evaluation of improved stoves
evaluation of improved stoves
Wood burning for cooking: pilot project for evaluation of improved stoves and open fire emissions DIRECCIÓN GENERAL CENTRO NACIONAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y CAPACITACIÓN AMBIENTAL Expert meeting to further develop the Standardized Toolkit for Identification and Quantification of Dioxin and Furan releases Geneva, Switzerland, 1-3, December 2009 Beatriz Cárdenas, Salvador Blanco,Jepthé Cruz, INE Gunther Umlauf, JRC Pablo Maíz, Gamatek Outline -Improved wood stoves -- evaluation of improved stoves (oct 08) - open fire -- only D&F indoor (April 09) DIRECCIÓN GENERAL CENTRO NACIONAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y CAPACITACIÓN AMBIENTAL Wood consumption for cooking and heating DIRECCIÓN GENERAL CENTRO NACIONAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y CAPACITACIÓN AMBIENTAL According to WHO there are more than 3000 millions of biomass users in the world. (WHO 2007) In Latinoamérica and the Caribean there are 127 millions of people living in rural areas and most of them are wood usesrs. (Riojas 2003) In México, around 27 millones use wood for cooking and/heating (Masera 2007) Open fires DIRECCIÓN GENERAL CENTRO NACIONAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y CAPACITACIÓN AMBIENTAL • Open fire cooking: – – – Low energy efficiency (natural resources depletion, higher GHG emissions, but longer time and farther distances for women to collect wood) Health impacts on children and women (high concentration of particulate matter during long periods of exposure Building damaging Heatlh impacts due to wood cooking DIRECCIÓN GENERAL CENTRO NACIONAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y CAPACITACIÓN AMBIENTAL • Indoor air pollution due to wood cooking is the 10th most important health risk in developing countrhies. • In México, poorest sectors were open fire is u, en donde el uso de fogón abierted, acute respiratory diseases are the first cause of children mortality (under 5). Porcentaje DALYs en el 2000 WHO 2004 ;Smith and Ezzati 2005 Implementation of wood stoves in Mexico DIRECCIÓN GENERAL CENTRO NACIONAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y CAPACITACIÓN AMBIENTAL • Programs started back in the 70`s with own construction – NGOs – Governmental programs • Millenium goals, Kioto Protocol.. • Mexican goal related to wood cooking: 500,000 improved stoves installed by 2012 – Different ministries involved: Social Development, Energy, Health, and Environment – Both own contruction and built stoves – Different options for improved stoves but little information on their performance – Not all vendors have the capacity to fullfill all demand • Governmental buying process Implementation of wood stoves in Mexico DIRECCIÓN GENERAL CENTRO NACIONAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y CAPACITACIÓN AMBIENTAL • A evaluation study of improved simple stoves was implemented by National Institute of Ecology (INE‐Mexico) in order to provide information to decision makers of what parameters should be considered select improved simple stoves for intervention programs (2008‐2009) – INE, Centro Mario Molina para Estudios Estratégicos sobre Energía y Medio Ambiente, A.C.; Grupo Interdisciplinario de Tecnología Rural A.C. (GIRA), Centro de Investigaciones en Ecosistemas (CIEco‐UNAM), Gamatek and Universidad