themontclairkimberley academy


themontclairkimberley academy
Est. 2008
Bringing the MKA Middle School news, sports, reviews, information, events and
everything Cougars...
Stop Stressing!
Interview with Rachel
The famous author and
psychologist’s visit to
Page 2
Vol. 1, Issue No. 2- December 2008
Upcoming Events
Plan ahead with
Maggie D.’s guide for
Page 2
Staff writer Krissy B.
gives some tips on how
to minimize stress at
this time of year.
Page 4
Boys Basketball Revs
Up for a New Season
Twilight Mania!
Team Jacob vs. Team
Edward, Movie Review,
and Never-Before-Seen
Page 7
Start the New Year on
the Right Foot
Molly P. suggests ten
things you can do to
help our planet.
Page 8
Aaron S.-B. gives an
insider’s perspective.
Page 5
season to receive chocolate. (Also, in my
family, we bet on which candle in the
menorah will melt last, which I guess isn't
really up there with the things we Semites find
Of all the winter holidays, Chanukah is the
fun of the caliber of eating, but that's
least important.
Before I start this article, you should know
I'm dead serious. The Maccabees mean
that I am Jewish, not anti-Semitic.
nothing. For all we care, they're no more real
While Christmas and Kwanzaa both
than the Tooth Fairy. They're nice, sure, and
represent major events and/or values in the
they represent something even nicer. But so
Christian and African communities,
does the Fairy, and who bases holidays on her? Chanukah is--despite the hype--an extremely
Honestly, "Chanukah" doesn't
minor holiday. We Jews don't care all too
sound that much more lyrical than
much about the "festival of lights," how it lasts "Worldwide Dental Magic Week."
for eight days, or really any other aspects of
Look, all I'm trying to say is that if the school
this particular "special" week besides the fact
that it's yet another excuse during this holiday administrators want to change the Winter
Concert to the Christmas and Kwanzaa
Concert, it will most likely not cause an
uprising within the global Jewish community. All we'd require in exchange is a September
Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur Concert.
than I was even aware," she remembers. It's
much easier, Simmons reflects, to block out
bullying when you are the perpetrator than
when you are the victim. It bothered her to
realize later that she had been doing so much
bullying to other girls than she was even
by Zoe F.
aware of.
Do you think bullying between girls has
How did you get into this field?
changed over time?
What do you hope to achieve with these
Chanukah, Chanukah, Let the
Fun Begin--or Not?
Interview with Rachel
Simmons, World-Renowned
Psychologist and Teacher
Simmons says she believes that "the biggest
change has been technology." She articulates
that girls have generally always been mean to
one another because it is part of their nature.
How intense was the girl-on-girl
bullying when you were growing up?
Simmons' answer to this question was
thought-provoking. "I probably did more
sciencia, somniantas, integritas
Simmons studied political theory in graduate
school. She spent many years winning prizes
and earning As in her classes--in short, she
was a star student, excelling in her work. However, Ms. Simmons suddenly realized she
had lost track of what she really cared about-like sports, or the time she was bullied
intensely by her girl friends at age eight, for
example. She advises: "Don't disconnect from
what you really like. It's easy to at school."
Zoe F., Editorin-Chief
"I want girls to know they're not alone,"
Simmons encourages; "I want girls to have a
language for thinking about what's happening
[in their lives]."
You have spoken at many schools over
the years. Have students ever
expressed thinking it was impossible
to be nicer?
Simmons says students think it's realistic to be
nicer, "but they think it's less realistic to be
honest with each other." Most students' issue,
she explains, is facing the person they have an
issue with and telling that person how they
Kwanzaa Officially
Starts the Annual
Celebration of
Black History
by Danielle C.
While most of the MKA
community is celebrating
Christmas and Hanukkah,
another holiday gleams subtly
this winter season. 18 million
members of African descent
around the world are
celebrating not a religious,
but a cultural holiday named
Kwanzaa, or “first fruits.” It
was founded in 1966 during
the Civil Rights movement.
As more and more AfricanAmericans voiced their
opinions and stood up for
their rights, a deep feeling of
pride in their black roots was
born. Dr. Maulana Karenga decided to
create Kwanzaa, which is celebrated from
December 26th to January 1st, a seven-day
This cultural holiday is a time during
which black people recognize their
ancestors, reaffirm the bonds between all
African-Americans, and thank and
respect their creator for all their bountiful
blessings. They also reminisce about their
past and learn to produce excellence in
their daily lives. Finally, they practice ideas
of cultural and community, and speak
about their divine and natural rights. The
sole purpose is to preserve their cultural
beliefs. Before and during the black
freedom movement, others constantly tried
to make them feel ignorant and unworthy.
Kwanzaa is a holiday celebrating pride in
having African blood.
