shadowbane history part 2


shadowbane history part 2
part two of three.
written by: Eternam (
08: Aftermath
of the War for Deciet
“Ok guys, take advantage of the recent victory and start securing our xp spots
again. This is the perfect time to get your characters lvl'd and earn some much
needed coin. i would love to xp for 2 hours straight without 29038932 million
midgets rushing me :).”
- Murdock, Lords of Death
Aftermath of the War for Deciet
Don’t be fooled by the rocks that we’ve got
As seen on ATC, 04/25/03
--We're still, we're still, the same motherfuckers from the block.
With the money coffers of Lords of Death being overfilled due to the absense of any
terrorist activities (or at least ones with even a small chance to actually succeed), and
the mad bling bling and crystal everywhere our heads can turn, LoD members attempt
to curb the rumours that they are becoming fixated on money and "losing their roots".
"Just because we are all equipting hundred thousand dollars worth of crystal doesn't
mean we still aint from the underground yo," says philanthropist and LoD hit squad
member Bizzle.
Members of Lords of Death are becoming so rich and so fast that they don't even bother
to bank anymore while xping or leveling.
"Whats the point? I haven't seen anyone in Deciet in four days. This place is like
Disneyland now."
Obidiah, LoD GM and Ghetto Superstar, stands by the statement that LoD is not losing
any of its roots and "still rolling mofos and still waving our hands like we just don't
(Rolling up Silent Tribe's buildings with the
mad bling bling.)
--Too much dinero?
One important detail to mention is that the exact amount of mad cash is quite a
mystery, as LoD members are encouraged to keep making money without question.
"We are making a lot of money," comments LoD Debt Collector Hew, "however, it is
economically unviable to fanny around making 'very large' profits, when there are
'stupendous' profits to be made. Simply put we need to make more money. Why are you
still talking to me? You should be making money!"
Once the Dwarves relocated to the mainland (with another fucked up city name of “Khazad Gabilgathol”), life on Deciet for LoD was
relatively peaceful. We finally had an opportunity to level up interrupted and money was flowing into LoD Keep uninterrupted. Hew, Lord
of Rum, was appointed the official LoD treasurer and could often be seen standing in front of the LoD bank soliciting for donations.
Moosealini was appointed head of recruitment and brought a new sense of organization within our recruitment process and various other
LoD members were appointed to positions of importance (strike leaders, island defense, etc).
Things were looking up for Lords of Death. That is, things were looking up for LoD until one morning Silent Tribe decided to raid LoD Keep
after the servers were brought down for maintenance and somehow our runemaster was deleted (we later found out it was by a Game
Master), making every building vulnerable.
Aftermath of the War for Deciet
(Waking up to find the LoD TOL camped.)
Sinbad called in all allies, who summoned in their friends and so on ... until it became a server-wide event. Every nation on Death came
and smashed on LoD Keep for over twelve hours as we attempted to fight over five-to-one odds. Once the smoke cleared and the dust
settled, LoD Keep was a wreck – all its guard buildings destroyed, some of the trainers and shops, and multiple holes on all sides. Even
with all the damage done to our city, it would have been much worse if it had not been for Balinor, Stretch, and Couladin gold healing
buildings and walls for hours on end.
The plan for retaking back LoD Keep started with regrouping at Lucid Vision's TOL. LoD dropped tags so they could bind at the Lucid Vision
tree; LV said they had been trying to sub to us for an hour but 'no LoD leaders on'. Obidiah's arrival inspired the troops. From Lucid Vision's
tree, the LoD group headed to the west gates of LoD Keep where Asparouh's group defended the gate and Obidiah's group flanked the
enemy forces from the south gates. With some heavy fighting, Asparouh's group managed to occupy the TOL where the invaders organized
their last stand. After a bit more fighting the keep was secured.
Aftermath of the War for Deciet
(Finally re-taking back LoD Keep.)
The destruction of LoD Keep assets set in motion a new plan – from pure defense and survival to offensive counter-attacks. Being
severely outnumbered during the day, a succession of “Ninja Raids” were called against nations that had helped in the sieging of LoD
Keep – with the first target being Silent Tribe's capital of Colossa. We were out for revenge and wouldn't you know it, revenge sure has a
way of motivating people. Thirty or so LoD hardcore players met up at about 1:00am PST and chain summoned into undead island where
Colossa stood. Caught off guard, resistance was light up to Colossa's TOL where enemies were recalled in to their deaths. Silent Tribe
attempted to muster up several desperate counter-attacks with various other guilds but without superior numerical advantage, they were
easily routed time and time again.
By the time the server went down, LoD had destroyed six R7 trainers and the buildings they were in as well as a couple of guard buildings.
With some well timed gold healing, Silent Tribe managed to save their walls but the damage had been done – Colossa, the largest city on
Death server with over twice the population numbers of LoD Keep, had been hit by a guild that was predicted as the first guild to be
burned to the ground. Suddently the tone of the anti-LoD forum posters started to change... and the guild leaders of nations against LoD
started to take notice.
Aftermath of the War for Deciet
The success of the ninja raid on Colossa set the tone and expectations for the rest of the ninja
Salvation, Free Corps, Heavy Foot, House Lok'ri, The Corvus and House In'visus were all on the
list of guilds that had helped in the destruction of LoD assets and all were hit during the first
wave of late-night coffee induced gaming sessions. Within the span of a week after the server
raid on LoD Keep, the following retribution attacks were made: 1) Salvation's Capital 2) HiV's
Capital 3) Silent Tribe's Colossa 4) Salvation's city Zion 5) and 6) Heavy Foot's Khazad Galthol. We
even managed to throw in a day time raid on The Corvus.
Even with LoD's victories over the server alliance and the sportsmanship we showed to Mithral
Warhammers, everyone still had it in for us.
The political forums and ATC were exploding with damage reports and hate messages from
enemy nation members. But for every LoD incursion into enemy territory, there would be double
the amount of LoD-hate threads on the political forums. We knew we could not field anywhere
near the number of players that the big guilds of Silent Tribe, House Lok-ri, and Free Corps
could field so we used effective raiding strategy to our advantage. This time around, it was
Silent Tribe members who were at the fore-front of the anti-LoD movements included Sinbad,
Tothas, TenBux, and many others who were determined to undermine LoD credibility on Death
Somewhere around this time, LoD experienced some memorable internal drama events.
X'andra, an Empire member, was found to be Aliana Silverleaf from HiV and our current antifemale trooper Murdock just went 'buck-wild like a prodigy child' on her. X'andra was subsequently booted from LoD and forever had a bad rap-sheet with LoD.
