2011 SuperviSion AnnuAl report
2011 SuperviSion AnnuAl report
2011 Supervision Annual Report Bank of Albania 2011 Bank of Albania Supervision Annual Report 1 2011 Supervision Annual Report If you use data of this publication, you are requested to cite the source. Published by: Bank of Albania, Sheshi “Avni Rustemi” Nr.24, Tiranë, Shqipëri Tel.: + 355 4 2419301/2/3; + 355 4 2419409/10/11 Fax: + 355 4 2419408 E-mail: public@bankofalbania.org www.bankofalbania.org Printed in 900 copies Printed by AdelPRINT Printing House 2 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report C A. O N T E N T SUPERVISION MISSION B. Supervision in 2011; implementing the medium-term development strategy of banking supervision for 2009-2014 C. Regulatory framework and licensing process 1. Regulatory framework 2. Licencing S 7 9 12 12 14 D. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. PERFORMANCE AND RISK ANALYSIS OF THE BANKING SYSTEM AND NON-BANK FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS 22 Economic environment 22 Banking system highlights 23 Banking system structure 23 Managing banking activity risks 27 Capital adequacy 40 Profitability indicators 44 Non-bank financial institutions and savings and loan associations 45 E. 1. 2. 3. ON-SITE SUPERVISION On-site examinations Prevention of money laundering and transparency Cooperation with other authorities 51 51 55 58 F. CREDIT REGISTRY 1. General information 2. Inclusion of financial institutions conducting financial leasing into the credit registry 60 60 61 Annex 1 Organisational chart of the Supervision Department Annex 2 Each Bank’s Specific Share in the Banking System Annex 3 Assets and Liabilities Annex 4 Core Financial Indicators Annex 5 Data on banks’ shareholders (as at 31 December 2011) Annex 6Geographic distribution of branches and banking agencies within the territory of the Republic of Albania, as at end-2011, by prefectures Annex 7List of banking supervision regulations in force as at December 2011 Annex 8 Banks and branches of foreign banks licensed by the Bank of Albania Annex 9 Non-bank financial institutions Annex 10Unions of savings and credit associations Annex 11Foreign exchange bureaus 62 63 64 66 67 Bank of Albania 68 69 72 76 80 90 3 2011 Supervision Annual Report T A B L E S C. REGULATORY FRAMEWORK AND LICENSING PROCESS Table 1 Number of foreign-exchange bureaus licensed in 2011 Table 2 Number of money transfer agents operating for the account of non-bank financial institutions as at end-2011 Table 3 E-banking products approved by the Bank of Albania (2006-2011) Table 4 Distribution of e-banking products/services by commercial banks as at end-2011 Table 5 List of entities licensed by the Bank of Albania through the years Table 6 Banking system statistical indicators Table 7 Activities carried out by non-bank financial institutions Table 8 Bank network expansion in 2011 18 19 20 20 20 21 21 21 D. PERFORMANCE AND RISK ANALYSIS OF THE BANKING SYSTEM AND NON-BANK FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS Table 9 Total banking system assets and loan portfolio as a share of GDP Table 10 Key banking system asset items Table 11 Key banking system liability items Table 12 Change in off-balance sheet items in 2011 Table 13 H (Herfindahl) index of asset, deposit and loan concentration Table 14 Quarterly credit growth in 2011 Table 15 Credit by sector and purpose of use (in ALL billions) Table 16 Structure of outstanding loans by maturity, in % Table 17 Outstanding loans by currency, in % Table 18 Foreign currency loans unhedged against exchange rate risk, in % Table 19 Credit by economy sectors, in % Table 20 Credit rating as a percentage of outstanding loans Table 21 Type of collateral by sector and currency, in % Table 22 Deposits for the three major currencies Table 23 Up to 1- and 3-month maturity gap for the banking system Table 24 Loan-to-deposit ratio Table 25 Banking system’s shareholders’ equity and its components Table 26 Banking system’s risk-weighted assets Table 27 Key profitability indicators, in % (cumulative) Table 28 Indicators of profitability from the main activity, in % (cumulative) Table 29 Average profitability indicators, in ALL millions Table 30 Efficiency ratio, in ALL millions Table 31 Total assets of NBFIs divided by their activity, December 2010-September 2011, in ALL billions Table 32 NBFIs’ loan portfolio on a net and gross basis, December 2010-December 2011, in ALL billions Table 33Loan quality, December 2010-December 2011 Table 34 Number of SLAs and their members, December 2010-December 2011 Table 35 Total assets of Unions and SLAs, December 2010-December 2011, in ALL billions Table 36Loan portfolio of Unions and SLAs, on a gross and net basis, December 2010-December 2011, in ALL billions 50 E. ON-SITE SUPERVISION Table 37 Number of loans reported to the system Table 38 Number of queries in the Credit Registry from reporting institutions 60 60 F. CREDIT REGISTRY Table 39 Number of applications for borrower’s report and borrowers’ data review 61 4 24 25 25 26 26 27 28 28 29 29 30 31 34 35 37 38 41 43 44 44 45 45 46 47 48 49 49 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report C H A R T C. REGULATORY FRAMEWORK AND LICENSING PROCESS Chart 1 Financial and banking sector structure Chart 2 Geographical distribution of resident population by prefecture, 2011 Chart 3 Geographical distribution of bank branches and agencies by prefecture, in 2011 Chart 4 Number of bank branches through the years Chart 5 Foreign exchange bureaus through the years Chart 6 Geographical distributions of foreign exchange bureaus D. PERFORMANCE AND RISK ANALYSIS OF THE BANKING SYSTEM AND NON-BANK FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS Chart 7 Banking system equity ownership structure, 2011 Chart 8 Monthly credit growth in 2011 Chart 9 Credit outstanding to businesses and households (as a percentage of total credit outstanding) Chart 10 Volume of outstanding loans by maturity (in ALL billions), left; and by currency (in ALL billions), right Chart 11 Non-performing loan portfolio and outstanding credit growth rate (in %) Chart 12 Outstanding non-performing loans in the banking system Chart 13 Loan loss provisions Chart 14 Business and household non-performing loans Chart 15 Outstanding non-performing loans by currency Chart 16 Quarterly performance of non-performing loans unhedged against exchange rate risk to outstanding loans in foreign currency unhedged against exchange rate risk Chart 17 10, 20, 50 and 100 largest borrowers in the system as a percentage of outstanding loans in the system (as at 31 December, 2011). Chart 18 Credit volume distribution of ten largest borrowers by credit rating Chart 19 Loans secured by collateral, by type Chart 20 Total customer deposits Chart 21 Deposits by remaining maturity Chart 22Liquid assets, structure of their items and liquidity figures Chart 23 Liquid assets by currency Chart 24 Up to 3-month maturity gap by currency and asset-liability gap by maturity Chart 25 Shareholders’ equity Chart 26 CAR and its components Chart 27 Net non-performing loans as a percentage of regulatory capital Chart 28 Risk-weighted off-balance sheet items Chart 29 Contribution to total assets of NBFIs Bank of Albania S 15 17 17 17 18 18 24 27 28 29 31 31 32 32 32 32 33 33 34 35 35 36 36 37 40 41 43 43 46 5 2011 Supervision Annual Report 6 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report A. SUPERVISION MISSION The supervisory function of the Bank of Albania, as the central bank of the country, is carried out pursuant to the Law “On the Bank of Albania”, No. 8269 of 23/12/1997 and the Law “On Banks in the Republic of Albania”, No. 9662 of 18/12/2006. The Bank of Albania, in compliance with its legal responsibilities as the supervisory authority of banks and other financial institutions licensed by the central bank to carry out financial activity: • Aims at ensuring a sound banking activity, by drafting and implementing policies and an appropriate and flexible regulatory framework, in line with the country’s development dynamics to safeguard the soundness of banks and the stability of the banking system and beyond, as well as to prevent financial crises and protect depositors; • Affects the stability of the banking system and beyond, by monitoring market developments and recommending necessary measures for supervised entities to adapt to such developments and be constantly managed according to the best practices; • Promotes market discipline, by requiring enhanced transparency about banking and financial products, and services; • Promotes a fair competition among supervised entities and aims at ensuring equal treatment of licensed entities and their customers, in compliance with relevant supervisory policies and effective rules. In this context, it is guided by the principle that the same types of financial risks and other issues relevant to regulation are subject to the same rules across all segments of the financial market to reduce the potential for regulatory arbitrage. The Bank of Albania fulfils its supervisory function by: a) Setting up and constantly improving the regulatory and supervisory framework, so that it is in line with the European directives for effective supervision, the country’s specifics, and the best practices; Bank of Albania 7 2011 Supervision Annual Report b)Regulating the entry into the market of potential banks, shareholders and administrators that have a good reputation based on verifiable and reliable sources of information; c) Conducting a proactive and effective supervision, by implementing principles of risk-based supervision through on-site examinations and off-site supervisory analysis, on an ongoing basis, of licensed entities’ indicators, and through corrective measures necessary to address supervisory concerns; d) Cooperating with supervised entities, other domestic financial institutions, foreign supervisory authorities, and foreign banks operating in the Republic of Albania through their branches or subsidiaries; In meeting its supervisory function requirements, the Bank of Albania strives for the highest level of integrity, professionalism, efficiency, transparency and constant improvement of its supervisory capacities. 8 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report B. SUPERVISION IN 2011; IMPLEMENTING THE MEDIUM-TERM DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY OF BANKING SUPERVISION FOR 2009-2014 Supervision further consolidated its risk-based approach in 2011, pursuant to the medium-term development strategy of banking supervision. It focused on addressing important challenges generated from domestic and international economic developments that posed additional risks to the Albanian banking system. The euro-area situation continued to exert pressure on both performance of the financial system and paces of the real-economy growth in the continent. The country’s economic growth also slowed down, reflecting these developments, hence impairing the banking activity. These developments have clearly revealed the necessity for a proactive approach to banking supervision, so as to increase the banking system’s resilience to negative impacts generated from the external environment, hence safeguarding Albania’s financial stability. As a result, a prudential analytical process examining rigorously the external impacts on our banking system has helped inform the banking supervision. This process has taken into account a wide spectrum of variables related to the external environment, including, inter alia, the performance of the euro-area situation, position of large banking groups operating in Albania, regulatory and supervisory measures taken by the European Union authorities and counterparty supervision authorities, as well as any other relevant developments. All the information has been factored into likely scenarios on future developments and the prognosis of their effects, hence contributing to timely focussing of both on-site and off-site supervision on more critical risks and areas of activity. In this framework, the Bank of Albania - through its supervisory function in general, and the Supervision Department in particular, has played a key role in maintaining the banking system soundness, by introducing and adopting necessary supervisory, legal and regulatory measures in response to identified risks. This approach is used to address systemic issues - developments that transversally affect the whole banking system - and to make a micro-prudential supervision focusing on specific concerns of individual financial institutions. With a view to address systemic risks, an amendment was made to the Law “On Banks in the Republic of Albania”, proposed by the Bank of Albania and providing the latter with broader competencies to manage systemic risk situations. Also, the macro-prudential approach to banking system developments led to several regulatory improvements along the year. Bank of Albania 9 2011 Supervision Annual Report On the other hand, specific issues of individual banks were addressed, by prudentially analysing the risk profile of each bank, focusing the supervisory process on risk areas that have a material impact on the bank’s financial health. This has led to a more efficient use of resources, hence determining the nature of on-site examinations conducted over 2011. Throughout the year, the entire supervisory process laid emphasis on the promotion and taking of measures for enhancing responsibility, rigorously managing banking system risks, and observing prudential norms set by the Bank of Albania. In the light of this, both supervisors and banks focused their efforts on strengthening credit and liquidity risk management processes, as well as on good capitalisation to hedge against those risks, as required by the Bank of Albania. A dialogue with the banking system was an important element in sharing attitudes about developments and preparing more effective measures in response to them, thus juxtaposing the supervisory approach versus the market approach. This dialogue aimed at encouraging banks to take an active role in mitigating and preventing risks, going beyond mere compliance with the regulatory framework. This philosophy of supervision is based on key elements of the medium-term supervision development strategy, further development of human resources, the methodology and regulatory framework, and close cooperation with international authorities. The following sections address each element, while the report provides details on supervision and banking system developments over 2011, by area of activity and relevant risks. HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT Human resources development continued in 2011, including hiring new staff in line with the organisational structure needs and expanding training to the whole staff, taking care that the adoption of new supervision methodologies is associated with the building of necessary capacities to use them efficiently during the supervisory process. METHODOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT The work for a thorough reviewing of examination manuals intensified in 2011, by furthering the adoption of modern supervision concepts based on relevant European standards, perfecting the relevant risk assessment systems and properly structuring the criteria of exercising the supervisory competencies in line with the second pillar of Basel II. DEVELOPMENT OF THE REGULATORY FRAMEWORK AND APPROXIMATION WITH EUROPEAN UNION DIRECTIVES Ongoing approximation of regulations with European standards remains an important goal to achieve harmonisation with the European experience. In 10 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report this regard, a great attention has been paid to continuing the work for drafting a new regulation on capital adequacy, a major project having started since 2010. The Bank of Albania has cautiously attended the latest tendencies in the field of regulation, hence responding to global market developments and at the same time, starting the work for improving the framework of banks’ responsible management, a fundamental condition to ensure a stable and sound banking system. COOPERATION WITH INTERNATIONAL AUTHORITIES In 2011, the work for implementing the banking supervision development strategy was associated with an intensive cooperation with the Bank of Italy under the Twinning Project that had started since end-2010, on the project areas, which include on-site and off-site supervision, regulation and reporting, and the information technology. Also, the Bank of Albania continued its close cooperation with other international institutions, including the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, to comprehensively strengthen the supervisory capacities and to flexibly respond to impacts stemming from recent global financial market developments. The year 2011 was characterised by a higher cooperation and coordination of work with the USAID, under its financial sector development program in Albania, implemented by the FSVC. The cooperation with this institution is regarded as long-term and extends until 2015. Also, a detailed analysis of the current staff needs for assistance has identified a wide range of topics to be addressed according to a detailed schedule, aiming at expanding their knowledge in view of human capacity development. Bank of Albania 11 2011 Supervision Annual Report C. REGULATORY FRAMEWORK AND LICENSING PROCESS 1. REGULATORY FRAMEWORK In 2011, the work for finalizing several new regulations and amendments on banking supervision continued. The process for reviewing the supervisory regulatory framework took place in line with the Basel Committee standards, EU directives and best practices in banking regulation and development in the Albanian banking system. 1.1 NEW REGULATIONS RELEVANT TO BANKING SUPERVISION Regulation “On operational risk management” (approved by decision No. 03 of 19/01/2011 of the Bank of Albania Supervisory Council) sets out the rules and qualitative requirements on operational risk management in the activity of banks and branches of foreign banks, non-bank financial institutions, as well as savings and loan associations and their unions. Drafting the new regulation was out of necessity to handle operational risks, i.e., to manage this specific risk category present in all operations, and in banking and/or financial products. Regulation “On minimum security requirements where banking and financial activities are conducted” (approved by decision No. 04, dated 19/01/2011 of the Bank of Albania Supervisory Council) is a thorough reviewing of the previous regulation. It was driven by continuous requests submitted by the Banker’s Association for easing the detailed technical specifications under the existing regulation, the problems arising from licensed entities and the so-far experience in the process of their supervision. The reviewed regulation sets out the minimum security requirements for institutions licensed by the Bank of Albania to exercise banking and financial activities, aiming at their smooth and secure operation. Regulation “On certified bank auditor” (approved by decision No. 42, dated 15/06/2011 of the Bank of Albania Supervisory Council), a complete reviewing of the existing regulation, is aimed at aligning this regulation with the new requirements of the Law “On Banks” and the Law “On Legal Audit”. 12 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report The reviewed regulation sets out the criteria and procedures for approving a certified auditor by the Bank of Albania, the audit content for the purposes of the Bank of Albania, and the relations between certified auditors of banks and foreign bank branches, and the Bank of Albania. Regulation “On credit risk management” (approved by decision No. 62, dated 14/09/2011 of the Bank of Albania Supervisory Council) sets out the rules for credit risk management in banks and foreign bank branches, the criteria for risk assessment, loan classification and other assets, as well as the calculation of respective provisions. The reviewing of this regulation arouse from the need to review the loan classification criteria so as to simplify them and focus on those criteria that relate to primary source of liability settlement. Also, it stipulates credit risk mitigation techniques, providing details on financial guarantees and collaterals that the supervisory authority will initially recognise as exposure reduction techniques – an important part of the credit risk management process. AMENDMENTS TO THE REGULATORY FRAMEWORK Amendments to the Regulation “On consumer credit and mortgage to households” and Regulation “On transparency for banking and financial products and services” (approved by decision No. 13 and 14, dated 09/03/2011 by the Bank of Albania Supervisory Council) aimed at strengthening the requirements of the supervisory authority on: a) transparency about fees and methodology of their calculation; b) keeping the interest rate calculation methodology unchanged over the loan duration; c) periodic reporting by institutions on loan and deposit interest rates and applicable fees for all products and services; and d) their publication by the Bank of Albania; e) including maximum compensation limits in the event of early loan repayment, etc; Amendments to the Regulation “On licensing and activity of banks and branches of foreign banks in the Republic of Albania” (approved by decision No. 33, dated 11/05/2011 of the Bank of Albania Supervisory Council), aimed to include the service of safety boxes as a financial activity that banks and branches of foreign banks in the Republic of Albania may conduct conform to stipulations of the Civil Code of the Republic of Albania; Amendments to the Regulation “On licensing and activity of non-bank financial institutions” (approved by decision No. 43, dated 15/06/2011 of the Bank of Albania Supervisory Council) pertain to exempting the banks and branches of foreign banks from the requirements of this regulation for approval of money transfer services, when the entities have been licensed for payment and money transfer services; Amendments to the Regulation “On capital adequacy ratio” (approved by decision No. 63, dated 14/09/2011 of the Bank of Albania Supervisory Council) pertain to stipulating requirements for banks to weight the risk Bank of Albania 13 2011 Supervision Annual Report coefficient to 150 per cent of the loan in the event of lending beyond the territory of their business and when they lack the presence of a subsidiary, branch or agency, an activity that carries over potential risks compared to lending within the territory of the Republic of Albania; Amendments to the Regulation “On liquidity risk management” (approved by decision No. 75, dated 26/10/2011 of the Bank of Albania Supervisory Council) pertain to taking preventive measures against negative impacts from recent developments in the region on Albania’s banking system and stability, stipulating prudential requirements for banks, in particular for quantitative indicators; The decision “On an addition to banking activities” (approved by decision 81, dated 14/12/2011) was repealed on the grounds that it is a bylaw that has lost its legal basis and actuality, since financial activities that may be exercised by banks and/or branches of foreign banks are currently stipulated comprehensively in the Law “On Banks in the Republic of Albania”. Amendments to the Regulation “On licensing, organisation, activity and supervision of foreign exchange bureaus” approved by decision No. 82, dated 14/12/2011 of the Bank of Albania Supervisory Council, pertain to several corrections and additions to technical conditions and other terms, which have arisen during on-site examinations over these institutions. 2. LICENCING 2.1 GRANTING A LICENCE, PRELIMINARY APPROVAL The Law No. 8269, dated 23/12/1997 “On the Bank of Albania”, amended, the Law No. 9662, dated 18/12/2006 “On Banks in the Republic of Albania”, amended (hereinafter referred to as the Law on Banks, for simplicity) and the regulatory framework provide the Bank of Albania with the authority and responsibility to license and supervise the entities conducting banking and financial business in the Republic of Albania. The purpose of licensing as a means of supervision is to conduct a safe and sound activity of financial and banking entities, with an immediate objective to prevent any activities that may negatively impact on their functioning in the system. Through the licensing and preliminary approval, the Bank of Albania may control financial operations and transactions of banks and non-bank financial institutions in accordance with the requirements for an effective legal framework. The licensing as a means of supervision carries out two functions: • • 14 Early detection and prevention of decisions and transactions that may provide a negative impact on future operations of banks and nonbank financial entities; and Implementation of supervisory measures by licensed entities. Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report As at end-2011, the entities licensed and supervised by the Bank of Albania are 16 banks, 19 non-bank financial institutions, one representative office of a foreign bank, 301 foreign-exchange bureaus, 126 savings and loan associations and two savings and credit unions. The banking sector structure consists of 13 private-capital banks and three private domestic and foreign capital banks (as shown by chart 1), while the structure of non-bank financial institutions consists of five non-bank financial institutions with foreign private capital, two institutions with foreign and domestic private capital, two institutions with domestic public capital and ten institutions with private domestic capital. Foreign-exchange bureaus and savings and loan associations are in private domestic ownership. Chart 1 Financial and banking sector structure BANK OF ALBANIA Commercial banks (16) Foreign private capital (81%) Foreign and domestic private capital (19%) Non-bank financial institutions (19) Domestic private capital (53%) Domestic public capital (11%) Foreign private capital (26%) Foreign exchange bureaus (301) Unions of SLAs (2) and SLAs (124) Representative office (1) Domestic private capital (100%) Foreign and domestic private capital (11%) According to the Law on Banks, the Bank of Albania is the licensing and supervising authority for banks, non-bank financial institutions, savings-loan associations and their unions, and foreign exchange bureaus. Pursuant to the Law “On Banks” and the regulatory framework, the Bank of Albania takes decisions related, inter alia, to: • • • • • • Granting or revoking a licence to banks, non-bank financial institutions, savings and loans associations and their unions, and foreign exchange bureaus; Preliminary approval for carrying out additional financial activities not included in the bank licence annex, by banks and non-bank financial institutions; Preliminary approval for transferring the ownership of a qualifying holding, or the control of a bank/financial institution to a third party; Preliminary approval for increasing the percentage of a shareholder with qualifying holding exceeding 20, 33 or 50% of the bank’s capital; Preliminary approval for managers of banks and non-bank financial institutions; Preliminary approval for the expansion of a bank’s network; Bank of Albania 15 2011 Supervision Annual Report • • Preliminary approval for money transfer agents acting for the account of non-bank financial institutions licensed by the Bank of Albania; Bank notifications. In 2011, licensing consisted in granting a new licence to non-bank financial institutions and to foreign exchange bureaus. Specifically, in 2011, three associations applied to operate as non-bank financial institutions and were granted a licence by the Bank of Albania. They are: M-Pay Ltd., and Omnifactor Ltd., which provide, respectively, money services and money transfers (M-Pay) and factoring (Omnifactor). As at end-2011, the number of non-bank financial institutions was 19. In April 2012, a licence to conduct factoring was granted to “ZIG FACTORING” Ltd., taking the number of nonbank institutions operating in this area to three. Pursuing the trend observed over the past years, in 2011, banks and non-bank financial institutions applied for expanding their activity and for providing new financial and banking products and services. More specifically, during 2011, the Tirana Bank, Credins Bank, Branch of Alpha Bank-Albania, Société Générale Bank Albania, and AK-INVEST - a non-bank financial institution applied for the Bank of Albania’s consent to carry out financial activities not included in the licence annex. These activities consist mainly in: a)Lending (AK-INVEST); b)Trading for the account of banks or for the account of clients, whether on a foreign exchange, in an over-the-counter market (OTC), or otherwise the following: a. Derivative instruments, included but not limited to futures and options; b.Transferrable securities; c. other negotiable instruments and financial assets, including transactions in gold; d.Intermediation in monetary transactions for compensating and managing assets, such as cash or portfolio management, fund management, custodial, depository and trust services; e.Provision of guarantees and receipt of commitments. These activities affect the development of the Albanian financial market, mainly by trading financial instruments of interest to financial institutions and their clients. Adding activities to banks and non-bank financial institutions is aimed at diversifying their products and services, and providing opportunities to their clients for more savings investment options, other than the conventional ones. This expanded banking and financial scope enhances competition in the banking and financial sector by offering more attractive products and services. Electronic banking products have been implemented by almost all banks (14 banks altogether), which have now entered a new phase that consists in upgrading them technologically and providing a variety of services to 16 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report clients. We would mention here the Credins Bank, which was the first to apply and receive the Bank of Albania’s consent for using pre-paid cards, thereby meeting the additional needs of certain customer segments. Moreover, the market is completed with electronic banking services. In 2011, the VisionFund Albania Ltd., - a non-bank financial institution – submitted an application to the Bank of Albania for transferring the ownership of its partner’s qualifying holding to a third party and the Bank of Albania granted its consent. The Bank of Albania granted its preliminary approval for increasing the percentage of the shareholder’s qualifying holding in the Credins Bank and the National Commercial Bank, exceeding 20% and 50% of the capital, respectively. The Bank of Albania granted its preliminary approval to 61 applications by banks and 4 applications by non-bank financial institutions, for administrators appointed pursuant to the Law “On Banks in the Republic of Albania”. Approval of new administrators was granted for 20 steering committee members, 7 audit committee members, 3 general directors, 2 deputy general directors, 29 heads of departments/divisions/directories and 4 directors (managers) of non-bank financial institutions. Expansion of the banks’ network within the country continued in 2011, pursuing the low rates observed over the past two years. As at end-2011, there were 528 branches and agencies of foreign banks operating within the territory of the Republic of Albania, and one branch operating abroad. Chart 2 Geographical distribution of resident population by prefecture, 2011 Resident population by prefecture (October 1, 2011) Berat 5% Dibra 5% Vlora 7% Durrës 9% Tirana 26% Elbasan 10% Shkodra 8% Fier 11% Lezha 5% Kuksi 3% Bank of Albania Gjirokastra 3% Source: Bank of Albania. Chart 3 Geographical distribution of bank branches and agencies by prefecture, in 2011 Kuksi Dibra Gjirokastra 2% 2% 4% Berat 4% Lezha 5% Tirana 39% Vlora 8% Shkodra 5% Korça 7% Elbasan 6% Durrës 10% Fier 8% Source: Bank of Albania. Chart 4 Number of bank branches through the years 511 The banking system has responded to rapid urbanization of cities and their suburban areas and to the awareness of people to carry out financial transactions through banking channels, by providing access to clients through establishment of bank branches and agencies across the country. Chart 3 shows that the largest concentration of bank branches and agencies is in Tirana (40%), which has also the largest concentration of population (26.97%) according to the Institute of Statistics (Chart 2). The data on urban the population show Korça 8% 524 529 534 2009 2010 2011 399 293 2006 2007 2008 Source: Bank of Albania. 