Become a key player in computer games design and programming


Become a key player in computer games design and programming
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Become a key player in computer games design and programming
“The growing games
industry is constantly
looking for skilled workers
to undertake new work
on new computer games.
As the sector is becoming
so complex, much more
skilled work is needed;
this university course has
taught me everything I
need to know (and more)
to be successful within the
Lliam Green
BSc(Hons) Computer Games
put yourself at the forefront of
computer games design and programming
Right across the computer games industry, Staffordshire University’s
Faculty of Computing, Engineering and Technology has a reputation for
creating graduates with the technical skills, creative abilities and necessary
vision to succeed in what has to be one of the world’s most vibrant and
rapidly-evolving entertainment sectors.
With today’s movie tie-in, RPGs, massive multiplayer games and almost
insatiable appetite for fantasy, sci-fi and stealth shoot-out scenarios, it’s not
surprising to discover that 30,000 people are employed in the games industry
in the UK alone.
A global pastime – one spanning all ages and abilities - gaming will continue
to innovate, challenge, expand and evolve. And with the UK already a hotbed
of games design, animation and programming talent, computer entertainment
really is the exciting place to spend your future.
With IET and BCS-accredited courses, developed in conjunction with major
players across the sector, enviable industry partnerships and that reputation
for well-proven expertise throughout computer games design, animation and
programming, Staffordshire University is widely acknowledged as the place to
study for your degree or masters award.
Always influencing and inspiring - as well as responding to industry trends - we
are also better placed than many to ensure that whether the future ultimately
lies in complex high-definition role-play, low-polygon modelling for handheld consoles, massive multiplayer online games, or serious simulations
for healthcare, military and police activities, you will hold an award that is
respected internationally.
Staffordshire University graduates are in high demand throughout
the UK computer games industry, for their solid skills and games
application expertise. They can be found at such names as Sony,
Codemasters, and the THQ co-operative, not-to-mention a myriad of
other industry-leading games developers.
a pedigree of
passion, excellence and expertise
Staffordshire University has a long, proud history of excellence in
computing and - more recently – in computer games design and
As the very first university to offer a computing degree back in the 1960s, we
made the natural progression into games design and programming awards
in 2002, with degree courses built around in-depth knowledge, skills and
Assisted by RazorWorks – the Oxfordshire-based video games developer
associated with genres such as flight simulation, car racing, retro gaming and
arcade games – our dedicated tutor team began creating a range of degree
courses that would set new benchmarks and establish new standards.
Passionate, inspired, enthusiastic – and never afraid to innovate – they
developed a series of totally bespoke awards that are continually reviewed,
quality audited and purpose-designed to satisfy the very real needs of the
games design and programming sectors.
The result? Compared to those institutions that simply offer multi-media
awards with a twist in order to provide a games design or programming
specialism, you can be confident that by choosing to study at Staffordshire
University you will gain:
• a thorough understanding of the sector
• a thorough understanding of the games industry • the skills to become a 3D modeller, animator or games programmer
key partnerships with major players
Britain’s leading games development company has its motion capture studio
at Staffordshire University. This unique on-campus presence underlines RARE’s
belief in our capabilities, provides an unequalled learning environment for
students and positions Staffordshire University as RARE’s motion capture
Microsoft XNA
Staffordshire University is a proud member of Microsoft’s XNA pilot group.
XNA is a set of tools that allows students and hobbyists to build games for
Windows and XBox 360. As a member of the pilot group, we are pioneering the
incorporation of XNA into our games programming curriculum.
Monumental Games
We are proud to be associated with Britain’s only multiplayer games engine
suite developer – an association that is a major influence in our multiplayer
awards programme. As a demonstration of their faith in our expertise,
Monumental Games recently provided a £150,000 games development engine
for use by Staffordshire University students.
This Oxfordshire-based video games developer, renowned for its flight
simulation, car racing, retro gaming and arcade games expertise, assisted us in
creating a range of degree courses that set new standards.
