RegularCouncil 2012-09-17 09


RegularCouncil 2012-09-17 09
For Council
September 10, 2012
Our File:
1302434. v l
City Manager
City Clerk
Application for a Liquor Primary Licence - Famous Players Limited
Partnership - VIP Lounge and Cinemas - SilverCity Coquitlam - 1 7 0
Schoolhouse Street
1. That Council, having given consideration to the potential impacts to the
community and the public comments received In relation to the
application by Famous Players Limited Partnership - SilverCity
Coquitlam for a Liquor Primary Licence, choose one of the following
A) Not support the application.
B) Support the application.
2. That the Report of the City Clerk entitled "Application for a Liquor
Primary Licence - Famous Players Limited Partnership - VIP Lounge and
Cinemas - SilverCity Coquitlam - 170 Schoolhouse Street" dated
September lO, 2012 be forwarded tothe Liquor Control and Licensing
Branch to serve as Council's comments on the application, as prescribed
under the Liquor Control and Licensing Act.
Report Purpose:
The purpose of this report is to present the results of the public consultation
process undertaken regarding the request by Famous Players Limited
Partnership for a Liquor Primary Licence for its VIP Lounge and Cinemas at
SilverCity Coquitlam and seek Council's decision on the matter.
Strategic Goal:
The initiatives outlined in this report support the City's corporate objectives
of enhancing community safety and enhancing economic opportunity.
Page 2
September 10, 2012
The Famous Players Limited Partnership - SilverCity Coquitlam, located at
170 Schoolhouse Street, has applied to the Liquor Control and Licensing
Branch (LCLB) for a Liquor Primary Licence for its VIP Lounge and Cinemas.
The applicant is seeking to serve liquor as an additional amenity forthe
adults attending various movie screenings in specific areas of the theatre
complex. The details of their application are as follows:
They are proposingto licence the existing Food Primary licensed
restaurant / lounge area, 5 theatres within the complex and the
adjoining corridor
The proposed licenced area is separate and apartfrom the unlicenced
portion of the building and access to the area would be through a single
designated and supervised VIP entrance.
Entrance to licenced areas and liquor service would be restricted to
adult persons who purchase a ticket to watch a movie.
In addition to service to the lounge, service to the theatre seats would
be permitted from thirty minutes prior to the start of commercials until
the beginning of the film screening.
Patrons would not be able to take any alcoholic beverages from the
lounge to any unlicenced lobby or theatre areas.
Hours of liquor service requested are from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m.
Monday through Sunday {seven days a week) and. In accordance with
LCLB policy, would commence one hour prior to a film screening and
end one hour after the event.
The Liquor Control and Licensing Branch issues licences in accordance
the Liquor Control and Licensing Act and Regulations.
The LCLB requests a resolution from the local government when an
establishment applies for a Liquor Primary Licence. As with changes to
existing Food Primary Licences (i.e. extension of hours of liquor service) the
Liquor Control and Licensing Act and Regulations requires local governments
to consider and comment on all new Liquor Primary Licences. Local
governments are asked to give consideration to the following regulatory
the location of the establishment;
the proximity of the establishment to other social or recreational
facilities and public buildings;
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September 10, 2012
the person capacity and hours of liquor service of the establishment;
the number and market focus or clientele of liquor primary
establishments within a reasonable distance of the proposed
the impact of noise on the community in the immediate vicinity of
the establishment; and
the impact on the community If the application is approved.
Local governments are required to conduct a public process to gather input
on these matters from nearby residents if the local government considers
t h a t t h e Licence may affect them. Subsequently, Council may adopt a
resolution that summarizes the community Input, the public consultation
method used and Council's comment and recommendations regarding the
At their Regular Meeting on July 19, 2012, Council gave initial consideration
to the application by Famous Players Limited Partnership and directed that a
public consultation process be undertaken In order to gather input from
nearby residents. Following Is an analysis of, and comments on, the
application and review criteria.
Location of Subject Establishment - Site Characteristics
SilverCity Coquitlam is located at 170 Schoolhouse Street. The property is
zoned CS-1 Service Commercial which permits cocktail lounge, public house
and restaurant uses. The Official Community Plan land use designation is
also C S - l Service Commercial.
Land use and zoning of the properties t o t h e North of the subject
establishment is Mobile Home Park, Industrial and Service Commercial
(RMH-1, M-1, and CS-l). Land use and zoning of the properties t o t h e East is
Industrial ( M - l and M-9). Land use and zoning of the properties t o t h e South
is Service Commercial and Natural Areas (CS-l, C-2 and P-5). Land use and
zoning of the properties to the West is General Commercial and Natural
Areas (C-2 and P-5).
The Zoning Bylaw requires i parking space per 40m^ of gross floor area for
commercial uses and the current parking on site is sufficient for the
proposed use.
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September 10, 2012
Proximity to other Social or Recreational Facilities and Public Buildings
There are several social and recreational facilities and public buildings
within a 1.0 km radius:
• Place de Arts
• Mackin Park
• Place Maillardville
• Millside Elementary School
• Rochester Park.
The applicant submits that the Liquor Primary Licence will not negatively
impact on these facilities / public buildings forthe following reasons:
• The licencing being requested is not for a pub or cabaret venue;
• Theatre facilities in the Province generally do not Impact negatively on
nearby social facilities and public buildings;
• Liquor service will end one hour after a film and the closing hour for
liquor service requested is 1 a.m. and therefore Is not a late night venue;
• Liquor service will be an added amenity to the primary purpose of
• Liquor will only be served in conjunction with the scheduled screenings
of movies;
• The establishment management will not permit the facility to Impact
negatively on the community and the nearby social facilities and public
buildings; and
• The Liquor Primary Licenced area is inside the existing theatre complex
and is geographically removed from the social facilities and public
Person Capacity and Proposed Hours of Liquor Service
The applicant is proposing to licence the existing Food Primary Licenced
restaurant / lounge area, five (5) theatres within the complex and the
adjoining corridor for a total person capacity of 591.
Hours of liquor service requested are 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m., Monday
through Sunday (seven days a week) and liquor service and sales would
commence one hour prior to a film screening and end one hour after the
event (as per LCLB directive 12-02) but no later than 1:00 a.m.
File #: 09-3710-02/000/2012-1 Doc it: 1302434.VI
September lO, 2012
Number and Market Focus or Clientele of Liquor Primary Establishments
within a Reasonable Distance
While there are no Liquor Primary establishments within a 1.0 km radius,
there are other Liquor Primary Licenced establishments within a reasonable
distance which include:
• French Quarter Pub
• Great Canadian Casino
• John B. Pub
• Planet Ice (Boomers)
• Red Robinson Theatre
• TNB Nightclub
• Woody's Pub.
However, as liquor service will be for patrons attending scheduled film
screenings and paying a fee for the VIP cinemas to watch a movie, it is not
felt that they will be competing with existing Liquor Primary Licenced
Views of Nearby Residents, Businesses and Property Owners
To satisfy the provincial requirements for gathering the Input of local
residents. Council, In July 2003, adopted a policy outlining the public
consultation process to be followed in relation to applications for changes to
existing liquor licences. In the absence of a specific policy relating to
applications for new liquor licences, this same process was utilized. In
accordance with this policy, the following notification requirements were
notification to businesses and property owners located within 400
feet of the applicant's premises, inviting written input by Friday,
August 31, 2012 (a total of 499 letters were sent); and
placement of three consecutive advertisements in the Tri City News
(August, 10, August 15, and August 17, 2012) advising of the
application and inviting written input by the August 31^^ deadline
(Attachment 3).
In response to the public consultation process the City received 10 comment
forms and written submissions by the August 31'* deadline. These comment
forms and submissions have been attached to this report for Council's
review (Attachment 4). Of the 10 submissions received, 4 (40%) were in
support of the Application and 6 (60%) were opposed. Reasons indicated for
not supportingthe Application include:
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September 10, 2012
the proximity of existing licenced establishments
concerns related to serving alcohol in an establishment frequented by
children and families
safety and security concerns
concerns related to potential consumption of alcohol by minors
concerns that intoxicated people leaving the establishment will cause a
Impacts on the Community
Potential for noise
As noted above, the establishment is located in a mixed commercial and
residential area already impacted by ambient noise from such uses. There
are residential properties to the North of the establishment (mobile home
There is adequate parking in the area, and it is felt that the application will
not significantly impact traffic or parking in the area as the patron limit will
not Increase from the current occupant load.
Potential impacts on the community
Minimal concerns were expressed in relation to the application and given
the fact that the licence is event driven and liquor will only be served in
conjunction with the scheduled screenings of movies, and the fact that
entrance to licenced areas will be restricted to adult persons who purchase a
ticket to watch a film, staff feel thatthe impact to the community would be
negligible. In addition, Famous Players has indicated that they will have in
place the same monitoring / control policies for the proposed licenced area
that is utilized in their other licenced facilities (i.e. In Ontario) which they
have been operating without a single alcohol related incident (see page 3 of
the Applicant Summary contained in Attachment 2 for details on Famous
Players' monitoring / control policies).
