wipe off that winter dust
wipe off that winter dust
MARCH 2015 • VOL 43, ISSUE 03 A MONTHLY NEWSLETTER OF INLAND EMPIRE CHAPTER • EST. 1972 THE SPOKANE MODEL T FORD CLUB IN THIS ISSUE: • • • • • • • Message from Club Prez Model T Trivia The LaBelle & McSweeney Projects Upcoming Events Calendar Recipe of the Month Model T Poem The Funny Page Crank 'Er Up! w i p e o f f t h at w i n t e r d u s t SPOKANE MODEL T FORD CLUB • EST. 1972 • VOLUME 43, ISSUE 03 • MARCH 2015 General Club Info President Rick Carnegie 509-928-7119 Vice President Daryl Skomer 509-209-3643 Secretary Ed Hope 509-570-8333 Treasurer Betty Patterson 509-214-9522 Committee Lead Person(s) Contact Please direct club correspondence to the club mailing address: IEMTFCA PO Box 11708 Spokane Valley, WA 99211-1708 Charity Committee Jillian Robison 509-701-0983 Banquet for 2015 Steve & Julie Heid 509-928-0215 Email / Mailing / Roster / Membership / Printing Jim Patterson 509-214-9522 Entertainment / Programs Tom Carnegie 509-922-1805 Newsletter Editor / Design Jeff & Tammy Hipp fenderchatter@gmail.com Dues Greeting Committee Mike Stormo 509-725-4531 Library Gene Kicha 509-926-4872 Nametags & Patches Steve & Julie Heid 509-928-0215 Photographer Jillian Robison 509-701-0983 Refreshments Candy Burgess 509-924-0898 Roster Cover / Editor / Publisher Glen Whiteley & Jim Patterson 509-926-4872 509-214-9522 Safety / Seminars Mike Robison 509-844-5900 Scrapbooks / Photo Album Roy Moffit 509-449-6305 Sunshine Report Susie Carnegie 509-922-1805 Swap Meet Daryl Skomer 509-209-3643 Tours Mike Robison & Hal Moffit 509-844-5900 509-924-9161 Webmaster/Facebook Mike Robison spokanemodeltclub.com Inland Empire Model T Club Correspondence The yearly dues are $20 per year from an individual or family and due by January 31st of each year. Please renew your membership or join the club as a new member. We look forward to seeing you. Submissions All items to be published are due before the 20th of the month. Please send photos, articles and anything else for the newsletter to fenderchatter@gmail.com National Clubs We are a chapter of the MTFCA and also the MTFCI On the Cover: The 2013 Train Tour, thru Millwood, WA —Photo by Jillian Robison A Message from our Club President: Reading through my latest issue of the Vintage Ford magazine there was a reprint of Volume 1 Number 1. In it the founders laid out some of their ideals for the new club, a couple of which were to promote 'active touring chapters.' With a marked lack of winter this year, one member, who will remain anonymous, said everybody wants everything done now that they usually put off until April. So now is the time to get those T's ready to tour, if they aren't already. Then, we need some place to go, so think of places, events, etc. that might be of interest, and let us know so we can make it happen. See you down the road! — Rick Carnegie, Club President -2- SPOKANE MODEL T FORD CLUB • EST. 1972 • VOLUME 43, ISSUE 03 • MARCH 2015 Minutes from the Last Club Meeting February 6, 2015 No minutes for January due to the Banquet. Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. by our new President Rick Carnegie. Welcoming Committee: Joe introduced Steve LaBelle and Larry Seemann. Larry is here tonight to talk about creating a local car museum. Secretary's Report: We received a letter from the Model T Ford Cub of America, thanking us for our $200 donation. Motion to approve the minutes as written in the "Fender Chatter." Motion seconded and passed. Treasurer's Report: Betty presented her treasurer's report. $232 was paid to the Post Office. Motion was made and seconded to accept report. Motion passed. Guest Speaker: Larry Seemann took the floor to share his vision of an "Inland Northwest Classic Car Museum." Larry has been restoring Model A Fords for 19 years and is enthusiastic about the car club community. "Our area needs a place to show off our many Classic and Collector Cars, as well as a place to hold car oriented activities such as car shows and swap meets. This area has many fine car clubs of every description. Working together we can establish a facility that we can