Spring 2014 - American Heritage Girls


Spring 2014 - American Heritage Girls
American Heritage Girls’
H e r i ta g e
celebrates Freedom! In this country we are
blessed with many freedoms, although many
may argue some of these freedoms seem to
be at risk. Recently, while visiting Troops in
the St. Louis area, I witnessed AHG Troop
MO1345 present a flag ceremony that
featured four of the freedoms included in
the Bill of Rights of our US Constitution:
freedom of the press, freedom of religion,
freedom of assembly and freedom of
These young girls demonstrated via their
candlelight ceremony the importance of the
freedoms that the framers of the Constitution
tenet of the American experience since its
The concept of “freedom” has been a basic
felt were integral to a harmonious union.
For the Christian, the concept of “freedom”
is also a basic tenet. The Word of God
teaches that followers of Christ should
“stand in the freedom in which Christ has
an interesting response is contained in the
Amusements in Holland Michigan. The
1928 Report of the Committee on Worldly
What exactly does this mean? Upon study,
made him free.” – Galatians 5:1
p. 1-2
p. 3-5
p. 6-8
p. 11-12
p. 13-15
p. 16
This edition of the Heritage Headlines
Letter from the Executive Director
Denominational Relationships
Girl Leadership
National Day of Prayer
Respect Life Patch
Dear friends,
Inside this edition:
Spring 2014
The four candles of freedom (freedom of the press, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly and
freedom of speech) are lit by Troop MO1345 Patriot Megan, Pioneer Hannah, Patriot Kristen and
Patriot Katie during an opening flag ceremony.
response still rings true today: To the Christian,
May you soar in the freedom of Christ’s love and example,
freedom is not the right to do what one pleases, but
as well as in the freedoms of our great nation!
the ability to move without constraint in the sphere
for which God made us. Freedom therefore is not
inconsistent with limitation and law. The bird is only
free when it can move in the air unhindered. A worm
is free when it is not prevented from moving in the
Patti Garibay
National Executive Director
and Founder
ground- a sphere which would mean bondage and
death from many other creatures. Man was made
in the image of God to be like Him and to reflect
His holiness. Consequently he is free only when he
moves without constraint in the sphere of holiness
and obedience to God’s law.
It is true “Freedom is not free” – whether we
consider the freedoms outlined in the Bill of Rights
or the freedom defined in God’s word. A cost is
associated, but a cost well worth the sacrifice.
It is for freedom that Christ
has set us free. Stand
firm, then, and do not let
yourselves be burdened
again by a yoke of slavery.
Galatians 5:1
Photo courtesy of Erik M. Lunsford, The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) President, Rev. Dr.
Matthew Harrison and American Heritage Girls (AHG) Executive
Director, Patti Garibay signed a Memorandum of Understanding
(MOU) on May 14, 2014 at the LCMS International Center in St.
Major Denomination
extends Memorandum
of Understanding to
American Heritage Girls
Lutheran Church—
Missouri Synod Recommends
American Heritage Girls
The LCMS recommends AHG because it is faith-based. The MOU
states, “WHEREAS: The American Heritage Girls program is centered
on the same principles, and partners with the local LCMS church
to assist and support girls through spiritual development, life skill
enhancement, development of teamwork, social skills, citizenship,
girl leadership skills while building confidence and discovering their
identity in Christ.”
“Therefore be it RESOLVED, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
and American Heritage Girls will work together, within the guidelines
of the policies and regulations of each organization to establish
and nurture American Heritage Girls Troops within The Lutheran
Church—Missouri Synod so that girls may be provided with life
skills, leadership development opportunities, service programs, and
character building opportunities.”
“Now more than ever, families are looking for programs that
complement their family’s values and are eternally impactful. The
AHG program of leadership, character development and outward
focus accomplishes just that,” says Garibay.
organizations like the American
Heritage Girls because they provide
a valuable outlet for young women to
carry out their vocations in service to
neighbor,” said President Harrison.
“Furthermore, the AHG respects and
supports the LCMS in her desire to
serve God and care for His people in
a manner that brings glory to Christ,
even in this challenging age of moral
and cultural collapse in America,
especially as it relates to the family.
We are thankful to enter into this MOU
with the American Heritage Girls and
look forward to seeing the good that
God might bring about from our work
LCMS congregations have been
working together with AHG for several
years, with more than 65 AHG Troops
and 1,700 members currently in LCMS
churches. Since they are structured
with local charters that are operated
by congregations, the LCMS believed
it was important to create an MOU
so that congregations would have
guidance and support in working with
AHG, according to a press release
issued by the LCMS.