A local games company, based in Newcastle-under-Lyme, Astraware create
games for handheld PDAs and Smartphones, including Palm OS®, Windows
Mobile®, and Apple® iPhone™. The company was founded in 1993 by Howard
Tomlinson and David Oakley and is now a part of the Handmark Group.
Astraware has been a tremendous support to Staffordshire University, helping
develop our Computer Games Design and Programming award.
high quality teaching and
course delivery
Regardless of the course you choose, you will receive high quality,
highly appropriate teaching by our academic staff, many of whom enjoy
international reputations for research and consultancy within their specialist
Across the discipline of games design, all courses are modelled as closely as
possible on industry practice. That means working in similar-sized development
teams as typically found in industry, whilst using the same pipelines and design
methodologies to create vital game assets.
More focused on the core skills required to write computer programs, our games
programming courses embrace the fields of graphics, artificial intelligence,
game play, networking, audio integration and graphical user interfaces. You will
learn a variety of programming languages, including Java, C++ and C#, and use
development environments for XBox, Playstation, hand-held, mobile, PDA and
PC gaming.
As a games student, you will develop a portfolio of work to help you secure your
first job. Depending on your chosen award, your portfolio could include:
A java applet and 3D animation in Semester 1 of your first year
A 3D graphics application in Semester 2 of your first year
Games in C++ and C# from your second year
High and low polygon models in 3DS Max
Game and level design documentation
Games engines modifications using Half-Life 2, Unreal 3 and Monumental
highlights in our course delivery
There are some very distinctive features in the way we deliver our courses
that have been designed to enhance and enrich the student experience.
They include:
• Visits by key speakers from the games industry
• A full placement year in which to gain invaluable real-work expertise
• A major project in your final year, which could involve developing a
game, or creating a new graphics or artificial intelligence algorithm
• The opportunity to develop a portfolio of work throughout the course
• Whole-class lectures, hands-on practicals and problem-solving tutorials
“As soon as I found out about this university, I knew it would be the one
that I would join. Everything about it seemed to be better than others,
available equipment and resources, quality of teaching and the courses
themselves. After being here for a year now, I feel I have learnt a lot and
very much look forward to my next year’s modules.”
Ken Stott, First Year, BSc(Hons) Computer Games Programming
equipped for excellence
Industry-leading games design facilities:
• 150 computers dedicated to games design
• RARE motion capture studio with RARE motion capture suite
• Measurand fibre-optic motion-capture suite
• Dedicated games network with separate server for map-level and gameplay testing
• Dedicated games lab and 3D modelling rooms with software including
3DSMAX and Z-Brush
• Autodesk motion builder
Outstanding programming facilities:
• Purpose-built Computer Science building with over 500 computers
• Dedicated laboratories for games programming, mobile application
development, artificial intelligence and networking
• Suite of Playstation development kits
• XNA Game Studio for PC and XBox development
• High-spec PCs, running both Windows and Linux operating systems
Combined resources include:
• Multiplayer online games lab
• Monumental suite
• Nintendo Wiis, XBox 360s, Playstation 3s and PSPs
• Comprehensive games library
• Usability lab – created to assist local industry with game-play techniques
and responses
placements and employment
Staffordshire University students typically secure placements
and employment with leading names across games design and
programming, as well as other industries.
The organisations we work with include:
Asylum Entertainment
Blitz Games
Juice Games
Kuju Entertainment
Simulation Systems Ltd.
Sony Computer Entertainment Studios
Jobs undertaken include: 3D Modellers, Level Designers, Assistant
Producers, Programmers and Games Designers.
“For my placement year, I was based within the R&D department at
Kuju Entertainment Ltd. I worked on developing and maintaining the
Engine and Tools technologies that are used in the various games
studios across the company. After my placement finished at R&D, I
managed to secure several months extra work in the company’s Zoë
Mode music and party games studio, working on an upcoming title.”
