Media Kit
Media Kit
Media Kit Advertising Opportunities and Rate Card content on the go Media Kit 2016 About Emirates Emirates one of the largest and fastest growing airlines in the world Emirates is currently the largest airline in the world in terms of scheduled international passenger-kilometers flown. Passenger Demographics Inflight Entertainment Systems Inflight Advertising Survey Advertising Opportunities | One of the largest and fastest growing airlines | Ever-expanding route network | 50,000,000 45,000,000 40,000,000 35,000,000 30,000,000 25,000,000 1. Emirates 20,000,000 2. United Airlines 15,000,000 10,000,000 3. Lufthansa 5,000,000 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 5. Delta Airlines 1999 0 1998 4. British Airways 6. Air France 7. Ryanair 8. Cathay Pacific Airways 9. Singapore Airlines 10. Qatar Airways Source: IATA Over 4.3 million captive and affluent people are exposed to your message, ... every month! content on the go Media Kit 2016 2 About Emirates Ever-expanding route network 230+ Aircraft ›› Largest A380 operator ›› Largest B777 operator ›› Avg of 2 aircraft join the fleet every month Passenger Demographics 4.3 million passengers per month ›› Loyal fequent flyers ›› Avg. of 2 people join Skywards (Frequent Flyer Program) ...every minute Advertising Opportunities St. Petersburg Stockholm Gothenburg Glasgow Copenhagen Newcastle Manchester Hamburg Dublin Amsterdam Birmingham Warsaw Dusseldorf London Liege Prague Paris Frankfurt Zurich Vienna Geneva Munich Seattle Toronto Chicago Los Angeles 14,000+ Flights per month ›› 146 destinations and growing ›› 81 Countries and growing ›› 6 continents Inflight Advertising Survey | One of the largest and fastest growing airlines | Ever-expanding route network | San Francisco Best Inflight Entertainment System ›› Skytrax Passenger Award, 11 consecutive years ›› Largest screens in the airline world ›› High definition Inflight Entertainment Systems Lyon Milan Venice Nice Zaragoza Rome Madrid Barcelona Lisbon Tunis Algiers Malta Casablanca Tripoli Boston New York Washington, DC Dallas/Fort Worth Moscow Kiev Istanbul Beijing Athens Seoul Larnaca Cairo Houston Dubai Khartoum Dakar Abidjan Accra Lagos Malé Entebbe Eldoret Nairobi Dar es Salaam Luanda Tokyo Osaka Seychelles Shanghai Taipei Hong Kong Clark Manila Bangkok Ho Chi Minh City Phuket Kuala Lumpur Singapore Jakarta Lilongwe Lusaka Harare Viracopos São Paulo Chennai Bengaluru Kozhikode Kochi Thiruvananthapuram Colombo Djibouti Addis Ababa Conakry Peshawar Islamabad Sialkot Lahore Delhi Karachi Dhaka Guangzhou Ahmedabad Kolkata Chittagong Hanoi Mumbai Hyderabad Kabul Mauritius Rio de Janeiro Johannesburg Brisbane Durban Perth Cape Town Adelaide Buenos Aires Melbourne Sydney Auckland Christchurch Erbil 230+ aircraft Tehran Baghdad Beirut Amman Damascus Basra Kuwait Medina Jeddah Dammam Bahrain Doha Riyadh Dubai Muscat 4.3 million passengers per month Sana’a content on the go Media Kit 2016 3 About Emirates A global audience with a middle eastern focus Key target market age: Age 25-54 75% Age 25-44 55% Passenger split: Economy class Business class First class 68% 25% 7% Passenger Demographics Inflight Entertainment Systems Inflight Advertising Survey Advertising Opportunities | A global audience | Align your brand with Emirates | The Transumer | Your dream audience | REASON FOR TRAVEL NATIONALITY Indian Subcontinent 20% Middle East 18% Australia & NZ 6.5% Other 8% Business 39% 11% Africa 28% Europe 12% Far East 2% 2.5% Other Americas 53% Leisure GENDER Male 72% AGE 45-54 20% Female 28% 55-64 12% 65+ 5% 8% <25 27% 35-44 content on the go Media Kit 2016 28% 25-34 4 About Emirates An opportunity to align your brand with one that is globally recognised Passenger Demographics Inflight Entertainment Systems Inflight Advertising Survey Advertising Opportunities | A global audience | Align your brand with Emirates | The Transumer | Your dream audience | Recent Sponsorships: ›› Real Madrid ›› F1 ›› Lancashire County Cricket Club including Emirates Old Trafford ›› Paris Saint-Germain ›› Olympiacos FC ›› New York Cosmos ›› Roland Garros ›› Barcelona Open ›› Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games and Emirates Arena and others.... content on the go