“AHG is a wonderful organization that
allows the local congregation to run
the program and have oversight of all
spiritual care for the Troop,” said the
Rev. Bart Day, executive director of
the LCMS Office of National Mission.
“Shaping young women to be faithful
Christians and strong citizens who care
for the world and their neighbor are
among the many laudable core tenets
of AHG, so we want to strengthen our
congregations’ participation with AHG
and encourage others who might be
interested in scouting for their girls.”
Memorandum of Understanding
WHEREAS: Members of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and
American Heritage Girls have enjoyed a beneficial relationship in regard to
the development of girls, their families and their communities for several
years; and
WHEREAS: It is the mission of American Heritage Girls “to build women
of integrity through service to God, family, community and country”; and
WHEREAS: In grateful response to God’s grace and empowered by the
Holy Spirit through Word and Sacraments, the mission of The Lutheran
Church—Missouri Synod is vigorously to make known the love of Christ
by word and deed within our churches, communities and the world; and
WHEREAS: American Heritage Girls program is centered on these same
principles, and partners with the local LCMS church to assist and support
girls through spiritual development, life skill enhancement, development
of teamwork, social skills, citizenship, girl leadership skills while building
confidence and discovering their identity in Christ; and
WHEREAS: American Heritage Girls serves the local church as an
excellent tool to engage girls, young women, and families in a manner
that brings glory to Jesus Christ through service to God, family, country
and community. Therefore be it
RESOLVED, That The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and American
Heritage Girls will work together, within the guidelines of the policies
and regulations of each organization to establish and nurture American
Heritage Girls Troops within The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
so that girls may be provided with life skills, leadership development
opportunities, service programs, and character building opportunities;
and be it
RESOLVED, That American Heritage Girls will respect the spiritual and
moral responsibility of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s chartering
congregations with the understanding that there is no American Heritage
Girls authority which supersedes the authority of the local pastor and the
congregation in any phase of the program affecting the spiritual welfare of
those who participate; therefore be it finally
RESOLVED, That it is agreed all member congregations of The Lutheran
Church—Missouri Synod may rely on the stipulations in this Memorandum
of Understanding in operating under any charter they sign with American
Heritage Girls.
Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
Patricia A. Garibay
National Executive Director,
American Heritage Girls
Father Brian Fischer, executive director of the archdiocesan
Catholic Youth Apostolate, which oversees the Office of
Catholic Scouting Ministry, noted that “we need to saturate
ourselves in the joy, the truth and the peace of the Gospel -so much more so for the youth entrusted to our care during
their most formative time in their lives. That is why we are
so excited to promote these faith-based organizations,
Little Flowers and American Heritage Girls, which will aid
parents and parishes in growing disciples.”
“AHG is looking forward to serving alongside the Archdiocese
of St. Louis and its parishes in providing a Christ-honoring
faith-based program of character development for today’s
girls,” said Patti Garibay, executive director of American
Heritage Girls (AHG), as well as other
faith-based organizations for girls, and
is urging pastors to welcome such
groups into their parishes, according to
a March 19, 2014 article published in the
St. Louis Review.
The Archdiocese also expressed support
for Little Flowers Girls’ Club, which was
founded as a Catholic organization for
girls ages 5 and older.
“From baptism, our parents are the first
teachers of their children in the ways
of the faith. And at this tender age, we
Heritage Girls. “Over recent years AHG has seen great
growth in interest and membership of Catholic families, and is looking
forward to building relationships with dioceses across the nation.”
Other Dioceses Agree
In 2011, the Diocese of Rockford issued a diocesan endorsement for
formation of American Heritage Girls within its diocese, and appointed a
diocesan chaplain to serve “as arbiter for the admission of new Troops
and assist in their evolution.”
Last January, American Heritage Girls assisted the Catholic Diocese of
Arlington as the largest sponsor of its national prayer gathering and youth
rally in Washington, D.C., prior to the March for Life event, which marked
the 41st anniversary of Roe v. Wade. A few weeks later, AHG introduced a
new Respect Life Patch that reinforces the organization’s commitment to
honoring life from conception to natural death.
