The Company.
The Company.
The Company. MAPAL Präzisionswerkzeuge Dr. Kress KG – a medium-sized family company – has been for decades one of the leading suppliers of precision tools for the metal machining industry. As a supplier MAPAL provides support for its customers from project planning for individual processes to Tool Management. The MAPAL Group headquarters With the establishment of MAPAL by Dr. Georg Kress in 1950 in Aalen, the foundation stone was laid for the company which now operates worldwide. The meteoric success of the company began with the successful introduction of single blade reamers with guide pads (the MAPAL principle). Based on this tradition the headquarters in Aalen is now the main production site for reamers and fine boring tools with guide pads. With more than 1.200 employees, multi-bladed reamers, clamping systems and setting devices are also produced in Aalen. In addition to the general management, the central functions are also located in the headquarters as coordination points for the whole MAPAL Group. Along with the development and marketing centre, the new customer services centre is also part of the MAPAL Group central functions. In the production area MAPAL Aalen supplies the manufacturing daughter companies with tool bodies and numerous additional parts. The headquarters is also the venue for the wide variety of MAPAL’s general and advanced training events. This includes technical seminars and technical orientation as well as offer training sessions, both for customers and for employees from all MAPAL’s daughter companies and agents. MAPAL Präzsisionswerkzeuge Dr. Kress KG P.O. Box 1520 | D-73405 Aalen | Phone +49 (7361) 585-0 | Fax +49 (7361) 585-150 | MAPAL Sites in Germany MAPAL WWS GmbH in Pforzheim MAPAL ISOTOOL GmbH in Sinsheim MILLER GmbH in Altenstadt August Beck GmbH & Co. KG in Winterlingen WTE Präzisionstechnik GmbH in Kempten Rudolf Strom GmbH in Vaihingen/Enz The MAPAL Group in Germany In addition to its headquarters in Aalen, there are six other competence Centres of within the MAPAL Group in Germany: The WWS company was set up in Pforzheim in 1980 and has been part of the MAPAL Group since 1994. Today MAPAL WWS GmbH is the leading manufacturer of tools with PCD blades. Combination tools for boring operations and circular interpolation milling are among their highlights. With the foundation of MAPAL ISOTOOL GmbH in Sinsheim in 1997 MAPAL extended its range of products with generating slide tools and slide tools, together with special tools with ISO elements. MILLER GmbH, founded in 1991 has been part of the MAPAL Group since 2003. MILLER produces precision tools for drilling, milling and counterboring in solid carbide and in Cermet. August Beck GmbH & Co. KG was founded as a mechanical workshop in 1906 in Winterlingen. A comprehensive standard programme of reaming and countersinking tools forms the basis of August Beck GmbH & Co. KG. WTE Präzisionstechnik GmbH is a developer and manufacturer of high accuracy chucks for tool clamping technology. Core competencies: precision drill chuck systems, hydraulic chucking sector and shrinking technology. Rudolf Strom GmbH in Vaihingen/Enz has been part of the MAPAL Group since 1999 and produces special tools with ISO elements for a wide variety of applications. MAPAL worldwide Quality, close customer contact and early identification of the developments and demands of the market are MAPAL's primary objectives. More than 3.000 people employed by the MAPAL Group work out perfect solutions every day for customers' machining tasks. Because of the ongoing general and advanced training of personnel and the constant exchange of experience, MAPAL ensures high technical standards worldwide and guarantees MAPAL's legendary quality. MAPAL Group sites Australia | Valcor Australia Sales Pty. Ltd. in Ballarat, Victoria Brasil | MAPAL do Brasil – Ferramentas de preçisão Ltda. in Belo Horizonte China | MAPAL China Production und Trading Ltd. in Shanghai Germany MAPAL Dr. Kress KG in Aalen MAPAL WWS GmbH in Pforzheim MAPAL ISOTOOL GmbH in Sinsheim MILLER GmbH in Altenstadt Rudolf Strom GmbH in Vaihingen/Enz August Beck GmbH & Co. KG in Winterlingen WTE Präzisionstechnik GmbH in Kempten France MAPAL France S.A.S. in Le Chambon Feugerolles MAPAL France - Bureau Villepinte in Paris MAPAL France – Bureau Toulouse Great Britain | MAPAL Ltd. in Rugby India | MAPAL INDIA Private Ltd. in Bangalore Italy | MAPAL Italia S.R.L. in Gessate/MI Japan | MAPAL KK in Tokyo Korea | MAPAL HTT Co. Ltd. in Kyunggi-Do Malaysia | MAPAL Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. in Selangor Darul Ehsan Mexico | MAPAL FRHENOSA S.A. de C.V. in Monterrey Poland | MAPAL Narzedzia Precyzyjne Spólka z o.o. in Posen Singapore | MAPAL Sales Office South East Asia South Africa | MAPAL SPECTRA Carbide Tooling Technology in Port Elizabeth Taiwan | MAPAL Precision Tool System Co. Ltd. in Tainan Thailand | MAPAL THAILAND Co. Ltd. in Bangkok Czech Republic | MAPAL CZ s.r.o. in Dlouhá Lhota USA | MAPAL Inc. in Port Huron MI MAPAL – always close to the customer, everywhere. MAPAL Reliably innovative 10 11 „How can one define a company, an extremely lively organism, which has developed further an further for more than 50 years and with which so many people - customers throughout the world, employees and suppliers - are so closely linked, in a brochure with just a few pages? We have dared to do so because we know that in our Company it comes down to just a few important principles. We want to be close to our customers, be and remain in dialogue with them, think and act for them. Find and form a team which will feel permanently committed to this idea. At all levels of the company“ Dr. Dieter Kress Chairman & Managing Director „Quality, reliability and innovative strength are also factors which play a decisive role in the company - day after day. Using brief comments throughout we hope to illuminate the various aspects of our company and clarify what is important to us. Now and in the future.” Dr. Jochen Kress Member of the senior management Branches and products Perfect dialogue 14 15 “The customers expect us to provide them with a comprehensive, reliable and innovative programme from our range of competences – at all the principal production sites in the world. This is what we do. This is how MAPAL is set up.