A Message from the Director Stephen Bajjaly


A Message from the Director Stephen Bajjaly
a publication of wayne state university
school of library and information science
A Year of Faculty Achievements
Over the past academic year, SLIS faculty have been busy researching, presenting and publishing in a variety of areas.
Check out some of the exciting faculty accomplishments below.
Dr. Maria Gonzalez, Assistant Professor
Presented “Silent Crises: Understanding the Information
Landscape in an Online Community of Individuals in
Crisis” with Lynn Westbrook of the University of Texas
at the Library Research Round Table at the Annual
Conference of the American Library Association (ALA),
Chicago, IL, July, 2009.
Presented “The 2008 Urban Library Summit: Implications
for Recruitment and Training” at the ALA Annual
Conference in Chicago, IL in July, 2009
Presented “‘Have You Seen the Wheel? : The Circulation
of Grey Literature about Domestic Violence among
Members of an Online Survivor Group” at the 11th
Annual Conference on Grey Literature, held at the Library
of Congress in Washington D.C., in December 2009.
Published “Workforce Competencies: Focus on Urban
Public Libraries” in the Fall 2010 issue of Library Trends.
Dr. Joseph Mika, Professor
Dr. Robert Holley, Professor
Reached a milestone by having over one hundred entries
in Library Literature.
Choosen as Outstanding Reviewer at the Emerald Literati
Network Awards for Excellence 2010 for significant
contributions as a Reviewer to Collection Building
throughout 2009.
Presented at the 2009 ALA Annual Conference and at
the 2009 Conference on Book and Serials Acquisition in
Charleston, SC, among others.
Co-wrote four papers with SLIS students in various stages
of pre-publication
Dr. John Heinrichs, Associate Professor
Published “Information Literacy and Office Tool
Competencies: A Benchmark Study,” with Jeen-Su Lim,
in the May-June Journal of Education for Business in May
2010 and “Testing a MIMIC Model of Online Shopping
Behavior,” with Kee-Sook Lim and Jeen-Su Lim, in the
International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management
in October, 2009.
Presented “Determinants of Social Media Usage: An
Empirical Investigation” at the American Marketing
Association (AMA) Conference in Boston in August, 2010.
Published “Library and Information Services to the
Arabic-Speaking Community: A Survey of Michigan Public
Libraries,” with Charlene L. Al-Qallaf in Public Library
Published “Vernon Mathew Pings, FMLA, 1923-2008,”
with Ellen Detlefsen in the Journal of the Medical Library
Presented on “Building Collaboration with LIS Schools in
Germany: The Goethe Institute LIS Faculty German Study
Tour,” as part of a panel presentation at the Association
for Library and Information Science Education Conference
in January, 2010.
Presented “Tough Times,” at the Oakland County Public
Library Trustee Association of Oakland County in June,
Dr. Joseph Turrini, Assistant Professor
Published his new book, The End of Amateurism in
American Track and Field, published in May 2010. The
book was published by the University of Illinois Press as a
part of its Sports and Society Series.
Presented at the Society of American Archivists 2009
annual meeting in Austin, Texas at a session devoted
to archival education, “The Perfect Storm or a Stalled
Weather System? The Sustainability of Graduate Archival
Achievements Honored at Annual Recognition Ceremony
In May 2010, the School celebrated the accomplishments
of its students and alumni at the Annual Recognition
Ceremony. Scholarship and award winners, Beta Phi
Mu initiates, student group officers, Graduate Student
Assistants and 2009-2010 graduates were recognized
during the program.
The School also presented its Professional Service Award
to Kathleen McBroom, Media Specialist at Dearborn
Public Schools and SLIS adjunct faculty member.
McBroom spoke of how her enthusiasm for languages,
technology and learning ultimately led her to K-12
education, “where the real action is.” She encouraged
graduates to seek not just a job—but to find their passion.
SLIS presented its Distinguished Alumni Award to Diane
Vogt-O’Connor. Vogt-O’Connor has served as a senior
manager for conservation activities at the National
Archives and Records Administration, the National Park
Service and the Smithsonian Institution. She is currently
the chief of the Conservation Division at the Library of
Congress. She described a tremendous 35 year career
which began at Wayne State with master’s degrees in
library science and art history and graduate certificates
in archives and in museum studies. Surveying a career
rich in professional accomplishment, she stressed the
joy found in attaining mastery in one’s skills. In keeping
with the tradition of offering graduates words of advice,
she encouraged students to make friends with their
co-workers—for they will be the ones who help them find
their next jobs.
