Playscene Playground Markings Brochure
Playscene Playground Markings Brochure
Thermoplastic Markings Brochure Tel: 01252 641740 Web: Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 CODE PAGE DESCRIPTION SUPPLY INSTALL THERMOPLASTIC MARKINGS Hopscotch's TSHOPT 2 Solid Hopscotch 0.6m x 2.1m 218.30 TOHOPT 2 Outline Hopscotch 0.6m x 2.1m 218.30 TSHOPSUN 2 Sun Flower Hopscotch 1.0m x 2.75m 292.53 TSHOPCOG 2 Solid Cogs Hopscotch 3.5m x 1.0m 266.81 TSHOPROCK 2 Solid Rocket Hopscotch 1.0m x 2.1m 183.75 TSSHOPLADY 2 Solid Ladybird Hopscotch 1.5m x 1.5m 432.18 TSHOPDINO 2 Solid Dinosaur Hopscotch 2.4m x 1.3m 433.65 TSDINOP 2 Dinosaur + Outline Paw Print Hopscotch 1.2m x 4.7m 433.65 TSHOPLEAF 2 Solid Leaf Hopscotch 3m x 1m 191.10 TORMAZE 2 Rectangle Maze Game 5.0m x 4.0m 438.80 TLACTR 2 Activity Trail - Custom Designed 426.30 TOCMAZE 2 Circular Maze Game Size 4.0m dia 396.90 TSANIMAZ 2 Animaze 3.m x 2.0m 396.90 TSBALMAZ 2 Balloon Trail 3.0m x 2.0m 396.90 TOHOPROCK 2 Outline Rocket Hopscotch 1.0m x 2.1m 191.10 3 Roadway (mtr) 13.23 TSFACT 3 Solid Factory 1m x 1m 66.15 TSGAR 3 Solid Garage 0.9m x 0.5m 66.15 TSFUEL 3 Solid Fuel Pump 0.4m x 0.65m 66.15 TSTREE 3 Solid Tree 0.3m x 0.45m 44.10 TSZEBR 3 Zebra Crossing 0.5m x 1.0m 88.20 TSLOLLY 3 Solid Lollypop Man 0.5m x 0.8m 88.20 TSBEAC 3 Solid Beacons (per pair) 0.3m x 0.8m 73.50 TSTRAFF 3 Traffic Lights (per pair) 0.2m x 0.5m 73.50 TSHOUS 3 Solid House 0.7m x 0.55m 66.15 TSRNO 3 No Entry Sign 0.5m 66.15 TSRRABO 3 Roundabout with arrows 0.4m 88.20 TSSHOP 3 Solid Shop 0.7m x 0.55m 66.15 TSSCH 3 Solid Car 0.5 x 0.32m 66.15 TRSTOP 3 Stop Sign 0.5m 66.15 TSRGIVE 3 Give Way Sign 0.6m 66.15 TSCOOL 3 "Walk to School" Road Safety Mat 1m x 0.6m 66.15 TSGEDGSLL 3 "Stop, Look, Listen, Live" Road Safety Mat 1m x 0.6m 88.20 TSSLL 3 "Stop, Look and Listen" Road Safety Mat 1m x 0.6m 88.20 TSWORLDLG 4 Large World Map 6m x 4m 974.61 TSUKLG 4 Large British Isles 4m x 3m 827.61 TSWORLDSML 4 Small World Map 2m x 1.2m 533.61 TSUKSML 4 Small British Isles 1m x 1.2m 304.29 TSWORLDCOMP 4 World Compass 2m dia 363.09 TSCOMP04 4 4 Point Compass 2.5m dia 220.50 TSCOMP08 4 8 Point Compass 2.5m dia 266.81 TSCOMP16 4 16 Point Compass 2.5m dia 352.80 Around the world and back again TSSOLAR 4 Named Solar System 12m 762.93 TSSUNCL 4 The Human Sun Clock 6m x 4m 771.75 Promoting Healthy Eating TOVMPEA 5 Pea Pod Maze 5m x 3m 338.10 TOVMPR 5 Pear Maze 5m x 3m 338.10 TOVMBROC 5 Broccoli Maze 5m x 3m 338.10 TOVMSTRAW 5 Strawberry Maze 5m x 3m 338.10 TOVMCORN 5 Sweet corn Maze 5m x 3m 338.10 TOVMAUB 5 Aubergine Maze 5m x 3m 338.10 TOVMBAN 5 Banana Maze 5m x 3m 338.10 TOVMAPPL 5 Apple Maze 5m