“ Dr. Dieter Kress Workpieces and processes in the automotive industry – New machining solutions for that extra productivity and cost-effectiveness If every second counts, major specialists are required. Specialists who are familiar with the machining processes down into the detail and who from this detailed knowledge develop innovations for real progress in machining. For this purpose we offer our experience from many individual solutions for specific tasks in the automotive industry. And a willingness to take new and perhaps also unusual paths in the dialogue with the customer. Reliable machining of modern lightweight materials Where reducing weight while maintaining stability is a key issue, modern materials are conquering ever more applications. Products of lightweight design, particularly those made of fibre composite materials and multimaterial systems (CFRP-metal multilayer composites), are becoming increasing common in the key industry of vehicle manufacture, as they spread from their origins in the aerospace industry. Lightweight materials are in the meantime established in wind energy converters and are increasingly common in machine tools, industrial robots and the consumer sector. In intensive collaboration with customers, for example from the aerospace sector, MAPAL has created a comprehensive range of tools for the reliable machining of modern materials. 16 17 Short machining times, high process reliability and high process quality when machining large parts Increasing global passenger and freight traffic by road/rail, by sea and in the air, as well as the generation of energy by alternative means, for example, wind power and hydropower, are resulting in increasing demand for large parts. The high costs of these parts require, on the one hand, a high level of accuracy, reliability and quality from the machining process. On the other hand, it is imperative the efficiency of processes and productivity are increased, also during the manufacture of large parts. Here new types of tool concepts can sustainably increase efficiency during the machining of large parts with the objective of reducing the machining times, combined with increased process reliability and quality. Custom-made services for a further increase in efficiency As a competent tool partner, MAPAL offers a comprehensive services sector. Cost savings start in the planning stage for MAPAL customers. As a result of innovative and reliable tool concepts, the specialists from MAPAL show the way for costeffective production of a part and savings with complex post-machining procedures Tool Management by MAPAL provides the right tool in the right quantity, at the right time, at the right place and at the right price. Profitable production is guaranteed. 18 19 Nowadays, customers expect suppliers to be a technology partner with knowhow in all areas of the machining process. Due to advancing globalisation of customers and the standardisation of machines, the importance of the process is increasing. Due to advancing globalisation of customers and the standardisation of machines, the importance of the process is increasing The metalworking industry has changed. Where previously the focus during negotiations was on keywords like quality, technology, employee qualification and delivery time, today it is the topics of cost transparency, life-cycle costs, cost per part etc. that matter. There are several reasons for this development. Customers are increasingly looking for technology partners with which they can work together in all areas of the process. With our roots in custom tool production, we are a problem solver and orientated closely with the customer. Advice and support for machining tasks and processes along with the related know-how on the machining of workpieces are therefore also attributed ever increasing importance. Accordingly, today MAPAL has a very high level of workpiece competence. In addition, MAPAL covers the complete range of tasks for machining cubic parts inclu- ding process analysis and planning, tool technology and logistics services and retooling tool machines for new parts (re.tooling). 20 21 Reaming and fine boring tools For 60 years, using reamers and fine boring tools with guide pads, MAPAL has set the highest quality standards for cutting with geometrically defined cutting edges. The MAPAL principle guarantees the dimensional stability and form of the bore within just a few microns, reliably and economically. While the guide pads are specifically designed for their task (guiding the tool in the bore), the blades, which are precisely matched to the machining task in cutting material and cutting lead, deal with cutting the material. Whether cast iron, steel or other materials, MAPAL tools always achieve remarkable results. Also in the area of multi-bladed, fixed reamers MAPAL offers a versatile range of high performance tools that address the requirements of many customers for high quality with easy tool handling. The portfolio ranges from ø 0.6 - 300 mm and stretches from microreamers through monoblock designs to the innovative replaceable head systems, the high performance reamers in the HPR series. Due to the HFS® replaceable head system and the accuracies that can be achieved with it, this modern, modular tool system offers maximum performance and flexibility, as well as advantageous combinations of different cutting systems on custom tools, and as a result totally new forms of efficient production. 