A report issued by the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas, Catholic
Committee on Scouting, stated the “Presbyteral Council asks pastors to
consider and present to both Leaders and parents possible affiliation with
organizations that are more consistent with traditional Catholic mission
and values, such as American Heritage Girls, the Little Flowers, and
Challenge. “
want to make sure that they’re being
influenced in a positive way regarding
the faith,” Auxiliary Bishop Edward Rice
To learn more about AHG’s Denominational Relationships, visit
#110 Angie Wurm, CA0373,
renovation of Arts & Crafts room:
“As my project unfolded, I realized
that spending the time planning,
preparing and organizing prior to my
work day helped tremendously in
accomplishing this project. I wouldn’t
have been able to complete it without
all the help and support I received
#109 Rachel Alms, TN3110
“Throughout this project I have
continued to see what an incredible
thing that AHG is. This process has
allowed me to learn so many things
and I am so thankful. My advice to
future Candidates would be to go
for it. No matter how difficult or
impossible it seems at first, just go
for it. I would say, however, time is
crucial. If you allow enough time to
complete each and every step, then
you will not be stressed out about
getting everything done. I have
learned that everything is a process
and everything takes more time
than you realize. If you are able to,
allow more time for road-bumps and
setbacks. I would say something
that is important to remember as
you go through the Stars & Stripes
process is to enjoy it. Even if you do
feel stressed out, remember to enjoy
what you are doing, because overall
this process is for you to learn and
Stars &
Each Stars & Stripes Recipient
is as unique as her project and
presentation. We congratulate each
Recipient for her dedication to AHG,
her perseverance in the hard work
of the Stars & Stripes Procedure
and her loyalty in representing
AHG well to their communities. Our
most recent Recipients share their
experience in their own words. This
quarter’s recipients include:
During the Spring of 2014, a number
of young ladies worked diligently
and now have the honor of being
called a Stars & Stripes Recipient!
Stars and Stripes
The Stars and Stripes Award teaches girls perseverance,
self-respect and a strong feeling of satisfaction. Girls who
earn the Stars and Stripes Award reflect the mission of AHG
to build women of integrity through service to God, family,
community and country.
A candidate must complete a number of requirements to
achieve this honor, including:
- Complete the Dolley Madison Level Award
- Earn a total of 16 Badges
- Earn the Religious Recognition associated with their
- Have held a leadership position in their Troop for a minimum
of six months
- Plan, develop, and provide leadership to others in a 100+
hour service project
- Write a Life Ambition/ Spiritual Walk Essay and mini-resume
- Receive at least 3 Letters of Reference
- Pass a Board of Review
from family and friends…I learned a
lot from this project but the main thing
I learned is leadership. I found that to
be an effective leader, one needs to
have a solid plan and the organization
needed for the plan’s success…Another
thing that I have learned is that it is more
effective to lead by example. I would
never expect any volunteer to do a job
that I myself wouldn’t or couldn’t do…
It has been apparent to me recently
that all the plans I make and the goals
I set for myself, while good motivators,
are nothing compared with God’s heart
for me…the [Stars & Stripes Award
Procedure] pushes you to go further with
all the skills that you have learned in the
previous years and allows you to grow…
AHG is an organization that has the fun
component but also has the challenges
that will bless you.”
#111 Sarah Denton, GA0564, erosion
control for outdoor environmental center.
“Anything that can go wrong, will go
wrong. Good preparation is invaluable.
Prepare ahead of time; do not put off
doing tasks until the last minute. God
has used this project to teach me to
trust Him more. He has blessed me
with wonderful friends who come to my
workdays even when it isn’t their favorite
kind of work. God has shown me
that He is always in control, and that
I can gain nothing by worrying…This
project was a trial in some ways but I
feel that it has helped me to grow in
Christ. This experience helped me to
view life with more perspective. God
has carried me through my project
by way of my friends, family, and
wonderful Leaders. In addition to
working very hard for me, they have
all been amazingly encouraging
and have pointed me toward the
Lord. Before I started my Stars &
Stripes project I was very nervous
about how hard college would be,
but now I look forward to college
because I know that even though
it will be hard, God will use that
hardship to bring me closer to Him.
God is in complete control; that is an
irrefutable fact.”
#112 Kirsten Lovekamp, KY3130,
VBS/Volleyball Camp for underserved girls. “God has taught me
that no matter what skills I do or
don’t have, He has the power to use
me in any way He wants to fulfill
His purpose in my life and the lives
of others. God has given me the
opportunity to serve and witness to
I had planned I became frustrated. I
started to rely on God more to help
me through the tough times…My
advice to other candidates for the
Stars & Stripes Award would be to
plan to take way more time than you
think you would need.
