The Providence Press - Providence Presbyterian Church


The Providence Press - Providence Presbyterian Church
The Providence Press
Providence Presbyterian Church
Volume 21: Issue 2  Greenville, SC 29611
February 2015
A rainbow is not just a symphony of colors sent to calm the storm in our souls;
it is a talk with God, a mysterious, miraculous conversation with God,
heart to heart, the very heart of God saying to our hearts:
“I remember I am your God.
Be my walking rainbows,
so that the whole world
will know to whom you belong,
for I am the God who keeps promises
and I have not forgotten our covenant.”
This is the hope of the church:
that God keeps promises.
The mission of the church is to
walk among the suffering and give,
for we are covenant keepers,
walking rainbows,
bringing the hope of the good news to the poor.
~ Ann Weems
Christian Education News –
Nurturing the Seeds of Faith
The Wednesday Bible study is amazing. If
you are not there you are missing an awesome
one this time! The book “You Lost Me” is a great
way to open conversations between the
generations and begin to intermingle with
people not in your “normal” group of church
friends. If you have not attended a session yet, I
promise you will not be disappointed when you
do….so get off that couch and come on Wed
nights. If you cannot drive at night and need a
ride, please let someone on CE know and we will
be happy to arrange transportation for you.
Our next study promises to be just as
awesome, “Jesus Bombs and Ice Cream”. Look
for a start date for this one in the near future.
In Christ, Suzanne Goodman, Elder
Finance & Stewardship
One less thing to forget for 2015
It’s easier than ever to be sure you don’t
forget your tithe on Sunday, or have to
remember to make it up when you’ve been away
for a week. If your bank offers on-line banking,
you can now set up your tithe to be paid from
your bank account automatically through your
banks “Bill Pay” option. You’ll just enter the
following information one time:
Payee: Providence Presbyterian Church
Address: 4000 Hwy 153
Greenville, SC 29611
And of course your tithe amount, as well as the
frequency of payment of the tithe (weekly,
Most banks also ask the account number
to which the payment/tithe should be applied.
It would be helpful to the Finance Committee
and Monday Morning Counters (MMC) if you
would put your tithe envelope number as the
account number.
There you go, one less thing to have to
remember each week!
Stewardship and Finance
A Great Lesson on Stress
A young lady confidently walked around
the room with a raised glass of water while
leading a seminar and explaining stress
management to her audience. Everyone knew
she was going to ask the ultimate question, 'Half
empty or half full?' She fooled them all. "How
heavy is this glass of water?" she inquired with a
smile. Answers called out ranged from 8 oz. to 20
She replied, "The absolute weight doesn't
matter. It depends on how long I hold it. If I hold
it for a minute, that's not a problem. If I hold it
for an hour, I'll have an ache in my right arm.
If I hold it for a day, you'll have to call an
ambulance. In each case it's the same weight, but
the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes."
She continued, "and that's the way it is
with stress. If we carry our burdens all the time,
sooner or later, as the burden becomes
increasingly heavy, we won't be able to carry
"As with the glass of water, you have to
put it down for a while and rest before holding it
again. When we're refreshed, we can carry on
with the burden - holding stress longer and
better each time practiced.
So, as early in the evening as you can, put
all your burdens down. Don't carry them through
the evening and into the night. Pick them up
again tomorrow if you must.
1 *Accept the fact that some days you're the
pigeon, and some days you're the statue!
2*Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in
case you have to eat them.
3 * Always read stuff that will make you look
good if you die in the middle of it.
4 * Drive carefully... It's not only cars that can be
recalled by their Maker.
5 * If you can't be kind, at least have the decency
to be vague.
6 * If you lend someone $20 and never see that
person again, it was probably worth it.
7 * It may be that your sole purpose in life is
simply to serve as a warning to others.
8 * Never buy a car you can't push.
9 * Never put both feet in your mouth at the
same time, because then you won't have a leg to
stand on.
10 * Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just
get up and dance.
11 * Since it's the early worm that gets eaten by
the bird, sleep late.
12 * The second mouse gets the cheese.
13 * When everything's coming your way, you're
in the wrong lane.
14 * Birthdays are good for you. The more you
have, the longer you live.
16 * Some mistakes are too much fun to make
only once.
17 * We could learn a lot from crayons. Some are
sharp, some are pretty and some are dull. Some
weird names and all are different
colors, but they all have to live in the same box.
