Diemers Hill Top Boer Goats Kathy And Katie Diemer 563-380
Diemers Hill Top Boer Goats Kathy And Katie Diemer 563-380
Diemers Hill Top Boer Goats Kathy And Katie Diemer 563-380-7503 diemer@iowatelecom.net MKS Livestock Matt And Kerianne Short 217-737-7373 mkslivestock@hotmail.com Hill Top Farms Rick And Misty Allen 217-493-6729 allen3@illinois.edu Anderson-Fraser Boer Goats Wade And Casey Anderson, Mark And Sue Fraser 217-497-2781 mnsfraser@gmail.com Wetherell Farm Deric And Sheila Wetherell 217-898-9358 deric@wetherellfarm.com R1 Boer Goats Ben Reason 574-386-9473 breason@alumni.nd.edu Burris Show Goats Austin Burris 217-416-3723 burris@wcusd15.org Thornridge Mike Earles 217-741-5688 mike@thornridgeonline.com Rollin R Farms Chris And Kelsey Radloff 618-409-8363 radloff77@hotmail.com Finley Boers Donna Finley 770-337-0705 finleyboers@att.net Bear Creek Boers Freman And Connie Elam 417-532-6056 bearcreekboers@yahoo.com Breezy Oaks Boer Goats Tom And Julie Moore 219-866-7048 breezyoaks@centurylink.net Star E Ranch Randy And Beth Ellerbrock 217-242-5143 star_e_ranch@yahoo.com Horse Creek Land & Livestock Will And Mandy Tomlinson 217-691-9800 horsecreek@sbcglobal.net 12 pm 1 pm Basement of Livestock Center Springfield, IL Kerianne Short 217-737-7373 Mark Fraser 217-497-2781 Rick Allen 217-493-6729 : Dan Naughton : Greg Patterson Make Checks Payable to: Purple Ribbon Showcase Also accepted: Sale Conducted by Auctioneer Should any dispute arise from the taking of bids, the auctioneer's decision will be final. This catalog is believed to be accurate as of the date of printing. Additions, substitutions, and deletions may be posted to any future edition of this catalog. Any future editions of this catalog will take precedence over this edition. Announcements from the ring will take precedence over the printed material in the then most current catalog. Terms: Cash, cashier's check, business or personal check, or credit card. The right of the property shall not pass until after settlement is made. All settlements must be made with the clerks of the sale before any goats will be released. Certificates of Registry: Registration papers will be furnished to the buyer for each animal after settlement has been made. The buyers paying in cash the day of the sale, will receive their appropriate registration papers. All other registration papers will be mailed upon checks clearing the bank. All fees associated therewith are the responsibility of Buyer. Health Certificates: Are the responsibility of the buyer. A licensed veterinarian will be on hand for the out of state buyers immediately following the sale. Bucks: Should any buck seven (7) months of age or over, fail to prove a breeder after being used on does known to be breeders, the matter shall be reported to the Seller within five (5) months following date of purchase or seller will then have the right and privilege of ninety (90) days to prove the buck a breeder. No guarantee is given that semen collected from the buck will freeze. Does: Does are guaranteed to be breeders. In the event a female is claimed to be a non-breeder, after being bred regularly to a buck known to be a breeder and after being treated by a licensed veterinarian the matter must be reported in writing to the seller within five (5) months of sale date. Seller shall have six (6) additional months in which to prove any such females a breeder and may use any registered buck of the breed available to him. Any female returned will be at the purchaser's risk. No guarantee is given that a pregnant female will deliver live kids or that she will carry kids full term nor the kids carried will not be mummified. Seller is not responsible for damage caused by foreign bodies after the female has been sold for sickness not apparent at sale time. Exception to Guarantee: In case where the animal is subject to any hormonal or surgical reproduction techniques after the sale, this guarantee is null and void. Settlement: Transportation charges on animals returned to the Seller are for account of the purchaser. No incidental expenses such as feed, care, AI signing fees, interest, veterinary charges, etc., will be charged by either party when making settlement. If Seller is successful in proving the animal in question to be a breeder, then said animal will be reclaimed by the purchaser at his/her expense. Should the Seller fail to so prove the animal a breeder, then Buyer is guaranteed a satisfactory replacement, F.O.B. Ranch or location or origin or a refund of the actual purchase price paid F.O.B. selling point. In no event shall Seller be responsible for more than the purchase price. Accidents: Although every precaution will be taken to protect the safety and comfort of Buyers, neither the Sales Management, Auctioneer or Seller assumes any responsibility in this matter and disclaims any liability legal or otherwise in the event of accident or loss of property. Rights and Obligations: The above terms and conditions of the sale shall constitute a contract between the Buyer and Seller and be equally binding to both. Resale of animals following purchase in this sale shall constitute a separate transaction and the rights and obligations of the two parties connected thereto are not covered by the terms and conditions of this sale. Phone Bids: Phone bids will be accepted. Arrangements should be made prior to the sale if you plan to bid via phone. Phone bids numbers will be 217-737-7373 or 217-737-2240 We are pleased to offer the Purple Ribbon Showcase Boer Goat Sale broadcast live over the internet through DVAuction Services. First Time Users: Visit the DVAuction website: www.dvauction.com Click on the register tab Complete the registration and apply to bid at the Purple Ribbon Showcase. We will be contacting your bank to verify information. DVAuction will contact you to let you know that you have been approved to bid and buy at the sale live from your computer at home. After the sale: Contact the Purple Ribbon Showcase to make arrangements for payment at 217-737-7373 or 217-737-2240 Note: You must have high speed internet access (DSL, T-1, or Broadband) to be able to bid during the sale. Any questions: Contact DVAuction at (402) 316-5460 We recommend you register by April 12, 2014 for on-line bidding. Every attempt will be made to complete your application even if it is on sale day. Henry Williams is coming to the sale and is available to assist in any shipping needs. If you are interested in his service, please contact 217-737-7373 to make arrangements. Lot # 1 Sex: Land Of Lincoln Wether D.O.B. 12/12/2013 Sire MKSL BIG JOHNNY (10640313) Consignor: MKS LIVESTOCK Bidder: $ RAWHIDE ZEPPELIN *ENNOBLED* 5/2009 (10334535) RAWHIDE CYRUS *ENNOBLED* 8/2010 (10419573) RAWHIDE MARLEY (10310438) WTRL NIHILATOR (10541338) AJBG RUEHL BREAKER *ENNOBLED* 1/2010 (10388151) JRA1 AGNEW FASH-N-STATE-MINT (I-10493020) DMBR RAD'S S657 SASSY NEW YORKER (10251010) Dam BOER X *LAND OF LINCOLN ELIGIBLE* This wether has been a barn favorite since the moment he was born. Extreme muscle shape and stout features make him sure to be in the running for purple! Lot # 2 Sex: Wether D.O.B. 12/09/2013 Consignor: HORSE CREEK LAND & LIVESTOCK Bidder: $ Sire TOP GUN #10 HUMMELS TABASCO SHOWTIME Dam BOER X This wether is sired by Tabasco, the buck we purchased from Hummel Livestock. He has all the pieces to make him a serious contender this summer. Lot # 3 Sex: Wether D.O.B. 11/29/2013 Consignor: BURRIS SHOW GOATS Bidder: $ Sire TOP GUN #17 HUMMELS TABASCO SHOWTIME Dam BOER X A complete wether prospect out of Hummel Tabasco. A long, level, big racked, heavy muscled wether that has potential to be competitive come state fair time. Lot # 4 Sex: Wether Consignor: DIEMERS HILL TOP BOER GOATS D.O.B. 12/03/2013 Bidder: $ #56 Sire EGGSTRA DIMENSION Y372 *ENNOBLED* 9/2012 (10488765) SGG NEXT DIMENSION *ENNOBLED* 9/2012 (10523466) SGG BIG STAR (10486534) WARD NEXT BIG DEAL (10562916) WARD 'S CAT IN THE HAT X111 *ENNOBLED* 11/2010 (10452729) WARD 'S QUEEN OF SHEBA Z311 (10521578) FERN HOLLOW FARM SHEBA *ENNOBLED* 12/2011 (10412898) TLB T333 RIPPER *ENNOBLED* 2/2008 (10276652) Dam ANR HOT COMMODITY *ENNOBLED* 9/2010 (10375286) DSM 4B137 *ENNOBLED* 5/2008 (10291572) AABG DHTBG HOT ASSETS (10462240) DMBR RAD'S 233 (10350482) FMW MINUET (10400183) FMW MINNIE PEARL (10344007) Three words describe this wether...long, thick, and wide. His is thick throughout his topline and back one third. He is for sure to be an excellent show wether. His full brother also sells. Check these guys out! Lot # 5 Sex: Land Of Lincoln Wether Sire MKSL MIGHTY MOUSE (10642104) Consignor: MKS LIVESTOCK D.O.B. 12/15/2013 Bidder: $ HMB W238 (10431366) HBS ABSOLUTE (10553163) HBS SCHAFER FARM'S W37 LADY PIEBALD (10552825) AABG NBD ON TARGET (10620589) PDF Z012 FULL PROOF (10512640) AABG NBD DROP DEAD GORGEOUS (10555217) AABG GOT TO BE GOOD (10538374) CNR PISTOLERO *ENNOBLED 2004* (10049167) NAT. RESERVE CHAMPION 2001 Dam T F 'S THE ENFORCER (10463663) T F 'S KERRI (10337624) T F 'S KENYA'S 1ST. (10565335) T F 'S HIGH ROLLER (10367385) T F 'S KENYA (10416746) T F 'S KERRI (10337624) *LAND OF LINCOLN ELIGIBLE* This little wether is a touch green because he was a quad! His dam did a phenomenal job of raising all of them. This is another wether out of our Absolute son. Watch out for this one, he gets better with age! Lot # 6 Sex: Wether D.O.B. 12/09/2013 Consignor: HORSE CREEK LAND & LIVESTOCK Bidder: $ Sire TOP GUN #11 HUMMELS TABASCO SHOWTIME Dam BOER X Another Tabasco sired wether with a world of potential. We just can’t say enough on how excited we are about these Tabasco kids. Lot # 7 Sex: Wether #57 Consignor: DIEMERS Bidder: HILL TOP BOER GOATS D.O.B. 12/03/2013 Sire $ EGGSTRA DIMENSION Y372 *ENNOBLED* 9/2012 (10488765) SGG NEXT DIMENSION *ENNOBLED* 9/2012 (10523466) SGG BIG STAR (10486534) WARD NEXT BIG DEAL (10562916) WARD 'S CAT IN THE HAT X111 *ENNOBLED* 11/2010 (10452729) WARD 'S QUEEN OF SHEBA Z311 (10521578) FERN HOLLOW FARM SHEBA *ENNOBLED* 12/2011 (10412898) TLB T333 RIPPER *ENNOBLED* 2/2008 (10276652) Dam ANR HOT COMMODITY *ENNOBLED* 9/2010 (10375286) DSM 4B137 *ENNOBLED* 5/2008 (10291572) AABG DHTBG HOT ASSETS (10462240) DMBR RAD'S 233 (10350482) FMW MINUET (10400183) FMW MINNIE PEARL (10344007) Three words describe this wether...long, thick, and wide. His is thick throughout his topline and back one third. He is for sure to be an excellent show wether. His full brother also sells. Check these guys out! Lot # 8 Sex: Wether Consignor: HORSE CREEK LAND & LIVESTOCK D.O.B. 12/13/2013 Bidder: $ Sire TOP GUN #12 HUMMELS TABASCO SHOWTIME Dam BOER X Here is another solid Tabasco sired wether who continues to get better every day. Long bodied, tight chested, with more than adequate muscle. Lot # 9 Sex: Land Of Lincoln Wether Consignor: MKS LIVESTOCK D.O.B. 12/14/2013 Sire Bidder: $ HMB W238 (10431366) HBS ABSOLUTE (10553163) MKSL DOUBLE TIME (10642102) HBS SCHAFER FARM'S W37 LADY PIEBALD (10552825) AABG NBD ON TARGET (10620589) PDF Z012 FULL PROOF (10512640) AABG NBD DROP DEAD GORGEOUS (10555217) AABG GOT TO BE GOOD (10538374) CNR PISTOLERO *ENNOBLED 2004* (10049167) NAT. RESERVE CHAMPION 2001 Dam T F 'S THE ENFORCER (10463663) T F 'S KERRI (10337624) T F 'S 297 (10565333) (BOER X) *LAND OF LINCOLN ELIGIBLE* This is our first wether out of our Absolute son...WOW did he not disappoint. This wether has tons of rack and loin and is extended through his front. Don't miss out on this future champion! Lot # 10 Sex: Wether Consignor: HORSE CREEK LAND & LIVESTOCK D.O.B. 12/26/2013 Sire Bidder: $ C S B MAXIMUM IMPACT *ENNOBLED* 6/2012 (10469836) BDK2 AABG GIMME A BLONDE (10553349) #14 BDK2 AABG BLONDES HAVE MORE FUN (10459314) RMA2 FINAL DESTINATION (10597628) *DARTH SHADOW ELR (*I06159134) 1AA HTF FILLING (10485708) HACKBERRY HILL JMAS CHERRY TOPPING (10426441) Dam BOER X This wether is sired by our registered buck and has been a barn favorite since birth. Stout boned, tight chested, bold ribbed and extreme through his top. Lot # 11 Sex: Wether Consignor: BURRIS SHOW GOATS D.O.B. 12/23/2013 Bidder: $ Sire #18 TOP GUN HUMMELS TABASCO SHOWTIME Dam BOER X This guy here is Tabasco bred on the top side and Invictus on the bottom. A heavy muscled, tight chested wether that will be right on target come state and county fair time. Lot # 12 Sex: Land Of Lincoln Wether Sire MKSL THUNDER (10640311) Consignor: MKS LIVESTOCK D.O.B. 12/10/2013 Bidder: $ RAWHIDE ZEPPELIN *ENNOBLED* 5/2009 (10334535) RAWHIDE CYRUS *ENNOBLED* 8/2010 (10419573) RAWHIDE MARLEY (10310438) WTRL NIHILATOR (10541338) AJBG RUEHL BREAKER *ENNOBLED* 1/2010 (10388151) JRA1 AGNEW FASH-N-STATE-MINT (I-10493020) DMBR RAD'S S657 SASSY NEW YORKER (10251010) Dam T F'S SAMUEL (10457621) HNRXN PRAIRIES EDGE L.B. (10548370) LMCS COW GIRL TRACY KAY (10477233) MKSL LOLLIPOP BODACIOUS S212 (10222315) HRB BUNETTA (10449152) 50K MARIE (10231730) *LAND OF LINCOLN ELIGIBLE* Wow here is a great wether. Long lines and muscle definition will make him a top competitor this summer. Don't miss out! This wether's dam has never disappointed with her kids. Last year, her twin does were very competitive in the Illinois and Indiana show circuits. Lot # 13 Sex: Wether Consignor: HORSE CREEK LAND & LIVESTOCK D.O.B. 1/19/2014 Bidder: $ Sire TOP GUN #15 HUMMELS TABASCO SHOWTIME Dam BOER X This wether is sired by Tabasco and out of our most successful show doe. He is still a touch green, but is coming on with age. This guy is built right and will be competitive in that lightweight division this summer. Lot # 14 Sex: Land Of Lincoln Wether Consignor: MKS LIVESTOCK D.O.B. 12/10/2013 Sire Bidder: $ RAWHIDE ZEPPELIN *ENNOBLED* 5/2009 (10334535) RAWHIDE CYRUS *ENNOBLED* 8/2010 (10419573) MKSL SMASHER (10640310) WTRL NIHILATOR (10541338) RAWHIDE MARLEY (10310438) AJBG RUEHL BREAKER *ENNOBLED* 1/2010 (10388151) JRA1 AGNEW FASH-N-STATE-MINT (I-10493020) DMBR RAD'S S657 SASSY NEW YORKER (10251010) Dam T F'S SAMUEL (10457621) HNRXN PRAIRIES EDGE L.B. (10548370) LMCS COW GIRL TRACY KAY (10477233) MKSL LOLLIPOP BODACIOUS S212 (10222315) HRB BUNETTA (10449152) 50K MARIE (10231730) *LAND OF LINCOLN ELIGIBLE* This long bodied wether will sure make a great project! Very long bodied, heavily muscled, and big racked. Don't miss out! This wether's dam has never disappointed with her kids. Last year, her twin does were very competitive in the Illinois and Indiana show circuits. Lot # 1 Sex: Fullblood Doe Sire RMA2 REFLECTION (10636873) Consignor: HILL TOP FARM D.O.B. 12/03/2013 Bidder: $ C S B RUGER RELOADED *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10405280) C S B MAXIMUM IMPACT *ENNOBLED* 6/2012 (10469836) RRD SMOKIN HOT *ENNOBLED* 9/2010 (10378775) BDK2 AABG GIMME A BLONDE (10553349) AABG KICKIN' BRASS *ENNOBLED* 11/2009 (10406942) BDK2 AABG BLONDES HAVE MORE FUN (10459314) AABG LA'S FEMME FATALE (10317119) Dam T F 'S VALIN (10405465) ANDERSON/FRASERBOERS AVATAR (10490357) BACK 2 NATURE MAPIYA (10420688) RMA2 CORINE (10547557) RAWHIDE CYRUS *ENNOBLED* 8/2010 (10419573) WTRL Y45 NIBBLES (10485707) TRI-QUEST J-LO (10290803) Reflection mirrors her dam Corrine. Reflection is a doe, which is very hard to part with, because her pedigree has produced many champions, but we are dedicated to offering our best. Reflection has a long neck and level top and will be eye catching in the show ring. Lot # 2 Sex: Fullblood Doe D.O.B. 3/15/2013 Sire Consignor: ANDERSON- Bidder: FRASER BOER GOATS $ TH V6232 (10337372) 2DOX ROYAL FLUSH *ENNOBLED* 6/2013 (10485009) AFB2 ALL THE RAVE (10637573) 2DOX CONFECTION (10450626) MFR1 2DOX ROYAL COLORS (10556073) SWE MAIN EVENT *ENNOBLED* 3/2009 (10354302) 2DOX SPLENDA *ENNOBLED* 6/2013 (10495863) 2DOX SUGER TIME *ENNOBLED* 10/2012 (10409695) Dam LCBG LEWIS CREEK STING *ENNOBLED* 11/2009 (10367359) JRNBG SHILOH RAMBO *ENNOBLED* 1/2012 (10427506) SCOTT FARMS CLASSY BRASS (10321413) BACK 2 NATURE CHIQUITA (10465801) BRAKAH FARMS AMERICAN STAR (10128503) B2N LE SE LAY BO TU ROULET (10234494) BACK 2 NATURE HERSHEYS DIXIANA (10186368) Full sister to the paint doe at lot 52. Show correct! This doe takes after her dam B2N Chiquita, very stylish doeher dam has 76 show points. Sire-soon to be ennobled MFRI Royal Colors-307 progeny points in one year of showing!! Lot # 3 Sex: Fullblood Doe D.O.B. 9/17/2013 Consignor: WETHERELL Bidder: FARM $ JESTER AABG STEAM ROLLER *ENNOBLED* 6/2013 (10491931) Sire AFB2 WHAT SHE NEEDS *ENNOBLED* 6/2013 (10544775) WTRL BASICALLY RWF L.D.B (10543581) AWESOME WTRL WHATEVER (10562576) (10638013) RAWHIDE CYRUS *ENNOBLED* 8/2010 (10419573) WTRL HOT CHIC (10496760) TRI-QUEST HAKARA (10258694) Dam S2 CAPTAIN MARVEL *ENNOBLED* 11/2009 (10322488) NF13 MARVEL'S MALACHAI (10491942) BIG2 ROSE (10321206) WTRL BEAUTIFUL MISS (10546948) OUTBACK BOERS BO DIDDLE *ENNOBLED* 10/2008 (10300950) BERRY'S GH ASHES GIRL (10488538) RDBG ASHES (10318327) Very nice daughter sired by the 2013 NAILE Grand Champion Buck, WTRL Whatever and out of a nice show doe also. She is a very feminine doe with a beautiful head and neck. She is show correct. She is a real eye catcher! Lot # 4 Sex: 75% Percentage Doe MKSL FASHIONISTA (10640312) Consignor: MKS LIVESTOCK D.O.B. 12/11/2013 Sire Bidder: $ RAWHIDE ZEPPELIN *ENNOBLED* 5/2009 (10334535) RAWHIDE CYRUS *ENNOBLED* 8/2010 (10419573) RAWHIDE MARLEY (10310438) WTRL NIHILATOR (10541338) AJBG RUEHL BREAKER *ENNOBLED* 1/2010 (10388151) JRA1 AGNEW FASH-N-STATE-MINT (I-10493020) DMBR RAD'S S657 SASSY NEW YORKER (10251010) Dam HMB V15 (10339261) HRB LONG JOHN (10528689) HRB PETUNIA (10311417) MKSL PARIS (10597864) (BOER X) If you are looking for a doe that can speak volumes, stop by her pen! She was my husband’s favorite from the moment she was born! This does dam has produced the top selling wether in this sale the past two years! Her stout features will make her an excellent candidate for a market doe and then a productive wether dam. Don’t miss out on this opportunity! Lot # 5 Sex: Fullblood Buck AFB2 WHAT SHE NEEDS Sire *ENNOBLED* 6/2013 (10544775) Consignor: STAR E RANCH D.O.B. 1/17/2011 Bidder: $ 2DOX CD'S SALUTE *ENNOBLED* 5/2009 (10370125) AABG STATUS QUO *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10423489) AABG RIPPIN BRASS *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10363742) JESTER AABG STEAM ROLLER *ENNOBLED* 6/2013 (10491931) RIVER RIDGE'S CADILLAC (10342689) RIVER RIDGE'S W741 (10482897) EGGSCLUSIVE R899 *ENNOBLED* 6/2006 (10211039) Dam JLF RAMBO *ENNOBLED 10/2002* (10018775) FSE 3091 (10188159) FSE 0099 OPRAH (10073635) RWF L.D.B (10543581) RWF LITTLE GEORGE (10200026) RWF GEORGIE (10231197) PAR5 P9263 (10171106) If you have shown in the Midwest chances are you have seen what this buck can do! He has amassed 433 ABGA points in less than 3 years. He is the sire of Whatever who was Overall Grand Champion buck at the 2013 NAILE and the 2013 Illinois State Fair just to name a few. His percentage doe daughter Star E Ranch She’s Got It All has racked up the points as well. If you are looking for that buck to move your kids into the winner’s circle WHAT is the one who can get you there. WHAT are you waiting for? Don’t miss your chance to buy the best. Lot # 6 Sex: Fullblood Doe D.O.B. 3/15/2013 Sire Consignor: ROLLIN R FARMS Bidder: $ 2DOX CD'S SALUTE *ENNOBLED* 5/2009 (10370125) AABG STATUS QUO *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10423489) ROLLIN R CILIA (10609871) AABG RIPPIN BRASS *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10363742) AABG NBD HYTECH *ENNOBLED* 11/2013 (10486407) TLB T333 RIPPER *ENNOBLED* 2/2008 (10276652) AABG FSE ON THE MONEY HONEY (10427480) FSE 6056 JORDANIA (10341650) Dam RRD RUGER T307 *ENNOBLED* 12/2007 (10269132) C S B RUGER RELOADED *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10405280) EGGS T351 *ENNOBLED* 6/2010 (10290476) C S B FANCY FELICITY (10555819) RRD RUGER T307 *ENNOBLED* 12/2007 (10269132) RRD CSB FANCY PANTS *ENNOBLED* 11/2013 (10327054) RRD FANCY S211 (10256115) This doe is extremely wide and level on the topline. She is heavily muscled but has a feminine head that will catch the judge’s eye. Watch out for her in the show ring, we plan to show her in a couple of shows in March. Lot # 7 Sex: 75% Percentage Doe Consignor: DIEMERS Bidder: HILL TOP BOER GOATS D.O.B. 3/06/2012 Sire $ RRD V808 *ENNOBLED* 10/2008 (10360158) CAPRIOLE'S MONTEGO *ENNOBLED* 11/2011 (10455616) CAPRIOLE'S IMP'S EGOMANIA (10386895) DHTBG DHTBG MERCURY MONTEGO (10537142) MERCEDES BENZ LSBG N1401 *ENNOBLED* 8/2007 (10105808) (10568650) JWN PHOENIX *ENNOBLED* 9/2012 (10331106) BM7 CODI STEFANI (10283705) JRA1 AGNEW'S COLLATERAL DAMAGE *ENNOBLED* 2/2006 (10296606) Dam LCBG BCF2 BUCANERO BEAR (10284354) PAR5 HELEN (10166209) JFL1 CD MAKE IT OR BREAK IT *DOE OF EXCELLENCE* 6/2012 (10476967) (OTHER) This doe come straight out of our show string. She has 39 show points and placed 5th at the 2012 Nationals. Her dam is a Percentage Doe of Excellence and produces every year for us. This doe should be no different. She sells bred to DHTBG I Work Out. This buck is a full brother to our paint doe that won the 0-3 month fullblood doe class at the 2013 Nationals. She is 2x2 clean teated. This doe speaks for herself! Lot # 8 Sex: Fullblood Doe Sire FERN HOLLOW FARM 382 (10502306) Consignor: FINLEY BOERS D.O.B. 2/17/2010 Bidder: $ RRD BRASS SHOT S916 *ENNOBLED* 12/2006 (10218337) RRD RUGER T307 *ENNOBLED* 12/2007 (10269132) RRD R879 (10202375) 2DOX LUGER *ENNOBLED* 6/2010 (10409694) POWELL/HOLMAN 2SIS 139N BINGO *ENNOBLED* (10107345) NATIONAL CHAMPION 2002 2DOX BINGO STAR *ENNOBLED* 2/2008 (10218360) CBM TREASURE (10072404) Dam RRD S900 *ENNOBLED* 6/2006 (10211107) TC1 RAWHIDE *ENNOBLED* 10/2007 (10269233) NK R36-03 *ENNOBLED* 11/2011 (10189894) TC1 W806 (10440612) RRD GAUGE P529 *ENNOBLED* 7/2004 (10136756) TC1 W501 *ENNOBLED* 3/2009 (10268972) TC1 W211 *ENNOBLED* 5/2007 (10179211) This doe is one we never planned to sell but we said we would bring some of our best. Her pedigree contains the who's who of the industry. She is a long and elegant, yet powerful doe. Teats are 1X1 clean. Correct mouth. She has been laparoscopically A.I'd to Ward's Cat In The Hat *Ennobled for late summer kids. Lot # 9 Sex: Fullblood Doe Sire AFB2 PERFECT DEFINITION (10638348) Consignor: ANDERSON- Bidder: FRASER BOER GOATS D.O.B. 9/09/2013 $ HMB W238 (10431366) HBS ABSOLUTE (10553163) HBS SCHAFER FARM'S W37 LADY PIEBALD (10552825) AABG NBD FACE THE FACTS (10584304) AABG STATUS QUO *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10423489) AABG NBD CHANTILLY LACE (10583684) SRR1 HOT CHANEL (10465480) Dam PDF Z012 FULL PROOF (10512640) AABG NBD TRIFECTA (10630786) VALLEY BOER BOK STUD -49 (10413583) AABG NBD HIGH DEFINITION (10635490) PDF Z012 FULL PROOF (10512640) AABG NBD HIGH SOCIETTY (10630796) AABG SHE'S A KEEPER (10538375) This is one doe that Wade and I will probably regret selling. Absolutely the widest, thickest, cleanest little girl we had out of our fall flush. Hottest pedigree around! Pedigree includes SRRI Hot Chanel one of the prettiest does on Earth! Lot # 10 Sex: Fullblood Doe Consignor: WETHERELL Bidder: FARM D.O.B. 11/17/2012 Sire $ TH V6232 (10337372) 2DOX ROYAL FLUSH *ENNOBLED* 6/2013 (10485009) WTRL LONG LIVE 2DOX CONFECTION (10450626) THE QUEEN MFR1 2DOX ROYAL COLORS (10556073) (10595491) SWE MAIN EVENT *ENNOBLED* 3/2009 (10354302) 2DOX SPLENDA *ENNOBLED* 6/2013 (10495863) 2DOX SUGER TIME *ENNOBLED* 10/2012 (10409695) Dam RAWHIDE ZEPPELIN *ENNOBLED* 5/2009 (10334535) RAWHIDE CYRUS *ENNOBLED* 8/2010 (10419573) RAWHIDE MARLEY (10310438) WTRL MILEY (10472186) TRI-QUEST AKEE (10023142) TRI-QUEST V30 (10388331) WCQ TRI-QUEST ALEASE (10166386) This has been a slow maturing doe that is now putting all of the pieces together. She has been a part of our show string and she needs to continue to be in the show ring. Don’t pass her up. Lot # 11 Sex: Fullblood Doe Consignor: HILL TOP FARM D.O.B. 3/03/2013 Sire Bidder: $ C S B RUGER RELOADED *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10405280) C S B MAXIMUM IMPACT *ENNOBLED* 6/2012 (10469836) RMA2 CALL ME BABY (10613887) RRD SMOKIN HOT *ENNOBLED* 9/2010 (10378775) BDK2 AABG GIMME A BLONDE (10553349) AABG KICKIN' BRASS *ENNOBLED* 11/2009 (10406942) BDK2 AABG BLONDES HAVE MORE FUN (10459314) AABG LA'S FEMME FATALE (10317119) Dam TH V6232 (10337372) AABG WATCHA WANT (10522409) TST1 EYE OF THE STORM (10456715) AABG SO YOU LIKE WHAT YOU SEE (10562787) AABG KICKIN' BRASS *ENNOBLED* 11/2009 (10406942) AABG 2DOX HOW YA LIKE ME NOW (10499944) TH 5145 (10281696) Call Me Baby has a sweet front end and is extremely square in the hip. Her dam was second in her class at the 2013 Illinois State Fair. Her sire is a full-brother to the 2012 NAILE Grand Champion overall doe. It was a difficult decision to let this girl sale, she is one of Rick’s favorite does. Lot # 12 Sex: 75% Percentage Doew/ Kids At Side D.O.B. 12/26/2011 Sire Consignor: STAR E RANCH Bidder: $ AABG STATUS QUO *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10423489) JESTER AABG STEAM ROLLER *ENNOBLED* 6/2013 (10491931) RIVER RIDGE'S W741 (10482897) STAR E RANCH AFB2 WHAT SHE NEEDS *ENNOBLED* 6/2013 (10544775) SHE'S GOT IT ALL FSE 3091 (10188159) (10581519) RWF L.D.B (10543581) RWF GEORGIE (10231197) Dam RRD AMMO V704 *ENNOBLED* 4/2009 (10321932) RRD /SER1 PULL THE TRIGGER (10378341) RRD VINTAGE T654 (10302837) STAR E RANCH SHOOT-N-4 THE STARS (10484608) (OTHER) This is by far the hardest goat on the farm to let go, she is my favorite! 