2012 Annual Report


2012 Annual Report
2012 A N N U A L
Real Change exists to create opportunity and a voice for
low-income people while taking action for economic justice. Vendor Services
Real Change Newspaper
We run a comprehensive Vendor Services
program that provides a low-barrier employment
opportunity for approximately 300 homeless
and low-income people every month.
Real Change publishes the only street
newspaper in Washington state and the only
newspaper that consistently focuses on
poverty, homelessness and economic justice.
Real Change leverages the relationships that
exist between vendors and readers to build a
cross-class movement for economic justice
and defend the civil rights of the very poor.
Complete list of donors, pages 2 - 3 | 2012 Financial report , page 4 | Vendor survey results, page 4
From the directors
ast year, Real Change helped 814 vendors find
opportunity and a voice. Our news team brought
home eight journalism awards and circulation
grew by 2 percent to 872,562 copies.
When you add in their tips, Real Change readers
put about a million dollars directly into the pockets of
low-income and homeless people. The relationships that
are built between Real Change vendors and readers are
the foundation for effective economic justice advocacy
and transformed lives.
In 2012, Real Change initiated citywide Listening
Circles (groups of people from diverse backgrounds meeting to reflect and share experience of class and economic
inequality), Real Change Reads (diverse people meeting
to read and discuss books about economic justice) and
Occupy cehkc.
The number of people counted outside after the
shelters are full have surpassed the number of available
shelter beds. To address this, we allied with homeless
people who live in organized tent cities to ask the Committee to End Homelessness in King County (cehkc)
prioritize the safety and survival of homeless people
each night. The Occupy cehkc campaign led policy
makers to reassess the role of shelter in ending homelessness and a commitment to increase the availability
of emergency shelter.
This year, we have added a full-time organizer to our
staff and opened a new community meeting space to
host the larger meetings and events that our grassroots
advocacy requires.
Real Change is moving forward with a number of
exciting initiatives for 2013. These include:
• Expanding our distribution into Kitsap County with a
satellite office hosted by Bremerton Food Lifeline
• Increasing our price to create a more livable wage
for our vendors and enhance Real Change earned
• Introducing an iPhone and Android app that will
enhance vendor success by enabling cashless paper
• Creationg of a volunteer-based program to connect
vendors with new health care options
• Launching new advocacy initiatives to create more
affordable housing and engage in effective grassroots lobbying.
As always, the majority of our support came from readers like you, who donated more than $546,070 to support
our essential work.
Every year, when we publish this Annual Report,
we are struck anew by the commitment and vitality
of our community. Our donors and volunteers make
the work of supporting our vendors possible, and the
relationships that get built on the street, one paper at
a time, offer hope, dignity and companionship to those
who need a hand up.
We thank each and every one of you for your support.
Together, we are making a difference. n
— Timothy Harris, Founding Director
— Alan Preston, Managing Director
Lisa Gustaveson of
Seattle University’s
Faith & Family Homelessness Project
takes a turn hitting
the gong in front
of City Hall Friday,
Jan. 25. Each ring
represented a homeless person counted
during this year’s One
Night Count. The gong
sounded 2,736 times.
Photo by Jon Williams,
Real Change
T H OMA S M . DANNENFEL S E R | 1 9 4 5 – 2 0 1 2
Leaving a Legacy
hen Thomas M. Dannenfelser learned that he had
one month to live, he arranged that the things he cared about
would still have his help when he was
gone. Thomas was not a wealthy man.
He worked at Metro as an electronics
engineer, but there were assets, like
his retirement account, that he would
no longer need.
“He had a week to prepare his will.
He was very sick and adamant that it
get done his way and quickly. He didn’t
want me to deal with it,” said Tom’s
sister, Susan.
Thomas loved poetry and reading,
so part of his estate went to Copper
Canyon Press, a nonprofit poetry
publisher in Port Townsend, and the
Port Townsend and Seattle Public
Library foundations. He enjoyed the
outdoors, so some went to The Nature
Conservancy and the National Audubon Society.
And he cared a lot for those who
have very little, so $59,600 went to Real
Change. Mr. Dannenfelser, an annual
donor of $250, left us an enormous
parting gift.
Dannenfelser’s legacy gift adds
badly needed capacity for our work.
Real Change has added a full-time
community organizer to our staff, and
now has a new meeting space that can
accommodate 30 people.
We’ve named this space the Thomas Dannenfelser Community Meeting Room. Thanks to his thoughtful
generosity, we now have a space to
host Listening Circles and other larger
gatherings, staff and board meetings,
and vendor trainings. We’ve needed
this for a long time, and are deeply
grateful for this remarkable gift.
Dannenfelser’s example gives all of
us the opportunity to think about how
we can make a difference in our communities after we are gone. What are
your passions? What will you say with
the legacy you leave in this world? n
Please consider including Real Change in your
estate plan. Your planned gift
will help create opportunity and a
voice for low-income and homeless
people while we take action for
economic justice. If you would like
to include Real Change in your will,
contact Erin George at (206) 4413247 ext. 201 or development@
Photo courtesy of the Dannenfelser family
Thomas Dannenfelser loved music, hiking
and social justice, which became evident
in his generous support for the homeless.
His contribution to Real Change will help
the organization reach out to aid homelessness for years to come.
Annual Report
Anonymous (2), Estate of
Thomas M. Dannenfelser
$10,000 - $24,999
Real Change exists to provide opportunity
and a voice for low-income and homeless
people while taking action for economic
219 1st Ave. S., #220
Seattle, WA, 98104
Board of Directors
David Bloom (President), Jeremy Buzzard, Mark
Early, Anitra L. Freeman, Pamela Kliment, Buddy
McArdle, Kim Mustafa, Danielle Nouné, Braden
Pence, Teresa Reeves, Tricia Sullivan
Founding Director Timothy Harris
Managing Director Alan Preston
Development Director Erin George
Program and Human Resources Manager Tara Moss
Editor Amy Roe
Assistant Editor Rosette Royale
Staff Reporter Aaron Burkhalter
Graphic Artist Jon Williams
Editorial Intern Colleen Fontana
Development Assistant Evanie Parr
Vendor Services Field Organizer Neal Lampi
Volunteer Manager Jenn Pearson
Vendor Relations Specialist Wes Browning
Community Organizer Alex Becker
Client Services Coordinator Joseph DeNatale
Program Coordinator Magan Do
Office Manager Samira Shirdel
Editorial Committee Wes Browning, Anitra Freeman,
Joe Howard, Morrie, Charles Oldham-Fifer, Teresa Reeves,
Jihad Salaam, William Sionnach, Robin Sneed, Randy
Whitelock, Tex, Maya, James
Contributing Writers Rob Alford, Elliott Bronstein, Ian
Burns, Julia Cechvala, Olivia Conner, Sean Hughes,
Margie Joy, Alex Landes, Robin Lindley, Joe Martin, Mary
Paterson, Maggie Tarnawa, Thomas Vincent, Mike Wold
Photographers & Graphic Artists J. Adam Brinson,
Maia Brown, Nathaniel Bergstein, Michael Clinard,
Alex Garland, Seth Goodkind, Rex Hohlbein, Lucien
Knuteson, Ted Mase, Nia Martin, Peter Orr, Amy Pelz,
Katia Roberts
Copy Editors Margie Joy, Jessica Harper,
Margo Paddock
Bookkeeper Linda Julien
Real Change Volunteers Jo Addison, Paul Amieux,
Scott Behmer, Garth Brewe, Chun Su Choi, Daniel Clark,
Matthew Coill, Jim Douglas, Rory Duggan, Holly Eckert,
Sandra Enger, Kate Fancher, Kati Fithian, Megan
Frazier, Anitra Freeman, Hannah Frisch, Grace Gehman,
Jiyeon Hong, Tetsuro Hotta, Marianne Kenady, Rose
Paquet Kinsley, Thomas Kinsley, Dunja Lingwood, Annie
Lusk, Tanya Matthews, Erika Maxx, David McCracken,
Sue Mulkern, Eileen Nicol, Danielle Noune, Sam Nowak,
Kiana Parker, Kally Patz, Russell Peterson, Maria
Elena Ramirez, Pamela Raphael, Wesley Sauer, Alan
Scheidecker, Evan Schiefelbine, Dennis Schroeder,
Sarah Shifley, Rachel Shimp, Kathleen Stearns,
Camille Still, Alexandra Stoffel, Jason Tanaka, Sophia
Yackshaw, Chieko Yamanaka, Tara Zaremba
Advisory Board
Affiliations listed for identification purposes only.