Kwanzaa is highly symbolic. The ongoing
metaphor embodies the Seven Principles:
Umoja, Kujichagulia, Ujima, Ujamaa, Nia,
Kuumba and Imani. In English, these mean:
Unity, Self- Determination, Collective
Work and Responsibility, Cooperative
Economics, Purpose, Creativity and Faith.
Each one of these principles is represented
by a candle in the Kwanzaa’s candlelight,
which is similar to a menorah. At first, the
holiday was going to be named Kwanza,
but Dr. Karenga added an “a” so that
Big Cool Words for the New Year
by Michelle C.
Calendar by Maggie D.
Who: Everyone at M.K.A.
What: Ice Skating (bring your own
skates or rent skates provided)
When: January 23, 2009
Where: Floyd Hall
there would be seven letters in the name to
correspond to the recurring theme of the
number seven.
On December 31st, the Kwanzaa Feast, or
Karamu, takes place. Introductions are
followed by songs, music, group dancing,
poetry and unity circles. Then there are
celebrations signifying remembering,
reassessment, recommitment and rejoicing.
Then the Unity Cup is passed around, and
the contents are sipped by everyone. This
is to remember those who have died in the
celebrators’ lives. In conclusion, there are
drums and a feast.
So, if you don’t celebrate Kwanzaa, what
is the importance in knowing this? It is
extremely important to recognize other
backgrounds and cultures in the haze of
the Christmas-and-Hanukkah-dominated
holiday season. The basic themes of all
three holidays are commonly unity,
rejoicing the past and hope for the future.
(if you haven’t already)
by Henrik R.
#10 Freak the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick.
#9 The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series by Anne Brashares.
#8 The Book of Lost Things by John Connoly.
#7 The Titan’s Curse by Rick Riordan.
#6 The Host by Stephenie Meyer.
#5 The Clique series by Lisi Harrison.
#4 Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick.
#3 The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan. #2 Call Me Hope by Gretchen Olson.
And last but not least…
#1 TWILIGHT by Stephenie Meyer
1.! Resolution- (n.) something that is mended by ways, or to make a promise
2.! New Year- (n.) calendar year about to start or recently started
3.! Restart- (v.) to start anew
sciencia, somniantas, integritas
Heavenly Bodies
Photo and story by Megan R.
On Tuesday, December 2nd, the Moon, Venus and Jupiter
created a beautiful trifecta in the night sky. I stood in my
front yard, freezing without a coat, staring at the exhibition
millions of miles away. This alignment only happens every
few years. The next time this will appear will be on March
14th of 2012; however, the planets are going to appear to be
farther apart. When Jupiter and Venus align like this and
appear the same way as they did here, all the students at
MKA middle school will be in their late forties or early
fifties. That shows just how rare it is to see the Moon,
Venus and Jupiter making a triangle.
Roman Holiday:
Take a Holiday From Your
Tradition is Vital in Italian Christmas Holiday!
by Arianna P.
Traditions are a part of all
cultures. They are a way for
families to share important
customs and to spend time
together. At Christmastime, Italian
families traditionally set up a
manger, which is called the Presepio.
I set it up with my mom every year.
It is very sentimental for me
because we use my dad’s mother’s
pieces, which make it special
because I never met her. I also help
my nonna, my mom’s mother, set
hers up. This is the main
decoration because the majority of
Italians are Catholic, including my
family and me. The Christmas
Photo by Megan R.
season is celebrated from the first
Sunday of Advent, which are the four Sundays before Christmas.
However, the days between December 25th and January 6th are just as
important. January 6th is the Epiphany, the day when, allegedly, the
Wise Men arrived with gifts for the infant Jesus.
In Italy, all traditions include food. The Christmas Eve dinner is all
about fish. In many homes, the custom is to make seven different fish
dishes which reflect the seven sacraments. My nonni—my mom’s
parents—and my aunt make the fish.
Sweets are just as important. The panettone is a dome cake with raisins.
As in many cultures, cookie baking is a tradition. Every year, I bake
with my aunt and we bake about 15 to 20 different types of cookies.
The cookies we make are for all the family.
Another delicious treat is the honey balls called struffoli. I love to eat
these with my dad. When we eat them together, my dad always shares
the stories about his childhood Christmases. He tells me how his mom
made the struffoli and how he ate them with his dad. I never met my
dad’s parents, but I love to hear all about the special traditions they
shared. That is what the Italian Christmas holiday is all about:
celebrating the birth of Christ; family; and, of course, tradition.
sciencia, somniantas, integritas
Don’t Let Stress Ruin Your Cheer...
by Kristina B.
It seems that more and more kids are getting stressed out during the
holidays. This is thought to be caused by all of the tests being
crammed in just before break. However, innocent children, dreading
the mushy-gushy visits of their relatives, could really be causing it.
