Grafting Greenhouse Tomatoes for Soil based Culture
Grafting Greenhouse Tomatoes for Soil based Culture
Grafting Greenhouse Tomatoes for Soil based Culture Judson Reid Cornell Vegetable Program Grafting • A very old practice. • Common for apples, peaches, grapes, etc. • Used to add vigor, hardiness and disease resistance. • Very common in hydroponic greenhouses. Grafting • We graft a desirable fruiting variety onto a vigorous rootstock. • Afterwards we can allow 1 or 2 leaders to grow from the new plant. • All root stock growth must be pruned. • Our rootstock=Maxifort • Our scion=Geronimo Transplanting • Transplanted on March 30. • Spacing was 16” double staggered row • Unpinched grafts planted at regular spacing. • Grafted plants with single sucker or double leader were given double spacing. 4 Treatments Graft with 1sucker GRAFT Graft with single leader GRAFT GRAFT Ungrafted Graft pinched to 2 leaders Multiple leaders affects in-row spacing Treatment Plants per block In-row spacing A- Control (ungrafted Geronimo) 8 16” in-row spacing with a double staggered row. B- Untopped graft with 1 trained gormandizer (sucker) plus 1 leader 4 48” in-row spacing with a double row. C- Topped graft with 2 leaders 4 32” in-row spacing with a double row. Average Pounds of Tomatoes per Plant, Grafts vs. Un-Grafted 18.9a 21.6 16.0ab 10.2b* *Means with different letters (grouping) differ significantly according to Fishers’s Protected LSD (P<0.05). LSD=8.4 Average Number of Tomatoes per Plant, Grafts vs. Un-Grafted 31.5 25.3 No significant differences between groups. 39.0 38.1 Average Fruit Weight, Grafts vs. Un-Grafted 7.9ab 8.1a 9.1 6.4b Means with different letters (grouping) differ significantly according to Fishers’s Protected LSD (P<0.05). LSD=2.8 Earliness? Does Grafting Pay? • If grafting added a cost of 3 dollars per plant, and we averaged $1/lb, we would need an increase of 3 lbs to break even. • In this trial we increased yield by 11.4 pounds per plant when comparing unpinched graft plants to ungrafted plants. • The other 2 graft treatments increased yield by 6 and 9 pounds per plant. Conclusions • Grafting increased our yields and earliness. • Increased costs were offset by these yields. • May be of particular interest to greenhouses who are beginning to have soil problems. • I’ll have 2 new sites in 2008 THANKS!
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