Marta Tverberg, MN0031
His children…I was nervous about
this project for a long time, even
before I was old enough to start. It
has always been easier for me to
follow instructions than to give them.
This project pulled me outside of
my comfort zone but I learned a
lot from the process. I pray that
the devotions from the volleyball
camp planted seeds in the hearts
of the girls…I saw part of the longterm effects when, as we walked
through the community, we saw
girls reading their devotional books.
Those books are full of scripture and
honest encouragement that those
girls need in their community.”
#113 Marta Tverberg, MN0031,
landscaping for nursing home. “I
could not have done this a year
ago, based on maturity and spiritual
maturity. There is so much I learned
through this Award. I am a different
person from what I was before
beginning Stars & Stripes, and that
is what is intended for this Award
[procedure]. The goal is taking girls
who lead in the Troop and asking
them to step up and become more
of a leader. It was a lot of work. I
learned about myself. I learned
that I need to rely on the Lord. People
will expect a professional manner and
someone who they can depend on to
follow through and do what they say
they’re going to do. This project has
grown me to a point where I would be
comfortable being looked up to.”
#114 Nikki Knoblauch, OH3124,
recognition plaques for veterans’ home.
“I demonstrated leadership through
teaching volunteers, and working
alongside my volunteers.
I also
worked behind the scenes to make
sure everything went smoothly and as
close to what I had planned…When we
went to the Veterans’ Home, we could
tell that we were spreading joy and
love throughout the building…the best
example of the effect we were having on
the residents was when we walked into
one particular gentleman’s room…He
told us several times how he had never
seen anything as beautiful since he left
the army…[a director] emphasized the
fact that we made them ourselves and
he was speechless for a moment. He
told us that we were angels standing in
his room…Through this project I found
that I had grown closer to God. Many
times I found when things didn’t go as
#115 Kara Marlar, OH2004, crosses
and pro-life recognition program.
“there are some things I have
learned about my leadership skills.
One is that although I can lead
effectively, I still prefer to work by
myself. Of course, that is usually
something people are unable to do
all through life, so the leadership
skills developed while working on
this project will be influential in
years to come. Another thing I
learned is that [while] I am able to
lead a group well, it is still stressful…
When reflecting on the creed, the
project helped me to foster some
qualities such as compassion for the
unborn, perseverance in completing
the project and trying to get help,
resourcefulness in the means of
contacting people, and responsibility
in admitting that I make mistakes.”
#116 Maria Smal, KY0522, trail
blazing and signage for historic home
site. “Were there any revelations
about the Creed of AHG? ‘Helpful’together, the volunteers and my
family provided nearly 150 hours of
service to the community. ‘Honest’dealing with money requires honesty;
it placed honesty in a relatable
‘Perseverant’- working
together and alone to finish the
whole project; after the adrenaline
of working in the outdoors, I
neglected to work whole-heartedly
on the Project Binder. ‘Resourceful’while we created the trail, we
discovered some old posts which we
repurposed for one sign; by doing
this we saved $40. ‘Respectful’This project required respect with
the [organization] Board, phone
calls, adults and children volunteers
and nature. ‘Responsible’- the
entire project required responsibility
purchasing supplies, requesting
volunteers and finishing the Project
Summary Report. As for advice for
future Candidates: start early! Do
something you are passionate about,
and remember how important it is to
finish. The Project Implementation is
only halfway!”
#117 Stephanie Beck, OH2513,
upgrade to play-yard of animal
rescue center. “In the beginning of
the project, my instinct was to rely on
adults to lead me through the project,
but after my project was approved,
I learned that this could not be the
case. I found that when it was up to
me to make all the decisions, it was
difficult at first. But as the project
progressed into reality, it was easier
for me to assume the role of a leader.
I learned that it is possible to teach
and lead people that were twice my
age and older.”
#118 Laura Perry, AK2008, sewing
projects for soup kitchen and
correctional facility. “I have found
that I need time to not only physically
prepare supplies and such, but I
need time to mentally equip myself
for what is ahead so I feel like I have
a handle on everything and don’t
stress out under pressure…I need to
step back once and a while, take a
deep breath, say a quick prayer, take a
sip of coffee, and continue on with life
by dealing with the issue at hand…Being
resourceful not only means finding new
ways to use old items…it means using
the gifts God gives to us in the most
honoring and efficient way possible. It
means being capable and creative. It
means finding inventive ways to address
issues, and not being lazy.”
