Untitled - Marjin Kiri
Untitled - Marjin Kiri
10 years of publishing. Founded in 2005, marjin kiri (which literally means “le margin”) is an independent publisher dedicated to fostering critical/leist thinking within the academia and general readers. in the midst of increasingly commercial publishing world, marjin kiri was known for publishing titles or themes that were overlooked by mainstream publishers, and it has gained considerable reviews from the indonesian press and readers for the quality of its books. marjin kiri mostly publishes on humanities and social theory, politicaleconomy, history, cultural studies, ecology, and literature. editorial oFFice : regensi melati mas a9/10 Serpong, tangerang Selatan indonesia 15323 redaksi@marjinkiri.com +61 813 85 31 91 31 www. marjinkiri . com marjin kiri @marjinkiri Many thanks to Ninus D. Andarnuswari for translating this catalogue. And to our colleagues, friends, authors, translators and readers for supporting us this far. This catalogue and many of our books were designed and produced by tinta creative production. For information, please contact: tintacreativep@gmail.com. history / indonesian studies Sexual Slavery Comparisons between Fascism of the Japanese Occupation Era and Neo-Fascism of the New Order ANNA MARIANA Mass violence toward women repeatedly takes place in every crisis and transitional period of Indonesian political history, i.e. the Japanese occupation era (1942-1945), the New Order’s consolidation period after 1965 and the fall of the regime in 1998. original title: Perbudakan Seksual: Perbandingan Antara Masa Fasisme Jepang dan Neo-Fasisme Orde Baru February 2015 ISBN 978-979-1260-40-4 xiv + 180 pp. ; 140 x 203 mm; US$5.20 World rights ANNA MARIANA (1982) is a researcher at etnohistori.org, an online journal on anthropology and history, and a fellow researcher at Sajogyo Institute. This book discusses the violence perpetrated during the Japanese occupation era and the beginning of the New Order —violence that can only be termed “sexual slavery” because it happened in continuous, systemic and repetitive ways. Provided with interviews and quotes from the survivors (both those who were enslaved as jugun ianfu during the Japanese era and women political prisoners who were abused after the anti-communist purge of 1965-1966), this book would like to answer: What kind of social-political and cultural situations that allowed these practices of violence? It gives a major challenge on how the state viewed and dealt with these unresolved issues. “Daringly put the label ‘fascism’ to the New Order regime [...] With a lot of stories and analysis, [this book] helps us to understand the physical sufferings of the subjugated Indonesian women.” — Ekspresi 1 2 history / indonesian studies / cultural studies Cultural Violence How the New Order Legitimized Anti-Communism through Literature and Film WIJAYA HERLAMBANG The persistence of anti-communism in Indonesia was not only a result of years of political campaigning by Soeharto’s New Order regime, but also of cultural aggression against communism, particularly through the justification of the violence against the alleged communist members in 1965-1966. original title: Kekerasan Budaya Pasca 1965: Bagaimana Orde Baru Melegitimasi Anti-Komunisme Melalui Sastra dan Film March 2015 (first published in November 2013) ISBN 978-979-1260-43-5 xiv + 334 pp. ; 140 x 203 mm; US$8.70 World rights An English version of the book has been published as Cultural Violence: Its Practice and Challenge in Indonesia By discussing how the New Order and its cultural agents utilised cultural products –literary works, school textbooks and films—in legitimating violence against communists, this book attempts to explore the ways in which the 1965-1966 massacre was normalised. A sensational and controversial bestseller upon its release, this book reveals the previously unknown ties between Indonesian literary giants like Goenawan Mohamad and Mochtar Lubis with CIA-backed Congress for Cultural Freedom and its agents in Asia. It also analyses the resistance of contemporary cultural organizations in Indonesia against the anti-communist legacies of the New Order. WIJAYA HERLAMBANG (1974) teaches literature at Gunadarma University. He is also a researcher and member of the International Steering Commitee for the International People's Tribunal (IPT) 1965. Photo: A bookstore allegedly owned by a communist symphatizer was destroyed by anti-communist mob (BBC/Getty Images) history / indonesian studies / cultural studies A controversiAl bestseller... “When normality is built atop mass graves, and secured by terror and lies, a moral vacuum is inevitable. Wijaya Herlambang brilliantly analyses both the historical development and discursive dynamics of this vacuum.” — Joshua Oppenheimer, director of the awardwinning documentaries The Act of Killing and The Look of Silence “... Herlambang introduces a fresh discussion to the subject along with critical engagement of historical sources ... an important contribution for a younger generation of Indonesians, trying to understand the development of modern Indonesian culture.” — Social Transformations: Journal of the Global South “Confirming with an empirical research what was used to be a rumour within literary scene.” — The GeoTimes “[The author] has been in the local literary spotlight after his book was published in late last year ... Many agree with the book; not a few reject it.” — The Jakarta Post “A dense read ... the book’s value is the important questions it raises