street fair - Temple Emanu-El


street fair - Temple Emanu-El
Temple Emanu-El of Greater Atlanta’s Quarterly Publication
August-October 2014
ished. Perhaps we will lose a loved one through death. Maybe a
marriage will not work out and a separation will occur. We may
become disquieted with ourselves, our spirits become low.
Approaching the New Year-5775
As summer winds down and our Jewish New Year begins, we
begin to reflect on the year ending and the year beginning. You
may have noticed that the New Year is 5775, and numerically is a
palindrome, meaning that we can read it backwards or forwards
and it reads the same.
For many of us, our lives are like a palindrome. We go through
each day, each week and each year as if it is the same. Sometimes
we go forward or we go backwards, but basically unless we direct
our lives to a higher purpose, our lives remain very much the same
as they have the year before. We take comfort in the familiar.
We look around. For some of us, Rosh Hashanah 5775 will see our
lives expanded: babies will be born, children will become bar or bat
mitzvah, some of our children will marry, we will add new friends
or become closer to friends and family. We may take on new responsibilities in our professional lives. We may retire and take on a
new hobby.
This season of the holy is a time for renewal. In the best of circumstances we can control our lives. But Jewish tradition is rich with
teachings on how to face life when everything is not going as
planned. We can learn from our heritage how to cope with difficulty, loss and even pain. We can learn that we have the capacity to
accept help when it is offered or to refuse when we feel that we
have the inner-strength to cope.
This season of the holy is also a time to make room in our very
busy lives for God and our own souls. Again, our tradition teaches
that it is never too late to begin the process of taking care of our
spiritual needs. For when we do so, we learn how to see ourselves
in relationship with all of creation, and how we will go forward in
the process of living.
May this holy season bring each of us shleymut – wholeness, koach
– strength, and tikvah –hope. As we take advantage of this time of
reflection, may we remember that we are loved by God who is the
Source of all goodness. May our homes be filled with love and
laughter and may our hearts be filled with joy.
L’shanah Tovah Tikateyvu…
May we all be inscribed in the Book of Life for a good year.
For some of us, the New Year may see our lives somewhat dimin-
Rabbi Colbert & Rabbi Prass
 Food Trucks
 Music
 Bouncy House
Temple Emanu-El
1580 Spalding Drive
Atlanta GA 30350
Shabbat Service-URJ Shabbat @ The Temple
(1589 Peachtree Street Atlanta)
Chevrah Torah
Shabbat Service in the Chapel
Shabbat Service
Chevrah Torah
Shabbat Service in the Chapel
Bar Mitzvah: Jake May
Shabbat Service
Chevrah Torah
Shabbat Service in the Sanctuary
Bar Mitzvah: Jonah Medoff
Shabbat Service—Coffee House Shabbat
Chevrah Torah
Shabbat Service in the Chapel
Shabbat Service—Blue Jean Shabbat
Chevrah Torah
Shabbat Service in the Sanctuary
Bar Mitzvah: Adam Prass
Shabbat Service
Chevrah Torah
Shabbat Service in the Sanctuary
Bar Mitzvah: Michael Kobrinsky
Bar Mitzvah: Alexander Weiss
Shabbat Service
Chevrah Torah
Shabbat Service in the Sanctuary
Bat Mitzvah: Eliza Frankel
Shabbat Service
Chevrah Torah
Shabbat Service in the Sanctuary
Bat Mitzvah: Chloe Lipton
Bat Mitzvah: Isabelle Mokotoff
See High Holy Day Information-Rosh Hashanah
Chevrah Torah
Shabbat Shuvah Service in the Chapel
See High Holy Day Information-Kol Nidre
See High Holy Day Information-Yom Kippur
Shabbat Service
Chevrah Torah
Shabbat Service in the Chapel
Shabbat Service
Chevrah Torah
Shabbat Service in the Sanctuary
Bat Mitzvah: Lauren Davis
Bat Mitzvah: Sloane Warner
6:30 pm
9:00 am
10:00 am
6:30 pm
Shabbat Service
Chevrah Torah
Shabbat Service in the Sanctuary
Bar Mitzvah: Dylan Fader
9:00 am
10:00 am
6:30 pm
Shabbat Service
Chevrah Torah
Shabbat Service in the Sanctuary
Bar Mitzvah: Evan Berger
Bat Mitzvah: Lindsay Berger
9:00 am
10:00 am
6:30 pm
6:30 pm
9:00 am
10:00 am
6:30 pm
9:00 am
10:00 am
6:30 pm
9:00 am
10:00 am
Friday Shabbat Service is preceded by a
“Nosh and Mingle” at 6:00 PM
except for 8:00 PM services which are
followed by an oneg.
9:00 am
10:00 am
6:30 pm
9:00 am
10:00 am
In this issue:
Shabbat Services
Board Listings
Presidents’ Letter
Executive Director
Staff Listings
Cantor Adesnik
Program Director
High Holy Day Schedule
Schiff Preschool
Diamond Family Religious
Mazal Tov!
6:30 pm
9:00 am
10:00 am
6:30 pm
9:00 am
10:00 am
6:30 pm
9:00 am
10:00 am
10:00 am
9:00 am
10:00 am
8:00 pm
6:30 pm
9:00 am
10:00 am
page 3
page 4
page 4
page 5
page 5
page 6
page 6
page 7
page 8
page 10 & 11
page 11
page 13
page 14 & 15
page 16-18
From Our Co-Presidents
As presidents, we are excited about the coming year.
Another program that we are working hard on is communication. We have a wonderful team of congregants that
specialize in communication and marketing. They are
working hard to improve how we disseminate information
from the temple to you. We plan to use: email, Facebook,
texting, website and other technology. We are also planning a complete redesign of our website.
We have titled 5775, The Year of Engagement. We are
looking forward to a variety of wonderful programs to
engage you. We need YOU. We need your input to help
shape some of our programming for the coming year.
One of the programs that we are very excited about is
our speaker series. We plan to have speakers that will
present a variety of topics covering spirituality and contemporary subjects. Look for more information to come
soon. This is your opportunity to help shape our synagogue. You can get involved in any of these committees.
Religious School
As presidents we intend to send out a series of updates as
we continue to move into this year of engagement. Don’t
miss an opportunity to be a part of shaping your synagogue.