Iberoamericana. Implementation of wood stoves in Mexico DIRECCIÓN GENERAL CENTRO NACIONAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y CAPACITACIÓN AMBIENTAL INE in collaboration with Gametek and JRC determination of PCDD/F´s, PCB and HCl in filtered and condensed particles as well as ashes obtained during the controlled cooking test for tortillas was added as another part of the study in order to generate information about PCDD/Fs from this source Previous studies about open fire and wood stoves in Mexico by INE DIRECCIÓN GENERAL CENTRO NACIONAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y CAPACITACIÓN AMBIENTAL Evaluation of wood stoves implementation in the Purépecha indigenous region (2004-2005) - Health and indoor levels impacts before and after the intervention (Michoacán, 2004-2005) Comachuén, Michoacán durante 2004 y 2005. Milagro campaign 2007 - Puebla and Michoacán Fuels demand pattern in rural homes 2006 Informe INE, Zuk et al. 2006 Improved stoves selected • 4 improved stoves only based on time and budget available • Selected stoves were those which could be implemented by the Federal Government (previous experience or capacity to fullfill demand in the time required – Wood consumption – Pollutants and GHG emissions – Indoor pollution Other socieconomical studies Econometric model to identify factors affecting adoption -National rural surveys -Two cases studies in areas where intervention programs have taken place Improved stoves evaluated DIRECCIÓN GENERAL CENTRO NACIONAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y CAPACITACIÓN AMBIENTAL ONIL PATSARI FIJA MEXALIT CITLALLI FOGÓN Evaluation of performance. DIRECCIÓN GENERAL CENTRO NACIONAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y CAPACITACIÓN AMBIENTAL - Triplicates measurements for each of the four stoves Mexalit, Onil, Citlalli y Patsari Two tests: controlled cooking (tortillas) and boling test Energy efficiency Indoor PM2.5 and CO levels GHG, TOC, particulate matter (only in controlled cooking test) Heavy metals: USEPA NSPS RM 29 CO2/CO/H2O/HCl ASTM D 6348 – 03 TOC USEPA NSPS RM 25ª O2 USEPA NSPS RM 3ª Informe INE Septiembre 2009 Rural Laboratory Instruments and gases Estufas portátiles Mexalit, Onil, Citlalli, Patsari movil 3 m 2.3 m Open fire and fixed stove 12 m 2 m 3 m improved stoves 4 m Área de maniobras Cocina 1 Cocina 2 3 m 3 m fixed improved stove open fire brick wall thin wood wall door windows Tzentzenguaro, Michoacan Sampling devices Particulate sampler temperature CO indoor concentration PM2.5 indoor sampling FTIR, CO2, FID Particulate matter condensable and filter sampling DIRECCIÓN GENERAL CENTRO NACIONAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y CAPACITACIÓN AMBIENTAL Informe CMM Diciembre 2008 In addition to gravimetric determination, filtered and condensed particles will be analyzed by JRC Boiling water test: wood consumption and time DIRECCIÓN GENERAL CENTRO NACIONAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y CAPACITACIÓN AMBIENTAL Informe INE Septiembre 2009 - Open fire 15 MJ Lower wood consumption in all stoves Longest time Factores de Emisión de Gases de Efecto Invernadero. DIRECCIÓN GENERAL CENTRO NACIONAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y CAPACITACIÓN AMBIENTAL GHG emissions CO as an indicator of incomplete combustion Informe INE Septiembre 2009 Factores de emisión de contaminantes. DIRECCIÓN