about how literature and film were used to promote a preferred history.” — Forbes Indonesia 3 4 history / indonesian studies / cultural studies Criss-crossing Relations between Indonesia and Europe Dictator, Music and Language JOSS WIBISONO with a preface by Bre Redana original title: Saling Silang IndonesiaEropa: Dari Diktator, Musik, hingga Bahasa September 2012 ISBN 978-979-1260-16-9 xiv + 228 pp. ; 140 x 203 mm; US$5.50 World rights Indonesian history cannot be excluded from world history as a whole. With that premise, Joss Wibisono explains the nearly forgotten aspects of the relationship between Indonesia and Europe, among others the influence of gamelan (Javanese orchestra) on Western classical music, the absorption of Indonesian vocabularies by the Dutch and, especially, the notion that the New Order’s dictatorship has its origins in European fascism which was introduced during the colonial time. Entertaining without losing its depth, this book is an important contribution to the Indonesian historiography and gives new insights into East-West relations to a larger audience. “Joss’ essays clearly place Indonesian history in the realm of world history.” — Suara Merdeka JOSS WIBISONO (1959) is a former Visiting Research Fellow at The Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS), Kyoto University. For 25 years until 2012, he was journalist, editor and senior editor at the Indonesian Service of Radio Netherlands Worldwide in Hilversum. “Joss Wibisono expressed his ideas light heartedly without reducing the complexities of the issues, and rich in the sense that it brings the readers to critical imagination about the offshoots of what is usually called Indonesian nationalism.” — Literasi, Journal of Humanities sociology / indonesian studies Social Changes in Balinese Villages Duality, Local Democracy and the Revivalism of Tradition DADDI H. GUNAWAN with a preface by Robert M.Z. Lawang The colonial construction of Bali as “a harmonious Island of Gods” is so enduring dan pervasive that we often forget how the history and social dynamics of Bali is full of tensions, clashes, conflicts and changes. original title: Perubahan Sosial di Pedesaan Bali: Dualitas, Kebangkitan Adat, dan Demokrasi Lokal December 2014 ISBN 978-979-1260-37-4 xxii + 367 pp. ; 140 x 203 mm; US$8.30 World rights Based on the author’s extensive research in an indigenous Balinese village, this book shows how a village life is inextricably linked to the external influences around it. The ideas about democracy and political openness that swept all over Indonesia after the fall of authoritarian regime in 1998 gave rise to the revivalism of tradition. But in contrast to the commonly held belief that sees tradition as “feudal” and “conservative,” this revivalism grew together with the new practices of local democracy. Using critical sociology, this book offers an astute criticism toward assumptions and concepts underlying development projects in Indonesia. DADDI H. GUNAWAN (1962) had been active in journalism and civil society movement since 1985. He taught sociology at University of Indonesia, and in 2014, received “Satya Lencana Wira Karya” award from the President of the Republic of Indonesia. “Rich of informations—readers will directly feel it from the first page [...] give an interesting answer about social changes that swept across Bali.” — Gatra 5 6 history / indonesian studies Spying the Movement Political Intelligence Service of the Dutch Indies, 1916-1934 ALLAN AKBAR with a preface by Harry A. Poeze The era of Indonesian Nationalist Movement –known as The Age of Motion— was boisterous; nationalist organizations founded, rallies and meetings held, worker’s strikes organized and peasants rebelled. To muffle them, the colonial government created the Political Intelligence Service (Politieke Inlichtingendienst and Algemeene Recherche Dienst), tasked with spying on and deter revolutionary actions. original title: Memata-matai Kaum Pergerakan: Dinas Intelijen Politik Hindia Belanda 1916-1934 March 2013 ISBN 978-979-1260-20-6 xx + 117 pp. ; 140 x 203 mm; US$4.50 World rights Probing into hard-to-access sources, this book reviews the hustles of this service and Indonesian nationalists’ response to it, providing exciting stories as in espionage fiction. “Very important to read, especially by state officials, military, police and intelligence analysts.” — Kedaulatan Rakyat “Allan Akbar is the first Indonesian to write solidly about Political Intelligence Service in the Dutch Indies, considering that the sources are difficult to get and probably were already destroyed.” — Kompas ALLAN AKBAR (1989) studied history at University of Indonesia. Now an editor at online history-and-culture magazine Loka (loka-majalah.com) history / indonesian studies / urban studies 7 Taking Over City Space The Actions of the Urban Poor of Surabaya, 1900-1960s PURNAWAN BASUNDORO re ci pi en ts Although Indonesian of Book incentive cities had been grows programme by Ministry of ing since the beginning research, technology, and Higher of the 20th century, the education urban poor were largely overlooked in the Indo nesian historiography which gave more emphasis on rural classes and peasant’s rebellions. original title: Merebut Ruang Kota: Aksi Rakyat Miskin Kota Surabaya 1900-1960an May 2013 ISBN 978-979-1260-22-0 xiv + 338 pp. ; 140 x 203 mm; US$7.50 World rights This book analyses the dynamics of the urban poor in Surabaya –provincial capital of East Java and Indonesia's second largest city—to fight for their rights of