Some say one, while many say the other. Many students travel to their
relatives’ homes or host their relatives at their own homes for the
holidays. This course of action is believed to be the cause of the
holiday-time stress.
Many innocent children are put under the stress of buying gifts and
preparing for the dreaded visit to the homes of their lovey-dovey
relatives. When adults think of this time of year, they think of giving
and getting, cheer, hot cocoa, love, family, and—unfortunately—
togetherness. What they’re not admitting is that they went through the
same thing that you are going through when they were children a
million years ago. Your parents were once children too, and if you can
imagine that, then you should be able to imagine that any given parent
has had a horrible holiday-time relative run-in. If you have this
dilemma of relative craziness, try to find a place in your house, or your
relative’s house, where it can be just your space; then, every now and
then when it gets really bad, you can go there and hide away for a little
Some people don’t believe this theory. They think that all of the stress
that children have around this time of year is caused by all of the
teachers trying to cram in a bunch of last-minute, before-break,
emergency projects, papers, and tests. This can become a very big
problem if you don’t take care of it right now. Since the boys will most
likely be closing this article, I recommend that they take short breaks
and play some games every now and then. For example, if you have a
big paper that you need to write, do that first. Work on that project or
paper and then play some games on the computer, Xbox, et cetera.
Since your mother might not like this idea, compromise. You can play
your game for fifteen minutes, and then you have to finish the rest of
your homework. For the girls, find yourself a good book or magazine
that you like, and read that during a break time. For anyone: try not to
work on an empty stomach. This way, you won’t be quite as
7th Graders Lend a Helping Hand to Head Start
by Michelle C.
Photo by Megan R.
How Much Do You
Need a Laptop at
by Molly P.
How much do you need a laptop at MKA?
Although many kids at this school already
have laptops, some parents are asking that
question to see if their children really need
I interviewed seventh grader Nandita
Shankar, owner of a MacBook, to see how
she used it. Nandita said that she used her
laptop everyday, “Mostly for notes and if I
need to check Moodle. I use my laptop the
most for English and Spanish to keep notes
and vocab lists on,” she said. Although she
uses it mostly for notes and Moodle, Nandita
does admit that it is only helpful for notes if
you can type fast.
Returning Teachers Bring Old
by Kristina B.
Many students think that all teachers
were never kids, and that they truly
have no heart, but they’re wrong.
They’re wrong because some of the
teachers that work here today used to
attend MKA, proving that they once
were kids too.
These wonderful teachers include
those we now know as Mr. Shade, Mrs.
Oppenhiemer, Ms. Lambusta, and Mr.
Weller. When interviewed, they all said
that they never thought in a million
years that they would come back to
teach at MKA someday. Another
interesting fact was that other than the
lunch program and the gyms, not too
much has changed. In fact, Mr. Weller
On October 7th, the Gordon/Demaria
homeroom was the first seventh grade
homeroom to go to Head Start. Head Start is
a preschool for underprivileged kids that need
financial help.
As we met the kids, our homeroom realized
that all the kids that were there were just like
us when we were younger. The kids were
laughing and playing on the playground, as
well as in the classroom. They were kind to
one another and enjoyed playing with all of
us. Most people would judge these kids before
they met them. Prejudging can lead people to
make incorrect assumptions about the kids
This is just one of the many community
services the Middle School is doing. More
schools should be helping out and taking their
time to help others, just like we did.
What about non-seventh graders? How much
do they need laptops? I asked the school
computer expert, Mrs. Zagariello. Mrs.
Zagariello says that everyone should have a
laptop at MKA. She says that there is a
problem at MKA because not everyone has a
laptop. When asked if teachers would and
could be able to do more with technology if
everyone had a laptop, she said, “Yes,
especially if everyone had the same computer
and the same software.” However, for the
time being, she said, it really doesn’t matter
whether you have a Mac or PC.
So, what’s the verdict? How much do you
really need a laptop at MKA? The answer is:
you need one quite a bit. If everyone had a
laptop, the school could be even more
technologically advanced, and students would
have an easier time writing notes and
searching the Internet. Students and teachers
would also learn more about computers by
using them more.
Photo by Megan R.
said, “The school has stayed the same…and
students are still coming up with some of the
same jokes.” Although all of the teachers that
were interviewed said they hadn’t thought
they wanted to be teachers when they were
growing up, but in some way they still do
something resembling what they used to
aspire to do. For example, Mr. Weller said that
as a child, he wanted to be an FBI agent, but
in college he decided to become a teacher. He
also said that although these are two very
different jobs, he is still working and helping
people, just like he wanted.
Another example of this is the case of
Mr. Shade. He wanted to be a
professional athlete, but he now uses
his talents to teach physical education.
