catalogue 2008 -09 - American Iris Society


catalogue 2008 -09 - American Iris Society
2008 -09
Tall Bearded
Tall Bearded
Tall Bearded
Pacific Coast
Tall Bearded
Tall Bearded
Dwarf Bearded
Dwarf Bearded
iris chrysographes
Border Bearded
Border Bearded
Daylily Double
We hope that most of you are now no longer severly drought affected. While we have had good mid-winter rains we are still suffering the
drought effects especially on our irises that require a lot of water. In summer our bore water flows were reduced and as our bore is naturally
fairly salty there has been considerable salt build up in some garden areas, since there has previously little winter rain to wash the salt out. The
Daylilies, Spurias and Pacific Coast haven’t been been affected. The Bearded irises have shown the difference in salt sensitiviy between
cultivars, with some thriving and some going completely dormant, giving us a good “toughness index”. More than half bearded irises hav
moved to an area of virgin soil and are coming away well. We will be listing a lot less Louisiannas and Siberians this year, however we will
be listing some ArilBreds again.
This year we are pleased to introduce the works of two new local hybridisers.
Marg Jenkins has been working with early blooming cultivars and Ann Head is with space-agers and rebloomers. Please see the new
introductions page for more information.
If you are coming to visit our gardens please remember our bloom season is 2 weeks behind the Adelaide Planis (sometimes even later) so just
because your irises have finished it doesn’t mean that ours have. If you uncertain as to what will be flowering, please phone us.
SHIPPING –Bearded Iris, Louisiana Irises and Daylilies are available any time of the year.
Spurias are available January to April.
Pacific Coast Irises are shipped mid May to mid June.
Sibericas, Japanese Iris and Species Iris are shipped April to June.
Where an order requires two delivery times, only one lot of postage will be charged.
We have agricultural clearance to ship to all states of Australia.
Any goods that are incorrectly supplied will be replaced free of charge (we do our very best but occasional mistakes will happen).
Any losses in the first year will be replaced.
If the ordered goods are unavailable, the nearest similar item of equal or greater price will be substituted if no substitutes are
We accept cash, Cheque, MasterCard and Visa. Credit Card purchases will be processed at the time the order is filled.
Cheques will be processed upon receipt.
PO Box 169, CHARLESTON, SA 5244
ph/fax 08 8389 4439
This year we plan to be at the following shows.
We may include others.
Veale Gardens, South Terrace, Adelaide
Fri 10th- Sun 12th October 2008
Saturday - October 18th 2008 8am - noon
Goodwood Community Centre
Rosa St, Goodwood.
Sat 25th October 11am-5pm
Sun 26 October 10am-4pm
Uraidla Showgrounds
Sunday 16th Nov 2008
Dates are uncertain yet for the following
ABC Carpark Capers -March 09
ABC Gardening Expo - Wayville March 09
We hope to attend Lucindale, AgFest and Paskerville Field
Days, but these depend on other dates. Please check with the
web site closer to the date.
Saturday 9am to 5pm
Sunday 12noon to 5pm
9am to 5pm
9am to 5pm
Other times by arrangement
Garden Clubs and Bus Tours welcome, by arrangement.
Corner of
To find us from the Freeway.
Exit at the Hahndorf interchange and follow the signs to
Woodside. Continue through Woodside to Charleston.
From the crossroads at Charleston, continue North (towards
Birdwood) for 2km. Just over a small bridge, turn right into
Hartmann Rd. 2km along the road it ends at a T junction,
where the entrance to our property is.
Phone 08 8389 4439, Fax 08 8389 4439
page 1
page 3
page 20-21
page 21
page 22
page 4
page 5-14
page 23
DAYLILIES - Standard flowered
page 24-29
page 14-15
page 23
page 16
page 29
page 16
page 30
DAYLILIES - Small flowered
page 31
page 18
page 19
page 32-33
page 35
If you’ve ever been confused by gardening articles that say irises like wet soil, dry soil, acid soil, alkaline soil etc, join the club. The fact is, all of
the above statements are true to some extent. There is an iris for almost any soil or climate; it’s just a matter of selecting the right one for your
situation. Please buy a pH test kit at you local hardware store or nursery, it will really help you understand your soil.
Warm, dry winters, wet summers.
Louisianas are your best bet, if your soil is alkaline, prepare a special place and add acid potting mix and/or sulphur.
Cool wet-dry winters, wet summers, acid soil.
Louisianas and Japanese will do well. Also Tall Beardeds and Spurias. Make sure your Tall Beardeds are very well drained and there is no moist
mulch over the rhizomes. Try Pacific Coasts in well-mulched soil with good summer drainage and good winter moisture. If you have frosts,
Sibericas will do well also, keep moist until after flowering. Try Evansia irises in a fairly shady spot.
Cool wet-dry winters, wet summers, alkaline soils.
Tall beardeds and Spurias in well drained soil. Try Louisianas and Japanese in pots of camellia potting mix, sitting in shallow water. If you get
winter frosts, try Sibericas, Dwarfs and Medians as well.
Cold wet winters, dry summers, alkaline soils.
This is where Tall Beardeds and Spurias thrive, and Dwarfs and Medians, especially if you have good winter frosts. Although many books say
bearded irises grow well up to a pH of 7.5, many iris growers here in South Australia grow them very successfully at pHs of about 9 (very
alkaline). If you want to grow Louisianas and Pacific Coast irises, use pots with acid potting mix. Put the Louisianas and Japanese in pots of
camelia potting mix in shallow water, such as a paddling pool, also, check that your water is not too alkaline. etc. Take care to ensure that no
mulch covers the rhizomes of the irises as this may inhibit flowering and induce rot. Spuria Irises, being taller, look great in the centre of the
garden. If there are some spots which get a bit more water you can mix in some Daylilies, ensuring they are well mulched.
These will grow in almost any climate. Dormant varieties tend to do better in frosty areas and evergreens in warmer areas. In areas of very low
humidity a few varieties may not open their flowers properly. In sandy soils incorporate a lot of organic matter into your soil.
Daylilies are drought tolerant but do much better if well fed with organic fertilizer and are well mulched.
Rock Gardens - Shorter small flowered Daylilies with their finer foliage look lovely in rock gardens, as do dwarf and median irises (in frosty
areas). If the garden is well drained and hardly watered, the Aril Bred irises are a good choice. In more moist rock gardens try Pacific Coast Iris if
you have acid soil.
Lightly Shaded Spots – This is where you can grow Iris Ungucularis (which will flower through winter) and Daylilies.
Sunny but Damp Spots – This is heaven for Louisianas, Japanese and Daylilies, and some species iris. In cold climates the Siberian Irises, also.
Hot Dry Spots – This is where Bearded Irises thrive (the Aril-Breds will be especially happy). They look great when mixed with roses, and
lavenders, etc. Take care to ensure that no mulch covers the rhizomes of the irises as this may inhibit flowering and induce rot. Spuria Irises,
being taller, look great in the centre of the garden. If there are some spots which get a bit more water you can mix in some Daylilies, ensuring
they are well mulched.
The Tropical Look - Dayliles with their hot colours and bright green strappy foliage really add to the scene, plus they will flower for long
periods, whether in full sun or light shade.
Louisianas will look good in a damp sunny spot.
The Pond – Daylilies look great around the edge of the pond. If your soil is acid, the Louisianas and Japanese will thrive right at the edge. If your
soil is not very acid, put your Louisianas and Japanese in pots of acid potting mix and half immerse in the pond. Further out from the edge you
can plant Spurias and Bearded Iris if the top of the soil is not damp all year round. Also Pacific Coast Irises, look nice around the front (in acid
soils). Sibericas look good in a damp area in cold climates.
Cottage Garden – This is where Tall Bearded Irises can really add to the look. Lots of roses, perennials and masses of irises for the “Monet”
look. Just make sure that the mulch and ground covers don’t shade the rhizomes. In cold climates some Medians and Dwarfs Irises can be added
at the front of the garden. If you maintain adequate summer moisture, your reblooming irises will often flower twice a year, once established.
Naturalizing – Spuria Irises naturalize well. They will die down in summer after flowering and come away with the winter rains. Many bearded
irises also do well without summer moisture, especially Aril Breds (which will die down in summer).
Coastal gardens – Remember that beach front areas often don’t get as much winter chilling as a kilometre or two inland. Thus in areas such as
Sydney and Perth (and right on the beach front in Adelaide) tall bearded irises may not always flower. Spurias may do well, Daylilies and
Louisianas (acid soil) will thrive, if there’s plenty of organic matter and moisture.
A good grower that transplants well. Blooms are large and round with cream stds, falls are cream with a rose wash and veining. The
signal is yellow with some yellow veining continuing right down the falls. The signal is surrounded by a multi-layered halo of blue and
lavenders. Definitely a once-in-a blue-moon. From unknown Ghio seeds.
Ann Head is South Australia’s brightest new young hybridiser and we are delighted to release her first registrations.
CAN’T BUY ME LOVE. (Head 08) EM. 91cm
Cream stds with soft yellow veining, darker at base. Falls cream with soft yellow hafts and reverse, faint light blue mid rib. Yellow
beards ending large light blue horns sometimes with small spoons. Beautifully formed, ruffled and flared. Slight musky fragrance.
Excellent growth and branching.
Sdlg. BS6-1. 98S3-1: (Sky Hooks x Azure Angel) X Iron Eagle.
HC 2006, HM 2007, Cole Memorial Award 2006
tds apricot pink with slight lavender midrib, style arms apricot with lavender midrib; Falls pinkish-lilac with bright fuchsia purple
wash, 3 mm wide pale blue-lilac center streak, fuchsia purple haft veins over cream apricot ground, 5-7mm lilac edge, beards cream
tipped tangerine; ruffled; pronounced sweet fragrance.
Lovely straight stems and show branching. Has attracted lots of interest in trial gardens and on show bench
Sdlg. BR6-1, 98R8-3: (Romantic Mood x Waiting for George) X 98R6-1: (Romantic Mood x Some Are Angels).
HC 2007, Cole Memorial Award 2007, Grand Champion of SA Iris Show 2004 & 2005
Marg Jenkins (formerly Kuchel) is another new South Australian hybrider. She has been particularly working on early bloom.
FOR COLLEEN (Jenkins 08) VE-M 85cm
I asked Marg to register this one, because quite simply it is the longest blooming early yellow I’ve ever seen.
It starts with the very early irises and just keeps going. It also is an excellent grower. Very clear bright yellow, it has a large white
area on the falls and the yellow beards are tipped tangerine on the upper part.
Nice deep ruffling.
Sdlg 9/09-01 (Solano X Persian Berry) X White Lightning) X Plateau) X Social Event) HC 2007
ABOUT TOWN (Blyth 96) EM 102cm
Silver lilac standards, red-violet falls edged with standard colour.
Beautifully ruffled and an excellent grower.
BEGUINE (Keppel 89) E-M 90cm
Apricot rose with old rose plicata markings on falls and
standards, rusty orange beards.
ACE ROYALE (Blyth 97) M 97cm
Creamy pink stds, falls rich burgundy-plum. Chocolate beards.
BENGAL TIGER (Maryott 80) E-M 94cm
Bright yellow stds, falls yellow with prominent maroon stripes,
yellow beards.
BEVERLY SILLS (Hager 79) M 90cm re
Vibrant coral pink self. Floriferous and vigorous small plants.
May rebloom in summer. Very popular.
BINALONG (Nilsen 92) 77cm E-M
Standards deep brown, falls very dark red with orange yellow
beards. Very lovely.
BLUE STACCATO (Gibson 76) E-M 100cm
Rich true blue standards. Sparkling white falls edged blue.
Ruffled and fluted.
BOLD GOLD (Gatty 87) M 88cm
Brilliant dandelion yellow with orange beards. Well ruffled.
AMBER TAMBOR (Ernst 91) L 86cm
Ruffled deep amber with amber orange beards.
BOSS TWEED (McWhirter 93) M 95 cm
ruffled honey brown, white area around gold beards.
Lovely form and branching.
AMERICA’S CUP (McWhirter 88) M 102cm
Superb clean white with white beards. Good branching and
high bud count.
HARVEST (Hager 91) E-M 80cm RE
White with heavy stitching of violet-purple. Very reliable
rebloomer with excellent vigour.
AMPLIFIED (Ghio 00) M-L 90cm
Bright yellow orange self with small white area around the
orange beards. Heavily ruffled.
BRAZEN BEAUTY (Meek 94) 90cm M
Creamy white with rich rose stitching. Brick-red beards.
Ruffled and laced.
APLOMB (Ghio 91) ML 102cm
Ruffled mulberry plum, falls slightly darker.
(Schrieners 86) ML 102cm RE
Vigorous, well branched clear medium blue. Ruffled and fluted.
Often reblooms.
Ruffled white with a hint of blue, yellow beards and white
horns. Big strong plants, excellent parent.
ALL THAT JAZZ (Denny 82) M 90cm re
Very showy with yellow standards and bright red falls.
ALMADEN (Maryott 90) M 90cm
Rich glowing garnet-wine self. Gold tipped beards.
Sunfast colour and excellent growth.
ALMOST DARK (Blyth 94) EM 97cm
Beautiful rich purple with falls slightly darker than the standards.
ALPINE REGION (Blyth 96) ML 86cm
Clear lemon standards, creamy white falls.
AURA LIGHT (Blyth 96) VE-M 86cm
Pure white standards, falls brilliant gold, mustard beards.
Wide and ruffled. excellent start to the season
AUTUMN CIRCUS (Hager 90) E 86cm
White with strong blue-violet edge and veining. Good rebloom.
AVALON SUNSET (Schreiner 94) ML 91cm
Strong plants with vibrant orange blooms with bright tangerine
beards. Great show.
BAHLOO (Caldwell 86) E-L 90cm Re
Bright sulphur yellow self, which softly glows, long bloom
season and a great show. Early winter rebloom.
BEAUTY SLEEP (Nilsen 92) E-M 87cm
Cream standards, falls white with yellow edge, heavily ruffled.
Pretty pastel and beautiful form.
BREAKING THE RULES (Modra 06) M 86cm
This does break all the rules. Huge blooms of creamy white
deepening to yellow at the edges. The very open stds show off the
yellow style arms and large fuzzy orange beards. The beards have a
$9 purple end and then open up into huge yellow flounces. Bud
count 6-8, pod fertile and occasionally produces fertile pollen.
(Blyth 92) VE-EM 98cm
White standards, citron yellow falls, yellow beards.
BREMER EXHUBERANCE (Kuchel(Jenkins) 07) E 74cm $9
Soft lemon stds, falls rosy mauve, lighter at edge with blue flash
below the orange beards. Great growth and increase.
BREMER SUNSET (Kuchel (Jenkins) 07) EM 85cm RE
Stds orange, falls orange with a garnet wash.
beards tipped ochre.
BRIDE’S HALO (Mohr 71) M 76cm
Ruffled white with both stds and falls edged in a 3mm precise
band of yellow.
BRONZED VIOLET (Donnell 93) M 85cm
Purple-violet stds, falls lighter with a bronze overtone.
Very different and lovely.
BUISSON DE ROSES (Cayeux 97) ML 80cm
Rich salmon pink, makes a great show.
CALIFORNIA DREAMIN’ (G Sutton 04) L 93cm
Rich creamy yellow. Gold beards end in huge cream flounces.
Nice strong plants. Fertile and an excellent end to the season.
CAMELOT ROSE (Tompkins 65) M -L 100cm
Soft orchid standards, and wide velvety wine falls.
Orange-red beards. Very popular.
CAN’T BUY ME LOVE. (Head 08) EM. 91cm
NEW RELEASE Cream stds with soft yellow veining,
darker at base. Falls cream with soft yellow hafts and reverse,
faint light blue mid rib. Yellow beards ending large light blue
horns sometimes with small spoons. Beautifully formed, ruffled
and flared. Slight musky fragrance. Excellent growth and
Sdlg. BS6-1. 98S3-1: (Sky Hooks x Azure Angel) X Iron Eagle.
HC 2006, HM 2007, Cole Memorial Award 2006
CAPTAIN’S JOY (Schreiner 94) M-L 96cm
Magnificent ruffled mid blue, slightly bitoned. Good vigour.
CAPTION (Ghio 85) ML 97cm
Pretty, pink stds, falls lighter with a hint of blue.
CAROL E (Modra 06) EM 92cm
Named after our very dear friend Carol, who used to help us in the
gardens. She said her ideal iris was a very ruffled rich violet blue,
which this certainly is. But best of all this one of the best
fragranced irises we’ve ever grown. Nice branching, good growth,
potential for rebloom on alkaline soils, as both its parents rebloom.
Fertile both ways.
CEE CEE (Innerst 96) M-ML 91cm re
Icy blue stds and rich dark blue falls. May rebloom.
CELEBRATION SONG (Schreiners 93) EML 95cm
Soft pink standards, falls pale blue lavender. Good increase.
CHAMPAGNE WALTZ (Schreiners 94) M 91cm
Apricot stds, falls white with apricot edge, red beards.
Lovely full ruffled blooms.
CHEERFUL ONE (Hamner 89) M 78cm
Creamy yellow standards with yellow falls edged white. Vigorous.
CHIEF HEMATITE (Gibson 83) M 91cm Re
Red brown standards with darker falls, may rebloom.
CHINESE EMPRESS (Blyth 88) VE-M 90cm Re
Icy blue standards, red-violet near black falls. Wide and ruffled
blooms of intense contrast. Long bloom season and may rebloom
in autumn. Very popular.
CLARENCE (Zurbrigg 91) M 89cm RE
Light blue stds, paler in centre. Falls rich mid blue,
nearly white at hafts. Great rebloomer.
CLASSIC LOOK (Schrieners 92) E-M 90cm re
Beautiful pristine white with precise blue stitching.
Lovely form and branching, good grower.
CLASSICAL MUSIC (Maryott 97) VE-E 97cm $20
Beautifully formed deep pansy purple blooms, heavily ruffled.
Prominent old gold beards. Lovely growth and branching,
plus strongly purple based foliage.
CLOUDBURST (Nilsen 90) M-L 97cm
White standards tinted amethyst, white falls with yellow hafts,
yellow beards, ruffled.
COCKTAIL HOUR (Dunn 84) M 90cm
Blue with a white area around the white beards. Full, wide
and ruffled blooms.
COPATONIC (Blyth 94) E-M 85cm
Russet standards, falls rich ruby-brown edged russet.
CORAL CHALICE (Niswonger 83) M 34cm re
Ruffled white with peach pink hafts and white beards tipped red.