In another incident, Quari, the guild leader of FoC (a small sub-nation we had picked up after
the fall of the Dwarves) was repeatedly side stepping our requests and we kept hearing negative
comments about them each and every day. The guild itself had a few decent folks but Quari was
an extremely questionable character. The FoC situation was resolved when Ghecko and the rest
of Lucid Vision waged a holy war against FoC and drove them off the server, with us picking up
the few good players they had.
In a completely bizarre incident, Devante, an empire recruit wanted to start up a sub-guild
called “Cult of 7 Sins”, which was promptly denied.
Lastly, Ebok, a small guild that came from Silent Tribe, joined Lords of Death but started shit
during a raid and were quickly booted from the nation. Shortly after they left the server and the
term “ebok'ed” was first used to describe a dumb ass guild.
We did have some good internal guild happenings which included a gift to DOM for their loyalty
and dedication with some godly stat runes, but for the most part, the aftermath of the war for
deceit consisted of ninja raids and bizarre internal guild drama.
Aftermath of the War for Deciet
Heres the truth as I see it
VN Boards Death, 05/09/03
--LOD is a PK Guild that came to this server and
PK'd from the very beginning. They are aggressive and have so far made sure that Ice Island
belongs to only them and their allies. Their first
aggression was against MWH and it fell in line
with their plan of having Ice Island to themselves. Ask yourselves would ST have allowed
any guild to place a ToL on the Island that they
chose? Not a chance. If ST had done this to
MWH, we would probably all be at war with them
as well as LOD. They are just as bad but flew in
under the radar while LOD came in guns blazing.
Granted they run their mouths at times but to be
honest when I fight them I am too busy killing
and taking orders from my leadership to even
bother with what they are saying. (Try filtering
chat some) I know everyone says that they
exploit. I was in ST the other day preparing for a
raid on LOD keep and guess how we all got out?
"/Stuck" Is this not considered an exploit now?
And can you fault LOD or anyone else for making
bane live at server down? This is WP's problem
and it will hopefully be addressed. And Ive heard
that WP does not consider sending pets to attack
siege equipment an exploit or bug since they can
still be targeted with range/spells. People have
become obsessed with LOD. MWH has a
reason to war with LOD. ST feels the need to
attack someone and prove that they are the
Number One Non-RP guild on the server. FC
will only attack LOD since they are friends
with everyone else. Other than a few
encounters they have not shown aggression
towards FC. Lok-ri is RP'ing I guess and
controlling the Commander rune and taking
care of business with the other small RP
guilds. There is a lot of potential for good
battles/wars but each guild needs to step up
now. This is kind of long I know but after
seeing that thread on the UBI site I felt like
writing something on the issue. Its just
amazing how far people are taking their
hatred for LOD. Maybe its because I'm not
easily offended, I have a life outside of all of
this and that I understand its only a game. I
mean there are are a lot of strategic and
logical enemies for people to attack other
than LOD. Can you even gouge what the
server would be like if LOD wasn't here to get
it all started. I just would like to see guilds
make a move other than all joining up to take
out LOD. Say what you want but I think
everyone is afraid of a war with a neighbor
that is too close.
- War27
RE: Heres the truth as I see it
VN Boards Death, 05/09/03
--I will tell you why everyone hates LoD: Because they run their mouths proclaiming greatness with no evidence of having
been great. They can't handle equal or
greater numbers as has been proven time
and again. Along with rampant PKing of
inferior characters around KC and Khar,
this is more than enough to breed a
degree of hate. Now, I will tell you why
LoD must be gotten rid of: -Because LoD
is the guild that will hit you when you are
in bed asleep. This will not be allowed to
continue. This makes them the #1 threat.
They have every capability of destroying
any building in any town on this server
that is not protected by the ToL, simply
because they attack when no one is their
to defend. They use scare tactics to goad
other guilds into allying with them,
because of this very reason. For now they
are concentrating a lot of their time on
ST, but it is only a matter of time before
they realize they cannot hurt us, and pick
weaker targets (YOU), as is the pattern,
the path of least resistance.
- Tothas, Silent Tribe
LoD Invades The Corvus “By Mistake”
As seen on ATC
--The Lords of Death has issued a hearty "Oops, I did it again" to The Corvus for the invasion of its sovereign territory
by LoD mongrels, which LoD has put down to "the kind of simple mistake anyone could make."
"How dare thee attack our peace-loving city! What have we ever done to you!" exclaimed an unidentified Aelfborn
Nation member while standing behind a seven-foot tall Steel half-giant warrior and a elven mage with red beady
--Lords of Death has gone and done it again. Rumors has it that members of The Empire have been caught invading the
cities of The Corvus and laying waste to buildings and humble adobes of their fair cities. LoD states that The Corvus
members were spotted harboring terrorists and participating in terrorist acitivies during the seige of LoD Keep.
This of course has the Aelfborn Nation hopping mad, prompting its council members to issue a formal statement:
"Nuhh Uh! We weren't there... and even if we were, you guys started it first!"
LoD assures that it was just an minor error by the LoD intelligence department and that it will never happen again.
"This is the kind of silly misunderstanding that could happen to anyone," explained LoD diplomat Silent.
09: Unholy Alliances
Unholy Alliances
The server turned inside out during the second week of May.
Virakar Arakat, the irekei roleplaying guild from the desert that
had burned down LoD's secret city of Ambers, joined Lords of
Death in what was dubbed an “unholy alliance”. The news of this
alliance shocked not only the members of LoD, but the rest of the
server as well, especially since it was only a week ago that VA
and LoD were going at it.
The events that resulted in the unlikely pairing was the gang-up
on the Irekeis by Silent Tribe and House Lok-ri. Unlike the rest of
the server, Virakar Arakat still engaged in pvp of non-irekei
players in the desert (as per their lore), and because of that they
were an easy target for a gang-bang. After being raided nonstop by both nations, Rokin, the guild-leader of Virakar Arakat,
contacted Lords of Death and the rest was history. Virakar Arakat
and Lords of Death would form a friendship and alliance that
would endure until Death server was taken offline.
After the alliance between VA and LoD was sealed, Colossa was
In another surprising and unexpected development, two big
Silent Tribe sub-guilds decided to defect from the Sinbad
monarchy. But this was not just a run of the mill defection, the
two Silent Tribe sub-guilds would be defecting at the time of the
bane. With our new found allies in the desert and extra troops
coming in from the defectors as well as the element of surprise,
it was safe to assume that we had a pretty good chance to
succeed in scoring a major server upset.
