Diapositiva 1
Diapositiva 1
Proteine ricombinanti (antigeni e anticorpi) da pianta e da altri sistemi di espressione per applicazioni diagnostiche e terapeutiche Rosella Franconi BAS BIOTEC GEN rosella.franconi@enea.it ENEA, 3 Aprile 2009 BREVETTI BENVENUTO E., FRANCONI R., DESIDERIO A., TAVLADORAKI P. (1999) ‘ Stabilizing peptides, polypeptides and antibodies which include them‘. Brevetto Europeo 1120464 FRANCONI R, et al. (2001) 'Vaccini a subunità e procedimenti per la loro produzione‘. RM2001A000332. Brevetto Europeo FRANCONI R. & ILLIANO E. (2007). ‘Proteina E6 di HPV ricombinante, solubile e in forma biologicamente attiva, procedimento per la sua preparazione, usi e vaccini terapeutici che la comprendono’. Brevetto RM2007A000220 FRANCONI R. et al. (2009). ‘Vaccini basati su chimere genetiche tra antigeni virali, tumorali e proteine vegetali’. In fase di deposito -S-S- - - -- S-S-S S -S-S- Anticorpi ricombinanti Anticorpo a singola catena: scFvs <30 K CDR NH2 S VH S VL CL - S - S - - - S - S - - S - S - S - S - CH COOH Molecola di anticorpo ‘PHAGE DISPLAY’ 1. Manipolazioni genetiche: repertorio di mutanti 2. Espressione alla superficie del fago ‘Biopanning’ 4. Lavaggi 6. Amplificazione 7. Analisi dei ligandi specifici 5. Eluizione 3. I fagi legano l’antigene Da questo repertorio (5 x 107 molecole diverse) finora isolati anticorpi stabili e ad alta affinità contro: Virus vegetali (es. CMV, PVX, AMCV, TSWV) Antigeni modello (es. BSA, lisozima, GST) Oncoproteine (es.E7 di HPV 16) Esempio applicativo 1. Immunomodulazione/Immunoterapia Piante di pomodoro resistenti al virus del mosaico del cetriolo (CMV) scFv WT Esempio applicativo 2. Realizzazione di nuovi sistemi diagnostici Immobilizzazione reversibile su supporti elettrochimici/ottici Anticorpi ricombinanti (‘Library F8’ e/o da animali immunizzati) Possibili applicazioni industriali • Sistemi diagnostici per uso biomedico, industria alimentare (es. monitoraggio micotossine), ambiente, agrobiotecnologie • Sviluppo di una piattaforma tecnologica per produzione a basso costo su larga scala (da microbi e da pianta) • Biofarmaci innovativi BENVENUTO E., FRANCONI R., DESIDERIO A.,TAVLADORAKI P. (1999) 'Stabilizing peptides, polypeptides and antibodies which include them‘. Brevetto Europeo 1120464 Expression systems of heterologous proteins MoreBacteria than 100 Plant Made Pharmaceuticals (PMPs) have (E. coli) been produced in plant: PLANTS -Antibodies Yeasts (S. cerevisiae, -Therapeutic molecules P. pastoris) (i. e. avidin, trypsin, βglucuronidase, human albumin, serotonin, etc) Mammalian Cells (Cos) -VACCINES MICROALGAE TRANSGENIC PLANT TECHNOLOGY (STABLE expression) POTENTIAL OF VIRAL VECTORS TECHNOLOGY (Transient expression) First generation ‘Full virus’ strategy •High level of expression: up to 5 g protein/Kg fresh leaf biomass Second-generation ‘Deconstructed virus’ Strategy •Speed: 50% TSP in 4-10 days GENERAL SCHEME FOR RECOMBINANT PROTEIN PRODUCTION IN PLANTS (INDUSTRIAL PROCESS) Thus far in Europe there has been no commercial application of PMP technology (although several products have reached the clinical trial stage like gastric lipase, lactoferrin ecc.) and: Bayer AG (major pharmaceutical company, that in 2006 acquired ICON Genetics) announced in July ‘08 the opening of a production facility that will use tobacco to manufacture biopharmaceuticals, the first of which will be a patient-specific antibody vaccine for NONHODGKIN’S LYMPHOMA THERAPY Greenhouse for containment of GMO at ENEA Casaccia, Rome PLANT-DERIVED HPV ANTIGENS/VACCINES The Nobel Prize in Medicine 2008 “For his discovery of human papilloma viruses causing cervical cancer" “His studies allowed to establish that HPV is the causative agent of cervical cancer: he is the first who identified a virus as tumor cause. “His discovery brought to the characterization of the HPV infection and carcinogenesis mechanisms” Harald zur Hausen Doctor and virologist German Cancer Research Centre Heidelberg, Germany Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Cervical Cancer Second cause of death in women FIRST in Developing Countries 80% of cervical cancers worldwide High-risk HPV 300 millions women infected Global Incidence of Cervical Cancer (Vaccine, vol.3 - 2005) HPV16 causes more than 50% of cervical cancer HPV VACCINES - PROPHYLACTIC Commercial