Screwfix Direct - LPC International


Screwfix Direct - LPC International
LPC International Limited
Logistics Planning Consultants
New Facility Design
Screwfix Direct is a B2C and B2B supplier with a customer service offer whereby goods ordered by 6pm
on day 0 are delivered to anywhere in the UK on day 1. Stock availability is typically 99%+. Business
growth has been in the order of 20-25% per annum in recent years and the DC has been designed to
cater for business to double on a phased basis, either in terms of its stockholding capacity, or its sales
(picking) capacity or both.
+44 (0)1285 640038
+44 (0)1285 640050
LPC International Limited
Wellington House
57 Dyer Street
United Kingdom
Screwfix - New Facility Design
A key feature of this project has been the level of integration of technology
required to meet very demanding customer service requirements including
accuracy and flexibility. The solution features 29 metre high bay storage,
mini-load tote storage and picking using “pick-by-light” technology. Importantly,
the client retained LPC International to undertake not only the initial conceptual
planning study but also the detailed design, the tendering and selection of
equipment suppliers and programme management through to completion.
Arguably the most “advanced” DC installation that we’ve worked on in the recent
past, the Screwfix Direct DC was designed and worked on from concept to
completion. LPC had full responsibility as “The Engineer” (under an MF1) Form
of Contract) for the design, selection, installation, testing and commissioning of
all the handling and storage installations which included:• 29m high automatic cranes working in double-deep pallet racking
• 40,000 pallet racking (bulk storage) in the ASRS high bay installation with
double deep cranes
• 40,000 totes stored in four x 4 tier tote pick silos for the order picking (in
‘unit’ or ‘each’ quantities) of small items, with pick-by-light technology to
facilitate picking into totes or direct to cartons on conveyors
• RDTs for fast / large item case picking and pallet handling.
• Fully automatic replenishment of the tote live storage installation by
means of tote carrying automatic cranes
• Automatic cross-belt sorter system for transporting order totes / cartons
between the pick silos and either the manual or automatic packing
• Adjustable pallet racking with pick-to-belt for “medium” sized items
• Cantilever racking and other specialist forms of storage for “long” items,
very heavy items and very bulky products
• Flammables store for high risk products
• Advanced WMS and WCS systems
• Automatic carton erection, labelling and closing machines
• Automatic tote stackers and de-stackers
Expert Solutions To Logistical Questions