Accolades and accomplishments - The American Ceramic Society


Accolades and accomplishments - The American Ceramic Society
emerging ceramics & glass technology
Accolades and
The ACerS 2011 awards
Zirconium oxide hybrid materials for biomedical applications •
Multiple-gate acoustic microimaging •
Student opportunities through glass-oriented International Materials Institute •
MS&T ‘11 premeeting planner •
New ACerS officers and board of directors members •
ICACC’12 and EMA 2012 meeting overviews •
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September 2011 • Vol. 90 No. 7
feature articles
Accolades and accomplishments: The ACerS 2011 awards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Distinguished Life Member Awards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Class of Fellows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18–20
Society awards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21–23
Class awards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Medical applications of zirconium oxide hybrid materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
P.R. Miller, A. Ovsianikov, A. Koroleva, S.D. Gittard, B.N. Chichkov, R.J. Narayan
Two-photon polymerization of inorganic–organic zirconium oxide hybrid materials shows promise for making tissue engineering scaffolds and medical devices like microscale valves, microfluidic
devices, drug delivery devices and bone prostheses .
Research Exchange program builds international relationships, enhances
research, opens eyes to world . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Amy White
Lehigh University based international research exchange program for new glass applications
has sent over 115 participants to over 25 countries .
cover story
The Society announces its 2011
Distinguished Life Members,
Fellows and Awardees – page 17
Multiple-gate acoustic imaging of an advanced ceramic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Tom Adams
Nondestructive acoustic microimaging of small internal defects is demonstrated using alumina .
MS&T 2011 premeeting planner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Plenary session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
General activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Program-at-a-glance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40–41
Award lectures and symposium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42–44
Exhibitors and exhibit application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45–46
Hotel information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
36th Int’l Conf. and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites . . . 48
Electronic Materials and Applications 2012. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
News & Trends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
• White Houses announces $500M in Advanced Manufacturing Partnership
and unveils Materials Genome Initiative
• NASA awards ISS National Lab contract for management of 2011-2020
• Innovation Corps launched by NSF; AIR funding awards announced
ACerS Spotlight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
• New corporate members
• Short courses offered at MS&T’11
• MCARE wants students who care about energy future
• Abstracts for MCARE 2012 due September 19
• Ceramographic Competition entries due Oct. 13
• Order of the Engineer invitation
• Cements meeting initiates ‘Future Directions’ planning
American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
Bioedical materials
Zirconium oxide hybrid materials
can provide a strong and stable
component for biomedical applications, which can be combined
with rapid prototyping – page 24
Acoustic imaging
Multi-gate process can slice
through defects problems
– page 34
Editorial and Production
Peter Wray, Editor
ph: 614-794-5853 fx: 614-794-4505
Eileen De Guire, Senior Editor
ph: 614-794-5828 fx: 614-794-5815
Rusell Jordan, Contributing Editor
Tess M. Speakman, Graphic Designer
September 2011 • Vol. 90 No. 7
departments, continued
National Sales
Patricia A. Janeway, Associate Publisher
ph: 614-794-5826 fx: 614-794-5822
Ceramics in the Environment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
• Bendable ceramic corrosion protection for steels
Research Briefs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
• Metallic conductivity in high-temperature cement
• Rietveld X-ray analysis helps reduce REACH animal tests
• Diamond-like coatings reduce plowshare friction in soil
• Zinc oxide LEDs and tantalum oxide nonvolatile memories
Ceramics in Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
• More energy density in lithium-air batteries with carbon nanofiber carpet
Advances in Nanomaterials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
• Reliable long-term PCMM data storage
• PCMMs that can compute
• Unidirectional amorphicity reduces entropy
• Using AFM to ‘draw’ nanosized ferroelectrics on plastic substrates
Richard Rozelaar
ph: 44-(0)-20-7834-7676 fx: 44-(0)-20-7973-0076
Editorial Advisory Board
Kristen Brosnan, General Electric
Alexis Clare, Alfred University
Olivia Graeve, Alfred University
Linda E. Jones, Alfred University
Venkat Venkataramani, GE Research
Customer Service/Circulation
ph: 866-721-3322 fx: 240-396-5637
Advertising Sales
Executive Staff
Charles G. Spahr, Executive Director and Publisher
Sue LaBute, Human Resources Manager & Exec. Assistant
Megan Bricker, Dir. Marketing & Membership Services
Mark Mecklenborg, Dir. Technical Publications & Meetings
Laura Vermilya, Director Operations
Deciphering the Discipline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Thomas Burton
Burton reflects on the transition from student to professional. ACerS PCSA offers Material
Advantage and early career tools on its website and Facebook.
Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Classified Advertising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Display Advertising Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Marina Pascucci, President
George Wicks, President-elect
Edwin Fuller, Past President
Ted Day, Treasurer
Charles Spahr, Executive Director
Board of Directors
William G. Fahrenholtz, Director 2009-2012
David J. Green, Director 2010-2013
Michael J. Hoffmann, Director 2008-2011
Linda E. Jones, Director 2009-2012
William Kelly, Director 2008-2011
William Lee, Director 2010-2013
James C. Marra, Director 2009-2012
Kathleen Richardson, Director 2008-2011
Robert W. Schwartz, Director 2010-2013
David W. Johnson Jr., Parliamentarian
600 North Cleveland Avenue, Suite 210
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American Ceramic Society Bulletin covers news and activities of the Society and its members, includes items of interest to the ceramics
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American Ceramic Society Bulletin (ISSN No. 0002-7812). ©2011. Printed in the United States of America. ACerS Bulletin is published
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ACSBA7, Vol. 90, No. 7, pp 1–56. All feature articles are covered in Current Contents.
American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
news & trends
White House announces $500M
in Advanced Manufacturing
Partnership and unveils
Materials Genome Initiative
alone: “Private investment must be
complemented by public investment to
overcome market failures.” To create an
environment conducive to innovation
and to overcome market failures, the
PCAST report recommended a fourpoint plan:
• Launch an advanced manufactur-
At a late June visit to Carnegie
Mellon University in Pittsburgh,
Pa., President Obama introduced the
Advanced Manufacturing Partnership,
which, according to the White House
press release, will invest more than
$500 million to leverage existing programs and proposals to meet its goals.
The press release said that initial
AMP investments will target manufacturing for critical national security
industries, advanced materials development, robotics, improving energy efficiency of manufacturing processes and
“… we can ensure that the United
States remains a nation that ‘invents it
here and manufactures it here’…”
– President Obama.
accelerating the product development
timeline for manufactured goods.
AMP is a response to the first of
four recommendations made by the
President’s Council of Advisors on
Science and Technology in its report,
“Ensuring Leadership in Advanced
Manufacturing.” The report cites
an erosion of domestic leadership in
manufacturing (and the heavy investment of other nations to fill that void),
the advantages of having R&D and
manufacturing located in the United
States, the essential role of an advanced
manufacturing competence in national
security and that, historically, federal
investment in new technologies has
cleared the way for fledglings to become
major new industries.
Four-point plan recommended
The PCAST report concludes that
individual companies cannot go it
American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
news & trends
ing initiative;
• Improve tax policy;
• Support research; and
• Strengthen the workforce.
As recommended, AMP is a government, industry and academic partnership. It will be led by Andrew Liveris,
CEO of Dow Chemical, and Susan
Hockfield, president of MIT, and will
work closely with the White House’s
National Economic Council, Office of
Science and Technology Policy, as well
as with PCAST.
The first team has been picked
already. From industry it will be
Allegheny Technologies, Caterpillar,
Corning, Dow Chemical, Ford,
Honeywell, Intel, Johnson & Johnson,
Northrop Grumman, Proctor &
Gamble and Stryker. Participating
universities are MIT, Carnegie Mellon,
Georgia Tech, Stanford, UC-Berkeley
and University of Michigan.
Government players are DARPA,
DOE, DOD and the Commerce
The PCAST report recommended
that AMP funding should rise from
$500 million to $1 billion over the
course of four years. While touring
Carnegie Mellon and seeing demonstrations of several cutting-edge technologies developed at the university, Obama
said that it was important for ideas to
have a place to incubate and become
products that can be made in the US
and sold worldwide: “And that’s in
our blood. That’s who we are. We are
inventors, and we are makers, and we
are doers.”
Materials Genome Initiative
Obama also announced the launch
of a Materials Genome Initiative in his
Carnegie Mellon speech. The goal of
the MGI, he said, is to “to help business
develop, discover and deploy new materials twice as fast ... .”
The White House released a white
paper the same day, “Materials Genome
Initiative for Global Competitiveness,”
written by an ad hoc committee of
the National Science and Technology
Council (a Cabinet-level cross-agency
entity). The white paper presents a
vision for “how the development of
advanced materials can be accelerated
through advances in computational
techniques, more effective use of standards and enhanced data management.”
Envisioned is a comprehensive collaboration among stakeholders—from
theorists to R&D labs to manufacturers—that will encompass academia,
small and large businesses, professional
societies and government. The goal is
to reduce the approximately 20 years it
currently takes for a new material to go
from lab to application and shrink the
discovery-to-application timeline to less
than five years.
In broad strokes, the white paper
addresses key issues, including materials deployment and acceleration of
the materials continuum by developing a materials innovation infrastructure, achieving national goals with
advanced materials and preparing the
next-generation workforce. A six-point
action plan outlines activities that will
be coordinated by DOD, DOE, NSF
and NIST. The president has written
$100M into his FY12 budget to launch
the MGI (but it is not clear whether
this is included in the $500 million
AMP funding request for FY12).
Computational tools are expected to
be used extensively to get around the
time-consuming and repetitive experimentation that is inevitable but necessary to the development and testing of
new materials. The authors of the white
paper observe that researchers need to
have access to large data sets for accurate simulation and modeling and that
there is no standardized mechanism for
sharing algorithms, models or data at
The NSF and other federal funding agencies require investigators to
include a plan for data management in
their proposals. However, no standard
formats or repositories for the data have
been established.
Visit: n
NASA awards ISS National Lab
contract for management of
2011-2020 experiments
NASA has chosen the Center for the
Advancement of Science in Space Inc., a
new Florida-based nonprofit, tax-exempt
research management organization, to
develop and manage the US portion of
the International Space Station that is
designated a US national lab.
The mission of the ISS NL is to
serve as an asset for US companies,
institutions and other federal agencies
to conduct research in a low-gravity
American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
‘Science to Start-ups’—
Innovation Corps launched
by NSF
In late July, NSF director Subra
Suresh announced a new program, the
NSF Innovation Corps, or I-Corps.
Using the tagline “Science to Start-ups,”
the purpose of the program (supported
with new FY11 funds) is to leverage science and engineering discoveries into
economically useful products and processes.
In the press conference, John
American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
(Credit: NSF.)
environment. Based on NASA’s stated
scope of the agreement, CASIS will be
expected to maximize “the value of the
ISS to the nation by developing and
managing a diversified R&D portfolio
based on the US national needs for
basic and applied research and by using
the ISS as a venue for science, technology, engineering and mathematics educational activities.”
According to NASA, about 75 percent of the functionality of the ISS is
part of the US-operated system, which
also includes the space-based assets of the
Japan and the European Space Agency.
The other 25 percent of ISS functionality is operated by other national entities
(Russia, for example).
Additionally, the ISS NL occupies
only a part of the US-operated section. It is difficult to say exactly how
much, because lab space in the ISS is
measured by racks, test equipment and
payload (lab stations attached to the
ISS exterior), rather than by square
feet. Much of the ISS lab space will
continue to be operated and managed
as a NASA research facility.
The management contract has an
initial value of up to $15 million per
year. According to the “Cooperative
Agreement Notice,” (similar to an
RFP), which was issued in mid-February, CASIS-managed experiments
should be underway by Oct. 1, 2011,
and extend through September 2020.
casis.html n
Holdren, assistant to the President for
science and technology and director of
the White House Office of Science and
Technology Policy, outlined three goals
for the program: “to spur translational
research; to encourage university–industry collaboration; and to provide students with innovation and entrepreneurship training.”
The I-Corps also involves a public–
private collaboration with the Ewing
Marion Kauffman Foundation and the
Deshpande Foundation. Up to 100 projects per year will be funded at $50,000
per project for a six-month effort.
Interested PIs are required to receive
written approval to submit a proposal
from an NSF program director. The
submission window for FY11 proposals is
Aug. 17–Sept. 9, 2011.
Because the program is new and has
some unusual requirements and limitations, the NSF is conducting informational webinars on the first Tuesday of
every month at 2:00 pm (Eastern time).
To be eligible for I-Corps funding, PIs
must have current NSF funding or have
had NSF funding within the past five
years. New funding has been established
for I-Corps, and the first awards will be
made before FY11 closes on Sept. 30.
NSF expects to award $1–$2 million in
FY11 and to grow I-Corps into a $10
million program. Awards will be made
quarterly in FY12 and beyond.
Also in late July, NSF announced the
awarding of $9.2 million in 22 grants
through its Accelerating Innovation
NSF programs
supporting translational research
represented along
the linear innovation continuum,
prior to the introduction of the AIR
and new I-Corps
programs (circa
August 2010).
Research program, which is under the
umbrella of the Industrial Innovation
and Partnerships Division.
Among the 22 funded AIR projects
• Next generation CdTe photovoltaic technology;
• Development and evaluation of
self-powered piezo-floating-gate sensor
chipsets for embedded and implantable
structural health monitoring;
• Si nanoelectronic femtosensor as
ultrasensitive, label-free, protein based
molecular diagnostic platform;
• Transforming nanofiber technology
through scalable fabrication;
• Materials translation for bindered
anthracite briques in foundry cupolas;
• Creation of an ecosystem for biophotonics innovation;
• Enhancing nanotechnology
advances in businesses leveraging energy; and
• Visible-light-activated transparent
antimicrobial coatings.
The AIR program, first announced in
late 2010, was created to help academic
researchers transition proof of concept
innovations into commercial realities.
The AIR program also makes awards
to existing NSF-funded consortia to
help build research collaborations with
business partners. (An example of an
existing NSF funded consortium is the
Center for Glass Surfaces, Interfaces
& Coatings Research at Penn State
University.) n
acers spotlight
Welcome to our newest
Corporate Members
ACerS recognizes organizations
that joined the society as Corporate
Members in the past few months.
For more information on benefits
of becoming a Corporate Member,
contact Tricia Freshour at tfreshour@ or visit ACerS special
Corporate Member web page, www.
RocCera, LLC
Rochester, New York
Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
San Nicolas de los Garza, Nuevo León,
guides available online
Technical session sheets are now
available for MS&T’11. Review the
schedule and read the abstracts to
determine which sessions you’ll attend.
You won’t want to miss the award lectures, the 113th Annual Honors and
Awards Banquet, the outstanding technical programming, the plenary session
featuring Subra Suresh or the ceramic
materials short courses. If you register
before September 23, you can save up
to $175. We look forward to seeing you
in ACerS’ hometown, Columbus, Ohio,
October 16–20! Click on the Technical
Session Sheets link on this website:
annualmeeting n
Introducing the new ACerS leaders
The American Ceramic Society is pleased to introduce the 2011–2012 society,
division and class leadership. The new officers and directors will be installed at
the Annual Membership Meeting on Oct. 17, 2012, at the ACerS 113th Annual
Meeting held in conjunction with MS&T’11 in Columbus, Ohio. Please refer to
the June/July 2011 issue of the Bulletin for candidate statements and biographies.
Ivar Reimanis
Colorado School of
Golden, Colo.
Executive Committee
George Wicks
Consulting scientist
Savannah River
National Lab
Aiken, S.C.
Richard Brow
Missouri University
of Science &
Rolla, Mo.
Past president
Marina Pascucci
CeraNova Corp.
Marlborough, Mass.
Ted Day
President & CEO
Mo-Sci Corp.
Rolla, Mo.
Charles Spahr
Executive director
The American
Ceramic Society
Westerville, Ohio
Board of Directors
Vijay Jain
Manager, materials
science & engineering focus areas
URS National Energy
Technology Lab
Albany, Ore.
Lora Cooper Rothen
Du-Co Ceramics Co.
Saxonburg, Pa.
Board of Directors
Cooper Rothen
William Fahrenholtz
Missouri University
of Science &
Rolla, Mo.
David Green
Pennsylvania State
University Park, Pa.
Linda Jones
Associate vice president of statutory
Alfred University
Alfred, N.Y.
William Lee
Imperial College
London, United
James Marra
Advisory engineer
Savannah River
National Lab
Aiken, S.C.
American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
Robert Schwartz
Interim provost for
academic affairs
Missouri University
of Science &
Rolla, Mo.
David Johnson
Adjunct professor &
senior advisor
Stevens Institute of
Bedminster, N.J.
Division and Class officers
Basic Science Division
Scott Misture
Kevin Trumble
Vice chair
Jian Luo
Wayne Kaplan
Cements Division
Paramita Mondal
Benjamin Mohr
Kyle Riding
Glass & Optical Materials Division
John Ballato
Kelly Simmons-Potter
Vice chair
Shibin Jiang
Steve Feller
Electronics Division
Amit Goyal
Quanxi Jia
Vice chair
Steven Tidrow
Tim Haugan
Secretary-elect Haiyan Wang
Engineering Ceramics Division
Dileep Singh
Sanjay Mathur
Vice chair
Sujanto Widjaja
Michael Halbig
Nuclear & Environmental
Technology Division
Kevin Fox
Vice chair
Elizabeth Hoffman
Ram Devanathan
Refractory Ceramics Division
Bill Headrick
Vice chair
Dave Tucker
Ben Markel
American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
Structural Clay Products Division
James Hopkins
Gregory Grabert
Vice chair
Tim Robinson
Bill Daidone
Ceramic Educational Council
Kevin Fox
President-elect Kristen Brosnan
Vice president Ed Sabolsky
Erica Corral
Short courses offered at MS&T’11
ACerS is hosting three short courses during MS&T for the convenience
of those interested in expanding their
knowledge or sharpening their skills.
Discounts are available for society
members and students. Visit the website for details,
Modern Statistics, Data Analysis
and Specimen/Structural Reliability
Oct. 16, 2011
Instructor: Steve Freiman, Freiman
Attendees will review key concepts in statistical data analysis and
will be introduced to two powerful
tools: DATAPLOT, a public domain
statistical data analysis software package, and the free, downloadable pdf
ebook, Engineering Statistical Handbook.
Attendees will be given the fracture
mechanics background and measurement protocols needed to assess the
mechanical reliability of glasses and
ceramics. The course will conclude
with a live demonstration of the features, capabilities and user-friendliness
of DATAPLOT. ACerS member $495,
nonmember $585, student $175.
Fundamentals of Glass Science and
Technology & Fractography Lab
Oct. 20–21, 2011
Instructor: Arun K. Varshneya, Saxon
Glass Technologies
The course covers basic glass science and technology to broaden or
National Institute of Ceramic
Geoff Brennecka
President-elect Olivia Graeve
Vice president Kristen Brosnan
Kathy Lu
There were no nominations this
year for the Art Division and the
Whitewares & Materials Division. n
improve the student’s foundational
understanding of glass as a material
of choice. This one-and-a-half-day
course covers glass science (commercial glass families, the glassy state,
nucleation and crystallization, phase
separation, glass structure), glass technology and batch calculations, glassmelting and glassforming, glass properties and engineering principles and
elementary fracture analysis. ACerS
member $695, nonmember $785, student $275.
Sintering of Ceramics
Oct. 20–21, 2011
Instructor: Mohamed N. Rahaman,
Missouri University of
Science and Technology
This two-day course will review
sintering basics, solid-state and viscous
sintering, microstructure development
and control, liquid-phase sintering
and special topics, including effects of
homogeneities, constrained sintering
of composites, adherent thin films and
multilayers, dopants, reaction sintering and viscous sintering with crystallization. Case studies will include
sintering of nanoceramics, solid oxide
fuel cell systems, ceramic–matrix
composites, non-oxide ceramics and
ultra-high-temperature ceramics. The
course follows key topics in the text
book, Sintering of Ceramics, by M.N.
Rahaman, CRC Press, and will be
supplemented by detailed case studies
of the sintering of specific ceramics
and systems. ACerS member $695,
nonmember $785, student $275. n
acers spotlight
MCARE wants students who care about energy future
The organizing committee of the Materials Challenges
in Alternative and Renewable Energy 2012 is encouraging as many students as possible to come to the MCARE
2012 conference, which will be Feb. 26–March 1, 2012, in
Clearwater Beach, Fla. Participating in the conference will
give students opportunities to build their professional network, learn more about the materials challenges facing energy technologies and enjoy some midwinter Florida sunshine.
MCARE 2012 has an extensive program related to alternative and renewable energy. Topics include batteries and
energy storage, biomass, electric grid, geothermal, hydrogen,
hydropower, materials availability for alternative energy,
nuclear, solar power and wind. The tutorial-themed sessions
during the first day of the conference are geared toward
nonexperts, allowing students as well as professionals not
intimately familiar with specific topics and applications to
come up to speed quickly.
Networking opportunities
MCARE 2012 is co-organized by four major materials
societies: ACerS, ASM International, TMS and SPE. MRS
and SAMPE also are endorsing the event. This meeting
attracts a more diverse, interdisciplinary range of people
working on energy problems than any other conferences.
Student activities
There will be a student poster session, student mixer and
a design competition for students. Posters will be judged,
and the winners will be presented with awards. Details of
the competition and awards will be posted on the MCARE
2012 website as they become available.
Energy abstracts for MCARE
2012 due September 19
Abstracts for Materials Challenges
in Alternative & Renewable Energy
2012 will be accepted through Sept.
19, 2011. MCARE 2012 will highlight materials innovation research in
these topical symposia: batteries and
energy storage; biomass; electric grid;
geothermal; hydrogen; hydropower;
In Memoriam
Charles R. Venable Jr.
G.S. Dhami
Some detailed obituaries also can be
found on the ACerS website, www.
(Credit: ACerS.)
