March 2013 - The Parchment Craft Guild


March 2013 - The Parchment Craft Guild
Parchment Craft Guild Newsletter
March 2013
Welcome to the March edition of the newsletter.
There’s a lovely pattern from Gail Sydenham, our Vice Chair, helping you to practice faces
and hair in particular. We’ve also got an Agony Aunt corner, so if you have any questions just
send them in! Encouragement from Dorothy Holness, our Exam panel Chair, is on the back
page along with contact information.
How will you colour
your daffodil?
Chair’s Corner - Linda Williams
There have been a few changes to report since the last
newsletter. We have not been sitting quietly but have been
working away behind the scenes! The main important change
is that we have set up a sub-committee of current judges
which is chaired by our very own Dorothy Holness. An
excellent choice for Chair, as Dorothy has a wealth of
experience behind her and is a very calming influence. The
purpose of the exam sub-committee is to continually discuss
and review the exam procedures and marking system, and
make changes when necessary.
Marcia continues to do a splendid job with the website. The
Gallery of Distinction is up and running and shows examples of
selected exam pieces which have impressed the judges.
Hopefully, as more exams are submitted the gallery will
continue to grow with these special pieces of work. Be sure to
take a look as they are quite inspirational. Also on the web site
you will find the most up to date information on the exams,
with examples of papers and the current submission dates.
I would like to congratulate Alison Yeates, Wendy Stone and
Kim Thomas on the 10 anniversary of the Bournemouth
residential workshops. As many of you who organise such
events will know, this is not an easy task. It takes a great deal
of preparation prior to the event, also a huge amount of
organisation and patience in abundance! So well done and
congratulations, long may they continue!
The first half of this year also sees the Hobbycraft fair at the
NEC Birmingham, where there will be a large parchment craft
presence with Pergamano. I hope to meet some of you there;
please come and say hello as there will be many Guild
members demonstrating who are also Pergamano teachers.
We can still answer your Guild questions if
you have any. Last but not least we have
the wonderful Bristol exhibition, which
astoundingly is going from strength to
strength. Congratulations to Pat Murphy
who manages to make this exhibition
bigger and better year by year! It is becoming truly
international with many teachers now attending from
overseas. Here the Guild will have a strong presence. We have
quite a few Guild members exhibiting and also have a table,
with work on display, and we can answer any queries or
concerns you may have.
Can I please remind everyone that at the beginning of the year
subs are due. I know it is very easy to forget if you have a busy
lifestyle but equally it is a difficult task for the treasurer to try
and chase large volumes of members along with everything
else that has to be done when holding this post.
Please put in your diaries that the AGM will be in Bristol this
year on Sunday 28 April. We will be organising some
demonstrations for the afternoon. I hope you can attend and I
am looking forward to meeting some of you there.
Best wishes, Linda
Chair’s Corner
Agony Aunt
North West and South East news
South West news and excellent work from Coral Tomlin
Treasurer and Webmaster reports
Registrar and Membership Secretary reports
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Secretary, AGM notice and New book information
Classes and courses information
More classes and courses
Debutante pattern from Gail Sydenham
Chair of Exam panel Dorothy Holness and contact details
How to log in to our website
Go to and click on Members Corner;
Enter your surname in the Username box and your first name in the Password box, e.g.:
Username: smith
Password: penelope
Click on Sign In
If you would like to change your username and password or edit your email address, in the next screen click on Manage Profile. When you
have made your changes, click on Save Changes then Close and then select
Go to Members Corner where you will have free access to the entire site. If you require any assistance please contact the webmaster:
Ask our Agony Aunt… questions you’ve always wanted to ask but never have!
When I emboss large areas, thinking of a full length dress with folds, the parchment
buckles. How would you approach this problem?
