INTERRUP_F - Firmware Encoding Index
INTERRUP_F - Firmware Encoding Index
D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM Interrupt List, part 6 of 18 Copyright (c) 1989-1999,2000 Ralf Brown --------O-20--------------------------------INT 20 - Minix - SEND/RECEIVE MESSAGE AX = process ID of other process BX -> message CX = operation (1 send, 2 receive, 3 send&receive) Program: Minix is a Version 7 Unix-compatible operating system by Andrew Tanenbaum Note: the message contains the system call number (numbered as in V7 Unix(tm)) and the call parameters --------D-20--------------------------------INT 20 - DOS 1+ - TERMINATE PROGRAM CS = PSP segment Return: never Notes: (see INT 21/AH=00h) this function sets the program's return code (ERRORLEVEL) to 00h SeeAlso: INT 21/AH=00h,INT 21/AH=4Ch --------G-20--------------------------------INT 20 - COMTROL HOSTESS i/ISA DEBUGGER - INVOKE FIRMWARE DEBUGGER ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: INT 21"COMTROL" --------W-20----Vx0001----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - VMM - VxD SERVICES VxD = 0001h Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01265) Values for VMM (VxD ID 0001h) service number: 0000h get version 0001h get current VM handle 0002h test current VM handle 0003h get system VM handle 0004h test system VM handle 0005h validate VM handle -1- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F 0006h 0007h 0008h 0009h 000Ah 000Bh 000Ch 000Dh 000Eh 000Fh 0010h 0011h 0012h 0013h 0014h 0015h 0016h 0017h 0018h 0019h 001Ah 001Bh 001Ch 001Dh 001Eh 001Fh 0020h 0021h 0022h 0023h 0024h 0025h 0026h 0027h 0028h 0029h 002Ah 002Bh 002Ch 002Dh 002Eh Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM get VMM reenter count begin reentrant execution end reentrant execution install V86 breakpoint remove V86 breakpoint allocate V86 callback allocation PM callback call when VM returns schedule global event schedule VM event call global event call VM event cancel global event cancel VM event call priority VM event cancel priority VM event get NMI handler address set NMI handler address hook NMI event call when VM interrupts enabled enable VM interrupts disable VM interrupts map flat map linear to VM address adjust execution priority begin critical section end critical section end critical section and suspend claim critical section release critical section call when not critical create semaphore destroy semaphore wait on semaphore signal semaphore get critical section status call when task switched suspend VM resume VM no-fail resume VM nuke VM -2- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM 002Fh crash current VM 0030h get execution focus 0031h set execution focus 0032h get time slice priority 0033h set time slice priority 0034h get time slice granularity 0035h set time slice granularity 0036h get time slice information 0037h adjust execution time 0038h release time slice 0039h wake up VM 003Ah call when idle 003Bh get next VM handle 003Ch set global timeout 003Dh set VM timeout 003Eh cancel timeout 003Fh get system time Return: EAX = time in milliseconds that Windows has been running 0040h get VM execution time 0041h hook V86 interrupt chain 0042h get V86 interrupt vector 0043h set V86 interrupt vector 0044h get PM interrupt vector 0045h set PM interrupt vector 0046h simulate interrupt 0047h simulate IRET 0048h simulate far call 0049h simulate far jump 004Ah simulate far RET 004Bh simulate far RET N 004Ch build interrupt stack frame 004Dh simulate push 004Eh simulate pop 004Fh _HeapAllocate 0050h _HeapReAllocate 0051h _HeapFree 0052h _HeapGetSize 0053h _PageAllocate 0054h _PageReAllocate 0055h _PageFree 0056h _PageLock -3- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F 0057h 0058h 0059h 005Ah 005Bh 005Ch 005Dh 005Eh 005Fh 0060h 0061h 0062h 0063h 0064h 0065h 0066h 0067h 0068h 0069h 006Ah 006Bh 006Ch 006Dh 006Eh 006Fh 0070h 0071h 0072h 0073h 0074h 0075h 0076h 0077h 0078h 0079h 007Ah 007Bh 007Ch 007Dh 007Eh 007Fh Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM _PageUnLock _PageGetSizeAddr _PageGetAllocInfo _GetFreePageCount _GetSysPageCount _GetVMPgCount _MapIntoV86 _PhysIntoV86 _TestGlobalV86Mem _ModifyPageBits copy page table map linear into V86 linear page lock linear page unlock _SetResetV86Pageabl _GetV86PageableArray _PageCheckLinRange page out dirty pages discard pages _GetNulPageHandle get first V86 page map physical address to linear address _GetAppFlatDSAlias _SelectorMapFlat _GetDemandPageInfo _GetSetPageOutCount hook V86 page assign device V86 pages deassign device V86 pages get array of V86 pages for device _SetNULPageAddr allocate GDT selector free GDT selector allocate LDT selector free LDT selector _BuildDescriptorDWORDs get descriptor set descriptor toggle HMA get fault hook addresses hook V86 fault -4- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM 0080h hook PM fault 0081h hook VMM fault 0082h begin nested V86 execution 0083h begin nested execution 0084h execute V86-mode interrupt 0085h resume execution 0086h end nested execution 0087h allocate PM application callback area 0088h get current PM application callback area 0089h set V86 execution mode 008Ah set PM execution mode 008Bh begin using locked PM stack 008Ch end using locked PM stack 008Dh save client state 008Eh restore client state 008Fh execute VxD interrupt STACK: WORD interrupt number other registers as required by interrupt call Return: registers as returned by interrupt call 0090h hook device service EAX = service ID (high word = VxD ID, low = service number) ESI -> new handler 0091h hook device V86 API 0092h hook device PM API 0093h system control (see also #02657) 0094h simulate I/O 0095h install multiple I/O handlers 0096h install I/O handler DX = I/O port address ESI -> handler to call when I/O access attempted??? 0097h enable global trapping DX = I/O port address 0098h enable local trapping DX = I/O port address 0099h disable global trapping DX = I/O port address 009Ah disable local trapping DX = I/O port address 009Bh create list 009Ch destroy list 009Dh allocate list -5- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F 009Eh 009Fh 00A0h 00A1h 00A2h 00A3h 00A4h 00A5h 00A6h 00A7h 00A8h 00A9h 00AAh 00ABh 00ACh 00ADh 00AEh 00AFh 00B0h 00B1h 00B2h 00B3h 00B4h 00B5h 00B6h 00B7h 00B8h 00B9h 00BAh 00BBh 00BCh 00BDh 00BEh 00BFh 00C0h 00C1h 00C2h 00C3h 00C4h 00C5h 00C6h Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM attach list attach list tail insert into list remove from list deallocate list get first item in list get next item in list remove first item in list add instance item allocate device callback area allocate global V86 data area allocate temporary V86 data area free temporary V86 data area get decimal integer from profile convert decimal string to integer get fixed-point number from profile convert fixed-point string get hex integer from profile convert hex string to integer get boolean value from profile convert boolean string get string from profile get next string from profile get environment string get exec path get configuration directory open file get PSP segment get DOS vectors get machine information get/set HMA information set system exit code fatal error handler fatal memory error update system clock test if debugger installed output debugger string output debugger character input debugger character debugger convert hex to binary debugger convert hex to decimal -6- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F 00C7h 00C8h 00C9h 00CAh 00CBh 00CCh 00CDh 00CEh 00CFh 00D0h 00D1h 00D2h 00D3h 00D4h 00D5h 00D6h 00D7h 00D8h 00D9h 00DAh 00DBh 00DCh 00DDh 00DEh 00DFh 00E0h 00E1h 00E2h 00E3h 00E4h 00E5h 00E6h 00E7h 00E8h 00E9h 00EAh 00EBh 00ECh 00EDh 00EEh 00EFh Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM debugger test if valid handle validate client pointer test reentry queue debugger string log procedure call debugger test current VM get PM interrupt type set PM interrupt type get last updated system time get last updated VM execution time test if double-byte character-set lead byte _AddFreePhysPage _PageResetHandlePAddr _SetLastV86Page _GetLastV86Page _MapFreePhysReg _UnmapFreePhysReg _XchgFreePhysReg _SetFreePhysRegCalBk get next arena (MCB) get name of ugly TSR get debug options set physical HMA alias _GetGlblRng0V86IntBase add global V86 data area get/set detailed VM error Is_Debug_Chr clear monochrome screen output character to mono screen output string to mono screen set current position on mono screen get current position on mono screen get character from mono screen locate byte in ROM hook invalid page fault unhook invalid page fault set delete on exit file close VM "Enable_Touch_1st_Meg" "Disable_Touch_1st_Meg" install exception handler -7- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F 00F0h 00F1h 00F2h 00F3h 00F4h 00F5h 00F6h 00F7h 00F8h 00F9h 00FAh 00FBh 00FCh 00FDh 00FEh 00FFh 0100h 0101h 0102h 0103h 0104h 0105h 0106h 0107h 0108h 0109h 010Ah 010Bh 010Ch 010Dh 010Eh 010Fh 0110h 0111h 0112h 0113h 0114h 0115h 0116h 0117h 0118h Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM remove exception handler "Get_Crit_Status_No_Block" "_Schedule_VM_RTI_Event" "_Trace_Out_Service" "_Debug_Out_Service" "_Debug_Flags_Service" VMM add import module name VMM Add DDB VMM Remove DDB get thread time slice priority set thread time slice priority schedule thread event cancel thread event set thread timeout set asynchronous timeout "_AllocatreThreadDataSlot" "_FreeThreadDataSlot" create Mutex destroy Mutex get Mutex owner call when thread switched create thread start thread terminate thread get current thread handle test current thread handle "Get_Sys_Thread_Handle" "Test_Sys_Thread_Handle" "Validate_Thread_Handle" "Get_Initial_Thread_Handle" "Test_Initial_Thread_Handle" "Debug_Test_Valid_Thread_Handle" "Debug_Test_Cur_Thread" "VMM_GetSystemInitState" "Cancel_Call_When_Thread_Switched" "Get_Next_Thread_Handle" "Adjust_Thread_Exec_Priority" "_Deallocate_Device_CB_Area" "Remove_IO_Handler" "Remove_Mult_IO_Handlers" unhook V86 interrupt chain -8- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM 0119h unhook V86 fault handler 011Ah unhook PM fault handler 011Bh unhook VMM fault handler 011Ch unhook device service 011Dh "_PageReserve" 011Eh "_PageCommit" 011Fh "_PageDecommit" 0120h "_PagerRegister" 0121h "_PagerQuery" 0122h "_PagerDeregister" 0123h "_ContextCreate" 0124h "_ContextDestroy" 0125h "_PageAttach" 0126h "_PageFlush" 0127h "_SignalID" 0128h "_PageCommitPhys" 0129h "_Register_Win32_Services" 012Ah "Cancel_Call_When_Not_Critical" 012Bh "Cancel_Call_When_Idle" 012Ch "Cancel_Call_When_Task_Switched" 012Dh "_Debug_Printf_Service" 012Eh enter Mutex 012Fh leave Mutex 0130h simulate VM I/O 0131h "Signal_Semaphore_No_Switch" 0132h "_MMSwitchContext" 0133h "_MMModifyPermissions" 0134h "_MMQuery" 0135h "_EnterMustComplete" 0136h "_LeaveMustComplete" 0137h "_ResumeExecMustComplete" 0138h get thread termination status 0139h "_GetInstanceInfo" 013Ah "_ExecIntMustComplete" 013Bh "_ExecVxDIntMustComplete" 013Ch begin V86 serialization 013Dh unhook V86 page 013Eh "VMM_GetVxDLocationList" 013Fh "VMM_GetDDBList" get start of VxD chain (see also #02657 at INT 2F/AX=1684h/BX=0017h) 0140h unhook NMI event -9- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F 0141h 0142h 0143h 0144h 0145h 0146h 0147h 0148h 0149h 014Ah 014Bh 014Ch 014Dh 014Eh 014Fh 0150h 0151h 0152h 0153h 0154h 0155h 0156h 0157h 0158h 0159h 015Ah 015Bh 015Ch 015Dh 015Eh 015Fh 0160h 0161h 0162h 0163h 0164h 0165h 0166h 0167h 0168h 0169h Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM "Get_Instanced_V86_Int_Vector" get or set real DOS PSP call priority thread event "Get_System_Time_Address" "Get_Crit_Status_Thread" "Get_DDB" "Directed_Sys_Control" "_RegOpenKey" "_RegCloseKey" "_RegCreateKey" "_RegDeleteKey" "_RegEnumKey" "_RegQueryValue" "_RegSetValue" "_RegDeleteValue" "_RegEnumValue" "_RegQueryValueEx" "_RegSetValueEx" "_CallRing3" "Exec_PM_Int" "_RegFlushKey" "_PageCommitContig" "_GetCurrentContext" "_LocalizeSprintf" "_LocalizeStackSprintf" "Call_Restricted_Event" "Cancel_Restricted_Event" "Register_PEF_Provider" "_GetPhysPageInfo" "_RegQueryInfoKey" "MemArb_Reserve_Pages" "Time_Slice_Sys_VM_Idle" "Time_Slice_Sleep" "Boost_With_Decay" "Set_Inversion_Pri" "Reset_Inversion_Pri" "Release_Inversion_Pri" "Get_Thread_Win32_Pri" "Set_Thread_Win32_Pri" "Set_Thread_Static_Boost" "Set_VM_Static_Boost" -10- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F 016Ah 016Bh 016Ch 016Dh 016Eh 016Fh 0170h 0171h 0172h 0173h 0174h 0175h 0176h 0177h 0178h 0179h 017Ah 017Bh 017Ch 017Dh 017Eh 017Fh 0180h 0181h 0182h 0183h 0184h 0185h 0186h 0187h 0188h 0189h 018Ah 018Bh 018Ch 018Dh 018Eh 018Fh 0190h 0191h 0191h Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM "Release_Inversion_Pri_ID" "Attach_Thread_To_Group" "Detach_Thread_From_Group" "Set_Group_Static_Boost" "_GetRegistryPath" "_GetRegistryKey" "_CleanupNestedExec" "_RegRemapPreDefKey" "End_V86_Serialization" "_Assert_Range" "_Sprintf" "_PageChangePager" "_RegCreateDynKey" "RegQMulti" "Boost_Thread_With_VM" "Get_Boot_Flags" "Set_Boot_Flags" "_lstrcpyn" "_lstrlen" "_lmemcpy" "_GetVxDName" "Force_Mutexes_Free" "Restore_Forced_Mutexes" "_AddReclaimableItem" "_SetReclaimableItem" "_EnumReclaimableItem" "Time_Slice_Wake_Sys_VM" "VMM_Replace_Global_Environment" "Begin_Non_Serial_Nest_V86_Exec" "Get_Nest_Exec_Status" "Open_Boot_Log" "Write_Boot_Log" "Close_Boot_Log" "EnableDisable_Boot_Log" "_Call_On_My_Stack" "Get_Inst_V86_Int_Vec_Base" "_lstrcmpi" "_strupr" "Log_Fault_Call_Out" "_AtEventTime" ...last service for Windows95 SP1 -11- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM 811Ch unhook device service??? (called by KEYREMAP.VXD) EAX = service ID (high word = VxD ID, low = service number) ESI -> handler SeeAlso: #01266,#01267,INT 2F/AX=1684h/BX=0001h --------W-20----Vx0002----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - DEBUG - VxD SERVICES VxD = 0002h Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01266,#01340 (Table 01266) Values for DEBUG (VxD ID 0002h) service number: 0000h get version 0001h "DEBUG_Fault" 0002h "DEBUG_CheckFault" 0003h "_DEBUG_LoadSyms" SeeAlso: #01265,#01267 --------W-20----Vx0003----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - VPICD - VxD SERVICES VxD = 0003h Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01267,#01340 (Table 01267) Values for VPICD (VxD ID 0003h) service number: 0000h get version 0001h virtualize IRQ 0002h set interrupt request 0003h clear interrupt request 0004h physical EOI 0005h get complete status 0006h get status 0007h test physical request -12- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM 0008h physically mask 0009h physically unmask 000Ah set automatic masking 000Bh get IRQ complete status 000Ch convert handle to IRQ 000Dh convert IRQ to interrupt 000Eh convert interrupt to IRQ 000Fh call on hardware interrupt 0010h force default owner 0011h force default behavior 0012h "VPICD_Auto_Mask_At_Inst_Swap" 0013h "VPICD_Begin_Inst_Page_Swap" 0014h "VPICD_End_Inst_Page_Swap" 0015h "VPICD_Virtual_EOI" 0016h "VPICD_Get_Virtualization_Count" 0017h "VPICD_Post_Sys_Critical_Init" 0018h "VPICD_VM_SlavePIC_Mask_Change" SeeAlso: #01265,#01268,INT 2F/AX=1684h/BX=0003h --------W-20----Vx0004----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - VDMAD - VxD SERVICES VxD = 0004h Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01268) Values for VDMAD (VxD ID 0004h) service number: 0000h get version 0001h virtualize channel 0002h get region information 0003h set region information 0004h get virtual state 0005h set virtual state 0006h set physical state 0007h mask channel 0008h unmask channel 0009h lock DMA region 000Ah unlock DMA region -13- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM 000Bh scatter lock 000Ch scatter unlock 000Dh reserve buffer space 000Eh request buffer 000Fh release buffer 0010h copy to buffer 0011h copy from buffer 0012h default handler 0013h disable translation 0014h enable translation 0015h get EISA address mode 0016h set EISA address mode 0017h unlock DMA region (ND) 0018h "VDMAD_Phys_Mask_Channel" 0019h "VDMAD_Phys_Unmask_Channel" 001Ah "VDMAD_Unvirtualize_Channel" 001Bh "VDMAD_Set_IO_Address" 001Ch "VDMAD_Get_Phys_Count" 001Dh "VDMAD_Get_Phys_Status" 001Eh "VDMAD_Get_Max_Phys_Page" 001Fh "VDMAD_Set_Channel_Callbacks" 0020h "VDMAD_Get_Virt_Count" 0021h "VDMAD_Set_Virt_Count" 0021h ...last service for Windows95 SP1 SeeAlso: #01267,#02646,#02683 at INT 2F/AX=1684h/BX=0444h --------W-20----Vx0005----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - VTD - VxD SERVICES VxD = 0005h Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01269) Values for VTD (VxD ID 0005h) service number: 0000h get version 0001h update system clock 0002h get interrupt period 0003h begin minimum interrupt period -14- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM 0004h end minimum interrupt period 0005h disable trapping 0006h enable trapping 0007h get real time Return: EDX:EAX = time in 840ns units since Windows was started 0008h "VTD_Get_Date_And_Time" 0009h "VTD_Adjust_VM_Count" 000Ah "VTD_Delay" SeeAlso: #02646 at INT 2F/AX=1684h/BX=0005h --------W-20----Vx0006----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - V86MMGR - VxD SERVICES VxD = 0006h Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01270) Values for V86MMGR (VxD ID 0006h) service number: 00h get version 01h allocate V86 pages 02h set EMS and XMS limits 03h get EMS and XMS limits 04h set mapping information 05h get mapping information 06h Xlat API 07h load client pointer 08h allocate buffer 09h free buffer 0Ah get Xlat buffer state 0Bh set Xlat buffer state 0Ch get VM flat selector 0Dh map pages 0Eh free page map region 0Fh _LocalGlobalReg 10h get page status 11h set local A20 12h reset base pages 13h set available mapped pages -15- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM 14h "V86MMGR_NoUMBInitCalls" 15h "V86MMGR_Get_EMS_XMS_Avail" 16h "V86MMGR_Toggle_HMA" EAX = ??? 17h "V86MMGR_Dev_Init" 18h "V86MMGR_Alloc_UM_Page" SeeAlso: #02646,#01271,INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API" --------W-20----Vx0007----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - PageSwap - VxD SERVICES VxD = 0007h Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01271) Values for PageSwap (VxD ID 0007h) service number: 00h get version 01h test create 02h create swap file 03h destroy swap file 04h in 05h out 06h test if I/O valid 07h "Read_Or_Write" 08h "Grow_File" 09h "Init_File" SeeAlso: #01270,#01272,#01273,#02648 --------W-20----Vx0009----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - REBOOT - VxD SERVICES VxD = 0009h Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01272) -16- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM Values for REBOOT (VxD ID 0009h) service number: 00h get REBOOT version??? 01h ??? 02h ??? 03h ...last service for Windows95 SP1 SeeAlso: #01271,#01273,#02642 --------W-20----Vx000A----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - VDD - VxD SERVICES VxD = 000Ah Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01273) Values for VDD (VxD ID 000Ah) service number: 00h get version 01h PIF state 02h get GrabRtn 03h hide cursor 04h set VM type 05h get ModTime 06h set HCurTrk 07h message clear screen 08h message foreground color 09h message background color 0Ah message output text 0Bh message set cursor position 0Ch query access 0Dh "VDD_Check_Update_Soon" 0Eh "VDD_Get_Mini_Dispatch_Table" 0Fh "VDD_Register_Virtual_Port" DX = base I/O port number CL = number of contiguous ports??? 10h "VDD_Get_VM_Info" 11h "VDD_Get_Special_VM_IDs" Return: ESI = ??? EDI = ??? 12h "VDD_Register_Extra_Screen_Selector" -17- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM 13h "VDD_Takeover_VGA_Port" DX = VGA I/O port number (03C2h, etc.) ECX -> routine to call on I/O access Return: ECX -> previous handler (to be jumped to at end of new handler) 14h ??? 15h ??? 16h ...last service for Windows95 SP1 SeeAlso: #01272,#01274,#02648 --------W-20----Vx000B----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - VSD - VxD SERVICES VxD = 000Bh Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01274) Values for VSD (VxD ID 000Bh) service number: 00h get version 01h bell 02h sound on 03h "VSD_TakeSoundPort" SeeAlso: #01273,#01275 --------W-20----Vx000C----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - VMD / VMOUSE - VxD SERVICES VxD = 000Ch Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01275) Values for VMD / VMOUSE (VxD ID 000Ch) service number: 0000h get version 0001h set mouse type 0002h get mouse owner 0003h "VMOUSE_Post_Pointer_Message" -18- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM 0004h "VMOUSE_Set_Cursor_Proc" 0005h "VMOUSE_Call_Cursor_Proc" 0006h "VMOUSE_Set_Mouse_Data~Get_Mouse_Data" 0007h "VMOUSE_Manipulate_Pointer_Message" 0008h "VMOUSE_Set_Middle_Button" 0009h "VMD_Set_Middle_Button" 000Ah "VMD_Enable_Disable_Mouse_Events" 000Bh "VMD_Post_Absolute_Pointer_Message" ...last service for Windows95 SP1 SeeAlso: #01274,#01276,INT 2F/AX=1684h/BX=000Ch --------W-20----Vx000D----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - VKD - VxD SERVICES VxD = 000Dh Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01276) Values for VKD (VxD ID 000Dh) service number: 0000h get version 0001h define hotkey 0002h remove hotkey 0003h locally enable hotkey 0004h locally disable hotkey 0005h reflect hotkey 0006h cancel hotkey state 0007h force keys 0008h get keyboard owner 0009h define paste mode 000Ah start pasting 000Bh cancel paste 000Ch get message key 000Dh peek message key 000Eh flush message key queue 000Fh "VKD_Enable_Keyboard" 0010h "VKD_Disable_Keyboard" 0011h "VKD_Get_Shift_State" 0012h "VKD_Filter_Keyboard_Input" -19- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM 0013h "VKD_Put_Byte" 0014h "VKD_Set_Shift_State" ...last service for Windows95 SP1 SeeAlso: #01275,#01277 --------W-20----Vx000E----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - VCD - VxD SERVICES VxD = 000Eh Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01277) Values for VCD (VxD ID 000Eh) service number: 0000h get version 0001h set port global 0002h get focus 0003h virtualize port 0004h "VCD_Acquire_Port" 0005h "VCD_Free_Port" 0006h "VCD_Acquire_Port_Windows_Style" 0007h "VCD_Free_Port_Windows_Style" 0008h "VCD_Steal_Port_Windows_Style" 0009h "VCD_Find_COM_Index" 000Ah "VCD_Set_Port_Global_Special" 000Bh "VCD_Virtualize_Port_Dynamic" 000Ch "VCD_Unvirtualize_Port_Dynamic" ...last service for Windows95 SP1 SeeAlso: #01276,#01278 --------W-20----Vx0010----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - BlockDev / IOS - VxD SERVICES VxD = 0010h Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 -20- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM (Table 01278) Values for BlockDev/IOS (VxD ID 0010h) service number: 0000h get version 0001h register device 0002h find INT 13 drive 0003h get device list 0004h send command 0005h command complete 0006h synchronous command 0007h "IOS_Register" 0008h "IOS_Requestor_Service" 0009h "IOS_Exclusive_Access" 000Ah "IOS_Send_Next_Command" 000Bh "IOS_Set_Async_Time_Out" 000Ch "IOS_Signal_Semaphore_No_Switch" 000Dh "IOSIdleStatus" 000Eh "IOSMapIORSToI24" 000Fh "IOSMapIORSToI21" 0010h "PrintLog" SeeAlso: #01277,#01279 --------W-20----Vx0011----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - VMCPD - VxD SERVICES VxD = 0011h Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01279) Values for VMCPD (VxD ID 0011h) service number: 0000h "VMCPD_Get_Version" 0001h "VMCPD_Get_Virt_State" 0002h "VMCPD_Set_Virt_State" 0003h "VMCPD_Get_CR0_State" 0004h "VMCPD_Set_CR0_State" 0005h "VMCPD_Get_Thread_State" 0006h "VMCPD_Set_Thread_State" 0007h "_VMCPD_Get_FP_Instruction_Size" 0008h "VMCPD_Set_Thread_Precision" -21- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM SeeAlso: #01278,#01280,#02642 --------W-20----Vx0012----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - EBIOS - VxD SERVICES VxD = 0012h Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01280) Values for EBIOS (VxD ID 0012h) service number: 00h get EBIOS version 01h get unused memory SeeAlso: #01279,#01281 --------W-20----Vx0014----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - VNETBIOS - VxD SERVICES VxD = 0014h Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01281) Values for VNETBIOS (VxD ID 0014h) service number: 00h get version 01h register 02h submit 03h enum 04h deregister 05h register2 06h map 07h enum2 SeeAlso: #01280,#01282 --------W-20----Vx0015----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - DOSMGR - VxD SERVICES VxD = 0015h Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data -22- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01282) Values for DOSMGR (VxD ID 0015h) service number: 0000h get version 0001h set exec VM data 0002h coyp VM drive state 0003h execute VM 0004h get InDOS pointer 0005h add device 0006h remove device 0007h instance device 0008h get DOS critical status 0009h enable InDOS polling 000Ah backfill allowed 000Bh "LocalGlobalReg" 000Ch "Init_UMB_Area" 000Dh "Begin_V86_App" 000Eh "End_V86_App" 000Fh "Alloc_Local_Sys_VM_Mem" EAX = number of paragraphs??? to allocate 0010h "DOSMGR_Grow_CDSs" 0011h "DOSMGR_Translate_Server_DOS_Call" 0012h "DOSMGR_MMGR_PSP_Change_Notifier" SeeAlso: #01281,#02656 at INT 2F/AX=1684h/BX=0015h --------W-20----Vx0017----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - SHELL - VxD SERVICES VxD = 0017h Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01283) Values for SHELL (VxD ID 0017h) service number: -23- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM 0000h get version 0001h resolve contention 0002h event 0003h SYSMODAL message 0004h message 0005h get VM information 0006h "_SHELL_PostMessage" 0007h "_SHELL_WinExec" 0008h "_SHELL_CallDll" 0009h "SHELL_OpenClipboard" 000Ah "SHELL_SetClipboardData" 000Bh "SHELL_GetClipboardData" 000Ch "SHELL_CloseClipboard" 000Dh "_SHELL_Install_Taskman_Hooks" 000Eh "SHELL_Hook_Properties" 000Fh "SHELL_Unhook_Properties" 0010h "SHELL_OEMKeyScan" 0011h "SHELL_Update_User_Activity" 0012h "_SHELL_UnhookSystemBroadcast" 0013h "_SHELL_LocalAllocEx" 0014h "_SHELL_LocalFree" 0015h "_SHELL_LoadLibrary" 0016h "_SHELL_FreeLibrary" 0017h "_SHELL_GetProcAddress" 0018h "_SHELL_CallDll" 0019h "_SHELL_SuggestSingleMSDOSMode" 001Ah "SHELL_CheckHotkeyAllowed" 001Bh "_SHELL_GetDOSAppInfo" SeeAlso: #01282,#01284,#02657 at INT 2F/AX=1684h/BX=0017h --------W-20----Vx0018----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - VMPoll - VxD SERVICES VxD = 0018h Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01284) Values for VMPoll (VxD ID 0018h) service number: -24- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM 00h get version 01h enable/disable 02h reset detection 03h check idle SeeAlso: #01269,#02657 at INT 2F/AX=1684h/BX=0017h --------W-20----Vx001A----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - DOSNET - VxD SERVICES VxD = 001Ah Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01285) Values for DOSNET (VxD ID 001Ah) service number: 00h get version 01h send FILESYSCHANGE 02h do PSP adjust SeeAlso: #01284,#01286 --------W-20----Vx001B----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - VFD - VxD SERVICES VxD = 001Bh Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01286,#01340 (Table 01286) Values for VFD (VxD ID 001Bh) service number: 0000h get version SeeAlso: #01285,#01287 --------W-20----Vx001C----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - LoadHi - VxD SERVICES VxD = 001Ch Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h -25- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01287) Values for LoadHi (VxD ID 001Ch) service number: 00h get version Return: CF clear EAX = version (AH = major, AL = minor) ESI -> ASCIZ signature "LoadHi" SeeAlso: #01286,#01288 --------W-20----Vx0020----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - Int13 - VxD SERVICES VxD = 0020h Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01288) Values for Int13 (VxD ID 0020h) service number: 00h get version 01h device registered 02h translate VM interrupt 03h hooking BIOS interrupt 04h unhooking BIOS interrupt SeeAlso: #01287,#01289 --------W-20----Vx0021----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - PAGEFILE - VxD SERVICES VxD = 0021h Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01289) Values for PAGEFILE (VxD ID 0021h) service number: -26- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM 00h get version 01h init file 02h clean up 03h grow file 04h read or write 05h cancel 06h test I/O valid 07h "Get_Size_Info" 08h "Set_Async_Manager" 09h "Call_Async_Manager" SeeAlso: #01288,#02661 at INT 2F/AX=1684h/BX=0021h --------W-20----Vx0026----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - VPOWERD - VxD SERVICES VxD = 0026h Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01290) Values for VPOWERD (VxD ID 0026h) service number: 00h get version Return: CF clear EAX = version (AH = major, AL = minor) 01h get APM BIOS version Return: CF clear EAX = APM BIOS version 02h get current power management level Return: CF clear EAX = power management level 03h enable/disable power management (see INT 15/AX=5308h) Return: EAX = error code (see #02665) or 00000000h if successful 04h set power state (see INT 15/AX=5307h) ??? Return: EAX = error code (see #02665) or 00000000h if successful 05h set system power status Return: EAX = error code (see #02665) or 00000000h if successful 06h restore APM power-on defaults (see INT 15/AX=5309h) Return: EAX = error code (see #02665) or 00000000h if successful -27- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM 07h get power status (see INT 15/AX=530Ah) Return: ??? 08h get APM 1.1 power state (see INT 15/AX=530Ch) Return: ??? 09h invoke OEM APM function ??? -> bufer containing parameters for INT 15/AX=5380h Return: EAX = error code (see #02665) or 00000000h if successful buffer updated if successful 0Ah register power handler ??? Return: EAX = error code (see #02665) or 00000000h if successful 0Bh deregister power handler ??? Return: EAX = error code (see #02665) or 00000000h if successful 0Ch Win32 get system power status 0Dh Win32 set system power status SeeAlso: #01289,#01291,INT 2F/AX=1684h/BX=0026h --------W-20----Vx0027----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - VXDLDR - VxD SERVICES VxD = 0027h Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01291) Values for VXDLDR (VxD ID 0027h) service number: 0000h "VXDLDR_Get_Version" 0001h "VXDLDR_LoadDevice" 0002h "VXDLDR_UnloadDevice" 0003h "VXDLDR_DevInitSucceeded" 0004h "VXDLDR_DevInitFailed" 0005h "VXDLDR_GetDeviceList" 0006h "VXDLDR_UnloadMe" 0007h "PELDR_LoadModule" 0008h "PELDR_GetModuleHandle" 0009h "PELDR_GetModuleUsage" 000Ah "PELDR_GetEntryPoint" 000Bh "PELDR_GetProcAddress" -28- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM 000Ch "PELDR_AddExportTable" 000Dh "PELDR_RemoveExportTable" 000Eh "PELDR_FreeModule" 000Fh "VXDLDR_Notify" 0010h "_PELDR_InitCompleted" 0011h "_PELDR_LoadModuleEx" SeeAlso: #01289,#01292 --------W-20----Vx0028----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - NDIS - VxD SERVICES VxD = 0028h Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01292) Values for NDIS (VxD ID 0028h) service number: 00h "NdisGetVersion" 01h "NdisAllocateSpinLock" 02h "NdisFreeSpinLock" 03h "NdisAcquireSpinLock" 04h "NdisReleaseSpinLock" 05h "NdisOpenConfiguration" 06h "NdisReadConfiguration" 07h "NdisCloseConfiguration" 08h "NdisReadEisaSlotInformation" 09h "NdisReadMcaPosInformation" 0Ah "NdisAllocateMemory" 0Bh "NdisFreeMemory" 0Ch "NdisSetTimer" 0Dh "NdisCancelTimer" 0Eh "NdisStallExecution" 0Fh "NdisInitializeInterrupt" 10h "NdisRemoveInterrupt" 11h "NdisSynchronizeWithInterrupt" 12h "NdisOpenFile" 13h "NdisMapFile" 14h "NdisUnmapFile" 15h "NdisCloseFile" -29- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F 16h 17h 18h 19h 1Ah 1Bh 1Ch 1Dh 1Eh 1Fh 20h 21h 22h 23h 24h 25h 26h 27h 28h 29h 2Ah 2Bh 2Ch 2Dh 2Eh 2Fh 30h 31h 32h 33h 34h 35h 36h 37h 38h 39h 3Ah 3Bh 3Ch 3Dh 3Eh Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM "NdisAllocatePacketPool" "NdisFreePacketPool" "NdisAllocatePacket" "NdisReinitializePacket" "NdisFreePacket" "NdisQueryPacket" "NdisAllocateBufferPool" "NdisFreeBufferPool" "NdisAllocateBuffer" "NdisCopyBuffer" "NdisFreeBuffer" "NdisQueryBuffer" "NdisGetBufferPhysicalAddress" "NdisChainBufferAtFront" "NdisChainBufferAtBack" "NdisUnchainBufferAtFront" "NdisUnchainBufferAtBack" "NdisGetNextBuffer" "NdisCopyFromPacketToPacket" "NdisRegisterProtocol" "NdisDeregisterProtocol" "NdisOpenAdapter" "NdisCloseAdapter" "NdisSend" "NdisTransferData" "NdisReset" "NdisRequest" "NdisInitializeWrapper" "NdisTerminateWrapper" "NdisRegisterMac" "NdisDeregisterMac" "NdisRegisterAdapter" "NdisDeregisterAdapter" "NdisCompleteOpenAdapter" "NdisCompleteCloseAdapter" "NdisCompleteSend" "NdisCompleteTransferData" "NdisCompleteReset" "NdisCompleteRequest" "NdisIndicateReceive" "NdisIndicateReceiveComplete" -30- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM 3Fh "NdisIndicateStatus" 40h "NdisIndicateStatusComplete" 41h "NdisCompleteQueryStatistics" 42h "NdisEqualString" 43h "NdisNetAddressStringToBinary" 44h "NdisReadNetworkAddress" 45h "NdisWriteErrorLogEntry" 46h "C_MapPhysToLinear" 47h "C_HeapFree" 48h "NdisAllocateSharedMemory" 49h "NdisFreeSharedMemory" ... 