#119 Shelby Hewitt, TX1228, finishing
of sheetrock in church. “AHG has taught
me to serve alongside others as they
lead. Being a good leader is not just
about my leadership skills. It is also
about supporting other people as they
develop leadership skills. I hope to walk
away from this with skills and confidence
to become the godly woman of integrity
that I was made to be…My leadership
skills have grown and changed in many
ways over this [time]. I’ve learned to not
micromanage others, to trust them to
make sound decisions and to ask for
help if they need it…When you first join
AHG you are required to memorize both
the Oath and Creed along with AHG’s
mission statement. We may stumble
sometimes and not say the correct
words, but the words ring as true as
they did in 1995 when AHG first started.
Lately, I’ve been thinking of the kind
of woman I want to be and the legacy
I will leave. The kind of woman I want
to be is exactly what AHG stands
for. A woman of integrity, who puts
service to others above all else, who
pursues the Lord with a passion
and fire that will ignite in others who
encounter her. The time and effort
that is put into [girls] will not go to
waste. We aren’t just learning skills
like making a proper fire or how to tie
knots. We are learning skills that we
will carry on past my years in AHG.
Leadership, service, and a love of
lifelong learning are things that will
help us as we mature into the women
of God we will be.”
#120 Morgan Moon, HI1711,
creation of character development
program for church. “When I first
started working on my project I
didn’t quite understand how much I
would learn and grow through this
experience. I thought I would just
learn things like how to track hours
and how to organize all my papers,
but I have learned that and so much
more. I have learned things like how
to keep track of my thought and how
to convey my ideas to others so we
can all accomplish our goals. This
experience has helped me to grow
in abilities and helped me to become
the godly woman God has planned
for me to become.”
First Stars and Stripes
in Alaska Honored
by Legislator
Ann and Colette Ohotnicky from AHG
Troop AK2008 were surprised with
a visit from Alaska State Senator
Bill Wielechowski and Alaska State
Representative Gabrielle LeDoux.
The officials presented the girls with
a State Legislative Citations for being
the first Stars and Stripes recipients
in Alaska.
While visiting St. Louis for the
historic signing with the Lutheran
(LCMS), American Heritage Girls
(AHG) Executive Director Patti
Garibay visited St. John Lutheran
Church in Ellisville, MO for a
Meet the Founder event.
More than 120 AHG families
came to meet Mrs. Garibay
and celebrate the signing of a
Memorandum of Understanding
(MOU) between the LCMS and
AHG. Earlier that day, LCMS
Harrison and AHG Executive
Director Patti Garibay signed
the MOU to encourage LCMS
members to start new AHG
Troops their churches across the
Top Right - Every girl spent
time with Patti and received an
autographed “Meet the Founder”
Middle Right - Girls and adults
alike enjoy the Meet the Founder
format which includes a time for
questions and answers. Patriot
Bottom Right - The Pioneers of
AHG Troop MO1345 completed
Award by planning, organizing
Troop event. Pictured with Patti
are Pioneers: Lindsey, Emma,
Lydia, Hannah and Ashley.
Proud Momma Moment
Ellen Samek, Ministry Expansion Lead (MEL)
in the Dallas Fort Worth Area, shares a “proud
momma moment” when all five daughters who
represent the five American Heritage Girls’
program levels met AHG Founder Patti Garibay
at a recent Meet the Founder event.
Pictured from right to left:
Caitlyn – Patriot, Dolley Madison
Kristen – Pioneer, Harriet Tubman
Rachel – Explorer
Lydia – Tenderheart, Sacagawea
Sarah – Pathfinder
Take me out to the
ball game!
Austin, Texas region attended a
Round Rock Express baseball game
in May. The girls sang the national
anthem. The AHG promotional video
called “LAUNCH” was featured on
the Jumbotron. More than 250 AHG
girls and family members attended
the pre-game parade and baseball
AHG TX0129 Dad Tony and his
daughter Nicole enjoy a pre-game
parade featuring AHG families!
The 63rd annual National Day of
Prayer theme for 2014 was One Voice,
United in Prayer, emphasizing the
need for individuals, corporately and
individually, to place their faith in the
unfailing character of their Creator,
who is sovereign over all governments,
National Day
highlight the theme, Romans 15:6 was
used as our Scripture for this year: “So
that with one mind and one voice you
may glorify the God and Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ.”
The National Day of Prayer is an
annual observance held on the first
Thursday of May, inviting people of
all faiths to pray for the nation. It was
created in 1952 by a joint resolution
of the United States Congress, and
signed into law by President Harry S.
