tablet - Temple Beth Rishon


tablet - Temple Beth Rishon
September 2014
Join us for High Holiday
Services @ TBR!
Elul 5774 / Tishrei 5775
Shabbat, Festival &
Holiday Services ......................... 2
Rabbi’s Message .......................... 3
Cantor’s Message ........................ 4
President’s Message.................... 5
Wednesday 9/24
Thursday 9/25
Friday 9/26
Friday 10/3
Saturday 10/4
Erev Rosh Hashanah
6:00 pm Services
Rosh Hashanah 1st Day
Schools & Office Closed
9:30 am Services
11:00 am Youth Program
5:00 pm Family Service
5:30 pm Tashlich
6:00 pm Mincha
Rosh Hashanah 2nd Day
Schools & Office Closed
9:30 am Services
11:00 am Youth Program
6:30 pm Services
Erev Yom Kippur
7:00 pm Kol Nidre Service
Yom Kippur
9:30 am Services
11:00 am Youth Program
1:30 pm Yizkor
5:00 pm Mincha/Neilah/Havdala
VP Religion Message..……………6
Special Services......................... 14
Adult Education ......................... 16
Sukkot Services……………...…..20
Preschool News…………………..21
Religious School News.............. 22
Youth Group News ..................... 24
Around the Temple .................... 25
Tribute Cards ............................. 27
Yahrzeits ..................................... 30
What Is Awesome About
The Days Of Awe?
Tuesday, September 16
At 7:00 pm
Join us for an evening of learning
and spiritual preparation for the
High Holy Days!
See page 10 for details!
September 2014
Service Schedule
Upcoming Shabbat, Festival & Holiday
Service Schedule
Friday, September 5
**6:30 pm
**New time for Shabbat Evening
Shabbat Evening Service
Candle lighting 7:06PM
Saturday, September 6
10:00 am
Shabbat Morning Service
Haftarah: Deanna & Daryn Javer
Friday, September 12
6:30 pm
Shabbat Evening Service
Candle lighting 6:54PM
Saturday, September 13
10:00 am
Shabbat Morning Service
B’nei Mitzvah:
AJ & Michael Christian
Meditative Shabbat Services
10:00 am
Friday, September 19
6:30 pm
Shabbat Evening Service
Candle lighting 6:42PM
Saturday, September 20
Nosh & Drash
Shabbat Morning Service
Haftarah: Fern Wilensky
Auerbach Family Babynaming
9:00 am
10:00 am
8:30 pm
Pre-Selichot Program: “Ethical Wills”
at Temple Beth Tikvah, Wayne, NJ
Followed by Selichot Service
10:00 pm
Wednesday, September 24
6:00 pm
Erev Rosh Hashanah Services
Candle lighting 6:34PM
9:30 am
5:00 pm
5:30 pm
6:00 pm
Rosh Hashanah 1st Day
Family Service
Tashlich Service
Mincha Service
Candle lighting 6:31PM
9:30 am
6:30 pm
Rosh Hashanah 2nd Day
Shabbat Evening Service
Candle lighting 6:30PM
Thursday, September 25
Friday, September 26
Saturday, September 27
10:00 am
Shabbat Morning Service
Haftarah: Claire Taub
Page 2
Rabbi’s Message
September 2014
From the Rabbi’s Desk...
Many of us have been scattered for the summer. I was on vacation during July
and the Cantor was away in August. We’re back together again, looking forward
to serving the congregation for another year. Can you believe that this is my 20 th
year with the congregation and the Cantor’s 27th?
I want to welcome back from camp all of the kids who were away from their
parents, many at sleep away camps, with their friends, growing up, maturing and having the time of
their lives. I trust that many couples used the opportunity to reconnect with one another, enjoying
some quality couple time together.
Now it’s back to the yearly cycle, with both secular and religious schools beginning shortly, the
beginning of sports practices, which means driving the kids to the games, along with all of the extracurricular activities the new season presents.
With that said, we all know that the High Holy Days are not far off. Both Rosh Hashanah and Yom
Kippur are days devoted to self-reflection, and self-examination. Each of us will reflect on the changes
we plan to make in our lives which we hope will bring us greater satisfaction and personal fulfillment.
The month of Elul is the month of spiritual introspection, or “cheshbon hanefesh.” It is a time to ask
ourselves a series of questions so that we might direct our thinking toward improving the quality of our
Steven Goodier, author of numerous books about personal development, motivation, inspiration, and
making needed life changes writes: “Fifty people over the age of 90 were asked to reflect upon their
lives. If you had it to do over again, what would you do differently?"
Though there were many answers, three responses dominated. Here they are:
First, many respondents answered, "I would reflect more." Second, they said, "I would risk more."
Finally, they said, "I would do more things that would live on after I died.
Reflect more.
Risk more.
Leave a legacy.
These are what our elders say they would do the second time around.
So he asks: But why wait for a second time around? Every new day is a second chance!”
Friends, Rosh Hashanah gives us a second chance! May each of us be wise enough to utilize the
time to make changes in our lives which will bring us greater personal satisfaction and intense
spiritual fulfillment.
I want to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a Shanah Tovah U’metukah, a sweet and
wonderful New Year 5775. May the New Year bring good health, time to reflect, to risk and to leave a
Shanah Tovah!
Rabbi Dr. Kenneth A. Emert
Page 3
Cantor’s Message
September 2014
From the Cantor’s Desk...
“Tradition is the enemy of progress!” Carol and I heard that provocative statement made during
our recent trip to the American West and its national parks. These words were used to describe
the American government’s attitude towards the Native Americans during the latter part of the 19 th
century. We are Jewish, and the essence of our survival and identity is tradition. Therefore, this
attitude really hit a nerve. We spent a little over two weeks on a bus tour with our friends, Tzvi and
Veronica, mostly exploring the beauty of our national parks. In 1969, I took a motorcycle trip from
New York City to California and back. I toured California up and down but never stopped at any of
the national parks on the way; I was 21 years old and in a rush.
Forty-five years later, it was time to go back and see
what I had missed. Of course, sitting on a bus for over
2,200 miles is not for the faint of heart, but we survived.
In fact, some of our fellow travelers would jokingly describe this trip as an excursion to visitor centers, gift
shops, rest rooms, and motels, with an occasional stop at
some national park. However, those occasional stops
were really worth it. We had the opportunity to explore
the most beautiful sights our country has to offer. We
experienced the vastness and natural beauty of Yellowstone Park, where the buffalo and elk really do roam undisturbed in the fields (and on the roads) and where Old
Faithful erupts like clockwork. We appreciated the splendor of the ice caps and snow drifts of the Tetons. We
absolutely loved the majesty of Bryce and Zion National
Parks. They may not be as large or as well-known as
Yellowstone or the Grand Canyon, but they were our favorites. And, of course, there was the Grand Canyon
itself. It was grand. It was magnificent. Yes, we took
lots of photos, but the photos don’t tell the story. You
have to be there; it is a spiritual experience. You feel the
presence of God and God’s hand in all that beauty. In
addition, we marveled at the creative and physical ingenuity of the 13th century Indians in Mesa Verde, Colorado, who built dwellings that resembled small, modern
apartment buildings carved right into the mountains.
Besides experiencing the beauty our country has to offer,
we also learned about the people who were here before
us, the Native Americans, commonly known as the American Indians. What we learned was quite disturbing. In a
nutshell, the indigenous people of this land were ignored
and eventually displaced for the sake of white civilization.
As they pushed westward, white people made a faint attempt to accommodate the Indian nations, but when that
impeded what our government termed as progress, the
native peoples were simply pushed aside and “resettled.”
While the Civil War was raging and Abraham Lincoln was
fighting to free the slaves, the Union Army was pushing
the Indians off their native lands in the western territories.
