August 2011 Highlights Newsletter
August 2011 Highlights Newsletter
HIGHLIGHTS Volume 15 Number 08 - August 2011 Official Publication of the Roanoke Valley Region AACA NEXT DINNER MEETING AUGUST 9 - BELLACINO’S SEE PAGE 3 FOR DETAILS AUGUST COVER CAR IN THIS ISSUE Club Officers 2 New Members 2 Mtn View Show Report2 President’s Corner 3 August Meeting Info 3 RVR Volunteers at VMT 4/5 Wayne’s World 5 July Picnic Photos 6 Olde Salem Days 7 Buy-Sell-Trade 8 Advertisements 9-11 Event Calendar 12 3.47 1967 Chevrolet Camaro owned by Dennis & Holly Giles Notice all the trophies in the back seat. 2011 RVR OFFICERS President: Tom Cox Secretary: James Germann Treasurer: Gayle Thomasson VP Judging: Jim Rettman VP Legislation:Robert Dye VP Membership: Bob Pedigo VP Activities: Jerry Aker 540-947-5850 540-992-6764 540-890-1665 540-562-0706 540-966-3901 540-890-2545 540-981-0861 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Ron Vanderpool Dennis Giles Bill Weikart 540-387-3301 540-977-3437 540-992-6317 WEBMASTER Satch Reed HIGHLIGHTS The official publication of the Roanoke Valley Region Antique Automobile Club of America. Editor: Sell & Trade: Circulation: Advertising: Ron Vanderpool Ben Burch Bob Pedigo Jack Disher 540-387-3301 540-366-8407 540-890-2545 540-387-9237 PHONE COMMITTEE Coordinator: Gayle Thomasson 540-890-1665 FOUNDING MEMBERS James T Anderson Nellie Bowles J Gary Clay Frank E Koehler Blair A Riley Mason Rust * Anna Stanley * Howard Sumpter Walter Anderson Joseph E Brumberg Wesley V Hillman S M Bill Reedy Paul “Pete” Robinson Doris Turman * Garvin Stanley * Have maintained 55 years of continuous membership as of January 2011. Email Highlights editor at On the web in full color at Facebook Roanoke Valley Antique Automobile Club of America RVR AACA WE WELCOME OUR NEWEST MEMBERS Margaret Sue & Barry Wright Roanoke IF YOU KNOW SOMEONE INTERESTED IN BECOMING A MEMBER, PLEASE LET BOB PEDIGO KNOW. Mountain View Antique and Classic Car Show by Bill Weikart The Father's Day show at The Glebe proved to be a very relaxing and enjoyable event in spite of the threatening weather early in the day. However, the rain held off and eventually the skies cleared, to the relief of all. Great food, great company and especially, great cars rounded out a fine Father's Day afternoon. A total of twelve cars received awards, with four going to Roanoke Chapter members. Barry Dooley's 1967 Austin Healey was Best Import, Ron and Joyce Blalock received an award for Best Unrestored Antique with their 1938 Buick, and Tim and June Woodward's 1912 Model T was recognized as both the Oldest Car and the Best of 19001920. Both the residents and staff of The Glebe express their appreciation to those who brought their cars and to the Roanoke chapter for their support of this event. Thanks! GOT SOMETHING FOR THE NEWSLETTER? Articles and photos for this newsletter are welcome and are due to the editor by the 25th of each month. Your contribution helps keep this newsletter interesting. For more information, contact the editor - Ron Vanderpool, 387-3301 or ROANOKE VALLEY REGION AACA - CELEBRATING 56 YEARS - PAGE 2 THE PRESIDENT’S CORNER by Tom Cox As I write this, Tammy and I are returning from Kenosha, Wisconsin; home to Nash, Rambler, and AMC automobiles. The Kenosha History Museum sponsored a great show with about 500 Kenosha built cars and dozens of parts vendors. We saw old friends and made new ones. Naturally the subject of cars and needed parts came up. Pretty soon one person called another who ran to talk to another, and before long many of my needed parts were made available. One particularly rare part was given to me by a guy who refused to take anything for it. Everyone's eagerness and generosity reminded me how great our hobby truly is. In an age when neighbors don’t always help neighbors, and many of us wonder if community spirit is dead, it’s refreshing to know that we have a great automotive community out there. AACA and the Roanoke Valley Region can be proud because, just like those