oaks Credit Corporation, Inc.
The Officer Law Offices
The Tomkins Corporation Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory W.Theirl (2)
Mr. Steven John Theirl
Mr. William G.Theirl (11)
Mrs.Theresa M.Thieman
Mrs. Karen R.Thies
Mr. Luther B.Thigpen
Mr. and Mrs. Alva Ray Thomas (2)
Ms. Betty Thomas
Ms. Breck Allison Thomas
Mrs. Carolyn F.Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Thomas (12)
Ms. Cynthia Lee Thomas (2)
Mrs. Dawn Suzanne Thomas
Mrs. Debbie Thomas (2)
Ms. Eleanor G.Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Steven Thomas
Dr. George W.Thomas (2)
Ms. Janet L.Thomas (3)
Mrs. Kimberly J.Thomas
Mrs. Laura Lee Thomas
Mrs. Linda B.Thomas (2)
Mr. David Bailes and Mrs. Linda Thomas
Ms. Linda Joyce Thomas
Ms. Michele Thomas
Ms. Opal Y.Thomas (11)
Mr. R. R.Thomas (11)
Mr. Richard Wayne Thomas
Mr. Ronald M.Thomas (4)
Ms. Roseann Thomas
Mr. Sean Michael Thomas
Mrs. Sharon L.Thomas (3)
Mrs.Terri McQuown Thomas
Ms.Terry Lynn Thomas
Mr.Timothy W.Thomas
Mrs.Tina Thomas
Dr. and Mrs. Wallace E.Thomas
Mr. Willard M.Thomas (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Thomason (3)
Mrs. Carolyn D.Thomason (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Don E.Thomason (9)
Mr. and Mrs. James Allen Thomason (3)
Ms. Donna Thomerson (2)
Thompson Electric Co. (2)
Ms. Agnes B.Thompson
Mr. Brandon M.Thompson
Dr. Bruce H.Thompson (4)
Mrs. Carol Thompson
Mrs. Carol B.Thompson
Mr. Christopher D.Thompson (2)
Ms. Dana Sherrell Thompson
Ms. Elizabeth Lockhart Thompson
Ms. Ellen H.Thompson
Mr. Eugene W.Thompson
Mr. Franklin M.Thompson, Jr.
Mr. George C.Thompson (2)
Mr. Jack Thompson
Mrs. Jacqueline Faith Thompson
Mr. Lee M.Thompson
Ms. Marilyn Thompson
Mr. Michael Thompson
Mr. Michael W.Thompson
Ms. Michele Thompson (5)
Ms. Monita Corinne Thompson (2)
Mr. Noah Michael Thompson
Mr. Paul Stacey Thompson (2)
Mrs. Redona G.Thompson
Ms. Ruth A.Thompson
Mrs. Sharon L.Thompson
Mr.Troy N.Thompson
Ms.Verbal Thompson (2)
Ms.Vicki T.Thompson (3)
Mr. William Ernest Thompson (5)
Ms. Peggy Thomsen
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas B.Thomson (11)
Mr. Ronald D.Thornberry
Mr. Brian Scott Thornhill
Ms. Jana Ray Thornton
Mr. Rondall L.Thornton (6)
Ms. Kendra L.Thrasher (2)
Ms. Margaret G.Thrasher (4)
Mrs. Phyllis H.Thrasher
1STSGT and Mrs. Gregory A.
Threat (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Threlkel (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Berny L.Thurman (9)
Mr. Darrell K.Thurman (5)
Dr. and Mrs. James C.Thurman (4)
Ms. Stephanie L.Thurman
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Sanford Thurmond (5)
Ms. Shirley L.Thurmond (7)
Mrs. Kathy Jane Thweatt (2)
Ms. Marlena Thweatt
Mrs.Tricia Elizabeth Boyd Thweatt
Mr. Richard Leroy Tibbitts (2)
Mr. Carl B.Tichenor
Mr. Carroll B.Tichenor (12)
Mr. James E.Tichenor
Mrs. Marisa Brangers Tichenor
Mr. Michael Andrew Tidwell
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Tieken
Mr. Charles F.Tilden (3)
Ms. May Jane Tillman (5)
Mrs. Paula Sue Timberlake
Times Publishing Company (2)
Mrs. Colleen A.Tincher (13)
Mr. Ronald W.Tines (9)
Mr. George Emmitt Tinsley
Dr. Samuel Harper Tinsley (2)
Mrs. Melissa Lou Tippens
Ms. Sherree Lynn Tipton (3)
Mrs.Valery S.Tipton
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Timothy Tisdale (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Lee Titsworth (3)
Mrs. Shawna Compton Tittle (2)
Mrs. Angela Joyce Todd
Mr. David A.Todd
Ms. Edna Lorene Todd (2)
Mrs. Edna M.Todd (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ray Todd (7)
Ms. Linda Sue Todd (2)
Ms. Mary Nancy Todd (2)
Ms. Mary Rogers Todd (14)
Ms. Mildred Ann Todd (2)
Dr.Timothy S.Todd
Mr. Carleton Togstad
Maj. (Ret.) and Mrs. Joe V.Tolbert
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Todd Tolbert (5)
Mr. Michael Tolbert
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth James Tolopka (3)
Dr. and Mrs. Frank R.Toman
Mr. and Mrs. Al Tomassetti
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin E.Tomblinson
Mrs. Janice Smith Tomblinson (6)
Ms. Letha Jane Tomes
Mr. Gregory James Tomlin
Mr. and Mrs. Frankie Neal Toms
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Butler Toms (5)
Maj. Leslie Philip Toms
Mr. Scott Edward Toncray (2)
Mr. Harold R.Toney, Jr.
Mr. James Stuart Tong (3)
Mrs. Beverley J.Tonso (11)
Mr. and Mrs. David Clifton Tooley
Ms. Donna R.Tooley
Ms. Christina Jane Topinka
Mr. David Ashley Towe
Ms. Rachel L.Towe
Mr. Robert Tyler Towe
Mrs. Carolyn Townsend (3)
Mrs. Sandra K.Townsend
Mr. Kerry Alan Townson
Mr. Norman Lee Towson
Mrs. Bonnie Trabue (3)
Mr. Norman Lawrence Trace (3)
Mr. William Dwight Tracey (2)
Mr. and Mrs. James Tracy
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lewis Trafton
Mr. Orbin Trammel
Mrs. Phyllis Elaine Traughber
Mrs. Carolyn Sue Hay Traum (3)
Mr. Bryan Richard Travis
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Dixon Travis (3)
Mr. Gary Dixon Travis, Jr.
Rev. Gregory G.Trawick (5)
Mr. Marty Traylor
Mrs. Judith M.Treadway
Mr. Fredrick Martin Tremalgia (2)
Mrs. Ruth B.Trembula (3)
Ms. Nancy Catherine Tresch
Mrs. Joy Elizabeth Trigg (4)
Mr. and Mrs. David Lyle Trimble (5)
Mr. S.Y.Trimble,V
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Todd Trimble (13)
Ms. Evelyn N.Triplett (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Don F.Trivette (12)
Mr. Roy Stephaen Trosper
Mr. Edward P.Trouteaud (13)
Mr. George W.Troutman
Ms. Patricia Elaine Troutman (12)
Mr. Richard Mark Troutman
Mrs. Sanna Montienne Trouton (8)
Ms. Lori Marie Trowbridge
Mr.V. I.Trowbridge (2)
Ms. Aimee Nicole Trulock
Mr. and Mrs. Lee C.Truman (8)
Mr. Derek Angelo Truss
Mr. Kenneth M.Tuck (2)
Mrs. Angela Dawn Tucker
Mr. Bertram A.Tucker
Mr. Clark Abram Tucker
Mr. Claude Edward Tucker (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Allen Tucker (2)
Ms. Janet D.Tucker
Mrs. Kristen K.Tucker
Ms. Mary Tucker
Mrs. Nina Waller Tucker (7)
Mrs. Reva Darlene Tucker (10)
Mrs.Teresa Gail Tucker (6)
Mr. Mark A.Tudor
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L.Tullis (2)
Ms. Lisa Mingus Tullis
Dr. Louis W.Turley
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Moore Turley (2)
Mr. Alfred Turner
Ms. Anna Marie Turner
Mr. Brian S.Turner
Mr. David W.Turner
Mr. George David Turner
Mrs. Glynda Y.Turner (2)
Mr. James Harold Turner (2)
Mrs. Jennifer Brown Turner (4)
Mr. Jeremy Franklin Turner
Mr. Jonathan W.Turner
Mrs. Joni Rhae Turner (2)
Mr. Kim Raymond Turner (2)
Mrs. Lori C.Turner (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M.Turner (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Nick D.Turner (2)
Mrs. Patricia R.Turner (6)
Mr. Paul Eric Turner (2)
Ms. Rhonda Katherine Turner
Ltc. and Mrs. Rondal Lee Turner (5)
Mr. Roy Samuel Turner (4)
Mr. Samuel E.Turner
Mr.Thomas Guthrie Turner, Jr. (13)
Mrs. Jacqueline M.Tutino (16)
Mrs. Laura Kaye Tutor
Mrs. Betty J.Tuttle
Mrs. Rebekah Johnson Tuttle (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Garnett E.Twyman (9)
Mr. and Mrs. William G.Twyman (6)
Mr. and Mrs. William Lewis Twyman
Mrs. Connie Lynn Tyler
Mrs. Jennifer Brady Tyler
Ms. Karla J.Tyler (2)
Dr. Chester Travelstead (c) poses with Amanda Biggs (l) and Ashley Farris (r),
recipients of Marita Hawley Travelstead Scholarship and Nelle Gooch Travelstead
Scholarship respectively.