Irekei and LoD "Unholy Alliance"
As seen on ATC
--In a statement made by Elven Nation Secretary of Tree
Imaroplay'lokri, he declared the mutual agreement between
the Irekei nation of VA and the Chaos Empire of LoD "Unholy
The Secratery of the Tree declared that these two evil powers
have "flaunted their hostility toward the elven nations for too
long." Imaroplay'lokri continued: "These disgusting, evil
creatures of the ice and sand have committed such heinous
atrocities as pairing with each other to help against our fair
cities, disrupting the fantasy lifestyles that we live in, and
calling us nerds in real life." Imaroplay'lokri further
lambasted these evil, evil powers for their continued efforts
in the development of politcal strategy. He concluded his
speech with a resounding attack on the leaders of the two
nations, whom he described as "those evil, evil fuckers."
Unholy Alliances
Bane on Colossa Battle Plans
LoD Lords Forum, 05/10/03
--These plans are not be discussed in /city /guild or /leader chats. For obvious reasons, you'll read further down, there cant be any leak
of this information. No Empire or Inits are to know more information than they need to.
The Bane on Colessa goes live at 2pm pt on Sunday
Sinbad sent a msg on his private boards for everyone to meet 3 hours before the bane goes live, at 11am pt or so at Colessa. We will be
meeting North of Colessa and be summoned in from a spy at 9:30am pt on Sunday.
We'll move out at around 10:00am pt. VA, HoM, LV, SP, LSV will meet us there. At the same time we are meeting north of Colessa, The
towns of Caer Benowyc and Big Wood, look Here If you want to see them on the map, will be gathering Inside Colessa under the cover
that they are there to defend the city. Those towns are led by Stump and Dayne, you are Not to contact them in any way or form, only
GM's are in contact with them as this point. Each of those 2 towns will have 50-90 members each attending.
Once our group to the north starts moving, Stump and Dayne will swear over their entire guild/town to LoD and unlock the North door.
After swearing over they will proceed to kill everyone in the town and start whacking at the west wall with stairs, which is the only part
of the walls that is still Rank 1(because you cant rank them up period). The bane is right outside that wall.
We will get there to an undefended, unlocked, and already controlled city. We will hold the city from the inside for the next 4 hours
until the bane goes live, and we will have half a dozen or so stealthers at LoD keep to stealth heal any buildings hurt in a counterattack,
thus needing no one there to defend. We'll need all Tanks with hammers, and all mages to be ready to man the walls for hours on end,
be prepared to die a lot.
There is a lot at stake here. Cya tomorrow.
- Obidiah, Lords of Death
Unholy Alliances
The morning of the bane, everyone gathered where we were supposed to and the plan seemed like was being executed as ordered. One
of the key factors of the plan however was to have a member of Crimson Dragoons open the gates for us at 10:00am pt. We gathered at
the gate and had an easy victory but the gate was not unlocked. The ST guy had to log off or something. At first we though he even back
stabbed us over the whole thing but later they made up for it but by then it was too late.
We tried a few times in the morning to fly in and take the forces inside but they just had too many and we didn't have enough flyiers.
Silent Tribe called in all the guilds to roll us – Free Corps, HiV, House Lok-ri, Salvation, Mithral Warhammers, Heavy Foot, The Corvus,
and Viri Mane. At that time only Legionarius of ST was helping us fight along with LV, LSV, and VA.
After getting rolled after an hour or 2 we all gathered up at Big Wood for round 2. At this time a member of Crimson Dragoons Inner
Council finally logged in and had the ability to unlock the north gate of Colossa for us. We gathered a force of about 80 people at Big
Wood and marched on the South gate of Colossa as a diversion.
Once everyone was in position we ran around to the north side as fast as we could where our agent from Crimson Dragoons unlocked the
north gate. We were able to rush in about thirty people, leaving about fifty crashed, locked out, or just generally lagging outside. We
held our ground inside for about twenty minutes and got overrun by the one-hundred enemies in there.
Shortly after that fight House Lok-ri attacked keep with about thirty and got pummeled. At this point we knew today would not be our
day to take Colossa.
Unholy Alliances
“LoD in their deceitful and cunning ways, showed their hand today. And it
was full of deuces. ”
- Sinbad, Silent Tribe
Overall it was a great effort and if a few more things went our way instead of against us, LoD might have taken Colossa that day.
And even though the plan to conquer Colossa had failed, Lords of Death definitely came out the winner – we assimilated thirty or
so active players from Silent Tribe who absolutely hated Sinbad and his nation, gained new allies with Virakar Arakat, and put the
server alliance against LoD on the defensive for once.
Sinbad and the rest of Silent Tribe crew, desperate for good news to come from the defections, proclaimed the defeat of the bane
as a grand victory and went on a mad forum posting spree. While they ripped on our skills and abilities, the posts asked for yet
again the server to “unite” against Lords of Death. We all saw right through it. From LoD leadership point of view, Silent Tribe was
scared because they know they are in the direct path of the LoD warmachine.
When it was all said and done, the two defecting Silent Tribe sub-guilds formed one nation called “Legionarious” and placed a city
south-west of LoD Keep, “Moonglow”. Despite some early doubts, Legionarious would stay loyal to LoD until the end of Death
server where they were absorbed into the LoD guild. Along with their guild-leader Stump, Legionarious would bring over a lot of
good players into LoD including Bloodrage, Skunkbush, Tormentor, and Craven.
Want to know where the Shock and Awe is?
Wanna know the Truth about why we left?
This ain't Baghdad boys. And your not the American Forces. LoD in
their deceitful and cunning ways, showed their hand today. And it
was full of deuces. Did Silent Tribe have 2 cities that defected to
LoD? Well, they have 2 city leaders that ordered their people to. This
was LoD's evil maneuver that would ensure their victory over Silent
Tribe. Guess what, over half of each guilds members dropped their
guild because those cities leader's didn't even discuss their actions
with their own members.
Sometime last week some jackasses from a guild called Viri-Mane
attacked Stump myself and some other guildies (Legionarius) while
we were farming gold on the mainland. We retaliated and killed them
off. They apoligized and offered to summon stump back to where we
had been hunting and to let us hunt again. Instead they summoned
Stump to their town and tried to kill him. Being the good guild
members that we are we brought up the fact that we had been
attacked by this guild to Sinbad and asked for his help in retaliating.
He flat out refused to and in fact sided with Viri-mane, and told us to
backoff. We ignored him and defened ourselves going to Viri-Mane
and killing off a bunch of their people outside the town. This is
where it gets messed up..... Sinbad gave Viri-mane a Bane to apply
on us!!!!! They did and Stump realizing that our future with ST was
looking pretty bleak made an executive decision in order to save the
guild and to strengthen our currently deteriorating strategic
position. He arranged to leave ST with another ST subguild (The Caer
Benoyc guys) and ally us with LOD. We will have a lot more fun
playing from now on, since we will not have to run everything by
Sinbad any longer and can play the game how it was meant to be
played. From a personal note last night was the most fun ive had
playing in a while. I really have a reason to hate the ST guys now,
and look forward to every chance I get to kill them.