When embossing larger areas of parchment it is very easy to buckle it; one minute you can be
happily embossing away and then whoops it’s gone in a second, before your very eyes! It happens
to the best of us and once it’s gone there’s no turning back. There are a few rules you can follow to
try and avoid this:
White work embossing needs to show light and shade, so do avoid large areas of solid white. There should be a
gradual transition from grey to grey/white, to white, to bright white. All these shades should be present, with
each shade blending into the next. Use the grey of your parchment as your base shade.
When embossing folds in fabric or flower petals etc., use the front and the back of the paper depending on the
shape of your folds or other object you are embossing. When embossing from the front of your work emboss
through a piece of cellophane to avoid shiny parchment and grey marks on white tracing. Make sure you have a
balanced visual effect i.e. not too much white or grey in any one place. The focal point will be that area which is
bright white. It is really important to always keep checking the front of your work to see what effect you are
creating. What you see on the back of the paper does not always appear the same on the front! Check regularly
to ensure you are getting a realistic effect.
It is very important to always start with the largest ball or shader tool possible for the area to be embossed, and
then gradually work down to the smallest tool. If you don’t do this the smaller tools alone will just give a very
stripy appearance. The larger the ball the greyer your embossing will be. Conversely, the smaller the ball the
whiter your embossing will be.
The most important fact I can convey to you is to emboss the paper in stages. Let the paper rest in between the stages of
the different size tools. If you do not you may over emboss your parchment and it will remain grey or it will begin to
buckle, or it will have the appearance of cotton wool (a sure indication that you have overdone it).
Each stage should be light; do the whole design and then let it rest. If you are embossing a very
special piece, or something that has large areas of embossing, give yourself plenty of time, say
maybe a week and let the parchment rest overnight after each light layer. You can do several layers
with each tool also, don’t just use it once, you can get some amazing results by just using the extralarge ball tool in many layers before moving on to the smaller tools for whiteness. Resting the
parchment allows the fibres to shrink back thus creating an extra spring in your paper and enabling
you to emboss it even further. Over embossing just breaks the fibres and you will find that no matter
how much you emboss it after that, you will never achieve bright whiteness. Another reason to rest
your paper overnight is that you will go back to your work with fresh eyes, and perhaps see your
Things aren’t so
bad after all!
shading in a different light. What I am trying to say is “Take your time”, it will pay off. Try it and see!
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Bonnie Kramrisch in the North West
The classes started this year with a number of new students wishing to join and a few that had
worked some years ago wanting refreshers, as Parchment is a craft that does not remain static as there are so many new
patterns and tools available now.
It is unfortunate we are losing so many of our good craft shops, I always think it so much better to be able to talk to the
shop owner than buying on the Internet.
In Lancashire we have managed to dodge the snow and ice but other parts of the country have not been so lucky or
perhaps we should think of our friends in America and then we might not grumble about the weather so much.
As it will soon be Easter we really need to get busy with those cards.
All the best
Mary Price in the South East
First off, a somewhat belated Happy New Year to all parchers.
There are at last signs of spring with daffodils doing their best to open despite the weather which can’t
seem to make its mind up. The birds seem convinced though, so hopefully they know something we
don’t and they are right.
Christmas certainly seems to be a long time ago now, but I thought you would like to see a picture of my class ladies
proudly bearing their Poinsettia table centres. There were groans going around that they wouldn’t be finished, but
suddenly it all came together and despite covering the church hall with gold glitter (knew we would), what a result!
This class seems to be constantly expanding as some of the
ladies have shown what they have made to friends and
then the friends want to join in too. There were a couple
missing from this photograph, but now there are 4 new
additions to this very friendly group.
The little lady on the left of the picture is my oldest student
at 85. I just had to share with you the lovely birthday card
she sent me. Her work is always immaculate which is to her
credit as she battles with tunnel vision. I am so proud of
News from Jo Whight that she is holding classes in Ipswich at ‘Craftibility’. If anyone is
interested, please contact Jo on 07912935145. I know you won’t be disappointed!