Western Kentucky University
Mr. Larry Tyler
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Blaise Tylicki
Mr. and Mrs. Eric L.Tyree
Mr. Richard Uber
Mrs. Sheridan E. Ueber (3)
Ms. Peggy Sue Uhlman
Ms. Lorraine M. Ulak (4)
Underwood & Conners DMD (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Underwood (3)
Mrs. Helen S. Underwood (17)
Mr. J. LeRoy Underwood (3)
Ms. Jeannie Lynn Underwood (6)
University of Kentucky
Mr. Robert C. Unseld
Mrs. Laura J. Upchurch
Mr. William Alan Uphoff (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Jon R. Urey (2)
Mrs. Jennifer L. Utley
Ms. Mary Maurice Utley (11)
Mrs. Lois Utterback
Ms. Judy Marie Vahling
Mr. Mukul D.Vaidya (3)
Mrs.Taqualia G.Valentine
Mr. William D.Valentino
Ms. Leona I.Valentour
Mr. and Mrs. Andre Valk
Mrs.Tracey B.Valleroy (6)
Ms. Marie Van Brunt (3)
Mrs. Susan D. W.Van Cleave (2)
Mrs. Doris Nell Van Cleve (10)
Mr.Thomas A.Van Laere
Mr. Allan R.Van Meter
Mr. Scott Van Sickle
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Jerry Van Zee (2)
Mrs. Angela Michelle Vance
Mr. Collins T.Vance (7)
Mr. Donald W.Vance
Mrs. Doris Jean Vance (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Kyle Vance (2)
Ms. Rene L.Vance (11)
Ms.Vancil and Mr.Vandeusen (2)
Ms. Angela M.VanCleave
Mr. and Mrs. William R.VanCleave
Mrs. Julie Kay Vancleve (2)
Mr. Jack Douglas Vandercook, Jr.
Ms. Maribeth Vanderford (3)
Mr. Gerald C.Vanderhorst
Mrs. Elizabeth Vanfleet (10)
Mr. David Hammer Van Hooser
Ms. Jenna Elaine Van Vanlaningham
Ms. Amanda L.Vanmeter
Mr. James Leo Vannauker
CPT. and Mrs. David Lee Vanover
Mrs. Sharon Renee Vanover
Ms.Valarie P.Vanover
Mr. Sridhar R.Vanukuri
Mrs. Heather L.Vanwinkle
Mr. John Van Zee
Ms. Callie Mikael Varner (2)
Ms. Kelley C.Varner
Mr. John R.Vaughan (4)
Ms. Melissa Jo Vaughan
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Vaughn
Mr. Johnny Moran Vaughn
Mrs. Melissa Kaye Vaughn
Mrs.Trina Vaughn (3)
Ms. Dixie C.Vaught (6)
Mr. Daryl S.Veatch
Mr. Carl Michael Veazey (5)
Mr. Larry Veirs
Mrs. Kathleen G.Vejr (8)
Mr. Senad Veletanlic
Ms. Shannon M.Verble
Mr. Douglas L.Verdier (6)
Mr. Reed Carl Vesey
Mr. Michael Vessels (2)
Ms. Sherry Vest
Mr. Joseph D.Vibbert
Mrs. Barbara Humphries Vick
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence B.Vick
Mr. Bruce Wayne Vickers (5)
Mr. Johnny Russell Vickers, IV (6)
Mrs. Ramona P.Vickery
Mr.Terry Michael Vickous (2)
Mr. Kevin B.Vickrey
Mrs. Amy Beth Viergutz (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Jay C.Viktora (2)
Mr. Mark S.Vince
Mrs. Charlotte Moss Vincent
Ms. Christina Michell Vincent
Mr. Damon Ishel Vincent
Mr. Gregory Royce Vincent
Mr. Roger D.Vincent
Mrs. Sharon Ann Vincent
Ms.Tanya Michelle Vincent
Mr. William A.Vincent (2)
Alumni Fall 2003
Mr. Zachary Vincent
Dr. and Mrs. Donald L.Vine (3)
Ms. Delores L.Vinegar
Mrs. Cathy L.Vinson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Vitale (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Allan Voelker
Ms. Merri M.Voelker
Mr. Lawrence Darian Vogel
Mrs. Anjanette M.Volk (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Christiaan Lance Volkert
Ms. Rosalyn Elizabeth Volkman
Mrs. Lisa G.Von Haeger
Ms. Anna Mae Voorhies
Mr. and Mrs. John Vorbeck (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Arvin G Vos (5)
Mr. Gary D.Vough
Mrs. Ellen F.Vowels
Ms. Suzanne Vowels (3)
Dr. and Mrs. Mike Voyles
Mrs. Nancy C. Wabner (4)
Mr. Jeffrey Clint Waddell
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Wade (2)
Mr. and Mrs. David Vincent Wade (11)
Ms. Ruby Wade (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Jack H. Waff (17)
Mr. Jack Hunter Waff, Jr.
