at the Palm Beach Photographic Centre
at the Palm Beach Photographic Centre
FOTOFUSION 1-8-16 NEWEST.qxp_Layout 1 1/11/16 12:19 AM Page 1 FestIval oF 21st Annual InternatIonal January 19-23 PhotograPhy and dIgItal ImagIng FOTOfusion 2016 ® at the Palm Beach Photographic Centre LEARN FROM THE MASTERS. OVER 130 EVENTS YOU WON’T WANT TO MISS! © Matt Stock, 2015 Seminars • Fotoshoots • Fuse & Schmooze Parties • Panels • technology centre Hands-on computer Workshops • Book Signings • Portfolio Reviews Beginner to pro, every facet of photography at your fingertips! amanda arrick • Brendan Bannon • tony Bannon • craig Blacklock • Dan Burkholder • Jimmy colton • Jack Davis • Dennis Dimick • arnold Drapkin • Seán Duggan • Barbara Ellison • Jill Enfield • Diane Farris • Regina Feiler • Beth Filler • David FitzSimmons • Laurence Gartel • carrie Guenther • alissa Hessler • Jacob Hessler • Walter Iooss • John Isaac • Daile kaplan • cindy karp • Lewis kemper • tom kennedy • Julie adair king • Stella kramer • Evan Jane kriss • Erika Larsen • ossian Lindholm • J. tomas Lopez • Morrigan Mccarthy • Jennifer Mcclure • Joseph Meehan • Jean Miele • Mark Murrmann • Scott Mc kiernan • Michelle Pedone • Robert Pledge • John Reuter • Whitney Richardson • George Schaub • Rob Sheppard • Brian Smith • Monica Stevenson • Ruaridh Stewart • Matt Stock • adam Stoltman • Jeremy Sutton • Joyce tenneson • Peter turnley • cynthia van Roden • Vincent Versace • allegra Wilde • alan Winslow • Jim Wagner • alison Wright ...and more! FOR PRICING INFORMATION OR TO PURCHASE A GOLD OR SILVER PASSPORT OR INDIVIDUAL TICKETS GO TO WWW.FOTOFUSION.ORG FOTOFUSION 1-8-16 NEWEST.qxp_Layout 1 1/11/16 12:19 AM Page 2 Reserve Your Gold Passport Now! Participate in over 100 events presented by the greatest photographers, editors, curators, picture agencies... YOUR GOLD PASSPORT ENTITLES YOU TO: • Unlimited 100 and 600 Series Events • Unlimited 500 Series Fotoshoots • Unlimited one-on-one Portfolio Reviews • (1) 200 Series Fotoshoot (class size limited to 14) • (1) 300 Series Hands-on computer Lab (class size limited to 14) • (1) 400 Series Master Workshop (class size limited to 10) • Fuse & Schmooze Parties • VIP opening Reception, tuesday, January 19 • Museum Reception, thursday, January 21 • Farewell Reception, Saturday, January 23 • ability to submit a portfolio for inclusion in the Fotofusion® Student Portfolio Exhibition. Fotofusion® presenters vote for the best student portfolio. the winner of the Jay colton Best Fotofusion® Student Portfolio award is announced on January 21, at the evening reception in the museum. ONE-ON-ONE PORTFOLIO REVIEWS Wednesday to Saturday, 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm Bring your portfolio for top photographers, picture editors and other pros in the business to evaluate your work. almost all of the photographers offer portfolio reviews, so register before your favorites are all booked up. gold PassPort holders: Free general admIssIon: $95 FOTOFUSION 1-8-16 NEWEST.qxp_Layout 1 1/11/16 12:20 AM Page 3 Celebrating 30 years of Photographic Excellence Palm Beach Photographic centre (PBPc) is a REGIStERED 501(c)(3) non-profit visual arts organization dedicated to the enrichment of life through superior educational programs and stunning exhibitions that promote the photographic arts. PBPc’s mission is to enrich lives through the photographic arts. Located in downtown West Palm Beach, PBPc has been hailed as one of the most vital and relevant photographic museums and academic institutions in the world. letter from the Chair of the Board Dear Friends of Fotofusion® at the Palm Beach Photographic centre: Welcome to Fotofusion 2016, the Palm Beach Photographic centre’s internationally renowned 21st annual festival of photography and digital media. Year after year, we are honored by the world class photographers who participate in our program and help us in the advancement of our non-profit’s mission to enhance life through the photographic arts. For two decades, the best of the best in all genres of photography have graced us with their talents and mentorship and have helped to make Fotofusion a spectacular success! today, PBPc is one of the most relevant education institutions of photography in the world. We offer classes for all ages and proficiency levels, integrating artistic development, technical capability and best industry practices. Most of the photographers presenting at Fotofusion lend their professional expertise to workshops offered at PBPc all year long. PBPc also offers exciting photographic adventure travel to global destinations throughout the year where participants receive on the ground instruction from master photographers. come travel with us! there are many community leaders and business professionals on our Board of Directors, as well as dedicated volunteers and staff helping us run and grow the centre. our community is very excited and eager to see the photographic arts develop. You too can be a part of supporting the art culture in Palm Beach county with a donation to the Palm Beach Photographic centre. Very truly yours, Jay Koenigsberg Chair of the Board, Palm Beach Photographic Centre When you donate to the Palm Beach Photographic Centre to advance the photographic arts, you provide the resources needed to sustain arts education programs to at-risk kids and a free world-class museum experience for all. Palm Beach Photographic Centre is a registered, 501(c)(3) nonprofit arts organization. Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. to accomplish its mission, PBPc not only provides a world-class educational facility, but also a state of the art photographic museum and gallery. as a school, it offers a wide range of educational opportunities, from mastering basic technique to exploring the latest innovations in photography and imaging. as a museum and gallery, it explores the entire spectrum of photographic possibility through a mix of historic and cutting-edge exhibitions. Each year, PBPc’s nationally-acclaimed Fotofusion® festival draws thousands of attendees, and is the largest and most respected festival of its kind in the nation. the ProShop at the Palm Beach Photographic centre supports one of the world's finest nonprofit arts resource centers. the shop offers the finest selection of photographic cameras and equipment, featuring a Leica Boutique and excellent service. PRESIDENT/CEO Fatima NeJame MANAGING DIRECTOR art NeJame BOARD CHAIRMAN Jay koenigsberg BOARD OF DIRECTORS David Bates Paul Bowden Jay koenigsberg Milton koenigsberg Scott Mc kiernan tommy Morrison carol Roberts Vincent Versace © 2016 The Palm Beach Photographic Centre. All rights reserved. Neither the production staff nor the Palm Beach Photographic Centre are responsible for typographical errors or the accuracy of the contents of this catalog. The Palm Beach Photographic Centre reserves the right to amend, reschedule, and/or cancel any portion of the workshop programs listed herein. Subject to applicable provisions of law, we reserve the right to deny any applicant. FOTOFUSION 1-8-16 NEWEST.qxp_Layout 1 1/11/16 12:20 AM Page 4 tuesday 600 serIes leCtures PaSSPoRt HoLDERS & PBPc MEMBERS: FREE aDMISSIoN NoN-MEMBERS: $10 Tuesday, January 19, 2016 12:00 NOON - 4:30 PM 5:30 AM - 9:30 AM sense oF PlaCe: exPlore mIamI’s art deCo dIstrICt WIth alan WInsloW Join photographer and educator alan Winslow as we explore Miami’s art Deco District. through the use of composition, framing, and creative camera control we’ll explore this vibrant urban area. You will focus on developing a narrative of this area through the use of street portraiture, architecture photography, and urban landscape work. n Master Workshop 401 – FOTOshoot Create unIque landsCaPes on one oF FlorIda’s largest Cattle ranChes WIth erIKa larsen Critique Wednesday 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM Flagler Room commune with nature and learn how to reveal her intimate messages with National Geographic photographer Erika Larsen in this unique opportunity at one of Florida’s largest cattle ranches. Learn how to see and harness the light to enhance your photographic capabilities and personal vision as you focus on early morning landscapes on the 50,000 acre adams Ranch. In a later critique, Larsen will discuss aesthetics and how images can evolve in an emotional context. 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM n Master Workshop 402 – FOTOshoot PortraIts oF FloWers WIth vInCent versaCe Critique Wednesday 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM Hibiscus Room Join fine art master photographer, Vincent Versace, in our studio, as he shows you how to photograph his favorite subject – flowers. Learn the secrets of the master, how he sees, and what he looks for, as he guides you in creating lovely flower portraits of your very own. 9:00 AM - 12:00 NOON n Master Workshop 403 – FOTOshoot CaPturIng the sPIrIt oF danCe through PhotograPhy WIth morrIgan mCCarthy Critique Wednesday 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM Clematis Room Head to klein Dance Studio with award winning photojournalist Morrigan Mccarthy where you will have exclusive access to create fascinating photographs of dancers during a rehearsal. Mccarthy will discuss valuable insight to dance photography technique and approach prior to the shoot, and you will get back together with her for critique, questions, and to discuss experiences. n FOTOshoot 202 12:30 PM - 5:00 PM n Master Workshop 404 – FOTOshoot the Integrated FIgure WIth CraIg BlaCKloCK Critique Wednesday 1:15 PM - 2:15 PM Lab 2 acclaimed photographer craig Blacklock will share thoughts and techniques through images of his recent Lake Powell nudes. During the shoot he will discuss the attributes of each setting; what you and the models find personally moving; how to use the figure to emphasize those emotions and review set and models so an evolution of ideas can take place. the critique will follow up on how well the images conveyed what you strived to achieve in the field, and how they might be strengthened in editing. n Master Workshop 405 – FOTOshoot PraCtICe ComPosItIon teChnIques at morIKamI JaPanese gardens WIth JIll enFIeld Critique Wednesday 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM Hibiscus Room Learn to analyze visual content to capture images in a way you want them presented to the viewer with renowned fine arts photographer Jill Enfield. Enfield will clearly convey composition techniques such as Leading Lines, Rule of thirds, Depth of Field and more with 20 different tips, in a comprehensive power-point illustrated with many beautiful photos from accomplished photographers. at the Morikami Japanese Gardens you will practice the many lessons you have learned; discuss your images with Enfield as she guides you to improve your images. 11:00 AM - 3:30 PM n FOTOshoot 201 shoot the Flavor oF mIamI’s lIttle havana WIth sCott mC KIernan and ruarIdh steWart take some of cuba home with you! Explore Little Havana’s “calle ocho,” with award winning ZUMa photojournalist/photo editors Scott Mc kiernan and Ruaridh Stewart. Shoot in a neighborhood barbershop and cigar-rolling factory, and capture images of the famous cuban domino and chess players at their battling best. take in the exotic world of the Botanicas: exotic shops full of afro-cuban devotional potions and objects. 2 • FOTOfusion® 2016 © DAVID FITZSIMMONS FOTOFUSION 1-8-16 NEWEST.qxp_Layout 1 1/11/16 12:20 AM Page 5 Palm Beach Photographic Centre, 415 clematis Street n courtyard n Museum n Studio n Digital Lab 1 n Digital Lab 2 n ProShop Library, 3rd Floor city center n auditorium n clematis Room n Hibiscus Room City Hall, 1st Floor city center n commission chambers n Flagler Room 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM n FOTOshoot 203 Sponsored by Sigma CurIous CrItters: ProduCIng your oWn anImal PortraIts WIth davId FItzsImmons Learn the secrets of producing high key animal portraits like David’s award-winning curious critters photo series. Understand the techniques, challenges, and purposes for photographing creatures against white backgrounds, and participate in a curious critters animal photo session with LIVE animals. Get a chance to photograph critters, learning lighting, posing, and post-processing. Sigma will provide loaner lenses in popular mounts, plus $1,000 in door prizes! Animal subjects will be based on local availability from nature centers, zoos and educational providers. Wednesday, January 20, 2016 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM n FOTOshoot 207 ComPosItIon and the Close-uP/maCro WIth roB shePPard Learn how to improve the composition of your close-up (macro) photography. Instructor Rob Sheppard will share techniques and help you find new ways of using light, depth of field, space and more to take your photography to a new level of imagery. 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM n Seminar 101 BeIngs oF lIght / PhotograPhy as a sPIrItual PraCtICe WIth Jean mIele through active meditations, talks and portfolio readings, you will learn to see your blind spots and find your way past self-imposed limits. Noted photographer, artist and educator Jean Miele will provide tools and techniques for generating direct access to inspiration, intuition, and engaging in photography as a spiritual practice. n Seminar 102 12 methods For addIng dePth to a PhotograPh WIth JosePh meehan Noted professional Joseph Meehan will illustrate 12 specific ways the illusion of depth can be accomplished using a wide variety of photographic subjects. Explore principles perfected by painters over centuries and learn how to apply them on a camera lens. attendees will receive a cD with illustrations from the seminar and a summary of these methods and equipment. FOTOshoot times indicate time that field trip leaves from the Centre and the time that the FOTOshoot ends at the location. Please arrive at the Centre at least 15 minutes before stated departure time. All FOTOshoots leave from Palm Beach Photographic Centre’s courtyard at indicated starting time. © ERIKA LARSEN n Computer Lab 301 taKe your Images Far In PhotoshoP – WIth Just the BasICs WIth laurenCe gartel Digital guru Laurence Gartel will demonstrate several basic Photoshop tools used to enhance images through color adjustments, brightening, darkening, color tinting and sharpening along with other Photoshop basics. Be inspired as Gartel shares several creative ways you can alter and manipulate images using Photoshop. 