Sherman Alexie, poet, writer, filmmaker
Craig Benjamin, Cascade Bicycle Club
Kenan Block, media consultant
Debbie Carlsen, LGBTQ Allyship
Lynne Dodson, WA State Labor Council
John Fox, Seattle Displacement Coalition
Jon Gould, Children’s Alliance
Andrew Himes, Voices Education Project, writer
Bill Hobson, Downtown Emergency Service Center
Rev. Jimmie James, Washington Revival 180
Sally Kinney, Homeless Remembrance Project
Bill Kirlin-Hackett, Interfaith Taskforce on
Rich Lang, University Temple United Methodist
Sharon Lee, Low Income Housing Institute
Paul Loeb, writer
Paola Maranan, Children’s Alliance
Joe Martin, Pike Market Medical Clinic
Vince Matulionis, United Way of King County
Scott Morrow, Nickelsville
Rachael Myers, Washington Low Income Housing Alliance
Mike O’Brien, Seattle City Council
Jim Page, musician
Imam Jamal Rahman, Interfaith Community Church
Michael Ramos, Church Council of Greater Seattle
Craig Rennebohm, The Mental Health Chaplaincy
K.L. Shannon, Seattle King County NAACP
Rick Simonson, Elliott Bay Book Company
Dean Spade, Seattle University School of Law
Hilary Stern, CASA Latina
Robby Stern, Puget Sound Alliance for Retired
Jim Theofelis, Mockingbird Society
Marilyn Watkins, Economic Opportunity Institute
The Real Change Homeless Empowerment Project
is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Real Change
is a member of the North American Street
Newspaper Association and the International
Network of Street Papers.
The artwork on this page was created by Real Change
volunteer illustrator, Peter Orr. Peter created the
images at the Occupy CEHKC event in 2012.
Elmer and Eleanor Andersen
Foundation, Anonymous, The Lucky
Seven Foundation, Microsoft Giving
Campaign, Moccasin Lake Foundation,
The Norcliffe Foundation, Karina
O’Malley & Christopher Thrasher,
RealNetworks Foundation, Satterberg
Foundation, The Seattle Foundation
$5,000 - $9,999
Anonymous, Lolly Bates & Mark Early,
Bill Speidel’s Underground Tour,
Chihak and Associates LLC, Lucy Lee
Helm, Richard Peterson & Felicia
Rogers, Plymouth Congregational,
Dean Preston, Sharon Robinson,
Stansbury Family Foundation
$2,500 - $4,999
Jabe Blumenthal & Julie Edsforth, Fales
Foundation, Horizons Foundation,
Lily North, Fredrica & Steven Rice,
Janice Ritter, SEI Giving Fund
$1,000 - $2,499
Alpha Modalities, Anonymous, Henry
Aronson, Carol & Ned Backus, Michael
Baker, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation,
Eileen Brown & Brian Dewey, Deborah
Capwell, Terry & Jane Chadsey, City of
Seattle, Pamela & Duane Crone, Mauren
& Ronald Digiacomo, Judy Drake, Adam
P. Edwards & Carla Saulter, Yasmin
Elbaradie & Mostofa Elhemali , Elizabeth
Ellisor, Eyes on Fremont, Adam Feuer,
Patricia Fluhrer, Al Friedrich, Michael
Gamon, Bernard B. Garnton, Marcy
& Hellmut Golde, Phyllis Hatfield,
Matthew Hayes, Deena Henkins, Peter
Heymann, Krista Horstman, ING Direct,
Kirkpatrick Family Foundation, Jean
Lawler, Alan Maskin, Joy McNichols,
Donald Mitchell, Elaine Nonneman, Olson
Kundig Architects, Nancy & Joseph Pearl,
Braden Pence, Keith & Ellen Reimer,
Nita Rinehart, Janice Rudnitski, Leslie
A. Rugaber & Gary Oliveira, Christian
Saether, Michael Seamans, Julie Shapiro
& Shelley Cohen, Edwin & Diane
Spaunhurst, Scott Patrick Tennican,
Jeremy Tibbs & Chad Justice, UFCW Local
21 General Fund, Maarten Van Dantzich
& Sarah Jane Gunter, Bertie & James
Weddell, Wilkins Charitable Foundation,
Gail & Jay Winberg, Wyman Youth Trust,
$500 - $999
Lindsay Andersen, Anonymous, William
Badgeley & Elizabeth Sheppard, Diane
& Jean-Loup Baer, Michelle Benetua &
Brian Murphy, Shirley & Charles Bollinger,
Allan & Sally Boyce, Pamela Bradburn,
Margaret Cole, Howard Coleman, Karen
Cowgill, Adam de Boor, DESC, David
Digialomo, Joan Dinkelspiel, Christine
DiStefano, Patricia Downs, Emergent
Biosolutions, Eileen Farley, James & Rose
Flaherty, Michael Froebe, Erin George &
Russell Peterson, James Gregory, Paige
Hamack, Barbara Heimann, Rex Hohlbein,
George Howland, Shawn Hurley, Pramila
Jayapal & Steve Williamson, Rebecca
Kavoussi, Jane King & Allen Cheadle,
Pamela Kliment, Felicia Kliment, Suzanne
Klinger & Beth Kraig, Leah Kosik, Gael
Kurath, Claire Levy, Patricia MacElveenHoehn, Julie Mackoff, Jacob Mans &
Daniel Wilson, Kaaren & James McElroy,
Roger Miller, Patricia Mork, Patrick
Niemeyer, Northwest Immigrant Rights
Project, Emerson Pirot & Barney Bales,
Plymouth Housing Group, Beth Preslar &
Raleigh Rourke, Alan Preston & Cecelia
Kingman, Xandra Rarden, Priscilla &
Robert Rathbone, Barbara Reid, Ridolfi
INC., Janella Riegel, Tyler Ross, John
Saul, Ruth Schaefer, Sarah Scheller, Peter
Seitel & Jan Greier, Revel Smith, Social
Justice Fund Northwest, Stephanie Solien,
Kat Tillman, Joan & Lou Truskoff, Philip
VanDerhoef, Sabine Von Preyss-Friedman,