Other considerations
As part of the regular application review process, staff consulted with the
RCMP and Bylaw Enforcement Division, both of whom advise that there are
no complaints on file or concerns in relation to the operation of the
File it: 09-3710-02/000/2012-1 Doc #: 1302434.vl
Page 7
September l o , 2012
Next Steps
As noted above, the LCLB requires that Council adopt a resolution
summarizing its official position on the application. A resolution must be
forwarded t o t h e LCLB within 90 days of the City receiving notice of the
application (the deadlinefor this application is October 10, 2012). It is being
recommended that Council now give consideration to the public comments
received regarding the application, as well as to the nature of the request
and the potential Impact on the community, and that a resolution either
supporting or not supportingthe application, along with this report, be
forwarded to the LCLB to help inform their decision.
Financial Implications:
There are no financial implications.
The LCLB has requested thatthe City of Coquitlam, as the pertinent local
government, considerthe application for a Liquor Primary Licence for
Famous Players Limited Partnership - SilverCity Coquitlam and provide a
resolution with comments and recommendations to the LCLB. It is now in
order for Council to considerthe public input and make a recommendation
to the LCLB.
This report was prepared by J. Hunter, Committee Clerk, and reviewed by K.
Lore, Deputy City Clerk with input received from the RCMP, Bylaw
Enforcement, Development Services and Building Divisions.
1. Map showing location of subject establishment and adjacent zoning
2. Report of City Clerk dated July 19, 2012 - includes Application
3. Notice of Public Consultation
4. Comment Sheets / Submissions
File it: C9-3710-02/000/2012-1 Doc it: 1302434.V1
Attachment l
170 Schoolhouse Street
(Cineplex Silvercity)
170 Schooihouse.dwg
Attachment 2
For Council
July 19,2012
Our File; 09-3710-02/000/2012-1
1279750 v . l
City Manager
City Clerk
Application for a Liquor Primary Licence - Famous Players Limited
Partnership - VIP Lounge and Cinemas - SilverCity Coquitlam, 170
Schoolhouse Street
That Council approve one of the following options:
A) Direct that a public consultation process be initiated in relation to
the application by Famous Players Limited Partnership for a Liquor
Primary Licence for the VIP Lounge and Cinemas located at 170
Schoolhouse Street (SilverCity Coquitlam), in order to determine the
neighbourhood response and, subsequently, allow Council to
comment on the application.
B) Opt out of commenting on the application by Famous Players
Limited Partnership for a Liquor Primary Licence for the VIP Lounge
and Cinemas located at 170 Schoolhouse Street (SilverCity
Coquitlam), noting that the General Manager of the Liquor Control
and Licensing Branch may choose to conduct its own process to
gather the views of residents and consider the regulatory criteria.
Report Purpose:
The purpose of this report is to outline the request by Famous Players
Limited Partnership ("Famous Players") for a Liquor Primary Licence for their
VIP Lounge and Cinemas (SilverCity Coquitlam).
Page 2
July 19, 2012
Strategic Goal:
The initiatives outlined in this report support the City's corporate objectives
of enhancing community safety and enhancing economic opportunity.
Liquor Control and Licensing Branch Policy Directive No. 12-02 (Attachment
l ) has removed the previous prohibition on the liquor primary licensing of
movie theatres, meaning that movie theatres (and live-event theatres) in
B.C. are now able to apply for a licence to serve alcohol during the screening
of a film. The changes, which came into effect in April 2012, Include the
Multiplex theatres will be permitted to obtain a liquor licence and
serve alcohol in adult only auditoriums and adjacent lobbies.
Single-screen movie and live-event theatres can apply to serve alcohol
in a lobby where minors are present and to serve liquor in the
auditorium for adult-only screenings or events.
Without receiving prior approval from the Province, live-event
theatres may now show films, broadcasts, or host events for people
of alt ages if no alcohol is served.
As such. Famous Players Limited Partnership has applied to the Liquor
Control and Licensing Branch (LCLB) for a Liquor Primary Licence for their VIP
Lounge and Cinemas to allow for the service of liquor as an additional
amenity for the adults attending various movie screenings at their SilverCity
Coquitlam multiplex theatres (located at 170 Schoolhouse Street). As noted
in the attached "Applicant Summary" (see Attachment 2) Famous Players is
proposing to licence the existing Food-Primary licensed restaurant/lounge
area, five (5) theatres within the complex and the adjoining corridor, for a
total person capacity of 591. In addition to service in the lounge, service to
the theatre seats would be permitted from thirty minutes prior to the start
of commercials until the beginning of the film screening. Patrons would not
be permitted to take any alcoholic beverages from the lounge to any
unlicensed lobby or theatre areas. Entrance to licensed areas and liquor
service would be restricted to adult persons who purchase a ticket to watch
a film/broadcast.
Hours of liquor service requested are from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. Monday
through Sunday evenings (seven days a week) and liquor service and sales
File #: 09-3710-02/000/2012-1 Doc #: 1279750.V1
Page 3
July 19, 2012
would commence one hour prior to a film screening and end one hour after
the event (as per LCLB Policy Directive 12-02).
As with changes to existing Food-Primary Liquor Licences (I.e. extension of
hours of liquor service or Patron Participation Entertainment Endorsement)
the Liquor Control and Licensing Act and Regulations requires local
governments to provide comment on all new Liquor Primary Licences. Local
governments are asked to give consideration to the following regulatory
the location of the establishment;
the proximity of the establishment to other social or recreational
facilities and public buildings;
the person capacity and hours of liquor service of the establishment;
the number and market focus or clientele of liquor primary
establishments within a reasonable distance of the proposed
the impact of noise on the community in the immediate vicinity of
the establishment; and
the Impact on the community if the application is approved.
Local governments are required to conduct a public process to gather the
input on these matters from nearby residents if the local government
considers that the amendment may affect them. Subsequently, Council may
adopt a resolution that summarizes the community input, the public
consultation method used and Council's comment and recommendations
regarding the application. Alternatively, a local government may decide to
not provide comments or recommendations on new Liquor Primary Licence
applications, in which case It Is required to pass a resolution indicatingthat
it does not wish to provide comment on the application.
Public Consultation Process
City Council has adopted the following Public Consultation Process for
changes to existing liquor licence applications:
"That Council consider all applications for a permanent change to an existing
liquor licence on a case-by-case basis and, if deemed necessary, direct that the
following public consultation process be implemented:
File #: 09-3710-02/000/2012-1 Doc #r 1279750.V1
Page 4
July 19, 2012
notification to residents and property owners located within 400feet
of the applicant's premises inviting input by a specified date with
respect to potential noise, traffic and community impacts of the
change to the existing liquor licence;
placement of three consecutive advertisements in the local newspaper
advising of the application and inviting written input by a specified
date with respect to potential noise, traffic and community impacts of
the change to the existing liquor licence;
provided that the applicant must first submit its application in a form
satisfactory to the City Clerk and remit a fee of $1,100.00, which fee
represents the estimated cost to the City of conducting the foregoing
public consultation process."
While the above policy applies to applications for changes to existing liquor
licenses, in the absence of a specific policy relating to applications for new
liquor licences (the City has considered only one such application over the
last several years - that for the Great Canadian Casino), staff is
recommendingthatthe same process be utilized. Staff will address the
need for a specific poticy/proccess as part of a future report to Council
regarding the City's public consultation process (including fees charged) for
liquor licence applications.
As per usual practice, the LCLB has requested t h a t t h e City of Coquitlam, as
the local government, consider the application by Famous Players Limited
Partnership and provide a resolution with comments and recommendations
to the LCLB. It is now in order for Council to either exercise their option to
not comment on the application or direct that a public consultation process
be undertaken in order to gather the input of local residents relative to the
application. Should Council direct that a public consultation process be
undertaken, staff will report back to Council once the process has been
completed, summarizing the feedback received from the public, as well as
the RCMP and Bylaw Division. At that time Council will need to considerthe
public input and make a recommendation to the LCLB.
File #: 09-3710-02/000/2012-1 Doc it: 1279750.V1
July 19, 2012
Financial Implications:
Costs associated with undertaking a public consultation process to
determine the input of nearby residents with respect to the proposed
changes Would be Recovered from the applicant.
1. Liquor Control and Licensing Branch Policy Directive No. 12-02
2. Letter and Application Summary from Liquor Control and Licensing
Branch (includes Applicant's Letter of Intent)
3. Location Map (170 Schoolhouse Street, Coquitlam)
This report was prepared by K. Lore, Deputy City Clerk.
