Around the Block - Block Island Wedding
Around the Block - Block Island Wedding
August 2012 Section 2 What to do, Where to go, How to get there Painting by Sharon Lehman Around the Block Page 2 BLOCK ISLAND summer TIMES August 2012 Fall In Love With A Seaside B&B Best Honeymoon Location Boats ashore in Rat Island at New Harbor. Photo courtesy of the Block Island Historical Society. Hurricane Planning for Residents and Visitors Everyone should be aware that the National Weather Service is warning the East Coast that a major hurricane will strike within the next few years. We are asking everyone who owns property on Block Island or will be visiting during hurricane season to create an individual plan for the eventuality of a hurricane warning being issued for Block Island. Please read the following carefully and make your plans in advance. A) If you are a visitor in our hotels or B & B’s, please heed the directives to leave the Island if they are issued. All our ferries will cease operations and move to a safer harbor well before the hurricane arrives so you must react immediately when you are advised to leave. All hotels and B & B’s will be alerted and we ask that you cooperate with all directives. B) If you are renting a house on the Island, the same directives apply. Our capacity for shelter facilities is limited. Please leave the Island if that request is made. Ferries will try to get as many people and vehicles off the Island as possible, but they will cease running well before the hurricane arrives. C) If you are an Island resident, observe the following home preparedness: UÊ iVÊ ÜÀ}Ê V`ÌÃÊ vÊ >Ê iiÀ}iVÞÊ iµÕ«iÌÊ y>à } ÌÃ]Ê L>ÌÌiÀÞÊ powered radios. UÊ>ÛiÊiÕ} Ê«iÀà >LiÊv`Ê>`ÊÜ>ÌiÀÊÃÕ««iÃÊÊ >`ÊvÀÊÎxÊ`>Þð UÊÜÊÜ iÀiÊÌ iÊ/ÜÊ- iÌiÀÊÃÊ>`ÊÜ iÌ iÀÊÞÕÊ >ÛiÊ>ÊÃ>viÊÀÕÌiÊÌÊÌ]ÊvÊ necessary. UÊÀ}ÊÊ>ÊÃiÊÌiÃÊ>ÀÕ`ÊÌ iÊ«ÀV iÃÊÀÊ«À«iÀÌÞ° UÊ>iÊÃÕÀiÊÞÕÀÊÛi ViÃÊ >ÛiÊ}>ð UÊvÊÞÕÊ >ÛiÊ>Ê«À«>iÊ}À]ÊÃiVÕÀiÊÌÊ>`Êii«ÊÌ iÊ«À«>iÊÃÕ««ÞÊvÕ]ÊLÕÌÊ secured outdoors. 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EMERGENCY PREPARATION FOR PETS Complete these preparations in advance of visiting Block Island: UÊ>ÛiÊÛ>VV>ÌÃÊÕ«ÊÌÊ`>ÌiÊ>`Ê>Ê}`ÊÃÕ««ÞÊvÊ>ÞÊi`V>ÌÃÊÕÃi`° UÊ>ÛiÊÌÀ>µÕâiÀÃÊvÊ«iÌÊLiViÃÊÕ«ÃiÌÊÀÊ>}Ì>Ìi`ÊÊÕÕÃÕ>ÊÃÌÕ>Ìð UÊ>ÛiÊ`iÌwV>ÌÊÊÌ iÊ>>\ÊÌ>}Ã]ÊÌ>ÌÌÊÀÊV «° UÊ*ÕÀV >ÃiÊ>Ê«iÌÊV>ÀÀiÀÊÌ >ÌÊÃÊ>À}iÊiÕ} ÊvÀÊÌ iÊ>>ÊÌÊiÊ`Ü]ÊÌÕÀÊ around and stand up comfortably. Do not house different species in one carrier. UÊ/>iÊ}`Ê«VÌÕÀiÃÊvÊÌ iÊ>>ÊvÀÌ]ÊivÌÊ>`ÊÀ} ÌÊÃ`iîÊÌ >ÌÊà ÜÃÊ`Ãtinguishing marks. UÊ *ÕÌÊ «VÌÕÀiÃ]Ê ViÃiÃ]Ê i`V>Ê ÀiVÀ`ÃÊ >`Ê ÜiÀà «Ê «>«iÀÃÊ Ì}iÌ iÀÊ Ê >Ê waterproof bag. Just before leaving home, assemble a pet disaster kit which contains: UÊLÛiÊiÌi`Êi`V>ÌÃ]Ê« ÌÃÊ>`ÊÀiVÀ`ð UÊ>ÛiÊ>Êi>à Ê>`Ê«À«iÀÞÊwÌÌi`ÊV>ÀÊÀÊ >ÀiÃÃÊvÀÊi>V Ê«iÌ° UÊ Ã«Ê `à iÃÊ >`Ê >Ê ÌÜÊ ÜiiÊ ÃÕ««ÞÊ vÊ v`Ê >`Ê Ü>ÌiÀÊ Ê ÕLÀi>>LiÊ containers. UÊ>Õ>ÊV>Ê«iiÀ]ÊvÊV>i`Êv`ÊÃÊÕÃi`° UÊÀ}ÊÃÕ««iÃÊ>`Êi`V>ÊÌÊvÀÊÕÀið UÊ/ iÊ«i̽ÃÊL>iÌ]ÊVvÀÌÊÌið UÊÌiÃÊÌÊ >`iÊÜ>ÃÌi]ÊVÕ`}Ê«>«iÀÊÌÜi]Ê«>ÃÌVÊL>}Ã]Ê`ÃviVÌ>Ì]ÊVi>Ãer, litter box and litter or newspaper to shred. ONTHEBEACH For reservations call (800) 992-7200 • (401) 466-5691 The Sea Breeze A beautiful, small inn set amid perennial gardens, with a broad vista of ocean, pond and meadow. #PY#MPDL*TMBOE3IPEF*TMBOEt ZFBSTPGRVBMJUZTVQFSCWJFXT Calling all marsh-muckers! Weekly Nature Walk Schedule: Jun. 18 - Aug. 24 Sponsored by The Nature Conservancy and the Block Island Conservancy All Pond based activities co-sponsored by the Committee for the Great Salt Pond MONDAY 9:00am Block Island: a Natural Introduction – Join us for an adventure through Rodman’s Hollow that is fun and educational. Meet at the top of Black Rock Rd. off Cooneymus Rd. TUESDAY 9:00am Hiking Clay Head: – A jaunt with beautiful views and wonderful wildlife. Meet at the parking lot for Clay Head Trail, half mile off Corn Neck Road, down the dirt road across from the yellow house. 9:00am Marsh-Mucking for Kids: – Meet at Andy’s Way, off Corn Neck Road. Co-sponsored by the Committee for the Great Salt Pond. (Kids need to wear shoes that can get wet and parents must attend.) WEDNESDAY 9:00am Unique Upland Scavenger Hunt – Kids locate all sorts of species special to Block Island. Meet at the Hodge Family Wildlife Preserve. From Town, take Corn Neck Road for three miles; parking lot is on left through gap in wall. (Parents must attend.) 9:00am West Beach Walk – Take a walk where the land, pond and sea meet and learn about a unique ecosystem. Meet at parking area at the end of West Beach Road, off Corn Neck Road. Co-sponsored by the Committee for the Great Salt Pond. THURSDAY 8:00am An Introduction to Block Island Birds – Meet at the first Sachem Pond pull off at end of Corn Neck Road. 9:00am Cow Cove Scavenger Hunt – For kids and their parents. Meet at Settler’s Rock, at the end of Corn Neck Road. (Kids need to wear shoes that can get wet and parents must attend.) FRIDAY 9:00am Andy’s Way Family Fun – Come learn about the various inhabitants and features of a salt marsh including birds, fish, shells and more. For all ages. Meet at Andy’s Way off Corn Neck Road. Co-sponsored by the Committee for the Great Salt Pond. (Kids need to wear shoes that can get wet and parents must attend.) Special Great Salt Pond Walks: Andy’s Way to Beane Point – We are offering two walks to explore the coastline and learn about this unique habitat. Meet at Andy’s way off Corn Neck Road. Co-sponsored by the Committee for the Great Salt Pond. (Wear shoes that can get wet.) ,I\M["5WV2]Ta!I\ "IU5WV)]O][\I\IU Information provided by Block Island Volunteers for Animals Donations suggested. For more information about our Nature Walks and other activities, please call TNC at 466-2129 August 2012 The first of these B.I. quilts was made by a Harbor Church group called the Sunday School Builders; raffle tickets are being sold for this, the fourteenth. READ MORE. PAY LESS. Quilting for Jesus by Martha Ball Remember the Good Old Days when Harbor Church, with assists from talented friends, produced an heirloom quilt, crafted on-island by island hands, depicting local sites and life? Raffle tickets were sold all summer and in the fall a lucky winner was chosen and the rest of us said, “Maybe next year.” After a several-year hiatus “next year” has arrived; the quilt, the fourteenth such effort, is back in all its colorful glory, after veteran quilter and artist Eleanor Garrett set about bringing the tradition back to life last winter. Church quilters were enlisted, community members stepped forward and the dream took shape. Photographs, drawings, and most importantly, cartons of carefully-hoarded cloth remnants appeared We’ve Perfected The Art of Romance Used Books Block Island Books Search Service Beth’s Books Bookseller & Librarian Block Island’s most romantic B&B… Boston Best Guide 401-466-2236 Corn Neck Road BLOCK ISLAND summer TIMES For reservations call (800) 992-7290 (401) 466-5891 in Fellowship Hall and the hunt was on for that perfect shade of brick red or ocean blue. Soon the spaces around Eleanor’s trademark Block Island map center were filled with lighthouses and sunsets, sailboats and moonlit landmarks, scenes of summer and winter, all anchored