5Fh ...last service for Windows95 SP1 SeeAlso: #01291,#01293 --------W-20----Vx002A----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - VWIN32 - VxD SERVICES VxD = 002Ah Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01293) Values for VWIN32 (VxD ID 002Ah) service number: 0000h "VWin32_Get_Version" 0001h "VWin32_Wake_For_Event" 0002h "_VWIN32_QueueUserApc" 0003h "_VWIN32_Get_Thread_Context" 0004h "_VWIN32_Set_Thread_Context" 0005h "_VWIN32_CopyMem" 0006h "_VWIN32_BlockForTermination" 0007h "_VWIN32_Emulate_Npx" 0008h "_VWIN32_CheckDelayedNpxTrap" 0009h "VWIN32_EnterCrstR0" 000Ah "VWIN32_LeaveCrstR0" 000Bh "_VWIN32_FaultPopup" 000Ch "VWIN32_GetContextHandle" 000Dh "VWIN32_GetCurrentProcessHandle" 000Eh "_VWIN32_SetWin32Event" -31- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM 000Fh "_VWIN32_PulseWin32Event" 0010h "_VWIN32_ResetWin32Event" 0011h "_VWIN32_WaitSingleObject" 0012h "_VWIN32_WaitMultipleObjects" 0013h "_VWIN32_CreateRing0Thread" 0014h "_VWIN32_CloseVxDHandle" 0015h "VWIN32_ActiveTimeBiasSet" 0016h "VWIN32_GetCurrentDirectory" 0017h "VWIN32_BlueScreenPopup" 0018h "VWIN32_TerminateApp" 0019h "_VWIN32_QueueKernelAPC" 001Ah "VWIN32_SysErrorBox" 001Bh "_VWIN32_IsClientWin32" 001Ch "VWIN32_IFSRIPWhenLev2Taken" SeeAlso: #01292,#01294 --------W-20----Vx002B----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - VCOMM - VxD SERVICES VxD = 002Bh Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01294) Values for VCOMM (VxD ID 002Bh) service number: 0000h "VCOMM_Get_Version" 0001h "_VCOMM_Register_Port_Driver" 0002h "_VCOMM_Acquire_Port" 0003h "_VCOMM_Release_Port" 0004h "_VCOMM_OpenComm" 0005h "_VCOMM_SetCommState" 0006h "_VCOMM_GetCommState" 0007h "_VCOMM_SetupComm" 0008h "_VCOMM_TransmitCommChar" 0009h "_VCOMM_CloseComm" 000Ah "_VCOMM_GetCommQueueStatus" 000Bh "_VCOMM_ClearCommError" 000Ch "_VCOMM_GetModemStatus" 000Dh "_VCOMM_GetCommProperties" -32- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM 000Eh "_VCOMM_EscapeCommFunction" 000Fh "_VCOMM_PurgeComm" 0010h "_VCOMM_SetCommEventMask" 0011h "_VCOMM_GetCommEventMask" 0012h "_VCOMM_WriteComm" 0013h "_VCOMM_ReadComm" 0014h "_VCOMM_EnableCommNotification" 0015h "_VCOMM_GetLastError" 0016h "_VCOMM_Steal_Port" 0017h "_VCOMM_SetReadCallBack" 0018h "_VCOMM_SetWriteCallBack" 0019h "_VCOMM_GetSetCommTimeouts" 001Ah "_VCOMM_SetWriteRequest" 001Bh "_VCOMM_SetReadRequest" 001Ch "_VCOMM_Dequeue_Request" 001Dh "_VCOMM_Dequeue_Request" 001Eh "_VCOMM_Enumerate_DevNodes" 001Fh "VCOMM_Map_Win32DCB_To_Ring0" 0020h "VCOMM_Map_Ring0DCB_To_Win32" 0021h "_VCOMM_Get_Contention_Handler" 0022h "_VCOMM_Map_Name_To_Resource" SeeAlso: #01293,#01295 --------W-20----Vx002C----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - SPOOLER - VxD SERVICES VxD = 002Ch Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01295) Values for SPOOLER (VxD ID 002Ch) service number: 0000h get version??? 0001h ??? 0010h ...last service for Windows95 SP1 SeeAlso: #01294,#01296 --------W-20----Vx0032----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - VSERVER - VxD SERVICES VxD = 0032h -33- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01296) Values for VSERVER (VxD ID 0032h) service number: 00h get VSERVER version Return: CF clear EAX = version (AH = major, AL = minor) EBX = ??? (00000000h) 01h allocate ??? AX = ??? ESI = ??? Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error (table full) 02h NOP??? Return: EBX = 00000000h 03h ??? Return: ZF clear SeeAlso: #01295,#01297,INT 2F/AX=1684h/BX=0032h --------W-20----Vx0033----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - CONFIGMG - VxD SERVICES VxD = 0033h Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01297) Values for CONFIGMG (VxD ID 0033h) service number: 0000h "_CONFIGMG_Get_Version" 0001h "_CONFIGMG_Initialize" 0002h "_CONFIGMG_Locate_DevNode" 0003h "_CONFIGMG_Get_Parent" 0004h "_CONFIGMG_Get_Child" 0005h "_CONFIGMG_Get_Sibling" -34- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F 0006h 0007h 0008h 0009h 000Ah 000Bh 000Ch 000Dh 000Eh 000Fh 0010h 0011h 0012h 0013h 0014h 0015h 0016h 0017h 0018h 0019h 001Ah 001Bh 001Ch 001Dh 001Eh 001Fh 0020h 0021h 0022h 0023h 0024h 0025h 0026h 0027h 0028h 0029h 002Ah 002Bh 002Ch 002Dh 002Eh Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM "_CONFIGMG_Get_Device_ID_Size" "_CONFIGMG_Get_Device_ID" "_CONFIGMG_Get_Depth" "_CONFIGMG_Get_Private_DWord" "_CONFIGMG_Set_Private_DWord" "_CONFIGMG_Create_DevNode" "_CONFIGMG_Query_Remove_SubTree" "_CONFIGMG_Remove_SubTree" "_CONFIGMG_Register_Device_Driver" "_CONFIGMG_Register_Enumerator" "_CONFIGMG_Register_Arbitrator" "_CONFIGMG_Deregister_Arbitrator" "_CONFIGMG_Query_Arbitrator_Free_Size" "_CONFIGMG_Query_Arbitrator_Free_Data" "_CONFIGMG_Sort_NodeList" "_CONFIGMG_Yield" "_CONFIGMG_Lock" "_CONFIGMG_Unlock" "_CONFIGMG_Add_Empty_Log_Conf" "_CONFIGMG_Free_Log_Conf" "_CONFIGMG_Get_First_Log_Conf" "_CONFIGMG_Get_Next_Log_Conf" "_CONFIGMG_Add_Res_Des" "_CONFIGMG_Modify_Res_Des" "_CONFIGMG_Free_Res_Des" "_CONFIGMG_Get_Next_Res_Des" "_CONFIGMG_Get_Performance_Info" "_CONFIGMG_Get_Res_Des_Data_Size" "_CONFIGMG_Get_Res_Des_Data" "_CONFIGMG_Process_Events_Now" "_CONFIGMG_Create_Range_List" "_CONFIGMG_Add_Range" "_CONFIGMG_Delete_Range" "_CONFIGMG_Test_Range_Available" "_CONFIGMG_Dup_Range_List" "_CONFIGMG_Free_Range_List" "_CONFIGMG_Invert_Range_List" "_CONFIGMG_Intersect_Range_List" "_CONFIGMG_First_Range" "_CONFIGMG_Next_Range" "_CONFIGMG_Dump_Range_List" -35- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F 002Fh 0030h 0031h 0032h 0033h 0034h 0035h 0036h 0037h 0038h 0039h 003Ah 003Bh 003Ch 003Dh 003Eh 003Fh 0040h 0041h 0042h 0043h 0044h 0045h 0046h 0047h 0048h 0049h 004Ah 004Bh 004Ch 004Dh 004Eh 004Fh 0050h 0051h 0052h 0053h 0054h 0055h 0056h 0057h Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM "_CONFIGMG_Load_DLVxDs" "_CONFIGMG_Get_DDBs" "_CONFIGMG_Get_CRC_CheckSum" "_CONFIGMG_Register_DevLoader" "_CONFIGMG_Reenumerate_DevNode" "_CONFIGMG_Setup_DevNode" "_CONFIGMG_Reset_Children_Marks" "_CONFIGMG_Get_DevNode_Status" "_CONFIGMG_Remove_Unmarked_Children" "_CONFIGMG_ISAPNP_To_CM" "_CONFIGMG_CallBack_Device_Driver" "_CONFIGMG_CallBack_Enumerator" "_CONFIGMG_Get_Alloc_Log_Conf" "_CONFIGMG_Get_DevNode_Key_Size" "_CONFIGMG_Get_DevNode_Key" "_CONFIGMG_Read_Registry_Value" "_CONFIGMG_Write_Registry_Value" "_CONFIGMG_Disable_DevNode" "_CONFIGMG_Enable_DevNode" "_CONFIGMG_Move_DevNode" "_CONFIGMG_Set_Bus_Info" "_CONFIGMG_Get_Bus_Info" "_CONFIGMG_Set_HW_Prof" "_CONFIGMG_Recompute_HW_Prof" "_CONFIGMG_Query_Change_HW_Prof" "_CONFIGMG_Get_Device_Driver_Private_DWord" "_CONFIGMG_Set_Device_Driver_Private_DWord" "_CONFIGMG_Get_HW_Prof_Flags" "_CONFIGMG_Set_HW_Prof_Flags" "_CONFIGMG_Read_Registry_Log_Confs" "_CONFIGMG_Run_Detection" "_CONFIGMG_Call_At_Appy_Time" "_CONFIGMG_Fail_Change_HW_Prof" "_CONFIGMG_Set_Private_Problem" "_CONFIGMG_Debug_DevNode" "_CONFIGMG_Get_Hardware_Profile_Info" "_CONFIGMG_Register_Enumerator_Function" "_CONFIGMG_Call_Enumerator_Function" "_CONFIGMG_Add_ID" "_CONFIGMG_Find_Range" "_CONFIGMG_Get_Global_State" -36- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM 0058h "_CONFIGMG_Broadcast_Device_Change_Message" 0059h "_CONFIGMG_Call_DevNode_Handler" 005Ah "_CONFIGMG_Remove_Reinsert_All" Note: the VxD services appear to be identical to the PM/V86 APIs on INT 2F/AX=1684h SeeAlso: #01296,#01299,INT 2F/AX=1684h/BX=0033h --------W-20----Vx0034----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - DWCFGMG.SYS - VxD SERVICES VxD = 0034h Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01298) Values for DWCFGMG.SYS (VxD ID 0034h) service number: 00h "CM_GetVersion" get supported DDI version Return: EAX = 00000000h if not installed else AH = major version number AL = minor version number EBX = number of devices controlled by DWCFGMG.SYS 01h "CM_GetConfig" get device configuration EBX = device index EDI -> buffer for configuration information (see #02675) Return: EAX = status (0000h successful, 0001h index out of range) 02h "CM_LockConfig" lock device configuration EDI -> configuration information (see #02675) Return: EAX = status 0000h successful 0001h resource conflict 0002h invalid request 03h "CM_UnlockConfig" unlock device configuration EDI -> configuration information (see #02675) Return: EAX = status (0000h successful, 0001h invalid request) 04h "CME_QueryResources" 05h "CME_AllocResources" 06h "CME_DeallocResources" SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h/BX=0034h -37- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM --------W-20----Vx0036----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - VFBACKUP - VxD SERVICES VxD = 0036h Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01299) Values for VFBACKUP (VxD ID 0036h) service number: 0000h get version Return: CF clear EAX = version (AH = major, AL = minor) 0001h "VFBACKUP_Lock_NEC" 0002h "VFBACKUP_UnLock_NEC" 0003h "VFBACKUP_Register_NEC" 0004h "VFBACKUP_Register_VFD" 0005h "VFBACKUP_Lock_All_Ports" SeeAlso: #01297,#01300 --------W-20----Vx0037----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - VMINI / ENABLE - VxD SERVICES VxD = 0037h Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01300) Values for VMINI / ENABLE (VxD ID 0037h) service number: 0000h get version Return: CF clear EAX = version (AH = major, AL = minor) 0001h "VMINI_Update" ??? (performs VMMCall 1800Eh, then falls through to service 04h) Return: EAX = system time??? 0002h "VMINI_Status" get current ??? -38- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM Return: EAX = ??? 0003h "VMINI_DisplayError" (schedules a global event via VMMCall 1800Eh) Return: ??? 0004h "VMINI_SetTimeStamp" (performs VMMCall 100CFh) Return: EAX = system time 0005h "VMINI_Siren" (call ??? priority event) Return: nothing 0006h "VMINI_RegisterAccess" (set ??? / get ???) EDI -> buffer containing data to copy into VxD and space for results Return: EDI buffer updated 0007h "VMINI_GetData" EBX = ??? flags (bits 2,15,17,18 checked) EDI -> ??? ??? Return: ??? 0008h "VMINI_ShutDownItem" (schedules a global event via VMMCall 1800Eh) Return: ??? 0009h "VMINI_RegisterSK" (get ??? data) EDI -> buffer for data (see #01301) Return: EDI buffer updated if large enough SeeAlso: #01299,#01302,#02677 at INT 2F/AX=1684h/BX=0037h Format of ENABLE.VXD ??? data: Offset Size Description (Table 01301) 00h DWORD (ret) length of data, including this word (call) length of buffer 04h DWORD -> 24-byte (or larger) buffer 08h DWORD -> 20-byte buffer 0Ch DWORD -> 260-byte buffer 10h DWORD -> 260-byte buffer SeeAlso: #01300 --------W-20----Vx0038----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - VCOND - VxD SERVICES VxD = 0038h Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 -39- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM (Table 01302) Values for VCOND (VxD ID 0038h) service number: 0000h get VCOND version Return: CF clear EAX = version (AH = major, AL = minor) 0001h "VCOND_Launch_ConApp_Inherited" SeeAlso: #01303,#01300,#01304 (Table 01303) Values for Windows95 VCOND (Vxd ID 0038h) Win32 service number: 00h get VCOND version Return: EAX = version (AH = major, AL = minor) ... 34h ...last Win32 service for Windows95 SP1 SeeAlso: #01302 --------W-20----Vx003D----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - BIOS - VxD SERVICES VxD = 003Dh Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01304) Values for BIOS (VxD ID 003Dh) service number: 00h get version??? 01h ??? 02h ??? 03h ??? SeeAlso: #01302,#01305 --------W-20----Vx003E----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - WSOCK - VxD SERVICES VxD = 003Eh Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 -40- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM (Table 01305) Values for WSOCK (VxD ID 003Eh) service number: 00h get WSOCK version Return: CF clear AH = major version AL = minor version EAX high word = 0000h 01h ??? EAX = ??? or 00000000h Return: CF clear if successful EAX = 00000000h CF set on error EAX = ??? 02h ??? EAX = ??? or 00000000h Return: ??? 03h ??? 04h ...last service for Windows95 SP1 SeeAlso: #01304,#01306 --------W-20----Vx0040----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - IFSMgr - VxD SERVICES VxD = 0040h Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01306) Values for IFSMGR (VxD ID 0040h) service number: 00h get version 01h "RegisterMount" 02h "RegisterNet" 03h "RegisterMailSlot" 04h "Attach" 05h "Detach" 06h "Get_NetTime" 07h "Get_DOSTime" 08h "SetupConnection" -41- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F 09h 0Ah 0Bh 0Ch 0Dh 0Eh 0Fh 10h 11h 12h 13h 14h 15h 16h 17h 18h 19h 1Ah 1Bh 1Ch 1Dh 1Eh 1Fh 20h 21h 22h 23h 24h 25h 26h 27h 28h 29h 2Ah 2Bh 2Ch 2Dh 2Eh 2Fh 30h 31h Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM "DerefConnection" "ServerDOSCall" "CompleteAsync" "RegisterHeap" "GetHeap" "RetHeap" "CheckHeap" "CheckHeapItem" "FillHeapSpare" "Block" "Wakeup" "Yield" "SchedEvent" "QueueEvent" "KillEvent" "FreeIOReg" "MakeMailSlot" "DeleteMailSlot" "WriteMailSlot" "PopUp" "printf" "AssertFailed" "LogEntry" "DebugMenu" "DebugVars" "GetDebugString" "GetDebugHexNum" "NetFunction" "DoDelAllUses" "SetErrString" "GetErrString" "SetReqHook" "SetPathHook" "UseAdd" "UseDel" "InitUseAdd" "ChangeDir" "DelAllUses" "CDROM_Attach" "CDROM_Detach" "Win32DupHandle" -42- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F 32h 33h 34h 35h 36h 37h 38h 39h 3Ah 3Bh 3Ch 3Dh 3Eh 3Fh 40h 41h 42h 43h 44h 45h 46h 47h 48h 49h 4Ah 4Bh 4Ch 4Dh 4Eh 4Fh 50h 51h 52h 53h 54h 55h 56h 57h 58h 59h 5Ah Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM "Ring0_FileIO" "Toggle_Extended_File_Handle" "IFSMgr_GetDrive_Info" "IFSMgr_Ring0GetDriveInfo" "IFSMgr_BlockNoEvents" "IFSMgr_NetToDosTime" "IFSMgr_DosToNetTime" "IFSMgr_DosToWin32Time" "IFSMgr_Win32ToDosTime" "IFSMgr_NetToWin32Time" "IFSMgr_Win32ToNetTime" "IFSMgr_MetaMatch" "IFSMgr_TransMatch" "IFSMgr_CallProvider" "UniToBCS" "UniToBCSPath" "BCSToUni" "UniToUpper" "UniCharToOEM" "CreateBasis" "MatchBasisName" "AppendBasisTail" "FcbToShort" "ShortToFcb" "IFSMgr_ParsePath" "Query_PhysLock" "_VolFlush" "NotifyVolumeArrival" "NotifyVolumeRemoval" "QueryVolumeRemoval" "IFSMgr_FSDUnmountCFSD" "IFSMgr_GetConversionTablePtrs" "IFSMgr_CheckAccessConflict" "IFSMgr_LockFile" "IFSMgr_UnlockFile" "IFSMgr_RemoveLocks" "IFSMgr_CheckLocks" "IFSMgr_CountLocks" "IFSMgr_ReassignLockFileInst" "IFSMgr_UnassignLockList" "IFSMgr_MountChildVolume" -43- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM 5Bh "IFSMgr_UnmountChildVolume" 5Ch "IFSMgr_SwapDrives" 5Dh "IFSMgr_FSDMapFHtoIOREQ" 5Eh "IFSMgr_FSDParsePath" 5Fh "IFSMgr_FSDAttachSFT" 60h "IFSMgr_GetTimeZoneBias" 61h "IFSMgr_PNPEvent" 62h "IFSMgr_RegisterCFSD" 63h "IFSMgr_Win32MapExtendedHandleToSFT" 64h "IFSMgr_DbgSetFileHandleLimit" 65h "IFSMgr_Win32MapSFTToExtendedHandle" 66h "IFSMgr_FSDGetCurrentDrive" 67h "IFSMgr_InstallFileSystemApiHook" 68h "IFSMgr_RemoveFileSystemApiHook" 69h "IFSMgr_RunScheduledEvents" 6Ah "IFSMgr_CheckDelResource" 6Bh "IFSMgr_Win32GetVMCurdir" 6Ch "IFSMgr_SetupFailedConnection" 6Dh "_GetMappedErr" 6Eh "ShortToLossyFcb" 6Fh "IFSMgr_GetLockState" 70h "BcsToBcs" 71h "IFSMgr_SetLoopback" 72h "IFSMgr_ClearLoopback" 73h "IFSMgr_ParseOneElement" 74h "BcsToBcsUpper" SeeAlso: #01305,#01307 --------W-20----Vx0041----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - VCDFSD - VxD SERVICES VxD = 0041h Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01307) Values for VCDFSD (VxD ID 0041h) service number: 00h get VCDFSD version??? 01h ??? -44- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM 02h ??? 03h ??? SeeAlso: #01306,#01308 --------W-20----Vx0048----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - PERF - VxD SERVICES VxD = 0048h Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01308) Values for PERF (VxD ID 0048h) service number: 00h get version Return: CF clear EAX = version (AH = major, AL = minor) 01h "PERF_Server_Register" (creates/sets a registry key for the server) 02h "PERF_Server_Deregister" end performance monitoring (deletes registry key for server) 03h "PERF_Server_Add_Stat" start performance monitoring (creates/sets a registry key) 04h "PERF_Server_Remove_Stat" end performance monitoring (deletes registry key) SeeAlso: #01307,#01311,#01309 --------W-20----Vx004A----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - MTRR - VxD SERVICES VxD = 004Ah Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01309) Values for MTRR (VxD ID 004Ah) service number: 00h get version 01h ??? (highest service defined for Win95B) -45- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM SeeAlso: #01308,#01310 --------W-20----Vx004B----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - NTKERN - VxD SERVICES VxD = 004Bh Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01310) Values for NTKERN (VxD ID 004Bh) service number: 00h get version??? ... 08h ??? (highest service defined for Win95B) SeeAlso: #01309,#01311 --------W-20----Vx011F----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - VFLATD - VxD SERVICES VxD = 011Fh Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01311) Values for VFLATD (VxD ID 011Fh) service number: 00h get VFLATD version??? 01h ??? SeeAlso: #01308,#01312 --------W-20----Vx0449----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - vjoyd - VxD SERVICES VxD = 0449h Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 -46- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM (Table 01312) Values for vjoyd (VxD ID 0449h) service number: 00h get vjoyd version??? 01h ??? SeeAlso: #01311,#01313 --------W-20----Vx044A----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - mmdevldr - VxD SERVICES VxD = 044Ah Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01313) Values for mmdevldr (VxD ID 044Ah) service number: 00h get mmdevldr version??? 01h ??? 02h ??? 03h ??? 04h ??? 05h ??? SeeAlso: #01312,#01314 --------W-20----Vx0480----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - VNetSup - VxD SERVICES VxD = 0480h Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01314) Values for VNetSup (VxD ID 0480h) service number: 00h get VNetSup version??? 01h ??? 02h ??? 03h ??? -47- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM 04h ??? 05h ??? 06h ??? SeeAlso: #01313,#01315 --------W-20----Vx0481----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - VREDIR - VxD SERVICES VxD = 0481h Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01315) Values for VREDIR (VxD ID 0481h) service number: 0000h "VRedir_Get_Version" 0001h "VRedir_Register" 0002h "VRedir_MakeMailSlot" 0003h "VRedir_DeleteMailSlot" 0004h "VRedir_ServerEnum" 0010h ...last service for Windows95 SP1 SeeAlso: #01314,#01316 --------W-20----Vx0483----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - VSHARE - VxD SERVICES VxD = 0483h Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01316) Values for VSHARE (VxD ID 0483h) service number: 00h get VSHARE version??? SeeAlso: #01315,#01317 --------W-20----Vx0487----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - NWLINK - VxD SERVICES VxD = 0487h Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data -48- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01317) Values for NWLINK (VxD ID 0487h) service number: 00h get NWLINK version??? 01h ??? 06h ...last service for Windows95 SP1 SeeAlso: #01316,#01318,#02642 --------W-20----Vx0488----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - VTDI - VxD SERVICES VxD = 0488h Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01318) Values for VTDI (VxD ID 0488h) service number: 00h get VTDI version??? 01h ??? 08h get ??? seen called with DWORD -> ASCIZ "MSTCP" on stack, returning EAX=??? 0Dh ...last service for Windows95 SP1 SeeAlso: #01317,#01319 --------W-20----Vx0489----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - VIP - VxD SERVICES VxD = 0489h Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01319) -49- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM Values for VIP (VxD ID 0489h) service number: 00h get VIP version??? 01h ??? 05h ??? 06h ??? returns EAX=0/1 08h ...last service for Windows95 SP1 ---Frontier Technologies' FTCVIP--09h ??? returns EAX=1 SeeAlso: #01318,#01320 --------W-20----Vx048A----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - MSTCP - VxD SERVICES VxD = 048Ah Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01320) Values for MSTCP (VxD ID 048Ah) service number: 00h get MSTCP version??? SeeAlso: #01319,#01321 --------W-20----Vx048B----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - VCACHE - VxD SERVICES VxD = 048Bh Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01321) Values for VCACHE (VxD ID 048Bh) service number: 0000h "VCACHE_Get_Version" 0001h "VCACHE_Register" 0002h "VCACHE_GetSize" 0003h "VCACHE_CheckAvail" -50- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM 0004h "VCACHE_FindBlock" 0005h "VCACHE_FreeBlock" 0006h "VCACHE_MakeMRU" 0007h "VCACHE_Hold" 0008h "VCACHE_Unhold" 0009h "VCACHE_Enum" 000Ah "VCACHE_TestHandle" 000Bh "VCACHE_VerifySums" 000Ch "VCACHE_RecalcSums" 000Dh "VCACHE_TestHold" 000Eh "VCACHE_GetStats" 000Fh "VCache_Deregister" 0010h "VCache_AdjustMinimum" 0011h "VCache_SwapBuffers" 0012h "VCache_RelinquishPage" 0013h "VCache_UseThisPage" 0014h "_VCache_CreateLookupCache" 0015h "_VCache_CloseLookupCache" 0016h "_VCache_DeleteLookupCache" 0017h "_VCache_Lookup" 0018h "_VCache_UpdateLookup" SeeAlso: #01320,#01322 --------W-20----Vx048E----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - NWREDIR - VxD SERVICES VxD = 048Eh Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01322) Values for NWREDIR (VxD ID 048Eh) service number: 00h get NWREDIR version??? 01h ??? SeeAlso: #01321,#01323 --------W-20----Vx0491----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - FILESEC - VxD SERVICES VxD = 0491h Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data -51- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01323) Values for FILESEC (VxD ID 0491h) service number: 00h get FILESEC version??? 01h ??? 10h ...last service for Windows95 SP1 SeeAlso: #01322,#01324 --------W-20----Vx0492----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - NWSERVER - VxD SERVICES VxD = 0492h Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01324) Values for NWSERVER (VxD ID 0492h) service number: 00h get NWSERVER version??? 01h ??? 02h ??? 03h ??? SeeAlso: #01323,#01325 --------W-20----Vx0493----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - MSSP / NWSP - VxD SERVICES VxD = 0493h Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01325) Values for MSSP/NWSP (VxD ID 0493h) service number: -52- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM 00h get NSSP / NWSP version??? 01h ??? 06h ...last service for Windows95 SP1 SeeAlso: #01324,#01326 --------W-20----Vx0494----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - NSCL - VxD SERVICES VxD = 0494h Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01326) Values for NSCL (VxD ID 0494h) service number: 00h get NSCL version??? 01h ??? 02h ??? SeeAlso: #01325,#01327 --------W-20----Vx0495----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - AFVXD - VxD SERVICES VxD = 0495h Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01327) Values for AFVXD (VxD ID 0495h) service number: 00h get version Return: CF clear AX = version (AH = high, AL = low) 01h ??? EAX -> ??? EBX -> ??? ECX = ??? Return: ??? 02h ??? -53- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM EAX -> ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: #01326,#01328 --------W-20----Vx0496----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - NDIS2SUP - VxD SERVICES VxD = 0496h Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier (see #02642) SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01328) Values for NDIS2SUP (VxD ID 0496h) service number: 00h get NDIS2SUP version??? 01h ??? SeeAlso: #01327,#01329 --------W-20----Vx0498----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - Splitter - VxD SERVICES VxD = 0498h Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier (see #02642) SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01329) Values for Splitter (VxD ID 0498h) service number: 00h get Splitter version Return: CF clear EAX = version (00000001h) 01h ??? 02h ??? 03h hook/unhook VMM "hook device service" service EAX = request (0 = unhook, nonzero = hook) Return: if EAX nonzero on entry, Splitter's service 04h replaces VMM service 0090h; otherwise, default handler is restored 04h Splitter "hook device service" handler SeeAlso: #01328,#01330 -54- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM --------W-20----Vx0499----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - PPPMAC - VxD SERVICES VxD = 0499h Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier (see #02642) SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01330) Values for PPPMAC (VxD ID 0499h) service number: 00h ??? 09h ...last service for Windows95 SP1 SeeAlso: #01329,#01331,#02642 --------W-20----Vx049A----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - VDHCP - VxD SERVICES VxD = 049Ah Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier (see #02642) SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01331) Values for VDHCP (VxD ID 049Ah) service number: 00h get VDHCP version??? 01h ??? 02h ??? 03h ??? SeeAlso: #01330,#01332 --------W-20----Vx049B----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - VNBT - VxD SERVICES VxD = 049Bh Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier (see #02642) SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 -55- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM (Table 01332) Values for VNBT (VxD ID 049Bh) service number: 00h get VNBT version??? SeeAlso: #01331,#01333 --------W-20----Vx049D----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - LOGGER - VxD SERVICES VxD = 049Dh Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier (see #02642) SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01333) Values for LOGGER (VxD ID 049Dh) service number: 00h get LOGGER version??? 01h ??? 02h ??? 03h ??? 04h ??? SeeAlso: #01332,#01334 --------W-20----Vx097C----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - PCCARD - VxD SERVICES VxD = 097Ch Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier (see #02642) SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01334,#01340 (Table 01334) Values for PCCARD (VxD ID 097Ch) service number: 0000h "PCCARD_Get_Version" 0001h "PCCARD_Card_Services" SeeAlso: #01333,#01337 ----------20----Vx3048----------------------INT 20 P - Frontier Technologies ??? - VxD SERVICES VxD = 3048h -56- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01335 (Table 01335) Values for ??? (VxD ID 3048h) service number: 00h get version??? 03h ??? called with 5 DWORDs on stack, returns EAX=???, ECX nonzero on error 04h ??? called with DWORD on stack, returns EAX=???, ECX nonzero on error 06h ??? called with DWORD on stack, returns EAX=???, ECX nonzero on error 07h ??? called with 3 DWORDs on stack, returns EAX=???, ECX nonzero on error 0Bh ??? called with 2 DWORDs on stack, returns EAX=???, ECX nonzero on error 0Ch ??? called with 2 DWORDs on stack, returns EAX=???, ECX nonzero on error 0Dh ??? called with 6 DWORDs on stack, returns EAX=???, ECX nonzero on error 1Ah ??? called with 3 DWORDs on stack SeeAlso: #01336 ----------20----Vx3049----------------------INT 20 P - Frontier Technologies ??? - VxD SERVICES VxD = 3049h Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01336 (Table 01336) Values for ??? (VxD ID 3049h) service number: 00h get version??? 1Dh ??? -57- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM called with 2 DWORDs on stack; returns EAX=???, ECX nonzero on error 1Eh ??? called with 6 DWORDs on stack; returns EAX=???, ECX nonzero on error SeeAlso: #01335 --------W-20----Vx3098----------------------INT 20 P - QEMM - VstlthD - VxD SERVICES VxD = 3098h Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01337) Values for VStlthD (VxD ID 3098h) service number: 00h get version Return: CF clear EAX = version (AH = major, AL = BCD minor) 01h ??? 02h get current ??? Return: CF clear EDX = current value of ??? 03h ??? SeeAlso: #01334,#01338 --------W-20----Vx30F6----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - WSVV - VxD SERVICES VxD = 30F6h Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01338) Values for WSVV (VxD ID 30F6h) service number: 00h get WSVV version??? SeeAlso: #01337,#01339 --------W-20----Vx33FC----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - ASPIENUM - VxD SERVICES -58- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM VxD = 33FCh Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01339) Values for ASPIENUM (VxD ID 33FCh) service number: 00h get ASPIENUM version??? 01h ??? 02h ??? 03h ??? SeeAlso: #01338,#01340 --------W-20----Vx357E----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - DSOUND - VxD SERVICES VxD = 357Eh Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01340) Values for DSOUND (VxD ID 357Eh) service number: 00h get DSOUND version??? 01h ??? 02h ??? SeeAlso: #01339,#01341 --------W-20----Vx39E6----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - A3D - VxD SERVICES VxD = 39E6h Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 -59- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM (Table 01341) Values for A3D (VxD ID 39E6h) service number: 00h get version??? 01h ??? 02h ??? (highest service defined) SeeAlso: #01340,#01342 --------W-20----Vx3BFD----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - CWCPROXY - VxD SERVICES VxD = 3BFDh Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01342) Values for CWCPROXY (VxD ID 3BFDh) service number: 00h get version??? ... 03h ??? (highest service defined) SeeAlso: #01341,#01343 --------W-20----Vx3C78----------------------INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - VGARTD - VxD SERVICES VxD = 3C78h Note: the desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01343) Values for VGARTD (VxD ID 3C78h) service number: 00h get version??? ... 