File #; 09-3710-02/000/2012-1 Doc #: 1279750.V1
Attachment 1
Liquor Control and Licensing Branch
No: 12-02
Date: April 11, 2012
LCLB staff
Industry Associations
Local Government, First Nations, and Police Agencies
live event theatre liquor primary licensees
Re: Amendment to the regulation respecting the liquor primary (LP) licensing of movie
theatres and changes to policy for live event theatres
The purpose of this policy directive is to announce amendments to the Liquor Control
and Licensing Regulation affecting the licensing of movie theatres and the ability of live
event theatre establishments with LP licences to screen movies and other broadcasts.
These changes take effect immediately, and repeal and replace policy directive 12-01.
The Liquor Control and Licensing Regulation amendment removes the prohibition on
the liquor primary licensing of movie theatres. Movie theatres are now eligible to hold a
liquor primary licence.
Licensed live event theatres may now show movies with no liquor service, or may apply
for approval to serve liquor in the lobby at films and broadcasts, and to licence the
theatre auditorium, if not already licensed. This will provide more options and greater
flexibility for current licensees operating predominantly live event theatre venues.
Effective Immediately:
Licensed live event theatres may show films or broadcasts and may have live all-ages
events without liquor service without having to seek approval or provide notice to the
Liquor Control and Licensing Branch.
Expanded Licensing Eligibility for Movie and Live Event Theatres:
Movie theatres are now eligible to apply for a liquor primary licence to serve
liquor at films and broadcasts in age controlled areas.
Live event theatres are now eligible to apply to serve liquor at films and
broadcasts, and to licence the theatre auditorium.
1 - %\
1,6- V-J
Page 1 of 3
Multiplex Theatre Licensing Policy:
Patrons must have purchased ticket to enter theatre.
Liquor service is permitted in a separate, age restricted (no minors permitted) LP
lounge and any connected age controlled theatre auditoriums (i.e. not the entire
lobby area).
LP lounge, theatre auditorium and connecting hallways/areas may all be part of
the licensed area.
Hours of liquor service to be event-driven (i.e. from 1 hour prior to 1 hour after
movie screening) within the approved liquor service hours.
Liquor service is also permitted in a separate, all ages food primary (FP).
Single Screen Movie/Live Event Theatre Policy:
Patrons must have purchased ticket to enter theatre.
Liquor service permitted in the lobby and theatre auditorium, all of which may be
licensed as an LP.
Liquor service is permitted in the theatre lobby with minors present.
No liquor service is permitted in the theatre auditorium if minors are present (an
exception is made for live events at live event venues that have already obtained
prior approval of the general n^anager).
Hours of liquor service to be event-driven (i.e. from 1 hour prior to 1 hour after
movie screening) within the approved liquor service hours.
Licensees have discretion to determine if a given movie/event is age restricted
(no minors permitted) without applying for LCLB permission or notifying LCLB:
o Liquor service for age restricted (no minors permitted) movies/events is
permitted in the auditorium and the theatre lobby(appropriate signage that
no minors are permitted must be posted); and
o Liquor service for-all ages movies/live events is permitted only in the
theatre lobby area.
Live event venues will be able to show pay-per-view or other broadcasts
Liquor service also permitted In a separate, all ages food primary (FP).
Live and Screened Events Special Occasion Licence (SOL) Policy:
Organizations eligible for an SOL may apply to hold screening events in a
licensed or unlicensed theatre or other type of venue (note that under current
policy SOL licensing is generally limited to 2 days per month, unless exempted
by the general manager).
If an SOL for screening events is held in a licensed establishment, the
establishment would have to apply to temporarily suspend the licence for the
Rules respecting minors and liquor service are the same as single screen
movie/live event theatre policy.
Page 2 of 3
Further information regarding liquor control and licensing in British Columbia is available
on the Liquor Control and Licensing Branch website at If you
have any questions regarding these changes, please contact the Liquor Control and
Licensing Branch toll free in Canada at 1-866-209-2111 or 250-952-5787 if calling from
the Victoria area.
Further information on movie theatre licensing under the Motion Picture Act is available
on the Consumer Protection BC website at or by calling 1-888-564-9963.
Karen Ayers
Genera! Manager
Page 3 of 3
Attachment 2
City of Coquitlam
July 5, 2012
Job #18519631-001
Mr. Peter Steblin
Managers Office
Coquitlam City Hall
3000 Guildford Way '
Coquitlam. BC V3B 7N2
Dear Mr. Steblin:
Application Summary for Review - New Liquor Primary Licence
Applicant: Famous Players Limited Partnership
Proposed Establishment Name: VIP Lounge and Cinemas
Proposed Address: 170 Schoolhouse Street, Coquitlam, BC V3K 4X9
The applicant, Famous Players Limited Partnership, has applied to the Liquor Control and
Licensing Branch (the Branch) for a liquor primary licence, to be located at 170 Schoolhouse
Street in Coquitlam. The Branch has completed the initial review of the application to
determine applicant suitability and eligibility of the establishment type for licensing. As part of
that process, a Liquor Inspector has completed a site visit at the proposed establishment
Having determined applicant eligibility, we are now proceeding to the Site and Community
Assessment (SCA) stage which is the stage for local government input.
The City of Coquitlam is requested to consider the application and provide the Branch with a
resolution which includes their comments and recommendation with respect to the licence
application. To assist with Council's assessment of the application, the Branch has prepared a
summary report for review and consideration by Council. The summary report is based on
information provided by the applicant and by Branch staff.
Council has 90 days to either provide comments to the general manager, or to advise that they
wish to "opt out" of the process. Either must be in the form of a Council resolution. Additional
time over the 90 days can be approved by the Branch if the request is received in writing prior to
the end of the 90 day period.
Upon receipt of a Council Resolution, the Branch will review the Resolution to determine if all
the regulatory criteria have been met in accordance with section 10 of the Liquor Control and
Licensing Regulation and; if recommended by local government, assess whether the granting of
the licence would be contrary to the public interest.
Liquor Control and
Licensing Branch
Mailing Address:
PO Box 9292 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria BC V8Vy 9J8
4'^ Floor, 3350 Douglas Street
Victoria, BC
Telephone: 250 952-5787
Facsimile: 250 952-7066
Following the rendering of a decision by the general manager as to whether to grant site and
community approval, the applicant and the local government will be advised in writing.
Once granted site and community approval, the application proceeds to the building
assessment stage of the licensing process where floor plans are reviewed and if approved in
principle, the applicant may proceed with construction/renovation of the establishment, followed
by the final stages of the licensing process.
Further details of the liquor licensing application process can be found in the "Role of Local
Government and First Nations in the Provincial Liquor Licensing Process" guidelines, enclosed
for your reference and also available on the branch website at
If you have any questions regarding this application please contact me at (250) 952-5752 or by
e-mail at
Yours sincerely.
Vicky Tooby
Senior Licensing Analyst
copy: Neelam Safavian, Liquor Inspector
Famous Players Limited Partnership
JUL 1 2 2012
City of Coquitlam
For Applicant and Local Government/First Nations
Date: June 28, 2012
Job #18519631-001
Created by:
Vicky Tooby, Senior Licensing Analyst
Application for a Liquor-Primary licence
Applicant: Famous Players Limited Partnership
Proposed Location: 170 Schoolhouse Street, Coquitlam V3K 4X9
Proposed Establishment Name: VIP Lounge and Cinemas
Date application deemed complete:
Local Government Jurisdiction:
May 11, 2012
City of Coquitlam
The primary business focus of the proposed establishment: Entertainment
Total person capacity/occupant load requested: 591 Persons consisting of
142 Persons (Area 06) Lounge
75 Persons (Area 01) Auditorium
80 Persons (Area 02) Auditorium
111 Persons (Area 03) Auditorium
99 Persons {Area 04) Auditorium
84 Persons (Area 05) Auditorium
Applicant is proposing to licence the lounge, 5 theatres within the complex and adjoining corridor.
As well as service in the lounge, service to the theatre seats is proposed from 30 minutes prior to start
of commercials until the beginning of the film screening; applicant indicates food and beverage service
may be offered during the film screening as well.
Portable bars are not permitted in the VIP Cinemas. Staff must obtain any food or beverage to be
served to patrons seated in the Cinemas from the lounge/concession area.
Patrons may take their food and beverage from the lounge area to the licensed VIP Cinemas. Patrons
may not take any alcoholic beverage from the lounge to any unlicensed lobby or theatre areas.
Entrance to licensed areas and liquor service will be restricted to adult persons who purchase a ticket
for SilverCity Coquitlam to watch a film/broadcast.
Hours of Operation requested:
\0\OJ) U
| Wednesday
9:00 AM
1:00 AM
9:00 AM
1:00 AM
1 9:00 AM
' 1:00 AM
9:00 AM
1:00 AM
9:00 AM
1 1^:00 AM
1-66 A M
9:00 AM
|^00 AM
9:00 AM
i^fOO AM
I '-06•K.
t -.oo A»i
Terms and Conditions:
Minors not permitted in licensed areas.