CORAL POINT (Sutton 00) ML 94cm
Registered as ML but flowers earlier for us. Masses of
ruffled coral-pink blooms with horned coral beards.
CORDOBA (Ghio 98) EML 91cm
Hot mango-orange with slightly darker falls. Heavily ruffled.
$8 growers and long bloom season
CRAIG’S CHOICE (Nilsen 92) ML 100cm
Standards white, falls blended rose-violet, edged white, brownish
hafts. Orange-yellow beards.
CRYSTAL GLITTERS (Schreiner 85) E-M 90cm
Creamy with peach pink toning and yellow beards.
Lovely form and superb branching.
CULBURRA (Donnell 04) ML 76cm
Dark violet self. Orange brown beards, tipped blue.
Lovely wide form, good grower.
CY’S CHOICE (Donnell 02) L 86cm
Chosen by noted British hybridizer Cy Bartlett, this is different.
Fawn stds with white falls with heavy purple edging and centre
$8 orange beards. Good grower.
DAWNING (Ghio 95) EM 95cm
Lemon standards with pink blush, falls lemon with pinkish hafts
and tangerine beard. Vigorous.
DEAR JEAN (Kerr 96) M 95cm
Yellow stds, white falls with yellow shoulders and a rose edge.
Lovely pure with bright mustard gold beards, lovely form and
DEITY (Byers 86) M-ML 91 cm
Ruffled pale blue, softening to white with age, light blue
beard and horns.
DEJA BLUE (Sutton 01) ML RE 94cm
Well branched mid blue self . Consistent dark lilac horns.
Nicely ruffled, excellent grower. Show blooms. Good parent.
EPICENTRE (Ghio 94) E-M 107cm
Magnificent salmon overlaid with cherry black stitching.
Great grower and very fertile.
DESIGNING WOMAN (Gatty 90) E-L 88cm
Rosy lilac standards, falls pearly lavender, lighter in centre.
Salmon beards.
STAR (Plough 74) EML 91cm
Mid purple with white radiating from the light orange beard.
DEVIL’S RIOT (Blyth 93) ML 84cm
Very bright with apricot stds, plush burgundy falls and bright
tangerine beards. Ruffled. A real eye-catcher.
DEVONSHIRE CREAM (G Sutton 00) L 94cm
Beautifully ruffled creamy white with yellow hafts. Yellow
beards end in cream horns. Strong plants and show stems.
DIVINE RIGHT (Nelson 90) M 85cm
Butterscotch standards, cream falls with rust, red, brown and
violet plicata markings.
DODGE CITY (Lauer 95) E 96M
A lovely blend of bronze tan and melon with a flash of blue
on the falls. Tangerine beards. Large eye-catching blooms.
FAIR DINKUM (Gaulter 89) M-L 95cm
Clean and ruffled light sky blue with near white beards.
Outstanding form and branching. Very heavy substance.
FALL FIESTA (Schreiner 92) ML 91cm
Creamy white stds, falls ruffled honey tan, beards yellow.
FANCY WOMAN (Kepel 95) VE_M 95cm
Beautifully formed lilac bitone with lighter edges and area
around the bright red-orange beards.
FANFARON (Hager 88) M 97cm
Bright golden yellow standards, falls bright red banded yellow.
Lots of blooms.
Heavily ruffled rosy lilac with hafts shading to apricot tan.
Pink orange beards.
DOUBLE BUBBLE (Ghio 97) EM 91cm
Beautifully formed and ruffled sky blue. Lovely strong plants
with purple based foliage.
FEATHER BOA (Blyth 95) M 97cm
Icy blue with orchid flush at midribs and hafts, tangerine beards
tipped white. Ruffled.
DOUBLE SHOT (Sutton 00) E-M-L 91cm RE
Stds white sanded and edged violet blue, falls heavily striped
violet blue. Excellent multiple rebloom and growth. Fabulous.
FEMMINIST (Gartman 83) EM 88cm
Very popular rose-pink with red beards. Very soft and
pretty, large blooms.
DOUBLEDAY (G Sutton 01) E-M-L 88cm RE
Clear canary yellow with white blaze on falls, yellow beards.
Regular rebloom.
DRAGON DRUMS (Blyth 98) EM 85cm
Stds butterscotch and falls are a deep plum burgundy. Mustard
to old gold beards. Good sunstance and branching.
DREAM DESIRE (Nilsen 95) EM 90
Lovely clear yellow, lighter around golden beard.
DREAM OF YOU (Kerr 94) M 99sm
Nice strong plants, cream stds blending to light blue midribs.
Falls violet-blue with gold beard. Wide and ruffled.
EAGLE’S FLIGHT (Schreiner 86) E-M 87cm
Rosy lavender standards, falls white stitched grape purple.
Bright gold beards.
EAGLE’ SONG (Nilsen 95) EM 91cm
Lovely plicata in true Nilsen style, violet stds, lighter at base.
Falls crisp white stitched and peppered violet. Deep yellow
beards, violet tipped in throat.
EDNA’S WISH (Gibson 82) M-L 102cm
Ruffled orange with violet cast. Orange beards. Strong plants.
ENNOBLE (Ghio 99) ML 90cm
Lightly laced dark cherry-red-black, with slightly darker falls.
Brick red beards and good branching.
FINAL EPISODE (Blyth 01) L 89cm Re
Stds lemon-buff deepening to brassy gold at the midribs. Falls
are plush violet with a lighter edge. Good growth and rebloom.
FINE CHINA (Gatty 86) EM 90cm
Superb ruffled and pleated white self. A lovely pure white.
FIREBEARD (Sutton 01) M-L 91cm Re
Soft purple-pink stds, falls imperial purple, edged lighter.
Fiery tangerine beards end in flounces of imperial purple.
Ruffled and flared with some lace on stds. Reblooms in winter.
FLIGHT COMMANDER (G Sutton 99) M-L 88cm
White stds with hint of blue and wisteria blue falls.
Yellow beards ending in large blue flounces.
FOR COLLEEN (Jenkins 08) VE-M 85cm
NEW RELEASE I asked Marg to register this one, because
quite simply it is the longest blooming early yellow I’ve ever
seen. It starts with the very earlys and just keeps going. It
also is an excellent grower. Very clear bright yellow, it has a
large white area on the falls and the yellow beards are tipped
tangerine on the upper part. Nice deep ruffling.
Sdlg 9/09-01 (Solano X Persian Berry) X White Lightning) X
Plateau) X Social Event) HC 2007
FOREVER YOURS (Hager 92) M RE 95cm
White with yellow beards. Lovely jasmine like perfume and
good reliable rebloom.
FORTUNATA (Ghio 86) EML 97cm
Rich melon standards, white falls with melon edging and rost-tan
hafts, set off with red beards and ruffles.
GYPSY ROMANCE (Schreiner 94) ML 93cm
Wide ruffled blooms of mulberry violet.
GYPSY WOMAN (Schreiner 85) EM 89cm
Light yellow stds, falls creamy white edged rose-orchid, ruffled
FRAGRANT LILAC (Hagar 84) ML 102cm
Lilac lavender with lighter area around white beard.
Sweet fragrance.Ruffled and lightly laced, wide form.
HAMPTON GLORY (Donnell 90) E 85cm
Apricot pink, lighter around bright red beard, and blending
to golden apricot at edges.
HAMPTON HORIZON (Donnell 90 ) M 78cm
Mid pink with red beards.
FREEDOM FLIGHT (Sutton 01) M-L 90cm
White with fantastic form and long spooned horns. Fertile.
Lovely strong stems and plants.
HARMONICS (Blyth94) ML97cm
White stds, heavily stitched light blue, fall white with a
dark blue edge. White beards.
FRINGE BENEFITS (Hager 88) E-M 31cm
Vivid orange with fiery tangerine beards. Lots of ruffles and lace.
OF MEMORIES (Zubrigg 85) E-M 90cm RE
Clear bright yellow, one of our best rebloomers,
sometimes multiple rebloom.
HEARTHSTONE (Earst 93) E-M 94cm
Stds golden tan deepening to red brown at eadges. Falls deep rich
red brown with white spray below gold beard.
FOUNDATION VAN GOGH (Anfosso 90) M 88cm
A very pretty amoena with creamy white standards flushed
pinkish-apricot, flaring falls of rich apricot edged in cream.
Pinkish-orange beards.
FROM A DISTANCE (Ernst 94) M 96cm
Light yellow stds, soft lavender falls. Very pretty and popular.
FROSTED ROSE (G Sutton 04) E-M-L 85cm re
White stds with rose-pink flush. Falls apricot-rose with veining
around the bright tangerine beards. Ruffled and lightly laced.
FROSTING (Gatty 93) M-L 92cm
Lovely later flowering pastel lilac pink with pink beards.
Lots of lace and ruffling and an easy grower.
GLITZY (Sutton 01) ML 92cm
Big splashy blooms with domed white stds and falls a blend
of burgundy, plum and violet. Gold beards. Good grower.
GLORY IN SNOW (Grosvenor 96) M 92cm
Lovely white self with yellow beards and a slight sweet fragrance.
GOD’S HANDIWORK (Ghio 90) M 85cm re
High quality blue marbled and washed over a white base.
GODSEND (Byers 88) M-L 91cm
Pink standards, lighter falls, highlighted by red orange beards
with amethyst horns.
GOING HOME (Blyth 97) M 91cm
Creamy white standards, with pink midribs, falls creamy white
with pink overlay and deeper pink hafts, tangerine beards.
Excellent growth.
GOING MY WAY (Gibson 72) M-L 92cm
White heavily stitched violet. Very reliable and popular.
GOLD MEDAL BOY (Kuchel (Jenkins) 07) L 89cm
Stds tan blending to gold at base, falls cream blending to
yellow buff at edge with deep gold hafts. White beards yellow
at end.
GOOD LOOKING (Schreiner 95) EM 94 cm
Dusky lavender self, lovely form.
GRATUITY (Hager 90) E-ML 90cm
Intense orange with bright tangerine beards. High bud count
giving a long bloom season. Reliable and an excellent show iris.
GREEN AND GIFTED (Blyth 89) E-M 90cm re
Creamy green, big brown-gold beards. Excellent for floral
work. High bud count and good branching. May rebloom.
HIGH ROLLER (Grosvenor 98) M 95cm
Light rosewood-tan with orange yellow beards. Large ruffled
of beautiful form.
HIGH STAKES (Schreiner 99) M 91cm
Huge ruffled royal-purple blooms. Outstanding form.
HINDENBERG (Maryott 83) M 97cm
Heavily ruffled orange self. Small plants.
HOLD EVERYTHING (Maryott 01) M 89cm
White stds, haloed in lemon, falls deep yellow with gold
beards. Very wide and ruffled.
HOLY FIRE (G Sutton 99) ML 89cm RE
White with a touch of yellow at hafts. Fiery red-orange beards
in long horns, sometimes frilly flounces. Excellent growth.
HOLY NIGHT (Mohr 83) M 96cm re
Vigorous regal dark purple self. Beautifully ruffled and very
good increase and vigour.
HONEY SCOOP ( Sutton 96) EM RE
Chrome yellow stds, falls white, veined and edges sulphur yellow.
$7 tangerine beards ending in creamy yellow spoons.
Reblooms well for us. Fertile both ways. Vigorous.
HONKY TONK BLUES (Shreiners 88) M 96cm
Blue violet washed to near white at the edges. Superb ruffling,
form and branching.
SUNSHINE (Noyd 67) M-L 91cm
Lemon stds, flared yellow falls. Gold beards ending in yellow
HOT GOSSIP (Blyth 92) E-M 87cm
Buff pink standards, falls are bright lavender lilac,
beards vivid red. Good weather resistance.
HOT STREAK (Ghio 87) EM 91cm
Gold standards, red stitched falls. Vibrant and colourful.
HOUSE GUEST (Blyth 04) VE-M re
Very early bloomers with lemon yellow stds, falls are creamy
white edged, lemon yellow, deepening at hafts. Wide flared and
rufled blooms. May rebloom in autumn. Great growth.
IBIZA (Nilsen 95) EM 90cm
Light reddish-tan standards, falls deeper raspberry with
lighter edges. Stunning.
IN THE SPOTLIGHT (M Sutton 06) EM 86cm
A bright ruffled bloom. White with lacy yellow edges. Stds
also have yellow veining. A smaller plant but excellent growth.
IN TOWN (Blyth 88) E-M 96cm
Sky blue standards with lavender midribs, falls navy purple
with edging of lavender. Tangerine red beards.
INAUGURAL BALL (Ghio 88) EML 102cm
Metallic red purple with violet blue beards, wonderfully glowing.
INCANTATION (Ghio 87) E-L 95cm
Mid blue standards, falls white.
INDIGO PRINCESS (Schreiner 92) M-L 97cm
Top quality with blooms of an unusual indigo-violet.
Nicely ruffled. Excellent substance. Fertile.
IRON EAGLE (Sutton 00)ML 94cm re
A must for hybridisers. Pale bluish stds with yellowish midrib.
Falls soft lavender white. Blue beards tipped gold. Blue horns
JESSE’S SONG (Williamson 79) M 90cm
White stitched lavender-blue. Very reliable. DM90. A top seller.
JURASSIC PARK (Lauer 93) EM 92cm Re
Huge blooms with canary yellow stds, falls lavender purple.
May rebloom.
Absolutely stunning blue violet, slightly lighter around the
light yellow beards. Heavily fluted, crisp substance, flared form
and high bud count. An excellent iris for hybridizing as it tends
to pass its lovely wide form onto its offspring.
KERRIE’S KIRTLE (Donnell 81) M 76cm
Brown plicata shot violet blue. Yellow blaze in centre of falls,
orange beards.
KEVIN’S THEME (Kerr 93) M-L 97cm
Good grower. Ivory gold stds flushed violet. Falls blue-violet,
lighter around gold beards.
KISS OF GOLD (Plough 86)M-L 81cm
Ruffled cream with yellow hafts, tan plicata markings and
orange beard.
KISSING CIRCLE (Stevens 80) M 76cm
Almost solid blue lavender standards, falls white edged and
stitched in standard colour. Ruffled.
KNIGHTED (Tim Blyth 87) M-L 96cm
Standards are pure white, falls are royal violet, with a
0.5 cm edging. Very clear colours.
LADY FRIEND (Ghio 81) E 97cm
Large ruffled garnet red self with red beards.
An ever popular classic.
LADY VERA (Grosvenor 79) VE-M 90cm
$8 blooming iris with light blue standards, blue-purple falls
and yellow beards.
LEGATO (Blyth 91) M-ML 96cm
Smooth metallic orange and brilliant orange beards.
Good growth habits. Very popular.
LEMON AND SPICE (Gibson 84) M 90cm
with falls stitched with brown and a brown centre stripe.
LIAISON (Ghio 86) M 90cm
Pink standards with peach midribs. Falls purple edged pink,
with pink starburst below red-orange beards. Popular.
LIFE OF RILEY (McWhirter 92) M 91 cm
Peach stds; falls rose-tan; beards bright red.
Ruffled, with a slight fragrance.
LILAC LUSTRE (Donnell 84) ML 76cm
Lovely lilac with orange beards tipped lavender,
beautiful sheen.
LIMELIGHTER (Schreiner 88) ML 96cm
Excellent soft yellow with yellow-orange beards.
Lovely show stems. Good grower for us.
LIQUEUR CREME (Blyth 89) M-ML 91cm
Creamy white standards, falls white with lemon edging. Excellent.
LIVING FREE (Blyth 99) VVE-M 98cm
Pinkish-peach stds, falls similar with rose overlay.
Bright tangerine beards. Wide ruffled blooms. Good grower.
LOYALIST (Schreiner 86) EM-ML 89cm
Vibrant magenta claret with iridescent sheen.
LULLABY OF SPRING (Schreiner 87) EM 96cm
Lemon yellow standards flushed lavender, soft lavender falls,
yellow hafts and beards. Very soft and pretty.
LYRIC DANCE (Nilsen 95) E 98cm
Cream standards tinged pink, falls red-violet banded lilac.
Orange beards. Lovely form, good grower. Very popular.
MALAGUENA (Ghio 85) E-M-L 102cm
Magnificent orange pink blend with white spot on falls,
red beards. Heavily ruffled.
MALLOW DRAMATIC (Gatty 96) M 92cm
Glowing pinkish orchid with pinkish orange beards. Good grower.
MAM ZELLE (G Sutton 01) ML 91cm
$7 blooms with light violet stds, falls violet, lighter around
tomato red beards. Ruffled with creped texture.
MAN ABOUT TOWN (Blyth 98) EM 102cm
buff stds deepening to rose at the midribs, falls light
plum to old rose. Wide and flared form, vigorous.
MANAGUA (Ghio 94) EML 91cm
Intense orange self with tangerine beards.
Champagne-pink stds, falls an intense coffee-pink with darker
veining. Vivid tangerine beards. Stunning season starter.
NORMA JEAN (Durance 91) ML 92cm
Probably the richest pink we grow. It has a touch of peach,
with tangerine beards, good growth.
MASTER PLAN (Keppel 95) M 89cm
Huge plicata blooms with an ivory background, stitched
and dotted purplish rose. Brick red beards.
NORTHWEST PRIDE (Schreiner 93) M 100cm
Huge blooms with pure white stds and sky blue falls.
MASTERY (Blyth 01) ML-VL 91cm
Butterscotch stds, falls ruby with wide beige edge.
Old gold beards. Wide and ruffled form, good grower.
MATRIX (Hall 91) M 91cm RE
Cream with faint cinnamon veining. Crisp form and reblooms.
MCKELLAR GROVE (Hager 00) M 89cm
Wonderfully wide and well formed rich orange with pink flush in
stds and bright orange beard. Fertile
MEGAN ELIZABETH (Brown 91) E-M 88cm Re
Reblooming light violet-purple self.
MEGAN JOHANNA (Kuchel (Jenkins) 07) EM 84cm
Old gold self with copper-tan hafts. Copper-orange beards.
MESMERIZER (Byers 91) M 90cm RE
Outstanding pure white with huge flounces on the end of the
red beards. Winter rebloom.
ORCHIDARIUM (Gaulter 80) M 91cm
Lovely pastel blue-lavender, paler below white beards.
OSTENTATIOUS (Ghio 98) M-L 95cm
Red-black stds, falls bright yellow marked maroon. Ruffled.
OVERJOYED (Gatty 94) M 89cm
Absolutely lovely ruffled, creamy yellow bitone.
The slightly darker falls are edged chrome yellow.
White with blue edges and dotting. Gold beards with horns
ending in huge white flounces, edged in blue. Good ruffling,
branching and growth. Fertile both ways. A must for hybridizers.