Daniel Vary, final year student BSc(Hons) Computer Games Programming.
the end game:
making sure you are highly employable
At Staffordshire University, we never lose sight of the fact that our real role
lies in preparing our students for long and successful futures.
That’s why, whatever your chosen career in computer entertainment, you can
rest assured that our study environments reflect the real world of work as much
as possible.
By providing the very best amenities, we also know we can bring out the very
best in you. However, we don’t stop there.
We have established broad relationships with local, national and international
companies right across the field of games design and programming.
As a result, we are able to arrange the opportunities and placements
that provide real-world expertise and can often lead to exciting offers of
employment and highly fulfilling careers.
Our approach ensures we are always fully-up-to-date with the latest industry
trends and developments – and are able to anticipate and embrace new
approaches beyond the world of academia.
Our approach is also sufficiently flexible to enable any occasional freelancing
(such as games modification or new level/new world creation) to count towards
your studies.
starting your own business
Through SPEED (Student Placements for Entrepreneurs in Education), we can
even assist you in starting up your own business during the placement year of a
sandwich degree course instead of going into industry.
Introduced in 2006 – and a collaboration between 13 universities and other
partners across the UK and Ireland – SPEED has proved highly popular at
Staffordshire University, with 92 students so far being given the chance to learn
about enterprise and entrepreneurship, all while being able to start their own
For more information about the SPEED scheme:
t: 01785 353495
undergraduate courses
BSc(Hons)/MEng/BEng(Hons) Computer Games Design
Providing a balanced mix of games design, 3D graphics and animation
expertise, modelled on industry and using the latest software, this course will
give you the skills to become a 3D modeller, animator, or set you on the way to
becoming a successful games or level designer.
Choose this course to gain a good overview of the rapidly growing computer
games industry as well as a clear idea of the area in which you wish to work.
At Level 1 you will learn about the reverse engineering of current games,
level design based on the principles of architecture and games design
documentation. You will gain a good grounding in 3D modelling and motion
capture, followed by an understanding of games engines and physics. You’ll
also be able to study how manga characters are created.
At Level 2 you will learn about high concepts, pre-production, production
and game testing. You will also learn 3D facial and body modelling as well
as computer and character animation in 3D Studio Max. There is also the
opportunity to investigate multiplayer online games in more depth.
At Level 3 there will also be the opportunity to learn advanced modelling skills
both high polygon for next generation games, and handheld modelling for
casual gaming. You may also learn audio for computer games or further motion
capture skills.
Study at Level 4 involves investigating interface and platform development of
games, the study of game playing, known as ludology and an individual project.
undergraduate courses
BSc(Hons)/BEng(Hons) Computer Games Programming
Graduating from our Computer Games Programming course opens up
opportunities within computer games companies. It also enables you to set up
your own games company or to do contract work within the industry. The broad
grounding in computing skills will also allow you to pursue a more traditional
computing career.
Games programmers play a vital role in the production of computer games,
taking a game design and transforming it into a running program that delivers the
game to the player. Utilising industry links, this award is focused on developing
people with the core software engineering skills to program current and future
generations of computer games hardware.
In Years 1 and 2, you will gain a solid foundation of technical knowledge and skills
in computing and computer games programming, including work in physics and
graphics programming. Options allow you to further your games specialisation;
areas covered include both OpenGL and DirectX. Specialised development for
game consoles is introduced using Microsoft XNA Game Studio.
In year three you will develop more specific games programming skills, including
AI, graphics and animation, with options once again available. The final year
project will involve building a substantial software product to demonstrate the
skills you have developed over your course.
BSc(Hons) Multiplayer Online Games Design
There is an explosive demand by industry for creative and technical development
skills on a range of gaming platforms. Completion of this award equips you
with a range of technical and creative skills required by the games industry,
enabling individuals to play a key role in the design and development of the next
generation of multiplayer online games. Successful completion of the networking
elements results in a CISCO qualification, widely respected worldwide.