News from Liz Richardson too. Liz runs classes in two venues…Kards and Krafts and the
Phoenix Rose Garden Centre. If anyone wishes to contact Liz, you will find her details on
the tutor list on the website.
It looks as though the South-East is going to be well represented at Bristol and I’m looking
forward to meeting up with the ladies there. I will be bringing some of my students for
the day…plus my best pal from Australia ( bit of a journey for the show, but she is an
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addict too). There are still some seats available in the mini bus if anyone in the Thanet/Herne Bay/Canterbury area is
interested. Just drop me an e-mail for details.
Happy Parching
Would you prefer to have your newsletter by email?
Bradbury in the
Let me know by email
Not much to report for the midlands area this time. Apparently there is very little new “stuff” being
launched by Pergamano this year but if you are like me, you will probably have plenty of projects not
yet tackled in a “to do” pile.
I am hoping to arrange a Guild day one Sunday in May. Karen Fitzpatrick has kindly offered to do a free
workshop project. You will have to bring your own tools, although I may have spares here if anyone forgets. I will let you
know of the requirements nearer the time. Also we are hoping to have Josie Davidson here as well to give advice and tips
on exam work and any other problems you may have. If there is anyone else who would like to come and demonstrate
something that day you would be very welcome and it would be greatly appreciated.
I will email members whose addresses I have or telephone if I have your numbers when a date is fixed but in the
meantime if anyone is interested please contact me on 01335 390286 or email me at
so that I have some idea of numbers. There will be a light lunch provided as last time and it will run from 10am – 4pm.
Anyway all for now, hope spring arrives soon, fed up with the snow!!
Celia Preston in the South West
My apologies to all the ladies, who normally come twice a year to the SW Guild Day, for us not
holding one this spring - but there is just too much going on at the moment. Many of us are working
for, and involved with, the Pergamano parchment exhibition at the NEC in Birmingham. Our next
date will be Saturday 5th October 2013 in the usual venue. Invites for this will go out as usual in
Bristol Exhibition in June: Carole Hill and I will be hosting two tables with our work together with our ladies work. Please
try and attend and come to speak with us. We enjoy a good gossip!
Should any of you have queries about the craft or where to purchase parchment tools etc., please do not hesitate to
contact me.
Regards, Celia
Rosie Buik in Scotland
I hope everyone has been enjoying the lovely wintery scenes that we have been having - should inspire plenty of White
Work to remember all the snow, ice and frost that has graced our shores and make us wish for the warmth of spring and
summer and divest ourselves of thermals, gloves and balaclavas! With the thaw just around the corner hopefully it may
unblock thoughts from the members on Guild activities for our area, I am still looking for a suitable venue and ask for
members to let me know of such a place, I would be delighted to hear from you and
your thoughts.
Beautiful work from Coral Tomlin
On the left is a picture of St
Basils in Moscow, the only
building that has made the hairs
on the back of neck rise!
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On the right a pond scene showing excellent cut work.
Quite inspirational!
Contact her on
If you would like the patterns.
From the committee
Janet Snudden, Treasurer
Hello Everyone. It’s been another busy start to the year. I hope that none of you have been too badly
affected by poor weather.
I have been kept very busy for the last couple of months receiving and recording all the subs for 2013.
Thank you to those of you who have sent in your payments on time and for the correct amount.
We have tried to remind all those who have email who have not paid yet and had a pretty good response. For anyone
who has not paid yet then we are sending you an email copy of the newsletter this time. As soon as I receive your subs we
will add you back to the list for a postal copy next time. Otherwise if we do not receive your subs by 31st March 2013 I’m
afraid we will have no other option than to assume you wish to leave the Guild. Obviously if you wish to come back at
some point in the future then we will be very happy to welcome you back and re-instate you when you pay your subs in
I must admit to being quite frustrated at the number of standing orders that have
not been altered to the new amount. There are more than 50!! This does create a
lot of extra work for me chasing each of those members individually when it is my
busiest time of the year. Please can I ask that you check your standing orders and if
you have not paid the full amount send me the balance as soon as possible. If you
need another form then email me and I will send one to you. I will endeavour to
contact each of you in the next few months but I would be very grateful if you can
save me that job.