be proud of and that will not only allow us to show off our cars but will draw people to our community from all over the Northwest - helping our economy and our business community." If you agree with Larry and would like to help out, or have suggestions, contact him at lrs. overland@gmail.com or (509) 928-0188. Committee Reports: Upcoming Tours/Events: We are looking for a "Tour Chairman." Norma announced that she and Larry will host "Game Night." February 22nd at 5:00. Plan on finger food. Also at the Skidmore's, Sunday May 3rd Safe T inspections. Potluck. Also in May, Sunday May 2nd, will be the Car b' que and blood drive at the Opportunity Church on Pines. Webmaster: Mike Robison. Mike thanks Jeff for helping out. Email/Roster/Membership: Jim Patterson. "Is everybody getting their emailed newsletter?" If you didn't get a calendar, contact Jillian. Library: Gene. "The library increases in size every month." Sunshine: Susie C. "Everybody's healthy." (continued Pg 6) photo by Eric Hutchinson Monthly Meetings The monthly meeting begins at 7:30 PM on the 1st Friday of each month at the Opportunity Presbyterian Church, 202 North Pines, Spokane Valley, WA. The next regular club meeting is March 6, 2015. You are welcome to join other T Club members for pre-meeting dinner 5:30-6:00 PM at Conley’s Restaurant next to the White Elephant just east of Pines at 12622 E. Sprague in the Valley. We Hope to see you there! -3- SPOKANE MODEL T FORD CLUB • EST. 1972 • VOLUME 43, ISSUE 03 • MARCH 2015 Club & Model T Related Events Club Events Calendar Candy’s Cookie Corner Mar 6 Spokane T Club meeting Mar 14-15 35th Almost Spring Swap Meet - Puyallup March Gene Kicha, Julie Heid Mar 21 Sunnyside High 2015 senior class car show fundraiser - Sunnyside, WA. http://shs.carshow.angelfire.com April Diana Barr Mar 27-29 Garden Grove (Anaheim), CA - “FOLLOW THE GOLDEN BRICK ROAD” MTFCA GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY & 50th ANNUAL MEETING. Hosted by the Orange County Model T Ford Club. Journey through 50 fabulous years of the Model T Ford Club of America! Sunshine Report • A sympathy card has been sent to the Craig Nelson family. Apr 3 Spokane T Club meeting Any new updates will be announced at the next meeting ~Susie~ Apr 10-12 50th Annual Portland Swap Meet May 1 Spokane T Club meeting May 2 Marymount Model T Driver’s Ed: at LeMay Car Collection, Tacoma lemaymarymount.org/marymountdrivers-ed-class-ford-model-t/ May 17 Annual Club T Safety Inspection - Skidmore's 9am June 6 MTFCA Model T Homecoming 2015 - Hundreds of unique collectibles, dozens of Model Ts on display, a swap meet, and freebies - at the MTFCA Model T Museum in Richmond, IN http://www.modeltfordclubofamerica.com/homecoming Tuesday Nights at the Ranch Come on out on Tuesday evenings around 4:30 pm with your T parts that need to be worked on. Also join us before-hand for dinner at McDonalds. antiqueautoranch.com July 10-12 44th Annual Spokane Swap Meet More info on Spokane Model T Club wesbite: spokanemodletclub.com July 12-17 MTFCA’s National Tour celebrating the MTFCA’s 50th year. Hosted by the Foothills Model T Club of Calgary - Cochrane, Alberta, CANADA. http://mtfca50.com And available on Facebook: Inland Empire Model T Club Model T Trivia Did You Know? Model T engines continued to be produced until 1941. They were without serial numbers - the owner was to punch in and use the numbers from the old engine he was replacing (as this was the car VIN in those days). Tours and Activity Reports Tours may be arranged at the last minute so check the club website Calendar of Events for the latest activities at spokanemodeltclub.com or our Facebook page Inland Empire Model T Club Contact Gene Kicha or Jim Patterson for tours Facebook "Like Us" Drive Inland Empire Model T Club How many fans can we get? -4- SPOKANE MODEL T FORD CLUB • EST. 1972 • VOLUME 43, ISSUE 03 • MARCH 2015 Seen, Heard and Shared The McSweeney Project Update The Steve LaBelle Project Greetings to all, After many many hours of hard work, redesigning & manufacturing parts & now I have a 1927 Model "T" Ford Speedster all road ready with insurance & license for Washington State. My Son Steve spent many hours & days helping me and lately His Son, Shawn was very active on the Speedster. I took the first country road trip today & to celebrate I asked Shawn to ride along and Steve to follow in case we had some unknown problem that would need Steve with his tools. I'm attaching some pictures that were taken. — Allen McSweeney, from Model "T" FORD Country In memory of Don LaBelle, Steve LaBelle & Joe Swanson are working on putting the '17 Model T together that was purchased several years ago. Antique Auto Ranch Tuesday nights have been very helpful. Thank you too, Mark Hutchinson! — submitted by Diane Swanson Newsletter Note: The digital version of this newsletter has been created as an interactive PDF. All web and email links should work in desktop, mobile & tablet browsers. However, on Kindle devices, it is viewable, but interactivity is disabled until Amazon and Microsoft fix this issue. -5- SPOKANE MODEL T FORD CLUB • EST. 1972 • VOLUME 43, ISSUE 03 • MARCH 2015 Seen, Heard and Shared (cont.) February Meeting Minutes continued: Fender Chatter: Jeff and Tammy Hipp. Jeff is asking that if you have something, send it in. Be sure to take photos on tours and send them in. Asking for any ideas. New Business: 2015 INCCC Scholarship applications are available. They need to be postmarked on or before April 1. If you have questions, call Susan Freund at (509) 226-9911 Banquet: Steve Heid reported on the Banquet. People liked the slide show. The attendance was down a bit, probably because of the weather, and Seahawks championship game. Members thanked and applauded Steve for a job well done. Winner of the drawings: Steve LaBelle Bill Barr Adjourned, 8:27 P.M. Submitted by Ed Hope, Secretary T Club Recipe of the Month ***SWEET LAYERS*** Need an ice cream fix to get you by until our next T Tour? Sweet Layers will see you through. SPECIAL REQUEST FOR CARS: In pan size of your choice, layer the following: Hello Jim, #1 Ice cream sandwiches #2 Ice cream, your favorite (let stand at room temp. until soft to spread over layer #1) #3 Fudge topping #4 Caramel topping #5 Cool Whip #6 Fudge topping #7 Heath candy bar bits and/or nuts Repeat layers according to pan size. I would like to recreate a photo of cars in front of our 1901 Historic Church in Rathdrum, Idaho. Also in the historic town of Rathdrum. Wanted, oldest cars in the area, Other cars of each of the next years. 114 cars max. One for each year. I don't know if they will fill all the streets. But we would like them to line up by car and building dates. I have never done this kind of event before. Can you give suggestions and/or help? Are there others in/Around Rathdrum to do/help in such of an event? Trouble Maker, Ron Benne ENJOY! —Susie Carnegie Have a recipe you want to share? Email us... fenderchatter@gmail.com mailto:BenneRon@aol.com This would be a great a Historic event. What would be the best time for the event? Is this one year, two year planning? -6- SPOKANE MODEL T FORD CLUB • EST. 1972 • VOLUME 43, ISSUE 03 • MARCH 2015 For Sale • Wanted • Services When available, photos with these ads will be posted to our Club website spokanemodeltclub.com/for-sale.php Wanted: Large Ruckstell ball bearing, Any condition. Mike Robison 509-844-5900 For Sale: Beautiful 1917 Touring - has been kept in a barn in Hagerman, Idaho. Frame off restoration 8 years ago, was in good running order when parked 3 yrs ago. Asking $13.000. Owner is 88 and has decided to sell off some of his treasures. Call Mark 208-941-4690. For Sale: 1930 Deluxe Delivery Model A Ford, $29,000. Could deliver. Thanks, Mike Cuffe 1-406-293-1247 For Sale: Tudor - all in pieces, disassembled. The drive train has been restored frame, steering link, engine, transmission ,differential, by a retired mechanic that has since passed away. There is a new roof complete with wood ribs and cover that comes with it. All body work needs doing some parts can be restored others replaced. The car is restorable to original. I have done some work on it but my interests are in aviation. I will be honest and tell you I paid $2700.00 