MOMENTUM (Dunn 84) M 91cm
Standards are white with pale blue stitching, falls are white
with violet stitching on edges and hafts.
Ruffled with violet beards. Good growth.
MONTEVIDEO (Ghio 87) L 97cm
Mid to dark orange self with tangerine beards. Good growth.
MOONRAKER (Sutton 98) ML 91cm
Beautiful clear rich yellow, falls lighter with darker edges and
veining. Gold beards with horns and occasionally spoons.
Lovely substance. Fertile both ways.
OZ SKY (Nilsen 95) ML 98cm
Superb sky blue with white beards.
PAINTED BLUE (Blyth 91) E-L 91cm
Magnificent wide ruffled deep blue self.
PAPUNYA (Nilsen 95) EM 104cm
Rich glowing red-brown with yellow sunburst around yellow
beards. Ruffled and very eye-catching.
PASS THE WINE (Blyth 85) E-M 91cm
Champagne standards with a lavender infusion, falls velvety
smoky red-plum with a lilac edge.
PEBBLE FRESH (Grosvenor 99) E-M 89cm
Different, with lavender stds, darker mauve falls with
white spray pattern. Excellent grower.
PEMCAW (Harding 94) M-L 88cm
High quality pure white, ruffled, vigorous and a fast increaser.
A personal favourite and an excellent late white.
PEACEFUL WATERS (Schreiner 88) ML 89cm
Lovely deep sky blue with white beards. Good grower.
PENCHANT (Harding 83) M 91 cm
Powder blue with darker veining; white beard tipped
lemon. Nice form and growth.
NAVY CHANT (Luihn 81) M E-M 90cm
Lightly ruffled velvety violet with slight reddish sheen.
PENNY LANE (Lauer 99) M 86cm
Calls across the garden, with saffron yellow stds, and
orange falls and beards. Great growth.
NOON SIESTA (Blyth 81) E-EM 84 cm
Lemon buff stds; falls white, washed, stitched and dotted
lavender violet, deepening toward edge; lemon beard.
PAPRIKA FONOS (Nelson 89) VE-E 91cm Re
Creamy yellow heavily stitched in cayenne red brown.
Lightly ruffled with a dark yellow beard.
MURRAY BRIDGE ( Donnell 04) L 76-81cm
Salmon stds, falls cadmium orange, darker at throat.
Pronounced sweet fragrance. Good grower.
NEIL DIAMOND (R Nelson 86) M 86cm
Ruffled deep violet self. Slight sweet fragrance.
PAINTED LAVENDER (Grosvenor 06) VE 102cm
Flat Japanese iris form with six falls and no standards,
in blended shades of blue-lavender. Vigorous.
MIDNIGHT OIL (Keppel 98) M 91cm
Stunning dark red-black with lovely form and substance.
MOOD SWING (Ghio 97) E-M-L 91cm
Violet pink stds, falls peach apricot.with tangerine beards.
Heavy substance.
OBSIDIAN (M Smith 02) M 84cm
purple-black with standout light blue beards.
Great branching and good grower.
PERFECT COUPLE (Ghio 84) M 91cm Re
Mid blue standards and white falls, reblooms. Vigorous.
NEW RELEASE -tds apricot pink with slight lavender midrib,
style arms apricot with lavender midrib; Falls pinkish-lilac with
bright fuchsia purple wash, 3 mm wide pale blue-lilac center
streak, fuchsia purple haft veins over cream apricot ground, 57mm lilac edge, beards cream tipped tangerine; ruffled;
pronounced sweet fragrance.
Lovely straight stems and show branching. Has attracted lots of
interest in trial gardens and on show bench.
Sdlg. BR6-1, 98R8-3: (Romantic Mood x Waiting for George) X
98R6-1: (Romantic Mood x Some Are Angels).
HC 2007, Cole Memorial Award 2007, Grand Champion of SA
Iris Show 2004 & 2005
POWER SURGE (Ghio 91) E-M-L 91cm
Salmon-apricot background heavily stitched magenta,
the standards are almost solid magenta.
PREFERRED STOCK (Gaulter 85) M 91cm
Lightly ruffled deep golden yellow, with deep gold beard.
PREMIER EDITION (Schreiner 89) M 99cm
Lovely taller one. White stds, falls mid blue-lavender.
EM 86cm Pure clear light blue with orange-red beards.
PROGRESSIVE ATTITUDE (Innerst 92) E-M 91cm re $6
PERFUMED LADY (Donnell 96) ML 79 cm White
$8 standards completely dotted with violet blue,
falls narrowly stitched violet blue. Vigorous growth.
Blue violet self with orange beards tipped violet, spicy fragrance.
PERRIS GOLD (Hamner 97) E 97cm
Fluted golden yellow with deeper falls and orange beards.
PHARAOH’S SPIRIT (Blyth 97) EM 96cm
Lovely, apricot-bisque stds, falls creamy lilac at the edges
darkening to rosy plum in centre. Tangerine beards.
Flared blooms and an excellent grower.
PHYSIQUE (Blyth 88) EM
Very large blooms, stds powder blue, falls iridescent violet,
bright red beards.
PICASSO MOON (Schreiners 00) M 99cm
Brillent canary yellow with yellow beards. Nicely ruffled and
branced. 9-11 buds.
PINK CHAMPAGNE (Lauer 01) E 91cm re
One of the few early pinks. A ruffled azalea pink with
manderin orange beards. Good growth.
PURE AND SIMPLE (Maryott 04) EM 91cm
Lemon yellow stds, falls white with lemon edges and hafts.
Big wide ruffled blooms and well branched.
PURE-AS-THE (Innerst 88) M-L 91cm
Ruffled and heavily laced pure white.
PURPLE PEPPER (Nearpass 86) M 89cm
$7 background, edged and peppered with blue-violet.
QUANIDIALLA (Nilsen 92) M 75cm
Stds ambers and yellow blend, falls white base with
rose-tan edge and purple centre, yellow hafts and beards.
QUEEN IN CALICO (Gibson 80) M 96cm
Creamy white background heavily stitched and striped with
rosy violet. An old favourite.
QUEEN’S CIRCLE (Kerr 00) M-L 80cm
Wonderful grower, Dykes Medal 07. Pure white with falls
$8 in crisp blue. White beards tipped orange. Lovley
QUITO (Ghio 93) EML 102cm
coppery orange with brick red beards.
Beautiful form and strong plants. Great parent.
PINK PROLIFIC (Donnell 97) M 81cm
Pink stds, falls creamy pink with pink hafts, tangerine beards.
PINK SWAN (Gibson 86) M 88cm
Ruffled and fluted mid to light pink.
RARE OCCASION (Gatty 92) M 91cm
Peach-pink stds, falls slightly lighter, red-orange beards.
Sweet fragrance. Pretty.
PLANNED TREASURE (Burger 85) E-M 91cm
Soft pink stds, falls orchid edged deeper rose-lavender.
RARE TREAT (Schreiner 87) E-M 85cm
Very clear blue and white plicata. Crisp clean colour.
PLATEAU (Grosvenor 96). EM 90 cm
Light blue, falls darker in centre; beards blue; pronounced
spicy fragrance. Good grower.
REMBRANT MAGIC (Blyth 92) EM 91 cm
Lovely coffee brown bitone with mustard bronze beards.
RHAPSODIC (Blyth 01) M 100cm
lilac lavender with blue blaze. Flared and ruffled.
Well branched. Excellent growth.
RIBANDS (Grosvenor 94) E-M 97cm
$9 pink, falls slightly darker with white area around red
beards, apricot hafts. Great grower. DM (Aust) 98
RIDE THE WIND (Schreiner 91) M 90cm
Pristine white standards, clear delft blue falls giving
a lovely fresh look. Stunning.
POLISHED MANNERS (Keppel 00) EM 91cm
Dark metallic purple with dark blue-violet beards.
Gently ruffled with a slight sweet fragrance.
POLAR QUEEN (Blyth 94) M-L 97cm re
White standards, lemon midribs. Falls yellow with variable
white edging and marbling.
POOGINOOK (Harding 94) M 91cm
Pure mid pink with tangerine beards and ruffled.
PORTRAIT OF AMY (Kegerise 78) M-L 85cm
Lovely soft ruffled pink with slightly deeper beards. Good form.
RING AROUND ROSIE (Earnst 00) M89cm
Stds white with gilt gold edge, falls white with yellow edge,
overlaid with irregular magenta spray. Interesting parent.
SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE (Schreiner 96) EML 94cm
Wine-red self with bronze gold beards. High bud count
giving long bloom season.
ROBUSTO (P Black 83) ML 91cm
Apricot standards with peach-pink infusion. Apricot pink falls
with tangerine beards.
SCENTED BUBBLES (Byers 88) E-M 90 cm Re
Magnificent pure blue blooms with horned blue beards, ruffled,
fragrant and sometimes reblooms.
ROCK STAR (Byers 91) E-M 76cm
Apricot overlaid with dark rose stitching. Orange beards
with horns. Good shorter iris for breeding.
$7SCENTED NUTMEG (Maryott 83) E-M 91cm
Nutmeg fragrance, rich deep lavender blue self.
SCOTTISH REEL (Blyth 01) EM 87cm
Rosy stds with gold flushed midribs, falls are cream edged
$8rosy-tan. Yellow hafts and beards. Flared and ruffled.
ROMAN SONG (Blyth 93) Em 91cm
Very pretty with pink stds and white falls with rosy
lavender stitching.
Light burgundy-rose stds, falls plush deep rose-burgundy
with lighter edge. Soft tangerine beards. Heavily ruffled with
high bud count. Good grower.
ROSALIE FIGGE (McKnew 91) M 99cm RE
Rich deep violet with white spray pattern around white beards,
tipped purple. Most determined rebloomer we grow.
ROSARITA (Keppel 89) E-M 95cm
Orchid rose standards, apricot-cream falls heavily stitched rose.
Large plants, good grower.
SEAKIST (Schreiner 97) ML 96cm
Ivory cream stds with falls that are a blend of blue and
$17ivory. Lemon beards. Wonderful bud count. Great parent.
SECOND FIDDLE (Maryott 98) E 91cm Re
Lavender stds with maroon flush, falls rich velvety maroon,
edged lavender. Tangerine beards.
SECRET MELODY (Schreiner 88) M 89cm
Apricot standards, falls light apricot with heavy petunia
purple stitching, tangerine beards. Good increase.
SHINE (Nilsen 96) VE-E 90cm
Rich golden yellow stds, falls yellow ground edged and
peppered red brown. This really does shine.
SHINE ON WINE (Blyth 86) E-M 97cm
Honey yellow standards, red brown falls and old gold beards.
ROSETTE WINE (Schreiner 88) E-L 91cm
Petunia purple, white area below white beards, ruffled.
SHY GLANCE (Blyth 99) EM 86cm
A lovely creamy lilac pink with tangerine beards.
ROSY ROGUE (Grosvenor 06) M 107cm
Rosy violet self with falls slightly darker, burnt orange beards.
Very tall and exceptional growth and increase.
ROYAL CELEBRITY (Hamner 84) M-L 95cm
Ruffled purple-violet with lavender tipped white beard.
ROYAL ELEGANCE (Gatty 88) M 92cm
Beautiful soft chicory blue with lovely form. Grows well.
ROYAL PINK (Niswonger 92) EML 96cm
White stds, falls pink. Nice ruffled form.
RUBAN BLEU (Cayeaux 97) M 93cm
White stds, falls mid blue with large white starburst around
orange beards. Big vigorous plants.
SEA POWER (Keppel 99) M 96cm
Wonderfully ruffled cornflower blue. Beautiful in every way
$10and a fantastic parent. A must have.
Lilac-blue stds, falls plush blackish red-purple, red beards.
Overall stunning and a good grower.
ROSE PRINCESS (Ernst 89) EM 91cm re
Soft rose pink stds, falls rosy-lavender with lighter edge.
Bright orange beards.
$9Lovely glowing garnet red, shorter growing.
ROCKET MASTER (Blyth 90) EML 92cm
Solid burgudy stds, falls white heavily stitched burgundy.
Creamy white beards.
RUBISTAR (Schreiner 89) E-M 88 cm
Ruffled ruby-red bitone, good grower.
RUSTLER (Keppel 87) M 94cm
Wonderful autumn tonings with antique gold standards, flushed
rose. Falls are henna paling to gold at the edges. Gold beards.
SIERRA GRANDE (Schreiner 91) M 95cm
Heavily ruffled blooms with clean white standards and
mid blue falls, lighter at the edges.
SIGH OF COLOURS (Blyth 97) VE-M 84cm
Creamy yellow stds, falls white with wide edging of
lavender pink.
SILK AND HONEY (Blyth 06) E-M 89cm
Cream stds deepening to lemon at midribs, falls are cream
$7with definite lemon edge. Wide overlapping form with ruffles.
Wonderful grower and good parent.
SILK ROMANCE (Blyth99) EM 107cm
Beautiful orchid-lilac, lighter around tangerine beards.
Ruffled, laced and excellent grower. One of our best.
SILKEN SHADOWS (Maryottt 92) M 94 cm
Stds light blue violet; falls deep velvety blue black,
fine rim of light blue violet; beards bronze; slight fragrance.
SILKIRIM (Blyth 87) M-ML 97cm
Standards white dotted and stitched with old rose. Falls white
with narrow stitching of deeper rose. Nice perfume.
STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN (Lauer 93) EM 102cm
Huge blooms with creamy white standards and mid blue falls,
beautifully ruffled. DM 2000
SILVER CITY (G Sutton 04) M-L 81cm
Beautifully formed silver white with flushes of blue and pink.
Red beards ending in lavender horns. Heavily laced and
an excellent parent. Fertile both ways.
STAR SURGE (Sutton 00) M 91cm
Dark purple-red with white flecks on falls.
Orange bronze beards.
SILVER WALTZ (Modra 07) VE-E 97cm
Lovely pastel silver blue with standout yellow beards.
Very long bloom season. Strong wind resistance and clean growth.
7-8 buds. Fertile. Excellent
SIX PACK (Slade 84) M 91cm
Flat Japanese iris form with six falls and no standards,
a pastel violet blue.
SNEEZY (Keppel 96) M Re 81cm
Buff apricot stds, falls lemon-apricot but edged and dotted
rose-violet. Lovely broad form but close branching.
Can rebloom, fertile. Short growing. Interesting parent.
SNOW D’OR (Blyth 91) EM 86 cm
White stds , faint lemon at midrib; falls dark yellow,
5mm white edge on sides; beards orange.
SNOW MELT (Sutton 04) E-M-L 87cm RE
Frosty white stds and cornflower blue falls, light blue beards
tipped yellow. Good grower, rebloomer and parent.
SOCIAL GRACES (Keppel 00) ML 95cm
Heavily laced rosy-lilac to orchid pink, with darker veining.
Red beards. Lovely form and branching. good parent.
SOMERSAULT (Ghio 95) ML 102cm re
Salmon with heavy burgundy stitching. Deep sienna beards.
SOUL SISTER (Dunn 95) E 94cm
Huge blooms of blue violet. Blue violet beards tipped gold.
SPATZEL (Blyth 86) EM 94cm
Standards red-violet, falls white with red-violet edges.
White beards tipped purple.
SPECULATOR (Ghio 82) M 91cm
Bright gold self with lighter area below gold beard.
Wide and ruffled form.
SPICED CUSTARD (Weiler 87) M-L 81cm
Creamy yellow stds, falls burnt orange and cinnamon blend.
Red beards.
SPICED TIGER (Kasperek 96) E 81cm
Stds honey tan, falls mahogany. Whole bloom splashed
with irregular white streaks.
SPIRIT WORLD (Keppel 94) E-M 90cm
Red-purple bitone with buff edges and lighter veining.
Orange red beards.
STATUS SEEKER (Gartman 90) M-L 95cm
Ruffled luminous coral-salmon with orange red beards.
STEPPING OUT (Schreiner 65)
White falls and standards, each broadly stitched with pansy violet.
$7 FLIRTING (Blyth 02) ML 95cm
Wonderful form and ruffling. Unusual lavender grey colour
with bright lavender blaze on falls, tangerine beards. Show
branching and a great parent.
STRATAGEM (Ghio 89) ML 102cm
Lovely rose tan with apricot tonings. Orange red beards.
SKIPALONG (Ghio 95) EM 84cm
Stds are marbled rose, falls dark heliotrope purple with
white veining. Lovely big blooms. Popular.
SUKY (Mahan 88) EM 94cm Re
Stds white darkening to violet at edges. Violet falls with
large white area around white beards. Reblooms
SUNDAY PUNCH (Crandall 76) M 102cm
Ever popular red-black self with gold beards, ruffled.
SUNMASTER (Maryott 95) E 80cm re
Ruffled and laced with lemon yellow stds. Falls white with
lemon yellow edge. May rebloom.
SUPREME SULTAN (Schreiner 88) ML 102cm
Huge blooms with old gold standards, rich mahogany falls.
SWEET DELIGHT (Blyth 95) M-ML 96 cm
Beautiful blend of peachy pink, apricot and cream.
Impeccable form and substance.
SWEET MUSETTE (Schreiner 86) ML 96cm
Flamingo pink standards and rose falls. Lovely branching and
growth. Very popular.
SWEET REFLECTION (Maryott 88) M 93cm
$6 violet stds, deep velvet purple falls with lighter edge. Fragrant.
SWITCHEROO (Grosvenor 04), EM 91 cm
Stds rosy brown; Falls dark rosy brown, center lighter;
beards tangerine. Lovely and different.
TAFFETA BOW (Blyth 89) M 94cm
Very pretty rosy orchid with tangerine beards, sweet perfume.
TENNESSEE WOMAN (Innerst 90) M 90cm
Tannish bronze stds with darker netting., falls white rose
purple hafts and edging.
THIPATIY (M Harding 87) M-L 94cm
Lovely creamy pink, richer at hafts. Blue beards tipped tangerine.
THRILLER (Schreiner 88) M-L 90cm
Rich cerise-purple with purple beards.
THROB (Weiler 91) ML 93cm
Brilliant bright yellow with tangerine beards. Ruffled.
TIMBERTONE (Nilsen 1992) M 91cm
Lovely bright blooms with clear yellow standards, falls
heavily overlaid red. Yellow beards.
FIRE (Schreiner 91) EML 97cm
Rich velvety red self, flared ruffled and vigorous.
VENETIAN QUEEN (Blyth 87) E-M 97cm
$7 lavender standards, cocoa-rose falls.
