Summer 2015 - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church


Summer 2015 - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
The Shepherd’s Staff
all kinds of transportation- most
famously motorcycles! Those of
us who reside here year round
This summer newsletter for notice the difference as traffic
our church reminds me that this increases, businesses see more
season presents us with opportu- customers, our ice free lakes
nities for ministry both new and come visibly to life, the aroma of
old! Our early morning worship freshly cut lawns and back yard
at 7:45 AM tends to grow in
barbecues catch our attention,
numbers while the 10:30
and ice cream establishments
AM service tends to reflect some invite us for a tasty evening visof the informality of the season. I it.
am especially excited that we will
be hosting a new "Bring A Dad to
Check the New Hampshire
Breakfast, Send A Kid to Camp"
website, and you can
breakfast event on Saturday, June
easily see why the Lakes Region
20 and providing our families
attracts so many visitors this
with younger children a
"Summer Survival Kit" to enrich time of year. You can ride the
their Sundays at church and pro- Mount Washington Cog Railroad, cruise on the Mt. Washingvide a couple of surprises for
them at other times! Good Shep- ton ship, or climb Mt. Washingherd will also strive to maintain ton itself. You can go to Polar
our ministry in the communities Caves, Story Land, Monkey
Trunks Zip Line, Castle in the
we serve through the Hands
Across the Table meal program Clouds, Canterbury Village, The
Funspot Arcade, or seemingly
and our partnerships with the
Salvation Army, Camp Calumet, any number of other attractions.
Laconia's year round population
the World Hunger program of
of just over 17,000 people swells
our church, and more.
to a much greater number, as do
the populations of our surThe Lakes Region, as you
rounding towns.
may know, is expecting a banner
season this summer with respect
It is my hope that some of
to visitors. Our visitors come
from all parts of the world using those visitors will find their way
to Good Shepherd Church as
Arcades to Zip Lines
part of their summer visit to the
lakes region. Perhaps each of us
will have the opportunity to
invite a visitor to Good Shepherd. It is also my hope that
when they do find their way
here they will experience a
warm welcome when they attend church, the Word of God
faithfully preached and taught,
inspiration from our expression
of worship, the true presence of
God through the elements of
communion, and sense a community of faith dedicated to
sharing God's grace with all we
A for arcades, Z for Zip Lines,
G for Good Shepherd Church.
Welcome Visitors!
Pastor Brad
Our Vision:
To worship, to witness,
to support one another
and to reach out to
Happy Birthday!
Irving Childs
Michelle Hofmeister
Sophia Engelhardt
Christine Steuer
Linda Cray
Walter Borchert
Ruth Juve
Matthew Anderson
Phoebe Heslop
Eric Steuer
Zach Lorch
Richard Juve
Courtney Spears
Elizabeth Kiefer
Jean Schoenweiss
Erika Salatiello
Sarah Barber
Christine Cambray
Christian Sarno
Olivia Larsen
Grita Olmstead
Walter Riedel
Kent Marzahl
Vivian Clarke
Carolyn Bascetta
Alan Cornelius
Happy Anniversary!
Eric and Diane Johnson
Joe and Carolyn Bascetta
John and Krista Larsen
Ed and Vivian Clarke
Jeff and Mary Lee Williams
Jim and Beverly Nelson
John and Christine Cambray
Chris and Mindy Hofmeister
June 20
July 5
July 21
July 23
August 10
August 19
August 21
August 26
Congratulations to John and Krista Larsen
who’s son Boake Anders
Larsen was born on May 1st
weighing 7lbs and 15oz.
