November 2014 Newsletter
November 2014 Newsletter
NOVEMBER 2014 You’re Invited! It's the end of the year! Come join us for a fun party! Annual DCTR Christmas Party Saturday, December 13th, 6:30 p.m. DCTR Clubhouse 816 N. 1750 Rd., Lawrence KS Clubhouse doors open at 5:30 p.m. and a potluck dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m. DCTR will provide the main course of chicken and ham. See the following list for suggested dishes to bring to share. Last names beginning with A-J K-S T-Z Please bring Vegetables or Sides Desserts Salads or Rolls Following dinner we will have a brief meeting to introduce next year's officers and recognize our outstanding members. Last but not least will be our popular Christmas Auction! Please bring a gift to be auctioned off to the highest bidder. Gifts can be horsey related but don’t have to be! We request that gifts not be wrapped or that an approximate value be marked on wrapped gifts. Please RSVP to Julie Springer by calling 785-979-1161. We do request an RSVP so we have an accurate headcount for dinner. Hope to see you there! Upcoming Events December 6 – Lawrence Old-Fashioned Christmas Parade, 11:00 a.m., Downtown Lawrence 13 - DCTR Christmas Party, 6:30 p.m. DCTR Clubhouse January 2 - Club Meeting, 6:30 p.m. dinner, 7:00 p.m. meeting February 6 – Club Meeting, 6:30 p.m., 7:00 p.m. meeting Get Your 2015 DCTR Events Calendar Don’t want to miss a single DCTR event in 2015? Then you’ll definitely want to buy the 2015 DCTR Events Calendar. They’re just $10 and will be on sale at the DCTR Christmas party. The calendar features photos of and by DCTR members and their horses participating in wide range of activities sponsored by DCTR. Dates for the monthly meetings, horse shows, trail rides and parades are preprinted on the calendar so you won’t miss a one. A big Thank You to Vice President Jenna Brumm for this great idea and for putting the calendar together. 2015 Officers and Board elected at November meeting The 2015 Officers and Board of Directors were elected during the November 7 membership meeting. Members attending received a preview of activities planned for the rest of 2014 and into the New Year. 2015 Officers: President: Bonnie Kern Vice President: Jenna Brumm Recording Secretary: Kirstyn Flohrschutz Corresponding Secretary: Julie DeYoung Treasurer: Lyric Bartz Board of Directors: Marty Bloomquist Kelley Hamsersky Dee Karlskint Bob Rombach Julie Springer Tammy Yergey Congratulations to all, and thank you for your willingness to serve. Come support DCTR at the Lawrence Christmas Parade The Lawrence OldFashioned Christmas Parade is one of the only horses-only parades in the US that attracts entries from all over the country. We are very fortunate to have it right here in Lawrence! This year’s parade is on Saturday December 6th, at 11:00 a.m. in downtown Lawrence. Members interested in riding should already have contacted Jenna Brumm at 785-766-7413 or All participants must have passed a DCTR parade evaluation and we highly recommend you have previous parade experience. No side walkers allowed. Members must wear DCTR Jackets, dark pants and Santa hat. Horses should be well groomed and will be decorated alike. We meet at the Douglas County Fairgrounds off Harper Street no later than 9:30 a.m. (this may be subject to change.) Downtown Lawrence has planned activities to attract people downtown before and after the parade. New this year are horse-drawn wagon rides in South Park (12th & Massachusetts Street) from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. DCTR has volunteered to provide assistants during the wagon rides. Volunteers will provide crowd control to help riders and horses stay safe. Please contact Jenna if you would like to help. Wagon rides are being provided by Robin Dunn of Dunn’s Landing in Wellsville, KS and Cecil Carter of 3C Carriage Co. of White City, KS. A nostalgic 10 minute holiday ride in Downtown Lawrence is $5 per person, tickets on sale at South Park on parade day only. You’ll find the full schedule of weekend activities here: After last year’s frigid cold, this week’s forecast looks balmy, so come on out, cheer for DCTR and stay for more fun activities in downtown Lawrence. DCTR is in the News! In case you missed it, DCTR’s 60th Anniversary was recognized with a feature article in the Better Horses magazine! This well-read publication reaches horsemen and women across the state, providing terrific exposure for the Club and its activities. Several DCTR officers were quoted, talking about the Club’s history and appeal to a broad spectrum of horse enthusiasts. Look for the printed edition at your local tack or feed store, or read the article online at ERBH Halloween Fun Show & Turkey Trot Raceo The newly renovated DCTR Arena was put through its paces in November with DCTR horse shows two weekends in a row. The November 1 Halloween Fun Show was well attended, with horses and their people dressed up for fun. Members and non-members participated in halter, performance and timed event classes and had a good time. On November 8, DCTR hosted the Turkey Trot Jackpot Raceo, with added money from sponsors and DCTR Board members. Following the Raceo, Larry Bartz conducted a Despooking/Parade evaluation for several new members who wish to ride in future parades. Both events brought in new members and additional income for the Club. A big THANK YOU to Show Director Jenna Brumm and to all the volunteers who came out to make the shows happen. Thanks to Cherrie Wasson for the great photos! And a special thanks to the Springers and the Concession Committee for the always delicious food. DCTR Members Recognized at KSHSC Year End Awards Congratulations to all the DCTR members who won Kansas State Horse Show Circuit Year End Awards. DCTR President Bonnie Kern was High Point Adult Showmanship, Horsemanship, and Equitation buckle winner. Sharon Leclair and her horse Dr. Zeus won Overall High Point Halter Horse. Bruce Leclair won a buckle for being the best Horse Show Hubby, too! DCTR Vice President Jenna Brumm, Catherine Kiernan, DCTR Board Member Dee Karleskint, Reese Miller, DCTR Board Member Kelley Hamersky, Kevin Webb, Keaton Holding, Peggy Wenger and Lucas Holding were also winners. Five Wenger-bred and raised horses were award winners! Centered Riding Instructor Jenna Brumm had seven students who won awards in addition to her own. Great job by everyone and congratulations to all! KSHSC will be celebrating 50 years in 2015. DCTR has been a long-time supporter of this great organization and we look forward to helping KSHSC celebrate next year. Douglas County Trail Riders 816 N. 1750 Road, Lawrence, KS 66049