05h ??? (highest service defined) SeeAlso: #01342,#02642 --------G-21--------------------------------INT 21 - COMTROL HOSTESS i/ISA DEBUGGER - GET SEGMENT FOR CONTROL PROGRAM USE -60- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM ??? Return: AX = first segment available for control program use SeeAlso: INT 20"COMTROL",INT 22"COMTROL" --------D-2100------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 1+ - TERMINATE PROGRAM AH = 00h CS = PSP segment Notes: Microsoft recommends using INT 21/AH=4Ch for DOS 2+ this function sets the program's return code (ERRORLEVEL) to 00h execution continues at the address stored in INT 22 after DOS performs whatever cleanup it needs to do (restoring the INT 22,INT 23,INT 24 vectors from the PSP assumed to be located at offset 0000h in the segment indicated by the stack copy of CS, etc.) if the PSP is its own parent, the process's memory is not freed; if INT 22 additionally points into the terminating program, the process is effectively NOT terminated not supported by MS Windows 3.0 DOSX.EXE DOS extender SeeAlso: AH=26h,AH=31h,AH=4Ch,INT 20,INT 22 --------D-2101------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 1+ - READ CHARACTER FROM STANDARD INPUT, WITH ECHO AH = 01h Return: AL = character read Notes: ^C/^Break are checked, and INT 23 executed if read ^P toggles the DOS-internal echo-to-printer flag ^Z is not interpreted, thus not causing an EOF if input is redirected character is echoed to standard output standard input is always the keyboard and standard output the screen under DOS 1.x, but they may be redirected under DOS 2+ SeeAlso: AH=06h,AH=07h,AH=08h,AH=0Ah --------v-21010F----------------------------INT 21 - VIRUS - "Susan" - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 010Fh Return: AX = 7553h ("Su") if resident SeeAlso: INT 16/AH=DDh"VIRUS",INT 21/AX=0B56h --------D-2102------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 1+ - WRITE CHARACTER TO STANDARD OUTPUT AH = 02h DL = character to write Return: AL = last character output (despite the official docs which state nothing is returned) (at least DOS 2.1-7.0) Notes: ^C/^Break are checked, and INT 23 executed if pressed -61- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM standard output is always the screen under DOS 1.x, but may be redirected under DOS 2+ the last character output will be the character in DL unless DL=09h on entry, in which case AL=20h as tabs are expanded to blanks if standard output is redirected to a file, no error checks (writeprotected, full media, etc.) are performed SeeAlso: AH=06h,AH=09h --------D-2103------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 1+ - READ CHARACTER FROM STDAUX AH = 03h Return: AL = character read Notes: keyboard checked for ^C/^Break, and INT 23 executed if detected STDAUX is usually the first serial port SeeAlso: AH=04h,INT 14/AH=02h,INT E0/CL=03h --------D-2104------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 1+ - WRITE CHARACTER TO STDAUX AH = 04h DL = character to write Notes: keyboard checked for ^C/^Break, and INT 23 executed if detected STDAUX is usually the first serial port if STDAUX is busy, this function will wait until it becomes free SeeAlso: AH=03h,INT 14/AH=01h,INT E0/CL=04h --------D-2105------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 1+ - WRITE CHARACTER TO PRINTER AH = 05h DL = character to print Notes: keyboard checked for ^C/^Break, and INT 23 executed if detected STDPRN is usually the first parallel port, but may be redirected under DOS 2+ if the printer is busy, this function will wait SeeAlso: INT 17/AH=00h --------D-2106------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 1+ - DIRECT CONSOLE OUTPUT AH = 06h DL = character (except FFh) Return: AL = character output (despite official docs which state nothing is returned) (at least DOS 2.1-7.0) Notes: does not check ^C/^Break writes to standard output, which is always the screen under DOS 1.x, but may be redirected under DOS 2+ SeeAlso: AH=02h,AH=09h -62- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM --------D-2106--DLFF------------------------INT 21 - DOS 1+ - DIRECT CONSOLE INPUT AH = 06h DL = FFh Return: ZF set if no character available AL = 00h ZF clear if character available AL = character read Notes: ^C/^Break are NOT checked if the returned character is 00h, the user pressed a key with an extended keycode, which will be returned by the next call of this function this function reads from standard input, which is always the keyboard under DOS 1.x, but may be redirected under DOS 2+ although the return of AL=00h when no characters are available is not documented, some programs rely on this behavior SeeAlso: AH=0Bh --------D-2107------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 1+ - DIRECT CHARACTER INPUT, WITHOUT ECHO AH = 07h Return: AL = character read from standard input Notes: does not check ^C/^Break standard input is always the keyboard under DOS 1.x, but may be redirected under DOS 2+ if the interim console flag is set (see AX=6301h), partially-formed double-byte characters may be returned SeeAlso: AH=01h,AH=06h,AH=08h,AH=0Ah --------D-2108------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 1+ - CHARACTER INPUT WITHOUT ECHO AH = 08h Return: AL = character read from standard input Notes: ^C/^Break are checked, and INT 23 executed if detected standard input is always the keyboard under DOS 1.x, but may be redirected under DOS 2+ if the interim console flag is set (see AX=6301h), partially-formed double-byte characters may be returned SeeAlso: AH=01h,AH=06h,AH=07h,AH=0Ah,AH=64h"DOS 3.2+" --------D-2109------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 1+ - WRITE STRING TO STANDARD OUTPUT AH = 09h DS:DX -> '$'-terminated string -63- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM Return: AL = 24h (the '$' terminating the string, despite official docs which state that nothing is returned) (at least DOS 2.1-7.0 and NWDOS) Notes: ^C/^Break are checked, and INT 23 is called if either pressed standard output is always the screen under DOS 1.x, but may be redirected under DOS 2+ under the FlashTek X-32 DOS extender, the pointer is in DS:EDX SeeAlso: AH=02h,AH=06h"OUTPUT" --------D-210A------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 1+ - BUFFERED INPUT AH = 0Ah DS:DX -> buffer (see #01344) Return: buffer filled with user input Notes: ^C/^Break are checked, and INT 23 is called if either detected reads from standard input, which may be redirected under DOS 2+ if the maximum buffer size (see #01344) is set to 00h, this call returns immediately without reading any input SeeAlso: AH=0Ch,INT 2F/AX=4810h Format of DOS input buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01344) 00h BYTE maximum characters buffer can hold 01h BYTE (call) number of chars from last input which may be recalled (ret) number of characters actually read, excluding CR 02h N BYTEs actual characters read, including the final carriage return --------K-210A00----------------------------INT 21 - WCED v1.6+ - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 0A00h DS:DX -> 6-byte buffer whose first two bytes must be 00h Return: buffer offset 02h-05h filled with "Wced" if installed Program: WCED is a free command-line editor and history utility by Stuart Russell SeeAlso: AH=FFh"CED" --------D-210B------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 1+ - GET STDIN STATUS AH = 0Bh Return: AL = status 00h if no character available FFh if character is available Notes: ^C/^Break are checked, and INT 23 is called if either pressed standard input is always the keyboard under DOS 1.x, but may be -64- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM redirected under DOS 2+ if the interim console flag is set (see AX=6301h), this function returns AL=FFh if a partially-formed double-byte character is available SeeAlso: AH=06h"INPUT",AX=4406h --------v-210B56----------------------------INT 21 - VIRUS - "Perfume" - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 0B56h Return: AX = 4952h if resident SeeAlso: AX=0D20h,INT 12/AX=4350h/BX=4920h,INT 13/AH=F2h,INT 21/AX=010Fh --------D-210C------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 1+ - FLUSH BUFFER AND READ STANDARD INPUT AH = 0Ch AL = STDIN input function to execute after flushing buffer other registers as appropriate for the input function Return: as appropriate for the specified input function Note: if AL is not one of 01h,06h,07h,08h, or 0Ah, the buffer is flushed but no input is attempted SeeAlso: AH=01h,AH=06h"INPUT",AH=07h,AH=08h,AH=0Ah --------D-210D------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 1+ - DISK RESET AH = 0Dh Return: (DOS 6 only) CF clear (earlier versions preserve CF) Notes: This function writes all modified disk buffers to disk, but does not update the directory information (that is only done when files are closed or a SYNC call is issued) SeeAlso: AX=5D01h,AX=710Dh,INT 13/AH=00h,INT 2F/AX=1120h --------v-210D20----------------------------INT 21 - VIRUS - "Crazy Imp" - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 0D20h Return: AX = 1971h if resident SeeAlso: AX=0B56h,AX=1812h,AX=2C2Ch,AX=710Dh,AH=30h/DX=ABCDh --------D-210E------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 1+ - SELECT DEFAULT DRIVE AH = 0Eh DL = new default drive (00h = A:, 01h = B:, etc) Return: AL = number of potentially valid drive letters Notes: under Novell NetWare, the return value is always 32, the number of drives that NetWare supports under DOS 3.0+, the return value is the greatest of 5, the value of LASTDRIVE= in CONFIG.SYS, and the number of drives actually present -65- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM on a DOS 1.x/2.x single-floppy system, AL returns 2 since the floppy may be accessed as either A: or B: otherwise, the return value is the highest drive actually present DOS 1.x supports a maximum of 16 drives, 2.x a maximum of 63 drives, and 3+ a maximum of 26 drives under Novell DOS 7, this function returns the correct LASTDRIVE value even when the undocumented LASTDRIVE=27..32 directive was used in CONFIG.SYS "parse FCB" (see AH=29h) can be used to determine whether a drive letter is valid SeeAlso: AH=19h,AH=3Bh,AH=DBh --------v-210E--DLAD------------------------INT 21 U - Novell DOS 7 - SDRes v27.03 - INSTALLATION CHECK AH = 0Eh DL = ADh Return: AL = BAh if installed Program: SDRes is the resident portion of the Search&Destroy antiviral by Fifth Generation Systems, as bundled with Novell DOS 7 Note: SDRes will terminate programs which test for the presence of viruses using interrupt-based installation calls, saying that the program may be infected SeeAlso: AH=0Eh/DL=AEh,AH=0Eh/DL=AFh,AH=4Ah/BX=00B6h,INT 13/AX=A759h --------v-210E--DLAE------------------------INT 21 U - Novell DOS 7 - SDRes v27.03 - CLEAR ??? FLAG AH = 0Eh DL = AEh SeeAlso: AH=0Eh/DL=ADh,AH=0Eh/DL=AFh,INT 13/AX=A759h --------v-210E--DLAF------------------------INT 21 U - Novell DOS 7 - SDRes v27.03 - SET ??? FLAG AH = 0Eh DL = AFh SeeAlso: AH=0Eh/DL=ADh,AH=0Eh/DL=AEh,INT 13/AX=A759h --------D-210F------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 1+ - OPEN FILE USING FCB AH = 0Fh DS:DX -> unopened File Control Block (see #01345,#01346) Return: AL = status 00h successful FFh file not found or access denied Notes: (DOS 3.1+) file opened for read/write in compatibility mode an unopened FCB has the drive, filename, and extension fields filled -66- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM in and all other bytes cleared not supported by MS Windows 3.0 DOSX.EXE DOS extender DR DOS checks password attached with AX=4303h (FAT32 drive) this function will only succeed for creating a volume label; FAT32 does not support FCBs for file I/O BUG: APPEND for DOS 3.3+ corrupts DX if the file is not found SeeAlso: AH=10h,AH=16h,AH=3Dh,AX=4303h Format of File Control Block: Offset Size Description (Table 01345) 00h BYTE drive number (0 = default, 1 = A, etc) FFh is not allowed (signals extended FCB, see #01346) 01h 8 BYTEs blank-padded file name 09h 3 BYTEs blank-padded file extension 0Ch WORD current block number 0Eh WORD logical record size 10h DWORD file size 14h WORD date of last write (see #01666 at AX=5700h) 16h WORD time of last write (see #01665 at AX=5700h) (DOS 1.1+) 18h 8 BYTEs reserved (see #01347,#01348,#01349,#01350,#01351) 20h BYTE record within current block 21h DWORD random access record number (if record size is > 64 bytes, high byte is omitted) SeeAlso: #01346 Format of Extended File Control Block (XFCB): Offset Size Description (Table 01346) 00h BYTE FFh signature for extended FCB 01h 5 BYTEs reserved 06h BYTE file attribute if extended FCB 07h 36 BYTEs standard FCB (all offsets are shifted by seven bytes) SeeAlso: #01246 Format of FCB reserved field for DOS 1.0: Offset Size Description (Table 01347) 16h WORD location in directory (if high byte = FFh, low byte is device ID) 18h WORD number of first cluster in file 1Ah WORD current absolute cluster number on disk 1Ch WORD current relative cluster number within file (0 = first cluster of file, 1 = second cluster, etc.) -67- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F 1Eh 1Fh BYTE BYTE Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM dirty flag (00h = not dirty) unused Format of FCB reserved field for DOS 1.10-1.25: Offset Size Description (Table 01348) 18h BYTE bit 7: set if logical device bit 6: not dirty bits 5-0: disk number or logical device ID 19h WORD starting cluster number on disk 1Bh WORD current absolute cluster number on disk 1Dh WORD current relative cluster number within file 1Fh BYTE unused Format of FCB reserved field for DOS 2.x: Offset Size Description (Table 01349) 18h BYTE bit 7: set if logical device bit 6: set if open??? bits 5-0: ??? 19h WORD starting cluster number on disk 1Bh WORD ??? 1Dh BYTE ??? 1Eh BYTE ??? 1Fh BYTE ??? Format of FCB reserved field for DOS 3.x: Offset Size Description (Table 01350) 18h BYTE number of system file table entry for file 19h BYTE attributes bits 7,6: 00 = SHARE.EXE not loaded, disk file 01 = SHARE.EXE not loaded, character device 10 = SHARE.EXE loaded, remote file 11 = SHARE.EXE loaded, local file or device bits 5-0: low six bits of device attribute word ---SHARE.EXE loaded, local file--1Ah WORD starting cluster of file on disk 1Ch WORD (DOS 3.x) offset within SHARE of sharing record (see #01637 at AH=52h) 1Eh BYTE file attribute 1Fh BYTE ??? ---SHARE.EXE loaded, remote file--1Ah WORD number of sector containing directory entry (see #01352) -68- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM 1Ch WORD relative cluster within file of last cluster accessed 1Eh BYTE absolute cluster number of last cluster accessed 1Fh BYTE ??? ---SHARE.EXE not loaded--1Ah BYTE (low byte of device attribute word AND 0Ch) OR open mode 1Bh WORD starting cluster of file 1Dh WORD number of sector containing directory entry (see #01352) 1Fh BYTE number of directory entry within sector Note: if FCB opened on character device, DWORD at 1Ah is set to the address of the device driver header, then the BYTE at 1Ah is overwritten. SeeAlso: #01646 Format of FCB reserved field for DOS 5.0: Offset Size Description (Table 01351) 18h BYTE number of system file table entry for file 19h BYTE attributes bits 7,6: 00 = SHARE.EXE not loaded, disk file 01 = SHARE.EXE not loaded, character device 10 = SHARE.EXE loaded, remote file 11 = SHARE.EXE loaded, local file or device bits 5-0: low six bits of device attribute word ---SHARE.EXE loaded, local file--1Ah WORD starting cluster of file on disk 1Ch WORD unique sequence number of sharing record 1Eh BYTE file attributes 1Fh BYTE unused??? ---SHARE.EXE loaded, remote file--1Ah WORD network handle 1Ch DWORD network ID ---SHARE not loaded, local device--1Ah DWORD pointer to device driver header (see #01646) 1Eh 2 BYTEs unused??? ---SHARE not loaded, local file--1Ah BYTE extra info bit 7: read-only attribute from SFT bit 6: archive attribute from SFT bits 5-0: high bits of sector number 1Bh WORD starting cluster of file 1Dh WORD low word of sector number containing directory entry (see #01352) 1Fh BYTE number of directory entry within sector -69- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM --------D-2110------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 1+ - CLOSE FILE USING FCB AH = 10h DS:DX -> File Control Block (see #01345) Return: AL = status 00h successful FFh failed Notes: a successful close forces all disk buffers used by the file to be written and the directory entry to be updated not supported by MS Windows 3.0 DOSX.EXE DOS extender SeeAlso: AH=0Fh,AH=16h,AH=3Eh --------D-2111------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 1+ - FIND FIRST MATCHING FILE USING FCB AH = 11h DS:DX -> unopened FCB (see #01345), may contain '?' wildcards Return: AL = status 00h successful [DTA] unopened FCB for first matching file FFh no matching filename, or bad FCB Notes: the type of the returned FCB depends on whether the input FCB was a normal or an extended FCB the data returned in the DTA (disk transfer area) is actually the drive number (or extended FCB header and drive number) followed by the file's directory entry (see #01352); this format happens to be compatible with an unopened FCB for extended FCBs with search attribute 08h, the volume label (if any) will be returned even if the current directory is not the root dir. DOS 3.0+ also allows the '*' wildcard the search FCB at DS:DX must not be modified if AH=12h will be used to continue searching; DOS 3.3 has set the following parts of the FCB: 0Ch BYTE ??? 0Dh WORD directory entry number of matching file 0Fh WORD cluster number of current directory 11h 4 BYTEs ??? 15h BYTE drive number (1=A:) this function is used by many copy protection schemes to obtain the starting cluster of a file BUG: under Windows95, if a .EXE program ("MZ" header) rather than a true .COM calls this function from a DOS box, the ten bytes of the directory entry from 0Ch to 15h may be filled with zeros rather than the additional file times -70- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM SeeAlso: AH=12h,AH=1Ah,AH=4Eh,INT 2F/AX=111Bh Format of DOS directory entry: Offset Size Description (Table 01352) 00h 8 BYTEs blank-padded filename first character is set to E5h for deleted files (05h for pending delete files under Novell DOS / OpenDOS) 08h 3 BYTEs blank-padded file extension 0Bh BYTE attributes 0Ch 10 BYTEs (MS-DOS 1.0-6.22) reserved (DR DOS) used to store file password / owner (see #01354) (see also INT 21/AX=4302h) (Novell DOS 7) DELWATCH data (see #01354) (MS-DOS 7/Windows95) additional file times (see #01353) 16h WORD time of creation or last update (see #01665 at AX=5700h) 18h WORD date of creation or last update (see #01666 at AX=5700h) 1Ah WORD starting cluster number (see also AX=440Dh/CX=0871h) (may not be set in INT 21/AH=11h return data for FAT32 drives) 1Ch DWORD file size SeeAlso: #01355,#02628,#02629 Format of MS-DOS 7/Windows95 additional file times: Offset Size Description (Table 01353) 00h BYTE reserved 01h BYTE 10-millisecond units past creation time below 02h WORD file creation time 04h WORD file creation date 06h WORD last-access date 08h WORD (FAT32) high word of starting cluster number Note: this data is stored beginning at offset 0Ch in a standard directory entry SeeAlso: #01352 Format of DR DOS 6/Novell DOS 7 additional file information: Offset Size Description (Table 01354) 0Ch BYTE reserved (00h) (DOSPLUS v1.2) user-defined attributes for CP/M compatibility (bit 7 = F1,...,bit 4 = F4, bits 3-0 reserved (0)) 0Dh BYTE first character of original filename for deleted file 0Eh WORD encrypted file/directory password 10h WORD reserved (00h) -71- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM (Novell DOS 7 DELWATCH) original file time cleared when file is undeleted or purged 12h WORD (DR DOS 6) file owner ID (Novell DOS 7 DELWATCH) original file date cleared when file is undeleted or purged 14h WORD single/multiuser file/directory access rights (see AX=4302h) ---deleted files--16h WORD (Novell DOS 7 DELWATCH) time of deletion 18h WORD (Novell DOS 7 DELWATCH) date of deletion Note: offsets are within the full directory entry SeeAlso: #01352 Format of MS-DOS 7/Windows95 long-filename directory entry: Offset Size Description (Table 01355) 00h BYTE LFN record sequence and flags bits 5-0: sequence number bit 6: set if last long-filename record for file bit 7: set if file deleted 01h 10 BYTEs long filename, first part 0Bh BYTE 0Fh (otherwise impossible file attribute, used as signature) 0Ch BYTE reserved??? (00h) 0Dh BYTE checksum for short filename 0Eh 12 BYTEs long filename, second part 1Ah WORD first cluster number (always 0000h for LFN records) 1Ch 4 BYTEs long filename, third part Notes: long-filename entries are always stored in the directory just prior to the short-name entry for a file multiple LFN records are used if the long filename does not fit into a single record the short-filename checksum byte is computed by adding up the eleven bytes of the short filename, rotating the intermediate sum right one bit before adding the next character the long filename is encoded as 16-bit Unicode characters; for most filenames, this appears in the directory as the ASCII character followed by 00h SeeAlso: #01352,INT 21/AX=5704h,INT 21/AH=71h --------D-2112------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 1+ - FIND NEXT MATCHING FILE USING FCB AH = 12h DS:DX -> unopened FCB (see #01345) Return: AL = status -72- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM 00h successful Disk Transfer Area filled with unopened FCB FFh no more matching filenames Note: (see AH=11h) assumes that successful FindFirst executed on search FCB before call SeeAlso: AH=1Ah,AH=4Fh,INT 2F/AX=111Ch --------D-2113------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 1+ - DELETE FILE USING FCB AH = 13h DS:DX -> unopened FCB (see #01345), filename filled with template for deletion ('?' wildcards allowed) Return: AL = status 00h one or more files successfully deleted FFh no matching files or all were read-only or locked Notes: DOS 1.25+ deletes everything in the current directory (including subdirectories) and sets the first byte of the name to 00h (entry never used) instead of E5h if called on an extended FCB with filename '???????????' and bits 0-4 of the attribute set (bits 1 and 2 for DOS 1.x). This may have originally been an optimization to minimize directory searching after a mass deletion (DOS 1.25+ stop the directory search upon encountering a never-used entry), but can corrupt the filesystem under DOS 2+ because subdirectories are removed without deleting the files they contain. currently-open files should not be deleted MS-DOS allows deletion of read-only files with an extended FCB, whereas Novell NetWare, DR DOS 6, and Novell DOS 7/OpenDOS 7.01 do not this function generates a trap "D" under OS/2 v4.x (Warp4) when called on an HPFS partition with a wildcard in the filename; it operates correctly on FAT partitions and when called without wildcards SeeAlso: AH=41h,INT 2F/AX=1113h --------D-2114------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 1+ - SEQUENTIAL READ FROM FCB FILE AH = 14h DS:DX -> opened FCB (see #01345) Return: AL = status 00h successful 01h end of file (no data) 02h segment wrap in DTA 03h end of file, partial record read Disk Tranfer Area filled with record read from file Notes: reads a record of the size specified in the FCB beginning at the -73- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM current file position, then updates the current block and current record fields in the FCB if a partial record was read, it is zero-padded to the full size not supported by MS Windows 3.0 DOSX.EXE DOS extender SeeAlso: AH=0Fh,AH=15h,AH=1Ah,AH=3Fh"DOS",INT 2F/AX=1108h --------D-2115------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 1+ - SEQUENTIAL WRITE TO FCB FILE AH = 15h DS:DX -> opened FCB (see #01345) Disk Tranfer Area contains record to be written Return: AL = status 00h successful 01h disk full 02h segment wrap in DTA Notes: writes a record of the size specified in the FCB beginning at the current file position, then updates the current block and current record fields in the FCB if less than a full sector is written, the data is placed in a DOS buffer to be written out at a later time not supported by MS Windows 3.0 DOSX.EXE DOS extender SeeAlso: AH=0Fh,AH=14h,AH=1Ah,AH=40h,INT 2F/AX=1109h --------D-2116------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 1+ - CREATE OR TRUNCATE FILE USING FCB AH = 16h DS:DX -> unopened FCB (see #01345), wildcards not allowed Return: AL = status 00h successful FFh directory full or file exists and is read-only or locked Notes: if file already exists, it is truncated to zero length if an extended FCB is used, the file is given the attribute in the FCB; this is how to create a volume label in the disk's root dir not supported by MS Windows 3.0 DOSX.EXE DOS extender (FAT32 drive) this function will only succeed for creating a volume label; FAT32 does not support FCBs for file I/O SeeAlso: AH=0Fh,AH=10h,AH=3Ch --------D-2117------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 1+ - RENAME FILE USING FCB AH = 17h DS:DX -> modified FCB (see also #01345) the old filename ('?' wildcards OK) is in the standard location while the new filename ('?' wildcards OK, no drive) is stored -74- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM in the 11 bytes beginning at offset 11h Return: AL = status 00h successfully renamed FFh no matching files,file is read-only, or new name already exists Notes: subdirectories may be renamed using an extended FCB with the appropriate attribute, as may volume labels DR DOS checks password attached with AX=4303h before permitting rename SeeAlso: AH=0Fh,AH=13h,AX=4303h,AH=56h,INT 2F/AX=1111h --------D-2118------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 1+ - NULL FUNCTION FOR CP/M COMPATIBILITY AH = 18h Return: AL = 00h Note: corresponds to the CP/M BDOS function "get bit map of logged drives", which is meaningless under MS-DOS SeeAlso: AH=1Dh,AH=1Eh,AH=20h,AX=4459h,INT 60/DI=0513h --------O-2118------------------------------INT 21 - U - PTS-DOS 6.51 & S/DOS 1.0 - EXTENDED RENAME FILE USING FCB AH = 18h DS:DX -> modified FCB (see also #01345) Return: AL = status 00h successfully renamed FFh no matching files,file is read-only, or new name already exists Notes: This function is provided by Paragon Technology Systems S/DOS 1.0 (and most probably also PTS-DOS 6.51, maybe even earlier). It uses the same code as for function INT 21/AH=17h, but additionally sets an internal "SERVER" flag on entry. Apparently this results in different usage of attributes and wildcards. It is currently unknown if this function is also supported by PhysTechSoft's PTS-DOS 6.60, 6.70, or 2000. SeeAlso: AH=17h,AH=0Fh,AH=13h,AX=4303h,AH=56h,INT 2F/AX=1111h,INT21/AH=5Dh --------v-211812-----------------------INT 21 - VIRUS - "Tasha Yar" - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 1812h Return: AL = 00h if resident DX = 4310h if resident SeeAlso: INT 21/AX=0B56h"VIRUS",INT 21/AX=187Fh,INT 21/AX=2C2Ch"VIRUS" --------v-21187FBX4453----------------------INT 21 - VIRUS - "DS-3783" -INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 187Fh BX = 4453h Return: BX = 87A1h if resident -75- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM SeeAlso: AX=1812h"VIRUS",AX=18FFh"VIRUS" --------v-2118FF----------------------------INT 21 - VIRUS - "Pathogen:SMEG" - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 18FFh Return: AX = E701h if resident SeeAlso: INT 21/AX=1812h"VIRUS",INT 21/AX=2080h"VIRUS" --------D-2119------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 1+ - GET CURRENT DEFAULT DRIVE AH = 19h Return: AL = drive (00h = A:, 01h = B:, etc) Note: Novell NetWare uses the fact that DOS 2.x COMMAND.COM issues this call from a particular location every time it starts a command to determine when to issue an automatic EOJ SeeAlso: AH=0Eh,AH=47h,AH=BBh --------D-211A------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 1+ - SET DISK TRANSFER AREA ADDRESS AH = 1Ah DS:DX -> Disk Transfer Area (DTA) Notes: the DTA is set to PSP:0080h when a program is started under the FlashTek X-32 DOS extender, the pointer is in DS:EDX SeeAlso: AH=11h,AH=12h,AH=2Fh,AH=4Eh,AH=4Fh --------D-211B------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 1+ - GET ALLOCATION INFORMATION FOR DEFAULT DRIVE AH = 1Bh Return: AL = sectors per cluster (allocation unit) CX = bytes per sector DX = total number of clusters DS:BX -> media ID byte (see #01356) Notes: under DOS 1.x, DS:BX points at an actual copy of the FAT; later versions return a pointer to a copy of the FAT's ID byte this function may not be properly supported on CD-ROMs and other installable file systems (use AX=4402h"CD-ROM" for CD-ROMs instead) BUG: DOS 7.10 (Win95B/Win98) reportedly returns incorrect values in AL and DX for FAT12/FAT16 drives, even though it manages correct results for FAT32 drives (DOS windows are not affected, only real-mode DOS) SeeAlso: AH=1Ch,AH=36h (Table 01356) Values for media ID byte: -76- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM FFh floppy, double-sided, 8 sectors per track (320K) FEh floppy, single-sided, 8 sectors per track (160K) FDh floppy, double-sided, 9 sectors per track (360K) FCh floppy, single-sided, 9 sectors per track (180K) FAh HP 200LX D: ROM disk, 16 sectors per track (995K) HP 200LX E: (Stacker host drive ???) F9h floppy, double-sided, 15 sectors per track (1.2M) floppy, double-sided, 9 sectors per track (720K,3.5") F8h hard disk F0h other media (e.g. floppy, double-sized, 18 sectors per track -- 1.44M,3.5") --------D-211C------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 1+ - GET ALLOCATION INFORMATION FOR SPECIFIC DRIVE AH = 1Ch DL = drive (00h = default, 01h = A:, etc) Return: AL = sectors per cluster (allocation unit), or FFh if invalid drive CX = bytes per sector DX = total number of clusters DS:BX -> media ID byte (see #01356) Notes: under DOS 1.x, DS:BX points at an actual copy of the FAT; later versions return a pointer to a copy of the FAT's ID byte on a DBLSPACE drive, the total number of clusters is based on the estimated compression ratio this function may not be properly supported on CD-ROMs and other installable file systems (use AX=4402h"CD-ROM" for CD-ROMs instead) BUG: DOS 7.10 (Win95B/Win98) reportedly returns incorrect values in AL and DX for FAT12/FAT16 drives, even though it manages correct results for FAT32 drives (DOS windows are not affected, only real-mode DOS) SeeAlso: AH=1Bh,AH=36h --------D-211D------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 1+ - NULL FUNCTION FOR CP/M COMPATIBILITY AH = 1Dh Return: AL = 00h Note: corresponds to the CP/M BDOS function "get bit map of read-only drives", which is meaningless under MS-DOS SeeAlso: AH=18h,AH=1Eh,AH=20h,AX=4459h --------D-211E------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 1+ - NULL FUNCTION FOR CP/M COMPATIBILITY AH = 1Eh -77- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM Return: AL = 00h Note: corresponds to the CP/M BDOS function "set file attributes" which was meaningless under MS-DOS 1.x SeeAlso: AH=18h,AH=1Dh,AH=20h --------D-211F------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 1+ - GET DRIVE PARAMETER BLOCK FOR DEFAULT DRIVE AH = 1Fh Return: AL = status 00h successful DS:BX -> Drive Parameter Block (DPB) (see #01357 for DOS 1.x, AH=32h for DOS 2+) FFh invalid drive Note: this call was undocumented prior to the release of DOS 5.0; however, only the DOS 4.0+ version of the DPB has been documented SeeAlso: AH=32h,AX=7302h Format of DOS 1.1 and MS-DOS 1.25 drive parameter block: Offset Size Description (Table 01357) 00h BYTE sequential device ID 01h BYTE logical drive number (0=A:) 02h WORD bytes per sector 04h BYTE highest sector number within a cluster 05h BYTE shift count to convert clusters into sectors 06h WORD starting sector number of first FAT 08h BYTE number of copies of FAT 09h WORD number of directory entries 0Bh WORD number of first data sector 0Dh WORD highest cluster number (number of data clusters + 1) 0Fh BYTE sectors per FAT 10h WORD starting sector of directory 12h WORD address of allocation table Note: the DOS 1.0 table is the same except that the first and last fields are missing; see INT 21/AH=32h for the DOS 2+ version SeeAlso: #01395,#04039 --------D-2120------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 1+ - NULL FUNCTION FOR CP/M COMPATIBILITY AH = 20h Return: AL = 00h Note: corresponds to the CP/M BDOS function "get/set default user (sublibrary) number", which is meaningless under MS-DOS SeeAlso: AH=18h,AH=1Dh,AH=1Eh,AX=4459h -78- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM --------O-2120------------------------------INT 21 - S/DOS 1.0+ & PTS-DOS 6.51+ - GET OEM REVISION AH = 20h AL = which OEM code to retrieve 00h get PTS OEM code Return: CF cleared AL = OEM code (currently always 00h) 01h get PTS OEM revision code Return: CF cleared AL = revision code (default is 00h, but may vary) Desc: S/DOS is a reduced and modified PTS-DOS 6.51 release with source code on CD Note: This function is provided by S/DOS 1.0 (and is most probably also supported with PTS-DOS 6.51+, maybe even earlier). It clears the CF flag for all other AL arguments, too. However, AL = 00h and 01h are handled separately. The revision code can be individually defined in the MAKEFILE at compilation time. The PTS OEM code does not correlate with the DOS OEM code returned by INT 21/AH=30h, likewise the PTS OEM revision does not correlate with the DOS revision returned by INT 21/AX=3306h. SeeAlso: INT 21/AH=30h,INT 21/AX=3306h --------v-212080----------------------------INT 21 - VIRUS - "New-Year" - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 2080h Return: AH = 00h if resident (normal DOS return would be AX = 2000h) SeeAlso: INT 21/AX=18FFh"VIRUS",INT 21/AX=2C2Ch"VIRUS" --------D-2121------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 1+ - READ RANDOM RECORD FROM FCB FILE AH = 21h DS:DX -> opened FCB (see #01345) Return: AL = status 00h successful 01h end of file, no data read 02h segment wrap in DTA, no data read 03h end of file, partial record read Disk Tranfer Area filled with record read from file Notes: the record is read from the current file position as specified by the random record and record size fields of the FCB the file position is not updated after reading the record if a partial record is read, it is zero-padded to the full size not supported by MS Windows 3.0 DOSX.EXE DOS extender -79- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM SeeAlso: AH=14h,AH=22h,AH=27h,AH=3Fh"DOS" --------D-2122------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 1+ - WRITE RANDOM RECORD TO FCB FILE AH = 22h DS:DX -> opened FCB (see #01345) Disk Transfer Area contains record to be written Return: AL = status 00h