Washington Low Income Housing
Alliance, Erica Weiland, April Williamson,
Christoph Wimmer & Susan Collins,
$250 - $499
Richard Alexander & Katherine Sherman,
Christina Amante, Carole Antoncich, Russ
Aoki, August Phoenix & Heather Daveno,
Autumn Azure, Candice Battle, Gregory
Beams, Scott Behmer, Kevin Bender,
Luke Black, David Bloom, Stephen
Bomkamp & Karen Farnsworth, David
Brant, Sharon Briggs, Clare Bright, Sonja
Bring, Brookshire Green Foundation,
Seanna Browder, Mike Buchman & Martha
Swain, David Buckley, Clementine Bullitt,
John Burbank, Tim Burgess, Jeremy
Buzzard, Joyce Cadwell, Alan Calkins
& Sharon Lamme, Neil Casserly, Kit
Shan Chan, Stella Chao, Marlene Chen,
Elizabeth F. Clawson, Janice Cleve, Melisa
Collinsworth, Ruth Conn, Constructors
LLC, Carin Cunningham, Margaret Curtin
& James Wilder, Jay Decker, Democracy
Works, Jim Douglas & Sasha Harmon,
Lavinia & Jay Downs, Yarrow Durbin,
Susan Eidenschink, Jodene Eikenberry,
Andrew Elliott, Jerry Everard, Jean Falls,
Karen Feather, Lisa Fitzhugh, Dominic
Forte, Kevin Friedrich, Michael Galloway,
Brian Gaynor, Chris Gelinski, Vera &
Aaron Giles, Leon Giles, Donna Goodlett,
Lynn Greiher, Brie Gyncild, Vicki Halper,
Sarah & Carl Hanson , Nancy Helm, Molly
Holmes, Margaret & John Hughes, Anne
Jaworski, Polly Jirkovsky, Betty & Ronni
Gilboa Johanna, Jonathan Minnick, Jean
Jones, Amy Kanigher, David Karp, David
Karp & Deborah Woodard, Rebecca &
David Edelstein Kelley, John Kelly,
Nancy & John Kenagy,
Matthew Kenney, Anita
Khandelwal, Susan
Kinne, Ari Kohn,
Colette & Richard
Talbot Kostelec,
Emily Lardner,
Sharon Lee,
Thomas Lee,
Cindy Lin,
Litke, Pam
& Chris
Love, Jane
& Patrick
Margaret Mahoney,
Brenda & Don
Mallett, Frankie
Manning, Elizabeth Maupin,
Erika Maxx, Steven May, Peter
McCracken, Mark McDermott, Marti
McKenna & Blunt Jackson, Meridian
Builders Inc., Janet Miller, Jean Millican,
Michael Monnahan, Carol Moody, Cary
Moon, Harriett & John Morton, Kathleen
Yoerg Nelson, Eileen Nicol, Patrick
Noonan, Danielle Noune, Mike O’Brien,
Open Wide Inc., Anne & Dudley Panchot,
Mary Anne Parmeter, Frances Posel,
Leslie Preston, Robert Prosser, Vivian
Queija, Cam Ragen, Sherry Richardson,
Allen Rickert, Carrie Roche, Amy Roe
& Daniel Liberator, William Roman,
Brian Rothstein, Sarah & Andrew
Samnick, SanMar Corporation, Theresa
& Vincent Santoro, SHARE/WHEEL,
Thomas Sheehan, Paula & John Shifley,
Shoreline Unitarian Universalist Church,
Lisa Siegfried, Marya Silvernale, Randy
Simon & Jon Maier, Fred Simons, Jack
Smith, David Snider, James Solaegui,
South Seattle Friends, Gary & David
Southerton & Isla, Susanne Staats,
Willard Steckel, Robert Stern & Dina
Burstein, James Swayze, Sharon Swift,
Shawn Temming, Ross TenEyck, Lorraine
Thomas, Lynn Thompson, Brianda
Torres-Traylor, Judith & Fred Triggs, Liza
Turley, Betty Wagner, Mary Tone Wallon,
Sara & Robert Wicklein, Troy Winfree
$100 - $249
3Degrees, Kimberly Abbey, Fran Abbott,
Edlin Adams, Jo Addison, Adobe Matching
Gift Program, Carlee Alari, Victoria Allen,
Karen Allston, Kim Alston, Mark AlstonFollansbee, Paul Amieux, Elizabeth
Amsbary, Julian Andersen, Mary Petty
Anderson, Curtis & Patricia Anderson,
Judith Anderson, Melinda Andrews, Paul
& Cecile Andrews, Judi Anefeisen, James
Angerer, Anonymous, Janie Arens, Janis
Avery & Mary Kabrich, AXA Foundation,
Diane Roseman Baer, Michelle Bagley,
Sally Bagshaw, John Baker, Greg Baker,
Mary Bakke, Lydia Balk, Household
Bardeen, Greg Barnes & Elizabeth
Walkup, Laura & Tom Barrett, Paul John
Barry, Martha Beard, Marnie Beattie, Lisa
Beaulaurier, Mark Benjamin, Marcia
Bennison, Judith & Allen Bentley,
Elizabeth Berggren, Jeff Bernstein &
Sandy Cavanaugh, Michelle & Thomas
Bice, Alisa Bieber & Samuel Perry, Laura
Bilderback, Gülay Birand, David Bird,
Craig Blackmon & Tiffany McDermott,
Connie Blair, Rosemary Blakemore, Kenan
Block, Maureen Bo, Janet Boguch & Kelby
Fletcher, Andrea Bolliger, Preben Borch,
Marivic Borromeo, Betsy Borrow, Marcy
Bowers, Francesca & Philip Bowles,
Margot Boyer, William Bradbund, Ann
Bristow, Clare Brooks, Claire & Bob
Brooks, Wes Browning & Anitra Freeman,
Lori & Steve Buchsbaum, Janice
Bultmann, Stephen & Ginny Burger,
William Burke, Sarah Burkhalter, Aaron
Burkhalter & Megan Walker, Rosemary
Burkhart, Kate Burns, Michelle Byrd,
Phyllis Cairns, Suzanne Cameron &
Christopher Jewell, Deborah Caplow, Jean
& C. B. Carlson, LaurieCarlsson, Mary
Carothers, Center for Spiritual Living,
Bradford Chamberlain, Kendrick Chan,
Marsha Chandler, Marilyn Chelimer, Eva
Cherniavsky, Meta Chessin, Jeffrey
Christensen, Kacey Claborn, Jon Clarke,
Catherine Clemens & Daniel Speth,
Samuel Colhard, Sydney Collier, Rosa
Colon, Brian Conkle, Kathleen Conner,
Chris Cooper & Edwin B. Lord, Ellen
Cooper, Kimberly Copeland, B.E.