17 2011 Supervision Annual Report that the distribution of bank branches’ network is in proportion with the geographical distribution of this population. Chart 5 Foreign exchange bureaus through the years 350 95 300 75 250 55 200 150 35 100 15 50 -5 December`11 December`10 December`09 December`08 December`07 No. of FXBs December`06 December`05 December`04 December`03 December`02 December`01 December'00 December'99 0 Change Source: Bank of Albania. Chart 6 Geographical distributions of foreign exchange bureaus December 2011 Gjirokastra Berat 2% Durrës 2% 6% Vlora 9% Elbasan 10% Fier 10% Korça 7% Tirana 48% Lezha 4% Further development of the Albanian financial market and the rules applied by the Bank of Albania to curtail informal economy were accompanied by a rising number of applications submitted by various entities for opening foreign exchange bureaus throughout the country. It is worth mentioning that the number of applications, compared to the effect of rapidly increased number of foreign exchange bureaus licensed over the past years, is lower, with 19 newly licensed foreign exchange bureaus. Of the the period 19991-2011, when the foreign exchange activity has been carried out by entities licensed by the Bank of Albania, the year 2008 hit record highs as regards new entries in the foreign exchange market, with 77 new licences, while the year 2011 represents a decline in it. Aiming at further easing the licensing procedure for a foreign exchange bureau, at end-2011, several new amendments and alterations were made to the relevant regulation. They consisted in both reviewing the documentation to further reduce it and easing the examination process of their operational conditions to shorten the licensing terms. This regulation entered into force on February 2012. During 2011, the Bank of Albania granted a licence to all of the submitted applications. Foreign Source: Bank of Albania. exchange bureaus are licensed according to related criteria and are located and operate across 24 major cities of Albania. In terms of their geographical distribution by district, they are mostly concentrated in Tirana. Compared with the past years, the year 2011 highlighted a slight increase (by only 0.1%) in the total number of foreign exchange bureaus opened in Tirana, as a result of distribution of foreign exchange bureaus in other districts of the country. Shkodra 2% Table 1 Number of Number in 2010 foreign-exchange 284 bureaus licensed in 2011 Sourse: Bank of Albania. 1 New licences 19 Revocations 2 Number in 2011 301 The year 1999 recorded the start of foreign exchange operations by entities licensed by the Bank of Albania. 18 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report In 2011, two licences for foreign exchange bureaus were revoked at their own request. An important part of activity of many foreign exchange bureaus is their operating as money transfer agents for the account of two financial institutions licensed by the Bank of Albania, i.e., for AK-INVEST and Financial Union of Tirana. This process, which started in 2009, pursuant to the requirement for formalising the money-transfer market by approving agents of non-bank financial institutions that carry out money transfer operations for their account, is already complete. Though various entities have submitted their applications for carrying out this activity, the increase remains modest. As at end-2011, the number of money transfer agents approved by the Bank of Albania to operate for the account of non-bank financial institutions (AK-Invest and Financial Union of Tirana) totalled 246. Agents operating only for money transfer Agents operating for both, money transfer and foreign exchanges Total Sourse: Bank of Albania. AK-INVEST Financial Union of Tirana 14 90 76 66 90 156 In 2011, 14 granted approvals were revoked. The requests for licence revocation were made by the approved entities, as well as by the Financial Union of Tirana and AK-Invest. Also, there were neither any licence applications, nor any licence revocation requests by savings and loan associations. Hence, as at end-2011, there are 2 unions of savings and loan associations, 124 savings and loan associations that are members of their unions, and 2 independent savings and loan associations. The following structural changes in bank ownership consist in changing the qualifying holding to bank shareholders’ equity. No approval by the Bank of Albania is required for such changes; however, the Law on Banks requires the entities to notify the Bank of Albania of them. More specifically, the Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania and the Credins Bank reported changes in their shareholders’ equity structure, while the Emporiki Bank-Albania, Union Bank, National Commercial Bank, Alpha Bank-Albania, Credins Bank, Veneto Bank and First Investment Bank increased their equity through cash injected by their shareholders or through capitalization of their past years’ profits. Also, in 2011, three non-bank financial institutions increased their equity through cash injected by their shareholders or through capitalization of their past years’ accumulated profits. More specifically, Tirana Leasing, Besa Fund and NOA notified of their equity growth. Cooperation with foreign authorities continued in 2011.The licensing office continued communicating with relevant authorities from other central banks on the reputation of foreign administrators proposed by banks. Also, regular contacts were kept and reciprocal information was shared with domestic authorities. Bank of Albania 19 Table 2 Number of money transfer agents operating for the account of nonbank financial institutions as at end-2011 2011 Supervision Annual Report 2.2 ACCOMPANYING TABLES FOR LICENCING Table 3 E-banking products approved by the Bank of Albania (20062011) Electronic products Debit Cards Credit Cards Maestro (Debit) Cards Master (Credit) Cards Visa (Debit) Cards Visa (Credit) Cards MultiCash ATM POS Internet Banking Phone Banking Mobile Banking / SMS Banking Prepaid Cards Source: Bank of Albania. 2006 6 5 1 1 6 1 2 - 2007 4 3 4 2 2 - 2008 2 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 2009 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2010 1 2 1 1 2011 1 1 Total 14 11 3 3 1 1 1 14 6 11 1 4 4 Table 4 Distribution of e-banking products/services by commercial banks as at end2011 BANKS ATM POS RAIFFEISEN BANK ALBANIA SH.A NATIONAL COMMERCIAL BANK SH.A. TIRANA BANK SH.A. NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE-ALBANIA BRANCH ALPHA BANK-ALBANIA PROCREDIT BANK SH.A. FIRST INVESTMENT BANK, ALBANIA SH.A. CREDINS BANK SH.A. UNION BANK SH.A. Société Générale Albania (former Banka Popullore) INTESA SANPAOLO BANK ALBANIA SH.A ITALIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK SH.A INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL BANK EMPORIKI BANK Source: Bank of Albania. √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Internet Phone Mobile/SMS Electronic (Debit, Banking Banking Banking Credit, Prepaid) Cards √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Table 5 List of entities licensed by the Bank of Albania through the years No. 1 2 3 4 5 Entities 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Banks and branches of foreign banks 14 15 16 17 17 16 16 16 16 16 Non-bank financial institutions 5 7 7 7 6 6 7 13 17 19 Foreign exchange bureaus 58 58 54 58 60 112 189 221 284 301 Savings and loan associations 113 131 130 131 125 130 133 135 126 126 Unions of savings and loan associations 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Source: Bank of Albania. The expanded network of bank branches and agencies and the increased number of their employees has led to significantly improved access to and use of banking services, as well as to improved quality of their provision. However, the average number of people per bank, banking unit and bank employee was downward due to a higher number of bank branches, agencies and employees in 2011 (Table 6). 20 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report Table 6 Banking system statistical indicators Number of banks Number of employees Number of branches/agencies inside the country Average number of employees per: - Bank - Banking unit Number of population (000) Number of population per: - Bank - Banking unit - Bank employee Source: Bank of Albania. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 17 17 16 16 16 3,479 4,189 5,155 6,493 6,404 250 294 399 511 524 205 246 322 406 400 14 14 13 13 12 3,149 3,152 3,170 3,193.9 3,195 185,235 185,424 197,013 199,619 199,688 12,596 10,722 7,945 6,250 6,097 905 752 615 492 499 2010 2011 16 16 6384 6714 529 534 399 420 12 13 N/A 2,831.7 N/A 176,984 N/A 5,303 N/A 422 Table 7 Activities carried out by non-bank financial institutions Payment service Financial Union of Tirana Albanian Post Office Credins Leasing Leasing Ak-Invest Tirana Leasing Credins Leasing Fin-Al Raiffeisen Leasing NOA (former Landeslease Opportunity Albania) EASYPAY (former ISCS) Sogelease M-PAY Lending Microcredit VisionFund Credins Leasing Albania NOA (former Opportunity Albania) Capital Invest Besa Fund First Albanian Financial Development Company - FAF Factoring Albanian Factoring Services (AFS) Omnifactor Transit Ak-Invest Table 8 Bank network expansion in 2011 No. Banks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Raiffeisen Bank National Commercial Bank United Bank of Albania Veneto Banka Tirana Bank National Bank of Greece – Albania branch International Commercial Bank Alpha Bank - Albania Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania ProCredit Bank Emporiki Bank Credit Bank of Albania Credins Bank Société Générale Albania (former Banka Popullore) Union Bank First Investment Bank TOTAL Bank of Albania No. of branches in the country 103 53 4 9 52 5 9 46 17 24 13 1 34 44 15 5 434 No. of No. of branches No. of branches agencies outside Albania and agencies 103 4 1 58 2 6 9 4 56 22 27 9 46 14 31 17 41 11 24 2 3 6 40 44 14 29 4 9 100 1 535 21 2011 Supervision Annual Report D. PERFORMANCE AND RISK ANALYSIS OF THE BANKING SYSTEM AND NON-BANK FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS 1. ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT During 2011, the country’s economy was characterized by a positive but slow growth, slightly stimulating fiscal policy, relatively stable exchange rate, lower risk premium and weak demand-generated inflationary pressures. Despite the positive economic growth rate, the Albanian economy remained below its potential; the average annual inflation fluctuated around the Bank of Albania’s target and the main macroeconomic balances fluctuated around the previous year’s levels. Global economic growth slowed down in 2011. The European public debt crisis and its impact on the overall climate of confidence among investors and in the financial markets contributed significantly to the slowdown. Economic weakening in industrialized countries conditioned the overall global economic performance by affecting the external demand of the developing countries, whose exports are an important driver of growth. Albanian economy expanded by 3.1% in 2011. It continued to be supported by external demand, albeit to a small extent, reflecting the global economic slowdown. Domestic demand was sluggish and was formed mainly from the fiscal sector’s contribution in the first half of the year. The economic growth structure was balanced due to impact from production and services sectors. Private sector credit continued to support the economic growth. A better liquidity situation, improved health of bank balance sheets and downward trend of borrowing costs have favoured the growth of credit to the economy along the year. Credit to the economy increased in both segments - business loans and household loans. However, the demand for loans remained weak due to slowing economic activity, the uncertainty surrounding the economic outlook and the banks’ reluctance to lend. The Bank of Albania moved the key interest rate three times in 2011, to 4.75%. Of these moves, it increased in March, and was lowered in September and November. Subsequently, the interbank borrowing rates reflected these moves. Hence, the average interbank rate performed in line with the monetary policy signal. Overall, the national-currency borrowing cost followed a downward trajectory, with a tendency to increase lending in the national currency. 22 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report However, on a year earlier, demand for financing and deposit interest rates resulted lower but attractive for collecting lek and foreign currency savings. 2. BANKING SYSTEM HIGHLIGHTS The year 2011 was characterised by fairly positive developments in lending. The banking system continued lending to domestic economy, with a significantly higher pace of loan portfolio growth than in the previous year. Though credit risk in the system appears higher against the background of increased non-performing loans, the maintaining of a good level of bank capital adequacy ratio signifies that the overall risk level remains in check. This indicator exceeded significantly the 12% regulatory minimum threshold. Banks’ capitalisation was supported by their capital injections in response to increased non-performing loans, hence leading to a decreased banking system profit. Banking system highlights in 2011 1. Total outstanding credit of the banking system increased by 15.3%, significantly higher on a year earlier (9.1% in 2010); 2. Gross non-performing loans to gross loan portfolio deteriorated to 18.77% in 2011, from 13.96% in 2010; 3.Loan loss provisioning remained at a good level, reflecting almost the same pace of increase as in non-performing loans, recording 51.8% in 2011, from 52.7% in 2010; 4. Capital adequacy ratio is above the 12% regulatory minimum threshold, almost similar to the previous year’s figure, slightly up, to 15.6%, from 15.4% as at end-2010; 5.The banking system net profit is positive, to ALL 706.3 million, though lower on a year earlier due to increased expenses and loan provisions and decreased income from other operations; 6. RoAA and RoAE – profitability indicators – remained positive, to 0.07 and 0.76%, respectively, though slightly downward on a year earlier due to decreased net profit. 3. BANKING SYSTEM STRUCTURE 3.1 EQUITY OWNERSHIP STRUCTURE Banking system’s paid-in capital increased by ALL 12.5 billion in 2011, or 16.8% from 2010. Foreign capital continued to provide the major contribution, accounting for 94.7% of the system’s growth. Foreign capital increased by ALL 11.9 billion, or 17.2%, while Albanian capital increased by ALL 670 million, or 12% from 2010. As a result, the share of foreign Bank of Albania 23 2011 Supervision Annual Report capital in the Albanian banking system increased by 92.8%, from 92.5% as at December 2010. Chart 7 Banking system equity ownership structure, 2011 100% Foreign capital originating from the European Union continues to hold the highest share in the banking system’s equity structure. In 2011, it increased to 76%, from 74.9% as at end-2010. 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 3.2 NUMBER OF BANK BRANCHES 20% 10% 2011 2010 2009 2008 Domestic public capital EU 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 0% Domestic private capital Other USA Source: Bank of Albania. In 2011, similar to the previous two years, the network of branches and agencies operating in the country expanded at low rates. Hence, the number of branches and agencies operating in the country reached 534, from 529 as at end-2010, while one branch conducts its activity outside the territory of the Republic of Albania. 3.3 ASSET AND LIABILITY STRUCTURE 3.3.1 Asset and liability structure Total banking system assets increased by ALL 129.5 billion in 2011, or 13.1%, exceeding the previous year’s pace of increase (which was ALL 104.3 billion, or 11.8% in 2010). The loan portfolio increased significantly from the previous year, up by ALL 75.3 billion or 15.3%, from up by ALL 40.9 billion or 9.1% in 2010. The degree of banking system intermediation in the economy and the contribution of lending continued to pick up in line with the recent years’ trend, reflected in a higher share of total assets and loans to Gross Domestic Product. As at end-2011, they were 84.6% and 42.8%, respectively, from 81.0% and 40.1% in the previous year. Table 9 Total banking system assets and loan portfolio as a share of GDP Indicators Total assets (in ALL billions) Total assets/GDP, % Total loans/GDP, % 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 373.6 426.4 496.6 624.3 742.9 834.1 886.3 0.538 0.568 0.609 0.708 0.768 0.767 0.775 0.073 0.093 0.157 0.224 0.302 0.365 0.393 *The ratio to GDP is based on preliminary estimates for GDP in 2011. 2010 990.6 0.81 0.401 2011 1,120.2 0.8 0.4 Highlights of the banking system asset structure in 2011, compared to 2010: • 24 Increase in treasury and interbank transactions by ALL 37.1 billion or 12.5%, mainly due to substantial increase in transactions with other banks, credit institutions and other financial institutions by ALL 25.7 billion or 27.9%, and also with the Central Bank by ALL 9 billion or Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report • • 11%; Increase in lending by ALL 75.3 billion, or 15.3%; Increase in security transactions (other than the Albanian Government treasury bills) by ALL 33.5 billion or 15.9%, mainly due to increased investments in fixed-income securities by ALL 28.6 billion or 13.8%. Table 10 Key banking system asset items Dec’08 Dec’09 Dec’10 Dec’11 Indicators Sum* Share** Sum* Share** 1. Treasury and 251.4 30.1 254.3 interbank transactions Of which: - Transactions with the 69.2 8.3 69 Central Bank - T-bills 107 12.8 106.3 - Transactions with other 55.4 6.6 58 banks 2. Transactions with 394.1 47.2 446 customers (gross) 3. Security transactions 166.7 20 177.7 4. Other assets 8.4 1 8.2 5. Fixed assets 15.2 1.8 14.7 Total assets 834.1 100 886.3 *in ALL billions, **in percentage, ***in percentage Source: Bank of Albania. 28.7 Change *** Sum* Share** 1.2 296.2 Change *** Sum* Share** Change *** 29.9 16.5 333.2 29.7 12.5 7.8 -0.4 82.2 8.3 19.2 91.2 8.1 11.0 12 -0.7 103 10.4 -3.1 104.6 9.3 1.6 6.5 4.8 91.9 9.3 58.5 117.6 10.5 28.0 50.3 13.2 486.5 49.1 9.1 561.7 50.1 15.5 20.1 0.9 1.7 100 6.6 210.7 -3.5 9.1 -3.2 13.8 6.3 990.6 21.3 0.9 1.4 100 18.5 244.2 11.7 13.8 -5.8 13.9 11.8 1120.2 21.8 1.2 1.2 100.0 15.9 51.6 0.5 13.1 Highlights of the banking system liability structure in 2011, compared to 2010: • • • Increase in treasury and interbank transactions by ALL 10.9 billion, or 17.8%, mainly due to substantially increase in T-bills and other eligible bills by ALL 12.4 billion or 95.6%, increase in deposits from banks and financial institutions by ALL 3 billion or 22.2%, and decline in received loans by ALL 6.1 billion or 20.2%; Operations with customers increased by ALL 106.2 billion or 13.2%, mainly due to increase in transactions with the private sector by ALL 107.6 billion or 13.5%; Increase in permanent resources by ALL 8.6 billion or 8.2%. Table 11 Key banking system liability items Indicators Dec’08 Dec’09 Dec’10 Dec’11 Share Change Share Sum* Sum* ** *** ** 1.Treasury and 98.8 11.8 89.9 interbank transactions 2.Operations with 633.8 76 683.8 customers (gross) 3.Other liabilities 9.48 1.1 5.7 4.Permanent resources 80.4 9.6 96 Total liabilities 834.1 100 886.3 *in ALL billions, **in percentage, ***in percentage Source: Bank of Albania. Bank of Albania Sum* Share Change ** *** Sum* Share Change ** *** 10.1 -8.9 61.2 6.2 -31.9 72.1 6.4 17.9 77.2 7.9 805 81.3 17.7 911.2 81.3 13.2 -40.3 7.5 19.5 104.8 6.3 990.6 0.8 10.6 100 32.9 10.2 0.9 9.1 113.4 10.1 11.8 1120.2 100.0 35.5 8.2 13.1 0.6 10.8 100 25 2011 Supervision Annual Report In 2011, off-balance sheet items increased their share in total assets, to 103%, from 89.7% as at end-2010. It was due to a higher increase in off-balance sheet items (29.8%) than in total assets (13.1%). As shown in Table 12, the main off-balance sheet items increased in 2011, while financing commitments declined. Commitments received make up the largest share in off-balance sheet items, accounting for 90.3%, while commitments given and foreign currency transactions account for 6.6% and 3%, respectively, of the total. Commitments received in the form of guarantees in favour of customers continue to maintain a dominant share in off-balance sheet items, about 85.8%. Table 12 Change in offbalance sheet items, in 2011 Change TOTAL Commitments given of which: - Financing commitments - Guarantees - Security commitments Commitments received of which: - Financing commitments - Guarantees Foreign currency transactions Other commitments Commitments for financial instruments Source: Bank of Albania. In ALL billion 264.8 12.1 (1.5) 10.3 9.3 244.7 13.2 228.2 6.7 0.2 1.1 In % 29.8 19.0 (5.2) 41.8 253.8 30.7 64.0 29.8 23.8 101.2 1,313.3 3.3.2 Concentration Concentration indicators, measured through the Herfindahl index for total assets, deposits, and loans, remained stable in 2011, almost similar to the levels seen over the past five year. Table 13 H (Herfindahl) index of asset, deposit and loan concentration Indicator 2004 H Index (assets) 0.27 H Index (deposits) 0.31 H Index (loans) 0.11 Source: Bank of Albania. 26 2005 0.21 0.24 0.1 2006 0.18 0.2 0.11 2007 0.15 0.17 0.12 2008 0.15 0.17 0.11 2009 0.14 0.16 0.11 2010 0.14 0.15 0.11 2011 0.15 0.16 0.12 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report 4. MANAGING BANKING ACTIVITY RISKS 4.1 CREDIT RISK 4.1.1 Lending Total credit increased by ALL 75.3 billion, or about 15.3% in 20112. The highest growth of outstanding credit was recorded in the fourth quarter by ALL 23.6 billion, followed by ALL 19.1 in the third quarter and ALL 18.8 billion in the second quarter. Quarterly credit growth In ALL millions In % Source: Bank of Albania. Q1 13,780.22 2.8 Q2 18,781.45 3.7 Monthly credit growth was volatile, growing by an average of 1.2%. In monthly terms, credit posted the highest growth in December 2011 by 2.5%, followed by about 2.1% in September 2011. By contrast, January 2011 was the month with the lowest credit growth by 0.1%. Table 14 Quarterly credit growth in 2011 Q4 23,610.38 4.4 Chart 8 Monthly credit growth in 2011 2.50% 2.00% 1.50% 0.01 1.00% 0.50% 0.00% December`11 November`11 October`11 Credit to residents increased on a year earlier, by ALL 49.8 billion (11%). The data do not include residents. Bank of Albania September`11 Source: Bank of Albania. In 2011, public sector’s credit outstanding growth peaked in the second quarter by ALL 3.2 billion or 25.9%, followed by the fourth quarter by ALL 2.9 billion or 16.5%, and fell slightly by ALL 0.6 billion or 5% in the first quarter. In 3 August`11 Monthly credit performance Monthly average growth The loan portfolio by currency and borrower3 highlights that in 2011, about 69.7% of business loans were in foreign currency, down by 3.2 percentage points from 2010. Euro-denominated loans accounted for about 86.7%, while USD-denominated loans accounted for 13.2% of the foreign currency loan portfolio. The share of foreign currency household loans in total household loans was 56.6% (from 58.2% in 2010). Euro and USD-denominated loans account for 96.6% and 2.8%, respectively, of total foreign currency loans. 2 July`11 June`11 May`11 April`11 March`11 February`11 -0.50% January`11 The analysis of the loan portfolio by type of borrower shows that the private sector remains the segment with the largest share of the loan portfolio, accounting for 70.1% in 2011, from 67.3% in 2010. As at December 2011, household loans accounted for a smaller share of the loan portfolio, 26.3%, or 3.8 percentage points less than in 2010. During December 2010-December 2011, lending to private sector and to households increased by 20.3 and 0.8%, respectively. Q3 19,175.42 3.7 27 2011 Supervision Annual Report absolute terms, as at end-2011, the public sector’s loan portfolio posted ALL 20.2 billion, from ALL 12.9 billion as at end-2010, hence accounting for 3.6% of the loan portfolio, from 2.6% as at December 2010. Chart 9 Credit outstanding to businesses and households (as a percentage of total credit outstanding) December`11 September`11 June`11 Credit to businesses (left) March`11 0.25 December`10 0.6 September`10 0.27 June`10 0.62 March`10 0.29 December`09 0.64 September`09 0.31 June`09 0.66 March`09 0.33 December`08 0.68 September`08 0.35 June`08 0.7 March`08 0.37 December`07 0.72 The analysis of loans by borrower and by purpose of use shows that business overdrafts have the largest share, followed by business loans for equipment purchase investments and household loans for real estate investments. Working capital loans to businesses recorded the highest increase in 2011, followed by real estate investment loans to businesses and household loans for consumption of durable goods. Credit to households (right) Source: Bank of Albania. Table 15 Credit by sector and purpose of use (in ALL billions) DESCRIPTION December’10 Share in % December’11 Share in % Change, in % December 2010 – December 2011 13.0 18.8 14.1 29.1 14.3 23.1 (0.4) 13.5 10.2 14.4 (0.3) (34.6) Total credit 472.6 100 534.1 100 Business loans 330.4 69.9 392.5 73.5 Overdrafts 108.3 22.9 123.6 23.1 Working capital 55 11.6 71.0 13.3 Purchase of equipment and machinery 88 18.6 100.6 18.8 Real estate investments 79.1 16.7 97.3 18.2 Household loans 142.2 30.1 141.6 26.5 Overdrafts 6.3 1.3 7.2 1.3 Consumption of non-durable goods 16.2 3.4 17.9 3.3 Consumption of durable goods 8 1.7 9.2 1.7 Real estate loans 100.2 21.2 99.9 18.7 Operational activity 11.6 2.5 7.6 1.4 Source: Bank of Albania. Note: The above data refer only to resident customers and exclude accrued interest. Credit structure by maturity remained almost similar to that of 2010, shifting slightly from long-term loans to short-term ones. As at end-2011, long-term loans accounted for the largest share. They were followed by short-term and medium-term loans. Table 16 Structure of outstanding loans by maturity, in % Maturity Short-term Mid-term Long-term December’07 December’08 December’09 December’10 March’11 June’11 September’11 December’11 31.3 33.4 33.4 32.4 33.0 33.0 34.1 33.6 25.1 20 19.8 20.7 20.2 20.4 20.2 20.8 43.6 46.6 46.8 46.9 46.8 46.6 45.7 45.6 Source: Bank of Albania. In 2011, the loan portfolio by currency evidenced growth in foreign currency-denominated lending, peaking at 3.8% in the third quarter, while 28 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report the national currency-denominated lending peaked in the fourth quarter of the year. Table 17 Outstanding loans by currency, in % By currency December’07 December’08 December’09 December’10 March’11 June’11 September’11 December’11 Lek 27.5 27.4 29.8 30.2 30.6 31.3 31.2 32.1 Foreign 72.5 72.6 70.2 69.8 69.4 68.7 68.8 67.9 currency Source: Bank of Albania. The loan portfolio structure by currency continued to be dominated by foreign currency-denominated loans, albeit at a downward share compared to the previous year, indicating a slight shift to national currency-denominated loans. Chart 10 Volume of outstanding loans by maturity (in ALL billions), left; and by currency (in ALL billions), right 270 400 240 350 210 300 180 250 150 200 120 150 90 December`11 June`11 December`10 June`10 December`09 June`09 December`08 June`08 December`07 June`07 December`06 June`06 December`05 June`05 December`04 December`11 Short-term loans June`11 December`10 June`10 December`09 June`09 December`08 Long-term loans Mid-term loans June`08 December`07 June`07 December`06 June`06 0 December`05 50 0 June`05 100 30 December`04 60 FX outstanding loans ALL outstanding loans Source: Bank of Albania. Foreign currency loans unhedged against exchange rate risk 4 increased by 7.4 percentage points in the first quarter of 2011. By contrast, this indicator fell by 3.2 percentage points in the second quarter and by 4 percentage points in the third quarter, hence accounting for 51.2% at the end of the third quarter, almost similar to end-2010’s figure. It increased by 4.7 percentage points in the fourth quarter compared to the third quarter, and by 4.9 percentage points compared to 2010. Table 18 Foreign currency loans unhedged against exchange rate risk, in % Q4`08 Q4`09 Q1`10 Q2`10 Q3`10 Q4`10 Q1`11 Q2`11 Q3`11 Q4`11 Foreign currency loans unhedged 52.4 55.2 54.0 54.0 54.2 51.0 58.4 55.2 51.2 55.9 against exchange rate risk Source: Bank of Albania. 4 The definition of loans unhedged against exchange rate risk is provided in the Bank of Albania’s Regulation No. 62, dated 14/09/2011 “On credit risk management”, Article 4, paragraph 2, letter c. Bank of Albania 29 2011 Supervision Annual Report As at end-2011, the loan portfolio structure by economy sectors (referring only to resident customers) did not undergo any significant changes compared to the previous year. Trade, repair of vehicles and household appliances had the largest concentration of loans, followed by the construction sector and the processing industry. In absolute terms, ‘trade, repair of vehicles and household appliances’, ‘production and distribution of electricity, gas and water’, and ‘processing industry’ are the economy sectors with the largest annual growth. In terms of the system-wide share and loan quality by economy sectors, it appears that construction sector holds the highest level of NPLs, followed by processing industry, trade, repair of vehicles and household appliances. Table 19 Credit by economy sectors, in % Description Businesses Agriculture, hunting and forestry Fishery Extractive industry Processing industry Production and distribution of electricity, gas and water Construction Trade, repair of vehicles and household appliances Hotels and restaurants Transport, storage and telecommunication Monetary and financial intermediation Real estate, renting Public administration Education Health and social activities Collective, social and individual services Other 5.0 6.9 57.3 7.8 10.7 113.8 13.9 13.3 7.7 19.8 29.6 61.5 24.1 24.5 14.7 13.8 21.3 76.6 3.0 3.0 12.5 22.7 45.3 124.5 2.3 2.3 14.1 23.0 15.2 -24.6 2.2 0.5 0.2 0.8 1.0 2.6 1.8 2.1 0.5 0.3 0.8 0.9 3.1 2.4 7.3 9.6 108.3 22.0 -2.5 38.7 45.5 0.2 31.0 53.0 12.1 21.1 12.2 3.9 1.0 35.5 20.5 3.9 27.0 8.7 11.8 468.9 25.4 -19.5 -60.6 25.1 -1.2 335.1 30.1 26.5 -0.4 11.8 15.7 32.2 100.0 100.0 13.0 14.1 19.5 Note: The above data refer only to resident borrowers and exclude accrued interests. Source: Bank of Albania. 55.5 Households Total December December Change NPLs/Credit NPLs/Credit Change ’10 ’11 in % outstanding Dec’10 outstanding Dec’11 in % 69.9 73.5 18.8 15.1 20.8 63.4 0.8 1.0 40.3 23.4 13.6 -18.6 0.2 0.2 14.7 18.9 6.9 -58.4 1.4 1.2 -2.4 13.7 12.9 -8.2 10.0 10.8 22.6 15.2 21.3 71.9 4.1.2 Asset Quality During 2011, non-performing loans increased by about ALL 37.73 billion. The growth rate of non-performing loans was higher than the growth rate of the banking system’s outstanding credit. Consequently, the ratio of nonperforming loans to the banking system’s outstanding credit increased by about 4.8 percentage points to about 18.77%. 30 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report Chart 11 Non-performing loan portfolio and outstanding credit growth rate (in %) Chart 12 Outstanding non-performing loans in the banking system 0.8 0.7 120,000 0.69 100,000 0.6 0.15 80,000 0.5 0.4 60,000 0.3 40,000 0.20 0.2 0.20 0.17 0.16 0.10 0.14 0.1 0.1 0.05 0.12 0.07 0.14 0.08 0.07 0.05 20,000 December'11 June'11 December'10 June'10 December'09 June'09 December' 08 June'08 December'07 June'07 December'06 June'06 December'11 September'11 June'11 March' 11 December'10 September'10 June'10 March' 10 December'09 September'09 June'09 March' 09 December'05 December' 08 0 0.2 0 Outstanding non-performing loans (in million ALL, left) Non-performing loans/Outstanding loans (right) Non-performing loan growth rate Outstanding credit growth rate Source: Bank of Albania. Source: Bank of Albania. As at end-2011, the ratio of non-performing loans to outstanding loans (net5) was estimated at about 10.02%, compared to 7.13% in the previous year. As at end-2011, the analysis of the loan portfolio structure as per credit rating evidences a lower share of qualitative loans and a higher share of non-performing loans. In the qualitative loan portfolio, standard loans reduced their share while special mention loans increased their share slightly. Concerning the non-performing loan portfolio, the three categories evidenced a higher share; however, the share of sub-standard and loss loans recorded the highest increase. Table 20 Credit rating as a percentage of outstanding loans Credit rating Standard Special mention Sub-standard Doubtful Loss Source: Bank of Albania. 