
September/October 2010
Chris Mutai
Lindsay Sundell
Vol. 36, No. 5
Issue 382
Scott Hershey
Stephanie Griffith
VPR Resurrected
Does Barefoot Running Really Make
You Blind?
Letters to the Editor
Summer Beach Run Results
JTC Running Scholarship Recipients
Share Their Experiences
New and Renewing Members
Track Workouts
Coaches Corner
Douglas Tillett
President’s Message
Greetings Fellow JTC Running Members:
Larissa Bodniowycz
Jennifer Joy
I finally took the leap and joined the 500 million member
village, Facebook. For the record, Larry Roberts is
my first ‘friend’ so I guess I’m off and running (no pun
intended). Now, all I need is my girls to show me how
to use it! I’m also on Twitter. Not sure why but I’m on it. I
learned in the first 5 minutes what Maurice Jones-Drew
had for dinner last night so can’t say I’m not informed.
Personally, I sit in front of a pc all day and when I’m not
doing that I’m on the Blackberry so spending my free
time on Facebook, or ‘tweeting’, is probably something
I won’t do very often. So if you find me, I apologize in
advance if I don’t respond in a timely manner. I’m a work
in progress.
Bruce Holmes
Actually, there are some really good Facebook and
Twitter sites/groups dedicated to running; too many to
name here. As many of you know, my son-in-law runs
professionally so I’ve spent time following his efforts on
various cool sites while his races are in progress.
Did you know JTC Running has a Facebook page in
addition to the website? Check it out sometime and let
us know what you think. We’re always looking for better
ways to communicate to the club. You’ll also find great
pics on the site this month from the Summer Beaches
Mandy Weldon
Elena Davis
Photos By: Trib La Prade
Speaking of communication, your Board has been busy
this Summer. In our last meeting we passed a new ByLaw amendment related to our election process. As
I communicated to you earlier this year, I asked Larry
Roberts to chair a task force to review our election
process. His committee recommended a change that
staggers two-year terms to assure the Board always
has a mix of experienced members with newly elected
members. You’ll find details in the minutes of the
meeting and please let anyone of us know if you have
any questions.
…and speaking of the Board, it’s approaching time for
2011 elections. I encourage each of you to consider
participating in the governance of the club. We’re always
looking for dedicated folks willing to devote their time
and skills to the club. Look for election details in the next
Starting Line and on-line.
Get out and enjoy the ‘cooler’ weather.
See you on the road.
JTC Running Board Of Directors
VPR Resurrected
By H.B.Harley, Jr.
David Hall........... (904) 346-3257
Cell..................... (971) 322-7862
Vice President
Larry Roberts . ... (904) 731-4852
Cell..................... (904) 703-5451
Bonnie Brooks.... (904) 262-2842
Cell..................... (904) 868-5479
Douglas Tillett..... (904) 388-6139
Cell..................... (904) 728-3711
Doug Alred........ (904) 731-0636
Work................... (904) 731-1900
Jane Alred......... (904) 731-0636
Work................... (904) 731-3676
Margaret Barton.(904) 398-9119
Cell..................... (904) 210-5803
Colleen Clarson.(904) 273-4119
Cell..................... (904) 885-1702
Richard Fannin.. (904) 634-6061
cell...................... (904) 662-3814
Bob Fernee........ (904) 743-3161
Carol Fitzsimmons.(904) 886-4019
cell...................... (904) 610-8962
Mike Fitzsimmons...(904) 886-4019
cell...................... (904) 923-7180
David Frank....... (904) 662-0913
Trib La Prade..... (904) 390-2737
cell...................... (904) 568-8742
Rex Reed........... (904) 608-2087
Larry Sassa....... (904) 247-6575
cell...................... (904) 699-0466
Jo Shott............. (904) 731-5681
cell...................... (904) 885-0178
Owen Shott....... (904) 731-5681
cell...................... (904) 233-2483
Lamar Strother.. (904) 388-7860
Jim VanCleave.. (904) 287-9826
work.................... (904) 359-3511
Jaguars Ticket Discount for JTC Running
Jacksonville Jaguar group discount tickets for JTC Running now on
sale! Pick a game(s), bring your family and friends, and enjoy a great
day of football! Call Bonnie Brooks 868-5479 for details or email
2010 Jacksonville Jaguars Home Schedule
Aug. 21
Sep. 2
Miami Dolphins
Atlanta Falcons
Regular Season
Sep. 12
Denver Broncos
Sep. 26
Philadelphia Eagles
Oct. 3
Indianapolis Colts
Oct. 18
Tennessee Titans
7:30 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m.
4:05 p.m.
4:05 p.m.
8:30 p.m.
September/October 2010
Nov. 14
Nov. 21
Dec. 12
Dec. 26
Houston Texans
Cleveland Browns
Oakland Raiders
Washington Redskins
1:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m.
JTC Running’s Volunteer Reward Program (VRP) is
back for another attempt to gain traction with the club’s
members. The program was established five years ago in
an attempt to motivate people to help at club events and
as a way to express gratitude for that help. Currently, the
club (Lamar Strother) spends hours on the phone trying
to get enough people for a smoothly run event.
Despite numerous articles in the club newsletter especially early on - explaining the program, there has
been only one redemption in the five years. “It kind-of
died a slow death for a number of reasons” says founder
of the program, board member Trib La Prade. “The lack
of people taking advantage of the rewards made it tough
to keep doing the point entries; the complicated points
systems and data base establishment took a lot of time;
and then, when the new website came along two years
ago, I was the most logical person to take over from
John (JTC Running board member and webmaster John
TenBreock, who died in September 2008); so the whole
VRP thing kind of went on the back burner and time was
directed to learning about establishing and maintaining
the new website.”
VRP Round 2 is the new and improved version. The point
system is simplified, the database has been established
(these days, there are very few ‘new’ volunteers added to
the pool of 460 persons on record), and the workings of
the website have been tucked away.
Now, on to VRP Resurrection. A few key points are: all
of the points from the previous years are still there; you
don’t need membership or passwords or any of that for
VRP points. Check out the JTC Running website for the
details and to see where you stand on the points and
what prizes you could claim… then
hit the ‘Get Involved’ menu item.
See you at the races - hopefully volunteering!!!
Discounts to JTC Running Members
Merchants offering a 10% discount to JTC Running members ONLY (Valid card-carrying member only,
does not include family members unless those family members possess a valid membership card). Proper
JTC Running membership card is required at time of purchase, not to be used with any other discounts.
Certain items may not be subject to discount.
1st Place Sports
• 3931 Baymeadows Rd
Jacksonville, FL
• 424 Third Street South
Jacksonville Beach, FL
• 2016 San Marco Blvd.
Jacksonville, FL
• 2186 Park Avenue
Orange Park, FL
Bruester’s Ice Cream
• 12224 Atlantic Blvd.
Jacksonville, FL
• 11701 San Jose Blvd. Jacksonville, FL
The Trek Bicycle Store
• 1313 Beach Blvd.
Jacksonville Beach, FL
Champion Cycling
• 1025 Arlington Road
Jacksonville, FL
• 11447 San Jose Blvd.
Jacksonville, FL
• 1303 Third Street North
Jacksonville, FL
Trek Store of Jacksonville
• 9965 San Jose Blvd.
Jacksonville, FL
The Foot Specialist, P.A. Dr.
Richard I. Polisner
• 904-994-0990
• 15% discount
Jacksonville Running Company
• 9823 Tapestry Pk Cir., Suite #4
Jacksonville, FL
MAX MUSCLE, Sports Nutrition
• 13475 Atlantic Blvd., Suite #37
Jacksonville, FL
Open Road Bicycles
• 4460 Hendricks Avenue
Jacksonville, FL
• 3544 St. Johns Avenue
Jacksonville, FL
• 1560 Business Center Drive
Orange Park, FL
• 2220 CR-210 West, #303
St. Johns, FL
Letters to the Editor
Member Submission
"Winning without Running"
Submitted by Charles P. Goodyear
Is it time for this track club to admit that it is a financially strong business and that more people should be under
contract and paid with dollars rather than with plaques at an annual thank-you-very-much awards banquet? I do not
have an answer to that question, but I do think that the club needs to make some decisions.
Where are we in our development? Should we become more like the Atlanta Track Club, which has always had an
office of paid officials? Or should we continue in the spirit of a true club, a bunch of unpaid volunteers, kindred spirits
believing in an old ideal? Certainly nothing wrong with that, but are we being nothing much more than naïve?
Tough questions that only show that this club is at a crossroad. What is our future? John TenBroeck is dead and
Lamar is retiring. It is truly the end of an era. Where do we go from here?
I won the Grand Prix series for 70-74 males without running a single race. My secret will be revealed in this short
article. Not only did I not run a single race, I never ran a step in practice the entire year.
I ran and walked in all of the races. I did run the entire 100 meters in the Senior Games, but I walked several times in
the 800 meters. I did run as long a one mile on a couple of occasions last year, but I usually just ran for two to three
minutes and then walked and ran the rest of the way.
I know that Al Saffer, Ben Matthews, and a dozen other area runners could have taken the top prize in the Grand
Prix, but they did not follow these three simple rules which also apply in the business world or your workplace.
First: enter the race. Second: show up on time and start the race. Last: finish the race running, walking, or crawling,
but finish. You might question, if that is all it takes to be a winner, how do I define a loser? All the losers are sitting on
their couch or barstool. Anyone who follows these simple rules is a winner.
"The Buck Stops Where?"
By Bob Fernee
When Lamar Strother recently announced his retirement as director of JTC Running’s Summer Track Meet Series,
effective July 2011, it left the club facing a potentially perplexing problem: If the club keeps the track series, should
the new director be a paid employee or an unpaid volunteer, like Lamar?
The club has organized track meets almost since its 1975 inception and they grew into a five track-meets-a-year
series under the auspices of the inimitable Lamar.
Strother said of the club’s volunteer pool: “There are 100 people who will volunteer once, there are 10 people who
will volunteer twice, but no one does anything five times without being paid.” He went on to say, “I would spend ten
hours a week (to enlist volunteers), six on Sunday and another four from Monday to Thursday.” Lamar would line up
20 people to help out at each meet, which ran from April through July. “I worked it out that it was six weeks of work
for five meets,” he said.
He also figured that each meet was worth $600 and therefore, a new meet director should be hired for the sum of
$3000. Strother broached this idea and salary on September 7 at the JTC Running Board of Directors meeting. No
one pounced on his well-constructed plan.
"Track Meet Series on its Last Lap?"
By Bob Fernee
If ever there was a running icon of icons in this town it is Lamar Strother. Strother was a pioneer of the Jacksonville
Track Club when the club’s founding fathers planted its first seed in 1975. Ever since, Lamar has been there, serving
as a Board Member from day one until the present. His love of the sport and the club is unquestionable and his
dedication exceeds the definition of the word.
It came as quite a shock when he informed his fellow Board Members last month that he would step down as race
director of the club’s Summer Track Meet Series, a job he has held for 32 years, making him Jacksonville’s longest
serving race director. Not only did Lamar show up at every meet, but he also oversaw its planning and execution and
even lined up each person who worked it.
For 32 years our phones have rung at all times of the day or night followed by the words, “this is Lamar Strother of
the Jacksonville Track Club; got a minute?” That familiar salutation meant you were in for “volunteering” at what
became known as ‘Lamar’s Meets’.
Now 74-years old, Strother said his health played the major part in his decision. “I always thought I would do it
forever, but in this last year it has become too stressful”, he admitted. “I have had two prostate procedures, a hernia,
a rotator cuff injury and my tremors have gotten worse. I was thinking, what happens next?” He said he doesn’t think
his tremors indicate that he has, or is getting, Parkinson’s disease, but clearly he is concerned. When he added it
all up he realized it was time to relinquish the track meets. All things must pass, and at the end of next year’s fivemeet series, which run from April through July, Strother will step down and hand it over. But hand it over to whom?
Longstanding members of the club always said that when Lamar gave it up no one would take it on; too much work
for too many months. And too little pay; for 32 years Strother hasn’t collected a dime for his time and energy.
Over the years the track meets have declined in importance and attendance. In their hay day, from about 1978 to
1990, every runner in town peaked for the meets and the turnout was impressive. When road running took over and
those athletes grew older and gave up the noble oval, the meets fell off.
Today, most of the meet’s competitors are children. That is all very well; in fact the club has always tried to
encourage kids to get involved in running and the track is the best place for them to do so. Many of the youngsters
are bussed in by the Police Athletic League. Would the PAL be willing to take over the series?
In fact, a Board Member commented that it set a new precedent of creating a paid position out of one that has
always been an unpaid volunteer job. More than merely a precedent, it opens a veritable can of worms: Who gets
paid (and why?) and who doesn’t get paid (and why not?).
Another possibility would be for UNF to assume the organizing. Should the track meets stay at The Bolles School or
should they be moved to UNF or some other location?
Race directors, with the exception to the Gate River Run director, have never been paid. If the Summer Track Meet
Series director suddenly gets paid $3000 or whatever it might be, shouldn’t other race directors also now be paid?
Track club members are expected to contribute their time and energy gratis, but if someone is brought in from the
outside, they get paid.
Strother commented: “It was suggested the meets should move to UNF and more could be made out of them,
including raising the cost, I wouldn’t want to see that.” The meets have always been free except for the July Summer
Track Classic, which costs around $3 to cover the awards. For the past couple of years the club has been paying
Bolles $150 per meet to cover facility charges. Very likely the club will continue to fund the meets while turning over
the actual planning and execution to another person or organization.
One does it for love, one for money. How right is that?
The newsletter editor is now being paid and so is his graphic artist assistant, but the guy who does the club’s
website, and is a club member, does not. How fair is that?
The track club treasurer, a member who spends many hours doing the job very well, does not get paid. The track
club membership officer does not get paid, but if the data entry for the Gate River Run is overburdened and an
outsider is brought in to bring things up to speed, that person gets paid. Why is that person’s time more valuable
than our club treasurer’s?
September/October 2010
As for Lamar, “I plan to stay involved; I’ll help with the other races and I will stay on the Board, I just can’t do the
track meets anymore,” he said.
There are many questions to be answered. However, if no person or club is found to pick up the torch, then public
track meets in this town will become a thing of the past.
JTC Running Minutes
New and Renewing Members July/Aug./Sept. 2010
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Vice-president Larry Roberts called the meeting to order at 7:09 p.m.
Directors Bob Fernee, Michael Fitzsimmons, David Hall, Jo Shott, Owen
Shott, and Douglas Tillett were absent. David Moritz, our Race Team
Coordinator, attended the meeting, as did club member Doug Phillips.
Approval of 6/1/2010 minutes: The minutes of the June meeting were
approved as submitted.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Bonnie Brooks distributed copies of the
Balance Sheet as of August 2 and the Profit and Loss Detail for June and
July, and reviewed the documents with the board.
to phone for volunteers and to run the actual meets. A number of
ideas were discussed on how to go forward, including various forms
of partnership with UNF. The Race Committee will take up the task
of managing Lamar’s replacement.
RACE COMMITTEE- Doug Alred said the committee would meet after the
Summer Beach Run.
Gate River Run- Doug Alred announced that the race would join the
Running Journal Grand Prix circuit next year.
• Storage Units- Units are paid up and further consolidation into less
space will await cooler weather.
• Statue Update- Sculptor Derby Ulloa has performed some further
modifications and it will be ready for review within two weeks. We
would still like for some female Board members to make the trip to
review the statue within the next two weeks before Ulloa is paid the
second installment for the project. Ulloa feels strongly that a second
plaque should accompany this second statue.
• Summer Running Camp Grants- The confusion over payments to
two camps has been cleared up. The Club is sending 14 youth to
camp at a total cost of $5220.
• Racing Team update- David Moritz reported that uniforms have
been ordered and the team now has ten male and six female
members out of a goal of fifteen each.
• Election Process Update- Margaret Barton distributed a draft
of preliminary recommendations submitted by the committee
composed of Margaret, Colleen Clarson, and Larry Roberts.
Larry described the process undertaken and preliminary
recommendations. These included amending the Club bylaws to
clarify Board member eligibility requirements, the nomination and
election process, and term of service. Another recommendation was
to consider coupling two year terms with electing half the board
seats each year, thus ensuring continuity of operations. Another
was to consider making the Treasurer’s position an appointed one.
Other recommendations to be considered were establishing an
online election process, posting bylaws and election procedures
on the Club website, and tasking current Board members with
recruiting new members, targeting expertise needed. The various
recommendations were discussed and additional ideas were given
to the committee to explore, research, and report back.
• By-laws Review Update- This was deferred in Doug Tillett’s
• Bolles Agreement- Margaret Barton discussed the success of
both the morning and evening training sessions at the Bolles track
in terms of turnout and generating new Club memberships. She
proposed a motion to renew the agreements for both morning and
evening sessions for one year from September 9, 2010 at a cost of
$5600. The motion was seconded by David Frank and passed.
• T
rack Meet Race director- Lamar Strother announced his
resignation as Race Director after the summer 2011 sessions. There
was considerable discussion of the huge effort expended by Lamar
September/October 2010
Track Series- Lamar Strother presented an accounting of the Summer
Track Classic held at Bolles July 24, 2010. A total of 152 athletes
Carrabba’s Summer Beach Run – Doug Alred stated that
preparations were complete. Doug and Jane will not be present
but all assignments are in capable hands. Arrangements will be
made to have all needed signed checks on hand for vendors. Lamar
Strother reminded the Board that the parking lot adjacent to Seawalk
Pavilion has a $5.00 fee during summer months and that adjacent
bank parking lots were being towed of violators. A trolley is available
between various mall parking lots and the Pavilion.
Last Gasp- No report.
CLASSES AND CLINICS- Doug Alred announced that the half marathon
class is filling up.
COMMUNITY RELATIONS- Larry Sassa announced that preparations
have been made with the mayor’s office for his participation in the
dedication of the second Gate River Run statue projected for January, 2011.
FINANCE- No additional report.
MEMBERSHIP- Rex Reed announced that membership was in excess of
800 and gaining from the running classes and Bolles workout sessions.
NEWSLETTER- David Frank announced the current edition had gone
to the printer last week and should be in mailboxes soon. The cutoff for
submissions for the next edition is September 13.
WEBSITE- Trib LaPrade announced that the Club would soon debut a
Facebook page that will facilitate the posting of a large number of current
and historical Club photos.
SOCIAL & BANQUET- All agree this year’s banquet was a success.
VISION & PLANNING- Doug Alred recapped the investments the Club has
made in a number of projects this year, including the TenBroeck Cup at the
Gate River Run, the second Gate River Run statue, increasing the number
of youth sent to summer camp, and the bridge for the trail at Skinner Park.
Additional investment is anticipated in the trail itself.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, September 7, at 7 p.m. at the Mediterrania
The meeting was adjourned at 8:34 p.m.
Iradell Abney
Melissa Adamo
John & Diane Aimone
Traci Akers
Alexis Alexadris
Richard Amell
Ashley Antzaklis
Nancy & Jeff Bennett
James & Sheila Black
Keith Blankenship
John Blanton
Stephanie Boisvert
Lynn Boston
E. Zimmerman Boulos
Lori Boynton
Susan L. Branley
Michell Bressler
Teneil Brinkman
Adrienne Brooks
Karen Brown
Lindsey Buzzell
Jessica Campbell
Barbara Carrico
Debbie Coffman
Dr. John J. Coleman
Will & Maria Croft
Keith Cumpson
Amy Curry
Jonie Davis
Nathan Degruchy
Lauren Diaz
Kim Diefenbruch
John & Susan Duss
C. Davis Ely
Arnie & Laura Espling
Tim Eymer
Wayne L. Ezell
Barbara Faracca
Lori Featheringill
Billy Fehrs
Jennifer Ferguson
Darlene Fletcher
Leslie L. Florkowski
Steven Foppe
Cynthia Yvonne Foster
Gary Gerdeman
Drew & Jen Glassman
Mark Gorden
Sarah Hall
Jacqueline Hardin
Jocelyn Heaney
Michael Hill
Janice Hunter
Jill Hunter
Kerry Hunter
Lynsey Inman
Christy Jacobs
Tina Kennon
Sarah Knight
Tony & Tyler Kronenburg
Richard Lovelace
Kim Lundy
Kathy Luongo
Erica Mack
Susan Maurer
Maria McNary
Thomas McVey
Jerry Miller
Otto Strong Monroe
Scott & Becky Motley
Renee Moyd
Elaine Myers
Jessica Naughton
Marie Niesse
David & Marilyn Ohnsman
Jacqueline Olson
Martha Padgett
Wilford E. Paulk
Brooke & Jonathan Peters
Kelly Pietan
Elaine Polania
Alice Ramos
Donna Rettini
Felicia Rivera
Jerome Robinson
Jessica Rogers
Laura & Todd Russell
Shiva Sanyasi
Cynthia Shelton
John Shelton
Johanna Studer
Janet Swaim
Linda S. Swanson
Kevin & Malinda Terry
Nia Thommi
Jean Thompson
Patrick Thompson
William Tomlinson
Jacqueline Viola
Laurie & Kevin Walsh
Marissa Waschka
George F. White
Kimberly Willette
Deanna Williams
Donald & Beth Wucker
Thomas & Kary Zicafoose
Summer Beach Run Goes Without a Hitch
Chris Mutai and Trevor Beesley both finished ahead of Justin Jacobs, the winner of the past three Summer Beach Runs. Mutai ran 27:17 to win the Men’s Division of the five mile all sand beach run. Lindsay
Sundell ran 28:59 to win the Women’s Division; she was the sixth finisher overall of the run and only
missed being fifth by five seconds.
Skies were overcast and the temperature was cool after all these days in the 90s. It actually rained pretty
hard on the start/finish line while the race was on, but most runners were too far south when the rain occurred. Hurricane Danielle was whirling about east of Bermuda creating a small storm swell that ate up
some of the beach. The runners didn’t seem to mind - most understand that late summer evening races
are really tricky weather-wise. Stuart Toomey from 1st Place Sports did a great job as Race Director in lieu
of vacationing Doug Alred.