Norman Cohen—
Scott Walsey—
Social Action
Youth & College
Temple Emanu-El Board of Trustees
Norman Cohen (
Scott Walsey (
Sandy Zusmann (
Former Presidents
Mark Young
Stephen L. Zisser
Arthur E. Katz
George M. Fox
Sandra Z. Ferko
Steven E. Marcus
Harold E. Kirtz
Stewart I. Aaron
Cary Rosenthal
Scott Walsey
Stephen E. Lewis
Ann Van Prooyen
Lynn Newport
Jane Schiff
Norman E. Zoller
Norman S. Cohen
Jeff Marcus
Stephanie Frostbaum (
Todd Gordon (
Deborah Perlstein (
Ben Stone (
Perry Walter (
Sam Levy (
Financial Secretary
Noah Rosner (
Recording Secretary
Mark Flaxer (
Dara Arouh (
Ken Goldman (
Leonard Goodelman (
Bill Kellert (
David Kirschner (
Ellen Lindemann (
Michael Lipton (
Scott Miller (
Neil Moskowitz (
Rick Shapiro (
Aaron Silverman (
Jill Spector (
Schiff Preschool Parents’ Group
Jodi Loar (
Hayley Wasser (
Sisterhood President
Paula Fine (
Brotherhood Co-Presidents
Hal Fine (
Youth Group President:
Janine Flaxer
From the desk of Beverly Brown, Executive Director
a check or phone me or Sally Caplan, 770-395-1340 with
your Visa, Mastercard or Amex. If you are unable to meet
your commitment prior to the High Holy Days or if you have
any questions regarding ticket policies please contact me.
What better way to start the year!
There will be many opportunities throughout the year that
we will need your ideas for Membership, Programming and
Fundraising. Let us know what you would like to happen at
Temple Emanu-El.
Admittance to High Holy Day services is by ticket only.
Those under the age of 25 or college students do not need
We look forward to you enjoying our High Holy Days as a
Synagogue Family.
Join us on August 15th for “Live after Five” Street Fair.
We will have music, food trucks and activities for the kids.
Mark your calendar! You will not want to miss this fun
Life Cycle Events
We participated in the Dunwoody 4th of July Parade. Thanks
to Lynn and Linda Newport for driving one of their antique
cars. Thanks to Mark Goodelman for driving us in his fire
truck and getting us placed at the front of the parade.
It is very important that you notify the temple office if you
know of someone who is ill or in the hospital so we can
reach out to them. Due to the HIPPA Laws we are not notified by hospitals or nursing facilities. Unless we receive notification we may be unaware of the situation of need.
Our garage was a huge success. Kudos to Diane Cohen and
Linda Satlof and their many volunteers. They worked hard
all summer and put in many hours. This was a full time job.
Thank you to Paula and Hal Fine for heading up this committee.
Please notify us if there is a death in the family so that we
can accommodate the family’s needs. There is a link for
your convenience on the Kesher Quick that will go directly
to Rochelle .
As you read your High Holy Day Mailing please notice that
Taschlich will be at the home of Donna and Cary Rosenthal.
Many thanks and appreciation to Carol and Arthur Katz who
welcomed us to their home every Rosh Hashanah.
If you have celebrated a simcha, birth, engagements, marriage, etc. please let us know. We love to acknowledge these
joyous occasions.
You will receive your High Holy Days ticket information
shortly. All tickets will automatically be mailed to everyone
whose commitment is paid in full for the last fiscal year ending May 31st or those who have spoken to me to make financial arrangements.
Enjoy the rest of your summer.
We look forward to seeing everyone.
If you owe a balance on your dues, you may pay by mail with
Temple Emanu-El Staff Listing
1580 Spalding Drive, Atlanta, GA 30350
Phone: 770-395-1340
Fax: 770-395-1343
Diamond Family Religious School: 770-352-9190
Schiff Preschool: 770-352-9303
Rabbi Scott E. Colbert; Ext. 205
Schiff Preschool Director, Sheila Purdin; Ext. 214
Rabbi Joseph W. Prass; Ext. 216
Program Director, Eric Wittenstein; Ext 207
Cantor Lauren Adesnik; Ext. 211
Diamond Family Religious School
Principal, Gloria Lapin Ext. 203
Rabbi Emeritus, Stanley M. Davids
Controller, Sally Caplan; Ext. 206
Executive Director, Beverly Brown; Ext. 255
Kesher Editor, Nila Szweda; Ext. 202
Get The Word Out!
Advertise in the Kesher.
Low Rates
Contact Nila Szweda
770-395-1340 ext. 202
From Cantor Adesnik—
Synagogue Youth
Cantor Adesnik is the senior staff member for TEFTY- please
be in touch with her or any of your board members with any
questions, or just to say hello!
This message is for you!
If you are a part of our religious school this makes you a part
of our Synagogue Youth, eligible to join and participate in
our Jr. TEFTY and Sr. TEFTY groups.
Please join us this year for some amazing TEFTY sponsored
events. Please become a member! Your membership dues
helps to fund our programming and other events we want to
create for you! Be in touch with Cantor Adesnik at:
TE and TEFTY welcomes our dynamic, fabulous new Sr.
Board members! Please welcome:
Share your voice with the TE Adult Choir! The High Holy
Days and programmatic year are fast approaching. Please join
us for some beautiful music, inspirational prayer services, and
most importantly fun and friendship. No need to have a
trained voice, just a desire to make music with some wonderful people. Contact Cantor Adesnik at for details.
President Janine Flaxer
Membership VP Ben Remer
Communications VP Cassandra Hankin
Progamming VP Olivia Lesnick
Religious and Cultural VP Max Harris
Brand new to our board this year are:
Does your 7th-12th grader love to sing and/or play a musical
instrument? We want to know! The clergy team are working
on creating some wonderful ways to involve your musical
child grades 7th-12th. Please contact Cantor Adesnik at:
with your child’s name, instrument etc.
 Eric Miller, Social Action VP
Grade Reps:
 Jessica Hankin, 9th Grade,
 Audrey Scharfstein, 10th grade
 Marlee Gordon, 11th grade
From the desk of Eric Wittenstein, Program Director
as committees, events, chavurot, and communication. It is my
job to help increase the frequency, efficiency, and quality of
our programming here at Temple Emanu-El, and I am looking
forward to the fun and exciting programming we have planned
for the coming months. My goals as Program Director are to
see us grow our programming and events, and to get people
more excited about the type of things we do here that make us
a unique, welcoming, and desirable place to be.