The symposium
An enthusiastic Q&A at the MCARE 2010 poster session.
Financial assistance for students
MCARE is offering students reduced registration fees,
and students are encouraged to speak to their research advisors or professors about sponsoring them.
Students looking for roommates to share hotel costs
should check the Facebook page organized by the ACerS
President’s Council of Student Advisors at (www.facebook.
Anyone interested in helping to support students’ attendance at MCARE 2012, please email Cory Bomberger at
Students—we hope to see you at MCARE 2012, Feb.
26–March 1, 2012, in Clearwater, Fla.! For more information, visit n
materials availability for alternative
energy; nuclear, solar power; and wind.
Contact: George Wicks at george. MCARE 2012
takes place Feb. 26–March 1, 2012, in
Clearwater, Fla. For meeting details,
visit n
Ceramographic Competition
entries due Oct. 13
The Basic Science Division
invites nominations for the 2011
Ceramographic Competition, an annual
exhibit to promote microscopy and
microanalysis as tools in the scientific
investigation of ceramic materials. The
competition will be held during the
MS&T’11, and entries are prominently
displayed in the Columbus Convention
The Roland B. Snow award is
presented to the competition’s Best
of Show winner. Winning entries
may appear on the back cover of the
Journal of the American Ceramic Society
throughout the year.
Prizes include monetary awards, and the
Snow award has an additional monetary
award and commemorative glass piece.
Entry Deadline: Oct. 13, 2011 —
Actual posters only.
Entry details:
Contact: Karren More at morekl1@ n
American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
Pledge of professionalism: An invitation to accept
the Obligation of the Engineer and join The Order
of the Engineer
Who: Undergraduate seniors, graduate
students, engineers that graduated from an
accredited school and professors teaching
engineering in accredited programs.
When: Monday, Oct. 17, 2011,
Where: Greater Columbus Convention Center
The American Ceramic Society’s National Institute of
Ceramic Engineers is proud to be a part of the Order of the
Engineer, an organization which exists “to foster a spirit of
pride and responsibility in the engineering profession, to
bridge the gap between training and experience, and to present to the public a visible symbol identifying the engineer.”
Initiates recite an oath acknowledging their obligation as
engineers and accept a stainless steel ring to be worn on the
fifth finger of the working hand.
NICE will host an induction ceremony as part of the
MS&T’11 meeting. The ceremony lasts approximately an
hour. To be a part of this ceremony, fill out the application
form (on NICE website) and mail it along with a check for
$25 to The American Ceramic Society. Applicants should
provide the ring size of the pinky finger of their working hand.
For help completing the form or making payment, contact
Marcia Stout at, tel.: 614-794-5821. The
deadline for submitting your application is Sept. 15, 2011.
For information about the Order of the Engineer, contact
Fred Stover, chair, NICE Order of the Engineer Link,, tel.: 419-878-0001.
MS&T 2011: Special Session on “Glass for the
21st Century.”
A special session at the 2011 MS&T’11 Conference in
Columbus, Ohio, has been organized under the auspices of
the International Journal of Applied Glass Science. The session’s theme is “Glass for the 21st Century” and it is part of
the symposium, “Amorphous Materials: Common Issues with
Science and Technology,” organized by the Glass & Optical
Materials Division.
Seven presentations are scheduled on topics ranging from
chemically strengthened glass and ionic conduction through
glass fiber lasers, chalcogenide glasses and the effect of composition on the strength of glass fibers.
At the suggestion of the officers of GOMD, two papers
in this session will be published in the September issue of
IJAGS. They are: “Glass and Glass-Ceramic Technologies
to Transform the World,” by Larry Hench, University of
Florida; and “Chalcogenide Glasses for the 21st Century: A
Prospective for New Mid-infrared Medical Technology,” by
American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
Angela Seddon, University of Nottingham, UK.
A full listing of presentations can be found at the
MS&T’11 website. n
Download Direct: Wiley offers free peerreviewed articles for ACerS members
As first announced in the June/July Bulletin ACerS is joining with its publishing partner Wiley to offer the new Download
Direct program, which provides a limited number of free article
downloads to members each month. Because the total number
of downloads is limited, each member is invited to download one
free article per month. Articles may be downloaded from any
Wiley content area.
To access articles, log into the ACerS website (,
click on Knowledge Center > ACerS/Wiley Download Direct >
Access the ACerS/Wiley Download Direct Program. Select a topic,
search for an article, view the abstract to make sure it’s the right
article and click on the pdf or html link. It’s yours for free!
Clicking on the pdf or html link does constitute a download, so
reviewing the abstract before download is recommended.
If you need more than one article, contact Marcia Stout at n
Powder Compaction Presses and Parts Handling Equipment
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Cements meeting initiates ‘Future
Directions’ planning
(Credit: Peter Wray, ACerS.)
The events featured a valuable tutorial (on
geochemical speciation modeling) many great
presentations, a lively Della Roy Lecture by
Purdue University student Yiwen Bu discusses her poster,
Karen Scrivener, an engaging poster session
“Nanoindentation in Cementitious Materials,” with Vanderand a Division meeting where new officers
bilt’s Florence Sanchez. Sanchez was the program chair
of the meeting.
and award winners were announced.
In addition, meeting leaders organized a discussion among attendees on the topic of
“Future Directions for Cementitious Materials.” They asked participants to identify the
most important areas of future research, advancements, education and multidisciplinary
work. The request was enthusiastically embraced by the crowd, which narrowed in on
four potential strategic avenues of interest: multiscale
modeling; hydration mechanisms (particularly in regard
to supplementary cementitious materials); best practices (particularly in regard to data sets, test beds and
cases and building data repositories); and sustainability
(particularly in regard to the use of SCMs). To move
forward on these four avenues, Division leaders say they
and other volunteers will start drafting specific proposals for taking action, such as collaborative efforts, white
papers and funding proposals in time for
next year’s meeting.
In her lecture, “Modeling Hydration
Kinetics of Cementitious Systems,”
Scrivener explored what has and what
remains to be done in the world of modeling cement microstructures. In her opening remarks, Scrivener, who is from the
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
(Switzerland), provided a compelling argument about the importance of cements
and concrete to the world, especially to
developing nations, and the challenges of
reducing the CO2 footprint of a material
for which the demand may triple by 2050.
Division leaders say they plan on
holding their 2012 meeting in June in
▲ Cements Division chair Zach Grasley, Austin, Texas. n
(Credit: Peter Wray, ACerS.)
Della Roy lecturer Karen Scrivener, right, discusses her talk
with Georgia Tech’s Kim Kurtis.
(Credit: Peter Wray, ACerS.)
n late July, Vanderbilt University’s
Department of Civil and Environmental
Engineering hosted the Advances in
Cement-Based Materials meeting organized by ACerS’s Cements Division and
the Center for Advanced Cement-Based
(Credit: Peter Wray, ACerS.)
Meeting cochair Jeff Chen, left, with poster session
awardees Lesa Brown, Amal Puthur Jayapalan, Peter
Stynoski and Sara Taylor Lange. Christopher Jones and
Eric Kim also were awardees in the event.
The “Future Directions for Cementitious Materials”
roundtable discussion on sustainability. ▼
(Credit: Peter Wray, ACerS.)
(Credit: Peter Wray, ACerS.)
left, presents the 2010 Brunauer Award
to Rouzbeh Shahsavari on behalf of the
group of authors.
Many of the posters presented at the meeting covered topics related
to quick testing and characterization. Several groups described their
use of various additives and reinforcement materials.
American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
ceramics in the environment
The cost of corrosion to industrialized nations is about 3 percent of GDP.
In the United States that adds up to
$2–4 trillion per decade, which equates
to rebuilding Hurricane Katrina-scale
infrastructure three or four times.
An online article published by
Environmental Protection (www. reports on a new protective coating based on chemically
bonded phosphate ceramics. CBPCs are
a class of materials that were developed
at Argonne National Lab and Battelle
to stabilize mercury-containing DOE
wastes. They are synthesized via an
acid-base reaction between magnesium
oxide and a monopotassium phosphate solution (KH2PO2), which yields
MgKPO4·6H2O, a hard, dense material.
A Raleigh-Durham Research Triangle
company, EonCoat, has picked up the
technology and developed it into
a corrosion-resistant coating.
The EonCoat product is a
spray-on two-component system
that reacts with the substrate in
a mildly exothermic reaction,
that “creates an alloyed metal
surface rather than a layer that
sits on top of the substrate,” the
EP story says.
The coatings are able to
Chemically bonded phosphate ceramic coating
accommodate flexure up to 19
on a metal substrate (black region).
percent. According to the comreaction works best when the steel surpany website, “fibers and fillers
face is slightly oxidized, making surface
with an acicular structure ...
preparation modest.
create toughness and additional ductilCoatings for corrosion protection are
ity (flexibility).” Most ceramics cannot
3–9-milli-inches thick and cost about
accommodate such additives because
$1.50 per square foot. The coatings also
they burn during firing. However, the
can be applied for chemical resistance
heat released by the CBPC synthesis
(6–20 milli-inches) or severe abrasion
reaction raises the temperature by only
resistance (5 milli-inches to 0.25 inch)
7°C to 40°C, which is survivable by a
with commensurate costs.
wide range of additive materials.
Visit: n
The company says the chemical
Tuesday, September 20 to Thursday, September 22, 2011
Millennium Hotel
Boston, MA
(Credit: EonCoat)
Bendable ceramic corrosion
protection coatings for steels
HiTemp 2011 is intended to foster
discussion and debate regarding the
most recent understanding of high
temperature materials and the state
of the art in their experimental studies,
processes, and diagnostics for scientific
and technological applications.
Experimental studies of
high temperature materials
n 10 keynote lectures
n 28 contributed lectures
n 3 poster sessions
Leading Thermal Analysis
American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
Metallic conductivity in hightemperature cement
Melt of 12CaO·7Al2O3 Electride
Glass of 12CaO·7Al2O3 Electride
(Credit: Hideo Hosono from Science 1 July 2011: 71-74. Reprinted with permission from AAAS.)
research briefs
Since the early 1800s chemists have
known that solutions of alkali metals
dissolved in polar solvents, such as
water or ammonia, have interesting
properties. For example, dilute alkali–
ammonia solutions exhibit electrolytic
conductivity, and concentrated soluCages Containing
Trapped Electrons
tions exhibit metallic conductivity.
Metal–amine solutions can be condensed into ionic solids, known as
Solvated electrons in high-temperature 12CaO–7Al2O3 melt (left) and glass.
electrides, in which the electrons are
trapped in the compound’s structural
wide range of tools, including Raman
electron instead of an ion (C12A7:e ).
cavities or channels.
The question was whether solvated
spectroscopy, optical absorption spec–
However, organic-based electrides
electrons exist in the molten C12A7:e
troscopy, electron spin resonance meaare not thermally stable. Earlier, the
the same way solvated electrons exist
surements and iodometry, the atomic
Japanese-based team of Kim et. al.,
in metal–ammonia solutions. (See Scistructure of the glass was established.
synthesized a thermally stable inorence, doi: 10.1126/science.1204394)
They found that the solvated elecganic electride from calcium alumiThey do. On reacting with titanium, trons are frozen into the glass, but the
nate, 12CaO·7Al2O3 (or C12A7). Also electrons are trapped at the oxygen-ion majority of them adopt a two-electron,
known as mayenite, it is a component
vacancies and are coordinated—solspin-paired state. That is, instead of
in alumina cement and a constituent
vated—by calcium within the cagelike overlapping wave functions, the elecin iron-smelting slags. The electride
structure. When the concentration of
trons pair off to form peanut shaped
compound, designated C12A7:O2–,
solvated electrons in solution reaches
bipolaron structures, and the result is a
traps O2– ions but has no charge carrihigh enough levels (approximately 1021 semiconductive oxide glass.
ers in the molten state, because CaO
electrons/cubic centimeters), the elecThe research suggests that the ability
and Al2O3 are stable, electrically insutrical conductivity becomes metallic.
to tune electrical conductivity of melts,
lating oxides.
The Kim team took the experislags and glasses could lead to new
By reacting C12A7:O2– with
ment one step further and studied
applications for a light-metal oxide,
elemental titanium at high temperaglasses made from C12A7:e . Using a
semiconducting class of materials. n
tures, an electride results that traps an
Rietveld X-ray analysis helps
reduce REACH animal tests
The European Union REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization
and Restriction of Chemicals) legislation extends globally to any manufacturer or supplier wanting to do business
in the EU.
To minimize toxicity testing on animals, the European Chemicals Agency
recommends grouping of substances
and development of quantitative mathematical approaches to relating chemical structure to measured properties or
A paper in the July/August issue
of the International Journal of Applied
Ceramic Technology describes the use
of the Rietveld method of X-ray diffraction for grouping differing pigment
formulations together. (The Rietveld
method provides quantitative phase
analysis.) Powder XRD also identified
the crystalline phases present. (See De
La Torre, et al., doi: 10:1111/j.17447402.2010.02528.x)
The Spanish group studied three pigments, two black and one brown. The
black formulations were commercially
available pigments comprised of Fe2O3
and Cr2O3. The brown composition was
laboratory prepared and also was mostly
Fe2O3 and Cr2O3, but with reduced
Cr2O3 to accommodate other oxides in
the formulation. Using powder XRD,
the black pigments were found to be
single phase, and the brown pigment
was more complex, consisting of two
phases with corundum structure, a magnesium chromate spinel phase and a
small but measurable amorphous phase.
The researchers concluded that the
Rietveld method is a valid approach
to quantitative mineralogical analysis
of pigments and an effective means for
grouping pigments, and, thus, useful
to “narrow down the number of toxicity tests required to fulfill the REACH
Grouping of substances could have
a huge impact on the costs (monetary
and biological) associated with animal
testing. Various scenarios generate estiAmerican Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
(Credit: Photo: Jaebum Joo; MITnews)
(Credit: Felizitas Gemetz; Fraunhofer IWM/
Martin Höerner; Fraunhofer IWM.)
(Credit: Wikipedia; Creative Commons license.)
DLC coatings provide corrosion and wear resistance to
the high-durability steels that
are used for plowshares. Abrasive soil, sand and stones wear
down conventional coatings
quickly, and DLC coatings are
able to withstand the extreme
stresses and strains better than
conventional ones.
Steels are proving to be
poor substrates, because they
X-ray diffractometery–Rietveld analysis
deform easily, and the rigid
can be used to group substances and
Zinc oxide nanostructures are synthesized in parallel
DLC coatings tend to spall.
expedite EU REACH compliance.
microfluidic channels (held by the metal frame) by flowAlternative plowshare materi- ing reactants through the tubing. The microfluidic strucmates that range between 54 and 141
als being investigated include ture becomes the final packaged functional LED device.
million animals required for REACH
nitrided steels, glass-fiber-reincompliance alone, at a cost of at least
and preferentially to the wire at only the
forced plastics and tungsten carbide.
€9.5 billion over the next 10 years.
sides or the ends, which inhibits growth
The group’s next step is to find a
in those directions (i.e., face-selective).
substrate–DLC combination that will
journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1744-7402 n
The hydrothermal synthesis was done
allow a plowshare to cover 20 kilomeat less than 60°C, which opens up the
ters without a coating failure.
possibility of manufacturing devices on
DLC coatings reduce
polymers and plastics.
research-news/ n
plowshare friction in soil
The team fabricated a functional
The humble plowshare may benefit
LED array of ZnO nanowires, but ZnO
Zinc oxide LEDs and tantalum
from sophisticated surface engineering
also can be used in battery, sensor and
using diamond-like carbon. Researchoxide nonvolatile memories
other optical applications. In the MIT
ers from the Fraunhofer Institute for
Two recently published papers report story, Joo says the ability to manipulate
Mechanics of Materials IWM, have
on oxide materials for electronic device nanostructure has “the potential for
found that friction between the blade
large-scale manufacturing.”
and soil is reduced by half for DLCFirst, out of MIT, comes “Facecoated plowshares, which reduced the
Bilayer tantalum oxide structures
selective electrostatic control of hydrorequired tractor power by more than 30 thermal zinc oxide nanowire synthesis,”
The second paper, published in the
percent in some tests.
by Jaebum Joo, et. al. (see Nature Mate- same issue of Nature Materials, is from
According a Fraunhofer press release, rials, doi:10.1038/nmat3069). Using
a group at Samsung Electronics in
German farmers use nearly a billion
Korea that looked at tantalum oxidehydrothermal synthesis, the group grew
liters (about 265 million gallons) of fuel zinc oxide nanowires with controlled
based bilayer structures for nonvolatile
per year to work the soil; about half of
morphologies and functional properties. memory devices. (See Nature Materials,
the energy used during plowing or hardoi:10.1038/nmat3070)
Morphologies ranged from platelets to
rowing is sacrificed to friction between
Like others researching nonvolatile
needles with aspect ratios that spanned
the plowshare and the soil.
memory materials, they are looking
three orders of magnitude (approxiIn addition to reducing friction,
for “a material or device structure that
mately 0.1–100 are reported).
satisfies high-density, switching-speed,
The article abstract says a classiendurance, retention and, most imporcal thermodynamic model was used to
tantly, power consumption criteria”
explain the growth inhibition mecha(from the abstract). The paper describes
nism “by means of the competitive and
an asymmetric passive switching device
face-selective electrostatic adsorption
with a cycling endurance of more than
on non-zinc complex ions at alkaline
1012 and switching times of 10 nanosecconditions.” An online story from MITonds. They were able to demonstrate
news clarifies that when ions from other
a significant reduction of switching
DLC-coated plowshare (right). Images show compounds are added to the solution
current and, therefore, power consumpdifference between initial test (top) and test (from which the ZnO is grown hydrotion. n
of DLC-coated tool (left).
thermally), they attach electrostatically
American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
ceramics in energy
Ions of lithium
combine with oxygen from the air
to form particles
of lithium oxides
that attach to
electrode carbon
fibers as the battery is being used.
During recharging, the lithium
oxides separate
into lithium and
oxygen and the
process can begin
(Credit: Mitchell, Gallant, and Shao-Horn; MIT)
An elusive piece of the alternative
energy puzzle has been storage: How to
save it for when it’s needed or how to
carry it around to use where it’s needed?
In both cases, energy density is the key
parameter and in the latter case, weight
matters, too.
MIT associate professor Yang ShaoHorn’s group appears to have taken a
leap forward in increasing the energy
density using aligned carbon nanofiber
electrodes that can store four times as
much energy on a weight basis than
current-technology lithium-ion battery
The lightweight advantage of
lithium–air batteries (or any metal–air
battery) comes from replacing a solid
electrode, such as those in typical lithium-ion batteries, with a porous carbon
electrode. Energy is stored when lithium ions react with air flowing through
the porosity to form lithium oxides.
The more porous the carbon, the more
efficiently lithium oxides are stored.
A press release reports that ShaoHorn’s group used chemical vapor
deposition to fabricate an electrode of
vertically aligned arrays of carbon nanofibers with 90 percent void space, a big
increase over the 70 percent void space
the group reported achieving last year.
“We were able to create a novel
carpet-like material—composed of
more than 90 percent void space—that
can be filled by the reactive material
during battery operation,” Shao-Horn
says in the press release. That means,
according to Robert Mitchell, a graduate student and paper’s first author, that
“the carpet-like arrays provide a highly
conductive, low-density scaffold for
energy storage.”
The gravimetric energy, which is
the amount of power that can be stored
for a given weight, for these very-lowdensity electrodes is one of the highest
reported to date and demonstrates that
“tuning the carbon structure is a promising route for increasing the energy
density of lithium–air batteries,” said
(Credit: Mitchell, Gallant and Shao-Horn; MIT.)
More energy density in lithium-air batteries with carbon nanofiber carpet electrode
SEM image shows particles of lithium peroxide forming as small dots on the sides of
carbon nanofibers (left) and becoming larger toroidal shapes as the battery discharges
another graduate student and coauthor,
Betar Gallant.
An unexpected finding is that the
orderly “carpet” structure of the fibers
makes them relatively easy to observe
in a scanning electron microscope, and
the performance of the electrodes can
be monitored at intermediate states of
charge. Being able to directly observe
the process may shed some light on
other vexing issues, such as the degradation observed after many charge–discharge cycles.
These latest results were published in
the August issue of the journal Energy
and Environmental Science (see “Allcarbon-nanofiber electrodes for highenergy rechargeable Li–O2 batteries,”
doi: 10.1039/C1EE01496J).
Energy policy and analysis in
Ceramic Tech Today
Space prohibits printing our stories on the latest business and policy
developments in the energy industry.
Check out these and other latebreaking stories at www.
– Japan’s leaders still struggling
with post-Fukushima decisions
– NRC post-Fukushima task
force issues recommendations
for BWRs
– Two steps forward, one step
back, for solar tech in Ohio
– Lux Research weighs in on offgrid storage, non-platinum
catalyst solutions
American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
advances in nanomaterials
Using AFM to ‘draw’ nanosized
ferroelectrics on plastic
“We can directly create piezoelectric
materials of the shape we want, where
we want them, on flexible substrates,”
says Nazanin Bassiri-Gharb in a Georgia Tech press release.
Bassiri-Gharb, a mechanical engineering assistant professor at the Georgia Institute of Technology, has been
learning how to use thermochemical
nanolithography to make nanometerscale ferroelectric structures directly
on bendable plastic substrates using a
heated atomic force microscope tip to
produce patterns. The group has created
lead titanate and lead zirconate titanate
American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
(Credit: IBM Research)
A press release from IBM describes
work that breaks down two barriers to
using phase change memory materials: the ability to store multiple data
bits, and the ability of the material to
reliably store data for extended time
PCMMs can write and retrieve data
100 times faster than flash memory and
can endure 10 million or more write
In PCMMs, the extent of the phase
change is proportional to the applied
electrical or optical stimulus, and this,
in turn, controls the resistance of the
cell. Taking advantage of the proportionality of the resistance, the IBM
team was able to store multiple bits—
four in this case—in a single cell by
manipulating the applied voltage.