folks in Wisconsin, we are part of a giving generous community. I can think of no other automotive club in the world that has done more to promote our hobby than AACA, and it’s all because of you and others like you. Extend your hand and share it with someone by bringing in a new member. You can rest assured they will thank you. The picnic was wonderful as always, and one of our best attended ever. You really missed out if you weren't there. Louis and Trish Barnhart were great hosts, and Danny McFaddin helped secure a tent and loaned us that huge grill that burned all the hair off Jerry’s arms and mine as well. Thanks to you guys for helping to make it a great success. Thanks also to every one of our Board members who showed up for the great tent raising. It was especially rewarding to see our Editor, Mr. Vanderpool, breaking a sweat driving stakes in...oh, and I can’t forget the food. It was great! Don’t forget to go to Bristol Saturday, August 13, for the AACA National there. It”s too late to register, but it”s not too late to attend. At last count they had over 300 cars registered. The show will be at the Bristol Speedway, so it’s easy to find. Olde Salem Days is right around the corner to round out our local show schedule. It’s always been one of our best attended events and, as in the last couple of years, we will be working hard with our partners in Salem Rotary to make it a big success. Please come out for the food and crafts, but don’t forget to bring a car and support our hobby and the RVR. I hope to see everyone at Bellacino’s on Tuesday, the 9th. Last meeting boasted a near record attendance, and we had another great video presentation by Ron. Come out and bring your friends and family. Keep em in the road Tom AUGUST DINNER / MEETING BELLACINO’S - DALEVILLE Please plan to attend the Tuesday, August 9 Dinner Meeting at Bellacino’s at 1176 Roanoke Road, Daleville, 24083. The location is Rt 220 just north of the Daleville Kroger. Dinner starts at 6:30pm with the Business Meeting starting at 7:30pm. MENU The meal will be buffet style consisting of the following: 3 different one-topping pizza’s - Pepperoni, Meatball, Cheese & Tomatoes. 2 different grinders - BLT, Barbeque Pork Lasagna w/Garlic Toast, Salad, Cinnamon Sticks, and Drinks (soft drinks, water, tea, coffee) $12.00 PER PERSON PLEASE CALL JERRY AKER AT 529-4340 (OR E-MAIL AT FOR RESERVATIONS BY 8:00PM SUNDAY NIGHT, AUGUST 7. LEAVE MESSAGE IF NO ANSWER. ENTERTAINMENT The Model T Ford - 100 Years Later A video showing Model T’s being assembled on one of Ford’s earliest production lines. ROANOKE VALLEY REGION AACA - CELEBRATING 56 YEARS - PAGE 3 Virginia Museum of Transportation Volunteers by Norman Altizer It is always a privilege and an honor to be able to help with any function at the Transportation Museum. A number of members of the Roanoke Valley Region AACA had the opportunity to help with an educational program that the th th Transportation Museum put together for the 5 and 6 Graders from Roanoke City Schools from July 18-21, 2011. Patrick Henry High School facilitated this event with the Transportation Museum. The Roanoke City School part of the program was handled by Kathy Duncan, Principal of Patrick Henry High School and Michael Toney, Auto Body Instructor from Patrick Henry High School. There were also a number of volunteers from the school. Susan Loveman, Volunteer Coordinator and Museum Educator, put this entire program together, recruited the participants, and made it work as slick as a Swiss watch. The members of the Roanoke Valley Region AACA that helped with the instruction included Louise Scott, who taught judging of the antique cars. Ron Vanderpool and I, (Norman Altizer), taught cooling systems and gave the students a chance to ride a 1929 Model A Ford and a 1949 Chevrolet. We put an emphasis on safety with anti-freeze. Barry Dooley and Jim Fulghum taught diesel, gas and electric cars. In addition, Bev Fitzpatrick and Mel Akers were teaching mass transit with a 1934 Dodge school