59 ABGA show points in 7 shows including 5 division and 3 Overall or Reserve Overall wins. Her dam was my 2010 ABGA National class winner, STAR E RANCH SHOOT-N-4 THE STARS. Her daughter sure didn’t disappoint! She carries on her dam’s huge top and tons of bone but also has the What She Needs butt! Her kids are sired by AFB2 Doc Holiday, who will no doubt add in his length and eyeappeal. This doe is why we bought What, and the pairing with Doc are why we decided we needed to add him into the mix. It will be no accident when her kids rule the ring and bring home the ribbons!!! Lot # 13 Sex: Fullblood Doe BOBG CROWN Sire JEWEL (10612031) Consignor: BREEZY OAKS BOER GOATS D.O.B. 1/21/2013 Bidder: $ 2DOX CD'S SALUTE *ENNOBLED* 5/2009 (10370125) AABG STATUS QUO *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10423489) AABG RIPPIN BRASS *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10363742) AABG JBG7 POWER PLANT (10545402) RIVER RIDGE'S CADILLAC (10342689) RIVER RIDGE'S W741 (10482897) EGGSCLUSIVE R899 *ENNOBLED* 6/2006 (10211039) Dam SWE MAIN EVENT *ENNOBLED* 3/2009 (10354302) 2DOX TOO CHROMED OUT (10487225) 2DOX IN A HEART BEAT (10313593) AJSB CHROME'S TOPAZ (10526490) RR1 REALLY RED (10269796) RR1 V5 (10350513) RR1 P30 (10157118) Jewel is a bit of a late bloomer. We did not show her last year but she has really blossomed since last year’s show season. She is extremely feminine with a good top and is totally correct in her confirmation. She is show correct and her teats are 1x1. Lot # 14 Sex: Unregistered Doe Consignor: THORNRIDGE D.O.B. 1/18/2013 Bidder: $ Sire FRACTURE R1309 RIO 900 Dam TLB T333 RIPPER *ENNOBLED* 2/2008 (10276652) AABG AUP THOR RIP VAN WINKLE (10393647) AABG NBD MONEY MAKER (10266628) THOR 1129 BLACK (10544862) (BOER X) The best part about raising livestock is when a plan comes together. 1309 is a plan we have been working on for a few generations starting back with our Ripper son that we brought into the herd to add mass all the while still being structurally sound. When that Ripper doe (1129) was named Res. Grand Doe at Illinois in 2011 I knew that we were on the right track. After this doe hit the ground there was no question that we hit a home run. As I study 1309 I realize that she is as good of a doe that we have every made. This doe is wide on the corners up front, has a great big stand-up rack, a loin Johnny Football would struggle to traverse with one hand and a hip and hind leg that is the way they need to be to be competitive in today’s wether industry. An opportunity like this doesn’t come around every day. Lot # 15 Sex: Fullblood Doe Sire Consignor: BEAR CREEK Bidder: BOERS D.O.B. 12/30/2012 $ C S B RUGER RELOADED *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10405280) C S B BROKEN S SMOKIN HOT RUGER *ENNOBLED* 11/2011 (10469838) RRD SMOKIN HOT *ENNOBLED* 9/2010 (10378775) BEAR CREEK BC BEAR CREEK BC A580 SMOKIN HOT GATOR (10567564) TLB 9004 (10459160) B700 EYE CANDY BEAR CREEK BC Z431BARBIE (10499536) (10639072) BEAR CREEK BC T99 (10270515) Dam SHOW ME BOERS GUN RUNNER *ENNOBLED* 3/2009 (10324447) R A MR. TEXAS GUNNER (10387374) R A MISS RED FOX *ENNOBLED* 4/2010 (10283354) BEAR CREEK BC X349 HOLLY (10468793) DSM RICHARD *ENNOBLED* 6/2006 (10154900) BEAR CREEK BC S59 (10270473) RDR P24 CLOIE (10155607) If you are needing to add meat and bone to your herd, here’s your Doe! Her Dam consistently produces that in her kids. Eye Candy was a triplett, she weighed 162 lbs on 7 Feb 14. She has 2 teats on each side widely separated and a good bite. Don't forget the famous CSB Broken S Smokin Hot Ruger *Ennobled* is her Grandsire!! Lot # 16 Sex: Fullblood Doe Consignor: ANDERSON- Bidder: FRASER BOER GOATS D.O.B. 12/10/2013 Sire $ 2DOX ROYAL FLUSH *ENNOBLED* 6/2013 (10485009) MFR1 2DOX ROYAL COLORS (10556073) 2DOX SPLENDA *ENNOBLED* 6/2013 (10495863) BLAZEN MAJOR AFB2 MAJOR RIGHT (10594770) ANR WIDE LOAD *ENNOBLED* 9/2009 (10375287) 2BBT RED ROSE (10535152) 10B2B X088 *ENNOBLED* 9/2013 (10449074) Dam 2DOX RIGHTEOUS *ENNOBLED* 9/2008 (10307888) SHOW ME BOERS CANNONS O' BLAZIN (10420194) ASH CREEK LIL' ASHLEY *ENNOBLED* 11/2009 (10312221) T F 'S KATHY'S BLAZEN (10535461) RRD QUICK HIT T376 (10321869) T F 'S KATHY (10367383) TF'S K-LINE (10307820) This little doe is the result of a breeding between a good doe of Dave Thomas and a young buck out of Royal Colors. Judge for yourself. Lots of muscle, good bone, and a freaky long neck! Show correct and Dave thinks he got the best one! Lot # 17 Sex: 5 Straws Of Semen Consignor: WETHERELL Bidder: FARM D.O.B. 12/30/2011 Sire $ AABG STATUS QUO *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10423489) JESTER AABG STEAM ROLLER *ENNOBLED* 6/2013 (10491931) *SEMEN* WTRL WHATEVER (10562576) RIVER RIDGE'S W741 (10482897) AFB2 WHAT SHE NEEDS *ENNOBLED* 6/2013 (10544775) FSE 3091 (10188159) RWF L.D.B (10543581) RWF GEORGIE (10231197) Dam RAWHIDE ZEPPELIN *ENNOBLED* 5/2009 (10334535) RAWHIDE CYRUS *ENNOBLED* 8/2010 (10419573) RAWHIDE MARLEY (10310438) WTRL HOT CHIC (10496760) TRI QUEST HOBBS (10147885) TRI-QUEST HAKARA (10258694) TRI-QUEST JW BAKARI (10099216) *SOLD BY THE STRAW (5 X $)* Bred and owned by Wetherell Farm. Whatever is an own son out of a Rawhide Cyrus doe, WTRL Hot Chic, and AFB2 What She Needs. We knew from the beginning this boy was going to be special. He has the width and depth of Cyrus and the hindquarters of What She Needs. Throughout his career in the show ring he has acquired 191 points with 9 Overall Grand Champions and 16 Division titles including Overall Grand Champion Lot # 18 Sex: Unregistered Doe Consignor: R1 BOER GOATS D.O.B. 12/2012 Sire Bidder: $ 900 KELLY'S CURLY TAG 315 ELVIS/IBEX POINT TAKEN DOWNEN '10 IN SF CHAMP % DOE S2 S10 Dam CROCKETT SON HRB EYE CANDY TRIPLE COLT 45 DOE R1 0092Z TX02 N1045 TL T25 TURNER DOE This is by far the best goat I’ve sold, and my goats have sold pretty well in this sale years past. I like this doe enough I flushed her last year at 9 months old. She made 9 #1 embryos that were put in. I honestly believe that pieces of this doe could help just about any breeder in the country. I realize that sounds foolish from some Yankee with 75 does and track record of major wins, but look at her picture and in person. This doe is MONSTER back, MONSTER boned and MONSTER footed. She handles great and has a great hide. I may slick her off for the sale, I’m not sure yet. Either way, she is way good. I’ve got a new barn and house to fix up and two daughters out of her to flush this year, or she would never be for sale. I am interested in splitting a flush with the new owners, if so desired. I’ll even breed her to Absolute Proof, my HBS Absolute x PDF Full Proof son for the flush. Lot # 19 Sex: 94% Purebred DoeBred Consignor: STAR E RANCH D.O.B. 12/03/2010 Sire Bidder: $ JRA1 AGNEW'S BO-HOWDY *ENNOBLED* 1/2006 (10179494) D C W -BO JANGLE *ENNOBLED* 3/2008 (10306381) NATIONAL CHAMPION 2006 STAR E RANCH PARK ME IN FIRST DCW LEXUS *ENNOBLED* 12/2006 (10219339) (10528352) STAR E RANCH BO-TOX *ENNOBLED* 12/2012 (10435451) RIVER RIDGE'S PISTOL (10271963) RIVER RIDGE'S BAMBI (10342335) BBR BATES' BLUEBONNET (10224370) Dam TLB P233 *ENNOBLED* 7/2008 (10174544) PBL HAMMER *SIRE OF MERIT* 5/2013 (10353947) *PBL 5B87 (*I05193158) ANR SER1 MARDI GRAS *DOE OF EXCELLENCE* 9/2011 (10459582) S2 BONAPARTE *ENNOBLED* 2/2008 (10208712) S2 MASQUERADE *DOE OF EXCELLENCE* 5/2009 (10322461) S2 FROSTED CRICKET *DOE OF EXCELLENCE* 5/2008 (10208723) Who says a purebred can’t compete with fullbloods? Tell that to Park Me In First! She was the 2011 Illinois State Fair Grand Champion fullblood doe under Lary Duncan! Her sire Star E Ranch Bo-Tox *Ennobled* was one of the great ones, sired by the great DCW Bo Jangle, her dam ANR SER1 Mardi Gras *Doe of Excellence* won her class at the 2010 ABGA Nationals. She kidded 2 beautiful kids last spring, but unfortunately we lost them at weaning time. She sells bred back to AFB2 What She Needs and will be ultrasound confirmed by sale time. **UPDATE** Ultrasound confirmed bred-due in May! Lot # 20 Sex: Fullblood Doe Sire ABMG MISS KAY (10618895) Consignor: BURRIS SHOW GOATS D.O.B. 1/15/2013 Bidder: $ BFMG SUGAR RAY (10392867) BFMG LANDSHARK (10478672) TH S4138 *ENNOBLED* 6/2007 (10229409) BFMG OUTER LIMITS (10482068) LSBG GRANITE (10084136) GHBG S86 (10225671) GHBG R49 (10194450) Dam RRD RYALS GOLDUST (10037820) RRD N330 (10104348) EGGSSCESSIBILITY (10043852) 1 LUKE RED LADY (10425643) *DMR P165 (*I03223186) *SASSY (*I05350072) *MPM P45 (*I03111047) A fullblood doe out of BFMG Outer Limits with tons and body shape width and dimension. Heavy muscled but still maintains a feminine look to her. Whether you want to breed her to make wethers or doe prospects. She has the potential to do either. Lot # 21 Sex: Fullblood Doe-Bred Consignor: HILL TOP FARM D.O.B. 2/08/2012 Sire Bidder: $ RRD P463 *ENNOBLED* 11/2004 (10136529) T F 'S VALIN (10405465) RMA2 JASMINE (10567177) TF'S FIRST PICK (10307859) ANDERSON/FRASERBOERS AVATAR (10490357) M4R LEWIS CREEK BONO *ENNOBLED* 11/2009 (10367364) BACK 2 NATURE MAPIYA (10420688) B2N LE SE LAY BO TU ROULET (10234494) Dam RAWHIDE ZEPPELIN *ENNOBLED* 5/2009 (10334535) RAWHIDE CYRUS *ENNOBLED* 8/2010 (10419573) RAWHIDE MARLEY (10310438) WTRL Y45 NIBBLES (10485707) WCQ TRI-QUEST HOGAN (10197724) TRI-QUEST J-LO (10290803) WCQ TRI QUEST JADE (10090234) Jasmine is a full-sister to our donor doe, RMAS Corrine. Corrine has several show winnings, including Senior Champion at the 2013 Illinois State Fair and one day at the 2013 National Goat show. Jasmine is bred to AFB2 Paint by Colors, who was a multi-champion buck, including Reserve Grand Champion over-all at the 2013 Illinois State Fair. This doe offers a tremendous opportunity to buy proven genetics. Bred December 24, 2013 – confirmed pregnant. Lot # 22 Sex: Fullblood Doe Sire ROLLIN R CHARISMA (10609869) Consignor: ROLLIN R FARMS D.O.B. 3/15/2013 Bidder: $ 2DOX CD'S SALUTE *ENNOBLED* 5/2009 (10370125) AABG STATUS QUO *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10423489) AABG RIPPIN BRASS *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10363742) AABG NBD HYTECH *ENNOBLED* 11/2013 (10486407) TLB T333 RIPPER *ENNOBLED* 2/2008 (10276652) AABG FSE ON THE MONEY HONEY (10427480) FSE 6056 JORDANIA (10341650) Dam RRD RUGER T307 *ENNOBLED* 12/2007 (10269132) C S B RUGER RELOADED *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10405280) EGGS T351 *ENNOBLED* 6/2010 (10290476) C S B FANCY FELICITY (10555819) RRD RUGER T307 *ENNOBLED* 12/2007 (10269132) RRD CSB FANCY PANTS *ENNOBLED* 11/2013 (10327054) RRD FANCY S211 (10256115) Another great doe out of AABG NBD Hytech *ENNOBLED* and a CSB Ruger Reloaded *ENNOBLED* daughter. The kids out of this flush are phenomenal and competitive in the show ring. We have retained two full siblings to show and use in our herd. This doe would be a great addition to your show string. Lot # 23 Sex: Fullblood Buck Sire AFB2 SQUARED UP (10638338) Consignor: ANDERSON- Bidder: FRASER BOER GOATS D.O.B. 9/09/2013 $ HMB W238 (10431366) HBS ABSOLUTE (10553163) HBS SCHAFER FARM'S W37 LADY PIEBALD (10552825) AABG NBD GOTCHA COVERED (10629514) PDF Z012 FULL PROOF (10512640) AABG NBD CHEER ME ON (10592452) AABG GOT TO BE GOOD (10538374) Dam 2DOX CD'S SALUTE *ENNOBLED* 5/2009 (10370125) AABG STATUS QUO *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10423489) AABG RIPPIN BRASS *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10363742) AABG NBD FINE LINES (10614866) ANR WIDE LOAD *ENNOBLED* 9/2009 (10375287) AABG NBD OUTA DIS WORLD (I-10504145) AABG NBD CROWD PLEASER *ENNOBLED* 2/2009 (10223612) Out of some embryos Lary let us steal. This boy is going to make someone very happy!! Out of an Absolute son, AABG NBD Gotcha Covered and a very good Status daughter, AABG NBD Fine Lines. We are showing a full brother to this boy right now. They are EXTREME!! Lot # 24 Sex: Fullblood DoeExposed $ CLD1 TANGLETREES SERIOUS DAMAGE *ENNOBLED* 1/2008 (10310713) Sire WTRL TOOTSIE (10595493) Consignor: WETHERELL Bidder: FARM D.O.B. 1/29/2012 RRL LAZY RAVEN SUNDANCE *ENNOBLED* 6/2011 (10418379) AUSTIN'S MARTHA (10281211) WTRL THE SUNDANCE KID (10541190) RAWHIDE CYRUS *ENNOBLED* 8/2010 (10419573) WTRL HANNAH (10477604) TRI-QUEST V56 JASMINE (10400302) Dam JRA1 AGNEW'S BO-HOWDY *ENNOBLED* 1/2006 (10179494) OUTBACK BOERS BO DIDDLE *ENNOBLED* 10/2008 (10300950) DER WAR GIRL (10226002) BERRY'S GH ASHES GIRL (10488538) JRA1 AGNEW'S EXCALIBUR *ENNOBLED* 5/2007 (10297600) RDBG ASHES (10318327) JRA1 AGNEW'S SPOT OF SMOKE (10296631) Show correct, good looking doe. She sells exposed to 2013 NAILE Grand Champion Buck, WTRL Whatever. Lot # 25 Sex: Fullblood Doe Consignor: FINLEY BOERS D.O.B. 3/28/2013 Sire CREEKWOOD BOERS ALL DECKED OUT (10618697) Bidder: $ 2DOX CD'S SALUTE *ENNOBLED* 5/2009 (10370125) AABG STATUS QUO *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10423489) AABG RIPPIN BRASS *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10363742) ROCKING C BOER GOATS STATUS STACKED DECK *ENNOBLED* 5/2013 (10527389) CBGR WILDWOOD *ENNOBLED* 2/2008 (10308406) DNW RCBG MISS TORI *ENNOBLED* 11/2010 (10423188) DNW NEW GIRL *ENNOBLED* 9/2010 (10261500) Dam EGGS RYALS MAGNUM*ENNOBLED* (10020971) RRD REMINGTON M160 *ENNOBLED* 3/2003 (10095469) MISS RRD L87 (10043919) DXLR CHINA DOLL Y414 SA (10474154) POWELL/HOLMAN RASCAL *ENNOBLED* 1/2005 (10054809) HIDDEN HOLLOW HONEY DEW (10241764) *DSM HIDDEN HOLLOW HUSSY (*I9140126) What a great opportunity to add proven, quality genetics to your herd. This yearling doe has it all together. She is well balanced with a wonderful front end and carries incredible width from front to back. Her sire was the 2011 Naile Jr Reserve Champion Buck and a proven producer. Her dam is by the outstanding Ryals buck RRD Remington *Ennobled. Teats are 1x1. Bite is good. Go to www.creekwoodboergoats.com for more pics. Lot # 26 Sex: Fullblood Doe Consignor: STAR E RANCH D.O.B. 11/15/2012 Sire Bidder: $ AABG STATUS QUO *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10423489) JESTER AABG STEAM ROLLER *ENNOBLED* 6/2013 (10491931) AFB2 ALLY (10594749) RIVER RIDGE'S W741 (10482897) AFB2 WHAT SHE NEEDS *ENNOBLED* 6/2013 (10544775) FSE 3091 (10188159) RWF L.D.B (10543581) RWF GEORGIE (10231197) Dam TLB T333 RIPPER *ENNOBLED* 2/2008 (10276652) ANR WIDE LOAD *ENNOBLED* 9/2009 (10375287) DSM 4B137 *ENNOBLED* 5/2008 (10291572) AABG NBD ALAGRIA (10500198) POWELL/HOLMAN 231P *ENNOBLED* 11/2005 (10151853) AABG NBD CROWD PLEASER *ENNOBLED* 2/2009 (10223612) BNZ LYDIA *ENNOBLED* 7/2005 (10199236) NATIONAL CHAMPION 2005 Another great daughter of ABF2 What She Needs! This doe is show correct and ready to show, breed, or place into your flush program. On the bottom side she is ARN Wide Load –08 National Grand Champion and BNZ Lydia – 05 National Grand Champion. She is a very balanced doe with femininity and tons of power. The What family of kids certainly have plenty of butt to throw in to boot! Lot # 27 Sex: 50% Percentage Doe Sire MKSL GEM (10640314) Consignor: MKS LIVESTOCK D.O.B. 12/13/2013 Bidder: $ RAWHIDE ZEPPELIN *ENNOBLED* 5/2009 (10334535) RAWHIDE CYRUS *ENNOBLED* 8/2010 (10419573) RAWHIDE MARLEY (10310438) WTRL NIHILATOR (10541338) AJBG RUEHL BREAKER *ENNOBLED* 1/2010 (10388151) JRA1 AGNEW FASH-N-STATE-MINT (I-10493020) DMBR RAD'S S657 SASSY NEW YORKER (10251010) Dam T F'S SAMUEL (10457621) HNRXN PRAIRIES EDGE L.B. (10548370) LMCS COW GIRL TRACY KAY (10477233) MKSL BUNETTAS PEARL BODACIOUS S212 (10222315) HRB BUNETTA (10449152) 50K MARIE (10231730) This doe exhibits all the characteristics that Nihilator throws in his offspring. Long, thick, and pretty. Check her out! Lot # 28 Sex: 75% Percentage Doe D.O.B. 4/10/2007 Sire Consignor: DIEMERS Bidder: HILL TOP BOER GOATS $ RRD REMINGTON M160 *ENNOBLED* 3/2003 (10095469) RRD GAUGE P529 *ENNOBLED* 7/2004 (10136756) M4R JMLC W512 RRD R896 (10211101) *DOE OF EXCELLENCE* RRD P450 (10136527) 8/2011 (10389590) RRD MS. M27 *ENNOBLED 11/2003* (10068309) RYALS TOPBRASS *ENNOBLED 2001* (10043943) RRD MAGNUM'S BEAUTY *ENNOBLED* (10043948) NBBG RENOIR *ENNOBLED 8/2003* (10022259) NATIONAL CHAMPION 2001 Dam RED BALL JET I-01-092-017SA (10107702) *SMF CONCHITA (*I00124032) RDR S336 (10250290) (NUBIAN) Percentage Doe of Excellence says it all…here is a doe that needs to go into a “show” breeding program. She has produced some awesome show does that have placed at Nationals in the top 5 consistently. The length and style of this doe is impressive & she has a beautiful black head that is for sure to throw color. She is an EXCELLENT mother and is 2x2 teated. Check out her! Lot # 29 Sex: Fullblood Buck D.O.B. 12/26/2012 Sire Consignor: BEAR CREEK Bidder: BOERS $ 2DOX CD'S SALUTE *ENNOBLED* 5/2009 (10370125) AABG STATUS QUO *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10423489) BEAR CREEK BC B663 STEAM'S LMTD EDITION (10639071) AABG RIPPIN BRASS *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10363742) JESTER AABG STEAM ROLLER *ENNOBLED* 6/2013 (10491931) RIVER RIDGE'S CADILLAC (10342689) RIVER RIDGE'S W741 (10482897) EGGSCLUSIVE R899 *ENNOBLED* 6/2006 (10211039) SHOW ME BOERS GUN RUNNER *ENNOBLED* 3/2009 (10324447) Dam R A MR. TEXAS GUNNER (10387374) R A MISS RED FOX *ENNOBLED* 4/2010 (10283354) BEAR CREEK BC X361 VICTORIA'S SECRET (10512506) DSM RICHARD *ENNOBLED* 6/2006 (10154900) BEAR CREEK BC T90 (10270505) BEAR CREEK BC R11 FUNNY FACE (10222169) Limited Edition was a triplett but that never slowed him down, he has 2 teats on each side, a fork on the left side up high and a good bite. Study his pedigree, we added DSM Richard *EN* to our herd in 2003 and he gave us massive bone and wide loins, then added R A Mr. Texas Gunner in 2008 and he continued to add mass and bone. His topside genetics are also awesome plus can add the pretty. Limited Edition will add Steam to your program!! Lot # 30 Sex: Fullblood Doe D.O.B. 3/08/2013 Sire Consignor: ANDERSON- Bidder: FRASER BOER GOATS $ TH V6232 (10337372) 2DOX ROYAL FLUSH *ENNOBLED* 6/2013 (10485009) 2DOX CONFECTION (10450626) AFB2 HOT COLORS MFR1 2DOX ROYAL COLORS (10556073) (10619309) SWE MAIN EVENT *ENNOBLED* 3/2009 (10354302) 2DOX SPLENDA *ENNOBLED* 6/2013 (10495863) 2DOX SUGER TIME *ENNOBLED* 10/2012 (10409695) Dam S2 COWTOWN CAT *ENNOBLED* 9/2009 (10381363) 1DH MR. CAT MAN DO *ENNOBLED* 10/2012 (10442485) TRIR 'BECCA (10352451) DHTBG HOT SUPPLY (10528487) ANR HOT COMMODITY *ENNOBLED* 9/2010 (10375286) AABG DHTBG HOT DEMAND (10462241) FMW MINUET (10400183) This is a big yearling doe out of a flush between DHTBG Hot Supply and MFRI Royal Colors. Her dam won the Wisconsin State Fair Overall Grand. Sire makes them square and show correct. Lot # 31 Sex: Fullblood Doe Consignor: HILL TOP FARM D.O.B. 3/03/2013 Sire Bidder: $ C S B RUGER RELOADED *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10405280) C S B MAXIMUM IMPACT *ENNOBLED* 6/2012 (10469836) RRD SMOKIN HOT *ENNOBLED* 9/2010 (10378775) RMA2 DASH OF BDK2 AABG GIMME A BLONDE (10553349) HEAVEN (10612512) AABG KICKIN' BRASS *ENNOBLED* 11/2009 (10406942) BDK2 AABG BLONDES HAVE MORE FUN (10459314) AABG LA'S FEMME FATALE (10317119) Dam TH V6232 (10337372) AABG WATCHA WANT (10522409) TST1 EYE OF THE STORM (10456715) AABG SO YOU LIKE WHAT YOU SEE (10562787) AABG KICKIN' BRASS *ENNOBLED* 11/2009 (10406942) AABG 2DOX HOW YA LIKE ME NOW (10499944) TH 5145 (10281696) Dash of Heaven is a doe from the heart of our show string. This doe is an extremely wide in her chest and carries thickness throughout her body. Her dam was second in her class at the 2013 Illinois State Fair. Her sire is a full-brother to the 2012 NAILE Grand Champion overall doe. Dash of Heave will be a heavenly addition to any program. Lot # 32 Sex: Fullblood Buck Consignor: WETHERELL Bidder: FARM D.O.B. 4/02/2013 Sire WTRL ROYAL CROWN (10614621) $ TH V6232 (10337372) 2DOX ROYAL FLUSH *ENNOBLED* 6/2013 (10485009) 2DOX CONFECTION (10450626) MFR1 2DOX ROYAL COLORS (10556073) SWE MAIN EVENT *ENNOBLED* 3/2009 (10354302) 2DOX SPLENDA *ENNOBLED* 6/2013 (10495863) 2DOX SUGER TIME *ENNOBLED* 10/2012 (10409695) Dam TRI-QUEST AKEE (10023142) TRI-QUEST ACE (10290784) WCQ TRI-QUEST ALEASE (10166386) WTRL COTTON CANDY (10419999) TRI QUEST HOBBS (10147885) TRI-QUEST HAKARA (10258694) TRI-QUEST JW BAKARI (10099216) If you are looking for a buck that has width in the front, carries it throughout and has some hindquarters to boot then you need to check this guy out!! His maternal line is from the genetic foundation of our herd. This buck won Jr. Division FB Buck Reserve Champion from two shows in March in Joliet. Lot # 33 Sex: Fullblood Doe D.O.B. 2/19/2013 Sire STAR E RANCH WHAT DO U THINK? (10607000) Consignor: STAR E RANCH Bidder: $ AABG STATUS QUO *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10423489) JESTER AABG STEAM ROLLER *ENNOBLED* 6/2013 (10491931) RIVER RIDGE'S W741 (10482897) AFB2 WHAT SHE NEEDS *ENNOBLED* 6/2013 (10544775) FSE 3091 (10188159) RWF L.D.B (10543581) RWF GEORGIE (10231197) Dam AABG KICKIN' BRASS *ENNOBLED* 11/2009 (10406942) AABG KICKIN' ASSASIN (10447937) WH7 ABELINA 7B30 (10423566) STAR E RANCH UNDERCOVER ANGEL (10548053) EDSR GUS *ENNOBLED* 1/2005 (10159266) NATIONAL CHAMPION 2004 DSM 5B71 (10306783) *DSM NOVA (*900180111 SA) This doe is solid. Wide rack, big butt, but pretty enough to catch the judges eye. She was Jr. Reserve Champion doe at the Adams County IL show and comes with ABGA points. So, What do you think? I think she’s one of the best! Lot # 34 Sex: Fullblood Doe Consignor: BREEZY OAKS BOER GOATS D.O.B. 2/15/2013 Sire Bidder: $ RRD RUGER T307 *ENNOBLED* 12/2007 (10269132) RRD AMMO V704 *ENNOBLED* 4/2009 (10321932) RRD T257 (10269014) BOBG IMA SWEET BACK 2 NATURE POLAR EXPRESS *ENNOBLED* 5/2010 (10420080) DREAM (10603675) JRA1 AGNEW'S CASH REWARD *ENNOBLED* 8/2007 (10243261) 2EBG MONEY PENNY (10325734) SGF M162 CHAKODA CAT (10099205) Dam C S B RUGER RELOADED *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10405280) C S B MAXIMUM IMPACT *ENNOBLED* 6/2012 (10469836) RRD SMOKIN HOT *ENNOBLED* 9/2010 (10378775) BDK2 AABG IMA DREAM SEEKER (10562053) AABG KICKIN' BRASS *ENNOBLED* 11/2009 (10406942) BDK2 AABG IMA OOH LA LA (10459310) AABG OOO LA LA R1 *ENNOBLED* 5/2009 (10181921) This deep bodied, high volume doe is the result of our first endeavor into AI breeding. She is the daughter of a past National Champion buck (Polar Express) and a doe that we bought from Gary and Sandy Duncan. Her pedigree runs deep with some of the great names in the industry. We retained her brother as a buck and he is seeing use in our herd. She is show correct and her teats are 2x2. Lot # 35 Sex: 75% Percentage Doe D.O.B. 2/28/2013 Sire Consignor: THORNRIDGE Bidder: $ BFMG SUGAR RAY (10392867) BFMG LANDSHARK (10478672) THOR 51336 (10637918) TH S4138 *ENNOBLED* 6/2007 (10229409) BFMG OUTER LIMITS (10482068) LSBG GRANITE (10084136) GHBG S86 (10225671) GHBG R49 (10194450) Dam DOWNEN DESIGN 19 *ENNOBLED* 12/2006 (10249586) DOWNEN T138 BOILERMAKER (10316038) FSE DOWNEN S2 (10263470) SAFD HOPE (10392643) (BOER X) Last year in this sale we sold our first Outer Limits daughters, they all went to various homes but the comments that we constantly receive from those customers are that they are amazed at how these does look out in the pasture and how great they breed for each of their programs. 1336 is no exception she is the greenest of the does we are consigning to this sale but this doe will work in a multitude of programs. Lot # 36 Sex: 50% Percentage Doe Sire D.O.B. 2/12/2013 Consignor: ROLLIN R FARMS Bidder: $ 2DOX CD'S SALUTE *ENNOBLED* 5/2009 (10370125) AABG STATUS QUO *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10423489) ROLLIN R SWEET AABG RIPPIN BRASS *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10363742) AABG NBD HYTECH *ENNOBLED* 11/2013 (10486407) CAROLINE TLB T333 RIPPER *ENNOBLED* 2/2008 (10276652) (10605124) AABG FSE ON THE MONEY HONEY (10427480) FSE 6056 JORDANIA (10341650) Dam BOER X Here is a tremendous percentage doe that can be competitive in the show and can be a productive doe for a long time. Her dam has been producing great kids for us for the past several years and Sweet Caroline is stamped just like her dam. Lot # 37 Sex: Fullblood Doe Consignor: ANDERSON- Bidder: FRASER BOER GOATS D.O.B. 12/05/2012 Sire $ TH V6232 (10337372) 2DOX ROYAL FLUSH *ENNOBLED* 6/2013 (10485009) 2DOX CONFECTION (10450626) AFB2 ROYAL ROSE (10594773) MFR1 2DOX ROYAL COLORS (10556073) SWE MAIN EVENT *ENNOBLED* 3/2009 (10354302) 2DOX SPLENDA *ENNOBLED* 6/2013 (10495863) 2DOX SUGER TIME *ENNOBLED* 10/2012 (10409695) Dam TLB T333 RIPPER *ENNOBLED* 2/2008 (10276652) ANR WIDE LOAD *ENNOBLED* 9/2009 (10375287) DSM 4B137 *ENNOBLED* 5/2008 (10291572) 2BBT RED ROSE (10535152) RRD -10B2B AK-47 *ENNOBLED* 5/2009 (10360231) 10B2B X088 *ENNOBLED* 9/2013 (10449074) MEIN - 10B2B - RUBY'S CHANTILLY LACE *ENNOBLED* 11/2009 (10371164) We haven't sold many of these girls out of a flush between 2BBT Red Rose-IL State Fair Overall Grand and our amazing herd sire, MFRI 2DOX Royal Colors. If you doubt me, look at his progeny! 