My name is Eric Wittenstein and I am
very excited to be Temple Emanu-El’s
new Program Director! I grew up coming to Temple Emanu-El; I was consecrated here in 1997, became a bar mitzvah here in 2005, and was a member of
the Confirmation Class of 2008.
If you are interested in volunteering, getting more involved, or
wish to talk about the kind of events and programming you
would like to see at Temple Emanu-El this year, please contact
me. My door is always open. I would love to hear from you.
I recently graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
with a B.A. in Peace, War, and Defense with a minor in Jewish
Studies, and I am so happy to be back at the spiritual home that
helped shape so much of who I am today.
Wishing you and yours a healthy, happy New Year,
Eric Wittenstein
My role here as Program Director is to help coordinate and Program Director
improve our points of engagement for the congregation, such
The Usher Corp invites you to join a wonderful, hard-working group of Temple members. Ushers serve
two Friday nights per year with either your spouse or another member of the congregation. If you are
interested in ushering on Friday night please contact: Larry Brown or 770-351-0489
High Holy Days 5775
Sat. Sept. 20
Program and Service
Sun. Sept. 28
7:00 pm
7:45 pm
Fri. Oct. 3
Wed. Sept. 24 Erev Rosh Hashanah
Evening Service
Fri. Sept. 26
Fri. Sept. 26
Sat. Sept. 27
Rosh Hashanah Day 2
Morning Service
Gates of Repentance
Shabbat Shuvah
Erev Shabbat Shuvah Service
Shabbat Shuvah
10:00 am
Kol Nidre
Kol Nidre Service
8:00 pm
8:00 pm
Sat. Oct. 4
Thurs. Sept. 25 Rosh Hashanah Day 1
Service for Young Children
(Ages 4-10)
Kids’ Club (K- 3rd Grade)
Aleph Service
Bet Service
Tashlich Service
(home of Donna and Cary
Rosenthal-1870 Brandon Hall
Dr. Atlanta)
Memorial Service
At Arlington Memorial Park
8:15-9:00 am
9:00-11:15 am
9:15-11:15 am
11:30 am-1:45 pm
4:30 pm
10:00 am
Yom Kippur
Service for Young Children
(Ages 4-10)
Kids’ Club (K- 3rd Grade)
Aleph Service
Bet Service
Healing Service
Afternoon Service
Yizkor Service
Neilah Service
Concluding Shofar Blast
8:15-9:00 am
9:00-11:15 am
9:15-11:15 am
11:30 am-1:45 pm
2:00-3:00 pm
3:00-3:45 pm
3:45-5:15 pm
5:15-5:45 pm
5:45-6:30 pm
6:30 pm
Wed. Oct. 8
Sukkot Family Picnic
Sukkot Service
5:00 pm
6:00 pm
Thurs. Oct. 9
Sukkot Service
10:00 am
Wed. Oct. 15
Simchat Torah
Celebration & Consecration
6:00 pm
6:45 pm
6:30 pm
10:00 am
Thurs. Oct. 16 Sh’minei Atzeret
Yizkor Service
High Holiday Honors
Planning for the High Holy Days is rapidly moving forward. We
honor those who have contributed this past year to Emanu-El’s
community in time and effort by offering honors during the services. If you would like to participate in this year’s High Holiday
services please respond to:
Dave Kirschner,
our Ritual Chair,
Kol Nidre honors are reserved for our past Presidents and spouses.
Erev Rosh Hashanah, Rosh Hashanah Aleph and Bet, Yom Kippur Aleph and Bet, and Yom Kippur afternoon and Neilah services are all available. Please include three services in order of
preference. We will do our best to accommodate your preferences,
but please understand our limitations and accept our apologies in
advance for any changes we make.
If you have an interest in chanting from the Torah or Haftarah,
please contact Cantor Lauren Adesnik:
She will be coordinating all such honors. Please send your responses by August 4th.
10:00 am
Temple Emanu-El Brotherhood
Shalom Temple Emanu-El,
a brick in honor of your family or friends,
or in memory of a loved one, you will be
creating a legacy of your commitment to
our synagogue. Our spiritual home is getting older and we need your help to keep it
looking beautiful. More information will be coming soon.
Also, thanks to Noah Rosner who continues to coordinate the
Ushering for the holidays. Please consider adding your name
to the volunteer list, we need your help.
I hope you all have had a terrific summer. I would like to
catch you up on some of the events Brotherhood has participated in recent months and what we are trying to accomplish
for the coming year.
In June, we coordinated an evening Braves game against the
Phillies that was open for all congregant members. Thank
you to Rick Shapiro for organizing the event and tickets. A
week later, temple congregants participated in a bowling
night at Brunswick Lanes in Roswell with fun, food and camaraderie.
Temple Emanu- El has been a wonderful spiritual home for
my family and I wanted to express to the congregation how
honored I am to be a part of it. It is only since I have engaged myself in several committees throughout the years that
I feel a part of this community. I hope you will consider joining brotherhood and take part in volunteer opportunities so
we can provide wonderful programs for all ages and support
the temple for future generations to come.
Sisterhood president and I have had the pleasure of coordinating the Upscale Garage Sale in August. We are fortunate
to have had some wonderful volunteers who have worked
unselfishly to make this event memorable and engaging.
Thank you for all the donations that have come in to raise
money for our shul.
Thank you for your support and I look forward to seeing you
in the coming months.
Before the High Holidays, Brotherhood is running a presale
on the bricks that are in the pathway leading to our Temple
entrance. The proceeds will help the synagogue with capital
projects that will beautify our place of worship. By donating
Hal Fine
Brotherhood President
Visit your Sisterhood
Gift Shop today!
Gift Shop Hours
Friday 9:30-1:00pm
Sunday 9:30-12:00 pm
And by appointment
Call Erica Miller (678)361-0348
Help staff so we can extend our hours and
be more accessible for our clients.
Photographer to help put our gift shop on
the Temple website.
Contact us:
Darby Ranlett
Micah Feldman
Dylan Cohen
Liza Moradi
Ryder Swerdlin
Betsy Shulman
Hadley Rothberg
From Schiff Preschool Director
ters and foster care is how we
model g’milut chasadim and our
children understand, truly think
and talk about, putting on a warm
pair of pj’s and curling up with a
They understand
when they are sorting piles of
donated toiletries into gift bags
because they brush their teeth,
they wash their hair and use soap.