This course has been designed and co-developed with industry to meet the
growth in demand and is aimed at taking students with a passion for designing
online games – giving them the opportunity to develop into rounded multiplayer
online games designers.
Online gaming accounts for a quarter of all game types sold worldwide and is
projected to more than double in the coming years. There is an established and
ever expanding demand for online gaming in America and Asia with Europe set
to become the largest growth area.
The fundamentals of multiplayer game design and development are studied.
You are able to put this knowledge into practice by rapid prototyping and game
content through the use of scripting languages and the dedicated monumental
multiplayer games engine.
The influence of psychology and marketing of multiplayer online games is studied
along with exploration of distributed communications systems for multiplayer
games. A final year project allows you to research and develop a specific area
within the field.
undergraduate courses
BSc(Hons)/BEng(Hons) Multiplayer Online Games Programming
This degree teaches you the skills needed to create massive multiplayer fantasy
worlds and collaborative games. Graduates will be prepared for employment in
game studios creating multiplayer games, or in the wider computing industry
in a technical distributed system or network-development role. You have the
opportunity to gain CISCO professional qualifications in networking – respected
by industry globally.
This award is intended for students interested in developing multiplayer online
games, and related collaborative and virtual community computer applications.
It covers the game software engineering and computing concepts essential for
general game development, plus the specific technical skills needed to create
virtual worlds and allow players to interact and communicate within them.
You will learn several of the programming languages most widely used in the
games industry and apply them to game animation, physics, artificial intelligence
and graphics rendering. You will also learn the networking concepts that will allow
you to build distributed multiplayer games.
You will start developing games from your very first semester, building up a
portfolio, which could include Java applets, graphics applications using OpenGL
and DirectX, and multiplayer games on PCs, consoles, mobile phones and other
portable devices.
In your final year project, you might build a complete multiplayer game, or
research and demonstrate an advanced technique for multiplayer interaction.
BSc(Hons)/BEng(Hons) Game Artificial Intelligence
This course teaches you about different theories of artificial intelligence and how
they can be applied in writing games software and other intelligent simulations.
Graduates can use their AI and computing skills as specialists in games studios,
and in the wider knowledge and decision-support sector.
Artificial intelligence is the next “big idea” in creating games – how can computer
controlled characters be made to behave more like human ones? This course
gives you a solid theoretical framework for addressing complex problems in
navigation, planning, strategy, pattern recognition and knowledge management.
You will learn to identify and specify the key features of complex problems and to
apply appropriate methods from artificial intelligence in a range of applications
both within the field of computer games development and beyond.
After learning fundamental software engineering, games development and
artificial intelligence concepts, you will study advanced topics including Artificial
Intelligence Engines for Games, Decision Theory and Cybernetics, Neural
Networks, Genetic Algorithms, Character AI, and Strategic and Tactical Thinking
for Games.
In your final year project, you might build a complete computer game that
incorporates several AI algorithms, or research and demonstrate advanced AI
undergraduate courses
BSc(Hons) Games Audio Design
Audio Design and the ability the integrate sound and music is an increasingly
core aspect of the production of modern computer games. With a clear eye
on the mix of skills required for the growing number of audio designers and
programmers we have developed an award that combines games design and
documentation, sound production and composition, and the modification and
application of sound in engines. This course will give you the skills necessary to
produce the audio assets for a variety of game types and genres with the aim of
becoming an Audio Designer or Programmer on graduation.
At Level 1 you will learn composition techniques for computer music and
acoustomatics, along with introduction to using studio equipment in
Audio Processing. This is combined with studying design documentation
to understand the different aspects of computer games. You will also be
introduced to FMOD, the industry standard audio design package for games.
At Level 2 you will continue learning about acoustomatics and studio
techniques, along with recording Foley sounds. You will contribute to a games
design group to produce the audio for an original game, while learning to
utilise the audio API, FMOD Expert.