Larry Roberts, JTC Running Vice-President, has respectfully submitted
these minutes.
Summer Beach Run Results
Open Men
363 1 1 Chris Mutai, 33, Jacksonville, FL
2 2 2 Trevor Beesley, 24, Jacksonville, FL
1 3 3 Justin Jacobs, 27, Jacksonville, FL
381 4 4 Karc Byrne, 34, Jacksonville, FL
1657 5 5 Ryan Sloan, 23, Jacksonville, FL
Open Women
362 1 1 Lindsay Sundell, 24, Jax Bch, FL
28:59 5:48
380 2 2 Jolene Williams, 32, Jacksonville, FL
29:26 5:53
309 3 3 Kim Pawelek, 36, Jacksonville, FL
30:27 6:05
5 4 4 Angela Tecco, 25, Jax Bch, FL
31:49 6:22
1032 5 5 Jc Pinto, 33, Jacksonville, FL
33:21 6:40
Masters Men
3 6 1 John Metzgar, 48, Orange Park, FL
29:05 5:49
374 11 2 Sean McCormack, 49, Fleming Island, FL 29:24 5:53
1684 14 3 Walter Campbell, 49, Atlantic Bch, FL
30:30 6:06
Masters Women
12 8 1 Sue O'Malley, 50, Port Orange, FL
1656 10 2 Karen Stellhorn, 44, St Johns, FL
15 12 3 Kim Scurti, 42, Jacksonville, FL
34:11 6:50
35:09 7:02
36:06 7:13
Men Under 3
740 473 1 Juan Castro, 1, Jacksonville, FL
59:19 11:52
Men 3 - 10
1385 259 1 Bryce Stalter, 8, Orange Park, FL
1397 281 2 Cameron May, 9, Orange Park, FL
527 406 3 Devin Jakeway, 10, Jax Bch, FL
368 446 4 Shields Dennis, 9, Middleburg, FL
100 464 5 Joe Demille Jr, 9, Amelia Island, FL
46:07 9:13
46:58 9:23
54:21 10:52
56:35 11:19
57:51 11:34
Men 11 - 13
423 103 1 Julian Vanpelt, 13, Jacksonville, FL
39:19 7:52
199 119 2 Jacob Vonnieda, 12, Jacksonville, FL
39:58 8:00
1333 126 3 Jonathan Killea, 13, Orange Park, FL
40:15 8:03
129 135 4 Connor McClure, 13, Jacksonville, FL
40:48 8:09
1337 155 5 Joshua Conley, 12, Orange Park, FL
41:28 8:17
1346 284 6 Maxim Davis, 12, Middleburg, FL
47:00 9:24
95 314 7 Trenton Liberty, 13, Jacksonville, FL
48:45 9:45
1635 389 8 Patrick Rohlin, 12, Jacksonville, FL
53:17 10:39
1417 416 9 Ravenel Rieck, 12, Jacksonville, FL
54:53 10:58
1329 442 10 Colin Montgomery, 13, Jacksonville, FL 56:26 11:17
Men 14 - 19
903 7 1 Edgar Gridello, 17
29:12 5:50
1324 43 2 Richard Lamb, 15, Orange Park, FL
34:59 7:00
1026 79 3 Kyle Crews, 14, Callahan, FL
37:41 7:32
201 84 4 Zack Bias, 14, St Johns, FL
37:53 7:35
404 92 5 Cyril Loo, 17, Jacksonville, FL
38:29 7:42
1398 150 6 Raphael Edwards, 19, Orange Park, FL
41:18 8:15
298 218 7 Shaun Griffin, 19, Phoenix, NY
44:08 8:49
1390 246 8 Chandler Cross, 14, Kingsland, GA
45:31 9:06
35 270 9 Brian Strickland, 19, Jacksonville, FL 46:36 9:19
1344 313 10 Mason Chick, 14, Green Cove Sprngs, FL 48:43 9:44
1080 323 11 James Morris, 18, Jacksonville, FL
49:12 9:50
528 407 12 Heath Jakeway, 15, Jax Bch, FL
54:23 10:52
406 443 13 Nick Small, 15, Switzerland, FL
56:29 11:18
Men 20 - 24
4 8 1 Francisco Garcia, 21, Jacksonville, FL 29:12 5:50
1343 9 2 Mitchell Driver, 22, St George, GA
29:13 5:51
750 20 3 Gary Schneider, 24, Jacksonville, FL
31:06 6:13
542 25 4 James Gensheimer, 24, Jax Bch, FL
32:04 6:25
292 26 5 William Hackney, 21, Jacksonville, FL
32:12 6:26
569 41 6 William Cannon, 23, Orange Park, FL
34:51 6:58
640 55 7 Mark Sackett, 24, Fernandina Bch, FL
36:10 7:14
724 56 8 Alejandro Rojas, 24, Jax Bch, FL
36:18 7:16
1771 57 9 Matt Worsham, 24, Jacksonville, FL
36:19 7:16
394 59 10 Adam McIntyre, 24, Jacksonville, FL
36:23 7:16
291 72 11 Kelly Chism, 20, Jacksonville, FL
37:09 7:26
1035 94 12 Tyler Tripp, 23, Jacksonville, FL
38:43 7:44
635 111 13 Taylor Kennedy, 23, Ponte Vedra Bch, FL 39:43 7:56
914 112 14 Christian Conroy, 22, Ponte Vedra Bch, FL 39:44 7:57
739 113 15 Michael McGuire, 24, Jax Bch, FL
39:45 7:57
418 141 16 Pete Anderson, 23
40:57 8:11
824 201 17 Michael Maurno, 21, Ponte Vedra Bch, FL 43:36 8:43
296 219 18 Zackary Jeter, 20, North Bend, OR
44:08 8:49
1371 223 19 Adam Bell, 24, Middleburg, FL
44:24 8:53
438 231 20 Waldarreio Bowser, 23, Chesapeake, VA
44:42 8:56
789 248 21 Ron Maurno, 22, Ponte Vedra Bch, FL
45:36 9:07
1409 260 22 Dustin McMinn, 23, Middleburg, FL
46:09 9:14
34 280 23 Kevin Strickland, 23, Jacksonville, FL 46:57 9:23
241 302 24 William Clamons, 24, Jacksonville, FL
47:57 9:35
424 319 25 Raymond Smith, 23, Lake City, FL
48:55 9:47
428 329 26 Mike Fuller, 24, Melbourne Bch, FL
49:35 9:55
1367 368 27 Charles Hall, 22, Jacksonville, FL
51:47 10:21
198 394 28 Chad Kinzly, 21, Woodbine, GA
53:42 10:44
1083 405 29 Nick Hanson, 24, Jacksonville, FL
54:19 10:52
683 426 30 Nicholas Spendley, 24, Jax Bch, FL
55:38 11:08
377 462 31 Mike Obrien, 24, Jacksonville, FL
57:48 11:33
197 468 32 Cary Ombres, 23, Winter Springs, FL
58:59 11:48
140 530 33 Brice Flower, 21, Englewood, FL
1:04:08 12:50
Men 25 - 29
371 13 1 Kyle Lamb, 28
30:25 6:05
284 15 2 Luke Williams, 26, Fernandina Bch, FL
30:35 6:07
1696 42 3 Robert Walker, 28, Atlantic Bch, FL
34:57 6:59
697 48 4 Stephan Lubosch, 27, Neptune Bch, FL
35:35 7:07
540 61 5 Lee Shoemaker, 25, Jax Bch, FL
36:26 7:17
375 62 6 Raymond Perez, 26, Jacksonville, FL
36:27 7:17
539 64 7 Kevin Mutai, 25, Jacksonville, FL
36:40 7:20
1408 65 8 Brian Murray, 25, Jacksonville, FL
36:50 7:22
279 67 9 Travis Collins, 26, Tallahassee, FL
36:57 7:23
1422 69 10 Steve Knapp, 28, Orange Park, FL
37:04 7:25
97 105 11 Justin Loyd, 26, Jacksonville, FL
39:23 7:52
1025 117 12 Cody Vincent, 28, Orange Park, FL
39:56 7:59
1034 128 13 Keith Crockett, 29, Jacksonville, FL
40:19 8:04
168 137 14 Ben Fishbein, 27, Jacksonville, FL
40:50 8:10
442 178 15 David Smith, 25, Jacksonville, FL
42:45 8:33
1091 182 16 Andy Thomas Morgan, 25, Jacksonville, FL 42:58 8:35
267 185 17 Kevin Kopin, 29, St Augustine, FL
43:02 8:36
732 220 18 Elliott Greenberg, 26, Jax Bch, FL
44:17 8:51
410 226 19 Josh Tatel, 25, Jacksonville, FL
44:28 8:54
192 229 20 Christian Lueckert, 29, St Augustine, FL 44:41 8:56
437 230 21 Matthew Thomas, 28, Ruther Glen, VA
44:42 8:56
399 235 22 Ali Hayatou, 28, Jacksonville, FL
44:47 8:57
231 236 23 Asher Lohman, 27, Jacksonville, FL
44:53 8:59
756 237 24 Kevin Daly, 28, Jacksonville, FL
44:59 9:00
677 240 25 Wally Van Bussum, 27, Jax Bch, FL
45:05 9:01
253 242 26 Henry Delbridge, 27, Melbourne, FL
45:11 9:02
142 249 27 Jason Foote, 26, Fernandina Bch, FL
45:39 9:08
207 253 28 Andrew Tanner, 28, Gainesville, FL
45:47 9:09
681 274 29 Scott Cureton, 28, Jax Bch, FL
46:47 9:21
445 275 30 Danilo Corrales, 27
46:47 9:21
436 278 31 Jancel Conoy, 28, Reston, VA
46:50 9:22
286 293 32 Ryan Deems, 29, Fernandina Bch, FL
47:20 9:28
664 303 33 John Nowak, 26, Jacksonville, FL
48:03 9:37
733 318 34 Brian Neilson, 28, Jacksonville, FL
48:55 9:47
132 327 35 Daniel Wood, 29, Alachua, FL
49:29 9:54
552 330 36 Jack Hanson, 29, Atlantic Bch, FL
49:37 9:55
1416 339 37 Alvin Feliciano, 27, Orange Park, FL
49:59 10:00
1042 342 38 Jonathan Peters, 28, Jacksonville, FL
50:11 10:02
1407 347 39 Rainer Berger, 29, Waldenbuch, Germany 50:25 10:05
721 359 40 Jay Crowe, 29, Jax Bch, FL
51:17 10:15
165 376 41 Bo-Thomas Cheshire, 25, Jacksonville, FL 52:13 10:27
751 396 42 Mike Wood, 26, Jacksonville, FL
53:45 10:45
793 403 43 Monte Nordeen, 25, Jacksonville, FL
54:15 10:51
184 441 44 Jeffrey Stoddard, 27, St Augustine, FL 56:24 11:17
63 454 45 Jonathan Gee, 28, Jacksonville, FL
57:04 11:25
1402 455 46 Lon Vicknair, 29, Middelburg, FL
57:05 11:25
289 471 47 Jacob Streufert, 29, Jacksonville, FL
59:17 11:51
352 478 48 Alfred Coleman, 28, Orange Park, FL
59:19 11:52
776 498 49 Eduardo Montoya, 29, Jacksonville, FL
59:22 11:52
679 516 50 Steven Muntean, 26, Jax Bch, FL
1:00:38 12:07
246 524 51 Kyle Joiner, 29, Jacksonville, FL
1:02:40 12:32
728 543 52 Mike Hanby, 29, Jacksonville, FL
1:09:49 13:58
411 544 53 Michael Massaro, 27, Jacksonville, FL 1:09:50 13:58
Men 30 - 34
193 10 1 John Robida, 30, Tampa, FL
29:22 5:52
8 12 2 Shawn Williams, 34, Jacksonville, FL
30:19 6:04
1019 24 3 Ben Huron, 34, Jacksonville, FL
32:03 6:24
1624 27 4 Sung Ho Choi, 34, Jacksonville, FL
32:20 6:28
314 28 5 Alexander Von Bormann, 31, Jax, FL
32:33 6:30
392 36 6 Jason Graham, 30, Jacksonville, FL
34:00 6:48
346 37 7 John Kalinowski, 33, Jacksonville, FL
34:33 6:55
77 44 8 Patrick Thompson, 30, Jacksonville, FL 35:01 7:00
726 60 9 Brent Narkiewicz, 31, Atlantic Bch, FL 36:25 7:17
1046 75 10 Jeremy Hatfield, 34, Jacksonville, FL
37:15 7:27
1401 88 11 Joshua Bookstore, 33, Green Cove, FL 38:19 7:40
1040 102 12 Christian Mulaire, 31, Jacksonville, FL 39:15 7:51
320 107 13 Eric May, 31, Jacksonville, FL
39:25 7:53
1008 109 14 James Sole, 32, Jacksonville, FL
39:40 7:56
644 152 15 Thomas Hamby, 30, Jacksonville, FL
41:25 8:17
398 170 16 Ryan Smith, 30, Atlantic Bch, FL
42:16 8:27
1087 183 17 Ryan Schwartz, 34, Jacksonville, FL
43:00 8:36
503 186 18 Travis Eckert, 32, Ponte Vedra Bch, FL 43:09 8:38
170 191 19 Christophe Verbeeck, 33, Jax Bch, FL
43:23 8:41
1412 200 20 Samuel Kazee, 30, Orange Park, FL
43:35 8:43
330 217 21 Jason Deese, 34, Jacksonville, FL
44:07 8:49
1089 233 22 Jase Ousley, 32, Jacksonville, FL
44:43 8:57
414 244 23 Dan Lyons, 30, Jacksonville, FL
45:20 9:04
699 245 24 Chris McClammy, 32, Ormond Bch, FL
45:30 9:06
234 258 25 Ryan Moore, 30, Jacksonville, FL
46:01 9:12
1045 269 26 Gene Fowler, 32, Jacksonville, FL
46:32 9:18
161 279 27 Andrew Lieberman, 33, Jacksonville, FL 46:56 9:23
1313 287 28 Cameron Harp, 34, Fleming Island, FL
47:09 9:26
1326 289 29 Clement Jones, 34, Orange Park, FL
47:14 9:27
310 306 30 Steve Coleman, 32, Jacksonville, FL
48:24 9:41
416 308 31 Bryan Thomasey, 32, St Augustine, FL
48:31 9:42
608 311 32 Carlos Morales, 32, Jacksonville, FL
48:41 9:44
48 321 33 Nate Conner, 34, Jacksonville, FL
49:05 9:49
673 324 34 Joshua Davis, 30, Jax Bch, FL
49:20 9:52
1082 333 35 Earl Bersamin, 34, Jacksonville, FL
49:46 9:57
1052 346 36 Vince Fasano, 31, Jacksonville, FL
50:20 10:04
266 349 37 Matt Taylor, 30, St Augustine, FL
50:31 10:06
1020 360 38 James Munro, 31, Middleburg, FL
51:18 10:16
70 384 39 Jason Dassow, 31, Jacksonville, FL
52:50 10:34
1652 401 40 Edward Garner, 31, Jacksonville, FL
54:08 10:50
236 417 41 Steve Parrish, 32, Jacksonville, FL
54:55 10:59
519 421 42 James Gillis, 34, Jax Bch, FL
55:08 11:02
308 431 43 Jason Beutel, 34, Jacksonville, FL
55:55 11:11
112 456 44 Jason Spencer, 32, Jacksonville, FL
57:05 11:25
391 474 45 Michael Belcher, 31, Jacksonville, FL
59:19 11:52
384 475 46 Miller Shield, 34, Jacksonville, FL
59:19 11:52
829 480 47 Vincent Moultre, 33, Jacksonville, FL
59:20 11:52
556 481 48 Jeremy Phillips, 33, Jacksonville, FL
59:20 11:52
351 483 49 Eric Hinson, 31, Jacksonville, FL
59:20 11:52
585 484 50 Jerald Baker, 32, Jacksonville, FL
59:20 11:52
801 485 51 Jaime Ibarra, 33, Starke, FL
59:20 11:52
554 489 52 Harold Ellis, 30, Jacksonville, FL
59:21 11:52
811 491 53 Marco Guanchez, 32, Jacksonville, FL
59:21 11:52
822 494 54 Jason Morrow, 30, Jacksonville, FL
59:22 11:52
270 495 55 Jason Karcher, 34, Jacksonville, FL
59:22 11:52
612 499 56 Billy McCall, 34, Jacksonville, FL
59:22 11:52
116 500 57 Michael Pavich, 31, Jacksonville, FL
59:23 11:52
589 511 58 Jon Skroder, 33, Jacksonville, FL
59:27 11:53
74 522 59 Josh Fuchs, 31, Jacksonville, FL
1:02:14 12:27
Men 35 - 39
7 17 1 Jason Arnold, 36, Palatka, FL
30:43 6:08
1395 21 2 Andrew Marchand, 39, Orange Park, FL
September/October 2010
746 31 3 John Womack, 39, Jacksonville, FL
32:59 6:36
1702 33 4 Mills Ramseur, 38, Jacksonville, FL
33:06 6:37
1685 35 5 William Daly, 38, Fernandina Bch, FL
33:45 6:45
1654 40 6 Wayne Bishop, 38, Jacksonville, FL
34:40 6:56
1062 66 7 Gavin Redmond, 35, Jacksonville, FL
36:54 7:23
421 71 8 Mark Goetz, 36, Jacksonville, FL
37:07 7:25
203 78 9 Michael Ivancik, 38, Baltimore, MD
37:39 7:32
409 80 10 John Kovacs, 36, Jacksonville, FL
37:44 7:33
1699 82 11 Choyce Larue, 35, Jacksonville, FL
37:50 7:34
233 101 12 Jason Neiner, 35, Jacksonville, FL
39:12 7:50
249 104 13 Shiva Sanyasi, 36, Jacksonville, FL
39:22 7:52
668 110 14 Peter Bowden, 38, Jacksonville, FL
39:40 7:56
221 116 15 Aaron Potter, 36, Jacksonville, FL
39:55 7:59
88 123 16 Kevin Brown, 37, Rochester Hills, MI
40:07 8:01
1370 127 17 Steven Ammons, 38, Middleburg, FL
40:19 8:04
1391 130 18 John Briggs, 37, Jacksonville, FL
40:28 8:05
86 139 19 Arnel Mercado, 38, Jacksonville, FL
40:55 8:11
913 142 20 Ryan Hill, 38, Jacksonville, FL
40:59 8:12
532 144 21 Jamie Johnson, 35, Jacksonville, FL
41:05 8:13
1709 154 22 Carlos Gomez, 38, Jacksonville, FL
41:27 8:17
759 163 23 Jaime Obando, 38, Jacksonville, FL
41:50 8:22
506 164 24 Peter Winkler, 39, Atlantic Bch, FL
41:54 8:23
1365 172 25 Michael Mazzulla, 35, Jacksonville, FL 42:28 8:30
1832 181 26 Saul Pavlinsky, 35, Jacksonville, FL
42:57 8:35
1710 187 27 Ramil Odvina, 36, Jacksonville, FL
43:18 8:39
765 190 28 Robert Candler, 38, Jacksonville, FL
43:23 8:41
24 192 29 Robert Davis, 39, Ponte Vedra, FL
43:24 8:41
1359 193 30 Mike Singletary, 38, Jacksonville, FL
43:25 8:41
357 197 31 Wilfred Romero, 36, St Augustine, FL
43:29 8:42
1353 209 32 Greg Bowers, 39, Fleming Island, FL
43:52 8:46
1753 211 33 Roger Monnin, 37, Jax Bch, FL
43:57 8:47
797 215 34 Matthew Ridener, 38
44:00 8:48
1351 221 35 Valentin Delgado, 35, Jacksonville, FL 44:21 8:52
534 228 36 Jeff Brecko, 39, St Augustine, FL
44:39 8:56
412 255 37 Benjamin Brewer, 39, Jax Bch, FL
45:49 9:10
768 266 38 Kerry Cook, 35, Neptune Bch, FL
46:24 9:17
262 277 39 John Bash, 35, St Augustine, FL
46:50 9:22
408 283 40 Michael Odavar, 35, Jacksonville, FL
47:00 9:24
1766 334 41 Mark Gelfo, 39, Jacksonville, FL
49:46 9:57
661 341 42 Heath Dexter, 35, Jacksonville, FL
50:07 10:01
1090 367 43 Patrick Dussinger, 37, Jacksonville, FL 51:44 10:21
675 373 44 David Reese, 39, Jax Bch, FL
52:05 10:25
110 374 45 Bernie Berania, 38, Middleburg, FL
52:05 10:25
1078 379 46 Mark Chatmon, 39, Jacksonville, FL
52:23 10:29
707 381 47 Chad Brown, 37, Ponte Vedra Bch, FL
52:32 10:30
653 385 48 Keith Fisher, 36, Jacksonville, FL
53:00 10:36
407 391 49 Michael Bundang, 35, Jacksonville, FL
53:29 10:42
1697 400 50 Ken Solomon, 35, Jacksonville, FL
54:01 10:48
1831 419 51 David Lineberry, 36, Orange Park, FL
54:59 11:00
647 430 52 Nick Harris, 38, Jacksonville, FL
55:53 11:10
335 435 53 Bryan Pettitt, 35, Jacksonville, FL
56:03 11:12
328 452 54 Michael Harrison, 39, Jacksonville, FL 57:03 11:24
80 453 55 Bob Blanco, 37, Jacksonville, FL
57:04 11:25
312 469 56 Anthony Tatasciore, 36, Jacksonville, FL 59:00 11:48
749 470 57 Robert McAbee, 39, Jacksonville, FL
59:17 11:51
566 472 58 Dedrick Walker, 35, Jacksonville, FL
59:18 11:51
121 477 59 Michael Plunno, 36, Orange Park, FL
59:19 11:52
781 482 60 Chris King, 37, Jacksonville, FL
59:20 11:52
555 486 61 Samuel Jones, 36, Jacksonville, FL