living spaces in the city, from colonial era until post-independence period. The conflict over space loomed from time to time between newcomers and local residents, among the newcomers themselves, between the poor and the state apparatus and also between the poor and other groups. This groundbreaking study will be a great interest for history and urban studies enthusiasts everywhere. “This study proves that the driving force behind a historical change is not always the ruling class.” — Kompas PURNAWAN BASUNDORO (1971) teaches history at Airlangga University, Surabaya. With Freek Colombijn, he co-edited Old Cities New Cities: History of the Indonesian Cities [Kota Lama Kota Baru: Sejarah Kota-Kota di Indonesia] (2005). “Interesting ... covering issues that now become major problems in big cities in Indonesia.” — Historia Magazine 8 history / indonesian studies/ cultural studies No Long Hair Allowed New Order’s Practice of Power Over the Indonesian Youth in 1970s ARIA WIRATMA YUDHISTIRA with a preface by Andi Achdian At the beginning of the New Order’s era, communism wasn’t the only enemy of the regime, but also... long hair! original title: Dilarang Gondrong! Praktik Kekuasaan Orde Baru terhadap Anak Muda Awal 1970-an April 2010 ISBN 978-979-1260-07-7 xxii + 161 pp. ; 140 x 203 mm; US$6.00 World rights This seemingly trivial matter caught the regime’s special attention. Military officers released radiograms about long hair prohibition. Public agencies refused to serve long-haired men. Students, artists and soccer players were prohibited to have long hair. Raids and penalties were held on streets involving territorial armies armed with scissors. Even Long Hair Eradication Coordinating Board was founded. The big question is: why? Why was the New Order so afraid of long hair? Aria Wiratma eloquently traced this ridiculous policy, the beginning of the paranoid attitude of the regime that always sees its own people as threat. “[This book] describes the period of depoliticization imposed very seriously, and also ridiculously, by the New Order.” — Bisnis Indonesia ARIA W. YUDHISTIRA (1979) studied history at University of Indonesia. After working as a journalists at MSTri Radio, Investor Daily, Seputar Indonesia and Indonesia Finance Today, now an editor at economic research company Katadata. “This book explains how the New Order dictated the meaning and the understanding of anything. Even for things that should not be associated as the problems of the state.” — Radar Surabaya history / indonesian studies / sociology ‘Marhaen’ and ‘Wong Cilik’ Dissecting the Discourse and Practice of Nationalism for the Poor RETOR A.W. KALIGIS with a preface by Joko Widodo original title: Marhaen dan Wong Cilik: Membedah Wacana dan Praktik Nasionalisme bagi Rakyat Kecil dari PNI sampai PDIPerjuangan March 2014 ISBN 978-979-1260-35-0 xvi + 370 pp. ; 140 x 203 mm; US$8.50 World rights Indonesian nationalism re ci pi en ts of was born and based Book incentive s programme not upon the similarity by Ministry of research, of ethnicity, language, technology, and Higher or culture, but on the education contrary, upon the diversity of them all, united by the same misery experienced by colonized peoples. Therefore, the project of social justice and liberation from poverty is an inherent part of such nationalism. But how did the Indonesian nationalist parties give meanings to this project throughout their history? This book traces how nationalist parties make poor people’s problems as their case: at what point do they succeed and don’t succeed? What are the internal and external problems of the political arena in each era discussed? With preface written by Joko Widodo –the elected President of the Republic of Indonesia in July 2014 heated election— outlining how such notions of nationalism for the poor forged his “political education” , this is an important reading to understand Indonesian politics today. RETOR A.W. KALIGIS (1970) is a lecturer at the College of Social and Political Science “Widuri”. He’s politically active in Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP), and also a member of Asia and Pacific Association for Social Work Education (APASWE). “A comprehensive study to examine the ideology of Marhaenism.” — Kompas 9 10 cultural studies / indonesian studies Curation and Power Curatorship and Power Relations in Indonesian Contemporary Art World AGUNG HUJATNIKAJENNONG with a preface by I. Bambang Sugiharto original title: Kurasi dan Kuasa: Kekuratoran dalam Medan Seni Rupa Kontemporer di Indonesia March 2015 ISBN 978-979-1260-39-8 xx + 277 pp. ; 151 x 216 mm; US$7.50 World rights AGUNG HUJATNIKAJENNONG (1976) teaches at Bandung Institute of Technology. He has curated many art exhibitions in Indonesia and abroad. In 2014, he was nominated to receive the Independent Vision Curatorial Award by Independent Curators International, New York. The term “curator” and “curatorship” became popular in Indonesia since early 1990s along with the popularity of “contemporary arts”. This book shows that although collecting and exhibitionary institutions such as museums are still underdeveloped in Indonesia, the practice of curatorship as part of the exhibition-making mechanism had actually became an integral element throughout the history of Indonesian art world. The author traces how the specific social situations since the pre-independence period have made contemporary arts curatorship in Indonesia grow and develop in its own ways. Through a historical approach, theories of art world, and cultural studies