22 23 PCD tools In the area of tools with PCD blades MAPAL has emerged as one of the principal manufacturers in the last ten years. The programme for this product line includes precision gun boring tools, circular interpolation milling tools and end mills, and a successful face milling head system with replaceable milling cartridges. Modern and high-precision clamping systems combined with precision grinding quality for maximum dimensional stability and concentricity open up numerous options for fixed and brazed MAPAL PCD tools, not only in HSC operations. ISO tools Tools with ISO elements represent efficient and reliable solutions with all materials for pre-machining and fine machining when boring and milling. ISO indexable inserts and tool holders are used in a radial and preferably tangential form for the boring tools. The milling program includes face and shoulder cutter heads, face end and disc milling cutters as well as helix milling cutters for the cost-effective and flexible machining of large bores. A wide range of selected substrates, geometries and coatings with suitable indexable inserts ensures that the optimal cutting edge can be used for every application. Actuating tools Actuating tools are available for maximum rationalisation and optimisation potential, particularly in mass production. Different mechanical actuating principles combined with facing heads allow for complex contours, various diameters, flat surfaces or recesses to be machined with just one tool. As a result of the mechatronic TOOLTRONIC® tool system that is directly connected to the controller as a drive module, the machine has an additional axis available. TOOLTRONIC® opens even more possibilities for flexible and costeffective machining. 24 25 Solid carbide tools To provide a complete range of competences in bore machining, MAPAL also offers a product line of excellent special and standard tools in solid carbide. This range from simple drills to the latest high performance drill. Tools which achieve reaming quality in a single pass are a particular highlight in this product line. Coatings developed especially for boring and the use of super cutting materials PCD and PCBN are further features which increase the performance of MAPAL solid carbide tools. Clamping systems MAPAL offers a complete system of clamping devices for use on machining centres, special machines and transfer units, right through to multi-tasking machines. The programme of precision chucks is rounded off by a wide range of extensions and reducing elements plus adaptors and flange adaptors. MAPAL´s programme of clamping systems offers the perfect solution for every application and a connection which provides the tool with the concentricity and repeatable accuracy it requires in use. Numerous options and perspectives for modern production technology open up. Customer services MAPAL provides perfect engineering for the entire machining process.From the pilot phase through design, planning and procurement of components, to start-up, MAPAL provides appropriate, cost-effective services. The customer receive support during the manufacturing process and optimisation is continuous. MAPAL service guarantees optimum results for your special applications – and at reduced costs. Many years of intensive and customer-orientated collaboration make MAPAL a specialist also in the service area. Setting devices The precision of surface, form and dimension which can be achieved with MAPAL tools with guide pads are at the top end of what is feasible with geometrically defined blades. To manufacture to micro-precision reliably and repeatedly with every new blade and every new tool, MAPAL offers special tool setting devices which make setting easy. Mechanical and electronic versions are included in the supply programme. Innovation Realizing the impossible 28 29 “We believe that real innovations provide the thrust for the development of a company. But for innovations we must create freedom in our employees’ thinking and acting. It is only freedom which will lead to new ways that drive technology forwards. And: Innovations must be presented to the customers with force, courage and pace. Only then will they bring the company success.“ Dr. Jochen Kress Minimal quantity lubrication TOOLTRONIC® MAPAL was and is decisively involved in the development of new technologies. At the MAPAL development centre experienced specialists deal intensively with subjects such as minimal quantity lubrication, high speed and high performance cutting (HSC and HPC) and the machining of special materials. Today hardened steels, sintered materials, CGI or ADI play an important role in this. MAPAL customers profit from this technological advance with tools which offer greater economies and quality. Innovations are a feature of all MAPAL products. Many of these innovations relate to the solution of tasks with which our customers confront us on a daily basis. Often unusual ways are adopted for this and almost unachievable targets reached. In principle, the objective is to find new tool ideas which achieve savings potential of more than 30 %. A modern range of machines in MAPAL's development centre allows trials to be carried out as closely as possible to how the operations will run subsequently at the customer's works. Face milling heads with PCD and PCBN replaceable cartridges Hard machining By working doggedly on new tasks, but also by making large and small steps with current problems, MAPAL innovations repeatedly lead to new paths and new opportunities in cutting operations. Examples such as machining cast iron with PCD, hard machining with multi-bladed tools or the development of the HFS® Head Fitting System demonstrate expertise, a richness of ideas and creative potential. Replaceable Head Systems: left: Replaceable milling cutter CPMill right: HFS® Head Fitting Systems with radial clamping Precision Absolutely precise 32 33 “Precision is MAPAL's promise to the market and consequently an ongoing and self-evident obligation on our Company. Our customers can rely on this. And they know it.