18 * A truly happy person is one who can enjoy
the scenery on a detour.
19*Have an awesome day and know that
someone has thought about you today.
20 *Save the earth..... It's the only planet with
Take care and let us care for you, Cathy Redd, Elder
Food of the month for February – Canned
meats (stew, salmon, tuna, corned beef, dried
beef, etc.).
What’s for Dinner?
One of Providence’s local mission efforts
is to collect food items each month for the PERC
(Piedmont Emergency Relief Center) pantry.
Sadly, we’ve seen donations fall off in the last
half of 2014. Listed below is the collection
calendar for 2015. When you are shopping and
find a bargain, consider adding an extra few
items to your basket so a neighbor’s table won’t
be empty!
2015 Food Collection Calendar
January - Canned meats
February - Canned meats
March - Canned fruits
April - Canned fruit
May- Canned vegetables
June - Canned vegetables
July - Dried foods (rice, beans pasta)
August - Dried foods (rice, beans pasta)
September - Breakfast foods
October - Breakfast foods
November - Peanut butter, jelly & bread (the
PB&J Clemson vs. Carolina Challenge)
December - Soups and canned meals
Reminder….Sunday, February 1st is the
Souper Bowl of Caring food drive. Providence
will collect $’s and cans of soup, which will be
given to PERC. This is a great tradition of
outreach for our community food bank. See you
on Souper Bowl Sunday!
Family Promise of Pickens County
Our next host week with Bethesda
Methodist will be February 8th through the15th.
We will provide specific food items and meal and
overnight hosting. Please plan ahead when
grocery shopping for donations of breakfast
items, water, snack items, and we always need
fresh fruits. Small personal items for our
Welcome bags are always needed. Sherrie will be
calling to arrange donations, meals and
overnight hosting.
Plan now to be a part of this exciting
outreach ministry - come and make a difference
in a neighbor’s life!
Next committee meeting time - Monday,
February 2nd, at 7 PM. Please join us as we plan
Providence’s mission projects for the first
quarter of 2015! We need more members on
this committee, and invite you to come and share
your ideas for outreach!
Sherrie Tootill & Jennifer McCalla, Elders
Parish Nurse –February is National
Children’s Dental Health
Smile for Dental Health!
Developing good habits at an early age
and scheduling regular dental visits helps
children get a good start on a lifetime of healthy
teeth and gums.
Caring for Primary Teeth
Take good care of your child’s baby teeth.
They do eventually fall out. But until they do,
your child’s baby teeth play an important role by
helping your child bite and chew food, and speak
clearly. Baby teeth also save space for the
permanent teeth, and help guide them into place.
A child that is at least 2 years of age should be
using fluoridated tooth paste to brush twice a
day, and their teeth should be flossed a least
once a day.
Early Childhood Caries
Early childhood caries is a serious form of
cavities that can quickly destroy your child’s
teeth. These cavities occur when your child’s
teeth are exposed to sugar for long periods
throughout the day. Early childhood caries can
occur if your child is put to bed with a bottle
filled with anything other than plain water,
drinks from a bottle filled with sugary liquids or
milk during the day, or receives a pacifier dipped
in honey, sugar, or a sweet liquid.
Tooth Decay
Tooth decay can occur easily if there are a
large number of bacteria living in your child’s
mouth. The top front teeth usually are the first
ones affected and, often, the cavities stat on the
backs of the teeth. Decayed teeth that are not
fixed can cause pain and infection. Teeth that are
very badly decayed may need to be removed.
Preventing Early Childhood Caries
 Don’t put your baby to bed with a bottle
unless it is filled with plain water. Even
watered-down fruit juice or milk can
increase the risk of decay.
 Don’t add sugar to your child’s food.
 Encourage or assist your child to brush
his teeth at least twice a day
 Take your child to the dentist at least
every year
 Make sure your child is getting the right
amount of fluoride. If your drinking
water does not contain fluoride, ask your
doctor or dentist about fluoride
Diet and Your Child’s Teeth
Here are a few tips for snacking
and mealtime:
Give your child healthy
snack foods, such as fresh fruits,
vegetables and cheese.
Serve sugary or starchy
foods as part of a meal rather than
as a snack. Most children drink
liquids during a meal. This will
wash many bits of food off the
teeth. Saliva also does a good job of
clearing the teeth.