by four simple corner flowers. Contributing stitchers include Becca Hollaway, Carrie Todd, Jessica Veldman, Karla Sargent, Lois Bendokas, Marie Shepherd, Rheba McKernan and Sandy Greenman. Ann Fagan took on the daunting task of assembling the pieces. The quilt will be on display at the church and about town all summer, including at the Farmers’ Market sometimes. The winning ticket will be chosen after church on the Sunday of Thanksgiving Page 3 Day weekend. All funds raised support the ministries of the Harbor Church, which include a wide range of community activities, from the visiting Blood Bank and retreat groups from four states, to hosting, among other activities, the ecumenical Men’s Breakfast, Choir rehearsals, Helping Hands Food Pantry, Prayer Shawl meetings, the local children’s drama club rehearsals and performances, Tuesday bridge games, and almost daily meetings of self-help programs. Tickets are $5 each or 6 for $25 and are available anywhere the quilt is shown or from the church office; they also can be printed from and mailed in. For more information, call the Harbor Church at 466-5940. Page 4 BLOCK ISLAND summer TIMES August 2012 Block Island Landmarks 1. THE NORTH LIGHT is the fourth lighthouse built on Sandy Point. The first, finished in 1829, was washed away in a few years. A second light began operation in 1837, but was not visible to ships due to the shifting sands. The government built a third light near the end of the Point in 1857 and that also succumbed to the sea. At last, in 1867, the present sturdy building of Connecticut granite, hauled to the site by oxen, was completed. The North Light now leads a second life as an Interpretive Center with exhibits on loan from the B.I. Historical Society. The lighthouse building will be open from July 5 until Labor Day, daily except Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Tours are available, but it is closed during inclement weather. The lighthouse is located in the Sachem Pond Wildlife refuge and is less than a half-mile walk from Settlers Rock. Please don’t swim at Sandy Point as there are dangerous currents. 2. SETTLERS ROCK AND SACHEM POND are at the northern end of the island. The stone memorial was erected in 1911 in commemoration of the landing 250 years earlier of the first European settlers on Block Island. In April 1661, the families and animals of 16 men who had purchased the island for 400 pounds sterling arrived by barque from the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Because the island had no natural harbor, they were forced to leave their ship and wade ashore. The cows swam ashore into the cove, known thereafter as Cow Cove. Bird watching, fishing, and sunset gazing are favorite pastimes at this location. 3. CLAY HEAD NATURE TRAIL aka THE MAZE aka BLUESTONE is reached via a dirt road leading off Corn Neck Road across from a yellow Victorian house just two miles north of the Fred Benson Town Beach Pavilion. A paradise for walkers, Clay Head Trail leads to the northeastern shore of the island and meanders along the scenic bluffs of Clay Head for more than a mile until it reaches Settlers Rock and Sandy Point. Branching off the trail are other trails, which have given the area the nickname The Maze. One trail leads directly to the beach north of Jerry’s Point where one can still see remnants of the glacial formation called Pots & Kettles. 4. MANSION BEACH is located at the northern section of Crescent Beach on the east side of the island. It takes its name from the Searles Mansion that stood there from 1888 to 1963. The mansion, unused in 1963, was destroyed that year by fire. Only the stone foundation and entrance pillars still remain. On good beach days there is very limited parking space available. Beautiful views and bigger surf are found here compared to the southern end of Crescent Beach. No lifeguards are available in this area. 5. THE B.I. HISTORICAL SOCIETY MUSEUM & GIFT SHOP, at Bridgegate Square in the white, mansard-roof building with rocking chairs on the porch, was established in 1942. The museum building, originally known as the Woonsocket House, was purchased in 1945, and houses an extensive collection of significant items on display. Exhibit rooms include fine furniture, textiles, quilts, boat models, tools, fishing gear, oral history tapes and other exciting memorabilia. This year the museum’s lead exhibit is “Land, Lots, and Longitude: The Mapping of Block Island” For group tours, genealogy research or to donate anything with Block Islandrelated history, please contact Executive Director Pam Gasner at 466-2481 or e-mail Walking tours available. The museum is open daily 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. through Labor Day (closed Tuesdays). Call for post-Labor Day hours. Off-season open by appointment. Admission: $5, $3 seniors and students. Children and members, free. 6. OLD HARBOR is the year-round docking point for boats coming in from Point Judith, and accommodates seasonal Newport and New London ferries as well as the high-speed ferries. Old Harbor, once known as Government Harbor as funds to construct it were solicited from the U.S. government, was completed in 1872. Prior to the breakwater it was known as Pole Harbor as islanders pulled ashore and secured their classic double-ender fishing boats to the poles in the sand. There is limited anchoring space within the breakwaters for pleasure craft and a maximum anchorage of seven days. It is nestled within the bustling downtown, where the majority of the island’s hotels, restaurants, and retail shops are located. THE STATUE OF REBECCA 11. MOHEGAN BLUFFS, to the west of the Southeast Lighthouse, has a magnificent view of the southern coast and its high cliffs, with Montauk often visible 20 miles away. At Payne Overlook, you’ll find a wooden stairway that was built by the R.I. Department of Environmental Management. It is a difficult climb for the elderly and the unfit, and the footing at the bottom is extremely difficult. Be careful. This beach can be very crowded and swimming is sometimes dangerous. 12. RODMAN’S HOLLOW, named after the island’s first doctor, is a wild and beautiful cleft in the rolling southwestern terrain left from the glacier, and is the haunt of hawks, white-tailed deer, and several rare species of wildflowers. In the 1960s developers bought it and proposed a dozen houses on the slopes. This so dismayed island residents that they formed the Block Island Conservancy, with the late Captain Rob Lewis as their leader, and raised enough money to buy it back so that it could be forever wild. Walking trails lead to Black Rock Beach. 