PCMMs have a tendency to “resistance drift” caused by structural relaxation of the amorphous material, which
increases resistance and, therefore,
errors during readout of the data. The
IBM team solved the problem with an
“advanced modulation coding technique that is inherently drift tolerant.”
An IBM test device is storing bits in
a subarray of 200,000 cells in a retention test that has been running for
more than five months, demonstrating
a volume and stability that are of practical use. The IBM press release did not
specify the material.
Brain-like synapses found in
IBM researchers in Zurich demonstrated the
first large scale, multilevel cell state retention of a phase-change memory device.
David Wright’s group at the University of Exeter in the UK used a
single cell of PCMM to demonstrate
the ability to store and process information simultaneously, similar to the
way neurons and synapses function in
the human brain. They demonstrated
the simple arithmetic operations of
addition, subtraction, multiplication
and division. Results are published
in Advanced Materials (doi: 10.1002/
In an interview published by The
Engineer, Wright, a professor at Exeter,
says PCMM components may be able
to be connected in “networks via
structures akin to synapses, potentially
opening up an entirely novel way of
The Exeter group studied GeSbTe
and AgInSbTe compounds.
Unidirectional amorphicity
reduces entropy
structures on polyimide, glass and silicon
The TCNL work is described in
recent paper in Advanced Materials
In the paper, investigators report
producing wires approximately 30
nanometers wide and spheres with
diameters of approximately 10 nanometers were fabricated at densities
exceeding 200 gigabytes per square
inch, a record for this perovskite-type
ferroelectric material.
According to a GT news release, the
group hopes their work might lead to
high-density, low-cost production of
complex ferroelectric structures, such
as energy-harvesting arrays, sensors and
actuators in nanoelectromechanical
A just-published paper in Nature
Nanotechnology addresses PCMM technology by considering the nature of
the amorphous state (see Simpson, et
al., doi: 10.1038/nnano.2011.96). The
aim was to reduce the energy needed
to “switch” the material by limiting the
movement of atoms to a single dimension, greatly reducing entropy.
By aligning the c-axis of a hexagonal
Sb2Te3 layer in the <111> direction
of a cubic-GeTe layer in a superlattice
structure, germanium atoms can switch
sites at the interface of the layers. The
abstract says they have demonstrated
“interfacial phase-change memory data
storage devices with reduced switching
energies, improved write–erase cycle
lifetimes and faster switching speeds.” n
(Credit: Suenne Kim, Georgia Tech.)
Reliable long-term PCMM data
Image shows the topography (by atomic
force microscope) of a ferroelectric PTO
line array crystallized on a 360-nanometer-thick precursor film on polyimide. Bar
corresponds to 1 micrometer.
systems and microelectromechanical
systems. n
cover story
Accolades and accomplishments:
The ACerS 2011 awards
Although the initial goals of the founders of The
American Ceramic Society were to document and share
technical information related the emerging ceramic and glass
fields, the founders were also wise enough to know that any
group that dared called itself a “Society” also had to have
ways of furthering the social relationships and recognizing
the truly extraordinary accomplishments of its members.
Thus, a tradition of recognizing and elevating the status of
ACerS distinguished members became ingrained in the organization beginning with its first meeting in 1898 when the
Society inducted its first “Honorary Member.”
Over the next 113 years, as relationships grew and traditions took root, ACerS elaborated, refined and expanded its
honors and awards. Some of the awards that arose over the
next eleven decades largely paralleled and ultimately reflected the diversity of the organization and its ten divisions, such
as the Basic Science Division’s Robert B. Sosman Award (see
page 43). Others arose in response to the changing international character of ceramic and glass science, such as the
Richard M. Fultrath Awards (see page 44).
A system of recognizing the greatest service, accomplishments and contributions of Society members also evolved.
The annual tradition of naming and inducting Distinguished
Life Members and Fellows was crafted not only to bring high
honor to the preeminent members of ACerS, but also to
serve two other purposes: to maintain a cadre of “spiritual
guardians” (in the words of Edward Orton) of the Society,
and also to create a career benchmark for young scientists,
engineers and business leaders to aspire to.
The ACerS Distinguished Life Member is the highest
of the Society’s awards, presented to its most inspirational
members who paved new roads in their technical or business
fields while contributing to the growth and programming of
the organization, and guiding its younger leaders. Only two
or three members each year reach the lofty expectations set
for Distinguished Life Members and in 2011, ACerS will be
inducting just two: David B. Marshall and Koichi Niihara.
Elevation to Fellow is truly a peer recognition—each
nomination is signed by at least seven ACerS members, and
the new class is selected by the Society’s Panel of Fellows.
Fellows are selected for their outstanding contributions to
the ceramic arts or sciences, either through broad and productive scholarship in ceramic science and technology, by
conspicuous achievement in ceramic industry or by outstanding service to the Society. The 2011 Class of Fellows is comprised of 20 international members (see page 18).
Society president Marina Pascucci, who will preside over
the ACerS Annual Awards banquet, said she is delighted to
be presenting Distinguished Life Members, Fellows and other
awards and says it’s her hope “that these accolades will continue to be a motivation for ceramic and glass technological
advances, and an incentive to scientists and engineers to
maintain the high standard of accomplishment set by those
that we will honor this year.”
Awards Banquet
The winners of the Society’s 2011 awards, including the new Distinguished Life Members and the new
Class of Fellows, will be honored at the ACerS Annual Awards and Honors Banquet, Monday, Oct.
17, 2011, 7:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m., in Columbus, Ohio.
The banquet is held in conjunction with the Society’s Annual Meeting and MS&T’11. Purchase tickets
when you register for the conference.
American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
Distinguished Life Member Awards
David B.
Marshall is a
principal scientist at Teledyne
Company in
Thousand Oaks,
Calif. and an
adjunct professor in the
Department at
the University of California, Santa
Barbara. He earned his BSc and PhD in
physics from Monash University,
Melbourne, Australia in 1971 and 1975
Marshall was introduced to the world
of structural ceramics and fracture during two post doctoral positions, first
with Brian Lawn (now at NIST) at
the University of New South Wales
in Sydney, Australia, then with Tony
Evans at University of California,
Berkeley. He joined the Rockwell
Science Center (now Teledyne
Scientific Co.) in 1983, where he has
enjoyed many years of collaboration
with many colleagues, most notably
Fred Lange and Brian Cox. Lange wrote
of Marshall, “David’s major contribution has been the promotion of our
Society to the world through his innovative and fundamental contributions
to reveal our understanding of ceramic
science and engineering.”
Marshall’s research interests have
focused on strengthening, toughening,
and reliability of ceramics and ceramic
composites. In recent years, he has
worked with the Air Force, NASA and
industry to develop textile based composites for turbine, scramjet and rocket
combustion components and thermal
protection systems for spacecraft.
He leads the National Hypersonic
Science Center for Materials and
Structures, a multi-university partnership funded by AFOSR and NASA.
The center is charged with developing key materials that can withstand
the harsh environmental, thermal and
mechanical demands of hypersonic
flight. Other interests include ultra
hard tooling materials for friction stir
welding of steels.
Marshall finds the community
aspects of his career to be deeply satis-
fying. “I found a community to interact
with through The American Ceramic
Society, of wonderfully talented, stimulating and generous people both within
the USA and internationally,” he said.
Likewise, in his present position, for
example, he sees his role as building a
research community between university, industry and government partners.
Dedicated to excellent scholarship,
Marshall has authored or coauthored
more than 200 research papers, two of
which are among the ten most cited
papers published in the history of the
Journal of the American Ceramic Society.
He was a coauthor of one of the 11
papers used to commemorate the
Society’s 110 year anniversary. He is
an associate editor of the Journal of the
American Ceramic Society with 14 years
of service to date and was its editor for
a total of six years. Previous Society
awards include the Ross Coffin Purdy
Award in 1989, Fulrath Award in 1991,
Jeppson Award in 1996, and Sosman
Award in 1999. He is a Fellow of the
American Ceramic Society (Basic
Science Division) and a member of the
National Academy of Engineering.
Koichi Niihara
has been president of Nagaoka
University of
Technology in
Nagaoka, Japan,
since September
2009. Prior to
this, he served
for five years as
a professor and
a senator of
NUT. From 1989 to 2005 he was a professor at the Institute of Scientific and
Industrial Research at Osaka
University, Japan, and was awarded the
title of emeritus professor in 2005.
Niihara earned his BE, ME and Dr
of Eng degrees in nuclear science and
engineering from Osaka University.
From 1968 to 1989 he worked as an
associate professor of MRI, Tohoku
University, Japan, was a visiting professor at Virginia Tech and a professor in
the Physics Department of the National
Defense Academy, Japan.
He has conducted important and
innovative research in many ceramic
materials fields, including the fabrication
of massive CVD-Si3N4, SiC and B4C.
Mrityunjay Singh, chief scientist at
the Ohio Aerospace Institute, recalls
Niihara’s early studies in the evaluation
of fracture toughness of ceramics using
the indentation fracture method. “The
footprint he left behind, known as the
‘Niihara’s Equation,’ gained common
recognition among ceramic researchers
worldwide,” he says.
Niihara also gained an admirable
reputation for pioneering the “nanocomposite concept,” which he proposed in 1986. Singh says that prior to
Niihara’s advocacy of this concept of
a new material design, “it was thought
that incorporation of a particle of
another phase into matrix grains would
result in degradation of mechanical/
physical properties. Nowadays, it is
obvious that he was right.”
More recently, Niihara has been a
pioneer and proponent for multifunctional materials, including ones for use
in sensory-type applications.
The Army Research Lab’s James
McCauley described Niihara as “one
of the most creative, productive and
visionary ceramists in the world.”
He has published more than 1000
papers in scientific journals and holds
more than 140 patents.
Niihara has received more than
30 awards, including the Richard
M. Fulrath Award (1983), the ECD
Bridge Building Award (2005) and the
John Jeppson Award (2010), and he
is a Fellow of The American Ceramic
Society. He has organized more than 30
international meetings, including the
successful 3rd International Congress
on Ceramics (held in 2010 in Japan),
where he is a past president.
American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
The 2011 ACerS Class
of Fellows
Neil M. Alford is
head of the
Department of
Materials and deputy
principal (research) in
the Faculty of
Engineering at
Imperial College
London. His recent
work on microwave dielectric materials
has resulted in the development of
ultra-low-loss alumina resonators and an
understanding of the defect chemistry of
TiO2, which has allowed the production
of very-high-Q and high-dielectric-constant materials. Alford is a Fellow of the
Royal Academy of Engineering;
Institute of Materials, Minerals and
Mining; Institute of Physics; and the
Institution of Engineering and
Technology. He is a member of the
ACerS Electronics Division and is an
associate editor of JACerS.
resolved multiscale
techniques, such as
X-ray and neutron
diffraction, to study
the development of chemical and physical changes in hydrating portland
cement. TTU named him its 2003
Outstanding Faculty in Professional
Service, citing his dedication to ACerS
service in the nomination. He is trustee
of the ACerS Cements Division and has
twice organized the division’s annual
Amit Bandyopadhyay
is professor in the
School of Mechanical
and Materials
Engineering at
Washington State
University in Pullman,
Wash. His research
program focuses on
materials processing, solid freeform fabrication, biomaterials and piezoelectric
materials. Bandyopadhyay received the
National Science Foundation CAREER
award and the Young Investigator
Program Award from the Office of
Naval Research. He is associated with
the Central Glass and Ceramic Research
Institute in India through his appointment as scientist of Indian origin.
He is affiliated with the ACerS Basic
Science Division, and is an associate
editor of JACerS.
Jon Binner is professor of ceramic materials and dean of the
School of
Chemical and
Materials Engineering
at Loughborough
University in the United Kingdom.
Binner researches multidisciplinary
approaches to improving processing
routes for new or improved ceramic
materials. Recent work has focused on
producing nanostructured ceramics
using a “top-down” approach. He is a
Fellow and vice president of the
Institute of Materials, Mining and
Minerals; a Fellow of the Institute of
Nanotechnology; and a council member of the European Ceramic Society.
He is affiliated with the Basic Science
Division of ACerS.
Joseph J. Biernacki, PE, is professor of
chemical engineering at Tennessee
Technological University in Cookeville,
Tenn. His current research interests
include the application of phase-
Aldo R. Boccaccini is professor and
head of the Institute of Biomaterials,
Department of Materials Science and
Engineering, University of ErlangenNuremberg, Germany, and visiting pro-
fessor of materials science at Imperial
College London,
United Kingdom. His
research is in the area
of glasses, ceramics
and composites for
biomedical, functional
and structural applications. Recent research has focused on
the development of scaffold materials
for tissue engineering and electrophoretic deposition techniques for nanomaterials. He is editor-in-chief of
Materials Letters and founded the
International Conference Series on
Electrophoretic Deposition. Boccaccini
is a member of the Basic Science
Division and NICE.
Randall M. German
is associate dean of
engineering at San
Diego State
University. German’s
research and teaching
deal with the netshape fabrication of
engineering materials
via sintering techniques. In recent years
his research has focused on microstructure control during sintering. Prior to
his 30 years in academics, German was
at Mott Corp., JM Ney Corp. and
Sandia National Laboratories. German
has authored more than 940 articles, 24
patents and 15 books. His book
Sintering Theory and Practice is the most
cited reference in sintering. He is affiliated with the Basic Science Division.
American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
Takashi Goto is a
professor at the
Institute for Materials
Research, Tohoku
University, Sendai,
Japan. He was the first
to prepare Ti3SiC2 by
and ferroelectric
BaTi2O5 by the floating zone method. Current research
interests are laser- and plasmaenhanced CVD of ceramic films at high
speeds and CVD coatings on ceramic
powders for spark plasma sintering. He
is chair of the Basic Science Division of
the Ceramic Society of Japan. He is a
member of the Engineering Ceramics
Division and a previous recipient of the
Richard M. Fulrath Award.
Yuichi Ikuhara is
professor and director
of the Nanotechnology Center,
Institute of
Innovation at the
University of Tokyo.
Current research
interests are interface and grain-boundary phenomena, transmission electron
microscopy, high-temperature ceramics,
dislocations, bicrystal experiments and
theoretical calculations. He is a previous recipient of the ACerS Fulrath
Award. He is on the editorial board of
Materials Science and Engineering: A and
Materials Transaction. He is a member
of the board of directors at the
Microscopy Society of Japan. He is a
member of Basic Science Division.
Akira Kohyama is
professor in the
Graduate School of
Materials Engineering,
Muroran (National)
Institute of
Technology and director general of the
Organization of
Advanced Sustainability Initiative for
Energy System/Materials. He is professor emeritus of Kyoto University and
director general of the Institute of
American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
Advanced Energy, Kyoto University.
Kohyama’s work encompasses a wide
range of nuclear fission and fusion
materials problems from fundamental
radiation damage study to low activation material process R&D, reactor
component design and fabrication systems integration. He has researched silicon carbide-based fiber and composite
materials for more than 30 years. His is
active in the Fusion Energy Committee,
Japan Academy of Science, and the
Atomic Energy Society of Japan. He is
a member of the Nuclear and
Environmental Technology Division.
Kimberly E. Kurtis is
professor in the
School of Civil and
Engineering at
Georgia Institute of
Technology. Kurtis’
research on multiscale
structure and performance of cement-based materials has
resulted in more than 100 technical
publications and two US patents. She
was 2008–2009 chair of ACerS
Cements Division. Kurtis has served as
associate editor of the ASCE Journal of
Materials in Civil Engineering and is an
editorial board member for Cement and
Concrete Composites.
Oh-Hun Kwon is
director of ceramic
technology at the
Northboro R&D
Center of SaintGobain in Northboro,
Mass. His current
research area is mateKwon
rials for energy solutions, functionalization of polymer
composites and construction products
with ceramics and coatings. He is interested in developing innovative processes for multiscale composite materials
and components. He was a key contributor to the development of a family of
electrostatic-discharge dissipative
ceramics, which won Saint-Gobain the
ACerS 2005 Corporate Technical
Achievement Award. He is a member
of the ACerS Corporate Technical
Achievement Award Committee and
the Basic Science Division.
Meilin Liu is regents’
professor of materials
science and engineering and codirector of
the Center for
Innovative Fuel Cell
and Battery Technologies at the Georgia
Institute of Technology. Current research activities include
modeling, simulation and in situ characterization of charge and mass transport in ionic and electronic conductors;
fabrication and evaluation of ceramic
membranes, thin films and coatings;
and design, fabrication and testing of
mesoporous and nanostructured electrodes and devices for energy storage
and conversion. He is affiliated with
the Electronics Division of ACerS, is a
previous recipient of the Ross Coffin
Purdy Award and is a winner of an NSF
National Young Investigator Award.
Toshio Ogawa is professor of electronic
materials science and
engineering in the
Department of
Electrical and
Electronic Engineering and head of
the Graduate School,
Shizuoka Institute of Science and
Technology, Japan. Ogawa’s research
focuses on functional materials, such as
ferroelectric ceramics, thin films and
single crystals, and their applications.
His current interests are dielectric and
piezoelectric properties in ceramics and
single crystals with respect to ferroelectric domain structures. He has authored
more than 100 journal articles and 170
patents and is an editorial board member of Ceramics International. He
belongs to the Electronics Division of
ACerS. Previously he was recognized
with the ACerS Fulrath Pacific Award.
Eugene A. Olevsky is distinguished
professor of mechanical engineering and
2011 Fellows
the director of the
Powder Technology
Laboratory at the San
Diego State
University. Olevsky’s
primary interests are
computational modeling and experimentaOlevsky
tion on powder processing, including novel ceramic, metallic and composite material synthesis.
The SDSU Powder Technology
Laboratory that he directs researches
spark plasma sintering and multiscale
analysis of various powder-processing
techniques. He is the author of the
internationally recognized continuum
theory of sintering. Olevsky is a member
of the ACerS Basic Science Division,
cochair of the series of International
Sintering Conferences and coorganizer
of the MS&T symposium on Controlled
Synthesis Processing and Applications
of Structural and Functional
Xiaoqing Pan is professor of materials science
and engineering at the
University of
Michigan, and director
of its Electron
Microbeam Analysis
Laboratory. He also is
chief scientist of the
CAS International Innovative Team on
Multifunctional Oxide Materials and
Applications. Pan’s research focuses on
understanding the atomic-scale structure–property relationships of advanced
materials, including transition metal
compounds, nanostructured ferroelectrics
and multiferroics, oxide semiconductors,
novel superconductors and intelligent
automotive catalysts. He received the
NSF CAREER Award and was a named
a National Distinguished Professor, the
most prestigious visiting professorship in
China. Pan is a member of Basic Science
and Electronics Divisions.
Susan B. Sinnott is professor of materials science and engineering at the
University of Florida in Gainesville.
Current interests include developing
new methodologies for the atomistic
simulation of materials, using atomic-scale
simulations to examine the origin of friction and wear at interfaces and combining
electronic structure
and thermodynamic
calculations to predict
defect formation in metal oxides.
Sinnott belongs to the ACerS Basic
Science Division, is a member of the
ACerS Nominations Committee and
is past chair of the ACerS Member
Services Committee.
Dane R. Spearing is
deputy group leader of
the Nuclear Materials
Science Group at Los
Alamos National
Laboratory. His
research has focused on
long-term storage of
plutonium compounds
in ceramic and nonceramic packages,
resulting in a revised DOE storage standard. Spearing is a member of the
Nuclear and Environmental Technology
Division and was division chair in 2005–
2006. He has edited five Ceramic
Transactions volumes. He served on the
Society’s Legislative and Public Affairs
Committee, the Member Services
Committee, and the Internet Task Force.
Susanne Stemmer is
professor of materials
at the University of
California, Santa
Barbara. Her research
interests are in transmission electron
microscopy techStemmer
niques, in particular,
the development of scanning transmission electron microscopy as a quantitative tool in materials science; novel
gate dielectrics; oxide thin-film growth;
and the correlation between structure
and the electronic and transport properties of oxide heterostructures. In
2000, she received an NSF CAREER
Award. Stemmer is a member of the
Basic Science Division and has organized several conference symposia for
ACerS. She was the program cochair of
the Basic Science Division in 2006–
2007, and she and her coauthors
received the Edward C. Henry Best
Paper Award from the Society in 2006.
Inna Talmy recently
retired from the Naval
Surface Warfare
Center where she was
distinguished ceramic
scientist. Her research
efforts were in dielectric ceramics, superTalmy
conductors, non-oxide
structural ceramics and ceramic-matrix
composites, and she directed the development of celsian and phosphate
ceramics for next-generation tactical
missile radomes. Talmy led the
Advanced Ceramics Group at NSWC,
which researched and developed ceramics for radomes and high-temperature
materials for hypersonic and strategic
missile applications. Talmy is active in
the Engineering Ceramics Division.
Her work generated more than 100
publications and 20 patents.
Andrew A.
Wereszczak is distinguished staff scientist at
Oak Ridge National
Laboratory. His career
has involved experimental characterization
and modeling of the
relationship between
the mechanical response of brittle materials and their microstructure, and the
design of structural components. His
research has applications for advanced
gas turbine and internal combustion
engines, glass manufacturing, opaque and
transparent armor, hybrid bearings, gun
barrel liners, electronic devices and energy. Wereszczak is a member and past
chair of the Engineering Ceramics
Division, was technical program chair of
the 2008 International Conference on
Ceramics and Advanced Composites,
and presently serves on ACerS Member
Services Committee. He is a past recipient of the Richard M. Fulrath Award.
American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
Society awards
W. David Kingery Award, to recognize
distinguished lifelong achievements involving multidisciplinary and global contributions to ceramic technology, science, education and art.
Zuhair A. Munir earned
his BS in chemical engineering and his MS and
PhD in materials science
(ceramics), all from the
University of California,
Berkeley. He joined the
faculty of the University of California,
Davis, as professor of materials science
in 1972 and was made distinguished professor in the Department of Chemical
Engineering and Materials Science. He
served the university as associate dean
and then as dean of the College of
Engineering. He is now dean emeritus.