59:20 11:52
366 487 62 Paul Robertson, 35, St Augustine, FL
59:20 11:52
356 488 63 Bryan Brackin, 36, Atlantic Bch, FL
59:21 11:52
120 490 64 Jeremy Downie, 35, Orange Park, FL
59:21 11:52
748 492 65 Eric Gray, 37, Jacksonville, FL
59:21 11:52
118 493 66 Brian Bowins, 37, Jacksonville, FL
59:21 11:52
376 496 67 Ken Reed, 37, Jacksonville, FL
59:22 11:52
117 497 68 Ryan Coulter, 38, Jacksonville, FL
59:22 11:52
348 501 69 Robert Morris, 35, Middleburg, FL
59:23 11:53
305 502 70 Steve Minguzzi, 36, Jacksonville, FL
59:23 11:53
637 503 71 Brent Jakeway, 39, Jax Bch, FL
59:24 11:53
581 504 72 Christopher Debus, 39, Jacksonville, FL 59:24 11:53
304 509 73 Joe Juba, 35, Jacksonville, FL
59:26 11:53
1328 515 74 Brian May, 37, Jacksonville, FL
1:00:30 12:06
99 534 75 Luis Ramos, 39, St Augustine, FL
1:04:41 12:56
103 535 76 Damon Jorris, 35, Jacksonville, FL
1:05:51 13:10
239 536 77 Jerrett McConnell, 37, Jacksonville, FL 1:06:34 13:19
21 537 78 Marcus Reeder, 37, Jacksonville, FL
1:06:45 13:21
634 538 79 William Barker, 39, Atlantic Bch, FL 1:07:22 13:28
1059 549 80 Shane Witbeck, 36, St Augustine, FL
1:11:40 14:20
Men 40 - 44
405 16 1 Nicholas Small, 44, Switzerland, FL
30:39 6:08
18 18 2 Eric Vandervort, 43, Jacksonville, FL
30:51 6:10
6 19 3 John Wisker, 44, Palatka, FL
30:52 6:10
358 22 4 Gregg Falk, 43, Williston, FL
31:39 6:20
176 29 5 Greg Short, 40, Ocala, FL
32:40 6:32
1804 32 6 David Bonnette, 43, Orange Park, FL
33:01 6:36
1011 38 7 Darin Bickle, 40, Jacksonville, FL
34:37 6:55
38 45 8 Allan Walton, 44, Fort Lauderdale, FL
35:06 7:01
130 47 9 Javier Perez, 41, Jacksonville, FL
35:28 7:05
271 50 10 Bryan Mickler, 41, Jacksonville, FL
35:39 7:08
11 51 11 Bryan Rohlin, 44, Jacksonville, FL
35:58 7:12
415 63 12 Tim Starling, 44, Jacksonville, FL
36:38 7:19
1819 70 13 Dale Porter, 43, Orange Park, FL
37:06 7:25
1404 90 14 Ares Cruz, 42, Orange Park, FL
38:26 7:41
738 91 15 Chris Roman, 40, Jacksonville, FL
38:26 7:41
349 97 16 Todd Stoner, 43, Ormond Bch, FL
38:47 7:45
1707 98 17 Stuart Chalk, 44, Jacksonville, FL
39:00 7:48
386 124 18 Len Pfuntner, 44, Orange Park, FL
40:08 8:01
1377 125 19 Ronald Williams, 40, Orange Park, FL
40:13 8:03
905 132 20 Vincent Gridello, 44
40:32 8:06
151 153 21 Donald Mager, 43, Fernandina Bch, FL
41:25 8:17
403 156 22 Eric Wild, 41, Jax Bch, FL
41:29 8:18
208 167 23 Jeffrey Colby, 43, Jacksonville, FL
42:09 8:26
790 174 24 Jeff Fitzsimons, 43, Jax Bch, FL
42:39 8:32
782 176 25 Tony Hanneken, 40, Jacksonville, FL
42:41 8:32
628 180 26 Michael Sharkey, 42, Atlantic Bch, FL
42:56 8:35
1054 184 27 Jamie Shelton, 44, Jacksonville, FL
43:00 8:36
550 198 28 Eric Sullivan, 44, Jax Bch, FL
43:30 8:42
1022 202 29 Norm Magyar, 43, Jacksonville, FL
43:39 8:44
76 205 30 Eddie Hernandez, 43, Jacksonville, FL
43:44 8:45
802 213 31 David Peterson, 41, Jacksonville, FL
43:59 8:48
692 225 32 David Stocks, 42, Jax Beach, CT
44:27 8:53
1829 252 33 Don Cross, 43, Kingsland, GA
45:41 9:08
1418 271 34 Antony Rieck, 44, Jacksonville, FL
46:39 9:20
713 282 35 Marty Smith, 40, St Augustine, FL
47:00 9:24
220 288 36 Michael Oliver, 40, Jacksonville, FL
47:12 9:26
81 291 37 Jon Trinkle, 43, Jacksonville, FL
47:16 9:27
1802 297 38 Tim Wright, 44, Middleburg, FL
47:37 9:31
397 300 39 Mike Roberts, 40
47:50 9:34
261 309 40 Gerard Cloherty, 43, St Johns, FL
48:32 9:42
1769 312 41 Todd Pye, 44, Jacksonville, FL
48:41 9:44
1767 328 42 Andrew Zarka, 43, Jacksonville, FL
49:34 9:55
258 331 43 James Cress, 44, St Augustine, FL
49:38 9:55
787 354 44 Jay Watson, 42, Jax Bch, FL
50:48 10:09
1053 357 45 Joseph Florendo, 41, Jacksonville, FL
51:02 10:12
766 358 46 Peter Weigold, 44, Jax Bch, FL
51:08 10:13
806 371 47 Geoffrey Wynn, 41, Jacksonville, FL
52:01 10:24
544 372 48 Chris Dirmann, 40, Tallahassee, FL
52:03 10:25
736 377 49 Peter Cramer, 41, Ponte Vedra, FL
52:17 10:27
1649 390 50 Dave Bokros, 44, Middleburg, FL
53:20 10:40
393 398 51 Mike Porter, 44, Neptune Bch, FL
53:56 10:47
1331 409 52 Mark Chick, 41, Green Cove Sprngs, FL
54:34 10:55
65 411 53 Michael Johnson, 44, Kingsland, GA
54:37 10:55
1028 414 54 Michael Carey, 42, Palm Coast, FL
54:48 10:58
515 418 55 Brendan McLane, 42, Jacksonville, FL
54:59 11:00
688 422 56 Jr Woodward, 41, Jax Bch, FL
55:10 11:02
232 427 57 Cj Mitchell, 42, Jacksonville, FL
55:39 11:08
1336 445 58 Christopher Conley, 42, Orange Park, FL 56:33 11:18
1031 447 59 Oscar Acevedo, 42, Jacksonville, FL
56:40 11:20
570 461 60 Dale Stiles, 42, Orange City, FL
57:43 11:33
152 476 61 John Lawry, 40, Fpo, AA
59:19 11:52
383 479 62 Alonzo Key, 40, Yulee, FL
59:19 11:52
722 505 63 Richard Field, 41, Fpo, AA
59:25 11:53
422 506 64 Bob King, 44, Jacksonville, FL
59:25 11:53
385 508 65 Michael Romanofski, 42, Jacksonville, FL 59:26 11:53
1835 510 66 Bradley Shepherd, 44, Green Cove, FL 59:26 11:53
1810 517 67 Michael Martinez, 44, Jacksonville, FL 1:00:44 12:09
226 541 68 Dean Gilliland, 42, Jacksonville, FL 1:09:00 13:48
1318 545 69 Andy Fletcher, 44, Fleming Island, FL 1:09:59 14:00
606 547 70 Kevin Sparks, 41, Ponte Vedra, FL
1:10:41 14:08
Men 45 - 49
10 34 1 Mark Grubb, 46, Atlantic Bch, FL
33:17 6:39
50 39 2 Spencer Olsen, 49, Jacksonville, FL
34:38 6:55
1638 49 3 Hal McClure, 48, Jacksonville, FL
35:36 7:07
425 52 4 Tom Tucker, 45, Fernandina Bch, FL
36:03 7:12
1821 53 5 Raymond Ramos Jr, 48, Jacksonville, FL 36:07 7:13
1643 54 6 Michael Johnson, 49, Jacksonville, FL
36:09 7:14
754 68 7 David Evans, 49, Ponte Vedra Bch, FL
37:00 7:24
742 74 8 Dan Lofton, 47, Atlantic Bch, FL
37:14 7:27
1380 86 9 Bryan Marlar, 46, Orange Park, FL
38:05 7:37
317 89 10 Robert Thrower, 46, Neptune Bch, FL
38:22 7:40
1013 108 11 Vincent Brown, 47, Jacksonville, FL
39:36 7:55
164 115 12 John Roberson, 45, Jacksonville, FL
39:54 7:59
188 133 13 Joe Hester Jr, 49, Savannah, GA
40:38 8:07
778 146 14 David Sliwinski, 46, Atlantic Bch, FL
41:05 8:13
149 158 15 Dave Hewett, 47, Fernandina Bch, FL
41:40 8:20
388 199 16 Patrick Morgan, 49, Jacksonville, FL
43:31 8:42
1629 207 17 James Crean, 45, St Augustine, FL
43:49 8:46
212 208 18 Rob Jennis, 49, Jacksonville, FL
43:49 8:46
1633 210 19 Dale Averitt, 45, Jacksonville, FL
43:55 8:47
537 216 20 Eric Pardee, 46, Neptune Bch, FL
44:02 8:48
360 238 21 David Shineflew, 48, Richmond Hill, GA 45:01 9:00
800 243 22 Jim Bistrow, 48, Jax Bch, FL
45:13 9:02
1711 247 23 Brett Irwin, 49, Ponte Vedra Bch, FL
45:32 9:06
1425 251 24 Gerald Murhphy, 46
45:40 9:08
1037 257 25 Richard Cassidy, 47, Jacksonville, FL
45:54 9:11
338 262 26 Philip Hughes, 46, Jacksonville, FL
46:13 9:15
1811 263 27 Wesley Cole, 45, Jacksonville, FL
46:18 9:16
758 267 28 Rick Fitzgerald, 47, Ponte Vedra Bch, FL 46:24 9:17
264 268 29 Jim Hill, 46, St Simons Island, GA
46:29 9:18
29 273 30 Randy Bissonnette, 47, Palm Coast, FL
46:43 9:20
799 276 31 Scott Ajeeb, 46, Neptune Bch, FL
46:47 9:21
701 286 32 John McMenamin, 49, Ponte Vedra, FL
47:08 9:25
420 290 33 Kurt Gurbuz, 49, Jacksonville, FL
47:15 9:27
1701 294 34 Franz Lerch, 47, Jax Bch, FL
47:23 9:29
322 295 35 Alex Fletcher, 49, St Augustine, FL
47:27 9:29
828 299 36 Mark Schultz, 45, Jacksonville, FL
47:47 9:33
1051 315 37 Phenn Dooley, 48, Jacksonville, FL
48:49 9:46
823 317 38 Jon Shepherd, 46, Jax Bch, FL
48:54 9:47
260 322 39 Howard Simpkins, 49, St Johns, FL
49:08 9:50
1029 344 40 Julio Nieves, 47, Orange Park, FL
50:17 10:03
716 350 41 Charles Doll, 46, St Marys, GA
50:37 10:07
1419 351 42 John Cannon, 48, Middleburg, FL
50:39 10:08
1400 363 43 Craig Hollis, 46, Orange Park, FL
51:31 10:18
761 380 44 Dave Hill, 49, Ponte Vedra Bch, FL
52:28 10:29
205 382 45 Terry Clarke, 49, Boynton Bch, FL
52:46 10:33
706 387 46 Gary Proctor, 47, Ponte Vedra Bch, FL
53:11 10:38
1362 388 47 Samuel Corlew, 46, Jacksonville, FL
53:15 10:39
160 412 48 Phillip Berman, 48, Jacksonville, FL
54:39 10:56
1615 415 49 Hai Vu, 45, Jacksonville, FL
54:48 10:58
339 433 50 Shawn Woolery, 46, Jacksonville, FL
55:56 11:11
67 467 51 Donald Taylon, 47, Jacksonville, FL
58:36 11:43
245 512 52 John Clarke, 48, Jacksonville, FL
59:28 11:54
313 519 53 Dave Strickland, 49, Jacksonville, FL 1:01:24 12:17
135 520 54 Tiny Lambros, 49, Celebration, FL
1:01:47 12:21
1335 526 55 Michael Killea, 48, Orange Park, FL
1:03:11 12:38
1387 527 56 Tim Stalter, 45, Atlantic Bch, FL
1:03:33 12:43
693 531 57 Donald Oakes, 46, Kingsland, GA
1:04:15 12:51
1039 555 58 James Miller, 45, Jacksonville, FL
1:21:57 16:23
Men 50 - 54
51 30 1 Tim Unger, 51, Tallahassee, FL
32:47 6:33
191 46 2 Joe Kleinrichert, 51, St Augustine, FL 35:23 7:04
1761 73 3 Donald Wucker, 50, Jacksonville, FL
37:10 7:26
316 77 4 Scott Hershey, 51, Jacksonville, FL
37:37 7:31
1076 81 5 George Thompson, 50, Jacksonville, FL
37:49 7:34
401 83 6 Dale Schultz, 50, Jacksonville, FL
37:52 7:34
530 93 7 David Farraday, 53, Jacksonville, FL
38:36 7:43
417 100 8 Robert Girardot, 50, Atlantic Bch, FL
39:08 7:50
157 114 9 Scott Trenor, 51, Jacksonville, FL
39:48 7:58
1714 118 10 Allan Smith, 54, Jacksonville, FL
39:56 7:59
390 131 11 Gregory Parker, 53, Fernandina Bch, FL 40:30 8:06
1646 140 12 Bob Welch, 53, Jacksonville, FL
40:55 8:11
614 147 13 Bob Young, 54, Jax Bch, FL
41:08 8:13
190 148 14 Wayne Spearman, 51, St Marys, GA
41:12 8:14
1369 149 15 Ed Stephens, 52, Middelburg, FL
41:18 8:15
1689 151 16 Steve Calta, 53, Jax Bch, FL
41:21 8:16
545 157 17 Paul Smith, 51, Jacksonville, FL
41:37 8:19
1057 159 18 Jeffrey Levenson, 51, Jacksonville, FL 41:41 8:20
31 168 19 Dennis Harbin, 53, Fernandina Bch, FL
42:10 8:26
1807 169 20 Jeffrey Thomas, 50, Green Cove Sprngs, FL 42:11 8:26
1677 175 21 Paul Berna, 54, Jacksonville, FL
42:40 8:32
509 179 22 Steve Bruce, 54, Jax Bch, FL
42:53 8:34
1694 188 23 David Kattkch, 50, Jax Bch, FL
43:22 8:40
531 194 24 Thomas Caggiano, 51, Atlantic Bch, FL
43:25 8:41
94 195 25 Gary Mann, 51, Jacksonville, FL
43:27 8:41
795 196 26 Gerard Perry, 54, Ponte Vedra Bch, FL
43:28 8:41
717 206 27 Mark Lee, 53, St Johns, FL
43:47 8:45
1036 212 28 Philip Kleisler, 50, Jacksonville, FL
43:58 8:47
182 222 29 Paul Holyko, 50, Port Orange, FL
44:22 8:52
1311 224 30 Jon Braasch, 50, Jacksonville, FL
44:27 8:53
504 227 31 Fred Wainio, 54, Ponte Vedra, FL
44:33 8:55
1602 254 32 Gerry Tyburski, 54, St Augustine, FL
45:48 9:09
1622 264 33 Mark Goode, 52, Jacksonville, FL
46:21 9:16
773 265 34 Wayne Guinn, 50, Atlantic Bch, FL
46:22 9:16
1308 292 35 Ray Jensen, 52, Middleburg, FL
47:18 9:28
524 298 36 Steve Austin, 54, Austin, TX
47:41 9:32
194 305 37 William Tomlinson, 51, Tampa, FL
48:21 9:40
159 307 38 Todd Strong, 52, Jacksonville, FL
48:25 9:41
727 326 39 Tony Micolucci, 51, Jacksonville, FL
49:29 9:54
106 332 40 Terry Williams, 54, St Marys, GA
49:41 9:56
427 337 41 Mark Lay, 54
49:52 9:58
1698 338 42 Lewis Hunt, 52, Jacksonville, FL
49:57 9:59
1342 352 43 Edward Torres, 50, Jacksonville, FL
50:40 10:08
84 353 44 Rick Ingram, 54, St Johns, FL
50:44 10:09
1627 355 45 Kevin Terry, 53, Jacksonville, FL
50:52 10:10
195 364 46 Michael Lobianco, 53, White, GA
51:36 10:19
1618 366 47 Carl Zart, 50, Jacksonville, FL
51:40 10:20
1613 370 48 Lance Haney, 53, Jacksonville, FL
51:59 10:24
1350 375 49 Michael Hill, 53, Keystone Heights, FL 52:09 10:26
745 383 50 David Timmer, 52, Jacksonville, FL
52:48 10:34
429 393 51 Kris Lind, 54, Palm Coast, FL
53:41 10:44
752 408 52 Kelly Reynolds, 50, Jacksonville, FL
54:32 10:54
341 429 53 Tom Morgan, 52, Jacksonville, FL
55:46 11:09
294 432 54 Kelly Carnahan, 53, Jax Bch, FL
55:56 11:11
372 438 55 Darrell Prather, 50, Jax Bch, FL
56:14 11:15
521 440 56 Edwin Hicks, 54, Atlantic Bch, FL
56:24 11:17
69 450 57 Gary Schumacher, 52, Jacksonville, FL
56:47 11:21
792 457 58 Don Sabia, 51, Neptune Bch, FL
57:23 11:28
1339 458 59 Eddie Davis, 53, Jacksonville, FL
57:23 11:28
446 459 60 Michael Boyle, 50
57:25 11:29
228 460 61 Edmond Millar, 50, Jacksonville, FL
57:40 11:32
549 463 62 Gary Thompson, 53, Neptune Bch, FL
57:51 11:34
617 465 63 Wayne Chandler, 54, Jax Bch, FL
58:06 11:37
627 507 64 Scott Aslinger, 51, Jax Bch, FL
59:25 11:53
139 518 65 David Flower, 54, Englewood, FL
1:00:50 12:10
636 521 66 Jeff Kraft, 52, Jacksonville, FL
1:01:57 12:23
46 528 67 John Depompeo, 52, Dallas, TX
1:03:36 12:43
55 540 68 Todd Rogers, 52, Auburn, AL
1:08:25 13:41
329 542 69 Tom Wilson, 52, St Johns, FL
1:09:06 13:49
Men 55 - 59
1610 23 1 Bill Phillips, 55, St Augustine, FL
31:55 6:23
1016 87 2 Douglas Tillett, 57, Jacksonville, FL
38:18 7:39
1604 96 3 Steve O'Brien, 55, Jacksonville, FL
38:47 7:45
90 122 4 Kenneth Perkins, 55, Jacksonville, FL
40:06 8:01
1803 134 5 John Hirsch, 58, Orange Park, FL
40:41 8:08
61 136 6 Rodney Smith, 56, Jacksonville, FL
40:49 8:10
1759 138 7 Lewis Buzzell, 58, Jacksonville, FL
40:54 8:11
402 145 8 Kubi Keyes, 55
41:05 8:13
702 160 9 Greg Miller, 55, Ponte Vedra, FL
41:42 8:20
1704 161 10 Bob Kennedy, 59, Ponte Vedra, FL
41:49 8:22
433 166 11 Quincy Masters, 59, Palatka, FL
42:07 8:25
59 171 12 Charles Farr, 59, Jacksonville, FL
42:22 8:28
1690 214 13 Paul Kamke, 59, Ponte Vedra Bch, FL
44:00 8:48
1805 239 14 Robert Sroka, 58, Orange Park, FL
45:03 9:00
1607 285 15 David Ward, 56, Jacksonville, FL
47:05 9:25
772 296 16 Samuel Hall, 59, Jacksonville, FL
47:32 9:30
804 301 17 Gus Diaz, 57, Atlantic Bch, FL
47:51 9:34
1015 304 18 William Edwards, 55, Jacksonville, FL
48:05 9:37
639 310 19 Stephen Piscitelli, 57, Atlantic Bch, FL 48:38 9:43
1764 316 20 Glenn Landers, 58, Ponte Vedra Bch, FL 48:53 9:46
1616 320 21 Greg Lohman, 55, Jacksonville, FL
48:56 9:47
395 336 22 Steve Spupic, 57, Jacksonville, FL
49:49 9:58
175 340 23 Gregg Wyse, 56, Lakeland, FL
50:04 10:01
1086 348 24 Brooks Hedgepeth, 57, Jacksonville, FL 50:27 10:05
1305 356 25 David Hallums, 59, Jacksonville, FL
50:58 10:12
98 361 26 Mark Bronstein, 57, Jacksonville, FL
51:19 10:16
127 369 27 John Leinhauser, 57, Jacksonville, FL
51:52 10:22
1611 395 28 Bernie Lyons, 55, Ponte Vedre Bch, FL
53:43 10:45
520 397 29 Jeffrey Werch, 57, Atlantic Bch, FL
53:45 10:45
343 404 30 Danny Whitener, 59, Jacksonville, FL
54:19 10:52
1338 410 31 Larry Leach, 56, Orange Park, FL
54:35 10:55
435 424 32 Christine Connolly, 55, St Simons Isle, GA 55:29 11:06
1067 439 33 Bradley Saad, 55, Jacksonville, FL
56:17 11:15
303 444 34 James Kehr, 56, St Augustine, FL
56:30 11:18
807 466 35 Michael Cumpton, 59, St Augustine, FL
58:24 11:41
107 513 36 Thomas Zaccardi, 57, Tallahassee, FL
59:34 11:55
60 523 37 Joseph McCoy, 55, St Augustine, FL
1:02:31 12:30