The Annual Recognition Ceremony is held each spring to
recognize the accomplishments of the SLIS community.
A Message from
the Director
Stephen Bajjaly
As SLIS gears up for another exciting
academic year, I am pleased to bring
you up to date on the School’s latest
news and projects. I am very pleased
to share that in January 2010, the
Committee on Accreditation for the
American Library Association voted to
give the School continued accreditation
for a full seven year term. The School’s
next review will be held in Fall 2016.
With full-accreditation status, SLIS is
eager to move forward with expanding
and making improvements on several
fronts including hiring new faculty,
renovating its physical space and adding
new offerings to the curriculum.
We continue to make progress on our
remodeling project and now have a new
space on the third floor of Kresge Library
for our full-time faculty. SLIS hopes both
faculty and students will find this space
more accommodating and comfortable.
In the near future, the School hopes to
renovate other areas in Kresge Library
to accommodate improved classrooms,
collaborative study space and
administrative offices. We are excited to
continue to share these developments
with the School’s alumni and friends as
they are completed.
In addition, SLIS has welcomed new
faculty as well as recognized the
contributions of retiring faculty. We
look forward to introducing and
remembering these important members
of the SLIS faculty in this issue.
In the coming year, we hope to further
engage the SLIS community and hope
you will join us in making our network
stronger. With new leadership on the
SLIS alumni association board, we hope
to assist this group in continuing the
tradition of having an active alumni
group and mentor base for our student
2010 SLIS Scholarship Award Winners
We look forward to your input and
participation during the upcoming
academic year.
Dr. John Heirichs with
the 2010 Patricia
Knapp Award Winner,
Rebecca McLean
Dean Sandra
Yee and Diane
Distinguished Alumni
Award Winner
Dr. Dian Walster
with Kathleen
Service Award
w w w . s l i s . w a y n e . e d u SUMMER 2010
Welcome Dr. Beaudoin!
Dr. Joan Beaudoin,
Assistant Professor,
joined the faculty
in Winter 2010.
She received her
PhD in 2009 from
Drexel University in
Philadelphia, where
she was a Laura
Bush 21st Century
Librarian Fellow from
2005-2009. She also
received her MLIS
in the Management of Digital Information from
Drexel University, a Master of Arts in art history from
Temple University, and a Bachelor of Fine Arts in art
history from Massachusetts College of Art.
university, Detroit and the surrounding metro
area so that I can learn about where our students
could have the most impact.” She has already
forged several partnerships on campus which will
be instrumental for her fall seminar course on
Focusing on digital libraries, information behaviors
Digital Libraries in which students receive hands-on
and museum informatics, her research interests grew experience developing a digital library using original
out of her practical experiences teaching art history, materials documenting the history of Cass Corridor
performing archaeological field work, and working
culture from the 1960s through the 1970s.
in the field of visual resources.
Beaudoin can be reached at ee4525@wayne.edu.
Reflecting on her time at WSU, Beaudoin says,
“I have been exploring the cultural riches of the
Fond Farewell - Dr. Lynda Baker Retires
After teaching for more than 15
years, Dr. Lynda Baker, Associate
Professor, retired in May 2010.
Baker began teaching at SLIS
in 1993, focusing on courses
in health sciences librarianship,
consumer health, and advanced
reference and research methods.
Admired by students for her
high standards and unique sense of humor, in
1997 she won the Library and Information Science
Program Award for Excellence in Teaching.
Prior to her academic career, Baker was a registered
nurse for 15 years before attending University of
California, Berkeley for her bachelor’s degree and
then continuing to the University of Toronto for her
MLS. Afterward, she stayed in Ontario to complete
her PhD at the University of Western Ontario.
Whether publishing a book on consumer health
information, organizing national conferences on
wide-ranging women’s issues, or pushing students
to harness the search potential of databases, master
the art of the reference interview, or just improve
their prose, her many contributions to the profession
are appreciated as much as her presence will be
In Transition: Judy Field
Judy Field, long-time Senior
Lecturer, retired from active
teaching after joining the
School in 1991. Field drew upon
over 20 years experience in
special, academic, public and
government libraries to instruct
and mentor WSU students.
Active in the Special Libraries Assocation since 1965,
she served as SLA president from 1997-98. She
has also been active in the ALA and ASIS&T. She
was recently elected chair of the Library Service
Division of the International Federation of Library
Associations and Institutions (IFLA) and also serves
on IFLA’s Governing Board. Field was also inducted
into the SLA’s Hall of Fame in June 2010 at the
association’s annual conference in New Orleans.