approach, this book shows that the practice of curatorship in Indonesia has been bound by economic and political power relations both in local and global context. “ A valuable contribution to the development of contemporary arts in Indonesia. Since, for the last few years, we haven’t seen any book about arts published in Indonesia.” — Gatra 11 philosophy / ecology Ecophenomenology On the Ontological Dimensions of the Disequilibrium between Human and Nature SARAS DEWI Environmental ethics and movements have accurately demonstrated the various damages and degradation of nature due to human activities. The anthropocentric worldview has been blamed as the source of disequilibrium between men and nature. original title: Ekofenomenologi: Mengurai Disekuilibrium Relasi Manusia dengan Alam March 2015 ISBN 978-979-1260-42-8 xiv + 172 pp. ; 140 x 203 mm; US$5.20 World rights However, ethical approach to the problem of disequilibrium is no longer sufficient. There must be a new and vigorous method to solve the crux of the matter. Ecophenomenology proposes new ontology towards human and nature. Through the philosophies of Husserl, Merleau-Ponty and Heidegger, ecophenomenology aims to a more rigorous argument to investigate the relation between human and nature, enables us to think a more radical problem of disequilibrium. “[The author] believes that philosophy is conscience, and intellectual arguments were built upon that. This book was written to defend Benoa Bay from the threat of reclamation.” — Bali Post SARAS DEWI (1983) teaches philosophy at University of Indonesia. She’s also a singer, poet and activist on environmental and women’s issues. Her articles appear in many journals, and her poems were published as Whitesoul [Jiwaputih] (2005). “Reformulating the source of environmental degradation while providing new solution through ecophenomenology.” — Gatra 12 philosophy / political thought Radical Subject and the Politics of Emancipation in the Age of Global Capitalism A Study on Žižek’s Thought ROBERTUS ROBET In the midst of anxiety and postmodern pessimism, the philosopher Slavoj Žižek came up with an optimistic breakthrough: radical politics is still possible! His philosophy is an attempt to refresh radical politics—new kinds of resistances to counter the realities imposed by contemporary global capitalism. original title: Manusia Politik: Subyek Radikal dan Politik Emansipasi di Era Kapitalisme Global Menurut Slavoj Žižek April 2010 ISBN 978-979-1260-06-0 xvi + 243 pp. ; 140 x 203 mm; US$8.00 World rights ROBERTUS ROBET (1971) earned his doctorate from Driyarkara School of Philosophy. He now teaches sociology at the State University of Jakarta, beside active in civil society organizations and human rights watchdog he helped to found. This book is the first comprehensive study in Indonesian on Slavoj Žižek, a unique, raucous philosopher who has shocked the world with his brilliance and originality. “[This book] also unleash new intellectual energy so that we will able to avoid the trap of social fatigue.” — Kompas From the same author 13 philosophy / social theory Introduction to Sociology of Citizenship From Marx to Agamben ROBERTUS ROBET co-written with Hendrik Boli Tobi Citizenship resurfaced, as academic studies and also political issues, in 1990s due to various contemporary developments brought by neoliberal globalization. original title: Pengantar Sosiologi Kewarganegaraan: Dari Marx sampai Agamben April 2014 ISBN 978-979-1260-32-9 x + 219 pp. ; 140 x 203 mm; US$5.70 World rights Republicanism and Indonesianess An Introduction This book is the first introduction in Indonesian to the theories on citizenship. Here are discussed: liberal citizenship, multicultural citizenship, republicanism’s view on citizenship, Marx’s and Weber’s view on citizenship, T.H. Marshall’s social citizenship, Foucault’s body politics, Agamben’s homo sacer. All are relevant to the analyses of the problems of citizenship in postauthoritarianism Indonesia. Return of the Political Various Contemporary Political Thinkings co-edited with Ronny Agustinus original title: Republikanisme dan Keindonesiaan: Sebuah Pengantar original title: Kembalinya Politik: Pemikiran Politik Kontemporer dari (A)rendt sampai (Ž)ižek June 2007 ISBN 978-979-1260-03-9 xiv + 140 pp. ; 120 x 190 mm; US$4.00 World rights July 2008 ISBN 978-979-1260-08-4 xl + 215 pp. ; 140 x 203 mm; US$5.50 World rights 14 philosophy / social theory / anthropology Marxist Anthropologists Introduction to Their Ideas DEDE MULYANTO (ED.) co-edited with Stanley Khu Contributors: Dede Mulyanto, Dicky Putra Ermandara, Fuad Abdulgani, Stanley Khu. Marxist anthropology in general was born as a reaction toward the theoretical failure and political blindness of the previously dominant anthropology. original title: Pengantar Pemikiran Tokoh-tokoh Antropologi Marxis March 2014 ISBN 978-979-1260-29-9 vi + 244 pp. ; 140 x 203 mm; US$5.70 World rights The anthropologists discussed in this book (Maurice Godelier, Claude Meillassoux, Michael Taussig, Marshall Sahlins, Claude Lévi-Strauss) are selected for their theoretical orientations, which of course can’t be grouped entirely in the same school of thought, but essentially have one thing in common: all of them are inspired by Marx and use Marx’s concept and analyses in new, textually non-vulgar ways. They all offer new perspectives in effort to understand what’s hidden behind empirical realities of societies and cultures. “... offering new perspectives in anthropological research which is now in a state of