2009 Q1 86.0 6.5 4.0 1.8 1.7 Q2 85.7 5.6 4.1 2.4 2.2 Q3 82.5 7.8 4.7 2.3 2.8 Q4 83.2 6.4 4.7 2.7 3.0 2010 Q1 80.8 7.6 5.4 3.0 3.3 Q2 81.2 6.6 5.4 3.2 3.7 Q3 78.7 7.5 5.9 3.9 4.0 Q4 79.0 7.0 6.2 3.7 4.1 2011 Q1 73.8 11.5 5.9 4.2 4.6 As at end-2011, loan loss provisions amounted to about ALL 55.1 billion, up ALL 18.93 billion from end-2010. The growth rate of loan loss provisions was almost similar to that of non-performing loans. Consequently, as at end-2011, the ratio of loan loss provisions to non-performing loans, which measures the level of coverage with provisions, was estimated at about 51.8%, almost similar to end-2010 (52.7%). 5 This indicator is measured considering outstanding loans and non-performing loans, excluding loan loss provisioning. Bank of Albania 31 Q2 73.1 9.9 8.0 4.0 5.0 Q3 73.2 8.5 8.9 4.2 5.2 Q4 73.8 7.4 9.3 3.9 5.6 2011 Supervision Annual Report Chart 14 Business and household non-performing loans Chart 13 Loan loss provisions 120,000 0.6 100,000 0.5 80,000 0.4 60,000 0.3 40,000 0.2 20,000 0.1 0 0.25 80,000 0.2 70,000 60,000 0.15 50,000 40,000 0.1 30,000 20,000 0.05 10,000 - December'11 September'11 June'11 March'11 December'10 September'10 June'10 March'10 December'09 September'09 June'09 March'09 December'08 September'08 June'08 March'08 December'07 September'07 June'07 March'07 December'06 March'11 September'11 June'11 March'11 December'10 September'10 June'10 March'10 December'09 September'09 June'09 March'09 December'08 - 90,000 0 Business NPLs (in millions of ALL), left Household NPLs (in millions of ALL), left Business NPLs / Business loans, right Household NPLs / Household loans, right Loan loss provisions (1) (in millions of ALL, left) NPLs gross (2) (in millions of ALL, left) Ratio (1)/(2) (in %, right) Source: Bank of Albania. Source: Bank of Albania. Concerning the loan quality by borrower, business non-performing loans increased at higher rates than household non-performing loans. As at end2011, business non-performing loan ratio stood at 20.8%, while household non-performing loan ratio stood at 15.8%. The analysis of the business loan portfolio quality, based on the level of nonperforming loans by sectors of economy combined with the specific share of the sector in total business portfolio, shows that the sectors of trade, repair of vehicles and household appliances, construction, processing industry and hotels and restaurants6 appear the most problematic in the economy. Chart 15 Outstanding non-performing loans by currency 0.25 80000 70000 60000 50000 0.2 25.00% 0.15 20.00% 40000 0.1 30000 20000 0.05 10000 15.00% 10.00% 5.00% 0 December 11 September 11 June 11 March 11 December 10 EUR USD Total September 10 6 -10.00% June 10 Source: Bank of Albania. -5.00% March 10 Outstanding NPLs in ALL (in millions of ALL) Outstanding NPLs in FX (in millions of ALL) NPLs in ALL / Total ALL loans (right) NPLs in FX / Total FX loans (right) 0.00% December 09 December'11 June'11 December'10 June'10 December'09 June'09 December'08 June'08 December'07 June'07 December'06 June'06 December'05 0 Chart 16 Quarterly performance of non-performing loans unhedged against exchange rate risk to outstanding loans in foreign currency unhedged against exchange rate risk Quarterly change of EUR exchange rate, % Quarterly change of USD exchange rate, % Source: Bank of Albania. As at the end of 2011, non-performing loans in the sectors of “trade, repair of vehicles and household appliances” and “Construction” stood at 21.3% and 29.6%, respectively. While, for the sectors of “processing industry” and “hotels and restaurants”, they stood at 21.0% and 45.0%, respectively. 32 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report Unlike the previous year-end, the loan portfolio denominated in foreign currency shows a higher non-performing loan ratio estimated at 19.6% compared to that in the Albanian lek, which stands at 16.9%. Within the loan portfolio denominated in foreign currency, classified as unhedged against exchange rate risk, non-performing loans account for 18.89% of the total. During December 2010 – December 2011, foreign currency non-performing loans unhedged against exchange rate risk increased by 6.34 percentage points. Euro non-performing loans unhedged against exchange rate risk accounted for 20.3% in 2011, up 6.69 percentage points. For the same period, euro’s exchange rate, on quarterly basis, was volatile, thus weakening the direct linkage between the exchange rate performance and nonperforming loans. US dollar non-performing loans unhedged against exchange rate risk accounted for 9.95%, up by about 3.45 percentage points. Similiar to euro’s exchange rate, US dollar’s exchange rate, on quarterly basis, was constantly volatile. Chart 17 10, 20, 50 and 100 largest borrowers in the system as a percentage of outstanding loans in the system (as at 31 December, 2011) 0.10 0.08 10 largest borrowers 0.14 0.12 20 largest borrowers 0.23 0.20 50 largest borrowers 0.31 0.29 100 largest borrowers 0 As at end-2011, the analysis of the largest borrowers in the system shows the increasing share of each of the groups of 10, 20, 50 and 100 largest borrowers in total system loans. 0.05 0.1 0.15 31 December '10 Chart 18 Credit volume distribution of ten largest borrowers by credit rating Doubtful 2.0% Sub-standard 6.2% December 2010 Sub-standard Doubtful 2.1% 0.2% Special mention 7.3% Special mention 11.4% Standard 80.4% Standard 90.5% Source: Bank of Albania. Bank of Albania 0.25 0.3 0.35 31 December '11 Source: Bank of Albania. About 91.82% of the volume of credit extended to the 10 largest borrowers is classified as regular (standard and special mention) and only 8.18% is classified under “sub-standard” and “doubtful” (6.16% and 2.02%, respectively). The December 2011 0.2 33 2011 Supervision Annual Report Chart 19 Loans secured by collateral, by type Total outstanding loans Business outstanding loans Household outstanding loans 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Loans collateralized by real estate Loans collateralized by other collateral Loans collateralized by cash Uncollateralized loans 10 largest borrowers’ loan portfolio classified as regular fell by about 6 percentage points compared to end-2010. However, the loan quality for this group of borrowers remains better than total portfolio’s. As at December 2011, the largest part of the loan portfolio (76%) was collateralized, slightly lower than as at December 2010 (79%). The loan portfolio analysis by type of collateral shows that the largest part of loans in the system (53%) is secured by real estate, out of which 37% is of residential type. The analysis of collateral loans by currency shows that the loan portfolio denominated in foreign Source: Bank of Albania. currency is better collateralized than that in the Albanian lek, 79% versus 71%. Compared to the same period in the previous year, collateralized loans in foreign currency fell by 5 percentage points, while those in the Albanian lek improved by 4 percentage points. Table 21 Type of collateral by sector and currency, in % Type of collateral Real estate Cash Other collateral Uncollateralized loans Total Households ALL Foreign currency 54% 80% 3% 4% 9% 9% 34% 6% 100% 100% Source: Bank of Albania. Businesses ALL Foreign currency 46% 49% 2% 3% 26% 22% 26% 26% 100% 100% Total ALL Foreign currency 49% 56% 3% 4% 20% 20% 29% 21% 100% 100% Despite the above-mentioned developments, which indicate a high level of non-performing loans, the stress test analyses carried out by the Bank of Albania show that the banking system enjoys buoyant capital, sufficient to cover a considerable level of losses arising from risks to lending and other activities. 4.2 LIQUIDITY RISK The banking system was characterized by an adequate level of liquidity in 2011. Liquidity in the system displayed a rising trend also due to the regulatory amendments that became effective at end-2011. The improved liquidity situation can be also viewed in terms of proportionality between currencies. The Albanian banking system has, in the recent years, been characterized by liquidity excess in the national currency versus a lower share of liquid reserves denominated in foreign currency. This trend, however, seems to have shifted in 2011. In December 2011, foreign currency liquidity increased its share in total liquid assets in the system. 34 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report 4.2.1 Banking System Deposits Chart 20 Total customer deposits Customer deposits remain the main and most stable source of financing for the Albanian banking system. As at end-2011, customer deposits in the system amounted to ALL 924 billion. Deposits in the system grew in 2011, albeit slightly lower (13%) than in 2010. Similar to 2010, deposits denominated in foreign currency contributed the most to this growth. In terms of currency, the share of deposits has now balanced, displaying higher proportionality between deposits denominated in the Albanian lek and foreign currency. More specifically, as at December 2011, foreign currency-denominated deposits accounted for 49.9% and lek deposits for 50.1% of total deposits. 1,000,000 900,000 800,000 700,000 600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 0 Q IV_11 Q III_11 Q II_11 Q I_11 Q IV_10 Q III_10 Q II_10 Q I_10 Q IV_09 Q III_09 Q II_09 Q I_09 Q IV_08 Q III_08 Q II_08 Q I_08 Q IV_07 Q III_07 Q II_07 Q I_07 Q IV_06 Q III_06 Q II_06 Q I_06 Q IV_05 Source: Bank of Albania. Household deposits continue to have the largest share in total customer deposits in the Albanian banking system. The growth of household deposits was more pronounced over the year under review, accounting for the largest part of total deposit growth. On the other hand, remaining maturity increased slightly in 2011. As at end-December 2011, deposits maturing within one month accounted for 32% of total deposits, compared to 35% in 2010. Chart 21 Deposits by remaining maturity December 2010 1-5 years 3% December 2011 1-5 years 3% over 5 years 0% up to 7 days 21% 6-12 months 30% 6-12 months 33% 7 days 1 month 14% 7 days 1 month 14% 3-6 months 15% 1-3 months 17% over 5 years 0% up to 7 days 19% 3-6 months 15% 1-3 months 16% Source: Bank of Albania. Deposits December’08 December’09 December’10 December’11 ALL deposits (in ALL millions) 367,255 376,216 417,963 462,645 Annual fall/growth 8,961.0 41,746.8 44,681.4 Annual fall/growth (%) 2.4 11.1 10.7 EUR deposits (in EUR millions) 1,668 1,801.0 2,376.6 2,750 Annual fall/growth 133.0 575.7 373.4 Annual fall/growth (%) 8.0 32.0 15.7 Bank of Albania 35 Table 22 Deposits for the three major currencies 2011 Supervision Annual Report USD deposits (in USD millions) Annual fall/growth Annual fall/growth (%) Source: Bank of Albania. 716 632 (83.5) (11.7) 574 (58.5) (9.3) 619 44.9 7.8 4.2.2 Deposit Concentration Concerning deposit concentration in the system, customer deposits follow a similar trend to other main balance sheet items. About 75% of customer deposits are concentrated in the five largest banks in the system, up only 1 percentage point from the previous year. Concerning customer concentration, the largest 20 depositors in each bank account for about 9.4% of total deposits, compared to Chart 22 Liquid assets, structure of their 10.6% in 2010, hence providing evidence for items and liquidity figures 350,000 33.5 the slight improvement in the largest depositors’ 33.0 300,000 concentration ratio. 32.5 250,000 32.0 200,000 31.5 150,000 30.5 31.0 29.5 50,000 29.0 December 2011 November 2011 October 2011 September 2011 August 2011 July 2011 June 2011 May 2011 April 2011 March 2011 February 2011 January 2011 December 2010 - 4.2.3 Liquid Assets 30.0 100,000 28.5 Transactions with banks and financial institutions T-bills and securities Cash in hand Liquidity Source: Bank of Albania. As at end-December 2011, the banking system’s liquid assets amounted to ALL 297 billion, compared to ALL 257 billion in 2010. In terms of their composition, securities of different types meeting the liquidity regulation criteria have the largest share at 62%. Transactions with banks and financial institutions (with remaining maturity of up to 7 days) account for about 25% of liquid assets. At the end of 2011, some amendments to the Regulation “On Liquidity Risk Management” became effective. In addition to the restraints of the existing regulation, which related to the low counterparty rating on investment in Chart 23 Liquid assets by currency December 2011 December 2010 Other 2% Other 2% EUR 21% EUR 24% USD 6% USD 8% ALL 71% ALL 66% Source: Bank of Albania. 36 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report tradable securities and non-resident placements, similar restraints were also set on investments in the form of deposits or current accounts, lending to non-resident institutions and investment securities, for non-resident counterparties. A haircut system was applied on these instruments, based on the counterparty ratings assigned by the international rating agencies. These amendments also consisted in the increase of the minimum liquid assets to short-term liabilities ratio from 20% to 25% and the beginning of the application of two separate thresholds on this ratio for the Albanian lek and foreign currency. Banks responded swiftly to the Bank of Albania’s decision by increasing their liquidity. All banks observed the new regulatory threshold on this ratio of 25%. As at end-December 2011, liquid assets to short-term liabilities ratio stood at 33.1% compared to 30.6% in 2010. This ratio in Lek was estimated at 43%, similar to the previous year, while that in foreign currency stood at 23%, compared to 18% at end-2010. The higher ratio is entirely attributed to the increase in the foreign currency ratio due to the measures taken by banks in order to observe the new regulatory threshold of the liquid assets to short-term liabilities ratio by currency, since December 2011 was also the first period when the new minimum regulatory ratio of 20% in foreign currency had to be observed by the banks in the system. 4.2.4 Asset-Liability Gap Table 23 Up to 1- and 3-month maturity gap for the banking system Up to 1-month maturity gap (in ALL millions) Up to 3-month maturity gap (in ALL millions) Up to 1-month maturity gap/total assets (in %) Up to 3-month maturity gap/total assets (in %) Source: Bank of Albania. December’10 March’11 June’11 September’11 December’11 -69,138 -55,049 -65,831 -48,667 -47,757 -145,601 -120,055 -227,973 -126,222 -113,992 -6.2 -4.9 -5.6 -4.0 -3.7 -13.7 -11.2 -20.7 -10.9 -9.5 Chart 24 Up to 3-month maturity gap by currency and asset-liability gap by maturity 50,000 December March June September December 2010 2011 2011 2011 2011 400,000 300,000 0 200,000 -50,000 100,000 - -100,000 (100,000) -150,000 (200,000) up to 7 days -200,000 -250,000 ALL up to 3-month maturity gap EUR up to 3-month maturity gap USD up to 3-month maturity gap Bank of Albania Total assets 7 days to 1 month 1-3 months 3-6 months 6 - 12 months 1-5 years over 5 years 195,627 121,341 92,861 106,663 200,317 339,402 161,104 Total liabilities 222,675 142,050 159,097 137,570 351,753 43,663 113,351 Difference (27,047) (20,709) (66,236) (30,908) (151,436 295,739 47,752 Source: Bank of Albania. 37 2011 Supervision Annual Report Up to 3-month asset-liability mismatch remains negative at ALL 114 billion or 9% of total assets. This gap, albeit negative, narrowed compared to the previous year’s level of 14%, thereby providing evidence for the improved liquidity figures in the banking system at the end of the year. 4.2.5 Lending from Non-Resident Banks and Financial Institutions Lending from parent banks or other non-resident financial institutions represents one of the financial sources for some banks in the Albanian banking system. The amount of this type of financing continued to fall slightly compared to the previous year. Both in absolute and relative terms, this type of financing accounted for about 2% of total assets in the system, compared to 2.5% in December 2010. Expressed differently, these sources account for about 4.6% of total banks’ assets being financed through them. In addition, some of the banks in the Albanian system have been approved by their parent banks credit lines that are still being unused and they are recorded as off-balance sheet items. The possibility to use these credit lines, if needed, is considered positive for the liquidity situation of these banks. Worth noting is that the unused part of credit lines approved by parent banks in 2011 increased compared to the previous year to ALL 46.5 billion or 4.2% of total assets in the system. 4.2.6 Loan-to-Deposit Ratio The growth of deposits in 2011 was followed by a slightly higher growth of outstanding loans. This led to an inconsiderable increase in loan-todeposit ratio, which pursued a stable trend in 2011. In December 2011, loan-to-deposit ratio stood at 61%. This ratio shows higher figures for foreign currency (83%) than for the Albanian lek (39%), thus reflecting the Albanian banking system’s balance sheet structure. By currency, this ratio reflects the growth of deposits denominated in foreign currency, combined with a more moderate growth of outstanding loans in foreign currency during this period. Consequently, loan-to-deposit ratio in foreign currency reduced, while that in lek increased. Table 24 Loan-to-deposit ratio Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Source: Bank of Albania. 38 Lek 17 22 30 36 35 39 Foreign currency 70 79 104 99 86 83 All currencies 38 46 62 65 60 61 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report 4.2.7 Interbank Market and Bank of Albania’s Financing Banks in the Albanian banking system meet a part of their short-term needs for liquidity through interbank transactions and liquidity injected by the Bank of Albania through reverse repurchase agreements. The use of liquidity from the central bank did not increase considerably in 2011. The share of the average volume of liquidity injected by the Bank of Albania, mainly through reverse repurchase agreements of one-week maturity, but also of one-month and three-month maturity, accounts for about 2% of total liabilities in the system, compared to 1.5% in 2010. Financing from resident banks, albeit at a very low level of less than 1%, continued in 2011 as well, providing evidence that banks resort to the interbank market to distribute operational risk both in the Albanian lek and in foreign currency. 4.3 MARKET RISK Exposure to interest rate risk, measured through the repricing mismatch between assets and liabilities of up to three months, amounted to ALL 51 billion, or 5.1% of earning assets. On a system level, this figure shows a low exposure to interest rate change risk. For longer maturity terms, the exposure shows an opposite direction and appears higher (ALL 79 billion); however, the stress test exercises carried out for this type of risk show a moderate impact of this risk on the banking sector’s capital adequacy. The share of these gaps by currency is also relatively low, despite the wider gap in euro and in the Albanian lek. On the other hand, the net open long position in the Albanian banking system amounted to ALL 3.88 billion or 3.94% of the system’s regulatory capital. This figure implies a low exposure of the Albanian banking system to exchange rate risk compared to the maximum regulatory threshold of 30%. The low exposure is also reflected in the stress test results on direct exchange rate risk. The capital required to cover market risks accounts for only 2.2% of the regulatory capital, while the total coverage of market and credit risks with capital for the entire system is estimated at 128.6% compared to 126.5% in 2010 and the minimum total coverage rate of 100%. 4.4 OPERATIONAL RISK The categorization and addressing of operational risk as an individual credit risk and as an integral part of the supervisory function of the Bank of Albania materialized as from January 2010, with the entry into force of the new organizational structure of the Supervision Department. This step was made in the framework of the convergence towards international approach to this type of risk (Basel II), where operational risk represents one of the main three risks banking institutions are exposed to. Bank of Albania 39 2011 Supervision Annual Report The work started in 2010 to develop supervisory tools for the assessment of operational risk as an individual risk category7 continued during 2011. The approval8 and entry into force of the Bank of Albania Regulation “On Operational Risk Management” in February 2011 has raised the attention in the banking and financial system for this type of risk. By providing its definition, the minimum organizational conditions and establishment of a reporting system at the Bank of Albania, the Regulation in question aims at ensuring a proactive supervision of operational risk in the system. Worth mentioning is the meeting held between the Albanian Association of Banks and Bank of Albania representatives to discuss unclear issues related to the requirements stemming from the Regulation “On Operational Risk Management”. This meeting sought and successfully managed to align the interpretations of parts of the Regulation and the reporting requirements under this Regulation. The Twinning Project with Banca d’Italia was particularly important in 2011. The cooperation on this particular type of risk aims at further developing the methodology and supervisory tools of operational risk. Through its on-site examinations and off-site surveillance carried out during 2011, the Bank of Albania noted a positive response of the banking system in terms of the compliance with the new operational risk management standards. 5. CAPITAL ADEQUACY 5.1 SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY Chart 25 Shareholders’ equity 120000 14 12 100000 10 80000 8 6 60000 4 40000 Similar to the previous year, shareholders’ equity maintained a rising trend in 2011, despite the comparably lower growth rates in the last two years. 2 0 20000 -2 December'11 September'11 June'11 March'11 December`10 September`10 June`10 March`10 December’09 September 09 June’09 March 09 December'08 September'08 June'08 March 08 December'07 September' 07 June'07 March 07 December'06 0 As at end-2011, the banking system’s shareholders’ equity amounted to ALL 97.3 billion, up ALL 4.2 billion y-o-y (4.5%) versus the higher increase by ALL 8.3 billion (9.8%) in 2010. Shareholders’ equity -4 Growth in % Source: Bank of Albania. The analysis of the components of shareholders’ equity shows that the key component, paid-in capital, increased by about ALL 12.1 billion (17.1%) in 2011, raising its share to 85.1% from 75.9% in 2010. This performance provides evidence for shareholders’ willingness to support banking activity. In the Albanian supervision practice, until January 2010, in the absence of a specific definition, the supervision of operational risk was addressed in the framework of other risks supervised by the Bank of Albania. 8 Decision No. 03, dated 19.01.2011, of the Supervisory Council of the Bank of Albania. 7 40 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report Table 25 Banking system’s shareholders’ equity and its components Indicator Shareholders’ equity Paid-in capital Share premium Reserve Revaluation difference Retained earnings/loss Earnings/loss for the period Source: Bank of Albania. Dec’11 ALL millions 97,304.7 82,803.9 4,180.1 13,639.6 2,292.0 (6,317.2) 706.3 Dec’10 % ALL millions 100 93,138.4 85.10 70,742.0 4.30 3,703.4 14.02 8,486.4 2.36 1,618.9 (6.49) 1,872.6 0.73 6,715.1 Dec’09 Dec’08 % ALL millions % ALL millions % 100 84,846.8 100 71,472.1 100 75.95 60,867.3 71.74 51,112.7 71.51 3.98 3,703.4 4.36 3,704.6 5.18 9.11 7,434.7 8.76 4,872.4 6.82 1.74 211.6 0.25 (3,807.6) (5.33) 2.01 9,085.2 10.71 8,254.4 11.55 7.21 3,544.5 4.18 7,335.7 10.26 The banking system’s profit was positive at ALL 706 million in 2011. It, however, maintained a declining trend in 2011, as expressed in Return on Average Assets (RoAA) and Return on Average Equity (RoAE), owing mainly to the higher loan loss provisions. 5.2 CAPITAL ADEQUACY RATIO Chart 26 CAR and its components 700,000 Bank of Albania 600,000 19.0 500,000 in million ALL 18.0 400,000 17.0 300,000 16.0 200,000 100,000 15.0 0 14.0 December'11 September'11 June'11 March'11 December_10 September_10 June_10 March_10 December_09 September_09 June_09 March_09 December_08 September_08 June_08 March_08 December_07 September_07 June_07 March_07 December_06 Shareholders’ willingness to support with capital in 2011 led to a higher growth rate of the system’s regulatory capital by 9.2% versus the increase of risk-weighted assets and off-balance sheets items by 8%. 20.0 in % Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), a key prudential indicator, exceeds the minimum threshold of 12% considerably, being reported at 15.6% at end2011. Compared to the corresponding period in 2010, the CAR appears highly stable, increasing by 0.2 percentage points, hence providing evidence for a stable banking system. Regulatory capital Risk-weighted assets CAR Source: Bank of Albania. 41 2011 Supervision Annual Report Box Measuring the Capital Adequacy Ratio Capital adequacy ratio (CAR) determines bank’s ability to meet the obligations relative to its exposure to risks like credit risk, market risk and operational risk, in due time. Put in simpler terms, the CAR serves as a “cushion” against losses and protects bank depositors and lenders. In order to calculate the CAR, the Supervisory Council of the Bank of Albania has drafted and approved the Regulation “On capital adequacy ratio”. Definitions: CAR is the ratio of regulatory capital to risk-weighted assets and off-balance sheet items, expressed as a percentage. CAR = Regulatory capital / Risk-weighted assets and off-balance sheet items Components: The numerator in the ratio is represented by: The bank’s regulatory capital, as calculated by the methodology described in the Guideline “On bank’s regulatory capital”. A bank’s regulatory capital consists of core capital and supplementary capital. a) • • b) • • • A bank’s core capital consists of: Elements that are added (subscribed capital, reserves (other than revaluation reserves), issue premiums, retained earnings, earnings at the end of the fiscal year, earnings for the reporting period and credit revaluation difference). Elements that are subtracted (subscribed capital unpaid, nominal value of bank’s shares held by bank, retained losses, losses during the fiscal period, debt revaluation difference and intangible fixed assets). A bank’s supplementary capital consists of: revaluation reserves; general reserves; and subordinated term/hybrid debt. The denominator of the ratio consists of the following risk-weighted amounts: - Balance sheet assets; - Off-balance sheet items representing term financial instrument contracts related to interest and exchange rates; - Other off-balance sheet items. Balance sheet items and off-balance sheet items are not equally risk-weighted. Based on the risk they pose, asset items and off-balance sheet items are assigned a coefficient, which expresses the level of risk to the financial institution. Based on the Bank of Albania’s Regulation “On capital adequacy ratio”9, banks risk-weight asset items and off-balance sheet items as follows: Assets: - at no risk are weighted at 0%; - at low risk are weighted at 20%; - at medium risk are weighted at 50%; - at high risk are weighted at 100% and 150%. Off-balance sheet items: - at low risk are weighted at 0%; - at moderate risk are weighted at 20%; - at medium risk are weighted at 50%; - at high risk are weighted at 100%. 9 42 For more information, please refer to the Bank of Albania’s Regulation “On Capital Adequacy Ratio” on Bank of Albania’s website www.bankofalbania.org Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report 5.2.1. Regulatory Capital Chart 27 Net non-performing loans as a percentage of regulatory capital The banking system’s regulatory capital was reported at ALL 98.47 billion at end-2011, up ALL 8.31 billion from end-2010 (9.2%). 120000 50 100000 40 30 40000 20 20000 10 0 0 Net non-performing loans Regulatory capital Non-performing loans/Regulatory capital Source: Bank of Albania. Chart 28 Risk-weighted off-balance sheet items 30,000 Net non-performing loans as a percentage of the system’s regulatory capital are estimated at 52% versus 35.9% at end-2010. The higher annual ratio owes to the higher increase in net non-performing loans compared to that of the regulatory capital. 10 25,000 8 20,000 6 15,000 4 10,000 2 5,000 - Q IV_11 Q III_11 Q II_11 Q I_11 Q IV_10 Q III_10 Q II_10 Q I_10 Q_4_09 Q_3_09 Q_2_09 Q_1_09 Q IV_ '08 Q III_ '08 Q II_ 08 Q I_ 08 Q IV_ 07 Q III_ 07 Q II_ 07 Q I_ 07 Q IV_06 5.2.2. Total Assets and Off-Balance Sheet Items in % The banking system’s supplementary capital, which consists of subordinated debt, is estimated at ALL 7.99 billion, compared to ALL 5.04 billion at end-2010. Seven banks are reported to have subordinated debt, compared to six at end-2010. 60000 December'11 September'11 June'11 March'11 December'10 September'10 June'10 March'10 December'09 September'09 June' 09 March'09 December'08 September'08 June'08 March'08 December'07 September' 07 June'07 March'07 December'06 The banking system’s core capital is the main component of the system’s regulatory capital, accounting for 91.9%, hence providing evidence for a qualitatively sound and stable regulatory capital. However, compared to the same corresponding period in 2010, its share reduced slightly by 2.5 percentage points at end-2011. in million ALL 80000 0 Risk-weighted off-balance sheet items Total risk-weighted assets and off-balance sheet Risk-weighted off-balance sheet items / Total risk-weighted assets and off-balance sheet items, in % items grew by about ALL 46.7 billion (8%) at endSource: Bank of Albania. 2011. As shown by the data in Table 26, highrisk assets provided the major contribution to the performance of total risk-weighted assets and off-balance sheet items. Table 26 Banking system’s risk-weighted assets Indicator (in ALL millions) December’11 December’10 December’09 December’08 December’07 Risk-free assets 450,321 409,673 381,448 334,268 324,678 Low-risk assets 134,820 95,701 58,545 54,651 88,391 Moderate-risk assets 31,091 34,354 32,814 17,842 18,877 High-risk assets 340,090 262,324 282,952 240,382 196,944 Assets risk-weighted at 150% 152,242 178,050 118,378 41,540 21,440 Risk-weighted off-balance sheet items 21,784 20,303 14,209 17,660 14,233 Risk-weighted assets and off-balance sheet items 632,748 586,020 502,846 340,205 270,456 Source: Bank of Albania. Risk-weighted off-balance sheet items increased slightly by ALL 1.4 billion. Their share, however, has been stable over time. As at end-2011, they accounted for 3.4% of total banking system’s assets and off-balance sheet items. Bank of Albania 43 2011 Supervision Annual Report 6. PROFITABILITY INDICATORS 6.1 NET PROFIT AND STRUCTURE The banking system’s net profit for 2011 was reported positive at ALL 706.3 million, which is lower than the previous year’s net profit at ALL 6,715 million. The lower profit owed mainly to the increase in loan loss provisions by about ALL 6,800 million in 2011, which was not sufficiently covered by the increase in net interest income, which rose by ALL 2,700 million in 2011. The analysis of the main components of income and expenses shows that the more moderate fall in net profit in the second half of 2011, compared to the first half, owes mainly to the doubling of net interest income. 