Corrigan, Julie Coryell & Seelye Martin,
Keith Cowan & Linda Walsh, Beatrice &
Peter Crane, Pat Cranston, William
Criminale, Shelly Crocker, Matt & Lisa
Marie Crosby, K. Cummings, Gayle &
Michael Cummins, Hilary Dameron, Betsy
& John Darrah, Nancy Daugherty, Jonis &
Charles Davis, Mary Ann Davison, Marilyn
& Michael De Guzman, Mary de Rosas,
Curtis DeGasperi, Maryanne
Degoede, Karen DeLucas,
Rebekah & Sinan
Demirel, Frank
Denman, Gloria
Derbawka, April
Theodore &
Martha Dietz,
George Dillon,
Divelbess &
Donela, Ernst
Dornfeld & Sylvia
Peterson, Michele
Drayton & Ian
Kennedy, Dewey Ross
Duffel , Kathryn Dugaw,
Elizabeth Dunn, Dianne
Eberlein, Sara Eccleston, Holly
Eckert & Jonathan Knapp, Sheila Eckman
& Berneta Walraven, Jeanne & Mickey
Eisenberg, Lyn Eisenhour, Leona & Neil
Elgee, D. Elizabeth & Richard Blakney,
Catherine & Bill Ellis, Kyle Ellman,
Margaret Enderlein, Sandra Enger, Jean
Burch Falls, Sahar Fathi, Elizabeth &
Timothy Feetham, John & Lois Fenker,
Susan Fenoglio, Jeanine Ferguson,
William Ferguson, Judi & Stephen Finney,
Benet Fleck, Josh Fogt, Brenda Fong,
Brynnen Ford & Jonathan Brown, James
Fortier, Michelle & Joel Frauenheim,
Steve Fredrickson, Phyllis Friedman, John
Frink, Carole Frisell, William Fuller, J.M.
Gallagher, Carol & Richard Gammon,
Deidre Gauff, Judith & Zachary Gayne,
Marie Gehman, Kelsey Getz, Megan
Gibbard, Daniel Gilman, Claude Ginsburg
& Lynne Hyerle, Christopher Glein, K.
Golden, Google Matching Gifts Program,
Gordon Thomas Honeywell, John Gorski,
Larry Gossett, Kim & Michelle Gould,
Torsten Grabs, Leslie Grace, Brenda
Grant, Jan Gray & Kerry Fowler, Ann
Greaney & Robert Hiltner, Barbara Green,
Nancy & Jesse Green, Judith Gregory,
Paul Grekin & Elizabeth Flavin, Russel
Griffin, Dawn Grimshaw, Heather Grube,
Alan Gurevich, Kathleen Gustafson,
Kendall Guthrie, Ezra Haba, Patrick
Haggerty & Julius Broughton, Amy
Hagopian, David Hallock & Melinda Hews,
Susan Hamilton & Timothy Bates, Ned
Hammar, Esther Handy, Dale Hanowell,
Hylton & Lawrence Hard, Erika Harder,
Nancy Harris, Frank Harris & Kathy
Reichgerdt, Virginia Harvey, Joyce & Scott
Hayman, Gerri Haynes, George Heidorn &
Margaret Rothschild, Judy Heinrich,
Shirley Henderson, Susan Hesselgrave, J.
& M. Hickey, Kelly Hickman, Chris
Higashi, Gloria Hill, Terry Hill, Catherine
Hillenbrand, Andrew Himes & Alix Wilber,
Catherine Hinrichsen, Ann Holiday,
Robert Hollowell, Peter Holmes, Betsy
Hood, Richard Hooper, Peter House,
James Housel, Jeri & Jonathan Howe, Lem
Howell, Elaine Huckabee, Peggy &
Richard Hudson, Sally Hufbauer, Sarah
Hufbauer, Mark Hughes, Jarlath Hume,
Patricia Hunter, Jane & David Huntington,
Sara Hurley, Robert Jaffe, Katherine
Janney, William Jarcho, Paul Jaye, Jewish
Federation of Greater Seattle, Greta
Jibbensmith, David Johansson, Wendy
Johnson, Stephanie Johnson, Kaaren
Johnson, Margaret Johnston-Kitazawa,
Laura Jones, Carol Jones, Kevin Jones,
Kevin Jones, Fay Jones & Deirdre Webb,
Margie Joy, JustGive, Dysa Kafoury, Eric
Kaminetzky, David M. Kane, Jean Kasota,
Paul Kassen, Aaron Katz, Owen Kehoe,
Michael Kelly, Kathryn Kelly, Billy & Cris
Kessler, Michael Kimerling, Jessie Kindig,
Daniel Kinerk, J. L.Kingsbury, Nona
Klander, Jane Koenig, Peter Kolb & Cheri
Parker, Rolf Kolden, Ales & Cheryl
Koubik, Frank Kroger, Heather Kroll,
Nancy & David La France, Ray Lacorte,
Wendy & Peter Lagozzino, Christopher
Laing, Mary Virginia
Norton, Jack Lattem
Vicky Lawson, Laur
Lawson, Kristine Le
Patricia Lein, Eileen
Bruce Lesnick, Man
Levy, Marni Levy &
Lewandowski, Patr
Lewis, Nick Licata,
Lindquist, Karin Lin
Elizabeth Little, Joh
Lopez, Craig Lorch,
Lubinski, Betty Luc
& James Ludden, E
Patricia Lynch & Fr
Lytle & Alfredo Arre
& Lorna Stone, Susi
Carin Mack, Nicole
Eric Maisonpierre,
& Robert Manny, Pe
Ingrid Dinter, Paola
J. Markham & Cher
Marshall, Sage Mart
Kristine & Stephen
Marvich, Hannah
Mason, John
Mason, Jane
Mason, Laurie
Masover, Gina
Massoni &
Marchand, Ed
Mast, Anna &
Matthews, Joel
& Kathryn
Matulys, Julia
Maywald, Deirdre
& Jay McCrary,
Lorraine McDermot
Carmen McDowell,
Marlene & Robert
McFarlane, Joseph
Judith Alexander-M
McMillan, Kathy Mc
Gousie, Nan McMur
Karen Merrikin, Bet
Meyer, Jane Meyerd
Campaign, Robert M
Miller, Elisa Miller,
Miller & Linda Max
Noemia & Vasil Mle
Ron Moe-Lobeda , R
Mohrmann, Kathlee
Richard Monroe, Li
Moorman, Anita & R
Morgan, Adam Mor
Joel Bradbury, Ama
Gretchen & Tom Mu
Mulkern, Lora Mull
Munoz & Pamela H
Murdoch, Debra Mu
Mustafa, Ryan Myer
John Neff, Jan Nich
Nickele, Linda & Pa
Noble, NOVA Fishe
Wood, Gianluigi Nu
Heather & Greg Oak
Marilee Ohlendorf,
O’Leary, Marcia & E
Opavska, John O’Re
Yang, Edward Osten
James Oswald, Kev
Ozerkis, Margo Pad
Pailca, Alan Painter
Giving, Ann & Dalla
Patterson & Wen Hi
Steve Pellegrin & M
Peterson, Lori Pete
Peterson, Rosemary
Peterson, Karen Pe
Marianne Pettersen
Piraino, Barbara Pit
Pliske, Nancy Plunk
Mayumi Terao & Lin
Potter, Neil Powers
Price, Greg Pursell,
Joseph Quinn, Emm
Ojendyk, Michael R
Raymond Rankins,
Everett Reagan, Ma
Reinke, Renaissanc
Foundation Inc., Jo
Resnick, Richard R
Mary Rivard, Susan
Robinson, Carolyn
Elizabeth Roetter, B
Rolston, Richard Ro
Rosencrans, Gail Ro
Linda Rough, Matth
Thomas Rudd, Aliss
Allynn Ruth, Kathle
Rebecca Sadinsky,
Harriett Cody, Shar
Saldana, Sigrid Salo
Sanjuan, Nancy Sap
Scheingold, Aaron S
Schochet, J.D. Scho
Barb & Dennis Schr
Schwab Charitable
Andy & Catherine S
Sercombe, Javeed S
Mary Shaw, Karen S
Lisa Shawver, Andr
a LaPre & Linda
mann, James Lauinger,
ren Lawson, Victoria
eander, Andrea Lee,
n Lennon, Jeffry Leons,
ndy Levenberg, Miriam
John Hughes, Thomas
ricia Lewis, Kathleen P.