These two jobs are less far off from
each other, but are still two rather
different lifestyles.
Overall, all of the teachers who are
“old” to MKA ended up teaching but
are still following their true hearts’
desires. So never get yourself down if
you don’t end up being a fashion
model or a star athlete, because
whatever you do, your true heart’s
desire will find you somewhere,
sciencia, somniantas, integritas
K I .M B E R L E Y
team was supposed to be the 12 best players
on the B team. After a practice or two Coach
Dreker decided to just split up the teams into
By Aaron S.-B.
Blue and White. This year’s B team includes
Photos by Megan R.
7th graders as well as an amazing group of 6th
The middle school boy’s basketball team starts graders. These 6 graders are one of the best
rookie classes in years. In practice, the team
up this winter with some high expectations.
works on the dribble drive and their shooting.
Over 30 kids tried out for the Middle School
basketball team. For two days, the boys went The first game of the season is against
Winfield Middle School and the Cougars
through tryouts and then split up into two
can’t wait to show off their skills.
teams. The A team has 12 members and
practices every day. The captains of this
All the basketball teams this year from the
year’s team are Chaz Smith and Matt Lane.
Middle School B
They will be joined by a strong cast of
team to the varsity
returning 8th graders including Will Cerf,
Upper School
Kevin Taylor, Richard Todd and Anthony
team will be
Donatiello. These 8th graders are joined by
implementing the
an impressive group of 7th graders that
include Ryan Fennelly, Tommy Fusco, Kyle
offense. They are
Borden, Max Nelson and Nic Harris. The
doing this so that
coach of the A team is 4th grade teacher Mr.
by the time kids
Chapman. Mr. Chapman played for the
get to the varsity
Connecticut Huskies in college and is a nolevel, they will
nonsense coach. Last year’s team had a great have been playing
year and went 15-3. This year, while the
in the same
team lacks a lot of height, they have lots of
offense for three or
athleticism. Coach Chapman agrees saying
four years. The
“The guys we have are very athletic.”
offense is used by
This year’s B team is coached by Mr. Dreker.
many teams
Mr. Dreker is a social studies teacher at the
upper school and works at extended day at the including the
Phoenix Suns of the NBA and the
middle school. The B team practices two to
Memphis Tigers of the NCAA.
three times per week. The B team is
This offense consists of quick
enormous, with roughly 24 kids on the team.
passing and fast breaks. This
At first, Mr. Dreker split the B team into two
offense is good for both the A
separate teams. He called these teams the
team and B team because both
Satellite team and the Core team. The core
Basketball Insider
teams are extremely quick and athletic. Both
teams will be able to out run other teams and
score easy layups.
The Cougars’ main rivals this year are Pingry,
Liberty, and Roosevelt Middle School.
Expectations are high, and by the looks of the
Cougars teams, they should not disappoint.
Upcoming Games:
Monday, 12/15
5:00- A Basketball vs Christopher Columbus Middle
Wednesday, 12/17
3:45- A Basketball @ Roosevelt Middle School
4:00- B Basketball vs Winfield Park Middle School
By Arianna P.
Guys don’t know how good they have it. For
them, style never really changes. All that
varies is age. Styles stay the same for a few
years, then changes. Every single year, girls
have new styles. Not only that, it even changes
frastically with the seasons.
For winter, girls wear long-sleeved shirts, and
some wear turtlenecks. I have a weird
phobia with turtlenecks. They can’t be worn
alone. For example, if you throw a dress
over them, then they look good. Another
way to wear a turtleneck is to put a tunic on.
The other day, I was online, looking at
clothes. To be specific, I was looking at
skinny jeans. I have a question to ask you:
are skinny jeans in or out? Some people say
that they are in; others say that they are out.
The only style of jeans that never goes out
of style is boot cut. And I leave you with
another question: Are destroyed jeans in or
sciencia, somniantas, integritas
Want to subscribe to the Cougar Call? Of course you do!
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write the word “subscribe” in the subject line. You’ll get
the new edition as soon as it’s released.
...‘Cause that’s how much we love you!
Illustration by Krissy B.
Review by Aaron S.-B.
Brisingr by Christopher Paolini
“Oaths sworn…loyalties tested…forces
collide.” That is what the title page of
Brisingr promises. Does it deliver?
Brisingr is the third book in the Inheritance
Cycle written by bestselling author
Christopher Paolini. In the first two books,
Eragon and Eldest, a simple farm boy named
Eragon discovers a blue rock while hunting in
a dangerous forest called the Spine. Shortly
after, Eragon finds that this is no ordinary
rock. He learns that it is a dragon egg. This
makes Eragon one of the last dragon riders
left in the world. He then embarks on a quest
to thwart the evil king, Galbatorix, and save
the world.