They understand when they are
making the most perfect bikkur
cholim cards for the seniors in
By Molly Levy
our community because they love
Artist & Dreamer
birthday cards! Donating their
tzedakah pennies, nickels and
dimes to a fund that helps a sick friend matters to them because they know what it feels like to be sick.
Mitzvah projects are an integral
part of the Jewish early childhood
educational experience. They provide us with a tangible way to teach
very young children basic Jewish
values such as tzedakah, g’milut
chasadim and bikkur cholim. The
challenge as early educators is to
select mitzvah projects that have
meaning to our youngest learners.
We are blessed to live in a community where our children want
for very little. Their bedrooms,
and often playrooms, are filled
with the latest and greatest toys.
Their bookshelves are piled high,
and their closets are bursting.
The children of our community
have the opportunity to try new
things; swim lessons, soccer and
ballet, and enchanting trips to
Disney World. They do not
Wyatt Garfinkle
know hunger and they are secure
knowing they have loving hands caring for their basic needs.
They are blessed.
We thoughtfully select the mitzvah experiences at Schiff because mitzvah projects are special, and deserve a special
place in our curriculum.
Sheila Purdin
Director, Schiff Preschool
Schiff Preschool Mitzvah Projects
will be posted on the Schiff page of our website:
These blessings provide us with the platform to choose mitzvah projects that our children can put into the context of their
lives. Collecting new pajamas and books for children in shel-
Diamond Family Religious School
Sunday, August 24
Parents Welcome Breakfast
Receive timely updates and announcements
through your Facebook account.
Just click the “Like” button on our page:
An Award Winning
Sisterhood for All Ages
band Hal, Brotherhood President, is taking place August 8 th
and 10th. The committee has worked so hard in making this
event a success. The possibility of raising so much money to
help our temple and its programming is phenomenal. I have to
shout out to the two women, Diane Cohen and Linda Satlof,
who have worked tirelessly to coordinate the whole sorting
and pricing of every item that has come in for the sale. There
have been some other volunteers but Penny Finfer and Brenda
Graiser have helped so much and they deserve a huge thank
you as well. I can’t wait to start selling.
Women of Temple Emanu-El,
It’s hard to believe that a year has flown since I began my
journey as Sisterhood president. It is important this year that
we engage our women in new activities that create meaningful relationships and temple volunteerism.
To catch you up on programming, in March some lovely
women and a few teenagers participated in baking hundreds
of Hamentashen for our Purim Carnival. Thank you so much
to Robin Zusmann for coordinating the dough making and
bringing most of the equipment. We really had a lot of fun in
the kitchen. Our Women’s Seder which took place in April
was so beautiful and attended by all generations. I want to
thank Mickey Rosner and her committee for coordinating this
beautiful evening and arranging a fantastic caterer who provided delicious food for all. Cantor Adesnik with her beautiful voice and guitar led this service with music and originality
and everyone commented on how fabulous it was.
Please be on the lookout for sisterhood membership letters
coming soon. Our membership dues really need to be paid
before the end of September so we can plan some fun events
for all. We need your support and leadership so please come
forward and let me know what you want to see at Temple
Emanu-El. Thank you to Elyse Kellert who is the sisterhood
Treasurer and helps keep our finances in order.
We have a wonderful gift shop run by Erica Miller that is
always looking for volunteers. Please support our sisterhood
and buy all your Jewish paraphernalia at the Temple gift shop.
The Book Club led by Maralyn Lieberman continues to be a
wonderful sisterhood sponsored program that many women
enjoy being a part of. Everyone can have the opportunity to
be the facilitator for the book of the month and it is engaging
and welcoming.
Some of our Fall programming will include:
 Open house and welcoming event TBA
 Speaker on Women’s Health Issues and Brunch-October
 Social Action projects
 And many more….
In June, Sisterhood and Brotherhood coordinated a Temple
wide bowling night at Brunswick Lanes in Roswell. Although
it was a smaller group of attendees due to summer schedules
and vacations, everyone had a great time and we will definitely do this again in January.
May you all have a wonderful rest of the summer and may
your Holidays be memorable.
In sisterhood,
Paula Fine
The Big Upscale Garage Sale co-chaired by me and my hus-
Brio’s Tuscan Grille Restaurant
700 Ashwood Pkwy
September 4
11:30 AM
“American Nightingale” by Bob Welch
RSVP by August 15 to:
Ann Fine 770-457-2786
Sunni Abelman 770-394-3939
March 15, 2014: Monica Schwartz is the
daughter of Lauren
Schwartz and Neil Schwartz
and sister to Sydney, 9 yrs.
A native Atlantan, Monica
lives in Dunwoody and attends the Diamond Family
Religious School. She is a
student at Peachtree Charter Middle School where her favorite subject is
language arts. For her mitzvah project, Monica
collected gently used children’s books to donate to the Ben Massell Dental Clinic through
- Stephanie and Kevin Dale on the birth of their
son, Charles Sawyer Dale, on March 13, 2014.
Sheila and Robert Landau on the birth of their
granddaughter Claire Sophia Lazarus on August 31, 2013. Proud parents are Allison and
David Lazarus.
- Sandy and Ken Levy on the birth of their twin
grandchildren, Mason Samuel and Emily Rebecca Levy on April 3, 2014. Proud parents are
Richard and Cathy Levy.
- Jan and Aaron Lupuloff on the marriage of March 22, 2014: Aiden Greenfeld is the son of
Rachel and Joe Greenfeld
their daughter Dana to Tyler Maloof on May 3,
and brother to Alexa, 16 yrs.
He is a graduate of Schiff
- Edith and Gary Fink on the birth of their
Preschool and attended the
granddaughter, Vada Margot Lanham. Proud
Diamond Family Religious
parents are Stacia and William Lanham.
School. Aiden is a student of
- Mark Mittenthal on the birth of his grandPeachtree Charter Middle
daughter, Dara Gabrielle Mittenthal. Proud
School where his favorite
parents are Laurie and Eric Mittenthal.
subjects are math and science. He loves
sports, especially basketball.
To our B’nai Mitzvah:
March 22, 2014: Anna Petersiel is the daughter of Cindy and Eric PeterMarch 8, 2014: Jared Rudnicki is the son of
siel and sister to Benjamin,
Kerith and Philip Rudnicki
11 yrs. Annie is a native
and brother to Caleb, 17 yrs.