Laura Lilly, G.
nk, Patricia Linn,
hn Loper, John C.
, Linda & David
cas, Lorie Lucky, Carol
Ellen & Stephen Lutz,
rances Ford, Susan
eguin, Theodora Mace
ie & Logan MacGregor,
e Macri & Deb Cayz,
Ourania Malliris, Clara
eter Manos &
a Maranan,
McGovern &
McGovern, Brenda
cMullen & Eugene
rry, Eric Menninga,
th Meshke, Audrey
ding, Microsoft Giving
Miller, Mary & Marvin
Lincoln Miller, Talbott
xson, Apurva Mishra,
ekarov, Victoria Moceri,
Richard Moffat, Cindy
en & Michael Mongrain,
inda & Thomas
Ray Morales, Shawn
rley, Diane Morrison &
anda Morrissette,
ueller, Susan & Edward
lin, Ann Muno, Robert
Hughes, Margaret
urphy, Kimberly
rs, Jeanie Mykland,
holas, Madeline
aul Niebanck, Courtney
eries Inc, Beth Nunnsusca, Kris Nyrop,
ksen, Karen O’Connor,
Susan Oistad, Michael
Eldon Olson, Maya
eilly & Hsiao-ping Ou
n, Aaron Ostrom,
vin Owyang, Robin
ddock, Sandra & Sam
r, Partnership for
as Pasley, Mark
is Tsen, David Peck,
Mary Anne Braund, Jan
erson, Maureen
y Peterson, Lynn & Bob
eterson, Patti Petesch,
n, Sean Phelan, Daniel
tts, Janet & Chuck
kett, Deanna Poling,
ncoln Potter, Mary
s, Marianna & Andrew
, Mariana Quaranstrom,
ma Quinn & Tom
Ramos, Rosemary &
Jo-Hanna Read,
arcia Reed, John
ce Charitable
ohn Repp, Steven
Reynolds, Lorna Rhodes,
n Robins, Brian
Roche, Martha Roe,
Brooke & Mary Rolston
osenberry, Michal
ossi, Laurie Rostholder,
hew Rovner, Anna &
sa Rupp & Tom Baker,
een Ruth, Bert Sacks,
Harvey Sadis &
ron Sakamoto, Rebecca
o, Miriam Castro
piro, Gay Sauer, Lee
Schneider, John
olter, Elizabeth Schott,
roeder, Bryan Schultz,
Fund, Karin Schwiter,
Seaver, Laurel
Shah & Melissa Ford,
Shaw & Larry Hohm,
rew Sheffer, Jane
Sheridan, Alice Shobe, Donna & Kirk Shy,
Robert Siegel, David Sieminski, Rick
Simonson, Richard Smith, Kathleen &
George Smith, Charles Solway, John
Spady, Christine Spengler, David
Spiekerman, St. Patrick’s Church, Norman
Stamper, Burke Stansbury, Jay Stansell,
Maggie Staveley & Jason Summers, Denis
Stearns, Diane Steen, Mary Steinmetz &
Peter Allen, Robby Stern, Diane Stielstra,
Tony Stipanovich, Alex Stone, Nick
Straley & Julia Kellison, Kathleen Sullivan,
Carl Sutter, Marianne Sweeny, Gloria &
Donald Swisher, Virginia Sybert, Joseph
Szwaja, Joseph Szwaja, Patricia Taylor,
Michael Taylor, Masako Tebbetts, Tech
Sales Team, Brien Thane, Gayle & John
Thompson, Tom Thompson, M. L.
Thompson, Alexandra & Alan Thompson,
Glenn & Anne Thureson, Kathleen
Toguchi, Mary Ann Tollefson,
Ember & Paul Trackwell,
Walter Trial, Heather
Trim, Kathy & Greg
Turner, Fredrick
Turner & Martia
Thomas Tyson,
Uding, Grace
Uding, Sara
Van Fleet,
Verlinde, Sue
Constance &
Richard Voget,
Elise Von
Koschembahr, David
Von-Gehr, Alexander
Voorhoeve, Shannon Waits,
Gwendolyn Walsh, Mary Waters,
Patricia & Robert Waterston, Marilyn
Watkins, James Weatherall, Richard
Weatherley, Paul Weibel & Roberta
Mackinnon, Bernard Weigl, Diana Weihs,
Julia Welch, Jennifer Wellander, Barbara &
Robert Welsh, A.L. Wicklund, John &
Sandra Williams, Jon Williams, Helen
Williams-Ginsberg, Jennifer Winkler, Jane
& Peter Winn, Joanne Woiak, Mike Wold,
Judy Wright, Janelle & Matt Wrock,
Virginia Wyman, Penelope Yonge, KC
Young, Freddie Yudin, Danielle Yung, Rich
Zahniser, Bill Zook, Robert Zverina &
Sarah Kavage
$1 - $99
Howard A, Maria Abdin, Michael Adams,
Rebecca Albiani & Mitchell Levy, Kathleen
Alcala, Bridget Aldaraca, Ali Naini, Layla
Alkhalefah, Stephanie Allen, David Allen
& Margaret Clements, Laurie Almoslino,
Phyllis Alverdes, Stephen Amorosi &
Gayle French, Kirsten Anawalt, Anchor
QEA, Linda Anderson, Larry Anderson,
Erin R. Anderson, Kendra Anderson,
MaryEllen Anderson, M.T. Andrews,
Graydon Andrus, Geraldine Armbruster,
Kira Arnold, Magda Ashtok, Carol
Asmann, Michele Atkins, Elizabeth Award,
Kate Baber & Jerry Blackburn, Anne &
John Baisch, Sharon Baker, Lauren Balter,
Rachel Bard, Gloria Barello, Mary Barian,
Mary L. Barian, Margretta & Glen Baron,
Beverly Barsy, Samantha Barth, Judith
Baum & Ron Paul, Jack Bautsch, Margaret
Beaver, Alex Becker, Lynne Behar, Bev
Beltramo, Craig Benjamin, Sara Bennett,
Erica & Herbert Bergamini, Margaret
Berger, Jack Bernstein, Melody Ann Berry,
Sam Bertron, Linda Bevis, Marla Blaser,
Bert Bokern, John & Barbara Boling,
Catherine Borden, Suzanne Bottelli, Celia
Bowker, Victoria Bozzacco, William
Bradburd, Karma Bradley, Carole
Brannam, Reid Branson, Helen Brennan,
Kris Breton, Herbert Bridge & Jonathan
Bridge, Elliott Bronstein, Rachael Brown,
Robert Brown, Ann Buchanan, Cynthia
Bucher, Phillip & Betty Buckman, Brook
Buettner, Christy Bulloch, Patrick Burke,
Richard Burkhart, Mary Burki, Patrick
Burns, Robert Burrowes, Gretchen
Bussman, Nancy Buyers, Michelle Byrd,
Carol Cahill, Jennifer Cameron, Kaija
Campos, Charlotte & Daniel Cargill,
Allison Carlisle, Ellen Carmody, Ivy Carr,
Courtney Casady, Ernest Cassirer, Pamela
& RobertCenter, Salle Certo, Dean
Chahim, Theresa Chambers, George A.
