Spelling Packet Lists 16-18
Spelling Packet Lists 16-18
1..j Name: Name: we me dime ride gote roke nome boke fine see nrne bike ne my by hid" tre mtne sh" .q.rid!".rJ*J ooch +h"g: nhnu l- five time liLe 02(x)2 by ElonJrloor Co'p. l5 he be Grodel. Elrc27o5 Boellino thlls Nam6: Visual Memorg,y Fill ln iha boxe3 'fru" time like dime ride nine my byl ilh3 h .fLrrr Name: 6. Find the Mista$., tr il-. I Mark an X on tho mlsspelled words. l. five 2.lik f'f 5. tyme ti m like 6. dyme d tn e 3. ride ryde 7. nine n T. mi my 8. bi b o|o,}/z by Ev(rl.r.toor Cotp. 85 &-i&E sp€flng Sidl 'y s,o I.Efrc 27lJ5 Write .c 2. I mh3lng . rct(s on tho lines. -.more.pennies e1uol" o penny plus time .rteed o my b'l nrne dime nine five home. dime ride ts moy pet ., like like P.m. time to run ry ltke dime fle ,by ntne the loke. dog- gullding Sp.lllngskifls, Grode ] . EMC 2705 gighr Nome: Wdte the slght word on the linei. Snokes Snokes' bodies ond ore lonq, J 'i i"i s i ',-' heods ore smoll. They don't hove ony legs ot oll skin is smooth, eyes ore round. They slither olong the ground. bellies 6lght Worg ,,\ Nsme: Wrlte the ght word on the liner. Anirnol Tolk "Bo "Me "Oin -wow, ,,-' , oink," "Chi p,chirp," ..QU .tt , moo, ET!" the dog. the cot. W, "Qu ck, 1uock," "wh , who," "Mo -.tU the Prg the the duck. owl. the bird. the cow. the sleepy former. Fill in the boxes. gote roke no-e boke fine biLe hide mine 2. rt. 5. 7. 8. Add endlng letters to make spelling words. te l..o 2.fi02002 by Evon-l,loor corp. me Le go_ T. bo- 3. 8q ne 5. mi................ 6. bi- ' 7. n 8. h suildingspelling skills, I. EMC 2705 Build Spelling Skills misslng words. gote roke nome boke l.l fin" biL. hide mine n ride my ihe leoves. 2.1 3.P open the +.il to fro- 5. se o .oL" thot is oll 6. is my friends. Ted ond thot is with me. sentences with theae words. eac Bullding Spelling Skllls, Grode I ' EMC 2705 r UUdte Io TOr for for for for ond ,' 3t9ht I totqrt7 \ (e o( )h Jlght word I Thonkf ul thor t---t, it ) I i .t il TTte A rornoroP , v_/ I little stone, O little leof on o tre ,,fu little flower, little bug, om thonkful # ffi for you ond ne! 5[hr Wo;4 Nome: Wdte slght word on the llnes. I I All Aboot Me wnote o story. is oll ]'t'r€: thi n9s thot I do, rh n9s thot wrote o dmy I wrote I see. friends fomily. everything me. li s ; Spelling Skills Buildi Name: Visual Memorg,vl \ I Fill in the boxes. rl Ln-] ,rTt ,Ir 3 L__l .[Tl ,[-T-[-t ,[l-I-[.] ,[h Word Studg,y Name: What is mlsslng-e or e9? sh-p b_ tr- s_ m_ nd I r . I I o2002 by Evon-Moor Cory. 2. W- sH- t l1 .l h_ the is uo in the sh-p. 1 tr-. Buildins Spellins Sl ills, c'.2705 Buildlng $pdliag Skills Nama: Word Studg ,,,r,,1 Cut out lrre word caids. Fead the & \ ( mrds. Paste them in tho corlect boxes. the sound of eln be the sound of e ln pel I ir"a l*. l-" L--------L Irtt - ------ !..d J---- ----r-----, !h"!b"ltreelt"n ltlr r--- ----r--- ----1-- ---- --1--- - -' !lf\'tf "." I q.t i l.t I m.n F- - -- - -- -F--- --- --t- ---- - --t- - - --. bed n""d ! f'"" ! 'h""p ! !!---------L ---- --- J------- -J-----otu2 q5 Edldng Sedlng skils, 6f, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1. E/lE 2705 Stghr Nome: Write the slght word on the lines. How Mo ng Count mony bunn es. Count mony bees Count mony ore s itt ing Count b irds in the tree. mony odybugs monv tn il? Count frogs ore woll. (:{ * \/ .B*qq 5i9ht word,- /-\ Nome: Wrlte the ht word on the llnes, On Holloween ots come fhe ots come t. fhe umpKrns come The I fhe reots come The hosts come It's Holloweenl Bool ,ih ,rtf. , too. HFe )6