- Borvo The Gifted, Legionarious
And what do you know - they left those cities and rejoined a guild
setup to harbor the refugees until the war was over. LoD's in all its
attempts today failed to even make so much as a mark on a single
Tribe asset. Why is that? Well maybe because the only thing they are
good at is raiding cities while no one is awake. Silent Tribe destruction was a guaranteed victory according to their Inner Council. Only
thing i saw tonight was a whole lot of naked enemies because they
didn't even bother repairing their equipment before the lemmings
ran back for another slaughter.
Now its Our turn.
- Sinbad, Silent Tribe
Unholy Alliances
After the whirlwind of activities that transpired during
the LoD/VA and LoD/ex-ST subs ordeal, LoD managed to
nab a roleplaying event that ended up with LoD having a
GM city right next door to Free Corps. The GM city gave
us access to much needed trainers, which up to this time
we still did not have direct access to. Renaming the city
to “Trinsic”, it would be the first city outside of Deciet
for Lords of Death.
<<The disturbances that have rocked Tyrranth Minor and
Major and the deserts outside Khar Th'sekt have a
single, unseen cause, and soon every fragment shall
shudder under the Hand of Chaos! Beware, mortals, for
The Invasion is at hand!>>
The GM event highlights were two giant zerg bane
events, the first one which we were victorious (even
though we were scheduled to lose) granting us an
additional three days access to the city.
After the GM event, there was a period of downtime in
LoD, as players from both sides (LoD and the Server
Alliance) were drained out from constant warfare. This
downtime would bring about the city building phase of
The GM City event showed how desperately we needed
trainer and vendor cities for our nation. A duplicate city
design of the LoD Keep was commissioned to be used as
our trainer city. Dubbed “LoD Keep II”, the city was
placed just north-east of the original LoD Keep. The
Border Station followed shortly after and DEA/SB.EXE
guild followed suit with their own city “Skara Brae”. LoD
tagged cities on Deciet would include LoD Keep, LoD
Keep II, Moonglow, Skara Brae, DoM's city of Queen’s
Crown, and Border Station, a far cry from just a month
ago where the only thing that stood in the face of
complete annihilation was the LoD Keep.
Two other noteworthy events transpired during this
phase. The first one was a medium size guild by the
name of Veri Mane would bane the Border Station. In
retaliation we completely leveled their city and hunted
them down to extinction - Veri Mane would officially
leave the server two to three weeks later. The other
event would be the banishment of a subguild named
“Shining Path”, who then quickly subs under Silent Tribe.
Shining Path would play a pivotal role in LoD's Shadowbane history later on.
(From top-left to bottom-right: LoD forces gathering up to hit Colossa, Eternam
and a giant GM controlled demon at Destroyer’s Legion city - later renamed to
“Trinsic”, Morloch’s followers emoting praise, Viri Mane’s capital of Veritas gets
its city bashed.)
Unholy Alliances
10: The War With Death Head Legion
“Honestly, I don't think LoD can take on the ENTIRE Death server (ST,
Salv, FC, Lok Ri, etc, etc, etc) PLUS the entire War server. The numbers
will be too much for them I think.”
- WhitePhoenix2 , from the VNBoards
The war with Death Head Legion was a short lived but memorable and important war in LoD's Shadowbane history. Death
Head Legion, a large guild that LoD knew quite well from beta and their achievements on the War server, had decided that
they were bored of their own server and began plans for player migration to Death.
Death server guilds did not know what to expect from Death Head Legion. Who would take them in? All of that changed
when DHL subbed under to the nation of Salvation and Gob'ra, the guild leader of DHL, posted their official message
declaring their neutrality to all of the guilds on Death... with the exception of course, the Lords of Death. How convinient
that DHL would choose to war the guild the entire server was already at war with.
Along with their alignment against LoD, DHL quickly made some strategic political friendships with House In'Visus, Silent
Tribe, and the dwarves of Mithral Warhammers and Heavy Foot. Each DHL post on the Death Political Forums oozed of
diplomacy and continually emphasized their message of neutrality except for the evil Lords of Death.
Not long after arriving on Death server, Death Head Legion planted their own tree on an island west of House Lok'ri and
immediately doubled its membership from their initial twenty to fifty on the game map. Shortly after planting their tree,
DHL assimilated the refugees from the city of Rammel (a former Salvation city) and brought its game map membership to
just under one hundred. We also learned that Purity Council, a large sub-guild of DHL, had also arrived on Death server
and were under the Silent Tribe banner leveling up.
We were now in trouble and we knew it. Death Head Legion played the political game to a tee – here was an invading guild
from another server making allies and leveling their characters, with the guilds on the server just looking on. Although it
would have been easy to blame the mainland guilds for allowing Death Head Legion a foothold on Death server, LoD really
had no one else to blame LoD.
We thought we caught a break when DHL's city was baned by a new coalition of smaller guilds near them called the
“Protectorates” but after an “agreement” was made between DHL and the Protectorates to allow the city to continue
existing in exchange for money, all that stood in the way of DHL's growing power was LoD.
Having won compliance from the Death server guilds through effective forum posturing, it was decided that starting the
war with Death Head Legion would involve an equally effective forum counter-offensive. LoD leaders kept to three main
points when posting about DHL – (1) DHL was an invading force from the War server who had zerged their server, (2)
Helping DHL would not be in the best interest of Death server, and (3) Lords of Death accepts DHL's declaration of war and
are now committed to not only destroying their city, but driving them away from Death server. What we did not want was
the entire server rallying to DHL's side so we were careful to stick to only those three main points instead of getting baited
into the usual LoD-hate threads.
LoD pulled out the big propaganda guns for this war – an article was published on the official Shadowbane Chronicles
page about the events, Couladin managed to calm himself down for a couple of days and post actual comprehensible
postings (heh), and Carnage went above and beyond comedy gold with his satirical update about the LoD vs. DHL war.
There was definitely a lot of anticipation for this war.
LoD Lords Forum, 06/02/03
--Obi and Solstice and all Lords, I am sick of us talking mad shit about DHL and doing nothing about it. Read the SB
forums, they are roleplaying there asses off and have succeeded already in getting a bane dropped. They have openly
stated they are here to kill LoD, and while some of you are apathetic to this point I am not.
If we allow DHL to ally with the other server members and form against us we will die. DHL will organize the server in
massive assaults you have not witnessed before and it will be end game for us. I logged out last night after 10 minutes
of play because the site of our IC doing nothing about DHL made me angry.
WE, yes LoD, have allowed DHL a foothold! WE have allowed them to come very close to Allying the CoD, and they
already have HiV and HF with them.