Atlantan. She attended the
Jared was born in PlantaDiamond Family Religious
tion, Florida and moved to
School. Annie is home
Atlanta in 2007. He attends
schooled and her favorite
the Davis Academy where
subject is math. Annie’s bat
his favorite subject is math.
For his mitzvah project, Ja- mitzvah project grew from her love of reading.
red fostered over 35 guinea pigs for Atlanta She collected gently used books, and money to
Metro Guinea Pig Rescue since November purchase books, to pass on to Sheltering
2012.He collected food store gift cards for their Books, an organization here in Atlanta that
fruits and vegetables, old towels and blankets provides books to homeless kids all over the
for bedding and collected money for pet bills. country. She gathered well over 200 books at
He adopted two guinea pigs from the rescue. last count. Annie loves drama and singing. She
participates in both a drama class and choir
Jared plays soccer for UFA-Norcross.
and loves reading. This summer, Annie has had
March 15, 2014: Ryan Gold is the son of Ste- the opportunity to work with children, counselven and Robyn Gold. He ing at a camp and creating and running her own
has a brother Jordan who is day camp with a couple of friends.
16. Ryan was born in AtMarch 29, 2014: Emily Addalia is the daughter
lanta and attended the
of Allison and Paul Addalia
Schiff Preschool at Temple
and sister to Caleb, 8 yrs.
Emanu-El. He is a rising 8th
She was born in Washinggrader at the Davis Acadton D.C. and lived in Maryemy. He loves playing basland before moving to Atketball and is an avid sports fan. For his mitzlanta at age five. Emily
vah project, Ryan volunteered his time with
attended the Diamond
Adopt A Golden Atlanta. Our family rescued our
Family Religious School
dog, Brickel, from this organization so Ryan
and was a member of the Junior Choir. She is a
chose to give back to them in Brickel’s honor.
student at Peachtree Charter Middle School
He volunteered with his friend Leah Tuck sellwhere her favorite subjects are math, science
ing drinks at an adoption day and working at
and Spanish. For her mitzvah project, Emily
their annual carnival in the kids area.
volunteered in her school’s garden and donated
and planted plants from her bat mitzvah party in
the garden.
April 5, 2014: Zachary Baylin is the son of
Tracey and Marc Baylin and
brother to Samuel, 11 yrs.
He has lived in Atlanta for
almost three years. Zachary
moved here from Livingston
NJ. He was born in his father’s home town of Baltimore, MD. Zachary attends
the Davis Academy where he enjoys playing
drums in the Fusion Band. His favorite subjects
are math and language arts. For his mitzvah
project, Zachary hosted a video game collection
party for “Get Well Gamers”, an organization
that distributes games to hospitals throughout
the U.S., including Atlanta, for use by pediatric
patients. He enjoys origami, computer programming and playing with his two dogs, Benny and
April 15, 2014: Jason Marcus is the son of
Laura and Jeffrey Marcus
and brother to Melissa, 20
yrs. and Lindsey, 18 yrs. He
was born and raised in
Atlanta and has attended
the Davis Academy since
kindergarten where he is a
rising eighth-grader. His
favorite class is Fusion where he plays guitar
and performs with other students. For his mitzvah project, Jason raised money yearly for
autism through his family’s Halloween projectScare Away Autism. His favorite hobby is basketball. He is a great friend and brother.
May 3, 2014: Alyssa Walter is the daughter of
Deborah and Perry Walter
and sister to Elana, 15 yrs.
and Joseph, 10 yrs. She is
a native Atlantan currently
living in East Cobb where
she attends Dickerson Middle School. For her mitzvah
project, Alyssa volunteered
for Small Dog Rescue and Humane Society.
She enjoys cooking and has a pet, Scooby
May 3, 2014: Samantha Moss is the daughter
of Beth S. Moss and Gary
Moss and sister to Rachel, 15 yrs. She attended
the Diamond Family Religious School. Samantha
is a student at Peachtree
Charter Middle School
where her favorite subjects are math, language arts and she enjoys
participating in physical education. For her
mitzvah project, Samantha tutored math twice a
week for the English Language Learners at her
school to help prepare them for testing. It also
gave her an opportunity to interact with her
peers. Samantha participates in several extracurricular activities. She plays travel softball,
school basketball and plays the tuba in the
school band.
May 24, 2014: Sean Fox is the son of Jodi and
Jim Fox and brother to Noah,
10 yrs. He is a native Atlantan. Sean attends the Diamond Family Religious
School and is a member of
Jr. TEFTY. He is a seventhgrader at Peachtree Charter
Middle School. For his mitzvah project, Sean organized a bake sale to
raise money for the Vizsla Club of Metro Atlanta
Rescue Program. He raised $2400. He also
volunteered this past year at some of the Vizsla
Club events. Sean is in the Beta Club and on
the Principal’s Honors List. His favorite subjects
are math and science and he loves playing
lacrosse, basketball and tennis. Sean helps
train his two dogs, Penny and Duke, and has
entered each dog in junior confirmation dog
May 24, 2014: Leah Tuck is the daughter of
Allyson and Sam Tuck and
sister to Nolan, 8 yrs. A
native Atlantan, Leah attended Schiff Preschool.
She is a student at the
Davis Academy where her
favorite subjects are math
and language arts. For her mitzvah project, School in the Fall. Noah just finished his final
Leah volunteered at the Zaban Couple’s Center year playing baseball at Murphey Candler Park.
and also helped raise money for Atlanta Adopt
A Golden. She loves to spend time with her two June 28, 2014: Ethan Bashuk is the son of
rescue dogs, Georgia and Mollie, and also
Adrienne and Dennis
enjoys playing basketball and hanging out with
Bashuk and brother to Gabfriends.
rielle, 16 yrs. and Reece, 8
yrs. He was born in NY and
June 7, 2014: Erin Greenstein is the daughter
spent his first three years in
of Jeff Greenstein and Eva
California and MassachuGreenstein (deceased) and
setts before his family setsister to Ryan, 21 yrs. and
tled in Atlanta 10 years ago.