Munir has received numerous awards
and honors, including the ACerS
Jeppson Award, the Humboldt Award
for Senior Scientists, the Outstanding
Educator Award of the Ceramic
Educational Council of ACerS, the
Nano 50 Award “for innovations that
are expected to impact the state of the
art in nanotechnology,” the UC Davis
Prize, and (the highest campus award
for extraordinary scholarship and outstanding teaching) and he twice won
the NSF’s Creativity Award.
Munir is a Fellow of ACerS,
Fellow of ASM International and an
Academician of the World Academy
of Ceramics. He was an associate editor
of the Journal of the American Ceramic
Society, and served on the society’s
Phase Equilibria committee, the Global
Task Force and the Jeppson Award
committee. Munir was editor-in-chief
for the Journal of Materials Synthesis and
Processing, principal editor for Journal
of Materials Research and editor for the
Journal of Materials Science.
Munir’s research has focused on
field-activated processes, including
fundamental work on the spark plasma
sintering process for which he is considered a leading world authority. He is
the author of more than 480 technical
American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
14 US patents, and one
German patent.
He is coeditor
of nine symposium proceedings.
John Jeppson
Award, to
recognize distinguished scientific, technical
or engineering
Mrityunjay “Jay”
Singh is chief scientist,
Ohio Aerospace Institute,
NASA Glenn Research
Center, Cleveland, Ohio.
A member of the Board of
Governors of Acta Materialia Inc. and
Academician of the World Academy of
Ceramics, he serves as president of the
WAC Nomination Committee and is a
member WAC’s Advisory Board.
Singh is a Fellow of ACerS, ASM
International and the American
Association for the Advancement of
Science. He has received more than
42 national and international awards,
including four R&D 100 awards, the
ASM International-IIM Visiting
Lectureship, ASM International’s
Jacques-Lucas Award, and the ACerS
Richard M. Fulrath, Samuel Geijsbeek,
James I. Mueller and President’s Awards.
Singh was elected a member of the
International Institute for the Science
of Sintering, Belgrade, Serbia, and was
given honorary membership in the
Materials Research Society of India.
He has edited or coedited 37 books
and five journal volumes, authored or
coauthored nine book chapters/invited
reviews and more than 230 papers in
journals and edited volumes. He serves
on the advisory boards and committees of more than a dozen international
journals and technical publications.
Robert L. Coble Award for Young
Scholars, to recognize an outstanding
scientist who is conducting research in
academia, in industry or at a governmentfunded laboratory.
Olivier Guillon is an
Emmy Noether Group
Leader at the Institute of
Materials Science,
Technische Universität
Darmstadt, Germany. His
position is funded by the
German Research Foundation.
He earned his PhD from the
Université de Franche-Comté in France
in 2003 studying the electromechanical
behavior of ferroelectric ceramics. After
joining TU Darmstadt in 2004, he
visited the University of Washington,
Seattle, in 2006 and assumed his current position in 2007.
Guillon has authored or coauthored
40 papers in peer-reviewed journals,
two patents and two book chapters. His
research interests focus on constrained
sintering and drying of layered systems,
field-assisted sintering techniques/spark
plasma sintering and particle-size effects
on phase transformation behavior.
He has been an ACerS member affiliated with the Basic Science Division
since 2006.
Society Awards
Karl Schwartzwalder–Professional
Achievement in Ceramic Engineering
Award, an ACerS/NICE award, recognizes the nation’s outstanding young
ceramic engineer whose achievements have
been significant to the profession and to the
general welfare of the American people.
James G. Hemrick has
been a research staff
member at Oak Ridge
National Laboratory, Oak
Ridge, Tenn., since 2009.
He holds PhD and BS
degrees in ceramic engineering from the Missouri University
of Science & Technology and an MS
in materials science and engineering
from Georgia Institute of Technology.
Before starting his current position, he
was a research associate and postdoctoral fellow at ORNL. He has authored
or coauthored more than 45 technical
papers, been coeditor on one book, and
holds one US patent.
His primary research interests are
refractory ceramics, thermal management and materials characterization.
Hemrick has been the primary or
coinvestigator of projects on nanoscale
interpenetrating phase composite materials, mechanical testing of insulation
material for space applications, materials development for heat exchangers
in microturbine and fuel cell systems,
and materials selection for black liquor
Hemrick is a member and past chair
of the Refractory Ceramics Division, a
member of NICE and of Keramos.
Ross Coffin Purdy Award, to recognize
an author or authors who made the most
valuable contribution to the ceramic technical literature in 2010.
The award winning paper: D.
Pergolesi, E. Fabbri, A. D’Epifanio, E.
Di Bartolomeo, A. Tebano, S. Sanna,
S. Licoccia, G. Balestrino, E. Traversa,
“High proton conduction in grainboundary-free yttrium-doped barium
zirconate films grown by pulsed laser
deposition, ” Nature Materials, 9 846–
52 (2010).
Giuseppe Balestrino is full professor
of physics of matter at
CNR SPIN & University
of Roma Tor Vergata,
Italy. Balestrino’s research
has focused on the synthesis and physical investigaBalestrino
tion of novel materials
with interesting properties. His
approach is to follow the whole process
from materials synthesis (in the form of
polycrystalline pellets, single crystals,
thin films and complex heterostructures) to their structural and physical
Alessandra D’Epifanio is
assistant professor in the
Department of Chemical
Science and Technology
at the University of Rome
D’Epifanio Tor Vergata, Italy, where
she also coordinates the
Electrochemistry Laboratory for Energy
in the department. She researches the
synthesis and physico-chemical characterization of nanostructured materials
for energy, environmental and biomedical applications. Her present activity is
focused on innovative materials for
polymeric and solid oxide fuel cells.
Elisabetta Di Bartolomeo
is assistant professor in
the Department of
Chemical Science and
Technology at the
Bartolomeo University of Rome Tor
Vergata, Italy. Her
research is focused on synthesis, design
and characterization of functional
ceramic materials for chemical sensors
and solid oxide fuel cells at high and
intermediate temperatures.
Emiliana Fabbri is a
researcher at the
International Research
Center for Materials
Nanoarchitectonics at the
National Institute for
Materials Science,
Tsukuba, Japan. She researches the
development and characterization of
new materials for intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells based on
ceramic proton-conducting electrolytes.
In particular, she is interested in developing a proton-conducting electrolyte
material with high proton conductivity
and chemical stability in the intermediate temperature range.
Silvia Licoccia is professor of chemical foundations of technology in the
Faculty of Engineering at
the University of Rome
Tor Vergata, Italy. Her
research interests center
on the synthesis and characterization of
nanostructured materials for energy,
environmental and biomedical applications with special emphasis on polymeric, solid oxide and microbial fuel cells.
Daniele Pergolesi is a
researcher at the
International Research
Center for Materials
Nanoarchitectonics of the
National Institute for
Materials Science,
Tsukuba, Japan. His research interests
include the charge transport mechanisms in oxygen-ion- and proton-conducting ceramic oxides. Previous
research activity focused on thin-film
deposition technology for the fabrication
of nanostructured materials for energy.
Simone Sanna is postdoctoral researcher in the
Department of Physics at
the University of Rome La
Sapienza, Italy. His
research in the last five
years has been devoted to
the deposition and characterization of
ultra-thin films, heterostructures and
superlattices with a low interfacial disorder by pulsed laser deposition with in-situ
RHEED diagnostics (Laser-MBE). He
has expanded his research to promising
materials for solid state hydrogen storage.
Antonello Tebano is a
researcher at the
University of Rome Tor
Vergata, Italy. He studies
physical phenomena
American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
occurring at the surfaces and interfaces of
oxide heterostructures and superlattice
thin films in order to realize materials
with improved performances for solid
oxide fuel cells. Previous research interests include deposition and characterization of diamond and diamond-like films
as well as deposition and characterization
of nanostructured cuprate superconductor thin films. He is experienced with
advanced deposition techniques, such as
pulsed laser deposition and PLD with insitu RHEED diagnostics (Laser-MBE).
Enrico Traversa is principal investigator at the
International Research
Center for Materials
Nanoarchitectonics at the
National Institute for
Materials Science,
Tsukuba, Japan. His research interests
are in nanostructured materials for environment, energy and healthcare, with
special attention to solid oxide fuel cells.
Richard and Patricia Spriggs Phase
Equilibria Award, to honor the author or
authors who made the most valuable contribution to phase stability relationships in
ceramic-based systems literature in 2010.
The award winning paper: D-H.
Woo, H-G. Lee, “Phase Equilibria of
the MnO–SiO2–Al2O3–MnS System,”
Journal of the American Ceramic Society,
93 [7] 2098–106 (2010).
Hae-Geon Lee is professor at the Pohang
University of Science and
Technology, Pohang,
Korea. Best known for his
work in process metallurLee
gy, in particular, hightemperature ferrous production technology, Lee is currently devoting himself to developing a new innovative
process of steelmaking and understanding atomistic principles of interfacial
reactions between ionic and nonpolar
immiscible liquids at high temperatures.
Dae-Hee Woo is a researcher in the
steelmaking research group of the
Technical Research Laboratories at the
Pohang Iron and Steel Company,
American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
Korea. The paper for
which he is receiving the
2011 Spriggs Phase
Equilibria Award was part
of his PhD work, which
focused on the utilization
and control of oxide, sul-
fide and carbonitride fine particles in
steels to improve their physical properties. His current research interests
include understanding the segregation
phenomenon and the precipitation of
non-metallic particles during solidification of steels. n
Class awards
ACerS/NICE: Arthur Frederick
Greaves-Walker Lifetime Service
Award, to honor an individual who
has rendered outstanding service to the
ceramic engineering profession and who,
by life and career, has exemplified the
aims, ideals and purpose of the National
Institute of Ceramic Engineers.
Elizabeth (Beth) Judson
is receiving the 2011
Greaves-Walker award
posthumously. She and
her husband Jim Judson
died in a small plane
accident on Oct. 26,
2010. At the time of her death,
Judson was an Alfred University trustee and a member of the Engineering
Accreditation Commission and the
Board of Directors of the
Accreditation Board for Engineering
and Technology (ABET). She also
was on the advisory boards of the
materials science and engineering programs at Georgia Institute of
Technology and Clemson University.
She did her undergraduate work at
Alfred University and earned MS and
PhD degrees from Georgia Tech.
Judson worked for Alcoa directly
out of college and one of her last
positions was with a Georgia Tech
VentureLab company, Verco
Materials, which commercialized
boron carbide for armor applications.
Her research interests included
ceramic superconductors, and her
PhD work centered on dimensional
accuracy in rapid prototyping of
Judson joined ACerS in 1979
and was active in various divisions
and regional groups throughout her
career. She was deeply involved in
The American Ceramic Society and
the National Institute of Ceramic
Engineers and was the president of
NICE at the time of her death. She
was a true advocate for the profession
of ceramic engineering.
Ceramic Educational Council:
Outstanding Educator Award, to
recognize truly outstanding work and
creativity in teaching, directing student
research or the general educational process of ceramic educators.
Susan TrolierMcKinstry is professor
of ceramic science and
engineering and director
of the W.M. Keck
Trolier-McKinstry Smart Materials
Integration Laboratory
at Pennsylvania State University.
Her main research interests include
dielectric and piezoelectric thin films,
the development of texture in bulk
ceramic piezoelectrics and spectroscopic ellipsometry.
Trolier-McKinstry is a Fellow of
ACerS, Academician of the World
Academy of Ceramics, Fellow of
IEEE and a member of the Materials
Research Society. She is past president of Keramos and the Ceramic
Educational Council and is very
active in several IEEE groups.
She is a previous recipient of the
ACerS Fulrath and Robert Coble
Awards, a National Security Science
and Engineering Fellowship, the
Wilson Awards for Outstanding
Teaching and Excellence in Research
at Penn State, the Materials Research
Laboratory Outstanding Faculty
Award and a National Science
Foundation CAREER grant. She is
particularly proud that 18 people she
advised or coadvised have gone on
to take faculty positions around the
world. n
Medical applications of
zirconium oxide hybrid
In May 2009, the Bulletin first introduced readers to a rapid microscale prototyping process,
two-photon polymerization, and the biomedical
research being conducted by a group led by
Roger Narayan at the Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of North Carolina
and North Carolina State University. Back then,
Narayan reported on his group’s use of organically modified Ormocer, a silica-based biocompatible resin that worked well with 2PP methods.
Since that time, Narayan has looked to expand
the portfolio of materials that could be used to
match the properties of certain biological tissues
being targeted for replacement or to better meet
the requirements of biomedical devices.
One set of materials for use with 2PP that subsequently caught their interest is inorganic–organic
zirconium oxide hybrids because of their unusual
properties, including high hardness, optical
transparency and chemical inertness.
In this report, Narayan and the other authors
review the uses of this hybrid material and 2PP
in tissue-engineering scaffolds, microscale valves,
microfluidic devices, drug-screening devices,
drug-delivery devices, bone prostheses and other
medical devices.
Although a great deal of additional research is still
needed, the potential benefit to the
medical community is high. As the authors note,
the most significant barrier to the creation of artificial tissues and organs is the lack of appropriate
scaffold materials.
n this review, we
consider the use
of zirconium oxide hybrid
materials in tissue-engineering scaffolds, microscale
valves, microfluidic devices,
drug-screening devices,
drug delivery devices, bone
prostheses and other medical devices.
Along these lines, we also present
a novel approach for processing zirconium oxide hybrid materials via twophoton polymerization.
Some investigators1 have considered
the use of zirconium oxide hybrid materials for creating artificial bone using
“tissue engineering.” This innovative
strategy for developing artificial bone
and other tissues and organs, uses synthetic scaffolds with cells placed within
a scaffold to facilitate cell development.
The cell-seeded scaffold then is placed
in a bioreactor that provides nutrients
that allow cells to divide within the
scaffold. The scaffold is subsequently
implanted in the body, where the tissue
or organ can resume normal function.
Although the development of
artificial tissues and organs would be
an enormous achievement, the most
significant roadblock to the development of functional artificial tissues and
organs is the lack of appropriate scaffold materials.
Early approaches: Sol–gel
The earliest efforts to use these materials for medical applications took place
by P.R. Miller
S.D. Gittard
B.N. Chichkov
R.J. Narayan
in the mid 1990s. Filiaggi et al.2 prepared approximately 60–110 nanometer
thick zirconia thin films on Ti-6Al-4V
alloy (commonly used in medical and
dental bone prostheses) via a polymeric
alkoxide sol–gel approach. These films,
prepared using dip coating, were largely
crack free. However, they found submicrometer scale defects (e.g., pinholes).
When the team annealed the films
to 500°C, they found the materials
contained a mixture of tetragonal and
cubic phases.
Later, Balamurugan et al.3 deposited
0.5–1.0-micrometer-thick polymeric
zirconia sol–gel films on 316L stainlesssteel substrates by means of dip coating.
Cyclic polarization studies indicated
that zirconia sol–gel-coated stainless
steel possessed better corrosion resistance than uncoated stainless steel.
Zhang et al.4 prepared closed microchannel structures, including micromixers and microsplitters, out of a
sol–gel material containing zirconium
propoxide and 3-methacryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane (using 2–3 weight
percent Irgacure 184 as a photoinitiator). They prepared 22–24-micrometer-deep closed channel structures
by attaching two surfaces with corresponding 10–12-micrometer-deep
channels by means of wafer bonding.
A 100–200 nanometer thick copper
layer was utilized for enhancing light
efficiency and reducing light scattering.
The advantage of using sol–gel
materials for microfluidic device
fabrication, such as that mentioned
above, is that these materials may be
processed using conventional solvents
(e.g., acetone and propanol) instead of
proprietary developer solutions.
Catauro et al.5 showed that zircoAmerican Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
An introduction to hybrid
ceramic materials and zirconia
Organic–inorganic hybrid materials are the products of inorganic polymerization processes, commonly
hydrolysis of metal alkoxides followed by polycondensation of alkoxyl and hydroxyl groups.33 The resulting
materials have three-dimensional networks with a
mixture of organic and inorganic phases that typically
have dimensions on the order of 1–100 nanometers.
The organic groups control porosity and limit
shrinkage by filling the gaps in the inorganic oxide network,34 and the small dimensions of the component
materials can lead to optical transparency.33 Properties
of the components can be independently optimized.
For example, the electronic and optical properties of
these materials may be modified through incorporation
of conductive polymers and organic dyes, respectively.33
There are two types of hybrid materials: “class I,”
in which weak interactions (e.g., ionic bonding, hydrogen bonding or van der Waals forces) provide structural cohesion, and “class II,” in which ionic–covalent
bonds or covalent bonds provide structural cohesion.5
Hybrid materials have been prepared using aluminum, cerium, molybdenum, silicon, tin, titanium, tungsten, vanadium and zirconium,5 that can be readily
modified with dopants25 and can incorporate functional
groups through guest–host or side chain–main chain
Researchers have included biologically relevant
materials within hybrid materials and have, for
example, incorporated silver within triethoxysilane as
well as tetraethoxysilane-terminated poly(ethylene
glycol)-block-polyethylene materials prepared by
means of a sol–gel process.7 These transparAmerican Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
als from a mixture of
poly(epsilon-caprolactone), yttrium chloride,
zirconium propoxide, chloroform and water. They
then loaded indomethacin
or ketoprofen into the
zirconium oxide sol–gel
microspheres using a single-step, sol–gel approach.
As with the ampicillin,
they looked at the release
of these anti-inflammatory
agents in simulated body
Fig. 1. TEM micrographs of (a) HA–8YSZ and (b)
fluid and found that,
HA–3YSZ composite nanopowders calcined at 950°C for
unlike the linear release of 1 hour. The nanoparticle size distribution and morphology
pure pharmacologic agents, of the composites obtained from the sol–gel method can
the microspheres exhibited be observed.
initial burst and subseinorganic hybrid materials by a sol–gel
quent logarithmic time-release behavior. approach.7 They developed composite
Russo et al.1 created poly(epsilonmaterials in which poly(epsilon-caprocaprolactone)/zirconium oxide organic–
lactone)/zirconium oxide organic–inor-
(Credit S. Salehi and M.H. Fathi, Ceramics International, Vol. 36.)
nium oxide hybrid material can be used
for drug delivery. Zirconium oxidepoly(epsilon-caprolactone) was synthesized via a sol–gel approach, in which
hydrogen bonding between Zr–OH
groups and carboxylic acid groups provided structural cohesion. The average
domain size was 19 nanometers. They
incorporated ampicillin and then demonstrated (in simulated body fluid) that
ampicillin release occurred in two stages: an initial burst phase followed by a
lag phase. In addition, they immersed
the sol–gel materials into simulated
body fluid for 21 days and found a layer
of hydroxyapatite had formed on the
Catauro et al.6 also made hybrid
class I materials (see below) containing poly(epsilon-caprolactone) and
zirconia–yttria. Again using a sol–gel
approach, they prepared these materi-
ent 0.6–1.1-micrometer-thick films demonstrated
antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli and
Staphylococcus aureus in agar diffusion and liquid
medium assays.
Sol–gel processing of hybrid materials provides
several advantages, including well-controlled compositions plus easy processing and modification.28, 33 In
addition, it is usually performed under atmospheric
pressure,6 and the polymerization of the organic
groups can occur at low temperatures.34 Sol–gel
materials prepared can be deposited on a wide variety
of substrates,6 and several methods are commonly
used for depositing these coatings, including dip
coating, electrophoresis, spin coating and spraying.28
Further, sol–gel processing is compatible with industrial use because of low equipment costs.2
Zirconium oxide sol–gel materials
Zirconium oxide hybrid materials have been
considered for a variety of technological applications
because of their high transparency to visible light as
well as near-infrared light, high refractive index and
large optical band gap (5.1–7.8 electron volts).35
Another plus is that, unlike titanium oxide, catalytic
photodegradation of organic materials is not a concern
with zirconium oxide.34
Early work on zirconium oxide-based sol–gel
materials involved fabrication of waveguides for optical
and sensing applications. For example, a soda-lime
glass coated with zirconium oxide (using a zirconium
propoxide precursor) exhibited an amorphous structure
and 80 percent transmission of visible light.36
One of the authors of the accompanying paper,
Roger Narayan, explained that, for biomedical applications, the advantage of zirconium-containing hybrid
materials is largely based on their high mechanical
stability and strength. He said the properties stiffness and hardness correlate directrly with zirconium
concentration in these materials. Zirconium:silicon
inorganic–organic hybrid materials containing up to
10 percent zirconium can have a hardness values and
Young’s modulus values of 90–530 megapascals and
1.5–6.0 gigapascals, respectively.
Narayan said in an interview with the Bulletin that
because of these mechanical properties, the use of
zirconium oxide in medical devices, particularly bone
prostheses, is generally of interest. For example,
Kokubo et al.37 showed that zirconia surfaces
immersed in simulated body fluid form apatite, a
phosphate material similar to bone mineral. In addition,
zirconium oxide sol–gel materials can provide high
wear and corrosion resistance to medical devices.7
Several investigators, including the authors, have
recently examined use of zirconium oxide hybrid
materials for medical applications that were prepared
using sol–gel approaches and then modified using
two-photon polymerization, a laser-based process.
Narayan said, “With 2PP, many of the traditional
beginning materials have come from microelectronics processes, but are not optimized for biomedical
processes. Our goal is to try to better match the properties of tissues we are trying to replace, or to better
meet the requirements of the biomedical device we
are trying to build. … That is really the guiding aspect
behind the work: Trying to find materials that have
different properties and better fit for med applications.
In this case, our requirements were to find a material
with higher hardness and stiffness.”
Narayan said the bone-related uses are the most
important potential biomedication applications for
zirconium oxide hybrid materials, but there are more.
“There are other ideas for uses, such as structures
that are scaffolds. It is easy to imagine applications,
such as drug-delivery devices and sensors, that would
benefit from the higher hardness and stiffness we can
achieve,” he said.