Media Kit 2016 5 About Emirates The more people fly, the more important they are. The typical transumer has worked his way up the corporate ladder and has a high disposable income. Hard to please and on the look for the highest quality, Emirates is the obvious choice for them as we deliver the high standards in product and service they expect. Inflight Entertainment Systems 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 80% of Emirates passengers Designer Suit Or Dress Costing Over €1,000 Briefcase Or Handbag Over €500 Jewellery Over €1,500 Total None 1+ 3+ 6+ number of flights/year Annual Golf Club Membership Over €1,600 11+ LUXURY WATCHES Index 3 Advertising Opportunities LUXURY ITEMS (excl. watches) More and more difficult to reach through traditional media, this elite audience is ready to listen to your message. the amount of times a frequent flier is more likely to own a designer suit or dress of over 1,000 Euro. Inflight Advertising Survey | A global audience | Align your brand with Emirates | The Transumer | Your dream audience | Index A Transumer ...a counsumer in transit Passenger Demographics 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 80% of Emirates passengers Approximate Value Of Main Watch €5,000+ Likely Expenditure If Plan To Buy Watch In Next 12 Months €5,000+ Total None 1+ 3+ 6+ number of flights/year 11+ Source: EMS 2014 content on the go Media Kit 2016 6 About Emirates Private investments and 250+ employee companies The frequent flyers are HNWI, with significant savings. 250+ employee companies are what 80% of frequent flyers work for - a true global audience. Inflight Entertainment Systems Inflight Advertising Survey Advertising Opportunities | A global audience | Align your brand with Emirates | The Transumer | Your dream audience | PRIVATE INVESTMENTS (excl. mortage/home) 250 80% of Emirates passengers are 80% of Emirates passengers 200 Index 300-500% more likely to do major private investments. Passenger Demographics €950,000-€3,000,000 Value Of Private Investments 150 100 €550,000-€950,000 Value Of Private Investments 50 0 Total None 1+ 3+ 6+ number of flights/year 11+ COMPANIES +250 EMPLOYEES 60% 80% of Emirates passengers 50% Companies +250 Employees 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% None 1-2 3-5 6-10 number of flights/year 11+ Source: EMS 2014 content on the go Media Kit 2016 7 About Emirates Senior decision makers and education A very senior audience - out of the 80% of Emirates frequent flyers, 40%+ of them is considered Senior decision makers. The frequent flyers are likely to have a high degree, which is also reflected in their level of management. Passenger Demographics Inflight Entertainment Systems Inflight Advertising Survey Advertising Opportunities | A global audience | Align your brand with Emirates | The Transumer | Your dream audience | SENIOR DECISION MAKERS 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 80% of Emirates passengers Senior Decision Makers None 1-2 3-5 6-10 number of flights/year 11+ UNIVERSITY OR HIGHER DEGREE 80% 80% of Emirates passengers 70% 60% University or Higher Degree 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% None 1-2 3-5 6-10 number of flights/year 11+ Source: EMS 2014 content on the go Media Kit 2016 8 About Emirates Personal income and employment The more you fly the more you earn, there is a direct trend between number of flights and income level. Passenger Demographics Inflight Entertainment Systems Advertising Opportunities | A global audience | Align your brand with Emirates | The Transumer | Your dream audience | PERSONAL INCOME 600 80% of Emirates passengers 500 Total Universe Index 400 The C-Suite is flying all the time, typical part of their job responsibility. Inflight Advertising Survey €100,000 - €150,000 300 €150,000+ 200 100 0 None 1+ 3+ 6+ number of flights/year 11+ 4% 2% EMPLOYMENT - HIGH RANKING SENIOR MANAGEMENT 300 80% of Emirates passengers 250 Total Universe Index 200 Chairman, CEO, President, Managing Director, CFO, Board Member Or GM 150 Head Of A Department or Other Manager 100 50 0 None 1+ 3+ 6+ number of flights/year 11+ 7% 8% Source: EMS 2014 content on the go Media Kit 2016 9 About Emirates A dream audience ready and willing to