bus and a 1953 Mac city bus. Norman heads out with a car load of kids who have no doubt ever ridden in a Model A Ford before in their life. It was an extremely hot week to be working outside, but it didn’t seem to slow any of the students. Ron and I took a beating from the extreme heat. The old cars had a hard time starting after they got hot, but they continued to fire up even in the 100 degree heat. We were able to cruise up and down Norfolk Avenue with kids whose faces seemed to be fractured from smiling. Ron talks about the engine in his 1949 Chevrolet. Left to right: Back Row - Barry Dooley, Louise Scott, Norman Altizer. Front Row - Ron Vanderpool, Jim Fulghum, Bev Fitzpatrick. When you are working with an educational program like this, it is very difficult to tell who gets the most out of it. Is it the students or the people doing the teaching? Of course, there are hundreds of questions each day and hundreds of answers. There are opportunities for the students that they may never have again, such as: judging an antique car, or riding in one, or even finding out what type of safety equipment school buses had in the 1930s. It is always a surprise when you see a young person’s face ROANOKE VALLEY REGION AACA - CELEBRATING 56 YEARS - PAGE 4 light up when they see that they are going to have an opportunity to do something, such as riding in an antique car or seeing the buses that their parents or grandparents rode. The children were surprised to find out electric cars and diesel cars have been around for quite a while. FROM THE AACA RUMMAGE BOX WAYNE’S WAY by Wayne Burgess AACA editor Barry & Jim talk about electric and diesel engines. Anyone who has children will understand that school age children will ask more questions that you can answer whenever you are showing them something like this. We had the opportunity to open their eyes to the Antique Car Club, and I am quite sure the next time they go to a car show the cars they see there will mean something to them. Ron and I are looking forward to seeing all of these kids that we gave rides to at the next car show. These may be our new members in a few years and when they do I hope they can get as much pleasure out of driving their antique cars as I had driving my 82 year old Ford back and forth down Route 460 from Botetourt to the Transportation for the past four days. A recent west coast magazine editorial really struck close to home for me. This editor was talking about relieving stress by going to his garage where there were no computers, no iPods, TV sets, or other distractions to frazzle his nerves. When entering his garage the first thing he noticed was the old beat up coffee can on the corner of his workbench that held all of those old screws, washers, nuts, and bolts left over from his many projects of the past. He could not force himself to throw them away, because each time he would run his fingers through the loose parts, a flood of memories would come back to him, as the parts reminded him of those old projects. His “flood of memories” got me to thinking about all of the knick-knacks and little trinkets that I have bought at all of those flea markets of my past: * A show plaque from Cheyenne, WY * a license plate for Connecticut * an old car banner from a friend as he was cleaning out his garage preparing his family for yet one more move to a new home. These souvenirs are the fond memories of each AACA member in my life that are connected to them. I guess you could call them my scrapbook collection, but as Gloria would tell anyone, her husband is not organized enough to have a scrapbook, just the scraps. I guess you’re wondering what this has to do with AACA editors and the Rummage Box? The fact is that an editor’s job is to not only make his newsletter informative, but to also make it exciting to read. I’ll just bet that this little byline of mine made you think about your personal AACA memories. Highlighting your chapter or region member’s stories does the same thing for them. Everyone has a story