Walter and Gloria Borchert, Sue Bucknam, Pastor Dave, Judy Gessner, The McGowan Family,
Sally Nelson, Eleanor Rasumssen, Phyllis Richard, Rich Rollock, Melanie Ryder, Egon Schuster,
Walter Starke, Judith Vollmerding
Marie Elaina Anderson, Helen Arlington, Gary Daigle, Liesl Voosen Fields,
Delores and Lenny Hooper, Karen Hopkins, Kate Kilroy, Sal Mele, Ralph Mossner,
Andy and Alex Nelson, Sharon Skelley, Tom Teichmann, Tom Troon
We pray for those in uniform:
Daniel Anderson, Matthew Anderson, Christine Dalzell, Will Doucette, John
Hammond, Victoria Jollimore, Joe Kehr, and Josh Voland
Monthly Events
Worship and Music at 3:30pm
NE Synod Assembly
Caring for Others meeting after second service
Stewardship Meeting at 6pm
Council Meeting at 7pm
Caring for Others meeting with St. James at 10 am.
Director of the Belknap House is speaking about their
services to the community.
Father’s Day Breakfast from 8:30-10:30am
Happy Father’s Day
Coin Sunday
Connecting with Each Other meeting after second service.
Nibblers at the Holy Grail in Laconia. Please call the office to sign up.
Salvation Army Luncheon
“Survive and Thrive” This Summer!
Happy Fourth of July!
Caring for Others meeting after second service.
Worship and Music at 3:30pm
Council Meeting at 7pm
Stewardship Meeting at 6pm
Nibblers Luncheon at The Weathervane Restaurant
Coin Sunday
Summer Picnic with St. James after second service.
Connecting with Each Other meeting after second service.
Salvation Army Luncheon
Caring for Others meeting after second service.
Worship and Music at 3:30pm
Stewardship Meeting at 6pm
Council Meeting at 7pm
Coin Sunday
Connecting with Each Other meeting after second service.
Nibblers Luncheon at T-bones in Laconia.
Salvation Army Luncheon.
“Bring a Dad to Breakfast, Send a kid to Camp”
Celebrate Father’s Day weekend on June 20 with us at Good Shepherd by bringing
a parent to breakfast! Pancakes, maple syrup, sausage links, fresh fruits, juice and
coffee will all be on the menu. All the proceeds from the breakfast will be used to
provide resources to “send a kid” to Camp Calumet this summer for fun,
Christian community, and the great outdoors.
Date: Saturday, June 20th
Where: Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Time: 8:00am to 10:30 am
Cost: Adults $10.00
11-18 $5.00 (must bring a parent)
10 and under free (must bring a parent)
All are welcome!
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church announces that the
summer camp scholarship to Camp Calumet which will be funded by the
"Bring A Dad To Breakfast, Send A Kid To Camp" breakfast will be named the
Sarah Dalzell Memorial Scholarship, in recognition of her devotion to children,
the close relationship she had with Camp Calumet, and the cherished place she
occupied in our community of faith.
Survive and Thrive This Summer!
Plan to attend church services on Sunday, June 28 to participate in a special
“Connecting with Each Other” emphasis. We especially look forward to having
our families with children in church that day for a unique opportunity to prepare
for summer by receiving a special “ Summer Survival Kit” from the church! There
will be enrichment items in the kit to help our children make the most of bein in
worship over the summer months, some items aimed at enriching family conversations and faith and church at home, and some surprise items just for summer
fun! Please encourage any families you know to join us for this special occasion!
The kid’s nursery will be staffed during the 10:30am worship service for any kids
who may need to use it!
In addition, our fellowship time after church will definitely be “kid friendly”
featuring not only coffee and goodies for adults but special treats for all the kids,
including rumors of 4 different kinds of ice cream!
Everyone is welcome at our Sunday Services at 7:45am and 10:30am Sunday, June
Join Us!
Good Shepherd's Property committee,
with the expert advice of several contractors,
has formulated a plan to replace part of the
church roof. This concern was discussed and
moved forward by both the church's annual
meeting last January and the Church Council.
In addition to visual evidence of shingle deterioration, there are compromised areas which have been identified in the valleys of the roof. The Property
committee also has reason to believe that at least one area of the roof is not watertight, and before a significant problem develops inside the building, determined it is imperative to move forward before we face another winter.