insensitivity in reading the conditions of the object of the study.” — Balkon DEDE MULYANTO (1978) teaches anthropology at Padjajaran University. His other books are: Capitalism: Socio-historical Perspective [Kapitalisme: Perspektif Sosio-Historis] (2010) and The Genealogy of Capitalism [Genealogi Kapitalisme] (2012). philosophy / political thought Behind Marx The Life and Thought of Friedrich Engels DEDE MULYANTO (ED.) with a preface by Sylvia Tiwon Contributors: Coen Husain Pontoh, Dede Mulyanto, Iqra Anugrah, Martin Suryajaya, M. Zaki Husein, Stanley Khu. There has been so much written negatively about Engels as a mere secretary or financial supporter of Marx, even as a “philosophical autodidact” that simply lacked the level of education necessary to understand Marx, so it was Engels who distort interpretations of Marx’s complex ideas. original title: Di Balik Marx: Sosok dan Pemikiran Friedrich Engels February 2015 ISBN 978-979-1260-41-1 xvi + 186 pp. ; 140 x 203 mm; US$5.50 World rights Against all these groundless accusations, this book is an attempt to restore Engels as a true revolutionary and important thinker in his own right, whose ideas are still relevant to the world we live today. Engels’ thinkings are explained through various case studies, from the evolution of human hand to the recent religious conflicts in Tibet. “This book can be a supplement in analysing Marxist thought of Engels [...] the main advantage of this book is its systematic structure.” — Indoprogress 15 16 philosophy / political thought Authentic Politics Hannah Arendt on Men and Freedom AGUS SUDIBYO with a preface by F. Budi Hardiman Hannah Arendt’s view on politics is different from the kind of politics we know and practice today. For Arendt, politics is not about domination. Politics must liberate and encourage people to express themselves authentically in public. original title: Politik Otentik: Manusia dan Kebebasan dalam Pemikiran Hannah Arendt August 2012 ISBN 978-979-1260-14-5 xxvi + 240 pp. ; 140 x 203 mm; US$5.70 World rights This book comprehensively analyses Hannah Arendt’s political thinking and presents a perspective of its contextuality in today’s Indonesian politics, when private religious sentiments and economic interests intensively infiltrate political and public spheres. The collapse of public sphere will present a grave danger to men’s freedom and civilization as a whole. “Sudibyo took the readers to see how wide the gap between Indonesian politics and the ideal politics that been envisaged by Arendt.” — Kompas “This book is seriously written and represents the existential anxiety of the author. It also represents so many individuals who cannot utter their voices in the midst of the hullabaloo of Indo nesian politics.” — Tempo AGUS SUDIBYO (1974) is former Chairman of Commission on Public Complaints and Enforcement of Ethics at Indonesian Press Council, and recipient of Press Freedom Award 2007. philosophy / political-economy Human Economy Karl Polanyi’s Critique of the FreeMarket System JUSTINUS PRASTOWO with a preface by B. Herry-Priyono There’s no other thinker so meticulously predicting the destructive impacts of market economy and social crises of the Great Depression except Karl Polanyi. original title: Ekonomi Insani: Kritik Karl Polanyi terhadap Sistem Pasar Bebas August 2014 ISBN 978-979-1260-36-7 xx + 183 pp. ; 140 x 203 mm; US$5.70 World rights JUSTINUS PRASTOWO (1970) is now executive director of Center for Indonesia Taxation Analysis (CITA), after 12 years working at Directorate General of Taxes, Ministry of Finance of Indonesia. He wrote many articles on taxes, economics and development. Today, along with more rapid and successive economic crises, Polanyi’s analyses becomes more relevant and important than ever. Even The Guardian reported on the 2012 World Economic Forum, “The ghost of Karl Polanyi is stalking Davos.” This book offers a brilliant entrance toward Polanyi’s complex thoughts. To whomever wants to find alternatives for the dangers brought by unhindered capitalism to democracy and society, this book is a must read. “The theme of economic disembeddedness becomes more relevant today. Crisis after crisis with various complications and triggers convincingly show that the dynamics of the economy is no longer in line with that of society. This book successfully explains those dynamics as well as the urgency to ‘reembedd’ the economy.” — A. Prasetyantoko, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia “... should be considered by the policymaking economists.” — Gatra 17 18 philosophy / cultural studies What is Music? Explorations on Sound and Silence based on John Cage’s 4’33’’ KARINA ANDJANI with an afterword by Albertus Harsawibawa When 4’33’’ was performed for the first time in 1952, this “silent piece” by John Cage immediately sparked controversies and triggered endless debates on aesthetics and philosophy. How must we make sense of this experiment? Can silence be called music? Is there anything such as silence? original title: Apa Itu Musik? Kajian tentang Sunyi dan Bunyi Berdasarkan 4'33" karya John Cage April 2014 ISBN 978-979-1260-30-5 xii + 150 pp. ; 140 x 203 mm; US$4.70 World rights Karina Andjani explores these questions in an engaging and accessible way. Not just a study on Cage, this book is actually an exploration on music ontology: what can be called music and what are the conditions? A very rare study written by any Indo nesians and therefore cannot be missed by any philosophy readers or music lovers in general. “Worthy reference for composers and music critics.” — Jawa Pos KARINA ANDJANI (1991) studied philosophy at University of Indonesia while giving piano courses at Sonora Music School. She is a Chopin aficionado and now takes a graduate degree in psychology. 