7. OCEAN VIEW PAVILION is a place for rest and reflection with wonderful views. The Ocean View Foundation is a nonprofit that secured this Old Harbor plot for the enjoyment of the public. The site features a finely crafted pavilion and remarkable views. The largest hotel on the island, the Ocean View, once stood on this site until fire destroyed it in the summer of 1966. The pavilion is dedicated to the concept of expanding the public’s awareness of environmental issues. Visitors must walk in from Water Street across from the ferry parking lot just to the left of the post office building. The site is open from dawn to dusk. 8. THE STATUE OF REBECCA formally stands in stark white at the intersection of Water, High, and Spring streets. Named after the biblical Rebekah-at-the-well, the statue originally featured water troughs for horses and dogs and once had running water for human consumption. Installed in 1896 by the Women’s Christian Temperance Union, the statue is dedicated to abstinence from spirits. The much-loved statue was recast and reinstalled to celebrate her 100th anniversary. The conservationists who did the work concluded that the woman is not Rebekah but rather Hebe, cupbearer to the gods. 9. ABRAMS ANIMAL FARM has a diverse collection of exotic and domestic animals maintained by Justin Abrams and family, owners of the 1661 Inn and Hotel Manisses. The small farm between Spring and High streets is home to camels, llamas, emus, sheep, donkeys, goats, swans, and ducks. Visitors are free to view and pet the animals, which are accessible from Spring Street. Here you’ll also see the Hotel Manisses’ extensive garden. Open to the public from dawn to dusk. 10. SOUTHEAST LIGHTHOUSE sits 200 feet above the sea on Mohegan Bluffs. When its powerful light was turned on in 1875, the beams reached 21 miles out to sea, farther than any other light in New England. When the National Historic Landmark was first constructed, a large field separated the house and tower from the cliff’s edge. By the late 1980s, the bluffs had eroded to within 60 feet of the building. Funding was obtained through federal, state and local channels to move it to safe grounds. The move took place in August of l993 and a large stone now marks where the tower once stood. The grounds are open daily from sunrise to sunset. Guided tower tours are available on weekends. The building is open daily 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., provided staffing is available. Museum exhibits and gifts are available at the base of the tower including lighthouse T-shirts, which contribute to the ongoing restoration of the tower and interior of the keeper’s quarters. Group tours available by appointment. Info: 466-5009. Volunteers welcome. Please park mopeds, bikes, and cars outside of the fenced area. 13. ISAAC’S CORNER, at the intersection of Center Road, Lakeside Drive, and Cooneymus Road, is named for Isaac Church, the island’s last surviving native Indian, who died in 1886. Nearby (to the east of the four corners) is an Indian burial ground where the headstones (small fieldstones) are set closely together. Indian custom dictated burial of the dead in an upright position, with a pot of clams or oysters beside them to speed them on their way to the next life. The Town’s Heinz Recreation Playing Field, where summer camp and sporting events are held, is located just north of the corner. Take the first right. Parking available on the grass. There are also Greenway trails accessible across the street that meander around Fresh Pond. 14. SMILIN’ THROUGH is a gambrel-roofed cottage situated on Cooneymus Road, where composer and poet Arthur Penn and his wife Nell resided in the 1920s. Penn’s musical works include a song about the B.I. home, “Smilin’ Through.” The original cottage was built in the 1700s by Trustrum and Dorcus Dodge and was remodeled in 1950. The house sits on the edge of a sloping hill, which leads down to the waters of Fresh Pond. 15. BEACON HILL, with its stone tower, is visible from almost any part of the island. From a height of 210 feet above sea level, it commands unsurpassed panoramic views. The Indians held tribal councils there, and watches were kept on Beacon Hill during the American Revolution and the War of 1812. The tower was designed as a memorial to the island’s seamen. It is now a private home, so you’ll have to enjoy the site from a distance. 16. THE COAST GUARD STATION opened in 1938 as one of the first Coast Guard stations on the East Coast. The station was one of two on the island, with the second one once standing at the site of the present-day Beachead. Before its reopening in the 1990s, the current station was boarded up by the U.S. Transportation Department that oversaw the Coast Guard before the creation of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. In the late 1980s the town worked with the federal government to transfer control of the property to the town of New Shoreham. The Coast Guard returned and initiated regular summer patrols of the harbors. The local police, who lack their own boat, appreciate the help on the seas. 17. NEW HARBOR is the first stop for those coming in on the Montauk ferry and is the docking and anchoring spot for most private boaters. New Harbor was, in fact, the site of the island’s first protected harbor, but the expense of keeping a breachway open between the Great Salt Pond and Block Island Sound caused it to be abandoned in 1705. A new breach was cut and a breakwater was constructed to establish a permanent access point in 1897. Docks, marinas and anchoring sites await boaters in the southwest corner of New Harbor, as well as shops, restaurants and hotel accommodations. Pumpout services are provided by the town harbormaster, as discharge in the pristine waters of the Great Salt Pond is prohibited. August 2012 BLOCK ISLAND summer TIMES Block Island Map Map by Jessie Edwards of Jessie Edwards Gallery • Page 5 Page 6 BLOCK ISLAND summer TIMES August 2012 The Gift of Block Island Enjoy a new printing from Block Island’s most renowned Photographer - Block Island, Rhode Island’s Jewel Signed Copies Available Greenaway Gallery 401-466-5331 800-840-5331 On the corner by the Empire Theatre Ink It! Full Moon Tide Custom Printing If you can think it we can Ink It! T-shirts, towels, baby clothes, totes... Wedding parties and family reunions - we have ideas! Available at Island Bound Bookstore and other select locations: No Minimum! Open Daily Water Street Across from the Post Office 401-466-5800 Gerard Closset has photographed Block Island using his “ camera, in Ansel Adams’ words, as “an instrument of love and revelation.” Approaching his subject with tenderness and curiosity, he manages to capture the misty sparkle of a very special place. - Sean and Leslie Hartnett, Block Island Artists ” BEN WOHLBERG Reception Saturday, July 28th ~ 4-7 p.m. Artist’s Studio ~ 806 Payne Road Open Daily ~ July 29 - August 11 1 - 5 p.m or by appointment through Labor Day 401-466-2004 ~ Fabulous Finds For Everyone!!! Coastal Home Decor, Dresses, Casual Wear, Hats, Menswear Handblown Glass, Accessories, Soaps, Giftware, Sleepwear, Table Linens, Sterling, Seaglass & Pearl Jewelry 459 Chapel street - 401.466.2422 August 2012 BLOCK ISLAND summer TIMES When You’re On The Block Dial 911 for emergency IMPORTANT: THE DIALING OF 911 IS FOR EMERGENCY USE ONLY! An emergency is when immediate police, fire or rescue assistance is necessary. 