A contract has been reviewed and approved in the amount of $14,480 to remove the existing shingles and underlayment, repair any roof decking or trim
deemed defective, install new ice and water shield, new drip edge to all areas,
and install new lifetime warranty Everest Silver Gray shingles to match the existing shingles. The contract also stipulates that any leak is positively identified
and an approved repair completed to insure the complete area is watertight. The
portion of the roof to be replaced is approximately 40% of our total roof area, at
the rear of our building beginning with the transition hallway roof next to our
fellowship hall and including the entire roof over the hall at the back of the
church, including the steeple roof.
The Church Council has reviewed our current budget status and has approved a plan to fund $7,000 of the contract with existing funds in our church
budget, with the balance to be raised by asking members and friends of the congregation to make designated contributions for this purpose. To designate a contribution please indicate "roof repair" on your check or the envelope in which
your contribution is contained. Contributions may be placed in
the Sunday morning offering, dropped off at the church office, or mailed to the
church. Your contribution will be recognized by the property committee.
Thank you in advance for your positive response to this appeal. By completing this project now, we believe we will maintain our building and prevent a
more significant problem from developing.
Please feel free to ask any property committee member, church council
member, or Pastor Brad if you would like any additional information about this
project. Together we can "RAISE OUR ROOF!"
Summer Cookout
St. James will be hosting this summer’s
annual St. James/Good Shepherd cookout.
Save the date: Sunday, July 19th. The cookout will take place right after Good Shepherd's 10:30 service.
St. James will supply the hotdogs, hamburgers, rolls,
condiments and paper goods. Please plan to bring a dish to share; appetizers,
salads or desserts. We had lots of fun last year and look for continued fun and
fellowship together!
Rain Date is July 26th.
Hands Across The Table
Good Shepherd will be cooking and serving our summer "Hands Across the
Table" community meal on Wednesday evening, August 12 at 5:00 PM. Our team
is headed up by Elaine Cote who will be needing people to set up, help serve the
meal, and clean up afterwards. The meal will be served at St. Andre Bessette
Parish Hall, 31 Gilford Avenue, Laconia, N.H.
If you can lend a hand please let Elaine know- she can be reached at 279-7411.
Thank You!
Here we are again at the beginning of Summer. The trees are getting leaves, the
flowers are coming out and we are all moving outdoors. Once the pollen is gone it
will be even more fun. But remember Sven the pollen is part of God’s plan for the
outdoors. As part of God’s plan and being good stewards of what God has given
we put up with the sneezing, coughing, and runny eyes for a little while. It is up to
us to help take care of his earth even if we have to suffer some. Just think what the
earth would be like without trees, and flowers, and grass, and well you get the idea.
So let us all chip in and help God take care of this wonderful land we call Earth.
The 18th of October is going to be Stewardship Sunday. So in the weeks before that
the Stewardship Committee will be talking to all us about the importance
Stewardship and how our love of God leads us to be good stewards.
So until then, I hope you have a wonderful summer and plant something nice to the
glory of God and God Bless.
The Stewardship Committee
New Members
Beverly Anderson, Don and Sarah Sorenson, Gertrude Kropa, Pastor Brad,
Samatha, Hannah, Sandy, Chris, Markus, Jack & John Bennet
Dave and Sarah Sorenson moved to the Lakes
Region 30+ years ago from Bedford, MA. Initially
Don worked as an insurance broker for some local agencies. After a few years he started Allen,
Russell & Allen, Ltd., a full line insurance agency.
Don sold that business nearly four years ago. Sarah’s career was teaching; she worked as a reading specialist and elementary teacher in NH and
MA. She retired seven years ago from a position
as an elementary/special education teacher in
Lawrence, MA. Don and Sarah met shortly after
Don returned home from Vietnam and have been
married 43 years. They are both retired and are
enjoying a more leisurely lifestyle.
Beverly Anderson resides in Meredith with
her husband Robert and comes from a long
line of Swedish Lutherans from Waltham,
Massachusetts. She was baptized at the First
Lutheran Church in Waltham; attending
Camp Calumet in Ossipee every summer.