After the Civil War, it only got worse. The motto of the
American Congress and the military became “tradition is
the enemy of progress.” The Indians could no longer
remain on their lands and continue their traditional way of
life, since it interfered with what those in power determined to be progress. My friend Tzvi, who is a professional Jewish educator, and I saw a pattern very similar
to the Jewish experience in Europe, starting in the Middle
Ages and continuing to modern times. In the Indian experience, the “new Americans” moved west, settling on
Indian lands. At first, there would be cooperation. Then,
educational and economic limitations and social marginalization would be forced on the Indians, and eventually,
there would be confrontation. The Jewish experience in
Europe was similar, except that the Jews were sometimes invited by the king or the native population to settle. Next, the economic, educational, and social discrimination would spread at the whim of the king or present
ruler or church leader, and eventually, there would be a
pogrom. Eventually, both peoples were excluded from
life among the general population. The Indians were resettled in reservations, the Jews in ghettos.
On one of the last evenings of our trip, I watched the
movie Fiddler on the Roof for the umpteenth time. The
last shot of the movie brought home to me one difference
between the Indian and Jewish experiences. In the last
scene, Tevya is starting the long trek with his family to
America, the “Goldene Medineh,” the Land of the Free,
because after many generations of living in Eastern Europe, life has become unbearable for the Jews. Tevya
looks behind him towards the shtetl he is abandoning,
and there is the fiddler, who slowly begins playing the
song “Tradition.” Tevya listens, smiles, and motions for
the fiddler to join him. The implication is that the Jews
will bring their traditions to America, the land that will accept them. And yet, that same America could not accept
or tolerate the traditions of its own native inhabitants.
On behalf of my wife, Carol, my son, Noah, my daughter,
Aliza, my father, Arthur, and my mother-in-law, Irene, I
would like to wish our Beth Rishon community an enjoyable, healthy, and sweet new year.
Shanna Tova Umetukah,
Page 4
Cantor Ilan Mamber
President’s Message
September 2014
From the President’s Desk…
The Summer of Feeling Unsettled
For most people, the summer offers well deserved opportunities for rest and
relaxation. It’s a time for barbecues, swimming pools, beaches, vacations, day
trips, eating outdoors, taking walks and just sipping lemonade on the porch.
Kids get to stay up later and parents get to go out more. Most people try to shift
their normal pace down to a slower gear.
For me, this summer was different. Many things seemed very unsettling. I was very distracted and
concerned with the situation in Israel. I know so many people who travelled there this summer.
Some went on solidarity trips which I very much wish I could have joined. Others were on family
vacations that they decided not to cancel. Some of my friends’ children went on their birthright trip
as their parents waited on pins and needles for their return. And my son – spent 10 days in Israel for
work and only informed me of a few of his visits to a bomb shelter. There was an amazing rally in
support of Israel attended by over 2400 people. The misrepresentations in the media about Israel
and the constant Facebook postings, tweets and ridiculous headlines – made my head spin. And
then, to top it off, there have been protestors in front of the Boulder Run Shopping Center exploiting
the Palestinian cause and berating Israel.
In addition, the anti-Semitic situation in Europe is obviously escalating. Incidents in Paris, Berlin,
Frankfurt, Rome, London and other European cities indicate a definite worldwide uneasiness that
makes me uncomfortable. In contrast, I would see pictures posted on Facebook of friends and acquaintances on their summer vacation standing near the Rhine, posing next to the Eiffel Tower and
admiring the Roman ruins. They look so happy – can the situation really be that bad? It all just
leaves me feeling unsettled.
At the same time, my youngest son, left for college. I remember wheeling Josh in a stroller as an
infant into the synagogue and now, my baby left the nest and is spending the next four years in Happy Valley. He is thrilled and adjusting easily – I on the other hand – feel unsettled.
I like to be rooted – as most people do. So when I drive by my community shopping center and see
protestors, and hear my beloved Israel being so ridiculously scrutinized and criticized and read about
swastikas and hate chants – and then come home to another empty bedroom – I feel unsettled.
So I’m actually looking forward to the summer ending. There are some things I will miss – longer
days, warmer weather and summer cocktails. But - I am looking forward to my routine returning, to
the High Holy Days and to our community gathering together. I feel safe at TBR. I feel comfortable at
TBR. It keeps me grounded and connected, and when I am at the Temple, no matter what craziness
is going on, I feel settled. I appreciate that – this summer more than anyone can imagine.
I look forward to seeing you in a few weeks.
Laura Freeman, Temple President
Page 5
Service Information
September 2014
A Message from the VP of Religion
Shalom Chaverim After a great deal of discussion and deliberation, the ritual committee, with the approval of
the Board of Trustees, has decided to make the following change. In an effort to improve
our worship service attendance and encourage families to come to services on Shabbat,
we will be changing the start time for ALL Friday night Shabbat evening services to 6:30
pm. The services will only be 45 minutes and we will encourage everyone to go home and
have a meaningful Shabbat dinner afterwards. This is being done on a trial basis
beginning with the Shabbat evening service on Friday, September 5, 2014.
We realize this change may not work for everyone but we feel we need to try this new format which is
something many synagogues around the country are trying. We would like to increase our attendance at Friday
evening services and hope this may help accomplish that. This time change is being modeled after our Erev
Rosh Hashanah time change which was very successful.
I would be happy to speak to anyone who has any concerns or questions about this change. In the meantime, I
hope you "try" to fit this new time table into your busy schedule.
David Klyde, M.D.
VP, Religion
SELICHOT—Saturday, September 20th
8:30 PM – 11:00 PM
A Service of Spiritual Preparation for the High Holy Days
At Temple Beth Tikvah
950 Preakness Ave., Wayne, NJ
Sponsored by: Temple Beth Rishon,
Beth Haverim-Shir Shalom & Temple Beth Tikvah
8:30 PM Program – Ethical Wills: Advice to my Children
Led by: Rabbi Stephen Wylen, Rabbi Kenneth Emert,
Rabbi Joel Mosbacher, Rabbi Daniel Kirzane,
Rabbi Lois Ruderman,
9:45 PM - Musical Prelude
10:00 PM - Havdalah Ceremony and Selichot Prayers
Featuring: Cantor Charles Romalis, Cantor Ilan Mamber, Cantor David Perper,
Cantor Faith Steinsnyder, Cantor Summer Greenwald-Gonella,
Janet Sosinsky: Keyboard, Sylvia Rubin: Violin, Mark Kantrowitz: Guitar,
with the combined choirs of TBR, TBT & BHSS.
Refreshments will be served.
Page 6
High Holiday Seating
September 2014
Page 7
High Holiday News
September 2014
Order delicious challah for your holiday dinners!
Cost: $5.00 per challah
Challahs will be available for pick-up:
Tuesday, September 23rd from 10 am—2 pm &
Wednesday, September 24th from 9 am—12 pm.
Proceeds to benefit the Preschool.
Any questions, please contact Debby Landesman at 201-891-6074 or
High Holiday Challah ORDER FORM
Please return order form with money or check by Friday, September 12th.
Please make checks payable to: Temple Beth Rishon.
Orders will not be processed until they are paid in full.
Name: ____________________
____x $5.00 =______Total
Telephone#: _____________
REMINDER: Please bring your own tallit and head covers for
High Holiday services.
New Time for Erev Rosh Hashana Service!
On Wednesday, September 24th at 6:00 pm there will be a
short “heimish” early Erev Rosh Hashanah service. This
service is open to non-members. Please bring your dinner
guests and relatives, and enjoy your holiday meal after the
service with them.
The Yom Kippur Yizkor Memorial Service on Saturday,
October 4th at 1:30 pm is open to non-members.
Free tickets can be picked up at the temple office.
Page 8
High Holiday Babysitting
September 2014
The TBR Youth Group will be offering babysitting services for children ages 2 through 5 during the High
Holidays. There is a fee of $18 per family, per session, for up to three children if pre-registered by Monday,
September 15, 2014. Anyone registering after September 15, 2014, or walk-ins will be charged $25.
Please bring the attached form along with your check to the Temple office no later than Monday,
September 15, 2014. Checks should be made out to Temple Beth Rishon. You may also fax your form to the
Temple office with your credit card information (see below.) The fax # is 201-891-0508.
There is a NEW Drop-off procedure…When you check your child in, you and your child will receive a wristband for security purposes. Your child must wear the bracelet for drop off and pick
up. Whom ever is picking up your child MUST have the correct bracelet with the corresponding
number. This is to ensure safety and to keep track of who has left the babysitting room for the day.