Medical applications of zirconium oxide hybrid materials
Rapid prototyping with twophoton polymerization
Several investigators recently have
examined the use of a rapid prototyping method known as two-photon
polymerization to create structures out
of zirconium oxide hybrid materials for
medical and other technological applications.9, 10 The 2PP method involves
fabrication of a structure with microscale
and/or nanoscale features in an additive
manner from a computer-aided design
model. Goeppert-Mayer11 theoretically
proposed multiphoton absorption (a
single quantum event involving interactions between more than one photon
and either a molecule or an atom). In
subsequent work, Kaiser and Garrett12
experimentally demonstrated twophoton excitation, and they formed blue
light (l = 425 nanometer) by irradiating
CaF2:Eu2+ with ruby laser light (l = 694
In 2PP, a femtosecond laser beam is
tightly focused within
a near-infrared-lighttransparent photosensitive material, causing
a nearly simultaneous
absorption of two
near-infrared photons
Fig. 2. Three-dimensional photonic crystal structures prowithin a small volume duced by the 2PP technique.
in the photosensitive
acid). Thus, a soft lithography-based
material.13–15 The energy associated with
two-photon absorption is analogous to
indirect rapid prototyping approach may
the energy associated with a single phobe used to create replicas of complex
ton in the ultraviolet light region of the
structures, including ones with small feaelectromagnetic spectrum.
tures, small gaps and overhangs.
Femtosecond titanium:sapphire
lasers (approximately 800-nanometer
The attraction of zirconium oxide
wavelength) are used in many 2PP studIn recent years, 2PP has been used to
ies. These lasers produce high energy
create structures out of zirconium oxide
intensity in the focal volume because of
hybrid materials, organically modified
their high peak power and short pulse
ceramic materials and titanium-conwidth, and photopolymerization takes
taining sol–gel composites.22–24
place in a localized volume. The unit
Bhuian4 et al.25 originally described
volume of material polymerized using
use of 2PP with zirconium oxide hybrid
2PP is known as a voxel (volumetric
materials, preparing microscale strucpixel). The minimum size of features
tures—including a pillar and woodpile
in a 2PP-fabricated structure is related
structure—out of a zirconium:silicon
to resin photosensitivity, voxel–voxel
inorganic–organic hybrid matedistance, numerical aperture of the
rial. A significant advantage of
objective lens, exposure time and laser
zirconium:silicon inorganic–organic
power.16, 17 Maruo et al.18 first demonhybrid materials for 2PP is it can be
strated 2PP of small-scale devices and
used in dry film form so that the use
prepared three-dimensional structures,
of a containment cell or use of index
including 7-micrometer-diameter spiral
matching fluids is not required. The
structures, using a urethane acrylate
vertical pillar had a height of 150
micrometers, a width of 60 micromBesides not requiring a specialized
eters, a thickness of 4 micrometers
environment (e.g., clean room faciliand a Ra roughness value of 14 nanoties), another 2PP advantage is that it
meters. The woodpile structure had
is suitable for commercial use. Finally,
a 2.5-micrometer period and a linear
fabricators can use indirect rapid protoshrinkage rate of 10–16 percent.
typing methods (which involve replica
Ovsianikov et al.26 examined shrinkmolding, microcontact molding, microage of zirconium sol–gel materials in
contact printing or microtransfer moldgreater detail. They used 2PP to process
ing)13 that can replicate 2PP-fabricated
hybrid materials in gel form, which
structures.19–21 For example, Koroleva
contained up to 30 percent zirconium
et al.31 prepared a master structure for
propoxide. They described a multistep
a 3D tissue-engineering scaffold out of
process for formation of the final sol–
Ormocomp organically modified ceramic gel material. The steps include:
material. They subsequently used an
• Formation of covalent Si–O–Si,
indirect rapid prototyping approach
Si–O–Zr and Zr–O–Zr groups by means
to fabricate replica structures out of
of hydrolysis and condensation;
Ormocore organically modified ceramic
• Formation of metal–oxygen–metal
material and biodegradable poly(lactic
moieties within the inorganic matrix by
(Credit: A. Ovsianikov, J. Viertl, B. Chichkov, M. Oubaha,
B. MacCraith, L. Sakellari, A. Giakoumaki, D. Gray, M.
Vamvakaki, M. Farsari and C. Fotakis, ACS Nano 2 22572262 (2008). )
ganic hybrid material served as a filler
and poly(epsilon-caprolactone) served
as a matrix. They found that 88 weight
percent zirconium oxide and 12 weight
percent poly(epsilon-caprolactone)
exhibited appropriate biological and
mechanical properties for use in bone
tissue engineering.
Salehi and Fathi8 used a sol–gel
approach to prepare HA/30 weight percent yttria-stabilized zirconia nanopowder. They doped zirconia with 0.8 mole
percent yttria by reacting zirconium
alkoxides with yttrium acetate. These
samples contained 20–30-nanometer
spherical YSZ particles and irregularly
shaped 40–80-nanometer HA particles,
with the YSZ nanoparticles homogeneously distributed among the HA
nanoparticles (Fig. 1). The nanoparticles clustered to form 500-nanometer
to 8-micrometer aggregates. They found
that the yttrium segregation at grain
boundaries provided an obstacle to YSZ
particle growth and that the calcium–
zirconium ion exchange increases the
HA unit cell volume. Calcining the
HA–YSZ nanopowder at 950°C produced a material with larger grain sizes
and higher crystallinity. According to
Salehi and Fathi, an advantage of this
processing is the homogeneous nature
of sol–gel-prepared nanopowders.
American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
In recent work,
Liu et al.29 demonstrated use of zirconium oxide-based
sol–gels for fabricating microcavities,
which may be used
Fig. 3. Images of (a) longitudinal cross sections of whole
as high-Q whispering
microvalves and (b) cross sections of half their total length
mode galleries. Their
microvalves (increasing laser power from left to right).
polymerized zirconium
material exhibited a
condensation of hydroxyl groups; and
at 1550 nano• Formation of aliphatic C–C bonds
during free radical polymerization of the
of 14
organic groups.
micromThe polymerization step is associeters and a distance of 2 micrometers)
ated neither with volume change nor
was supported by a micropillar. Quality
with material removal. In the final step,
factors up to 1.48 3 105 were obtained
unpolymerized material is removed from
from these whispering gallery microthe sol–gel structure by immersion in
cavities, and AFM indicated that the
an appropriate solvent. They prepared
device exhibited a surface roughness
3.6-micrometer-long free-hanging lines
plus woodpile photonic crystal structures below 12 nanometers. These structures
may be useful for restricting light to
from a material with a 2:8 zirconium
small dielectric volumes for low-threshpropoxide:methacryloxypropyl trimeold lasers and biosensors.
thoxysilane ratio. There was negligible
Malinauskas et al.30 utilized 2PP
distortion or shrinkage of the material
to prepare microlenses out of a
associated with 2PP processing. This
zirconium:silicon hybrid sol–gel materesult was attributed to the high coherial. An advantage of 2PP over other
sion of the sol–gel components (Fig. 2).
microlens fabrication approaches is that
Nonuniform shrinkage is one sigit enables processing of multicomponent
nificant concern when fabricating
joined optical systems. These structures
small-scale structures, because it may
have potential applications in a variety
compromise device functionality.
of medical devices, including medical
Ovsianikov et al. showed that woodinstruments and imaging devices. In this
pile structures fabricated with 2PP out
case, the group made the microlenses
of zirconium:silicon hybrid materials
from Ormosil (SZ2080) that contains
exhibited clear bandstops. They subthe photoinitiator Michler’s ketone
sequently evaluated shrinkage in 2PP
woodpile photonic crystal structures
and found a minimum lateral resolution They note that the refractive index of
Ormosil is similar to that of glass, which
of 100.28 High shrinkage (18 percent)
minimized refraction at the lens–glass
was observed just above the polymerinterface. They made the microlens via
ization threshold. In contrast, for laser
two methods: forming rings with diminpower ranges well above the polymerishing radii in a layer-by-layer manner;
ization threshold, little shrinkage was
and by forming a continuous spiral conobserved. However, they suggest that
sisting of circles with diminishing radii.
structures may be produced at low laser
The result was spherical lenses with radii
power if the geometry of the structure
of curvature between 15 and 92 micromfacilitates uniform shrinkage and/or if
eter and focal lengths between 23 ± 10
capillary forces are eliminated through
and 177 ± 10 micrometers. They attribuse of critical point drying.
uted the microlens’ very low roughness
value, 5.3 nanometers, to a minimization
Turning whispering galleries into
American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
of clustering.
Medical structures
Recent efforts have focused on using
2PP to fabricate medically relevant
structures out of zirconium oxide hybrid
materials. For example, Zukauskas et al.31
used a sol–gel process with Ormosil to
make 3D microscale structures. Several
of these 2PP structures were based on
fluorescent dye-doped Ormosil materials
(dopants included coumarin 152, DCM
LC6500, fluorescein and rhodamine 6G).
Fluorescence microscopy was used for
imaging the internal structural features.
Schizas et al.23 used 2PP to go as far
as creating micro check valves out of a
(Credit: Miller, et al.)
(Credit: Schizas, et al, International Journal of Advanced
Manufacturing Technology.)
biosensors and
other applications
Fig. 4. Scanning electron micrographs of
2PP tissue engineering scaffold created
out of zirconium oxide hybrid material.
(a) A closeup of hollow cylinders (radius
= 50 micrometers) SEM of three multilayered hexagonal tissue engineering scaffolds. (c) A microcomputed tomography
scan from within one layer of a sevenlayer tissue-engineering scaffold.
Fig. 5. A scaffold made by an indirect rapid-prototyping approach. (a) An SEM of
hollow cylinders in a portion of a replica
tissue-engineering scaffold. (b) An SEM
of a replica of a three-layer hexagonal
zirconium-containing organic–inorganic
hybrid sol–gel. These microvalves were
designed for use in small veins, allowing blood flow in one direction and
preventing blood flow in the reverse
direction. They created one of these
valves using a scanning speed of 100
micrometers per second, a hatching step
of 1 micrometer and a step height of 7
micrometers (Fig. 3). The dimensions
of the device were comparable to those
of the corresponding 3D computeraided design model. Importantly, the
valve’s internal cavities did not exhibit
stair-step features, a result attributed to
the vertical nature of the surface as well
as to the material resolution. This group
created another valve using a scanning
speed of 400 micrometers per second,
a hatching step of 0.2 micrometer and
a step height of 1.6 micrometers. (The
interior piston rod within this device
was manually actuated using a needle.)
Building a tissue-engineering
In our group’s recent work, we used
2PP to create scaffolds for tissue engineering in a layer-by-layer manner out
of a zirconium oxide hybrid material
using an experimental approach previously described by Ovsianikov et al.27
We prepare the scaffold by beginning
with a 20:80 zirconium:silicon sol–gel
material containing 2 weight percent
Irgacure 369 initiator. To remove
aggregates prior to use, the material
is passed through a 0.2 micrometer
syringe filter. Then, we pipette 60
microliters of material onto glass cover
slips, which are left overnight. We also
pretreat glass slides in a plasma etcher,
spin coat with TI Prime adhesion promoter and bake at 100°C for 10 minutes to form a gel.
For the next step of the 2PP process, we place the zirconium oxide
hybrid material gel on an inverted
glass slide. Next, we focus the laser
beam—a Ti:sapphire laser operated
using a 140-femtosecond-pulse width,
a 80-gigahertz repetition rate and
a 780-nanometer central emission
wavelength—on the gel using a 103
objective lens. Several previous studies7, 25, 26, 28 involving 2PP of zirconium
oxide hybrid materials used 503 or
1003 objective lenses. However, use
of a lower-power objective lens hastens
processing of larger structures. (Higherpower objectives are unsuitable for creating relatively large structures, such as
tissue-engineering scaffolds, because of
radial laser energy degradation.32)
For cylinder fabrication, we use a
galvanometric mirror scanner, plus
linear stages that enable movement
between the cylinders. Movement of
the stage is guided by a .STL format
drawing, which specifies parameters
such as cylinder diameter, cylinder
spacing, cylinder height and layer number. We calculate the initial position by
multiplying the scaffold layer number
by the cylinder height without overlapping with the next layer. This approach
prevents blocking of the beam by previously polymerized material. Following
the 2PP, we use propanol to remove
unpolymerized material.
Figure 4(a) shows a scanning electron micrograph of a portion of a tissueengineering scaffold. The hexagonal
scaffold is composed of an array of
hollow cylinders (radius = 50 micrometers), and each side of the scaffold con-
(Credit: Miller, et al.)
(Credit: Miller, et al.)
Medical applications of zirconium oxide hybrid materials
Fig. 6. A 3D grid structure for evaluating
cell behavior prepared from zirconium
oxide hybrid material using 2PP. (a)
An SEM of the entire grid structure. (b)
A closeup SEM of a portion of the grid
tains eight cylinders. We prepared this
scaffold using a z-spacing of 60 micrometers, an outer cylinder energy of 320
milliwatts and an inner cylinder energy
of 300 milliwatts. Figure 4(b) shows
three hexagonal tissue-engineering scaffolds with two, three and four layers.
Figure 4(c) shows a microcomputed
tomography scan from within one layer
of a seven-layer tissue engineering scaffold, which shows good cylinder-to-cylinder uniformity within the scaffold. We
were able to uniformly and completely
remove unpolymerized material from the
interior region of the scaffold.
Using 2PP to build these scaffolds
from zirconium oxide hybrid is not
without difficulties. One challenge
associated with increasing the dimensions of the scaffold is that burning one
portion of the structure may result in
loss of the entire structure. Another
2PP challenge is that overdeveloping
the structures can cause embrittlement
and/or fracture.
There is a benefit from the geometrical features of hexagonal scaffold shown
in Fig. 4(b), particularly the parallel
arrangement of the cylinders. These
features facilitate processing of replica
American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
structures by means of an indirect rapidprototyping approach. For example, we
can make a negative structure out of
polydimethylsiloxane from a zirconium
oxide hybrid material master structure by
introducing liquid polydimethylsiloxane
into the cylinders of the master structure
from above. We can subsequently use
this negative structure to prepare replica
structures out of the zirconium oxide
hybrid material. Indeed, Fig. 5(a) shows
a scanning electron micrograph of a
portion of the replica tissue-engineering
scaffold, which contains an array of
hollow cylinders with good cylinder-tocylinder uniformity and good correspondence between the features in the master
structure and the replica structure. The
point here is that a polydimethylsiloxane
negative structure can be used to create
multiple replica structures in a rapid,
cost-effective manner.21
In addition, we have prepared 3D
grid structures for evaluating cell
behavior using 2PP and zirconium
oxide hybrid material (Fig. 6(a)). These
grid structures may serve as miniaturized versions of conventional well
plates for drug-screening applications.
For example, one cell or several cells
may be placed within each small-scale
well (Fig. 6(b)) for examining cell
behavior in response to one or more
pharmacologic agents over time.
The road ahead
Use of zirconium oxide hybrid materials in medical device manufacturing
will require commercialization- and
translation-related challenges to be
overcome. For example, it would be
beneficial to be able to incorporate
additional types of biologically active
materials within zirconium oxide hybrid
materials. The mechanical properties
of zirconium oxide hybrid materials
prepared using commercially relevant
processing parameters need to be considered. In addition, we must evaluate
the compatibility of the organic moieties within zirconium oxide hybrid
materials with sterilization processes.
Another hurdle will be developing
novel approaches for processing of these
materials over large areas. Finally, zirAmerican Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
conium oxide hybrid materials should
become cost competitive in comparison
with conventional bioceramic materials.
Zirconium oxide hybrid materials
may attain commercial importance if
these challenges are surmounted.
About the authors
P.R. Miller, S.D. Gittard and R.J.
Narayan ( are
affiliated with the Joint Department of
Biomedical Engineering, University of
North Carolina and North Carolina State
University, Raleigh, N.C. A. Ovsianikov,
A. Koroleva and B.N. Chichkov
are affiliated with the Department
of Nanotechnology, Laser Zentrum
Hannover e.V., Hannover, Germany. n
T. Russo, A. Gloria, V. D’Anto, U. D’Amora, G. Ametrano, F.
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synthesized organic–inorganic hybrid fillers as composite substrates
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C. Schizas, V. Melissinaki, A. Gaidkeviciute, C. Reinhardt,
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I. Sakellari, A. Gaidukeviciute, A. Giakoumaki, D. Gray, C.
Fotakis, M. Farsari, M. Vamvakaki, C. Reinhardt, A. Ovsianikov
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A. Ovsianikov, J. Viertl, B. Chichkov, M. Oubaha, B.
MacCraith, I. Sakellari, A. Giakoumaki, D. Gray, M. Vamvakaki,
M. Farsari and C. Fotakis, “Ultra-low-shrinkage hybrid photosensitive material for two-photon polymerization microfabrication,”
ACS Nano, 2, 2257–62 (2008).
A. Ovsianikov, A. Gaidukeviciute, B.N. Chichkov. M. Oubaha,
B.D. MacCraith, I. Sakellari, A. Giakoumaki, D. Gray, M.
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“Novel sol–gel organic–inorganic hybrid materials for drug delivery,” J. Appl. Biomater. Biomech., 8, 42–51 (2010).
Z.P. Liu, Y. Li, Y.F. Xiao, B.B. Li, X.F. Jiang, Y. Qin, X.B. Feng,
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S. Salehi and M.H. Fathi, “Fabrication and characterization of
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Research Exchange program builds
research, opens eyes to world
by Amy White
The aim of IMI-NFG’s Research Exchange is to
encourage and facilitate international collaborations that will lead to creating new applications and
opportunities for glass. Since 2004, the IMI-NFG
program has supported more than 115 exchanges,
involving 25 countries in addition to the United
Participants are graduate students, postdoctoral
researchers and faculty members from the US and
abroad who spend three to six months in another
country conducting research, usually in university laboratories, where they often build lasting relationships.
“They are able to extend their research with
facilities they may not have at home, they get new
ideas working with a complementary group,” said
Himanshu Jain, IMI-NFG director and professor
of materials science and engineering at Lehigh
University. “They also learn what it is to do international research, to get a sense of an international
environment and the local culture, to prepare them
to be a world-class scientist.”
The year-round program, funded through the
National Science Foundation, provides funding for
travel, housing and living expenses for participants
from the US. It also reimburses for local expenses of
researchers from abroad (their international travel
is usually supported by the sending institution,
unless they are from developing countries). A small
amount of funding also may be available to the US
host group for supplies and equipment required for
visitors’ research.
(Provided by Shaojie Wang)
n today’s global marketplace,
it is more important than ever
for students and researchers to gain
an international perspective. Some
are doing so through the Research
Exchange program offered by the
International Materials Institute for
New Functionality in Glass based at
Lehigh University.
Shaojie Wang tours the Giza pyramids during his Research Exchange in
“The exchange is an opportunity or a conduit for a long-term
relationship, not just a student
visit,” Jain added.
The NSF supports five
International Materials Institutes
around the country to enhance
international collaboration
between US researchers and
educators and their counterparts
worldwide and to advance materials research. (see page 33) The
IMI-NFG is the only such institute to focus on a single class of
materials, in its case, glass.
Success stories
Allison Wilhelm Scott, 30,
now an applications engineer
with BioVigilant Systems,
a producer of instantaneous
microbial detection systems in
Tucson, Ariz., said her Research
Exchange experience was beneficial for her career in industry.
Scott participated in three
exchanges while a graduate student at University of Arizona.
During the exchanges, she conducted research at University of
Rennes in France, synthesizing
and developing chalcogenide
glasses for use in biological sensing applications.
“I would go to the University
of Rennes to make different
glasses and try to optimize the
glass composition and polish different optical components and
bring them back to UA for testing to detect viruses in different
water sources,” she said.
Upon completing her doctorate in materials science and
engineering, she worked at a
small startup biotech company
that used polymer science to
develop drug infusion pumps,
and now is at another biotech
company. She works with scientists and engineers from several
“The opportunity to live in
another country is very beneficial in terms of having the
opportunity to interact with
people from different cultures
and different languages,” said
Scott, whose current employer is
owned by a Japanese company.
US students have studied
in Japan, France, South Korea,
Egypt, Germany, Italy, Portugal,
United Kingdom, Bulgaria
American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
(Credit: Trent Edwards)
(Provided by Adam Stone)
international relationships, enhances
Nasikas during densitometry experiments for the YAG
glasses using a Berman balance at the Amorphous
Materials Lab at University of California, Davis.
and Estonia through the program.
Participants have come to the US
from Australia, South Korea, Ukraine,
Brazil, Japan, China, Portugal, Italy,
Egypt, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Czech
Republic, Nigeria, India, Senegal,
Russia, Spain, Bulgaria and Denmark.
Participation in the program led to
research and employment opportunities
for K.V. Adarsh, 31, who traveled from
India to spend five months at Lehigh
University, work with Jain and do
research with lasers and chalcogenide
glasses. He then completed his doctorate at Indian Institute of Science,
Bangalore, before doing postdoctoral
fellowships in Germany and Israel.
“It was a success story for me,” said
Adarsh, who is now an assistant professor at Indian Institute of Science
Education and Research, Bhopal. “The
program helped me to get very good
postdoc positions, and then I started
a job.” Adarsh plans to send one of
his students, Amiya Ranjan Barik, to
Lehigh to participate in an exchange.
“This will give him a broader perspective, too,” said Adarsh, who has
continued his own collaboration with
Jain. The two have published four
research papers together.
American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
Students in Kazuyuki Hirao’s research group. Masahiro Shimizu, left,
Stone and Masaaki Eida in the KU’s Katsura Campus laser lab.
“The collaboration continues,”
Adarsh said. “It is a long-term scenario
So far, about 42 percent of participants in the IMI-NFG program
have been graduate students, with
an additional 40 percent faculty and
17 percent postdoctoral researchers.