SLA Hall of Fame recognition, reserved for members
at or near the end of their active professional
careers, recognizes service and contributions to the
She retires with over 45 year’s service in the
profession and numerous awards. Even with a
career so varied and accomplished, Field shows no
signs of stopping, but will merely transition into
a new role with the School as its “Professional in
New Certificates Added to Curriculum
In an effort to continue to encouraging SLIS students
to specialize and develop concentrated knowledge,
the School has received approval to offer two
new graduate certificate programs - the Graduate
Certificate in Public Library Services to Children and
Young Adults and the Graduate Certificate in Arts
and Museum Librarianship.
Students seeking the Graduate Certificate in Public
Library Services to Children and Young Adults
will complete coursework related to working
effectively with children and young adults in a public
library setting. Services to this age group require
specialized training regarding the development
of programs, creation of effective collections, and
the skills necessary to collaborate with teachers,
schools and community organizations that serve
children and young adults.This collaboration with
community agencies, schools, social services and
health organizations, will allow graduates to provide
needed instruction and support for children and
young adults.
The Graduate Certificate in Arts and Museum
Librarianship is targeted toward incoming LIS
graduate students wishing to pursue a professional
career in fine or performing arts or museum
librarianship; practicing library and museum staff
who wish to advance their competency in the
field of fine and performing arts and museum
librarianship; and students from other disciplines
and professions who wish to obtain an MLIS
with a specialization in arts and museum library
management and digital curation skills. Enhanced
admissions criteria are being developed for this
This curriculum was first introduced in 2005 when
the School of Library and Information Science
received federal funding from the Institute of
Museum and Library Services to educate and train
30 students in the unique knowledge, skills, and
competencies necessary to provide library services
in fine and performing arts organizations and
museums. The School established collaborative
partnerships with several Detroit-based cultural
institutions to provide the students with an
integrated practicum experience to complement
their MLIS degree studies. Partners include the
Detroit Institute of Arts, the Detroit Symphony
Orchestra, Michigan Opera Theater, Motown
Historical Museum, and the WSU Libraries. As a
result of the enthusiastic response from the students
and the partners involved, the School established
the graduate certificate program.
Public Library Services to Children
and Young Adults
Required courses
• LIS 7250 – Programming and Services for Children
and Young Adults: Cr. 3
• LIS 7420 – Client-Based Website Development: Cr. 3
• LIS 7340 – Collection Development: Cr. 3
• 6 credits in children’s literature, bibliographic
instruction and practical experiences
Arts and Museum Librarianship
Required courses
• LIS 7080 – Arts/Museum Librarianship: Cr. 3
• LIS 7110 – Humanities Information Services and
Resources: Cr.3
• LIS 7450 – Digital Imaging: Cr. 3
• LIS 7675 – Practicum: Arts/Museum Libraries: Cr. 6
As with other certificates, nine hours of the
certificates may be used toward completion of the
Master’s degree requirements. They may also be
pursued individually for a total of 15 credit hours
Student Spotlight: Jasmine Sha’Rhonda McCord
future profession and the positive impact it could
have on her community. As an undergraduate,
she had been a library assistant at WSU’s Shiffman
Medical Library. Upon her return to Detroit, she
returned to her old position and was encouraged
to pursue librarianship. Right down the street, SLIS
made sense both geographically and economically.
She began the program in Fall 2008.
No stranger to WSU Libraries, McCord became
a Graduate Student Assistant working at the
undergraduate library reference desk. She has
already found her Information Technology (LIS
6080) knowledge handy when helping students with
Jasmine Sha’Rhonda McCord is no newcomer to
reference questions involving MS Office applications.
Detroit or Wayne State. She has lived here her
In particular, her Access to Information course (LIS
whole life. However, it was not until she finished
6120), with numerous assignments that required her
her BFA in Theatre at WSU and moved to St. Louis
to begin an acting internship with the St. Louis Black to become familiar with WSU’s electronic databases,
greatly prepared her for the wide-ranging questions
Repertory Theatre Company that a turn of events
she encounters at the reference desk.
brought her back home and made her realize her
McCord is quick to correct a common
misconception about the reference/information
desk. “Some people who either call the reference
desk or approach it with a question seem to believe
that we as GSA’s have all the answers to their
questions. Despite the large lettering above us that
spells the word INFORMATION, we don’t know
everything!” As a GSA, she also writes and maintains
a weekly library-related blog.