Please drop-off your child in the appropriate babysitting room. You must check in at the front of
the Preschool area and receive your bracelet there.
*2 & 3 year-olds will be in classrooms 7 & 8.
*4 & 5 year-olds will be in classroom 4.
*Please note that any child in diapers must be checked/changed by the parent periodically.
Babysitters are not responsible for changing diapers.
* Kosher snacks and water will be provided during babysitting time.
L’Shana Tova, Jana Schwartz, Youth Director
PARENT’S NAME: _____________________ ADDRESS: _____________________________
CONTACT #: ___________________________EMAIL CONTACT:_____________________
CHILD’S NAME: ________________ALLERGIES:____________ AGE:___
CHILD’S NAME: ________________ALLERGIES:____________ AGE:___
CHILD’S NAME: ________________ALLERGIES:____________ AGE:___
Please check all appropriate lines:
Erev Rosh Hashanah
1st Day Rosh Hashanah
2nd Day Rosh Hashanah
Kol Nidre
Yom Kippur (incl. Yizkor)
Wednesday, September 24
Thursday, September 25
Friday, September 26
Friday, October 3
Saturday, October 4
Pre-registration check of $18 per family per session should be handed in to the Temple office no
later than Monday, September 15, 2014, and made payable to: Temple Beth Rishon. You may also
charge your registration fee. All proceeds go to youth activity programs.
◊ Check enclosed
◊ Credit Card #:____________________________________
Mastercard, Visa, Amex (circle one) Exp. Date:____/____
Security Code #:__________
*Please be advised that there is a 2.5% fee on all credit card transactions.
Page 9
High Holiday Education
September 2014
Visit the ”Adult Education” tab at for more information about these programs.
What Is Awesome About the Days of Awe?
Tzeh Ulmad
(Come and Learn)!
The High Holiday season is a paradox for many. On one hand these are awesome
days, full of tradition and history. Days we are told determine the destiny of our
lives. Yom Kippur invokes a sense of awe and sanctity.
Yet how many of us are truly transformed on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur?
Tzeh Ulmed, come learn, practical and spiritual tools to revitalize and invigorate
your High Holiday experience.
Date: Tuesday, September 16th, 2014
Time: 7:00 pm - 9:30pm
RSVP by Friday, September 5th to the temple office.
Join us for an evening of learning and spiritual preparation for the High Holidays
as expressed by ritual, meaningful prayers and music!
Presented by Rabbi Emert, Rabbi Zelazo, and Hazzan Mamber
Dessert and Coffee will be served.
**Babysitting will be available but must be arranged prior to workshop.
Page 10
Ad Journal/Datebook/Directory
September 2014
The “Faces of Beth Rishon”
Dear Friends,
We hope that you are enjoying your Summer. As we approach another busy
Fall at Temple Beth Rishon, we have started preparing our Ad Journal - a
combination Directory/Datebook serving as a Temple calendar, member
directory, and information source for life at Beth Rishon in 2014-2015. The Ad
Journal is used and enjoyed by congregants throughout the upcoming year as
an important and helpful resource for overall life at TBR.
This year's Ad Journal proudly honors the "Faces of Beth Rishon": our
office team of Nancy Wellington, Kris Len, and Lisa Milowsky, and our
custodial team of Victor Rodriguez, Tony Fonseca, and Denis Cane. Nancy has been with the Temple for over 20 years since March 1994; Kris has been
with the Temple for almost 15 years since December 2000; Lisa has been with
the Temple for almost 7 years since September 2007; Victor has been with the
Temple for over 10 years since January 2004; Tony has been with the Temple
for over 10 years since April 2004; and Denis has been with the Temple for
almost 2 years since December 2012.
We are happy to recognize these six individuals for all of their hard work, dedication, and commitment on behalf of Beth Rishon . Most, if not all, of us have
had the opportunity to interact with, to work with, and to get to know each of
them in some way over the years. Simply put, both individually and collectively, Nancy, Kris, Lisa, Victor, Tony, and
Denis play an integral role in helping to ensure that the Temple runs as smoothly as it does on a daily basis. It is
fitting that we recognize them through the Ad Journal.
The Ad Journal also provides us with a special opportunity to honor our children and grandchildren by placing an ad or
listing their names, as well as to place an ad extending holiday greetings to our Temple community.
In addition, local merchants use the Ad Journal to support Beth Rishon by placing ads to thank us for our continued
patronage. Please consider advertising your own business to your friends, family, and greater Temple community.
Please know that the monies we raise from the Ad Journal not only help to sustain the Temple's many activities, but
also help to ensure the Temple’s viability.
We anticipate distributing the Ad Journal to the entire congregation over the Yom Kippur high holiday. To place an ad,
please complete the enclosed form and then mail, fax, or email (along with any advertisement art in a pdf or jpeg file)
it back to the Temple by September 17th. You can also donate to the Ad Journal via PayPal on the Temple’s website
(, in which case please email your accompanying ad to Kris Len at the Temple office
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Kris Len or Steve Friedland (
Thank you very much for your consideration and support.
Very truly yours,
Laura Freeman
Steve Friedland
VP, Fundraising
Page 11
Ad Journal/Datebook/Directory
September 2014
Page 12
September 2014
Kol Nidre
2014 Kol Nidre Appeal
The summer is continuing to move forward, our children and grandchildren will soon be back in school, and
the High Holidays are approaching. This is the time that we traditionally contemplate our responsibilities as Jews,
both to our community and to our synagogue. These responsibilities are especially heightened this year, as our
brothers and sisters in Israel endure the most recent war for their survival.
We have been honored with the mitzvah of asking for your support as part of the New Year (5774) Kol Nidre
Appeal. As many of you know, our dues provide less than 40% of the temple’s operating budget, and our fundraising
activities generate the other 60% with the Kol Nidre Appeal being the single most important and largest fundraising
effort. On Erev Yom Kippur, you will hear us make the annual plea for financial assistance to help us keep Judaism
in our community alive and well. With your support, we know that our congregation will be successful.
In 1964, Look Magazine ran a cover story entitled, “The Vanishing American Jew”. They predicted that,
because of the low Jewish birthrate and rising rates of assimilation, Jews would experience a precipitous decline in
numbers by the year 2000 as a percentage of the overall American population. Forty years later, look at the Jewish
people, and look at what happened to Look Magazine!
One of the ways in which we can continue to demonstrate and ensure our longevity, despite our relatively low
birthrate, is by supporting Temple Beth Rishon - the most critical institution for teaching our children about Judaism,
and for passing on our traditions, culture, and spiritual identity to our children and our children’s children
(L’Dor V’Dor).
If you have not been to the temple recently, we urge you to visit our just completed fabulous new hi-tech
education wing, which we were able to build with your support in order to make this Bet Midrash (House of Learning)
a strong, thriving institution for generations to come.
The temple understandably means different things to each of us, and which brings to mind a fitting parable:
“When I was young, I asked my father, 'If you don’t believe in God, why do you go to synagogue so
regularly?' My father answered, 'Jews go to synagogue for all kinds of reasons. My friend Garfinkle,
who is Orthodox, goes to talk to God. I go to talk to Garfinkle.'”
Whatever your reasons might be for coming to services or for getting involved in the temple, without your
support, Beth Rishon will not be here for us or for the next generation without everyone pitching in some way. For
those of you pledging $1,000.00 or more, your name will be inscribed on the President’s Counsel plaque in the lobby;
and, for those of you pledging $500.00 or more, your name will be inscribed on the Leadership Circle plaque there.
From our family to your family, we wish you L’Shanah Tovah and thank you for your continued support.
Lydia & Jack Zakim
Kol Nidre Chairpersons
Steven Friedland
VP, Fundraising
Page 13
Special Services
September 2014
Visit the “Observance” tab at for more information about these programs.
Special September Services
“A Peaceful Shabbat”:
A Meditative Shabbat
With Rabbi Ziona Zelazo
Upcoming Saturdays
from 10-11am:
October 18th
November 22nd
December 13th
September Food Drive
To Benefit The Center
for Food Action
Collection baskets
are located in the
front lobby.