TIMESCAPE (Hager 90) M 105cm
Huge blooms of lavender white, darker in centre of falls,
heavily ruffled. Superb form.
VIBRANT (Black 99) EM 87cm
Extremely vibrant rich gold self. Good form and growth.
VIBRATIONS (M Dunn 89) M 86cm
Burgundy rose standards, falls deep burgundy red with white area
into the falls.
TINTINARA (Donnell 88) M 81cm
Red brown with bluish flash. Dark orange beards.
TITAN’S GLORY (Schreiner 81) E-M 94cm
Huge silken deep purple with long bloom season.
TOMORROWS CHILD (Blyth 81) M-ML 91cm re
Pastel pink standards, red violet falls edged pink.
Tangerine red beards. Laced, may rebloom.
TOTAL OBSESSION (Tompkins 93) ML 94cm
Light violet stds, falls deep violet falls with large central
white area. Excellent blooms and growth.
TOTAL RECALL (Hager 92) E-L 96cm RE
Lovely pearly white with soft yellow tones and yellow beards.
Good regular rebloom, sometimes multiple.
TOWN GOSSIP (Blyth 91) M-l 90cm
Spectacular with lavender standards, velvety black falls,
violet edge and red beard.
TRAITOR (Jameson 90) M 80cm
Unusual blend of blue green with blue violet and bronzed beards.
Good grower.
TRIPLE WHAMMY (Hager 90) M-L 105cm
Wow! Bright yellow stds. Falls lavender edged yellow,
bright purple horns. Tall and vigorous.
TRUDY BEE (Modra 06) E 85 cm
Very full and rounded iris, well ruffled. Lemon yellow stds.
Falls violet blue with rosy brown edges and hafts and a
small white flash below the gold beards. Nice sturdy stems
and good growth. Lots of breeding potential. May rebloom.
TWIRL THE KILT (Blyth 02) M 89CM
Std honey apricot with rosy midribs. Falls champagne buff
with rosy wash extending half way down falls. Tangerine
orange beards. Wide ruffled form and sweet perfume.
Good branching and growth.
ACOMA Pale blue stds. Ivory falls, fine violet plicata edging.
AFTER HOURS Deep blue violet.
ALL AMERICAN Re Blue-white with red beards. Reblooms.
ALL SILENT Beautiful silvery blue self with lovely form.
ALPINE JOURNEY White Standards, yellow falls and beards.
APERGE Lovely perfumed blue and white.
AZTEC BURST Pure white standards with apricot falls. Early.
BANG Vigorous mahogany red.
BEHOLD A LADY White stds, yellow falls
BERRY BLUSH re Pink stds, lavender falls.
BEYOND Rosy copper stds, falls yellow, rosy copper markings.
BIG LEAGUE Large blooms of rich blue.
BLENHEIM ROYAL High quality ruffled dark purple-blue.
BOOGIE WOOGIE White stds, falls have a soft violet wash.
VICTORIAN FRILLS (P Black 87) M-L 86cm
Ruffled mid pink standards, pale pink falls with edges.
Tangerine red beards. Pretty.
WHAT A MIXTURE (Grosvenor 00) M-L 81cm
Flat Japanese iris form in mid violet-blue, irregularly
splashed white. Purple based foliage adds a nice touch.
WING COMMANDER (G Sutton 98) M-L 89cm
blue bitone, lighter around orange beards that end
in wisteria blue flounces. Ruffled and flared.
WINGS OF DREAMS (Woodside 75) EML 91cm Re
$7 pink with tangerine beards. Lots of ruffles and lace
with good substance. Often reblooms.
WISHFUL THINKING (Keppel 96) M 106cm
tall silvery lavender, slightly lighter on falls.
Lovely branching and bud count.
$9 big grower with clean healthy foliage. Wide ruffled violetVery
blue, with cream hafts with dark blue veining. Nicely offset with
cream beards, tipped yellow. Lovely branching with 8-10 buds
giving a long bloom season. A good show and garden iris.
WORD HAS IT (Blyth 04) EM 89cm
Well formed soft cream with a pink tint, creamy apricot at the
hafts. Beautiful substance and well branched. Good grower.
WYCH WAY (Blyth 93) VE-EM 102cm
Violet standards, falls rose burgundy with bright mustard beards.
YAQUINA BLUE (Schreiner 92) M 97 cm
Magnificent marine blue of outstanding form and growth.
Wide, full and ruffled. Great growth.
BREAKFAST CREEK White overlaid pale silvery blue.
BUBBLING LACED Heavily laced white with lemon
beard.BURGUNDY BROWN Creamy yellow edged brown.
BUSY BEING BLUE A good shorter, pretty, light sky blue.
CHAMPAGNE ELEGANCE Re Stds white, falls pale apricot.
CHAPEAU BLANC Lovely wide ruffled and flared blue-white.
CHICO MAID Lovely ruffled palest blue with navy blue beards.
CLEAR DAY Mid blue with cadmium yellow beards.
CODICIL Mid blue with near black beards. Very popular.
COLUMBIA BLUE Lovely mid to light blue self.
CONJURATION White stds,. Falls white, violet edges.
Beards white tipped tangerine with white horns. D M 98.
CREME D’OR Stds lemon flushed, falls are white lemon hafts.
CROWN STERLING Silvery light blue.
CYCLES Mid blue stds, falls are white with blue edges.
DAREDEVIL White with blue edging and red beards.
DARK PRINCE Tall growing dark purple, big plants.
DECOLLETAGE Cream edged dark rose
DIVINE DUCHESS Outstanding silvery blue with white beards.
EIDOLIA Ruffled dark violet-blue with white beards.
EPIC Beautiful light blue of lovely form.
FEEDBACK RE mid violet self with sweet fragrance.
FLOAT Lovely white tinted lavender.
FLY TO VEGAS Butterscotch stds, blue-lavender falls.
FRENCH GOWN re purple and white plicata, excellent growth.
FULL TIDE Wisteria blue.
GENTLE RAIN Lovely blue on white plicata.
GOOD EARTH Ruffled golden bronze self, lots of lace.
GOOLGUMBLA Ruffled soft flax blue, with self beards.
GRECIAN GODDESS Beautiful lemon yellow.
HALL OF FAME Peach-pink with tangerine beards.
HEATHER BLUSH Stds fuchsia pink, falls light violet.
HIGH WATERS Blue-violet self, wide flared and ruffled.
HILO SHORE Shorter vivid clear blue with white beards.
ICE SCULPTURE Huge bluish white blooms.
INSTRUCTOR Stds creamy yellow, falls edged mid-blue.
JANIE MEEK Pink stds, lavender falls.
JOLIMONT Very ruffled blue-white. Good grower.
KAH-NEE-TAH Reddish brown stds, falls golden tan.
KARAMINKA Medium ginger-brown, tan beard tipped yellow.
KAREN MAREE Pale wisteria blue, with yellow beards.
KEN WARE Old gold stds, falls white heavily stitched in
dark maroon. Bronze yellow beard. Vigorous.
LARK ABOUT Lavender stds, falls white edged lavender-violet.
LEMON LYRIC Very ruffled lemon yellow standards, falls cream
edged yellow.
LIGHT BEAM Yellow with brown plicata markings.Reblooms.
LILYPILLY WINE Orchid-blue and big bushy red beards.
LIPSTICK LIES White red beards purple stitching on hafts.
LORNA LEE Soft pink, bright red beards. Tall.
LOVE COMES Lovely mulberry-magenta, burnt orange beards.
LOVE THE SUN Yellow stds, falls golden brown edged yellow.
LOYAL DEVOTION A shorter growing ruffled light blue.
LYSANDRA Snow-white standards, falls are white with a
blue-lavender overlay. Saturn red beards.
MANY THANKS Ruffled soft blue. High quality. Good grower.
MARICOPA Buff tan, marked red.
MARINE LUSTRE Early satiny blue with cream beards,fragrant.
MARY FRANCES Soft lilac lavender.
McCRAE MOON Pastel blue-lavender.Yellow beards.
MIXTURE Stds solid rose pink, falls white edged, spotted rose.
MOODY BLUE Light blue stds, mid blue falls.
MOUNT BOGONG Lovely tall mid blue.
MOUNTAIN MELODY Stds are a mulberry orange blend, falls
are white, edged yellow, and speckled mulberry.
MOUNTAIN VIOLET re Pink-violet stds, falls are a dark violet.
MULBERRY PUNCH Ruffled mulberry purple.
NEW MOON Re Large lemon yellow. Often reblooms.
NORDIC SEAS Stds blue with a violet flush, falls violet blue.
OCEAN PACIFIC Re Shorter mid-blue, reblooms.
OLYMPARICO RE Creamy white, yellow beards. Very, very
early bloom with rebloom in October.
PACIFIC TIDE Re Medium steel blue often reblooms.
PATINA Greenish yellow standards suffused olive, greenish
yellow falls edged olive, brown beard.
PERSIAN BERRY Blue-raspberry blend, ruffled and laced.
PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE Medium blue self, wide and ruffled.
PLUM GLEAM Cream base with smoky plum taupe edging.
POINT IN TIME Lavender -white stds, white falls stitched blue.
PORTA VILLA Salmon heavily stitched rosy-purple.
PORTRAIT OF LARRIE Clear sky blue. Superb classic.
PRAISE THE LORD Mid blue with white beards.
PRALINE Standards tan, falls creamy tan.
RECURRING RUFFLES RE Ruffled blue-violet, reblooms.
REVOLUTION Blue-white standards, blue falls with red beards.
ROCOCO White edged deep blue.
RONDO White stitched red-violet.
RUFFLES SUPREME Beautifully ruffled cream.
SAPPHIRE HILLS Lovely mid blue, flared and ruffled.
SATIN KNIGHT Beautiful cream with green infusion at hafts.
SEA OF JOY Quality ruffled blue with near white beard.
SERENE DUET Stds. white; falls light yellow with white edge.
SHIPSHAPE Large blooms of dense medium blue.
SHORTBREAD CRÈME Peachy cream bitone, ruffled.
SILHOUETTE Lovely soft blue overlaid on white.SILKWOOD
Light blue stds, falls bluish white.
SILVER FOX Bluish white with lots of ruffles and lace set off
with tangerine beards. Good grower.
SILVER STITCH Cream ground with violet marking,gold beard.
SILVERADO Silvery blue white, heavily ruffled. Superb form.
SKATING PARTY Well formed pure white.
SKY HOOKS Re Soft yellow, gold beards,purple horns.
SMOKE RINGS Ruffled cream stitched taupe. An old favorite.
SNEAK PREVIEW Soft apricot-orange self, very early.
SONG OF ERIN Greenish white.
SONG OF NORWAY Silver-blue with beautiful form.
SOSTENIQUE Apricot pink standards, falls light violet.
SPANISH BOLD Butterscotch standards, falls deep red brown.
SPRING CHILD Pretty sky blue, lemon tipped white beards.
STELLAR LIGHTS Deep blue violet, white spot below beard.
STERLING MISTRESS Pink stds, falls cream, edged pink.
STOLEN DREAMS Rich orchid stds, fall white to orchid.
STORM BRINGER Deep blue velvety bitone.
ST PETERSBERG A regular rebloomer, ruffled silvery white.
SUPER DANCER Apricot-tan stds, plum-violet falls, red beards.
SURFIE GIRL Beige standards, falls white stitched violet.
SWAIN Standards are tan, falls red brown with gold beards.
TAJ RANI Lovely lavender self.
TAJ REGIS Silky lavender with showy chocolate beards.
TEMPTONE Beautiful iris with ruffled blooms of rich purple.
TENNESSEE GENTLEMAN Re Lemon buff with soft rosepurple stitching on falls. Prolific bloom and increase. May rebloom.
THORNBIRD Unusual colouring of greenish tan, slightly darker
falls and mustard tipped purple horned beards. DM 97.
TIDE CREST Mid hyacinth blue with lemon beard.
TORQUE Vigorous rich brown bitone. Shorter
TWICE DELIGHTFUL Re Pretty reblooming mid blue.
VAN GOGH Saffron yellow.
VICTORIA FALLS Re Light blue self. May rebloom. DM84.
WALTZ ACROSS TEXAS Solid yellow stds, falls white edged
yellow with some tan plicata markings. May rebloom.
WEDDING VOW Pure white.
WHITE LIGHTNING White with showy gold beards.
WIDE HORIZON Huge blooms, lavender stds and white falls
washed lavender. High bud count.
WILLANDRA Very vigorous, white stitched rosy lavender.
WORDS AND MUSIC Melon apricot self with tangerine beards.
BEDEVIL (Blyth 98) IB EM 61cm
Pinkish stds infused burgundy, falls light burgundy edged pink.
Black bronze beards.
CONCERTINA (G Sutton 99) IB EM 69cm RE
Ruffled peach-rose with orange beards, blue at end.
Dark violet blue horns, sometimes peachy coloured spoons.
Excellent vigour and rebloom. Fertile both ways.
DEVIL MAY CARE (Black 00) L 56cm
Black with big red-orange beards.
EYE MAGIC (Donnell 87) IB EM 45 cm
Gold stds, falls gold with red thumbprint, orange yellow beard.
EYE WONDER (Blyth 98) IB EML 60cm
Gold stds, plush re-burgundy falls. Lavender beards, tipped bronze.
Nicely ruffled.
FATHOM (M SMith) ML 58cm
Lovely ruffled clear light blue. Excellent growth.
HE’S A PIRATE (Blyth95) IB ML 63cm
Burgundy-wine stds, falls cherry black. Beards are lavender
overlaid with dark bronze.
HONEY GLAZED (Niswonger 82) IB M 61 cm Re
Cream stds, falls amber gold with gold beard. Often reblooms.
MULBERRY TEMPLE (Blyth 93) IB M 55cm
Bright mulberry with white area around beards. A good grower .
OCTOBER STORM (G Sutton 01) EM 65cm RE
$6 violet stds, falls velvety dark purple. Purple beards
ending in violet spoon. Reblooms.
PETITE MONET (Steele 89) MTB M 46cm
A miniature tall bearded. White with blue-violet stitching.
PROTOCOL (Keppel 96) EM 58cm
White stds and golden yellow falls, beards yellow to orange.
QUIVER (Blyth 94) IB M-ML 60cm
Pink standards, flushed lavender, paler falls. Lavender beards tipped
Pretty blooms, lightly ruffled and well branched.
SEASON TICKET (Gatty 94) IB EM Re 66cm
Stds yellow with pinkish midribs, falls a darker apricot yellow.
beards. Good rebloom.
SILENT SHADOW (Blyth 95) IB ML 56cm
$7 stds flushed brown, dark burgundy falls with white beards
tipped brown.
SMUG (Blyth 98) IB VE-M 46cm re
pink stds, falls pinkish violet with deep violet signal spot.
Apricot tangerine beards.
HOT FUDGE (Hager 82) M 58cm
Yellow heavily overlaid with dark red-brown plicata plicata
markings. Yellow beard. Very popular.
STORM SONG (Blyth 03) VE-EM 52cm
Light lavender with a large red-violet spot on the falls.
SUNSHINE BOY ( Foster 85) E-L 64cm
cream stds, falls creamy white with deep yellow
markings around orange beards. Ruffled.
KENSEI (Blyth 89) IB E-M 60cm
Sky blue standards, with rosy violet falls and bronze beards.
KIMMELFABER (Innerst 91) M 69cm
Dark blue stds, falls a bit darker. Lovely glowing sheen.
THE IVORIES (Blyth 02) M 31cm Re
Creamy white with blue horned beards. Fertile.
LOW HO SILVER (Byers 88) IB E-L 48cm RE
Silvery white, touched yellow at hafts. Good increase,
multiple rebloom.
ZING ME (Blyth 90) IB E-M 55cm
Cream standards, falls cream with brown thumbprint at base
and big bushy brown beards. Fertile.
Rich pink stds, falls pale orient pink and bright wisteria blue beards.
Ruffled and well formed. 5 buds. Reblooms.
AURORALITA (Weiler 90) EM 25cm RE
Soft yellow, lighter in centre of falls, light lavender stitching. Beards
pale lavender. Reblooms.
MAKING EYES (Blyth 82) VE 30cm
Creamy lemon with bold red-violet thumb print on falls.
MIGHTY MOUSE (Sutton 04) MDB 13cm Re
$6 quick grower. Chartreuse stds, falls white with slight
blue veining and chartreuse edging. Reblooms and good grower.
MISTER ROBERTS (Willott 79) L 30cm
Brilliant golden yellow, Excellent growth and increase.
CACHE OF GOLD (G Sutton 04) E-M 23cm RE
Extremely vigorous and bright rebloomer. Rich gold
with gold beards, tipped white at end.
NANCY ALANE (Jones 80) E 30cm
Purple stds, falls rich burgundy edged purple. Ruffled.
NIMBLE TOES (H Blyth ) E-L 25cm
Stds nearly solid blue, falls white edged blue, highlighted by
bright tangerine beards.
NUT RUFFLES (Lankow 92) M 30cm
Smooth chocolate brown with charcoal-brown spot on fall
and cream area around bronze beards. Ruffled.
CARATS (Blyth 94) M-ML 25cm
Bright orange stds, falls light orange, edged tangerine with
deep orange thumbprint. Very cute.
DOT COM (Jones 97) M 20cm
White with powder blue veined thumbprint on falls.
Turquoise highlights around blue beards.
ECHOES (Blyth 96) VE 25cm
White stitched bright lavender-blue. Easy grower.
FAIRY FOOTSTEPS (Blyth 85) E-M 30cm
Pure white, blue edges Makes a delightful carpet.
GOSH (Blyth 95) EM 36cm
Pink with a bluish cast, a few brown lines at hafts.
Tangerine beards, tipped lavender.
HOT (Byers 91) E-L 33cm RE
Bight yellow stds, falls rich red brown. Yellow beards.
Long bloom season, plus rebloom.
RIPPLETTE (Ritchie 90) E 30cm
Clear mid blue, with blue beards.
SCION (Blyth 94) EML 35cm
Apricot standards, falls slightly darker with white area below white
beards, excellent show.
SUGAR MAPLE (G Sutton 03) VE-M 25cm RE $10
Great rebloomer and grower. Apricot orange self.
JAZZAMATAZ (Heidi Blyth 86) M-ML 38cm
Cream stds, falls rich ruby edged cream, delightfully ruffled.
LEARN (Innerst 90) M-L 25cm
Warm pink with white beards tipped cream. Sweet.
TAJA (Blyth90) VVE 38cm
White heavily stitched violet. Vigorous.
TARHEEL ELF (Niswonger 82) M 35cm
Ruffled very dark red-purple, blue beard.