19 socio-political issues Security Sector Reform in Post-New Order Indonesia The Advocacy Communication of Civil Society Organizations MUHAMAD HARIPIN One of the main demands voiced by civil society organizations in post-Reformasi Indonesia was Security Sector Reform (SSR). SSR was viewed as a crucial problem that would influence the democratization process at large. original title: Reformasi Sektor Keamanan Pasca Orde Baru: Melacak Pandangan dan Komunikasi Advokasi Masyarakat Sipil September 2013 ISBN 978-979-1260-25-1 xiv + 171 pp. ; 140 x 203 mm; US$5.50 World rights MUHAMAD HARIPIN (1985) is a researcher at the Center for Political Studies - Indonesian Institute of Sciences (P2P LIPI). He wrote his opinions on defense and security in The Jakarta Post, Seputar Indonesia and Security Studies Update blog. Based on Habermas’s communication theory and Foucault’s discourse theory, this book explains civil society organizations’ advocacy communication and strategy in campaigning for SSR issues since President Habibie’s era (1999) to the first period of President Yudhoyono’s administration (2009). “This is the first book that’s comprehensively explains the roles of CSO’s advocacy in the process of security sector reform in Indonesia. Haripin engagingly lays out the first five years of SSR as the golden years in civil-military collaboration, and how those roles rather declined afterwards.” — Ikrar Nusa Bhakti, Indonesian Institute for Sciences (LIPI) 20 socio-political issues The Politics of Hope Indonesian Women Politics after Reformasi 1998 ANI SOETJIPTO with a preface by Rocky Gerung Indonesian women's political movement has gained some important achievements such as the increasing number of women elected to seats in parliament and public offices. original title: Politik Harapan: Perjalanan Politik Perempuan Indonesia Pasca Reformasi April 2011 ISBN 978-979-1260-10-7 xxii + 140 pp. ; 140 x 203 mm; US$5.50 World rights But, unluckily, this quantitative progress has not been accompanied by an increase in qualitative criteria that can produce a genuine political transformation. “Feminization of poverty” still occured, bureaucratic and institutional structures continued to operate under the “nature of patriarchy”. Ani Soetjipto outlines the ways how Indonesian women's movement must address these conditions politically. From the same author Voices from the Villages Toward the Revitalization of Family Welfare Development Programme co-written with Shelly Adelina with preface by Ruth Indiah Rahayu ANI SOETJIPTO (1952) teaches at Department of International Relations, University of Indo nesia. She is an expert on women’s political participation and actively campaigned for 30% quota for women candidates which was eventually enacted since 2004 election. original title: Suara dari Desa: Menuju Revitalisasi PKK March 2013 ISBN 978-979-1260-19-0 xiv + 222 pp. ; 140 x 203 mm World rights 21 socio-political issues The Rise of Labour Movement Indonesian Unions after Reformasi 1998 JAFAR SURYOMENGGOLO (ED.) Contributors: Abu Mufakhir; Benny Hari Juliawan; Bambang Tribuana Dahana; Rita Olivia Tambunan; R. Herlambang Perdana Wiratraman; Sarinah; Surya Tjandra; Syarif Arifin. original title: Kebangkitan Gerakan Buruh: Refleksi Era Reformasi May 2014 ISBN 978-979-1260-34-3 x + 214 pp. ; 140 x 203 mm Non-English world rights; US$5.00 An English version of the book has been published as Worker Activism after Reformasi 1998: A New Phase for Indonesian Unions? JAFAR SURYOMENGGOLO (1978) is a Research Fellow at the Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS), Kyoto University. His recent book is Organising under the Revolution: Unions and the State in Java, 1945-48 (2013). This book brings together discussions on the progress and current state of Indonesian labour movement after the collapse of the New Order regime in May 1998 that brought up the Reformasi. In the context of state-labour relationship, it allows more rooms for workers to organise and join into unions. However, it has also delivered neo-liberal challenges for workers’ collective efforts to defend their economic interests. Those changes and challenges, however, do not prevent Indonesian labour to adapt and develop strategies to maintain its independent organisations. Noting the developments, the authors of this book address some important questions and critical reflections: What should be the priority of the movement? Is there any new method and strategy for it? How can the movement create a resonance within society at large? 22 literature / fiction The Beard Peed on the Guy in the Poster Stories A.S. LAKSANA original title: Si Janggut Mengencingi Herucakra: Kumpulan Cerita October 2015 ISBN 978-979-1260-49-7 viii + 133 pp. ; 140 x 203 mm; US$5.00 World rights This short stories collection by A.S. Laksana will amaze readers with the mastery of the storytelling techniques which always been his signature as an author. Struggling against the world, struggling against others and against themselves, the characters in these twelve stories demonstrate subtly the best and maybe the most hapless aspects of human relations. Complex without being pretentious, The Beard Peed on the Guy in the Poster will further cement the author's stature in the Indonesian literary scene. “[A.S. Laksana] brings back the power of storytelling … His stories always contain some critical positions to the form of the story itself...” — Tempo magazine “[I]t feels that we enter an oral narrative, but we also are immediately aware of Laksana’s skill in creating a writerly narrative. His sentences are neatly constructed; they are multilayered and based on precise judgements.” — Nirwan Dewanto, poet and critic, in the introduction of A.S. Laksana’s book of stories in English translation, How to Find True Love & Other Stories (2015) A.S. LAKSANA (1968) writes fiction and nonfiction works and gives creative writing courses. His two previous book of stories, published in 2004 and 2013, were hailed by Tempo magazine as the best literary work of the respective years. 