(Pastor Brad was a counselor there at the
time.) Beverly is the proud mother of two
Daughters, Maya, who resides in Plymouth
and is currently a graduate student at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and Alia who recently graduated from
Boston University with a Masters Degree in
Public Health Epidemiology.
Gertrude Kropa
I was born April 28, 1926 in Adams County Indiana on a farm. My mother at that time was 39
years old and had tuberculosis. When I was 3 she succumbed to the disease. I had seven brothers and sisters, and I was the youngest. My father married again and then there were three step
brothers and sisters and one half brother. I married Gomer Kropa July1, 1950. We were married
for over 54 years. My husband died of cancer in 2004. We have four children, three boys and one
girl. I have eight grandchildren. My youngest child, a son, died in a plane crash in 2000. I moved
from Cape Cod to Meredith in 2006 and live near my daughter, her husband and grandson. For
enjoyment I walk three days a week, am a member of the Widow’s Club, like to read and travel,
and enjoy doing things with my family.
Nibblers at Remmington’s
in Plymouth.
Join us Wednesday, June 24th .
We will be going to The Holy
Grail in Laconia, NH. Please
call the office to sign up!
July– The Weathervane
August– T-Bones
Joyful Noise Handbell Choir News
As most of you know, the handbell choir did its annual chili and corn
muffin sale in February to raise money to defray costs of attending the 2015
Handbell Musicians of America Area 1 Festival Conference.
We will be well represented at Festival/Conference with eleven members
traveling to the University of Massachusetts in Amherst for the June 25 - 28
event. Attendees include Martha Billings, Frank Bourn, and Mary Divers, new
member Jessi Graustein, Kris Hinkeldey, new member Mona Hoefs, Kay Lea
Hunter, Jan Learned, Karen Sticht, Caitlin Williams and Jeff Williams. It will
be a time of learning to play bells better by attending classes and playing for
four days in preparation for the final concert on Sunday June 28 th at 3pm.
Following attendance at Festival/Conference the choir will be traveling to
Meredith Neck Church to play at the July 5th Service with
Pastor Brad presiding. The following Sunday, July 12th the
bell choir will play at the 10:30 service at Good Shepherd.
The last few months have been a time of great growth
for the choir and we look forward to playing in the next few
Dear Congregation,
As we get ready to move into the summer months, I can’t help but to reflect
back on this past school year. I believe that is the practice most educators go
through as they wind up another school year. I had the good fortune to have seventeen caring and compassionate volunteers from Good Shepherd/St James join
us as we went through the school year at Woodland Heights Elementary School.
Seventeen classrooms had the opportunity to have another adult care for them just
as much as the classroom teacher. Let’s see, seventeen classrooms and each classroom, let’s say, averages about 18 students. That comes out to be about 306 students. That means over 300 kids have had the opportunity to know that someone
cares for them, unconditionally. This past winter/spring I did a Bible study on the
book of James. Part of the book talks about faith and works. James 2:26 says, “For
just as a body without spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead.” Well,
faith is alive and well in our church! I want to thank our seventeen volunteers for
living their faith at Woodland Heights. This is something I hope we can continue
as we move forward and start looking forward to the next school year.
So, as summer approaches, please take some time to recover from a hard
winter. Enjoy those “ lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer”, and take time to reflect
on how you live out your faith. There is so much good going on right now
through the work of our committees. Let’s keep the momentum moving as we
head into summer.
With much appreciation for all that everyone does, God bless!
Eric Johnson
Come learn about Belknap House!
A special adult education forum will take place from 10:00-10:20 AM on Sunday, June 14 for
both Good Shepherd and St. James members and friends to learn about Belknap House.
Director Colleen Garrity will be the presenter about this vision to provide emergency housing
and needed services to mothers and children in our community. Please feel free to come explore
this possible area of service in the greater Laconia community.
Good Shepherd is involved with supporting the "Got Lunch" program with an array of community organizations, churches, and individuals. This program provides lunches during the
summer months for qualifying students while they are out of school. During the months of June
and July we will have a box available in the church entryway to collect jars of peanut butter and
jelly. The program has requested that these jars be 1 pound or less. Thank you for your support
of this community outreach!