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM n Master Workshop 407 – Computer Lab ImagInary landsCaPes: CreatIng surreal sCenes WIth PhotoshoP ComPosItIng WIth seán duggan take an in-depth look at using Photoshop compositing techniques used to create surreal and fantastical landscape scenes with adobe certified Expert and Photoshop author Seán Duggan. Examine composition strategies for different types of images and how to take new photos with specific composites in mind. then, dive into creating fictional landscapes. Work with various selections and masking strategies, to explore the magic of blend modes and master the power of layers and layer masks to create the perfect composite image. 9:30 AM - 10:30AM n Community Presentation 601 the art oF seeIng WIth John IsaaC award-winning photographer, John Isaac, will discuss how he follows the rules, but also breaks them, as he teaches you the “art of seeing”. through Zen practices, learn how to “stop, look and listen,” and incorporate these practices into travel and photography in order to capture images form the heart. FOTOfusion® 2016 • 3 FOTOFUSION 1-8-16 NEWEST.qxp_Layout 1 1/11/16 12:20 AM Page 6 wednesday 600 serIes leCtures PaSSPoRt HoLDERS & PBPc MEMBERS: FREE aDMISSIoN NoN-MEMBERS: $10 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM n FOTOshoot 208 lIght PaIntIng WIth matt stoCK Learn about the creative potential in long exposure artificial lighting using a single exposure from noted fine art photographer Matt Stock. Stock will introduce you to the transformative fundamentals of light painting; light graffiti and traditional light painting. Discover the creative possibilities of darkness. n FOTOshoot 209 © JENNIFER MCCLURE meanIngFul Personal PortraIts WIth JennIFer mCClure Develop the ability to create more intimate images with sensitivity and awareness as fine art and documentary photographer Jennifer Mcclure shows you techniques to help personalize your portraits. Be inspired to make stronger and more meaningful portraits as Mcclure deftly guides you personally through the process. 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM n Seminar 105 n Community Presentation 602 ConneCtIvIty: FIndIng neW, unexPeCted oPPortunItIes WIth JImmy Colton, Beth FIller, CarrIe guenther, ruarIdh steWart, adam stoltman; moderator: evan Jane KrIss this panel of outstanding photo editors and photographers will discuss adapting and transitioning in the constantly changing world of photography. Discuss and explore new ways to utilize your talents and find opportunities, sometimes in unexpected places. the panel will also speak about the power of connectivity: how to leverage your personal and professional networks to uncover new opportunities; including volunteering, as part of networking, and as another way to explore new possibilities. n Seminar 106 Sponsored by Sigma WIld, WonderFul WaterFalls WIth davId FItzsImmons Join Sigma Pro David FitzSimmons for a beautifully-illustrated journey to some of North america’s most spectacular cascades. along the way, learn about composition, exposure, lighting, filters, and post-processing software. See example after example of approaches to depicting these popular landscape features. David will conclude by sharing how to turn your images into paid publications in magazines, books, and other media. n Computer Lab 302 removIng Photo FlaWs WIth the Clone tool and healIng Brushes WIth JulIe adaIr KIng Find out the secrets to professional retouching results in this hands-on computer lab, led by Photoshop author and instructor Julie adair king. Learn to use Photoshop’s clone tool and Healing Brushes to perfect everything from blemishes to intrusive objects in the background. king will show you how to use the right tool settings and techniques for flawless results. 4 • FOTOfusion® 2016 Beyond the IPhone: the dream oF dIgItal CaPture and moBIle ProCessIng Comes oF age WIth dan BurKholder Watch, listen and learn as digital clairvoyant Dan Burkholder outlines the future of photography. Explore the evolution of photography alongside technology and discuss today’s modern streamlined approach to travel photography. 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM n Community Presentation 603 my stretCh oF the rIver: a PhotograPher’s Journal WIth leWIs KemPer come along on this multimedia adventure of still and video images captured from land, water and air. Experience over 300 images of scenery and wildlife kemper encountered over the course of a year. Explore the urban wilderness and learn how the healing power of nature can make a difference in your life. See River otters, Great Blue Herons, american Mink, Green Herons, canada Geese, Mule Deer, Egrets and more as kemper shares his yearlong adventure with you! 1:30 PM - 5:30 PM n Master Workshop 408 – FOTOshoot PhotograPhy as mIndFul PraCtICe: gettIng your groove BaCK WIth dIane FarrIs Critique Thursday 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM Clematis Room Find your balance and get your groove back with acclaimed photographer Diane Farris. Rekindle the joy and mystery that marked your discovery of photography. Begin the conversation discussing her recent work, then go on a Fotoshoot together with some optional “mindful” guidelines. Finally, gather back to view and discuss your new work and leave with a renewed approach to your personal photographic practice. FOTOFUSION 1-8-16 NEWEST.qxp_Layout 1 1/11/16 12:20 AM Page 7 Palm Beach Photographic Centre, 415 clematis Street n courtyard n Museum n Studio n Digital Lab 1 n Digital Lab 2 n ProShop Library, 3rd Floor city center n auditorium n clematis Room n Hibiscus Room City Hall, 1st Floor city center n commission chambers n Flagler Room 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM n Master Workshop 409 – FOTOshoot and Computer Lab PortraIture WIth J tomas loPez Critique and Post Processing Thursday 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Digital Lab 1 Re-learn Fine art Portraiture with acclaimed photographer J tomas Lopez. In this workshop, Lopez will take the portrait through a rigorous evolution. Beginning with the shoot, which will take into consideration the manipulations possible in postproduction, to editing the image and finally to the fine art print, an excellent re-learning of Fine art Portraiture. 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM n Seminar 109 the modern landsCaPe WIth alIssa and JaCoB hessler as the world around us changed, the creative approach to landscape photography has remained largely the same – until now. creative gurus alissa and Jacob Hessler will challenge you to remove the clutter, the obvious, and the clichéd from your landscapes to create memorable images with a distinct visual voice. n Seminar 110 the adoBe moBIle WorKFloW WIth JaCK davIs the Future of a Practical Mobile Workflow has aRRIVED! Jack “Wow” Davis will guide you through the capabilities and hidden tips and tricks of the latest adobe cc Mobile apps including adobe’s Lightroom for Mobile, adobe capture, Photoshop Mix, Photoshop Fix, Photoshop Sketch and adobe Slate. Learn how to use adobe’s creativeSync and see what’s possible on your smartphone or tablet. Join award-winning photographer, artist and author Davis for a session that is sure to inspire and empower you with the creative workflow possibilities at your fingertips. © JEREMY SUTTON n Computer Lab 303 all aBout Brushes – exPlorIng the amazIng marKmaKIng PossIBIlItIes oF PaInter WIth Jeremy sutton Learn to paint from observation with inspiration from masters of composition, pattern and color like Henri Matisse with noted portrait painter and expert in digital art techniques Jeremy Sutton. Explore the range of brush marks you can make, and how to control brush behavior with corel Painter 2016, an amazingly versatile art studio in your computer, which puts an unbelievable range of natural (and un-natural) media painting tools at your fingertips! n Computer Lab 304 From monItor to PrInt: the BlaCK and WhIte aBout Color management WIth vInCent versaCe Learn from internationally recognized digital photography pioneer Vincent Versace. Versace will discuss the differences of color space, bit depth, monitor and paper profiling. Bring your laptop to this workshop and have it calibrated. Join Versace as he gives away a lone Display Pro to one lucky attendee. 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM n Community Presentation 604 some oF the Bests In BlaCK and WhIte and Why WIth anthony Bannon Distinguished Museum Director anthony Bannon will communicate why the Black and White image will not fade away – literally and figuratively. Bannon will use masterworks in black and white from the dawn of photography to help unravel this odd phenomenon. Find out why the unnatural representation of the colorful world continues to sustain our belief and curiosity. © DIANE FARRIS FOTOfusion® 2016 • 5 FOTOFUSION 1-8-16 NEWEST.qxp_Layout 1 1/11/16 12:20 AM Page 8 thursday 600 serIes leCtures PaSSPoRt HoLDERS & PBPc MEMBERS: FREE aDMISSIoN NoN-MEMBERS: $10 more quality, flexibility and mind-bending speed than if the same work was done in Photoshop. From HDR combining and tonemapping, to panorama stitching and haze removal, to glamour skin softening, eye and teeth enhancing, skin color unifying and special effects like high key black & whites, selective hand tinting, crossprocessing and even changing depth of field. they can all be done with the latest acR quickly and easily – without ever using a single layer! and it can be used on aNYtHING that can be opened in Photoshop – including VIDEo! this session is sure to inspire and empower you with the creative possibilities within our beloved camera Raw! 8:30 AM - 12:00 NOON n Master Workshop 413 – FOTOshoot and Computer Lab © OSSIAN LINDHOLM Thursday, January 21, 2016 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM n Seminar 117 dIgItal darKroom q&a / oPen ClInIC WIth seán duggan, laurenCe gartel, Jean mIele, vInCent versaCe In this 90-minute open seminar, renowned adobe Photoshop & Lightroom experts will field your questions, and demo powerful, reliable solutions in real time. Programs like Photoshop and Lightroom are the tools that tie together the supercomputers, mega-megapixel digital cameras, and photo-quality printers every photographer now has at their disposal. Have the panel answer your questions regarding RaW workflow, color management, pre-process sharpening, layers, masks, printing and more. n Seminar 118 the art and CraFt oF WIldlIFe & ConservatIon PhotograPhy WIth ossIan lIndholm Learn about wildlife, conservation and outdoor photography from renowned argentinian nature photographer and documentary filmmaker ossian Lindholm. In this inspiring and educational seminar, Lindholm will discuss the complex process behind his 40 years of breathtaking wildlife photographs. Learn how to get to know your subject, capture wildlife in their natural environment, the best places to find animals; the importance of respecting wildlife and wildlife ethics. 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM n Master Workshop 412 – Computer Lab adoBe Camera raW – retouChIng, hdrs, Panos and vIdeo enhanCIng mIraCles! WIth JaCK davIs Most people know adobe camera Raw (like its cousin Lightroom) can optimize their images amazingly well, but they jump right into Photoshop for Retouching, Enhancing and Special Effects not realizing there are now powerful features in acR that allow a huge amount of “polishing” of images to be done – with even 6 • FOTOfusion® 2016 FloWer PhotograPhy WIth CraIg BlaCKloCK In teaching workshops, the worst images craig sees in critiques are aLWaYS flowers. Learn special techniques to capture beyond average, stunning flower images with craig Blacklock. Blacklock will revolutionize the way you approach close-up photography. a short slide show will explain field techniques, then, in the studio, you will create at least one composition using these techniques and move to a computer lab to process the images. a critique session will review the images, trouble-shoot any issues, and study the processes again so you are confident in your abilities to use them. 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM n Community Event 606 Sponsored by Sigma maCro PhotograPhy: lIttle Worlds, lots oF Wonder! WIth davId FItzsImmons Learn how to connect with nature and produce extraordinary close-up images of plants, animals, and other small subjects. Understand how to choose the best subjects, select equipment, and create award-winning compositions. Sigma Pro photographer David FitzSimmons will share his time-proven macro field techniques and talk about best lenses, accessories, and software for making macro images. See plenty of examples, from wildflowers to wildlife. 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM n Seminar 121 PhotograPhy In a multI-PlatForm World – the PromIse and the PerIl WIth tom Kennedy, WhItney rIChardson, adam stoltman three leading professionals will have a frank discussion of photography in a multi-platform world. Discuss the myriad of distribution channels and what they mean for creative opportunity against a diminished understanding of copyright, increased financial pressure on media who traditionally supported photography, and the tradeoffs of using social media – fast becoming the distributor of content. FOTOFUSION 1-8-16 NEWEST.qxp_Layout 1 1/11/16 12:20 AM Page 9 Palm Beach Photographic Centre, 415 clematis Street n courtyard n Museum n Studio n Digital Lab 1 n Digital Lab 2 n ProShop Library, 3rd Floor city center n auditorium n clematis Room n Hibiscus Room City Hall, 1st Floor city center n commission chambers n Flagler Room n Seminar 122 maKe your vIdeos stand out! WIth John reuter Digital expert John Reuter will explain the many new features integrated into Premiere Pro cc. Reuter will explain the Lumetri color panel, new scopes, the panel layout, how to choose and set up your scopes and adjust video footage in ways that would have taken multiple Effects filters in the past and other nifty features for editors who find themselves correcting and grading footage. 