The longer we are inactive, the more DHL will gain support as another person after us alone.
BTW, Council of Swords has sent a entire sub guild here to level up and plant a TOL in advance of a large number of CoS
moving to the death server. Are we going to let that happen as well?
Its time to camp DHL"S TOL NOW, its time to BANE them NOW, its time to camp there tree 24/7 NOW.
Stop acting like we are so high and mighty that no one can kill us. If we bane DHL now they will get no help, if we wait
even one more week you will see 200 defending there town like all the other banes.
I am going there immediately upon log in tonight to bane them.
And I am going to camp there all night. I expect everyone to come. Just because they have minimal buildings and no
walls is not an excuse. I am going to camp and kill DHL all night so they cant make walls. Then 3 days from now EAT
there city with some farva beans and a nice Chianti!
- Couladin, Lords of Death
10: The War With Death Head Legion
“So you know DHL is Death Head Legion. Were the guild on the box
when you bought the game and some of our members helped write
the strategy guide.”
- Bliss , Death Head Legion
10: The War With Death Head Legion
“As most of you were expecting... DHL has been baned on the Death
server. Luckily for us the guild that baned them was LoD the people
we are initially after.”
- Crowsnest, Purity Council
DHL and server politics
VN Boards, 5/21/03
--Well, DHL is already on the server and has devoted themselves to LoD's destruction. Makes sense in a way, having zerged
one server into the stone age they have moved onto greener pastures. Honestly, I don't think LoD can take on the ENTIRE
Death server (ST, Salv, FC, Lok Ri, etc, etc, etc) PLUS the entire War server. The numbers will be too much for them I think.
But, it is in an interesting opportunity for all the guilds that "claim" if it were not for LoD the RP war potential of this
server would be realized.
With DHL around to be fodder for LoD, [guilds like] Salvation, FC, Lok Ri, etc, can finally rest easy knowing that the
"supposed" LoD zerg is now in check and they don't have to sacrifice the lore and RP opportunities to keep them in check
constantly. Sadly, I doubt we'll see ANY skirmishes or major conflicts on the mainland. Not until LoD is gone though.. or at
least Ice Isle repopulated with tiny little dwarves.
What I'm curious about though, and sorry for the rambling, is if people realize DHL is as much or more of a danger to the
server balance than LoD ever was. DHL is already allying with ST and MWH. When/if (how you want to look at it) LoD is
destroyed, suddenly you've just replaced the supposed LoD zerg for a ST/DHL zerg. What will the RP nations do then?
Instead of LoD, they'll have DHL and ST ruining the "RP potential" of the server. But by the time LoD is gone, its already
too late. That's why I'm convinced DHL coming here could be a good thing... depending on how proactive the lore guilds
I'll tell you what, if I were Lok Ri, Free Corps, HiV, White Tower... I'd be grinning ear to ear right now. (I'm not saying they
are all RP guilds either). Because STDHL has already made it clear they are going after LoD, they (lore guilds) have a HUGE
opportunity to practice those Machialvellian (sp?) politics everyone talks about, and also pursue the lore while maintaining their "realistic" goals (i.e., not lore driven).
STDHL (and MWH) has already committed itself and has more than enough firepower to give LoD a run for its money (and
beat them possibly). It will be a tough fight either way. LoD should realize this, or will soon, and will start looking for
ways to even the odds... aka, not attacking Lok Ri, HiV, White Tower, etc. Which means that those guilds can cut themselves from the grand mainland alliance - formed to keep LoD in check - to pursue their own goals, both lore driven and to
increase their own power base, while STDHLMWH is left fighting them alone.
Also a great opportunity for small-medium sized guilds to make a move if they ever plan to on this server. The best part is
that they don't even have to "quit" the alliance... they can just stop showing up. I'm actually very interested to see what
happens in the coming weeks. Should be fun. =)
- WhitePheonix2
Death Server Stand Against War Invaders
Death Political Forums
I will be personally contacting all GM's involved in the major factions tonight as well as some of the small nations to
discuss a cease fire on Death until the Barter town is leveled.
I see 75% of the people posting about DHL not wanting them on Death. Its time to back it up. LoD does not need help
destroying DHL, what we do need is for the Alliance of nations against LoD to take a step back and let us work the magic.
We will accept help for sure but more importantly we ask you not to defend them. All roleplaying by Bliss aside, they are
here to Conquer.
Lok-ri, FC, ST, and Salvation we have some nice politics and wars developing on the server in the last few weeks. While I
fully expect your full assaults and defenses of Death guilds against LoD regardless of your current war status I say to you
this. Dont let DHL destroy what we have built. They are a War server guild and should be treated as invaders.
LoD is interested in all means political, financial, suicidal, and sexual.. get the alliance nations to stand back and let
LoD take care of the invasion from War.
As always I can be reached in game as Couladin/Iraqi.
- Couladin, Lords of Death
The bane on Death Head Legion's city “Barter City” was placed shortly after the forum campaign. We knew for certain that
DHL would be accompanied by House In'Visus and the dwarves of Heavy Foot, but were uncertain of what actions Silent Tribe,
House Lok-ri, Free Corps, Mithral Warhammers, or Salvation were going to pursue.
As fortune would have it, the day of the bane saw no ST/FC/Lok-ri or MWH on the side of DHL. The first battle would take
place at the river bed just outside of Barter Town. DHL scouts had found the LoD summoning group and sent word out to
intercept them. Unfortunately for DHL, LoD's own scouts were giving troop movements as well and by the time they had
attacked, we were prepared for the assault. DHL and its HIV/HF allies attempted to throw their numbers and tank-heavy
groups at the LoD stack but were merciless cut down in short order. DHL's attack looked horribly unorganized – there was no
concentrated fire or even the appearance of an overall plan, DHL simply tried to rush us and died.
After dispatching the... dispatch force... the LoD and VA force made its way to Barter Town. The city had a natural protective
barrier of two rivers from both sides and across the rivers awaited the enemy forces. Yet again strategy came out on top as
the LoD/VA force simply circled DHL and came in from the rear.
Securing the city, we waited for the bane to go live. But at this point we knew we had already won this battle as DHL simply
could not compete in group warfare against the Lords of Death. The two battles saw DHL being massacred with minimal loss
to LoD. As soon as the bane went live, DHL and its allies came thundering straight for the bane - hoping to destroy it before
we destroyed the TOL. The plan was sound in theory. Our forces had been divided while DHL was charging with all their men.
However it was just not meant to be for DHL. As our bane group held off the rush attack, the forces at the tree came to hit DHL
from the side and it was game over.