Truman. The National Day of Prayer
Task Force exists to communicate with
every individual the need for personal
repentance and prayer, to create
appropriate materials, and to mobilize
the Christian community to intercede for America’s leaders and its families.
The National Day of Prayer represents a Judeo Christian expression of
the national observance, based on our understanding that this country
was birthed in prayer and in reverence for the God of the Bible.
Because of the faith of many of our founding fathers, public prayer and
national days of prayer have a long-standing and significant history in
American tradition. The National Day of Prayer is a vital part of our heritage.
Since the first call to prayer in 1775, when the Continental Congress asked
the colonies to pray for wisdom in forming a nation, the call to prayer has
continued through our history. It has great significance in our nation as it
enables us to recall and to teach the ways in which our founding fathers
sought the wisdom of God when faced with critical decisions. It stands as
a call for us to humbly come before God, seeking His guidance for our
leaders and His grace upon us as a people.
(Excerpts from the National Day of Prayer Task Force)
AHG Troops
participate in
National Day of
Prayer events
across the
Explorers from AHG
Troop MI1230 participated
in the city of Warren, MI’s
National Day Of Prayer
ceremony. Girls pictured
are: Kaitlyn, Kayla, Faith,
and Alexa.
Pictured here are members
of AHG Troop MO1345
(left to right, back row)
Allie, Kaylynn, Izzie,
Taylor, Katie, Rachel,
Sarah (front row) Taylor,
Chloe, Gracelynn, Sadie
AHG Troop VA2345
participated in the 2014
National Day of Prayer
event sponsored by the
Giles County Ministerial
Association on May 1st at
the Pearisburg Courthouse.
In photo Left to Right –
Troop Shepherd, Dawn
Norris; Girls; Grace, Allie,
Ava, Rachel, Caroline,
Grace, Sarah, Chloe,
Allison, Kailyn, Hollie,
Adrian, and Raegan.
A Million Thanks
to our Soldiers!
By: Stephanie Fabricius
Troop Coordinator NC1210
Remembering our troops is something that comes naturally to the girls of
American Heritage Girls Troop NC1210 in Cary, NC. The girls in our Troop,
ranging in age from 5 to 15 just completed a spring patriotic service project in
support of our military soldiers. The girls wrote personal notes and created
cards in partnership with an organization called “AMillionThanks.org (that,
incidentally, was started by a teenage girl wanting to make a difference).
The letters, cards, and lovingly created drawings will be delivered by
AMillionThanks.org to active duty, reserve, and military veterans who are
serving at home, abroad, or injured in hospitals.
The American Heritage Girls in our Troop worked diligently to create cards
on their own time as well as work together with other girls in their Troop
during a recent meeting. While the Troop completed the project in April, the
Memorial Day themed cards will be distributed during the month of May –
military appreciation month.
In addition to brining in cards and writing letters, the Troop collected items
to create several care packages that will be delivered later this month. From
toiletries to non-perishable snacks to DVDs, books, and magazines, the
care packages are designed to encourage deployed soldiers from the 1st
Brigade of the 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg.
“We cannot forget the tremendous sacrifice that these courageous young
men and women are making on our nation’s behalf. We want the girls to
understand that even though they are young, they can make a difference in
the lives of soldiers by taking the time to thank them for their service,” said
Stephanie Fabricious, Troop Coordinator.
The youngest unit, the Pathfinders, ages 5-6, worked on the project at home
with their parents. This was a great opportunity for the family to discuss the
importance of patriotism and review
the American Heritage Girl’s oath
which states, “I promise to love God,
cherish my family, honor my country,
and serve in my community.”
As part of the service project the older
girls in the Troop, Pioneers, ages 1315, were given the opportunity to lead
by serving the younger girls. They
assisted the Tenderhearts (ages 7-8)
in writing heartfelt messages to the
As one Pioneer wrote in her card
to a soldier, “I’m part of American
Heritage Girls, and we learn how to
serve God and our country. I really
appreciate the job you do to serve
our country.”
A Million Thanks is a year-round
campaign to show our appreciation
for our U.S. Military Men and
Women, past and present, for their
sacrifices, dedication, and service
to our country through our letters,
emails, cards, and prayers. There is
a designated local drop-off location
in Angier, NC.