Avoid foods that can get
between teeth and are hard to
remove from the grooves in the
tooth surface, such as jelly beans,
doughnuts, raisings, and cookies,
unless your child can brush right
after eating them.
After your child snacks,
make sure his or her teeth are
brushed. If this isn’t possible, have
your child rinse with water several
o Health Questions? Ask Debbie Clapp,
Stephanie Hemingway, Amy Metcalf,
or Julia Palmer.
Stay healthy, Julia Palmer
Youth and
Kids Konnection
With the new year came a new study, a
devotional journey into “You Don’t Have to
be Prefect to Follow Jesus”. This study will
help our younger members realize that you
don’t have to be perfect to follow Christ.
Hopefully this will allow them to realize
making mistakes is a perfectly human part of
the Christian journey. We would encourage
all youth and elementary age kids to attend
these sessions.
Mission Trip will be the week of July 19th to
Edisto Island again. We are looking forward
to an even larger group this year! We hope
to partner with Edisto Island Presbyterian
and the Dog kennel again as well as some
other local charities.
Blessings, Suzanne, Shane, Cyndi & Brad
Attention Women of the
church…..a women’s retreat is being planned for
May 29-31. We are looking into Christmount,
Montreat, and Unicoi State Park as possible sites.
Please let Suzanne Goodman know if you are
interested in attending so she will know about
how many when inquiring at the facilities.
Transportation for those who do not drive can be
arranged. It is past time for us women folk to have
a bonding weekend again! Please see Suzanne
Goodman with questions.
Presbyterian Women News
The Riverbanks Zoo trip is scheduled for
Saturday, April 11. More details will be
provided as the day gets closer but plans are
to leave from Providence and spend a day
learning about God’s animals and each other!
Suzanne, Cyndi, Brad & Shane
February Circles will meet as follows:
The Morning Circle will meet on Thursday,
February 12th at 10:00a and the Evening Circle
will meet on Sunday, February 8th. Hope to see
you all there…..that means every Presbyterian
Blessings, Sherrie Tootill
The YAH Group
Twenty-one of the Young at Heart group
enjoyed a fun night at Papa's and Beers in
Anderson. We surely wish you all would come out
and join us.
February 24, 2015 @ 5:00 the Young at
Heart (YAH Group) will be going to
Carson's Steakhouse and Saloon in Anderson for a
fun filled night of laughter and fellowship. Come on
out and join us! If you have questions, call Julia at
Serving the Church in February
February 1
February 8
February 15
February 22
February 1
February 8
February 15
February 22
Robin Bell
Chris Duke
Lewis Clapp
Cathy Redd
February 1
February 9
February 18
February 22
Jennifer McCalla
Vicki Ford
Angie Rochester & Wanda Witmer
Chris & Shannon Duke
Children’s Church
February 1
February 9
February 18
February 22
Brad Rochester
Melissa Clark
Shane & Amy Metcalf
Alora Holloway
No Acolyte – Communion Sunday
Sara Everette
Michael Duke
Braden Rochester
February 1
February 8
February 15
February 22
February 1
February 8
February 15
February 22
Al Marshall
Cathy Redd & Amy Metcalf
Stephen NCromer & Todd Bagwell
Brad Rochester & Melissa Clark
Sherrie Tootill & Suzanne Goodman
*First name greets at front; second name greets at side
Jim Bagwell, Todd Bagwell,
Melissa Clark & Donnie Robertson
Providence [prov-i-duh ns]
(1300-50; Middle English < Latin
prōvidentia 1.) the foreseeing care
and guidance of God)
Well here we are, already a month into a
new year. I hope you are receiving God’s many
blessings and gifts given to us each day.
As we move into the next month, I pray
you will share your blessings with others that
This is a red-hot reminder that the Chili
Cook Off will be held Saturday, February 7th in
Ellenburg Hall.
Contestants should drop off their chili by
6:00 pm. Tasting to start at 6:30. Join us for a tip of
the tongue burn with some delicious chili!! You
won’t be disappointed. For more information,
please see McCall Hemingway.
may not know God’s many gifts: the waking to a
new morning to see the crisp blues, pinks, and
oranges of the winter sky; the laughter and
bright eyes of a child; the happiness of returning
to a warm home; the laughter and love shared
between friends; acceptance and understanding
regardless of the past…we are all human, after
I hope you’ll join me in opening our
hearts to our community so they may know this
wonderful church home we have, filled with love,
friendship and acceptance.