At Level 3 you will study audio programming along with producing your
Research Dissertation, and your Entertainment Portfolio, which will focus your
audio design and audio programming into the area you wish to take to a
greater depth of knowledge.
BSc(Hons) Games Concepts Design
This course concentrates on the techniques used in translating traditional 2D
concept design skills into 3D modelling skills in a variety of subjects. It will arm
you with a range of technical and creative skills necessary to become a Games
Concept Artist, Concept Artist, 3D Designer, 2D/3D Games Artist, Illustrator,
Character Modeller, Level Designer and Environmental Artist.
This degree has been designed and developed in association with noted
games concept artists to provide a course capable of producing the next
generation of multi-skilled game concept artists.
If you are required to design and develop futuristic buildings, vehicles or
characters for a next generation game console, you need a fundamental
understanding of the design principles underpinning these structures.
Consequently, you will develop traditional creative concept artist skills and
expand them to include the development of the game concept resources
beyond original 2D concepts. Using 3D applications such as 3D Studio Max
and Zbrush you will model and texture your ideas then bring them to life in the
latest games engines such as Unreal 3.
At Levels 1 and 2, you will become proficient in the use of 2D/3D applications
such as Photoshop; Digital Matte painting; Painter and 3DS Max software;
explore game engine structure; anatomical structure and develop functional
game resources.
At Level 3, you will embark on a substantial individual project that will be key in
demonstrating your skills to future employers.
undergraduate courses
BSc(Hons)/BEng(Hons) Portable Games Programming
This course is all about developing games for mobile phones and handheld
game consoles. On graduating you could end up working for a large game
studio, creating your own games company, or applying your knowledge in the
wider mobile and embedded devices industry.
Portable gaming - games for mobile phones and handheld consoles - is one of
the fastest growing sectors in the computer games industry. Portable Games
Programmers need to learn all the computing skills needed for PC or console
game development, as well as how to overcome the extra challenges posed
by portable game devices. They are small, with limited displays, memory and
processor speed, and have challenging input systems. You will learn several
of the programming languages most widely used in the industry and apply
them to game animation, physics, artificial intelligence and graphics rendering.
During the course you consider the design, hardware, interface and networking
issues needed to make a successful portable game. You will start developing
games from the begining, building up a portfolio which include Java applets,
graphics applications using OpenGL and DirectX, and games on a variety of
mobile devices and handheld consoles.
In your final year project, you might build a complete mobile or handheld
console game, or research and demonstrate techniques which take advantage
of the latest portable device hardware and operating systems.
undergraduate courses
BSc(Hons)/BEng(Hons) Arcade Game and Simulator
If you don’t want to limit yourself to making PC and console games, this course
will provide you with the expertise to create in-depth gaming and virtual reality
experiences using specialised input devices and 3D displays, movement and
surround sound.
The Arcade Game and Simulator Development award is all about creating
immersive gaming and virtual reality experiences. After graduating, you will
be able to pursue opportunities in games development using new console
peripherals, simulators or specialised arcade platforms, or applying
your skills in creating non-game computer-controlled systems and simulations.
You will gain core game software development skills, including several of the
programming languages most widely used in the games industry, and learn lowlevel programming, data acquistion and computer control techniques. You will
specialise in the technicalities of how to obtain and apply input from a variety
of devices (not just keyboard and mouse!), simulate movement using dynamics
and kinematics, and feed back to the player through immersive visual displays,
surround sound and vibration. Advanced topics include large scale simulator
design and virtual reality systems.
In your final year project, you might build a complete simulation or immersive
application, or research and demonstrate an advanced technique for interfacing
with peripheral devices.
EDEXCEL BTEC HND Computer Games Programming
This course gives you the foundations in computing and game development
necessary for a career in games programming, including developing engines,
tools and games for PCs and games consoles. On completion of this two-year
programme, you could decide to go into employment in the computer game
industry or continue your studies to an ordinary or honours degree in Computer
Games Programming.