Several graduate students and postdoctoral researchers have participated in
multiple research exchanges and some
exchanges have resulted in two-way
collaborations between institutions.
Jain said about 200 publications in
peer-reviewed journals have resulted
from the international exchanges.
Students also have presented findings at
national and international conferences.
Unique opportunities
For Iolanda Santana Klein, 26,
participating in an exchange to the
US from her native Brazil resulted in
pursuing doctoral studies in the nation.
During her exchange, Klein worked
with Jain and Andriy Kovalskyy, a
research associate at Lehigh University,
on X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
analysis of tungstate-phosphate glasses
containing silver nanoparticles.
Later, while presenting the research
she developed during her exchange at
the Physics of Non Crystalline Solids
conference in Brazil, she met C. Austen
Angell, professor of chemistry and biochemistry at Arizona State University.
“I found myself quite impressed with
her,” said Angell, who encouraged her
to pursue graduate studies in the US.
Angell is now Klein’s mentor in
her doctoral studies at Arizona State
University, where she is part of his
research group working on providing
electrolytes for lithium batteries.
“All of my best students have participated in one way or another in an
international collaborative program,”
Angell said. “The IMI-NFG Research
Exchange program is one example of
such an opportunity that allows students with initiative to come to the
US, and supports our more outgoing
students to go elsewhere. I think it’s
always a real important growing opportunity for students, and I strongly recommend it.”
Klein, who plans to become a faculty member in Brazil, said the experience of living and working within
an American university gave her the
ability and confidence to return as a
graduate student. “The best part of
Research exchange program
Graduate student learns about lasers and life in Japan
For Lehigh University doctoral student Adam
Stone, spending nine months in Japan meant
rare opportunities to work with femtosecond
lasers, improving his Japanese language skills
and experiencing a different culture.
The 25-year-old graduate student participated in three IMI-NFG Research Exchanges
through spending summers at Kyoto University
in 2008, 2009 and 2010.
“It really has widened my perspective,”
Stone said. “It’s one thing to try to imagine
what it would be like to go somewhere else,
but actually doing it, getting to see how other
people live somewhere else in the world, is
humbling. You go from a world where you are
comfortable and can communicate easily to a
world where it takes some effort to navigate
and communicate. But, it challenges you to
rise to that.”
Stone is working on a project to create
optically active single-crystal architectures in
glass using femtosecond lasers. Through the
exchange, he used Kyoto University’s femtosecond laser facility and worked in the lab of
Kazuyuki Hirao, professor in the university’s
Department of Material Chemistry.
“Hirao’s lab is one of the more advanced
labs in the world as far as laser processing
and research,” Stone said. “They have a type
of laser there we don’t have at Lehigh.” Femtosecond lasers emit intense ultrashort pulses
in the domain of femtoseconds. Stone used
the lasers to create crystals inside glass.
Laser crystallization of glass has potential
applications in fields such as telecommunications and optics, where certain types of
crystals often are needed for their particular
nonlinear properties that glass doesn’t have.
Using a laser, one can pattern lines and arrays of such crystals specifically where they
are needed, introducing nonlinear optical
properties into glass, while taking advantage
of its ease of production and formability. While
a typical laser can make crystals near the
surface of glass, with a femtosecond laser,
researchers can create crystal architectures
inside glass in three dimensions. Such glass–
crystal composites could be used to replace
existing optical components, are well-suited to
integrated optics and making more compact
optics, and could lead to new optical devices
such as optical memory systems, Stone said.
Stone created glass samples at Lehigh,
which he took with him to Kyoto for the laser
experiments and is continuing to analyze back
at the university.
“My research would have looked a lot
different if I hadn’t gone on the exchanges,”
Stone said. “I would be able to continue laser
crystallization but not be able to explore
femtosecond lasers and three-dimensional
patterning of crystals.”
Stone remains in touch with researchers
at Kyoto University, with whom he has coauthored two journal publications.
“It was a good way to make an international
connection,” Stone said.
A cross-cultural experience
Stone’s interest in Japan developed before
he participated in the exchange program.
He enjoyed Japanese animation, studied the
martial arts of Shinkendo and Aikido and
took Japanese-language classes. His fiancée,
whom he met pursuing his bachelor’s degree
in materials engineering at Iowa State University, is Japanese.
Still, communicating in Japanese proved his
largest challenge during the exchanges. While
researchers in Kyoto University’s labs spoke
English, most people he encountered outside
the university did not. But, the challenge of
communicating improved Stone’s Japanese
language skills and along the way he gained
a worldwide perspective and absorbed Japanese culture, architecture and history, he said.
The experience also made his professional
goals feel more attainable. Stone wants to
work in Japan after completing his doctorate,
likely in academia, but possibly in industry or
a government lab.
“Being there first hand, experiencing the
country, working at the university and meeting
people there makes the idea of actually living
and working there seem a lot more tangible,”
Stone said.
He encourages students to apply for the
Research Exchange program, which supports
international exchanges for graduate students,
postdoctoral researchers and faculty members.
“I think the chances of being chosen are
probably better than people might expect,”
Stone said. “They are always looking for applicants and IMI-NFG Director Jain really feels
strongly about promoting these international
collaborations, especially for students, and
getting them some international experiences
and connections. It really is a good experience
and it really challenges you in a good way to
get a little outside your comfort zone.”
For more information about the IMI-NFG’s
international research opportunities, see and click on “Opportunities,” email or call
(610) 758-1112. n
(Credit: Yasuhiko Shimotsuma)
by Amy White
Masaaki Sakakura, left, an assistant professor at Kyoto University’s Innovative
Collaboration Center, points at the light
emission from plasma that forms at the
focal point, with Adam Stone, right, in the
lab of Kazuyuki Hirao at the university’s
Katsura Campus. Sakakura helped Stone
learn to use the laser equipment.
the exchange for me was the whole
living–studying–researching abroad
experience, in one of the best materials
research labs in the country,” she said.
For Shaojie Wang, 31, a doctoral
student in materials science at Lehigh,
participating in the exchange meant
being able to work in labs with capabilities different from his home university. Wang spent his exchange at
Alexandria University in Egypt, where
he tested porous glass samples for invivo response in rabbits in its tissueengineering laboratory.
“Our project is a nano bioactive
scaffold which is used for medical purposes,” Wang said. “At Lehigh, the
chance of in-vivo animal testing is
very limited. We have a facility here
for in-vitro testing but we don’t have
the right kind of animal facilities. They
have more testing facilities at AU and
they are experts in that.”
Wang created his glass scaffolds in
Lehigh labs using a process developed
by another IMI-NFG postdoctoral
researcher, Ana Marques, while visiting the university from Technical
University of Lisbon, Portugal, where
she was a member of Rui Almeida’s
research group. Wang brought his
specimens to AU to test. The Lehigh–
Alexandria–Lisbon team’s findings were
published recently in an international
journal on materials for medicine.
“I learned a lot from the experts
there,” said Wang, who knew little
about in-vivo testing before the trip.
American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
Patras in Greece.
He worked with Sabyasachi Sen,
associate professor of chemical engineering and materials science at UC
Davis and head of the Amorphous
Materials Research Group. “He was
always by my side, showing me things,
how to prepare materials, how to work
in the NMR lab, how to acquire NMR
signal and how to interpret it,” Nasikas
said. “The students at UC Davis were
also really helpful and made me feel
like home from day one.”
Nasikas and Sen have kept in touch
and authored two published papers.
“It was quite productive and quite
fruitful,” Sen said of the collaboration.
“He taught us things, we taught him
things. … And that’s the best outcome
of such exchanges, that it goes both
ways and both sides benefit.”
Applying for an exchange
(Provided by Shaojie Wang)
Research Exchange grants are awarded based on the relevance of submitted
proposals to the IMI-NFG’s goal of
developing glasses with new functionality and training young professionals for careers in glass as well as their
potential to generate new interactions.
Applications are accepted year round.
They must be submitted by the person who intends to travel and use the
funds. Applicants must submit
a “Proposal for International
Research Exchange
Collaboration” form (available
on the IMI-NFG website, www. and include a
brief proposal and a letter of
commitment from the hosting
The exchange is not the
only IMI-NFG program to
assist students and others
achieve international experiences. The IMI-NFG also offers
the International Conference
Travel Scholarship to undergraduate, graduate and post(From left) Surgeon assistant Ramy Torky, surgeon
Ahmad Rashad Elsebahy and Shaojie Wang in the doctoral researchers at US universities. This program helps
operation room of the lab of Mona Marei, head
young scientists participate at
of Tissue Engineering Laboratories in Egypt after
international conferences and
surgery in which glass scaffolds were implanted
into New Zealand male rabbits for an in-vivo tissue draws attention to research
response study.
generated in the US, with
American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
(Credit: John Anastasopoulous)
“I learned how they do the operations,
how they prepare in-vivo samples, how
to interpret experiment results. … For
life, I learned a lot of the culture in
Egypt, went to the pyramids, which was
exciting to see, talked with people and
made some friends. It was really an eyeopening trip.”
The exchange benefited researchers at both universities, Wang said.
(Alexandria University is an example
of a two-way collaboration, because
AU dentist and researcher Ahmad
Rashad Elsebahy spent his exchange at
Researchers also learned from each
other’s expertise when Nektarios
Nasikas, 30, of Greece, did an
exchange at University of California,
Davis, where he is now on his second
Nasikas investigated a new class of
yttrium aluminum garnet laser material at UC Davis, based on samples
he brought with him, and he learned
nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy techniques.
“To be exposed to the NMR technique was really important to me to
observe and it added a lot to my knowledge of structural studies for glasses,”
said Nasikas, who is pursuing a doctorate in materials science at University of
Nektarios Nasikas at the Laboratory of
Applied Molecular Spectroscopy at ICEHT/FORTH in Patras, Greece, placing
samples in a levitator to prepare glassy
samples. He wears glasses as a precaution because of the black body radiation
caused by temperatures above 2,000°C
achieved with this technique.
a goal of building new international
collaborations with domestic teams.
The IMI-NFG also has the Research
Experience for Undergraduates in Glass
program at Lehigh, Pennsylvania State
University and abroad.
Jain, director of the IMI-NFG, said
that today’s challenges are so large
that individual countries can’t handle
them alone and need to work together.
“With globalization, individuals,
including scientists, have to be more
knowledgeable about the conditions
and opportunities in other countries,”
he said, “to solve the grand challenges
by working collaboratively.”
For more information about IMINFG’s international research opportunities, see and
click on “Opportunities,” email imi@ or call 610-758-1112. n
The NSF also funds several other
International Materials Institutes:
• University of California, Santa Barbara:
International Center for Materials Research,
• University of California System: International Institute on Complex Adaptive Matter
• Northwestern University: International
Materials Institute for Solar Energy and Environment,
• Texas Engineering Experiment Station:
International Institute for Multifunctional
Materials for Energy Conversion, http://iimec.
by Tom Adams
acoustic imaging
of an advanced
Acoustic microimaging and ultrasonic
testing systems provide a nondestructive method to reveal and analyze hidden
he ultrasound used
by an acoustic microimaging systems, propagates through virtually
all high-performance
ceramics with relatively
low attenuation. With
AMI, typical sample
thicknesses range from
less than a millimeter
to perhaps a few centimeters, depending
on the attenuation of
the specific material.
Attenuation is higher
if the porosity of the
ceramic is abnormally
The ultrasound of an AMI is
pulsed into the ceramic by a scanning transducer, and ranges in
frequency from 5 megahertz to
400 megahertz or more. AMI frequencies up to 100 megahertz are
typically referred to as very high
frequencies, while those above 100
megahertz are known as ultrahigh
frequencies. Higher frequencies
provide more spatial resolution
in the acoustic image but have
less penetration. AMI typically
uses frequencies from 30 to 100
megahertz when imaging advanced
Other technologies use ultrasound at lower frequencies also to
test or image a variety of materials, including samples of advanced
ceramics too large for AMI. For
example, ultrasonic testing, or UT,
can be used to test the integrity
of metals and other materials,
and its frequencies range from 0.5
megahertz to 15 megahertz and
occasionally higher. There is thus
some overlap between AMI and
UT. There also are acoustic imaging systems that use frequencies
from 500 megahertz to 2 gigahertz
and perhaps higher. They have
almost no penetration but provide
extremely high resolution of surface features and features within a
few micrometers of the surface.
The choice of an UT or
another imaging system for a given
sample involves consideration of
physical dimensions, penetration
needed and resolution needed.
AMI is thus used for small samples that require relatively high
resolution and that are not highly
High-performance ceramics typically are imaged by AMI
to determine nondestructively
whether internal flaws, such as
voids or cracks, are present and to
image those flaws. Imaging usually is conducted in the reflection
mode, where echoes are reflected
from internal features, such as
defects, and are collected by the
American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
(Credit: Sonoscan)
transducer above the sample. But, AMI
also may operate in transmission mode,
where ultrasound is propagated entirely
through the sample to make acoustic
shadows of gap-type defects.
Ultrasonic reflection
The reflection mode was used to
image the sample diagrammed in Figure
1, a circular alumina disk 19.53 millimeters in diameter and 9.95 millimeters
thick. In reflection mode, a pulse of
ultrasound is launched from the transducer. As long as the pulse is traveling through homogeneous material it
will send back no return echo signals,
although it will gradually be attenuated
by the alumina. Because there are no
return echo signals to be collected by
the transducer and analyzed by software, the acoustic image will be uniformly black.
But, if at a given x–y location, the
pulse encounters a crack (or a void or a
delamination or any other type of gap),
a very strong reflection will occur. The
amplitude of the reflection at any material interface depends on the density
and acoustic velocity of the two materials involved.
The density and acoustic velocity of
advanced ceramics are typically fairly
high. A gap, however, is filled with air,
or perhaps a vacuum—but not a solid
material. The density of air is nominally 0.001225 grams per cubic centimeter
at 15°C. Its acoustic velocity is essentially immaterial because, although lowfrequency sound travels well through
air, ultrasound is completely attenuated
almost immediately. If the ultrasonic
pulse encounters, for example, two solids, such as a layer of metal bonded to
the ceramic, some portion of the pulse
will be reflected—15 percent perhaps,
or 35 percent, or 60 percent, depending
on the density and acoustic velocity of
the two solid materials at the interface.
But, when an ultrasonic pulse propagating through a solid material meets a
gap, the reflection is more than 99.99
The scanning transducer collects
these very-high-amplitude return echo
signals from the entire area of the gap.
If there are no other material interfaces,
American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
Fig. 1. The alumina
disk imaged acoustically at 50 gates
most of the acoustic image will be black
(no signal) and the gap will be bright
white (highest amplitude signal). Even
if the gap’s vertical extent is smaller
than 1 micrometer, pulse reflection is
essentially total.
It is the reflection from material
interfaces that distinguishes ultrasound
from X-ray, which, except in special circumstances, is not reflected. X-ray can
reveal fine detail, but its transmission is
governed by the density and bulk of the
various materials in the sample. X-ray
may detect a void if the void has sufficient three-dimensional volume, but
it cannot detect a thin crack or delamination because such defects are too
small to interact with the X-ray beam.
Ultrasound and X-ray are, therefore,
complementary investigative methods.
Because the reflected ultrasonic energy travels through materials at a known
speed, the acoustic image can be limited
to those echoes from a desired depth,
while excluding echoes from other
depths. For example, in a bonded material, the desired depth likely will be the
bond zone. If the acoustic image of the
bond is a uniform shade of gray of an
intensity that matches the anticipated
percentage of reflected energy, then the
bond has no defects. White areas in the
gray bond image indicate gaps.
For some samples, it is desirable to
image the entire thickness, or nearly
the entire thickness. This is the common method with multilayer ceramic
chip capacitors, millions of which are
imaged acoustically for use in highreliability applications. A “gate” is set
to capture those echoes from just below
the top surface of the capacitor to just
above the bottom surface. Any gap
within the active layers of the capacitor will be bright white in the acoustic
image. Functionally, the precise depth
of the gap does not matter, because it is
capable of causing an electrical short at
any depth. Capacitors having a gap at
any depth are rejected for high-reliability applications.
It is possible to set very thin gates
and to set multiple very thin gates to
achieve nondestructive layer-by-layer
analysis of a sample. The gates are
set by marking beginning and ending
points on the on-screen waveform of
a single pulse and dividing the desired
depth into a number of gates of equal
time duration (and depth). During a
single transducer scan of the sample,
what software records at each x–y coordinate is not a single broad echo but
20 or 50 or 100 very thin echoes. The
output will be 20 or 50 or 100 acoustic
images that display the internal features
of the sample at each depth.
Multilayer imaging of alumina
For example, the sample circular
alumina disk shown in Figure 1 had
a diameter of 19.53 millimeters and a
thickness of 9.95 millimeters. At the
center of the disk was a circular hole
having a diameter of 4.02 millimeters.
For acoustic imaging purposes, the
waveform was divided into 50 equal
gates extending from the top surface to
the bottom surface. Spatially, each gate
had a thickness of 0.199 millimeters.
The result of imaging was a series of
50 acoustic images, each showing the
internal features at a specific gate. (It is
possible to set gates considerably thinner than those used here, i.e., the number of gates could have been set at 100
or, depending on the material properties and acoustic frequency, even 200.)
Figure 2 shows the acoustic images
from gates 27, 28, 29 and 30. The red
(Credit: Sonoscan)
Multiple-gate acoustic imaging of an advanced ceramic
Fig. 3. Three-dimensional side view of the disk, made by a different C-SAM
(Credit: Sonoscan)
(Credit: Sonoscan)
the specific depth at which a defect
void cluster. Note the isoor anomaly exists. This approach can
lated void at left just below
give more information about problems
the top surface.
in production processes or about the
The reflection-mode
susceptibility of the material to various
Fig. 2. Acoustic images of the voids as seen in gates
acoustic image of gate 47,
27, 28, 29 and 30. Each gate extends vertically 0.199 very close to the bottom of
stresses. Depending on the material, its
millimeter. In these four gates, the larger voids (red,
thickness and the ultrasonic frequency
the disk, is shown in Figure
sometimes with yellow borders) change outline, and
used, it is possible to image up 200
4. Here the actual yellow–
smaller voids appear and disappear.
gates simultaneously. The individual
red void area is quite small.
gates can be considerably thinner than
areas represent voids. In some areas
the 0.199 millimeters gates used here.
the borders of the voids are yellow. In
In some advanced ceramic samples,
feathe color map used here, red indicates
gates as thin as 1 micrometer may be
crethe return echo signals of the highest
intensity, and yellow the next highest
For an example of an AMI system, the
A planar X-ray image made with
intensity. Small dense black areas near
suggests Sonascan Inc.’s C-SAM.
the beam normal to the top surface
the voids are small voids whose body
about Sonascan and the
of the disk would reveal the collecand borders are not distinguishable.
available at www.sonascan.
tive x–y extent of the void. The voids
The pale gray curved features are probcom
would appear brightest near the center
ably imaging artifacts caused by slight
because of the lower overall density and
irregularities on the surface of the disk.
variably less bright in regions away from About the author
These four images show how the
Adam is a technical consultant
the center. X-ray computed tomography
voids would look if the disk were secspecializing
in nondestructive testing
tioned and progressively ground down to could create a depth-by-depth image
each of these depths, i.e., gate 27 would
sequence, but without the high contrast
begin 5.174 millimeters (26 3 0.199
of acoustic images.
millimeters) from the top surface of the
A homogeneous sample of a
disk, gate 28 would begin 5.373 milhigh-performance ceramic can
limeters below the top surface, etc. The
be imaged acoustically in refleclargest voids seen in these four images
tion mode by using a single gate
extended vertically through much of
(attenuation permitting) to
the thickness of the disk. Yellow or red
encompass the entire thickness.
areas were first seen in gate 3 and then
This approach is used if it is desirin gates 11–50, with considerable variaable simply to learn whether there
are gap-type defects or significant
A different C-SAM method was used variations in density at any depth
to make the side-view three-dimension- within the sample. The same
al acoustic image of the alumina disk
single-gate approach can be used if
in Figure 3. The horizontal line is the
the ceramic is bonded to a second
top surface of the alumina disk. The
material. In the latter case, ultrabottom surface is not shown but is just
Fig. 4. In gate 47 near the bottom of the disk,
sound will image defects in either
the x–y extent of the voids is similar to the
below the lowest bubblelike white void. material as well as defects such as
gates shown in Fig. 2, but most of the voids
The four gates shown in Figure 2 lie
delaminations in the bond.
are very small.
approximately at the midpoint of the
Using multiple gates identifies
American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
Organized by:
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Materials Science & Technology
2011 Conference & Exhibition
OctOber 16–20, 2011 | cOlumbus, OhiO usA
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Join us for ACerS 113th Annual Meeting!
mAteriAls science & technOlOgy 2011 cOnference & exhibitiOn
Plenary Session
Grasping Excellence: Opportunities for Science and Engineering
Research, Education and Workforce Development in the United States
Monday, Oct. 17, 2011 | 8:30 a.m. to Noon | Greater Columbus Convention Center, Ballroom 1
The MS&T Plenary Session will feature Subra Suresh, Director, United States National Science Foundation. It will be followed by several prominent
speakers: Carl E. Wieman, Associate Director for Science, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy; Jeffrey Wadsworth, President and
Chief Executive Officer, Battelle Memorial Institute; and Alton D. Romig Jr., Vice President and General Manager of Advanced Development Programs,
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics. A Q&A session with the audience will follow the presentations.
Subra Suresh, Director, United States National
Science Foundation
Title: Innovation Ecosystems: Where Do We
Go from Here?
Abstract: For many decades, materials scientists in
the US have led the world in innovation, creating opSubra Suresh
portunities for the private sector and good jobs. With
global competition reaching a red-hot pitch, we need to consider
the challenges that lie ahead for continued leadership. Two of these
challenges have long-term consequences for the vitality of American enterprise and quality of life. The first challenge is to develop a
world-class scientific workforce. The second is to ease and accelerate the transition from research to new products, processes and
services. Efficient translation capitalizes on the output of fundamental research that serves as the engine of the innovation ecosystem.