Anyway hopefully spring will be here soon and I am very much looking forward to
the Bournemouth Parchment Weekend in March.
Would this little chick make a whitework card?
Marcia Wood-Krentz – Webmaster
It seems like only yesterday we were preparing for Christmas and now we are only five weeks away from
the Easter break! They do say that time passes faster as you get older, but there's fast and then there's
Hopefully the worst of the weather is behind us and we can look forward to a decent sunny spring. All the trees are in bud
and a few leaves have popped out here and there. If we're lucky we might be able to do some parching in the garden this
summer (only joking). The silly hyacinths in the porch have already flowered, despite the freezing cold nights they have
The Guild website was given a little facelift during the Christmas break and we will slowly be adding more content.
Unfortunately, time is in very short supply with students to teach and a home to run. We will soon be including a
'questions and answers' page but I will let Janice tell you all about that as she will be adding a similar column in the
Congratulations to members who passed their exams and good luck to those working on their April submissions. The days
are gradually getting longer so that means more daylight hours for parching; a real bonus if you have lots of projects to
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The NEC craft exhibition in March sounds like it is going to be an event not to be missed this year. Many of my ladies are
booking coaches and preparing to be amazed at the lovely parchment craft on display, not to mention the shopping they
have to do (hence the coaches)! If you are going I hope you have a fabulous time.
Keep well and best wishes,
Sue Pritchard, Registrar
Over the last year the exam system has seen changes and these are on-going. Our newly formed
judging panel have reviewed the exam processes and changes have been made. The instructions have
been re-written and anyone holding an exam paper needs to print out the new instructions which are
available on the website to download and print. If you do not have web access please get in touch
with me for a replacement.
The main change is that grids are not to be used to create dots and this has been made clearer in the instructions. Many
candidates did not follow/or were confused by this instruction. Under the new marking system the piece worked
incorrectly will fail, which in itself will cost the candidate a fee for another submission. I would also like to remind
candidates that any resubmissions require the old and new work to be sent for marking along with the appropriate fee.
Fees are: UK £15.00 Europe £20.00 and Rest of the world £25.00 and all fees will be reviewed annually.
To avoid confusion I have included some definitions below where candidates have been losing marks but please do not
hesitate to contact me for clarification on anything you are unsure of. I really don’t bite!!!
Lacework is a perforated pattern done freehand with multi-needle tools or with a single perforating tool on a fine grid.
The perforations are cut to crosses, slots and shapes, with freehand embossed designs within and, maybe, around the
perforated pattern.
Card is defined as: Construct a card as you would to send to someone but, you may leave out the insert. Please follow the
instructions as per the level of exam paper.
And finally
CONGRATULATIONS to the following members, who have passed their exams taken in January 2013. This was the
last intake under the old system where marks and percentages were given. All exam pieces are now marked individually
as Pass or Fail and each piece needs to Pass.
Exam Results:
Dianne Ralston, Merit (Australia)
Urszula Madera
Elaine Halls, Merit
Brenda Oldham, Merit (Spain)
Patricia Davis, Merit (Spain)
The closing date for the next examination is: 08 April 2013.
The exam closing dates are published on the Guild website and can be found near the bottom of the page on the left
hand side of the screen.
Happy parching
Jackie Rainbow – Membership Secretary
I am writing this just after Valentine’s Day and yet again I failed to get round to doing a parchment card
for my husband. I did manage to make a card, but it is that time of year when we all have a lot on our list
of ‘To Do’, catching up on the dreaded cleaning that generally follows Christmas, gardens which need
addressing and general family/friend life – and we all want our social life. Hopefully the weather will
improve and sunshine will come into the windows leading to good daylight for parchment.