Brisingr was a fine book but was not as good
as Paolini’s first installment, Eragon. There
were a couple of major problems. First off,
there were too many details without enough
action. When Paolini described something
insignificant with such great tediousness that it
took up a couple of pages, the book just got
monotonous. Also, Paolini kept cutting away
from one of the most epic events of the series.
This made what could have been a very
memorable moment less exciting.
There were a couple of things that made
Brisingr a worthwhile read. I liked Eragon and
Arya’s interaction with each other a lot better
than in Eldest. However, it is still unclear how
their relationship will work out. There were
also a couple of very satisfying twists and
turns. Paolini could have provided more
action and adventure throughout the story,
but when it did arrive it was thrilling.
I am eagerly awaiting the fourth book in
Paolini’s series. I don't think enough secrets
were let out in Brisingr and hope that the final
book will be as captivating as the first. I
enjoyed the latest book in Paolini’s memorable
Review by Hendrik R.
The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan
After practicing swordfighting and other
things that make a good hero, Percy takes a
quest to save the Olympus and the lives of all
the people in the world, including the “Half
For help on his quest, Percy goes with his
friend and satyr Grover and another friend,
Annabeth. When the quest is almost finished,
Percy finds out that it has all been a setup of
the evil Titan Lord Kronos.
Once Percy figures out that it is all a setup, he
only has 45 minutes to go to Mount Olympus
and give Zeus, the god of thunder and wind,
his thunder trident. During these 45 minutes,
he also has to return to Hades what was
taken. At the end, Percy Jackson saves the
world from going into World War III and
makes a new friend.
But don’t be fooled—the
adventures of Percy
Jackson and The
Olympians have just
Notes in
By Ryan D.
Microsoft’s Word notebook layout is a great
program for taking notes in class. Here are
some of the best tips for talking efficient notes
in Word:
•When you hit the tab key, it creates a
bullet point.
•To put supporting details under a topic,
hit the return key and hit the tab key
again so that the bullet point is more
indented than the first.
Subject collapse
•If you have a lot of information, use the
arrow next to the bullet point to collapse
the bullet points under that topic.
•To bring the bullet points back up again,
hit the arrow again.
Record Audio
•If you want to make a note to yourself,
you can record your voice.
•Hit the audio icon in the toolbar, and
then record.
•If you want to hear the note, click on the
microphone in the left margin.
•If you need to make a table, go to the
“table” tab in the menu bar.
•Go to “insert” and then “table” and
input the number of rows and columns
that you need.
•The table should appear in the
•If you need to make draw something in
the notes, you can use scribble.
•Go to the Scribble icon in the toolbar,
and select a line thickness and color.
•Then, draw what you need to draw and
click out side the drawing.
•If you need to delete it, click on the
drawing and just hit delete.
I hope these tips can help you to take more
efficient notes in class. If you are interested in
learning about a certain topic, send a message
to with
“Tech Tips” in the subject line.
Photo by Megan R.
The Lightning Thief is a great book. It has a
mixture of adventure, comedy and the
mythological world.
The book is about a boy called Percy Jackson
who has trouble at school when he finds out
that he is a hero--and that his pre-algebra
teacher and others are trying to kill him.
However, when Percy manages to get to
Camp Half Blood, he finds out that his father
is Poseidon, god of the water.
sciencia, somniantas, integritas
Review by Kassie F.
Directed by Catherine Hardwicke
As the Sun Sets,
Twilight Begins
Story and Photos by Kelsey O’C.
Q: “When you say team Jacob, do you want
him to be her friend or them to be a couple?”
A: “Well, I’m not so sure. If Edward wasn't in
the picture, I would definitely want them to be
a couple, but he is. Then Renesmee comes
along, and it works out, so I think either way is
Q: “Do you agree that there are no teams
after book four?”
A: “It's always a matter of who you like more
but in the first three books, all Jake fans want
Bella and Jake together, but in the end of the
fourth, everything works out nicely. I think
there are still teams but in a different way.”
In 2005, the phenomenon that is the Twilight
saga began. Stephanie Meyer’s romance
Thursday, November 20th, at midnight, the
began with a dream. The dream was of the
Twilight phenomenon by Stephanie Meyer hit meadow scene in her first book. She imagined
the big screen. Seats in movie theaters were
a boy of unbelievable beauty in a meadow.
packed with Twilight fans, selling out the entire His skin was sparkling as if covered with
first week of showings. As the beginning
diamonds. With him was a rather ordinarycredits began, there were screams of
looking girl. She was looking at him in
excitement from the entire audience. The
wonder. From this dream, Meyer immediately
adventure of a vampire and an ordinary,
knew that the strange boy was a
mortal girl falling in love was captured
vampire. The story developed from
impressively by the camera.
“Team Edward”
there into a four-book series.