to tell. It’s the editor’s job to get their members to participate by sharing their stories with their club members. Advise your members that you would be glad to help them tell their story, or even write it for them. They will be glad you did, after their friends read about the history they never knew about. Louise explains how a car is judged. ROANOKE VALLEY REGION AACA - CELEBRATING 56 YEARS - PAGE 5 Eighty + people enjoyed our annual club summer picnic at the Barnharts. We also enjoyed having several guests from the Lynchburg Region come and share the day with us. Not only was the attendance great, but the weather was great as well. Most who attended arrived in their antique cars which made for an impressive parade of old cars up Broad Street in Salem to the Barnhart’s residence. Thanks again to Louis & Trish for sharing their wonderful home and back yard with us. Below are just a few of the pictures taken during the day. Check out our web site for more. Before After Genevieve Waring serves appetizers to Bill Brinkley President Kathy Kellam and other Lynchburg Region members were welcomed at the picnic. These folks look like they are enjoying a good meal. Tom and Gayle express appreciation to Louis and Trish for once again hosting our picnic at their home. ROANOKE VALLEY REGION AACA - CELEBRATING 56 YEARS - PAGE 6 OLDE SALEM DAYS AUTO SHOW HOSTED BY ROANOKE VALLEY REGION AACA AND THE ROTARY CLUB OF SALEM We would like to invite you to the Olde Salem Days Annual Auto Show to be held on Main Street in Salem, VA. The show is open to all antique cars, trucks, and autos of interest; including street rods, customs, and modifieds. Saturday, September 10, 2011 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Awards presented at 3:00 Registration Fee $15.00 AWARDS Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Antique Modified Preservation Pre-War Antique Post-War Antique (1946-57) Mid-Post War Antique (1958-70) Late-Post-War (1971-2011) Chrysler Pre-War Antique Chrysler Post-War Antique (1946-57) Chrysler Mid-Post-War Antique (1958-70) Chrysler Late-Post-War (1971-2011 Ford Pre-War Antique Ford Post-War Antique (1946-57) Ford Mid-Post-War Antique (1958-70) Ford Late-Post-War (1971-2011) GM Pre-War Antique GM Post-War Antique (1946-57) GM Mid-Post-War Antique (1958-70) GM Late-Post-War (1971-2011) Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Independent Pre-War Antique Independent Post-War Antique Import Pre-War Antique Import Post-War Antique Pre-War Modified Post-War Modified (1946-57) Mid-Post-War Modified (1958-70) Late-Post-War Modified (1971-2011) Ford Pre-War Modified Ford Post-War Modified GM Pre-War Modified GM Post-War Modified Chrysler Pre-War Modified Chrysler Post-War Modified Independent Pre-War Modified Independent Post-War Modified Motorcycle Dash Plaques to first 200 entries MAIL THIS FORM TO JERRY AKER, 418 CEDAR AVENUE, VINTON, VA 24179 NAME: PHONE: EMAIL: YEAR: MAKE: CLASS: YEAR: MAKE: CLASS: (INDICATE CLASS TO BE EITHER ANTIQUE OR MODIFIED) TOTAL REGISTRATION FEE INCLOSED: .MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO ROANOKE VALLEY REGION AACA. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT JERRY AKER - 529-4340 OR BUY SELL TRADE Ben Burch Coordinator TO POST AN AD CALL BEN BURCH AT 366-8407 OR MAIL TO 923 CURTIS AVE, ROANOKE, VA 24012 EMAIL: ALL AREA CODES 540 UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED All ads will run a maximum of six months unless discontinued earlier by the ad holder. Following each ad is month/ year indicator showing the last month your ad will run unless renewed. When your item sells or is no longer available, for whatever reason, please contact Ben Burch so that he knows the ad is to be removed. Thanks for your help. PARTS FOR SALE License Tags found in my Dad’s garage. Some for cars, some for trucks. Restorable from 1946 to 1964. Not all years. Not all matching sets. Make offer on one or all. Ken Hogan, 989-5193. [09/11] MISC FOR SALE Scat Sand Blaster W=18”, L=26”, H=12” to 19”. On built in stand with 2 hp Craftsman vacuum cleaner, lamp, and water catch for air hose. Extra glass protector. Excellent condition. $120.00 David Honness, 540-353-1200. [02/12] WANTED Title for a 1932 Ford 4dr sedan. Car will be resto-rod - all stock except running gear. Call Bob Guill, 540-493-8064. [02/12] 1932 Ford cars and parts. Call Bob Guill, 540-493-8064. [02/12] CARS FOR SALE 1923 Model T Touring - body is off and panels are primed, needs wood replacement, needs the top and seats redone. 