Now down to business; the Committee has been busy reviewing the Constitution (more of that in other parts of this
Newsletter), assessing the funds and looking to the future. The next AGM has been booked, this time in Bristol, with the
sincere hope that it may be more central for members to attend, faces put to names and voices be heard. The Guild is
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only as strong as its members. We have a few new members but have sadly lost some along the way. Those of you who
need to renew your membership please do, otherwise this will be the last Newsletter you receive. All that is left for me
now is to wish you a lovely spring and happy parching.
Janice White, Secretary and Newsletter Editor
I hope you enjoy reading this edition of the newsletter. If you would like to share tips and hints, ask questions about
any aspect of parchment or send a photo of your local group then my email address is Submission date for next newsletter: May 21st
Happy parching
Could this design be
worked with
AGM 2013 Bristol
The AGM in 2013 is to be held in Bristol at the Bar BS3 which is located at 21 Ashton Road, Ashton Gate, Bristol BS3 2EA.
It is just off the A370, and can be approached from Junction 21 from the M5 Northbound, staying on the road to Bristol,
or from Avonmouth where the Southbound M4 and M5 meet and is approximately half an hour from each.
The date is April 28th, 2013 and the meeting will start at 1000hrs.
The position of Vice Chairman is open to all members. Gail Sydenham has served three years on the committee and is
willing to stand for election again.
The position of Public Relations secretary is vacant – would you like to help the Guild by joining the committee and
publicising our aims and objectives?
Nominations should be seconded and sent to
Any items for the agenda should be notified to the secretary no less than 14 days before the meeting i.e. April 14th, 2013.
Please let us know if you intend to come – it helps with arrangements.
The new Guild Book – exam techniques explained
The new book is now ready for you to treat
yourself to!
There are 13 patterns with techniques explained
and helpful hints to support you in completing your
exam pieces. It is not a teaching manual, purely a
guide to exams with lovely designs.
If you would like to have a copy sent to you
Kingfisher Crafts is handling the sales on our
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behalf. Use the Kingfisher Crafts website, or telephone Alison Yeates on 01202 855414.
The cost of the book including postage is UK £14.70, Europe £16.10, Australia and NZ £18.00, Rest of world £17.80. The price of the
book for non-members will be £2 more.
Meetings and courses for your diary
Marjorie Rigby Qualified Tutor since 1999, regular weekly classes Thursdays in Somerset in the Bridgwater/Taunton area, workshops
occasional Wednesdays and Saturdays or by arrangement, especially Colouring and Painting for the Terrified
Taunton - Regular monthly workshop on 2nd Saturday each month - contact Celia Preston for more information.
Alison Yeates 8 –10 March 2013 (not many spaces left). There will be lots of fun and surprises together with parchment craft
projects, tuition and patterns. Contact Alison 01202 855414
Courses with Christine Coleman and Alison Yeates near Wellington in Somerset, all non-residential
16th - 17th April 2013 – Master class Kingfisher in coloured pencils
20th – 21st April – Master class introduction to parchment art with coloured pencils.
28th – 29th May – Master class cats in coloured pencils
1st – 2nd June – master class flowers in coloured pencils
8th – 12 June – 5 day parchment craft workshop.
16th – 20th October, 5 day or weekend parchment craft course at Brunel Manor Torquay.