Chelly, Suzanne Choi, Erik Christensen,
Jerome Chroman, Wai Kei Chui, David
Chui & Alexandra Stone, Gary Clark, Sally
Clark, Marianne Clarke, Pat Cleary,
George Cleary, Laura Clenna, Bert Clough,
Barbara Clunn, James Coblentz, David
Coffey, Fai Coffin, Connie Coffman, Shelly
Cohen, Judith Cohen, Patricia & Theodore
Collins, Timothy Colman, Sean Condon,
Tara Connor, George Counts, Joanne &
Francis Crum, Kathleen Cunningham,
Kelly Cunningham & Chris McRae, Katha
& Mark Dalton, David Dalton, Mary Lynn
Dalzell, Rebecca Dare, Lisa Daugaard,
Patrick Daugherty & Cecilia Finnigan,
Nikola Davidson, Mary Louise Davis,
Anne & John Davis, Mary Davison,
Barbara & Mario De Pinto, Lisa Dekker,
Kristin deLancey, Tad Deshler, Ticiang
Diangson & Greggar Sleteland, Rachel
Diaz, Barbara Dick, Robert Dickinson,
Elizabeth Dickinson, Cynthia Dickson,
Ruth Dilon, Martha Dilts, Arthur
Diquattro, Dekker Dirksen, Jennifer
Dixey, Laura Dixon-Dybvad, William
Dougall, Anthony Draye, Darby DuComb,
Anne Dumoulin, Donald Duprey, Susan
Dwyer-Shick, Elizabeth Dyson, Jeffrey
Eaton, Peggy Jo & Bill Eaton, Erica Eden,
Luke Edwards, Ruth Egger & Mark
Epstein, Jeremy & Charlotte Ehrlich,
Paula Eisenrich, John Elias &
Cecilia Miller, Chaim Eliyah,
David Ellis, Warren
Elmer, Sarah ElwoodFaustino, Dana
Emerson, Anne
Engstrom, E.
Cynthia Etter,
Mary Evans,
Joy & John
Ewers, Kim
Fabel, Jan
Fain, Terry
Fain, Carl
Falk, Patricia
Ann Falvey,
Suzan Fant,
Ilona Fauver,
Dana Feder, Jo
Anne Felton,
Coutney Figler, David
Fine, Mary Lou Finley,
Carol Finn, Natalia Fior, John
Fiske, Pris Fitzpatrick, Janet Fleet, Agatha
Catherine Fletcher, Kathryn Flores, Anne
Focke, Adam Foley, Diana & Robert
Forman, James Fox, Beulah Frankel,
Anne Frantilla, Megan Frazier, Natacha
Frazier, Danielle Friedman, Friends of
Tops, Manny Frishberg, Bonnie & Peter
Fritz, Virginia Fulcher, Renee Fullerton,
John Fulton, Diana Gale, Ann GalvinEisenhart, Julia Gammon, Margaret &
John William Garbe, Paul Garrigue,
Hannah Garrison, Megan Gaskell, Jenifer
Gauthier, Lydia Gaytan, Nathalie Gehrke,
Kathleen Genis, Theodora Geokezas, Julie
Gerrard, Joshua Gerrish, Erin Getchman,
Cathleen Getty, Angelina Gibbons, Laura
Gibbons & David Keyes, Alan Gibbs, Max
Gibbs-Ruby, Ann Gilbert, David
Gillingham, Katya Giritsky, Give With
Liberty Employee Donations, Kerstin
Gleim, Park Gloyd, Leda Goncharoff,
Corliss Gooch, Courtney Goodheart,
Amanda H. Goodwin, Patricia & Donald
Gouge, Thomas Gould, Timothy Gould &
Virginia McCabe, Mark Graf, Jody Grage,
Anita Graham, Clayton Graham & Robin
Timmermans, Karen Granberg, Charles
Grant, John Green, Jean Greif, Shirley
Grekin, Trevor Griffey, Nancy Griffin,
John Gritton, Lori Grospitz, Guadalajara
Restaurants, Ruth Gunn, Kylie Gursky,
Lisa Gustaveson, Uriel Gutierrez, Justina
Guyott, Judith Hajek, Mary & Grant
Haller, Steen Halling, Heather Hamamoto,
Judith Hance, Gary Handwerk & Nancy
Strom, William Hanna, Joan Hansbery,
Hazel Hardiman, Dorothy Hardin, David
Harlow, Timothy Harris, Julie Harrison,
Ashley Harrison, Parker Harwood, Bob
Hasegawa, Kristin Hawes, Liz Reed Hawk,
David Haxton, Monica Hayes, Elizabeth
Heath, Don Hebard, Julia Ann Hecht, Kari
Hedman, Paige Heggie, Donna & Robert
Hegstrom, Sandra Heinke, Desiree
Hellegers, Lynn Heller, Joan Henjum,
Judith Hennes, Tonya Henninger,
Raimund Herberg, Lisa Herbold, Patricia
& James Hess, Janet Hews, Barbara
Hickey, Elaine Hickman, Sara Hiemstra,
Patrick Higgins, Susan Higgins, Michael
Hilow & Anne Harrington, Douglas Hodge,
Deborah Hodgson, Lindsay & Dana
Hofman , Eric Holtz, Roberta Hom,
Douglas Honig, Scott & Erin Hoogerwerf,
Marilynn Hopman, Deborah Horne, Carol
Horton, Jacqueline & Lawrence Houston,
Estevan Howard-Munoz, Anne Huckins,
Amber Hughes, Julie Hungar, Lois Huseby,
Christine Hynes, Marty & Samuel Jacobs,
Martha Jacobs, Katherine Jakielski, Jerry
James, Lucile & David James, Lucy Jarosz,
Janice Javier, Cynthia Jirkovsky, Oceana
Joaquin, Eric H. Johnson, Mary Johnson,
Donna Johnson, B. Michelle Johnson,
Russell Johnson & Barbara Lerulli, Uli
Johnson & Candi Gruber, Johnson &
Johnson, Gina Jonas, Mary & Gifford
Jones, Shelby Jones, Gina Jones, EJ
Juarez, Linda Julien, Mary Junttila,
Cameron Justham, Sally Kaczmarek,
Margaret Kae, Victoria Kaplan, Laura-Lee
Fineman Karp, Elizabeth & Mitchell Katz,
Katherine Kauffman, Jennifer Kauffman,
Aaron Keating, Tamara Keefe, Barbara
Keeffe, Larry Keil, Mary Keils, Janice
Keller, Kathryn Keller, Andrew Keller,
Patricia & Millet Keller, Virginia Kelley,
J.D. Kelly, Dennis Kelly, Anne Kelly,
Marianne Kenady, Paul Kerbrat, Robin
Kessler, Catherine Kettrick, Nancy
Keucher & Margaret Van Reuth, Tahoma