307 kid points from 1st summer of showing. -Show CorrectLot # 38 Sex: Fullblood Doe D.O.B. 5/06/2011 Sire Consignor: WETHERELL Bidder: FARM $ S2 JACKS OR BETTER *ENNOBLED* 8/2007 (10273039) S2 CAPTAIN MARVEL *ENNOBLED* 11/2009 (10322488) WTRL MALORY (10546947) S2 DISCO DOLL *ENNOBLED* 2/2008 (10257218) NF13 MARVEL'S MALACHAI (10491942) TLB T322 (10272985) BIG2 ROSE (10321206) POWELL/HOLMAN 216S (10245921) Dam RRD BRASS SHOT S916 *ENNOBLED* 12/2006 (10218337) RRD X71 DIRECT DEPOSIT *ENNOBLED* 1/2011 (10428252) EGGS V516 (10393143) BERRY'S GH RAYNE (10460869) RRD GAUGE P529 *ENNOBLED* 7/2004 (10136756) SHOW ME BOERS SPLASH OF ELEGANCE (10407499) SHOW ME BOERS SPLASH OF COLOR (10223856) A nice doe that has a teat that does not pass inspection but she has raised two sets of kids for us. She sells exposed to 2013 NAILE Grand Champion Buck, WTRL Whatever. Lot # 39 Sex: Unregistered Doe-bred D.O.B. 2/2011 Consignor: MKS LIVESTOCK Bidder: $ Sire SHANIQUA WETHER BUCK Dam WETHER DAM This wether dam has produced some amazing kids for us. Her Oklahoma genetics you can visually appreciate. As you can see from her picture she is very heavy bred. After we got our first kid crop out of our Absolute buck we knew we couldn’t keep them all to ourselves. She is bred to him and you will not be disappointed with her kids! Don’t miss out on this great opportunity! *UPDATE* Shaniqua kidded 3/25/2014. Triplet bucks! Your choice-light weight wethers (Land of Lincoln Eligible) at the State fair or perfect for later fall shows (Kansas City, AKSARBEN, NAILE, Denver) or keep them intact for wether bucks. Lot # 40 Sex: Fullblood Doe Consignor: STAR E RANCH D.O.B. 11/15/2012 Sire Bidder: $ AABG STATUS QUO *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10423489) JESTER AABG STEAM ROLLER *ENNOBLED* 6/2013 (10491931) RIVER RIDGE'S W741 (10482897) AFB2 SANDY (10594750) AFB2 WHAT SHE NEEDS *ENNOBLED* 6/2013 (10544775) FSE 3091 (10188159) RWF L.D.B (10543581) RWF GEORGIE (10231197) Dam TLB T333 RIPPER *ENNOBLED* 2/2008 (10276652) ANR WIDE LOAD *ENNOBLED* 9/2009 (10375287) DSM 4B137 *ENNOBLED* 5/2008 (10291572) AABG NBD ALAGRIA (10500198) POWELL/HOLMAN 231P *ENNOBLED* 11/2005 (10151853) AABG NBD CROWD PLEASER *ENNOBLED* 2/2009 (10223612) BNZ LYDIA *ENNOBLED* 7/2005 (10199236) NATIONAL CHAMPION 2005 What? This doe is another shining example of what the What offspring bring to the table. She was the high selling doe at the 2013 Purple Ribbon sale and worth every bit. AFB2 What She Needs over a doe whose parents were both ABGA National Grand Champions. Honestly it doesn’t get much better than this! Show correct – a powerhouse with plenty of eye appeal to take her to the top. Take her home, flush her, show her and win! Lot # 41 Sex: Fullblood Buck Consignor: HILL TOP FARM D.O.B. 1/06/2014 Sire Bidder: $ C S B RUGER RELOADED *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10405280) C S B MAXIMUM IMPACT *ENNOBLED* 6/2012 (10469836) RMA2 MAVEICK (10639602) RRD SMOKIN HOT *ENNOBLED* 9/2010 (10378775) BDK2 AABG GIMME A BLONDE (10553349) AABG KICKIN' BRASS *ENNOBLED* 11/2009 (10406942) BDK2 AABG BLONDES HAVE MORE FUN (10459314) AABG LA'S FEMME FATALE (10317119) Dam T F 'S VALIN (10405465) ANDERSON/FRASERBOERS AVATAR (10490357) BACK 2 NATURE MAPIYA (10420688) RMA2 CORINE (10547557) RAWHIDE CYRUS *ENNOBLED* 8/2010 (10419573) WTRL Y45 NIBBLES (10485707) TRI-QUEST J-LO (10290803) Maverick is a full-brother to Totally Legit who was purchased in the 2013 Purple Showcase sale. Legit was very successful in the show ring this past summer receiving multiple champion ribbons. His dam is RMA2 Corrine who has several show winnings, including Senior Champion at the 2013 Illinois State Fair and one day at the 2013 National Goat show. Chisum will be an exciting buck for the show ring and a perfect addition to any herd. Lot # 42 Sex: Fullblood Doe Sire CREEKWOOD BOERS PAINTED CLASSIC (10625314) Consignor: FINLEY BOERS D.O.B. 2/27/2013 Bidder: $ RM 745 *ENNOBLED* 6/2012 (10385696) RM 50-SUGAR-REY *ENNOBLED* 9/2012 (10510887) WARD MYSTIC FORCE *ENNOBLED* 7/2010 (10405162) DR44 DLCA BCBG CLASSIC 11X (10559901) AABG STATUS QUO *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10423489) AABG NBD LUV AT FIRST SIGHT (10500767) AABG NBD GOOD RIP (10323882) Dam EGGS 38 SPECIAL *ENNOBLED* 4/2009 (10290490) EVNS RATSHOT (10344243) VEAL'S MARCIE *ENNOBLED* 1/2013 (10221584) FES1 BILL'S GINGER (10489964) EGGSPERT MARKSMAN T308 *ENNOBLED* 5/2008 (10273218) SEASHINE GRETA (10371510) BK SEASHINE PICANTE (10222853) Size, color, and pedigree are just a few of the things this yearling doe has to offer. She is a very balanced powerhouse doe with tremendous bone and width, yet remains feminine with her long elegant neck. Her grandsire Sugar-Rey *Ennobled was the 2011 National Grand Champion. Her dam is a retired show doe that has been one of our best producers. Teats 2x2 w/spur. Good bite. See more pics of her along with her sire and dam at www.creekwoodboergoats.com Lot # 43 Sex: Fullblood Doe Consignor: BEAR CREEK Bidder: BOERS D.O.B. 12/29/2012 Sire $ EGGSFILE *ENNOBLED* 3/00 (10020970) WTSJ EGGSALIVE IN 2005 *ENNOBLED* 1/2010 (10304200) BEAR CREEK BC B691 HEART BREAKER (10630947) PRSR CA-TY-A (10221947) BAR NONE 5'S JACK BLUE (10460534) 2DOX G.Q. *ENNOBLED* 2/2009 (10264091) BAR NONE ALAMO'S SUSANNA (10371135) JABB N561 MARILYN (10116382) Dam FSE BIG BLUE (10191150) FSE 5026 (10278873) JLF DUO (10018743) BEAR CREEK BC W303 RENNA (10421271) DSM BILLY BOB (10033657) DSM 3B2 (10198428) RMR-SA-KALEDISCOPE (10020444) Heart Breaker was a triplet, she has 2 teats on each side and a good bite. I really, really, hate to sell this doe! Hope you will appreciate her and she will be a great addition to your herd. She has great breed character, lots of muscle and volume. Ready to be bred, taken to shows or both. Lot # 44 Sex: Fullblood Doe Consignor: ANDERSON- Bidder: FRASER BOER GOATS D.O.B. 3/08/2013 $ JRA1 AGNEW'S COLLATERAL DAMAGE *ENNOBLED* 2/2006 (10296606) Sire 2DOX CD'S SALUTE *ENNOBLED* 5/2009 (10370125) AFB2 STEP ON IT 2DOX GO GIRL *ENNOBLED* 2/2008 (10307894) (10619298) WMC STEP A HEAD (10574994) TLB T333 RIPPER *ENNOBLED* 2/2008 (10276652) AABG RIPPIN BRASS *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10363742) ASH CREEK BARBIE BRASS *ENNOBLED* 12/2009 (10245998) Dam BDF ANOTHER NOTCH *ENNOBLED* 1/2008 (10226391) M4R LEWIS CREEK BONO *ENNOBLED* 11/2009 (10367364) RRD R840 *ENNOBLED* 2/2009 (10180820) AFB2 HOMECOMING QUEEN (10555908) TX HOLDEM EGGS V636 *ENNOBLED* 2/2010 (10359100) SFBG1 AABG 2 DOX TIARA (10444733) 2DOX KRISTIAN DIOR *ENNOBLED* 9/2013 (10266791) This yearling doe is extreme in her build, show correct, and could be yours! Out of a full brother to STATUS QUO and a very flashy Bono over Tiara daughter that we showed and flushed. Im sure she will follow in her mother's footsteps. Lot # 45 Sex: Fullblood DoeExposed Consignor: WETHERELL Bidder: FARM D.O.B. 2/16/2009 Sire $ RRD R866 (10202370) RRD T565 (10298632) RRD S77 (10247035) 3TF 048 COVER GIRL (10595339) RRD W6 SNIPER (10378339) RRD BRASS SHOT S916 *ENNOBLED* 12/2006 (10218337) RRD T629 (10303024) RRD R879 (10202375) Dam POWELLHOLMAN SPLASH OF CLASSIC *ENNOBLED* 7/2005 (10141976) COATES&HADLEY CLASSIC RAM R113 (10206515) BOERS BY HADLEY P209 (10152895) LG BOERS CLASSY GIRL 562 (10278593) *HILL COUNTRY RHUMBA #121 (*I4010918) COW CREEK SASSY GIRL (10207010) LAZY J-SASSY (10150901) This is a very thick doe that has been a good producer for us the last 2 years. She sells exposed to 2013 NAILE Grand Champion Buck, WTRL Whatever. Lot # 46 Sex: 50% Percentage Doe Consignor: R1 BOER GOATS D.O.B. 5/15/2013 Sire Bidder: $ 900 KELLY'S CURLY TAG 401 ELVIS/IBEX POINT TAKEN DOWNEN '10 IN SF CHAMP % DOE S2 S10 Dam NK MOTLEY BRUTE (10284334) NK CHATROOM V351 (10367836) NK 45-03 (10230517) NK X93 (10439144) SGF R132 SCAR (10191718) NK SUM DOT (10222243) NK LYNNSUM (10106832) This is a really nice, show-quality doe. She is a 50% on the bottom side out of a brute of a Norman-bred Chatroom doe. The big, allover stout, and fiercely maternal does from Norman make up the backbone of most of our doe herd. They cross very well for us on terminal, smaller, muscled-up bucks. That is the exact cross that this is. We took our Curly son and put him on a monster Chatroom daughter and got this gem. She is registered as and will competitively show as a 50% doe. Take her home and breed her either fullblood or wether and I think you’ll be happy with the results. Lot # 47 Sex: Fullblood Doe Consignor: STAR E RANCH D.O.B. 2/19/2013 Sire STAR E RANCH WHAT'S MY LINE (10611611) Bidder: $ AABG STATUS QUO *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10423489) JESTER AABG STEAM ROLLER *ENNOBLED* 6/2013 (10491931) RIVER RIDGE'S W741 (10482897) AFB2 WHAT SHE NEEDS *ENNOBLED* 6/2013 (10544775) FSE 3091 (10188159) RWF L.D.B (10543581) RWF GEORGIE (10231197) Dam AABG KICKIN' BRASS *ENNOBLED* 11/2009 (10406942) AABG KICKIN' ASSASIN (10447937) WH7 ABELINA 7B30 (10423566) STAR E RANCH UNDERCOVER ANGEL (10548053) EDSR GUS *ENNOBLED* 1/2005 (10159266) NATIONAL CHAMPION 2004 DSM 5B71 (10306783) *DSM NOVA (*900180111 SA) This is the full sister to Star E Ranch What Do You Think, and she is every bit as solid. Wide, bold, powerful, with that eye appeal that will win you over. I can’t say enough about these does sired by AFB2 What She Needs! Take her home and put her to work in your breeding program and you won’t be sorry! Lot # 48 Sex: Fullblood Doe Consignor: DIEMERS Bidder: HILL TOP BOER GOATS D.O.B. 3/08/2013 Sire $ EGGSTRA DIMENSION Y372 *ENNOBLED* 9/2012 (10488765) SGG NEXT DIMENSION *ENNOBLED* 9/2012 (10523466) SGG BIG STAR (10486534) DHTBG DROP IT LIKE IT'S HOT (10606226) WARD NEXT BIG DEAL (10562916) WARD 'S CAT IN THE HAT X111 *ENNOBLED* 11/2010 (10452729) WARD 'S QUEEN OF SHEBA Z311 (10521578) FERN HOLLOW FARM SHEBA *ENNOBLED* 12/2011 (10412898) TLB T333 RIPPER *ENNOBLED* 2/2008 (10276652) Dam ANR HOT COMMODITY *ENNOBLED* 9/2010 (10375286) DSM 4B137 *ENNOBLED* 5/2008 (10291572) AABG DHTBG HOT ASSETS (10462240) DMBR RAD'S 233 (10350482) FMW MINUET (10400183) FMW MINNIE PEARL (10344007) Here’s a top quality doe that seriously needs to be shown. This doe is super powerful, big topped, tracks wide and is still feminine with lots of style. She comes from our AABG DHTBG Hot Assets doe that has over 250 show points, multiple Grand Champions, and has placed 8th at the 2010 Nationals. Don’t miss out on this doe! 2x2 teated Lot # 49 Sex: Fullblood Doe Consignor: ANDERSON- Bidder: FRASER BOER GOATS D.O.B. 12/05/2012 $ JRA1 AGNEW'S COLLATERAL DAMAGE *ENNOBLED* 2/2006 (10296606) Sire 2DOX CD'S SALUTE *ENNOBLED* 5/2009 (10370125) 2DOX GO GIRL *ENNOBLED* 2/2008 (10307894) BDV STATUS AABG STATUS QUO *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10423489) WHOA (10595275) TLB T333 RIPPER *ENNOBLED* 2/2008 (10276652) AABG RIPPIN BRASS *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10363742) ASH CREEK BARBIE BRASS *ENNOBLED* 12/2009 (10245998) Dam TH S4244 HIGH CLASS (10229451) TLB T333 RIPPER *ENNOBLED* 2/2008 (10276652) TLB S299 (10223173) AABG HIGHLY ATTACHED (10420587) NK YOUNG GUN (10180145) KSR HIGHFALUTIN T316 (10304614) NK N285 (10127748) This yearling doe is from some embryos we purchased. AABG STATUS QUO *ENNOBLED* and AABG Highly Attached. I dont know how you could go wrong. Show correct. Lot # 50 Sex: 75% Percentage Doe Consignor: MKS LIVESTOCK D.O.B. 12/14/2013 Sire MKSL CAPRICE (10642101) Bidder: $ HMB W238 (10431366) HBS ABSOLUTE (10553163) HBS SCHAFER FARM'S W37 LADY PIEBALD (10552825) AABG NBD ON TARGET (10620589) PDF Z012 FULL PROOF (10512640) AABG NBD DROP DEAD GORGEOUS (10555217) AABG GOT TO BE GOOD (10538374) CNR PISTOLERO *ENNOBLED 2004* (10049167) NAT. RESERVE CHAMPION 2001 Dam TF’s THE ENFORCER (10463663) TF’S KERRI (10337624) TF’s 297 BOER X Here is another doe kid out of our Absolute buck. If you are in the wether business, don’t miss out on her great genetic potential! Lot # 51 Sex: Fullblood Doe Consignor: HILL TOP FARM D.O.B. 6/11/2013 Sire Bidder: $ C S B RUGER RELOADED *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10405280) C S B MAXIMUM IMPACT *ENNOBLED* 6/2012 (10469836) RMA2 FIRST LOVE (10625677) RRD SMOKIN HOT *ENNOBLED* 9/2010 (10378775) BDK2 AABG GIMME A BLONDE (10553349) AABG KICKIN' BRASS *ENNOBLED* 11/2009 (10406942) BDK2 AABG BLONDES HAVE MORE FUN (10459314) AABG LA'S FEMME FATALE (10317119) Dam RAWHIDE ZEPPELIN *ENNOBLED* 5/2009 (10334535) RAWHIDE CYRUS *ENNOBLED* 8/2010 (10419573) RAWHIDE MARLEY (10310438) WTRL Y45 NIBBLES (10485707) WCQ TRI-QUEST HOGAN (10197724) TRI-QUEST J-LO (10290803) WCQ TRI QUEST JADE (10090234) First Love is the full-sister to Love at First Sight who was purchased by the Shane Merriman family. Love at First Sight was 5h in the 6 to 9 month class at the 2013 Nationals. Love has an extremely long neck and is square on the corners. She will be exciting doe for the show ring. Lot # 52 Sex: Fullblood Doe Consignor: ANDERSON- Bidder: FRASER BOER GOATS D.O.B. 3/15/2013 Sire AFB2 PICTURE PERFECT (10637572) $ TH V6232 (10337372) 2DOX ROYAL FLUSH *ENNOBLED* 6/2013 (10485009) 2DOX CONFECTION (10450626) MFR1 2DOX ROYAL COLORS (10556073) SWE MAIN EVENT *ENNOBLED* 3/2009 (10354302) 2DOX SPLENDA *ENNOBLED* 6/2013 (10495863) 2DOX SUGER TIME *ENNOBLED* 10/2012 (10409695) Dam LCBG LEWIS CREEK STING *ENNOBLED* 11/2009 (10367359) JRNBG SHILOH RAMBO *ENNOBLED* 1/2012 (10427506) SCOTT FARMS CLASSY BRASS (10321413) BACK 2 NATURE CHIQUITA (10465801) BRAKAH FARMS AMERICAN STAR (10128503) B2N LE SE LAY BO TU ROULET (10234494) BACK 2 NATURE HERSHEYS DIXIANA (10186368) This yearling paint doe is one of the most power packed does you will find. Show correct, out of good show stock. If you need width and a big butt, she’s your doe! Lot # 53 Sex: 5 Straws Of Semen Consignor: WETHERELL Bidder: FARM D.O.B. 3/13/2008 Sire $ JRA1 AGNEW'S BO-HOWDY *ENNOBLED* 1/2006 (10179494) DER BO HUNK *ENNOBLED* 3/2007 (10254366) *SEMEN*RAWHIDE ABF ANGEL SA *ENNOBLED* 10/2006 (10171451) CYRUS RAWHIDE ZEPPELIN *ENNOBLED* 5/2009 (10334535) *ENNOBLED* TEHACHAPI'S GUN'A SMOKE 'UM *ENNOBLED* 5/2006 8/2010 (10419573) (10177544) DQ DREAM QUEST DENA (10258403) GVB SARABI *ENNOBLED* 5/2006 (10169740) Dam JRA1 AGNEW'S BO-HOWDY *ENNOBLED* 1/2006 (10179494) DER BO HUNK *ENNOBLED* 3/2007 (10254366) ABF ANGEL SA *ENNOBLED* 10/2006 (10171451) RAWHIDE MARLEY (10310438) WOR B52 BOMBER *ENNOBLED* 12/2007 (10154626) WOR HEIDI *ENNOBLED* 5/2008 (10249512) WOR P253 (10249439) *SOLD BY THE STRAW (5 X $)* Past herd sire of Wetherell Farm. Cyrus was the heart and soul or our breeding program for 4 years. In our first year of showing, it was common to receive comments that we needed more muscling, width and depth of body. We went in search of a buck that could help provide those attributes and Cyrus joined our farm at the age of 6 months and from the very beginning he started providing just what we were looking for. His offspring have earned over 240 points and are now are the best foundation does on our farm. Not only has his offspring been successful but he himself was successful in the show ring as well. Cyrus accumulated 132 of his own points including Illinois State Fair Grand Champion, 2011 NAILE Grand Champion and a 4th place in the national show. Lot # 54 Sex: Fullblood Doe-with Kids At Side Sire STAR E RANCH HONEY BADGER (10571928) Consignor: STAR E RANCH D.O.B. 12/02/2011 Bidder: $ JRA1 AGNEW'S COLLATERAL DAMAGE *ENNOBLED* 2/2006 (10296606) 2DOX CD'S SALUTE *ENNOBLED* 5/2009 (10370125) 2DOX GO GIRL *ENNOBLED* 2/2008 (10307894) AABG STATUS QUO *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10423489) TLB T333 RIPPER *ENNOBLED* 2/2008 (10276652) AABG RIPPIN BRASS *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10363742) ASH CREEK BARBIE BRASS *ENNOBLED* 12/2009 (10245998) Dam TLB T333 RIPPER *ENNOBLED* 2/2008 (10276652) ANR WIDE LOAD *ENNOBLED* 9/2009 (10375287) DSM 4B137 *ENNOBLED* 5/2008 (10291572) AABG NBD OUTA DIS WORLD (I-10504145) POWELL/HOLMAN 231P *ENNOBLED* 11/2005 (10151853) AABG NBD CROWD PLEASER *ENNOBLED* 2/2009 (10223612) BNZ LYDIA *ENNOBLED* 7/2005 (10199236) NATIONAL CHAMPION 2005 *Pictured is the buck kid that will sell with her*This doe has a who’s who in the show world on her pedigree –Status Quo, Wide Load, Crowd Pleaser, Lydia, Ripper, Barbie Brass – if its one of the good ones from the Duncan’s then this doe probably has it on her pedigree! To top it off she will sell with kids on her side sired by Back Country A3 Hot Stuff owned by Evie Gates. *UPDATE* Honey Badger had twins (doe/buck) 2/25/14. Unfortunately the doe died but she will sell with the buck kid on her side. Lot # 55 Sex: Fullblood Doe Sire ROLLIN R CHERISH ME (10605123) Consignor: ROLLIN R FARMS D.O.B. 2/13/2013 Bidder: $ 2DOX CD'S SALUTE *ENNOBLED* 5/2009 (10370125) AABG STATUS QUO *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10423489) AABG RIPPIN BRASS *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10363742) AABG NBD HYTECH *ENNOBLED* 11/2013 (10486407) TLB T333 RIPPER *ENNOBLED* 2/2008 (10276652) AABG FSE ON THE MONEY HONEY (10427480) FSE 6056 JORDANIA (10341650) Dam EGGS MARKS THE SPOT (10094819) AUSTIN'S P14 (10151540) DSM 0B164 (10123570) AUSTIN'S X05 (10488597) DOW2 J43 (10000388) DOWNEN K218 (10059397) DOW2 H50 (96201007) A beautiful light headed doe with an extremely large frame and open chest floor. If you are looking to add some size to your herd, this doe will not disappoint! Lot # 56 Sex: Fullblood Doe Consignor: BREEZY OAKS BOER GOATS D.O.B. 3/19/2013 Sire Bidder: $ RRD RUGER T307 *ENNOBLED* 12/2007 (10269132) RRD AMMO V704 *ENNOBLED* 4/2009 (10321932) RRD T257 (10269014) BOBG WINSOME (10612039) BACK 2 NATURE POLAR EXPRESS *ENNOBLED* 5/2010 (10420080) JRA1 AGNEW'S CASH REWARD *ENNOBLED* 8/2007 (10243261) 2EBG MONEY PENNY (10325734) SGF M162 CHAKODA CAT (10099205) Dam BDF ANOTHER NOTCH *ENNOBLED* 1/2008 (10226391) M4R LEWIS CREEK BONO *ENNOBLED* 11/2009 (10367364) RRD R840 *ENNOBLED* 2/2009 (10180820) BOBG IMA LONG TALL SALLIE (10603664) S2 IDIOT PROOF (10398832) BSA IMA PAISLEY (10494069) BSA IMAFLIRT (10317890) Winnie is possible the longest bodied doe we have ever raised. She has a strong head that blends beautifully into a long elegant neck. She is show correct with 2x2 teats. Another AI baby out of Polar Express going back to our son’s doe from A Bar Boer Goats in Texas. Lot # 57 Sex: Fullblood Doe Consignor: BEAR CREEK Bidder: BOERS D.O.B. 3/27/2013 Sire $ 2DOX CD'S SALUTE *ENNOBLED* 5/2009 (10370125) AABG STATUS QUO *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10423489) BEAR CREEK BC C733 MEGAN'S DREAM AABG RIPPIN BRASS *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10363742) JESTER AABG STEAM ROLLER *ENNOBLED* 6/2013 (10491931) RIVER RIDGE'S CADILLAC (10342689) RIVER RIDGE'S W741 (10482897) EGGSCLUSIVE R899 *ENNOBLED* 6/2006 (10211039) Dam TLB T333 RIPPER *ENNOBLED* 2/2008 (10276652) TLB 9004 (10459160) TLB R270 (10223131) BEAR CREEK BC Z428 MEGAN (10499534) DSM BILLY BOB (10033657) DSM 3B2 (10198428) RMR-SA-KALEDISCOPE (10020444) Megans Dream has just turned 1 year old. She was a twin, has 1 teat on left and 1 teat on the right with a fork up high, good bite. She has a beautiful head and horn set, and deep massive body that follows. Her AABG Status Quo; TLB T333 Ripper and DSM 3B2 genetics should cross well with your Bucks. Lot # 58 Sex: 75% Percentage Doe Consignor: THORNRIDGE D.O.B. 1/25/2012 Sire Bidder: $ GHUT V055 *ENNOBLED* 10/2012 (10344191) TH -ORF CHAOS (10468175) THOR 1223 (10603632) TH V6123 *ENNOBLED* 10/2012 (10338394) AABG TOTAL CHAOS (10535726) POWELL/HOLMAN 2SIS 151N *ENNOBLED* 8/2007 (10114882) S2 CLASSIC ATTRACTION (10225384) S2 DEMI *ENNOBLED* 5/2005 (10078146) Dam DOWNEN DESIGN 19 *ENNOBLED* 12/2006 (10249586) DOWNEN T138 BOILERMAKER (10316038) FSE DOWNEN S2 (10263470) SAFD HOPE (10392643) (BOER X) This doe is something that sets apart our breeding program from others. We can make these fullblood type breeding stock does that still have a lot of versatility within the industry, right alongside our wether type females. 1223 is a great big two year old that is long and feminine up front, wide chested, deep and bold sprung in her rib and carrying plenty of dimension to get along in the ring or be noticed in the front pasture. Lot # 59 Sex: Fullblood Buck Consignor: ANDERSON- Bidder: FRASER BOER GOATS D.O.B. 12/05/2013 Sire $ TH V6232 (10337372) 2DOX ROYAL FLUSH *ENNOBLED* 6/2013 (10485009) 2DOX CONFECTION (10450626) AFB2 LOYAL MFR1 2DOX ROYAL COLORS (10556073) ROYAL (10641454) SWE MAIN EVENT *ENNOBLED* 3/2009 (10354302) 2DOX SPLENDA *ENNOBLED* 6/2013 (10495863) 2DOX SUGER TIME *ENNOBLED* 10/2012 (10409695) Dam TH THE BIG CAT *ENNOBLED* 12/2009 (10281950) WARD 'S CAT IN THE HAT X111 *ENNOBLED* 11/2010 (10452729) RRD VALENTINE CANDY W995 *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10368850) AABG NBD FIRST LUV (10538482) AABG STATUS QUO *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10423489) AABG NBD LUV AT FIRST SIGHT (10500767) AABG NBD GOOD RIP (10323882) He's our pick from our December flush of AABG NBD First Luv and MFRI 2DOX Royal Colors. Same as always-square, wide, long necked, and pretty headed. You want a pretty buck? Loyal Royal is it! Lot # 60 Sex: Fullblood DoeExposed Consignor: WETHERELL Bidder: FARM D.O.B. 1/27/2012 Sire $ S2 CAPTAIN MARVEL *ENNOBLED* 11/2009 (10322488) NF13 TOUGH ALL OVER (10491941) WTRL HOMBRE'S GIRL WTRL EL HOMBRE (10541189) (10595300) BIG2 ROSE (10321206) RAWHIDE CYRUS *ENNOBLED* 8/2010 (10419573) WTRL MILEY (10472186) TRI-QUEST V30 (10388331) Dam RAWHIDE ZEPPELIN *ENNOBLED* 5/2009 (10334535) RAWHIDE CYRUS *ENNOBLED* 8/2010 (10419573) RAWHIDE MARLEY (10310438) WTRL SHE'S ALL THAT (10491450) TRI-QUEST AKEE (10023142) TRI-QUEST V30 (10388331) WCQ TRI-QUEST ALEASE (10166386) This is a line bred doe from a Rawhide Cyrus daughter and a buck that we lost way too soon. She sells exposed to 2013 NAILE Grand Champion Buck, WTRL Whatever. Lot # 61 Sex: 50% Percentage Doe Consignor: HILL TOP FARM D.O.B. 4/19/2013 Sire JMAH RED VELVET (10631547) Bidder: $ C S B RUGER RELOADED *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10405280) C S B MAXIMUM IMPACT *ENNOBLED* 6/2012 (10469836) RRD SMOKIN HOT *ENNOBLED* 9/2010 (10378775) BDK2 AABG GIMME A BLONDE (10553349) AABG KICKIN' BRASS *ENNOBLED* 11/2009 (10406942) BDK2 AABG BLONDES HAVE MORE FUN (10459314) AABG LA'S FEMME FATALE (10317119) Dam BOER X Red Velvet is a ½ blood doe who shows extreme thickness and length of body. This s a power full doe who will make a splash in the ½ blood class. Lot # 62 Sex: Fullblood Doe AFB2 WHAT A DIVA (10593478) Consignor: STAR E RANCH D.O.B. 7/25/2012 Sire Bidder: $ AABG STATUS QUO *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10423489) JESTER AABG STEAM ROLLER *ENNOBLED* 6/2013 (10491931) RIVER RIDGE'S W741 (10482897) AFB2 WHAT SHE NEEDS *ENNOBLED* 6/2013 (10544775) FSE 3091 (10188159) RWF L.D.B (10543581) RWF GEORGIE (10231197) Dam RRD R898 CANNON *ENNOBLED* 6/2006 (10211111) 2DOX /AABG BOLD RUSH *ENNOBLED* 1/2009 (10370131) 2DOX SHEER ELEGANCE *ENNOBLED* 12/2006 (10216473) AABG BOLD PREDICTION (10466672) RRD GAUGE P529 *ENNOBLED* 7/2004 (10136756) AABG/LOID KEEPSAKE *ENNOBLED* 3/2009 (10264176) EGGS PALINA *ENNOBLED* 2/2006 (10191283) Another What daughter as good as the rest of them! Show correct! Lot # 63 Sex: 50% Percentage Doe Consignor: MKS LIVESTOCK D.O.B. 12/13/2013 Sire Bidder: $ HMB W238 (10431366) HBS ABSOLUTE (10553163) MKSL DIVINITY (10640316) HBS SCHAFER FARM'S W37 LADY PIEBALD (10552825) AABG NBD ON TARGET (10620589) PDF Z012 FULL PROOF (10512640) AABG NBD DROP DEAD GORGEOUS (10555217) AABG GOT TO BE GOOD (10538374) Dam WETHER DAM When we bought this does dam from Oklahoma, we knew she had to go in the pen with our Absolute buck. This mating did not disappoint!! This was a hard one to let go. Forearm, bone, rib shape, structural correctness and natural base width is present in person, as well as her picture. Near perfect in her lines, stout boned, big rack with a neck that comes high and neat out of her shoulder. She is ready to compliment the majority of the bucks being used today. She will be a very competitive market doe or down the line I expect her to be producing some awesome wethers! Don’t miss out on this amazing wether dam! Lot # 64 Sex: Fullblood Doe Sire FINLEY BOERS FUGITIVE (10607656) Consignor: FINLEY BOERS D.O.B. 3/03/2013 Bidder: $ AABG STATUS QUO *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10423489) AABG NBD SQUARE ONE *ENNOBLED* 1/2012 (10497427) AABG NBD LADY DI (10460316) 2M BOER GOATS DILLINGER (10556764) LCBG LEWIS CREEK STING *ENNOBLED* 11/2009 (10367359) 2M BOER GOATS Z-117 (10494683) FSE 7042 PROMENADE (10391292) Dam LSBG N1401 *ENNOBLED* 8/2007 (10105808) TH THE BIG CAT *ENNOBLED* 12/2009 (10281950) TH N1138 (10111869) WARD 'S HERE KITTY KITTY X110 (10452730) RRD RUGER T307 *ENNOBLED* 12/2007 (10269132) RRD VALENTINE CANDY W995 *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10368850) RRD T371 (10269043) A long bodied big topped doe with a pedigree that speaks for itself. Her sire has 96 progeny points and is a son of Square One *Ennobled. Her dam is a flushmate to the great buck Ward's Cat In The Hat *Ennobled. This doe is bred to do it all. Her teats are 2x2 clean and her mouth is correct. Lot # 65 Sex: 50% Percentage Doe Consignor: R1 BOER GOATS D.O.B. 12/07/2013 Sire Bidder: $ KELLY'S CURLY POINT TAKEN DOWNEN/ S2 TAG 409 R1 SUDDEN IMPACT NK CHATROOM V351 NK X93 NK SUM DOT Dam BFMG KID ROCK (10271873) BFMG SUGAR RAY (10392867) BFMG T512 (10271876) BFMG X091 (10478681) BDF VOO DOO (10194483) BFMG T512 (10271876) GHBG S86 (10225671) This is another half-blood show-quality doe, this one in a younger package. Sudden Impact is the same breeding as the tag 401 doe, but was from the spring of 2012. This doe’s dam is a Sugar Ray x 512 from Bronc Fleming. This doe should make a great summer show project for a youth, then turn her around and put her in your herd or keep her open and show her as a yearling. Lot # 66 Sex: Fullblood Doe D.O.B. 12/05/2013 Consignor: ANDERSON- Bidder: FRASER BOER GOATS $ JESTER AABG STEAM ROLLER *ENNOBLED* 6/2013 (10491931) Sire AFB2 WHAT SHE NEEDS *ENNOBLED* 6/2013 (10544775) AFB2 RWF L.D.B (10543581) WHATEVERS GIRL WTRL WHATEVER (10562576) (10641442) RAWHIDE CYRUS *ENNOBLED* 8/2010 (10419573) WTRL HOT CHIC (10496760) TRI-QUEST HAKARA (10258694) Dam TLB T333 RIPPER *ENNOBLED* 2/2008 (10276652) ANR WIDE LOAD *ENNOBLED* 9/2009 (10375287) DSM 4B137 *ENNOBLED* 5/2008 (10291572) 2BBT RED ROSE (10535152) RRD -10B2B AK-47 *ENNOBLED* 5/2009 (10360231) 