911 should not be dialed for non-emergency calls that do not involve or require immediate assistance. FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS Do exactly what the 911 operator tells you to do. Give the operator all necessary information, including the fire number on the house. Remember, your assistance could make the difference between serious injury, life or death. IF IN DOUBT, USE 911 911 is for emergency use only! However, if you feel that there is an emergency occurring but don’t know for certain, presume it is an emergency and use 911. TOWN ORDINANCES PROHIBIT: • Drinking alcoholic beverages in streets, on docks, etc. • Camping, except by special permission. • Sleeping overnight in vehicles or on beaches. • Operating motorcycles between midnight and 6 a.m. • Beach fires and/or driving on the beach without a permit. • Dumping refuse on roads or in harbors. • Shellfishing without a license. • Charcoal fires on boats tied up at docks. • Disturbing the peace. • Unleashed dogs. • Littering. Important Island Phone Numbers BI Medical Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466-2974 Police (nonemergency) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466-3220 Fire Department / Rescue Squad . . . . . . 466-3220 Coast Guard (Block Island) . . . . . . . . . . . 466-2086 Coast Guard (Galilee) 24 hours . . . . . . . 789-0444 RI Poison Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . (800) 222-1222 BI Airport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466-5511 Harbormaster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466-3204 Town Clerk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466-3200 Recreation Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466-3223 Interstate Navigation (Block Island) . . . . 466-2261 Block Island Express . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466-2212 Block Island Hi-Speed Ferry . . . . . . . . . . 466-2261 Transfer Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466-3234 Vehicular BEACH RESTRICTIONS Vehicles are permitted to drive on Crescent Beach only from 6 p.m. until 9 a.m. No motor vehicle shall be allowed on the beach without a valid, updated permit from the Coastal Resources Management Council (CRMC). Permits are available at the police department for $50 between 2 and 2:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. All motor vehicles of any description are prohibited on dunes except on trails marked expressly for vehicular use. Vehicles are also not allowed on any lands designated “Open Space” and main tained by the town for the benefit of the general public. DUNE PROTECTION The dunes offer a home to countless species of plants and animals that, like the beach itself, need our protection if they are to survive. To help save the life of our dunes and beaches, we urge you to: • Use designated access paths and parking lots only. • Keep off dunes and beach vegetation. • Keep all vehicles off the beach, as they destroy vegetation and cause beach erosion. • Do not sleep on the beach overnight. BEACH FIRES Beach fires are prohibited without a permit. Permits are available at the police department, and are valid for one day, expiring at midnight. Fires must be at least 25 feet from dunes. Please clean up and dispose of all trash properly and extinguish fires completely before leaving beach. WILDLIFE REFUGEs Protected wildlife areas Wildlife refuge areas on Block Island include Sachem Pond, Payne’s Farm, the Southeast Lighthouse, Rodman’s Hollow, Lewis-Dickens Farm, Beane Point and Cormorant Cove. No one may hunt, shoot, trap, or annoy wildlife, or destroy or disturb the eggs, nest or nesting area of any wildlife within designated areas. Penalty for violation Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be punished by a fine of not more than $100, or be imprisoned not more than 10 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment, together with costs of prosecution. SHELLFISH ORDINANCES A license is required for shellfishing. Beds are cur rently closed to the harvesting of scallops and oysters. The harvesting of clams is restricted. For more info, call the Harbors Department at 466-3204 or stop by the Harbormaster’s shack in New Harbor (adjacent to the Boat Basin), where shellfishing licenses are sold. ANIMAL ORDINANCES Dogs must be licensed and wear tags on a collar. Unless in a vehicle or on property of its owner, dogs must be leashed with a cord not exceeding 6 feet in length. For problems contact the Police Department at 466-3220. Horses: the New Shoreham Town Council requests that all persons refrain from riding horses in the downtown area. Advice for Visitors from the Block Island Medical Center Lyme disease: Don’t get ticked off. Lyme disease is a serious health threat on Block Island. Visitors should make a daily “tick check.” Look for attached ticks, no bigger than a pinhead, red areas and itchiness. Symptoms include rashes, headaches, joint stiffness, chills, fever, and nausea. Not all ticks carry the disease; not all people bitten catch it. Infection is uncom mon if the tick is removed within 24 hours. Consult your physician if you suspect you may have become infected. Treatment after early diagnosis is generally effective, but becomes more difficult if symptoms are left untreated. Long pants and sleeves are suggested for forays into wooded areas, brush and meadows. Block Island’s Rules of the Road Pedestrians. Pay special attention to traffic while in the downtown area. According to Rhode Island law, pedestrians must walk against traffic (on the left side) on roads without sidewalks. Bicyclists. please take care when cycling the unique roads of Block Island. Ride with the traffic, obey traffic signs and adhere to all rules of the road. Hand signals are very helpful to other traffic and can prevent accidents. Keep on the right side of the road and ride single-file whenever possible. For nighttime riding, a light is required for the front of the bicycle and a reflector should be attached to the rear. Bicycles are not permitted on Greenway trails. Helmets are required for bicyclists age 16 and under, and strongly encouraged for adults. Automobile drivers. Please exercise extreme caution when traversing Block Island roads. The speed limit is 25 mph island-wide. Pass bicyclists and mopeds only when you are certain it’s safe. RollerBladeS, Scooters, skateboards. Due to heavy congestion and safety concerns, rollerblading, skateboarding and scootering are not permitted in the down town area or on Ocean Avenue. Skating and scootering is allowed north of Town Beach, south of the Spring House and on the west side of the island. Please travel with the traffic and adhere to all rules of the road. Scooters with helper motors (electric or gas) are not allowed on roads by RI state law. Accidents. Do not hesitate to seek help from the Rescue Squad if you have or witness an accident. First aid and ambulance service is rendered at no cost to you. A portion of the Rescue Squad budget is met by town funds, but the Rescue Squad relies heavily on donations to cover the full costs of training, equipment, supplies and maintenance. Any contribution made to support this work will be welcomed and acknowledged. Donations are tax-deductible. Mail donations to: Block Island Volunteer Rescue Squad, P.O. Box 214, Block