One of Good Shepherd’s ministries is the MENTORING PROJECT at the Woodland Heights Elementary School in Laconia. Together with St James Episcopal Church we provide 14 adults who
volunteer for several hours each week in a classroom where they work with children at the direction of a classroom teacher. The school was built as an “open concept” building, and as such has
fewer walls which separate children and classes from one another.
One day one of our mentors looked up to see a little boy from another class. The Mentor asked
the child, “May I help you?” but the child said nothing. Again, “Do you need something?” but
still no response. Then the Mentor noticed that the little boy’s shoes were untied and offered to
teach him how to tie his shoes. While she was showing him he said, “You make good
food.” What? “You make good food.” The Mentor asked the child how he knew that she made
good food. “Salvation Army” was his answer .
Thank you to all the mentors who have participated during the 2014-2015 school year!
We took up the Malaria challenge!
We exceeded our Malaria goal!
Good Shepherd Church observed Sunday, April 26, along with
millions of people around the globe, World Malaria Day. The
Lutheran Church's Malaria Campaign arrived at a historic time in the
life of our church. Five years ago we set a goal, dreamed big with our
Lutheran companion churches and partners, and set out to raise $15
million by the end of 2015. The time to make that dream a reality
arrived. More than 2 million people have been empowered by Lutheran malaria programs to
change their lives for the better. The work of the ELCA Malaria Campaign stretches throughout 13 countries in Africa. We have taken the opportunity, working with our Lutheran
companion churches and partners, to fully fund the rest of these programs and reach our goal
for the Malaria Campaign. By joining together, we have the opportunity to reach the $15 million mark. By April 26 the campaign had already raised over 90 percent of our goal, and
working together we are poised to finish this campaign.
Good Shepherd and St. James worked together by setting a goal of contributing $500 to the
Malaria Campaign. Thank you for your generosity in exceeding that goal! As our summer
newsletter goes to print, we have sent a total contribution from our churches to the campaign
in the amount of $ 941.00!
Your participation is recognized and appreciated!
Together, through our participation, we have touched lives and made a lasting impact!
Greeting Cards for Card Ministry
Do you receive greeting cards from charities in
the mail? If you do not need them, we do!
Drop them off at the office or put them in
Sharlee Hynes mailbox in fellowship hall.
Good Shepherd Financial Update
January thru April 2015
Act. Vs. Budget
Net Under Budget
$ 57,035
Income reflects a contribution of $5,000 that was applied to our mortgage principle and Bell
Choir chili receipts of $1.552. Pastors health care costs were underspent by $4,331 and these
expenses will be underspent for the remainder of the year as his costs will continued to be
covered under Sarah’s school policy. Expenses include a transfer from the General Fund to
Memorial a/c of $4,262.
A major upcoming expense will be the roof repair which will covered out of the General Fund
balance and a fund raising campaign.
General Fund Balance as of 4/30/2015
Mortgage Balance as of 4/30/2015
School of Lay Ministry
The School of Lay Ministry is a program of the New England Synod which emphasizes theological knowledge, personal spiritual growth, and the art of ministry for lay members of the
church; to enhance their participation in congregational and synodical life. Through a series of
classes, retreats, and structured reflection, participants enhance their insight into the Bible,
Church History, The American Religious experience, and more!
Across the New England Synod (All 6 New England States) in 2015, there are 26 participants
who will complete this program and mark their graduation at the New England Synod Convention on June 5 and 6. Good Shepherd is honored to have 4 of those 26 among our members! Congratulations to Lee Krueckeberg, Grita Olmstead, Barbara Ryder, and Linda Smith on this significant accomplishment! They join former Good Shepherd graduates John Olmstead, Allen
Cornelius, and Don Webber.
Good Shepherd will take time on Sunday, June 7 to celebrate this accomplishment and recognize our 2015 graduates at our 10:30 AM worship service. Special thanks to John Olmstead
who coordinates the program at Good Shepherd and has made this opportunity available to all
interested members and friends.