Numerous reports have identified fault lines in current STEM education practices and barriers to the commercialization of research
results. The concept of an innovation ecosystem provides a bridge
between these two challenges by describing the interactions among
people, institutions and enterprises from which innovation emerges.
Understanding these links can help us design better practices and
policies to revitalize American innovation.
Carl E. Wieman, Associate Director for
Science, White House Office of Science and
Technology Policy
Title: Taking a Scientific Approach to
Learning and Teaching STEM
Abstract: Guided by experimental tests of theory and
practice, science has advanced rapidly in the past
500 years. Meanwhile, guided primarily by tradition and dogma,
science education has remained largely medieval. Taking a research
approach to teaching STEM subjects is now revealing principles
and practices that achieve much better learning than traditional approaches. The combination of this research approach to instruction
and modern information technology is setting the stage for a major
advance in STEM education, an advance that can provide the relevant and effective science education for all students that is needed
for the 21st century. Wieman will discuss the failures of traditional
educational practices, even as used by very good teachers, and the
successes of some new practices and technology that characterize
a more effective approach, and how these results are consistent
with findings from cognitive science.
Carl Wieman
Jeff Wadsworth
Jeffrey Wadsworth, President and CEO,
Battelle Memorial Institute
Title: Responding to Increasing Energy, Environmental, Health and National Security
Challenges—Investment, Policy and Talent
Abstract: There is no doubt that world population is
growing significantly and in a geographically uneven manner. Fueled
in part by the Internet, the worldwide expectations for energy usage
and access have rapidly increased. Accompanying new demands
for energy generation are interwoven challenges in environmental, health and national security arenas. These challenges require
increases in US competitiveness with respect to R&D spending,
innovation, education and talent. It is quite clear that the existing
sources of talent cannot meet future US needs. Materials science
and engineering offers one pathway to attract talent into the fields
needed to meet these challenges. Wadsworth will present observations on these topics and on the need to better connect technical
advances with national policy decision making.
Alton D. Romig Jr., Vice President and General
Manager of Advanced Development
Programs, Lockheed Martin Aeronautics
Title: Challenges in Aerospace and Defense
Abstract: Intrinsic to the business of aerospace and
Alton Romig defense is the requirement for fervent and educated
individuals to take up the challenge to lead the US
through current and future technological ages. The rich and varied
tradition of invention is a cornerstone of the “American Dream,” and
while the US is responsible for such 20th century innovations as the
airplane and the personal computer, it is a widely held belief that
our technological superiority will recede in the 21st century. Romig
will discuss the opportunity this technological crisis is creating in
the aerospace and defense sectors, and how Lockheed Martin and
industry across the US is responding. Special emphasis will be on
the unique materials challenges required by a variety of new cuttingedge aircraft platforms.
American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
O ctOber 16–20, 2011 | c Olumbus , O hiO usA
General Activities
CC = Columbus Convention Center; HY = Hyatt; CR = Crowne; REN = Renaissance
(Times and locations are subject to change.)
Conference Activities
MS&T Press Room
Society Member Lounges
ACerS/BSD Ceramographic Display
Welcome Reception
Frontiers of Science & Society—
Rustum Roy Lecture
7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
2 to 7:30 p.m.
2 to 7:30 p.m.
2 to 7:30 p.m.
6 to 7:30 p.m.
5 to 6 p.m.
Material Advantage Student Functions
Chapter Leadership Workshop
10 a.m. to Noon
Career Development Sessions
1 to 4 p.m.
Undergraduate Student Speaking Contest
Semifinal Rounds
1 to 4 p.m.
Final Round
4 to 5 p.m.
Undergraduate Student Poster Contest
6 to 7:30 p.m.
Student Networking Mixer
8 to 10:30 p.m.
Educational Courses
Modern Statistics, Data Analysis and
Specimen/Structural Reliability
9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
MS&T’11 Exhibit—Exhibit Hall B3
Show Hours
Professional Recruitment & Career
Football Booth
Industry Presentations
Food Court
Happy Hour Reception
11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
4 to 6 p.m.
Arthur L. Friedberg Memorial Lecture
Edward Orton Jr. Memorial Lecture
8 to 9 a.m.
1 to 2 p.m.
Material Advantage Student Functions
Undergraduate Student Poster
Contest Display
7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
ACerS PCSA Student Tour
7:30 to 11:15 a.m.
Material Advantage Mug Drop Contest 11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. CC
Material Advantage Putter Contest
12:15 to 1:15 p.m.
Student Awards Ceremony
2 to 3 p.m.
Social Functions
MS&T Guest Tour—Franklin Park
MS&T Young Professionals Reception
Penn State MatSE Alumni Reception
Alfred University Alumni Reception
9:30 a.m. to 2:15 p.m.
5 to 6 p.m.
5:30 to 6:30 p.m.
6:15 to 7:30 p.m.
Conference Activities
ACerS/BSD Ceramographic Display
Authors’ Coffee
MS&T Press Room
Poster Session
Society Member Lounges
MS&T Young Professionals Reception
7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
7 to 7:50 a.m.
7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
5 to 6 p.m.
Conference Activities
Authors’ Coffee
Society Member Lounges
ACerS/BSD Ceramographic Display
MS&T Press Room
7 to 8 a.m.
7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
MS&T’11 Plenary Session
Richard M. Fulrath Award Session
Alfred R. Cooper Award Session
8:30 a.m. to Noon
2 to 4:40 p.m.
2 to 5:30 p.m.
MS&T’11 Exhibit
Professional Recruitment &
Career Pavilion
Show Hours
Food Court
10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Robert B. Sosman Lecture
1 to 2 p.m.
Material Advantage Student Functions
Undergraduate Student Poster
Contest Display
7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Social Functions
MS&T Guest Tour—Woodhaven
Cooking School
MS&T Women in Materials Science
University of Illinois Alumni Reception
Acta Materialia Gold Medal & NC State
Alumni Reception
Purdue Materials Engineering Alumni/
Friends Reception
Michigan Technological University
MSE Reception
ACerS Annual Honors & Awards
Annual Meetings
ACerS Annual Membership Meeting
9:30 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. Offsite
5:30 to 6:30 p.m.
5:30 to 7 p.m.
5:30 to 8 p.m.
6 to 7:30 p.m.
6 to 8 p.m.
7:30 to 9:30 p.m.
1 to 2 p.m.
7 to 8 a.m.
7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
7:30 to 10 a.m.
7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
4 to 6 p.m.
Conference Activities
Authors’ Coffee
ACerS/BSD Ceramographic Display
Society Member Lounges
ACerS Companion Breakfast
MS&T Press Room
General Poster Session
General Poster Session with Authors
American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
Material Advantage Student Functions
Undergraduate Student Poster
Contest Display
7 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Social Functions
Drexel MSE Alumni Reception
5 to 7 p.m.
7 to 8 a.m.
7 a.m. to 2 p.m.
7 a.m. to 2 p.m.
7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Conference Activities
Authors’ Coffee
Society Member Lounges
MS&T Press Room
Educational Courses
Achieving Your Goals Through Effective
8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Fundamentals of Glass Science and
Technology, Fractography Lab
8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Sintering of Ceramics
8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Educational Courses
Fundamentals of Glass Science and
Technology, Fractography Lab
Sintering of Ceramics
8:30 to 11:30 a.m.
8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
mAteriAls science & technOlOgy 2011 cOnference & exhibitiOn
Emerging Frontiers in Surface Engineering of Biomaterials
Next-Generation Biomaterials
Surface Properties of Biomaterials
ACerS Sosman Award Symposium: Interface Structure and
Microstructure Evolution in Ceramics
Ceramic-Matrix Composites
Glass and Optical Materials
Innovative Processing and Synthesis of Ceramics, Glasses
and Composites
Multifunctional Oxides
Refractory Materials
Solution-Based Processing for Ceramic Materials
Pb-Free Solders and Next-Generation Interconnects
Semiconductor Heterostructures: Theory, Growth,
Characterization and Device Applications
MaterialsforNuclearWasteDisposalandEnvironmentalCleanup MaterialsScience ChallengesforNuclearApplications
Amorphous Materials: Common Issues within Science and
Integrated Computational Materials Engineering: Modeling and
Interfaces, Grain Boundaries and Surfaces from Atomistic and
Macroscopic Approaches—Fundamental and Engineering
International Symposium on Defects, Transport and Related
Multiscale Modeling of Microstructure Deformation in Material
Phase Stability, Diffusion, Kinetics and Their Applications
RecentAdvancesinStructuralCharacterization ofMaterials
Advances in Zinc-Based Coating Technologies for Steel Sheet
Processing, Microstructure and Properties of Cast Irons, and
Cast and Forged Specialty Steels
American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
O ctOber 16–20, 2011 | c Olumbus , O hiO usA
AdvancedProtectiveCoatingsforRefractoryMetalsandAlloys •
CorrosionProtectionthrough MetallicandNonmetallicCoatings EnvironmentallyAssistedCrackingofMaterials
Green Technologies for Materials Manufacturing and
Processing III
LocalizedCorrosion:Measurement,MechanismsandMitigation •
Beyond Property Measurement: Mechanical Behavior of
Multifunctional Materials Systems
Measurements and Modeling of Advanced Automotive and
Prof. K.K. Chawla Honorary Symposium on Fibers, Foams and
Structural Materials for Aerospace and Defense: Challenges and
Controlled Synthesis Processing and Applications of Structural
and Functional Nanomaterials
International Symposium on Advances in Nanostructured
Materials and Applications: The 2011 Acta Materialia Gold
Medal Symposium
Synthesis, Properties and Applications of Noble-Metal
Characterization and Modeling of the Performance of Advanced
AlloysfortheTransportationIndustry—BridgingtheDataGapII JoiningandSustainingofSuperalloys
LaserApplicationsinMaterialsTechnology II
Novel Sintering Processes and News in Traditional Sintering and
Grain Growth
Surface Protection for Enhanced Materials Performance: Science
and Technology
Continuous Improvement of Academic Programs (and
Satisfying ABET Along the Way): The Elizabeth Judson
Memorial Symposium
Journal of Undergraduate Materials Research
Perspectives for Emerging Materials Professionals:
Early Strategies for Career Development
American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
ACerS Award Lectures and Symposium
Frontiers of Science & Society—
Rustum Roy Lecture
ACerS/NICE Arthur L. Friedberg
Memorial Lecture
Greater Columbus Convention Center, Room C113/114
Greater Columbus Convention Center, Room C113/114
Deborah Wince-Smith
Clive A. Randall
Reinventing Manufacturing to Answer New
Global Challenges and Market Opportunity
Processing Dielectric Oxides—New
Opportunities and Challenges
Abstract: Tectonic shifts in technology
and the global economy have reshaped
the competitive landscape and driven a
deep transition in the world order of production. For the United States to maintain a high-income economy against rising competitive capabilities globally, we
must thrive on technological and market
discontinuities, exploit game-changing
enabling technologies, turbocharge US
innovation and enable more citizens to
participate in entrepreneurship, product ideation, development and production. This requires revolutionary approaches
to design and testing, as well as dynamic manufacturing that
can accommodate extreme variation, product customization,
and serial innovation. In addition, government must establish
policies and investments in research, infrastructure and talent
that attract global investment in US innovation and support
US manufacturing competitiveness globally.
Deborah L. Wince-Smith is the president & CEO of the
Council on Competitiveness, where CEOs, labor leaders and
university presidents are working together to ensure that
Americans prosper in the global economy. Founded in 1986,
this unique business–labor–academia coalition recommends
actionable public policy solutions to make America more
competitive in the global marketplace.
As president of the Council on Competitiveness, WinceSmith spearheaded the 2004 National Innovation Initiative,
which played a pivotal role in shaping the bipartisan America
Wince-Smith is the president of the newly formed Global
Federation of Competitiveness Councils, the first global network devoted exclusively to the exchange of knowledge and
practice related to competitiveness policies and strategies,
and the first global, public–private mechanism to promote
global economic growth through collaboration in innovation.
During her 17-year tenure in the federal government,
Wince-Smith held leading positions in the areas of science,
technology policy and international economic affairs. As a
program director for the National Science Foundation, she
managed US research programs between Eastern European
countries and US universities. She served as the nation’s first
assistant secretary of commerce for technology policy in the
administration of George H.W. Bush, and she was the first
assistant director of international affairs and competitiveness
in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.
She is a graduate of Vassar College and King’s College at
the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Abstract: Given the history and philosophy inspired by the Friedberg Memorial
Lecture Series, the aim will be to share
contemporary issues in processing
dielectric materials, with some surprising
new insights.
The challenges of cofiring in reducing
atmospheres and interfacial interactions
between nickel and BaTiO3 will be considered. The nature of thermochemical
interactions and the merits of fast and
multistage sintering processes will be discussed.
There have been efforts to lower sintering temperatures
to permit microwave dielectrics to be cofired into multilayers
with silver and copper electrodes. Although surprising, multilayer structures such as scheelite and lyonsite can be cofired
at approximately 550°C with aluminum inner electrodes.
Most ferroelectric ceramics research has focused on processing materials with high resistivity and minimized pointdefect concentrations. Here the opposite is considered, and
extremely high concentrations of oxygen vacancy defects are
introduced that, through electronic compensation, provide
electronic concentrations. Concentrations are considered
in and around the Mott transition that change the electrical
conductivity from semiconducting to metallic. There is interesting coupling between the spontaneous polarization of the
ferroelectric and the thermoelectric characteristics, which
is controlled by the conduction at this crossover point. The
results in tungsten bronze materials, such as (Sr,Ba)Nb2O6-δ,
also indicate very high performance.
Clive A. Randall is professor of materials science and
engineering and director of the Center for Dielectric Studies at
Pennsylvania State University.
Randall earned his BSc in physics from the University of
East Anglia and his PhD in experimental physics from the
University of Essex, both in the United Kingdom. He has
authored or coauthored more than 280 technical papers and
holds 13 patents (three pending) in the field of electroceramics. He was elected Academician of the World Academy of
Ceramics in 2006. In 2007, he and his colleagues received the
R&D 100 Award for their Integrated Fiber Alignment Package.
Randall is a member of the ACerS Electronics Division, is a
Fellow of the Society, and has been honored with the Fulrath
Award and the Spriggs Phase Equilibria Award. He has been
an associate editor of the Journal of the American Ceramic
Society since 1993.
American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
Edward Orton Jr. Memorial Lecture
Greater Columbus Convention Center, Room C113/114
Gary L. Messing
Lessons Learned After 40 Years of Sintering
Technical Ceramics
Abstract: In 1969, I began my journey
into the world of ceramic process as an
undergraduate at Alfred University. In the
intervening years I’ve been involved with
sintering ceramics as diverse as dolomite refractories and transparent Y3Al5O12
for laser gain media. Since 1980, my
research group at Pennsylvania State
University has focused on developing
unique and improved technical ceramics
by applying and developing core microstructure–property concepts. I will present personal vignettes
of research successes that demonstrate how the sintering of
technical ceramics has evolved from an empirical discipline to
one that is more scientifically principled and key for developing new technical ceramics. Specific processes and materials
to be discussed include room-temperature sintering of salt
(NaCl), templated grain growth of textured ceramics, perfect
processing of transparent ceramics for laser gain media and
management of stresses in cofired ceramics. Finally, I use the
lessons learned to set the stage for future research needs in
the field of sintering.
Gary L. Messing is distinguished professor of ceramic science and engineering and head of the Department of Materials
Science and Engineering at Penn State.
Messing earned his BS degree in ceramic engineering from
the New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University
and his PhD in materials science and engineering from the
University of Florida.
He has published more than 300 books and papers and has
been a coorganizer of the International Ceramic Processing
Science Conference since 1986. He was coeditor of the
Journal of the American Ceramic Society from 1993 to 1998,
editor-in-chief of Ceramics International (2001–2009) and principal editor of Materials Letters (2003–2009). In 2009, he was
appointed editor-in-chief of the Journal of Materials Research.
The American Ceramic Society has recognized his achievements with several awards, including the Richard M. Fulrath
Award, the Robert M. Sosman Memorial Lecture Award, the
John Jeppson Award and the Outstanding Educator Award
from the Ceramic Educational Council. He is an ACerS Fellow
and served as the Society’s president in 2005. He is a member of the World Academy of Ceramics, was named to the
European Academy of Sciences, president of International
Ceramics Federation, vice president of World Academy of
Ceramics and a Fellow of the Materials Research Society.
American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
Basic Science Division’s Robert B. Sosman
Award and Lecture
Greater Columbus Convention Center, Room C113/114
Suk-Joong L. Kang
Interface-Structure Dependent Microstructural
Evolution in Ceramics
Abstract: Recently, we suggested the
principles of microstructural evolution in
ceramics with respect to the interface
structure, either faceted or rough. The
principles are based on the coupling
effect between the maximum driving
force for grain growth and the critical
driving force for appreciable growth.
Various types of nonstationary grain
growth in terms of a change in relative
grain-size distribution according to
annealing time are predicted when the interfaces are either
fully or partially faceted. This presentation provides our theoretical as well as experimental results pertaining to microstructural evolution and control in single-phase as well as
two-phase systems for different interface structures. The
effect of the interface structure on densification during solidstate sintering also is presented. The solid-state conversion of
single crystals from polycrystalline compacts also is demonstrated as an exemplary application of the principles.
Suk-Joong L. Kang is distinguished professor in the
Department of Materials Science and Engineering and the
director of the Center for NanoInterface Technology at the
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. He
earned his BS in metallurgy from Seoul National University in
1973, MS in materials science and engineering from KAIST
in 1975, Dr-Ing in materials from the École Centrale Paris in
1980 and his Dr. d’état in physical science from the University
of Paris VI in 1985. He joined KAIST in 1980 and also served
several institutions as a visiting professor or researcher, including the Max Plank Institute in Stuttgart, Germany, Samsung
Electromechanics, the University of New South Wales,
Australia, and at the University of Tokyo.
Kang has published more than 230 papers on sintering and
microstructure evolution in ceramics and metals. He developed
the pore-filling theory of liquid-phase sintering and demonstrated diffusion-induced interface migration and recrystallization in alumina and perovskites. During the past 12 years
he has made significant contributions to the understanding
of microstructure evolution by structural transition and defect
formation at interfaces. Kang is the author of the text, Sintering:
Densification, Grain Growth and Microstructure, published in
Kang is a Fellow of The American Ceramic Society and is
a member of the World Academy of Ceramics, the Korean
Academy of Science and Technology and the National
Academy of Engineering in Korea.
Richard M. Fulrath Symposium and Awards
To promote technical and personal friendships between Japanese and American
ceramic engineers and scientists.
Eiichi Koga
“Research and development of microwave dielectric with low loss and novel ZnO-based ceramic
varistor material”
Koga is research and development engineer in
the Corporate Components Development Division of the Panasonic Electronic Devices Co. in Japan. His
researched new varistor materials and devices for surge
absorber devices in electrical circuits and electrical power
Roger Narayan
“Two photon polymerization of inorganic-organic
hybrid materials for medical applications”
Narayan is professor in the Joint Department of
Biomedical Engineering at the University of North
Carolina and North Carolina State University. His
research program encompasses nanoscale and microscale
processing, characterization and modeling of biological and
biomedical materials.
Atsushi Omote
“Development of ultra-low thermal expansion materials”
Omote is chief researcher in the Advanced
Technology Research Laboratory at Panasonic
Corporation in Kyoto, Japan. He developed the
piezoelectric speaker that won the 2003 R&D100
Award. His current research interest is in solid
electrolytes for metal-air batteries.
Junichi Tatami
“Improvement in reliability of ceramics”
Tatami is associate professor at Yokohama National
University, Japan. His research interests include
high performance nitride ceramics, such as Si3N4,
SiAlON and AlN and powder processing.
Sujanto Widjaja
“Porous ceramics materials for clean air
Widjaja is project manager for product developWidjaja ment at Corning Inc., Corning, N.Y. His research
interests include reliability, mechanical behavior
and mechanics of glasses and porous ceramics.
American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
O ctOber 16–20, 2011 | c Olumbus , O hiO usA
MS&T’11 Exhibitors
(As of 08/4/11)
Across International
AdValue Technology LLC
Agilent Technologies
Aldrich Material Science
Alfa Aesar
Alfred University
Allied High Tech Products Inc.
American Stress Technologies Inc.
Analytical Reference Materials International
Angstrom Scientific Inc.
Anter Corporation
Applied Test Systems Inc.
ASB Industries Inc.
Avure Technologies Inc.
BigC: Dino-Lite Scopes
Bose Corporation
Brook Anco Corporation
Carl Zeiss MicroImaging
Carl Zeiss SMT
Carpenter Technology Corporation
Centorr Vacuum Industries Inc.
Cilas Particle Size
Clemex Technologies
CM Furnaces Inc.
CompuTherm LLC
CSM Instruments
Dialog LLC
Edax Inc.
Engineered Pressure Systems Inc.
Evans Analytical Group
FEI Company
Fluid Imaging Technologies
Gasbarre Products Inc. (PTX-Pentronix)
Goodfellow Corporation
Granta Design
H.C. Starck
Harrop Industries Inc.
High Temperature Materials Laboratory
Hitachi High Technologies America Inc.
Horiba Scientific
International Centre for Diffraction Data
Keyence Corporation
Laeis GMBH
LECO Corp.
Leica Microsystems
LSP Technologies Inc.
Maney Publishing
Metal Samples Company
Metcut Research Inc.
Micro Materials
Micromeritics Instruments Corporation
Micropyretics Heaters International
American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
MTI Corporation
MTS Systems Corporation
Netzsch Instruments North America LLC
Netzsch Premier Technology LLC
Nippon Yttrium Company LTD.
NSL Analytical Services Inc.
Ocean Optics
Ohio State University – Mat. Sci. Engrg.
Oxford Instruments
Powder Processing & Technology LLC
Precision Castparts Corp.
Proto Manufacturing Inc.