Items must be non-perishable.
Please check expiration dates.
Enjoy this great outdoor experience
with your community!
Led by Ron Rosensweig
There will be a hike on trails with
moderate difficulty and a short service.
*Meet at TBR @ 8:00 am.
We will carpool to
Ramapo Mountain State Forest.
Expect to return to TBR no later
than 11:30 am.
9/20: (6th & 7th grades only)
10/11, 11/1: Everyone Welcome
Please wear comfortable attire.
Sneakers or hiking shoes are a must!
Be Prepared!
Bring your own water, bug spray,
sunscreen, snacks, etc.
RSVP to the
Temple office
Thank you for your generosity!
Page 14
September 2014
Special Services
Visit the Adult Education” tab at for more information about these programs.
At Temple Beth Rishon
Mind, Body & Spirituality
Start Shabbat with a Jewish twist
Welcome Shabbat with congregant Sharon Javer, certified hatha yoga instructor, for an
hour long class featuring a practice that flows to Jewish music and centers on
aligning the body and the spirit.
Suitable for all levels, modifications are offered for all poses, with verbal instruction and
physical positioning by the instructor throughout the entire class.
Saturday, September 20th at 9am
Please wear comfortable clothing and bring a mat!
Upcoming ShabbAHsana: October 25 and November 15
Yom Kippur is right around the corner!
We hope you are all able to join us for a wonderful Break Fast again this year
provided at the temple for the entire congregation to share.
To make it happen, we need volunteers:
Bake: traditional homemade dishes (i.e. noodle pudding) and desserts
(i.e. coffee cake, cookies, brownies, strudel).
Cut bagels, set up food on rolling carts.
During Mincha and Neila to put food out on tables.
During Break Fast to make sure that empty platters are refilled and/or
After Break Fast to help with clean up.
Please email Gail Niederman:, to let her know when and how you
can help. Thanks for allowing us to continue this special Temple Beth Rishon tradition!
Page 15
September 2014
Adult Education
Visit the ”Adult Education” tab at for more information about these programs.
Reader’s Circle Book Club:
Come Read with Us!
The new season for our book club will begin on Thursday, September 4 when
we review NNJFederation’s One Book/One Community pick title for the year,
The Golem and the Jinni by Helene Wecker. Susan Gorelick will be our
The book chronicles a chance meeting between mythical beings by taking readers on a dazzling
journey through cultures in turn-of-the-century New York. Chava is a golem, a creature made of clay,
brought to life to by a disgraced rabbi who dabbles in dark Kabbalistic magic and dies at sea on the
voyage from Poland. Ahmad is a jinni, a being of fire born in the ancient Syrian desert, trapped in an
old copper flask, and released in New York City, though still not entirely free. Ahmad and Chava become unlikely friends and soul mates with a mystical connection.
To help celebrate the One Book/One Community initiative, our book club will be deciding on a suitable activity. We hope you will join with us for this selection.
Due to the high holiday schedule, we will not be meeting in October.
We are looking forward to November when Stan Cohen will be reviewing Shylock’s Daughter by
Mirjam Pressler.
This is our fifth year as The Reader’s Circle Book Club of Temple Beth Rishon. Our group has
attracted people of all ages and varying interests who have found common ground in discussion and
the sharing of information. Please come read with us and share the experience. All meetings commence at 7:30 PM. For more information, please contact Diane Gess:
Nosh & Drash
Bible, bagels, coffee and commentary
Join Rabbi Lois Ruderman, our new Rabbinic Intern, as we explore the
Torah portion together to build familiarity with our sacred text and to get
acquainted with some of its most provocative commentators,
ancient and modern.
From 9:00 - 10:00 am
Upcoming Saturdays:
September 13th & 20th, October 11th & 18th, November 1st &15th
Page 16
Around the
Home Hospitality
September 2014
Home Hospitality July 18th, 2014
Hosted by Lydia & Jack Zakim
Thank you to Lydia and Jack Zakim who
hosted our Home Hospitality Shabbat in
July. We couldn’t have asked for a better
day…The weather cooperated, we had a
beautiful Shabbat evening service and a
delicious dinner was enjoyed by all who
Thank you to everyone who helped out!
Page 17
Welcome New Members!
September 2014
Temple Beth Rishon Welcomes our Newest Members!
(As of 8/15/14)
Joel & Liane Adler reside in Wanaque
with their son Jordan
David & Cheryl Kiviat reside in Ringwood
with their children Trevor & Raina
Joel & Kim Ansh reside in Franklin Lakes
with their children Leah & Benjamin
Jim & Audrey Kopple reside in Wanaque
Michael & Margaret Kurnov reside in Ringwood
Steve & Elyse Bandel reside in Ridgewood
with their children Alexandra & Jake
Jack & Susan Levkowitz reside in West Milford
Howard & Michelle Bergstein reside in Franklin Lakes
with their children Isabelle, Madeline & Cassandra
Larry & Marni Bernstein reside in Ramsey
with their children Devyn & Tyler
Eric & Diane Brice reside in Wyckoff
with their children Julia & Jack
Carolee Mendelson resides in Middleboro
Jason Okin resides in Ringwood
Gary & Marilyn Oppenheimer reside in Newfoundland
with their daughter Leah
Peter & Lori Pickail reside in Ringwood
Jake & Terry Feldman reside in Ringwood
with their daughter Arielle
Steve & Julie Ann Rikon reside in Ringwood
Alexander & Meredith Riss reside in Wyckoff
with their son Holden
Jason & Doreen Glantz reside in Wyckoff
with their children Stephanie & Juliette
Brian & Marla Robinson reside in Allendale
with their children Carly & Josie
Fred & Kristin Glassman reside in New York
with their children Andrew & Abigail
Sam & Audrey Schaffner reside in Ringwood
Steven & Terri Hecht reside in Franklin Lakes
with their children Madison & Samantha
Jack & Debra Schwartz reside in Ringwood
Michael & Danielle Heller reside in Wyckoff
with their children Chloe & Shane
Jay & Melanie Shancey reside in Ringwood
Carol Sheldon resides in Hackensack
Avrum & Michelle Joffe reside in North Haledon
with their children Noah & Sydney
Richard & Faith Spaulding reside in Ringwood
Jamie & Jana Katcher reside in Ridgewood
with their daughter Maya
Neil & Deborah Weber reside in Allendale
with their children Alexandra & Theodore
Larry & Eileen Kirschbrown reside in Wanaque
with their daughter Alexandra
Andrew Weinstein resides in Wanaque
Lorin & Barbara Kislak reside in Wyckoff
with their son Matthew
If you know anyone who is “Shul Shopping,” moving into the area or is
not sure what to do about joining a synagogue, please contact the
temple office so we can reach out to them. We have a fabulous new
education wing, an amazing new religious school director and a great
preschool program. 201-891-4466 or
Page 18
Board & Trustees
September 2014
Mazel Tov and Thank You!
to all our new and continuing officers and trustees
Laura Freeman
VP Religion:
Dr. David Klyde
VP Fundraising:
Steven Friedland
VP Communications:
Eric Levy
VP Religious School:
Alyson Cohn
VP Early Childhood Education:
Dr. Diane Gess
VP Membership and Activities:
Stacey Frenkel
VP Building and Grounds:
Jeff Polevoy
VP Finance:
Steven Dressler
Marshall Berman
Curtis Nassau
Robert Cahn
David Opper
Ken Esterow
Dara Pasternack
Sharon Glassman
Will Rukin
Marianne Goodman
Barry Siverman
Joyce Greenberg
Beth Sparozic
Abi Grossman
Zahava Trosten
Scott Kahn
Lydia Zakim
Manny Kaplan
Our congregation is fortunate to have such dedicated and generous
people helping to continually improve our Temple!
Page 19
September 2014
Wednesday, October 8th
Festival Service: 6:00 pm
BBQ & Bonfire: 6:45 pm (on the patio)
Anyone under the age of 10 must be accompanied by an adult.
If the weather doesn’t cooperate, we will have a sing along session inside
with Cantor Ilan Mamber.