x 3m 338.10 TOVMCARR 5 Carrot Maze 5m x 3m 338.10 TSPR 5 Pear 1m 0.6m 110.25 TSBROC 5 Broccoli 1m 0.6m 110.25 TSPOD 5 Pea Pod 1m 0.6m 110.25 TSSTRAW 5 Strawberry 0.6m sq 110.25 TSCORN 5 Sweet corn 1m x 0.6m 110.25 Playscene price List - Feb 2010 Road Safety TLROAD CODE TSBAN PAGE 5 DESCRIPTION Banana 1m x 0.6m SUPPLY INSTALL 110.25 TSAPPL 5 Apple 0.6msq 110.25 TSCARR 5 Carrot 1m x 0.6m 110.25 TSNDRAG 6 Solid 1-10 Dragon 4m 161.70 TOALPC 6 Alphabet Outline Caterpillar 10.5m 533.61 TSNGAT 6 Top Hat Solid Caterpillar (Nos 1-10) 2.5m 330.75 TSSNAK 6 Solid 1-12 Snake 2.5m 220.50 TSALPSP 6 Alphabet Spiral (A-Z) 3.0m dia 383.67 TSALPC 6 Solid Alphabet Caterpillar 8.5m 386.61 TSNUMC 6 Small Solid Caterpillar (Nos 1-11) 2.5m 264.60 TSSNAKCS 6 Alphabet Snake Circles & Stars Approx 16m 533.61 TSRAINB 7 Rainbow 1m x 0.6m 108.05 TSGLOW 7 Glow Worm 0.7m Sq 66.15 TSSUN 7 Smiley Sun 1m dia 66.15 TSCLOUD 7 Rain Cloud 0.8m x 0.8m 86.00 Alphabet Trials Just for Fun! TSBUTTBL 7 Blue Morph Butterfly 1m x 0.6m 102.90 TSBUTTRA 7 Red Admiral Butterfly 1m x 0.6m 102.90 TSSEAH 7 Seahorse 1m x 0.6m TSFACEFL 7 Flowers with Face 1m dia 99.23 TSMOON 7 Moon & Stars 0.8m x 0.8m 79.38 TSPOND 7 Pond Scene with Frog 3m x 2m TSCRAB 7 Crab 0.5m x 0.5m 66.15 TSBEE 7 Bumble Bee 0.7m x 0.7m 66.15 88.20 TSLBUG 7 Lady Bug 0.7m Sq TONTARG4 7 (1-4) +5 Circle Target 4m dia 139.65 66.15 TL5ASI 8 5 a Side Football 30m x 17m (Epoxy Markings) 294.00 TLBASK 8 Basketball Court 29m x 15m (Epoxy Markings) 294.00 TLSHTENN 8 Short Tennis Court 10m x 5m (Epoxy Markings) 249.02 Sports Courts and Court Graphics TLVOLLEY 8 Volley Ball Court 9m x 18m (Epoxy Markings) 294.00 TLROUIND 8 Rounder's Court 15m x 10m (Epoxy Markings) 515.82 TLNETB 8 Netball Court 5m x 15.25m (Epoxy Markings) 294.00 TSKICK 8 Kick Off 1m dia TSSHOOT1 8 Shoot Arrow 2m x 0.5m 132.30 TSSHOOT2 8 Shoot Arrow 1m x 0.25m 88.20 TSSLAM 8 Slam Duck 1m dia 88.20 TSCORN01 8 Corner Graphic 1m x 0.6m (Red/Yellow) 44.10 TSCORN02 8 Corner Graphic 1m x 0.6m (Orange Violet) 44.10 TSGOAL 8 Goal 1.2m x 0.5m 44.10 TSCLOWN 9 Clown Target Game 3.0m x 5.0m 793.80 TSFACE 9 Clown Face Target Game 1.5m x 1.5m 319.73 88.20 Target Games TSTRAIL 9 Trim Trail Wall Panel, Trim Trail, Spinning Dice 5.0M x 10.0M Sq TSSHUTTMO 9 Monkey Shuttlecock Target Game 3.0m x 4.0m 1102.50 330.75 TSSHUTTTI 9 Tiger Shuttlecock Target Game 3.0m x 4.0m 330.75 TSSHUTTEL 9 Elephant Shuttlecock Target Game 3.0m x 4.0m 330.75 TSDOLP 9 Dolphin Splish Splash 2.5m x 2.0m 485.10 TSDART 9 Dart Board Target Game 2.0m dia 352.80 TSNTARG 9 Bulls Eye Target Games 2.0m dia 363.83 132.30 TSCRICP 9 Cricket Half Pitch 2.7m x 13m TSSKILLS 