TERRA VERDE (Ensminger 94) E 30cm
Light sulphur yellow with greenish spot on falls.
JINX (Blyth 03) EM 36cm $10
Yellow beards. Different.
Lovely heavy blooming blue luminata. Lovely ruffled form.
LILAC N’ ICE (Blyth 93) VE-M 35cm
Lavender lilac standards with white falls stitched lavender lilac.
TRAJECTORY (Paul Black 97) M 33 cm
Stds dark purple; style arms white edged purple. Falls darker
purple with white luminata patch and white beards, pronounced
spicy fragrance. Eye-catching.
WHYDIDI (Blyth 02) VE 25cm
Pink stds with purple flush, falls red-purple with pink edge.
Bronze tipped beards.
ART AND SOUL (Blyth 98) ML 96cm
Stds lavender blue, whiter at base. Falls lemon, edged lavender
blue. Gold signal.
BRASS BEAUTY (McCowan 91) M 114cm
Greenish gold stds, falls brassy gold with brown veining.
LADY BUTTERFLY (Jenkins 94) E 107-124cm
Exquisitely ruffled soft creamy yellow self, signal slightly richer
MAHOGANY LORD (Blyth 93) EM 112cm
popular rich, dark purple–brown with small
yellow signal.
BRASSKNOCKER (Evans 97) M 127cm
Creamy white with spreading gold signal. Lovely tall one.
MISSOURI IRON ORE (Niswonger 97) M 107cm
Lovely rich red-brown with purple tones and slight gold signal.
BRONZING (Blyth 89) M-ML 90cm
Blue-violet standards, falls similar but with a spreading
bronze signal. Neat grower.
MOONLIGHT (Niswonger 97) M 102cm
Lovely ruffled lemon yellow self.
MISSOURI ORANGE (Niswonger 98) M 107cm
$7 orange-gold with darker signal.
MISSOURI RAINBOWS (Niswonger 97) M 102cm
Very beautiful mid blue with a blended yellow signal.
Excellent growth.
MISSOURI STAR (Niswonger 98) M 107cm
lavender blue with mid yellow signals.
CHESTNUT CHIME (Blyth 89) EM 91cm
Chestnut to chocolate brown, no signal.
CINNAMON MOON (Blyth 03) M 105cm
Stds bronze with gold highlights, falls are bright golden yellow
with bronze edging. Good grower and at least 6 buds.
CINNAMON STICK (Niswonger 82) M 100cm
Red-brown with falls speckled with gold.
CLARA ELLEN (Jenkins 93) E 85-107cm
Purple stds, falls yellow with purple edging and veining.
COLOR SORCERY (Jenkins 96) EM 114cm
Stds rich mahogany-purple, falls dark brown with
radiating yellow signal.
DREAMCASTER (Blyth 03) VE-E 115cm
Soft blue-lavender stds, falls cream edged and netted with
soft blue-lavender. Huge, wide ruffled blooms. Great grower.
EDITH’S COLOR (Jenkins 92) ML 112cm
Mauve with large yellow signal.
POET’S LOVE (Blyth 03) VE-EM 107cm
Icy white stds, falls have pure white band around an intense
yellow signal. Wide compact ruffled blooms. Vigorous.
POPPED CORN (Jenkins 93) M 91cm
Lovely shorter grower with creamy white stds and yellow falls
with white edge. Wide ruffled form.
FIXED STAR (Hager 90) M 90cm
Nearly pure white, with a hint of a lemon signal. Good grower.
GOLD PRICE (Blyth 00) VE-ML 127 cm
Huge blooms of pure gold, excellent growth. High bud count.
HAPPY CHOICE (Niswonger 76) M-L 107cm
Pale blue with large gold signal. Very popular.
HEART TO HEART (Ghio 80) L 85cm
Blue violet with yellow signal.
IN DEPTH (Hager 88) ML 97cm
Rich deep blue violet with inconspicuous yellow signals.
JUST JANELLE (Sylvia 96) M 117cm
Lovely honey-cream stds, falls honey-gold lighter at edges.
Huge blooms and a show winner.
PEAK ALONE (P Evans 97) E 105- 120cm
Magnificent blooms with lilac blue standards and creamy
white falls and spreading yellow signals.
PURPLE SMOKE (Jenkins 94) M 102cm
Purple stds, falls have large yellow signal edged and
veined purple.
SIDONIE (P Evans 97) M 150cm
Stds deep violet, falls light violet with deeper veining,
mid yellow signals.
STORM BLUE (Evans 97) ML 153cm
Smokey lavender stds, prominent darker signals, falls
lavender with yellow signal with darker veining.
SULTAN’S SASH (Niswonger 90) M 102cm
Deep red violet with gold signal.
SUNRISE IN SONORA (Wickenkamp 94) M 118cm
Deep maroon stds, falls have wide gold signal with
maroon edges and veining.
CONTRAST IN STYLES (Hollingsworth 89) M 71cm
Bright rose wine with blue white blaze and style arms.
Very eye catching
DAVID’S SONG (Blyth 04) EM 72cm
Beautiful mauve blue bitone, with turquoise midribs and
creamy signal. Lots of large blooms.
HIGH STANDARDS (Hollingworth 89) M 112cm
The tallest siberian we grow. Lovely rich dark blue-purple
with small white signal.
iris chrysographes
An Asian siberian species, dark purple with near black area on
iris wilsonii
A species siberian from Asia, light yellow stds, falls darker with a
few red-brown markings.
LIGHTS OF PARIS (P Rich) L 102cm White, yellow signal.
LINDA MARY (Cooper 90) EM 91cm
Rosy-mauve stds, and deeper blue flushed falls. White halo signal.
OFF SHE GOES (Schafer/Sacks 98) EM 70cm
Large round blooms of creamy lavender-pink with gold signals.
Usually the first to bloom with a second later round of blooming.
Excellent grower.
Blue self with darker veining. Turquoise blue style arms.
SHAKER’S PRAYER (Warner 90) M 84cm
Delightful smaller blooms that dance in the breeze.
Stds purple, falls white with heavy purple veining, gold hafts.
SIBTOSA PRINCESS (Tamberg 98) M 92cm
Excellent grower. Lavender pink bitone. Somewhat fertile.
Has some Iris setosa in its breeding.
SUPERNATURAL (Blyth 94) M-L 82cm Tetraploid
Light magenta wine, round form.
TYCOON Rich blue-violet with lovely bright green foliage.
ALLUVIAL GOLD (Taylor 92) M-L 110cm
Clear mid-yellow, darker ribs. Ruffled.
JAZZ BALLET (Taylor 89) ML 90cm
Light violet, paler at edges and on reverse. Ruffled. Aust DM 90.
CARIOCA CARNIVAL (Betts 2000 ) M-L 120cm
Lovely ruffled dark red, slightly bitoned, bright yellow gold signal.
9 buds, smaller flowered.
LA STUPENDA (Pryor 96) ML 95cm
Rosy pink with darker edges, lemon green signals.
Good grower with lots of large blooms.
C’EST FANTASIQUE (Dunn 90) M 94cm
Light magenta-burgundy with small yellow signal.
NATURAL WONDER (Taylor 91) M 130cm
Large, wide dusky pink with darker veining and yellow centre.
PROFESSOR JIM (Mertzweiller 87) E-M 100cm
Large rose-red tetraploid, with yellow signal.
CHARLOTTE’S TUTU (H Pryor 96) CM 95cm
Round and ruffled cerise red with bright yellow signals . Vigorous
DURAL CHARM (Taylor 83) E 76cm
Lots of canary yellow blooms of lovely form. Aust DM 87.
Magnificent bluish purple with beautifully ruffled edges.
Lots of bloom.
FIRST LIME (Betts 07) E 109cm
Soft yellow-green with green signal and veining. Sweet fragrance.
Heavily ruffled dark maroon red, with gold signal and purple styles.
JACARANDA LAD (Pryor ) M 102cm
Ruffled deep jacaranda blue, lime green steeple signal. Vigorous.
ALL AGAZE Light salmon and pink bitone, vigorous.
BAYOU MYSTIQUE Light lavender standards, falls
deeper lavender.
BELINDA’S WEBB Bitoned red purple with darker veining.
HONOURED GUEST Ruffled purple with lighter edges and
reverse, yellow signal.
ICE ANGEL Icy bluish white with small gold signal line, vigorous.
ROCKET LAUNCH (Betts 2000 ) ML 98cm
Lovely terracotta bitone, long bright yellow signals
outlined in maroon. Brown style arms. 9 buds.
HONOURED GUEST (Taylor 92) M 100cm
Ruffled purple with lighter edges and reverse, yellow signal.
VALERA (Arny 80) M 76cm
Ruffles apricot buff with yellow line signal.
Light green style arms Very pretty.
WINE COUNTRY (Dunn 87) M 86cm
Rich burgundy red bitone. Tiny yellow signal and line.
LA PEROSE Smaller plant, rich blue with greenish tint.
MARIE DELORES White with orange signal and veining. Sweet
PERTH SKY Bright violet blue with white signals, purple style
arms. Petal edges crimped.
PROFESSOR IKE Dark purple tetraploid, vigorous.
SINFONIETTA Tall rich dark blue. Good show branching.
Very popular, robust easy grower.
DAYLILIES - Standard Flowered
One of the easiest plants to grow, daylilies will grow in almost any climate in Australia. However the dormant varieties tend to do better in the
cooler areas and some evergreens may prefer a warmer climate. Our stock is all grown in a climate similar to Melbourne’s. They need little
maintenance but prefer moderate fertilizing and water to perform at their best. They are great for holding soil on banks and when established
are quite drought tolerant. The modern daylilies provide wonderful clumps of colour without becoming invasive as some older varieties may
do. Many rebloom having two to four flushes of flowers in a season, with the first flush starting in about October. Whilst each individual
bloom lasts only one day, each flower stem (scape) has up to 35 buds and each clump may have many scapes, thus giving a very long and
showy display. Originally daylilies had only one pair of chromosomes (Diploid) but some were then bred with a double set of chromosomes
(Tetraploid) to give improved substance. However many of the newer diploids are as good, if not better, than some tetraploids. If you are
interested in hybridizing you cannot cross diploids with tetraploids. This year we’ve included registered bloom size in the description.
Descriptions - Bloom Season (E, M, L) Habit (Ev SEv Dor) Ploidy (Dip, Tet) Rebloom Re, Plant flowering height in cm, Bloom Size in cm
NAME CHANGES Please note that a number of Salter bred daylilies had their names changed after release and were later given an
extra name to meet full registration acceptance. We use the official registration name, not the original release name eg Mandalay Bay
Music not Mandalay Bay.
EM Ev Tet Re 82cm18cm
Exquisite huge blooms of ruffled lilac orchid, heavy substance.
ADMIRAL’S BRAID (P Stamile 90)
M Ev Tet 55cm 14cm
Beautiful near white with braided gold edge. Good substance
and fertile both ways.
E SEv, Tet Re 50cm 14cm
Lovely mauve with grape eyezone and green throat.
EE Ev Tet Re 51cm 15cm
Lovely full round lemon yellow above jade green throat.
EM Ev Tet Re 68cm 15cm
Beautifully pleated and frilled blooms of heavy substance,
in a lovely rich golden cream. Good growth.
ANASAZI (Stamile 98) EM Ev Tet Re 63cm 15cm
Pink with a gold edge, may double on rebloom.
BENCHMARK (Munson80) M EV TET Re 70cm 15cm $7
Large blooms of lavender, with cream throat, fragrant.
BILL NORRIS (Kirchoff 94) M SEv Tet Re 73cm 13cm
form and substance, rich yellow gold. Well branched,
strongly recurrent. Fertile.
BLACK AMBROSIA (Salter 91) SEvTet M.Re 70cm 14cm
Rich black purple with a bright green throat. Form is round, ruffled,
$7 overlapped and recurved. Substance is velvety and holds well
in the sun. Good parent for black purples.
BLACKJACK CHERRY (R Carr 95) M Ev Tet 51cm 13cm
grower with rich red black blooms. Fragrant.
BLIZZARD BAY ( Salter J 95) L SEv Tet Re 62cm 15cm $10
Large blooms of white with heavy gold edge.
BORDER BRIDE (Salter 95) M SEv Tet Re 65cm
An ivory to white with a plum purple eye and a heavy picotee of
plum around the petal edges. Substance is heavy and holds well.
Good grower. Well branched with multiple blooms.
BORDER MUSIC (Salter 00) EM SEv Tet Re 72cm 15cm $10
A cream flower with a bold purple eye and edge. The bold purple
APOLLODORUS (Munson 85) ML Ev Tet 71cm 11cm edge
$7 bubbles along the petal ruffling and sometimes measures as
much as 0.5cm. Well branched scapes.
Rich violet purple with green throat.
BREED APART (Salter 96) M SEv Tet 65cm 11cm
APRICOT JADE (Stamile 97) E Ev Tet Re 80cm 15cm $8
Lovely orange coral blend, with gold edge and green throat.
Rich apricot with jade throat. Heavy substance. Very fragrant.
BY DESIGN (Stamile 01) EM Ev Tet RE 71cm 15cm
Beautiful full pastel pink with heavily ruffled gold edges,
grass green to gold throat. Fragrant. 25-28 buds, fertile both ways
and a good parent. Good grower.
AT DUSK (Blyth 88) ML Ev Tet Re 90cm 14cm
BYRAN PAUL (Durio 87) EM SEv Tet Re 61cm 16cm $8
Big tall blooms of unusual terracotta rose blend.
Huge ribbed and ruffled blooms of ruby red with white edging.
AZTEC CHALICE (Hager 88) M Ev Re Tet 88cm 14cm $7
Masses of good sized deep red blooms on well branched scapes.
M Ev Tet Re 76cm 14cm
Strongly recurrent.
Cream with broad purple eyezone and edge, green throat.
Great grower, looks fantastic.
BARBARA DITTMER (Morss94) E, SEv Tet Re 53cm 10cm $9
Coral orchid rose, with pink rose eyezone. Very pretty.
E Ev Tet Re71cm 10cm
BATHSHEBA (Harris 83) M Ev Tet Re 65cm 15cm
Lovely round flower of bright rose pink with red eyezone.
Magnificent large blooms of clear pink with yellow throat.
Smaller bloom with ruffled piecrust edging.
M-L SEv Tet Re 65cm 13cm
Lovely purple blend with silver edge and green throat.
SALTER (Salter 90) M SEv Tet Re 50cm 13cm $7
CHERRYSTONE (Stamile 98) EM Ev Tet Re 68cm 13cmELIZABETH
Exquisitely formed pink self, green throat.
Beautiful rose pink with a red eye and edge, sometime a fine
gold wire edge shows. Wide, full and round. Fertile both ways.
EMILY ELIZABETH (Holton 00) EM Ev Tet Re 55cm 14cm $12
CHINESE KITE (Munson 82) EM Ev Tet Re 61cm 17cm Lovely
coral pink with heavy braided gold edge,
yellow-green throat.
Orchid lilac blend with creamy lilac halo and creamy green throat.
M SEv Tet Re 90cm 15cm
Exquisite rose pink blend, green throat, masses of blooms and
highly recurrent. Good breeder for pinks, may double.
CLOCKWORK (Kaskel 99) E Ev Tet Re 60cm 15cm
Beautifully formed tangerine orange. Round and full with
ruffled piecrust gold edging.
CLOTHED IN GLORY (Grace 96) M Ev Tet Re 45cm 18cm $12
Large lavender mauve blooms with prominent gold edge
and yellow throat. Very fragrant. Great for breeding.
CORTINA (Stamile 01) EM Ev Tet Re 58cm 15cm
Beautiful white with overtones of green and yellow.
Ruffled green-yellow edge. Excellent pod parent.
CREATIVE EDGE (Stamile 95) M SEv Tet Re 60cm 15cm
Creamy lavender with purple eye and fancy purple edge.
Fragrant. Excellent parent for eyes and edges.
DAKAR (Stamile 98) M Ev Tet Re 76cm 13cm
Tall strong black-violet blend with green throat. Very
popular for hybridizing. Very Fragrant.
EM SEv Tet Re 60cm 14cm
Lavender pink with black-purple edge and eyezone.
Makes a bold show.
M SEv Tet Re 75cm 15cm
Bright coral orange blend, green throat.
EM Ev Tet Re 65cm 13cm
Stunning deep purple self, with yellow to grass green throat.
EYE DECLARE (Munson 92) ML Dor Tet Re 64cm 13cm
Very pretty pink blend with red eyezone above large green throat.
M SEv Tet Re 64cm 14cm
Clear lavender with heavy ruffled gold edge. Broad and full
form with good substance. Fertile.
FORBIDDEN DESIRES (Petit 95) M SEv Tet 48cm 15cm
Beautiful big purple blooms with silvery white edging,
green throat.
EM Ev Tet Re 60cm 14cm
Orchid with wide edges and eye of plum black.
Fertile both ways and popular for breeding.
DARK FORCES (Salter 96) M Ev Tet Re 60cm 13cm
A black lavender purple with a small green throat. Form is very
round, full and overlapped. Substance holds well. Well branched
scapes carry multiple blooms. Fertile.
DARWIN SUNSET (Mead 91 unreg) M Ev Tet Re 75cm 15cm $7
Eye catching bright red large blooms with gold midribs and throat.
Excellent rebloom.
DEBUSSY (Stamile 99) EM Ev Tet Re 68cm 17cm
Large fragrant blooms of lavender with a gold edge , green throat.
GALLANT EYES (Brown 83) EM Ev Dip 68cm 14cm
Soft pastel pink with stunning purple eyezone.
GOLD REEF (Nunan 95) ML Ev Tet Re 52cm 15cm
Creamy gold with wonderful knobbly hooked picotee edge.
Lots of Bloom. Very popular.
EM SEv Dip Re 45cm 11cm
Lavender with layered halo of violet and purple bands.
HEARTS OF FIRE (Stamile 98) M Ev Tet Re 76cm 16cm
Ruffled cerise red with bright green throat.
$15 HOLLYWOOD LIGHTS (Trimmer 99)
EM SEv Tet Re 60cm 14cm
DRAGON KING (Kirchhoff 94) E Ev Tet Re 56cm 14cmVery
$8 large bright gold edge around a dark lavender flower.
Highly recurrent with the edge becoming more dominant in
Rich crimson red, with huge green throat. Very eye-catching.
hotter weather. Good growth. Fertile.
EBONY JEWEL (Stamile 97) M Ev Re Tet 63cm 13cm $12
Dark deep velvety black red. Very popular.