The movie had a flawless mixture of
Meyer captivates the reader
romance, terror, drama and comedy that
with graphic detail and a deep
author Meyer had originally put in her novels. plot. For example, In the third
Kristen Stewart (Bella Swan) and Robert
installment, Eclipse, one sees
Pattinson (Edward Cullen) did an amazing job just how strong the love
as the stars of the story. They had the correct triangle between Edward,
chemistry that was required of them to reflect Bella, and Jacob is. As a result
the romance that is Twilight.
of this, “teams” developed
worldwide, converting the
Pattinson and Stewart were great choices for
the two lead roles. Pattinson was very comical phenomenon into a near-cult:
“Team Edward” and “Team
when need be and got many laughs from
viewers. Stewart was her character. She truly Jacob.” As Edward and Jacob
looked as though she was in love with Edward are mortal enemies, Bella is
forced to choose between them.
Kassandra F. backs team Edward.
and terrified when her character discovered
I have interviewed two seventh graders on the
that her true love was a vampire. Taylor
subject, one for Team Jacob and one for Team Q: “Why are you for Edward?”
Lautner, known for his roles in Shark boy and
A: “Well I’m for Edward because he protects
Lava Girl, and Cheaper by the Dozen 2, played
Bella all the time, and he’s really nice and
Jacob Black and was another good selection
for his role.
“Team Jacob”
Q: “Are you against Jake, or would you just
Most people were disappointed by the cuts
rather Bella be with Edward?”
from book to movie--for example the scene
where Bella faints from the sight of blood.
A: “I don’t dislike Jake, it’s just that in New
The major disappointment in the film was the
Moon, when he and Bella were close, I don’t
much-loved meadow scene, where Bella and
think he took their relationship seriously. And
Edward truly fall in love. The movie did have
he doesn’t like Edward, so that’s a drawback
a “meadow” scene to represent the one in the
in my opinion. But I am glad that Bella has a
book. However, there was not nearly as much
friend like him.”
romance in the movie as in the original
Q: “Do you agree that there are no teams
storyline. Another aspect of the book that the
after the fourth book?”
movie failed to represent was how Bella is so
A: “Yes, I agree that there are not any teams
often embarrassed--and how when she is, she Savannah F. backs team Jacob.
for who should be with Bella. But I do think
blushes. Edward often teases her about it, and
Q: “Why are you for Jake?”
that the teams aren’t all about who’s with
it is also important to her character, as
paleness is important to Edward’s.
A: “Because everyone wants a friend like Jake Bella, it’s also about vampires versus
werewolves and who’s just a better character.”
he's funny, eats food, he's honest, he's always
Despite the few disappointments, the movie
there but never over protective, warm and can The love triangle is one of many themes that
caught all the important aspects of the story
always give you a great big hug!”
surfaces throughout the saga. I encourage you
and expressed them with what many would
call perfection.
Q: “Are you against Edward or would you just to read these books with your friends and
enjoy discussing these themes.
rather Bella be with Jake?”
A: “Well, everyone probably wants a
boyfriend like Edward; I mean, she’s lucky she “Twilight, it’s the safest time of day for us.”
has both. She made a good decision, but best
– Twilight by Stephanie Meyer
friends stay true to the end, and that’s why I’m
for Jake. So, no, I don’t hate Edward, but I
just love Jake.”
Lights, Camera, Action...
sciencia, somniantas, integritas
Top Ten Ways to Save the Planet
By Molly P.
Photo by Virgina F.
Turn off your lights when you’re not in the room. It may seem like nothing, but all of those extra minutes of wasted energy add up.
2. Replace regular light bulbs with compact florescent (CFL) ones. CFL bulbs last up to ten times longer than regular ones and are about four
times more energy efficient. They also save you money because they last longer.
3. Walk or ride your bike instead of being driven somewhere close. All of those little trips to nearby places add up. Also, when you save gas, you
save money.
4. Reuse your paper. If you need a piece of scrap paper, instead of using a brand new piece, use the other side of a piece of already-used paper.
5. After you reuse your paper, recycle it. Just a little bit of recycled paper can go a long way.
6. Try to buy organic fruits and vegetables. It’s more than just about the health part of it, even though that’s important, too. The pesticides that
some farmers use hurt the environment around them.
7. Recycle cans and bottles.
8. Don’t leave the water running. A little extra wasted water adds up.
9. Don’t wash individual things in the washing machine if you can help it.
10. Don’t leave the refrigerator open. It may seem silly, but it takes energy to maintain the cool temperature in the fridge.
Carl & Carla
Advice for middle schoolers from middle schoolers.
I suck at being confident; everyone’s like, “be confident!” but I don’t
know what they want me to do!!