6.2 PROFITABILITY INDICATORS The key profitability indicators, RoAA and RoAE fell in 2011. They, however, remained positive at 0.07% and 0.76%, respectively. This was due to the lower profit, while the increase in assets had a negligible impact. Table 27 Key profitability indicators, in % (cumulative) Indicator RoAA RoAE Source: Bank of Albania. December’11 0.07 0.76 June’11 0.22 2.43 December’10 0.72 7.58 As at end-2011, RoAA was estimated at 0.07%, the lowest figure in the last five years. The sharp fall in income was highly driven by the high loan loss provisions, which have a direct impact on the RoAA figure. Tables 28 and 29 show the banking system’s profitability from the main activity and the dynamics of the equilibrium between the collection of paying liabilities and investment in earning assets. Table 28 Indicators of profitability from the main activity, in % (cumulative) Indicator Interest income/average earning assets (1) Interest expenses/average earning assets (2) Net Interest Margin (NIM)[(1) - (2)] Source: Bank of Albania. December’11 7.78 (3.57) 4.20 June’11 7.74 (3.53) 4.21 December’10 8.11 (3.78) 4.32 Profitability indicators did not manifest significant changes compared to the first half of 2011. While compared to the same corresponding period in 2010, the NIM fell slightly in 2011 due to the higher growth rate (12.0%) of paying liabilities compared to the increase in average earning assets by only 0.2%. 44 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report Indicator Average earning assets (1) Average paying liabilities (2) Average assets (3) (1) / (3) (2) / (3) Source: Bank of Albania. 2011 Q4 943,023.2 889,977.2 1,050,371.2 90% 85% 2011 Q2 919,154.9 857,874.7 1,013,594.4 91% 85% 2010 Q4 855,368.2 794,879.1 938,695.7 91% 85% Table 29 Average profitability indicators, in ALL millions The banking system continued to be stable throughout 2011 in terms in investment in earning assets and collection of paying liabilities. However, the growth rate of earning assets was slightly lower than that of paying liabilities. This dynamics is materialized in the relative values of the ratios, which maintained almost a similar level throughout the year. Table 30 shows the efficiency ratio, which stands at 62%. As shown by the figures in the table, the more moderate increase in total expenses, coupled with the sharper decline in operating income, reduced the efficiency ratio by 9 percentage points compared to end-2010. Indicator December’11 Operating expenses (1) 24,490.7 Operating income* (2) 39,636.0 Efficiency (1) / (2) 62% Source: Bank of Albania. * Net interest income + net non-interest income June’11 11,657.9 22,037.6 53% December’10 23,491.2 44,193.2 53% 7. NON-BANK FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS AND SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS 7.1 NON-BANK FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS The number of non-bank financial institutions (NBFIs) conducting their activity in Albania reached 19 in 2011 from 17 in 2010. According to the nature of activities licensed by the Bank of Albania, these institutions are classified into: • • • • 10 Institutions licensed to conduct lending activity: Besa Fund sh.a., NOA sh.a. (Former Opportunity Albania sh.a.), First Albanian Financial Development Company – FAF sh.a., Tranzit ltd., and Ak-Invest sh.a.10; Institutions licensed to conduct microcredit activity: Capital Invest sh.a., and Vision Fund Albania ltd.; Institutions licensed to provide payment and money transfer services: Albanian Post Office sh.a., Financial Union Tirana ltd., Easypay ltd. (Former ISCS ltd.), and M-Pay ltd.; Institutions licensed to conduct financial leasing: Raiffeisen Leasing sh.a., Tirana Leasing sh.a., Credins Leasing, Landeslease sh.a., Fin-al ltd., and Sogelease sh.a.; Ak-Invest began its lending operations in the second quarter of 2011. Bank of Albania 45 Table 30 Efficiency ratio, in ALL millions 2011 Supervision Annual Report • Institutions licensed to conduct factoring activity: Albanian Factoring Services (AFS) sh.a., and Omnifactor ltd. Unlike the previous periods, the Albanian financial services market was first introduced in 2011 to the newest service provided by non-bank financial institutions, and more specifically to factoring activity. 7.1.1 Assets of NBFIs In December 2011, total assets11 of NBFIs amounted to ALL 30.0 billion, up ALL 1.2 billion or 4.3% from the corresponding period in 2010. Their share in total banking system’s assets is 2.7%, down by 0.2 percentage points from December 2010. Table 31 Total assets of NBFIs divided by their activity, December 2010-September 2011, in ALL billions December’10 March’11 June’11 September’11 December’11 NBFIs conducting lending activities 14.5 14.2 13.5 13.9 13.7 NBFIs conducting financial leasing activities 9.4 9.6 10.1 11.0 11.0 NBFIs conducting payment and money transfer activities 4.6 3.9 4.4 4.4 4.9 NBFIs conducting microcredit activities 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 NBFIs conducting factoring activities N/A N/A N/A 0.1 0.1 Total assets of NBFIs 28.8 28.1 28.5 29.7 30.0 Source: Statistics Department and Supervision Department staff’s processed data. Chart 29 Contribution to total assets of NBFIs 60.0% 50.5% 50.3% 47.4% 50.0% 40.0% 32.6% 35.4% 34.2% 45.7% 46.8% 37.0% 36.7% 30.0% 20.0% 16.0% 13.9% 10.0% 1.0% 0.0% 1.1% December'10 March '11 15.4% 1.1% 14.8% 1.3% 16.3% 1.3% Similar to the previous periods, financial institutions conducting lending activities continue to have the largest share in total NBFIs’ assets, accounting for 45.7%, followed by financial institutions conducting financial leasing (36.7%), financial institutions conducting payment and money transfer services (16.3%), and microcredit and factoring institutions, which have a relatively share in total assets of NBFIs, accounting for 1.3% and 0.3%, respectively. 0.3% June '11 September'11December’11 NBFIs conducting lending 50.3% 50.5% 47.4% 46.8% 45.7% NBFIs conducting financial leasing 32.6% 34.2% 35.4% 37.0% 36.7% NBFIs conducting payment and money transfer 16.0% 13.9% 15.4% 14.8% 16.3% NBFIs conducting microcredit 1.0% 1.1% 1.1% 1.3% 1.3% NBFIs conducting factoring 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.3% 0.3% Source: Bank of Albania. Financial leasing institutions provided the major contribution to the growth of total NBFIs’ assets, contributing by ALL 1.6 billion, followed by financial institutions conducting payment and money transfer services, which contributed by ALL 0.3 billion. By contrast, assets of NBFIs conducting lending activities fell by ALL 0.8 billion. The asset structure of NBFIs is dominated by “Operations with customers”, which accounts for 62.9% of total NBFIs’ assets and represents the main activity for lending, financial leasing, microcredit and factoring financial 11 46 Total assets of NBFIs do not include the assets of the Albanian Post Office as it has not reported its data as at the last quarter of 2011 to the Bank of Albania yet. Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report institutions. The remainder mainly consists of “Current accounts and time deposits held with deposit corporations”, which have a low risk compared to lending. 7.1.2 Outstanding Loan Portfolio of NBFIs12 December’10 March’11 June’11 September’11 December’11 Total NBFIs’ loan 18.34 18.48 18.66 18.72 18.86 portfolio (net) Total NBFIs’ loan 19.3 19.45 19.79 19.99 20.04 portfolio (gross) Source: Statistics Department and Supervision Department staff’s processed data. As at end-December 2011, NBFIs’ loan portfolio amounted to ALL 20.04 billion, on a gross basis, accounting for 3.54% of the banking system’s total loan portfolio, compared to 3.93% at end-2010. NBFIs’ loan portfolio increased slightly by ALL 0.74 billion in 2011 or by about 3.83%, due to the increase in the loan portfolio of financial leasing institutions by ALL 1.4 billion or 17.95%, which managed to offset the contraction by ALL 0.65 billion in the loan portfolio of lending and microcredit institutions. Despite the contracted loan portfolio, over the one year period, lending and microcredit NBFIs continued to make up the largest share in the loan portfolio, accounting for 55.4% of the total, followed by financial leasing institutions, 44.5%, and factoring institutions, only 0.13% of the loan portfolio. In contrast to the previous year, the analysis by currency shows that 53.9% of NBFIs’ loan portfolio is in the Albanian lek, compared to 40.2% in December 2010. Within the loan portfolio of NBFIs, 98.56% of lending to the economy through financial leasing is in foreign currency. By contrast, 96.54% of the loan portfolio of lending and microcredit institutions is in the Albanian lek. Concerning the structure of the loan portfolio by borrower, lending to businesses continued to dominate in 2011, accounting for 90.1% of NBFIs’ lending. The rest, 9.9%, represents lending to households. The composition of the loan portfolio by sectors of economy shows higher concentration in trade, repair of vehicles and household appliances (25.5%), followed by agriculture, hunting and forestry (11.4%) and construction (11.3%). By maturity term, medium-term loans (1-5 years) have the largest share in the loan portfolio, accounting for 75.2%, followed by short-term loans (up to 12 months) and long-term loans (over 5 years), which stand at almost similar levels at 12.6% and 12.2%, respectively. 12 NBFIs holding loan portfolios are: lending, microcredit, financial leasing and, as from the second half of 2011, factoring institutions. Bank of Albania 47 Table 32 NBFIs’ loan portfolio on a net and gross basis, December 2010-December 2011, in ALL billions 2011 Supervision Annual Report Table 33 Loan quality, December 2010-December 2011 December’10 March’11 June’11 September’11 December’11 Non-performing loans/outstanding loans in the system (gross) 5.91% 6.48% 7.62% 8.32% 7.12% Non-performing loans/outstanding loans in the system (net) 2.38% 2.97% 3.69% 3.90% 3.04% Change 3.52% 3.51% 3.93% 4.42% 4.08% Source: Statistics Department and Supervision Department staff’s processed data. Gross outstanding non-performing loans increased by ALL 0.3 billion in 2011. This was also reflected in the increase of gross non-performing loans, up 1.21 percentage points. The increase in loss loans provided the major contribution by about ALL 0.15 billion. 7.1.3 Prudential Requirements Pursuant to the effective legislation and regulatory framework, NBFIs report on the observance of a set of prudential requirements applied to their activity. NBFIs were well-capitalized in 2011 for the nature of the activities they conduct. However, there were a few cases in 2011 when some lending and microcredit NBFIs exceeded some of the prudential requirements, such as those on credit risk management, maximum allowed exposure and allowable open foreign currency position. The situation has been monitored constantly by the Bank of Albania and necessary measures have been recommended, in order for the NBFIs’ activity to return to within the allowed prudential requirements within a short period of time. 7.1.4 Profit of NBFIs NBFIs registered a net positive profit of ALL 0.88 billion13 in 2011, hence maintaining a similar profit level to the previous year. For the period under review, 13 out of 19 NBFIs ended the financial year at profit. Worth noting is that about 71% of the annual profit was made in the first half of 2011. Payment and money transfer NBFIs provided the major contribution in terms of profit, contributing by ALL 0.62 billion, followed by financial leasing NBFIs, by ALL 0.23 billion, and lending and microcredit NBFIs, by ALL 0.03 billion. 7.2. FINANCIAL UNIONS AND SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS 7.2.1. Financial Unions and Their Structure The financial unions carrying out their financial activity in Albania consist of two unions and their respective network of savings and loan associations 13 The profit of NBFIs does not include the profit of the Albanian Post Office as it has not reported its data as at the last quarter of 2011 to the Bank of Albania yet. 48 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report (SLAs): the Albanian Savings and Credit Union (ASCU) and Jehona Union. Two SLAs left the ASCU in the first half of 2011, and starting from the second quarter of 2011, they report independently to the Bank of Albania on a quarterly basis. The unions are responsible for monitoring and supporting the activity of the SLAs network. Table 34 Number of SLAs and their members, December 2010-December 2011 December‘10 June ‘11 December‘11 Total SLAs Total members Total SLAs Total members Total SLAs Total members 126 41,663 124* 41,151 124* 42,485 Source: Statistics Department and Supervision Department staff’s processed data. * The total number of SLAs decreased in June and December 2011 due to two SLAs leaving the Unions. UNIONS The total number of SLAs remained unchanged at 126 in 2011. Concerning the new membership, albeit up by 822 members, the growth rate was lower than in 2010, when 3,532 new members joined the SLAs. 7.2.2. Assets of Unions and SLAs’ Network14 The share of financial unions in total banking system’s assets fell to 0.41% in 2011, compared to 0.47% in December 2010. Total Unions’ assets amounted to ALL 4.64 billion, up only by ALL 0.03 billion or 1% y-o-y. Concerning SLAs’ network, their assets amounted to ALL 5.16 billion in 2011, up 1.38% y-o-y. SLAs account for 0.46% of total banking system assets, compared to 0.51% in December 2010. December’10 June’11 December’11 UNIONS 4.61 4.60 4.64 SLAs 5.09 5.06 5.16 Source: Statistics Department and Supervision Department staff’s processed data. During the second half of 2011, 29 SLAs were found to have violated the capital adequacy and the loan portfolio quality ratios requirements. Concerning the liquidity ratio, one of the unions was found to have violated the over 5-year loan-to-total deposit ratio, exceeding the regulatory standard of 10% by 4.4 percentage points. 7.2.3. Outstanding Loan Portfolio of Financial Unions and SLAs The loan portfolio of Unions and SLAs accounts for 0.46% and 0.80%, respectively, of total banking system loans, on a gross basis. The loan 14 SLAs’ network refers to total SLAs of the two unions: Jehona Union, ASCU and two separate SLAs. Bank of Albania 49 Table 35 Total assets of Unions and SLAs, December 2010-December 2011, in ALL billions 2011 Supervision Annual Report portfolio of Unions remained unchanged on a gross basis, while declining by ALL 0.04 billion on a net basis, as a result of the increase in loan loss provisions due to the worsened loan portfolio quality. Concerning the SLAs, the loan portfolio, gross, increased by ALL 0.04 billion or 1% from December 2010. SLAs’ loan portfolio, net, contracted by ALL 0.01 billion due to the worsened loan portfolio quality. Table 36 Loan portfolio of Unions and SLAs, on a gross and net basis, December 2010-December 2011, in ALL billions December’10 June’11 December’11 Loans, gross Unions 2.60 2.56 2.60 SLAs 4.48 4.38 4.52 Loans, net Unions 2.58 2.54 2.54 SLAs 4.32 4.18 4.31 Source: Statistics Department and Supervision Department staff’s processed data. The loan portfolio quality worsened for the Unions and SLAs, mainly due to the higher loss loans. By branches of economy, SLAs’ loan portfolio remains oriented towards investment in agriculture, hunting and forestry (60.6%), followed by hotels and restaurants (22.1%) and trade, repair of vehicles and household appliances (12.6%). Concerning the currency, the loan portfolio of Unions and SLAs remained oriented towards lending in the Albanian lek in 2011. 7.2.4. Profit of Unions and SLAs Unlike the previous year, SLAs recorded a negative profit of ALL 21.74 million in 2011. While the Unions recorded a net positive profit of ALL 28.85 million, almost half as much as in 2010. Worth noting is that the two independent SLAs recorded a positive profit of ALL 4.36 million and ALL 1.2 million, respectively. 50 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report E. ON-SITE SUPERVISION 1. ON-SITE EXAMINATIONS On-site supervision is the main responsibility of Portfolio Management Office, which is responsible for evaluating the risk profile of licensed institutions, in co-operation with other risk-profiled sectors. The supervision of institutions seeks to guarantee that they carry out their financial activity soundly and in accordance with the legal, regulatory and supervisory framework requirements. The work is organized by combining the examination needs based on the supervisory cycle set by the supervision operational policy and the importance of concerns identified in individual banks with the efficient use of available human resources. 1.1 ON-SITE EXAMINATION OF BANKING INSTITUTIONS The main purpose of on-site examinations carried out during 2011 was to make a full assessment of banks’ risk profile. In addition, examinations were initiated as a result of the emergence of specific phenomena in the licensed institutions. During 2011, the Bank of Albania carried out 6 full-scope examinations and 2 partial examinations of banking institutions. Concerns related to adherence to regulations. The banking system has generally operated in accordance with the legal, regulatory and supervisory framework requirements. However, several weaknesses were identified in terms of credit risk management practices, exposure to large risks, liquidity risk, customer transparency, etc. More specifically, several cases were identified in which the following requirements were not observed: • Regulation “On the Management of Risk Arising from Banks’ Large Exposures”. An excess of the 20% maximum allowed exposure of the regulatory capital to a beneficiary, in the form of exposure through lending or investment of funds in the form of deposits, was identified in on-site examinations. In addition, the 10% threshold of the regulatory capital for persons related to the bank and the maximum amount of loans approved to these persons were not observed in a few cases. Bank of Albania 51 2011 Supervision Annual Report On-site examinations also identified that, in a few cases, banks did not respect the responsible authority for the approval of loans in favour of persons related to the bank. • Regulation “On Credit Risk Management”. On-site examinations identified incorrect rating of loans and, consequently, insufficiency of loan loss provisions. Frequently, the level of additional loan loss provisions required during the examination has impacted banks’ net profit and another key prudential ratio, the capital adequacy ratio. In addition to the level of loan loss provisions, banks were recommended to take measures to improve lending policies and procedures, strengthen the analytical capacities of the bank’s risk structure, and improve the analysis of borrower’s financial position during the loan approval process. • Regulation “On Capital Adequacy Ratio”. The identified cases related to the correct rating of asset items and their weighting in accordance with the relevant risk category. • Regulation “On Basic Management Principles of Banks and Branches of Foreign Banks and Criteria for the Approval of their Administrators”. The identified cases related to the necessary documentation submitted to the Bank of Albania for the preliminary approval of administrators. • Regulation “On Liquidity Risk Management”. The identified cases related to the observance of the minimum liquid asset ratio. In addition to the regulatory threshold, non-compliance was also identified in banks’ internal policies and procedures for liquidity risk management. In accordance with the Regulation “On Liquidity Risk Management”, banks were required to make periodic stress test analyses, in order to identify and measure the bank’s exposure to liquidity risk in normal and extraordinary situations. • Regulation “On the Use of Information Technology and Communication in Institutions Licensed by the Bank of Albania”. The identified cases related to the improvement of the information technology and communication risk assessment, including the classification of systems and applications used and the identification of deficiencies and possible threats, improvement of business continuity plans based on the size and complexity of the institution, improvement of the archiving procedure of the back-up copy related to its frequency and location, improvement of bank’s internal regulatory framework, etc. • Regulation “On the Transparency of Banking and Financial Products and Services” related to the reporting to the Bank of Albania and the publication, in the bank’s premises, of the effective interest rate and the accuracy of its calculation, as well as the change in the terms and conditions of the contracts and/or provision of products and services. Regulation “On Minimum Standards for Operational Risk Management” • 52 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report related to certain aspects of operational risk management, such as the identification, monitoring and reporting to the responsible structures, collection of data on operating losses and conduct of an annual selfassessment campaign. • Regulation “On Prevention of Money Laundering” related to the classification of transactions by risk and application of due diligence. • Regulation “On Minimum Requirements for Information Disclosure by Banks and Branches of Foreign Banks”. • Regulation “On the Functioning of Credit Registry at the Bank of Albania” related to the accurate entry of data by files. • Regulation “On Foreign Exchange Activity” related to the accompanying documentation of transfers. 1.2 ON-SITE EXAMINATION OF NON-BANK INSTITUTIONS During 2011, the Bank of Albania examined 5 non-bank financial institutions, of which 3 conduct financial leasing, 1 conducts lending activity and 1 provides payment and money transfer services. The examined financial leasing institutions were selected based on banks’ examination plan, pursuant to the regulatory requirements of consolidated supervision. While the examination of the lending institution was based on the level of risk and its organizational and decision-making developments. Examinations mainly focused on the assessment of quality in financial leasing and credit risk management processes. Particular focus was paid to the adequacy of internal structures for supporting the activity and the assessment of institutions’ financial performance and stability. Other important areas included compliance with the regulatory framework related to the observance of prudential requirements, public transparency, prevention of money laundering, information and communication technology and operational risk. Examinations identified the following main concerns: • Improvement of the lending process. A number of recommendations were made to improve the analyses of borrowers’ solvency, the accurate rating of the loan portfolio and the establishment of provisioning in accordance with the Regulation “On the Management of Risk in the Activity of Non-Bank Financial Institutions”. • Improvement of the internal regulatory framework. A number of recommendations were made to review and improve the internal regulatory framework in line with the internal structural developments of non-bank institutions and in accordance with all the effective Bank of Albania 53 2011 Supervision Annual Report regulatory requirements. Improvements were mainly required to be made in terms of establishing the criteria for the identification of related parties and procedures for monitoring credit and improvement of borrower’s financial statements. Non-bank institutions were also recommended to formulate procedures for public transparency related to customer complaints. 54 • Non-compliance with the prudential and regulatory standards related to large exposures to non-resident investments and excesses of exposure to credit risk. Non-bank institutions were required to make a plan to bring all the violated prudential standards back to within the thresholds, in order to ensure a sound functioning of the activity. • Non-compliance with the requirements of the Regulation “On the Management of Risk in the Activity of Non-Bank Financial Institutions” related to the violation of the limit of open foreign currency position. For the evidenced cases, measures were required in order to bring the exposure back to the limit. • Non-reporting to the Bank of Albania in accordance with the Law “On Accounting and Financial Statements” and international accounting standards. • Incomplete public transparency related to the completion of contracts with the NEI (Nominal Effective Interest Rate), inclusion of the credit settlement plan as part of the leasing/credit contract, incomplete information related to the risk of borrowing in foreign currency, the methodology of interest rate calculation and announcement for their change, publication of interest rates on loans and commissions on products and services being offered. • Incomplete compliance with the regulatory requirements for the prevention of money laundering. Non-bank institutions need to create the customers’ economic profile and categorize them by risk. They also need to improve their policies further pursuant to the Instruction “Knowing the client”, and their practical implementation; designate a person responsible for the prevention of money laundering on an administrators’ level, and formulate annual training plans and enhance their efficiency. • Information and communication technology and operational risk. Examinations identified concerns related to the auditing of non-bank institutions’ ICT from structures independent from those involved in the operational processes, the need to review the users’ profiles and divide the duties according to the processes, and develop a strategy about the support that the information technology will provide in the future. Concerning operational risk, necessary structures need to be created to manage this type of risk and relevant procedures on how to address this risk need to be developed. Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report 1.3 ON-SITE EXAMINATION OF THE ALBANIAN SAVINGS AND CREDIT UNION There are two Unions of Savings and Credit Associations operating in Albania: the Albanian Savings and Credit Union (ASCU) and Jehona Union. During 2011, the Bank of Albania examined the ASCU, which has the largest share in the activity of savings and loan associations (about 98% of total assets). The examination identified some concerns mainly related to the development stage of these institutions, the philosophy of their development and operation (principles of volunteer ownership and management, principles of mutual assistance rather than a desire to maximise profits etc.). Based on these concerns, the Bank of Albania identified the needs for legal and regulatory changes in order to ensure a more consolidated supervision of these entities (comparable to that of banks, whose activity is very much similar). The Bank of Albania has begun to work on formulating the relevant drafts. 2. PREVENTION OF MONEY LAUNDERING AND TRANSPARENCY 2.1 EXAMINATIONS DURING 2011 In addition to off-site surveillance, the Supervision Department has also carried out on-site examinations on banks and non-bank financial institutions. During 2011, the Supervision Department examined 7 banks, 5 non-bank financial institutions and 11 foreign exchange bureaus for the compliance with the legal and regulatory framework, and transparency and prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism. In addition, in order to verify the operational conditions of institutions applying to carry out their activity in new premises or applying to be licensed by the Bank of Albania pursuant to the provisions of Article 14, paragraph 7 of the Regulation “On Licensing and Conduct of Activity of Banks and Branches of Foreign Banks in the Republic of Albania”, and Article 18, paragraph 1 of the Regulation “On Minimum Technical and Security Conditions of Premises in which Banking and Financial Activity is Conducted”, the Bank of Albania examined 30 foreign exchange bureaus during 2010. 2.2 BANKS AND NON-BANK FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS’ COMPLIANCE WITH THE REGULATORY FRAMEWORK for the PREVENTION OF MONEY LAUNDERING (PML), TRANSPARENCY AND SUPERVISORY STANDARDS The banking system generally complied with the Bank of Albania’s regulatory framework for the prevention of money laundering, transparency and compliance with the supervisory standards. More specifically: Bank of Albania 55 2011 Supervision Annual Report 2.2.1 Prevention of Money Laundering With regard to the prevention of money laundering and fight against terrorism financing, the Bank of Albania’s examinations found that the institutions have taken preventive measures in view of: • Creating adequate structures and formulating internal policies and a complete regulatory framework, reflecting the Law amendments and the Guideline requirements; • Improving banks’ electronic systems in order to establish a functional system for due diligence in relation to high-risk clients; • Organizing and participating in different trainings and seminars, in order to introduce the bank employees to the risks facing this sector in the area of money laundering and financing of terrorism and make them aware of; • Significantly increasing the reporting of doubtful transactions, in terms of number and quality, hence reflecting higher accountability and improved disclosure, particularly from banks, in the fight against financial crime; • Increasing the number of different typologies of reported cases, reflecting a deeper analysis, related to the identification of doubtful cases and, consequently, higher accountability in the fight against financial crime. Despite the measures taken by the examined institutions, the Bank of Albania’s examinations identified some concerns which generally consisted in the insufficiency of the effective risk management systems, particularly for the categories of customers and transactions requiring due diligence; concrete implementation of approved policies related to determining doubtful elements and admitting customers; frequency and focus of internal controls on the prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism in relation to due diligence; customer identification through identification documents for amounts of no less than ALL 200.000 (for foreign exchange bureaus); indicators of abnormality, etc. In view of increasing the number and enhancing the quality of reporting of doubtful activities, during 2011, the Bank of Albania engaged in close cooperation with the General Directorate for the Prevention of Money Laundering. This cooperation consisted in the conduct of joint examinations, which focused on the categorization, identification of doubtful transactions and activities, and more frequent trainings of these entities, in order to raise the staff’s awareness and professionalism and further improve the identification of doubtful activities. 