1808 553 38 Evan Zillmer, 58, Middleburg, FL
1:16:38 15:19
Men 60 - 64
502 58 1 Bernie Candy, 62, St Augustine, FL
36:21 7:16
1770 76 2 Patrick Gaughan, 60, Jacksonville, FL
37:30 7:30
1626 85 3 Bruce Holmes, 62, Jacksonville, FL
37:59 7:36
508 95 4 Scott Griswold, 60, Atlantic Bch, FL
38:46 7:45
1818 120 5 George White, 63, Orange Park, FL
39:59 8:00
1691 129 6 Randy Pullo, 60, Jax Beach, FL
40:21 8:04
1693 143 7 Herbert Taskett, 62, Atlantic Bch, FL
41:03 8:13
1648 173 8 Brent Cook, 60, Jekyll Island, GA
42:30 8:30
1706 204 9 Steve Brennan, 64, St Augustine, FL
43:40 8:44
551 232 10 Mike Chewar, 60, Ponte Vedra Bch, FL
44:43 8:57
1612 241 11 Danny Weaver, 63, Switzerland, FL
45:07 9:01
75 256 12 George Green, 62, Jacksonville, FL
45:49 9:10
672 272 13 Mikel Foster, 61, Jacksonville, FL
46:41 9:20
831 343 14 Wayne Robinson, 61, Fayetteville, GA
50:16 10:03
510 345 15 Jackie Brown, 61, Franklin, GA
50:19 10:04
1814 365 16 Glenn Hanna, 60, Jacksonville, FL
51:39 10:20
1679 420 17 Craig Harms, 60, Neptune Bch, FL
55:01 11:00
548 423 18 Charles Gilmer, 63, Ponte Vedra Bch, FL 55:25 11:05
378 425 19 Kent Hotson, 63, Jax Bch, FL
55:35 11:07
705 428 20 Kevin Hurley, 61, Ponte Vedra Bch, FL
55:46 11:09
1066 448 21 Robert Anderson, 61, Jacksonville, FL
56:41 11:20
36 451 22 Edward Schwartz, 64, Jacksonville, FL
56:51 11:22
359 525 23 Joseph Fitzgerald, 63, Ponte Vedra, FL 1:03:07 12:37
1314 548 24 Dan Lee, 60, Fleming Island, FL
1:10:51 14:10
1609 551 25 John Burke, 63, Jacksonville, FL
1:12:49 14:34
1762 557 26 Lawrence Roberts, 63, Jacksonville, FL 1:24:52 16:58
Men 65 - 69
1695 99 1 David Ohnsman, 67, Neptune Bch, FL
39:08 7:49
1620 106 2 Frank Frazier, 68, Orange Park, FL
39:24 7:53
720 162 3 Bernard Loftus, 68, Ponte Vedra Bch, FL 41:50 8:22
19 177 4 Paul Smith, 68, St Johns, FL
42:42 8:32
1816 250 5 George Hoskins, 66, Orange Park, FL
45:40 9:08
1756 325 6 Harvey Warnock, 68, Atlantic Bch, FL
49:24 9:53
1817 362 7 Jay Birmingham, 65, Orange Park, FL
51:30 10:18
1605 392 8 Jack Cosper, 66, Kingsland, GA
53:37 10:43
1830 399 9 Doug Barrows, 67, Orange Park, FL
53:58 10:47
1637 413 10 John Gauer, 66, Orange Park, FL
54:44 10:57
1755 436 11 Bruce Howard, 66, Ocala, FL
56:03 11:12
1012 514 12 Ed Howell, 68, Jacksonville, FL
1:00:28 12:05
1410 529 13 Jim Cole, 65, Middleburg, FL
1:03:45 12:45
513 533 14 Bill Wade, 65, Atlantic Bch, FL
1:04:40 12:56
1678 552 15 Jim Pellot, 68, Jacksonville, FL
1:14:12 14:50
Men 70 - 74
128 165 1 Ben Mathews, 72, Jacksonville, FL
42:05 8:25
27 234 2 Hal Lerch, 72, Gainesville, FL
44:45 8:57
354 335 3 James Ellinger, 70, Satsuma, FL
49:49 9:58
1606 437 4 Charles Goodyear, 71, Jacksonville, FL 56:11 11:14
618 532 5 Leo Sheckells, 71, Neptune Bch, FL
1:04:40 12:56
718 539 6 Doug Bradshaw, 72, Atlantic Bch, FL
1:07:55 13:35
1676 550 7 Edwin Clarke, 70, St Augustine, FL
1:12:43 14:33
621 556 8 Bill Mitchell, 70, Jax Bch, FL
1:23:09 16:38
Men 75 & Up
1809 386 1
1636 402 2
1617 449 3
1688 546 4
1651 554 5
Pat Gallagher, 79, Orange Park, FL
53:07 10:37
Bob Meister, 78, Jacksonville, FL
54:12 10:50
Al Saffer, 75, Jacksonville, FL
56:43 11:20
John Aimone, 80, Jacksonville, FL
1:10:08 14:01
Joe Connolly, 85, Jacksonville, FL
1:19:13 15:51
Women Under 3
784 327 1 Kate Venkins, 2, Ponte Vedra Bch, FL 1:01:14 12:15
353 383 2 Benji Rust, 2, Jacksonville, FL
1:07:31 13:30
Women 3 - 10
52 226 1 Lilly Unger, 7, Tallahassee, FL
53:52 10:46
280 255 2 Alexia Smith, 9, St Augustine, FL
55:36 11:07
1386 352 3 Amelia Stalter, 10, Orange Park, FL
1:03:33 12:42
Women 11 - 13
109 63 1 Mary Crean, 11, St Augustine, FL
760 205 2 Emily Hill, 12, Ponte Vedra Bch, FL
54 282 3 Madison Rogers, 13, Auburn, AL
1631 296 4 Lindsey Averitt, 12, Jacksonville, FL
Women 14 - 19
1396 14 1 Mary Ann Brown, 15, Orange Park, FL
37:03 7:25
1319 15 2 Kayla Vinson, 17, Middleburg, FL
37:05 7:25
1405 18 3 Lauren Nygren, 16, Orange Park, FL
37:22 7:28
813 21 4 Kaitlyn Shaffer, 19, Jacksonville, FL
38:03 7:36
1680 25 5 Nancy Harms, 15, Neptune Bch, FL
38:47 7:45
209 32 6 Elisha Colby, 15, Jacksonville, FL
40:05 8:01
1321 51 7 Shauna Walters, 18, Orange Park, FL
42:11 8:26
1383 55 8 Chloe Taylor, 17, Orange Park, FL
42:44 8:33
1340 58 9 Margaret Porter, 14, Fleming Island, FL 43:05 8:37
96 77 10 Caitlin Liberty, 16, Jacksonville, FL
44:44 8:57
1081 78 11 Kristin McWilliams, 18, Jacksonville, FL 44:52 8:58
1334 97 12 Carolyn Killea, 17, Orange Park, FL
46:46 9:21
1309 110 13 Kathleen Jensen, 19, Middleburg, FL
47:19 9:28
775 118 14 Kaitlin Hill, 16, Jacksonville, FL
47:53 9:34
912 141 15 Drew Hill, 15, Jacksonville, FL
48:52 9:46
1079 142 16 Avery Chatmon, 14, Jacksonville, FL
48:56 9:47
820 144 17 Alicia Lammle, 19, Jax Bch, FL
49:00 9:48
1332 186 18 Allison Killea, 15, Orange Park, FL
51:01 10:12
1399 191 19 Savannah Hollis, 15, Orange Park, FL
51:22 10:16
200 283 20 Kendall Vonnieda, 14, Jacksonville, FL 57:23 11:29
1345 294 21 Katlin Brennan, 14, Fleming Island, FL 57:52 11:34
1024 315 22 Mariel Fleming, 16, Jacksonville, FL 1:00:01 12:00
1316 369 23 Bethany Cole, 14, Jacksonville, FL
1:05:18 13:04
369 424 24 Megan Blizzard, 15, Jacksonville, FL 1:35:04 19:01
Women 20 - 24
741 34 1 Regan Will, 20, Jacksonville, FL
40:08 8:02
248 48 2 Christina Osberg, 20, Jacksonville, FL 41:57 8:23
694 71 3 Alisen Boley, 23, Neptune Bch, FL
44:21 8:52
1373 72 4 Rachael Branston, 22, Middleburg, FL
44:23 8:53
1372 73 5 Bethany Bell, 24, Middleburg, FL
44:24 8:53
1347 74 6 Meghan Harris, 23, Orange Park, FL
44:25 8:53
1061 83 7 Jessica Rabbit, 24, Jacksonville, FL
45:00 9:00
1414 109 8 Michelle Dickensheets, 22, Orange Park, FL 47:18 9:28
546 119 9 Kathleen Smalley, 23, Jacksonville, FL 47:55 9:35
166 201 10 Jessica Cheshire, 24, Jacksonville, FL 52:17 10:27
1044 237 11 Jessica Valenzuela, 23, Jacksonville, FL 54:29 10:54
57 243 12 Jaclyn Taricska, 23, Jacksonville, FL
54:48 10:58
1368 256 13 Jessica Ross, 20, Jacksonville, FL
55:38 11:07
714 272 14 Meghan Tiberio, 23, St Augustine, FL
56:53 11:23
41 274 15 Nicole Gee, 24, Jacksonville, FL
57:05 11:25
340 307 16 Amanda Tomlinson, 23, St Augustine, FL 58:41 11:44
1088 312 17 Robyn Denton, 21, St George, GA
59:07 11:49
251 319 18 Mallory Abubakar, 21, Land O' Lakes, FL 1:00:35 12:07
181 332 19 Bethany Cheal, 24, Port Orange, FL
1:01:37 12:19
1411 334 20 Mary Clare Cardona, 20, Orange Park, FL 1:01:39 12:20
1415 345 21 Paulette Stack, 21, Orange Park, FL
1:02:40 12:32
138 357 22 Hannah Lindsey, 21, Englewood, FL
1:04:08 12:50
1413 361 23 Amanda Ramos, 21, Middleburg, FL
1:04:36 12:55
Women 25 - 29
71 6 1 Joni Gruwell, 29, Jacksonville, FL
33:26 6:41
9 7 2 Shannon Miller, 25, Jacksonville, FL
34:03 6:49
154 16 3 Marie Vogler, 27, Gainesville, FL
37:19 7:28
254 19 4 Amy Clamons, 27, Melbourne Bch, FL
37:52 7:34
619 20 5 Jane Conner, 27, Jacksonville, FL
37:55 7:35
373 28 6 Larissa Bodniowycz, 25, Jacksonville, FL 39:25 7:53
1077 35 7 Lauren Jacobellis, 25, Jacksonville, FL 40:14 8:03
167 39 8 Amalie Shaffer, 25, Jacksonville, FL
40:26 8:05
285 46 9 Brooke Williams, 25, Fernandina Bch, FL 41:45 8:21
1072 47 10 Lauren Krawczyk, 28, Jacksonville, FL
41:46 8:21
1021 56 11 Candy Beam, 27, Jacksonville, FL
42:46 8:33
173 76 12 Dana Ganas, 27, Lake Park, GA
44:27 8:53
238 80 13 Caitlin Fix, 27, Jacksonville, FL
44:58 8:59
731 88 14 Devon Oconnor, 28, Jacksonville, FL
45:39 9:08
1837 89 15 Jessica Bishop, 29, Fleming Island, FL 45:40 9:08
169 95 16 Katie Sargent, 25, Jax Bch, FL
46:36 9:19
1392 100 17 Anne Orsi, 28, Orange Park, FL
47:10 9:26
242 120 18 Tessa Clamons, 26, Jacksonville, FL
47:57 9:35
609 125 19 Ivy Morales, 29, Jacksonville, FL
48:10 9:38
444 133 20 Laura Hall, 27
48:35 9:43
1056 134 21 Alissa Leonard, 28, Jacksonville, FL
48:37 9:43
283 146 22 Megan Greiner, 26, Fernandina Bch, FL
49:08 9:50
650 150 23 Jennifer Church, 27, Jacksonville, FL
49:13 9:50
676 151 24 Cortnie Yeoman, 27, Jax Bch, FL
49:13 9:50
278 158 25 Jenna Braddock, 28, St Augustine, FL
49:35 9:55
553 159 26 Jackie Hanson, 26, Atlantic Bch, FL
49:37 9:55
1715 161 27 Belinda Hannigan, 28, Jacksonville, FL 49:41 9:56
78 169 28 Jean Thompson, 27, Jacksonville, FL
49:53 9:59
136 178 29 Julie Scanlan, 27, Daytona Bch, FL
50:18 10:03
64 188 30 Samantha Walters, 25, Jacksonville, FL 51:04 10:13
73 192 31 Krista Fuchs, 26, Jacksonville, FL
51:25 10:17
300 196 32 Sabrina Carlomany, 27, St Augustine, FL 51:45 10:21
134 203 33 Stephanie Simons, 25, Buffalo, NY
52:19 10:28
235 204 34 Leslie Kleyla, 29, Jacksonville, FL
52:26 10:29
729 207 35 Natalie Valentino, 29, Jacksonville, FL 52:37 10:31
652 212 36 Susana Ashby, 29, Jacksonville, FL
53:02 10:36
62 216 37 Jaimie Tzoucalis, 29, Jacksonville, FL 53:16 10:39
1364 219 38 Nikki Watson, 27, Jacksonville, FL
53:23 10:41
247 220 39 Jessica Mould, 26, Jacksonville, FL
53:26 10:41
334 223 40 Lauren Monaghan, 27, Jacksonville, FL
53:35 10:43
788 230 41 Michelle Hoke, 25, Jax Bch, FL
53:56 10:47
131 232 42 Margaret Wood, 26, Alachua, FL
54:13 10:51
547 234 43 Meaghan Smalley, 26, Jacksonville, FL
54:20 10:52
794 235 44 Jerah Nordeen, 25, Jacksonville, FL
54:22 10:52
287 238 45 Joanna Deems, 27, Fernandina Bch, FL
54:31 10:54
1068 244 46 Mary-Ann Dombkowski, 29, Fern Bch, FL 54:50 10:58
682 257 47 Jessalyn Spendley, 26, Jax Bch, FL
55:39 11:08
777 259 48 Evelina Montoya, 27, Jacksonville, FL
55:42 11:08
215 265 49 Amanda Denbleyker, 28, Jacksonville, FL 56:12 11:14
185 267 50 Elizabeth Pendleton, 27, St Augustine, FL 56:24 11:17
786 275 51 Natalie Cabler, 28, Jacksonville, FL
57:06 11:25
1306 278 52 Cheryl Midgett, 25, Jacksonville, FL
57:21 11:28
257 285 53 Raquel Manning, 25, Ponte Vedra, FL
57:27 11:29
244 286 54 Jennifer Ricci, 26, Jacksonville, FL
57:28 11:29
276 289 55 Olga Clifton, 28, Jacksonville, FL
57:49 11:34
1064 290 56 Anne Pablo, 25, Jacksonville, FL
57:49 11:34
202 304 57 Juliana Ivancik, 26, Baltimore, MD
58:32 11:42
662 306 58 Vanessa Debelen, 28, Jacksonville, FL
58:40 11:44
252 321 59 Brooke Delbridge, 27, Melbourne, FL
1:00:52 12:10
125 322 60 Stacia Hurst, 26, Jacksonville, FL
1:00:53 12:11
730 323 61 Carrie Sanftner, 29, Jacksonville, FL 1:01:00 12:12
1375 324 62 Stacy Powers, 25, Middleburg, FL
1:01:00 12:12
332 328 63 Hallie Grossman, 26, Wynnewood, PA
1:01:22 12:16
671 331 64 Sarah Chasteen, 26, Jacksonville, FL 1:01:32 12:18
171 333 65 Sarah Holdren, 27, Lake City, FL
1:01:38 12:19
770 348 66 Hayley Hamilton, 28, Jacksonville, FL 1:02:53 12:34
769 349 67 Amanda Troske, 26, Jacksonville, FL
1:02:53 12:35
315 353 68 Caroline Davidge-Pitts, 29, Jax, FL
1:03:38 12:43
255 362 69 Megan Abubakar, 25, Orange Park, FL
1:04:41 12:56
104 373 70 Ashley Galvin, 28, Jacksonville, FL
1:05:51 13:10
379 384 71 Sakina Hudson, 28, Orange Park, FL
1:07:50 13:34
1406 402 72 Melanie Daly, 27, Middleburg, FL
1:12:45 14:33
143 403 73 Tiffany Morris, 27, Fernandina Bch, FL 1:12:46 14:33
1393 406 74 Jacqueline Hardin, 28, Orange Park, FL 1:13:32 14:42
243 408 75 Lauren Sauls, 28, Jacksonville, FL
1:14:01 14:48
345 410 76 Erica Mack, 28, Jacksonville, FL
1:14:50 14:58
288 411 77 Tosha Rhoads, 25, High Spring, FL
1:15:52 15:10
Women 35 - 39
17 9 1 Lisa Adams, 35, Fleming Island, FL
35:03 7:00
14 11 2 Britta Fortson, 37, Jacksonville, FL
35:49 7:10
1641 22 3 Leslie Kindling, 37, Jacksonville, FL
38:19 7:40
25 31 4 Kristen Gottuso, 35, Jacksonville, FL
39:43 7:57
22 52 5 Allison Hoag, 36, Jax Bch, FL
42:21 8:28
910 53 6 Jennifer Hill, 37, Jacksonville, FL
42:25 8:29
1824 59 7 Stephanie Foreman, 37, Middleburg, FL
43:07 8:37
1023 60 8 Lori Magyar, 38, Jacksonville, FL
43:26 8:41
1060 61 9 Katharine Sandelin, 39, St Augustine, FL 43:39 8:44
1014 64 10 Regina Sooey, 39, Jacksonville, FL
43:51 8:46
529 67 11 Lisa Kamm, 39, Jax Bch, FL
44:06 8:49
1030 70 12 Elizabeth Rowden, 37, Jacksonville, FL 44:15 8:51
174 75 13 Libby Smith, 37, Lake Park, GA
44:27 8:53
827 85 14 Jocelynn Becksmith, 36, Jax Bch, FL
45:13 9:03
331 87 15 Jennifer Crane, 39, Jacksonville, FL
45:29 9:06
89 101 16 Diana Levin, 39, Jacksonville, FL
47:12 9:26
396 117 17 Lori Parent, 39
47:52 9:34
1655 121 18 Vanessa Del Orbe, 39, Jacksonville, FL 48:02 9:36
430 135 19 Jennifer Budd, 36, Jacksonville, FL
48:38 9:44
321 136 20 Erica Gottlieb, 35, Jacksonville, FL
48:38 9:44
1073 137 21 Amanda Mason, 38, Jacksonville, FL
48:41 9:44
1317 149 22 Christine Fletcher, 37, Fleming Island, FL 49:10 9:50
1420 155 23 Stephanie Horton, 35, Orange Park, FL
49:32 9:54
434 157 24 Annie Erstling, 36, Jacksonville, FL
49:34 9:55
1069 166 25 Kim Jowers, 36, Jacksonville, FL
49:48 9:57
336 173 26 Suzette Hobbs, 39, Jacksonville, FL
50:10 10:02
47 179 27 Michele Baggett, 35, Panacea, FL
50:35 10:07
796 181 28 Nicole Jevince, 38, Jacksonville, FL
50:49 10:10
629 189 29 Laura Boran, 38, Neptune Bch, FL
51:15 10:15
150 198 30 Glenda Hewett, 37, Fernandina Bch, FL
52:00 10:24
708 206 31 Mary Henningsgard, 36, Ponte Vedra Bch, FL 52:32 10:30
1341 217 32 Kimberly Butts, 36, Orange Park, FL
53:18 10:40
1041 228 33 Mary Airheart, 38, Jacksonville, FL
53:54 10:47
735 236 34 Alexandra Cramer, 38, Ponte Vedra, FL
54:25 10:53
229 246 35 Catherine Ivancik, 37, Jacksonville, FL 54:53 10:59
230 247 36 Sudamys Alfonso, 35, Jacksonville, FL
54:54 10:59
1301 249 37 Christeen Kirkham, 36, Jacksonville, FL 54:59 11:00
518 251 38 Mindy Gillis, 35, Jax Bch, FL
55:10 11:02
240 258 39 Tammy McConnell, 35, Jacksonville, FL
55:41 11:08
400 325 40 Thyra Reveron, 36
1:01:01 12:12
1355 329 41 Wendy Probst, 38, Fleming Island, FL 1:01:23 12:16
1063 337 42 Rebecca Redmond, 36, Jacksonville, FL 1:02:18 12:27
1304 346 43 Amy Kiernan, 36, Orange Park, FL
1:02:45 12:33
79 355 44 Natalie Blanco, 37, Jacksonville, FL 1:03:53 12:47
674 358 45 Amy Reese, 39, Jax Bch, FL
1:04:16 12:51
219 368 46 Paola Guerrero, 38, Jacksonville, FL 1:05:13 13:02
301 378 47 Mary Anker, 37, Jacksonville, FL
1:06:38 13:20
633 381 48 Diana Barker, 37, Atlantic Bch, FL
1:07:22 13:28
263 385 49 Holly Ferguson, 35, St Simons Island, GA 1:07:56 13:35
431 388 50 Heather Garrett, 38, Jacksonville, FL 1:09:18 13:52
1302 394 51 Terri Fertig, 38, Jacksonville, FL
1:10:59 14:12
440 398 52 Kiara Rodriguez, 36, Jacksonville, FL 1:11:55 14:23
162 417 53 Jacki Peters, 36, Jacksonville, FL
1:18:08 15:38
133 420 54 Jennifer Coburn, 36, Atlantic Bch, FL 1:21:57 16:23
Women 30 - 34
223 30 1 Sarah Thompson, 32, Jacksonville, FL
39:37 7:55
1323 37 2 Mandy Weldon, 31, Orange Park, FL
40:17 8:03
908 45 3 Donna Bernardis, 30, Jax Bch, FL
41:14 8:15