Coral Tomlin - I hold a class on 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month 10.00am - 1.00pm in Hadrian Park, and on the second
Saturday of each month 10.30 - 12.30pm at Whitley Bay. These are both in North Tyneside and are open to new and moderately
experienced parchers. Contact via email or mobile 0776 221 0044. Cheers, Coral
Josie Davidson May 18/19 - at Let's Create, Coningsby - a wall hanging, post-it-note block and cards gridworked and embellished with
Kanban vellum 3d flowers
June 15/16 - with Ann Bowman in North Wales - Art Deco picture of a lady, painting and gridwork
July 13/14 - with Ann Bowman in Harrogate - same project as North Wales
July 20/21 - at Let's Create, Coningsby - 8 gridwork pieces which can be mixed and matched to put into a mount
For information/booking form for any of the above classes contact Josie by email or ring 0114 2481726
Weekends with Ann Bowman & Josie Davidson
Ring Ann on 0151 420 3593 or email
RESIDENTIAL in SCARBOROUGH hotel. Friday 19th – Sunday 21st April, Friday 22nd – Sunday 24th November
NON-RESIDENTIAL in RHUDDLAN, NORTH WALES Saturday 15th & Sunday 16th June, Saturday 26th & Sunday 27th October
Marilyn Pybus holds regular classes and workshops. Please contact direct or look at
14 February, 14 March, 11 April, 9th May 6 June & 4 July
9 February, 9 March, 6 April, 11 May,8 June & 6 July
12 February, 12 March, 9 April & 14 May Ring Ann on 0151 420 3593 for information/booking.
Pamela Brown Ocean Reef, Australia If anyone is interested in finding out more about other classes or meetings that we have here
on Wednesday afternoons, my email address is and tel is 08 9300 6330.
Jo Weir lives in 2135 Victoria Rd, HOVEA 6071, Western Australia and is happy for you to contact her if you are on holiday in that
Maggie Byford in Otley, West Yorkshire holds regular monthly classes on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday - 10am to 3pm
and Embsay, near Skipton, North Yorkshire Sunday - 10am to 4pm
All classes are suitable for all levels of ability including beginners. Beginners are loaned everything they need on the day of a class.
One-to-Ones available on request. Occasional full day exam discussion classes for those taking Guild Exams
For bookings or further information please contact on 01943 466 723, or e-mail
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Monthly Classes for all levels in Suffolk /Essex every second Saturday. Contact Christine Hutton Mobile 0777188338301787 311446
or email
Sue Smith runs workshops 1st Tuesday in every month 2pm - 4pm and the 3rd Saturday 10am - 4pm
@ Sight Airedale, 1 Albert Street, Keighley, West Yorkshire. Contact tel 07720309382
Sylvia Marshall holds monthly workshops Woodham, near Addlestone, Surrey
Bonnie Kramrisch holds regular monthly classes in Bilsborrow Village Hall (7 miles north of Preston on the A6 ) on a Thursday from
10am-3.30pm. Please contact me 01254 249147 for details.
Pat Cairns I have a Tuesday class (10.00am to 12 noon) in Pegswood near Morpeth in Northumberland and a once a month Saturday
workshop (10.00am to 1.00pm) in Morpeth. Students can call me on 01661 822279 or email me on
Karen Shaw Spring Workshop in East Antrim - A residential coloured pencil and parchment workshop on Saturday 11 and Sunday 12
May; the workshop fee is £35 for the weekend which includes lunch on both days. There are local B&Bs for around £25 per person,
including breakfast. If you are not in NI, then there are low cost flights, the details of which can be given on request. A few places
remain, so if you are interested please get in touch immediately.
Classes in East Antrim Weekly parchment class on Thursday evenings 7-9pm Tel: 028 9335 3727
Valerie Walker Bangor, Co Down, Northern Ireland Registered Pergamano Tutor, Graduate of the Parchment Craft Guild. Weekly
classes in the Ards Art Centre, Newtownards, Co Down. Classes are held on Monday mornings 10.00 am - 12.30 pm. All levels catered
for and tuition for Guild Exams. Other lessons can be arranged. Contact or 028 9146 7946
Instructions for this beautiful card
on next page.
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Debutante by Gail Sydenham
You require:
Dorso oil
No 2 Kolinsky brush
Fan sponge
Full range of embossing tools
Hockey Stick
Fine grid
Perga glue
Star tools micro, small
Shaded green card
Small green crystals
1 needle tool
Mapping pen
White pencil
Embossing mat
Perforating mats
Kitchen roll
Paint over the pattern.