56 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report 2.2.2 Public Transparency Transparency and information disclosure were one of the areas under reform in 2011, both in terms of the regulatory framework and the steps required to comply with the new requirements arising from these regulatory amendments. The amendments to the Bank of Albania’s regulations on transparency, approved in March 201115, were indispensable. They sought to create a more adequate business climate for banks and higher public protection. However, while certain areas like deposits and accounts, disclosure and customer complaints are generally considered to be less problematic, loan contracts need further improvement. Although the contents of a loan contract are generally in accordance with the regulatory requirements in relation to the included elements, the paragraph providing for the loan interest rate remains problematic. A number of related complaints by bank customers were submitted to the Bank of Albania in 2011. This concern has also been the focus of the central bank’s examination of transparency and has pushed the Bank of Albania to take measures in 2011, including in particular the above-mentioned regulatory amendments. In the meantime, banks were committed to complying with the new regulatory requirements in the area of transparency and adopted their internal regulatory framework in line with these amendments. In the framework of the measures taken by the Bank of Albania, all banks operating in the Republic of Albania have their official website that provides information to the public. In view of enhancing public transparency, in August 2011, the Bank of Albania initiated the project for the standardization of banks’ reporting of interest rates on loans and deposits, and commissions on banking products and services. The testing process of reporting through the approved standard forms of commissions and interest rates on loans and deposits began in the third quarter of 2011. This process precedes the final publication of this information on the Bank of Albania’s official website. The impact of this project is expected to help and orient the consumers towards a better choice that suits their financial conditions. Concerning complaints, during 2011, the Supervision Department at the Bank of Albania handled a number of complaints (about 30) about institutions licensed and supervised by the Bank of Albania. In most cases, their solution goes beyond the competences of the Bank of Albania as the bank-customer relationship is regulated by written contracts and disputes arising from the non-observance of their conditions are handled by the competent authority, the Court. However, the raised concerns regarding institutions and customers were handled duly. 15 The latest amendments to the Bank of Albania Regulations No. 5 of 11.02.2009 “On consumer and mortgage lending to households” and No. 59 of 29.08.2008 “On the transparency for banking and financial products and services”. Bank of Albania 57 2011 Supervision Annual Report Non-bank financial institutions have made satisfactory efforts to comply with the Bank of Albania’s relevant regulatory requirements. However, on-site examinations have identified concerns mainly related to the contents of loan contracts; customer complaints’ management function and equipment of customers with receipts (in the case of foreign exchange bureaus). The Bank of Albania has, thereupon, made the relevant recommendations. 3. COOPERATION WITH OTHER AUTHORITIES 3.1 COOPERATION WITH FOREIGN AUTHORITIES Cooperation with foreign authorities continued during 2011. Based on cooperation agreements with several foreign supervisory authorities, information on certain foreign banks operating in Albania has been prepared. In addition, as a follow-up to the European Central Bank’s initiative for the establishment of colleges of supervisors for all major European crossborder financial institutions in the EU, the Bank of Albania participated in the colleges of supervisors hosted by the Bank of Greece during 2011. The Bank of Albania has also held meetings with the Embassy of the United States of America and has participated in training activities organized by the Spanish Financial intelligence Unit, General Directorate for the Prevention of Money Laundering (GDPML) and Albanian General Prosecutor’s Office. 3.2 COOPERATION WITH OTHER LOCAL AUTHORITIES The Bank of Albania cooperated closely with the GDPML during 2011. This cooperation did not only limit to the quarterly periodic reporting to the GDPML on the implementation of the strategic document for the investigation of financial crime, but it has also included a frequent exchange of correspondence throughout the year between the Bank of Albania and the GDPML. Worth noting here is the increase and efficiency of: • Joint examinations and activities in view of enhancing the supervisory professional capacities and exchange of experience; • Trainings of entities in view of improving the operation of their relevant activities and their compliance with the legal requirements; • Implementation of documents related to the strategy of fight against organized crime, trafficking, terrorism etc. During 2011, the Bank of Albania and the GDPML conducted 10 joint examinations and 3 rounds of joint trainings in Tirana, Vlora, Shkodra, Durrës, etc. On the other hand, there was an efficient cooperation with different institutions monitoring specific activities of the financial market. The Bank of Albania 58 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report has exchanged information and has carried out joint examinations with the Albanian Financial Supervision Authority in insurance companies, in two banks and one non-bank institution. The Bank of Albania has also cooperated with the Albanian Competition Authority, mostly related to discussions and exchange of correspondence on proposals and studies about the cost of products and services provided by banks, which are addressed in the reports of the Competition Authority. Bank of Albania 59 2011 Supervision Annual Report F. CREDIT REGISTRY 1. GENERAL INFORMATION Year 2011, which marks the fourth year of the Credit Registry at the Bank of Albania, was characterized by its enrichment with new institutions and a wider range of products offered from the processing of Credit Registry data. As at the end of 2011, a total of 725,265 loans were reported at the Credit Registry, out of which 349,350 were active loans. Given the entry of new financial institutions reporting their loan portfolio to the Credit Registry, the number of loans reported to the system increased at the end of 2011. Table 37 Number of loans reported to the system Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 Reported loans 262,368 291,137 320,813 349,350 Five other financial institutions will have the possibility to access additional, immediate and reliable information on clients that will help their decisionmaking on a given loan or assess their performance during the duration of the loan. The expansion of the Credit Registry with new institutions over the years is also reflected in its higher use and access by the reporting institutions. Table 38 Number of queries in the Credit Registry from reporting institutions Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2011 Banks Non-bank institutions and Unions of SLAs 60 Queries in the Credit Registry from reporting institutions 88,875 171,146 198,229 322,570 261,743 60,829 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report The generation of the Borrower’s Report and the review of borrowers’ data are two important processes of the Credit Registry. Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 Applications for Borrower’s Report Applications for borrowers’ data review 139 34 198 15 368 13 505 18 The information generated from the Credit Registry also helps the Bank of Albania for analyses and on-site examination purposes. To this end, during 2011, the Bank of Albania widened the range of reports generated periodically or occasionally in order to contribute to the credit risk supervision process at optimal levels. 2. INCLUSION OF FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS CONDUCTING FINANCIAL LEASING INTO THE CREDIT REGISTRY During 2011, the Credit Registry staff focused its efforts on checking if financial institutions conducting financial leasing have met the requirements for joining the Credit Registry. As at end-2011, 26 banking and financial institutions reported data on their borrowers to the Credit Registry. The following new institutions conducting financial leasing joined the Credit Registry in 2011: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Raiffeisen Leasing sh.a. Sogelease Albania sh.a. Tirana Leasing sh.a. Credins Leasing sh.a. Landeslease sh.a. The Credit Registry Office has intensively monitored the testing process of data entry from the lending institutions that are soon expected to join the Credit Registry. In addition, it has started to assess the technical and organizational capacities of one non-bank financial institution licensed to conduct lending. Bank of Albania 61 Table 39 Number of applications for borrower’s report and borrowers’ data review 62 Credit Registry Office (3) Alba Fagu Head of Office Systemic Banks Supervision Office (11) Gerond Ziu Head of Office Credit Risk Supervision Division Juna Bozdo Head of Division Small Banks and NBFIs Supervision Office (6) Jonida Prifti Head of Office Portfolio Managers Office Elda Demneri Jonida Kaçani Manjola Mançe Market Risk and Liquidity Supervision Office (3) Operational Risk Supervision Office (3) Compliance, PML and Transparency Office (5) Mirjana Goxharaj Head of Office Non-Credit Risk Supervision Division Anjeza Harizaj Head of Division INDRIT BANKA DIRECTOR Regulation Office (3) Ermira Curri Head of Office Lincensing Office (3) Supervision Development Division Miranda Ramaj Deputy Director Annex 1 Organisational chart of the Supervision Department Methodology and Analysis Office (5) 2011 Supervision Annual Report Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report Annex 2 Each Bank’s Specific Share in the Banking System December’11 Banks (Indicator in %) Raiffeisen Bank United Bank of Albania Veneto Banka National Commercial Bank Tirana Bank International Commercial Bank Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania ProCredit Bank Emporiki Bank Albania National Bank of Greece Alpha Bank Albania First Investment Bank Credit Bank of Albania Credins Bank Société Générale Albania Bank Union Bank Total Bank of Albania Total Permabalance nent sheet resources 28.7 0.6 1.2 17.7 8.1 0.8 11.3 3.6 2.8 3.5 6.2 0.8 0.2 7.6 5.0 2.1 100 24.5 0.5 2.7 11.8 11.8 1.2 11.5 4.9 3.7 4.2 6.0 1.0 1.1 8.7 4.6 1.8 100 Shareholders’ equity 27.1 0.6 3.0 12.6 13.0 1.4 12.0 4.2 2.5 2.8 4.4 1.1 1.3 7.1 5.0 2.0 100 Out- Non-perstanding forming loans loans 22.8 0.4 1.8 14.9 10.0 0.4 9.1 4.4 4.2 5.6 7.1 0.8 0.0 10.9 5.5 2.1 100 20.5 1.0 0.5 6.3 18.1 0.3 12.7 2.0 6.9 8.9 13.2 0.4 0.0 5.7 2.6 0.9 100 Treasury Securities bills 29.11 0.00 0.10 20.61 8.64 0.75 15.00 4.05 0.84 2.58 8.03 0.91 0.01 2.86 4.59 1.93 100 63 45.7 19.2 2.4 1.3 16.0 0.6 2.1 0.1 4.5 1.2 1.3 4.0 1.6 100 Total deposits 29.8 0.5 0.9 18.4 7.5 0.7 11.6 3.5 1.4 3.3 6.7 0.8 0.0 7.7 5.1 2.1 100 2011 Supervision Annual Report Annex 3 Assets and Liabilities ASSETS (IN ALL MILLIONS) CODE DESCRIPTION 1 TOTAL ASSETS 11 TREASURY AND INTERBANK TRANSACTIONS 111 Cash in hand 112 Transactions with the central bank 1121 Required reserve at the central bank 1122 Other 113 Treasury bills and other bills eligible for refinancing with the central bank 1131 Treasury bills 1132 Other bills eligible for refinancing 1133 Reserve funds for other eligible bills for refinancing with the central bank 114 Transactions with banks, credit institutions and other financial institutions 1141 Current accounts 1142 Deposits with banks, credit institutions and other financial institutions 1143 Loans 1144 Other 13 OPERATIONS WITH CUSTOMERS (GROSS) 131 Loans to private sector and individuals 1311 Short-term loans 1312 Medium-term loans 1313 Long-term loans 1314 Real estate loans 1315 Finance lease contracts 132 Loans to public administration 1321 Current accounts 1322 Loans 1323 Other accounts 133 Other customer accounts 14 SECURITIES TRANSACTIONS 141 Fixed income securities 142 Variable income securities 143 Securities purchased and sold under REPO 144 Paid collateral 145 Received premiums 15 PROVISIONS 151 Provisions for covering losses from loans (principal) 152 Provisions for covering losses from loans (accrued interest) 153 Investment provisions 16 OTHER ASSETS 161 Other assets 162 Agent transactions 163 Inter-office accounts 164 Suspense, difference and position accounts 1641 Suspense accounts 1642 Position accounts 165 Value added tax 17 FIXED ASSETS 171 Investment in participation equity 172 Affiliates 173 Fixed assets (net) 18 ACCRUED INTERESTS 181 Accrued interests (Class 1) 182 Accrued interests (Class 2) 183 Accrued interests (Class 3) A Total assets in foreign currency B Total assets of non-residents 64 December‘10 990,631.34 296,181.92 19,043.33 82,198.95 75,555.88 6,643.07 103,022.09 103,022.09 91,917.55 7,168.49 65,907.81 16,450.25 2,391.00 486,490.21 456,820.38 128,659.75 99,882.58 124,003.17 103,786.55 488.34 3,554.09 0 3,554.09 26,115.74 210,662.61 206,371.32 4,291.29 -37,384.62 -34,789.01 -1,342.61 -1,253.00 9,108.48 7,213.67 390.29 136.22 1,307.00 1,261.83 45.17 61.3 13,825.42 14.1 301.9 13,509.43 11,747.32 3,764.05 4,379.46 3,603.81 525,588.46 121,992.41 December’11 1,120,168.08 333,248.99 19,810.22 91,213.65 85,915.94 5,297.71 104,620.91 104,620.91 0.00 0.00 117,604.21 8,052.87 85,314.50 22,512.56 1,724.28 561,682.08 529,829.83 156,760.14 116,334.96 144,755.59 111,235.50 743.64 1,535.13 0.00 1,535.13 0.00 30,317.12 244,172.00 234,929.99 2,326.80 6,915.22 0.00 0.00 -58,793.82 -53,686.82 -1,371.57 -3,735.43 13,799.52 11,042.05 474.59 187.18 2,042.71 1,822.20 220.51 52.99 13,869.16 0.22 301.90 13,567.05 12,190.14 3,692.12 4,535.05 3,962.97 616,432.93 183,261.74 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report LIABILITIES (IN ALL MILLIONS) CODE DESCRIPTION 1 TOTAL LIABILITIES 11 TREASURY AND INTERBANK TRANSACTIONS 111 Central Bank 112 Treasury bills and other eligible bills 113 Current accounts 114 Deposits from banks and other financial institutions 115 Loans 116 Other 12 OPERATIONS WITH CUSTOMERS 121 Public administration 1211 Current accounts 1212 Demand deposits 1213 Time deposits 1214 Loans 1215 Other 122 Private sector 1221 Current accounts 1222 Demand deposits 1223 Time deposits 1224 Other 1225 Certificate of deposits 13 SECURITIES TRANSACTIONS 131 Debt represented by securities 132 Securities purchased and sold under REPO 133 Collateral on securities transactions 134 Premiums on financial instruments 14 OTHER LIABILITIES 141 Other liabilities 142 Agent transactions 143 Inter-office accounts 144 Difference and position pending accounts 1441 Difference accounts 1442 Position accounts 145 Value added tax 15 PERMANENT RESOURCES 151 Grants and public financing 152 Discretionary provisions 1521 Provisions for risk and expenses 1522 Discretionary provisions 153 Subordinated debt 154 Shareholders’ equity 1541 Paid-in capital 1542 Share premiums 1543 Reserves 1544 Revaluation difference 1545 Retained earnings (loss) 1546 Current year profit (loss) 16 ACCRUED INTERESTS 161 Accrued interests (Class 1) 162 Accrued interests (Class 2) 163 Accrued interests (Class 3) 164 Accrued interests (Class 5) A Total liabilities in foreign currency B Total liabilities of non-residents Bank of Albania December’10 990,631.34 61,235.01 490.37 13,001.32 2,800.26 13,318.10 30,375.17 1,249.80 805,041.39 6,610.47 5,639.37 697.11 273.99 798,430.92 130,484.60 40,480.09 615,423.39 12,042.84 7,522.30 4,511.21 1,313.30 359.9 1,337.04 1,302.32 34.72 0.86 104,822.87 14.14 6,268.39 5,832.62 435.77 5,401.97 93,138.37 70,741.97 3,703.45 8,486.40 1,618.88 1,872.57 6,715.11 12,009.77 230.37 11,692.80 86.6 505,202.84 48,379.31 65 December’11 1,120,168.08 72,127.43 1,760.85 25,430.51 2,957.75 16,274.84 24,254.33 1,449.15 911,209.61 5,219.31 4,193.59 0.93 591.90 432.90 0.00 905,990.30 133,225.56 41,933.48 718,881.65 11,949.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,164.68 5,361.07 2,230.66 238.82 2,325.78 2,308.19 17.59 8.35 113,395.55 13.96 6,965.57 6,487.32 478.25 9,111.31 97,304.71 82,803.92 4,180.10 13,639.57 2,292.00 -6,317.15 706.27 13,270.81 315.97 12,852.50 0.00 102.34 581,435.64 76,257.62 2011 Supervision Annual Report Annex 4 Core Financial Indicators (in %, unless otherwise stated) Indicator Based on capital Regulatory capital to risk-weighted assets Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets Tier 1 capital to total assets Regulatory capital to total assets Shareholders’ equity to total assets Non-performing loans, net, of provisions to regulatory Tier 1 capital Non-performing loans, net, of provisions to regulatory capital Non-performing loans, net, of provisions to shareholders’ equity Return on equity Open foreign currency position to regulatory Tier 1 capital Open foreign currency position to regulatory capital Open foreign currency position to shareholders’ equity Liquid assets to total assets Liquid assets to short-term liabilities Return on assets Non-performing loans to total loans Net interest income to gross income Operating expenses to gross income 66 June’10 December’10 16.21 15.38 15.43 14.52 8.87 8.59 9.3 9.1 9.6 9.4 32.81 38.08 31.24 35.95 30.32 34.8 8.31 7.58 7.64 5.33 7.27 5.03 7.06 4.87 42.47 43.54 32.85 30.62 0.79 0.72 12.21 13.96 116.16 118.86 73.61 75.5 June’11 December’11 14.64 15.56 13.57 14.30 8.04 8.08 8.7 8.8 8.6 8.7 51.17 56.61 47.43 52.01 47.62 52.64 1.22 0.76 4.02 4.29 3.73 3.94 3.74 3.99 43.77 43.88 30.24 33.15 0.11 0.07 17.00 18.77 146.64 147.74 88.39 91.29 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report Annex 5 Data on banks’ shareholders (as at 31 December 2011) Capital origin Home Private Foreign Austria 100 Private Foreign Turkey Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Jeddah 55.00 Private Foreign Saudi Arabia Shamil Bank of Bahrein 20.00 Private Foreign Dallah Albaraka Holding Business Fokus SDN BHD Individuals Saudi Brothers Commerce Co. 10.00 6.34 6.17 2.50 Private Private Individual Private Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Kingdom of Bahrain Saudi Arabia Malaysia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia INTESA SANPAOLO BANK ALBANIA Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A (ISP) 98.61 Private Foreign Italy 1.39 Private Foreign Italy TIRANA BANK Societa Italiana per le Imprese all’Estero S.p.a (SIMEST) Piraeus Bank Dafnila Sa Individual 96.70 1.30 2.00 Private Private Individual Foreign Foreign Foreign Greece Greece Greece National Bank of Greece 100.00 Private Foreign Greece Alpha Bank, Greece Veneto Banca Holding S.c.p.A. ProCredit Holding A.G. Commerzbank AG 100.00 100.00 80.00 20.00 Private Private Private Private Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Greece Italy Germany Germany Financial Group ICB Holding 100.00 Private Foreign Switzerland Emporiki Bank, Greece 3 individuals 13 individuals BUSHATI Ltd. 100.00 100.00 74.34 0.32 Private Foreign Private Foreign Private Domestic Private Domestic Greece Kuwait Albania Albania The Netherlands Equity Ownership share in % No Banks Shareholders 1. RAIFFEISEN BANK Raiffeisen International BankHolding AG 100 2. NATIONAL COMMERCIAL BANK Çalik Finansal Hizmetler A.S. 3 UNITED BANK OF ALBANIA 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE (TIRANA BRANCH) ALPHA BANK - ALBANIA VENETO BANK PROCREDIT BANK INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL BANK EMPORIKI BANK - ALBANIA CREDIT BANK OF ALBANIA CREDINS BANK B.F.S.E. Holding B.V. State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) 14 15 16 SOCIÉTÉ GÉNÉRALE ALBANIA SOCIÉTÉ GÉNÉRALE (FORMER BANKA POPULLORE) 8 individuals European Bank for Reconstruction UNION BANK and Development (EBRD) Financial Union of Tirana 2 individuals FIRST INVESTMENT BANK, First Investment Bank, Bulgaria ALBANIA Bank of Albania 22.17 Private Foreign 3.17 Public Private Foreign Switzerland 87.47 Private Foreign France 12.53 Private Domestic 12.50 Private 83.13 4.38 Private Domestic Private Domestic Albania United Kingdom Albania Albania Private Bulgaria 100.00 67 Foreign Foreign 2011 Supervision Annual Report Annex 6 Geographic distribution of branches and banking agencies within the territory of the Republic of Albania, as at end-2011, by prefectures Prefectures Berat Dibra Durrës Elbasan Fier Gjirokastra Korça Kukës Lezha Shkodra Tirana Vlora TOTAL BR 6 3 8 9 8 7 9 3 5 5 32 8 103 BKT BBSH 2 1 6 1 4 3 1 2 3 1 3 4 1 23 3 5 57 6 68 BV 1 1 1 1 4 1 9 BT DBKG BNT DBA 1 1 3 2 6 2 1 3 3 1 3 4 2 2 4 3 1 4 5 3 3 1 1 1 3 1 2 2 1 2 24 12 6 15 4 2 4 56 27 9 46 BISP BPC 2 5 6 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 4 1 1 2 1 2 17 15 2 3 31 41 BE BKSH BC BSG 1 2 2 2 2 6 3 1 1 3 2 3 5 2 3 1 1 4 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 10 2 21 13 3 1 2 4 24 3 40 44 BU 2 3 1 3 2 1 2 1 13 1 29 BPI TOTAL 1 21 10 1 54 1 30 1 44 24 1 37 10 0 26 1 25 2 212 1 41 9 534 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report ANNEX 7 LIST OF BANKING SUPERVISION REGULATIONS IN FORCE AS AT DECEMBER 2011 1- Regulation “On the size and fulfilment of minimum initial capital for permitted activities of licensed banks and branches of foreign banks”, approved by the Supervisory Council Decision No. 51 of 22/04/1999. 2 - Regulation “On capital adequacy ratio”, approved by the Supervisory Council Decision No. 58 of 05/05/1999 and amended by the Supervisory Council Decisions No. 86 of 07/11/2001, No. 72 of 11/09/2002, No. 30 of 16/04/2003, No. 82 of 08/10/2003, No. 22 of 24/03/2004, No. 46 of 08/06/2005, No. 7 of 31/01/07, No. 63 of 29/08/2008, No. 89 of 22/12/2010 and No. 63 of 14/09/2011. 3 - Guideline “On regulatory capital”, approved by the Supervisory Council Decision No. 57 of 05/05/1999, and amended by the Supervisory Council Decisions No. 21 of 24/03/2004, No. 45 of 08/06/2005 and No. 70 of 12/09/2006. 4 - Regulation “On market risks”, approved by the Supervisory Council Decision No. 72 of 02/06/1999, amended by the Supervisory Council Decision No. 98 of 19/12/2001. 5 - Guideline “On interest rate risk management”, approved by the Supervisory Council Decision No. 61 of 05/07/2000. 6 - Regulation “On bank’s investments in the equity of commercial companies”, approved by the Supervisory Council Decision No. 42 of 06/06/2001. 7 - Guideline “On certificates of deposits”, approved by the Supervisory Council Decision No. 79 of 03/10/2001. 8 - “Manual on corrective actions to banks and branches of foreign banks in the Republic of Albania”, approved by the Supervisory Council Decision No. 51 of 26/06/2002. 9 - Regulation “On licensing of savings and loan associations and their unions” approved by the Supervisory Council Decision No. 11 of 27/02/2002, and amended by Decision No. 09 of 12/02/2003. 10 – Regulation “On operational risk management”, approved by the Supervisory Council Decision No. 3 of 19/01/2011. 11 - Regulation “On authorized chartered auditors of banks and branches of foreign banks”, approved by the Supervisory Council Decision No. 42 of 15/06/2011. 12 - Guideline “On reporting of foreign exchange operations”, approved by the Supervisory Council Decision No. 69 of 30/07/2003. 13 - Regulation “On credit risk management”, approved by the Supervisory Council Decision No. 62 of 14/09/2011. 14 - Regulation “On supervision of savings and loan associations and their unions”, approved by the Supervisory Council Decision No. 43 of 08/06/2005, and amended by Decision No. 68 of 13/09/2006 and Decision No. 65 of 29/09/2010. 15 – “The reporting system of savings and loan associations and their unions” approved by the Supervisory Council Decision No. 44 of 08/06/2005. Bank of Albania 69 2011 Supervision Annual Report 16 - Regulation “On supervision of electronic banking transactions”, approved by the Supervisory Council Decision No.28 of 30/03/2005. 17 - Regulation “On consolidated supervision of banks”, approved by the Supervisory Council Decision No. 68 of 28/07/2005. 18 - Regulation “On use of information and communication technology in entities licensed by the Bank of Albania”, approved by the Supervisory Council Decision No. 32 of 03/05/2006. 19 - Unified Reporting System on Branches of Foreign Banks, approved by the Supervisory Council Decision No. 58 of 15/10/2007. 20 - Regulation “On licensing, organization and supervision of foreign exchange bureaus”, approved by the Supervisory Council Decision No. 31 of 06/06/2007 and amended by Decision No. 73 of 27/11/2007 and Decision No. 82 of 14/12/2011. 21 - Regulation “On the management of risk in the activity of branches of foreign banks”, approved by the Supervisory Council Decision No. 57 of 15/10/2007 and amended by Decision No. 62 of 29/08/2008. 22 - Regulation “On internal audit system at banks and branches of foreign banks”, approved by the Supervisory Council Decision No. 24 of 26/03/2008. 23 - Regulation “On managing risks arising from large exposure of banks” approved by the Supervisory Council Decision No. 31 of 30/04/2008, amended by Decision No. 72 of 07/10/2008, Decision No. 46 of 10/06/2009 and Decision No. 65 of 22/12/2010. 24 - Regulation “On transparency for banking and financial products and services”, approved by the Supervisory Council Decision No. 59 of 29/08/2008 and amended by Decision No. 14 of 09/03/2011. 25 - Regulation “On the minimum requirements for disclosure of information by banks and branches of foreign banks”, approved by the Supervisory Council Decision No. 60 of 29/08/2008. 26 - Regulation “On minimum technical and security conditions of work premises in which are conducted banking and financial activities”, approved by the Supervisory Council Decision No. 4 of 19/01/2011. 27 - Regulation “On consumer and mortgage lending to households”, approved by the Supervisory Council Decision No. 5 of 11/02/2009 and amended by Decision No. 13 of 09/03/2011. 28 - Regulation “On granting a license to non-bank financial institutions to conduct activity”, approved by the Supervisory Council Decision No. 11 of 25/02/2009 and amended by Decision No. 43 of 15/06/2011. 29 - The document “Licensing policy of banking entities”, approved by the Supervisory Council Decision No. 12 of 25/02/2009. 30 - Regulation “On granting a licence to banks and branches of foreign banks to conduct banking business in the Republic of Albania” approved by the Supervisory Council Decision No. 14 of 11/03/2009 and amended by Decision No. 33 of 11/05/2011. 31 - Regulation “On core management principles of banks and branches of foreign banks and the criteria for approving their administrators” approved by the Supervisory 70 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report Council Decision No. 40 of 27/05/2009. 32 - Regulation “On prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism” approved by the Supervisory Council Decision No. 44 of 10/06/2009. 33 - Regulation “On foreign exchange activity”, approved by the Supervisory Council Decision No. 70 of 30/09/2009. 34 - Regulation “On liquidity risk management”, approved by the Supervisory Council Decision No. 71 of 14/10/2009 and amended by Decision No. 75 of 26/10/2011. 35 - Regulation “On the management of risk in the activity of non-bank financial institutions”, approved by the Supervisory Council Decision No. 25 of 24/03/2010 and amended by the Supervisory Council Decision No. 90 of 22/12/2010. 36 - The reporting system for non-bank financial institutions, approved by the Supervisory Council Decision No. 26 of 14/04/2010. 37 - Regulation “On defining the decision-making level in the supervision of banking and financial activities”, approved by the Supervisory Council Decision No. 36 of 26/05/2010. 38 - Regulation “On management of risk from open foreign currency positions”, approved by the Supervisory Council Decision No. 48 of 14/07/2010. 39 - Regulation “On the content of information and functioning of Credit Registry at the Bank of Albania”, approved by the Supervisory Council Decision No. 67 of 13/10/2010. 40 - Guideline “On the procedure for issuing a report on the borrower and reviewing data retained at the Credit Registry”, approved by the Supervisory Council Decision No. 68 of 13/10/2010. 41 - Manual “On conservatorship and liquidation”, approved by the Decision of the First Deputy Governor of the Bank of Albania on 31/12/2010. Bank of Albania 71 2011 Supervision Annual Report ANNEX 8 BANKS AND BRANCHES OF FOREIGN BANKS LICENSED BY THE BANK OF ALBANIA RAIFFEISEN BANK SH.A. Licence No. 2/1998, dated 11.01.1999 Approved by the Bank of Albania Supervisory Council Decision No. 163, dated 11.12.1998 Certificate No. 2 “On Deposit Insurance” Director: Christian CANACARIS Address: Bulevardi “Bajram Curri”, Qendra Tregtare Evropiane, Tirana Tel.: +355 4 2274 910 Fax: +355 4 2275 599 E-mail: info@raiffeisen.al Website: www.raiffeisen.al UNITED BANK OF ALBANIA SH.A. Licence No. 3/1998, dated 11.01.1999 Approved by the Bank of Albania Supervisory Council Decision No. 165, dated 11.12.1998 Certificate No. 3 “On Deposit Insurance” Director: Hikmet GÜLER Address: Rruga e Durrësit, Sheshi tek Zogu i Zi, Godina Teknoprojekt, P.O. BOX 128, Tirana Tel.: +355 4 2228 460 / 2223 873 / 2227 408 Fax: +355 4 2228 460 / 2228 387 E-mail: info@ubaal.com Website: www.uba.com.al VENETO BANKA SH.A. Licence No. 5/1998, dated 11.01.1999 Approved by the Bank of Albania Supervisory Council Decision No. 164, dated 11.12.1998 Certificate No. 4 “On Deposit Insurance” Director: Lucio Luigi GAITA Address: Bulevardi “Dëshmorët e Kombit”, Ndërtesa Kullat Binjake, Tirana Tel.: +355 4 2280 555. Fax: +355 4 2280 356. E-mail: info@venetobanka.al Website: www.venetobanka.al NATIONAL COMMERCIAL BANK SH.A. Licence No. 6/1998, dated 11.01.1999 Approved by the Bank of Albania Supervisory Council Decision No. 162, dated 11.01.1999 Certificate No. 5 “On Deposit Insurance” Director: Seyhan PENCABLIGIL Address: Bulevardi “Zhan D’Ark” Tirana Tel.: +355 4 2250 955 Fax: +355 4 2250 956 E-mail: info@bkt.com.al Website: www.bkt.com.al TIRANA BANK SH.A. Licence No. 07, dated 12.09.1996 72 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report Approved by the Bank of Albania Supervisory Council Decision No. 9, dated 12.09.1996 Certificate No. 6 “On Deposit Insurance” Director: Georgios CHARALAMPAKIS Address: Rruga “Dëshmorët e 4 Shkurtit”, Tirana Tel.: +355 4 2269 616 / 7 / 8, +355 4 2233 441 / 42 / 43 / 44 / 45 / 46 / 47 Fax: +355 4 2233 417 / 2369 707. E-mail: info@tiranabank.al Website: www.tiranabank.al NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE, TIRANA Licence No. 08, dated 25.11.1996 Approved by the Bank of Albania Supervisory Council Decision No. 4, dated 14.03.1996 Certificate No. 7 “On Deposit Insurance” Director: Ioannis KOUGIONAS Address: Rruga e Durrësit, Godina Comfort, Tirana Tel.: +355 4 2274 802 / 2274 822 Fax: +355 4 2233 613 E-mail: nbgalbania@icc-al.org INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL BANK SH.A. Licence No.09, dated 20.02.1997 Approved by the Bank of Albania Supervisory Council Decision No. 9, dated 30.04.1996 Certificate nr.8 “On Deposit Insurance” Director:Gideon van den BROEK Address: Qendra e Biznesit, Rruga “Murat Toptani”, Tirana Tel.: +355 4 2254 372 / 2256 254 Tel/Fax: +355 4 2254 368 E-mail: info@icbank-albania.com ALPHA BANK – ALBANIA Licence No. 10, dated 07.01.1998 Approved by the Bank of Albania Supervisory Council Decision No. 01/03/96, dated 27.12.1997 Certificate No. 9 “On Deposit Insurance” Director: Andreas GALATOULAS Address: Rruga e Kavajës, G–KAM Business Center, kati II, Tirana Tel.: +355 4 2278 500 Tel/Fax: +355 4 2232 102 E-mail: tiranabranch@alpha.gr INTESA SANPAOLO BANK ALBANIA SH.A. Licence No. 11, dated 10.08.1998 Approved by the Bank of Albania Supervisory Council Decision No. 105, dated 10.08.1998 Certificate No. 10 “On Deposit Insurance” Director: Stefano FARABBI Address: Rruga “Ismail Qemali”, Nr. 27, P.O. BOX 8319, Tirana Tel.: +355 4 2248 753 / 4 / 5 / 6, +355 4 2276 000 Fax: +355 4248 762 E-mail: helpdesk@intesasanpaolobank.al Website: www.intesasanpaolobank.al PROCREDIT BANK SH.A. Licence No. 12, dated 15.03.1999 Approved by the Bank of Albania Supervisory Council Decision No. 22, dated 03.03.1999 Certificate No. 11 “On Deposit Insurance” Bank of Albania 73 2011 Supervision Annual Report Director: Address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Website: Flutura VEIPI Rruga e Durrësit, Laprakë, Tirana +355 4 2 389 300 +355 4 2 233 918 info@procreditbank.com.al www.procreditbank.com.al EMPORIKI BANK – ALBANIA SH.A. Licence No. 14, dated 28.10.1999 Approved by the Bank of Albania Supervisory Council Decision No.105, dated 19.10.1999 Certificate No. 13 “On Deposit Insurance” Director: Luc BEISO Address: Rruga e Kavajës, Nr. 59, “Tirana Tower”, Tirana Tel.: +355 4 2258 755 / 56 / 57 / 58 / 59 / 60 Fax: +355 4 2258 752 E-mail: headoffice@emporiki.com.al Website: www.emporiki.com.al CREDIT BANK OF ALBANIA SH.A. Licence No. 15, dated 28.08.2002 Approved by the Bank of Albania Supervisory Council Decision No. 66, dated 28.08.2002 Certificate No. 14 “On Deposit Insurance” Director: Sherine KAMEL Address: Rruga Perlat Rexhepi, Al-Kharafi Group Administration Building, Kati 1 & 2, Tirana Tel.: +355 4 2272 168, +355 4 2272 162 Fax: +355 4 2272 162 E-mail: creditbkalb@icc-al.org CREDINS BANK SH.A. Licence No. 16, dated 31.03.2003 Approved by the Bank of Albania Supervisory Council Decision No. 22, dated 26.03.2003 Certificate No. 15 “On Deposit Insurance” Director: Artan SANTO Address: Rruga “Ismail Qemali”, Nr. 21, Tirana Tel.: +355 4 2234 096 Fax: +355 4 2222 916 E-mail: info@bankacredins.com Website: www.bankacredins.com SOCIÉTÉ GÉNÉRALE ALBANIA BANK SH.A. Licence No. 17, dated 16.02.2004 Approved by the Bank of Albania Supervisory Council Decision No. 06, dated 11.02.2004 Certificate No. 16 “On Deposit Insurance” Director: Hubert de SAINT JEAN Address: Bulevardi “Dëshmorët e Kombit”, Kullat Binjake, Kulla 1, Kati i 9-të, Tirana Tel.: +355 4 2280 442 / 3 Fax: +355 4 2280 441 Mobile: 068 (69) 20 60 974 E-mail:bp.info@socgen.com Website: www.bpopullore.com UNION BANK SH.A. Licence No. 18, dated 09.01.2006 Approved by the Bank of Albania Supervisory Council Decision No. 101, dated 74 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report 28.12.2005 Certificate No. 17 “On Deposit Insurance” Director:Gazmend KADRIU Address: Bulevardi “Zogu I”, pallati 13-katësh, përballë Stacionit të Trenit, Tirana Tel.: +355 4 2250 653 / 2258 081 Fax: +355 4 2272 880 E-mail: info@unionbank.com.al Website: www.unionbank.com.al FIRST INVESTMENT BANK, ALBANIA SH.A. Licence No. 19, dated 06.07.2007 Approved by the Bank of Albania Supervisory Council Decision No. 35, dated 27.06.2007 Certificate No. 12 “On Deposit Insurance” Director: Bozhidar TODOROV Address: Bulevardi “Dëshmorët e Kombit”, Kullat Binjake, Kulla 2, Kati 14, Tirana Tel.: +355 4 2276 702 / 3 Fax: +355 4 2280 210 Website: www.fibank.al Bank of Albania 75 2011 Supervision Annual Report Annex 9 NON-BANK FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS FINANCIAL UNION OF TIRANA LTD Licence No. 1, dated 08.12.1999 to carry out the following financial activities: - Provide payment and receivable services; - Provide intermediation services in monetary transactions; - Act as a financial agent or advisor. Director: Elton Çollaku Address: Bulevardi “Zogu I”, pallati EDICOM, përballë Stacionit të Trenit, Tirana Tel.: +355 4 2250 653 Fax: +355 4 2250 654 E-mail: correspondence@unionifinanciar.com Website: www.unionifinanciar.com ALBANIAN POST OFFICE SH.A. Licence No. 3, dated 18.04.2001 as a “Non-bank financial institution” to carry out the following financial activities: Provide payment and receivable services; Act as a financial agent or advisor. Director: Arqile Goreja Address: Rruga “Reshit Çollaku”, Nr. 4, Tirana Tel.: ++ 355 4 2258 828 Fax: ++ 355 4 2259 770 E-mail: posta@postashqiptare.al Website:www.postashqiptare.al CREDINS LEASING SH.A. Licence No. 04, dated 13.06.2001 as a non-bank financial institution to carry out the following financial activities: Extend loans; Provide payment and receivable services; Provide intermediation for monetary transactions (foreign currency included); Provide guarantees; Act as a financial agent or advisor (excluded herein the services set forth in paragraphs 3/a and 3/b of Article 26 of the Law “On Banks in the Republic of Albania”); Provide financial leasing (approved by Governor’s Order No. 2826, dated 24.05.2007). Director: Fatmir SULO Address: Rruga “Nikolla Tupe”, Nr. 5, Tirana Tel.: +355 4 234096 Fax: +355 4 222916. E-mail:info@credins.com Website: www.credins.com AK-INVEST SH.A. Licence No. 7, dated 03.12.2003 as a non-bank financial institution to carry out the following financial activities: Provide payment and receivable services; Provide intermediation for monetary transactions (foreign currency included); Act as a financial agent or advisor; Provide all forms of lending. Director: Ilir Adili Address: Rruga “Ded Gjo Luli”, Nr.2/3, Tirana Tel.: +355 42240 147 Fax: +355 4 2274 743 E-mail: remil@icc-al.org Website:www.ak-invest.net 76 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report NOA SH.A. (Former OPPORTUNITY ALBANIA SH.A.) Licence No. 9, dated 06.06.2007 as a non-bank financial institution to carry out the following financial activities: Extend loans; Provide payment and receivable services; Accept and manage payment instruments; Carry out foreign exchanges for its account; Provide other guarantees (other than bank guarantees). Director: Irma Shkrepa Address: Sheshi “Karl Topia”, kompleksi 127, kulla 3, Tirana Tel.: +355 4 2268 180 / 2246 267 Fax: +355 4 2246 268. E-mail: info@opportunity.al Website: www.opportunity-albania.com BESA FUND SH.A. Licence No. 10, dated 26.12.2008 as a non-bank financial institution to carry out the following financial activities: - Extend lending of all types, including consumer and mortgage lending; - Provide guarantees and receive commitments; - Provide advisory, intermediation and other auxiliary services related to the above-listed activities. Director: Bajram Muça Address: Rruga “Brigada VIII”, pallati 5, pranë ish-bllokut, Tirana Tel.:+355 4 2253 841 / 2252 913 Fax: +355 4 2253 836. E-mail: mfi@besa.org.al Website: www.fondibesa.com FIN-AL LTD Licence No. 11, dated 20.02.2009 as a non-bank financial institution to carry out: Financial leasing Administrator: Emin Barçi Address: Rruga “Pjetër Budi”, pallati Rogert, ambient tregtar, kati II, Tirana Tel/Fax: +355 4 2348 048 FIRST ALBANIAN FINANCIAL DEVELOPMENT COMPANY – FAF SH.A. Licence No. 12, dated 20.03.2009 as a non-bank financial institution to carry out the following financial activities: - Extend lending of all types, including consumer and mortgage lending; - Provide guarantees and receive commitments; - Provide advisory, intermediation and other auxiliary services related to the above-listed activities. Director: Bajram Korsita Address: Rruga “Dervish Hima”, Vila nr. 4, Tirana Tel.: +355 4 2232 937 / 2224 638. Fax: +355 4 2226 027 RAIFFEISEN LEASING SH.A. Licence No. 13, dated 15.07.2009 as a non-bank financial institution to carry out: Financial leasing Director: Ankleida Shehu Address: Bulevardi “Bajram Curri”, ETC, kati 10, Tirana Tel.: +355 4 2274 920 Mobile: +355 68 20 96346 Bank of Albania 77 2011 Supervision Annual Report Website: www.raiffeisen-leasing.al TIRANA LEASING SH.A. Licence No. 14, dated 11.12.2009 as a non-bank financial institution to carry out: Financial leasing Director: Fatos Aliaj Address: Rruga “Dëshmorët e 4 Shkurtit”, nr. 1/1 (pranë Tirana Bank), Tirana Tel.: +355 4 2258 458 / 479 EASYPAY LTD (Former ISCS LTD) Licence No. 15, dated 21.12.2009 as a non-bank financial institution to carry out: Payment and money transfer services. Director:Lindita Shomo Address: Rruga “Dëshmorët e 4 Shkurtit”, kompleksi “Green Park”, kulla 1, kati 5-të, Tirana Tel.: +355 4 2264982 Fax: +355 4 2278950 Mobile: +355 682053631 E-mail: lshomo@easypay.al LANDESLEASE SH.A. Licence No. 16, dated 24.12.2009 as a non-bank financial institution to carry out: Financial leasing Director: Altin Saliasi Address: Rruga “Themistokli Germenji”, Pallati Sefbi, nr. 10, Tirana Tel.: + 355 4 2271050 Fax: + 355 4 2251038 Mobile: +355 692084360 VISIONFUND ALBANIA LTD Licence No. 17, dated 30.12.2009 as a non-bank financial institution to carry out: Microcredit activity Director: Rusudan KHARABADZE Address: Rruga “Dëshmorët e 4 Shkurtit”, pallati 26, kati III, P.O. Box 1725, Tirana Tel.: + 355 4 2248 668 Fax: + 355 4 2248 668 Mobile: +355 684070183 SOGELEASE ALBANIA SH.A. Licence No. 18, dated 25.01.2010 as a non-bank financial institution to carry out: Financial leasing Director: Alkion Elezi Address: Bulevardi “Dëshmorët e Kombit”, Holli i Kullave Binjake, kati III, Tirana Tel.: +355 4 2280442 CAPITAL INVEST SH.A. Licence No. 19, dated 04.08.2010 as a non-bank financial institution to carry out: Microcredit activity Director: Myslym Nela Address: Rruga “Sheh Ahmet Pazari”, Pall. 2/1, Tirana Tel.: +355 4 2363 003 Fax: +355 4 2363 003 Mobile: 0682006225 E-mail: info@capitalinvest-ifm.com Website: www.capitalinvest-ifm.com 78 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report TRANZIT LTD Licence No. 20, dated 04.08.2010 as a non-bank financial institution to carry out the following financial activity: - Extend lending of all types Director: Andi Ballta Address: Rruga “Dëshmorët e 4 Shkurtit”, Sky Tower, kati 7, apt. 2, Tirana Tel.: +355 4 2247022 ALBANIAN FACTORING SERVICES (AFS) SH.A. Licence No. 21, dated 04.11.2010 as a non-bank financial institution to carry out the following financial activities: Factoring; Provide advisory, intermediation and other auxiliary services related to factoring. Director:Gert Peshkatari Address: Rruga “Abdyl Frashëri”, seksioni B, pallati Hekla, apt. 1, kati i dytë, Tirana Tel.: +355 4 2254057 Fax: +355 4 2400359 E-mail: info@factoringalbania.al Website: www.factoringalbania.al M-PAY LTD Licence No. 22, dated 31.05.2011 as a non-bank financial institution to carry out: Payment and money transfer services. Director:Ludovic Laventure Address: Bulevardi “Dëshmorët e Kombit“, Kullat Binjake, Kulla 1/11, Tirana Tel.: +355 4 2280 469 Fax: +355 4 2280 467 E-mail: info@mpay.al Website: www.mpay.al OMNIFACTOR LTD Licence No. 23, dated 29.06.2011 as a non-bank financial institution to carry out the following financial activities: Factoring; Provide advisory, intermediation and other auxiliary services related to factoring. Director:Genci Kushta Address: Rruga e Kavajës, Qendra e biznesit GKAM, Tirana Tel.: +355 4 2230 193 / 2222 413 Fax: +355 4 2230 193 E-mail: info@omnifactor.al Website: www.omnifactor.al Bank of Albania 79 2011 Supervision Annual Report ANNEX 10 UNIONS OF SAVINGS AND CREDIT ASSOCIATIONS UNION OF SCAs JEHONA (USCA JEHONA), TIRANA Licence No.1, dated 27.06.2002 Address: Rruga “Kajo Karafili”, nr.26/3, Tirana Chairman of the Board of Directors: Paskal Vogli Executive Director: Elvana Sharkaj Tel.: +355 4 2224 469 / 2269 450 UNION OF SCAs ASCU, TIRANA LicenceNo. 2, dated 09.08.2002 Address: “Zayed Business Center”, Rruga “Sulejman Delvina”, Tirana e Re, Tirana Chairwoman of the Board of Directors: Zana Konini Executive Director: Zana Konini Tel.: +355 4 2251 910 E-mail: ascunion@icc-al.org SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS MËSUESI SLA, Tirana Licence No. 1, dated 01.07.2002 Chairwoman of the Board of Directors: Ylvie KOSTRECI Member of USCA JEHONA RIZGJIMI SLA, Tirana Licence No2, dated 01.07.2002 Chairman of the Board of Directors: Sabri SKENDERI Member of USCA JEHONA AFADA SLA, Tirana Licence No. 3, dated 01.07.2002 Member of USCA JEHONA BLETËRRITËSIT SLA, Korça Licence No. 5, dated 01.07.2002 Member of USCA JEHONA BREGAS SLA, Korça Licence No. 6, dated 01.07.2002 Member of USCA JEHONA FITORJA SLA, Prrenjas Licence No. 12, dated 01.07.2002 Member of USCA JEHONA GRAMSHI SLA, Lushnje Licence No. 13, dated 01.07.2002 Member of USCA JEHONA HABA SLA, Tirana Licence No. 14, dated 01.07.2002 80 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report Member of USCA JEHONA KANDAVIA SLA, Librazhd Licence No. 15, dated 01.07.2002 Member of USCA JEHONA KORÇARJA SLA, Korça Licence No. 17, dated 01.07.2002 Member of USCA JEHONA KRUJA SLA, Kruja Licence No. 18, dated 01.07.2002 Member of USCA JEHONA METAJ SLA, Fier Licence No. 20, dated 01.07.2002 Member of USCA JEHONA ORIK SLA, Vlora Licence No. 21, dated 01.07.2002 Member of USCA JEHONA RINGJALLJA SLA, Vlora Licence No. 24, dated 01.07.2002 Member of USCA JEHONA SHËNDETI SLA, Tirana Licence No. 25, dated 01.07.2002 Member of USCA JEHONA SHKËNDIJA SLA, Elbasan Licence No. 26, dated 01.07.2002 Member of USCA JEHONA SYNEI SLA, Kavaja Licence No. 30, dated 01.07.2002 Member of USCA JEHONA TEUTA SLA, Durrës Licence No. 31, dated 01.07.2002 Member of USCA JEHONA URA E KUÇIT SLA, Berat Licence No. 32, dated 01.07.2002 Member of USCA JEHONA VOLOREKA SLA, Pogradec Licence No. 33, dated 01.07.2002 Member of USCA JEHONA YLLI I KUQ SLA, Korça Licence No. 34, dated 01.07.2002 Member of USCA JEHONA VELCE SLA, Vlora Licence No. 36, dated 29.08.2002 Member of ASCU Bank of Albania 81 2011 Supervision Annual Report KALLM SLA, Fier Licence No. 37, dated 29.08.2002 Member of ASCU MOLLAS SLA, Elbasan Licence No. 40, dated 29.08.2002 Member of ASCU GJINAR SLA, Elbasan Licence No. 42, dated 05.09.2002 Member of ASCU KUQAN SLA, Elbasan Licence No. 45, dated 05.09.2002 Member of ASCU SHUSHICE SLA, Elbasan Licence No. 46, dated 05.09.2002 Member of ASCU BESTROVE SLA, Vlora Licence No. 49, dated 05.09.2002 Member of ASCU SHALES SLA, Elbasan Licence No. 51, dated 05.09.2002 Member of ASCU OSHETIME SLA, Vlora Licence No. 52 dated 23.09.2002 Member of ASCU BABICE E VOGEL SLA, Vlora Licence No. 53 dated 23.09.2002 Member of ASCU NOVOSELE SLA, Vlora Licence No. 54, dated 23.09.2002 Member of ASCU ROMANAT SLA, Durrës Licence No. 55, dated 23.09.2002 Member of ASCU JUBE SLA, Durrës Licence No. 56, dated 23.09.2002 Member of ASCU ARDENICE SLA, Lushnje Licence No. 58, dated 23.09.2002 Member of ASCU VAJKAN SLA, Fier Licence No. 59, dated 23.09.2002 Member of ASCU LLAKATUND SLA, Vlora 82 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report Licence No. 60, dated 23.09.2002 Member of ASCU GRABIAN SLA, Vlora Licence No. 61, dated 23.09.2002 Member of ASCU MAZREK SLA, Tirana Licence No. 62, dated 23.09.2002 Member of ASCU MUSTAFA KOÇAJ SLA, Tirana Licence No. 63, dated 23.09.2002 Member of ASCU SHPAT ISUF MUCAJ SLA, Tirana Licence No. 64, dated 23.09.2002 Member of ASCU PINAR SLA, Tirana Licence No. 65, dated 23.09.2002 Member of ASCU FUSHAS MUMAJES SLA, Tirana Licence No. 66, dated 23.09.2002 Member of ASCU QEHA SLA, Tirana Licence No. 67, dated 23.09.2002 Member of ASCU DOBRESH SLA, Tirana Licence No. 68, dated 23.09.2002 Member of ASCU 69. SHOQËRIA E KURSIM-KREDITITSHILBATER Tiranë, INIBA SLA, Tirana Licence No. 71, dated 25.09.2002 Member of ASCU FUSHE-PREZE SLA, Tirana Licence No. 72, dated 25.09.2002 Member of ASCU MËNIK SLA, Tirana Licence No. 73, dated 25.09.2002 Member of ASCU ZALL-HERR SLA, Tirana Licence No. 75, dated 25.09.2002 Member of ASCU BARËZEZ SLA, Tirana Licence No. 76, dated 25.09.2002 Member of ASCU PETRELË SLA, Tirana Licence No. 78, dated 25.09.2002 Bank of Albania 83 2011 Supervision Annual Report Member of ASCU PINET SLA, Tirana Licence No. 80, dated 25.09.2002 Member of ASCU BERZHITE SLA, Tirana Licence No. 81, dated 25 .09.2002 Member of ASCU MARIKAJ SLA, Tirana Licence No. 82, dated 25.09.2002 Member of ASCU ALLGJATË SLA, Tirana Licence No. 83, dated 25.09.2002 Member of ASCU BUBULLIMË SLA, Lushnje Licence No. 85, dated 25.09.2002 Member of ASCU GORRE SLA, Lushnje Licence No. 87, dated 25.09.2002 Member of ASCU DRITHAS SLA, Vlora Licence No. 88, dated 25.09.2002 Member of ASCU PALASE SLA, Vlora Licence No. 89, dated 07.10.2002 Member of ASCU MAMINAS SLA, Durrës Licence No. 90, dated 07.10.2002 Member of ASCU PANAJA SLA, Vlora Licence No. 92, dated 07.10.2002 Member of ASCU GJERGJAN SLA, Elbasan Licence No. 94, dated 07.10.2002 Member of ASCU GRAMSH SLA, Gramsh Licence No. 96, dated 07.10.2002 Member of ASCU FIER 2002 SLA, Fier Licence No. 98, dated 28.10.2002 Member of USCA JEHONA LESHNICE SLA, Pogradec Licence No. 100, dated 28.10.2002 Member of USCAJEHONA 84 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report TREGAN SLA, Elbasan Licence No. 101, dated 27.11.2002 Member of ASCU BELESH SLA, Elbasan Licence No. 102, dated 27.11.2002 Member of ASCU LUZI I MADH SLA, Kavaja Licence No. 103, dated 27.11.2002 Member of ASCU BAGO SLA, Kavaja Licence No. 104, dated 27.11.2002 Member of ASCU RADE SLA, Durrës Licence No. 105, dated 05.12.2002 Member of ASCU HAMALLAJ SLA, Durrës Licence No. 106, dated 05.12.2002 Member of ASCU TIRANA KREDIT SLA, Tirana Licence No. 107, dated 05.12.2002 Member of USCAJEHONA FIER SEMAN SLA, Lushnja Licence No. 111, dated 24.12.2002 Member of ASCU FRAKULL E MADHE SLA, Fier Licence No. 112, dated 24.12.2002 Member of ASCU DAULLAS SLA, Fier Licence No. 113, dated 24.12.2002 Member of ASCU KALLM I VOGEL SLA, Fier Licence No. 114, dated 10.01.2003 Member of ASCU LEKAJ SLA, Kavaja Licence No. 115, dated 10.01.2003 Member of ASCU ALLKAJ SLA, Lushnja Licence No. 116, dated 10.01.2003 Member of ASCU Merged with TOSHKËZ SLA (shkr. 8431/1, dt. 19.11.2008). KAFARAJ SLA, Fier Licence No. 118, dated 19.02.2003. Member of ASCU Bank of Albania 85 2011 Supervision Annual Report GOSË SLA, Kavaja Licence No. 120, dated 23.06.2003. Member of ASCU HIMARË SLA, Vlora Licence No. 122, dated 23.06.2003 Member of ASCU KOTE SLA, Vlora Licence No. 123, dated 23.06.2003 Member of ASCU ARMEN SLA, Vlora Licence No. 124, dated 23.06.2003 Member of ASCU PERLAT SLA, Durrës Licence No. 125, dated 15.07.2003 Member of ASCU REMAS SLA, Lushnja Licence No. 126, dated 16.07.2003 Member of ASCU MIZE SLA, Lushnja Licence No. 127, dated 04.08.2003 Member of ASCU DUKAT-RADHIME SLA, Vlora Licence No. 128, dated 03.11.2003 Member of ASCU MJELLMA-HUDENISHT SLA, Pogradec Licence No. 129, dated 03.11.2003 Member of USCAJEHONA GJEÇ KODËR SLA, Tirana Licence No. 130, dated 26.11.2003 Member of ASCU MËRTISH SLA, Lushnja Licence No. 131, dated 26.11.2003 Member of ASCU KUKUR SLA, Gramsh Licence No. 134, dated 07.01.2004 Member of ASCU VAQARR SLA, Tirana Licence No. 136, dated 01.04.2004 Member of ASCU DARZEZE SLA, Fier Licence No. 139, dated 12.07.2004 Member of ASCU SPILLE SLA, Kavaja 86 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report Licence No. 140, dated 12.07.2004 Member of ASCU JADORA SLA, Shkodra Licence No. 143, dated 17.11.2004 Member of USCAJEHONA QARR - BISHAN SLA, Fier Licence No. 145, dated 28.04.2005 Member of ASCU KRUTJE SLA, Lushnja Licence No. 146, dated 29.07.2005 Member of ASCU TIRONA SLA, Tirana Licence No. 147, dated 05.12.2005 Member of ASCU SHKAFANE SLA, Durrës Licence No. 148, dated 16.01.2006 Member of ASCU LIBRAZHD SLA, Librazhd Licence No. 149, dated 10.11.2006 Member of ASCU HELMAS SLA, Kavaja Licence No. 150, dated 22.11.2006 Member of ASCU LUKOVE SLA, Vlora Licence No. 151, dated 14.12.2006 Member of ASCU ÇERME SLA, Lushnja Licence No. 152, dated 12.01.2007 Member of ASCU ELBASAN SLA, Elbasan Licence No. 153, dated 18.04.2007 Member of ASCU DYRRAH SLA, Durrës Licence No. 154, dated 27.04.2007 Member of ASCU SEMAN SLA, Fier Licence No. 155, dated 21.05.2007 Member of ASCU PAJOVA E RE SLA, Elbasan Licence No. 156, dated 05.12.2007 Member of ASCU MALI I BARDHË SLA, Berat Licence No. 157, dated 17.12.2007 Bank of Albania 87 2011 Supervision Annual Report Member of ASCU BASHKËSIA SLA, Durrës Licence No. 158, dated 17.12.2007 Member of ASCU DRINI 2 SLA, Shkodra Licence No. 159, dated 28.01.2008 Member of ASCU NIKELI SLA, Elbasan Licence No. 160, dated 28.01.2008 Member of ASCU URA E MESIT SLA, Shkodra Licence No. 161, dated 28.01.2008 Member of ASCU DARCI SLA, Kavaja Licence No. 162, dated 12.02.2008 Member of ASCU S.V.A.-08 SLA, Fier Licence No. 163, dated 16.10.2008 Member of ASCU DARSIA SLA, Peqin Licence No. 164, dated 18.11.2008 Member of ASCU GURI I MIRË SLA, Kuçova Licence No. 165, dated 20.11.2008 Member of ASCU ITEA A.E.F. SLA, Fier Licence No. 166, dated 22.12.2008 Member of ASCU TARABOSHI AM SLA, Shkodra Licence No. 167, dated 24.12.2008 Member of ASCU BESNIKRIA MALESISE SLA, Shkodra Licence No. 168, dated 06.04.2009 Member of ASCU BREGU LIQENIT SLA, Pogradec Licence No. 169, dated 06.04.2009 Member of ASCU ITITOSUMI-ALBANIA-2009 SLA, Berat Licence No. 170 date 26.06.2009 Member of ASCU GAJTANI 09 SLA, Shkodra Licence No. 171 date 11.12.2009 Member of ASCU 88 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report LAPARDHA 2009 SLA, Berat Licence No. 172 date 25.01.2010 Member of ASCU LUSHNJA 2010 SLA, Lushnja Licence No. 173 date 25.06.2010 Member of ASCU ÇËRRAVË 2010 SLA, Pogradec Licence No. 174 date 14.07.2010 Member of ASCU FIER FINC. RUR SLA, Fier Licence No. 175 date 22.09.2010 Member of ASCU Bank of Albania 89 2011 Supervision Annual Report Annex 11 FOREIGN EXCHANGE BUREAUS (FXB) JOARD FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 1, dated 01.10.1999. Address: Rruga “Ded Gjon Luli” Nr.2, Tirana. Cambists: Josif Kote, Pajtim Kodra Tel.: 04 2233 158 AMA FXB LTD., DURRËS Licence: No. 2, dated 01.10.1999. Address: Office 1:Lagja nr. 9, rruga “Aleksandër Goga”, pallati nr. 530 (pranë Muzeut të Dëshmorëve), Durrës Office 2:Lagja nr. 4, rruga “9 Maji”, godinë 4 katëshe, kati I, Durrës Cambists: Mirlinda Ceka, Idlir Hoxha Tel.: 052 225183 / 228088 Fax: 052 230670 Mobile:0682033030 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. ARIS FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 3, dated 01.10.1999. Address: Rruga “Luigj Gurakuqi”, ndërtesa 1, H3, njësia bashkiake 2, kodi postar 1017, Tirana Cambist: Ardian Goci Tel.: 04 2248 867 / 2235 075 Mobile:0682026839 UNIONI FINANCIAR TIRANË FXB LTD. Licence: No. 4, dated 01.10.1999. Address: Bulevardi “ZOG I”, pallati EDICOM, përballë Stacionit të Trenit, Tirana Executive Director: Elton ÇOLLAKU Cambist: Mimoza Lushnjaku Tel.: 04 2250 653 Fax: 04 2250 654 E-mail:info@unionifinanciar.al Website:www.unionifinanciar.al AGLI FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 5, dated 01.10.1999. Address: Office 1:Rruga “Islam Alla”, nr.1, Tirana Office 2:Rruga “Kavajës”, pranë ish-pastiçeri Rinia, Tirana Cambists: Agim Cani, Kujtim Nina, Selim Luli Tel.: 04 2255 517 EXCHANGE FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 08, dated 24.11.1999. Address: Rruga “Durrësit”, nr. 170, Tirana Cambists: Ivan Pavllovski, Ervis Myftari Tel.: 04 2238 344 Tel. /Fax: 04 2238 345 ILIRIA ‘98 FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 12, dated 25.02.2000 Address: Office 1:Sheshi “Austria”, pranë Teatrit të Kukullave, Tirana Office 2:Rruga “Dëshmorët e 4 Shkurtit”, pranë KESH, Tirana 90 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report Office 3:Parku Rinia, Kompleksi Tajvan, Tirana Office 4:Rrruga e Durrësit, pranë ish kafe Florës, Tirana Office 5:Rruga e Elbasanit, nr. 31/1, Tirana Office 6:Rruga e Barrikadave Office 7:Kashar, Autostrade Tirane-Durres, Km 12, Qendra Tregtare City Park, Tirana Office 8:Rruga’’Sami Frashëri’’, Pallati 55/4, Përballë Drejtorisë së Policisë, Tirana Office 9:Rr. “Kavajës”, Përballë Ministrisë së Kulturës Rinisë dhe Sporteve, Tirana. Cambists: Edmond Ymeri, Ali Topalli, Ilir Janku, Bujar Fekollari, Edvina Janku, Alfred Topalli, Ariana Topalli, Mailinda Ymeri, Gentjan Janku, Eni Harito, Ergesa Ndroqi, Halime Xhaferi, Rinola Boka, Sonila Vasili, Majlinda Karaj, Esuida Zambaku, Ornela Bakalli, Valentina Maçi, Idvina Kore, Eliona Lumani, Enejda Shaba, Ornela Marku, Ada Pineti, Orjona Janko, Eliverta Balla Tel.: 04 2248 821 E-mail:iliria98@yahoo.com SERXHIO FXB LTD., ELBASAN Licence: No. 14, dated 07.04.2000. Address: Office 1:Lagja “Luigj Gurakuqi”, rruga “11 Nëntori”, pallati 70, nr. 14, Elbasan Office 2:Rruga “Abdyl Frashëri” (Përballë Librit Universitar), Tirana Cambists: Amarildo Canoku, Nerida Prezja, Ervin Halili, Elona Llaha Tel.: 054 54566 (Elbasan), 04 2257 370 (Tirana) Mobile: 0692077440, 0682049481 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a. ALBTUR FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 15, dated 07.04.2000. Address: Bulevardi “Zogu I”, pallati 32, shkalla 1 (përballë Bankës Tirana), Tirana Cambists: Albert Rahmani, Artur Rahmani Tel. /Fax: 04 2235 820 R & M FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 16, dated 22.05.2000. Address: Rruga “Xhorxh Bush”, pranë ushtarit të panjohur, ngjitur me Optika Plus, Tirana Cambist: Miranda Stepa Tel.: 04 2251 963 T & E FXB LTD., DURRËS Licence: No. 18, dated 11.06.2000. Address:Lagja 4, rruga “9 Maji”, Durrës Cambists: Shpëtim Hasa, Anisa Hasa, Enkela Hasa Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a. SHIJAK 2000 FXB LTD., SHIJAK Licence: No. 19, dated 24.11.2000. Address:Lagja “Popullore”, Shijak, Durrës Cambists: Nazmi Ademi, Farije Ademi Tel.: 057 13076, 057 13200 Fax: 057 12193 Mobile:0682057505 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. Bank of Albania 91 2011 Supervision Annual Report MANUSHI FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 22, dated 18.04.2001. Address: Bulevardi “Zogu I”, Qendra e Biznesit “VEVE”, Tirana Cambist: Roland Manushi Tel.: 04 2228 986 / 2253 052 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. UNIONI SELVIA FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence No. 23, dated 21.05.2001. Address: Rruga “Sami Frashëri”, pallati 11, shkalla 4, apt. 29, Tirana Cambist:Denis Merepeza Mobile:0682286475 KALENJA FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 24, dated 29.06.2001. Address: Rruga “Kavajës” (pranë ambasadës turke), Tirana Cambists: Hair Shametaj, Rudina Shametaj TILBA FXB LTD., ELBASAN Licence No. 25, dated 30.09.2001. Address: Office 1:Lagjja “Kongresi i Elbasanit”, bulevardi “Qemal Stafa”, pallati nr. 19, Elbasan Cambist:Kristaq Bako, Address: Office 2:Lagja “Luigj Gurakuqi”, pallati 38, shkalla 3, kati I, Elbasan Cambists: Vjollca Bako, Nertil Bako, Gilda Bajrami Tel.: 054 40534 Mobile:0692083135 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a. ANAGNOSTI FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 26, dated 31.10.2001. Address: Bulevardi “Zogu I”, pallati 97, shkalla 3, apt. 28, Tirana Cambists: Jani Anagnosti, Odise Anagnosti, Edlira Anagnosti Mobile:0692090523 KO-GO FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 27, dated 12.11.2001. Address: Rruga “Vaso Pasha”, pallati 16, shkalla 2, apt. 9, Tirana Kambist: Mihal Konomi, Përparim Goxhaj Mobile:0682024230 ALB- FOREX FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 28, dated 22.11.2001. Address: Office 1:Rruga “Dëshmorët e 4 Shkurtit”, pallatet e Shallvareve, shkalla 7, kati përdhe, Tirana Cambists: Melsi Çami, Mirel Topciu Address: Office 2:Rruga “Abdyl Frashëri”, nr. 3, Tirana Kambist: Arbëror Agastra Tel.: 04 2270 541 Mobile:0692085561 L&N FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 29, dated 22.11.2001. Address: Office 1:Rruga “Muhamet Gjollesha”, ish-gjelltorja tek sheshi Ataturk, Tirana Cambist:Leonora Mihalcka 92 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report Tel.: Address: Cambists: Tel.: 04 2268 393 / 2270 720 Office 2:Rruga “Durrësit”, përballë ish-ambasadës Jugosllave, Tirana Myzafer Velaj, Dashurije Rumbullaku 04 2235 590 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. EXHANGE ALOG FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 31, dated 22.11.2001. Address: Rruga “Ded Gjo Luli”, Nr.3, Tirana. Cambists: Almida Sterio, Eduard Andoni, Elida Hasamemi Tel.: 04 2236 582 Mobile: 0682022334, 0682041200 BASHKIMI 2001 FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 35, dated 12.12.2001. Address: Rruga “Kavajës” (lokali ish-pasticeri “Rinia”), Tirana Cambists: Bashkim Shametaj, Luan Shametaj, Ilir Mesini Tel.: 04 2234 515 Mobile:0682024601 ARJON 2002 FXB LTD., ELBASAN Licence: No. 36, dated 14.12.2001. Address:Lagja Brigada 17 Sulmuese, përballë ish-Kino Klubit, Elbasan Cambists: Besnik Lulja, Elsid Kalallari, Olsi Çapja Tel.:054246696 Mobile:0682093599 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a. TRI URAT FXB LTD., ELBASAN Licence: No. 44, dated 05.02.2002. Address:Lagja “29 nëntori”, pranë filialit të Postës Shqiptare, Elbasan Cambists: Ismail Bejtja, Lindita Kasa Tel.: 054 41792 Mobile: 0682262233, 0682133184 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. BESA 2001 FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 46, dated 15.02.2002. Address: Rruga “Myslym Shyri”, nr. 25, Tirana Cambists: Belul Lleshi, Vladimir Avda, Mimoza Avda Tel.: 04 2233 172 Mobile: 0682133879, 0682087951 HYSEN-C FXB LTD., LAÇ Licence: No. 50, dated 23.04.2002. Address:Lagja nr. 3, përballë komisariatit të policisë, Laç. Cambists: Cen Hyseni, Violeta Hyseni, Miranda Palaj, Jonida Thanasi, Elona Kuka, Suada Hasolli Mobile:0682024688 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a. TAXI EKSPRES FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 52, dated 20.05.2002. Address: Office 1:Rruga “Sami Frashëri”, nr. 11 (pranë shkollës “Edit Durhan”), Tirana Bank of Albania 93 2011 Supervision Annual Report Address: Cambists: Tel.: Mobile: Office 2:Bulevardi “Bajram Curri”, rruga “Lekë Dukagjini”, nr. 5 (pranë European Trade Center), Tirana Arben Sharra, Sokol Kaleci, Brikena Tole, Manjola Kume, Elona Zyra 04 2223 231 0682046099, 0682250566 GLEAR FXB LTD., SHIJAK Licence: No. 55, dated 23.07.2002. Address:Lagja Kodër Shijak, Durrës Cambists: Argjend Calliku, Aferdita Calliku Tel.: 0571 23830 Mobile:0682050515 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a. POSTA SHQIPTARE FXB SH.A., TIRANA Licence: No. 56, dated 28.08.2002. Address: Rruga “Reshit Çollaku”, nr. 4, Tirana Cambists: Shqiponja Harizi, Suzana Lika, Aferdita Lara, Rudina Gjoni, Donika Cela, Brikena Lazri, Loreta Osmëni, Mark Prenga, Nadire Isufi, Qibrie Musai, Violeta Allkushi, Stilianos Berdufi, Eliana Kosta, Viorela Kaçi, Majlinda Pasha, Lejla Jupe, Bujar Kelmenti, Jahja Karsali, Mariana Gegprifti, Bisere Shkenza, Enkeleda Qendro, Matilda Xhakola, Arjana Rrapo, Nevina Doçaj, Majlinda Tilko, Meliha Veleshnja, Pranvera Kaçorri, Zhaneta Myftiu, Marilda Habibi, Majlinda Pasha Tel.: 04 2250 702 / 2222 315 ESLULI FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 58, dated 17.10.2002. Address: Rruga “Reshit Çollaku”, pallatet e Shallvareve, shkalla n. 4/1, Tirana Cambists: Selim Luli, Kleomen Gjiknuri, Sajmir Dede Tel.: 04 2271 160 / 2271 438 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a. DENI&KRISTI-2002 FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 61, dated 02.06.2003. Address: Office 1:Rruga “Myslym Shyri”, pallati 60, ap. 3, Tirana Office 2: Rruga e Kavajes, Pallati 219, shk. 1, ap. 2, Tirana Office 3: Rruga “Myslym Shyri”, Pallati 56/2, shk. 1, ap. 1, Tirana Office 4: Rruga “Bardhyl”, Pallati 12, shk. 2, ap. 8, Tirana Cambists: Maksim Çeku, Suzana Merxho, Leonard Pelari, Nertila Shehu Tel.: 04 2247 112 Mobile:0682072108 YLDON FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 62, dated 03. 06.2003. Address: Office 1:Rruga Qemal Stafa, pallati 382/2/2, Tirana Office 2:Blvd. “Bajram Curri” (pranë European Trade Center), Tirana Office 3:Rruga “Frang Bardhi”, Qendra Tregtare Kristal, Tirana Cambists:Ylli Ndroqi, Enkeleda Selamaj, Sabri Lika, Suela Marku, Etmond Mema, Manjola Osmanaj, Eglantina Shehaj, Larisa Hysenbelliu, Nertila Dashi, Brunilda Tresa, Olgerta Zoto, Pamela Memo. Tel.: 04 2374 932 / 2343 476 / 2322 708 (ext. 199, Office At Kristal Centre), 04 2259 765 (Finance) Mobile:0692095681 I.S.N. FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 66, dated 06.05.2004. 