More information is available on the website: www.amillionthanks.org
We were honored to participate in this flag ceremony. This experience
added to our growing love of our country. Thank you, American Heritage
Girls, for giving us another opportunity to serve our community and our
After dinner we reported to the stage where the flag ceremony would take
place. The girls were given elaborate instructions and were able to practice
only once. The ceremony took place in the presence of over 400 cub scouts,
boy scouts, school students and their families. Our Troop did an amazing
job! We had five Explorers, three Tenderhearts, and one Pathfinder. They
represented the only Troop of young ladies aboard the ship. They stood
in formation, lowered the flag, folded it, rendered multiple perfect salutes,
marched in perfect line on stage and divided into two groups leaving an
Explorer holding the flag in the center, next to her heart, at perfect attention,
facing forward. Then they left-faced in unison and marched off the stage,
breaking off so the Explorer holding the flag was at the end, where she
respectfully handed the flag to the Leader with a perfect salute - all to the
song, “I’m Proud to be an American” echoing thru the ship. We beamed
with joy as they remembered everything on their own!
The flag ceremonies on the U.S.S. Lexington are known for being amazing.
They present each of our flags of the Armed Forces, POW/MIA flag,
Colonial American flag and give memorable histories of each, along with
music videos honoring American Heroes of past wars.
LE !
We arrived on Saturday, March 8th and unloaded our gear at the dock of the
ship and received instructions for the next 24 hours on board. As we waited
to “fall in,” the U.S.S. Lexington Museum Senior Live Aboard Coordinator,
Mark Test, welcomed us, gave us our itinerary, and then asked if we would
be willing to retire the American Flag at Muster that evening. We joyfully
accepted his invitation.
This is the sound the San Antonio AHGTroop TX0312 heard echoing through
the walls of the U.S.S. Lexington Ship early Sunday morning, March 9,
2014. It was the beginning of spring break and some of our daughters and
families were able to schedule a one-night stay on the U.S.S. Lexington in
Corpus Christi, Texas.
by Laura Navarijo,
Troop TX0312,
Tenderheart UL &
Troop Shepherd
AHG Troop NY4813 was privileged to participate
in the Hudson Valley Honor Flight. Our girls
welcomed home the WWII veterans from their
trip to visit their memorial in Washington DC.
We are the only AHG Troop in this area, so it
was wonderful to be representatives! It was an
incredibly moving experience for all of the girls
and Leaders. We happened to be standing very
close to the beginning of the line, so were able
to greet the veterans as soon as they entered
the airport. The girls were able to salute, thank
and shake hands with the 100 veterans. They
were truly able to see how much their presence
meant to these men, who were so appreciative and friendly to them. The girls commented afterwards how
special it was to see the men’s faces light up when they saw the reception. They were even able to welcome
home a member of our
charter organization, Trinity
Lutheran Church, Walden,
NY, who was on the flight.
Heritage Girls
and Honor Flight
By Inga Edwards
Troop Coordinator
AHG NY4813
More information is available http://www.honoringamericantroops.com/honorflight/
Harley was diagnosed with severe
Service for
a Heart…
Harley’s Heart
defects. The doctors said Harley
would die shortly after birth therefore
the mother was advised to abort.
But when Harley’s mother heard
the strong heartbeat, she turned to
the Lord and became a Christian.
She decided to leave Harley’s life
in God’s hands. She also decided
Troops in
Clinton &
(MS1029, MS0613
and MS1271)
rallied together
for one mother
and her precious
baby, Harley.
to leave a legacy in Harley’s short
but courageous life and help other
mothers like herself.
In response, the Mississippi AHG Troops collected items for the local Center for
Pregnancy Choices (CPC). They wore tee-shirts featuring a design displaying
“Harley’s Heart” and Bible verse Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb
I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you.”
The Troops collected diapers and wipes for the CPC. The families came together
for worship to remember that ALL life has value and purpose.
Harley was born May 16th and lived four precious hours. Please continue to pray
for Harley’s mother and celebrate the new life they both have in Jesus the Christ.
Respect Life Activity Patch
The Respect Life Patch reinforces AHG’s commitment
to honoring life from conception to natural death.
Girls can earn the patch by participating in an
event that brings attention to respecting life or by
providing a service project for an organization
whose mission demonstrates a desire to
respect life, such as pregnancy resource
centers, pro-life groups and hospices. The
Respect Life Patch can be ordered in the AHG
Attic under Event Patches.
God continues to bless AHG with growth American
Heritage Girls, Inc. continues to experience
growth in new Troops this program year, more
than 791 Troops in 48 states and Trailblazers in 4
international countries. As membership surpasses
35,000 members, AHG continues to be humbled by
the way God continues to bless the ministry.