Michael, 19 yrs. She was Ethan has attended the Diamond Family Reliborn in Sydney, Australia gious School since kindergarten. He attends
and moved to Atlanta in Peachtree Charter Middle School where his
2002. She attended the Dia- favorite subjects are social studies and math.
mond Family Religious For his mitzvah project, Ethan wanted to share
School and is a member of Jr. TEFTY. Erin is a his passion for reading with children less fortustudent at Peachtree Charter Middle School nate. He chose to collect new/like new books
where her favorite subjects are reading and for Amy’s Holiday Party in December. So far,
chorus. For her mitzvah project, Erin collected he has collected over 300 books and will conbooks for Books for Africa. She loves music, tinue to do so through November. If you are
sings and plays guitar. She has a dog named interested in donating towards this wonderful
Lulu. When not with friends, she is likely read- cause, there is a basket in the Temple lobby, as
ing a book.
well as, one on our front porch, 1189 Whitehall
Pointe, Dunwoody. Ethan enjoys being with his
June 14, 2014: Noah Miller is the son of Jodi friends and family. He plays tennis, enjoys
Miller and Rob Miller and swimming and biking. He has a passion for
brother to Ari, 15 yrs. He reading and likes to draw. He loves theme
was born in South Florida parks and the crazier the ride, the better.
and lived in Parkland for the
first three years of his life
before moving to Atlanta in
February 2005. Noah attended the Diamond Family
Religious School since kindergarten. He was a
student of Peachtree Charter Middle School
and will begin attending Tapestry Charter
Caring Committee
Have you ever lost a loved one and wanted to express your grief to a sympathetic listener, or wanted to share a
very exciting event, such as the birth of your baby or becoming a grand-parent? Would you appreciate having a
meal brought to your home while recuperating from surgery or a serious illness, or refreshments for a Shiva?
That is why our Temple started the Caring Committee many years ago. But as a member of this committee I can
honestly say I have benefitted just as much. Talking to members of our congregation gives me a stronger sense of
belonging to our community. And are we all not uplifted when we feel we have been helpful to someone?
Please consider becoming a Caring Committee volunteer and calling Ann Fine at 770-457-2786 or Gerri Penn at
770-457-2474 to get all the information you'll need to start you on another rewarding life experience and making
new friendships.Each member of the Caring Committee is called upon only once a week and, sometimes, not even
that often.
Margie Berinhout
Gifts of Tzedakah
Building Fund
Yahrzeit of:
William Botwinik
Heather and Philip Botwinik
Helen Berman
Penny & Jeff Priluck
Lottie Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. Burton Cohen
Rose Tenenbaum
Shirley and Stanley
In Memory of:
Jean Weinberg
Bob Weinberg
Sidney Rollins
Penny & Jeff Priluck
Lisa Slotznick & Steven
Hilda Goodelman
Susan Weintrob
Glenn Cox
Jane Schiff and Lawrence
Carol and Michael Aarons
Lillian Spector
Lynn and Ed Koffsky
Robyn & Steven Gold
Cantor Adesnik’s
Discretionary Fund
Yahrzeit of:
Sigfried Frohman
Cora and Frank Frohman
Joseph Hinerfeld
Cathy Winokur
Rachel Thomas
Bretta and David Grocer
Abraham Robert Lieberman
Maralyn Lieberman and Edward Lerner
In Memory of:
Hilda Goodelman
The Goodelman Family
Malka Hersch
Julie and Jeffrey Mokotoff
Abraham Robert Lieberman
Maralyn Lieberman and Edward Lerner
Shane Kohout
Wayne and Lequice Kohout
In Honor of:
The Bat Mitzvah of Sara Goodelman
Michele and Mark Goodelman
A Joyous Triple Chai Bat Mitzvah
Susie Davidow
The Bar Mitzvah of Aiden
Samuel Kaplan
The Bar Mitzvah of Jacob Sloman
Judith and Jay Sloman
The Bar Mitzvah of Jared Rudnicki
Kerith and Philip Rudnicki
The Bar Mitzvah of Ryan Gold
Robyn and Steven Gold &
The Bat Mitzvah of Anna Petersiel
Cindy and Eric Petersiel
The Bar Mitzvah of Sean Fox
Jodi and James Fox
In Appreciation of:
Ann Rollins piano accompaniment
Jessie and Chick Herman
Reita Franco
Pam and Jack Williams &
In Honor of:
Ron Silvers
Suzanne & Gary Freed
Jan & Harvey Apple
The College Graduation of
Melissa Fine
Maralyn Lieberman and Ed
Rabbi Colbert’s
Discretionary Fund
Yahrzeit of:
Tobie Simon
Leonora Lindemann
Ellen and Bruce Lindemann
Bella Stern
Beatrice Cohen
Irving Simon
Elaine Hanner
Jerry Hanner
Ellen Rollins
Ann Rollins and James Jose
Nettie Levy
Brita and Alvin Levy
Sandra Goldberg
Cindy and Howard Goldberg
Jerry Cohen
Beatrice Cohen
Barry Parks
Sheila Parks
In Memory of:
Michael Kaplan
Jessie and Charles Herman
Hilda Goodelman
Jessie and Charles Herman
The Goodelman Family
Estelle Mittenthal