94 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report Address: Rruga “Kavajës”, pallati 3, kati i parë, Tirana Cambists: Nexhmi Uka, Salandi Brojaj Mobile:0692032727 ARIABA FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 67, dated 07.06.2004. Address: Rruga “Abdyl Frashëri”, kati i parë, shkalla 5, pranë Librit Universitar, Tirana Cambist: Flamur Denaj Tel. / Fax: 04 2246 199 ALBACREDITS FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 68, dated 13.07.2004. Address: Rruga “Bardhok Biba”, Pll. Trema, kati I, Tirana Cambists: Ermira Skënderi, Engjëll Skënderi, Burhan Kodra, Fatbardha Skënderi (Preza), Bashkim Korça Tel. / Fax: 04 2237 840 Mobile:0682062916/917 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. ALB-KREDIT FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 69, dated 19.07.2004. Address: Office 1:Rruga “Durrësit”, nr. 2, Tirana Cambists: Arben Cani, Vasil Marto, Hajredin Toca, Bianka Agaraj, Suela Gjoni (Isaku) Tel. / Fax: 04 2274 840, 04 2228 928 / 9 Mobile:0692095802 Address: Peshkopia Branch, Bulevardi “Nazmi Rushiti”, Peshkopi, Dibra Cambist: Xhetan Krrashi Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. OMEGA FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 72, dated 20.12.2004. Address: Rruga “Abdyl Frashëri”, pallati 1, shkalla 2, apartamenti 10, Tirana Cambist: Mihallaq Peko Tel. / Fax: 04 2261 956 Mobile:0682050909 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a ELBA 2005 FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 73, dated 28.04.2005. Address: Bulevardi “Bajram Curri”, pallatet Agimi, nr. 16, Tirana Cambists:Kujtim Elbasani, Anila Elbasani Tel. / Fax: 04 2237 866 / 2274 382 Mobile:0682206194 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. BASHA – N.B. FXB LTD., ELBASAN Licence: No. 75, dated 08.07.2005. Address: Office 1:Lagja “Shënkoll”, rruga “Thoma Kaleshi”, pallati 110, shk. 1, kati i parë, Elbasan Address: Office 2:Lagja “Kongresi i Elbasanit”, bulevardi “Qemal Stafa”, Elbasan Cambists: Nashifer Basha, Çlirim Basha Tel.: 054 42565 Mobile:0692077640 Bank of Albania 95 2011 Supervision Annual Report I & K 2005 FXB LTD., LEZHA Licence: No. 77, dated 09.09.2005. Address: Office 1:Lagja “Besëlidhja”, pallati 73, LezhA Office 2 :Lagja “’Don Bosko’’, Rruga ‘’Muzakët’’, Pallatet e Arabit, Kulla 7, Tirana Cambists: Ilir Malaj, Margarita Malaj Tel.: 021 522591 Fax: 021 522591 Mobile:0682040778 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. EUROTOURS FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 78, dated 17.10.2005. Address: Rruga “Durrësit”, pallati 7, Tirana Cambists: Albert Cara, Ilir Stafa, Dhimiter Papadhopulli Tel.: 04 2273 389 Fax: 04 2273 387 Mobile:0682053623 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. A.B.I. EXCHANGE FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 79, dated 17.02.2006. Address: Bulevardi “Zogu I”, godina “Zëri i Popullit”, Tirana Cambists: Ilir Doçi, Suela Dedaj, Pëllumb Hysi, Kidas Sokoli Mobile:0682054116 REGENCY INTERNATIONAL CASINO TIRANA FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 80, dated 06.03.2006. Address: Rruga “Dëshmorët e 4 Shkurtit”, Parku Rinia, Tirana Cambists: Suzana Aliu, Aides Goga, Marsela Elmazaj, Vjollca Nurka, Elvis Marku, Erion Hila, Elis Nerguti, Razie Selimi, Juliana Sulillari, Ermelind Hystuna Tel.: 04 2274 907 / 2274 742 / 2274 739 Fax: 04 2271 190 E-mail:rict@regencycasino.al ARBËR F FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 81, dated 07.03.2006. Address: Rruga “Kavajës”, pallati 3, kati i parë, ose ish Gudeni, Tirana. Cambists: Florina Jaho, Bukurosh Jaho Tel.: 04 2248 384 Mobile:0682218652 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a EURO 2006 FXB LTD., DURRËS Licence No. 82, dated 12.04.2006. Address: Office 1:Lagja nr. 11, bulevardi kryesor, pranë Alb-Telekomit, Durrës. Office 2:Lagja 12, Rruga “9 Maji”, Kati i parë, pranë bustit Azem Hajdari, Durrës Cambists: Hysni Baganaçi, Medi Dyrmishi, Julian Dyrmishi Tel.: 052 38156 Mobile:0682618699 VOSKOP FXB LTD., KORÇA Licence: No. 83, dated 13.04.2006. Address:Lagja nr. 7, blloku “8 Nëntori”, Korça Cambists: Anesti Leska, Rexhep Mankolli, Ilir Agolli, Arben Urshini 96 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report Tel.: Mobile: 08 254 200 (Office) 0692256025 (A.Leskaj), 0682068835 (Ledina) Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a KRISTIAN 2002 FXB LTD., LEZHA Licence: No. 84, dated 31.05.2006. Address:Lagja “Besëlidhja”, përballë degës së bankës Raiffeisen, Lezha Cambist: Sander Marashi Tel.: 02 153-727 Mobile:0692091357(S.Marashi) PRE – LAND FXB LTD., LEZHA Licence: No. 85, dated 31.05.2006. Address:Lagja “Skënderbej”, ish-lokali “Gjahtari”, LezhA Cambist: Roland Kola SHQIPONJA VL FXB LTD., VLORA Licence: NO. 86, dated 16.06.2006. Address: Pallati i kultures “Labëria”, përballë portit detar, Vlora Cambist: Vjollca Musaraj Tel.: 033 24642 BONVOYAGE FXB LTD., DURRËS Licence: No. 87, dated 20.06.2006. Address:Lagja 11, bulevardi kryesor “Durrahu”, apt. 243, Durrës Cambists: Petrit Shtaro, Rexhep Sulejmani Tel.: 052 38116, 052 37389 ANICHRI FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 88, dated 20.04.2007. Address: Rruga “Vaso Pasha”, nr. 10 (përballë bar “Rovena” (ish Blloku) Tirana Cambists: Ilir Gurashi, Lenije Murataj, Juliana Hajro Tel.: 04 2244 363 Mobile: 0682072624; 0682082262 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. BROQI FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 89, dated 20.04.2007. Address: Rruga “Kavajës”, përballë kishës katolike, Tirana Cambists: Nikolle Broqi, Dhurata Murrizi Tel.: 04 2261 142 Mobile:0682026731 KOMPLEKSI TURISTIK RABOSHTA FXB LTD., SHKODRA Licence: No. 91, dated 26.06.2007. Address:Lagja “Vasil Shanto”, përballë xhamisë, Shkodra Cambists: Përparim Raboshta, Jetmira Raboshta Mobile:0692061199 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a ÇELA 2005 FXB LTD., LUSHNJA Licence: No. 92, dated 26.06.2007. Address:Lagja “Çlirim”, Lushnja Cambists: Bledar Çela, Mondi Cejne Mobile: 0692066657, 0682012394 Bank of Albania 97 2011 Supervision Annual Report ARTUR 07 FXB LTD., FIER Licence: No. 93, dated 26.06.2007. Address: Rruga “Esat Dishnica”, nr. 9, Fier Cambist: Artur BEQO JORGAQ PACILI FXB LTD., KORÇA Licence: No. 94/1, dated 09.11.2010. Address: Blvd. “Edith Durham”, pranë ish hotel turizmit, Korça Cambists: Mimoza Pacili, Jorgaq Pacili Mobile:0692170171 TROKA FXB LTD., FIER Licence: No. 95, dated 16.07.2007. Address:Lagja “Apollonia”, pallati i ri, përballë Raiffeisen Bank, Fier Cambist: Xhevair Troka Mobile:0682035413 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a MEL – FAT FXB LTD., FIER Licence: No. 96, dated 17.07.2007. Address:Lagja “Apollonia”, rruga “Brigada XI Sulmuese”, Fier Cambists: Meleq Myrtaj, Fatmir Ymeri Mobile:0682307507 VËLLEZËRIT VALUTË FXB LTD., LUSHNJA Licence: No. 97, dated 17.07.2007. Address:Lagja “Çlirim”, rruga “Qemal Stafa”, nr. 5, Lushnjs Cambists: Tomor Qorri, Fatmir Qorri Mobile: 0692065595, 0684060061 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a FYBEK FXB LTD., FIER Licence: No. 98, dated 17.07.2007. Address:Lagja “8 shkurti”, pallati 9, apt. 5, Fier Cambists: Ilir Seitaj, Sokol Seitaj Mobile:0682068193 EXCHANGE DEA FXB LTD., FIER Licence: No. 99, dated 17.07.2007. Address:Lagja “Apolonia”, sheshi “Fitorja”, Fier Cambists: Saimir Zeneli, Fatmir Kamberi, Fatmir Brahimi Mobile: 0692099425, 0682024127 KAMZA UNION FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 100, dated 17.07.2007. Address:Kodër Kamëz Tirana Cambists:Lindita Stafa, Anila Kola, Zef Gjoni Tel.: 04 2200 569 Mobile:0684043909 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. LAPRAKA UNION FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 101, dated 17.07.2007. Address: Office 1:Rruga “Lord Bajron”, Laprakë, Tirana Address: Office 2:Kamëz Qendër Address: Office 3:Qendër Vorë, ish mapot e vjetra 98 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report Address: Office 4:Fushë Krujë Cambists: Rreshit Beja, Lulzim Beja, Hanke Beja, Hyre Beja Tel.: 04 2269 354, 200 426, 600 477, 632 001 Mobile:0692044312 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. EXCHANGE BERTI 2007 FXB LTD., ELBASAN Licence: No. 102, dated 24.07.2007. Address:Lagjja “Aqif Pasha”, pallati 31, Elbasan Cambist: Robert Tashkollari Mobile:0692111490. ANSA UNION FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 103, dated 25.07.2007. Address: Rruga “Durrësit”, pallati 81, shkalla 4, Tirana Cambists: Magdalena Leka, Gezim Leka, Blerina Pojani, Ylli Guda, Darina Shkodra, Etleva Tite Tel.: 04 2271 530 (tel-fax), 04 2238 623 Mobile:0682740073 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. KLEO FXB LTD., VLORA Licence: No. 104, dated 31.07.2007. Address:Lagja “Osman Haxhiu”, rruga ”Demokracia” (pranë Sahatit), Vlora Cambists: Murat Hysenaj, Gezim Shehaj, Dhimitraq Tangu, Shezai Xhaferaj Tel. /Fax 033 28155 Mobile:0692056558 MOENA FXB LTD., FIER Licence: No. 105, dated 31.07.2007. Address:Lagja “29 Nëntori”, rruga “Dervish Hekali”, Fier Cambists: Enver Lamaj, Namik Hasani, Mondi Likaj Tel. /Fax: 034 24428 Mobile:0684021577 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a ZENO & DHIMO FXB LTD., FIER Licence: No. 106, dated 31.07.2007. Address:Lagja Apollonia, rruga ”Brigada II S” (pranë Raiffeisen Bank), Fier Cambists:Dhimitraq Doko, Zenun Gjini Mobile: 0692070262, 0682151504 BALLA CHANGE FXB LTD., DURRËS Licence: No. 107, dated 31.07.2007. Address: Rruga ”Prokop Meksi”, lagja 4, Durrës Cambists: Agron Balla, Artur Ballanca, Diana Balla, Agim Balla Mobile:0682060428 ADKO FXB LTD., LUSHNJA Licence: No. 108, dated 31.07.2007. Address:Lagja “Loni Dhamo”, ish hotel Myzeqeja, Lushnja Cambists: Adil Mukaj, Koli Sako Tel.: 035 26484 Mobile: 0684021108, 0682244795 Bank of Albania 99 2011 Supervision Annual Report I.SULEJMANI & SH.MYRTEZA FXB LTD., FIER Licence: No. 109, dated 31.07.2007. Address:Lagja “1 Maj”, rruga ”Jani Bakalli” (pranë poliklinikës qendrore), Fier Cambists: Islam Sulejmani, Shkelqim Myrteza Mobile: 0683415790, 0692436588 MATI UNION FXB LTD., LAÇ Licence: No. 110, dated 02.08.2007. Address: Bulevardi kryesor, Laç Cambist: Mustafa Martinaj Mobile:0682037713 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. A.K FXB LTD., LEZHA Licence: No. 111, dated 02.08.2007. Address:Lagja “Besëlidhja”, Lezha Cambist: Amerlon Reçi Tel.: 021 54951 Mobile:0682023607 UNION B FXB LTD., BERAT Licence: No. 112, dated 07.08.2007. Address:Lagja “30 vjetori”, Berat Cambist: Sali Hoxha Mobile:0682074488 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. KOÇIU FXB LTD., GJIROKASTRA Licence: No. 113, dated 03.09.2007. Address:Lagja “18 Shtatori”, Gjirokastra Cambists:Lutmir Koçiu, Rebani Koçiu Mobile:0692090935 LANA FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 114, dated 04.09.2007. Address: Rruga “Irfan Tomini”, pallati 8/1, shkalla 2, apt. Nr. 2 (pamja nga sheshi), Tirana Cambists:Krenar Alimerko, Nevila Shabanaj, Amarilda Liço Tel./Fax: 04 2244 278 Tel.: 04 2269 613 Mobile:0692033512 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. BESTINA FXB LTD., URA VAJGURORE, BERAT Licence: No. 115, dated 04.09.2007. Address:Lagja “18 Nëntori” (pranë filialit të Postës Shqiptare), Ura Vajgurore, Berat Cambists: Besim Guraj, Klementina Guraj Tel.: 036 12717 Mobile:0682086105 N&B UNION FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 116, dated 04.09.2007. Address: Rruga “Dibrës”, pallati 507, Tirana 100 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report Cambists: Tel.: Nexhmi Ferhati, Shkelqim Turku 04 2366 898 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. ARGI 07 FXB LTD., BERAT Licence: No. 117, dated 04.09.2007. Address:Lagja “22 Tetori”, Berat Cambists: Arben Yzbashi, Albana Yzbashi Tel.: 032 35746 Fax: 032 372888 Mobile:0692082803 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a. EKSPRES J&E FXB LTD., DURRËS Licence: No. 118, dated 05.09.2007. Address:Lagja 11, bulevardi kryesor, hotel “Durrësi”, Durrës Cambists:Kostandin Ekonomi, Entela Ekonomi Tel.: 052 29626 Mobile:0682046103 DODI FXB LTD., FIER Licence: No. 119, dated 05.09.2007. Address:Lagja “Apollonia”, bulevardi “Jakov Xoxa”, Fier Cambists: Artur Dodi, Albert Cucuri, Astrit Celaj Tel.: 034 31461 Mobile:0682132098 G 24 FXB LTD., GJIROKASTRA Licence: No. 120, dated 05.09.2007. Address:Lagja “18 shtatori”, Gjirokastra Cambist: Artan Gjokaj Tel.: 084 68760 Mobile:0692080805 EXCHANGE KIMI FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 123, dated 14.09.2007. Address: Rruga ”Dëshmorët e 4 Shkurtit”, pallati 3, dyqani nr. 3, Tirana Cambists: Shefqet Jata Mobile:0692060325 JAUPAJ FXB LTD., FIER Licence: No. 124, dated 26.09.2007. Address:Lagja “29 Nëntori”, rruga “Dervish Hekali” (pranë bar “Rinia”, AVN TV), Fier Cambists: Patriot Jaupaj, Miranda Jaupaj Tel.: 034 31503 Mobile:069247355. EXPRES CHANGE FXB LTD., VLORA Licence: No. 125, dated 26.09.2007. Address:Lagja “28 Nentori”, rruga “Mulla Xhaferri”, apt. 1111, Vlora Cambists:Latif Breshani, Nexhmi Mustafaraj Tel./Fax: 033 27535 Mobile:0682208961 MILI 2007 FXB LTD., VLORA Bank of Albania 101 2011 Supervision Annual Report Licence: Address: Cambists: No. 126, dated 26.09.2007. Office 1:Lagja “Osman Haxhiu”, rruga “Demokracia”, apt. 537, Vlora Office 2:Lagja “Hajro Cakërri” Pallati pranë BKT, Kati1, Vlora Ismail Shehu, Albert Malaj, Perparim Jaupaj, Qamile Shehu, Erion Fejzaj Tel.: 033 30381 Mobile:0692054414 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a. EURO 2007 FXB LTD., DURRËS Licence: No. 127, dated 11.10.2007. Address:Lagja nr. 12, rruga “9 Maji”, Durrës. Cambists: Raimond Çollaku, Yllka Lala, Arben Çuni, Ngushullim Hyzoti Mobile:0692042778 XHO-2007 FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 128 dated 29.10.2007. Address: Rruga ”Kavajës”, pallati 96, shkalla 2, apt. 16/1, Tirana Cambist: Arben Xhoxhi Mobile: 0682136633, 0682040313. Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a PLANET- CHANGE FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 129, dated 31.10.2007. Address: Blvd. ”Bajram Curri”, pallatet e aviacionit (ngjitur me kafe bar OSKAR), Tirana Cambist:Llazar Nuzi Mobile:0692034178 MARDEA FXB LTD., ELBASAN Licence: No. 130, dated 05.11.2007. Address:Komuna Mollas, fshati Mollas (pranë tregut fshatar), Elbasan Cambists: Bexhet Basha Mobile:0682651144 GOGA FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 131, dated 07.11.2007. Address: Bulevardi “Bajram Curri”, pallatet “1 Maji”, shk. 8, apt.# 8 (bodrum 13 m2), Tirana Cambists: Florian Goga Tel.: 04 2351 539 Mobile:0682152944 MIKA FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 132, dated 12.11.2007. Address: Rruga ”Myslym Shyri”, nr.120, “Nikolla Lena”, Tirana Cambists:Gjergji Ici, Maksi Ici Mobile:0682587113 M & GR FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 133, dated 12.11.2007. Address: Bulevardi ”Zogu I”, pallati 654, shkalla 3, apt.17,Tirana. Cambists: Maksim Likaj, Akile Dhimitri Mobile:0682061465. LULI –SH-1985 FXB LTD. VLORA Licence: No. 134, dated 19.11.2007. 102 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report Address:Lagjja “Hajro Cakërri”, rruga ”Sadik Zotaj” (pranë sheshit “Pavarësia”), Vlora Cambists: Fabjon Xhemali Tel.: 033 31682 ALB – COMMERCE FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 135, dated 20.11.2007. Address: Rruga “Bardhyl”, pallati 18, shkalla 4, apt. 2, Tirana Cambists: Jetnor Isufaj, Dashamir Bejaj Mobile: 0692472502, 0692288012 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a. ANDET 2005 FXB LTD., VLORA Licence: No. 136, dated 26.11.2007. Address:Lagja “Osman Haxhiu”, rruga “Demokracia” (pranë Sahatit), Vlora Cambists: Petrit Veliu, Lutfi Nuredini Tel./Fax: 033 33659 Mobile:0692290778 GITA FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 137, dated 26.11.2007. Address: Rruga “Kavajës”, pallati 138, shkalla 2, apt. 10 (kryqëzimi “21 dhjetori”), Tirana Cambists: Myftar Kaziaj, Gezim Kaziaj Tel/Fax: 04 2236 904 Mobile:0682134076 MIÇO-PALUKA FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 138, dated 26.11.2007. Address: Rruga “Dibrës”, pallati 507, Tirana Cambist: Mikel Paluka Mobile:0682355526 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a NIKOLARO FXB LTD., ELBASAN Licence: No. 139, dated 26.11.2007. Address: Rruga ”Jorgji Dilo”, lagjja 1, pallati 13, Cërrik, Elbasan Cambist: Sokol Dudija Tel./Fax: 058 13687 Mobile:0682156030 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a REDI-R FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 140, dated 27.11.2007. Address: Rruga “Avdyl Frashëri”, pallati 11/1, shkalla 3, apt. 12, Tirana Cambists:Ylli Ramaj Mobile:0692020577 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. ARBEL FXB LTD., LEZHA Licence: No. 141, dated 17.12.2007. Address: Rruga “Luigj Gurakuqi”, Lezha Cambists: Alma Marku, Andrea Marku Tel.: 021 53530 Mobile:0682034981 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a Bank of Albania 103 2011 Supervision Annual Report A & Q FXB LTD., FIER Licence: No. 142, dated 24.12.2007. Address:Lagja “29 Nëntori”, rruga “Kastriot Muço”, pallati 8, Fier Cambists: Arjan Çepele, Qemal Zylalaj, Novruz Zylalaj Mobile:0682151139 MERIDIANA TRAVEL TOUR FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 143, dated 24.12.2007. Address: Rruga “Dëshmorët e 4 Shkurtit”, nr. 7, Tirana Cambists: Andi Alimehmeti, Edmond Konomi Tel.: 04 2256 644 Mobile:0692022637 ORGES-CHANGE FXB LTD., DURRËS Licence: No. 144, dated 27.12.2007. Address:Lagja 12, rruga “9 Maji” (pas bustit të Azem Hajdarit), Durrës Cambists: Skënder Trebeshina, Sokol Janina Mobile: 0692135783, 0683565265 B.LIKA FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 145, dated 31.12.2007. Address: Rruga “4 Shkurti”, pallati nr. 3, Tirana Cambists: Bashkim Lika, Maklen Mici Mobile:069213322 LI & CO FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 146, date 03.01.2008 Address: Blvd. “Bajram Curri”, pallatet Agimi, shkalla 8, apt. b, Tirana Cambists:Ligor Treni, Ferzilet Treni Tel.: 04 2259 990 Mobile:0682008111 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a BESLOR FXB LTD., FIER Licence: No. 147, dated 31.01.2008. Address: Rruga e Kavajës, Ndertesë 1-katëshe, përballë Kishës Katolike, Tirana Cambists:Lida Sinanaj, Perlat Sinanaj Mobile:0692211217 OLZE 07 FXB LTD., BERAT Licence: No. 148, dated 12.02.2008. Address:Lagjja “22 tetori”, Berat Cambist: Ramadan Qajalliu Mobile:0682057330 REDI 07 FXB LTD., BERAT Licence: No. 149, dated 12.02.2008. Address:Lagja “22 Tetori” (pranë degës së Bankës Raiffeisen), Berat Cambists:Luan Kumani, Ervin Nallbani Mobile:0682201367 GREBIS FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 150, dated 22.02.2008 Address: Rruga “Muhamet Gjollesha”, pallati 34, shkalla 3, apt. 18, Tirana Cambists: Saimir Hila, Lulezim Lato Tel.: 04 2241 921 104 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report Mobile:0692122950 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a E.L.G.A FXB LTD., VLORA Licence: No. 151, dated 26.02.2008. Address:Lagja “28 nëntori”, nr. 1/27 N1N2, Vlora Cambist: Violeta Zere Tel.: 022 3542 Mobile:0692435603 AES EXCHANGE FXB LTD., GJIROKASTRA Licence: No. 152, dated 26.02.2008. Address:Lagja “18 shtatori” (afër stadiumit), Gjirokastra Cambist: Metat Selimi Mobile:0692065855 GREJSI FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 153 dated 27.02.2008. Address: Rruga “Elbasanit”, pallati 2, shkalla 2, apt.32, Tirana Cambist: Zhaneta Parapani Mobile:0692081127 FOREXCHANGE FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 154, dated 27.02.2008. Address: Rruga “Vaso Pasha”, pallati 14, shkalla 2, apt. 10, Tirana Cambist: Polimer Fejzaj Tel.: 04 2273 114 Mobile:0682201853 EGNATIA EXCHANGE FXB LTD., DURRËS Licence: No. 155, dated 17.03.2008. Address:Lagja 4, rruga “Skënderbej”, pallati 405, shkalla 7, kati I, Durrës Cambists: Myzejen Karabushi, Olta Musaraj Tel.: 052 34165 Fax: 052 34179 Mobile: 0692048650, 0692297750 DRINI CHANGE FXB LTD., VLORA Licence: No. 156, dated 17.03.2008. Address:Lagja “28 nëntori”, rruga ”Anita Bitri” (përballë hotel Sazanit), Vlora Cambists: Adrian Agaraj, Shkelqim Duka Tel.: 033 33877 Mobile: 0682268209, 0682065801 HILUKU FXB LTD., SHKODRA Licence: No. 157, dated 17.03.2008. Address: Office 1:Lagja “Qemal Stafa”, rruga “Zogu I”, Shkodra Office 2:Lagja “Vasil Shanto”, rruga “Muhamet Gjollesha”, afer xhamisë në qender, Shkodra Cambists: Albin Hiluku, Nikolin Hiluku Tel. /Fax: 022 43932 Mobile:0692060324. Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. AURORA FXB LTD., RROGOZHINË, KAVAJA Licence: No:158, dated 17.03.2008. Bank of Albania 105 2011 Supervision Annual Report Address:Lagja nr. 2, Rrogozhinë, Kavaja Cambists: Hekuran Tosku, Arta Tosku Tel.: 057 72239 Tel./Fax: 057 72739 Mobile:0692099938 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. 28 NENTORI FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 159, dated 19.03.2008. Address: Rruga “28 nëntori”, nr. 18, Tirana Cambists: Heroina Saraçi, Vasil Sterjo, Pajtim Muço Tel.: 04 2363 981, 04 2239 279 Mobile:0692766111. RO – INVEST FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 160, dated 19.03.2008. Address: Rr. “Dëshmorët e Kombit” (Blv.Zogu I), pallati 97, apt. 27, Kati I, Tirana Cambists: Edlira Suci, Elda Zogolli, Hekuran Brahja Tel.: 04 2222 328 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a PJETRI A & F FXB LTD., FIER Licence: No. 161, dated 27.03.2008. Address: Rruga “Konferenca e Pezës”, rruga “Jakov Xoxa” (pallati te fotostudio Rinia), kati 1, Fier Cambists: Arjan Pjetri, Frederik Pjetri, Pellumb Shahu Tel. / Fax: 034 31764 Mobile:0682529707 ARDIVA – EXCHANGE FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 162, dated 07.04.2008. Address: Office 1:Rruga “Luigj Gurakuqi“, Tirana Address: Office 2:Rruga “Dervish Hima” (pranë stadiumit “Qemal Stafa”), Tirana Address: Office 3:Sheshi “Avni Rustemi“, Tirana Address: Office 4:Instituti Kamëz, Tirana Cambists: Astrit Vata, Shpresa Prelaj, Rozeta Rapi, Luljeta Vata, Agron Shira, Jetmira Milushi Tel.: 04 2249 730 Mobile:0692046476 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. PATRIK FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 164, dated 14.04.2008. Address: Rruga “Sami Frashëri”, shkalla 20, apt. 344 (pallatet Agimi), Tirana Cambists: Viktor Treni, Anjeza Shkoza Tel. / Fax: 04 2228 166 Mobile:0692091272 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. “MEÇE 2 FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 165, dated 14.04.2008. Address: Rruga “Muhamet Gjollesha”, pallati 6 katësh, kati 1, Tirana Cambist: Edmond Meçe Tel. / Fax: 04 2235 457 106 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report Mobile:0684072198 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a S – DOKO FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 166, dated 18.04.2008. Address: Rruga “Qemal Stafa”, tek Pazari i Ri, pranë tregut të biçikletave, Tirana Cambist: Sovjetik Doko Tel. / Fax: 04 2268 762 Mobile:0682323990 BUXHA FXB LTD., SHKODRA Licence: No. 167, dated 22.04.2008. Address: Office 1:Lagja “Vasil Shanto”, Rruga “13 Dhjetori”, Shkodra Office 2:Lagja “Vasil Shanto”, (tek tregu valutor), Shkodra Cambists: Petrit Buxha, Arben Kraja Tel.: 022 49057 Mobile:0682043455 KOFLOTEO FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 168, dated 30.04.2008. Address: Rruga “Sami Frashëri” (pranë pallateve “Agimi”), kulla 1 (8 katëshe), kati përdhe, Tirana Cambist:Kostandin Kotici Tel.: 04 2263 592 Mobile:0682045031 “SA – EL.08 FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 169, dated 08.05.2008. Address: Rruga “Mine Peza”, nr. 37, zona kadastrale nr. 8350, Tirana Cambists:Gëzim Dushkaj, Dhurata Dushkaj, Bujar Çaçollari Tel.: 04 2278 144 Mobile:0682054790 “LEON – TIRANA FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 170, dated 08.05.2008. Address: Rruga e Kavajës, godinë 2 katëshe, 10 m nga Poliambulanca “Zoja e Këshillit të Mirë”, Tirana Cambists: Onaldo Ago:Astrit Ago; Prandvera Ago Tel.: 04 2226 689 “ALBTURIST ALBANIA FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 171, dated 13.05.2008. Address: Rruga “Mine Peza”, pallati 6-katësh, kati, Tirana Cambists: Fuat Shahu, Shkelqim Cuni Tel.: 04 2271 143 Mobile:0682059096 “REMIDA FXB LTD., ELBASAN Licence: No. 172, dated 14.05.2008. Address: Rruga “Thoma Kalefi”, përballë Namazgjasë, Elbasan Cambist:Dashamir Vercani Tel.: 054 241285 Mobile:0682181959 “XHULIO 2007 FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 173, dated 19.05.2008. Address: Rruga “Dëshmorët e 4 Shkurtit”, apt. 42, Tirana Bank of Albania 107 2011 Supervision Annual Report Cambists: Tel.: Mobile: Vladimir Shkurta, Kleomen Gjiknuri 04 2233 313 0682020144, 0682034829 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. “ELBASAN-FAJN FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 174, dated 22.05.2008. Address: Rruga “Reshit Collaku”, nr. 17, Tirana Cambists: Fahri Sanço, Nediko Sanço, Neim Shehaj Tel. / Fax: 04 2271 485 Mobile: 0694033700, 0694033600 “TAKO FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 175, dated 26.05.2008. Address: Rruga “Gjin Bue Shpata”, Tirana Cambist: Vladimir Tako Tel.: 04 2258 162 Mobile: 0682037604, 0683598153 “TOMI CHANGE FXB LTD., VLORA Licence: No. 176, dated 27.05.2008. Address:Lagja “Osmen Haxhiu”, rruga “Gjergj Kastrioti”, pallati 537, kati 1, shk. 4, apt. 33, Vlora Cambist: Thoma Meçi Tel. / Fax: 033 233904 Mobile:0692410501 “B.T.G.O FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 177, dated 28.05.2008. Address: Rruga “Durrësit”, pallati 240, shkalla 8, apt. 60, Tirana Cambist: Bektash Laçi, Shkelzen Ahmeti Tel.: 04 2261 207 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. “BALLKAN 2008” SH.P.K, SHKODRA Licence: No. 178, dated 28.05.2008. Address:Lagja “Vasil Shanto”, pranë Xhamisë së Madhe, Shkodra Cambist: Ramadan Bashi Tel.: 022 46021 Fax: 022 41796 Mobile:0692085331 “DALLANDYSHJA FXB LTD., VLORA Licence: No. 179, dated 28.05.2008. Address:Lagja “Pavarësia”, qendra tregtare “Riviera”, Vlora Cambists:Dallandyshe Çelaj, Alda Seferi, Kadri Ramaj, Eduart Kallavaresi, Mimoza Arapi Tel.: 033 225947, 033 229407 Mobile:0692097666 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. “JON BLU FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 180, dated 29.05.2008. Address: Rruga “Mine Peza”, pallati 210, shkalla 5, kati 1, apt. 34, Tirana 108 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report Cambist: Ervin Hasanbelli Tel.: 04 2266 518 Mobile:0692144686 “FLAGEM FXB LTD., KUÇOVA Licence: No. 181, dated 06.06.2008. Address:Lagja “Llukan Prifti”, Kuçova Cambist: Adriatik Avdylaj Tel. / Fax: 031 125267 Mobile:0692082805 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a “SH.F.T – 08 FXB LTD., SHKODRA Licence: No. 182, dated 06.06.2008. Address:Lagja “Vasil Shanto”, rruga “Vaso Kadia”, pallati tek agjencia, Shkodra Cambists: Nderim Pufja, Albana Pufja Tel. / Fax: 022 45932 Tel.: 022 45098 Mobile:0692061467 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a “MIÇANI CHANGE FXB LTD., KORÇA Licence: No. 183, dated 16.06.2008. Address:Lagja 7, rruga “Ismail Qemali”, nr. 2, Korça Cambists: Jorgaq Micani, Vilson Mara Tel.: 082 44330 Mobile:0692060685 “PAPI EXCHANGE FXB LTD., KORÇA Licence: No. 184, dated 16.06.2008. Address:Lagja 9, rruga ”Mis Edit Durhan”, Korça Cambists: Përparim Rustemi Tel.: 082 43011 Mobile:0684000825 “MUJAXHI FXB LTD., SHKODRA Licence: No. 185, dated 16.06.2008. Address:Lagja “Vasil Shanto”, rruga “Park”, blloku “Vaso Kadia”, Shkodra Cambists: Ermir Mujaxhi, Luan Mujaxhi Tel.: 022 46762 Mobile:0692022070 “CANI 2005 FXB LTD., ELBASAN Licence: No. 186, dated 16.06.2008 Address:Lagja Shenkoll, tregu industrial, Elbasan Cambists:Gani Cani, Riza Kotherja Tel.: 054 3330 Mobile:0682097135 “FASETO FXB LTD., LIBRAZHD Licence: No. 187, dated 16.06.2008. Address:Lagja 1, pallati 18, Librazhd Cambist: Petrit Facja Tel.: 051 43091 Mobile:0692182477 “MASUAL FXB LTD., LIBRAZHD Bank of Albania 109 2011 Supervision Annual Report Licence: No. 188, dated 16.06.2008. Address:Lagja 1, përballë filialit të Postës Shqiptare, Librazhd Cambist: Meleqe Alla Tel.: 051 42423 Mobile:0692987105 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a “RENJA EXCHANGE FXB LTD., KORÇA Licence: No. 189, dated 17.06.2008. Address:Lagja 9, rruga “Miss Edith Durham”, pranë Nd/jes së Ujësjellësit, Korça Cambist: Bardhyl Renja Tel. / Fax: 082 248011 Mobile:0692075664 “N.A.E.L FXB LTD., LEZHA Licence: No. 190, dated 25.06.2008. Address:Lagja “Besëlidhja”, rruga “Luigj Gurakuqi”, ish Raiffeisen Bank, Lezha Cambist:Leonard Ndoka Tel.: 021 523566 Mobile:0682072392 “LADELI 2007 FXB LTD., POGRADEC Licence: No. 191, dated 09.07.2008. Address: Rruga “Spitalit”, lagja 5 (përballë poliklinikës së vjetër), Pogradec Cambists:Lavdërim Miminllari, Eliverta Miminllari Tel.: 083 26719 Mobile:0684061945 “LUKA – AGJENSI FXB LTD., LEZHA Licence: No. 192, dated 09.07.2008. Address: Rruga “Luigj Gurakuqi”, lagjja “Besëlidhja” (pranë ish Raiffeisen Bank), Lezha Cambist: Nikoll Luka Tel.: 021 522462 Mobile:0682296845 “ELIRIJANA FXB LTD., KORÇA Licence: No. 193, dated 10.07.2008. Address: Rruga “Kiço Greco”, agjencia e udhëtareve, Korça Cambists: Spase Ago, Anesti Zguro Tel.: 082 246177 Mobile: 0692054856, 0682360217 “ANISA 2007 FXB LTD., KORÇA Licence: No. 194, dated 10.07.2008. Address: Blloku Rinia, tek ish lokali Rinia, Korça Cambist: Shefqet Muço Tel.: 082 48999 Mobile:0692172184 “LIFO FXB LTD., KORÇA Licence: No. 195, dated 11.07.2008. Address: Rruga “Midhi Kostani”, zona e Pazarit 1, Korça Cambist: Ali Lifo Tel.: 082 50904 Mobile:0693287021 110 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report “YLLSON SHEHOLLARI FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 196, dated 11.07.2008. Address: Rruga “Dibrës”, nr. 231, Tirana Cambist:Yllson Shehollari Tel.: 04 2228 403 Mobile:0682374204 “MERO FXB LTD., DEVOLL Licence: No. 197 dated 14.07.2008. Address: Bulevardi “Fuat Babani”, Bilisht, Devoll Cambists: Albert Mero, Alban Fetolli, Alketa Bedulla Tel.: 081 122331 Mobile:0682029748 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. “H.B FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 198, dated 14.07.2008. Address: Blvd. “Zogu I”, Qendra Tregtare Tirana (pranë Bankës Amerikane), Tirana Cambist: Haxhi Bicaku Tel.: 04 2237 249 Mobile:0682000301 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. “JONI FXB LTD., KAVAJA Licence: No. 199, dated 23.07.2008. Address:Lagjja 3, rruga “Tre Deshmorët”, Kavaja Cambist: Cezar Kosova Tel.: 055 47592 “MAIG 25 FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 200, dated 23.07.2008. Address: Rruga “Luigj Gurakuqi”, prane ish foto Skënderbeu, Tirana Cambist: Maksim Koka Mobile:0684089111 “REAL XH. FXB LTD., ELBASAN Licence: No. 201, dated 31.07.2008. Address: Office 1:Lagjja “28 nëntori”, pallati 109/1, Elbasan Office 2:Lagjja “Çlirimi”, Rruga “Thoma Kalefi”, Nr. 5, Elbasan Cambists: Ismahil Idrizi, Aleksandër Idrizi Tel.: 054 57870 Mobile:0692103952 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a “L – MUSTA FXB LTD., KAVAJA Licence: No. 202, dated 04.08.2008. Address:Lagja 3, rruga “Qazim Karriqi”, Kavaja Cambist:Laim Musta Tel.: 055 247902 Mobile:0682301318 “VALONA CHANGE FXB LTD., VLORA Licence: No. 203, dated 11.08.2008. Address: Rruga ‘Perlat Rexhepi”, lagja “Osman Haxhiu”, pranë Sahatit, Vlora Bank of Albania 111 2011 Supervision Annual Report Cambists:Yzedin Jahaj, Sali Amzaj Tel.: 033 222577 Mobile:0692420342 “UKU FXB LTD., LEZHA Licence: No. 204, dated 13.08.2008. Address:Lagjja “Skënderbeg”, pallati 43, kati I, Lezha Cambist: Aleksandër Uku Tel.: 021 522208 Mobile:0692577432 “E.K.B. – QYLAFKU FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 205, dated 15.08.2008. Address: Rruga “Konferenca e Pezës”, pallati 145, shkalla 4, apt. 25, kati I, Tirana Cambists: Bajram Qylafku, Klarita Qylafku Tel.: 04 2273 589 Mobile:0682137094 “PANTEKO FXB LTD., KUÇOVA Licence: No. 206, dated 15.08.2008. Address:Lagja “Tafil Skendo”, rruga “Naftëtari”, (pranë shkollës private “28 nëntori”), Kuçova Cambists:Liri Karakashi, Arben Karakashi Tel.: 031 122054 Mobile: 0682214357, 0682327271 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a “S.F.A. LEKA FXB LTD., GJIROKASTRA Licence: No. 207, dated 15.09.2008. Address:Lagja “18 shtatori”, Gjirokastra Cambist: Skënder Leka Tel.: 084 262942 Mobile:0682695587 “EDLIR FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 208, dated 16.09.2008. Address: Rruga “Llazi Miho”, Kombinat, pranë stacionit të autobuzave, Tirana Cambists: Bajram Çela, Jolanda Çela, Ornela Çela, Xhuljan Çela Tel.: 04 2352 261 Mobile:0682141333 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. “MEGACOLOR-L FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 209, dated 24.09.2008. Address: Rruga “Muhamet Gjollesha”, pallati 42/1, Tirana Cambists: Enkelejda Dhima, Riselda Hoxha Tel.: 04 2272 560 Mobile:0692044442 “LIKA AGENCY FXB LTD., PEQIN Licence: No. 210, dated 16.10.2008. Address: Bulevardi kryesor Peqin Cambist:Kujtim Lika Tel.: 051 222623 Mobile:0682736199 112 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. “SOTTA - AG FXB LTD., ELBASAN Licence: No. 211, dated 16.10.2008. Address:Lagja “Luigj Gurakuqi”, pallati 73, Elbasan Cambists: Sokol Tatzati, Xhemali Liçi Tel.: 054 258875 Mobile:0692082021 “EXTRA CHANGE FXB LTD., ELBASAN Licence: No. 212, dated 16.10.2008. Address: Bulevard “Qemal Stafa”, lagjja “Kongresi i Elbasanit”, Elbasan Cambists: Adem Ngjela Mobile:0682999747 “E – BAROLLI FXB LTD., BILISHT Licence: No. 213, dated 16.10.2008. Address: Sheshi “1 Maj”, Qender Bilisht Cambist: Ervehe Baholli Tel.: 081 122368 Mobile:0692491925 “ANDI – FRANCESCO FXB LTD., BELSH, ELBASAN Licence: No. 214, dated 21.10.2008. Address:Godina 5 kateshe, Qender Belsh, Elbasan Cambists: Azis Tafani, Marjeta Tafani Tel.: 058 22243 Mobile:0682169870 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. “STADE FXB LTD., LUSHNJA Licence: No. 215, dated 28.10.2008. Address:Lagja “Skënder Libohova”, pranë Bashkisë, Lushnja Cambists:Dhimitër Stambolliu, Abaz Demiri Mobile:0682126815 “ARDURI FXB LTD., LUSHNJA Licence: No. 216, dated 30.10.2008. Address:Lagjja “Skënder Libohova”, pranë Bashkisë, Lushnja Cambists: Arben Durri, Dylber Halla Tel.: 035 20998 Mobile:0682346342 “AL & TA FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 217, dated 31.10.2008. Address: Rruga e Dibrës, pallati ANI, kati i parë, Tirana Cambists: Alfred Cenolli, Spartak Dobi Tel.: 04 2256 726 Mobile: 0692072290, 0693113069 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a “FREAL-F.K.P FXB LTD., BILISHT Licence: No. 218, dated 05.11.2008. Address: Bulevardi “Fuat Babani”, pallati 4 (pranë Vodafon), Bilisht Cambists: Fredi Kutrolli, Pellump Kutrolli Bank of Albania 113 2011 Supervision Annual Report Tel.: 081 123300 Mobile:0692099796 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a “XHAIZ FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 219, dated 05.11.2008. Address: Rruga e Dibrës, pallati Aurora Konstruksion, Tirana