for it and would like the same out it. Coaldale, AB 1-403-345-4834 email donrob1@shaw.ca For Sale: George Dilley’s 1919 Model T roadster pickup. Restored vehicle that has been described as Best in Class at numerous events around southern Idaho. There is also a high profile cargo trailer, 16 foot (George paid $5,000.00 for the trailer new.) The package deal for both the 1919 T and trailer would be $9,000.00. Call 208-816-6662 and ask for Kent. (George’s son-in-law). Membership Application If you have already renewed for this year, please pass this form to someone who also shares our interest of the Model T Ford. Due Jan 31 of each year, or join as a new member now, please complete this form and bring to the next meeting, or mail with your dues of $20.00 to: IEMTFCA - Dues PO Box 11708 Spokane Valley, WA 99211-1708 Name Your Spouse’s Name Address City State ZIP prefer email pdf printed in mail Phone # Cell # E-mail MTFCA member? Y / N • MTFCI member? Y / N MTFCA Membership # MTFCI Membership # Insurance Carrier Policy # Model T’s Owned: Year Body Style Condition R = Restored, U = Unrestored, O = Original PR = Partially Restored, BC = Basket Case WE NEED YOUR IDEAS-PLEASE SHARE If anyone has any new ideas or suggestions that you would like to see included in this newsletter please let us know! This is your publication and we want it to be as informative, helpful, and entertaining as we can make it. Things you would like to see more or less of? We are open to all of your ideas in order to make the Fender Chatter more worth your time to read and use. Please let us know by sending us an email fenderchatter@gmail.com I agree to having my name printed in the Club Directory Signed: National MTFCA Membership: (check, credit card, Paypal) mtfca.com/clubpages/joinamember.htm National MTFCI Membership: modelt.org You may also download and print this as a PDF from our club website: spokanemodeltclub.com/membership-form.php -7- SPOKANE MODEL T FORD CLUB • EST. 1972 • VOLUME 43, ISSUE 03 • MARCH 2015 Model T Fords A poem on the MTFCA website I AM A MODEL T Many years ago when, I, a Model T, was born, All the bigger cars would look at me with scorn. My birthday was on May eleven, The last year of the “T”, nineteen twenty-seven. The name of the man who made me was Henry Ford. I was a little car that most people could afford. I was very tinny, therefore, I was nicknamed “Tin Lizzie”. I showed them all that I could go so fast they’d get dizzy. Once I was at the bottom of the class, Put together with hay wire, tin, and not much glass. A car people would love but sometimes cuss. For decades people told stories about me, and still do discuss. Soon it became so hot, I wondered if I had any part left or not. When I was as warm as toast, “I’ll start you with one crank, he did boast. As he picked himself off of the ground, Red faced, he looked all around. Because you see, you don’t just turn on the key. There’s a certain procedure to follow when starting a model “T”. Most important was to push the lever called spark. Then pull down the throttle, and set the had lever to park. Open the carburetor one full turn, Because I need some extra gas to burn. Go up front and pull on my choke. Do all this and maybe your arm won’t get broke. Gently grab the crank like you might be milking a bull, And-oh,oh so gently give a little pull Smeetimes I’d satart and sometimes I wouldn’t. People would always for me clap and cheer, The underdog, who always brought up the rear. Although Whippetts, Hupmobiles, Essexs, and Packards sneered, In the end I was one to be feared. He would fly into a rage and spin the crank like a fool, And most people knew that, then, I’d kick like a mule. He would swear and jump all about, I’d smile because I could not hear what he would shout. It gives me great pride today to see, All these other companies are but a memory. Although Henry died a long time ago in fame, My descendants proudly wear his name, I’m glad that thoughtful Henry, my creator, Had not put ears on my radiator. I would let my engine start just to save his sanity, The air would be pretty blue with all of his