23 literature / fiction Excerpt of the story “Third Person at Nighttime” from The Beard Peed on the Guy in the Poster “ “She only loves me at daytime,” he said in our divorce hearing. “at nighttime, in sleep, she speaks, and cries, and tells someone in her dream, 'i'm sorry for making you sad.’ in the morning, when we wake up, she's just fine like nothing happened. almost everyday i was treated that way. i can't take it no longer. i don't want this happens for the rest of my life.” maybe he's right. i don't know what i do when i'm sleeping. So i just listened to what he said about me. i had no desire to make a plea. you know, it's impossible to defend yourself if you're not –never– aware of the mistakes you made. maybe, if i were him, i will do the same. definitely nobody will bear to live a married life with someone who only love you consciously and love somebody else unconsciously. ey gave me a chance to make a plea and i said that i agreed with everything he said. “he's my husband and he must knows for sure about me,” i said. my husband gave a few more testimonies and it seemed that he became more and more certain that i never really loved him, precisely because i chose to acknowledge every points he made. but in my heart i silently said, he's wrong about this. t r a n Sl at e d b y l . p. hok ” 24 literature / fiction Children of the Past Stories DAMHURI MUHAMMAD lo ng li st ed in In the fourteen stories Khatulistiwa and one epilogue that literary Awar comprise Children of d the Past, Damhuri 2 0 15 Muhammad continues to draw his literary inspirations from the intricacies of the localtraditional life, contrary to the general trend in Indonesian literary scene to write about cosmopolitan urban lifestyles. original title: Anak-anak Masa Lalu: Kumpulan Cerita Pendek June 2015 ISBN 978-979-1260-46-6 xiii + 121 pp. ; 120 x 190 mm; US$4.50 World rights From the tale of a dog-headed man, to the stories of forbidden love, an amulet owned by a thug, deep-rooted corruption in local elders, Damhuri never fails to mesmerize his readers. He shows that in the midst of juggernaut modernity, ordinary people still bring in their life traces of an unerased past. From the same author Razor-Sharp Tongue Stories DAMHURI MUHAMMAD (1974) is literary editor at Media Indonesia daily. He has published three books of stories and one book of literary essays. His stories have also been widely anthologized. He was member of the steering board of ASEAN Literary Festival 2014. original title: Lidah Sembilu: Kumpulan Cerpen November 2006 ISBN 979-99980-9-3 x + 133 pp. ; 120 x 190 mm World rights 25 literature / fiction Excerpt of the story “The Larenjang People” from Children of the Past “ with each passing morning, it was as though those mouths took turns to morph into loudspeakers. just as loudspeakers in a mosque pronounce the prayer calls, those multi-form loudspeakers greedily stood like antennas; blasting an epidemic of rumours, lies and slander. and every so oen, swears and curses were even preached. eir voices reverberate like the drums of gambus overture throughout the wedding season with such throb, such thump. oh, how nimble, how quick were those gossips swapped around far before the forbiddance was even broken. ose loudspeakers, as if they were spawning with offspring through some chain reaction, screamed back and forth at the tip of our ears. Screaming of the heavy burden readily placed on our shoulders and of the debt we soon ought to pay off. ey too were interspersed with what was more of a threat than a warning, “Whoever sows the wind reaps the storm.” once again, far before the time and time mentioned forbiddance was even broken, it was as if we already failed to size up the saying that went, “when the nose is poked, the eyes are sure to water.” when pain is incurred, the risk of tears is inevitable. t r a n Sl at e d b y t i t i S p r at i w i ” 26 literature / fiction Poetry-Crazed Sundari and Other Stories GUNAWAN TRI ATMODJO The characters in this short stories collection are ordinary people that were immersed deeply in the bitchiness of life and then deal with it in some unusual ways. Their maneuvers to get through this damn world might be read as ridiculous, although those acts and attitudes were actually done wholeheartedly. original title: Sundari Keranjingan Puisi dan Cerita-cerita Lainnya September 2015 ISBN 978-979-1260-47-3 viii + 132 pp. ; 140 x 203 mm; US$5.00 World rights GUNAWAN TRI ATMODJO (1982) is a poet and short-story writer. His works had been published in newspapers and literary journals across Indonesia. He will present at Ubud Writers & Readers Festival 2015. Poetry-Crazed Sundari is a bundle of short stories written in an amusinglysolemn, giggly-serious manner—and it is hoped that the readers will enjoy them in the same