After she graduates in Spring 2011, McCord would
like to become a children’s librarian. But she is not
stopping there. Her long-term professional goals
will bring her back to her roots in the theatre. She
strives to continually explore her artistic abilities
through acting and directing for stage and film and
also writing children’s books and plays. She also
hopes to spark innovative ideas for the promotion of
w w w . s l i s . w a y n e . e d u SUMMER 2010
Meet the New SLIS Alumni Association Board
The SLIS Alumni Association (SLISAA) is reviving its
efforts to connect with School alumni by bringing
new leadership to the association board. SLISAA
is planning to pursue a variety of initiatives this
coming year. According to SLISAA co-president,
Eva Gronowska, these include “collective advocacy,
creating a foundation for a mentoring program and
engaging our alumni in a broad range of ways.”
In addition, the group will also be working to create
committees to improve communication to develop
active alumni association members, revise its bylaws
and continue to promote its endowed scholarship.
Alumni can expect to see SLISAA information in their
mailboxes as the association is participating in a
national WSU Alumni Association campaign to reach
out to lapsed members. It hopes to have the support
needed to plan events for this coming fall and
fundraise in order to continue awarding the Library
and Information Science Alumni Award.
SLISAA Board Members
Eva Gronowska
Wayne State University
Development and Alumni Affairs
Michelle Neuwirth
Canton and Southfield Public Libraries
Jennifer Hassell
Members at Large
Cindy McGee
Barry Puckett
Jan Utz
Nancy Czech
Carlie Hoffman
Natalie Zebula
Anne Hudson Mary Beall
Mike Sensiba
Laura Mancini
Marisa Conte
Troy Eller
Damecia Donahue
Southfield Public Library
Student Representative
Katherine Bryant
Nancy Beals
Southfield Public Library
Wayne State University Library System
Digital Resources and Web Coordinator
Brad Czerniak
Comments and suggestions for the
board can be sent to Eva Gronowska at
Canton Public Library
Alumni Updates
Ruth Biersdorf, LibSci `92, was promoted to the position
of Manager at the Hubbard Branch of the Detroit Public
Library in May 2009.
Michelle Moore (Lang), LibSci `08, celebrated her first
year as Director of the Missaukee District Library in Lake
City, Mich. in March.
Vicki Bloom, LibSci ‘81, was named Dean of the Franklin
D. Schurz Library and Media Services at the Indiana
University at South Bend.
Selina Dale Moss-Arthur, Libsci `07, accepted a position
as full-time Reference Librarian at Baker College in Allen
Park, Mich.
Katrina Byrne, MLIS ’09, was hired as the Social Sciences/
Sciences Librarian at Wayne State University Libraries.
Susan Murphy, LibSci `10, is the Owner of Connelly
Information LLC based in Novi, Mich.
Jennifer Erridge (Mackey), LibSci `99 is the Head of Youth
Services at Salem South Lyon Public Library. She recently
had a baby boy.
Kathy Reaume, LibSci ‘09, is completing a second
master’s degree in ESL at the University of Toledo where
she works as a teaching assistant.
James Fisher, LibSci `09, recently accepted a position
in Information Management with the Ford Motor
Ben Richardson, LibSci ‘09, will pursue his PhD in Library
and Information Science at Missouri State University
School of Information Science & Learning Technologies.
Warren Gaither, LibSci `08, was promoted to Librarian II
with the Detroit Public Library.
Vladimir Shutov, LibSci `06, is a Business Reference
Librarian in Fairfax, Va.
Paul Gallagher, LibSci ‘09, Developer Librarian with WSU
Libraries, created a mapping system designed to map
all materials held in the University Libraries. Gallagher
also wrote an article about the application for Code4Lib
journal, “Map it @ WSU: Development of a Library
Mapping System for Large Academic Libraries.”
Cynthia Simpson, LibSci ’08, is Supervisor of the
Interlibrary Loan Department at the Farmington
Community Library.
Heather Harrison, LibSci `08, has accepted a position
as the Children’s Librarian at the Meridian-Lauderdale
County Public Library in Meridian, Miss. She was also
featured on the local Meridian news discussing libraries
services for children.
Rita Sol, LibSci ‘06, has created a cable television show,
Library Highlights, that supports Michigan libraries by
highlighting the expansive resources and services of
metro area libraries.