Done being the under confident one
Dear Under-confident,
I guess they just would like for you to be a little more outgoing and
express your opinions and views. Be confident! People respect those
who feel good about who they are. Even if you feel a little insecure in
certain situations sometimes, fake it. Soon enough you will be
confident-- and why shouldn’t you be? I’m sure you have many
different talents. Why not exert yourself and show everyone what you
can do? Good luck, I’m sure you’ll be okay.
There is this boy in a younger grade who really annoys me because he
thinks I like him. I don't want to be mean and tell him to leave me
alone, but I can’t take it. He is driving me crazy. He is always texting
and emailing me. I don't really respond. I feel like I have a stalker.
Dear Stalked,
That is a REALLY hard place to be in. But calling the person a stalker
is not helping the situation. Try telling the person nicely and privately
what annoys you about him. Keep the conversation between the two of
you. If people ask what you were talking about make something up.
This person might be lonely or in need of a friend. If he doesn't
change, then take a different approach. Directly ask him to stop texting
you and emailing you. He will eventually stop annoying you unless it is
important. Tell him that clinginess is annoying. Be nice about it, but if
it gets to the level of harassment, be firm and make your point.
Carl and Carla
Carl and Carla
My parents are putting way too much pressure on me to get good
grades, do well in sports, play two instruments, and much more!! I’m
too stressed out!! I just want to please my parents, but I can’t do
everything that they expect of me. What should I do?
Dear Pressured,
Wow! That’s definitely a sticky situation! Calmly discuss with your
parents how stressed out you really are. Parents often have no idea how
stressed out their child is. If your parents want you to do everything,
then you may have to be repetitious in your discussions of how stressed
out you are in order to get your point across. Always approach them
calmly. You don't want to start a yelling match between the two of
you. Approach them at a time when they don’t have to leave and that
is free of distractions.
Carl and Carla
Are you in a sticky situation? Have a problem?
Need advice?
Look no further!
Ask Carl and Carla!
Send your questions to
Please be sure to write Carl/Carla in the subject line!
sciencia, somniantas, integritas
Avoid This Holiday Tradition
By Katy N.
Some people go away every year, some
people stay home, and others volunteer-but for some people, the holidays are a
Photo by Zoe F.
How to Prevent
Common Colds:
According to, sneezing, sore throat, earache, cough, and
a stuffed or a runny nose are telltale signs of a cold. To prevent a cold
from worsening, sleep, vitamin C and cleanliness are key. During the
holidays, people often don't follow these simple healthy practicies and
as a result become sick. If you know someone who is coming down
with a cold, offer him or her some orange juice, a lot of help, and
some tissues. Holidays are meant to be fun—not a time for germs.
How to Write a New Year’s
By Krissy B.
It is a tradition that both young and old have always enjoyed. Every
year around the time of Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa, people
all over the globe make a promise to themselves that has come to be
called a “New Year’s resolution.”
What everyone loves so much about making a New Year’s resolution
is setting a goal so that they can make their lives better once that goal
is accomplished. Another thing that people love so much about
writing is a New Year’s resolution is the simplicity of it. A New Year’s
resolution can be anything from “I will clean my room more often”
to “I will be a better president by making smarter choices.”
If you want to write your own New Year’s resolution, there are a few
simple steps that you have to follow. First, you need to decide on
what you want to improve about yourself. Next, decide on how you
will try to accomplish that goal. Though this may seem easy, it’s not.
Think about it. When you’re thinking about how you will accomplish
your goal, you can’t just say that you’ll try harder to get better
grades; you have to think about how you’re going to try harder. Will
you study more or will you go for extra help? So as you can see, you
really have to dig deep inside yourself to make a New Year’s
There are always many
things that you can improve
about yourself, so how do
you chose just one? Well, one
way that you can narrow
down your choices is to
think about what is the most
important to you, or what
you most need to improve
about yourself. For example,
if your doctor tells you that
you are unhealthy, then you
need to make it a priority for
a New Year’s resolution that
you want to get healthy. This is only an example, but one that may
get you thinking. Different people have different ideas, thoughts, and
goals. One person may want to get better grades; one may want to
become less bossy. What will you decide to set as your New Year’s
resolution? Good luck, and try to think of these suggestions as you
write your resolutions.
Photo by Megan R.
During the holiday season, one of the last
things people want to be is sick. Unfortunately, people get so caught
up in the hustle and bustle of the season that they forget to take care
of themselves. According to the National Institute of Allergy and
Infectious Diseases, over one billion colds are suffered a year. Children
suffer from six to ten colds a year while adults suffer from two to four,
and approximately 22 million school days are lost to the common
Simple steps can be taken to prevent the common cold from
Stay away from people with colds.
If you have a cold, stay away from healthy people.
Wash your hands before eating and after shaking someone's
hand (or touching anything a sick person could have
Cold germs on your hands will spread throughout your body
by touching your face, so keep your hands down.