Mrs. Mary Gemma Wafzig (7)
Mrs.Virginia E. Wage
Mrs. Dianne M. Wager
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Leonard
Waggoner (11)
Ms. Alice Wagner
Mr. Gary J. Wagner (3)
Mrs. Laura McCauley Wagner
Mr. Matthew Allen Wagner
Ms. Nicole E. Wagner
Mr.Timothy Alan Wagner (2)
Mr. Brent Lee Wagoner
Mr. David Gerard Wagoner (4)
Mr. Shirley D. Wagoner (5)
Mr. Alan Thomas Waite
Mr. James Hardwick Waitman (2)
Mr. Fred Y. Waits
Mrs. Carol Wakefield
Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Wakefield, II
Mrs.Virginia L. Walcher
Mr. David W. Walden (3)
Mrs. Margaret E. Walden (8)
Ms. Mary Patricia Walden
Ms. Susie Carol Walden (6)
Ms. Barbara Brooks Waldrop
Ms. Joan M. Waldrop
Mrs. Amy Elizabeth Walker (2)
Ms. Brandi R. Walker
Mr. Charles Patrick Walker
Mrs. Cherline F. Walker
Mr. Christopher Maurice Walker
Mrs. Cindy L. Walker
Mr. Daryl R. Walker
Ms. Dianne Walker
Mr. Frank Walker (4)
Mr. James H. Walker (14)
Mrs. Jennifer Kaye Walker (10)
Ms. Judith Walker
Mrs. Kathy Carlyene Walker
Mr. Kurt Dean Walker
Mrs. Linda Lou Walker (10)
Ms. Madge L. Walker (12)
Professor Marshall Walker
Ms. Matilda Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew W. Walker (2)
Ms. Pamela J. Walker
Mr. Stephen C. Walker
Mr.Terry Lee Walker
Mr. William T. Walker
Ms. Mary Ellen Wall (2)
Ms. Spring D. Wall
Mrs. Betty Sue Wallace
Mrs. Cathy Ann Wallace
Mr. Jeffery Clark Wallace
Mr. Jerry Wallace
Ms. Julie Annette Wallace
Mr. Jason Scott Waller
Mr. Barry White Walrond
Mr. Mickey Lee Walrond (2)
Mr. Christopher Joseph Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. George P. Walsh (2)
Mrs. Judith S. Walsh
Thomas Edward Walsh, CFA, CCM
Ms. Edith Ann Walters (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lee Walters
Mrs. Lisa M. Walters
Ms. Pamela Martin Walters (6)
Mr. William Perry Walters (6)
Mr. Lee Douglas Wal
Ms. Jaime Lynn Walz
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Eugene
Waninger (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Cyril L. Wantland (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel V. Ward (3)
Mr. Gerald D. Ward
Mrs. Kaye S. Ward
Mrs. Riggle and Mr. Ward (3)
Ms. Sheila Ward (2)
Dr. William G. Ward (2)
Mrs. Mamie Delia Wardlow (9)
Mrs. Monica J. Pettygrue Wardlow
Mr. Danny E. Ware (2)
Mrs. Nancy J. Warf
Ms. Andrelene J. Warner
Mrs. Gretchen Peterson Warner (13)
Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Michael Warner (5)
Ms.Teresa Suzanne Warner
Mrs. Erin M. Warren (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Jeffrey Warren
Mr. Michael D. Warren
Mrs. Patricia C. Warren (3)
Mrs.Vicki Minnix Warren
Mr. Robert Andrew Wartschlager
Mr. Robert Washburn (5)
Mrs. Susan M. Washburn (2)
Mrs. Phyllis G. Washington
Mr. Nicholas Eugene Washum
Dr. and Mrs. John C. Wassom (2)
Mr.Trevor Dean Wathen (2)
Ms. Cecilia Michelle Watkins (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Watkins (2)
Mrs. Ruth Ann Watkins (2)
Mrs. Donna Watson
Ms. Inell Watson (6)
Mr. John B. Watson
Ms. Kerri L. Watson
Mrs. Linda H. Watson (6)
Mr. Lynn Bradley Watson
Mrs. Sandra Kay Watson (5)
Mrs.Tamara Shaye Watson (2)
Ms.Tessa S. Watts (8)
Mr. Wallace Watts, Jr. (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Daryl L. Watwood
Mr. James Elliott Wayman (3)
Ltc. (Ret.) and Mrs. Allen T. Wayne
Mrs. Polly Ann Wayne
Mrs. Shirley B. Wayne (3)
Mrs. Janet G. Weathers
Mr. Stephen P. Weathers
Mr. and Mrs. Bartley Hodge Weaver (7)
Mr. Ben F. Weaver (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Lynn Weaver (9)
Mr. Leslie Carl Weaver
Mr. Max C. Weaver
Mrs. Monica Joy Weaver (6)
Mrs. Beverly Jo Webb (2)
Lt. Col. and Mrs. Leonard W. Webb
Mr. Mark D. Webb
Mrs. Martha E. Miller Webb (4)
Mr. Brandon K. Weber
Mrs. Donna Sue Weber (4)
Mr. Nathan D. Weber (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Martin Weber (3)
Mr. John E. Webster (2)
Mr. Bernard G. Wedding (5)
Ms. Margaret Whitford Weeks
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Wegner (2)
Mr. Robert C. Wegner
Ms. Lihua Wei
Ms. Sheree Ann Weiffenbach
Mrs. Judith C. Weigner (7)
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Weikert (2)
Ms. Wendy S. Weirick
Ms. Juanita Moore Weiss (11)
Dr. Steve M. Welborn (2)
Mrs. Gretchen C. Welch (2)
Mrs. Lavonne Welch
Ms. Mary Helen Weldy
Mr. Gerald Park Wellman, Sr.
Wells Richardson & Associates, Inc.
Mr. Charles E. Wells, Jr. (2)
Mrs. Darlene Martin Wells
Mr. Freddie L. Wells (2)
Mr. Gerald Zane Wells (10)
Ms. Hazel F. Wells (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory E. Wells (2)
Ms. Jama R. Wells (3)
Mr. James Robert Wells
Mr. Jerry Wayne Wells (2)
Mr. Joe Wells (9)
Mr. Johnny Lee Wells (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Wells (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Wells (5)
Mrs. Mary Ann Wells
Mrs. Sarah Wells
Mr. Wendell Dale Wells (2)
Mr. William Shane Wells
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Wells
Mr. Dan Welsh
Mrs. Mary Beverly Welsh (6)
Mr. Christopher A. Wenzler (2)
Mrs. Lisa Ann Werenskjold (4)
Mr. Jerry Wertz
Ms. Genevieve L. Wesley (9)
Mr. J. Quentin Wesley (11)
Ms. Rachel B. Wessel (2)
Ms. Aubrey West
Mrs. Christy Annette West (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lawrence West (2)
Dr. Harold F. West (15)
Mrs. Joyce S. West (16)
Mrs. Julie Ann West
Ms. Kyda H. West (6)
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. West, Jr. (5)
Mr.Timothy P. West
Mr. and Mrs. Dale A. Westerfield (10)
Mrs. Helen M. Westerfield (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Larry C. Westerfield (10)
Mr. Michael Glenn Westerfield
Mrs. Ruth Drake Westerfield
Mr. Ralph M. Westmoreland
Ms. Janice K. Weston (6)
Mr. James Kevin Westray (3)
Mr. Greg S. Wethington
Mr. Marvin W. Wethington
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Scott Wettig (2)
Mr. Jack R. Wettmarshausen (4)
Mr. Gerald E. Weygandt
Mr. Charles E. Whaley
Dr. Richard A. Wham
Mr. and Mrs. James Mitchell Whatton
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Eugene Wheat (5)
Ms. Marianne A. Wheat (13)
Mrs. Marilyn L. Wheat (10)
Mr. Dennis Wheatley (2)
Mrs. Laura A. Wheatley (5)
Ms. Mary Ann Wheatley
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Wheeler
Mr. Dennis L. Wheeler
Dr. and Mrs. James E. Wheeler, II
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Wheeler
Mr. John Craig Wheeler (2)
Mr. and Mrs. John Milton Wheeler (3)
Ms. Julie Ann Wheetley (4)
Ms. Rebecca Sue Whelan
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Whelan
Mr. and Mrs. Gene A. Whicker (5)
Mrs. Donna Smith Whitaker
Dr. Evans P. Whitaker
Mr. Howard W. Whitaker, Jr. (2)
Ms. Karen Lynn Whitaker
Mrs. Oredia Whitaker
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Presley Whitaker
Ms. Angela Rae White (4)
Mr. Benjamin P. White, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Cale Ray White
Ms. Carrie Elaine White (6)
Mr. Charles E. White (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton E. White, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David Olen White (3)
Mr. Derek B. White
Ms. Elizabeth E. White (2)
Ms. Florence P. White
Mr. and Mrs. Harlie T. White
Mr. Hugh E. White
Ms. Izell White
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. White
Mr. James Dale White, Jr. (18)
Mrs. Kristen White
Ms. Lisa G. White
Mrs. Marcheta W. White (9)
Ms. Mary White (2)
Mrs. Mary A. White (6)
Mrs. Melissa Dawn White
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dale White (4)
Mr. Phillip A. White
Mr. Ray B. White (2)
Mrs. Rhonda Lynn White
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bruce White
Mrs. Stephanie Jean White
Mr. Stephen H. White (3)
Mr. and Mrs.Teddy White (6)
Ms.Thelma Faye White (3)
Prof.Vernon White
Ms. Winona Ruth White
Mrs. Ruth Ann Whitehouse
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney T. Whitehouse (11)
Ms. Michele Janeane Whiteley
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Cecil Whitenack (6)
Ms. Martha J. L. Whiteside
Whitestone Consulting
Ms. Barbara F. Whitfield (2)
Mrs. Bessie Cates Whitfield (3)
Dr. Gary Whitson Whitfield (11)
Ms. Mary C. Whitfield
Mr. Dwayne Anthony Whitis
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Whitlock
Mrs. Helen O. Whitlow (10)
Mr. Lanny L. Whitlow (9)
Mrs. Dorothy M. Whitman (6)
Mrs. Gertrude Ann Whitmer (14)
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Whitmer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Whitmer (16)
Mr. Davey B. Whitmore
Mrs. Anita Kathleen Whitney
Ms. Frieda Gail Whitt (2)
Mr. Jesse Taylor Whitt
Mr. Jeffrey Glen Whittinghill (6)
Mr. Steven Whittinghill (3)
Mr. Clyde Eugene Whittle (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Wayne Whittle
Mr. Richard D. Whitty (4)
Mr. William B. Wickliffe, II
Mr. Mark Willard Wiedmar
Mrs. Amy Riann Wilson Wiggins
Mr. Jeffrey Todd Wiggins
Dr. Scott Evan Wigginton
Mrs. Shirley W. Wigginton
Mr.Terry Lee Wigton (5)
Mr. Stephen Craig Wilburn
Mr. Ralph Gary Wilcox (10)
Ms.Tequia M. Wilcox
Mrs. Dawn Marie Wildermuth (3)
Mr. William F. Wilding (2)
Mr. James Wilson Wiley (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Wiley (4)
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Wiley (6)
Mr. William L. Wiley
Mr. Keith Wilhelmi
Mr. Douglas C. Wilke (6)
Mrs. Maria Wilkerson
Mr. W. Noe Wilkerson
Mr. David M. Wilkins (2)
Drs. Edmund and Patricia Wilkins (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Erik Monroe Wilkins
Mr. Kevin L. Wilkins
Mr. and Mrs. Marty Wilkins (8)
Mrs. Nan W. Wilkins
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Edward
Wilkins (7)
Mr. Stephen Greer Wilkins
Mrs. Charlene Wilkinson
Mr. Daniel M. Wilkinson (5)
Mrs. Dianne K. Will (5)
Ms. Rachel L. Will
Mr.Todd D. Willard
Ms. Shanon Denise Willett (7)
Ms. Shellie Denette Willett
Ms. Sherry B. Willhite
William S. Hopkins, D. D. S.
