Newsletter, June 2015
Newsletter, June 2015
EfforTZ EfforTZ Foundation Providing an Education for Tanzania’s Children June 2015 Newsletter Scorecard: Are We Meeng Your Expectaons? To get a sense of how our students did in 2014, we compared them with other students in the country. In the case of those who passed the exam for admission to secondary school (top graph), we compared our girls from Eluai with the girls from Eluai who were not EfforTZ scholarship students. (We didn’t have any boys who took the secondary school exam.) For the Form II and Form IV secondary school Na-onal Exams we compared our students with all of the Form II and Form IV students in the country who took the exams (both boys and girls). We’re very proud of how well our students did and very grateful to all of you for giving them this wonderful opportunity! Bebe and Fred Dudley, Mary Dupont, and Sheryl Seyfert Changing Atudes About Child Marriage When the Maasai elders from Eluai asked us to add 14 year-old Sindei (4th from left) to the four girls we’d already accepted into our scholarship program, we hesitated. Could we afford it? But when the situation was explained, we knew the only answer was “yes!” While the parents of the four girls we’d accepted had readily agreed to let their daughters go to school, the father of Sindei was marrying her off for the dowry instead. Happily, the village elders intervened. Declaring that Sindei’s father was not ac-ng in the best interest of his family, the elders insisted he allow her to go to school. (By custom, the elders have the right to intervene with a family, but doing so for this reason is unusual.) This change in a0tude has come a1er a lot of hard work. We thank board member Isaya Lukumay — who has had many talks with the elders of Eluai on this subject — for helping to make this change a reality. Our new girls are (l-r) Naishooki, Naangu, Elizabeth, Sindei, and Zawadi. EfforTZ Founda-on June 2015 Newsle?er What You’ve Accomplished 2014 At a Glance Scholarship Program 2014 Page 2 EfforTZ Founda-on June 2015 Newsle?er Page 3 News Naishooki Diagnosed with Scoliosis Because our students are orphaned or come from impoverished families, we take care of more than just their educa-onal needs. We see that they receive medical exams and take care of any health issues that arise. Some of our students have had minor viruses or infec-ons, or have needed glasses (both Ombeni and Hamisi are now wearing “spectacles”) but 14 year-old Naishooki has a more serious problem. When Naishooki arrived at our partner, the Emusoi Center, she was complaining of pain. She was taken to the hospital, xrayed and sent to a specialist who diagnosed her with scoliosis. Naishooki should have had some medical interven-on at the age of two. Unfortunately, she was given away when she was li?le and it’s unlikely anyone no-ced this problem. Naishooki being fitted for her brace. Without treatment the curvature of her spine would eventually cause breathing and heart problems. So she will have to Even here you can see the effect of wear a rigid spinal corset, except while Naishooki’s scoliosis. sleeping, un-l she stops growing—at least five more years! This treatment will prevent her condi-on from worsening, but not cure it. So far, she has made five trips to the hospital and endured two painful fi0ngs. But she is a determined young girl and very much wants a be?er life. We want this for her as well! If you’d like to help with Naishooki’s medical costs, you can donate on our website or mail us your dona*on. Thank you! Condolences and Gra#tude We’re saddened to report that two of our EfforTZ family, Cathy Dudley, 54, and Iris Russell, 87, recently passed away. Cathy, who died a1er a courageous ba?le with ALS, her husband, Tony, and their two children have been sponsors of two of our orphaned boys for seven years. Cathy was the daughter of EfforTZ co-founder, Fred Dudley, and we are all both saddened by her loss and very grateful Cathy and husband Tony Takazawa for her support over these past many years. Iris Russell Iris, who died a1er a ba?le with cancer, and her husband, Alvah (Skip), have been donors for four years. Addi-onally, Iris was a member of the EfforTZ Legacy Gi1 Society and was kind enough to remember us in her Will. We are very grateful for her generosity. EfforTZ Founda-on June 2015 Newsle?er Page 4 News Our Annual Student Recep#on + Volunteers in Tanzania Study Hard “What you get out of educa*on and life is what you put into it. It is en*rely based on the effort you invest. Do not take the easy way: study hard, study o8en, study before every test.” That was one of the messages given to our students by board member Isaya Lukumay and our representa-ve in Tanzania, Deo Melkior, at our annual recep-on. Good food, -me to chat with old friends and read the le?ers from their sponsors made up the rest of the day. It was a good day—full of smiling, happy faces! Helping Hands Our volunteers spent two weeks working in the public schools, helping the students with their lessons. They also found -me to visit some of our scholarship students at their schools and to visit the village of Eluai, where the families of most of our Maasai girls live. It was a hec-c schedule but one that made a posi-ve impact. (Below le8 is Laura Fraser helping students at Sanawari Primary School. Right (l-r) are volunteers Laura, Bebe Dudley, Sarah Be:s, Sarah Brendal, and Sara Batchelder with Eluai villagers.) EfforTZ EfforTZ Foundaon: 447 Davisville Road, East Falmouth, MA 02536 508-548-3703 Please consider making a tax-deducble donaon so we can help more children. Prin*ng donated by KPMG LLP; Design by Sheryl Seyfert