EM Dor Tet Re 50cm, 11cm
ED BROWN (Salter 97) EM SEv Tet Re 74cm 15cm
Cream with blue-lavender eye. Good rebloom and growth.
Icy pink with heavily braided gold edge.
Pod fertile and fragrant.
EDGE OF HEAVEN (Salter 99)
EM SEv Tet Re 69cm 17cm
Ivory cream blushed pink, green throat and heavy gold edge.
Good parent.
ELIZABETH HAY (Holton 01) EM Ev Tet Re 66cm 13cm
Ruffled yellow with dark burgundy eye and heavy
burgundy edge and a fine gold outside edge.
Very good with 5 way branching and 30 buds.
HUG ME BIG (Hansen 92) L Ev Dip Re 61cm 13cm
Rose red blooms with green to yellow throat extending
well out onto the petals. Fragrant.
EM SEv Tet 76cm 14cm
Delicate clear pink with frosted broad edge of heavy gold.
Form is full broad and overlapped. Bud count 30, fertile.
LEE PICKLES (Salter 01) EM SEv Tet Re 71cm 14cm
IDA’S MAGIC (Munson I 88) EM Ev Tet Re 70cm 15cm $8
Creamy ivory with soft rose eye and double edge of rose
Lavender peach, edged gold with green-gold throat.
and gold. 3 way branching and 35 buds, fertile.
Very fertile and a popular parent.
EM SEv Tet Re 64 cm 14cm
Exceedingly clear cerise pink with ruffled silver edge.
Full and flat form, about 20 buds, fertile both ways.
LENOX (Munson 84) EM Ev Tet Re 61cm 15cm
High quality ivory white, with faint pink blush.
EM Ev Tet Re 61cm 15cm
ISLESWORTH (Stamile 97) EM Ev Tet Re 64cm 13cm Bright
$7 burgundy-wine with icy pink watermark. Very showy.
Magnificent cream with purple eyezone and edge, fragrant.
Good growth, increase and bloom.
LIGHT YEARS AWAY (Petit 96) M SEv Tet 53cm 14cm
Light lavender flower with a green throat and a very strong
ruffled gold edge which can be as wide as 1.3cm
M SEv Tet Re 65cm 14cm
Flowers are full, flat, and round.
Deep black purple self, with eyecatching green throat.
LIME FROST (Stamile 92) L Dor Tet 68cm 14cm
Nice round ruffled form.
Stunning diamond dusted white with greenish infusion.
JAMAICAN MUSIC (Trimmer 02) $18
LIN WRIGHT (Morss 94) M Ev Re Tet 61cm 15cm
EM Ev Tet Re 94cm 13cm
Large alabaster blooms with wine eyezone and wine edges.
Very tall pink with huge rose-red eye and edge.
JORDAN VERHAERT (Kennebrew 01)
Tet Re 64cm 12cm
Clear pink with bright red eye and heavy red edging with a
touch of gold. Lovely parent.
KELLI LOUISE (Holton 00) E Ev Tet Re 75cm 11cm
Lovely pink with rose eyezone and edge chartreuse throat,
fragrant. High bud count and good rebloom. Lovely round form. A
E SEv Tet Re 58cm 13cm Brilliant sunfast red.
KEY TO MY HEART (Carr 99) E Ev Tet Re 63cm 13cm
Lovely rose with wide edge of pink to white.
Very lovely and different.
KISSES LIKE WINE (Trimmer 00) E SEv Tet Re 65cm 14cm$8
Rich yellow with wine eyezone. Very eye-catching.
Long bloom season.
E Ev Tet Re 72cm 17 cm
Lovely tall creamy white with gold edge, large flowers.
Fertile and fragrant.
EM Ev Tet 66cm 71cm 15cm Creamy ivory with
pink highlights. Excellent form and substance.
M SEv Tet Re 69cm 18cm
Large rose-lavender with large gold edge and green
throat. Form is flat full and broad. Fertile.
LAVENDER DUSK (Stamile 99)
EM SEv Re Tet 60cm 15cm
Very heavily substanced lavender of beautiful form. Fertile.
EM Ev Tet Re 60cm 16.5cm
Huge bluish purple with green throat. 3 way branching,
25 buds. Fragrant.
LINDA DANIEL (Kirchhoff 99) EM Ev Tet Re 65cm 15cm
Almond with rich plum eyezone and double edge of plum
and gold. Large blooms. Good bloomer.
Large 15cm blooms of rich pink with lighter sepals giving a
bicolour effect. Wonderfully ruffled gold edge. Evergreen.
LORI GOLDSTEIN (Kinnebrew 99)EM EvTet 53cm 16cm $9
$7 coral-rose with heavy substance and ruffled gold edge.
LOVE BALLAD (Mead 02) EM Ev Tet Re 61cm 13cm
Lovely creamy pink with deep rose eye above green throat.
3 way branching, 25 buds. Excellent rebloom.
MAKE BELIEVE MAGIC (Slater 00) E Ev Tet 75cm 11cm $18
Exquisitely formed smaller blooms of cream and pale pink with
fine gold edge. Beautifully ruffled and textured, fertile. MAL
(Stamile 98) M Ev Tet Re 78cm 19cm
Huge creamy white blend with green throat. Big tall plant
with good bud count and lots of rebloom. Good for hybridising.
MALENY TAPESTRY (Alexander unreg) E Ev Tet 60cm
Huge alabaster blooms with striking magenta-plum eyezone.
EM SEv Tet 71cm 17cm
Creamy white with hint of pink. Very ruffled gold edge.
Small intense green throat surrounded by large yellow
band. Very full and round. 30 buds, fertile.
MARDI GRAS BALL (Petit 96) M Ev Tet Re 58cm 15cm $8
Fabulous lavender with ruffled purple edge and eye.
Large yellow-green throat. Fertile.
MARIA CALLAS (Kirchhoff 99) E Ev Tet Re 71cm 15cm
Bright cardinal red self, yellow to green throat.
Masses of bloom and rebloom.
EM Ev Tet Re 76cm 15cm
Very elegant white with gold edge and green throat. large
beautifully formed blooms. Good substance. Fertile.
ML Ev Tet Re 87cm 17cm
Stunning red-purple black with green throat and ruffling.
Good grower, strong plants.Very fragrant, fertile.
EM Ev Tet Re 66cm 16cm
Unusual lavender with blue eye and edge and green throat.
Triangular form. Fragrant and fertile.
MISTER LUCKY (Sellers 95) EM Ev Tet Re 71cm 13cm
Almost continuous bloom of bright red with very dark red eyezone.
Popular for hybridizing.
M SEv Tet Re 71cm 15cm
Beautifully ruffled ivory cream with fine gold edge. Full round and
overlapped form. Well branched, 40 buds. Fertile.
EM SEv Tet Re 70cm 14cm
Blooms of near white with big purple eyezone and a deep
green throat. Great rebloomer. Good grower but small plants.
MORT’S MAGIC (Morss 98) EM Dor Tet 66cm 14cm
Clear mid purple with darker eye. There is a ruffled
double edge of darker purple and white. Fertile.
MORT MORSS (Salter 02) M SEv Tet Re 69cm 15cm
Large flat purple with wide white shark’s tooth edge on both petals
and sepals. Excellent substance and growth. Fertile pollen.
NIGHT RHYTHMS (Stamile 02)
EE Ev Tet Re 71cm 17cm
Extremely early blooming deep purple-indigo.
Round, recurved and ruffled. Fragrant.
OUTBACK RED (Salter 99) ML SEv Tet 71cm 18cm
Very broad and full vibrant red with large green to yellow throat.
Good substance, colour fast.
OVER THE TOP (Stamile 01) M Ev Tet Re 71cm 20cm
Huge blooms of orchid pink with darker eye and fine gold edge.
3 way branching 20-25 buds, 75% double. Fertile both ways.
PAIGE’S PINATA (Hansen 90) EM SEv Dip Re 65cm 15cm
$8 Peach with bold fuchsia-pink eyezone. Ruffled and fluted.
PAINTED ROSE (Wilson 96) EM SEv Dip 61cm 13cm
Beautiful wide and ruffled rose self. Deep green throat.
PANACHE (Munson 84) M Ev Tet Re 60cm 14cm
Pink richly edged and picoteed with plum and with a plum eye.
M SEv Tet Re 75cm 15cm
Soft yellow cream with an eye of raisin plum and a lime green
throat. Edges are extremely ruffled and pleated and have a double
edge of raisin plum and lighter yellow gold, along with a very fine
serration. Scapes are well branched. Fertile.
PATRICE MARY (Holton 99) EM Ev Dip Re 65cm 14cm $10
Lovely lavender with maroon eye and whitish midribs.
Ruffled. Very pretty.
PERCIVILE JAMES (Holton 00) E Ev Tet Re 61cm 14cm
Soft fawn-lavender with large eye and edge of rich plum.
Yellow throat and lovely round form. An excellent parent.
PIRATES PATCH (Salter 91) EM Ev Tet Re 70cm 15cm $7
A bright cream with an eyezone of black plum and a picotee edge of
black plum that starts in the throat and encircles the petal edges.
Form is full and lightly ruffled. Heavy substance. Well branched.
$9 SEv Re Tet 73cm 14cm
Fragrant. Lovely rich peach, green throat. Heavily ruffled edges.
PRICKLED PETALS (Joiner 98) ML Ev Tet Re 60cm 13cm $12
pink with grape eyezone and edge, finished with a
fine gold shark’s tooth edge. Heavy bloomer, always looks good.
M SEv Tet 65cm 14cm
Large blooms of royal purple with lighter halo, large yellow-green
throat. Heavy substance, fertile.
RAGS TO RICHES (Carr 98) EM Ev Tet Re 71cm 14cm
Very ruffled and recurved orange blend.
Excellent substance. May occasionally double.
EM Ev Tet Re 81cm 17cm
Very eye catching yellow with bold purple eye.
Huge blooms carried on tall stems. Pollen fertile.
RASPBERRY WINTER (Trimer 99) EM Dor Re Tet 70cm $14
Beautifully rounded dainty bloom of clear pink with triangular red
eye and edge. Plentiful bloom and rebloom.
EM Ev Tet Re 74cm 15cm
Very tall pink with triangular rose eye and green throat.
Up to 50 buds, very fragrant, fertile.
ROMEO IS BLEEDING (Petit 99) M SEv Tet 48cm 14cm
Wonderfully clear rich red with fine whitish edge. Beautifully
ruffled, green throat and fertile both ways.
ROSES IN SNOW (Hansen 99) ML SEv Tet Re 50cm 13cm
Rich rosy red with wide ivory edge and green throat.
SABINE BAUR (Salter 97) EM SEv Tet Re 65cm 15cm
Large blooms of cream with large purple eyezone and edge,
green throat. Excellent for hybridizing, small plants.
SCARLET LACE (Stamile 01) EM Ev Tet Re 69cm 11cm $15
Distinctly bitoned scarlet with ruffled white-golf edge and
green and yellow throat. High bud count and good
SCARLET ORBIT (Gates 84) E Ev Tet Re 55cm 15cm $7
Large scarlet red with yellow throat. Very vivid.
PASSION DISTRICT (Carr 97) M Ev Tet Re 71cm 15cm $9
Rich carmine red with whitish edges, yellow throat. Ruffled.
EM Ev Tet Re 65cm 11cm
Pink with strawberry-rose eyezone and edge, fragrant.
SEDONA (Stamile 01) M Ev Tet Re 64cm 18cm
Very unusual brownish pink, with large heavy double edge
of burgundy-brown and gold and burgundy-brown eye.
Large yellow throat. Very popular parent. Bud count 25.
SEIZE THE NIGHT (Stamile 01) E Ev Tet Re 66cm 15cm $16
Burgundy red with a lighter rose red watermark and gold
edges on both petals and sepals. Very striking and noted for
its heavy substance and clarity of color. Outstanding!
Easily fertile both ways.
SEMINOLE WIND (Stamile 93)
EM SEv Tet Re 55cm 17cm
Large rich pink blooms with green throat, fragrant.
SEWING CIRCLE (Kaskel 99) EM Ev Tet Re 61cm 13cm
Round cream pink blooms with rose-red eyezone and
large yellow green throat. Very neat.
SHERRY LANE CARR (Carr 93) EM Ev Tet Re 58cm 17cm $7
Creamy butter yellow self with gold edge and green throat.
Very popular for hybridizing, fragrant.
STREET URCHIN (Kirchhoff 92) E Ev Tet Re 64cm 14cm
Warm red with wide almond edge, good parent.
M Ev Tet 53cm 14cm
Very sweet peach blooms with lavender eye and fine edge.
Lovely form and fertile.
M SEv Tet Re 74cm 15cm
Bright salmon coral flower with a large triangular black eye and a
bold black petal edge. Throat is bright yellow green. Form is full,
broad and overlapped. Petal edges are sometimes slightly serrated.
Substance is heavy. Well branched scapes. Fertile. Good grower.
TAKEN BY STORM (Salter 93) M SEv Tet Re 70cm 16cm $10
Large purple self, green throat. Wide overlapping petals, ruffled.
THANKS A BUNCH (Hansen 96) E Ev Dip Re 68cm 14cm
SILK STOCKINGS (Morss 94) E SEv Tet Re 61cm 13cmLarge
$8 coral pink blooms with large green throat and
yellow halo. Very showy and floriferous.
Lovely rose-pink with knobbly gold edges.
SILKEN TOUCH (Stamile 90) EM SEv Tet 58cm 15cm $9
EE Ev Tet Re 70cm 18cm
Very clear rose pink self, green throat, fragrant.
Huge blooms of buttery yellow with wine eyezone,
slight wine edge. Very wide overlapping form. Highly recurrent.
SOLAR MAX (Trimmer 99) EE Ev Tet Re 66cm 17cm
Huge standout blooms of rich yellow-gold, purple eyezone
and green throat.
EM Ev Tet Re 58cm 13cm
SOUTHERN CORAL (Stamile 99) $10
Round and ruffled coral rose with deeper halo and green throat.
EM EV Tet Re 76cm 15cm
TOUCHED BY MAGIC (Salter 99) $10
Coral blend with orange edge, lovely form, strong plants. Lovely.
ML SEv Tet Re 55cm 13cm
Beautiful blend of rose, peach and cream with wide gold edge.
E SEv Tet Re 64cm 15cm
TRUST IN DREAMS (Flanders 01)
Large highly ruffled blooms of peach pink. Vigorous and fertile.
EM Ev Tet Re 58cm 13cm
Beautiful Australian bred daylily, cream with a heavy gold edge.
Always looks good. Fertile as well.
EM SEv Tet Re 64cm 15cm
Extremely popular for hybridizing, with a gold piecrust edge
around a lavender bloom with a yellow halo. Very fertile, good
bud count.
EM Ev Tet Re 65cm 15cm
Lavender-purple with large yellow throat. Round and ruffled
with fine gold edge. Very fragrant.
E SEv Tet Re 61cm 13cm
UPPERMOST EDGE (Morss 98) M Ev Tet Re 53cm 13cm $22
Beautifully formed round ruffled purple with gold edge
Extremely ruffled apricot with double edge of gold and purple.
and green throat. Good bud count, fertile.
Purple eyezone. Great parent for double edges.
STEVE TRIMMER (Trimmer 01)
VELVET EYES (Stamile 01) EM SEv Tet Re 76cm 11cm
EM Ev Tet Re 71cm 14cm
Very popular soft yellow with burgundy eye and edge.
green throat. Up to 33 buds, fertile both ways.
STONE BEACON (Stamile 02) E Ev Tet Re 65cm 15cm $18
Large round blooms of clear luminous chrome yellow.
High bud count and good growth. Very fertile.
EM SEv Tet Re 65cm 14cm
A bright lavender with a round eye of bright yellow copper, a
$8 heart and a heavy gold petal edge. Form is full, overlapped
EM SEv Tet Re 66cm 11cm
and slightly triangular, but compact. Petal edges are extremely
Lovely strawberry pink, rose red eyezone. Very clear colour.
ruffled. Substance holds well. Well branched scapes. Fertile.
Does better out of the tropics.
E Ev Tet Re 68cm 15cm
Ruffled round form with rich dark cherry-red blooms,
chartreuse throat. Very vigorous and reliable. Lusty plants.
WISH FULFILLMENT (Stamile 98) $9
EM Ev Tet Re 71cm 17cm
Large ruffled red blooms with white edge. Green
to yellow throat. Good grower and popular parent.
VISUAL INTRIGUE (Salter 00) EM Ev Tet Re 70cm 14cm
An excellent parent for complex eyes, this is a cream with
complex eye of lavender and violet. Green throat.
WIZARDS HEIR (Salter E 00) M SEv Tet Re 65cm 10cm $9
Round blooms of lavender-purple with fine gold edge and a
large green throat. Looks good.
WEDDING BAND (Stamile 87) M SEv Tet 55cm 14cm WORDS
OF LOVE (Stamile 02)EM EvTet Re 71cm 17cm $25
Creamy white with a gold edge.
Pink with deep pistachio green throat. blooma are big and
flat with an orange-gold edge. Gives a very different look
WHOOPEREE (Gates) EM Ev Tet Re 70cm 17cm
to$7its seedlings. Most have big gold edges and watermarks
Bright rose red with distinct yellow throat. A most
and wonderful size and substance. A premiere flower and
persistent bloomer and a personal favourite.
consummate breeder. Fertile both ways.
EARP (Stamile 02) EM Ev Tet Re 86cm 13cm
EM SEv Tet Re 66cm 14cm
Tall crimson red, with large velvety ruby eye. Good grower.
Soft ivory cream with a tint of pink and a small eye of light rose
Up to 40 buds with good branching. Fertile both ways.
surrounding a green throat. Heavily ruffled and beaded with gold.
Fertile and remarkable parent for eyes and edges. Well branched.
BOBO ANNE (Hansen 94) EM SEv Dip Re 61cm 12cm
Hot tangerine orange with faint rose halo. Very full double.
Very fragrant.
CHARDONNAY (Kirchhoff 94) E Ev Dip Re 51cm 11cm
Very popular rich cream with green throat. Lovely fragrance.
DANCING WITH PINK (Kirchhoff 93)
EM Ev Dip Re 58cm 13cm
Pretty shell pink double, with yellow to green throat.
DOUBLE ROSEDALE (Flanders-Mead 88)
EM Ev Dip 46cm 14cm Clear lavender rose with green throat.
MALENY SENSATION (Alexander unreg)
EM Ev Dip 50cm
Large very full wine rose double with ruffled petaloids
and a chartreuse throat.Always double.