The beauty of Easter morning at Good Shepherd was enhanced by a new
fabric covering created for the risers which hold the Easter lilies on each side of
the cross behind the altar. This bright, multi-colored textile features many floral
themes which emphasize the images of new life so central to the message of
Easter. Thank you to the design and creative sewing team of Kay Hunter, Linda
Smith, Elaine Cote, Lee Krueckeberg, and Jan Learned for this beautiful addition
to our sanctuary!
20th - 22nd,
WITH 2013
EACH OTHER (in reach)
When con
An Outreach Committee to help our Members CONNECT and
20th - CARE
When congregation leaders are thinking strategically about how to engage young people in the life of the ministry
God has called us all to, it is the hope of all of us here at Calumet that they consider how the New England Synod's
When we serve our neighbors -- by feeding the hungry, engaging in issues of poverty, visit the sick and neglected,
protect the weak, speak for those who have no voice -- we are serving our God who has called us to be faithful in
our service.
June 28th is FAMILY "Beginning of Summer"
SUNDAY at Good Shepherd. With school vacation underway and summer soon to be in
full swing, we will recognize our families with
younger children by providing bags provisioned with items to "survive" the summer.
Included in the bags will be resources useful
when attending church, as well as a few surprises for other times as well. All families with
children are encouraged to attend for this
"family focused, beginning of summer"
Come fun with us.
Enjoy a good meal
and great fellowship
the 3rd Thursday of
each month at local
restaurants.. Watch for
announcements for locations. Lunches begin
at 11:30 .AM. Remember to call office for
FELLOWSHIP Hour after 2nd Service (11:30
Don’t forget to stop in for
fellowship and a cup of coffee or
tea and a treat after worship.
Committee welcomes donated
The Connecting With Each Other Committee
delivered Lilies and a Easter Devotional to our
shut-ins. A good time was had. We will aid
Pastor again in the summer. Watch for announcements before worship service and
weekly email announcements. A sign-up sheet
will be posted for
those interested in
“going visiting”. Or
you can call or mail
Bev Nelson to be
included. 253-4274
Take time to check it out It is helping our
members get better acquainted.
If your picture is missing, please contact the
committee to have a photo taken. You many
also provide a photo for us to use. Place it in
Bev Nelson’s mailbox in fellowship hall.
Have you noticed the new door for the
nursery? Thank you property
committee for giving us a half door.
We will have the
nursery available
Sunday, June 28th.
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Reverend David Dalzell, Pastor
Reverend Brad Wolff, Associate Pastor
Organist Jan Learned
Minister of Music Mary Divers
Office Administrator Erin Denning
Sunday Worship Services:
7:45 am and 10:30 am
Sunday School: 10:30am
Address: 2238 Parade Road
Laconia, NH 03246
Ph: 603 528 4078
Preach, Teach and Reach
Our Mission:
God’s gracious love calls us to follow Christ’s
example and teachings.
Our Vision:
To worship, to witness, to support one another and
to reach out to others.
Office Hours
Wed-Friday 8-2
Sunday School teaching schedule Winter 2014-15
During the five Sundays in Lent members of the CARING FOR OTHERS COMMITTEE will be offering “Temple Talks” about
the work of the ELCA World Hunger Appeal. The World Hunger Appeal offers an umbrella-like organizational framework for
addressing hunger and related issues. As a congregation, the gifts received during Coin Sundays are earmarked for the
World Hunger Appeal; as individuals we send money to the ELCA to be used for this ministry.
Seventy percent of the 2015 (70%)budget will go towards International Relief and Development; nine percent (9%) will go
towards Domestic Relief and Development; Seven and one-half percent (7.5%) will go towards Advocacy, and five and
one-half percent (5.5%)will go towards Hunger Education.
The outreach is diverse: Agriculture and Nutrition, Water and Sanitation, Income and Savings, and Education and Training
are the programming areas.
We hope you find the Temple Talks interesting and helpful. Also look for educational materials in your bulletins and in the