listen to you... Passenger Demographics Inflight Entertainment Systems Inflight Advertising Survey Advertising Opportunities | A global audience | Align your brand with Emirates | The Transumer | Your dream audience | Engaged Sales manager, thinking about her next holiday destination. Affluent Thinking of some shopping after her meetings. Opinion leaders Obsessed with cars, this Emirates Skywards Platinum member buys a new one every year. A company director who loves the latest gadgets. This couple needs financial advice they can rely on. IT Director, always looking for the best solution. He finally decided to buy the diving watch he always wanted. Early adopters content on the go Media Kit 2016 Decision makers Captive 10 Inflight Entertainment Systems content on the go Media Kit 2015 About Emirates Passenger Demographics Inflight Entertainment Systems Inflight Advertising Survey Advertising Opportunities | ice | Content update | Leader in inflight entertainment | Range of entertainment systems | ice The biggest and best selection of entertainment in the skies: ›› Latest blockbusters ›› Movies from all over the world ›› Comedy, Drama, Sports, Documentaries and so much more ice and ice digital widescreen: ›› Between 700 and 2000 channels of premium entertainment ›› Video On Demand ice on demand: ›› 600 channels of premium entertainment ›› Video On Demand content on the go Media Kit 2016 12 About Emirates Content update Passenger Demographics Inflight Entertainment Systems Inflight Advertising Survey Advertising Opportunities | ice | Content update | Leader in inflight entertainment | Range of entertainment systems | Content updated monthly: Between 600 and 2000 channels of premium entertainment Video On Demand: Available on all Airbus 380, Boeing 777 and Airbus 340-500 content on the go Media Kit 2016 13 About Emirates Emirates, the leader in inflight entertainment Passenger Demographics Inflight Entertainment Systems Inflight Advertising Survey Advertising Opportunities | ice | Content update | Leader in inflight entertainment | Range of entertainment systems | Facts: ›› Best Inflight Entertainment system in the world. (Skytrax 11 consecutive years 20052015) ›› Emirates has won over 400 awards for excellence ›› Emirates was the first airline to offer TV screens in every seat in 1992 ›› Emirates was the first airline to offer SMS and email service in every seat ›› Emirates was the first airline to transmit live news headlines to its aircraft ›› Emirates was the first to allow mobile phone use inflight content on the go Media Kit 2016 14 About Emirates Range of entertainment systems Passenger Demographics Advertising Opportunities Entertainment System # aircraft % seats First Business Economy A 380-800 ice digital widescreen ice digital widescreen ice digital widescreen 65 38% B 777-200 LR ice digital widescreen iice digital widescreen ice digital widescreen 10 3% B 777-200 ER ice ice ice 6 2% ice ice ice 27 12% ice digital widescreen ice digital widescreen ice digital widescreen 77 33% B 777-300 ice ice ice 12 5% A 340-500 ice ice ice 1 1% A 340-300 ice on demand ice on demand Entertainment 4 1% A 330 ice on demand ice on demand Entertainment 18 5% B 777-300 ER Media Kit 2016 Inflight Advertising Survey | ice | Content update | Leader in inflight entertainment | Range of entertainment systems | Aircraft type content on the go Inflight Entertainment Systems 15 Inflight Advertising Survey content on the go Media Kit 2015 About Emirates How many return flights do you make a year on average? Passenger Demographics Inflight Entertainment Systems Inflight Advertising Survey Advertising Opportunities | Survey 1 | Survey 2 | Survey 3 | Survey 4 | Survey 5 | Survey 6 | Survey 7 | The Emirates customer base predominantly consists of frequent travellers. 80% of these passengers can be considered very intensive travellers. 