Method of painting:
Base coat is worked in the round and round
technique. All other stages in the fine line
Eyes and lips, in the round and round
Lashes and eyebrows, very fine lines.
Lace work:
Follow given grid pattern and emboss and
cut out as per pattern. Worked on a fine grid.
The ribbon on the side is dorsed on the back with lively green. Flat
back crystals are attached with perga glue to the slides in the hair.
Trace the face with Tinta sepia and yellow mixed 2 parts to 3.
Stage 1 - PCE Base coat No. 1
Stage 2 - PCE 1 + 2 mixed a little 2
Stage 3 – No. 2
Stage 4 – No. 2 + No. 3 little 3
Stage 5 – No. 3 highlights in hair
Eyebrows and lashes outline of eye – No. 10
Iris – No. 17
Pupil - Pintura black
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Highlight on eye back of eyeball Brushstroke - white
Lips - PCE – No. 4
Face skin tone – dorso colour earth – skin, dorso lively colour pink. Blush on front dorso lively pink
Parallel lines at side of card – dorso lively green
The Committee spent a large part of a recent Committee Meeting discussing the Constitution and decided that certain points needed
to be clarified, altered or updated. Any queries regarding this can be discussed at the AGM, after which the Constitution will be
implemented. The sentences highlighted in colour show the changes. All other parts of the Constitution stay the same. This has been
done with the very best interests of the Guild in mind and to allow the Guild to move forward.
Membership and Subscriptions
i. Membership can be gained by joining for an annual subscription fee to run for a twelve month period (1st January to 31st
December). In the first year of joining the annual membership shall be the full amount up to 31st March, 75% from 1st April to 30th
June, 50% from 1st July to 30th September and 25% from 1st October to 31st December. The subscription fee to be reviewed by a
quorum of the Committee as and when necessary.
ii. Subscriptions are due annually by 1st January. If payment is not received by the distribution of the next Newsletter then
membership will been deemed to have lapsed and no Newsletter will be sent.
iii. Membership subscription to be paid to the Treasurer
iv. Subscriptions are waived for active Committee Members, Webmaster and those undertaking examination judging. Lifelong
membership will be granted to any Fellow. The Lifelong Membership to include a copy of the Newsletter.
v. There are four levels of examination; Affiliate, Associate, Graduate and Fellow.
vi. Members may apply for any level of examination by purchasing the appropriate paper and paying the submission fee. There is an
additional fee payable for remarking.
vii. The Fellow’s paper can only be submitted on the successful completion of the Graduate paper.
viii. There is a fee for every examination level. This fee to be reviewed at the AGM.
The Treasurer
Will be responsible for:
Keeping the Guild accounts
Advising the Committee on all financial matters pertaining to the Guild
Preparing detailed accounts for presentation at the AGM
Providing a fully detailed financial report for distribution to Members in the last Newsletter of the year.
Holding and providing the Committee with an annual detailed list of the assets of the Guild and where they are located.
Ordering badges when requested.
The Membership Secretary
Will be responsible for:
Dealing with applications for membership.
Maintaining an up-to-date list of Members
Providing a quarterly up-to-date list of Members to the Committee and a limited list of Members to the Area Co-ordinators
Removed - provide a list to suppliers.
The Webmaster
(Non-elected and appointed by the Committee)
Designing the website.
Generating and revising web pages.
Replying to user comments and examining traffic through the site.
Regulation and management of a user database and access rights of different users.
Manage site contact with host provider and oversee domain registrations, bandwidth usage, email accounts and problems.
Configure web server.
Co-ordinate with Guild Treasurer for renewal of website hosting subscriptions and domain name registrations.
Committee Meetings
Any member of the Committee may call a Committee meeting. At
least fourteen (14) days notice must be given to all Committee
The quorum for the Committee will be not less than four members.