Island, RI 02807. Other useful Island Information Recycling. All trash must be separated for recycling. Deposit your sidewalk trash in the recycling containers marked for bottles, cans or trash only. These special con tainers are not for household or boat trash. Those renting houses should use the Transfer Station, located on West Beach Road. Recyclables (newspaper, glass, cardboard, plastics, aluminum and tin cans) are free. Glass, cans, plas tics and aluminum should be clean. Other trash is deposited at a charge of 10 cents per pound, paid in cash, by local check or credit card at the Transfer Station (466-3234). Rabies notice. State law and town ordinances require that all pets (cats, dogs or ferrets) brought to the island be vac cinated against rabies. In addition to vaccinating pets, people should stay away from all wild and stray animals. Rabies is always fatal unless treated before symptoms develop. Rhode Island rabies hotline: 1-800-482-7878, ext. 3. Please Conserve Water. While the island’s mu nicipal water company has been producing a lot of good water this summer, water conservation is still encouraged, and the water is very expensive. On properties with septic systems, be sure not to overload the system with showers and dishwashing and clothes-washing all at once. And please don’t shock such systems with paper products, fats, oils and greases. Bicycles AND MOPEDS. Bicycles are the preferred rental vehicles. You can explore dirt roads with them. If you do rent a moped, please note — • Mopeds are not allowed on dirt roads. • By law, a helmet and eye protection must be worn. • Do not leave the training area until you feel that you know how to operate the moped. Be sure you are familiar with the controls. • Once you are on the road, proceed slowly enough to exam ine oncoming road conditions. Do not drive on the shoul der of the road. Driver inexperience, heavy traffic flow, sandy shoulders, sharp curves, and uneven pavement are common causes of accidents on Block Island. • Mopeds may be operated from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. only. • Passengers must ride behind the operator. POND PROTECTION Gas motors banned All forms of gasoline or diesel fuel-powered motors on boats are not allowed on BI’s freshwater ponds. Pollutants and contaminants banned No discharging of any sewage, petroleum products, deter gents, pesticides, or any other form of pollutants or con tamin ants is permitted. Penalty for violation Any person violating this ordinance shall, upon conviction, be subject to a fine of not more than $100, or confinement for not more than 10 days, or both such fine and confine ment. Any person convicted of a second violation shall be subject to a fine of not more than $200, or forfeiture of motor and equipment, or both. Folks from the Block Island Early Learning Center following the rules of the road. Photo by Kari Curtis Page 7 Page 8 BLOCK ISLAND summer TIMES August 2012 Block Island Beaches 1 1. Cow Cove is located near Settlers Rock. Although the shoreline is rocky, it offers some of the best coastal views and also sports the historic North Light. This is not a safe place to swim because of a strong riptide. Be careful where you walk too: the beach is a nesting area for many rare birds. 2. Mansion Beach lies at the end of a dirt road with the same name. The island’s most stately mansion once sat like a jewel on a hill overlooking Jerry’s Point. Fire destroyed the house and it was never rebuilt. However, the beach fits the name by being the island’s grandest. 12 3. Scotch Beach is a quarter mile north of Fred Benson Town Beach. Scotch is a sandbox for kids and the place to go for vacationers looking for a hotly contested game of volleyball. There is a small parking lot between the road and the dunes. 2 11 4. Fred Benson Town Beach is home to Block Island’s fully equipped bathhouse. In addition to showers, lockers, food, and rental items, the beach is staffed with lifeguards in the summer months. There is also a small parking lot, which fills up fast. 3 13 14 10 4 5. Baby Beach is a well-sheltered beachfront at the south end of Crescent Beach, where children can easily play in the shallow waters. It’s also an ideal place to check out the abundant sea life such as small crabs and starfish and go hunting for shells and sand dollars. 5 15a 6 15b 6. Ballard’s Beach is located on the south side of the Old Harbor breakwater and adjacent to Ballard’s restaurant. Staffed with lifeguards throughout the summer months, it is also a popular destination for sunbathing, swimming, and volleyball. 7. Mohegan Bluffs beachfront is found at the bottom of the steps that descend from the bluffs. A favorite spot for surfers, it’s also a beautiful and secluded place to swim. Be warned, however, the stairs leading down to the beach are steep. 15c 8. Vaill Beach is a large beach at the bottom of a hollow. The path to it is located at the bend in Snake Hole Road. At the base of the bend turn left and walk for approximately 50 yards. The surf here is rough and rocks line the shallows, so swimmers should exercise caution. 7 8 9 9. Black Rock boasts expanses of sand and a series of coves at the base of a cliff. Swimming is difficult because of the large number of rocks, but it’s a perfect place for an oceanside hike. The area takes its name from a large, dark rock that rests offshore in about 15 feet of water and has spelled the end for many ships. Located a pace off the main road, it’s best to walk or bike to get there. Custom-built coverage Chartis is the perfect fit for owners of high-end homes. Look to our Private Client Group for sound insurance protection, resources to lessen the chance of property damage and stellar claims service — all custom-tailored for you. We are proud to work exclusively with the finest independent insurance brokers, including: John H. Lathrop 85A Beach St., Westerly, RI 02891 401-596-2525 !!% !$% %### !" Chartis is the marketing name for the worldwide property-casualty and general insurance operations of Chartis Inc. Private Client Group is a division of Chartis Inc. Insurance is underwritten by a member company of Chartis Inc., including CHARTIS PROPERTY CASUALTY COMPANY. This is a summary only. It does not include all terms and conditions and exclusions of the policies or services described. Please refer to the actual policies for complete details of coverage and exclusions. Coverage and supplemental services may not be available in all jurisdictions and are subject to underwriting review and approval. August 2012 BLOCK ISLAND summer TIMES Page 9 10. Mosquito Beach, also known as “Dinghy Beach,” is located just across the road from Scotch Beach, a quarter mile north of Fred Benson Town Beach. It provides a place for boaters in New Harbor to tie up their rafts and dinghies. There are majestic views of Great Salt Pond, making it a good backdrop for photos. 11. Andy’s Way is the island’s premier clamming spot. Standing at the end of a dirt road that bears the same name, it’s a good place to take a stroll. Just north is Beane Point, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife property that is home to many rare birds. 