Yolanda Tugwell, LibSci `08, accepted a position as
Assistant Librarian with the University of the West Indies.
Mari Vaydik, LibSci ‘09, began a new position as Major
Gifts Director at Alternatives For Girls, a Detroit-based
nonprofit serving homeless and high-risk girls and young
Carolyn Wheeler, LibSci `93, won ALA’s 2009 I Love My
Librarian Award sponsored by the New York Times and
Carnegie Corporation of New York. Wheeler is the media
specialist at Conant Elementary School in Bloomfield
Hills, Mich. as well as the youth services librarian at
Rochester Hills Public Library.
Ronald Wheeler, LibSci `01, recently accepted the
position as Director of the Dorraine Zief Law Library
and Associate Professor of Law at the University Of San
Francisco School Of Law.
Elizabeth Wierenga, LibSci `09, is a Youth Librarian at the
Gaines Township branch of Kent District Library in Grand
Rapids, Mich.
LaShawnda Wrice, LibSci `06, was the campaign
manager for Councilman Andre L. Spivey, Detroit City
Council in 2009. She also founded Wrice Management
and Services, a consulting business.
Updates from the Public Library Association Conference
Julia Hause, LibSci `09, is a Reference and Instruction
Librarian for Touro University Nevada in Henderson, Nev.
Monica Harris, LibSci `05, is the Assistant Manager of
Adult & Teen Services at the Oak Park Public Library.
She was recently recognized as one of ALA’s Movers &
Shakers 2010.
Lynn Houghton, LibSci ‘06, is the Regional History
Curator at the Western Michigan University Archives and
Regional History Collections.
Sarah Boogerd, LibSci ‘06, is a Youth Services Librarian at
De Moines South Side Public Library in De Moines, Iowa.
Kate A. Pohjola, LibSci ’95, is a Library Director at
Lapeer District Library in Lapeer, Mich.
Megan Keller, LibSci `10, is a Processing Archivist for the
Sundance Institute.
Gina Bucalo-Crowther, LibSci ‘07, is an Adult Services
Librarian I at West Bloomfield Township Public Library.
Paulina Poplawska, LibSci ‘07, is the Assistant Director
at Liberal Memorial Library in Liberal, Kan.
Brian Guenther, LibSci ‘07, is a Reference Librarian at
Fresno County Public Library in California.
Isaac Pulver, LibSci ’92, is Library Director at Saratoga
Springs Public Library in Saratoga, N.Y.
Jolynn Holcomb, LibSci ‘09, is the Assistant Branch
Manager at Chesterfield County Public Library in
Chesterfield, Va.
Trish Reid, LibSci ‘05, is a Youth Librarian at Kent
District Library.
Lucie Kitter (Satoria), LibSci `07 is working as a librarian
at the South Manatee Branch Library, part of the
Manatee County Library system.
Susan Matveyeva, LibSci `01, is the 2010 recipient of the
ALA International Relations Committee’s “Bogle-Pratt
International Library Travel Fund.” This award will assist
Matveyeva in attending her first international conference
in Madrid.
Shawn McCann, LibSci ’03, has been welcomed (back)
to Wayne State University Libraries as the new Digital
Projects Librarian.
Linda Mielke, LibSci ’72, is Library Director at Butte
County Library in Oroville, Calif.
Michelle Minerd, LibSci ‘03, is a Youth Specialist at the
East Grand Rapids Branch at Kent District Library.
Casey Nees, LibSci ‘07 is a Youth Services Manager at the
North Regional Durham County Library in North Carolina.
Kathleen Smith, LibSci ‘07, is a Youth Services Librarian
at West Palm Beach Public Library in West Palm Beach,
Please keep the School updated on your
latest accomplishments! Updates can be
submitted on the web at www.slis.wayne.
edu/alumni/keep-in-touch.php or by
e-mail to ay6086@wayne.edu.
w w w . s l i s . w a y n e . e d u SUMMER 2010
Third Floor Kresge Library Makeover
Now that the renovations are complete, SLIS faculty are settling into the newly remodeled third
floor Kresge Library space. Furnished with individual offices for all full-time faculty, conference
room, kitchen area and storage, the third floor is now a more bright, inviting space for faculty and
students to interact.
Sandra Yee, Dean
Stephen Bajjaly, Director
Megen R. Drulia
Matt Fredericks
Stephen Bajjaly
Jennifer Bondy
Rick Bielaczyc, Matt Fredericks,
MJ Murawka
is is
to alumni
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of the university.
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