vaccines based on the L1 protein (VLPs): GARDASIL (Merck): VLPs of L1 CERVARIX (GlaxoSmithKline): VLPs protein from HPV 6/11/16/18 made in yeast, aluminum adjuvant of L1 protein from HPV 16/18 made in baculovirus, AS04 adjuvant Expensive!!!! ¾Low-cost prophylactic vaccines. ¾Low-cost antigens for vaccinated people follow-up (post-marketing monitoring). HPV VACCINES - THERAPEUTIC • Therapy through prophylaxis on the long run: - Effects on population of HPV prophylactic vaccine will be visible after decades (20 years = 5 million deaths); - Only prevent up to 70% of all cervical cancers; - Cannot control existing HPV infections or lesions. • Best candidates: E6 and E7 oncoproteins (constitutively expressed in cervical cancer cells and necessary for progression and maintenance of the cell malignant phenotype. • No commercially available vaccines. • No ‘ideal’ therapeutic vaccine => open field • Many experimental, E7-based therapeutic vaccines in clinical trial. Experimental therapeutic vaccine based on the HPV16 E7 protein expressed in PLANT (”First generation” viral vector: Potato Virus X-derived vector) 40% of tumor-free mice after immunization with E7-cointaining crude plant extracts 80% of tumor-free mice after immunization with PGIPss-E7-cointaining crude plant extracts FRANCONI R, et al. (2001) 'Vaccini a subunità e procedimenti per la loro produzione‘. RM2001A000332. Brevetto Europeo (ENEA/IRE/ISS) -”Second generation” viral vector: pBI-TMV -Preclinical experiments with purified protein -E7 protein fused with a bacterial carrier (lichenase from C. termocellum => PATENTED) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ~ 400 μg purified LicKM-E7 fusion protein / g leaf 62 kD 49 kD 38 kD Purified Lic-E7GGG stable up to 7 days R.T. 28 kD 17 kD BSA 0.25– 5 µg Lic-E7 Lic-E7GGG GENERATION OF CLONAL ROOT LINES (‘CLONAL ROOT TECHNOLOGY’) ESTABLISHMENT OF MASTER ROOT CULTURE FOR SELECTED ROOT LINE ~ 3 g fusion protein/Kg root In the best expressing clones PREPARATION OF LEAF DISKS CO-CULTURE WITH A. rhizogenes HARBOURING THE RECOMBINANT VECTOR LicKM-E7, LicKM-E7GGG BIOMASS ACCUMULATION FOR SELECTED ROOT LINE SEPARATION OF INDIVIDUAL ROOTS GENERATION OF HAIRY ROOTS EXPRESSING LicKM-E7/E7GGG • 100% of tumor-free mice after immunization with purified E7-Lic protein (40 μg tot). VAC-1 DAY 3 DAY 0 Challenge with 5x103 TC-1* cells 50 mice per group DAY 18 PRIME BOOST DAY 6 DAY 21 VAC-2 Comparison in overall survival between early- (Vac-1) and late- (Vac-2) vaccinated groups of mice. Log-rank test revealed a significant difference between the VAC groups and controls (P < 0.0001) whereas a non statistically significant difference between Vac-1 and Vac-2 was recorded (p = 0,0857). Venuti et al., (2009) Vaccine CONCLUSIONS LicKM-E7GGG fusion protein is a powerful therapeutic vaccine that is able to cure established experimental tumours and have a dramatic effect on the overall survival of the treated animals. Even the late treatment, when the tumour is already fully established, is able to induce a therapeutic response. These studies open the possibility of a Phase I clinical trial with the purified, plant-derived, harmful version of HPV16 E7 oncoprotein (LicE7GGG) Future work Construction of similar fusion vaccines against other high risk HPVs, like HPV18, 31 and 45. Evaluation of different prime/boost strategies by using an association with DNA vaccines COMBINATION VACCINES: HETEROLOGOUS PRIME-BOOST STRATEGY Control 100 DNA / LicE7GGG protein 50 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 •The protocol using DNA followed by LicE7GGG protein (even without adjuvant) is more efficient Conclusion FROM BENCHTOP TO BEDSIDE Effective therapeutic vaccines can be accomplished exploiting the potential of plant production and /or heterologous administration schedule (the best for HPV-associated cancer) for future bedside applications => PLANTS AS BIOFACTORIES The results of our work open the way to the exploitation of other plant- or plant virus- derived sequences, with immunological features, to obtain vaccines (DNA or protein) of relevance against HPV => PLANTS AS A SOURCE OF IMMUNO-STIMULATORY MOLECULES FRANCONI R., VENUTI A., SPANO’ L., MASSA S. (2009). ‘Vaccini basati su chimere genetiche tra antigeni virali, tumorali e proteine vegetali’. Brevetto in fase di