12. West Beach is lightly trafficked and has gentle surf. It’s perfect for walking and is close to the North Light. Photo by Le sley Ulrich Photo by Celeste Sloman 13. Coast Guard Beach is at the end of Champlin Road and derives its name from the old Coast Guard station that was formerly located there. Don’t swim here, but it’s a good place for clamming and fishing. 14. Charlestown Beach is popular with fishermen because it has a long jetty at its end. Typically uncrowded, it’s a nice spot to watch the boats come into the harbor or explore the former Coast Guard station that is now town-owned. 15. Grace’s, Dorry’s, and Cooneymus coves are secluded beaches on the west side of the island. They are perfect for a challenging hike or for those looking for an out-of-the-way spot to catch a sunset or a moonrise. Sterling Silver Block Island Bracelets NEW! 7, 21, & 24 Speed Cruiser & Mountain Bikes Adjustable, multi color woven bracelet! From $45. Dual Suspension Helmets Available We engrave too! Locks Provided Best New Bikes on the Block Full of funky stuff Design services available Dodge Street 466-2990 See us on your way to the beach! Going the Distance + 5ƫ+. /ƫđƫ'%)ƫ+. /ƫđƫ%0!/ƫđƫ!$ƫ+5/ƫ % Ě/ƫġ/$%.0/ċċċƫ* ƫ)1$ƫ)+.!ē ++'ƫ"+.ƫ+1.ƫ"1*ƫ".+*0ƫ,+.$ +,,+/%0!ƫ0$!ƫ!..5ƫ+'/ ąććġ 401.466.5001 Page 10 BLOCK ISLAND summer TIMES August 2012 FLY !"#$%&'"#& ()*+ ,-./.,01 234" / 2567% & & / 8"9:&73;9 <:==">#&273>%?57232"5> New England Airlines FREE Parking at Westerly Airport FAST EAST OF THE RIVER NILE 401-480-9728 459 Chapel Street, Block Island TRADING COMPANY GREAT SALT POND BOAT RIDES To Block Island Only 12 minutes! 20 flights per day! For reservations call 800.243.2460 12059 Summer Times_12059 Summer Times 5/23/12 1:19 PM Page 1 Block Island An eclectic mix of gifts, jewelry, sea fossils, clothing and home furnishings from around the world. Channel 68 TAG-A-LONG TOURS WITH OLDPORT LAUNCH ADULTS - $5 • CHILDREN - $3 ON THE DINGHY DOCK AT BLOCK ISLAND BOAT BASIN 8AM - 4 PM DAILY COMING? In Just Over One Hour! OR GOING? Photos: Michael Melford, Cindy Horovitz Wilson The Fastest Most Comfortable Ferry from the Mainland to Block Island Service between New London and Old Harbor in just over one hour. In New London, conveniently located off I-95 with plenty of parking both onsite and at conveniently located parking garages. Within walking distance of Amtrak's New London station. Get frequent traveler discounts with your Captain's Card and sign up for Block Island Rewards. It pays to take the ferry! Go to our website for more details. Connections from Long Island for 2012 Seasonal Service Frequent Daily Departures (860) 444-GO B.I. (4624) (401) 466-2212 Out here on Block Island, it’s often difficult to determine whether you’re coming or going. But either way we’d just like to say, “Welcome aboard!” INTERSTATE NAVIGATION 401-783-4613 Departs daily from Point Judith. Call for schedules, rates, and car reservations. August 2012 Interstate Navigation’s Block Island Hi-Speed Ferry BLOCK ISLAND summer TIMES Use your head and feet to find... Point Judith to Old Harbor! (Yes, Old Harbor… in 30 minutes!) Use your hands to stop your moped! 401-783-4613 • +Õ>ÌÞÊ«i`ÃÊEÊiÃÊUÊ ÕÀÌiÕÃÊ-iÀÛVi ,i>Ã>LiÊ*ÀViÃÊUÊRight Across from the Ferry 466-5444 EAGLE TAXI Lowest Rates Taxi >ÀÉ6>Ê-iÀÛViÊU Mainland Service to and from Block Island Ferries Pt. Judith to TF Green {ä£ÇnÎÓÇäÊUÊnääÎÎÓÇä Call for reservations and estimates Credit Cards Accepted EXPERT CARE IS ALWAYS NEAR. Page 11 A Airline Express Limousine & Car Service, Inc. Limos available to be shipped to the island Airport transfers from TF Green, Logan, LaGuardia, JFK, & Newark For wedding parties and their guests Licensed & Insured 401-295-1100 Major Credit Cards Accepte ICC / USDOT / RIPUCMC#118 & MassPort Certified EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT > All physicians board-certified > Patients seen by physicians within 30 minutes on average* > Only Primary Stroke Center in southern RI > Seamless coordination with your primary care doctor * Based on all ER patients Q1 2012 To learn more, visit Transportation TO AND FROM BLOCK ISLAND Block Island Ferry Departs daily from Point Judith and Old Harbor August 27th - September 3rd Departing Point Judith Mon-Fri 8:30a, 11a, 1:30p, 3:30p, 5:15p, 7p Sat, Sun 8a, 9:30a, 10:30a, 11:45a, 1:30p, 4p, 5p, 6p, 8p Departing Block Island Mon-Fri 8:14a, 11a, 1:30p, 3;30p, 5:15p, 7p Sat, Sun 8:15a, 10a, 11:30a, 12:45p, 3p, 4p, 5:30p, 7p, 8p t Block Island Hi-Speed Ferry New England Airlines Aug 27th - September 3rd FALL SCHEDULE Westerly - Block Island Departs daily from Point Judith and Old Harbor Departing Point Judith Mon-Fri 8a, 10a, 12p, 5:30p Sat-Sun 9a, 11:10a, 1:10p, 4:35p, 6:45p Departing Block Island Mon-Fri 8:45a, 11a, 3:30p, 6:30p Sat-Sun 10:05a, 12:05a, 3:30p, 5:45p, 7:45p Labor Day - Monday, September 3rd use Sunday schedule 401-783-4613 Westerly to Block Island Mon-Thur, Sat Sun Fri 7:30a - 5:30p 8:30a - 5:30p 7:30a - 6:30p Mon-Sat Sun 8:00a - 6:00p 9:00a - 6:00p Block Island to Westerly 401-466-5881 Flight times and restrictions subject to change. Call daily for changes. Block Island Express New London - Old Harbor July 10th - September 2nd Departing New London Mon-Thur, Sat 8:30a, 11:50a, 6:30p Fri, Sun 8:30a, 11:50a, 3:10p, 6:30p Departing Block Island Mon-Thur, Sat 10:05a, 4:55p, 8:10p Fri, Sun 10:05a, 1:25p, 4:55p, 8:10p September 3rd Departing New London Mon 8:30a, 11:50a, 3:10p, 6:30p Departing Block Island Mon 10:05a, 1:25p, 4:55p, 8:10p t Page 12 BLOCK ISLAND summer TIMES August 2012 Entertainment Calendar Live Music Ballard’s (466-2231) August 1,7,8,14,15,: Shawn David Allen, John Ericson August 2,3,6,9,10,16,17: Shawn David Allen,Brandon Crocker August 4,18: Something Else, Brandon Crocker August 5: Blockhead, Brandon Crocker August 12: The Rock, Brandon Crocker August 13: World Premier, Brandon Crocker August 19: Those Guys, Brandon Crocker August 20-31: The Crankers Captain Nick’s (466-5670) August 5,12,19,26: The Booze Beggars-6pm on the deck August 6,13,20,27: Disco Night August 1,7,8,14,15,21,22,28,29: Piano Bar August 3,4:The Blushing Brides August 10,11: Darik & the Funbags August 17,18: Santa Mamba August 24,25: Young Neil & the Vipers August 31/ September 1: The Booze Beggars Club Soda (466-5397) Mondays: Trivia Night Tuesdays: Karaoke Wednesdays: Open Mic Night Thursdays: Old Harbor Pirates Fridays & Saturdays: Live Music Mahogany Shoals (466-5572) Wednesday to Sunday: 9(-ish) pm : Walter McDonough, Irish music. McGovern’s Yellow Kittens (466-5855) August August August August August August August August August August August (Bands 1,8,15,22,29: DJ Sean Dugan 3,4: Downtown Fever 5: Anthem (reggae night) 9: DJ Libre- Ian Kortbeck fundraiser kick-off 10,11: Those Guys 12: Hope Road (reggae night) 17,18: Wicked Peach 19: Soul Shot (reggae night) 24,25: The Complaints 26: DJ Libre 31/September 1: Sugar begin at 10 p.m.) Miscellany of Events 2012 Summer Concert Series Wednesday 8 pm at St. Andrew Church. Free. • August 8: Shelly Otis, harp • August 22: Becky Chace, singer/songwriter • September 5: Megan