• Licence is event driven within the approved licensed hours and limited to 1 hour prior to, during
and 1 hour after a film/broadcast at SilverCity Coquitlam
Patrons must have a ticket to the film/broadcast to enter licensed areas.
Additional Terms and Conditions or Endorsements Requested: None noted.
Applicant has met the eligibility and suitability requirements of the Liquor Control and Licensing Act
(LCLA) as well as Liquor Control and Licensing Policy section 3.2.
The following sections are compiled from information provided by the applicant except where indicated
See the attached Applicant's Letter of Intent for details of the proposed Liquor Primary
establishment, including the following details:
Business Focus
Target Market
Composition of the Neighbourhood and Reasonable Distance Measure
Benefits to the Community
Noise in the Community
Impact on the Community
Other impacts, comments or requests
Please note that the applicant's letter of intent is enclosed as an attachment to this report for reference
purposes. The information or stafemenfs included in the letter of intent have not been confirmed unless
othenA/ise stated in this report.
The following information is provided by both the applicant and the Liquor Control and Licensing Branch
Distance measure used for public buildings and other liquor primary licensed
establishments: 1 km
Social Facilities and Public Buildings within the distance measure of 1 km radius:
Name/Type of Facility
Community Art Centre
Mackin Park
Millside Elementary School
Distance from site
Within 1 km
Within 1 km
Within 1 km
Clientele Affected
General Public
General public
Staff and Students
Identified by
Montgomery Middle School
Post Office
Rochester Park
Laurentian Park
Riverfront Park
Staff and Students
General Public
General Public
General Public
General Public
k) Liquor-primary establishments within the distance measure of 1 km from the
proposed location:
There were no liquor primary establishments identified within 1 km of the proposed site.
The following information is provided by Liquor Control and Licensing Branch except where indicated
Community Indicators
Contravention Statistics
The Liquor Control and Licensing Branch has compiled contravention statistics on the identified liquor
primary and liquor primary club establishments within a .8 km radius of the proposed location. These
statistics are based on a period covering from January 2007 to present and only include proven
There are no proven contraventions within a 1 km radius.
Circle population statistics for 2001 and 2006 are available from BC Stats by emailing your
request to
BC Stats Community Facts includes the BC Benefits recipient and El Beneficiary statistics and
is available at http;//
In providing its resolution on the proposed Liquor Primary application, local government must consider
and comment on each of the regulatory criteria indicated below. The written comments must be
provided to the general manager by way of a resolution within 90 days after the local government
receives notice of the application, or any further period authorized by the general manager in writing.
Regulatory Criteria local government or First Nation must consider and comment on;
a) The location of the establishment;
b) The proximity of the establishment to other social or recreational facilities and public
c) The person capacity and hours of liquor service of the establishment;
d) The number and market focus or clientele of liquor primary establishments within a
reasonable distance of the proposed location;
e) The impact of noise on the community in the immediate vicinity of the establishment; and
f) The impact on the community if the application is approved.
The local government or first nation must gather the views of residents in accordance with
section 11.1 (2) (c) of the Act and include in their resolution:
(i) the views of the residents,
(ii) the method used to gather the views of the residents, and
(iii) its comments and recommendations respecting the views of the residents;
A sample resolution template and comments are enclosed as attachments 2 and 3 to this
report for reference purposes.
For use by Liquor Control and Licensing Branch:
Liquor Control and Licensing Act, sections: 11, 16 and 18
Liquor Control and Licensing Regulations sections: 4, 5, 6, 8, 10
Policy Manual Section 3.2 Applicant Eligibility Assessment
Policy Manual Section 3.3 Site and Community Assessment
Policy Manual Section 3.4 Building Assessment and Issue of a Licence
1303 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario, M4T2Y9
Jessica Fetuon
Dircclor, L^egal Couruct
Fax: 4)6 3U.724S
fciy-jwifp cinqijcx.cem
May 10. 2012
Delivered Via Electronic Mail
Vicky Tooby
Senior Licensing Analyst
British Columbia Liquor Control & Licensing Branch
4th Floor, 3350 Douglas Street
Victoria, BCV8Z3L1
Dear Ms, Tooby:
Appficadon for a Liquor Primary License by Famous Players Limited Partnership
(**Famous Players'*) with respect to the VIP Lounge and Cinemas (the **Proposed
Licensed Premises**) at SilverCity Coquidam, 170 Schoolhouse Street^ Coquitlam,
BC V3K 4X9 (the "Theatre")
Please find herein add^tbna^^nfb^natbn with respect to the above noted application, including:
(1) a Preliminary Floor Plan; and (2) an Establishment Proposal, in accordance with your letter
dated May 7, 2012.
(1) Preliminaiy Floor Plans:
Pleasefindattached a preliminary floor plan, as requested, noting the Proposed Licensed
Premises outlined in red.
The Proposed Licensed Area is located separate and apartfiY)mthe unlicensed portion of
the Theatre. As indicated on the attached. Theatre guests may only access the Proposed
Licensed Area through a single, designated VIP entrance. Upon entering the Proposed
Licensed Area, guests will pass through the VIP dining and lourige area, hatched in green
on the attached floor plan, (the '^VIP Dining Area") before accessing a designated
entrance (also noted on the attached floor plan) to the VIP movie theatre auditonums (the
**VIP Cisemas"). Please note that Famous Players currently holds a Food Primary
License for the VIP Dining Area (License #304747),
Upon obtaining a Liquor Primary License for the Proposed Licensed Area, only guests
over the age of majority will be permitted to enter the Proposed Licensed Area, and only
VIP Cinema ticlcetholders over the age of majority will be able to access the VIP
(2) Establishment Proposal:
VIP Cinema guests will be able orderfi>odand beverages at their seats in the VIP
Cinemas. They will also be able to bringfoodand beverages purchased in the VIP Dining
area to their seats in the VIP Cinemas.
With respect to in-seat service in the VIP Cinemas, guests will order their beverages and
foodfromtheir seats in the VIP Cinemas via VIP Cinema service staff that will be
stationed in each VIP Cinema. Staff will obtain concessions ordered in the VIP Cinemas
from the main Icitchen/bar located in the VIP Dining area and wilt then bring the order
back into the VIP Cinemas to the guest at their seat.
The aforementioned in-seat service will be available to guests thirty (30) minutes prior to
the start of commercials until the end of the trailers.
Consumption in die VIP Cinemas and the Proposed Licensed Area will be
monitored/controlled in thefoUowingways:
o Only those guests over the age of majority who have purchased premium
priced admission may be admitted to the VIP Cinemas;
o Guests may only enter the VIP Cinemas through a designated, supervised
entrance to ensure that such guests do not unlawfully bring liquor into or
out of the VIP Cinemas;
o Serving It Right trained VIP service staff will be stationed in the VIP
Cinemas and Proposed Licensed Area to monitor guests' alcohol
o There is a two (2) drink per order nwximumforVIP guests (both in the
VIP Lounge and in the VIP auditoriums); this will be monitored through a
system of recording the number of drinks ordered;
o All drinks servedforconsumption in the auditoriums will be served in
plastic glassware;
o VIP service staff will receive additional training with respect to:
recognizing compromised or &lse identification, encouraging responsible
consumptbn, recognizing intoxicated guests, and promoting the
consumptbn offoodwith alcohol served; and
VIP service staff will be required to enter detailed reports in the event any
of thefollowingincidents occur at the Proposed Licensed Area: denial of
entry to intoxicated guests, refusal of service, removal of prohibited
patrons, useof &Ise identiftcation, and any altercations or disturbances.
Such reports will be reviewed by Theatre management to assess the
response of the VIP service staff and whether any changes should be made
to the methods of monitoring the VIP Cinemas and Proposed Licensed
Area, as described above.
The aforementioned policies relating to the monitoring/control of alcohol consumption in
the Proposed Licensed Area are the same as those practiced in our licensed facilities in
Ontario, where we have been operating since 2006 without a single alcohol related
If you have any questions about the attached floor plan or the information contained herein, or if
you require additional information please contact me directly. Thank you for your assistance in
this process.
Pen _
Jessica Fenson
Director, Legal Counsel
Cc: Bert Hick, Rising Tide Consultants Ltd.
This Letter of Intent is provided in support of the application submitted to ttie Liquor Control &
Licensing Branch for a Liquor Primary License at SilverCity Coquitlam -VIP Lounge and
Cinemas which is located at 170 Schoolhouse Street, in the City of Coquitlam, British Columbia
(the 'VIP Cinemas").
The VIP Cinemas consist of five theatre auditoriums and a restaurant/lounge area that is
cun-ently licensed under an existing Food Primary License. Attached is a copy of the current and
valid Food Primary License W\{h respect to the restaurant/lounge area. Upon issuance of the
new Liquor Primary License, the applicant will cancel the existing Food Primary License.