153 54 4 Elizabeth Sutton, 30, Gainesville, FL
42:39 8:32
1310 62 5 Kate Engster, 33, Middleburg, FL
43:48 8:46
507 65 6 Kristen Eckert, 31, Ponte Vedra Bch, FL 43:54 8:47
443 69 7 Helen Kilfoyle, 32, Jacksonville, FL
44:11 8:50
767 79 8 Justine Cook, 30, Neptune Bch, FL
44:53 8:58
646 82 9 Donna Gallant, 34, Jacksonville, FL
45:00 9:00
439 86 10 Jamie Melim, 30, Jacksonville, FL
45:24 9:05
1050 96 11 Marie Niesse, 30, Jacksonville, FL
46:39 9:20
1018 98 12 Laurie Heaton, 33, Hilliard, FL
46:53 9:22
1361 103 13 Jennifer Woods, 32, Jacksonville, FL
47:13 9:27
1038 107 14 Lindsay Robinson, 31, Atlantic Bch, FL 47:16 9:27
1047 111 15 Kerri Hatfield, 33, Jacksonville, FL
47:20 9:28
1065 112 16 Michelle McCullough, 31, Ponte Vedra, FL 47:20 9:28
654 114 17 Kelly Lueckert, 30, Jacksonville, FL
47:34 9:31
642 123 18 Melanie Davis, 33, Jacksonville, FL
48:09 9:38
691 126 19 Kelly Kenne, 32, Jacksonville, FL
48:11 9:38
1092 128 20 Tara Steele, 30, Jacksonville, FL
48:15 9:39
907 129 21 Erin Hall, 31, Jax Bch, FL
48:15 9:39
265 145 22 Heather Taylor, 30, St Augustine, FL
49:07 9:49
1003 152 23 Nicole Andress, 33, Jacksonville, FL
49:19 9:52
816 163 24 Rachel Aflleje, 32, Jax Bch, FL
49:42 9:56
700 164 25 Karen Wright, 34, Ponte Vedra, FL
49:42 9:56
906 167 26 Lindsey McClammy, 30, Ormond Bch, FL
49:49 9:58
141 168 27 Mary-Alice Bird, 30, Fernandina Bch, FL 49:52 9:58
441 174 28 Laura McClelland, 30, Jax Bch, FL
50:10 10:02
690 176 29 Nicole Bridier, 33, Jax Bch, FL
50:16 10:03
123 182 30 Erin Schellhorn, 31, Jacksonville, FL
50:51 10:10
1043 187 31 Brooke Peters, 32, Jacksonville, FL
51:02 10:12
306 200 32 Tracey Bartlett, 31, Jacksonville, FL
52:16 10:27
689 214 33 Anna Urbantke, 30, Jax Bch, FL
53:13 10:39
711 215 34 Kristen Wolff, 33, Ponte Vedra Bch, FL 53:13 10:39
337 218 35 Gabrielle Fritz, 31, Jacksonville, FL
53:20 10:40
1055 239 36 Amanda Bozeman, 33, Jacksonville, FL
54:38 10:56
282 242 37 Mark Greiner, 30, Fernandina Bch, FL
54:46 10:57
324 252 38 Connie-Jo Hemeyer, 30, Jacksonville, FL 55:16 11:03
1085 254 39 Celesta Mitchell, 32, St Augustine, FL 55:21 11:04
798 281 40 Alicia Strickland, 34, Jacksonville, FL 57:22 11:28
214 287 41 James Denbleyker, 31, Jacksonville, FL 57:45 11:33
665 293 42 Courtney Nix, 33, Jacksonville, FL
57:52 11:34
817 301 43 Sara Uselman, 30, Jax Bch, FL
58:24 11:41
902 305 44 Erica Cooper, 32, Jacksonville, FL
58:38 11:43
648 311 45 Melody Pabon-Harris, 32, Jacksonville, FL 59:07 11:49
222 313 46 Jennifer Malig, 34, Jacksonville, FL
59:24 11:53
275 314 47 Ramiah Pickett, 31, Jacksonville, FL
59:54 11:59
432 316 48 Sarah Varbrough, 30, Jacksonville, FL 1:00:08 12:01
206 318 49 Jennifer Handler, 33, Elkton, FL
1:00:31 12:06
680 320 50 Jennifer McMahan, 32, Jax Bch, FL
1:00:37 12:07
113 335 51 Wendy Coleman, 31, Jacksonville, FL
1:01:55 12:23
58 356 52 Jessica Campbell, 32, Jacksonville, FL 1:04:02 12:48
1322 364 53 Deedee Miller, 31, Orange Park, FL
1:04:48 12:58
1357 365 54 Cassie Wallis, 33, Green Cove Sprngs, FL 1:05:01 13:00
224 374 55 Melissa Vimoktayon, 33, Jacksonville, FL 1:06:08 13:13
237 379 56 Ivy Parrish, 30, Jacksonville, FL
1:06:45 13:21
734 380 57 Shelby Neilson, 31, Jacksonville, FL 1:07:21 13:28
1312 389 58 Liz Harp, 34, Fleming Island, FL
1:09:58 13:59
1033 393 59 Michelle Statz, 30, Jacksonville, FL 1:10:53 14:11
1058 395 60 Kelly Witbeck, 32, St Augustine, FL
1:11:40 14:20
Women 40 - 44
16 17 1 Denise Metzgar, 44, Orange Park, FL
37:22 7:28
687 23 2 Jennifer Joy, 41, Jax Bch, FL
38:21 7:40
1823 24 3 Elena Davis, 40, Middleburg, FL
38:39 7:44
626 29 4 Valery Averitt, 42, Jax Bch, FL
39:26 7:53
1826 36 5 Kim Ericson, 44, Orange Park, FL
40:15 8:03
297 44 6 Tammy Witherspoon, 44, Orlando, FL
41:12 8:14
1639 66 7 Stacey Theobald, 43, St Augustine, FL
44:04 8:49
1754 81 8 Kellie Jo Howard, 43, Jacksonville, FL 44:58 8:59
1374 99 9 Julieta Branston, 41, Middleburg, FL
47:07 9:25
1647 105 10 Mary Turner, 44, St Marys, GA
47:15 9:27
148 127 11 Amy Mager, 40, Fernandina Bch, FL
48:11 9:38
667 130 12 Tami Kipple, 41, Jacksonville, FL
48:31 9:42
204 131 13 Christy Clarke, 44, Boynton Bch, FL
48:32 9:42
1075 138 14 Kristina Oettel-Clark, 40, Jax, FL
48:45 9:45
1084 139 15 Debbie Higdon, 40, Jacksonville, FL
48:50 9:46
1642 143 16 Leidy Pesante, 42, St Augustine, FL
48:57 9:47
709 147 17 Jenny Wingate, 40, Ponte Vedra Bch, FL 49:09 9:50
256 148 18 Teresa Kelly, 42, Palm Coast, FL
49:10 9:50
53 154 19 Pamela Rogers, 43, Auburn, AL
49:30 9:54
743 160 20 Elizabeth Carrero, 41, Jacksonville, FL 49:39 9:56
1384 162 21 Leighann Smith, 43, Orange Park, FL
49:42 9:56
657 165 22 Katie Robbins, 41, Jacksonville, FL
49:45 9:57
685 170 23 Teri Davis, 40, Jax Bch, FL
50:01 10:00
217 171 24 Tonya Labarbera, 44, Jacksonville, FL
50:03 10:00
419 172 25 Maureen Motter, 43, Jax Bch, FL
50:04 10:01
1001 175 26 Christy Schell, 40, Jacksonville, FL
50:14 10:03
825 180 27 Melodie Cartwright, 40, Jacksonville, FL 50:36 10:07
641 185 28 Donna McElhaugh, 41, Fernandina Bch, FL 50:55 10:11
512 195 29 Jessica Leibowitz, 40, Jax Bch, FL
51:44 10:21
91 208 30 Steffany Perkins, 42, Jacksonville, FL 52:38 10:31
659 210 31 Ruk Lamsal, 44, Jacksonville, FL
52:58 10:36
660 211 32 Elaine Macomb, 43, Jacksonville, FL
53:02 10:36
82 222 33 Debbie Huxford, 43, Jacksonville, FL
53:33 10:42
511 225 34 Lisa Snyder, 44, Jacksonville, FL
53:52 10:46
580 229 35 Dianna Hinschberger, 43, Jacksonville, FL 53:54 10:47
712 231 36 Victoria Portugal, 41, Ponte Vedra Bch, FL 54:10 10:50
744 245 37 Marohn Pacitti, 43, Ponte Vedra Bch, FL 54:52 10:58
189 263 38 Lori Johnson, 42, Sharpsburg, GA
56:04 11:13
1363 269 39 Kara Bishop, 40, Jacksonville, FL
56:35 11:19
259 271 40 Stella Cress, 44, St Augustine, FL
56:49 11:22
1403 288 41 Nancy Glaser, 44, Orange Park, FL
57:46 11:33
826 291 42 Sharon Porter, 41, Neptune Bch, FL
57:50 11:34
1632 295 43 Lori Averitt, 44, Jacksonville, FL
57:52 11:34
1330 297 44 Tina Chick, 41, Green Cove Sprngs, FL
57:55 11:35
83 298 45 Susan Ingram, 43, Jacksonville, FL
58:05 11:37
66 302 46 Jill Tayse, 44, Jacksonville, FL
58:27 11:41
323 303 47 Audrey Frank, 43, Jax Bch, FL
58:28 11:42
526 309 48 Pauline Todd, 42, Jax Bch, FL
58:51 11:46
1358 330 49 Amy Camp, 41, Green Cove Sprngs, FL
1:01:23 12:16
698 343 50 Lauren Lubosch, 44, Neptune Bch, FL
1:02:36 12:31
105 347 51 Julie Edwards, 40, St Johns, FL
1:02:47 12:33
87 350 52 Melissa McDaniels, 40, Jacksonville, FL 1:03:16 12:39
1027 351 53 Sharon Carey, 42, Palm Coast, FL
1:03:20 12:40
655 366 54 Elizabeth Schiefen, 44, Jacksonville, FL 1:05:03 13:01
227 371 55 Diane Millar, 42, Jacksonville, FL
1:05:46 13:09
1801 372 56 Jill Wright, 42, Middleburg, FL
1:05:47 13:09
213 377 57 Tammy Vonnieda, 43, Jacksonville, FL 1:06:14 13:15
365 386 58 Donna Jones, 41, Jax Bch, FL
1:08:48 13:45
1421 396 59 Norma Glass, 40, Jacksonville, FL
1:11:43 14:21
367 400 60 Trish Kabus, 44, St Augustine, FL
1:12:20 14:28
218 397 61 Billie Hamrick, 30, Jacksonville, FL
49 413 62 Susan Conner, 34, Jacksonville, FL
September/October 2010
1:11:54 14:23
1:17:19 15:28
763 421 61 Annabel Krott, 41, Jacksonville, FL
762 423 62 Vita Vairogs, 40, Jacksonville, FL
1:30:40 18:08
1:30:44 18:09
Women 45 - 49
13 13 1 Regina Taylor, 46, Jacksonville, FL
36:35 7:19
1623 26 2 Laura Williams, 48, Kingsland, GA
38:48 7:46
538 27 3 Alison Ronzon, 46, Neptune Bch, FL
39:04 7:49
299 40 4 Lisa Bowen, 46, Port Orange, FL
40:36 8:07
281 41 5 Alicia Parker, 49, Fernandina Bch, FL
40:37 8:07
1681 42 6 Kathy Murray, 48, Jacksonville, FL
40:40 8:08
1765 43 7 Maria Munyon, 48, Jacksonville, FL
40:59 8:12
147 57 8 Dawn Cutajar, 45, Fernandina Bch, FL
42:50 8:34
268 93 9 Lori Schafer, 49, Ponte Vedra, FL
46:10 9:14
723 94 10 Cindy Holt, 49, Ponte Vedra Bch, FL
46:10 9:14
1828 106 11 Robyn Cross, 47, Kingsland, GA
47:16 9:27
45 116 12 Michele Depompeo, 46, Dallas, TX
47:38 9:31
1820 132 13 Angela Adamson, 47, Green Cove Sprngs, FL 48:35 9:43
774 183 14 Lynn Hill, 49, Jacksonville, FL
50:52 10:10
342 199 15 Jean Martin, 48, Jacksonville, FL
52:04 10:25
33 202 16 Letitia Strickland, 49, Jacksonville, FL 52:17 10:27
704 209 17 Lisa Walsh, 45, Ponte Vedra Bch, FL
52:58 10:35
311 221 18 Sheri Scarborough, 46, Jacksonville, FL 53:31 10:42
1382 240 19 Candace Taylor, 48, Orange Park, FL
54:39 10:56
1683 248 20 Vicki Choinski, 46, Ponte Vedra Bch, FL 54:57 10:59
1603 253 21 Margaret Tyburski, 48, St Augustine, FL 55:16 11:03
102 262 22 Shelia Sutton, 49, Jacksonville, FL
56:03 11:12
535 268 23 Cyndi Hartzell, 46, Atlantic Bch, FL
56:31 11:18
32 276 24 Jean Oliver, 48, Lake Park, GA
57:13 11:27
293 284 25 Lisa Carnahan, 45, Jax Bch, FL
57:24 11:29
172 299 26 Marlene Guy, 45, Lake City, FL
58:08 11:38
364 300 27 Karie Ewing, 47, Jacksonville, FL
58:16 11:39
501 317 28 Debbie Spiker, 45, Jax Bch, FL
1:00:09 12:02
163 336 29 Bernadette Harris, 46, Jacksonville, FL 1:02:08 12:26
1619 339 30 Leslie Douberly, 46, St Johns, FL
1:02:20 12:28
1763 341 31 Jonie Davis, 45, Hilliard, FL
1:02:30 12:30
1017 342 32 Beth Wucker, 49, Jacksonville, FL
1:02:32 12:30
137 360 33 Donna Parish, 47, East Palataka, FL
1:04:30 12:54
187 363 34 Carmen Coleman, 47, San Mateo, FL
1:04:42 12:56
737 375 35 Antonietta Discenza, 45, PVB, FL
1:06:09 13:14
1048 387 36 Rose Hutchinson, 49, Jacksonville, FL 1:08:48 13:45
686 391 37 Ali Mannion, 47, Jax Bch, FL
1:10:36 14:07
1388 404 38 Angela Sanftner, 46, Middleburg, FL
1:12:50 14:34
1352 412 39 Cindy Bishop, 47, Baldwin, FL
1:16:32 15:18
764 422 40 Karen Hill, 49, Ponte Vedra Bch, FL
1:30:40 18:08
370 425 41 Lisa Blizzard, 45, Jacksonville, FL
1:35:06 19:01
Women 50 - 54
1614 33 1 Ann Krause, 52, Jacksonville, FL
40:07 8:01
783 38 2 Colleen Clarson, 54, Ponte Vedra Bch, FL 40:20 8:04
623 50 3 Terri Rose, 52, Neptune Bch, FL
42:11 8:26
1348 84 4 Joanne Harris, 51, Orange Park, FL
45:10 9:02
180 90 5 Beth Hardison, 50, Port Orange, FL
45:47 9:09
791 91 6 Donna Vandervelde, 54, Ponte Vedra Bch, FL 45:52 9:10
37 92 7 Tamara Klopenstein, 52, Fort Lauderdale, FL 45:56 9:11
1713 102 8 Jane Harris, 51, Jax Bch, FL
47:13 9:26
1812 104 9 Denise Dailey, 53, Orange Park, FL
47:14 9:27
1815 108 10 Kimberly Lundy, 53, Orange Park, FL
47:17 9:27
1628 153 11 Melinda Terry, 51, Jacksonville, FL
49:30 9:54
1644 156 12 Robin Deblake, 54, Jekyll Island, GA
49:33 9:54
361 177 13 Misty Demarre, 50, Jax Bch, FL
50:17 10:03
1758 184 14 Susan Roche, 54, Jacksonville, FL
50:54 10:11
516 190 15 Colleen McLane, 50, Jacksonville, FL
51:18 10:15
812 193 16 Nancy Hockenbery, 50, Jacksonville, FL 51:26 10:17
196 194 17 Candis Lobianco, 51, White, GA
51:36 10:19
613 197 18 Judith Goldsmith Reed, 51, Jax, FL
51:51 10:22
72 213 19 Sheryl Phipps, 50, Jacksonville, FL
53:12 10:38
1682 250 20 Susan Harms, 50, Neptune Bch, FL
55:00 11:00
1608 260 21 Kimberly Pearce, 52, Jacksonville, FL
55:50 11:10
715 264 22 Susan Tiberio, 51, St Augustine, FL
56:08 11:14
757 266 23 Laurie Kattreh, 50, Jax Bch, FL
56:14 11:15
30 277 24 Ada Steele, 51, Valdosta, GA
57:17 11:27
1307 279 25 Debbie Knight, 54, Jacksonville, FL
57:21 11:28
1700 292 26 Anita Lerch, 50, Jax Bch, FL
57:50 11:34
622 310 27 Shelli Martin, 50, Ponte Vedra Bch, FL 58:57 11:47
780 326 28 Kristy Knight, 53, Jacksonville, FL
1:01:07 12:13
28 344 29 Cathy Wilson, 54, Jacksonville, FL
1:02:38 12:32
517 354 30 Jeanne Peel, 52, Ponte Vedra Bch, FL 1:03:42 12:44
155 359 31 Cynthia Norstrand, 50, High Springs, FL 1:04:24 12:53
1703 367 32 Debra Billard, 54, Ponte Vedra Bch, FL 1:05:09 13:02
805 370 33 Cindy Steeg-Diaz, 51, Atlantic Bch, FL 1:05:39 13:08
1378 376 34 Sandra Henney, 51, Orange Park, FL
1:06:11 13:14
177 390 35 Cynthia Foster, 50, Oviedo, FL
1:10:35 14:07
156 407 36 Donald Norstrand, 52, High Springs, FL 1:13:41 14:44
389 409 37 Cindy Dix, 50, San Mateo, FL
1:14:12 14:50
1303 418 38 Rachel Nieves, 52, Orange Park, FL
1:19:36 15:55
Women 55 - 59
1630 49 1 Stephanie Griffith, 55, Jacksonville, FL 42:02 8:24
1705 68 2 Bonnie Brennan, 56, St Augustine, FL
44:08 8:50
1757 113 3 Claudia French, 56, Jacksonville, FL
47:33 9:31
1825 115 4 Sue Whitworth, 55, Fleming Island, FL
47:37 9:31
1621 124 5 Suzan Schumacher, 57, Jacksonville, FL 48:09 9:38
514 140 6 Rosalind Hoffman, 58, Atlantic Bch, FL 48:51 9:46
1752 227 7 Donna Rettini, 58, Jacksonville, FL
53:52 10:46
747 233 8 Sharon Oxford, 59, Ponte Vedra Bch, FL 54:13 10:51
1686 241 9 Dianne Delay, 57, Jax Bch, FL
54:44 10:57
1827 261 10 Sharon Medders, 57, Hollister, FL
55:56 11:11
1650 270 11 Sheri Daly, 55, Jacksonville, FL
56:45 11:21
719 280 12 Debby Bodanis, 59, Ponte Vedra Bch, FL 57:21 11:28
333 308 13 Marjorie Grossman, 58, Wynnewood, PA
58:49 11:46
302 338 14 Christine Kehr, 57, St Augustine, FL 1:02:18 12:28
42 340 15 Mary Conely, 55, Jacksonville, FL
1:02:26 12:29
85 382 16 Sharon Vickers, 58, Waycross, GA
1:07:26 13:29
1315 392 17 Dee Robertson-Lee, 59, FI, FL
1:10:51 14:10
696 401 18 Barbara Clements, 58, Neptune Bch, FL 1:12:35 14:31
211 419 19 Virginia Sherrill, 59, Jacksonville, FL 1:19:42 15:56
Women 60 - 64
146 416 1 Pam Rea, 61, Fernandina Bch, FL
1:18:06 15:37
Women 65 - 69
1692 224 1 Nancy Pullo, 68, Jax Bch, FL
53:52 10:46
1503 273 2 Pheona Kaiser, 67
56:57 11:23
1768 399 3 Mary Malone, 67, Jacksonville, FL
1:12:11 14:26
43 415 4 Catherine Kawecki, 66, Fern Bch, FL 1:17:51 15:34
Women 70 - 74
625 122 1 Marilynn Koubek, 70, Jacksonville, FL
48:03 9:36
620 414 2 Dot Mitchell, 70, Jax Bch, FL
1:17:32 15:30
Women 75 & Up
1687 405 1 Diane Aimone, 80, Jacksonville, FL
1:12:59 14:36
JTC Running 31st Annual Summer Track Classic
May 28, 2010
Girls 40 Meter Dash
1 65 Jolly, Mikayla
2 53 Hicks, Auria
10 Unattached
8 Unattached
Women 200 Meter Dash
1 177 Heard, Kayla
12 Unattached
2 168 Lee, Czdari
14 Unattached
3 178 Heard, Taralyn
14 Unattached
4 170 Smith, Breann
18 Unattached
5 172 Lyle, Erika
17 Unattached
6 160 Millican, Emma
13 Unattached
7 266 Chatman, Avery
14 Unattached
8 162 Thomas, Ashley
14 Unattached
9 89 Harris, Alexis
12 Unattached
10 234 Rogers, Zacari
10 Unattached
11 156 Solomon, Larica 12 Unattached
12 65 Jolly, Mikayla
10 Unattached
13 112 Thomas, Iris
16 Unattached
14 53 Hicks, Auria
8 Unattached
15 233 Richards, Quintenc 10 Unattached
16 165 Kirkland, Kailyn 8 Unattached
17 151 Sykes, Jhayda
9 Unattached
18 164 Kirkland, Kendall 9 Unattached
19 230 Lee, Kiyari
9 Unattached
20 152 Gatson, Jada
10 Unattached
21 33 Cummings, Jada
8 Unattached
22 11 Brooks, Saran
8 Unattached
23 218 Bishop, Emily
11 Unattached
24 226 Young, Jasmin
7 Unattached