For LoD, the victory over DHL ensured that the server alliance will not have an additional hundred or so players in their ranks,
at least during the time DHL is errant. However, the end-result of the war between DHL and LoD would be far greater than the
inconvenience of being errant. After the sacking of Barter Town, Gob'ra would make a post on the political forums saying they
are re-evaluating their mission on Death server and are going to be taking a “break”. Death Head Legion as a guild would
never be seen on Death server after that day and a couple of weeks later, made their official “quitting shadowbane” post.
10: The War With Death Head Legion
--I think LoD feels the same way most of the server does. That DHL is bad for business and should not be allowed to build
there own city and grow on Death. So I placed a bane today. I placed it for one purpose only, to make DHL errant and stifle
their growth.
10: The War With Death Head Legion
10: The War With Death Head Legion
11: The LoD
War Machine
“We will never beat the zerg alliance if we don’t
have a full showing... but if we do have a full
showing, God have mercy on them.”
- Balinor, Lords of Death
Even with the acquisition of Legionarious and our allies in
the desert, the blue and white skull was still outnumbered
by the rainbow coalition of guilds at least two to one in
major battles. Nations and guilds that have had little to no
contact with LoD in the past were appearing in every bane
and siege to fight LoD. The Elitist, Chaos Element, Free
Corps Mercenary Legion (which was not affiliated with Free
Corps), JDK, Nation of Elba... all were now suddenly
dedicated in the crusade to rid the server of the Lords of
Death, along with our usual enemies from Silent Tribe,
Free Corps, House Lok-ri, Mithral Warhammers, House
In'Visus, and Salvation. It got to the point where we simply
nicknamed our enemies “The Rainbow Carebear alliance”
because of the numerous guild crests we would see at
every battle. On the up side, constant action returned as
battles swayed back and forth throughout the week and
Death reached an all time player high – fifteen hundred to
sixteen hundred players logged in during prime time
The success of the late night ninja raids and the annihilation of Death Head Legion from Death server, only fueled
the “LoD War Machine” to step up its offensive against the
mainland. Being outnumbered in every battle has been an
LoD way of life since day one of the server and we worked
tirelessly in coming up with new strategies and tactics to
combat. Centaur groups, the Screaming Cheetah, Eternam's
“make a stunner priest” campaign, and druid AOE groups
were all developed and tested. Some were successful,
others not so much, but the intended effect was accomplished – LoD groups were destroying enemy forces on a
regular basis even when severely outnumbered.
“The LoD War Machine” was in full gear in the month of
June, 2003.
The LoD War Machine
As tensions between the mainland guilds were heating up,
the Lords of Death were steamrolling enemies non-stop not only on the island of Deciet but also abroad. Aside
from Shining Path and the occasional Silent Tribe pk
group, we hardly saw enemies in Deciet that did not
consist of a very large force, which were repeatedly
There was one particular Silent Tribe player by the name of
“Nerion” who would post on the LoD forums about each
and every LoD-kill he got (literally) so we made sure to
target himfirst in every battle. Soon even Nerion stopped
posting on the LoD forums.
As the LoD War Machine trucked on - Stump and his
Legionarious crew were raiding Silent Tribe's undead island
non-stop, Shoon and his mercenaries harassed House
Lok-ri and their precious commander rune, Balinor's Doom
Squad was doing constant hit and runs in and around the
Free Corps bogs, and the SB.exers crew was running amok
in the small ice island near Deceit. Even the amount of
raids were noticeably increased, with day time raids
becoming as frequent as night time raids.
It was evident that the Carebear Alliance guilds, most of
whom have never experienced the stress of defending and
rallying up troops to retake back cities, were cracking
under the pressure. The posts on the forums no longer
were littered with threads about the eminent LoD destruction, but instead were of desperate cries for server
solitude against the “Chaos Horde”, the Lords of Death.
Two guilds from the server alliance in particular had a
falling out - Silent Tribe and House Lok-ri. Both large
guilds had egotistical leaders (Sinbad for ST and Vorgen
for House Lok-ri) who refused to see eye to eye, due to
whatever reason. It was not too long before Silent Tribe
members were attacking House Lok-ri and former LoD
sub-guild Shining Path was wrecking havoc on the Death
political forums.
The LoD War Machine
At first the leaders of LoD were unsure of what to do with
the situation between Silent Tribe and House Lok-ri.
Should LoD try to side with one faction over the other? It
was decided that LoD would try to stay directly out of the
conflict but also try to work behind the scenes to our
benefit. This required a lot of diplomatic relations with
both Silent Tribe and House Lok-ri, something in which the
Lords of Death were not known to be the best at.
The tensions between Silent Tribe and House Lok-ri also
allowed LoD some breathing room from zerg attacks
against LoD Keep and to focus on other guilds that have
been attacking us without provocation. One such guild
that was directly in the sights of the LoD War Machine was
House In’Visus.
Mael, the GM from House In'Visus, had it in for Lords of
Death. He absolutely hated LoD with a passion and was
evident from every post he made that he was determined
to get the entire server to remove the Lords of Death from
the server. This attitude was not anything that was new to
us, we have had haters since day one, so we took little
notice of it until HiV played its card by having X'andra
(a.k.a. Aliana Silverleaf the double-spy that was removed
from LoD Empire) bane ALL our cities in succession. LoD
countered by baning HiV's capital. Mael accompanied the
mass banings with a forum campaign attempting to enlist
everyone on the server to destroy LoD in one final and
decisive night.
"And as I said to you before. Burn
my city down? LOL TAKE A NUMBER.
"I'm sorry, all burning lines are
currently busy, please wait a
moment and try that line again"
- Mael, HiV
The LoD War Machine
Gentlemen this is gonna be a huge Friday night. Banes go
active as folllows... All Saturday early am 6/7, which
means jsut after Midnight Friday for those maggots who
get confused reading a watch.
DOM @ 1:40am / LoD Keep @ 3:00am / Moonglow @
4:06am / RG city & Border city @ Server crash 4:30am /
Bucs Den @ 5:05 am
We will need to be very organized to pull this off. I know
the whole server met to discuss plans on how to take us
out. But we have a plan to stop them. Obi will not be here
so I will take command, and Solstice will back me up.
You may see some ST after us but they will be Purity
Council. And by this time tomorrow may not even be under
the ST banner. Sinbad booted them from ST because PC
brought over 100 new members from War after we wasted
DHL. Expect HIV, MWH, HF, HC, Salvation... but the big
boys wont be there. Why do you ask?
Cause Sinbad and I have been rapping for the last 10 days.
Sinbad declared war on Lok-ri and the entire CoD. He will
be taking over 100 ST into EB to keep Lok-ri occupied
while we defend. He will be attacking there main city all
day and all night. We only need to worry about a few
Where will the forces attack us? What city will they attack
first? I am confident that Both DoM/LoD Keep are primary,
we will react to Bucs & Moon.