successful 01h disk full 02h segment wrap in DTA Notes: the record is written to the current file position as specified by the random record and record size fields of the FCB the file position is not updated after writing the record if the record is located beyond the end of the file, the file is extended but the intervening data remains uninitialized if the record only partially fills a disk sector, it is copied to a DOS disk buffer to be written out to disk at a later time not supported by MS Windows 3.0 DOSX.EXE DOS extender SeeAlso: AH=15h,AH=21h,AH=28h,AH=40h --------D-2123------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 1+ - GET FILE SIZE FOR FCB AH = 23h DS:DX -> unopened FCB (see #01345), wildcards not allowed Return: AL = status 00h successful (matching file found) FCB random record field filled with size in records, rounded up to next full record FFh failed (no matching file found) Notes: not supported by MS Windows 3.0 DOSX.EXE DOS extender MS-DOS returns nonsense if the FCB record number field is set to a very large positive number, and status FFh if negative; DR DOS returns the correct file size in both cases BUG: APPEND for DOS 3.3+ corrupts DX if the file is not found SeeAlso: AH=42h --------D-2124------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 1+ - SET RANDOM RECORD NUMBER FOR FCB AH = 24h DS:DX -> opened FCB (see #01345) Notes: computes the random record number corresponding to the current record number and record size, then stores the result in the FCB normally used when switching from sequential to random access -80- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM not supported by MS Windows 3.0 DOSX.EXE DOS extender SeeAlso: AH=21h,AH=27h,AH=42h --------D-2125------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 1+ - SET INTERRUPT VECTOR AH = 25h AL = interrupt number DS:DX -> new interrupt handler Notes: this function is preferred over direct modification of the interrupt vector table some DOS extenders place an API on this function, as it is not directly meaningful in protected mode under DR DOS 5.0-6.0, this function does not use any of the DOS-internal stacks and may thus be called at any time; however, under Novell DOS 7.0 - DR-DOS 7.02, this function was not reentrant. Since 1998/05/29, DR-DOS 7.03 no longer uses any internal stacks and tests for this function much earlier, to allow a minimal stack usage of just two words in addition to the IRET frame, allowing it to be called from INT 21h functions, specificially device drivers. This fixes the MCS SMB client Novell NetWare (except the new DOS Requester) monitors the offset of any INT 24 set, and if equal to the value at startup, substitutes its own handler to allow handling of network errors; this introduces the potential bug that any program whose INT 24 handler offset happens to be the same as COMMAND.COM's will not have its INT 24 handler installed SeeAlso: AX=2501h,AH=35h --------E-212501----------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - RESET DOS EXTENDER DATA STRUCTURES AX = 2501h SS = application's original SS or DS (FlashTek X-32VM) Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error caller is operating on X-32 stack (FlashTek X-32VM) Notes: Phar Lap uses INT 21/AH=25h as the entry point for all 386/DOS-Extender system calls. Only available when directly using 386/DOS-Extender or a compatible DOS extender, or when using a product that was created using 386-DOS/Extender or a compatible this function is also supported by FlashTek X-32VM SeeAlso: AH=30h"Phar Lap" --------E-212502----------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - GET PROTECTED-MODE INTERRUPT VECTOR -81- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM AX = 2502h CL = interrupt number Return: CF clear ES:EBX = CS:EIP of protected-mode interrupt handler Note: this function is also supported by FlashTek X-32VM SeeAlso: AX=2503h,AX=2504h,INT 31/AX=0204h --------E-212503----------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - GET REAL-MODE INTERRUPT VECTOR AX = 2503h CL = interrupt number Return: CF clear EBX = CS:IP of real-mode interrupt handler Note: this function is also supported by FlashTek X-32VM SeeAlso: AX=2502h,AX=2504h,AH=35h,INT 31/AX=0200h --------E-212504----------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - SET PROTECTED-MODE INTERRUPT VECTOR AX = 2504h CL = interrupt number DS:EDX = CS:EIP of protected-mode interrupt handler Return: CF clear Note: this function is also supported by FlashTek X-32VM SeeAlso: AX=2502h,AX=2505h,INT 31/AX=0205h --------E-212505----------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - SET REAL-MODE INTERRUPT VECTOR AX = 2505h CL = interrupt number EBX = CS:IP of real-mode interrupt handler Return: CF clear Note: this function is also supported by FlashTek X-32VM SeeAlso: AX=2503h,AX=2504h,INT 31/AX=0201h --------E-212506----------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - SET INT TO ALWAYS GAIN CNTRL IN PR. MODE AX = 2506h CL = interrupt number DS:EDX = CS:EIP of protected-mode interrupt handler Return: CF clear Notes: this function modifies both the real-mode low-memory interrupt vector table and the protected-mode Interrupt Descriptor Table (IDT) interrupts occurring in real mode are resignaled in protected mode this function is also supported by FlashTek X-32VM --------E-212507-----------------------------82- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - SET REAL- & PROTECTED-MODE INT VECTORS AX = 2507h CL = interrupt number DS:EDX = CS:EIP of protected-mode interrupt handler EBX = CS:IP of real-mode interrupt handler Return: CF clear Notes: interrupts are disabled until both vectors have been modified this function is also supported by FlashTek X-32VM SeeAlso: AX=2504h,AX=2505h --------E-212508----------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - GET SEGMENT LINEAR BASE ADDRESS AX = 2508h BX = segment selector Return: CF clear if successful ECX = linear base address of segment CF set if invalid segment selector Note: this function is also supported by FlashTek X-32VM SeeAlso: AX=2509h --------E-212509----------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - CONVERT LINEAR TO PHYSICAL ADDRESS AX = 2509h EBX = linear address to convert Return: CF clear if successful ECX = physical address (carry flag clear) CF set if linear address not mapped in page tables SeeAlso: AX=2508h --------E-212509----------------------------INT 21 P - FlashTek X-32VM - GET SYSTEM SEGMENTS AND SELECTORS AX = 2509h Return: CF clear EAX high word = default DS AX = alias for 16-bit data segment BX = real mode code segment EDX high word = selector covering full 4GB address space DX = default SS ESI high word = PSP selector SI = environment selector --------E-21250A----------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - MAP PHYSICAL MEMORY AT END OF SEGMENT AX = 250Ah ES = segment selector in the Local Descriptor Table (LDT) of segment -83- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM to modify EBX = physical base address of memory to map (multiple of 4K) ECX = number of physical 4K pages to map Return: CF clear if successful EAX = 32-bit offset in segment of mapped memory CF set on error EAX = error code 08h insufficient memory to create page tables 09h invalid segment selector SeeAlso: INT 31/AX=0800h --------E-21250C----------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - GET HARDWARE INTERRUPT VECTORS AX = 250Ch Return: CF clear AL = base interrupt vector for IRQ0-IRQ7 AH = base interrupt vector for IRQ8-IRQ15 BL = interrupt vector for BIOS print screen function (Phar Lap only) Note: this function is also supported by FlashTek X-32VM SeeAlso: INT 31/AX=0400h,INT 67/AX=DE0Ah --------E-21250D----------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - GET REAL-MODE LINK INFORMATION AX = 250Dh Return: CF clear EAX = CS:IP of real-mode callback procedure (see #01358) that will call through from real mode to a protected-mode routine EBX = 32-bit real-mode address of intermode call data buffer ECX = size in bytes of intermode call data buffer ES:EDX = protected-mode address of intermode call data buffer Notes: this function is also supported by FlashTek X-32VM X-32VM guarantees the intermode buffer to be at least 4 KB SeeAlso: AX=250Eh (Table 01358) Call Phar Lap real-mode callback with: STACK: DWORD offset to protected-mode code WORD placeholder for protected-mode CS DWORD pointer to selector structure (see #01359) or 0000h:0000h for defaults var parameters for protected-mode procedure Return: via FAR return -84- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM Format of Phar Lap selector structure: Offset Size Description (Table 01359) 00h WORD protected-mode GS selector 02h WORD protected-mode FS selector 04h WORD protected-mode ES selector 06h WORD protected-mode DS selector --------E-21250E----------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - CALL REAL-MODE PROCEDURE AX = 250Eh EBX = CS:IP of real-mode procedure to call ECX = number of two-byte words to copy from protected-mode stack to real-mode stack Return: CF clear if successful all segment registers unchanged all general registers contain values set by real-mode procedure all other flags set as they were left by real-mode procedure stack unchanged CF set on error EAX = error code 01h not enough real-mode stack space Note: this function is also supported by FlashTek X-32VM; under X-32VM, the call will fail if ECX > 0000003Fh SeeAlso: AX=250Dh,AX=2510h,AH=E1h"OS/286",INT 31/AX=0301h --------E-21250F----------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - CONVERT PROTECTED-MODE ADDRESS TO MS-DOS AX = 250Fh ES:EBX = 48-bit protected-mode address to convert ECX = 00000000h or length of data in bytes Return: CF clear if successful (address < 1MB and contiguous) ECX = 32-bit real-mode MS-DOS address CF set on error (address >= 1MB or not contiguous) ECX = linear address Note: this function is also supported by FlashTek X-32VM SeeAlso: AX=2510h --------E-212510----------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - CALL REAL-MODE PROCEDURE, REGISTERS AX = 2510h EBX = CS:IP of real-mode procedure to call ECX = number of two-byte words to copy to protected-mode stack to real-mode stack DS:EDX -> pointer to parameter block (see #01360) -85- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM Return: CF clear if successful all segment registers unchanged, EDX unchanged all other general registers contain values set by real-mode proc all other flags are set as they were left by real-mode procedure real-mode register values are returned in the parameter block CF set on error EAX = error code 01h not enough real-mode stack space Note: unlike most of the preceding 25xxh functions, this one is not supported by FlashTek X-32VM SeeAlso: AX=250Eh,AX=250Fh Format of Phar Lap real-mode call parameter block: Offset Size Description (Table 01360) 00h WORD real-mode DS value 02h WORD real-mode ES value 04h WORD real-mode FS value 06h WORD real-mode GS value 08h DWORD real-mode EAX value 0Ch DWORD real-mode EBX value 10h DWORD real-mode ECX value 14h DWORD real-mode EDX value --------E-212511----------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - ISSUE REAL-MODE INTERRUPT AX = 2511h DS:EDX -> parameter block (see #01361) Return: all segment registers unchanged EDX unchanged all other registers contain values set by the real-mode int handler the flags are set as they were left by the real-mode interrupt handler real-mode register values are returned in the parameter block Note: this function is also supported by FlashTek X-32VM SeeAlso: AX=2503h,AX=2505h,AX=250Eh,AH=E3h"OS/286",INT 31/AX=0300h Format of Phar Lap real-mode interrupt parameter block: Offset Size Description (Table 01361) 00h WORD interrupt number 02h WORD real-mode DS value 04h WORD real-mode ES value 06h WORD real-mode FS value -86- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM 08h WORD real-mode GS value 0Ah DWORD real-mode EAX value 0Eh DWORD real-mode EDX value Note: all other real-mode values set from protected-mode registers --------E-212512----------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - LOAD PROGRAM FOR DEBUGGING AX = 2512h DS:EDX -> pointer to ASCIZ program name ES:EBX -> pointer to parameter block (see #01363) ECX = size in bytes of LDT buffer Return: CF clear if successful EAX = number of segment descriptors in LDT CF set on error EAX = error code (see #01362) SeeAlso: AX=2517h (Table 01362) Values for Phar Lap error code: 02h file not found or path invalid 05h access denied 08h insufficient memory 0Ah environment invalid 0Bh invalid file format 80h LDT too small Format of Phar Lap program load parameter block: Offset Size Description (Table 01363) Input: 00h DWORD 32-bit offset of environment string 04h WORD segment of environment string 06h DWORD 32-bit offset of command-tail string 0Ah WORD segment of command-tail string 0Ch DWORD 32-bit offset of LDT buffer (size in ECX) 10h WORD segment of LDT buffer Output: 12h WORD real-mode paragraph address of PSP (see also AH=26h) 14h WORD real/protected mode flag 0000h real mode 0001h protected mode 16h DWORD initial EIP value 1Ah WORD initial CS value -87- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM 1Ch DWORD initial ESP value 20h WORD initial SS value 22h WORD initial DS value 24h WORD initial ES value 26h WORD initial FS value 28h WORD initial GS value --------E-212513----------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - ALIAS SEGMENT DESCRIPTOR AX = 2513h BX = segment selector of descriptor in GDT or LDT CL = access-rights byte for alias descriptor CH = use-type bit (USE16 or USE32) for alias descriptor Return: CF clear if successful AX = segment selector for created alias CF set on error EAX = error code 08h insufficient memory (can't grow LDT) 09h invalid segment selector in BX --------E-212514----------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - CHANGE SEGMENT ATTRIBUTES AX = 2514h BX = segment selector of descriptor in GDT or LDT CL = new access-rights byte CH = new use-type bit (USE16 or USE32) Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error EAX = error code 09h invalid selector in BX SeeAlso: AX=2515h,INT 31/AX=0009h --------E-212515----------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - GET SEGMENT ATTRIBUTES AX = 2515h BX = segment selector of descriptor in GDT or LDT Return: CF clear if successful CL = access-rights byte for segment CH = use-type bit (USE16 or USE32) ECX<16-31> destroyed CF set on error EAX = error code 09h invalid segment selector in BX SeeAlso: AX=2514h -88- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM --------E-212516----------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender v2.2+ - FREE ALL MEMORY OWNED BY LDT AX = 2516h Return: CF clear Note: this function must be called from Ring 0 or the CS descriptor is freed --------E-212517----------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender v2.1c+ - GET INFO ON DOS DATA BUFFER AX = 2517h Return: CF clear ES:EBX -> data buffer (protected mode address) ECX -> data buffer (real mode address) EDX = size of data buffer in bytes Note: the data buffer's address changes after calls to AX=2512h and AX=252Ah SeeAlso: AX=2512h,AX=252Ah,AX=2530h --------E-212518----------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender 2.1c+ - SPECIFY HANDLER FOR MOVED SEGMENTS AX = 2518h ES:EBX -> function to call when a segment is moved Return: CF clear ES:EBX -> previous handler --------E-212519----------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender VMM - GET ADDITIONAL MEMORY ERROR INFO AX = 2519h Return: CF clear EAX = error code 0000h no error 0001h out of physical memory 0002h out of swap space (unable to grow swap file) 0003h out of LDT entries and unable to grow LDT 0004h unable to change extended memory allocation mark FFFFFFFFh paging disabled Note: VMM is the Virtual Memory Manager option --------E-21251A----------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender VMM - LOCK PAGES IN MEMORY AX = 251Ah EDX = number of 4k pages to lock if BL = 00h ECX = linear address of first page to lock if BL = 01h ES:ECX -> pointer to first page to lock Return: CF clear if successful -89- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM CF set on error EAX = error code 08h insufficient memory 09h invalid address range SeeAlso: AX=251Bh,AX=EB06h,INT 31/AX=0600h --------E-21251B----------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender VMM - UNLOCK PAGES AX = 251Bh EDX = number of pages to unlock if BL = 00h ECX = linear address of first page to unlock if BL = 01h ES:ECX -> pointer to first page to unlock Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error EAX = error code 09h invalid address range SeeAlso: AX=251Ah,AX=EB07h,INT 31/AX=0601h --------E-21251C----------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender VMM v2.1c+ - FREE PHYSICAL MEMORY PAGES AX = 251Ch BH = preservation flag (00h preserve contents, 01h discard contents) EDX = number of pages to free BL = address type 00h linear address ECX = linear address of first page to be freed 01h pointer ES:ECX -> first page to be freed Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error EAX = error code 08h memory error, swap space full, no VMM or DPMI 09h invalid address --------E-21251D----------------------------INT 21 OP - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender VMM v2.1c - READ PAGE-TABLE ENTRY AX = 251Dh BL = address type 00h linear address ECX = linear address of page table entry to read 01h pointer ES:ECX -> page table entry to read -90- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM Return: CF clear if successful EAX = contents of page table entry CF set on error EAX = error code 09h invalid address or NOPAGE option set 78h invalid under DPMI Note: this function is obsolete; use AX=252Bh/BH=09h instead SeeAlso: AX=251Eh,AX=252Bh/BH=09h,AX=EB00h,INT 31/AX=0506h --------E-21251E----------------------------INT 21 OP - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender VMM v2.1c - WRITE PAGE-TABLE ENTRY AX = 251Eh BL = address type 00h linear address ECX = linear address of page table entry to read 01h pointer ES:ECX -> page table entry to read EDX = new value for page table entry Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error EAX = error code 09h invalid address or NOPAGE option set 82h not compatible with DPMI Note: this call is obsolete; use AX=252Bh/BH=0Ah instead SeeAlso: AX=251Dh,AX=252Bh/BH=0Ah,INT 31/AX=0507h --------E-21251F----------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender VMM - EXHANGE TWO PAGE-TABLE ENTRIES AX = 251Fh BL = address type 00h linear address ECX = linear address of first page table entry EDX = linear address of second page table entry 01h pointer ES:ECX -> first page table entry ES:EDX -> second page table entry Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error EAX = error code 09h invalid address or NOPAGE option set 82h not compatible with DPMI SeeAlso: AX=251Dh,AX=251Eh --------E-212520-----------------------------91- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender VMM - GET MEMORY STATISTICS AX = 2520h DS:EDX -> pointer to buffer at least 100 bytes in size (see #01364) BL = 0 (don't reset VM stats), 1 (reset VM stats) Return: carry flag clear Format of Phar Lap VM statistics buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01364) 00h DWORD VM status 0001h VM subsystem is present 0000h VM not present 04h DWORD "nconvpg" number of conventional memory pages available 08h DWORD "nbimpg" number of Compaq built-in memory pages available 0Ch DWORD "nextpg" total number of extended memory pages 10h DWORD "extlim" extender memory pages limit 14h DWORD "aphyspg" number of physical memory pages allocated to appl 18h DWORD "alockpg" number of locked pages owned by application 1Ch DWORD "sysphyspg" number physical memory pages allocated to system 20h DWORD "nfreepg" number of free physical pages; approx if EMS VCPI 24h DWORD linear address of beginning of application address space 28h DWORD linear address of end of application address space 2Ch DWORD number of seconds since last time VM stats were reset 30h DWORD number of page faults since last time 34h DWORD number of pages written to swap file since last time 38h DWORD number of reclaimed pages (page faults on swapped pages) 3Ch DWORD number of virtual pages allocated to the application 40h DWORD size in pages of swap file 44h DWORD number of system pages allocated with EMS calls 48h DWORD minimum number of conventional memory pages 4Ch DWORD maximum size in pages to which swap file can be increased 50h DWORD "vmflags" bit 0 = 1 if page fault in progress ---v4.0+ --54h DWORD number of physical pages guaranteed to be free 58h DWORD number of free physical pages currently available 5Ch DWORD size in pages of largest free block of memory (including disk swap space) 60h DWORD reserved --------E-212521----------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender VMM - LIMIT PROGRAM'S EXTENDED MEM USAGE AX = 2521h -92- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM EBX = max 4k pages of physical extended memory which program may use Return: CF clear if successful EBX = maximum limit in pages ECX = minimum limit in pages CF set on error EAX = error code 08h insufficient memory or -nopage switch used SeeAlso: AX=2522h --------E-212522----------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Ext VMM v2.2+ - SPECIFY ALTERNATE PAGE-FAULT HANDLR AX = 2522h ES:EBX -> alternate handler for page faults Return: CF clear ES:EBX -> previous page-fault handler SeeAlso: AX=2523h --------E-212523----------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Ext VMM v2.2+ - SPECIFY OUT-OF-SWAP-SPACE HANDLER AX = 2523h ??? Return: ??? Note: this function takes a DWORD pointer and a DWORD pointer to a DWORD pointer as arguments SeeAlso: AX=2522h --------E-212524----------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Ext VMM v2.2+ - INSTALL PAGE-REPLACEMENT HANDLERS AX = 2524h ??? Return: ??? Note: this function takes three DWORD pointers and three DWORD pointers to DWORD pointers as arguments --------E-212525----------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender VMM - LIMIT PROGRAM'S CONVENT'L MEM USAGE AX = 2525h EBX = limit in 4k pages of physical conventional memory which program may use Return: CF clear if successful EBX = maximum limit in pages ECX = minimum limit in pages CF set on error EAX = error code 08h insufficient memory or -nopage switch used -93- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM SeeAlso: AX=2521h --------E-212526----------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - GET CONFIGURATION INFORMATION AX = 2526h ??? Return: ??? Notes: details are not yet available this function takes a pointer to the configuration buffer (see #01365) and a poitner to a BYTE as arguments Format of Phar Lap configuration buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01365) 00h DWORD flags 1 (see #01366) 04h DWORD flags 2 (unused through v5.0) 08h DWORD flags 3 (unused through v5.0) 0Ch DWORD 386|DOS-Extender major version 10h DWORD 386|DOS-Extender minor version 14h DWORD first letter of text after minor version number in version str 18h DWORD beta flag (00h normal release, 01h beta release) 1Ch DWORD processor (3 = 386, 4 = 486) 20h DWORD coprocessor (4 = none, 6 = 287, 7 = 387/486) 24h DWORD Weitek coprocessor flag (0 = none, 1 = present) 28h DWORD machine type (0 = IBM PC compatible, 1 = NEC 9800 series) 2Ch DWORD machine class IBM: bus type (0=ISA, 1=MCA, 2=XT, 3=EISA) NEC: 0=normal mode, 1=high-res mode 30h DWORD VCPI flag (0 = none, 1 = present) 34h DWORD -WEITEK/-1167 switch (0 = AUTO, 1 = ON, 2 = OFF) 38h DWORD -MINREAL setting 3Ch DWORD -MAXREAL setting 40h DWORD -MINIBUF setting 44h DWORD -MAXIBUF setting 48h DWORD size in bytes of DOS call data buffer 4Ch DWORD number of interrupt stacks (-NISTACK) 50h DWORD interrupt stack size (-ISTKSIZE) 54h DWORD -REALBREAK setting 58h DWORD -CALLBUFS 5Ch DWORD -HWIVEC 60h DWORD -PRIVEC 64h DWORD -INTMAP 68h DWORD -PRIMAP -94- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM 6Ch DWORD VCPI: master 8259 interrupt vector base (IRQ0 mapping) 70h DWORD VCPI: slave 8259 interrupt vector base (IRQ8 mapping) 74h DWORD BIOS print screen interrupt vector (0 if NEC) 78h DWORD -EXTLOW setting 7Ch DWORD -EXTHIGH setting 80h DWORD lowest physical extended-memory address allocatable 84h DWORD highest physical extended-memory address allocatable + 1 88h DWORD special memory's physical base address (00000000h if none) 8Ch DWORD special memory size in bytes (00000000h if none) 90h DWORD -MAXVCPIMEM setting 94h DWORD -VSCAN 98h DWORD -SWAPCHK (0 = OFF, 1 = ON, 2 = FORCE, 3 = MAX) 9Ch DWORD -CODESIZE setting A0h DWORD minimum swap file size (-MINSWFSIZE) A4h DWORD maximum swap fiel size (-MAXSWFSIZE) A8h DWORD page replacement policy (0 = LFU, 1 = NUR) ACh DWORD number of GDT entries (-NGDTENT) B0h DWORD number of LDT entries (-NLDTENT) B4h DWORD program's privilege level (0-3) ---386|DOS-Extender v3.0+ --B8h DWORD -LOCKSTACK setting BCh DWORD -MAXEXTMEM C0h DWORD -MAXXMSMEM C4h DWORD -MAXPGMMEM C8h DWORD -DATATHRESHOLD CCh DWORD virtual memory manager flag (0 = not present, 1 = present) D0h DWORD Cyrix coprocessor flag (0 = no Cyrix EMC387, 1 = present) D4h DWORD -CYRIX setting (0 = AUTO, 1 = ON, 2 = OFF) D8h DWORD DPMI flag (0 = not present, 1 = present) DCh DWORD DPMI major version E0h DWORD DPMI minor version E4h DWORD DPMI capabilities flags (see #01367) E8h DWORD VCPI major version ECh DWORD VCPI minor version F0h WORD VCPI: IRQ0-7 physical base interrupt vector F2h WORD VCPI: IRQ8-15 physical base interrupt vector F4h DWORD XMS flag (0 = none, 1 = present) F8h DWORD XMS major version FCh DWORD XMS minor version 100h WORD application's CS selector 102h WORD application's DS selector -95- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM 104h 106h 108h 10Ah 10Ch 10Eh 110h 112h 114h WORD application's PSP selector WORD application's environment selector WORD selector mapping entire first megabyte WORD selector mapping text video memory WORD selector mapping video memory (text for IBM, graphics for NEC) WORD selector mapping Weitek address space, 0000h if not present WORD selector mapping Cyrix EMC387 address space, 0000h if none WORD reserved (0) DWORD real-mode FAR entry point to call to switch to protected mode with no saved context 118h DWORD size of LDT in bytes ---386|DOS-Extender v5.0+ --11Ch DWORD Windows flag (0 = not present, 1 = Windows present) 120h DWORD Windows major version 124h DWORD Windows minor version 128h DWORD Windows mode (0 = real/standard, 1 = enhanced) 12Ch DWORD OS/2 flag (0 = not present, 1 = OS/2 present) 130h DWORD OS/2 major version 134h DWORD OS/2 minor version 138h 50 DWORDs reserved (0) Bitfields for flags 1: Bit(s) Description (Table 01366) 0 -NOPAGE specified 1 -A20 specified 2 -VDISK specified 3 -XT specified 4 -AT specified 5 -MCA specified 6 -EISA specified 7 -NORMRES specified (NEC only) 8 -HIGHRES specified (NEC only) 9 set if -SWFGROW1ST, clear if -NOSWFGROW1ST 10 -NOVM specified 11 -SAVEREGS specified 12 unused (clear) 13 -NOVCPI specified 14 -NOMUL specified 15 -NOBMCHK specified 16 -NOSPCLMEM or -NOBIM 17 -NOPGEXP specified -96- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM 18 -SWAPDEFDISK specified ---v3.0+ --19 -SAVEINTS specified 20 -NOLOAD specified 21 -PAGELOG specified 22 -OPENDENY specified 23 -ERRATA17 specified ---v4.1+ --24 -NESTDPMI specified 25 -NONESTDPMI specified 26 -NODPMI specified 27 -NOPCDWEITEK specified ---v4.2+ --28 -WININT21 specified Bitfields for DPMI capabilities flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 01367) 0 paging supported 1 physical device mapping 2 conventional memory mapping 3 exceptions restartable --------E-212527----------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender VMM - EN/DISABLE STATE SAVE ON INTERRUPTS AX = 2527h EBX = new status (00h disabled, 01h enabled) Return: CF clear EBX = previous state save flag SeeAlso: AX=2528h --------E-212528----------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender VMM - READ REGISTERS AFTER CTRL-C INT AX = 2528h DS:EBX -> buffer for registers (see #01368) Return: CF clear if successful DS:EBX buffer filled CF set on error EAX = error code 83h interrupt state save not enabled 84h no active interrupt SeeAlso: AX=2527h Format of Phar Lap buffer for registers: -97- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM Offset Size Description (Table 01368) 00h 8 BYTEs unused 08h 4 DWORDs EAX,EBX,ECX,EDX 18h 4 DWORDs ESI,EDI,EBP,ESP 28h 6 WORDs CS,DS,SS,ES,FS,GS 34h DWORD EIP 38h DWORD EFLAGS --------E-212529----------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - LOAD FLAT MODEL .EXP or .REX FILE AX = 2529h ??? Return: ES:EBX -> parameter block (see #01369) ??? Note: details not available at this time SeeAlso: AX=252Ah Format of Phar Lap program load parameter block: Offset Size Description (Table 01369) 00h DWORD initial EIP 04h WORD initial CS 06h DWORD initial ESP 0Ah WORD initial SS 0Ch 4 WORDs initial DS, ES, FS, GS 14h DWORD minimum size in bytes of program segment 18h DWORD bytes of additional memory allocated 1Ch DWORD flags bit 0: child linked with -UNPRIVILEGED ---v6.0+ --bit 1: child is PE file instead of .EXP bit 2: loaded file is a DLL bits 3-31 reserved ---v6.0+ --20h DWORD module handles (PE files only) 24h 7 DWORDs reserved (0) --------E-21252A----------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender VMM - NEW LOAD PROGRAM FOR DEBUG AX = 252Ah DS:EDX -> ASCIZ program name ES:EBX -> parameter block (see #01363) ECX = size of LDT buffer in bytes ESI = bit flags -98- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM bit 0: allow demand paging rather than loading entire program bit 1: demand page from swap file rather than from .EXP Return: CF clear if successful EAX = VMM handle or FFFFFFFFh if none ECX = number of descriptors in LDT buffer CF set on error EAX = error code 02h file error EBX = file error code (see #01370) ECX = DOS error code if EBX=1,2,3, or 8 08h insufficient memory EBX = memory error code (see #01371) 80h LDT buffer too small 87h called twice without intervening call to AX=2531h SeeAlso: AX=2512h,AX=2517h,AX=2529h,AX=2531h (Table 01370) Values for Phar Lap file error code: 01h DOS open error 02h DOS seek error 03h DOS read error 04h not an .EXP or .REX file 05h invalid file format 06h -OFFSET is not a multiple of 64K 07h -NOPAGE incompatible with -REALBREAK/-OFFSET 08h DOS error loading .EXE file (Table 01371) Values for Phar Lap memory error code: 01h out of physical memory 02h out of swap space 04h unable to change extended memory allocation 05h -MAXPGMMEM exceeded 06h insufficient low memory to REALBREAK value 07h insufficient low memory for PSP and environment --------E-21252BBH00------------------------INT 21 Pu - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - CREATE UNMAPPED PAGES AX = 252Bh BH = 00h ??? Return: ??? -99- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM --------E-21252BBH01------------------------INT 21 Pu - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - CREATE ALLOCATED PAGES AX = 252Bh BH = 01h ??? Return: ??? --------E-21252BBH02------------------------INT 21 Pu - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - CREATE PHYSICAL DEVICE PAGES AX = 252Bh BH = 02h ??? Return: ??? --------E-21252BBH03------------------------INT 21 Pu - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - MAP DATA FILE AX = 252Bh BH = 03h ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AX=252Bh/BH=0Bh --------E-21252BBH04------------------------INT 21 Pu - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - GET PAGE TYPES AX = 252Bh BH = 04h ??? Return: ??? Note: returns one word per page SeeAlso: #01372 Bitfields for Phar Lap page information: Bit(s) Description (Table 01372) 7 mapped to read/write data file 6 mapped to read-only data file 5 swapped to disk 4 locked 3-0 page type 0 unmapped 1 allocated 2 physical device page --------E-21252B----------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - VIRTUAL MEMORY MANAGEMENT - PAGE LOCKING AX = 252Bh -100- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM BH = function 05h lock pages 06h unlock pages BL = address type 00h linear address ECX = linear start address of memory region 01h segmented address ES:ECX -> start of memory region EDX = size of memory region in bytes Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error Note: this function is also supported by FlashTek X-32VM; if X-32 is not using virtual memory, this function always succeeds --------E-21252B----------------------------INT 