The approved occupancy for each area is as follows:
-VIP Dining -142 persons;
-Auditorium No. 1 - 75 persons;
-Auditorium No. 2 - 8 0 persons;
-Auditorium No. 3 -111 persons;
APR 1 9 2012
-Auditorium No. 4-99 persons; and
-Auditorium No. 5 - 84 persons.
Included with the application is a copy of the floor plan for SilverCity Coquitlam. The VIP
Cinemas are outlined in red on such floor plan.
This application for a Liquor Primary License is to allow the service of liquor as an additional
amenity for the adults (over 19 years of age) attending various movie screenings at this
establishment. This will not be a liquor-oriented establishment such as a pub or a nightclub.
There are other licensed VIP Cinemas in Ontario and Alberta in which liquor is an added
amenity or additional service for patrons who have purchased VIP tickets. The VIP Cinemas
allow patrons to attend movies in a separate and distinct area of the theatre complex where
minors are not permitted.
The proposed area to be licensed under a Liquor Primary License are thefivetheatre
auditoriums, the existing Food Primary Licensed restaurant/lounge area and the corridor outside
of the theatres. All proposed licensed areas are separated from the main lobby by walls with
glass. Access to the proposed Liquor Primary Licensed area is by way of a dedicated box office
for VIP ticket purchases.
Liquor sales and service atttieestablishment will be in conjunction of scheduledfilmscreenings.
Liquor sales and service will commence 1 hour prior to afilmscreening and end 1 hour after the
event, as per Liquor Branch policy direcfive 12.02. The maximum hours of sale requested for
licensing.are 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 am., seven days a week.
This Letter of intent in support of this applicafion is written in accordance with the Liquor Control
& Licensing Branch Guidelines.
The proposed Liquor Primary Licensed establishment will cater to adult persons over the age of
19. The target market is residents of Coquitlam and the lower mainland. The establishment will
cater to a broad target market with mixed occupations. The service of liquor to this target mari^et
of patrons attending the movies will be to provide an adult entertainment experience and will be
an added amenity for guests.
The proposed establishment will support the hospitality/tourism development factors by
new serviceforlocal residents and tourists over the age of majority.
ruouo^^°^^p \
The ViP Cinemas will yield positive benefits to the community and is supported by the City of
Coquitlam, as the establishment will be a destination for patrons wanting a one stop location to
see a movie and have full food and beverage service, in an adult environment. In addition, the
theatres will contribute tottiecommunity in thefollowingways:
Payment of taxes to all levels of Government;
Direct and indirect employment opportunities for residents;
Allowing the venue to compete in a diverse and competitive entertainment market;
Provide an interesting and new venueforcorporate events, fundraisers, and
community events; and
Provide guests with a modem state of the art movie experience.
The establishment is located in the City of Coquitlam. The following is a list of the Social
Facilities and Public Buildings inttiearea within a 1km distance to the applicant's establishment:
Place des Arts Society (Community Art Centre)
Mackin Pari(
Millside Elementary School
Rochester Park
Laurentian Park
Montgomery Middle School
Post Office
Riverfront Park
APR 1 9 2012
Attached is a map of the area showing the proposed establishment and the identified social
facilities and public buildings locations.
The applicant submitsttiatthe Liquor Primary License will not impact negatively on these
facilities and public buildings forthe following reasons:
The licensing being requested is notfora pub or cabaret venue;
Theatre facilities in the Province generally do not impact negativity on nearby social
facilities and public buildings;
Liquor service will end one hour after afilmand the closing hour for liquor service
requested is 1 am and therefore is not a late night venue;
Liquor service will be an added amenity tottieprimary purpose of entertainment;
Liquor will only be served in conjunction with scheduled screening of movies;
The establishment management will not pemiit the facility to impact negatively on ttie
community and the neari^y social facilities and public buildings; and
The Liquor Primary Licensed area is inside the existing theatre complex and is
geographically removedfix)mthe social facilities and public buildings.
These are factors the City of Coquitlam will evaluate when the liquor primary license application
is considered.
The proposed establishment will not impact negatively on traffic in the vicinity of the theatre. The
proposed site is a freestanding building that is well served by major traffic streets and highway
The City of Coquitlam has approved the land use for this establishment at the site and
traffic and traffic pattems will be considered as part of the approval process.
The City will also consider this factor again when it considers the liquor primary license
The establishment will not affect noise inttiecommunity as the proposed licensed areas are
within in the existing movie theatre and the establishment is located a considerable distance
awayfi-omany residential development. The liquor service is in a movie theatre and not a
nightclub or pub.
The applicant will comply with the City of Coquitlam noise by-law. The City will also consider this
factor when it considers the application.
The theatre has sufficient on- site parking for the theatre and the proposed added amenity of
liquor service.
The site of the theatre complex is in a commercial area of Coquitiam. The zoning of tiie
property is CS-1 Service Commercial Zones. This zoning does allow a theatte and a Liquor
Primary licensed venue therefore, rezoning will not be required. Please see attached zoning
This is a factor the City of Coquitlam will also consider when reviewing the application.
APR 1 9 2012
The proposed site is located in the City of Coquitlam. The reasonable distance criteria would be
approximately a 1-kilometer radius. There are other Liquor Primary Licensed establishments
located outside of the radius but within a reasonable distance of the site. These are as follows:
Licensed Establishment
French Quarter Pub
Great Canadian Casino
John B. Pub
Planet Ice (Boomers)
Red Robinson Theatre
TNB Nightclub
Woody's on Brunette
925 Brunette Ave.
2080 United Blvd.
1000 Austin Ave.
2300 Rocket Way
2080 United Blvd.
801 Brunette Ave.
935 Brunette Ave.
Gaming Facility
Public House
Recreation Facility
Attached is an area map showing the location of the proposed establishment and the identified
Liquor Primary Licensed establishments in the area.
We submit that the proximity to these other Liquor Primary Licensed establishments is not
relevant for the following reasons:
The application is for the licensing of the theatre auditoriums and the existing
bar/lounge area;
• Liquor service will beforpatixjns attending the scheduledfilmscreenings and will not
be competing with Liquor Primary Licensed establishments such as a pub/ lounge or
nightclub; and
• Liquor service will be for persons who pay an admission fee to for the VIP Cinemas
to watch a movie.
There are no natural barriers separating the applicant establishmentfi'omother licensed
establishments in Coquitiam. However, the Trans Canada Highway would be a man made
barrier separating the Great Canadian Casino and the Red Robinson Theatrefi'omthe
applicant's site,
Theatre licensed venues are restricted to only serving liquor 1 hour prior, and up to 1
hour after a scheduled movie screening;
The addition of a Liquor License to the establishment will conttibute totiietourism, and
hospitality in the community;
The licensing of theatres has not been a problem in other jurisdictions such as Ontario
and Aiberta; and
Liquor service will be provided to only adults who have paid a premium for admission to
the VIP Cinemas and no minors will be permitted.
APR 1 9 2012
Sample Resolution Template for a Liquor-Primary or Liquor-Primary Club Licence Application
General Manager, Liquor Control and Licensing Branch
RE: Application for a liquor-primary licence at: (address of proposed establishment)
At the (council/board) meeting held on (date), the (council/board) passed the following resolution with
respect to the application for the above named liquor licence:
"Be it resolved that:
1. The (council/board) (recommends/does not recommend) the issuance of the licence for the
following reasons: (detail and explain reasons for recommendation)
2. The (council's/board's) comments on the prescribed considerations are as follows: (see the
following page for sample comments for each criterion - a comment on each must be included
in the resolution. Where a staff report has been prepared that addresses the criteria this can be
used to provide Council's comments provided the staff report is referenced in the resolution and
there is a clear statement that Council endorsed the comments in the report.)
(a) The location of the establishment (provide comments)
(b) The proximity of the establishment to other social or recreational facilities and public
buildings (provide comments)
(c) The person capacity and hours of liquor service of the establishment (provide
(d) The number and market focus or clientele of liquor-primary licence establishments within
a reasonable distance of the proposed location (provide comments)
(e) The impact of noise on the community in the immediate vicinity of the establishment
(provide comments), and
(f) The impact on the community if the application is approved (provide comments)
3. The (council's/board's) comments on the views of residents are as follows: (describe the
views of residents, the method used to gather the views and provide comments and
recommendations with respect to the views. If the views of residents were not gathered, provide
The undersigned hereby certifies the above resolution to be a true copy of the resolution passed by the
(council/board) of (local government/First Nation) on (date).
(name and title of official)
(local government/First Nation)
All of the items outlined above in points 1, 2 (a) through (f) and 3 must be
addressed in the resolution in order for the resolution to comply with section 10
of the Liquor Control and Licensing Regulation.
Any report presented by an advisory body or sub-committee to the council or
board may be attached to the resolution.
Sample Resolution Comments for a Liquor-Primary Licence Application
The following are examples that illustrate the type of comments that local government and First Nations
might provide to demonstrate they have taken into consideration each of the criterion in reaching their
final recommendation. Comments may be a mix of positive, negative and neutral observations relevant
to each criterion. The final recommendation is the result of balancing these 'pros and cons'.