Not unto us, O LORD, not unto us,
But to Your name give glory,
Because of Your mercy,
Because of Your truth. Psalm 115:1
New Troop Tuesday!
Keep up with AHG’s rapid growth via Facebook.
Join AHG on Facebook every Tuesday and watch
AHG grow!
Moving from one Level to the next is a
memorable experience in the American
Heritage Girls journey. And it’s also
a lot of fun! Pictured from left to right
are Emma, Zoe and Emily with Troop
TX1318. The top picture was taken
when the girls were Tenderhearts. And
the bottom picture was taken at their
advancement to Pioneers.
Summer camp season is here!
Is there an AHG camp near you?
Check out the Regional Summer
Camp page on the AHG website at
leading from the heart
AHG Troop Volunteers and Leaders from across
the country will gather at the Nation’s Capital for
a time of fun, rejuvenation and equipping at the
2014 National Leadership Conference. Be sure
to follow the activities on Social Media by using
the hashtag #2014nlc at these social media
Follow the AHG National Conference using
#2014nlc on Social Media
2014 National
Leadership Conference
June 26-28, 2014
Washington, D.C./
Northern Virginia Area
Keynote Speakers at 2014nlc
Thank You Sponsors
American Heritage Girls would like to thank
Abby Candles and Operation Christmas Child
for their “Presenter Sponsorship” at this year’s
National Leadership Conference.
Michael Farris, Chancellor of Patrick Henry
College and Chairman of the Home School
Legal Defense Association
Phyllis Hendry the inaugural president and
CEO of Lead Like Jesus. Under her capable
leadership since 2002, Lead Like Jesus has
had global impact
American Heritage Girls
Board Members
Mike Tillar, President – Cincinnati, OH
Greg Schmidt, Vice President –
Anchorage, AK
Nick Harshfield, Interim Treasurer –
Louisville, KY
Larry Cunningham, Chairman –
Cincinnati, OH
Vickie Burress – West Chester, OH
Larry Carpenter – Franklin, TN
Nancy Dendramis – Cincinnati, OH
Pat Garibay – Cincinnati, OH
Rob Rye - Arcadia, CA
Dana Steele - Suffolk, VA
John Young – Milford, OH
Patti Garibay – Cincinnati, OH
Rebecca Hagelin, public speaker on the
family and culture and the author of the new
best seller, 30 Ways in 30 Days to Save
Your Family
Elisa Morgan, MOPS International President
Emeritus, “Fullfill” Magazine Publisher
Mary Rice Hasson, a Fellow at the Ethics
and Public Policy Center’s Catholic Studies
program in Washington, D.C where as an
attorney, she focuses on issues related to
family, culture and sexuality
Instagram - National Staff
Retreat, Court of Awards!
Ceremonies! Camping! Service!
More than 17,000 followers on
Did you know AHG has a Stars
and Stripes Facebook page?
Check it out at www.facebook.com/
Join the social media conversation
using #loveAHG
AHG on the web @www.ahgonline.org
Twitter @AHGnews twitter.com/ahgnews
Facebook @AmericanHeritageGirls
Interested in helping
AHG grow?
There are a number of ways to
assist AHG in reaching more girls.
From building awareness to starting
new Troops to joining the AHG staff,
there is a place for you!
NEW 2D animated video!
Have you watched the new 2D
animated promotional video from
AHG? Use this video to promote
AHG with your church, family and
Are you ready to start
a new Troop?
Learn how to LAUNCH AHG into
your community by visiting www.
access great marketing tools at
you help AHG reach more girls this
YouTube @AHGchannel www.
Instagram @AHGfun instagram.com/ahgfun
Pinterest @AHGpins www.pinterest.com/ahgpins/
S h a re
Yo u r
S t o ry
AHG is always collecting stories to share in the Heritage Headlines and other publications.
Please share stories about how AHG is making a difference in the lives of girls, families and
communities. Email your story and pictures, or story ideas, to news@ahgonline.org today!
Check out the Summer 2014 Edition
of the Heritage Headlines for of the FAIT H,
SERVICE and FUN that is AHG!
American Heritage Girls is family-friendly and
faith-based – perhaps the AHG Oath says it best:
American Heritage Girls, Inc
175 TriCounty Pkwy, Suite 100
Cincinnati, OH 45246
I promise to Love God,
cherish my family,
Honor my country
and serve in my community.
Read about the Faith,
Service & Fun that is AHG!