21 Pu - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - FREE PHYSICAL PAGES AX = 252Bh BH = function (07h,08h) ??? Return: ??? --------E-21252BBH09------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender v4.1 - GET PAGETABLE ENTRY/PAGE TABLE INFO AX = 252Bh BH = 09h BL = subfunction 00h get page table entry by linear address ECX = linear address for which to get page table entry 01h get page table entry by logical address ES:ECX = address for which to get page table entry Return: CF clear if successful EAX = page table entry EBX = additional page table information CF set on error EAX = error code 0009h invalid address 0082h running under DPMI SeeAlso: AX=251Dh,AX=252Bh/BH=0Ah --------E-21252BBH0A------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender v4.1 - SET PAGETABLE ENTRY/PAGE TABLE INFO AX = 252Bh BH = 0Ah BL = subfunction -101- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM 00h set page table entry for linear address ECX = linear address for which to get page table entry 01h set page table entry for logical address ES:ECX = address for which to get page table entry ESI = page table entry EDI = additional page table information Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error EAX = error code 0009h invalid address 0082h running under DPMI SeeAlso: AX=252Bh/BH=09h --------E-21252BBH0B------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender v4.1+ - MAP DATA FILE AT FILE OFFSET AX = 252Bh BH = 0Bh BL = subfunction 00h by linear address ECX = linear address at which to map data file 01h by logical address ES:ECX = logical address at which to map data file EDX = number of bytes to map DS:ESI -> mapping structure (see #01373) DS:EDI -> ASCIZ filename Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error EAX = error code 0002h file error ECX = phase (01h opening file, 02h seeking, 03h reading) EDX = error code returned by DOS 0009h invalid address 0081h invalid parameters or 386|VMM not present 0086h all 386|VMM file handles already in use SeeAlso: AX=252Bh/BH=03h,AX=252Bh/BH=09h Format of Phar Lap mapping structure: Offset Size Description (Table 01373) 00h DWORD starting file offset to be mapped 04h DWORD DOS file access and sharing modes (see #01403 at INT 21/AH=3Dh) --------E-21252C----------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Ext VMM v3.0 - ADD UNMAPPED PAGES AT END OF SEGMENT -102- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM AX = 252Ch BX = segment selector ECX = number of 4K pages to add Return: CF clear if successful EAX = offset in segment of beginning of unmapped pages CF set on error EAX = error code 08h insufficent memory 09h invalid selector 82h not supported by current DPMI --------E-21252D----------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender VMM v2.3+ - CLOSE VMM FILE HANDLE AX = 252Dh EBX = VMM file handle Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error EAX = error code (81h invalid VMM handle) --------E-21252E----------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender VMM v2.3+ - GET/SET VMM PARAMETERS AX = 252Eh CL = direction (00h get parameters, 01h set parameters) DS:EBX -> parameter buffer (see #01374) Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error EAX = error code (81h bad parameter value) Format of Phar Lap VMM parameter buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01374) 00h DWORD flags bit 0: page fault logging enabled ---v5.0+ --bit 1: swap extender to disk during DOS EXEC call bit 2: don't zero allocated memory 04h DWORD scan period for page aging, in milliseconds 08h DWORD maximum size (in bytes) to check on each page scan 0Ch 52 BYTEs unused --------E-21252F----------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Ext VMM v3.0 - WRITE RECORD TO VMM PAGE LOG FILE AX = 252Fh DS:EBX -> data to be written CX = size of data in bytes -103- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error EAX = error code (85h no page log file or not 386/VMM) --------E-212530----------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Ext VMM v2.3+ - SET SIZE OF BUFFER FOR DOS CALLS AX = 2530h ECX = size of data buffer in bytes (1024 to 65536) Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error EAX = error code 08h insufficient low memory 81h invalid size SeeAlso: AX=2517h --------E-212531----------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender VMM v3.0 - READ/WRITE LDT DESCRIPTOR AX = 2531h BX = segment selector ECX = direction (00h read, 01h write) DS:EDX -> 8-byte buffer for descriptor contents Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error EAX = error code 81h invalid selector 82h DPMI running, or not a code or data segment --------E-212532----------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - GET EXCEPTION HANDLER VECTOR AX = 2532h CL = exception number (00h-0Fh) Return: CF clear if successful ES:EBX = CS:EIP of current exception handler CF set on error (CL > 0Fh) Notes: this call is also supported by the FlashTek X-32VM extender this function is incompatible with 386|VMM; use AX=2522h instead SeeAlso: AX=2522h,AX=2533h --------E-212533----------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - SET EXCEPTION HANDLER VECTOR AX = 2533h CL = exception number (00h-0Fh) DS:EDX = CS:EIP of new exception handler Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error (CL > 0Fh) -104- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM Notes: this call is also supported by the FlashTek X-32VM extender this function is incompatible with 386|VMM; use AX=2522h instead SeeAlso: AX=2522h,AX=2532h --------E-212534----------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender v3.0+ - GET INTERRUPT FLAG AX = 2534h Return: CF clear EAX = interrupt state (00h disabled, 01h enabled) --------E-212535----------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender v3.0+ - READ/WRITE SYSTEM REGISTERS AX = 2535h EBX = direction (00h read registers, 01h write) DS:EDX -> system register record (see #01375) Return: CF clear Note: this call is only available under MS Windows if PHARLAP.386 VDD is installed Format of Phar Lap system register record: Offset Size Description (Table 01375) 00h DWORD CR0 04h 4 DWORDs DR0,DR1,DR2,DR3 14h 2 DWORDs reserved 1Ch 2 DWORDs DR6,DR7 24h 3 DWORDs reserved --------E-212536---------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Ext VMM v3.0+ - MIN/MAX EXTENDED/CONV MEMORY USAGE AX = 2536h EBX = bit flags bit 0: modifying conventional memory rather than extended memory bit 1: setting maximum memory usage rather than minimum ECX = new limit in 4K pages Return: CF clear if successful EAX = new limit CF set on error EAX = error code (08h memory error or -NOPAGE set) EBX = maximum limit in pages ECX = minimum limit in pages --------E-212537---------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Ext VMM v3.0 - ALLOCATE DOS MEMORY ABOVE DOS BUFFER AX = 2537h BX = number of paragraphs to allocate -105- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM Return: CF clear if successful AX = real-mode segment of allocated block CF set on error AX = error code 07h MS-DOS memory chain corrupted 08h insufficient low memory BX = size in paragraphs of largest free block SeeAlso: AH=48h --------E-212538---------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Ext VMM v3.0 - READ PROTMODE REGS AFTER SFTWARE INT AX = 2538h DS:EBX -> buffer for registers (see #01368) ECX = register record to retrieve 00h first interrupt state 01h next interrupt state EDX = handle for current interrupt state Return: CF clear if successful DS:EBX buffer filled EDX = handle of current interrupt state ESI = number of interrupt which occurred CF set on error EAX = error code 81h invalid handle in EDX 83h register saving not enabled 84h no more interrupt states SeeAlso: AX=2527h,AX=2528h --------E-212539---------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Ext VMM v3.0 - GET OFFSET OF .EXP FILE HEADER AX = 2539h BX = MS-DOS file handle for open file Return: CF clear if successful EAX = offset of .EXP header in file CF set on error EAX = error code (02h file error) EBX = file error code 02h DOS error seeking 03h DOS error reading 04h invalid file type 05h invalid file format ECX = DOS error code if EBX=02h or 03h current file position in file modified -106- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM --------E-21253A---------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender v3.0+ - INSTALL MOD. SEG FAILURE HANDLER AX = 253Ah ES:EBX -> function to be called when INT 21/AH=4Ah is about to return an error Return: CF clear ES:EBX -> previous handler SeeAlso: AH=4Ah --------E-21253B---------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender v3.0+ - JUMP TO REAL MODE CODE, NO CONTEXT AX = 253Bh DS:EBX -> buffer containing register contents (see #01368) Return: never returns SeeAlso: AX=2528h --------E-21253C----------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender VMM v3.0+ - SHRINK 386|VMM SWAP FILE AX = 253Ch Return: CF clear EAX = old size of swap file in bytes EBX = new size of swap file in bytes --------E-21253D----------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender v4.0+ - READ/WRITE IDT DESCRIPTOR AX = 253Dh BL = interrupt number ECX = direction (0 = read, 1 = write) DS:EDX -> 8-byte buffer for descriptor Return: CF clear if successful DS:EDX filled if reading CF set on error EAX = error code (0082h if running under DPMI) Desc: access hardware-level IDT rather than the internal 386/DOS-Extender shadow IDT Notes: this call will always fail under DPMI because it is not possible to access the IDT the descriptor is not checked when writing this call can normally be used only by programs running in ring 0 because the processor does not allow an interrupt to be vectored to a less privileged ring --------E-21253F----------------------------INT 21 Pu - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender v6.0+ - ALLOCATE LDT DESCRIPTOR AX = 253Fh -107- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM BX = LDT descriptor to allocate (0000h for any) ??? Return: ??? --------E-212540----------------------------INT 21 Pu - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender v6.0+ - FORCE ALIAS OF SEGMENT AX = 2540h ??? Return: ??? --------E-212544----------------------------INT 21 Pu - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender v6.0+ - FREE DLL AX = 2544h ??? Return: ??? --------E-212545----------------------------INT 21 Pu - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender v6.0+ - GET/SET PROCEDURE ADDRESS AX = 2545h ECX = direction (00h get, 01h set) ??? Return: ??? --------E-212546----------------------------INT 21 Pu - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender v6.0+ - GET MODULE HANDLE AX = 2546h ??? Return: ??? --------E-2125C0----------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - ALLOCATE MS-DOS MEMORY BLOCK AX = 25C0h BX = number of 16-byte paragraphs of MS-DOS memory requested Return: CF clear if successful AX = real-mode paragraph address of memory CF set on error AX = error code 07h MS-DOS memory control blocks destroyed 08h insufficient memory BX = size in paragraphs of largest available memory block SeeAlso: AX=25C1h,AX=25C2h --------E-2125C1----------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - RELEASE MS-DOS MEMORY BLOCK AX = 25C1h CX = real-mode paragraph address of memory block to free Return: CF clear if successful -108- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM EAX destroyed CF set on error AX = error code 07h MS-DOS memory control blocks destroyed 09h invalid memory block address in CX SeeAlso: AX=25C0h,AX=25C2h --------E-2125C2----------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - MODIFY MS-DOS MEMORY BLOCK AX = 25C2h BX = new requested block size in paragraphs CX = real-mode paragraph address of memory block to modify Return: CF clear if successful EAX destroyed CF set on error AX = error code 07h MS-DOS memory control blocks destroyed 08h insufficient memory 09h invalid memory block address in CX BX = size in paragraphs of largest available memory block SeeAlso: AX=25C0h,AX=25C1h --------E-2125C3----------------------------INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - EXECUTE PROGRAM AX = 25C3h ES:EBX -> pointer to parameter block (see #01377) DS:EDX -> pointer to ASCIZ program filename Return: CF clear if successful all registers unchanged CF set on error EAX = error code (see #01376) (Table 01376) Values for Phar Lap error code: 01h function code in AL is invalid ??? 02h file not found or path invalid 05h access denied 08h insufficient memory to load program 0Ah environment invalid 0Bh invalid file format Format of parameter block: Offset Size Description (Table 01377) -109- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM 00h DWORD 32-bit offset of environment string 04h WORD segment selector of environment string 06h DWORD 32-bit offset of command-tail string 0Ah WORD segment selector of command-tail string --------D-2126------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 1+ - CREATE NEW PROGRAM SEGMENT PREFIX AH = 26h DX = segment at which to create PSP (see #01378) Return: AL destroyed Notes: new PSP is updated with memory size information; INTs 22h, 23h, 24h taken from interrupt vector table; the parent PSP field is set to 0 (DOS 2+) DOS assumes that the caller's CS is the segment of the PSP to copy BUG: DR DOS 6.0 original releases 05/1991 & 08/1991 had a problem where the segment from which the PSP was copied was incorrect so that the PSP was not filled correctly and did not contain the command tail. The DR DOS 6.0 BDOS patch "PAT312" English (1992/01/07, XDIR /C: A0C6h) and later "full" rebuilds fix this problem (see INT 21/AX=4452h). SeeAlso: AH=4Bh,AH=50h,AH=51h,AH=55h,AH=62h,AH=67h Format of Program Segment Prefix (PSP): Offset Size Description (Table 01378) 00h 2 BYTEs INT 20 instruction for CP/M CALL 0 program termination the CDh 20h here is often used as a signature for a valid PSP 02h WORD segment of first byte beyond memory allocated to program 04h BYTE (DOS) unused filler (OS/2) count of fake DOS version returns 05h BYTE CP/M CALL 5 service request (FAR CALL to absolute 000C0h) BUG: (DOS 2+ DEBUG) PSPs created by DEBUG point at 000BEh 06h WORD CP/M compatibility--size of first segment for .COM files 08h 2 BYTEs remainder of FAR JMP at 05h 0Ah DWORD stored INT 22 termination address 0Eh DWORD stored INT 23 control-Break handler address 12h DWORD DOS 1.1+ stored INT 24 critical error handler address 16h WORD segment of parent PSP 18h 20 BYTEs DOS 2+ Job File Table, one byte per file handle, FFh = closed 2Ch WORD DOS 2+ segment of environment for process (see #01379) 2Eh DWORD DOS 2+ process's SS:SP on entry to last INT 21 call 32h WORD DOS 3+ number of entries in JFT (default 20) 34h DWORD DOS 3+ pointer to JFT (default PSP:0018h) 38h DWORD DOS 3+ pointer to previous PSP (default FFFFFFFFh in 3.x) -110- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM used by SHARE in DOS 3.3 3Ch BYTE DOS 4+ (DBCS) interim console flag (see AX=6301h) Novell DOS 7 DBCS interim flag as set with AX=6301h (possibly also used by Far East MS-DOS 3.2-3.3) 3Dh BYTE (APPEND) TrueName flag (see INT 2F/AX=B711h) 3Eh BYTE (Novell NetWare) flag: next byte initialized if CEh (OS/2) capabilities flag 3Fh BYTE (Novell NetWare) Novell task number if previous byte is CEh 40h 2 BYTEs DOS 5+ version to return on INT 21/AH=30h 42h WORD (MSWindows3) selector of next PSP (PDB) in linked list Windows keeps a linked list of Windows programs only 44h WORD (MSWindows3) "PDB_Partition" 46h WORD (MSWindows3) "PDB_NextPDB" 48h BYTE (MSWindows3) bit 0 set if non-Windows application (WINOLDAP) 49h BYTE unused by DOS versions <= 6.00 4Ch WORD (MSWindows3) "PDB_EntryStack" 4Eh 2 BYTEs unused by DOS versions <= 6.00 50h 3 BYTEs DOS 2+ service request (INT 21/RETF instructions) 53h 2 BYTEs unused in DOS versions <= 6.00 55h 7 BYTEs unused in DOS versions <= 6.00; can be used to make first FCB into an extended FCB 5Ch 16 BYTEs first default FCB, filled in from first commandline argument overwrites second FCB if opened 6Ch 16 BYTEs second default FCB, filled in from second commandline argument overwrites beginning of commandline if opened 7Ch 4 BYTEs unused 80h 128 BYTEs commandline / default DTA command tail is BYTE for length of tail, N BYTEs for the tail, followed by a BYTE containing 0Dh Notes: in DOS v3+, the limit on simultaneously open files may be increased by allocating memory for a new open file table, filling it with FFh, copying the first 20 bytes from the default table, and adjusting the pointer and count at 34h and 32h. However, DOS will only copy the first 20 file handles into a child PSP (including the one created on EXEC). in an OS/2 DOS box, values of D0h-FEh in the open file table indicate device drivers network redirectors based on the original MS-Net implementation use values of 80h-FEh in the open file table to indicate remote files; Novell NetWare also uses values from FEh down to 80h or one more than FILES= (whichever is greater) to indicate remote files (except on -111- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM OS/2, where is uses CFh down to 80h) MS-DOS 5.00 incorrectly fills the FCB fields when loading a program high; the first FCB is empty and the second contains the first parameter some DOS extenders place protected-mode values in various PSP fields such as the "parent" field, which can confuse PSP walkers. Always check either for the CDh 20h signature or that the suspected PSP is at the beginning of a memory block which owns itself (the preceding paragraph should be a valid MCB with "owner" the same as the suspected PSP). Novell NetWare updates the fields at offsets 3Eh and 3Fh without checking that a legal PSP segment is current; see AH=50h for further discussion for 4DOS and Windows95, the command tail may be more than 126 characters; in that case, the length byte will be set to 7Fh (with an 0Dh in the 127th position at offset FFh), and the first 126 characters will be stored in the PSP, with the entire command line in the environment variable CMDLINE; under at least some versions of 4DOS, the byte at offset FFh is *not* set to 0Dh, so there is no terminating carriage return in the PSP's command tail. BUG: When shelling out from the Borland Pascal 7.00 IDE, overly-long command lines will not be delimited by a 0Dh character, and the length byte is set to 80h! A workaround is to always patch in a 0Dh at the last position of the command line buffer before scanning the command line. Format of environment block: Offset Size Description (Table 01379) 00h N BYTEs first environment variable, ASCIZ string of form "var=value" N BYTEs second environment variable, ASCIZ string ... N BYTEs last environment variable, ASCIZ string of form "var=value" BYTE 00h ---DOS 3.0+ --WORD number of strings following environment (normally 1) N BYTEs ASCIZ full pathname of program owning this environment other strings may follow --------D-2127------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 1+ - RANDOM BLOCK READ FROM FCB FILE AH = 27h CX = number of records to read -112- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM DS:DX -> opened FCB (see #01345) Return: AL = status 00h successful, all records read 01h end of file, no data read 02h segment wrap in DTA, no data read 03h end of file, partial read Disk Transfer Area filled with records read from file CX = number of records read (return AL = 00h or 03h) Notes: read begins at current file position as specified in FCB; the file position is updated after reading not supported by MS Windows 3.0 DOSX.EXE DOS extender SeeAlso: AH=21h,AH=28h,AH=3Fh"DOS" --------D-2128------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 1+ - RANDOM BLOCK WRITE TO FCB FILE AH = 28h CX = number of records to write DS:DX -> opened FCB (see #01345) Disk Transfer Area contains records to be written Return: AL = status 00h successful 01h disk full or file read-only 02h segment wrap in DTA CX = number of records written Notes: write begins at current file position as specified in FCB; the file position is updated after writing if CX = 0000h on entry, no data is written; instead the file size is adjusted to be the same as the file position specified by the random record and record size fields of the FCB if the data to be written is less than a disk sector, it is copied into a DOS disk buffer, to be written out to disk at a later time not supported by MS Windows 3.0 DOSX.EXE DOS extender SeeAlso: AH=22h,AH=27h,AH=40h,AH=59h/BX=0000h --------D-2129------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 1+ - PARSE FILENAME INTO FCB AH = 29h AL = parsing options (see #01380) DS:SI -> filename string (both '*' and '?' wildcards OK) ES:DI -> buffer for unopened FCB Return: AL = result code 00h successful parse, no wildcards encountered 01h successful parse, wildcards present -113- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM FFh failed (invalid drive specifier) DS:SI -> first unparsed character ES:DI buffer filled with unopened FCB (see #01345) Notes: asterisks in the name are expanded to question marks in the FCB all processing stops when a filename terminator is encountered cannot be used with filespecs which include a path (DOS 2+) Novell NetWare monitors the result code since an 'invalid drive' may signal an attempt to reconnect a network drive; if there are no connections to the specified drive, NetWare attempts to build a connection and map the drive to the SYS:LOGIN directory SeeAlso: AH=0Fh,AH=16h,AH=26h Bitfields for parsing options: Bit(s) Description (Table 01380) 0 skip leading separators 1 use existing drive number in FCB if no drive is specified, instead of setting field to zero 2 use existing filename in FCB if no base name is specified, instead of filling field with blanks 3 use existing extension in FCB if no extension is specified, instead of filling field with blanks 4-7 reserved (0) --------D-212A------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 1+ - GET SYSTEM DATE AH = 2Ah Return: CX = year (1980-2099) DH = month DL = day ---DOS 1.10+--AL = day of week (00h=Sunday) SeeAlso: AH=2Bh"DOS",AH=2Ch,AH=E7h"Novell",INT 1A/AH=04h,INT 2F/AX=120Dh --------D-212B------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 1+ - SET SYSTEM DATE AH = 2Bh CX = year (1980-2099) DH = month (1-12) DL = day (1-31) Return: AL = status 00h successful FFh invalid date, system date unchanged Note: DOS 3.3+ also sets CMOS clock; due to the limitations of the CLOCK$ -114- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM driver interface, the CMOS time is also updated to the current DOS time (which is the BIOS time-of-day clock with the default CLOCK$ driver) SeeAlso: AH=2Ah,AH=2Dh,INT 1A/AH=05h --------E-212B--CX4149----------------------INT 21 - AI Architects - ??? - INSTALLATION CHECK AH = 2Bh CX = 4149h ('AI') DX = 413Fh ('A?') Return: AL <> FFh if installed Note: Borland's TKERNEL makes this call --------c-212B--CX4358----------------------INT 21 - Super PC-Kwik v3.20+ - INSTALLATION CHECK AH = 2Bh CX = 4358h ('CX') Return: AL = FFh if PC-Kwik/PC-Cache not installed AL = 00h if installed CF clear CX = 6378h ('cx') BX = ??? DX = version (DH = major version, DL = binary minor version) Note: PC Tools PC-Cache v5.x and Qualitas Qcache v4.00 are OEM versions of Super PC-Kwik, and thus support this call (PC-Cache 5.1 corresponds to PC-Kwik v3.20) SeeAlso: INT 13/AH=A0h,INT 13/AH=B0h,INT 16/AX=FFA5h/CX=1111h Index: PC-Cache;installation check|Qualitas Qcache;installation check Index: installation check;PC-Cache 5.x|installation check;Qualitas Qcache --------Q-212B--CX4445----------------------INT 21 - DESQview - INSTALLATION CHECK AH = 2Bh CX = 4445h ('DE') DX = 5351h ('SQ') AL = subfunction (DV v2.00+) 01h get version Return: BX = version (BH = major, BL = minor) Note: early copies of v2.00 return 0002h 02h get shadow buffer info, and start shadowing Return: BH = rows in shadow buffer BL = columns in shadow buffer DX = segment of shadow buffer 04h get shadow buffer info -115- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM Return: BH = rows in shadow buffer BL = columns in shadow buffer DX = segment of shadow buffer 05h stop shadowing Return: AL = FFh if DESQview not installed Notes: in DESQview v1.x, there were no subfunctions; this call only identified whether or not DESQview was loaded. DESQview v2.52 performs function 01h for all subfunction requests 0Ch and higher and appears to ignore all lower-numbered functions not listed here. DESQview versions 2.50-2.52 are part of DESQview/X v1.0x; version 2.53 is part of DESQview/X v1.10; and version 2.63 is part of DESQview/X v2.00. BUG: subfunction 05h does not appear to work correctly in DESQview 2.52 SeeAlso: INT 10/AH=FEh,INT 10/AH=FFh,INT 15/AX=1024h,INT 15/AX=DE30h --------U-212B--CX454C----------------------INT 21 - ELRES v1.1 - INSTALLATION CHECK AH = 2Bh CX = 454Ch ('EL') DX = 5253h ('RS') Return: ES:BX -> ELRES history structure (see #01381) DX = DABEh (signature, DAve BEnnett) Program: ELRES is an MS-DOS return code (errorlevel) recorder by David H. Bennett which stores recent errorlevel values, allows them to be retrieved for use in batch files, and can place them in an environment variable SeeAlso: AH=4Bh"ELRES",AH=4Dh Format of ELRES history structure: Offset Size Description (Table 01381) 00h WORD number of return codes which can be stored by following buffer 02h WORD current position in buffer (treated as a ring) 04h N BYTEs ELRES buffer --------l-212B00CX5643----------------------INT 21 - The Volkov Commander - GET POINTER TO LEFT PANEL DATA STRUCTURE AX = 2B00h CX = 5643h ('VC') DX = 4F4Dh ('OM') Return: AL = 0 ES:BX -> left panel data structure Program: Volcov Commander is a shell for MS-DOS by Vsevolod V. Volkov SeeAlso: AX=2B01h/CX=5643h,AX=2B02h/CX=5643h -116- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM --------l-212B01CX5643----------------------INT 21 - The Volkov Commander - GET POINTER TO RIGHT PANEL DATA STRUCTURE AX = 2B01h CX = 5643h ('VC') DX = 4F4Dh ('OM') Return: AL = 0 ES:BX -> right panel data structure SeeAlso: AX=2B00h/CX=5643h,AX=2B02h/CX=5643h --------l-212B02CX5643----------------------INT 21 - The Volkov Commander - GET POINTER TO GLOBAL VARIABLES AX = 2B02h CX = 5643h ('VC') DX = 4F4Dh ('OM') Return: AL = 0 ES:BX -> global variables SeeAlso: AX=2B00h/CX=5643h,AX=2B01h/CX=5643h --------m-212B01CX444D----------------------INT 21 - Quarterdeck DOS-UP.SYS v2.00 - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 2B01h CX = 444Dh ('DM') DX = 4158h ('AX') Return: AX = 0000h if installed BX = DOS-UP version (BH = minor, BL = major) CX = 4845h ('HE') DX = 5245h ('RE') ES = DOS-UP driver segment --------T-212B01CX5441----------------------INT 21 - TAME v2.10+ - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 2B01h CX = 5441h ('TA') DX = 4D45h ('ME') ---v2.60--BH = ??? 00h skip ???, else do Return: AL = 02h if installed ES:DX -> data area in TAME-RES (see #01382,#01386,#01388) Program: TAME is a shareware program by David G. Thomas which gives up CPU time to other partitions under a multitasker when the current partition's program incessantly polls the keyboard or system time Format of TAME 2.10-2.20 data area: -117- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM Offset Size Description (Table 01382) 00h BYTE data structure minor version number (01h in TAME 2.20) 01h BYTE data structure major version number (07h in TAME 2.20) 02h DWORD number of task switches 06h DWORD number of keyboard polls 0Ah DWORD number of time polls 0Eh DWORD number of times DESQview told program runs only in foreground 12h DWORD original INT 10h 16h DWORD original INT 14h 1Ah DWORD original INT 15h 1Eh DWORD original INT 16h 22h DWORD original INT 17h 26h DWORD original INT 21h 2Ah DWORD original INT 28h 2Eh WORD offset of TAME INT 10h handler 30h WORD offset of TAME INT 14h handler 32h WORD offset of TAME INT 15h handler 34h WORD offset of TAME INT 16h handler 36h WORD offset of TAME INT 17h handler 38h WORD offset of TAME INT 21h handler 3Ah WORD offset of TAME INT 28h handler 3Ch WORD X in /max:X,Y or /freq:X,Y 3Eh WORD Y in /max:X,Y or /freq:X,Y 40h WORD number of polls remaining before next task switch 42h WORD /KEYIDLE value 44h BYTE interrupts already grabbed by TAME (see #01383) 45h BYTE flags for interrupts which may be acted on (same bits as above) 46h BYTE TAME enabled (01h) or disabled (00h) 47h BYTE /TIMEPOLL (01h) or /NOTIMEPOLL (00h) 48h BYTE /NOTIMER (01h) or /TIMER (00h) 49h BYTE window or task number for this task 4Ah BYTE multitasker type (see #01384) 4Bh BYTE type of task switching selected bit 0: DESQview??? bit 1: DoubleDOS??? bit 2: TopView??? bit 3: KeySwitch bit 4: HLT instruction 4Ch BYTE ??? 4Dh BYTE flags bit 1: /FREQ instead of /MAX -118- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F 4Eh 4Fh 50h BYTE BYTE BYTE Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM /FG: value task switches left until next FGONLY DESQview API call ??? Bitfields for interrupts already grabbed by TAME: Bit(s) Description (Table 01383) 0 INT 10h 1 INT 14h 2 INT 15h 3 INT 16h 4 INT 17h 5 INT 21h 6 INT 28h (Table 01384) Values for multitasker type: 01h DESQview 02h DoubleDOS 03h TopView 04h OmniView 05h VM/386 Bitfields for type of task switching selected: Bit(s) Description (Table 01385) 0 DESQview 1 DoubleDOS 2 TopView 3 OmniView 4 KeySwitch 5 HLT instruction Format of TAME 2.30 data area: Offset Size Description (Table 01386) 00h BYTE data structure minor version number (02h in TAME 2.30) 01h BYTE data structure major version number (0Ah in TAME 2.30) 02h DWORD number of task switches 06h DWORD number of keyboard polls 0Ah DWORD number of time polls 0Eh DWORD number of times DESQview told program runs only in foreground 12h DWORD time of last /CLEAR or TAME-RES load 16h DWORD time yielded -119- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F 1Ah 1Eh 22h 26h 2Ah 2Eh 32h 36h 3Ah 3Eh 40h 42h 44h 46h 48h 4Ah 4Ch 4Eh 50h 52h 54h 56h 58h 5Ah 5Ch 5Dh 5Eh 5Fh 60h 61h 62h 63h 64h DWORD DWORD DWORD DWORD DWORD DWORD DWORD DWORD DWORD WORD WORD WORD WORD WORD WORD WORD WORD WORD WORD WORD WORD WORD WORD WORD BYTE BYTE BYTE BYTE BYTE BYTE BYTE BYTE WORD Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM time spent polling time spent waiting on key input with INT 16/AH=01h,11h original INT 10h original INT 14h original INT 15h original INT 16h original INT 17h original INT 21h original INT 28h offset of TAME INT 10h handler offset of TAME INT 14h handler offset of TAME INT 15h handler offset of TAME INT 16h handler offset of TAME INT 17h handler offset of TAME INT 21h handler offset of TAME INT 28h handler X in /max:X,Y or /freq:X,Y Y in /max:X,Y or /freq:X,Y number of polls remaining before next task switch /KEYIDLE value /FG: value task switches left until next FGONLY DESQview API call multitasker version virtual screen segment interrupts already grabbed by TAME (see #01383) flags for interrupts which may be acted on (same bits as above) window or task number for this task multitasker type (see #01384) type of task switching selected (bit flags) (see #01385) watch_DOS action flags (see #01387) old status signature DA34h Bitfields for TAME action flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 01387) 0 TAME enabled 1 /FREQ instead of /MAX (X and Y count fields are per tick) 2 /TIMEPOLL 3 /KEYPOLL 4 inhibit timer -120- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM 5 enable status monitoring SeeAlso: #01386,#01388 Format of TAME 2.60 data area: Offset Size Description (Table 01388) 00h BYTE data structure minor version number (02h in TAME 2.60) 01h BYTE data structure major version number (0Bh in TAME 2.60) 02h DWORD number of task switches 06h DWORD number of keyboard polls 0Ah DWORD number of time polls 0Eh DWORD number of times DESQview told program runs only in foreground 12h DWORD time of last /CLEAR or TAME-RES load 16h DWORD time yielded 1Ah DWORD time spent polling 1Eh DWORD time spent waiting on key input with INT 16/AH=01h,11h 22h 4 BYTEs ??? 26h DWORD original INT 10h 2Ah DWORD original INT 14h 2Eh DWORD original INT 15h 32h DWORD original INT 16h 36h DWORD original INT 17h 3Ah DWORD original INT 21h 3Eh DWORD original INT 28h 42h WORD offset of TAME INT 10h handler 44h WORD offset of TAME INT 14h handler 46h WORD offset of TAME INT 15h handler 48h WORD offset of TAME INT 16h handler 4Ah WORD offset of TAME INT 17h handler 4Ch WORD offset of TAME INT 21h handler 4Eh WORD offset of TAME INT 28h handler 50h WORD X in /max:X,Y or /freq:X,Y 52h WORD Y in /max:X,Y or /freq:X,Y 54h WORD number of polls remaining before next task switch 56h WORD /KEYIDLE value 58h 4 BYTEs ??? 