The list is not intended to illustrate every possible comment as the variations are endless, given the
wide range of applications and local circumstances.
It is important that the resolution include the comment and not refer to a staff report, as the general
manager cannot suppose that the local government considered all the criteria unless comment on each
criterion is specifically addressed in the resolution itself.
Local government or First Nation staff may wish to contact the Liquor Control and Licensing Branch for
assistance on drafting the content of a resolution before it is presented to local government or First
Nation to avoid resolutions that do not comply with the regulations.
(a) The location of the establishment:
The location is in a commercial area that is removed from nearby residences and is suitable for
a late night entertainment venue where some street noise at closing time can be anticipated.
(b) The proximity of the establishment to other social or recreational facilities and public buildings:
The only nearby social, recreational and public buildings do not conflict with the operation of a
late night entertainment venue.
- or The proposed location is across a lane from a church with an attached retirement facility and
church hall routinely used for youth group gatherings. The proximity of the proposed
establishment is not considered compatible with the existing facilities.
(c) The person capacity and hours of liquor service of the establishment
The maximum person capacity of 250 with closing hours of 2:00 a.m. Tuesday through
Saturday and midnight on Sunday is acceptable. A larger capacity or later hours is not
supported given the few number of police on duty at that time.
(d) The number and market focus or clientele of liquor-primary licence establishments within a
reasonable distance of the proposed location:
The existing establishments are large public house establishments that focus on exotic
entertainment or are nightclubs that attract patrons 19 to 25 years of age. The proposed
establishment is a small local pub style facility with an extensive menu and is designed to
appeal to couples wanting a quiet adult venue for socializing in their community. There are no
other (or few other) facilities with a similar focus.
(e) The impact on the community in the immediate vicinity of the establishment:
The establishment is not expected to negatively affect traffic patterns and noise is not
expected to be an issue because [of the small size and early hours] - or - [the applicant
has agreed to various noise baffling strategies to ensure the neighbours are not disturbed
by late night music]. The applicant has met the requirements of the zoning bylaw with
regard to road access and parking.
(f) The impact on the community if the application is approved:
If the application is approved, the impact is expected to be positive in that it will support the
growth in tourism and offer a new social venue for residents.
The Council's comments on the views of residents are as follows:
The views of residents within a half mile* of the proposed establishment were gathered by way
of *written comments that were received in response to a public notice posted at the site and
newspaper advertisements placed in two consecutive editions of the local newspaper.
Residents were given 30 days from the date of the first newspaper advertisement to provide
their written views. Residents were also given an opportunity to provide comments at the
public meeting of Council held on March 18, 200X.
A total of 63 responses were received from businesses and residents. Of the responses
received, 21 were in support of the application citing the creation of additional jobs and a new
entertainment venue for the area as their primary reasons. A total of 42 letters were received
in opposition to the application. The primary reason cited by those in opposition was the
proposed closing hours of 4 am. A number of business residents in the area also cited the
lack of parking as an area of concern.
The following three examples illustrate ways Council may complete their comments on the
views of residents based upon the preceding fact pattern.
1. Council agrees that a 4 am closing time for this establishment would not be appropriate
and therefore recommends that the establishment have a closing time of 2 am to be
consistent with the other licensed establishments in the area. Council does not agree
with the parking concerns raised by some of the local businesses as the proposed
establishment's peak operating hours will be after the surrounding businesses have
Council recommends that a liquor licence be issued with hours of operation ceasing at 2
am. Council believes that the majority of residents in the area support the issuance of
the licence provided the closing hours are no later than 2 am. The establishment will
create new jobs and provide a new entertainment venue that is needed in this area.
-or 2. There are 6450 residents within the half mile radius of the proposed establishment.
Notwithstanding that there is a two to one ratio of opposed residents to residents that
support the application Council is of the view that the 42 residents who are in opposition
represent a small proportion of the overall population that may be affected by this
establishment. Council also notes that frequently only residents who oppose a proposal
are the ones that respond; consequently Council is of the view that the rest of the
residents are not opposed to issuance of a liquor licence for this establishment.
Council recommends that a liquor licence be issued with hours of operation ceasing at 4
am. Council believes that the majority of residents in the area support the issuance of
the licence. The establishment will create new jobs and provide a new entertainment
venue that is needed in this area.
-or3. Based upon the input received by residents within a half mile of the proposed
establishment there is a two to one ratio of opposed residents to residents that support
the application. The opposition to this establishment comes from both homeowners and
businesses. Council is of the view that with both the residential and business
communities' opposition to this proposed establishment that the issuance of a licence
for this establishment would be contrary to the community standard for this area.
Despite the potential creation of additional jobs and a new entertainment venue for the
area Council is unable to support the issuance of a liquor licence for.this establishment.
Council recommends that a licence not be issued.
* The local government or First Nation determines the appropriate area to be included
and the method for gathering those views
170 Schoolhouse Street, Coquitlam BC - Google Maps
Attachment 3
Address 170 Schoolhouse St
Coquitlam, BC V3K 6V6
"'Priijan Crescent
Lucille Stair Way
; Real Canfjriian
Ur^ited Blvd
12 Google: r Map data ©2012 Google
Attachment 3
„ .
Famous Players Limited Partnership has made an application to the
Liquor Control and Licensing Branch (LCLB) for a Liquor Primary Licence
at its VIP Lounge and Cinemas located at 170 Schoolhouse Street (SilverCity Coquitlam). The applicant is seeking to serve liquor as an
additional amenity for the adults attending various movie screenings
at their SilverCity Coquitlam multiplex theatres. The details of their
application are as foMows:
• They are proposing to licence the existing Food-Primary licensed
restaurant/lounge area,five (5) theatres vt/ithin the complex and
the adjoining corridor.
• The proposed licensed area is separate and apart from the
unlicensed portion of the building and access to the area would be
through a single designated and supervised VIP entrance.
• Entrance to licensed areas and liquor service would be restricted to
adult persons who purchase a ticket to watch a movie.
• In addition to service to the lounge, service to the theatre seats
would be permitted from thirty minutes prior to the start of
commercials until the beginning of the film screening.
- Patrons would not be able to take any alcoholic beverages from the
lounge to any unlicensed lobby or theatre areas.
• Hours of liquor service requested are from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m.
Monday through Sunday (seven days a week) and J n accordance
with LCLB policy, would commence one hour prior to a film
screening and end one hour after the event.
The City of Coquitlam is required under the Liquor Control and Licensing
-4cf to consider potential impacts to the community and to provide its
comments and recommendation w i t h respect to the application to the
LCLB. In accordance with City policy. Council invites residents to provide
comments on how the application could affect t h e m and their property.
Written comments regarding this application may be forwarded to the
City of Coquitlam in one of the following ways:
- Email:
• Fax: 604-927-3015
• Mail: City Clerk's Office. City Hall. 3000 Guildford Way,
Coquitlam. B.C., V 3 B 7 N 2
• In person at City Hall, 3000 Guildford Way at the City Clerk's Office
during the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday
excluding statutory holidays (Telephone: 604-927-3010).
The deadline for written submissions is Friday, August 31, 2012.
Input received will be provided to Council in the form of a report at
a Regular Council Meeting. Council will consider the input provided
and submit a formal recommendation on the application to the Liquor
Control and Licensing Branch (LCLB).
Written submissions provided in response to this consultation will
become part of the public record which includes the submissions
being made available for public inspection at Coquitlam City Hall and
potentially on our website as part of a future agenda package at
www.coquitlam.caAdditional information concerning this application can be obtained by
contacting Jay Gilbert, City Clerk's Office, at 604-927-3013.
Jay Gilbert
City Clerk
F,com:cross p a c i f i c
08/14| '
I Attachment 4
Comment Sheet
Liquor Primary Licence Application - VIP Lounge and Cinemas - SilverCity
Coquitlam (l70 Schoolhouse Street)
Famous Players Limited Partnership has made an application to the Liquor Control and Licensing
Branch (LCLB) for a Liquor Primary Licence for its VIP Lounge and Cinemas located at 170
Schoolhouse Street (SilverCity Coquitiam). The applicant is seeking to serve liquor as an
additional amenity f o r t h e adults attending various movie screenings at their SilverCity Coquitlam
multiplex theatres. The details of their application are as follows;
They are proposing to licence the existing Food-Primary licensed restaurant/lounge area,
five (5) theatres v^ithin the complex and the adjoining corridor.
The proposed licensed area is separate and apartfrom the unlicensed portion of the
theatre and access to the area would be through a single designated and supervised VIP
Entrance t o licensed areas and liquor service would be restricted to adult persons who
purchase a ticket to watch a movie.
In addition to service to the lounge, service to the theatre seats would be permitted from
thirty minutes prior to the start of commercials until the beginning of the film screening!