Hennessy, classical/jazz voice & Dave Flamand, island troubadour Theaters Empire Theatre (466-2555) See ad in weekly Block Island Times. See ad in weekly Block Island Times. Galleries Ambergris (466-5252) Jessie Edwards Studio (466-5314) Greenaway Gallery (466-5331) Open Daily The 2012 Block Island Triathlon is being held Saturday, August 4, at 3:30 p.m. starting from the Town Beach Pavilion. Expect back-ups on Corn Neck Rd. between 3:45 p.m. and 4:15 p.m. Vehicles please use caution on the West Side, as the bike race will be in progress between 3:45 p.m. and 5 p.m. Any questions? Please call the Recreation Department at 466-3223. Ocean West Theatre (466-2971) 2012 Block Island Triathlon Spring Street Gallery (466-5374) Visit Museums The Historical Society (466-2481 or 401-864-4357) 2012 Summer Exhibit: Land, Lots & Longitude: The Mapping of Block Island Open Daily except Tuesday: 11pm to 4pm through Labor Day. Guided tours from the musuem Tuesdays on the hour 10 am to 4 pm. Open Monday & Tuesday evenings at 7 pm for “Night at the Museum” programs. Scavenger hunts Mondays, films and slideshows Tuesdays. • August 7: Annual House Tour, 9am-1pm • August 18: Benefit Antique Auction • Walking Tours available daily by appointment. Poor People’s Pub (466-8533) 18th Annual Mary D. Ball The annual Mary D. Ball will be held on Saturday, August 4, at 8 p.m. at the Sullivan House. Dinner and dancing while supporting the Mary D. Fund! Mark your calendar! CROP Walk to fight hunger Sunday, August 5. Register 7 a.m., walk at 7:30 a.m. Two mile routes starting at Rebecca. Information and sponsor sheets at your church or call 466-2827. 2nd Annual 5k B.I. Medical Center Fundraiser A 3.2 mile/5k race will be held on Sunday, August 5, at 10:30 a.m. The race starts and ends at the Fred Benson Beach Pavilion. The race is run entirely on the beach and walkers and pets (on a leash) are welcome. Register in advance at or register the day of the race at 9:30 a.m. at the Beach Pavilion. Advance registration is $20 with same day registration at $25. For more information, contact Jim Hinthorn, at (401) 862-3638. 41st Annual House & Garden Tour Save the date for the 41st annual House & Garden Tour featuring houses from Clayhead Trail to West Side Rd on Tuesday, August 7, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tickets are available at the Historical Society Museum for $25 in advance and for members, $30 the day of tour. There will be a post tour luncheon at the Narragansett Inn for an additional $20. For more information call 466-2481. 9th Annual Great Toy Boat Race 1200 numbered toy boats will be launched off the Ocean Ave Bridge at 10:45 a.m. on August 18 to Benefit the B.I. Early Learning Center. The winning boats will be awarded $500 cash 1st Prize, $200 gift certificate to the Island Sport Shop 2nd prize, $100 gift certificate to Building Blocks. Tickets are $10 each. They are for sale from parents, board members, at the Salty Dog and Building Blocks. Save the date! Sundays: Rehab Brunch 11am-3pm, The Enablers- 1 p.m. on the patio Tuesdays: S.I.N. Tuesday w/ DJ Libre at 10pm Discounts and Freebies for Service Industry Workers Fridays: DJ Libre Dance Party at 10pm The National Hotel (466-2901) Live acoustic music, call for more information. Karen Capuciati’s pieces are part of the Clay Talk: The White Show exhibit at Ambergris that opens Aug. 11 with a reception from 5 to 9 p.m. Block Island Adjustable Bangles made with recycled metal in Rhode Island SUMMER Introducing an exclusive new line... Jenn and Johnie bangles are designed and hand made locally with 100% recycled materials. Both Jenn and her brother Johnie are part of a third generation local family that grew up working for their parents at the family hotel and have contributed to the local community since then. We hope that you enjoy your true local piece and love it as much as we do. Available at Sharon Lehman is one of the featured artists this month at the Spring Street Gallery. IS HERE! Do you have your Eat Fish shirt yet? Stop by Twin Maples on Beach Ave. ,!*ƫāĀƫ)ƫġƫćƫ,)ƫ %(5ƫđƫąććġĈĊąą Martin David Jewelers Formerly Archipelago Visit us online at August 2012 BLOCK ISLAND summer TIMES Page 13 Summer Times Advertiser Index WATER STREET B-EYES SUNGLASS SHOP 401-466-8676 B.I.T.’s 401-466-5977 BLOCK ISLAND SPORT SHOP 401-466-5001 BLOCK ISLAND TRADING COMPANY 401-859-1524 BLVCK MARKET BONNIE & CLYDE 401-466 8895 BUILDING BLOCKS 401-466-TOYS(8697) COOL TO BE KIND DISTANT SHORES 401-466-2812 ESSENTIALS 401-466-3168 GREENAWAY GALLERY 401-466-5331 GLASS ONION 401-466-5161 INK IT 401-466-5800 ISLAND BOUND 401-466-8878 ISLANDOG 401-466-5666 JENNIFER’S JEWELRY 401-466-7944 KORU ECO SPA 401-466-2308 MAD HATTER 401-466-3131 MAHONEY’S CLOTHIER 401-466-8616 PEPPERED CAT 401-466-5254 PHOTO DOG 401-466-5858 RAGS 401-466-7596 SALTY DOG 401-466-5254 STAR DEPARTMENT STORE 401-466-5541 STRINGS & THINGS 401-466-5666 WAVE 401-466-8822 BEACH AVENUE EYLANDT ANTIQUES 401-466-9888 TWIN MAPLES 401-466-5547 CHAPEL STREET BLOCKS OF FUDGE 401-466-5196 CHAPEL SWEETS 401-378-0062 EAST OF THE RIVER NILE TRADING COMPANY 401-480-9728 FULL MOON TIDE 401-466-2422 GOLDDIGGERS 401-466-2611 CORN NECK ROAD BETH’S BOOKS 401-466-2236 DODGE STREET AMBERGRIS GALLERY 401-466-5252 LAZY FISH 401-466-2990 MARMAR JEWELS MARTIN DAVID JEWELERS 401-466-2744 RED BIRD LIQUOR STORE 401-466-2441 HIGH STREET BLOCK ISLAND HEALTH & GENERAL STORE 401-466-5825 THE NATURE CONSERVANCY 401-466-2129 SPRING STREET NORTH LIGHT FIBERS 401-466-2050 WELDON’S WAY BLOCK ISLAND CIGAR 401-466-5330 CARMEN’S CLOSET 401-316-0770 CHAPEL SWEETS 401-378-0062 ISLAND OUTFITTERS 401-466-5502 THE ICE CREAM PLACE 401-466-2145 WAGS AND GIGGLES 401-466-8555 OFF ISLAND BUSINESSES CRITTER HUT 401-789-9444 THE ELMS RETIREMENT CENTER 401-596-4630 LATHROP INSURANCE 401-596-2525 SHELDON’S FURNITURE 401-783-5503 SOUTH COUNTY CABINETS 401-596-7070 SOUTH COUNTY HOSPITAL THE FARMER’S DAUGHTER 401-792-1340 SERVICES AND SALES-ON ISLAND BLOCK ISLAND BOAT BASIN 401-466-2631 BLOCK ISLAND CONSERVANCY 401-466-3111 DEEPWATER WIND ISLAND HARDWARE & SUPPPLY 401-466-5831 KORU ECO SPA 401-466-2308 MR. LUSTER KLEAN 401-295-0505 OTHER BLOCK ISLAND HOUSE AND GARDEN TOUR 401-466-2481 TOWN OF NEW SHOREHAM Town Hall 401-466-3200 PUBLICATIONS BLOCK ISLAND: ONE OF THE LAST GREAT PLACESavailable at Island Bound Bookstore BLOCK ISLAND: RHODE ISLAND’S JEWELavailable at Island Bound Bookstore STRIPER CHRONICLES SWORD STONE WALL FREEDOM — THE SLAVE FOOD ALDO’S BAKERY & RESTAURANT 401-466-5871 ATLANTIC INN 401-466-5883 BALLARD’S INN 401-466-2231 THE BEACHEAD. 