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM n FOTOshoot 213 the IntImate PortraIt WIth JoyCe tenneson Maximize your ability to make great portraits with internationally acclaimed portrait photographer, Joyce tenneson. Photographing models using available light, tenneson will help you feel more confident about assessing light as you make images, enabling you to improve your portraits. © ADAM STOLTMAN 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM n Community Presentation 607 Sponsored by Sony sony a7 serIes teCh sessIon WIth amanda arrICK Learn about the advantages of a full frame mirrorless system. You will get an overview of the a7 series and some of the more exciting and unique features the cameras offer. the second part of the session will show you ways to master the technology so you can focus on the creative side of your photography and learn some tips to customize your a7 series camera for faster response and shooting with different subjects. n Community Presentation 608 Walter Iooss – a ConversatIon WIth JIm Colton Walter Iooss is a foremost sports photographer of his generation and a “fixture in american journalism.” In February, he will cover his 50th Superbowl for Sports Illustrated. His work is characterized by a dynamic perspective and a notable reverence for light. From his multi-year project on olympic athletes, to his iconic portraiture of Michael Jordan, to his 300-plus covers for Sports Illustrated, Iooss’ work is renowned worldwide. Don’t miss this great conversation with former Sports Illustrated Picture Editor Jim colton. 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM n FOTOshoot 214 CaPture the aCtIon oF a Polo matCh WIth adam stoltman Join adam Stoltman, a 30-year veteran sports photographer, and former deputy picture editor for Sports Illustrated, on a live sports shoot. Learn to anticipate action, hone your reflexes, and sharpen your skills at a Palm Beach area polo match. Receive on-site instruction in how to cover the action first hand. afterwards, there will be a review and discussion of the images produced. Don’t miss this opportunity to attend a live event with this veteran of 10 olympic Games and countless other sporting events worldwide! For pricing information or to purchase a gold or silver passport or individual tickets go to © JEAN MIELE 2015. “LITTLE BLUE LANDSCAPE” NORWAY, 2006 FOTOfusion® 2016 • 7 FOTOFUSION 1-8-16 NEWEST.qxp_Layout 1 1/11/16 12:20 AM Page 10 thursday 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM n Master Workshop 414 – FOTOshoot 600 serIes leCtures PaSSPoRt HoLDERS & PBPc MEMBERS: FREE aDMISSIoN NoN-MEMBERS: $10 n SEMINAR 126 Critique Friday 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM Clematis Room In this FotoShoot, with portrait and lifestyle photographer Michelle Pedone, you will explore creating photographs full of life that pop from the page with colorful backdrops, bright props and splashy lighting. Learn how to light, style and, most importantly, direct children in a photo shoot to make the most amazing portraits ever! You practice making images, followed by an opportunity to meet again to critique the creative endeavors you produce. PhotograPhIng nature’s lIllIPutIan World oF FloWers WIth JosePh meehan the smallest flowers in nature measure less than ¼" and yet have some of the most beautiful and even spectacular blossoms that are rarely photographed. Joseph Meehan, author of two books on close-up photography, will explain how to capture portraits of these tiny delicate flowers using both natural and artificial light. this includes (1) how to make a tabletop lighting stall for use with natural or artificial light, (2) using image stacking software to extend depth of field and (3) options for simple to sophisticated close-up equipment. 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM n Computer Lab 307 KId PortraIts that PoP WIth mIChelle Pedone n Master Workshop 415 – FOTOshoot PushIng CreatIvIty – nature PhotograPhy In the everglades WIth alan WInsloW Critique Friday 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM Hibiscus Room Join alan Winslow on a journey through the beautiful Grassy Waters Preserve. Winslow will push your creativity to a new level to focus on alternative framing, assessing light, contrast conditions and creative camera control while exploring the pristine Florida Everglades. Winslow will explain how to approach a complicated and exciting ecosystem and share images from his recent artist Residency where he lived for a month in the Everglades. Winslow will guide you through an exciting Fotoshoot that will be followed the next day by an image critique. PhotoshoP layers For BegInners WIth JulIe adaIr KIng this hands-on lab shows you how to use layers to simplify photo-retouching tasks and combine multiple photographs into an artistic collage. You’ll find out how to create, edit, and preserve multi-layered images and discover new creative options made possible via layer blending modes, layer effects, and layer opacity settings. 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM n Community Presentation 609 three men on a BrIdge WIth roBert Pledge on a pedestrian bridge in central Guangzhou, capital of china’s Guangdong province, a photographer from Philadelphia came across two young migrants. Ever since that Summer of 2009, Daniel traub, Wu Yang Fu and Zeng Xian Fang found themselves embarked on an unpredictable and amazing seven-year photographic journey. contact Press agency co-founder Robert Pledge tells us their story about the soon to be released book Little North Road. the portraits that emerge from the two street photographers’ cheap digital portable-printer are possibly the sole visual trace of these visitors’ passage through china. 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM n Seminar 125 the Future Is noW WIth JImmy Colton, dennIs dImICK, regIna FeIler, marK murrmann; moderator: sCott mC KIernan Visionaries colton, Dimick, Feiler and Mc kiernan talk about the newest trends in the picture and magazine industry and where they think it is going globally. Not only has this veteran group seen it all, they also have broken ground and still push the boundaries of our industry. they will talk about items they have been involved in over last few years, and also talk about dreams for future and present. come see the brilliant world we live in and go Back to the Future! 8 © MICHELLE PEDONE • FOTOfusion® 2016 FOTOFUSION 1-8-16 NEWEST.qxp_Layout 1 1/11/16 12:20 AM Page 11 Palm Beach Photographic Centre, 415 clematis Street n courtyard n Museum n Studio n Digital Lab 1 n Digital Lab 2 n ProShop Library, 3rd Floor city center n auditorium n clematis Room n Hibiscus Room City Hall, 1st Floor city center n commission chambers n Flagler Room 2:30 PM - 5:30 PM n Master Workshop 416 – Computer Lab lIghtroom the ansel adams Way WIth roB shePPard Noted photographer, author and editor Rob Sheppard will give you ideas on how to use Lightroom as a true darkroom. advance the level of craft in your photography in the spirit of ansel adams; a master darkroom worker who created stunning images based on the combination of how he shot and how he realized his vision in the darkroom. 2:30 PM - 6:00 PM n Master Workshop 417 – FOTOshoot master exPosure WIth your slr or mIrrorless Camera WIth george sChauB Critique Friday 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm Digital Lab 1 a veteran editor and photographer, George Schaub will explain how spot metering can give you the best exposures you ever made. Schaub will get you more intimately involved with the photographic experience that aids in the development of a photographic “eye”. after a lecture/demo on spot metering and how to use it, you will head out to work in the field. a critique takes place the following day. topics covered include understanding how spot metering works, exposure lock, exposure compensation, manual exposure mode, spot for HDR and panoramas, highlight control, color saturation and more. to your advantage, your photography will improve. Learn from renowned photographer Lewis kemper how to use color relations to help you compose, just as your line, shape and form. taking good pictures isn’t a matter of equipment, it is a matter of seeing and capturing what you want to convey. Stepping back and reinforcing how to get great captures will elevate your images to the next level. 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM n Computer Lab 308 n Community Presentation 610 alternatIve PrIntIng: you’ve Created an Image you love...What next? WIth BarBara ellIson Learn about the substrate options, including inkjet-ready and hand-coated materials for printing your file from canon technical expert and fine art photographer Barbara Ellison, who will also discuss enhancing your print with pastels or paints in the traditional way. You will learn the different ways of displaying the final product and walk away wanting to include printing as your final creative choice. open to beginner through advanced photographers. 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM n Seminar 129 hoW to looK at art & maKe even Better PhotograPhs WIth daIle KaPlan Learn how to genuinely experience the wonder of photographic art from Daile kaplan, Director of Photographs & Photobooks, and an auctioneer, at prestigious Swann Galleries. a photographs specialist on PBS’s Antique Roadshow, kaplan will help you understand how classical and contemporary photographs can be appreciated as more than a brand-name consumer experience. n Seminar 130 lIght, Color and ComPosItIon WIth leWIs KemPer Photography isn’t rocket science! If you pay attention to the basics of light, color and composition and learn how to use these elements © GEORGE SCHAUB all aBout Color – exPand your use oF Color When PaIntIng From Photo reFerenCe WIth Jeremy sutton Immerse yourself in every aspect of color. You’ll learn from Jeremy Sutton, noted portrait painter and expert in digital art techniques, the basic principles; the parallels between color mixing and use in the traditional art world versus the digital world. Study color lessons from great colorists such as claude Monet and Henri Matisse and art movements such as Impressionism and Fauvism; all applied to your use of corel Painter 2016 and painting from photo reference. 4:00 PM - 7:30 PM n FOTOshoot 501 avaIlaBle lIght PhotograPhy WIth the leICa Camera system: ClematIs at nIght WIth Peter turnley, JIm Wagner and tom smIth, leICa Camera usa Leica camera will offer a mix of Leica products on loan. From the simplicity of the Leica DLux type 109 to the creative possibilities of the Leica M type 240, and the Leica SL type 601, the Leica product range offers a photographic option for all users. Experience shooting with master photographer Peter turnley and Leica experts tom Smith and Jim Wagner, and catch the light of the magic hour as you explore clematis at Night. You will learn camera basics and be free to explore on your own or with personal instruction. Please bring an SD card that can be formatted so that you can take your images following the shoot. those shooting with other cameras are welcome to join this Fotoshoot. FOTOfusion® 2016 • 9 FOTOFUSION 1-8-16 NEWEST.qxp_Layout 1 1/11/16 12:20 AM Page 12 friday 600 serIes leCtures PaSSPoRt HoLDERS & PBPc MEMBERS: FREE aDMISSIoN NoN-MEMBERS: $10 landscapes to create memorable images with a distinct visual voice. Join them on this Fotoshoot, where they will help you capture the world around you in a fresh way. Seminar 109 is a prerequisite to this FOTOshoot. 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM n Seminar 133 survIval sKIlls For artIsts WIth JIll enFIeld, roBert Pledge, allegra WIlde, alIson WrIght; moderator: anthony Bannon Gain insights into the business of art from this experienced and knowledgeable panel. Learn what gatekeepers work for, their tips for success and what museums and galleries require. Join this panel and advance the business of your art. n Seminar 134 © MONICA STEVENSON Thursday, January 21, 2016 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM n Master Workshop 418 – FOTOshoot long exPosure Water landsCaPes WIth matt stoCK Critique Friday 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm Hibiscus Room Matt Stock will compare and contrast color to traditional black & white imagery in long exposures, and discuss the merits for each, as well as post-production workflow. Don’t miss this great introduction to long exposure photography for those who have never experimented with it. on location shooting will take place on the beachfront. Bring shoes that can get wet and a tripod and shutter release cable. Friday, January 22, 2016 a 10-steP method For IdentIFyIng, CaPturIng & reFInIng landsCaPe settIngs In soFt lIght WIth JosePh meehan Exploit different types of “soft light” with expert photographer Joseph Meehan, beginning with effective compositions and exposure techniques to final processing methods in Photoshop or Lightroom. after defining and illustrating soft light concept, 25 before-after examples will be detailed following a 10-step method Meehan has used over the last decade. Examples include, dusk and dawn light, types of fog, mist and rain settings, and overcast and other low contrast/low light settings. n Computer Lab 309 demystIFyIng the lIghtroom develoPment module WIth alan WInsloW You’ve taken some great images in the field, now you’re ready to put on the final touches. Photographer and educator alan Winslow will walk you through the adobe Lightroom Development module. at workshop’s end you will have the tools needed to tone all of your images to perfection! Sample work images will be provided. 