Maturation of Erythrocytes - Fall River Public Schools
Maturation of Erythrocytes - Fall River Public Schools
Maturation of Erythrocytes HEMATOPOIESIS Subdivisions Lymphopoiesis stem Lym Granulopoiesis cell Myelopoiesis Monocytopoiesis Erythropoiesis Megakaryopoiesis Thrombopoiesis { PMN Eos Bas Mon RBC Pla Erythropoiesis: is the formation of red blood cells, i.e., the developmental processes of the red blood cells. occurs in the red bone marrow from the descendants of the proerythroblast stem cell by the processes of proliferation and differentiation each hemocytoblast stem cell can give rise to as many as 211 mature cells. Proerythroblast is: also called a pronormoblast the earliest stem cell (derived from the hemocytoblast = pluripotent hemopoietic cell) found in the red bone marrow which is committed to develop into a red blood cell. The retculocyte is characterized by a bluish hue due to ribosomes remaining in its cytoplasm. Reticulocyte Red Blood Cell Polychromotatophilic Normoblasat Orthochromatophilic Normoblast and Reticulocyte Hemopoietic Growth Factor is: any of the various regulatory proteins and local hormones which: ▪ target the hematopoietic stem cells in the red bone marrow ▪ promote the growth, organization, and maintenance of red bone marrow and blood cells. Erythropoietin is: also referred to as EPO. a glycoprotein hormone which stimulates the production of red blood cells by stem cells in the red bone marrow. produced mainly by the kidneys. released in response to decreased levels of oxygen detected in the blood in the kidney nephron.