9 Skill Snake 9m 352.80 TSDRIB 9 Ball Dribble 9m 110.25 TSPRACT 9 Throw In Practice 2m x 4m TSSNAK36 10 Snakes & Ladders 1-36 TSSNAK64 10 Snakes & Ladders 1-64 823.20 TSSNAK100 10 Snakes & Ladders 1-100 1161.30 88.20 Old Fashioned Favourties 707.81 TSCHESS 10 Chessboard 2.4m sq (white sq only) 339.57 TSMXGRID 10 Multiplication Solid Grid 3m sq 352.80 TSNGRD 10 1-100 Numbered Solid Grid 3m sq TSCIRCGM 10 Playground Circle Games, inc 12 games ideas. 10m dia 1014.30 367.50 TOCLOC 10 Clock 3m dia 218.30 Playscene price List - Feb 2010 837.90 CODE PAGE TSPAW 10 DESCRIPTION Pair of Paw Prints SUPPLY INSTALL 13.23 TSFOOT 10 Pair of Foot Prints 13.23 TSSTEP 10 20cm stepping stone 44.10 TSWOLFG 10 "What's the time Mr Wolf", 3m x 8m 837.90 TSNFLOW 10 Quantifying Flower Trail 1-10 292.53 TSNCROC 10 1-10 Solid Crocodile 2.8m 334.43 TSTREAS 10 Treasure Island inc, palm tree, crocodile, chest, skull, spade, X & shark 661.50 TSSTFIN 10 Chequered Flags TLOXO 10 Noughts & Crosses 1.5 sq 61.74 TSTRI 10 Solid Triangle 0.5m 33.08 TSRECT 10 Solid Rectangle 0.5m 33.08 TSSQN 10 Solid Square 0.5m 33.08 TSCIRC 10 Solid Circle 0.5m 33.08 TOSQN 10 Outline Square 0.5m 28.67 TOTRI 10 Outline Triangle 0.5m 28.67 TORECT 10 Outline Rectangle 0.5m 28.67 TOCIRC 10 Outline Circle 0.5m TSWORD 11 Word jump A-Z 3m x 4m 191.10 66.15 28.67 TSCIRC 11 Circuit Training 6m x 8m 191.10 TSVOWEL 11 Vowel Ladder 110.25 TSSKIPC 11 Skipping Circles 1m dia 44.10 TSQFROG 12 Frog Logo with Quiet Area Text 1.0m x 0.6m 165.38 TSQBUDD01 12 Boy/Girl Buddy Stop 1.3m x 1.3m 176.40 TSQRAIN 12 Rainbow Quiet Area 1.3 x 1.3m 165.38 TSWBUDD02 12 Buddy Stop 1.0m x 1.0m 165.38 INSTALLATION We provide a full installation service to anywhere on the UK Mainland. Playground Marking prices should be considered as GUIDE PRICES only and may be subject to area surcharges and/or minimum installation charges depending on the quantity purchased and the geographical location of the installation. Please call our office for more information. PLEASE NOTE Prices are based on good access for our vehicles right up to the area for installation and are based on installation in to a soft dig. A site visit may be required to establish site details prior to a quotation completed and it is the responsibility of the customer to make Playscene aware of any underground obstructions or services in the area for installation. All prices EXCLUDE delivery and VAT - E&OE - Please see our Standard Terms and Conditions of Trade Playscene, Cumbria Court Farnborough, Hampshire, GU14 6TB Tel: 01252 641 740 Fax: 01252 641740 Email: Web: Playscene price List - Feb 2010 Imagination & Stimulation