Mr. and Mrs. Barry A. Williams (2)
Mr. Bobby G. Williams (13)
Mr. Byron J. Williams
Ms. Cari J. Williams
Mr. Charles C. Williams (3)
Mrs. Deborah A. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Williams
Mr. and Mrs.Tony Williams (6)
Mr. Dennis Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Williams
Ms. Frances Williams (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Glen W. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn M. Williams (2)
Mr. Gregory K. Williams
Mr. Jimmy Dean Williams
Mr. John Williams
Mr. Joseph David Williams (2)
Mrs. Karen Ann Williams
Mrs. Katie Ellen Williams (7)
Mr. Kevin Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Don Williams (2)
Mr. Kirk Ross Williams
Mrs. Laura Lynn Williams
Mrs. Letha M. Williams
Mrs. Louella M. Williams
Mrs. Lucie B. Williams
Mrs. Lydia Dionne Williams
Mr. and Mrs. James Barry Williams
Mr. Millard A. Williams, III (14)
Mr. Ray E. Williams (15)
Mrs. Rebecca J. Williams
Mrs. Rita F. Williams
Dr. Robert Dale Williams (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Williams (9)
Mr. Royce A. Williams (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Cordell E. Williams (6)
Ms.Vicki Williams (2)
Ms. Cathy Williamson
Mr. Charles M. Williamson (4)
Mrs. Patricia P. Williamson
Mrs. Melinda Ann Willingham (5)
Mrs. Anita Willis
Ms. Christina Marie Willis
Mrs. Elizabeth McCubbin Willis (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Douglas Willis (3)
Ms. Heidi Charleen Willis
Mr. Kenneth T. Willis, Sr. (6)
Mr. Kevin T. Willis (4)
Mrs. Lelia G. Willis (9)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kenneth Willis (6)
Mr. Roscoe Franklin Willis
Mr. Scott Lowry Willis
Mr. Scott M. Willis
Ms. Wanda Lee Willis (6)
Mrs. Johanna Willmoth
Ms. Brenda Martin Willoughby (16)
Mr. Larry G. Willoughby (13)
Mr. Alan Kirt Wilson (2)
Ms. Anna Mae Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony B. Wilson
Mr. Benjamin T. Wilson
Mrs. Bethany G. Wilson
Mr. Bradford Stanley Wilson
Ms. Cassandra D. Wilson (2)
Mr. Cheston W. Wilson (3)
Mr. David E. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. William John Wilson (4)
Ms. Donna Lynn Wilson (12)
Mrs. Dorothy D. Wilson (3)
Mr. Edward Jay Wilson
Ms. Eleanor B. Wilson
Mrs. Emily H. Wilson (6)
Mr. George W. Wilson
Mr. Henry L. Wilson
Ms. Jane T. Wilson (14)
Mr. Jeffrey Shane Wilson
Mr. Jerry Wilson
Ms. Jessie Ruble Wilson
Mr. Jimmie Randall Wilson
Mrs. Julie Christy Wilson
Ms. Karli Ann Wilson
Mrs. Kendra L. Wilson
Dr. Lauralee Wilson (2)
Mr. Leight M. Wilson
Mrs. Mary M. Wilson
Mrs. Melna Katrin Wilson
Mr. Michael Wilson
Dr. Molly M. Wilson (5)
Mrs. Pamela Lynn Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lee Wilson
Mr. Rickie Wren Wilson
Mr. Roy M. Wilson (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Roye S. Wilson (12)
Mrs. Sandra Allen Wilson
Ms. Sandra Thomason Wilson
Mrs. Sherry Furlong Wilson
Mr. Stanley Davis Wilson (4)
Ms. Stephanie Grant Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Wilson (9)
Mr. Stephen Decatur Wilson (6)
Ms. Sylena K. Wilson
Mr.Ted M. Wilson
Ms.Tiffany Ann Wilson
Mrs.Traci Leighann Wilson
Mr.Vance V. Wilson (3)
Mr. Carl T. Wimmer
Mr. Fred C. Wimsatt
Mr. Jonathan C. Winburn
Dr. Jack T. Winchester
Mr. Sam L. Wingard (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Richard
Wininger (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt P. Winkenhofer
Col. David M. Winkler (3)
Mr. Steven Jay Winkler (9)
Mr. Jonathan M. Winn
Mr. Gary R. Winship (2)
Mrs. Janet Lee Winstead
Mrs. Ruth T. Winstead
Mrs. Lisa B. Winter (3)
Mr. James Knorr Wirsen (5)
Mr. Michael J. Wirth
Mrs. Debra A. Wise
Mr. Jackie Boone Wisman
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Wissing (8)
Mr.Timothy Allen Wissing (2)
Ms. Edna J. Witcher (2)
Ms. Patricia Lynn Witcher
Ms. Donna G. Witham
Mrs. Janice Kay Witherow (2)
Mr. James Vinson Withers (2)
Mrs. Jamie S. Withers (7)
Mr. Robert G. Withers
Mrs. Candace L. Witherspoon
Ms. Ruth A. Withgod (6)
Mr. John W. Withrow (2)
Mr. Edgar Witten
Mr. James W. Witty (6)
WKU Internat’l Affairs Office
Mr. Edwin A. Wolf, Jr. (4)
Mrs. Leslie Elizabeth Wolf (2)
Ms. Stacia Michelle Wolf
Mr. Maurice E. Wolfe
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Daniel Wolfe (3)
Ms. Sally H. Wolfe
Mr. Clarence Neal Wolff (2)
Ms. Lauren Wolff
Ms.Virginia P. Wollin (8)
Mr.Timmy Wolz
Dr. Roger L. Wonderlich (3)
Mrs. Cynthia Leigh Wood (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Billy D. Wood (6)
Mr. Emmett Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ray Wood (3)
Mr. Harrell E. Wood (10)
Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Scott Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Wood (15)
Ms. Mary Lou Wood
Mr. Paul David Wood (4)
Mr. Richard Eugene Wood, Jr.