Patrons would not be able to take any alcoholic beverages from the lounge to any
unlicensed lobby or theatre areas.
Hours of liquor service requested are from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. Monday through
Sunday evenings (seven days a week) and, in accordance with LCLB policy, would
commence one hour prior to a film screening and end one hour after the event.
The City of Coquitlam is required under the Liquor Control and Licensing Act to consider potential
impacts to the community and to provide its comments and recommendation with respect to the
application t o t h e LCLB. In accordance with City policy, Council invites residents to provide
comments on how the application could affect them and their property.
Please provide your comments on the proposed Application (comments must be received
by 5:00 p.m. - August 31. 2012).
N a m e a n d Address { K e Q u \ T e d ) : ( ^ r ^ ^
focfji^ ^ j ? ^ ^ /
/ T ^ C ^
F coss pac i f i c
08/14/2012 14:10
#120 P.001 /001
Page 2
Please Note: Written submissions provided in response to this consultation will become part of the public
record which includes the submissions being made availabie for public inspection at Coquitlam City Hall
and potentially on our website as part of a future agenda package at
File t- C9-371O-O2-'O0O/2012-l
Dec # 1288S91 v l
City of Coquitlam
^ ^^^^^^!w\*^ Comment Sheet
Liquor Primary Licence Application - VIP Lounge and Cinemas - SilverCity
Coquitlam (170 Schoolhouse Street)
Famous Players Limited Partnership has made an application to the l i q u o r Control a n d Licensing
Branch (LCLB) for a Liquor Primary licence for its ViP Lounge and C i n e m a s located at 170
Schoolhouse Street (SilverCity Coquitlam). The applicant is seeking to serve liquor as an
additional amenity for the adults attending various movie screenings at their SilverCity Coquitiam
multiplex theatres. The details of their application are as follows:
They are proposing to licence the existing Food-Primary licensed restaurant/lounge area,
five (5) theatres w i t h i n the complex and the adjoining corridor.
The proposed licensed area i5 separate and apart from the unlicensed portion of the
theatre a n d access to t h e area w o u l d be through a single designated and supervised VIP
Entrance t o licensed areas and liquor service w o u l d be restricted t o adult persons w h o
purchase a ticket to watch a movie.
In addition to service to the lounge., service to the theatre seats w o u l d be permitted from
thirty m i n u t e s prior t o the start of commercials untii the beginning of tine film screening.
Patrons v^/0Uid not be able to take any alcoholic beverages f r o m the lounge to any
unlicensed lobby or theatre areas.
Hours of liquor service requested are from 10:00 a.m. t o 1:00 a.m. M o n d a y through
Sunday evenings (seven days a week) and, in accordance w i t h LCL3 policy, w o u l d
c o m m e n c e one hour prior to a f i l m screening and end one hour after the event.
The City of C o q u i t l a m is required under the Liquor Control and Licensing Act to consider potential
impacts to t h e c o m m u n i t y and to provide its comments and r e c o m m e n d a t i o n w i t h respect to the
appiication t o the LClB. In accordance w i t h City poiicy, Council invites residents t o provide
comments on h o w the appiication couid affect them and their property.
Please provide your comments on the proposed Application (comments must be received
by 5:00 p.m. - August 31, 2012).
N a m e and A d d r e s s (Required): _
S^.A POcf-h
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Gilbert, Jay
Friday, August 24, 2012 10:01 AM
Clerks Dept
Subject: Liquor license @ SilverCity
1 am against this application.
People should be able to sit through a 2 hour movie without alcohol.
There is a pub across the street they can go to if they are that desperate.
It's bad enough at sporting events where it takes only a few drunk idiots to spoil an outing for
Cheryl Wiesner
#67, 145 King Edward St. Coquitlam
Pase 1 of i
Gilbert, Jay
Audrey Yen []
Tuesday, August 21, 2012 9:38 AM
Clerks Dept
Subject: Reply to Famous Players Limited Partnership Liquor Primary Licenee Application Notice of Public
Dear Clerks Office,
I am in full support of granting the Liquor Primary Licence and its details to Famous Players
Limited Partnership. I was made aware of the request through reading the Tri-City News,
August 17th. 2012 edition.
As Coquitlam continues to develop, its important that the city have the right services for its
community. This includes entertainment not only for family and children, but for aduhs as welL
Famous Players Cinemas in Coquitlam is an ideal location for nightlife activity, given its
distance from residential areas. It also is a good alternative to enjoy staying within the city versus
making the effort to coordinate a means of transportation to Vancouver and back (If there is a
designated driver, parking is difficult If by taxi, travelling through multiple cities is expensive).
The importance of allowing the VIP theatres within the complex and adjoining areas is the
increase in entertainment and enjoyment the experience brings (Which is in essence, what such
an establishment sells). To not be able to enjoy your purchased drink with your purchased ticket
simply because of obscure licensing laws you may or may not be aware of is annoying red tape.
Furthermore, one should only assume that if the item is available for purchase within the theatre,
you should be able to use that purchase while you consume what the theatre has provided (ie. the
movie). You would not order a popcorn, make sure you finished it out in the lobby, and then
walk into the movie.
If my assumption is correct, part of the concern for this licence is how it will disrupt Coquitlam's
current community. But by allowing Coquitlam to develop into more than simply a holding
space for bodies, and into a city that provides for all ages of its community, it can truly become a
thriving metropolis. Vancouver no longer need be the only source of entertainment and a
detraction to Coquitlam's growing economy.
Of course, this is only one licencing law, not an overhaul to the services provided within
Coquitlam. But it is another step to support Coquitlam's rapid growth and allow it to be a city
unto itself, not a tab attached to the outskins of Vancouver. I hope that this early morning
written, possibly too enthusiastic of an email conveys that myself and many others like me who
have grown up in Coquitlam are in full support, and that we will be taken into consideration.
Thank you very much for your time and all the best.
Audrey Yen
Lifelong Citizen of Coquitlam, Student of the University of British Columbia
August 10, 2012
Our File: 09-3710-02/000/2012-1
Dear Sir/Madam:
RE: Public Consultation Oppqrti^
Application for ^quqr j^riiB^uaqcLiceniie.r.Famous
Players Limited Partnership - ViP Lounge and Cinemas - SilverCity Coquitlam (170
Schoolhouse Street)
; 7^7Famous Players Limited Partnership ha?.
Licensing Branch (LCLB) for a Liquor Prirv
located at 170 Schoolhouse Street (Silv^.
serve liquor as an additional amenity l ^ v ^ ^ ^ / A ; te ^ ^
at their SilverCity Coquitlam multiplex •:.;
They are proposing to licence t; - •... :
restaurant/lounge area, five { 5 ' - - ^ ^ ^ ^ S ' ' ^ ^ S t i ^
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The proposed licenced area is <
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of the theatre and access to th,, • • ^ S ; - ' ^Jt.^tbju^
supervised VIP entrance
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Entrance to licensed areas and. :> .•
vAnd, if tK^^s^^ife^^
persons w h o purchase a ticket • •^•>^i.^'-'^^?
suspect they Would, it should
In addition to service t o t h e lopermitted from thirty r ^ ' ^ ^ t e ^ V ^ S . ^ ^ ^ ; ; ^ ^
^ beginrnng^f the-ftirn screen^r^;^- ^*^^;;^^^
Patrons would not be abteto'::^^V/any unlicensed lobby or theat>
Hours of liquor service request - - - r ^ ' r f ^ t ^ s s t o d
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through Sunday evenmgs (sev>^ Whyhqdor shouldn't be avail^^^
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The City of Coquitlam is required u n d f / : ^ ; ^ ^
potential impacts to the community a ,;-:f;^M|^;;.-^^^^
with respect to the application to the ' ? ^ : ^ : - ^ S t ^ ^ C ^
invites residents to provide
their property.
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City of Coquitlam
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08.'14/2012 02: IS
City of Coquitlam
Comment Sheet
Liquor Primary Licence Application - VIP Lounge and Cinemas - SilverCity
Coquitlam (170 Schoolhouse Street)
Famous Players Limited Partnership has made an application to the Liquor Control and Licensing
Branch (LCLB) for a Liquor Primary Licence for its VIP Lounge and Cinemas located at 170
Schoolhouse Street (SilverCity Coquitlam), The applicant is seeking to serve liquor as an
additional amenity f o r t h e adults attending various movie screenings at their SilverCity Coquitlam
multiplex theatres. The details of their application are as follows:
• J f h e y a r e j j r q p o s i n g to licence the e x ^ J n g ^ F o q d ^ r i n w
""~ five (5) theatres within the complex and the adjoining corridor.
The proposed licensed area is separate and apartfrom the unlicensed portion of the
theatre and access to the area would be through a single designated and supervised VIP
Entrance t o licensed areas and liquor service would be restricted to adult persons who
purchase a ticket to watch a movie.
In addition to service t o t h e lounge, service to the theatre seats would be permitted from
thirty minutes prior to the start of commercials until the beginning of the film screening.