25 269 Chatman, Ashley
8 Unattached
26.30 3
26.37 3
26.57 4
26.79 4
27.20 4
27.70 4
27.79 3
28.58 3
28.87 2
29.83 2
30.03 2
31.12 2
32.55 4
33.16 1
33.69 2
34.51 1
34.87 1
35.22 2
36.30 1
36.52 2
36.79 1
37.52 1
37.73 3
39.76 1
45.10 1
Women 800 Meter Dash
1 266 Chatman, Avery
14 Unattached
2 156 Solomon, Larica 12 Unattached
3 161 Goetze, Madison 13 Unattached
4 116 Wilkerson, Lauren 8 Unattached
5 189 Parliment, LJ
9 Unattached
6 206 Cubbedge, RoseMari 10 Unattached
7 226 Young, Jasmin
7 Unattached
8 32 Covington, Ericka 11 Unattached
9 175 Arfsten, Dana
10 Unattached
Women 3200 Meter Run
1 198 Sundell, Lindsay
24 Unattached
Women 4x100 Meter Relay
1 Unattached 'C'
1) 86 Reid, Breonca 17
2) 179 Dixon, Chelse 17
3) 81 Frazier, Brianna 18
2 Unattached 'A'
1) 162 Thomas, Ashley 14
2) 177 Heard, Kayla 12
3) 178 Heard, Taralyn 14
4) 168 Lee, Czdari 14
3 Unattached 'E'
1) 65 Jolly, Mikayla 10
2) 231 Bonner, Nquel 10
3) 233 Richards, Quintencia 10 4) 234 Rogers, Zacari 10
4 Unattached 'B'
1) 151 Sykes, Jhayda 9
2) 164 Kirkland, Kendall 9
3) 165 Kirkland, Kailyn 8
4) 226 Young, Jasmin 7
5 Unattached 'D'
1) 11 Brooks, Saran 8
2) 33 Cummings, Jada 8
3) 53 Hicks, Auria 8
4) 230 Lee, Kiyari 9
Women 4x400 Meter Relay
1 Unattached 'A'
1) 156 Solomon, Larica 12
2) 177 Heard, Kayla 12
3) 178 Heard, Taralyn 14
4) 168 Lee, Czdari 14
2 Unattached 'B'
1) 65 Jolly, Mikayla 10
2) 231 Bonner, Nquel 10
3) 233 Richards, Quintencia 10 4) 234 Rogers, Zacari 10
3 Unattached 'C'
1) 206 Cubbedge, RoseMarie 10
2) 160 Millican, Emma 13
3) 161 Goetze, Madison 13
4) 175 Arfsten, Dana 10
4 Unattached 'D'
1) 11 Brooks, Saran 8
2) 33 Cummings, Jada 8
3) 53 Hicks, Auria 8
4) 230 Lee, Kiyari 9
5 Unattached 'E'
1) 151 Sykes, Jhayda 9
2) 165 Kirkland, Kailyn 8
3) 164 Kirkland, Kendall 9
4) 152 Gatson, Jada 10
Women 14&U High Jump
-- 207 Rodriguez, AnneMar 11 Unattached
Women 15-19 High Jump
1 83 Zakoske, Amanda
19 Unattached
Women Pole Vault
1 211 Gabbent, Audrey 17 Unattached
1 75 Rogers, Julia
16 Unattached
3 78 Kelly, Gail
16 Unattached
-- 73 Ranson, Bailey
14 Unattached
Women Long Jump
1 86 Reid, Breonca
17 Unattached
2 80 Silas, Letitia
33 Unattached
3 83 Zakoske, Amanda 19 Unattached
4 160 Millican, Emma
13 Unattached
5 177 Heard, Kayla
12 Unattached
6 78 Kelly, Gail
16 Unattached
7 162 Thomas, Ashley
14 Unattached
8 75 Rogers, Julia
16 Unattached
9 89 Harris, Alexis
12 Unattached
10 151 Sykes, Jhayda
9 Unattached
11 207 Rodriguez, AnneMar 11 Unattached
12 218 Bishop, Emily
11 Unattached
13 175 Arfsten, Dana
10 Unattached
-- 161 Goetze, Madison 13 Unattached
Women Shot Put
1 214 Demi, Ann
19 Unattached
Women Discus Throw
1 214 Demi, Ann
19 Unattached
Women Javelin Throw
1 214 Demi, Ann
19 Unattached
Boys 40 Yard Dash
1 19 Burroughs, Quiney 6 Unattached
2 26 Chance, Jalen
9 Unattached
3 18 Burroughs, Eddie 8 Unattached
4 186 Breuer, Sean
6 Unattached
Men 200 Meter Dash
1 79 Lefco, Tom
20 Unattached
2 159 Pitts, Jamel
16 Unattached
3 200 Brown, Shiruel
16 Unattached
4 95 Miller, Kevin
16 Unattached
5 42 Ferman, Jeremy
19 Unattached
6 201 Brown, Tomoric
14 Unattached
7 209 O'Leary, Nicholas 16 Unattached
8 40 Favo, Quinin
16 Unattached
9 96 Tucker, Jeremiah 16 Unattached
10 261 Traver, Syruss
19 Unattached
11 34 Cummings, Jocolby 13 Unattached
12 190 Parliment, Chris 35 Unattached
13 281 Jackson, Desmond 16 Unattached
14 227 Marsh, Jhaminal 10 Unattached
15 97 Lamb, Richard
15 Unattached
16 26 Chance, Jalen
9 Unattached
17 153 Flynn, Rashod
11 Unattached
18 228 Rogers, Zarius
19 19 Burroughs, Quiney 6 Unattached
20 223 Brown, Truman
10 Unattached
21 111 Thomas, Deon
9 Unattached
22 271 Henderson, Jaeger 11 Unattached
23 224 Gantt, Carlton
9 Unattached
24 163 Thomas, Ashton
9 Unattached
25 18 Burroughs, Eddie 8 Unattached
26 99 Scott, Conner
11 Unattached
27 22 Cannon, Joshua
8 Unattached
28 232 Richards, Branden 8 Unattached
29 157 Solomon, Ricardo 11 Unattached
30 258 Glassman, Nicky
9 Unattached
31 257 Witt, Edward
9 Unattached
32 219 Scott, Jarius
6 Unattached
33 57 Cope, Carson
4 Unattached
22.30 5
23.13 4
23.14 4
23.37 4
24.06 5
25.00 4
25.12 4
25.33 4
25.37 4
26.89 5
27.59 3
27.89 5
28.01 4
29.28 3
29.61 5
29.93 2
30.92 3
31.02 3
31.56 2
32.23 2
33.38 1
33.42 2
33.65 2
34.27 2
35.97 1
36.79 2
37.31 1
38.80 1
38.87 3
39.00 1
41.62 2
47.27 1
57.80 1
Men 800 Meter Dash
1 52 Hayes, Christopher 17 Unattached
2 119 Yisrael, Meshahrai 21 Unattached
3 284 Ferman, David
16 Unattached
4 43 Ferman, Len
46 Unattached
5 166 Michael, Johnthan 13 Unattached
6 262 Traver, Vance
15 Unattached
7 272 Henderson, Jim
41 Unattached
8 204 Monroe, Theone
14 Unattached
9 97 Lamb, Richard
15 Unattached
10 193 Rabalais, Ross
13 Unattached
11 205 Cubbedge, Andrew 14 Unattached
12 212 Kritzler, Bruce 61 Unattached
13 153 Flynn, Rashod
11 Unattached
14 157 Solomon, Ricardo 11 Unattached
15 271 Henderson, Jaeger 11 Unattached
16 270 Henderson, Caden 7 Unattached
17 169 Jennings, Brain
9 Unattached
Men 3200 Meter Run
1 188 Shott, Owen
30 Unattached
2 77 Sheeke, Theiron 31 Unattached
3 191 McRae, Paul
37 Unattached
4 252 Southerland, Tripp 25 Unattached
5 68 Esteban, Johnthan 21 Unattached
6 237 Patterson, Richard 40 Unattached
7 59 Tallbacka, Eric 14 Unattached
8 265 Frank, David
34 Unattached
9 194 Lewis, Jason
40 Unattached
10 220 Porter, JJ
21 Unattached
11 97 Lamb, Richard
15 Unattached
12 210 Gabbent, Douglas 51 Unattached
13 205 Cubbedge, Andrew 14 Unattached
14 229 Navarro, Chris
46 Unattached
15 212 Kritzler, Bruce 61 Unattached
16 31 Cope, Evan
7 Unattached
Men 4x100 Meter Relay
1 Unattached 'B'
1) 159 Pitts, Jamel 16
2) 158 Montemurno, Matthew 16
3) 209 O'Leary, Nicholas 16
4) 79 Lefco, Tom 20
2 Unattached 'E'
1) 173 Chapman, Prescott 25
2) 174 Townsend, Gregory 25
3) 180 Lowery, Keith 24
4) 181 Rachley, Ranier 23
3 Unattached 'D'
1) 200 Brown, Shiruel 16
2) 201 Brown, Tomoric 14
3) 202 Chappel, Jeremy 16
4) 203 Croon, Eli 16
4 Unattached 'F'
1) 97 Lamb, Richard 15
2) 98 Foster, Nick 13
3) 205 Cubbedge, Andrew 14
5 Unattached 'C'
1) 26 Chance, Jalen 9
2) 18 Burroughs, Eddie 8
3) 232 Richards, Branden 8
4) 22 Cannon, Joshua 8
6 Unattached 'A'
1) 224 Gantt, Carlton 9
2) 223 Brown, Truman 10
3) 163 Thomas, Ashton 9
4) 169 Jennings, Brain 9
Men 4x400 Meter Relay
1 Unattached 'A'
1) 159 Pitts, Jamel 16
2) 158 Montemurno, Matthew 16
3) 209 O'Leary, Nicholas 16
4) 119 Yisrael, Meshahraimanuel 21
2 Unattached 'B'
1) 52 Hayes, Christopher 17
2) 220 Porter, JJ 21
3) 68 Esteban, Johnthan 21
4) 88 Detorres, Darrin 22
3 Unattached 'C'
1) 200 Brown, Shiruel 16
2) 201 Brown, Tomoric 14
3) 202 Chappel, Jeremy 16
4) 203 Croon, Eli 16
4 Unattached 'D'
1) 97 Lamb, Richard 15
2) 98 Foster, Nick 13
3) 205 Cubbedge, Andrew 14
4) 94 Morrisseau, Etienne 15
5 Unattached 'E'
1) 18 Burroughs, Eddie 8
2) 26 Chance, Jalen 9
3) 232 Richards, Branden 8
4) 22 Cannon, Joshua 8
6 Unattached 'F'
1) 224 Gantt, Carlton 9
2) 223 Brown, Truman 10
3) 163 Thomas, Ashton 9
4) 169 Jennings, Brain 9
Men High Jump
1 221 Gardner, Patrick 18 Unattached
2 222 Casper, Mark
18 Unattached
3 85 Jonnalaqadda, Veer 16 Unattached
3 176 Reiman, Jack
18 Unattached
5 210 Gabbent, Douglas 51 Unattached
5 84 Jeffers, Nathan 15 Unattached
7 40 Favo, Quinin
16 Unattached
8 216 Wilson, Tom
52 Unattached
9 257 Witt, Edward
9 Unattached
10 258 Glassman, Nicky
9 Unattached
-- 159 Pitts, Jamel
16 Unattached
Men Pole Vault
1 90 Epps, Michael
18 Unattached
2 176 Reiman, Jack
18 Unattached
3 217 Saitta, Evan
18 Unattached
3 71 Stanley, Morgan 18 Unattached
5 70 Milanovich, Garret 17 Unattached
6 87 Campbell, Dillon 15 Unattached
6 216 Wilson, Tom
52 Unattached
8 84 Jeffers, Nathan 15 Unattached
-- 74 Ranson, Todd
42 Unattached
-- 76 Hered, Danny
16 Unattached
Men Long Jump
1 173 Chapman, Prescott 25 Unattached
2 260 Traver, Shelton 20 Unattached
3 95 Miller, Kevin
16 Unattached
4 94 Morrisseau, Etienn 15 Unattached
5 85 Jonnalaqadda, Veer 16 Unattached
6 34 Cummings, Jocolby 13 Unattached
7 174 Townsend, Gregory 25 Unattached
8 166 Michael, Johnthan 13 Unattached
9 227 Marsh, Jhaminal 10 Unattached
10 228 Rogers, Zarius
11 97 Lamb, Richard
15 Unattached
12 163 Thomas, Ashton
9 Unattached
13 224 Gantt, Carlton
9 Unattached
14 22 Cannon, Joshua
8 Unattached
14 257 Witt, Edward
9 Unattached
16 99 Scott, Conner
11 Unattached
17 258 Glassman, Nicky
9 Unattached
17 223 Brown, Truman
10 Unattached
19 169 Jennings, Brain
9 Unattached
Men Shot Put
1 215 Demi, John
15 Unattached
Men Discus Throw
1 91 Hume, Bob
61 Unattached
2 82 Turner, Lorenzo 69 Unattached
3 215 Demi, John
15 Unattached
4 93 Hayward, Bill
56 Unattached
5 92 Hall, Don
85 Unattached
-- 176 Reiman, Jack
18 Unattached
-- 225 Elias, Alex
19 Unattached
-- 98 Foster, Nick
13 Unattached
-- 97 Lamb, Richard
15 Unattached
Men Javelin Throw
1 213 Brown, Mike
56 Unattached
2 210 Gabbent, Douglas 51 Unattached
3 216 Wilson, Tom
52 Unattached
4 215 Demi, John
15 Unattached
-- 176 Reiman, Jack
18 Unattached
Mixed 4x400 Meter Relay
1 Unattached 'B'
1) 251 Leary, Ryder 25
2) 184 Breuer, Julie 38
3) 285 Funk, John 30
4) 252 Southerland, Tripp 25
2 Unattached 'C'
1) 24 Cartwright, Craig 63
2) 188 Shott, Owen 30
3) 265 Frank, David 34
4) 283 Thomas, Lisa 46
3 Unattached 'D'
1) 69 Dickerson, Cameron 20
2) 237 Patterson, Richard 40
3) 268 Williams, Sarah 27
4) 198 Sundell, Lindsay 24
4 Unattached 'E'
1) 276 Perez, Raymond 25
2) 264 Davis, Billy 37
3) 267 Epting, Kristin 25
4) 190 Parliment, Chris 35
5 Unattached 'F'
1) 229 Navarro, Chris 46
2) 238 Shimko, Ben 26
3) 286 Lockett, Lolita 44
4) 287 Vargas, Chris 30
6 Unattached 'G'
1) 194 Lewis, Jason 40
2) 256 Storey, Ben 35
3) 275 Jezik, Scott 39
4) 277 Thomas, Nannette 39
7 Unattached 'H'
1) 274 Rosario, Jessica 31
2) 196 Revels, Josh 23
3) 195 Revels, Shannon 24
8 Unattached 'J'
9 Unattached 'I'
1) 253 Storey, Jackson 11
3) 189 Parliment, LJ 9
-- Unattached 'A'
1) 199 Myers, Josh 27
3) 182 Tecco, Angela 25
4) 273 Cichon, Bryan 44
2) 254 Storey, Tyler 8
4) 255 Frazier, Tristen 11
DQ Taunting by McRae
2) 183 Jones, Alex 33
4) 191 McRae, Paul 37
June 25, 2010
Women 100 Meter Dash
1 198 Reid, Breonca
18 Unattached
2 220 Silas, Letitia
33 Unattached
3 313 Delbovo, Ann
21 Unattached
4 301 Reid, Prenisha
16 Unattached
5 298 Carter, Natania 18 Unattached
6 281 Mckenith, Daija 14 Unattached
7 309 Barnes, Sierra
16 Unattached
8 269 Zakoske, Amanda 19 Unattached
9 314 Hackshaw, Deja
15 Unattached
10 282 Ford, Tiara
14 Unattached
12.18 2
12.60 2
12.78 2
12.94 1
13.24 2
13.35 1
13.44 1
13.50 2
13.56 1
14.06 1
Women 400 Meter Dash
1 249 Thomas, Lisa
46 Unattached
Women 1 Mile Run
1 249 Thomas, Lisa
46 Unattached
Women 4x100 Meter Relay
1 Unattached 'B'
1) 198 Reid, Breonca 18
3) 87 Frazier, Brianna 18
2 Unattached 'A'
1) 314 Hackshaw, Deja 15
3) 68 Dixon, Chelsea 17
Women 4x400 Meter Relay
1 Unattached 'B'
1) 301 Reid, Prenisha 16
3) 297 Smithwick, Tyler 18
2 Unattached 'A'
1) 309 Barnes, Sierra 16
3) 198 Reid, Breonca 18
2) 310 Walker, Courtney 17
4) 297 Smithwick, Tyler 18
2) 220 Silas, Letitia 33
4) 313 Delbovo, Ann 21
2) 310 Walker, Courtney 17
4) 87 Frazier, Brianna 18
2) 314 Hackshaw, Deja 15
4) 68 Dixon, Chelse 17
Women High Jump
1 310 Walker, Courtney 17 Unattached
2 269 Zakoske, Amanda 19 Unattached
3 309 Barnes, Sierra
16 Unattached
4 304 Edwards, McKenzie 16 Unattached
4 291 Heekin, Marty
15 Unattached
4 297 Smithwick, Tyler 18 Unattached
-- 87 Frazier, Brianna 18 Unattached
-- 314 Hackshaw, Deja
15 Unattached
Women Pole Vault
1 278 Smithwick, Emily 16 Unattached
2 280 Chandler, Chelsea 17 Unattached
3 208 Rogers, Julia
16 Unattached
4 274 Widell, Corine
15 Unattached
4 279 Stevens, Katarina 15 Unattached
6 277 Rice, Frances
13 Unattached
7 275 hoffman, Hayley 15 Unattached
7 195 Ranson, Bailey
14 Unattached
Women Long Jump
1 198 Reid, Breonca
Women Shot Put
1 271 Sputo, Katy
Women Discus Throw
1 271 Sputo, Katy
322 Sykes, Dominique 19 Unattached
316 Garcia, Francisco 20 Unattached
295 Hodge, Dylan
16 Unattached
315 Metzger, John
47 Unattached
80 Ferman, Jeremy
16 Unattached
321 Gleaton, Brad
17 Unattached
319 Gleaton, Dean
16 Unattached
294 Berg, Nick
15 Unattached
38 Cartwright, Craig 46 Unattached
34 Candler, Bubba
9 Unattached
305 Candler, Robert 39 Unattached
35 Candler, Christian 6 Unattached
18 Unattached
20 Unattached
20 Unattached
Men 4x400 Meter Relay
1 Unattached 'A'
1) 334 Garson, Nick 18
2) 307 Mcdaniels, Joe 17
3) 273 Howell, Matt 17
4) 94 Gardner, Patrick 18
2 Unattached 'D'
1) 293 Albertson, Ryan 27
2) 294 Berg, Nick 15
3) 295 Hodge, Dylan 16
4) 66 Detorres, Darrin 22
3 Unattached 'B'
1) 303 Brown, Anderson 17
2) 312 Smith, Akeem 14
3) 283 Ragland, Romero 14
4) 311 McCreary, Jason 16
4 Unattached 'C'
1) 323 Pamilton, Stephon 18
2) 324 Hammond, Joshua 16
3) 326 Way, Curtis 17
4) 327 Pace, Javontay 15
Men High Jump
1 40 Casper, Mark
18 Unattached
1 311 McCreary, Jason 16 Unattached
3 94 Gardner, Patrick 18 Unattached
3 303 Brown, Anderson 17 Unattached
Men Pole Vault
1 276 Dayao, Chris
1 299 Reiman, Jack
3 292 L'Heureus, Ryan
4 263 Wilson, Tom
5 126 Jeffers, Nathan
5 273 Howell, Matt
7 196 Ranson, Todd
7 115 Hered, Danny
9 300 Jones, David
16 Unattached
13 Unattached
18 Unattached
52 Unattached
15 Unattached
17 Unattached
42 Unattached
16 Unattached
13 Unattached
Men Long Jump
1 283 Ragland, Romero 14 Unattached
2 288 Mott, Jonathan
9 Unattached
3 284 Womack, Simeon
6 Unattached
4 286 Farmer, Elijah
6 Unattached
5 215 Scott, Jarius
6 Unattached
50 Unattached
Men Discus Throw
1 270 Sputo, Thomas
50 Unattached
2 105 Hall, Don
85 Unattached
Men Javelin Throw
1 21 Brown, Mike
56 Unattached
10.98 1
11.29 1
11.37 1
11.61 1
11.97 1
12.09 1
12.51 1
14.96 1
18.32 2
19.67 2
19.70 2
21.05 2
22.15 2
22.34 2
22.37 2
Men 400 Meter Dash
1 151 Lefco, Tom
20 Unattached
2 266 Yisrael, Meshahrai 21 Unattached
3 324 Hammond, Joshua 16 Unattached
4 323 Pamilton, Stephon 18 Unattached
5 318 Hicks, Brandon
23 Unattached
6 82 Ferman, Len
46 Unattached
7 38 Cartwright, Craig 46 Unattached
8 317 Rohlin, Bryan
43 Unattached
9 325 Upson, Antuun
12 Unattached
50.10 1
51.29 1
51.89 1
52.12 1
52.89 1
58.68 2
1:01.21 2
1:05.10 2
1:12.90 1
July 24, 2010
Girls 6-8 50 Meter Dash 10 and under
1 382 McWhite, Malisa
6 Unattached
Men 100 Meter Dash
1 151 Lefco, Tom
20 Unattached
2 323 Pamilton, Stephon 18 Unattached
3 306 Salako, Makhymia 22 Unattached
4 324 Hammond, Joshua 16 Unattached
5 311 McCreary, Jason 16 Unattached
6 312 Smith, Akeem
14 Unattached
7 308 Choten, Carter