6:00 AM - 9:30 AM n Master Workshop 419 – FOTOshoot transFormIng the horse Into a WorK oF art WIth monICa stevenson Critique Saturday 12:15 pm - 1:15 pm Clematis Room Join award-winning photographer Monica Stevenson at a luxury horse farm in Wellington where you will spend the morning photographing horses and riders in a most beautiful equine setting. these equine athletes compete at the olympic level, and their musculature and fine grooming will be a joy to have in front of your camera. 7:00 AM - 10:00 AM n FOTOshoot 219 the modern landsCaPe WIth alIssa and JaCoB hessler creative Gurus alissa and Jacob Hessler will challenge you to remove the clutter, the obvious, and the clichéd from your 10 • FOTOfusion® 2016 © PETER TURNLEY FOTOFUSION 1-8-16 NEWEST.qxp_Layout 1 1/11/16 12:20 AM Page 13 Palm Beach Photographic Centre, 415 clematis Street n courtyard n Museum n Studio n Digital Lab 1 n Digital Lab 2 n ProShop Library, 3rd Floor city center n auditorium n clematis Room n Hibiscus Room City Hall, 1st Floor city center n commission chambers n Flagler Room 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM n Master Workshop 420 – Computer Lab taKIng It to the next level – the PoWer and Beauty oF PaIntIng WIth Photos, textures & layers WIth Jeremy sutton Portrait painter and expert in digital art techniques Jeremy Sutton will teach you how to combine and utilize photos and textures in Painter while making use of layers, layer composite methods and layer masks. Photos are used both as source subjects, reference and as a source of textures. Learn how to use textures to introduce richness into your paintings as well as very powerful techniques for collage and montage. 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM n Community Presentation 611 W. eugene smIth: the gold standard In PhotoJournalIsm WIth daIle KaPlan Gene Smith’s humanist photographs are some of the most iconic and moving pictures of the 20th century. a photojournalist for LIFE magazine, his visual stories continue to inspire photographers today. Learn about Smith’s life and work and his inspirations as a photographer from Daile kaplan, Director of Photographs & Photobooks and an auctioneer at prestigious Swann Galleries, and a photographs specialist on PBS’s Antique Roadshow. 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM n Seminar 137 unIque marKetIng ProPosItIon WIth Beth FIller, tom Kennedy, marK murrmann, WhItney rIChardson, CynthIa van roden; moderator: evan Jane KrIss Learn how to determine your strengths, create a unique signature or brand, and get your work seen. this panel of experienced photo editors and photographers explore these questions and help guide you with practical steps to create and market a unique brand identity. n Seminar 138 hand ColorIng your InKJet PrInts WIth BarBara ellIson In this hands-on workshop, Barbara Ellison will explore the use of pastels to create a turn of the century look. She will show you various ways to use the pastels along with the selection of paper to enhance your vision. You will practice on images printed for hand coloring, while learning techniques on layering pastels and blending color. n Computer Lab 310 IntroduCtIon to IPhone/IPad artIstry WIth dan BurKholder iPhone artist/photographer Dan Burkholder will help you get a firm grip on which apps are best for shooting, editing, and stylizing your iPhone photos. You will learn iPhone/iPad techniques that will make your photos look the way you want – from straight to highly stylized – with no geeky jargon or hassle. © BRIAN SMITH 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM n Community Presentation 612 Sponsored by Sony PortraIts oF the Famous and InFamous WIth BrIan smIth Portrait photography is 10% technique and 90% psychology – the most important buttons you push are not on your camera. Learn how to engage your subject and capture the essence of their personality in a single portrait. Miami celebrity portrait photographer Brian Smith will share the keys to creating thought-provoking conceptual portraits to lift your portraits to the next level. Find out how to sell your ideas to your subjects and clients and how to improvise and let go of the reigns when it leads to the best shot. 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM n Community Presentation 613 Sponsored by Leica Cameras moments oF the human CondItIon WIth Peter turnley Meet renowned photographer Peter turnley as you watch this visual/talk presentation of images from his major retrospective exhibition currently at cuba’s most important museum, Museo Nacional de Bellas artes. turnley’s 40 years of photographs from over 90 countries are a body of work called “Moments of the Human condition”. He will also present images from his popular newly published book of 30 years of photographs of life in cuba, Cuba – A Grace of Spirit. Following the talk, turnley will sign copies of his timely and very popular new book. FOTOfusion® 2016 • 11 FOTOFUSION 1-8-16 NEWEST.qxp_Layout 1 1/11/16 12:20 AM Page 14 friday 600 serIes leCtures PaSSPoRt HoLDERS & PBPc MEMBERS: FREE aDMISSIoN NoN-MEMBERS: $10 1:30 PM - 5:30 PM n FOTOshoot 220 exCItIng, exotIC south BeaCh WIth CIndy KarP Few locations in the world are as visually exciting as South Beach in January… and few photographers know South Beach as well as photojournalist cindy karp. a Miami resident for 20 years, cindy has photographed its evolution for most major media. Join her for an afternoon of walking the beach and streets and photograph its people and architecture, color and glitz, light and shadows. the drive to South Beach (with time for parking) takes about 90 minutes, so please don’t be late. We will leave at 1:30 pm sharp. 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM n Master Workshop 421 – FOTOshoot the art oF PhotograPhIng BIrds at WaKodahatChee WIldlIFe Preserve WIth John IsaaC Critique Saturday, 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM Hibiscus Room John Isaac will use his award-winning images to discuss composition, exposure, histograms, and placing the values according to the light conditions. You will learn how to “work an image” and how to develop an idea into reality. Put your knowledge into practice at a stimulating FotoShoot at the Wakodahatchee Wildlife Preserve. then, join John on Saturday for a session on developing raw images for final portfolio or publication, followed by a critique. © JOHN ISSAC 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM n Community Presentation 614 the Camera Is mIghtIer than the Pen: the turnIng the last Page ProJeCt WIth vInCent versaCe Smithsonian Laureate and Nikon ambassador Vincent Versace will talk about his two ongoing book projects – Burma: Turning the Last Page of the 19th Century and Cuba: Turning the Last Page of 1959. Born from the photographs of the travel workshops that Versace has led for the Palm Beach Photographic centre, he will discuss how to capture an image and be “taken” by the photograph. 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM n Seminar 141 CreatIvIty and vIsIon WIth Brendan Bannon Join international photojournalist Brendan Bannon to explore practices of vision to improve your photography and transform them into unforgettable images. You will be asked to select ten of your most important pictures and share what makes these images important or transformational in your work. then you will practice seeing something new with Bannon in two outings – a location off site and a studio room. n Seminar 142 © SEÁN DUGGAN FOTOshoot times indicate time that field trip leaves from the Centre and the time that the FOTOshoot ends at the location. Please arrive at the Centre at least 15 minutes before stated departure time. All FOTOshoots leave from Palm Beach Photographic Centre’s courtyard at indicated starting time. 12 • FOTOfusion® 2016 PhotograPhIng For PhotoshoP ComPosItIng WIth seán duggan Photographer and compositing artist Seán Duggan covers the creative and technical considerations involved when making photographs you know will be used in a composite. Duggan will review the key elements of creating and maintaining a compositing library, and discuss techniques and strategies for location and studio work for capturing the images needed to create the composite you have in mind, as well as simple post-processing techniques for creating different types of composites in Photoshop. FOTOFUSION 1-8-16 NEWEST.qxp_Layout 1 1/11/16 12:20 AM Page 15 Discover the Fotofusion technology center meet the exPerts From leICa, sIgma, sony, xrIte Photo, rode mICroPhones and more IN OUR PROSHOP FOR PHOTOGRAPHERS! Try the newest gear and get hands-on before you buy. Find them exhibiting in our Proshop 10 am - 5 pm daily during Fotofusion! this year our technology Center exhibitors are providing unique and exciting opportunities for you to “test drive” the very latest equipment in the world of photography! they will have equipment available for you to try at these Fotofusion sponsored Fotoshoots: Fotoshoot 203 - curious critters: Producing your own animal Portraits with David FitzSimmons on tuesday from 2:00 to 5:00 pm - sponsored by SIGMA Fotoshoot 501 - available Light Photography With the Leica System: clematis at Night with Peter turnley, Jim Wagner & tom Smith on thursday from 4:30 to 7:30 pm - sponsored by Leica Cameras USA Fotoshoot 502 - Portrait Photography with Brian Smith on Friday from 2:30 to 4:00 pm - sponsored by Sony An X-Rite Photo representative will be set-up in the ProShop for Photographers ready to calibrate the monitor on your laptop for optimal printing! Rad dically advanc a ced. 42.4MP EXMOR® R CMOS SENSOR 10025600 ISO 5 FPS 4K VIDEO OUTPUT © 2015 Sony Electronics Inc. All rights reserved. Sony, its logo and the Sony A logos are trademarks of Sony Corporation. Sony is not responsible for photographic, typographic or system errors. ors FOTOFUSION 1-8-16 NEWEST.qxp_Layout 1 1/11/16 12:20 AM Page 16 21st Anniversary Awards Dinner Wednesday, January 20, 2016 Cocktail and dinner party starting at 6:30 pm at the lake Pavilion and terrace at 101 south Flagler drive in downtown West Palm Beach We WIll Be honorIng: Fotomentor award 2016, Walter Iooss, Jr. Farewell Bash the winner of this year’s annual Fotomentor award during Fotofusion® 2016, photographer Walter Iooss has been hailed as “the poet laureate of sports.” In his half-century career at Sports Illustrated, he has shot more than 300 magazine covers and photographed the annual Swimsuit Issue more than 40 times. Iooss is known for his award-winning images of the world’s greatest athletes, including Michael Jordan, Muhammad ali, tiger Woods, Scottie Pippen, kelly Slater and more. From 1968 through 1972, Iooss was in-house photographer for atlantic Records in New York, where his subjects included James Brown, Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin. In 2004, he received the prestigious LUcIE Lifetime achievement award for Sports Photography. Recent exhibitions of his work include “athlete: the Sports Illustrated Photography of Walter Iooss” at the Newseum in Washington, D.c., and “SPoRt: Iooss & Leifer” at the annenberg Space for Photography in Los angeles. Say goodbye until next year to all your friends and plan for Fotofusion® 2017. The Golden Career Award will also be presented. 6:00 - 8:00 PM $200 Per tICKet Gold Passport Holders: Free • General Admission: $45 complimentary valet parking © VINCENT VERSACE Tuesday, January 19th, 2016 opening reception Jump start Fotofusion® 2016 and meet everyone at this reception honoring Fotofusion presenters, sponsors, and participants. 6:00 - 8:00 PM Gold Passport Holders: Free • General Admission $45 Saturday, January 23, 2016 Thursday, January 21, 2016 from 6:00 - 8:00 pm opening Reception - admission Free “TRIPLE PLAY”: A SPECIAL EXHIBITION BY THE MOST PROLIFIC PHOTOGRAPHER IN THE HISTORY OF SPORTS ILLUSTRATED! WALTER IOOSS, JR. Recipient of FOTOfusion’s Prestigious 2016 FOTOmentor Award Also on view: A © WALTER IOOSS/SPORTS ILLUSTRATED HORSE OF A DIFFERENT COLOR: WORKS BY MONICA STEVENSON FOTOFUSION 1-8-16 NEWEST.qxp_Layout 1 1/11/16 12:20 AM Page 17 FOTOFUSION 1-8-16 NEWEST.qxp_Layout 1 1/11/16 12:20 AM Page 18 © ROB SHEPPARD © SCOTT MC KIERNAN In celebration of Fotofusion’s 21st anniversary: FOTOvision Palm Beach Photographic Centre’s Night of Pictures! Friday, January 22, 2016 from 8:00 - 9:30 pm Join us for a FREE evening event and experience photography from across the globe. Featuring photographic excellence in fine art, landscape, nature, photojournalism and sports. World Premiere of “365”, a movie by ZUMa Wire Service, of the best pictures of the year. Witness amazing work by internationally acclaimed Fotofusion faculty and hear first-hand from those who created it. come see the world from a new perspective! Held on the Great Lawn on the waterfront in downtown West Palm Beach. This is a FREE public event. SPoNSoRED By Presenting Sponsor TRIPLE PLAY : BEAUTY © WALTER IOOSS JR./SI TRIPLE PLAY : ACTION © WALTER IOOSS JR./SI TRIPLE PLAY : COMPOSED © WALTER IOOSS JR./SI FOTOFUSION 1-8-16 NEWEST.qxp_Layout 1 1/11/16 12:20 AM Page 19 Palm Beach Photographic Centre, 415 clematis Street n courtyard n Museum n Studio n Digital Lab 1 n Digital Lab 2 n ProShop Library, 3rd Floor city center n auditorium n clematis Room n Hibiscus Room City Hall, 1st Floor city center n commission chambers n Flagler Room Friday, January 22, 2016 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM n FOTOshoot 502 Sponsored by Sony PortraIt PhotograPhy masterClass – the suCCessFul PortraIt WIth BrIan smIth Doesn't everyone you photograph deserve their 15 minutes of fame? Learn tips and tricks from Miami celebrity portrait photographer Brian Smith on how to make anyone you shoot look and feel like a Hollywood Star. Learn his tips and tricks for award-winning portrait photography of a-list Hollywood celebrities including anne Hathaway, Samuel L Jackson, Spike Lee, kelsey Grammer, Sylvester Stallone and arnold Schwarzenegger. 