I would hope we could see 100 LoD or more online for
this. If not we are in big trouble. So everyone drop your
lives and get online.
I will be placing 2 more groups at DoM to help the
defend making that city a force of 30-35.
A force of 10 as stated at each open TOL, those 20 ppl
can easily react to DoM in 10 mins or less.
Main force of 50 plus LoD will remain at keep once the
enemy is spotted until I determine there target and
make a decision on where to move us.
"We will need to be very organized
to pull this off. I know the whole
server met to discuss plans on how
to take us out. But we have a plan to
stop them."
I am hoping to see a large portion of VA present but as
you know they dont play very late. Maybe the weekend will see more than usual.
Stump should have 20-30 ready for fighting
In order to get mass forces here quick HIV planted two
open tol's on our island. I have baned them both, but we
need to camp them with 1 full group each. When the
forces arrive you kill as many as you can or run off and
gather us.
SB.exe will be camping there own cities bane all day
and night and we will move them around as necessary.
Everyone needs to buy two siege weapons and have them
in your bank. Make sure you have some siege armor that
you can afford to lose or put your good shit away and fight
Don't blow this off.
- Couladin, Lords of Death
This will be an all out brawl. We will need every LoD
Empire/Sub/ Maggot etc to pull this off.
The LoD War Machine
(The world map at this time: LoD - large ice island, Virakar Arakat - the desert, Silent Tribe - undead island, House Lok-ri and the CoD - northern
part of the mainland, House In’Visus - north west of the mainland, Chaos Element - that triangle island in between the mainland, Free
Corps/Salvation/Lordknights - the mainland bogs, Viri Mane - area around the mainland portal, Otius Arma and Nation of Elba - eastern part of
the mainland, and the Mithral Warhammers - in between everyone else. )
The LoD War Machine
The night/morning of the mass banings, LoD worked in a
clockwork fashion destroying all invading forces and any
summoners trying to get to Deceit. Each bane defeated, we
sighed a sense of relief. Eventually, all the banes were
defeated and we waited for the server to reset. HiV, in all
their glory, decided to set their bane timer right after
server-reset but they did not know that we had an open TOL
planted right near their city in preparation. As soon as the
server came up, we all re-pledged to the open TOL and
rushed HiV's city, taking them completely by surprised.
(Destroying bane after bane... )
Without the server alliance to bail them out, HiV was overrun
in less than five minutes after server reset. Rather than
having the capital captured, Mael blew up the city... and
that was the end of that. House In'Visus, who had tried to
rally the server to destroy LoD, ended up being the one that
was wiped from the map. The remnants of House In'Visus
relocated to the “hidden island”, changed GMs (Mael quit
the game shortly after HiV capital was sacked), and three
weeks later, subbed to Lords of Death under a different guild
name of IP.
The LoD War Machine
Alliance Smashed at Home and Abroad
As Seen on ATC, 6/7/03
--Last evening's activities seemed to be a sure victory for the Alliance in their continual effort to root out the "cancer" that is the LoD Empire
and her allies. Instead it turned into the Empire's greatest victory and one of the alliance's greatest defeats. More proof that sweet providence is on the side of those who would rip the carebear's limb from limb and use their stuffing to wax their cars.
A total of 7 banes were placed by HIV and the Carebear Alliance on the Empire and the Virkar all set to go off within a few hours of each other.
It was the alliance's vain attempt at preventing server maintenance bain resets (which was not used for all but the runegate cities...after all
we only have so many hours in the morning and seven fucking banes).
The city of DOM was baned (1)The LoD Keep was baned (2)The city of Moonglow was baned (3)The Runegate cities (two) were baned (4 and
5)The city of the SB.executioner's was baned (6)The capital city of VA was baned (7)
In addition to placing all of these bane circles on every single empire city, the zerg hoard set up two free binding trees of life on the Holy
Fatherland in order to facilitate a quick zerg spawn.
Things were looking dark, but LoD and their friends thrive in the darkness.
A quick recap of events goes like this (im sure more musical updates will be coming soon, this update is intended to quickly inform):
Satanic Tribe forces ammased in Bucs Den and were quickly routed.
The DOM Bane was easily destroyed .
Inner dissension causes the grand alliance of the Satanic Tribe, the gru scum Lokri and the filthy little dorf MHW to dissolve. The arguement
causes them to go home instead of focus their rage on the Empire. As the Lord was apt to say, "a nation divided unto itself is destined to
Satanic Tribe hunting packs formed and headed towards the peaceful city of Moonglow. General Stump of the Legion was enraged by the
news and it was observed that he and the Legion flew into a fury and began ripping carebears limb from limb. Sinbad the Sailor and his filthy
crew were repelled once before the bane went active and once during the activity. The Moonglow Bane was then quickly destroyed further
fueling the righteous wrath of the Empire's armies.
The server then went down. The armies of the Lord's of Death, using the very same sekret tree tactic of thier HIV foes, bound to a tree near
HiV and ran to their capitol. DHL Lacky, and HiV leader Ember, seeing complete and utter defeat ahead of him, detonated the HiV tree of life
forcing his entire nation to go errant. LoD proceeds to kill them all. I think we know who the France of the Death server is.
Following the utter humiliation of HiV the Runegate city banes were destroyed along with the Buc's Den banes.
With the island secure, and the LoD army waging jihad on the mainland, Sb.exe and Legionarrius shock troops were dispatched to the VA
capitol city to provide support to our fast friends the Desert Irikaie. The VA bane was quickly destroyed, fueling even more rage within the
empire and her allies. Jihad spread and raids throughout the night/morning ensued.
The end result was total victory for the Empire and her allies, and a crushing and humiliating defeat for the Alliance.
One of the LoD supreme rulers and dictators, Balinor Ceasar (also the source of information for this update as the Avatar was not at hand for
the battle) was at hand to provide the following statement:
"HiV's plan backfired. They underestimated the will of LoD, VA and Allies. The mainland guilds are having thier own problems getting along...
- Ivan
The LoD War Machine
“If ST and Lok-ri' could have stopped bickering for ONE LOUSY NIGHT, this whole thing would have gone MUCH smoother... I'm convinced
you would have lost at least 2 or 3 cities over the course of the evening. The dwarven nation had 3 groups waiting to move out, but Thor
decided he didn't want to get us all killed before we even got anywhere. I mean, geez, even LoD was willing to call off all grudges for an
honest cause...”
- Gavin Strife, MWH
“Gavin, when are you dwarves going to realize that LoD is a guild of its word, and not some political device like the rest of the mainlanders.
When we say we will back you, you can bet your ass we will back you. When we say we will destroy you, bank on it, we will find a way.