Taking this course will provide you with a solid foundation of technical knowledge
and skills in computing and computer games programming. It covers the
expertise required to transform a game design into a working program that
delivers the game to a player on a variety of hardware platforms. As such, it is a
vital career role in the computer game industry. Completing this course will open
up opportunities within computer games companies, while the broad grounding
in computing skills will also enable you to pursue a career in a more traditional
computing field should you wish to do so.
Successful completion of this Higher National Diploma also enables entrance to
the final year of the ordinary degree of the same name. The top-up to honours
takes a further six months full-time or may be completed part-time over a year.
Additionally, you may also opt to undertake a one-year placement during your
studies, which will result in a sandwich award.
HND Media Technology: Games Design
The HND Media Technology:Games gives you an insight into the skillset
required in production roles in the Games industry as Computer Games
Animators, Computer Games 3D Modellers. Your skills will allow you to work in
an environment ranging from creating 3D models and animations to creating
industry standard game/level designs and documentation. You also have a
knowledge of games programming, games engines and the physics of games.
You will develop skills in the technology involved in games design and animation,
with modules in 3D Applications, facial,body and character modelling, level
design and game documentation. Whilst your are studying an HND and there
are modules that help developp you study skills you will study a number of
modules with the degree students on the Computer Games Design awards. The
culmination of your studies will be an individual project in the field of games
design and animation.
The award is designed in conjunction with the Honours degrees in Games Design to the extent that some modules are shared; this ensures that on completion of
the Diploma you would be eligible to progress onto a Top Up course that will lead
to an Honours degree in Computer Games Design or Computer Games Design
and Programming
postgraduate courses
MSc Computer Games Design:
MSc in Computer Games Design aims to provide students the opportunity to
acquire knowledge and learn state of the art techniques within the context of
the computer games industry and to develop research perspectives relevant to
computer games design and development. The games industry itself prefers to
take people from a range of backgrounds in order to maintain its vibrancy. This
award has been designed to be flexible and can be tailored to students’
research aspirations and allows graduates from many different backgrounds to
benefit from this MSc and ultimately benefit the games industry. The MSc is basically split down into three areas of study, Ludology, Interface
and Platform Development and Games Creation.
Ludology is the study of game play. To start of with you will look into the current
research and thinking in areas, which includes study of games, the systematic
approach to games analysis and forecasting the future of gaming. It is then
taken one step further by applying the ludology methodologies to multiplayer,
serious games and developing new approaches to such issues as handicapping,
games as art and semiotics of narratology
Interface and Platform Development looks at the cutting edge developments
of the link between the Game Play and hardware interfacing with regards to
Platform Comparisons, Multiplatform Gaming, Player Profiling and Games
Engines Research
Games Creation looks at the process of making a simple game. Games
mechanics are looked at in terms of ‘Three Hooks’ and reward mechanisms.
When these are analysed you will then create your own game in small groups
using the ‘scrum’ method of project management and completed with a set of
full games design documentation.
You will also be able to take a variety of options from Games AI and Motion
Capture Data handling to Audio for Games to satisfy your particular interest in
a variety of aspects of Computer Games Design. Once these taught modules
have been completed you will then embark on an MSc Thesis, which will be
done in conjunction with a supervisor who specialises in the subject area you
have chosen.
With the understanding of gameplay analysis and games mechanics from this
award coupled with your undergraduate skills we would expect you to enter the
games industry in role such as Assistant Producer or Junior Level Designer.
postgraduate courses
MSc 3D Games Modelling
The MSc in 3D Games Modelling provides you with the opportunity to acquire
knowledge and learn state of the art techniques within the computer games
industry and develop complex 3D objects for current generation games. The
games industry prefers to employ modelers and designers with fantastic work
examples and portfolios; this award has been designed to be flexible and can
be tailored to your aspirations, ultimately producing fantastic demo work.