In the absence of a quorum business may be dealt with but any
decisions will only become valid after agreement at the next meeting
or when agreed by majority vote.
Where there is a tie in voting the Chair has the casting vote.
Annual General Meeting
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An Annual General Meeting will be held on a three year cycle. One year in the North, one year in the South and one year at a central
venue if funds allowing. Whilst aiming to move to a different region each time, the Committee to be mindful of the costs involved.
At least sixty (60) days notice shall be given to each member in writing via the Newsletter.
There will be a minimum of nine (9) months and a maximum of thirteen (13) months between Annual General Meetings. The
Committee will aim for a twelve (12) month cycle.
A message from Dorothy Holness – Chair of the Exam Sub-committee
Contact information
Your Committee
Chair: Linda Williams
Windermere, Bryncatwg, Cadoxton, Neath
South Wales SA 10 8 BG 01639 772895
Vice Chair: Gail Sydenham
45 Bracken Road, Margam, Port Talbot,
South Wales, SA13 2AU
01639 761392
Treasurer: Janet Snudden
Floristone, Brookfield Gardens, Binstead, Ryde,
Isle of Wight, PO33 3PH
Examination Registrar: Sue Pritchard
Rashleigh House, 10 Charles Street
Bugle, St Austell, Cornwall, PL26 8PS
01726 850764
Membership Secretary: Jackie Rainbow
128 East Dundry Road, Whitchurch
Bristol BS14 0LR
01275 541176
PR Secretary: Vacancy
Secretary and Newsletter: Janice White
5, Orchard Close, Coxley Wick, Wells,
Somerset, BA5 1QL
01749 674489
Webmaster: Marcia Wood
2 Emlyn Terrace, Plasmarl
Swansea, SA6 8LZ
01792 792953
Your Area Co-ordinators
North West: Bonnie Kramrisch
6 Tudor Close, Langho, Blackburn,
Lancashire, BB6 8DN
01254 249147
North East: Vacancy
Scotland: Rosie Buik
13e, Balmedie Drive, Dundee, DD4 8PG
01382 506068
South: Christine Cade
9 Paradise Lane, Fareham, Hampshire, PO16
South East: Mary Price
11, Norman Road, Westgate-on-Sea,
Kent, CT8 8RR
07748 755102
South West: Celia Preston
21 Parsonage Court, Bishops Hull, Taunton,
Somerset, TA1 5HR
Wales: Vacancy
Midlands: Kathleen Bradbury
Brooks Close Farm, Parwich, ASHBOURNE,
Derbyshire, DE6 1QJ
France and Ireland: Karen Shaw
Anyone who passes a Guild exam can feel proud of their achievement,
as the Guild was formed to set and maintain high standards and
promote excellence with the candidate improving at each stage.
Marking the papers is something that we don’t approach lightly and,
with the new instructions and method of marking, we hope things will
be simplified for everyone and the instructions better understood.
Marking is sometimes made more difficult because the candidate has
not read the instructions properly or, not quite understood, and we
have had to mark lower or maybe not at all because the piece of work
was not as requested.
Two or more Judges will now mark together which will, hopefully, avoid
the conflicting remarks that have caused concern with some candidates.
Comments will be more varied to show candidates where improvements
might be made.
As each piece will be passed or failed, please be sure that you have
enough knowledge of the skills required for each of the disciplines. I am
happy to help with queries by phone or email and if you are really
‘stuck’ then you can send me a small sample with the pattern you have
used (not exam pieces of course) and I will use the same pattern to
send ideas of how you may improve.
We do want you to pass and have that sense of personal achievement,
that you have reached a high standard and be proud of your work. Take
your time with the work and only do it when you really feel like it.
Rushed work is only too obvious and you don’t do yourself any favours.
Sometimes you can do a piece of work and regard it as a practice piece
and, because you haven’t worried about it being THE one, you find it
turns out well!
Good luck to you all with your efforts.
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How would you interpret these designs for Easter? Send us a photo!
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