Measurement-based Behavioral Model under Mismatched
Measurement-based Behavioral Model under Mismatched
Measurement-based Behavioral Model under Mismatched Conditions a new and easy approach for an accurate model Frans Verbeyst, Marc Vanden Bossche, Member, IEEE NMDG Engineering bvba, C. Van Kerckhovenstraat 110, B-2880 Bornem, Belgium, Abstract — Presently source- and load-pull techniques are used to characterize amplifiers under different impedance conditions and to find the optimal source and load matching circuitry. Because the tuning process is cumbersome, the measurement setups have been automated to collect power amplifier characteristics and to analyze this data off-line. Some limited capabilities do exist to couple load-pull data into simulators. This paper presents a straightforward approach, “based on LSNA technology”, to extract measurement-based behavioral models of power amplifiers or any active component under mismatched conditions and use these models in commercially available simulators. This approach overcomes the drawbacks of other existing state of the art solutions. I. INTRODUCTION Presently source- and load-pull techniques are used to characterize amplifiers under different impedance conditions and to find the optimal source and load matching circuitry. To provide different impedances to the amplifier, two main approaches exist: passive (mechanical or electrical) or active techniques (active loop or injection of power using an external source) [1][8]. Recently a new “real-time load-pull” technique was introduced and demonstrated [9]. Another major drawback of classical load-pull setups is that the resulting data cannot be easily imported into simulation tools. This is due to the fact that classical loadpull data [10] corresponds to derived quantities such as transducer gain, PAE, TOI, SOI and possibly AM2PM for different mismatch conditions, while a simulator uses voltages and currents at all nodes. A utility [11] does exist to import load-pull data into a commercially available simulation tool, but the resulting table-based model should be used with care and its accuracy highly depends on the selected load-pull data, which is currently limited to transducer gain, SOI and TOI. This paper describes a straightforward approach, which - starting from large-signal measurements - allows the extraction of a table-based behavioral model at the fundamental for a specified region of load mismatches and a specified range of available input powers. The main advantage of this approach is that consistently the most fundamental information, i.e. voltages and currents, are used during measurement, modeling and simulation. As such one does not have to worry about which derived quantities to feed to the model extraction tool in order to properly predict certain behavior. II. REAL-TIME LOAD-PULL One can instantaneously generate a large set of load reflection values, by combining a tuner and a modulated source. As such this corresponds to a combination of passive and active load-pull without feedback. The tuner is used to realize a certain mismatch and the active load pull is used to realize a set of mismatch values around the mismatch set by the tuner. Using the appropriate modulation, different states can be realized around the coarse initial load. When the density of these states is high enough, a sufficient number of load matches are realized, filling a complete region (typically a circle) around the point set by the tuner. Fig. 1 shows the power delivered to the load for a specified region of load mismatches in the case of a NE32184A FET operated at 2 GHz and driven 3 dB in compression. The gate voltage was set to -0.3 V and the drain voltage to 1.5 V. The complete set of data is captured within 500µs. Processing and displaying of derived quantities takes less than 1 second. Measurement speed can be changed to avoid or study possible memory effects. Fig. 1. Power delivered to the load for a specified region of load mismatches and for a specified available input power. © EuMA 2005 – 35 European Microwave Conference – Paris, 2005 th III. BEHAVIORAL MODEL EXTRACTION Next, one can extract a behavioral model for the specified region of load mismatches. The required measurement data is collected using the same setup as during “real-time load-pull”, but does not require modulation capability of the second source. Fig. 2 shows the setup and input parameters: region of load mismatches, as set by the tuner and the power of the output source for the given input power, the input power sweep range and the number of amplitudes and phases of the synthesized load impedances. and one does not have to worry about which derived quantities to feed to the model extraction tool. Fig. 3 shows |b2| as function of |a2| and ϕ(a2/a1) for the smallest input power and the resulting linear operation mode of the component. Fig. 4 shows the same information for the largest input power, corresponding to approximately 3 dB compression. Abs b2 0.25 0.225 0.2 30 0.175 20 5 10 a2 phase a2 a1 10 15 20 Fig. 2. Setup and specification of the boundaries for the behavioral model extraction. Fig. 3. |b2| in Vpeak as function of |a2| and ϕ(a2/a1) for Pa1 = -19 dBm resulting in linear operation mode of the component. |a2| varies from 0 to 0.12 Vpeak, while ϕ(a2/a1) varies from -180° to 180°. Abs b2 During model extraction1, the power of both sources is stepped to cover the specified range of input powers and for each input power - the specified range of load impedance amplitudes. Different phases are realized by slightly offsetting the frequency of the second source with respect to the fundamental set by the first source. As opposed to port 1, the characteristic impedance at port 2 is not set to 50 Ohm, but to the load impedance synthesized by the tuner. As such |a2| equals zero when the source at port 2 is turned off. Stepping the source power at port 2, different values of |a2| are realized. Its value is increased until the specified region of load impedances is fully covered for the actual input power. This implies that the validity region of the model as function of |a2| varies with |a1|. This information is