1926 Model T Touring - older restoration, was shown in the past, good seats and top, needs starter rebuilt, lots of parts, engines and transmissions go with this deal. Prefer to sell all as a group. $10,000 obo. Don Graham 774-6646. [02/12] 1936 Buick - runs good, 1974 Chevy engine, paint okay, interior rough, Series 40 Special (?), needs brake work and battery charge. Asking $15,000. Aaron Williams, Salem. Email - [02/12] 1964 Thunderbird Landau & 1970 Buick Electra 225 2dr. Both of these cars are original with low miles and have been owned by the present owner for many years. They have both been maintained properly. They are being sold due to time and health issues. For prices or more information call Charlie Evans at 540-793-3357. Or, you may email him at [11/11] 1976 Triumph Spitfire 1500 - New paint, top, interior. Mechanically sound, good running and driving condition, $3,800. Eddie Haynes or Guy Mowbray, 540-389-8014. [08/11] Two jumper cables go walking into a bar. The bartender looks at them, and says "OK. Don't you guys start anything." Thanks to Dennis Giles for this bit of humor. above courtesy of AACA “Speedster” ROANOKE VALLEY REGION AACA - CELEBRATING 56 YEARS - PAGE 8 THIS AD SPACE AVAILABLE ONLY $50.00 FOR A FULL YEAR CALL JACK DISHER FOR MORE INFORMATION 387-9237 03/12 08/11 Doug’s and Evie’s Original 04/11 In the Heart of Roanoke’s Old Southwest Historic District 1212 4th Street Southwest Roanoke, Virginia 24016 540-343-4543 08/11 04/12 03/12 ROANOKE VALLEY REGION AACA - CELEBRATING 56 YEARS - PAGE 9 06/12 06/11 03/12 06/11 06/11 06/12 06/11 09/11 ROANOKE VALLEY REGION AACA - CELEBRATING 56 YEARS - PAGE 10 ROANOKE VALLEY REGION AACA - CELEBRATING 56 YEARS - PAGE 11 HIGHLIGHTS 515 Tennessee Street Salem, VA 24153 Visit us on the web at 2010 Master Editor’s Award 2011 LOCAL EVENTS January 29 Officers Installation Banquet February 8 Dinner Meeting - Bellacino’s March 8 Dinner Meeting - Bellacino’s April 12 April 30 Dinner Meeting - Bellacino’s Vinton Dogwood Festival May 7 May 10 May 15 May 28 ODMA - Lynchburg Dinner Meeting - Bellacino’s Swinging Bridge Restaurant - Paint Bank Roanoke Festival in the Park June 12 June 14 June 24 June 25 The Great Race - Salem Dinner Meeting - Bellacino’s Star City Motor Madness Cruise Star City Motor Madness Car Show July 9 July 12 July 16 Club Summer Picnic at the Barnhart’s Dinner Meeting - Bellacino’s D-Day Memorial Car Show August 9 Dinner Meeting - Bellacino’s September 10 September 13 Olde Salem Days Dinner Meeting Bellacino’s October 11 Dinner Meeting Bellacino’s November 5 November 8 ODMA VIR Gold Cup Dinner Meeting Bellacino’s 2011 NATIONAL EVENTS Feb 10-12 Annual Meeting - Philadelphia, PA March 4-5 March 10-12 Southeastern Winter Meet - Homestead, FL Special Spring Meet - San Juan, Puerto Rico April 7-10 April 17-22 Southeastern Spring Meet - Charlotte, NC Founders Tour - Lake Mary, FL May 1-4 May 19-21 Southeastern Divisional Tour - Wlimington, NC Eastern Spring Meet - Stowe, VT June 9-11 July 24-29 Central Spring Meet - Detroit Lakes, MN Special Vintage Tour - N. Central PA / Lower NY August 11-13 August 24-28 Southeastern Fall Meet - Bristol, TN Annual Grand National and Western Fall Meet - Santa Rosa, CA September 8-11 September 18-24 Central Fall Meet - Lake Forest, IL AAA Revival Glidden Tour - Cumberland, MD October 5-8 Eastern Fall Meet - Hershey, PA Other dates and events will possibly be added. ALL EVENTS AND DATES SUBJECT TO CHANGE ROANOKE VALLEY REGION AACA - CELEBRATING 56 YEARS - PAGE 12