2-5 51% 1 9% content on the go Media Kit 2016 5-10 19% 10+ 21% 17 About Emirates How long did you use the Entertainment System? Passenger Demographics Inflight Entertainment Systems ALL RESPONDENTS Entire Flight 27% 100% of the respondents uses the inflight entertainment system at some time during the flight Short time only 3% Less than half 28% 67% of all First Class and Business Class passengers use the system for more than half of the flight More than half 42% Did not use 0% ECONOMY CLASS Entire Flight 32% Short time only 3% Less than half 27% More than half 38% Did not use 0% Media Kit 2016 Advertising Opportunities | Survey 1 | Survey 2 | Survey 3 | Survey 4 | Survey 5 | Survey 6 | Survey 7 | 1-in-3 passengers uses the entertainment system from take off to landing content on the go Inflight Advertising Survey FIRST & BUSINESS CLASS Entire Flight More 15% than half 52% Short time only 3% Less than half 30% Did not use 0% 18 About Emirates How would you rate the overall choice of entertainment Passenger Demographics Inflight Entertainment Systems Inflight Advertising Survey Advertising Opportunities | Survey 1 | Survey 2 | Survey 3 | Survey 4 | Survey 5 | Survey 6 | Survey 7 | 7 out of 10 passengers give the choice of entertainment the highest possible score Emirates has won best inflight entertainment awards from Skytrax for the last 11 years Excellent 67% Average 3% Good 30% Poor 0% content on the go Media Kit 2016 19 About Emirates Did you try to skip TV advertising using fast forward during today’s flight? Passenger Demographics Inflight Entertainment Systems Inflight Advertising Survey Advertising Opportunities | Survey 1 | Survey 2 | Survey 3 | Survey 4 | Survey 5 | Survey 6 | Survey 7 | Almost 6 out of 10 passengers never fast forward any advertising Only 23% of the passengers try to skip the advertising sometimes 20% of the passengers try only once No 57% Tried only once Yes, 20% sometimes try to skip 23% content on the go Media Kit 2016 20 About Emirates Advertising recall: HSBC Impact Passenger Demographics Inflight Entertainment Systems Inflight Advertising Survey Advertising Opportunities | Survey 1 | Survey 2 | Survey 3 | Survey 4 | Survey 5 | Survey 6 | Survey 7 | Recall: 47% % of the passengers who recall to have seen the ad Base: all passengers Attribution: 81% % of the passengers who can attribute the correct brand to the ad Base: passengers who recalled the ad HSBC RECALL Wrong 19% No 53% Impact: 38% % of the passengers who have seen the ad and can attribute the correct brand Base: all passengers HSBC ATTRIBUTION Yes 47% Correct 81% 4 out of 10 passengers had seen the commercial and named HSBC as the correct advertiser In other words, over 1.7 million passengers could leave the airport with your brand on their mind. content on the go Media Kit 2016 21 About Emirates What do you think about the amount of advertising before movies and TV ? Passenger Demographics Inflight Entertainment Systems Inflight Advertising Survey Advertising Opportunities | Survey 1 | Survey 2 | Survey 3 | Survey 4 | Survey 5 | Survey 6 | Survey 7 | 87% of Emirates passengers are comfortable with the amount of advertising that is shown onboard. Acceptable 79% 13% Too much 8% Room for more content on the go Media Kit 2016 22 About Emirates Did you work during the flight?* Passenger Demographics Inflight Entertainment Systems Inflight Advertising Survey Advertising Opportunities | Survey 1 | Survey 2 | Survey 3 | Survey 4 | Survey 5 | Survey 6 | Survey 7 | Ordering process: Only 5% of business travellers do a substantial amount of work during the flight. Many business travellers value their time onboard Emirates to catch up on movies and TV. *(Only passengers travelling for business purposes) No 86% 9% Less than 1hr 4% Less than 3hrs 3% More than 3hrs content on the go Media Kit 2016 23 Advertising Opportunities and Rates content on the go Media Kit 2015 About Emirates Advertising Opportunities Passenger Demographics Inflight Entertainment Systems Inflight Advertising Survey Advertising Opportunities | Advertising opportunities | Famous brands on ice | Rate Card | Material specifications | Enquiries & Contacts | ice Package: 93% of seats ice, ice Digital Widescreen and ice OnDemand 1 month cycle 4,300,000 passengers 7,300,000+ exposures content on the go Media Kit 2016 25 About Emirates Famous brands on Emirates Passenger Demographics Inflight Entertainment Systems Inflight Advertising Survey Advertising Opportunities | Advertising opportunities | Famous brands on ice | Rate Card | Material specifications | Enquiries & Contacts | ACER ADCB (Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank) Bloomingdales Alpari Atlantis Resorts Audi Bank of Singapore Baume & Mercier Credit Agricole DU Etisalat Fairmont Hotels Falcon Private Bank Galeries Lafayette Glaxosmithkline Hilton Hotels HSBC Premier Infiniti cars IWC Lenovo Mall of the Emirates Mercedes Benz Nissan Polo Ralph Lauren Roger Dubuis Samsung SAP Saxo Bank Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts Tag Heuer Tiffany & Co Toshiba VISA Volkswagen Volvo content on the go Media Kit 2016 26 About Emirates Passenger Demographics Inflight Entertainment Systems Inflight Advertising Survey Advertising Opportunities | Advertising opportunities | Famous brands on ice | Rate Card | Material specifications | Enquiries & Contacts | Rate Card Terms and conditions: All rates are in US$ Rates for special packages on request Booking deadline: 2 months prior to broadcasting month Material deadline: 7 weeks prior to broadcasting month All Advertisements are to be in English. Arabic versions can be supplied for the corresponding channels All advertisements are subject to approval by Emirates Volume discount: Spot Length Monthly Rate 30 sec $ 114,000 40 sec $ 144,400 45 sec $ 162,450 60 sec $ 205,200 Cycle Deadline January November 1st February December 1st March January 1st April February 1st May March 1st June April 1st July May 1st August June 1st 3-5 months : 5% September July 1st 6-9 months : 10% October August 1st November September 1st December October 1st 10+ months : 15% content on the go Media Kit 2016 27 About Emirates Digital Material Specifications Passenger Demographics Note: The points mentioned above are to be taken as rough guidelines. We encourage clients to submit storyboards prior to production. The airline reserves the right to reject creative. content on the go Media Kit 2016 Inflight Advertising Survey Advertising Opportunities | Advertising opportunities | Famous brands on ice | Rate Card | Material specifications | Enquiries & Contacts | Creative approval guidelines: At least one TVC supplied must be in English. TV Commercials to be placed before English content must be in English. In addition to this, we can accept Arabic and other language creative which will be played out before same language content. For languages other than English, translation of the voice over and subtitles must be provided for the airline to review. The creative needs to appeal to a broad international audience. Artwork quality needs to be of the highest standard, as would be expected of International brands. TVC needs to adhere to Middle East / Arabic cultural values. No images of airlines allowed. Inflight Entertainment Systems LOW RES: To Spafax Dubai .avi or .mpg digital files via e-mail or providing a url where the files can be downloaded Email: TVC INFO: To Spafax Dubai Email: Name of the ad : Language of voice over : Subtitles (if present) : Runtime : Play period (please specify dates) : Master aspect ratio ( 16x9 or/and 4x3 ): HIGH RES: Technical Details ProRes 422: Audio:16bit / Frame rate as original source, 4:3 caption safe / If your source is HD we would like 1280 x 720p / If your source is SD we would like as source /If you can’t provide this please contact us to discuss alternatives. Audio Layout: Channel Assignment 1 Left Full Mix 2 Right Full Mix File Layout: ›› Include 2 seconds black at start of the TVC ›› No Bars/tone ›› 1 second black at end of TVC ›› No elements File Delivery: To be sent via a YouSendIt/ Hightail link or a similar site. FTP’s take too long to download. If there is no access to a file upload site, a Signiant login can be provided on request. Email: 28 About Emirates Contact Details Passenger Demographics Inflight Entertainment Systems Inflight Advertising Survey Advertising Opportunities | Advertising opportunities | Famous brands on ice | Rate Card | Material specifications | Enquiries & Contacts | Enquiries: Jelle De Mey Director of Sales Tel: +971 4 423 4780 Mobile: +971 50 738 1373 E-Mail: Spafax Dubai 33rd floor, Tiffany Tower Jumeirah Lakes Towers United Arab Emirates P.O. Box 62615 TORONTO NEW YORK LONDON AMSTERDAM DUBAI KUALA LUMPUR SINGAPORE LIMA SANTIAGO content on the go content on the go Media Kit 2016 MEDIA SALES OFFICES 29