Shelley and Bob Antin
Glenn Cox
Bev and Stew Aaron
John Asher
Shelley, Bob, Natalie and Jamie Antin
Louis P. Samuels
Anne, Doug, Amy & Michael
Sidney P. Rollins
Beverly and Larry Brown
Jessie and Chick Herma
Caring Fund
Yahrzeit of:
George Lewin
Myrna and Nick Orphan
Aaron Nathans
Yetta Lieber
Marcia Nathans
Ruth Zelizer
Michael Zelizer
Sandra Ferko
Mabel Goldstein
Barbara and Gary Teller
Ellen Rosenthal
Elaine Rittenbaum
Saul Cohen
Harvey Cohen
Nancy and Bill Cohen
Seymour Schwartz
Barbara Schwartz
Arthur Fine
Ann Fine
William Miller
Judy Cone
In Memory of:
Morris Goldstein
Barbara & Gary Teller
Suzanne and Gary Freed
Jan and Harvey Apple
70th Birthday of Ron Silvers
Hilda Goodelman
Judy Rich
Libby Penn
Maralyn Lieberman and Ed
Estelle Mittenthal
Eva and David Arkin
Barry Parks
Sheila Parks
Glenn Cox
Susie Davidow
In Honor of:
Rabbi Colbert
Jill and Craig Spector
The Bat Mitzvah of Sara Goodelman
Michele and Mark Goodelman
A Joyous Triple Chai Bat Mitzvah
Susie Davidow
The Engagement of Adeena
Babbitt and Trippe Fried
Shirley and Ed Schiffer
The Bar Mitzvah of Jacob Sloman
Judith and Jay Sloman
The Bar Mitzvah of Jared Rudnicki
Kerith and Philip Rudnicki
The Bar Mitzvah of Ryan Gold
Robyn and Steven Gold &
The Speedy Recovery of Harry
Marilyn and Michael Tuckman
Rabbi Colbert for Officiating at
the Unveiling Ceremony of
Donna Gail Mittenthal
Mark Mittenthal
The Marriage of Dana Elyse
Lupuloff to Tyler Keith Maloof
Joan and Max Lupuloff
Alex Kaplan’s Graduation from
Lori, David and Jason Kaplan
Jan and Aaron Lupuloff on the
Marriage of their Daughter Dana
Elyse Lupuloff to Tyler Keith
Joan and Max Lupuloff
The Baby Naming of Claire
Sophia Lazarus
Sheila and Robert Landau
Rabbi Colbert on the Baby Naming of Claire Sophia Lazarus
Allison and David Lazarus
Rabbi Colbert for Conducting
the Memorial Service of Dianne
Kat and Richard Oppenheimer
The Marriage of Michelle and
Yuval Sharon
Leslie and Barry Brouner
In Memory of Robert Katz on
the Occasion of Shavuot Yizkor
Lisa and Stuart Katz
Judy and Ray Risner
Faye and David Kahn
Rabbi Prass’s Discretionary Fund
Yahrzeit of:
Helen Walter
Deborah and Perry Walter
In Memory of:
Hilda Goodelman
Alice and Brian Wertheim
The Goodelman Family
Shelley and Bob Antin
Eileen Polinsky
Diane and Norman Cohen
Glenn Cox
Jacqueline and Alan Granath
Sidney Cooperman
Lorraine Cooperman
Dana and Andy Webber
In Honor of:
The Bat Mitzvah of Sara Goodelman
Michele and Mark Goodelman
A Joyous Triple Chai Bat Mitzvah
Susie Davidow
The Bar Mitzvah of Aiden
Samuel Kaplan
The Bar Mitzvah of Jacob Sloman
Judith and Jay Sloman
The Bar Mitzvah of Jared Rudnicki
Kerith and Philip Rudnicki
The Bar Mitzvah of Ryan Gold
Robyn and Steven Gold &
The Bar Mitzvah of Zachary
Tracey Baylin
The Bat Mitzvah of Alyssa Walter
Deborah and Perry Walter
The Bar Mitzvah of Sean Fox
Jodi and James Fox
Judy and Ray Risner
Garden Isaiah Fund
Yahrzeit of:
Fannette Backman
Carol and Art Katz
In Memory of:
Mildred (Malka) Hersch
Laurie and Murray Goldstein
Hilda Goodelman
Karen and Roy Baron
Lillian Spector
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Wilson
In Honor of:
Robert Wittenstein for his leadership and dedication to Garden
Peggi Stone for her leadership
and dedication to Garden Isaiah
Rabbi Scott Colbert
Karen and Roy Baron
Leslie Greenberg
Michael Brouner
Leslie and Barry Brouner
Charles Kaplinsky
Sol Clein
Elaine and Fred Clein
Florence Marks
Marsha Marks
In Memory of:
Estelle Mittenthal
Nancy and Morton Dimenstien
Henry S. Marks
Marsha Marks
In Honor of:
The Engagement of Drew Zoller
to Lindsey Siegel
Ina and Morton Slutsky
The College Graduation of Rebecca Kafka
Maralyn Lieberman and Edward Lerner
Denise and Stephen Spiegel
Peggi and Ben Stone
Holocaust Memorial
Yahrzeit of:
Matthew Shefler
Henry Melnick
Isadore Losman
Beverly Losman and Larry
Howard Leff Gift of
Israel Fund
Yahrzeit of:
Jack Olender
Hannah Olender
Brenda and Larry Winsberg
Emanuel Slade
Sheila and Gerald Biales
In Memory of:
Hilda Goodelman
Laura and Howard Schwartz
Marvin Perlman
Julie and Sheldon Lincenberg
& Family
Max and Mollie Trell
Youth Torah Fund
In Honor of:
Special Birthday of Shaaron
Shapiro Trell
Bernice & Robert Trell
Gail & Stephen Trell
Jackie, Brian, Jennifer& Leslie Zelenko
Stephanie Trell
Julie Trell
Jeffrey, Max & Hailey Trell
Janet Welkovich
The Jerry Diamond
Memorial Fund
Yahrzeit of:
Mollie Diamond
Jerry Diamond
Jeanie Diamond
Arline Rosenthal
Jerry Diamond
Julie, Jonathan, Evan and
Jordy Elster
In Memory of:
Hilda Goodelman
Julie and Jonathan Elster
Millard Hoffman
Youth Education Special Needs Fund
Yahrzeit of:
Louis Schwartz
Marlene and Eric Seidel
In Memory of:
Hilda Goodelman
Leah, Harvey and Tamar Ruttenberg
Billy Reeves, Sr.