8 296 Carter, Cliff
49 Unattached
9 288 Mott, Jonathan
9 Unattached
10 290 Mott, Joshua
7 Unattached
11 215 Scott, Jarius
6 Unattached
12 286 Farmer, Elijah
6 Unattached
13 9 Bishop, Brandy
6 Unattached
14 289 Brown, Nicholas
6 Unattached
15 284 Womack, Simeon
6 Unattached
Men 1 Mile Run
1 293 Albertson, Ryan 27 Unattached
2 320 Sykes, Martinque 19 Unattached
Men 4x100 Meter Relay
1 Unattached 'C'
1) 318 Hicks, Brandon 23
2) 306 Salako, Makhymia 22
3) 243 Teeter, Kyle 21
4) 151 Lefco, Tom 20
2 Unattached 'B'
1) 307 Mcdaniels, Joe 17
2) 273 Howell, Matt 17
3) 334 Garson, Nick 18
4) 80 Ferman, David 16
3 Unattached 'D'
1) 323 Pamilton, Stephon 18
2) 324 Hammond, Joshua 16
3) 326 Way, Curtis 17
4) 327 Pace, Javontay 15
4 Unattached 'A'
1) 286 Farmer, Elijah 6
2) 289 Brown, Nicholas 6
3) 288 Mott, Jonathan 9
4) 290 Mott, Joshua 7
Men Shot Put
1 270 Sputo, Thomas
Boys 40 Yard Dash
1 288 Mott, Jonathan
9 Unattached
2 35 Candler, Christian 6 Unattached
Girls 9-10 50 Meter Dash 10 and under
1 344 Robinson, Dayshe 10 Unattached
2 292 Sykes, Jhayda
9 Unattached
3 381 McWhite, Maleeya 9 Unattached
4 114 Gatson, Jada
10 Unattached
5 380 Campbell, Morgan 10 Unattached
6 332 May, Camilla
9 Unattached
7 340 Rutherlord, Aleana 9 Unattached
Girls 1-5 100 Meter Dash
1 997 Frank, Laura
5 Unattached
2 367 Jalleati, Scott
2 Unattached
8.02 1
8.43 1
8.87 1
9.04 1
9.16 1
9.87 2
10.62 1
Girls 6-8 100 Meter Dash
1 538 Kimberly, Isabele 6 Unattached
2 390 Rivera, Layne
7 Unattached
3 382 McWhite, Malisa
6 Unattached
4 399 Umbergow, Terri
6 Unattached
18.03 1
18.51 1
19.13 2
24.87 1
Girls 9-10 100 Meter Dash
1 344 Robinson, Dayshe 10 Unattached
2 341 Cromity, Vitani
9 Unattached
3 292 Sykes, Jhayda
9 Unattached
4 381 McWhite, Maleeya 9 Unattached
5 114 Gatson, Jada
10 Unattached
6 380 Campbell, Morgan 10 Unattached
7 563 Bishop, Alexandra 10 Unattached
8 340 Rutherlord, Aleana 9 Unattached
14.59 2
14.90 2
15.13 2
16.39 2
17.05 2
17.29 2
19.93 3
20.64 2
September/October 2010
Girls 11-13 100 Meter Dash
1 548 Herd, Kayla
12 Unattached
2 549 Herd, Taralyn
13 Unattached
3 565 Bishop, Lauren
13 Unattached
Girls 14-17 100 Meter Dash
1 100 Ford, Tiara
14 Unattached
2 364 Bell, Keayla
15 Unattached
Girls 60+ 100 Meter Dash
1 570 Trochelut, Joan 60 Unattached
Girls 1-13 200 Meter Dash
1 548 Herd, Kayla
12 Unattached
2 549 Herd, Taralyn
13 Unattached
3 344 Robinson, Dayshe 10 Unattached
4 341 Cromity, Vitani
9 Unattached
5 381 McWhite, Maleeya 9 Unattached
6 559 Kirkland, Kendall 9 Unattached
7 292 Sykes, Jhayda
9 Unattached
8 114 Gatson, Jada
10 Unattached
9 562 Giannuzzi, Hayley 10 Unattached
10 560 Kirkland, Kaioyn 8 Unattached
11 382 McWhite, Malisa
6 Unattached
12 380 Campbell, Morgan 10 Unattached
13 54 Chatman, Ashley
8 Unattached
14 340 Rutherlord, Aleana 9 Unattached
Women 14-17 200 Meter Dash
1 532 Irby, Zahria
14 Unattached
2 364 Bell, Keayla
15 Unattached
Women 60+ 200 Meter Dash
1 570 Trochelut, Joan 60 Unattached
Girls 1-13 400 Meter Dash
1 344 Robinson, Dayshe 10 Unattached
2 341 Cromity, Vitani
9 Unattached
3 560 Kirkland, Kaioyn 8 Unattached
4 292 Sykes, Jhayda
9 Unattached
5 562 Giannuzzi, Hayley 10 Unattached
6 538 Kimberly, Isabele 6 Unattached
7 340 Rutherlord, Aleana 9 Unattached
Women 14-17 400 Meter Dash
1 551 Chatman, Avery
14 Unattached
2 377 Hinkeldey, Anna 16 Unattached
Girls 1-13 800 Meter Run
1 277 Solomon, Larica 12 Unattached
2 559 Kirkland, Kendall 9 Unattached
Women 14-17 800 Meter Run
1 551 Chatman, Avery
14 Unattached
Women 30-39 800 Meter Run
1 554 Carrico, Barbara 36 Unattached
Girls 1-13 1 Mile Run
1 277 Solomon, Larica
2 559 Kirkland, Kendall
Girls 13&U High Jump
1 332 May, Camilla
12 Unattached
9 Unattached
9 Unattached
Women 14-17 High Jump
1 394 Heekin, Marty
15 Unattached
1 395 Gordan, Catherine 16 Unattached
13.58 3
13.83 3
16.62 3
14.29 3
15.05 3
18.59 3
26.48 3
29.48 3
31.64 2
32.13 1
33.76 1
34.00 1
34.05 1
36.41 2
36.60 2
36.76 1
40.25 1
40.29 2
45.75 1
45.93 1
29.20 3
31.52 3
39.44 3
1:12.31 1
1:18.12 1
1:21.95 1
1:26.03 1
1:27.06 1
1:27.55 1
3:00.10 2
Girls 13&U Long Jump
1 344 Robinson, Dayshe 10 Unattached
2 292 Sykes, Jhayda
9 Unattached
3 341 Cromity, Vitani
9 Unattached
4 381 McWhite, Maleeya 9 Unattached
5 332 May, Camilla
9 Unattached
6 562 Giannuzzi, Hayley 10 Unattached
7 114 Gatson, Jada
10 Unattached
8 380 Campbell, Morgan 10 Unattached
9 340 Rutherlord, Aleana 9 Unattached
10 399 Umbergow, Terri
6 Unattached
Women 14-17 Long Jump
1 364 Bell, Keayla
15 Unattached
2 395 Gordan, Catherine 16 Unattached
Boys 1-5 50 Meter Dash 10 and under
1 509 Terry, Tylon
5 Unattached
2 536 Kimberly, Cormac 4 Unattached
3 391 Rivera, Miles
4 Unattached
Boys 6-8 50 Meter Dash 10 and under
1 323 Womack, Simeon
6 Unattached
2 338 Elijah, Farmen
7 Unattached
3 260 Scott, Jarius
6 Unattached
4 999 Frank, Dyaln
8 Unattached
Boys 9-10 50 Meter Dash 10 and under
1 378 Toney, Damien
10 Unattached
2 110 Gantt, Carlton
9 Unattached
3 334 Brathwaite, Jamiel 9 Unattached
4 310 Upson, Anthony
45 Unattached
5 389 Rivera, Chase
9 Unattached
6 998 Frank, Quenton
10 Unattached
7 160 Jennings, Brain
9 Unattached
Boys 1-5 100 Meter Dash
1 509 Terry, Tylon
5 Unattached
2 536 Kimberly, Cormac 4 Unattached
7.99 2
8.39 2
8.46 2
9.32 2
9.36 2
9.75 2
9.77 2
Boys 6-8 100 Meter Dash
1 323 Womack, Simeon
6 Unattached
2 260 Scott, Jarius
6 Unattached
3 338 Elijah, Farmen
7 Unattached
4 48 Cartwright, Steven 6 Unattached
5 999 Frank, Dyaln
8 Unattached
18.97 1
19.03 1
19.51 1
20.73 2
22.09 1
Boys 9-10 100 Meter Dash
1 378 Toney, Damien
10 Unattached
2 347 Isley, Jeff
9 Unattached
3 110 Gantt, Carlton
9 Unattached
4 334 Brathwaite, Jamiel 9 Unattached
5 555 Irby, Verial
10 Unattached
6 389 Rivera, Chase
9 Unattached
7 210 Mott, Jonathan
9 Unattached
8 398 Umbergow, Daniel 10 Unattached
9 160 Jennings, Brain
9 Unattached
10 998 Frank, Quenton
10 Unattached
14.67 3
15.14 2
15.44 2
15.57 2
16.48 3
17.76 2
17.83 2
17.86 3
18.25 3
18.27 3
Boys 11-13 100 Meter Dash
1 383 Wright, Tyson
13 Unattached
2 534 Anderson, Otis
11 Unattached
3 400 Terry, Amari
11 Unattached
4 540 Borshette, Grant 12 Unattached
13.08 4
13.22 4
14.13 4
14.43 4
Boys 14-17 100 Meter Dash
1 379 Willams, Kendel 14 Unattached
2 357 Simmons, Tavros 17 Unattached
3 267 Smith, Akeem
14 Unattached
4 572 Mateo, Bryce
14 Unattached
5 354 Tomney, Nelson
17 Unattached
6 350 Moshott, Terrell 15 Unattached
6 346 Isley, Merrick
14 Unattached
8 356 Vardblonf, Dorian 16 Unattached
9 557 Young, Reginald 17 Unattached
10 336 Mackey, Steven
15 Unattached
11 360 Wilson, Makell
15 Unattached
11.12 6
11.19 5
11.81 4
11.87 4
11.93 5
11.99 5
11.99 4
12.14 5
12.32 5
12.37 5
12.48 5
Boys 18-29 100 Meter Dash
1 184 Lefco, Tom
20 Unattached
2 348 Thod, Derrell
19 Unattached
3 349 Love, Ashton
18 Unattached
4 558 Young, Alexander 22 Unattached
5 358 Stevens, Davontary 19 Unattached
6 567 C, Darius
22 Unattached
10.91 6
11.51 6
11.74 6
12.14 6
12.92 6
18.13 6
Boys 40-49 100 Meter Dash
1 397 Stevens, Sanford 48 Unattached
2 312 Vanvolkenburgh, Fr 47 Unattached
Boys 50-59 100 Meter Dash
1 385 Scott, Bernard
52 Unattached
Men 1-13 200 Meter Dash
1 361 Hardy, Tavares
13 Unattached
2 383 Wright, Tyson
13 Unattached
3 534 Anderson, Otis
11 Unattached
4 400 Terry, Amari
11 Unattached
5 347 Isley, Jeff
9 Unattached
6 110 Gantt, Carlton
9 Unattached
7 334 Brathwaite, Jamiel 9 Unattached
8 323 Womack, Simeon
6 Unattached
9 338 Elijah, Farmen
7 Unattached
10 509 Terry, Tylon
5 Unattached
11 260 Scott, Jarius
6 Unattached
12.88 7
14.47 7
13.38 7
25.56 2
26.39 2
26.78 2
29.83 2
31.54 1
34.04 1
37.02 1
41.80 1
43.25 1
48.07 1
1:26.05 1
Men 14-17 200 Meter Dash
1 379 Willams, Kendel 14 Unattached
2 357 Simmons, Tavros 17 Unattached
3 573 Hammond, Joshua 17 Unattached
4 572 Mateo, Bryce
14 Unattached
5 267 Smith, Akeem
14 Unattached
6 350 Moshott, Terrell 15 Unattached
7 354 Tomney, Nelson
17 Unattached
8 329 Carter, Charzelle 15 Unattached
9 355 Ragland, Romero 14 Unattached
10 359 Mushatt, Trey
17 Unattached
11 557 Young, Reginald 17 Unattached
22.14 4
22.64 3
23.14 3
23.82 3
23.97 2
24.00 3
24.57 3
24.69 3
25.11 2
25.61 3
25.96 3
Men 18-29 200 Meter Dash
1 184 Lefco, Tom
20 Unattached
2 349 Love, Ashton
18 Unattached
3 552 Kelly, Michael
20 Unattached
22.28 4
24.57 4
25.30 4
Men 40-49 200 Meter Dash
1 397 Stevens, Sanford 48 Unattached
2 312 Vanvolkenburgh, Fr 47 Unattached
3 254 Rohlin, Bryan
43 Unattached
27.25 5
29.47 5
30.44 5
Men 50-59 200 Meter Dash
1 385 Scott, Bernard
52 Unattached
2 569 Trochelut, Eugene 59 Unattached
28.02 5
31.57 5
Men 1-13 400 Meter Dash
1 110 Gantt, Carlton
9 Unattached
1:18.10 1
2 334 Brathwaite, Jamiel 9 Unattached
1:23.40 2
3 531 Ranson, Jesie
12 Unattached
1:25.69 2
4 331 May, Cameron
9 Unattached
1:25.82 1
5 530 Ranson, Tylon
11 Unattached
1:26.02 2
6 555 Irby, Verial
10 Unattached
1:31.38 2
7 210 Mott, Jonathan
9 Unattached
1:31.54 2
8 160 Jennings, Brain
9 Unattached
1:31.82 2
9 338 Elijah, Farmen
7 Unattached
1:39.11 1
10 323 Womack, Simeon
6 Unattached
1:39.55 1
11 48 Cartwright, Steven 6 Unattached
1:43.49 1
12 536 Kimberly, Cormac 4 Unattached
2:00.91 1
13 260 Scott, Jarius
6 Unattached
3:11.01 1
Men 14-17 400 Meter Dash
1 573 Hammond, Joshua 17 Unattached
2 362 Gault, Lapadre
17 Unattached
3 543 Gambel, Giacomo 16 Unattached
4 336 Mackey, Steven
15 Unattached
5 363 Gilmad, Shawn
15 Unattached
6 267 Smith, Akeem
14 Unattached
51.06 3
54.29 3
55.40 3
55.77 3
59.78 3
1:04.23 3
Men 14-17 Long Jump
1 379 Willams, Kendel
2 356 Vardblonf, Dorian
3 357 Simmons, Tavros
4 354 Tomney, Nelson
5 336 Mackey, Steven
6 355 Ragland, Romero
Men 18-29 400 Meter Dash
1 351 David, Quinn
19 Unattached
55.11 4
Men 18-29 Long Jump
1 351 David, Quinn
19 Unattached
2 387 Willams, Ken
22 Unattached
3 348 Thod, Derrell
19 Unattached
4 393 Gardner, Patrick 18 Unattached
Men 40-49 400 Meter Dash
1 47 Cartwright, Craig 46 Unattached
2 312 Vanvolkenburgh, Fr 47 Unattached
3 254 Rohlin, Bryan
43 Unattached
Men 50-59 400 Meter Dash
1 569 Trochelut, Eugene 59 Unattached
Men 14-17 800 Meter Run
1 544 Hugo, Dillon
16 Unattached
1:03.58 4
1:05.61 4
1:07.03 4
1:11.95 4
Men 18-29 800 Meter Run
1 1 Albertson, Ryan 27 Unattached
2 325 Yisrael, Meshahrai 21 Unattached
3 568 Trochelut, Ryan 24 Unattached
4 79 Detorres, Darrin 22 Unattached
Men 1-13 1 Mile Run
1 531 Ranson, Jesie
2 389 Rivera, Chase
12 Unattached
9 Unattached
Men 14-17 1 Mile Run
1 541 White, Wrone
2 363 Gilmad, Shawn
17 Unattached
15 Unattached
Men 18-29 1 Mile Run
1 568 Trochelut, Ryan
2 546 Rogers, Matt
24 Unattached
26 Unattached
Men 40-49 1 Mile Run
1 47 Cartwright, Craig 46 Unattached
Men 50-59 1 Mile Run
1 566 Leon, Todd
14 Unattached
16 Unattached
17 Unattached
17 Unattached
15 Unattached
14 Unattached
Men 18-29 Shot Put
1 365 Bazell, JaQuann 18 Unattached
2 358 Stevens, Davontary 19 Unattached
Men 60+ Shot Put
1 386 Turner, Lorenzo
69 Unattached
Men 60+ Discus Throw
1 386 Turner, Lorenzo 69 Unattached
2 127 Hall, Don
85 Unattached
July 24, 2010
54 Unattached
Men 14-17 2 Mile Run
1 541 White, Wrone
17 Unattached
2 523 Leo, Adam
16 Unattached
3 511 Carver, Brandon 16 Unattached
4 515 Fairbanks, Jeremy 15 Unattached
5 518 Gio, Chris
16 Unattached
6 522 Le, Peter
15 Unattached
7 544 Hugo, Dillon
16 Unattached
8 510 Blair, Tyler
17 Unattached
9 525 Williams, Brent 17 Unattached
10 516 Fonda, Dell
15 Unattached
11 524 Popiel, Chris
16 Unattached
12 513 Cox, Steven
15 Unattached
13 527 Musseau, Alec
14 Unattached
14 528 Styen, Theo
14 Unattached
Men 18-29 2 Mile Run
1 1 Albertson, Ryan
2 546 Rogers, Matt
27 Unattached
26 Unattached
Men 40-49 2 Mile Run
1 254 Rohlin, Bryan
43 Unattached
Men 14-29 4x100 Meter Relay
1 Unattached 'A'
1) 353 Walton, Lexis 16
2) 349 Love, Ashton 18
3) 348 Thod, Derrell 19
4) 357 Simmons, Tavros 17
2 Unattached 'C'
1) 356 Vardblonf, Dorian 16
2) 359 Mushatt, Trey 17
3) 214 Nelson, Tyler 15
4) 184 Lefco, Tom 20
3 Unattached 'D'
1) 387 Willams, Ken 22
2) 346 Isley, Merrick 14
3) 572 Mateo, Bryce 14
4) 379 Willams, Kendel 14
4 Unattached 'B'
1) 352 MacCauley, Collins 14
2) 360 Wilson, Makell 15
3) 45 Carter, Cliff 49
4) 350 Moshott, Terrell 15
Pole Vault Results
1. Alex Kazanski
2. Ashton Boston
3. Jack Reiman
4. Meagon Martin
5. Megon Walker
6. Chelsea Farr
7. Tom Wilson
8. Dillon Campbell
9. Harry Glesser
10. Alex Woodruff
11. Christine King
12. Corly Jackson
13. Emily Smithwick
14. Julia Rogers
15. Todd Ranson
16. Nathan Jeffers
17. Eva Hinkeldey
18. Lee Morgan
19. Tori Carmichael 20. Anna Hinkeldey
21. Katarina Stevens
22. Zachary Hollis
23. Bailey Ranson
24. Molly Malloy
25. Al Woodruff 26. Abraham Hollis
13’ 0”
12’ 6”
12’ 6”
12’ 0”
11’ 6”
11’ 0”
10’ 6”
10’ 6”
10’ 6”
10’ 0”
10’ 0”
10’ 0”
10’ 0”
9’ 6”
9’ 0”
9’ 0”
8’ 6”
8’ 0”
8’ 0”
7’ 6”
7’ 6”
7’ 0”
6’ 6”
6’ 0”
Meet Director: Lamar Strother
Meet Officials:
Terry Algire
Margaret Barton
Brian Bialik
Nicky Bialik
Chris Bleau
John Burke
Tom Dominy
Lanier Drew
David Frank
Jennifer Frank
Jim Freels
Chris Gruwell
A.J. Hart
Randy Houser
George Johnston
Gary Kopfer
Hal McClure
Michael Miller
Otto Monroe
Rex Reed
Matt Ross
Kim Rutledge
Cynthia Shelton
Jude Simons
Jack Spradley
Lamar Strother
Greg Umberger
Rudi Urban
Ira Welborn
Donald Wucker
Elizabeth Wucker
Men 14-29 4x400 Meter Relay
1 Unattached 'A'
1) 196 Mcdaniels, Joe 17
2) 612 Herndon, Javaris 18
3) 79 Detorres, Darrin 22
4) 157 Jeffers, Nathan 15
2 Unattached 'B'
1) 131 Hayes, Christopher 17
2) 363 Gilmad, Shawn 15
3) 356 Vardblonf, Dorian 16
4) 355 Ragland, Romero 14
Men 13&U High Jump
1 342 Cromity, Malcom
-- 331 May, Cameron
12 Unattached
9 Unattached
Men 18-29 High Jump
1 393 Gardner, Patrick 18 Unattached
2 351 David, Quinn
19 Unattached
Men 13&U Long Jump
1 378 Toney, Damien
10 Unattached
2 342 Cromity, Malcom 12 Unattached
3 347 Isley, Jeff
9 Unattached
4 110 Gantt, Carlton
9 Unattached
5 160 Jennings, Brain
9 Unattached
6 338 Elijah, Farmen
7 Unattached
7 210 Mott, Jonathan
9 Unattached
8 323 Womack, Simeon
6 Unattached
9 334 Brathwaite, Jamiel 9 Unattached
10 260 Scott, Jarius
6 Unattached
JTC Running Camp Scholarship Recipients
Share Their Experiences
By Margaret Barton
Over a dozen students from local area high schools were awarded JTC Running scholarships to attend running camps
over the summer. The majority of the students attended Brevard Distance Runners Camp in Brevard, North Carolina.
Other students attended the running camp at Berry College. Thanks to the students for sharing their feedback and
experiences with us….