Khalsa, David Kietzke, Stephen King &
Sharyl Kipnis, King County Employee
Giving Program, J. L. Kinney, Sally Kinney,
Bill Kirlin-Hackett, Gretchen Kirsch, Linna
Kitamura, Margaret Kitazawa, Annette
Klapstein, Jesse Kleinman, Ellen Kleyman
& Thomas Berry, Pearl Knestis, Karen Ko,
Jeanne Kohl-Welles, Mark Konodi, Al
Korpela, Andrea & Richard Korry,
Adrienne Kosewicz, Maureen Kostyack
& Jonathan E. Olver, Roselle
Kovitz, David & Marika
Krause, Ronald Kravitz,
Denise & Eric
Krownbell, June
Krushnic, Mary
Kuhner, Rachel
Kurtz, Mary
Lajaunie, Jean
Lanz, Cathy
Lasher, Chris
Lasher, Marian
& Stuart
Laughlin, Chris
& Gorm
Lauritzen, Peter
Lavelle, Cora
Lawrence, Lawrence
Leake, Deborah Lee,
Kristy Leissle, Elin & Scott
Leiter, Sandia A. & John Lell, Jess
Levine, Jane Levine, Adam Levine, James
Levitt, Rachel Levy, Paul Liebert, Mary
Lignana, John-Otto Liljenstolpe, Carol
Lissance, Ruth Little, Finn Livingston &
Neva Barry, Susan Localio, Kim Loftness,
Charles Long, Barbara & Wendell
Loveless, Dorothy Jo Lower, Eric Lowney
& Barbara Flye, Lissa Lubinski, Erna
Lund, Lindsey Lund, Jessica Lyons, Cathy
MacCaul, Mary MacCauley, Sharon Maeda,
Brian Magliozzi, Stacey Mahuna-Brantner,
Smitha Mallya, Gary Manca, Lauren
Manes, Fryma Mantel, Beverly Marcus,
Diane Ste. Marie, Karlie Markendorf, Kate
Marrone & Bruce Patt, John Martin, Kelly
Martineau, Sage Marts, Brooke Marvin,
Brice Maryman, Margaret Masar &
Geoffrey Nichols, Bernice Maslan, Anita
Matson-Kaplan, Tanya Matthews, Vince
Matulionis, Gregory Mauser, Paige
McAdam, Mark & Nicole McAdam, Anna
McAllister, Anne McCaffrey, Beth
McCleery, Philip McCrain, Gayle & Daniel
McDougall-Treacy, W. Ann & Robert
McIntyre, Laura McKee, Meegan
McKiernan, Carol McRoberts, Cecelia
McTyre, Scott Meihn, Patricia Melgard,
Ramona Memmer, Barbara & Lyle Mercer,
Colette Mercier, Katie Messerly, John
Mevissen, Zac Meyer , Linda Michalik,
Tracy Middlebrook, Floris Mikkelsen, Ali
Milaninia, Ann Mac Millen, Melissa Miller,
Julie Miller, Barbara Miller, Katherine
Miller, R. Millstein, Colin Milne, Carl
Minor, Liz Ungar Mintek, Suzanne Mode &
Charles L. Best, Jr., Lisa Moore, Wanda &
James Moore, Terga Moqueda, Nickie
Moran, Jon Morgan, Joan Moritz, Richard
Morrill, Sheila & John Morris, Steve
Morris, Shirley Morrison, Debra Morrison,
Michael Morrison, Teresa Mosqueda, Tara
Moss & Rob Alford, Elizabeth Mountsier,
Raymond Murphy, Krista Murtfeldt, Jacki
Myers, Rachael Myers, Ellen Marie &
Jacob Naor, Susan Neff, Heidi Neff,
Claudia Nelson, Roberta Nelson, Sierra
Nelson, Cara Newman, Hing Lau Ng &
Peter Knutson, Nhi Nguyen, Maxine &
David Nicholson, Diane Nilan, Jeanette
Norris, Thomas Ojendyk, Sharon Olds,
Nancy & Stephen Olsen, Kathryn Olson,
Linda & Gary Oman, Susan O’Neil, Jessica
Oppenheimer, Marisa Ordonia, Peter Orr,
Julie Orr, Dennis Ortblad, Reynaldo
Ortega, Pacific Ridge Apartments, Megan
Pahl, Patricia Palagi, Donnamarie
Palermo, Lisa & Mark Palmatier, Russell
Palmer, Merlin Parker, Marilyn Parsons,
Cynthia & James Patereau, Mary Paterson,
David Paul, Julia Paulsen & Kevin
O’Connor, Martin Paup, Andrew Paxton,
Virginia Paynter, Lucinda & Ed Pearson,
Jenn Pearson, Virginia Pearson, Howard
Pellett, Rob Pence, David Penelton, Albert
Penta, Maria Elena Perez, Mary Hallett
Perillo, John Perkins, Janet R. Steputis
Perry, Anita & William Perryman, Steven
Peters, Elizabeth Pfender, Sherwood
Pidcock, Karen Pipkin, Louise Pitell,
Carolyn Plant, Susan Platt, Becky Pogany,
Raymond Pompon, Lauren Poof, David
Posner, Charlton Price, Judith Provasoli,
Misty Provenzano, Mary & Paul Pruitt,
Graham Pruss, Julia Putnam, April Putney,
Mariana Quarnstrom, Thomas Quinn,
Nancy Quitslund, Radical Women, Dorli
Rainey, Merlin Rainwater, Constance
Ramsey, Virginia Rankin, Tara Rankin,
Pamela Raphael, Carolyn Rasch,
Mechthild Rast, Rachel Ratner, Brenda
Ray, L. J. Read, Liza Redding, Danielle
Reed, Elizabeth Reed, REI, Greg Relaford,
Rex Rempel & Lanae Nofziger, Arissa
Rench, Carolyn Richard, Cynthia
Richardson, Teresa Rich-Mackenzie, Cindy
& Lance Richmond, Lillian & Jerry Riley,
Sara & Charles Rinehart, Rand Ringwald,
Nancy Rinne, Dianne Riva, Madeleine
Rodeheffer, Patricia & David Rodgers,
Katie Rogers, Roberta Rohr, Steven Rosa,
Doreen & Roger Rose, Kathy Rose,
Magdaleno Rose-Avila, Iris Rosechild,
Michelle Rosenberger, Alina Rossano,
Ellen Roth & Dan Roach, Patricia Rowan,
Karma Ruder, Kirsten Rue, Sharron &
Raymond Ruhlen, Chukundi Salisbury,
Valerie Sammons, Linda & Rudy Sanchez,
Julia Sandler, Neola Sandvik, Sharon
Tomiko & Robert Santos, Kim Sather,
Craig Savage, Cheri Sayer, Lisa Schafer,
Samuel Scharff, Skye Schell, L. B.