GENERAL CENTRO NACIONAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y CAPACITACIÓN AMBIENTAL Informe CMM Diciembre 2008 1800 50000 1600 1400 40000 PCO (μg /g Tortilla) COT (μg /g Tortilla) 1200 20000 10000 1000 800 600 400 0 200 0 -10000 Citlalli Citlalli Onil Mexalit Patsari Portatil Patsari Fija Mediana Rango Onil Mexalit Patsari Portatil Patsari Fija Mediana Rango Estufas Estufas Total organic compounds and condensable particles are also indicators of poor combustion Contaminantes en interiores: PM2.5 y CO. DIRECCIÓN GENERAL CENTRO NACIONAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y CAPACITACIÓN AMBIENTAL CO en interiores du ra nte la p ru eba d e cocina do con tro lad o PM2.5 en interiores en prueba de cocinado controlado de tortilla 19200 1460 19000 18800 1440 22 m in 980 18600 960 740 720 200 7400 7200 7000 5200 5000 ppm µg/m3 13400 13200 13000 7800 7600 27 m in 180 120 100 OSHA, durante 8 horas en fracción respirable 1200 80 1000 800 60 600 400 40 200 0 Onil Mexalit Patsari Fija Fogón Mediana 25%-75% Rango Citlali 20 OMS, 30 m inutos 25 m in OMS, 1 hora 27 m in 23 m in 37 m in 0 Onil Mexalit Patsari Fija Patsari Portátil Cltlali Fogón Mediana 25%-75% Rango Informe CMM Diciembre 2008 Lower indoor CO and PM2.5 levels in all improved stoves but only some differences among them worse scenario Contaminantes en interiores: PM2.5 y CO. DIRECCIÓN GENERAL CENTRO NACIONAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y CAPACITACIÓN AMBIENTAL N2O (µg/g Tortilla) Wood consumption (g/g Tortilla) 100 80 60 40 20 0 Citlalli CO2 (mg/g Tortilla) Mexalit Onil Patsari CH4 (µg/g Tortilla) PCDD/F emission factors DIRECCIÓN GENERAL CENTRO NACIONAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y CAPACITACIÓN AMBIENTAL PCDD/F (pg I‐EQT/g Leña) 1.40 1.20 1.00 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 CITLALI MEXALIT ONIL PATSARI FIJA PASTARI PORTATIL Tabla 3.10: Total Carbon emission factors and carbon content in the wood estimated from stock measurements stoves repetition Carbon emission factor Total carbon emission factor total carbon emission factor carbon content based on stock measurements % masa mg/g wood mg/g Tortilla CITLALLI 1 519 275 52 CITLALLI 2 537 356 54 CITLALLI 3 562 377 56 MEXALIT 1 561 416 56 MEXALIT 2 601 423 60 MEXALIT 3 551 467 55 ONIL 1 567 433 57 ONIL 2 548 461 55 ONIL 3 561 432 56 PATSARI FIJA 1 531 353 53 PATSARI FIJA 2 527 383 53 PATSARI FIJA 3 519 378 52 PATSARI PORTATIL 1 532 346 53 aritmetic mean CITLALLI 539 336 54 MEXALIT 571 435 57 ONIL 559 442 56 PATSARI FIJA 526 371 53 PATSARI PORTATIL 532 346 53 Total 547 392 55 normal deivation CITLALLI 21 54 2 MEXALIT 26 28 3 DIRECCIÓN GENERAL CENTRO NACIONAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y CAPACITACIÓN AMBIENTAL Stove performance DIRECCIÓN GENERAL CENTRO NACIONAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y CAPACITACIÓN AMBIENTAL Wood consumption (g/g Tortilla) 100 PCO (µg/g Tortilla) 50 CO(µg/g Tortilla) Mexalit 0 PF(µg/g Tortilla) Onil NOX (µg/g Tortilla) COT (µg/g Tortilla) Citlalli Patsari Stove performance DIRECCIÓN GENERAL CENTRO NACIONAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y CAPACITACIÓN AMBIENTAL Wood consumptio n (g/g Tortilla) Citlalli 100 Patsari 0 Onil Mexalit Concentrati on of PM2.5 (µg/g Tortilla) Concentrati on of CO (ppm) Stove performance DIRECCIÓN GENERAL CENTRO NACIONAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y CAPACITACIÓN AMBIENTAL PCO (µg/g Tortilla) PF(µg/g Tortilla) CO(µg/g Tortilla) 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Citl alli NOX (µg/g Tortilla) COT (µg/g Tortilla) Me xal Stove performance DIRECCIÓN GENERAL CENTRO NACIONAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y CAPACITACIÓN AMBIENTAL CO2 CO CH4 COT NOx N2O PCDD/F mg/g Leña µg/g Leña µg/g Leña µg/g Leña µg/g Leña µg/g Leña pg I‐EQT / g Leña CITLALI 1,734 86,148 5,147 38,698 562 171 0.27 MEXALIT 1,984 47,151 2,792 12,627 560 165 0.97 ONIL 2,001 23,066 568 3,566 739 87 0.60 PATSARI FIJA 1,829 41,300 2,244 11,472 568 115 0.24 PASTARI PORTATIL 1,868 37,779 1,396 7,431 700 113 0.46 PCDD/F Emission factors Improved stoves PCDD/F PCDD/F PCDD/F PCDD/F ng I‐EQT / m³ bs @ 25°C, 101325 Pa pg I‐EQT / m³ bs @ 25°C, 101325 Pa, 0% O2 pg I‐EQT / g Leña pg I‐EQT / g Tortilla CITLALLI 1 0.0301 125.3501 0.5710 0.3025 CITLALLI 2 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 CITLALLI 3 0.0262 169.5792 0.7725 0.5184 MEXALIT 1 0.1226 771.9071 3.5163 2.6049 MEXALIT 2 0.0069 57.4170 0.2616 0.1841 MEXALIT 3 0.0067 32.5629 0.1483 0.1257 ONIL 1 0.0940 398.6200 1.8158 1.3858 ONIL 2 0.0172 72.3958 0.3298 0.2776 ONIL 3 0.0079 40.9462 0.1865 0.1438 PATSARI FIJA 1 0.0174 53.3349 0.2430 0.1614 PATSARI FIJA 2 0.0159 58.9903 0.2687 0.1952 PATSARI FIJA 3 0.0324 107.5609 0.4900 0.3573 PATSARI PORTATIL 1 0.0568 153.9529 0.7013 0.4569 PCDD/F emission factors comparisson with toolkit Classification Emission factors µg TEQ/TJ of biomass burned Concentration µg TEQ/t ash DIRECCIÓN GENERAL CENTRO NACIONAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y CAPACITACIÓN AMBIENTAL air land Contaminated biomass fired stoves 1,500 ND 1000 Virgin biomass fired stoves 100 ND 10 PCDD/F PCDD/F PCDD/F pg I‐EQT / g Leña pg I‐EQT / g Tortilla ug I‐EQT / TJ wood CITLALLI 1 0.5710 0.3025 87.1 CITLALLI 2 0.0000 0.0000 0.0 CITLALLI 3 0.7725 0.5184 117.9 MEXALIT 1 3.5163 2.6049 536.5 MEXALIT 2 0.2616 0.1841 39.9 MEXALIT 3 0.1483 0.1257 22.6 ONIL 1 1.8158 1.3858 277.1 ONIL 2 0.3298 0.2776 50.3 ONIL 3 0.1865 0.1438 28.5 PATSARI FIJA 1 0.2430 0.1614 37.1 PATSARI FIJA 2 0.2687 0.1952 41.0 PATSARI FIJA 3 0.4900 0.3573 74.8 PATSARI PORTATIL 1 0.7013 0.4569 107.0 Stoves Acceptability workshop •All stoves were accepted •all stoves were able to cook rice, chicken soup •Different perception among users •Advantages and disadvantages Conclusions Based on the evaluation study: DIRECCIÓN GENERAL CENTRO NACIONAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y CAPACITACIÓN AMBIENTAL •Lower wood consumption and lower indoor pollutants from stoves compared to open fire •But…still high level concentraciones of PM2.5 y CO for health •No differences in terms of GHG emissions but in incomplete products (CH4, condensable particulate matter . In the absence of regulations some recommendations were given: -at least 40% reduction of wood - reduction of indoor (PM2.5 and CO) at least 70% - BAT for particulate mater emissions - able to perform the controlled cooking test in 20 min and boiling point in less than 30 min - Need of programs to approach potential users and follow up once they have been implemented Open fire pilot study Next steps • Report • Paper DIRECCIÓN GENERAL CENTRO NACIONAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y CAPACITACIÓN AMBIENTAL GRACIAS. bcardena@ine.gob.mx