2:30 PM - 5:30 PM n Master Workshop 422 – Computer Lab gettIng the most From your Camera: masterIng lIghtroom CC WIth John reuter Legendary photographer John Reuter will focus on the Develop module and the tools to process, enhance, color correct, sharpen, correct perspective and reduce noise. after global enhancements are made he will explore the local tools – the graduated filter, the radial filter, the clone and heal tools and the amazing local adjustment brush and finally the new features available in the latest 2015 version, making Lightroom more powerful than ever. 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM n Community Presentation 615 the Wonders oF earth PhotograPhy and Images WIth dennIs dImICK See and hear an amazing picture of the world we live in and how we are changing it from National Geographic Environment and Picture Editor Dennis Dimick who originated this story and edited the photography of “Pulse of the Planet,” as part of National Geographic’s November 2015 issue on climate change using aerial, astronaut, and satellite images. Dimick will take you on a visual tour of the earth using pictures, animations, and movies he assembled from a variety of sources for this project. Dimick will show you how to locate and explore these image collections for yourself. 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM n Seminar 145 hoW edItIng maKes your WorK stronger WIth stella Kramer, allegra WIlde Join Stella kramer, Pulitzer Prize winning Photo Editor, and allegra Wilde, Founder of for a no-holds-barred conversation about what makes a cohesive body of work or portfolio of your images. Find out what message you’re sending with your photos, and get tips on creating and editing your work to stand out in an overly crowded photo universe. Stella and allegra will review websites, and conduct an open critique for all the participants in this seminar. © BRENDAN BANNON n Seminar 146 hoW to talK and WrIte aBout your WorK WIth Jean mIele Do you get stuck when people ask what your photographs are about? In this seminar with photographer, artist and educator Jean Miele, you’ll go beyond talking about the technical details of your photographs and learn to describe your work in a direct and meaningful way. Verbal and written in class exercises will have you engaging people as dynamically with your words as with your pictures. n Computer Lab 312 PhotoshoP layer masKIng WIth JulIe adaIr KIng Digital photography expert and bestselling author Julie adair king will help you discover the magic of layer masking and how to say goodbye to those cumbersome and time-consuming selection tools for good. In addition to explaining how to use layer masks for faster, more precise retouching, king will also introduce you to adjustment layers, which combine the most frequently used exposure and color filters with built-in masks. 4:30 PM - 8:00 PM n Master Workshop 423 – FOTOshoot nIght oWls: avaIlaBle lIght nIght PortraIture at the south FlorIda FaIr WIth morrIgan mCCarthy Critique Saturday 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm Clematis Room award winning photojournalist and editor Morrigan Mccarthy will begin with a discussion of low-light camera technique, as well as techniques for personal interactions with your subjects. You will photograph capturing the movement and mood of the fair and then get back together on Saturday for a critique, questions, and a discussion of your experiences and the techniques you practiced. FOTOfusion® 2016 • 13 FOTOFUSION 1-8-16 NEWEST.qxp_Layout 1 1/11/16 12:20 AM Page 20 saturday 600 serIes leCtures PaSSPoRt HoLDERS & PBPc MEMBERS: FREE aDMISSIoN NoN-MEMBERS: $10 Saturday, January 23,2016 6:30 AM - 9:30 AM n FOTOshoot 225 sunrIse at loxahatChee WIth ossIan lIndholm capture wonderful landscape and wildlife images at one of Florida’s natural treasures, the Loxahatchee Wildlife Preserve, part of the Everglades. award winning photographer ossian Lindholm will guide you through the refuge’s diverse wetland habitats, considered to be among the Everglades’ most photogenic areas, and give you tips on how to document them. 7:30 AM - 10:00 AM n FOTOshoot 226 quICK, Fast In a hurry: PortraIts In the FIeld WIth Brendan Bannon Learn how to use what you have available to quickly work out the maximum possibilities for portraits in the field. Discover how to take advantage of background, light and other clues to identity that are immediately accessible. Experienced photojournalist Brendan Bannon will show you a road map through symbol, metaphor and meaning in minutes. 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM n Seminar 150 © DAN BURKHOLDER Friday, January 22, 2016 get the most out oF a PortFolIo revIeW WIth marK murrmann Documentary photographer and photo editor Murmann will help you prepare a better portfolio and show you how to get the most out of reviews. Learn how to discover what you want, and should expect, from a review and how to tailor your presentation for different reviews. Murmann will also discuss how to pitch a body of work for editorial purposes, book projects or galleries. 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM n Master FOTOshoot 424 nIght PhotograPhy WIth leWIs KemPer Critique Saturday 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm Hibiscus Room Renowned photographer Lewis kemper will demonstrate the tools required for night photography and discuss techniques for making night images, including shooting stars, cityscapes, HDR, high ISo, creating motion with zoom, panoramas and more. Experiment and learn as you try out night photography techniques under his expert guidance. Meet on Saturday for a critique and get your questions answered about shooting and processing for HDR and HDR panos, compare shutter speeds for zoom effects and custom white balance vs. auto. For pricing information or to purchase a gold or silver passport or individual tickets go to 14 • FOTOfusion® 2016 © ALISON WRIGHT FOTOFUSION 1-8-16 NEWEST.qxp_Layout 1 1/11/16 12:20 AM Page 21 Palm Beach Photographic Centre, 415 clematis Street n courtyard n Museum n Studio n Digital Lab 1 n Digital Lab 2 n ProShop Library, 3rd Floor city center n auditorium n clematis Room n Hibiscus Room City Hall, 1st Floor city center n commission chambers n Flagler Room n Computer Lab 313 PhotoshoP seleCtIons & masKIng WIth seán duggan this workshop covers essential concepts and techniques for working with selections and masks in Photoshop. these can be used for applying tonal modifications to specific areas of a photograph, as well as for creating multiple image composites. Learn how to determine which selection tool is right for a particular job and ways to modify and fine tune selections so they’re as good as possible. From selections, we’ll venture into the world of alpha channels and layer masks, which can be used for everything from applying tonal adjustments, to creating intricate composites from multiple image sources. 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM n Master Workshop 425 – Computer Lab advanCed IPhone artIstry WIth dan BurKholder In this Master Workshop, you’ll explore adventurous, new iPhone imaging techniques that let you control texture, color and composition. Learn how to use layers, masks and blending modes right on your iPhone. achieve precise color and contrast control with History Brush-like painting. and when your photo is perfected, learn techniques to wirelessly move your iPhone images to your computer (or other ioS device) for printing. You’ll leave this session with lots of new iPhone photography techniques under your belt! 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM n FOTOshoot 227 a sense oF PlaCe WIth alIson WrIght We all want our portraits to convey the emotional experience of being there – to capture a sense of place, honor the unique qualities of the people, and tell a story. Join alison Wright for a walk through the West Palm Beach Green Market, and learn how to make pictures with great impact that tell a story. 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM n Community Presentation 616 PaInt on the go!! lIve PortraIt PaIntIng on the IPad WIth Jeremy sutton Portrait photographer and digital art expert Jeremy Sutton leads you on a tour of his favorite iPad painting apps while sketching a portrait or two from life of audience members and teaching you how to use your own iPad to sketch from life. Enjoy this exciting exploration of one of the newest art media that is revolutionizing the way artists can paint on the go. 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM n Seminar 153 marKetIng your FIne art WIth dIane FarrIs, alIssa hessler, JaCoB hessler, John reuter, JoyCe tenneson, moderator: stella Kramer Get ideas and inspiration from these successful fine art photographers about the many ways you can market your fine art work to potential clients. Learn how to narrow your target market, and explore different methods of promotion and ways to approach museums, galleries, art buyers, book publishers and more. © JOHN REUTER n Seminar 154 FIndIng the WIld In nature PhotograPhy WIthout goIng to aFrICa WIth roB shePPard there is much wild to nature all around us, some of which has yet to be fully explored by photographers. It is there to be found if you know where and how to look. Rob Sheppard will offer some ideas and show examples of the wild that anyone can explore. these can bring you photos that no one else has, because so many people don’t know how to truly find wild photo opportunities. n Computer Lab 314 usIng the loCal adJustment tools In adoBe PhotoshoP and lIghtroom to taKe your Images Beyond ordInary WIth leWIs KemPer Learn how to use the Graduated Filter, adjustment Brush, and the Radial Filter to set your images apart from the crowd. Learn how to use the tools in adobe camera Raw and Lightroom to turn your photographs into a performance that dazzles your audience! Learn how to accentuate the stars and control the lighting of your images. Lewis will demonstrate his “flipping the light” technique to make the subject the strongest visual element in your pictures. Make the ordinary extraordinary with these tips and techniques. FOTOfusion® 2016 • 15 FOTOFUSION 1-8-16 NEWEST.qxp_Layout 1 1/11/16 12:20 AM Page 22 saturday 600 serIes leCtures PaSSPoRt HoLDERS & PBPc MEMBERS: FREE aDMISSIoN NoN-MEMBERS: $10 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM n Community Presentation 617 Sponsored by RODE dslr audIo – mICroPhone seleCtIon & aPPlICatIon WIth ryan WhIte a great opportunity to get an overall run-through of microphone options for DSLR cameras. Ryan presents each type of microphone used for on camera recording to DSLRs and external recording devices. He briefly discusses a microphone’s design and educates you on the science behind it. Finally, he goes over the most common applications for each type of microphone. 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM n Community Presentation 618 FaCe to FaCe: PortraIts oF the human sPIrIt WIth alIson WrIght Journey around the world with documentary photographer alison Wright as she captures the universal human spirit through her images. She has been to 150 countries and named a National Geographic traveler of the Year as one who travels with a sense of passion and purpose. Her work as a humanitarian photographer inspired her Faces of Hope fund, a non-profit that helps women and children in the conflict/disaster areas she covers ( While on assignment her life was nearly cut short in a devastating bus accident on a remote jungle road in Laos. Her inspirational story describes not only how she learned to walk again but made it to the summit of Mount kilimanjaro and now continues to live her life of passion and adventure. 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM n FOTOshoot 229 shootIng the FIgure In InFrared, Full-sPeCtrum and BlaCK & WhIte WIth JaCK davIs and vInCent versaCe Explore the world of creative possibilities opened up by capturing the breathtaking subtleties that surround us in the invisible world of infrared with internationally recognized photographers Vincent Versace and Jack Davis. this hands-on Fotoshoot will guide you © CRAIG BLACKLOCK 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM n FOTOshoot 228 PuP PortraIts unleashed WIth mIChelle Pedone Photographing Fido will come together in a snap as you learn how to light, style and photograph man’s best friend in a fun and friendly environment. Pedone will cover basic lighting set-ups, how to choose different props and themes for a dog portrait and how to manage getting your perfect pup to behave in front of the camera! For pricing information or to purchase a gold or silver passport or individual tickets go to 16 • FOTOfusion® 2016 © ALAN WINSLOW FOTOFUSION 1-8-16 NEWEST.qxp_Layout 1 1/11/16 12:20 AM Page 23 Palm Beach Photographic Centre, 415 clematis Street n courtyard n Museum n Studio n Digital Lab 1 n Digital Lab 2 n ProShop Library, 3rd Floor city center n auditorium n clematis Room n Hibiscus Room City Hall, 1st Floor city center n commission chambers n Flagler Room through the labyrinth of different in-camera settings options and in-field shooting techniques – leading to the creation of the perfect Infrared image. If you have a camera converted to shoot in infrared, bring it. If you’ve needed an excuse to get one converted, now’s the time (both Vincent and Jack like and for conversions, and the “Enhanced color” flavor of conversion). If you want to try out an IR camera for the first time to see what the fuss is all about, we’ll have loaners. 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM n Community Presentation 619 storIes that need to Be told: the Best oF the FIrst deCade: aWard WInnIng zrePortage.Com WIth sCott mC KIernan Leading off with the best of the last 10 years and over 600 stories, this powerful multimedia presentation was designed especially for Fotofusion 2016. award-winning picture editor Scott Mc kiernan will review the best of online magazine zReportage, as seen through the eyes of ZUMa Wire Service’s top photojournalists worldwide. Joining Scott will be top photographers, whose stories have run on zReportage, to talk about the behind the scenes of their important essays. Editors who have created or run zReportage in their magazines will join in to talk about the importance of in-depth journalism and its impact worldwide, including Jim colton (ex-Newsweek and SI – currently and Ruaridh Stewart (zReportage picture editor). 