401-466-2249 BECKETT’S AUTHENTIC GELATO BARS AND CLUBS CLUB SODA 401-466-5397 McGOVERN’S YELLOW KITTENS 401-466-5855 OLD ISLAND PUB 401-466-2400 TRANSPORTATION A AIRLINE EXPRESS LIMOUSINE & CAR SERVICE, INC. 401-295-1100 BLOCK ISLAND EXPRESS 860-444-4624 and 401-466-2212 BLOCK ISLAND HIGH SPEED FERRY 401-783-4613 EAGLE TAXI 401-783-2970 or 800-339-2970-(OFF ISLAND) INTERSTATE NAVIGATION 401-783-4613 or toll free 866-783-7996 McALOON’S TAXI 401-741-1410 MIG’S RIG TAXI 401-480-0493 NEW ENGLAND AIRLINES 1-800-243-2460 (Toll free) 401-466-5881(Block Island), and 401-596-2460(Westerly). RECREATION BLOCK ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY Block-Island-Historical-Society 401-466-2481 BLOCK ISLAND MARITIME INSTITUTE G. WILLIE MAKIT CHARTERS 401-466-5151 or 484-431-7131 JACKIE SEA CHARTERS 401-789-0025 THE MOPED MAN 401-466-5444 OLD HARBOR BIKE SHOP 401-466-2029 OLDPORT MARINE LAUNCH SERVICE 401-847-9109 PALE HORSE FISHING CHARTERS 802-379-0336 ROOSTER DAILY FISHING CHARTERS 401-439-5386 and 401-318-4075 SAKARAK FISHING CHARTERS 401-486-3476 SEACREST INN & BICYCLE RENTALS 401-466-2882 SUMMER CONCERT SERIES at St. Andrew Church TWIN MAPLES 401-466-5547 GALLERIES/ ARTISTS AMBERGRIS GALLERY 401-466-5252 BLOCK ISLAND’S CREATIVE COMMUNITY Don’t leave the island without previewing the works of the following artists, photographers and craftspeople: Ben Wohlberg, Fred Poisson, Leah Robinson, Littlefield Bee Farm, Mike Bryce, Noah and William Gasner, Oscar Berlin, Claire Marschak, Peter Gibbons, and Sharon Lehman, Check their ads to learn where their works can be viewed. BLOCK ISLAND FARMER’S MARKET Wednesday 9-11:30 in the Manisses Parking Lot, Saturday 9-11:30 at Negus Park JESSIE EDWARDS STUDIO 401-466-5314 MALCOLM GREENAWAY, PHOTOGRAPHER 401-466-5331 MARYE-KELLEY DECOUPAGE 401-466-2412 PETER GIBBONS 401-578-1125 SPRING STREET GALLERY 401-466-5374 INNS 1661 INN and HOTEL MANISSES 401-466-2421 or 1-800-626-4773 ATLANTIC INN 401-466-5883 AVONLEA SEASIDE B&B 401-466-5691 or 800-992-7200 BALLARD’S INN 401-466-2231 BLOCK ISLAND ACCOMODATIONS 401-466-2912 BLUE DORY INN 401-466-5891 or 800-992-7290 HYGEIA HOUSE 401-466-9616 THE INNS AT BLOCK ISLAND 401-466-5524 or 877-324-4667 NARRAGANSETT INN 401-466-2626 NATIONAL HOTEL 401-466-2901 PAYNE’S HARBOR VIEW 401-466-5758 THE SEA BREEZE INN 401-466-2275 SEACREST INN 401-466-2882 SPRING HOUSE HOTEL 401-466-5844 THE SURF HOTEL 401-466-2241 FOOD ALDO’S BAKERY & RESTAURANT 401-466-5871 ATLANTIC INN 401-466-5883 BALLARD’S INN 401-466-2231 THE BEACHEAD 401-466-2249 BECKETT’S AUTHENTIC GELATO BEN & JERRY’S BLOCKS OF FUDGE 401-466-5196 CHAPEL SWEETS 401-378-0062 CLUB SODA 401-466-5397 DEAD EYE DICK’S 401-466-2654 FINN’S FISH MARKET 401-466-2102 FINN’S SEAFOOD RESTAURANT 401-466-2473 FROOZIES 401-466-2230 G.R.SHARKY’S 401-466-9900 HARRY’S 401-466-8600 THE ICE CREAM PLACE 401-466-2145 MANISSES 401-466-2421 THE NARRAGANSETT INN 401-466-2626 THE NATIONAL TAP AND GRILLE 401-466-2901 THE OAR 401-466-8820 PAPA’S PIZZERIA 401-466-9939 PAYNE’S DOCK BURGER BAR PAYNE’S DONUTS At Smuggler’s Cove PAYNE’S HARBOR VIEW INN 401-466-5758 SPRING HOUSE HOTEL 401-466-5844 THE SURF HOTEL 401-466-2241 WINFIELD’S 401-466-5856 YELLOW KITTENS’ MEXICAN ON THE DECK 401-466-5855 PROFESSIONAL & FINANCIAL DGP ARCHITECTS 434-977-4480 WASHINGTON TRUST COMPANY 401-348-1362 (on Block Island) REAL ESTATE ADVANCED MORTGAGE CORP. 401-737-6655 ATTWOOD REAL ESTATE 401-466-5582 BALLARD HALL REAL ESTATE 401-466-8883 BEACH REAL ESTATE 401-466-2312 BLOCK ISLAND REALTY 401-466-5887 LILA DELMAN REAL ESTATE 401-466-8777 OFFSHORE PROPERTY LIMITED 401-466-5446 PETER MAXWELL AFFORDABLE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT 860-202-0219 PHILLIPS REAL ESTATE 401-466-8806 SOTHEBY’S INTERNATIONAL REALTY 401-466-2900 SULLIVAN REAL ESTATE 401-466-5521 Page 14 BLOCK ISLAND summer TIMES August 2012 Salp, West Beach In August, mysterious clear blobs wash up on the shores of many of Block Island’s beaches. Are they eggs? jellyfish? aliens? No, these are large plankton called Salp, which remove smaller plankton from the sea, and are most likely to be found during plankton blooms further offshore. These inconsequential-looking creatures are crucial to the addition of carbon on deep ocean bottoms. 1 Hodge Family Wildlife Preserve 2 Clay Head Trail Green Sea Turtle, North Light If you were to see a sea turtle while on the island, the Green Sea Turtle is the one you’d be most likely to see. These are the same kind popularized in “Finding Nemo,” and just as adorable in real life. Adults can grow to 4 feet and weigh up to 400 pounds, and are the only sea turtle to be entirely herbivorous as grown-ups. 3 Beacon Hill to New Harbor Link, Harrison Loop 4 Meadow Hill Greenway 5 The Greenway 6 Elaine Loffredo Memorial Preserve 7 Fresh Pond Greenway 8 Fresh Swamp Trail 9 Rodman’s Hollow 10 Elizabeth Dickens Trail Pocket maps with information about each trail can be purchased at the Chamber of Commerce. Rockweed, Clay Head Seaweed is easy to forget about, unless it’s the slimy sheet that’s stuck to your leg in the water. However, it’s a critical part of the beach ecosystem for many other creatures, whether it’s used for camouflaging eggs, trapping moisture for creatures washed ashore at low tide, or as a place for birds to forage for those eggs or hidden sea creatures. There are five main types of seaweed on Block Island: Brown Rockweed, Green Sea Lettuce, Irish Moss, Dead Man’s Fingers, and Brown Kelp. Pokeweed, Nathan Mott Park. Though the locks of purple berries on this plant may seem Seussical, and maybe even ecologically suspect, Pokeweed is a delicacy to birds and a wonderful local plant to have in your garden. The American Cancer Society recognizes Pokeweed’s anti-cancer properties and its ability to fight other diseases and illnesses, but if taken when prepared the wrong way, it is highly toxic. Best to leave it for the birds to enjoy. Clearwing Moth, Rodman’s Hollow. This little moth is a hummingbird mimic. About an inch and a half long, with a chubby abdomen and fast-fluttering wings, it is mistaken for a hummingbird even up close! The moth is unusually active during the day, which it spends hovering near flowers to nab nectar with its extended proboscis. Text by Nell Durfee; pokeweed photo by Thomas H. Kent; rockweed photo by Robin B. Langsdorf; salp photo by Eastern Towhee, Fresh Swamp and Payne Farm Trail. This is the time of year that you may awaken at daybreak to the sounds of the Eastern Towhee and other summer bird calls. The Towhee can be recognized by its emphatic “Drink-your-teaaaaaa!” song. Later in the day, you can find this red-breasted bird in dense underbrush, puttering about with its endearing “chewink” calls. August 2012 BLOCK ISLAND summer TIMES N\`ejkXcc\[k_\e\nZXig\k`ek_\ @jcXe[=i\\C`YiXip`efecp,[Xpj E\okk`d\pflZ_\ZbflkXYffb#Z_\Zbflkflinfib K_\Di%Cljk\iBc\XeK\Xd1>XY\#A`d#I`Z_Xi[Xe[AXjfe% Efkg`Zkli\[1KfdD\e\Z#;`Xe\M\q`eX#A\i\dp9ifne#;fl^Xe[JZfkk% Jfd\f]flifk_\ijXk`jÔ\[Zc`\ekj`eZcl[\1 K_\:pi]Xd`cp#K_\EXk`feXc?fk\c#:fXjk>lXi[?flj\#K_\9\XZ_\X[#J\Xj`[\DXib\k K_\Epq`f]Xd`cp#Jk%8e[i\nËj:_Xg\c#:Xii`\Kf[[#:_i`jXe[D\X^_Xe?fY\#Jk%DXipËjYpk_\J\X :_Xic`\FËj#K_\9XkZ_\c[\i]Xd`cp#K_\Gligc\:fn#8c\oXe[\iËjLe`]fidj NXb\Ô\c[Dlj`ZXe[dXepdfi\f]pfli]i`\e[jXe[e\`^_Yfij OUtR h 27 EAR 8e[Xjg\Z`Xck_XebjkffliÔijk9cfZb@jcXe[Zc`\ek1 ?fk\cDXe`jj\j K_XebpflAfXe#Aljk`e#I`kXXe[Jk\m\ Y CC: The original store to your door to your floor company +'(%)0,%',', C`Z\ej\[Xe[@ejli\[ Page 15 Page 16 BLOCK ISLAND summer TIMES August 2012 The Atlantic Inn Veranda Lawn and Lounge All that’s missing from the view is you. Cocktails ~ 4:30pm sTapas ~ 5:00pm Dinner ~ 6:00pm (a la carte option available) sReservations 466-5883 s