stored as part of the model, such that the model is able to indicate potential extrapolation issues, both with respect to |a1| and |a2|. At the end of the straightforward model extraction, a table-based model2 describes the transmitted and reflected waves at both ports as function of the incident waves at both ports. More specifically, b1 and b2 are described as function of |a1|, |a2| and ϕ(a2/a1), representing the phase relationship between a2 and a1. This measurement data is available on a regular grid and does not require triangulation as in the case of classical load-pull data in order to allow simple interpolation. Also, the corresponding voltages and currents are readily available 1 2 Patent pending. DC is considered to be part of the component under test. 1.3 1.2 30 1.1 20 phase a2 a1 5 10 a2 10 15 20 Fig. 4. |b2| (Vp) as function of |a2| and ϕ(a2/a1) for Pa1 = 1 dBm resulting in nonlinear operation mode of the component. |a2| varies from 0 to 0.72 Vpeak, while ϕ(a2/a1) varies from -180° to 180°. For the time being, the model assumes that the impact of the harmonics of the incident waves can be neglected. Furthermore, only the response at the fundamental is described and in the case of modulation, quasi-static behavior of the DUT is assumed at the fundamental. It is important to notice that the measurement setup allows to verify the above assumptions. If necessary, the setup is able to provide the harmonic terminations, which were present during the data collection portion of the model extraction. For these harmonic terminations, it is then guaranteed that the model accurately describes the behavior of the component. Based on a relatively small extension of the standard setup, it is possible to verify the © EuMA 2005 – 35 European Microwave Conference – Paris, 2005 th sensitivity of the behavior of the component at the fundamental under changing harmonic termination. IV. MODEL VERIFICATION In order to verify the quality of the model, it is possible to perform a “real-time load-pull” measurement and to feed the incident waves to the model. Based on the predicted transmitted and reflected wave, one can calculate any derived quantity, such as the power delivered to the load. Fig. 5 shows the excellent correspondence between measurement and prediction. Although extrapolation is not advised, the figure shows that the model is able to detect that extrapolation was required and demonstrates that the model behaves well even in the case of limited extrapolation. specified input power and the set of specified load impedances defined by “Sweep1” (covering a circle on the Smith Chart). Fig. 7 shows a contour plot of the power delivered to the load as a result of a set of harmonic balance simulations in ADS for an input power of 1.75 dBm. Clearly there is very good agreement with fig. 5. Fig. 7. Contour plots generated in ADS (Pa1 = 1.75 dBm). Fig. 8 shows the contour plot of the power delivered to the load for a smaller input power (-5 dBm). The shift of the corresponding optimal load impedance is apparent. Fig. 5. Excellent correspondence for power delivered to the load, even in case of limited extrapolation with respect to input power (Pa1 1.75 dBm). The left plot shows the prediction, the green LED (at the top) indicating extrapolation. The right plot shows the measured values. V. COUPLING INTO SIMULATOR Finally the model can be coupled into commercially available simulators like ADS from Agilent Technologies. To do so, the model is exported in CITI file format. Using a FDD in combination with a DAC component, both standard components within ADS, the model becomes available to be used as part of e.g. a harmonic balance (fig. 6) or envelope simulation. The ADS schematics and data displays, shown below, are based on example projects provided by Agilent. Fig. 6. ADS schematic to perform load pull simulations using the measurement-based behavioral model, for the Fig. 8. Contour plots generated in ADS (Pa1 = -5 dBm). The CITI file containing the measured data can be converted into a dataset in ADS and directly used within a data display. Plotting |b2| as function of |a2| for different values of ϕ(a2/a1), for a specified value of |a1|, fig. 9 shows the 2D equivalent of fig. 3 and fig. 4 within ADS. Finally it is shown (fig. 10) that the model can be used in combination with an envelope simulator. The TOI (Third Order Intercept) simulation is based on an example provided by Agilent Technologies. Applying a two-tone excitation, one can calculate the output TOI based on the voltage across the termination at fc ± 3∆f compared to fc ± ∆f, where ∆f corresponds to half the frequency spacing of the two-tone. This should be done with care, for instance, with respect to the used input power. The used TOI equation assumes a 1:1 slope © EuMA 2005 – 35 European Microwave Conference – Paris, 2005 th for the component at fc ± ∆f and a 3:1 slope for the one at fc ± 3∆f. Based on this fundamental information, it is rather trivial to calculate all parameters of interest, like Γin, ΓL, power delivered to the load, incident power, net input power, power added efficiency and much more. VII. CONCLUSION This paper describes a new and easy approach to extract a measurement-based behavioral model of an active component under varying mismatch conditions and to couple it into a commercially available simulator. An example ADS project using such a behavioral model can be downloaded from VIII. REFERENCES Fig. 9. 2D slices of fig. 3 and fig. 4 generated in ADS after reading the CITI file into a dataset (solid lines: ϕ(a2/a1) 0° to 180°, dashed lines: ϕ(a2/a1) -180° to 0°) Fig. 10. TOI simulation in ADS using the envelope simulator. VI. ENABLING TECHNOLOGY The MT4463A Large-Signal Network Analyzer [12], [13] was used to collect all fundamental information, i.e. the voltage and current at both ports. In fact the LSNA returns both the amplitude and phase at both the fundamental frequency and at the harmonics. As such the time domain waveforms can be reconstructed, which is e.g. essential to provide the dynamic load lines, corresponding to the different load conditions. 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