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM n Seminar 157 taKe your vIdeo ProduCtIon to the next level: multI-Camera edItIng In PremIere Pro CC WIth John reuter creating sophisticated, multiple views is now possible for wedding videos, music videos, corporate videos or personal projects. John covers the multi-camera approach, adding an audio recorder, synching strategies while shooting, and the software options available in adobe creative cloud software and third party options such as Plural Eyes. Discover the revolution in video production for professionals and enthusiasts alike. n Seminar 158 the Personal ProJeCt: hoW to tell the story oF your lIFe In PhotograPhs WIth JennIFer mCClure Noted fine art and documentary photographer Jennifer Mcclure will cover strategies for using your own emotions and experiences as a basis for a personal photographic journey. She will reveal how to translate interior narratives into concrete photographs, focusing on subject matter as well as composition, lighting, and editing. Learn how photography can help you make sense of your world and reveal your personal patterns. © LEWIS KEMPER n Computer Lab 315 10 quICK tIPs For CreatIng great B&W Images From your dIgItal FIles WIth george sChauB Learn the essential processing steps for creating great black and white images for printing or sharing from noted editor and photographer George Schaub. after a demo of the 10 tips, you will do guided work on your own image files aided by step-by-step handouts and instructor and assistant guidance. tips include: Raw file format tools, tonal conversion tactics, contrast adjustments via curves and Levels, burning and dodging with masks, specific techniques for portraiture, image sizing and resolution, sharpening tactics, and more. this is a hands-on and personal approach to processing, bring your own digital image files on disc or stick. FOTOfusion® 2016 • 17 FOTOFUSION 1-8-16 NEWEST.qxp_Layout 1 1/11/16 12:20 AM Page 24 saturday 600 serIes leCtures PaSSPoRt HoLDERS & PBPc MEMBERS: FREE aDMISSIoN NoN-MEMBERS: $10 n Seminar 162 average Image WIth matt stoCK there is a long-standing hypothesis that humans are attracted to more symmetrical faces. computer scientists and artists alike have explored this notion by “averaging” the faces of models, actors, and even the girlfriends of Jerry Seinfeld, recently exhibited during art Basel Miami Beach. In this seminar, fine art photographer Matt Stock will demonstrate how to use studio lighting to photograph multiple objects and combine them into a single image that speaks to the individual nature of plants and their overall similarity simultaneously. n Computer Lab 316 From almost to “WoW!” / lIghtroom+PhotoshoP WIth Jean mIele take your pictures from “almost” to “Wow!” Digital expert Jean Miele will share some of his Photoshop & Lightroom secrets for creating stronger, more striking images, and help you take your work to the next level. Miele will guide you to understand the magic necessary to transform what’s in front of the camera into a stunning photograph. © ROB SHEPPARD 2:30 PM - 5:30 PM n Master Workshop 426 – Computer Lab From PhotoshoP to the rIP: maKIng the PerFeCt PrInt WIth J. tomas loPez In this step-by-step, hands-on demonstration, University of Miami Professor of Photography and Head of Electronic Media, J. thomas Lopez, will address every step of the printing process and explain why each step is crucial. From paper choice to image manipulation and printer setting, you’ll leave with a complete understanding of the process you need to follow to produce a perfect print. 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM n Community Presentation 620 What’s Wrong WIth thIs PICture (and hoW do I FIx It)? WIth JulIe adaIr KIng Join Digital Photography For Dummies author Julie adair king for an informative session about how to avoid the most common photographic problems, from underexposed subjects to out-ofwhack colors to poor print quality. In the easy-to-understand and entertaining fashion that makes her books so popular, Julie offers simple solutions that will help you get better results with any camera. 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM n Seminar 161 stIll to motIon: a q&a sessIon to helP you on your Way WIth roB shePPard and monICa stevenson Bring your questions and worries about moving from still to motion to this informal “chat” session with award-winning commercial photographer and fine artist Monica Stevenson and nature photographer and author Rob Sheppard. there will be an informal, yet energetic, creative dialogue to help you with your motion shooting issues, especially if you are daunted by the technical aspects – Monica and Rob will help educate you on this new platform. 18 • FOTOfusion® 2016 ProShop at the Palm Beach Photographic Centre Supporting one of the world's finest nonprofit arts resource centers The Pro Shop for Photographers, aka the “Candy Store for Photographers”, has been the go-to place in South Florida for over 25 years. A full range of photo products, from Leica, Nikon, Canon and GoPro cameras, to grip and lighting equipment, camera bags to hard-to-find Savage seamless background paper are available. Featuring the first Leica Boutique in the United States, the Pro Shop offers Leica's full product portfolio from point and shoot to rangefinder cameras, medium format systems and sport optics. The Pro Shop is a real camera shop with the latest and best there is to offer to a photographer, and an experienced staff. Stop in for all your photographic needs. 561.253.2606 FOTOFUSION 1-8-16 NEWEST.qxp_Layout 1 1/11/16 12:20 AM Page 25 bios amanda arrICK has worked in the photo industry for over ten years. arrick teaches classes and leading workshops across the country on range of subjects. When arrick isn't teaching for Sony, she is day dreaming about her next trip to Iceland with her a7rII. Brendan Bannon is a photojournalist and educator whose work has been featured in The Ny Times, Toronto Star, The Guardian, American Photo and Popular Photo. Bannon has collaborated with international NGos Doctors Without Borders, care, oxfam and the UN High commission for Refugees. His educational project Do you See What I See?, has been exhibited at the UN in NY and Geneva and most recently featured on Lens Blog. dr. anthony Bannon, executive director of the Burchfield Penney art center at Buffalo State college, NY is the recipient of many awards and honors. Bannon is noted for his leadership in the arts, cultural affairs, historic research and arts administration including the J. Dudley Johnson award for excellence in the history and criticism of photography from the Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain. Dr. Bannon has served on many influential boards and arts councils and is currently on the selection board of the Hermitage; the artist’s colony near Sarasota. CraIg BlaCKloCK is one of the Midwest’s most distinguished fine art landscape photographers. Blacklock has taught photography workshops since 1982, including many focusing on the nude in the landscape. His nudes in the landscape are part of many prestigious private and public collections, including the Museum of Fine arts, Houston. His book, A Voice Within – The Lake Superior Nudes, won Best Photography Book from over 1300 publishers from around the world in the Independent Publishers awards. dan BurKholder has a long history of looking over the photographic horizon to explore, exhibit, and teach, the next great thing in imaging. Burkholder has taught digital imaging workshops at venues worldwide including the Royal Photographic Society (Spain), the School of the art Institute of chicago (IL), and the Royal Melbourne Institute of technology (australia). Burkholder’s book iPhone Artistry (Pixiq Press, 2012) is the definitive guide for creative iPhone photographers. James K. Colton, currently Editor-at-Large at ZUMa Press and Editor-in-chief of, began his career in 1972 at the associated Press. Five years later he became Newsweek’s Director of Photography before joining Sports Illustrated as Photography Editor for 15 years. colton was Jury chairman for the World Press Photo contest in 2005,received an International Photography awards “Lucie” for Picture Editor of the Year in 2007, was the recipient of the “Focus” award for Lifetime achievement by the Griffin Museum in 2010 and has been acknowledged as one of the 100 most important people in photography by american Photo. JaCK “WoW” davIs, best-selling author, is one of the world’s leading experts on adobe Photoshop and Lightroom, Davis has an Ma and MFa in Digital Imagery. Davis is and an award-winning designer, photographer, and co-author of a dozen titles on Photoshop and Design, with almost 2 million books in print. For almost 30 years Davis has been an internationally renowned spokesperson on digital imagery, teaching at conferences and workshops worldwide. Davis is one of the first inductees into the Photoshop Hall of Fame for his lifetime contributions to the industry. © J. THOMAS LOPEZ dennIs dImICK served as executive environment editor at National Geographic until he retired at the end of 2015 after a 35-year career there. as a magazine editor he created projects on food and agriculture, world population, freshwater, energy, climate change, endangered species, public lands, and the american West. Dimick has received many picture editing awards from Pictures of the Year International and the Society of Environmental Journalists. a 19-time Missouri Photo Workshop faculty member, he received the Sprague Memorial award from the National Press Photographers association in 2013 for service to photojournalism. arnold h. draPKIn’s 10 years as Picture Editor of tIME won the magazine more than 200 awards for photographic excellence. Drapkin is the recipient of the National Press Photographers association’s Sprague Lifetime achievement award and the Fotofusion® Golden career award. He was Director of the Parsons School of Design International Photographic Workshop student exchange program for seven years, and the Fotofusion® Festival from 1996 through 2009 and served as a Photo Manager for the 1996 Summer olympics. currently a photographic consultant, Drapkin served as Director of Photography for the 1989 Bush Inauguration and as Photographic consultant for the clinton and George W. Bush Inaugurals. FOTOfusion® 2016 • 19 FOTOFUSION 1-8-16 NEWEST.qxp_Layout 1 1/11/16 12:20 AM Page 26 Beth FIller, an accomplished photo editor with the iconic magazines People and Rolling Stone, is an inspirational leader recognized for her passion for visual storytelling and her strong creative judgment. Filler’s notable achievements include overseeing People’s 25th Anniversary Edition photography; establishing the photo department for WHo, People’s australian edition and coordinating annie Leibovitz’s photo shoots at Rolling Stone. after a famed 24-year career with People, her enthusiasm for photography as a freelance photo editor continues. davId FItzsImmons, a Sigma Pro, is an award-winning freelance photographer and writer, whose works have appeared in outdoor Photographer, Popular Photography, Professional Photographer, and Shutterbug. His Curious Critters picture books have won nine national book awards and sold over 100,000 copies. With over 20 years of teaching experience, and a Ph.D. in English from ohio State, he presents seminars and workshops to a variety of audiences, from public school, college, and university classes to photography groups and civic organizations. © JILL ENFIELD seán duggan is a fine art photographer, author and educator. His writing and teaching, has helped photographers master digital photography and digital darkroom techniques for nearly 20 years. an author at, Duggan has co-authored several books, including Photoshop Masking & Compositing, Real World Digital Photography, The Creative Digital Darkroom, and Photoshop Artistry, and also is host of TheFIX, a weekly podcast about Lightroom, Photoshop and post-processing on This Week in Photo. Duggan leads workshops at venues countrywide and offers customized online consulting and training. BarBara ellIson, a Pro-Market Representative for canon USa who has traveled for 26 years across the US, lecturing and instructing on photographic topics such as botanical and macro photography, printing and alternative processes. Ellison teaches workshops on art and photography, specializing in botanical imagery and creative printing. Her work is shown in galleries and in various books and publications and she continues to create mixed media pieces at her home in Virginia. JIll enFIeld is a world recognized name in alternative photography with many awards, grants and books on the subject as well as dozens of solo and group exhibitions and inclusion in museum and private collections. Enfield also focuses on digital photography teaching at Parson’s the New School for Design in NYc. Recently, Enfield spent 3 weeks in Israel, making cyanotype murals along the Jordan River. the artwork is currently traveling in the Middle East to generate awareness for the Jordan’s pollution as well as support for the areas solar power. Enfield is currently working on her third book, due out in late 2016. laurenCe gartel is known to the world as the “FatHER” of Digital art for nearly 40-years. Gartel has traveled the world exhibiting and projecting his work in australia, Spain, Germany, Italy, as well as going to India. He has been commissioned to produce artwork on Britney Spears, Justin timberlake, Red Hot chili Peppers, as well as for corporations such as coca cola, Philip Morris, Walt Disney, NBa, Gibson Guitars, Bang & olufsen, and known to most for his absolut Gartel ad for absolut Vodka. In 2015 he was the official artist of the 57th annual Grammy awards, the