“Running through the mountains of North Carolina
for a week has made me a stronger runner both
physically and mentally. Although at some points
it felt more like rock climbing than actually running
because of the sharp inclines, being around some of
the top runners in the southeast was very motivating
and uplifting during the runs.” – Lisa
“Every time I was out on the trails of Pisgah National
Forest or climbing up Art Loeb, underneath the pain I
was feeling from exhaustion I was having a blast!” –
“ART LOEB…I had a great day. I had never gone
straight up with almost no down-hills for 34 minutes.
Next we headed back for soaking time…one of my
most enjoyable soaks.” – Eric
“I feel so much stronger now and recognize the benefits
of the hard work I did in Brevard. Everyday we went to
different sessions in the camp that focused on team
building. Through these fun activities, I realized how
mandatory it is to trust, listen to, and believe in not only
your teammates, but also yourself.” – Karli
“I learned so much about running at the camp.
Strategies were made clear to me and I truly feel like I
can run a smart race after attending Brevard Distance
Runners Camp.” – Bobby (even though he suffered a
severe ankle sprain on his first day!)
“Running makes you strong. It changes you. Yes,
physically it has a large impact, but I learned that
running also influences who you are as a person. It
helps you stay positive and tough to get you through
the rough patches of a race or workout. It teaches you
to have a confident attitude and positive outlook to get
you through the rough patches of life.” – Karli
“My camp experience was fantastic! I was able to
Recipients Experiences Continued
push myself harder knowing that I could run with my
teammates and new friends…Being told stories about
past runners helps motivate me to do better.” – Moira
“Without JTC Running I would have never been able
to attend this camp, so thank you so much for the
scholarship and for your continued support for high
school runners in Jacksonville.” – Lisa
“I want to thank you again for giving me this chance to
do the thing I love best, meet new people and become
closer to my team.” – Monica
“…Thank you tons for giving me the scholarship to the
Brevard Distance Running Camp. I’ve never been to
anything like it.” – Eric
“I am very grateful that I received the scholarship…” –
“Thank you so much for providing me with the
opportunity to Attend Brevard Distance Runners Camp!
It was the experience of a lifetime and something I’ll
never forget…” – Lauren
“I covered more miles during my week at Brevard
than I have ever before, and I feel stronger and more
confident about my running. I loved all of the activity,
soaking in the stream after each run with my team,
our nightly ‘circle time’ in front of the villages where
we made so many new friends, the capture the flag
night, all of the delicious food, getting to know my team
better, the talent show, and the late night girls bonding
time.” – Lauren
Election Time is Around the Corner
If you’re interested in running for the JTC Running Board of Directors you
need to act now. Please contact President David Hall (david.hall@fiserv.
com). Candidate bios will run in the December issue of The Starting Line
and the election will take place that same month.
All 20 seats on the Board of Directors will be up for election this December.
In addition, The JTC Running Board of Directors term is transitioning from
a one year to a two year commitment.
• The 20 winners of this year’s election (December 2010) will be split into two groups.
• The 10 board members with the highest vote total will be assigned to the inaugural two year
term. Their seats will be up for election in December of 2012 and every even year there after.
• The 10 board members with the lowest vote total will serve the final single year term. Their seats
will be up for election in December of 2011 and every odd year there after.
• From December of 2011 forward only 10 of the 20 board seats will be up for election in any year
assuring a continuous body of directors.
September/October 2010
or This?
Barefoot Running Continued.
bad knees (previous surgery), or tend to get stress
fractures, minimalism could be a disaster.
Are Minimalists just a bunch of nuts? Eccentric,
angry, injury-prone runners who are taking it all out
on their shoes? Maybe so.
Does Barefoot Running Really Make You Blind?
By Bob Fernee
Minimalism: It’s everywhere. Art, fashion, food, you
name it. Well, it had to happen; minimalism has
come to running.
Minimalistic Running (no, this isn’t about driving
down to Lake Como, ripping off your clothes and
running the Dare To Be Bare 5k) is all to do with
running shoes, or in some cases, running without
shoes at all. Right now, it is the biggest debate in
Minimalists don’t care much for shoes and, they
say, what shoes have done to the human body.
Shoes, they contend, not only stand between man
and mother earth, but they block evolution. Running
Minimalists believe that thick, modern running
shoes, though cushy and comfy in the short term,
lead to long term inefficiencies and injuries because
they reduce lower leg strength and inhibit foot strike
and natural movement.
Less is more, they maintain.The less there is
between feet and terrain, the better. Or is it?
When man walked the earth in his bare feet he
didn’t find the place covered in concrete and
asphalt. Broken glass was never a problem and
it is unlikely he ran 26 miles all at once. He was a
life-long runner and built running tissue for over
20 years. Quite a difference compared to a person
September/October 2010
who is 40-years old and suddenly decides to take
up running as a fitness routine. No telling what
wear and tear barefoot running would have taken
on early man’s joints and bones, he didn’t live long
enough to find out.
The minimalism controversy
is hot right now due to the
book, Born to Run (Knopf,
2009) by Christopher
McDougall. He went to
Mexico’s Copper Canyon to
live among the Tarahumara
Indians. The Tarahumaras
lead a primitive existence and
use their feet as their main
source of transportation.
Their long-distance runs
are legendary. While there, McDougall said that
everything he had ever learned about running was
wrong. He threw off his running shoes and became
a barefoot runner.
Another book, The Barefoot Running Book
(Barefoot Running University, 2010) by Jason
Robillard, tells in detail how you can become one of
Tread carefully, however, for most authorities say
if you have knock-knees, wide hips, low arches,
There could be a case for foot strengthening
though. Many coaches have concluded training
sessions by having their athletes run a few minutes
shoeless (usually on a grassy football field).
According to Minimalists, we should develop the
feet just as we try to develop every other part of
the body. For ages we have been manipulated by
shoe companies, they say, and “natural” gait is
biomechanically impossible in shoes.
What of the African runners, many of whom run
barefoot while young? Once they have the money,
they run in shoes
and stay in them.
It seems these
gifted fellows
prefer shoes.
We haven’t seen
a successful
barefoot runner
since Zola Budd,
and she did it on a
rubber track.
maintain that even
if you are not
Zola Budd
running barefoot
you should at least
throw off your thick, stiff trainers and run in super
lightweight, highly flexible, thin-soled racing shoes.
It should be understood that racing shoes are
designed purely for that, racing, and were intended
to be worn only on average, once a week. In
order to make them so light and flimsy something
had to be taken out- support, cushioning and
protectiveness. Doing all your running in racing
shoes is risky business.
It is also worth noting that the average training
shoe should last for 400 to 500 miles, even for
a lightweight person it would be hard to make a
racing shoe last for more than 200 miles.
That means, if you are not actually running
barefoot, chances are you’ll end up spending more
money on running shoes; An unfortunate twist on
the ‘less is more’ principle.
The great debate rages and the shoe companies
are listening. Some have countered with minimalism
models. Nike launched its ‘Free’ line of shoes
some six or seven years ago; the super flexible,
thin-soled shoes were marketed not so much as a
running shoe but as a ‘foot-developing’ tool. Next
year, nearly every shoe company will have some
minimalist shoes and those that don’t will probably
take their racing shoes and say, “here you go.”
One has to wonder if the shoe companies really
believe in minimalism or if they are not just trying
to make hay while the sun shines; trying to create
another shoe category and put more models into
the running specialty stores. After all, it just means
business to them.
Who knows, by the time the stores are full of
minimalism models the fad may be all over. Many
authorities believe it is merely that, a flash in the
pan. Some jokingly remark that is the work of
orthopedic surgeons, all waiting in the wings for
masses of broken bone business.
The Internet is rife with barefoot running sites and
stories, some quite comical; like the one that claims
that barefoot running will make you blind. There
are plenty of bloggers who say that minimalism has
saved them and they are now running “injury free.”
There are at least as many though who begin with
sentences like: “Does anyone know a surefire cure
for stress fractures?”
But for right now the Minimalists’ mantra is: “The
shoe companies have got it all wrong.”
While others say: “Modern runners would not be
able to be runners without modern running shoes.”
JTC Running Track Workouts
Looking to set a personal best or just interested in camaraderie with fellow
runners? JTC Running sponsors morning and evening track workouts every
Wednesday at The Bolles School. The interval workouts are led by highly
experienced runners who welcome runners of all ability levels.
Individual and Family Membership Form
JTCRunning – hosting the Gate River Run since 1978
Membership Benefits:
Morning Session: 5:30-7:00 a.m., Coach JC Pinto
Evening Session: 5:30-7:00 p.m., Coach Danny Weaver
What to Expect: The workout generally starts with a ~one-mile warm up along
San Jose Blvd. The group then heads to the track for repeats of distances
ranging from 200 meters to 1600 meters. The track workout (usually ~3-4 miles)
is followed by a ~one-mile cool down run.
1. For insurance purposes, you must be a JTC Running member.
2. Prior to your first workout, you will need to get a Bolles ID for school
security purposes. You can get the Bolles ID between 8 a.m.-1 p.m. on the
first Monday of each month. Please stop by the guard gate and the security
guard will run your drivers’ license through the Raptor program (a sexual
predator data base). They will then direct you to another building to get
your photo taken. The cost is $5 (cash only) and takes 10 minutes. (Note:
The security guard may or may not check your ID at the gate on any given
day, but all participants are required to have one as part of our agreement
with the school. If random spot checks reveal participants without IDs, our
arrangement with the school will be jeopardized).
3. You will be asked to sign a waiver upon your first workout.
More Information: If you are interested in joining the Wednesday track workouts
or would like more information, please contact JC (803-8758) for the morning
workout or Danny (287-5496) for the evening workout.
• Bi-monthly JTCRunning newsletter – ‘The Starting Line ’
• Discounted entry at most JTCRunning hosted races
• Great looking JTCRunning apparel at a nice price
• Social events
• A new group of running friends
• 10% discount at all four 1st Place Sports locations
Please PRINT when completing form and send with payment to:
JTCRunning - PO Box 24667 - Jacksonville, FL 32241
Call (904) 384-8725 for further information
Full Name: ____________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________
City, State Zip: _________________________________________________________
Phone Number: __________________ Date of Birth: ______________
E-mail address: ____________________________
Membership status: ___ New ___ Renewing
Membership type: ___ $20 annual individual ___ $25 annual family
___ $50 3-year individual ___ $65 3-year family
List family members & Date of Birth (month, day, year; family memberships only):
(1) ______________________________
(2) ______________________________
(3) ______________________________
(4) ______________________________
Suggestions/Comments: _____________________________________________
JTCRunning membership is open to everyone
to discourage anyone from working hard toward their goals,
but we have to continually remind runners to carefully increase
mileage and intensity and not to over do it.
Coaches Corner
John Metzgar’s running class just might be the best training school
in town! Coach David Frank talks with the local master runner
about his running classes and group training here in Jacksonville.
DF: John, your classes are so successful. What’s the big draw?
JM: I think the biggest draw is the participants themselves.
Our numbers continue to grow class to class which makes for
a broad range of personalities each time we hit the bricks. The
class is also a fantastic value for the money. JTC Running
offers the class for $65 for a program that would otherwise
cost hundreds. The dedicated group leaders provide great
knowledge and guidance, offering perspectives ranging from
seasoned competitors to relatively new runners.
DF: Whom is the class for?
JM: I like to think that our classes, for whatever purpose (5K to
Half Marathon), are for everyone (whatever their goals, talent,
and current fitness level). Of course, for the longer purpose
classes (15K Gate River Run and Half Marathon), it is preferred
that the participants have established some base (running or
walk/running) of 10-12 miles per week. But, exceptions are
made all the time based on the individual. Classes consist
primarily of beginners and intermediate runners from 9 to
15 minute per mile paces. We normally capture a handful of
inexperienced runners with talent for the faster paces but who
require some guidance on how to train properly (with specific
purpose and appropriate training and intensity through each
DF: How does it work, where do you meet, how often, is it only for
JTC Running members?
JM: We begin with a training plan, usually 2-3 rough plans.
Participants are asked to choose a plan based on their
specific goals, time commitment or constraints, and fitness
level. Participants are reminded that the plans are provided as
a shell for them to vary and make their own. Some of the early
guidance includes good rules of thumb for gradual mileage
and intensity increases.
We meet twice per week [Tuesday PM and Saturday AM,
(sometimes Sunday)] most weeks. Tuesdays serve as a
group discussion [a 20 minute discussion on varied topics:
training plan development, injury prevention, running shoe
selection, heart rate monitor training, varied training (long,
speed, tempo, strength, EZ), nutrition, cross training, race
prep] and are followed-up by a shorter training run (2-5 miles
early, progressing toward and leveling out on a 4-6 miler later
in the program). The weekend run serves as a long run that is
gradually increased throughout the program.
We meet downtown on Tuesdays and rotate the meeting
location on the weekend (San Marco, Riverside, Ortega, River
Road (OP), Black Creek Trail (Fleming Island).
The class is offered to everyone. JTC Running members
receive a discounted registration fee. Non-members receive
a one year JTC Running membership upon registering in the
DF: Who are the group leaders and how do they work within the
September/October 2010
JM: Group Leaders include: Denise Metzgar, Michelle & Ray
Ramos, Doug & June Tillett, Sandra & Katie Maveety, Dave
Bonnette, Anne Matthews, Adrienne Brooks, Candice
Young, Mark Lay, “Big Joe” Strickland, Cheryl Townsend,
Tracy Akers, Keith Poythres, Kim Lundy, James Vavrina,
Kay Womack, and Brad Shepherd.
There are a few “repeat participants” who more often than
not step-up and lead groups throughout the program. They
include: Steve Foppe and Don & Beth Wucker.
We are fortunate to have fairly consistent guest speakers as
well that assist with group discussions: Jay Birmingham,
Sean McCormack, Dr. Chris Land (Land Chiropractic &
Sport), Marilyn “George” Dahl (Preferred Nutrition Services)
and Bob & Vanessa Boyd. Some discussions are inspirational,
while others provide awesome information on injuries and
injury prevention, cross training, stretching and nutrition to
round out other topics that are delivered by group leaders.
The group leaders are masters at executing the training plan
for specific training sessions, keeping the over-zealous under
control, encouraging those that are struggling, conducting
post-workout stretches, and fielding questions as required.
They really make it all happen!
DF: What are some of your training focuses?
JM: The focus is giving all participants what is appropriate for
their level of fitness, goals, and experience. For the novice,
a gradual progress towards better fitness and developing a
base. For the intermediate and advanced runners (if desired,
dependent on goals), introduction to varied training including
tempo and speed sessions.
DF: What are some of your training philosophies of running?
JM: All the participants come with their unique reasons for
wanting to run [weight loss, better fitness and lifelong wellness,
competitive goals (PRs!)]. I strive to assist participants
determine what is really important to them with regards to
their running. I want to help them avoid some common pitfalls
that can make running or walk/running less enjoyable.
Fitness runners need to be carefully introduced to methods to
improve fitness, then transition to a maintenance program to
sustain that newly acquired fitness. All without injury.
Runners that begin and run for competitive reasons need to
learn the proper methods for progressing towards maximum
levels of performance. They need to be reminded that the
process will require patience to develop at a proper pace.
Finally, they have to be given the tools to determine realistic
goals and learn to train and compete for themselves. Too
often the competitive runner wants it all and they want it now.
Experienced runners know it is a long road to our very best
DF: What are some of your biggest challenges training participants?
JM: Most participants come into the program with so much
enthusiasm for achieving their goals, that many want to go
longer and faster too early in the program. And sometimes
our enthusiasm makes things worse. We certainly don’t want
DF: Any other comments about the classes?
JM: Speaking for myself and the group leaders, we really
appreciate the opportunity to work with such enthusiastic
and dedicated individuals. It is truly a special feeling thinking
you played a small role in moving a participant closer to or
achieving their goal.
I don’t like to take much credit for their successes. We simply
provide a plan and some guidance. It is up to each individual
to “execute” to achieve fitness gains. In addition, they have to
make smart decisions with reference to volume and intensity
of training to prevent injury. I tell them, “It is all about you!”
Metzgar has conducted (4) Gate River Run classes, (3) 5K classes, and (2) Half Marathon classes for the joint effort of JTC Running and
1st Place Sports. He is the only four-time winner of the Jacksonville Grand Prix, holds the USATF National Age Group (40-44) record for
20K on the track. Metzgar was also the 1990 winner of the Blue Angel Marathon in Pensacola in 2:34:06 (1990). His PRs include: 15:11
(5K), 25:08 (5 mi), and 31:24 (10K) and Masters PRs of 15:37 (5K), 31:59(10K) and 2:39 (Marathon).
In addition to the JTC Running training classes, Metzgar assists with the Florida Striders 5K classes and he is the Assistant to the
Assistant Track Coach for the Fleming Island Golden Eagles helping with the distance runners. He is supported and assisted by his wife
Denise whose list of running accomplishments eclipses that of her spouse’s.
Both successful collegiate runners, Denise and John met while running for Old Dominion University and were married a year later. They
moved to Jacksonville in 1991 and were both were invited to join the 1st Place Sports running team after establishing themselves as top
local runners. It took Denise a little longer to make the team due to recovery time following the delivery of their second child. Doug Alred
was at first hesitant to have Denise join until she won a local race pushing both their children in a double baby jogger!
Denise went on to become the top local female in Jacksonville in the early 90’s. Her PR’s include: 16:59 (5K), 35:26 (10K), 2:53:33
(Marathon). She was JTC Running’s Runner of the Year in 1994, won the Jacksonville Grand Prix in 1994, and posted two outstanding
marathon efforts, placing third in the Marine Corps Marathon and winning the Jacksonville Marathon.
John admits himself that being a great coach is not determined by how fast you can run, or how fast you once ran. It has more to do with
your experience and your understanding of the tools and processes available and how to apply them to make an athlete the best they
can be.
JTC Running Merchandise
Women’s JTC Running
Made by Brooks
Sizes available: S, M, L, XL
JTC Running Jackets
Made by Mizuno
Women’s Sizes:
XS, S, M, L
Men’s Sizes:
S, M, L, XL
JTC Running Socks
Made by DeFeet
Sizes: S, M, L, XL
Both Blue and White
JTC Running Shorts
Made by Brooks
Men’s and Women’s
S, M, L, XL
Order from: JTC Running, c/o JTC Running, c/o Carol Fitzsimmons, 2740 Claire Lane, Jacksonville FL 32223 • Be sure to include item name, size color, etc. • Add $6.00 per order for shipping
Editor: John Curran
Designer: Carlyn Godar
Submit Articles to: The Starting Line, c/o JTC Running,
PO Box 24667, Jacksonville, FL 32241 OR jtcrunningeditor@
JTC Running
P.O. Box 24667
Jacksonville, Florida
Nonprofit Org.
U.S. Postage Paid
Jacksonville, FL
Permit No. 1191
Submission Deadline for inclusion in November/December
2010 issue is November 10, 2010! No Exceptions!
Advertising Inquires: David Frank, PO Box 24667,
Jacksonville, FL 32241 OR
Advertising Rates: Full Page $200
Half Page $100
Quarter Page $50
The Starting Line is published bi-monthly by JTC Running,
P.O. Box 24667, Jacksonville, Florida 32241-4667.
JTC Running Hotline: 384-8725 (384-TRAK)
Sunday, 6:30 a.m., Atlantic Beach: Atlantic Blvd. & 1st
Street, 5-10 miles. Contact: Dot or Bill at 241-0331.
(JTC Running members) track intervals (all abilities).
Contact JC at 803-8758.
Sunday, 6:30 a.m., Mandarin: Various locations and
distance. Contact: Stef at or 2681503.
Wednesday, 5:30 p.m., San Jose: The Bolles School
(JTC Running members) track intervals (all abilities).
Contact: Danny at 287-5496.
Sunday, 6:30 a.m., Orange Park: Sun Tire, 346,
Blanding Blvd., 6-20 miles. Contact: Dave at 545-4538.
Wednesday, 6:15 p.m., Avondale: Boone Park tennis
parking (JTC Running members), 4-6 miles. Contact:
Doug at 728-3711.
Sunday, 10 a.m., Guana Reserve (trail runs): Seasonal
(Oct-Mar), 3-8 miles. Call for update. Contact: Craig at
Monday, 5:30 p.m., South Bank Downtown: River City
Brewing Co., 2-6 miles (includes bridges). Contact:
Danny at 287-5496.
Monday, 6:30 p.m., Brooks YMCA: All abilities
welcome, mileage based on ability. Contact Jacksonville
Running Company at 379-7170.
Tuesday, 5:45 a.m., San Marco: Southside Methodist
Church, 5-6 Miles, 7-8:30pace. Contact: JC at 8038758.
Tuesday, 6:30 p.m., Ponte Vedra: Sawgrass Village
south lot, 3-6 miles (very social). Contact: Craig at 4249690.
Wednesday, 6:15 p.m., UNF Track: All abilities
welcome, mileage based on ability. Contact
Jacksonville Running Company at 379-7170.
Wednesday, 7 p.m., Jacksonville Beach:202 34 Av.
South, 5+ miles (all abilities/social). Contact: Anita or
Franz at 241-7199.
Thursday, 6:15 p.m., Orange Park:1st Place Sports,
2186 Park Av., 3-6 miles, runners/walkers. Contact:
Denise Metzger at 264-3767.
Thursday, 6:30 p.m., San Marco: Corner of Largo/
Naldo (JTC Running members), 4-7 miles. Contact:
Doug at 728-3711.
Thursday, 6:30 p.m., Jacksonville Running Company:
All abilities welcome, mileage based on ability. Contact
Jacksonville Running Company at 379-7170.
Tuesday, 6:30 p.m., Lulu Lemon (Town Center): All
abilities welcome, mileage based on ability. Contact
Jacksonville Running Company at 379-7170.
Friday, 5:40 a.m., Beauclerc, Mandarin: Forest Cir., 7.5
miles. Contact: Stef or 268-1503.
Wednesday, 5:30 a.m., San Jose: The Bolles School
Visit for more information.