Cambists: Iljaz Ahmati, Xhafer Lala Tel.: 04 2253 404 Mobile: 0682087281, 0682045566 “ANA – MARIA FXB LTD., BELSH, ELBASAN Licence: No. 220, dated 21.11.2008. Address: Qendër Belsh, Elbasan Cambists: Fatos Hysa, Alketa Hysa Tel.: 058 22700 Mobile:0683678734 “TOSHI – ELI FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 221, dated 25.11.2008. Address: Rruga “Gjergj Legisi”, pallati Nr.12, Kati I, Tirana Cambist: Tosh Vata Mobile:0682205501 “DAMELA FXB LTD., BELSH, ELBASAN Licence: No. 222, dated 26.11.2008. Address: Qendër Belsh, Elbasan Cambist:Gazeli Hysa Tel.: 058 22024 Mobile:0683282710 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a “ESI – ENA FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 223, dated 15.12.2008. Address: Rruga “Llambi Bonata”, pallati 44, shkalla 1, ap. 12, kati I, Tirana Cambists:Loreta Bajrami, Agron Bajrami Tel.: 04 2351 722 Mobile:0692069702 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a “MOGI FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 224, dated 15.12.2008. Address: Rruga “Bradhok Biba”, pallati 75, shkalla 6, ap. 22, Tirana Cambists: Olimbi Hajdari, Hasan Hajdari Tel.: 04 2266 041 Mobile: 0694039021, 0693113069 “LANA2 AD FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 225, dated 24.12.2008. Address: Rruga “Ali Demi”, pallati 167/1, Tirana Cambists: Ixhlale Alimerko, Shyhrete Likaj, Anilda Neziri Tel.: 04 2376 025 Mobile:0692033511 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. “DPA FXB LTD., TIRANA 114 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report Licence: No. 226, dated 26.12.2008. Address: Qendra Tregtare Univers në autostradën Tiranë - Durrës, km 7, Tirana Cambists: Ardian Grori, Endrit Gjoksi Tel.: 04 2380 154 Mobile:0682631941 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. “R & M TOURS – 2008 FXB LTD., MIRDITA Licence: No. 227, dated 29.12.2008. Address: Rruga “Shën Vincenso d’Paoli”, Ura e Jakut, pallati 3 katësh, ndarja nr. 3, Rrëshen, Mirdita Cambists: Altin Dodaj, Martin Dodaj Tel.: 021 723390 Mobile:0693429663 “JMS & D FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 228, dated 19.01.2009. Address: Rruga e Elbasanit, pranë filialit të Postës Shqiptare, Tirana Cambists: Elida Pergega, Besiana Qatromi, Jurgen Demolli Tel.: 04 2230 728 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. “NINO - PEPKOLA FXB LTD., RRËSHEN, MIRDITA Licence: No. 229, dated 03.02.2009. Address: Banesë private, kati I, tregu i lirë, Rrëshen, Mirdita Cambist: Artan Pepkola Tel.: 021 723049 Mobile:0682066147 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a “GJOCI-INVEST FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 230, dated 04.03.2009. Address: Rruga Kodër Kamëz, godinë dy katëshe, kati I, afër urës, Tirana Cambists:Lavdie Gjoci, Ferit Gjoci Tel.: 047200876, 048303700 Mobile:0692063048 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. “MERPA FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 231, dated 06.03.2009. Address: Bulevardi “Bajram Curri”, pallatet “1 Maj”, shk.6, ap.54, Tirana Cambists:Lindita Merdani, Tomor Merdani Tel.: 04 2400 142 Mobile: 0693850550, 0693806942 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a “V.I.B.A. - I FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 232, dated 12.03.2009. Address: Rruga “Punëtoret e Rilindjes”, prapa Lulishte “1 Majit”, poshtë godinës së Komitetit të Përndjekurve Politikë, Tirana Cambists: Alda Elmazaj, Valendita Elmazaj, Bedri Elmazaj Tel.: 04 2249 511 Mobile:0692437831 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a Bank of Albania 115 2011 Supervision Annual Report “KLAUD 09 FXB LTD., FIER Licence: No. 233, dated 01.04.2009. Address:Lagja Kastrioti, rruga ”Ramiz Aranitasi”, pll. 198/1, shk. 1, Fier Cambist:Klaud Meta Tel.: 034 32206 Mobile:0682077908 “KRISI 08 FXB LTD., FIER Licence: No. 234, dated 10.04.2009. Address: Rruga ”Aulona”, lagja “Kastrioti”, QTU, Fier Cambists:Genci Basha Tel.: 034 249732 Mobile: 0694010817, 0683010817 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. “JORGAQ FXB LTD., VLORA Licence: No. 235, dated 22.04.2009. Address:Lagja “Isa Buletini”, rruga “Sadik Zotaj”, pallati 293, shkalla 1, apt. nr. 4, Vlora Cambists: Vasillaq Marku Tel.: 033 230241 Mobile:0682162876 “ARISAN FXB LTD., ELBASAN Licence: No. 236, dated 04.05.2009. Address:Lagja “Kongresi i Elbasanit”, bulevardi “Qemal Stafa”, pallati 16, Elbasan Cambists: Hasan Pepa, Neim Hoxha Tel.: 054 244705 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a “UNICORNER FXB LTD., ELBASAN Licence: No. 237, dated 05.05.2009. Address:Lagja “Luigj Gurakuqi”, bulevardi “Qemal Stafa”, pallati 13, kati I, njësia nr. 1, Elbasan Cambist:Dionis Biça Mobile:0692054726 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a “GE-AR-FRE FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 238, dated 05.05.2009. Address: Rruga “Reshit Çollaku”, pallatet e Shallvareve (bodrum), Tirana Cambists: Fredi Çami, Skënder Jahjolli Tel.: 04 2400 217 Mobile:0692083731 “DELFINI 2 FXB LTD., DURRËS Licence: No. 239, dated 20.05.2009. Address: Porti Detar, Durrës Cambists: Muharrem Tepshi, Naile Tepshi Tel.: 052 237364 Mobile:0692093534 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a 116 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report “HAFEKO FXB LTD., DURRËS Licence: No. 240, dated 24.07.2009. Address:Lagja Nr. 6, rruga “Mujo Ulqinaku”, pallati 335, kati I, Durrës Cambists: Haxhi Kotarja Tel.: 052 231210 Mobile:0682157889 “ABAT – 2009 FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 241, dated 28.07.2009. Address: Rruga “Sadik Petrela”, 100 m mbi disko Venue, Tirana Cambist: Andi Teneqexhi Tel.: 04 2421 403 Mobile:0692087014 “XHANGARË FXB LTD., ROSKOVEC, FIER Licence: No. 242, dated 07.09.2009. Address:Lagja nr. 1, sheshi qendror, pallati 12, kati I, Roskovec, Fier Cambist: Ferdije Cepele Mobile:0692082273 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a “UNION – GOLD FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 243, dated 09.09.2009. Address: Rruga e Kavajës, pallati 4, dyqani 2 (pallati me shigjeta), Tirana Cambists: Sagena Çaçi, Shefqet Hoxha Tel.: 04 2421 546 Mobile:0692112192 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a “P– PANEL –2008 FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 244, dated 11.09.2009. Address: Rruga “Ndre Mjeda” përballë Qëndrës Tregtare Condor, Tirana Cambists: Anisa Papadhima, Dritan Selenica Tel.: 04 2260 133 Mobile: 0672761865, 0672600216 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a “FORGALI FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 245, dated 18.09.2009. Address: Bulevardi “Bajram Curri” Pallatet Agimi, Shk 1, Ap.8 (prane Kinema Agimit), Tirana Cambists:Kadri Forgali, Klevis Forgali Tel.: 04 2227 075 Mobile:0672736179 “MRRUKU FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 246, dated 02.10.2009. Address: Rruga e Kavajës, pallati 3 (pranë klinikës dentare UFO), Tirana Cambists: Altin Zyberi, Shtjefen Mrruku Tel.: 04 2255 512 Mobile:0682084700 “ROYAL FOREX FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 247, dated 09.10.2009. Address: Bulevardi “Bajram Curri”, pallatet e Aviacionit, shkalla 3/1, apt. 7, Tirana Cambist: Arben Dragusha Bank of Albania 117 2011 Supervision Annual Report Tel.: 04 2246 902 Mobile:0692165020 “VINSENT CHANGE FXB LTD., VLORA Licence: No. 248, dated 26.10.2009. Address: Rruga “Sadik Zotaj”, kullat Kollozi, kati I, Vlora Cambist: Altin Troka Tel.: 033 200030 Mobile:0694033991 “SHABA – TRANSFERTE FXB LTD., KAVAJA Licence: No. 249, dated 03.11.2009. Address:Lagja nr. 2, godinë 1 katëshe, pranë ish-bashkisë, Kavaja Cambists: Vahid Shaba Mobile:0683012296 “EDALEM FXB LTD., BELSH, ELBASAN Licence: No. 250, dated 11.11.2009. Address: Qendër Belsh, Elbasan Cambists: Hysen Hysa, Emiljano Hysa Mobile:0682320350 “AGJEKA 2009 FXB LTD., KORÇA Licence: No. 251, dated 11.11.2009. Address:Lagja nr. 7, BLLOKU “28 Nëntori” (pranë librarisë), Korça Cambists: Pavllo Emini, Urim Progri Tel.: 082 257540 Mobile:0692917848 “BRACKO FXB LTD., GJIROKASTRA Licence: No. 252, dated 12.11.2009. Address:Lagja “18 Shtatori”, godinë 1 katëshe (përballë farmacive të qytetit), Gjirokastra Cambists: Tahir Çelo Tel.: 084 277717 “ALL OF SERVICE TRANS FXB LTD., LUSHNJA Licence: No. 253, dated 25.11.2009. Address: Office 1, Rruga e Durrësit (Ndërtesa ish kafe Flora), kati I, Tirana Office 2, Lagja “Skënder Libohova”, nr. 21, Lushnja Cambists: Platin Tarelli, Dëfrim Tarelli, Altin Torba, Edmond Ajdini Tel.: 042 226595 (Office 1), 035 222987 (Office 2) Mobile:0682053995 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. “ARBA – 01 FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 254, dated 25.11.2009. Address: Rruga e Elbasanit, (pranë degës së Alpha Bank), Tirana Cambists: Agron Mahmuti, Odhisea Anagnosti, Ervin Shehu Tel.: 04 2344320, 234 4628 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. “RENATO FXB LTD., FIER Licence: No. 255, dated 26.11.2009. Address:Lagja “Konferenca e Pezës”, Rruga Peza 2, pallati 85, kati I, Fier 118 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report Cambists: Renato Mucaj, Juland Ferzaj, Muco Mucaj, Bekim Shehaj Tel.: 034 231567 Mobile:0692078501 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. “NX-ELVI FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 256, dated 14.12.2009. Address: Rruga “Qemal Stafa”, përballë Prokurorisë së Përgjithshme, Tirana Cambists: Nderim Saraci, Myrteza Kadria Tel.: 04 2278 114 Mobile:0682279737 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. “EXCHANGE L-D FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 257, dated 14.12.2009. Address: Rruga “Abdyl Frashwri”, pallati Hekla, kati I, ngjitur me Euromax, Tirana Cambist: Skender Hasani Tel.: 04 2261 595 Mobile:0692097513 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. “PATRIK & DANIEL FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 258, dated 28.12.2009. Address: Rruga ”Asdreni”, pallati 4, shkalla 5, apt. 68, Tirana Cambists:Dalina Kumani, Astrit Kumani Tel.: 04 237 6410 Fax: 04 237 6410 Mobile: 0692103390, 0682590799 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. “LUZATI FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 259, dated 30.12.2009. Address: Rruga “Komuna e Parisit”, pallati SARAEL, Kulla 1, Tirana Cambists: Shpetim Luzati, Elton Luzati Tel.: 04 232 0032 Fax: 04 232 0032 Mobile:0694344100 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. “HANXHARI - EDJA FXB LTD., VLORA Licence: No. 260, dated 08.01.2010. Address: Rruga “Sadik Zotaj“, 50m larg Bankes Raiffeisen, Vlora Cambist: Edja Hanxhari Tel.: 033 224408 Mobile:0692065372 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a “PAULO - 2006 FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 261, dated 08.01.2010. Address: Rruga ”Ismail Qemali”, përballë picerise Era, Tirana Cambist: Pellump Ramaj Tel.: 04 224 4638 Bank of Albania 119 2011 Supervision Annual Report Mobile:0672010529 “TONIK FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 262, dated 12.01.2010. Address: Rruga “Frang Bardhi”, godina 4-katëshe (Vala Kompani), Selitë, Tirana Cambist: Petrit Prrenjasi Tel.: 04 232 0661 Mobile:0692085750 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. “EDI - 2006 FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 263, dated 13.01.2010. Address:Lagja nr. 3, Bathore, Kamëz, Tirana Cambist:Lazam Troci Tel.: 048 303932 Mobile:0682055716 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. “GOSTIMA UNION FXB LTD., ELBASAN Licence: No. 264, dated 21.01.2010. Address: Fshati Gostimë, Komuna Qendër, Elbasan Cambist: Nuri Plaka Tel.: 058 720196 Fax: 058 720196 Mobile:0682208323 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. “DAILA – 2007 FXB LTD., VLORA Licence: No. 265, dated 21.01.2010. Address: Rruga “Sadik Zotaj”, pallati 372, Vlora Cambist: Xhevaire Meçaj Tel.: 033 400204 Fax: 033 400204 Mobile:0682281100 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a “KIGE FXB LTD., VLORA Licence: No. 266, dated 22.01.2010. Address:Lagja “28 Nëntori”, rruga “8 Marsi”, Vlora Cambists: Besnik Kapllani, Arben Aliraj, Apostol Jaso Tel.: 033 237991 Mobile:0692047332 “TABE FXB LTD., KORÇA Licence: No. 267, dated 01.02.2010. Address:Lagja 9, Rruga “Miss Edit Durham”, Korça Cambists: Taqo Plloça, Arben Lifo Tel.: 082 57911 Mobile:0682691727 “KOLETA FXB LTD., KORÇA Licence: No.268, dated 02.02.2010. Address:Lagja 8, Blloku 8 Nentori, Prane gjimnazit “Themostokli Germenji”, Korçë 120 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report Cambist: Thoma Koleta Mobile:0692454490 “CIMI SHEMBITRAKU FXB LTD., KORÇA Licence: No. 269, dated 03.02.2010. Address: Rruga “Fan Stilian Noli”, lagja 7, blloku ”8 nëntori”, pallati 2, kati I, Korça Cambist: Shkelqim Shembitraku Mobile:0692216370 “PRRENJASI UNION FXB LTD., PRRENJAS Licence: No. 270, dated 03.02.2010. Address: Bulevardi “Rinia”, Office prane Western Union, Prrenjas Cambists: Nadire Tola, Fatmira Albajrami Tel.: 059 122354 Mobile: 0692933568, 0692049472 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. “AGIMI-UNION FXB LTD., ELBASAN Licence: No.271, dated 04.02.2010. Address: Rruga “11 Nentori”, Pallati 38, Elbasan Cambist: Xhaneta Stafa Tel.: 054 259 455, 054 257 853 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. “SELEKT FXB LTD., LUSHNJA Licence: No.272, dated 05.02.2010. Address:Lagja ”Skender Libohova”, Lushnja Cambist: Hamlet Gega Tel.: 035 220838 Mobile:0682095677 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. “GOLDEN DINAR FXB LTD., DURRËS Licence: No. 273, dated 12.02.2010. Address:Lagja nr.5, Rruga “Mujo Ulqinaku”Pallati “Arvi”Kati I, Durrës Cambist:Luan Zeko Tel.: 052 238177 Mobile:0692083277 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a “REINARDI FXB LTD., VLORA Licence: No. 274, dated 12.02.2010. Address: Bulevardi Vlore-Skele, Perballe”Kalit te Trojes”, Vlora Cambist: Adelina Metaj Tel.: 033 238758 Mobile:0682155706 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a “ERIS AL FXB LTD., LIBRAZHD Licence: No. 275, dated 07.04.2010. Address: Bulevardi kryesor, Librazhd Cambists: Ndriçim Tola Tel.: 051 423899, 051 423444 Bank of Albania 121 2011 Supervision Annual Report Mobile:0692020911 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. “GEGA - BOGDANI FXB LTD., PRRENJAS Licence: No. 276, dated 07.04. 2010. Address: Rruga Nacionale, Lagja nr.2, Pallati 30, Shk 1, Ap.2, Pranë Stadiumit, Prrenjas Cambist: Agron Gega Mobile:0682613037 “EXCHENGE MALO & MANI FXB LTD., POGRADEC Licence: No. 277, dated 12.04.2010. Address:Lagja nr. 3, rruga “Kajo Karafili”, pallati perballe furgonave per Tirane, kati I, Pogradec Cambists: Maliq Bego, Mani Sinanaj Tel.: 083 225231 Mobile:0684096836 “XHEVAHIRI - 2010 FXB LTD., LEZHA Licence: No. 279, dated 14.04.2010. Address:Lagja Beslidhja, Rruga “Luigj Gurakuqi”, Pallati 3-katësh, Kati I, perballe Bankes Raiffeisen, Lezha Cambist: Xhevahir Gjini Tel.: 021 522387 “MARSILDA FXB LTD., VLORA Licence: No. 280, dated 23.04.2010. Address: Office 1. Orikum, Qendër (pranë PTT) Office 2. Novosele, Qendër Office 3. Selenice, Qendër Office 4. Frakull, përbri shkollës 9-vjeçare Cambists: Fatbardha Beja, Pranvera Mejdiaj, Marjus Memushaj, Shezai Aliaj, Blerta Abazaj Tel.: 039 12322 Mobile:0692266331 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. “SONI DURAL FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 281, dated 26.04.2010. Address: Rruga “Luigj Gurakuqi“, Pallati 24/1, Tirana Cambists: Ilirjan Cara, Flora Cara Tel.: 04 225 7154 Mobile:0692093717 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a “SIAL FXB LTD., ELBASAN Licence: No. 282, dated 26.04.2010. Address: Fshati Bishqem, Komuna Pajovë, Peqin (pranë shkollës 9-vjeçare Bishqem), Elbasan Cambists: Fatos Sinani, Yllka Sinani, Kujtim Vogli Tel.: 058 070086 Mobile: 0692063560, 0692333699 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. 122 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report “TELE.CO&CONSTRUCTION FXB LTD., FIER Licence: No. 283, dated 28.04.2010. Address:Lagja Kastrioti, prane Bankes Raiffeisen, Fier Cambists: Tatjana Çobo, Edmira Gjeçi Tel.: 034 502531 Mobile:0692086562 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. “ARSEN 2010 FXB LTD., VLORA Licence: No. 284, dated 13.05.2010. Address:Lagja 24 Maji, Rruga “Miss Durhan”, Pallati i ri Golemi, Kati I, Vlora Cambist: Alma Biça Tel.: 033 403263 Mobile:0692163159 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a “EMILY-TRAVEL FXB LTD., LUSHNJA Licence: No. 285, dated 19.05.2010. Address:Lagja “Xhevdet Nepravishta”, Prane Poliklinikes Qendrore, Lushnja Cambists: Jemin Meçi, Ilirjan Meçi, Gentjan Meçi, Armand Meçi, Robert Kadiu Tel.: 035 225977 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a “AMADEUS TRAWELL AND TOURS FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 286, dated 24.05.2010. Address: Zyrë brenda Aeroportit Rinas, kati I, fshati Rinas, Komuna Nikel, Durrës Cambists: Enkela Sollaku, Gjergji Sollaku Tel.: 04 238 1974 (Office Rinas), 04 224 7490 (Headquarters“Torre Drin“, Tirana) Mobile:0682062130 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a “FLORI 2010 FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No.287, dated 27.05.2010. Address:Lagja Nr. 5, Rruga “Mihal Duri”Nr. 22 (prapa Ministrisë së Turizmit), Tirana Cambists: Florian Merxhushi, Nail Merxhushi Tel.: 04 280 7844 Mobile:0692315034 “MARFIN FXB LTD., ELBASAN Licence: No. 288, dated 27.05.2010. Address:Lagja “Luigj Gurakuqi”, pallati 70, kati I, Elbasan Cambists: Marsida Ashiku, Altin Ashiku Tel.: 054 246767 Fax: 054 246767 Mobile:0692926313 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a “NILDAVIS FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 289, dated 01.06.2010. Address: Rruga “Azem Hajdari”, Banese nr.3, Bathore, Tirana Cambist: Riza Cani Mobile:0683414111 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a Bank of Albania 123 2011 Supervision Annual Report “EXCHANGE LEKA 010 FXB LTD., POGRADEC Licence: No. 290, dated 01.06.2010. Address: Rruga “Europa”, Lagja nr.3, Pallati prane valutes, Kati I, Pogradec Cambists: Agron Leka Mobile:0694370260 “BESHIRI FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 292, dated 04.06.2010. Address: Rruga “Urani Pano”, Pallati i ri prapa Hotel Tiranes, Kati I, Tirana Cambists: Arben Beshiri, Arben Vaqari Mobile:0682023922 “MIRI & ANI EXCHANGE FXB LTD., VLORA Licence: No. 293, dated 21.06.2010. Address:Lagja 28 Nentori, prane librarise qendrore, Vlora Cambist: Fatmir Mataj Tel.: 033 238147 Mobile:0682420606 “LUDIANNA FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 294, dated 30.06.2010. Address: Bulevardi “Gjergj Fishta”, Pallati 8, tek Enti Rregullator i Energjisë, Tirana Cambist:Lumturi Cjapi Tel.: 04 226 0025 Mobile:0694031219 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a “REI - 2010 FXB LTD., LUSHNJA Licence: No. 295, dated 01.07.2010. Address:Lagja “Skender Libohova”, Pallati 5 katesh, Kati I, prane BKT, Lushnja Cambist: Avni Shuli Mobile:0692076179 “KEBEST FXB LTD., TIRANË Licence: No. 296, dated 05.07.2010. Address: Rruga “Durresit”, Pallatet Gintash, Laprakë, Tirana Cambists: Eglantina Baroka, Sokol Baroka Tel.: 04 241 3030 Mobile:0672084031 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a “NOKA - 2010 FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 297, dated 13.07.2010. Address: Office 1. Rruga George W Bush, Pallati 5 Katësh, Kati 1, mbrapa Monumentit të Partizanit të Panjohur, Tirana Office 2. Rruga e Dibrës, Pallati “Ani”, përballë Hotel Stela, Tirana Cambists: Ismen Noka, Florin Noka, Eni Shkembi Tel.: 04 223 5075 Mobile:0692073375 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. “SMART EXCHANGE FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 298, dated 13.07.2010. Address: Rruga e Durresit, Pallatet Gintash, Dyqani nr.8, Laprakë, Tirana Cambist: Nylbi Basha 124 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report Mobile:0692058711 “NE-O-AL FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 299, dated 16.07.2010. Address: Office 1. Rruga Tirane-Dajt, Qesarake, Pranë Restorant Freskut, Tirana Office 2. Rruga e Dibrës, Pallati 330, Shk.3, Ap.14, Tiranë Cambists: Andrea Onjea, Agim Tato Tel.: 04 236 4269, 04 236 6749 Mobile:0694045090 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a “SALILLARI H.T.K FXB LTD., DURRËS Licence: No. 300, dated 16.07.2010. Address: Pranë mbikalimit Sukth i Ri, Durrës Cambist: Tefta Salillari Tel.: 057 122360 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a “2F CONSTRUKSION VG FXB LTD., ELBASAN Licence: No. 301, dated 20.07.2010. Address: Fshati Gostim, 100 metra pranë kryqëzimit, Elbasan Cambists: Fatmira Dhepa, Nertila Dhepa Tel.: 058 720500 Mobile:068222555 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a “PUNTO PER PUNTO FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 302, dated 21.07.2010. Address: Office No.1:Rruga ”Myslym Shyri”, 60/1, Hyrja 3, Tirana Office No.2:Rruga “Kavajës”, Pallati 219, Shkalla 1, Ap. 2, Tirana Office No.3:Rruga ‘’Myslym Shyri”, Pallati 56/2, Tiranë Office No.4:Rruga “Bardhyl’’, Pallati 12, Shkalla 2, Ap. 8, Tirana Cambists: Ardian Kazaferi, Leonard Pelari, Griselda Izvira, Rozarta Bukaçi, Jetmira Zhuri, Gerta Pashollari, Liljana Kastrioti Tel.: 04 242 6344 Mobile:0672025475 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. “O 2 FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 303, dated 13.08.2010. Address: Office 1:Rruga”Sulejman Delvina”, Dyqani pranë postës nr.8, Tirana Office 2:Rruga “Luigj Gurakuqi”, nr. 6 Tirana Cambists: Ilirjan Turkoviç, Maldi Zhabjaku Tel.: 04 240 7698 Mobile: 0682064044, 0682135747 “EDJONA FXB LTD., VLORA Licence: No. 304, dated 24.08.2010. Address: Rruga”Halile”, Lagja Kushtrimi, Pallati 1336, Vlora Cambist: Eriona Bregu Tel.: 033 239575 Mobile:0692277510 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a “KLOMIR FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 305, dated 27.08.2010. Bank of Albania 125 2011 Supervision Annual Report Address: Rruga”Demokracia”, Qënder Vorë, Tirana Cambist:Dervish Mema Tel.:047600-307 Mobile:0672620900 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a “KLOBES FXB LTD., GRAMSH Licence: No. 306, dated 02.09.2010. Address: Bulevardi “10 Korriku” Lagja Holta, prane OSSH-se, Ndertese njekateshe, Gramsh Cambist:Klodjan Braçja Mobile:0672082548 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a “MOBAL ALBANIA FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 307, dated 02.09.2010. Address: Rruga “Dëshmorët e 4 Shkurtit”, Pallati “Sky Towers”, Tirana Cambist: Mirela Tesho Tel.: 048202-202/3, 042223-254 Mobile:0682090109 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. “UNION SELVIA FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 308, dated 07.09.2010. Address: Rruga Dibres, tek Selvija, Pallati AK, Kati 1, nr.2, Tirana Cambists:Lavdije Noka Tel.:042253-404 Mobile:0686071160 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. “VARANGU FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 309, dated 08.09.2010. Address: Rruga “Xhanfize Keko”, Pallati 2, shk.1, Ap.2. Tirana Cambist: Vladimir Varangu Tel.:042345-331 Mobile:0682126451 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a “TERINI TRAVEL AGENCY FXB LTD., SARANDA Licence: No. 310, dated 14.09.2010. Address:Lagja nr.4, Rruga “Mithat Hoxha”, Saranda Cambists: Fatos Demiri Tel.:085224-985 Mobile:0692094030 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a “ERBIAL FXB LTD., KOPLIK Licence: No. 311, dated 15.09.2010. Address:Koplik Qender, Malesi e Madhe, Perballe Hebaj Center, Koplik Cambists: Ilir Rexhvelaj, Luan Rexhvelaj Tel.:021123-000 Mobile:0694023808 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a “NIKOVA FXB LTD., TIRANA 126 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report Licence: No. 312, dated 23.09.2010. Address: Rruga “Ferit Xhajko”, Nr.24/6, Tirana Cambists:Kudrete Vardhami, Denisa Nanaj, Niko Vardhami Tel.: 2340-366 Mobile:0682038819 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a “MBK IMPORT EKSPORT FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 313, dated 29.09.2010. Address:Rruga “Sulejman Delvina”, Perballe Hotel Diplomat 12/1, Tirana Cambists:Klaidi Lika, Elisabeta Bakullari, Olsi Hastoçi, Denis Mere Tel.: 04 2480 870 Mobile:0692090705 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a “ERGI-UNION FXB LTD., DURRËS Licence: No. 314, dated 29.09.2010. Address:Lagjja Nr. 14, 200 metra larg Gjykatës së Apelit, Shkozet, Durrës Cambists: Andi Bleta, Ervis Shala Tel.: 052 265249 Mobile:0692131551 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. “E&J. KERÇIKU’’ SH.P.K TIRANA Licence: No. 315, dated 05.10.2010. Address: Rr. “Lord Bajron”, Nd. 22, H. 4, Tirana Cambist: Eqerem Kërçiku Tel.: 04 2237695 Mobile:0682226983 “KALEMI TRAVEL & EXCHANGE FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 316, dated 11.10.2010. Address: Rr. “Sami Frashëri”, Pallati Coloseu, Kati i I-rë, Tirana Cambist: Marsel Kalemi Tel.: 04 2254826 Mobile:0692296057 “V - FOREX FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 317, dated 22.10.2010. Address:Rruga “Dëshmorët e 4 Shkurtit”, Pall. nr. 138, Kati i I-rë, Perballe Ambasadës Ruse, Tirana Cambists: Ervin Shehu, Adelina Kajo Tel.: 04 2240499 Mobile:0695454828 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. “BANERT FXB LTD., VLORA Licence: No. 318, dated 26.10.2010. Address:Lagja “29 Nëntori’’, Rr. “Sadik Zotaj’’ Pallati 517, Vlora Cambist: Alban Duka Tel.: 033 408190 Mobile: 0682065801, 0695692502 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a “TENDI UNION FXB LTD., TIRANA Bank of Albania 127 2011 Supervision Annual Report Licence: Address: Cambists: Tel.: No. 319, dated 29.10.2010. Rruga “Don Bosko’’, Pall. 133, Shk. 1, Kati 1, Tirana Marjana Guda, Ina Kamberi dhe Dashmira Qinami 04 2256655 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. “ARTOS-OR FXB LTD., ELBASAN Licence: No. 320, dated 04.11.2010. Address:Lagja “Kongresi i Elbasanit”, Bulevardi “Qemal Stafa”, Pallati nr.12, Kati I, Elbasan Cambist: Arif Tosku Tel.: 054244487 Mobile:0692027989 “GOLEMI-LXH FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 321, dated 08.11.2010. Address: Rr. “Sami Frashëri’’, Pallai 17, Kati 1, Tirana Cambists: Manush Meshau, Ylli Meshau Mobile:0682649114 “MADRI UNION FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 322, dated 22.11.2010. Address: Rr. “‘Arkitekt Kasemi’’, Pallati Nr.240/1, Ap.1,Kati 1 Tirana Cambists: Majlinda Gjoza, Marsela Gjoza, Dritan Rustemi, Alminda Gjoka, Vilma Shehi, Malvina Ibra, Gerta Reka Tel.: 04 2345539 Mobile:0672028609 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a “GALAKTIK TRAVEL FXB LTD., DURRËS Licence: No. 323, dated 25.11.2010. Address:Lagjja ‘‘13’’, Rr. “‘Pavarësia”‘, Përballë ish-frigoriferit, Plazh, Durrës Cambists:Luan Taipi Tel.: 052 262274 Mobile:0692020095 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a “ENID 2010 FXB LTD., DURRËS Licence: No. 324, dated 26.11.2010. Address:Lagja 12, sheshi “Nako Spiro’’, tek autobuzi i NISH Tulla, pallati te byrektoret, kati i 1, Durrës Cambists: Abdi Mane, Dine Malo Tel.: 052 236246 Mobile: 0682039277, 0682226000 “OCEANBLU FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 325, dated 28.12.2010. Address: Bulevardi “Bajram Curri”, dyqan në katin përdhe në pallatin përballë Gjykatës së rrethit Tiranë, Tirana Cambist: Murat Ferruni Tel.: 04 2270349 Mobile:0672033222 “LADI CHANGE FXB LTD., VLORA Licence: No. 326, dated 05.01.2011. Address:Lagjja “Osman Haxhiu”, Pallati Nr. 537, Kati 1, tek Posta Qendrore, 128 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report Vlora Cambist:Lavdosh Ibrahimi Tel.: 033 239189 Mobile:0692150302 “MARPIONI FXB LTD., VLORA Licence: No. 327, dated 05.01.2011. Address:Lagja ‘‘Isa Buletini”, Rruga ‘‘Sadik Zotaj’’, pallati Nr. 1198, kati i 1, Vlora Cambist: Aristotel Papa Tel.: 033 222464 Mobile:0684024246 “LONDON TRAVEL FXB LTD., KAVAJA Licence: No. 328, dated 12.01.2011. Address:Lagja nr.2, rruga “Jurgen Trade“, lokali perballe ish-Bashkise, Kavaja Cambists: Aviola Kumbaro, Benet Kumbaro, Arjan Maliqati, Elmira Kumbara Tel.: 055 242667/5620 Fax: 055 242698 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a “E-RESULAJ FXB LTD., FIER Licence: No. 329, dated 14.04.2011. Address:Lagja “29 Nëntori”, rruga “Kastriot Muço”, pallati 6, kati 1, Fier Cambist: Edi Resulaj Tel.: 034 222111 Mobile:0696021221 “ITAL-MARKET FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 330, dated 14.04.2011. Address: Bulevardi “Bajram Curri”, pallatet “1 Maji”, nr. 24/2, Tirana Cambists: Fation Xhindoli, Jonida Ziu Tel.: 04 4517678 Mobile: 0692506620, 0692089105 “TAD FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 331, dated 05.05.2011. Address: Rruga “Robert Zhvarc”, Farke, Tirana Cambists: Albana Tahiraj, Marlen Tahiraj Tel.:042482850 Mobile:0674095578 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. “EGLANT & ANI FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 332, dated 25.05.2011. Address: Rr. “Bajram Curritit”, Pallati pranë lokalit Palma e Artë, Kati i 1, Tirana Cambists: Arjan Haxho, Viktor Haxho Tel.: 04 2263584 Mobile:0692388808 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. “UNION CITY PARK FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 333, dated 27.05.2011. Bank of Albania 129 2011 Supervision Annual Report Address: Autostrada Tiranë-Durrës, Km 10, Qendra Tregtare City Park, Vorë, Tirana Cambist: Eltjon Xhani Tel.: 04 509132 Mobile:0666055558 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. “ATLANTIKU LU-02 FXB LTD., LUSHNJA Licence: No. 334, dated 09.06.2011. Address:Lagja “Skënder Libohova”, Pallati 3 Katësh, në katin e parë, përballë Bashkisë, Lushnja Cambist: Enea Myftari Tel.: 035 222158 Mobile: 0682088548; 0695121898 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a “ADVI FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 335, dated 23.08.2011. Address: Rruga “Gjergj Fishta”, Dyqani nr.3, Kati i I-rë, Tirana Cambists: Viktor Hoxha, Adem Selamaj Mobile: 0682231100, 0682208668 “ILIA CIKO FXB LTD., KORÇA Licence: No. 336, dated 26.08.2011. Address:Lagja 7, Bulevardi “Shen Gjergji”, tek turizmi Behar Kocibelli, Korça Cambists: Ilia Ciko, Agron Paci Mobile:0692098683 “A.E.XH FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 337, dated 14.10.2011. Address: Rruga “Pandi Dardha”, Pallati 48/1, perballe ish-merkates se vjeter, Kati I, Njesia nr.2, Laprake, Tirana Cambists: Xhevat Lazri, Etjon Lazri Tel.:04256094 Mobile:0682000420 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. “DALANI 2011 FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 338, dated 24.10.2011. Address: Bulevardi “Bajram Curri”, Pallati nr.4, Shkalla Nr.3, Tirana Cambist: Altin Dalani Tel.: 04 2340874 Mobile:0693745732 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a GLEI EXCHANGE FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 339, dated 28.10.2011. Address: Sheshi “Sulejman Pasha”, Ndërtesa Nr.2, Hyrja Nr.3, Tirana Cambists: Fredi Vata, Doriana Vata Tel.: 04 2249730 Mobile:0682025111 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “Financial Union Tirana” Ltd. 130 Bank of Albania 2011 Supervision Annual Report KASTRO & MANDI FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 340, dated 09.11.2011. Address: Rruga “Kavajës”, Nr. 16, Tirana Cambists:Kozeta Shehu, Nertila Shehu, Kastriot Murati Tel.: 04 4816604 Mobile:0696274900 MARGI FXB LTD., ELBASAN Licence: No. 341, dated 10.11.2011. Address:Lagja Kongresi i Elbasanit, Bulevardi Qemal Stafa, Pallati nr.26, Kati i parë, Elbasan Cambists: Arben Kovaçi, Alfred Kaxhiu Tel.:54241921 Mobile:0672957002 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a E & H LILA FXB LTD., TIRANA Licence: No. 342, dated 15.11.2011. Address: Rruga e Durrësit, dyqani nr. 2, ngjitur me restorant “Napoli”, Tirana Cambist: File Lila Tel.: 04 451 9802 Mobile:0692059363 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a ENEA TRAVEL 2011 FXB LTD., POGRADEC Licence: No. 343, dated 21.11.2011. Address: Rruga “Kajo Karafili”, Lagja 167, Kati I, Pogradec Cambists: Marjan Fezollari, Enxhi Kulari Tel.:083226859 Mobile:0684815382 Acting as money transfer agent for the account of “AK INVEST” sh.a ÇAUSHI&ONJEA – 2010 FXB LTD., SARANDA Licence: No. 344, dated 22.12.2011. Address:Lagja nr. 2, godinë 4-katëshe, rruga “Onhezmi”, Saranda Cambists: Baftjar Çaushi, Qemal Onjea Mobile: 0692347843, 0692306451 Bank of Albania 131 2011 Supervision Annual Report 132 Bank of Albania