“ Dr. Dieter Kress The precision which can be achieved on the part relates directly to the precision of the tool. With the diversity and number of MAPAL's special tools consistent and thorough quality assurance represents an indispensable and fundamental principle for the products' success. The use of modern machining methods combined with decades of experience guarantees that the tools achieve the highest precision. The high precision of MAPAL tools reflects directly on the customers' production. For finish machining MAPAL offers interesting tool concepts with which previously necessary semifinishing operations and even additional operations, such as grinding or honing, can be dispensed with entirely. The reduction in production costs and the simultaneous increase or assurance of machining results under batch production conditions is the aim of every MAPAL tool we offer. The requirements for circular and cylindrical form and surface finish when producing valve bodies for automatic transmission systems are less than 4 µm, with additional SPC limitations. MAPAL tools achieve this quality thanks to their precision and the MAPAL principle. In a further example a critical surface requirement is achieved when machining a steering box with a particular cutting lead. The result lies with a dominant waviness of WDc at < 0,2 µm. This means that there is no need for costly additional machining on the bore. Reliability Absolutely dependable 36 37 “If one is constantly in dialogue with customers – as we are – reliability in all areas and at all levels of the company is an essential maxim for people’s dealings. How can one otherwise face the customer?“ Dr. Dieter Kress The provision of process-orientated, comprehensive and customer-focused solutions defines the way MAPAL operates. This includes much more than manufacturing efficient tools, precision blades or accurate clamping devices. Reliable customer services covering all products are ultimately the guarantee of their sound and profitable function. Service is an evermore important factor in MAPAL's understanding and the capacity which is reserved for this is suitably large. MAPAL is open to finding innovative ways when offering customer services. Considerable experience in the machining of cubic parts provides the necessary background. Reliable partners and reliable tooling bring about the appropriately high process reliability for today's requirements. This means that when they are fitted onto the spindle, the tools immediately produce the right quality, the blade cuts for a long and precisely determined time and the preparation and tool supply is properly organised. MAPAL has the right products to offer for all these factors and as a result provides reliable production. The demands set by the customer with regard to process reliability has a Cpk value of 1,67. Production reliability increases as the Cpk value increases. 3 to 4 times the values, for example, is achieved when machining the cam shaft bearing bore in cylinder heads. Diameter tolerances and concentricity results for the individual journals in relation to each other are accurately maintained, both for the cam shaft and the crank shaft bearing bore, by means of the guide pads in MAPAL tools. Sharpening the senses Dialogue with technology 40 41 “Dialogue with technology – constant, uninhibited and free. For this we need to win over our younger employees. This is the only way we will find the new ideas, pioneering solutions, real innovations which the manufacturing economy needs.“ Dr. Dieter Kress The people at MAPAL navigate the conflicting fields of defining tasks and applying possible solutions by continuous dialogue. This dialogue is with other people but also with technology itself. Chip form, wear or the surface of the part – they all provide information about possible improvements. And this technical dialogue is conducted internationally. All personnel at MAPAL sites in Europe, America and Asia work responsibly together with and for technology within their area of work; by doing so they contribute to the success of the MAPAL Group and to the successful use of tools by customers – worldwide. A prerequisite for qualified personnel is good general and advanced training. Today, because developments are moving even faster, it is important to recognise this for the old and the young. It is in acknowledgement of this that MAPAL guides and challenges its employees and offers general and advanced training in the various areas of work. There is also dialogue and association with universities and research institutes. By commissioned work or working together on combined projects, fundamental trends are investigated and solutions worked out together. 42 43 “We are constantly in dialogue with technology – at all levels of the company, hour by hour, day by day. This means that opportunities are explored which present themselves in a wide variety of technical fields – to the customers' advantage and for constantly optimised and efficient production processes.“ Dr. Dieter Kress MAPAL-E-01-040-0911-WD Printed in Germany. Right of technical modifications reserved!