5Ch WORD X in /boost:X,Y 5Eh WORD Y in /boost:X,Y 60h WORD /FG: value 62h WORD task switches remaining until next FGONLY DESQview API call 64h WORD multitasker version ??? 66h WORD virtual screen segment -121- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM 68h BYTE interrupts already grabbed by TAME (see #01383) 69h BYTE flags for interrupts which may be acted on (same bits as above) 6Ah BYTE window or task number for this task 6Bh BYTE multitasker type (see #01384) 6Ch BYTE type of task switching selected (bit flags) (see #01385) 6Dh BYTE watch_DOS 6Eh BYTE action flags (see #01387) 6Fh BYTE old status 70h WORD signature DA34h --------v-212B16CX0643----------------------INT 21 - VIRUS - "Maltese Amoeba" - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 2B16h CX = 0643h Return: AX = 1603h if installed --------R-212B44BX4D41----------------------INT 21 - pcANYWHERE IV/LAN - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 2B44h ('D') BX = 4D41h ('MA') CX = 7063h ('pc') DX = 4157h ('AW') Return: AX = resident program 4F4Bh ('OK') if large host resident 6F6Bh ('ok') if small host resident CX:DX -> API entry point (see #01389) SeeAlso: INT 16/AH=79h (Table 01389) Call pcANYWHERE API entry point with: AX = 0000h get pcANYWHERE IV version DS:SI -> BYTE buffer for host type code Return: AH = version number AL = revision number DS:DI buffer byte filled with 00h full-featured host 01h limited-feature LAN host other API may not be supported AX = 0001h initialize operation DS:SI -> initialization request structure (see #01390) Return: AX = function status (see #01393) AX = 0002h get status Return: AH = current operating mode (see #01390) -122- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F AX AX AX AX AX AX AX Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM AL = current connection status (see #01392) = 0003h suspend remote screen updates Return: AX = function status (see #01393) = 0004h resume screen updates Return: AX = function status (see #01393) = 0005h end current remote access session DS:SI -> termination request structure (see #01391) Return: AX = function status (see #01393) = 0006h remove pcANYWHERE IV from memory Return: AX = status (see #01393) = 8000h read data from communications channel DS:BX -> buffer CX = buffer size Return: AX >= number of characters read/available AX < 0 on error = 8001h write data to communications channel DS:BX -> buffer CX = buffer size Return: AX >= number of characters written AX < 0 on error = 8002h get connection status Return: AX = status > 0000h if connection active = 0000h if connection lost < 0000h on error Format of pcANYWHERE initialization request structure: Offset Size Description (Table 01390) 00h BYTE operating mode 00h wait for a call 01h hot key activates 02h incoming call activates 03h initiate a call 01h 3 BYTEs user ID to append to config file names 04h WORD DS-relative pointer to path for config files 06h WORD DS-relative pointer to path for program files Format of pcANYWHERE termination request structure: Offset Size Description (Table 01391) 00h BYTE operating mode after termination 00h wait for a call -123- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F 01h 02h 80h FFh Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM hot key activates incoming call activates use current mode remove from memory Bitfields for current connection status: Bit(s) Description (Table 01392) 0 a physical connection is active 1 remove screen updating is active 2 connection checking is active 3 hot key detection is active 4 background file transfer is active (Table 01393) Values for pcANYWHERE function status: 0000h function completed successfully FFD1h unable to release interrupt vectors FFD2h unable to release allocated memory FFF2h unable to establish a connection when operating mode is "Initiate a call" FFF3h modem configuration is invalid (corrupt config) FFF4h modem initialization failed (no modem response) FFF5h the communications device could not be initialized FFF6h the host operator aborted the function FFF7h the communications driver type specified in the configuration file is different than the one loaded when pcANYWHERE IV was started FFF9h the configuration file is invalid FFFAh the configuration file could not be found FFFBh no session is active FFFCh a remote access session is active FFFDh the specified operating mode is invalid --------l-212B--CX5643----------------------INT 21 - Volkov Commander - INSTALLATION CHECK AH = 2Bh CX = 5643h ('VC') DX = 4F4Dh ('OM') AL = function number 00h get left window data address 01h get right window data address 02h get address of general variables Return: AL = 00h if Volkov Commander installed -124- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM AH = version code (27h for v4.00.039) ES:BX -> requested data Program: Volkov Commander is a Norton Commander-like DOS shell --------G-212B--CX6269----------------------INT 21 - WDTSR.COM - INSTALLATION CHECK AH = 2Bh CX = 6269h ('bi') DX = 742Dh ('t-') Return: AL = FFh if not installed AL = 77h ('w') if WDTSR is installed CX = 6174h ('at') DX = 6368h ('ch') ES = resident code segment ES:DI -> identification and configuration data Program: WDTSR is a driver for the bitWatch watchdog hardware by bit-design GmbH SeeAlso: AH=2Bh/CX=6269h"bitFOSSI",INT 14/AH=14h"FOSSIL",INT 15/AH=C3h --------S-212B--CX6269----------------------INT 21 - bitFOSS - INSTALLATION CHECK AH = 2Bh CX = 6269h ('bi') DX = 7446h ('tF') Return: AL = FFh if not installed AL = 4Fh ('O') if bitFOSS is installed CX = 5353h ('SS') DX = 494Ch ('IL') ES = resident code segment ES:DI -> identification data Program: bitFOSS is a revision 5 FOSSIL driver SeeAlso: AH=2Bh/CX=6269h"bitFOSSI",INT 11/AH=BCh --------S-212B--CX6269----------------------INT 21 - bitFOSSI - INSTALLATION CHECK AH = 2Bh CX = 6269h ('bi') DX = 7449h ('tI') Return: AL = FFh if not installed AL = 53h ('S') if bitFOSSI is installed CX = 444Eh ('DN') DX = 2D46h ('-F') ES = resident code segment ES:DI -> identification data -125- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM Program: bitFOSSI is a revision 5 FOSSIL driver for ???'s ISDN board SeeAlso: AH=2Bh/CX=6269h"bitFOSS",INT 11/AH=BCh --------D-212C------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 1+ - GET SYSTEM TIME AH = 2Ch Return: CH = hour CL = minute DH = second DL = 1/100 seconds Note: on most systems, the resolution of the system clock is about 5/100sec, so returned times generally do not increment by 1 on some systems, DL may always return 00h SeeAlso: AH=2Ah,AH=2Dh,AH=E7h"Novell",INT 1A/AH=00h,INT 1A/AH=02h,INT 1A/AH=FEh SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=120Dh --------v-212C-------------------------INT 21 - VIRUS - "Anti Pode 2.0" - INSTALLATION CHECK AH = 2Ch Return: DL = F2h if resident SeeAlso: AX=1812h"VIRUS",AX=2C2Ch --------v-212C00CX534B----------------------INT 21 - SKUDO - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 2C00h CX = 534Bh ('SK') DX = 5544h ('UD') BX = 4F21h ('O!') Return: AX = 5349h ('SI') if installed CH = version number CL = subversion Program: SKUDO is an antivirus TSR by Jordi Mas --------v-212C2C-----------------------INT 21 - VIRUS - "LockJaw/Proto-T" - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 2C2Ch Return: AX = 0DCDh if resident SeeAlso: AH=2Ch"VIRUS",AX=3000h"VIRUS" --------D-212D------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 1+ - SET SYSTEM TIME AH = 2Dh CH = hour CL = minute DH = second DL = 1/100 seconds -126- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM Return: AL = result 00h successful FFh invalid time, system time unchanged Note: DOS 3.3+ also sets CMOS clock; due to the limitations of the CLOCK$ driver interface, the CMOS date is also updated to the current DOS date SeeAlso: AH=2Bh"DOS",AH=2Ch,INT 1A/AH=01h,INT 1A/AH=03h,INT 1A/AH=FFh"AT&T" --------T-212D01CX7820----------------------INT 21 - PC-Mix - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 2D01h CX = 7820h ('X ') DX = 6D69h ('MI') Return: AL = 00h if installed --------D-212E--DL00------------------------INT 21 - DOS 1+ - SET VERIFY FLAG AH = 2Eh DL = 00h (DOS 1.x/2.x only) AL = new state of verify flag 00h off 01h on Notes: default state at system boot is OFF when ON, all disk writes are verified provided the device driver supports read-after-write verification SeeAlso: AH=54h --------D-212F------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 2+ - GET DISK TRANSFER AREA ADDRESS AH = 2Fh Return: ES:BX -> current DTA Note: under the FlashTek X-32 DOS extender, the pointer is in ES:EBX SeeAlso: AH=1Ah --------D-2130------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 2+ - GET DOS VERSION AH = 30h ---DOS 5+ --AL = what to return in BH 00h OEM number (see #01394) 01h version flag Return: AL = major version number (00h if DOS 1.x) AH = minor version number BL:CX = 24-bit user serial number (most versions do not use this) ---if DOS <5 or AL=00h---127- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM BH = MS-DOS OEM number (see #01394) ---if DOS 5+ and AL=01h--BH = version flag bit 3: DOS is in ROM other: reserved (0) Notes: the OS/2 v1.x Compatibility Box returns major version 0Ah (10) the OS/2 v2.x Compatibility Box returns major version 14h (20) OS/2 Warp 3.0 Virtual DOS Machines report v20.30; Warp 4 VDMs report v20.40. the Windows NT DOS box returns version 5.00, subject to SETVER DOS 4.01 and 4.02 identify themselves as version 4.00; use INT 21/AH=87h to distinguish between the original European MS-DOS 4.0 and the later PC-DOS 4.0x and MS-DOS 4.0x IBM DOS 6.1 reports its version as 6.00; use the OEM number to distinguish between MS-DOS 6.00 and IBM DOS 6.1 (there was never an IBM DOS 6.0) IBM's PC DOS 7 and Y2K updates report themselves as IBM 7.0 to be distinguished from the MS-DOS 7.0 portion of Windows 95. MS-DOS 6.21 reports its version as 6.20; version 6.22 returns the correct value Windows95 returns version 7.00 (the underlying MS-DOS), as did the "Chicago" beta (reported in _Microsoft_Systems_Journal_,August 1994); Windows95 OSR2 and OSR2.5 (OPK3) return MS version 7.10 DR DOS 5.0 and 6.0 report version 3.31; Novell DOS 7 reports IBM v6.00, which some software displays as IBM DOS v6.10 (because of the version mismatch in true IBM DOS, as mentioned above). The Novell DOS 7 SETVER.EXE has an undocumented option /G x.y which sets the "global" DOS version returned by this function for all executables not given a specific version number in SETVER to major version x and minor version y. Heiko Goeman's Advanced WinDOS 2.10/2.11/2.21 returns "IBM" DOS 5.00 (subject to SETVER) and serial number 0. All versions of CCI Multiuser DOS up to "CCI Multiuser DOS 7.22 Gold" as of 1997-02-10 report DOS 3.31. DR DOS 3.31, 3.32, 3.33, 3.34, 3.35, 3.40, 3.41, 5.0, 6.0 and DR PalmDOS/NetWare PalmDOS 1.0 report version 3.31; DR DOS "Panther" BETA 1 and "StarTrek" report as 5.0. Novell DOS 7, OpenDOS 7.01, DR-OpenDOS 7.02, DR-DOS 7.02, DR-DOS 7.03 all report themselves as IBM 6.00, which some software displays as IBM DOS 6.10 (because of the version mismatch in true IBM DOS, as mentioned above). Use INT 21/AX=4452h to distinguish the DR-DOS -128- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM family from PC DOS. The Novell DOS 7 and OpenDOS 7.01 SETVER.EXE has an undocumented option /G x.y which sets the "global" DOS version returned by this function for all executables not given a specific version number in SETVER to major version x >= 5 and minor version y = 0..254, y = 255 is used to disable the BDOS version check at INT 21/AX=4452h. A slightly modified option has been documented for DR-OpenDOS 7.02+: in /X mode it now allows for x >= 1, while y >= 100 requires /X mode, and y >= 128 is used to control advanced version control means now (see below). DR-DOS 7.02+ IBMDOS.COM (since 1998-01-10) now recognizes optional paths to filenames stored in the SETVER list. Previously such entries were never found. This allows for a three staged model for SETVERed versions: highest priority = entry with path is matching. middle priority = entry without path is matching. lowest priority = use global version (SETVER /G). The DR-DOS 7.02+ SETVER 1.01+ (1998-01-12) has also been enhanced to allow DOS *and* BDOS version faking (see INT 21/AX=4452h): In /X mode, setting a sub-version of y = 128..255 will be reported as 0..127 DOS sub-version, sub-versions of y = 100..127 will instead be used to report this value as BDOS version (64h..7Fh) via INT 21/AX=4452h, and the DOS revision stored in PCM_HEADER in the IBMDOS.COM file will be used to report the DOS sub-version (usually this holds 0, but it can be patched to other values, see INT 21/AX=4452h !!!). Note, that DR-DOS SHARE 2.05+ (1998-01-05) has relaxed version checking, and will install on any DOS revision 0..127, as long as run on a DR-DOS 72h+ kernel (formerly it was bound to a revision byte of 0 only). Under Novell DOS 7+, the SETVERing also affects the version number WORD stored at offset +40h in each program's PSP (see #01378). This holds true even for special sub-versions of 100..255 (see INT 21/AX=4452h). generic MS-DOS 3.30, Compaq MS-DOS 3.31, and others identify themselves as PC-DOS by returning OEM number 00h the version returned under DOS 4.0x may be modified by entries in the special program list (see #01662 at AH=52h); the version returned under DOS 5+ may be modified by SETVER--use AX=3306h to get the true version number SeeAlso: AX=3000h/BX=3000h,AX=3306h,AX=4452h,AH=87h,INT 15/AX=4900h SeeAlso: AH=20h"S/DOS",INT 2F/AX=122Fh,INT 2F/AX=4010h,INT 2F/AX=4A33h -129- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=E002h (Table 01394) Values for DOS OEM number: 00h * IBM - (Novell DOS, Caldera OpenDOS, DR-OpenDOS, and DR-DOS 7.02+ report IBM as their OEM) 01h * Compaq 02h * MS Packaged Product 04h * AT&T 05h * ZDS (Zenith Electronics, Zenith Electronics) Note: Zenith DOS 3.30 supports >32MB hard disks; this OEM ID can be used to detect that support 06h * Hewlett-Packard 07h * Zenith Data Systems (ZDS, Groupe Bull), for DOS 5.0+ 08h * Tandon 09h * AST (AST Europe Ltd.) 0Ah * Asem 0Bh * Hantarex 0Ch * SystemsLine 0Dh * Packard-Bell 0Eh * Intercomp 0Fh * Unibit 10h * Unidata 16h * DEC 17h * Olivetti DOS 23h * Olivetti (may have been a typo, since 23 = 17h) 28h * Texas Instruments 29h * Toshiba 33h - Novell (Windows/386 device IDs only) 34h * MS Multimedia Systems (Windows/386 device IDs only) 35h * MS Multimedia Systems (Windows/386 device IDs only) 4Dh * Hewlett-Packard (HP) 5Eh - RxDOS (Api Software & Mike Podanoffsky) 66h - PhysTechSoft (PTS-DOS) probably Paragon Technology Systems Corporation PTS-DOS as well 99h - General Software's Embedded DOS CDh - Paragon Technology Systems Corporation ("Source DOS" S/DOS 1.0+) (see also INT 21/AH=20h"S/DOS") EDh - reserved for future OpenDOS/DR-DOS based projects EEh DR DOS -130- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM EFh Novell DOS Note: released versions of Novell DOS 7 use OEM ID 00h instead FDh FreeDOS FFh * Microsoft, Phoenix (listed as "undefined" by Microsoft) Notes: '*' indicates an OEM release of MS-DOS, while '-' indicates an OEM number used by a non-Microsoft DOS known OEM releases of MS-DOS: AT&T DOS 3.10 (uses DOS 2.x cluster sizes and FAT structures) Commodore DOS 3 Compaq DOS 3.31 (>32MB partitions similar to MS-DOS 4+) Computerland DOS 3.10 (mix of DOS 2.x and 3.x disk mechanisms) Eagle MS-DOS 1.25 (DOS 1.x with some hard disk support and built-in ANSI.SYS functionality) Epson Equity III DOS 3.10 (different clustering) Leading Edge NEC DOS 3.3 Olivetti DOS 2.11 Phoenix DOS 3.3, 4.01 Sanyo DOS 3.2 Tandy Toshiba DOS Unisys Wyse MS-DOS 3 Zenith DOS 2.x (uses Zenith disk mechanism, extra drives at G:) Zenith DOS 3.x (can be configured for Zenith or MS-DOS mechanism) Zenith DOS 3.3 PLUS (>32MB partitions similar to MS-DOS 4+) --------E-2130------------------------------INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender, Intel Code Builder - INSTALLATION CHECK AH = 30h EAX = 00003000h EBX = 50484152h ("PHAR") Return: AL = major DOS version AH = minor DOS version EAX bits 31-16 = 4458h ('DX') if 386/DOS-extender installed BL = ASCII major version number EAX bits 31-16 = 4243h ('BC') if Intel Code Builder installed EDX = address of GDA SeeAlso: AX=2501h,AX=FF00h,INT 2F/AX=F100h --------v-2130--DXABCD----------------------INT 21 - VIRUS - "Possessed" - INSTALLATION CHECK AH = 30h -131- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM DX = ABCDh Return: DX = DCBAh if installed SeeAlso: AX=0D20h,AH=30h/SI=1234h,AX=3000h"VIRUS",AX=30F1h --------v-2130--SI1234--------------------INT 21 - VIRUS - "ANDROMEDA-758" -INSTALLATION CHECK AH = 30h SI = 1234h Return: AX = FFDDh if resident SeeAlso: AH=30h/DX=ABCDh,AX=3000h"VIRUS" --------T-213000BX1234----------------------INT 21 - CTask 2.0+ - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 3000h BX = 1234h DS:DX -> 8-byte version string (DX < FFF0h) "CTask21",00h for v2.1-2.2 Return: AL = DOS major version AH = DOS minor version CX:BX -> Ctask global data block Program: CTask is a multitasking kernel for C written by Thomas Wagner Note: if first eight bytes of returned data block equal eight bytes passed in, CTask is resident --------O-213000BX3000----------------------INT 21 - PC-MOS/386 v3.0 - INSTALLATION CHECK/GET VERSION AX = 3000h BX = 3000h CX = DX = 3000h Return: AX = PC-MOS version Program: PC-MOS/386 is a multitasking/multiuser MS-DOS-compatible operating system by The Software Link, Inc. SeeAlso: AH=30h,INT D4/AH=02h,INT D4/AH=10h --------v-213000BX614A-----------------INT 21 - VIRUS - "Jackal" - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 3000h BX = 614Ah ('aJ') CX = 6B63h ('kc') DX = 6C61h ('la') Return: BX = ??? SeeAlso: AX=2C2Ch"VIRUS",AX=3030h"VIRUS" --------G-213022----------------------------INT 21 - StopPrg v2.0 - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 3022h Return: AX = DOS version (see AH=30h) -132- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM CX = 1112h if StopPrg installed BX = segment of resident code Program: StopPrg is a resident program aborter by MAK-TRAXON's Prophet Note: StopPrg may be temporarily disabled by storing 9090h in the word at 0000h:04FEh --------v-213030BX694D----------------------INT 21 - VIRUS - "IMTC" -INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 3030h BX = 694Dh Return: DX = 7443h if resident SeeAlso: AX=3000h/BX=614Ah"VIRUS",AX=3032h"VIRUS" --------v-213032DX1234----------------------INT 21 - VIRUS - "Uruguay" - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 3032h DX = 1234h Return: AX = 5678h if resident SeeAlso: AX=3030h"VIRUS",AX=30F1h"VIRUS" --------v-2130F1----------------------------INT 21 - VIRUS - "Dutch-555"/"Quit 1992" - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 30F1h Return: AL = 00h if resident SeeAlso: AH=30h/DX=ABCDh,AX=3032h,AX=330Fh,AX=33DAh ----------2130FFCX4445----------------------INT 21 - DESQ??? - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 30FFh CX = 4445h ("DE") DX = 5351h ("SQ") Return: BH = 05h if installed ??? Note: called by DUBLDISK.COM v2.6; this function is not supported by DESQview, so it may be for DESQview's precursor DESQ. SeeAlso: AX=4404h"DUBLDISK" --------D-2131------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 2+ - TERMINATE AND STAY RESIDENT AH = 31h AL = return code DX = number of paragraphs to keep resident Return: never Notes: the value in DX only affects the memory block containing the PSP; additional memory allocated via AH=48h is not affected the minimum number of paragraphs which will remain resident is 11h -133- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM for DOS 2.x and 06h for DOS 3.0+ most TSRs can save some memory by releasing their environment block before terminating (see #01378 at AH=26h,AH=49h) any open files remain open, so one should close any files which will not be used before going resident; to access a file which is left open from the TSR, one must switch PSP segments first (see AH=50h) SeeAlso: AH=00h,AH=4Ch,AH=4Dh,INT 20,INT 22,INT 27 --------D-2132------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 2+ - GET DOS DRIVE PARAMETER BLOCK FOR SPECIFIC DRIVE AH = 32h DL = drive number (00h = default, 01h = A:, etc) Return: AL = status 00h successful DS:BX -> Drive Parameter Block (DPB) (see #01395) for specified drive FFh invalid or network drive Notes: the OS/2 compatibility box supports the DOS 3.3 version of this call except for the DWORD at offset 12h this call updates the DPB by reading the disk; the DPB may be accessed via the DOS list of lists (see #01627 at AH=52h) if disk access is not desirable. undocumented prior to the release of DOS 5.0; only the DOS 4.0+ version of the DPB has been documented, however supported by DR DOS 3.41+; DR DOS 3.41-6.0 return the same data as MS-DOS 3.31 IBM ROM-DOS v4.0 also reports invalid/network (AL=FFh) on the ROM drive SeeAlso: AH=1Fh,AH=52h,AX=7302h Format of DOS Drive Parameter Block: Offset Size Description (Table 01395) 00h BYTE drive number (00h = A:, 01h = B:, etc) 01h BYTE unit number within device driver 02h WORD bytes per sector 04h BYTE highest sector number within a cluster 05h BYTE shift count to convert clusters into sectors 06h WORD number of reserved sectors at beginning of drive 08h BYTE number of FATs 09h WORD number of root directory entries 0Bh WORD number of first sector containing user data 0Dh WORD highest cluster number (number of data clusters + 1) 16-bit FAT if greater than 0FF6h, else 12-bit FAT -134- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM 0Fh BYTE number of sectors per FAT 10h WORD sector number of first directory sector 12h DWORD address of device driver header (see #01646) 16h BYTE media ID byte (see #01356) 17h BYTE 00h if disk accessed, FFh if not 18h DWORD pointer to next DPB ---DOS 2.x--1Ch WORD cluster containing start of current directory, 0000h=root, FFFFh = unknown 1Eh 64 BYTEs ASCIZ pathname of current directory for drive ---DOS 3.x--1Ch WORD cluster at which to start search for free space when writing 1Eh WORD number of free clusters on drive, FFFFh = unknown ---DOS 4.0-6.0--0Fh WORD number of sectors per FAT 11h WORD sector number of first directory sector 13h DWORD address of device driver header (see #01646) 17h BYTE media ID byte (see #01356) 18h BYTE 00h if disk accessed, FFh if not 19h DWORD pointer to next DPB 1Dh WORD cluster at which to start search for free space when writing, usually the last cluster allocated 1Fh WORD number of free clusters on drive, FFFFh = unknown SeeAlso: #01357,#01663,#01787 at AX=7302h,#04039 at INT E0/CL=71h --------D-2133------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 2+ - EXTENDED BREAK CHECKING AH = 33h AL = subfunction 00h get current extended break state Return: DL = current state, 00h = off, 01h = on 01h set state of extended ^C/^Break checking DL = new state 00h off, check only on character I/O functions 01h on, check on all DOS functions Return: (Novell DOS 7) DL = old state of extended Break checks Note: under DOS 3.1+ and DR DOS, this function does not use any of the DOS-internal stacks and may thus be called at any time SeeAlso: AX=3302h --------D-213302----------------------------INT 21 - DOS 3.x+ internal - GET AND SET EXTENDED CONTROL-BREAK CHECKING STATE AX = 3302h -135- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM DL = new state (00h for OFF, 01h for ON) Return: DL = old state of extended BREAK checking Notes: this function does not use any of the DOS-internal stacks and may thus be called at any time; one possible use is modifying Control-Break checking from within an interrupt handler or TSR not supported by DR DOS through version 6.0 (error code 01h); newly-supported by Novell DOS 7 SeeAlso: AH=33h --------D-213303----------------------------INT 21 - DOS 3.4/4.0 - GET CURRENT CPSW STATE AX = 3303h Return: DL = current CPSW Notes: this function and AX=3304h were intended to support a proposed code-page switching flag (using the WORD at offset 0Ch in the DOS directory entry for codepage information); however, this function has always been a NOP in public releases of DOS and OS/2. See _DOS_Internals_ Chapter 2 for more information. the released MS-DOS 4.00 IO.SYS has an undocumented CONFIG.SYS directive named CPSW= and that beside others the MS-DOS 4.00 ATTRIB supported a number of undocumented special parameters for "predefined" Extended Attributes (EAs) e.g. ATTRIB filename [(CODEPAGE|CP)[=new_value]]. this function does not use any of the DOS-internal stacks and may thus be called at any time. It is directly dispatched from the INT 21h entry point with interrupts disabled. SeeAlso: AX=3304h --------D-213304----------------------------INT 21 - DOS 3.4/4.0 - SET CPSW STATE AX = 3304h DL = new CPSW state Return: nothing Notes: this function and AX=3303h were intended to support a proposed code-page switching flag (using the WORD at offset 0Ch in the DOS directory entry for codepage information); however, this function has always been a NOP in public releases of DOS and OS/2. See _DOS_Internals_ Chapter 2 for more information. the released MS-DOS 4.00 IO.SYS has an undocumented CONFIG.SYS directive named CPSW= and that beside others the MS-DOS 4.00 ATTRIB supported a number of undocumented special parameters for "predefined" Extended Attributes (EAs) e.g. ATTRIB filename [(CODEPAGE|CP)[=new_value]]. -136- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM this function does not use any of the DOS-internal stacks and may thus be called at any time. It is directly dispatched from the INT 21h entry point with interrupts disabled. SeeAlso: AX=3303h,AH=11h,AX=5702h --------D-213305----------------------------INT 21 - DOS 4.0+ - GET BOOT DRIVE AX = 3305h Return: DL = boot drive (1=A:,...) Notes: This function does not use any of the DOS-internal stacks and may thus be called at any time. It is directly dispatched from the INT 21h entry point with interrupts disabled. NEC 9800-series PCs always call the boot drive A: and assign the other drive letters sequentially to the other drives in the system this call is supported by OS/2 Warp 3.0, but not earlier versions of OS/2; it is also supported by Novell DOS 7 --------D-213306----------------------------INT 21 - DOS 5+ - GET TRUE VERSION NUMBER AX = 3306h Return: BL = major version BH = minor version DL = revision (bits 2-0, all others 0) DH = version flags bit 3: DOS is in ROM bit 4: DOS is in HMA AL = FFh if true DOS version < 5.0 Notes: this function always returns the true version number, unlike AH=30h, whose return value may be changed with SETVER because of the conflict from the CBIS redirector (see next entry), programs should check whether BH is less than 100 (64h) and BL is at least 5 before accepting the returned BX as the true version number; however, even this is not entirely reliable when that redirector is loaded Under MS-DOS/PC DOS, DR DOS, PTS-DOS, S/DOS this function does not use any of the DOS internal stacks and thus is fully reentrant OS/2 v2.1 will return BX=0A14h (version 20.10) Windows 95 and Windows 95 SP1 return version 7.00; Windows 95 OSR2 and OPK3 (OSR2.5) return version MS 7.10. the Windows NT DOS box returns BX=3205h (version 5.50) Novell DOS 7 returns IBM v6.00, which some software displays as IBM DOS v6.10 (because of the version mismatch in true IBM DOS mentioned for INT 21/AH=30h); versions through Update 15 all -137- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM return revision code 00h Windows95 and Windows95 SP1 return version 7.00; Windows95 OSR2 returns version 7.10 Heiko Goeman's Advanced WinDOS 2.10/2.11/2.21 returns DOS 5.00, revision 0. Novell DOS 7, OpenDOS 7.01, DR-OpenDOS 7.02, DR-DOS 7.02, DR-DOS 7.03 all return IBM 6.00, which some software displays as IBM DOS 6.10 (because of the version mismatch in true IBM DOS mentioned for INT 21/AH=30h); versions through Novell DOS 7 Update 15.2 (01/1996) all return revision code 00h. The DOS revision is stored in bits 7-0 of the "patch_version" field in the PCM_HEADER structure in the IBMDOS.COM file (see also INT 21/AX=4452h !!!). The version flags (DH) are stored in bits 15-8 of "patch_version", but is updated at runtime to reflect the actual status. "patch_version" is also reported as DX in INT 21/AX=4452h. Unlike MS-DOS, under Novell DOS 7+ IBMDOS.COM will also allow to SETVER the returned "true" DOS version same as with INT 21/AX=3000h and INT 21/AX=3001h. DR-DOS 7.02+ IBMDOS.COM (since 1998-01-10) now recognizes optional paths to filenames stored in the SETVER list. Previously such entries were never found. This enables a three staged model of SETVERed versions: highest priority = entry with path is matching. middle priority = entry without path is matching. lowest priority = use global version (SETVER /G). The DR-DOS 7.02+ SETVER 1.01+ (1998-01-12) has also been enhanced to allow BDOS and DOS version faking (see INT 21/AX=4452h). In /X mode, a set sub-version of y = 128..255 will be reported as 0..127 DOS sub-version, sub-versions of y = 100..127 will be used to report this value as BDOS version (64h..7Fh) with INT 21/AX=4452h instead while bits 6-0 of the DOS revision stored in PCM_HEADER in the IBMDOS.COM file will be used to report the BH DOS sub-version 0..127 (usually this holds 0, but it can be patched to other values). DR-DOS SHARE 2.05 (1998-01-05) has relaxed version checking now, and will install on any DOS revision 0..127 (formerly it was bound to DOS revision 0 only), as long as run on a DR-DOS 72h or 73h BDOS kernel. Hence, if there will be changes in the SHARE implementation without changing the BDOS version, DR-DOS SHARE 2.05 can still be stopped from installing by changing the DOS revision in PCM_HEADER to something in the range 128..255. Under Novell DOS 7+, the version SETVERing also affects the version -138- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM number WORD stored at offset +40h in each program's PSP (see Table xxxx at INT 21/AH=26h). This holds true even for special sub-versions of 100..255 (see INT 21/AX=4452h). S/DOS 1.0 (1995) returns a DOS revision of 9, while its own PTS OEM revision still defaults to 0 (see also INT 21/AH=20h"S/DOS"). BUG: DR DOS 5.0 and 6.0 return CF set/AX=0001h for INT 21/AH=33h subfunctions other than 00h-02h and 05h, while MS-DOS returns AL=FFh for invalid subfunctions SeeAlso: AH=30h,INT 2F/AX=122Fh,INT 2F/AX=E000h"SETDRVER" --------N-213306----------------------------INT 21 - CBIS network - NETWORK REDIRECTOR - ??? AX = 3306h Return: AX = 3306h BL = ??? (usually 00h) BH = ??? (usually 00h or FFh) Note: unknown function, is in conflict with DOS 5+ version call SeeAlso: AX=3306h"DOS" --------D-213307----------------------------INT 21 - Windows95 - SET/CLEAR DOS_FLAG AX = 3307h DL = subfunction 00h clear bit 5 of "DOS_FLAG" 01h set bit 5 of "DOS_FLAG" Return: ??? --------v-21330F----------------------------INT 21 - VIRUS - "Burghofer" - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 330Fh Return: AL = 0Fh if resident (DOS returns AL=FFh) SeeAlso: AX=30F1h,AX=33DAh,AX=33E0h --------k-213341----------------------------INT 21 - Diet Disk v1.0 - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 3341h Return: DX = 1234h if installed CX = resident code segment Program: Diet Disk is a public domain transparent data file compressor by Barry Nance --------v-2133DA-----------------------INT 21 - VIRUS - "CoffeeShop" - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 33DAh Return: AH = A5h if resident AL = virus version -139- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM SeeAlso: AX=33DB,AX=33DCh,AX=330Fh,AX=33E0h,AX=5643h"VIRUS" --------v-2133DB-----------------------INT 21 - VIRUS - "CoffeeShop" - GENERATE RANDOM NUMBER AX = 33DBh Return: ??? SeeAlso: AX=33DAh,AX=33DCh --------v-2133DC-----------------------INT 21 - VIRUS - "CoffeeShop" - DISPLAY "LEGALIZE CANNABIS" GRAPHIC AX = 33DCh Return: ??? SeeAlso: AX=33DAh,AX=33DBh --------v-2133E0----------------------------INT 21 - VIRUS - "Oropax" - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 33E0h Return: AL = E0h if resident (DOS returns AL=FFh) SeeAlso: AX=330Fh,AX=33DAh,AX=357Fh --------D-2134------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 2+ - GET ADDRESS OF INDOS FLAG AH = 34h Return: ES:BX -> one-byte InDOS flag Notes: this function executes on the DOS stack, and thus cannot be called while another DOS function is already executing; you should use this function once at the beginning of the program and store the returned pointer rather than calling it when requiring DOS access the value of InDOS is incremented whenever an INT 21 function begins and decremented whenever one completes during an INT 28 call, it is safe to call some INT 21 functions even though InDOS may be 01h instead of zero InDOS