MARGARET TUCKER (Kirchhoff 00)
M Ev Dip Re 81cm 17cm
Large blooms of a blend of mango, tangerine and peach with
gold edge. 35 buds and very fragrant.
MAUREEN EMILY (Balke 94) EM Ev Re Dip 54cm 15cm
Dark rose double with yellow throat.
Doubly Delicious DANDY (Salter 99 )
EM Ev Tet Re 70cm 15cm
Large, extremely full, double of the brightest coral pink blend.
This flower is almost always double. Good garden presence
because of its immense size. Fertile.
NIGHT EMBERS (Stamile 97) EM SEv Tet Re 75cm 13cm $10
Double cherry red with white edges, fragrant.
M Ev Dip Re 60cm 13cm
Pretty pastel pink with large bright rose eyezone extending
well into the throat. Single early in season.
IN EXCESS (Alexander 93) EM Ev Dip Re 71cm 13cm
Soft apricot double with lovely fragrance. Masses of blooms.
EM Ev Tet Re 63cm 14cm
Intense peach with pink overtones, gold edge and diamond
dusting. Beautifully formed double with great growth and a
must for hybridising.
JUST MY SIZE (Stamile 02) EM SEv Dip Re 30 cm 7cm
Little doubles of mid pink with rose eye. About 20 buds, fertile.
JOHN KIRKLAND (Kirchhoff 99)
EM Ev Re Tet 72cm 14cm
Exquisite flesh pink with rosy halo. Lovely form and growth.
Very fragrant. Excellent parent.
NOBLE VIRTUE (Kirchhoff 96) E Ev Tet Re 71cm 15cm
melon peach self with gold edge, very fragrant.
OVER THE TOP (Stamile 01) M Ev Tet Re 71cm 20cm
Huge blooms of orchid pink with darker eye and fine gold edge.
3 way branching 20-25 buds, 75% double. Fertile both ways.
ROYAL EVENTIDE (Kichhoff 85) E Ev Dip Re 70cm 13cm $8
Extremely popular double, clear mid purple with green
throat, fragrant. Good grower.
ML SEv Tet Re 70cm 14cm
Lovely cream overlaid pink, light mid rib and frilly gold edge.
Single early , usually double on rebloom.
EE Ev Tet Re 86cm 15cm
Soft creamy yellow with burgundy eye and green throat,
97% double. Pollen fertile. Lovely tall one.
BLACK PLUSH (Connell 55) M Ev Dip 82cm 15cm
Very popular red black. Strong grower.
CLEOPATRA (Thomas) E Dor Dip 86cm 13cm
Lovely melon pink with large red-purple eyezone.
COSMOS STAR (Flanders 94)M Ev Tet Re 91cm 20cm
Large bright scarlet blooms with yellow throat and ribs.
CRESCENT JUMP (Stamile 03) Ev EM Tet Re 92cm 24cm $25
Huge lavender-pink blooms with large yellow green throat.
Crispate, quilled form that dances in the gardens. Fertile.
CURLY ROSY POSY (Hansen 94) M Ev Dip 76cm 24cm $14
Rich mid pink bicolour with darker rose eyezone and rich green
HOOTCHIE MAMA (Stamile 02) E Ev Tet 86cm 19cm
Mid lavender pink with white midribs and green throat.
Very fragrant and a good parent, feertile both ways.
JAN’S TWISTER (Joiner J 91) EM Ev Dip Re 70cm 29cm
Huge peach self with green throat.
JOLLY RED GIANT (Stamile 99)
E Ev Tet Re 173cm, 20cm
Even though this often doesn’t reach full register height, it’s still the
tallest daylily around, with large red blooms with chartreuse throat.
Strong erect scapes with up to 55 buds.
LADY NEVA (Alexander) EM SEv Dip Re 105cm 23cm
Very tall with huge semi-spider blooms of soft buff yellow,
with rose eyezone and green throat, fragrant.
LONG STOCKING (Stamile 97) E Ev Tet Re 134cm 24cm
Tall large bloomed red spider with green throat.
MOANA GERTIE (Higgins 92) E Ev Dip Re 46cm 19cm
Apricot with cerise eye above pale green throat ,very fragrant.
LOVE (Hansen 95) LM Ev Dip 97cm 25cm
Very large blooms of mid pink with a narrow rose eye, lighter
sepals. Large green throat and light mid ribs.
MAIDEN (Carpenter 82)
M Ev Re Dip 65cm 24cm Mid purple with creamy throat radiating
$9 midribs.
PINK SUPER SPIDER (Carpenter 82)
M SEv Dip Re 81cm 25cm Huge rose, pink and cream blend,
cream mid ribs and large cream, yellow and green throat.
PRIMAL SCREAM (Hansen 94) ML Dor Tet 85cm 19cm $9
Large orange-tangerine with green throat. Often flowers lower than
registered height. Makes a statement.
EM Ev Tet Re 78cm 18cm Unusual bicolour of lavender and
chartreuse, with plum eye and large green throat.
SNUFALUFAGUS (Stamile 02) EE Ev Tet Re 93cm 20cm
Large orchid spider with purple eyezone and intense green throat.
Very high bud count and fertile both ways. Wingspan 25cm
EM SEv Tet 102 cm 25cm Very eye-catching crimson red
with yellow throat spiking at the midribs.
EE Ev Tet Re 97cm 19cm
Good pod parent, peach with large plum-purple eye.
E Ev Tet Re 81cm 20cm
A personal favourite with masses of purple blooms with green
to yellow throats. Fertile both ways.
WIND FRILLS (Tarrantt 78) E Ev Re Dip 86cm 18cm
Beautiful clear pink spider with green throat.
YABBA DABBA DOO (Hansen 93) L re SEv Dip 75cm 25cm $9
Huge blooms of mid purple with large chartreuse throat.
These stunning plants like neutral to alkaline well-drained soils in full sun, cool to cold winters and hot summers. They are extremely hardy
and require only light watering throughout summer. They appreciate a good slow release fertilizer or organic fertilizer (in winter and when
replanting), but do not place water-holding mulch directly on top of the rhizomes or they may rot.
They are best divided soon after flowering (Nov-Dec) or late summer (Mar-May), but they will survive being moved almost any time.
However, if you must move them in Jan-Feb, be careful not to over water and induce rot.
GARDEN FAVOURITES $5 each or any 5 for $20
Under 70 cm
Border Bearded (BB) are shorter growing tall bearded and require similar conditions.
Intermediate Irises (IB) are crosses between dwarf and tall bearded and require a bit more cooling and a bit more watering than tall bearded.
ArilBred (AB) are a cross between Aril (dessert) irises and Tall Bearded irs. They often go dormant in late summer.
ANACONDA LOVE (Kasperek 99) M-L 60cm
Light pink stds, with a few purple splashes. Falls beetroot-purple
with white and pink streaks. Orange beards.
LITTLE ZIPPER (Grosvenor 01) M-L 63cm
Stds white with blue violet flush from the midribs. Falls darker blue
violet with white veining from around the beards. Good grower.
APRICOT FROSTY (Niswonger 92) BB M 58cm
Pure white standards and apricot falls, apricot beards.
ON WINGS (James 92) ML 53cm
Lovely ruffled and laced pastel pink slightly darker on stds.
Light tangerine beards.
BABOON BOTTOM (Kasperek 94) BB M 63cm
Stunning pink with splashes of rose and white, tangerine beards.
A true “broken colour”.
ORINOCO FLOW (Bartlett 93) EML 64cm
White background with dark purple-blue stitching, navy beards.
British Dykes Medal 94. Height may be taller than registered,
DELIGHTFUL KID (Innerst 01) ML 66cm
Mid pink stds, falls white with a peppered edge of grape-violet.
Pinkish-red beards and good branching.
DREAM AWAY (Lankow 02) ML-VL 64cm
Delicate blend of pink and white with coral beards. Good
FAUX PAS (Keppel 90) BB EM 63cm re
This is a magnificent dusky peach, with orchid-rose wash on falls.
up to 90cm. Excellent grower.
PENNY ANNE (Blyth 92) ML 66cm
White stds, falls cameo pink with tangerine beards.
PINK BUBBLES (Hager 79) E-M 51cm
Lacy clear light pink, light tangerine beards. Pretty.
INGENIOUS (Blyth 95) M-ML 53cm
Very popular. Rosy violet stds, falls red-black with violet edge.
KEN’S CHOICE (Donnell 04) BB L 63 cm
Blue-violet stds, falls clear white with darker blue violet
plicata edge. Orange beards, tipped blue. Light sweet fragrance.
PRINCESS BRIDE (G Sutton 00) ML-VL 64cm
Lovely creamy white with large bright yellow-orange beards,
which are made even more outstanding by the open stds.
Lovely branching and bud count. Always looks good.
ROCOCO ECHO (Nilsen 1992) BB E-M 59cm
Ruffled blue-violet plicata, white beards, deep purple based foliage.
ZINGLET (Nilsen 96) BB E 51cm
Stds white, veined yellow. Falls mauve-blue softening to white,
yellow edge and brown spot below yellow-white beards
BEN HAROUN (Fankhauser 98) (OGB) M 60 cm
Stds dark red purple; style arms brown, purple midrib; Falls
dark red purple, black signal; beards brown. Lovely rich dark
CHOCOLATE MINT (Tasco 97) (OGB) ML 89 cm
Stds pale violet, aging white; style arms chartreuse buff.
Falls light buff yellow, chartreuse cast. Beards dark chocolate
brown. Excellent growth and increase
ELMOHR (P.A. Loomis by J. D. Long, R. 1942) OB M
Medium red purple with gold beard.
GREEN MOHR (rego details unavail)
Soft greenish lavender, with purple-lavender wash over upper
falls, darker at hafts. Gold beard.
KALIFA BALTIS(White 1954). OGB E 102 cm.
Blend of olive buff and bordeaux splashed lavender and purple.
KALIFA GULNARE (White 54). OGB E 86 cm
Stds pale orchid lavender; Falls same, heavily overlaid apricot buff.
LADY MOHR- Salbach 43). OB E.
Stds pearly white; Falls pale yellow; veined and dotted brownish
purple around beard.
NAOMI OF MARA (Fankhauser 89). OGB E 46 cm.
Stds rich red violet, some veining. Falls the same, slightly blended
brown near hafts; beard brown on blue violet base.
REBEKAH OF ARAM (Fankhauser 89) OGB E 38 cm
Light yellow; deep brown signal; yellow beard.
XILLIA (T Blyth 88) OGB E-M 56 cm
Stds opalescent grey, chartreuse hues; Falls. opalescent grey, more
pronounced chartreuse overlays; old gold beard, lavender at base.
$5ea or any 5 for $20
ALL CHAT IB VE-ML 64cm Bright magenta shot burgundy.
Small white area around bronze beards. Vigorous.
AM I BLUE BB E 50cm Pale blue, navy blue beards.
APRIL FOG IB 50cm Blue standards with paler falls.
ASK ALMA Coral white with orange beards.
AUREAN IB 45cm Golden yellow self. Very vigorous.
AVENELLE IB 45cm Vigorous and floriferous white.
CANDY ROCK IB EM 66cm Re Stds rose pink, falls imperial violet
veined blue violet. Violet blue beards, lighter blue horns.
CHAPTER BB M 61cm Bronze standards, falls silver lavender with
bronze edge.
COPY CAT BB EM 61cm Light blue with dark blue spot on falls.
COUNTRY BLUES IB M 51cm Lavender. standards, falls violet.
CUTIE White stds, falls white with turquoise blue blaze.
DRUM SONG White standards, lemon falls and lavender beards.
FURIOSO Bright pink standards, falls orange apricot, red beards.
HARLOW GOLD IB M 55cm Bright yellow, small white flash.
HIGGLEDY PIGGLEDY Pure white base washed icy blue.
IMPULSE IB ML 45cm A lightly ruffled rich gold self, vigorous.
INDIAN IDYLL Reddish tan standards, falls burgundy.
LEMON POP IB E 40cm Frosty lemon yellow, ruffled and flared.
MARA IB M-L 60cm Delicate pale pink, soft pink beards.
MIDDAY BLUES IB E-M 55cm Blue bitone, blue beards.
O’COOL IB EM-M 51cm White with violet crescent of falls.
PACER IB M 51cm White stitched blue-violet.
POSH IB M-L 51cm Iridescent gold-apricot, falls slightly darker.
SHUGAR IB M-L 50cm Salmon pink with tangerine beards.
SILENT STRINGS IB 40cm Ruffled sky blue with lovely form and
SKY ECHO BB M 61cm Ruffled pale blue with yellow beards.
Excellent form
white standards, coloured falls
Beard the fuzzy caterpillar-like bits on the falls of bearded iris
falls and standards different colours
Bitone falls and standards different tonings of the same colour
Flared form
tonings of two or more colours
the lower three petals
falls tend towards the horizontal
the number of new side shoots produced
white edge and veining on darker colour
light blue standards, darker blue falls
edged with darker stitching or stippling
flower all one colour
Signal the bright splash of colour (usually yellow)
at the top of the falls on beardless iris
the upper three petals
thickness and strength of the petals
yellow standards, red-brown falls
Flowering time – VE-very early. E-early, M-mid season, L-late.
Re – reblooms after main season, often in autumn.
Height – height when in flower, on average.
RE - Strong rebloom, often multiple
RE - Usually reblooms
Re - Often reblooms
Inland Region Iris Society Inc.
Delma Birthisel Ph 03 57 441021
NSW Region
Di Cox,
Ph/Fax 02 47842727
SA Region
Web Site
Rosemary Turner
email -
VIC Region
Shirley Nisbet
12 Normdale Rd East Benleigh Vic 3165
WA Region
Secretary Ms Carolyn Gee email-
These are highly floriferous and form delightful flower carpets. They are easy to grow but do require full sun and
frosty winters and loose well-drained soil. Do not allow to dry out totally over summer.
Attractive gift vouchers are available for your gardening friends, just tell us their name and address and the value of the gift.
Please don’t forget to include your name and address and payment. We can send the voucher back to you or directly to your friend.
Spurias are tall growers with a flower similar to Dutch Irises but flowering from late October through November. They like most soils.
If unwatered through summer they will die down and happily come away in winter, or if lightly watered throughout summer they will stay
green. They are excellent for naturalizing and are virtually carefree but don’t like being moved and may not flower the first year after being
moved. Do not allow to dry out completely in spring. Available January to June only. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR POT CULTURE.
UNIVERSAL PEACE (Jenkins 91) M 112cm
Purple standards, falls creamy yellow with purple edges and
veining. Excellent.
WILD AT HEART (Blyth 99) EM 140cm
Dark violet purple stds. Falls yellow with bronze veining and violet
edge. Lovely tall one.
UPON A HARP (Blyth 00) VE-M 145cm
Lemon yellow self with gold signal extending into line down falls.
Tall. Lovely wide form.
WYOMING COWBOYS (Wickenkamp 93) M 122cm
Gold with brown veining and brown edging on falls.
An excellent tall iris.
$5 each or any five for $20
ADOBE SUNSET Deep yellow-orange edged brown.
BETTY COOPER Blue-lavender over pale yellow, heavily veined,
strong orange signal. Very vigorous.
BIG CLOUD Tall, white with yellow signal.
BLUE LASSIE Blue with a white infusion on falls.
CINNAMON ROLL Dark brown with yellow signal.
ELEANOR HILL Light purple standards, bronze falls.
FORTY CARATS Classic rich gold self.
GOLDMANIA Pure rich gold self Shorter growing.
HIGHLINE LAVENDER Rich deep lavender standards, falls
yellow veined and edged lavender. A classic.
IMPERIAL VEIL Creamy mauve with deeper veining and edges.
JANICE CHESNICK Lovely tawny gold.
MISSOURI GAL Cool blue with yellow signal.
NEW HARMONY Sepia brown with large yellow signal.
REDWOOD SUPREME Rich red-brown with large orange-yellow
SNOW HAWK White standards. Falls white yellow signal.
SOCIAL CIRCLE Ruffled white, bright yellow signals.
STRUTTIN’ Light yellow stds, falls rich yellow with amber
TERRA NOVA Vibrant golden brown, gold signal.
TIGER BLUES Blue-lavender with brown veining on falls.
Lovely iris for a damp spot but not permanently in water. Like near neutral soil, cold climate and at least half sun. Flowers in November and
becomes dormant in late summer. Available March –July. If growing in pots, use a large pot and keep the bottom third immersed in a tub of
I PSEUDACORUS and hybrids
Please note it is against state regulations to ship i pseudacorus and its hybrids to NT and WA
I. Pseudacorus up to 2m
Very vigorous tall yellow water iris, grows well in ordinary garden spots if reasonably damp. Be careful on waterways as it may be invasive.
I. Pseudacorus superba up to 2m
A richer colour with fuller form and a few brownish markings.
I. Pseudacorus -IVORY
A form of I. Pseudacorus with ivory cream flowers and faint brown markings.
Iris - Roy Davidson 100cm
Shorter than the standard form of Pseudacorus, with yellow blooms with a some brownish veining and longer lasting flower.
Iris - Holden Clough 55cm
Similar to Pseudacorus with heavy brown veining. Dainty blooms.
OTHER SPECIES and hybrids
Easy grower for water gardens and damp spots. Lovely blue-violet blooms.
Similar to a siberian iris, this is an I. Virginica X I Versicolor. Dark red-violet blooms, with yellow signal and darker veining.
Highlighted by near black stems.
iris versicolor - Purple
A lovely rich purple with white spray pattern at top of falls.
iris chrysographes $8
An Asian siberian species, dark purple with near black area on falls.
iris wilsonii $7
A species siberian from Asia, light yellow stds, falls darker with a few red-brown markings.
EVANSIA IRIS Available May-July. Require damp acid soil, in semi-full shade.
iris confusa - $6
A species evansia with pure white flowers and small yellow signals.
FAIRYLAND (Steven) approx 45cm
Very dainty sprays of white blooms with blue spots and yellow crest.
TENGCHONG LACE (Carroll 96) E 60 cm
$10 Palest icy blue which fades white, falls have yellow gold crests
surrounded by mauve dotting; style arms mauve, fringed icy blue edge, ruffled and frilled; slight fragrance. Attractive dark stems.
Beautiful straight branching. Fairyland X I. wattii, Tengchong form.
I. unguicularis (Winter Iris) (avail May – August)
Very popular iris that flowers through the winter months with blooms of lavender blue with yellow signals. Grows almost anywhere
with reasonable drainage and can be left for years.
I. ungicularis “Mary Barnard” light violet standards, rich dark purple falls and golden yellow standards $5
I. germanica– approx 50cm An old fashioned type of iris, flowering in July-Oct.
Purple - deep purple with white beards, often reblooms. $3
White - white with a greenish tinge.