Please make sure that you bring a blanket and
a sweatshirt in case it is chilly.
RSVP to the Temple office by Monday, October 6th at
Sukkot Festival Service
Thursday, October 9th at 10:30 am
followed by a Festival Luncheon at 12:00 pm.
Please RSVP to the Temple if you will be attending the Luncheon
15th Annual Sukkah Hop
Sunday, October 12th
Bring the Family and HOP on over to Rabbi Emert’s
house! There will be Food, Fun and Festival Singing!
The fun will continue at our next destination.
If you are interested in hosting during the
Sukkah Hop, please contact the
temple office - 201-891-4466.
Page 20
April 2014
Preschool News
September 2014
Visit the “Youth Education” tab at for more information about these programs
Andrew Friedland Preschool News
Debby Landesman, Director
Camp Little Feet was a wonderful eight week program of outdoor fun and science
exploration for 19 of our preschoolers. We ran through sprinklers and rode our trikes. We
played on our brand new playground and grew our own strawberries and beans and
lettuce and tomatoes. We explored the denizens of our pond and learned about a
preying mantis that hopped into our classroom.
And now we're moving back into our brand new, fully reconstructed education wing, with
our Smartboards to help us extend our learning. We are ready to learn and grow, explore
and discover, and make new friends as we treasure the friends we have. We are a
kehillah and we all work together.
September brings happy faces eager to participate, to learn and to have lots of fun. It is a
month full of nature and religion. While we taste the incredible fall bounty of apples,
and make charts and graphs telling everyone our favorites, we know that apples and
Rosh Hashanah go hand in hand. So we dip apples in honey and wish everyone a Happy New Year. We cook
with our apples, making cakes and pies and apple sauce.
The Early Room, with its 8:30 drop-off, and our After School Activities begin this month. The After School
classes allow children to extend their day participating in karate, soccer, messy art, math and cooking.
Our first class of Playgroup begins on Tuesday, September 23rd. It is a FREE, drop-in program for our very
youngest. It is an opportunity for Moms, Dads, Grandparents or caregivers to come to school with the babies
and meet one another. It is a joy to watch the babies as they turn over, sit up, crawl and then walk. They
explore the classroom filled with toys and activities and meet their first friends. If you know anyone with a baby,
please tell them about this class.
And for those who have children over one, we have our Mom & Tot class. This class meets every Thursday
from 9:00-10:30 and includes art activities, movement, music, story telling and a snack. This class will begin on
October 2nd.
I am thrilled to welcome Gonen Arad and his family to our Temple Beth Rishon family. Gonen and I have been
working together all summer and I look forward to collaborating with him for years to come.
A Happy and Healthy New Year to everyone.
L'Shanah Tovah,
Debby Landesman
Support the Preschool
by purchasing delicious Challah
for the Holidays…
See page 8 for more details!
Page 21
Religious School News
September 2014
Addison M. & Elizabeth Opper Religious School News
Gonen Arad, Director
As the new Director of Temple Beth Rishon’s Religious School, it is my
sincere pleasure and honor to become a member of this great school
community. Temple Beth Rishon has a rich history of religious studies and
cultural excellence that is the result of a mutual partnership between the
school staff and parents who provide a diversity of experiences for the
students. I am looking forward to working with the dedicated staff to provide
the best and most enjoyable Jewish educational program for our students.
The Bible refers to Rosh Hashanah as Yom Ha-Zikaron (the day of
remembrance), a day in which we are commanded to remember our past
and be grateful for all that we have accomplished so far. Rosh Hashanah is
indeed a time in which we set up new goals and plans for the new year, but it is also an opportunity
for us to commemorate special times and events from our past.
As you reflect on the past year and prepare for the High Holy Days, waiting to fill up on apples &
honey, please take a moment to plan your time and mark your calendars. September is a busy
I would like to wish you all Shana Tovah Umetuka - A Good and Sweet Year. May this year be full of
success, love, health, wealth and joy!
Gonen Arad
September Religious School Dates:
Sundays (K- 5th Grade): September 7th, 9:30am – First Day of Religious School
September 14th, September 21st, September 28th
Tuesdays (3rd- 4th Grade): September 9th, September 16th, September 23rd, September 30th
Wednesdays (6th- 8th Grade): September 10th, September 17th
September 11th (5th Grade), September 18th (5th & 9th Grade)
Special Events: September, Thursday 25th, 11am - Rosh Hashana Youth Program
September, Friday 26th, 11am - Rosh Hashana Youth Program
Page 22
Bar Mitzvah
September 2014
Meet Our Upcoming B’nei Mitzvah
AJ Christian: Hello, my name is AJ Christian, and I will become a Bar Mitzvah
on September 13th. In addition to my mom and dad, I have a twin brother,
Michael and a little sister, Jessica. I also have a pet dog, Coco and a pet guinea
pig, Whiskers. I enjoy reading, swimming, and fencing. During the summer I go
to Island Lake sleep away camp. For my Mitzvah project, I chose to raise money
for The Starlight Children’s Foundation. My grandparents, Nancy and Steve,
have supported The Starlight Children’s Foundation in many ways for many
years. The Starlight Children’s Foundation is an organization that works to
brighten the lives of critically, chronically and terminally ill children through
various programs it offers. I have hosted bake sales, lemonade sales, and a held
a giant 2 day garage sale to raise money. I have learned a lot through this
project and feel great that I raised $2,500 for the Starlight children. I would like to
thank Cantor Mamber, Rabbi Emert, my parents and my grandparents for
making this day possible.
Michael Christian: My name is Michael Christian and I will become a Bar
Mitzvah on September 13th. I am a seventh grader at Montclair Kimberly
Academy in Montclair, New Jersey. I like to play basketball, football and the
guitar and I enjoy swimming as well. I go to Chestnut Lake Camp in Beach Lake,
PA for sleep away camp and love it there. As my Mitzvah project, I raised
$2,500 dollars for The Starlight Children’s Foundation. I did many different
things to raise money for this foundation but the biggest thing I did was organize
a two day garage sale. The Starlight Children’s Foundation is an organization
that helps brighten the lives of seriously, critically and terminally ill children. I
would like to thank my mom, my grandparents, Cantor Mamber, and Rabbi
Emert for making this day possible.
Tuesday, October 14, 2014 at 7:00pm (In Sukkah, weather permitting)
Curriculum for Course will include:
 The Synagogue, The Service, The Prayers
 The Jewish Calendar & Festivals
 Jewish Values & Ethics
 Hebrew Reading (For those who need it)
 Bar and Bat Mitzvah: A Jewish Life Cycle Event
 Hebrew Names: Meaning and Exploration
 Torah & Haftarah Study
 Leading & Participating in the Shabbat Morning
 Beginning Hebrew Class
Adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah Coordinator:
Hazzan Ilan Mamber
Instructors: Rabbi Kenneth Emert, Hazzan Ilan Mamber
& Judy Ackerman
Cost: Members - $360
Non Members - $500
For more information,
contact Cantor Ilan Mamber:
Office: 201-891-4466
Home: 201-848-1445
Cell: 201-914-2693
Page 23
Youth Group News
September 2014
Visit the “TBR Youth Group” tab at for more program information.
From the Youth Director...
Welcome back to a wonderfully new and exciting youth group year!
We are ready to begin a fun and energetic ten months of youth group that will be
loaded up with exciting, inspiring and outrageous activities. You can look forward
to monthly social events that implement Jewish social values, Tikkun Olam, and
fun-filled holiday celebrations. Each month, an array of different youth group
activities will be held in our new youth wing. I am so excited to use our new
facility and can’t wait to fill it with the sounds of laughter and fun and the sights of
friendships and smiling faces.
This year I am happy to welcome our second graders to our Club 34. This is the very first time that
we will be incorporating the second graders on Tuesday evenings. I encourage everyone to try it out.
Annual membership dues are $150 which INCLUDES the activities plus pizza and a drink at each
meeting. Membership forms, which can be found on the temple website or in the main office, are
being accepted right now!