alone is not sufficient for determining when it is safe to enter DOS, as the critical error handling decrements InDOS and increments the critical error flag for the duration of the critical error. Thus, it is possible for InDOS to be zero even if DOS is busy. SMARTDRV 4.0 sets the InDOS flag while flushing its buffers to disk, then zeros it on completion the critical error flag is the byte immediately following InDOS in DOS 2.x, and the byte BEFORE the InDOS flag in DOS 3.0+ and DR DOS 3.41+ (except COMPAQ DOS 3.0, where the critical error flag is located 1AAh bytes BEFORE the critical section flag) for DOS 3.1+, an undocumented call exists to get the address of the critical error flag (see AX=5D06h) -140- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM this function was undocumented prior to the release of DOS 5.0. SeeAlso: AX=5D06h,AX=5D0Bh,INT 15/AX=DE1Fh,INT 28 --------D-2135------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 2+ - GET INTERRUPT VECTOR AH = 35h AL = interrupt number Return: ES:BX -> current interrupt handler Note: under DR DOS 5.0+, this function does not use any of the DOS-internal stacks and may thus be called at any time SeeAlso: AH=25h,AX=2503h --------E-213501----------------------------INT 21 P - FlashTek X-32VM - ALLOCATE PROTECTED-MODE SELECTOR AX = 3501h Return: CF clear if successful BX = new selector CF set on error (no more selectors available) Note: the new selector will be an expand-up read/write data selector with undefined base and limit SeeAlso: AX=3502h,INT 31/AX=0000h --------E-213502----------------------------INT 21 P - FlashTek X-32VM - DEALLOCATE PROTECTED-MODE SELECTOR AX = 3502h BX = selector Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error (invalid selector) Note: only selectors allocated via AX=3501h should be deallocated SeeAlso: AX=3501h,INT 31/AX=0001h --------E-213503----------------------------INT 21 P - FlashTek X-32VM - SET SELECTOR BASE ADDRESS AX = 3503h BX = selector ECX = base address Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error (invalid selector) SeeAlso: AX=3504h,AX=3505h,INT 31/AX=0007h --------E-213504----------------------------INT 21 P - FlashTek X-32VM - GET SELECTOR BASE ADDRESS AX = 3504h BX = selector Return: CF clear if successful ECX = absolute base address of selector -141- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM CF set on error (invalid selector) SeeAlso: AX=3503h,INT 31/AX=0006h --------E-213505----------------------------INT 21 P - FlashTek X-32VM - SET SELECTOR LIMIT AX = 3505h BX = selector ECX = desired limit Return: CF clear if successful ECX = actual limit set CF set on error (no more selectors available) Note: the limit will be rounded down to nearest 4K boundary if the requested limit is greater than 1MB SeeAlso: AX=3503h,INT 31/AX=0008h --------E-21350A----------------------------INT 21 P - FlashTek X-32VM - PHYSICAL ADDRESS MAPPING AX = 350Ah EBX = absolute physical address ECX = size in bytes of area to map Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error (insufficient memory or service refused by DPMI host) Notes: should not make repeated calls for the same physical address there is no provision for unmapping memory --------E-21350B----------------------------INT 21 P - FlashTek X-32VM - UPDATE AND RETURN AVAILABLE FREE MEMORY AX = 350Bh DS = default selector for DS Return: CF clear EAX = maximum amount of memory which can be allocated via AX=350Ch SeeAlso: AX=350Ch --------E-21350C----------------------------INT 21 P - FlashTek X-32VM - ALLOCATE A BLOCK OF MEMORY AX = 350Ch ECX = size of block in bytes DS = default DS Return: CF clear if successful EAX = near pointer to new block EDX = new lowest legal value for stack CF set on error (requested size not multiple of 4K) SeeAlso: AX=350Bh,AX=350Dh --------E-21350D----------------------------INT 21 P - FlashTek X-32VM - RESERVE BLOCK OF MEMORY FOR 32-BIT STACK -142- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM AX = 350Dh EBX = current ESP value ECX = size of block in bytes DS = default DS Return: CF clear if successful EBX = new value for ESP EDX = suggested new limit for SS CF set on error Note: this function should only be called once during initialization SeeAlso: AX=350Bh,AX=350Ch --------v-21357F----------------------------INT 21 - VIRUS - "Agiplan"/"Month 4-6" - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 357Fh Return: DX = FFFFh if installed SeeAlso: AX=33E0h,AX=3DFFh --------D-2136------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 2+ - GET FREE DISK SPACE AH = 36h DL = drive number (00h = default, 01h = A:, etc) Return: AX = FFFFh if invalid drive else AX = sectors per cluster BX = number of free clusters CX = bytes per sector DX = total clusters on drive Notes: free space on drive in bytes is AX * BX * CX total space on drive in bytes is AX * CX * DX "lost clusters" are considered to be in use according to Dave Williams' MS-DOS reference, the value in DX is incorrect for non-default drives after ASSIGN is run this function does not return proper results on CD-ROMs; use AX=4402h"CD-ROM" instead (FAT32 drive) the reported total and free space are limited to 2G-32K should they exceed that value SeeAlso: AH=1Bh,AH=1Ch,AX=4402h"CD-ROM",AX=7303h --------D-213700----------------------------INT 21 - DOS 2+ - "SWITCHAR" - GET SWITCH CHARACTER AX = 3700h Return: AL = status 00h successful DL = current switch character -143- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM FFh unsupported subfunction Desc: Determine the character which is used to introduce command switches. This setting is ignored by MS-DOS commands in version 4.0 and higher, but is honored by many third-party programs and by Novell DOS 7 external commands BUG: Novell DOS 7's COMMAND.COM (prior to Update 15) fails to honor the SwitChar setting for internal commands even though COMMAND.COM honors it in its own command tail (i.e. COMMAND /?); even in Update 15, internal commands fail to honor SwitChar for the /? help option Notes: documented in some OEM versions of some releases of DOS supported by OS/2 compatibility box always returns AL=00h/DL=2Fh for MS-DOS 5+ and DR DOS 3.41-6.0 Novell DOS 7 COMMAND.COM indicates switch characters other than '/' by changing the first backslash (and only the first one) in the path it prints for PROMPT $p with a forward slash SeeAlso: AX=3701h --------D-213701----------------------------INT 21 - DOS 2+ - "SWITCHAR" - SET SWITCH CHARACTER AX = 3701h DL = new switch character Return: AL = status 00h successful FFh unsupported subfunction Notes: documented in some OEM versions of some releases of DOS; DOS 2.x had a SWITCHAR=c setting in CONFIG.SYS supported by OS/2 compatibility box and Novell DOS 7 ignored by MS-DOS 5+ and DR DOS 3.41-6.0; DR DOS 6.0 and Novell DOS 7 leave AX unchanged SeeAlso: AX=3700h --------D-2137------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 2.x and 3.3+ only - "AVAILDEV" - SPECIFY \DEV\ PREFIX USE AH = 37h AL = subfunction 02h get availdev flag Return: DL = 00h \DEV\ must precede character device names = nonzero \DEV\ is optional 03h set availdev flag DL = new state 00h \DEV\ is mandatory nonzero \DEV\ is optional Return: AL = status -144- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM 00h successful FFh unsupported subfunction Notes: all versions of DOS from 2.00 allow \DEV\ to be prepended to device names without generating an error even if the directory \DEV does not actually exist (other paths generate an error if they do not exist); DOS 2.x has an AVAILDEV= option in CONFIG.SYS to make \DEV mandatory although MS-DOS 3.3+, DR DOS 3.41+, and Novell DOS 7 accept these calls, they have no effect, and AL=02h always returns DL=FFh (except for Novell DOS 7, which leaves AX unchanged for both subfunctions) --------k-2137A0BX6A6D----------------------INT 21 - XPACK v1.52+ - TSR INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 37A0h BX = 6A6Dh ('jm') Return: AL = FFh if not present as TSR (default return value from DOS) AX = 0000h if installed as a TSR CX = 6A6Dh ('jm') DX = version ID (0152h) Program: XPACK is a transparent file compressor/decompressor by JauMing Tseng SeeAlso: AX=37A1h/BX=6A6Dh,AX=37A3h/BX=6A6Dh --------k-2137A1BX6A6D----------------------INT 21 - XPACK v1.52+ - UNINSTALL AX = 37A1h BX = 6A6Dh ('jm') Return: AX = status 0000h successful FFFFh failed Program: XPACK is a transparent file compressor/decompressor by JauMing Tseng SeeAlso: AX=37A0h/BX=6A6Dh --------k-2137A2BX6A6D----------------------INT 21 - XPACK v1.52+ - GET TSR STATUS AX = 37A2h BX = 6A6Dh ('jm') Return: AX = 0000h (successful) DL = status (01h active, 00h disabled) SeeAlso: AX=37A3h/BX=6A6Dh --------k-2137A3BX6A6D----------------------INT 21 - XPACK v1.52+ - SET TSR STATUS AX = 37A3h BX = 6A6Dh ('jm') DL = status (01h active, 00h disabled) -145- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM Return: AX = 0000h (successful) SeeAlso: AX=37A0h/BX=6A6Dh,AX=37A2h/BX=6A6Dh ----------2137A6BX6A6D----------------------INT 21 - XPACK v1.65 - GET TEMPORARY DIRECTORY NAME AX = 37A6h BX = 6A6Dh ('jm') Return: AX = 0000h DS:DX -> name of temporary directory Program: XPACK is a transparent file compressor/decompressor by JauMing Tseng SeeAlso: AX=37A0h/BX=6A6Dh,AX=37A7h/BX=6A6Dh ----------2137A7BX6A6D----------------------INT 21 - XPACK v1.65 - SET TEMPORARY DIRECTORY NAME AX = 37A7h BX = 6A6Dh ('jm') DS:DX -> ASCIZ name of temporary directory (max 64 chars) Return: AX = 0000h Note: the specified directory name must include a drive letter and end with a backslash (e.g. 'c:\dos\',0) SeeAlso: AX=37A0h/BX=6A6Dh,AX=37A6h/BX=6A6Dh --------k-2137D0BX899D----------------------INT 21 - DIET v1.43e - TSR INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 37D0h BX = 899Dh ('DI' + 'ET') Return: AL = FFh if not present as TSR (default return value from DOS) AX = 0000h if installed as a TSR CX = 899Dh DX = version ID Program: DIET is a transparent file compressor/decompressor by Teddy Matsumoto SeeAlso: AX=37D1h,AX=37D2h,AX=37D4h,AX=37D6h,AX=37DFh,AX=4BF0h,AX=4BF1h --------k-2137D1BX899D----------------------INT 21 - DIET v1.43e - GET DIET.EXE RESIDENT SEGMENT AX = 37D1h BX = 899Dh ('DI' + 'ET') Return: AX = 0000h CX = code segment of TSR part of DIET.EXE DX = memory block segment of TSR DIET.EXE (0000h if installed as device driver) SeeAlso: AX=37D0h,AX=37DFh --------k-2137D2BX899D----------------------INT 21 - DIET v1.43e - GET TSR CONTROL FLAGS AX = 37D2h -146- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM BX = 899Dh ('DI' + 'ET') Return: AX = 0000h DL = control flag (00h active, else disabled) DH = skip flag (nonzero while TSR active) SeeAlso: AX=37D0h,AX=37D3h,AX=37D4h --------k-2137D3BX899D----------------------INT 21 - DIET v1.43e - SET TSR CONTROL FLAGS AX = 37D3h BX = 899Dh ('DI' + 'ET') DL = control flag (00h active, else disabled) DH = skip flag (00h) Return: AX = 0000h SeeAlso: AX=37D0h,AX=37D2h,AX=37D5h --------k-2137D4BX899D----------------------INT 21 - DIET v1.43e - GET TSR OPTIONS AX = 37D4h BX = 899Dh ('DI' + 'ET') Return: AX = 0000h DX = TSR options (see #01396) SeeAlso: AX=37D0h,AX=37D2h,AX=37D5h Bitfields for DIET TSR options: Bit(s) Description (Table 01396) 0 automated compression of DIETed file 1 automated compression of newly-created file 2 suppress DIET message 3 display original file size 4-15 reserved (0) --------k-2137D5BX899D----------------------INT 21 - DIET v1.43e - SET TSR OPTIONS AX = 37D5h BX = 899Dh ('DI' + 'ET') DX = TSR options (see #01396) Return: AX = 0000h Program: DIET is a transparent file compressor/decompressor by Teddy Matsumoto SeeAlso: AX=37D0h,AX=37D3h,AX=37D4h --------k-2137D6BX899D----------------------INT 21 - DIET v1.43e - GET TEMPORARY DIRECTORY NAMES AX = 37D6h BX = 899Dh ('DI' + 'ET') Return: AX = 0000h -147- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM DS:DX -> name of temporary directory or 0000h:0000h for current dir SeeAlso: AX=37D0h,AX=37D7h --------k-2137D7BX899D----------------------INT 21 - DIET v1.43e - SET TEMPORARY DIRECTORY NAMES AX = 37D7h BX = 899Dh ('DI' + 'ET') DS:DX -> ASCIZ name of temporary directory (max 61 chars) 0000h:0000h for current directory Return: AX = 0000h Note: the specified directory name must include a drive letter and end with a backslash SeeAlso: AX=37D0h,AX=37D6h --------k-2137DCBX899D----------------------INT 21 - DIET v1.43e - SET ADDRESS OF EXTERNAL PROCEDURE AX = 37DCh BX = 899Dh ('DI' + 'ET') DS:DX -> external procedure (see #01397) Return: AX = 0000h Note: the resident code will call the specified external procedure at the beginning of decompression and when compression is exited on failure SeeAlso: AX=37DDh (Table 01397) Values DIET external procedure is called with: STACK: WORD class FFFDh creation failed for unknown reasons FFFEh creation failed due to lack of space FFFFh file creation error else file handle of DIETed file to be decompressed DWORD -> compressed filename DWORD -> decompressed or temporary filename Return: SI,DI,BP,DS,ES must be preserved by external procedure --------k-2137DDBX899D----------------------INT 21 - DIET v1.43e - RELEASE EXTERNAL PROCEDURE AX = 37DDh BX = 899Dh ('DI' + 'ET') Program: DIET is a transparent file compressor/decompressor by Teddy Matsumoto Note: unlinks the external procedure specified by AX=37DCh SeeAlso: AX=37DCh --------k-2137DEBX899D----------------------INT 21 - DIET v1.43e - READ EMS STATUS -148- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM AX = 37DEh BX = 899Dh ('DI' + 'ET') Return: AX = 0000h CX = EMS status 0000h not used 0001h used as work area 0002h used for code and as work area DX = EMM handle when EMS is in use --------k-2137DFBX899D----------------------INT 21 - DIET v1.43e - UNINSTALL TSR AX = 37DFh BX = 899Dh ('DI' + 'ET') Return: AX = status 0000h successful 00FFh failed Program: DIET is a transparent file compressor/decompressor by Teddy Matsumoto SeeAlso: AX=37D0h Index: uninstall;DIET --------D-2138------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 2+ - GET COUNTRY-SPECIFIC INFORMATION AH = 38h --DOS 2.x-AL = 00h get current-country info DS:DX -> buffer for returned info (see #01398,#01399) Return: CF set on error AX = error code (02h) CF clear if successful AX = country code (MS-DOS 2.11 only) buffer at DS:DX filled --DOS 3.0+-AL = 00h for current country AL = 01h thru 0FEh for specific country with code <255 (see #01400) AL = 0FFh for specific country with code >= 255 BX = 16-bit country code (see #01400) DS:DX -> buffer for returned info (see #01399) Return: CF set on error AX = error code (02h) CF clear if successful AX = country code (Novell NWDOS v7.0) BX = country code DS:DX buffer filled -149- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM Note: this function is not supported by the Borland DPMI host, but no error is returned; as a workaround, one should allocate a buffer in conventional memory with INT 31/AX=0100h and simulate an INT 21 with INT 31/AX=0300h SeeAlso: AH=65h,INT 10/AX=5001h,INT 2F/AX=1404h Format of DOS 2.00-2.10 country info: Offset Size Description (Table 01398) 00h WORD date format 0 = USA mm dd yy 1 = Europe dd mm yy 2 = Japan yy mm dd 02h BYTE currency symbol 03h BYTE 00h 04h BYTE thousands separator char 05h BYTE 00h 06h BYTE decimal separator char 07h BYTE 00h 08h 24 BYTEs reserved Format of DOS 2.11+ country info: Offset Size Description (Table 01399) 00h WORD date format (see #01398) 02h 5 BYTEs ASCIZ currency symbol string 07h 2 BYTEs ASCIZ thousands separator 09h 2 BYTEs ASCIZ decimal separator 0Bh 2 BYTEs ASCIZ date separator 0Dh 2 BYTEs ASCIZ time separator 0Fh BYTE currency format bit 2 = set if currency symbol replaces decimal point bit 1 = number of spaces between value and currency symbol bit 0 = 0 if currency symbol precedes value 1 if currency symbol follows value 10h BYTE number of digits after decimal in currency 11h BYTE time format bit 0 = 0 if 12-hour clock 1 if 24-hour clock 12h DWORD address of case map routine (FAR CALL, AL = character to map to upper case [>= 80h]) 16h 2 BYTEs ASCIZ data-list separator 18h 10 BYTEs reserved -150- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM (Table 01400) Values for country code: 001h (1) United States 002h (2) Canadian-French 003h (3) Latin America 004h (4) Canada (English) 007h (7) Russia 014h (20) Egypt 01Bh (27) South Africa 01Eh (30) Greece 01Fh (31) Netherlands 020h (32) Belgium 021h (33) France 022h (34) Spain 023h (35) Bulgaria??? 024h (36) Hungary (not supported by DR DOS 5.0) 026h (38) Yugoslavia (not supported by DR DOS 5.0) -- obsolete 027h (39) Italy / San Marino / Vatican City 028h (40) Romania 029h (41) Switzerland / Liechtenstein 02Ah (42) Czechoslovakia / Tjekia / Slovakia (not supported by DR DOS 5.0) 02Bh (43) Austria (DR DOS 5.0) 02Ch (44) United Kingdom 02Dh (45) Denmark 02Eh (46) Sweden 02Fh (47) Norway 030h (48) Poland (not supported by DR DOS 5.0) 031h (49) Germany 033h (51) Peru 034h (52) Mexico 035h (53) Cuba 036h (54) Argentina 037h (55) Brazil (not supported by DR DOS 5.0) 038h (56) Chile 039h (57) Columbia 03Ah (58) Venezuela 03Ch (60) Malaysia 03Dh (61) International English / Australia 03Eh (62) Indonesia / East Timor 03Fh (63) Philippines 040h (64) New Zealand -151- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM 041h (65) Singapore 042h (66) Thailand (or Taiwan???) 051h (81) Japan (DR DOS 5.0, MS-DOS 5.0+) 052h (82) South Korea (DR DOS 5.0) 054h (84) Vietnam 056h (86) China (MS-DOS 5.0+) 058h (88) Taiwan (MS-DOS 5.0+) 05Ah (90) Turkey (MS-DOS 5.0+) 05Bh (91) India 05Ch (92) Pakistan 05Dh (93) Afghanistan 05Eh (94) Sri Lanka 062h (98) Iran 063h (99) Asia (English) 066h (102) ??? (Hebrew MS-DOS 5.0) 070h (112) Belarus 0C8h (200) Thailand (PC DOS 6.1+) (reported as 01h due to a bug in PC DOS COUNTRY.SYS) 0D4h (212) Morocco 0D5h (213) Algeria 0D8h (216) Tunisia 0DAh (218) Libya 0DCh (220) Gambia 0DDh (221) Senegal 0DEh (222) Maruitania 0DFh (223) Mali 0E0h (224) African Guinea 0E1h (225) Ivory Coast 0E2h (226) Burkina Faso 0E3h (227) Niger 0E4h (228) Togo 0E5h (229) Benin 0E6h (230) Mauritius 0E7h (231) Liberia 0E8h (232) Sierra Leone 0E9h (233) Ghana 0EAh (234) Nigeria 0EBh (235) Chad 0ECh (236) Centra African Republic 0EDh (237) Cameroon 0EEh (238) Cape Verde Islands -152- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F 0EFh 0F0h 0F1h 0F2h 0F3h 0F4h 0F5h 0F6h 0F7h 0F8h 0F9h 0FAh 0FBh 0FCh 0FDh 0FEh 0FFh 100h 101h 103h 104h 105h 106h 107h 108h 109h 10Ah 10Bh 10Ch 10Dh 10Eh 122h 129h 12Ah 12Bh 15Eh 15Fh 160h 161h 162h 163h (239) (240) (241) (242) (243) (244) (245) (246) (247) (248) (249) (250) (251) (252) (253) (254) (255) (256) (257) (259) (260) (261) (262) (263) (264) (265) (266) (267) (268) (269) (270) (290) (297) (298) (299) (350) (351) (352) (353) (354) (355) Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM Sao Tome and Principe Equatorial Guinea Gabon Congo Zaire Angola Guinea-Bissau Diego Garcia Ascension Isle Seychelles Sudan Rwhanda Ethiopia Somalia Djibouti Kenya Tanzania Uganda Burundi Mozambique Zambia Madagascar Reunion Island Zimbabwe Namibia Malawi Lesotho Botswana Swaziland Comoros Mayotte St. Helena Aruba Faroe Islands Greenland Gibraltar Portugal Luxembourg Ireland Iceland Albania -153- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM 164h (356) Malta 165h (357) Cyprus 166h (358) Finland 167h (359) Bulgaria 172h (370) Lithuania (reported as 372 due to a bug in MS-DOS COUNTRY.SYS) 173h (371) Latvia (reported as 372 due to a bug in MS-DOS COUNTRY.SYS) 174h (372) Estonia 175h (373) Moldova 177h (375) ??? (MS-DOS 7.10 / Windows98) 17Ch (380) Ukraine 17Dh (381) Serbia / Montenegro 180h (384) Croatia 181h (385) Croatia (PC DOS 7+) 182h (386) Slovenia 183h (387) Bosnia-Herzegovina (Latin) 184h (388) Bosnia-Herzegovina (Cyrillic) (PC DOS 7+) (reported as 381 due to a bug in PC DOS COUNTRY.SYS) 185h (389) FYR Macedonia 1A5h (421) Czech Republic / Tjekia (PC DOS 7+) 1A6h (422) Slovakia (reported as 421 due to a bug in COUNTRY.SYS) 1F4h (500) Falkland Islands 1F5h (501) Belize 1F6h (502) Guatemala 1F7h (503) El Salvador 1F8h (504) Honduras 1F9h (505) Nicraragua 1FAh (506) Costa Rica 1FBh (507) Panama 1FCh (508) St. Pierre and Miquelon 1FDh (509) Haiti 24Eh (590) Guadeloupe 24Fh (591) Bolivia 250h (592) Guyana 251h (593) Ecuador 252h (594) rench Guiana 253h (595) Paraguay 254h (596) Martinique / French Antilles 255h (597) Suriname 256h (598) Uruguay 257h (599) Netherland Antilles -154- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM 29Ah (666) Russia??? (PTS-DOS 6.51 KEYB) 29Bh (667) Poland??? (PTS-DOS 6.51 KEYB) 29Ch (668) Poland??? (Slavic???) (PTS-DOS 6.51 KEYB) 29Eh (670) Saipan / N. Mariana Island 29Fh (671) Guam 2A0h (672) Norfolk Island (Australia) / Christmas Island/Cocos Islands / Antartica 2A1h (673) Brunei Darussalam 2A2h (674) Nauru 2A3h (675) Papua New Guinea 2A4h (676) Tonga Islands 2A5h (677) Solomon Islands 2A6h (678) Vanuatu 2A7h (679) Fiji 2A8h (680) Palau 2A9h (681) Wallis & Futuna 2AAh (682) Cook Islands 2ABh (683) Niue 2ACh (684) American Samoa 2ADh (685) Western Samoa 2AEh (686) Kiribati 2AFh (687) New Caledonia 2B0h (688) Tuvalu 2B1h (689) French Polynesia 2B2h (690) Tokealu 2B3h (691) Micronesia 2B4h (692) Marshall Islands 2C7h (711) ??? (currency = EA$, code pages 437,737,850,852,855,857) 311h (785) Arabic (Middle East/Saudi Arabia/etc.) 324h (804) Ukraine 329h (809) Antigua and Barbuda / Anguilla / Bahamas / Barbados / Bermuda British Virgin Islands / Cayman Islands / Dominica Dominican Republic / Grenada / Jamaica / Montserra St. Kitts and Nevis / St. Lucia / St. Vincent and Grenadines Trinidad and Tobago / Turks and Caicos 352h (850) North Korea 354h (852) Hong Kong 355h (853) Macao 357h (855) Cambodia 358h (856) Laos 370h (880) Bangladesh 376h (886) Taiwan (MS-DOS 6.22+) -155- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM 3C0h 3C1h 3C2h 3C3h 3C4h 3C5h 3C6h 3C7h 3C8h 3C9h 3CBh 3CCh 3CDh 3CEh 3CFh 3D0h 3D1h 3E3h (960) Maldives (961) Lebanon (962) Jordan (963) Syria / Syrian Arab Republic (964) Iraq (965) Kuwait (966) Saudi Arabia (967) Yemen (968) Oman (969) Yemen??? (Arabic MS-DOS 5.0) (971) United Arab Emirates (972) Israel (Hebrew) (DR DOS 5.0,MS-DOS 5.0+) (973) Bahrain (974) Qatar (975) Bhutan (976) Mongolia (977) Nepal (995) Myanmar (Burma) (10xxx) reserved for ISO 28601/ISO 8601 or derivative national stds (11xxx) reserved for Euro currency support (12xxx) reserved for ISO 28601 + Euro currency (1xxxx) not yet defined (20xxx) reserved for ISO 28601/ISO 8601 or derivative national stds (21xxx) reserved for Euro currency support (22xxx) reserved for ISO 28601 + Euro currency (2xxxx) not yet defined (30xxx) reserved for user-definable country codes (31xxx) reserved for OEM-defined country codes (32000+) reserved for future expansion Note: not all country codes are supported by all versions of DOS --------D-2138--DXFFFF----------------------INT 21 - DOS 3.0+ - SET COUNTRY CODE AH = 38h DX = FFFFh AL = 01h thru FEh for specific country with code <255 AL = FFh for specific country with code >= 255 BX = 16-bit country code (see #01400) Return: CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) CF clear if successful Note: not supported by OS/2 -156- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1403h --------D-2139------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 2+ - "MKDIR" - CREATE SUBDIRECTORY AH = 39h DS:DX -> ASCIZ pathname Return: CF clear if successful AX destroyed CF set on error AX = error code (03h,05h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Notes: all directories in the given path except the last must exist fails if the parent directory is the root and is full DOS 2.x-3.3 allow the creation of a directory sufficiently deep that it is not possible to make that directory the current directory because the path would exceed 64 characters under the FlashTek X-32 DOS extender, the pointer is in DS:EDX SeeAlso: AH=3Ah,AH=3Bh,AH=6Dh,AX=7139h,AH=E2h/SF=0Ah,AX=43FFh/BP=5053h SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1103h,INT 60/DI=0511h --------D-213A------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 2+ - "RMDIR" - REMOVE SUBDIRECTORY AH = 3Ah DS:DX -> ASCIZ pathname of directory to be removed Return: CF clear if successful AX destroyed CF set on error AX = error code (03h,05h,06h,10h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Notes: directory must be empty (contain only '.' and '..' entries) under the FlashTek X-32 DOS extender, the pointer is in DS:EDX SeeAlso: AH=39h,AH=3Bh,AX=713Ah,AH=E2h/SF=0Bh,INT 2F/AX=1101h,INT 60/DI=0512h --------D-213B------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 2+ - "CHDIR" - SET CURRENT DIRECTORY AH = 3Bh DS:DX -> ASCIZ pathname to become current directory (max 64 bytes) Return: CF clear if successful AX destroyed CF set on error AX = error code (03h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Notes: if new directory name includes a drive letter, the default drive is not changed, only the current directory on that drive changing the current directory also changes the directory in which FCB file calls operate under the FlashTek X-32 DOS extender, the pointer is in DS:EDX -157- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM SeeAlso: AH=47h,AX=713Bh,INT 2F/AX=1105h --------D-213C------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 2+ - "CREAT" - CREATE OR TRUNCATE FILE AH = 3Ch CX = file attributes (see #01401) DS:DX -> ASCIZ filename Return: CF clear if successful AX = file handle CF set on error AX = error code (03h,04h,05h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Notes: if a file with the given name exists, it is truncated to zero length under the FlashTek X-32 DOS extender, the pointer is in DS:EDX DR DOS checks the system password or explicitly supplied password at the end of the filename against the reserved field in the directory entry before allowing access SeeAlso: AH=16h,AH=3Dh,AH=5Ah,AH=5Bh,AH=93h,INT 2F/AX=1117h Bitfields for file attributes: Bit(s) Description (Table 01401) 0 read-only 1 hidden 2 system 3 volume label (ignored) 4 reserved, must be zero (directory) 5 archive bit 7 if set, file is shareable under Novell NetWare --------D-213D------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 2+ - "OPEN" - OPEN EXISTING FILE AH = 3Dh AL = access and sharing modes (see #01402) DS:DX -> ASCIZ filename CL = attribute mask of files to look for (server call only) Return: CF clear if successful AX = file handle CF set on error AX = error code (01h,02h,03h,04h,05h,0Ch,56h) (see #01680 at AH=59h) Notes: file pointer is set to start of file if SHARE or a network is loaded, the file open may fail if the file is already open, depending on the combination of sharing modes (see #01403,#01404) file handles which are inherited from a parent also inherit sharing -158- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM and access restrictions files may be opened even if given the hidden or system attributes under the FlashTek X-32 DOS extender, the pointer is in DS:EDX DR DOS checks the system password or explicitly supplied password at the end of the filename (following a semicolon) against the reserved field in the directory entry before allowing access sharing modes are only effective on local drives if SHARE is loaded BUG: Novell DOS 7 SHARE v1.00 would refuse file access in the cases in #01403 marked with [1] (read-only open of a read-only file which had previously been opened in compatibility mode); this was fixed in SHARE v1.01 of 09/29/94 SeeAlso: AH=0Fh,AH=3Ch,AX=4301h,AX=5D00h,INT 2F/AX=1116h,INT 2F/AX=1226h Bitfields for access and sharing modes: Bit(s) Description (Table 01402) 2-0 access mode 000 read only 001 write only 010 read/write 011 (DOS 5+ internal) passed to redirector on EXEC to allow case-sensitive filenames 3 reserved (0) 6-4 sharing mode (DOS 3.0+) (see #01403) 000 compatibility mode 001 "DENYALL" prohibit both read and write access by others 010 "DENYWRITE" prohibit write access by others 011 "DENYREAD" prohibit read access by others 100 "DENYNONE" allow full access by others 111 network FCB (only available during server call) 7 inheritance if set, file is private to current process and will not be inherited by child processes SeeAlso: #01782,#01403 (Table 01403) Values of DOS 2-6.22 file sharing behavior: | Second and subsequent Opens First |Compat Deny Deny Deny Deny Open | All Write Read None |R W RW R W RW R W RW R W RW R W RW - - - - -| - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -159- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM Compat R |Y Y Y N N N 1 N N N N N 1 N N W |Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N N RW|Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N N - - - - -| Deny R |C C C N N N N N N N N N N N N All W |C C C N N N N N N N N N N N N RW|C C C N N N N N N N N N N N N - - - - -| Deny R |2 C C N N N Y N N N N N Y N N Write W |C C C N N N N N N Y N N Y N N RW|C C C N N N N N N N N N Y N N - - - - -| Deny R |C C C N N N N Y N N N N N Y N Read W |C C C N N N N N N N Y N N Y N RW|C C C N N N N N N N N N N Y N - - - - -| Deny R |2 C C N N N Y Y Y N N N Y Y Y None W |C C C N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y RW|C C C N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Legend: Y = open succeeds, N = open fails with error code 05h C = open fails, INT 24 generated 1 = open succeeds if file read-only, else fails with error code 2 = open succeeds if file read-only, else fails with INT 24 SeeAlso: #01636,#01404 (Table 01404) Values for DOS 7.x file sharing behavior: | Second and subsequent Opens First |Compat Deny Deny Deny Deny Open | All Write Read None |R W RW A R W RW A R W RW A R W RW A R W RW A - - - - -| - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Compat R |Y Y Y Y N N N N Y N N Y N N N Y Y N N Y W |Y Y Y C N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y N N Y RW|Y Y Y C N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y N N Y NA|Y C C Y N N N N Y N N Y N N N Y Y N N Y - - - - -| Deny R |C C C C N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N All W |C C C C N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N RW|C C C C N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NA|C C C C N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N -160- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM - - - - -| Deny R |Y C C Y N N N N Y N N Y N N N Y Y N N Y Write W |C C C C N N N N N N N N Y N N Y Y N N Y RW|C C C C N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y N N Y NA|Y C C Y N N N N Y N N Y N N N Y Y N N Y - - - - -| Deny R |C C C C N N N N N Y N N N N N N N Y N N Read W |C C C C N N N N N N N N N Y N N N Y N N RW|C C C C N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y N N NA|Y Y Y Y N N N N Y Y Y Y N N N Y Y Y Y Y - - - - -| Deny R |Y Y Y Y N N N N Y Y Y Y N N N Y Y Y Y Y None W |C C C C N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y RW|C C C C N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y NA|Y Y Y Y N N N N Y Y Y Y N N N Y Y Y Y Y Legend: R -> reading, W -> writing, RW -> both reading & writing, A/NA -> reading without access time update Y = open succeeds, N = open fails with error code 05h C = open fails, INT 24 generated SeeAlso: #01403,#01636 --------v-213D76----------------------------INT 21 - VIRUS - "GT-SPOOF" -INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 3D76h Return: AX = 763Dh if resident SeeAlso: AX=357Fh,AX=3DFFh --------v-213DFF----------------------------INT 21 - VIRUS - "JD-448" - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 3DFFh Return: AX = 4A44h if resident SeeAlso: AX=3D76h,AX=4203h --------D-213E------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 2+ - "CLOSE" - CLOSE FILE AH = 3Eh BX = file handle Return: CF clear if successful AX destroyed CF set on error AX = error code (06h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Notes: if the file was written to, any pending disk writes are performed, the time and date stamps are set to the current time, and the directory entry is updated -161- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM recent versions of DOS preserve AH because some versions of Multiplan had a bug which depended on AH being preserved SeeAlso: AH=10h,AH=3Ch,AH=3Dh,INT 2F/AX=1106h,INT 2F/AX=1227h --------D-213F------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 2+ - "READ" - READ FROM FILE OR DEVICE AH = 3Fh BX = file handle CX = number of bytes to read DS:DX -> buffer for data Return: CF clear if successful AX = number of bytes actually read (0 if at EOF before call) CF set on error AX = error code (05h,06h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Notes: data is read beginning at current file position, and the file position is updated after a successful read the returned AX may be smaller than the request in CX if a partial read occurred if reading from CON, read stops at first CR under the FlashTek X-32 DOS extender, the pointer is in DS:EDX BUG: Novell NETX.EXE v3.26 and 3.31 do not set CF if the read fails due to a record lock (see AH=5Ch), though it does return AX=0005h; this has been documented by Novell SeeAlso: AH=27h,AH=40h,AH=93h,INT 2F/AX=1108h,INT 2F/AX=1229h --------G-213F------------------------------INT 21 - Turbo Debug HARDWARE BREAKPOINTS - READ STATUS BLOCK AH = 3Fh BX = handle for character device "TDHDEBUG" CX = number of bytes to read DS:DX -> buffer for status block (see #01406) Return: CF clear if successful AX = number of bytes actually read CF set on error AX = error code (05h,06h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) SeeAlso: AH=40h"Turbo Debug" (Table 01405) Values for status of Turbo Debugger command: 00h successful 01h invalid handle 02h no more breakpoints available 03h hardware does not support specified breakpoint type -162- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F 04h 05h 06h 07h 08h FEh Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM previous command prevents execution debugger hardware not found hardware failure invalid command driver not initialized yet recursive entry (hardware breakpoint inside hw bp handler) Format of Turbo Debugger status block: Offset Size Description (Table 01406) 00h BYTE status of command (see #01405) ---status for command 01h--01h WORD device driver interface version number (currently 1) 03h WORD device driver software version 05h BYTE maximum simultaneous hardware breakpoints 06h BYTE configuration bits (see #01407) 07h BYTE supported breakpoint types (see #01408) 08h WORD supported addressing match modes (see #01409) 0Ah WORD supported data matches (see #01410) 0Ch BYTE maximum data match length (01h, 02h, or 04h) 0Dh WORD size of onboard memory (in KB) 0Fh WORD maximum number of trace-back events 11h WORD hardware breakpoint enable byte address segment (0000h if not supported) ---status for command 04h--01h BYTE handle to use when referring to the just-set breakpoint Bitfields for Turbo Debugger configuration bits: Bit(s) Description (Table 01407) 0 CPU and DMA accesses are distinct 1 can detect DMA transfers 2 supports data mask 3 hardware pass counter on breakpoints 4 can match on data as well as addresses Bitfields for Turbo Debugger supported breakpoint types: Bit(s) Description (Table 01408) 0 memory read 1 memory write 2 memory read/write 3 I/O read 4 I/O write -163- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F 5 6 Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM I/O read/write instruction fetch Bitfields for Turbo Debugger supported addressing match modes: Bit(s) Description (Table 01409) 0 any address 1 equal to test value 2 not equal 3 above test value 4 below test value 5 below or equal 6 above or equal 7 within range 8 outside range Bitfields for Turbo Debugger supported data matches: Bit(s) Description (Table 01410) 0 any data 1 equal to test value 2 not equal 3 above test value 4 below test value 5 below or equal 6 above or equal 7 within range 8 outside range --------N-213F------------------------------INT 21 - PC/TCP IPCUST.SYS - READ CONFIGURATION DATA AH = 3Fh BX = handle for character device "$IPCUST" CX = number of bytes to read DS:DX -> buffer for configuration data (see #01411) Return: CF clear if successful AX = number of bytes actually read CF set on error AX = error code (05h,06h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Notes: if less than the entire data is read or written, the next read/write continues where the previous one ended; IOCTL calls AX=4402h and AX=4403h both reset the location at which the next operation starts to zero the data pointer is also reset to zero if the previous read or write -164- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM reached or exceeded the end of the data, when the current function is read and the previous was write, or vice versa v2.1+ uses a new configuration method, but allows the installation of IPCUST.SYS for backward compatibility with other software which must read the PC/TCP configuration SeeAlso: AH=40h"IPCUST",AX=4402h"IPCUST",AX=4402h"FTPSOFT" Format of PC/TCP configuration data: Offset Size Description (Table 01411) 00h 12 BYTEs IPCUST.SYS device driver header (see #01646) 12h BYTE ??? 