Ray Kaye
Marlene and Eric Seidel
Stuart Keimon
Barbara and Harvey Cotlar
In Honor of:
The Bar Mitzvah of Tristan
Marlene and Eric Seidel
The 70th Birthday of Marilyn
Barbara and Harvey Cotlar
The 70th Birthday of Marsha
Barbara and Harvey Cotlar
The 30th Birthday of Liz Keimon
katz family scholar in - residence Fund
In Memory of:
Albert Smith
Mary-Ellen Macksoud
Joseph Siegel
Minnette Meyer
In Honor of:
A Happy Pesach to Arlene and
Lee Katz & Family
Minnette Meyer
Rabbi Scott E. Colbert Library Fund
Yahrzeit of:
Albert Lindemann
Ellen and Bruce Lindemann
Steven David Greenberg
Samuel R. Roth
Barbara and Harvey Cotlar
The Anniversary of Sheri and
Joel Kunin
Barbara and Harvey Cotlar
Mollie and Nathan
Schiffer Campership
Yahrzeit of:
Isadore Ubis
Shirley and Ed Schiffer
In Memory of:
Helen Berman
Pam and Richard Holland
Hilda Goodelman
Diane Baer
Pam and Richard Holland
Lynda Killingsworth
Pam and Richard Holland
Prayer book Fund
Yahrzeit of:
Rebecca Berman
Lois and Donald Berman
Julius Mintzer
Susie Davidow
Anna Hacker
Helene and Stuart Siegel
In Memory of:
Ellie Margolis
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Landau
Buddy Hackett
Helen and Stuart Siegel
Glenn Cox
Carol and Arthur Katz
Schiff Pre-School
Yahrzeit of:
Irving Rothberg
Harry Mitzner
Louise and Edwin Rothberg
In Memory of:
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Landau
Ellie Margolis
Helen & Stuart Siegel
Buddy Hackett
Lorraine Ruth Cooperman
Sidney Cooperman
Rhoda and Larry Webber
Shirley Frisch
Barbara and George Greenblat
Sisterhood Fund
In Memory of:
Jean Frey
Maralyn Lieberman and Edward Lerner
In Honor of:
The Speedy Recovery of Judy
Sisterhood Book Club
Temple Fund
Yahrzeit of:
Emma Lewis
Joan Dorfman
Jan and Aaron Lupuloff
Louis Deutsch
Diane Hoffman
Diana Kutner
Lynn and Joel Kutner
William Baer
Zelda Baer
Bettye and Harry Baer
Bernice Thorman
Fred Stollmack
William Stollmack
Hannah Schleifer
Niot Watzman
Kyle and Saul Watzman
May Jablow
Leslie and Mitchell Jablow
Jerome Chalef
Gloria and Richard Lapin
Edward Goldsmith
Barbara Perlstein
The Milestone Birthday of Michele Fox
Ellen and Bruce Lindemann
The Bar Mitzvah of Aiden
Shelly and Jed Milstein
In Memory of:
Julius Sonenshine
William Sonenshine
Hilda Goodelman
Patricia Aronoff
Lucy Kinnaird
Laure and Mark Cohen
Jean Diamond
Angela and Tom Wilkerson
Hylda and Richard Wilson
Susan and Alan Gerber
Carole and Joe Klug
Jodi Pardue
Phyllis and Joseph Arnold
Libby Penn
Ann Fine
Sylvia Weissman
Renee and Ronald Gurin
Donna Gail Mitenthal
Mark Mittenthal
Edward Goldsmith
Barbara Perlstein
Phillip Lincenberg
Karen and Michael Himmelstein
Shelley Brooks
In Honor of:
Appreciation of Temple EmanuEl
TE Membership Committee
The Reconsecration of the Bat
Mitzvah of Susie Davidow
Lisa and Ron Brill
Tzedakah Fund
Yahrzeit of:
Rose Goldberg
Cindy and Howard Goldberg
Judy McDaniel
Julie and Mark Itzkovitz
Dorothy Perl
Beverly Losman and Larry
Annie Silberstein
Julius Tenenbaum
Shirley and Stanley
Ruth Marcus
Arlene and Steven Marcus
Ann Lewis
Sam Mamet
Susan and Thomas Hardy
Libby Levine
Louis Ludeyer
David Levine
Barbara and Gary Teller
Doris Blass Steiner
Robin and David Blass
Carl Grossman
Bea and Bob Grossman
Mary Fruchter
We regret with sorrow the recent passing Reita Franco Mother of Paul Franco
Jean Frey Mother of Richard Oppenheimer
Lorraine Proctor Sister of Larry Budnick
Libby Penn Mother of Roger Penn
Zaka Marie Bleicher Daughter of Jeanne &
Michael Bleicher
Milton Felsenfeld Former Father-in-law of
RuthE Levy
Beatrice Felsenfeld Former Mother-in-law of
RuthE Levy
Estelle Mittenthal Mother of Mark Mittenthal
Lorraine Cooperman Grandmother of Dana
Marvin Perlman Father of Marc Perlman
Milldred Hersch Grandmother of Lisa Freedman
Joyce Klein Grandmother of Andrea Levy & Laura
Beth Summerfield
Shirley Frisch Mother of Marty Frisch
Sidney Cooperman Grandfather of Dana Webber
Doris Kohler Shapira Mother of Andy Shapira
Glenn Cox Father of Marilyn Richin
Evelyn Weiss Mother of Marcus Weiss
Henrie Uden Mother of Jan McGeough
Jerome Chalef Uncle of Emily Sanders
Dianne Oppenheimer Stepmother of Richard
Vera Gelber Wife of Howard Colier
Phillip Lincenberg Father of Sheldon Lincenberg
John Peter Asher Father of Eileen Hoff
Jon Philip Serbin Father of Bess Serbin Mikulenka
Louis P. Samuels Stepfather of Doug Friedlander
& Bill Steuer
Lillian Spector Mother of Craig Spector
Miriam Sukenik Mother of Bill Sukenik
Evelyn Cowie Mother of Maureen Cowie
Sidney Rollins Father of Ann Rollins
Sara Talansky Mother of Lenore Zisser
Millie Green Mother of Hope Green
Celebrate your simchas with us!
Email Rochelle Rubin at or call 770.395.1340, ext.201.
Fannie Miller
Charisse and Barry Fruchter
Morris S. Canter
Lynne and Edward Canter
Helen Stone
Gail and Warren Spiller
In Memory of:
Simon Mendel
Marsha and Herbert Mendel
Hilda Goodelman
Judith Serkin
Carol and Arthur Katz
Veralyn Gelber
Mark Mittenthal
Louis P. Samuels
Anne, Doug, Amy & Michael
In Honor of:
The Bat Mitzvah of Susie Davidow
Myrna and Nick Orphan
The Births of Our Twin Grandchildren Mason Samuel and
Emily Rebecca Levy
Sandy and Ken Levy
We make a living by
what we get,
but we make a life
by what we give.
Thank You
For Your Generosity!
Donations can be made in honor or in
memory of a loved one. A list of funds
is available on our website at
w w w . t em p l e e m a n u e l a t l a n t a . o r g /
Please send donations to the temple or
fill out the form online.
Please include donor and honoree information. Questions regarding donations can be addressed by calling
770.395.1340, ext. 217.
If you would like to honor a loved one by purchasing a memorial plaque,
please contact Nila Szweda at 770-395-1340 Ext. 202 or
U.S. Postage
Permit #2618
Of Greater Atlanta
1580 Spalding Drive
Atlanta, GA 30350
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