Rigaku Americas Corporation
Sente Software Ltd.
Spectro Analytical Instruments Inc.
Struers Inc.
Struers Showcase
Sturtevant Inc.
Tescan USA
Thermaltek Inc.
Thermcraft Inc.
Thermo Scientific
Thermo-Cal Software
UES Inc.
Union Process Inc.
United Testing Systems Inc.
Contact Pat Janeway to
reserve your booth space
at MS&T’11.
mAteriAls science & technOlOgy 2011 cOnference & exhibitiOn
Materials Science & Technology
2011 Conference and Exhibition
16–20 October 2011
Greater Columbus
Convention Center
Columbus, Ohio
Organized by: ACerS (The American Ceramic Society) • AIST (Association for Iron & Steel Technology)
ASM (ASM International) • TMS (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society)
Exhibit Application
Payment Schedule:
OBLIGATION FOR 30 DAYS. After 30 days, the exhibitor must notify
MS&T of his intent to keep or cancel the booth reserved. If the exhibitor elects to keep the booth, a non-refundable deposit of 50% is due
within 30 days of the first invoice.
Full Payment Must Accompany Contract
Rental Rate:
10' x 10' Booth — $2,850
For Career Pavilion sponsorship information, contact your MS&T
Representative or go to
Booth Selection:
Please indicate booth choices in order of preference.
Booth Number(s)
Exhibitor Company Name (AS IT SHOULD APPEAR ON ALL
PERTINENT EXHIBITOR LISTINGS – If “The” is the first word of the
Company name, we will alphabetize by the second word of the Company name). PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY!
Website: ________________________________________________
Contact Person for All Correspondence and Service Manual
Name: _________________________________________________
Title: ___________________________________________________
Telephone: ______________________________________________
1st Choice ______________________________
2nd Choice _____________________________
3rd Choice ______________________________
Mailing/Shipping Information (if different from above — no P.O. Box)
Please list all companies that you DO NOT WANT to be located near.
MS&T will make every effort to comply with this request.
Sales and Marketing Manager: ______________________________
Exhibitor Authorized Signature#
Payment Information:
The above 10' x 10' exhibit space rentals will include: Draped 8' back
wall and 3' side rails, 7" x 44" B&W ID sign, digital complimentary exposition passes, general security, company and product listing in show
directory, list of registrants, and corporate technical session badge
based on the following scale:
100–200 sq. ft. — 1 badge
300–400 sq. ft. — 2 badges
500–600 sq. ft. — 3 badges
700+ sq. ft. — 4 badges
Complimentary booth space does not qualify for multiple badges.
Check enclosed for $ ____________ (check payable to MS&T, c/o
The above 5' x 10' exhibit space rentals will include: Table, two chairs
and wastebasket.
For Information, Contact
The American Ceramic Society – Patricia Janeway
Phone: +1.614.794.5826
Association for Iron & Steel Technology – Bill Albaugh
Phone: +1.724.814.3010
ASM International – Kelly Thomas
Phone: +1.440.338.1733
The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society – Trudi Dunlap
Phone: +1.724.814.3174
Please charge my credit card $ ______________________________
Credit Card Number ___________________Exp. Date ___________
Name of cardholder (please print)
Please mail payment to: Rebecca Smith
186 Thorn Hill Road
Warrendale, PA 15086
Or fax payment to Rebecca Smith at: +1.724.814.3061
For Use by Exposition Management Only
This contract is accepted and assigned booth number
________ , size ______ , at a cost of $______________ .
Deposit of $ _________ is hereby acknowledged.
Accepted by:
American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
O ctOber 16–20, 2011 | c Olumbus , O hiO usA
Hotel Options
Reserve your room through the Greater Columbus Convention and Visitors Bureau
At one of the official conference hotels in downtown Columbus where MS&T has arranged for attendee discounted rates. Please note that MS&T has assumed a financial liability for any and all hotel rooms in blocks that
are not reserved. We ask that you kindly reserve your room at one of the hotels listed below in order to limit our
financial liability for the overall success of the meeting. Thank you for your cooperation!
Hyatt – Attached to Convention Center
Renaissance – 4 blocks from Convention Center, ACerS headquarters hotel
Crowne Plaza – 1 block from Convention Center,
Red Roof Inn – 1 block from Convention Center
Hampton Inn – 1 block from Convention Center
Drury Inn – 1 block from Convention Center
Reserve your room online at
Young Professional Programming at MS&T’11
Monday, Oct. 17, 12:30–4 p.m.
Plant Tour to ArcelorMittal Columbus – Hosted by AIST
Tuesday, Oct. 18, 8 a.m.–4:20 p.m.
Symposium: Perspectives for Emerging Materials Professionals: Early Strategies for Career
Development – Hosted by ASM International
Tuesday, Oct. 18, Noon–2 p.m.
Young Leader Tutorial Luncheon – Hosted by TMS
Tuesday, Oct. 18, 5–6 p.m.
MS&T Young Professional Network Reception – Hosted by ACerS
American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
36th InternatIonal ConferenCe and exposItIon on
AdvAnced cerAmics And composites
January 22-27, 2012 | hilton daytona Beach resort and ocean Center | daytona Beach, florida, Usa
organized by the american Ceramic society and the american Ceramic society’s engineering Ceramics division
Register by
December 22, 2011
to save $125
Meeting Overview:
the 36th international conference and exposition on Advanced
ceramics and composites is Jan. 22-27, 2012 in daytona Beach,
Fla. programmed by Acers’s engineering ceramics division,
icAcc’12 showcases cutting-edge research and product developments in advanced ceramics, armor ceramics, solid oxide fuel cells,
ceramic coatings, bioceramics and more.
icAcc’12 programming includes 14 symposia and four focused sessions. new elements include the european Union-UsA
engineering ceramics summit, which provides an open forum for
scientists, researchers and engineers from around the world to
present and exchange recent advances to ceramic science and
technology, and the Global Young investigators Forum meant to
facilitate scientific discussions among young researchers and to
exchange of ideas essential to identify emerging global challenges.
two new focus session launch at icAcc’12: next Generation
technologies for innovative surface coatings, and Advanced (ceramic) materials and processing for photonics and energy.
see you in daytona!
Plenary Information
Student Information
James I. Mueller Award
david B. marshall, teledyne scientific company
Attention Students!
don’t miss the student networking mixer during icAcc’12.
the mixer is a relaxed and casual atmosphere where you have
the chance to rub elbows with Acers volunteer leaders. Any
opportunity to network with some of the most accomplished
people in the ceramics profession will benefit you in school and
beyond. mark your calendar and attend this special student
networking opportunity. more details will follow in the coming
Plenary Speakers
Yoshio Ukyo, toyota central r&d Labs., inc.
Jose A. varela, chemistry institute, University of são
paulo state
American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
Save 25% when you
register for both
ICACC’12 and EMA 2012.
Short Course
Mechanical Properties of Ceramics and Glass
instructors: George d. Quinn, nist, and
richard c. Bradt, University of Alabama
thursday, Jan. 26 and Friday, Jan. 27, 2012
this two-day course covers:
• Mechanical properties of ceramics and glasses for
elastic properties, strength measurements, fracture
parameters and indentation hardness
• Fundamentals of properties for each topical area
• Relate properties to structure and crystal chemistry of
the materials
• Standard test methods
Attendees will learn the fundamentals of each topic
and be exposed to how the structures of ceramics and
glasses determine those properties. they will become
acquainted with the standard test methods for the
listed mechanical properties and be able to complete
those tests, understanding the results. (continuous fiber
ceramic matrix composites are not included.) Attendees
will learn how the results of some tests may be used to
design with ceramics and glasses, as well as learn about
postmortem analyzes of failures. they will gain a basic
understanding of the mechanical properties of ceramics
and their measurement.
Acers members
student (member or nonmember)
course plus membership
early rate expires 30 days before course is offered.
Hilton daytona Beach resort/ocean Walk village
100 north Atlantic Avenue, daytona Beach, FL 32118
386-254-8200 | Fax: 386-253-8841
$149 - single/double/triple/Quad
$123 - student
prevailing rate - Government
secure your room online at
before dec. 22, 2011 to secure the conference rate.
American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
Schedule of Events
Sunday – January 22
Welcome Reception
5 p.m. – 7 p.m.
Monday – January 23
Opening Awards Ceremony and Plenary Session 8:30 a.m. – Noon
Concurrent Technical Sessions
1:30 p.m. – 6 p.m.
Tuesday – January 24
Concurrent Technical Sessions
Exposition and Reception
Poster Session A
8 a.m. – 5:20 p.m.
5 p.m. – 8 p.m.
5 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Wednesday – January 25
Concurrent Technical Sessions
Exposition and Reception
Poster Session B
8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
5 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
5 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Thursday – January 26
Concurrent Technical Sessions
8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Friday – January 27
Concurrent Technical Sessions
8 a.m. – Noon
36th InternatIonal ConferenCe and exposItIon on
AdvAnced cerAmics And composites
Exhibit Information
ocean center conference center/Arena
101 north Atlantic Avenue
daytona Beach, Fla 32118
eXposition & poster session HoUrs
tuesday, Jan. 24, 2011, 5:00-8:00 p.m.
Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2011, 5:00-7:30 p.m.
BootH rentAL detAiLs
to exhibit at icAcc’12, contact patricia
Janeway at
or 614-794-5826.
Booth dimensions: 10 ft. wide × 10 ft. deep
price: $1,895*
*Acers corporate members receive $100 off
the exhibit space price.
Booth number
Alfred University
Avs inc.
Buhler inc.
carbolite inc.
cm Furnaces inc.
dorst America
dunhua Zhengxing
Abrasives co. Ltd.
eirich machines inc.
enrG incorporated
esL electroscience
evans Analytical Group
Gasbarre products/
H.c. starck
Harrop industries inc.
Heraeus material technology
Keith company
Booth available
Booth reserved
netzsch instruments
n.A. LLc
netzsch premier
technologies LLc
new Lenox machine co.
oxy-Gon industries inc.
prematech Advanced
Booth number
Booth number
psc inc. (Litzler)
Quantachrome instruments
r.d. Webb co.
riedhammer GmbH/
teAm by sacmi
robocasting enterprises
sonoscan inc.
American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
Register by
December 18, 2011
to save $125.
electronic materials and applications 2012
DoubleTree by Hilton Orlando at Sea World, Orlando, FL | January 18-20, 2012
Save 25% when you register for both EMA 2012 and ICACC’12
Program overview:
Student information
Electronic Materials and Applications 2012 will focus on
electronic ceramics for energy generation, conversion and
storage applications, and will bring together leaders and
experts in the field to address the related material challenges.
Jointly programmed by the Electronics Division and Basic
Science Division of ACerS, EMA 2012 will be held January
18-20, 2012 at the DoubleTree by Hilton Orlando at Sea World,
Orlando, Fla. The meeting is designed for materials scientists,
engineers, students, researchers and manufacturers with an
interest in renewable energy, innovative hybrid and all-electric
transportation development, electrical ceramics and advanced
ACerS President’s Council of Student Advisors is hosting a
student-focused technical symposium entitled, “Highlights of
student research in basic science and electronics ceramics,”
at EMA 2012. This symposium will showcase undergraduate and graduate research to encourage innovation and
involvement of students throughout the ceramics community.
Abstracts are still being accepted for this special student symposium. If you are interested in submitting, contact Marilyn
Stoltz at no later than Sept. 13, 2011.
The technical program will include invited lectures, contributed papers, poster presentations, round tables on emerging
topics, and an ACerS PCSA-run symposium featuring student
research. With increased investment in renewable energy,
“smart grid” technologies, all-electric vehicles and innovative
hybrid transportation development, electrical ceramics are positioned as the key enabler of technologies. There is continued
interest in energy harvesting, integrated sensors, bio-inspired
vehicles & systems, and advanced functional microelectronics
where integrated electrical ceramics & composites will play a
key role. EMA 2012 aims to provide the current state-of-the-art
in applications of these materials, the fundamental science of
materials processing, and advanced methods for materials
integration. See you in Orlando!
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
hotel information:
DoubleTree by Hilton Orlando at Sea World®
10100 International Drive, Orlando, FL 32821
+1 (407) 352-1100 | 800-327-0363 | Fax: +1 (407) 352-2632
Room Rate
$149 - single/double
Current prevailing per diem rate – government
Secure your room by Dec. 21, 2011 to ensure the discounted
American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Plenary Session I
Concurrent Technical Sessions
Plenary Session II
Concurrent Technical Sessions
Poster Session & Welcome Reception
7:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.
8:45 to 9 a.m.
9 to 10 a.m.
10:30 a.m. to Noon
1:15 to 2:15 p.m.
2:45 to 5:30 p.m.
6 to 8 p.m.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Plenary Session III
Concurrent Technical Sessions
Plenary Session IV
Concurrent Technical Sessions
Conference Dinner
7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
8 to 9 a.m.
9:30 a.m. to Noon
1:15 to 2:15 p.m.
2:45 to 5:30 p.m.
7 to 9 p.m.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Plenary Session V
Concurrent Technical Sessions
Concurrent Technical Sessions
7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
8 to 9 a.m
9:30 a.m. to Noon
1:30 to 5 p.m.
technical Program co-SPonSor
Calendar of events
September 2011
2–5 ICCCI 2012: 4th Int’l Conference
on The Characterization and Control of
Interfaces for High-Quality Advanced
Materials – Hotel Nikko Kurashiki,
Kurashiki City, Japan;
12 ACerS Pittsburgh Section Annual
Golf Outing – Lenape Heights Golf
Course, Ford City, Pa.; www.ceramics.
12–14 WASTES: 1st Int’l Conference
on Waste Solutions, Treatments
and Opportunities – University
Minho, Guimaräes, Portungal; www.
12–14 imX Interactive Manufacturing
Experience – Las Vegas Convention
Center, Las Vegas, Nev.; www.
13–14 Nanopolymers 2011 – Radisson
Blu Scandinavia Hotel, Düsseldorf,
20–22 Hi-Temp Conference (Netzsch
North America Instruments) –
Millennium Hotel, Boston, Mass.; www.
20–24 Cersaie: Int’l Exhibition of
Ceramic Tile & Bathroom Furnishings
– Bologna Exhibition Center, Bologna,
22–23 ISPA 2011: Int’l Symposium
& Technology 2011 Conference
and Exhibition – Greater Columbus
Convention Center, Columbus, Ohio;
16–20 ACerS Annual Meeting and
Awards Banquet – Renaissance
Downtown Hotel, Columbus, Ohio;
12–22 Carbon-Based Nanomaterials
& Devices – Suzhou, China; www.
18 Thermal Analysis of Ceramic
Materials – Porzellanikon Selb, Selb,
54th Annual Int’l Colloquium
on Refractories: “Refractories for
Industrials” – Aachen, Germany; www. or
a Clean Environment – Hilton Cancun
Golf & Spa Resort, Cancun, Mexico;
January 2012
18–20 Electronic Materials and
Applications 2012 – DoubleTree by
Hilton Orlando at Seaworld, Orlando,
22–27 ICACC‘12: 36th International
Conference and Exposition on Advanced
Ceramics and Composites – Hilton
Daytona Beach Resort and Ocean
Center, Daytona, Fla.; www.ceramics.
30–Feb. 2 IMAC XXX: A Conference
and Exposition on Structural Dynamics
– Hyatt Regency Jacksonville
Riverfront, Jacksonville, Fla.; www.
30–Nov. 2
February 2012
13–14 12th Qualicer Congress: Global
LEDs 2011 – San Diego
Resort, San Diego, Calif.;
ACTSEA-2011: 3rd Int’l
Symposium on Advanced Ceramics
and Technology for Sustainable
Energy Applications – Howard Beach
Resort Kenting Hunchun Town,
Pingtung, Taiwan;
30–Nov. 2
UNITECR 2011: Unified
Int’l Conference on Refractories, 12th
Biennial Worldwide Congress – Kyoto
International Conference Center, Kyoto,
Forum on Ceramic Tile – Chamber of
Commerce, Castellón, Spain; www.
26–March 1 Materials Challenges in
Alternative & Renewable Energy – Hilton
Clearwater Beach Resort, Clearwater,
March 2012
5–7 German Ceramic Society Annual
on Piezocomposite Applicatioons
– Volkswagen Transparent Factory,
Dresden, German; www.ikts.fraunhofer.
November 2011
4–7 CICC-7: 7th Int’l Conference on
Meeting and Symposium on HighPerformice Ceramics – Nuremberg,
Germany.; www.dkg-jahrestagung2012.
October 2011
2–7 EPD 2011: 4th Int’l Conference
8–10 Hi-Tech Build 2011 – Expocenter
11–15 Pittcon 2012 – Orange County
Convention Center, Orlando, Fla.; www.
on Electrophoretic Deposition –
CasaMagna Marriott Hotel, Puerto
Vallarta, Mexico; www.engconfintl.
5–6 Thermoplastic Shaping of
Technical Ceramics – Fraunhofer IKTS,
Dresden, Germany;
6–7 Debinding of Ceramic Moldings
– Fraunhofer IKTS, Dresden, Germany;
MS&T’11: Materials Science
High-Performance Ceramics – Xiamen,
Pavilion 1, Moscow, Russia;
15–18 12th NCB Int’l Seminar on
Cement and Building Materials
– The Ashok, Diplomatic Enclave,
Chanakyapuri, New Delhi, India;
16–18 IV Portuguese–Spanish
Congress on Ceramics and Glasses –
University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal;
27–Dec 1
Fray Int’l Symposium
on Metals and Materials Processing in
HTC 2012: 7th Int’l
Conference on High-Temperature
Capillarity – Dan Panorama Eilat Hotel,
Eilat, Israel
Dates in RED denote new entry in
this issue.
Entries in BLUE denote ACerS
denotes meetings that ACerS
cosponsors, endorses or otherwise cooperates in organizing.
American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
classified advertising
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• Familiarity with glass and ceramic
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• Must have good written and oral
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Customer service is the
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American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
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American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
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American Ceramic Society, The
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Pat Janeway, Associate Publisher
PremaTech Advanced Ceramic
American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
Richard Rozelaar
ph: 44-(0)-20-7834-7676
Classified Advertising/Services
Pat Janeway
600 N. Cleveland Ave, Suite 210
Westerville, OH 43082
deciphering the discipline
The future of materials
just graduated … Now
Thomas Burton
Guest columnist
conferences and working with a professional society.
The first time I really felt like I was
part of the materials field was when I
attended the Materials Science and
Technology Conference in 2008—my
first MS&T. Here was an open platter
of anything and everything materials
related, and my head spun with all the
possibilities before me.
This point of becoming part of your
professional community is an important
one. Professionals see their work as taking
place on a stage larger than just the lab
and, thus, work hard to stay up-to-date
in current affairs. For active professionals
and undergrads this means reading journals, magazines and websites. Students
have the wonderful opportunity of joining
Material Advantage for little cost, giving
them access to a wealth of professionals,
news and prospects. Professional societies
like ACerS can showcase the skills and
experience of students and young professionals on a larger scale, for example,
through the ACerS online listing of résumés and job postings where students and
hiring companies can meet easily.
The last important lesson that all
college students and young professionals need to learn is that they are now
in a world of self-initiation. They say
that college is what you make of it. The
same is true for everything thereafter,
because from now on you are your own
advocate and secretary.
Having a goal in mind is the difference between your path feeling like
drudgery or more like a path you belong
on: the path of a professional. This
goal has to motivate you—it has to
inspire you. To that end, my goal is to
eventually work for Advanced Research
Projects Agency–Energy. Time will tell
whether I achieve it, but my goal keeps
me motivated through the projects,
papers and forms.
In conclusion, there are many factors
that define a professional engineer. Two
important qualities are initiative and
community involvement. Students and
transitioning professionals have access
to resources that help them build these
areas as they start their careers. Take
advantage of them and help all of us
continue the bright future of materials.
Material Advantage and
Keramos chapters will find a wealth of
information at PCSA’s web resources.
the next few months the website will
add a find-a-graduate-school searchable
database to help match students with
faculty and graduate schools by research
Visit the PCSA website at: www.
ence activities and share professional
resources. Discussions about interesting
company visits and helpful job resources are invited, so be sure to check out
the page. Postings are updated frequently, providing information about
conference hotels, competitions and
Find the Facebook link on our
PCSA website or search for the ACerS
President’s Council of Student Advisors
Attending college while my mother
was a guidance counselor for a high
school near my hometown was a challenge. Whenever I was home for break,
I was constantly bombarded with
information and questions. Sound bites
of statistics, college preparedness and
maturity were folded into conversations
as I filled her in on the details of my
new life. As I look back, I am in awe
at how much I have gotten out of each
pearl of wisdom she doled out. The
most important ones put me on a path
to becoming a professional in my field,
but, ultimately, it was up to me to make
it happen.
A quick Google images search for
“professional” conjures many photos
of people in business suits. However, I
think many of us will agree that what
is under the expensive attire is much
more important for our definition of an
engineering professional.
Professional engineers are not formed
solely from their experiences outside of
college, as many undergraduates think.
Much of the knowledge and drive to be
an engineer is learned in the classroom.
Often, the experiences that transition us
from student to professional are the extra
hours put in to such things as attending
Material Advantage
and Keramos web
resources from PCSA
Check out the PCSA website for
information about becoming a delegate
and links to conference information. In
The PCSA Facebook page also is
available to help connect students,
post information about student confer-
Thomas Burton is a recent graduate from Virginia Tech with a BS
in materials science and engineering. He has recently entered the
MS program at the University of
Alabama in Tuscaloosa, where he
hopes to eventually receive his doctorate degree. He plans to study
nuclear and energy materials. He
is a member of ACerS Nuclear
& Environmental Technology
Division. He can be reached at
American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90, No. 7
VERSion 3.3
Version 3.3 CD-ROM release
includes 900 new figures with
approximately 1400 new
phase diagrams and
provides experimental
and calculated data
for an unprecedented
range of nonorganic
material types.