DIETES very hardy, sunny position (available May- August) $4 ea
Bicolour- Spanish Iris Creamy yellow with very dark brown signal.
Grandiflora White blooms with blue flush and blue crests.
High Commendation
Honourable Mention, for registered and introduced varieties
Award of Merit for top 12 Irises annually
Dykes Medal – the top award, given annually in USA, England & Australia
Louisiana irises are swamp irises and need rich acid soil and damp to wet conditions. Many people grow them in large pots with Camellia
potting mix and stand the pot in a pond or paddling pool so that the water comes a third to half way up the pot.
$5 each or any 5 for $20
These delightful short growing irises have lovely fine foliage and like slightly acid, well drained soil with plenty of humus and full to half
sun. They dislike being moved other than in early winter. AVAILABLE MAY-JUNE ONLY.
A good grower that transplants well. Blooms are large and
round with cream stds, falls are cream with a rose wash and
veining. The signal is yellow with a bit of yellow veining
continuing right down the falls. The signal is surrounded by a
multi-layered halo of blue and lavenders. Definitely a once-in-a
ECHUCA (Blyth 87) VE-M 45cm
Lovely rich violet with cream signal.
FIRST UP ( Modra 05) EML 22-32cm
Stds are violet with darker veining, style arms are pale violet.Falls are
violet with lighter edges. The yellow signal veining becomes dark
violet and is surrounded by a white area ,very vigorous growth and
long bloom season.
KUITPO (Schmidt 95) E-M 30cm
huge yellow signals.
NANGKITA (Schmidt 95) M 25cm
Creamy apricot with yellow signals.
$6 EACH OR ANY 5 FOR $25
BETTY WOODS - EM Ev Dip Re 65cm 14cm - Rich yellow double. Good growth, reliable.
CABBAGE FLOWER - E Ev Dip Re 50cm 14cm - Ruffled clear lemon yellow double.
DOUBLE CUTIE - EM Ev Tet Re 32cm 10cm - Cute little mini of greenish yellow.
DOUBLE FIRECRACKER E Dor Re Dip 58cm 13cm - Bright red double with green throat and full rounded blooms.
DOUBLE SUPERDUPER - E Ev Dip 35cm 14cm - Low growing, rose pink, fully double.
KWASANO - Orange with red eyezone.
LAYERS OF GOLD EM Ev Tet Re 50cm 13cm - Bright yellow tetraploid double, often single early season bloom. Great rebloomer.
SARA LEE (unreg) - M Ev Dip 70cm - Bright ruffled layers of lemon.
VIOLET OSBORN - E Ev Dip Re 58cm 13cm - Lovely double peach with bight red eyezone and a green heart.
Ev – Evergreen: Green foliage all year round,
SEv – Semi-evergreen: Leaves die off somewhat in winter, more
so in colder climates.
Dor – Dormant: leaves die off completely in winter and sprout
again in spring.
Re – Recurrent blooming: has more than one flush of flowers in a
season, often three or four.
Dip – Diploid: single set of chromosomes.
Tet – Tetraploid: double set of chromosomes
These dainty flowered forms have blooms under 10cm (4”) in diameter, although the plants are not always much shorter than standard daylilies,
they usually have finer foliage. Many of the blooms have striking eyezones and they make a wonderful display. Cultural conditions are as for
standard daylilies.
ABBIE BOY (Durio 84) EM EV Dip Re 50cm 10cm
Dainty grape-purple self with lime green throat.
MAMBO MAID (Faggard 83) E-M Ev Dip 48cm 8cm
Bright orange with darker eyezone, heavily creped and textured.
BLUE MOON RISING (Salter E 91) $9
M SEv Dip Re 60cm 7cm
EM Ev Dip Re 71cm 7cm
Soft ivory peach with blue violet eyezone. Lots of buds.
Pale ivory with a finely pencilled eyezone of purple filled with a
lavender wash.
REGENCY SUMMER (E Salter 94) $7
M Ev Tet Re 66cm 9.5cm
Creamy lavender with complex lavender eyezone, green throat.
M Ev Tet Re 60cm 9cm
Soft yellow gold with bright green throat and very frilly gold edge.
HEART’S GLEE (Kirchoff 85)
$6 rebloomer and vigorous. Excellent.
E-M SEv Dip Re 60cm 9cm
Rounded, ruffled and crimped white. Lots of bloom.
E E SEv Re Tet 56cm 9.5cm
HOT SCHEME (Salter E 97) M SEv Tet Re 65cm 9cm Peach
$8 with gold edge and rose eyezone. Good grower.
Bright red self, with gold edge, gold to green throat.
SUNGOLD CANDY (Stamile 01)
JUST MY SIZE (Stamile 02)
EM Ev Tet Re 64cm 8cm
EM SEv Dip Re 30 cm 7cm
Very clear yellow with large bright red eye zone and green throat.
Up to 45 buds, fertile both ways.
Little doubles of mid pink with rose eye. About 20 buds,
fertile both ways.
WIZARDS HEIR (Salter E 00) M SEv Tet Re 65cm 10cm $9
LICORICE CANDY (Stamile 01) E Ev Tet Re 61cm 10cm
Round blooms of lavender-purple with fine gold edge and a
Creamy white with striking violet black eye and edge.
large green throat. Looks good.
5 way branching and 30 buds. Fertile both ways.
Dor M Re Tet 63cm.9.5cm
Clear dark pink with large crimson eye and fine crimson edge, set
off by green throat. 30 buds and flowers held above foliage.
Excellent parent for red eyes and edges.
$6 EACH OR ANY 5 FOR $25
CRANBERRY BABY - EM SEv Dip Re 30cm 6cm - Lovely rose red blooms.
CRIMSON ICON - M SEv Dip Re 43cm 6cm - Very bright red, yellow throat.
CUPID’S GOLD - M SEv Dip Re 33cm 6cm - Yellow gold self with lime throat.
DANCING DOLL - M Dor Dip 64cm 9cm - Creamy pink with lighter midrids.
DOUBLE CUTIE - EM Ev Tet Re 32cm 10cm - Cute little double of greenish yellow. Great growth.
LEPRECHAUN’S LACE - M Dor Dip Re 43cm 6cm - Beautifully creped and ruffled peach pink mini. Masses of bloom.
LITTLE ZINGER - EM SEv Dip 40cm 6.5cm - Ruffled and reflexed bright red.
LITTLEST CLOWN - M SEv Dip Re 40cm 9cm - Rich cream with a bright wine eyezone.
LULLABY BABY - EM SEv Dip 48cm 9cm - Delightful light pink with small green throat.
MAGIC MASQUERADE - M SEv Dip Re 40cm 6cm - Ruffled cream mini with rich plum eyezone. A beautiful eye-catcher. Great
MERRY MINX - M Ev Dip 36cm 6cm - Ivory cream with rose red eyezone and green throat.
MOONLIGHT MIST - M Ev R Dip 46cn 7cm - Beautiful round blooms of peach-pink.
PANDORA'S BOX EM - SEv Dip 48cm 10cm - Very popular cream with rich plum eyezone, fragrant.
PICADILLY PRINCESS - M Ev Tet Re 45cm 8cm - Round and ruffled blooms of pastel peach with soft rose eye.
PIRATE’S QUOTE (unreg) - Pretty raspberry red, with slight darker eyezone.
PYEWACKET - M SEv Dip 33cm 8cm - Blooms of peachy rose with huge eyezone of rich plum.
RASPBERRY PIXIE- M Ev Dip 25cm 4cm - Raspberry blend.
SILOAM FAIRY TALE - M Dor Re Dip 48cm 6cm - Delightful creamy pink with orchid eyezone and green throat.
SILOAM ROBBIE BUSH - M SEv Dip 50cm 9cm - Round and ruffled rose with a rose red eyezone.
SWEET PEA - EM SEv Dip 25cm 4cm - Light yellow mini, pea green throat.
TINY PUMPKIN - EM Ev Re Dip 50cm 6cm - Tiny recurved blooms of intense orange, like tiny round pumpkins.
TOY CIRCUS - M Ev Dip Re 50cm 8cm - Bicolour, rosy red petals with cream midrib, sepals are yellow. Large yellow-green throat.
UNLOOSED DREAMS - M Ev Tet Re 69cm 9.5cm -Pink with rose-red eyezone, yellow to green throat.
$6 EACH OR ANY 5 FOR $25
ALVATINE TAYLOR - E M Ev Tet 80cm 15cm- Blend of ivory pink and beige with a yellow throat.
AMADEUS - EM SEv Re Tet 65cm 14cm - Deep rich scarlet with gold highlights, yellow green throat.
APRICOT WAX - M Ev Re Tet 76cm 15cm - Large blooms of waxy texture and a rich apricot colour.
AVIANCE - EM Ev Tet Re 45cm 13cm - Deep pink self, cream gold throat, fragrant.
BITTERSWEET HOLIDAY - EM Ev Tet 70cm 14cm - Bright orange-red .Vigorous.
BOTICELLI - M Ev Re Tet 75cm 15cm - Lovely peach pink with slightly darker halo, good rebloom.
BOUQUET OF RUFFLES - M Ev Re Tet 66cm 13cm - Lovely round and ruffled blooms of clear pink, well branched scapes.
CANE FIRE - M Ev Tet 75cm 15cm - Fiery orange red with darker eyezone above gold throat.
CELESTIAL PEACH - E Ev Tet 55cm 14cm - Richly coloured peachy orange with a ruffled gold edge.
CHARLES JOHNSTON - EM SEv Tet Re 61cm 15cm - Large cherry red self, green throat, fragrant.
CHERRY CHAPEAU - E-M Ev Re Tet 71cm 13cm - Ruffled and fluted blooms of bright cherry-red petals and cream sepals.
CHINESE AUTUMN - M Ev Re Tet 45cm 15cm- Blend of apricot, coral, rose and gold with a rich tangerine throat and green heart.
CHRISTMAS IS - E-M Dor Re 65cm 11cm - Prolific bloomer of dark red flowers and very large green throat.
CLEMENCEAUX - M-L Ev Tet Re 65cm 13cm - Exquisite pastel blend of creamy yellow, pink and green. Round full form.
CORAL MOON - M Ev Re Tet 70cm 13cm - Coral with pink highlights, prolific.
DREAM EXPRESS - M Ev Tet Re 50cm 15cm - Stunning peach blooms, edged purple and gold with purple eye zone.
DRUIDS CIRCLE - EM Ev Re Tet 61cm 14cm - Beige peach with eyezones of plum and violet.
EGYPTIAN IBIS - EM Ev Tet Re 65cm 15cm - Creamy lilac self, yellow green throat. Very pretty.
FABERGE - EM Ev Re Tet 50cm 11cm - Orchid pink with ruffled gold edges. Yellow throat.
FAIRY TALE PINK - M SEv Dip Re 60cm 14cm - Delicate shell pink with darker veining.
GREEK GODDESS - E Ev Tet Re 74cm 15cm- Beautiful soft yellow with pink tonings and a faint gold edge.Very fragrant.
HOT WIRE - EM Ev Tet 76cm 15cm - Unbelievably bright and eye-catching electric orange.
JEWELED CAMILLO - EM Ev Tet Re 65cm 13cm - Beautiful creamy lemon with a pink flush, green throat.
KING LAMONI - EM Ev Tet 60cm 13cm - Rich crimson with a green throat.
JUNGLE MASK - M Ev Tet Re 62cm 15cm - Beige pink with rich purple eyezone and prominent edging.
LA CHARMANTE - M Ev Re Tet 48cm 15cm - Lower growing rose pink with gold throat.
LAUREN LEAH - E-M SEv RE Dip 50cm 15cm - Round and ruffled blooms of creamy lemon-pink.
LORRAINE KILGORE - M SEv Re Tet 76cm 15cm - Electric coral pink with an apricot throat. Very eye catching.
LOVER’S CONCERTO - EML Ev Re Tet 91cm 15cm - Lovely bright pink self with gold throat, lots of bloom and rebloom.
MING PORCELAIN - E Ev Tet Re 70cm 13cm - Delicate ivory pink touched peach, edged gold, fragrant. MY
DARLING CLEMENTINE - E Ev Tet Re 55cm 11cm -Beautiful soft yellow with piecrust edging. Lovely form.
NILE PLUM - E-M Ev Re Tet 65cm 13cm - Rich violet plum with large cream eyezone.
OLIVE BAILEY LAGDON - EM SEv Tet 70cm 13cm - Very popular purple self.
PAPER BUTTERFLY - E SEv Tet Re 60cm 15cm - Large cream peach blooms with multi-layered blue, violet blend eyezone.
PASSIONATE PRIZE - EM Ev Tet Re 65cm 15cm - Bright light pink highlighted by lighter mid-ribs.
PEACH WHISPER - EM SEv Re Tet 64cm 14cm - Clear peach pink, yellow throat, ruffled rounded form.
PERSIAN LACQUER - E SEv Tet Re 75cm 15cm - Clear amber persimmon with gold edges. Full, wide and ruffled. Strongly recurrent.
RASPBERRY CANDY - M Dor Tet Re 65cm 12cm - Perfect smaller blooms of cream with unfading raspberry eyezone.
ROBERT STEVEN - Ev Tet Re 80cm 14cm - Big bright orange blooms with a darker eyezone, fluted and diamond dusted.
RUFFLED MAGIC - EM SEv Dip 63cm 13cm - Clear light yellow with pinkish tones. Well substanced.
SEBASTIAN - EM Ev Dip 51cm 14cm - Vivid purple self, with lime green throat.
SHARK’S TOOTH - E Ev Re Tet 66cm 15cm - Unusual beige pink with violet eyezone and fringed and knobbled edging.
SIAMESE ROYALTY - EM SEv Re Tet 75cm 13cm - Large flat blooms of rich burgundy rose. Lighter watermark.
STRUTTERS BALL - M Dor Dip 70cm 15cm - Very dark purple with slight watermark. Vigorous.
TIFFANY PALACE - EM Ev Re Tet 70cm 13cm - Lavender rose with cream throat and yellow heart.
TOUCHED BY MIDAS - EM Ev Tet 76cm 15cm - Brilliant rich gold self. Ruffled and recurved blooms of heavy substance. A classic.
$5 EACH OR ANY 5 FOR $20
AISHA - M Ev Re Tet 55cm 15cm - Large well-textured blooms of pastel peach, excellent rebloom.
CHICAGO STAR - M Dor tet 60cm 20cm - Bright lemon semi-spider, with masses of blooms.
CLEDA JONES - EM SEv Tet 75cm 15cm - Classic flat round gold of heavy substance.
COOEE FIREBRAND - M Ev Re Tet 70cm 17cm - Large red-orange blooms, gold throat.
COOL LADY - E Ev Re Tet 80cm 17cm - Lots of eye-catching lemon-lime blooms with a green throat. Good increase.
DARDANELLA - EM Ev Re Tet 70cm 14cm - Ruffled coral pink with rose eye.
DARING DILEMMA - M Ev Re Tet 55cm 13cm - Beige pink blooms with prominent wine eyezone and edging.
GINGER JAR - M Ev Tet 81cm 15cm - Larger amber tan blooms with yellow throat.
GOLD TORCH - E Ev Re Tet 86cm 18cm - Large deep yellow-gold. Prolific bloomer.
KOLAN DREAMY - M Dor Tet Re 65cm 17cm- Peach-orange with red eyezone and yellow throat.
KOSCIUSKO - M Ev Re Tet 58cm 15cm - Brilliant green-yellow with rich green throat. Vigorous.
LEEBEA ORANGE CRUSH - EM Ev Re Tet 45cm 15cm- Tangerine orange red eyezone.
LUNAR SEA - M Ev Re Tet 56cm 15cm - Rich lemon-cream of heavy substance.
OLD TANGIERS - ML SEv Tet 70cm 13cm - Bright tangerine with red eyezone.
PRIMATIVE COOL - E Dor Tet Re 70cm 13cm - Heavily fringed edges on bright citrus yellow blooms, fragrant.
QUEZAN CITY - unreg Ev – Pretty autumn tones.
QUICK RESULT - EM SEv Re Tet 84cm 14cm - Recurved lemon yellow with green throat. Very fragrant.
SHOCKWAVE - E SEv Re Tet 75cm 15cm - Very bright yellow self of excellent form. Nice perfume on hot days. Big lusty plants.
SIMPLY PRETTY - ML SEv Re Tet 81cm 15cm - Very popular, stunning rich persimmon self, with lighter midribs.
SOVERENITA - ML Ev Tet Re 76cm 17cm - Lovely tall bright golden-yellow flowers. Highly recurrent.
SPANISH MASQUERADE - EM Re Ev Dip 56cm - Cream yellow with russet-plum eyezone and cream throat, fragrant.
SUNRISE GOSPEL - EM Ev Re Tet 70cm 17cm - Bright eye catching golden yellow of great form and substance.
TAHITIAN DANCER - M Dor Tet 66cm 13cm - Creamy pink blend, edged rose.
TANGERINE PARFAIT - EM Ev Tet Re 56cm 14cm- Glowing tangerine with olive throat.
WISTISI - EM Ev Tet Re 84cm 15cm - Large blood red blooms with darker eye, fragrant.
OUR SITE www.impressive
This site has much information, recent awards lists, links to many commercial growers (mostly American), most of whom have iris photos on
their sites. It also links to growing information and the iris register. (The iris register contains almost all irises ever registered. There is an annual
fee of $US10 for access.)
It also contains links to many other specialist iris groups, e.g. historic, Louisiana etc.
A particularly good site if you want to know more about aril and aril-breds is
There are a number of iris e-mail lists (these are where you just down-load e-mails and reply if you wish, as opposed to on-line chat).
The two main general iris lists are:Iris-talk (no attachments allowed, for those worried about viruses) to subscribe send an e-mail to as the message, write
"subscribe iris".
Iris-photos, (attachments allowed).
These are very busy posting sites and some people don’t want to receive this quantity of e-mail every day. You can just search for information
posted on these lists by using the Mallorn archives.
iris-talk/Mallorn archives:
iris-photos/Mallorn archives:
Information on other e-mail lists and chat lines can be found on the AIS web page.
The South Australian Iris Society has a new web site
The daylily message system is the DL ROBIN run on yahoo, send blank email to
There is a complete search list of daylily registrations on
PO BOX 169
SA 5244
ABN 85 563 893 808
Ph 08 8389 4439
Fax 08 8389 4439
Web –
(if ordered varieties out of stock)
Colour preference of bonuses
(if more than 3 rhizomes ordered)
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