Schlansky, Philip Schneider, Mark Schoen,
Mary Schroeder, Ann Schuh, Chris & Greg
Schwesinger, Gail Scott, Keith Scully,
Seattle Academy of Arts and Sciences,
Kristina Selset, Vicki Seznick, Marsha
Shaiman, Grace Yvonne Shand, Madeline
Shaw, Janice Sheeley, Tim Shepard, Viki
Sherborne, Shirley & Mas Shimada, Samira
Shirdel, Julia Shure, Seth Siegal & Mary
Doherty, Kris Sigloh, Sandra Silberstein,
Steven Simao, Mark & Lara Simmons, Gail
Carol Simon, Golda Simon, Tammi Sims,
Carol Singler, Allen Skytta & Neil
Nathanson, Syrenka Slettebak, Dwayne
Slevilan, E. M. Slivka, Natalie Sloan, Diane
Slota, Dee Smiley & Tonya Gisselberg,
Susan Nordyke Smith, Diane Snell,
Elizabeth Snow, Paul Snow, George
Soltman, Jerry Sommerseth, Cathy
Spagnoli & Paramasivam Samanna,
Margaret & Wynn Spaulding, Patricia
Spencer, Seana Sperling, Zeke Spier, Liz
Spoerri, Peter Spurging, Helen Baker St.
John, St. Stephens Episcopal Church,
Susan Stanton, Sterling Bank - Spokane,
Sally Stewart, Brian Stillman, Ellen
Stoecker & James Doyle, Sarah Stolberg,
Christine Stoll, Virginia F. Stout, Lee
Stover, Anna Strahan, Naomi Strand,
Robert C. Strauss & Christine Ingersoll,
James Street, Claudia Stuntebeck &
Douglas Fogle, Nicki Sucec, Laila Suidan,
Suzanne Sullivan, Joe Sullivan & Bobbie
Garthwaite, Herbert & Mitsu Sundvall,
Elizabeth Anne Sunrise, Andrew Swan,
Irene & David Swanberg, Thalia
Syracopoulos, Frieda Takamura, Joan
Talbert, Paul Talbert, Nancy & James
Taylor, Dan Tenenbaum, Yara Tethys, The
Regence Employee Giving Campaign,
Janice & James Thomas, Alison Thomas,
Tommy Thompson, Tamara Thompson &
James Nielson, Inna & Matthew Thorn,
Anne Thureson, Tricia Tiano, Leah
Timberlake, John Tirpak, Loretta Tobin,
Beverly & Joseph Toynbee, Maureen
Traxler, Victoria Trimble-Lowe, Carol
Troup & Peter Johnson, Sojourner Truth,
Tina Marie Tudor, Jack Tull, Calvin Turner,
U.S. Bancorp Matching GIfts Program,
Elizabeth Umbanhowar, United Way of
King County, University Friends Meeting,
Alouise Urness, Noemie Vassilakis, Shirley
S. & W. Vaughn, Christine & Oscar Vilches,
Christine Vogeler, Bill Vogeley, William
Voinot-Baron, Bernard & SarahWacher,
Carolyn S. Walden, Judy Walker, Bonnie
Walker, Carolyn Wallace, Elaine WallerRose, Cecilia Walsh, Mary Ellen Walter,
Kathryn Hamilton Wang, David Ward, Cole
Wardell, Leonard Warden, Susan Wassell,
Theresa Wasson, Ariel Weber, Virginia
Weihs, Lucy Weiland, Lesley Weinberg,
Nancy Weinstein, Mary Weir, Joan Weiss,
Priscilla Welles, Ingrid Welti, Wayne
Wenzel & Clydene Evans, Catherine West,
Melissa Westbrook, Sandra & Terrence
Whaley, Constance & Peter Wheeler, Linda
White, Lindsey Whyte, Donald & Mary
Wieckowicz, Madeline Wilde, Thomas
Wilkenson, Jennifer Wilkes, Nancy Wilson,
Victor Winquist, Laura Wirkman, Carl
Woestwin, Alice Woldt, Michael Woo,
Morton & Martha Wood, Kim Wool,
Deborah Woolley, Siri Worley, Katherine
Yankula, Peter Yates, Lori Yoshinaga,
Laura Young, Dianna Zaorski, C.M.
Zimmerman, Andrew Zinner, Pamela Zipp,
Monica Zucker, Nancy Zwieback
Your support is very important to us, and
we apologize for and wish to correct any
errors you may find in these listings. Please
contact development@realchangenews.org
Annual Report
Real Change | By the numbers
2012 Financial Report Vendor Survey Results
Individual donations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $403,765
Circulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $275,050
Real Change Breakfast. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $105,992
Grants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $86,000
Other fundraising. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $59,647
Advertising and subscriptions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $24,382
Other income. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,113
254 respondents
Current sleeping situation
Previously homeless
50–59................................ 112
279 respondents total; six chose not to answer
Housing status
Female 58
257 respondents
Sleeping outside. . . . .
Sleeping in a shelter. .
Sleeping in a car. . . . .
Friends or family. . . . .
Transitional housing. . .
Subsidized housing. . .
Market-rate housing. . .
More than 2 options . .
Other . . . . . . . . . . . . .
66 11.07%
Asian or
Asian American
Payroll and health benefits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $637,087
Newspaper printing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $65,879
Rent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60,338
Supplies (Program, office and cleaning). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $34,735
Utilities, phone, Internet, IT and support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $33,024
Printing, postage, copier and marketing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29,498
Events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $28,404
Professional development and professional consulting. . . . . . . . . . . $23,361
Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14,888
Black or
African American
Latino or Hispanic
Pacific Islander
Hawaiian Native
or mental
American Indian
or Alaskan-Native
253 respondents
3.75%6.51% 7.11%
Biracial or multiracial
279 total respondents;
16 chose not to answer
Sources: Real Change research
Graphics by Jon Williams, Real Change
Real Change is a quality newspaper, organizing project and low
barrier economic opportunity. Real Change works.
Every month, more than 300 homeless and low-income people
earn money and build confidence by selling Real Change. We
bring you community voices you won’t hear elsewhere and quality in-depth reporting on stories often left out of other
Real Change is reader supported in the same way that public
radio and TV are listener and viewer supported. Last year more
than 1,600 people helped make Real Change work even better
by donating and volunteering.
City, State, Zip:
❑ Contact me about volunteering
❑ $50 ❑ $150 ❑ $250 ❑ $500 ❑ $1,000 ❑ Other:
246 respondents
Make checks payable to
Real Change and mail to:
219 1st Ave. S. Suite 220
Seattle, WA 98104, or use our
secure online giving option
at realchangenews.org.
Real Change Homeless
Empowerment Project
is a 501(c)3 nonprofit