If you sneeze or cough, do so into a tissue, and if you can't
get to a tissue soon enough, then use your elbow.
Vitamin C-enriched foods help boost your immune system.
Your immune system fights colds and other sicknesses.
Cleaning surfaces such as door handles, desktops, locker
doors and keyboards will kill germs that are being spread.
Many people often use hand sanitizers, believing it will keep them
healthy. While hand sanitizers do kill germs, they don't prevent germs
from spreading if you touch another surface. Anti-bacterial soaps are
best for washing hands.
“Totally awes
ome cake!”
Last Month’s Contest Winner: Mr. Ruddy
Next Month’s Contest:
“Write Your Own Holiday Song About MKA”
Please submit songs in the form of a podcast (.m4a file) to, along with a copy of your lyrics by January 15th.
The winner will receive an offical Cougar Call t-shirt!
sciencia, somniantas, integritas
Hogwart’s Haven:
The Minister of
by Kassie F. and Kelsey O’C.
Hey, we’re back, and we’re in print. Your
favorite Harry Potter duo is at it again, in
writing this time. Hogwarts Haven is
branching to the reams—or in this case, the
Cougar Call. For those of you who don’t know,
Hogwarts Haven is a Moodle page all about
Harry Potter.
This year’s book fair was one of the best.
There were three fantastic authors and one
epic editor: Arthur A. Levine, editor of the
Harry Potter series—and, an added bonus, an
MKA parent. If you know us, you can
probably imagine how ecstatic we were. We
realized that this was a once in a lifetime
opportunity, most likely the closest link we
would ever have to Ms. J.K. Rowling. We
immediately decided to ask him for an
Mr. Levine graciously agreed to the interview.
Seventh grader Madeleine Colbert
accompanied us and made some excellent
contributions to our interview. He was very
friendly and down-to-earth. He answered our
questions thoroughly and happily.
Our first question was whether Levine had
edited all seven of the Harry Potter books. He
answered, “Yes, and I also edited her new
book The Tales of Beedle the Bard.” Next, Kelsey
asked which was his favorite book of the
series. He replied, “All of them were
different.” Kassie then inquired how he edited
the books and if Ms. Rowling changes much
due to his editing. “Well, basically I read the
manuscript and write how I think and feel at
different points in the book, regardless if it
needs editing. If I was confused I’d say why, or
I would maybe ask her if a certain part of the
story was supposed to be frightening,” Mr.
Word Search
Holiday Riddles
by Hendrik R.
by Virginia F.
Levine answered thoughtfully. Later, he
added, “She mostly changes the feeling of her
books--scary, happy, funny, et cetera.”
Madeleine Colbert wondered how long
Levine had known Ms. Rowling. “Well,” Mr.
Levine answered, “since 1997, that’s when the
first book came out, so we pretty much met,
because of the job.” With time running low,
Kelsey asked our final question: “How did you
feel about how the series ended?” Mr. Levine
smiled, and answered, “I was satisfied with the
outcome, but it was a bit scary how Harry was
linked to Voldemort.” As we were leaving, he
commented that he thought our questions
were easy to answer compared to harder ones
he had been asked.
Our interview with Mr. Levine was very
successful and informative. If you have any
other questions you can email us at
Thanks, and have a great holiday break.
1. I am small, sharp and thin. I hold your work together and am almost never remembered until
new year
Santa Claus
too late. What am I?
2. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division – I can do it all. My ancestors were born in
China in the ninth century, made of beads and wood. What am I?
3. Poetry is about me, and I avidly drink sunshine. It is the cause of my life, along with air and
water. Some say my arms create the rustling of the wind, while others say the meaning of life is
to sit under me. What am I?
4. I am cylindrical and create light. That is my purpose. I can be any color of the rainbow and
can often be both scented and glittery. In this modern era, I am no longer seen as a necessity,
but more like an aesthetic pleasantry. What am I?
5. You take me out during the Christmas season and hang me. Sometimes I am made of glass,
sometimes ceramic and sometimes, well, just plain unusually made. What am I?
Cougar Call
Editorial Staff:
Zoe F.--Editor-in-Chief
Ryan D.--Director of Layout and
Michelle C.
Maggie D.
Thea F.
Kassie F.
Kaila F.--Assistant Director of
Layout and Design
Isabella G.
Virginia F.--Director of Media and
Kelsey O’C.
Megan R.--Chief Photographer
2. Calculator
5.5.Christmas tree ornament
4. Candle
1. Staples
3. Tree
Riddle Answers:
Danielle C.
Staff Writers and Photographers:
Kristina B.
Katy N.
Molly P.
Arianna P.
Hendrik R.
Aaron S.-B.
sciencia, somniantas, integritas