Mr. Robert Steven Wood
Ms. Sara Hall Wood
Ms. Shaneka A. Wood
Mr. Stephen Bradshaw Wood
Mr. William M. Wood (2)
Mrs. Norma L. Woodall (2)
Mr. W. Rex Woodard
Ms. Sherry L. Wooden
Mrs. Mary G. Woodlee
Mrs. Claudia Berry Woodring
Mrs. Carol J. Woods (7)
Mr. Darrell Woods (6)
Mrs. Phyllis Woods
Mr.Tom Woods
Mrs. Wilma S. Woods
Ms. Jacqueline Woodward
Mr. Kyle David Woodward
Mrs. Margaret Anne Woodward (4)
Mrs. Marsha Fay Woodward
Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Todd Woodward
Mr. James Steven Woody
Mr. and Mrs. David V. Woody (3)
Mr. Donald E. Wooldridge (2)
Mrs. Mary Beth Wooldridge
Mrs.Violet S. Wooldridge
Mrs. Allison B. Woosley (3)
Mrs. Angela Denise Woosley (3)
Mr. James Reid Woosley (7)
Mr. Phillip David Woosley
Mrs.Tommie D. Woosley (6)
Mr. James R. Wooten
Ms. Kristie Lee Wooten
Mr. Richard B. Wootton (3)
Mrs. Connie Sue Worful
Mrs. Juanita Vance Working (4)
Mr. Ross Wayne Workman (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Worley
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Worley
Mr. Michael C. Wortham
Mr. and Mrs. John Wright (3)
Mr. Bradley K. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Earl Wright
Mr. Bruce Randolph Wright
Ms. Denise Renee Wright
Ms. Jessica Ann Wright
Mr. and Mrs. John Harrison Wright (2)
Mr. Phillip E. Wright
Mr. Rodney Wright (2)
Mrs. Sandra H. Wright
Ms.Teresa A. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. William Eugene Wright
Ms. Emily A. Writsel
Ms. Judy Writsel
Ms. Kathryn Ann-Marie Wulf
Mr. Daniel P. Wulff (2)
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Wurth
Mr. Danny S. Wyatt
Mr. David W. Wyatt
Ms. F. Ann Wyatt
Mr. John William Wyatt, Jr. (3)
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Wygal (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Randy L. Wyrick
Mr. Jeffrey Allen Ximenes
Mrs. Ruth L.Yaeger
Mr. and Mrs. J. A.Yager (3)
Ms. Jessica Marie Yager
Mr. Jay Arl Yale (17)
Ltc. Ronald Lee Yancey
Mrs. Sarah Hyde Yann
Mr. Michael Kim Yap
Mr.Tucker Yarberry
Dr. Frank L.Yarbrough (22)
Mr. James William Yarbrough (2)
Mr. Kevin Patrick Yaste
Mr. Steven Douglas Yater
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll F.Yates (14)
Mrs. Cecilia Ann Stultz Yates
Mrs. Constance J.Yates (2)
Ms. Dvonne Renee Yates
Mr. Hansford H.Yates (13)
Mr. and Mrs. James Edward Yates (5)
Mr. James Henry Yates
Mrs. Rita E.Yates
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Daniel Yates (2)
Mrs. Mary Wood Yeary (5)
Mr. and Mrs. John Yeates
Mr. and Mrs. James R.Yeiser (5)
Dr. Michael Fred Yeiser (5)
Dr. and Mrs. Stuart G.Yeoman (4)
Mrs. Deborah W.Yepsen (2)
Ms. Jean Eidson Yewell (4)
Mrs. Deborah Dearing Yoakem (9)
Mrs. Mildred C.Yochim (16)
Mr. Douglas Gene Yoeckel (10)
Hon. Brent Yonts
Mr. Joseph A.York
CPT Ken Cornell York
Mr. Mark York
Dr. and Mrs. Paul S.York, Jr.
Mr. Anthony Louis Yosa
Mr. Stephen W.Yosa (3)
Mrs. Bonnie J.Young
Mrs. Carmen Young (2)
Ms. Carolyn Daye Young (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R.Young
Ms. Donna G.Young
Mr. Eric Todd Young (5)
Mr. George C.Young, Jr.
Mr. James A.Young
Mr. Joe Vernon Young
Mrs. Karena Marie Pendley Young
Ms. Linda Lou Young (2)
Ms. Lisa Ann Young (6)
Mr. Lloyd D.Young (2)
Mrs. Martha M.Young (8)
Mr. Paschall Hancock Young, Jr.
Mr. R. David Young
Mr. Ralph Martin Young
Mr. and Mrs. Ray G.Young (5)
Mr. Raymond Odell Young
Mr. Richard A.Young
Mr. Robert E.Young
Ms. Sharon Lee Young (3)
Mrs. Shirley C.Young (5)
Mrs. Sue Young
Mrs.Virginia Ruth Young
Mrs. Angela Marie Zachary
Dr. Michael Zachek
Mr. and Mrs. Randell Lee Zachery
Ms. Ruth Ellen Zachery
Mr. Matthew S. Zachmann
Mr.Ted A. Zaehringer
Ms. Betty E. Zahler
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley F. Zale (18)
Mr. Nicholas Zannikos
Mrs. Dorothy Ann Zavala (2)
Mr. Matthew W. Zavala
Ms. Amy Zehm
Mrs. Faye G. Zeigler
Mr. Joseph C. Zeitz (6)
Mr. Bertrand Louis Zeller (3)
Mr. Brian T. Zepf
Mr. Charles Zettlemoyer (6)
Ms.Yunfan Zhang
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan D. Ziliak (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Zimmer (9)
Mrs. Elaine E. Zimmer
Mrs. Robin Huddleston Zimmer
Ms. Barbara Sharp Zimmerman (3)
Mrs. Carol Zimmerman (4)
Mr. Howard Elliott Zimmerman
Ms. Judith Zimmerman
Col. Stanley G. Zimmerman
Ms. Nancy Zipfel
Mr. Christopher J. Zirkelbach
Mr. Stephen Michael Znaiden (9)
Mr. Gregory Zoeller (8)
Mr. Randolph Zoerb (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wayne Zoglmann (8)
Mrs. Kristi Allen Zoller
Mr. John M. Zomchek (10)
Mr. Michael Andrew Zoretic
Mrs. Lucy Ellen Zornes
Ms. Patricia M. Zryd (3)
Mrs. Jeanne G. Zschunke
Mr. Brad Guy Zuber (3)
Mrs. Janet H. Zucchi (9)
Mr. Nathan Zukowski
Dr. Patricia Ann Zulkosky (4)
WKU Receives Gift for Healthcare Scholarships from Norton Healthcare
• Norton Healthcare of Louisville, Ky., has
made a gift of $240,000 to create the Norton
Healthcare Scholars Program, a scholarship
fund for students enrolled in Medical
Technology, Healthcare Information Systems,
Respiratory Care, Pre-Pharmacy, and both the
associate’s and bachelor’s degree Nursing
• The students awarded these scholarships
must agree to return to Norton Healthcare to
work for the number of years they receive the
scholarship after they receive their degrees.
Students who receive the scholarships will be
guaranteed jobs with Norton Healthcare
when they complete their degree programs
and meet all state and system requirements
for their field.
“Norton Healthcare has a long-standing interest in working to provide educational opportunities for students who want to enter the
health care field.
Western Kentucky
University is an exceptional school, and
Norton Healthcare is pleased to enter into
this new partnership.”
Stephen A.Williams
President and chief executive officer,
Norton Healthcare
Chapter Events
Warren County Alumni Chapter
Fall Luncheon
Thursday, September 18, 2003
11:30 a.m.
Mariah’s in Downtown
Bowling Green
Central Alabama Alumni Chapter
Pre-game Hilltopper
Pep Rally &
Saturday, September 27, 2003
Auburn, Alabama
Greater Nashville Alumni Chapter
Topper Tuesday
October 7, 2003
5:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Location TBA
Barren County Alumni Chapter
Toys for Toppers
December 2003
Help a child have a Merry
Christmas this year! Take a toy
to the Barren County Salvation
Army and receive a free ticket
to a Hilltopper basketball game.
Warren County Alumni Chapter
Chapter Night and
Tailgating Party
October 11, 2003
Central KY Alumni Chapter
Day at the
Races ~ Keeneland
Saturday, October 18, 2003
11:30 am EDT Lexington Room
opens 1:15 pm EDT Race Time
WKU Alumni and
Alumni Employers
Greater Nashville Alumni Chapter
Big Red Rally
Thursday, December 4, 2003
4:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Rippy’s Smokin’ Bar and Grill
Downtown Nashville
After the rally…
WKU vs. University of Louisville
9:00 p.m.