Patrons would not be able to take any alcoholic beverages from the lounge to any
unlicensed lobby or theatre areas.
Hours of liquor service requested are from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. Monday through
Sunday evenings (seven days a week) and, in accordance with LCLB policy, would
commence one hour prior to a film screening and end one hour after the event.
The City of Coquitlam is required under the Liquor Control and Licensing Act to consider potential
impacts to the community and to provide its comments and recommendation with respect to the
application t o t h e LCLB. In accordance with City policy, Council invites residents to provide
comments on how the application could affect them and their property.
Please provide your comments on the proposed Application (comments must be received
by 5:00 p.m. - August 31, 2012).
N a m e a n d Address (Required):
City of Coquitlam
Comment Sheet
fmary Licence Application - VIP Lounge and Cinemas - SilverCity
Coquitlam (l70 Schoolhouse Street)
Famous Players Limited Partnership has made an application to the Liquor Control and Licensing
Branch (LCLB) for a Liquor Primary Licence for its VIP Lounge and Cinemas located at 170
Schoolhouse Street (SilverCity Coquitlam). The applicant is seeking to serve liquor as an
additional amenity f o r t h e adults attending various movie screenings at their SilverCity Coquitlam
multiplex theatres. The details of their application are as follows:
They are proposing to licence the existing Food-Primary licensed restaurant/lounge area,
five (5) theatres within the complex and the adjoining corridor.
The proposed licensed area is separate and apartfrom the unlicensed portion of the
theatre and access to the area would be through a single designated and supervised VIP
Entrance to licensed areas and liquor service would be restricted to adult persons who
purchase a ticket to watch a movie.
In addition to service to the lounge, service to the theatre seats would be permitted from
thirty minutes prior to the start of commercials until the beginning of the film screening!
• ' Patrons would not be able to take any alcoholic beverages from the lounge to any
unlicensed lobby or theatre areas.
Hours of liquor service requested are from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. Monday through
Sunday evenings (seven days a week) and, in accordance with LCLB policy, would
commence one hour prior to a film screening and end one hour after the event.
The City of Coquitlam is required under the Liquor Control and Licensing Act to consider potential
impacts t o t h e community and to provide its comments and recommendation with respect to the
application to the LCLB. In accordance with City policy, Council invites residents to provide
comments on how the application could affect them and their property.
Please provide your comments on the proposed Application (comments must be received
by 5:00 p.m. - August 31, 2012).
N a m e and Address (Required):
Comment: " f L o r p
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Please Note: Written submissions provided in response to this consultation will become part of thej>ublic ^
^ ^
record which includes the submissions being made available for public inspection at Coquitlam City Hall
f^^*-^** i ^
and potentially on our website as part of a future agenda package at
File S:OS-3710-02/OCO./2012-l Doc Jt: 1288S94.V1
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city of coquitiam
3?nn V Comment Sheet
Liquor Primary Licence AppI
Coquitlam (l70 Schoolhouse Street)
Lounge and Cinemas - SilverCity
Famous Players Limited Partnership has made an application to the Liquor Control and Licensing
Branch (LCLB) for a Liquor Primary Licence for its VIP Lounge and Cinemas located at 170
Schoolhouse Street (SilverCity Coquitlam). The applicant is seeking to serve liquor as an
additional amenity f o r t h e adults attending various movie screenings at their SilverCity Coquitlam
multiplex theatres. The details of their application are as follows:
They are proposing to licence the existing Food-Primary licensed restaurant/lounge area,
five (5) theatres within the complex and the adjoining corridor.
The proposed licensed area is separate and apartfrom the unlicensed portion of the
theatre and access to the area would be through a single designated and supervised VIP
Entrance to licensed areas and liquor service would be restricted to adult persons who
purchase a ticket to watch a movie.
In addition to service t o t h e lounge, service tothe theatre seats would be permitted from
thirty minutes prior to the start of commercials until the beginning of the film screening!
Patrons would not be able to take any alcoholic beverages from the lounge to any
unlicensed lobby or theatre areas.
Hours of liquor service requested are from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. Monday through
Sunday evenings (seven days a week) and, in accordance with LCLB policy, would
commence one hour prior to a film screening and end one hour after the event.
The City of Coquitlam is required und^r the Liquor Control and Licensing Act to consider potential
impacts t o t h e community and to provide its comments and recommendation with respect to the
application to the LCLB. In accordance with City policy, Council invites residents to provide
comments on how the application could affect them and their property.
Please provide your comments on the proposed Application (comments must be received
by 5:00 p.m. - August 31, 2012).
Name and Address (Required):
Page 2
Please Note: Written submissions provided in response to this consultation will become part of the public
record which includes the submissions being made available for public inspection at Coquitlam City Hall
and potentially on our website as part of a future agenda package at
F :e S: 09-3710-02/000/2C12-1 Doc 9: 1288S9<l.vl
City of Coquitlam
Comment Sheet
Liquor Primary Licence Application - VIP Lounge and Cinemas - SilverCity
Coquitlam (170 Schoolhouse Street)
Famous Players Limited Partnership has made an application tothe Liquor Control and Licensing
Branch (LCLB) for a Liquor Primary Licence for its VIP Lounge and Cinemas located at 170
Schoolhouse Street (SilverCity Coquitlam). The applicant is seekingto serve liquoras an
additional amenity for the adults attending various movie screenings at their SilverCity Coquitlam
multiplex theatres. The details of their application are as follows:
They are proposing to licence the existing Food-Primary licensed restaurant/lounge area,
five (5) theatres within the complex and the adjoining corridor.
The proposed licensed area is separate and apartfrom the unlicensed portion of the
theatre and access to the area would be through a single designated and supervised VIP
Entrance to licensed areas and liquor service would be restricted to adult persons who
purchase a ticket to watch a movie.
In addition to service to the lounge, service to the theatre seats would be permitted from
thirty minutes prior to the start of commercials until the beginning of the film screening!
Patrons would not be able to take any alcoholic beverages from the lounge to any
unlicensed lobby or theatre areas.
Hours of liquor service requested are from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. Monday through
Sunday evenings (seven days a week) and, in accordance with LCLB policy, would
commence one hour prior to a film screening and end one hour after the event.
The City of Coquitlam is required under the Liquor Control and Licensing Act to consider potential
impacts t o t h e community and to provide its comments and recommendation with respect to the
application to the LCLB. In accordance with City policy, Council invites residents to provide
comments on how the application could affect them and their property.
Please provide your comments on the proposed Application (comments must be received
by 5:00 p.m. - August 31, 2012).
N a m e and Address (Required):
(hj/)lPL£^^ /idOSS
Page 2
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Pfease Note: Written submissions provided in response to this consultation will become part of the public
record which includes the submissions being made available for public inspection at Coquitlam City Hall
and potentially on our website as part of a future agenda package at
File «: 09-371C-02/0OO/2O12-1 Doc 4:12S3594.V1
City of Coquitlam
Comment Sheet
\ A ^ 0 r P r \ m a r y Licence Application - VIP Lounge and Cinemas - SilverCity
" >quitlam (170 Schoolhouse Street)
Famous Players Limited Partnership has made an application t o t h e Liquor Control and Licensing
Branch (LCLB) for a Liquor Primary Licence for its VIP Lounge and Cinemas located at 170
Schoolhouse Street (SilverCity Coquitlam). The applicant is seekingto serve liquor as an
additional amenity f o r t h e adults attending various movie screenings at their SilverCity Coquitlam
multiplex theatres. The details of their application are as follows:
They are proposingto licence the existing Food-Primary licensed restaurant/lounge area,
five (5) theatres within the complex and the adjoining corridor.
The proposed licensed area is separate and apartfrom the unlicensed portion of the
theatre and access to the area would be through a single designated and supervised VIP
Entrance to licensed areas and liquor service would be restricted to adult persons who
purchase a ticket to watch a movie.
In addition to service to the lounge, service to the theatre seats would be permitted from
thirty minutes prior to the start of commercials until the beginning of the film screening.
Patrons would not be able to take any alcoholic beverages from the lounge to any
unlicensed lobby or theatre areas.
Hours of liquor service requested are from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. Monday through
Sunday evenings (seven days a week) and, in accordance with LCLB policy, would
commence one hour priorto a film screening and end one hour afterthe event.
The City of Coquitlam is required under the Liquor Control and Licensing Act to consider potential
impacts to the community and to provide its comments and recommendation with respect to the
application to the LCLB. In accordance with City policy. Council invites residents to provide
comments on how the application could affect them and their property.
Please provide your comments on the proposed Application (comments must be received
by 5:00 p.m. - August 31, 2012).
Name and Address (Required):
j i^-7^"^>/i
N * ^
1/31^ &
Comment: / \ ) [ ) 0 7 j (^L<f
y j ^ a r M ' ' ruL^
Pp^^oa Cijy^ 7 t /
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