way. “Inspiring literary works are the works that might change some of our perspectives. Gunawan Tri Atmodjo tried to achive that through stories that he told in a modest way. Some of his works tried to question our understanding and appreciation of intricate matters.” — Joko Pinurbo, poet 27 literature / fiction Excerpt of the story “About a Gloomy-Faced Holy Man that Lived in the Jungle” from Poetry-Crazed Sundari and Other Stories “ when the revelation happened in the plot of land that are deemed to be the most sacred inside the jungle of Golden rosewood, and was witnessed by dozens of jungle inhabitants, jati jatmika was standing in the very wrong position of light exposure. e holy glow of the revelation shone through the leaves of the ancient rosewood trees that encircle the clearing and irradiate the back of his body, so that dozens of his followers in front of him were dazzled by the light and could not see the face of their holy man. instinctively they shut their eyes, some of them covered their eyes with their hands. when the mystical light began to dim, they opened their eyes back and that was the end of the revelation process as promised. now they see jati jatmika as a different person, more graceful than before, although they also see that his look now is somewhat different. e face that wasn't exposed by the holy glow of revelation is now forever gloomy. however, this sacred accident didn't deter jati jatmika's decision at all to change his name into ki ageng purwa—a new name that reflected the depth of his inner dynamics and alertness of living. t r a n Sl at e d b y l . p. hok ” 28 translation backlist Di Bawah Tiga Bendera Anarkisme Global dan Imajinasi Antikolonial BENEDICT ANDERSON — translated by RONNY AGUSTINUS original title: Under Three Flags: Anarchism and the Anti-Colonial Imagination August 2015 ISBN 978-979-1260-48-0 xii + 378 pp. ; 140 x 203 mm History / Anarchism Studies / Cultural Studies Sejarah Dunia untuk Pembaca Muda ERNST H. GOMBRICH — translated by ELISABETH SOEPRAPTO -HASTRICH original title: Eine kurze Weltgeschichte für junge Leser November 2015 ISBN 978-979-1260-50-3 xxii + 368 pp. ; 140 x 203 mm History Buruh, Serikat, dan Politik Indonesia pada 1920an-1930an JOHN INGLESON — translated by ANDI ACHDIAN original title: Workers, Unions and Politics: Indonesia in the 1920s and 1930s April 2015 ISBN 978-979-1260-44-2 xx + 522 pp. ; 140 x 203 mm History / Indonesian Studies Ekonomi Revolusi Che Guevara HELEN YAFFE — translated by RONNY AGUSTINUS original title: Che Guevara: The Economics of Revolution June 2015 ISBN 978-979-1260-45-9 xii + 523 pp. ; 140 x 203 mm Political-economy Aku Bukan Manusia, Aku Dinamit Filsafat Nietzsche dan Politik Anarkisme JOHN MOORE (ED.) with SPENCER SUNSHINE — translated by NINUS D. ANDARNUSWARI original title: I Am Not a Man, I Am Dynamite: Friedrich Nietzsche and the Anarchist Tradition January 2014 ISBN 978-979-1260-27-5 xiv + 170 pp. ; 140 x 203 mm Philosophy / Anarchism Studies Gerakan Sabuk Hijau WANGARI MAATHAI — translated by ILSA MEIDINA original title: The Green Belt Movement: Sharing the Approach and the Experience November 2012 ISBN 978-979-1260-17-6 xvi + 136 pp. ; 140 x 203 mm Ecology / Socio-Political Issues 29 translation backlist Penghancuran Buku dari Masa ke Masa FERNANDO BÁEZ — translated by LITA SOERJADINATA with preface by ROBERTUS ROBET original title: Historia universal de la destrucción de libros. De las tablillas sumerias a la guerra de Irak July 2013 ISBN 978-979-1260-24-4 xx + 373 pp. ; 140 x 203 mm History / Cultural Studies Piramid ISMAÏL KADARÉ — translated by DWI PRANOTO original title: La Pyramide August 2011 ISBN 978-979-1260-11-4 viii + 216 pp. ; 120 x 190 mm Fiction The Will to Improve Perencanaan, Kekuasaan, dan Pembangunan di Indonesia TANIA MURRAY LI — translated by HERY SANTOSO and PUJO SEMEDI original title: The Will to Improve: Governmentality, Development, and the Practice of Politics July 2012 ISBN 978-979-1260-15-2 xii + 536 pp. ; 140 x 203 mm Indonesian Studies / Agrarian Studies Mengukur Kesejahteraan Mengapa Produk Domestik Bruto Bukan Tolok Ukur yang Tepat untuk Menilai Kemajuan? JOSEPH E. STIGLITZ, AMARTYA SEN, JEAN-PAUL FITOUSSI — translated by MUTIARA ARUMSARI and FITRI BINTANG TIMUR original title: Report of the Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress / Commission sur la Mesur de la Performance Économique et du Progrès Social (2009) April 2011 xxviii + 180 pp. ; 140 x 203 mm ISBN 978-979-1260-09-1 Political-economy Bank Kaum Miskin MUHAMMAD YUNUS — translated by IRFAN NASUTION with preface by ROBERT M.Z. LAWANG original title: Vers un monde sans pauvreté May 2013 ISBN 978-979-1260-21-3 xxvi + 269 pp. ; 140 x 203 mm Political-economy Gombalnya Globalisasi Komik Sejarah Kapitalisme EL FISGÓN — translated by RONNY AGUSTINUS original title: Hacia un despiporre global de excelencia y calidad February 2014 ISBN 978-979-1260-28-2 xii + 200 pp. ; 151 x 216 mm Socio-Political Issues / Comic upcoming original titles The History of Classical Political Thought From Pre-History to Looking for Marx Essays 4th Century MARTIN SURYAJAYA MARTIN SURYAJAYA original title: Sejarah Pemikiran Politik Klasik: Dari Prasejarah hingga Abad ke-4 M original title: Mencari Marx: Kumpulan Esai For infos about these upcoming titles (and any other titles), please send your inquiries to: redaksi@marjinkiri.com Follow and like us on: @marjinkiri marjin kiri The Transformation of Latin American Social Movements NUR IMAN SUBONO original title: Transformasi Gerakan Sosial Amerika Latin