10B2B X088 *ENNOBLED* 9/2013 (10449074) MEIN - 10B2B - RUBY'S CHANTILLY LACE *ENNOBLED* 11/2009 (10371164) Dam-IL State Fair Overall Grand. Sire-NAILE Overall Grand. Well-built flush doe from a really good pairing. Show correct. Lot # 67 Sex: Fullblood Doe Consignor: WETHERELL Bidder: FARM D.O.B. 3/07/2013 $ JESTER AABG STEAM ROLLER *ENNOBLED* 6/2013 (10491931) Sire AFB2 WHAT SHE NEEDS *ENNOBLED* 6/2013 (10544775) WTRL WHAT ABOUT ME (10602330) RWF L.D.B (10543581) WTRL WHATEVER (10562576) RAWHIDE CYRUS *ENNOBLED* 8/2010 (10419573) WTRL HOT CHIC (10496760) TRI-QUEST HAKARA (10258694) Dam 2DOX CD'S SALUTE *ENNOBLED* 5/2009 (10370125) AABG STIMULUS PACKAGE (10457480) AABG RIPPIN BRASS *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10363742) S G R PACKAGE'S DONE DEAL (10535590) BACK 2 NATURE POLAR EXPRESS *ENNOBLED* 5/2010 (10420080) S G R MISS POLAR (10474407) S G R NITRO'S HEARTBREAKER *ENNOBLED* 4/2010 (10320047) A slow maturing flush doe that is show correct. She is sired by the 2013 NAILE Grand Champion Buck, WTRL Whatever. Lot # 68 Sex: 50% Percentage Doewith Kids At Side D.O.B. 12/25/2012 Sire Consignor: STAR E RANCH Bidder: $ JRA1 AGNEW'S BO-HOWDY *ENNOBLED* 1/2006 (10179494) D C W -BO JANGLE *ENNOBLED* 3/2008 (10306381) NATIONAL CHAMPION 2006 STAR E RANCH JANGLE'S BELLE TRC1 A400 (10546069) (10605143) DCW LEXUS *ENNOBLED* 12/2006 (10219339) RRD AMMO V704 *ENNOBLED* 4/2009 (10321932) RKBJ T F'S CHLOE (10457625) TRI F FARMS V09 (10319835) Dam BOER X Show correct 50% doe with AMMO and DCW BO JANGLE bloodlines. Add in kids sired by AFB2 What She Needs *ENNOBLED* and you have all the best in one complete package! If these kids grow up to be anything like all the other WHAT kids we have seen you better not be sleeping when she comes in the ring! *UPDATE* Jangle's Belle had twins (buck/doe) on 3/2/14! Lot # 69 Sex: Fullblood Bucks D.O.B. Consignor: DIEMERS HILL Bidder: TOP BOER GOATS $ Sire BOER *SEMEN* DIEMERS SEMEN PACKAGE Dam BOER *SOLD BY THE STRAW (45 X $)* WOW, look at this opportunity here! 45 straws of semen: 10 straws EGGS RYALS Magnum *Ennobled 10 straws RRD Gunsmoke *Ennobled 2004 National Reserve Champion Senior Buck 10 straws RRD Remington *Ennobled 10 straws RRD Remfire *Ennobled 5 straws RM 50 Sugar Rey *Ennobled 2011 National Champion Buck. Lot # 70 Consignor: ROLLIN R FARM Sex: Unregistered-Bred Doe D.O.B. 3/2010 Bidder: $ Sire BIG RED BOER X Dam BOER X This doe has raised several great percentage kids for us. We are keeping a doeling out of her for our percentage program. She sells confirmed bred to AABG NBD Hytech *ENNOBLED* Exposed 12/1-29/2013. Lot # 71 Sex: 98% Purebred Doe Consignor: HILL TOP FARM D.O.B. 12/24/2013 Sire Bidder: $ C S B RUGER RELOADED *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10405280) C S B MAXIMUM IMPACT *ENNOBLED* 6/2012 (10469836) RRD SMOKIN HOT *ENNOBLED* 9/2010 (10378775) RMA2 NOELLE (10636875) BDK2 AABG GIMME A BLONDE (10553349) AABG KICKIN' BRASS *ENNOBLED* 11/2009 (10406942) BDK2 AABG BLONDES HAVE MORE FUN (10459314) AABG LA'S FEMME FATALE (10317119) Dam BMB SHADOW (I-10526129) *DARTH SHADOW ELR (*I06159134) SILK MYSTIQUE ELR (I-10515984) 1AA HTF FILLING (10485708) CHOCOLATE DROP (10304754) HACKBERRY HILL JMAS CHERRY TOPPING (10426441) JMAS TOPPER (10353621) Noelle is a hard doe to let leave the farm. She has the whole package; a long neck, tremendous thickness in her top and she also carries great rib shape. She is the full-sister to Savanah Hughes’ do who was 2nd in her class at the 2013 Illinois State Fair. This young doe will be a great show prospect. Lot # 72 Sex: 99% Purebred Doe D.O.B. 1/02/2014 Sire Consignor: BURRIS SHOW GOATS Bidder: $ C S B MAXIMUM IMPACT *ENNOBLED* 6/2012 (10469836) BDK2 AABG GIMME A BLONDE (10553349) ABMG DOUBLE TROUBLE (10636733) BDK2 AABG BLONDES HAVE MORE FUN (10459314) RMA2 FINAL DESTINATION (10597628) *DARTH SHADOW ELR (*I06159134) 1AA HTF FILLING (10485708) HACKBERRY HILL JMAS CHERRY TOPPING (10426441) Dam DEA POW WOW (10469205) HUNT AH WHATS UP (10524626) D C W B2N BOO R U (10420068) HUNT AH DOUBLE DIP (10570413) JRNBG SHILOH RAMBO *ENNOBLED* 1/2012 (10427506) HUNT AH DOUBLE STUFF (10523941) BACK 2 NATURE ANIKA (10420070) This doe out of RMA2 Final Destination is one we should be keeping to replace some does. But we feel she is sale worthy. A long bodied wide based doe that should be able to be competitive in the show ring and in the pasture. Lot # 73 Sex: Fullblood Doe Consignor: ANDERSON- Bidder: FRASER BOER GOATS D.O.B. 12/05/2013 $ JESTER AABG STEAM ROLLER *ENNOBLED* 6/2013 (10491931) Sire AFB2 WHAT SHE NEEDS *ENNOBLED* 6/2013 (10544775) RWF L.D.B (10543581) AFB2 MERCY ME WTRL WHATEVER (10562576) (10641455) RAWHIDE CYRUS *ENNOBLED* 8/2010 (10419573) WTRL HOT CHIC (10496760) TRI-QUEST HAKARA (10258694) Dam TLB T333 RIPPER *ENNOBLED* 2/2008 (10276652) ANR WIDE LOAD *ENNOBLED* 9/2009 (10375287) DSM 4B137 *ENNOBLED* 5/2008 (10291572) 2BBT RED ROSE (10535152) RRD -10B2B AK-47 *ENNOBLED* 5/2009 (10360231) 10B2B X088 *ENNOBLED* 9/2013 (10449074) MEIN - 10B2B - RUBY'S CHANTILLY LACE *ENNOBLED* 11/2009 (10371164) Dam-IL State Fair Overall Grand. Sire-NAILE Overall Grand. Really nice made doe. This was a big flush for us. Show correct. Lot # 74 Sex: 50% Percentage Doe- D.O.B. 2/01/2011 Exposed Consignor: WETHERELL Bidder: FARM $ JRA1 AGNEW'S COLLATERAL DAMAGE *ENNOBLED* 2/2006 (10296606) Sire CLD1 TANGLETREES SERIOUS DAMAGE *ENNOBLED* 1/2008 (10310713) SBFBG DAISY (10530980) JRA1 AGNEW'S MARIAH *ENNOBLED* 5/2009 (10220895) RRL LAZY RAVEN SUNDANCE *ENNOBLED* 6/2011 (10418379) RHF GOLIATH (10151544) AUSTIN'S MARTHA (10281211) 125 MINCEY N101 (10131988) Dam BOER X 50% all white doe (with a small spot on her shoulder), exposed to 2013 NAILE Grand Champion Buck, WTRL Whatever. Lot # 75 Sex: 50% Percentage Doew/ Kids At Side D.O.B. 6/02/2012 Sire STAR E RANCH VANITY FAIRE (10578295) Consignor: STAR E RANCH Bidder: $ AABG KICKIN' BRASS *ENNOBLED* 11/2009 (10406942) AABG KICKIN' ASSASIN (10447937) WH7 ABELINA 7B30 (10423566) STAR E RANCH HIT MAN (10548052) EDSR GUS *ENNOBLED* 1/2005 (10159266) NATIONAL CHAMPION 2004 DSM 5B71 (10306783) *DSM NOVA (*900180111 SA) Dam (OTHER) Vanity is an eye-catching solid white doe who comes with 11 ABGA show points including 2 reserve division and 1 overall reserve grand champion wins. She sells with kids sired by AFB2 What She Needs *Ennobled*. I don’t need to sell you on this one, you will know by looking that these kids will rock! Lot # 76 Sex: 50% Percentage Doe Consignor: MKS LIVESTOCK D.O.B. 12/09/2013 Sire Bidder: $ RAWHIDE ZEPPELIN *ENNOBLED* 5/2009 (10334535) RAWHIDE CYRUS *ENNOBLED* 8/2010 (10419573) RAWHIDE MARLEY (10310438) MKSL JILLY WTRL NIHILATOR (10541338) BEAN (10640309) AJBG RUEHL BREAKER *ENNOBLED* 1/2010 (10388151) JRA1 AGNEW FASH-N-STATE-MINT (I-10493020) DMBR RAD'S S657 SASSY NEW YORKER (10251010) Dam BOER X Long, extended, and feminine. Don’t miss her! Lot # 77 Sex: 50% Percentage Doe Consignor: BREEZY OAKS BOER GOATS D.O.B. 12/08/2012 Sire Bidder: $ 2DOX CD'S SALUTE *ENNOBLED* 5/2009 (10370125) AABG STATUS QUO *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10423489) BOBG ABBY (10603666) AABG RIPPIN BRASS *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10363742) AABG JBG7 POWER PLANT (10545402) RIVER RIDGE'S CADILLAC (10342689) RIVER RIDGE'S W741 (10482897) EGGSCLUSIVE R899 *ENNOBLED* 6/2006 (10211039) Dam BOER X Abby comes right out of our percentage show string and consistently placed near the top for us last year. She is out of our herd sire Power Plant and an all white unregistered doe that goes back to Dahnke breeding. Her teats are 2 x 1 with a small non-functional. Lot # 78 Consignor: THORNRIDGE Sex: 87.5% Percentage Doe D.O.B. 2/10/2013 Sire Bidder: $ BFMG SUGAR RAY (10392867) BFMG LANDSHARK (10478672) THOR 51328 (10637916) TH S4138 *ENNOBLED* 6/2007 (10229409) BFMG OUTER LIMITS (10482068) LSBG GRANITE (10084136) GHBG S86 (10225671) GHBG R49 (10194450) Dam TLB T333 RIPPER *ENNOBLED* 2/2008 (10276652) AABG AUP THOR RIP VAN WINKLE (10393647) AABG NBD MONEY MAKER (10266628) THOR KATIE WANTS A FAST ONE (10473957) DER T12 (10259938) SAFD V163 (10403242) (BOER X) 1328 has been the talk of Thornridge for the past two or three months. The talk has been if we made one this good why sell her? The only answer is ….. Because she is a rock star! This doe comes from the best doe line on the farm (V163 – Grand % Doe Illinois State Fair 2008) and is an Outer Limits daughter, both proven lines that work. She is freaky fronted, long down her spine, has a huge hip and is level enough to eat your lunch off of and never drop a grape. 1328 will make any breeding/wether program better. Plus this doe will be crazy competitive in the ring, if you want some nice photos with big banners and sterling in them to put in your next ad, you better trailer this one back to your farm. Lot # 79 Sex: Unregistered Wether Buck Consignor: R1 BOER GOATS D.O.B. 12/13/2013 Sire Bidder: $ 900 KELLY'S CURLY TAG 405 ELVIS/IBEX POINT TAKEN DOWNEN '10 IN SF CHAMP % DOE S2 S10 Dam KALR SLY SURPRISE S8 (10226074) NK TOAD KILLER (10273086) NK S87 (10230529) NK V293 (10466272) HMB S65 (10228650) NK T84 (10284292) NK 189-03 (10213831) If you’re a big fan of breed standards, you probably shouldn’t stop by this guy’s pen. If you are looking for a buck with a big top, bigger hip, and cocky look, then go ahead and stop by. This buck is by our Curly son and out of a brute of a Norman Kohl’s Toad Killer daughter. This buck is super cool made and stout enough and tight-hided enough that you can breed him several ways. He is enough of an outcross that you shouldn’t have many issues anywhere. I’d put him on a set of bigger bodied, stouter featured, looser made does and wait five months. Lot # 80 Sex: 98% Purebred Doe Consignor: HILL TOP FARM D.O.B. 4/08/2013 Sire Bidder: $ C S B RUGER RELOADED *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10405280) C S B MAXIMUM IMPACT *ENNOBLED* 6/2012 (10469836) RRD SMOKIN HOT *ENNOBLED* 9/2010 (10378775) RMA2 CARMELLO BDK2 AABG GIMME A BLONDE (10553349) (10625679) AABG KICKIN' BRASS *ENNOBLED* 11/2009 (10406942) BDK2 AABG BLONDES HAVE MORE FUN (10459314) AABG LA'S FEMME FATALE (10317119) Dam BMB SHADOW (I-10526129) *DARTH SHADOW ELR (*I06159134) SILK MYSTIQUE ELR (I-10515984) 1AA HTF FILLING (10485708) CHOCOLATE DROP (10304754) HACKBERRY HILL JMAS CHERRY TOPPING (10426441) JMAS TOPPER (10353621) Carmello is a full-sister to Savanah Hughes’ do who was 2nd in her class at the 2013 Illinois State Fair. This doe has tremendous thickness and depth and she has the bone to carry the entire package. Her sire is BDK2ABG Gimme a Blonde who has produced many champions for us at Hilltop Farms. Lot # 81 Sex: Fullblood Doe WTRL CENTERFOLD (10638009) Consignor: WETHERELL Bidder: FARM D.O.B. 3/13/2013 $ JESTER AABG STEAM ROLLER *ENNOBLED* 6/2013 (10491931) Sire AFB2 WHAT SHE NEEDS *ENNOBLED* 6/2013 (10544775) RWF L.D.B (10543581) WTRL WHATEVER (10562576) RAWHIDE CYRUS *ENNOBLED* 8/2010 (10419573) WTRL HOT CHIC (10496760) TRI-QUEST HAKARA (10258694) Dam RRD T565 (10298632) RRD W6 SNIPER (10378339) RRD T629 (10303024) 3TF 048 COVER GIRL (10595339) COATES&HADLEY CLASSIC RAM R113 (10206515) LG BOERS CLASSY GIRL 562 (10278593) COW CREEK SASSY GIRL (10207010) A thick made doe sired by the 2013 NAILE Grand Champion Buck, WTRL Whatever. Lot # 82 Sex: 50% Percentage Doewith Kids At Side Sire STAR E RANCH KNOCKIN' ON HEAVENS DOOR (10571924) Consignor: STAR E RANCH D.O.B. 2/24/2012 Bidder: $ RYALS TOPBRASS *ENNOBLED 2001* (10043943) S G R BUILT TOUGH *ENNOBLED* 5/2009 (10373154) DER EGGS 91 *ENNOBLED* 2/2008 (10332013) WARD KNOCK OUT (10498297) TC1 THE PLAYA (10321568) WARD PLAYA'S PRETTY GIRL (10474413) S G R WARD/SUNSHINE DRESSED TO IMPRESS (10405107) Dam (OTHER) This WARD Knockout daughter is powerful with a pretty head and long beautiful neck. She is show correct. Her kids are sired by AFB2 What She Needs *Ennobled* and if they look half as good as the kids we already have on the ground they will take you to the purple! *UPDATE* Sold with a single buck kid born 3/23/2014. Lot # 83 Sex: Fullblood Doe Consignor: FINLEY BOERS D.O.B. 9/07/2012 Sire Bidder: $ C S B RUGER RELOADED *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10405280) TST1 WHITE LIGHTNING (10459034) TST1 PRAIRIE SAPPHIRE *ENNOBLED* 4/2010 (10407967) CCB4 SPECIAL BOC TUMBLEWEED'S LIGHTNING BOLT (10549036) LADY (10594444) SHOWTIME'S BO'S HOT SHOT *ENNOBLED* 4/2010 (10300690) BOC TUMBLEWEED'S CHANTILLY (10459667) ASH CREEK GRACIE *ENNOBLED* 8/2012 (10406295) Dam RRD -10B2B AK-47 *ENNOBLED* 5/2009 (10360231) 10B2B RRD LONG RANGE *ENNOBLED* 6/2011 (10423778) LL581 CASPER *ENNOBLED* 6/2010 (10310318) RRD A431 (10539522) RRD GAUGE P529 *ENNOBLED* 7/2004 (10136756) EGGS RRD NEW LOOK LADY X131 (10452511) HC HIGH C EGGS W756 (10439003) This Long Range *EN granddaughter is