13h BYTE ??? 14h WORD ??? 16h BYTE bit flags bit 0: send BS rather than DEL for BackSpace key bit 1: wrap long lines 17h BYTE ??? 18h 64 BYTEs ASCIZ hostname 58h 64 BYTEs ASCIZ domain name (fully qualified domain name is hostname.domain-name) 98h 16 BYTEs ASCIZ username A8h 64 BYTEs ASCIZ full name E8h 64 BYTEs ASCIZ office address 128h 32 BYTEs ASCIZ phone number 148h WORD offset from GMT in minutes 14Ah 4 BYTEs ASCIZ timezone name 14Eh WORD number of time servers 150h ? DWORDs (big-endian) IP addresses for time servers ??? 164h WORD number of old-style name servers 166h 3 DWORDs (big-endian) IP addresses for name servers 172h WORD number of domain name servers 174h 3 DWORDs (big-endian) IP addresses for domain name servers 180h DWORD (big-endian) IP address of default gateway 184h DWORD (big-endian) IP address of log server 188h DWORD (big-endian) IP address of cookie server 18Ch DWORD (big-endian) IP address of lpr server 190h DWORD (big-endian) IP address of imagen print server 194h 54 BYTEs ??? 1E8h WORD TCP default window size in bytes 1EAh WORD TCP low window size -165- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM 1ECh 64 BYTEs ASCIZ host tabel filename 22Ch 2 BYTEs ??? 22Eh 80 BYTEs ASCIZ mail relay host name 27Eh BYTE ??? 27Fh BYTE ??? bit flags 280h 44 BYTEs ??? 2ACh WORD ??? 2AEh 202 BYTEs ??? --------N-213F------------------------------INT 21 - WORKGRP.SYS - GET ENTRY POINT AH = 3Fh BX = file handle for device "NET$HLP$" CX = 0008h DS:DX -> buffer for entry point record (see #01485) Return: CF clear if successful AX = number of bytes actually read (0 if at EOF before call) CF set on error AX = error code (05h,06h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Program: WORKGRP.SYS is the portion of Microsoft's Workgroup Connection which permits communication with PCs running Windows for Workgroups or LAN Manager SeeAlso: AX=4402h"WORKGRP.SYS",INT 2F/AX=9400h --------N-213F------------------------------INT 21 - BW-TCP - GET DRIVER INFO AH = 3Fh BX = file handle for device "ETHDEV27" CX = 002Bh DS:DX -> buffer for driver info (see #01412) Return: CF clear if successful AX = number of bytes actually read (0 if at EOF before call) CF set on error AX = error code (05h,06h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Program: BW-TCP is a TCP/IP protocol stack by Beame & Whiteside Software InstallCheck: for the TCP/IP stack, test for the existence of the character device UDP-IP10 Note: the B&W socket library performs an INT 21/AX=4401h with DX=0060h before making this call to retrieve the driver information; one should also call the private API interrupt with AH=15h SeeAlso: INT 14/AH=56h,INT 62/AH=00h"ETHDEV",INT 63/AH=03h,INT 64/AH=01h Index: installation check;BW-TCP hardware driver Index: installation check;BW-TCP TCPIP.SYS -166- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM Format of BW-TCP driver info: Offset Size Description (Table 01412) 00h WORD I/O base address 02h BYTE shared memory page (01h = segment 0100h, etc.) 03h BYTE interrupt vector for private API 04h BYTE IRQ used by board 05h WORD size of data buffer 07h WORD maximum transfer window 09h WORD time zone 0Bh BYTE address type (01h user, 04h RARP, 05h BOOTP) 0Ch DWORD internet address 10h WORD "value" ??? 12h BYTE subnet mask 13h WORD "ether_pointer" ??? 15h WORD offset in device driver of log server records (see #01413) 17h WORD offset in device driver of name server records (see #01413) 19h WORD offset in device driver of print server records (see #01413) 1Bh WORD offset in device driver of time server records (see #01413) 1Dh WORD offset in device driver of gateway records (see #01413) 1Fh WORD segment address of device driver 21h BYTE transfer size 22h 9 BYTEs network adapter board name ---11/21/91+ --23h BYTE ETHDEV version (major in high nybble, minor in low nybble) 24h BYTE ETHDEV revision 25h BYTE TCPIP version (major in high nybble, minor in low nybble) 26h BYTE TCPIP revision 27h BYTE BWRPC version (major in high nybble, minor in low nybble) 28h BYTE BWRPC revision 29h BYTE BWNFS version (major in high nybble, minor in low nybble) 2Ah BYTE BWNFS revision 2Bh BYTE Telnet version (major in high nybble, minor in low nybble) 2Ch BYTE Telnet revision 2Dh BYTE NETBIOS version (major in high nybble, minor in low nybble) 2Eh BYTE NETBIOS revision Note: for each driver, if version=0, the driver is not installed or does not support the version check Format of BW-TCP server records: Offset Size Description (Table 01413) -167- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM 00h BYTE number of server records following 01h N DWORDs internet addresses of servers --------y-213F------------------------------INT 21 - Trusted Access - NB.SYS - GET STATE AH = 3Fh BX = file handle for device "$$NB$$NB" CX = 0002h (size of state) DS:DX -> buffer for state record (see #01414) Return: CF clear if successful AX = number of bytes actually read (0 if at EOF before call) CF set on error AX = error code (05h,06h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Program: Trusted Access is a security and access-control package by Lassen Software, Inc.; NB.SYS is a device driver to prevent the user from terminating CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT with Ctrl-Break SeeAlso: AH=40h"NB.SYS",AX=4101h Format of Trusted Access state record: Offset Size Description (Table 01414) 00h BYTE 00h off, 01h on 01h BYTE keys being disabled bit 0: Ctrl-Break bit 1: SysReq bit 2: Ctrl and Alt bit 3: Ctrl-Alt-Del bit 7: all keys (overrides other bits) ----------213F------------------------------INT 21 U - IFSHLP.SYS - GET ENTRY POINT AH = 3Fh BX = file handle for device "IFS$HLP$" CX = 0008h (size of buffer in bytes) DS:DX -> buffer for entry point record (see #01415) Return: CF clear if successful AX = number of bytes actually read (0 if at EOF before call) CF set on error AX = error code (05h,06h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Program: IFSHLP.SYS is a support driver for Microsoft Windows for Workgroups SeeAlso: AX=4402h"IFSHLP" Format of IFSHLP.SYS entry point record: Offset Size Description (Table 01415) -168- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM 00h 4 BYTEs (call) required signature if called via IOCTL 70h E9h 34h 37h for Windows 3.11 70h E9h 35h 37h for Windows 3.11 (ret) signature 34h 37h 70h EFh (Windows 3.11) (ret) signature 35h 37h 70h EFh (Windows95) 04h DWORD (ret) pointer to FAR call entry point (see #01416) (Table 01416) Call IFSHLP.SYS entry point with: STACK: WORD function number (00h-0Ch) 00h get ??? data 01h set interrupt intercepts (trap) 02h remove interrupt intercepts (untrap) 03h ??? LPT2 04h ??? LPT1 05h revector INT 2F to trap and remove trap for others 06h set ??? flag 07h clear ??? flag 08h get ??? flag word ---Windows 3.11 only--09h ??? 0Ah ??? 0Bh ??? 0Ch get ??? ---if function 00h--Return: DX:AX -> ??? data (see #01417) BX destroyed ---if function 01h--STACK: DWORD new intercept (trap) address Return: AX = status 0000h successful 0001h failed (already set) DX = 0000h BX destroyed Note: the trap handler is called with a function number in BX, and the original BX on top of the stack; a null handler must perform a POP BX and an IRET ---if function 02h--Return: AX = status 0000h successful 0001h failed (not set) -169- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM DX = 0000h BX destroyed ---if function 03h,04h--STACK: WORD ??? Return: AX = 0000h DX = 0000h BX destroyed ---if function 05h--??? Return: BX destroyed ---if function 06h--Return: AX = 0001h and DX = 0000h if already set AX,DX unchanged if successful BX destroyed ---if function 07h--Return: AX = 0001h and DX = 0000h if not set AX,DX unchanged if successful BX destroyed ---if function 08h--Return: DX = 0000h AX = flags bit 0: set/cleared by functions 06h and 07h bit 1: trap is currently set (refer to functions 01h/02h) BX destroyed ---if function 09h--Return: AX = status 0000h successful 0001h failed (already called) BX destroyed ---if function 0Ah--STACK: WORD ??? ??? Return: BX destroyed ---if function 0Bh--Return: AX = status 0000h successful 0001h failed (not set) BX destroyed ---if function 0Ch--Return: AX = 0000h ES:BX -> ??? data -170- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM ---if function > 0Ch--Return: AX = 0001h DX = 0000h BX destroyed Format of IFSHLP ??? data: Offset Size Description (Table 01417) 00h DWORD -> DOS Swappable Data Area (see #01687,#01689) 02h WORD ??? offset in DOS data segment? 04h WORD offset in DOS data segment of current-PSP WORD 06h WORD ??? 08h WORD ??? 0Ah WORD ??? 0Ch DWORD -> DOS List of Lists (see #01627) 10h ??? SeeAlso: #01416 --------v-213F--BXFEB0----------------------INT 21 - VIRUS - "KYZ/LieWait" - INSTALLATION CHECK AH = 3Fh BX = FEB0h Return: BX = 1212h if resident SeeAlso: AX=3032h"VIRUS",AX=4BF1h"VIRUS" --------D-2140------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 2+ - "WRITE" - WRITE TO FILE OR DEVICE AH = 40h BX = file handle CX = number of bytes to write DS:DX -> data to write Return: CF clear if successful AX = number of bytes actually written CF set on error AX = error code (05h,06h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Notes: if CX is zero, no data is written, and the file is truncated or extended to the current position data is written beginning at the current file position, and the file position is updated after a successful write for FAT32 drives, the file must have been opened with AX=6C00h with the "extended size" flag in order to expand the file beyond 2GB; otherwise the write will fail with error code 0005h (access denied) the usual cause for AX < CX on return is a full disk BUG: a write of zero bytes will appear to succeed when it actually failed -171- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM if the write is extending the file and there is not enough disk space for the expanded file (DOS 5.0-6.0); one should therefore check whether the file was in fact extended by seeking to 0 bytes from the end of the file (INT 21/AX=4202h/CX=0000h/DX=0000h) under the FlashTek X-32 DOS extender, the pointer is in DS:EDX SeeAlso: AH=28h,AH=3Fh"DOS",AH=93h,INT 2F/AX=1109h --------G-2140------------------------------INT 21 - Turbo Debug HARDWARE BREAKPOINTS - SEND CMD TO HARDWARE BRKPNT DRIVER AH = 40h BX = handle for character device "TDHDEBUG" CX = number of bytes to write DS:DX -> hardware breakpoint command (see #01418) Return: CF clear if successful AX = number of bytes actually written CF set on error AX = error code (05h,06h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Note: results are retrieved by reading from the device SeeAlso: AH=3Fh"Turbo Debug" Format of Turbo Debugger hardware breakpoint commands: Offset Size Description (Table 01418) 00h BYTE command code 00h install interrupt vectors 01h get hardware capabilities 02h enable hardware breakpoints 03h disable hardware breakpoints 04h set hardware breakpoint 05h clear hardware breakpoint 06h set I/O base address and reset hardware 07h restore interrupt vectors ---command code 00h--01h DWORD pointer to Turbo Debugger entry point to be jumped to on hardware breakpoint; call with CPU state the same as on the breakpoint except for pushing AX and placing an entry code (FFh if breakout button or breakpoint handle) in AH ---command code 04h--01h BYTE breakpoint type 00h memory read 01h memory write 02h memory read/write 03h I/O read -172- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM 04h I/O write 05h I/O read/write 06h instruction fetch 02h BYTE address matching mode (see #01419) 03h DWORD 32-bit linear low address 07h DWORD 32-bit linear high address 0Bh WORD pass count 0Dh BYTE data size (01h, 02h, or 04h) 0Eh BYTE source of matched bus cycle (01h CPU, 02h DMA, 03h either) 0Fh BYTE data-matching mode (see #01419) 10h DWORD low data value 14h DWORD high data value 18h DWORD data mask specifying which bits of the data are tested ---command code 05h--01h BYTE handle of breakpoint to clear (breakpoint returned from command 04h) ---command code 06h--01h WORD base address of hardware debugger board (Table 01419) Values for Turbo Debugger address/data matching mode: 00h match any 01h equal to test value 02h different from test value 03h above test value 04h below test value 05h below or equal to test value 06h above or equal to test value 07h within inclusive range 08h outside specified range --------N-2140------------------------------INT 21 - PC/TCP IPCUST.SYS - WRITE CONFIGURATION DATA AH = 40h BX = handle for character device "$IPCUST" CX = number of bytes to write DS:DX -> buffer for configuration data (AH=3Fh"IPCUST") Return: CF clear if successful AX = number of bytes actually written CF set on error AX = error code (05h,06h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Notes: if less than the entire data is read or written, the next read/write -173- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM continues where the previous one ended; IOCTL calls AX=4402h and AX=4403h both reset the location at which the next operation starts to zero the data pointer is also reset to zero if the previous read or write reached or exceeded the end of the data, when the current function is read and the previous was write, or vice versa v2.1+ uses a new configuration method, but allows the installation of IPCUST.SYS for backward compatibility with other software which must read the PC/TCP configuration SeeAlso: AH=3Fh"IPCUST",AX=4402h"IPCUST" --------y-2140------------------------------INT 21 U - Trusted Access - NB.SYS - SET STATE AH = 40h BX = handle for character device "$$NB$$NB" DS:DX -> state record (see #01414) CX ignored Return: CF clear if successful AX = number of bytes actually written CF set on error AX = error code (05h,06h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Program: Trusted Access is a security and access-control package by Lassen Software, Inc.; NB.SYS is a device driver to prevent the user from terminating CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT with Ctrl-Break SeeAlso: AH=3Fh"NB.SYS" --------j-214000BX0002----------------------INT 21 - FARTBELL.EXE - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 4000h BX = 0002h CX = 0000h DS:DX = 0000h:0000h Return: CF clear if installed AX = CS of resident code Program: FARTBELL is a joke program by Guenther Thiele which makes various noises when programs output a bell SeeAlso: AX=4001h --------j-214001BX0002----------------------INT 21 - FARTBELL.EXE - FORCE NOISE AX = 4001h BX = 0002h CX = 0000h DS:DX = 0000h:0000h -174- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM Program: FARTBELL is a joke program by Guenther Thiele which makes various noises when programs output a bell SeeAlso: AX=4000h --------D-2141------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 2+ - "UNLINK" - DELETE FILE AH = 41h DS:DX -> ASCIZ filename (no wildcards, but see notes) CL = attribute mask for deletion (server call only, see notes) Return: CF clear if successful AX destroyed (DOS 3.3) AL seems to be drive of deleted file CF set on error AX = error code (02h,03h,05h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Notes: (DOS 3.1+) wildcards are allowed if invoked via AX=5D00h, in which case the filespec must be canonical (as returned by AH=60h), and only files matching the attribute mask in CL are deleted DR DOS 5.0-6.0 returns error code 03h if invoked via AX=5D00h; DR DOS 3.41 crashes if called via AX=5D00h with wildcards DOS does not erase the file's data; it merely becomes inaccessible because the FAT chain for the file is cleared deleting a file which is currently open may lead to filesystem corruption. Unless SHARE is loaded, DOS does not close the handles referencing the deleted file, thus allowing writes to a nonexistant file. under DR DOS and DR Multiuser DOS, this function will fail if the file is currently open under the FlashTek X-32 DOS extender, the pointer is in DS:EDX BUG: DR DOS 3.41 crashes if called via AX=5D00h SeeAlso: AH=13h,AX=4301h,AX=4380h,AX=5D00h,AH=60h,AX=7141h,AX=F244h SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1113h --------y-214101DXFFFE----------------------INT 21 - SoftLogic Data Guardian - ??? AX = 4101h DX = FFFEh Return: AX = 0000h if installed Note: resident code sets several internal variables on this call SeeAlso: AH=3Fh"NB.SYS",INT 16/AX=FFA3h/BX=0000h --------D-2142------------------------------INT 21 - DOS 2+ - "LSEEK" - SET CURRENT FILE POSITION AH = 42h AL = origin of move 00h start of file -175- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM 01h current file position 02h end of file BX = file handle CX:DX = (signed) offset from origin of new file position Return: CF clear if successful DX:AX = new file position in bytes from start of file CF set on error AX = error code (01h,06h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Notes: for origins 01h and 02h, the pointer may be positioned before the start of the file; no error is returned in that case (except under Windows NT), but subsequent attempts at I/O will produce errors if the new position is beyond the current end of file, the file will be extended by the next write (see AH=40h); for FAT32 drives, the file must have been opened with AX=6C00h with the "extended size" flag in order to expand the file beyond 2GB BUG: using this method to grow a file from zero bytes to a very large size can corrupt the FAT in some versions of DOS; the file should first be grown from zero to one byte and then to the desired large size SeeAlso: AH=24h,INT 2F/AX=1228h --------v-214203----------------------------INT 21 - VIRUS - "Shake" - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 4203h Return: AX = 1234h if resident SeeAlso: AX=3DFFh,AX=4243h --------v-214243----------------------------INT 21 - VIRUS - "Invader" - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 4243h Return: AX = 5678h if resident SeeAlso: AX=4203h,AX=44A0h,AX=4B04h --------D-214300----------------------------INT 21 - DOS 2+ - GET FILE ATTRIBUTES AX = 4300h DS:DX -> ASCIZ filename Return: CF clear if successful CX = file attributes (see #01420) AX = CX (DR DOS 5.0) CF set on error AX = error code (01h,02h,03h,05h) (see #01680 at AH=59h) Notes: under the FlashTek X-32 DOS extender, the filename pointer is in DS:EDX under DR DOS 3.41 and 5.0, attempts to change the subdirectory bit are simply ignored without an error -176- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM Windows for Workgroups returns error code 05h (access denied) instead of error code 02h (file not found) when attempting to get the attributes of a nonexistent file. This causes open() with O_CREAT and fopen() with the "w" mode to fail in Borland C++. SeeAlso: AX=4301h,AX=4310h,AX=7143h,AH=B6h,INT 2F/AX=110Fh,INT 60/DI=0517h --------D-214301----------------------------INT 21 - DOS 2+ - "CHMOD" - SET FILE ATTRIBUTES AX = 4301h CX = new file attributes (see #01420) DS:DX -> ASCIZ filename Return: CF clear if successful AX destroyed CF set on error AX = error code (01h,02h,03h,05h) (see #01680 at AH=59h) Notes: will not change volume label or directory attribute bits, but will change the other attribute bits of a directory (the directory bit must be cleared to successfully change the other attributes of a directory, but the directory will not be changed to a normal file as a result) MS-DOS 4.01 reportedly closes the file if it is currently open for security reasons, the Novell NetWare execute-only bit can never be cleared; the file must be deleted and recreated under the FlashTek X-32 DOS extender, the filename pointer is in DS:EDX DOS 5.0 SHARE will close the file if it is currently open in sharingcompatibility mode, otherwise a sharing violation critical error is generated if the file is currently open DR DOS 3.41/5.0 will silently ignore attempts to change the 'directory' attribute bit SeeAlso: AX=4300h,AX=4311h,AX=7143h,INT 2F/AX=110Eh BUG: Bitfields for file attributes: Bit(s) Description (Table 01420) 7 shareable (Novell NetWare) 7 pending deleted files (Novell DOS, OpenDOS) 6 unused 5 archive 4 directory 3 volume label execute-only (Novell NetWare) 2 system 1 hidden -177- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM 0 read-only --------D-214302----------------------------INT 21 - MS-DOS 7 - GET COMPRESSED FILE SIZE AX = 4302h DS:DX -> ASCIZ pathname for file or directory Return: CF clear if successful ??? = compressed size of file/directory in bytes CF set on error AX = error code Note: on volumes which do not support compression, the returned size is the actual file size rounded up to the next cluster boundary SeeAlso: AH=71h,AH=72h --------O-214302----------------------------INT 21 - DR DOS 3.41+ internal - GET ACCESS RIGHTS AX = 4302h DS:DX -> ASCIZ pathname Return: CF clear if successful CX = access rights (see #01421) AX = CX (DR DOS 5.0) CF set on error AX = error code Desc: Determine which operations the calling program may perform on a specified file without being required to provide a password. Notes: this protection scheme has been coordinated on all current Digital Research/Novell operating systems (DR DOS 3.41+, DRMDOS 5.x, and FlexOS 2+) this function is documented in DR DOS 6.0 and corresponds to the "Get/Set File Attributes" function, subfunction 2, documented in Concurrent DOS. only FlexOS actually uses the "execution" bits; DR DOS 3.41+ treats them as "read" bits. DR DOS 3.41-5.x only use bits 0-3. Only DR DOS 6.0 using a DRMDOS 5.x security system allowing for users and groups uses bits 4-11. SeeAlso: AX=4303h,#01354 at INT 21/AH=11h Bitfields for DR DOS file access rights: Bit(s) Description (Table 01421) 0 owner delete requires password 1 owner execution requires password (FlexOS) 2 owner write requires password -178- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM 3 owner read requires password 4 group delete requires password 5 group execution requires password (FlexOS) 6 group write requires password 7 group read requires password 8 world delete requires password 9 world execution requires password (FlexOS) 10 world write requires password 11 world read requires password --------O-214303----------------------------INT 21 - DR DOS 3.41+ internal - SET ACCESS RIGHTS AND PASSWORD AX = 4303h CX = access rights bits 11-0: access rights (see #01421) bit 15: new password is to be set DS:DX -> ASCIZ pathname [DTA] = new password if CX bit 15 is set (blank-padded to 8 characters) Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code Notes: if the file is already protected, the old password must be added after the pathname, separated by a ";". As with all password handling in DR DOS, the old password is processed by the kernel, not any applications or utilities making the call. this function is documented in DR DOS 6.0 and corresponds to the "Get/Set File Attributes" function, subfunction 3, documented in Concurrent DOS. SeeAlso: AH=0Fh,AH=17h,AX=4302h"DR DOS",AX=4305h,AX=4454h --------O-214304----------------------------INT 21 U - DR DOS 5.0-6.0 internal - GET ENCRYPTED PASSWORD AX = 4304h DS:DX -> ASCIZ filename ??? Return: CF clear if successful CX = AX = 0000h if no password assigned to file CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Note: this function is only supported by DR DOS 5.0 and 6.0 and DRMDOS 5.1 SeeAlso: AX=4303h,AX=4305h --------O-214305----------------------------INT 21 U - DR DOS 5.0-6.0 internal - SET EXTENDED FILE ATTRIBUTES -179- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM AX = 4305h DS:DX -> ASCIZ filename ??? Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Desc: this function allows the extended attributes, and optionally the encrypted password, of a file to be set. Note: this function is only supported by DR DOS 5.0 and 6.0 and DRMDOS 5.1 SeeAlso: AX=4304h,AX=4311h --------O-214306----------------------------INT 21 O - DR DOS 6.0 - GET FILE OWNER AX = 4306h DS:DX -> ASCIZ filename Return: CF clear if successful AX = CX = value set with AX=4307h CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Note: no longer supported by Novell DOS 7 / OpenDOS SeeAlso: AX=4307h --------O-214307----------------------------INT 21 O - DR DOS 6.0 - SET FILE OWNER AX = 4307h CX = ??? (owner identification number?) DS:DX -> ASCIZ filename Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Note: no longer supported by Novell DOS 7 / OpenDOS SeeAlso: AX=4306h --------N-214310----------------------------INT 21 - Banyan VINES 2.1+ - GET EXTENDED FILE ATTRIBUTES AX = 4310h DS:DX -> ASCIZ filename Return: CF clear if successful CH = attributes (see #01422) CF set on error AX = error code (01h,02h,03h,05h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Note: the filename may be a directory but must be on a VINES file service SeeAlso: AX=4300h,AX=4311h,AH=B6h,INT 2F/AX=110Fh --------N-214311-----------------------------180- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM INT 21 - Banyan VINES 2.1+ - SET EXTENDED FILE ATTRIBUTES AX = 4311h CH = new attributes (see #01422) DS:DX -> ASCIZ filename Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code (01h,02h,03h,05h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Note: the filename may be a directory but must be on a VINES file service SeeAlso: AX=4301h,AX=4305h,AX=4310h,INT 2F/AX=110Eh Bitfields for VINES extended file attributes: Bit(s) Description (Table 01422) 7 unused 6 shareable 5 execute-only 4-0 unused --------u-214321BX0000----------------------INT 21 - Q87, Q387 - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 4321h BX = 0000h EAX = 87654321h (entire EAX value is required, not just AX) Return: EAX = 12345678h if installed Program: Q387 (renamed to Q87 as of v3.7) is a math coprocessor emulator from Quickware Note: this function is available only in virtual-86 mode in older versions; newer versions also provide it in MS Windows 16- and 32-bit protected mode SeeAlso: AX=4321h/BX=0001h,AX=4321h/BX=0002h,INT 67/AX=4321h --------u-214321BX0001----------------------INT 21 - Q87, Q387 - ENABLE EMULATOR AX = 4321h BX = 0001h EAX = 87654321h (entire EAX value is required, not just AX) Desc: enable the emulator by setting the CPU MSW's EM bit and updating the BIOS equipment list Note: this function is available only in virtual-86 mode in older versions; newer versions also provide it in MS Windows 16- and 32-bit protected mode SeeAlso: AX=4321h/BX=0000h,AX=4321h/BX=0002h --------u-214321BX0002----------------------INT 21 - Q87, Q387 - DISABLE EMULATOR -181- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM AX = 4321h BX = 0002h EAX = 87654321h (entire EAX value is required, not just AX) Desc: disable the emulator by clearing the CPU MSW's EM bit and updating the BIOS equipment list Note: this function is available only in virtual-86 mode in older versions; newer versions also provide it in MS Windows 16- and 32-bit protected mode SeeAlso: AX=4321h/BX=0000h,AX=4321h/BX=0001h --------O-214380----------------------------INT 21 - Novell DOS 7 - UNDELETE PENDING DELETE FILE AX = 4380h ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AH=41h,AX=4381h --------O-214381----------------------------INT 21 - Novell DOS 7 - PURGE PENDING DELETE FILE AX = 4381h ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AH=41h,AX=4380h --------O-214382----------------------------INT 21 - DR-DOS >7.03 - RESERVED AX = 4382h-438Fh Notes: These previously unused functions are reserved for future versions of DR-DOS (post 7.03). AX=4382h will be identical to the previous AX=4302h, which is now also used by MS-DOS 7+ for a different purpose. SeeAlso: INT 21h/4302h --------D-2143FFBP5053----------------------INT 21 - MS-DOS 7.20 (Win98) - EXTENDED-LENGTH FILENAME OPERATIONS AX = 43FFh BP = 5053h ('PS') CL = function 39h "mkdir" create directory DS:DX -> ASCIZ pathname 56h rename file DS:DX -> ASCIZ filename of existing file (no wildcards) ES:DI -> ASCIZ new filename (no wildcards) Return: CF clear if successful AX destroyed -182- D:\D\inter61b\INTERRUP.F Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:37 AM CF set on error AX = error code (03h,05h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Note: these functions are equivalent to INT 21/AH=39h and INT 21/AH=56h, but with a maximum path length of 128 characters instead of 67; unlike INT 21/AX=71xxh, these functions are available under bare DOS and not just in a Windows DOS box SeeAlso: AH=39h,AH=56h,AX=7139h,AX=7156h --------!---Section-------------------------- -183-