Gaylord Arena
You are invited to attend
or recruit candidates at
WKU Career Expo 2003
Wednesday, October 22, 2003
1 - 5 p.m.
Carroll Knicely
Conference Center
2355 Nashville Road,
Bowling Green, KY
100+ employers, school systems and
graduate schools expected
Contact WKU Career Services
Center, 270.745.3095
____ WKU Afghan
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____ WKU Memorabilia Print
$10 + $4 S&H
Big Red Lapel Pin
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$30 + $3 S&H
$15 + $2 S&H
____ Glasses (set of 4)
$15 + $5 S&H
____ WKU Notecards (set of 16)
$10 + $2 S&H
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Method of Payment
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# ___________________________ Exp. ____
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Mail form to:
WKU Alumni Relations and Annual Giving
1 Big Red Way
Bowling Green, KY 42101
Or call toll free 1-888-958-2586
Alumni Fall 2003
Three new members will be inducted into Western Kentucky University’s
Hall of Distinguished Alumni during Homecoming this fall.
The three - longtime football coach Jimmy Feix, former journalism department head David B. Whitaker
and cancer researcher Dr. Dorris Hutchison – will comprise the 12th class of noted alumni. They will be
inducted during a formal luncheon on Friday, October 31 at 11:30 a.m. at the Sloan Convention Center.
For ticket information, contact the WKU Alumni Association at 1-888-WKU-ALUM.
A Henderson native, James W. Feix has been a fixture at
Western since arriving on the Hill in 1949. He has been an
athlete, administrator, alumni director and ambassador for the
As a quarterback, he became the first Hilltopper ever
honored as an All-American in football in 1952. He was
named to the All-Ohio Valley Conference team in
1951 and 1952 and was named to the conference’s all-time team in 1988.
As a senior in 1952, Feix guided the
Toppers to the school’s first OVC football championship with a 9-1 record
and the school’s first bowl game
appearance (a 34-19 win over
Arkansas State in the Refrigerator
Bowl at Evansville, Ind.).
That season Feix led the nation’s
college quarterbacks with a 63.1 percent completion percentage, complet-
ing 111 of 176 passes for 1,581 yards and 15 touchdowns. He
was drafted by the NFL’s New York Giants, but an injury in the
1953 preseason forced him to give up football and led to a
four-year stint in the Air Force.
Feix, who returned to the Hill as an assistant football
coach in 1957, served as head coach from 1968-83
and is the winningest football coach in WKU history. His teams went 106-56-6, won or shared
six OVC championships and were national
runners-up in NCAA Division II in 1973
and 1975. Feix was named OVC coach
of the year in 1973, 1978 and 1980.
He retired from coaching after the
1983 season and spent two years in
Alumni Affairs before taking over as
athletic director from 1986-91. Feix
is a charter member of the WKU
Athletic Hall of Fame and the field at
L.T. Smith Stadium was named in his
honor in 1991.
Feix and his wife, Frankie, live in
Bowling Green and have two children,
Jimmy and Jeff.
Western Kentucky University
Dr. Dorris J. Hutchison, a 1940 honor
graduate, has had a distinguished career as
a scientist and medical researcher at the
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
in New York and as a professor at Cornell
A native of Carrsville in Livingston
County, Hutchison served as a lab assistant for
Dr. L.Y. Lancaster while completing her undergraduate degree at Western. She received her
master’s degree at the University of Kentucky in
1943 and her doctorate at Rutgers University in 1949.
She also has held positions at Russell Sage College
in Troy, N.Y., Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, N.Y., and
Wellesley College in Wellesley, Mass.
A microbiologist and educator, Hutchison began her
career at the Sloan-Kettering Institute for Cancer Research in
1951 and held several faculty positions at the Sloan-Kettering
Division, Graduate School of Medical Sciences at Cornell,
including associate dean from 1978-87.
Known as “Boss,” David Bickers
Whitaker laid the foundation for
Western’s professional and nationally
recognized journalism program.
Whitaker was head of the
journalism department from its
inception in 1977 until his retirement from the position in 1987
and was director of Student
Publications (College Heights
Herald and Talisman) from 1970
to 1987.
Whitaker, a
County native, came to the Hill in
1941 and was majoring in English
and economics when World War II
interrupted his education. He served
as Herald editor in the 1942-43 school
year and again in 1947-48 after returning
from active duty with the U.S. Marine Corps.
(He later served again in the Korean War.)
Whitaker began his newspaper career as editor of the
Daily Kentuckian. He then went to work for the Daily News
where he served as city editor from 1948-51.
Alumni Fall 2003
She has written more than 130
chemotherapy, treatment of
tuberculosis and leukemia, and
other cancer-related topics.
She is included in “Who’s
Who in America,” “American
Men and Women of Science”
and “Who’s Who of American
Women.” She was the L.Y.
Lancaster lecturer at Western
Kentucky University in 1988 and
has been president of the New
York Society of Kentucky Women
since 1988.
Other awards and honors
include the Bronze Medal Award from the
American Cancer Society,Westchester Division,
in 1984; Philippe Foundation Fellowship in 1959; and Vassar
College Faculty Fellowship in 1946.
Her accomplishments were recognized in the form of the
Dr. Dorris J. Hutchison Graduate Fellowship at the Graduate
School of Medical Science at Cornell University.
Hutchison is single and lives in Bronxville, N.Y.
In 1953, Whitaker became a sports writer
for The Courier-Journal in Louisville and
worked in the sports department for 12
years. In 1965, he moved to The Louisville
Times as a copy editor.
Whitaker returned to the Hill in
1970 as associate professor of journalism
and director of Student Publications.
When the journalism department was
created in 1977, Whitaker’s vision was a
professional program with real-world applications and national accreditation.
Whitaker, who received his bachelor’s
(1948) and master’s (1949) from Western, was
named outstanding WKU professor in 1978 by Phi Eta
Sigma and was inducted into the Kentucky Journalism Hall
of Fame in 1986.
Whitaker and his wife, Kay, who died in 1982, have three
children, Jane, Julie and David.
Remember and Celebrate
By Sue Lynn Stone, University Archivist
When you hear “Homecoming,” what scenes
come to mind? Parades? Football games?
Dances? In 1927, President H. H. Cherry
established an annual Homecoming Day to
advance the institution by bringing its
alumni together to renew old friendships and exchange experiences.
By 1930, bonfires and parades
became a part of the festivities. A
special Homecoming Chapel,
begun in 1932, was central to the
events until 1962. By 1936, a
dance joined the list of events.
Shadow Hops were a Saturday
night favorite in the early 1950s.
By the 1970s, students could
attend a Saturday night concert,
enjoying big name performers such
as Ike and Tina, the Beach Boys, Jerry
Lee, and Bo Diddley.
The festivities included our first
Homecoming queen and fireworks at the
pep rally in 1949. Adding our new mascot to
the pep rally in the 1980s, “Big Red’s Roar” was
held at Smith Stadium or the site of the old stadium;
Alumni Fall 2003
except in 1984 when students experienced indoor
fireworks in Diddle Arena.
In 1989, the University departments and
social organizations joined in the Festival of
Friends with tents on the south lawn of
Downing University Center. Alumni
and students tailgated as never before
on campus.The 1998 Big Red Street
Fest with floats along Big Red Way
was the forerunner for the return
of the parade (absent since 1989)
in 2001.
Although most activities
are open to all Western friends
and alumni, some events have a
very special place in the heart of
smaller portions of the University
community. Many alumni would not
miss the College Heights Herald
breakfast, the W Club brunch, the Step
Show, or the Music Department’s concert. Through the years, Western has celebrated Homecoming in a variety of ways, but
Dr. Cherry’s goal is actualized each year as we
gather to remember and celebrate!
2003 WKU Football Schedule
Union - Win 51-3
West Virginia
Tech - Win 67-3
Missouri St
at Illinois State
at Indiana State
Eastern Kentucky
Southern Illinois
at Auburn
Northeren Iowa
at Western Illinois
at Youngstown State
Home Games in Bold
Western Kentucky University Homecoming
For general Homecoming information, call the
Office of Alumni Relations and Annual Giving
at 270.745.4395 or 1.888.WKU.ALUM.