The digital modelling industry is specialising, demanding a need for advanced
skills in all areas of Computer Graphics. The MSc in 3D Games Modelling
provides you with the opportunity to develop skills that are state of art
alongside your academic study. There is a significant amount of “negotiated
study” where your work will be building on your current skills and consolidate
them in the area of 3D modelling under the guidance of your academic
The broader Computer Graphics industry prefers to take people from a range
of backgrounds in order to maintain its vibrancy. This award has been designed
to be flexible and allows you to tailor your research aspirations, resulting with a
final semester demo reel which will help complete your study and progression
into industry. The award also aims to instil sound academic and professional
skills related to lifelong learning and development.
MSc Computer Games Programming
The MSc in Computer Games Programming gives graduates of computingbased degrees the opportunity to acquire the specialist computing knowledge
needed for a career in games programming, and to develop research
perspectives relevant to game software development. You will apply your
existing knowledge of programming languages and software engineering to
develop a portfolio of game artifacts throughout your course. Topics studied
include real-time 3D graphics rendering, animation, game physics, audio
and artificial intelligence, multiplayer game programming and game industry
practice. You will develop games for various PC and console platforms, mobile
devices, and networked systems.
At the PgC and PgD stage of the award you will study a total of eight core and
option modules. You can then undertake a twelve month placement, before
completing a dissertation specific to your own interests in the field of game
On completion you will find yourself employable in Game Industry software
development roles such as Gameplay Programmer, Artificial Intelligence
Programmer, or Game Engine Developer, as well as in the wider Computing
Industry. High achieving students may also pursue specialist topics in game
programming at the PhD level.
postgraduate courses
MSc Computing: Games Development
The MSc in Computing: Games Development gives graduates of Games
Design, Games Production, or related entertainment technology degrees
the opportunity to gain technical software development skills, as well as to
develop a research interest in games development. You will apply your new
skills, along with your knowledge of games gained in your first degree, to
create a portfolio of PC and console games.
You will learn the fundamentals of programming in an intensive preliminary
study period. You will then, in the PgC, study advanced aspects of software
development in the context of game programming, and technical hardware,
software and networking issues in computer systems. In the PgD stage
you study more specialised topics such as artificial intelligence engines and
techniques for collaborative game software development. Following this you
could undertake a twelve month placement, before completing a dissertation
specific to your own interests in the field of games development.
On completion you could find yourself in a large games company fulfilling
a role such as Games Programmer or Middleware Developer, or using your
broad games development knowledge in a smaller studio or even your own
business. High achieving students may also pursue specialist topics in game
development at the PhD level.
everything we do is for you
Choosing a university is one of the most important decisions
you’ll make.
That’s why everything in our course guide has been designed to
help make finding and picking the course that’s right for you as
easy as possible.
In fact, from the way our courses are described, to the opinions
of real students, we’ve done everything possible to help you
make the right choice.
At Staffordshire University, we’re proud of what we do and
we’re especially proud of our students.
We’ve ploughed millions into facilities. We run over 800 highly
respected courses.
And you can take it as read that as well as helping you achieve
a superb qualification, we want you to thoroughly enjoy the
experience of studying with us.
To find out more about us, and our facilities,
“I had a great time at Staffordshire University and enjoyed
the social life as well as the educational side. I can definitely
recommend staying in the halls of residence.”
Paul Sharman
exceeding your expectations
At Staffordshire University, we make sure the learning environment and
facilities not only match your expectations, but also exceed them.
In fact, we have recently invested over £5 million in new buildings and facilities to
help make sure the opportunities we provide remain first class.
Our Libraries and IT Centres are located at Stoke, Stafford, Lichfield and
Shrewsbury campuses, where you can use computers, take out and reserve
books, plug in your laptop, access special collections and short loan items, use
printing and photocopying facilities and visit Help Desks.