TBR looks forward to welcoming 2nd-6th graders into its community this school year. Kids and parents, I am also here to to lend a helping hand to anyone, parent or child, who is interested in getting
involved in a community service project. Call or email me with any questions on how to become more
involved within the community and helping those in need.
May this new year be filled with health, happiness, and the makings of sweet memories for you and
your family.
In Friendship & Shalom,
Would you like to score some
Community Service Hours?
Jana Schwartz
We are looking for responsible 7th-12th graders to
assist with babysitting for the High Holidays.
Upcoming Youth Group Dates:
September YG
Tuesday, 16th: Club 234
Thursday, 18th: Club 56
Tuesday, 23rd: Club 234
See Page 26 for more information.
October YG
Thursday, 2nd: Club 56
Tuesday, 7th:
Club 234
Wednesday, 8th: Sukkot Bonfire at 7:15pm
Tuesday, 21st: Club 234
Thursday, 30th: Club 56
Page 24
Around the Temple
September 2014
Visit the “Our Community” tab at for more information on all TBR clubs and activities.
TCN is a professional networking
group focused on the job search
needs of our community.
Everyone is welcome!
Our Monday, September 22nd meeting will feature
a special guest speaker to be announced. As always,
there will also be plenty of open networking time with
your colleagues, the best resources of all!
Please join us at Barnert Temple (Rt. 208 S. in
Franklin Lakes) on Monday, September 22nd from
7-9 pm.
For more information, contact Bob Roman at TCN is a joint project of
Temple Beth Rishon, Barnert Temple, Beth Haverim
Shir Shalom, Temple Beth Or and Temple Beth
Kol Rishon Adult Choir
Open to High School students and adults.
Ability to read music and Hebrew are not
required. Contact Cantor Mamber or 201-891-4466
for more information.
All are welcome to join.
Pre-High Holiday Rehearsals:
Wed. 9/3
Monday, 9/8
Monday, 9/15
Wednesday, 9/17 @ Beth Tikvah, Wayne
Monday, 9/22
Monday, 9/29
Wednesday, 10/1
Monday, 10/1 SUKKOT SOCIAL
7:30 PM in the sukkah & pre-function
All Pre– HighHoliday Rehearsals begin
at 7:30 pm in the Sanctuary
Your Temple Gift Shop is
Ready to Meet all Your
High Holiday Needs.
Please call Gretta Berman at
201-788-2838 for an appointment.
Zemer Rishon Teen Choir
We invite all 7th through 12th graders
to participate. Rehearsals, under the
direction of our cantorial intern, take place
two Sundays a month from 12:30 - 1:30
Contact Cantor Ilan Mamber
@ (201-891-4466)
There is NO fee for this special
Page 25
Around the Temple
September 2014
Visit the “Our Community” tab at for more information on all TBR clubs and
Would you like to score some
Community Service Hours?
We are looking for responsible 7th-12th graders to
assist with babysitting for the High Holidays. We are
booking volunteers by the hour. Please call or email Jana
your availability. You must include your phone number
and email address so we can confirm your days and times.
*Time slots will be filled on a
“first-come first-served basis.”
Days & Times:
9/24 - Erev Rosh Hashanah 6:00 pm-6:45 pm
9/25 - Rosh Hashanah 9:30 am-1:00 pm
9/26 - Rosh Hashanah 9:30 am-1:00 pm
10/3 - Kol Nidre 7:00 pm
10/4 - Yom Kippur 9:30 am-1:00 pm
Contact Jana at 201-891-4466, ext. 209 or
Jewish Family
Service of
North Jersey
Offers On-Site
Social Work Services
Contact Jessica Fleischer, LSW,
at (973) 897-3703. Jessica is
available to provide assessment,
referrals, and short-term
counseling on a variety of
subjects such as eldercare, child
development, marital concerns,
mental health, and personal
growth and development.
She sees congregants
at the
synagogue every
Wednesday and is
also available by
Need a great Babysitter?
Give one of our Temple Teens a call!
Jasmine Barash, 14
973-616-7660 (h)
973-356-6224 (c)
Ben Costa, 14
201-788-6150 (h)
201-749-6034 (c)
Samara Edelson, 15
201-848-1856 (h)
Goldie Felixbrod, 16
551-206-4178 (c)
Jordana Felixbrod, 13
201-739-5958 (c)
Rebecca Frenkel, 14
201-317-1851 (c)
Anna Kasmanoff, 13
201-251-8467 (h)
Page 26
Jacob Niederman, 14
201-444-1219 (h)
Sara Tesser, 14
201-847-0733 (h)
Jackie Zenn, 21
201-704-2640 (c)
Nikki Zenn, 23
201-655-3483 (c)
September 2014
Tribute Cards
Addison M. & Elizabeth
Opper Religious School
The Grossberg Family to
Pearl Seiden in memory of
your beloved mother.
Andrew Friedland
Preschool Fund
Randy & Ted Cohen made
the following donations:
Lisa & Seth Haubenstock
in memory of your beloved
Barbara Haubenstock in
memory of your beloved
Reid Fader & Family in
memory of your beloved
Myrna Augenbaum &
Nicholas Ascenzo made a
generous donation to this
Cantor Discretionary Fund
The following donations were
made to Arthur Mamber in
honor of his 100th birthday:
Diane & Marvin Gess
Elaine & Jerry Goodman
Rona Eagle & Bruce Leeb
Julie & Steve Leipzig
Katie & Ed Friedland made a
generous donation to this
Rona Eagle & Bruce Leeb to
Pearl Seiden in memory of
your beloved mother.
Lisa & Tommy Nadler made
the following donations:
Martha Baum in honor of
your tireless efforts on the
Spring Gala.
Ruth & Howard
Greenberg in honor of
Scott’s marriage to
Adrienne & Ed Solomon
in honor of Aaron’s
marriage to Beth.
The following donations were
made to Cantor Mamber:
Laurie & Richard Gordon
in honor of Jason’s Bar
Susan & Robert Yudin in
honor of Sean King’s Bar
Caring Committee Fund
Natalie & Bill Heller to Arthur
Kramer in memory of your
beloved mother.
Heidi & Michael Katz made
the following donations:
Brenda Kress in honor of
your marriage.
Barbara & Peter Norden
in honor of Michael’s wedding.
Pam & Andy Winston in
honor of Neil & Jeffrey’s
college graduations.
Claudia & Richard Meer
made the following donations:
Gretta & Marshall
Linda Dombrowsky & Ron
Harvey Feldman
Marilyn & Bob Gellert
Sharon & Bob Glassman
Jane & Joel Herman
Margie & Harry
Heidi & Michael Katz
Lisa & Louis Milowsky
Viviane & Barry Newman
Judy & Fred Steinberg
Karin & Michael Weinraub
Lydia & Jack Zakim
Lori & David Zoll
Steve Dwoskin in memory
of your beloved father.
Martha & Jim Baum made the
following donations:
Pearl Seiden in memory
of your beloved mother.
Pearl Seiden in memory of
your beloved mother.
Wendy & Raphael Schwartz
made the following donations:
Adrienne & Ed Solomon in
honor of your son’s
Esther & Bill Axelrod in
honor of Amy’s
Marge & Barry Ginsberg to
Bob Glassman in memory
Holly & Ira Marx in honor
of your beloved mother.
of Alaine’s engagement.
Leslie & David Klyde to David
Holly & Ira Marx in honor
Edelson & Stephanie
of Judi’s graduation
Naphtali in honor of
Ethan’s Bar Mitzvah.
The following donations were
made to Steve Dwoskin in
Fred Emert Memorial Adult
memory of his beloved father:
Education Fund
Sara & Hiam Tobias
Lisa & Steve Marcus
Margie & Harry Immerman
Jan & Beatrice Kandell to Ann made the following donations:
Karen & Darryl Weiss
Kaminetsky in memory of
your beloved father.
Bob Glassman in memory Carol Berger Festival Meal
of your beloved mother.
Karen & Ted Prosnitz made a
generous donation to this
Pearl Seiden in memory
Sharon & Dennis Javer
of your beloved mother.
made a generous
donation to this fund.