Glasgow Tailgating Party
Glasgow Regional Center
6:00 – 7:30 p.m.
Co-sponsored by WKU’s Barren County
Alumni Chapter and the WKU Glasgow
Campus. Hear from Head Football Coach
David Elson, the WKU cheerleaders, and local
bands as Glasgow prepares to kick off
Homecoming Week with a bang! For more
information, contact Bryan Baysinger at
Chili and Cheese
Luncheon and Pep Rally
State Street Presbyterian Church
11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Sponsored by Junior Achievement of South
Central Kentucky and WKU’s Warren County
Alumni Chapter WKU Football players, cheerleaders, and Topperettes will join Coach David
Elson for an exciting afternoon that is sure to
elevate Topper excitement among the more
than 300 who attend. Tickets are $5 each and
may be reserved by calling 270.745.4395
or 270.782.0280. Tickets will also be sold
at the door.
5th Annual Summit Awards
A Campus Costume Party
WKU Campus
Faculty, staff, and students can dress up for
Halloween too! Prizes will be awarded for
the most creative costumes.
Knicely Institute for Economic Development
5:30 p.m. Social, 6:00 p.m. Program
Western Kentucky University honors its outstanding volunteers at this recognition and
awards ceremony.
Western Kentucky University
The 2003 Homecoming Parade will begin at the SKyPac parking lot and proceed down Big Red Way with culmination at
the Big Red Street Fest. For information regarding parade
entries, contact Jarrett Brown at 270.781.4664.
Sigma Chi Fraternity Golf Scramble
Wachovia Securities Big Red Street Fest
Crosswinds Golf Course
9:30 a.m.
Contact Randy Bracey at 270.842.4258
or Tony Rhoades at 270.781.3737.
WKU Campus – DUC South Lawn
6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Hosted by the Warren County Alumni Chapter and Junior
Achievement of South Central Kentucky. A true Halloween
event…what a way to start Homecoming Weekend! This
FREE event has something for everyone in the family. From
food and games to trick or treating on the South Lawn to
children’s costume contests, there’s no better or safer place
to spend your Halloween!
Hall of Distinguished Alumni
Luncheon and Induction
Sloan Convention Center
11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Sponsored by the WKU Alumni Association
Make plans to attend this celebration of
the highest honor WKU bestows upon
its alumni. See pages 62-63 of this
magazine for more information on
the inductees.
“Big Red’s Haunted Hill”
WKU Campus
5:30 p.m.
Sponsored by the Warren County
Alumni Chapter
Football Reunion Tent
Downing University Center
South Lawn
6:30 p.m.
Meet your 2002 Division 1-AA
National Champion team, plus
Hilltopper favorites of the past!
Special reunion teams will include
the 1963, 1973, and 1988 football
For more information,
contact the football office at
Society of African American
Garvin House
10:00 p.m. - ?
For more information contact the alumni
Association at 270.745.4395.
Homecoming Day!
Phi Delta Theta Reception
Location TBA
7:00 p.m.
For more information, contact Charley Pride
at 270.745.2459.
Public Relations Student Society
of America Masquerade Ball
We are organizing an
alumni band to perform
in the stands during
Homecoming pre-game
and halftime festivities.
Rehearsal will be
Homecoming Day.
Interested band alumni
may contact Director of
Bands John Carmichael at
270.745.5893, Big Red
Marching Band Director
Jeffrey Steiner at
270.745.4024 or send an
email to
52nd Annual College
Heights Herald Breakfast
Garrett Center Ballroom
9:00 a.m.
For information, any former Herald or
Talisman staff member should contact Jo Ann
Thompson at 270.745.6285.
Help celebrate the 30th anniversary of
Western’s Public Relations Program at a
masquerade ball. For information, contact
Wilma King-Jones at 270.745.6497.
Sigma Chi Fraternity
Alumni Brunch
Seventh Annual School of
Journalism and Broadcasting
Awards Dinner
Alumni Leaders Scholars
20 Year Reunion
Media and Technology Hall – J & B Gallery
6:00 p.m.
Outstanding practitioners in Kentucky and
surrounding states will be honored.
For more information, call 270.745.4143.
Big Red’s Roar
WKU Campus – Colonnade
8:00 p.m.
Featuring the 2003 Hilltopper Football team as
well as Coach David Elson, Big Red, the Big
Red Marching Band, Cheerleaders,
Topperettes, and Homecoming Queen
candidates! Everyone is welcome to join in
this roaring campus tribute to Homecoming
WKU Ghost Tour
Begins at Van Meter Hall
Tour #1 – 10:00 p.m.
Tour #2 – 11:30 p.m.
Come join us and learn the true meaning of
“Big Red’s Haunted Hill.” Tour will begin on
the steps of Van Meter Hall at 10:00 p.m. and
again at 11:30 p.m. For information, contact
Tamela Williams Maxwell at 270.745.5523.
Ellis Place – 700 State Street
9:30 a.m.
Craig Alumni Center
10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Contact the Alumni Association
at 888.WKU.ALUM for more information.
Phi Eta Sigma National Honor
Society Induction Ceremony
Van Meter Hall
10:00 a.m.
For more information, contact Sheri Henson
at 270.745.5382.
Residence Hall Open Houses
10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Stop by your former residence hall to see how
things have changed!
Phi Mu Alumni Brunch
Phi Mu House
10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
For more information, contact
at 270.836.4583.
Phi Delta Theta Business Meeting
Location TBA
11:00 a.m.
For more information, contact Charley Pride at 270.745.2459.
Alumni W-Club Athletic
Hall of Fame and Brunch
Sigma Chi Fraternity Open House
Sigma Chi Chapter House – 1215 College Street
11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Knicely Institute for Economic Development
11:00 a.m.
Calling all W-Club letterwinners as we induct new members
into Western’s Athletic Hall of Fame! For more information,
call 270.745.3542.
Advertising Alumni Luncheon
10th Annual Homecoming Brunch for
Alumni, Spouses and Friends of the
Gordon Ford College of Business
Housing and Residence
Life Homecoming Tent
Grise Hall Lawn
11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Make plans now to attend this event that celebrates the
success of the Gordon Ford College of Business. Van
transportation will be available from Western’s Campbell
Lane lot to Grise Hall beginning at 10:30 a.m. and running
every 30 minutes. For more information, contact Paula
Newby at 800.375.6893.
Consumer and Family Sciences
Department and Home Economics Alumni
Association Homecoming Luncheon and
Silent Auction
Academic Complex Room 213
11:00 a.m.
Registration and silent auction will begin at 11:00 a.m., with
lunch being served at 11:30 a.m. For information, contact
Lauri Warden at 270.745.4352.
Kappa Delta Alumni Homecoming Brunch
Kappa Delta House, 1600 Chestnut Street
11:00 a.m.
RSVP via e-mail to
Alpha Delta Pi Open House
1670 Normal Drive
11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Alumni Fall 2003
Mariah’s Restaurant, 812 State Street
12:00 p.m.
To RSVP, contact Cliff Shaluta at 270.745.5833 or
12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Reunite with current and former staff members under the
Housing and Residence Life Tent. For information, call
Program of Dental Hygiene
Location and Time TBA
Donna Radjenovich, from Dentsply International, will be
offering a three credit hour course entitled “Moving Forward
with Ultrasonics.” For information, call 270.745.2427.
Department of Agriculture
Alumni Luncheon
Broadcasting Program
Reunion Cookout
Garrett Conference Center Ballroom
12:30 p.m.
For more information, contact Jenks Britt
at 270.745.3151.
Front of Media and Technology Hall
1:00 p.m.
All alumni are encouraged to attend.
Contact Steve White at 270.745.5891 for
more information.
Geography and Geology
Departmental Tour
(including the new GIS labs and
Centers for Applied Research)
EST Building 3rd Floor
1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Sigma Kappa Reunion
For more information, contact Melanie Shy
Plans are being made for
a Campus Activity Board /
University Center Board
Executive Chairman /
Executive Vice-Chairman
reunion. For information,
contact Scott Taylor at
270.745.2459. If you have
not updated your address
with the Alumni
Association, please do so
we have a correct address
to send the invitation.