deposito (ENEA/IRE/UNIVAQ) MICROALGAE as bioreactors Combination of PLANT and MICRORGANISM advantages: -Economic (light and minerals) -Axenic growth (easy regulatory path) -Rapid growth (8h, vegetatively) -Easy “scale-up” -”Generally Recognized As Safe” (GRAS)=> oral vaccine administration Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Unicellular eukaryotic green alga Nuclear transformation -easy to perform by the glass beads method -Eukaryotic post-transductional modifications -Possibility of protein secretion with specific signal sequences Chloroplast transformation -homologous recombination in the chloroplast genome => no positional effects - easy to perform (unique copy-40% of the total cell volume) -heterologous protein compartmentalization => protein accumulation GST-agarose Dlg E6-AP P53 pDZ1 1111-E6 GST PULL-DOWN ANALISI SPETTROSCOPICHE 25°C 1600 1400 FRANCONI R. & ILLIANO E. (2007). ‘Proteina E6 di HPV ricombinante, solubile e in forma biologicamente attiva, procedimento per la sua preparazione, usi e vaccini terapeutici che la comprendono.’ Brevetto RM2007A000220 O.D. 405 nm 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 E6 urea + Freund E6 urea + MF59 E6 nativa + E6 nativa + Freund MF59 CTRL + Freund CTRL + MF59 M-3 T2 18E6 M-3 T1 18E6 M-3 T2 11E6 M-3 T1 11E6 M-3 T2 16E6 M-3 T1 16E6 30°C Ctrl (+) Ctrl (-) STUDIO IMMUNOGENICITÀ M-3 T2 16E6IVT DEGRADATION ASSAY M-3 T2 in vitro TRANSLATION & M-3 T1 16E6IVT pα-E6 M-3 T2 16E6IVT ATTIVITÀ BIOLOGICA M-3 T1 16E6IVT 1818-E6 M-3 T1 •No buoni anticorpi per diagnosi in vivo (‘imaging’) o in vitro (immunoistoichimica su ‘smear’ cellulari) 1616-E6 M-3 T0 •E6 di HPV: una proteina ‘difficile’ da produrre in forma ricombinante 16E6 ctrl+ Espressione e purificazione della sequenza originale di E6 di HPV in condizioni native e in forma solubile da cellule di batterio ‘Antigeni da pianta/microalghe/batteri’ Applicazioni industriali HPV Vaccino profilattico • • Formulazioni vaccinali sicure ed economiche (L1/VLPs) Valutazione post-marketing del vaccino profilattico Vaccino terapeutico (vegetale/genetico) • • Studi clinici di fase I- Strategie di vaccinazione prime/boost eterologa (DNA-proteina purificata da pianta) anche in assenza di adiuvanti Fusioni con proteine vegetali (immunostimolazione) ALTRO……… v $ 2200 v v Medium-Scale protein Production Services • Algae •Plants v v Plant-derived SARS-CoV) Vaccines/Antigens (i.e. HPV HPV antigens SARS-CoV antigens Use of Plant- or Plant Virus-Derived Sequences for the Development of new DNA/Protein Vaccines Recombinant Proteins and Antibodies for the Development of new Diagnosis Test (i.e. SARS-CoV, HPV, mycotoxins) Recombinant Antibodies to obtain Plants Resistant to Viral Infections Bando DTB- Fondi CIPE - prot. 1039 CPH (Chip Proteomico per HPV): Ricerca e sviluppo di una piattaforma biotecnologica per la realizzazione di prototipi di diagnostica avanzata A) Valutazione post-marketing del vaccino preventivo. Prototipi a basso costo per la ricerca di anticorpi specifici di classe IgG o IgM: => monitoraggio della sieroconversione in soggetti vaccinati contro HPV => identificazione di infezioni persistenti da HPV o lesioni pre-cancerose - Chip con VLPs prodotte da cellule di insetto; - L1, L1 deleta, mutata o fusa con altre proteine prodotta da cellule di insetto o da E. coli e assemblata in vitro; - L1 o sue forme derivate prodotte in sistemi vegetali. B) Diagnosi precoce dei tumori HPV-associati Purificazione delle oncoproteine E6 ed E7 di HPV ad alto rischio (es. HPV16) in forma nativa. => diagnosi e monitoraggio dell’infezione e dello sviluppo del tumore - Saggi immunologici, immunoblot,immunofluorescenza, ‘chip’ di proteine Selezione di anticorpi ricombinanti (‘phage display’) => diagnosi precoce da affiancare all’HPV test per individuare il virus e gli antigeni associati a tumore da preparati biologici. - Kit immunoenzimatici, biosensori, immunosensori S. MASSA E. ILLIANO O. DE MURTAS C. NOBILI O. BITTI - A. VENUTI IRE – Lab. Virologia - RM - C. GIORGI P. DI BONITO ISS - RM - L. SPANÒ Univ. L’Aquila – Dip.to Biologia cellulare E. BENVENUTO A. DESIDERIO M.E. VILLANI G. GIULIANO P. FERRANTE - L. BANKS International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Padriciano (Trieste) - V. YUSIBOV Fraunhofer USA Center for Molecular Biotecnology Newark - DE (USA)