These mainland guilds all talk a mean political agenda and the grand plans, but in reality, they just cannot wait to backstab each other
and be able to post about how clever they were. F that noise, its an embarrassment.
I know you MWH have some eternal enmity and grudges against us... but, maybe its time you consider coming to the 'dark' side. At least
you will find our word is our bond.”
- Balinor, Lords of Death
The LoD War Machine
The victory over House In'Visus was a minor stepping stone for the LoD War Machine... we were just getting started. Our next
target was the small ice island west of Deceit. The small island was being used as a jump point for raids and pk groups and we
could not have that. It was decided that the small ice island, which we nicknamed “mini-deceit”, would be LoD lands.
There was also another issue by Couladin towards the nation of Dawn and Mornetilde, who were subbed to House Lok-ri and the
CoD. They had been actively raiding our zones even though LoD had not even stepped anywhere near their cities before. So the
warning was issued and problem almost immediately. Dawn was to stay out of Deceit or be put on “Alert the Clutch” status.
Mini-Ice Island
--Let me start by saying that is by far an official decree, its
just a security issue that needs addressed. LoD has seen
consistent raiding of our xp groups in the last week by FCML,
--I ask you now to think of your actions, and the aggressive
nature you have taken against my XP groups. LoD has yet to
return these raids full force, giving the city of Dawn only a
small reminder of what the consequences may be. I ask you
today to think hard about stepping foot on Ice Island for any
reason other than to pass through the RG.
Keep of the Frozen, and Dawn. Mostly they come through
the runegate, but the larger forces get through a different
So let it be known that as of this moment the entire world
known to us as "Mini Ice" or "Mini Deceit" shall become LoD
lands. The guilds known to reside there will be removed or
I am tired of the security risk these guild pose to my nation
and I vow today to cleanse the risk from my thoughts. I
began this glorious removal late last night and will continue
to do so this week. No longer will I allow summoners and
flying groups of enemies to pass the Straits of waters
between Vorringard and Ice.
This action is vital to our nations security, and as stated
above necessary.
All who reside on Mini Ice are welcome to discuss any
agreement necessary for your nations survival with me at
Due to the CoD's arrogance in most diplomatic matters, you
have opened a new chapter on Death. Your war with Silent
Tribe puts you in no position to be aggressive with the Lords
of Death. LoD does not wish to interfere with your conflict,
don't make us.
The city known as Dawn is now put on "Alert the Clutch"
status. If I hear of just "one" more raid of Mornetilde guild
members on ICE I will jump into your conflict. And I will
make sure I strike when "the iron is hot"
Unlike Sinbad who enjoys conflict but as of yet kept sieging
out of your war LoD will not. Dawn is not well defended while
you’re at war with ST.
I ask you again. As of the time of this post, you need to
cease your raids.
Those in the CoD who know me well, understand that I can
speak with reason, and have conversations on all matters. If
at anytime you feel there is a better way to resolve any
matter involving the Lords of Death I highly urge you to
contact me as Iraqi or Couladin.
The LoD War Machine
After Couladin issued his politically successful decrees, he quit as the GM of LoD. Couladin was replaced by long-standing LoD lord Eternam,
bringing the LoD GM lineup to Couladin, Solstice, and Eternam. Eternam would focus more on raid organization and battle strategies rather
than city and nation management. Shortly after the changing of the guards within the LoD ranks, the war for mini-deciet erupted.
The war for the small ice island started off as a war of nation security, but ended up being a blood feud between the Lords of Death and Free
Corps Mercenary Legion. Free Corps Mercenary Legion (FCML) established itself in the small ice island and had built up a fairly large capital
and two outpost cities while the Lords of Death were occupied with being sieged day-in and day-out by the server. LoD never so much as
traveled to their small island let alone stepped inside their city but then out of nowhere FCML started appearing with the rest of the server in
its attacks on LoD Keep.
FCML was the epitome of the word “bandwagon jumpers”. When asked why FCML was fighting the Lords of Death, they responded with the
tired response that LoD were the “bad guys” of the server. LoD offered to pay to relocate their cities, to sub to Lords of Death and be treated
as all LoD sub-guilds were treated, and even an friendship agreement to try to work out a diplomatic solution. All were dismissed by FCML's
GM, Atron, who refused to even hold a conversation with the Lords of Death. During a meeting between the LoD GMs, it was evident that
there was only one solution left and that was to wipe FCML off of the small ice island. The general sentiment among LoD was that we needed
to set an example to all these new guilds that were appearing on the server. That message was that it does not pay to bandwagon against the
Lords of Death, because if you do, sooner or later we will come around to you and we will strike you with a vengeance.
In the end, Free Corps Mercenary Legion's capital withstood six banes in a row to only succumb the the seventh bane in a complete and utter
blowout. In all honesty, not even the leaders of LoD could have predicted that FCML would last that long. But in each and every bane we
placed on their capital, come bane time we would find the ENTIRE SERVER huddled outside of their city. There would literally be over a
hundred players all waiting to attack LoD every three days at 4pm PST (which FCML would set the bane to each and every time). Some banes
we would get really close in defeating the Rainbow Carebear Alliance and in others we would just get annihilated by the sea of blue dots.
But LoD never gave up and we never let up. Free Corps Mercenary Legion, and its leader Atron relied too heavily on the server to come bail
him his nation and his city out in each and every bane. What we found was that with each bane we placed, less and less of the server alliance
were willing to spend hours defending Kaer Ulfwych (FCML capital).
Finally, on the seventh attempt at the FCML capital, everything just fell into place for us. The previous night of ninja raiding their city cleared
all the barracks and left holes in their walls. Our forces struck hard and fast when the bane went live. With siege weapons ready in our
inventories, and mobile centaur groups patrolling the island for any summon chains, Kaer Ulfwych fell in record time.
With its capital sacked, FCML destroyed its two remaining outposts on the island and would later relocate to the mainland near Free Corps.
The vast majority of their members would leave the game and FCML as a guild would never reach the size they once were when they were in
the month of June. Atron, would forever hold a grudge against LoD throughout the rest of Death’s history.
JDK, a medium size guild that also occupied the “Mini-Deceit”, was far easier to defeat than FCML. Like FCML, JDK started showing up to
banes against the Lords of Death. After a successful raid which saw their city, “Keep of the Frozen” leveled to the ground of all it's nonprotected buildings (which was a lot) and their players killed repeatedly thereby breaking their gear, JDK quit Death server and were never
heard from again.
The last city on the small ice island belonged to a guild called “Rapture”, a small sized guild with about a dozen or so active players, subbed
to Lords of Death after the fall of FCML and JDK.
With Mini-Deceit fully under LoD control, we now had the momentum to wage an all-out war against Silent Tribe, Sinbad, and the undead