a powerful yet elegant doe. She is wide from front to back with a long feminine neck. The doe will have kids on her side at sale time sired by our show buck AFB2 Flash Over an MFR1 2DOX Royal Colors son. Her bite is correct and teats are 2x2 clean. See our website at www.finleyboers.com for updates. Lot # 84 Sex: Fullblood Doe Consignor: ROLLIN R FARMS D.O.B. 1/28/2014 Sire Bidder: $ 2DOX CD'S SALUTE *ENNOBLED* 5/2009 (10370125) AABG STATUS QUO *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10423489) ROLLIN R DESIREE (10640588) AABG RIPPIN BRASS *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10363742) AABG NBD HYTECH *ENNOBLED* 11/2013 (10486407) TLB T333 RIPPER *ENNOBLED* 2/2008 (10276652) AABG FSE ON THE MONEY HONEY (10427480) FSE 6056 JORDANIA (10341650) Dam NK CADILLAC STYLE (10227791) NK ALLUSIVE SCAR (10280733) NK N-162=9 (10125010) BOEN SWEET VICTORY RAQUEL (10398715) *SENOR ROJO (*034160103) P F F RUBY (10398708) *PFF'S LOTTA RED (*024461018) Young doeling that is long bodied and femine head. Lot # 85 Sex: Fullblood Doe Consignor: HILL TOP FARM D.O.B. 1/06/2014 Sire Bidder: $ C S B RUGER RELOADED *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10405280) C S B MAXIMUM IMPACT *ENNOBLED* 6/2012 (10469836) RMA2 TORREY (10639603) RRD SMOKIN HOT *ENNOBLED* 9/2010 (10378775) BDK2 AABG GIMME A BLONDE (10553349) AABG KICKIN' BRASS *ENNOBLED* 11/2009 (10406942) BDK2 AABG BLONDES HAVE MORE FUN (10459314) AABG LA'S FEMME FATALE (10317119) Dam T F 'S VALIN (10405465) ANDERSON/FRASERBOERS AVATAR (10490357) BACK 2 NATURE MAPIYA (10420688) RMA2 CORINE (10547557) RAWHIDE CYRUS *ENNOBLED* 8/2010 (10419573) WTRL Y45 NIBBLES (10485707) TRI-QUEST J-LO (10290803) Torrey is just a January baby but don't let that fool you! She is loaded with muscle and eye appeal. Torrey is out of Gimme A Blonde and Corine that this cross has never failed to produce a CHAMPION!! Lot # 86 Sex: Fullblood Buck D.O.B. 12/13/2013 Consignor: ANDERSON- Bidder: FRASER BOER GOATS $ JESTER AABG STEAM ROLLER *ENNOBLED* 6/2013 (10491931) Sire AFB2 WHAT SHE NEEDS *ENNOBLED* 6/2013 (10544775) AFB2 QUICK FIX (10641441) RWF L.D.B (10543581) WTRL WHATEVER (10562576) RAWHIDE CYRUS *ENNOBLED* 8/2010 (10419573) WTRL HOT CHIC (10496760) TRI-QUEST HAKARA (10258694) Dam TLB T333 RIPPER *ENNOBLED* 2/2008 (10276652) ANR WIDE LOAD *ENNOBLED* 9/2009 (10375287) DSM 4B137 *ENNOBLED* 5/2008 (10291572) 2BBT RED ROSE (10535152) RRD -10B2B AK-47 *ENNOBLED* 5/2009 (10360231) 10B2B X088 *ENNOBLED* 9/2013 (10449074) MEIN - 10B2B - RUBY'S CHANTILLY LACE *ENNOBLED* 11/2009 (10371164) Dam-IL State Fair Overall Grand. Sire-NAILE Overall Grand. If you are lucky enough to end up with this buck, I promise you two things: you will not be sorry when you get your hands on him and he will make you smile every time you walk by him in his pen. Lot # 87 Sex: 50% Percentage Doe D.O.B. 4/06/2013 Bidder: $ CLD1 TANGLETREES SERIOUS DAMAGE *ENNOBLED* 1/2008 (10310713) Sire STAR E RANCH 3TF GOT A SPOT (10616864) Consignor: STAR E RANCH RRL LAZY RAVEN SUNDANCE *ENNOBLED* 6/2011 (10418379) AUSTIN'S MARTHA (10281211) 3TF HI ALTITUDE (10532088) SWE MAIN EVENT *ENNOBLED* 3/2009 (10354302) 2DOX OUT OF REACH (10467645) S G R SOUTHERN BRASS (10323104) Dam BOER X Got a love for those fancy spots? This showy little red doe carries the spotted genetics from her Nubian cross dam! She has exceeded my expectations with her bone, depth, and dead-on top line! We bought her with the intentions of breeding her to AFB2 Doc Holiday but she shouldn’t disappoint no matter what buck you pair her with! She is show correct! Lot # 88 Sex: Fullblood Doe-Bred Consignor: WETHERELL Bidder: FARM D.O.B. 1/03/2009 $ P/H BINGO'S CLASSIC THRILLER *ENNOBLED* 3/2007 (10199352) Sire BIG2 SMOOTH CRIMINAL *ENNOBLED* 5/2008 (10316730) BIG2 Y2 (10462252) DSM SQUAW *ENNOBLED* 9/2007 (10178338) BIG2 SMOKIN GUN *SIRE OF MERIT* 11/2012 (10377516) NK SMOKIN GUN (10227794) KALR SMOKIN' BABE V48 (10341113) NK 157-04 (10229749) POWELL/HOLMAN 2SIS 139N BINGO *ENNOBLED* (10107345) NATIONAL CHAMPION 2002 Dam P/H BINGO'S CLASSIC THRILLER *ENNOBLED* 3/2007 (10199352) POWELL/HOLMAN 203N *ENNOBLED* 8/2006 (10151899) BIG2 CORINE (10272835) FSE 0015 PONCHO (10128337) FSE 2081 CELINA (10143121) FSE 0232 RENA *ENNOBLED* 8/2007 (10095761) This is a nice doe that has thrown color and a nice show doe for us. She sells confirmed bred to 2013 NAILE Grand Champion Buck, WTRL Whatever. Lot # 89 Sex: 50% Percentage Doe Sire MKSL EMERALD (10640315) Consignor: MKS LIVESTOCK D.O.B. 12/13/2013 Bidder: $ RAWHIDE ZEPPELIN *ENNOBLED* 5/2009 (10334535) RAWHIDE CYRUS *ENNOBLED* 8/2010 (10419573) RAWHIDE MARLEY (10310438) WTRL NIHILATOR (10541338) AJBG RUEHL BREAKER *ENNOBLED* 1/2010 (10388151) JRA1 AGNEW FASH-N-STATE-MINT (I-10493020) DMBR RAD'S S657 SASSY NEW YORKER (10251010) Dam T F'S SAMUEL (10457621) HNRXN PRAIRIES EDGE L.B. (10548370) LMCS COW GIRL TRACY KAY (10477233) MKSL BUNETTAS PEARL BODACIOUS S212 (10222315) HRB BUNETTA (10449152) 50K MARIE (10231730) Nice wether dam here. Long, thick, and pretty. Lot # 90 Sex: Fullblood Doe-Bred Sire RMA2 SHINNING THRU THE MIST (10567173) Consignor: HILL TOP FARM D.O.B. 2/04/2012 Bidder: $ RRD P463 *ENNOBLED* 11/2004 (10136529) T F 'S VALIN (10405465) TF'S FIRST PICK (10307859) ANDERSON/FRASERBOERS AVATAR (10490357) M4R LEWIS CREEK BONO *ENNOBLED* 11/2009 (10367364) BACK 2 NATURE MAPIYA (10420688) B2N LE SE LAY BO TU ROULET (10234494) Dam RRD P636 (10159436) *DMBR RAD'S V357 (*07141050) DSM TOBIAS' PRINCESS (10044004) MST MISTY 08 (10444508) *OLDS COLLEGE OB503 (*I00322015) *MST 6M (*024200715) *OLDS COLLEGE 9B005 (*I00322049) Shining Thru the Mist is a maternal sister to the top selling doe in the 2013 Purple Ribbon Showcase sale. Mist is bred to ABGA Tidal Rave, who was the Grand Champion overall buck one day at the National Goat show in 2013. Bred on January 11, 2013 – confirmed pregnant. Lot # 91 Sex: 50% Percentage Doe D.O.B. 2/02/2013 Sire Consignor: THORNRIDGE Bidder: $ BFMG SUGAR RAY (10392867) BFMG LANDSHARK (10478672) THOR 51324 (10637915) TH S4138 *ENNOBLED* 6/2007 (10229409) BFMG OUTER LIMITS (10482068) LSBG GRANITE (10084136) GHBG S86 (10225671) GHBG R49 (10194450) Dam BOER X About five or six years ago I ran across an older gentleman at the Arthur Sale Barn and he was selling a handful of nice kids that day and we got talking and I ended up heading to his farm after the sale and found two of the best built, most rugged made does I had ever seen. We bought those two does and brought them home and they are the right kind of females. The kind of females that breed when you want, kid with no problems and raise high quality kids year in year out. 1324 is a newer model then her dam but don’t worry she has all the old options that we love. Plus this girl is awesome fronted, stout out of the backside of her shoulder, big hipped and has tons of body. I can tell you from experience that does bred like this are the money making kind. Lot # 92 Sex: Fullblood Doe D.O.B. 12/05/2013 Sire Consignor: ANDERSON- Bidder: FRASER BOER GOATS $ TH V6232 (10337372) 2DOX ROYAL FLUSH *ENNOBLED* 6/2013 (10485009) 2DOX CONFECTION (10450626) AFB2 ROYAL LUV MFR1 2DOX ROYAL COLORS (10556073) (10641440) SWE MAIN EVENT *ENNOBLED* 3/2009 (10354302) 2DOX SPLENDA *ENNOBLED* 6/2013 (10495863) 2DOX SUGER TIME *ENNOBLED* 10/2012 (10409695) Dam TH THE BIG CAT *ENNOBLED* 12/2009 (10281950) WARD 'S CAT IN THE HAT X111 *ENNOBLED* 11/2010 (10452729) RRD VALENTINE CANDY W995 *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10368850) AABG NBD FIRST LUV (10538482) AABG STATUS QUO *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10423489) AABG NBD LUV AT FIRST SIGHT (10500767) AABG NBD GOOD RIP (10323882) We spent good money on this little does dam (AABG NBD FIRST LUV) just for the extreme width in her front end. It paid off! All of her offspring are carbon copies and it didn’t hurt her a bit to flush her to MFRI 2DOX Royal Colors. Real good doe kid here. Lot # 93 Sex: Fullblood Doe BOBG RUBY TUESDAY (10638359) D.O.B. 1/21/2013 Sire Consignor: BREEZY OAKS BOER GOATS Bidder: $ 2DOX CD'S SALUTE *ENNOBLED* 5/2009 (10370125) AABG STATUS QUO *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10423489) AABG RIPPIN BRASS *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10363742) AABG JBG7 POWER PLANT (10545402) RIVER RIDGE'S CADILLAC (10342689) RIVER RIDGE'S W741 (10482897) EGGSCLUSIVE R899 *ENNOBLED* 6/2006 (10211039) Dam SWE MAIN EVENT *ENNOBLED* 3/2009 (10354302) 2DOX TOO CHROMED OUT (10487225) 2DOX IN A HEART BEAT (10313593) AJSB CHROME'S TOPAZ (10526490) RR1 REALLY RED (10269796) RR1 V5 (10350513) RR1 P30 (10157118) Ruby is a full sister to Crown Jewel and out of our herd sire Power Plant. Power has been siring winning wethers along with ultra-feminine, functional does. This doe combines both with the top for a great wether maker and the look of a show doe. If you are looking to raise your own wethers – check her out. Unfortunately her teats are not show correct. Lot # 94 Sex: Fullblood DoeExposed Consignor: WETHERELL Bidder: FARM D.O.B. 2/13/2011 Sire $ DER BO HUNK *ENNOBLED* 3/2007 (10254366) RAWHIDE ZEPPELIN *ENNOBLED* 5/2009 (10334535) WTRL BEYONCE (10639892) DQ DREAM QUEST DENA (10258403) RAWHIDE CYRUS *ENNOBLED* 8/2010 (10419573) R BO HUNK *ENNOBLED* 3/2007 (10254366) RAWHIDE MARLEY (10310438) WOR HEIDI *ENNOBLED* 5/2008 (10249512) Dam CCR EWING VALENTINO (10000386) WCQ TRI-QUEST HOGAN (10197724) TRI QUEST EUMARA (10003297) TRI-QUEST J-LO (10290803) TRI QUEST TOMKA (10051505) WCQ TRI QUEST JADE (10090234) DOWNEN L538 JEWELL (10055689) This is a doe that we sold as a kid and was able to recently get her back. She was not bred by previous owners but sells exposed 2013 NAILE Grand Champion Buck, WTRL Whatever. Lot # 95 Sex: Fullblood Doe Consignor: DIEMERS Bidder: HILL TOP BOER GOATS D.O.B. 3/12/2011 Sire $ LSBG N1401 *ENNOBLED* 8/2007 (10105808) TH THE BIG CAT *ENNOBLED* 12/2009 (10281950) TH N1138 (10111869) DHTBG KIT CAT (10537140) WARD 'S CAT IN THE HAT X111 *ENNOBLED* 11/2010 (10452729) RRD RUGER T307 *ENNOBLED* 12/2007 (10269132) RRD VALENTINE CANDY W995 *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10368850) RRD T371 (10269043) Dam RRD AMMO V704 *ENNOBLED* 4/2009 (10321932) BACK 2 NATURE POLAR EXPRESS *ENNOBLED* 5/2010 (10420080) 2EBG MONEY PENNY (10325734) LOVE'NM DYNAMITE *ENNOBLED* 9/2012 (10489735) JRA1 AGNEW'S COLLATERAL DAMAGE *ENNOBLED* 2/2006 (10296606) SHOW ME BOERS SPLASH OF BEAUTY *ENNOBLED* 11/2010 (10327643) SHOW ME BOERS SPLASH OF COLOR (10223856) This doe has accumulated 29 show points. She has passed both her ABGA visual inspections. She is an own daughter out of the 2010 National Grand Champion buck, Ward’s Cat in the Hat X111 *Ennobled and also goes back to Polar Express on the bottom side. She has won her class many times as a junior doe and has also earned some champion titles. She sells open and would be an excellent doe to put in someone’s breeding program. She is 2x2 clean teated. Lot # 96 Sex: Fullblood Doe Consignor: STAR E RANCH D.O.B. 3/12/2013 Bidder: $ STAR E RANCH Sire AABG STATUS QUO *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10423489) WHAT'S NOT TO JESTER AABG STEAM ROLLER *ENNOBLED* 6/2013 (10491931) LOVE? RIVER RIDGE'S W741 (10482897) AFB2 WHAT SHE NEEDS *ENNOBLED* 6/2013 (10544775) (10641179) FSE 3091 (10188159) RWF L.D.B (10543581) RWF GEORGIE (10231197) Dam RRD P603 MR. MONROE *ENNOBLED* 5/2007 (10159427) RRD /SER1 MONROE'S DOUBLE ACTION (10378340) RRD T607 (10303018) STAR E RANCH 2 HOT 2 HANDLE (10535792) ANR HOT COMMODITY *ENNOBLED* 9/2010 (10375286) STAR E RANCH IM A HOTTIE (10435214) 5STR 6001 (10401072) Everyone who sees this striking girl wants to take her home! She is super thick, super level, and exceedingly feminine! She was bottle raised and very friendly and we were waiting for 2013 for her show debut. Our loss is your gain – she should take you straight to the front of the class! Lot # 97 Sex: Fullblood Doe Consignor: BEAR CREEK BOERS D.O.B. 12/31/2013 Sire Bidder: $ 2DOX CD'S SALUTE *ENNOBLED* 5/2009 (10370125) AABG STATUS QUO *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10423489) AABG RIPPIN BRASS *ENNOBLED* 3/2010 (10363742) BEAR CREEK BC JESTER AABG STEAM ROLLER *ENNOBLED* 6/2013 (10491931) C752 HOTMAIL RIVER RIDGE'S CADILLAC (10342689) RIVER RIDGE'S W741 (10482897) (10639074) EGGSCLUSIVE R899 *ENNOBLED* 6/2006 (10211039) Dam TLB T333 RIPPER *ENNOBLED* 2/2008 (10276652) TLB 9004 (10459160) TLB R270 (10223131) BEAR CREEK BC Z431BARBIE (10499536) DSM RICHARD *ENNOBLED* 6/2006 (10154900) BEAR CREEK BC T99 (10270515) 7A+ GUADALUPE (10258655) Hotmail was a twin, she has 2 teats on each side and a good bite. Just 3 months and 3 weeks old, should make a great show project for 4-H/FFA kids. Her Dam has 3 points from very limited showing. Her Sire was the 2010 ABGA Reserve Grand Champion Buck.