Downing University Center South Lawn
1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Don’t miss your chance to celebrate
Homecoming 2003 with old friends as you prep
for the WKU vs. Southern Illinois game while
enjoying music from the Lonesome Road
Travelers! The Festival features rows of tents
representing the Colleges, Departments, Student
Organizations,Alumni Groups, and more!
Society of African American
Alumni Tent
1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Come by the tailgating area to find out how
the Society is shaping the future of WKU.
Geography and Geology
Homecoming Tailgating Tent
2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
For more information, contact David Keeling at
ROTC Alumni Homecoming Tent
2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Visit the camouflage-covered Army tent near
Preston Center. For more information,
contact Connie Colter at 270.745.4294.
Music Alumni Reception
Men’s Basketball
Homecoming Tent
Fine Arts Center Gallery
2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
For more information, contact Mitzi Groom at
1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
All fans are welcome! For more information,
contact Andy Allison at 270.745.2131.
The WKU Outlet Reception for
GLBT alumni and students
Lady Topper Basketball
Homecoming Tent
1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
All fans are welcome! For more information,
contact Katie Wulf at 270.745.6831.
McCormack Hall office suite 100-B
2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
The Outlet strives to supply educational
resources on gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender issues. For more information, e-mail or call 270.745.6852.
Step Show
8:00 p.m.
Diddle Arena
Sponsored by the National Pan-Hellenic Council
After the game, join the thousands to see step performances
that will astound and dazzle you! For more information,
contact the Office of Diversity Programs at 270.745.5066.
Society of African American Alumni
Alumni Dance
Hilltoppers vs. Southern Illinois
plus singing of the National Anthem by Grammy
Award Winning Artist Larnelle Harris and the Big
Red Marching Band
L.T. Smith Stadium
4:00 p.m.
Get your tickets now to see the Hilltoppers take on Southern
Illinois. Cheer the Toppers on to victory while celebrating
Homecoming with the crowning of the Queen and other
exciting Homecoming “extras.”
Ramada Inn
10:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m.
Reunite with old friends and celebrate Alpha Kappa Alpha
Sorority’s 35th Anniversary. For more information,
contact the Alumni Association at 888.WKU.ALUM.
Harris (‘69)
Van Meter Auditorium
11:00 a.m.
Grammy Award winning vocalist Larnelle
Harris will bring
down the house at
this worship service
that welcomes people of all faiths.
The Seventh Annual Jim Wayne Miller
Celebration of Writing Featuring Frank and
Peg Steele in a poetry reading
4th Annual Department of Communication
Alumni and Friends Dinner
Bowling Green Country Club
6:30 p.m.
Contact Donna Kirwan at 270.745.5880 for more information.
Sigma Chi Fraternity Alumni
Dinner and Dance
Ellis Place – 700 State Street
7:00 p.m. to Midnight
Alumni Fall 2003
Garrett Conference
Center 103
2:00 to 2:45 p.m.
Sponsored by Potter College Dean’s Office and the Creative
Writing Committee. The winners of the Jim Wayne Miller
poetry-writing contest will be announced. For additional
information, contact Mary Ellen Miller 270.745.5721.
WKU Choir and Symphonic Band Concert
Van Meter Auditorium
3:00 p.m.
Don’t leave campus without hearing the harmonious
sounds of the WKU Choir and Symphonic Band. For more
information, call 270.745.3751.
\Ç `xÅÉÜ|tÅ
In Memory, we pay tribute to our alumni and friends who have passed away during the past year.
Our thoughts are with the friends and family.
Ms. Mabel Webb Alford
Ms. Osa Lee Follis
Mrs. Alice M. McReynolds ’73, ’74
Mr. Robert G. Allen
Dr. B.C. Fuller
Mr. James Thomas Miller ’49
Mr.Walter L. Apperson ‘55
Mr. Dee Gibson, Jr. ‘48, ’68
Mr. Michael Garrett Miller
Mr. Douglas Graham Atwell ‘61
Mr. Lofton Greene ‘40
Mrs. Jeannie W. Nichols ’54
Mr.Richard Allen Bedwell ‘69,‘72,‘82
Ms. Sharon Greer ’76
Mr.Wesley A. Nicks ’53
Dr. Phillip Edward Binzel, Jr. ’50
Ms. Patricia “Pat” Guinn
Ms. Esther N. Oates ‘40
Ms. Mary Hardin “Jackie” Blais
Ms. Grace Hardin ’50
Mr. Jo T. Orendorf ‘62
Lt. James Wallis Bouldin ‘91
Mr.William P. Hatcher ’48, ’55
Mr. Frank Perkins
Mr. Darrell G. Bratcher ‘65
Mr. Cecil P. Haven ’39, ’50, ‘53
Mr. Jerry M. Perry ‘67
Mrs. Ruth J. Brodsky ‘47
Dr. Robert Scott Havener ‘90
Mrs. Patsy S. Poindexter ’59, ’96
Mr. Henry Brosche
Mr. Howard Stanley Head ’59
Mr.Wallace E. Price ’57
Ms. Emma W. Bybee ‘51
Mr. Charles W. Hicklin ‘64
Mrs. Robert Reecer ‘27
Mrs. Omega Cain ’37
Ms. Brenda A. High ‘72
Mrs. Leta Ellis Richardson ’69
Ms. Geneva Carpenter
Mr. James Donald Hilliard
Mr. Kenny Rowan, Jr. ‘02
Dr.William O. Carson ‘28
Ms. Harriette S. Hines
Ms. Jasper Schlinker ‘51
Mrs. Sybil E. Clark ‘69
Ms. Laura Ann Hortin ‘81
Mr. Gary G. Shelton ’70
Rev. James V. Coleman ‘47
Ms. Ruby “Judy” Taylor Howard
Mrs. Jane Neeley Snow ’44, ’51
Mrs. Edith O. Curry ‘54
Dr. Richard Stevenson Hunt ’73
Ms. Flossie M. Stahl
Mrs. Patricia Ann Curtsinger ‘63
Mr. Opal Wells Johnson ‘33
Mrs. Emma Lou Stockton ‘53
Ms.Wanda Goodman Defew ‘90
Mr.William Larry Johnson ’83
Ms. Ashley Stratton
Mrs. Peggy Jones Doege ’71
Mr. Gerald “Evan” Jones ‘01
Dr. Samuel W.Tinsley ’44
Mr. Steven M. Donisi
Dr. Glenn Kendall ‘25
Mr. John R.Vail
Ms. Katherine B. Drake
Mrs. Alberta Kessinger
Ms. Lyda B.Vaughn ’39
Mr. James Martin Durham ‘80
Ms. Marguerite Lewis ‘49
Mr.Willis M.Ward ‘39
Ms. Ruth H. Duvall ’52
Mr. Harold Julian Lovan ’69
Ms. Lilyan G.Warrener ’33
Ms. Iva D. Elmore
Mr. Joe Maresca
Mr. Richard White ‘54
Mrs. Opal H. Emberton ’60
Mrs.May Evelyn McClellan ’60,’64
Dr. Earl Williams
Mr. Douglas E. Fitzpatrick
Mr.Theodis “Trey” McMiller
Mr. David Witten ‘80
Western Kentucky University
Make a difference in a student’s life.
Make a difference in yours.
In 1982, Dr.Tate C. Page and his wife,
Wanda Mayfield Page, created scholarship funds that are now known as
the Page Family Scholarship Fund.
Rachel Hamilton, a junior from
Hillsboro, Ohio, is the recipient
of the scholarship. Recently,
Mrs. Page created a Charitable
Remainder Unitrust (CRUT) to
enhance the fund. Her decision to
make this planned gift to WKU has
three important benefits: provides
scholarships for Rachel and other
students pursuing degrees at Western,
pays tribute to the Page family and, allows
Mrs. Page to receive income throughout
her lifetime.
To learn more about making a scholarship gift or creating
a CRUT or another planned gift, contact John Paul Blair
or Alex Downing in our Planned Giving office at
“This scholarship has enabled me to get
the education that I need to become an
elementary teacher. Thank you, Mrs.
Page, for your generosity and support.”
Rachel Hamilton, Class of 2005,
recipient of the Page
Family Scholarship
WKU Alumni Association
1 Big Red Way
Bowling Green, KY 42101-3576
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ALUMNI magazine goes
with you! Clip the
address label above,
write in your new
address adjacent to the
label and mailto: WKU
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Bowling Green, KY
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