artist of the NaSa MMS Mission, he unveiled the First National State art car in concord, NH. He has stayed on the cutting edge of technology by recently being the Visionary of the 3D Print conference in Santa clara, california. CarrIe guenther worked in the photo department at Bloomberg Personal magazine, and helped produce aSME-nominated photography that garnered awards from Society of Publication Designers and communication arts. She served as picture editor of the 2003 issue of Dateline, the overseas Press Club of America magazine, and freelanced at In Style and Esquire. Guenther began her career at Gamma Liaison and later ran the syndication department at Visages. alIssa hessler, an art director and photographer with over a decade of creative industry experience, has lead diverse teams in the design, photography, and film worlds, as an executive producer, art director, photographer and photo editor. clients included Nordstrom, Microsoft, teague, Boeing and Starbucks. Working as a creative manager at smartphone giant Htc, she brought devices to market at couture press events worldwide. Hessler now teaches photography and operates Hessler creative with husband Jacob and is currently working on Urban Exodus, a photo project documenting back-to-landers. dIane FarrIs is a photographer working in Gainesville, Florida interested in art and issues of sustainability. Her work is in museum collections, public spaces and publications ranging from the children’s book In Dolphin Time, Type Tales and the recent Dream Images. a new body of work follows a longstanding interest in the book as an idea and object. a 2015 show In ariccia, Italy featured images from Volumes. regIna FeIler is an industry expert in photographic licensing with focus in monetizing digital archives in Editorial Syndication, consumer Products, and Fine art. after a 16- year career at tIME Inc. as Director of The LIFE Picture Collection, she is now Director of Licensing at capital art/Globe Photos that boasts the venerated Globe Photos agency, the Movie Star News archive, the Frank Wright archive, and the work of Larry Barbier, Jr. Feiler’s career has given her the opportunity to work with world-renowned photographers, movie stars, and many of the incredible colleagues presenting at Fotofusion®. 20 © RUARIDH STEWART • FOTOfusion® 2016 FOTOFUSION 1-8-16 NEWEST.qxp_Layout 1 1/11/16 12:20 AM Page 27 JaCoB hessler is a fine art photographer specializing in contemporary, introspective, meditative and nostalgic, landscapes. Hessler’s signature style has developed a following of collectors and interior designers. a graduate of the Brooks Institute of Photography, Hessler assisted photographer Jill Greenberg on many high-profile projects then pursued a master’s in graphic design at Parsons the New School in NY. Jacob and his wife alissa operate the boutique-branding firm Hessler creative and co-teach the Modern Landscape photography workshops. Walter Iooss, Jr., perhaps the single most successful sports photographer for over 50 years, whose photographs have graced the cover of Sports Illustrated over 300 times, is one of only four photographers to have covered every Super Bowl. a Swimsuit Issue cover shooter for last 30+ years, he has shot award winning advertising campaigns for coca-cola, adidas, Nike, oakley, canon, kellogg’s, Gatorade and the National Milk council. Iooss has published 13 books including the 1993 bestseller Rare Air: Michaelon Michael as well as Cal on Cal and Junior. John IsaaC’s images appear in olympus advertisements, books, magazines, and other media. as a photographer for the United Nations, heavily involved with UNIcEF, Isaac visually documented his travels to more than 100 countries to help raise awareness of the struggles and triumphs that occur in our world. throughout his storied career he has received numerous National and International awards. daIle KaPlan, vice president of Swann Galleries, and director of Photographs and Photobooks, has set world auction records for fine art, documentary and vernacular photographs. also photographs specialist on antiques Roadshow, kaplan is a champion of photography in its myriad forms. Her book, Pop Photographica, Image objects, highlights vernacular objects from her collection, which was exhibited at the Photo Festival in arles, France. She has contributed essays to Click!, Photography Changes Everything (aperture, 2012) and Appraising Art: The Definitive Guide (appraisers association of america, 2013). a certified, USPaP-compliant appraiser of photographs and photobooks, kaplan was a board member of the appraisers association of america for twelve years, and currently serves on the board of trustees of the W. Eugene Smith Memorial Fund. CIndy KarP spent the first decade of her career as a photojournalist for TIME magazine, covering war and politics in Latin america and the caribbean. Later, based in Miami, she photographed news, portraits, travel and culture for The New york Times, People, Life, Rolling Stone, the Discovery channel and many other U.S. and international publications. karp is currently one of South Florida’s most sought after wedding and portrait photographers; is an adjunct professor in Miami Dade college’s Fine arts Dept. and teaches travel photography workshops in Peru, Miami and Guatemala with the Palm Beach Photographic centre. leWIs KemPer is a widely recognized photographer, writer, and instructor, lecturing and teaching throughout the U. S. kemper has written or photographed many books including Ancient Ancestors of the Southwest, published by Graphic arts center Publishing and his monograph, Capturing the Light won the People’s choice awards in Fine art in the 2009 Photography Book Now competition. His latest publication, Photographing yosemite Digital Field Guide, was voted in the top 20 field guides. kemper’s latest project; My Stretch of the River: A Photographer’s Journal, features a year’s worth of photography and journal entries on the american River in Sacramento, ca. © MORRIGAN MCCARTHY tom Kennedy is an internationally known visual journalist with extensive print and digital experience. kennedy has held positions as Managing Editor for Multimedia for The Washington Post, Director of Photography for the National Geographic Society, Deputy Graphics Director for The Philadelphia Inquirer and Managing Editor/Digital News for PBS NewsHour. During his career, kennedy has created, directed, and edited visual journalism stories that have earned Pulitzer Prizes, as well as Emmy, Peabody and Edward R. Murrow awards. currently, he is the Executive Director for the american Society of Media Photographers (aSMP). JulIe adaIr KIng is the author of several popular digital photography and image-editing books, including the best-selling Digital Photography For Dummies, now in its 7th Edition. king is also the author of a series of For Dummies guides to canon, Nikon, and olympus cameras. Her other books include Julie king’s Everyday Photoshop for Photographers, Julie King’s Everyday Photoshop Elements 3.0 For Photographers, and Digital Photography Before & After Makeovers. stella Kramer is a Pulitzer Prize-winning photo editor and creative strategist. kramer has covered many major news events in recent history working for major publications – The New york Times, People magazine, Entertainment Weekly, Sports Illustrated, Newsweek and Brill’s Content. at The New york Times, kramer was part of the team that won both the 2002 Pulitzer Prize for Breaking News Photography and the 2002 Pulitzer Prize for Public Service. She also curates, teaches, reviews portfolios and blogs about photography. evan Jane KrIss is an accomplished photographic editor, director and content curator who conceives creative solutions and produces content for a range of media outlets, most recently as a Business affairs Manager in Marcom at apple. Previously kriss was Photo Editor of The Washington Post magazine, a Picture Editor at The New york Times magazine and in various roles in the photo department at TIME magazine. currently kriss is a Reviewer with Eyeist, and a freelance photo editor/director/content curator/ digital asset manager in the San Francisco Bay area. erIKa larsen is a magazine photographer specializing in humaninterest stories and sensitive cultural issues. Larsen’s work has been included in the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery, National Geographic Society, the Swedish Museum of Ethnography and ajtte Sámi Museum. She is a recipient of several grants and fellowships including a Fulbright Fellowship, New Jersey State arts council Fellowship, Women in Photography Individual Project Grant, Lois Roth Endowment and a World Press award. FOTOfusion® 2016 • 21 FOTOFUSION 1-8-16 NEWEST.qxp_Layout 1 1/11/16 12:20 AM Page 28 sCott mC KIernan’s leadership and decades of photojournalism experience as an award-winning photographer, photo editor, agent, designer and publisher have proven instrumental in establishing one of the world’s largest editorial news service: ZUMa Press. the digital-age editorial pioneer, represents 2,100+ top photojournalists, 90 major dailies, and 60+ wire services/agencies globally. among his achievements was building, in the early hours of the World Wide Web, the first editorial database for pictures. Mc kiernan just launched his own NGo: the Reportage Foundation – to Get Stories that Need to Be told, funded, and reported into the hands of the People who can truly change the world. JosePh meehan, has worked as a professional photographer, writer and teacher since the 1970s, was the Sr. technical Editor at Photo District News for 12 years during the decade of the photo industry’s transition from film to digital imaging. over a thousand of Meehan’s images have appeared in books, magazines, on the web and in print advertisements. He is the former editor of the Photography yearbook and has authored 25 books on photographic techniques. In 2010 Meehan received the Palm Beach Photographic centre’s Fotofusion® Golden career award. © JACOB HESSLER ossIan lIndholm, a renowned argentinian nature photographer and documentary filmmaker is Director of the Digital tV channel of the National University of tucuman. trained as an agronomist, he turned his passion for nature to conservation photography. Lindholm has published five books and 14 calendars. For the past four years he has been the creator, editor, producer and host of a very popular weekly nature tV documentary called Travesia Fotograficas. J. tomas loPez is a Professor in the department of art and art History and the Head of Electronic Media at the University of Miami. Showcased internationally in over two hundred group exhibitions and thirty-five solo exhibitions, his work is in many permanent collections: the Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of american art, the Library of congress, La Biblioteque Nationale de France; the International Museum of Photography, the Museum of Modern art in N. Y. and the Lowe art Museum. Lopez is the recipient of the Florida artist Grant, the cintas Foundation Fellowship, and the National Endowment for the arts award in the Visual arts. In 2013, he received the University of Miami‘s Provost award for Scholarly activity, one of the highest university awards, and in 2014 was named a cooper Fellow, the highest recognition in the college of arts and Sciences. morrIgan mCCarthy, an award-winning documentary photographer, is a regular contributor to, and been featured in New york Magazine, PDNedu, and the Wall Street Journal among others. a freelance photo editor at The New york Times Mccarthy has lectured at institutions and festivals worldwide including the Smithsonian american art Museum, Photoville, and various universities. the recipient of several grants, she attended the Eddie adams Workshop and was the 2012 Maine arts Fellow. JennIFer mCClure is a NY based fine art and documentary photographer. after a B.a. in English Literature, and a career in restaurants, she returned to photography in 2001, taking classes at the School of Visual arts and the International center of Photography. Named one of LensCulture’s top 50 Emerging talents of 2015 and awarded cENtER’s Editor’s choice by Susan White of Vanity Fair in 2013, her work has been exhibited in shows across the U.S. and featured in Lenscratch, Feature Shoot, L’oeil de la Photographie, The Photo Review, Dwell, Adbusters, and PDN. 22 • FOTOfusion® 2016 Jean “gIno” mIele’s photographs explore his lifelong interest in perception, spirituality and mysticism. He believes every photograph is an act of transformation, and that the photographs we make tell us more about ourselves than about what was in front of the lens. Miele’s photographs have appeared in thousands of publications, and his original prints exhibited and acquired by collectors worldwide. Miele’s workshops empower students to realize their own photographic vision. marK murrmann, photo editor at Mother Jones Magazine, came there in 2007 with a background as a music photographer and photojournalist, working as a contract photographer with ZUMa Press. He studied at Uc Berkeley’s Graduate School of Journalism and then in London as a student winner of the alexia Foundation Photography Grant. as a photo editor, Murrmann continues to uphold Mother Jones’ reputation for strong documentary photography while pursuing new, innovative ways to incorporate visual storytelling in the magazine. mIChelle Pedone, an award winning New York city based portrait photographer, grew up in a military family being the new kid in a classroom at least 16 times. this has given her a unique perspective experiencing the subculture in each new place and nourished her love of pop culture, so evident in her work today. Her energetic personality, eye for color, details and clean graphic style lends itself to a variety of subject matter and her work has been featured in many publications including Seventeen, Men’s Health and World Wrestling Entertainment Magazine, along with advertising campaigns for old Navy and the Learning channel. roBert Pledge, a student of West african languages and