Ellen & Alan Zalkowitz to
Gail & Bob Loewenstein to
Carolyn Ganzer in honor of
Sara & Jonathan Friedman in Channa Mamber Memoriyour special birthday.
memory of your beloved
al Music Fund
Cantorial Intern Fund
The following donations were
Manny Kaplan to Greta Good- made to Arthur Mamber in
Albert Farhi made a generous man in memory of your behonor of his 100th birthday:
donation to this fund.
loved mother.
Martha & Jim Baum
Page 27
Judy & Roger Goldstein to
Bob Glassman in memory of
your beloved mother.
General Fund
Debbie & Stanley Berg to
Judith & Steve Friedland I
honor of your fabulous event.
Sheila & Bob Chestnov made
the following donations:
Mr. & Mrs. Reid Fader &
Family in memory of your
beloved father.
September 2014
Tribute Cards cont’d
Mr. & Mrs. Len Marcus in
memory of your beloved
Lore Krug to Barbara
Haubenstock in memory of
your beloved husband.
Nancy Wellington to Steve
Dwoskin in memory of your
beloved father.
Machzor Chadash Fund
(Prayer Books)
Serry & Fred Barko to Steve
Dwoskin in memory of you
beloved father.
Charles & Diane Melamut in
loving memory of Ruth
Sondra & Stuart Levine to
Steve Dwoskin in memory of
your beloved father.
Ritual Fund
The following donations were
made to Bob Glassman in
memory of his beloved
Judy & Bruce Ackerman
Stacey & Michael Frenkel
Leslie & David Klyde
Karen & Marc Sackstein
Leslie & David Klyde to Cyrile
Wilson in honor of the birth of
your granddaughter.
Lisa & Louis Milowsky made
the following donations:
Physical Plant Fund
Steve Dwoskin in
memory of your beloved
Lisa & David Schwartz to
Arthur Mamber in honor of
your 100th birthday.
Albert Farhi in honor of
the birth of your
Rabbinic Intern Fund
Bob Glassman in
memory of your beloved
Judy & Paul Bedrin made a
generous donation to this
Jerry & Diane Bedrin made a
generous donation to this
Rabbi’s Discretionary
Leslie & David Klyde in
honor of Danny’s high
school graduation.
Anne & Jeff Zenn in
honor of Melanie’s high
school graduation.
Brenda & Norbert Mester to
Kevin Rosenblatt in memory
The following donations were of your beloved mother.
made to Rabbi Emert:
Gail & Mark Niederman to
Laurie & Richard Gordon in Nanette & Steve Dwoskin in
honor of Jason’s Bar Mitzvah. memory of your beloved
Susan & Robert Yudin in
honor of Sean King’s Bar The Ritual Committee made
the following donations:
Judy Goodwin & Bruce Platt
to Bob Glassman in memory
of your beloved mother.
Alyson Cohn & Larry
Landsman in honor of
Justin’s Bar Mitzvah.
Stephanie Naphtali &
David Edelson in honor of Natalie & Gary Haar to Ruth
Ethan’s Bar Mitzvah.
& Howard Greenberg in
honor of the marriage of
Vivian Yodin King &
Scott & Jennifer.
Edward King in honor of
Sean’s Bar Mitzvah.
Leslie & David Klyde to
Marilyn & Bob Gellert in
Karen, Marc & Sam
honor of the birth of your new
Sackstein to Frances Altman granddaughter.
in loving memory of Sol
Ellen & Richard Klinenberg
made a generous donation to
The Yacavone Family to
this fund.
Louis Milowsky in honor of
your becoming Volunteer of
Nancy & Arthur Kramer made
the Year.
the following donations:
Youth Group Fund
Richard Heimler to Jonathan
Friedman in memory of your
beloved mother.
Leslie & David Klyde to Jill &
Doug Pecore in honor of
Justin’s Bar Mitzvah.
Youth Wing Fund
Judy & Paul Bedrin to Steve
Dwoskin in memory of your
beloved father
Sheila & Bob Chestnov made
the following donations:
The Mattikow Family in
memory of your beloved
Pearl Seiden in memory
of your beloved mother.
Wendy & Harold Chubinsky
to Janice & Jerry Apple in
memory of your beloved
mother & grandmother.
The Firstman family made
the following donations:
Alyson Cohn & Larry
Landsman in honor of
Justin’s Bar Mitzvah.
Alyson Cohn & Larry
Landsman in honor of
Jared’s graduation.
Page 28
Steven Berger in memory
of your beloved sister.
Steve Dwoskin in
memory of your beloved
Barbara Haubenstock in
memory of your beloved
Dr. & Mrs. Michael
Mattikow in memory of
your beloved daughter.
Norman Raymond in
memory of your beloved
Pearl Seiden in memory
of your beloved mother.
Julie & Steve Leipzig to Holly
& Ira Marx in honor of
Alaine’s engagement.
Shelley & David Lipson to
Marilyn & Bob Gellert in
honor of your new grandchild.
Marjorie McConnell to Katie
Friedland in your honor.
Kimberly & Curtis Nassau to
Bob Glassman in memory of
your beloved mother.
Linda Dombrowsky & Ron
Rosensweig made the
following donations:
Tzedakah Donations
September 2014
Tribute Cards cont’d
Youth Wing Fund (cont’d)
Steve Dwoskin in memory
of your beloved father.
Stephanie Naphtali &
David Edelson in honor of
Ethan’s Bar Mitzvah.
Judy & Fred Steinberg to
Bob Glassman in memory Howard Frey in memory of
your beloved father.
of your beloved mother.
Ann Kaminetsky in
memory of your beloved
Lydia & Jack Zakim made
the following donations:
Steve Dwoskin in
memory of your beloved
Wishing Elaine Kaufman
a speedy recovery.
Sondra & Stuart Levine
in honor of your new
Ann & Jeff Zenn made the
following donations:
Marilyn & Bob Gellert in
honor of the birth of your
new granddaughter.
Stephanie Naphtali &
David Edelson in honor
of Ethan’s Bar Mitzvah.
Pearl Seiden in memory
of your beloved mother.