I Sing the Mighty Power of God
Isaac Watts
I sing the mighty power of God, that made the
mountains rise,
That spread the flowing seas abroad, and built
the lofty skies.
I sing the wisdom that ordained the sun to rule
the day;
The moon shines full at his command, and all the
stars obey.
I sing the goodness of the Lord, who filled the
earth with food,
Who formed the creatures through the Word,
and then pronounced them good.
Lord, how Thy wonders are displayed, where’er I
turn my eye,
If I survey the ground I tread, or gaze upon the
There’s not a plant or flower below, but makes
Thy glories known,
And clouds arise, and tempests blow, by order
from Thy throne;
While all that borrows life from Thee is ever in
Thy care;
And everywhere that we can be, Thou, God art
present there.
God’s blessing, peace and love,
Cyndi Everette, Treasurer
Lenten Living
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 18 this
year. Christians have observed this season of the
church year since the fourth century. It’s
traditionally a time of reflection, penitence and
spiritual renewal before Easter.
During Lent, some Christians give up something that
hinders their relationship with God. Others do
something extra for their spiritual growth or make a
special sacrifice. The key is to make Lent a
memorable season of sincere spiritual growth — a
time that can set the tone for the rest of the year.
Do you have a mental check list of your monthly
expenses? I do, and I can list them out pretty
much by heart.
 Mortgage
 Car payment
 Insurance
 Power/gas
 Water
 Phone
 Cable/internet
 Credit card(s)
 Groceries
 Automobile expenses
 Misc. expenses
 Entertainment – eating out/movie/coffee,
 Savings (if any is left)
Well, that pretty much took care of my
income for the month. Thank goodness I have a
means of paying for all of this…thank…
goodness…wait a minute…thank God! Ok one
more and it goes to the top of the list…
 Tithe ( Thank you, God)
Cyndi Everette, Treasurer
Message from Your Moderator
Dear Providence friends,
Although I haven’t seen you from the pulpit in a few weeks, I am still Moderating the Session at
Providence. I wanted to let you know that we had a wonderful half day retreat this past Saturday that
included team building and brainstorming for the future. Debbie Foster, Associate Executive Presbyter,
led the morning and helped us put plans in perspective. One thing that we are going to work on is
building up our committees to include more folk. Some of our committee chairs have even been
operating solo and doing a great job. But a team is made of many people. So we will be using the
“Spiderman/woman” approach, to quote Debbie and casting a wider net in the near future. Please be in
prayer about which team you feel called to help with.
I look forward to seeing you Sunday and Celebrating the Lord’s Supper.
Blessings, Julie Schaaf
Note Concerning Pastor on Call During Providence’s Transition:
The Rev. Julie Schaaf has agreed to be the Pastor on Call for emergencies or conditions that
require a minister to be with one of our families while we are in transition. She can be reached at
on her cell (864-421-4750). Don’t forget that all prayer requests go to the church office, and since
Becky Kay is a part-time employee, please copy her at her e-mail at home, which is
Serving You at Providence
Presbyterian Church
On Call Pastor, Rev. Julie Schaaf
Jennifer McCalla, Acting Clerk of Session
Director of Music, Tim Gossett
Becky Kay, Church Administrator
Donna Robertson, Financial Administrator
Dawn Sheriff, Preschool Director
Sherrie Tootill, Sexton
Cyndi Everett, Treasurer
Church Office Hours: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Telephone Number: 864.605.1011
Becky’s E-Mail:
Donna’s E-Mail:
Session Members:
Class of 2015 – Lewis Clapp, Suzanne Goodman, Jennifer McCalla, Sherrie Tootill, Richard Witmer
Class of 2016 – Leah Bagwell, Stephen Cromer, Cathy Redd
Class of 2017 – Jill Campion, Brad Rochester, Erick Nicholson
“There’s no kind of pre-existing condition that you must satisfy before Jesus will call you, include you, love you, and make
plans with you. Jesus comes to us, like to the simple fishermen, and what Jesus finds in us he adores.”
~ Br. Curtis Almquis
The Providence Press
Providence Presbyterian Church
4000 Highway 153
Greenville, South Carolina 29611-7404
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