You can also go on our training courses and borrow professional presentation
and audio-visual equipment.
online information
As well as iPac (the library catalogue, where you can search books, journals,
videos and CDs, DVDs and access your library account), we provide access to
many databases, e-journals and texts and a vast range of other research and
learning material available only to HE users.
As a student, you’ll also enjoy free Internet access, free University email and
access to our Information Services web pages. Access to some network services
and your University email is available on any PC anywhere with access to the
For more information, please visit: or
You can also contact us by phone and email and use our web pages for
information, advice and support.
what you need...
When considering you for a place on a course, we don’t just look at
your qualifications. We look for…
• Motivation
• Commitment
• Willingness to learn
Entry requirements
Our specific entry requirements vary according to the award you plan to
study. All applicants are individually assessed on their qualifications, skills and experience.
Undergraduate Courses:
BSc(Hons), BEng(Hons)/MEng awards:
Typical applicants would have studied 2 or 3 A levels, a BTEC National Certificate or Diploma
or equivalent qualifications.
A typical three A level or BTEC National Diploma offer will be between 200 and 280 UCAS
tariff points depending on the course.
HND awards
Typical applicants for the HND awards would have studied a minimum of 1 A level, a BTEC
National award or equivalent qualifications.
A typical offer would be 100 UCAS Tariff points.
Masters awards
Typical requirements are a degree at least equivalent to a UK Upper Second Class Honours
degree in any subject. Some awards require your Undergraduate degree to be in a related
If you do not meet the above but have significant appropriate experience, your application
will be considered, provided that you satisfy the University that you are capable of
responding to the challenge of postgraduate work.
We value your work and life experience…
Rest assured, we won’t ignore your life experiences. You may be able to use these to gain
credit towards your course. We take into account Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning
(APEL). You can use previous study or work, community or volunteer experience as credit to
enable you to achieve qualifications in a shorter time. By converting informal learning into
certificated learning, APEL provides cost-effective routes to qualifications. It has potential
significance for people who, through life and work experience, have gained knowledge, skills
and analytical abilities that are comparable to those with a higher education award. Please
discuss this opportunity with us.
contact us:
contact us:
Stafford campus map
Key to Buildings
 The Beacon Building
Student Information Centre
Careers and Employability Service
Student Recruitment Centre (FCET)
– Faculty of Computing, Engineering
and Technology
Terrace Café
DolcHe Vita Coffee Bar
The Gallery Restaurant
Counselling Service
Disability Advisory Service
Multi-Faith Chaplaincy
Students’ Union Facilities:
Reception and Union Offices
Student Shop, Student Advice Centre, One Stop Shop
Student Guidance Officer
 Students’ Union Building –
Legends and The Lounge
General Teaching and Lecturing Rooms
 Television Centre
 The Ruxton Technology Centre
 JCB Centre
Blackheath Lane
Vice-Chancellor’s Office
Enterprise and Commercial Development
Marketing and Corporate Communications
Press Office and Public Relations
Faculty of Health,
SURF, HE Full Circle
Food for Thought Restaurant
General Teaching and Lecture Rooms
A50, A51, M1
3 to
 The Octagon
Information Services
General Teaching and Lecture Rooms
 Student Accommodation
 Accommodation Reception
 Nelson Library
 Health Centre
 Childcare Service
 Aston Common Room
 Sports Centre, including Fitness Suite
 Business Village
 Recycling Centre
 Car Parks
Key to Features and Landmarks
Stafford Town Centre
 All-weather Sports Pitch
 The Terrace Café
 Food for Thought Restaurant
 DolcHE Vita Coffee Bar
 Security Lodge
Bus Stop
S1 Yarlet
S2 Stafford Court
Approach route to the Stafford campus
Contact Details
Faculty of Computing,
Engineering and Technology
Staffordshire University
Stafford ST18 OAD
M1091 JA 03/09
t: 0800 195 1799