profanity. For it was the lowly Model “T” That kept a “Ford in Your Future”. Oh, I was so proud of my accessories, Wire Wheel, electric lights, and a starter, if you please. The day came when I became very old and slow, Because they had bought a new Ford V-8, so long and so low. ‘Twas with sadness they shoved me in an old barn to sit and dream, Sad, because I once hauled all for their children, eggs, milk and cream. There was no heater available to me, Sand air conditioning I always had, you see. Even thought I haven’t heard of air conditioning yet, People could open up a window if they did sweat. A young farmer came to town and purchased me, Without a lesson he drove me down the street with glee. Proudly straight to the saloon, And most drove me right into the room. After a drink to celebrate his prize, He remembered someone special to surprise. Homeward bound he flew to show his honey, What he had bought with his hard-earned money. He picked her up and they went a dance, Both their heads were filled with romance. He put the top down; there was a bright sky, Still excited about the new toy he did buy. The stars were bright. There was a full moon, Soon into his arms she did swoon. Sitting under the spreading chestnut trees, They learned a bit about the birds and the bees. He promised her his true love forever, Whispering to me, “I won’t forget you either, no, not ever. They were married that fall. I looked the sharpest of them all. Proudly they took me on their honeymoon, But it was so lonesome when they spent time in their room. Their lover for each other was the warmest yet, In time many children they did beget. On cold winter days my owner would step off of the porch, In his hand he held a large blazing torch, Which he slid under my cold, cold, belly, To warm up my engine oil, it was like jelly. In the dark barn my thoughts and gathering dust, I rested thirty some years and started to rust. One day the door slid open. There was a stranger. Grandpa Clayton entered and stood by the manger. He said he didn’t want to buy just any old car, He wanted me because I had gone so very far. He promised me I’d be like new again, People would look at me and remember way back then I heard him quietly say, “Valuable will be this ”T”. As all the memories it will stir in me. He hauled me home and with care Took me all apart and started to repair. Gray paint, new tires, upholstery, and a big box of parts, He and his sons worked on me with loving hands and hearts. They had a plan you see. It was no charade. They wanted to finish in time for the bicentennial parade. Yes, although we loved each other secretly, Truly, it was the grandchildren who became my social security. Short trips for them are a delight. The laughter and screaming is a delight. For whenever Grandpa Clayton wants to go in style, He’ll drive me instead of the newer vintage pile. Some parades, going for ice cream cones, and to threshing bees, Yes, even to the nursing home. Some elderly ladies I did please. As I carried them off to church to have communion, They counted the days until that heavenly reunion. And s they gazed at my old Model “T” body perfected, They prayed, “Dear Lord, we, too, want too be resurrected. By Clayton Engelstad July 10,1994 -8- SPOKANE MODEL T FORD CLUB • EST. 1972 • VOLUME 43, ISSUE 03 • MARCH 2015 The Funny Page We may need to make one of these signs for some of our tours! Photo posted by Mike Copperthite in the Model T Ford Club of Facebook Two-Legged T photo courtesy The Old Motor - learn more here: theoldmotor.com/?p=136752 -9- IEMTFCA PO Box 11708 Spokane Valley, WA 99211-1708 Mark & Janice Hutchinson enjoying the sunshine - Donald Carnegie's 2011 Palouse Train Tour SPOKANE MODEL T FORD CLUB • EST. 1972 • VOLUME 43, ISSUE 03 • MARCH 2015 Fender Chatter is published monthly by the Inland Empire Chapter Model T Ford Club of America in Spokane, WA. To be included, as space permits, in the next newsletter, items must be received no later than the 20th of the month. Please submit your articles, photos, trip reports, adventures, Model T parts for sale, want ads, ideas, etc. to fenderchatter@gmail.com