anthropology, found his way into journalism and photography as an african affairs specialist. In 1976, with a small group of talented photographers, he co-founded the famed boutique agency contact Press Images in NY. Pledge curated major photographic exhibitions worldwide and edited acclaimed books including Red-Color News Soldier with chinese photographer Li Zhensheng; 44 Days: Iran and the Remaking of the World with photographer David Burnett; and recently Quelque part en France (Somewhere in France) with never-before published photographs by John G. Morris, the London based Life magazine picture editor, taken in the summer of 1944 in Normandy, shortly after D-Day. FOTOFUSION 1-8-16 NEWEST.qxp_Layout 1 1/11/16 12:20 AM Page 29 John reuter is Executive Director of the 20x24 Studio, home of the legendary 20x24 camera. During his career he has collaborated with artists such as chuck close, Robert Rauschenberg, Mary Ellen Mark and Joyce tenneson. Reuter and has been a dedicated educator, teaching workshops in instant photography, digital imaging, encaustic painting and video production in venues worldwide. He is currently at work on Camera Ready, the Polaroid 20x24 Project a documentary film on the origins and history of the 20x24 program. John has taught at the Palm Beach Photographic centre for 18 years. WhItney rIChardson, a photo producer at The New york Times is also a writer and producer for the times photo blog, Lens. Richardson helped launch a redesign for the Lens website, almost doubling the photo department’s social media traffic in her first year. She also served as a co-producer for the New york Portfolio Review, sponsored by the Times Lens blog and the city University of New York’s Graduate School of Journalism. Richardson is an adjunct professor at columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism, teaching a two-week photojournalism boot camp with mobile photography in the fall of 2015. george sChauB is the Editor-at-Large at Shutterbug Magazine and a member of the technical committee in the technical Image Press association. author of over 20 books on photography, his writing and photography has been published in The New york Times, Travel & Leisure, Men’s Journal, American Photo, and other photo and imaging magazines. Schaub has taught photo and printing workshops worldwide and exhibited in numerous galleries and museums, most recently, a celebration of 150 years of printmaking in the Southwest titled Pressing Through Time, part of the taos, NM Fall arts Festival. roB shePPard is a photographer, author, naturalist and nature photographer, editor and videographer. He is a Fellow with the North american Nature Photography association, and the previous editor of outdoor Photographer. Sheppard’s books include; Landscape Photography: From Snapshot to Great Shot, Macro Photography: From Snapshot to Great Shot, The Magic of Digital Nature Photography, National Geographic Field Guide to Digital Photography, and 6 Steps to Better Nature Photography (available on website). BrIan smIth is a Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer, whose bold, iconic portraits of celebrities, athletes and executives have graced the covers and pages of hundreds of magazines including Sports Illustrated, ESPN the Magazine, TIME, Forbes, New york Times Magazine and British GQ. Smith is a Sony artisan of Imagery and bestselling author; appeared on the X Factor; and his work has been exhibited at the Library of congress, aperture Gallery and Museum of Natural History. monICa stevenson is a NY based commercial and fine art photographer/film maker who incorporates a rich, cosmopolitan, visual, tactile language into her imagery. Her desire to remain artistically innovative in the swiftly changing industry, is apparent in her photographs of jewelry, cosmetics, luxury products, splashes, and horses, extending to all media including her video and motion. Stevenson’s commercial work has been described as “visual onomatopoeia”. Her clients include tiffany and co., cartier, Sotheby’s, Gillette, Movado, Vogue, crabtree and Evelyn, and Volkswagen. ruarIdh steWart, News Director of ZUMa Press, oversees a large team of photo editors and is chief contact for ZUMa’s 2,100+ photojournalists and 100+ newspaper and agency partners worldwide. He is also associate Picture Editor of DoUBLEtruck, an award-winning picture news publication, and of the multimedia portal, Stewart is the recipient of several major awards as an editor and photojournalist, including a PoY for his news coverage and reportage photography. matt stoCK developed his signature style of Painting with Light in the Dark® after building his career on techniques fusing art and science. Stock’s knowledge of his craft and innovative methods have led to many honors and awards including: works in the permanent collection of Biscayne National Park and the National trust for Historic Preservation, presenting speaker with tEDx coconut Grove, an Honorable Mention in the International Photography awards Photography Masters cup, and recognition as one of five experts in night photography by Shutterbug Magazine’s 2014 Expert Photography Techniques Magazine. adam stoltman is a photographer, editor, media developer and consultant involved in traditional and digital media for over 30 years with The New york Times, time Warner, Eastman kodak and the Walt Disney company. Stoltman covered 11 olympics Games appearing in major magazines. at The New york Times, he was part of a team that produced award-winning visual coverage and served as Sports Picture Editor for The New york Times Daily and as deputy picture editor for feature photography at Sports Illustrated. © JOSEPH MEEHAN FOTOfusion® 2016 • 23 FOTOFUSION 1-8-16 NEWEST.qxp_Layout 1 1/11/16 12:20 AM Page 30 Jeremy sutton, an internationally recognized corel Painter Master, has used Painter for 20 years, since its first version. author of many books, videos, and DVDs on Painter, including acclaimed Painter Creativity: Digital Artist’s Handbook series, he is the founder of, an online learning resource, and a long time Painter Beta team and corel Painter advisory council member. an oxford University-trained Physicist who has drawn since he was three, his background spans art and technology. He creates fine art, portrait painting commissions, performs live digital portrait painting as entertainment at special events, is a keynote speaker at conferences, and teaches Painter workshops worldwide. JoyCe tenneson, internationally lauded as one of the leading photographers of her generation, has had her work published in books, magazines, and displayed in exhibitions, worldwide. tenneson’s portraits appear on magazine covers, including TIME, Life, Newsweek, Premiere, Esquire, and The New york Times Magazine. author of 15 books, including the best seller, Wise Women, she has received numerous awards. In a recent American Photo Magazine poll, she was voted among the ten most influential women in the history of photography. Peter turnley is renowned for his photography of the realities of the human condition. His photographs have been on the cover of Newsweek 43 times and are seen frequently in the world’s most prestigious publications. turnley has worked in over 90 countries and has witnessed most major stories of international geopolitical and historic significance in the last thirty years. His photographs draw attention to the plight of those who suffer great hardships or injustice. turnley affirms with his vision the many aspects of life that are beautiful, poetic, just, and inspirational. CynthIa van roden Photography curator by day. Vintage jazz vocalist by night. Both these passions emotionally connect people through storytelling. cynthia has assigned, researched and managed impactful visuals for Hallmark, Conde Nast Traveler, Times Mirror Magazines, SIPa Press and Time Life. Her photo career has spanned publishing, agency and collection management, advertising, exhibitions, licensing & multimedia. cynthia is currently plotting her next adventure! vInCent versaCe is an internationally recognized pioneer in the art and science of digital photography. Recipient of the computerworld Smithsonian award in Media arts & Entertainment, and the Shellenberg Fine art award, his work is included in the permanent collection of the Smithsonian Institution’s Museum of american History. He is the author of three bestselling books, and has been published in numerous magazines, including American Photo, outdoor Photographer, and Popular Photography. ryan WhIte is working towards his fifteenth year as an audio Engineer. In 2011, Ryan graduated from arizona’s conservatory of Recording arts and Sciences before relocating to Los angeles. once in Los angeles, Ryan worked for composer klaus Badelt, and drum software developer, Steven Slate. Ryan has been an audio Engineer in all major areas of the industry, from film production to video game audio, and regularly records music in his free time. Ryan has since become a Product Specialist for Rode Microphones where he travels the United States training and educating the Music Industry and Film Industry on all Rode Microphones' product line. allegra WIlde is the co-Founder and chief operations officer of Eyeist, the online Photography Review Service by Experts. In addition, she had been a Picture/Visual Strategist, consultant to artists, photographers, and other art-based businesses. Wilde was formerly the Director of talent and agent Branding at the Workbook, and a creative Director and Visual Strategist in her own photo consulting business. a veteran curator, critique specialist and photo content educator, Wilde is known for her broad overview of the commercial photography industry, and portfolio content development for photographers at all levels. alan WInsloW, a photographer and educator, has lectured and shown work at the Smithsonian american art Museum, triennial of Photography Hamburg, International Photo Festival Leiden, Photoville 2014, the DUMBo arts Festival, SUNY Buffalo, and the University of Florida. Winslow was selected to attend Photocamp 2014, and is a 2015 artist in Residence in Everglades Fellow. He teaches photography at International center for Photography; the Maine Media Workshops and Brooklyn central. alIson WrIght, an editorial & documentary photographer, has spent a career capturing the universal human spirit, traveling to all regions of the globe photographing endangered cultures and people. Named a National Geographic traveler of the Year as one who travels with a sense of passion and purpose, she was awarded “the 2014 Most compelling Woman in the travel Industry” by Premier Traveler magazine. Her memoir, Learning to Breathe; one Woman’s Journey of Spirit and Survival, chronicles her inspirational story of survival and rehabilitation, and her ongoing determination to recover and continue traveling the world as an intrepid photojournalist. this inspired her to found the non-profit Faces of Hope to give back to the communities that she photographs. © CINDY KARP 24 • FOTOfusion® 2016 FOTOFUSION 1-8-16 NEWEST.qxp_Layout 1 1/11/16 12:20 AM Page 31 Join us throughout the year at our full day to one-week intensive workshops © JACK DAVIS LEARN THE BASICS AND BEYOND • Intro to digital Cameras: dslr, Point & shoot and mirrorless • Beginners guide to lighting • 3d Printing and design • Photoshop tools of the trade & Photoshop Workflow • lightroom Foundation • Photography 101 ...and so much more! PHOTOGRAPHIC TOURS travel with us around the world while learning to capture the best images of fascinating cultural destinations such as Bhutan, Cuba, India, myanmar, Peru. FOTOCAMP 2016 our 2-week camp gives students a chance to try different genres of photography with hands-on shoots in street photography, sports, landscape and nature – on daily field trips. they will use our state-of-the-art lab to learn the latest in adobe Photoshop and lightroom, leaving with a portfolio of images. this camp is great for beginners to advanced teen photographers ages 10-17 and culminates in an exhibition of their very best work. this is a great way to prep your teen for the digital media programs! Sign up now for one of three sessions in Summer of 2016 beginning June 13, July 11 and July 25. MASTER WORKSHOPS COVERING ALL FACETS OF PHOTOGRAPHY AND DIGITAL MEDIA: • iPhone and iPad artistry: the next step with dan Burkholder • Creating the Botanical Portrait with Barbara ellison • the modern landscape with alissa & Jacob hessler • light, Color and Composition with lewis Kemper • Birds of south Florida – take your Wildlife Images to the next level with lewis Kemper • From almost to "WoW" with Jean miele • iPhone Cinema, Create Professional video With your Ios device with John reuter • the realization that you Can Create anything your mind Can Imagine with alicia savage • macro Photography From snapshot to great shot with rob sheppard • the Intimate Portrait with Joyce tenneson • the B & W master Print with vincent versace • architectural Photography in the digital realm with Jeffery totaro • digital Painting from Photos: From Photoshop to the new iPad Pro with Jack davis ...and many more!!!! SEE oUR cLaSS ScHEDULE at WoRkSHoP.oRG FOTOFUSION 1-8-16 NEWEST.qxp_Layout 1 1/11/16 12:20 AM Page 32 LEARN FROM THE MASTERS. OVER 130 EVENTS YOU WON’T WANT TO MISS! Seminars • Fotoshoots • Fuse & Schmooze Parties • Panels • technology centre Hands-on Photoshop™ Workshops • Book Signings • Portfolio Reviews FOTOfusion 2016 ® at the Palm Beach Photographic Centre ZUMA PRESS News is Everywhere, the Pictures are Here... Presenting Sponsor FOTOFUSION 2016 SPONSORS the Palm BeaCh County Board oF County CommIssIoners: Steven L. abrams, Priscilla a. taylor, Hal R. Valeche, Paulette Burdick, Shelley Vana, Mary Lou Berger, Melissa Mckinlay Connect with us on Social Media! © JOYCE TENNESON SCHOOL • SHOP • MUSEUM 415 clematis Street, West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Non-profit org. U.S. Postage PaID Palm Beach Photographic centre For the complete event schedule or to purchase a FOTOfusion® Passport or 561-253-2600