W.B. Wood made a
generous donation to this
July, August & September Yahrzeit Donations
In accordance with the Jewish tradition of giving Tzedakah as a tribute of reverence and love to the
memory of our departed, the following donations have been made to the Temple Beth Rishon
Yahrzeit Fund:
Family of:
Esther Zuckerman
The Kutner Family
Nancy Cole
Barbara Warshaw
The Zalkowitz Family
Lillian Silver
Nita Silverman Goodgal
Ruth Freudenthal
Sheila Chestnov
Michael Chestnov
David Mait
Lydia Zakim
Debbie Berg
Jayne Jacobson
Doris A. Miller
Eileen Blake
Richard Cantor
Janet Indick
Catherine Smithline
Michele Seligman
Sandi & Larry Chanoch
Anne Zenn
Laura Mufson
In Memory of:
David Zuckerman
Lucille Zuckerman
David Shalofsky
Herbert Login
Stephen Sonson
Robert Knopf
Hyman Silverberg
Miriam Silverman
Alfred Ephraim
Rose Atterman
Alex Chestnov
Walter Freimark
Harry Silman
Dorothea Auerbach
Jack M. Appel
Simeon Einstein
Glenda Levine
Rita Cantor
Charles Suslak
Sarah Suslak
Marjorie Covell
Jacob Covell
Jack Rosen
Esther Lunker Brill
Ruth Kurz
Marvin Mufson
Family of:
Cherie Eisdorfer
Carol Mamber
Jill & Eric Morrison
Jerome & Elaine Goodman
Nicky Prell
David & Sharon Rubin
Arthur Aeder
Susan Sorkenn
Cindy & Richard Miller
Sidney Gutterman
Phyllis & Ken Konner
The Sackstein Family
Richard Katz
Judy Bedrin
Joseph & Jo Ann Sokoloff
Paul D. Schwartz
The Phillips Family
Marlene Goldberg
Susan Mandel
Dr. & Mrs. Terence Smith
Laurie Berger
Edna Lewitz
Kim Cantor
Judy Ackerman
Page 29
In Memory of:
Louis Rothman
Morris Siegel
Herbert Morrison
Louis Steinberg
Simon Prell
Al Rubin
Wolf Aeder
Lois Metchmek
Edith Kurtin
Dr. Arnold Schleifer
Bessie Gutterman
Lorin Konner Sherman
Florence Sussman
Walter Katz
Samuel A. Karpell
Gertrude Sokoloff
Jean R. Levine
Ady Skarnik
Louis Greenbaum
Hattie Hertzoff
George Smith
Herman Siegall
Adolph Schwartz
Anna Lowry
Morris Sarrel
September 2014
July—September Yahrzeits
Martha Tobias
Morris Siegel
Nathan Schwartz
Leonard Goldman
Laura Federofsky
Al Rubin
Ruth Rabinowitz
Leslie Niederman
Irene Flum Azriel
Ann Goldstein
Charmeon Anthony
Sylvia Bleustein
Ruth Schreier
Gary S. Schneider
Miriam Steinhouse
Ella Flum Lampell
Henry Katz
Ray Freed
Szewa Weintraub
Henry Katzen
Marjorie S. Covell
Marvin Mufson
Morris L. Cohen
Lila Sherman
Peter Rosenthal
Esther Lunker Brill
Herbert Morrison
Beatrice Schneider
Grace Mendelson
Jack Rosen
Emily K. Weintraub
Sylvia Seidman
Blanche Wasserman
Benjamin Altshuler
Murray Mandel
Ruth Kurz
Sally Melnikoff
Jacob David Covell
Gdaly Fromberg
Gloria Levine
Gertrude Sandberg
Max Stiskin
Hortense Cohen
Harry Silverberg
Edmund George Rubin
Sol Greenberg
Sulman Meer
Sylvia Perlman
Sue Wagner
Louis Kellner
Rose Maier
Louis Steinberg
Morris Binder
Mollie Blank
Abraham Janower
Roslyn Kutner
Shirley Silverglate
Joseph Lerner
Rose Lehrman
William Opper
Hillard Mann
David Freeman
Morton S. Falk
Herman Siegall
Simon Alan Prell
Morton Rubin
Leonard Zingler
Eva Reinitz
Louis Greenberg
Benjamin Singer
Morris Flum
Gertrude Smith
Thelma Fried
Rose Auerbach
Bruno Zoneraich
Philip J. Dressler
Anne Horowitz
Arthur Janowitz
Howard Goldstein
David A. Lipeles
Joel B. Sykes
Alan Marx
Esther Feingold
Howard Skolnik
Max L. Braunstein
Sadie Greenbaum
Louis Greenbaum
Lillian Alpren
George Smith
Morris Pflaum
Phyllis Wasserman
Miriam Smolev
Marvin Finder
Florence Sussman
Harry Leeb, M.D.
Lorin Konner-Sherman
Carl Lefkowitz
Helen Salkind
Lois M. Metchnek
Israel A. Gordon
Bernard Glassman
Fred Kleeman
Murray Friedman
Gertrude Sokoloff
Hattie Hertzoff
Rhea Elman Melius
Edith Ruth Kurtin
David J. Atlas
Alan Charles Lehrman
Daisy Solomon
Jean R. Levine
Isobel Arkin
Adele Rebel
Lloyd Tolk
Anna Lowry
Lewis Smith
Samuel A. Karpel
Max Malkin
Alex Chestnov
Jessica Dressler
Ady Skarnik
Jack Murray Slater
Florence Feldman
Walter Katz
Bernard Shinske
Naima Meer
Morton Asch
Julia E. Radel
Arnold Schleifer
Nathan Eagle
Joseph M. Winston
Page 30
Billie Greenberg
Anita E. Wilson
Solomon Bedrin
Bessie Gutterman
Morris Cohen
Isidore Stein
Elizabeth B. Lerch
Frances Shore
Richard Landsman
George Reinitz
Mamie Stiskin
Morris Sarrel
Fannie Dansky
Milton Salkind
Adolph Schwartz
Albert H. Spivak
Julius Scholem
Steven Hirschberg
David Katzin
Wolf Aeder
Bella Fox
Sophie Glassner
Dorothy Greenberg
Joseph Maier
Harris Schneider
Esther Newman
Alvin G. Blau
Joshua Herman
David Feldman
Tobias Feuer
Owen Lager
Esther Schwartz
Mae Merker
Nathan Nowak
Harold Oring
Leonard A. Holtzer
Morris Becker
Benjamin Kagan
Emily Lewitz
Ida B. Weiss
Betty Segal Einstein
The Date
April 2014 2014
July—September Yahrzeits, cont’d
Lena Lewitz
Lillian B. Bergman
Jacob J. Shore
Irving Eugene Sarbone
Rose Aronoff
Lawrence Milowsky
Seymour Ellenbogen
Helen Goodheart
Murray Prawer
Dorothy Kimmelman Shore
Jacob Melamut
Len Leifer
George Steinberg
Pearl Lederman
Violet Smiley
Albert Hirsh Kurtin
Beatrice Fishman
Eleanor Balgley
Lewis Bolnick
Sidney Ganzer
Reuben Rudley
Leonard E. Rathe
Gerda Erman
Jack Hausfater
Richard Weinberg
Gertrude Singer
Anna Aronoff
Paul Taube
Estelle Derechin
Allen Edelman
Isak Lakritz
Stuart Nowak
Azar Farhi
Cecil K. Telsey
Jerome Yadoff
Linda Baronfeld
Joseph Sotsky
Bernard Rabinowitz
Elinor Shlien
Julius Levin
Dora Kushner
Allan Shwartzstein
Frances Grand Rosen
Fern Rosensweig
Sarah Freed Berger
Gloria Silverman
Shari Ann Kandell
Al Simon Bukiet
Jerome Gitkin
Gloria Baum
Marion Jacobs
Henry Friedland
Harold Taub
Perle Hausfater
Malcolm Konner
Beatrice W. Cohen
Murray Siegel
Lester Ackerman
Beatrice W. Cohen
Harold Bernard Warren
Nathan Feuer
Peter Charles Freudenthal
Sylvia Grossberg
Isaac Goldstein
Rose Steinberg
David Deutsch
Ruth Emmer
Betty Gosdick Wieder
Joseph Browne
Max F. Blau
Irvin Sandler
Rebecca Kandell
Harold Albert
Gertrude T. Halsband
William Strauss
Ralph Sorkenn
Helene Lakritz
Bertha Marks
Lazarus Greenberg
Isadore Miller
Oscar Karpf
Isadore Miller
Elizabeth (Betty) Opper
When a Death in Your Family
Occurs, Please Let us Know...
When a death in your immediate family occurs,
the TBR Community would like to acknowledge
your loss and support you in any and all ways
Please promptly notify
Rabbi Emert at 201-819-5005 or
Cantor Mamber at 201-914-2693.
In addition, to provide pertinent
information that you would like to share, call the
Temple Office at 201-891-4466. Even if the
service is out of town, we would like to know so
that we can offer our condolences.
Grey Card…..donation of $10.00
Silver Card…donation of $18.00
Gold Card…..donation of $36.00
All donations will be published in
the newsletter and your donation will be applied
to the TBR fund of your choice. Available
through the Temple office at 201-891-4466.
Addison M. & Elizabeth Opper Religious School
Andrew Friedland Preschool
Cantor’s Discretionary
Cantorial Intern Fund
Caring Committee
Carol Berger Festival Meal Fund
Channah Mamber Music Fund
Fred Emert Memorial Adult Education Fund
General Fund
Physical Plant Fund
Rabbinic Intern Fund
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
Ritual Fund
Youth Group Fund
Youth Wing Fund
Page 31
On our Temple website which help with our FUNDRAISING!
Each time you make a purchase from or buy a tree in Israel from the
Jewish National Fund via our website, the temple
receives a percentage towards our fundraising goals.
YOU MUST ENTER THESE SITES VIA OUR SITE in order for us to receive the benefits.
Both links are at the bottom of our HOME page.
The entire membership, staff and clergy thank you for using this painless way to help our bottom line!
585 Russell Avenue, Wyckoff, NJ 07481
Tel: 201-891-4466 Fax: 201-891-0508
Education:201-891-6074 -
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